#i love yoi fandom <3
ghostcrownk · 2 years
i haven’t done too much art pieces (?) lately, only been practicing and doing doodles and coloring so the rest of this month i’ll try to post more, at least a few doodles every week ?? who knows
also, went to see jjk0 again, i’m in love with this anime/manga, i’m not leaving bnha’s fandom tho
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Right now im living for Royalty!AUs where Person A is Princess/Prince who must find husband/wife from pool of suitors and Person B is the unconventional option who was really only invited as a formality but A picks them because B is the only suitor who is kind and funny and caring and has no ulterior motives (bonus if B knows they wont win A's hand but is trying anyways)
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gllacies-blog · 6 years
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
Hi there my name is Jenny. 🌷 Congratulations on 1300 followers, thats amazing!! Your writing brings me a lot of joy, especially anything with Ace, you write his characterization wonderfully! ❤️‍🔥 This is my first time requesting so I’m sorry if I did it wrong. Can I please request lucky number 7 prompt with Ace and GN reader? I would love to see it in modern AU if that’s okay. thank you so much for all you write for the fandom! 💖
I always worry I don't write Ace or Marco as well as I want to because I love them so much, so when I read stuff like this I just get so happy <3 thank you my darling and I hope you enjoy!
Ace x GN Reader SFW Prompt: Marriage Proposal [Good Ending] MODERN AU Word Count: 413
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“I dunno Ace, if it was me you were askin’ I’d say no” Thatch grinned as he stared down at Ace who was down on one knee offering him a ring.
“Yeah, I agree, I didn’t feel it and also the ring isn’t my style yoi” Marco chimed in from where he sat on the sofa, flipping through the paper.
Ace gave an exasperated noise, shaking his head at the older men, getting up off the ground and pocketing the ring. He ran his hand through wavy black locks and chewed the corner of his lip. Thatch’s expression softened as he placed a hand on Ace’s shoulder.
“They will love it, however and whenever you pop the question, you know they will say yes, you and them… it’s a sure thing firework” He offered Ace a smile, seeing how Ace’s shoulders relaxed under the touch, under comforting words.
“I just, sometimes I think… they could do be-“ Ace was interrupted by the paper rolled up and thumped over his head, Marco stood there with a hand on his hip, tutting.
“You love each other, it’ll be fine Ace”
He seemed slightly off tonight, like every time a nice moment happened, he’d pause, the look of contemplation on his face, his nose would wrinkle as he stared around the area, always with his hand in his pocket. You said nothing, Ace was just a little strange sometimes.
The sun was setting, you both ate a hotdog, sitting down on a park bench, admiring how the sky changed. Both of you munching on your food, your hands connected on the space between the bench. This was nice, everything no matter how small filled your heart with joy if you got to spend them with Ace.
Walking home in the dark, you both jumped when lights in the trees were suddenly turned on, it was a walkway of branches covered in hundreds of twinkling lights. You stared in wounder and turned to Ace, who was no longer by your side.
“Will you.. marry me?” Ace asked, on his knee, a ring offered to you.
You stared at him, how the lights around you cast such a wonderful light on his freckled face, his dark eyes looking at you with such love, his bottom lip tugged by his teeth, waiting with bated breath.
You dropped to your knees, wrapping your arms around him and nodded, crying into his neck as you mumbled over and over “Yes!”
@undercoverweeeb @slut4animedilfs @acesmarigold @sanjithesimp @rivvd-art @angeltani @secretsnailor @mimi-ya @simp4ace @aifozu
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zee-stars · 2 years
Hello Hello! Pt3
Part 3 of my Poly!c!karlnapity x reader. We are getting somewhere now! Will they start dating? Will everything fall apart? I have no idea because I am making this up as I go! I just wanted to point out that this might not really follow the lore because I was not in the fandom when this part of the lore was going on. Sorry!
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One night while you and Quackity were laying in bed, holding each other, you were talking about everything and anything.
You kept thinking about what had happened when you were with Dream so you thought now would be a good time to bring it up.
"Hey Quackity?"
"Yes, Mi Amor?"
"There is something important I need to say." He sat up and faced you.
"Of course, Mi Amor, I am here to listen." He held your hands and you fidgeted with this fingers and took a deep breath.
You told him about your feelings for both Sapnap and Karl. You told him about the Poly relationship and everything else that had been going on while he say and listened. It felt so good to get the thoughts out, by the end you were almost in tears.
"Okay, I'm glad I'm not alone in this." That threw you so off guard. He explained how he also had been attracted to Sapnap and Karl and how it broke him when he found out they were dating. He also mentioned that when he brought up jschlatt proposal he hoped you would catch on and say something about if you liked him or not. Then you both laughed about how oblivious you both had been.
Then you made a plan to talk to Sapnap and Karl. Litte did you know they had been working on the same thing as well.
It all happened some random day. You had run into Karl and he asked if you wanted to go out for dinner with him and Sap and you could bring Quackity.
You thought that this was the moment. You had to do this. No more waiting. You agreed and went home to tell Quackity.
You both got dressed up and left for dinner.
It was a nice evening and it felt like you 4 had already been dating during the dinner.
"This is what I want for the rest of my life" you thought to yourself.
Soon dinner was almost done. If you were going to do it you needed to do it now.
"Me and Quackity have something that we wanted to talk to you two about something." Yoy started.
"Funny, me and Sappy also had something we wanted to talk to you two as well. Kinda why we asked for dinner." Karl chuckled and Sapnap nodded.
"Well you can go first, since you asked for dinner." Quackity said.
"Okay so, Sapnap and I had come to the realization that... oh god how do I phrase this?" Karl started to get nervous.
"Me and Karl are in love with you, both of you, and wondering if you'd want to be in a polyamorous relationship with me and... him." By the end of that, Sapnap was ready for the world to swallow him whole.
You and Quackity were shocked. But agreed instantly and then the 4 of you laughed about how dumb you all were to not pick up on the very obvious signs.
By the end of the month you and Quackity were working on moving in with both Sapnap and Karl.
You couldn't be happier in life. Finally surrounded by the 3 people you loved the most. Your dream had finally come true.
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palimpsessed · 3 years
Tag Game
Finally have some time to kill at work so let’s knock out a tag game. Thanks for tags @fight-surrender @bazzybelle @angelsfalling16 Let’s go!
Three ships:
Oh wait I think I have a legit answer for this.
1. Snowbaz duh
2. Symbrock
3. Victuuri (just rewatched yoi and the feels are fresh)
First ship:
First ship I was aware of as a “ship” is snowbaz. I’ve never been in fandom spaces before so I’ve never been accustomed to thinking in “shipping” terms. But looking back? My first ship was probably Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy. Do they have a ship name? Idk.
Oh no. Wait! First ship was definitely Jaina Solo and Zekk (did he have a last name?) from Star Wars Young Jedi Knights, my favorite book series growing up 😂 This is bringing back memories of me making KidPix fanart (did anyone else use KidPix?) and attempting to write fic of Zekk’s backstory. 🤣🤣🤣 omg y’all I’m on a journeyyyy now
Last Movie:
Venom or Venom Jr (@jbrrring don’t even tell me how long it’s been I will cry)
I don’t really watch movies anymore but I’ve watched these two a bunch. What can I say? I love me some disaster monsters 🥰
Currently reading:
AWTWB audiobook relisten (#5)
Currently watching:
Nothing. I also don’t really watch shows anymore. But YOI is the last thing I did watch and only because it was a watch party.
Currently consuming:
Oxygen. Um earl grey with milk. I think it’s supposed to be with lemon, but I like it with milk. All the 80s alternative rock classics my ears can gobble up.
Currently craving:
Dinner. I’m almost off work and I’m gonna go home, make a fried egg sandwich, and bake a skillet full of butternut squash. 😋
Favorite color:
Blood red
Last song I listened to:
You Were Always On My Mind by the Pet Shop Boys. Did you know New Order and Pet Shop Boys are on tour?! I am debating if I would feel safe being around people by october. I’m not convinced tbh...but...
Sweet, savory, or spicy?
Pretty much in that order. My fussy little tummy can’t handle spicy or even like fucking garlic. Tho I am a big big fan of ginger. That’s the only somewhat spicy thing I can do and I use it on everything. But yes I am a little slut for my sweet tooth.
Working on:
Tail porn. So much tail porn.
I guess that’s it. I don’t know who’s done this because I got to it late because of the aforementioned porn. But I did tag @jbrrring so this is me doing it again 🥰 and my other symbrock watch party peeps @sillyunicorn @martsonmars @tea-brigade @prettylightsbigcity @mostlymaudlin and literally anyone else.
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wolffyluna · 2 years
Some Thoughts From The Cosplay Event
I went to a Thing recently, that was not just a cosplay event, but I was very much there for the cosplay.
1.  [blows kisses at the DSMP cosplayers] You all are very cool and awesome. I especially love that when one mentions trying to find all the DSMP cosplayers to yoy, you will give them Intel. “God’s hiding over there!” they say, pointing to the DreamXD cosplayer eating hot chips. (And extra special shout out to the DreamXD cosplayer with the wobbly haloes! So cool!)
2. There were a lot of cosplayers for Video Game I Am Leaving Unnamed So This Doesn’t End Up In The Tag. I noticed as soon as I got to the event, that they’re costumes were all so high quality. I was too shy to talk shop, but I was so impressed. They’d made all the little fiddly accessories, including some that would be tricky to make. Heck, a lot of them seemed to have done screen printing to get the patterns on the fabric.
But as I went through the event-- one group of cosplayers having some really high quality costumes is someone in that group being a good teacher. Several, unrelated groups of cosplayers, with the only commonality being the same fandom, having costumes of consistent quality, with things that would be real tricky to home make--
-- it took me till half way through the event to twig that this was a fandom popular enough to have mass produced costumes.
I think we should take a moment to appreciate the skills of the people who mass produce costumes. They’re good at it! The costumes look nice!
Now, I have to say, mass produced costumes are Incredibly Valid. Cosplay is about fun, and if the bit that is fun for you is being in costume as your favourite character, and not fighting a sewing machine to the death, that is fine. It’s not a competition.
...but a silly bit of my brain does see it as a competition. I could show them! With raw edge applique and polymer clay and pure determination! My costume would look worse, but I could be so smug.
(I’m not even in this fandom!)
3. Something I really liked about this event was... I don’t want to say “the amount of crossdressing” because I... don’t know if that’s what people were doing, and that’s one of the things I liked?
People dressed as maids and anime characters and anime interpretations of youtubers, and it didn’t mean anything other than really liking the clothes, you know?
And in combination with all the people carrying around pride flags, including teens, it was. Nice.
 (Though it did lead to this moment:
Me: [walks into bathroom]
[Quackity is there]
Me: [did I absent mindedly walk into the wrong bathroom?]
[Brain whirring noises]
Me: [oh, right])
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yukipri · 3 years
just dropping by to tell you that i love all of the content you produce, I've been here since YOI was your main fandom and I'm loving your SW era, i really enjoy your art style and your writing style, in particular i LOVE you characterization of Obi Wan, i hope you can manage all of your projects in a way that leaves you happy with the outcomes and doesn't leave you completely exhausted, take care of yourself ❤️
Ahhhh thank you so much <3 <3 <3 I definitely feel like I've come a long way since YOI as a creator, and I'm so happy you're enjoying my current content!
I definitely feel constantly stretched thin by all my projects, but in a way that's a good thing, that I feel fully immersed and motivated to work on them! ^ ^;
Thank you so much for liking my Obi-Wan <3 I'm hoping that the Obi-Wan show will inspire me to create a ton more content too, just like TBOBF did!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
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carisi-dreams · 2 years
Saw the tag in your recent post and you mentioned a boyfriend. You seem like such a genuine awesome person who deserves all the love. Happy you have someone special in your life. I wondered where yoy had been. Missed you on here. Get girl! Enjoy your man.
thank you thank you thank you!
in all honesty, he hasn’t been what’s taken me away from fandom. svu in general, the actual episodes, are just not that good overall anymore (to me) and it’s less exciting without nick and only getting slivers of sonny and no more back story of any kind. I’m not a rollisi fan and even getting to see canon bf!sonny isn’t always exciting because I’m not thrilled about his gf. this fandom space has also shifted a lot and I miss the tight knit group that was around when I first started writing. I do write for myself, but it’s so much more fun when there’s even 1 person saying “holy shit I love this ‘verse, this is everything.” no one is obligated to comment, at all, but it’s hard to write in a vacuum! and, we’ve been in a pandemic, I’ve moved back to NYC, my job is really, really stressful lately, I started a sustainable lifestyle blog, started making regular (sustainable) video content for my IG, work out most days after work and my brain has just been so fried. I started crocheting during the pandemic and the last couple of months I crochet and watch golden girls after work lol I miss my AUs, though. so, hopefully I will visit them (and you!) more often. <3
also my lovely boyfriend is so sweet and not like sonny, but just as sweet as I could imagine sonny would treat me. :)
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magpiefngrl · 2 years
I just love how all the fandom people I follow collectively go through the same media obsessions! Like all the drarry and yoi people were into mxtx, and now everyone is losing their minds over kp. Like you don’t even have to go looking for related content bc it’s already on your dash and from people whose opinion you can trust. I just think it’s so nice! Those rambling thoughts were brought by your kp posts, you can just ignore it if you want😅 Have a nice a day❤️
hahaha yes, isn't it fun? KinnPorsche def drew a lot of the Untamed crowd, from what I saw anyway. I wouldn't say many drarry fans got into CQL/MXTX but some authors did for sure and I really loved having friends to chat about my new obsession. I only have one friend currently who has watched KP (though I do follow a few of people who're into it) so here's me hoping for more friends to join me in this (delicious, tantalising, glorious) hell <3
Have a great day too x
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YOI fanfic: Update for "Can You Hear My Heartbeat"
A while ago, I stopped posting this fic because I found it wanting. I started rewriting the eight chapters I posted so far on AO3 and because of this I had to delete almost all of them to keep everything consistent. Anyway, I just added a brand-new chapter about Viktor's arrival in Hasetsu and the reactions of Yuuri and his family. I'm going to repost the rest very soon and then continue posting weekly chapters.
I know this probably has been done a thousand times, but if you're interested in a story which fills the gaps in the anime please give it a try!
Here's a teaser for the new chapter:
He would need to come up with something before he faced Viktor again. Every conversation he had made up in his fantasies seemed hollow and unworthy of the real figure skating legend. He did neither want to come across like a freak nor like a creep.
“Yūri!” his mother’s voice sounded from the other side of the door. “Are you hiding in there again?”
Yūri jumped up. The pathways! I was supposed to clear them!
He hurried to the door and opened it a crack. “I’m sorry, Mom.”
His mother stood in the corridor, concern creasing her brow. “Have you shovelled the snow already? I don’t want our foreign guest to slip when he leaves.” Her eyes lit up as she continued, “I showed him around the baths. He’s such a handsome young man! He reminds me of …,” she peered around Yūri to the posters on the wall, “your Vicchan. He even has a poodle!”
“Mom, it’s him,” Yūri said quietly. And he’s not my Vicchan.
His mother gasped and clapped her hands together. “How exciting! What is he doing here? Did you invite him?”
In his dreams, Yūri had done this a thousand times. The sad truth, however, was that he would never dare to be so bold.
“He said he’s going to be my new coach.”
“Oh!” She exclaimed. “Yūri, this must be like a dream come true!”
“Yes, it feels like I’m dreaming.”
His mother smiled. “My dear boy, that he arrived in the season of new beginnings is a sign!”
“Mom,” Yūri said. “I … I don’t know what to do.”
“Be a good host, Yūri. Make him feel welcome.”
Can You Hear My Heartbeat (13708 words) by TheGirlWhoRidesLikeASamurai Chapters: 3/43 Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Nishigori Family (Yuri!!! On Ice), Katsuki Yuuri's Family, Okukawa Minako, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice), Yuri Plisetsky, Phichit Chulanont, Minami Kenjirou, Yakov Feltsman, Christophe Giacometti Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Humor, Romance, figure skating, Angst, Unreliable Narrator, Soulmates, Falling In Love, Romantic Fluff, Ice Skating, Bad Flirting, Awkward Conversations, Insecurity, all you ever wanted in YOI, filling the gaps, References to Depression, Anxiety, a tale of true love and fantastic figure skating, During Canon, Canon Gay Relationship, Awkward Katsuki Yuuri, Eros Katsuki Yuuri, Supportive Victor Nikiforov, Flirty Victor Nikiforov, POV Victor Nikiforov, POV Katsuki Yuuri, Figure Skating Drama, Dorks in Love, First Kiss, Hasetsu, Dancing Lessons, Dating, Canon Victuuri, Character's Name Spelled as Viktor, Self-Esteem Issues, Panic Attacks, Boys Kissing, Literal Sleeping Together, Sharing a Bed, Getting Together, Summer of mutual pining Summary:
Yuuri wanted Viktor to know how he felt more than anything. ‘Love’ felt too small a word for how every fibre of his being had burst into ceaseless song. He had only decided to call it that because it was the best fitting concept for this emotion the human mind could grasp.
Rejection is the last thing figure skating legend Viktor Nikiforov expects when he trades fame and desolation for a chance at life and love because of a dance and a video gone viral. Having hit rock bottom, Katsuki Yuuri is offered unforeseen help in his quest for a gold medal, but the bold advances of the man he has been admiring for half his life alienate him. Only by working together, Yuuri and Viktor can find new joy in the passion they share, while slowly falling for each other—this canon fanfiction covers everything you yearned to see in the anime and that which you didn’t even think you’d need.
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litchiikii · 3 years
Infinity Train Fanfic Recs =D
Line art by @trojanteapot​, colour by me, @litchiikii​: 
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Hey all! I know the following of this blog is primarily comprised of She Ra, YOI, and Sk8 fans, but on the chance that there’s some Infinity Train Stans among you (haven’t drawn anything for this fandom yet, but it’s coming), I thought I’d recommend some unique and thoughtfully written fics by @trojanteapot​  on Ao3:
#1. (https://archiveofourown.org/works/32804536/chapters/81396490) 
Raison d'Être - A heavily-researched, thoughtfully written Simon/Grace canon-divergent AU where Simon didn’t die, did (eventually) manage to redeem most of his sins, and is given another chance to make amends with the person with whom he spent the better portion of his youth. Heart-wrenching, and heart pounding, Simon/Grace shippers this one is for you! 
#2.  (https://archiveofourown.org/works/32167843/chapters/79704151) 
Alma Mater - Following the events of season 3, college-student Tulip finds herself forming an unlikely bond with an upper-year mentor name Grace Monroe, and soon finds out there’s more to her new friend than she is letting on. Happy ending, but you might need to use up a tissue box or two first. Contains some cute Jesse/Lake moments too. 
#3.  (https://archiveofourown.org/works/31900048) 
Ain’t no Cure for Love - Ryan and Ming Gi and tender love confessions in 1985 Montreal. Need I say more? 
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wereflamingo · 7 years
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theladyragnell · 3 years
top 5 fics that make you squee (a current one for me is leupagus' ted lasso wip a kind of dwell and welcome) (hope your night gets less shitty!)
Oh, thank you for reminding me of that fic's existence, I followed a different link to it two chapters in, enjoyed it, and promptly forgot to save it! But now I am subscribed so I won't miss the last chapter, and caught up to where it is. It's a very nice one!
As for me, I'm not reading too much fic right now since I'm so very much between fandoms, but I'll give you a smattering of perennial favorites.
1. Spaceman's Luck by scioscribe, one of my Yuletide presents from last year, and I love it INORDINATELY. (Tom Corbett: Space Cadet)
2. Will Wonders Never Cease by PorcupineGirl, the deftest "Shop Around the Corner" AU I've ever run across despite the elements of added complication. (Check Please)
3. Leaves in the Void by myrmidryad, a great space AU with some Romance and some epistolary. (Les Mis)
4. Victor Effing Nikiforov by shysweetthing, a ridiculously fun YOI fic--all of this author's works in this fandom are great, this is just the one I've got saved. (Yuri On Ice)
5. Under My Wings You Will Find Refuge by Fiver, since you recced me a WIP! This one has extremely irregular updates, fair warning. But as someone who only saw one episode of Supernatural, many many years ago, I find myself very attached to this Supernatural AU. The writing and characterizations are so good! (Les Mis)
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kazliin · 3 years
Did you realize that even so many years later Rivals is still the Top 1 in hits, prestige and in the Rivals tag? It's just amazing! I'm always amazed at the huge impact this fic had on the fandom, I'm so glad it has so much recognition this work of art <3 Couldn't you really do a special oneshot to celebrate? Maybe a little piece of Yuuri and Viktor's future together, or since it was mentioned, a oneshot where Yuuri achieved the 4A or anything, everything is beautiful if it's made by you c: 1
It's just a question, no pressure, if I bothered you, I'm sorry :( (I love your fic) <3 2
No worries anon, you didn't bother me! And yes, it's crazy to me that Rivals has so many hits and kudos and I am eternally grateful to everyone who has read my fic ❤️
As for writing more YOI fic, while I would love to write more, I just don't have the inspiration at the moment. I have always said I may one day write for the fandom again as I never say never, but not right now. I am hoping that when more content is release, like the film, I will find my inspiration again, but right now I have no plans for more YOI fic in the near future
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madzilla84 · 2 years
new fandom smell
might as well talk about this here a bit huh!! otherwise this would be a LOT of tweets
(ofmd) (major spoilers) (long) (emotional) (not clickbait)
So there's no real fascinating backstory here - I saw the internet (and more importantly, my friends) losing their collective shit over Our Flag Means Death, and if my experience with Yuri on Ice taught me anything, I knew it would be something I'd end up liking - which was precisely why I was avoiding it a bit, somewhat unwilling to hand over my brain on a silver platter. I also hadn't watched What We Do In The Shadows or anything like that (I will, sometime), but then unexpectedly last week we watched the pilot during one of our phannie caracal watch sessions and well. That was the end for me, goodbye, game over. (If you wanna watch/rewatch the show too we've only watched the pilot so far; well we watched ep 2 yesterday but we're rewatching it tomorrow for those that couldn't make it)
Immediately obsessed. I 'acquired' the rest of the episodes through a very appropriately-named website (it's not yet available legitimately in the UK) and watched them all on Sunday evening (I was just gonna watch 1 or 2 to begin with, hahaha idiot) and I was Done For. It was sadder than I was expecting but I'm actually not completely sad about it because - you know what, we'll get to that later.
I knew a little bit about the real Stede Bonnet (and have since refreshed my memory, especially after discovering one of my fave youtubers Internet Historian made a feature-length video about his life a couple of years ago that I had somehow missed, YAY), courtesy of my late teens/early 20s pirate phase (didn't we all have one), mainly because I was 19 when the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie came out and I was o b s e s s e d. Anyway of course for all things pirates we must consult the ancient texts:
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(Remember these?? I had all of these books. Dragonology was probably my favourite)
And yes, they're in it:
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But anyway, yeah. Getting sidetracked. I mentioned YoI earlier and I brought it up because this feels quite a bit like when I finished watching that (I watched it during its run, but towards the end). It was such a nice, happy, positive feeling, just sort of - joyful that this thing exists and that I got to see it, and diving headfirst into all the theories and amazing art and gifs and wailing and squeeing and what-have-you.
People who are a lot better at wording this sort of thing than me have posted amazing things about how and why it's such great and important queer/POC representation and how it was such an antithesis to the queerbaiting we're all so used to, so I won't go too much into that, but I just loved everything - the acting, the writing, the music (day 3, still can't listen to perfect day without crying, i'm fine though, really, honestly, just fine), the characters, the cast, the fanart, the memes, it's just. It's really, really great, and it's a nice feeling to be so thoroughly brainrotted by something I'm enjoying so much. I haven't been grabbed by something new like this for quite a few years now (since getting into dnp in 2018, maybe?), so it's just. You all know how the New Fandom Smell is, it's the best.
I mentioned that I wasn't too sad at the way it ended and, well, obviously that isn't entirely accurate, it was totally heartbreaking - but like, when it *did* end I found myself feeling - excited? Also very sad obviously, because it was sad, but ... I find that I trust the writers and showrunner to take it to a good place, in the end (which is a weird and new and unique feeling), and the journey to get there might be a bit painful (it already is) but that's gonna make it so much sweeter when we finally get there. And that angsty and beautiful journey is gonna be so fuckin good!!
All of that is assuming, if course, that the show continues and that they get to tell the story they want to tell, which, COME ON, it has to. But you never know, I suppose, and of course if that doesn't end up being the case it would change how I feel about it a lot - where we left off was a wonderful place to leave off, there's so much promise and potential, but as an ending it would be pretty unsatisfying and sad, so. We shall see, I guess, but I'm hopeful. Maybe I'm just being a clown, as per usual... (I am here on tumblr dot gov, after all.)
anyway i could go on forever so i'll wrap it up with some random bulletpoints:
The Swede is precious and must be protected
I don't think for a moment that Lucius is dead; fully willing to eat my words but I just don't think so. I don't know if he'll turn up right away or after an absence but i DO know it will be funny. And the tension will be Pete dealing with his idol trying to kill his boyfriend, and of course however Stede feels about it
They separated all the couples at the end (Jim on the ship, Lucius and Stede wherever), which means so many reunion scenes; sad or not that is my favourite shit I cannot WAITTTTT
Obviously fell in love with Taika Waititi; yeah yeah I know the internet has been in love with him for years, but somehow I have managed to get this far in my life without seeing anything he's been in or has made, which clearly was an Error, he's delightful and I have no idea how he does that with his eyes, like a damn Pixar character
Beards don't usually do much for me so I have NO idea how Ed managed to be equally hot and beautiful as full-beard leather version and clean-shaven ethereal doe-eyed anime prince version and angery leather facepaint stubble version, hOW
Same with Rhys Darby; not having watched WWDITS I hadn't seen him in anything either (although? I have the vaguest of vague memories of seeing his standup at some point yeeeeeeears ago on TV, though I don't remember anything about it) - obviously since watching the show I've hunted down many a clip of him/them doing interviews both recently and years ago and it's so lovely to see how funny they are and what good friends they are. They have such insane chemistry, and you can tell they love each other (albeit platonically) in real life. But yes, I absolutely loved him/Stede from the first moment, he's so lovely and endearing and it was such a wonderful performance, especially because it wasn't just comedic, it was so full of depth and emotion and *all* of those things were done so brilliantly, by him and Taika and all the cast, really. How is it his *first* lead?? He's amazing! And Stede is just - extremely relatable, to me at least. (And yes, I got him in that 'which character are you' quiz.) Long may he roam. :_)
The cast!! The characters are just amazing, but so are the cast, at least the ones I've encountered so far; I followed David Jenkins on twitter and twitter was like 'would you like to follow these other 12 people' and i was like 'sure i guess' and they're just wonderful so far. Special shout out to Con O'Neill (Izzy) whose twitter seems to be half him retweeting horny fanart and half hating the Tories. Truly iconic.
And Vico Ortiz (Jim) who went to a ren faire with Samba Schutte (Roach) last weekend and cosplayed as Izzy with blue hair XD. And Samba who cooks IRL and actually made the 40-orange cake!! They all seem like very good eggs.
Spanish Jackie do you need to replenish your spouse numbers or-
Me, a twat, trying to figure out who 'Menozes' was before I realised Jackie was talking about the nose jar. ffs XD
There were so SO many good moments actually I would need a whole separate post or 12
the MUSIC fuck MEEEEEE such good music choices! It was actually the song at the end of the first episode (high on a rocky ledge) that left me with the Longing TM to watch the rest of the episodes IMMEDIATELY (as well as, you know, everything else). I already mentioned I can't listen to perfect day without crying now - it was already a beautiful song, but now? And if you listen to the lyrics? Fuck off??? ;_; and the rest, of course. That Spotify playlist's gonna get some action, I think, heh.
I'll stop here partly because it's super late and this is already so long and partly because tungl's text editing is el shit but man. I'm so glad I found this show, so glad they made it. I'm sure I'll have more thoughts to share soon, I have only watched it once through so far but obviously I'm gonna rewatch.
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