#i made this like 2 weeks ago and forgot abt it but here take it
hitokiri-izou · 5 months
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I'm worried now this is the new worst low of my life
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iminyournotis · 4 months
I was thinking, "I don't even have any friends to be honest with, or tell my shit to, because everybody seems to have some kind of stake in my personal business," but then I remembered TUMBLR EXISTEDDD, so here I am.
1. Ended up snooping on my NINETEEN year old coworker last night because he skipped out on BK with me after work, and I got UNREASONABLY possessive, noticing that he was talking to the new girl at work, and I thought no WAY he's fucking her... She just started. (And he made a WHOOOLE thing to me abt how he doesn't want to hook up-- he just wants to find someone he loves and 'make love'. ((I was all, 'You're completely valid.' and then look at the camera like I'm in The Office then do the finger loop crazy sign at my head's temple, crossing my eyes. LOL.))) So I pulled back up after I finished getting BK alone because I was salty as hell and overly curious, and they were still there an hour and ten after close... I honestly scared them and embarrassed myself and I tore off.
2. Went to the gas station beforehand, because I had started smoking cigarettes again like a day or two ago, because I've been stressed about having Seb cock block his brother from me (and potentially for me. It's complicated.) and it lowkey feels like Caleb ALLLL over again, and it's making me lose my mind, so I'm back to stressedly chuffing.
Went to buy a pack, and this dude hollered in the gas station. I hollered back.
We were talking, I give him my phone number, I told him I'm willing to hook up, he's like 'alright, cool... Maybe pick me up later cause I need a whip,' I'm like, 'Okay.' Cue Burger King and checking where I shouldn't.
3. Go back to my parents' house and dude texts me asking if I was trying to link up... It's late, I tell him yeah anyway. I have work at 8:30, and it's already 11 or midnight by the time we're messaging each other. I end up pulling up to this bar I've never been to around midnight, and I end up taking him and his friend to get blazed out in a parking lot somewhere. Dude I was gonna hook up with doesn't smoke za, but his friend does. I get high and immediately get scared, because now I'm OVI, and I have two young Black men in my vehicle with me, and I get scared that some awful shit was fixing to happen, so I go, 'I'M GETTING YOU BOTH HOME SAFELY. I'm not pulling out until our seat belts are fastened, etc.' Went full mom mode. (Also, at this point, the young man I was with was 22, and his friend was 21. They thought I was younger than even them, which was hilarious. So another predatory woman moment for Mama.)
Drop 21 off. Go to drop 22 off next, but he takes me to this outfield out the way... We park, talk some; he hits it and as he's getting out of the backseat, I go, "Wait, did you finish?" He very non-chalantly said "Yeah," as he's putting his pants back on. I go, "... Did you cum inside me?" He responds pretty deadpan "Yeah." I'M LIKE "WHAT? Did you even plan on telling me???" He goes, "I mean, yeah." I was stunned. He's like, "I mean, you can take a Plan B if you don't feel safe." NFJSJFHJDN I was losing my mind. NOT the fucking point. He's like "Are you mad at me?" I'm like, "TO be honest, yeah."
I drive him back home, he forgets something in my car, I pull back around, he's tryna get me to stay at his mom's house with him for the night (which he pays rent at), I say no. I drive off. He goes, 'Actually, I forgot my hat, too.' I was like 10 minutes down the road and closer to home by the time I saw this message, so I'm like 'Man, I'm keeping it now. Sorry.' He's like, 'alright it's fine. lol.'
End scene. Oh, actually not, because by the time I get back into my city/town, it's like 3:30 AM. I didn't even wash my clothes, I still needed to shower, I haven't really been eating for the last week, so I thought, 'Fuck it. I'm calling off.'
Haven't called off a single time since starting, even through this lowkey nasty cold I had a few weeks ago. So my manager, who I'm WAY too involved with, was like 'wtf?? You're just not coming in?' I'm like yeah. She's like "What's your reason." All investigative. I'm like "Not been eating well. It's for my health." She goes, "Get well." I'm such a fucking loser.
So then I woke up like an hour ago at three PM, and here I am. ❤️ What the fuck is going on with my life, though.
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mercury-drinker · 2 months
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Info abt them under the cut v
Ok so I was thinking about that one anthro warriors au here on tumblr (i forgot who made ot :c) a few weeks ago and then that somehow led to me making an oc who was abandoned because of a genetic imperfection
And tgat oc is Rani!!! She’s an Indochinese Tiger born w melanism. She was born in a litter of 4 (altgough 2 of her siblings were born stillborn so technically litter of 2). Her dad didn’t like that she looked weird n shit so he forced her mother to get rid of her. She was left out in the jungle but her mom planned to sneak back to jer at noghtfall to give her food and take her back. But someone found her and was like “wtf why is there a weird ass baby in the middle of the jungle” and took her with them to find some adoption center to drop jer off at or sum. I haven’t decided what this person is or what their name is yet but we’ll call them Eee for jow ig. All i really know for sure abt Eee rn is that they’re an explorer and journalist from Russia who’s been to almost every country in the world by now.
Eee originally was going to gove Rani a Russian name but wanted her to havesomething from her original birthplace so they gave her an Asian name instead.
Fast forward to 11 years later. Eee in cact did not gove up Rani because she grew on them too much. Rani is now Eee’s legal child and helps them w/ traveling preparations and such. For Rani’s 11th birthday she wanted to go to Alaska to see Skagway. While they were there, they decided to camp onstead of rentong a hotel or Airbnb or something because Rani wanted it to be authentic. In the woods while looking for firewood Eee found a baby otter no older than 6 by a river.
This toddler is Uki. Uki’s widowed mother had died of cardiac arrest a gew weeks before Eee found Uki. Her father had died of lung cancer when Uki was 2. Upon finding Uki, Eee took her in and adopted her.
Now fast forward again to presenttime. Rani is 31 years old, Uki is 26. Rani works at a fast food restaurant and is studying computer programming and engineering. Uki works as a special education teacher in an elementary school. They both still live with Eee, who settled down temporarily in Miami, Florida when Uki was 13 and Rani was 18, since Uki wasn’t as fond of traveling constantly as Rani was. Eee plans to start traveling again when they both move out but will visit frequently.
Ty for reading my oc ramble >u< Unlike my SISTERS who were too busy playing DRESS TO IMPRESS when I was trying to tell them smh
I’ll make Eee’s ref at some point….. not today tho i’m too tired (even tyough its not even 2 in the afternoon yet)
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thewalkingdeadband · 2 years
Review on twd 11.22 (next week for 11.23 even if im already spoiled)
Also sorry, im not an english native speaker, im on my phone and in a rush..and it ended up being long! Sorry
What a great episode, though not perfect. A lot of things seems rushed: for instance "oh shit its 11.22 we need to bring back Luke and Jules in a "oceanside's gone" type of way, so we can wrap up this whole storyline in less than 2 mns." Right. Right.
The callbacks: why did it take 4 seasons to bring up Benjamin again ? For 4 seasons it seemed like only Henry (whom i loved) mattered and now we re remembered that yeah, Benjamin was also Zeke's adopted son. He wasnt in the show for long i know but he made an impact. Hell, his death is the reason Morgan went rogue again and then Richard died ect.
Dont get me wrong im happy Zeke talked abt him but i wish he had been mentioned more often. Same for Sophia, i love all those callbacks lately but it really screams end of series for me and i wish they didnt need the show to end to remember her. That said, these two callbacks still made me emotional as hell, its hard to explain. Especially when Carol said she missed Sophia and Henry and wish they could come back. I was a mess.
- Rosita is fucking bad ass in mama bear mode. But when this asshole said at the end you re going to lose everything, i dont know if we re supposed to believe he talks to all of them or just to her. If its just her, its frightnening: is she going to lose Coco, Gabe and Eugene all together? Is she going to die herself?
- Tyler: i remember watching the Princess centered bonus episode of s10 and hoping this guy would become more important. Im glad he kind of is.
- Donnie: well, if u ship them, u re gonna see things. They "shipbait" both ships a lot, with glances and touches than can be interpreted in lots of ways depending on who u ship Daryl with. I obviously believe that Carol should be the one, and i hate that they still havent made a choice by now. Just choose, stop playing with us. Or have him stay alone, but make it a choice. Not a "we re keeping things open" because we dont want one part of the fandom or the other giving up on watching the spin off. You know what i mean? Thats how i take it honestly. Like they didnt realise a lot of carylers and/or carol fans have decided not to watch anyway, because no Carol anymore.
So im afraid its gonna stay "open" for now. Hope im wrong, hope all the optimistics carylers are right. Im not a pessimistic one i just dont know what to think anymore. Carol is the one, this should have been settled ages ago, back in s5, or even s3, i dont know. Or even s7 after new best friends. Anyway, i hope i can come back here and give my apologies for being fed up with this, and saying that it was actually worth it to wait.
Negan: its becoming really hard to hate him now of course. I dont anyway, but yeah, they re finally giving him a proper (sort of?) redemption arc. Im sorry, but smirking in a evil way at Maggie's face (ending of "here's negan) or telling her "i would do the same if i had to do it all over again", or "hell i'd kill all of u this time" and never showing actual remorse is not a redemption for me. Being nice to Judith or Lydia (and i do know he saved Judith's life in s9b) isnt enough. But this, and last episode? This is starting to sound like it. The guy litteraly almost sacrified himself to save everyone and Annie and his baby, despite what Zeke had just told him!
- Ezekiel: obvisously did the right thing and there was no way he was letting Negan die after seeing all this. He's amazing.
- Carol and Maggie, the bad ass duo we all missed since 6.13. The mothers talking mother to mother. The best friends/sisters that have seen it all together. Carol is the one who wrote a letter to Maggie getting her to come back, remember. They've always been family and close, the show just forgot abt it for a while. Again, a bit late and rushed, but welcomed nonetheless. By rushed, i mean that it screams "end of series" as in u can totally imagine the writers panicking in the writing room "oh shit we need to have meaningful scenes between ogs or main characters ect"
Hell even negan and ezekiel have meaningful scenes, and they barely exchanged (if not at all?) Since s7.
- Eugene : now im really worried. Im so proud of him. Again: callback. He didnt say his name but Abe was on his mind no doubt during all of his speech. I remember thinking back in s7, no way he doesnt have a plan, no way he's really betraying after witnessing Abe being murdered like that and that emotional hug between them just a few scenes ago. But i was wrong. And i was right. He betrayed because he was scared to have the same end as Abe, witnessing his and Glenn's death is actually what made him so scared to stand up to Negan, it fucking traumatized him, he didnt have any plan until late (and Gabriel trying to bring him back and reason him, remember, and Sasha, too). He said all that very well, his cowardice, his need for safety, in his speech, a speech which gave me closure. This guy is so brave, so so brave. I love him so much. I never gave up on him. And im pretty sure he's gonna die. This whole arc screams (heroic?) death for me. I dont want to see him die, but im preparing myself hard.
To be honest im also worried for Rosita, Gabriel and/or Aaron. But that's another subject for another time.
Last but not least: with all these meaningful scenes/moments/talks/goodbyes between beloved characters, where is the caryl one? Talking abt the cave last episode briefly with hands touching, while nice, wasnt enough. I need something at least like in "a certain doom", even though it probably would not be enough granted these are the last episodes, but that would be the bare minimum.
I think because there was supposed to be a spin off with both, they didnt concentrate on them as much as we wish they had, using the time left to end properly everyone arcs, especially the ones that dont have a spin off.
But now that we have a daryl spin off instead of a caryl one, and with news/rumours (?) of last minute changes and reshoots, what can we expect?
Well, we'll figure it out very soon i guess.
Edit a few more thoughts:
- seeing the people cheering for Eugene, supporting the hero he became was very moving
- the ending scene with Negan/Ezekiel/Annie and that armitage hux wannabe made a lot of people thinking -rightfully- abt a parallel with s7ep01 (Annie pregnant instead of Maggie, Negan begging instead of Glenn...) but it also gave me WW2 vibes and it was scary as fuck. Seeing everyone gathering in front of Negan and Annie in support was something else..
- Mercer coming around in that last scene wasnt a surprise at all, but still a freaking relief
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meltwonu · 3 years
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77. “There’s people here.”
            “I know.”
78. “I don’t care what you do just fuck me.”
notes; puppy!hybrid!(switch)vernon, kitty!hybrid!(switch)reader, human!joshua(lol), dont fuck your therapist, threesome, dirty talk, degradation, name-calling, i wouldnt say sub!joshua necessarily but uh lol just very shy ‘shua, blowjob 🤣💕 a part two to the vernon drabble that went up last Monday! I have attempted to link it right here if tumb1r doesn’t hate me ☠️ I have 2 more hybrid fics for this cycle of drabbles and I also forgot to post my new schedule after talking abt all that drama so I will do that tomorrow! 😭😭💕 As always, thank you for requesting! Enjoy! 💕
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Joshua was late. 
“Sorry, you two. Joshua’s running a little late. Traffic ‘n all. Just wait in his office, okay? He’ll get here as soon as possible.”
Seungcheol, the other therapist on duty, had said. Flashing you a smile before he’d closed the door and left you and Vernon alone in Joshua’s office. 
It’d already been a week since the two of you had gone in for your individual sessions and Joshua had already penned you back in for a joint session before you’d even made it back to the hybrid center.
“Now what?” Vernon groaned; shooting you a side glance as you sit quietly next to him on the plush leather.
You were just glad there wasn’t a cum stain on it from last time.
“Can’t you just be patient and wait like he said? We literally sat down a second ago.” You rolled your eyes as Vernon’d scoffed - eyes darting over to the puppy hybrid and taking in the bright yellow bandaid on his cheek that had a smiley face smack dab in the center.
“Sorry about your face, by the way.”
“Are you, though?”
Huffing, you’d leaned in closer to the male; tail rattling behind yourself as you chuckled and ghosted your lips against the shell of his ear. “You kinda deserved it for being such a bad ‘lil puppy, if I’m being honest~ Cumming so much inside of me to the point that I almost messed up Mr. Joshua’s sofa… Ah, what would he have done if he saw your cum dripping down my thighs? Do you think he would’ve thought I was a bad ‘lil kitty?”
Vernon shivered as your words went straight to his cock - hands balling up into fists in his lap. “B-but I-I ate you out, didn’t I? When you got back…” He murmured.
“You also came in your sweats while I sat on your face like the easy pup you are.”
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“Ah, kitten, come here, please~”
Jeonghan flashes you a smile - patting the spot next to himself on the picnic mat.
“Joshua called me earlier and told me your session with Vernon went well? Why don’t you tell me a little bit, I’m curious about how it went.”
You start to purr when he massages your kitten ears; leaning into his touch as your eyes flutter shut.
“Mr. Hong was a little late and Vernon was being so impatient…” You murmur.
“Oh? You didn’t fight, did you?”
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“I don’t care what you do just fuck me.”
Vernon thrusts up against your hand palming him over his jeans; head thrown back against the armrest as you tease him. “And hurry, ‘cause he might show up soon…”
Giggling, you start to undo the button and zipper of his jeans as you lick your lips.
“I wanna ride you right here, pup… Wanna feel you filling up my pussy with every inch of your cock… Fucking me so gooood and cumming inside of me... Don’t you want that?” The puppy hybrid nods frantically as he gulps.
“Y-yes, I want t-that...”
You wrap a hand around his hard cock; smearing the precum down his shaft before squeezing him around the base as he cries out.
“Ah, ah, ah, I wouldn’t be so loud if I were you~ Wouldn’t want them to hear you being a noisy ‘lil pup in here, would you?”
“Mmh, n-no…”
“Good. Then shut up and behave.”
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“Ah, I know. Vernon can’t sit still sometimes… But other than that, he was good, right?”
You nod gently - nuzzling against Jeonghan’s palm. “Mmhmm… Mr. Hong showed up pretty soon after anyway so we didn’t wait too long.”
“Anything interesting? A friend recommended me to Joshua. Said he was really good with hybrids so I put my trust in him, y’know? And he seems to have helped the two of you, so I’m really glad.”
“Me too.”
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Joshua never runs late - or, rather, tries to avoid running late at all costs.
He leaves his briefcase in his car and all but sprints into the office building; a sheen of sweat on his brow when he all but tears the double doors open.
“God, I’m so sorry I’m late!”
Seungcheol greets him with a soft chuckle, nodding towards the long corridor towards Joshua’s office.
“Your 11AM has been waiting for the last 45 minutes. They’re probably asleep in there from how long you took, ‘Shua. Might wanna check in on them.” Joshua nods, shooting Seungcheol a sheepish smile before taking off towards his secluded office.
“Can you phone my 1PM and tell them it’s moved to 2PM instead? Thanks!”
He doesn’t listen for Seungcheol’s confirmation before he’s completely out of earshot - sighing and readying his words of apology when he places his hand on the doorknob of his office.
“Oh my gosh, I am so---”
“Fuh--fuck, faster!”
Vernon’s eyes meet Joshua’s panicked stare - hands on your hips as you swivel atop his lap.
“I--T-there’s people here… W-wait--”
The puppy hybrid gulps, trying to get you to stop as Joshua stands in the doorway in shock.
You smirk down at Vernon before you’re turning your head slightly in Joshua’s direction.
“I know. But I don’t see Mr. Joshua telling us to stop~”
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“Did Joshua give you any good pieces of advice? Maybe some stuff we can use around here when the others get unruly.”
Jeonghan laughs, smoothing down your hair before you decide to lay your head down in his lap.
You really were Jeonghan’s favorite and you appreciated that he took care of you so well.
“Mm… I guess the biggest piece of advice he gave us was to see each other from different points of view… Which is fair, I think.”
“Ah, yeah, it’s really important to put yourself in each other’s shoes. It helps you understand each other better when you take turns, y’know?”
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“This--ngh, this is severely--severely a violation of p-patient and d-doctor, um, ah, b-boundaries! The mis--misconduct---”
Joshua’s hands tangle in your hair as you sink your mouth down onto him and Vernon is quick to smirk at the older male as he fucks you from behind on the sofa.
“Yeah, so why did you get hard while you were standing there watching us then, huh?” He laughs at the blush blooming on Joshua’s cheeks; eyes flitting towards where you have your lips wrapped around Joshua’s cock.
“Such a good ‘lil kitty for us… Usually she’s misbehaving and I have to punish her… Fucking her in all sorts of places and cumming inside her tight ‘lil cunt. But that’s okay, she’s a needy ‘lil cumslut anyway. She wants its down her throat, in her pretty ‘lil cunt and her cute ‘lil ass too.”
Joshua’s eyes bulge out of his head at the way Vernon talks about you, but he only replies with a shaky moan when you hollow out your cheeks around him instead.
“Mm, and she just got tighter around my cock too… She loves it when I talk about her needy ‘lil holes being filled up.”
“You--you shouldn’t, a-ah, fuck…” Joshua finds himself thrusting into your mouth; giving into the pleasure as your body rocks between the two males.
“Didn’t she tell you how she came to her session with you last time with a load of my cum inside her? Soaking into her panties… Bet she wanted to just finger herself right on this sofa, legs spread wide while she fucked my cum deeper into her filthy ‘lil hole for you to see what a good cockslut she is.”
You moan around Joshua’s cock, sending goosebumps rising on his skin at the vibrations that only intensify the pleasure.
“I--I noticed…” He whispers, gulping slightly when you sink your mouth down further until the head of his cock taps the back of your throat and makes you gag around him.
“Oh, so you did?”
“Y-yeah… d-didn’t say, ngh, a-anything since it--it wasn’t my p-place…”
Vernon smirks, leaning over your body and tangling a hand through your hair as he pushes your head towards Joshua to make you take more of his cock down your throat.
“Hear that, slut? Now you have to make it up to our ‘doc here, okay?”
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“Joshua said you had another appointment next week, though, right? Is there any reason? Everything seems to be fine now so I don’t really get why he’d need to see you both again?”
You stare up at Jeonghan as you lay in his lap; the two loads of cum sitting inside your cunt starting to soak your panties a little too much when you shift onto your side.
“Ah… yeah. Mr. Hong said he wanted to check in on us, that’s all. Said that he wanted to observe us a little longer to make sure we’re not fighting anymore.”
“Wow… He really is great at his job, huh?” Jeonghan shakes his head in amazement; already planning on calling up Joshua to thank him for a job well done.
Grinning, you turn your head to the side to avoid Jeonghan seeing the mischievous glint in your eyes.
“Mmhmm, he’s very thorough.”
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
hello!! i really loved your hq writing and i think they were pretty spot on! do u mind writing abt a reader who’s basically a first year version of kiyoko (like everyone is attracted to her) and all the first years are just into her but come to find out she’s been dating yamaguchi all this time ? jealous yams maybe? sorry if it’s too specific🥺👉🏼👈🏼
Yamaguchi Tadashi x Really Sexy Yoga Instructor S/O
A/N: Thank you so much anon! You’re speaking my language with this request😍
It sounds a lot like the first ever request I got here, so this can be seen as a part two, or read as a stand alone. I hope you like it!!!
Not NSFW, but please only read if you’re over 18 y/o.
Yams, your beloved boyfriend of a few months will be the first to admit that he made a mistake volunteering you to help his volleyball team
About a month ago, Coach Ukai felt as though the team was way too pent up and ordered his players to indulge in some calming activities on one of the no-practice days with the goal of making the team less irritable
The coach found that Yoga would be a great solution
Coach Ukai had read that the benefits of Yoga include but are not limited to: increased flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, improved respiration, more energy and vitality, maintenance of a balanced metabolism, improved athletic performance, protection from injury, overall relaxation and stress relief.
Ukai thought that yoga was a no-brainer because if Karasuno was going to win the National tournament, then they had to adopt unconventional means in order to get an edge on the competition
Unfortunately, Takeda, the volleyball club’s advisor, couldn’t exactly find the budget to get the entire team signed up for weekly yoga sessions at the big studio downtown
Aw man :(
But fear not! smh
Your boyfriend to the team’s rescue! Great 😑
Thank goodness for your sweet baby 👍🏾 not
He’s just too caring for his own good isn’t he? You wish he’d stop
Because he..... well, lucky for Karasuno, your boyfriend Yamaguchi happily suggested that the team goes to the Karasuno High School’s Yoga Club sessions at the local community centre. The community centre hosts great swim, cooking, and even archery lessons! It would be perfect because it would be within budget and the 7am yoga sessions were always empty, because not many people knew about them.
“How do you know they’re legit? I don’t want my players getting hurt because some kids think it’s fun to twist n’ contort their bodies —“ Inquired coach Ukai. The entire team turned to Tadashi, awaiting his response.
Your annoying sweet man explained that all of the Yoga club members are certified by Japanese Health Standards and they are well-versed in their instructing, it was kind of the point of the club. He was sure the club would love the volleyball team’s company
Your boyfriends’ coach’s face lit up. When Ukai’s next question pertained to how tf Tadashi knew all of this, that’s finally when his face fell
He’s so cute He wanted to help so badly he forgot that this could be a bad idea
How did he know all this? Well, maybe because his girlfriend of 3 months, you, run the damn club. And he knows everything about you because he’s whipped.
However, Tadashi couldn’t exactly tell them that was the reason because he is very private and didn’t want to introduce his beautiful girlfriend to guys that were sure to drool over her
Plus he wanted to make sure you weren’t in a daze when he confessed to you, testing whether one day you’ll wake up & realize you made a big mistake
Yamaguchi, quick on his feet, just said that you were his friend and you ran the club.
They believed it obviously, and that’s how it all started
Since there were multiple morning Yoga sessions, Coach Ukai divided the team into years for mandatory session attendance. The first years were scheduled for Monday’s at 7am, the second years on Wednesday’s (same time) and the 3rd years were on Fridays (same time).
You were late to your first session with the boys because even though Yams told you the team would start coming (and to keep your relationship a secret) you were used to being the only one here doing Yoga
You were only slightly startled when you opened the door to your beloved studio and saw Karasuno volleyball’s first years: Tsukishima, Kageyama, Hinata and your beautiful man Yams sitting down on Yoga mats patiently.
You cheerily introduced yourself and greet everyone, finding yourself happy to have the company
Yamaguchi was the only one to verbally greet you back, because the other boys were staring at you with what you would deem odd expressions
Yams noticed his solo greeting too and looked over to his teammates. He frowned because he knew the look on their faces and the lack of a voice very well.
How could he not? It was the same reaction he had when he saw you for the first time he was sure you came out of his wet dreams
You are so hot, and now his fellow first years were noticing
Yams pouted inside
Anyway, the same way you didn’t notice when Yamaguchi had that stare when you two met, you just got straight to business, setting down your pink yoga mat and water bottle and explaining all the rules.
It’s a good thing yoga sessions are supposed to be silent with only the sounds of the rain forest playing loud through the rooms speakers because I don’t think the boys could have spoken anyway
You did basic yoga stretches and had the boys follow your every movement
As you showed them the simple beginner poses, Tadashi caught Hinata and Kageyama sneaking glances at your figure with heavy blushes on their faces
If Tsukki thought you were attractive, which omfg did he ever, he didn’t show it in the slightest
Yamaguchi was happy to call him his best friend
The quick-attack boys could not say the same
Like the schoolboys they are, they relished in seeing a gorgeous female’s flexible body easily contort in front of them
Tadashi noted that, for two of the most intensely competitive people he knew, the two were peculiarly a little TOO happy with not doing any of the yoga poses correctly, he could guess why
You, still clueless, walked around the room to help the boys get into correct positioning platonically, the way every Yoga instructor does.
Tadashi on the other hand, was doing so well and you badly wished you could kiss him whenever you moved his body but you were respecting his wishes to keep you two a secret
Kags and Shōyō almost had internal panic attacks when you touched them or got close
They weren’t the greatest with girls but they were especially bad when one of the prettiest and fittest girls they’ve ever encountered was touching them and whispering in their ears to ‘turn like this’ ‘open up a bit more’ because of how quiet yoga should be
The combustion train has left the building! Choo choo 💨
You laughed when volleyball duo boys started shoving each other when Hinata fell out of a pose and landed on Kags
Tadashi’s eyes narrowed because he selfishly didn’t want you laughing at anything those boys did. Nevertheless, he shook it off
Maybe it will get better once the initial shock of your hotness wears off, Yams thought to himself when he left Yoga that morning.
Sure, because that’s how it worked with Kiyoko right?
Yeah, right. The following Monday you were still hot and the boys were still drooling over you.
At real volleyball practices and at lunch time Yamaguchi has to constantly hear the team (minus Tsukishima) gush about how attractive you are and how it wasn’t so bad waking up early in the morning if you were the view they were getting up to see
Now, Tadashi would definitely describe himself as a pretty calm guy......as would anyone who knows him......
But hearing his friends gush about you like you weren’t the smartest, most creative, genuine, conscientious person...... just an ideal body and gorgeous face not that they would know evoked jealous emotions deep within him
On dates with you he would inquire about the other volleyball yoga sessions you taught and you would tell him truthfully that your class of 3rd years were always fine, well behaved and very quiet because they were too busy fantasizing about you in their heads to talk dkm
and then you told your boyfriend that 2 of the second years were pretty flirty take a wild guess who? But that the one boy named Ennoshita got them to simmer down and then stop with the comments completely
Tadashi made a mental note to do a favour for his future captain
He was beginning to get irritated with the way these strong amazing athletes that he looked up to were reduced to goo when his girlfriend came around
He knew it was irrational to be so upset because he was sure they would chill out if they knew she was his girlfriend but
He just wasn’t ready for that yet.
So he endured the comments because even though the team was full of hormonone-crazy males, they never were vulgar or disrespectful in their remarks that was saved for all of their dreams and shower time
Either way,
None of that could stop the locker room talk.
“Did Y/N teach you guys the puppy dog stretch too this week?” Chirped Nishinoya as he bounced on the balls of his feet. The boys nodded. “Man is she s-m-o-k-i-n-g or what?? Don’t you think so, Asahi?”
Yams looked over from his locker to see the quiet and timid Ace of the team unable to help sporting a blush and nodding in agreement to Nishinoya.
Tadashi did NOT like this conversation. He took to chugging his water in order to distract himself from saying something he was sure to regret
“I-I really like Y/N’s yoga pants. They’re really cool!”
Kageyama rolled his eyes at Hinata's comment. “Of course you do, Boke.”
“Keep dreaming short stack!” Hollered Tanaka as he hopped in a super man pose on top of a bench. “For I will one day marry Y/N!”
Uncontrollably, Yamaguchi’s entire liquid contents in his mouth drenched Sugawara’s back in a spit take. Everyone laughed.
Let’s just say Karasuno’s vice captain made Yams do laps until his legs felt like they would fall off
By the third week, poor Yamaguchi had it up to HERE with the team’s pining after his girl.... be it Daichi’s subtle suggestion to the coach to extend AND increase the amount of yoga sessions, to Nishinoya’s memorization of the exact colour of your lip gloss per session
Yams actually growled under his breath when he heard both I swear to God
Yamaguchi felt like he was going to burst if he didn’t wring any necks first .
The entire team was smitten with his secret girlfriend and it made him insanely jealous. He couldn’t deny it anymore.
You were his. And only his. He wished he never volunteered you to help the team in the first place!
On your dates as a couple, you noticed that Yams was much more tense than he used to be before you started instructing the team. You told him over and over that you would quit this very second because he was so much more important than some silly club. You even suggested easily swapping with your second-in-command as instructor but
He wouldn’t have any of that. Apparently the team was already improving significantly in skill from Yoga like the Coach predicted. You are the best instructor your club had, and his team needed the best.
Plus he knows you love doing it and he puts your happiness before his own
The situation just sucked!
On the final yoga session before nationals, you arranged for the entire team to conjoin in one single morning session that would be longer at two hours instead of one, to go through everything they have learned in a mass session. It was also to make sure the numbers were even because today would be strictly focused on Partner Yoga!
The crows filed in to your studio, excited to see you and set up as usual
You walked in and told them about the partner yoga, and before they could volunteer to be your partner and upset your boyfriend, you told everyone you already had a partner and gestured toward the studio entryway:
Kiyoko walked in with a wave at her introduction and she spread her yoga mat next to you facing the class
They said 😳😳😳😳🤯🤯🤯🤯
The entire room was silent. Everyone minus Tsukki and your boyfriend combusted. Like they were done
Remember that combustion train? Yeah it just arrived at its destination: Nosebleed Central.
The boys’ little minds couldn’t fathom two extremely hot girls in compromising, stretchy positions that would look anything but innocent in their male minds
It was kind of a dream come true
You didn’t care that they were acting weird and you started the session, telling the boys to pair up and follow yours and Kiyoko’s lead
Even Yams started to feel hot and bothered at the sight of the multiple positions
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he always felt horny watching you instruct yoga but he was able to satiate his lust by reminding himself that you told him you want to sleep with him when he was ready, even though you were taking it slow. he’s always blushing so none of the guys ever thought anything if it
Satiating himself with that thought again, though, flew out the window as an option because you just looked too incredibly hot in partner positions. It got to the point where he wanted to kick Kiyoko out so you could practice these yoga positions with him
He wanted to be the one to put your leg on his shoulder as he pounded into your heat, not Kiyoko no matter how hottttttttt it was to look at
Suga used his fingers to flick Tadashi on the forehead to get his attention away from his secret girlfriend and back to the yoga positions he should be trying with him
“Dude.... trust me, I know, and I agree...” Suga nods in understanding as he glances over at the beautiful girls once more. It takes a good amount of effort for him to peel his eyes back to Yamaguchi. “But we have to do this. Try to pretend they’re not as hot as they are.” He gives your bf a thumbs up for encouragement
Yams didn’t smile back even though he commenced yoga again like his vice captain requested. Yams just wanted all of this to be over so he could somehow sneak you into one of the abandoned rooms in this community centre and take you right there.
Since Kiyoko was only there to demonstrate the positions and not join the class because she had other commitments, she had to leave pretty early
You went around helping everyone like you usually did, and now you definitely noticed how red all the boys’ cheeks were. Yams couldn’t even look at you the entire time he did yoga with Suga and you started to wonder if you did something wrong. Hm.....
Yams couldn’t look at you because he was using every ounce of his restraint to keep from jumping your bones
Before long, Y/N’s final yoga session was nearing completion until you realized that you had forgotten to demonstrate the final pose when Kiyoko was here.
Glancing at your boyfriend who was giving you the cold shoulder, you timidly asked if anyone minded being your partner to demonstrate—
Like zoo animals, all of the boys volunteered!!! You yelped because of how loud they got in the quiet room in a split second.
Does it matter who you choose?
Yamaguchi felt himself boil over in jealousy. These boys were throwing themselves at the woman who means everything to him, and that was enough to drive any man to the brink of insanity.
While the boys bickered about who would be your partner Hinata and Nishi already started the Rock Paper Scissors tournament, including the usually collected captains, Tadashi briskly made his way towards you with purpose. Without even thinking about it he cupped your face with one of his hands and tilted your lips towards his for a deep kiss.
You felt your knees weaken at the intensity of the unexpected kiss from the love of your life.
Yams wrapped an arm around your waist to hold you steady when he felt your knees weaken.
You two barely heard the collective gasp in the room...
...Nor did you hear Tsukki mutter a flat “I knew it.”
When you finally pulled away from your boyfriends perfect lips, you were still drunk off the kiss while he remembered where you two were
With an aura of manly confidence that could only come from the overwhelming satisfaction of giving into the animalistic urge to claim your mate in front of other males, Yamaguchi turned to his team. Shoulders back and confident, he smiled smugly
“Did I forget to tell you all that Y/N is my girlfriend? I’d appreciate if all the endless comments about how beautiful she is would cease to exist, at least around me. She’s very much taken. Oh, and I, ONLY I....will be her partner. Thanks.”
Ok can you imagine how fucking sexy shy Yams would look being strict, intimidating and completely territorial over you? 🤤
Karasuno’s team was stunned into silence before Nishinoya started a slow clap applause like they do in the movies.
Only Tanaka joined in with him. The rest of the team is not that lame
You, on the other hand, got so turned on by your boyfriend display of protection and jealousy that you muttered that class was over and you used your hand to turn Yams attention back to you. You got on the tips of your toes to pull him into another passionate kiss again.
You loved it.
Seeing this side of him stirred up a lot of emotions in you and you couldn’t help but ask your boyfriend if he wanted to skip school today. Your parents weren’t going to be home for 2 days and you had the house to yourself.
With half lidded eyes that only served to turn you on more Yamaguchi agreed.
I hope he knows that he was in for a really long and pleasurable day and night.....you were about to put those years of yoga training to good use, and your boyfriend couldn’t be luckier.
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turinn · 3 years
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Sometimes, the Best Laid Plans Work Out Just Fine
Hokuto Hidaka x GN!Reader
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Summary: A notebook full of planning, and all the date going well relies on is the weather being right. Oh, and Keito not catching him sneaking out of the dorm at 11pm. Hokuto really knows how to keep things exciting.
A/N: Remember how I said I wasn’t up to full writing? My brain likes to do this wonderful thing where it makes me a liar, so uhhh. Hi!! I was thinking about how some popular tropes are popular because they’re good and I got the idea to write my take on one of my favourites- so here we go! This is inspired by a video I saw like 2 years ago and cannot for the life of me find. EDIT: for some reason this god awful website added multiple extra spaces between a bunch of words and deleted several words so? sorry abt that. fixed it now.
Word Count: 1.4k
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Sneaking you out past curfew might not have been his best laid plan- it was a bolder move than he should really pull, and at the very least sure to get him on the receiving end of a very long Keito lecture- but for the chance to show you something magical, Hokuto was willing to take the risks. After all, you made everything seem worth it to him. Hajime's light breathing and the fans of his laptop were the only sounds in the room as he double checked both time and weather forecast once more, shutting down the machine and sneaking out of the room. He was extra careful to shut the door quietly, as not to wake his roommate up. At least Keito was working late as usual. He didn't want to be stopped before he began.
The cold tingle that hit him as he stepped outside sent a shiver right through him and he huffed, stuffing his hands into his coat pockets- but behind his scarf there was the hint of a smile. The chill and the light mist that lingered in the air and cast a white haze over everything the street lamps illuminated were both telltale signs of winter, and he was counting on the weather that usually followed to make tonight perfect. It had to be perfect. Week after week of planning and distraction and discussion had gone into this surprise. He'd zoned out thinking of it so many times that even Akehoshi had noticed something was up with him. A whole notebook was dedicated to the idea, from writing out the plot of the dream that had inspired it to finding a date he was sure he could make it work, and a place to actually do it. It was the most elaborate date he'd ever planned, and you had absolutely no idea it was coming.
Not a single light was on in your house, and Hokuto crossed his fingers with the hope that you'd still be awake. He'd never exactly climbed up to your window before, but he'd spent enough time with the rest of his unit- and various others- that climbing buildings had somehow become something he was fairly good at. There's a reason he doesn't try to think about his time at Yumenosaki in too much detail. With luck, it only takes you a moment to open your window after he knocks, a large can of deodorant in hand to presumably whack him with if he's dangerous. He tries not to laugh. He really does.
"Kuto??? It's like 11pm, what on earth are you doing here?" You half whisper and half hiss, clamping a hand over his mouth to silence his laughter. If your parents find your boyfriend on your windowsill in the middle of the night it's not gonna go down too well. "Get dressed," he's smiling so beautifully, face half illuminated in the dim light of the waxing moon, that you almost forget to question him, "we have a date." "Um, I have a curfew, and it ended an hour ago." "We can sneak out. Just this once, I promise it's worth it." "It can't wait until morning?" "It won't be half as beautiful in the morning, koibito." You've never seen him this close to pleading, and that nickname always gets you. You sigh. You never could say no to him. Not really. "Turn around, then." Hokuto stares at you quizzically, and you wave a sweater at him to indicate your desire to get dressed. He quickly obeys, grinning. Five minutes and 3 sweaters later- ’I can't go downstairs to get my coat, tenshi, they'll hear me. Leave me and my 3 sweaters alone’ -  the two of you are turning the corner of your street, and you're staring at him suspiciously.
"You know, if you wanted to murder me you could have done it at home?" "I'm not murdering you, idiot." "Oh, I see, when you want me to come with you, I'm sweetheart, but then when I agree to, I'm idiot?" "Exactly." There's that grin again, the one that could convince you to jump in a freezing lake without question- you're suddenly scared he's going to try that- and you're rolling your eyes and giggling. "All right, if you're not murdering me, where are we goi-" His hand on your shoulder stops you both mid-step and sentence, and he turns you around to face the docks you were about to walk past. "The docks??" "Yes." "It's-" "About 10 minutes before our boat leaves. Right on time, if you ask me." "Our what?" "Boat." "I repeat. Our what?" "Oh, just come with me." In another moment, he's tangling your ungloved fingers with his gloved ones, and the fleece dragging across your skin feels like fire when your nerves are so on edge from the cold. "Babe my hands hurt, could you loosen up?" "Oh no, I forgot." Hokuto groans. Suddenly, he drops your hand and passes you a pair of gloves from the inside pocket of his jacket, warm from their proximity to his body and double lined. You could cry from the relief they provide, and from how thoughtful he can be- even if he did forget about them. But as you board the boat behind him, the confusion settles back over you.
"So, where are we going?" "We aren't going anywhere." A beat. A glare. No response. "Where is the boat going." "Nowhere.... Out a little. Then back." "What's the point in that." "You'll see. Come, I want you to get a good view." The two of you find a spot on the deck just as the boat departs, and you lean against the railings with him. 5 minutes out, you realise just how peaceful it all is. "Is this what you brought me here for? The peace?" "Not quite." He murmurs, looking up at the sky. "Give it just a moment." As he takes a step closer to you, his hand linking with yours once more, snow begins to fall around you.
It's breathtaking. The way it falls, completely surrounding you, reflecting so beautifully off the still surface of the water. All you can hear is the gentle purring of the boats motor and the calm waves, and all you can see ahead of you is snow. You stand there, staring up at it, your jaw hung open slightly in silent wonder. And he stands there, staring at you- taking it all in. The way your eyes shine with awe, the slight upturn in the corners of your mouth, the way you fight to find something to say only to change your mind and decide to leave the moment silent for just a little longer. The way you repeat that motion three or four times.
"It's... it's gorgeous." You whisper eventually, as soft as you possibly can. "Yeah." He replies, just as softly. "Yeah, it is." You don't notice that you're talking about completely different things, that he's captivated not by the snow, but by you. A snowflake lands on your nose, and you scrunch it up at the cold sensation- an action he finds so adorable he can't help but laugh. "What?" He doesn't actually answer your question, instead catching your chin in his hand. With the free one he brushes what is now a droplet of water off the top of your nose, and then he’s kissing you.
As first kisses go, it's pretty good. His lips are cold, but so are yours. That comes of standing in the snow at nearly midnight, naturally. And while your back pressed against the railing of the boat doesn't make you feel particularly safe, you don't even realise that until you run it over in your head later. All in all, it's kind of romantic as hell, and something about that plus the cold and the late hour almost makes you cry. Almost.
"I love you." He whispers as he pulls back, hand falling away from your chin. "Oh..." You dip your head a little, avoiding his gaze for a moment. "I-I love you too." The both of you fall silent again, grinning, and you go back to watching the snow. If his cheeks are red, he's sure it's just because of the cold.
He gives you his coat when you start to shiver, ignoring your insistence that your 3 sweaters are more than enough. He reads you awfully well. Unfortunately for him, the cold his chivalrous gesture left him with does nothing to spare him the 3 hour lecture Keito had prepared about getting back to the dorm past 1am. For you, though? Well, he'd say it was definitely worth it.
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tscmu · 4 years
Some headcanons for the Hq boys and how they propose to their s/o?
HI YES THIS IS THE KIND OF STUFF I LOVE WRITING ABOUT PLS okay so u didnt really specify which boys so im gonna go for ones that i can picture proposing that sounded weird ok-
characters; koushi sugawara, satori tendou, kenma kozume, osamu miya + tooru oikawa oK LETS GO
koushi sugawara
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- pls he’d make it so heartfelt and meaningful HHH I LOVE HIM~ - he’d want to make you feel how much he loved you, like actually feel it in your heart - i feel like he’d tell a FEW people, probably only get daichi to help AHAHAH - bruh asahi would probably have a mental breakdown and tanaka would snitch💔💔 - but he’d have an idea of what you both wanted i think, you wouldve spoken it over before defos - he’d want it to not be that public, just the two of you - so it’d be at like a hiking trail you both go on or something, a place that means loads to both of you but isn’t there for the world to see - and then...…came the day - he knew how much you picked up on little details so he had to be sneak sneak ten thousand™ - “hey, wanna go out on that one walk up *insert name of place idk*? ok ok ok i’ll get ur coat sugar” - EEEEEEEEEEE - he was trying his absolute best to keep it together - he knew you’d most likely say yes, so he wasn’t TOO scared, but it was still SCARY LIKE- - and then u got to the place he wanted to propose - it was this place where you always stopped, where there was a little bench (with your initials STILL carved into it from all those years ago) and it looked out over a nice view - “ooh, can we stop here again!” “u-huh i was actually gonna ask-” - bro he almost forgot the speech daichi read over to him about 20 times - but HE DID IT WOOOO - he didn’t want to make a MASSIVE deal out of it, the wedding would be more important to him but he still wanted to make you know how much he adored you - speech included lots of memories dating even back to before hed even SPOKEN to you i stg this man - AND U SAID YES!!! u have no choice. u did.
satori tendou
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- i feel like he’d be kINDA similar to suga?? - a little less caring - he’d never actually pictured himself getting married tbf- - he never thought he’d actually find the right person so he just....gave up idk - BUT THEN YOU CAME INTO HIS LIFE- - even with you he hadn’t really thought about marriage, he was just focused on having fun with you, but then ushijima was like ‘...so, tendou. when is the wedding commencing between you and y/n.” and he just- - it was actually when they were sitting there he started to plan it - ushijima would SEEM like the worst person to go to, but he was actually quite good at this stuff - so in about 2 hours sat at the back door of tendou’s work, they had sketched out a sort of plan on the back of a spare napkin - there was one main thing he knew he wanted to talk about - how you always stuck by him, no matter what he did - he thought he’d seriously fucked up, and you would be back at his door the next day, smiling and chattering about this new café you heard opened down the road - god, he was terrified to even mention paris to you, but you were so up for the idea, it took him by shock - he didn’t take you for granted - so for once, he wanted to make you feel loved - they couldn’t think of a place to take you for ages, but then it hit them - you and tendou always went to wakatoshi’s games, ever since high school you both always made the commute if you had the time - and ushijima had a game coming up in two weeks...…. - when he mentioned it OFC U WERE DOWN PLS, you loved going back to japan - like ofc france was incredible but......... it was just lovely to see everyone again ;-; - since youd been there so much, you basically just got to stand right at the side of the court AHAHAH - so they won the game. obviously. its ushi and kags we’re talking abt here. are you kidding. then tendou started acting weird, which made u hella sus - it was the first time in what felt like years you’d seen him so...nervy - he kept fumbling over his words, you had to yell at him to speak up - but eventually he did it - he spoke abt how much you meant to him, how you made him more comfortable in his own body, how you stuck by him through everything - AND U SAID YES. AGAIN, U HAVE NO CHOICE. - and yes ushi and kags started cheering and the news outlets put u on the news i dont make the rules ok
kenma kozume
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- ok mans is TERRIFIED - he’d quite genuinely never thought about marriage, throughout his years with you by his side it just...never crossed his mind - but it was when you were lying in bed one night, his arm dangled over you as you both drifted in and out of sleep - and it just hit him - why the fuck were you both still like this? - marriage was something you always expressed a love for, when kuroo got married you were basically in a trance the whole time - how was he so unaware? - people described kuroo’s proposal as pretty much perfect, he’d always been good at reading his partner, so he just used that knowledge to make something he knew they’d like - so, to kenma’s extreme distaste, he went to kuroo - oh my god kuroo fucking c r i e d - kenma was finally ‘growing up’ - so after about an hour of kuroo sobbing, they finally got down to business - after lots of.. lets say elaborate ideas from kuroo, and lots of no's from kenma, they finally came to a sort of compromise - since you and kuroo worked in the same department, he would text you on saturday simply asking if you wanted to catch coffee and talk about that one assignment - obviously, you said yes - not thinking anything of it, you just pulled on a jumper and jeans AHAH- - then you notice,,,why tf is he taking u to a beach at 7pm in march???? - #serialkillerkurooheadcanons - but u see kenma and ur like... wtf have u gotten yourself into- - have they been possessed?? who knowz - and then u get BLINDFOLDED LIKE WHAT - but then u snap back down to earth like why would they kidnap u- - as kuroo takes it off, kenma’s quite literally shaking - poor babie - he never really knew how to explain his thoughts properly, so the speech wasn’t anything extremely dramatic and/or romantic - but he did in a way tell you how much you meant to him - he spoke abt how you boost his confidence, have always been there whenever he needed you, and how you seem to always understand him when he’s being at his most blunt - therefore he thinks you’re his soulmate - PLSPLSPL IM CRYING
osamu miya
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- i think he always knew he wanted to marry you - atsumu always embarassed him about it- - it got to the point you didn’t actually think he’d propose, you would just wake up one day and a wedding dress would be on the door - but it got to the point where tsumu was mentioning it significantly more when you went over for dinner - mama miya was always telling you how happy she was that samu picked you - even your own parents were being oddly warmer towards samu, whenever they phoned they asked how he was, etc etc - so you knew something was up - samu was always really polite to your parents, asked their permission before he even took you out on a date - ironic because you lived together but still- - so turned out, he actually mentioned proposing to you to them - they adored him for gods sake so of course they said yes - then tsumu thought he was acting weird, so he told his side - jesus christ they freaked out - his parents were always nervous about atsumu, who slept with random people on the weekends, and hadn’t been in a proper relationship since middle school - you were basically their god send AHAHA - so it was a massive deal when he wanted to marry you - it would appear that he didn’t really care, but in honesty it meant the wholeass world to him - like suga, he’d go for a location that meant a lot to both of you - christmas was a huge deal for both your families, they both came together and you had an incredible time - and last year some of the jackals came over, which was just hilarious - so what better time than christmas with your loved ones around you??? - it started off like a normal christmas, you had an incredible dinner ( cooked by none other than osamu ((with atsumu and bokuto attempting to sabotage it but just burning their hands on the pot)) ) then all played some games - but it was when you were all watching the basic christmas tv programmes when the atmosphere... changed - everyone was looking at you and samu, even sakusa looked excited - it was when his father muted the tv, and samu took your hand, your heart was basically beating out your chest. - he spoke about how he felt like, for the entirety you’d been together for, every day he seemed to fall more in love with you. you were like his rock, when things were even a bit off he could just come to you and you’d automatically make him happier even just by looking at you - bruh bokuto and hinata were sobbing in the corner
tooru oikawa
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- surprising, but he never thought about marriage - he just kind of assumed he’d be one of those people that would be in a relationship for like a week then just.. move on to another person idk - that was until he ran into you - everyone, even his own parents, said he was a different person when he started dating you - it was ironic, you were quite similar to him - yet you made him rethink his fucking morals  - it was sappy asf - ANYWAY BACK TO THE TOPIC AT HAND - he took this proposal really seriously, he wanted it to be the best moment of your whole life - until the wedding ofc ofc - since you’d basically changed him as a person, he wanted this to just show his appreciation for everything you’d ever done for him - he wanted you to feel his love - and so he set about preparing a good proposal - he’d be like osamu, and definitely ask your parents first - your parents loved him anyway, they thought he was the best thing that’d happened to you for a long while - he basically knew what he wanted to do - nothing too public, but nothing too quiet - whats the point of proposing if some people dont see am i right??? - sometimes when you both either a) needed a break or b) you both had a period of time where you were free, you both just booked an impromptu holiday AHAHHA - #richkidtingz - so obvs he had to do it on one of them... it was ur thing after all?? - it was when you walked in the door, face red, and flopped down on the sofa next to him, he grasped the opportunity - “..got any spare holidays from work?” - you quickly went on a travel agent website and booked a three day holiday to brazil, leaving the next morning - it was one of your favourite places to just escape to, so it made sense for him to propose there tbf - it was as you both woke up the first morning there, still sleepy from the night before, you grinned at eachother. - “hey.. get ready quick, i wanna do something.” “wHAT-” - he didn’t actually know where to do it, he just called a taxi and asked for your favourite high street HAHAH - after about an hour of browsing around shops, your hand never out of his, you finally asked ‘what did you want to do?’ - his breathing almost stopped i stg, he didn’t realise how scared he was - but then... HE DID IT POGGERS - he stuck to what he knew he wanted to speak about, making you sob in the process ofc - and even all the locals congratulated you!!!
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selfcareparker · 3 years
yesss the letter format 💝💓💘💖💞💕💖💞💓 (lovely anon)
my dearest aria (a hamilton reference lmao),
i’m home alone (bc i wanted the house alone to get my head together after my brothers were mean to me 🙃) and i’m so hype LMAO but i’m watching chloe x halle’s tiny desk concert and honestly just vibing. (this is so random) besides zendaya like they are my badass black women role models. my one accomplishment would be to learn to body roll like them LMAO
oh nevermind i can’t have anything nice, my dad just came home 🙃 WHAT A WAY TO START OFF THIS ASK WTFFF
i’m liking tfatws, the second episode was veryyy intense imo but WANDAVISION IS SO GOOD😭 i knew it was going to be my favorite from the really old trailer but it’s really good and i promise it’s not just sitcoms, girl especially cuz you’ll have all the episodes already out- we were having to wait every week😭 BUT ITS SO GOOD I PROMISE HDJSHDJSH lmao reading this i was like “i- the episodes aren’t an hour long” but i feel that, it’s hard for me to watch tfatws bc they are an hour long and i’m like 😐 but wandavision episodes are less than 30mins bc I KID YOU NOT they have the damn 10 MINUTE CREDITS DHDJSJ no i don’t think we’ve talked about this b4 lol but it all depends on the series for me. i binged love island uk in less than a week bc i was so invested and LITERALLY LOVE IT but uh those episodes are like an hour and a half, but say i was binging tfatws (it’s so hard to type that ohmigosh) i honestly would not be able to do it bc of the intensity (you may be like what intensity but if you’ve seen episode 2 by the time you’re reading this.......... isaiah and the scene afterwards is all i have to say, esp me being black it was so tough :/)
girl you’re fine, as long as you’ve experienced it once hahaha i think the reason why it’s so important to my family (this letter feels so personal and extreme HSJSJA IM SORRY) is bc my grandmother loved it and in my family i guess it’s just important to us lol like my mom and dad love it too and we have the literal VHS tapes LMAO, but it only came up recently cuz my youngest brother was watching lion guard HAHA and he wanted to see the originals :) and fun fact (unless you already know) but there’s a lion king part 2 and 1 1/2 and i have all three ON VHS HAHAHA but i love lion king 1 duh (the og) but part two’s music and love story..... is so good. anyway. 🦁
I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING DURING THE WHOLE MOVIE THEATER ENCOUNTER THING HAHAHA AND WHEN SHE WAS SAYING AWKWARD I WAS LIKE WTF THE NOISE LMAOOOO i don’t think there’s a better way to describe that whole situation than ZKDHDJSHAJAJSHDJSNAHA. yeah. yeaaaa at the cinemas (i like the word cinema more than movies 🥰) here they have chips (fries), some have ice cream, nachos, drinks, hot dogs, the cinema we were at had pretzels and like BURGERS I WAS LIKE HUH OKAY and ya know obviously popcorn but i don’t know why the theaters (or cinemas) here do that, it started a long time ago though like yearsssss
PLEASE i have the longest movie watchlist and uhh haven’t seen any of them JDJSKA (istg i use HSJSSKSH as a period - like . ) i’m still hype for cherry but very hesitant (idk if i can handle it) but i’m thinking about watching it in the next couple of weeks? i know it’ll take me forever bc i’m gonna have to keep pausing and shit but idk. i’ve asked around for very specific trigger warnings and time stamps so i REALLY know what’s coming (even if it spoiled the film a bit for me) but i do really wanna see it (i think? writing this now i’m not so sure lol) so whooooooo really knows lol, but chaos walking YES i was really excited about it :))) and about my friend uhh dude you don’t sound mean at all i was literally thinking the same thing but worse HAAKL idk what she was there for???? she bought my ticket tho so 💁🏾‍♀️ whatever
“SIMS ahh, BUNK BEDS ahh” had me cracking up lmao and you know my sims status JAJAHHAJ but i’m gonna become like you, saving every 5 minutes 😭 but that’s exactly what happened to me, i really didn’t know whether to shut it off or not but after 2 hours i was heartbroken lol i’m literally making a list of things i need to redo that wasn’t saved lmao
CAN I JUST SAY UR A MASTERMIND THOUGH??? UR SIMS GAME SOUNDS SO *chefs kiss* IM CRINE university is PAINFULLY long and LITERALLY I FEEEL THAT like you can’t do anything else without failing, i had my sim go to a party once for like a few hours and i felt so dumb afterwards like urgh he should’ve been studying LMAOO just cracking down on work honestly. UR NEIGHBOR!AU IN THE SIMS PLEASEEE i am very much in love with it, yes. (pouring rain has just suddenly begun where i am rn wow ok) i love that you put them on the same lot, that was really really smart and i love that ur living out your sexuality in the sims😭 i was abt to say “now you can say you’ve got experience bc of the sims” but ANYWAY IGNORE ME fhdhs THE ALIEN BABY DHSJSK i hope it’s not a dealbreaker for enisa. that’d be tragic. IM BACK IN UPPERCASE THO BC YES MAKING OUT IN THE SIMS IS SO HOT TO ME??? I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE STFU OH MY GOSH- all the stuff, whispering sweet nothings, and the making out, and JUST ALL OF IT!!! AM I TOUCH STARVED????? there was this time i made my sim just continue to woohoo bc it was turning me on big time. ANYWAY
half way through that i had to go to my grandmothers house (not the one that likes lion king, but uh hmm idk if you remember but i was talking abt my shit family so yeah that grandmother lol) so now i’m finishing this 🥴 and instead of chloe x halle i’m watching a tom interview lmao & if this takes me longer than 30 minutes.... imma cry
I REALLY WANNA ASK- IS IT BC UR GERMAN LIKE YOU CAN JUST WRITE OUT THAT LONG ASS WORD???? i mean i can’t write out supercalafrag- anyway, but that word is a bit nonsense, UR WORD IS A REAL WORD DUDE HDJSHS i love how ur like “maybe i mixed up these words” YEA OK.
lol i had to google what are waveformers lol (lol makes a comeback) and they look like curlers that you would sleep in (here we would call them curlers or uhm i forgot uhhhhhhh rollers i think) but ur fine when am i ever making sense?? i think the best part about these is the chaos yet we understand what the other means 😌
H20 H20 H20 OH MY GOODNESS SHE BROUGHT UP H20 OK MY LIFE WAS H20🥲 I HAVE THEIR LOCKET NECKLACE AND (short storytime) when i was younger i thought they were american despite their accents (idk i was dumb) but then i figured they weren’t when lewis went to go study in america HAHAH ALSO FAVORITE COUPLE CLEO AND LEWIS UGH WATCH ME REWATCH THE SHOW NOW THANKS (also i hated elizabeth so much) but anyway back on topic, when lewis went to go study in the US i looked up where the show took place and all that good stuff and i found out they were australian HAHAH and that started my obsession with accents LMAO the uk :’)) (i’m proofreading AND AUSTRALIA IS NOT A PART OF THE UK LMAOO IM SOO DHSJSSHS) also it is now one of my many goals (besides the body roll HAHAH) to go to mako island (that’s what it’s called right??)
about music, i googled stormzy and i might listen to a song of his.. LOL I WANNA GIVE IT A TRY IMMA DO IT FOR YOU NFDVSFSG lmaoo the german rapper had me cackling (autocorrect once again being helpful and said raper and i’m like nOO) i mean we all have that one person. can’t lie, won’t lie. my one (IM SORRY BUT AUTOCORRECT HAD “MY ONE TRUE ACCOMPLISHMENT” SITTING AND READY HDJSJA I DONT EVEN TYPE THAT wHAT) person out of my white soft boy with brown hair and brown eyes type would beeeee pete davidson. love me some petey. i was gonna say rex orange county as well lmao but i don’t really loveeee him i’m just in love with his music... and wanna be friends with him..... so 👉🏾👈🏾 (i never do that fdshsh)
oh my goodness, i love tattoos too- GASP what are you thinking of getting 🥺 i want tattoos too but i’m too indecisive to figure out what to have & where. especially in my family... idk they aren’t frowned upon but my mom’s not applauding the thought lol, if i got one it would have to be meaningful but i am absolutely in love with (for example) ariana grande’s finger tattoos !! they’re so cute and simple :’) i don’t even know if i can get tattoos? my skin is... interesting. not in a bad way!! just like.... idk how to explain it??? keyloids run in the family & i got a piercing once and it got infected soo :/ the doctor also confirmed that if i wanted tattoos they couldn’t be in color so LMAO
in regards to you not sleeping, i wanted to mention that dumb bird, what was the reason it was up so early aT 4AM???? SIR WHO YOU CALLING TO??? also it’s 11:30pm and idk why i’m tired???
yeah i was never SUPER into justin so i don’t know exactly what albums you’re talking about lol, i do know yummy though.. but everyone did hahaha also i listen to so much pop 🙈 i mean maybe... idk what would count as pop and what wouldn’t. that new person feeling though.. i get that. it’s like who is this new person..? i kinda feel like that with taylor swift (i was never THAT into her either though so it’s like oh wait i didn’t know you from the beginning instead of hello old friend but you’re different lol)
about the concerts, thanks 🥰🥰 that’s so sweet what you did for your mom too, it’s nice seeing them so happy like 🥲 awh AND GLEE IS AND WAS MY LIFE FOR A V V LONG TIME, i’ve been meaning to rewatch it for the longest time lmaooo but i’m just so lazy and it’s such a commitment... i’ll have to get emotionally involved again and idk if i want that rn. but i have a friend on instagram and she runs a glee fan account and it’s such a big part of her life i really don’t think i could ever be THAT obsessed with something. like another one of my friends loves tom holland so much that she changed her mom’s name in her phone to what tom’s mom’s name is in his phone (that was confusing lol) and obviously i’m not judging them AT ALL, it just couldn’t be me lol
CONCERTS LOOK LIKE SO MUCH FUN 😩😩 LIKE THE EXPERIENCE AND THE FEELINGGG URGHSJS i wanna see a few people live like ari and chloe x halle and- hmm.... idk who else FJDSJ rex orange county i guess huh anyway, the experience just sounds so amazing and the atmosphere is just ✨✨✨ yeah
aria do it do it do it do it do it- watch hamilton!! but with subtitles bc you won’t catch half of the things they’re saying without them LMAO (me and my family watched it and they all didn’t like it bc they didn’t know what was happening lol) BUT DONT WATCH IT AT 4AM LMAO ITS LITERALLY 3 HOURS LONG
yes!! superior peter fics 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and it just shows how much of an incredible writer AND PERSON you are through your fics that you can turn a blurb into 2k....... like what.
LMAO the annoying thing, sometimes i feel like i’m bothering people (like right now HAHAH) but i think it’s my antisocial side being like yeaa no one wants to talk to you like you wanna talk to them :’) idk it’s strange!! sometimes i get really ✨insecure✨ and overthink everything LOL like is this too long, im talking too much, i’m swearing too much, oh lord i’m a pain, all that good shit lmao so that’s fun:))
ALSO YOUR BLOG IS SO FUN TO ME HAHAK LIKE ITS JUST YOUR OWN AND I LOVE THAT!!! like you talk about everything and anything on here lol,, and i say that bc what you said lmao how if i was someone else i would want to fuck me so bad😭 i honestly don’t understand how i don’t have people lining up though..... but if no one’s gonna tell you... then you tell yourself, period (and sometimes telling yourself is fucking yourself HSHAJKS OK NEXT)
ohmigosh the realization you had that you graduated last year and are going to uni this year🤧 but the fact that you had a teacher who LEFT THE GROUP CHAT bc she was mad at y’all i- 😭 but yeah about your maths (i always wondered why you guys call it maths and the US calls it math. like i know so many people out of the states, not just in the uk that say maths) teacher- i saw this post that said online school is looking a lot like dora the explorer😭😭 “you have any questions?” 🦗 “okay bye then” lmao and please i love when tests have nothing to do with what you studied like ??? thanks? sometimes i get scared that my teacher will somehow find out that i googled everything? or like my answer is too close to the answer sheet or something. i get sooo nervous lol but i’m already past that point of not being able to do anything myself DHJS i mean i’m still learning like i said!! read the question, read the answer. boom. now i know the answer to the question and i learned!
THANKS 🙈🥰🤧 idk how else to explain my feelings LMAO i feel it’s cool that you find my dance lessons and voice lessons cool so thanks :’)
oh god not headache season 😭😭 allergies are the worst like it’s not even funny. is headache season just when the seasons are changing or is it like... all throughout the summer? cuz i love the summer lmaoo i love the winter too but i just love wearing as little clothes as possible LMAO
GIRL IF THAT BIRD DONT STOP CHIRPING- i am 100% convinced that it is the same bird trying to give you headaches and no sleep and it needs to stfu 😤 and pLEASE ur theme is adorable and pretty and cute but also it just feels like you? idk if i’m explaining this right or if it’s bc i’ve been talking to you for a bit but it’s cute but not innocent in a way that i’m surprised that you write smut and- yeah, that didn’t make sense!! but ur new theme is gonna look pretty too and as long as you like it, it’ll be amazing🥰
yessssss the fact that megan is gonna be ur pfp YES JUST YES
edit: ok i just need to 🥺😭 sometimes u make me wanna cry cuz i feel like you’re just a kind person. i truly mean this, the fact that you celebrate yours & others stretch marks makes me so 🥺🥺🥺 i honestly don’t know anyone who has said they want need more stretch marks and it’s just all very lovely to me :’)) OKAY IMMA STOP BEING SAPPY
#yes my fake tags are back #by popular demand #aka me #and look i have actual tags this time! #i’m seriously craving water ice rn....... huh #but it’s past midnight and i fr fr want a snack #aw man #i wrote that last paragraph while doing my tags yes #and i hope you become responsible for that anon’s orgasm #assuming they had one #and i saw your response to the tom thing and yeaa when they only look like that for something and it’s like aw bae be yourself #i’m gonna shut up now and find a snack but goodnight!! morning?? IDK #IF THESE TAGS END UP AS ACTUAL TAGS I AM SO SORRY HAHAHA #alright proofreading done and i’m gonna go eat cereal
okay i‘m on my way to a driving lesson rn and afterwards i have a zoom uni thing, and then another uni thing lmao. but hopefully i can reply to this in between because i‘ve been dying to talk to you since i got this ask dldjds💘💘💘 (i really like this heart. i had a 💖 phase for a while and now it‘s 💘 (seems like a very romantic heart but.... it is what it is idk dkddj)
^okay that was literally all i wrote before my lesson lmfao. just had the worst driving lesson ever dbdvsnylkxsksj i think i‘ve gotten too used to being good at driving and now i‘ve gotten too cocky with it 🥴 anyway i‘ve had such a stressful day and overall week but tbh i‘m already feeling better bc i can (indirectly) talk to you <333
omg i went to chloe or halle (i don‘t remember who out of the two)‘s instagram the other day and found out that they are not twins alejeleksjsksj but yes oh my god their voices are literally angelic and i can‘t wait to see Halle as Ariel (Arielle??)🥰 and omg it‘s literally 2021 and we‘ve only had......... one(?) black Disney Princess like it‘s about fucking time (I might be forgetting someone, I‘m not too familiar with the new Disney films, but as far as I remember there‘s only Tiana right? (who is literally a frog for 3/4 of the film 😭😭) so yes i‘m here for it too😌😌😌 (obviously she‘s not a cartoon like tiana ekdlek but she‘s a disney princess you know what i mean ddkjdh)
pfkejdj i‘m already overwhelmed with my parents i can‘t imagine having siblings too 😭😭 (sometimes i wish i had siblings but then other times (like after reading what you wrote dksjj) i‘m glad that i‘m an only child lmao like your brothers being mean to you and i remember when you cried and he was just like 👁👄👁 ok. like i’m totally okay being an only child sksjsj———and he doesn‘t listen to music 🤧🤧🤧 (although i guess that‘s good for you because at least he can‘t annoy you by listening to loud music that you hate dmdn)
okay okay i might watch wandavision then??? I‘ll definitely let you know!!! and yes omg i‘m loving tfatws (that really is so fucking hard to type omg) but same i totally get what you mean, i‘m not used to watching action series at all and every episode so far has been like a little movie so i‘m glad that i didn‘t wait until it was all out cause there’s no way i could binge watch that lol) and yes last episode was really intense. i‘m glad that marvel are talking about racism because (from what i‘ve seen) they haven‘t been the best in that department, and i‘m really curious to see what they‘ll do in the next episodes (curious isn‘t the right word but excited isn‘t the right wort either, like i‘m excited but in a neutral way ? i‘ll shut up dslsksj i hate that german has so many words that you cant translate because theres a really good german word that describes how i’m feeling but i cant think of a good translation ugh)
okay i absolutely need to watch lion king (and part 2 and 1/ 1/2 dksksj) AND hamilton, i might even do it soon 👀
BURGERS AT THE CINEMA? EBEEISNDBEKSK i‘ll come to the US just to go and watch a movie lmaooo, i think all the popcorn sizes and drinks are bigger as well, i‘ll come and watch chaos walking with you 😌😌 does next week work?
and yeah i‘ve seen posts with specific time stamps and trigger warning for cherry too so if you haven’t looked on tumblr yet i’ve def seen some! (but ive also seen some on twitter and yeah- i mean idk youve probably looked on tumblr but yeah- then there’s also imdb which doesn’t have time stamps i believe but quite specific warnings, mostly without spoilers!)
Tbh i don‘t think i would have even considered watching cherry if tom wasn‘t in it... (i’m personally fine with most of the triggering topics/things like for some reason i’m just stoic when i’m watching the most tragic films ever dldldldlbut the plot just... idk if it‘s for me you know? just entertainment wise?).... and even with tom in it i‘m unsure skeldls, i‘d totally get if you decide not to watch it but let me know if you do i‘d want to hear your thoughts! <3
SKSLSJJ my sims both finally graduated!! i think i played sometime last week, and i literally got the achievement/notification that i‘d been playing with this household for 24hours.... and that was BEFORE they graduated dldjdldkdksjjs
oh no my tumblr broke and three paragraphs of me talking about sims were deleted 😭😭😭
WAIT NO I TOOK SCREENSHOTSSKSK because i couldn’t press save so i knew they might be gone okay okay okay i‘m a genius
Tumblr media
*move out
Tumblr media
oh no idk if the quality is too bad to read... idk how good your eyes are dkdkdjjd (also sometimes it will be really bad quality for some but not for others so i hope that the you can see the pics in a normal/good quality)
Okay let me continue
OMG THE ROMANTIC AND SEXUAL STUFF IS THE BEST PART ABOUT THE SIMS DIDLDKJIkdkj i kind of miss how in the sims 3 they would be making out basically lying on top of each other if they were on a bed— but in sims 4 when they‘re sitting next to each other and everything that‘s definitely hot too 😌😭 or with hot tubs dkdkdk how one sim climbs on the other sim‘s lap before they woohoo (i used to make them skinny dip in the hot tub and then make out and woohoo so they’re like naked on top of each other even if you can‘t see anything- en e waysss)
Dkdkdkdj so @ Rindfleischet.. blah bla. so it‘s basically just loads of individual words put together/connected and that‘s a really big part of german. so yesterday i had an online Einführungsveranstaltung for uni (like it was a zoom meeting where they just talked about general stuff about the uni and i was really anxious before, idk why, but it turned out absolutely fine so) and that words consists of the two words Einführung (introduction) and Veranstaltung (event) which are also two individual words but you can make a new word (Einführungsveranstaltung, so in english that‘s basically “introduction event“ lmao) by combining those two words. there are obviously some rules like you can‘t just combine random words in a random order but you can basically make infinite words (technically). for example (i feel like i‘m teaching a class just skip this if you don’t care 🙃🙃🙃djdjdkdlns)
for example i could say Einführungsveranstaltungsteilnehmer (which is not underlined with red by tumblr because it is a grammatically correct compound word (i think that‘s what they‘re called?)) which is the words introduction + event + participant, so that word just means “participant of an introductory event“ but instead it‘s one word? i hope that makes sense? dkdkkdksks i mean it makes sense in german but idk if it makes sense to you cause idk if i‘m explaining it very well lmao,
(I just deleted a really really long paragraph that i wrote about gender in the german language and grammar, you‘re welcome slsksksj)
my capacity to think has now been used up for the week 🥴🥴🥴 i absolutely do not blame you if you just skipped over that part or can‘t be bothered to (re)read my awful explanation edkflsksjdjdj (again, i had double the amount of words but i just deleted it dkdkdlslsl but what‘s left lf my german lesson is probably confusing enough already😭i‘m sorry🥴)
so to answer your question LEJDKSKJ: it‘s really common to have long words in german, words that are just word+ word+ word + word made into one long word. obv rindfleischetikettierung..... is a very extreme example and it‘s normally just 2-4 words made into one! So yup i think that comes mostly from german and talking german and growing up here and going to school here and everything dmdfnsksx
i think the best part about these is the chaos yet we understand what the other means 😌— YES. YES. Yes. I love that about us 😌😌🥰🥰/ I love us. Yes.
okay but your friend changing her mom‘s name into tom‘s mum‘s name (was that right? Dkdkdjh)—— so Justin Bieber once posted something where you could see that his Dad‘s number was saved as „Daddy Cakes“ (which, thinking back, sounds very weird ekejjej) and till this day I have my Dad’s contact name as Tata (which is serbian for Dad lmao), “Tata🍰“ in my phone because of it 😭😭😭😭🙃🙃🙃 it‘s not because of justin anymore like i‘ve just gotten used to it by now but at first i did it because of justin lol........ but nowadays i don‘t think i‘m THAT type of fan of anyone- like you know how people have fandom names (Justin‘s fans are the Beliebers, One Direction fans are Directioners (writing that hurt my soul💔💔💔)) and I wouldn‘t consider myself a fan of anyone like that. like even with tom i wouldn‘t call myself........ does tom even have a name for his fans??? Well if he does, I wouldn‘t call myself that. Like i used to be such a hardcore stan for any celebrity that i liked and now it‘s just... okay, i like em. (She says on her blog where she writes fan fiction about Tom Holland — WJDJEJDKELSKSKKSNSNDXB🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃)
Omg rex orange county!!!!!! I don‘t know that many songs like I‘ve only listened to the album pony, but i love it 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
thanks again for what you said about my fics/writing I‘m🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Pete Davidson Pete Davidson Pete Davidson I‘m-🥰🥰🥰🥰 and I can‘t explain why. But as blissfulparker said the other day (i don‘t want to tag her and make her read through all of this lolll) “I like my men when they look like they are on the brink of death 😍“ (or something along the lines of that) eskkejs okay pete isn‘t that bad, he looks quite good on some days but other days you‘re like... is this man alive? Like i don‘t want to be mean I love Pete so much The King of Staten Island is literally my favourite film ever (although it‘s not my #1 because of how he looks, but i mean he does look good) VUT ALSO
(Okay i was gonna look for a terrible picture of him but he really doesn‘t look as bad as people say??? like. i think he‘s hot. can‘t necessarily explain why. so that‘s that on that.)
i‘m not going chronologically right now (i just keep scrolling up to your ask and replying to whatever i see first sksksksh) so i might miss a thing or two that you said
Okay Stormzy, you really really don‘t have to dkdkdjd like i think you said you don‘t really listen to rap, and uk rap is a whole nother thing from us rap because of the accent i feel like??? (That sentence did not make sense) BUT if you‘re looking for a few songs that aren‘t like RAP rap, then I‘d recommend One Second (feat HER), Superheroes, Own it (which you might know?), ummm maybe the song Lessons?, he has a ton of Lion King references by the way dkdjdj for example in Rachael‘s Little Brother but that‘s like more RAP again if you know what I mean?😭 and it‘s also like 5 Minutes long and tbh i only started liking that song a year after that album came out lmao but Rachael‘s Little Brother is possibly my fav Stormzy song, then there is Shut Up which you absolutely need to listen to just for fun dldjdjd like it‘s just pure fun and also a little funny lmao, especially if you‘re not British (i imagine so at least) cause he‘s like shuTTTT up idk dldkdjdldkjdhdhfjfbfldlsksksks
Vossi Bop is one of his classics, and then maybeee - ok so there‘s Blinded By Your Grace Pt. 2 lmaoobdjsj it‘s very (Christian/) religious but i like it a lot even though i‘m not really Christian (at least not practicing or anything) so idk about your views on religion but i do like the song a lot just by like the sound lmao
Okay so again you absolutely DO NOT have to listen to any, especially not for me dlskdj but I really do recommend the songs Superheroes, One Second and Rachael‘s Little Brother (and all the other ones i mentioned but if you don‘t listen to a lot of his songs you should at least give these three a try <3333) also let me know some of your songs? 🥺 like i dont care who they‘re by but i‘d love to listen to some that you like and Recommend 🥰🥰🥰
Okay so skdjdjdjddhhddhdhjsk... I used to watch all of my series in German (like H2O) bc obviously they were on german tv so they were german- and i knew that most of these actors i saw on tv were american and i was always SO fascinated that they all learned german for this show??? Like I actually thought they were the people‘s real voices and that these English and American actors were learning german so they could re-record the whole ass show and do everything in german dkdkdldjdjjd... i swear I thought that until I was like 14 omg. And then the first time that I watched H2O in the original version i was sooo confused about their accents because to me all actors who spoke english were American?? I mean MOST of those shows are American so I wasn‘t completely off but yeah i was definitely caught off guard when I heard all of their Australian accents for the first time 💀💀😭😭😭
@ math vs maths, math actually makes more sense in my opinion. like you have the word mathematics, then the abbreviation would obviously be math... why would English people randomly add the s from the end??? Or maybe it makes more sense after all because it‘s like plural??? Now I‘m unsure dkdkdkdj but i do say maths because that‘s how i was taught to say it and i hear the word maths more than math but yeah dldkdjs i think math might even make more sense (okay i just tried saying math and maths is easier to pronounce but again tjat might just be me, oh god i‘ll stop talking about that disgusting thing (mathematics).)
not the crickets and dora LMAOOOSNSNSMDNBS yeah that teacher was... a lot. a lot a lot a lot didjjd but she kinda liked me so she always gave me good grades/marks but the people she didn‘t like..... ooft. OOF.
Fksksjsj idek about headache season like i just know that i get headaches from the sun and i‘m allergic to only one.. type of...pollen??? (I don’t understand the science of that whole pollen thing and idek if it’s called pollen in english i just know sex pollen from fan fics😔)and yeah we have this weird wind that makes a lot of people get headaches yeahd dkdkdj. i loved the i just love wearing as little clothes as possible LMAO lllioool i love that i really do. i always struggle so much in the summer cause i never have anything to wear. i feel like i buy so many new summer clothes every year but when i end up looking for an outfit i don‘t ever find anything 😭 (so i just go naked— lmao jk jk) but i‘m generally not the biggest fan of summer so-
OMG THIS FUCKING BIRD ISTG, okay the first time i heard it i went to sleep at like 5 am, so the next day i was like let me go to bed earlier so the bird doesn‘t keep me up, so i went to bed at 4 am (🥲) and THE BIRD JUST STARTED FUCKING CHIRPING SO LOUDLY, so the next day i went to bed at 3 am AND IT FUCKING STARTED AT 3 AM and it‘s still there 😁 every. night.
and since you said you‘ve gotten used to my theme and everything (idk where this transition came from😭) so tomorrow (2nd april) we have our... wait what‘s an anniversary but for a month.? I think month is like mensus in latin OK NO THATS DEF WRONG DKDKDJ wait
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So Tomorrow is our... mensiversary💘💘💘💘💘💘 or at least from the first time you sent an ask. i couldn‘t find it on my tumblr anymore because tumblr is a bit of a bitch but i remember the first thing you ever sent (in an ask) was something lovely about my writing and i always take screenshots of stuff like that, and i found it in my gallery. and i took that screenshot of your ask on the 2nd of march so i‘m assuming that‘s when you sent it 🥰🥰 i feel like i‘ve known you for a week not a month like how is it a month already????? (i mean this in a good way lmao but i really can’t believe that its been a month wtf)
omg no you make me want to cry because i just love you so much 😭😭🥺 but about the stretch mark thing it‘s just.. it‘s not even me trying to empower other women (or anyone else who has stretch marks) to shake off these dumb insecurities that the patriarchy and capitalism have instilled in us— ok no it‘s definitely that too lmao. But i mean I‘ve always loved stretch marks, i‘ve just always loved loved loved them so much so it makes me genuinely sad that people don‘t like them. so yeah. i dont really know how to explain it lol, like i‘m not (only) hoping that people realise that hating your stretch marks is giving the men and the patriarchy what they want per se- (that made no sense) it‘s just because i love stretch marks and think they‘re beautiful and also sexy. idk dldkdjls and omg the fact that you called me kind 🥺🥺🥺 like i don‘t really have a goal in life or anything, but if i had to choose a ‘goal‘ in life it would just be to be kind. (i‘ll end this here otherwise i‘m gonna talk about being kind for 30 more lines—)
And please. Do not ever feel like you‘re annoying me or sending too much. never ever ever. I get so happy when i see that you‘ve sent me an ask. No matter if it‘s a long one like this or just a short one where you‘re saying something about a post that i reblogged or something. I love hearing from/about you and talking to you 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
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P.S: i‘m so sorry for the tags you‘re about to read they make even less sense than this post, also i reached the tag limit dkdkdj but i said some butterfly tattoos look tacky... and the next thing i said was since we‘re already speaking about Ariana- I DID NOT MEAN THAT SHE WAS TACKY dldkdjsj, i meant since you already mentioned some of her tattoos lmao
#lovely anon#<3#ALSO I LOVE YOUR TAGS SM DKDJDKDL#i definitely (accidentally) didn‘t say something about every single thing you said#but this is so long already and i don‘t want to force you to read even more of my shite dldkdjsj#(i dont day shite i say shit but sometimes shite sound funnier)#*say#omg its too mate to speak english what i meant was i‘m sire i forgot to adress some of the things you said but i tried my best iwjwskb#omg adress (address? lmao) sounds so negative i mean i‘m sure i forgot to reply to some things- also *late not mate loool#omg ignore my whole german lesson i cant believe i actually wrote all of that wtf#but it took me like 20 minutes so i don‘t want to delete it 😭#and omg i hope you got to re do everything that your sims game didnt save and that it all worked out the same#😭#I NEARLY DELETED THIS ASK WITJ MY ANSWER OH MYFUCKING GOD MY FUCKING HEART#also i realised i didnt say anything at all about uni but i dont have any news like that Einführungsveranstaltung (😭) I went to was literall#just about schedules and credits and boring stuff mostly lmao#oh and tattoos!!!! it sucks that you might not be able to get the ones that you want/get any :((((( but hopefully you can at least get some#that arent in colour? 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼#so my parents aren‘t that supportive either like they most definitely wouldnt pay for it (even though they pay for a lot of my stuff lmao)#but i think in the end they know that i‘m old enough and they can‘t stop me and they‘d accept it one day so they‘re definitely not THAT bad#maybe your parents will change their mind over time? :(#or maybe youll just get one one day and ig theyll have to get used to it lol#so i want a butterfly (thats the only thing that i‘m sure about) and there are a lot of butterfly tattoos that look really tacky#but speaking of her i actually really like ariana‘s butterfly! but idk if i want that much shading- i have a whole album with like 35 photos#of just butterfly tattoos lol- i‘ll stop here tho. ldkdkd#omg im rereading this all and it‘s so messy good luck dkdkkddl#my tags got messed up and idk how to fix it#wait did i reach the tag limit and you cant even see half of these? 😭😭😭#i‘m so confused about these tags why are they not in the correct order? 😭😭😭 ily snd i‘m so sorry for dropping this post on you none of it#none of it makes sense.
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bronanlynch · 3 years
weekly (monthly?) media roundup
ok so I do want to actually do these on some sort of schedule but unfortunately, as you already know, brains,
listening: Malice in Wonderland by Fangbanger, which I found from a tumblr post that described them as band for “if you have a complicated relationship with gender, had a falling out with god, hate the government, or just think that vampires are neat" and y’know? yeah. my notes on this song from several weeks ago are that I might not know any of these people’s genders but I do know they’ve listened to MCR
reading: the new Cassandra Clare book, Chain of Iron. it’s boring and homophobic. in the first book of this series, we find out that the heroine’s brother is gay and in a relationship with a man who has no intention of ever coming out publicly because 1) the book is set in 1903 in England, it was literally illegal and 2) he’s trying to have a career in politics. the heroine decides that this means he’s ashamed of her brother and doesn’t deserve him, and she is present and active in their breakup conversation.
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above is the relationship chart I made from the first book, it really hasn’t changed much except now the main guy and the main girl are married, the lesbians got back together and then broke up again, the main girl’s gay brother hooked up with one of her husband’s friend, who’s a Good Gay and therefore worthy of love unlike the Bad Gay ex who is constantly mocked by just about every character for. checks notes. caring about appearances and manners given that his life and career are based on those things. the brother and his new love interest break up because the brother still thinks he’s a bad person for ever having dated his ex. also the main girl has now platonically run off to Paris with her husband’s platonic soulmate who is allegedly in love with her but it’s really unconvincing that he’s not actually in love with her husband (he’s not for very stupid lore reasons, the whole ‘parabatai are magically prevented from being romantically in love, except for these two straight people, when historically parabatai pairs were two men’ makes my fucking blood boil)
you might ask why I still read these books even though they make me angry and the answer is the 1) the aesthetic slaps 2) some of the characters are fun 3) the premise has enough potential that it could be good if it was good 4) sometimes I need to get cathartically angry abt bad fiction bc it just. does not matter
watching: so many things that I’m gonna just. run through them real quick
Word of Honor: gestures vaguely at how it’s slowly taking over my blog
Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty: love a found family, eh about the politics, can’t believe I predictably got a new fave character within the last two episodes of the show because one of the main characters is betrayed by his second-in-command and I think treason is the sexiest part of a relationship
SamBucky show: in the original draft of this post I said that it was so boring that week (episode 3) that I completely forgot about it until I saw the draft below this one talking about how bad and boring it is. at least more happened in later episodes and they’re finally giving me some tasty queerbaiting but the premise and the politics are. wow. it sure is military propaganda
My Hero Academia: new season is fun, love a tournament arc. don’t love that they tell us right away that the double agent character is a double agent, it was more fun in the manga when you’re not sure if he’s a traitor or not for a pretty long time
Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun: new season is cute, there sure is some gender happening. there’s a tsundere bisexual catgirl
Backflip!!: I usually avoid high school sports anime for backstory reasons but my roommate wanted to watch it with me and oh boy these gymnasts sure are gay for each other huh
Joran: The Princess of Snow and Blood: my roommate pitched this to me as ‘cyberpunk but in the 1930s’ and there sure is dark lighting, lots of glowy neon stuff, and government oppression, which are the most important elements of cyberpunk apparently. not sure how I feel about it yet, because there’s a cool shapeshifting lady assassin with a revenge quest but there’s also a trans character who was revealed to be trans in a way that I personally did not enjoy. yes you can have transphobic villains but like. hmm. maybe the audience shouldn’t find out that someone is trans because the villain cuts his shirt away specifically to ~put him in his place. or maybe I personally am just sensitive to that but either way no thank you
on the other hand, the main character is sick as shit
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The World Ends with You: god I love an anime about the power of friendship. I’ve only had these kids for two episodes and I would lay down my life for them
Nirvana in Fire: we’re only three episodes in and I did spend the first half of the first ep being like. oh god which of these people are actually important who am I supposed to care about here. and then by the end of the first ep I knew which ones I cared about and am now very afraid for their safety. do love the political intrigue though
playing: got through the first mission of Brigmore Witches. I love a good undercover mission, I wish I hadn’t been too afraid of like. alarms going off if I freed the other prisoners because I think Comrade Daud should do a jailbreak, and Lizzy Stride can call me anytime
also recently have played various ttrpgs including Firebrands, more Things, Eldritch and Terrifying, Link, and of course more Beam Saber (oh shit I meant to do my recap post for last session OOPS)
making: Zan and I made some real good chicken parm the other night, vaguely based on this recipe. by which I mean, we looked at the recipe to see how many eggs to use and how long to cook it and pretty much nothing else. the egg marinade step seemed unnecessary and I made the sauce the way I always make tomato sauce, which some day I should write down because it does in fact fuck. the secret is a shit-ton of oregano and basil and no chunks of tomato because fuck that. bad texture
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Zan made the zucchini which also slapped, using some of the leftover bread crumbs
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writing: I’ve posted a couple of things but most recently I wrote some rarepair femslash. this is the first fic for this ship on ao3 and the second ship in the f/f tag for this fandom that’s actually about the women in the show (as opposed to showing up in the f/f tag because it’s marked as “multi” or like. genderbent versions of the main m/m ship) but like. look at them. they’re terrible evil assassin women and they’re in love. anyway I’ve gotten over being embarrassed about having written a sex scene and moved on to wanting people to read my fic. there’s sparring as foreplay it’s a good time
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holylulusworld · 5 years
In the Blue (2)
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Request: Was thinking something angsty with Sebastian Stan & reader. His friend maybe tells him that she's not nice & is behind his fame & money so she's acting all nice. Once when she's talking abt someone else Seb thinks she's actually talking abt him. He acts cold towards her & throws her out on her b'day. He insults her in front of everyone & tells everyone how bad she is. She leaves the country & changes all the contacts. Seb sees her after 2yrs, with his child. Idk a happy ending??? 
I got inspired to write this sequel by Kelly Clarkson’s ‘In the Blue’ 
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader, Chris Evans x Reader (platonic), OFC Matteo Christopher, OFC Sarah Mitchell, Scarlett Johansson
Warnings: angst, unrequited love, sad reader, mentions of heartbreak/break-up, arguments, a hint of violence (a few slaps), Chris being a good bro, a hint of daddy!Sebastian
You love me not masterlist
Chris tried everything to distract you, to make you feel comfortable while Sebastian wouldn’t stop calling him, asking how you are doing. It’s three weeks since he saw you again and he tries anything to get in touch with you.
Your eyes drift toward your son, playing in the sun with his nanny. Loretta is an experienced nanny, almost like a mother to you and a grandmother to your son. She knows what happened and told you to kick your ex-boyfriends’ ass. But honestly, you are too exhausted, too tired of fighting with Sebastian to do so.
He doesn’t know where you are living, no one of your ‘old’ life knows, except for your parents and Chris. Your best friend had to swear to never tell Sebastian where to find you. 
The man ripping your heart out, the man not believing you is in your past. There is no turning back from what he did to you.
Sebastian is determined to get to know his son, but you don’t care. He could’ve been a father two years ago, share the experience of pregnancy and giving birth with you but he was busy pleasing his friend, Sarah, instead of standing up for you.
Christopher is squealing, as you smile him. Getting your phone you take another picture for Chris. He loves your son and you are sure he would be a great father, but your heart is still healing from the deep scar Sebastian left.
You want to trust a man again, but you are too afraid of getting hurt once again. Chris is a great man, but you can’t risk ruining your friendship. You will never be good enough for him either way…
Your son walks toward you, smiling and his blue eyes shine, reminding you once again of the man you loved and lost. Mind drifting toward better times with Sebastian you need to hold back fresh tears.
Some days I barely miss you
Some days I'm almost alright
Smiling you pick your son up, ready to head out to meet up with your friend. Chris invited you to visit the set, assuring you Sebastian won’t be there for another week. His role is not needed for the current scenes.
“Do you want to visit Uncle Chris?” You whisper.
Your son babbles when you carry him out of your house. For a moment you just hold him close, hold him tight to feel his little body pressed against yours.
Memories want to come back, reminding you of the feeling of Sebastian holding you in his arms but you shake the thought away. He made his decision two years ago. 
And some nights I turn to kiss you
But you're not beside my side
Making your way to the set you smile seeing Chris waving at you. Scarlett says something, and his features darken. She knows about the break-up and the reason behind it. She became a friend and you wonder why Chris is starting to run toward you until you see her…Sarah.
“I can’t believe you try to trick Seb with a fake pregnancy. Did you let a random guy knock you up to get him back or did you borrow the child?” She snarls striding towards you.
“I got no clue what’s wrong with your brain Sarah, but for sure I do not want him back. You can do whatever you want with him. I’m not interested in getting a man not standing by my side when I need him, back. Leave me and my son alone.”
She smirks, getting closer. Sarah has the guts to try to look at your son to see if he looks like Sebastian. Her smile falls seeing your son has the same features as Seb, his eyes and even his hair.
“Hands off Y/N’s son.” Chris is by your side, shoving you behind his back. “I got no clue why you are here or how you even got on set, but you will be gone in a minute. Scarlett called the security guards. Get lost, Sarah.”
“Is the little slut now using your fame and money?” She won’t give up, glancing at you with a toothy grin. “I mean I got Sebastian so she needs to find someone new.”
“You don’t get it, right? Y/N and Sebastian were in love. She was pregnant and he could’ve had a family with her. You destroyed his chance to get happy for selfish reasons. I can’t believe he fell for your lies.” Chris is shoving Sarah away, glaring at her. “One more word and I forget myself and slap a woman for the first time in my life. My parents raised me better, but I’ll do it if I have to…”
“Leave this to me,” Scarlett states rushing to her friends’ side. “I’ll hit that bitch with pleasure, Chris.”
“What’s going on…?” Gasping Sebastian rushes to your side, looking at his son in your arms and the tears welling up your eyes as Sarah throws more insults and hurtful words at you. “Why are you here, Sarah? I told you to stay away from me and the set!”
“But Sebby, I know you don’t mean it that way, we belong together. I told you two years ago.�� Sarah coos, trying to touch Sebastian's cheek but he slaps her hand away, shaking his head.
“Leave the set…”
“Don’t worry, I called the security and there they are.” Scarlett waves at the security guards, pointing toward Sarah. 
She’s trying to grab Sebastian’s jacket, wiggling, and cursing but the security guards drag her off the set. Your eyes meet Sebastian, but you look away, sniffling. Seeing Sarah opened slowly healing wounds and you need all your strength to not let the tears burst free.
“Chris, can we go somewhere else? Please…”
“Sure, doll. Let me lead you to my trailer. We can have lunch and calm a bit.”
“Wait, let’s go to my trailer, please. I want to talk to you, Y/N. Just give me five minutes, that’s all I want.” Sebastian tries to touch your arm, but you flinch away as if his touch will burn your skin.
His eyes are filled with tears seeing your reaction. You used to lean into his touch, even if it was only a peck on your cheek but now you can’t let him touch you.
Yeah, my heart is wet and heavy but my body's on the run
'Cause the night is gonna get me and it's only just begun
I keep living on the memory of you and me
You, me in the sun, in the sun
“Please give me a moment to explain, Y/N. I swear I only want to talk to you, please.” Your eyes meet Chris blue ones and you bite your lower lip as he gives you a curt nod.
“Fine, ten minutes but my son stays with Chris meanwhile. I don’t want him to hear your lies.” Voice hard you smile at Chris who’s carefully taking your son, distracting the little boy immediately.
Sebastian watches his friend holding his son and his heart aches even more. He would do anything to change places with Chris right now.
“Follow me…” Seb mumbles and you take a deep breath, ready to leave your past behind once for all. Maybe it’s a good opportunity to make the final cut.
“Y/N…” Pacing around the room Sebastian points toward a huge bag. “I bought toys for my son. Can I give the toys to him, please?”
“No. We don’t need anything. My son has all he needs. Chris doesn’t need your gifts. I don’t want him to end up like me. He doesn’t need to hear his father believed his son faked loving him to get money or fame.” You spat ignoring Sebastian’s sad eyes.
“Please. I would never…”
“You would never what, Seb?” Poking your finger into his chest you glare at your former lover. “Tell him he was never good enough for you? That you can’t believe his lies any longer? That someone not involved in our relationship was more important than me – the woman you claimed to love? Huh? You wouldn’t do such a thing?”
Anger radiating through your body you slap his cheek repeatedly, turning to leave.
“You have to understand…no…you don’t have to but please… Sarah and I are friends since childhood. She was my first kiss with ten. I never thought she would lie to me, would destroy my relationship, Y/N. I thought she’s telling me the truth.” Sebastian’s voice cracks glancing at the toys in the bag.
“She was more important than me. You believed her and didn’t even give me the chance to prove I’m telling the truth. I could’ve called my colleague, could have called Jenny and both would’ve confirmed she’s lying.” Panting you press one hand onto your heart. It’s relieving to finally let all the words out. “I called you, Seb. For over a month I called you, crying, begging but you ignored me.”
Tears want to break free, but you blink them away, shaking your head as he reaches out for you. His eyes meet yours and you look away, to not drown into his sad blue eyes.
No matter where you are a little piece of my heart
Will be forever with you
In the blue, in the blue
In a thousand years, we'll be far from here
I'll be forever with you in the blue, in the blue
“I’m not done!” Slapping his cheek once again you stomp your feet and a little smile crosses his face. Sebastian always loved seeing you stand your ground. “You accused me that I only used you, that I never loved you, but you were the one tossing five years away without thinking twice. Do you know how often Sarah or someone else said you were flirting with one of your colleagues? With Scarlett or Elizabeth? I never believed a single word. I never asked you if it’s true. It’s called trust, Sebastian. The most important thing in a relationship besides love is trust…”
“I know, please give me a chance to be a father. Please let me hold my son for a few minutes. I’m begging you. I go on my knees if I must, please. I never got over you, never forgot our time together. Sarah admitted she lied a year after you were gone and I tried to find you, but no one knew where you moved to. Your parents refused to tell me anything…” Sinking to his knees Sebastian grabs your hand but you step back, freeing your hand.
“Don’t touch me…”
“Please let me hold my child…”
“Fine, five minutes and then I’m gone…”
Chris gives you an encouraging smile handing you your son. “I know he hurt you, but I think he’s regretting everything, and he barely sleeps since he saw you. He called me for months after Matteo was born but I told him I don’t know where you moved to…”
“I’ll give him five minutes and then I’m gone…”
Yeah, I'm running from this city like a diamond in the sky
 And I'm trying to count my blessings 'stead of all the tears I've cried
 I keep driving in this darkness to get you to get you off my mind, off my mind
I'll start over in a new place, put my feet back on the ground
 Can't believe the mess that I've made just trying to drown you out
 Baby, one day I won't miss you
 I'll stop looking for you in the crowd, in the crowd
Sebastian’s hands start shaking when you let him hold his son. Matteo is tugging at his father’s long hair, squealing. 
“He likes to tug at hair. That’s the reason I wear my hair in a messy bun around this little monster.” Not taking his eyes of his son Sebastian nods, sniffling when the little boy glances up at him.
“Dadda?” Matteo squeals and you take a deep breath, grabbing the edge of the couch you or sitting on. How can he know?
“What did you say, baby boy?” Sebastian chokes out. Your son grabs his fathers’ nose, babbling. “Dadda?”
“He called me daddy…he called me daddy…” Sebastian sits onto the couch, pressing his son closer to his body as you can’t hold back the tears. 
“I don’t know why…” You sniffle. “He only knows Chris and my dad. He never called Chris dadda.”
“My baby boy knows I’m his father, Y/N. He knows it. God, he knows I’m his daddy, Baby Girl. Please don’t take this away from me. I’m begging you…”
“Sebastian, you had your chance two years ago. Do you believe I can let you hurt my son too? That I could ever trust you again after the stunt you pulled?” Taking your son out of Sebastian’s arms you need to shush him as he starts crying. Holding out his arms for his father.
“I got toys…wait…”
Opening the bag Sebastian doesn’t know what his son likes so you place Matteo onto the floor to let him choose a toy. He’s grabbing a stuffed animal, a fluffy dog, squealing.
“He likes dogs. Chris brought his dog with him a few times. I had to soothe Matteo after as he wanted the dog to stay. He’s a stubborn little man, just like his daddy.” Gently stroking your son's head you watch him offering the toy to Sebastian.
“Please let me see him. I’ll come anytime you allow me to see him.”
No matter where you are a little piece of my heart will be forever with you
In the blue, in the blue
In a thousand years we'll be far from here
I'll be forever with you in the blue, in the blue
“I need time to think about it. I have to go…I need…” Picking your son up you almost run out of the trailer, not looking back you let the tears fall. How can your son call Sebastian daddy?
“Y/N, please wait. At least give me your number, at least give me anything. A picture…” Sebastian pleas while Chris and Scarlett try to act if they do not feel sorry for all of you. 
“Ask Chris, he was interested in me and your son. He has a lot of pictures. Let him send you one ‘cause I won’t give you anything. Not now…”
Sebastian watches you rushing toward your car, Matteo in your arms as he sinks to his knees starting to cry. 
I see your face in every stranger
Footsteps down the hall
Warm breath, back of my neck
Shadows on the wall
And your voice is loud as thunder hey
I can hear it crashing in my head, yeah
No matter where you are a little piece of my heart will be forever with you
In the blue, in the blue
In a thousand years we'll be far from here
I'll be forever with you in the blue, in the blue
I'll be forever with you in the blue, in the blue
All works Tags
@yolobloggers​​, @meganywinchester​​​, @shikshinkwon​​​, @miraclesoflove​​ ​, @mogaruke​​, @shatteredabby​​, @soryuwifeyxx​​, @letsdisneythings​​, @i-love-superhero​
Marvel Tags
@stuckys-whore​​, @notyourtypicalrose​​, @voltage-my2dlove​​, @thedoctorscamanion , @officialmarvelwhore​​, @randomgirlkensy​​, @juniorhuntersam​​, @lumar014​​, @doctorswife221b​​, @badboysdoitbetter2​​​, @sister-winchesters99​​, @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​​, @the-soulofdevil​
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tags
@hhiggs​​​​, @roonyxx​​​, @stylesismyhubs​​​, @multisuperfandom​​, @mrspeacem1nusone​​, @shadowcatsworld
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Chapter 2: The War Room
Summary:  You'll learn more abt Aika and Julius gets some time in the spotlight and shows off his military genius :)))
Notes:  Like in BC canon, everyone's like omggg hes such an amazing wizard king who brings us so many victories!!! but we never actually see any of his ideas and plans? So i've decided to showcase that in this fic
A week later, Aika hummed a playful tune as she planted a few wisteria trees around the Magic Knights Headquarters. Lord Raymond, the current Wizard King, was planning a stressful military campaign against another imminent invasion from the Diamond Kingdom so Aika planted a few trees for him to enjoy whenever he relaxed in the gardens to get away from work.
Aika had helped Lord Raymond with foreign matters over the years and had grown to become good friends with the older man. It was only by accident that they found that his dead younger brother was Aika’s father. 
Years ago, she was selling paintings her father had painted before he died and in curiosity, Raymond came to the pseudo-art show. When he noticed the artist’s name and signature, he knew it was his brother. Needless to say, Aika was ecstatic. She had lost her entire family at sixteen and finding family again nearly two decades later was like a dream come true.
Though she was his niece, her experience and information from other kingdoms was something Lord Raymond highly valued and since Aika needed a cover for her work. So she worked as an unofficial consultant to him. She would rather not be paid by her own family.
She stood up as she dusted the dirt from her knees. Aika curled her toes to grip and grass and tightly clasped the plant stone in her right palm. She took a deep breath in, spread her arms out towards the little grove and pushed her magic into the seeds and willed them to grow.
She couldn’t grow plants quickly with Time Magic alone because she would have to accelerate the day-night cycle and provide the plants with constant water and nutrition, theoretically speaking. But Plant Magic, on the other hand, doesn’t have such limitations and plants could grow just with magic alone with extra magical properties. Absolutely fascinating stuff.
Aika had noted that Time and Plant magic shared similar properties because during her studies, she had found that magic wasn’t a catalyst in some Plant Mages cases but actually accelerated time while providing all that the plant needed to grow. In other Plant mages’ cases, most notably the ones who grew plants slower, the magic only acts as an accelerant with no time magic in play.
Aika dodged as a clump of hard dirt nearly hit her in the face when the trees sprouted and rose rapidly. She watched with a small smile as the vine-like branches grew and sprouted wisteria flowers that shone in the afternoon sun. She had no doubt that they would glow in the night as well.
“Miss Aika!” her guard’s voice yelled out.
“I’m fine!” she yelled back as she adjusted her sun hat.
“No, Miss Aika,” he ran to her side. “The Wizard King wants you in the Captain’s Conference room immediately.”
“Oh? Did he say what for, Evan?” Aika adjusted her plaid skirt.
“He said it’s time you were brought in,” Evan gave her a knowing look. Aika sighed. Today was going to be a long day. At least this meant that she didn’t have to wear that god-awful amulet that made people forget her.
“Alright, thank you. Take the rest of the day off. I’m sorry I can’t join you, Ellie and Jayce tonight.”
“Yes, ma’am and it’s alright. The trees look really beautiful by the way.”
“Thank you, Evan.”
She turned and looked up at the Headquarters Tower with a squint.
It’s time, huh? Is it really that serious, Uncle Ray? Aika thought as she slipped into her heels.
She slid her backpack on and waved ‘bye’ to her guard as she flew to the arched, slightly open, clover windows of the conference room. She hid her mana and flew a little to the side of the windows and peeked in. 
Her Uncle had his back to her as he faced seven captains. By the way he was gesticulating at Lord Silva, the Silver Eagles Captain, Aika could tell he was getting impatient for some reason. The walls and tables were strewn with papers blotted with inks of various colors. The rest of the Captains were in deep discussion in varying states of distress, no doubt about the upcoming confrontation with the Diamond kingdom.
She looked around at the Captains for one particular one. Her eyes met Julius’ and she grinned openly. She gave him a hesitant wave at the confused tilt of his head. Maybe he forgot her? A few Captains looked her way along with Julius, suspicious of the woman by the window.
Aika quickly sobered as she lightly touched the window. She wasn’t here for him. Maybe she’ll talk to him after whatever her Uncle needed her to do. He had been plaguing her mind for days , like who gave him permission to do that? Maybe another sit down with him will reveal something about him that will annoy her nitpicking self and she will completely stop idealizing him. Yeah, that’s a good idea.
She slipped between the windows and into the room, as quiet as a breeze. All the captains except Julius and Captain Vermillion stood and moved to attack but Lord Raymond whipped his head around and motioned the Captains to stop.
“Why use the window when there is a perfectly serviceable door, Aika?” her Uncle asked in a bored voice.
“Why use the door when there is a perfectly serviceable window, sir?” She retorted as she took off her hat with a flourish. He shook his head with a scoff.
“Enough with the cheek.”
“Yes, sir.”
Aika clasped her hands and clicked her heels together as she turned to the conference table where all the standing Captains sat down slowly, all eyes on her. They all might’ve seen her around the Magic Knights Headquarters, sitting on the floor in the hallways or in the gardens with a bunch of books and papers scattered haphazardly around her or running around with maids and guards but they would’ve all forgotten about her, thanks to her amulet. And she hasn’t been in the Clover Kingdom in a couple years so she doesn’t expect anyone except Captain Vermilion to remember her.
She had always worked behind the scenes on this continent, running her businesses, private clandestine services, professional development, etc, so she had to stay lowkey to protect her identity and her work. But when she needed to continue her work without arousing suspicion and provide information to the next Wizard King, she needed to step up into the spotlight once again, at least until some trust was established. A spy network was incredibly valuable to her Uncle and his agenda to clean up the criminal underworld from the worst of its traits like slavery, forced prostitution, anti-monarchist movements, and apocalyptic cults. 
But Aika herself had personal value for her strategies, diplomacy, connections, and experience in foreign warfare. And so, here she was, her position and identity exposed along with her physique too coincidentally, in the tight, black sweater and thigh length skirt she wore.
The price I pay for trying to feel sexy today.
She was pleased to note Julius’ eyes roving over her with a small smile. She winked when his eyes met hers. He looked away with a small blush. Aika wouldn’t mind working with such delicious eye candy.
“This is Aika Tolliver,” Raymond began as he faced the Captains. “She will help us pinpoint which General will be attacking us this time and where.”
“Who is she, exactly?” The Purple Orcas’ captain asked as she leaned forward, her gray eyes scrutinizing her.
“Her curriculum vitae is irrelevant,” Raymond sat down in his chair with a heavy sigh. “What she knows and what she can do for us is the only thing we’re going to discuss today.”
“Gosh, is he like this all the time?” Aika asked jokingly as she leaned on the table and crossed her arms. While she won’t outright tell them that she was his niece, if he was going to bring her in front of the captains, she was definitely going to have a lot of fun implicating all sorts of things that will leave the captains confused about who she is to the Wizard King. 
“Aika, not the time.”
“Alright, alright,” she set her hat down on his desk with an amused smile and took out a leather-bound notebook and a fountain pen. She looked up at the captains with a mild look.
“Long story short, I’m an off-the-record tactical strategist who helps Lord Raymond every now and then,” Aika looked down and flipped through the pages of her notebook as she continued. “I didn’t want my name to be known for my own privacy and the safety of my assets. That’s why I was never brought in but I assume the situation is dire if Master Raymond wanted to bring me in front of the captains.”
Said captains stayed silent as they processed the vague information. Aika looked apologetically at Julius. For all Julius knew, she lied to him but he shrugged and shook his head with a small smile.
“So what is the issue here?” She quickly skimmed the papers next to her. There were several different combinations of squads that could be dispatched but it was all useless if they didn’t know which general or generals they would be facing. In her opinion, they should bring down the hammer and send out all the squads and end this mess once and for all. “I’ve already told Master Raymond what generals and where and I’ve given him the maps of the location of the fortress their brigades have relocated to. I've also said when. They are going to execute their plan next Saturday.”
“Captain Silva here doesn’t believe me,” Raymond crossed his arms and glared at the silver-haired man.
“Well, now it’s even worse,” Silva slammed his fist on the table. “because your information comes from a dubious source we have never heard of!” he barked, spittle flying as he pointed an accusing finger at Aika. Raymond was about to retort but Aika only hummed thoughtfully at his outraged face. 
She knew Captain Silva and Uncle Raymond had a fierce rivalry because they both had Water Magic, but it should’ve ended when her Uncle became the Magic Emperor. But Captain Silva still seemed to hold a grudge and Aika also knew that he had become severely depressed and irritable after Lady Acier’s death and the stress of this war was really getting to him so she bit back a reflexively cutting remark. She took the diplomatic route instead.
“I definitely understand where you’re coming from but I can assure you that this information is from our spies in the Diamond Kingdom.”
“Lies! We don’t have any spies in the Diamond Kingdom!”
Julius quickly moved to interject when he noticed Aika’s cheek twiched in annoyance. A verbal smackdown like the one he got that night wouldn’t be received well by the proud captain. He saw how easily she shrugged off the pressure he put on her, so he wasn’t taking any chances with an actual confrontation.
“Well, let’s not get hasty,” he addressed the captains gently. He turned to Aika and quickly masked a smile when her face lit up. “Even if we did have spies, the information they’ve given us is wrong. We destroyed the South Fortress last month and Lord Raymond told us that two brigades have relocated to the South Fortress which I assume is the information from our ‘spies.’”
“You assumed correctly, Julius.” His lips twitched up at being addressed so familiarly in front of everyone. “And forgive Master Raymond for not clarifying, he’s just a little sleep-deprived,” she pursed her lips when the captains threw her confused looks at that causal comment. “They’ve moved their operations in the former South Fortress to a black site previously used for human experimentation and other R&D.”
Silence fell over them. Human experiments. While the captains were aware, being reminded of what they had read in the reports of said experiments sickened them. 
Aika quietly flipped through her notebook.
“Here it says that Generals Hennequin and Allard have mobilized their forces into the black site, now called the South Fortress.”
“And how can we know for sure,” Julius began mutely. “That what you are saying is true?”
“I’ve been working for the Wizard King for years, providing him with information regarding foreign matters—”
“And don’t forget about unsolicited advice on domestic ones,” Her Uncle’s muffled voice quipped, unaffected by the mention of human experiments. She threw a mocking glare at his head which was now buried in his arms.
“And most of the information I was given was accurate and useful. We take very good care of our assets so malicious betrayal and misinformation is incredibly rare. I can assure you that this information is accurate.”
Julius and the other briefly scrutinized her for any tells that she was lying and were satisfied that they didn’t find any. While they believed her, they were still wary. Aika sighed.
“Now, if we’re done discussing whether facts are actually facts, let’s get back to the planning. We can’t agree on what squads to send,” Raymond groused as he pushed maps of movements that a trio of squads will follow towards Aika. Each map was a different combination of 3 squads and movements and attack sequences. It was all on the surface. But Aika left her Uncle notes in his folder last night about new intel. The two Diamond generals purchased rights to build exclusive tunnels to the Main Channels from the black site which was underground, the Main Channels that lead directly into the Common Realm in the Clover Kingdom.
Aika suppressed the fear that struck her heart and turned to glare at her Uncle for real this time. He didn’t look at the notes she had left and now he was making completely wrong moves. The wrong moves that would cost many civilian lives.
“Master Raymond,” she nearly growled. “I assume you haven’t looked at the new intel and notes I left last night?”
He glared back.
“What new intel?”
“New intel saying that the Diamond Generals bought rights to tunnel into the Main Channels from the black site.”
She sifted through his papers and found the thin folder and showed him the notes and explained the situation.
“So there would most likely be a fight on the surface for a distraction while they invade us through the tunnels, meaning more than two brigades will attack us.”
Aika nodded gravely.
“I’m sorry, what are these tunnels and channels you’re talking about?” The captain of the Praying Mantis, Marcus, asked. A few others nodded, confused as well.
Captain Vermillion cleared his throat to draw attention to him. He sat up straight and his deep voice rang clearly through the room,
“They are talking about The Innkeeper’s Tunnels. The Innkeeper is a neutral, underground organization that provides safe houses indiscriminately. And in order to get to the safe houses, the Innkeeper had built a tunnel system. This tunnel system was built centuries ago and today it’s also used for underground travel, trade, and the black market, across the continent. It is the only way we trade for magic gems with the Diamond Kingdom because of the current hostilities,” He turned to Aika. “I don’t believe The Innkeeper would allow them to send brigades through the tunnels.”
Aika masked her surprise that he even addressed her. He had completely and deliberately cut her off after she broke up with one of his children and now he was talking to her all of a sudden?
Despite his surprising behavior, Aika agreed with his explanation. She remembered when she tailed him on his frequent missions to the criminal underworld so he knew what he was talking about.
“I agree, The Innkeeper wouldn’t allow them, but they have no real means to stop them. They don’t have a private army and the magical barriers won’t hold against two whole brigades.”
“Then they will call in a favor.”
“From who?”
Captain Vermillion leveled his gaze at her.
“From you.”
“No,” Aika said with absolute finality. He raised an eyebrow as she bristled. 
“‘No, they won’t ask,’ or ‘No, you won’t do it?’” He knew she wouldn’t and did he really need to bring up her past here?
“No to both, Leonardo,” Raymond cut in with a scowl and changed the topic. “We need to be ready to face them under and over, and that means all squads need to roll out.”
“Actually,” Julius interjected. “We should leak the information that we know,” he suggested. The captains turned to Julius, not surprised by his unorthodox idea. He may be the youngest of the captains at the table at nearly thirty-six years old, but he was also the smartest and the strongest. His unexpectedly brilliant ideas and the strategic way he built his squad left no doubt that he would be a great military leader as The Magic Emperor.
“Why would we do that?” Captain Silva asked as he pressed his fingers to his temples, knowing full well that there was a good explanation coming.
“Because this plan to use the underground tunnels would only work if we are unaware. If they know that we know, and that we would come prepared to the tunnels, they will change their plans. They will think that their element of surprise and lack of resistance is gone, so their chances of winning decreased. And since they don’t know that we leaked it, they would think that we put our squads underground for their ‘attack.’ So they will put their troops on land or air to take us on.”
“But instead,” Aika began quietly as his idea became clear. “we will be prepared to attack with the full weight of our army above ground and overwhelm them completely, giving us a chance to negotiate a ceasefire.”
“No,” Julius laced his fingers together with a cool expression. “We demand a surrender.”
Notes:  Julius is lowkey scary in canon and i plan to show more of that in this fic. The end was just a lil taste, but in battle? oooooh I can't wait to write ruthless Julius ;))))
oh and yall should read the hashtags in the posts. There’s info abt next chap in them:)
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hwangskz · 5 years
dancing star(s) | dancer! seulgi
im a liar who promised a minsung fic next, but too in love with ms. kang seulgi;;;;; n e ways LET'S GO LESBIANS AND BISEXUALS!!!! <3
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• kang seulgi
• that name...GOD how that name made ur blood boil but heart beat at the same time
• how can someone have such a mercilessly competitive but sweet heart o(╥﹏╥)o
• everytime u would make eye contact, ur would just???? almost jump out??? yk??? but then u would have to remind urself that she is just ur competitor :(
• and that's also the way she thinks about u, probably; like a competitor :(
• "y/n!!!!!!!!!! get ready for today's freestyle battle!!!!!!!!!! let's do great!!!!!!!"
• kang seulgi stop being so nice challenge
• from the first day on, she had honestly been such a sweetheart;;;;;;;;;;
• "u forgot ur water bottle? D: oh no y/n... but it's okay!!! i have mine take my h2o"
• "here have some bandages!!!!!!! stay safe y/n, this is a competition only, not some war :("
• literally one moment she's this devil on stage and the other.. she's a literal Babie???? that isn't even legal dear lord
• she wildt
• so is ur heart for her...wildt
• no one :
y/n' heart : <kangseulgi3
• at the end of today's competition tho
• "we have come to a decision that in order for one of u to win, u will now form pairs! the pair winning the final match, which will be held in a week from now, will win ₩1,000,000! good luck to everyone!"
• ur heart's first suggestion : kang seulgi
• ur heart's second suggestion : kang seulgi
• the suggestion everyone knows ur heart will give no matter what : kang seulgi
• god she really has u by the throat huh
• "hey, y/n?"
• "ye- seulgi?"
• "hi uh,,,, i was kinda wondering if we could partner up? they all seem very up abt the money...but i really hope u aren't like that... bcs it kinda scares me"
• "me? u would really partner up with ME????"
• "yeah???? is that wrong?? :0"
• "i- no no!! it's just... ur such a great dancer... and what if i mess up something that causes the both of us to lose? :("
• y/n, u have no idea how much seulgi just wants to protect u from all dangers rn
• "winning isn't everything, y/n. sure, i love dancing, and maybe so do u, but a simple paycheck and a trophy doesn't define one's qualities. what matters to me is that even if i went down, we did it together."
• god,,,,,,,,kang seulgi stop being the Love Of Y/n's Life challenge
• "if that's what u think..then sure! let's be partners!"
• and that is how u r now sitting in the practice room @ 2am, w ur head in ur hands bcs u can't get that one damn move right
• who knows that bcs of this yall might even lose
• and u can't afford to see seulgi sad
• not again
• u once saw it last year, when the dance instructor didn't take seulgi in his team for the same competition last year
• u saw how she pretended to be strong as she held in her tears and smiled widely, her eyes still glossy, and kept saying "it's okay" to herself
• and "congratulations" to others
• no
• u can't do that to her
• for the sake of seulgi
• for the sake of ur heart-
• "y/n?"
• her small but clear voice almost made u jump out of ur place bcs GODDAMNIT WHO'S AT HERE AT LITERALLY 2 IN THE MORNIN-
• "....seulgi?"
• she slowly opens the door, enters the room, and closes it behind her as she makes her way towards u, then crouches down in front of u
• "what's up?"
• when u hadn't responded to her, she sighed and threw herself on to u, giving u a giant hug
• bcs obviously she knew what was up
• (u were overworking urself)
• (obv bcs like,,,,,why would someone be in a practice room at this hour for a reason except that???? like??? idk to eat corns???)
• "y/n..i told u that it's ok to not win!! didn't i!! :( then why r u doing this to urself?? :("
• "i'm sorry.."
• she was now facing u, her arms still around ur waist (making ur heart go THUMP like always)
• "have u had anything yet?"
• "......no"
• she furrows her eyebrows, and her tone is suspicious when she says
• "when was the last time u had food?"
• "like…….23 hours ago…..i think????..."
• and she comes back with 5 packets of hot cheetos, 4 bowls of pre-cooked (covered) ramen and 15 bottles of water
• "these many water bottles weren't really necessary seulgi-"
• "!!!!!!!! n o !!!!!!!!"
• after u both settled down the conversation abt how much u need water in ur body
• u both were silently eating ur food and having drinks (read : water)
• when suddenly
• "y/n...are u doing this bcs of me?"
• "doing w-what?"
• "yk.. overworking urself in order to win? are u doing this bcs of me?"
• u look down bcs GOSH DARN IT SHE'S RIGHT
• she sighs and hits u lightly on ur arm with her chopsticks
• "y/n!!! i didn't get in last year bcs of MYSELF. the one who needs to work harder is me, not u. ur already here. and about me being...well…..happy...u being here with me….us doing this together...it makes me happy enough. so please,, don't overwork urself, yeah?"
• u took her advice
• and maybe that's why, today, at the day of the dance competition, u were!!!!!! SO MF NERVOUS
• "y/n!!!!!! just focus and u won't!!!!"
• 'yeah like u dancing WITH me will make me focus…….sure…..'
• "now on stage, i would like to call miss y/n l/n and her partner miss kang seulgi! please give them a round of applause!"
• the crowd burst into applause and as u, along w seulgi, walked onto the stage, the mc added a small "good luck!" to u both before leaving the stage
• yeah that's honestly what u need rn; some good luck
• and once u both took ur positions, seulgi turned back and looked at u
• "u can do this!"
• she mumbled towards u
• and the music began, and so did ur bodies' movement once it heard the first note
• u looked at seulgi and saw the rhythmic flow within her
• she looked at u and wondered how great u looked today in this dim stage light
• u wondered how many times u had missed to acknowledge the kindness that was flowing through seulgi
• how she had been so caring towards u. always
• she wondered how many times u had said that u were a terrible dancer but u are such a liar, y/n l/n, seulgi can see the talent that flows within u and the effort that ur putting on the stage right now
• and this is when the both of ur hearts wondered- maybe u both were in love. with each other.
• when suddenly the music stopped
• and u panicked
• but then looked at the audience who stood up and clapped for the both of u
• and the stage light went off again, signaling u both to take ur leave
• "we did so great y/n!!!!!!"
• "yeah!!!!!"
• u cheered happily before hugging her so tight
• god u were so thankful for her
• when u pulled away, thought, the both of ur faces were so utterly close
• and her lips were right there..
• but then
• "miss y/n and miss seulgi! please come up on stage to take ur paycheck as well as the trophy!"
• u both rushed to see the prizes
• u did it, y/n.
• soon after getting the prize, it was seulgi's turn to thank everyone on behalf of the both of u
• "i would like to thank everyone around here for enjoying our performance and my instructor who let me perform this year, with such a wonderful person."
• ur eyes shot up; smile gone
• "and this wonderful person..god im so thankful to her for just.. being there. she's so hardworking, so beautiful, and so passionate..it makes my heart hurt so much and..y/n.. wait for me after this ends, alright?"
• ur mouth still hung open, u nod ur head yes, hearing many "date!" statements along with whistles and coos
• so after she's done with her speaking, both of u move out of the stage, and as soon as ur abt to get ur bag from the chair in the dressing room, seulgi held ur wrist, making u look up at her
• "y/n? come with me for a sec?"
• so she drags u slowly to the backstage, where no one was, and left ur hand as she turned around and took deep breaths
• "about the speech there.. about u...if u didn't understand already.. uh.. i think u should know that-"
• seulgi was taking some time as she fiddled with her fingers
• and u probably thought she was gonna take some time to tell u whatever it was
• so u decided to drop ur own Confession Bomb
• however
• "i like u"
• "-i like u"
• u both stood in shock as u looked at each other
• "really?"
• seulgi blushed and looked down
• "yeah.."
• when the both of u looked at each other again, u both quickly looked down again and GOD u both were so red
• "so like…...does it mean we're….a thing?"
• "yeah.."
• u laugh at seulgi's statement
• *your girlfriend's statement
• "hey, seulgi?"
• "yeah?"
• "can i….kiss u?"
• she looked up too quickly and saw ur eyes sparkling, under which ur lips were just there- almost as if asking permission to touch her own lips.
• "sure."
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oddeyecadia · 6 years
what if it’s us? (ch. 4)
a/n: no one prolly cares abt this fic anymore but lol still gonna continue
also posted on ao3 | ch. 1 ch. 2 ch. 3
"I think Allura's my soulmate."
Just like that, everything stopped. Time, the beating of her heart, the universe itself. All the little scars and bruises on her body tingled in a strange, unpleasant way. He was the only one smiling now. The clear excitement on his face made her feel harder to breathe.
Of course.
Pidge gritted her teeth.
Of fucking course.
"I saw her left foot earlier. It was bandaged the same way as my left foot. Do you know when she got that?"
"Yeah, uh..." She had it even before you had yours, dumbass. "Just this morning, I think." Pidge internally slapped herself. She didn't want to lie, she really didn't. But she also didn't want to erase the pure joy he was clearly feeling.
Though, her decision was going to make a lot of mess was it? She took a deep breath and as she was about to change her mind, Lance's gaze fell to the floor with a look that took every breath of her away and spoke softly. "I finally found her."
Out of all of his smiles, the one he wore right then was probably the most beautiful. She could see the relief and love he was ready to give attached to it.
Something about the fact that someone else was the reason for this smile bothered her a lot. It could be just the guilt for lying, making him smile for the wrong person, that creeped up her back.
Yeah. She hoped it was just that.
"Your turn." Said Lance, interrupting her thoughts.
"What were you gonna say earlier?"
"Oh. Just that I- I noticed how you and Allura have the same injury too."
There was no turning back.
"Stop glaring, Hunk." Pidge said quietly, feeling the intense look he was giving her.
Brown eyes kept staring at her as she continued to type on her laptop. She felt uneasy but not to the point where she couldn't focus on the email that she was writing to her professor. A letter to inform her about the extremely unfair division of tasks in her group and how her two group mates barely did anything for their project.
Somewhere in the library, she could hear Lance being absentmindedly loud again. That and Hunk's glare growing more intense was enough to make her take a deep breath and finally look at the guy across her.
"Look what you've done." He said.
"I didn't do anything."
"Exactly. You didn't do anything to stop him from thinking Allura was his soulmate! Look at him!" He whisper shouted, pointing at the main desk. There, was Allura, staring blankly at Lance who was leaning an elbow on the desk and smirking at her like an idiot.
Pidge rolled her eyes, trying her hardest to keep her blood boiling at the sight. "He looks happy."
"He looks stupid, Pidge. You know what he said to me that night? 'Would it be more romantic if I make her realize rather than just telling her?'" She fought a grin at Hunk's accurate impression of Lance's slightly high pitched voice. "And just a few weeks ago you were like 'Never. Let him find out on his own.' You two just love miscommunication and complicating things more huh?"
"It'd be more complicated if I told him while he was so stoked about the idea of another person being his soulmate. It would ruin his mood, make things awkward, and possibly ruin our friendship too." Besides, she didn't want to mess things up after they just had their deep conversation and learned to really open up to each other for the first time.
It had been a couple of days since that whole thing happened. Finals was next week, everyone had been pretty busy with their own thing. Allura had to take care of some important stuff these past couple of days that Pidge had to work at the library on her own again. Meaning, Lance didn't immediately got the chance to start his wooing.
"She's not here?" He asked the night after their "hangout friday"- as Hunk would call it.
"She has a checkup. Sorry,  loverboy ."
"Aww man." The boy looked down at his feet. "I must've hurt her real bad."
Pidge's frown deepened as she only hummed in response. It was too early for her to casually talk about soulmates after what just happened .
"Well, guess I'll just study then. Hey, Pidge."
She looked at him, he raised a brow. "You're taking care of yourself, right?"
Snorting, she couldn't fight a grin. Why was he like this? Could he stop being so nice for a second? "Yeah, don't worry. I remember your advice by heart."
Pidge cringed internally, remembering what she said.
"Fix this, Pidge."
"I will, Hunk. Just– let him have his fun for a little while." Ignoring the slight pain in her chest and Hunk's disappointed look, she finally finished the email and pressed send.
Shoe squeaks and loud pop music filled the gym.
The highest bleacher was cold against the palm of her hands. Pidge could see everything from up here. It was nice. Plus, she was far from everyone, far from the volleyball team playing and from the dance team which she found out was just like a bunch of Lance put in one group. Everyone was just as loud and boisterous.
"Why am I here again?"
Lance looked up at her from where he stood, one bleacher below, and flashed a smile. "Because Hunk isn't available and I'm used to having a friend watch me practice. You don't have a choice."
She let out a deep breath. At least Hunk wasn't available for real this time. Unlike the last time he left the two where he tried to play wingman.
"Ugh. Don't you have like a hobby that's a little more... quiet?"
"Oh come on, Pidge. Don't you think a bunch of college kids dancing and doing dangerous stunts is cool?"
Her attention was caught by a flyer being thrown in the air. The guy landed too quickly and it was obvious by the shocked look on their faces that his spotters weren't ready, they caught him immediately anyways.
"Fun." Her hands started sweating, seeing the team practice that same stunt again. "Is this a requirement? I mean does this boost up your grades in any way?"
"Not really. Clubs and stuff like this doesn't really add that much to my GPA." He said as he took out his water bottle.
"Why didn't you just take performing arts then?"
He took a sip. "I was going to. I wanted to study and make money out of dancing but... let's be honest, the money part would be kinda hard to achieve. So I went with my second favorite thing to do, taking care of people. I took nursing."
Pidge was about to ask another question when one of his teammates suddenly shouted. "Lance! You ready?"
"Yup! Just a sec!" Lance put down his bottle before giving her another proud smile. "Just enjoy the show, Katarina. We have like fifteen minutes left of practice. It'll be quick."
She watched as he carefully walked down the bleachers and towards his team. She bit her lip when her injured foot throbbed slightly as she saw Lance unintentionally take a hard step.
A member then approached him and said something she couldn't obviously hear.
Nodding his head, he smiled at said member before getting into position.
There was something off about that smile, though. How he went from being all jumpy to stiff right after said teammate talked to him was not a good sign too.
Pidge pushed her glasses up her nose.
The same pop music that was on repeat for minutes played again as the dance team started their routine. They did some incredible stunts and moves that could make anyone jump from their seat yet she couldn't take her eyes away from a single dancer.
Ocean waves.
That was the only thing she could think of as she watched him sway, turn, pop and glide. Lance danced so swiftly yet every move had a hint of snap. His hips didn't lie, his whole body moved so in sync with the beat.
He didn't look like he was having as much fun, though, and one time he looked as if he wasn't sure if he was in the right position which was concerning.
But still.
That was hot.
"I have eight papers due tomorrow and I haven't started any of them." Said Keith after taking a big gulp of milk straight from the carton as he sat by the kitchen counter.
He was lactose intolerant.
"And why's that?"
"I don't know, Shiro. Everytime I begin typing I just burst into tears."
Even through the phone, his brother's disappointed sigh was still upsetting to hear. "College's tough huh?"
Keith chuckled. "That's an understatement."
"I know but you have to be more responsible. Be more like Katie but without the overworking part." Keith frowned at the second statement, remembering all those nights he had to drag an exhausted Pidge to bed and how he hated seeing her all stressed up. He took another sip. "Speaking of, how is she? Her finals is coming up right? I hope she's not over studying again."
"Strangely but fortunately, no. She hasn't overworked herself in days."
"That's good. Matt's visiting you guys today so–"
Keith chocked on his milk before Shiro could even finish his sentence.
He totally forgot about that.
"You okay there?" Shiro asked. Keith could already see his brother's teasing smirk and it caused his ears to burn up.
"Yeah, just– Just remembered I'm lactose intolerant." He cleared his throat. "Anyway, yeah. Pidge mentioned that."
Meanwhile, Shiro couldn't help but chuckle at his little brother's clear nervousness. "Don't worry, you have my permission to say yes when he asks you out on a date. Again."
Keith went silent for a moment.
That was when Shiro spoke again, his voice softer and Keith could almost see him wearing his comforting smile. "It's okay, Keith."
Something in his chest loosened and he took a deep breath. Keith already knew what it meant for he had heard it from him a million times. It was the first time he heard Shiro say it like that, though. It felt and sounded like real reassurance this time, like not only the situation was okay, but also himself.
As if on cue, a couple of loud knocks were heard from Keith and Pidge's apartment door and he tensed up.
"Thanks, Shiro. I'll call you again later?"
"After you finish your papers first. Now go, entertain your guest."
Keith ignored Shiro's teasing tone, said goodbye and hanged up before walking towards the door.
He already had a guess of who the person on the other side was. And if he was right, said guest was a little bit early for his sister wasn't even home yet.
Here goes nothing. Keith finally opened the door and lo and behold, he was right. He hated that he was right.
Matthew Holt stood in front of him with a warm smile, the familiar scar still clear and present across the bridge of his nose. "Hey, Keith."
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dreammutual-remade · 6 years
high school!donghyuck
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request: idk if you’re taking reqs but i really like ur highscool aus so if u want to write one abt hyuck ill be :^))))))) - anonymous
word count: 5.1k
a/n: oof its been awhile unnies!!!! ive had exams for the past two weeks and I still have exams now so im sorry for not posting anything but reblogs with headassery in the tags!!! we are continuing the high school series n renjun is next!! since I got like 3 requests for him !!!!! hhehhehehheheh its gonna b cute <3 anyways hope u enjoy this I love my lil duckie baby
mark, renjun, jeno, donghyuck, jaemin, chenle, jisung
big oof i’m gonna cry while writing this
i’m running out of creative ways to say let’s dive in
let us take the plunge
okay!!!!!!!!!! so you’ve been an editor/writer for the school paper for pretty much all of your high school career
you’re not super well known though because you don’t try to take any credit for anything and always sign your pieces like “- the daily newspaper team” or smth 
anywhom you’ve always loved writing about the stuff around you or making up little short stories
one of your hobbies is just going people watching and trying to write down a brief description of people you see and what you think they’re on the way to do
you’ve befriended the baristas at your favorite spot, lucas and mark, and they always beg to read them but you never let them because mark is too nice to tell you it’s shit and lucas is too dumb to at least say it nicely
you’ve got at least 6 notebooks FULL of these little stories but you’ve never really ? showed anyone because wow showing others your work is Scary
criticism ???/$&/&:&:&:
it’s midway through the first semester of the school year and you’ve been super busy since it’s football season and you gotta write about all the games
and you haven’t had much time to write your cute little stories for yourself and you miss it a lot :/
this weekend though the chance of rain is SUPER high so the football game is cancelled and you have plenty of time to yourself !! :D
there is, a setback tho
u fckin softie
you decide to tough it out though and get suited up in some polka dot rain boots and a rain jacket and set off to find somewhere to chill
as you’re walking to the nearest lil greenhouse/cafe thing it starts raining ,, ,,, hARDER
when you started it wasn’t rlly raining it was just like that weird tension in the air right before the air pressure drops and it starts to rain and you were already on edge OOF
but then it’s raining so you clutch your notebook to your chest and dash
usain bolt had nothing on you girly you were ZOOM ZOOM
broom broom- doyoung
unfortunately you don’t make it though because with you head down to keep the rain out of your eyes you run RIGHT into someone’s CHEST !!!!!!
hehe u know i’m a sucker for these god damn TROPES
your notebook goes flying and and the arms attached to the Chest That Caused Your Grief come up to catch you by the arms
“oh gOD sorry are you okay ??? i wasn’t looking and i was trying to keep my journal dr- MY JOURNALSDJDDD”
you fling yourself out of this boys arms and pick up your soaking wet journal sadly
:((((((( you had so many stories in there wtf
“oh shit i’m sorry do you uh want me to buy you another one ???”
“no that’s okay it wasn’t your fault :( and it’s just a journal i’m only sad because all my stories are gone :(((((“
you finally look up from your Ruined journal to see , the prettiest boy
you can’t tell for sure cause his hair is soaking wet but it’s a bright red that looks a bit faded and his skin is tanned and golden like HONEY OOF
he meets your eyes and awkwardly smiles and he looks so GUILTY AW
“no really it’s fine don’t feel bad!!”
“okay but i feel bad what can i do to make it up to you?”
“hMMM you could come help me think of wacky stories about people who walk past”
“well if you INSIST m’lady”
“aw, never mind”
so in the pouring rain you both walk to cafe and find a little corner to people-watch in
on the way there he tells you his name is donghyuck but his friends call him hyuck
“dude that’s the sound goofy makes when he laughs your friends are terrible”
“oh my god i don’t even think they know what they’re saying HsjdjHEHHS”
after a couple minutes of bad goofy impressions you decide to call him duckie instead because ,,,, GARSH MICKEY 🤠🤠🤠
also because it’s cute
you didn’t hear this from me but he uwued so hard rip his street cred with the Boys
anyways right before you settle in you’re like hey uh did you have somewhere to be like weren’t you heading places
and he was like nah i like the rain it’s nice to just walk around feels GOOD
your eyes widen so big and he snorts because what’s so ridiculous about that
your dramatic ass tries to get up and LEAVE but he grabs your wrist and is like noooo we haven’t even written any stories yet why do you hate rain so much ??
you explain how thunder is the work of the devil and that lightning could strike you down where you stand at any moment and storms are EVIL
he chuckles and side eyes you
“aW you big wimp you’re afraid of thunderstorms aren’t you”
“yES. like any sane person would be”
“you know a lot of people actually like storms”
“like i said, SANE people do not”
and then you change the subject right quick because your face is getting RED with embarrassment
you n donghyuck spend like 2 hours just sitting in the corner and writing little scenarios on napkins
“oh shit that girl over there with the french braids is TOTALLY gonna marry hipster beanie guy in two years. mark my words”
“idk y/n she lowkey has the hots for the barista”
“ ew you mean mark??”
“yeah. now THAT man is a work of art”
“god what is wrong with you maybe you should buy me another book”
“too late now we’re FRIENDS and i don’t owe you ANYTHING”
“being friends doesn’t work like that at all but, okay”
at the end of the day you’ve got a stack of napkins with scribbled notes on them
(one of them has donghyuck’s number on it skdkkfjd)
he leaves you with a bright smile and you’re in awe this boy is so golden and lovely
oof and when you were still in the cafe his hair had dried to the unnatural red color that he ? somehow made look good ugh not fAIR
and it was a lil curly and fluffy and looked very soft :(((((
as you walk home you drift along the sidewalk with a stupid smile on your face wow please get a little less obvious hunty
when you get home the sun is setting and the rain has cleared and you are so Happy that was the best day !!!
you weren’t even scared of the thunder because whenever the sky would fckin CRACK OPEN hyuck would subtly try to keep your attention and distract you with questions
duckie: oH Hey uhhh so hOW do you even come up these stories ?):$:$ theyre so good
such a sweet boy uwu
when you get home your mom eyes you suspiciously as you drift down the hall towards your room but doesn’t comment
she didn’t need to though because you immediately return and tell her everything !!!
she encourages you to befriend him at school and see where it goes from there ;))) or just TEXT HIM
so you do
both of those things !!!
you: hey!! it’s y/n btw
duckie: hey! u make it home alive without the sky cracking open and killing u
you send him memes and he sends , even better ones back this boy is Husband Material
the next couple weeks you realize that hyuck is actually in like a lot of your classes
and he’s like yeah i don’t blame you for not noticing since your nose is always in one of those Damn Journals
can’t believe u smh
you start actually interacting with people in class
and by people i mean donghyuck and any of his friends who happen to be there
you literally get thrown into their friendgroup like one day you know donghyuck and have vaguely heard of jeno since he’s on the soccer team
and then the next you’re a part of the group message and jaemin begs for your math homework during lunch ????
“jaemin just dO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK FOR ONCE ???”
“ugh but i don’t know how”
“hey you know what maybe if you didn’t sleep in class you WOULD”
this is usually when duckie interjects with
“hey now girls, you’re both smart <3”
“i know im smart but , jaemin , i don’t know about him 😔😔”
poor jaemin leave him alone :(
jisung is , extREMELY awkward around you because he’s a Baby Freshman and you’re a Female Senior hsjdjf it’s so cute
and chenle is the complete opposite he IMMEDIATELY latches onto you and is always like
“y/n !!!! wanna watch this video of me singing and playing the piano when i was thirteen on live national television !!!!”
“y/N !!!!!!! can you drive me n jisung to get ice cream plEASE !!! we won’t even play PSY this time”
“okay,,,,, pinky promise?”
his pinky hooks around yours at an incredible speed as he jumps up and down with excitement
“pinky promise !!!!!!!!!!”
hyuck overhears and insists upon coming with for , unknown reasons
renjun and jeno keep snickering to each other across the lunch table too uGH
sneaky bastards !
after school you wait in the parking lot for the Babies with hyuck who looks rather flushed considering his skin is pretty tan and it takes a lot for him to visibly blush ??
“hey duckie boy you good?”
“haha yEAH uh just wondering where the boys are hhhh”
“oh yeah ! they should’ve been here like 10 mins ago”
your phone buzzes in your pocket and you go to check it to see a text in the group message
lele: hey y/n~ me n jisung can’t come we totally forgot we joined a frisbee team and there’s practice today !!!
blueberry: yeah ! have fun w/ hyuckie tho
moominluvr96: sjdjd i’m so proud of them
jenomunomunomu: absolute legends have fun at ur frisbee practice my sons
you: 🅱️ro i wanted to go home and SLEEP
blueberry: sorry ! xoxo :*
duckie: chenle my son ? how could you 🅱️etray me this way???
you: ur dead to me
you: literally what’s a chenle ?? sounds like a poisonous fruit
but tbh you’re just being Silly you don’t mind just going with Sunshine Boy
hyuck has only gotten redder as the texting went on though what’s his deal 0.0
you agree to take his car !
actually you insist because you don’t wanna drive but, let’s say you agreed
you find out that hyuck exclusively listens to hipster bands and the occasional troye sivan song because we love a gay legend
actually his music taste is ALL OVER THE PLACE but we r still boppin ladies
you roll the windows down even tho it’s Chilly and let your hand float in the breeze until your fingers start getting numb and you pull your hand back in and roll up the window
okay maybe that was a Bad Idea your fingers almost hurt they’re so cold and you’re rubbing the feeling back into them when hyuck clears his throat
you look up at him and he tilts his chin toward the hand he stretched toward you
you’re confused bc like ? i don’t have anything to give u duckie
he sighs anxiously
“just. give me your hand. mine are warm because i didn’t try to be cool and stick my hand out the window like this is a teen coming of age movie”
“have you ever just been nice and not followed it up with a weirdly specific insult”
“nope. now gimme”
you cautiously placed your hand in his and felt heat bloom all over your cheeks and trail up to your ears and down your neck
he gulps and interlocks your fingers and tucks them in the pocket of his hoodie
you have to lean against the console in between you a little so that your arm isn’t strained but it’s,,,,, Warm and Nice
you’re quick to continue the conversation like normal but your voice sometimes goes in and out since he is subconsciously rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand or tapping his fingers against yours
when you arrive you awkwardly pull your hand from his grip to get out of the car and he cringes a lil :(
you decide to be bold for once in your life and run around the car to catch up with him and shove your other hand into his
“this one’s cold too”
he ducks his head and smiles but gives your hand a lil squeeze :3 uwu
eventually though you do have to let go and enjoy your ice cream
you just make small talk with him about the newspaper and whatever homework is due the next day when a man walks in wearing BRIGHT RED CLOWN SHOES
the weirdest part though is the fact that other than the clown shoes the man is dressed like a body builder and has the hulking mass of one
and also there is a PARROT ON HIS SHOULDER ???
you and hyuck whip to face each other and then look back at the man
without looking away you slide your notebook to the middle of the table and flip open to where you’ve bookmarked the next available page
needless to say you both have a field day making up storylines for this man
“hey hyuckie i missed this it’s been forever since it’s been just the two of us and my journal”
“me too, sunshine”
“heY now you’re the sunshine in this relationship”
both of you choke at your use of the term “relationship” but continue with the conversation JSKSK
“alright but then you have to be the rain”
“aw you know i don’t like the rain”
“yes i know that’s why YOU are sunshine”
“kay but you are so much more like sunshine than i, an Emo”
“how bout i be sunshine since you like sunshine and me, and you be rain since i like rain and you”
OOF ????????
you blush for the Millionth Time and nod shyly and duckie is about to turn purple YIKES
you leave the ice cream shop and climb back in the car and the whole atmosphere is very Tense
you sigh because you miss holding his hand and then turn up the song on the radio which just happens to be, Walkin On Sunshine
THE !!! IRONY !!!
you giggle into your hand and he snorts and you both break into laughter
you plug your phone into the aux
“alright time for some Real Tunes”
“i swear to GOD if you play Bad Boy one more time i’m gonna LOSE IT”
“fuck you red velvet are LEGENDS”
“the only reason you know who they are is because mark tells everyone with a pulse that one of them is from canada just like him”
“okay and ??? i can still appreciate that they produce iconic songs only”
you playfully bicker the whole way back and when you get back to the school to pick up your car you realize you never even got to play your song
“for your information, i was in fact NOT going to play bad boy i was going to play the bop of the century, what is love by twice”
and then, with heavy sarcasm
“well gee why didn’t you just sAY SO”
then he giggles and grabs your hand to keep you from getting more than halfway out of the car
“okay okay you know i’m just messing with you”
“yes but leave my gorls out of it”
he releases your hand with fake disgust and wipes it on the passenger seat headrest
“ugh go home, gru”
“it’s a good meme and you can’t even deny it duckie boy”
you blow him a half serious half playful kiss as you bounce over to your car and climb in
you play bad boy and roll the windows down as you drive by his car just to spite him and he laughs good naturedly
it’s only when you get home that you’re like heyyyy nOW
you tell your mom about it and she’s like uHHH sounds like a DATE to me ???
but you’re Unsure so you don’t say anything to the others or hyuck just the usual goodnight texts and whatnot
although it could be argued ,, that goodnight texts are a little, relationship-y
it could also be argued , that you do have his contact name as , duckie☼♥
but those can be discussed another time
you continue to hang out with the boys although you refuse to allow them to sit with you at football games because they’re so DISTRACTING
jeno and jisung just fckin yell the whole time while you try to jot notes down to turn it into a story later for the paper
but you can’t concentrate or even figure out wtf is goin on because they’re scREAMING and jumping and messing you uP !
so you sent them elsewhere although,,, hyuck stayed with you
he always does “just in case you get cold or smth”
ur not fooling anyone hyuckie baby
and would you look at that time has FLOWN and it’s time for homecoming !!!!
you plan on going in a big group with hyuck and all The Boys and jaemin has even scored a date !!!
it was highkey through trickery but that’s okay
chenle and jisung are gonna wear matching shirts because they’re headass like that
you’ve already bought a dress and you haven’t ….. shown hyuckie……. just in case……… he asks you
since he…… hasn’t …… YET
renjun keeps assuring you that you don’t need to find a date and that everything is covered but ???? inch resting how duckie has done nOT ONE THING
alright the day of the dance you wake up feeling a little off but go through your normal saturday routine of eating a waffle and absentmindedly watching old gossip girl reruns
but later in the day you feel SHITTY
you’re flushed and your head hurts and it takes so much EFFORT just to get up and get a glass of water
you , comrade, are sick :-(
you text in the gm to let your boys know you can’t come
chenle thinks you’re faking until he calls and hears you sniffling and how rough your voice sounds
“chenle if it didn’t hurt to speak i would yell at u but my eyes are watering please just text me”
“oh,,,,sorry love u”
and then he hangs up real fast lmao
so you decide to just wallow in despair in your bed and rent overpriced movies on demand
there’s a half drank mug of tea that has long gone cold that contains the medicine you’re supposed to be taking but,, you can’t be bothered tbh lifting your hand is so hard
after a few movies and the sun setting there’s knock at the door ???
you barely hear it since you’re in your room with the door closed but /sigh/ you gotta go answer
you drag yourself out of bed and stumble to the front door and open it, immediately slumping against the frame
this whole time you have still not opened your eyes because light hurts a lil and you know your house well enough
in hindsight that was probably dumb considering you don’t know who’s at the door
you try to open your eyes but they only turn half lidded and droopy so you can just barely make out donghyuck looking Concerned on your front porch
“duckie? what are u doing here?”
“uhhh i uh came to take you to homecoming ??”
he then holds up some flowers and smiles awkwardly
“duckie. baby. sunshine. did u not read the texts i sent ? also it is VERY late to be asking me to homecoming. also, i am a little high on cold medication”
“srry princess, can i come in? you look like you need company and soup and possibly some Sarcastic Banter”
“sounds good duck”
“okay duckie was already incorrect please don’t shorten it to duck”
“you know i didn’t have to let you in”
“so what kind of soup do you want? :-)”
he busies himself attempting to make soup while you have melted into a chair at the dining table with one eye cracked open to watch him
he is very obviously Struggling so you wobble to your feet to stand behind him at the stove and maybe lean a little too much into his back to prop your chin up on his shoulder and reach a hand around him to turn the heat down on the stove
you’ve reached the point of I Don’t Give A Shit and have given up on trying not to be affectionate with him you’re too tired and sickly to restrain yourself and his heart is just steadily beating faster and faster
after your soup you drag him into your bedroom to force him to provide you warmth while watching another movie
but he digs his heels into the floor and tugs on your hand to turn you around
“since you’re missing homecoming….. wanna dance?”
“in my bedroom. while i’m dying. with no music.”
“i’ll take care of the music. cmon don’t be difficult”
“i’m not being difficult i’m just-
you’re cut off by him pressing a finger to your lips and going shhhhhh
you open your mouth to curse him out bc hOW DARE HE
but then he gently pulls you by the waist into his chest and does his best to tuck you under his chin
you’re too comfortable like this so you don’t bother admonishing him for earlier and just settle into his embrace
you loop your arms around his neck as he starts to sway you back and forth
after a couple seconds he starts humming, quietly at first and then louder
and then he starts singing and it’s so sO SWEET AND SOFT
you can feel each breath he takes under your hands and the vibrating of his vocal chords against your forehead and you just close your eyes and press closer to him
you’ve literally never been this content in your whole life binch
he is so warm and ever so often smooths a hand up and down your spine whenever you shiver a little or shift in his arms
when the song finishes you keep swaying with him a little while longer
you’re leaning against him so hard that like the majority of your weight is on him yikes
“babe are you asleep”
“pretty close though?”
he chuckles and presses a barely there kiss to the top of your head and sort of waddles the two of you over to the bed
you don’t even have to ask him to climb in with you that was The Plan, Stan
(that’s a saying and also i’m calling u a stan wow queen of puns)
as soon as he settles in you tuck yourself under his arm and throw an arm over him to play with the fingers of his other hand
you’ve got the breakfast club on and it’s Real Nap Hours
hyuck’s arm falls asleep pretty soon tho so instead you switch to laying on your sides facing each other with your face pressed into his neck and your arms draped over each other
right before you fade into unconciousness, he tilts his chin down and nudges his nose against yours to get your attention
your eyes flutter open and you look up at him while he smiles gently down at your sleepy expression aWE ???
“hey wanna be my date when you’re not on your death bed?”
“god, what a romantic. is that a shakespeare quote?”
“shut up and say yes”
“alright fine”
“with more enthusiasm!”
he shakes his head but then leans down to press a lingering kiss against your cheek before tucking you back against him and evening out his breathing
you fall asleep and dream of boys with beautiful voices who love to dance in the rain
a couple hours later you wake up to a forehead smooch and your Boy whispering bye angel
you sit up and whine and he’s like bby i have to go it’s like midnight n my momma wants me home :(((
you pout and he giggles and taps your lips with his index finger
“go back to sleep and i’ll text you something nice to wake up to yeah?”
you nod and grab his hand to kiss it before flopping back down and passing The Fuck Out
the next morning you wake up still feeling a bit shitty but smiling anyways bc you’ve scored the cutest boy in the universe uwu
he even kept his promise and left you a cute message to wake up to ;((((
duckie☼♥: good morning bbg i hope ur feeling better today and that the sun shines all day for u !!!
you: 💗💗💗💕💌💞💞💗😤💖🤧😔💗😔🤧😔🌺💐🌺🌺🌸💐😔💛😔💛💐🤧💐💐💖💖
duckie☼♥: noooo ur gross
you: you ruined it :(((
duckie☼♥: i mean noooo u gotta get better
you: okay :)))
you finally get over your cold like 4 days later and insist you’re fine to be Taken Out And Treated Like A Princess
he tells you to dress warm except gloves bc he wants to hold youR HAND CAN YOU BELIEVE
you’re weirdly not nervous ? like you thought you would be but you’re just excited and very happy !!!! uwu
he picks you up about an hour after school and reveals that he’s gonna take you to all the cafes in town to people watch and write stories which is !!! your favorite activity !!!!!!
“is it lame??? oh god you think it’s lame i’m so sORRY”
“nO!!! no i love it you did good”
“are you sure?”
“yes duckie”
“okay good i mean i knew you’d like it”
“but you just-“
“,,,,, nevermind”
you both hike around town until it gets late and you’re tired and you end up on a bench in the local park with his head in your lap and your fingers in his hair
you lightly scratch his scalp and hum and he practically PURRS like a cat
(furry ????? it’s more likely than you think)
his eyes are closed and you trace your fingers over his features lightly until it tickles and he scrunches up his nose aw bABY !!!!!
then, without opening his eyes
“so when are you gonna man up and kiss me?”
“first of all, i will never man up i prefer being female thanks. sECOND WHY DO I GOTTA DO IT”
“i asked you on the date !!! you gotta do something!!!”
“i held your hand first!!”
“after i literally offered my hand to you”
“uGH fine come here”
“no i’m not gonna ‘come here’ you literally just made a disgusted noise at the thought of kissing me”
“it wasn’t at the thought of kissing you it was just at you”
“this isn’t helping at all”
you roll your eyes playfully and then yank him up by the collar of his shirt to press your forehead against his
“does this help?”
aND THEN YOU LAY ONE ON HIM ??????:$&:&;&;
he sighs against your lips and sits up a little more so he can reach you better, smoothing a hand up to cup the side of your jaw and neck
you pull away and his eyes are still closed
“hmmm,,, yeah”
you scoff and drop him back to half laying on your lap
“you’re such a dork”
“yeah but i’m your dork now so it’s embarrassing for both of us”
“aw i wouldn’t have it any other way <333”
“is it just me or was that sarcasm”
“just you <3333”
screams when you call him that night lol
literally SCREECHES
chenle happens to be with him and screeches eVEN LOUDER
basically the whole group screams simultaneously they’ve been shipping it since day one
hyuck is a bit prideful so when you guys are out in public he’s not super affectionate but ,, when you’re not out
he’s wrapped around you like a koala and will never let go
you have to go pee? hold it
you’re dehydrated and dying? you can live off of his Love
your favorite activity to do together is BAKING because it never goes well no matter how hard you try
and although it usually ends in DISASTER it’s also a good time and afterwards duckie lets you curl up between his legs on the couch and nap uwu !
dating really didn’t change the dynamic between you two other than affection you still read each other to DUST on the regular  lmao
no one gets too harsh tho bc you love each other and whatnot
ugh love ruins all the FUN doesnt it :/
donghyuck makes it his business to know exactly when it will rain and makes sure to be with you when it does
at the first sight of clouds he is in your house with board games and movies and snuggles to distract you !!! what a sweetheart
on days when it’s really bad you just climb into bed and bury your face in his chest while he talks about whatever comes to mind and distracts you
he also takes to slumping down and falling asleep on your shoulder whenever you have movie nights together and it’s so CUTE
his little heart shaped lips and his cheeks always end up smushed and he just looks adorable wow rip you
he’s obsessed with your cheeks he loves to cup your face while he talks to you and press gentle kisses to them during Sleepy Time or when you part ways in the school hallways
if he’s excited he’ll bound up behind you and wrap his arms around you and kiss your cheek real hard and then start babbling about whatever’s got him so worked up
basically, hyuckie is a boy full of sunshine and passion and sarcasm and he’s the best boyfriend you could ever ask for :’-)
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gracetrack-higgins · 6 years
I’m literally the worst so here are some tags that I was tagged in and COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT WHOOPS 
learn more abt moi under the cut!
I was tagged by @elozable ages ago to do this tag so here it isssss:
nicknames: Gracie, Graciebird, Miss Grace (Idk if that counts as a nickname? but it’s def what people call me the most)
gender: female
star sign: Libra
height: 5′4″
time: 12:08am yikes
birthday: October 3rd
favourite bands: I don’t really stan many bands, I just like a lot of different artists and singles! 
favourite solo artist: (ok this one i have a legit answer for) I really like Lauv, Sufjan Stevens, Dessa, Halsey, and like literally any Broadway artist ever tbh (so many of these artists are bc of Claire...you win all the music awards Claire!)
song stuck in your head: Fun Fact About Grace! I get multiple songs stuck in my head at once so right now I have Stupid With Love from Mean Girls Broadway (bc I just binge watched all the Too Grool For School Vlogs), Haydn’s Brahms Variation #8 (from Orchestra rehearsal), and When I Drive from Bonnie and Clyde. My head’s a mess.
last movie: last movie was technically Doubt, which I finished watching in class today. Before that I watched Newsies Live the other night (DUH)
last tv show: Ugh I haven’t watched TV all week. I think the last thing I watched was House Hunters with my dad tbh.
why did you create your blog: I’ve had a tumblr for literally as long as I can remember. It started out as a Star Wars thing but wow hoo boy am I in it for Newsies now lmao
what do you post/reblog: mostly Newsies! Some other Musical Theater things, memes, the occasional Star Wars post so my SW friends don’t think I’m dead.
last thing you googled: Mean Girls Broadway Vlogs, and right before that was “aggravated assault jail time” so do with that what you will??? (it was for writing no worries guys)
other blogs: lmao i used to have a fishblr?? a tumblr for fish??? about fish??? i went through an aquarium phase (I still have 2 spoiled betta fish that live in Too-Big Tanks and i love them)
why url: okay look at it and take a wild guess
i follow: 497 (wow)
followers: 767!!!!!! WOW!!!!!
average hours of sleep: 6 hours?
lucky number: I don’t have one I don’t speak numbers :(
instrument: I’m a violist!! I’ve been playing string instruments since I was 6 years old, first violin and then I switched to viola when I was around 10, and I’ve been playing that ever since. (I literally just got back from orchestra rehearsal as I write this up)
what are you wearing: pajamas! booty shorts and an oversized t-shirt
dream job: ooooooh good question. I really want to work in activism work, mainly with LGBT+ kids and inclusion programs! I’m majoring in human rights so we’ll see what doors open up with that! I also really want to work with the Broadway community somehow. :)
dream trip: highkey want to go to Santa Fe, ngl. I also really want to do a European tour!
favourite food: asdfasdaf I don’t know. Extra Butter Popcorn and Mozzarella cheese (not together, separately, but still). I have very bad eating habits.
favourite song rn: ummmmmmm okay Faking Bright by Saski, I Like Me Better by Lauv, and Brooklyn’s Here from Newsies (of course)
last book i read: I haven’t read for fun in ages. I read my theater textbook the other day, but I don’t think that really counts.
top 3 universes: Star Wars, Newsies (does this count?), Elena of Avalor/Disney Princess-verse!
tagging: anyone who wants to do this!!! :)
OKAY AND TAG #2!! tagged by my dear @wordshakerofgallifrey
What hogwarts house do you belong to ? — i’m a proud hufflepuff baby!
What is your favourite Disney movie? — this is literally an impossible question. my top 5 always change too but as of right now: The Lion King, Aladdin, Meet The Robinsons, Brother Bear, Fantasia 2000
Where are you from? — Sunny South Florida
What is you favourite ice cream flavour? — I have 2 and it depends on my mood: Black Raspberry Chip and Moose Tracks.
Summer or winter? — I guess summer??? I’m a FL baby so I’ve never had a real winter so I don’t know! I’m very used to the heat.
what is the song that makes you want to sing at the top of your lungs? — !!!!! let’s reference my belting playlist. My Petersburg from Anastasia, Watch What Happens from Newsies, Everlasting from Tuck Everlasting, Defying Gravity from Wicked, Monster from Frozen on Broadway, Someday from Memphis, LITERALLY MY ENTIRE BROADWAY PLAYLIST ITS FULL OF JAMS
Cat person or dog person? — both! I love animals!
What is your favorite hobby? — obviously writing, but I also love dancing (tap dancing!) and playing viola!
Which is your favourite book? — Okay I have many but my favorite book growing up was Johnny Tremain. I own like 7 copies of it. other than that I’ve got a List of Star Wars Books that are my favorites.
What is your favorite musical (if you like musicals, obviously)? — Idk if you knew this from the Everything About Me but it’s Newsies.
What is the best gift you have been given? — hmmm I’m not sure. My sister made me a King of New York gag gift for my birthday last year and that was pretty great. Also Claire wins all the gift giving awards too because she’s knocked it out of the park with my Where’s Spot book ;) and the necklace that I wear every day now! (thank you claire!)
okay I’m lazy and i”m not doing the Make 11 Of Your Own Questions thing so if anyone wants to answer those questions feel free!!! enjoy!
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