heavenlyascent · 4 months
You can tell what the ship war/Tifa vs Aerith/Whose the “True” Heroine/Love of FF7 is about because it never includes Barret, despite him being a romance candidate (even IF the OG boiled it down to one big antiblack gay joke), or Yuffie (thankfully because of her age though I shutter to think how she would have been treated if she was an older, viable candidate), or Zack despite his bond with Cloud, or Jessie for that matter. All these are background elements to the ongoing fight over who is the default love interest and thus true love of Cloud.
Which is boiled down to, which one of these women are meant for this man.
It doesn't care that Final Fantasy 7 is a world-spanning story about humanity, genocide, imperialism, and trauma. It ignores that while Cloud is ultimately our main character, it's a story of an entire cast of main characters who are just as important to the ever moving plot as Cloud.
And really, as it insults Tifa and Aerith by trying to suggest one's story is more "important" than the other, it also insults Barret by completely ignoring that his efforts are the instigating factors OF the story and that the running theme of saving the planet? Is because Barret was the first one to scream it in the narrative. It ignores Yuffie's and Red XIII's fight to preserve their dying cultures in a world that actively wants to destroy them for the sake of capitalism. It ignores Cid as someone whose dreams were crushed by capitalism and become so consumed by his pain, he hurt everyone around him. It ignores how Vincent played an active role in Sephiroth's birth and the core corruption of Shinra.
And I think it absolutely misses the theme of FF7 and Cloud in general. Cloud loves everyone. He loves all his friends. If the Remakes and Rebirth did anything, it put on display that there's not one single person that Cloud loves--but all those he has met. Yes, he loves Tifa and loves Aerith and maybe in one or both, he has romantic feelings for them but he clearly loves Barret, Red XIII, Yuffie, Zack, Jessie, Bigs, Wedge, Reeve/Cait, and--as we'll see later--Cid and Vincent.
If any of them died, Cloud would have been devastated. Aerith is special and he mourns her in a specific way because she's AERITH. Not because she's the ONE. SHE'S AERITH. Irreplaceable just like Tifa, just like Barret, just like Yuffie, just like Red XIII, just like Zack, and Cait/Reeve, Cid, and Vincent.
For the last near 30 years, the ship wars have rewrote Cloud's intense love for the people around him as just a heteronormative love story and it's gross.
None of the characters deserve that, but specifically Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith who are so much more than players in a stupid love triangle.
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sephifrog · 2 months
reverse isekai sephiroth pretty please I love your work ehehehe 🌸🥰
Hey Anon! You are so sweet I’m glad you enjoy them! I’m gonna throw in self-aware au as well i hope you don’t mind if you do lmk and I'll redo them <3 i hope this is to your liking!
Earth's gravity is definitely heavier than Midgar so I feel he took a little to get used to it, but anything to get to you he had studied all types of magic, alchemy, and meteria to get to your world.
 when you were in the middle of his boss fight and he lunged at the camera you didn’t really think anything of it until the power surged and a 6’7 man was flying towards you.
He’s shocked it worked but isn’t complaining.
You don’t know what the fuck is going on but who are you to question it (you think it’s a dream for a few days jfobsoihf).
He’s a quick study so even though his body feels heavy he’s picking up earth (your) mannerisms.
He doesn’t like being alone for the first few weeks and almost got arrested for having Masamune on him in public (he refused to leave it at your apartment).
he‘s happy for the first time in a long time being with you in your world.
you read enough reverse isakai fics to settle quickly.
He likes the black turtle necks you brought him and enjoys learning how to cook with earth ingredients (“Why is the Chocobo so small you eat baby ones?” “...seph-” you buy him a children's animal book lmaooo).
The first time he went to the shops with you a few final fantasy fans came up and he started to tense up so you had to shoo them away saying he was shy and practicing for the con in a few months.
“What’s a con?-” “Don’t even worry about it” he worries about it and looks it up when you guys get home.
You guys settle into a rhythm and he reads up on final fantasy lore .
“Hironobu Sakaguchi/Square Enix I just wanna talk” becomes a meme in the house.
He doesn’t get a lot of them but he loves cat memes (the cat salad one is his fav and he always sends it to you).
It takes him a while to fully settle but when he does he is truly happy.
If he needs to get a job he would probably get into security.
Or even cooking I feel he would be an amazing chef -let him trot around a cafe too.
just him in an apron.
He keeps his hair long and loves you looking up styles to do on him.
Feel he's a shit driver but he doesn’t trust Uber so either you have to drive or walk everywhere.
Enjoys watching you play games while he relaxes and reads about the world (he plays when you're not home so he doesn’t embarrass himself- chuckles at the stunned look on your face when he beats you in a round of your favorite game)
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prismaticpichu · 3 months
How do you think zack would react to sephiroth's wing? (with seph ofc being disgusted and ashamed of it) :3
Dhdhhdhdhdhhddh! That PREMISE, ANON! <333
In a world where sane!Seph has his wing…
Slowly, Sephiroth lifted his gaze from the wretched stretch of plumage bleeding like an oil spill from his side, draconic eyes seeming to widen and flicker as they met the unyielding light of Mako-blue.
And Sephiroth read those eyes, reading them like a book that held all the answers to his world.
And he read them.
And read.
And read.
And read.
And read.
And read…
And the light in those blue eyes never went out.
“You know this doesn’t change anything… right?” Zack’s voice was nothing more than a tender whisper as he reached out, placing a reassuring hand on his friend’s shoulder. “This doesn’t change a single thing.”
Sephiroth didn’t have the words, subdued into silence by the inexplicable understanding in his friend’s words, only able to muster a quiet swallow as his wing quivered and twitched against his side.
“But…” He said after a few beats, the warrior’s tone shrinking in his throat. “How… how can you…—“
“How can I say that?” Zack finished kindly, without blame, a small and delicate smile budding on the First’s lips. “Because it’s the truth, pal. Wing or no wing… you’re still Seph. You’re human. You’re still my best friend. And nothing is gonna ever change that.”
Sephiroth couldn’t remember the last time he felt his lips quiver, struggling to remember the last time he had felt the burning swell of mist trying to rise in his eyes. He blinked and bit to suppress both sensations, the draconic slits expanding to orbs, glistening wetly against the cool jade waters surrounding them.
“But…” He couldn’t help but say, the hesitations not all yet assuaged. “Genesis, Angeal… their wings… They said it made them…” And the man shook his head, silver bangs swaying defiantly at the memory.
“Hey, hey…” Zack got out of his chair, having pulled it over to be closer to his treasured friend, and kneeled in front of him to clutch his quivering hands. “Don’t say that, bud. You and me… we know that’s not true. ‘Geal, Genesis… it wasn’t the wings that made them inhuman. Heck—it wasn’t the experiments or even the degradation as a whole…” His eyes saddened for a moment, glossing over with their own tide of melancholy, a fragile sheen that coated the sapphires as they gazed deep into the emeralds again. “..None of that physical stuff made them inhuman, pal. It was the decisions they made… And—and I don’t know if it was degradation twisting their minds, but… you would never hurt anyone like they did, bud. You would never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it. You did everything in your power to protect those two, even when they turned their backs on us.” He squeezed his friend’s hand tighter, squeezing all his promises and pleas and words unspoken into the loving gesture, trying and fighting to squeeze the poisonous thoughts out of his system as a man would wring a cloth.
“And that’s what makes you human, Seph.”
And he reached out, running his fingers through the velvety terrain of feathers, his nails gingerly grazing the glistening stretch of of night like someone tracing constellations stars in the sky, gliding and drawing and tracing because he knew the appendage would never hurt him.
“Undeniably and wholly human.”
When the teardrop fell from Sephiroth’s eyes, it felt slowly, like a drop of dew rolling off the wilting pressure of a petal, trailing down from his glimmering eyes and plunking softly onto the desk. Armored shoulders began to tremble, rising and quivering to the rhythm of his bridled breath and then falling back down again, the plated shift of metal and muscle ringing quietly around the office.
He—he just didn’t understand it. Couldn’t process it. How… how could someone so scarred and wounded walk into an office with and see him with his wing unfurled, having revealed in an impulsive bout of reflection, and not be disgusted or terrified? How could Zack not see what he saw in the unholy white feathers of Angeal or the scraggly ashes of Genesis? How could he but be abhorred, or appalled, or… or angry at him for keeping such a secret? How could he not immediately question where it came from; how could he not question if he was apart of the scheme; how could he not question everything about him, breaking him apart, looking at each plume like a symbol of cruelty and inhumanity and question everything he had ever known to he true about him?
How… how could he still love him as much as he did?
Overwhelmed, Sephiroth squeezed his friend’s hand in turn, biting his lip and swatting his eyes and shaking his head once more.
“Oh, buddy…”
As the arms wrapped around him, pulling him close to his chest, Sephiroth did all but try to resist the warm and assuaging embrace, sinking deep into his best friend’s shoulder and letting the rivers flow. Quivering and straining, Sephiroth buried his face deep into the familiar threads, lifting his own arms to enfold around the First in an unspeakable display of gratitude and trust, his throat clogged and smothered with the blessed emotions he felt at being blessed with such a wonderful friend. He held him closer, unnatural silver hair cascading down his sides, celestial catlike slits open to glowing green fissures, and lifted his wing to envelope their embrace in another layer of warmth and protection, cocooning both him and his cherished friend in a swaddle of silky feathers.
And when Zack did nothing but sink further into the embrace, unruffled and unafraid, Sephiroth knew the truth.
“I… I am human…” he whispered shakily, almost as if he couldn’t believe it.
Only he did.
He believed it with all his heart.
Because a monster couldn’t feel love like this.
Young, strong arms squeezed him tighter, nuzzling deep into the crook of his neck, holding him closer and against his heart and feeling every beat of Zack’s heart drum against his own.
“There’s the Seph I know and love…” he smiled gently. “Doesn’t believe any kind of crap.”
Quivering lips curled into a faint smile of his own, emerald eyes blinking hazily against the teary pebbles beading his lashes.
And he tightened his wing around them, blanketing them both, cherishing its warmth for the first time since inhuman hands had grafted it into his skin.
And he thought about how beautiful the truth could be.
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up-sideand-down · 5 months
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I love the hidden sort of coming of age stories in the storyline. Three characters are essentially children through a large chunk of the game and you get to see them grow up and inspire the adults around them. That felt super powerful to me as a kid.
The most obvious is Yuffie. Yuffie is a teenager. She feels shame at what she sees is her father's weak surrender to Wutai. She wanted to keep fighting and naively believed if she got powerful enough materia, she could do it and free her country. She hates ShinRa and criticizes Barret even as he expresses his shame in ever trusting ShinRa. All of these are things teens do. They think they're adults, they know everything, they lack the ability to empathize and see things from someone else's point of view. Yuffie just sees Barret's decision to get a mako reactor as a dumb decision, not a decision that, at the time, seemed like it would help people. She just wants to act!
But she grows, and it hurts. She robs her friends and allies. She betrays them because she must free Wutai. No matter the cost. They would see it in the end.
But she fails. Miserably. She gets rescued by people who are very much her enemy. She has to beg for forgiveness from her friends who should hate her. And somehow...they do forgive her. They let her back in. They even support her as she confronts her father, both physically and philosophically. And they come to an understanding. Her father gave up, yes, but he was trying to save lives. And it worked. But maybe now, if she does it right this time, they can work towards restoring their honor again. It gets buried under the annoyance of losing all your materia, but I really like this growth with Yuffie. Sure she sill tries to get all that Materia, but she grows. She doesn't just fight, she saves lives. She even saves Rufus ShinRa's life. She could have let him die, she probably really wanted to. But maybe...she was grown up enough to admit beating ShinRa was a moot point. It was time to start building. She started there. That's a tough feat as a teen, seeing when to admit you are wrong, and which fight actually matters.
A little less obvious is Nanaki. He hides his age so very well. He speaks eloquently (and in a deep voice in the remakes). He has knowledge of the planet the other's do not and he shares it. He very much acts like sage old man. But that mask slips. He makes snarky, biting remarks. He plays around in Costa Del Sol. The immaturity slips out.
Finally the mask fully falls away in Comso Canyon. Because he's safe. He no longer has to hide as Red XIII. He can be Nanaki again because Cosmo will always love, protect, and accept Nanaki. We can see the "old sage" facade was really him imitating Bugenhagen, his grandfather figure. He has a similar tale of shame to Yuffie. He repeats the tale about Seto and declares he's not a father at all. Bugenhagen has to lead him all the way to the truth for Nanaki to admit...he didn't know the truth at all. Then Nanaki sees Bugenhagen admit...he can't really tell if the planet will die. Bugenhagen doesn't know everything. And that makes it easy for Nanaki to agree to leave his safe haven again. He doesn't know the future, and he doesn't have to. He has to just trust in the people he has chosen to surround himself with. Most of all he has to trust himself. That's part of growing up. You have to trust yourself, that you can choose to do right and go with it.
The last is Cloud. Cloud is 21, but deep inside...he's still 16. I doubt 5 years in a secret lab did anything to mature his mind. Cloud spends almost the entire game pretending to be an adult. A lot of adulthood for Cloud is ignoring things that make him uncomfortable. Another good chunk is violence. He reacts violently to a lot of people, choosing fight over any kind of conversation. Maybe due to Sephiroth's influence, or maybe..because the conversation will hurt a lot more. Him finally facing his past is a very painful venture, but he does it and we finally see the real Cloud. We can finally put together what parts of the game were actually him and what was him playing pretend (or being puppeted).
By the end of the game Cloud is still wildly immature, but he is finally getting to grow. He has a lot of unhealthy habits and coping mechanisms to undo, but he finally faces the reason why: that chance to grow was forcibly taken from him due to no fault of his own. That is a very good reason, but it is still up to Cloud to finish growing up. He struggles and stumbles a lot. But he also faces flaws and forgives them. It's another very powerful lesson kids learn. You can't be perfect. You are going to make awful mistakes. You have to own up to it. You have to grow.
I don't know if this gets actually ignored, but these arcs in particular are what kept me in FF7. The kids.
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I also love Hojo/Lucy but she is gone and this old man still needs some love ToT
I love Hojo and Lucrecia in a sense I love how toxic they can be. It's my favorite tragic and toxic ship. They fit so well together as mentor and apprentice, husband and wife, two intellectuals in a pod. Lucy was just as crazy and unethical as Hojo, throwing her own life and body to a parasite in her womb, and even so far after her death Hojo poured all his love and energy into making their parasitic son the best damned experiment in the lab, the most powerful weapon he made with his own hands. Carefully tending to and raising with a firm hand and heart so he can get results he wants, and when Sephiroth "died" is when Hojo mourned him like his wife had mourned and wailed into the night over her son being taken.
And now Hojo found a new man, he wasn't as smart as Lucrecia, but he was loyal and strategic. I'd like to think Hojo would be mentally beating himself up over his love for Heidegger because he's so so different from his late wife. Maybe they can have sons together (Hojo maybe wanting to be closer to the mother figure he took from Sephiroth's life, so he shifts and changes things in his body so he can carry and birth his and Heidegger's sons". mmmm mpreg
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 year
Since you're is a Ganondorf fan, can you rank your favorite iterations of the guy?
I am going to be excluding the classic pig beasts and the calamity for this because they'll be on the bottom, so this will be exclusively incarnations of Ganondorf, the man behind the monster himself.
Number 1. Ocarina of Time - A timeless classic with simple, yet effective characterization who does so much with such little screentime. He starts out as a king of thieves with a large ambition who is willing to kill anyone who gets in the way of his prize, and said prize was the triforce, and he actually gets it, well a piece of it. Then in the future, he goes from that to a true King of Evil, and judging by the impact his reign has had on the land, and the fact that he nearly genocided the Zora and Gorons, is honestly enough to inform the player that he's somehow crueler than before. Also HE PLAYS HIS OWN THEME ON AN ORGAN AND IT DOESN'T FEEL CHEESEY. OOT Ganondorf was and IS the blueprint for any future incarnations of the character, and he still happens to be the best.
Number 2. Tears of The Kingdom - Despite the slightly confusing connection he has to Calamity Ganon and his timeline placement still not clarified as the actual Founding of Hyrule or its Re-founding, this is the second best Ganondorf in the entire series. Matt Mercer was better than expected, his designs slap, his usual strong presence is still there, HE GAVE GORONS CRACK (I wish I was joking), and overall he was delightfully charismatic and evil. And the best part of it is that this is the ONLY Ganondorf so far in canon that seems aware of what he is and enjoys every minute of being The Demon King. A true villain, this one is.
Number 3. Smash Bros - He was a last minute inclusion in Melee, a bad character in Brawl, a joke in smash 4 gameplay-wise. So why is he Number 3? He was a good "Orcus on His Throne" villain in Subspace, he got a HUGE upgrade in Ultimate, and the aura around him and the energy he has in ALL the games is 100% Ganondorf, from his taunts to the heaviness of his attacks. One of his taunts is literally him taking out a sword and putting it away, implying that he could use it, but only needs his overwhelming power to beat his enemies, and it's the type of arrogance I expect from Ganondorf when he's at the height of his power. He ain't the best character in the games and is in need of buffs, but I do believe he's a good representation of Ganondorf outside the main series. Also when do you ever see Ganon interacting with Bowser, Sephiroth, Ridley, AND King Dedede in offical media?
Number 4. Hyrule Warriors - To sum up this incarnation of Ganondorf, he's a prototype TOTK Ganondorf, and is another great representation of the character outside the main series, and you do play as him in the main story, alongside Zant and Ghirahim. Only reason why he's 4th is because I do find smash to have a more interesting premise, and there's something cathardic about Ganondorf just punching the shit outta people.
Number 5. Twilight Princess - He's on the same level as Wind Waker Ganondorf to me, but I LOVE how he's just a full on recreation of OOT Ganondorf who takes a backseat to be the final boss. He's active through Zant for a lot of the game, and when we hear about him, he's basically built up as a ruthless ass bastard with a god complex, and he himself is such a god damn great final boss. He lacks the depth Wind Waker's Ganon has, but his status as a great villain is as clear as day.
Number 6. Wind Waker - He has a surprisingly weak presence compared to his other incarnations, but Wind Waker Ganondorf is carried by a great final battle and genuine depth as a character. The best way to sum him up is "The Lord of A Dead Empire," and everytime he's appears, that becomes clearer and clearer. Despite this characterization of the big bad king being sadder than usual, this guy is still downright evil to the bone, so don't be caught off guard. Sure, he's lower on the list, but he's still pretty amazing, and he's also 50% of the fandom's favorite incarnation of him, which is honestly an achievement.
Number 7. Cadence of Hyrule - When I found out he was a child and not a problem in the slightest, I was shocked and confused since Classic Ganon is in the game. He isn't good as a character or villain here, but I like the idea of a young boy Ganondorf just doing whatever while a teenage Link walks around Hyrule.
Number 8. Four Swords Adventure - Ganondorf himself doesn't appear as a man at all, but he appears in Classic Beast Ganon, and in all honesty... meh. I like that he's a reincarnation though
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yeetusdabussy · 2 years
NSFW and SFW for Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal with a Black S/O thats a female pls 🥺🤎
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── ・ 。☆*Warning*☆゚.──
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❈•≫────≪•◦ SFW◦•≫────≪•❈
(ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡look at this ginger headed madafucka. Such a work of art, but besides his beauty and personality, he loves taking the subject from himself and drawing it back to you. He wants to learn every little thing about you and what you enjoy doing in your life when you first met, he just found you so beautiful and unique.
(ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ would learn to help you with your hair. He doesn't care what it is, braiding, washing it, helping you take it down, or even help you put your hair in a protective style. HE WILL buy you a matching silk bonnet with a silk pillowcase and all! This boy will even learn the history of your hair and styles. What can I say, he's a man of knowledge.
(ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡he would LOVE if you ask him for help with anything. He wants to show you how much he loves you, and he has no problem showing it in public either, he's just more quiet about his PDA. So sit in his lap and chill with him please!
"Hey, I couldn't help but notice you from over there, ur new around here huh?" He gave you a soft smile. "I'm Genesis by the way."
❈•≫────≪•◦ NSFW ◦•≫────≪•❈
❦ Oh man, this mam takes his SWEET time with you. You thought he was gonna be a innocent wittle submissive cinnamon roll huh? Yeah no, this man got some kinks, look at the amount of books this mf goes through if he had the time. This MF is a tease, but he's gentle about it. Like example, light caresses to your cocoa skin and small peppering kisses to your neck whenever you're close by him or laying on his chest whenever he is reading.
❦He loves when you sit on his face, but don't be fooled, he's a power bottom. He'll have you sit on his face for hours, whispering soft praises about how much he adores you and all you've done for him.
❦ He's not the biggest but he's pretty fucking thick! He's only a good 5.7 inches when hard and 5.4inches when soft. But boy does he know how to work it, its just too damn thick. And he knows that so be grateful for his playful teasing of foreplay.
You gripped his hair, and grinded against his face. He gripped and caressed your thighs with his hands, gods did he love the taste of you. The way your brown smooth thighs feels around his head is magical, he gets pussy drunk every time you're suffocating him with the super soaker down below. "You- fuck, baby you taste so good. Gonna cum for me right love?" He nips your inner thigh and chuckle. "this is the best meal I've had."
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─────── • SFW • ───────
(ㅍωㅍ)Look at this cat eyed mf. GORGEOUS, but anyways, he's a very busy man love. Thus guy has no remorse in his words and the things he does. But you! You changed him. well not really, he's still a dick to everyone else but he'll make a exception of you.
(ㅍωㅍ)if you don't agree with his plans he'll make you, this man has yandere written all over him, like he loves you, ofc but you got some competition with cloud. That mf on his mind daily. But nothing beats the way your curly hair feels between his fingers. He adores your curls and he reminds you of that.
(๑・`◡´・๑) Anyways besides his toxicity, if you're with him, you're LUCKY. But man does he love your skin, he loves sweets so to him you're nothing more than a sweet tooth he should stay away from.but he's so addicted to you.
(๑・`◡´・๑) he has no problem taking you out, showing PDA and even long kisses at the dawn of daylight in front of everybody. He wants people to know you're his, and he's quite possessive. He will have you with him at all times. Where ever he goes, you go, and where ever YOU go, he goes.
(๑・`◡´・๑)He adores you, A LOT. But he can get a bit. Rude sometimes,but he will.apologize if he made you sad or cry. It breaks his heart to know he's the cause of your pain. And if someone else hurts your feelings. Well RIP that ass ayee. Also he will enjoy cuddles on a daily based.
ꨄ︎He is Dom! No if ands or butts. He loves when you're in reserve cowgirl. He might not admit it, but he loves the way chocolatey ass bounces on him. Watching the way his cock disappears and reappear like some damn magic tragic.
ꨄ︎ speaking of cock, he's pretty big. A good 7.4 inches when hard and 5.7 when soft. He's a GROWER on the skinnier side but great! And ugh he's so sweet bed. You might think He's rough, but he let's you go at your own pace because in his eyes, watching you work yourself up with his cock is a ego boost.
ꨄ︎He really loves when you go down on him, this is the only time he's rough, he can't help it. Your grown plush glossy lips wrapped around his long cock. He's definitely the type to train you to take him balls deep down your throat.
"Such a sweetheart you are, getting yourself riled up on my cock quite pathetically." He whispers into your ear, having your legs wrapped around his waist as he holds your hands into his. His pretty eyes staring down into yours with full of just and adoration. "I'll kill any pathetic man that looks your way ~" he isn't joking either.
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✬━ *ೃ:. 。* ゚✲✧SFW✧✲゚。.: ೃ*━✬✧
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎აlook at this man, beefy ass arms, I hope he.will choke the fu- so he loves the way you handle yourself, so out spoken, not afraid to speak up, and always know when shit is shady. He loves you for how intelligent and beautiful you're.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა he loves to hold you, IN PRIVATE! Like I've said, sadly he's not into PDA that much. He has a image to hold and he doesn't want enemies to end up using you to get to him.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა he loves to play with your hair as well! He knows its your crown and he treats it with such gentle care, even asking what does and doesn't work for you and your hair. He has no problem grabbing hair products for you..............unless its pads......
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა oh yeah oddly enough. This man eats a lot. He'll love you even more if you stuff his face. He does believe in "great food means happy husband." And he also agrees with "spoiled girlfriend means happy girlfriend." He has no problem spoiling you if he has the money ofc!
✬━ *ೃ:. 。* ゚✲✧NSFW✧✲゚。.: ೃ*━✬✧
❦ oh shit, here comes the pussy bandit hahaha, nah but fr...he'll have you.shaking under him like a human.vibrator the way his hips.meets yours and the way his cock hits that sweet gummy spot each time one point.
❦ he can tease sometimes! He loves hearing you beg for him. You look so pretty when you beg with tears and a sniffling nose, he feels so bad that you have to take his big fat 8inch cock. Don't worry he encourages you and let's you take your time.
❦ this man has no problem with you being on top. He's a switch, he's into lovemaking and sharing exchanged power in the bedroom. Whatever you say, goes. He does whatever you ask if you're doming him. He actually low key loves it more. Something about your little structure abusing His cock.
"That's it honey, take your time."He mumbles into your ear, hugging your waist and pulling you closer to him. He felt so warm and comfortable against you. Having your fingers run through his silky hair as you moved your hips. "O-oh- m'gonna cum !"You yelled. All he could do was smirk and kiss under your jawline softly. "Go ahead, mark what's yours ~"
✬━ *ೃ:. 。* ゚✲✧✧✲゚。.: ೃ*━✬✧
THANKS FOR REQUESTING(Do not repost anywhere else. Reblogs are okay!)
Gif made by @yeetusdabussy
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voidsentprinces · 3 years
Job Quests
Gladiator: A woman leading a guild after her two companions had a falling out resulting in the death of her father. Years later turns out the guy everyone thought did it was innocent and the other dude was jealous and power hungry so she grows to learn the truth and becomes better for it.
Paladin: A dude who is inspired to become a Paladin but keeps getting gaslighted by the asshole who inspired him.
Marauder: Smash a bunch of rocks and then take down an over grown moose to avenge a boy's dead parents.
Warrior: The best way to harness your short temper is to use it in defense of those you love and care for.
Dark Knight: Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you want to go apeshit? Well, maybe go apeshit when you have something to defend and don't forget, you cannot save everyone but you can do your damndest for those you have left.
Gunbreaker: Start off doing mercenary work and then if you're lucky, you have to fight Sephiroth more or less.
Pugilist: An old dude and has youthful protege definitely committing fraud but his old pupil and rival show up. So you gotta beat the elderly to save the guild.
Monk: The last heir to the Ala Mhigan throne who keeps having to deal with the sins of his sire.
Lancer: Start training as a lancer but get into a pissing contest with a dude who faces Gridania's racist beha--and he fell off a cliff. Let us never speak of this ever again.
Dragooon: Estinien is a dumbass. The Dragons are good actually. This one just needs to remember who she is!
Rogue: Someone set us up the bomb
Ninja: Proto-Fandaniel fucks with Doman Shinobi and you just have to go along with it. After that, its just Naruto filler episodes.
Samurai: Become an honorable samurai and then put down the most unhonorable of samurai including your mentor.
Reaper: Your trainer is a grizzled Garlean Matron leading a ragtag band of mercenaries. But when a trauma of her storied past re-emerges, literally, you hunt that sucker down and give her her justice.
Conjurer: Look at this little shit trying to forget her past by being the best there is. The kids got heart though much to the chagrin to the ten thouse year old kid who leads your guild.
White Mage: You're here to be a family councillor.
Arcanist: Meet this cat girl, she has some trauma from this pirate. Dance for her mentor for the fun of it then punch out the pirate.
Scholar: You're here to be a couples councillor.
Astrologian: Its miracle astrology last this long with how much of a shit show Sharlayan and Ishgard are. Luckily the only competent woman doing Astrology is here to help, reluctantly.
Sage: How many backstabs and plot twists can we stuff into 10 levels?
Archer: Start training as a archer but get into a pissing contest with a dude who forces Gridania's racist behavior onto a cat girl making her almost join some poachers--and he said he was sowwwwwwyyyyy. Let us never speak of this ever again.
Bard: Learn from a storied bard and help him work through his guilt. Then ship two men as you travel across the realm.
Machinist: Everything from classism to arranged marriage can be solved with guns.
Dancer: Death and stress of death are imminent, dance like there's no tomorrow.
Thaumaturge: Begin training as a mage but then become a baby sitter. But oh no the baby is possessed by a powerful voidsent! Kill the voidsent and save a family of like...Nonupletes.
Black Mage: Give a powerful Black Mage the death he feels he deserves by gaining to much power but accidentally sacrificing his friends in the process. Then beat up a Black Mage fan club and watch romance blossom between a cleric who won't stop calling a woman a heretic and the aforemention woman possessed by the greatest black mage who ever live. Then I dunno...stop a meteor shower or some shit.
Summoner: Here's Y'shtola's sister. Gain the power of the gods and anime on your side. In the process beat up a man best described as "IM A GENIUS! OH NO!", a group of Ascians, and I kind of forget what happens after that.
Red Mage: The hottest man in the world teaches you how to red mage. In the process you'll adopt an amnesiacstic woman, beat the hot man's old class mate and then kill a Voidsent Royal. All while the man becomes increasingly sexier with every cutscene.
Blue Mage: What if we turned a con job into a humanitarian effort?
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gaming · 4 years
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Streamer Spotlight: MunchkinDoom ( @munchkindoom​)
Candice Renee Townsend, aka MunchkinDoom, is a partnered content creator from Brooklyn, New York. She advocates for inclusion within the gaming industry while daring gamers to be their true, authentic selves. “I like muffins, too!”
Are there any particular moments on your stream that stand out to you?
I’ve had so many moments! From finding out I was partnered with Mixer, to crushing charity donation goals for Feeding America, to being able to stream full-time and donate to others that helped me along the way. Picking one moment would be a disservice to my journey, and those that have helped me. This journey has been nothing short of amazing. Speaking of help, there’s a video of me crying in happiness because another streamer helped fund the very chair I stream in now (Hi, @thePreacherLive)!
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What advice would you give to someone wanting to join the space? 
You have to know your “why.” Why do you want to do this? Is this “why” strong enough to keep you pushing through the tough times? My “why” is to expose the gaming world to women who look like me, and to encourage more of them to step into the light and embrace themselves. If I just give up now, I may not inspire the first world-known Black female eSports player…or the next ten. I want that to happen, whether it’s me or someone inspired by me.
How do you see #BlackExcellence365 being celebrated in your streaming experience?
I see #BlackExcellence365 as us defying the odds, pushing boundaries, and no longer accepting seats at certain tables because WE are creating our own tables with tons of seating! We have to commit to uplifting those who are paving the way so that others can drive along the road of success, or we all fail. Personally, I’m always on the lookout to see how I can help other creators of color, and even mentor many within my community with my #realtalks. We have tons of value to add to this industry, and together we can show the world that value.
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How can we disrupt the gaming industry so that there is an increase in women of color being celebrated?
Social media is one of the most powerful tools we have known to man. Anyone can become an overnight success, and we have the power to make that happen. If we can help some of our ladies go viral for their accomplishments and success within the streaming industry, we will be one step closer due to the increased exposure. An excellent way to disrupt the gaming industry in a positive way is going viral for all the RIGHT reasons (which I have kind of done twice...once with Missy Elliot’s help).
If you could live in any video game universe, what would it be?
No-brainer! Final Fantasy VII. I would be Tifa, ride chocobos, gamble at the Gold Saucer, beat Sephiroth, and live happily ever after with Cloud. It’s my favorite game of all time! I think it would be pretty cool to summon giant entities to help me in battle with shiny globes of materia; it gets no better than that!
Thanks, @munchkindoom​! You can pop in and say hello in her streams here, or show love to her Tumblr!
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Michael After Midnight: Superman vs. the Elite
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Superman is one of the greatest heroes ever conceived, if not the greatest. He is a man born with god-like powers but raised in the most humble environment possible, where he learns the value of human life, love, compassion, and all that good stuff. This all instills him with a desire to do good, but also to never use the unstoppable force he is gifted to enforce his will on others and play judge, jury, and executioner. He is the living embodiment of the American Dream, he is the living embodiment of freedom and righteousness, he is something to aspire to be…
And goddamn do so many people miss the point. I think the best/worst example of this is Bill in Kill Bill, who gives a really great monologue about how Clark Kent is Superman’s critique on the human race. It’s all well and good until you realize, no, Clark Kent is not a secret identity, Clark Kent is who he is, Superman is the secret identity. This man was born and raised by humble Kansas farmers and you’re gonna tell me the Clark Kent persona is the fake one? Go in the closet and think about what you’ve done, David Carradine! But yeah, a lot of people don’t really get what the Supes is all about.
Joe Kelly is not one of those people. His comic “What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?” took Superman and asked the all-important question: Are Superman and his ideals still relevant in the Dark Age of Comics, where anti-heroes who kill their enemies are the norm? The answer, of course, is yes, because Kelly understands Superman better than most, and in the end his idealism beats back the cynicism of the edgy Elite. In a stroke of genius, they decided to have Kelly write for the animated adaptation of his own comic, and that brings us to Superman vs. the Elite.
This is, without a doubt in my mind, the best Superman story ever. It really does just capture the core of why Superman works, and why heroes who kill are just not feasible. The Elite, for all their posturing and good intentions, ultimately come off as a bunch of bullies. Menagerie kills a dog for barking at her, Hat is an alcoholic, Coldcast… well, he’s honestly the most level-headed one there, he gets a pass, and ooh boy Manchester Black. That boy is a sniveling little hypocrite when it comes down to it. Mister Psychic Mind Blast is all about “Might makes right” up until Superman starts slapping him around like a redheaded step-child, and then he breaks down crying and pissing his pants about how unfair it is and how Superman shouldn’t do things like that. It doesn’t help the Elite actively make things worse, what with their collateral damage, disregard for civilian casualties, and violent escalation of conflict to the point that they murder two dictators and create a massive power vacuum the film doesn’t really address.
Superman counters their argument for heroes who kill brutally and efficiently in the endgame. I really don’t want to spoil it, because it is one of the most chilling and awesome sequences in any of these DC animated films, but it’s really hard not to since it’s probably the most famous part of this film; if you know of the movie, you know what happens at the end. Let’s just say that Superman should never, ever sound like George Newbern’s other most famous role (Sephiroth), because it is fucking terrifying. You will get chills when Superman shows just how utterly nightmarish it would be if he played by the same rules Manchester and his buddies do.
I think the only real issues I have is that the film is a tad too short, being barely over 70 minutes, and that it cuts a few things and alters a few things that make Superman seem like a cunt. In this movie it isn’t made clear that he temporarily deactivates Black’s power; if you’ve read the comic or at least are aware of what happens in it, you know Superman just gave him a super-conucssion, but if you don’t know that why would you think Supes didn’t lobotomize him like he claimed, especially since it seems the logical third option between killing and tossing in jail? And then there’s the whole “I’ve had your friends depowered” bit, which would be whatever if not for the fact he didn’t do this for Atomic Skull, a supervillain who was walking around turning people to ash. Kind of skewed priorities there.
Still, I genuinely think this is the best Superman we’re ever gonna get, because at its heart it understands why Superman is great, and it also understands that arguments that heroes like Supes should kill are fucking stupid and only limp-dick morons believe it. It’s a tale of hope and optimism standing in the face of reckless cynicism and telling it to fuck off (but politely), and really highlights the flaws of works like Man of Steel all the more. If nothing else, this is the best movie Superman has been in with some form of “Vs.” in the title!
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chongoblog · 4 years
Quick post to both A) Sum up what CPUKerfuffle is for those who don’t know and B) Review last night’s Kerfuffle because things went crazy and we’re leading up to a climax
I’m putting it under a readmore since oops turns out I made this long as hell
CPUKerfuffle is a biweekly stream series where I make Level 9 CPU’s in Smash fight in tournaments. Kinda like that one guy on Youtube (who canonically does not exist in the universe of CPUK). I bring friends on as commentators and I give each player a name, along with a sort of character of their own that is in time defined by both improv acting and the actions in the tournament. Over time, characters become fan favorites and many return for future tournaments, and sometimes overarching narratives begin to form. And right now, we’re at the peak of one, so I’ll try to talk about The Plot of CPUKerfuffle as it stands right now.
So right now at the moment, the tournament has been subject to a hostile takeover by Red F!Wii Fit Trainer, also known as Doctor Order, a character submitted a few tournaments back when it was realized many characters have a backstory of being created by some experiment. Her goal seems to be to create the ultimate fighter, but it would appear she’s after something else. The Guardian of Time, Chartreuse (sister of what appeared to be the Guardian of Dimensions, Crimson which wreaked havoc on a previous tournament). Doctor Order has a tendency to create fighters meant to be clones of other fighters, such as Google the Green Roy acting as a clone of Bing the Green Chrom. Google would go on to attain sentience and despite being intrinsically built with an instinct to desire nothing but victory, learns humility and defects from Doctor Order. Other characters affected by Doctor Order’s many experiments are characters such as
Larry the Florida Man, who can shapeshift due to her influence (picking Random for every battle, but whose base form is a White-Coated Joker)
Perfect Spriteman, who used to simply be Spriteman (Green/Yellow Mega Man) who loved Sprite until Doctor Order corrupted that love into an inhuman obsession (Now manifesting as a Green/Yellow Piranha Plant)
Google Plus, a Green Marth made out of spite after Google defected who is nearly robotic in nature, using logical patterns to attain nothing but absolute victory (but still defected and is now kind of on a rampage)
Captain Quadratic, a Green Captain Falcon and a clone of Captain Valentine (Pink Cpt. Falcon), the champion of love and long-time face of CPU Kerfuffle. Corrupting his ideas of love, Doctor Order entered a doubles tournament with Captain Quadratic, revealing him to be a creation madly in love and deathly loyal to Doctor Order, seemingly physically unable to speak two sentences without drowning Doctor Order in compliments
So now that you know about Doctor Order and some of the characters in play, last night’s tournament consisted of eight fighters: Therapuppy (Teal Isabelle), Folk (Black Wolf), Google (aforementioned Green Roy), Geico Gecko (Green Ridley), Gamecube Controller (Purple Rosalina), Seachu (Aqua Pichu), Chartreuse (Teal Pyra/Mythra), and Sephiroth (Sephiroth)
This post is long enough as it is (I took too long talking about Doctor Order and the related characters lol) so here’s the relevant bits of the tournament:
Doctor Order promises anyone who can humiliate Google a free trip in a time machine
Therapuppy immediately humiliates Google but doesnt choose to ride
Seachu is the last remaining remnant of Team Aqua and is trying to recruit members. It’s unclear how effective this is
Chartreuse, being the guardian of time, is trying to call off the tournament since Doctor Order is having each battle feature Timer Items, which damage the fabric of time. It doesnt work, but she expends some of her power to at least not have any timer items during battles where she takes place
Folk also manages to humiliate Google, and upon requesting a time machine ride, Doctor Order says “sorry! One per person!”
It is then revealed that Folk is actually Therapuppy from a Bad Future where Doctor Order has taken over the world, who used Therapuppy’s one ride to return back to this time with a few Important Things To Help
Chartreuse is knocked out of the tournament and exposes her true power to prevent Timers from spawning to protect the fabric of time.
After some reconciliation with his past self, Folk enters Grand Finals against Sephiroth, who is working alongside Doctor Order.
Doctor Order kidnaps Chartreuse to attempt to steal the power of the time guardian. Folk tries to stop her, but is blocked by Sephiroth.
Folk, knowing what happens next, tells everyone to evacuate the arena as he faces down Sephiroth, eventually losing, leaving Sephiroth tournament winner.
I didnt even explain what the hell is going on with Spirits, but basically Google goes Super Saiyan and charges Doctor Order to try and save Chartreuse.
It doesnt work since she can also go Super Saiyan.
Chartreuse as a last line of defense, envelops the entire arena in a bubble of frozen time, giving everyone two weeks to prepare for one final charge
And that’s the current plot of CPUKerfuffle. Again, last night’s episode was absolutely insane. A few of the plot beats were predetermined, since while the improvised nature of these are fantastic, having a general thread helps immensely. But seeing everyone fall in love with some of these characters has been incredibly heartwarming and I’m so overjoyed with the response. I got some REALLY neat things planned for the kerfuffle in two weeks, and I imagine there’ll be even more things that don’t go as planned.
Until then, I guess CPUK characters have sorta become kinda my OCs. Weird how that happened.
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lordrethandus · 3 years
Daily Writing Challenge 2022 Day 1
Love / Regret ( @daily-writing-challenge @serararku​ )
World: Final Fantasy 14
Theme: Sephiroth - Heliopolis
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S'vahli "Hrothblood" towered over the dusty savanna with every stride, carrying his wounded warrior-wife with one arm, and dragging his trophies on a sled with the other. He was the Nunh of the Zu Tribe, the breeding male, but he was also a warlord and conqueror; and as long as he still drew breath, the city-state of Ul'dah, as well as the neighboring tribes, would never rest easy. The power he put behind every swing of his axe was not to be trifled with-- much to the horror of the Garlean patrol foolish enough to cut a path through his territory.
“Era.” Vahli broke the silence between them at last. “No speaking. Why?”
“There is nothing worth speaking about.” She replied, furrowing her brow; she did her best to hide the burning pain in her leg, but he was no fool.
“Speak Orzan.” He insisted. He stubbornly wanted to learn the language of the city-states– a wise warlord learned all he could from his enemies, after all.
S’era finally turned to look at him. “Eorzean. It is pronounced, Eorzean.”
“Aye. Orr. Zee. Ann.”
“Good.” She blinked as she looked away. “I am thinking. That’s all.”
Vahli squeezed her in his arm to get her attention again. “Of wound? It hurt?”
“Yes.” She sighed, clenching her jaw. “But it is nothing I haven’t felt before.” Her Nunh stared at her face for a long moment as he continued to walk, until he slowed to a halt to drop the rope keeping his trophies in tow. With his free hand he reached up to gently poke her square in the chest.
“Not leg. Thumpka.” He squinted his eyes and licked his dry lips. “What is thumpka in Orzan?”
“Eorzean.” S’era corrected again, her hands slipping around his wrist. “Thumpka is heart. Heart.”
“Heart. It hurt? Of heart wound?” She didn’t answer, simply more confused by his question than anything; if he would just use their native tongue it would certainly be easier to have a conversation with him, but he was nothing if not insistent. “Much hurt. Tia hurt Era. Tia hurt heart.” S’era pursed her lips and furrowed her brow when her bright blue gaze slowly returned to his face.
“What are you talking about?” She asked in Huntspeak. Vahli simply shook his head as he continued.
“Much Tia hurt Era. Names Vahli hears in Era dream speak.” Her heart skipped a beat when he said that– had she been sleeptalking beside him again?! “Tia hurt heart. Tia name Koo Thalen.” She narrowed her eyes at him, but said nothing. “Tia name Soo Tage.” Her ears flattened against her head and her breathing quickened. Vahli tilted his head as he stared at her in the uncomfortable silence, before opening his mouth and saying, “Tia name Ruh Zev-”
“Don’t! Don’t you dare say that name!” S’era swore she would have slapped him if he wasn’t wearing his helmet; her face was ruby-tomato red and her expression was contorted into a grimace. She was suddenly so angry that tears began to wiggle and shake in her eyes, with her grip on his wrist so tight that her knuckles were turning pale. Vahli slowly nodded as he watched her struggle to hold it back, with a morbid curiosity flickering in his eyes.
“Heart hurt.” He responded, gently twisting out of her vice grip to take her by the wrist and press her palm against his chest. Thump-ka. Thump-ka. Thump-ka. Even his heart was unbelievably strong, seemingly headbutting her palm as they stared into each others’ eyes; she would never admit it, but resting her head against his chest while they slept was the best feeling in the world. “Heal. Era hurt. Vahli hurt. Era needs heal.”
Her bottom lip quivered as she looked down, no longer capable of meeting his piercing gaze. She was hurting, that much was true. She fled her tribe in search of the man she loved, only to discover she was far too late to save him. Another was too distraught from a lover lost of his own to be there when she needed him, and the third…? Gone. Gone like the night winds vanishing before the approaching sunrise. S’era was thrice-abandoned, and she was hiding it so poorly that even her Nunh began to notice. She didn’t know what to say, or how to feel, or even what to do. She regret leaving her tribe in the first place, wishing she had simply listened to her mother’s warnings. The city-states are no place for a Seeker of the Sun still enraptured by the ancient ways of her people. Now she was torn between the new world and the first world, like delicate strands of webbing spread dangerously thin between the leaves. She opened her mouth to speak in a desperate attempt to break the silence, but a coarse thumb rubbed against her wet cheek, and Vahli beat her to the punch.
“Womb.” He huffed, pointing between her legs before pressing a closed fist against his chest. “Mine. Conquest won.” Vahli was no doubt referring to defeating the previous Nunh when he came to the Zu Tribe in the first place, but S’era was malms away in the Black Shroud when that happened. He then gently pressed his thumb against her chest. “But heart. Thumpka. Not take. Give. Free. Earn. Vahli must earn.”
S’era shuddered as she stifled back a sniffle, her grimace and anger melted away. Slowly she leaned forward and pressed their foreheads together, even as he continued to feel her heartbeat against his hand. She couldn’t bring herself to admit how terrified she was of falling in love again. “I just… need time...”
S’vahli closed his eyes and whispered, “Vahli wait. Heart must heal. Must earn.”
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prismaticpichu · 4 months
About your fics: What's a line/passage/chapter that haunts you (in a good way)?
Ooooh! That’s a good question!!!
Honestly, the dream is that I’ve written/to someday write a line/passage powerful enough that it would forever haunt someone else 😂❤️ But self-love is just as important too, and in terms of what has stuck like a phantom with me… I think it goes to this passage from Lightning.
Zack tightened the embrace as soon as he dissolved into it. “I’m so sorry…” he whispered, and it sounded like he was crying. A raindrop against his head told him that he was.
Again, through the small quivers, Sephiroth felt guilty. “Why are you… upset…?”
“Why…?” Zack said thickly. “You’re my best friend, Seph. And when you hurt, it’s like… I can feel your pain…” He examined his neck, scanning his eyes across the still-damp skin, brushing tresses of silver out of the way. “How the Hell can I have not known….”
“You won’t find any scars,” Sephiroth explained, a hint of bitterness creeping back into his tone. “My body never left them.”
And still, he was being tormented. He was a twenty-three year old man hiding away from plagues that weren’t even visible. A twenty-three year old SOLDIER having….
Zack could hear the poison in his friend’s voice loud and clear, and knew it was aimed at nobody but himself. The boy’s expression blued. “You don’t need proof of your bad memories to have them.” He rested his head against Seph’s shoulder. Turned on his cheek, pressed his x-shaped scar into his friend’s shirt. “Sometimes they just… kinda come. And that’s okay. They can be random like that.”
“...Random?” Sephiroth repeated, low.
“Yeah…” Zack nodded. “Random. Like… y’know how lightning always has a chance to strike a tree? I think sometimes a bad memory can hit like that. Just lands when other times it doesn’t.”
Sephiroth pondered his friend’s words. Wise, really… and truthful, now that he was hearing them. He had taken on missions during thunderstorms before. Led troops through horrible tempests in Wutai, camped out in the rain and mud and slept under trees when there were no other options.
And now, in the most calm period in his life, he was afflicted.
Mist welled in Sephiroth’s eyes. He quivered, clutching the soft velvet of the sofa. Straining and fighting.
And Zack gave him a reassuring squeeze. “It’s okay..”
Let it out… His friend was saying. You’re safe. You know I’m not going to judge you. It’s okay.
It’s okay….
And yet—
“….Warriors don’t cry…” Sephiroth rattled.
Not even a beat passed before Zack held him closer. “You don’t have to be a warrior all the time, bud…” he whispered.
(Heavier explanation under cut; small TW for mental health discussion)
More than almost anything I’ve ever written, this message I was trying to convey here is one authentic from the heart (and was super incredibly cathartic to write). As someone who is unfortunately diagnosed with PTSD and prolly always will be, I think it’s important to remember that, as cheesy as it sounds, we will sometimes face those bad memories again. There’s doesn’t always need to be an explanation to sometimes get a little bit triggered by our past. For example, just the other day I was sitting in class when something my teach said hit me so viscerally that I had to excuse myself, despite having had casual conversations/even joking about the subject matter before. Sometimes, it truly is random. Like lightning striking a tree. Like how Seph is triggered by a thunderstorm despite having weathered through countless of them before. And that’s okay ❤️ We aren’t weak for being afflicted by our past. We’re just human.
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Final Fantasy prompts no 53
1. Cloud is immortal and has lived for tens of thousands of years. He has watched his friends and enemies get reincarnated over and over again. He would always interfere and save the day when things got bad, prompting legends and myths of a golden haired hero with glowing blue eyes who swore to return whenever the world was in peril.
But thats not the end.
He took great care to find his friends and keep an eye on them, watching over them as a guardian angel of sorts. When he came across Sephiroth again, he expected a battle, but seeing the dull eyes of a broken teenager staring up at him as he layed battered and bruised by his own parents? It made him realize that Sephiroth wasn't born evil.
The blond added Sephiroth to his list of people to protect.
Cloud often removed Sephiroth from the abusive households he was born into by exposing the parents for their crimes and harassing them as an anonymous individual.
Once the silverette was out of the home he would manipulate circumstances so that he would come to live with Zack or one of his other former friends.
Once he hit a certain age, he would find people Sephiroth was romantically compatible with and play puppeteer until one of them married the silverette. Cloud had done this so many times that he practically became an expert. Strangely, in the recent past lives the marriages ended in amicable divorce. He didn't know what he did wrong, so the blond began expiramenting with Sephiroths "types" again, trying to find a perfect match.
This life however, Sephiroth refused to so much as hold hands with someone romantically and Cloud is about ready to rip his hair out in frustration.
The man walked down a busy street, thinking about what to do next when Sephiroth himselfed grabbed his arm.
Startled, Cloud stared up at him.
"It's you." Sephiroth muttered reverently, as though he couldn't believe his eyes.
Cloud never made contact with these people, he had learned his lesson after the fifth time he lost Zack. He let them live out their lives, only interfering to stop something negative from happening. The blond never showed Sephiroth his face since his ninth life.
So how did Sephiroth know who he was?
2. Cloud nearly giving Denzel "The Talk"
3. Denzel accidentally calling Cloud "Dad", calling Tifa "Mom", and Marlene "my sister" until he was eventually like, screw it, and called them that without hesitation
4. Denzel got in trouble at school for beating up a group of boys that were bullying another kid.
He gets suspended and Cloud takes him out for an awesome ride on Fenrir as a reward, followed by fighting lessons from both him and Tifa, then ice cream.
5. Au where Hollander was murdered by Hojo long ago. Degradation is running rampant through Shinras SOLDIER program, killing several and weakening many more.
Genesis is determined to find a cure, after all, his life is on the line. He's eventually cornered by Angeal and Sephiroth, who pull the truth out of him, and begin aiding him in his search.
They discover AC Cloud, who is from a different dimension/timeline whose very body contains the cure.
Cloud was no longer human, and had developed new organs of unknown purpose, his body having disposed of the unnecessary organs such as lungs, gallbladder, and pancreas, and modifying the ones it kept, such as the digestive track. The catch? Now he needed to feed on large amounts of natural Mako every month to survive.
Genesis sees no problem with this and asks for the blond to save them. Cloud, however, refused, not knowing what was happening to him and knew spreading it would be the bad idea of the century.
Genesis doesn't take "No" for an answer.
Hojo finds out the blond was essentially a second Jenova and had a mini lifestream inside him and becomes desperate to get his claws on him.
6. Jenova haunts Clouds dreams, filling him with dread. Not because she was tormenting him, no. It was the opposite.
In the dreams, she held him like a loving mother. Her gentle embrace warmed him, her soft words brought him comfort, made him confide in her. That's why he was afraid.
Cloud was beginning to love her, and it terrified him.
7. Zack Fair is hereby prohibited from using any form of glitter or glue.
Why? It's Classified.
8. Au where Lazard freed Zack from under the nebilheim mansion, but also dragged him outside, leaving Cloud behind.
He lied to Zack when he woke up, telling him the infantryman was dead. He believed that Zacks chances of survival would be infinitely higher if he left the boy behind, which he would never do if given a choice. So Lazard made that choice for him.
So Zack made it to Midgar on his own.
Cloud was found by Sephiroth months later. The blond had no fight left in him and tried to merge with the other Sephiroth clone, unfortunately since his cells were mutated, Cloud could not merge with Sephiroth.
The silverette had planned to abandon this failed clone until Cloud nuzzle his face against Sephiroths gloved palm. From then on out, Cloud followed Sephiroth everywhere, doing the cooking and the laundry or whatever he could to make himself useful. He would beg the former General not to abandon him, as everyone else had done in the past.
That, admittedly pulled on his heartstings a bit. Sephiroth had also been abandoned and betrayed by his two closest friends. By the company and people he foolishly devoted his entire life to.
So Cloud stayed. His master taught him how to fight, how to care for his gear, and they bonded over shared experiences and silent companionship.
It was during that final battle, where Zack and AVALANCHE slew Sephiroth, that Cloud, hidden somewhere out of sight, swore vengeance against the man who pretended to be his friend, who he believed abandoned him and left him to rot in that hellhole after he had sworn for years that they'd get them both out, that he would save Cloud, (Cause that's what heros do!) only for him to murder the first person other than his mom to ever care about him.
Clouds body held both S and J-cells, and though they may be mutated, he could still call for Reunion. Something Zack couldn't sense due to him being an A-type SOLDIER instead of an S-type like himself.
The blond could cultivate the summoned J-cells and make them multiply under his care. He knew the best revenge was patience, after all, so long as Cloud lived, Sephiroth would never truly die.
All he had to do was stay hidden. Know one could know of him, not that they were looking for a supposedly dead man, even if they were, they would never find him in his hidden underground bunker since no one with more then three brain cells would go near the Northern Crater.
9. Sephiroth drops blatant innuendos and pickup lines all throughout his fight with Cloud, but the blond thinks he's just imagining it.
Seph actually manages to escape that time, but after the fight, his friends point out all the questionable things the silverette said.
Cloud wasn't sure if he should be relieved that he wasn't hallucinating it.
10. Tifa caught Denzel and Marlene "interrogating" a doll that was tied to a tree.
They were hitting it with sticks and yelling, "Who's your source?!" At it.
Needless to say, Reno is no longer allowed to around the children without adult supervision.
11. Kunsel began fiddling with a laser pointer, absent-mindedly tracing large slow circles on an opposing wall. He kept thinking back to all the laser pointer related incidents from the past few weeks until he noticed, much to his horror, that a few of his fellow SOLDIERS in the mess hall were tracking the little red dot with laser focus.
Pun intended.
12. Aerith had long since faded into the lifestream where she belonged, but that's not what this story is about.
Thousands of years have passed since the events of MeteorFall, and Gaia is nearly overflowing with mako energy.
Cloud felt as Gaia began remaking her WEAPONS, and couldn't help but wonder as to why. After about a year of searching he found Vincent again and asked him.
The truth was disturbing. Gaia's lifestream had outgrown the planet, and was preparing a new Omega WEAPON to suck the life out of this one and travel back to the "Mother planet"
Cloud eventually found out about Gaias plans for him by eavesdropping on conversation between Gaia herself and the Cetra from the "Mother planet". You see, Cloud has a unique relationship with the planet. He was modified using Jenovas Eldrich powers, and over time, developed his own. The blond allowed Gaia to use his body/very being as a sort of ward against all things Eldrich, and has worked spectacularly well.
Gaia planned to keep him alive as she traveled through the cosmos. That wouldn't be a problem, no the problem was that she planned to encase him in crystal and keep him there for the rest of eternity. When the Cetra mentioned breeding him so that other planets would have a ward, he nearly gagged.
He told Vincent about everything and admitted he was afraid. The only reason he remained sane all these years was because he could travel and have new experiences. He couldn't do that if he was trapped.
Vincent suggested a rocket, to which the blond revealed that Gaia herself always sabotaged the rockets and space programs. For obvious reasons. They were stuck and didn't know what to do now that it was literally them against the world. So when Vincent suggested reviving Mako energy and the SOLDIER program until they could find a way off of Gaia, Cloud didn't dismiss it.
13. Another summoning gone wrong Au where Sephiroth, Zack, and Cloud who are in the normal modern universe and are lovers in a poly relationship, decide to mess around with a spellbook Zack picked up in a shop. They were saying spells out loud and making fun of them, they also did the wierd little ceremonies and made "potions" and had a good time.
Nothing happened, until they woke up the next morning to the chocobo frantically patting them awake with his hands, stunned silent.
There, in their king sized bed, were their trans-dimensional alter-egos, done up with swords and pauldrons and...is Sephiroth wearing a fetish outfit? Said silverette poked his alter-ego with a ruler a few times to confirm he was out cold.
What were they supposed to do now?
14. Final Fantasy 7 and LoZ: Breath of the Wild crossover
Cloud lands in a new reality, but he's too focused on trying to fight the new breeds of monsters and surviving the desert heat to ponder the situation for long
And then there's all those things that keep trying to electrocute him...Clouds not having a good day.
On the other hand he has plenty of things to take his anger out on.
Also, Cloud meeting a horse! Which are critically endangered on Gaia!
15. Genesis finds Cloud post DoC and begins taunting him, but gasps dramatically when he learns the blond has never tasted Banoran apples/apple products. He drags Cloud along to get a taste. Weirdly, they get along.
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So I saw Greg’s review of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake and it was so dumb I had to pick it apart so here we go. Spoilers for the remake below
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This starts off bad. Immediately Greg is whining that the game isn’t what he wants. He complains about knowing the characters too well which is an absolutely insane thing to complain about. The deaths of the AVALANCHE don’t mean much in the original. You meet them a few times then they die. You have no connection to them
By getting to know them more - like Wedges love for the Sector Seven cats and how Jessie was an actress before her dad became gravely Ill after working for Shinra, they become more human. You can relate to them more and there’s more investment there. So when the fall of that plate comes? Losing them is more impactful than in the original
The battle system can be set to the same as the original in classic mode except you can’t physically attack (that is automatically done for you) so Greg can’t really complain about that. Sounds like he’s mad he died at bosses he didn’t die to in the original
His complaint about Sephiroth is weird. He’s the main bad guy. He needs to show up. With Sephiroth in the OG, you only hear about him a few times while in Midgar, where the remake is set. They need to bring him In much earlier and show Cloud suffering PTSD to understand this guy is a threat.
He also complains about not having a lot to do. And yeah while it’s not as open you have way more to do. The side quests are actually side quests - with the original, the only side quests you really have before leaving Midgar is dressing Cloud up and getting the perfume, tiara, and underwear. Otherwise? You’re stuck doing what the game tells you to do
You might ask “why are you always saying ‘in the original when you’re in Midgar’and I’ll explain that now
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This. Is. Not. A. Spoiler.
The creators said from the start it would only be in Midgar and it would be an episodic game. All the promotional materials showed the game only in Midgar. It was obvious that IT WAS ONLY IN MIDGAR. Greg has no right to complain.
Now yes. You don’t have the same free travel but there is more to travel and there’s so much more content to make up for the fact you can’t leave the city. And by doing so, Midgar comes alive. So when you leave? It feels more of a loss and like you are leaving somewhere you have a connection to. Now this was disappointing because I was definitely wanting more. Like I wanted to keep playing in because it was dragging me in. But it was clear from the start and they were transparent with this. Greg clearly wasn’t looking all the things that were coming out about the game since you knew what was going on.
It even says on the back of the box it’s going to be the story in Midgar and that it’s the first game of the remake “project” and would go deeper into the city
Why is Greg surprised and acting like he’s being cheated out?
His next complaint is.... very worrying
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Nanaki in the original never acted like a pervert with Aerith. He acted like he was aggressive to lower Hojos guard but that’s a nitpick. But the rest? Holy fuck Greg, STAY AWAY FROM WOMEN
in the remake, Hojo does not have plans to crossbreed Aerith and Nanaki. Instead? He wants to have SOLIDERS repeatedly rape her so she can “breed” and laughs in her face as he tells her all about how he ripped her mother’s corpse to shreds so he can continue to investigate her. There’s only molecules left of Iflana. He also tries to kill Cloud, Tifa, and Barret so he can show aerith their corpses to kill her hope she’ll be saved
But more importantly, Hojo's proposal in the remake is far more horrifying than in the original. He wants her to be raped over and over. Why the fuck doesn’t Greg see this as being bad an as a “P.C. culture” addition? What is wrong with you, dude. How do these things not show how insane he is
The cross-dressing is a stupid complaint. So you don’t get to go to a brothel and watch a small cutscene. Who cares? You get to see Cloud perform on stage at a cabaret and he is dressed up while on stage while you do a mini game. And that isn’t fun? Okay, Greg.
The events he’s talking about by the way? You fight in a Colosseum, you can choose to help Johnny, and/or you can do the iconic squatting game. Then you go to the Honeybee Inn, do a dancing minigame, and perform on stage. 
As opposed to the original where you talk to a man and tell him what dress you want. Do the most squats, Buy some wine at an inn, have a bath with a bunch of men, and give a woman some medicine. The amount of time you spend doing that will take you the same amount of time to do one side quest in the remake. Of course, the original had it’s restrictions because of the platform it’s on, but the remake definitely did go out of its way to expand that and make it feel like you were doing more.
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This is a bit more valid. Like I get having nostalgia for the OG game and preferring it and that’s okay! But the Harry Potter comparison ruins it. Also Greg doesn’t seem to realise the difference between a remake and a remaster. The game is being remade. Of course the gameplay is going to change. Turn based games aren’t viable anymore and considering how good the graphics are, it would ruin the immersion. They had to change things like this to make it more modern. Remember, they aren’t just making this for fans. They’re wanting to bring in new people. 
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I really hope this is just a joke that Zack wasn’t mentioned before he appeared. But considering this is Greg, and how he really doesn’t seem to understand this game, I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t know the significance of this scene. He says later in this article that it took him 24-40 hours to finish the game. Which, if you actually complete it (by doing all side quests, unlocking all limit breaks for everyone, getting master materia etc) it should take you ninety hours. Which makes me think he never went to Nibleheim and saw the cutscene of what happened to Zack and Cloud. Because FF7 is a very quick game if you just focus on the main quests. If you actually dig down deep? You can go way past the timer and have it frozen at 99:99:99. I don’t think he did anything in the original game and just did whatever the game told him to do without looking at anything else.
I really hope this is just a stupid edgy joke because Zack is a well-loved character but you never fucking know with this moron.
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I understand his complaints about Nanaki. Nanaki is always in my party in the original so I was bummed you couldn’t play him, but he appears in the penultimate chapter. The writers probably didn’t feel it was worth their while to add him as a party member, and instead, make him a guest who helps.
The Sephiroth complaint is stupid because he’s missed the point. Up until he appears in the Shinra building, he isn’t actually there. Cloud is hallucinating. He is shown as being mysterious and unreachable as Cloud tries to get to him or freaks out whenever he sees an image of him.
Honestly this just sounds like Greg is mad it’s not the exact same as the original.
Which would just be boring, in my opinion.
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Y’know what I said about Greg doing what the game told him to do and nothing else? Yeah this is proof. You have an All materia. It’s called ‘magnify’. And unless you didn’t look for treasure or looked at the new materia when you collected it? You would know this is the all materia. The summons in this game aren’t what they are in the original. You can’t use them in every battle and they only come in boss battles or otherwise difficult encounters because in the remake, it’s made clear that they are incredibly powerful. They come to you maxed out. Which he would know if he paid attention.
I will agree with him to an extent about the maxed out materia. Materia is easy to obtain in the remake (Cloud says this to Aerith when she playfully brags about having it), so if Greg had critical thinking, it would be clear that they don’t sell well is because .... well, it’s easy to max out. Everyone is doing it. But I will agree with him that the game is ‘too short’ in a sense, since having Firaga in only Midgar can be problematic for later games. I do have to wonder what they’ll do in the next episodes. Will you have to level up the magic power after upgrading it so Firaga does the same damage in later dungeons as it did in the sewers of Midgar? It would also be neat to physically ride the chocobos through Midgar to make life easier but I also understand why they had the carriages  as it makes it less weird when Tifa suddenly appears in one when she’s going to Don Corneo’s only to never see a carriage in Midgar again, and the loading screen when they ake you from place to place does make it quicker for you to get places.
Still, it would be nice to ride them at some point so I will give Greg this complaint.
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Like I said above, if you do everything in the original it should take you 90 hours. If it took Greg 2 days cumulatively at his highest estimate, he’s not completing the game, and he’s not achieving anything.
For comparison, here’s my latest game
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As you can see, it’s at 44 hours. I have done all the sidequests (excluding the one mandatory Fort Condor which would add more time on to it but I didn’t want to do that this time around). I have reached the bottom of the crater, however, I have not done anything further and am now focusing on doing the rest I need to do. Like getting to level 99 on everyone, maxing out my command, summon, and magic materia to get the master materia for those three. Or maxing out all four enemy skill materia. Or getting everyone's limit breaks, or beating the weapons. Because these things take time. I could easily run and kill Sephiroth in that run right now. I could finish the game. But as I’m wanting to complete it as much as I can, then I can’t do that. And that’s not me doing a perfect game where you need to get 99 of each item you can (excluding things like the battery where you can only get three of). If you’re doing a perfect game, it takes even longer but honestly, that’s not something I’d say you’d need to do to ‘finish’ the game. That’s only if you want to challenge yourself.
Also might I add, the remake? It takes about 40 hours to finish it (I don’t know if that includes sidequests). This means in one part of a game  is the same length as the original if you don’t do any sidequests in the OG. I don’t know what Greg is talking about by ‘achieving less’. Yeah you don’t go to as many places, but considering this will be in different parts like the original, you do way more in the remake than you do in the original while in Midgar. 
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The random encounters are definitely less in the remake. They don’t happen every a certain number of steps. Instead, you stumble across them in a realistic way rather than have a screen transition. It is way more immersive and again, is something that makes the game feel alive. It feels like an obstacle to overcome to get to the next place rather than an interruption like the original game random encounters (which I do love by the way, but it is very much a product of it’s time)
The next part also makes me laugh. He seems to think that because the other game has things finish ‘faster’ means it’s more productive. Which really shows he thinks his channel is great because he does more videos in a short period of time. Which, yeah, on a surface level it is more “productive”, but it’s not exactly exciting game play, is it? 
For comparison. Aerith says in the original that Sector Six is dangerous so she’ll help him out... but it takes about two minutes to go through and the random encounters are incredibly easy. It’s also not explained why the place is in ruins.
In the remake however, Aerith leads Cloud through it as Cloud is unfamiliar with it, and it is more of a challenge to get through, and he actually needs her help to get through the rubble. She explains part of the plate collapsed the tunnel and that’s why it’s such a mess. You get attacked by bandits on the way there and you spend an entire chapter trying to get through sector six, as it becomes the threat and the difficult path Aerith describes in the original. Rather than a place you just pass through with no issue, making you wonder “why the hell is Aerith insisting she goes with me?” outside of her having a crush. 
It’s small details like that which make the game come alive and actually makes you feel like you did something rather than it being a place you just passed through. It takes you longer, but it feels more like an achievement.
No one feels like they achieved something when you leave Sector Six and go to the park outside Sector Seven’s gates. Because it’s just a road to get to where you need to go. Your next challenge is trying to get Cloud chosen as the girl for Corneo but that is optional. I mean, if you prefer that it’s easier to get through as you like just seeing the story than solving dungeons, that’s fine! But this just shows Greg’s ‘quantity is quality” mindset. 
Also, when you climb up the plate to get to the Shinra building? IN the original, you climb up some pipes. The hardest part is the swinging pipe, which is incredibly easy when you time your jump to the squeaking of the pipe. They tell you it’ll be difficult to get to the Shinra building... when it takes you all of five minutes.
The remake has you climbing up the plate and broken buildings, using a grappling gun to get to higher ground when your walking path is done, while you get attacked by Shinra soliders trying to stop you from getting to higher ground when they recognise you as AVALANCHE. While it’s not hard it definitely feels more of a challenge than “climb up this pipe. jump onto that pipe, now climb up another pipe” in the original. And with the Shinra soliders while you can stop them easily, it does make you feel that getting there is going to be a struggle, or at least something that’s inconvenient and it’ll be ‘hard’ because people will try and stop you along the way.
Although I do wish that when you were in the Shinra building, you had to do more sneaking in the higher floors like you did in the original, but at least the game does give you a reason why you don’t need to sneak around. The mayor’s off hand comment about hating Shinra as he gives you a keycard in the original is expanded to the Mayor being a member of AVALANCHE who is actively helping you.
 I also think it's funny he complains about “mundane tasks” when the original game is full of that, too. All JRPGs have it
Basically, this entire review of Greg’s can be “WAHHH IT’S NOT THE ORIGINAL WHY IS IT MAKING ME WORK HARD!” and it’s hilarious
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icharchivist · 3 years
okay actually i’m going to stop here for the night, i’m getting a little sleepy and while i’d love to keep playing i feel it’d be a shame to get into another rollercoaster while in the process of getting sleepy
anyway so. Wait let’s do it by bits.
under cut bc i rambled lmao
Altissia was as beautiful as promised and being into it was really a great experience. The sidequests there kinda had the death of me (Tonberries have been my mortal enemies since ff7cc and i shall never forgive them, and the Mindflayer things can go rot in hell holy shit) but the Portrait quest was pretty cool.
I liked the idea of doing a bit of politics as well. It’s a small moment but it does help fleshing out the King Noctis is supposed to become, and make sure you know that if you fuck up well maybe you’re not really a diplomat (can’t relate i nailed it)
Leviathan’s fight was super cool. The part where Prompto comes to pick up Noctis is downright legendary, this whole part was so fun and those two seemed to have fun. Last moment of joy before. well. everything else.
the rest of the fight before the... you know, was quite. challenging and frightening but i’m really digging those fights against the Gods. it’s TERRIFYING, and a bit overwhelming, but it makes it all the more satisfying when you get the hand of it.
Still talking about the fight a h ah but yeah after the powerup thingy, the fight was flashy but less engaging. but i also thing it’s done on purpose, as in, it follows a heavy scene and it’s a bit of “the rage moment the player is still grieving while trying to fight”. Really reminded me of ff7 when Jenova appears for you to fight right after Sephiroth killed.. you know. (and i don’t mean it as a bad thing, it’s a formula that works to keep the player on its toes and, i think, it shows a cruel aspect of the fact the characters aren’t allowed time to grief and have to think quickly about moving forward, all while they’re hurting and breaking, and it’s something the player is therefore just as much going through with this. It’s an effective way to convey it right away while still under the shock of it all.) (also i’m allowed to compare because Tabata did it first in interviews lol) 
So huh. Now. The scene itself.
Ardyn fuck you sO BAD.
I knew almost every details of the scene so i saw every plot beat and just. y’know watching a trainwreck in motion knowing you can do nothing to stop it so you stare in horror? yeah. mood. I do feel a lot for the way it was all worked in though it was so sad... Luna doesn’t have a lot of screentime but i can’t help but feel for her, in the end she was dedicated to her duty and that’s what brought that on and it’s just. so sad to me. 
just as Noctis ends up getting such a massive burden on his shoulders as well. The whole game is just “how much burden can we add on Noctis’s shoulders before he breaks” huh. awful.
The Ignis’s eyes thing also hurt too and i expect to see more of it bc i didn’t expect it to appear well, like this. Thought we’d see the injury happen but hey, ready to see how this is going to hurt, the aftermath in itself will be painful anyway.
Gladio’s reaction, i get it. It hurts like hell to see but i get it. Gladio is taking the responsibilities in too, as the shield he always had to keep Noctis prepared, and i think it just dawn on him that if no one shakes Noctis out of this mood more problem may come their way, while also carrying the guilt too of the fact everything went wrong. Still really sucks that he yelled at Noct the things he did, but, i get it.
Obviously i cry for Prompto as always because the other three really are wrestling with the royal obligations and duty that’s to come. They can’t afford to stop and think about the loss, about the sacrifice and the grief, they have to come up with plans very quickly to keep moving on to make sure Noctis embraces the power of the King. Ignis and Gladio trained for that all their lives and they put themselves under pressure to stay focused, see also why Ignis is trying to downplay his injury all the time.  But yeah since Prompto is the only non-royal minded one in there he just. sits as the whole situation explose around him huh.  Not to mention he owed Lunafreya so much... It’s thanks to her he even found the determination to befriend Noctis, whom he cares for so dearly now, and he wanted to meet her so badly and have her be happy with Noctis because he was made so happy by her and all of that.. so this just hurts.
Ravus getting betrayed by the empire though? Honestly? Didn’t see it coming, and i know i’ll eventually care of Ravus later but for now i’m just. geez i wonder how putting your life in the hands of unreliable people who already harmed the ones you loved for you to get revenge could backfire. who knew.
Again Ardyn fuck you.I know you’re a tragic, rotten little man (word picked carefully), but still major fuck you for this. 
so yeah for now i finished the missions at the train station and i am pausing here, so i will go further into it later.
but man. What a ride huh.
anyway here’s the link to the videoof just this mainquest (just huh when you see me pick up sidequests just skip at the 2 hour mark this is when the main plot restarts) but man what a trip. what a trip.
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