#i mean i had tasteless glitch before
glimpsesofeuterpe · 7 months
i am still sick but feeling better (had like 20 hours sleep time)
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So, people liked my X6-88 and Sole headcanons, so guess what, I'm providing more.
Prepare for some hurt/comfort plus some fluffy shit
In the Institute the only thing synths got to eat (I strongly believe that gen 3 synths do have to eat and sleep) were tasteless ration bars. They were nutritionally complete but had the flavor of cardboard. After the Institute, Sole makes X6 actual food. For the first time in his life X6 gets to see food as something other than fuel. Sole making him food is a way they show him that they care about him.
X6 getting to have a nice warm bowl of soup with some fresh baked razor grain bread to dip in. His taste buds are awake for the first time in their life.
X6 is like a cat in the way that he shows affection by just existing in the same room as someone. Sole will be working on building something and X6 is sitting close by, reading a magazine they gave him. He just enjoys existing in the same place as Sole.
One day Sole finds X6 having Feelings. As in silently crying alone. They ask him if he wants to talk about why he's upset, X6 says no. Then they ask if he wants them to leave, X6 also says no. Cue Sole just sitting with X6, being there for him. He doesn't know why he's feeling bad, but he knows he doesn't want Sole to go.
The next time Sole is having Feelings, X6 sits next to them. He puts his hand on Sole's shoulder and says if they want to talk he'll listen. He doesn't say a lot but the fact that he's trying his best to be there for them in his own way means so much to Sole. He doesn't leave until they've stopped crying.
X6 starting to fall asleep on the couch or whatever at Sole's home. They cover him with a blanket and X6 is having a brain glitch for the next three days because the feelings are confusing him again.
X6 steals Sole's weapon to modify it. He does this as surprise so Sole is looking for their favorite gun for three days straight before X6 gives it back. They're grateful but X6 please tell someone before you take their shit.
As he gets more comfortable with his personality and with having a friendship with Sole he starts to tease them more. He begins to make jokes when they do something dumb. Sole's ego is a little bruised but they're glad X6 is developing his own sense of humor.
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monkey-network · 3 years
Good Stuff: Best of 2020
I don’t need to say much about how this year sucked. What matters is that if you’re reading this, congrats because you made it through and you’ll know that animation in 2020 has certainly made its marks as much this year as it did the last. Effort was still made to provide some of the best entertainment imaginable, and I’m here to provide the TOP TEN BEST entertainment I’ve experienced and loved this year. With that said, let’s get to it…
10. Sonic Rebuilt
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I’ll admit, I don’t like the Sonic Movie. It was not a good film to me & while I’m holding out for the sequel, I genuinely never want to see it again. But like Biden to Trump, the people behind Shrek Retold gave us a reanimated telling of the Sonic 1996 OVA. Like Shrek Retold, it offers a compelling new light to the OVA and while the original is much cleaner, and it’s not the most hype thing to come from Sonic overall, the imaginative cauldron of artists that put into this makes it far more rewatchable. 
9. Central Park
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I knew after watching Bob’s Burgers that creator Loren Bouchard would eventually make a musical cartoon and I’m glad I was right. Central Park is a first for me where it’s an animated musical that isn’t a film or only occasional like Steven Universe or Adventure Time and while it isn’t the best plotwise, the numbers themselves were heartfelt and sometimes catchy. There’s a struggle in being episodic and serialized, and it’s a slow burn to connect with the characters, but this was admirable in its experimentation and I’m interested in the direction season two will go.
8. Interspecies Reviewers
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The first horny anime I can safely say was never an off-putting or one-note gag fest; that’s gotta count for something. The momentum of this series never truly dies and even when there were a couple times where I just wasn’t feeling it, they pull me back with something ten-fold entertaining. Fresh variety is what I can describe this series at its best, it knew how to keep things going and growing even when it’s otherwise formulaic. All the while, this series never felt tasteless; it really felt structured and gallantly clear-minded in what it wants to show. Plus, it has Crimveal who next to Steven Universe is the best boy of 2020. Of course this show ain’t for everyone but my god, it does so much right for me upon most ecchi stuff.
7. Primal
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I wanna believe this was what Genndy Tartakovsky always wanted to make after Samurai Jack ended (well, the 2nd time). This show really exhibits his many techniques in direction, like you can tell this is his work if you’ve seen his other shows. Primal always feels like the culmination of all that’s he towards as a man of animation. Even with the roars and the harsh sounds of violence, this is the only cartoon that never says anything but conveys everything so vibrantly. This admittedly isn’t my favorite piece from Genndy, but it definitely made it’s way to the top three.
6. Team Fabulous 2 Reanimated/Suponjibobu Anime
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We got a tie here because these I especially felt brought people together. Suponjibobu brought people together to celebrate Spongebob Squarepants like never before, making it as legendary this year as Mr. Krabs Overdoses on Ketamine. A beginning to a series long in the making and can hopefully go for more as animation on Youtube has certainly delivered. 
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The Team Fabulous 2 Collab was where a community came together to honor the creator to one of the most recognized fanworks for a game that has stood the test of time. Like Sonic Rebuilt, it’ll never replace the original but god damn it’s like the stars aligned, especially after we were dealt with another loss this year, where we could appreciate TF2 for the culturally powerful game that it is.
5. Crash Bandicoot, It’s About Time
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I’ll say again but this game feels like a dream. A good, fresh looking, fun to play Crash Bandicoot game that feels like the gamiest game this year after all the discourse surrounding Last of Us 2 and plenty other shit surrounding the game industry, Nintendo included. Like, I just gotta appreciate this. It’s by no means the greatest Crash game, the completion journey is horrifying, but my god it was a great game to jump into again and again. It feels like a testament to what Crash can be in the modern era and I certainly want more of it. Bugsnax is objectively game of the year if not Hades, but Crash 4 is my personal GOTY. 
4. Glitch Techs
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It’s the gamer equivalent to Men in Black, that’s enough of a seller. From the people behind Fanboy & Chum Chum, it’s genius well-animated, realized, and not immediately dated. It’s a mind-boggling crime Nickelodeon isn’t treating this show better because it deserves recognition as an innovative idea. It does a lot right and it’s a worthwhile action series up there with Rise of the TMNT that’s worth the risk to give it more of an audience as opposed to just thinking it’ll be the next Spongebob. If it’s future is anything, I enjoyed this series and there’s nothing like it.
3. Wolfwalkers
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This was an animated film with the most personality to me in a long while, with the most memorable look to it, compelling leads, and animation that really made its mark in the moments that mattered. I’ll agree with other reviewers that, outside Mebh who is the greatest and besterest girl of 2020, it's a simple story but it’s effectively simple. Beside the 3rd act which was noticeably long, the moments flow one after another fluently and you really get the struggle between two immediate friends that are shackled with responsibilities their parents didn’t want to put on them. Like Netflix’s Klaus, it all comes together like a beautifully seasonal tapestry. Worth watching and supporting is the best I can tell you for this film.
2. Elinor Wonders Why
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This is my most personal of personal choice for the list; like True and the Rainbow Kingdom, it’s the one that helped pick me up after being in a slump for most of this year. I’ve always had an interest in understanding the fundamentals of nature, and this show encourages thinking about the wonders of science, where something as simple as a feather can make you wonder of its many shapes, abilities, and functionality. It appealed to me in the best way that it does more than represents your existence but deep down represents why you are the way you are with your interests and the flexibility of your outlook. I wish it was number one but it did enough to make the top of this list.
1. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken
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I mean what else could be number one? This is the most ‘anime’ anime I have ever seen. The story, characters, and world building are at their most realized. I can’t imagine anyone other than Science Saru, with the based Yuasa, animating this with the style it has. Every episode is an engaging puzzle to every 4th episode where it all culminates with the in-universe final product of our Eizouken trio. It’s so compellingly meta it hurts as I could gush about every single detail that went into this series both in universe and the real behind the scenes. But what makes this the greatest is how nothing feels contrived, everything in this anime exists for something and the obstacles our characters face are things you’d definitely face in you were in there shoes. It’s energy is what really carried me through this year and I can safely say this is one of my all time favorites. And it really says don’t give up believing and working for better things to come, because if art like this can be made nearly flawlessly, it’s always worth carrying on to see something just as great if not greater. That’s why this is a masterpiece to me...
Then again...
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magebastard · 3 years
13 for judith and gray!
thank you so much!! I have no idea how to write gray and this is the first thing my brain could do! also in whatever post-canon world this is (i imagine yrs into the future) ambrose, glitch, kent and sally and button all work together on some sort of ops team. do I know why or what specifically for? no of course not
mini-fic prompts!
13. things you said at the kitchen table
It’s one of those mornings Gray knows that his memory will, unfortunately, muddy someday. The details of it all will be long gone, washed away and corroded like the intricacies of a painting traced over and over with admiring fingertips.
Judith and he do not get very many quiet mornings together. His work is demanding, and her rag-tag team find themselves more trouble than even Nick.
Speaking of.
She lets out a suffering sigh, and Gray doesn’t need to ask what’s prompted such a response. Even still, he smiles, fork digging into the breakfast she’s made him. “Bad joke, or tasteless quip?” He prompts.
Judith snickers, still diligently focused on the stove. Making extra fix-ins for him to tactlessly shove between an un-toasted bagel, later. “I’d come by with dinner, but we both know Rosy is going to find a reason to work us past midnight.”
She forks a bite of her own home-fries into her mouth before answering. “Worse. Bland observational humor. The good news is—I suppose—he must not be busy. I’ll take his stand-up routine if that means he’s fine,” Judith speaks softly, wipes her hands down the front of her work slacks, before finally turning off his stove. “Peace and quiet,” A graceless snort. “For once,” she turns to him, a grin on her face. It’s content. It feels like home. Gray swallows. She opens her mouth to speak again, and he cuts her off, words barely discernible as he forms them on a rushed exhale.
“Move in with me?”
It’s asking a lot, he knows. Judith struggles with owning her privacy on the best of days. This would be a huge shift and a lot given up on her part. She’s staring at him, wide eyes unblinking and oh, he’s messed this all up hasn’t he? Apologize first, then retract-
“Alright,” she finally says, voice even and careful. Like something precious hangs in the quiet between them. Like it always has. Judith pads over to where he’s sat at the small, round kitchen table. Grayson almost chokes as a euphonious echo of “holy shit, yes” becomes audible to him. She brings gentle hands to his cheeks, his find her hips in turn.
Gray may lose the finer details of this day to time, but he’ll remember that her hands were cold where her fingers stroked his temples—they always are. He’ll remember the thrill and the nervousness. He’ll remember an errant thought turned over so quickly in her mind that he barely had time to catch it, quietly pleading “keep me here” and he’ll remember saying “Yes,” out loud for not the first, and certainly not the last time.
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I don’t think you needed me after all.
This afternoon, much like most afternoons as of late, I woke up with a million and one thoughts zipping around my skull like a subpar, anxiety-inducing pinball machine. Granted, most them aren't really worth the notion of being anything more than a fleeting idea. In fact, a lot of them derive from the most peculiar pinpoints of my life up until now - events or moments I probably should have forgotten (because I doubt anyone else present still thinks about it), though they always find their time to drip into my thought stream.
Today, the star of The Ponder Show (coming to you live from my cranium), was a young Chinese girl from my high school. I never knew her name, or perhaps I did for a while but I forgot. She wasn't in my year group. I believe she may have been two years below me. We never spoke. She was not my friend. Yet, frequently I would see her skulking around hallways - backpack strapped tight enough to wrinkle the ugly blazer which was the centrepiece of our tasteless school uniform. Usually engrossed in a graphic novel of some sort; it was in these moments where I believe I saw her for who she truly was, and she seemed very content with her own company. But, of course, this occurrence took place in a British secondary school circa 2015, so the serenity never lasted long. A tidal wave of pubescent rage and toxic masculinity brought boisterous bullies barrelling down the hallways to torment their ‘ch*nk girlfriend’ - offering her false promises of friendship and connection just so they could experience an empty sense of power over another person for a couple of seconds before class, before being under the ‘watchful eye’ of a teacher. The worst part? She believed it all. Or she seemed to. When they teased her with their ‘date proposals’, her skin would glow with glee. When they told her she was the prettiest girl they had ever seen, she would bask in their forgery. And as somebody that frequented as a victim in the same types of ridicule, I would watch on in mute horror; calves burning with the urge to storm over and say something, anything, to make them stop. Because I knew that even if she believed them then, there would come a point soon where she would see a glitch in their cruel matrix - a cackle hidden behind a phone camera, a slur buried within the sham, a clear warning in a sea of subtlety. A catalyst for an adulthood full of self-shaming paranoia and inability to trust a compliment. It had taken me far too long for me to realise it for myself - because whilst I wanted to believe that these people would peak in high school, I still felt a harrowing inclination to credit them for the complexities of their under-the-radar intimidation towards me, their ability to make me feel so insignificant even when their words would appear as friendly to a passing listener.  It took me even longer to realise, as a fresh adult, that not everybody reacts to the tyranny of high school oppressors in the same way. As I continually flipped this recollection in every possible angle, something became very apparent to me. This girl, more than likely, knew all along what they were attempting to do to her. She never needed any protection from this thicket of idiots, let alone mine. Time and time again, she chose to hear her own version of their backhanded compliments, in the comfort of her own brain. Her brain: a place where she could truly feel beautiful, a tower in which she could look far out, to pity the hoard of fools who never realised their words could be taken at face value. This girl had a formidable power over them - one that meant their mechanical, tedious hidden meanings would forever remain hidden in her eyes. I hope with all of my being that this power of hers only intensified over the years. The glint in her eye always suggested that it would. 
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theclaravoyant · 4 years
i’ll give it to someone special [david x patrick]
AN ~ a belated prompt fill @just-a-funny-little-brain and @schittposting, ft. shameless fluff, mutual pining, Mariah Carey, and a slightly warped UA timeline for S3 because i do what i want. enjoy!!
"You made me a Christmas playlist but it’s just Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas is you”. I can’t tell if you’re hitting on me or if it’s a joke." and "I was putting up Christmas lights, and I literally fell into your arms" from this OTP Advent prompt list
Read on AO3 (~2300 words). David x Patrick, David & Stevie
i’ll give it to someone special
When decorating, it was no secret that David Rose was an advocate of “if you want something done right, do it yourself.” This went double for the holiday season; with bright, clashing colour schemes in abundance, there was too much potential for a garish, tasteless disaster for him to allow an amateur to take over. He had a business and a reputation to maintain after all – plus, it was either this or the end-of-year budget review, so really, the jobs divided themselves.
At least, they did until the bell rung.
“Patrick!” David called, so that he wouldn’t have to be deterred from his process, not to mention make the inelegant descent from the stepladder in front of a member of the public. “Pat– oh, it’s just you.”
Stevie fixed him with a sardonic glare.
“And a happy Hanukkah to you too.”
David rolled his eyes, and made a point of turning his back to Stevie and continuing to thread out the fairy lights as she made her way further into the store. But he couldn’t quite turn all his attention back to the task at hand – especially not once she passed the counter behind him, and made a curious humming sound.
“What’s this?” she wondered, and David pretended he couldn’t hear the scandalous intrigue in her tone.
“Patrick and I exchanged some small gifts,” he explained matter-of-factly, “to celebrate our first holiday season together – as the store.”
“Uh huh.” Stevie was audibly unconvinced.
“Excuse you, Christmas is a busy time for retail,” David scolded, whipping around and rocking the step-ladder – damn, he’d forgotten it was missing a foot. But he pinched a nearby shelf, righted himself, cleared his throat and did his best to continue as if his blunder had never happened. “It’s important to keep up morale.”
Somehow, Stevie kept a straight face. “Morale.”
“So, Patrick made you a mix tape… for morale?”
“… Yes.”
“Great! Let’s listen to it then, shall we? For your morale.”
Stevie’s eyes were fixed on David’s as she pulled the CD slowly from its case and slipped it into the side of David’s computer. David knew she was challenging him, but what could he do, object? She already knew he doth protest too much when it came to Patrick, but if he had any chance of coming out of this relationship – by which of course he meant this business relationship - without a broken heart, he couldn’t afford to stoke the fire. And apparently, there was no way he could so much as flinch on this infernal step ladder without shaking the whole damned thing and giving himself away, so though his heart clenched with a dizzyingly cruel hope that the mix tape might open with some kind of confession, he stood stock-still. Waited. Until those precious, familiar xylophone tones began to chime.
“I-I-I-I… don’t want a lot for Christmas…”
His heart almost buckled with relief. Stevie smiled slightly.
“The man’s got taste,” she praised. More sarcasm? David wasn’t sure.
“He’s learning,” he replied, and turned his back to her again to continue with the work she had so rudely interrupted. If he had to press his lips tight to keep from smiling, so be it.
“Patrick!” David called from the front room. “Pat-“
He cut himself off, falling to a mumble that was too muffled by the distance and the walls between them to make out. Whatever he had said was met with a flat, but equally muffled reply from what Patrick had long since learned was Stevie’s voice. Part of him wanted to pop out and say hi, but their Q4 turnover was hard to keep up with… and then, any hopes of getting up the courage to leave the back room fizzled when the first notes of All I Want for Christmas started playing.
Patrick took a deep breath, and tried not to think about David. Tried not to think about his hearteningly curious reception of the CD, or the way he had spent most of the morning checking that every Santa hat in the store was quirkily off-kilter by just the right amount, or how much Patrick longed to watch his shy and uptight business partner let loose and belt out some Mariah already.
No, he wasn’t thinking about that. They might not even be listening to his CD. Maybe they had just pulled up the song on Youtube or Spotify or something; surely, it was a Rose family staple after all.
Patrick, well, Patrick was just inputting the numbers. Into the spreadsheet. Putting that number… into that box… or- wait – was it that number? Was it that box? The data seemed to swim before his eyes as his heart began to race. The first rendition was ending and… yes, there it was, beginning again.
He got out of the chair and began to pace. His mind turned irretrievably to David. To the moment he had first realised he might have begun to like David. To the early mornings in his car letting the freezing air in to try and shock his system into figuring this damn thing out. To the hot flushes he got when he thought about wanting to kiss those pouting lips, or linger in a hug, or pull one of those damned sweaters over David’s head and lift up his shirt and –
And, well, he had to start somewhere, and for some ungodly reason the Spirit of Christmas had inspired him to pick here. With a plan that now that he thought about it, couldn’t have been any more impossibly vague if he’d tried. He could hear David and Stevie talking now under the music. Were they figuring it out? Were they wondering if it was a glitch? A mistake? At first, he’d thought being able to play this thing off as a joke would have been an advantage. Now, the thought that David might not understand – that he might have another… however long, to wait, before he got up the courage to reveal himself again in a more obvious way – if he were being honest, it was kind of killing him.
“Maybe I should just tell him,” he whispered to himself.
It didn’t sound that ridiculous out loud.
“Okay,” Stevie announced, when the song began for the third time. “I love ya, Mariah, but three times is too many.”
“My store, my rules,” David corrected.
“My finger on the play button,” Stevie pointed out, and pulled up a new playlist in the online search bar. The synthesiser intro of Wham’s 1984 pop classic Last Christmas started up and she smiled as David groaned out loud.
Then she peered at the track list of Patrick’s alleged ‘mix’ CD, scrolling all the way down, and noticed – “Hey, I think this whole thing is Mariah Carey.”
“Of course it is. Because she’s amazing, and Patrick is very attentive.”
“No, I mean, every single song on here is All I Want for Christmas. There’s like… fifteen of them. Look.”
She picked up the laptop and carried it over to David, frowning. David glanced over her shoulder toward the back room. Could Patrick hear them? Did he know? Had he done this on purpose?
“Maybe it’s like, a mistake. The CD’s glitching or something,” Stevie suggested. “How up to date is your software?”
“Maybe he’s… making fun of me.” Something felt hollow in his chest at the thought.
“That doesn’t sound very Patrick-y,” Stevie pointed out. “Maybe… he likes you.”
“Oh, pfft.”
“I mean, come on, a mix tape?”
“Um, I don’t think so. We’ve been over this, remember? He’s a baseball-playing, denim-wearing, straight, guy, okay, and I’ve developed enough crushes on straight guys to know how this works.”
“Did… any of those straight guys give you a mix tape full of Mariah Carey singing about how much she wants you?”
He couldn’t even will up a scoff to retort to that, and Stevie raised a confident eyebrow.
“’cause, I mean,” she continued, “most of the uh, ‘baseball playing denim wearing straight’ guys I know don’t like Mariah Carey. Or at least, they wouldn’t be caught dead admitting to another human being that they know who she is.”
“That’s not-“ David blundered, “Music doesn’t- Patrick doesn’t-“
But he couldn’t get out of his head, how deliberate Patrick was. The man thought about everything, and when he wanted something, he went for it. Researched intensively, but went for it. David admired that about his business acumen, as well as for general personality-having purposes – it was one of the reasons they balanced each other out so well – but more than anything, that told him it wasn’t a mistake. Patrick liked music, and he liked genuine connection. He would have sat there all night if that’s what it took to put together a CD, Christmas-themed or otherwise. And if the CD was glitching, the track list wouldn’t show every song the same. And if it was a joke, Patrick probably would have got David to play it in front of him, maybe tried to make him sing along.
And if none of this meant anything, Patrick wouldn’t be standing in the doorway on his way from the storeroom, trying to look determined and yet shaking like a leaf.
“Da- David,” he managed at last. “Can I talk to you?”
“That’s my cue,” Stevie murmured, and pulled back to escape the conversation. In her haste, she caught herself in the string of lights that was currently knotted between David’s fingers, and pulled. He yelped and pivoted to try and keep up and she panicked as the step ladder began to fall under the rapid change of weight. All of a sudden it was too late to untangle and there was no way of helping David without sacrificing the laptop, not that she could think of fast enough anyway, so Stevie cowered out of the way and clenched her eyes shut and hoped it wouldn’t end in disaster.
It didn’t. At least, the crashing sound wasn’t quite as horrendous as she’d thought and wasn’t followed by the string of cursing she expected from the upturned David Rose. She cracked an eye open (maybe he was fine, but maybe he’d cracked his head on a display table, was she ready for that?) and found –
And found Patrick had rushed forward at the last minute, and David had all but face-planted straight into his arms. David’s feet were still not quite under him, and he gazed up at Patrick with big, wide eyes in bewildered, vulnerable admiration. Patrick, for his part, was looking down at David in a stunned sort of silence, with a blush so furious it was colouring his ears, and yet there was tenderness in his expression and his hand on David’s back was so gentle and soft, Stevie could hardly look. Did they even know she was still here?
“Uh… thuh… thanks,” David managed at last, once his tongue started working again. His heart hammered against Patrick’s chest, and Patrick’s was hammering back.
“No problem,” Patrick said, and there was more, so much more on the tip of his tongue. His lips struggled to form the words. I like you, I want to kiss you. I want you right now. It sounded so childish, so far short of capturing the overwhelming feelings that seized him. And maybe he would have gone another however long without saying anything at all, if it weren’t for the fact that David chose now of all moments to ask –
“Was there, um, something you wanted to tell me?”
He looked… hopeful? Patrick hardly dared hope back. But David was smiling. He knew.
And when Patrick took a chance and seized his jittering confidence with both hands and closed the distance between them, David kissed back with a yearning that had been screaming to break out of his chest since the moment they’d met. Patrick could hardly believe the energy of it. It felt… like fireworks. Like a moment suspended in time. Like everything he’d ever been told this moment was supposed to feel like.
Then David’s lips were suddenly falling away from his. He’d tried to move his arms, forgetting that his feet weren’t yet on solid ground, and now the string of curses fell from his lips as he tumbled to the ground, hit his elbow with a crack on the nearby table, and rolled onto his back.
“Mother…” he groaned.
And yet still, he was smiling.
Because Patrick had caught him. Patrick had kissed him.
David opened his eyes, and looked up at the poor man, who had blanched white as a sheet as his somehow-perfect moment had come crashing down around him.
“Um, so, I- I like you,” Patrick explained. “That’s what I wanted to say.”
“Yeah, no, I got that,” David agreed, reflecting on the breathlessness in his chest. He could do that again. A few dozen more times.
“Can I help you up?”
“Yeah. Yes. Let’s do that.”
David tried not to stare at Patrick’s shoulder as Patrick offered a hand, and lifted him to his feet. He didn’t try very hard, to be fair.
“Can I buy you dinner?” Patrick asked.
“I would like that.”
“Huh.” Patrick smiled. He was on a roll. The whole thing felt rather dizzying, but it was all so much easier than he’d expected. Although, he wasn’t exactly sure what to do next. Kiss David again? They were at work, and he hadn’t exactly recovered from the first time. But he couldn’t go back to the spreadsheets now. Sure, they were important, but they weren’t like this. He had way too much energy all of a sudden, and a craving to run up a mountain.
But a quiet clearing of a throat interrupted his grander plans. Both Patrick and David turned to the sound, to find Stevie standing gingerly amidst a tangle of fairy lights, which seemed to tie her every movement either to the stepladder, or to the two large bookshelves on either side of her.
“Uh, congratulations and all,” she said as meekly as possible, “but before you guys split, could you help me out?”
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meggie-jolly · 4 years
Title: Cabin Life 
Fandom: Assassin’s Creed
Pairing: Rebecca Crane & Shaun Hastings
Prompt: Cabin 
Rating: General Audiences 
Links: Fanfiction.net, AO3
Sumary: Shaun and Rebecca are stuck in a tiny cabin together, working on analyzing the latest Animus data. This is a little glimpse into their daily routine.
They had been sent to this tiny cabin in this forest in the middle of nowhere to analyse the data from a few crucial Animus sessions. The only problem was that there was literally nothing around, the power and satellite link that had been set up for them was more than basic and only worked with a lot of begging and possibly a few sacrifices, or at least that's what Shaun suspected. Rebecca, of course, told him it was just his bad aura around technology. It certainly only worked for one person at a time which was more than inconvenient.
Another part of the problem was that it was just the two of them, which spelled disaster. They didn't do well without some sort of buffer.
And Shaun couldn't even hide in his history books when he needed a break from Rebecca's constant nagging. (Mind you, she said if anyone was constantly nagging it was him, but what did she know?) Because he hadn't been able to bring a lot of material. He mostly had to rely on online archives which he could only access when Rebecca wasn't using the satellite link for her analysis. And of course, she was of the opinion that her work was a lot more vital.
"I'm looking for underlying programming, glitches, glyphs, strange code that could help us find more pieces of Eden. That's something we can only get through the animus. Your boring old history has been there for ages, so shut up and let me work."
"I will have you know that it has not been there for ages, new theories and discoveries are happening all the time. And with the Animus, we can prove what happened. It takes all the guesswork out. It is vital that I get our data bank as accurate as possible, so future animus users have the correct information at the correct time. A wrong date or name can spell disaster and cost us valuable time in the race against the templars."
"But that is both in the past and in the future. Finding more leads for pieces of Eden is right now and is much more important. So shut up and let me work."
"You already said that. And analysing what people say and do and how it differs from recorded history is just as likely to provide us with leads." He sighed and took his glasses off to clean them. "But fine, fine, I am the bigger man as usual, so I will let you work and cook some dinner. But you'll do the dishes after and I get to work then."
Rebecca just shrugged. "Fine, but you're not the bigger man and not the bigger person either."
“Yeah, yeah." He mumbled and went over to the tiny kitchen area of their one-room cabin to see what he could manage to make for dinner.
"We have a choice of baked beans on toast, canned pasta or an omelet with the last of our cheese. We need to make a supply run in the next two days."
Supply runs were always risky, they needed to stay hidden and as of the radar as possible. According to their contacts, Abstergo had been sighted to nose around this area.
Which meant he would probably have to wear that horrible fake beard again and Rebecca would be complaining about the too-tight wig she wore as a disguise. At least it was sunny so the base caps and sunglasses wouldn't be too strange.
"We had baked beans for breakfast. So make the pasta and we'll eat the omelet tomorrow morning. I'll check with the others if it's safe enough to go out tomorrow."
Shaun nodded and searched for the can opener, of course, it wasn't where it was supposed to be.
"Can you not just put the can opener back where it belongs, it's really not that hard, it's not like we have that much space."
"Sorry, look near the bread."
"Found it." He poured the contents into their pot and started heating it over the camping stove.
"At least it's not Ramen. If I never eat another packet of cheap Ramen it will be too soon."
"Don't be such a baby Shaun, Ramen is the stuff we survive on and you know it. College students, minimum wage workers and undercover people everywhere swear by it. Don't look down on them, you fancy-schmancy." She laughed and Shaun couldn't help but join.
"Fancy-schmancy am I? What an insult Rebecca, what an insult."
He gave the pasta a stir and grabbed the two bowls and spoons from beside the tiny sink, the only one in the entire cabin. Privacy was a foreign concept by now and so was showering.
"Food's almost done, so finish up what you're doing."
Rebecca nodded. "Alright. I'm just gonna let this handy little program search for abnormalities while we eat."
"As long as it's done so I can work after dinner."
As an answer, Rebecca just shrugged and Shaun sighed. He highly doubted he would get to work today. Well, maybe he could argue that it would be safer if only one of them went out tomorrow and use the time she was away to work.
Oh, who was he kidding, if he did that he would worry about her the whole time until she got back and barely get any work done. He would just have to get to the computer before her tomorrow. She wasn't a morning person anyway.
The sauce started to bubble and he gave it another stir before filing it into the bowls.
"Here you go Beccs, gourmet canned pasta with no cheese because we're saving that for the omelet. Enjoy."
Rebecca grinned and took the bowl. "Always impressive that they can make tomato sauce taste like nothing, but at least it’s somewhat filling."
Shaun just sighed full of resignation. "How much longer do we have to stay here?"
Rebecca shrugged. "Who knows. Two more weeks at least, but maybe longer. I guess it depends on Abstergo’s activity and what we find."
Shaun nodded. "I guess. Any new leads worth mentioning?"
"I don't know, there is something strange that I picked up on. But it's very different from all the first civilisation things we've found so far, so it might be unrelated. Maybe just a bug in the programming of the animus. Of course, fixing that would be a good thing, but that wouldn't be a lead. You?"
"Oh you mean did I find any leads twiddling my thumbs and flipping through old notes and the few things I was able to bring? No, not really. But I did work on editing a few minor database entries. Nothing big though. I really need access to our archive."
"Yeah, yeah my program will be done in 15 to 20 minutes tops and then I can print the results and you can use the computer. Stop whining."
"Whining, Rebecca? I never whine."
As a response, she just shoved him and nearly made him spill his pasta.
"Careful, I want to savour every bite of this tasteless sludge with vaguely noodle-like bits in it."
After they finished eating, Shaun, of course, ended up doing the dishes so Rebecca could finish up her work. But after, she did let him use the computer and started pouring over her printouts with a pen and a notepad.
Shaun plugged in his headphones and went through some of the recordings they took during the Animus sessions.
"It is truly fascinating to witness history like this. I wish my ancestors had led more exciting lives. But at least I get to meet some amazing historical figures this way. Too bad I'm not allowed to publish any of this. It would change so much. But the only people benefitting from my work are the Assassins and Abstergo when they once again somehow manage to get our data."
"Yeah, but we get their data even more often than they get ours. So who cares. As for publishing your work, I have helped design and update a machine that lets you relive memories from people that lived hundreds or thousands of years ago and I'm not allowed to tell anyone. Do you know how much that sucks? How much I wanna rub some assholes from college faces in it sometimes? But no, instead I eat canned pasta and baked beans in a tiny freezing cabin when I should be winning a Nobel prize or any number of prizes and grants for my work."
Shaun looked up at her. "I'm sorry. You are right. We both deserve more recognition and money. But we're saving the world, right?"
Rebecca sighed. "Right. Let's not forget that. But a thank you would be nice from time to time wouldn't it?"
"100 percent it would. But hey at least our lives aren't boring."
"No, but this cabin is."
Shaun chuckled at that and Rebecca joined him. After that, they worked in silence until it got too dark for them to work with the little light they dared to use. Both for stealth and power saving reasons.
Rebecca yawned. "Time for bed. Mind if I use the bathroom first?"
Shaun shook his head. Bathroom was a very generous term anyway, it was just an outhouse with no running water and almost no light. But at least it was better than a bucket in the corner, it wasn’t as if they hadn’t had to make do with that on other missions as well.
He used the time Rebecca was outside to wash himself as well as he could in the tiny sink. No pyjamas, in case they had to flee in the middle of the night and he couldn’t exactly take his shoes off before he went outside.
Once Rebecca returned it was his turn in the ‘bathroom’ and her turn at the sink.
She was already in her sleeping bag when he came back inside and he climbed into his one next to her. They slept pretty close together because it could get pretty cold at night.
“Night, Beccs.“
“Night, Shaun.“
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run-stray-wolf · 5 years
Untold mission page 9 in text
People have been telling me they can’t read the texts in the comic because of dyslexia, so I decided to write the whole thing. Sorry, guys that you couldn’t read it! I will make it more clear next time.
Dark: Two has just disappeared... Mark. That worthless human. I told him if he ever dares to close his mind I'll make him suffer. Anti: What happened? He was cheerful a moment ago. My legs are healed and he's just standing there, the black holes are gone too. I really don't like this sudden change.Should I attack or wait?
Attack with full speed! What? How the hell did he move away? I couldn't see shit!! He can teleport now?!
I can't breathe. I have no lungs. No heart.
Dark: I’m so sick of giving people a choice... Well, you little rat... I wanted to play with you a little more, but I have to go and lecture someone else too. Goodbye!
Anti: I can't move. I'm gonna die! Why am I seeing you now...? Even in my last moments, is it really you I can think of...? Oh... these are my memories... the first time we met...
Seán: What the fuck are you?!! Stay away! Do ya hear me?!
Anti: Hehehe... You were a sad little creature. Lonely, depressed... It was easy to get inside your mind, hack your thougths, make you feel worthless. You haven't accomplished anything No talent, no creativity You are good for nothing Nobody likes your videos You aren't smart enough, so dumb... Who would watch you?!
Back then I was weak, I couldn't hold a stable form, glitching between my universe and yours. I needed your energy. After 3 years I could appear fully in your world, but I wasn't the only one who became stronger.
Seán: I'm not afraid of you anymore! Anti: I can easily fix that!
Because of YouTube and the people you met your soul was developing... making it harder for me to access. So i decided to show myself to your fans. They adored me! Giving me so much thoughts and energy, my power increased every day. They even gave me a name: ANTI I really liked it, despite it's not my real name. But none of my actions mattered, you just kept being stronger and stronger. You weren't lonely anymore... always surrounded by poeple. I've been always alone, it never bothered me, but... I started to envy you. For a split second I wanted to be like you. The next day your tattoo appeared on my arm without my will. I couldn't get rid or it. Even when I ripped off my own skin, it grew back. You became suspicious of me, you thought I was planning something. You dyed your hair brown and I kept is green. Now we were both afraid to look alike.
After this everything changed... All the bad thoughts I put on you came back to me. I started to doubt myself. All at once I felt very small, cold, lonely, just how you were at the start... Since I got strong enough to exist in this world without glitching I had no more reason to keep you alive. So I sneaked up on you at night to finally kill you and take your place. But I couldn't... I couldn't... I felt disgusted with myself I wanted to disappear... A demon mustn't feel human emotions. A demon mustn't cry.
I should've left, but stayed, not sure why... maybe I wanted to be around you, just watching... You were so warm and bright, I was cold and dark. I couldn't sleep, the food was tasteless and I was constantly freezing cold. I often just sat on your couch, staring into nothing. One day though something unexpected happened.
Seán: Here, hot coffee. It'll warm you up! And... we could play some games after that if you want?
Anti: I've never been so shocked in my entire life... I was terrible at the game, I couldn't concentrate.
What the fuck are you? How can be so nice to me after all the things I've done?! How can you be so strong?! You smiled at me for the first time and the coldness went away. We started hanging out and after a few months you asked about my name.
Seán: Anti, what's your real name? Anti: Huh? Why would you want to know? S: I've been calling you 'Monster' and 'Anti' since I met you. I'd like to know how you call yourself. A: Anti is fine. I like it. S: But my fans gave it to you. What was your name before? A: I'll tell you but don't you dare mention it to anyone! Especially to Markiplier! I don't want that fucker Dark to eavesfrop! S: I won't! It's a promise. A: Okay, so... My name is _..??_.__?_??._?
Back to the present
S: Come oooon!!! Come on, Anti, connect to me! I'm losing you, buddy... Please, I don't want you to die! Please! Please! Please! Let me reach you, Ábel!
Name: Ábel Origin: Hebrew Meaning: Breath
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twracehorse · 5 years
Cringing at my own videos
Training Videos Edition!
I got bored, needed motivation to start editing, went back to take a look at my older videos, and now I judge and cringe at them because that’s a given at this stage
Under the cut to keep your dash shorter :3
Determined Horse Training, the title I came up with to be a little unique. I obviously couldn’t use something akin to Northena’s “Training Is Fun...Right?” and I wanted to give it a proper title knowing this would be a series of videos. I thought, and thought, and came up with the title after thinking of Undertale and how you are filled with determination in the game. “I am filled with determination to train these horses!” is what I thought and so the title of the series became that!
I use // as a way to separate different topics I’m talking about
Brave Rebel- First off...the thumbnail. He was originally themed sort of after Nathan Drake from Uncharted, since I was into that series at the time. So the map was, you know, for the treasure hunting. But I didn’t want to stretch the map to fit and somehow decided that a brown background was a good idea?? // AH THE CLOTHES! THE NECK!! AHHH GATORADE OCEAN BLEHH. // Oh yeah I have a spelling error in the video “Let’s go defeat this traning day!”. // Been training with Sage from the start of the series. I wonder how many fails of their’s I’ve caught XD // Ah the rocks, the rocks that I caught Sage stumbling out of in a later training video. // Let’s not forget the double mouse thing going on that makes its appearance in many videos before I figured out to click off of the web pages (which had a music playlist going while training). // Omg there’s someone with the club name The Babies standing nearby when I turn in the final race. // Low-key still love this horse. He was my first true Soul Steed before we were designated to our starter. I don’t take him out much, the difference in horse animations from new to old is getting bigger and for dynamic photos, it just doesn’t look good ( @~@)
Cool Hero- The horse based off of Markiplier back when he had red hair. I also uploaded the video on his birthday! // The song choice....I mean it fits the theme, otherwise I’d pick a better song. // The mini references I’m still low-key proud of. // There’s quite the amount of gliding pons in this video and some horror texture pons. // I obviously had to max Markimoo at the observatory! // I also mimicked Mark’s outros where an image is boomeranging. It took a couple tries with my friend in the background, but it was worth it!
Violet Mystery- I hope when I introduced her as “The winner of the Jorvik Wild horse competition” I mean, she was the first coat to be picked. Back when it was only one horse coat is being made. They added the top two coats afterwards. // Oh yeah the character’s whole head would move to the side to keep eye contact with the camera. // It’s so weird to think that I caught a bit of footage of Swifty just before meeting her. Then again I remember NOT editing this training video until months later and uploaded it in September. Mind you that I got Cool Hero and Violet Mystery at the same time and Cool Hero’s video was out in June...oops. // Ironic that I have the pandoric cracks around when the horse is based off them. // People running up from the riding arena, ah the fog glitch that would happen when you left your horse in the riding area, ran all the way to the dino valley elevator, took it, and there was no fog in the valley! 
Megalove- Ah the first Undertale horse! I mean technically still the only Undertale themed horse I have, but I do have others planned. Haven’t gotten them yet and some plans changed. // The thumbnail....why did I make the stickers super tiny?? // Finally changed Elsa’s hairstyle to the ponytail I still wear to this day. We need updated ponytails with side bangs! I know we have the awesome braided ponytail in Mistfall, but there’s too much forehead! // Also the first training footage with the meet up....was 4 hours long. This was back when I recorded all stages of training and went through the footage in real time....I’m glad I changed strategy. // Can’t remember if crashing into a jump and the jump of the music timed at the same point was on purpose or if it was editing magic. // Oof cringing that I put comic sans as Sans “talking” in the video nnngghhhhh! // Ah my old club name Royal Ambassadors. I gave that club over to my side account Chiara Monsterhope for obvious reasons. // Annoying Dog in the credits, I still love that
Lucky Hero- I’m still proud that I came up with his nickname Vien short of Vienna where the famous riding school is. He, along with Brave Rebel, are my top horses. Please get an update eventually boys! // Finally Mac users had clear water! I was so happy over this you do not understand XD // Warriors by Imagine Dragons fits this horse, but quite a pain when I got Dark Warrior and didn’t want repeating songs. // Oh yeah early on, the Lipizzaners had a weird reflective tail glitch going on. // Vien was the first horse of mine that I got the day of release, bright and early in the morning! // I love how in the face of danger, an approaching bull dozer, I just stare at it. It wasn’t even a “oh no I should get out of the way” and instead was “huh that’s a thing”. // ALLY CHUM! I forgot that was a nickname to good friend!
Grey Ghost- OH BOY HERE WE GO!! Honestly my favorite training video. It was so much fun to edit with the music and the Halloween stickers hidden around the screen! Despite waking up at 5am to train for that aesthetic™. // Okay but that mushroom with the dark green sign did legit give me a spook. My body froze for a second and then I remembered that Slenderman doesn’t exist in Star Stable XD. // Ngl two of the stickers are hard to see cause of their surroundings. // GALLOPER THOMPSON MY MAN! Honestly I waited till midnight for him to be in Goldenleaf forest, just to see what would happen if you were racing and he caught you. By the gods of editing magic, the song was at a good point that fits perfectly with that scene. // For the scarecrow race I did actually take two different takes. I failed the first one and when I was editing I noticed that the two runs looked similar. So I put the first part of run 1 and cut before I failed and then put the remaining of the race with run 2. Looks almost seamless! 
Silent Promise- My favorite mare in my stable! She ends up being my AoT cosplay photo horse...until I get the actual themed horse XP. // Shadows were a little glitchy at first. // Why am I using Rud instead of Rude. Like I know why cause that’s how we got around the filter, but I didn’t need to put it like that in the video. It’s like back in my WolfQuest days where I learned to use Cuz as a short version of Cause and it bled into my text vocab. // The witch bombs...I wanted to make it dramatic, but in hindsight it’s just tasteless really. Also to note that the sound which was fine before uploading, got more rough once it was on YouTube
Small Potential- Real cringe theme here, Hetalia. It was fun while watching and all that, but since then I’ve seen some well done anime! Growth! // I love the nickname Finny. Not too sure if I want to keep this pony or not, sadly. // The Christmas remix song is because I had no other ideas XD
Brave Eagle- Oh this is another slight cringe theme. Even more cringe is the fact that I had to re-upload this training video since it got blocked all over the world! due to the Hamilton musical songs. So I....had to layer over the songs with other songs....it’s a whole mess and was a whole pain since I had to re-edit the sound effects. // I’m proud of the thumbnail though....that’s it
Winter Dust- Why did I make the “there’s a new app with these foals you can train” with the dramatic music? // I think because I had less levels to train, I tried filling that space with “cool looking shots”. // Ah, yes, my How To Get Over A Jump wikipedia step by step
Hollow Phantom- Had to bring a creepy vibe even though it was February. So he’s like a Halloween not Halloween horse. // Can you believe that I found the main song from a Haikyuu!! crack video? XD. // That zoom on the pony surrounded by magic shires was weird. We’re saying “SO TINY” but the clip was so short it was done and over without much sense. // Mmm that slight irritation that the music and clip didn’t match with the drop. // Tried to blend the music together with itself....it’s obvious. // Of course had to max the Galloper horse where I first met the phantom himself
North Guardian- I wanna talk about the thumbnail....that background...is literally just the horse’s hindquarters. I wanted something mossy since the horse is sort of based off of Pelagia from Shadow of the Colossus. I couldn’t find good enough backgrounds, so I used the horse itself. // Again that urge to want to make the clip and music match but ahhh
Lucky Lucky- Still wish I could name this horse Gold Luck or something. // I think one of the camera turns during a race was just to show off the rainbow nearby. // Ahh! back when we could say “demon” in the chat. // Hmm instead of letting the clip run, I could’ve just cut to Reed calling the askew fence “a disgrace”. // Text was onscreen for just too long. // Trying to do the riding arena jumps with a good camera angle. But at that point, the camera kept moving and wouldn’t hold still. I’m glad it’s better now. Maybe I’ll try it again with a future horse. // Huh, forgot to add sound effects when I hit something on the last race
Silent Surprise- Cause I had to let the people know that I bought the horse after watching the Belmont. // AH STILL THE NECK! // 2 minutes in and we haven’t even gotten to the actual training yet. // Another day, another SSO glitch, this time it’s shadow rocks. // Oop missed a sound effect
Hot Spot- THE MUSTACHE! // I forgot I put a filter over the video to give it an old timey look. I should do more like that if it’s in theme. // Of course I had to have The Wanted be playing with this song since it’s old west sounding. // What was the purpose of editing the scarecrow race like that? XD. // Random running clip. // Walking the whole bobcat race would be nice if I didn’t keep moving the camera
Pumpkin Candy- As much as I love my Halloween horses, this training video isn’t up to the standards that the first Halloween training video set up. It’s still got Halloween themed music, it’s still got stickers hidden in the video, but it doesn’t feel the same. // Having text be their default instead of making them the same agh. // The spooky filter I overlayed the clips with changes at times. Would be nice if it stayed consistent
Dragon Dawn- Hmm now that I have more songs to choose from (getting into another artist as much as I did with The Wanted), I would have another song playing to fit the horse better. Maybe Euphoria or Mikrokosmos. Oh well those will be for future horses eventually! // Didn’t drop with the music...disappointed
Thunder Spirit- The horse that trains through three months. You can easily tell by the Valentine race, the rainbows of March, and April Fools. // Man I really need to work on making the text not be so BIG. // The first rainbow race had lots of sound effects. After that one I was just like “yeah not doing that again”
Sun Chaser- Eh the slowed down music is not the best idea. But I think it was also an intro to a remix of the song. So it was only so long and I had a bit to say for the intro of the horse. // The second clip of the mysterious Icelandic cryptid you can’t see them once it zooms in....annoying. // Too much of a slow build up with another cryptid spotting. // Also using the same sound but slower after just using it...smooth (not). // You know the very last clip of the horse as he’s turning around on the beach? Yeah that’s the exact moment I did the intro for the horse XD
Dragon Warrior- The contrast between me and Sage’s bantering vs the sadder song (I found the song because of a Zeno AMV) well it’s kinda weird having laughs and then sad melody. // YouTube again ruins the quality of the mic as it sounds fuzzier than it was pre-uploaded. // Low-key recording voices was fun aside from having to make sure the clips matched the voices and clicking of the mouse. // I’m still annoyed I couldn’t find the perfect snoring sound effect when Sage’s Connemara is sleeping and starts gliding away
Smoke Mirror- A little too much of a pause between text in the intro. // I love how I’m wearing a Halloween shirt because no other shirt matched with the blue of the hat except for the dress it came with THAT I GOT RID OF! 
Obsidian Mystery- I love the thumbnail for her training video. It’s so spooky and cool! Favorite thumbnail of the entire series right there. // Ironic that with the three Halloween horses I’ve had. The two with the upbeat music are the ones where Galloper was present that year. The one where Galloper was missing that October, the music was softer, generic Halloween music. Not intentional, but it works. Though the first Halloween training video still gets the trick-or-treats because it has nostalgic music. // Some text isn’t easily visible
Dark Warrior- The horse I wish I could name Secret Warrior cause that would make SO MUCH MORE SENSE than Dark Warrior, but here we are. // Since Warriors by Imagine Dragons was in a previous training video, I had to search for another song to fit the horse. I literally went through those anime character theme song videos to find one! That was a terrible jump cut of the song
Ember Flame- Coming Soon
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I had less than 24hours to spend in Lagos last December and I decided to spend it with some of my favorite people Go-Karting at Get Arena, Lagos.
The Get Arena is located at Plot 6 Abila, Oniru Rd, Ikoyi, Lagos opposite the popular Oriental hotel. Initially we wanted to visit the beach but Lagos was buzzing with the #dettydecember and although I loved the buzz (I mean it’s lagos) but unfortunately that buzz meant lots of TRAFFIC!!! Have you ever been in Lagos traffic before? Well that’s a story for another day. So we opted out of that beach idea.
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So we were a party of 3, my travel buddy and partner in crime Paula, our mutual friend Seun and my newest partner adventure and fun and my humble self. We set off to go on what will be my first go-karting experience.
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We got to Get Arena in good Time after experiencing a bit of traffic on the third mainland bridge. I have seen Get Arena in pictures before so I knew what to expect and it met my expectations.
When you walk in you see a long with a bar and eating spaces. The ambience was nice, the bar looked very good and a variety of drinks where available for you to choose from. When we entered we were greeted by one if the workers who attended to us. She informed us that if we wanted to go Go-Karting we would have to wait because some people where calling using that karts.
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We sat and waited for them to be done we so we could go out and use the Karts.
My Go-karting experience was Awesome! It wasn’t difficult to do because I can drive. The instructor showed me the two parts of the Kart which were the part break to slow the car down and also the part for speed at your left and right foot. With his short lesson we were off to Go-Karting but not without a glitch. The instructor gave me the wrong instructions he told me speed was break and break was speed, like you can imagine the disaster I caused the first round. I noticed I was going too fast and when I tried to reduce the speed it kept increasing. Fam!!! I got scared for a moment and I ran into the tires. Then the instructor came to meet me and “re-explain” to the instructions me. That was when I got the understanding that he gave me the wrong instructions the first time and of course I called him out 🙂 (but in a friendly manner).
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After that was clarified my go-karting was so much fun. One round around the tier designed route consist of 5 turns and costs N4,000. We went twice guess how I was feeling afterwards… You guessed right I felt like flash (the superhero) I even chased Paula around and bumped into her a few times on purpose 🙄. Seun took amazing photo and videos of us.
After our karting experience we proceeded to get some food at the lounge/restaurant.
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I ordered fried Plantain,sauce alongside sex on the beach, because I was feeling a bit high headed and plantains is my love language.
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Paula ordered Long Island, Fries, ketchup and Burger. Seun ordered Rice, chicken and Plantain.
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For me to plantain was perfect I loved it, Seun complained about the rice being a bit tasteless and I actually tasted it and confirmed this the rice wasn’t all that, Paula loved the burger she said it was tasty with extra chesse so I guess that was awesome.
When it came to prices of the food I think it was a bit over priced for the taste. I say this because Get Arena is a place families can hang out so food shouldn’t be so pricey.
The service was fair but a bit slow, food took long to get to us, the staff helpful the waitress was polite.
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I’m not a critic but I rate Get Arena based on my experience 7/10.
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I loved visiting Get Arena and I loved my company and the fun we had. Thank you Seun for an awesome outing and the photographs and Paula , love you guys😘.
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Have you ever gone Go-Karting what was your experience?
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24hours in Gidi- Go Karting at Get Arena, Lagos|A Review I had less than 24hours to spend in Lagos last December and I decided to spend it with some of my favorite people Go-Karting at Get Arena, Lagos.
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