#i mean i don't make mbs for all my fics but i like doing it and just didnt think about it until after posting so
bibridlizzie · 10 months
(Summary: Lizzie Saltzman has always had issues with control, always been so scared of losing control over herself and her magic. With her humanity off, she realizes how much fun it can be to let it all go.)
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mvshortcut · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals.
Tagged by @trentcrimminallybeautiful thank you gert my beloved <3
Are you named after anyone? - Yes, but I don't really feel a connection to my birth name much, so I'd rather talk about my online chosen names! For the name Fallon, I just picked it because I liked the vibes honestly and also after an oc I made when I was really little. And as for the beloved name bestowed unto me, Milk. I made a typo introducing myself ("Gallon") and it stuck 😔<3
When was the last time you cried? - hm, probably a couple weeks ago? I cry when I get hungry lmao
Do you have kids? - This bear flowerpot thingy is my beloved son:
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But as for human children, no.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?- unsure if absurd threats of eating furniture in response to Cool Art/Fic count as sarcasm, but if so, yes
What's the first you notice about people? - if they have a Funky Outfit on I'll probably notice that first (and then get too intimidated to talk to them because they're CoolTM)
What's your eye colour? - brown
Scary movies or happy endings? - happy ending sorry I'm a coward
Any special talents? - I play violin, and I'm particularly adept at making typos
Where were you born? - hospital
What are your hobbies? - writing, reading, rug-hooking, cooking/baking, going on walks in nature
Have you got any pets? - yes, this is my beloved fool of a dog Clyde:
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What sports do you play/have you played? - none on a team, but I like playing tennis and roller skating
How tall are you? - 5'5" I think?
Favourite subject in school? - used to be English lit, but I'm a sociology/gender studies major now. but I also love Italian despite not being very good at it!
Dream job? - currently looking to go into academia! (scary!) but if I could have any job in the world, it might have to do with marine bio/conservation, or cooking, or writing, or an archivist of some sort, or a forensic entomologist, or someone who Sorts things all day, or-
Tagging (no pressure of course!) : @shiningsagittarius @never-wake-up @personinthepalace @xkurtwagner @hangrybluewhale @ae-jurumi @middle-class-trash @deeskip @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @papermillll @amysterywrappedinanenigma @nobody33333333 @sophieswundergarten @itsgoghtime @kneeslapworthy @oflightningandstars @rebecca-mbs-fan @phtalogreenpoison @crow-in-springtime @heyitsthatonesmolgay @lemondropletters
ok listen I know it said 15 but I got carried away-
that being said I definitely am forgetting people - if you see this, this is your open invitation to join (and I do mean that!)
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brain empty just thoughts full of miguel having a soft spot for you and hobie's relationship
like if you were in different dimensions hobie would beg for miguel to let him visit you.
and if you were in the same dimension he would beg miguel to send him on missions with you
wait now i want to make it a lil fic
kind of a drabble? idk
ok afterthought this is way longer than a drabble lmao mb
word count : 561 😭
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it was a peaceful day at the spidersociety's headquarters. all the anomalies you and hobie have caught while patrolling were imprisoned in their cages, you did your daily patrolling chores and now boredom seemed to have gotten the best of you.
sometimes when you're bored, you wonder what your boyfriend was doing. well, factually speaking he was not quite your boyfriend, because of his "i hate labels" stuff, but it was most likely the two of you had something
sadly you spent most of your time wondering how he was going. you couldn't communicate because your communicator broke and miguel decided hobie had to give his to you.
you know what? fuck that hierarchy thing, just because some vampire spider man didn't want you to multi dimensional travel doesn't mean you wouldn't.
you then left your small apartment and headed to the headquarters.
"don't even think of it." firmly said miguel.
"what? i didn't even say anything yet-" you say.
"your backpack. it's the one you always bring with you when i send you in missions with hobie. considering the disaster it made when i left gwen visit miles last time, i am not letting this happen a second time." he said firmly.
"please." you try to beg. "it has been weeks since you last sent us on a mission together. plus it's soon our birthday and we celebrate all of them together. please? i promise you won't hear anything from me next."
"fine" he sighed, "but only for three days."
"four days? please?" you try to negotiate.
(i don't know how to describe it but imagine him pinching his nose yknow the thing he did In the movie)
"if i let you go, will you stop harassing me ?" he asked, visibly annoyed.
"pinky promise!" you exclaim, "thank you so much!"
he then opened a portal which led you to your boyfriend's dimension. you walked a bit to the bar where he probably was, as usual.
once you arrived, riri, one of hobie's best friend, warmly greeted you.
"glad to see you around!" she says with a warm smile. "if you're here to see hobie, he's in the back!."
you then headed to the room in the back of the building. you did find him practicing with his band. taking care to not disturb them, you sat on a small table in the back of the room.
you couldn't help but admire him. despite everything he went through, he always kept going.
"hobes", said a member of the group."i think someone's waiting for you."
as soon as he noticed your face, you could see his instantly lit up.
once his practice went all smooth, the two of you headed outside. a fresh breeze greeted you as the two of you tried to catch up on the lost time.
"i can't believe miguel let you come there" he says in disbelief. "i ain't complaining though, i missed my sunshine a whole bunch" he continues before kissing you.
"i missed you too, hobie," you murmur with a soft smile.
the two of you kept wandering in the streets, talking about random things.
"you down for cuddles, sunshine?" he asked as you came back home.
the two of you sat on the floor, your head on his chest, feeling his soft heartbeat.
eventually you both drifted to sleep, his hand playing with your hair.
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yoooo 🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻 call me the ceo of ooc hobie atp x)
uhhh yea sorry the end is a bit rushed but 😭😭 also im in an agsty mood so i'll write smth when reader finds out hobie is cheating on them when they come to his dimension 😈😈
ALSO if you want some sleepy hobie hcs you can find them here ! :D
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pseudowho · 22 days
hiya 🙂 i love your nanamin fics and i followed you for them way back when you wrote the pregnant reader one (and I still think about it). thought id ask you cos you seem to answer questions like this pretty wisely 🥲
i started writing fics for a pretty niche character in a fandom (not jjk) a while back and a friend/moot started then too. this character doesnt have lots of readers and thats fine im just here for the writing.
but since then ive noticed my friend has stopped reblogging my fics even tho they did before and even tho they obvs read and reblog everyone elses fics for this character (there really arent many of us).
they also seem upset about notes/likes a lot of the time. but I know they read my fics because I see lots of the same word choices and styles show up in their fics the next time they post.
its upsetting me lot tbh. i still read, like/comment/rb fics i like and its starting to feel like they do it because they think i have more readers than they do and mb theyre jealous.
anyway i dunno if you think i should raise it with them or just leave it?? they dont talk to me much anymore either after I didnt rb one of their fics i didnt really love.
First of all, well done for starting to write, and writing for an 'unpopular' character too, it looks like it's hard having a niche audience in the Tumblr-sphere. I'm always really grateful when someone writes for a niche character I love, every fic is like finding a diamond!
Second of all: I'm really really sorry this is happening to you. It has happened and still happens to me, too.
Thirdly: While I'll give my thoughts on it straight after this, one truth is that the other person maybe simply doesn't like your writing, and there's nothing mean-spirited about it at all.
Saying this, in your case, there seem to be too many little factors that actually makes me think... 👇
I have Thoughts™️💬 about Toxic Tumblr Reblog Culture...
There is a little phenomenon I've noticed with a lot of fic writers, where they seem to stop reblogging the fics of others who they view as competition. Even if they often read and reblogged another writer's fics before they themselves started writing.
They seem to think that if they reblog the work of you, their "competitor", then your work will get more attention than theirs. It gets even worse the more 'popular' you get, sadly.
I understand, because it's hard to see someone reblog most other peoples' fics about a character, and then pointedly ignore yours. You're not mad for feeling targeted. It can feel this way.
Equally, there can be a cherry-picking of moots' work, and a high school clique attitude to reblogging. Do two or three people band together and constantly reblog each others' work, making a huge fuss whatever it is, but leave you out even though you've historically been part of the circle before? Again, it's not as uncommon as you think.
A real "if we become moots, that means I reblog all your stuff, and you reblog all my stuff" as an unspoken rule. While that might work nicely for some people, it can also foster an air of pressure or entitlement, or of reblogging things even if you didn't really like them, because they're your friend. While fostering growth and circulation in the art community should be celebrated, I'd hate to think someone reblogged my work out of obligation, as opposed to passion.
I've had followers who loved my stuff, always commented and reblogged etc, but when they started writing for the same characters themselves, just stopped. I've also noticed a lot of the things you mention (them using similar word choices, stylistic choices etc to mine, in their new fics).
So, you know they're there reading in the background, and it doesn't make sense that they liked your writing one day, then just stopped liking it overnight, right?
I don't often muse aloud about "controversial" subjects on Tumblr, but this one really gets me. It turns writing, an already isolating art, into an even more isolating "competition".
It's sad, really.
Saying that, I still read, comment, reblog all the work of theirs that I read and love! It feels petty and ridiculous, but try to be the person that you want to see in the community. They'd probably notice they still get just as many readers as before, and actually, will be forced to address that their writing may be less popular for another reason.
I have wonderful friends here who read and reblog any of my stuff they like, just as I do theirs. I made a post a little while back, r.e. always reblogging stuff just because you're moots, and I'm glad to say I don't have this strange entitled relationship with these friends. It's low pressure and really fun.
Reblog in the best spirit; reblog stuff you love, that you think is great, etc etc. Don't fall into bad intentions! It's meant to be fun. It's not high-stakes. What are people competing about? I feel really bad for you, OP, and I know what it feels like.
Jealousy in the Tumblr fic writer community is strong!
Hang in there baby. You're doing great.
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-- Haitch xxx
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the-lonelybarricade · 17 days
TheLonelyBarricade FAQ
I saw @whatishowedyouinthedark make one of these and have been debating making my own ever since! 💕
Do you have a posting schedule?
No. Currently none of my projects are pre-written, meaning I write each chapter from scratch before it gets posted. The frequency of my updates relies entirely on my available free time and mental capacity.
When will you update A Court of Faded Dreams?
I don't know! Each time I'm asked, my motiviation to do so curls and shrivels up just a little bit more.
Are you still working on A Court of Faded Dreams?
Yes! Contrary to some of the comments I've recieved, ACoFD is NOT abandoned. But wrapping up that project is a massive undertaking. Please, please be patient with me.
When will you update x fic?
Whenever my motiviation perfectly aligns with the emotional, mental, and physical contraints of the outside world
Do you accept prompts?
You're welcome to send me prompts, but please don't do so with the expecation that they'll always get fulfilled.
Why haven't you responded to my ask/message/comment?
I promise it's not personal! I'm just a girl with ADHD who can feel a little overwhelmed about answering a lot of messages (and who can be very forgetful). I'm so appreciative of all the messages I get in their various forms, and I wish I had the emotional capacity to answer all of them. In my head, I'm kissing anyone who's ever said something nice to me very tenderly right on their forehead.
As for my ask box, I encourage you to treat it like casting a letter in a bottle into the ocean. Half the fun is wondering if you'll ever get a response!
Are people allowed to translate your fics?
Not without my explicit permission.
Are you okay with people binding your fics?
I will only consent to my fics being bound BY HAND for personal use. That means I do not condone for any money to be exchanged in order to produce a bound copy of my fics. That includes online binding services like lulu as well as Etsy binders who claim to only charge 'for materials', both of which are infringements on SJM's copyright.
I've talked more about this here.
Are you okay with people making or comissioning fanart of your fics?
Yes, but there's one stipulation: if you do this, I'll have no choice but to marry you
What are your favorite acotar fics/authors/blogs?
I'm so glad you asked! I have a recommendation list here.
Where does your username come from?
It's a reference to Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from Les Miserables!
What are your pronouns?
What sexuality do you identify as?
Alexa, play "Sweater Weather"
Are you and @separatist-apologist actually married?
Yes. In fact, my profile picture is from our wedding 😌 (but for legal purposes: no)
How did you and MB become friends?
it's a very emotional story that all started with a penis
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ghoulinpieces · 8 months
╰─➛ vampires surely couldn't exist. & surely, you wouldn't know one personally. so, obviously, no, your boyfriend isn't a bloodthirsty monster... right? so then why was he so odd?
❪ cw: a tad suggestive at times. brief mentions of drugs and overdosing. blood, obvi. arguing. kinda angsty, i suppose. fluff for the most part. a little rushed at times, mb. ❫
❪ ghoulie speaks !! first full fic i'm posting and it's lowkey a little shitty but it's okay. it's severely unedited so just ignore that, and happy spooky season babes <3 ❫
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Growing up comes with fears. Whether that be the dark, or heights, or even stupid things that don't exist such as the boogeyman who sits all night under thousands of kids beds, terrorizing them into sleeping earlier, tucked in tight, as to avoid him.
These horror stories are told to you from a young age. From parents who need their kids to listen or older cousins who think it's hilarious to see the scared look on that poor six-year-olds face when they're told the story of why you hear howling on a full moon.
Some kids grow out of it, others don't. Either way it's all fictional superstition, isn't it? No need to be scared of that.
Not when there were very real things to be scared of, such as the spider crawling above the toliet that you were calling your trusty boyfriend to kill.
You were by the door, slipper in hand. He was on the couch, remote in hand. Looking for the perfect horror film to make you cringe when he faintly heard you call his name, jumped up the second time you yelled.
"What?" He approached you, noticing the slipper. He let out a sigh, smiling when you looked at him.
"Kill it." You frowned, "Please, I really gotta go and I can't." He laughed, palm outstretched for the slipper you immediately put in his hand.
"You know... we have two bathrooms. You don't always have to use this one."
"Okay, and? My pads are in this one.. what's the point of using that one when I have everything here?" You leaned on the doorframe, watching as he pushed the slipper against the creepy crawly on the wall. He made a face when you mentioned the pads, as if he was making a mental note of your time of the month. He was always weird on your period.
"Rest in peace, Charlotte." He shrugged, wiping it up with toliet paper.
"Stop doing that! You make me feel bad!" You laughed, hitting his bicep. He had begun referencing Charlotte's Web whenever this situation occurred. He thought it was the funniest thing seeing you cry over the helpful spiders death when you call him to play exterminator in your own home.
He laughed, "Relax. I mean, it's just a spider with friends and family. Wife, kids, a dream." You hit him again as he fixed his hair in the mirror, his freckles prominent in the bathroom lighting before finally walking towards the door.
"Get out." You giggled, "You're an evil man, Danny. Starting to think you don't have a soul." He sighed, his smile dimming a bit.
"Oh, if only you knew... hurry up in here. I wanna watch that new Saw movie." He smiled, closing the door. That was odd, wasn't it?
His words seemed so serious, too serious to be playing along. Maybe you're just overthinking, I mean... what could've he had meant?
But you've been noticing a lot of strange things lately. Ever since you had offered for him to start spending weekends at your place since he's always complaining about his roommate, plus he's barely at his own place anyways, and after much hesitation, he obliged. You've seen more and more of the things he thinks he keeps well hidden.
You've always noticed how he talks very vintage like. Not as in 18th century vintage but just like he's a kid from the 60s with no cares and the only thing he was looking forward too was Grateful Dead and Janis Joplin at Woodstock. But that was explainable, he likes old things, has an old soul.
But, something not so explainable is that he often ventures out at night, late when he thinks you're sleeping, and doesn't return till hours later, hair messed with and slightly out of breath when he snuggles back up to your form. Hands always cold. You swore you saw blood on his lip one time.
You've left your mind gone wild with explanations of that. Cheating always at the forefront but Danny could never do that. Not with his kind heart and his puppy eyes that worship you. His praises and actions that he reserves for you and you only.
You're not even sure if he sleeps at all. You're quite the insomniac yourself but even then you end up passing out of exhaustion. You've never seen him sleep.
He also doesn't eat garlic, can't be in the same room as it... odd but not the most strange.
You smile as you walk out the hallway and into the living room, your female pitbull cuddled up with him. You named her Rhiannon, it had been the song playing in the adoption center when you met. "Aw, aren't y'all just the cutest. I love that she loves you now." You scrunch your nose, bending over to kiss her snout.
You were always happy seeing them get along. When you first had Danny over, she had barked nonstop. She had even snapped at him, wouldn't let him near her or you. Which is odd considering she's the sweetest dog on Earth. She's never bitten anyone or even tried to, she's loves people, especially ones you're close with.
Odd she didn't like the man you're inlove with. Oh, well, she does now. That's all that matters, right?
Danny gently wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you onto his lap as you shivered from his cold touch.
He is always freezing.
For a man like Danny, you'd expect him to always run warm. Just like a human furnace, instead, he's the North Pole.
"You okay?" He knows you're okay, just like he knows why you're cold. Of course he does. He's managed to cover up the truth by telling you he has low iron.
You simply nod, grabbing the throw blanket from behind him and snuggling closer to him on his lap. He smiles softly as he starts the movie, setting the remote down before holding you tighter. You moved your legs to be touching Rhiannon, just to let her know she's not forgotten.
It's the simple things you do that make his heart ache, make him yearn for a forever with you. Yearn to be able to grow old and watch your grandkids play in the backyard. Yearn to be able to tell you the whole truth.
But he can't. He wouldn't do that to you. Let you know there's a limited time frame between your love before he has to move cities to keep his charade going. He must rather suffer with that knowledge alone then break your heart before it's time. Or break his when you inevitably fear him.
Oh, how he curses his soulless body for loving you so deeply.
Perhaps he should've gone with the twins to Nashville, he thinks the distraction of them would've kept him from falling inlove.
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦
It was sunny out, far too sunny for an October sunday afternoon but you weren't complaining. Danny was outside, playing with Rhiannon while you were in the kitchen, knife in hand, apple on the plastic plate you've had for far too many years.
He had offered to cut it for you but you declined. He does so much for you, the least you could do is cut your own fruit.
But even then, you always were a klutz. You grip on the knife had slipped, sending the blade straight into your middle finger as you, stupidly, tried to catch it. "Fuck!" You hissed grabbing a paper towel to wrap around the wound.
"What happened, are you okay?" You jumped as Danny appeared behind you. He's always been freakishly fast, Rhiannon just now approaching the kitchen and she was running.
"Jesus, fuck! Don't sneak up on me like that." You sighed, "Sorry, sorry... 'm fine, just cut myself." You frowned watching as he picked up the knife and dropped in the sink, his body tensing when you mentioned the cut. He shouldn't... it could go horribly wrong, he knows that... he does it anyways.
"Let me see." His voice is so soft you could cry, hand outstretched for yours which you give gladly. Winces escaping you as he looks at the cut, blood pooling slowly from the broken skin. His jaw clenched and eyes zeroed in on it, "You scared me, y'know, thought something worse happened."
"I'll be fine. Sorry I scared you, it just fucking hurt so bad." You sigh, he shook his head.
"Don't apologize, you hurt yourself. You're allowed to be as dramatic as you want." He smiled softly, looking up at you making a face at him. He smiled wider to which you smiled back before looking back at your finger.
"Shit, Danny, it's bleeding. Can you go get the band-" You cut yourself in shock when instead of doing what you had asked, he wrapped his mouth around your finger and sucked the blood away.
His eyes never left yours, it was strangely erotic. You just blinked at him, breathing quite heavily, "Never thought those fingers would be in my mouth in a different context." He just barely whispered, kissing the cut that had stopped bleeding. The cut that was barely a cut anymore and instead skin somewhat stitched back together.
He's panicking. He shouldn't have done that, what normal person does that? He just fucked everything. Fuck, there's no excuse or reasoning for that... blood kink? Wouldn't be too far from the truth. He ran his tongue over his teeth, panicking further when he feels the slight poke of his fangs.
You just laughed in slight disbelief, reaching up to kiss his cheek, "Thank you for helping me."
He laughed, "You gonna let me finish cutting it for you?" He hid his face by turning around to find another, clean, knife.
"Have at 'em, baby, I'm done. I'm injured." You sigh dramatically, walking over to kiss the base of his neck and wrap an arm around his waist, "Just so you know, and not to be weird here... that was strangely sexual... kinda hot" He laughed loudly, his eyes crinkling.
"You liked watching me suck your blood? Really? That's what does it for you?"
"Hey, you can suck my blood anytime you want, Dracula." If only you actually knew what you were saying.
"Might take you up on that, weirdo." He nudged you with his elbow. He wouldn't. He'd never do it, too risky. He could kill you. He's not too good at self restraint.
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦
Nights were always your favorite with Danny. Ever since he started spending nights over, your nighttime routine had been weaved along with his.
The two of you had learned to dance around each other in the bathroom. Maneuvering around one another so you get to your toothbrush or facial cleanser.
You were in the middle of scrubbing your teeth when Danny finished, putting the toothbrush he bought down at CVS to keep at your place in the cup. He leaned against the counter, watching you with the softest look on his face. He was a goner when it came to you, especially to the domesticity of your time spent together.
"Why you lookin' at me like that?" You smiled softly, looking over at him.
"Like what?" He laughed.
"You know how you're looking at me." You shook your head, putting your own toothbrush away.
"Like I love you?" He smiled, his arms wrapping around you, "Like you're the best thing to ever happen to me? Like I couldn't imagine never knowing you?"
Despite the blush on your face you laughed, and grabbed his arms, "Come on! Now, you're just bein' cheesy." You leaned your head back against his shoulder as he looked at you through the mirror, his own head resting ontop of your shoulder.
"Thought you liked cheesy." He kissed your cheek, his hands tightening their grip ever-so-slightly for just a moment before loosening.
"I do but sometimes you take it so far." You smile, walking out of his grip and grabbing his hand.
"There is never too much cheese." He sounded offended and it made you smile wider, "You think there's such thing as too much cheese?"
"I know there's such thing as too much cheese now get in bed. I'm tired."
With you cuddled up close to him and fast asleep, your arm around his waist and Rhiannon on his other side, her snout on his stomach, he decides to stay in that night. He can miss one night.
He hates leaving every night, to leave you in an empty bed that's cold for hours on end, but it's the only time he can get away long enough to do what he needs to. He wishes he didn't have to, he wishes he could stay wrapped up in you and your arms. Or at the very least he wishes he could sleep, he wishes for a lot of things.
But, when you're like Danny, most wishes can never be granted. And if they can, certainly not without a price. A risky, dangerous, scary, price.
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦
Perhaps you were bored or perhaps your Twilight binge had rotted your brain, but you were knees deep in vampire facts.
You were definitely bored.
You were simply curious as to what the original folk story had about vampires, what had been added over time for the sake of storytelling. First clicking on Reddit, horrible but what else would you use? But then, you started to notice that too many things stated seemed quite familiar.
You couldn't remember who it had reminded you of... it was annoying you if were honest.
Cold skin. Nocturnal. Freakishly fast. Doesn't like garlic. Little to no eating. Obviously likes blood.
But then, there were things that counteracted it like them burning in the sun and having no reflection. He loved to look in the mirror and he practically lived in the sun.
He... oh shit.
It was Danny. He fit every description.
You began to look more into it, going on odd forums and weird websites that seemed like they were created for the weirdos of the internet and everything you saw reminded you of him more and more. He fit everything. It was quite scary. But, it's just a coincidence, right? Vampires don't exist, right?
You'd just have to pay more attention than you already do the next time you see him.
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦
The week had came and gone since that night but you hadn't heard from Danny in days, you were worried. You had no one to call to see if they knew about his whereabouts. Sure, he had friends. Work friends. They rarely spoke outside of his job.
Sometimes you think you're the only one he hangs out with. He's a bit of a recluse but you can tell it's not by choice, he's far too much of a social butterfly and outgoing in public to be this lonely in a city as big as yours. Another odd thing about him. You might just start making a list. After you find him.
It wasn't like him to disappear, not like that. He always returned within the day. It's been radio silence since Monday morning when he left. He had even missed your date that was planned for Wednesday, ignored all your messages and calls while you sat at the book store, browsing alone.
You had considered going to his place after that but... he didn't necessarily allow you there.
It was never explicitly stated that you were banned from his home but he never invited you over, always made an excuse why you couldn't come in, never had you pick him up from his complex.
#7 on the list of things that make him odd and another reason to the possible vampire theory, but they don't exist. You don't even know why you're entertaining the idea.
So, maybe he is cheating. It explains the late night departures, you never spending time at his place. There's not much to go off of but... it's the most sane explanation you could think of.
You wouldn't believe he was a vampire. Fuck what all those sketchy websites and forums and reddit posts said. Vampires are not real.
But, oh, how it pains you to think of him cheating. To think that every moment between you two was an act, that every praise and act of service wasn't true, that he pleases other women in the dark of their bedroom the same he pleases you. That he doesn't love you.
You two had been together for a little over a year and you were madly inlove. He was your gentle giant and it pains you to think he could be someone else's as well. Maybe that's why he hesitated so much when you brought up the weekend stays, he had someone waiting for him back home.
If he did, she wasn't there. You had hesitated multiple times before finally knocking on the apartment door, you waited about a minute or so after hearing a dog bark before deciding to just leave. Maybe nobody was home.
But then the door swung open, his roommate on the other side. You had seen photos of him. He was tall and skinny, long brunette hair with a bit of a wave to it and downturned eyes accompanied with an amazing bone structure. "Oh, hello." His voice was a bit raspy, not too much but enough to notice.
"Hey... um, is Danny here?" Your voice was timid, you felt odd showing up out of the blue. Even odder and uncomfortable when his brows furrowed together in confusion.
"No... he isn't. Do you know him?"
You realized you were staring when he tilted his head, "Oh, yeah... yeah I do. He's um... I'm Y/N. His girlfriend." You wanted to curse yourself for sounding so scared.
His face fell before his jaw clenched and his eyes widened, whether that be in panic or anger, you weren't sure, "You are? Well, he didn't tell me he was seeing anybody... I'm Sam." He reached his hand out and when you took it, all you could notice was that he was cold too.
"Yeah, he's... he's told me about you." You smile softly when he nods.
"I'd hope. I only live with the man." He laughed, quite stoner like, "He's never mentioned you. I can see why, you're quite gorgeous. No wonder he wants to keep you a secret from me." Lie. He knows why Danny never told him and he knows it's not because of how gorgeous he finds you, "How long have you been seeing him?"
"For like a year or so..." You sigh as his face falls, "Kinda odd he never mentioned me, huh?"
"Oh, yeah. Really odd." He shrugged, "But, yeah, he's been down in Nashville since Monday. He returned home from wherever it is he spends his weekends, which I assume is your place? He left that afternoon, a family emergency popped up. I couldn't go, I mean, I have a dog to feed. Can't leave her all by herself." He laughed.
"Since Monday?"
"Yeah... I gather he didn't tell you? Missed whatever it is you had planned Wednesday?"
"Did he tell you about it?" How could he tell Sam he had a date but not about you? You were starting to regret this, you just wanted to go home. Maybe you could distract yourself with terrible Netflix romcoms.
"Not really. All he told me he was busy on Wednesday but I just assume he must've cancelled once he left..." Sam tilted his head, "Quite cruel he didn't."
You frowned, "It is, isn't it? Um... if you hear from him at all.. can you just tell him to give me a call?"
"Oh, yeah, of course." Sam will, but he can't promise that he'll tell Danny he can keep seeing you. It's far too dangerous, not just for you but for them too, "You have a nice day, Y/N." He smiled, you smiled back though it had to be forced.
"You too, Sam." The interaction did more harm than good, you felt odd and off balance as you walked away. More saddened than anything. What was Danny hiding from you? Why was he hiding you? Were you some dark secret?
You were taken out of your memory revisit when you heard a knock on the door, Rhiannon barking as she you shushed her and stood.
You sighed when you opened the door. Your gentle giant standing with sunflowers in hand, fiddling with his necklace and his short curly hair moving when he looked up at you. You were relieved he was alive, pissed that he disappeared and showed up with flowers.
"Hi." He breathed. He thought you looked radiant, he always did. You could show up covered in dirt and mud and slime and he'd happily clean you off while complimenting how beautiful you are, "Got you flowers... sorry that I missed-"
"Where the fuck have you been?" You cut him off, hand on your hip as you eyed him.
He's heard that tone before. He's seen you use it on the phone with your mother when she's pissed you off, and he's seen you use it with Rhiannon when she won't listen. You've used it hundreds of times, pissed off beyond belief, he's just never been on the receiving end.
"You disappear for fucking days, ignore all of my texts and my calls then you show up like everything's fine? With fucking flowers?" You sighed, pushing the door open with more force than necessary, "Get in, I'm not arguing with you in the middle of the hallway." He quickly obliged. If there's one thing he's learned about you when your mad, it's to listen.
"Baby, believe me when I say I am so, so, sorry I missed our date and didn't call. I was going too but I had a family emergency and it just slipped my mind." It's not a lie, but it's not the whole truth. The truth would involve exposing him and the twins to you, he couldn't do that.
Now, he sounded genuine, but the anger that seeped itself into your bones refused to leave that easily.
"It slipped your mind to call me and tell me you were going to Nashville? What? Did it also slip your mind to tell your roommate I existed, Danny?" He tensed up, eyes wide, once you mentioned Sam.
"You went to my apartment? You talked to Sam? Why would you do that? What's wrong with you?" He knew he fucked up when the words left his mouth and you frowned,
"What's wrong with me? Are you shitting me, Danny?"
"You know I didn't mean it like tha-"
"You were gone for fucking days! I didn't know where you were, not one fucking call or text in eight days! What did you expect me to do?!" You snapped, you were not going to be painted as the one in the wrong for caring, "He at least had the decency to tell me where you were!"
"What did you tell him?" You wanted to scream, that's what he was worried about? "Y/N! What did you tell Sam? Did you tell him we're together?"
"No, I told him I was a fucking alien from Mars looking to probe your brain. Of course I told him we're together, why wouldn't I?" You sighed, arms crossed. Danny looked tense, scared. You've never seen him like that.
"Because I'm not supposed to be seeing you... I'm not... I was never supposed to be even talking to you." He sighed, rubbing at his forehead. You just felt more confused and hurt.
"What the fuck do you mean? ...Danny!" You exclaimed when he didn't answer, "Are you... are you cheating on me?"
He looked bewildered, maybe even hurt you'd think that. You regret asking but what was were you supposed to say? You two were on opposite sides of the world, he was in the light and you were in the dark. You needed to know.
"Are you?"
"No, baby, no. I'd never, I... even if I could I wouldn't." He sighed, frowning. He walked over to you, grabbing your biceps softly, "I promise you, I would never. I love you and only you, where would you even get such an idea?"
"Are you shitting my dick? Do you think you're good at hiding shit? I know you sneak out in the middle of the night for hours, Sam didn't even know about me and now you're saying you're not supposed to be seeing me." You sigh, dropping your arms which he immediately grabbed your hands. And you let him, "What the fuck is going on with you?" He sighed, looking down at the ground before back at you.
"Listen, I can't tell you-" You scoffed, taking your hands back and going to walk away before he grabbed your arm and turned you to him, "You don't know how badly I wish I could, but, please just trust me when I say it's for your benefit. It'd be dangerous for you to know." His hands grabbed your face, his fingers gentle as they cradled it, thumbs brushing your cheeks.
"What are you in a gang? I can't... I can't be with you if you're hiding shit from me, Danny." You frowned, "You can't just keep lying to me."
"I know but... it's better if I do." He whispered. He didn't want to lose you, ever, but maybe it is for the better.
"So you're fine with me walking away? You're okay with losing me?"
"No, I'm not but I can't tell you the truth."
"You'd much rather I break up with you than tell me?" You couldn't believe it, it seemed like a such a stab. It was worse for him though, he knew he was going to lose you but he thought he had at least another three years with you. At least he'd be able to get over it now rather than mope about leaving you behind when him and Sam move down to Nashville to be with the twins, "I can't fucking believe you, Danny. Seriously. What is so fucking bad that you'd rather lose me than just be honest?" You weren't sad, not at that moment. You wanted him to fight for you instead he gave up as if it was a battle he could never win, which in his eyes, it was.
"Y/N..." He sighed, "I'm sorry."
"You're not sorry, Danny, don't act like you are. Jesus Christ, you don't even care! Do I really mean that little to you? Like seriously, did I ever matter?" You scoffed, taking a step back.
"You mean everything to me, Y/N, and you know that. Do you seriously think I don't care?" He seemed hurt that you'd ever think that but what else were you supposed to think?
"You're not showing me otherwise." You frowned, "Just... just tell me!" You exclaimed, opening you're mouth to speak before he beat you to the finish line.
"I'm a vampire! Okay? I'm a fucking nocturnal blood sucking monster!"
Is he... is he serious? ...Does he think you're that fucking dumb?
You can't help but laugh loudly, putting your head into your hands. He's scared out of his mind, he doesn't know how you're gonna react. He just knows he can't lose you this early, he needs you. He's an addict and you're his heroine.
He's quite literally the vampire and he considers you to be the blood.
"I can't believe you. Are you fucking with me? Like... are there some hidden cameras here?" You look around to emphasize your words while he stares at you, "Jesus, fuck, Danny. Y'know-"
"You don't believe me?" He seemed shocked, as if he didn't just say he was a vampire.
"Of course I don't believe you! Vampires don't exist!" You exclaimed, "You seriously much rather fuck with me? If you're cheating, the least you could do is tell me! It'd make this a whole lot easier!"
"Make what easier? You're seriously gonna leave me? Even after I told you the truth?" He seemed in disbelief. He swears, if he had a heart it'd broken like a dropped vase. Shattered. Pieces scattered around the floor that he'll have to pick up one by one and try his best to glue and tape back together but inevitably fail because he'll be missing the key part. You.
"You're not telling me the truth, Danny!"
"I am! I swear to God I am!" He was getting frustrated now too, you had never seen him so annoyed. If you weren't drowning in your arguement, you'd want him to take you then and there.
Anger looked good on him.
"Prove it!"
You sighed, rubbing at your forehead, "You heard me, Danny. If you're really a nocturnal bloodsucker, prove it."
He scoffed, "How do you want me to prove that?" You rolled your eyes, "I'm not gonna start fucking running around here like I'm Edward Cullen." You scoffed this time. Did he have to be so fucking cute? And dumb?
"Your fangs. Show me your fangs." You stepped closer to him, hands on your hips. Watching as he sighed before opening his mouth, you waited a moment or two, just looking at a regular human mouth. But then, you gasped as his fangs began growing in. His teeth changing right before your eyes.
His eyes, however, were no longer the sweet brown you adore but instead piercing red. Scarier, sure, but his puppy dog eyes were still there and you loved it all the same.
"Believe me now?"
"But you don't burn in the sun... and you have a reflection..." You whispered, eyes wide and frantic.
"All myths." He shrugged as if he didn't just reveal that he was a blood thirsty monster, "Do you believe me?"
"Yeah.. yeah, I believe you." He smiled at that, putting his fangs more on display, "Oh my God... you don't... all those nights you disappeared, you weren't eating people were you? You're not gonna eat me, right?"
"No! Oh my God, no." He laughed a bit, his hands immediately shooting to grab your arms, "I feed off of animals. I don't... I never liked the idea of killing someone. I mean, I don't have to kill you to feed off you but..." He trailed off, shrugging.
"But what?" You tilted your head. You wanted to understand, you needed to, "You're afraid you'll go too far?"
"I have gone too far. One too many times." He sighed, "So, animals are the next best thing. They work just as well as people."
"You're a vampire." You laughed, the information fully settled, "Oh my God! Is that why Sam didn't know about me?" You frowned as he looked down at the ground.
"Yeah.. yeah, we made a deal we wouldn't going to get close to anybody here, let alone date them. Too many broken hearts, too many risks. Plus, we'd have to leave eventually." He sounded sad, telling you all this. And you couldn't help but hang onto to the leaving part, "But I just... I couldn't stay away from you even if I wanted too... you know that."
"You're gonna have to leave at some point?"
"Listen, I don't want to but... I can't stay forever. I mean, either way, I'm immortal... you're gonna grow old and blossom while I'm stuck being 24." He frowned, stepping closer to you. Your chest against his, "I promise you, if I could stay and give you the life you want I wouldn't even think twice about doing it." You just nodded, wrapping your arms around him.
This was going to take some getting used to.
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦
It had been three months since that night. Things were the same for the most part but you could tell, the fact that you'll have to inevitably part has been looming over both your heads. You just decided to ignore it, live in delusion. It hadn't exactly worked.
You two had always been inseparable but even more so now. Constantly touching, constantly talking, constantly just being together. You still never went to his place, Danny claiming it's because he likes the privacy of your apartment, and something about Sam being a whore.
However, that didn't stop Sam from wanting to get to know you. Ever since he found out about you, he claimed you're all Danny ever talked about. He never realized just how little Danny talked before then. You've invited him over once or twice.
He'll come in, eat all your food, because apparently vampires not being able to eat human food is also a myth, something about how as long as they drink blood they'll be fine. He'll talk to you about whatever, whenever, as if you're old friends and be completely barefoot the entire time.
You've also overheard their little conversations once or twice, mostly about you. Mostly about how badly the break-up will hurt, the seconds counting down to it.
"Y'know..." Sam started, looking in your fridge, his tone immediately tensing Danny up. That's the tone he'll use whenever he's about to suggest something outrageous, "You could always turn her, wouldn't exactly be difficult-"
"Are you fucking crazy?" Danny exclaimed, accidentally slamming his water bottle down. Eyes shooting daggers at Sam, "Seriously, Sam? Do you know what could fucking happen?"
"Yes, I know. You have no restraint and you'll end up killing her which you know isn't true." Sam sighed, closing the nearly empty fridge and leaning against it, arms crossed.
You were currently standing in the hallway, trying your best to eavesdrop quietly.
"Isn't true my ass. Do you not remember Annie? Her death was my fault." Sam rolled his eyes, sighing. He always brings up fucking Annie.
On that note, who the fuck is Annie? He's never mentioned an Annie to you.
"Annie died because she was coked out and shooting heroine while you did it. She would've died either way from an overdose, you just sped up the process. Y/N isn't a fucking drug addict, she'll live." He wasn't wrong but Danny could never risk it.
"You don't know that, Sam."
"Yes, I do. You love her too much to ever risk hurting her, I know. But guess what? You didn't love Annie, not the way you love her, and Annie surely didn't love you, she used you for drugs and sex, man, and you know that." Danny did know that, but that doesn't make the blood on his hands wash away, "You think Y/N wants to lose you too?"
"No, I don't but guess what, Sam? I'm not ever doing it, no matter what. I'm not risking her life or taking away her fucking soul." Danny sighed, rubbing his forehead, "I can't... I don't want to. I could never forgive myself if she died, just like I could never forgive myself if I took her away from her life."
What life? You rarely talk to your family in years and all your close friends live in different states. Danny had been the one constant.
"Just because you didn't get a choice in the matter doesn't mean she shouldn't either." God, he hated when Sam was right.
"She wants to grow old and have a family, Sam, she doesn't want to move from state to state every three to six years." Danny sighed, looking down at the counter he was leaning on.
"How do you know that? How do you know that girl won't follow you to the ends of the Earth? 'Cause it's clear as day that she'll do whatever if it means you won't leave." Sam had grabbed Dannys water now, going to sip from it when you finally decided to walk into the kitchen. Saving Danny from the conversation.
"Hey, weirdos. What'd I miss?" You smiled, seeing Danny immediately soften at the sight of you. And you didn't miss the look Sam gave him either when you walked up and wrapped your arms around his waist.
"Nothing. Just vampire shit." Sam smiled.
"Yeah... just vampire shit, nothing interesting." Danny smiled, "I'll go get the popcorn ready if you wanna go put movie on."
"Sam... you wanna do that for me?" Thank God he took the hint and walked to the living room, both hands raised as he did. He usually complains whenever you imply you want to be alone with Danny, "Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" He turned around in your arms, his hands resting on your face, "Got you in my arms."
You scrunched your nose at him which he kissed, "You're so cheesy. Go get the popcorn ready, Dracula." You kissed his cheek, leaving him alone in the kitchen when you walked away.
You'll bring it up another day. For now, you're enjoying all the time you have left with Danny... and apparently Sam.
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cherryjuiceblues · 5 months
Honestly don't waste your time and energy on anon haters. You and i don't know each other and our only interactions if we can call it that is when i reblog your fics and send anon concepts and message but ii don't resent you just because you don't read my fics. Supporting your friends doesn't make you entitled, quite the opposite. If you didn't, you'd be a bad friend
I'm assuming the person who sent you this is an angry writer who probably doesn't get enough visibility and recognition for their work and i, as a writer myself understand how frustrating it is to not feedback or just encouraging messages, but it's not a valid reason to send anonymous hate to someone successful. If i stopped liking someone i follow, i would just unfollow and leave them alone
Anyway, keep up the good work bestie, part 5.1 of mb was perfect as usual <3
thank you :’) it’s very very kind of you to send this in. i know i probably should have just deleted their ask but i felt such a strong urge to defend myself in the moment. i’m lucky in the sense that i don’t receive many negative messages but it does mean i am less sure what to do with them when they do happen.
i understand the frustration of pouring hours of your time and being so passionate about something for it to not then receive the appreciation you were hoping. i reckon everybody has dealt with that at some point, especially creative people. it is so so deflating but i’ve never wanted to direct my anger at someone because of it.
thank you so much for being a reader, and for sending in concepts, and taking the time out of your day to say this. it means the absolute world to me. i overthink everything but you’ve definitely made me feel better so thank you. i wish you all the best with your writing! and if you ever feel comfortable direct messaging i’d be very happy to thank you more personally <3
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belabellissima · 8 months
✨💭🍰 for the ask game!
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing:
Y’all started with the hard stuff 😅 alright uhhh
1) emotional - I feel like I'm really good at conveying what characters are feeling (at least when its angst) and bringing readers along on that journey
2) hopeful - except for my one mcd fic (but even then I wrote a second ending where it was happy and hopeful again), i only write happy endings. Like no matter how bad it gets, there's always something good waiting beyond that. Because life would suck without hope - it's imo one of the strongest things in the universe, and I like my writing to reflect that.
3) physical - i was told one (1) time during one of my classes that I was very good at writing the physicality of the characters during a fight scene, to the point that the reader had absolutely no trouble or confusion what-so-ever about where the character was, what they were doing, which hand the weapon was in, etc. and proceeded to make that my entire writing personality for years. Any time i write an action scene specifically, i think back to their complement and try to judge whether the new scene would get that same commentary, and if I think the answer is no, i go back and edit it to that internal standard. Which i think leaves the writing very easy to understand and easy for the reader to feel when reading.
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
ooh this one took me awhile to come up with! I don't really know if it means like... about my writing as a whole? or just one of my fics? So I'm going with the second. I 100% headcanon that azris is real in my State of Grace series (ace!Elain and amnesia!Feysand). I have more fics planned in this series and hope to get azris' story one day, but i don't have any ideas at all for them yet so it remains headcanon. I also headcanon that when Nesta finds out Feyre thought she was a puca she finds it hilarious (though she'll never admit to it), and doesn't let Feyre live it down for at least a decade.
🍰 Name one eight of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
I have so many for all the different ships let me try and narrow it down😫 and put them below the cut!
The A Court of Faded Dreams series and The Outlier, both by the-lonelybarricade. ACoFD is so good at making the angst of UTM and the fallout of time travel be heartwarming, and is definitely a favorite of mine to reread. Meanwhile The Outlier is adorable and definitely a comfort fic when I want to read something short and sweet with flustered!Rhys.
A Court Outside of Time by Sonata_IX - I reread this one so often its not even funny. Feyre trying to seduce Rhys while he's still wearing his UTM mask is hilarious, heartbreaking, heartwarming, and all around amazing. And the Starfall scene???? Rhys learning he's going to be a dad?🥹
What Dreams May Come by as_with_a_sunbeam - sick fic with feyre taking care of Rhys. What else is there to say? Feyre's desperation to save Rhys, only to be as self-sacrificial as him and give him up? It's so good I can feel Rhys' heartbreak every time I read, which makes the happy ending so so sweet.
Anything by TheTeaQueen - she writes Nesta so fucking well and has put out phenomenal fics focusing on Rhys and Nesta bonding. I'm in awe with every single one. Of Death and Resurrection specifically is amazing, and one I return to over and over again.
Begged and Borrowed Time by daughterofthesea - seriously go read this fic. Its so good and heartwarming and heartbreaking all at the same time. One of my favorites hands down - Cassian noticing the embroidery right off the bat? Seeing something that even her sisters haven't noticed? Nesta admitting the truth to him when she can't to anyone else? I die in the best way. 🥹
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room and Don't Blame Me by separatist-apologist are my go-to fics when I need a pick-me-up. I think don't blame me was actually the first of mb's fics I ever read (it is I just checked), and SDIABR will always hold my heart with the fake-courting to real-feelings pipeline, and the way Lucien reacts when he learns of the truth, running around all night to help them out.
Literally the reason it took so many days to post this is that I got sucked into rereading these fics as I linked them😅
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nobodysdaydreams · 11 months
Meant to do this earlier but here’s a random ask from the random asks reblog last week! Do you have any favorite MBS characters to write for in your fics, or to theorize/talk about more generally?
Indeed I do! And thank you for the ask! 🥰
I'm inclined to say "all of them" and truthfully, it does rotate a lot depending on my mood, but I do have ones I write about and theorize about more than others (although the ones I choose to theorize about mostly has to do with the show giving them unknown or incomplete backstories or ones that differ significantly from the books).
So I'll talk about some of my favorites (sorry in advance this is gonna be long).
So, some of my favorites are Nicholas and Nathaniel, particularly the dynamics of their relationship (I know all my followers are probably shocked at to hear that one /j), but I thought what the show did with them, particularly Curtain's character was actually very smart. I had a post ranting about this in my drafts, and ended up deleting it, because I just never finished it or published it, but it was about how I respected a lot of the changes they made from the books to the show for several reasons, even though some people might not like them as much.
For example, one of the biggest reasons Curtain and the ten men were such great villains in the books is because of how scary they were, and how they were legit threats who electrocuted children and tortured people, and the way it was described made the threat feel very dark and real, especially when I read the books as a kid. Changing Curtain's character to someone who manipulates more psychologically and has some more redeemable qualities might feel like a downgrade to some who liked that book element, and I can understand that, but if the show had tried to follow the books in that regard, they probably would have had to downplay the violence and tone anyway, because it's a Disney family-marketed show. I'm not sure they could get away with portraying that much violence against children, especially in live action even if they wanted to, and they would have probably been asked to "tone it down", which could have just made the show seem like lame and childish version of the books. And I respect the writers saying "Okay, so we don't want the show to seem like a downgraded copy of the books, so how do we do something different that keeps the same emotional intensity and spirit of the books, in a way that many fans who read the books will not only accept, but find intriguing?".
Because when I was watching 1x03, and they dropped that Nicholas and Nathaniel had a history together, and that Curtain actually adopted SQ in this universe, and has a co-worker he talks to about his problems, works with, and has this bizarre forced friendship with, that's when I realized that I was really gonna like this show and like these characters. I mean, I already liked it, but this is what told me that the writers didn't simply make a show based on the books and disney-fied out all the troubling elements, but that they actually wanted to take the time to write something good, even if it was different, knowing the risk that some people might not accept or like the changes, which I really liked, but I acknowledge, just aren't for everyone. It was a risk that I think would have really paid off if the show wasn't cancelled, because it followed a similar story but still left me with questions. Even though I read the books, I didn't know where certain elements of the story were going, and I LOVED that mystery and suspense, and I was so excited for it.
I came up with my SOS theory after watching season 1 (I posted at bit about it before season 2 began), because I was trying to wrap my head about Garrison's backstory, SQ's birth parents' backstory, and Milligan's chemist backstory. And this is what my brain autogenerated. At first I was a worried Garrison was just a random employee used to show aspects of Curtain's character, and that they'd drop her completely and my theory would look really dumb for that reason, but then the show not only brought her back, but revealed that the inventions were hers in the first place, and solidified that she and Curtain for sure have backstory together that at some point involved Milligan and SQ's birth parents. Oh... my brain was hooked let me tell you. Absolutely wonderful.
And so I love writing about the Benedict brothers and Garrison, mostly because of these changes to the characters as well as the unknowns about their backstories. I do think Nathaniel's redemption in season 2 was partially due to the show knowing they were on the chopping block for cancellation and wanting to have a semi-conclusive ending while leaving the door for season 3 open by bringing Garrison and Martina back in a sequence that could have been added in last minute (their season 2 involvement was really just a detour getting to the compound), mentioning SQ, having Milligan remember the Trentonium and still not having his memories, and of course, the ending with the Benedict sister and Constance's parents. I'm sad season 3 didn't happen, but it's so much fun to speculate on where they could have gone with these characters and their backstories.
And now that I've taken a pointless detour on the show's structure, onto the characters I like writing about. Nicholas and Nathaniel are fun because of how much their trauma has changed their perceptions of reality, with Nicholas always blaming himself, and Nathaniel always blaming others (because the minute he feels any negative emotions towards himself, he passes out, and oh I love that they changed the narcolepsy trigger. It's slightly less medically accurate, but for the character, it fits extremely well, especially when you consider how it effects his relationship with SQ).
Speaking of SQ, I love that this version stands up to Curtain a bit more. It makes sense, because he's not an employee desperate for a father figure, Curtain is his father, so he'd be more informal with him and more likely to rebel. Also, Curtain didn't meet him as a middle schooler or even elementary school kid, he's cared for SQ since he was a helpless baby, and likely has more positive feelings towards him. As for SQ, his dad is the only family he has, and yet, the fact that they actually are family in this version and there is that small bit of genuine love there ironically gives SQ the freedom to rebel, and I love the scenes of him talking back to Curtain in the show, and how Curtain doesn't yell back like book Curtain would, but he just looks sad and desperate. Like once SQ sees through his BS, Curtain doesn't know what to do, and he doesn't want anyone he loves to leave again. I love thinking about and writing about their father son relationship and how toxic a parent Curtain is even though he loves his son and believes (through delusion) that what he's doing is actually "for the best" even if he knows it's wrong. And bringing the sister into this... oh the generational trauma and broken family themes just write themselves. I really did a lot of that with SQ's birth father's death in SOS, where Curtain sort of replaces Nicholas with him, and is getting better, but then feels abandoned again and has a complete backslide. Especially because Curtain doing all this just because Nicholas left is a tad dramatic and leaves a huge time gap. That's where Curtain is directing his anger now, but you get the sense that whatever happened over the past 30 years must have also been pretty bad, and a lot for him to end up with an island, advanced technology, a plot to take over the world, and a kid.
Then we have Garrison. Ms. Wasted Potential, Ms. Undefined Backstory. Depending on how far into SOS you are, you'll have different levels of realization of what I'm doing with her at this point, but the show gave me both a little and a lot to work with. On the one hand, we know she needs Curtain's money to get her tech built, and that she's desperate to do it despite ethical objections, but we don't know why. We know Curtain was comfortable enough mentioning Nicholas to her as opposed to his other employees and having dinner with her (I certainly didn't see him trying to dine with Jeffers or even any of the teachers or executives), but we don't know why. And we know she doesn't have any friends or family to turn to, but again, they never explain why. Or what her deal is. Or how she wanted to use her tech to help people, and why she'd be desperate enough to turn to Curtain for that. You can go so many different directions with her, but ultimately, I hope you all like the direction I chose to take, which, I would tell you more about, but again, I don't want to spoil anything. What I can tell you is that while I don't make her a "good guy", I do try to give more explanation as to why her character does the things she does, and I've had a couple people tell me that they like the character more now, because I've started to fill in those gaps, even if it's not how they personally would have filled them in. And that really means a lot, so thank you guys 🥰
And then we have the Benedict Sister. Oh the things I would type here if I didn't want to spoil my own fic. The most I've written about her so far is in "The Oldest Siblings" (my SOS prequel, hers is the last chapter, don't worry it's much shorter than SOS), and I loved writing that fic because of the way that each chapter shows the ways the Benedict siblings are so similar, even though they aren't ready for a relationship with each other yet. Slight spoilers, but they all hire private detectives to spy on each other, they make silent judgements on the things the others have done without even realizing it was them, they blame themselves for everything, they bribe people, they have narcoleptic attacks. Pure sibling energy and my goal in doing that was to make her feel like part of that family instead of an outside surprise unconnected villain. You can literally do whatever you want with this character: make her 100% evil, make her redeemable, make her just a lie that Curtain was telling, and it gives so much great room for creative freedom and I hope you guys like my ideas and where I decide to go with her.
Sorry this got so long, but I hope this answers your ask!
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hi steph! how are you today? in case you or anyone needs it, here's your reminder to stay hydrated and take care of yourself or i'll grab ur ankles LMAO i'm just kidding.
not a fic req actually but i wanted to ask for some advice about collecting fics. i love how organized you make them and i'm thinking about starting one for a different fandom myself. who better to ask than the literal lifesaver for everything johnlock?
you don't need to give any if you don't want to and i mean that. anything and everything would be massively appreciated <33
another thing i wanted to ask was where do you keep your lists? (other than the full fic rec list you have linked on your acc) I was thinking of using a google doc and taking advantage of the outline feature.
oop- this ask is getting a bit too long. i hope you and whoever else reads this has a great day!! love u <33
Hey Nonny!
Ahh, sorry I took so long to reply to this! I knew the answers existed elsewhere and I just couldn't remember which posts they were.
I wrote some posts in the past that answered the organization question before:
I want to start a fic rec blog in another fandom, any advice?? (Long post with links to my other informative posts. This post is the most recent and will be the best one to read first)
I wanna start a fic rec blog, any tips?
How do you sort and organize so many fics?
How do I start a blog like yours?
As for where I keep my lists? RTF files in a folder on my desktop.
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Would NOT recommend this method LOL. It only works for me because I HATE changing a method I have streamlined over 3 or 4 years and can now just do really quickly.
Oh and I keep an offline RTF file of every post on my blog since 20...18? 17? The fic lists START about half way down my RTF file, and all the fic-related posts end about 3/4 down. This document is 300 pages at 2.6 mb currently. If you know anything about text file sizes... 2 MB is HUGE for a text file that has no images in it, LOL. I should post it up for y’all to see. You want a meta masterpost, that’s the ultimate masterpost, LOL
All my fics themselves are sorted on separate lists, the three most used ones on my desktop for ease of access (Ao3, FFNet, and MFLs).
So yeah, my sorting method is a cluster of fuckery, honestly, hahha. I would not START with my method. Do a spreadsheet or your outline idea, hahah. Seriously will probably make it less stressful, LOL.
ANYWAY, please feel free to ask me anything I don't cover above that you have more questions about. I love talking about my dorky sorting methods, because it's so absurd that people LITERALLY don't believe me until I show them how much work running a fic rec blog is and how ridiculously my brain works. Gives me a good chuckle.
Cheers, Lovely <3
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charlieslowartsies · 2 years
writer questions! 4, 10, 15, 28, and 35 seem interesting!
8D thank!!
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Most words that cannot be spelled phonetically. Cathedral is a huge one. I cannot pronounce it correctly and doubt I ever will lmao.
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, as well as Dark Delicacies III: Haunted. Ironic considering the titles, but yeah. These aren’t my favorite books by any margin, but they’ve stuck with me over the years. Because of their messages, or simple nostalgia. Besides, who doesn’t love a good harmless scare every now and then? My own writing doesn’t really haunt me, unless it’s an unfinished fic I’ve lost passion for. It could be because of personal experience, certain engagement or lack thereof, or because another story is shouting at me louder than it is.
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
Ohhh, I do. Sometimes post it notes if they’re nearby. I dog ear paper backs, not hardcovers. I was always taught hard covers were ‘worth more’ and while that’s a weird sentiment to impress upon a kid, it’s stuck with me. I used to read in the bath tub when I had one XD it was a huge soaking tub with a big tile section behind the tub for stacks of books and my stereo.
Nah, I don’t judge. If it’s your book, who cares? I’m usually just grateful to meet fellow bookwyrms~ My copy of the Spearwielder Trilogy by RA Salvatore is so worn and hammered both back and front covers have had to be taped back on, it’s missing one page entirely but I’ve read it so much I know what happens.
One odd thing I do is that I ‘rub’ the left side of the page with my right thumb. I roll the middle of the page while reading, which means many of my older books have odd wrinkles or worn sections in them. Some paper takes it easier than others, thankfully I read fast so I don’t wear out the pages except by multiple read throughs.
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
OOF this is a hard one. I think my tops would be The Projectionist/Norm, although tbh Mike, Bonnie and Cade Yeager are close behind him.
We don't see a ton of Norm except for his audio tape, and ofc his level in the game. He's fun to write because he doesn't talk and while he's def got the potential to be as fierce and feral as Bendy, he's also more mature and able to help Henry in the MB series. I also just...love his design sm.
Mike is an easy answer--he had nothing but his name and eye color back when I wrote LB. It was fun building him from the ground up for the KGA.
Bonnie is my favorite animatronic, I love all the Bonnies actually. Mostly because his personality is based off my bratty little wabbit Hiccup who was with me through a lot. I miss him, but writing Bon helps me a lot.
Cade's just fun because we finally had a competent human in the bayverse. I liked Sam and Mikela but they were kids--Cade was a new dynamic esp bc he bonded to Optimus Prime, instead of how they typically matched Bee with a pet whooman. I also love smart characters that are also stupid. See, Mike Schmidt. Bless their hearts.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
The ‘first draft is the worst’ rule. Most of my chapters are written in one go, with little variations. At most I nudge entire scenes to later chapters. I write until I hit a word count near 10k, then drop it for a day, then read through it once or twice for spelling errors, then done. Reworking is how I stall out on so many projects. It’s also why I don’t plan writing in advance either.
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noona96n · 2 years
The Guest Ghostbusters AU, you say? I am intrigued. Tell me more, don't be shy, go on, write that fic!
asfghjkldi i can't believe u read my tags lol (for anyone who's interested, i think anon is referring to this reblog)
okay, so, i'm absolutely certain that mb 3 years after canon, Gil Young and Choi Yoon will move in with Hwa Pyung. well, Choi Yoon basically moved in about a year ago but they like to pretend he didn't.
anyway, after finding out that Hwa Pyung is alive, Gil Young and Choi Yoon bulldoze their way back into his life. they visit him every weekend and, when they can't be there physically, they video call/facetime and such. it's also the reason why Choi Yoon finally FINALLY gets a smartphone. well, Gil Young gets that phone for him and tells him to shove it, she's not taking it back, it's a gift. fck that vow of poverty or whatever, he can have the phone bcs he's not the one who bought it.
anyway, one day, in the middle of lunch or whatever, Gil Young was called back to Sangyong for an emergency case or sth so she had to leave asap. Choi Yoon is willing to go back with her but she said she'll come back to pick him up later in the evening. except she couldn't bcs it's a murder case or sth so Choi Yoon has to take a taxi back to Sangyong. except there's no taxi bcs Hwa Pyung lives in the middle of nowhere and it's late af so Choi Yoon decides to just stay the night.
they go on a 5am walk the next morning and Choi Yoon drops by the local church with an old Father. they talk and pray while Hwa Pyung snoops around the church. and then a couple of weeks later, Choi Yoon transfers to the local church in Hwa Pyung's area. he loads all his stuff into Gil Young's trunk one weekend and Gil Young is like ??? and Choi Yoon is just *shrug* and Hwa Pyung is just 'aight, might as well'
the local Father is more than thrilled to have Choi Yoon around and finally gets to retired. Hwa Pyung fishes and visits the church and goes into the confession booth just so he can talk to Choi Yoon.
Choi Yoon lives in the on-site housing (im sorry but idk what the place that priests live in near the churches are called, im not christian. im barely a buddhist lol) anyway, he lives there and Gil Young picks him up on her way to Hwa Pyung's house every weekend.
but, one weekend, after a particularly difficult case, Gil Young is wasted and can't drive back so she crashes at Hwa Pyung's and Choi Yoon's like 'well, there goes my ride' when he can totally walk back to the church. Gil Young stays the night every weekend after that.
and then she starts going there after work on Friday and leave every Monday morning at ungodly hours to get back to the station in time.
and then, one day, Gil Young just... shows up with a fckn ton of luggage with her and claims Hwa Pyung's room as her own ??? and Hwa Pyung is just *sigh*
she transfers to the local police station and eventually retires from active duty after an incident that left her very sick/injured. she becomes a private investigator and goes fish with Hwa Pyung and somehow gets roped into demon hunting with Hwa Pyung and Choi Yoon absolutely loses his shit bcs two supernatural-blind people hunting demons on their own ??? they cant exorcise them what are they thinking ??? cue Choi Yoon internal anxiety going at full force
anyway, further further into the future, Choi Yoon stops caring about his vow of celibacy and officially enters a relationship with Hwa Pyung (bcs im willing to jump hoops for Choi Yoon to throw his vow of celibacy out the windows but unwilling to make Choi Yoon stop being a priest bcs Choi Yoon being a priest means Choi Yoon will be able to save his loved ones in the future + he helped save Hwa Pyung's life (yea i think he managed to exorcise Park Il Do at that beach somehow)). i say officially bcs let's be real, they've been low-key dating since forever, they're just both dumbasses.
anyway, Gil Young be coming back from filing their taxes to see Hwa Pyung bending Choi Yoon over the kitchen counter and she's so pissed but fond of them she throws her shoes at them before leaving and go out to have a smoke in the front porch. and yes she hears them fckn but she's like *smokes* *taps feet* *checks watch* "urgh they're taking so long this time tsk" *rolls eyes* and yes, this time, this isn't the first time she hears/sees them have sexy time
they go on demon hunting adventures together and get thrown in jail every other week and Gil Young phones detective Koh who spends 30mn shouting into his phone but always shows up to bail them out. he also brings them tofu. and his wife's homecook meal bcs he knows they haven't eat shit since their arrest and god knows they need to eat bcs the three of them are more or less dirt poor.
but look, they be struggling to get by and always running head first into danger and complaining about the lack of air-conditioning in the summer and their hot water running out in the winter but u know what, they're happy.
they're happy and that's all that matter.
Hwa Pyung, Gil Young, and Choi Yoon are so incredibly happy and that's all that matter.
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dragons-bones · 3 years
OK, I have to ask, Urianger and the printing press thing?
w h o o p s I have no idea when this came in because I never got an email for it. o.o sorry, friend!
So I am assuming this is probably referring to prompt 23 from FFXIV, Flamecrafting, wherein Synnove and the twins and Urianger are tearing their hair out putting together the Demi-Phoenix array and rebuilding Synnove's grimoire to account for the all intricacies of it. The fic was further inspired by THIS headcanon post and THIS ask I received in response to that post.
Basically, per my own headcanon: you do not fucking use printing presses to make grimoires. You are asking to have the book literally blow up in your face if there is an error. It is literally dangerous to do anything other than tedious, painstaking hand drawing and writing. Y'shtola knows this, and still makes the comment, because Urianger is an even bigger arcanima snob than Synnove and his kneejerk reaction to hearing "printing press" and "arcanima array" in the same sentence is RAGE and Y'shtola is a troll and thinks it's funny.
Similarly, you can't just...pick up some random grimoire you find and start using that to cast. You have no idea what spells are in that book! Probably none of the ones you actually need! (Now, obviously, gameplay mechanics mean you can pick up any old grimoire from a dungeon or buy one from a vendor or the MB, but this is a case where I am very stringently segregating gameplay mechanics from my fiction versus trying to integrate mechanics like I sometimes do.)
tl;dr: printing press is how you get a grimoire riddled with numerous errors so the spells won’t work on top of turning it into an aetheric bomb, so don't do it.
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crockettmarcel · 3 years
your mood-boards are so pretty!! 😍 you do them so well, i'm envious! mine never turned out well and i'm trying to do them again so since you do them so well i wanted to ask: do you have any tips or advice for people who want to get into them? like what's your process or any little tidbits you can give me? thanks and it's fine if you don't want to, i mainly wanted to compliment you 💙
this is so lovely, thank you !!! my mood boards are one of the things I'm most proud of, so it genuinely means so much that you like them!!!
and I have a whole process for them that I’d love to share hehe <3 also for the purpose of this post, I'm going to be using my 4000 miles mb as an example
the apps I use to make my moodboards are pinterest, picsart, and occasionally weheartit
(I'm aware that pinterest and weheartit are sometimes considered problematic but they're what I find easiest. absolutely no judgement from me if you use them or opt for something else)
I start by creating a board on pinterest, then once I've decided on a rough plot for the fic/au, I think of a few vague ideas of what I want to put in the mood board
because this au is set in the Netherlands, I searched for things I associate with it and that fit with the fic: dutch food, sand dunes, the specific town where the au is set, and tulips (I know that these aren't the only parts of the Netherlands, but they're the things I thought would make the prettiest mood board)
when searching, I always add "aesthetic" or "aes" at the end, bc otherwise you get a lot of articles/recipes/pictures that don't look as nice (eg "stroopwafel aesthetic" instead of just "stroopwafels")
I tend to only choose pictures that are similar in look - for this au it was lots of neutrals, blues, and bright pictures
this is the most fun part tbh - I just save as many pictures as I can find to the pinterest board! literally just go wild and save anything that even remotely fits
once I feel like I have enough pictures, I save everything from the board onto my camera roll, then I go onto picsart
click the "+" at the bottom of the screen, then scroll down to collages; grids. from here, I either select the first nine pictures out of the ones I've saved, or I make an effort to pick ones that go together
after this, it's pretty much trial and error - rearranging and replacing pictures until I feel like it looks right!!
when I've got the pictures where I want them, I then edit them (click on each individual picture in the collage, then at the bottom scroll along to "adjust")
this is a really important step!! below you can see the unedited convalescence mb (left) and the edited one that I posted (right). although the pictures on the left all fit a similar theme, they don't exactly match. so! I decreased the warmth and saturation, and I think slightly adjusted the brightness as well until all the pictures looked like they matched well enough. once this is done, you're all set! just save it, and then it's ready to post :)
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obviously the editing is down to what sort of vibe you're going for - this mood board is for an au where Sarah's having a breakdown, so I edited it to make all the pictures darker and slightly less saturated, whereas this one is for the trophy wife au, where Sarah's life is essentially perfect, so I upped the brightness and warmth a lot, and the contrast and saturation slightly
anyway, I hope this has helped, and if you have any more questions, even if you think they might be "stupid", feel free to ask!!
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tsfrbss · 7 years
Paper Moon Part 10
MB - @thecountessakasha - here! Finally, I can give you part 10! If you’ve been reading this series, I am so, so, so super sorry this has taken soooo long. Since I have a new job and come home everyday exhausted beyond measure, it’s taken me much longer to get this part together. Good news is, it’s finally here!
I’m going to tag a couple people who I’ve told about this and my really special love who keeps betaing this for me @evansscruff - thank you, darling.
A/N: Bucky and Steve end up at a venue that has a 40s night and meet an OFC, Melissa Rose, a singer in a local club. They both are smitten by her, and start to vie for her affections. They end up finding out more about themselves in the process.
This honestly started out as maybe a one shot but as I got going, I decided it’ll be chapters. How many? No frigging idea. This is my absolute first time writing a fic of any sort and yes I did base the OFC on myself. I hope y'all enjoy.
Word count: 5000+ because I am a wordy bitch.
Warnings: A little angst. DETAILED SUPER SMUT. (F/M, M/M, F/M/M) Possible fluff, depending on your view of things.
Oh shit. I did not mean to make her cry. Especially after the ecstasy we both just brought to each other. After the way she made me feel. MAKES me feel.
Wiping her tears away, I caress and kiss any part of her I can reach, “Hey, hey, doll. I’m sorry. It’s too much, too early, I know.” I give her a soft sigh, moving in beside her to wrap her in my arms. “You just…I can’t explain it. You make me feel centered. You make me feel like I can be myself, like I can actually live my life the way I want to, the way I feel I need to. The way that feels right to me.”
Her big green eyes, still brimming with tears widen at my words as she stares at me, “This is fucking deja vu, I swear to God.” She’s trying to slip out of my hold, but I pull her in tighter.
“What are you talking about?” Then I realize that can only mean one thing. She’s had this same conversation with Bucky.
I roll to my back, flinging my arm over my eyes. I can feel her trembling under the sheet next to me and I move my arm to peer at her. She’s sitting up, arms wrapping around her shins as she’s resting her chin on her knees.
She hasn’t answered me.
Don’t scare her off, dummy. Don’t do it. Be gentle. Tread lightly. This is something you want, you just haven’t spoken your piece yet to Bucky.
“Doll.” I reach out, touching the back of her hand, “Doll, look at me. Please, Melissa. Just let me explain, alright?” I sit up and start running my fingers through her silken waves.
I hear a deep sigh from her. Turning to look at me, her eyes are still pooling with tears. She presses her cheek on her knee as she waits for me to continue.
“I’ve come to some realizations over the past few days. One of which is that I’m tired of waiting for my life to begin. I feel as if I never really got to have one. I’m sure you can understand why.” I brush the back of my fingers against her cheek softly as she’s nodding.
Moving closer, I orient my body to where I’m sitting up knees to knees with her, “I also know that due to the nature of my life as it is now, I’m not meant for a life filled with settling down and having a family. The guy who wanted all of that disappeared a long time ago. And he didn’t come out of the ice.”
She’s watching me evenly, and for the first time since we met, I’m unable to read her expression. “Melissa, you’ve shown me I cannot be afraid of what I want anymore. Of who I really am.”
“And who is that, Steve? And am I just a bridge to get you to that point?” She’s frowning, something I hope to never see mar her beautiful features again. “I mean, that’s great you’re done being afraid of what you want, but when you really start living as you wish, will you be strong enough to take the barbs? The inevitable judgement?” Her eyes close, feathery dark lashes brushing against flushed cheeks.
“Am I a stepping stone?” she continues. “Or are you wanting me to be a part of this new life? You saw how they looked at us that night in the club. And that was just me.” Lifting her head now, she says pointedly, “What happens when you add Bucky to the mix?” Her big green eyes focus on my blues.
Now it’s my turn to be surprised. “I… I don't… I don’t know what to say.” My hands reach out to cup her face, my breathing so rapid I can barely contain myself. How does she know? How could she? I’m shaking as I’m watching the tears fall down her face.
“You don’t have to say anything to me. You need to talk to him,” pressing her face to my hand, she’s nuzzling into my palm. My thumb brushes away the tears that paint her soft skin, “You said you didn’t have any right to make me choose. I don’t have that right either. All I can tell you right now is that I want you. Both of you. But I also realize that you two have far more history together.”
“You’re right. We do. But what are the odds that we have both said the same thing to you, about you, about each other, in the span of three days?” I lean forward, ghosting her lips with my own, “That can’t be coincidence, can it? Melissa, don’t you see that the common thread here is you?”
Her gaze is puzzling. I can’t tell if she’s scared or incredulous. She seems as if she’s about to say something before turning her gaze away from me. Shaking her head, I hear a soft murmur, “Why me? I have nothing to offer. I am no one. No one special at all. You both… “ and she’s trailing off.
Reaching for her, I take her chin gently in my palm, moving her gaze to mine. “We both what, Maîtresse?” My brows knit together as I’m waiting for her answer, but I see her relax slightly when I call her that.
“You both deserve someone better. Someone younger. Someone thinner. Someone who is better suited to your public life. Who am I but an old, fat, divorcee with a checkered past and…?” Shaking her head, she finishes, “I am not good enough for either of you.”
It’s killing me to hear her speak of herself this way. Tearing herself down. I hate it. I hate what her life has done to her.
She doesn’t see what she does to me, and apparently what she does to Bucky. She doesn’t understand. How can we show her? How can we break through this wall of self hatred she’s created for herself?
“Melissa, don’t you remember what I told you on our first date? You’re more than good enough. I told you I wasn’t giving up, because you’re too special. That I didn’t give a damn what people thought. Let them judge me! I welcome it! For you, for him, I would endure anything…”
“Steve, please! You’ve endured so much already. Frankly so has Bucky. Do you really want this burden, too?”
Grabbing her by the shoulders, I shake her slightly, focusing her attention fully on me. “You are NOT a burden. To me. To Bucky. To anyone.” I pull her in kissing her hard, and she returns it as I slide her onto my lap. She moans softly as my hardening cock brushes against her folds. I’m shuddering at the feel of her already.
“You are a blessing. Everything about you draws me in. Everything.” I murmur against the skin of her neck, fingers tangling in her hair. She’s melting at my touch, my words. I slide my hardness along her damp slit, bucking my hips upward. “What you do to me, no one has ever made me feel this way. I feel free, fully comfortable in my skin. I feel happier than ever, I feel whole…” I snap my hips up again, teasing her.
Her hands press into my chest, fingernails digging in as her hips start to move. She’s rubbing her soaking wet core on my throbbing cock. My hands grab her full, soft hips, pulling her tighter. I lift her up easily letting her sink down onto me, her head falling forward as I slide inside her once again.
We gasp in unison once she’s fully seated, eyes locking. “Steven…” She whispers, her arms linking around my neck to hold on. I’m gripping her hips fiercely, moving her forward then back, forward then back, making her rock on me.
Squeezing her eyes shut, she buries her face in my neck. I continue with the push pull, fingers bruising her flesh. Her breath tickles me and her teeth are pressing into my skin where my neck meets my shoulder, leaving marks. She’s groaning, shuddering, her slick smearing on me as I move inside of her, feeling it on my belly. She’s so tight and wet.
I keep her close as I work her on my cock, whispering praises of her. How beautiful she is, how good she feels, how much I want nothing more than to please her, how I hope I’m making her happy. How deserving she is of all of this and more.
Small whimpers and grunts issue forth against me where her mouth is locked to my neck. I can feel her nails digging deeper into my shoulders, walls beginning to close in. “Maîtresse, touch yourself for me, let me watch you, let me feel you. God Melissa, please… you feel so incredibly good, I want to see you come undone…”
She obliges, hand slipping between us, gripping the base of my shaft as I push her back. She gathers some of her wetness, the lewd sound of our union filling the room.
Her fingers move quickly around her pink, swollen bundle of nerves and almost instantly she tightens around me. A long low hiss comes from her lips as she sits up, still letting me move her as she gets closer and closer. Working her clit fast, I feel her squeezing even more, and she starts to cum for me.
“Oh God, Steve… fuck, you feel so… yes, keep going, just like that-” and she’s there, words frozen behind the perfect O her mouth makes in silence as she collapses atop me. Her walls flutter and tighten, making me buck up even more. She’s so tight I’m almost unable to move.
I’m thrusting up into her harder and harder, her vise like grip sending me over as I coat her walls once again. My fingertips leaving imprints behind on the tender flesh of her hips, growling out her name again and again before stilling under her.
I wrap my arms around her, unwilling to let her go. She rests there against my chest and I whisper praises, fingers carding through her hair. “It’s you, Melissa. You are the one. The one I’ve been looking for. The one he’s been looking for. And we didn’t even know we were looking.”
“We need to talk to him, Steve.” She’s nuzzling into my chest even as she reaches for my phone on the nightstand. “Get him here. Now.” Placing the phone in my hand, she pushes off me, leaving me staring after her as she heads to the shower.
Pacing, pacing, pacing back and forth on the roof of the tower as the minutes tick by waiting for Steve to come back. I feel like I’ve been up here for hours. I chew on the inside of my mouth, looking out over the city, peering toward the building where the club and Melissa’s place is.
I shove my hands into the pockets of my sweats when suddenly my phone vibrates. Pulling it out I see a notification from Steve.
Jerk: Hey man, you busy?
Nope. Was just hoping to talk to you tonight about some things.
Jerk: Yeah, I wanna talk to you too….. And so does Melissa. Can you come over to her place?
I stare at the phone, and I can feel my stomach drop to my feet. Fuck. Did she chose him? Did he choose her? Am I to be left in the cold?
My hands are shaking so badly as I try to type my response.
Of course I can. Anything for her. For you.
Jerk: Alright. See you shortly then. Door’s open.
I lock the phone, sliding it back into my pocket. I make a pass by my room to grab my wallet, moving as quickly as I can.
I don’t bother with the elevator, and as I rush to the stairwell I brush by Clint and Sam. They both call out to me. I’m practically a blur running down the stairs ignoring them, so Sam yells, “I see Mr. Personality has returned!” He doesn’t see me roll my eyes. Not now. Bird Boy will pay in the gym tomorrow.
Out the door in seconds flat, I’m already at the club when I discover I’m wearing only sweat pants, a thin t-shirt, and flip-flops.
Oh well. Neither of them will care.
It’s then I realize I didn’t bother to cover my arm either.
Jesus Christ, James. She really does have you fucked up. You didn’t think twice about concealing yourself.
It’s close to 7pm and I creep into the club, which is in full swing. Ducking the owner I slip backstage and up the steps to Melissa’s place. Two rapid knocks to signal my entrance before I open the door, being greeted by Steve. His skin, milky and freckled all flushed brightly as if he was just working out.
And there goes my heart again. Fuck.
He’s only wearing jeans, slung low on his hips, first couple of buttons undone. His hair is all disheveled, lips curling into a smile. He looks relaxed and at home here.
At home. In her place. Home. Like I feel when I’m here. When I’m with her. When I’m with him.
“Hey, jerk”
“Hey, punk.” he counters, smiling brightly, but looking nervous.
“So, where is Melissa?” I can smell her on him. I can smell their mingled scents and oh it’s a heady mix. So, so good.
He gestures toward the bedroom with his thumb, cheeks turning bright red, “Shower. She should be done shortly.” He moves toward the kitchen, grabbing three glasses. Dropping ice into each, he fills one with her favorite rum, one with Johnnie Walker, and one with Jack Daniel’s. Handing over the scotch, he tilts his Jack toward me in a toast which I match in silence.
We both take long pulls as we hear Melissa pad softly into the room. Our heads turn in unison, and we sigh contentedly together.
Wrapped in a silken robe of red, she’s standing with her hand on her hip, her lips painted into a half smile at the pair of us. Her hair is still wet, making her waves stand out. Fresh faced, no make-up, no anything except those adorable black framed glasses. She’s so beautiful. My angel. My curvy, soft, ethereal angel.
Steve walks her rum over and she takes it from him, wrapping her delicate fingers around the glass. Before drinking any, she runs her fingers through his hair, petting him, “Merci, Etienne.”
I feel my stomach tighten with jealousy as he preens under her touch. Her eyes move to mine and she can see it. She knows. With Steve still at her side, she runs her tongue along her lips, watching me. I’m trembling while she’s studying my reaction to this situation. “Come here, James.” she says softly, but with that authoritative tone I love so much.
As I make my way to her, she takes a deep drink, before setting the glass on the coffee table. When I reach her side, she pets my hair as well, fingers sliding through easily. She tugs with both hands, Steve and I groaning together at the feel of it, the sense of her being in charge.
“Now. We’re going to have us a little come to Jesus meeting. Y'all catch my drift?”
She looks back and forth between us and sees that we are clearly confused by her obvious Southern saying. Her head tilts, lips curling into a broad smile, “That means we’re gonna have us a serious talk. And we’re gonna resolve some shit. And it probably ain’t gonna be fun.”
With that, she moves away from us standing in front of the TV. Snapping her fingers and pointing to the sofa with both hands, she indicates for us to sit. We both immediately take our spots. “Such good boys.”
Picking up her rum, she crosses her arms. “Now. First things first. I am not choosing between the two of you. This may be selfish, it may be greedy. But I believe that by my age, and with the bullshit my life has been to this point, I’ve earned it.” Her sparkling, big green eyes slide between the two of us.
“I want you.” She’s looking directly at me. “And you.” She says to Steve. “And if that’s a problem, speak up now.”
Silence fills the air between all of us. It’s not awkward, it’s not tense. A quiet calm of sorts. I peer at Steve beside me, and he’s looking back. I give him a shake of my head, and he does the same. We both turn back to her, “I don’t think that’s a problem, my Angel.” My lips turn into a smirk, “I have a feeling Steve doesn’t either.”
“Good. That’s one issue out of the way. The least painful one.” Sipping her rum, she pauses here, taking a deep breath. “Now, the hard part. Which I suspect has something to do with me, but not in the way you’d imagine.”
She looks directly at me again. “Tell him. Because if you don’t it’s going to fester and cause issues within this dynamic and that’s something I refuse to tolerate. I want open and honest dialogue between the three of us all the time, constant communication. This simply will not work without it.”
I give her a heavy sigh, rubbing the side of my face then draining the glass of scotch in one go. I turn my body to focus on Steve, setting my empty glass on the table. “You know that I love you,” I say to him.
He nods, opening his mouth to answer and I hold up my hand, “Just let me finish. I love you. And not just in a friend way. A brotherly way.” I close my eyes, “I’m in love with you, Steve. And I think you’re in love with me, too. And I think we’ve been dancing around this issue for as long as we can remember. Since from way back, Brooklyn days.”
Opening my eyes I see his cheeks color brightly, and I can tell Melissa is watching closely. Studying. I love it when she does that.
Steve doesn’t answer. His mouth hangs open for a moment then closes. After what seems like an excruciating long time, he reaches for my hand. My metal hand. He holds it delicately in his own. Palm up. He traces his fingers along the plates, giving a soft sigh.
After several torturous minutes, he looks up into my eyes. “I’m in love with you, too, Buck. I have been for as long as I can recall. I just never knew how to tell you. Or if I could. Or should.”
We slide closer to each other on the sofa, “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear you say that.”
Reaching out to cup my cheek, his lips turn into a soft smile. “I think I do, Buck. I think I do.” He’s blushing all sorts of colors and it is knocking me breathless.
I take this moment in, just for a couple more seconds before I lunge forward pressing my lips to his. Both of us sigh in relief and adoration of the other as we kiss softly, slowly. The fluttering of my heart is matched by his own which I can easily hear, and I deepen the kiss.
I take my time, feeling each and every part of his lips, loving the soft pressure, the plumpness. “So long I’ve wanted this, too long I’ve waited,” I murmur against his mouth. He gives a small whine as I pull back, still holding him but breaking the kiss.
My eyes slide to Melissa and she’s on the verge of tears, I can see them gathering. But she’s wearing the biggest smile I’ve seen from her yet. Steve finally looks to her as well, giving a little gasp at the sight.
She looks so proud, so happy to see us this way. I want her to look at us like this forever. And to be honest, if it weren’t for her this may have never happened. “Melissa, my Angel. Thank you for this.”
“Ma Belle Maîtresse, merci.” and he gestures for her to join us on the sofa. Setting her glass back on the table, she walks over but doesn’t sit. She stands before us, taking each of our chins in her hands, smiling down upon us like the goddess she is.
“You are both very, very welcome.” She frowns a moment then replaces that with a more contemplative expression, “Please know that I expect nothing from either of you in return. If you decide that you’d be better off without me, with just each other, I will totally understand. I’ll back off and slip out of the picture to allow you to pursue your life as you see-”
She’s unable to finish that train of thought as Steve and I both grab at the lose ends of the tie holding her robe closed, undoing it, and letting the silk slide open. I look at Steve, and we’re both grinning.
“If you think we’re ever letting you go, you’re out of your mind, Angel.” and with that I press my lips to her left hip in an act of reverence.
“That’s right, Maîtresse, for as much as we belong to each other, and to you, you belong to us, with us.” Steve now pressing his lips to her right hip, mimicking my action.
Neither of us remove our lips from her soft flesh as we look up at her. The tears that were threatening to spill down her cheeks begin doing just that, and she brings her hands up into our hair, petting the both of us.
“Thank you, boys. My boys. For this. For…” she trails off sighing contentedly at the sight of us.
My fingers card through their hair as they look up at me. I would never, could never believe that I am deserving of what’s happening. Of these two. I still don’t believe I am and yet here they are, saying so.
I take a deep breath trying to calm my galloping heart and quell the flow of tears. Bucky sees me struggling and pulls me into his lap. He starts to wipe the tears away and Steve slides in right next to him, helping to dry my face.
I look from one to the other, feeling like I have just taken a willing step off the tallest building in New York City. That feeling of falling, floating, half sickness you get when you’ve done something huge that will change the course of your life forever.
I’m scared out of my fucking skin.
I’m having trouble with this. Already. There is no way I deserve this. To be a part of their lives like this.
“Melissa, doll. Please tell us what you’re thinking right now. Please.” Steve looks terrified, as if they’ve broken me, or scared me, or something else entirely. They’re both petting my hair, and Bucky is planting small kisses along my temple.
I can’t seem to stop shaking. I feel Bucky’s lips move against my skin as he speaks lowly, “I know you’re scared. I know you don’t believe you’re worth this. Worth us. I know.” He takes my chin in his metal hand and pulls my gaze to his, “You are worth more than this. You are worth everything and anything he or I could ever give or do. We will make you see that.”
Steve takes my hand, placing his lips against my palm, murmuring softly, “I was not lying when I said I would endure anything for you, for him. For us. This is what we want. What we need. What makes us feel whole. You are the missing piece.” he finishes with small butterfly kisses along the inside of my wrist.
This simply cannot be happening. This simply cannot be true. But, oh, oh how I want it to be.
I close my eyes, silently counting to three before reopening them, expecting to wake from this as if it’s a dream.
But it’s not. It’s real and tangible and oh god they are so warm surrounding me, holding me.
“James. Steven. Are you both sure, absolutely sure? Because this is huge. This is a big, scary step and you know how harshly we will be judged. Hell, wait until your teammates find out, oh god…” I trail off, shaking my head.
“Melissa.” I hear lowly, sternly from Bucky. “This is our choice. These are our lives. Not theirs. Not anyone else’s. That’s the end of the discussion.” He reaches up and runs his fingers through Steve’s hair at the back of his neck as he places more little kisses on my temple.
“He’s right, Melissa. And we need you. And we want you. Just as much as we need and want each other. The common thread is you, did I not just say that to you that earlier?” His fingers slide through my damp waves as he kisses Bucky’s forehead.
But I’m not. I’m not worth this. Them. Either of them. Much less them together. They’ll see. Eventually they’ll see.
We wrap our arms around each other, holding tightly to one another as I sit still perched on Bucky’s lap. My breathing has calmed, the tears have stopped. We’re all smiling at one another, and I start to laugh.
It’s a quiet laugh at first, then they join me and finally we’re all rolling with it. “This is completely insane.” I finally sigh.
“It is.” Steve pipes up, “But to be fair, our lives have really all been insane to this point. Why stop now?”
Bucky punches his shoulder, “Christ, you’re a fucking nerd sometimes.” and I collapse into giggles against his chest.
“So, we should celebrate, yeah? What should we do to commemorate this ridiculous journey we’ve just begun, y'all?” I look between them, grinning.
“I vote dinner. I’m fucking starvin’!” Bucky grabs at his belly, groaning.
It’s then I realize what he’s wearing. “Wait. What the fuck, Bucky? You…what do you have on?”
“Um. Yeah. I sort of just ran out of the tower as I was dressed.” His cheeks color brightly, and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
Steve is so surprised, “You didn’t even cover your arm?”
Bucky shakes his head, “I… I didn’t know what was happening. I didn’t think. I didn’t care about anything except getting to the two of you.” he looks so embarrassed, Steve reaches up and cups his cheek.
“You precious thing.” I lean in and whisper against his lips before kissing him softly.
Steve looks at the two of us, eyes full of adoration. He gives a soft chuckle after a moment, “I guess that means we’re ordering in.”
Bucky and I start giggling, “Alright, I leave it to y'all, my local boys. I only have one request.” Wrinkling my nose I murmur, “No seafood.”
They mock gasp at me, eyes wide.
“I know, I know. The Gulf Rat hates seafood.” I cover my blushing face. Steve pulls my hands away and kisses my brightly colored cheeks, “You know we’re never going to let that drop.” He nods toward Bucky, who’s smirking.
I groan, “Fuck, I know.” My eyes roll as I try to stand, but they don’t let me, pulling me closer to them.
“You’re full of surprises, my Angel.” and I feel Bucky’s lips against my neck.
Steve’s hands are back in my hair as his lips claim my jaw, “She certainly is.”
I’m squirming under their kisses, “Now, now, boys. Let’s eat first, oui? We have plenty of time to all get acquainted with each other.”
They groan and let me stand finally. I move away from the sofa reclosing my robe and start clearing up the glasses while they’re arguing over what to order.
These two will be the death of me.
@alievans007 @buckysbackpackbuckle @justareader @anice-1 @ya-girl-evanstrash for genuinely being kick ass people who were interested in my work from day one. One more addition who asked specifically to be tagged: @hardcollectiontrashworld Thanks everyone!
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