#i love you barret wallace
aerithisms · 5 months
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and isn't that the fuck of it all. ff7 thesis statement
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halebobgr · 3 months
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"Settle down! You'll get this back when you quit being creepy!"
sketch request by @errantnight <3
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somnimagus · 1 year
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quick barret and marlene for dad day.. and aerith giving them many flowers
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heavenlyascent · 4 months
You can tell what the ship war/Tifa vs Aerith/Whose the “True” Heroine/Love of FF7 is about because it never includes Barret, despite him being a romance candidate (even IF the OG boiled it down to one big antiblack gay joke), or Yuffie (thankfully because of her age though I shutter to think how she would have been treated if she was an older, viable candidate), or Zack despite his bond with Cloud, or Jessie for that matter. All these are background elements to the ongoing fight over who is the default love interest and thus true love of Cloud.
Which is boiled down to, which one of these women are meant for this man.
It doesn't care that Final Fantasy 7 is a world-spanning story about humanity, genocide, imperialism, and trauma. It ignores that while Cloud is ultimately our main character, it's a story of an entire cast of main characters who are just as important to the ever moving plot as Cloud.
And really, as it insults Tifa and Aerith by trying to suggest one's story is more "important" than the other, it also insults Barret by completely ignoring that his efforts are the instigating factors OF the story and that the running theme of saving the planet? Is because Barret was the first one to scream it in the narrative. It ignores Yuffie's and Red XIII's fight to preserve their dying cultures in a world that actively wants to destroy them for the sake of capitalism. It ignores Cid as someone whose dreams were crushed by capitalism and become so consumed by his pain, he hurt everyone around him. It ignores how Vincent played an active role in Sephiroth's birth and the core corruption of Shinra.
And I think it absolutely misses the theme of FF7 and Cloud in general. Cloud loves everyone. He loves all his friends. If the Remakes and Rebirth did anything, it put on display that there's not one single person that Cloud loves--but all those he has met. Yes, he loves Tifa and loves Aerith and maybe in one or both, he has romantic feelings for them but he clearly loves Barret, Red XIII, Yuffie, Zack, Jessie, Bigs, Wedge, Reeve/Cait, and--as we'll see later--Cid and Vincent.
If any of them died, Cloud would have been devastated. Aerith is special and he mourns her in a specific way because she's AERITH. Not because she's the ONE. SHE'S AERITH. Irreplaceable just like Tifa, just like Barret, just like Yuffie, just like Red XIII, just like Zack, and Cait/Reeve, Cid, and Vincent.
For the last near 30 years, the ship wars have rewrote Cloud's intense love for the people around him as just a heteronormative love story and it's gross.
None of the characters deserve that, but specifically Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith who are so much more than players in a stupid love triangle.
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wowa-bublord · 6 months
Does your Zack ever get to his true breaking point where everything is just too much to push away and he can't help but show his true vulnerability? And if so, what or who is the catalyst?
OMG I RRRRR I LOVED DRAWING 4 THIS ONE OKAY SO. with the au, zack will reach a breaking point with the way he's handling his emotions by blocking them off/bottling them up. It's inevitable. The question of what/who is the catalyst and not when or if it happens hehehe AND IM SO EXCITED TO ANSWER. Through out the au story, zack is stuck in this sorta mentality.
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he's so reliant on Cloud being okay, that he can't focus on anything else (for reasons i can discuss another time). My instinctive reaction, it to think that Cloud waking up would give him enough emotional relief to let down some of those walls. But, then I thought that if Zack bases his emotional wellbeing so heavily on cloud...
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then theres not going to be a point where Cloud is suddenly 'okay' enough in Zacks brain to let it out. Life has its ups and downs, recovery from physical/mental trauma like cloud went through especially has its ups and downs. Theres always going to be some excuse for Zack to close up even further, particularly since he chooses to be in a caretaker role for Clouds early recovery when he needs it.
So then my mind hopped over to Tifa and Barret, his two closest friends in this au. But I thought that also could only go so far, Zack wants to appear strong for the people he cares for, and in his mind, he's somehow 'tricked' Barret and Tifa into thinking he's stable and tough enough to be their friend, he doesn't want to risk suddenly being too much. (IMPOSTER SYNDROME GANG RISE UP) And since Zack is so numb to violence and battle, I think it'd take a lot to push him out of that even in physically violent scenarios (u could still try though. whump writers i am on ur side 4ever) And not only that, but Tifa and Barret have only known Zack as he is now. They know that he's definitely a bit weird, but they don't know how far that goes, as this is the only version of Zack they've ever met.
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BUT HE OBVIOUSLY will still have his own explosion. It's necessary, it's inevitable. Just look at that guy. So I thought, who else?
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and who else could it be if not her?
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aleksan-art · 3 months
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day 1 of romancing barret week!! vacation/summer heat. theyre sailing at costa del sol
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moonilit · 5 months
😭😭 I love these three so much, something about their dynamic always watching each others backs gets to me, they are the friends who started the journey and reach the end with it. Love them so much <3
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acnl-draws · 2 years
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🎹Vinti piano duet🎄 A secret santa gift for @rosemochi 💗 Happy holidays everyone! Stay safe and warm out there also, as a bonus, here's the photos they have hanged on the wall! featuring cute moments from the AVALANCHE fam
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cerealbishh · 6 months
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barret is the donald duck of the group:
he is a family man
he is hot-tempered
he is constantly the butt of the joke
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scrawnytreedemon · 11 months
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Haven't posted them in forever. Rest assured, the frenzy is still going strong~
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altocat · 1 year
barret, my beloved! speaking of barret (since we as a fandom don't speak about him enough), i feel like sephiroth really could’ve used a friend/father figure like barret in his life. i love angeal and all, but barret would’ve never cut and run like that. he would’ve gotten sephiroth out of his shell in the same way he does for cloud. what could’ve been!
Barret is definitely best dad and an amazing character, though I don't know if he's patient enough to deal with Sephiroth's many, many issues. While Barret himself has seen a great deal of hardship and trauma and certainly becomes an indispensable friend and ally, he's also repeatedly kind of a cynical downer towards Cloud throughout the OG, having no time for Cloud's breakdown shenanigans. He's supportive of Cloud, yeah. And he definitely has his back and is one of the contributors to helping Cloud trust in the group, but he's also very impatient and less inclined towards gentleness or bedside manner. He respects Cloud ultimately because the latter is able to pull himself out of it, but he's not the one who contributes to Cloud's mental recovery--that's Tifa.
Sephiroth is even worse. Because where Cloud overcomes his demons, Sephiroth allows himself to be completely consumed by them. While Cloud proves to be stronger and rises above his trauma and identity issues, Sephiroth only festers and breaks until he completely reinvents himself in the midst of his madness. And Barret, bless him, isn't about dealing with that. He focuses on the here and now, always looking for action and more than often responding angrily whenever things take a bad turn. That's just how he is. And listen, Barret is a complete stone-cold badass and a loving father, but he's not your main guy unless he fully knows and respects your intentions.
Sooo he might not be the best overall person for someone extremely messed up like Sephiroth. If Barret had been with Seph during Nibelheim and learned about the creatures in the reactor, he probably would have just started rambling about how shitty Shinra is and escalating the situation instead of trying to get Seph to calm tf down. I love Barret to pieces, but having someone pure and innocent like Marlene is a lot better for him, someone who hasn't been tainted by the world at large. It's an innocence he can preserve and protect, his second chance, a thing truly worth fighting for.
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kodieshmodie · 9 months
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Barret Wallace studies because I love him, and there is not nearly enough fanart of him.
I will fix that for you, king. 😮‍💨💖💖
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accala · 3 months
I love how simplistic the clothing is in Advent Children compared to those in Rebirth. I know it's not what they intended (Rebirth is a fairly new game and AC Movie was back in the 2000's). But I like to think that characters had to improvise with their clothes because Shinra, who was the major supplier for everything, was gone after Meteorfall. Plus with Midgar down and in the middle of a wasteland, they had to scramble for resources, so any fabric had to be salvaged.
Here's some side-to-side references of Remake/Rebirth (RR) Clothing vs. Advent Children (AC) Clothing:
[Rufus Shinra]
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The buttons. The details. The extra fabric. The belts. And then look how more simple AC is. Sure he has a coat on top of three shirts, but his RR suit looks so extra and customized to fit him whilst his AC suit looks like something he scrounged up in his remaining closet. He lost all of his extra belts. His undershirts look like they’re made out of cheap cotton too. His coat in particular looks short on the sleeves and too loose on his form.
[Turks: Rude, Reno, Tseng, & Elena]
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(Top right photo from Advent Children)
Classic expensive suits for RR. Simple suits for AC. Look at those clean looks and small suit details for RR (ex. Rude has a patterned tie and Elena’s collar has a small button/pin on her collar). The difference is apparent with Reno, who has a fancy undershirt in Remake vs his simple cotton undershirt in AC. And if you zoom in on the AC photo, the coats have zippers!!! The AC coats also look loose compared to their form fitting coats in RR.
[Cloud Strife]
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AC!Cloud has more fabric than in RR. But AC lacks the details that RR has. For example, RR has leather gloves with metal encased on the wrist and fingers. His shoulder pad looks forged with giant metal screws as well. But AC mostly has leather and little to no metal except for its strap buckles and wolf insignia (And it's likely that Cloud made those wolf symbols himself). Although, he does have major upgrades (read: his sword and motorcycle; both things he probably made himself/with help from scrap materials).
(Extra note: This is a common theme on other characters where they replace their utility pockets and metal armor with leather/denim. It makes sense for their equipment to be replaced due to wear and tear. Lack of metal armor could be due to lack of weapon/armor production. Plus Leather pauldrons/gauntlets are faster to make.)
[Tifa Lockhart]
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Her outfit in AC looks more casual than in RR (ex. She got rid of her compression armbands; She switched out her red combat boots for look-alike converse sneaker boots; and put her utility pockets in front of her skirt/shorts combo). Notice how she doesn’t have gloves nor Materia slots in the movie (Although it’s weird that she DOES have gloves in other games/promos).
[Barret Wallace]
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In AC, he has a sleeveless puffer jacket and a fishnet shirt. He also lost his leather utility pockets (for ammo possibly) from RR. And it’s probably because he doesn’t need it, now that he has a new advanced weapon (it can transform from a metal arm into a high tech machine gun and vice versa). As an oil baron, he probably has more access to materials and utilities compared to other characters, that’s why Barret’s clothes don’t look so simple/improvised.
[Marlene Wallace]
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Obviously Marlene would have a different look when she got older. But look at her cute frilly pink dress vs. her white sleeveless collared shirt and floral patterned skirt (notice how her outfit looks like a mix of Cloud and Aerith’s outfits). The stitching for her AC outfit is way more simple. Also I’d like to think Barret gave her that floral patterned fabric for her skirt since it would have been difficult to get ahold of.
[Yuffie Kisaragi]
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Zippers galore. Her outfit is changed to black with a floral patterned shirt with a denim ensemble (I think her outfit is a little extra because she's a WRO member). Her shuriken’s the same but her metal and leather armor are gone and replaced with a wristband and a black cloth that covers her forearm. She still has her utility pockets though but it’s in denim (I wonder, did she break her old armor?).
(Edit: She also has these green converse knee high boots?? Again, as a WRO member, she probs got them outside of Midgar)
[Vincent Valentine]
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Nothing changed that much. He kept his coat. His AC leather straps and gauntlet are less detailed than the Rebirth one. The metal buckles look different in shape too. I think he changed those in AC. Makes sense if there were wear and tear during the years (I wonder how he does his laundry though lmao).
[Cid Highwind]
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Cid changed to a cotton blue shirt. He doesn’t have his pilot scarf anymore nor his flight jacket. Instead, he has a brown bomber jacket tied around his waist with a dog tag around his neck. As much as I think his clothes are due to scarce resources, I also don’t think he cares that much regarding fashion.
[Reeve Tuesti]
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The shoulder pads. The silver and yellow accents. The foot length blue coat. It's a major improvement on Reeve's outfit compared to his old businessman suit. As the WRO leader, he gets access to making his outfit a little fancy (more chances to trade with other towns/cities outside of Midgar). Although I do think someone made that coat for him, and he wanted to reject it because he considered it too much. But accepted either way 'cause it would be a waste.
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rocketbirdie · 8 days
TUMBLR USER ROCKETBIRDIE REBLOGGED MY POST IT IS A DAY OF JOY AND CELEBRATION jndbhjmnh thank you so SO much it really means a lot to me to have such a talented artist appreciate my work! out of curiosity can i ask your opinions about every ff7 party member? i'm always curious to know the fandom's opinion about them :)
OOOUUUAAAAAAA UR SO SWEET!!!!!!! <333 OK here goes nothin!!
CLOUD STRIFE: Most uncomfortably relatable protagonist of all time. Impressively apocalyptic autism. I need him crushed into a fine powder and baked into a disney princess themed birthday cake.
BARRET WALLACE: He deserves so much better. Just, in general. Why did they do that to his character in Advent Children (rhetorical question; we all know the answer.). Actually I think we should just get rid of all of SE's intellectual properties and just have Only Barret.
TIFA LOCKHART: Oh my god. If I had known about Tifa Lockhart as a highly impressionable 5 year old, I would have grown up to be cisgender. I'm gonna leave that one up to interpretation.
AERITH GAINSBOROUGH: Weird girl. Incomprehensible girl. Unnerving girl. Girl who makes you want to become a girl. Girl who I love dearly forever. Aerith is love, Aerith is life.
RED XIII: Lowkey the saddest character in the game. He's just a lonely child, he's already had everything taken from him, he's trying so hard to hold it together. Hang in there Nanaki :(
YUFFIE KISARAGI: I like how they handled her in FF7R, bridging the gap between two very different audience's impressions of her. Boy is she disruptive in some of Rebirth's scenes though. Super curious how part 3 and the Wutai war thing will go down.
CAIT SITH: Middle aged businessman's gambling-addicted fursona by proxy is hands down the funniest concept for a JRPG party member. I want to love him so bad, but I can't take him seriously for the life of me because every scene he shows up in suffers from severe mood whiplash.
VINCENT VALENTINE: I see the appeal. I'm admittedly less invested in the vampiric sexy snatched-waist, and more in the technologically-hamfisted out-of-touch grandpa aspect of his character.
CID HIGHWIND: This man is NOT 32 years old. His asshole-ishness and cartoonishly vulgar dialogue is very important to me and I hope they don't water him down too severely in part 3. ESRB please, please let him say Fuck just once. please
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hedwyn-here · 7 months
Hey Final Fantasy 7 fans! I never played the original game, but I played Remake and am now playing Rebirth and having a lovely time.
But as a newcomer to the franchise, I have an important question I need all of you long time fans to answer for me.
As far as I understand, Cloud is some kind of super soldier. So his lil scrawny boy arms are extra strong. But also, Barret is super buff and has such incredibly beautiful eyes.
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larkawolfgirl · 5 months
Crossroads (Clerifa)
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Fandoms: Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII (Video Game 1997)
Relationships: Aerith Gainsborough/Tifa Lockhart/Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart/Cloud Strife, Aerith Gainsborough/Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough/Cloud Strife
Characters: Aerith Gainsborough, Tifa Lockhart, Cloud Strife, Barret Wallace, Red XIII | Nanaki (Compilation of FFVII), Yuffie Kisaragi
Additional Tags: Getting Together, Polyamory, Flirting, Dates
Summary: Aerith hatches a plan that involves a handful of dates, numerous honest conversations, and a galore of stolen touches.
Read on ao3 (recommended since I change POV often and I don't have the patience to add scene breaks here)
Cloud's boots crunched against the gravel as he and Aerith meandered through tranquil streets. Kalm, full of relaxed townspeople, felt like a world away from the turbulent life they led. Like its namesake, it was a brief respite, a stolen moment of calm before the storm that inevitably followed them.
"Hey! Wanna climb the clocktower together?” Aerith suggested with excitement as she tugged at his arm. “ I hear it’s the best view in Kalm.”
She led him to a stone overlook that loomed over the small, quaint houses below. Their footsteps echoed against the stone as they ascended to the top. The view stretched past the town, showcasing the edge of Midgar, the earthen outcroppings surrounding it, and the wild plains with its green landscape that lay beyond. After Midgar’s drab dirt and metallic infrastructure, the sight was as relieving to his eyes as the release he had felt in his lungs from the fresh air.
"Never had much time to appreciate views like this," Cloud admitted, his voice softer than he intended.
"Then let's enjoy it while we can," Aerith said, leaning against the railing. “Funny, isn’t it? How small it looks.” Her voice was reminiscent, clearly missing the city she knew and loved.
He didn’t know if he could ever come to love Midgar, but he could relate to missing your hometown. “It is far away,” he said.
It was unclear if the statement made her feel any better since she turned toward him and changed the subject. “Did anything happen between you and Tifa?” She smiled as if wanting him to admit something.
His dismay must have shown because she continued, “Don’t look so shocked. We’re roommates, you know.”
Cloud turned back toward the view. “She say something?”
He could see Aerith shaking her head from his peripheral. “Not about you two, no. Still, I can tell.” She set her gaze back on Midgar. “I would’ve given anything to have a friend when I was growing up.” She turned back toward him. “Don’t take her for granted.”
They stood in silence for a moment, the only sound the whistling wind which was causing Aerith’s chestnut hair to flutter. The Ancient shifted closer until their arms were touching. Cloud tensed but didn’t pull away.
“We should head back soon, he said, eyes scanning the town below in search of their party members. “The others will wonder where we are.”
“But we just got up here!” she pouted. “Don’t you like spending time with me?”
Heat rose in his cheeks. “That’s not—”
Cloud cut himself off when a thrumming sound instantly alerted his SOLDIER reflexes to approaching danger. Not a second later, airships suddenly littered the sky. Shouts erupted from the streets below as Shinra troopers stormed the town.
“They’re looking for us, aren’t they?” Aerith asked.
“Gotta be.”
His enhanced senses picked up on the sound of doors being kicked in. If they stayed here they would be surrounded.
The flower girl clutched his arm. “What should we—”
“We need to get down, now!” Cloud barked. Aerith nodded, her usual cheer replaced by a steely determination.
After retreating from the clocktower, by a strike of luck, they encountered the innkeeper who showed them to a hidden passage that led out of town. Aerith climbed down first, with Cloud taking up the rear. At the bottom, they found a small earthy passageway where Tifa, Barret, and Red XIII were waiting.
Tifa’s beautiful face lifted at the sight of them. “You made it! All in one piece?”
Barret turned around, his deep voice echoing throughout the small space. “For the love of…Where the hell have you two been?”
Aerith took hold of Cloud’s arm. “On a date,” she explained, her voice chipper even though Shinra was still nearby.
Barret's mouth hung open, his usual gruff composure momentarily shaken. Even Red XIII’s eye widened in surprise.
But Tifa’s reaction was the one Aerith cared about. The woman took a step back, her dark eyes fixed on Aerith in disbelief. “Were you really?” There was a tremor in her voice. Was it from confusion or fear of having lost her chance? Aerith hoped Tifa was interested but she didn’t want to upset her.
Cloud’s reaction was more expressive but still difficult to pin down. Was he surprised by Tifa’s reaction, or upset that Aerith was giving her the wrong impression?
Time for damage control. “Yeah, kinda,” she said in an attempt to assure her that both she and Cloud were still on the market.
The other woman’s shoulders subtly relaxed. She opened her mouth as if to speak, but then closed it again.
“Well, that was the last one!” Barret bellowed. “Least till things calm down. Got that?”
The three of them all nodded in unison. Aerith had to hold back a giggle when Red XIII gave his own delayed nod.
The party set out into the expansive Grasslands, with lush greenery, wild herbs, and colorful flowers. Aerith missed home, but she loved the sight of life surrounding them. It was proof that the Planet still had a chance.
Barret led the way, his heavy boots thudding against the ground, a reassuring rhythm amidst the rustle of grass and the distant calls of wildlife. Red XIII paced gracefully beside him, his fiery tail flicking this way and that, while Cloud walked ahead of Tifa, his gaze fixed forward.
Aerith quickened her pace until she was walking beside Tifa at the back of the group. She nudged Tifa's elbow gently, her smile widening as she caught the other woman's attention. "Beautiful day for a walk, isn't it?"
“Yeah,” the other woman replied in a neutral tone.
"No hard feelings, right?" the flower girl asked gently.
Tifa glanced at her briefly before looking away. "Of course not," she said, but her words lacked conviction.
“It was just a little date. Nothing serious.”
Her friend shrugged, eyes fixed ahead. "It's fine, Aerith. You and Cloud are both free to do as you please."
Aerith shook her head. "That's not what this is about." She touched Tifa's arm. "Won’t you talk to me?"
The martial artist finally met her gaze. Aerith saw the hurt lingering there, but she also saw trust.
Tifa's expression softened. "I overreacted," she admitted. "It just...took me by surprise."
Aerith nodded, relief washing over her. "I'm sorry I sprung it on you like that. Friends?"
Tifa smiled. "Friends."
Aerith leaned in. She nudged her playfully, her voice a whisper meant only for her ears. "You could always ask Cloud on a date too, you know?" The words floated between them like dandelion seeds caught in a gentle breeze.
Tifa's stride faltered for the briefest of moments, her gaze darting sideways to meet Aerith's expectant eyes. A flush crept up her neck, painting her cheeks with a soft rose hue that rivaled the bloom of the wildflowers dotting the plains. "I-I don't think so," she stammered, the quiver in her voice betraying the calm demeanor she tried to maintain. "That's not... I'm not interested in Cloud like that."
But even as she said it, Aerith could tell Tifa's denial rang hollow. She clearly had feelings for Cloud that she was unwilling to confront. The Ancient linked her arm through her friend’s. "If you say so," she said, a knowing smile playing on her lips.
The plains sprawled endlessly under the wide sky containing countless paths they could follow. Aerith's boots crunched softly on the dry earth as she kept pace with Tifa.
"Or maybe," Aerith mused aloud, her voice laced with a teasing lilt, "you'd rather go on a date with me?" Her hand found its way to Tifa's arm, fingers looping around it in a playful, almost affectionate grip.
Tifa's footsteps stuttered, caught off guard by the unexpected twist in their conversation. With a nervous chuckle, she glanced at Aerith. "What? No!" Her words came out in a flustered rush, the corner of her lips pulling despite her best efforts to remain composed. "I already told you I’m not interested in dating right now,” she insisted.
Aerith just smiled, undeterred by her denial in the face of her telling reaction. “I’m only joking. No reason to get so worked up.”
Tifa sighed, rubbing her temples. “I think you enjoy putting me on the spot more than anything else."
"Guilty as charged," Aerith sing-songed, releasing the bartender’s arm to twirl ahead of her, the hem of her pink dress catching the light. "But you can't blame me for trying."
"Trying to do what, exactly?" Tifa asked.
"Trying to see you smile, of course!" she proclaimed, spinning back to face her. "You're far too serious sometimes."
A gentle breeze swept across the field fluttering their long hair. They both laughed as Tifa’s, unconfined as it was, obscured her face as it twisted itself to the mercy of the wind. Aerith reached out, using her fingers to work out the small knots that had formed.
"And what about you, Miss Gainsborough?” she asked with fond exasperation. “Are you interested in dating anyone?"
"Me?" Aerith blinked, feigning innocence before breaking into a wide grin. “Maaybe. I’m just trying to enjoy our journey with everyone."
"That’s a convenient answer." Tifa’s earlier embarrassment faded as she fell into step beside her again.
"Life is full of conveniences and inconveniences," Aerith quipped. "We just have to make the best of what we’ve got."
"Speaking of that, we've got bigger things to worry about right now than dating."
"Fair enough," Aerith conceded, her expression softening. "But don’t rule it out, okay? You can’t just sit around for the right time."
Tifa’s eyes softened with the understanding of her meaning. “Okay.”
The days passed in a blur of travel and combat as they made their way to Junon. Aerith’s suggestion about her going on a date with Cloud still lingered in Tifa’s mind. The way Aerith could so effortlessly bring joy to the group was a special kind of magic. The banter between Aerith and her helped lighten the mood. Their playful exchanges and inside jokes worked to continuously deepen their friendship, despite their contrasting personalities, allowing them to work together better during combat. Perhaps, becoming closer with Cloud was not as much of a distraction from their mission as it originally seemed.
One evening, as they set up camp for the night, Tifa watched Cloud hammer stakes into the ground with concentration. Her heart thrummed an uncertain rhythm, Aerith's words echoing in her mind like a playful ghost. Going on a date seemed absurd given their situation, yet...Tifa couldn’t deny she was intrigued. She glanced over at Cloud who had moved on to sharpening his sword. The firelight danced across his focused face, highlighting his attractive features, causing her heart to give a nervous flutter.
Before she could talk herself out of it, Tifa approached him.
"Cloud," she began, her voice barely more than a whisper.
He looked up, the blue of his eyes piercing even in the fading light. "Yeah, Tifa?"
She hesitated, fidgeting with her gloves. "Can I... talk to you for a second?" she asked, her hands involuntarily clenching and unclenching at her sides.
"Sure." Cloud wiped his brow with the back of his hand before standing up, concern straining the details of his face. "Is everything alright?"
"Everything's fine," she assured him quickly, perhaps too quickly. "I just...” The unsaid words tangled in her throat even as Aerith's encouragement wrapped around her courage giving it a gentle nudge. Just say it, she told herself.
"Take your time," Cloud said softly, and there was an understanding in his gaze that made her heart skip. He waited, the calm in his stance offering her the silence she needed to gather her thoughts.
Tifa took a steadying breath, her resolution solidifying with every pulse of her heartbeat. "I was thinking…maybe we could go out. Just the two of us. Like on a date."
The words hung between them, and for a moment, the only sound was the soft rustle of leaves. Cloud paused, his hands stilling as he turned to face her with a flicker of surprise.
"A date?" His voice held a mix of confusion and curiosity. He straightened, looking at her with an intensity that made her heart race. "What's gotten into you two?"
She forced an awkward laugh and avoided his gaze. “I just thought it might be nice.”
Tifa felt like crawling under a rock, but Cloud's eyes were still on her, waiting for an explanation. She forced another laugh. "Aerith was just teasing me the other day about the two of us going on a date." She gestured vaguely between them. "Got me thinking, that's all."
Cloud raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it.
"I mean, we've been friends for so long but we haven’t spent that much time together," Tifa continued, grasping for words. "Might be nice to spend some time just the two of us."
She chanced a glance at him. To her surprise, his expression had softened.
"Yeah, maybe you're right.”
Now it was Tifa's turn to look shocked. "Really?"
Cloud rubbed the back of his neck. "We haven't had a proper chance to catch up."
A smile tugged at Tifa's lips. "No, we haven't."
"Alright, we’ll have a date."
"Great!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm only slightly undercut by the tremble in her voice. "Before we leave Junon?”
“Sounds good.”
Tifa's heart fluttered again, but this time with excitement. She was finally going to get her chance with Cloud. And she had Aerith to thank for giving her that little push.
The group decided to hunker down in Under Junon for a while to take on some side work, so it was easy for the old friends to slip away. Cloud walked alongside Tifa, his hands shoved into his pockets, his mind racing with questions about the sudden shift in their dynamics.
Tifa fidgeted with her hair. "So, where should we go?"
Cloud thought for a moment. “Somewhere quiet.” It made sense if they aimed to catch up by themselves.
“How about the stream?”
He nodded and she began leading them out of town and into a calm grove of trees. Their silence was comfortable yet filled with words neither of them seemed ready to voice. Cloud stole glances at her, noticing the tentativeness of her normally steady stride and the way she kept tugging on her gloves.
They approached a gentle stream reflecting the morning sun. "Nice spot," he said, the first thing that came to mind.
"Thought you'd like it," Tifa replied with a soft tone. They came to a stop at the water's edge, the sounds of the flowing stream mingling with the distant chirps of birds. "Thanks for agreeing to this," she added after a moment, her gaze fixed on the glistening water. "It means a lot."
Cloud nodded, though he remained silent, unsure how to navigate through the unfamiliar territory they were treading. His heart hammered in his chest, and he wondered if she could hear it.
"Is everything okay?" Tifa asked suddenly, turning to look at him with concern.
"Yeah," Cloud said, though the quick response felt automatic. "Just... wasn't expecting this."
"Me neither," she admitted, her shoulders slumping as if releasing a weight she'd been carrying. "But here we are."
"Here we are."
Silence fell between them other than the trickling of the water. They stood side by side, close enough to touch each other, but neither of them moved to bridge the gap.  Cloud’s skin tingled knowing she was so close. The unspoken tension weighed down on them, demanding acknowledgment.
“Look.” Her voice was barely above a whisper as she pointed at a bluebird perked on a low-hanging branch. “Isn’t it cute?”
The tone of her voice instantly reminded him of her saying similar things about stray cats they would find around town. If she had had her way, she would have adopted all of them.
“Fluffy would eat him for breakfast,” he said.
Tifa turned toward him with exaggerated outrage, with wide eyes and hands on her hips. “No, she wouldn’t!”
Bringing his hand to his mouth, he gave a soft chuckle. “Sure.”
Her body relaxed. “I miss her. What pet did you want as a kid?” she asked, tone tinged with nostalgia.
Cloud lowered his head. “Cat.” He said it low enough that if she wasn’t paying attention she wouldn’t have heard.
She turned fully toward him again. “Huh? Then why didn’t you ever take one in?”
“Mom wouldn’t let me.” He never told her that he had begged his mom to let him bring in some of the first batch of stray kittens they had found. He had used Tifa’s gentle heart as an excuse, but he had just wanted to feel like they had something in common.
Tifa smiled and bumped her hip into his. “We probably shouldn’t tell Red that we’re both team cat.”
He looked up and rolled his eyes. “For one, he doesn’t want to be viewed as a dog. And two, I don’t even think he is a dog.”
She didn’t say anything, but the silence was natural this time. Then, “Oh! There’s another one.”
He craned his neck to see where she was pointing, and his shoulder brushed hers in the process. His whole body stilled waiting for a response. There was an intake of air and a slight tremble in her arm.
"So...” There was an extended pause, but she didn’t move her arm away. “How have you been?”
Cloud rubbed his neck. "I've been alright. Just trying to figure things out, I guess."
"Anything you want to talk about?" she asked gently.
"My memory is still pretty confusing and hazy in places. But having you and the others around...it helps."
Tifa smiled. "I'll always be here if you need someone to listen."
Cloud met her eyes. "Thanks, Tifa."
His hand brushed hers as they walked back toward the inn, their fingers flirting with the idea of interlocking but never quite committing to the gesture. Time had escaped them as they talked about the paramount and the mundane, from their shared past in Nibelheim to the uncertain future that lay ahead.
As they approached the inn, Tifa slowed her pace. "This was really nice, Cloud. We should...do it again sometime."
He gave a small smile. "Yeah, I'd like that.”
She beamed and gave his arm an affectionate squeeze before letting go.
They paused outside the door, neither ready to end the night nor sure how to continue it. The air around them was charged with words left unsaid and feelings only hinted at.
"Bye, Cloud," she whispered, stepping forward briefly as if she might bridge the gap between them, before thinking better of it. "We should probably head inside before the others start to worry."
The ex-SOLDIER nodded and held the door open for her. Tifa's cheeks flushed as she stepped inside before him.
Finding her room, she took a deep breath before entering. It was a cherished private room, where she should be able to ruminate on her feelings from the day in solitude, but Tifa knew with full certainty that Aerith would be waiting inside to ambush her with questions. The other woman had a way of wrangling private information from her, and while she hadn’t told Aerith today was the day of their date, the other woman had a keen sense of intuition.
As expected, as soon as she opened the door, she was met with green eyes alight with curious intensity. Aerith bounded over to her and clasped her hands in hers.
“Soooo, how was your date?” It was clear that she was proud of herself for knowing that information without having to be told. Her otherworldly ability to pick up on information she shouldn’t know used to scare Tifa a little, but now it felt as commonplace as the lifestream flowing throughout the planet.
A smile formed on Tifa’s face. “It was nice.”
Aerith’s grin widened and her eyes danced. “Just nice?”
“Uh…It was…” She wasn’t sure how to capture the nuances of their day. “Nostalgic. Relieving? We talked a lot.”
“Uh-huh.” Aerith nodded with her hand on her chin as if she was deducing some grand mystery. “What else?”
Tifa took a step back toward the wall. “What else?”
The flower girl stepped forward closing the space she had created and successfully cornering Tifa both physically and metaphorically. “Yeah, you know, hand-holding,” she squeezed Tifa’s hand as if demonstrating, “kissing?”
Her heart hammered in her chest as Aerith began leaning forward as if she was actually going to kiss her. Right before she made contact, Tifa turned her head away.
Aerith giggled at her reaction. “I’m not going to kiss you, silly.” She twirled a lock of her hair. “Unless you want me to.”
Tifa could feel blood in her cheeks burning through her skin. She quickly changed the topic back to her date. “No! We, uh, just brushed skin a little.”
The flower girl leaned in again with a huge smirk. “Oooh? Brushing skin, huh?”
Tifa nearly died at the realization of what she was implying. “Of course not!” Her voice lowered to a near whisper. “We just brushed arms and hands a bit.”
The Ancient’s enthusiasm calmed by about half. “That’s disappointing.”
For some reason, it got under her skin that Aerith expected more from them. “It was really nice, okay?” she said defensively.
“I’m sure it was. But didn’t you want to do something more? To make it like a real date rather than just spending time with your friend?”
Of course, she wanted that. But she wasn’t sure yet if that was what he wanted. Besides, she didn’t know what was going on between him and Aerith. “What about your date, huh? What juicy details do you have to share?”
She regretted the question immediately. What if she did have juicy details to share? Tifa didn’t know if she was emotionally ready to know that they had been intimate.
“Weell…” Aerith trailed off, turning around so that her braid hovered in the air for a brief moment. “It wasn’t as spectacular as I would have liked either, being cut short by Shinra and all. Buut, I did manage to hold his arm before it was over.”
Tifa didn’t realize she was breathing out in relief until Aerith pointed it out.
“You really like him, don’t you?” Her eyes and voice were soft now, full of that nurturing aura that sometimes made Tifa want to fall against her and let all of her pent-up pain out.
The bartender ducked her head. “Is it that obvious?”
Aerith giggled. “To everyone but the man in question. I don’t know how he can be so oblivious. Sometimes I don’t even think he knows I’m flirting.” Then her expression turned serious. “It won’t hurt to be more straightforward. Push him a little. Just be careful with him. There’s a lot of hurt buried there.”
Tifa swallowed the lump forming in her throat. “I know. But I’ll be there for him, no matter what.”
Aerith’s smile was heartfelt as she pulled her in for a quick hug. “Good. I’m happy for you both.” She stepped back, eyes shining again. “So? When’s the next date?”
Tifa chuckled, shoving at her shoulder playfully. “I don’t know. I figured I’d let him process this one first.”
The flower girl nodded. “Wise choice. Can’t scare him off too quickly.” She winked and Tifa shook her head in amusement.
It was always so easy with Aerith. Much easier than with Cloud who acted so much like a bristling cat ready to run away at the slightest movement. But Tifa didn’t understand why it felt this way. She should be jealous of her, shouldn’t she? Wasn’t she? Unlike her, Aerith was open with her affections and didn’t shy away from pushing Cloud past his comfort zone to make her point across. It scared her because it felt like any day she would lose the man she had been reaching for since childhood. He always felt two steps away, just out of arm’s reach, while Aerith was always there within her personal space. Not just there, and not just accepting that they both liked him, but actively supporting Tifa’s feelings.
It shouldn’t make sense.
Tifa's gaze fell to her wrist where she tugged at the elastic of her glove. “Aren’t you jealous?”
“Of course not. There’s no need for that,” Aerith answered in a tone too light to be forced. “I want you two to be happy.”
“But you like him,” she pushed.
Aerith nodded. “I do. But that doesn’t give me any right to deny your feelings, especially when you’re so right for each other.”
Tifa supposed there was logic to that. What good was there in fighting with each other? They should leave it up to Cloud to decide how things ended. “You’re right. We’re friends, after all.”
The other woman grinned and hugged her arm. “Best friends!” Blood rushed to Tifa’s neck when Aerith pushed her head up against it.  “And as best friends, I think we deserve a date, too.”
It took a moment for the other woman’s words to register. It wasn’t unusual for friends to spend time together, but in Tifa’s experience, it was the first time a friend outing had been called a date. Was that something unique to growing up in Midgar, or did Aerith have some ulterior motive here? “You…want to go on a date with me?” she asked with uncertainty.
Aerith let go of her and tilted her head to the side. “Why not? It’ll be fun!”
“I don’t know…” she said slowly.
“Come on, live a little!” She gave her arm a playful shake. “It doesn’t have to be anything serious. Just two gals being pals.”
What harm was there, if it wasn’t a serious date? Besides, Tifa had to admit that the idea of spending more time alone with the bubbly woman did sound appealing.
“Alright,” she answered with a playful roll of her eyes. “I’ll treat you to a date.”
Aerith’s grin widened and she began bobbing up and down on the balls of her feet. “Yes! And what a treat it will be!” Suddenly, she moved in and stole a kiss on Tifa’s cheek. “Get ready for the best date ever!”
Tifa brought a hand up to her cheek, still warm from her touch, as she watched Aerith practically skip out of her room.
What did she get herself into?
Tifa got up early the next morning and knocked softly on Aerith’s door. “Aerith? Are you awake?”
“Coming!” came her chipper reply.
When the wooden door opened, Tifa was met with an unexpected sight. The Ancient was in a baby blue nightgown that draped over her gentle curves like a cascade of stardust, shimmering in the light with an otherworldly allure. It whispered secrets unspoken, tempting yet untouchable. Her smooth arms were on full display and her chestnut hair was down and still mussed from sleep. Even her smile was mellower than usual.
“Come in.” She stepped aside so that Tifa could enter the room and shut the door behind her. “Want to help me pick?”
Spread out over the bed were two different dresses. One was a darker shade of blue than the nightgown she was currently wearing and the other was rose pink. If she had to describe Aerith by color, she’d choose pink. However, now that she saw her in the blue nightgown, she wondered if that color brought out more of her natural beauty. The pink one was pattered with flowers while the blue was solid.
Unconsciously, Tifa licked her bottom lip as she imagined her in each of them. The pink would give a fresh appearance, soft and breathable, while the blue would make her look mature and sophisticated.
“Pink,” she blurted before she could say the opposite. The blue was distracting…dangerous somehow.
“Good choice.” Aerith’s voice was rich like honey. She picked the dress up and reached around her neck as if ready to change right there in front of her.
“What are you doing?”
Unperturbed, the Ancient kept smiling. “Changing, silly.”
“Shouldn’t you go in the bathroom, or have me leave, or something?” Tifa hated how hot her cheeks felt. She was sure Aerith was loving getting a rise out of her.
The other woman moved in close. The hem of her nightgown brushed against the bare skin of Tifa’s thigh sending shivers through her. “Why? We’re both girls, aren’t we?” Her face was so close they could have touched.
Yeah, but…Tifa’s mind couldn’t come up with a good reason to explain why she shouldn’t watch Aerith get changed.
Taking her silence as an answer, Aerith stepped back and began lifting her nightgown off. At the last second, Tifa’s brain pulled itself out of her daze and she spun around before seeing anything indecent.
She could hear giggling behind her and forced her mind away from the picture it was trying to fill in on its own.
“How did you get these?”
“Cloud and I made a bit of extra money back in Wall Market. I wanted something nice for special occasions.”
“Special occasions?”
There was a rustling of fabric. “Days like today.”
“What about the dress you wore back then?”
“That was a rental, same as yours.”
Then Aerith was in front of her holding out her trademark pink ribbon. Her head was in a cute tilt. “Do it for me?”
They sat down on the edge of the bed. Tifa worked her fingers through her silken hair. It felt relaxing and intimate. It brought back memories of practicing different hairstyles on her mother before she passed. She had loved doing hair so much, that she used to beg the neighbor girls, and sometimes Cloud, to let her play beautician. After leaving Nibelheim, she hadn’t had many opportunities until meeting Barret and Marlene. The little girl was more than willing, but there was only so much that could be done with her short cut. Aerith’s long, thick hair held endless possibilities.
Tifa played with the ends before folding them over her fingers to begin braiding. “You’re normal braid, right?”
The other woman shook her head. “Your choice.” She could hear her smile in her voice.
What would suit her? Anything probably. Tifa had an idea. Her fingers began folding her hair again. “Hopefully, I still remember how to do this.”
Aerith touched her hand briefly. “I trust you.”
Tifa’s heart sped up at the praise. Carefully, she worked her hair into a double half-French braid. It came in on both sides before working down the back while the remainder of her hair flowed naturally.
“Do you like it?” she asked, feeling nervous.
The flower girl touched the tight braids and smiled. “I love it. I’d never be able to do it this well.”
Tifa scratched her cheek. “I can teach you if you’d like.”
Aerith latched onto her side. “Definitely. That can be our next date!”
Tifa gave a nervous laugh. “Okay.”
Downstairs they met the rest of the group gathered in the inn lobby. So much for slipping away undetected.
Barret glared with a sour expression. “Looks like I was right.”
Great, another lecture. “Right about what?” Tifa asked.
“You and SOLDIER boy were gone half the day yesterday. Now you come down here dressed for a soiree.”
Tifa looked at Cloud. His face was tense, his arms crossed, and his eyes stared into hers with a burning intensity. Was he mad?
“You said not to relax until we were safer,” Tifa said.
Barret grunted. “Yeah, well we ain’t exactly safe yet.”
“Oh, come on!” Aerith said. “Lighten up! We’re just having a bit of manageable fun. Maybe you should have some too.”
He rolled her neck. “Any suggestions? Not like I have a pretty date to take out. Unlike the rest of you, apparently.”
Aerith smirked and took Tifa’s hand in hers. “Sorry, the lady’s taken for the day. But I’m sure you can find something else fun to do.”
“By the Lifestream, it really is a date.” He looked over at Cloud before looking at the two of them again. “I don’t know what’s goin’ on with you three, and maybe I don’t want to know. Just be smart and be safe, got that?”
“Yes, sir!” the flower girl saluted with chipper enthusiasm.
“Of course. Thank you for worrying about us,” Tifa said with genuine appreciation.
Barret’s muscles eased and he waved his hand dismissively. “Now, get on with it. The sooner you leave the sooner you’ll be back.”
Red XIII padded up to them, tail swishing inquisitively. “How fascinating. I was not aware human courtship rituals extended to same-sex pairings.”
Tifa could feel her face growing warm. “That’s not exactly…”
“Why not?” Aerith asked. “Does it seem strange?”
“Hmm.” Red thought about it for a moment. “Not particularly. I was just unaware.”
Aerith leaned down and scratched behind his ears. He must have been in a good mood because he didn’t protest and even swished his tail in response. “I’m sure you’ll find someone too, one day,” she whispered.
Tifa’s heart clenched, remembering that he was supposedly the last of his kind. It put things in perspective that she should be grateful to have a complicated love life rather than a non-existent one.
Red nuzzled his nose against her hand. “Thank you. Be safe.”
“We will,” Tifa promised.
Everyone was watching them, but the glow of Cloud’s eyes was the last thing she saw on their way out.
Cloud waited a moment before heading toward the inn’s entrance.
Barret let out a heavy sigh. “Don’t tell me you’re gonna tail ‘em?”
Cloud only barely turned to face him, hand poised on the door handle. “So, what if I am?”
The gunman grunted. “How’d I get caught up in this drama?”
Cloud didn’t bother to answer that. He wouldn’t call it drama anyway. It wasn’t as if any of them were fighting. If anything, it was the opposite. He was…confused to say the least. “I’ll make sure nothing happens.”
“Sure you will.”
He’d lost time from the conversation, but it didn’t take long to spot Aerith’s flower dress among the crowd. Keeping a safe distance away, he watched the two women stroll through town. Laughter floated in the air, light and carefree.
Tifa looked more relaxed now that she thought no one was watching. He could see excitement reflecting in her red eyes as she took in the wares of the market. She looked more at ease than she had yesterday, when she had seemed concerned she might do something she regretted. Yet, Cloud could tell there was still some hesitance each time she moved too close to the other woman.
Aerith, on the other hand, was as eager and affectionate as ever. It seemed that she was taking every opportunity to reach out and touch her, locking a stray hair behind Tifa’s ear, brushing their fingers together as she handed her something, or even locking arms so she could lead her in another direction.
Each time, her touch lingered longer than necessary, and Tifa would offer a polite smile and tinted cheeks.
It was puzzling.
He observed them enter a small café, the bell above the door chiming. Lingering across the street, he watched Aerith lead Tifa to a table with a hand on her back. He looked down at his own hand, imagining what it might feel like to do the same. The thought was terrifying.
When their drinks arrived, the Ancient whispered something into Tifa’s ear, causing her to let out a startled giggle.
Maybe this was just how girls were together. He wouldn’t know having spent most of his life as a loner. But no matter how he thought about it, everything going on was Aerith’s ploy. But for what? Did she just enjoy flirting and seeing their reactions? Yet, Tifa seemed to be enjoying herself too much for it to be so simple on her end. Did she actually like her back?
His hand clenched unconsciously at his side. It was fine. That was her choice.
But then Aerith’s thumb wiped a crumb from Tifa’s lips and something hot curled in his gut. It took every ounce of self-control to remain where he was.
Her lips are mine.
The thought came before he knew it, leaving him immobile with the realization.
Feeling simultaneously cold and hot, his eyes zeroed in on Aerith’s hand as it found Tifa’s beneath the table. The bartender’s eyes widened for a second in surprise before she settled into the peaceful comfort.
Cloud tried not to think too much about his feelings. He feared if he did they might consume him from the inside out. Besides, they already had so many problems to worry about. But now, he didn’t have much of a choice.
He loved Tifa.
He’d liked her ever since they were kids, but he hadn’t realized how much until this moment. It wasn’t just their shared past and trauma, he liked Tifa. Her heart, her determination, her resolve, and the way that she gave him the time and space he needed.
He didn’t want to lose her.
The two women exited the café. He still had not moved, so Aerith’s eyes easily found him. She smirked, but it wasn’t intimidating or boastful as if she had won a competition. He couldn’t be certain what she was telling him, but he had the feeling she was happy he had seen.
The longer their date went on, the more flustered Tifa felt. Why did Aerith have such a strong effect on her? She was gorgeous, like sunshine, and confident in a way she greatly admired. But this wasn’t simple admiration. She could have excused it as self-consciousness if not for the way her skin heated and tingled every time the spellcaster touched her. The only explanation was that she liked her.
So, she liked girls now. She could handle that. What was harder to handle was what exactly was going on between the three of them. Aerith liked Cloud—she said so herself—and yet everything she was doing screamed that she liked Tifa.
Had she lied to get her to let her guard down? She didn’t want to believe that. The martial artist had never known her to lie.
Eventually, her stomach started to growl so they stopped for a snack from a food truck. Tifa fingered the edge of her pastry, building up her nerve. “Aerith, can I ask you something?”
“Of course!” Aerith said through a mouthful of caramel apple.
“It’s just…you’ve been extremely touchy today.”
Aerith tilted her head, looking thoughtful as she finished chewing. “Does it bother you?”
“No, No!” Tifa said quickly. “It’s nice, just…unexpected.”
She grinned. “We are on a date, after all.”
Tifa swallowed. “About that…do you like me?”
Once again, Aerith took her hand as if it was the simplest thing in the world. “Yes.” There was no doubt in Tifa’s mind that she was being sincere.
“I thought you liked Cloud…”
“I do like Cloud,” she said simply. “But I also like you.”
She couldn’t like both of them, could she? And yet….wasn’t that what Tifa just realized? It wasn’t like her feelings were synonymous, though. She liked Aerith as a person and couldn’t help feeling attracted to her charm and beauty. But Cloud was different. Cloud was someone she had been reaching toward for so long. He was…a lifeline in the unsteady waters of her life. So, no matter what she was feeling for Aerith, she wasn’t about to throw her feelings for Cloud away for that. Not unless he specifically turned her down.
“Thank you,” she said after a long pause. “I still want to give things with Cloud a chance, though.”
“I thought so. That’s why…” she trailed off to hum to herself, “next time, we should go on a date the three of us.”
Tifa blinked. “All three of us?”
“The more the merrier, right?”
Aerith was giddy with excitement over their upcoming group date. It was her idea and Tifa still seemed on the fence, so it was up to her to get Cloud on board. She was still trying to think of the best way to suggest the idea to him without scaring him off when they reached Barret’s hometown. The atmosphere was somber, and it would have been in poor taste to go on a date there given what Barret was going through.
Opportunity struck when they reached the Gold Saucer. The neon lights flickered over an equally colorful carnival. The happy buzz of patrons was infectious, and Aerith couldn’t contain herself any longer, slipping an arm through Cloud’s and Tifa’s.
“Come on! Let’s have some fun!”
Tifa hesitated a moment, looking at Barret’s new permanent grim expression.
Aerith lowered the tone of her voice. “We can’t do anything for him right now. Let’s just try to enjoy ourselves.”
Tifa took a breath. “You’re right.”
"Let's test Cloud’s riding skills!" the flower girl exclaimed with a twinkle in her eye, leading the way with a bounce in her step. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and despite their initial hesitation, Cloud and Tifa found themselves swept up in the excitement.
The game consisted of a stationary G-bike and a virtual headset. Cloud climbed onto the G-bike, feeling over the familiar controls.
"You can do it!" Tifa encouraged, her voice rising above the din.
"Get ‘em!" Aerith whooped.
Throughout the simulation, Aerith's laughter danced around them. She would lean close to Cloud, whispering tips into his ear, half of which ended up distracting him more than anything. Each time he missed because of a started reaction, a beautiful bubble of laughter came from Tifa’s lips.
When the simulation came to an end, and Cloud climbed off the G-bike to claim his victory, Aerith threw her arms around both of them in an impromptu group hug. The warmth of their bodies mingled, and she could see the way he tensed at the double proximity.
"See? I told you you’d win!" Aerith said, releasing them but keeping her hands on their shoulders.
"Yeah, thanks to your good luck," he said.
"Or maybe it's just because we make a great team," Tifa said, a smile softening her features.
For a moment, there was a pause as if all of them were contemplating the definition of their team. Aerith didn’t want things to turn too serious, though. Today was for having fun!
"Time to claim your prize!" she declared, tugging at their sleeves as she darted toward the prize booth.
Cloud’s gaze alternated between the giant green Cactuar plush and the two women beside him.
“Which lovely lady am I giving this to, sir?” asked the friendly attendant.
The decision felt surprisingly weighty under their expectant eyes.
Before he could even signal to the attendant, Aerith’s hand darted out, claiming the stuffed Cactuar with a victorious laugh. “Oh, Cloud! It’s perfect!” she exclaimed, hugging the plush to her chest. Her emerald eyes sparkled, and her lips curled in a wide, genuine smile that was impossible not to return.
Tifa's reaction was more reserved—a warm, supportive smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. He noticed the subtle dip in her enthusiasm, the slight downturn of her lips that vanished almost as quickly as it appeared. It wasn't like Tifa to seek prizes or attention, but there was something in that fleeting look that tugged at his conscience, compelling him to rectify the imbalance.
"Wait here," Cloud muttered, already turning on his heel back toward the arcade games.
"Cloud?" Tifa's voice held a note of confusion, but he was already lost in determination.
The next game was another simulation. This time he had to fly a spaceship while shooting as many enemies as he could. Cloud lined up his shots with the focus of a battle-hardened SOLDIER, blasting target after target. His mind was clear, his aim true; each successful hit fueled by the desire to see Tifa’s smile brighten, to feel that he had made things right between them.
With an explosion, the boss fell, and the clerk behind the counter gave a low whistle. “Impressive shooting,” he said, eyes wide with respect. “Pick your prize, champ.”
Cloud didn't need to look—he pointed straight at the large, plush Tonberry, its lantern held aloft as if guiding him toward clarity.
"Nice choice." The clerk handed over the soft creature to his waiting hands.
He returned to where Aerith and Tifa were standing, the former still joyously squeezing her Cactuar. Tifa looked up as he approached.
"For you," he said, a little gruffly, thrusting the Tonberry at Tifa with all the grace of a stumbling newborn Chocobo.
"Cloud..." Tifa's eyes lit up, her smile now reaching all the way to her gorgeous red eyes. She accepted the plush with a tenderness that contrasted sharply with Aerith's exuberant display. "Thank you," she said, her voice imbued with a warmth that settled comfortably in the space around his heart.
Cloud watched as Tifa pulled the Tonberry close. Whatever battles lay ahead, he would fight just as fiercely, to protect those smiles—their happiness—no matter what it took.
"Looks like Cloud’s the only one without a souvenir now," Aerith chimed in, her eyes sparkling. "Why don't you show Cloud what you can do, Tifa?"
The challenge hung in the air, and for a moment, Tifa's competitive spirit flared. She handed the stuffed Tonberry to Aerith with care before turning toward the battle simulator.
"Alright, let's see if I've still got it," she declared, flexing her fingers as she approached the gamepad.
Tifa's movements were graceful and deliberate, every punch and kick executed with precision as digital adversaries fell one by one on the screen.
"Go, Tifa!" Aerith cheered and Cloud watched on, mesmerized by her skills.
With a final, triumphant strike, Tifa's virtual opponent shattered into pixels, and the victory fanfare echoed through the Gold Saucer.
The male attendant stared at her with an awestruck expression. “I’ve never seen anyone manage that! The pick of the prize is yours.”
Tifa scanned her choices before settling on a stuffed Chocobo with bright yellow feathers and grumpy-looking eyes. “That one!” she announced.
The attendant frowned. “You sure? This one over here’s cuter, isn’t it?”
She shook her head. “I want that one.”
He shrugged, handing the plush over. “Suit yourself.”
"Here you go, Cloud," Tifa said, offering the plush to him with a playful glint in her eye. "It looks just like you."
"The Chocobo?" Cloud asked with raised brows.
"Your hair," she replied with a teasing grin, "It's practically the same color. And that grumpy expression."
A giggle burst from Aerith and Tifa couldn’t help but join her. Cloud looked down at the Chocobo and then back at Tifa, his lips twitching into a rare, unguarded smile that made her heart soar.
"Thanks, Tifa," he said. "It's perfect."
Aerith's green eyes lit up when she leaned in close, nudging them both playfully in the direction of the towering skywheel that pierced the skyline. "Come on!" she urged, her voice excited. "We can’t leave until we’ve ridden that!"
The trio approached the line for the skywheel, where a uniformed usher stood guard like a sentinel over the couples waiting their turn. "Sorry," the usher said, glancing between the three of them, "this ride is for couples only."
Undeterred, Aerith stepped forward, a smile on her face. She reached out, grabbing Cloud's hand and then Tifa's, linking them together as if they were parts of a chain. "We are a couple," she declared boldly, her gaze challenging. "Doesn't this look like a date to you?"
The usher’s eyes widened slightly, taken aback by the force of Aerith's conviction. Cloud could feel the warmth of Aerith’s hand in his own, her touch both reassuring and unsettling as she blurred the lines of their relationship with her infectious enthusiasm.
Tifa's hand felt delicate yet strong in his, her calloused fingers a testament to the battles they had faced together. Both women looked at him now with shared determination.
And there, amidst the flashing lights and cacophony of the amusement park, Cloud found himself silently agreeing with Aerith. This strange, wonderful moment did seem like a date, or perhaps a silent promise.
The usher's mumbled response was barely audible over the sounds of the bustling Gold Saucer. "Well, the rulebook doesn't explicitly state anything about a three-person... arrangement." She scratched her head, clearly out of her depth with the Ancient’s relentless charm and insistence.
"See?" Aerith said, her voice a playful sing-song as she leaned in, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "We're just expanding the traditional definition of a 'couple.' It's innovative!"
Cloud could feel a blush creeping up his neck, not entirely sure if it was from embarrassment or the thrill of the unconventional dynamic that Aerith so confidently presented to the world. Tifa, equally flustered but managing a small smile, remained silent, her gaze flickering between her two companions.
"Alright, alright. I suppose I can overlook the policy this time," the usher conceded with a resigned sigh, waving them towards the entrance of the skywheel. "But don't go telling everyone we make a habit of this."
"Thank you!" Aerith beamed as they made their way past him, pulling a flustered Cloud and Tifa onto the gondola.
The usher shut the door as soon as they were inside the compartment. The enclosed space suddenly felt smaller, as their reality narrowed down to the three of them.
Immediately, Cloud took a seat so that the other two had room to move.
Tifa gracefully sat down on the opposite bench, her hands clasping in her lap. Her profile was etched against the colorful blur of lights as they began their slow ascent, giving her an ethereal glow.
Aerith stood for a moment, her head tilting as she regarded her partners. This was a vital choice, one that could make or break her strategy.
She glanced first at Cloud, his broad shoulders stiff with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. Then her gaze shifted to Tifa, whose quiet strength was as evident as ever. The air was thick with unspoken questions, their earlier interactions hanging between them like threads waiting to be woven into something new.
"Choices, choices," she mused, breaking the silence.
Aerith smirked at her impishness as she settled herself snugly against Cloud's side. The ex-SOLDIER's response was immediate—a subtle but hasty shuffle away, creating an irritating gap.
"Cloud," she chided gently, her voice carrying the playful rebuke of a mother to her wayward child, "where do you think you're going?" With deliberate ease, she scooted yet again in his direction. Her movement was purposeful, silently expressing her intention.
His blue gaze darted to her, the corners of his mouth twitching in a sheepish half-smile that suggested both embarrassment and an amused resignation to her whims.
Riding the high of her success, Aerith set her Cactuar plush on the floor with care before patting the limited space beside her. "Come on, Tifa," she beckoned, her tone light and welcoming like the summer sun.
The woman hovered at the edge of her decision, her gaze flickering to the empty space. “Wouldn’t that be dangerous?”
"Live a little!" The flower girl laughed. "If it starts to tip, I'll move over."
Trusting in Aerith's words, Tifa set her own plush down and took her place beside her, the balance holding firm as if welcoming the change. They were now squished together on the seat, arms and legs touching.
A faint blush painted Tifa’s cheeks. Her dark eyes held a mix of emotions—uncertainty mingled with excitement.
"There, isn't this cozy?" Aerith said cheerfully.
The martial artist forced a smile, trying to hide her discomfort. "It's a little tight..."
"Nonsense, we fit together perfectly!" Aerith declared. She rested her head on Tifa's shoulder affectionately.
Tifa tensed up again.
On Aerith's other side, Cloud sat rigidly, staring straight ahead out the window. She gave his arm a playful nudge.
"Oh, lighten up you two! We're supposed to be having fun together."
She tilted her head up towards Tifa, gazing at her fondly. The woman met her eyes briefly before looking away, cheeks flushed.
The skywheel continued its lazy rotation as the three sat pressed together in awkward silence. Aerith hummed softly to herself, perfectly content nestled between Tifa and Cloud. She reached out, her hands seeking theirs, her touch light but firm, an anchor in the sea of uncertainty that often surrounded them.
"I'm so lucky to have both of you here with me.” She interlocked their hands in her lap with a happy sigh. “This is nice. It makes me really happy.”
Tifa glanced down at their joined hands resting atop Aerith's thighs. “It is nice,” she agreed, offering Aerith a small smile.
Aerith beamed back at her. Then she turned her bright eyes on Cloud expectantly.
He shifted slightly but didn't pull his hand back. After a prolonged silence, she gave his arm a little nudge. “What do you think, Cloud?”
He pressed his lips together. “It’s…fine,” he murmured without looking at either of them.
Aerith grinned and settled against the seat, satisfied enough with his response.
In the quiet that followed, the only sounds were the distant murmurs of Gold Saucer's patrons and the occasional creak from the skywheel. It was as if the very air recognized the sanctity of the connection they shared. It was a moment of peace amidst chaos, a respite granted by fate or perhaps by the sheer will of the flower girl who sought to sow seeds of happiness wherever she tred.
Cool air brushed against their faces as the skywheel continued its gentle ascent into the night sky, a stark contrast to the warmth of Aerith's hands clasping theirs. Cloud gazed out of the window to the glittering spectacle below, his gaze distant, contemplative.
He took a deep breath, the air cool and thin at their lofty height. It was as if the altitude had cleared a path through the fog of his thoughts. Shifting in his seat, he glanced between Aerith and Tifa with a conflicted expression. The silence stretched on, only the faint music and voices from the ground in the background.
Finally, Cloud spoke up cutting through the quiet with the sharpness of a blade. "What exactly is this? I can’t get a read on you.”
Aerith turned to him, her head tilting inquisitively, a strand of her chestnut hair drifting across her cheek with the motion. "What do you mean?"
He could feel the weight of the question hanging over them, as tangible as the hand she still held. His blue eyes searched hers, seeking answers in the depths of her unwavering gaze.
His brows furrowed as he struggled to articulate the confusion that knotted his chest. The gondola creaked subtly overhead.
"Every time I think I understand," Cloud started, his voice steadier than he felt, "you change the game." He gestured vaguely with his free hand, the movement encompassing the strange, shifting dynamic of their trio. "One minute you are pushing Tifa and me together, then the next you're holding my hand."
Aerith's lips curled into a knowing smile, eyes alight with an unwavering confidence. She glanced down at their joined hands, her grip gentle yet firm as if anchoring him amid his swirling doubts. "Holding both of your hands," she corrected softly, her voice laced with significance as she emphasized the word both.
The simplicity of her statement, paired with the warmth of her touch, left Cloud momentarily speechless. It was an acknowledgment of the unspoken truth she had been hinting at all along. He hesitated, caught between the familiarity of Tifa's presence and the enigmatic allure of Aerith's.
In the quiet that followed, he realized that perhaps the answer wasn't meant to be found in words, but rather in the silent understanding that passed between three souls bound by a common goal.
Tifa's voice was hesitant, tinged with vulnerability. "So, you actually want to…"
Aerith turned to face her. "Darn. I thought I was being pretty clear with all the flirting. Yes, I want to be with both of you," she answered sincerely
Cloud's pulse quickened, the revelation sparking through him like an electric current. The confines of the gondola seemed to shrink, drawing them into a closeness that went beyond mere physical space. He searched Aerith's face for any sign of jest but found only open honesty in her emerald gaze. Cloud's eyes stay fixed on their joined hands, his thumb absently brushing against Aerith's knuckles.
Tifa, meanwhile, appeared frozen, her eyes wide as the words hung between them. Her lips parted slightly, a breath of surprise escaping as her hands started fidgeting. In that moment, Cloud realized the true gravity of what the Ancient had confessed, and the weight pressed upon him as heavily as the sword he bore.
The slow creak of the skywheel sounded above them, a reminder of the world continuing on its axis, indifferent to the delicate balance of hearts. But for Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith, time seemed to pause, waiting patiently for them to navigate the complex web of affection they had woven together.
"Even if you like two people you have to choose," Cloud said finally, his voice barely more than a whisper.
Aerith tilted her head, studying him with those eyes that always seemed to see right through him. She reached out, her touch light on his shoulder, a gentle nudge that somehow managed to stir the air around them. "Says who?" she asked, an impish twinkle returning to her gaze. "Sounds like you're in the same boat."
Cloud caught the faint scent of flowers as she leaned closer, the familiar aroma wrapping around him like a comforting embrace. He could feel the warmth radiating from her skin, the subtle invitation in her proximity—both soothing and disarming. Yet, it was her words that truly unsettled him, because deep down, he feared she might be right.
He felt the slow churn of the gondola as it reached its zenith, the world sprawling beneath them like a vast, intricate tapestry. His gaze lingered on the horizon, where the last embers of daylight clung to the sky. But it wasn't the view that had his heart racing—it was the question hanging in the air, an unsolvable riddle posed by Aerith's playful yet piercing stare.
"No, I'm not," he said, the words feeling thick and clumsy in his mouth. It was a denial, but even as he spoke, doubt threaded through his resolve like poison through veins.
Aerith's eyebrows arched, and her lips curled into a knowing smile—a silent challenge that seemed to echo around the enclosed space. "Oh? Then tell me right now, who do you like more, me or Tifa?" Her voice demanded an answer Cloud wasn't sure he could give.
He looked between the two women - Tifa, his childhood friend with her kind smile and unwavering loyalty—and Aerith, the flower girl who breezed into his life and saw through his aloof facade in an instant.
The answer undoubtedly should be Tifa. And yet, when he tried to bring her name to his tongue, doubt held him ensnarled in its grip. Cloud's pulse hammered in his ears, a relentless drumbeat that matched the rhythm of the gondola's creaks as they swayed gently in the sky.
The compartment dipped slightly, a soft groan of metal yielding to the evening breeze. His eyes flicked away from Aerith's expectant gaze, his hand tightening on the railing as if he could find some anchor in the cold steel.
"I...I don't—" His words broke under the weight of his uncertainty.
Tifa's hand brushed against his, a silent gesture that pulled him back from the precipice of his thoughts. "It's okay, Cloud," she said, her tone carrying reassurance. "Be honest."
Cloud turned towards her, her gentle expression offering a haven from the storm of his emotions. In the dimming light, her eyes reflected a quiet understanding that spoke volumes more than any words could.
"No, I...Tifa..." His voice faltered.
"It's always been you, Cloud." Her confession was soft, yet it cut through the cacophony of the amusement park, reaching straight to his core. "Even when we were kids. All I ever wanted was to be closer to you."
The confession lingered between them, a thread of truth that pulled at the fabric of his carefully built walls. Cloud's chest swelled with a mixture of emotions he couldn't quite name—a cocktail of relief, longing, and something far more vulnerable. Her words echoed in the secret chambers of his own heart, spaces he'd locked away behind stoic silence.
As the skywheel began its descent, the world tilting back into motion, Cloud realized that with Tifa, he didn't need to choose—because the choice had already been woven into the very fabric of who he was, inseparable from the bonds they shared.
The gondola's slow turn afforded them a view of the glittering lights below, but within the confines of their shared space, it was as though nothing else existed.
“I liked you too.”
Cloud's shy admission hung in the air, almost tangible in its weight. Tifa's eyes widened, her pulse quickened, and for a moment she wondered if she'd heard him correctly. The stoic warrior, always so guarded with his emotions, had just laid bare a piece of his past she had never seen.
"You did?" she asked, her voice a mixture of hope and disbelief. A frown creased her brow as confusion set in. "But you never wanted to play with me and the others."
His gaze faltered, drifting away from hers and out toward the horizon where the endless sky met the distant mountains. In the fading light of the dusk, his features were softened, stripping away the harsh lines of battle and revealing the boy she once knew. The one who watched from afar, the one whose silence she had often mistaken for indifference.
He looked back at her, a vulnerability in his deep blue eyes that she had only glimpsed in rare, unguarded moments. "It wasn't that I didn't want to," he said, the words slow and deliberate as if he were choosing each one carefully. "It was just... hard to step into the circle. To be one of you."
Her heart clenched at the confession, understanding dawning on her. She remembered those days, the laughter and the games, and how there was always one who lingered just beyond the edge of the group, his presence like a silent shadow.
"Cloud..." She reached out tentatively, her hand brushing against his arm, offering comfort without words. He needed to know that the boy who watched from a distance had always been a part of their circle, even if he hadn't realized it himself.
Cloud's hand hovered in the space between them, an inch from Tifa's own. "I was too shy," he admitted, finally letting his fingers brush against her skin. It was as if a barrier had crumbled at the touch, one that had stood between them for far too long.
Tifa's lips curved into a gentle smile, and it was like the dawn breaking after a long, uncertain night. "Then I'm glad you aren't still too shy to talk to me."
"Me too," he said, his voice soft but steady.
Aerith's grin was a beacon of warmth in the dimness as she extended her arms, drawing Cloud and Tifa into an embrace that spoke louder than any words they had shared. "Sometimes you don't need to talk," Aerith said, her voice a soothing murmur that resonated with the sentiment of her hug.
Cloud’s arms wrapped around both women with more tenderness than she expected from a SOLDIER.
Tifa's arms immediately encircled him, but when it came to Aerith, she hesitated, the briefest flash of uncertainty settling in. Then, making a conscious decision, Tifa let go of her reservations, reaching out to complete the circle. Her hand settled gently on the woman’s back, completing the trinity of companionship.
The skywheel cabin gently swayed as Aerith's laughter, light and airy, filled the small space. The city lights below painted their faces in a palette of distant stars and neon dreams. Cloud, his usual stoic self, sat with his back straightened, the corners of his mouth twitching into the faintest of smiles.
"See, you both like me too," Aerith said, playfulness dancing in her eyes as she regarded them both.
Cloud shifted uncomfortably, his gaze briefly meeting Aerith's before casting downward, where the city seemed to sprawl endlessly beneath them. "I didn't say that," he muttered, his voice almost lost to the hum of the skywheel's machinery.
The flower girl’s smile didn't falter, her emerald eyes reflecting unspoken knowledge as she leaned back against the seat. “You didn’t have to.”
Cloud's fingers, still intertwined with Aerith's, twitched ever so slightly as if they sought escape or perhaps a deeper connection.
Tifa's chuckle broke the silence. "She has a point.”
"You know what else you don't need to talk for? Kissing," Aerith suggested, the word slipping from her lips effortlessly. She looked at Tifa with a playful tilt of her head, her eyes glinting. The atmosphere, thick with anticipation, seemed to pulse with each beat of Tifa's heart.
Before Tifa could process the full weight of Aerith's suggestion, she found herself gently nudged forward. Her friend’s slender hand on her back was both a force and a comfort.
Tifa's breath caught as the distance between her and Cloud narrowed to mere inches. Cloud's gaze held a question, his own uncertainty mirroring hers, yet there was something else there—a silent longing that spoke volumes.
Time seemed to warp, bending around them, granting them a bubble where nothing else mattered.
"Cloud," she whispered, a name that felt like a key unlocking something deep within her.
He leaned forward ever so slightly, his blue eyes reflecting the fading light, searching her face for permission. The space between them vibrated with the potential of what could be, and at that moment, words were indeed unneeded.
Tifa's pulse hammered in her ears, and she wondered if he could hear it too. The closeness was intoxicating, the warmth of his breath mingling with hers, an unspoken invitation hanging precariously in the air.
A gentle prod at Cloud's back broke the stillness. That was enough; it tipped the balance. With a resolve that seemed to surge from his very core, Cloud closed the gap, his lips meeting hers in a kiss that felt like the mending of two fragmented stars.
The world outside their embrace fell away, leaving only the softness of his lips against hers, the tender pressure that spoke volumes more than any words could convey. Years of hidden glances and quiet yearnings culminated in this single, perfect moment.
Tifa grasped his shirt, steadying herself in this inexplicable reality, as she kissed him back with the urgency of years of pent-up emotions. In contrast, Cloud’s hand cupped her cheek almost reverently, as if he was afraid she was an illusion that might disappear under too much pressure.
As they slowly parted, breathing each other's air, the world seeped back in—the hum of the skywheel, the distant laughter from below, the presence of their companion. Aerith's eyes danced with unrestrained joy, her voice lilting with triumph. "Finally! You look great together by the way."
Tifa’s cheeks flared, but a radiant smile broke over her face. At long last, she and Cloud had bridged the distance looming between them. Whatever paths lay ahead, she knew they would walk them side by side.
"So," Aerith asked, eyes darting eagerly between them, "would one of you like to kiss me next?"
Cloud’s hand tensed ever so slightly around hers as he processed the question.
Though posed lightly, Tifa knew there was vulnerability in the question. Her smile wavered for only a fraction of a second, before she replied, “Sure, why not.” She gripped Cloud’s hand, an unspoken assurance.
Aerith's lips curved into a triumphant smile. With assertive determination, she leaned in, closing the distance between them. Tifa's eyes widened when she made contact, but then, slowly, she melted into the kiss, feeling time slow around her.
It felt entirely different from her kiss with Cloud. While they had fit together like pieces separated for too long, she and Aerith were like coffee and milk, swirling together to make something rich and flavorful.
As they parted, a soft sigh escaped Aerith, and Tifa's cheeks grew warm at the dawning realization of the new, uncharted territories their relationship might explore.
Cloud's gaze lingered on the two women as they separated, an expression of wonder etched across his face. His heart thumped loudly in his chest at how much the sight affected him. They were both so beautiful and together they were enough to risk sanity. His mind was still struggling to process the relationship they were forming, but he knew that he didn’t regret it.
Aerith licked her lips. It was a small, subconscious gesture, but he envied her ability for such fearlessness. "Your turn, Cloud. That is if you want it.” Her words resonated deep within him.
The air between them crackled with an electric charge, a current fueled by the unknown. his hands clenched and unclenched in nervous anticipation as he worked up his courage. He took a breath, his resolve solidifying.
All it took was a nod, and Aerith was inching forward, the deliberate slowness of her approach a stark contrast to the swift, bold kiss she'd shared with Tifa moments ago. It gave Cloud time to back away if he chose. In that suspended moment, he observed the yearning that seemed to beckon his spirit to drop its guard.
Their lips touched, and it was a slow bloom rather than a spark—a question asked and answered at once, affirming the pull of their connection. Cloud's heart, often shrouded in the fog of past regrets, beat with a clarity that resonated in the gentle press of their kiss.
After a blissful moment, Aerith drew back, catching her breath. The world rushed back in a dizzying rush of color and sound. Her eyes shimmered with stars, and her breath escaped in a contented exhalation that seemed to carry every unspoken dream she held dear. "Thank you, Gold Saucer!" she exclaimed.
Tifa pressed against the cool glass of the skywheel compartment, tracing the outline of distant lights that twinkle like gems strewn across the dark velvet landscape. "Oh yeah," she murmured, her voice tinged with wonder as she gestured toward the sprawling vista beyond their suspended cocoon. "We've been missing all of the sights."
Together, they set their sights on the shrinking skyline, a painting in motion, the vibrant colors and flashing lights of the attractions painting a picture of life lived without regrets.
Aerith laughed. “We’ve been too focused on each other.” Her hands remained warmly enveloped around Cloud and Tifa's, an anchor in the vastness of the night sky. The world below them—a canvas of glittering lights and distant laughter—seemed both infinite and intimate from this height.
"Look there," Tifa whispered, leaning closer to the glass. Her breath fogged a small circle on the pane as she pointed out a particular flare of light that danced along the horizon. "Isn't it beautiful?"
Aerith's eyes followed the trajectory of the bartender’s finger, a soft smile playing on her lips as she shared in the delight of the sight.
"This view's better," Cloud murmured, his voice barely audible.
Both women turned to him, and the smiles that graced their lips were reflections of one another—warm, genuine, and filled with an affection that was as bright as any light shining below. In that moment, the dazzling displays of the Gold Saucer faded into insignificance beside their simple joy.
The lively chatter outside grew louder as they approached the ground.
"We can always come again," Aerith said, motioning toward the window where the world outside beckoned for more adventures. "But it's your turn to pick our next date."
Cloud shifted in his seat, the weight of her suggestion settling upon him like the buster sword he so often carried—a burden and a responsibility, yet something he wouldn't part with for the world. He met her gaze, then Tifa's, feeling the pull of their shared journey drawing him closer to both.
"Our next date, huh?" he echoed, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. There was a hint of color on his cheeks, perhaps from the thrill of the rides or the warmth of the moment, and for once, it seemed as though the ever-stoic soldier was allowing himself a thread of anticipation for what lay ahead.
The skywheel's door swung open with a creak, and the trio stepped out into the carnival. The cacophony of game stalls and joyous screams from distant rides enveloped them once again.
Tifa's gaze lingered on him, a smile breaking across her face promising future escapades. "I know just the place," Tifa said.
Before Cloud could respond, a sudden force yanked at his arm, spinning him towards a whirlwind of energy. Yuffie, ever the embodiment of uncontained spirit, had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, her hand latching onto him as if he would disappear like a ninja in mist. Her eyes were alight with the kind of zeal that typically preceded some wild scheme.
"Cloud!" she whined, her voice a pitch that could rival the high notes of the roller coaster screams. "You've gotta help me! Scouted the whole area and there's only one materia. Only problem is it's worth a buttload of GP. Tell me you've got 'em."
Cloud felt the weight of his empty pockets metaphorically, if not literally. He met her expectant gaze, where hope danced in her eyes like the flickering lights of the arcade games around them.
"Sorry. I used them all up," he said, his words flat and final.
“You did?” Yuffie's shoulders slumped, her grip loosening in defeat, though her spirit, Cloud knew, would not be dampened for long.
Her eyes darted to find their prize, landing with disbelief on the colorful plushies in the women’s arms. "Toys? Seriously?" Her voice pitched high, tinged with the kind of mock outrage only Yuffie could master.
Aerith, always the peacemaker, stepped forward with a grace that seemed to calm the immediate vicinity. Her hands cradled the green Cactuar plushie. With a gentle thrust, she presented it mere inches from the ninja’s face, her eyes radiating with delight. "They're just adorable, aren't they?" Her smile was infectious, radiating warmth that beckoned even the most hardened warrior to recall innocence long forgotten.
The Cactuar's round eyes and stitched smile bordered on comical, its simplicity a stark reminder of life's simpler pleasures amidst their convoluted quest.
Yuffie's eyes lingered on the plush Cactuar, her initial anger giving way to a brief, whimsical respite before snapping back to her usual energetic fervor. She shook her head, dispelling the enchantment of soft fabrics and cute designs with a singular, determined jerk.
"Wait! That's not the point!" She jabbed an accusatory finger towards Cloud, her voice rising with passion for the true treasure they all sought in their travels. "Materia is a way better prize than those." Her stance was set, defiant, and unyielding, a warrior unwilling to concede the battle for magical trinkets that held the power of gods. "That settles it." Her gaze locked onto his, filled with the fiery challenge that always seemed to simmer beneath her youthful exterior. "You're gonna earn more points and win it for me."
Cloud stood, arms crossed over his chest, a contemplative frown etched upon his features as he regarded her. With a steadfast resolve that had carried him through countless fights, he met her stare, unwavering.
"Not happening," he said, his voice flat and final.
Yuffie's shoulders slumped ever so slightly, the fire in her eyes dimming but not extinguished. She knew when a battle was lost, yet in the depths of her ninja heart, the war for precious Materia was never truly over.
The ninja’s brows furrowed in a mix of indignation and disbelief, her arms falling to her sides like deflated balloons. "But you won them prizes," she accused, her voice pitching high as she gestured toward the oversized stuffed toys clasped in the women’s hands.
Cloud shifted his weight, the faintest hint of a sigh escaping him, his gaze lingering momentarily on the plush Cactuar Aerith clutched with possessive delight. The corners of his mouth twitched, betraying the stoic facade he so often wore. "That's different," he replied, the depth of his voice contrastingly calm against Yuffie's crescendo of frustration.
The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the trio, creating a silent audience of their elongated forms stretched over the Gold Saucer's vibrant walkway. Despite the jovial atmosphere surrounding them, a tension palpable only to those bound by battle and shared purpose hung in the air. Yuffie's eyes darted between the prizes and Cloud, searching for an understanding that seemed just out of reach.
Yuffie's eyes narrowed, her lips pursed in confusion as she prodded for a clearer explanation. "How so?" she complained, her voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and exasperation.
Aerith's gaze subtly shifted towards Tifa, her emerald eyes reading the unspoken dialogue written across her friend's face—a blend of amusement and anticipation. With the grace of a blooming flower, she stepped closer to Cloud and wrapped her arm around his, her fingers gently squeezing the fabric of his sleeve. "Because we're his girlfriends," she declared with a playful tilt of her head, her words floating on the air like a melody.
Cloud's stance stiffened at Aerith's touch, an internal struggle briefly flashing across his features before settling into a quiet acceptance. The setting sun bathed them in its golden hue, casting an almost ethereal glow on the scene that unfolded, while the sounds of the bustling Gold Saucer faded into a distant murmur.
"Whaat?!" The word burst from Yuffie like a shuriken, swift and sharp, as she ping-ponged her gaze between the three of them. Her hands fluttered at her sides, mirroring the chaos of her thoughts—a whirlwind of disbelief and astonishment that seemed to echo in the cacophony of Gold Saucer’s arcade symphony.
Tifa's lips quirked up just the slightest bit, a silent chuckle at their friend’s theatrics. She met Yuffie’s wide-eyed stare with the calm warmth that always seemed to radiate from her when she was confident in her footing. "It's true," she affirmed, her voice steady yet gentle, like the undercurrent of a stream that carried depth beyond its surface serenity.
Cloud shifted uncomfortably, his gaze briefly finding the colorful patterns on the cobblestones beneath their feet, before he managed to lift it back to the trio. His hand, still enclosed by Tifa's, gave an almost imperceptible squeeze—a quiet acknowledgment of the reality they had woven together.
“Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!” Yuffie's exclamation was so fast it sounded like one giant word as she bounced on the balls of her feet. Her eyes were wide with a hunger for details, the kind of insatiable curiosity that had always been her hallmark. “How the heck did this happen?”
Tifa's response was laced with a hint of amusement, and she offered an easy shrug. "I guess one thing just led to another," she said, her voice tinged with the laughter she kept at bay. Her gaze drifted to Cloud, sharing a private look that held volumes of unsaid words—a shared history that had suddenly taken an unexpected turn.
The ex-SOLDIER’s attention, meanwhile, remained divided, his expression a complex tapestry of confusion, surprise, and something else—perhaps a dawning realization. His eyes flicked from Tifa's soft smile to Aerith's playful grin, and he couldn't quite suppress the way the corner of his mouth twitched upwards in response.
The Ancient watched the exchange, her green eyes dancing with delight. She wrapped an arm around Tifa's waist and leaned in, her head resting lightly against Tifa's shoulder in a display of affection that seemed to embolden the ninja’s incredulity.
"Come on, you can't leave it at that!" Yuffie pressed, her hands now clasped together as if in prayer for more juicy details. "There's gotta be more to it, spill!"
But Tifa simply shook her head with a upturned lips. "Some stories are better left untold," she suggested, squeezing Cloud's hand once more as they stood together, united in their shared secret and the adventure that lay ahead.
Yuffie's eyes narrowed in mock defeat, her arms flopping to her sides as she kicked at a stray pebble. It skittered across the cobblestone path of Gold Saucer, mirroring the sharp twist of her lips. "Damn, I'm definitely not getting that materia now," she muttered under her breath, loud enough for the others to hear.
Cloud turned to regard her with a raised brow, his spiky blonde hair catching the gleam of the neon lights above. "Why's that?" he asked, the echo of curiosity threading through the gravelly tone of his voice.
The ninja folded her arms across her chest, tilting her head back to meet his gaze. Her eyes, usually so quick and vigilant, held a glint of playful accusation as she shook her head with a dramatic sigh.
His gaze lingered on her, waiting for an answer. There was a certain stillness to the group, a collective pause as the Gold Saucer buzzed and hummed around them, its lights dancing off the faces of passersby who were lost in their own adventures.
Yuffie shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her eyes darting to the women before settling back on him. "Cause I bet 500 GP you were going to get with Aerith," she said, her voice carrying a note of defeat wrapped in reluctant admittance.
A crease formed between Cloud's brows, his hands unconsciously tightening into fists at his sides. The notion that someone would wager on the outcomes of his tangled relationships seemed absurd.
"You had a bet?" he asked, the words slipping out more like an accusation than a question. His blue eyes, sharp with a mix of surprise and annoyance, pierced through the facade of Yuffie's usual carefree demeanor, seeking something deeper, something true behind the playful banter.
The ninja girl met his stare head-on, the corners of her mouth twitching upward in a half-hearted attempt at her typical cheeky grin. But there was no mistaking the underlying hint of sincerity; this was more than just a game to her.
Yuffie's nod came with a certain resignation, her ponytail bouncing slightly as she acknowledged the truth. "Yep. Barret bet you were gonna get with Tiffa. And Red thought Aerith and Tifa were gonna 'cause of that date,” she explained, her hands fidgeting with the hem of her oversized shuriken holster, a telltale sign of her discomfort.
Tifa crossed her arms over her chest, a small, knowing smile playing on her lips. The warmth in her eyes couldn't be mistaken for anything but fond amusement as she took in her confession. She turned her gaze toward Cloud, who remained silent, his spiked blond hair catching the glint of the artificial lights of the Gold Saucer. His expression was an unreadable mask, yet there was a softness there, a hint of vulnerability that wasn't often permitted to surface.
"Then none of you lost," Tifa said, her voice steady and sure, a contrast to the chaotic energy that always seemed to swirl around Yuffie.
Her statement hung in the air for a moment, a simple declaration that seemed to settle some unspoken tension among them. It was an acknowledgment of the complicated web of relationships they had woven together, an acceptance of whatever form their connections might take.
Yuffie's eyes widened, an exaggerated pout forming on her lips as she processed Tifa's words. She tossed her head back, a playful huff escaping her as she conceded to the complexity of their intertwined affections. "I guess you're right," she said, the corners of her mouth twitching in a reluctant smile. "Or we all lost. Either way, you three won the jackpot."
“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” Aerith said beaming.
“Well, alright, your three have fun.” Yuffie shuffled away, grumbling to herself about GP.
The night air of the Gold Saucer was filled with the sounds of distant laughter and the mechanical symphony of arcade machines, yet, at that moment, the gentle giggles of Aerith and Tifa seemed to rise above it all. They stood close, shoulders brushing, the glow from the amusement park lights casting soft shadows on their faces.
Aerith's lips curved with delight and a hint of victory. "I couldn't have said it better myself,” she agreed.
Tifa's giggle melded harmoniously with Aerith's, a sound as comforting as a warm blanket at the end of a long day. Cloud’s cheeks warmed with genuine happiness.
They had a long road ahead of them, but he wouldn’t have wanted to face it with anyone else.
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