#i love you television!
fairweathermyth · 4 months
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When Munch was a boy... freedom was a potato. It was you didn't get killed today. Freedom from hunger, from the rusty blade. But to free himself, the man ate first so others could not. He killed before he was killed. He wanted nothing more, because only kings... had the freedom to want. But now everywhere you look, you see kings. Everything they want, they call their own, and if they cannot have it, they say that they are not free. They even pretend their freedom should be free, that it has no cost, but the cost is always... death. Life for life. Me... or you.
FARGO Season Five
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p4nishers · 8 months
i cant get over the ball being so CLEARLY all for crowley i can't get over aziraphale trying to woo him with a WHOLE FUCKING BALL because that's what he knows that's what romance IS for him because he's been wanting to dance with crowley ever since dancing was invented and he's so stuck in time with the way he dresses and talks and he still thinks a dance is the high of romance AND HE MADE A WHOLE ENTIRE FUCKING BALL FOR CROWLEY JUST SO HE COULD DANCE WITH HIM like now it's so fucking obvious he gave away his BOOKS without a second thought and it was all for crowley he organised a whole JANE AUSTEN THEME BALL just so he could have an excuse to finally dance with the love of his life and i can't get over this i'm shaking my fists and pacing up and down he did not give a single fuck about anything other than dancing with crowley and HE BARELY TOUCHED OTHER PEOPLE'S HANDS WHILE HIS WHOLE FUCKING PALM WAS PRESSED TO CROWLEY'S AND i need to lie down
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truly we are in the midst of a Tennaisance
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little-pondhead · 2 years
Inspired by this post.
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hoom · 1 year
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unrealisticlea · 1 year
GOTCHA! I TRICKED YOU!!!! I got you an unbelievably expensive top of the line coffee maker that’s gonna make your life as a single dad easier and I made your only child, your soul and heart, your entire world, laugh and feel included the process. I’m the funniest man alive, I’m such a prankster, I’m the KING of pranks lol
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roykentschesthair · 9 months
Ugh do you ever think about how season 3 tried to make Jamie’s greatness on the pitch a product of spite and rage when it’s canon, from Jamie’s own lips, that his love of footie comes from his mom and how much she loves him?! Like, they tried to make my boy an obsessive fighter when in reality he’s an obsessive lover. All of Jamie’s motivations come from loving and wanting to be loved. And I love that he’s soft, and when he’s allowed to be, when his softness leads to acceptance, he just gets softer? With no shame? I just….ugh
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inkykeiji · 3 months
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just a cute little thought i had based on the fact that the dude is almost always wearing some sort of hat (including in the non-canon voxtagram posts!)
character: vox genre: fluff words: 374
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vox has an impressive, extensive hat collection that he is exceptionally proud of. it’s obvious; easy to guess, based on his ability to produce the perfect hat for any occasion, but not many have actually had the privilege of seeing his collection in the flesh, in the full.
because that’s personal, that’s special, that’s not just for anyone to view.
it takes a while for him to finally show it to you, a second room wedged deep within his walk-in closet with tall, floor-to-ceiling shelves built into the walls, housing his wide array of hats.
it’s immaculately arranged, but you wouldn’t expect any less from vox. they’re categorized by event, he explains to you as he leads you further into the room, one of his hands in yours. and then organized by colour. it’s the most efficient way to display them, i think, because it makes selecting the ideal accessory hassle-free.
and it’s kinda cute, how excited he is about it, how excited he is to share it with you, each and every hat having a story of its own; a purpose, a past, a reason for being in his collection, packaged with sweet little anecdotes and memories—where he got it from, who made it for him, why he needed it, what happened when he wore it. 
throughout it all, you hum and ooh and nod, thumb rubbing rhythmic caresses across sharp knuckles; a silent encouragement. he meets your questions and remarks with enthusiastic responses, words bouncy and crisp, smile stretched from edge to edge, so wide it almost looks painful.
“maybe i’ll let you wear one of ‘em, one day,” he muses near the end of his showcase, placing a white snapback on your head gently, then tilting his head in observation. 
eyes dimming to a tender glow and smile relaxing to something languid, he grips your chin between a forefinger and a thumb, tipping your head one way, then the other, pupils sweeping in time with your motions. 
“cute,” he murmurs to himself as his grasp releases, the tips of his fingers, then edges of his claws, brushing along your jaw. “i’m sure the press would have a damn field day with that.” 
but he’s sure he wouldn’t mind one bit. 
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daily-hanamura · 5 months
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Aww bancho that's such a sweet sentiment! It's really
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samanthamulder · 1 year
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Ray Wise in Secrets From Another Place: Creating Twin Peaks
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skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
every time i remember hiei and yusuke's little ritual of sparring whenever they see each other for the first time in a while (usually as they're about to face a big threat) and how hiei just wordlessly attacks him and yusuke takes it with good humor (for the most part) i lose my fucking mind and i need someone else to understand so so bad
hiei opening with unexplained violence, acting like the murderous demon everyone takes him to be, and yusuke seeing through it as just how hiei is, and meeting him where he is in this non-malicious but combative intricate ritual bs. they met through violence and communicate through it but it's out of an admiration for skill, for what can't be said with words, for their reliance on each other as equals, as teammates. they share a past of ostracization, resentment, and a desire to burn the world down for its treatment of them the others don't. hiei feels seen in and understood by yusuke. i don't think it needs to be said that hiei doesn't have many people he considers equals, or peers, or teammates. and yusuke was the first to trust him. to see him as more than a monster. to have blind, unearned faith that he could do good, and that he could be better. yusuke changed him. his trust and friendship changed him. and so for that ritual to rely on that trust—the thought that hiei wouldn't actually turn on him, wasn't trying to betray him or hurt him or get his revenge like he used to claim—makes those scenes so poignant (read: makes me want to howl into the night air). it's about the dance. it's about what they know they have in common beneath the posturing and machismo, the ways they are alike deep, deep down, and the way they both know that and never speak of it.
i also think it's because hiei's afraid of losing him. it's especially obvious in chapter black, but even in DT he's got to make sure yusuke—a dumbass who only got his powers recently—is up to scratch. no matter how he feels about humanity, he doesn't particularly want to see yusuke lose everything he loves either. but mostly he couldn't stand to watch yusuke fall. and because he knows yusuke's in over his head, he's testing whether he has to distance himself and prepare for yusuke to abandon him (via death) like everyone else. he doesn't do this with kuwabara because (at least in the DT's case) he'd been training him. he knows, for the most part, what kuwabara can do. (he also doesn't have that same closeness, both because kuwabara doesn't trust him and, perhaps, because he's doing the distance thing pre-emptively bc he thinks he's weak, unlike yusuke). and he doesn't do this with kurama because he believes wholeheartedly in his skill, centuries of experience, and demonhood. humans are fragile, and hiei needs to reassure himself that yusuke isn't.
hiei claims he wants revenge and postures like a rival, but he never goes all out and he never tries this seriously. he fools around with yusuke because if yusuke lost and hiei proved his superiority, hiei would have to leave him behind. and as much as he wants to prove his strength, as hungry as he is for validation (centering fighting prowess because violent is all he's ever been allowed to be), he can't stand the thought of that. he feels that he is yusuke's equal and peer (and friend), whether they're equally strong or not, but because a part of him still thinks fighting's all that matters (and because he wants to protect him and thus himself), hiei must make himself believe that yusuke is as strong as him. so he checks in on him for reassurance via sparring, but never actually tries to hurt him. in conclusion, i am so normal
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prongsmydeer · 4 months
Things I Loved About Fleabag (2016):
The careful balance of spiralling and sincerity that keeps you rooting for resolution and relief, despite the show intentionally framing itself around grief
The way that it is clear based on the way that they talk about her that Fleabag is a great deal like her mother (her off-colour jokes, her charisma, even hints of difficult friendships through the Godmother) but they don't have anyone make that comparison until the last episode of S2, with, "You are the way you are because of [your mother]" and the look of surprise on Fleabag's face when she hears it
"Don't make me an optimist; you will ruin my life," being such a telling line, because as you fall in love with the Priest, and Fleabag, you want to believe that things will work themselves out
The love in Claire's line to Fleabag, "The only person I'd run through an airport for is you," and the delightful contrary optimism of her deciding to go to the airport anyway
The revelation that Boo had offered to take Fleabag's love for her mother, intertwining both losses
The way that the Priest not only breaks through the carefully constructed narrative relationship that Fleabag has with the viewer, but also himself directly looks toward the audience on a separate beat as he tries to understand her more ("You don't like answering questions, do you?")
The entire sequence of the last few scenes, "Being a romantic takes a hell of a lot of hope," to "I love you." "It'll pass," to Fleabag walking around with a statue that is, in some ways now, a physical representation of the love she is carrying around. Because while the show is about grief, and love, it doesn't feel like it is asking you to overcome those things, but to learn to live with them while moving forward
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twingeof-cosmic-angst · 3 months
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faxxmodem · 4 months
POV: dalton castle is sharing his turkey and cheddar sandwich scraps with you
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mango-sideburns · 10 months
My fav thing about TAZ is that any aspect out of context sounds fucking bonkers.
Like, in the balance finale there's a scene in which Garfield (who is very specifically never described visually bc most people imagine him as like. The Lasagna Cat. Who in this universe is the most powerful warlock in the realm and also has a hobby of cloning people, which is great for the one character that got forced into haunting a mannequin) is summoned by an alien spaceship that runs on the power of friendship so he could beat up some flashing balls. In D&D.
And that was just. Such a normal scene in the narrative. No one blinked an eye. I would like to bow down to Griffins clear unmatched talent for making me feel such big emotions over ridiculous shit like a goddamned umbrella or a regular ass pair of jeans or the idea of a taco recipe.
#taz balance#the adventure zone#taz#i have. so many drafts of this post decontexualizing so many different scenes.#merle killing a room of autism creature looking things by asking them to tell the truth which then summons god#also merle retiring from his retirement to run fantasy margaritaville under the title Earl Merle#magnus the mannequin telling taako and merle to find the baby voidfish bc the big voidfish sung at him real hard bc in the century he#just now remembered (bc hes a mannequin not a human boy)#he gifted an alien jellyfish with dozens of shitty wooden ducks. he forgot that century bc his friend fed the jellyfishs baby a book#the gnome version of Teddy Rucksbin turns out to be the universes most competent spaceship pilot. hes also a talented opera singer#a man named Barry Bluejeans is dead and uses his ghost haunting powers to gift the three heroes badges that they cant see#right before theyre shuttled off in a cannonball to save a space lab full of kitschy elevators thats snowing pink tourmaline#barry also uses his ghost powers to hold hands with magnus and make random shapes in midair like a dresser when theyre trapped in a#fantasy version of The Dating Game hosted by ghost Jesse and James Rocket who steal bodyparts if you lose their game.#or like in campaign how a dude who wiped out in the first three seconds of ninja warrior convinces a human wifi router#who owns a bible theme park to take the apparent King of America to the white house on their hovercraft to be trued for treason#after he announced his intent to take over the country in a televised debate with an inuit goddess who is sometimes trapped in the body#of an HR worker all Donald Blake/Thor style#anyways. this show is ridiculous and i love it So Much
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buddiesmutslut · 1 month
Buddie feels SO inevitable to me sometimes like, I genuinely can’t see them not going canon after everything that’s been presented to us, but then I see other posts and interviews and I remember that I actually DON’T know what’s going to happen & I feel a little insane??? Like, am I gaslighting myself rn?? Am I certifiable??? wtf is happening??? Is this all in my brain??? Have I lost my actual mind???? Like, reality boops me on the nose sometimes and I am always confused by it 😂
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