#the reason why he can BEAT Sephiroth is BECAUSE HE LOVES ALL HIS FRIENDS
heavenlyascent · 4 months
You can tell what the ship war/Tifa vs Aerith/Whose the “True” Heroine/Love of FF7 is about because it never includes Barret, despite him being a romance candidate (even IF the OG boiled it down to one big antiblack gay joke), or Yuffie (thankfully because of her age though I shutter to think how she would have been treated if she was an older, viable candidate), or Zack despite his bond with Cloud, or Jessie for that matter. All these are background elements to the ongoing fight over who is the default love interest and thus true love of Cloud.
Which is boiled down to, which one of these women are meant for this man.
It doesn't care that Final Fantasy 7 is a world-spanning story about humanity, genocide, imperialism, and trauma. It ignores that while Cloud is ultimately our main character, it's a story of an entire cast of main characters who are just as important to the ever moving plot as Cloud.
And really, as it insults Tifa and Aerith by trying to suggest one's story is more "important" than the other, it also insults Barret by completely ignoring that his efforts are the instigating factors OF the story and that the running theme of saving the planet? Is because Barret was the first one to scream it in the narrative. It ignores Yuffie's and Red XIII's fight to preserve their dying cultures in a world that actively wants to destroy them for the sake of capitalism. It ignores Cid as someone whose dreams were crushed by capitalism and become so consumed by his pain, he hurt everyone around him. It ignores how Vincent played an active role in Sephiroth's birth and the core corruption of Shinra.
And I think it absolutely misses the theme of FF7 and Cloud in general. Cloud loves everyone. He loves all his friends. If the Remakes and Rebirth did anything, it put on display that there's not one single person that Cloud loves--but all those he has met. Yes, he loves Tifa and loves Aerith and maybe in one or both, he has romantic feelings for them but he clearly loves Barret, Red XIII, Yuffie, Zack, Jessie, Bigs, Wedge, Reeve/Cait, and--as we'll see later--Cid and Vincent.
If any of them died, Cloud would have been devastated. Aerith is special and he mourns her in a specific way because she's AERITH. Not because she's the ONE. SHE'S AERITH. Irreplaceable just like Tifa, just like Barret, just like Yuffie, just like Red XIII, just like Zack, and Cait/Reeve, Cid, and Vincent.
For the last near 30 years, the ship wars have rewrote Cloud's intense love for the people around him as just a heteronormative love story and it's gross.
None of the characters deserve that, but specifically Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith who are so much more than players in a stupid love triangle.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 5 months
hiya!! I've kind of been wondering, because Genesis can be all sorts of crazy sauce emotionally, what are some things that would cause him a panic attack, and how would he be during?
and Sephiroth/Angeal would absolutely tak care of him no matter what ♥️♥️
brought to you by my own sensory issues during a school assembly making me cry
lots and lots of love!
Genesis has a funny relationship with anxiety, because while he often feels anxious, he portrays himself as always composed and unbothered, as if nothing could break him, when that couldn't be further from the truth.
• Being perceived as anything other than strong is a source of anxiety for him. He has no problem feeling 100 eyes on him in a crowded room so long as they're admiring him. Turn those gazes analytical, laced with pity or hatred, and Genesis feels entirely naked. His heart races, he shifts in place, begins to look uncomfortable, which in turn attracts more eyes on him. The overthinking comes quickly, as do the reasons why they hate him. He has a readily available list in his mind he pulls out whenever he feels at his worst. It's the way he looks; if only he looked better. It's the medals around his neck, not enough next to Sephiroth. Sephiroth has more. Sephiroth always has more. It's his voice, he's been told it sounds annoying before. Maybe he should be speaking less. Or maybe they hate him because they see right through what he is—an insecure, lonely person who will never be enough no matter how much he tries.
• Genesis has a lot of anxiety surrounding the book(s) he always carried around. While part of the reason he has so many copies of Loveless stems from his love for the epic, he doesn't like losing things he loves. So he makes sure he always has two of the things he loves. Two of his favorite pen, two of his red coat, two of the same sunglasses....he was so glad the day Sephiroth became his friend. Now he had two best friends. That way, if one fell or flew away, he wouldn't be alone. The only thing he cannot have two of is his first and most annotated copy of Loveless he's had since he was a child. He treasures it greatly, but every time he loses it, Genesis thinks he's dying.
His fingers are numb and static beneath his leather gloves, the tears hot as they pour down his face, heart beating fast as he tries to collect his thoughts long enough to focus. His office door is shut and locked, so no one walks in on him like this, wiping his nose and hyperventilating as he pulls open drawers in hopes of seeing his book. When he sees it—nestled under a stack of documents, he collapses onto his chair, clutching the book close as he sobs. He feels ridiculous, in part because he didn't see it laying there sooner, but mostly because he lets it have control over him.
• Genesis is used to being sick, but that doesn't mean it doesn't bother him. His immune system has improved greatly, and was much worse when he was a child, but it's still significantly weaker than the others. A flu that would be a mild inconvenience to Sephiroth and Angeal leaves Genesis bedridden and severely ill. The first day of being sick is the worst for him, the moment he first realizes he'll be away from SOLDIER for days and will be talked about. He's riddled with anxiety over what they'll say.
He thinks—no, he knows that they'll compare him to Sephiroth. They'll question why Genesis is always sick, why his health is never perfect, and why it takes Genesis days to recover from an injury that would be nothing to the others. And then there's the illness itself. He never knows what's coming. Will it be serious? Will it evolve into something serious? Will he survive?
The first day of any illness is when Genesis finds himself curled into a ball on his bathroom floor, biting the color of his shirt to keep himself from hyperventilating, his vision blurred from tears, wondering why he couldn't be normal.
• There's one thing that's guaranteed to send Genesis spiralling into an immediate panic attack no matter who he's with or where he is. It's not something he can control (he's tried). Sephiroth and Angeal are talking. Genesis is in between them (he's placed himself there to guarantee that he'll have a place in their conversation). But they're not responding to him. Genesis levels with them at first. His words are bold, he likes the shock value.
His jokes aren't the kindest. He's not a negative person, but he loves to complain. They dismiss his words and roll their eyes, as if to say "There goes Genesis again." He wanted to know if they wanted to go see a screening of Loveless with him the next weekend, but they talked right over him. Genesis feels smaller and smaller as Sephiroth and Angeal, and not even shouting Loveless quotes at the top of his lungs will be enough to grab their attention. He's not sure they're doing it on purpose. So he sits there, listening to his friends laugh, acting as if he isn't there.
Genesis can't take it. The tears are spilling before he can wipe them away, so he covers his face with his hands and lets himself cry. Sephiroth and Angeal notice and stop talking immediately.
• They're quick to realize where they went wrong, and even quicker to pull Genesis in and apologize profusely, assuring him that they weren't doing it on purpose and never intend to hurt him on purpose. Angeal has Genesis wrapped in a hug that buries his head in his chest. Genesis is still crying, softer now but still clearly upset. Sephiroth joins, sandwiching Genesis as he hugs him from behind. They're both whispering apologies and soft words to him as they let him cry.
Now Genesis feels embarrassed that he's crying and being cared for, which makes him even more anxious. Still trembling, he tries to pull himself away, but they don't let him. Sephiroth holds him tighter, and Angeal starts blowing on his face to cool him off, gently brushing the hair from his eyes. Sephiroth tells him to take deep breaths and slowly count as high as he can.
Genesis gets to 69 when Angeal snorts involuntarily. This catches Genesis completely off guard. Soon all three of them are doubled over laughing.
Angeal's spontaneous humor of a fifth grader is just what Genesis needed to be distracted from what upset him in the first place.
When he's calm enough to speak, Sephiroth and Angeal make him sit down between them again. This time Angeal is rubbing soothing circles on his back, and Sephiroth is holding his hand, lightly squeezing. They want him to explain all that cause potential panic attacks so they can help him avoid them, and be there for him in the future so he won't have to suffer alone.
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altocat · 1 year
so i'm trying to get back into the swing of things after almost a decade of being out of ffvii fandom and ever crisis has rekindled a very powerful desire to write and write until my fingers fall off. so i'd like to ask, since you're in the tags and seem quite knowledgeable: what is your opinion of genesis's writing in crisis core?
i've always been of the opinion he was woefully mishandled, and i'm currently trying to reconcile what we were given with what i assume they were going for. got about 2k of a fic with a slightly difficult to explain premise written so far, but sephiroth is pre-nibelheim in post-advent children time (no dirge of cerberus) where genesis is about a decade older than him now. and they're navigating the fallout of the last time they saw each other.
i'm using a lot of what we're learning about sephiroth to color their relationship, too -- my boyfriend skillfully pointed out that it feels like genesis may have developed a parasocial attachment to the version of sephiroth that shinra fed him through propaganda, and when he met the real thing he was let down and became resentful.
so i'm wondering, how do i handle it without making it into a personal vendetta against how horribly i felt genesis was written? heh
The writing on Genesis in CC is....yeesh.
I'd chalk that up to many things--general mishandling, the fact that Genesis is only limited to appearing when Zack is present, and some translation issues from the Japanese language over to English. Lots of his arc as a character doesn't really feel earned, or they don't take enough time to establish his good qualities to make the player care about him.
It's important to note that, despite the fact that the game failed to shed proper light on this, Genesis DOES have many good qualities. He's kind to the lower ranking soldiers, whom he reads to. He and Sephiroth, for all their rivalry, seemed to be close at one point. He was presumably a good friend to Angeal. And even Gackt himself has said that Genesis has a "sweet" streak hidden beneath all that bluster.
It's equally important to note that the Genesis we see in CC is desperate, dying, and under the influence of the Degradation Process. Angeal himself points out that the process seems to dull the mind, clouding it. Sephiroth may or may not have some variation of this as well once his Jenova cells are activated in Nibelheim. So Genesis is really not "himself", warped and twisted, trying to preserve his life, angry and bitter at what Shinra did to him. He's at his lowest point emotionally and psychologically, hence why he does what he does. The writing....just doesn't convey it well.
As for his relationship with Sephiroth, I feel like Sephiroth was closest to him out of all his friends, and Genesis' previous idolization of Sephiroth is the primary reason why he WANTS to be the best. He wants to beat Seph to prove that he's WORTHY of being around Seph. As a boy, Seph was his hero. He HAS to surpass him or become his equal to prove that he can stand toe to toe with the person he feels is a real hero. The dilemma is that Sephiroth never wanted to be a hero and would have always valued Genesis just as he is. Genesis already had what he was looking for...he just didn't realize it until it was too late. They're a complicated pair, with lots of miscommunication, unresolved tension, and poor decision making shared between them. I think they needed to talk to each other more than anything else. Because there was something genuine there. They could have kept it, they could have shared the apples just like Genesis always wanted.
Post-CC, I see Genesis carrying a lot of guilt. Both his friends are "dead" and he basically kicked off the events that led to it. He's been pardoned by Minerva and will now act as the planet's hero and protector, but at the cost of the people he loved. There's no real room for arrogance anymore. He's a hero not out of pride, but shame and remorse. He's tired, lonely, and now fully recognizes the pain of what heroism truly is. He's "grown up" in a sense, become a different person. Crisis Core is a coming of age story in many ways, not just for Zack but for Genesis as well. It's too bad they kinda bungled the delivery.
Hope all of that helps! Genesis is actually a really interesting character when you dissect him. He's sorta become one of my top faves over time, even if I fully recognize him as a complete trashlord. But I think there's more to him deep, deeeeep down.
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dansantcaparet · 4 years
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Aerith, the Non-Optional Girl...
By FF_Goddess/Shiva of www.cloudandaerith.com
If you are interested in why I believe that Cloud's love for Aerith during the events of FFVII is not optional, then keep reading... Otherwise, thanks for stopping by! I hope this article gave you a clear view of why Cloud and Aerith fans believe they are the intended pairing of FFVII. :-)
Regardless of what choices you make during FFVII, it does not change these facts:
1. Cloud was attracted to Aerith from the beginning, admiring her radiant eyes and saying that her smile "was a good purchase".
* Cloud never admits any such thing about Tifa. In fact, he never makes any remarks on her appearance... ever.
2. Cloud and Aerith's meeting in the church was reproduced with Zack and Aerith in Crisis Core, giving Cloud and Aerith a direct parallel to Aerith's first romance as well as giving them a straightforward link to another canon couple in the same universe.
3. Cloud and Aerith meeting one another was described as "destiny" in multiple official sources.
4. Cloud agreed to become Aerith's bodyguard without asking for money. Instead, he accepts a date with her as payment.
* Cloud had just recently refused to fulfill his promise to Tifa, told her that her cause with Avalanche didn't mean anything to him, and also refused to help Avalanche further without being paid (and even more money than what he had received for his last mission with them).
5. Cloud smiles and laughs with Aerith. It is the **only** time during FFVII that he does either of these things.
* Tifa was not able to get Cloud to smile or laugh **at all** during the course of FFVII.
6. When Cloud is at Aerith's house, he remembers his mother telling him that the perfect girlfriend for him was someone older. As we all know, Aerith is one year older than Cloud.
* Tifa is one year younger than Cloud, which suggests that Cloud's mother would not have considered her an ideal match for her son.
7. Cloud and Aerith have a date in the park where they discuss Aerith's romantic past.
* Cloud never asks Tifa about her ex-boyfriends. In fact, he doesn't seem to care who she's been with.
8. Tifa is immediately jealous of Aerith and the bond she has formed so quickly with Cloud. The only reason for Tifa to be jealous is if she sees romantic interest between the two of them.
9. Cloud continually expresses concern for Aerith's safety whilst ignoring the fact that Tifa is in the same amount of danger. Cloud is also supportive when Aerith is frightened.
*By comparison, we have Cloud rudely demanding "Why'd you come along anyway?" when Tifa becomes scared before they jump from the train. The way he treats these two women is like night and day.
10. When Aerith is kidnapped, Cloud states he needs to rescue her "by all means!"
* Cloud ignores Tifa, who is drowning in her own guilt after the plate falls, and heads out to rescue Aerith with or without her.
11. Cloud braves Shinra HQ, a massive skyscraper crawling with his enemies, the most difficult quest he has faced so far, in order to rescue Aerith.
* Cloud is reluctant to rescue Tifa from Corneo because it means he will have to dress in drag.
12. Barret notices the change in Cloud when they are entering Shinra HQ, remarking that "there are times when even you fight for other people". This was said in response to Cloud's stony resolve to rescue Aerith, regardless of the risks involved.
* Barret knows that Cloud previously refused to fight for either he or Tifa without compensation.
13. Cloud mentions being Aerith's bodyguard right in front of Tifa. This is the deal he had made with Aerith, the deal where he is her protector in exchange for a date. If Cloud is bringing up his deal with Aerith, then that means he fully intends on collecting on that date with Aerith.
* Cloud never plans on any dates with just he and Tifa... ever.
14. When Tifa hears of Cloud's plans for a date with Aerith, she remarks rather harshly, "EXCUSE me." This was confirmed as a jealous outburst from Tifa when she saw them "developing their world together" and noticed the obvious "special bond" Aerith had with Cloud that was different than Tifa's bond with Cloud. Aerith's "special bond" with Cloud is clearly a romantic one or Tifa wouldn't be getting jealous.
* Aerith is **never** jealous of Tifa's bond with Cloud, which implies that she doesn't see anything romantic going on between the two of them. And, considering Aerith's ability to see inside the hearts and minds of others, this is a pretty profound statement.
15. Aerith's CG render is tied to her dream of riding the airship with Cloud. Cloud's CG render is of him just before he busts into Shinra HQ to rescue Aerith.
* Tifa's CG render is tied to her promise with Cloud.
16. When Aerith is feeling alone at Cosmo Canyon, Cloud tells her he is there for her and he wants to help.
17. Cloud and Aerith have a **second** date at the Gold Saucer. This is the default date for FFVII and is the only one being taken into consideration regarding the storyline. It is also the one date that makes sense as it is the **only** promised date within the game.
* Cloud doesn't date Tifa unless the player chooses to have him do so. In order to get the date with Tifa, the player has to play the game in a way that isn't considered "normal".
18. Cloud shows concern for Aerith when she cries over Tseng at the Temple of the Ancients.
* The night before the battle, when they are sitting under the Highwind, Tifa starts crying. And what does Cloud do? He looks away.
19. Cait Sith makes a prediction about "the affinity between Cloud and Aerith" which states that they are perfect for one another. He also predicts that they are destined to be married. Cloud makes no objections to this prediction, even if Tifa is present. Cait Sith remarks "Poor Tifa" regardless of whether Tifa is present or not.
20. It was confirmed that, despite the fact that Aerith dies, she and Cloud still have hope for a future together. Therefore, Cait Sith's prediction of Cloud and Aerith's "great future" stands firm.
21. Aerith is able to communicate with Cloud in his dreams due to her ability to speak directly to his heart. This implies a profound bond like that of soul mates.
22. Cloud tries to run after Aerith in his dream even before Sephiroth appeared and began to threaten her. This suggests that Cloud desperately did not want Aerith to leave.
23. Cloud and Aerith's lines together just before Aerith leaves are strikingly similar to those spoken in the play, Loveless, between a woman and her lover.
Cloud also first met Aerith under a sign for Loveless.
24. Cloud feels Aerith's presence in his **soul** and can hear her voice from distances so great that he could not possibly hear it with his physical senses.
This reinforces the idea that they are indeed soul mates.
* This kind of thing never occurs between Cloud and Tifa.
25. Sephiroth forces Cloud to beat Aerith and then attempts to make Cloud kill Aerith. This implies that Sephiroth knows Aerith is Cloud's weakness and being forced to harm her will cause Cloud the greatest amount of suffering.
26. When Sephiroth attempts to make Cloud kill Aerith, Cloud is able to resist Sephiroth's will. This is the **only** time in the game Cloud is able to overcome Sephiroth's mind control once he is under the evil maniac's influence.
27. When Aerith dies, Cloud holds her close and pours his heart and soul out in front of Sephiroth and everyone. He abandons his pursuit of Sephiroth and his quest to save the Planet, saying that none of it means anything to him anymore. And why? Because Aerith is gone.
* When Tifa lay dying in the Nibelheim Reactor, Cloud set her aside and went after Sephiroth. It was Tifa's teacher, Zangan, who considered her life more important than pursuing Sephiroth and it was Zangan who saved her life.
28. It was confirmed in Maiden of the Planet that Aerith's death broke Cloud's heart and he was consumed with grief over her death, blame toward himself, and hatred toward Sephiroth.
* When Cloud thought Tifa was dying, he said he was "really sad". o_0 Seriously?
29. Maiden of the Planet confirms that Aerith can hear the cries of Cloud's breaking heart. This ties her to his heart and soul once more.
30. In Maiden of the Planet, Aerith is surprised over Cloud's reaction to her death. She didn't realize how much she meant to him, which suggests that his feelings for her were not platonic in nature. After all, she knew they were friends before her death.
31. The game developers confirmed that, rather than the cliché of having a man die for the woman he loves, they decided to flip things and have a woman die for the man she loves. They also stated that they wanted to achieve an emotional impact on the player caused by seeing Cloud's pain ("feeling dazed at the gravity of the loss" caused by losing "someone you loved very much").
32. Cloud's companions come to offer him their condolences after Aerith's death. This suggests that they understand the depth of Cloud's feelings for Aerith.
33. Cloud alone is the one to put Aerith to rest at the spring. This indicates just how special Aerith was to Cloud.
34. After her death, Aerith can see that Cloud's heart is falling apart "from the sadness of losing her". Cloud is also being consumed by the "anger and hate he had for her being taken from him". And so we know Cloud considers Aerith's loss very personal: he "lost her" and she was "taken from him".
This suggest that Cloud considers Aerith an irreplaceable part of his life.
35. Even though Aerith was gone, Cloud continued to speak about her and remember her with fondness.
36. In the Lifestream, it is Aerith who guides Tifa into "Cloud's closed heart". What we can take away from this is that Aerith has access to Cloud's heart, even when it is closed to all others. Yet again Aerith is associated with Cloud's heart, just more proof that she is his soul mate.
37. Cloud promises Aerith that he will complete her mission and save the Planet she loved so well.
38. Cloud states that he is fighting to save the Planet and that one of the things he is fighting for is "a very personal memory". Since we know Cloud had promised Aerith that he would complete her mission to save the Planet, then naturally the personal element associated to his desire to save the Planet is Aerith.
39. Cloud also states that one of the reasons he is fighting is to free Aerith from Sephiroth's control: "Although she should've returned to the planet by now, something stopped her and now she's stuck...... We've got to set her free."
40. After Cloud defeats Sephiroth and is surrounded by Lifestream, he reaches toward the light with longing. Aerith reaches for him in return, both of them yearning to be reunited. In this scene, Cloud's actions clearly show that he wants to be with Aerith.
41. Earlier, Cloud told the Planet that he had come to show it everyone's wishes, including his and Aerith's. He then demanded an answer from the Planet.
While dangling from a ledge, he tells Tifa that the Planet had given him an answer to his wish: "The planet's answer... The Promised Land... I think I can find her there." If the Planet's answer to Cloud's question is that he can find Aerith in his Promised Land, then logically the question Cloud had asked of it previously was "How can I be with Aerith again? Where can I find her?" This shows two things: 1.) Cloud desperately wants to be with Aerith again, regardless of whether she is alive or dead. 2.) Cloud's Promised Land, the place where Cloud will find what makes him most happy, is associated with Aerith. And this is hardly a surprise since we already know she was the **only** person in the game who ever made him smile or laugh.
42. Cloud mentions his desire to be reunited with Aerith in his Promised Land right in front of Tifa, which makes it very clear that these two are not an item, regardless of what optional choices the player has made.
43. The lowest affection rating for Aerith in the game is 24. However, it is possible to completely eradicate all romantic interest in Tifa during the game, driving her affection rating all the way to zero.
So, there you go. These 43 facts remain regardless of what optional choices you make during the game, regardless of what optional scenes you get
(*COUGH*Highwind Scene*COUGH*), and regardless of which girl the **player** personally prefers. No matter what, Cloud is attracted to Aerith, protects her as his bodyguard, and goes on at least one date with her. No matter what, Tifa is jealous of the budding relationship between Cloud and Aerith. No matter what, Cloud and Aerith are confirmed to have a "special bond" and are predicted to be married. No matter what, Cloud is devastated over Aerith's death and one of the reasons he fights is for her. No matter what, Cloud is longing to be with Aerith at the end, reaching for her hand and asking the Planet how he can be with her again. No matter what, it is Aerith that Cloud wants to meet in his Promised Land. And, no matter what, it is impossible to use the affection rating system to eradicate all of the romantic affection between Cloud and Aerith.
Also, regardless of what optional choices you make, Cloud still makes his affection for Aerith clear right in front of Tifa. He calls himself her bodyguard in front of Tifa, bringing up a deal in which the result is Cloud dating Aerith. Cloud also doesn't object when Cait Sith offers to be the preacher at he and Aerith's wedding (even when Tifa is standing right there).
Cloud and Tifa fans like to assert that the High Affection version of the Highwind Scene is canon, even though they don't have any proof of this. They even go so far as to suggest Cloud and Tifa had sex under the Highwind, which is equally as absurd. And, yet, right after Cloud rescues Tifa from falling and they are clinging to the side of the Northern Crater, he says, right in front of her, that it is Aerith that he wants to see again in his Promised Land. And this is **after** he and Tifa supposedly confessed romantic feelings for one another (High Affection version of the Highwind Scene) and, according to rabid CloTis, had sex. If that is the case, then Cloud just used Tifa for sex, played her feelings, and dropped her like a rock.
Because it isn't Tifa that Cloud wants to be with in the place of supreme bliss (his Promised Land), it's a completely different woman (Aerith).
Also, Cloud demanded an answer from the Planet, remember? This is after he showed the Planet his wishes. His answer was that he could be with Aerith again if he could find the/his Promised Land. And so the wish he expressed to the Planet was quite obviously how he could be reunited with Aerith. This scene **also** took place after the supposed confession of love and alleged sex on pointy rocks under the Highwind. **IF** Cloud confessed romantic feelings for Tifa under the Highwind, then why would he be seeking a reunion with her confirmed "love rival"? **IF** Cloud confessed romantic feelings for Tifa under the Highwind, then why wasn't Tifa the one he states he wants to be with? Why wasn't his wish about her? And why doesn't he care about how she is feeling when he ignores her and says he wants to be with Aerith?
These scenes only make sense if you take the Low Affection version of the Highwind Scene into account. If Cloud and Tifa only shared feelings of a platonic nature, then they are only friends. And Cloud doesn't come off like a cold-hearted jerk who could care less about Tifa's breaking heart. If they are only friends, then it makes perfect sense why Cloud would be seeking a reunion with Aerith again instead of wanting to be with Tifa.
In my opinion, the Low Affection version of the Highwind Scene is the one being followed throughout the rest of the game as well as the Compilation (during which Cloud and Tifa are not portrayed as being in any romantic relationship and there has been **zero** progression toward a romantic relationship between them). Not only that, but the two Highwind Scenes are merely there for replay value and nothing more. While the **player** can choose for Cloud to show romantic interest in Tifa, it doesn't change the fact that he loves Aerith. In other words, Cloud's love for Tifa is **optional**.
Cloud's love for Aerith is **not optional**.
A good example is FFX, where Tidus can show romantic interest in Rikku or Lulu. Between Rikku and Lulu, it is Lulu that seems more inclined to show interest in Tidus, but it doesn't mean that either of them were intended to be Tidus's love interest. Regardless of any optional scenes or dialogues, regardless of affections levels, Tidus still loves Yuna and they are the intended pairing. The scenes with Rikku and Lulu were simply thrown in for replay value. They don't actually mean anything in the end. It is much the same between Cloud and Tifa.
Though Cloud can date Tifa, Yuffie, or Barret instead of Aerith, it doesn't change the fact that Cloud and Aerith love one another and are the intended pairing of FFVII. And, although Cloud has an optional scene with Tifa that may or may not show affection between them under the Highwind, it doesn't change the fact that Cloud and Aerith are the intended pairing of FFVII and Cloud loves Aerith regardless of any affection and/or optional scenes he might feel/share with Tifa (or anyone else).
An interesting note: Yuna is the default character for cut scenes when there is a tie, much like Aerith is the default character for the date scene at Gold Saucer, even if there is a tie between she and Tifa (or anyone else). Coincidence? I think not...
The bottom line? Cloud loves Aerith. The **player** can choose for Cloud to **also** love Tifa, but you cannot eradicate the love between Cloud and Aerith. He can love **both** Aerith and Tifa (optionally). Or he can love just Aerith. He cannot love just Tifa. This was the original intent when the game was created, regardless of the current fan-pandering stance that Square-ENIX has now taken.
One final thought in regard to Square-ENIX's fan-pandering... Throughout the Compilation and all spin-off games in which Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa appear, Cloud x Aerith gets actual solid proof while Cloud x Tifa gets fluff that seems to satisfy the fans, but doesn't actually have any true meaning to it. Want proof of that? Just read through my site... ;-)
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rainbowcarousels · 4 years
seven days of valentines
DAY 1: Genesis/Angeal (Just Be Still With Me canon)
“Before we belonged to anyone else, we were each other's.” ― Elizabeth Noble, The Way We Were
“What are you wearing?”
 No, this was not going to work at all and they didn't have time to change it. Well, they had time to change the tie that taste forgot but the suit, oh the suit!
“I sized up,” Angeal said, putting his arms out in front of him and looking over the potato sack that was passing for a suit. “That way it'll still fit for longer.”
“When you get too tall for it, buy another!” Genesis threw his arms in despair at his best friend, but he supposed he couldn't make him wait in the hallways of the Second Class apartments. Everyone knew there was a public party on tonight, so most of their comrades were throwing their own little shindigs but not them.
They were going to the main event. They were freshly back from claiming  two major strongholds from Wutai, making more headway in their three months than Second Classes had in the year prior and finally - finally - they were getting recognition for it. They had not received their official notification of promotion till after running a marathon testing session to make sure nothing would go wrong, but Sephiroth had uncharacteristically spilled the beans the morning they left to return back.
First Class.
“It's wasteful to buy something that won't fit when we come back next time,” Angeal said, shutting the door behind him.
“Your picture will be everywhere tomorrow,” Genesis called to him, strutting off to find one of his own ties which would be far more suitable. “Don't you want to look your best?”
“I want to do my job,” Angeal said. “My job doesn't include schmoozing.”
“And soon enough, we'll be back to strategizing and bringing the wonders of mako power to disenfranchised masses but for tonight,” Genesis slammed the drawer shut and went back out. “For tonight, we are the youngest ascent to SOLDIER First Class and I'm going to enjoy it and so are you whether you like it or not. Take that tie off, you look like a middle aged executive prowling for wife number three.”
“Sephiroth beat us age-wise,” Angeal told him, but he did what he was told and took the tie off. “It’s been over a year for him.”
“I refuse to count the person who's been training for it since they could grip a sword,” Genesis responded snippily. It was a little awkward to get the tie around him, Angeal's growth spurt put his own to shame, but it would be worth it for the pictures. “There, now you look presentable.”
“I looked fine before,” Angeal said. “You're just fussy.”
“I prefer to think of it as having discerning taste,” Genesis told him, putting his hands palm side up. “Dance with me.”
“Tonight?” Angeal asked.
“Right now,” Genesis asked.
“To what?” Angeal asked. “I'm bad enough at keeping a rhythm when there's actual music playing.”
There was some music playing, but given the taste of their neighbours, calling it music might be generous. Perhaps he was just feeling generous tonight.
“I'm trying to have a moment here, Angeal.” Genesis took his hands and placed them on each of his arms. “There is no hate, only joy.”
“You can have your moment,” Angeal told him, doing a sad sort of shuffling more than dancing but at least he was attempting joviality.
It felt too perfect. Genesis let his hand move over to his tie, running his fingers down the soft sheen before giving it a tug so he could kiss him properly. Not the brief affection they tended to share, not the fleeting relief of seeing each other after losing track of each other in battle but something else entirely. Something that made his chest fit to burst, something that fit, something that –
Angeal turned his face to his cheek, shaking his head so he could feet the hairs along his cheek. “Don't,” he said.
That feeling shattered, pride lost, wings stripped away.
 “Why not?” he demanded quietly. He had seemed like he was enjoying it.
“I don't want to do that if you don't mean it,” Angeal pulled back and Genesis immediately felt despair turn to irritation. “And you don’t. You're just happy.”
“You think I'm being disingenuous?” Genesis demanded. “That joy somehow makes me a liar?”
Angeal shook his head, “You like people and don't like them so quickly I can't keep up. I don't want us to be that.”
“That's other people!” Genesis declared. “It was a kiss, Angeal. I didn't get on one knee.”
“I know,” Angeal said. “And for you, that works but for me, I want something...real.”
“You think you're some dalliance to me?” Genesis let go of his tie just to smack him on the chest. “How dare you! How could you think such an awful thing of me?”
“I don't want to lose my best friend,” Angeal said.
“Neither do I!” Genesis told him. “Do you want some sort of grand gesture about it? Because I have known since you held my hand four years ago in that knobby old tree with bugs everywhere and sap destroying my hair that I could not imagine not having you beside me forever.”
“I was just trying to stop you from falling off the branch,” Angeal said.
“There was an unspoken moment!” Genesis insisted. When it had gotten quiet out and the sun was going down, he'd squeezed his hand extra tight and it was definitely a big 'M' Moment.
“That's a lot to put on holding hands with me when we were eleven.” Angeal said. “You didn't say anything about it.”
“How could it be an unspoken moment if I had said something?” Sometimes, his best friend was denser than the cafeteria meatloaf. “I thought you simply understood.”
“You're my best friend,” Angeal told him. “We'll always be part of each others lives, but if we try for anything else, I don't know if that will be true anymore. We could wreck it.”
“I don't care,” Genesis huffed at him. “I know my own mind and more importantly, I know my own heart. I know yours too, better than you do sometimes. Life is far too short not to fall in love with you.”
“You're not in love with me,” Angeal told him softly.
“You do not get to decide that!” Genesis told him. “No one but me gets to decide that and if anyone were to tell me some stupid reason like we're too young, or too inexperienced or it's some response to living in mortal danger for the better part of the last two years, I would set them aflame and wait for the ashes because their continued breathing is clearly a waste of perfectly usable oxygen!”
“I get to decide whether or not I want to do this with you,” Angeal said quietly.
“And you don't?” Genesis asked. Goddess, this whole night could be ruined now.
“Not if you're not sure,” Angeal said. “Not if you have a single doubt.”
“Not one,” Genesis said, pushing his shoulders back.
“You hate my plants,” Angeal said.
“You're worth a few bugs,” Genesis told him.
“I might not want to be a SOLDIER forever,” Angeal said.
“Neither might I,” Genesis replied. At some point, he wanted to write about Loveless and the interpretations he felt were more appropriate than some of the hacks he'd read.
“I want dogs someday,” Angeal replied. “You don't like dogs.”
“Just keep them off the furniture and I will learn to like your hypothetical mutt,” Genesis told him, punctuating it by putting his finger on his chest. “I have an answer for everything. Go ahead!”
“I want to have children,” Angeal said, though the way his upper lip was moving, he was clearly trying not to laugh.
“We're already raising a teenager,” Genesis replied. “After Sephiroth, a baby will be a breeze.”
“You're insane,” Angeal said.
“I am not,” Genesis replied. “I can refer you to the paperwork Hollander had to file six months ago stating as much.”
“You're just going to keep arguing with me, aren't you?” Angeal said, but now he was smiling.
“We've been friends for nine years,” Genesis told him. “I feel like it's on you if you're only now realising I'm argumentative.”
“You're really sure about this?” Angeal asked.
“You worry too much,” Genesis told him.
“You don't worry enough,” Angeal sighed. “Can we at least do this properly? Go on a real date?”
“We're going to a fancy night out,” Genesis said, trying not to smile at the scowl. “Yes, we can go on a real date. Now let me fix your tie again, I want so many pictures of tonight that it's forever burnt into my memory.”
“First class,” Angeal said, letting him work the material.
“And first dates.”
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silver-wield · 4 years
I’ve just read the hypocrite comment from that Clerithox, I was totally flabbergasted that there is some CA that really-really-really-really do think that CA is canon and CT is fanon??? (WTH) I mean, ship what you like but don’t exposed yourself to be mentally unable to comprehend game’s plot/story/narrative & ignoring all the documented evidence (SMH) …. Psssst no one need to know you’re unwise.
So over on my twitter account I actually have the entire cult blocked and I mute all their tags so I don't see any of this unless it's sent in the group chat I'm in. Why am I saying this? So yall understand that I don't go looking for it and actually can't see it even if I tried. And yet, here is a list of all their bs takes about Tifa and the game so far for this year.
A year of cult bs in chronological order. A lot of these are repeated at different times during the month.
• 2020 was the year of Aerith
• Clotis want Tifa to die
• FF7R will be different
• Clotis want Tifa to have Aerith's arc
• Body shaming Tifa
• Barifa
• S7 residents didn't ask about Aerith after the plate collapse so they deserved to die
• Cloud is single in AC
• Aerith won't die and will save Cloud in the lifestream scene
• Cloud's heart "skips a beat"
• The number 8 is proof
• Editing scenes to remove undesirable canon lines
• Tifa gets blown away first in the Sephiroth battle opening cut scene, so that makes her weak
• Tifa's a badly written character
• Tifa has no backstory
• Nomura "hates" Tifa
• Aerith's key art of her staring at the blue sky is about Cloud
• Aerith's red dress scene and second dress bgm are validation
• Tifa is an overhyped bartender
• Tifa's weak (again)
• Body shaming Tifa (again)
• Hollow
• Tifa's weak (again)
• Aerith has better reflexes than Tifa
• If Cloud and Tifa are a couple why is the ending of FF7 such a downer?
• "Aunt" Tifa
• Body shaming Tifa (again)
• Cloud "couldn't refuse" Aerith
• Tifa respects Cloud's personal space
• EC and 1st Soldier were announced together so are clearly about the same thing, which isn't Zack
• Cloud listed 7th heaven in AC as 7th heaven so he doesn't love Tifa
• Body shaming Tifa (again)
• Aerith will live and fix Cloud's mind in the lifestream scene (again)
• Tifa got rejected because she asked if Cloud loved her while he was asleep in otwtas
• Ever Crisis is about Aerith, the Cetra and Jenova
• 7s till the end is Sephiroth warning he'll kill Aerith, so Cloud can save her
• Aerith and Sephiroth is a healthier pairing than Aerith and Zack
• Tifa didn't want to save Aerith
• Tifa's weak (again)
• Tifa's fanservice
• Body shaming Tifa (again)
• Tifa's weak (again)
• Tifa's a martial artist so should save herself
• Tifa's weak (again)
• You can see the pencil outline of 13yo Tifa's boob in her concept art - Roberto Ferrari is a pervert
• Aerith is the default heroine because the Amano art said so
• Fanart has no right showing Cloud and Tifa in the church
• Cloud, Aerith and Sephiroth are the FF7 "trinity"
• WoFF is FF7 canon
• AC Cloud getting stabbed in the shoulder is a callback to Aerith being stabbed in the back
• Tifa asked Cloud to talk in otwtas and that makes her a bad person
• Tifa is a "raging cishet"
• Ultimanias are just extended information
• Cloud dances for Aerith
• Aerith will ride the Hardy Davidson in part 2
• Barrifa (again)
• The whole plot of AC is Cloud losing "the love of his life"
• Barrifa (again)
• Tifa's weak (again)
• Tifa didn't want to save Aerith (again)
• Stars are their motif
• 7r posted a gif of Cloud, Tifa and Aerith so that's validation
• Triggered by fanart (again)
• Aerith will live and be with Cloud
• Barifa
• SE bias because they liked a cloti art
• Body shaming Tifa
• Tifa's "useless"
• Tifa was friendzoned
• Cloud wants to rape Aerith (it's just a joke though so that's okay)
• Getting triggered over fanart likes (again)
• Tifa's "useless" (again)
• Tifa didn't want to save Aerith
• Tifa was friendzoned (again)
• Tifa's "over praised"
• Haha we got 9 love songs
• Cloud wants to rape Aerith (again) (still just a joke, though, so that's okay)
• Cloud said he was a soldier on purpose because he wants to rape Aerith.
• Tifa should die
• Body shaming Tifa (again)
• Tifa's overly included in the game
• Tifa's useless (again)
• Barrifa (again)
• Tifa should die (again)
• Aerith saved everyone in AC
• Aerith's resolution is a love confession
• Hamaguichi is one of them because he had a photo taken on the church set
• Tifa's a "generic Asian girl"
• Tifa's white and appropriated Asian culture
• Tifa's fanservice
• List of 12 reasons why Aerith loves Cloud that includes her blocking the hallway to prevent him leaving, and stalking him.
• Tifa respects Cloud's personal space and that's bad
• Aerith will live because the devs wouldn't waste money remaking the story the same way.
• Hamaguichi is a dumdum because a fanartist claimed he spoke to her and said they'll have "their perfect answer"
• Over 10 love songs
• Tifa has a generic Asian face
• Cait Sith is confirmation because he said Cloud will lose his most precious thing and they assume that he meant Aerith
• Bracketing a picture of Aerith alongside one of Cloud who was protecting Tifa at the time
• Cloud and Tifa are just friends
• Cloud talks to Aerith more than anyone else in the game
• Hollow
• 7R is an alternate timeline and this time Aerith's aware she'll die and wants Cloud to save her, and Cloud is aware he needs to save her
• Aerith lives in relative luxury in the slums, how dare people hate her
• Tifa is a coward
• Roxas and Sora are Cloud and Aerith's kids
• Cloud confessed love during Aerith's resolution
• Tifa is an underdeveloped character compared to Aerith
• Cloud and Tifa weren't childhood friends
• Hamaguichi is a dumdum and supports the busted dinghy (again)
• People who like Tifa more than Aerith are boring
• The story is a sequel and Cloud and Aerith support Tifa in becoming an independent woman while she knows they're together and accepts it
• Cloud remembers Zack and doesn't say anything during the slide scene because he doesn't want to ruin his and Aerith's "date"
• The ending of OG is dumdum because of a mistranslated line
• Tifa is weak and clingy
• Edited scenes of Cloud's face centimetres from Aerith's
• Aerith's resolution is really Cloud's despite being labelled as Aerith's
This is just up to today's date 🤦‍♀️
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
I noticed something that sort of ticks me off in Case of Tifa. After Cloud does a delivery for Elmyra to take a bouquet to Aerith's grave he starts staying away from Tifa and Marlene. But then after he finds Denzel and says that Aerith brought Denzel to him and decides to let him live with them and save him from geostigma, Cloud starts being back at home more often again. Did Cloud really start spending more time at home again just b/c of Aerith, and decided to save Denzel just b/c of her?
Hey anon.
The AC/CoT stuff seems to be a popular topic recently. I think it’s good that people are watching ACC and reading the novels since I think it’ll be important to understand both as Remake moves along. They’re pulling all pieces of the compilation into Remake, and the novels are no exception, since Leslie, Marle, and Kyrie have already made appearances. 
The delivery to the Forgotten City caused a old wound to be ripped open. The point of ACC is to show Cloud’s guilt for letting (in his mind) Aerith die. They also tie in Zack since he also feels immense guilt and sadness over that. In CoT they only really say that Cloud does feel guilty because he feels like he couldn’t protect Aerith and prevent her from dying. I don’t think that’s romantic - he was supposed to be her bodyguard and we know from Cloud’s history that he takes these things very seriously. He failed at preventing her from being killed, so he lives with that guilt.
Tifa also has a lot of guilt surrounding Aerith’s death and the Sector 7 plate collapse. They mention her guilt a ton of times, and I find it interesting that it’s not something that’s talked about often online. It’s always about Cloud’s guilt.
Here’s something an anon wrote in that I think is a great summary:
Anon Ask/Statement on Cloud’s Guilt
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Tifa’s first time at the Forgotten City, which is shortly after the first defeat of Sephiroth, causes her to break down. The one thing that’s interesting in CoT is Tifa’s guilt slams her almost immediately, while Cloud is the one who seems to be holding it together to support her. 
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We see that he’s willing to try and help her be strong. At this point, I’m not sure if he’s fully aware of the amount of guilt that’s settling within him. The point where it really seems to slam him is after he does the delivery for Elmyra. He has PTSD associated with the Forgotten City. I would assume anybody would. I would whether I knew a person closely or not if I saw them murdered in front of me. Especially if I attempted to kill them myself right before. 
Cloud also just generally has PTSD from everything else that’s happened to him. He lost his mother violently, his hometown was burned down, he watched the girl he’s in love with almost die, he was experimented on for four years and then ultimately watched his best friend die in front of him. He’s got a lot of shit going on and now add a reminder of ANOTHER incident in his life, he’s going to spiral.
Cloud also has a tendency to close in on himself. He doesn’t want to be a burden and he’s scared of hurting those he loves. It’s very possible that during this point, he didn’t want to worry Tifa anymore than she already was. So he begins to avoid them. Tifa also is non-confrontational at this point so isn’t going to push him. 
For the Denzel piece: Cloud sees Denzel as a way to repent for his sins of letting Aerith and Zack die. He says Aerith sent Denzel to him not in a romantic sense, but (in his mind) as a way to be forgiven. 
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Now, we know Aerith doesn’t blame Cloud for her death. She tells us that in AC. This is all in Cloud’s mind that he’s a failure and he causes all these issues. He’s very selfless, but ends up seeming selfish because he really does pretty much self implode.
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It’s not the first time he does this, either. When Tifa falls from Mt. Nibel - he blames himself. He goes through this time when he just becomes and asshole and beats people up. This is the event that causes him to decide to become a SOLDIER. He wants to win Tifa over.
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He never tells anybody why he wanted to join SOLDIER. They show that during the Lifestream when Tifa asks him why. It was a sudden decision to everyone around him. Most likely not to Cloud - because Cloud was in his head coming up with all of this stuff. Ultimately, he wanted Tifa to notice him. He wanted to win her over and prove he could protect her. That was his driving force behind joining SOLDIER. 
So now we’ve covered this is just the way Cloud is. In Tifa’s case, he already had a crush on her, so that just grew from there into this deep desire to win her over. In Aerith’s case he didn’t have as strong of a connection to her - he didn’t know her as long - and he was “contracted” to be her bodyguard. He takes these things seriously. 
Cloud and Tifa take Denzel in and Cloud becomes obsessed with finding a cure for Geostigma. We see the books and papers on his desk in Advent Children - so we know this is something he was really looking in to. I relate - I did the same thing when my dad had cancer. You can get into these moods and forget about everything else. Usually somebody has to try and slam you out of it, but it’s hard. 
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Tifa also sees Denzel as a way to retribution. She has a lot of guilt over what she did with Avalanche and the Sector 7 plate collapse. Denzel lost his parents in the Sector 7 plate collapse. 
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Here is the conversation the two of them have that I think people take out of context. Cloud didn’t say Aerith brought Denzel to him for romantic reasons. He sees it as another chance to save a life. He tells us this - directly. Tifa feels the same was, as we see in the earlier excerpt. If anything, Aerith knew both Tifa and Cloud needed some help here with their inner turmoil. 
On top of it, Tifa feels that Denzel’s arrival strengthened their family. I would think if this was an old flame thing happening, she may feel a bit differently. Cloud decided to cut back to spend more time with the children. This has nothing to do with Aerith. It is also mentioned on a previous page that the bar was starting to lose business because people started realizing a kid with Geostigma lived there. Cloud, Tifa, and Marlene never mention this to Denzel, and instead, they continue to embrace him as part of their family. 
Honestly it’s pretty warm and fuzzy - even though all the darkness in this chapter - Tifa and Cloud are pretty good parents, especially since they’re young and it was kind of thrown on them. Also, it wouldn’t really be nice if Cloud was like “hey I’m dropping another kid off for you to deal with while you’re working the bar and all.”
As for the very last paragraph: We find out later that Cloud ends up with Geostigma and that’s why he left. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back sort of thing. Not only was he failing at saving Denzel, but he also now had what he knew to be a terminal illness in many cases. He now feels he can’t do anything and he runs. He tells us this in AC. 
I don’t think Tifa imagined the promise - because things ultimately end up being okay. Cloud just really thought he was going to die and was going to fail her - being dead means he can’t fulfill his promise to her. 
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Here’s an excerpt from Case of Denzel. He mentions Tifa, Cloud, and Marlene. Not just Cloud. He sees them all as his family. He also mentions all of the folks along the way. The bulk of Case of Denzel is him getting to the point of being found at the church. It’s not just about his time with Cloud and Tifa - it’s Denzel’s journey. Johnny is in this one a lot. 
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Ultimately, I do have issues with the way Advent Children was handled outside of Japan. Without the novels, it does seem like Cloud is just a depressed mess. You don’t really know why he’s a mess. You know he has Geostigma and you know he feels guilty. Some people took it as him pining for Aerith. Watching ACC and reading the novels, I didn’t get that at all. Many people became Cloti fans because of Advent Children. They were acting like a married couple going through a rough patch. 
They really do only mention his guilt in the novels and his issues with not being able to protect her. We do not have an official “Case of Cloud” so really can only go based on what the other characters are seeing with him and what he’s told them. As I’ve said in previous posts, there’s not canon evidence that his feelings were romantic - especially post Lifestream. 
The novels were released AFTER Advent Children in the US and I don’t think it was very well known. Most of the people I’ve talked to that are casual fans never saw Advent Children as romantic for him and Aerith. Especially since Zack was around. The ending alone makes people laugh when they find out they think Cloud and Aerith had any romance - he calls her “Mom” - her boyfriend is there with her and they’re acting like foster parents. 
I think with Remake, they’ll make things a bit more clear. I think ACC does a good job of making the guilt feel a bit more broad between Aerith and Zack. I wish it would have covered a bit more about Tifa’s guilt like Case of Tifa does, and maybe it would seem less romantic, since they seem to be having the same inner turmoil.
I think if people fully played OG, played Crisis Core, read the novels, and then watched ACC, they’d realize this all comes together pretty clearly. Dirge of Cerberus doesn’t show too much of he full original gang, but you do get to see a much happier Cloud and Tifa in it. The phone conversation is cute and hilarious - especially since since Barret is being ridiculous and Tifa yells at him.
Aerith and Zack are a thing. Cloud and Tifa are a thing. Cloud and Tifa have some serious problems with dealing with what goes on in their heads and it’s resolved by the end of Advent Children. Zack and Aerith give him that look at the end like “Alright, everything should be good now. Don’t disappoint us!” 
I also really do not think Cloud is going to pine after his best friend’s girl. Cloud isn’t a douchebag. He’s a nice guy. He respects people. Zack was his one and only best friend. Zack saved his life. I really think if people would remember to pull Zack into these conversations, they’d realize that it’s ridiculous to think that Cloud was after his dead best friend’s dead girlfriend. 
Additional Reading:
Advent Children Anon Ask  (About Romance)
Cloud and Tifa Ask - Advent Children
Why Zack is Important to Cloud
The Future of the LTD (This has a links to other blogs as well - so there is a variety of opinions here, including from a CA multishipper)
Case of Tifa and the Kids are Alright
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #633: So.... About Sephiroth....(SSBU x Persona 5)
Ryuji: Ok. I know we should be focusing on Christmas Shopping and all, but can we PLEASE talk about how and why Sephiroth is in this mansion right now!?
Morgana: What?
Futuba: EX-F**KING-CUSE ME!???
Makoto: Futuba, what do we told you about texting out cuss words in our Groupchat?
Futuba: I covered up the middle words!
Makoto: Even still, that doesn't make it any less inappropriate. Please don't do it anymore, okay?
Futuba: Yes, ma'am.....
Ann: I'm already lost. Who's Sephiroth again?
Ren: Silver Haired guy with Long sword. He's also a one winged angel.
Futuba: The One Winged Angel.jpg
Ann: Wow he's hot. But alas, my heart still and will always belongs to my dear Shiho-kins~
Haru: Awww~
Ryuji: Okay, Ms. Shakespeare lol.
Ann: ಠ︵ಠ
Sonic: Cute lovers' stuff aside, let's not forget that this man has been the thorn in Cloud's side ever since day one......Whenever that is.
Haru: Goodness. I wonder what he has done to make Cloud-Senpai so upset.....
Morgana: That's what I've been wondering too now that I think about.
Futuba: Well, for starters, he murdered Cloud's best friend, Zack, and his companion named Aerith.
Haru: Oh my gosh, REALLY!!?
Yusuke: Oh dear.....
Makoto: Excuse me!!?
Morgana: My god! I didn't know all of that!!!!
Ann: Yep. Now, I'm definitely glad I don't any feelings for him now.
Ryuji: Right!? The guy's a ruthless monster! Even if he is cool looking!
Ren: So is he like.... Officially moving in the mansion now. I mean, I know people say that he's one of the new entries in Smash Tournament and all, but idrk.
Sonic: Well, he doesn't really moved in or anything. He only comes here for Ganondorf's League of Villains Club or whatever. Not only that, but Hades actually brought him from hell and everything.
Ren: Now that's freaky.
Ryuji: I know, right. I'm guessing this was after Cloud killed him in that Advent Child movie I watched a while back.
Makoto: I can't believe Hades would go as far as to bring someone back from the dead....
Sonic: Tell me about it, but there is another reason why he did this besides joining some villains club.
Futuba: For real!?
Ryuji: Hey!
Sonic: Yep. You guys remember that whole World of Light fiasco we all been involved in, right?
Ren: Yeah. Those were some really crazy times for all of us back then.....
Ryuji: But what does that have to do with anything?
Sonic: Well, you guys remember we all had to split into two groups to clear out all of the remaining forces of Galeem and Dharkon.
Morgana: Oh yeah, I remember now. We were all assigned to deal with the rest of Dhakron's mess.
Sonic: That's right. While you guys did that, me and the other half of the group face off against Galeem on our own. It was hard work, but eventually, Sephiroth came in at the right time to slice that thing in half, causing an army of Master Hands to disappear.
Ren: Huh. That's.... actually pretty cool of him to do that for everyone.
Sonic: Yeeahh, but.....
Ren: Oh god. What did he do next?
Sonic: Nothing too major.....He just attacked us is all.
Makoto: Why?
Sonic: I don't even know myself, Queen. He just flew in and bodied almost all of us without breaking a sweat. Greninja, Pit, Rosalina, Samus, Bayonetta....
Sonic: Yup! Especially her! And I haven't even gotten to the part of what he did to my poor pops!
Morgana: You're talking about Mario, right? What did he do to him?
Sonic: Wellllllll......
Sonic: Fatal Strike.jpg
Ryuji: HOLY SHIT!!!!!
Ren: ........WELL!!!
Makoto: Oh my god!
Ann: (‘◉⌓◉’)(‘◉⌓◉’)(‘◉⌓◉’)(‘◉⌓◉’)
Yusuke: This can't be real.....
Haru: Oh my goodness. I think I'm going to cry....
Sonic: Everybody, CALM DOWN! Relax! Mario is fine. I repeat: Mario is 100% fine! Look!
Sonic: Sike! He Missed!.jpg
Ren: Oh thank Goddess Mom.
Futuba: Right!? That is such a relief!
Makoto: I agree. I don't think my could take it if he actually got himself hurt like that.
Ann: Hey, Haru, are you okay at your end?
Haru: I'm doing much better now that my sweet little Mona-Chan is here with me~
Haru: My Little Knight and Shining Armor.jpg
Futuba: D'awwwwww~
Ryuji: Damn, Mona. You really are her son lol.
Morgana: Shut it, Ryuji.
Haru: Mona-Chan, are you embarrassed of me? :(
Morgana: No! Of course not, mom! I love you with all of my heart! Really!
Haru: I know you do, sweetheart. I was only messing with you is all. I love you too~ ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Morgana: Haru why?
Haru: I just wanted to see that adorable face of yours flustered. I'm sorry.
Morgana: It's fine. I forgive you.
Haru: ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Sonic: Adorable cuteness aside, the plumber dad was in no harm whatsoever. And mom makes extra sure he stays that way too, cuz I just saw her hugging him like a teddy bear in their bedroom.
Sonic: Protective Momma Peach on Duty.jpg
Ann: Yeah. Not gonna lie, I would totally do that for Shiho if she ever gets hurt.
Makoto: I would do the same for Ren.
Ren: Why?
Makoto: Because you're a reckless idiot and I love you.
Ren: Love you too, 'hon~ :D
Makoto: ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Futuba: Ignoring the blantly obvious Married Couple, I'm glad all of you guys are safe.
Makoto: ಠ_ಠ
Ren: ಠ︵ಠ
Sonic: Thanks, Futuba. If Cloud wasn't there to fight the madman, we all would've been done for.
Ryuji: Speaking of which, how does Cloud feel about Sephiroth joining the tournament?
Sonic: He's not too happy about it. But he has been ignoring him since a day or two ago, so that's something.
Haru: That's wonderful news. I sure do hope his presence doesn't cause Cloud Senpai too much trouble in the future.
Sonic: Same. The poor guy look like he's been stressed about it for days.
Makoto: While we're on the topic of Sephiroth, I think it's best for all of us that we stay clear from him for now.
Ren: I agree with Makoto on this one. If.the guy's that strong enough to beat half of everyone in this mansion, I stutter to think what would it be like if any fight him. So let's not get in his way, alright?
Ryuji: Right.
Ann: Roger.
Yusuke: Very well.
Haru: Okay.
Morgana: Good enough for me.
Makoto: That means you too, Futuba.
Futuba: Why me specifically?
Ren: Because we all know how much of a fangirl you are in almost everythingg video game related. Sephiroth looks like the type of guy who is dead serious on everything and I don't my baby sister to get hurt because of him.
Futuba: Rennnnnnnn I'm not a baby!
Ren: You are one to me damnit.
Futuba: ಠಗಠ
Ren: Okay. Okay. I kid lol. But seriously though, just try and stay away from him for me, alright?
Futuba: 'Aye, 'Aye, Captain!
Yusuke: I apologise to ask you this so suddenly, Sonic, but do you still have the picture you showed us not too long ago?
Sonic: The one Fatal Strike one? Yeah, I still got it. Why? You need it for something?
Yusuke: Yes. I must make a painting of this immediately!
Ryuji: Dude, seriously? Why?
Yusuke: I am not too sure about the reasons myself, but.... the dark, gloomy atmosphere of the picture alone has already peaked my attention. And it's telling me to create a masterpiece of it immediately.
Futuba: Of course you would be interested in making something like that, Inari.....
Ann: Could we just focus on our Christmas Shopping plans instead please? I don't even wanna think about that photo.
Haru: Me too. It makes me sad every time I see it.
Yusuke: Very well. I suppose I can try painting it in memory. Or at least, I hope I can....
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miss-tc-nova · 4 years
A SOLDIER’s Memories - Cloud Strife x Fem!Reader Pt 11
Bit cliche, but I love it. 
Part 11: Acknowledgement
One Week Later…
               I failed; and now here I lie in the darkness, banished to the furthest corner of my mind while Sephiroth uses me. I’m a terrible excuse for a hero, unable to vanquish my greatest foe for a third time. Now the planet will perish, taking what I love most with it. I don’t know what I hate more, the fact that I couldn’t win or the fact that I couldn’t get over Cloud. I tried everything to keep him at arm’s length, not to let him get to me, but even in the end all I want is to see him one last time.
               The echo travels forever to reach me, but the tone is familiar. It sounds again, a little closer. “Stop!”
               You shouldn’t have come here… My thoughts are so heavy and bogged.
               “You are not his puppet!”
               Just let me die. I’m so tired of fighting.
               “You can’t give up now!” Flashes of Cloud’s face flicker in my mind. “Are you gonna let him win?!”
               There’s nothing I can do about it. I tried. I failed.
               “Are you gonna let some maniac with a god complex beat you again?!” I can see him, brandishing his sword, holding back mine. “Are gonna let him tear us apart again?!”
               Those words spark something. Cloud?
               I shove him back but he skids to a halt. My legs rush for him. He readies his sword, but a thrown khopesh ties it up and pulls it out of the way. The second is prepared to strike him down from above.
               My arm swings forward; however, instead of cutting through the blonde, my hand flips the blade, sending it right through my stomach. His words gave me just enough of a shock to break through.
               The pain is enough to bring my sanity back and also bring me down. Knees hitting the ground, I watch the tears drip into the dirt.
               “Look at me. Look at me!” Cloud’s hands against my face bring my gaze up. The look of worry in his eyes grips at my heart. “I thought you were gone.”
               “I’m sorry,” I cry.
               His forehead rests against mine. “I know. I know it wasn’t you. But you’re gonna be okay. I’m gonna end this and we’re gonna get you some help.” Carefully, the man lowers me to my side. “Just don’t go dying on me okay,” he warns, pulling the belts from his waist.
               “I don’t know if I can promise that.” My voice breaks.
               “You’re not going anywhere,” he growls. I wince as he tightens the first belt just below my weapon. The second goes just above, placing pressure on the injury without removing the protruding object. “Just hang in there. You’re gonna be fine.” His voice softens, tightening the vice in my chest. “You have to be.”
               “No! We made a bet and you lost! You owe me one favor and you’re not allowed to die! No exceptions! Say it!” The man is determined with a hint of fear in his voice. “Say it!”
               I swallow the sob threatening to come up. “No exceptions.”
               His gaze softens, full of the love I’ve been missing for so long. “I’ll be back soon.”
               With that, Cloud stands and heads deeper into the Northern Cave. I break down crying. This is the end and I just lied to him. I want so badly to call him back, have him here in my last moments, but I can just watch him walk away from me for the last time.
               Why did it have to be now of all times? Why do you remember at the very end?
               Alone, in mourning, I slip away from the conscious world.
               “Hey, you’re slacking.”
               “Huh?” I’m blinded by the white world around me.
               “You’re slacking. Come on. You can’t be here when you’re supposed to be taking care of that legacy of mine.”
               A pair of boots stops in front of me. Following them up, I find a friend I haven’t seen in years and it breaks my heart.
               “Zack.” I take a step forward, throwing my arms around his neck. Laughing, he returns the gesture. “I miss you.”
               “I miss you too.”
               I lean back to get a better look at his face. “Wait…are you…”
               His weary smile is answer enough. “Yeah.”
               That single word is enough to break my composure. “I’m sorry.”
               Zack pulls me back in. “Hey, it’s not your fault. Besides, I’m not alone.”
               “I hope we don’t get any other visitors.” Her voice rings in my ears like an angel’s. Whirling around, I find the flower girl standing there with a serene smile on her face. I can’t help embracing her just as I had Zack.
               “No no no! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” I blather on.
               She giggles. “Why are you blaming yourself? Thanks to you, Cloud and the others could save the world.”
               My mind jolts. “Cloud…He’s going to be so upset when he finds me.”
               Zack folds his arms. “Well you did let him carry on with warped memories.”
               “Not that…” I let my gaze fall to the flowers around us. “I told him I’d hold on but I just couldn’t.”
               “But aren’t you still holding on?” My gaze snaps back to my friend. A grin lights up his face. “Wait, you thought just because you’re here that you’re dead?” He laughs like I’ve just told a punch line to some joke.
               I hesitate, my gaze zipping between the two. “But the both of you are…So I must be…”
               “Nope.” A hand ruffles my hair. “You’re just here for a visit. I told you you were slacking. That chocobo is worried sick down there waiting for you to wake up.”
               When I hesitate in responding, Aerith leans closer with her signature, sunshine smile. “Just open your eyes.” I dwell on her answer. “Go on. He’s waiting for you.”
               “Thank you,” I mumble watching the waving pair fade to darkness.
               I wake up feeling sore but somehow better. The weight in my chest, that’s been there for so long, is gone. The fact I’m alive, that the world still exists, and my future is brighter, it all brings tears to my eyes.
               This is a hospital room. I’ve got an IV and blood bag in my arm and a heart monitor disrupting my peaceful silence. I contemplate doing something, ultimately being too lazy to do so and instead rest a bit longer.
               A light knock wakes me. The door opens before I can answer, revealing a blonde that brings tears to my eyes. He looks exhausted. His blank expression holds as he sets a bag on an empty chair and sits in the one beside my bed; he must’ve been doing this for a while. The emptiness instantly replaced by shock when he realizes I’m watching him. I’m so overwhelmed with relief that I can’t even say anything, fearing my voice will fail. Back on his feet, he’s leaning over me, arms threatening to choke me with his face buried in my hair. I managed to hold on, but when I hear the man sniffling, I fall apart.
               “I don’t know how I ever could’ve forgotten you,” he murmurs, spurring my sobbing. Finally, he leans back to get a look at my face. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
               “You thought you were Zack and something about even looking at me freaked you out. I was afraid that if I reminded you, you might break.” Hands to my face, I try to slow the flow of tears. “Even if I reminded you there was no guarantee you’d accept it.”
               “You should’ve told me.”
               I mutter bitterly, “Why? So you’d have another reason to hate me?”
               A chilly hand slips around my face, guiding my gaze to meet his, and he’s very serious. “Because you never should’ve had to deal with that on your own. Even if you had to beat it into me, I would’ve believed you eventually.” Sighing, his hand retreats, instead sliding through his golden hair. “It made more sense than the nonsense I was telling everyone.”
               Cloud tells me about what happened and why he claimed to be Zack; of course Shinra would be behind the whole thing. At least it gives me some closure about what happened to him and Zack, but I have to wonder why I didn’t become a test subject too. I have to chalk it up to not being discovered by Hojo after the Mako carried me away.
               “So what’s everybody doing now?”
               “Going home.”
               “What does that mean for you?”
               He shrugs. “It means where ever you wanna go.”
               My mind freezes and I’m kind of pissed that the heart monitor betrays the slight pace change of my heart. Even though his blue eyes travel to the machine that’s quickly becoming an enemy, I try to ignore it. “Why?”
               His attention returns to me. “Because there are things we need to work out.” His hand takes mine and I curse that machine again. “Including what we’re going to do about us.”
               That’s an iffy subject I’ve been arguing with myself over for a long time now. “I don’t know.” He frowns. “We’re a far stretch from the people we used to be.”
               His thumb draws soothing circles against the back of my hand. “Even if we are different people, maybe we still fit together.”
               I emit a puff of laughter. “Your tragedies to compliment mine?”
               Cloud’s deep wondering lightens somewhat. “More like I’m pretty sure I’m still in love with you.” Fire surges up my spine, burning in my ears and bleeding across my face. I’m about to throw the heart monitor out the window. A soft chuckle escapes the blonde. Slightly aggressively, I reach into my gown, ripping the little patches off. “Hey hey! Be careful,” the blonde scolds through a grin. I stick my tongue out at him but he’s none deterred. “I forgot how cute you look when you blush.”
               And I forgot just how easy it was for him to make me blush.
               But maybe he was right; people grow and change, whether together or apart. He’s not the Cloud I fell in love with, but perhaps that doesn’t mean I can’t love who he is now. I was focused on what I lost and terrified of having it flaunted in front of me only to be torn away again; it probably would’ve haunted me for the rest of my life. But he remembers now, he can relate and understand; I don’t have to hide anything from him anymore. The conversations I thought we’d never have now seem far less frightening.
               “So is that no?”
               Feeling the lightest I’ve felt in a very long time, I let a pure, true smile take over. “Get me out of here and then we’ll talk about where we’re going next.”
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For the ship ask game:
Ship it!
What made you ship it?
The heart eyes and obvious adoration. Sometimes, I'm just a sucker for a sweet ship where both adore each other and are not shy on the compliments in the slightest, existing to hype each other up.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
That, alongside the adoration and support, that they have differing opinions/philosophies sometimes, and reconciling those includes compromises and acknowledging where both of them are a bit wrong when they fight.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't know the popular and unpopular opinions about Renga, because, while I love them, I haven't felt the urge to seek out other people's headcanons and fic all that much.
 If I had to wager on a less popular reading that I have though...Our sweet boys may live happily ever after, but it's going to be a bumpy road first. Reki has a lot of emotions and is not afraid to show them all, and he's very sensitive, which isn't a bad thing. Our unflappable Langa may seem like a good complement to him--and he is in my opinion--but he's also the type that, even though he has his list of Reki's best qualities handy, doesn't realize that he may need to say them more than once and doesn't read cues enough to know right away when hearing "the obvious" might help reassure Reki. 
Langa is also the type to just agree to things and then quietly do whatever he wants. We see it in canon and we see Reki take it badly, and yet I still think saying they will go through many different versions of the same fight without any change in behavior happening will be an unpopular opinion. Also, while Reki will always be able to make Langa's heart beat faster for his own reasons, Langa has more than a bit of a thing for danger and challenge, and having fun to infinity with Reki, may be what he'd always choose if he had to, but he's going to constantly seek out more challenges, whether it be increasingly dangerous stunts or places and people to race, seeking out the pulse pound until Reki's nerves fray apart. There will be dramatic fights and multiple break ups. They'll work it out though.
Now we read more the rest because of length
An intriguing concept, and they would be cute together, and probably work well as a unit because they would all care for each other's needs and be in tune to each other's emotions, but I'm going to say I lean toward don't ship it. But imagine it said with a question mark. Don't ship it?
You know what, why not? Why should I not ship it? I wrote a long, moralizing thing about not subjecting the girls to a double standard when I've already been clear that I just can't get past/reassess my twins/family type reading on Roxas and Sora. It's hard to work up a deeper feeling than "it could be nice" when there isn't much interaction--and none as a trio--but "I ship it" definitely does not need to be a deep or "forever" declaration (and I am the last person to ask others to justify/moralize what they like) , so just the fact that you said "namikaixi" and my mind can list a series of scenarios I would definitely find cute enough to excitedly chatter about....we say ship, for today at least.
What made you ship it?
This ask. Idk. It’s cute. I like the characters. You saw, I said “why not?” and there it is
What are your favorite things about the ship?
All three have dealt with being left behind, dismissed, and used then discarded. Two out of three have had their personhood questioned. They are not alone in these issues, but I just imagine these three, each finding the other two such an inspiration that it's criminal they could ever be made to feel insecure, going on validating and lavishing praise on each other, and healing together. I also see it as a very even polycule if that makes sense. I tend to dislike fictional polycules that are just "A should be able to date both B and C" in origin--which is personal taste and obviously in real life relationships come in all forms-- and prefer ones where all parties love each other just as much and I could see any 2 within the 3 functioning well as couple as well as the 3 working as a unit without falling into any more pitfalls than any other relationship (The "as well as" being important because, let's take Squall, Rinoa, and Seifer from FF8. Squall/Rinoa? Good. Squall/Seifer? Fantastic! Seifer/Rinoa? Underrated! But the three together, I can only see DISASTER and jealousy longterm. But I digress. This ain't about them).
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I feel that this is too rare to have popular or unpopular opinions, but my uncommon opinion about Namine in relationships in general is once she's comfortable she becomes vocal and dominant and just takes the lead in everything.
Eh, I'll probably always be ambivalent/just kind of playing along, but, no, no, you got a point when you talk about this one. Ship it.
What made you ship it?
Friends don't let friends ship alone.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Slow corruption. Voices whispering in ears. Ansem's whole *waves vaguely* deal from voice to wardrobe. Riku's willfulness and the fact that if he ever does give in to something it's because he wants to/that's there's no way for anyone else but Riku to win in any battle [insert "despite game mechanics" joke here]. It's a set up for a good "guilty pleasure" ship
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't know. Let me muse on them enough to write something for Risem week and I'm sure I'll come up with something others  disagree with lol.
Ship it. Is there a Cloud ship I wouldn't ship?  Probably, but this particular ship I fell off the slippery slope awhile back
What made you ship it?
The compilation and their appearances elsewhere. Specifically, the directions that it started to move in portraying Cloud and Sephiroth's link, Sephiroth's respect and growing obsession/fascination that Cloud just keeps besting him and has proven to be so much more than he thought at first, and, yes, the fanservice-y "you didn't need to animate it that way, or have them say that line, but you did and now it's everyone's problem" type stuff . Such a short answer for the ship I have thought the most about and shipped the longest, but it's as simple as that---and, of course, moving to the "sometimes the ships that are the most problematic are fun"
What are your favorite things about the ship?
How joyfully Sephiroth approaches it versus how Cloud must loathe himself still being attracted to Sephiroth (Which he is. Don't make me break out gifs from the Remake) and bound to him, or even remembering that this was once his hero and maybe his first crush other than Tifa, in light of how Sephiroth killed his mother and set his hometown on fire and then decided that was only the beginning. Did I just say my favorite part is causing Cloud pain? Yeah, that's problematic too. I'll ring the shame bell now.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Such is the nature of the FF7 fandom, that there is no unpopular opinions. Every conceivable opinion has a large subsect of people about to go rabid defending it.
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killscreencinema · 4 years
Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4)
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We all have a precious work of art in our lives that made a profound impact on who we eventually grew up to be, whether it be an album, a painting, a movie, or especially nowadays, a video game.  Final Fantasy VII was that for me, and when it came out in 1997, it would go on to define my high school years.
Which would go a long way towards explaining why I never got laid during those said years.  Le sigh....
All kidding aside, I never got laid in high school mostly because I was a mess when it came to the social scene.  I had trouble connecting with others and taking what I perceived to be “big risks” like going to parties, joining after school clubs, or -GULP- asking out a girl I liked!  I was very withdrawn socially, but I did have friends, and one of them, whom I’d consider my best friend, managed to get his hands on the original Final Fantasy VII before I even owned a PlayStation (I had foolishly bought a Nintendo 64, believing the next Final Fantasy was going to be released on that). 
My friend and I were already very close, but we bonded even more as we experienced this new adventure together.  He had his own save file that he was pecking away at, but he created a new one for us both to play whenever I’d spend the night or vice versa.  The both of us were completely immersed in this world and these characters.  It was one of a few positive experiences I can remember from my high school years.
The reason for this preamble is to make you understand how much this game means to me on an emotional level.  So when the remake was announced years ago, I was extremely apprehensive.  First of all, Square Enix is a pale shadow of its former glory as Squaresoft.  Final Fantasy XIII was a goddamn mess and Final Fantasy XV was a step in the right direction, but hardly the stuff of legends like its PSone and SNES predecessors.  The Kingdom Hearts games... well, I’ll eventually talk about the rest of those in my blog.  Suffice it to say, I had completely lost faith in Square Enix as a company, whereas there was a day I’d play ANYTHING they released because I knew it would be quality.
So lets get to point - did they fuck up Final Fantasy VII Remake as well or is it an absolute masterpiece? 
Well... that’s kind of a hard question to answer right now as this is only “Part 1″ of what I assume will be a trilogy of releases that comprise the actual FULL game.  However, judging this game alone, I’m going to lean towards masterpiece... with huge “but”.  I’ll talk more about that below and warn of spoilers before I get to it.
Make no mistake about it, though, Final Fantasy VII Remake (part 1) is a goddamn masterpiece.  The care put into the game by the development team is evident from top-to-bottom, with even the most minute details from the original faithfully adapted.  However, this isn’t a strict beat-for-beat retread of FFVII, nor did I expect it to be.  While the game follows the basic story almost exactly, some tweaks have been made here or there to better pad out both the gameplay and the story as a whole.  I had no issue with any of these changes, until the final chapter revealed the implications of them, which I guess I’ll discuss next to get it off my chest...
During the last chapter, your party is confronted by Sephiroth outside of Midgar, who then goads you into entering the “Singularity”, where you finally fight the ghostly “Whispers” who have been stalking you throughout the whole game.  These Whispers are a significant part of the new story “tweaks” that have been added, which I found annoying at first, but didn’t really mind so much as the story went on until now, because it is revealed that they are “arbiters of destiny”, whose jobs are to ensure fate plays out like its supposed to.  During your fight with them at the end of the game, after defeating each Whisper boss, the characters experience “flash forwards” to important story points in the future, such as Aerith’s death and the summoning of meteor, implying that they have more or less nullified these events now as a result of defeating “destiny”... I think.  Part of my problem with this portion of the game is Square Enix’s current “naval gazey, head-up-their-asses” story telling style is in full effect here, and I began to get Vietnam flashbacks to the completely incoherent plot of Final Fantasy XIII. 
Square Enix, it’s so simple - part of why Final Fantasy VII endures is because it’s a great story ALREADY.  By all means, give it a tweak here and there to give the characters more depth or make the story more dramatically impactful, but for the love of Jenova, please don’t tell me it’s going to turn into a philosophical shit show about the nature of destiny and fighting fate.  More importantly, Square Enix, please don’t tell me you are going to change CRITICAL plot points for shits n’ giggles or to “swerve” the audience.
For one, Aerith has to die. I love Aerith, especially his incarnation of Aerith in the Remake.  She’s so sweet and yet has a delightfully mischievous personality.  She’s absolutely perfect.  But the reason why her death still haunts fans of the game to this day is because THAT was the point in the story when shit got REAL.  The stakes were raised and Sephiroth cements himself as an evil son-of-a-bitch that must be stopped.  He doesn’t kill her just to be evil either - he kills her because she’s actively trying to foil his plans by using her white materia.  However, unbeknownst to Sephiroth, her death is what ultimately triggers the white materia to work when it needs to most.  It’s kind of like how Obi-Wan Kenobit warns Darth Vader “If you strike me down, I’ll become more powerful than you an imagine”, but in this instance it actually makes sense.
So that has to happen.  It can’t be Tifa, or Yuffie, or Cid, or Marlene, or some other swervy “gotcha” bullshit - it has to be Aerith. 
Secondly, Sephiroth must successfully summon the meteor - it’s in the fucking logo for crying out loud!  I can’t imagine what “imminent threat” for the whole world they could do instead.  Fat Chocobo gains a massive amount of weight and jumps on Midgar?  It’s baffling to imagine the developers would even *flirt* with the idea of changing these important story elements of the game, so hopefully we’ve all just hysterically misinterpreted the meaning of the last chapter.
Oh, one more thing - the final boss fight with Sephiroth was dumb too, if only because it cheapens the eventual actual final boss fight with him at the end of the game.  I liked how in the original he was basically a phantom that kept evading your party, leaving behind Jenova pieces for you to fight instead.  It’s like how in wrestling, a heel character talks tough, but then runs away when the “baby face” comes out to confront him.  Fighting Sephiroth now, not to mention beating him, kind of makes him look weak sauce.  Ohh legendary SOLDIER, my ass - I beat him at the beginning of the whole story.  To borrow from Star Wars again, it would be like Luke fighting Darth Vader in A New Hope and kicking his ass immediately.  Vader sure wouldn’t seem like much of a threat after that.
God, sorry, this review is out of control and much too long, but I have a lot to say!
Okay, so my worries above aside, the game itself is very well done.  The graphics are beautiful, despite the environment being a constant barrage of grey, industrial imagery (hey, that’s Midgar for ya).  They find ways to change things up visually, depending on what part of Midgar you’re in, such as Sector 5 having more greenery than usual (cause, you know, it’s Aerith’s home, so that makes sense!).  Wall Market, the “red light district” of Midgar, is a treat for the senses, especially at night, what with all the lights and the music playing everywhere.  It really feels like a lively, party town. 
One major change that had me, and probably a lot of FFVII purists, concerned is the combat system.  Gone is the turn based combat of old, replaced now with a more fast paced hack-n-slash style reminiscent of a From Software game than Final Fantasy (though not even as remotely as sophisticated).  However, I enjoyed the change, as this makes the battles much more engaging and fun, as opposed to the tedium that can come with turn-based combat, not to mention random encounters.  You can still use magic, items, and Limit Breaks like in the old days, so it still feels like the original, but with tweaks that make it better.
And you know, that pretty much sums up my super long review nicely - the game feels like the original but with tweaks that make it better.  Even the soundtrack is improved, which is a feat I didn’t think possible considering the original FFVII’s soundtrack is some of the best video game movie ever composed.  The Remake does a superb job of weaving in certain themes and remixing themes at appropriate points in the story.  “Aerith’s Theme” is more tear jerking than ever, while “One Chosen by the Planet” (otherwise known as Sephiroth’s theme) is even more chilling and fearsome than ever before. 
So overall, I fucking loved this game.  I rarely get emotional while playing video games, unless you consider cursing and screaming “emotional”, but damned if this one didn’t constantly give me warm and fuzzy feelings (especially whenever Tifa was onscreen - *growl*).  I’m eager to play the next part and explore more of this “new” world, despite my concern it might be “too new” in the worst ways.
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Tell us more about this Strifehart AU!!
Okay, so this may be a bit delayed, but tbh I don’t check tumblr often and like…haven’t gotten asks in a very long time. This is going to be a lot, but this AU is so frigging huge there are like no spoilers here really.
So! The Cloud Multiverse AU (Which is at heart a Strifehart AU) came about because I had a dream that I don’t remember, but for some reason, I go to thinking about how many games Cloud Strife is in. Like...the FFVII Compilation games, Dissidia, Smash Brothers, and of course: Kingdom Hearts. And…my brain decided to come up with an explanation for this, and all the other overlaps. Why my brain decided Cloud was the key component not some other character is only because Cloud’s one of my biggest faves. But, enough rambling. All of these universes exist in this AU. Every game, and of course more that don’t exist irl. But in this AU, all these things actually happen/happened. But, people don’t remember their lives when they are in other universes… Except for two main people-Cloud and Sephiroth. (Why them? Because they always hate each other and at least in KH it is not explained) So, they’re stuck in an endless cycle of lifetimes that they’re thrown through, not really knowing their purpose, but having all the memories and the pain that comes with it.
This story, though, started as pure Strifehart. I can link to the fanfic that I posted like…a year and a half ago. But regardless. The fic is essentially, Cloud returning to where all the worlds eventually go when they end (it’s more complicated, but I’m working that bit out.) But, this is after his KH life, where somehow along the way, he fell in love with Leon. However…people only remember their first lives when they reach the ‘nexus’ as I call it. And of course, the KH universe isn’t Squall/Leon’s first life. So, as you can probably guess—Leon’s not going to remember Cloud when his lifetimes run out.
However, Leon doesn’t know all that. He just knows his bf disappeared and is going to turn over every world to find him. Gets Merlin (another person who remembers lives, because I say so) to send him to ‘say goodbye’ to Cloud but of course throws a fit until Cloud comes back. That’s the core of the story.
But…a certain character just entered the Smash roster, and I believe you know that he’s one of these characters…which made my brain like…oh yeah. I remember that thing. And since then (has that even been a week?) the AU has grown to be frigging enormous. I’ve written 18000 words in the past week-ish amount of time. Both before the fanfic I linked, and after.
All within the time Cloud and Leon are together so far though. And I’m like…Yeah, Leon would totally get Cloud to break out of his shell and stop hiding and avoiding forming friendships or relationships, and then oh no, Cloud realizes he’s in love and can’t make himself leave. (Cloud is somewhat different after living so many lives, but is still of course Cloud at the core.) There is a lot of angst. Leon of course fell for him in that scene in KH2 where they’re showing off to each other saying they’ll beat all the heartless on their own and don’t need each other’s help, and Yuffie and Aerith kind of force him to interact with Cloud and Cloud’s dumb and is like ‘oh. A friend. Sure.’ And Leon’s like… ‘I just gave you flowers, do you get it now?’ And Cloud’s like ‘We’re going to a restaurant as friends—wait…this is a date. Sure…why not. I��m not attached to this guy from other timelines, when I disappear it’ll just be fine.’ And then he doesn’t disappear and is too in love to leave and just avoids saying ‘I love you’ because it’s bad luck, but he says other sappy things like ‘I don’t have to think around you’ or ‘I feel safe around you’ and even though Leon’s just as dumb he figures it out. Cloud just keeps getting deeper and deeper into this mess and agrees to marry Leon because he loves him and he wants to, but he’s Cloud so he won’t tell Leon what’s really going on, then the already written fanfic happens, then Leon decides he’s gonna stab god in the throat if there is a god if it helps him stay with his fiancé, and he’ll figure out how to remember him and all that sappy crap and I don’t know the ending exactly yet but it will be happy (and I wouldn’t post that here anyway.)
So yeah! There’s a lot more to it, things may change because it’s a work in progress, but I’ve been spending like 75% of my day writing and planning lately which is good! Knowing me this will be enormous, and I realized I’ve gotta figure out if my other AUs are part of this AU by extension of being other universes and…that gives me a headache.
Link to original fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18962554
Edit to add: I’ve kind of been fighting this AU for a long time tbh, wanting to take the concept and turn it into an original work, but...I’m never gonna write that if I’m honest with myself, so I’m gonna have fun with this.
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nautilusopus · 4 years
lovesines replied to your post: it’s real People Who Hate The Fifth Act hours, who...
I didn’t know what this was until I google searched it, but it sounds bad so you got my axe
I’ve gone off on many rants about The Fifth Act so I’ll keep this concise haha whoops no I won’t this wound up long. 
While The Fifth Act was not the first Crisis Core Time Travel Fix-It fic to poison the fanbase, it is the most well-known (arguably THE most famous VII fanfic ever aside from the famously bad ones where Tifa fucks a chocobo and stuff), and can be more or less thought of as patient zero. 
Objectively speaking, The Fifth Act is an excellent story. By this I mean that it contains well-written prose, good pacing, solid and compelling characterisations that allow you to get attached to the characters, and the story clearly knows what it wants to do and does it well without wasting your time while doing it. Objectively, it is a good story, full stop, and there’s a reason it’s as loved as it is. 
Buuuuuuuut it’s VII fanfiction, and therefore this thing doesn’t get to exist in an original fiction vacuum. The Fifth Act embodies nearly everything wrong with the FFVII fanfic community: from the complete and utter exclusion of any and all female characters where maybe if you’re lucky Yuffie can have her awful Crisis Core cameo and Aeris can be in the background as a Deus Ex MacGuffin to solve problems for the characters that actually matter, and Tifa can just get fucked because she committed the cardinal sin of Not Being In Crisis Core; to the rampant Shinra apologism, where everything bad the company does is pinned on a Few Bad Apples, and getting rid of them means the company can be good now, and never mind that everyone is gonna die in 20 years because Shinra is sucking the Planet dry still, and Soldier are a bunch of war criminals that don’t seem to have any problem colonising anything they’re pointed at and neither does the author, and shhhhhh no it’s fine this is a happy ending Cloud gets to live with his new Soldier buddies in Soldier we’re all good here; to the writing off of Avalanche as not Cloud’s REAL friends the way Zack and maybe Aeris are, and he doesn’t really seem all that fussed about the fact that he’s never gonna see them again because he doesn’t care about them the way he cares about his REAL friends; to the lazy implementation of Hojo: For All Your Worse Than Sephiroth Needs (again, ties back into the complete unwillingness to implicate the chucklefucks from Crisis Core in any real wrongdoing); to the focus on aforementioned chucklefucks from Crisis Core to the exclusion of all else; all the way to stupid characterisation tropes like Zack being a “puppy” (those characterisations I complimented before are only good if you don’t stop to think about what they’re replacing). 
This fucking thing is where it began, and this fucking thing is why everyone and their dog went on to copy it, its broad story beats, and all the problems with how it engages with the original text on a meta level, until it was all inescapable. 
God I hate The Fifth Act.
(Also this probably surprises no one and isn’t even all that rare, but it’s pretty fucking sad when a fanfic manages a more likeable and compelling Genesis than the fucking canon game.)
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unforestalledreturn · 4 years
Atsui Springs- Part 4
|| Fan fic part 4/5? Synopsis: After discovering his two best friends doing the dirty on his own bed, Genesis’ world is turned upside down. Now, the two of them have a lover’s getaway planned at Atsui, an elite resort famed for their hot springs. But not everything appears at it seems. And Genesis inexplicably finds himself crashing the getaway but discovering a truth hidden right beneath his nose. Featured ships: My guilty pleasure, OT3. NSFW: Yes, but not in this part Word Count: 2361 Part 1: Uninvited Guest Part 2: Awe Part 3: Unraveling
Part 4: Crimson Flower “Genesis… lets… play a game.” Sephiroth said, a near purr at his throat.
Curious, the redhead reached for one of the small dishes, bringing the liquid to his nose to smell. Strangely enough, it did not smell remotely alcoholic. “Oh? You think you can beat me at something?”
“Yes.” Sephiroth smirked. “Its SOLDIER grade, you know. The stuff would probably kill a civilian.” He gestured to the sake cups. “…So?”
At some point, Angeal had settled next to Genesis, quietly eyeing the exchange. While no antagonistic fires had been stoked yet, the man was intuitively on guard.
Genesis smiled sweetly in return. “Hmmm… The mighty Sephiroth turned hapless drunk.” Amused by the imagery, the redhead continued, “Fine. You joining, Angeal?” He swayed his head to look over at the quiet figure who blinked a couple of times before laughing nervously.
“G.. genesis… I do not think that is… a good idea.” Angeal trailed off.
“Oh, come on. I promise I won’t tell Sephiroth the time you tried to escort the stop sign across the stree-” Suddenly, Angeal’s hand was clasped around the redhead’s mouth. Genesis flashed an amused look towards Angeal before tapping his arm in submission. Only then was he released, but the redhead could not help but laugh a bit.
“It will be fun,” Genesis said, although, a part of him understood. Already, the tensions were high. Alcohol had a way of letting loose what was already difficult to contain. But the redhead could find no alternative. His thoughts were contained only to the present moment. Thinking beyond that was more than his emotionally exhausted brain could handle.
He needed something, anything to focus on. It did not matter what it was—it just has to be engaging. It had to be something mindless… It had to be something non-committal. Something to relieve his pains, even if the short-term act was the source of long-term sorrow. How… achingly familiar. It was funny, though. He could still feel Angeal’s warmth against his face. It oozed through his raw nerves, covering it like honey. Only, unlike other touches… It left him feeling… happy, even when it was gone.
Genesis smiled to himself. He was doomed.
“Rules are simple. We will take turns asking the other to select a truth they wish to reveal or a dare they will perform. The asker will define the conditions whereas the asked can opt to execute the conditions or… take a drink.” Sephiroth explained clinically, despite the growing smile on his face.
Laughter erupted from Genesis, frame hunching over as he gasped for air. “I… I… You mean we are playing Truth or Dare, right? Or did you come up with that one all by yourself.”
Frowning, Sephiroth crossed his arms. “If you are so keen, you go first. Ask.” A faint tinge of red dusted his cheeks.
“With pleasure. Angeal… Truth or dare?” Genesis hummed excitedly, the wheels of his mind visibly churning.
Uneasily, Angeal looked at Genesis, seemingly at a loss of what he could do. Gradually, he came to say, “…Dare.”
Smirking widely, resting his forearm against Angeal’s shoulder and leaning in, Genesis did not lose a second before he delivered the ‘condition’. “I dare you to come with me to peek into the lady’s bath--”
The response was immediate. Angeal grabbed the sake cup and downed it in a quick flick of his head. “Oh…”
It was too easy. And Genesis could not help but to snicker, covering his mouth loosely with his fingers. “Oh?”
“… You can’t taste the alcohol.” Angeal deadpanned, eye twitching as Sephiroth smoothly refilled the cup, eyes glittering in delight.
Curious, Genesis took his own cup again and took a tentative sip. It was subtly sweet, a hint of citrus and something herbal he could not place. But, true to Angeal’s words, the alcohol was either cleverly masked, or not present at all.
“Hmm… ~” Genesis smiled. “Your turn.”
Clearing his throat, Angeal focused his attention to Sephiroth. “Truth or dare?”
“Um… What… is in this alcohol?” Angeal asked, licking his lips.
Tilting his head, Sephiroth gave an amused smirk. “Is that your question?”
Blinking, Angeal gave a sheepish shrug.
And to both Angeal and Genesis’ surprise, Sephiroth continued smiling as he reached for his own cup and slowly swallowed it down.
“Genesis,” he said, pausing a moment before refilling his cup. “Truth or dare.”
Leaning over the table, Genesis rested his elbow against the surface, his chin perched on his palm as he intently fixated his gaze on the man in front of him. Indeed, he never did know what to expect of the man. Was it on purpose? What sort of secret could he be hiding? Or, perhaps, it was merely that he wanted to drink.
“Truth. I’ll chug the whole thing if I can’t answer.” Genesis challenged, leering at Sephiroth. There was nothing that Genesis could not lie about. And if he could stir some friendly competition, perhaps things could…
Go back to normal.
But what Sephiroth said next shattered the thought entirely.
Do you have a type you prefer to sleep with?
Did he… have a… “What does who I sleep with even matter to you?” He snapped, a growl at the back of his throat. Crossing his arms tightly, Genesis felt it at the base of his gut—the flame of simmering wrath that Sephiroth always managed to find a way to stoke. And given his unchanged expression, it felt like it was on purpose.
"Genesis, it's part of the game..." Angeal gently reminded, although he too had his eyes fixed on Genesis for some reason, as though intent on a response. He seemed nervous.
"Just answer the question or drink," Sephiroth said expressionlessly, fist tightening against his leg. The tension was visible. The air was thick with it.
Scoffing, Genesis angrily reached for something to throw into his mouth, from the table, a ball of rice being the victim of his anger. He took his time to chew, his heart scrambling to put itself back together. It was hard. Why did it have to be so hard? With anyone else, this sort of game, these sorts of questions were easy. Talking about crushes, giggling over bizarre fetishes, or having a ‘type’ was really what made it fun. But now? Now it just hurt. He ached in a way that threatened to swallow him whole. 
He wanted to leave. But what good would spoiling Angeal's vacation? He had been planning this for months. Even if it was meant to be a romantic getaway for just him and Sephiroth...
Genesis winced. He was just baggage, wasn't he? He should have left.
"... I don't care." He finally said, brushing a few grains of rice off his face. "I don't have a type. Just give me a pretty face, and I'll probably fuck them." He slouched over to rest an elbow on the inside of his crossed legs. Perhaps he should have just chugged the alcohol. Given the way Angeal flinched, he knew his words were harsh. But Sephiroth was unaffected-- in fact, he had yet to lose the smirk from when they started the game.
Genesis felt his eyes sting as he stared at the table full of food. Nothing tasted good anymore. And when Genesis started to feel this way, he knew he was unrecoverable. Because if nothing tasted good, he would settle for anything.
“Truth or dare, Sephiroth.” He managed to say. He simply had to push through it. Whenever this sort of thing happened, it was the only way. Just as quickly as the anger and hurt came up, he had to divert the attention. Because if he dared let up if there was a single moment where those feelings were given center stage…
It could be the end. And Genesis refused. This… was all he had. And he would not give it up without a fight. For Angeal's sake, he was going to at least try... For... Sephiroth too. He could not face reality. If he hesitated... if he failed…
He was going to lose everything.
"Truth," Sephiroth stated.
“Fine. What is your type?” He directed the question back, although, he immediately regretted it the moment it came out. It was like every raw and brittle nerve he had was firing at once. Genesis was acting on impulse. There was no more calculation, careful distance or laughing masks.
Sephiroth tilted his head, before softly glancing over towards Angeal. “Someone… reliable.”
Genesis felt the vision around his eyes crowd. Why was it he already knew the answer? It was whatever Angeal was, right? Someone stable, someone who did not cave to every whim that came his way. Right? And while there was a time that Genesis had believed they were all so close… that the three of them had a bond like no one else…
But it was just him who felt that way, wasn’t it?
“Loyal.” Sephiroth continued, and Genesis felt his heart collapsing in on itself.
Please, no. Let him live the fantasy. Let him make love to the lies and ignore the truth. Please, don’t speak.
Please. He promised this would be the only lie. It was too sweet, too cruel for him to let go.
Don’t leave me behind.
There was silence. Genesis was shaking, breath ragged as he fought the welling of tears from breaching.
I’ll be better.
I won’t act out anymore.
P… please.
But the silence pervaded, and gradually, Genesis looked up, eyes caught in that ever-predatory gaze. And as prey, the redhead was trapped. Why was Sephiroth smiling that way? It was soft.
Genesis was scared.
“… and passionate,” Sephiroth said gently.
Everything was a blur as he stood from the tatami mat. The blood in his ears drowned all other noise. Something had shattered in his chest—he was bleeding all over the place. And he followed his body as it ran to the nearest exit.
“G-genesis! Where—” Angeal shouted after him, immediately on his feet and on the heels of his friend, hand clasping on the crook of his elbow, although a secure grip was impossible with all the extra fabric.
Jamming his fingers into the sliding door, the redhead threw the thin piece of wood back with a force that made the delicate frame splinter on impact.
"Leaving." He retorted, but before he could even step onto the catwalk, he was stopped by a more secure grip. 
"Where...?" Angeal whispered, desperate to secure a hold.
But Genesis wrenched his arm away, turning to face Angeal “A… anywhere but… here. The bar. … I… I get it.” The redhead’s chest heaved. “I really… fucking get it. But you didn’t… have to drag me out here just because you felt … guilty. Just…”
Whipping around again, Genesis stepped forward to the outer catwalk, only to find himself face-first into something solid. Looking up, he found Sephiroth blocking his path. 
"Move." He hissed. And when Sephiroth did not comply, he attempted to forcibly shoulder his way through. But he was swiftly reminded why it was he had yet to succeed in besting the man in any of their duels. Sephiroth's grip on his wrists was like iron clasps. "Let me--"
"What is it you are going to do at the bar, Genesis?”
Hissing, he strained, "D-drink. And if someone wants to take me home, I'm feeling about ready to get fucked up." At least his body could match his emotional state. 
"There's alcohol here," Sephiroth said, unrelenting, leaning closer to Genesis.
Confused and upset, Genesis met the look as his mind attempted to register what it was Sephiroth meant. He certainly understood the implication. But it simply did not fit. "What the hell is that supposed-- Genesis would not have much time to think, as the gap inexplicably shortened between the two. 
He gasped as their lips nearly collided. Instead, Sephiroth’s face was impossibly close, the smell of the supposed alcohol on his breath. Jerking his head away, Genesis struggled to break free from the grasp, but his motivation was rapidly depleting. And when a warm, familiar embrace wrapped around him from behind, it was gone. What was the use?
Hanging his head to the side, tears splattered on the wood below.
The embrace around him tightened. Softly, Angeal spoke, tone weighted and on the verge of cracking. But it was insistent all the same. “... Genesis... This... This was not what I envisioned this to be.” He whispered, burying his face into his friend’s back.
“I'm… I’m sorry.” His voice muffled against the redhead’s exposed skin.
It hurt. When Genesis thought he was beyond it, that he had numbed enough, Angeal’s words were another open wound.
"A.. and just what did you envision it to be... Huh? Not much of... A romantic get away with a third wheel." He said bitterly through broken sobs.
Sighing softly, Angeal gently tightened his grip. "You... Aren't a third wheel, Genesis." He said, hands rubbing against the redhead’s chest attempting to soothe him. He opened his mouth to say something more, but the words did not come.
“Your mission was extended longer than anticipated.” Sephiroth cut through, and although his grip was unyielding, the intense pressure lessened some, now that Genesis had stopped thrashing.
Sniffling, Genesis did not look up. Drained, he said, “My.. mission had nothing to do… with my best friends fucking each other.” His mouth was dry. “I… I was wrong, ok? I’m sorry. I… I thought we were all the same. That we felt… the same. But.. I just… I need to be… alone.” He choked out.
Genesis hated himself. His polished act was completely destroyed, laying with the tears at his feet. He was a sniveling mess. And there, blossomed in his chest was that reddened flower of corruption. There was nothing beautiful about it. There was nothing redeemable about it.
A certain silence fell over the trio. The words hung in the air like a guillotine.
Sephiroth released one of Genesis' wrists to instead grip his chin, forcing the redhead to look at the silver elite. Gently, he brushed a thumb over the rolling tears on his cheeks. 
"We do feel the same."
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vow-upon-a-star · 5 years
Hypocrisy regarding translations.
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“What aren’t you understand? For Lumen Publishing to PURCHASE the rights to translate the novels that means Square Enix allowed it, which means they wanted the translations. Once more, you cannot publish a translation unless you have the approval of the copyright holder.”
This doesn’t apply to the English version for some reason. Nor does it matter Nojima, the man who wrote the novellas, approves of the English version.
“Cloud was her friend, more than a friend, for she had loved him.”
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Nojima also said he wrote each story from the respective character’s perspective. I.e third person limited from Aerith in CoTLS:W. They are not objective statements from Nojima. Whatever let’s ignore this and continue to say he confirmed Cloud and Aerith lovers in multiple languages, except the English one that he supports. There isn’t much to say here, I mean...when the author himself supports this translation over all the others if pretty much makes “well it contradicts the German, French, and Spanish!” when here the author himself is approving the English version. Just...there’s no need to argue. Word of God has spoken. The English translation of the Novella is approved by the dude who actually WROTE the story. 
Cleriths before the English version of the 25th Anniversary Ultimania is released: 
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Dark Horse is a major company, this is huge, no matter how you feel about the mistakes and retcons SE just legitimized them!!!!
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“They removed the “aisuru mono” that referenced Aerith.”  
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すべての決着を …… 少年時代のあこがれ、愛するものを奪った仇、そしてリユニオンの母体—–セフィロス。星の敵として以上に因縁の存在である彼と1対1で 決着をつけなくては、クラウドの戦いは終わらない。
The bolded bit is “Aisuru Mono”   愛するもの
Clerith fan translation: "The enemy who was admired in childhood, took away something loved for the reunion of mother Sephiroth.”
Anonymous translator: “The one admired in boyhood, the enemy who took away a loved one, and Mother’s reunion body Sephiroth. ”
Clerith fan translation: With all determination…
Sephiroth— an idol in his early youth, the one who took away his dearly beloved, and then the prototype of “reunion.” Not only he is the enemy of the Planet and the above reasons, also because the 1-to-1 fight with him is not yet settled, Cloud’s battle is not end.
Cloti Anonymous translator
Settling it all… A longing for boyhood, an enemy who robbed loved ones, and Mother’s reunion- Sephiroth. “In addition as the enemy of the planet, if Cloud doesn’t settle score with him one on one, clouds’s battle will not be over
Anonymous translation: 
To the settling of everything..... The one idolized in boyhood, the foe who snatched away loved ones, the Reunion of his mother's body—Sephiroth. More than a fateful existence as enemy of the Planet, Cloud's battle will not end unless things are settled with him, one on one.
“The French and Japanese are clear!”
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Bataille decisive…
Son idole ge jeunesse, l’assassin de ses proches et la piece maitresse du project Jenova : un ex-SOLDAT nomme Sephiroth, C’est un dancer pour la planete, et Cloud doit le battre en duel afin d’en finir une bonne fois pour toutes.
Clerith translation of the French version:
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“Last battle…
His youth idol, the murderer of his close relatives/loved ones (in french they use the word proches which can mean both of the meanings) and the centerpiece of Jenova project : an ex Soldier called Sephiroth. It’s a danger for the plant, and Cloud must fight him to defeat him once and for all”
Anonymous translation of the French version:
Decisive battle …
His youthful idol, the killer of his loved ones and the masterpiece of Project Jenova: an ex-SOLDIER calls Sephiroth, It’s a dancer for the planet, and Cloud has to duel him in order to finish once and for all for all.
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The French translation is clear guys. But what about the Japanese aisuru mono? Why would the French do this?!
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Hey, what about the German translation?
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Die Letzte Entscheidung...
Sephiroth: Clouds idol, doch sein held vernichtete Clouds heimatstadt und war verantwortfich fur den Tod vieler Menschen. Als er sich zum Feind des Planeten erklart, fuhlt Cloud sich schicksalhaft mit ihm verbunden. So lange er ihn nicht im direkten duell besiegt, wird der kampf fur Cloud niemals enden.
Sephiroth: Clouds idol, but his hero destroyed Cloud's hometown and was responsible for the deaths of many people. When he declares himself an enemy of the planet, Cloud fatefully feels connected to him. As long as he does not defeat him in a direct duel, the fight for the Cloud will never end.
And finally, we have the English version.
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The End of Everything
Sephiroth –the hero of Cloud’s youth, the man who took everything from him, and the foundation of the Jenova Reunion Theory. Cloud’s battle cannot end until he confronts the enemy of the Planet and settles things, man to man.
The Japanese,  French, German, and English make no reference to Aerith specifically, but rather reference Sephiroth taking away many people/things from Cloud without any being more important than the other. 
As a side note, it makes little sense for Cloud and Sephiroth’s final battle having to do with solely Aerith, considering he wanted to settle things with Sephiroth before Aerith was murdered. 
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Dark Horse did not remove “a reference to Aerith” because there was no reference solely to her.
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This is eyes 目
And this is ears 耳
It's a typo. ”This guy are sick.”  “Aeris” and referring to Rosso as a “he.” 
Like the French version doesn’t have mistakes? Since we’re at it, let’s look at something the French translation did that is absent from the Japanese and English version. 
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“Aerith s’est finalement rendu compte qu’il etait manipule par une autre concsience. Alors qu’il l’attaque, elle refuse de se defendre et lui parle comme une mere quis tenterait de calmer la rage de son fils.”
Aerith finally realized that he was being manipulated by another conscience. While he’s attacking her, she refuses to defend herself and speaks to him like a mother trying to calm the rage of her son.
vs the German version
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Aerith merkt, dass Cloud von einem fremden willen gelenkt wurde. Obwohl er selbst ihr gregenuber gewalttatig wird, spricht sie auf ein, als ware er ein kleines Kind, und meint, dass es nicht seine Schuld war.
Aerith realizes that Cloud has been controlled by someone else. Although he himself violently greets her, she speaks as if he were a small child, saying that it was not his fault.
The Japanese:
クラウドが別の意思に支配されていると気づいたエアリス。彼に暴力を振るわれても抵抗せず、「 あなたのせいじゃない」と子どもをなだめるように言いつづける 。
Aerith realized that Cloud was being controlled by another will/person. She doesn’t resist him even as he strikes her violently, saying “It’s not your fault” over and over to try and calm the child down.
Aerith realized that Cloud was being controlled by another will. Without resisting his violent attack, she continues to say “It’s not your fault”, in order to soothe the child.
And the English version:
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In my opinion, the English version did cleriths a solid here. I do believe that the “anti-clerith” English version would be favored by shippers since the French translated it very differently. 
While I’m still beating this dead horse let’s look at the French translation’s version of Cloud and Tifa’s love. 
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Pendant sa jeunesse, Cloud etait un jeune rebelle qui s’isolait des autres enfants, car il voul’ait croire qu’il etait different. A ses yeux, neanmoins, Tifa etait une personne speciale. C’est dans ses souvenirs que l’on decouvre cette romance ephemere.
During his youth, Cloud was a young rebel who isolated himself from other children, because he wanted to believe that he was different. In his eyes, however, Tifa was a special person. It is in his memories that we discover this ephemeral romance.
Ephemeral of course means, fleeting. This has been used as canon proof by CA that Cloud’s feelings for Tifa were short-lived and fleeting. Here it states there was a short-lived romance.
This statement is contradicted in the same book, in the same language.
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Pendant des années, Tifa et Cloud ont secrètement eu des sentiments l’un pour l’autre. Avant la dernière bataille face à Sephiroth, ils arrivent enfin a se les avouer.
Anonymous translation
For years, Tifa and Cloud have secretly had feelings for each other. Before the last battle with Sephiroth, they finally manage to confess.
You can read this post here about what this translation means. 
Let’s move on to the German version! Which...is pretty different. 
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Als Cloud klein war, wurde gleichaltrigen Kindern gemieden, Der einsame und ausgestoßene Cloud erschuf seine eigene Erklarung und glaubte, etwas ganz Besonderes zu sein. Fur ihn war aber Tifa damals sehr wichtig. In seiner Gedankenwelt wird deutlich, wie innig seine Emotionen damals fur sie waren.
When Cloud was little he was shunned by kids the same age. The lonely and outcast Cloud created his own explanation for it and believed to be something special. But Tifa was important to him back then. In the world inside his mind it become clear how deeply his feelings for her were.
In case your wondering, innig translates to “intimate” when doing a literal translation. The French says ephemeral, the German says intimate. You could say, “Well it doesn’t matter because it is in the past!” which brings me to the German translation of the highwind scene.
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Scene: When Tifa is alone with Cloud on the night before the final battle and she doesn't know what she should tell him
For years Cloud and Tifa have fostered feelings for each other. Before the final battle against Sephiroth both can finally admit them.
The Japanese version:
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  明かされた本当の願い 幼いころのクラウドは、同年代の者たちから孤立し、自分は特別だと思いこもうとする、ねくれた子どもだった。そんな彼にとって大切だったのがティファ——淡く幼い恋心が、 精神世界にて明かされる。
Anonymous fan-translation:
“As a young child, Cloud was rebellious and isolated from those around his age, so he would try to convince himself that he was special. As such, Tifa was important to him. A childhood awakening of love is revealed in the mental world.
English version:
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In his youth, Cloud strayed isolated from his peers. He was an eccentric child who always viewed himself as different from the rest. The only person he held close to his heart was Tifa. Their love is brought into the light when Tifa explores Cloud’s subconscious. 
Japanese Version: 
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明かされた本当の願い 長年、互いに好意を抱いていたティファとクラウド。セフィロスとの最終決戦を目前にようやく、相手を求める気持ちを確かめ合えた。
Anonymous fan-translation:
For many years, Cloud and Tifa have been holding favor for one another. At last facing the impending final battle with Sephiroth, they confirm together their feelings of desire towards one another
English version:
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Tifa and Cloud have cared for each other for many years. Only before the final battle with Sephiroth are the two finally able to realize the depths of each other’s feelings.
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And this isn’t even the full post I was going to post. There’s plenty of hypocrisy regarding the Novella translations, but I feel that Nojima (the actual author) supporting the ENGLISH translation above all others pretty much shows which translation of the Japanese version the author supports. 
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silver-wield · 4 years
A Promise to Come
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Cloud put a hand to his eye and winced. Mayday sucker punched him on the sly and he was still pissed even though he got revenge. Assholes. He shoved his front door open and slammed it hard behind him.
“Cloud, is that you?”
Rolling his eyes at his mother—Who else is it gonna be?—Cloud replied, “Yeah.” He paused beside the mirror strung up by the door and grimaced at his reflection. They got it worse. He smirked recalling the look on Dan's face as he shoved him into the dirt. Always cares more about his clothes than anybody else. Jackass.
“...and then you just need to crimp the edges like this and done.”
“Huh?” Cloud turned and leaned to one side to see into the kitchen. “Ma, who you talking—?” He stopped as he spied a familiar back. Her long hair was tied into a ponytail, but he could already see strands falling free to frame her face. Tifa?
“So, I can do this with any filling?” She turned to look up at Cloud's mother. The smile on her face was brilliant and earnest. “Dad's gonna be so surprised when I cook his favourite for him! It'll be the best birthday present!” She bounced with cheer.
Cloud turned his head away as he felt his cheeks heating. He knew Tifa was getting cooking lessons from his mother, but he'd stayed away while she was in the house. He never knew what to say to her and felt like an idiot third wheel while she and his mom chatted away like best friends. It put a scowl on his face and he knew he shouldn't feel jealous, but he wanted her to notice him as much as she did his mother. Forget it. She's way out of my league. He tried to creep past them towards his room.
“Cloud, hi!”
Cloud squeezed his eyes shut like a child who thought if they couldn't see, then they couldn't be seen. “Hi,” he mumbled when it became clear that wasn't going to work. “'Scuse me.”
“Oh, Cloud, what happened to your face?!” Tifa came close and tilted her head to better see.
Cloud turned away. “Nothing,” he muttered, swallowing hard. She's so close. Stay cool.
“Have you been fighting again?”
Glancing at her from the corner of her eye, he saw her face wreathed with concern. It felt nice knowing Tifa cared. “Uhh...”
“Why do you have to fight all the time? It won't fix your problems, you know.” Tifa shook a finger at him, then held out her hand. “Come on, you need an ice pack or your face will swell up and explode!”
Cloud frowned. “That's not how—” He stopped and took in the teasing look on her face. “Seriously?” One side of his mouth quirked up in a half-smile.
“Ms Strife, do you have any ice?” Tifa looked over her shoulder at Cloud's mother.
As his eyes tracked that way, he saw the amused look his mother wore. What's so funny?
“Unfortunately, no. This old refridgerator doesn't have much in the way of an ice box.” She patted the appliance and shrugged. “Maybe there's some at yours? Do you think you have some spare?”
Tifa nodded. “Sure. I'll go get a load.” She turned back to Cloud and gestured for him to sit. “You stay right there. Don't move an inch. I'll be right back. Promise!”
“Tifa, wait—!” Too late. She'd let go of him and rushed towards the door. His shoulders sagged.
The second the front door closed, Cloud felt his mother's gaze on him. “Uh...”
“All right, out with it. The truth. Who started the fight this time?”
“Me,” he muttered, ducking his head. “But—!”
“No 'buts', Cloud. You can't start fights with every boy in town.” Cloud's mother moved around the kitchen, tidying up after Tifa's pie making lesson. “What was it about?”
Cloud looked away. “Nothing.”
“Nothing, huh? Are you sure?” She came and sat across the table from him. “You seem to have a lot of fights over 'nothing'.”
Cloud couldn't meet her eye. The truth was he'd heard Dan bragging about how Tifa's father approved of him. He'd wanted to punch his smug teeth in, so he did. That brought Wel and Mayday running because one couldn't fight without the other two. Three on one was unfair odds, but Cloud still beat them worse than they did him. “They always start when Tifa's not around,” he grumbled, slumping in his seat. I bet they're talking shit to her the second they see her.
“Maybe they're jealous,” his mother said, reaching across the table to place her hand over his. “They wish Tifa kept them out of trouble like she does you.” She sat back and chuckled. “Shame she isn't around more often.”
“She doesn't.” Cloud scowled. “Does she?” He avoided her whenever her friends were there, but there were times it was just the two of them. They'd talk for a bit. One time they went chasing after a chocobo that wandered through town. Mostly they'd just sit and not say much. Cloud didn't know what to say to her. She was pretty and smart and kind and way too good for the likes of him. If he didn't think she'd be upset he wouldn't hang around her at all. Her dad said if he couldn't look out for her then to stay away. He tried to follow his orders, but Tifa was just...Tifa. He couldn't stay away no matter how much those stern words rang in his ears. If he wasn't good enough for her now he'd become good enough. Then everyone—Tifa—would notice and even her father would accept him. He knew exactly how, too. SOLDIER. Everybody loved them, and the best of them was Sephiroth. A living legend. If Cloud could become half the man Sephiroth was he knew Tifa would finally notice him. He'd have the courage to admit his feelings. He just had to show her he was the best of the best.
“I'm back! Sorry it took so long, Dan, Wel and Mayday all wanted help, too.” Tifa came back in carrying a bulging handkerchief that was already dripping. “Here, for your eye.” She put it against Cloud's face and held her hand out to him.
“Huh?” He reached towards her and she grabbed hold, then wrapped his fingers around the knot holding the cloth closed.
“There you go. Just stay like that, okay?” She blew on her fingers and rubbed her hands together, then smiled at him and shook her head.
Why's she looking at me like that? “What?”
“Thank you, Tifa, you're an angel,” his mother said, giving Cloud a pointed look.
“Uh, yeah, thanks,” he mumbled, grateful the cloth his half his face so she couldn't see how his cheeks turned red again.
“No problem!”
She was looking again.
Tifa sighed and said, “Do you have to fight? Can't you solve it without fighting?”
Cloud felt shame weigh on his shoulders. “It wasn't my fault,” he said, trying not to pout. He didn't know why he felt so awful whenever Tifa was disappointed in him. It hurt more than the times he ignored her.
“I don't care whose fault it is,” she replied. She tipped her head to the side to try and catch his eye. “There's gotta be better ways to handle it than fighting, right?”
“That's very true,” Cloud's mother said. A timer by the oven dinged and she looked up. “Who wants pie?”
“It's ready?” She beamed at Cloud. “You gonna try some, right? I hope it turned out okay, it's my first time making one.”
Cloud smiled and nodded. “Sure.”
Tifa laughed and went to help his mother. He watched her chattering away and asking questions about the recipe and how to cook other things. This is nice. Wish it could always be like this. He moved the ice pack from his eye and sighed. After I make SOLDIER. Then nobody will say I'm not good enough. Tifa looked so happy, getting bowls and spoons for them. Would she still laugh like this once he left? Would she still visit his mother? Of course she will. She's Tifa. She wouldn't abandon anyone. Maybe she'll even miss me? He didn't want to think of her sad, but he did want her to think of him. It was the only way. He was sure she'd never pay attention to him unless he was a somebody worthy of her. He thought of Dan's bragging about asking Tifa out to the watertower. Did he do it yet? Maybe not. I should ask her first. I can tell her about SOLDIER. She'll understand me. That I'm going for her and I'll come back just as soon as I've made a name for myself. Cloud nodded. Yeah, I'll ask her before she leaves.
Tifa and his mother came back to the table and a bowl of fruit pie was put before him. “Honest opinion, else I can't get better,” she said, with a smile that melted his insides.
“S-sure.” He crammed a spoonful in his mouth and regretted it when he burnt his tongue. “Ah!”
“Cloud, be careful! It's not going anywhere.” Tifa laughed and leaned across the table to blow on his food. “Do you need help like a baby?” she teased.
Cloud rolled his eyes and folded his arms. “I'm not a kid.”
“Then don't eat like one.” She giggled and looked away.
Hiding a smile, Cloud took his time eating until there was nothing left. “You're good at this,” he commented.
“Really? You think?”
She looked so pleased with such little praise he felt guilty for not saying more. “Yeah. You could be a real chef.”
“All thanks to your mom.” Tifa sent a smile across the table.
A knock at the door interrupted them before Claudia could speak. “I'll get it.” She got up and went to the front door. “Oh, Brian, how can I help you?”
“Tifa here?”
Cloud stiffened at the gruff tone. Her dad was the town chief and what he said went. He wondered what Tifa said to convince her father she could go to Cloud's house to get cooking lessons from his mother.
“Tifa, your father's at the door.”
“Gotta go.” Tifa stood up and tucked her hair behind her ear. “This was fun.” She smiled at him again. “Although, next time, no fighting.”
Cloud's hand darted out before he knew what he was doing. His fingers closed around hers. “Wait.”
Tifa stopped and looked down at their hands. “Yes?”
Cloud swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. Do it. Before Dan or one of those other assholes gets there first. “C-can you come meet me at the watertower tonight?”
Tifa's eyes widened and her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. “R-really? The watertower?”
Struck dumb, Cloud could only find it in himself to nod. After a long silence, in which Cloud noticed his hand starting to sweat, but was too afraid to let go of Tifa's hand in case she noticed the reason why, she gave him a sweet smile.
“Okay. I'll see if I can sneak out.”
Cloud frowned. Sneak out? Why?
“Coming, dad!” She extracted her hand from his. “Wait for me, okay? I'll come.” She hurried to the front door and passed his mother and her father on the way out.
Cloud stayed still for a long time after she left. He knew his mother came back in and that she cleared away the empty bowls, but he couldn't seem to move from his seat. His gaze remained fixed on the spot Tifa stood. The watertower. Tonight.
“You look happy. Did Tifa say anything?”
Cloud avoided his mom's searching gaze. “Not really.” He got up and went to his room, where he lay on the bed trying to work out what he wanted to say to Tifa. It would be an important night. He had to get the words just right.
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