#i make g the villain all the time im so sorry
infamous-if · 1 year
“Unless you ask me not to in the next five seconds, I'm going to hug you." For Mc/Victoria, hope your doing alright and feel better soon!
Your wish is my command <3 and thank you!
The sniffling you heard from the living room stops the moment you creep inside the bedroom, greeted by the sight of Victoria on the foot of the bed, her head down and her hair a fiery red veil that shields her face.
In her hands is a crumpled tissue, her fingers clenching and unclenching it in her grip as if a makeshift stress ball. Her chest shakes as she tries to catch her breath, which stutters with her sobs that have yet to be tempered.
"I'm fine," she mumbles quickly, her voice weak. "I just need a moment."
"You don't look fine."
She furiously wipes at her face, her cheeks flushed and her mascara making angry streaks down her eyes. Fine is the last word you'd use to describe her. She looks positively broken. "Well, I am," she snaps, and then her face crumples. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you."
You creep closer, approaching her like she's a wounded deer. "What happened?" you prod softly. "Was it G again?"
The mention of G has another sob tearing at her throat and you freeze in place. "How can you say you love someone and then continue to hurt them?" Victoria asks, putting the heels of her hands into her eyes in a child-like attempt to stop the tears from falling. "How can they do this to me over and over?"
"Why does it hurt so much if it happens all the time?" Her hands drop to her lap and she looks at you, looking like she's searching for a real, genuine answer from you. "Why haven't I gotten used to it?"
"I don't think humans ever get used to pain," you try weakly.
She blows out a breath and stares at a point on the wall behind your shoulder. "Why can't I be indifferent then?"
You think about it, offering her a small smile. "Indifferent? That doesn't sound like you."
Another tear falls down her face. Her expression has gone from destroyed to dispassionate; like she's gone numb.
"Loving, caring, warm...that sounds like you. You're like...sunlight." You bite your lower lip, your heart twisting. You wish...everything she gives to G, everything G doesn't deserve, you wish she gave it to you instead. "Indifference doesn't help you avoid the pain. It just helps you smother it until pain is all you know and you can no longer tell the difference."
She wipes her nose with the back of her hand, her lower lip shuddering. "Is that how you really see me?"
A small trace of panic crosses your chest and your words fail you. So, you nod.
A tiny, hesitant smile appears. "You're my sunlight too."
The words make you laugh and a moment later, she follows. God. It's nice to hear that laugh. Victoria crying is a sound you never want to hear again.
"Now." You raise a finger. “Unless you ask me not to in the next five seconds, I'm going to hug you. Five."
Her eyes widen. "Wait-"
"My makeup!" She raises two palms to stop you.
"ThreeTwoOne," you say in one quick breath and throw yourself on the bed. Victoria cackles out a laugh as you wrap your arms around her, both of you falling your back.
"You're ridiculous!" But she doesn't look at you like you're ridiculous. In fact, she's looking at you like the very sunlight she claims you are.
You grin. "Maybe, but you like it."
"Yeah. I do."
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t3ag3rs · 6 months
g e n s o - 1 0.
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you lift your hands up to gaurd your face as you get into a fighting stance.
lets hope those years of taekwondo come in handy now.. you nod to show bakugou your ready and wait for his confirmation as well.
not soon after he gives you a curt nod, signaling the start. you pace yourself around quietly, moving side to side ocassionally. 
if im not wrong izuku always says he starts off with a right hook so i can move to the left and land a side kick at his open side... just as you had predicted, he came in with a right hook.
you duck to the left and lift your front leg up to land a quick blow as his ribs. you put your foot down repositioning yourself as he regains balance. you smile a bit at the fact you landed your kick.
okay.. now if he thinks competitively hes gonna wanna take back that point by coming in with a kick..
just as you had suspected he came in with a roundhouse kick to your ribs. you push his leg down and throw a punch at his torso quickly before snapping back into defensive position. "hm. youre quite easy to read bakugou" you grin as he seethes.
"shut it genso!" he growls before lunging at you. you quickly side step trying to avoid him, but he grabs on to your left wrist with his left arm pulling you towards him. you widen ur eyes before flipping ur wrist upward and placing ur right forearm on his now twisted arm. you push down and get him down on a knee as his arm is against your thigh. quickly you shove him off before placing his arms behind his back and placing your body weight on top of him to secure him in place. 
"got you.." you say catching your breath, "happy now that we've fought?" you say looking down at him for his response.
"get off me dammit!" he yells, "since when did you even know all of this?!" he asks agitated.
you climb off him wiping the sweat off your cheek, "we didnt see each other during junior high- theres a lot you dont know." you spit still sour on how he didnt meet with you after all those years. 
"i achieved my black belt in taekwondo and learned some other forms of martial arts to pass my test; including jiu-jitsu.." you motion to his position before lending a hand only for it to be slapped away.
"i dont need your petty help" he grunts before sitting up and looking away face slightly red.
"damn did i reslly make you that frustrated that your turning red??" you ask looking at him grinning a bit. he rolls his eyes, "dont give yourself any credit- im just hot.." he says wiping some sweat off his brow.
"yeah ill agree with you about that.." you say before grabbing your water and chugging some quickly, "i suggest you get off your tiny ass and start getting changed, lunch is about to end.." you pick up your bag and walk to the locker room waving him off.
"you little-" he starts but you slam the door behind you before he can finish, grinning to yourself.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you sigh happily as class ends getting ready to walk out before you hear uraraka, "um.. why the heck are you all here??" she exclaims as you walk over to see what was happening. you widen your eyes at the sight of the hoard of students in front of you. "um.. can we help you..?" u ask questioningly.
"theyre scouting us you idiots.." bakugou grunts walking towards the door. "they wanna see the students who survived a real villain attack-" he pauses as he stops in front of them. "take a good look at what a future hero looks like!"
you grumble at his commentary before walking up and placing a hand on his shoulder smiling at the crowd a bit, "we're very sorry for his comments.. anything he says is his own opinion and not what the rest of class 1-a thinks.."
"so this is class 1-a.. i heard you guys were impressive but this guy is an ass.." a guy with purple walks up, "is everyone in the hero course delusional or just you?" you slap your forehead, and bakugou growls. 
"how sad to see all of you are ego-maniacs.. I wanted to be in the hero course; like many students here. i didnt cut it the first time, but now i have a second chance. if i do well in the sports festival the teachers can have the option to exchange me to a different class, maybe others are scouting you all but im here to remind you all to do your very best or ill steal your spot from under you. consider this a declaration of war.." he finishes as the rest of the students behind him agree.
bakugou just turns and walks away, "bakugou apologize to them! because of you all of them hate us!" you exclaim frustrated, "these people dont matter.. the only thing that is important is that i beat them." he states before finally walking away.
you sigh before letting out another apology and finding your way thought the crowd.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you started your training during the several days before the sports festival. everyday was spent trying to elongate your time spent using each element without facing the drawbacks. by the end of the week you could use your water bending for almost hour, you air bending for 45 minutes, and your earth and fire bending for 30 minutes before feeling the drawbacks. 
but of course that wouldnt really matter if you used your fire or earth to an extensive amount in blasts. i just have to be wise and not impulsive when using those two elements... this is my time to show heroes that im capable of being a hero...
next thing you knew it was the day of the sports festival. 
you quickly grab your bag and start putting on your shoes, "im off..!" you exclaim to your parents. "wait!" called your mother before running over to you with your dad right behind. 
"y/n.. show em what l/n blood is made of." says your dad as he gives you a proud smile, "and whatever you do.. just know we're proud of you.." whispers your mom as she hugs you.
"i wont disappoint you two... be sure to record the festival so i can see it when im back." u add before opening the door and turning a last time to wave before walking out.
you walk to ua with only one thing in mind,
i will show these heroes who i am and what i can do- whether or not that means me or someone else has to struggle in the process..!
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 next part: pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13 / pt. 14 / pt. 15
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sansxreaderbraindump · 3 months
(i want goofy villian reader so i wrote headcanons for it. i got this idea during ht san stream. Goofy readeer) also spoilers on ts underswap tho. if you dont wanna get spoiled (like milk), go watch someone play the full demo or play it yourself on gamejolt. YOUR OWN COOL VILLIAN NAME: DEVIL SIDE Real boring name: [name] ^ From time to time, you always change your villain name like "DEMON HARE, CHAOS BRINGER AND DESTRUCTIVE FUNNER and other cool villainous names you came up with" but you usually just stay with devil side to make it easy on your skeleton nemesis. How you got to this phase of your life: Back in the days, you used to work for Count Koffin-K. cooking up ideas for him, feeding jeremy, joined them on their random schemes, and did the dishes when the boogiemen didn't. Yet, you grown tired and wanted to do villain skits on your own. It was heartbreaking for Koffin-K and his boogiemen to set you off on your own like a parent sending off their child to collage. For one thing, Larry and Harry cried so hard they accidentally made a stream that Woshua struggled cleaning up but managed too victoriously :D. * It been a w-wicked time with y-you..I DONT WANNA LET YOU GO BUD WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! * I-IM W-WITH LA-LARRY I DONT WANNA LET GO EITHER WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-AHHHHHHHHH! LARRY, YOU IDIOT YOU'RE CRUSHING US! "A-as how h-heartwretching and painful this is, like really p-painful! LARRY FOR THE QUEEN'S SAKE COULD YOU STOP CRUSHING US TO DEATH!" As well as the boogiemen crying for you, Koffin-K didn't want you to see him shed a tear. he attempts to hide it away but you see right through him. In contrast, You comforted him and reassured him that on weekends you and him can collab on doing evil schemes together and visit the boss and the gang on the weekends. "aww boss didn't know you would cry for me." * WELL OF COURSE! HOW COULD I NOT WEEP FOR YOUR DEPARTURE! *sniff* *sniff* "aww gonna miss you too boss. but its not like I'm gonna be gone forever. we can Collab on doing evil stuff like ding dong ditch and I'll come visit you on the weekends." * ...Can you still do the dishes. "..there will be some setbacks." ALTER EGO SANS INTERACTION One day when you first met sans (his true form), you were done finishing up some traps and "kidnapping" a random monster who found for crossbones to save (with consent from the hostage. you will take full responsibility if they were to be hurt) You were ready to throw in a brick with an note for crossbones to find until you saw sans (crossbones) and mistaken him for crossbones. "NOW I HAVE YOU IN MY SIGHT CRO-!" "umm sorry but is that you crossbones?" *think again sweetheart. AH HAH! I KNEW IT! YOU AIN'T CROSSBONES, YOUR JUST A FAN "WHO LOOKS JUST LIKE HIM BUT DIFFERENT" (d-did you just call me sweetheart?) - he flirts with you on the daily basis, just to mess with you. its very fun. *also, the telescope costed 257 G. "WAIT WHAT, YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME-" *but for you, it has a discount off 100%. "..." (you ran away, blushing and grumbling while you're at it) *heh, cute.
YOU AND CROSSBONES - Crossbones thinks you're cute and a dork. A cute dork! - First time you guys met was at the costume party. You were planning to create your costume but procrastinated all month and didn't manage to finish it up in time. In shame, you just taped a piece of paper that said "pretend that I have the best costume you ever seen!" to your chest and hang out in the corner, enviously staring at the other people's cool costume. You could just go home but there was free food so you stayed there, eating all the cheese crackers. You thought you could not talk to anyone but you thought wrong. The comedic skeleton came up to you, reading the paper and said "that is the best costume I ever seen." the second meeting was when koffin-k toilet papered all 4 houses with the boogiemen including you. Then crossbones came in, saving the day. In a glance, He recognized you and you recognized him. What a twist a long time stanger turned out to be a villain full of mischief. You were captured with koffin-k but you land out a hand to help your boss escape in a quick sweep. You threw him like a frisbee out of the trenches of a shack. He escaped with your help and yelled out very loudly "I WILL COME BACK FOR YOU WITH BACKUP" while spinning in the wind. so there you were, alone with crossbones in the punishment shack. * nice villain costume by the way. Best costume I ever seen. "you still remember that?" Some interactions I came up, enjoy!
"YOU'LL NEVER DEFEAT ME CROSSBONES FOR I HAVE A PLAN F IN MY SLEEVES" *ok *quick gooey question, what do you want for dinner? "...Pizza." (papyrus in the distant): SANS STOP MAKING DINNER DATES WITH THE ENEMY!! - also if you and crossbones were married 👀, you and him would do enemies to lovers domestic role playing. "WAIT YOU, MY NEMESIS WANT ME TO TAKE ME OUT ON A DATE!!?!? *we are married, you dork. "sans pleaseee, just play along :(" *alr alr if it makes you happy." - Dark side love nicknames for crossbone MY RIVIAL, MY NEMESIS, THE BONES WHO FOILS MY EVIL PLANS, THE BONELY ONE TO STEAL MY SOUL, sans♥ - crossbones love nicknames for dark side dork, cute dork.
- One time when you got grumpy with crossbones because you planned more to show but got captured by him too early. In attempt to get you stop being all pouty, crossbones held you bridal style carry while you were tied up, but that didn't work instead you gave him something even much worse. The silent treatment, But that didn't last for long, he gave a smooch on your cheek to stop you being all grumpy with him. *aw don't turn into the grumpy side [name]. "mmm >:(" *even worse, the silent side. *well good thing I know how to bring them back. *mwah❤ "...FINE FINE YOU WON!" *Welp off to the punishment shack we go.
Extras - i named them devil side because y'know in undertale/deltarune we are the angel (that is what I believe). so I called them the opposite like "ahahaha i am devil side" but inside they are an angel in heart. - also i thought of devil side (you) to be like a character that belongs in this world. I think it was clever, cuz its swap over you the player is now devil side and you belong in this world well a version of you that is...
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lookismaddict · 1 year
Lookism Chapter 441 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made. The sole purpose of this is to provide summaries/reviews for each chapter so if you don’t want to see the rest of it, then just keep scrolling. It’s your choice.)
I really said that I was going to work on this chapter review but I didn't do it until a few days after the chapter has been posted online... Woops, my bad. (My posts will be queued for now, so I didn't post this CURRENTLY. Sorry in advance if I randomly post at around 4 in the morning or something.) Most of you guys probably already saw this, but you know what? Time to bring dinner onto the table! 🍲
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H U H ? 👁👁
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UMMMM… HELLO??? I stg, if he's referring to Goo... 😭 But oh man, if he were to replace Goo, I wonder how Gun is going to react. And I already heard ab the rumors going around, regarding to what PTJ mentioned before. Even the thing about someone's death, and whatnot. Yes, I know man. 💀 But in all honesty, this Charles Choi arc though... I like it so far. Minus... the death and Charles Choi himself because it's a catalyst for an event that'll happen in the future. Also, yes Charles, you piece of shit. Jichang won't ever think of joining you lol. Even if he agreed, what is there to benefit if he were to side with you? 😀
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I don't think anyone has commented on what Charles Choi said about Jichang being a strategist, and he's right about that. Unlike many fighters, I noticed how Jichang is very meticulous when it comes to fighting. He assesses his opponents, like where to properly attack and he notes their weak points and people's most vulnerable spots to aim at, which makes his Battle I.Q. much bigger in comparison to the other First Generation Kings, who just fight with a passionate drive with fists during their fights. (Reminds me of current Daniel.) He's very clever too, and that's one of the reasons why I like Jichang's character.
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Ok, for starters... Don't they have those DNA test thingies where they investigate thoroughly in crime scenes? Bruh, Charles Choi was HOLDING the gun. CAN'T THEY NOT IDENTIFY HIS OWN FINGERPRINTS??? Also, it's understandable that he might have tipped the police too since he got power. UGGGGHHHHHH PTJ, WHY DO YOU ALWAYS LET THE VILLAINS GET AWAY WITH THEIR CRIMES??? LIKE VIVI GETTING THAT HAPPY ENDING WITH XIAOLONG EVEN THOUGH SHE DOESN'T DESERVE IT. I SWEAR, JICHANG'S BROTHERS ARE GOING TO SIDE WITH DANIEL AND GET REVENGE ON CHARLES CHOI. *s i g h s* Well, anyways... It's time to send them off...
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Nah, because this mf will surely get hit with MASSIVE karma. I'm just waiting for that sweeeeeeeet sweet day. (Sorry Crystal, but your dad's a dick. 🤷🏽‍♀️)
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I do admit, Jinyoung DOES look good leaning on a motorcycle while smoking on a cig. Also, IDK WHY, but Daniel looks so cute carrying all of those boxes behind him. Honestly, this interaction between Jichang and Daniel looks like Jichang is sending Daniel off to night school or something LMFAO. The boxes looks like a big ass backpack, ngl. ALSO, YES JICHANG, DON'T WORRY ABOUT DANIEL. LEAVE IT ALL TO HIM TO FIND JINYOUNG PARK AND TO BEAT CHARLES CHOI TO A PULP! 😎👍🏽
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WAIT... HOLD ON NOW. SO YOU'RE TELLING ME, THE "GRIMM PLASTIC SURGERY CENTER" IS IN GANGNAM-GU ??? Hold up... Tell me, this isn't where Mangi from Viral Hit went for his plastic surgery on his nose...
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Tbh I'm not caught up to the recent chapter of Viral Hit, but this was in Viral Hit's Ep. 74 on Webtoon. So... could it be, that he... went there to get plastic surgery...? 😀 (I must be trippin. If I'm incorrect, then I apologize. That part caught my eye while I was reading and I had to tie it back to the First Affiliate because... I FOUND THAT COINCIDENTAL. LEAVE ME ALONE-)
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Yup, sounds about right. 💀
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To be honest, he looks like he could pass as Eugene and Yoosung's older brother or something. BUT, HELLO??? 1ST AFFILIATE PRESIDENT?????? AEEEUUUUGGGHHHH THIS HOTTIE IS THE 1ST AFFILIATE PRESIDENT??? I'M- 😩😩😩😩
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You see... he is one MIGHTY FINE, DOCTOR. 🥴 I wanna see if Doc got some fighting moves or not. 👀 If he does, then he got me S O L D. 🔥
Ok, but this chapter's focus really was on Charles Choi and whatever he did. I'm so eager to see him get beat up by everybody. Oh, but hold on now... If Tom Lee found out what REALLY happened, then that would be a problem too. Hehehehe 😈
Time to wait for the next chapter! ✌🏽
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hidden-for-reg · 2 months
about me post!
Hi, I’m Mia!
That’s just an online name but that’s what i’d like to be called.
she her and straight
My ao3: hidden_for_reg
My Doctor- G- Complete- James Potter is a surgeon at Godric's Hollow Hospital and Regulus Black is a patient with a fractured knee. So what if Regulus is the most beautiful man James has ever seen? So what if Regulus' heart won't stop fluttering at the thought of his doctor? Surely nothing would happen... right? *originally on posted on Tumblr for Jegulus Microfic June/July prompts
My fandoms are mainly related to the Marauders but I like tons of other stuff as well so don’t be afraid to ask me about them!
I’m always open to making new friends! Sooo if you want to be friends, message me!
I mainly write Jegulus microfics and occasionally I’ll post fanart for the marauders.
More info about me under the cut!
My language is primarily is English but I am also fluent in Spanish and I know a little French (by a little i mean words and a few phrases)
Before I begin, my askbox is always open and so are my messages but please.. no hate or anything, Tumblr is supposed to be a safe space for people and let’s keep it that way 🫶
anyways.. let’s get into the rest!
requests i guess?
if you have an idea you’d like to see me write, send it over! But i have rules for that:
NO SPICE! Writing spice makes me very uncomfy and if you request anything spicy or spice-like, I will not write it
I just do tiny microfics or multi-part microfics, so please don’t ask me to write a whole story with a million chapters.
**If you request something and I don’t get to it immediately, I am so sorry!
my ships!
Currently Jegulus obsessed
Wolfstar, i’ve loved them since literally forever
Drarry (i know i know, it’s not marauders, but they still hold a special place in my heart)
i really like books
so I kind of love reading. I used to be reading all the time, but I had a gap where I stopped reading but I’ve picked it back up and here’s some of my favorites that I’ve read recently! (and yes I count ao3 fics as books, they basically are)
books I enjoyed lately: If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio, Meet Me At The Lake by Carley Fortune, Solitaire by Alice Oseman, Heartstopper series by Alice Oseman, Icebreaker by Hannah Grace, Crimson Rivers by bizzarestars
i probably take watching movies more seriously than I should, but i love them. So here’s some movies that i love love love (the list is long bare with me)
Dune movies
Zombieland movies
Legally Blonde
To All The Boys trilogy
How to Train Your Dragon movies
Call Me By Your Name
Maze Runner trilogy
the Harry Potter movies will always be in my heart
i’m definitely forgetting a lot but for now that’ll do.
TV shows
I watch shows as seriously if not more than I do movies. I LOVE binge watching stuff. If you think you can recommend anything based off what you see, don’t be afraid to let me know!
my tv show loves:
*If something says “currently watching” that means, please don’t spoil!!
Grey’s anatomy (currently watching)
Brookyln 99 (currently watching)
Gilmore Girls (currently watching)
White Collar (currently watching)
Bridgerton (currently watching)
Cobra Kai (currently watching)
Teen Wolf
Ginny and Georgia
Stranger Things
Avatar the last airbender and the Legend of Korra
Things that make me happy 😊
I like reading, writing, watching movies and shows, sour candy, listening to music for hours, running, singing, anddd Tumblr! Tumblr is probably the only thing I have that is completely separate from my real life and I so appreciate the getaway it provides, it’s like a small safe haven 🫶
i LOVE listening to music and i never go a day without it so here’s a MasterList of my favorite artists!
Conan Gray (im attending FH tour!)
Taylor Swift
Chappell Roan
Ariana Grande
Benson Boone
Billie Eilish
Harry Styles
Bad Bunny
Thank you so much for reading the whole rant about me post
-mia 🫶
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cyncerity · 10 months
hi everyone! little bit of an update!!
to those of you waiting for the next part in the store shifter au: it’s almost done, i swear.
the rest of this is a lengthy explanation cause y’all know me, i can’t write something short. tldr will be bolded at the bottom if you don’t wanna read all this.
i wanna explain something real quick: in my early years of middle school, i was into creepypasta, which pipelined into Marble Hornets, which pipelined into a ton of other slenderverse series. If you don’t know what that is, it’s an ARG with an emphasis on characters being stalked or hunted by Slenderman. All of them are really really good in their own way and do interesting things with not only Slendy, but adding their own new big bad’s and lore and i’d highly recommend watching one if you haven’t yet. (i may make a separate post about which you should watch based on what kind of content you most enjoy cause i really want to indoctrinate more people into this)
My favorite slenderverse at the time had a very big emphasis on early November, specifically November 11th. So i started to have a little tradition of watching those videos every November 11th even after the hyperfixation had faded just for a bit of nostalgia.
Fast forward to now- it has snowballed to the point where every year for over half a decade now, November 11th rolls around and I am thrown violently headfirst back into my slenderverse phase. I cannot control it. I’ll be like “ok this year i’ll be normal about it, after this long, surely watching one video won’t spiral me again” and it always fucking does. No other hyperfixation i’ve ever had has functioned on a calendar cycle so idk wtf this is. This is the 6th year of this. I cannot escape.
So yeah, per how it’s been since middle school, November-January my main hyperfixation will be slenderverse. It could be shorter, it could be longer, but that’s the general pattern i’ve noticed over the years. After that i’ll pretty much be back to normal.
Don’t get me wrong, i’m not taking a 3 month hiatus or anything. I promise i will do my best to get the store shifter au part out before fucking 2024. But if you’ve sent me an ask recently and i’ve ignored it, i’m genuinely so sorry, but i can’t force myself to work on new stuff right now when mcyt g/t isn’t my main interest. I’ll do my best to get to it eventually when the hyperfixation comes back a bit more, i do read and process and think about every single ask i receive and it always makes my day when i get a new ask, but yeah. For the next few months i’m probably only gonna be working on and posting stuff that’s been in the works, are from asks that we’re given to me like a year ago and already have wips in progress to answer them, or art that i just haven’t given you yet.
on the other hand, if you’re reading this and you like creepypasta or slenderverse stuff, i’ve created what i think is literally my 5th fucking blog! @cynningly <-i’ve been spamming this for like 4 days cause i refuse to be normal about slenderverse stuff, but follow there if you want horror stuff and so far just a bunch of really shitty edits of internet arg sexyman villains. Also yes all of my blogs have to have “cyn” in the name somewhere, that’s how you can tell it’s me lmao
my hyperfixations switched up again, im really into slenderverse (slenderman-centric args) at the moment and likely will be till January. This is a cycle that’s been going on for years now. made an alt for it -> @cynningly
I will still be working to post mcyt g/t stuff, but only stuff that’s a wip or has been in the works for a while. to anyone who has sent an ask recently: sorry, but i can’t take on making new stuff when my focus isn’t purely on mcyt rn. I will do my best to get to it eventually and if you’re one of the people who’s sent a story request or ask recently i truly, truly appreciate it. y’all make my day. but, yeah, that’s what’s going on with me lol
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who's your fave BSD character and why?
what's your fave work of fiction?
Oppenheimer or Barbie?
Do you write OG stories too?
In your fanfictions, would you rather write fluff or angst?
do you have a best friend?
when writing, do you focus on plot first or characters first?
also how do you do such good analyses on characters with barely any screentime JFIRGR is that like a psych major thing? hehe anyways..
laast question: do you have a pet? TT and what's one problem (external or internal) that you want to fix in your life?
(lmao those are two last questions but uhm, yeah.)
(sorry for the rambles, im just bored and rlly curious TT)
Oh hello! It’s cool I don’t mind!
Favourite BSD character: This is really tricky because every time I think I have a favourite I remember something really cool about another character… I don’t think there’s a single character who I don’t find interesting. In terms of writing I really like Kyouka, Mushitarou, and Akutagawa. Atsushi I would actually hang out with and I am prepared to defend as an excellent protagonist. I also really like Yosano, Chuuya, Teruko, Ranpo, and Odasaku! Also my extremely overlooked fave is H. G. Wells from 55 Minutes… I love her so much she’s so cool…
Favourite work of fiction: Hmm… you know I’m honestly not sure I could pick a favourite. I’ve read a lot of stuff and watched a lot of things… however for the purposes of this blog I have been overrun by Trigun emotions and Hatoful Boyfriend had a death grip on me for most of high school.
Barbenheimer: Probably I’ll go see Barbie at some point. I actually don’t watch a lot of movies but this one seems pretty cool!
Do you write OG stories: Ohh how do I answer this…? Yes 100%. I have so many original plots in my head, and I have tried to write them several times. I have one ongoing right now on my side blog called The Capture of Light… I’ve been very slow to update but it’s there. My oldest story that I’ve been working on is a series called the Interworld… I’ve been working on it and revising it since I was 13. I worry it’s too needlessly convoluted though. The problem is that I’m never satisfied so I keep scrapping and restarting it… so can I really say I write them? :/
Fluff or angst: Angst all the way. I like to write suffering, but I generally will write in a bittersweet hopeful ending. :) Depends on what’s tonally appropriate though.
Best friend: Yes I do have a best friend! I’ve known her for 9 years now. She’s actually on here; her account is @doodle-storm. She doesn’t update a lot but I’m sure she’d appreciate it if you checked out her art or said hi. :)
Plot or characters first: I make a rough plot outline with key points I have to get to, then I make detailed character notes and designs. The way I see it, the best way to make sure your plot stays cohesive is to make sure you know your character’s motives at all times. That way, even if the plot winds up changing a bit, I still have a good idea of how the characters will react, no matter what situation I put them into. If I can transplant them into any random scene or situation and know how they’ll respond, I feel comfortable that I know them well enough to write.
Analyses: Hahaha, honestly the psych knowledge helps but… I think that might just be me. I’ve kind of always done stuff like this it’s just now I have people who actually read it instead of telling me to shut up ehehe. I think the key is to isolate the main themes of the story. A good story will have its characters all model or echo these themes in some way. From there, it’s a lot easier to read character motivations, even if they don’t have a lot of screen time. Another important thing to remember is “explanation not justification”. You should be able to explain the motive behind a character’s actions. This does not mean they’re justified. This really helps with analyzing villains or morally grey characters. It also helps you to understand people in real life!
Pets: None unfortunately. 😞 If I weren’t allergic to cats I would have a cat though. I love cats. They also tend to headbutt my legs a lot so I think they tend to like me too. I have to resist the urge to pet them every time. …I fail. Every time. I go home and sneeze for two hours with itchy eyes. It was worth it.
Problem I wish I could fix in my life: Well I have some mental health problems so I guess I wish I could. Not have those. Yeah. I’m looking for support about it. I’m trying. Hehe.
This was fun! Thank you! Can I shoot some of these questions back at you? I’d love to hear your answers! :D
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3-aem · 2 years
im so sorry you got hate :(
sending you free hugs if that’s okay! your art is the most fascinating I’ve seen, I’m serious. the strokes? the colours? i am deeply in love. you are amazing.
Thank you. This means a lot to hear rn.
EDIT 3. Since I felt peeved that someone was asking me to delete an old piece i actually did reach out to one of the artists (cannot currently figure out a way to contact the other). Permission was granted to keep it up.
I'm going to use this as an informal address of the issue if you do not mind. And i may delete it later.
Firstly i want it all to slide. I'm not a person who handles drama very well and I think I've already been made out to be some villain for some folks. I think there's already too much stink in the air but I'm here only to defend myself up to a line. This is long because I want to try and leave no stone unturned and cover all spots.
Skip to the bolded HERE for my direct address to that artist (skip my defense)
I do art for enjoyment. I enjoy when I learn. A crucial step for me has been learning from other artists. When I enjoy an artist or heavily reference their work I will call them out, credit them to the best of my ability. This is a track record you can observe. When I do not it's often because the reference is not exact, there reference was some generic pinterest pose/stock image esque/magazine esque photo, reverse image search and saucenao returned no hits (usually this means I am forced to link the pinterest instead).
I don't believe pose theft, pallette theft, concept theft is a thing, I think it's a form of gatekeeping and elitism but I will concede it can be a courtesy to call it out at will. Yet there are people who literally draw mannequin poses for share. If it inspires it inspires. I will not heavily debate this as I understand every artist feels differently about it but anyone in art understands implicitly the value of studying other art. Which is why I found that artist to be acting rather maliciously (*).
I know everything I've said thus far gets bungled when I start selling pieces and suddenly it appears I have a monetary incentive. Art does not pay my bills. The store is more so people who kept asking for those prints can get them. And I feel silly admitting this, but I only use the store promos on twitter to promo my piece (like on the timeline). It's a tactic I saw other artists using and i was like oh don't mind if i do too. It hurts my pride to admit. I do not make as much as anyone thinks I make and many Many prints do not sell. Inprnt takes half the earnings.
I personally upload almost every single piece so that I may purchase them or give them to friends. You will notice I do not have every single piece for public sale on store. There was an incident where a piece i did not intend to sell publicly was not rearchived and I failed to notice. I have a number of pieces up. The color schemes in a couple are very similar. Things get overlooked when you are not deliberately looking. Only two copies were sold during this time and if I had the option of knowing who bought it and how to issue a refund I would. I don't. I am sorry. This should not happen again.
HERE(*) I now want to address the way that artist framed their post and follow up discussions. First i take tremendous issue with the "big g*jo artist" lingo. My numbers do not dictate where i am as an artist and it is Absurdly infantile to think that bigger numbers means more mature, more seasoned, peak performance artist. I have worked years to get to where i am, and I am still working. I've complained about this. I've talked about this at length here on tumblr, how I get frustrated when I find myself stagnating skill wise, regressing. I don't understand how the thread could be so lost that this artist thinks I have made myself as an artist solely on a select few referenced pieces and that my goal is purely socmed growth.
Next, there's an impression that I blocked the artist on first contact. I did not. There was a full discussion where I brought up many similar arguments and when it reached the point where I no longer felt like any meaningful discussion could be had i made it clear I would be blocking but no hard feelings. It became clear at the end that the artist was truly just pressuring me to delete a couple Old pieces for what I assume was their own pleasure and to satisfy their righteous indignation. I did not and do not want to play that game.
Now the credit issue. There is a belief that I chose to issue credit on two pieces using a burner acct because i did not want that credit to be seen. As I mentioned these posts were old, specifically by 2 months. I post a lot. I have grown a lot in that time. There's a belief I don't feel shame for doing a poor credit job. I do. I feel tremendous guilt. I did not want those Pieces Themselves to be seen even if I refuse to delete (out of spite) If I had used my main art acct to reply there would be no doubt that those pieces would have be replaced onto the timeline and seen new traction, which would very much Not be the desired outcome. Was this the perfect solution, No. The perfect solution would be for me to have gotten the credit right the first time or update my standards for crediting to include the exceptions i listed at the start. The first part which I suspect is what is really being asked, is simply not possible though.
I apologize for those who may feel hurt re those two pieces. I mentioned this in my conversation with the artist that it was Not my intention to discredit, profit or hurt anyone. Obviously they left this out when they plainly said I blocked them and then liked a follow up comment that called me a coward.
This has been long. Thank you if you read all this. I will work to ensure nothing like this happens again.
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mrkis · 1 year
Hi Cas,
I don’t think I saw a hairstyle posts for the girls like you did for the boys in twlg. Can you show the inspiration
wait this is cute, i didn't think of doing this. thank you for sending this ask in. (everything is below the cut)
— before i start, i just wanna say that i'm not going to do mc. i'm just going to do the rest of the girls that have been featured in twlg. hope you don't mind.
starting with 𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗨. i'm going to be using pictures of soyeon from g-idle as she was one of my inspirations for the character.
[link one] ⟿ this is how i imagined haru at the beginning of twlg. dark natural hair. [link two] ⟿ this how i imagined haru when she was bleaching hers and renjun's hair. while renjun went for the half and half look, haru decided to go all over. this made her sexier. sorry. i don't make the rules.
next... 𝗠𝗜𝗪𝗢𝗢. soloist im youha is the inspo for miwoo.
[link one] ⟿ this is how i imagined miwoo in twlg. she hasn't been through a lot of changes in the actual fic (but within the behind the writing instagram posts i made, there's a little special i had done where i had shown what miwoo was like before she had met jeno and gained her confidence. you can find this here). miwoo's confidence and beauty has me on my knees always. she may not be some peoples favourites but i am in love with her.
next... 𝗘𝗨𝗡𝗕𝗜𝗡. clc's eunbin.
[link one] ⟿ this is how i imagined eunbin when she first made her appearance in twlg. the so-called villain of the story is a beauty. her whole look during her welcome home party in part five was one of my favourite pieces to write... wanted to capture her beauty SO BAD.
next... 𝗬𝗘𝗘𝗨𝗡. clc's yeeun.
[link one] ⟿ miwoo's enemy fr. the girl that is practically in love with jeno and tries to get under miwoo's skin. (it works, but miwoo's fights dirty). also another beauty. all these women are beautiful and perhaps i am in love.
finally... 𝗬𝗘𝗝𝗜. itzy's yeji.
[link one] ⟿ shotaro's lover. shotaro's number one. shotaro's favourite girl. (don't tell the trio) yet again, another beauty that i am in love with. she isn't featured much in the series but every time she's brought up with shotaro, i am obsessed. he deserves the world fr.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
What a lovely brick of motivation, I'm not stuck to the seat and unable to get distracted—oh look, YouTube videos!
But yessssss
I would love prompts, mainly not g/t bc I have never written that before and am focusing on a hero&villain story rn
Have any in mind (or that you completely make up or would like to see) I could use for a story where the very strong mc villain falls for the super weak hero? 👀
And any rambles you have, they're all so lovely...they need spammed into creation but I can't think of any to specifically ask about
okay hi im sorry for late reply
dshghsdnf unfortunately the sacred brick does not have a defense mechanism against youtube :'D
also sorry this became a whole plot instead of a prompt lmao i can redo if you'd like
okay so imagine villain was determined to take down hero, no matter what happened--like villain was dead set on ending hero's entire career. but, of course, love gets in the way.
after their first encounter, villain realizes just how unready hero is for this position. sure, they've been around for a while, but that was just for basic good-deeds. now that there's an opponent with worthy weapons, a knowledge for every kind of fighting possible, and most importantly: a goal, hero is falling. villain knows that this'll be an easy win
second fight in and villain is so aware of everything hero says, the way their words are almost just as malicious as villain's are. and villain finds this incredibly likeable. damn it, maybe this won't be easy.
but villain still continues. but they see a change in everything. their own actions, hero's actions, both of their feelings, all that normal moral-human stuff that they thought they were immune to
the fall starts small, where villain does things like holds back on hand-to-hand combat, uses slightly less lethal weapons, and keeps their movements pleasantly predictable.
but what this is doing to hero, is making them think that they're growing stronger. being able to predict villains strikes and foot-pattern ahead of time does nothing for their ego, and when villain stumbles back like they've been hit hard, it's a terrible boost of motivation.
villain still gets all lovey-dovey though, and starts making it more obvious. they straight up stop fighting sometimes because he they landed too hard of a blow on hero. and their activity significantly drops. until it picks up again because of villain's fucking desire to just see hero, even if they're behind a mask.
some stuff happens in between, but it's important to note the ending:
hero gets all up in their head, making them think that they're the shit. villain is also in their head, all tangled up in thoughts about them and hero. so when their newest battle arises, the two of them have two very strong weak points. villain is easily distracted, hero has acquired faux strength and can be taken down at any time by all-powerful-villain.
and that happens. hero corners them very smartly, and villain has no choice but to defend themself.
does hero die? who knows, that's up to you :D
sorry this is kinda shit, i tried to make actual scenes a bit loose so you can do something with them
anyways i hope this suffices :]
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
big ask i know BUT
whats ur favorite thing about each character in ur pinned post 👀👀
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*deep breath*
Albert: I love his sass and his general assholery
Elmer: Sunshine boi™️
Jack: Angsty artist looking for a better life far away from where he is (relatable)
Davey: Again, sassmaster9000
Les: Such a little asshole, thinks the world of Jack and Davey, absolutely becomes King of Brooklyn
Mush: Sunshine boi 2: Electric Boogaloo
The Delanceys: I’m not even gonna say anything about them here. I have DOZENS of posts
Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, Stu Podmore, and Pandora Lovegood very special cases bc I really like the versions that I rp on Instagram (very much not canon fuck jkr)
Leo Valdez: Feels like a 3rd (or 7th) wheel all the time. Stupid jokes to cope with pain. He was my first pathetic little man
Luke Castellan: Y’all know I love villains. And the twist in the first book and then the way he moves and acts throughout the rest of the series??!!! I love him (also I wanted him to step on me when I was younger but that’s neither here nor there)
Shoto: I love him for the same reason I loved Zuko as a kid (*reminder to self watch ATLA again). He was cold and distant because of his past but has this beautiful arc about making friends he didn’t expect and coming out of his shell.
Iwaizumi Hajime: Asshole. Doesn’t put up with Oikawa’s shit. That’s enough for me 💀 Has been my husband since high school 🥰
Joe: 🤤🤤🤤 *clears throat* Sorry um. He’s good at cooking and he can sk8 real good and his husband is really good with technology
John Laurens: He’s so cute and devoted to the cause and LAURENS INTERLUDE MAKES ME S O B
Usnavi: I love how much he cares. I talked more about it in that ask post, but I just love him sm
JD: Ohohohoho more villains. I always attach to villains. Always always always.
Justin Laboy: Simp: the Sequel. My mans is just so relatable. Working hard to get into college and throwing it all away. Just for some 🍃
Christopher Diaz: I only just met this little shitstick but I LOVE HIM. HE HAS SO MUCH RIZZ JFC. EVERYONE LOVES HIM (and I can’t blame them????) HES JUST A LIL GUY
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ishhbowl · 3 years
no but if i see another person saying that condi was the real villain of 100 hours and tommy was "just trying to help 🥺" or whatever im gonna start killing. not only is it stupid and annoying but its blatant disregard for the characters. scu!tommy was meant to be the villain. he was meant to be a step ahead of charlie at all times, and tommy the cc does a fantastic job of showing that. yes, he's a confused kid at times, but he's also an evil mastermind who literally tried to hurt charlie unprovoked and started a blood moon. cc!tommy was trying to play a villain but apparently to you people hes unable to play anything other than a confused little boy who's done nothing wrong.
sorry sorry i just needed to rant about that for a second NOW! lets talk about the other characters please pleeeease yes i know tommy was great but so was everyone else!!! especially schlatt and condi oh my fucking g-d that was sick??!?!? holy shit???? condi my beloved every character you make goes so hard
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genshin-obsessed · 4 years
Your blog is everything I wanted and more. Im a lurker for your writings ahaha if you can guess who i am 👀
How about the guys reacting to s/o's death. Can be a group writing but if its too much, just Diluc, Childe, Razor and Kaeya would be nice. I think they would have interesting reactions >:3
First of all, Anon. I LOVE YOU. I wanted to write this out but thought it might be a bit too much but then you went and requested it!! I guess I have no choice but to write this out! >:) (That’s also why I did all the characters) second. Guess who you are o: may I get a hint? I have 2 people in my mind tho o: Warnings: Death, mentions of blood, angst. Pure angst.
Sidenote: The woman in this is my OC named Toxin! Whenever I need a really big, bad villain, she’s my go-to! That’s all!
Includes: Aether, Kaeya, Venti, Diluc, Razor, Xiao, Xingqiu, and Childe!
Scaramouche & Zhongli Here | Part 2 Here
You Die!
You ran as fast as your feet would carry you, desperate for an escape. A scream erupted from your lips as the ground shook beneath you, causing you to stumble and fall over. You had received an emergency request to help fight… someone. The request wasn’t very detailed but someone needed help and you couldn’t turn your back on them. So, you went ahead and tried to help.
You should’ve been careful. You should’ve brought help. But you didn’t and you were paying for your stupidity. The person that you were fighting was strong. She was tall, pale, and had long black hair. Her unearthly glowing green eyes were terrifying. She was fast and all of your attacks were unable to touch her.
As you ran, only one thought crossed your mind. The smiling image of your boyfriend. Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision as you tried to run. How you wished you could be in his arms, feeling safe and sound.
As you ran out of the forest and down the field, the woman appeared in front of you, catching you in her arms and stabbing you with a poison dagger. You shrieked as your hands curled around her clothes. The sharp pain turned into a burning sensation and you looked up at her. Her face was inches away and she smirked, her eyes glowing bright by the second.
“Finally. But you’re not the only one I wanted to break.” What? What did she mean? Her head turned to the left and you followed her gaze and the second you saw what she was looking at, your heart shattered.
The woman pulled the dagger out and it seemed to vanish as she smirked at your boyfriend. The tears slid down your cheeks as you weakly reached out to him for help.
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“(F/N)!” His heart stopped as he watched the woman disappear and you fall to the floor. He sprinted to you, picking you up in his arms as blood poured out of the wound. “H-hey! Hey, keep your eyes open! J-Just stay awake!” He held your head against his chest, trying to calm himself, but how could he? You were bleeding out in front of him. 
He looked down and ran his fingers along your cheek as your skin started to turn purple. The poison had taken its effect and it was moving fast. You were leaving, you would leave him just like Lumine left him. He was gonna be alone all over again.
“A-Aether… I-I l-love you.”
“I love you too! You’ll be fine, everything’s g-gonna be ok.” Who was he kidding? You weren’t going to make it. But he couldn’t admit it. Aether still had yet to find Lumine and he’d never gotten over losing her. You, you were his light. You were his guiding start. You were his moon, his everything. 
To think that he could lose you? No, no! He didn’t want it. He didn’t want a world without you. A world without you was pure torture. So why? Why was the universe so hellbent on taking things away from him? Why did it demand everything precious to him?!
Why you? 
A pained cry left his lips as your hand fell to your side and that light disappeared from your eyes. “N-no. No, no, no, no! W-wake up! Please wake up! Do-don’t leave me! Don’t you leave me too! Not like this! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!” He held your lifeless body against him, his head pressed against your chest. He couldn’t hear it… he couldn’t hear your heartbeat.
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“No… NO!” He ran as fast as his feet could carry him and caught you before you hit the ground. The woman had disappeared but he didn’t care. You were… you were dying! How could he stop it? He wanted to stop the bleeding, he wanted to stop the way your color was changing, he wanted to stop time!
“K-Kaeya… h-how-”
“I was told to come here. A messenger came to me and said you called me and told me to come here.” He explained, taking your cold hand into his, pressing a kiss against it.
“I-I’m sorry…”
“No. Don’t apologize and don’t close your eyes. Please, just stay up a little longer.” He wanted to pick you up and run to the nearest doctor, but he knew… it wasn’t worth it. He wouldn’t make it. He’d never felt so worthless and weak. He swore to protect you and keep you safe and now that you needed him… he was useless.
“T-tired…” Slowly, your eyes closed and your hand fell limp in his. Kaeya’s eyes widened as the tears slid down his cheek.
“(f-f/n)? B-baby! No, wait! Don’t do this! Pl-please no!” He took your hand and pressed it against his cheek, but the second he loosened his grip, it fell. Kaeya shook his head, tears flooding down his cheek as a scream erupted from his mouth. “(F/N)!!!”
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Slow. He was too slow. Why couldn’t he be fast enough?! That woman, he knew her. He knew her and he vowed to hunt her down and tear her to shreds. But right now…
Venti picked you up with trembling hands, letting his now bloodied hands touch your cheek. He couldn’t even talk, his voice quivered as he looked down into your eyes. No. This wasn’t happening. You weren’t going to leave him like this.
“H-hey, love. E-everything’s going to be just fine. You’re fine.” He tried to keep his smile up but it was so damn hard when he knew the truth. He couldn’t do anything, he couldn’t even lie to himself. You were slipping away and all he could do was watch. He knew he was the weakest of all archons but why? Why couldn’t he be a little bit stronger to save you.
“I-I wa-wanna sl-sleep-”
“NO!” He frowned and pressed a kiss to your lips. “No, don’t sleep. Not yet. Just stay awake a little longer and then we can both sleep together tonight.” You weakly nodded, but you couldn’t stay awake any longer. You felt like you were moving, but your body was slowly going numb, until everything disappeared. “(f/n)? (f-f/n)? H-hey! Hey this isn’t a joke! WAKE UP! WAKE UP, PLEASE, PLEASE WAKE UP!”
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The second he saw the woman step away from you, a fiery phoenix flew towards her, but she’d disappeared before it could hit her. Diluc ran to you as he watched your body fall to the ground.
He fell to his knees and quickly picked you up, shaking you a little. There was something that snapped inside. He’d always kept his composure, but after seeing what had happened, his emotions burst out of him. He wasn’t in control of anything. He couldn’t control his thoughts, emotions… or your death.
“It’ll be fine! Everything’s fine!” He said, pressing his hand to the wound. You winced at the pain as your skin started to turn purple and blood spilled out of your mouth.
“I-I’m so-sorry.” He shook his head, taking your face in his hands.
“No. I’m sorry. I sh-should’ve gotten here faster.” He was still trying to convince himself you were going to be fine, but deep down, he knew the truth. He knew the ugly truth that was coming up.
“D-Diluc… y-you’re pretty.” His eyes clenched shut at your words as a tear slid down his cheek.
“Don’t leave. Th-there are so many things I-I want to do with you. Pl-please don’t leave me. Wh-what d-do I do?” You smiled weakly at him.
“Y-you b-be the Darknight H-hero…” He scoffed and looked down at you.
“Without you… I’m nothing.” You wanted to say more, you wanted to deny his words, but you were so tired. Slowly, the world faded away and you could no longer hear his cries. “No! NO! NO!! DON’T DO THIS TO ME! STOP! COME BACK! PLEASE BRING MY (F/N) BACK!”
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The wolf within had appeared but he wasn’t able to catch up before the woman disappeared. He ran to you and picked you up, seeing the blood gushing out of the wound.
“N-no! (f/n)!” Tears flooded his eyes as he watched your color turn purple. That woman, she reeked of poison so she must’ve poisoned you.
“Shhh…” You muttered, holding your hand to his cheek. “D-don’t c-cry.” He didn’t know what to do. He felt so lost and helpless, but the worst part… he knew what was coming. He shook his head vehemently and tried to pick you up, but you let out a cry of pain, making him lower you back down.
“I c-can save you!”
“I-it’s ok… it’s ok, Razor. I… I’ll be ok.” He hated those words. He hated everything you were saying so much. Razor adored you, he missed you every second he couldn't be with you and normally, he’d never hate your words. But today… right now, he hated how right you were. He shook his head as the tears slid down his cheeks as he felt you slip away.
“Do-don’t do this t-to me. Not you too… they left me. Why do you want to leave me too?” You weakly tugged him down and made him kiss you, but half way through the kiss, he felt your head fall back and he knew. You were gone.
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He knew that woman that had done this to you. He knew her and he was going to make sure she paid. But right now… right now you were more important. Xiao took you in his arms as tears started to fill his eyes. He’d never felt like this before and he hated feeling like this.
You made him feel so powerful, so invincible, so untouchable. But right now, he felt so vulnerable and broken. If he had been faster, if he had just gotten here faster he could’ve saved you. He could’ve been hugging you, seeing your skin bright with life, seeing your glimmering eyes, seeing that dazzling smile. But no, he was a failure.
A sob escaped his lips as he watched you starting to slip away. He pulled you close, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“D-don’t do this. Pl-please don’t leave me. Y-you pro-promised you w-wouldn’t do this to me!” He looked down at you but you still had that angelic smile on your face. Why? Why would you do this?! You touched his cheek and spoke; your voice was a quiet whisper, but he heard it.
“I-I love y-you, Xiao…” He shook his head and glared at the sky before shutting his eyes. He didn’t want to see it. He didn’t want to see this happening to you.
“I love you too. S-so much.” He felt your body go limp and another sob escaped his lips. “Y-you pr-promised you’d c-come back to me.” He raised your face closer to him and pressed a kiss against your lips. “P-please come back to me. I-I can’t live without you… I do-don’t want to.”
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He sprinted down the hill towards where you lay, gathering you in his arms when he was at the bottom. He didn’t know what to do, there was so much blood, so much poison, and no hope. He fell beside you and pressed his hands onto the wound as blood gushed out.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, it’s ok, it’s ok, everything’s just fine!” You winced in pain in your torso, but it didn’t last very long. It only took a minute before you lost feeling in your legs and arms.
“Xingqiu… i-it hurts.”
“I know, I know and I’m so sorry! If I was faster, I could’ve helped you. It’ll be ok, I promise, my love. I won’t stop until you’re taken care of.” Why didn’t he believe his own words? Maybe it was the fading light in your eyes, maybe it was the color draining from your face, maybe it was the sheer amount of blood that poured from the wound… but Xingqiu didn’t have a single ounce of hope. Why? Why was the world doing this to him? Why was it punishing you like this? Did he do something? Did he commit a sin that was so unforgivable that the universe or the gods would punish someone as sweet and amazing as you?
He wanted to cry, but he bit his lip to hold the tears back. His eyes were glossy and his vision was blurry, but he refused to cry. He wasn’t going to show you the fleeting hope in him. He wasn’t going to show you that he was  a liar.
“Xingqiu… w-will y-you g-give me one l-last kiss?” His head snapped to you and he shook his head.
“It won’t be our last kiss! We’ll have more chances. We’ll have so many more chances.” He did kiss you however. It was short and sweet, as he returned to applying pressure onto the wound. His eyes flickered to you for a second before his entire body tensed. You were staring at the sky… with dull, lifeless eyes. “(f-f/n)? H-hey… hey wake up.” He gently shook your shoulders. “Hey, stop. Th-this isn’t funny! I know you like playing tricks on me but this isn’t funny! St-stop!!” Finally, he broke. He laid his head on your chest as his tears started to flow. 
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“NO!” Oh, he knew that woman well. He’d worked with her once. She was, indeed, powerful. She was a killing machine and there was a time where he was impressed by her. But right now he felt nothing but pure hatred for her. But that had to wait, because you… you were dying.
Childe pulled you into his arms, holding you against his chest and kissing your head. He was trembling and his emotions were a mess. Tears trailed down his cheeks as he looked down at you. The wound oozed with red and purple, so he knew you’d been poisoned.
“H-hey, darling. You ok? Everything’s just gonna be ok, you hear me?” You gave him a weak nod as you looked down at the wound. However, he took your face and made you look up at him. “No, no. Just look at me. Nothing but me.”
“I-I won’t… I’m tired.”
“HEY! Don’t you dare close those beautiful eyes on me! Everything’s going to be fine! Everything… everything is fine. Do you hear me? Don’t you dare even think about leaving me. Don’t you… don’t do it. Please, god I’m begging you (f/n)! Don’t leave me all alone in this world!”
“I-I ca-can’t stay…”
“Yes, y-yes you can! You can’t leave me, please d-don’t.. I-I don’t know what to do! What am I supposed to do?! Just go on, pretending everything’s ok?! JUST PRETEND LIKE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE DIDN’T LEAVE ME?!”
“Shh… d-don’t get so angry.”
“I-” He sighed, taking in a shaky breath, “I love you so much i-it’s hard to breathe without you. Do-don’t take away m-my reason for li-living.” You didn’t answer. You only weakly smiled before your eyes closed and your head fell back. Childe’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “N-no. No- HEY! No, no, no! Please no!” He held you against his chest as he let out a scream. What else could he do besides cry.
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Your boyfriend stood up, holding you tightly in his arms. There was only one thought in his mind as he glared in the direction the woman had gone. 
There was nothing left for him. So he wouldn’t stop; he would relentlessly hunt that woman down and tear her apart completely. That way, she could feel an ounce of his pain.
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yyuuna · 3 years
i’m not sure if your requests are open ( ignore this if they aren’t :00 ) but the fake dating trope witj todoroki and bakugo bdjnebfb
fake dating
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—fake dating with them
includes: s. todoroki / k. bakugo
pairing: various x reader
genre: fluff
disclaimer: lowercase intended
warning: swearing
a/n: i triED 🏃🏻‍♀️ i’ve seen tropes like this all the time but i still couldn’t get it done nicely but here u go,,
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despite having literally no idea about what’s going on, he’s no snitch
simply doesn’t care
will submit to ur plans because he’d think why not?? a friend is in dire need of help, so why shouldn’t he help?
ok, on to the story
as u were walking down the hallway of the school building’s second third floor, u spot someone
his name is sora, ur stalker during middle school—he’s rly creepy
by creepy, i mean he used to harass you with his undying love during lunch time, touching you whenever he can, bombard you with diabetes during valentines day, invading your privacy, lying to everyone that you’re together
a squeak make its way out to escape from your lips as your widened eyes stare at sora
thankfully, the joyous screams and boisterous laughs coming from the school fair had weakened his senses, thus not being able to immediately see your cowering figure
he was hard to shoo away back then
despite being able to defend yourself from him back then, him being annoying is rather intolerable
so u sneakily go down the stairs cz u dont want sora to notice nor harass u
buttttt sora caught sight of you—after all, you’re the reason he came to UA’s school fair
“[name]! come back here!” he yelled, jogging to make his way to you
ur run suddenly accelerated tenfold
u kinda caught todoroki’s attention bcz ur shoes were clacking rly loud on the floor
todoroki was just standing there, looking at u
he just got out of the classroom
“oh thank god—todoroki!” you gestured to him as your panic withers away
well at least until sora’s voice stiffened you again
“[name], let me talk to you.” sora grabbed your shoulder rather too harshly
“what do you want? why are you even here?” u back away, but he only gets closer
“what, didn’t you miss me?” he smirked, contradicting the disgusted scowl on your face
todoroki awkwardly stood there, silently watching the exchange
“c’mon, everybody knows we’re together, so i wanted to take you out with a couple of friends” sora took ahold of your hand, caressing your palm
honestly, you just want to go home
so your eyes swiveled at anything but him, looking for nothing in particular
until ur sight lands of todoroki
“shou~can we go to our date now? im rly hungry” u interlocked ur hand with his as u escape from sora’s hold
ok, he was genuinely confused but uh
“uh sure...” todoroki said
sora scoffed “psh, him? ur boyfriend?”
at this, todoroki’s ear started to heat up—and no his quirk is not in on this
he does have a crush on u, but he doesn’t know he actually has a crush on u. all he knows is that he admires ur strength and many more traits than he does to anyone else
“whatever, we’re still not done, [name]” sora smirked, his finger seductively tracing your jaw before leaving u two
todoroki obviously sensed the danger, pulling u closer to him
“i’ll walk w u” he stared at u
u two started walking towards the exit of the campus, not bothering to separate ur hands—which is most likely his idea
“uh, thanks...sorry about earlier. i didn’t mean to use u—well i kinda did but he’s creepy”
“okay” he casually said
nearing the exit, u began walking to the opposite direction, only to be stopped when he didn’t seem to let go of ur hand
“i thought u were hungry?” he asked
“no i—well yeah, im hungry but it was also with the pretend part, right? i mean, we aren’t together to go on a date” u chuckled awkwardly, though his face stayed indifferent
“date...? is that so....” he trailed off, looking down in thoughts “then if you’re hungry, we should go on that date”
he’s cluelesssssss
“eh? well sure i guess...?”
that’s ur first date. by first date i mean there r following dates
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sooo im not sure if this is exactly fake dating but the concept is there,, skshjs i need more ideassss
kinda aged up? i mean u two r on an official mission
he’s the type of person who’s against fake dating shit because it’s “fucking stupid” but honestly, he inwardly don’t mind at all
anyway, the group of villains u two were assigned to catch was in a high official party (a ball of some sort), so obv u attend there
as u two were slowly getting information, leading them where u can easily catch them without getting the civilians’ attention, u heard one of ur enemies’ micro transceiver (walkie talkie microchip things on their ear)
“enemy is wearing a fur coat, has [h/c] hair that’s tied up, and is around [height] feet tall” said the person on the other line
the enemy’s eyes widened, but before he could catch u, u ran towards ur partner, bakugo, and pulled him to one of balconies
“what the hell?!”
“they’re onto us!” u whisper yelled, hiding ur coat somewhere while taking off ur hair tie
u heard footsteps, perhaps they have already found out where u both went
“there’s no time!” u hissed, pushing bakugo on his knee
“OH MY GOD...YES! OF COURSE I’LL MARRY U!” u excitedly chanted
bakugo was about to throw profanities when the enemies entered his peripheral vision
u saw this too, but the enemies seemed like they were still about to pester u two
lmao so u pulled the blond up, laying ur face on the crook of his neck to imitate a make out session
and ur right thigh laid against his hip before u pulled his hand to grab it
his other palm encased ur waist, helping u
u can feel his heartbeat accelerating as ur body rests against his own
and ofccc pda makes people uncomfy
“sir, we lost her” u heard one of the enemies relay before they leave them
ur breath fanned his neck as his ears figuratively burned
“get off, dumbass” though his words were harsh as a sand paper, the way he pulled u away, on the other hand, was gentle as a feather
“u know once the agency learns about this, they’re gonna send your annoying ass with me all the time for fucking missions” he scowled despite actually wanting to have u as his partner
“yeah...probably some fake couple missions”
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tags; @mayukhii @innersooya
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
Honestly my thirst levels this morning were already high
Now im like
I need a waterfall.
Like ya girl is THIRSTY for some deku.
I still think about stripper deku.
Or well, pro hero deku stripping for charity.
Or villain deku in a meeting. Like no desk to cover you, just sucki g him off. Not as a punishment but because you wanted to. In front of all his lackies. And whatever client he's talking to In front of him. Straight face. Well maybe a smile, reader is doing so well after all.
Whoops the jar of thirst opened lets close that a bit.
Anon you can’t just drop this in my ask box and expect me not to thirst with you about Villain!Deku. THAT’S MY JAM. What I wouldn't give to suck this man's dick...
Not/sfw below the cut.
TW: Gun mention, oral (Deku receiving), voyeurism?
Let’s get one thing straight: Villain!Deku is all about control and power play. Yeah, he gets off, but not just on the fact that you’re sucking his cock so nicely in front of all his lackeys like that, your pink tongue lolling from your mouth and precum smeared all over your lips. It’s about the way you volunteered to do so, the way your cheeks burn in shame at the same time your pupils are dilated with pure lust- and it’s all because of him. No one else gets to have you like this, no one else gets this wonderful service from you- if they did, they’d be dead. No, he gets off on knowing that you’re his and his alone, that his lackeys have to watch while his precious Doll gives him the best blow of his life right there in front of them and they can’t do a damn thing about it. He loves the way their eyes dart nervously back and forth from you to him to anything else in the room, the way they’re unsure if they can look or not. Oh, sure they can. They can look all they want! He doesn’t mind- but maybe if they’re looking just a little too much... Well, what’s one missing lackey really going to do, anyway? Or two...or three? 
Deku’s keeping a mental list of the ones who stare just a little too long at your ass. As for the ones who try to discretely palm themselves or try to leave (because there are some filthy bastards out there, Deku knows), that’s what the shiny pistol on his desk is for! All it takes is one shot to keep them in line and then it’s back to getting his dick sucked.
“Sorry about the noise, doll. Some of them just don’t know how to- hhn- behave...”
The way he licks his lips and thrusts his hips forward tells you you’re doing a perfect job, that he’s enjoying the way your tongue swirls around the tip and then slides down to the base as you give him a good suck. There’s precum smeared all over your face from where you nuzzled your cheek against his cock earlier, and a trail of saliva drips down your chin as you bob your head up and down.
“Ngh! Th-That’s it...good Doll! You’re doing so well!”
“I’ll just go-” Oh right, the client. Whoops! How could he forget!?
“Oh, no, my apologies! Please, do continue.”
Deku sits straight like nothing inappropriate is happening while you continue to work your tongue over his hard cock. The only thing he lets slip is a smile- a small one, but it’s there, and it’s to remind you of how well you’re doing. And...to gloat to his underlings.
With the way you’re sucking and licking at him, it doesn’t take him long to cum, his fists balling and teeth gritting as he pants and leans against his desk for support. Hot cum shoots straight into your mouth while you’re deep throating him, and you swallow greedily and purposely make a mess of your lips and face. It’s all over you, some spilling down your chin, some in your hair, and some dripping down your chest and shirt as you gaze up at him with hopeful eyes as if to ask, “How did I do?”
His client is horrified, his lackeys are jealous and mortified, and he’s smug.
“Good little Doll! I’ll make sure to fuck you real good later as a reward, doesn’t that sound nice, hm?” 
But he’s not looking at you when he says it. He’s meeting eyes with anyone and everyone else in the room, giving them a shit-eating grin and exaggerating his words just a bit, just to let them know how good it felt. Too bad they’ll never get a taste. 
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bakusdumptruck · 4 years
Bakusquad Crack Post
Sup bitches 🤩how’s your day been? hope its been good! Anywayyy i was listening to a “Rolling joints with Sero Hanta” playlist and this popped up in my mind sooo here’s a little Bakusquad scenario 😏
Pairing: aged up Bakusquad x GN Y/n
Warnings: Use of marijuana, swearing, injuries
Summary: A smoke session with the babes turned into a chaotic mess 
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Ights sluts lets get into it 😈
Sero Hanta is the stoner of the group. Period. 
He taught everyone how to roll up just incase he was too high to function and wanted to smoke more
One night he texted the gc asking if everyone wanted to have a smoke sesh before they had to study for exams 
You all agreed and went over to his dorm together
All except Bakugou.
He called all of you “idiots” and “dumbasses” for getting faded before studying, but all Sero had to say for him to come was
“Ight bakubro, if you can’t handle it you could’ve said that instead of making excuses 🤷🏻‍♂️”
Bakugou showed up within 5 minutes.
Once everyone was together, tape boy had everything set up
There were 4 joints lined up, hella snacks, drinks, video games, and movies
He even had the LED a n d Galaxy lights on
Lordy it was gonna be a long ass night
You know how I said Sero is the stoner? yup uhuh he got the MF GAS.
The rotation was Bakugou, Kiri, You, Mina, Denki, then Sero
You all have a high tolerance so after you saw Bakugou coughing up a fucking lung, yall knew you were in trouble
Everyone coughed... except Sero. He just busted a lung laughing💀
So the joint is finished and you’re all feeling fuzzy
yes you’re high, BUT its not enough to get you guys staring at the wall thinking about space and aliens
Just high enough where time is slowed down and your body feels light
Denki randomly shouted to play video games and everyone agreed
Guess what you’re playing 👀
Ju-on. The fucking grudge game. 
Why did Denki choose this game? oh he just wanted to see if it’d be a scarier experience if you’re all faded
It was 😃
Kiri volunteered to play the first stage to show off his Manliness 😤
So there he goes walking into the abandoned building 
yall know how you can use another wii remote to trigger jumpscares? 
yeahhhh Kiri didn’t know about it... and Bakugou was in charge of that
Everyone was chillin, lowkey feeling at edge to prepare themselves for anything about to pop up
Here comes the scene where he opens the door and scary bitch is on the other side waiting to grab him 
K: “Uhhhh this doesn’t feel right... am I supposed to go this way?
B: “No shit dumbass, its telling you go that way isn’t it? What are you scared or something 😏 I thought you were too manly for this game”
K: “I-I’m not scared... just making s-sure.”
M: “Hehe you’re stuttering kiri”
K: “...I’m just cold”
Right before he grabbed the door handle (I kinda forgot how the game went oops 😅) bakubitch tiggered a jumpscare
K: “Okay here I g- what the fuck 😃”
It didn’t work.
K: “Oh that wasn’t too bad! The games gonna have to try harder if it wants to scare m- JESUS FUCKING CHRIST WHAT THE HELL IS THAT”
Scary bitch popped up outta no where and grabbed him
Kiri accidentally punched Denki in the face 🙃
yeahhh so thats how the game ended 😭
Denki was laying on the floor staring at the ceiling wondering what the hell just happened and why everyone was laughing at him
D: *in his head* “I just got punched square in the face 😃 and they’re laughing at me 😃 This is fine. 😃”
K: “B-bro are you okay 😭 iM sorry AHAsh its- its just everyone was screaming and AhahhAHAHA IM SORRY 😭”
Sero let him start the second rotation as an apology for laughing instead of checking up on him 
Honestly yall don’t know if you can go on to the third
Everyone was hella faded at this point
Eyes red, dry mouths, and hungry stomachs
Mina ordered TacoBell knowing everyone was gonna want to eat more than the snacks and you all sat on the floor munching away
You all started talking about stupid stuff:
S: “So like... what happens when we get scared half to death twice”
M: “👁👄👁”
B: “👁👄👁”
D: “👁👄👁”
Y: “👁👄👁”
K: “👁👄👁”
D: “I’ve been scared half to death multiple times... im fucking immortal.”
After a few more high conversations Mina suggests to make tiktoks 
Have yall seen the tiktok where Mina and Y/n do the trend where they wink at the camera and all the boys are watching and Baku comes up to kiss Y/n? 
yup you do that BUT
When Bakugou grabbed your cheeks and went in for the kiss he missed and fell flat on his face 💀
*Cue everyone falling on their asses crying*
Best believe the tiktok went viral 🤩
After the third joint yall decided that the room was too suffocating and went out for a walk 
It didn’t seem like a bad idea... until you all got outside
Denki and Sero were singing “Milkshake” at the top of their lungs while wall twerking on the trees
Kiri and Bakugo were racing to see who’s the fastest but kept tripping over their own feet
You and Mina were recording everything those dumbasses were doing.
All of a sudden yall found yourselves in a clear area a bit far from the dorms
Bakugou laid in the grass staring up at the stars and you all joined getting into a little cuddle pile
At this point the effects of the joints hit at once and everyone was out of their heads
They felt like their spirits were floating out of their bodies
M: “...did you guys hear that”
All: “yes”
M: “should we go check it out?”
B: “Hell yeah. What if it’s a villain? I bet I can beat their ass in less than a second”
Y: “First, thats literally impossible. Second, We can barely fucking move. How do you expect us to fight a villain 🙂”
A Nomu popped up in front of you
D: “Uhhh aye Bakubro... you think you can beat his ass in less than a second?”
Y/n: *shoots up on their feet then falls over immediately* “DAMNIT I CAN’T STAND UP STRAIGHT WHAT DO WE DO”
Everyone started to use their quirks
Sero shot tape to the nomu
Denki sent 1 millions volts
Mina just kept shooting acid out
Kiri hardened up and threw punches like his life depend on it
Bakugou was screaming “die” and kept exploding shit
and You were also using your quirk to the best of your ability
K: *heavy breathing* “guys... i think we got it”
B: “Ofc we did... we literally went bat shit crazy on it”
When the smoke cleared it was still standing in front of you guys... unharmed...
you all started running back to the dorms
well, tried running back to the dorms
Everyone was bumping into each other and tripping
Denki ended up facetiming Aizawa in hopes that he would help
A: “Denki, its 4am what do you w-”
A: “... did you say you were high?”
The nomu caught him.
A: “Denki... Kaminari... hello?... *sigh* you guys are gonna be the death of me.”
You all ended up getting knocked out by the nomus and taken to the League of Villains hideout 
B: “...Never thought i’d be here again”
S: “ I still have the last joint in my pocket... ya’ll wanna smoke?”
Dabi and Shiggy stared at him like he was crazy but agreed anyway 🤪who’s gonna pass up a free joint? not them. 
So everyone got high again and chilled until the Pro Hero’s saved your asses :)
Oh and also don’t think Aizawa let you guys off the hook. 
You all got house arrest and extra BRUTAL lessons for the next 2 months 
The End :)
Yeahhh idk what this was but I hope you all enjoyed it!! I really wanted to write something angsty but as I was writing I couldn’t take myself seriously and ended up making jokes 😭
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