complextea · 7 years
Fifty Shades of Explaining
Fifty Shades of Explaining
A lot of people are going to call me a sadist for truly enjoying this trilogy, and that’s fine. Everyone’s entitled to their wrong opinion, however, as a story and as a movie, I can honestly say they the Fifty Shades trilogy isn’t so bad, and here is why I think this. I am a submissive play-pet myself, and though a lot of the BDSM community frowns upon Christian Grey’s approach to the BDSM…
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complextea · 7 years
Suicidal Kids
If you are around my age – 25 or older, do your very best not to befriend people under 18 years old.  No, not because children and adults cannot be friends, not because society thinks it’s creepy-pedo-business… but because emotional difficulties with teenagers is far, far pettier than adult emotional difficulties. This isn’t to say that teen/child problems aren’t important. Children should be…
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complextea · 7 years
[IN] Mental Vacation
So I’ve been taking a break from Facebook lately, as some of the people I talk to the most, though I have deep respect and care for them, tend to be a bit… dramatic. I need to take the time away from talking to people for a little while. I’ve really hit an incline with my depression and I feel like just taking some time away to just do the things I wanna do and write what I want to write, avoid…
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complextea · 7 years
im a male feminist, i have a fleshlight just to eat it out
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complextea · 7 years
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Jesus christ
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complextea · 7 years
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So many possibilities! Where to begin…
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complextea · 7 years
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complextea · 7 years
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From infusions and tinctures to oils and salves: The basics of herbal healing and the beginnings of any potion. 
Decoction: A decoction is needed to extract the deeper essence from harder substances such as barks, roots and stems. Place the raw materials in a pot and fill it with fresh water. Simmer uncovered until the water lever is reduced by 1/3. Strain the resulting liquid to remove particulates then drink or use as needed. Infusion: Pour freshly boiled water over the desired herb or planar matter, roughly 8 ounces of water per teaspoon of dried plant parts. When using fresh herbs roughly 3 times as much is required. 
Oil: Place flowers, herbs or other plant parts in a sealed glass container. Fill the container with an organic oil (ex: Olive, sesame, etc…) until it is an inch above the material being used. Place the bottle somewhere warm for 2 weeks, next to a stove while cooking, on the mantle, a sunny window sill, etc. Upend the container daily to ensure the oil saturates the material. 
Ointment: Heat 2 cups of pure lard to frying temperature. Add 4 handfuls of crumbled dry herbs or 6 handfuls of chopped fresh herb to the lard. Stir to to blend and let simmer for 1 minute. Remove from heat, cover and let sit over night. Reheat until liquid then mix in 4 tablespoons of an organic oil, this will prevent it hardening to much. Squeeze through a cheese clothe to remove solids and store in a crockery or glass container. 
Salve: Mix 3 ounces of finely pulped plant parts, 7 ounces of lard and 1 ounce of beeswax. When thoroughly mixed simmer over low heat in active red pot for 1-2 hours. Remove from eat and allow to cool. 
 Tincture: A tincture uses alcohol to extract the properties of a herb or plant. Loosely fill a glass container with fresh or dried herbs and add some sort of food grade spirit (ex: vodka), vinegar can also be used for certain ingredients. Cork or otherwise seal the container and leave somewhere warm for 2 or more weeks. 
 *Information from “Healing Teas - How to prepare and use read to maximize your health” by Marie Nadine Antol. 
**images from google.
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complextea · 8 years
Could you give me some tips to get started?
This is gonna be a long ass post. My apologies. Anyone is more than welcome to add to this list.
Blogs I recommend: X
 Beginner Witchcraft
Old Motherredcap’s Reading List
Advice for beginner witches
Things to consider
Defining “witchcraft”
Magic and witchcraft
Research for Newbie Witches
Websites for Herbal Properties and Useage
Different Types of Witchcraft
Secular Witchcraft
Cultural Appropriation
The G word
Spells and charms for Beginners
Dispelling Spells
Lavender’s Wishing Spell
Burning Bridges Spell
Chocolate Money Spell
Spell to Ease Jealousy
Emotional Cleansing Spell
Rainbow Protection Bottle
Wreaths for Protection and Happiness
Energy Bath
Motivation Chant
Pick me up Cleansing Jar
Protection Jar
Rosemary and Lavender Smokeless Cleansing
List of Cleansing Spells
50 Meditation Tips
An Earth Meditation
Benefits of Meditation
Breathe & Relax
Grounding, Centering, & Shielding
Grounding - Grounding Techniques - Ungrounded Symptoms
Grounding & Centering
Shielding: (1) (2)
Budgeted Witchcraft:
Tips & Tricks for Frugal Witches
Moonstone Beginning’s Frugal Pagan Resource
A Witch in a Pinch (Blog)
Budget Witch (Blog)
Witchcraft on a Budget
Being a Witch on a Budget
Budget Witchcraft (Site)
Accumulating Witch Stuff on a Budget
Ways to Practice Witchcraft with Little or No Money
Chaos Magic:
Chaos Magic in a Nutshell
What is Chaos Magick? 
Chaos Magic- The Misunderstood Path
Chaos Magick (a multitude of articles pertaining to chaos magic)
Introduction to Chaos Magic
Chaos Magic Theory
Chaoism & Chaos Magic: A Personal View
Oven-Ready Chaos; Phil Hine
Liber Null & Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic- Peter J. Carroll
Sigil Crafting:
A Beginner’s Guide to Sigil Craft
Ways to Use Sigils 
Sigils Reboot: How To Get Big Magic From Little Squiggles
An Essay On Sigil Crafting 
Practical Sigil Magic- Frater U. D.
Sigilmaking with Lee 
Sigil Magic: Making a Magical Sigil
Sigil Daily: Creation & Activation
Magic/Sigil Circles 
Chaos Magic: Basic Sigil Magic
A Brief Overview of Sigil Magick
Sigils and Seals 101 
Sigil Crafting Method 
Creating a Sigil
Sigil Masterpost (gif warning!)
Sigils in Theory and Practice
How Do You Make Sigils? 
On the Preparation and Usage of Sigils
Sigil Magic
Sigil 101 
Practical Sigil Magick
The Sigil Bowl 
Sigil Basics
What Are Sigils? 
Making Outdoor Sigils
Online Sigil Generator
Sigil Magic
Sigil Making Process, by Rook 
Sigil Making Process, by Richtor 
Sigil Charging:
My Super-Physically-Mentally Intense Method of Charging Sigils…
How to Charge Sigils 
Firing Off Sigils
A Personal Method of Charging Sigils 
How to Charge a Sigil Playing Video Games
Charging Your Sigils- A Brief Explanation 
Charging and Firing Sigils 
How to Use Sigils 
The Fae Resources
The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries – W.Y. Evans-Wentz
The Secret Commonwealth: Of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies – Robert Kirk
Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry – Yeats
Treasury of Irish Myth, Legend, and Folklore – Yeats
The Fairies in Tradition and Literature – Katherine Briggs
An Encyclopedia of Fairies: Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies, & Other Supernatural Creatures – Katherine Briggs
The Vanishing People: Fairy Lore and Legends – Katherine Briggs
The Sidhe: Wisdom from the Celtic Otherworld – John Matthews
Through the Faerie Glass-Kenny Klein
The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries (Sacred Texts)
The Secret Commonwealth: Of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies (Sacred Texts)
Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms and Superstitions of Ireland – Lady Wilde
Puck – That shrewd and knavish sprite called Robin Goodfellow
The Fairy Family: A Series of Ballads & Metrical Tales Illustrating the Fairy Mythology of Europe
The Fairy Mythology: Illustrative of the Romance and Superstition of Various Countries
“The Fairy Doctor” – Lady Wilde
Sacred Text: Fairy Mythology Index
All About Tarot
All About Tarot Readings
Many Different Uses For The Tarot
Tarot Deck Outline
Choosing The Tarot Deck That Is Right For You
What To Look For In A Tarot Deck
Choosing A Tarot Deck Just For Reading Others
Connecting With Your Tarot Deck
Top 3 Beginner Tarot Books
When To Cleanse Your Tarot Deck
How To Cleanse Your Tarot Deck
Recharging Your Tarot Cards
Cleansing Your Tarot Reading Space
Purifying Your Tarot Cards
Three Ways To Shuffle Your Tarot Deck
Six Ways To Choose A Tarot Card
How To Clear Your Tarot Deck
How To Store And Care For Your Tarot Cards
Minor Arcana Keyword Chart
Tarot: Quick and Dirty Keyword Sheets
Tarot Cheat Sheets
Tarot Reversal Keyword Sheet
Major Arcana Meanings
Court Card Interpretations
The Major Arcana
Court Cards In Tarot
The Tarot Suits
Tarot Suit Info Cards
Topics You Can Use In Your Own Custom Tarot Spreads
Great Topics To Ask The Tarot With Only 1-3 Cards
Four Decks To Help You Create Your Own Tarot Spreads
How To Design A Tarot Spread For A Client
Classic Tarot Spread Positions
Interview Your New Tarot Deck
Effective Tarot Questions
How To Create Your Own Spreads
Tips When Reading Tarot For Others
New And Old Tarot Traditions
Four Myths About Fortune Telling
Fortune Teller Isn’t A Bad Word
Quirky Tarot Habits
Six Types Of Tarot Readers
4 Easy Steps to Learn Tarot
How To Read Tarot Cards
Why “Free” Tarot Readings Are Not Ever Really Free
How To Interpret Reversed Tarot Cards
What To Do With Jumper Cards
Tarot Exhaustion
Tarot Relaxation And Grounding Exercise
Four Tips On Reading “Negative” Tarot Cards
How To Deal With “Going Blank” During A Tarot Reading
Tips When Reading Tarot At A Special Event
Ideologies That Hold You Back As A Tarot Reader
Six Mistakes To Avoid When Reading Tarot For Yourself
How To Obtain The Clients Energy During a Tarot Reading Without Them Touching Your Cards
Reading Tarot With Confidence
How to
How to
Glamoured Shower Disks
Goddess Glamour Bath
Witch of the Waste’s Glamour Enchanted Jewelry Spell
Blood Magic
Ethics and Safety
PSA to Blood Witches
Blood Magic 101
Starting Blood Magic
When you’re no longer a beginner
Blood Christening
How Not to Use Blood Magic
Sexual Sangomancy and Blood Bonding; Pros, Cons, and Safety
Blood and Bone Magick
Use of Blood in Folklore and Magic
Quick Guide to Potions and Lotions
Herbal Brews Introduction
Herbal How To: Infusion
Herbal How To: Tinctures and Extracts
Minerals that are NOT Suitable for Adding to Water
Magical Properties of Herbs, Roots, Flowers, Barks, and Resins
Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy
Poisonous Herbs: Hazards
List of Poisonous Herbs (Magical Uses and Safety Warnings)
What are they?
Is this my familiar?
The Familiar Self
Familiars and Gender
The Three Kinds of Familiars
Plants as Familiars
Working with Plants as Familiars
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complextea · 8 years
Unusual herbs: Heliotrope
-A flowering plant from the borage (boraginaceae) family, it is native to Europe, Asia and North Africa
-It has close associations with the Sun, as it’s namesake suggests (Helios is a greek god whose name means “the sun”)
-It represents devotion, linking to the greek legend of Clytie falling in love with Helios, of whom did not return her feelings. It is said that he changed her into a flower, after she spent her days watching the sun and devoted her existence to only that, never eating or sleeping
-Magical uses include: divintation, wealth, prophetic dreams, banishing
More “unusual herbs”;
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complextea · 8 years
Unusual Herbs: Betony
-Otherwise known as Wood Betony, Purple Betony, Bishop’s Wort, Lousewort, it’s scientific name is Stachys Officinalis
-A member of the Mint family, it is native to Europe, Western Asia and Northern Africa
-Was highly used during the middle ages, as well as by the Greeks, Egyptians and even Druids, particularly for it’s use for banishing evil spirits. Today it is used medicinally in part as it always has been; mostly used as treatment for ailments such as gout, indgestion and headaches, though as with any herbal remedies it should be used carefully
-Betony has always been regarded as an extremely important herb, used for amulets of protection, it was considered by the Romans to be a cure all for many diseases (they listed 47 in total), and there are even sayings such as “He has as many values as Betony”, to describe just how highly desired this herb was.
-Magical uses include; love, protection, purification, removal of nightmares
More Unusual Herbs:
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complextea · 8 years
Cherry scented: Self-love spells Melon scented: Protection, love and happiness Strawberry scented: Love, lust, favorable outcomes Orange scented: love, luck and money Lavender scented: Protection, purification and happiness Lemon scented: Purification, cleansing, protection, friendship Mint scented: Love, luck, money, healing, protection
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complextea · 8 years
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Mr. Ambrose is my absolute favorite.
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complextea · 8 years
Witch Tip
Wanna add your energy to something? Give it your energy signature? Not into drawing blood or using other bodily fluids?
Kiss it. Kisses are like your own little energy stamps~
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complextea · 8 years
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complextea · 8 years
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I have a very strong love for wolves
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complextea · 8 years
To any suicidal followers I may have: This is a sign to not kill yourself. You are loved and the world is special because you are in it. Keep holding on.
Reblog this when it’s on your dash. You will save someone’s life.
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