#i mean if the meeting goes quick i may tune in shortly after it starts
dashiellqvverty · 4 months
it better work out with the guy who’s coming to see our apartment tomorrow bc i’m gonna be missing 911 😤
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Tsukumo Yuki relationship headcanons
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Tsukumo Yuki x reader
Author note: Tsukomo Yuki is the reason I love woman and she can crush me between her thighs send tweet
Warnings: Potential manga spoilers (?) | Mentions of s*x, but nothing too blatantly explicit. I would still prefer it if minors did not interact with this post in any way.
Yuki always asks the people she meets what type of woman they like. If someone were to ask that same question back to her, she’ll most certainly utter back your name as if it were an obvious response.
What’s not to love about you? You’re cute. You make her laugh. You cook for her because heaven knows she can't if her life depended on it. Most importantly, you keep her company due to the lack of curses she’s ever sent to exorcise. Traveling the world is fun and all, but it’s even more fun with you by her side!
You’re not a sorcerer. You can’t even see curses. Yuki is a childhood friend of yours and has kept you in the loop regarding the world of jujutsu sorcery since she started integrating into it. She thinks it’s important for you to know that someone like you, a non-curse user who has no control over the curse energy you create, should know what exactly your negative emotions can lead to. It’s not to make you feel bad or pin blame on you in any way. It’s her way of protecting you beyond physical means as well as a way of showing you that she places a great deal of trust in you regarding the nature of her line of work and her true goals.
Because she rejects the methods of the higher-ups and her ideology is more along the lines of putting an end to the creation of curses permanently instead of letting them manifest and dealing with them when they start causing profound trouble, you’re often the one that has to listen to all her new, sometimes overreaching, hypotheses now and then. You may even take part in her research, but she would never put you in any sort of harm! At least, not unless you give her the okay to. Be warned, if you give your blessing to be her little lab rat she’s prone to get carried away with her methods. Speak up if she’s doing something outrageous or if she’s making you uncomfortable. Otherwise, you might end up in some precarious situations.
As mentioned previously, Yuki isn’t sent out on missions that often, if ever. She instead chooses to travel in and out of the country, for the sake of her research as well as for the pleasure of it. Since she’s one of three, later four, special grade sorcerers her salary is rather tremendous. Unfortunately, her travels outside Japan are “unauthorized” and sometimes her funds get frozen by the higher-ups. Her quick solution to the matter is to fly back, take on a mission or two to get her funds unfrozen (and into your account because you’re her partner-in-crime) or even take on a mission to earn some more funds, and then you and her are right back to traveling the world again.
During one of these money replenishing heists, she met a kid that she took a particular interest in and wanted to mentor, Aoi Todo. It’s hard for most people to spark her interest to the extent Todo did, so you happily supported her endeavors and even met with her young pupil a few times throughout the years. Her methods of training are a bit....extreme, to put it lightly. You understand that holding back her punches will only hinder Todo’s progress instead of allowing him the ability to improve and push past his limits, but you can’t help but flinch over the large scar that marks his face whenever you briefly meet up with him.
Todo is eccentric, but so is Yuki. Perhaps not idol obsessed like Todo, but seeing the way he takes great care of his appearance and flaunts his body (during a battle even), he’s a near-identical clone of Yuki. She knows that she’s good-looking, and she will always flaunt this fact to anyone with working eyes, even you! Does it work every single time? Yes. Yes, it does.
Honestly, how can it not? She’s tall. She has a great butt. She drives a motorcycle. Her tight biker pants are your Achilles heels and she knows it. Sometimes she’ll wear them around the house just to flaunt her curves and other bodily goods, even if it’s the middle of the summer, the AC is broken and the pants are made of stuffy leather material. If it gets your face all heated up, she'll wear it.
The compliments she gets from strangers are nice and all, but it’s your reactions she truly cares about. You’ve been by her side through it all. You're still sticking with her even despite the fact that she’s constantly moving around and living a somewhat free-spirited lifestyle. You genuinely support and help her when almost everyone else has rejected her methods and ideals and brush her off as some lazy, outrageous-thinking woman. Really, you stole this woman’s heart just by letting her be herself, a lazy, outrageous-thinking woman.
Yuki is indeed lazy, to the point it sometimes affects you and your shared apartment is left in a week-long accumulated mess. I’m talking clothes strewed about and spilling out the already full laundry basket, sink filled with dirty dishes, houseplant half dead due to insufficient watering, and little dusty bunnies in the corner of the room. Whenever you try to get around to getting your living space in order, she always drags you back to the bed with her either to nap some more or for a quick round of sex that leads to more napping. Eventually, you have to beat her with a pillow and threaten her with no sex for a certain period of time to get her to back off, which always works without fail.
If you really hold the “no sex until...” ultimatum over her head long enough, she’ll even pitch in and help you clean. But to be honest she kinda sucks at it so it’s sometimes better to just have her sit on the sidelines while you do all the work. She’ll jokingly suggest you clean with just an apron on (because she’s a freak like that), but you haven’t taken her up on the suggestion just yet. It’s mostly because you’ll use the “naked apron” method to further insinuate her punishment if your usual threat begins to lose its potency (because you are also a freak like that).
She’s a bad sleeping partner. Not only does she hog all the blankets and pillows, but she even stretches out her limbs over the entire bed. This usually leaves you curled up in a corner shivering your ass off until you either fall asleep via exhaustion or move to the couch. If you go to the couch, she’s 99.9% likely to wake up and join you shortly after, where she’s less of a hassle to deal with because of the limited space.
She’s a great big spoon, which is actually one of the ways you later use to solve her troublesome habits as once she latches onto you, she will not let go the rest of the evening. Unfortunately, she also snores terribly loud, but it’s nothing earbuds can’t fix.
Some might think she sleeps in something flattering, maybe even a bit scanty. That couldn’t be any further from the truth. Her pj’s are decades-old shirts and gym shorts that she never got around to getting rid of. If not that, she’ll sleep completely naked and she doesn’t care if someone walks in on her with the covers off. She’ll only ever wear lingerie or other promiscuous pieces of clothing if she has intentions of getting between your legs and rocking your world for the rest of the night.
I think it goes without saying that she looks great in lace, but as hot as she may look, she really likes seeing you dressed up in something risque as well.
If you’re female, she sometimes likes to wear matching lingerie sets with you, but her favorite material to see you in is leather, especially those harness-styled sets that squeeze your flesh all around.
If you’re male, she’s a complete sucker for a man in a clean-cut, custom-tailored suit and will take it off as soon as you put it on. Hope you don’t mind losing a button or two, because she will pop them off for sure when she rips your dress shirt off of you.
To all my gender-neutral folks, It’s never too late to whip out that naked apron I mentioned earlier! Or a leather jacket. Everyone looks great in a leather jacket!
Yuki’s diet is fucking terrible. You’re a decent cook, but despite this, all she ever seems to want is greasy take-out food that makes you wonder how the hell she’s still so fit after witnessing her down three chicken burritos in one sitting. Even when the two of you are abroad and are able to try out different types of cuisines not so readily available in Japan, she’ll still want to go out to a fast food joint that you can easily find everywhere. You’ve tried to get her to branch out of her comfort zone and eat somewhat healthier alternatives of her favorite foods, but so far you’ve gotten mixed results.
In summary: Yuki is a pretty outgoing person and sometimes can be a bit of a hassle to deal with, but she’s clearly ambitious and moves to the tune of her own beat. Her goal of finding and effectively eliminating the source of all curses is a testament to the fact that she wants to save future generations from having to carry the burden sorcerers have been carrying for thousands of years. Her goals are not only for the sake of the people who will come after her, but also for the sake of her future with you. You’re someone she genuinely cares for and wishes to spend the rest of her life with, evident by the numerous times she’s come clean to you about her fears of you dying when she isn't around to protect you or of her dying and leaving you behind to mourn during late-night pillow talks in hotels or in your shared home. A future where you and her can travel the world and truly take in and enjoy the sights and wonders instead of searching for an answer to one of the world’s greatest phenomenon is a future worth fighting for, even if she’s met with some pushback or the end goal seems like nothing more than a pipedream at times. So long as you’re there with her to see her research bear fruit, she’ll keep testing and coming up with new methods to eliminate curses permanently, no matter the extremes her research takes her to.
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nosferatyou · 5 years
New Tune: Chapter 4 (Jake Kiszka x Reader)
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WC: 3.9k
Warnings: Cursing, Alcohol, Moshpits, Rock and Roll, and general dumbassery.
Summary: Two guitarists meet at a Rock Festival, only having a week with each other before they have to return to their own lives. The bond they create is unfeigned and resolute.
I stir awake, in an incredibly uncomfortable position on the.. Couch? A blanket that I definitely don't remember getting was laying on top of me. I look up at the clock to see that it was 1 PM, and let out a groan. I move the blanket off of myself and trudge to the bathroom. I look in the mirror to see what I can only describe as a gremlin. My hair was a rats nest, my makeup had smudged off onto my face, and my clothes were untucked and wrinkled. The weirdest part was the sticky note posted to my forehead. I grabbed it off and scrawled onto it said
 “Y/N, Left to go get coffee even though it's practically the afternoon. Anyways will be back soon. -Jake.
 PS I would've moved you into a better position, but I didn't want to wake you.”
Shit, he’s going to be here any minute, and I look like straight up trash. Going for a different look, I grab a very cut up Black Sabbath shirt (with a plunging neckline), simple high-waisted black shorts, fishnet tights, and finally my docs. I quickly combed out my hair, and applied some darker makeup. By the time I was done I heard a knock at the door, I opened it to reveal a sweaty Jake with two coffees in his hand.
“Ah so you finally woke up?”
“Oh hush it, get in here I need coffee.”
He walks on and hands me the cup before splaying himself out on the couch.
“So what's the plan today.” He asked.
A smile grew on my face, I already had plans for tonight, but now I'm definitely dragging him along.
“Okay so.” I grabbed a seat next to him, practically buzzing with excitement. “Did you see the headliner tonight?” 
“I honestly wasn’t paying attention.” He took another sip of his coffee, still relaxed on the couch.
“Well.. I already planned on doing this since we got here, but this may be a little out of your comfort zone. I don’t know how wild you get.” 
He sat up a little bit, interest peaked.
“And I don't know if the band will be up your alley, but…. Anthrax is playing tonight and they put on some of the most fun shows I’ve ever been to. Anyways I honestly live to be in the pit and was gonna sneak in and have some fun.”
He really doesn’t strike me as the mosh type, but definitely the partying type, so this is all really a gamble.
“You know what, fuck it. The boys and I never went to heavier shows, so I've never moshed, but this place seems as good as any to do it. You also seem like a good mosh pit spiritual guide.”
An even bigger smile grew to my face, and I hopped up off the couch.
“The show starts at 7, that gives us like 5-6 hours of pregame and prep. Up you go, we have work to do.”
I grab his arm and try to pull him off the couch. He just laughs and goes along with it.
“Take me to your bus.”
“Not that im complaining but why?”
“That outfit is completely unacceptable.”
He looked down at himself and then back up to me.
“Wait what, why?”
“Well first off you’re wearing the same clothes as yesterday, and your toes are definitely gonna get squished in those flimsy boots.”
“Hey! They aren’t flim-”
I grabbed his hand again and dragged him off the bus.
“Lets go, Rockstar. Lots of work to do.” 
He suddenly stopped me before entering the bus, putting a hand on my shoulder.
“I’m going to be frank with you. They are weird as fuck, especially Sam and Josh, but seriously, watch out for Sam. He’s especially weird.”
I laugh and mimic his hand on my shoulder with my own on his. 
“This’ll be fun then, I'm sure we will get on just fine. “
“Alright, Y/N. Just wanted to let you know ahead of time.”
“Whatever you say, Rockstar.”
I open the door and waltz up the stairs to see an odd scene to say the least. Josh, who I had met nights before, was sitting on the couch playing guitar. It seemed like his first time, but two tall boys were standing over him. One yelling at josh, and very aggressively might I add, trying to fix his positioning. The other was trying to calmly explain it to him, the two boys both breaking their instructions with bickering between the two of them.
“Josh, darling, just use your thumb to steady your hand on the neck. Barre chords are 100% easier that way.”
The two taller boys whipped their attention over to me, but Josh just tried what I suggested instead. He produced a much clearer sound and gleefully yelled because of it, then looked up to me.
“Y/N! Thank you, darling. These two imbeciles couldn't pick a way to teach, and it was nothing but confusion.”
Shortly after Jake clomped up the stairs, taking a place next to me. Josh quickly ran over to his twin to seemingly go in for a hug, instead all Jake got was a hefty punch in the arm.
“You bastard, where have you been?”
Jake rubbed his arm and said “Well we went out for a little smoke sesh and then fell asleep on her bus by accident. Sorry man.”
Josh raised his eyebrows in surprise then said, “Ohhh, well that's all you had to say, little brother. We get it.”
“Don’t be gross, Josh. There is a lady here. Plus I’m only five minutes younger, we've been over this.”
I suddenly burst in.
“By all means, Josh. Be gross. I could barely be described as a lady.”
“She already loves me, Jakey.”
He just let out a sigh and said “Don't forget about the others. This is Sam, the actual little brother” 
Sam stuck out his hand and gave me a firm handshake. “I feel like this friendship between us will stick.”
“Very bold, Sam. I completely agree.”
Jake continued. “And this is Danny, not blood related, but is basically family.”
He also went in for a handshake, this one a bit softer.
“Pleasure to meet you, Y/N.”
“Pleasures all mine.”
The boys and I instantly hit it off the bat, maybe it's my chaotic personality, or maybe it's theirs. Either way they grew very comfortable around me quickly, and so did I. Jake was a bit more laid back, he mostly just watched us all interact with a smile on his face. It was oddly endearing. 
By that point it was Six and they helped us pregame for the night ahead. Many beers and a couple shots in, and Josh and I were in a heated game of the floor is lava. Well we were but that was until Sam grabbed the chair out from underneath me, causing me to fall onto the couch. Which poor Jake happened to be sitting on, so I partially crushed him, but we were all so tipsy that both of us didn't care. I was too comfortable to move, forgetting about the game.
“Danny, my love. What's the time?”
He checked his watch and said “About 6:30”
I sat up from my reclined position on Jake’s lap and yelled “Shit!”
I quickly got up and yanked Jake up a well, causing him to spill some of his beer.
“We gotta get you better shoes or else your toes are gonna be crushed.”
He laughed and started to push me to the back of the bus. “Well we can't have that can we?”
He led me to a tiny closet near the bunks where he stored his clothing. His shoes were also haphazardly stuffed in there as well.
“Damn this is how you live?”
“Is it not the same for you?”
“You got me there, Rockstar.”
  I looked through all of them, stopping on a bright red pair for a moment because they were just so damn fun. But tucked away were some older and heftier leather boots. I grabbed them and stuffed them into his hands. 
“Did you bring any normal shirts? Cause button ups won't do, man. Gotta have room to move.”
“Yeah I think I have an old Zeppelin shirt back there somewhere.” He said motioning back towards the closet. 
I found it and threw it over to him. I turned around to face him staring at me with an indistinguishable look on his face.
“What are you waiting on? I'm not gonna help you, go get dressed and lets go.”
“Aw what a shame.” He teased.
He dumped his stuff into his bunk before unbuttoning his shirt and taking it off. My eyes slightly widened, and heat rose to my face. I coughed and pulled out my phone as a distraction. A multitude of texts from Sam, my boyfriend, as usual. I ignored them and simply stared at my homepage, just trying to direct my attention from the very tanned shirtless man in front of me. 
He tapped my shoulder, pulling me out of my haze.
“Ready to go, little bird?”
“Ready, Rockstar.”
We said our quick goodbyes to the boys before heading off. Josh quickly called out behind us, “Don’t lose an ear!”
In our drunken state we tried and failed, many times, to hop the fence to the venue. The pit was much harder than expected to get to. Jake tried to lift me over, I tried to lift him over, all ended with one of us almost crushing the other. We were hot, sweaty, and about to miss our chance to join in the fun. Well that was until Jake thought of a different plan of action.
I had my hands joined together to grab his foot and lift him up the metal slats, I about dropped him when he yelled my name. Putting all my strength into lifting him, concentrating on a response was hard but I choked out,
“Jesus, Jake. Don’t do that or I’ll drop you again. What is it?”
He scrambled out of my grasp and almost took me down with him.
“I have the best idea I’ve ever thought of.”
“I doubt th-”
He cut me off and grasped my shoulders, shaking me as he spoke.
“We can just jump into the pit!”
I swatted his hands off of me and said
“We’ve been trying that for 20 minutes, dumbass.”
He grabbed my hand and practically dragged me toward backstage.
“We are artists, we just go to the wings backstage, sneak onto the stage real fast, jump off into the pit, then join in!”
“Oh my god that is the best idea you've ever had!”
“I know!”
At this point we were in a full on sprint towards the venue, people were giving some strange stares, but we were way too drunk to notice nor care.
We finally reached the inside, laughing as we ran through, navigating through crew members and roadies. When we reached the edge of the wings we stopped for a moment to catch our breath, we both looked at each other for a moment. A look of excitement and adrenaline crossed his face, and i'm sure mine as well.
“Ready, Rockstar?” I asked.
“Let’s go, motherfucker!”
We both ran onto the stage, jumping off the ledge into the space between the barrier and stage. The people at the barrier very quickly noticed us, all very confused by our actions.
“Help me over!” I yelled to them, holding out my hands.
A couple of men grabbed me and lifted me over, I quickly thanked them and looked back over to Jake, still inbetween.
“What are you doing? Get over here!”
He laughed and lifted himself over, pushed close next to me.
“This is quite tight!” He yelled.
“What’d you expect?”
He just shrugged his shoulders and leaned onto the barrier. 
“Oh no, Rockstar. This isn’t where we will be.”
He gave me a puzzled look, and I simply responded by grabbing his hand and dragged him away from our spot. I took us deeper into the pit, more and more to the middle. Both of us tightly pressed up against each other. The band wasn’t on stage yet, but the crowd was buzzing with excitement.
“You nervous?”
He looked excited, very drunk, but obviously a bit hesitant about it all.
“A bit. I have a feeling the moment it starts i'll fit right in.”
“Good! It'll be-”
The crowd erupted into cheers and we both looked up to see the band entering the stage. I looked back over to Jake, who’s nervous demeanor had increased substantially. I grabbed his hand, and he looked over to me. He squeezed my hand in response, a smile appearing on his face.
“Don’t let go until you feel ready.. Or if we literally get torn apart.” I yelled to him, barely audible. 
“Oh jesus.”
Jakes POV
For the first couple of songs the crowd stood still, well not still, but what I assume is still for this crowd.  The music was loud, really loud, and gritty, but the lead guitarist was damn good. Had a clean tone for the genre. It definitely wasn't my crowd, that's for sure, it was a lot of very tall men in tank tops, all older than you'd expect. Y/N definitely stuck out in the crowd. Though she was very much in her element, Dancing with the others, getting a bit rowdier than the rest actually. She knew how to hold her ground in a group like this no doubt about. The music definitely not what I ever ventured into, but I definitely could appreciate it. The band was having fun on stage and messing around, something i'm definitely no stranger to.
 Then the band introduced the song “Indians” and all hell broke loose. Y/N’s grip tightened on my hand.
“Get Ready!” She yelled.
The guitars harmonized with a simplistic riff, no other instruments joining in, but boy when they did, the fun began. People around me started to basically push and shove me, basically just running their bodies into me. Jumping into each other and me, Y/N jumped into me at one point. It was tamer than expected, Y/N Joined them as well, pushing into me and jumping into others. It was definitely something I could have handled, I don't know why she hyped it up so much. Everyone took a mutually agreed upon break during the chorus and second verse. Still pushing but just keeping to their spots. Y/N had a huge smile on her face, and looked over to me, her hair wild and her face flushed. 
She leaned over to me and tried to yell, “Get ready!”
“Get Ready? Wasn’t that the mosh?”
She threw her head back and laughed before returning to her space. The singer screamed “War Dance!” and the crowd lost it. They were jumping into everyone basically using shoulders and elbows to bounce off of each other.  I felt my arm jerk and I looked over to Y/N, and everyone in front of her was.. Running? She tightened her grip and started running with them, and in town, I was dragged along. They all were basically running in a circle in dancing, screaming the lyrics to the song. When we got into a groove something in me grooved with it and I lost every nervous feeling in body. I let go of her hand and ran next to her, jumping into her at some points. She threw her head back with laughter and reciprocated by almost pushing me over. At some point we stopped running, but we slammed and jumped into each other until the song was over. And by that point I was so out of breath it burned.
“Holy shit.” I breathed out.
As the show went on the more into it I got and the more wild Y/N got. Alcohol still very present in our systems, along with adrenaline. Y/N screamed the lyrics with everyone and danced all night, causing a ruckus with the neighboring people, and of course I joined in.
She suddenly clamped her hand on my shoulder in the middle of the song “Antisocial”, surprising me.
“Jake! I have my phone on me, but if I don't make it out, we meet where we jumped in!”
“Don't make it back?” I yelled in confusion.
“Don’t worry ill be right back!”
She leaned over to the taller guys next to us and did her best to talk to them. They both high fived her and she grabbed onto their shoulders. They grabbed her legs and lifted her, passing her forward. The people in front of us very quickly took notice and passed her along. She was having the time of her life, yelling and milking her performance. I would be lying if I didn't say she was cool as fuck, and that I didn't envy her lust for life.
The guy next to tapped my shoulder and yelled “Dude your girlfriend is dope as hell!”
I simply responded “Don't I know it.”
Y/N’s POV 
Eventually I did make my way back to Jake, it just took me awhile to push through, and not get distracted by the crowd, as nice as it was to get recognized, I was worried he got swept away.
I found him attempting to headbang with the guys who helped me crowd surf, it was honestly cute to watch. 
“I lived, Bitch!”
He stopped and locked eyes with me, the already huge smile on his face grew bigger, 
“I don't want this to end!” He yelled, grabbing me and sweeping me back into my old spot.
“Well I’m sad to inform you we probably have one more song left, Rockstar.”
He gave me an over exaggerated frown and threw his arm around my shoulder and said 
“Well I guess that means we have to make it count!”
“I guess it does!”
The crowd gave too much energy in too early on and tried to  put everything into the last song, but it didn't compare to earlier. All of our bodies heavy, our breath hard, and sweat was everywhere. Compared to earlier, Jake now looked like a pro. Pushing everyone around him, keeping his balance, a huge smile stuck on his face. Near the end of the song I was completely exhausted and my balance is getting harder and harder to keep. They guy next to me just about pushed me over, except Jakes torso kept me from getting very far. He quickly caught me and wrapped his arms around me looking down at me, stopping for a brief moment. I looked up and our eyes met, our faces were closer than expected, our noses practically touching. The both of us not attempting to move away. Heat rose to my cheeks and I held my breath, unable to move. The relentlessness crowd was ever moving though, and the guy in front of us knocked the two of us into the men behind us, moving us from our position. 
“Well that was close, you almost took me down there.” He laughed, relieving the tension.
“You wish, Rockstar.”
The walk back to my trailer was silent, it wasn’t a bad silence, just contempt. We both just felt oddly comfortable around each other, and could just live in the moment, not having to force conversation. Comfortable silence is rare, and you've met someone truly special if that can be achieved. Even though it was last night i'm still confused as to how he got me to open up. I make it seem like i’m open with people, joke about my insecurities so they can’t hold them against me. Rarely does anyone ever see past that. I haven't even gotten the chance to throw those jokes around, I haven’t felt like I needed to around him. I've known him all of three days and he makes me feel something. I don't know what it is, its past romantic or platonic, I guess I just feel some sort of kin to him. That scares me. 
We were in no rush, taking as much time as we wanted on the walk back. The both of us occasionally just staring at the sky. Crickets and a seldom guitar could be heard, bouncing from bus to bus. A different tune from each player, and even if it was 11, they all seemed to be saying goodnight. 
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jake glancing at me every so often. When I turned my head to look at him he just stopped trying to hide it. A small smile played at his lips and the stars almost reflected in his eyes. He seemed at peace. Still, I could see that he had a question he wanted to ask playing through his mind. 
“What's on your mind, Rockstar?” I asked.
He seemed taken aback that i’d noticed.
“Oh uh, I was just thinking of asking if maybe you'd like to join me and the boys during practice tomorrow? I mean we played last night, but I what to see what you can really do.” He paused for a moment, a smirk appearing on his face. “Plus I can finally Woo you with my guitar playing. Gets all the ladies.” He finished off his sentence by very animatedly wiggling his eyebrows.
“You wish, I've been playing since I was three, bet you I can do everything you can, and then some.” 
“You're on, little bird. You don't know what you're getting yourself into. Lets just say i’ve been playing for a little while.”
“You don't even know what you're getting yourself into.” I mimicked the smirk he gave me and said “Gets me all the ladies.”
He cocked an eyebrow in confusion “ You're taken.”
“Well when I wasn't… Let's just say I never had a shortage of fun.”
“Ooh look at you go.”
I just simply laughed and threw an arm around his shoulder, both of us returning back to our silence. My bus seemed to have snuck up on us because suddenly we were standing at the door. I reached for the door handle, stepping away from him.
“Wait.” He said suddenly, grabbing my hand.
I turned to him seeing that same expression as before, he had something to say.
He hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching for something in mine. I almost waited for him to step closer to me. He didn’t.
“No goodnight for me then?”
I stepped closer and left a lingering kiss on his cheek. He froze for a moment before relaxing under my touch.
I leaned in and whispered “Goodnight, Rockstar.” in his ear.
I moved away turning away for him to reach for the door again, opening it as quietly as I could. His hand slipped out of mine and I stepped onto the bus, but before I closed the door I turned around one more time. His eyes softened when they met mine, and a smile played on his lips.
“Goodnight, Little Bird.” He said softly, before turning around and walking away, humming a familiar tune.
Chapter 5
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dominarayne · 4 years
The Invisible Man
Hey guys!
So I watched this movie few days ago and watched it again last night with my mom and figured share my thoughts here. Just a quick disclaimer, I don't think it's right to say my opinion on a self righteous level on this sensitive subject. I just want to touch on the few major element portrayed by the movie with a hint of personal experience.
Hope this could help you in writing about the subject but don't forget research is essentially needed. I highly recommend the movie, despite the few error in the plot it was amazing.
So... the invisible man.
Being over an abusive person takes a little longer than just leaving them. Unfortunately their traces and marks such as memories don't swish away easily. You know when a slightest bad event happens in your life and keeps you up at night, even makes you dream about it? Now imagine the sensitive subject of abuse in a relationship like this. The movie perfectly touches on the trauma afterwards but with it's own elements. Imagine an abused person which can be both Man and Woman, is finally free from all that terror and the mental tug of war but now has to deal with the ghost of their abuser that is now haunting them...
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The movie starts with the first vital step to get out of a dangerous relationship by literally getting out of it. Cecilia escapes her boyfriend's house and leaves him for good. First step is of course is to break free and overcome the fear. Surrounding yourself with loved ones and positivity, overall seeking some kind of help.
But when you are facing with a crazy guy like Adrian the story is different.
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The invisible man is the story of a girl named Cecilia, finally determined to leave her abusive boyfriend who is basically like my sister said "Tony Stark but if he was a psychopath." Shortly after she leaves him, he commits suicide out of nowhere. She thinks only his death can bring her peace because there's no reason left to be scared leaving the house or start a new life but she's definitely wrong. Adrian is not letting her go, even when he's dead.
In real life maybe the abused person is not facing crazy Adrian but reality could be cruel as him.
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From perspective of someone who has seen and somewhat experienced the abusive relationship with a friend I was blown away by the movie.
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First, the memories and reminders of what they are capable is more terrifying because anticipating for something bad to happen is basically poison, also the littlest things that are reminder of them can be poison too!
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Second is that although people are being nice (which not all of them wholeheartedly.) They don't know what you are going through. What I've learned is to be with the abused person with open ears not a fueled mouth to shoot empty mottos of something you absolutely have no idea. Sadly these days people tend to bash the abused person instead of being understanding or milk them for supposedly "tea" so they'll have something to talk about with others later. this stuff makes to to shut down or endure the living hell or worst, making their abuser's actions justified.
Which reminds me of a dialogue in the movie that boiled my blood. “My hand's shaking. You know you are the only person in the world that gets to see my hand shake? It's because I need you, Cecilia.” – Adrian.
I legit yelled "OH FUCK OFF."
This kind of fabricated sweet moments and toxic people around the abused person make them go insane! Even beguiled so the terror can start over! So that's why it's important to be there for them with no expectations for details and tales of woe.
But there's always one person that cares and that is enough.
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Third, sometimes or maybe most of the times no one believes you. I am very sorry but it's true, I have experienced it and it's cruel. But keep in mind I mentioned sometimes. when people don't believe the abused, especially after a life time of magnificent prades of happiness and prosperity, when they have put on a mask just like the abuser, believing the scenario that never existed, expecting people to be on the abused person's side without any proof is tricky. Especially these days that people need proof for everything! Rightfully so in some situations.
Say if you met someone like Adrian, Smart, handsome, charming, manipulative with a beautiful partner on his arm. It's jarring to realize what a monster he could be after the reality reveals itself. Specially when he has a partner who dances with his tunes ALL THE TIME.
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Think about it, no one believed Cecilia because first, it's crazy to believe your boyfriend has came back to haunt you, etc. And seriously can you blame them? In this kind of situation the abused person seems more unsettled than in the right state of mind so absolutely no one will ever believe such a thing.
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In the real world the abuser sets such a brilliant image of themselves that people might say "well shame on that girl/boy. People die to be with that guy/woman and they couldn't get their life together." No one will straight away believe a guy like Adrian is not a victim.
This is where I love it when I see the abused person decides to settle scors themselves. Making amends and built a new life because at the end no one can rattle you into reality like yourself.
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In the movie Cecilia finally had it enough, she decided she would no longer let him pull the strings. At the end abuser may have had the upper hand before but when a human resorts to vile actions to be in control they are the weakest. No one knows them better than abused, no one can see their deepest fears like the abused, this was the wining card for Cecilia in the movie.
In my opinion The invisible man wasn't completely a flawless movie which I'm going to talk about it in a second, but it portrayed the stages that a abused person in this case goes through amazingly. But mind you abuse has all shapes and forms so it doesn't mean this includes every aspects that are happening all around the world.
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If you have watched the movie let's talk about it. My issue with it, despite that I had a good time watching it was that Adrian, like my sister says is "if Tony Stark was a psychopath." I think it implies how much the guy is smart. So it was stupid that he didn't realize the second suit was missing. Or didn't noticed a parked car outside his house or suspicious acts of Cecilia. I mean thw guy had cameras EVERYWHERE come on!
Also she WAS one months pregnant from Adrian after he faked his own death so it wasn't hard to prove that he was the mastermind not Tom!
Or it's probably nitpicking but when Cecilia's sister died in restaurant how did the knife swang back in her hand like that? idk 😂
My friend even mentioned it was kind of weird he knew where she was going to meet her sister.
Anyway have you watched it? What was your take on the movie?
#Theinvisibleman #writing #abuse #tips #wip
3 notes · View notes
jinterlude · 6 years
Innermost Thoughts
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↳ header is made by yours truly. I do not own the rights to the image used.
➳ Pairing: Mark Lee x Reader (female OC)
➳ Genre(s): Soulmate!AU, Barista!AU, Romance, Fluff, Friendship, & Humor
➳ Words: 6.6K
➳ Summary: You work at the local coffee shop. He currently interns at a business firm. Your life is right on schedule. His life is a mess. He is always on the go. You take one day at a time. Total opposites, so why is there a special connection between you? More importantly, why is there a bunch of random phrases written on your palm? You don’t remember writing down anything to help you remember, so this honestly strange to you. It doesn’t help that Mark too is experiencing a strange phenomenon when it comes to his own body. There’s no way that your experience is linked with his. Absolutely no way...
Soft whispers from the outside. An icy cold breeze brushes through the naked tree branches as it pushes the million snowflakes, that descends from the vast sky, in different directions. Falling at a decent pace as it joins their brother and sisters on the concrete ground.
Winter is an interesting season as people either love it or hate it. People simply focus on the harsh coldness that it comes with it or focus on the mere fact that Christmas is soon approaching. For you, you always love the season. Not because it means that the year is almost over or that you’ll receive gifts from your friends and family. No. You are in love with this weather because of the tranquility that comes it. Seeing the blanket of pure white snow on top of what used to be your grass? Magical. Observing the footprints that causes your eyes to follow after it? A fun adventure. Most important, you absolutely love your job. Being a barista at the local café and serving hot drinks to the customers as they chat away about anything that has happened during their daily life. It is because of this job that you have the opportunity to meet some interesting characters. It is because of this job that you believe in the idea of soulmates.
As you prepare their orders, you overhear the coffee lovers talk about how they met one another. From the months of working there, you gain the knowledge of the “red thread of fate”, “two soulmates who feel the exact emotions”, and the list goes on.
Hearing about their stories makes you question if you have that special someone to call your own. Someone who is destined to make you into a better person. Someone who will love you unconditionally until the end of time.
In simple terms…
Someone to call your own…
With a soft smile gracing your lips, you grasp your fingers around the handle as you steam a cup of milk. You hum a Christmas tune to yourself as you focus on making the perfect latte for a customer.
           “Hey cutie!” shouts a fellow barista, who also happens to be your partner in crime.
           “You’re late Sowon…” You point out with a grin.
Sowon scoffs, rolling her eyes, as she ties her hair up in a ponytail.
           “Sweetie, a queen is never late. Everyone else is simply early.” She says, putting on her apron and tying it in place.
You chuckle as you do one of your signature flower art on the customer’s latte before serving it.
           “Here you go sir.” You smile sweetly at the elderly gentleman.
The gentleman says a quick yet polite thank you before taking his drink back to his seat.
Sowon perks her eyebrow up, “I think you made yet another person fall in love with you.” She states as she clocks in for work.
You wave away her remark before attending to another customer.
This is going to be yet another amazing day for you.
In a different part of the city, sadly, a certain intern at a business firm isn’t having such a wonderful start.
For Mark Lee, his day has been filled with nothing but sweat, tears, and some curse words. With his hair a disheveled mess, he forces himself to knock on his boss’ office door, praying to God that he has noticed him rushing in late. While he is a music major at the local university, his professor has suggested that he should also expose himself to the business side of the industry. Luckily, a colleague of his has helped land the internship.
However, looking at his situation now, he honestly doesn’t think he’s so lucky.
His boss is scary. His fellow interns only care about themselves. He is always late because the train and bus schedule are always unpredictable.
There are some days where Mark Lee wants to quit but decides against it when he remembers that his dream goal is so close to not being a dream anymore. He is going to be a famous producer one day, working with famous artists left and right. Yep. He can see the end goal. He just needs to keep trucking on.
Taking one final breath, Mark Lee musters enough courage to knock on the glass door. His face slightly grimaces when he hears his boss’ harsh, cold voice demanding that he enters. He wraps his fingers around the door handle and pushes the door open.
           “Take a seat, Mr. Lee.” Demands his angry boss.
Mark Lee nods meekly and quickly takes a seat. His timid stare meeting the strong, confident stare of his boss.
           “Mr. Lee, may I ask why you are late for the hundredth time this month?” His boss asks, leaning back into his seat.
           “It wasn’t a hundred times…” Mark thinks, “I am incredibly sorry, sir. I woke up late and then both the train and bus arrived late, and—” Before Mark can continue his explanation, his boss interrupts.
           “Mark, I do not want to hear your excuse. No matter what, I expect you to be here on time and ready to work,” His boss pauses, sighing, “I am not sure if this is going to continue to work out. While, yes, you are an intern, I still treat you as if you are one of my employees, and I expect my employees to have an amazing work ethic. Quite frankly, you are not displaying any of that.” He says; each of his words stab a whole in Mark’s pride.
He is right. The boss man is always right. Mark knows that he hasn’t been given his internship a 100%. He always gives whatever the task he is handed his all. What makes this internship any different?
           “You are absolutely right, sir. I have been half-assing this intern. I come up with excuse after excuse, and I apologize for that. That is not an exact representation of my work ethics. Please give me one more chance, I promise that I will deliver you nothing but the best from now on.” Mark says; confidence dripping from every word. A total 180 from his earlier mannerisms.
His boss finds himself nodding. A light humming emits from his lips as a short smile begins to form.
           “Okay.” He tells Mark shortly, alarming the poor boy.
           “Okay?” Mark repeats in a questioning tone of voice.
           “Okay as in I will give you one more shot. You blow this, and you are out of my company. Got it?” The boss clarifies, standing up and fixing his suit jacket.
Mark practically shoots up from his seat, grabbing his boss’ hands as he proceeds to shake them.
           “You will not regret this sir!” He shouts with an eager smile before dashing out of the office.
Mark’s boss shakes his head but with a smile as he takes his seat. An amusing thought occurs in his mind causing the distinguished man to chuckle.
           “I can go for a cup of coffee from my daughter’s café.” He utters to himself as he sends Mark a quick text message with his order.
Now scrolling through your phone, as you are currently on your 20-minute break, you hum along to your music. You have the habit of getting lost in your music. Something about the lyrics and the melody just speaks to your soul.
And the funny thing is that it’s always about love. The idea of falling in love. You can say that you tend to be a hopeless romantic.
           “Say yes…say yes…say yes…” You sing softly; your eyes trailing up as you drink in the peaceful atmosphere. You watch the precious snowflakes slowly trickle down before blending in with the rest.
A faint smile appears before focusing your attention back on your phone. As you reach for the device, you feel an odd sensation on your palm. More specifically, on the palm. This tickling feeling continues for a few more moments, then it suddenly disappears.
Your brows scrunch together. Tiny creases form on your forehead. You have had your share of weird encounters, but that takes the cake.
You flip over your hand. Your eyes widen as you see handwriting on it.
           “That’s odd…” You think to yourself as you scan the written content, “Why is there a coffee order on my hand?” You mentally add, finding it even weirder that you register it as your dad’s go-to coffee order.
So many questions begin to swarm your mind. Questions like, “did I write this down earlier?” or “Maybe Sowon got a message from him and had me write it on my hand for her?”
Ah…this is going to bug you for the rest of the day.
The funny thing is that you didn’t even think about the possibility that maybe this is your soulmate’s doing. Don’t you love ignoring the obvious?
With a quick huff, you grab your phone and stuff in one of the pockets of your apron. You push in your chair and head back inside. Maybe it won’t hurt to ask Sowon.
She’s one smart cookie after all…
Feeling the warmth from the heater as it melts away the icy, numb feeling from your face, you smile at each customer, checking up on every other one, as you make your back behind the counter.
You push open the little entrance door, walk up to Sowon, and whisper roughly,
           “Hey, did you have me write down something for you?”
Sowon stares at you with a questioning expression.
           “Uh…not recently. Why?” She asks, putting down her pen.
Instead of answering, you show her your palm. Sowon leans forward; her eyes squinting to make sense of the tiny font that decorates your palm. A few words quietly exit from her mouth before returning to her original position.
           “Yeah…are you feeling okay? You go from writing down a coffee order to writing anything and everything that comes to your cute little mind.” She asks, stating what she has read on your palm.
Wait what?
Last time you checked, only a coffee order is written on your hand. You quickly flip over your hand and low and behold, Sowon is right. Instead of a simple order, there’s a bunch of random words.
You read over the jumbled-up words, stifling a laughter that forms within your chest.    
          “One large iced Americano with two pumps of…wait…what time did the boss man say he wanted the summary report on his desk? Shit…! I think he said that he wanted it on his desk tonight! Fuck!” You read aloud, chuckling at the number of times the word, “fuck” is written on your hand.
Sowon watches curiously at you. She takes note of the goofy smile that is glued on your face. How your head tilts to the side as you continue to read the essay that is on the palm of your hand.
Wait a minute…
That is quite strange that out of all her years of knowing you, you only just now start to write things on your hand. Normally, you’ll grab your tiny notebook and jot down anything and everything that pops into your brilliant mind.
Suddenly, a light bulb lights up.
Sowon swiftly grabs your hand, and her assumption is right. Her eyes observes the ink disappear but soon appears once again. This time bearing a new set of phrases. Sentences that go from being articulate to being simple rambles.
           “Say, you haven’t found your soulmate yet , right?” You hear Sowon randomly ask.
You simply shake your head before standing behind the register. Sowon hums in response as she access her mind bank, specifically looking for her knowledge on soulmates.
She leans a part of her body against the counter, continuing to look through her intelligent mind.
Then, it hits her. As if someone has taken a book and lightly smacked it on her head.
She quickly pushes herself off the counter and moves next to you. Completely ignoring the fact that you are helping a customer.
You smile sweetly at the lady, who appears to be in her mid-twenties, and hand her exact change. You grab the order receipt and place it on a clip before moving around Sowon to help prepare your signature latte. What can you say? People love your signature drink. It’s probably because of the fancy latte art that you do, but whatever helps bring revenue to the café.
           “Are you even listening to me?” Sowon throws her hands up, sighing loudly.
You smile apologetically as you tighten your hair up again and quickly wash your hands.
Sowon frowns as her eyes narrow; they practically become slits.
           “I promise, I will listen to what you have to say after work. Right now, I need—” Before you can finish your sentence, requesting your dear friend to actually work instead of chit chatting, you hear an awkward voice speak up.
           “Um…excuse me? I would like to order.”
You give a Sowon a look before stepping around her and position yourself at the register.
           “Hi sir! How may I help you?” You ask politely, lightly drumming your fingers against the register screen.
A short, airy chuckle leaves the customer’s lips.
           “Sir? I would’ve thought we would at least be on first name basis with each other.” The person says, causing you to softly giggle.
You raise your brow as you tell him, “Well... Seeing how I am at work, Mark, I need to keep a sense of professionalism. I can’t play favorites with my customers.” Near the end, you playfully wink at him
The customer, who is now revealed to be Mark, laughs at your remark. He quietly says, “true”, before relaying his go-to order. Every day, Mark comes in ordering two things. He orders one coffee for his boss and then orders something to calm his nerves. Almost always he orders a plain old cup of coffee with a few shots of espresso and can’t forget a little bit of room for the creamer.
           “You know…eventually, all of that caffeine is going to kill you.” You playfully say as you ring up his total for his drinks.
Mark eyes you with a lazy yet amused smirk as he digs out his wallet from his back pocket. He then hands her the company credit card before jokingly wipes away his imaginary sweat. He is honestly amazed with himself for finally having his boss’ order correct. His prior attempts either had him making the drink too sweet or too bitter. Sometimes, he’s even forgotten to make the drink iced.
Now Mark understands why he’s always been assigned coffee duty while the other interns are either filing away important documents or scheduling important meetings for the executive board members.
If he can’t remember a simple coffee order, then how can he remember the tiny details of his clients needs—wants—when it comes to their music?
           “Everything happens for a reason…” He chants like a broken record.
As you insert his card into the card reader, you notice Mark mouthing something out of the corner of your eye. You secretly find it both adorable and hilarious that he tends to do it whenever he wants to memorize something.
Wow…you have seen him enough to know that small detail about him.
That’s kind of depressing…
           “Your order will be up soon, Mr. Lee.” You announce as you hand him back both his card and the receipt.
           “Ah… I thought we went over this. Mark is just fine. Mr. Lee reminds me of my dad.” Mark tells you, finding it quite amusing to hear you say that.
You giggle at his response, “Funny. I can say the same thing when people call me Miss L/N. It reminds me of my dad’s employees address me. It’s just weird.” You say.
The moment he hears you say your last name, he feels this poking sensation on his brain. Why does your last name sound so damn familiar?
           “Say…you don’t happen to know an elderly gentleman named, Y/D/N L/N?” inquires Mark as he mirrors your steps.
A look of confusion spreads all over your face as you begin prepping a drink for a customer that is ahead of Mark.
           “Yeah I do! He’s actually—” However, before you can spill the beans that the person in question is your dad, you hear your Sowon shout,
           “Oh, baby girl! Stop flirting with the handsome intern! The manager is demanding that you provide her with your amazing hands! Apparently, she can’t make those latte arts that the people are so fond of!”
You smile apologetically to him before handing off the shot of espresso to Sowon and leaving behind an even more confused Mark.
Mark eyes your retreating, displaying a genuine smile and walking away himself. As he’s walking away, he rolls the sleeves up just 3/4ths of the way as it has grown a tad warm inside the coffee establishment. He then glances behind his shoulder; his smile growing by the second. Seeing you smile  and chat away with your manager triggers a few fond memories. To be specific—he begins to recall the first day the two of you have met…
Heavy pants leave his mouth; the air in his lungs disappearing right in front of his eyes. He exerts every ounce of stamina to make it the local café shop and back to the office before his boss arrives. Mark has only recently been accepted into the business firm and now is going to be late on his first day. What an amazing first impression he wants to establish to not only his boss but his senior employees as well.
To add insult to injury, he’s forgotten what the assistance has told him about his boss’ favorite coffee combination.
Why didn’t he write it down?
That’s right…
He’s a cocky idiot thinking that he can remember a simple order.
Life is cruel to him…
With the coffee shop nearing in sight, Mark picks up his pace. He loosens up his tie and unbuttons a few of buttons of his dress shirt. The last ting he wants to add to his piling list of “reasons why I should be fired” is the fact that his shirt stinks of sweat and despair.
Uncaring about being a perfect gentleman, he pushes past the sea of customers, wanting to make it to the front of the line. He ignores the loud complaints and profanities as he rests his hands on the counter.
He tries his best to catch his breath fairly quickly. Time is precious to him, and he can’t afford to dawdle right now.
With you, on the other hand, you have all the time in the world. Your dad has given you permission to work at this wonderful café since he knows about your hidden passion for creating any form art. Whether it’s with a paint brush or a colored pencil, you always have to create something.
When Jae Hwa told you that the local café near the university was hiring, you immediately jumped at the chance. Now, you can practice your latte art and be technically paid to do so.
           “Hey, can you cover me at the register? My dad has been keeping me updated with my little brother, so I want to give him a call and see how things are.�� Jae Hwa asks with a hopeful smile.
You tighten your pony tail and quickly say, “yes”. She has covered for you before, so why not return the favor?
Jae Hwa happily and swiftly thanks you as she exits the bar area and goes outside.
You quickly type in your login credentials before taking the next person’s order.
           “Hi there! How may I help you this fine morning?” You ask with a warm smile, though, you observe the look of dread that’s painted all over the poor soul’s face.
           “…yeah…I need…uh….shit…” The person mumbles, trying his hardest to remember of the coffee order.
This unexplainable feeling of pity fills your heart as you notice the morning rush piling on behind him.
           “Would you like me to recommend something for you? You seem tense…” You politely question, taking note of the constant sweat that trickles down the side of his face and his uptight body language.
           “Nah. I’m okay,” He pulls out his phone and opens his messaging app, “I’m lucky that my boss’ assistant messaged me his order.” He replies before relaying an interesting drink order.
A grin of curiosity forms on your lips as this knowing feeling in the back of your head pokes at you. That drink is oddly too familiar; however, you decide to push that thought onto the back burner. The morning rush needs your absolute focus. You can dwell on why that drink order is familiar later.
           “Will that be all?” You ask, remembering your training.
The person quickly says, “yes”, and then you total the amount for his drink.
           “Okay that will be $5.87, and may I have your name for the order?” You ask, taking his card and inserting it into the chip reader.
           “Oh! Um…Mark Lee.” He says awkwardly as you hand him back both his card and receipt.
You smile sweetly before telling him that you’ll call him when his drink is ready. Mark returns the smile but it’s not as wide as yours. It seems rather timid—almost nervous like. You watch him move to the side and try to find an empty table to park himself at until his drink is ready.
           “I think he likes you…” says an all too familiar voice.
           “What do you want, Jungkook? Sowon isn’t scheduled to work until the afternoon shift.” You state, ignoring the annoying grin that is currently on his face.
Jungkook holds his hands up in defense, “Hey now. I’m just here for a good old cup of coffee and to see my favorite latte artists.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes, “Whatever,” However, before you can resume your register duties, your manager comes up to you and asks you to start delivering drinks to the customers. When you ask her why, she says that the place is too noisy that no one can’t hear their names being called.
           “Fair enough.” You salute her as you grab Mark’s and another person’s drink orders. You first deliver the other person’s drink since the woman’s sitting at table closest to the counter. Then, you carefully make your way to Mark’s table. That boy just has to sit in the farthest corner.
           “Mark!” You try to yell subtly, hoping to gain the boy’s attention. After no response, you try again and luckily, he looks up.
His eyes widen as he notices you struggling to push through the sea of people. Mark stands up and makes his way towards you.
Unfortunately, he should’ve just waited for you…
           “Holy…I am so sorry Mark!” You apologize loudly as the two of you eye his now coffee stained shirt.
You quickly pull out a clean rag from the back of your pocket and carefully wipe down his shirt.
Mark frowns and admits that his shirt is ruined. He then gently grasps your wrist, ignoring this spark electricity that shoots up his arm, and forces you to stop cleaning.
           “I think you can stop cleaning my shirt. Coffee stains are a bitch.” He tells you, causing you to blush from embarrassment.
You awkwardly stand up and once again apologize for ruining his dress shirt. Mark waves off your apology as he deems it his own fault for trying to meet you halfway in this packed café.
           “Let’s just say we are both dummies, and I’ll quickly go remake your drink.” You tell him.
Mark chuckles softly, “Don’t worry about it. I’m already in trouble for being late. What can having a dirty dress shirt and no coffee do to me?”
You frown; your eyes dripping with sympathy. You want to help him, but it seems like his mind is made up.
           “Well, how about this? Next time you visit, your coffee is on me.” You suggest, smiling.
Mark returns the smile,
“See you tomorrow then…”
His last words echo throughout your mind. The more you think about it, the more you find yourself smiling as you watch Mark leave your line of sight. Now having a better look at him, you take note of his attire. A dress shirt, a pair of black slacks, and a nice pair of black vans.
A short hum emits from your lips as you find it odd that a college student is wearing such a dressy attire. Maybe he works right after school, so that’s why he always stop by to buy a few drinks before dashing out of the door.
What type of job requires such a fancy attire?
More importantly, what kind of job requires this poor boy to down so much caffeine that you should just start giving him a pot of espresso to go instead of simple large cup?
To make it your thought process even wilder, you find a tad interesting that Mark always orders your dad’s go-to drink to go with whatever is his choice of the day. People can develop similar tastes in drinks. You have seen enough duplicate coffee orders to know that your hypothesis is indeed correct.
           “…nah…” You say quietly as you resume your duties.
Maybe one day, the two of you will meet outside the four walls of this coffee shop, and you guys can talk about anything and everything that comes to mind.
Meanwhile, with Mark, he is currently scrolling through his work email. Reading over everything and anything that his boss has CC’d him in. He silently curses at the fact that he didn’t bring his work laptop with him. If he did bring it with him, then he would’ve been working on the many summary reports that has piled on. Looks like he’s going to be staying behind late…yet again…
Mark can’t help but sigh, questioning his life decisions, however, before he can be completely lost in his thoughts, his phone sounds off.
As he reaches for his phone, he notices something that is drawn on his arm. His lips pursed together as he wonders what’s on his arm. He doesn’t remember being bored and doodling on it.
Did he doodle on it?
Today has been a long day, and it’s not even evening yet.
He flips over his arm, wanting to get a better look at the doodle that he has supposedly drawn. His face is blank with emotion. Then, his bottom lip disappears followed by a few hums. He tilts his head to one side and then to the other. Yeah. Mark’s now even more confused.
           “Why is there a flower drawn on my arm?” He thinks as his eyes scan the intricate details of the flower.  His brows continue to be scrunched together the more he works his brain into overtime about this damn plant…
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Mark looking at his arm. His face extremely close to it. You continue to stare until hearing Sowon say something to you pulls you out of your stalker behavior.
           “I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” You politely request as you resume making another latte art. This time, it’s a heart because the customer who has requested wants to give it to his lady friend. Apparently, he’s going to confess his love to her.
Ah…young love…
           “I said, ‘have you noticed that your hand writing now says the same thing over and over?’” Sowon repeats her question, roughly flipping over your hand and causing you to mess up the heart.
Your mouth nearly drops to the floor. Your perfect latte art is now this ugly blob. You honestly want to cry. Maybe your tears will make the coffee art all pretty…
You mumble a few curse words under your breath as you begrudgingly dump the perfectly made coffee into the sink. You quickly grab another cup and create the order yet again.
Sowon, wanting your undivided attention, purposely gets in your way. While you have no idea why she’s behaving like this, a part of you has an inkling.
Sowon is quite observant. Even more than you. She has seen the depressed gleam in your eyes whenever you overhear the customers talk about their soulmate. How this heavy sigh leaves your lips as you hear her gush about Jungkook and what he has done for her that day. This envious tone in your voice when you politely ask her to stop talking about the idea of having a soulmate.
Over the years, Sowon has helped couple after couple find their better half. Yet when it comes to you, she’s absolutely stuck. Without your knowledge, she has subtly checked for any signs that your soulmate is going to show up. It varies from checking your left pinky finger to seeing if you experience the same emotion as the one you are destined to be with.
Sadly, every time, she has come up emptied handed. It’s as if the Gods of Romance is telling Sowon to stop meddling and allow you to find your soulmate at your own pace.
When you found out what your best friend has been doing, you’re annoyed at first, however, you later thanked her for efforts and then told her that you’re fine with not knowing.
After all, you have accepted the fact that your soulmate is not going to make an appearance anytime soon, and that is fine with you—or so you think.
           “Can I please finish this person’s coffee? He really wants to confess his love for his lady friend before the day is over.” You say to Sowon, steaming another cup of milk for your famous latte art.
Instead of answering, Sowon grabs your hand, making sure to not accidentally burn you. She holds your hands firmly as she closes the gap between the two of you.
           “Jae Hwa! Cover us!” She demands as she pulls you out of the café and into the cold, harsh winter air .
The rush of icy air hits your body like a ton of bricks. Your body begins to shiver. Your teeth starts to chatter. Why didn’t Sowon bring your jackets?
           “Okay, young lady. I have figured out why you have a bunch of words randomly scribbled all over your hand!” Sowon declares happily, flipping over your hand.
She then shoves your palm into your face, causing you to pull your head back a smidge. What? You don’t want to get slapped by your own hand.
That’s just embarrassing…
           “In one the many books, that I have read during my months of denial over Jungkook being my soulmate, I have read somewhere that whatever your soulmate is thinking, it will be written on your hand,” She draws back your hand, examining the ever-changing sentences, “When did you notice the writings?” asks Sowon.
Using your free hand, you tap your chin lightly. Once you figure out the answer, you then quickly tell it to her. You reply that you have only noticed it today, however, it doesn’t rule out the fact that this strange occurrence could’ve happened prior to today.
Sowon nods as she says, “okay”, repeatedly.
The thing about soulmate is honestly tricky. There is no definite answer as to why one’s soulmate will appear when he or she least expects them too. One person can go on for years without knowing who their soulmate is while the other can meet their soulmate in less than 24 hours. It’s random gamble.
With Sowon, she hasn’t seen any signs of her soulmate for almost a year. Then, one day, when she’s walking back to her car, she feels random emotions hitting her all at once. A few days later, she comes face-to-face with Jungkook, and everything begins making sense to her.
With you, it hasn’t even been a whole day yet and the Gods of Romance wants you to meet your better half ASAP. However, the downside is that anyone can be thinking the things that are written on your palm.
The human mind is always changing; naturally, the thoughts change as well.
           “I don’t see why you couldn’t tell me this inside…I can’t feel my face anymore…” You mutter, crossing your arms over your chest.
Sowon laughs at your comment before pulling you back inside and allowing the two of you to defrost. You can see Jae Hwa secretly freaking out as she gives it her best effort to remain calm.
You and Sowon glance each other as you rush to Jae Hwa’s aid…
Back with Mark, who is still deciphering what his newly found tattoo means, he is currently scanning the Internet for any answer. While he is a stranger to the world of soulmates, it didn’t mean that he’s completely oblivious to it. He knows what a soulmate is, and why people have one. He’s just unfamiliar with how one obtains their other half—the one person that is destined to love him for all of eternity. Better yet, he hasn’t quite understand how one finds their missing pair.
In his group of friends, half of them already have found their missing piece of the puzzle. While the other half, they are either currently searching or patiently waiting for the next clue to smack them in the face.
Now with Mark, he’s been too busy to either care or even notice that there has been tiny hints. He just didn’t know it…
Sending a quick S.O.S to his friend, Taeyong, Mark stares at his phone intensely, waiting for a response. As he is doing this, he fails to realize that an odd combination of numbers appears underneath the detailed drawing of the flower. To be more specific, a certain date now displays nicely below the drawing.
After what seems like a forever, Mark’s phone makes a bell like sound, signaling the anxious man that he has a new message.
[From TY-Track 05:45 PM: First off, aren’t you still doing your internship? Second of all, since have you become so keen on this soulmate stuff?]
[From TY-Track 05:47 PM: You always seemed disinterested whenever the fellas and I talk about it…]
Mark’s brows furrow together. His buddies have discussed this before? Then, a look of realization washes over him. They do talk about their missing half whenever they get the chance because they give each other great advice on the topic.
One of the many joys of having a growing group of friends. You will always have at least three people who are experiencing something similar.
With a sheepish grin, Mark quickly types a reply, not knowing that you are walking towards with his order. You are embarrassed that you honestly forgot about Mark’s order since the café has gotten so backed up to the point that the order number has become incredibly disorganized.
Why is there only the three of you working the rush? The world will never know…
You gently place down his drink order and tell him to enjoy his flavor of the day.
Mark laughs and just as you are about to walk away, he notices some familiar words written on your palm.
Why is his boss’ drink order written all over your hand? More importantly, why is his mental memo to strangle Jisung written all over it.
Without a second thought, he grabs your hand and pulls you down to the seat in front of him.
You eye him with confused eyes, “Uh…may I help you, Mark?”
Instead of answering, Mark flips over your hand, creating that surge of electricity once again.
           “Why did you write my weird ass mental note on your head? Actually, how in the world did you know what I’m thinking?” Mark fires question after question.
You can’t help but gawk at his questions. Last time you checked, you aren’t a mind reader, so there’s no plausible explanation as to why you have his “mental note” written on your hand.
The two of stare at your palm a few more seconds until you notice a familiar design underneath his forearm.
Without uttering a word, you grab his arm and hold it close to your face. The way it is drawn is the same way you create your flower design for your latte art.
           “I have a question for you, why do you have my flower design tattooed on your arm?” You question him this time.
Mark looks taken back, so this is your flower design? Oh…! That’s why it looks familiar to him. Every time he picks up his order, he always sees plenty of drinks with your latte art waiting to be picked up by their owner.
           “Okay…this is honestly freaky…” He mumbles to himself as he takes a moment to process everything.
You hum in response as you too take a second to process a moment.
           “So, I see you have found your soulmate, my soft princess.” The two of you hear Sowon say.
Both you and Mark become confused by her words.
           “I’m saying that you two experienced the rarer side of finding your soulmate. For you, whatever your soulmate thinks, it appears on your palm. At first, I thought you were having a mental breakdown but then I realize that you had names written down that I couldn’t match a face to, and I know almost everyone in your life,” She turns to Mark, “And for you Mark, you have what they call a significant symbol that means something to your soulmate. In this case, Y/N loves art and creates intricate designs on our customers latte.” She clarifies while Jungkook simply nods in agreement.
You open your mouth to speak but soon close it. You have no idea what to say next.
Mark, on the other hand, is feeling both terrified and over the moon that he has finally found his other half. Happy that he has found the person that is going to make him the luckiest man alive yet terrified that he feels he’s not worthy of having you.
Before speaking, he clears his throat and with a sincere smile, Mark asks,
           “What do you want to do?”
You are taken back by his question. Is he seriously handing the ball over to you? Never once in your life have you ever thought about your soulmate giving you the power to decide on the bond between you two.
This is truly sweet of him…
           “Well, I’m willing to explore this newly found bond between us. I mean, we are paired up for a reason,” You then take his hand, “Even more so since you have my birth date written underneath my flower design.” You confess, finding it quite hilarious that the Gods of Romance has given him another sign of his soulmate while you’re only given one.
Mark looks flabbergasted as he scrambles to check his arm. His eyes home in on the not-so-random combination of numbers on his arm. He softly repeats the digits of your birthday before lowering his arm.
           “Huh….well, I’ll be damned,” He smiles brightly, “If this isn’t a sign that we are meant to be together, then I don’t know what is.” He jokes, causing you to practically smile from ear-to-ear.
           “I’m ready for this crazy adventure.” You tell him sweetly.
Mark nods, agreeing with your statement.
           “I have a question for you though.” He asks, remembering that he wants to ask you about your last name.
You hum in response, waiting for him to continue.
           “Are you related to Y/D/N L/N?” He asks, rubbing the back of his neck.
           “Oh! Yeah! He’s my dad!” You happily announce, unknowingly instilling fear within Mark.
           “He’s your dad?!” He pretty much shrieks in terror; his eyes widening to the size of dinner plates
           “Don’t worry…I’ll put in a good word for you with him. After all, I gotta take care of my better half now.” You comfort him, gently rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb.
           “Nah…that’s my job.”
           “Whatever helps you sleep at night, Mark.”
A/N: And there you have it! My second soulmate!AU one shot! I am honestly quite amazed with how long this one one turned out! The only time I have ever written a long one shot was for a Jungkook smut I had decided to revamp last year!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one shot! I will try and update my other stories whenever I have the chance. My weekends on October might be limited since my grandma is flying back to Irvine, CA next weekend, and I’m going to visit her with my mom. Also, I need to start buckling down on my studies, so I might put some stories on hold or just work on it slowly. Hope you guys understand and be patient! 
Don’t forget to leave a comment/like/reblog/a message in my inbox! I love hearing your thoughts! :)
- Kim
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youhearstatic · 6 years
Cor’s Adventure Zone Writing
Longer Fics - colabs
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A Single Slat of Wood and Canvas - After months of training, Lup fails to bring in her first solo reaper contract. She won’t tell anyone exactly what happened, even Barry. (By @tanger-catnip & @youhearstatic)
Barry woke with a start. His hand reached for the other side of the bed before he even knew who or where he was.
“Lup?” he asked the empty room.
Her side of the bed was cold. Barry was up and fumbling for his glasses in an instant, his heart pounding.
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Made Before the Voidfish (Broken by a Voidfish) - For months Lup, Magnus, and Merle have been haunted by the presence of the ‘red robe’. Often showing up after their adventures to offer cryptic and usually unhelpful warnings and advice. Shortly after the events at Refuge, Lup hatches a plan to finally pin this incomprehensible creature down and get the answers to the questions burning inside her. [TwinSwap AU 1.0]  (By @tanger-catnip & @youhearstatic)
Lup heard her own voice twist into a burst of static. She couldn’t remember what she had just said or hold it in her brain, but her mouth knew the words. She bent over, a lance of pain shooting through her head. It hurt so much, but she was so close to something she just had to keep going.
More static. It was like something was stealing the words away from her. She tried to claw them back, but they just would not stay in. It was like vomiting, but with words that she couldn’t hear.
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Lust is a Thing with Fangs - Lup tries to sneak in one more day of laboratory work before her annual heat cycle kicks in. Barry is there. It goes about how you would expect. (Explicit content.) (By @tanger-catnip & @youhearstatic)
Lup paused at the door to the lab. She stood up straight, wrapping herself in dignity and ignoring her heart pounding in her chest like a jackhammer. It would be fine. It was only Barry. He would be way too focused on his work to notice her trembling, or the fact she was flushed from the tips of her ears to her toes.
Lup licked her lips. She suddenly had the strangest feeling. Like part of her had come to a revelation about something and another was frantically trying to muffle it before it could be brought to her attention.
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A Night at The Naughty Kitten - Out of options after the Starblaster hastily relocated without them, Lup and Barry spend the night at a “boutique” “short stay” hotel.
There’s only one bed, but that’s the least of anyone’s problems. (By @tanger-catnip & @youhearstatic)
The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. It wasn’t the first time she’d ended up like this, but every time Lup wondered if it would be the one to break her. He wanted her so badly. Lup didn’t understand how she was supposed to handle seeing it so clearly on his face on top of her own longing.
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Sandworms and Other Concerns - Barry discovers that Lup’s presence can improve any situation, including having his arm torn off by a fifty-foot-long, carnivorous, burrowing, acid-spitting, hook-toothed, pinstriped Sandworm. (By @tanger-catnip & @youhearstatic - Also on AO3.) {Hey guys, just to let you know: The sandworm is all in the title. This is Hurt/Comfort wrapped in Fluff. Angst levels are at absolute minimum!}
Lup blinked. Once, then twice. At first, she didn’t know what had woken her up. The ship was perfectly still, aside from the faint thrum of the bond engine that she’d learned how to tune out decades ago. The interior lighting that simulated a day-night cycle was dimmed as low as it went which meant it was still ‘nighttime.’
After a moment, Lup realised what it was. The steady pattern of breathing that lulled her into sleep was coming at its normal pace. Barry was awake.
Longer Fics - solo
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Bluejeans, Boxers, and One Bed - A prompt that got out of hand, this is my contribution to the best mutual pining trope out there: There Was Only One Bed! 4500+ words of ridiculous pining with a side dish of underwear angst. Yup, it’s a thing.
She’s tempted to watch but doesn’t, turning to give him the same privacy he afforded her. She already knows he wears boxers. They’ve all seen each other’s laundry enough to know every article of clothing by heart. He has navy blue ones, two different types of plaids, and red ones with white hearts that she’s wanted to ask about for years now. Something about them screams Valentine’s Gift Set and she wants to know the story. Were they a serious gift? A gag gift? Did he get his heart broken? Was he…
Lup’s heart stutters wildly for a few beats. Was he in a relationship when they left?
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Losing Time - (Post Story and Song) After being missing for three days, Barry has been mysteriously de-aged. Now he looks 20 years old and doesn’t remember anyone. Lup, Kravitz, and Taako are trying to figure things out. (17k words)
His hair is thicker, his face smoother. He’s still heavy but lighter than she’s used to. She’s known him for over a hundred years while neither of them aged.
And now he’s a stranger.
Part One  | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen
Losing Time “Exit Interview” (10 fanfic questions answered about Losing Time. Includes a lot of behind the scenes and extended explanations.)
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It’s About Time - This is a love letter to Barry Bluejeans of sorts: the whole campaign of The Adventure Zone: Balance (and then some) told from Barry’s point of view. (All the Time in the Worlds Series, Pt two. Meaning it’s essentially the Barry POV companion fic to A Thousand Tiny Moments. WIP, updates Fridays.)
Two days later Barry is dead.
All those contradictions and questions are filled when he rises, spectral and nearly overwhelmed with more emotions than his lich form can handle.
Because when he’s dead he can remember it all.
Contradictions  (Prologue - tumblr link)
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A Thousand Tiny Moments - Before being chosen for the Starblaster crew, Lup meets someone at a party. It doesn’t go well. (All the Time in the Worlds Series, Pt one, the Lup POV companion fic to It’s About Time. 14k words)
She drifts closer to him and slowly, so slowly, she bends her head to his. She pauses inches away, not yet touching but so close they share breath. Her hand slides along the lapel of his jacket and she feels his chest rise as he breathes in.
She looks at his mouth and thinks this is the last moment before I kiss him.It’s as inevitable as his chest falling beneath her hand as he exhales. So she kisses him. His lips are warm and soft against hers with the rich sting of alcohol painted on both their mouths.
The Lup POV minific that became A Thousand Tiny Moments
A Thousand Tiny Moments “Exit Interview” (10 fanfic questions answered about ATTM. Includes a lot of behind the scenes and extended explanations.)
Short Fics
Barry & Lup:
Morning in Bed (Lup and Barry just cuddling and being in love. Prompt Request.)
It’s Cold Outside But You’re Warm (Lup and Barry mutual pining. Prompt Request.)
Strings (Lup and Barry just performed their song. Lup has a few final doubts.)
What If She’s Just Gone? (Barry’s anxieties get away from him when Lup is missing. Prompt request.)
Will You Marry Me (Barry does what he has to. Prompt Request.)
Reactions (The twins deal with Barry being ill. Prompt Request.)
Curse and Canyon (Barry is hurt. Lup is trying to deal. Prompt Request.)
Take a Picture (Lup is frustrated. Prompt request.)
Your Laugh is so Adorable (Lup does some reluctant pining. Prompt request.)
Don’t Touch Me (Barry and Lup short experimental piece.)
Gathering (Taako plans a party. Prompt request.)
It was the Pottery (Taako teasing Barry. Prompt request.)
Super Short & Cutesy (Barry and Lup in the lab. Prompt request.)
What You Did Was Stupid (Barry and Lup on Tesseralia. Prompt request.)
This One is Really Dark (You’ve been warned. Prompt request.)
Let Me Help You (Prompt request for Barry & Lup.)
You Don’t Have to Act Like You’re Okay (Prompt request for Barry and Lup.)
Pride (Prompt based minific of Lup coming to Barry’s rescue at a Pride event.)
Hotel Balcony (A prompt based modern meet-cute for Barry and Lup.)
Hotel Balcony Pt 2 (Hey look, there’s more!)
Contradictions (Test minific/opener for the Barry POV fic that is in progress.)
Lup and Barry switch (Lup is the one that falls from the Starblaster, taking Taako with her.)
At the Wedding (Barry and Lup at Carey and Killian’s wedding. Quick scene inspired by a post.)
True Seeing (Barry in a voidfished body with a group of adventurers. Short group write piece.)
Other Short TAZ Pieces:
Getting Home (Super short Magnulia prompt)
Love is Dead (Taako has never had a soulmark. Kravitz gets one only after he dies. Taakitz Soulmate/Soulmark AU with Blupjeans background)
Second Chances ( When Lucretia gets the second void fish she realizes she can inoculate Davenport and talk to him.)
Just You and Me (JohnChurch prompt request.)
Karma is a Bitch/What Did You Say? (Taako & Barry’s friendship prompt request.)
Can You Keep a Secret? (Taako & Barry’s friendship prompt request.)
Meta, Etc
[The Twins | Taako & Lup]
[The Lover | Barry]
[The Protector | Magnus]
[The Lonely Journal Keeper | Lucretia | The Director]
[The Peacemaker | Merle]
[The Wordless One | Davenport]
Lucretia and the Red Robes (Pt 1) Lucretia and the Red Robes (Pt 2)
A list of every conversation Lucretia has with the boys about the Red Robes and a discussion of her thought process/intentions. Part 2 focuses specifically on how her words in Ep 59 may have influenced Magnus’s decisions going forward.
Murder or Suicide: What is it when lich!Barry sets up his living!Barry body to die?
TAZ Balance Characters as WoW Classes
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beyondvapepage · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242
Click on the video above to watch Episode 242 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, well hangouts are still here. We are going to be live on hangouts with Hump Day hangouts Episode 242. Yeah, we’re just gonna, we’re going to switch to tin cans and strings and how.
Hernan: There you go.
Adam: Well, with that, thanks for being here, and we’re going to jump right into it and just say, first of all, thanks for watching Hump Day Hangouts. Whether you’re catching this as a replay, whether you are joining us live, if you are live, go ahead. If you got any questions, pop them on the page. Say hello. Help post your favorite GIF. Do whatever you want to do. Let me take that back. Don’t do whatever you want to do. At least like PG 13 maybe.
Bradley: At least keep it relevant.
Adam: Yeah, well, real quick. Let’s go down the line. Say hello to everybody. We got everybody here today. I think Chris is hanging out so he doesn’t die of heat exhaustion. But so we’ll start with him before he passes out. How are you doing Chris?
Chris: Yeah, then good. had to move forward to the seller because like I don’t know the heat wave is like quite unbearable for me. I still don’t know why people love summer that much. More of a person. Yeah, rest. Life is good. Otherwise.
Adam: Coco Hernan, How about yourself? You’re kind of the opposite, right?
Hernan: Yeah, dude, I’m freezing my ass. But on the good note. I think that if I’m the Hangout goes away. We can do like you porn type of streaming, you know, and embed that in the page. Now I’m pretty cool. Yeah. Anyways, I’m great. Dude. I’m awesome. I’m just really looking forward to POFU Live 2019. That’s coming. He’s coming in hot. We had a really cool. We had a really cool event last year. And we are going to make it cooler this year. So it’s going to be pretty cool. So
Adam: yeah, definitely. We’re going to talk some more about that. But if you’re not sure what it is, one, stay tuned. And then secondly, go over to pokey live.com which will actually work now I got the domain resolve so you can actually they type in hopefully live and get there. So go check that out. Marco, How about yourself? How are you doing, man?
Marco: What’s up, man? Just to get the question out of the way. Our Hump Day hangouts going away?
Adam: No, oh,
Bradley: no. No.
Marco: Before we get asked 1000 times on be the first person to ask it. I’ll be done with Hump Day hangout on my watch. Just making sure I took
Bradley: I took off last week because I had a meeting that I couldn’t get out of. And I feel I felt like something was missing the entire damn week because this is Episode 242. And this is only the second episode I’ve missed out of 242. And so it’s you know, it’s Wednesday’s aren’t the same without Hump Day Hangout. So no, we’re not taking them away. We’re just saying that Hangouts On Air is going away. So we’re going to have to figure out a new way to stream and answer questions, which is fine. We’ll adapt. We always do.
Marco: Yeah. Anyway. Life’s good. Costa Rica is good. the weather’s good. Have a nice little earthquake last night. 66263 woke me up at around one-two in the morning. You know, shaken and bacon. But otherwise? Things are good.
Adam: That’s good. I’m glad you guys are all right. That’s getting up there. That’s not a tiny one.
Marco: Now I was off on the coast. No worries.
Adam: Good deal. Bradley, you. You’re still with us too I guess weather and everything treating your it.
Bradley: Everything’s good man. Life is good. Can’t complain. A lot of good things going on. Right now. We’re doing some pretty cool stuff in the mastermind, which by the way, guys, we have a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’ll be covering some stuff in there. I’m also starting a small group training inside the mastermind for some select members that it’s going to be really cool for they’re going to be kind of learning the new business model that I’m into. Because it’s so lucrative. So that’s a lot of fun. Just got a lot of exciting stuff going on right now. Oh, do want to talk about something else though. GMBs are certainly on a rampage. Google is on a rampage right now suspending shit, that’s even 100% legit for no reason. I actually had my first client site or GMB suspended just two days ago for doing nothing other than uploading a photo. And it was dumb. It was just it’s stupid. And I’ve got it in the reinstatement request going on. And they sent a message back to said originally that they’ll you know, reply within 24 hours. Then within 24 hours, I got a follow-up reply that said we have a huge backlog of reconsideration, reinstatement requests that we’re trying to work through, and it will be we’re backlogged up to three or two to three weeks. So my clients pissed, but he understands I didn’t do anything. You know, it’s spammy. It’s just, it’s just Google My Business is broken right now, guys. So now we have to switch strategies up, I would recommend staying out of them as much as possible, try not to edit them at all, if possible, until they get their shit together. It’s just, it’s a bloodbath out there right now. So just keep that in mind. So I didn’t want to give that update. We gotta shift our strategy to adapt with whatever, whatever comes. And this is, um, this is not a very good time for Google My Business stuff for sure.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. There are more questions about that, too. If anyone watching has some questions, go ahead and pop that in there. I mean, obviously, it’s a big topic we’ve been covering. It’s a great way to conduct lead gen like we’ve been talking about. And just because this is happening doesn’t mean this is the way it’s always going to be things change, just like it became, you know, a great tool to use and it may swing back that way. So real quick to just want to say if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, thanks for joining us for Hump Day Hangouts. Again, whether you’re live or watching the replay. If you’re here, you’re in the right place, you can always go to https://www.semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask your questions ahead of time, in case you can’t watch it live. So each week, you can pop those on there will answer them or point you in the right direction. If we can’t get you a specific answer. Other than that, though, the next thing people ask us is, you know, hey, where should I start with Semantic Mastery besides coming home to hang out What should I do? Go get the Battle Plan, go to https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com and if you’re ready to move on from that, take things up a few notches come join our MasterMind, alright, if you’re looking to form a strong network, if you’re looking to either start or grow your own digital marketing agency or if you’re a business owner that wants to grow it as well that I’ll also comprise a number of our members. Come check out the mastermind https://www.mastermind.semanticmastery.com. You can find out more about that. And then if you’re looking for Done For You services like syndication networks, RYS drive stacks, links, embeds all that good stuff, go to mgyb.co for your premium done for you SEO services. And last but not least, hook us up, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you guys are over there, you’re watching clips or whatever, just check, just click the subscribe button. Stay update helps us and helps us stay on top of important questions whether it’s SEO, its other digital marketing questions, funnels, Facebook ads, whatever it is that’s going on, we put out a ton of content and we love that people watch it. So help us out and subscribe over there.
POFU Live 2019 Guests
So real quick, we mentioned POFU Live, I want to touch base on this real quick for everyone. We just tomorrow or for if you’re a subscriber, you’re going to see an email about that. And I just wanted to talk real quick because we just got that up and running. We’re just starting ticket sales mastermind members got the first crack at getting their tickets. And we’ve got two out of the three speakers that we can announce there on the page. So it’s no secret if you go there, but I wanted to touch base on this. Jeffrey Smith is going to be joining us again. All right. He was Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so he’s going to be joining us again, really pumped to have Jeffrey back. He joined us last year for the first POFU Live gave a killer talk. He was a blast. He was there all weekend, hanging out talking to people dropping some bombs and some great gold nuggets, there are some information. And he’s going to be coming back and doing it again. So really looking forward to that. And then Adam Benjamin is not only a because he’s got a great first name. But also He’s the founder of Brain Hickey, this guy is a killer copywriter. He’s got a lot of real-world experience dealing with clients both at scale and with high ticket, high-end clients, tons of information, tons of knowledge he’s going to share. So looking forward to having him he’s a Colorado local. So he’s going to come down and help us in Denver and be pitching in and dropping some knowledge there too. And then we are going to have potentially a third and maybe even a fourth guest speaker who we will be announcing in the coming days. But the reason I bring this up to you is if you want to go to poker, you live in Denver and October 11 12th and 13th of this year, you’re going to want to get your tickets in the next week or two, shortly after the Fourth of July week, the prices are going to be going up, we want to offer you an early bird discount. It’s our way of saying thank you if you get the tickets now helps us plan accordingly. And we can do this a lot easier. So as again, our way of saying thank you is we offer you a lower price for that. But as soon as that’s over, prices are going to go up. There’s no you know, special offers coming. There’s no you know, last-minute sale, anything like that.
Bradley: Yeah, the way just quickly to clarify, our events are not pitched fest guys, it’s not like you’re going to come to our event, we’re going to pitch you additional training and products and the speakers are going to be pitching training and products. It’s not how it works with it’s a training event. You know, if you want to reach out to any of them afterward, and you know, pursue what they have available, that’s perfectly fine. It’s up to you. But it’s not about that it’s about training. It’s going to be a really good event. You know, we talked about holistic business building, right. So it’s not just about SEO or this or that it’s about the overall building a business, scaling a business, sustaining a business, all of that. So again, we would highly recommend if anybody’s interested to Get your tickets now because it’s going to go up after the Fourth of July ish area timeframe. So now would be a good time to get them at their lowest price.
Adam: Definitely. And I mean, I will just say to it’s a good time, you know, you can go These are real people on the pages, the real attendees from last year, you know, we can tell you about it. And if you have questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected] will answer them. Or you can ask them here on Hump Day Hangouts. But you can go and see what other people had to say about the event. You know, a lot of really good points, people got a lot out of it and a lot out of each other the networking that happened there, just like being in the mastermind, a lot of the power comes from the people you meet there the connections, you meet the ideas that are generated in that kind of smaller group setting. So really looking forward to doing that again, and narrowing down the list for the VIP day. That last time was a blast, we did a kr a chartered brewery tour in Washington, DC. And this year, we’re going to be in Denver. So I’m looking at something else I’ve got it narrowed down to a couple but I think it’s going to be just as fun. It’s a good way to get to meet everybody, relax, to have fun, get introduced, get up speed and then hit the ground running the next day for the main event.
Press Release Advantage Webinar
Bradley: Sweet. Yeah. Are we going to let’s talk briefly about the press advantage webinar? If we can,
Adam: Oh, definitely. Yeah, you want to fill people in case they missed that brother.
Bradley: Okay, uh, if you guys didn’t see it on Monday, we had Jeremy, the developer or one of the codeveloper of press advantage on and you guys know, we been pitching or using press advantage I have been for many years actually. But we did a promotion for press advantage when they when he kind of relaunched it as two dot o at the end of September last year. And so we’re talking, you know, eight months ago, and he was gracious enough to come on on Monday to open up a very, very good offer. Again, for people that want to subscribe have their own subscription to press the advantage, which there were two different levels, there’s one level which is three done for your press. So written for you press releases on a monthly basis for 350 bucks, which gives you the ability to have an organization page, which, if you followed any of our training, that is an integral part of what we do, we use that organization page as a very powerful tier one property branded property. Very, very powerful. And a lot of things that you can do with it are powerful as well. Then there’s the other offer, which was amazing that he swore up and down, he wouldn’t open up again, the previous time that he in September when we did the webinar, but I did twist his arm and he opened it up again. And that was for 497 a month you get six written for you press releases and unlimited, write them, write it yourself, press releases, or submit yourself. But here’s the catch that I mean, there’s no catch. But you can buy additional press release writing services from press advantage for 50 bucks. So essentially, you get six for 497 a month. And then you can buy each additional one for 50 bucks, or you can go out and get your own writer and all that. But I’m telling you the best and most efficient way to run it is to just use the writers. And anyway, we did a webinar with him and ended up going two hours. Again, there’s a lot of new and additional features that have been implemented since September when we did it the first time. And so we cover all here, he covers all of that. And I you know, I comment along in the webinar, if you want to watch it. Otherwise, just skip to the end or, you know, go to the sales page or the checkout page, I should say and subscribe. If you’re doing anything for your your own business, a light like a court press releases are incredibly powerful content marketing through press releases are incredibly powerful. So even if you’re your own business owner, as opposed to like an agency or a marketing consultant, using press releases, frequently and often is going to be very, very powerful for your business, we’ve seen it time and again. So I would say if even if you’re a business owner, or definitely if you’re a consultant or an agency that you should look at to get your own subscription, you can buy press releases from us at in our store, mgyb.co, and they’re one-off press releases for a very good price. And you still get the benefit of having that press release published, which drives a lot of links. It can get a lot of traffic and all that kind of stuff. But if you’re going to be doing volume, which you should be doing because they are so powerful, it should be an integral part of your content marketing strategy, you should have your own subscription period. And we stand by that statement. So it’s a great service, I highly recommend you go check it out. Check out the webinar if you want to see all of what it can do for you. Otherwise, just go straight to the checkout page and subscribe.
Bradley: Did you drop the link? Adam? I assume you did.
Adam: Yeah. Did the webinar replay page is on there. And I think we are good to go. Are there any other announcements? Yes. I don’t.
Bradley: I don’t have any. I’m ready for questions.
Marco: Yeah, I have a comment. Our shit works, period.
Bradley: Boom. All right, I’m taking the screen. Let’s do it.
Bradley: Okay, cool. We probably have some new listeners or watchers, viewers, audience members, whatever. Because I did a podcast with Tommy, Tommy Mellow has a podcast, which does handle a whole bunch of home service type contractors and got a really good response from that. And so anybody that’s here from Tommy mellows podcast, welcome. Come back, post off, you know, post questions here often about anything that has to do with your contracting businesses as far as marketing, getting better results, lead generation, that kind of stuff, we’re happy to answer them. And again, definitely, you know, engage with us, and we’ll try to help you out as much as we can.
How To Use Google My Business Page To Promote A Hardwood Floor And Staircase Renovation Business?
So Alright, so the first question I see comes from Scott n, and I’m assuming this may be one of them. I have a hardwood floor and staircase renovation business, my main point of interest is to learn how to best utilize the Google My Business Page to get the most out of the account. So that’s really good. Now, there are a few things that I would recommend, number one if you heard the beginning of this webinar, or today’s Hump Day Hangout right now is not really a good time to be doing a whole lot of editing of your Google My Business Page, right. So if you’ve got it already, and it’s running, that’s great. I would recommend that you really stick to just doing Google My Business posts or GMB posts right now, and not do a lot of editing of the page itself or the profile. because things are being suspended. Right now Google is on a rampage to eliminate spam listings, in part because of some high profile people running their mouth, to high profile publications and getting a lot of unnecessary attention to them. And so anyway, my point is, even if you’re a legit business owner, with a legitimate business with the physical location that you can verify, I recommend that you stay the hell out of it. As far as making edits to the actual profile, at least until Google fixes its itchy trigger finger so to speak, because right now, barely, I mean, for no rhyme or reason that I know of. You go in and you make an edit of any kind and boom, it can get it can be suspended. And it’s a crapshoot every time, right? You roll the dice every time because you never know what’s going to suspend the listing or not. And, as I mentioned before, their backlog for reinstatement requests are two to three weeks currently at the moment. So if it gets suspended, you’re going to be shut out, you know, dead in the water di Tw until you can get it reinstated if they’re going to be gracious enough to reinstate it. So that’s just the caveat, I want to you know, disclaim everything here with that, number one. Number two, it really one of the best things that you can do is to Google My Business posting, right, do that frequently and often. Look for the keywords that you want, or search queries that you want to get more traffic from. Also, look at the GMB insights. And you’ll see what kind of search queries are actually bringing your maps listing exposure, and start using those search queries that are relevant more often in posts. Okay, that’s really important. And in something else, we you know, we talked about our store mgyb.co. And just for anybody that doesn’t know what mg yc stands for, that makes Google your bitch. So mgyb.co is our store. If you go there, we’ve got some products that will help help you to actually really boost your Google My Business profile. As far as you know, getting better results from it. Number one would be a syndication network. Number two would be a drive stack. And we can know, we can offer assistance as to how to get the best use out of those. For people that don’t know, those of you that are not in the SEO industry. Some of that may seem foreign to you. But really, it’s not difficult, the concept is quite easy, I’m actually going to walk through a brief example of how you can gather the type of links that you would want to promote. So your profiles within a drive stack. Drive stacks are incredibly powerful, especially for Google My Business stuff or maps ranking. So I’m going to walk through that here in just a moment. But first, I just want to say, for your Google My Business Page, really again, I would stay out of trying to edit it right now. But I would take advantage of the Google My Business posting feature. Post often, post regularly, use the search queries or the keywords that you want to get traffic from. So for example, in this case, like it might be flooring, floor restoration or floor renovation or flooring, contractors or gills notice a lot of near me keywords. near me type search queries are driving a lot of traffic to maps. So flooring contractors near me flooring restoration near me variations of near me like nearby in my area close to me, that kind of stuff. So mix and match the keywords, the types of service keywords that you want to rank for, along with near me and variations of near me. Also, if you cover a wide surface area, you want to start including some of the locations that within your service area. So location names, do it be via city names, even neighborhoods, things like burrows, districts, things like that if you have different names that you can start to include. That’s why I said there���s really no way that you can do too many posts in my opinion. That’s really important and that as far as I know, is not getting GMB suspended. I haven’t had that happen from a post yet, but I have from doing editing the profile at all. That makes sense. Okay. Marco, do you want to comment on that while I pull up some examples?
Marco: No, no, I agree. Totally. I mean, we have the train Local GMB Pro, which could be the next step. In the process except in gi in local GMB Pro, we do tell you to go and make edits and all of these other things which you shouldn’t be doing when you submit it, especially if you have a real business, right? A real, whether it’s service area, brick, and mortar, whatever it is that you have, fill it out as thoroughly as you can right at the beginning before you send for that pin. So that you don’t have to go back and mess with it. Because it’s when you start going back and messing with it that you get into problems. So that the only change that I would recommend right now is if you’re doing some that’s legitimate. Do it right the first time get you to know, use the guidelines that we set up in local GMB Pro. But do it right the first time send for that pin, make sure all the information is correct. And then it’ll come back to you. It’s your business. And if something happens, you can always go back in and get that business reinstated. Right that GMB whereas others are the problem that they’re having. And why it is a problem, to begin with, is we were just spamming in and getting a ton of businesses that didn’t really exist. But if yours does that, then you right now, the second problem is Bradley mentioned is that you’re in a queue. And until they can get to you because of spammers like Bradley. You’re waiting for three four months and excuse me weeks. And right now, whatever it is that the summer businesses, right? Well, the summer businesses, like a pest control Tree Service, anything having to do with outdoors, are in the queue, and this is like the top of the season. So they’re moving a whole lot of money. And they shouldn’t be because they have legitimate businesses. So that’s the only thing that I would add.
Bradley: Yeah, that’s my client is an outdoor pest control company. And he’s, you know, this is the peak of their season. And it’s just, it’s just really shitty. And, you know, again, we didn’t do anything spammy or wrong, it just suspended, it’s dumb. Anyways, I’m going to use home remodeling as opposed to floor restoration only because I know this industry a bit better. So I’m going to use it just as a quick example, for those of you that are, we get questions all the time about how to how to order a drive stack within MGYB. And I’m going to cover that just briefly, guys, because I’m telling you, it’s one of the very most powerful things that you can possibly do. And you can get it 100% done for you on our store. And I say that because it’s absolute truth. I started a new business about two months ago, a brand new business. And all I have done is three press releases and a drive stack. That’s it, I haven’t even done anything else to it at all is a one-page website with a drive stack and three press releases. And I’m on the number three position for the state of Virginia for my very top keyword. So and that’s just and it’s been two months. So I’m telling you, it’s incredibly powerful, you’re going to see results if you use it. So my what I want to just walk through very quickly is just give an example here. So for home remodeling, Fairfax, I use Fairfax because I’m in a rural area called Cole pepper, there’s not a lot of activity around me, but Fairfax is a very busy area in Northern Virginia. So let’s just say that your business was Daniels design and remodeling general contractor. Well, what I would do is to figure out which URLs which links you want to include or submit when you order a drive stack. You know, if you’ve been following us, you know that we recommend getting a syndication network first, and then ordering and drive stack and including your syndication network URLs, profile URLs in the or the links that you submit when you purchase the drive set. So that’s the number. But if you’re just coming to us, and you don’t know what a syndication network is, well, we’ll cover that at a different time. We’re covering drive stacks right now. But what I would do is just go to Google and use another search for Google. In this case, I was just looking for a brand that I could use as an example. So I’m going to take Daniels design and remodeling as my example. Okay, so all I’m going to do is a copy. So let’s say whatever your company name is just go to Google, paste it in, and also pasting your phone number to so not just your name, but also paste in your phone number. Alright, so this is what we’re going to do, we’re going to say that this is your business, we’re going to do a quick Google search on your brand name and your phone number. And then what we’re going to do, and apparently they got some shitty Yelp reviews, but that’s probably because of Yelp filters out all the good ones, right unless you’re a paying advertiser. So what I would do is come in here, and I would just open up these links, all the links associated with your first two pages that are, you know, obviously that are relevant links to your business.
Bradley: I would just go through and over up every single one of those links, they’re also plugins that you can use guys that will that are called like link grabbers that will actually scrape all the links off a Google search page and put them into a text file or a notepad file. But you can do this manually, just go through and click right click, open Lincoln new tab, and then just go collect all of those links, put them into a notepad file, because that’s how you submit them inside our dashboard. Anyways, once you place your order, and go through the checkout process, then you go submit your order details. And what you can do is submit a text file with all the URLs that you want including in the drive stack. So that’s all you do, I’m not going to go through this guys, you understand the point, just go through the top two pages, select all of your URLs that you want to be included in the drive stack, and put them into a text file, save it and then upload that text file as your target URL or for the order. Right, then the same thing goes for keywords. for keywords, you’re going to want to take your top level keywords that you know, including your brand name, and use those as the keywords, create a nice little text file with your keywords in there. So your top level service products and or services, some of the location names that you want to include. Also your brand name, use, make sure that that’s included in your keyword list and upload that. And then our team will go out and build you a very, very, very powerful drive stack, which are Google Drive properties that are going to be branded and themed and have your profile URL, or excuse me, your profile logo, your logo as the profile image, your header images, it’s just going to be a very, very powerful thing. And now that becomes your insulator, your SEO firewall, all of the other stuff that you can do an SEO that we would never recommend you do directly to your money site, you can now due to the drive stack, and the drive stack pushes all of that relevance back to your money site will help in your maps listing. And we’ll help you to rank that makes sense. So that’s a quick down and dirty way to figure out how to get the URL was that you’re going to submit is just go to Google use Google to tell you and just go through the top two pages. That’s all you need. What are the most powerful or authoritative branded profiles or citations in this case that Google thinks for that particular brand your brand, right, so put your brand name in your business, your phone number and click Search. just collect all the URLs from the top two pages, put them into a text file, save them, then work on your keyword lists. Again, you can find out the keywords that are bringing your traffic through your GMB insights and just select the relevant keywords. And then also if you have some search queries that you desire more traffic from add those in as well. Mark, do you want to comment on that before I move on?
Marco: Yeah, the only thing that I would add to this is that they do get a spreadsheet when they order that their syndication network. Those should also be included.
Bradley: That’s correct. And I said step one should be a syndication network but for those people are coming to us from the podcast. I just wanted to talk about the drive stacks first networks maybe we’ll cover that the beginning of next webinar. But that’s correct. Alright, so anyways, welcome Scott Scott Walker says I guess he’s asking where he’s at. Okay, cool.
What URL Do You Use In The Press Release When Boosting The Rank Of A GMB Listing?
And thanks, guys. given us a shout out Gordon says, Hey, guys, thanks again for your hump day out. Hump Day help, as usual, greatly appreciated it. Thank you, Gordon. He says this may be a dumb question, but I’ll ask anyway. When using a press release for boosting the rank of A GMB listing, is the URL that you use? Is it backlink in the PR the same as the one that you get by going to the GMB dashboard and clicking the Info tab and going to view on search or view on maps? Or is this something else? Yes. That’s the link that we suggest. I’ve shown a kind of a funky way to get that URL in the past. If you go into your info tab, and you right click on the view on maps, and copy link address or right click copy link address and paste it into a notepad file. It’s going to be an HTTPS www.google.com slash maps, question mark. See ID equals and then that’s going to be a string of numbers. And that’s the maps URL. But that’s actually a 302 redirect to the final, the correct URL for maps, which is instead of, excuse me, it’s going to be that this is what it’s going to look like. I’m just going to give you an example real quick. So it’s going to be maps google.com, forward slash maps, question mark, see ID equals and then it’s going to be a string of numbers, right? It’s going to be several numbers, something like that. Right. That’s what Google is going to give you. When you right click view on the view on maps and copy link address. All you want to do though because if you put that in a redirect checker, you’re going to see that it actually redirects with a 302 to this. That’s it, it doesn’t change anything except that it changes that map subdomain to dub dub dub. And now that’s the URL that you want to use right there. Right. And what happens is, when you actually take that URL and check it in a redirect checker, it’s going to say test, okay, there’ll be a 200. htm, code 200, which says test, okay. But if you actually go to view that URL in your address bar, like paste and go, it will, once the page loads, it actually switches to that really long, stupid, ugly URL that maps gives you when you’re viewing your map in the browser. Does that make sense? So again, it’s a straight URL, and that’s the best URL to use. So you can get it that way. By the way, by going in and getting it from your GMB dashboard. Right click, go to the Info tab, right click view on maps, and then copy link address the other way which one of our mastermind members shared this with us is to go to standby I’m looking for it now. I think it’s. Where the hell is it? Shit guys, give me a minute. Damn, somebody gave me a tool the other day. Maybe that’s it? Is that it? Let’s see this is it? Yes, that’s it. Use this one right here, guys. So this is https://www.GMBreviewsmaker.com. I’m going to paste this on the page for you guys real quick. And then I’ll show you how this works. Okay, so if you go to this, this will make it so much easier. All you gotta do is start searching. So if I say like, excuse me, guys, I got a should have muted notifications.
Adam: Oh, no, it’s fine. A Bradley. Just take the call will listen to.
Bradley: Yeah. Standby. I gotta hang up on that.
Bradley: Alright, sorry about that. All right, let me grab the screen a green screen. Again, this is the actual pretty cool tool that somebody posted from our group if I just start typing in Semantic Mastery. And it’s not going to show me now. It’s okay. You can type it you can paste in the URL as well. So let’s just go let’s go Semantic Mastery. And why is it not showing our knowledge base? Wasn’t that some shit? Let’s do it over here. Let’s just use this guy. So let’s go to his map. We’re going to grab the share URL here. Paste that in. And let’s see why is it not? Okay, so for some reason, we can’t find your business and drop down hit to code, place it Okay, there we go hit the code place ID and then enter in your map URL, wherever that goes are right there and click the code place ID. And what it does is it brings that URL back right here, the same one. That makes sense. So it’s this is the same one.
But like I said if you grab that URL right there, and you go to a redirect checker, so let’s go to like https://www.redirectdetective.com, for example. And you’ll see that that’s what I was talking about. This actually does a redirect through a 302 to the same version of the URL, but it’s just www.google.com as opposed to maps. google.com. Does that make sense? So if all you got to do is take this URL here, and swap that this out with the www, and it ends up being the URL that you want to use, right? So again, or Here we go. You can always copy it from the redirect checker. And that’s what it looks like. Does that make sense? And now if we take this URL, and we put it in the browser bar, click paste and go, you’ll see that once the page loads, it’s going to automatically switch to this long, ugly thing. That makes sense. So again, that which is a cleaner URL to use this one, certainly as much cleaner than this one. So this is the URL that I used to build links to. Okay. That’s a good question.
Do You Use The Same URL For Press Release And Video Embeds On A GMB Listing?
Bradley: Moving on. Okay, Gordon says when you post a backlink on an embedded page, on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing. When you post a backlink on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing is the same URL used for PR a different URL. Thanks. I don’t understand that question. Gordon, sorry. Does anybody can anybody decipher that question? For me?
Marco: If he’s talking about the video for PRs, it’s I don’t know if you could use a GMB URL for the video. I think they’re using it. They said Vimeo and YouTube, the other page right now about embedding on a press release. Is that what you mean? Yeah, I think that’s what this means. I don’t know. You’ll have to clear it up. Yeah, I’m just taking it as that what it means to be talking about the video that you can embed, the URL that there may be is that any YouTube video URL or a Vimeo URL. That’s what they’ll embed.
Bradley: Yeah, I’m not sure I understand the question. I’m not sure if that was it or not. But thanks, Marco for attempting. So yeah, if you can clarify, Gordon, that’s great. If not, that’s fine.
What SEO Strategies Would You Apply For A Wix Site OF A National Insurance Leads Provider?
So Muhammad’s up, he said, What’s up, mom? And by the way, he said, Hey, guys, what do we do with a client that has a Wix site run away? Now? I’m kidding. I’m pretty close to signing a national insurance leads provider, but I’ve just noticed the site was Wix. What’s the best course of action here? Can I still follow the battle plan and SM methods in general on wigs? Would it have the same effect? Yeah. I mean, it can, yes. Um, you know, there’s not much you can do about that, if that’s what they’re on. I believe Wix has an RSS feed. So you can still use that for blogging and everything else. I am personally not crazy about wigs. But as far as I know, you can still do everything pretty much that we recommend with WordPress, via Wix. It’s just a different type of, uh, you know, user interface and all that kind of stuff. I don’t know that Wix has any benefit, or is any worse as far as SEO stuff that you can do with it? Like the coding of it? Maybe Marco or somebody else can comment on that. But as far as I know, Wix can still be used for all the stuff that we do because it’s similar to WordPress.
Marco: Yeah, I’ve never even I think I built one. But I never followed through with it. Because it’s just learning a new platform, just as isn’t. I don’t know. There’s nothing in it for me and learning a whole new platform. So I stick with WordPress. And I’m trying to even get away from that. And what we recommend this if it doesn’t have the same functionality as WordPress, then install up a WordPress on a subdomain. Yeah, and blog from there. That’d be it. That’s that’s been our constant recommendation, since forever, when people come up with HTML or whatever else what other whatever other a CMS that you’re using outside of WordPress, or if it’s ecommerce or something, yeah, just whatever it is just do a WordPress install on a subdomain.
Bradley: Yeah, I totally agree with Marco could be like a blog.or, a news.or, something like that subdomain that you could use as the content distribution engine, essentially. You know, as I said, my new business that I was just talking about earlier, I’ve got a single page. It’s just a Click Funnels landing page. And that’s my, that’s on the root of the domain. So it’s a one-page site. So I had installed a WordPress on blog dot domain. com, essentially, and I’m using that as the blog, but I’ve only done two or three posts. So anyway, but yeah, you can do that. That’s what I would recommend.
Is Consistent Content Creation Necessary For A Wix Site Of A National Insurance Leads Provider?
But he says, following on from the previous question, is consistent content creation necessary? Still? I know, of course, it helps a ton. But assuming I still have a syndication network may do I lose a lot by not doing it? Well, I mean, we certainly recommend that you do market yours do content marketing. As like I said, If Wix has an RSS feed, but I’m pretty sure it does, you should be able to do it directly from Wix. But if you don’t like the interface, then just use the blog write blog, dot subdomain with WordPress installed. And then you can still do the same thing. I do recommend content marketing. I mean, again, guys for it. Google loves that they love the freshness, the updates the activity. You can automate, obviously, you know this mom and syndicating your network. You can automate syndicating to GMB, there’s a lot of things that you can do. So I do recommend that you get on somewhat of a content a consistent and regular content marketing schedule, although that you don’t, depending on the industry, you know, some you don’t have to do it three times a week, you could do it once a week or once every two weeks. It really just depends on the industry. But I do recommend that you are updating the blog regularly with content. The frequency is going to really depend on your competition that you’re dealing with as well as what industry you’re in. Okay.
Wayne, Clayton, you prick. Keep moving.
Do You Recommend Adding Keywords Into The iFrame?
Scott says I am in the process of placing an embed order with mg Why be question do you recommend adding keywords into the iframe? Marco? let you answer that one.
Marco: But I mean, you can.I haven’t seen it from everything that we’ve done add that much to the to whatever iframe you’re embedding, whether it’s map or video. I mean it could I’ve seen it a Google will read anything before the closing iframe tag. And so if you’re adding information in there, whether it’s schema keywords or whatever, Google will read it. The thing is, like, only SEOs do that. And it’s a really good way to get picked out. I mean, at some point, if they ever come after iframes, that would be the first thing that I would pick out anyone adding any information before that closing iframe tag because it’s mostly just SEOs that add information in there doesn’t work. I’ll be Scott nothing beats a try but fail so so we do allow you to submit keywords and Dadea will add it before the closing iframe tag. So try it out. That’s all I can tell you. Do I do it? No, I’ve hardly ever done it. We tested with it. And since we get similar results without we just don’t add extra information.
Bradley: Yeah. Correct. Alright, so the next several comments are Adam to spamming the comment box
Adam: and I roll.
Bradley: So doings got a nice meme about the bloodbath. It’s pretty cool.
Should You Complete A GMB Site Amidst Google’s Rampage Of GMB Suspensions?
Bradley: KenManich.e What’s up, Kenny says I have a new GMB. It’s a real business and above-loaded pics, logo description, etc. I haven’t built the GSB site. What do you thoughts about completing the site? Do you think that might kick off a suspension? Yeah, it may I mean, the thing is, is I haven’t had any issues with real client businesses like real bona fide businesses, GM bs until this week, and it was Monday. And that was one of those. All I did was I head up, I deleted one photo because it was showing up as a, like the primary image and mobile and the client said that he wanted a different photo. So and I don’t know how to force Google to select a different photo. So I said, Okay, well, let’s delete that one. And then I uploaded some new photos because he had some new photos recently of some of his technicians and such. And then I published the GSB website because for whatever reason that that he never had published that website for his GMB. And so I went in and publish the website, but I didn’t even add any content. It was just straight publishing. Before adding any content to it or anything. All I did was published a website and I don’t know if you know this can but when you publish the GMB website, it forces the change of the main URL for the GMB profile. From the money site to the business site GMB website URL, it forces the change with the UTM code on it to its really long and ugly, and you have to go in and then once you publish the site, you have to go edit the Info tab and change the website to back to the money site URL. And that’s all I did was I published the website didn’t even edit it. Right. All I did was then go to the Info tab. And I had to I changed the URL from the business site, which is the GMB website URL back to the money site URL. So to the branded domain, and immediately it’s suspended. And that’s where we’ve been we’ve been at ever since. You know, it’s only been a couple of days, but still, it just sucks because I didn’t do anything spammy. And it’s a legitimate business. You know, we can certainly can’t confirm and verify that, but that’s the case. So yeah, I don’t know. Honestly, I can’t tell you if it’s the GMB site that does that. Or it could have been a combination of doing both photos that day and the GMB site, I have no idea. I haven’t had any issues with legitimate businesses until this week. And now that I’ve experienced it, I’m skittish, right, I’m a bit gun shy, I don’t want to, I don’t want to really poke the bear, so to speak, you know what I mean? So I recommend and you know, until this shit settles down, which who knows when that’s going to be, I would say, try to stay out of that as much as possible and only do stuff that, you know, you can do either via API, like, posting GMB posts. Or you can probably post manually, I haven’t heard of anybody losing it from just doing the GMB post inside you know, the dashboard. But even then I might even want to do that through a manager account or content. What do they call it a site manager or something like that? Now, there are a couple of different levels that you can add additional users on one that would make more sense to be like a, I think it’s called a site manager used to be called content or communications managers or something like that. But I think they’re called site managers now. So
Will Google Treat A Subdomain As A Separate Brand Or It’s Treated As A Silo?
Okay, next is? And no, man, I guess he says, Hi, thanks for a wonderful webinar. My question is, if I use a subdomain, Google will treat it as a separate brand, or just like a silo? No, you know, it depends on how you set it up. But if you’re setting it up as a branded subdomain, you know, for example, like using what we talked about earlier, setting up a blog on a subject, you’re going to want to brand it the same. But you can also like, for example, I’ve got a lot of multi-location clients or stuff that I do, where each subdomain is we have separate subdomains for different locations. So each city has its own subdomain, so to speak, right? And that, that they’re all the same brand, but they each have their own WordPress installation or subdomain that is city specific. So but you can set up subdomains to treat them as two completely different entities if you want. So it really just depends on how you theme it and how you interlink between the subdomain and the root domain or other subdomains or all of them. Does that make sense? So the good thing is that Google does treat subdomains as separate web entities like another, in other words, separate websites, you can create the relationship, the association between the subdomain and the room if you want or the from, you know, the association with the brand. But the actual, the web asset itself, the domain itself, the subdomain is treated as a separate website if that makes sense. So that way, that you know, that’s why we do what we’ve been talking about using subdomains for like multi-location stuff for a long time because it’s a bit safer. If you put separate landing pages as internal pages of a website for multiple location stuff, and any one of your location pages catches the penalty for some reason, then it will, it can pull down the entire domain, right, it can affect all of the other locations because it affects the route as well. However, if you do stuff on subdomains, and you like, for example, have separate subdomains for each location, if anyone location gets hit by a penalty for some reason, then it will be isolated to that particular subdomain. It won’t affect the route and it won’t affect what I call sip the other sibling subdomains. So that’s why we tell you to do that. But again, it just depends on how you enter LinkedIn and what type of associations you make.
How To Use Schema And Rel=Canonical To Boost Ties Between A Reciprocal Link And The Money Site?
Jordans up, he says, related to a man’s question and reciprocal links, the blog subdomain should link heavily to the money site, right. Also, is there anything we can do to schema wise on a subdomain or rel canonical to tie it super tight to the main money site? domain? Yeah, that’s what I would do. Yeah, I mean, if you’re using a blog on, like what we talked about, for Mohammed, above, we’re like an e-commerce site or whatever. So if you’re using a subdomain name for blog, yeah, you’re gonna be using that to do like content marketing and link building from the subdomain up to the money site, typically, you’re not going to want to link back from the money site back down to the blog, it’s, you know, I mean, other than perhaps a navigation link that says blog, right, or whatever that links down to the root, or excuse me, the subdomain, but from within the individual pages and posts, now you’re going to use the subdomain to link up to the pages on the site that you want to rank. Okay. And then yeah, can article are always very powerful? You know, you can do that. It’s up to you. That is the blog link heavily to money site, but the money site not Yes, correct? That’s correct. Right, that as far as the money site, linking down, the only thing I would do is a subdomain, or excuse me, a navigation menu link that says blog that links down to that. And you know, you could do some sort of like sidebar widget for if you have, you know, for silos and things like that to show like related content and things like that you could do that on the money site. But typically that stuff that you would isolate to the blog anyway.
All right. Look, Gordon’s clarifying his question, good.
30-Day Click Funnel Challenge Update
Hernan, is the ad info information still available on Facebook pages? Is Hernan still here.
Hernan: I’m here. I’m here. Hey, can you hear me? Yes. The info and ads? I think so let me see. The adding for information is still available on Facebook pages. I’m working on the 30-day challenge and can find any info on certain business pages? Yes, I mean, they have switched that. So if you go to facebook.com/ads/library. So facebook.com/ads/library, you will be able to get like a public library of all of the ads that are being run right now. So on certain business pages, if there are running ads and whatnot, it’s still available. But some templates are like hiding it. But you know, all of the ads are being run on the platform can be found on facebook.com/ads/library. If you go there, you type in the Facebook page, and even the niche, you will be able to get a lot of intelligence out of that. So yeah, that’s basically how I do it.
Bradley: Cool, thank you.
Clarifications On The URL Used In Press Release & Video Embeds For Boosting GMB Listing
Bradley: So Gordon’s clarifying his questions. He says if you have time, here’s what I was trying to ask if I upload a video to a GMB listing and use that same video with an empty Why be in bed job is the backlink URL that is posted on each page of wherever the video is embedded the same URL used for press releases or as a different hope that clarification makes more sense. Okay. Remember in an embed, it’s not a backlink. Right? So you’re not linking to the video, you do not paste, you’re not posting the URL to the video, it’s an embed, so it’s not going to be the same. And if you’re if you upload a video to a GMB listing, then you’re going to get a GMB post URL. Not an embed code now, am I unless Marco, you said that you can embed a GMB post the correct you absolutely can. Okay. Now, I haven’t tested that where if you were to upload a video to GMB, then grab the as a GSB post, then grab the post URL, turn that into an embed, and then ask for an embed campaign for that I haven’t tested that that would actually be kind of an interesting test. Because then you’re doing an embed blast to a GSB. Post video. Does that make sense? So you could do that. Now if that’s what you’re talking about Gordon, then the URL, the iframe is going to be the same on all of the video pages or the embed pages. But you’re not going to be able to use that for press releases, not as an embed. You can use because the press releases for press advantage. You can embed a Google map, Google My Business map, and a Vimeo or YouTube video. And the way that you do it in the press release, and the press release is that for you? Well, first of all, if it’s a GMB map that you want to embed that’s how I select if you have your own subscription, when you go to submit the details for the press release to be written, there is a drop-down menu at the bottom that says, Do you want a Google Map embedded? And if you say yes, then it’s going to embed the GMB map that you have associated with the organization page. You say no, then it won’t. If you want to embed a video, then the way that you do it is you put the YouTube URL or Vimeo URL on its own line with a line break above and a line break below within the content body of the press release. Okay, and then when it publishes, it will publish as an embed. But you can’t do that with the GMB post URL. Like if you put the GMB post URL on its own line, it’s going to publish as just a URL. And unless you hyperlink that URL, it would literally just be a text URL, not hyperlinked, so just keep that in mind. Now, if you want to embed a YouTube video, then like I said, that’s, that’s all you do is put it on its own line. And then that’s going to be an embed code, it’ll convert to a competitive excuse me convert to an embed code when it publishes. That makes sense. So you can take a video that you upload to YouTube though, and upload that same file to GMB as a post as a video post. And now you’ve got the video uploaded as a GMB post. And you also have it embedded or uploaded to YouTube, which now you can use that in press releases. Ok. Ok, says I was talking about a video upload to the profile, not embedding it in a GMB post. I use such a video and Emma, can I use such a video and again, I don’t know how what you’re talking about. If you upload a video directly to GMB as like a photo, which you can do that to not a post, but you can upload it as a photo in the photo section, you can upload videos, it doesn’t give you an embed code. As far as I’m aware, it doesn’t give me an embed code. Does anybody can anybody clarify that?
Marco: You can actually embed a video in the photos section. It does overview but customer photos only up to texture, and video. So you can upload a video, then that video will have a URL. And if that video has a URL, you should be able to get an embed unless Google has a frame breaker on it. So I mean, I would have to test that and see if you could embed. I think I have one. But you’d have to test it. And then yes, you can submit that to mgyb.co. And Dadea will take that and he’ll run an embed gig on that. That URL as long as it’s an embeddable URL. Right.
Bradley: Okay, I think that’s complicating Gordon a bit. I don’t understand exactly what it is that you’re trying to do. But I do know that you can upload a video to GMB directly as not a post, I get that that’s fine, you can do that. I don’t know that you can get a share URL for it, but I didn’t know that you could get. I don’t know that that is embeddable.
Marco: I’m checking right now.
Bradley: Okay, cool.
Marco: I’m checking right right now and I’m saving the file, hang on a second.
Bradley: Because like clicking the photos, for example, just click on that photo, and we click Share. This is the share URL here. I don’t know if that would actually embed. So I’m it’s the same type of link that you get from uploaded videos my point. And I don’t know that that would embed. So you’d have to play with it and see. And that’s what Marco said he’s doing now.
Marco: No, no, it’s not coming up.
Bradley: It breaks it, doesn’t it?
Marco: It’s Yeah, it has a breaker. Yeah. Oh, fuck,
Bradley: yeah. So you’re better off uploading it as a GMB post, video post, and then taking the post URL and turning that into an embed. Right. So anyway, all right. Well, looks like there are no more questions. So if we don’t have any more questions, we can wrap it up about five minutes early. I’m okay with that. Are you guys okay with that?
Adam: I’m going with it in the woods.
Bradley: Okay. All right. All right. Well, everybody. Thanks. Thanks for being here. We’ve got mastermind webinar tomorrow. Don’t forget if you’re in the mastermind, 3:30 pm. We’ll see you all there. Thanks for everybody being here. Thanks, guys.
Hernan: We’ll see you guys.
Adam: And before we hop off, Bradley, we’re going to be going over some sales stuff with mastermind tomorrow.
Bradley: Yes, that’s right. Each one of us is going to chime in on that.
Adam: Awesome. I’m gonna get my slides out. Get that stuff and the slides, but I got some good stuff. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Bradley: That’s right. That’s why you asked to edit that. Today, I was wondering why I was like what’s going on with that? Now? I remember so I’ve got to prepare for that. I appreciate you mentioning that.
Adam: Yeah, no problem. Yeah, Mastery, everyone else mastermind members can get a little inside look into how we do sales individually. Since everyone’s a little bit different. And you know, there’s a lot of templates out there. But it’s a different thing, I think to hear people say exactly kind of what they do in order to, you know, move from prospect to actually close deals. So looking forward to chatting with you guys about that tomorrow. Yeah, definitely.
Marco: That’s gonna be a good one. I’m looking forward to definitely.
Bradley: see y'all then take it easy, guys later.
Bye. Bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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daynamartinez22 · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242
Click on the video above to watch Episode 242 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, well hangouts are still here. We are going to be live on hangouts with Hump Day hangouts Episode 242. Yeah, we’re just gonna, we’re going to switch to tin cans and strings and how.
Hernan: There you go.
Adam: Well, with that, thanks for being here, and we’re going to jump right into it and just say, first of all, thanks for watching Hump Day Hangouts. Whether you’re catching this as a replay, whether you are joining us live, if you are live, go ahead. If you got any questions, pop them on the page. Say hello. Help post your favorite GIF. Do whatever you want to do. Let me take that back. Don’t do whatever you want to do. At least like PG 13 maybe.
Bradley: At least keep it relevant.
Adam: Yeah, well, real quick. Let’s go down the line. Say hello to everybody. We got everybody here today. I think Chris is hanging out so he doesn’t die of heat exhaustion. But so we’ll start with him before he passes out. How are you doing Chris?
Chris: Yeah, then good. had to move forward to the seller because like I don’t know the heat wave is like quite unbearable for me. I still don’t know why people love summer that much. More of a person. Yeah, rest. Life is good. Otherwise.
Adam: Coco Hernan, How about yourself? You’re kind of the opposite, right?
Hernan: Yeah, dude, I’m freezing my ass. But on the good note. I think that if I’m the Hangout goes away. We can do like you porn type of streaming, you know, and embed that in the page. Now I’m pretty cool. Yeah. Anyways, I’m great. Dude. I’m awesome. I’m just really looking forward to POFU Live 2019. That’s coming. He’s coming in hot. We had a really cool. We had a really cool event last year. And we are going to make it cooler this year. So it’s going to be pretty cool. So
Adam: yeah, definitely. We’re going to talk some more about that. But if you’re not sure what it is, one, stay tuned. And then secondly, go over to pokey live.com which will actually work now I got the domain resolve so you can actually they type in hopefully live and get there. So go check that out. Marco, How about yourself? How are you doing, man?
Marco: What’s up, man? Just to get the question out of the way. Our Hump Day hangouts going away?
Adam: No, oh,
Bradley: no. No.
Marco: Before we get asked 1000 times on be the first person to ask it. I’ll be done with Hump Day hangout on my watch. Just making sure I took
Bradley: I took off last week because I had a meeting that I couldn’t get out of. And I feel I felt like something was missing the entire damn week because this is Episode 242. And this is only the second episode I’ve missed out of 242. And so it’s you know, it’s Wednesday’s aren’t the same without Hump Day Hangout. So no, we’re not taking them away. We’re just saying that Hangouts On Air is going away. So we’re going to have to figure out a new way to stream and answer questions, which is fine. We’ll adapt. We always do.
Marco: Yeah. Anyway. Life’s good. Costa Rica is good. the weather’s good. Have a nice little earthquake last night. 66263 woke me up at around one-two in the morning. You know, shaken and bacon. But otherwise? Things are good.
Adam: That’s good. I’m glad you guys are all right. That’s getting up there. That’s not a tiny one.
Marco: Now I was off on the coast. No worries.
Adam: Good deal. Bradley, you. You’re still with us too I guess weather and everything treating your it.
Bradley: Everything’s good man. Life is good. Can’t complain. A lot of good things going on. Right now. We’re doing some pretty cool stuff in the mastermind, which by the way, guys, we have a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’ll be covering some stuff in there. I’m also starting a small group training inside the mastermind for some select members that it’s going to be really cool for they’re going to be kind of learning the new business model that I’m into. Because it’s so lucrative. So that’s a lot of fun. Just got a lot of exciting stuff going on right now. Oh, do want to talk about something else though. GMBs are certainly on a rampage. Google is on a rampage right now suspending shit, that’s even 100% legit for no reason. I actually had my first client site or GMB suspended just two days ago for doing nothing other than uploading a photo. And it was dumb. It was just it’s stupid. And I’ve got it in the reinstatement request going on. And they sent a message back to said originally that they’ll you know, reply within 24 hours. Then within 24 hours, I got a follow-up reply that said we have a huge backlog of reconsideration, reinstatement requests that we’re trying to work through, and it will be we’re backlogged up to three or two to three weeks. So my clients pissed, but he understands I didn’t do anything. You know, it’s spammy. It’s just, it’s just Google My Business is broken right now, guys. So now we have to switch strategies up, I would recommend staying out of them as much as possible, try not to edit them at all, if possible, until they get their shit together. It’s just, it’s a bloodbath out there right now. So just keep that in mind. So I didn’t want to give that update. We gotta shift our strategy to adapt with whatever, whatever comes. And this is, um, this is not a very good time for Google My Business stuff for sure.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. There are more questions about that, too. If anyone watching has some questions, go ahead and pop that in there. I mean, obviously, it’s a big topic we’ve been covering. It’s a great way to conduct lead gen like we’ve been talking about. And just because this is happening doesn’t mean this is the way it’s always going to be things change, just like it became, you know, a great tool to use and it may swing back that way. So real quick to just want to say if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, thanks for joining us for Hump Day Hangouts. Again, whether you’re live or watching the replay. If you’re here, you’re in the right place, you can always go to https://www.semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask your questions ahead of time, in case you can’t watch it live. So each week, you can pop those on there will answer them or point you in the right direction. If we can’t get you a specific answer. Other than that, though, the next thing people ask us is, you know, hey, where should I start with Semantic Mastery besides coming home to hang out What should I do? Go get the Battle Plan, go to https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com and if you’re ready to move on from that, take things up a few notches come join our MasterMind, alright, if you’re looking to form a strong network, if you’re looking to either start or grow your own digital marketing agency or if you’re a business owner that wants to grow it as well that I’ll also comprise a number of our members. Come check out the mastermind https://www.mastermind.semanticmastery.com. You can find out more about that. And then if you’re looking for Done For You services like syndication networks, RYS drive stacks, links, embeds all that good stuff, go to mgyb.co for your premium done for you SEO services. And last but not least, hook us up, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you guys are over there, you’re watching clips or whatever, just check, just click the subscribe button. Stay update helps us and helps us stay on top of important questions whether it’s SEO, its other digital marketing questions, funnels, Facebook ads, whatever it is that’s going on, we put out a ton of content and we love that people watch it. So help us out and subscribe over there.
POFU Live 2019 Guests
So real quick, we mentioned POFU Live, I want to touch base on this real quick for everyone. We just tomorrow or for if you’re a subscriber, you’re going to see an email about that. And I just wanted to talk real quick because we just got that up and running. We’re just starting ticket sales mastermind members got the first crack at getting their tickets. And we’ve got two out of the three speakers that we can announce there on the page. So it’s no secret if you go there, but I wanted to touch base on this. Jeffrey Smith is going to be joining us again. All right. He was Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so he’s going to be joining us again, really pumped to have Jeffrey back. He joined us last year for the first POFU Live gave a killer talk. He was a blast. He was there all weekend, hanging out talking to people dropping some bombs and some great gold nuggets, there are some information. And he’s going to be coming back and doing it again. So really looking forward to that. And then Adam Benjamin is not only a because he’s got a great first name. But also He’s the founder of Brain Hickey, this guy is a killer copywriter. He’s got a lot of real-world experience dealing with clients both at scale and with high ticket, high-end clients, tons of information, tons of knowledge he’s going to share. So looking forward to having him he’s a Colorado local. So he’s going to come down and help us in Denver and be pitching in and dropping some knowledge there too. And then we are going to have potentially a third and maybe even a fourth guest speaker who we will be announcing in the coming days. But the reason I bring this up to you is if you want to go to poker, you live in Denver and October 11 12th and 13th of this year, you’re going to want to get your tickets in the next week or two, shortly after the Fourth of July week, the prices are going to be going up, we want to offer you an early bird discount. It’s our way of saying thank you if you get the tickets now helps us plan accordingly. And we can do this a lot easier. So as again, our way of saying thank you is we offer you a lower price for that. But as soon as that’s over, prices are going to go up. There’s no you know, special offers coming. There’s no you know, last-minute sale, anything like that.
Bradley: Yeah, the way just quickly to clarify, our events are not pitched fest guys, it’s not like you’re going to come to our event, we’re going to pitch you additional training and products and the speakers are going to be pitching training and products. It’s not how it works with it’s a training event. You know, if you want to reach out to any of them afterward, and you know, pursue what they have available, that’s perfectly fine. It’s up to you. But it’s not about that it’s about training. It’s going to be a really good event. You know, we talked about holistic business building, right. So it’s not just about SEO or this or that it’s about the overall building a business, scaling a business, sustaining a business, all of that. So again, we would highly recommend if anybody’s interested to Get your tickets now because it’s going to go up after the Fourth of July ish area timeframe. So now would be a good time to get them at their lowest price.
Adam: Definitely. And I mean, I will just say to it’s a good time, you know, you can go These are real people on the pages, the real attendees from last year, you know, we can tell you about it. And if you have questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected] will answer them. Or you can ask them here on Hump Day Hangouts. But you can go and see what other people had to say about the event. You know, a lot of really good points, people got a lot out of it and a lot out of each other the networking that happened there, just like being in the mastermind, a lot of the power comes from the people you meet there the connections, you meet the ideas that are generated in that kind of smaller group setting. So really looking forward to doing that again, and narrowing down the list for the VIP day. That last time was a blast, we did a kr a chartered brewery tour in Washington, DC. And this year, we’re going to be in Denver. So I’m looking at something else I’ve got it narrowed down to a couple but I think it’s going to be just as fun. It’s a good way to get to meet everybody, relax, to have fun, get introduced, get up speed and then hit the ground running the next day for the main event.
Press Release Advantage Webinar
Bradley: Sweet. Yeah. Are we going to let’s talk briefly about the press advantage webinar? If we can,
Adam: Oh, definitely. Yeah, you want to fill people in case they missed that brother.
Bradley: Okay, uh, if you guys didn’t see it on Monday, we had Jeremy, the developer or one of the codeveloper of press advantage on and you guys know, we been pitching or using press advantage I have been for many years actually. But we did a promotion for press advantage when they when he kind of relaunched it as two dot o at the end of September last year. And so we’re talking, you know, eight months ago, and he was gracious enough to come on on Monday to open up a very, very good offer. Again, for people that want to subscribe have their own subscription to press the advantage, which there were two different levels, there’s one level which is three done for your press. So written for you press releases on a monthly basis for 350 bucks, which gives you the ability to have an organization page, which, if you followed any of our training, that is an integral part of what we do, we use that organization page as a very powerful tier one property branded property. Very, very powerful. And a lot of things that you can do with it are powerful as well. Then there’s the other offer, which was amazing that he swore up and down, he wouldn’t open up again, the previous time that he in September when we did the webinar, but I did twist his arm and he opened it up again. And that was for 497 a month you get six written for you press releases and unlimited, write them, write it yourself, press releases, or submit yourself. But here’s the catch that I mean, there’s no catch. But you can buy additional press release writing services from press advantage for 50 bucks. So essentially, you get six for 497 a month. And then you can buy each additional one for 50 bucks, or you can go out and get your own writer and all that. But I’m telling you the best and most efficient way to run it is to just use the writers. And anyway, we did a webinar with him and ended up going two hours. Again, there’s a lot of new and additional features that have been implemented since September when we did it the first time. And so we cover all here, he covers all of that. And I you know, I comment along in the webinar, if you want to watch it. Otherwise, just skip to the end or, you know, go to the sales page or the checkout page, I should say and subscribe. If you’re doing anything for your your own business, a light like a court press releases are incredibly powerful content marketing through press releases are incredibly powerful. So even if you’re your own business owner, as opposed to like an agency or a marketing consultant, using press releases, frequently and often is going to be very, very powerful for your business, we’ve seen it time and again. So I would say if even if you’re a business owner, or definitely if you’re a consultant or an agency that you should look at to get your own subscription, you can buy press releases from us at in our store, mgyb.co, and they’re one-off press releases for a very good price. And you still get the benefit of having that press release published, which drives a lot of links. It can get a lot of traffic and all that kind of stuff. But if you’re going to be doing volume, which you should be doing because they are so powerful, it should be an integral part of your content marketing strategy, you should have your own subscription period. And we stand by that statement. So it’s a great service, I highly recommend you go check it out. Check out the webinar if you want to see all of what it can do for you. Otherwise, just go straight to the checkout page and subscribe.
Bradley: Did you drop the link? Adam? I assume you did.
Adam: Yeah. Did the webinar replay page is on there. And I think we are good to go. Are there any other announcements? Yes. I don’t.
Bradley: I don’t have any. I’m ready for questions.
Marco: Yeah, I have a comment. Our shit works, period.
Bradley: Boom. All right, I’m taking the screen. Let’s do it.
Bradley: Okay, cool. We probably have some new listeners or watchers, viewers, audience members, whatever. Because I did a podcast with Tommy, Tommy Mellow has a podcast, which does handle a whole bunch of home service type contractors and got a really good response from that. And so anybody that’s here from Tommy mellows podcast, welcome. Come back, post off, you know, post questions here often about anything that has to do with your contracting businesses as far as marketing, getting better results, lead generation, that kind of stuff, we’re happy to answer them. And again, definitely, you know, engage with us, and we’ll try to help you out as much as we can.
How To Use Google My Business Page To Promote A Hardwood Floor And Staircase Renovation Business?
So Alright, so the first question I see comes from Scott n, and I’m assuming this may be one of them. I have a hardwood floor and staircase renovation business, my main point of interest is to learn how to best utilize the Google My Business Page to get the most out of the account. So that’s really good. Now, there are a few things that I would recommend, number one if you heard the beginning of this webinar, or today’s Hump Day Hangout right now is not really a good time to be doing a whole lot of editing of your Google My Business Page, right. So if you’ve got it already, and it’s running, that’s great. I would recommend that you really stick to just doing Google My Business posts or GMB posts right now, and not do a lot of editing of the page itself or the profile. because things are being suspended. Right now Google is on a rampage to eliminate spam listings, in part because of some high profile people running their mouth, to high profile publications and getting a lot of unnecessary attention to them. And so anyway, my point is, even if you’re a legit business owner, with a legitimate business with the physical location that you can verify, I recommend that you stay the hell out of it. As far as making edits to the actual profile, at least until Google fixes its itchy trigger finger so to speak, because right now, barely, I mean, for no rhyme or reason that I know of. You go in and you make an edit of any kind and boom, it can get it can be suspended. And it’s a crapshoot every time, right? You roll the dice every time because you never know what’s going to suspend the listing or not. And, as I mentioned before, their backlog for reinstatement requests are two to three weeks currently at the moment. So if it gets suspended, you’re going to be shut out, you know, dead in the water di Tw until you can get it reinstated if they’re going to be gracious enough to reinstate it. So that’s just the caveat, I want to you know, disclaim everything here with that, number one. Number two, it really one of the best things that you can do is to Google My Business posting, right, do that frequently and often. Look for the keywords that you want, or search queries that you want to get more traffic from. Also, look at the GMB insights. And you’ll see what kind of search queries are actually bringing your maps listing exposure, and start using those search queries that are relevant more often in posts. Okay, that’s really important. And in something else, we you know, we talked about our store mgyb.co. And just for anybody that doesn’t know what mg yc stands for, that makes Google your bitch. So mgyb.co is our store. If you go there, we’ve got some products that will help help you to actually really boost your Google My Business profile. As far as you know, getting better results from it. Number one would be a syndication network. Number two would be a drive stack. And we can know, we can offer assistance as to how to get the best use out of those. For people that don’t know, those of you that are not in the SEO industry. Some of that may seem foreign to you. But really, it’s not difficult, the concept is quite easy, I’m actually going to walk through a brief example of how you can gather the type of links that you would want to promote. So your profiles within a drive stack. Drive stacks are incredibly powerful, especially for Google My Business stuff or maps ranking. So I’m going to walk through that here in just a moment. But first, I just want to say, for your Google My Business Page, really again, I would stay out of trying to edit it right now. But I would take advantage of the Google My Business posting feature. Post often, post regularly, use the search queries or the keywords that you want to get traffic from. So for example, in this case, like it might be flooring, floor restoration or floor renovation or flooring, contractors or gills notice a lot of near me keywords. near me type search queries are driving a lot of traffic to maps. So flooring contractors near me flooring restoration near me variations of near me like nearby in my area close to me, that kind of stuff. So mix and match the keywords, the types of service keywords that you want to rank for, along with near me and variations of near me. Also, if you cover a wide surface area, you want to start including some of the locations that within your service area. So location names, do it be via city names, even neighborhoods, things like burrows, districts, things like that if you have different names that you can start to include. That’s why I said there’s really no way that you can do too many posts in my opinion. That’s really important and that as far as I know, is not getting GMB suspended. I haven’t had that happen from a post yet, but I have from doing editing the profile at all. That makes sense. Okay. Marco, do you want to comment on that while I pull up some examples?
Marco: No, no, I agree. Totally. I mean, we have the train Local GMB Pro, which could be the next step. In the process except in gi in local GMB Pro, we do tell you to go and make edits and all of these other things which you shouldn’t be doing when you submit it, especially if you have a real business, right? A real, whether it’s service area, brick, and mortar, whatever it is that you have, fill it out as thoroughly as you can right at the beginning before you send for that pin. So that you don’t have to go back and mess with it. Because it’s when you start going back and messing with it that you get into problems. So that the only change that I would recommend right now is if you’re doing some that’s legitimate. Do it right the first time get you to know, use the guidelines that we set up in local GMB Pro. But do it right the first time send for that pin, make sure all the information is correct. And then it’ll come back to you. It’s your business. And if something happens, you can always go back in and get that business reinstated. Right that GMB whereas others are the problem that they’re having. And why it is a problem, to begin with, is we were just spamming in and getting a ton of businesses that didn’t really exist. But if yours does that, then you right now, the second problem is Bradley mentioned is that you’re in a queue. And until they can get to you because of spammers like Bradley. You’re waiting for three four months and excuse me weeks. And right now, whatever it is that the summer businesses, right? Well, the summer businesses, like a pest control Tree Service, anything having to do with outdoors, are in the queue, and this is like the top of the season. So they’re moving a whole lot of money. And they shouldn’t be because they have legitimate businesses. So that’s the only thing that I would add.
Bradley: Yeah, that’s my client is an outdoor pest control company. And he’s, you know, this is the peak of their season. And it’s just, it’s just really shitty. And, you know, again, we didn’t do anything spammy or wrong, it just suspended, it’s dumb. Anyways, I’m going to use home remodeling as opposed to floor restoration only because I know this industry a bit better. So I’m going to use it just as a quick example, for those of you that are, we get questions all the time about how to how to order a drive stack within MGYB. And I’m going to cover that just briefly, guys, because I’m telling you, it’s one of the very most powerful things that you can possibly do. And you can get it 100% done for you on our store. And I say that because it’s absolute truth. I started a new business about two months ago, a brand new business. And all I have done is three press releases and a drive stack. That’s it, I haven’t even done anything else to it at all is a one-page website with a drive stack and three press releases. And I’m on the number three position for the state of Virginia for my very top keyword. So and that’s just and it’s been two months. So I’m telling you, it’s incredibly powerful, you’re going to see results if you use it. So my what I want to just walk through very quickly is just give an example here. So for home remodeling, Fairfax, I use Fairfax because I’m in a rural area called Cole pepper, there’s not a lot of activity around me, but Fairfax is a very busy area in Northern Virginia. So let’s just say that your business was Daniels design and remodeling general contractor. Well, what I would do is to figure out which URLs which links you want to include or submit when you order a drive stack. You know, if you’ve been following us, you know that we recommend getting a syndication network first, and then ordering and drive stack and including your syndication network URLs, profile URLs in the or the links that you submit when you purchase the drive set. So that’s the number. But if you’re just coming to us, and you don’t know what a syndication network is, well, we’ll cover that at a different time. We’re covering drive stacks right now. But what I would do is just go to Google and use another search for Google. In this case, I was just looking for a brand that I could use as an example. So I’m going to take Daniels design and remodeling as my example. Okay, so all I’m going to do is a copy. So let’s say whatever your company name is just go to Google, paste it in, and also pasting your phone number to so not just your name, but also paste in your phone number. Alright, so this is what we’re going to do, we’re going to say that this is your business, we’re going to do a quick Google search on your brand name and your phone number. And then what we’re going to do, and apparently they got some shitty Yelp reviews, but that’s probably because of Yelp filters out all the good ones, right unless you’re a paying advertiser. So what I would do is come in here, and I would just open up these links, all the links associated with your first two pages that are, you know, obviously that are relevant links to your business.
Bradley: I would just go through and over up every single one of those links, they’re also plugins that you can use guys that will that are called like link grabbers that will actually scrape all the links off a Google search page and put them into a text file or a notepad file. But you can do this manually, just go through and click right click, open Lincoln new tab, and then just go collect all of those links, put them into a notepad file, because that’s how you submit them inside our dashboard. Anyways, once you place your order, and go through the checkout process, then you go submit your order details. And what you can do is submit a text file with all the URLs that you want including in the drive stack. So that’s all you do, I’m not going to go through this guys, you understand the point, just go through the top two pages, select all of your URLs that you want to be included in the drive stack, and put them into a text file, save it and then upload that text file as your target URL or for the order. Right, then the same thing goes for keywords. for keywords, you’re going to want to take your top level keywords that you know, including your brand name, and use those as the keywords, create a nice little text file with your keywords in there. So your top level service products and or services, some of the location names that you want to include. Also your brand name, use, make sure that that’s included in your keyword list and upload that. And then our team will go out and build you a very, very, very powerful drive stack, which are Google Drive properties that are going to be branded and themed and have your profile URL, or excuse me, your profile logo, your logo as the profile image, your header images, it’s just going to be a very, very powerful thing. And now that becomes your insulator, your SEO firewall, all of the other stuff that you can do an SEO that we would never recommend you do directly to your money site, you can now due to the drive stack, and the drive stack pushes all of that relevance back to your money site will help in your maps listing. And we’ll help you to rank that makes sense. So that’s a quick down and dirty way to figure out how to get the URL was that you’re going to submit is just go to Google use Google to tell you and just go through the top two pages. That’s all you need. What are the most powerful or authoritative branded profiles or citations in this case that Google thinks for that particular brand your brand, right, so put your brand name in your business, your phone number and click Search. just collect all the URLs from the top two pages, put them into a text file, save them, then work on your keyword lists. Again, you can find out the keywords that are bringing your traffic through your GMB insights and just select the relevant keywords. And then also if you have some search queries that you desire more traffic from add those in as well. Mark, do you want to comment on that before I move on?
Marco: Yeah, the only thing that I would add to this is that they do get a spreadsheet when they order that their syndication network. Those should also be included.
Bradley: That’s correct. And I said step one should be a syndication network but for those people are coming to us from the podcast. I just wanted to talk about the drive stacks first networks maybe we’ll cover that the beginning of next webinar. But that’s correct. Alright, so anyways, welcome Scott Scott Walker says I guess he’s asking where he’s at. Okay, cool.
What URL Do You Use In The Press Release When Boosting The Rank Of A GMB Listing?
And thanks, guys. given us a shout out Gordon says, Hey, guys, thanks again for your hump day out. Hump Day help, as usual, greatly appreciated it. Thank you, Gordon. He says this may be a dumb question, but I’ll ask anyway. When using a press release for boosting the rank of A GMB listing, is the URL that you use? Is it backlink in the PR the same as the one that you get by going to the GMB dashboard and clicking the Info tab and going to view on search or view on maps? Or is this something else? Yes. That’s the link that we suggest. I’ve shown a kind of a funky way to get that URL in the past. If you go into your info tab, and you right click on the view on maps, and copy link address or right click copy link address and paste it into a notepad file. It’s going to be an HTTPS www.google.com slash maps, question mark. See ID equals and then that’s going to be a string of numbers. And that’s the maps URL. But that’s actually a 302 redirect to the final, the correct URL for maps, which is instead of, excuse me, it’s going to be that this is what it’s going to look like. I’m just going to give you an example real quick. So it’s going to be maps google.com, forward slash maps, question mark, see ID equals and then it’s going to be a string of numbers, right? It’s going to be several numbers, something like that. Right. That’s what Google is going to give you. When you right click view on the view on maps and copy link address. All you want to do though because if you put that in a redirect checker, you’re going to see that it actually redirects with a 302 to this. That’s it, it doesn’t change anything except that it changes that map subdomain to dub dub dub. And now that’s the URL that you want to use right there. Right. And what happens is, when you actually take that URL and check it in a redirect checker, it’s going to say test, okay, there’ll be a 200. htm, code 200, which says test, okay. But if you actually go to view that URL in your address bar, like paste and go, it will, once the page loads, it actually switches to that really long, stupid, ugly URL that maps gives you when you’re viewing your map in the browser. Does that make sense? So again, it’s a straight URL, and that’s the best URL to use. So you can get it that way. By the way, by going in and getting it from your GMB dashboard. Right click, go to the Info tab, right click view on maps, and then copy link address the other way which one of our mastermind members shared this with us is to go to standby I’m looking for it now. I think it’s. Where the hell is it? Shit guys, give me a minute. Damn, somebody gave me a tool the other day. Maybe that’s it? Is that it? Let’s see this is it? Yes, that’s it. Use this one right here, guys. So this is https://www.GMBreviewsmaker.com. I’m going to paste this on the page for you guys real quick. And then I’ll show you how this works. Okay, so if you go to this, this will make it so much easier. All you gotta do is start searching. So if I say like, excuse me, guys, I got a should have muted notifications.
Adam: Oh, no, it’s fine. A Bradley. Just take the call will listen to.
Bradley: Yeah. Standby. I gotta hang up on that.
Bradley: Alright, sorry about that. All right, let me grab the screen a green screen. Again, this is the actual pretty cool tool that somebody posted from our group if I just start typing in Semantic Mastery. And it’s not going to show me now. It’s okay. You can type it you can paste in the URL as well. So let’s just go let’s go Semantic Mastery. And why is it not showing our knowledge base? Wasn’t that some shit? Let’s do it over here. Let’s just use this guy. So let’s go to his map. We’re going to grab the share URL here. Paste that in. And let’s see why is it not? Okay, so for some reason, we can’t find your business and drop down hit to code, place it Okay, there we go hit the code place ID and then enter in your map URL, wherever that goes are right there and click the code place ID. And what it does is it brings that URL back right here, the same one. That makes sense. So it’s this is the same one.
But like I said if you grab that URL right there, and you go to a redirect checker, so let’s go to like https://www.redirectdetective.com, for example. And you’ll see that that’s what I was talking about. This actually does a redirect through a 302 to the same version of the URL, but it’s just www.google.com as opposed to maps. google.com. Does that make sense? So if all you got to do is take this URL here, and swap that this out with the www, and it ends up being the URL that you want to use, right? So again, or Here we go. You can always copy it from the redirect checker. And that’s what it looks like. Does that make sense? And now if we take this URL, and we put it in the browser bar, click paste and go, you’ll see that once the page loads, it’s going to automatically switch to this long, ugly thing. That makes sense. So again, that which is a cleaner URL to use this one, certainly as much cleaner than this one. So this is the URL that I used to build links to. Okay. That’s a good question.
Do You Use The Same URL For Press Release And Video Embeds On A GMB Listing?
Bradley: Moving on. Okay, Gordon says when you post a backlink on an embedded page, on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing. When you post a backlink on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing is the same URL used for PR a different URL. Thanks. I don’t understand that question. Gordon, sorry. Does anybody can anybody decipher that question? For me?
Marco: If he’s talking about the video for PRs, it’s I don’t know if you could use a GMB URL for the video. I think they’re using it. They said Vimeo and YouTube, the other page right now about embedding on a press release. Is that what you mean? Yeah, I think that’s what this means. I don’t know. You’ll have to clear it up. Yeah, I’m just taking it as that what it means to be talking about the video that you can embed, the URL that there may be is that any YouTube video URL or a Vimeo URL. That’s what they’ll embed.
Bradley: Yeah, I’m not sure I understand the question. I’m not sure if that was it or not. But thanks, Marco for attempting. So yeah, if you can clarify, Gordon, that’s great. If not, that’s fine.
What SEO Strategies Would You Apply For A Wix Site OF A National Insurance Leads Provider?
So Muhammad’s up, he said, What’s up, mom? And by the way, he said, Hey, guys, what do we do with a client that has a Wix site run away? Now? I’m kidding. I’m pretty close to signing a national insurance leads provider, but I’ve just noticed the site was Wix. What’s the best course of action here? Can I still follow the battle plan and SM methods in general on wigs? Would it have the same effect? Yeah. I mean, it can, yes. Um, you know, there’s not much you can do about that, if that’s what they’re on. I believe Wix has an RSS feed. So you can still use that for blogging and everything else. I am personally not crazy about wigs. But as far as I know, you can still do everything pretty much that we recommend with WordPress, via Wix. It’s just a different type of, uh, you know, user interface and all that kind of stuff. I don’t know that Wix has any benefit, or is any worse as far as SEO stuff that you can do with it? Like the coding of it? Maybe Marco or somebody else can comment on that. But as far as I know, Wix can still be used for all the stuff that we do because it’s similar to WordPress.
Marco: Yeah, I’ve never even I think I built one. But I never followed through with it. Because it’s just learning a new platform, just as isn’t. I don’t know. There’s nothing in it for me and learning a whole new platform. So I stick with WordPress. And I’m trying to even get away from that. And what we recommend this if it doesn’t have the same functionality as WordPress, then install up a WordPress on a subdomain. Yeah, and blog from there. That’d be it. That’s that’s been our constant recommendation, since forever, when people come up with HTML or whatever else what other whatever other a CMS that you’re using outside of WordPress, or if it’s ecommerce or something, yeah, just whatever it is just do a WordPress install on a subdomain.
Bradley: Yeah, I totally agree with Marco could be like a blog.or, a news.or, something like that subdomain that you could use as the content distribution engine, essentially. You know, as I said, my new business that I was just talking about earlier, I’ve got a single page. It’s just a Click Funnels landing page. And that’s my, that’s on the root of the domain. So it’s a one-page site. So I had installed a WordPress on blog dot domain. com, essentially, and I’m using that as the blog, but I’ve only done two or three posts. So anyway, but yeah, you can do that. That’s what I would recommend.
Is Consistent Content Creation Necessary For A Wix Site Of A National Insurance Leads Provider?
But he says, following on from the previous question, is consistent content creation necessary? Still? I know, of course, it helps a ton. But assuming I still have a syndication network may do I lose a lot by not doing it? Well, I mean, we certainly recommend that you do market yours do content marketing. As like I said, If Wix has an RSS feed, but I’m pretty sure it does, you should be able to do it directly from Wix. But if you don’t like the interface, then just use the blog write blog, dot subdomain with WordPress installed. And then you can still do the same thing. I do recommend content marketing. I mean, again, guys for it. Google loves that they love the freshness, the updates the activity. You can automate, obviously, you know this mom and syndicating your network. You can automate syndicating to GMB, there’s a lot of things that you can do. So I do recommend that you get on somewhat of a content a consistent and regular content marketing schedule, although that you don’t, depending on the industry, you know, some you don’t have to do it three times a week, you could do it once a week or once every two weeks. It really just depends on the industry. But I do recommend that you are updating the blog regularly with content. The frequency is going to really depend on your competition that you’re dealing with as well as what industry you’re in. Okay.
Wayne, Clayton, you prick. Keep moving.
Do You Recommend Adding Keywords Into The iFrame?
Scott says I am in the process of placing an embed order with mg Why be question do you recommend adding keywords into the iframe? Marco? let you answer that one.
Marco: But I mean, you can.I haven’t seen it from everything that we’ve done add that much to the to whatever iframe you’re embedding, whether it’s map or video. I mean it could I’ve seen it a Google will read anything before the closing iframe tag. And so if you’re adding information in there, whether it’s schema keywords or whatever, Google will read it. The thing is, like, only SEOs do that. And it’s a really good way to get picked out. I mean, at some point, if they ever come after iframes, that would be the first thing that I would pick out anyone adding any information before that closing iframe tag because it’s mostly just SEOs that add information in there doesn’t work. I’ll be Scott nothing beats a try but fail so so we do allow you to submit keywords and Dadea will add it before the closing iframe tag. So try it out. That’s all I can tell you. Do I do it? No, I’ve hardly ever done it. We tested with it. And since we get similar results without we just don’t add extra information.
Bradley: Yeah. Correct. Alright, so the next several comments are Adam to spamming the comment box
Adam: and I roll.
Bradley: So doings got a nice meme about the bloodbath. It’s pretty cool.
Should You Complete A GMB Site Amidst Google’s Rampage Of GMB Suspensions?
Bradley: KenManich.e What’s up, Kenny says I have a new GMB. It’s a real business and above-loaded pics, logo description, etc. I haven’t built the GSB site. What do you thoughts about completing the site? Do you think that might kick off a suspension? Yeah, it may I mean, the thing is, is I haven’t had any issues with real client businesses like real bona fide businesses, GM bs until this week, and it was Monday. And that was one of those. All I did was I head up, I deleted one photo because it was showing up as a, like the primary image and mobile and the client said that he wanted a different photo. So and I don’t know how to force Google to select a different photo. So I said, Okay, well, let’s delete that one. And then I uploaded some new photos because he had some new photos recently of some of his technicians and such. And then I published the GSB website because for whatever reason that that he never had published that website for his GMB. And so I went in and publish the website, but I didn’t even add any content. It was just straight publishing. Before adding any content to it or anything. All I did was published a website and I don’t know if you know this can but when you publish the GMB website, it forces the change of the main URL for the GMB profile. From the money site to the business site GMB website URL, it forces the change with the UTM code on it to its really long and ugly, and you have to go in and then once you publish the site, you have to go edit the Info tab and change the website to back to the money site URL. And that’s all I did was I published the website didn’t even edit it. Right. All I did was then go to the Info tab. And I had to I changed the URL from the business site, which is the GMB website URL back to the money site URL. So to the branded domain, and immediately it’s suspended. And that’s where we’ve been we’ve been at ever since. You know, it’s only been a couple of days, but still, it just sucks because I didn’t do anything spammy. And it’s a legitimate business. You know, we can certainly can’t confirm and verify that, but that’s the case. So yeah, I don’t know. Honestly, I can’t tell you if it’s the GMB site that does that. Or it could have been a combination of doing both photos that day and the GMB site, I have no idea. I haven’t had any issues with legitimate businesses until this week. And now that I’ve experienced it, I’m skittish, right, I’m a bit gun shy, I don’t want to, I don’t want to really poke the bear, so to speak, you know what I mean? So I recommend and you know, until this shit settles down, which who knows when that’s going to be, I would say, try to stay out of that as much as possible and only do stuff that, you know, you can do either via API, like, posting GMB posts. Or you can probably post manually, I haven’t heard of anybody losing it from just doing the GMB post inside you know, the dashboard. But even then I might even want to do that through a manager account or content. What do they call it a site manager or something like that? Now, there are a couple of different levels that you can add additional users on one that would make more sense to be like a, I think it’s called a site manager used to be called content or communications managers or something like that. But I think they’re called site managers now. So
Will Google Treat A Subdomain As A Separate Brand Or It’s Treated As A Silo?
Okay, next is? And no, man, I guess he says, Hi, thanks for a wonderful webinar. My question is, if I use a subdomain, Google will treat it as a separate brand, or just like a silo? No, you know, it depends on how you set it up. But if you’re setting it up as a branded subdomain, you know, for example, like using what we talked about earlier, setting up a blog on a subject, you’re going to want to brand it the same. But you can also like, for example, I’ve got a lot of multi-location clients or stuff that I do, where each subdomain is we have separate subdomains for different locations. So each city has its own subdomain, so to speak, right? And that, that they’re all the same brand, but they each have their own WordPress installation or subdomain that is city specific. So but you can set up subdomains to treat them as two completely different entities if you want. So it really just depends on how you theme it and how you interlink between the subdomain and the root domain or other subdomains or all of them. Does that make sense? So the good thing is that Google does treat subdomains as separate web entities like another, in other words, separate websites, you can create the relationship, the association between the subdomain and the room if you want or the from, you know, the association with the brand. But the actual, the web asset itself, the domain itself, the subdomain is treated as a separate website if that makes sense. So that way, that you know, that’s why we do what we’ve been talking about using subdomains for like multi-location stuff for a long time because it’s a bit safer. If you put separate landing pages as internal pages of a website for multiple location stuff, and any one of your location pages catches the penalty for some reason, then it will, it can pull down the entire domain, right, it can affect all of the other locations because it affects the route as well. However, if you do stuff on subdomains, and you like, for example, have separate subdomains for each location, if anyone location gets hit by a penalty for some reason, then it will be isolated to that particular subdomain. It won’t affect the route and it won’t affect what I call sip the other sibling subdomains. So that’s why we tell you to do that. But again, it just depends on how you enter LinkedIn and what type of associations you make.
How To Use Schema And Rel=Canonical To Boost Ties Between A Reciprocal Link And The Money Site?
Jordans up, he says, related to a man’s question and reciprocal links, the blog subdomain should link heavily to the money site, right. Also, is there anything we can do to schema wise on a subdomain or rel canonical to tie it super tight to the main money site? domain? Yeah, that’s what I would do. Yeah, I mean, if you’re using a blog on, like what we talked about, for Mohammed, above, we’re like an e-commerce site or whatever. So if you’re using a subdomain name for blog, yeah, you’re gonna be using that to do like content marketing and link building from the subdomain up to the money site, typically, you’re not going to want to link back from the money site back down to the blog, it’s, you know, I mean, other than perhaps a navigation link that says blog, right, or whatever that links down to the root, or excuse me, the subdomain, but from within the individual pages and posts, now you’re going to use the subdomain to link up to the pages on the site that you want to rank. Okay. And then yeah, can article are always very powerful? You know, you can do that. It’s up to you. That is the blog link heavily to money site, but the money site not Yes, correct? That’s correct. Right, that as far as the money site, linking down, the only thing I would do is a subdomain, or excuse me, a navigation menu link that says blog that links down to that. And you know, you could do some sort of like sidebar widget for if you have, you know, for silos and things like that to show like related content and things like that you could do that on the money site. But typically that stuff that you would isolate to the blog anyway.
All right. Look, Gordon’s clarifying his question, good.
30-Day Click Funnel Challenge Update
Hernan, is the ad info information still available on Facebook pages? Is Hernan still here.
Hernan: I’m here. I’m here. Hey, can you hear me? Yes. The info and ads? I think so let me see. The adding for information is still available on Facebook pages. I’m working on the 30-day challenge and can find any info on certain business pages? Yes, I mean, they have switched that. So if you go to facebook.com/ads/library. So facebook.com/ads/library, you will be able to get like a public library of all of the ads that are being run right now. So on certain business pages, if there are running ads and whatnot, it’s still available. But some templates are like hiding it. But you know, all of the ads are being run on the platform can be found on facebook.com/ads/library. If you go there, you type in the Facebook page, and even the niche, you will be able to get a lot of intelligence out of that. So yeah, that’s basically how I do it.
Bradley: Cool, thank you.
Clarifications On The URL Used In Press Release & Video Embeds For Boosting GMB Listing
Bradley: So Gordon’s clarifying his questions. He says if you have time, here’s what I was trying to ask if I upload a video to a GMB listing and use that same video with an empty Why be in bed job is the backlink URL that is posted on each page of wherever the video is embedded the same URL used for press releases or as a different hope that clarification makes more sense. Okay. Remember in an embed, it’s not a backlink. Right? So you’re not linking to the video, you do not paste, you’re not posting the URL to the video, it’s an embed, so it’s not going to be the same. And if you’re if you upload a video to a GMB listing, then you’re going to get a GMB post URL. Not an embed code now, am I unless Marco, you said that you can embed a GMB post the correct you absolutely can. Okay. Now, I haven’t tested that where if you were to upload a video to GMB, then grab the as a GSB post, then grab the post URL, turn that into an embed, and then ask for an embed campaign for that I haven’t tested that that would actually be kind of an interesting test. Because then you’re doing an embed blast to a GSB. Post video. Does that make sense? So you could do that. Now if that’s what you’re talking about Gordon, then the URL, the iframe is going to be the same on all of the video pages or the embed pages. But you’re not going to be able to use that for press releases, not as an embed. You can use because the press releases for press advantage. You can embed a Google map, Google My Business map, and a Vimeo or YouTube video. And the way that you do it in the press release, and the press release is that for you? Well, first of all, if it’s a GMB map that you want to embed that’s how I select if you have your own subscription, when you go to submit the details for the press release to be written, there is a drop-down menu at the bottom that says, Do you want a Google Map embedded? And if you say yes, then it’s going to embed the GMB map that you have associated with the organization page. You say no, then it won’t. If you want to embed a video, then the way that you do it is you put the YouTube URL or Vimeo URL on its own line with a line break above and a line break below within the content body of the press release. Okay, and then when it publishes, it will publish as an embed. But you can’t do that with the GMB post URL. Like if you put the GMB post URL on its own line, it’s going to publish as just a URL. And unless you hyperlink that URL, it would literally just be a text URL, not hyperlinked, so just keep that in mind. Now, if you want to embed a YouTube video, then like I said, that’s, that’s all you do is put it on its own line. And then that’s going to be an embed code, it’ll convert to a competitive excuse me convert to an embed code when it publishes. That makes sense. So you can take a video that you upload to YouTube though, and upload that same file to GMB as a post as a video post. And now you’ve got the video uploaded as a GMB post. And you also have it embedded or uploaded to YouTube, which now you can use that in press releases. Ok. Ok, says I was talking about a video upload to the profile, not embedding it in a GMB post. I use such a video and Emma, can I use such a video and again, I don’t know how what you’re talking about. If you upload a video directly to GMB as like a photo, which you can do that to not a post, but you can upload it as a photo in the photo section, you can upload videos, it doesn’t give you an embed code. As far as I’m aware, it doesn’t give me an embed code. Does anybody can anybody clarify that?
Marco: You can actually embed a video in the photos section. It does overview but customer photos only up to texture, and video. So you can upload a video, then that video will have a URL. And if that video has a URL, you should be able to get an embed unless Google has a frame breaker on it. So I mean, I would have to test that and see if you could embed. I think I have one. But you’d have to test it. And then yes, you can submit that to mgyb.co. And Dadea will take that and he’ll run an embed gig on that. That URL as long as it’s an embeddable URL. Right.
Bradley: Okay, I think that’s complicating Gordon a bit. I don’t understand exactly what it is that you’re trying to do. But I do know that you can upload a video to GMB directly as not a post, I get that that’s fine, you can do that. I don’t know that you can get a share URL for it, but I didn’t know that you could get. I don’t know that that is embeddable.
Marco: I’m checking right now.
Bradley: Okay, cool.
Marco: I’m checking right right now and I’m saving the file, hang on a second.
Bradley: Because like clicking the photos, for example, just click on that photo, and we click Share. This is the share URL here. I don’t know if that would actually embed. So I’m it’s the same type of link that you get from uploaded videos my point. And I don’t know that that would embed. So you’d have to play with it and see. And that’s what Marco said he’s doing now.
Marco: No, no, it’s not coming up.
Bradley: It breaks it, doesn’t it?
Marco: It’s Yeah, it has a breaker. Yeah. Oh, fuck,
Bradley: yeah. So you’re better off uploading it as a GMB post, video post, and then taking the post URL and turning that into an embed. Right. So anyway, all right. Well, looks like there are no more questions. So if we don’t have any more questions, we can wrap it up about five minutes early. I’m okay with that. Are you guys okay with that?
Adam: I’m going with it in the woods.
Bradley: Okay. All right. All right. Well, everybody. Thanks. Thanks for being here. We’ve got mastermind webinar tomorrow. Don’t forget if you’re in the mastermind, 3:30 pm. We’ll see you all there. Thanks for everybody being here. Thanks, guys.
Hernan: We’ll see you guys.
Adam: And before we hop off, Bradley, we’re going to be going over some sales stuff with mastermind tomorrow.
Bradley: Yes, that’s right. Each one of us is going to chime in on that.
Adam: Awesome. I’m gonna get my slides out. Get that stuff and the slides, but I got some good stuff. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Bradley: That’s right. That’s why you asked to edit that. Today, I was wondering why I was like what’s going on with that? Now? I remember so I’ve got to prepare for that. I appreciate you mentioning that.
Adam: Yeah, no problem. Yeah, Mastery, everyone else mastermind members can get a little inside look into how we do sales individually. Since everyone’s a little bit different. And you know, there’s a lot of templates out there. But it’s a different thing, I think to hear people say exactly kind of what they do in order to, you know, move from prospect to actually close deals. So looking forward to chatting with you guys about that tomorrow. Yeah, definitely.
Marco: That’s gonna be a good one. I’m looking forward to definitely.
Bradley: see y'all then take it easy, guys later.
Bye. Bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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angelagiles18 · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242
Click on the video above to watch Episode 242 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, well hangouts are still here. We are going to be live on hangouts with Hump Day hangouts Episode 242. Yeah, we’re just gonna, we’re going to switch to tin cans and strings and how.
Hernan: There you go.
Adam: Well, with that, thanks for being here, and we’re going to jump right into it and just say, first of all, thanks for watching Hump Day Hangouts. Whether you’re catching this as a replay, whether you are joining us live, if you are live, go ahead. If you got any questions, pop them on the page. Say hello. Help post your favorite GIF. Do whatever you want to do. Let me take that back. Don’t do whatever you want to do. At least like PG 13 maybe.
Bradley: At least keep it relevant.
Adam: Yeah, well, real quick. Let’s go down the line. Say hello to everybody. We got everybody here today. I think Chris is hanging out so he doesn’t die of heat exhaustion. But so we’ll start with him before he passes out. How are you doing Chris?
Chris: Yeah, then good. had to move forward to the seller because like I don’t know the heat wave is like quite unbearable for me. I still don’t know why people love summer that much. More of a person. Yeah, rest. Life is good. Otherwise.
Adam: Coco Hernan, How about yourself? You’re kind of the opposite, right?
Hernan: Yeah, dude, I’m freezing my ass. But on the good note. I think that if I’m the Hangout goes away. We can do like you porn type of streaming, you know, and embed that in the page. Now I’m pretty cool. Yeah. Anyways, I’m great. Dude. I’m awesome. I’m just really looking forward to POFU Live 2019. That’s coming. He’s coming in hot. We had a really cool. We had a really cool event last year. And we are going to make it cooler this year. So it’s going to be pretty cool. So
Adam: yeah, definitely. We’re going to talk some more about that. But if you’re not sure what it is, one, stay tuned. And then secondly, go over to pokey live.com which will actually work now I got the domain resolve so you can actually they type in hopefully live and get there. So go check that out. Marco, How about yourself? How are you doing, man?
Marco: What’s up, man? Just to get the question out of the way. Our Hump Day hangouts going away?
Adam: No, oh,
Bradley: no. No.
Marco: Before we get asked 1000 times on be the first person to ask it. I’ll be done with Hump Day hangout on my watch. Just making sure I took
Bradley: I took off last week because I had a meeting that I couldn’t get out of. And I feel I felt like something was missing the entire damn week because this is Episode 242. And this is only the second episode I’ve missed out of 242. And so it’s you know, it’s Wednesday’s aren’t the same without Hump Day Hangout. So no, we’re not taking them away. We’re just saying that Hangouts On Air is going away. So we’re going to have to figure out a new way to stream and answer questions, which is fine. We’ll adapt. We always do.
Marco: Yeah. Anyway. Life’s good. Costa Rica is good. the weather’s good. Have a nice little earthquake last night. 66263 woke me up at around one-two in the morning. You know, shaken and bacon. But otherwise? Things are good.
Adam: That’s good. I’m glad you guys are all right. That’s getting up there. That’s not a tiny one.
Marco: Now I was off on the coast. No worries.
Adam: Good deal. Bradley, you. You’re still with us too I guess weather and everything treating your it.
Bradley: Everything’s good man. Life is good. Can’t complain. A lot of good things going on. Right now. We’re doing some pretty cool stuff in the mastermind, which by the way, guys, we have a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’ll be covering some stuff in there. I’m also starting a small group training inside the mastermind for some select members that it’s going to be really cool for they’re going to be kind of learning the new business model that I’m into. Because it’s so lucrative. So that’s a lot of fun. Just got a lot of exciting stuff going on right now. Oh, do want to talk about something else though. GMBs are certainly on a rampage. Google is on a rampage right now suspending shit, that’s even 100% legit for no reason. I actually had my first client site or GMB suspended just two days ago for doing nothing other than uploading a photo. And it was dumb. It was just it’s stupid. And I’ve got it in the reinstatement request going on. And they sent a message back to said originally that they’ll you know, reply within 24 hours. Then within 24 hours, I got a follow-up reply that said we have a huge backlog of reconsideration, reinstatement requests that we’re trying to work through, and it will be we’re backlogged up to three or two to three weeks. So my clients pissed, but he understands I didn’t do anything. You know, it’s spammy. It’s just, it’s just Google My Business is broken right now, guys. So now we have to switch strategies up, I would recommend staying out of them as much as possible, try not to edit them at all, if possible, until they get their shit together. It’s just, it’s a bloodbath out there right now. So just keep that in mind. So I didn’t want to give that update. We gotta shift our strategy to adapt with whatever, whatever comes. And this is, um, this is not a very good time for Google My Business stuff for sure.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. There are more questions about that, too. If anyone watching has some questions, go ahead and pop that in there. I mean, obviously, it’s a big topic we’ve been covering. It’s a great way to conduct lead gen like we’ve been talking about. And just because this is happening doesn’t mean this is the way it’s always going to be things change, just like it became, you know, a great tool to use and it may swing back that way. So real quick to just want to say if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, thanks for joining us for Hump Day Hangouts. Again, whether you’re live or watching the replay. If you’re here, you’re in the right place, you can always go to https://www.semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask your questions ahead of time, in case you can’t watch it live. So each week, you can pop those on there will answer them or point you in the right direction. If we can’t get you a specific answer. Other than that, though, the next thing people ask us is, you know, hey, where should I start with Semantic Mastery besides coming home to hang out What should I do? Go get the Battle Plan, go to https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com and if you’re ready to move on from that, take things up a few notches come join our MasterMind, alright, if you’re looking to form a strong network, if you’re looking to either start or grow your own digital marketing agency or if you’re a business owner that wants to grow it as well that I’ll also comprise a number of our members. Come check out the mastermind https://www.mastermind.semanticmastery.com. You can find out more about that. And then if you’re looking for Done For You services like syndication networks, RYS drive stacks, links, embeds all that good stuff, go to mgyb.co for your premium done for you SEO services. And last but not least, hook us up, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you guys are over there, you’re watching clips or whatever, just check, just click the subscribe button. Stay update helps us and helps us stay on top of important questions whether it’s SEO, its other digital marketing questions, funnels, Facebook ads, whatever it is that’s going on, we put out a ton of content and we love that people watch it. So help us out and subscribe over there.
POFU Live 2019 Guests
So real quick, we mentioned POFU Live, I want to touch base on this real quick for everyone. We just tomorrow or for if you’re a subscriber, you’re going to see an email about that. And I just wanted to talk real quick because we just got that up and running. We’re just starting ticket sales mastermind members got the first crack at getting their tickets. And we’ve got two out of the three speakers that we can announce there on the page. So it’s no secret if you go there, but I wanted to touch base on this. Jeffrey Smith is going to be joining us again. All right. He was Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so he’s going to be joining us again, really pumped to have Jeffrey back. He joined us last year for the first POFU Live gave a killer talk. He was a blast. He was there all weekend, hanging out talking to people dropping some bombs and some great gold nuggets, there are some information. And he’s going to be coming back and doing it again. So really looking forward to that. And then Adam Benjamin is not only a because he’s got a great first name. But also He’s the founder of Brain Hickey, this guy is a killer copywriter. He’s got a lot of real-world experience dealing with clients both at scale and with high ticket, high-end clients, tons of information, tons of knowledge he’s going to share. So looking forward to having him he’s a Colorado local. So he’s going to come down and help us in Denver and be pitching in and dropping some knowledge there too. And then we are going to have potentially a third and maybe even a fourth guest speaker who we will be announcing in the coming days. But the reason I bring this up to you is if you want to go to poker, you live in Denver and October 11 12th and 13th of this year, you’re going to want to get your tickets in the next week or two, shortly after the Fourth of July week, the prices are going to be going up, we want to offer you an early bird discount. It’s our way of saying thank you if you get the tickets now helps us plan accordingly. And we can do this a lot easier. So as again, our way of saying thank you is we offer you a lower price for that. But as soon as that’s over, prices are going to go up. There’s no you know, special offers coming. There’s no you know, last-minute sale, anything like that.
Bradley: Yeah, the way just quickly to clarify, our events are not pitched fest guys, it’s not like you’re going to come to our event, we’re going to pitch you additional training and products and the speakers are going to be pitching training and products. It’s not how it works with it’s a training event. You know, if you want to reach out to any of them afterward, and you know, pursue what they have available, that’s perfectly fine. It’s up to you. But it’s not about that it’s about training. It’s going to be a really good event. You know, we talked about holistic business building, right. So it’s not just about SEO or this or that it’s about the overall building a business, scaling a business, sustaining a business, all of that. So again, we would highly recommend if anybody’s interested to Get your tickets now because it’s going to go up after the Fourth of July ish area timeframe. So now would be a good time to get them at their lowest price.
Adam: Definitely. And I mean, I will just say to it’s a good time, you know, you can go These are real people on the pages, the real attendees from last year, you know, we can tell you about it. And if you have questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected] will answer them. Or you can ask them here on Hump Day Hangouts. But you can go and see what other people had to say about the event. You know, a lot of really good points, people got a lot out of it and a lot out of each other the networking that happened there, just like being in the mastermind, a lot of the power comes from the people you meet there the connections, you meet the ideas that are generated in that kind of smaller group setting. So really looking forward to doing that again, and narrowing down the list for the VIP day. That last time was a blast, we did a kr a chartered brewery tour in Washington, DC. And this year, we’re going to be in Denver. So I’m looking at something else I’ve got it narrowed down to a couple but I think it’s going to be just as fun. It’s a good way to get to meet everybody, relax, to have fun, get introduced, get up speed and then hit the ground running the next day for the main event.
Press Release Advantage Webinar
Bradley: Sweet. Yeah. Are we going to let’s talk briefly about the press advantage webinar? If we can,
Adam: Oh, definitely. Yeah, you want to fill people in case they missed that brother.
Bradley: Okay, uh, if you guys didn’t see it on Monday, we had Jeremy, the developer or one of the codeveloper of press advantage on and you guys know, we been pitching or using press advantage I have been for many years actually. But we did a promotion for press advantage when they when he kind of relaunched it as two dot o at the end of September last year. And so we’re talking, you know, eight months ago, and he was gracious enough to come on on Monday to open up a very, very good offer. Again, for people that want to subscribe have their own subscription to press the advantage, which there were two different levels, there’s one level which is three done for your press. So written for you press releases on a monthly basis for 350 bucks, which gives you the ability to have an organization page, which, if you followed any of our training, that is an integral part of what we do, we use that organization page as a very powerful tier one property branded property. Very, very powerful. And a lot of things that you can do with it are powerful as well. Then there’s the other offer, which was amazing that he swore up and down, he wouldn’t open up again, the previous time that he in September when we did the webinar, but I did twist his arm and he opened it up again. And that was for 497 a month you get six written for you press releases and unlimited, write them, write it yourself, press releases, or submit yourself. But here’s the catch that I mean, there’s no catch. But you can buy additional press release writing services from press advantage for 50 bucks. So essentially, you get six for 497 a month. And then you can buy each additional one for 50 bucks, or you can go out and get your own writer and all that. But I’m telling you the best and most efficient way to run it is to just use the writers. And anyway, we did a webinar with him and ended up going two hours. Again, there’s a lot of new and additional features that have been implemented since September when we did it the first time. And so we cover all here, he covers all of that. And I you know, I comment along in the webinar, if you want to watch it. Otherwise, just skip to the end or, you know, go to the sales page or the checkout page, I should say and subscribe. If you’re doing anything for your your own business, a light like a court press releases are incredibly powerful content marketing through press releases are incredibly powerful. So even if you’re your own business owner, as opposed to like an agency or a marketing consultant, using press releases, frequently and often is going to be very, very powerful for your business, we’ve seen it time and again. So I would say if even if you’re a business owner, or definitely if you’re a consultant or an agency that you should look at to get your own subscription, you can buy press releases from us at in our store, mgyb.co, and they’re one-off press releases for a very good price. And you still get the benefit of having that press release published, which drives a lot of links. It can get a lot of traffic and all that kind of stuff. But if you’re going to be doing volume, which you should be doing because they are so powerful, it should be an integral part of your content marketing strategy, you should have your own subscription period. And we stand by that statement. So it’s a great service, I highly recommend you go check it out. Check out the webinar if you want to see all of what it can do for you. Otherwise, just go straight to the checkout page and subscribe.
Bradley: Did you drop the link? Adam? I assume you did.
Adam: Yeah. Did the webinar replay page is on there. And I think we are good to go. Are there any other announcements? Yes. I don’t.
Bradley: I don’t have any. I’m ready for questions.
Marco: Yeah, I have a comment. Our shit works, period.
Bradley: Boom. All right, I’m taking the screen. Let’s do it.
Bradley: Okay, cool. We probably have some new listeners or watchers, viewers, audience members, whatever. Because I did a podcast with Tommy, Tommy Mellow has a podcast, which does handle a whole bunch of home service type contractors and got a really good response from that. And so anybody that’s here from Tommy mellows podcast, welcome. Come back, post off, you know, post questions here often about anything that has to do with your contracting businesses as far as marketing, getting better results, lead generation, that kind of stuff, we’re happy to answer them. And again, definitely, you know, engage with us, and we’ll try to help you out as much as we can.
How To Use Google My Business Page To Promote A Hardwood Floor And Staircase Renovation Business?
So Alright, so the first question I see comes from Scott n, and I’m assuming this may be one of them. I have a hardwood floor and staircase renovation business, my main point of interest is to learn how to best utilize the Google My Business Page to get the most out of the account. So that’s really good. Now, there are a few things that I would recommend, number one if you heard the beginning of this webinar, or today’s Hump Day Hangout right now is not really a good time to be doing a whole lot of editing of your Google My Business Page, right. So if you’ve got it already, and it’s running, that’s great. I would recommend that you really stick to just doing Google My Business posts or GMB posts right now, and not do a lot of editing of the page itself or the profile. because things are being suspended. Right now Google is on a rampage to eliminate spam listings, in part because of some high profile people running their mouth, to high profile publications and getting a lot of unnecessary attention to them. And so anyway, my point is, even if you’re a legit business owner, with a legitimate business with the physical location that you can verify, I recommend that you stay the hell out of it. As far as making edits to the actual profile, at least until Google fixes its itchy trigger finger so to speak, because right now, barely, I mean, for no rhyme or reason that I know of. You go in and you make an edit of any kind and boom, it can get it can be suspended. And it’s a crapshoot every time, right? You roll the dice every time because you never know what’s going to suspend the listing or not. And, as I mentioned before, their backlog for reinstatement requests are two to three weeks currently at the moment. So if it gets suspended, you’re going to be shut out, you know, dead in the water di Tw until you can get it reinstated if they’re going to be gracious enough to reinstate it. So that’s just the caveat, I want to you know, disclaim everything here with that, number one. Number two, it really one of the best things that you can do is to Google My Business posting, right, do that frequently and often. Look for the keywords that you want, or search queries that you want to get more traffic from. Also, look at the GMB insights. And you’ll see what kind of search queries are actually bringing your maps listing exposure, and start using those search queries that are relevant more often in posts. Okay, that’s really important. And in something else, we you know, we talked about our store mgyb.co. And just for anybody that doesn’t know what mg yc stands for, that makes Google your bitch. So mgyb.co is our store. If you go there, we’ve got some products that will help help you to actually really boost your Google My Business profile. As far as you know, getting better results from it. Number one would be a syndication network. Number two would be a drive stack. And we can know, we can offer assistance as to how to get the best use out of those. For people that don’t know, those of you that are not in the SEO industry. Some of that may seem foreign to you. But really, it’s not difficult, the concept is quite easy, I’m actually going to walk through a brief example of how you can gather the type of links that you would want to promote. So your profiles within a drive stack. Drive stacks are incredibly powerful, especially for Google My Business stuff or maps ranking. So I’m going to walk through that here in just a moment. But first, I just want to say, for your Google My Business Page, really again, I would stay out of trying to edit it right now. But I would take advantage of the Google My Business posting feature. Post often, post regularly, use the search queries or the keywords that you want to get traffic from. So for example, in this case, like it might be flooring, floor restoration or floor renovation or flooring, contractors or gills notice a lot of near me keywords. near me type search queries are driving a lot of traffic to maps. So flooring contractors near me flooring restoration near me variations of near me like nearby in my area close to me, that kind of stuff. So mix and match the keywords, the types of service keywords that you want to rank for, along with near me and variations of near me. Also, if you cover a wide surface area, you want to start including some of the locations that within your service area. So location names, do it be via city names, even neighborhoods, things like burrows, districts, things like that if you have different names that you can start to include. That’s why I said there’s really no way that you can do too many posts in my opinion. That’s really important and that as far as I know, is not getting GMB suspended. I haven’t had that happen from a post yet, but I have from doing editing the profile at all. That makes sense. Okay. Marco, do you want to comment on that while I pull up some examples?
Marco: No, no, I agree. Totally. I mean, we have the train Local GMB Pro, which could be the next step. In the process except in gi in local GMB Pro, we do tell you to go and make edits and all of these other things which you shouldn’t be doing when you submit it, especially if you have a real business, right? A real, whether it’s service area, brick, and mortar, whatever it is that you have, fill it out as thoroughly as you can right at the beginning before you send for that pin. So that you don’t have to go back and mess with it. Because it’s when you start going back and messing with it that you get into problems. So that the only change that I would recommend right now is if you’re doing some that’s legitimate. Do it right the first time get you to know, use the guidelines that we set up in local GMB Pro. But do it right the first time send for that pin, make sure all the information is correct. And then it’ll come back to you. It’s your business. And if something happens, you can always go back in and get that business reinstated. Right that GMB whereas others are the problem that they’re having. And why it is a problem, to begin with, is we were just spamming in and getting a ton of businesses that didn’t really exist. But if yours does that, then you right now, the second problem is Bradley mentioned is that you’re in a queue. And until they can get to you because of spammers like Bradley. You’re waiting for three four months and excuse me weeks. And right now, whatever it is that the summer businesses, right? Well, the summer businesses, like a pest control Tree Service, anything having to do with outdoors, are in the queue, and this is like the top of the season. So they’re moving a whole lot of money. And they shouldn’t be because they have legitimate businesses. So that’s the only thing that I would add.
Bradley: Yeah, that’s my client is an outdoor pest control company. And he’s, you know, this is the peak of their season. And it’s just, it’s just really shitty. And, you know, again, we didn’t do anything spammy or wrong, it just suspended, it’s dumb. Anyways, I’m going to use home remodeling as opposed to floor restoration only because I know this industry a bit better. So I’m going to use it just as a quick example, for those of you that are, we get questions all the time about how to how to order a drive stack within MGYB. And I’m going to cover that just briefly, guys, because I’m telling you, it’s one of the very most powerful things that you can possibly do. And you can get it 100% done for you on our store. And I say that because it’s absolute truth. I started a new business about two months ago, a brand new business. And all I have done is three press releases and a drive stack. That’s it, I haven’t even done anything else to it at all is a one-page website with a drive stack and three press releases. And I’m on the number three position for the state of Virginia for my very top keyword. So and that’s just and it’s been two months. So I’m telling you, it’s incredibly powerful, you’re going to see results if you use it. So my what I want to just walk through very quickly is just give an example here. So for home remodeling, Fairfax, I use Fairfax because I’m in a rural area called Cole pepper, there’s not a lot of activity around me, but Fairfax is a very busy area in Northern Virginia. So let’s just say that your business was Daniels design and remodeling general contractor. Well, what I would do is to figure out which URLs which links you want to include or submit when you order a drive stack. You know, if you’ve been following us, you know that we recommend getting a syndication network first, and then ordering and drive stack and including your syndication network URLs, profile URLs in the or the links that you submit when you purchase the drive set. So that’s the number. But if you’re just coming to us, and you don’t know what a syndication network is, well, we’ll cover that at a different time. We’re covering drive stacks right now. But what I would do is just go to Google and use another search for Google. In this case, I was just looking for a brand that I could use as an example. So I’m going to take Daniels design and remodeling as my example. Okay, so all I’m going to do is a copy. So let’s say whatever your company name is just go to Google, paste it in, and also pasting your phone number to so not just your name, but also paste in your phone number. Alright, so this is what we’re going to do, we’re going to say that this is your business, we’re going to do a quick Google search on your brand name and your phone number. And then what we’re going to do, and apparently they got some shitty Yelp reviews, but that’s probably because of Yelp filters out all the good ones, right unless you’re a paying advertiser. So what I would do is come in here, and I would just open up these links, all the links associated with your first two pages that are, you know, obviously that are relevant links to your business.
Bradley: I would just go through and over up every single one of those links, they’re also plugins that you can use guys that will that are called like link grabbers that will actually scrape all the links off a Google search page and put them into a text file or a notepad file. But you can do this manually, just go through and click right click, open Lincoln new tab, and then just go collect all of those links, put them into a notepad file, because that’s how you submit them inside our dashboard. Anyways, once you place your order, and go through the checkout process, then you go submit your order details. And what you can do is submit a text file with all the URLs that you want including in the drive stack. So that’s all you do, I’m not going to go through this guys, you understand the point, just go through the top two pages, select all of your URLs that you want to be included in the drive stack, and put them into a text file, save it and then upload that text file as your target URL or for the order. Right, then the same thing goes for keywords. for keywords, you’re going to want to take your top level keywords that you know, including your brand name, and use those as the keywords, create a nice little text file with your keywords in there. So your top level service products and or services, some of the location names that you want to include. Also your brand name, use, make sure that that’s included in your keyword list and upload that. And then our team will go out and build you a very, very, very powerful drive stack, which are Google Drive properties that are going to be branded and themed and have your profile URL, or excuse me, your profile logo, your logo as the profile image, your header images, it’s just going to be a very, very powerful thing. And now that becomes your insulator, your SEO firewall, all of the other stuff that you can do an SEO that we would never recommend you do directly to your money site, you can now due to the drive stack, and the drive stack pushes all of that relevance back to your money site will help in your maps listing. And we’ll help you to rank that makes sense. So that’s a quick down and dirty way to figure out how to get the URL was that you’re going to submit is just go to Google use Google to tell you and just go through the top two pages. That’s all you need. What are the most powerful or authoritative branded profiles or citations in this case that Google thinks for that particular brand your brand, right, so put your brand name in your business, your phone number and click Search. just collect all the URLs from the top two pages, put them into a text file, save them, then work on your keyword lists. Again, you can find out the keywords that are bringing your traffic through your GMB insights and just select the relevant keywords. And then also if you have some search queries that you desire more traffic from add those in as well. Mark, do you want to comment on that before I move on?
Marco: Yeah, the only thing that I would add to this is that they do get a spreadsheet when they order that their syndication network. Those should also be included.
Bradley: That’s correct. And I said step one should be a syndication network but for those people are coming to us from the podcast. I just wanted to talk about the drive stacks first networks maybe we’ll cover that the beginning of next webinar. But that’s correct. Alright, so anyways, welcome Scott Scott Walker says I guess he’s asking where he’s at. Okay, cool.
What URL Do You Use In The Press Release When Boosting The Rank Of A GMB Listing?
And thanks, guys. given us a shout out Gordon says, Hey, guys, thanks again for your hump day out. Hump Day help, as usual, greatly appreciated it. Thank you, Gordon. He says this may be a dumb question, but I’ll ask anyway. When using a press release for boosting the rank of A GMB listing, is the URL that you use? Is it backlink in the PR the same as the one that you get by going to the GMB dashboard and clicking the Info tab and going to view on search or view on maps? Or is this something else? Yes. That’s the link that we suggest. I’ve shown a kind of a funky way to get that URL in the past. If you go into your info tab, and you right click on the view on maps, and copy link address or right click copy link address and paste it into a notepad file. It’s going to be an HTTPS www.google.com slash maps, question mark. See ID equals and then that’s going to be a string of numbers. And that’s the maps URL. But that’s actually a 302 redirect to the final, the correct URL for maps, which is instead of, excuse me, it’s going to be that this is what it’s going to look like. I’m just going to give you an example real quick. So it’s going to be maps google.com, forward slash maps, question mark, see ID equals and then it’s going to be a string of numbers, right? It’s going to be several numbers, something like that. Right. That’s what Google is going to give you. When you right click view on the view on maps and copy link address. All you want to do though because if you put that in a redirect checker, you’re going to see that it actually redirects with a 302 to this. That’s it, it doesn’t change anything except that it changes that map subdomain to dub dub dub. And now that’s the URL that you want to use right there. Right. And what happens is, when you actually take that URL and check it in a redirect checker, it’s going to say test, okay, there’ll be a 200. htm, code 200, which says test, okay. But if you actually go to view that URL in your address bar, like paste and go, it will, once the page loads, it actually switches to that really long, stupid, ugly URL that maps gives you when you’re viewing your map in the browser. Does that make sense? So again, it’s a straight URL, and that’s the best URL to use. So you can get it that way. By the way, by going in and getting it from your GMB dashboard. Right click, go to the Info tab, right click view on maps, and then copy link address the other way which one of our mastermind members shared this with us is to go to standby I’m looking for it now. I think it’s. Where the hell is it? Shit guys, give me a minute. Damn, somebody gave me a tool the other day. Maybe that’s it? Is that it? Let’s see this is it? Yes, that’s it. Use this one right here, guys. So this is https://www.GMBreviewsmaker.com. I’m going to paste this on the page for you guys real quick. And then I’ll show you how this works. Okay, so if you go to this, this will make it so much easier. All you gotta do is start searching. So if I say like, excuse me, guys, I got a should have muted notifications.
Adam: Oh, no, it’s fine. A Bradley. Just take the call will listen to.
Bradley: Yeah. Standby. I gotta hang up on that.
Bradley: Alright, sorry about that. All right, let me grab the screen a green screen. Again, this is the actual pretty cool tool that somebody posted from our group if I just start typing in Semantic Mastery. And it’s not going to show me now. It’s okay. You can type it you can paste in the URL as well. So let’s just go let’s go Semantic Mastery. And why is it not showing our knowledge base? Wasn’t that some shit? Let’s do it over here. Let’s just use this guy. So let’s go to his map. We’re going to grab the share URL here. Paste that in. And let’s see why is it not? Okay, so for some reason, we can’t find your business and drop down hit to code, place it Okay, there we go hit the code place ID and then enter in your map URL, wherever that goes are right there and click the code place ID. And what it does is it brings that URL back right here, the same one. That makes sense. So it’s this is the same one.
But like I said if you grab that URL right there, and you go to a redirect checker, so let’s go to like https://www.redirectdetective.com, for example. And you’ll see that that’s what I was talking about. This actually does a redirect through a 302 to the same version of the URL, but it’s just www.google.com as opposed to maps. google.com. Does that make sense? So if all you got to do is take this URL here, and swap that this out with the www, and it ends up being the URL that you want to use, right? So again, or Here we go. You can always copy it from the redirect checker. And that’s what it looks like. Does that make sense? And now if we take this URL, and we put it in the browser bar, click paste and go, you’ll see that once the page loads, it’s going to automatically switch to this long, ugly thing. That makes sense. So again, that which is a cleaner URL to use this one, certainly as much cleaner than this one. So this is the URL that I used to build links to. Okay. That’s a good question.
Do You Use The Same URL For Press Release And Video Embeds On A GMB Listing?
Bradley: Moving on. Okay, Gordon says when you post a backlink on an embedded page, on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing. When you post a backlink on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing is the same URL used for PR a different URL. Thanks. I don’t understand that question. Gordon, sorry. Does anybody can anybody decipher that question? For me?
Marco: If he’s talking about the video for PRs, it’s I don’t know if you could use a GMB URL for the video. I think they’re using it. They said Vimeo and YouTube, the other page right now about embedding on a press release. Is that what you mean? Yeah, I think that’s what this means. I don’t know. You’ll have to clear it up. Yeah, I’m just taking it as that what it means to be talking about the video that you can embed, the URL that there may be is that any YouTube video URL or a Vimeo URL. That’s what they’ll embed.
Bradley: Yeah, I’m not sure I understand the question. I’m not sure if that was it or not. But thanks, Marco for attempting. So yeah, if you can clarify, Gordon, that’s great. If not, that’s fine.
What SEO Strategies Would You Apply For A Wix Site OF A National Insurance Leads Provider?
So Muhammad’s up, he said, What’s up, mom? And by the way, he said, Hey, guys, what do we do with a client that has a Wix site run away? Now? I’m kidding. I’m pretty close to signing a national insurance leads provider, but I’ve just noticed the site was Wix. What’s the best course of action here? Can I still follow the battle plan and SM methods in general on wigs? Would it have the same effect? Yeah. I mean, it can, yes. Um, you know, there’s not much you can do about that, if that’s what they’re on. I believe Wix has an RSS feed. So you can still use that for blogging and everything else. I am personally not crazy about wigs. But as far as I know, you can still do everything pretty much that we recommend with WordPress, via Wix. It’s just a different type of, uh, you know, user interface and all that kind of stuff. I don’t know that Wix has any benefit, or is any worse as far as SEO stuff that you can do with it? Like the coding of it? Maybe Marco or somebody else can comment on that. But as far as I know, Wix can still be used for all the stuff that we do because it’s similar to WordPress.
Marco: Yeah, I’ve never even I think I built one. But I never followed through with it. Because it’s just learning a new platform, just as isn’t. I don’t know. There’s nothing in it for me and learning a whole new platform. So I stick with WordPress. And I’m trying to even get away from that. And what we recommend this if it doesn’t have the same functionality as WordPress, then install up a WordPress on a subdomain. Yeah, and blog from there. That’d be it. That’s that’s been our constant recommendation, since forever, when people come up with HTML or whatever else what other whatever other a CMS that you’re using outside of WordPress, or if it’s ecommerce or something, yeah, just whatever it is just do a WordPress install on a subdomain.
Bradley: Yeah, I totally agree with Marco could be like a blog.or, a news.or, something like that subdomain that you could use as the content distribution engine, essentially. You know, as I said, my new business that I was just talking about earlier, I’ve got a single page. It’s just a Click Funnels landing page. And that’s my, that’s on the root of the domain. So it’s a one-page site. So I had installed a WordPress on blog dot domain. com, essentially, and I’m using that as the blog, but I’ve only done two or three posts. So anyway, but yeah, you can do that. That’s what I would recommend.
Is Consistent Content Creation Necessary For A Wix Site Of A National Insurance Leads Provider?
But he says, following on from the previous question, is consistent content creation necessary? Still? I know, of course, it helps a ton. But assuming I still have a syndication network may do I lose a lot by not doing it? Well, I mean, we certainly recommend that you do market yours do content marketing. As like I said, If Wix has an RSS feed, but I’m pretty sure it does, you should be able to do it directly from Wix. But if you don’t like the interface, then just use the blog write blog, dot subdomain with WordPress installed. And then you can still do the same thing. I do recommend content marketing. I mean, again, guys for it. Google loves that they love the freshness, the updates the activity. You can automate, obviously, you know this mom and syndicating your network. You can automate syndicating to GMB, there’s a lot of things that you can do. So I do recommend that you get on somewhat of a content a consistent and regular content marketing schedule, although that you don’t, depending on the industry, you know, some you don’t have to do it three times a week, you could do it once a week or once every two weeks. It really just depends on the industry. But I do recommend that you are updating the blog regularly with content. The frequency is going to really depend on your competition that you’re dealing with as well as what industry you’re in. Okay.
Wayne, Clayton, you prick. Keep moving.
Do You Recommend Adding Keywords Into The iFrame?
Scott says I am in the process of placing an embed order with mg Why be question do you recommend adding keywords into the iframe? Marco? let you answer that one.
Marco: But I mean, you can.I haven’t seen it from everything that we’ve done add that much to the to whatever iframe you’re embedding, whether it’s map or video. I mean it could I’ve seen it a Google will read anything before the closing iframe tag. And so if you’re adding information in there, whether it’s schema keywords or whatever, Google will read it. The thing is, like, only SEOs do that. And it’s a really good way to get picked out. I mean, at some point, if they ever come after iframes, that would be the first thing that I would pick out anyone adding any information before that closing iframe tag because it’s mostly just SEOs that add information in there doesn’t work. I’ll be Scott nothing beats a try but fail so so we do allow you to submit keywords and Dadea will add it before the closing iframe tag. So try it out. That’s all I can tell you. Do I do it? No, I’ve hardly ever done it. We tested with it. And since we get similar results without we just don’t add extra information.
Bradley: Yeah. Correct. Alright, so the next several comments are Adam to spamming the comment box
Adam: and I roll.
Bradley: So doings got a nice meme about the bloodbath. It’s pretty cool.
Should You Complete A GMB Site Amidst Google’s Rampage Of GMB Suspensions?
Bradley: KenManich.e What’s up, Kenny says I have a new GMB. It’s a real business and above-loaded pics, logo description, etc. I haven’t built the GSB site. What do you thoughts about completing the site? Do you think that might kick off a suspension? Yeah, it may I mean, the thing is, is I haven’t had any issues with real client businesses like real bona fide businesses, GM bs until this week, and it was Monday. And that was one of those. All I did was I head up, I deleted one photo because it was showing up as a, like the primary image and mobile and the client said that he wanted a different photo. So and I don’t know how to force Google to select a different photo. So I said, Okay, well, let’s delete that one. And then I uploaded some new photos because he had some new photos recently of some of his technicians and such. And then I published the GSB website because for whatever reason that that he never had published that website for his GMB. And so I went in and publish the website, but I didn’t even add any content. It was just straight publishing. Before adding any content to it or anything. All I did was published a website and I don’t know if you know this can but when you publish the GMB website, it forces the change of the main URL for the GMB profile. From the money site to the business site GMB website URL, it forces the change with the UTM code on it to its really long and ugly, and you have to go in and then once you publish the site, you have to go edit the Info tab and change the website to back to the money site URL. And that’s all I did was I published the website didn’t even edit it. Right. All I did was then go to the Info tab. And I had to I changed the URL from the business site, which is the GMB website URL back to the money site URL. So to the branded domain, and immediately it’s suspended. And that’s where we’ve been we’ve been at ever since. You know, it’s only been a couple of days, but still, it just sucks because I didn’t do anything spammy. And it’s a legitimate business. You know, we can certainly can’t confirm and verify that, but that’s the case. So yeah, I don’t know. Honestly, I can’t tell you if it’s the GMB site that does that. Or it could have been a combination of doing both photos that day and the GMB site, I have no idea. I haven’t had any issues with legitimate businesses until this week. And now that I’ve experienced it, I’m skittish, right, I’m a bit gun shy, I don’t want to, I don’t want to really poke the bear, so to speak, you know what I mean? So I recommend and you know, until this shit settles down, which who knows when that’s going to be, I would say, try to stay out of that as much as possible and only do stuff that, you know, you can do either via API, like, posting GMB posts. Or you can probably post manually, I haven’t heard of anybody losing it from just doing the GMB post inside you know, the dashboard. But even then I might even want to do that through a manager account or content. What do they call it a site manager or something like that? Now, there are a couple of different levels that you can add additional users on one that would make more sense to be like a, I think it’s called a site manager used to be called content or communications managers or something like that. But I think they’re called site managers now. So
Will Google Treat A Subdomain As A Separate Brand Or It’s Treated As A Silo?
Okay, next is? And no, man, I guess he says, Hi, thanks for a wonderful webinar. My question is, if I use a subdomain, Google will treat it as a separate brand, or just like a silo? No, you know, it depends on how you set it up. But if you’re setting it up as a branded subdomain, you know, for example, like using what we talked about earlier, setting up a blog on a subject, you’re going to want to brand it the same. But you can also like, for example, I’ve got a lot of multi-location clients or stuff that I do, where each subdomain is we have separate subdomains for different locations. So each city has its own subdomain, so to speak, right? And that, that they’re all the same brand, but they each have their own WordPress installation or subdomain that is city specific. So but you can set up subdomains to treat them as two completely different entities if you want. So it really just depends on how you theme it and how you interlink between the subdomain and the root domain or other subdomains or all of them. Does that make sense? So the good thing is that Google does treat subdomains as separate web entities like another, in other words, separate websites, you can create the relationship, the association between the subdomain and the room if you want or the from, you know, the association with the brand. But the actual, the web asset itself, the domain itself, the subdomain is treated as a separate website if that makes sense. So that way, that you know, that’s why we do what we’ve been talking about using subdomains for like multi-location stuff for a long time because it’s a bit safer. If you put separate landing pages as internal pages of a website for multiple location stuff, and any one of your location pages catches the penalty for some reason, then it will, it can pull down the entire domain, right, it can affect all of the other locations because it affects the route as well. However, if you do stuff on subdomains, and you like, for example, have separate subdomains for each location, if anyone location gets hit by a penalty for some reason, then it will be isolated to that particular subdomain. It won’t affect the route and it won’t affect what I call sip the other sibling subdomains. So that’s why we tell you to do that. But again, it just depends on how you enter LinkedIn and what type of associations you make.
How To Use Schema And Rel=Canonical To Boost Ties Between A Reciprocal Link And The Money Site?
Jordans up, he says, related to a man’s question and reciprocal links, the blog subdomain should link heavily to the money site, right. Also, is there anything we can do to schema wise on a subdomain or rel canonical to tie it super tight to the main money site? domain? Yeah, that’s what I would do. Yeah, I mean, if you’re using a blog on, like what we talked about, for Mohammed, above, we’re like an e-commerce site or whatever. So if you’re using a subdomain name for blog, yeah, you’re gonna be using that to do like content marketing and link building from the subdomain up to the money site, typically, you’re not going to want to link back from the money site back down to the blog, it’s, you know, I mean, other than perhaps a navigation link that says blog, right, or whatever that links down to the root, or excuse me, the subdomain, but from within the individual pages and posts, now you’re going to use the subdomain to link up to the pages on the site that you want to rank. Okay. And then yeah, can article are always very powerful? You know, you can do that. It’s up to you. That is the blog link heavily to money site, but the money site not Yes, correct? That’s correct. Right, that as far as the money site, linking down, the only thing I would do is a subdomain, or excuse me, a navigation menu link that says blog that links down to that. And you know, you could do some sort of like sidebar widget for if you have, you know, for silos and things like that to show like related content and things like that you could do that on the money site. But typically that stuff that you would isolate to the blog anyway.
All right. Look, Gordon’s clarifying his question, good.
30-Day Click Funnel Challenge Update
Hernan, is the ad info information still available on Facebook pages? Is Hernan still here.
Hernan: I’m here. I’m here. Hey, can you hear me? Yes. The info and ads? I think so let me see. The adding for information is still available on Facebook pages. I’m working on the 30-day challenge and can find any info on certain business pages? Yes, I mean, they have switched that. So if you go to facebook.com/ads/library. So facebook.com/ads/library, you will be able to get like a public library of all of the ads that are being run right now. So on certain business pages, if there are running ads and whatnot, it’s still available. But some templates are like hiding it. But you know, all of the ads are being run on the platform can be found on facebook.com/ads/library. If you go there, you type in the Facebook page, and even the niche, you will be able to get a lot of intelligence out of that. So yeah, that’s basically how I do it.
Bradley: Cool, thank you.
Clarifications On The URL Used In Press Release & Video Embeds For Boosting GMB Listing
Bradley: So Gordon’s clarifying his questions. He says if you have time, here’s what I was trying to ask if I upload a video to a GMB listing and use that same video with an empty Why be in bed job is the backlink URL that is posted on each page of wherever the video is embedded the same URL used for press releases or as a different hope that clarification makes more sense. Okay. Remember in an embed, it’s not a backlink. Right? So you’re not linking to the video, you do not paste, you’re not posting the URL to the video, it’s an embed, so it’s not going to be the same. And if you’re if you upload a video to a GMB listing, then you’re going to get a GMB post URL. Not an embed code now, am I unless Marco, you said that you can embed a GMB post the correct you absolutely can. Okay. Now, I haven’t tested that where if you were to upload a video to GMB, then grab the as a GSB post, then grab the post URL, turn that into an embed, and then ask for an embed campaign for that I haven’t tested that that would actually be kind of an interesting test. Because then you’re doing an embed blast to a GSB. Post video. Does that make sense? So you could do that. Now if that’s what you’re talking about Gordon, then the URL, the iframe is going to be the same on all of the video pages or the embed pages. But you’re not going to be able to use that for press releases, not as an embed. You can use because the press releases for press advantage. You can embed a Google map, Google My Business map, and a Vimeo or YouTube video. And the way that you do it in the press release, and the press release is that for you? Well, first of all, if it’s a GMB map that you want to embed that’s how I select if you have your own subscription, when you go to submit the details for the press release to be written, there is a drop-down menu at the bottom that says, Do you want a Google Map embedded? And if you say yes, then it’s going to embed the GMB map that you have associated with the organization page. You say no, then it won’t. If you want to embed a video, then the way that you do it is you put the YouTube URL or Vimeo URL on its own line with a line break above and a line break below within the content body of the press release. Okay, and then when it publishes, it will publish as an embed. But you can’t do that with the GMB post URL. Like if you put the GMB post URL on its own line, it’s going to publish as just a URL. And unless you hyperlink that URL, it would literally just be a text URL, not hyperlinked, so just keep that in mind. Now, if you want to embed a YouTube video, then like I said, that’s, that’s all you do is put it on its own line. And then that’s going to be an embed code, it’ll convert to a competitive excuse me convert to an embed code when it publishes. That makes sense. So you can take a video that you upload to YouTube though, and upload that same file to GMB as a post as a video post. And now you’ve got the video uploaded as a GMB post. And you also have it embedded or uploaded to YouTube, which now you can use that in press releases. Ok. Ok, says I was talking about a video upload to the profile, not embedding it in a GMB post. I use such a video and Emma, can I use such a video and again, I don’t know how what you’re talking about. If you upload a video directly to GMB as like a photo, which you can do that to not a post, but you can upload it as a photo in the photo section, you can upload videos, it doesn’t give you an embed code. As far as I’m aware, it doesn’t give me an embed code. Does anybody can anybody clarify that?
Marco: You can actually embed a video in the photos section. It does overview but customer photos only up to texture, and video. So you can upload a video, then that video will have a URL. And if that video has a URL, you should be able to get an embed unless Google has a frame breaker on it. So I mean, I would have to test that and see if you could embed. I think I have one. But you’d have to test it. And then yes, you can submit that to mgyb.co. And Dadea will take that and he’ll run an embed gig on that. That URL as long as it’s an embeddable URL. Right.
Bradley: Okay, I think that’s complicating Gordon a bit. I don’t understand exactly what it is that you’re trying to do. But I do know that you can upload a video to GMB directly as not a post, I get that that’s fine, you can do that. I don’t know that you can get a share URL for it, but I didn’t know that you could get. I don’t know that that is embeddable.
Marco: I’m checking right now.
Bradley: Okay, cool.
Marco: I’m checking right right now and I’m saving the file, hang on a second.
Bradley: Because like clicking the photos, for example, just click on that photo, and we click Share. This is the share URL here. I don’t know if that would actually embed. So I’m it’s the same type of link that you get from uploaded videos my point. And I don’t know that that would embed. So you’d have to play with it and see. And that’s what Marco said he’s doing now.
Marco: No, no, it’s not coming up.
Bradley: It breaks it, doesn’t it?
Marco: It’s Yeah, it has a breaker. Yeah. Oh, fuck,
Bradley: yeah. So you’re better off uploading it as a GMB post, video post, and then taking the post URL and turning that into an embed. Right. So anyway, all right. Well, looks like there are no more questions. So if we don’t have any more questions, we can wrap it up about five minutes early. I’m okay with that. Are you guys okay with that?
Adam: I’m going with it in the woods.
Bradley: Okay. All right. All right. Well, everybody. Thanks. Thanks for being here. We’ve got mastermind webinar tomorrow. Don’t forget if you’re in the mastermind, 3:30 pm. We’ll see you all there. Thanks for everybody being here. Thanks, guys.
Hernan: We’ll see you guys.
Adam: And before we hop off, Bradley, we’re going to be going over some sales stuff with mastermind tomorrow.
Bradley: Yes, that’s right. Each one of us is going to chime in on that.
Adam: Awesome. I’m gonna get my slides out. Get that stuff and the slides, but I got some good stuff. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Bradley: That’s right. That’s why you asked to edit that. Today, I was wondering why I was like what’s going on with that? Now? I remember so I’ve got to prepare for that. I appreciate you mentioning that.
Adam: Yeah, no problem. Yeah, Mastery, everyone else mastermind members can get a little inside look into how we do sales individually. Since everyone’s a little bit different. And you know, there’s a lot of templates out there. But it’s a different thing, I think to hear people say exactly kind of what they do in order to, you know, move from prospect to actually close deals. So looking forward to chatting with you guys about that tomorrow. Yeah, definitely.
Marco: That’s gonna be a good one. I’m looking forward to definitely.
Bradley: see y'all then take it easy, guys later.
Bye. Bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242 published first on your-t1-blog-url https://ift.tt/1WMpNvB June 28, 2019 at 11:55AM Semantic Mastery https://ift.tt/2YeHIxM
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pledje · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242
Click on the video above to watch Episode 242 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, well hangouts are still here. We are going to be live on hangouts with Hump Day hangouts Episode 242. Yeah, we’re just gonna, we’re going to switch to tin cans and strings and how.
Hernan: There you go.
Adam: Well, with that, thanks for being here, and we’re going to jump right into it and just say, first of all, thanks for watching Hump Day Hangouts. Whether you’re catching this as a replay, whether you are joining us live, if you are live, go ahead. If you got any questions, pop them on the page. Say hello. Help post your favorite GIF. Do whatever you want to do. Let me take that back. Don’t do whatever you want to do. At least like PG 13 maybe.
Bradley: At least keep it relevant.
Adam: Yeah, well, real quick. Let’s go down the line. Say hello to everybody. We got everybody here today. I think Chris is hanging out so he doesn’t die of heat exhaustion. But so we’ll start with him before he passes out. How are you doing Chris?
Chris: Yeah, then good. had to move forward to the seller because like I don’t know the heat wave is like quite unbearable for me. I still don’t know why people love summer that much. More of a person. Yeah, rest. Life is good. Otherwise.
Adam: Coco Hernan, How about yourself? You’re kind of the opposite, right?
Hernan: Yeah, dude, I’m freezing my ass. But on the good note. I think that if I’m the Hangout goes away. We can do like you porn type of streaming, you know, and embed that in the page. Now I’m pretty cool. Yeah. Anyways, I’m great. Dude. I’m awesome. I’m just really looking forward to POFU Live 2019. That’s coming. He’s coming in hot. We had a really cool. We had a really cool event last year. And we are going to make it cooler this year. So it’s going to be pretty cool. So
Adam: yeah, definitely. We’re going to talk some more about that. But if you’re not sure what it is, one, stay tuned. And then secondly, go over to pokey live.com which will actually work now I got the domain resolve so you can actually they type in hopefully live and get there. So go check that out. Marco, How about yourself? How are you doing, man?
Marco: What’s up, man? Just to get the question out of the way. Our Hump Day hangouts going away?
Adam: No, oh,
Bradley: no. No.
Marco: Before we get asked 1000 times on be the first person to ask it. I’ll be done with Hump Day hangout on my watch. Just making sure I took
Bradley: I took off last week because I had a meeting that I couldn’t get out of. And I feel I felt like something was missing the entire damn week because this is Episode 242. And this is only the second episode I’ve missed out of 242. And so it’s you know, it’s Wednesday’s aren’t the same without Hump Day Hangout. So no, we’re not taking them away. We’re just saying that Hangouts On Air is going away. So we’re going to have to figure out a new way to stream and answer questions, which is fine. We’ll adapt. We always do.
Marco: Yeah. Anyway. Life’s good. Costa Rica is good. the weather’s good. Have a nice little earthquake last night. 66263 woke me up at around one-two in the morning. You know, shaken and bacon. But otherwise? Things are good.
Adam: That’s good. I’m glad you guys are all right. That’s getting up there. That’s not a tiny one.
Marco: Now I was off on the coast. No worries.
Adam: Good deal. Bradley, you. You’re still with us too I guess weather and everything treating your it.
Bradley: Everything’s good man. Life is good. Can’t complain. A lot of good things going on. Right now. We’re doing some pretty cool stuff in the mastermind, which by the way, guys, we have a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’ll be covering some stuff in there. I’m also starting a small group training inside the mastermind for some select members that it’s going to be really cool for they’re going to be kind of learning the new business model that I’m into. Because it’s so lucrative. So that’s a lot of fun. Just got a lot of exciting stuff going on right now. Oh, do want to talk about something else though. GMBs are certainly on a rampage. Google is on a rampage right now suspending shit, that’s even 100% legit for no reason. I actually had my first client site or GMB suspended just two days ago for doing nothing other than uploading a photo. And it was dumb. It was just it’s stupid. And I’ve got it in the reinstatement request going on. And they sent a message back to said originally that they’ll you know, reply within 24 hours. Then within 24 hours, I got a follow-up reply that said we have a huge backlog of reconsideration, reinstatement requests that we’re trying to work through, and it will be we’re backlogged up to three or two to three weeks. So my clients pissed, but he understands I didn’t do anything. You know, it’s spammy. It’s just, it’s just Google My Business is broken right now, guys. So now we have to switch strategies up, I would recommend staying out of them as much as possible, try not to edit them at all, if possible, until they get their shit together. It’s just, it’s a bloodbath out there right now. So just keep that in mind. So I didn’t want to give that update. We gotta shift our strategy to adapt with whatever, whatever comes. And this is, um, this is not a very good time for Google My Business stuff for sure.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. There are more questions about that, too. If anyone watching has some questions, go ahead and pop that in there. I mean, obviously, it’s a big topic we’ve been covering. It’s a great way to conduct lead gen like we’ve been talking about. And just because this is happening doesn’t mean this is the way it’s always going to be things change, just like it became, you know, a great tool to use and it may swing back that way. So real quick to just want to say if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, thanks for joining us for Hump Day Hangouts. Again, whether you’re live or watching the replay. If you’re here, you’re in the right place, you can always go to https://www.semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask your questions ahead of time, in case you can’t watch it live. So each week, you can pop those on there will answer them or point you in the right direction. If we can’t get you a specific answer. Other than that, though, the next thing people ask us is, you know, hey, where should I start with Semantic Mastery besides coming home to hang out What should I do? Go get the Battle Plan, go to https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com and if you’re ready to move on from that, take things up a few notches come join our MasterMind, alright, if you’re looking to form a strong network, if you’re looking to either start or grow your own digital marketing agency or if you’re a business owner that wants to grow it as well that I’ll also comprise a number of our members. Come check out the mastermind https://www.mastermind.semanticmastery.com. You can find out more about that. And then if you’re looking for Done For You services like syndication networks, RYS drive stacks, links, embeds all that good stuff, go to mgyb.co for your premium done for you SEO services. And last but not least, hook us up, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you guys are over there, you’re watching clips or whatever, just check, just click the subscribe button. Stay update helps us and helps us stay on top of important questions whether it’s SEO, its other digital marketing questions, funnels, Facebook ads, whatever it is that’s going on, we put out a ton of content and we love that people watch it. So help us out and subscribe over there.
POFU Live 2019 Guests
So real quick, we mentioned POFU Live, I want to touch base on this real quick for everyone. We just tomorrow or for if you’re a subscriber, you’re going to see an email about that. And I just wanted to talk real quick because we just got that up and running. We’re just starting ticket sales mastermind members got the first crack at getting their tickets. And we’ve got two out of the three speakers that we can announce there on the page. So it’s no secret if you go there, but I wanted to touch base on this. Jeffrey Smith is going to be joining us again. All right. He was Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so he’s going to be joining us again, really pumped to have Jeffrey back. He joined us last year for the first POFU Live gave a killer talk. He was a blast. He was there all weekend, hanging out talking to people dropping some bombs and some great gold nuggets, there are some information. And he’s going to be coming back and doing it again. So really looking forward to that. And then Adam Benjamin is not only a because he’s got a great first name. But also He’s the founder of Brain Hickey, this guy is a killer copywriter. He’s got a lot of real-world experience dealing with clients both at scale and with high ticket, high-end clients, tons of information, tons of knowledge he’s going to share. So looking forward to having him he’s a Colorado local. So he’s going to come down and help us in Denver and be pitching in and dropping some knowledge there too. And then we are going to have potentially a third and maybe even a fourth guest speaker who we will be announcing in the coming days. But the reason I bring this up to you is if you want to go to poker, you live in Denver and October 11 12th and 13th of this year, you’re going to want to get your tickets in the next week or two, shortly after the Fourth of July week, the prices are going to be going up, we want to offer you an early bird discount. It’s our way of saying thank you if you get the tickets now helps us plan accordingly. And we can do this a lot easier. So as again, our way of saying thank you is we offer you a lower price for that. But as soon as that’s over, prices are going to go up. There’s no you know, special offers coming. There’s no you know, last-minute sale, anything like that.
Bradley: Yeah, the way just quickly to clarify, our events are not pitched fest guys, it’s not like you’re going to come to our event, we’re going to pitch you additional training and products and the speakers are going to be pitching training and products. It’s not how it works with it’s a training event. You know, if you want to reach out to any of them afterward, and you know, pursue what they have available, that’s perfectly fine. It’s up to you. But it’s not about that it’s about training. It’s going to be a really good event. You know, we talked about holistic business building, right. So it’s not just about SEO or this or that it’s about the overall building a business, scaling a business, sustaining a business, all of that. So again, we would highly recommend if anybody’s interested to Get your tickets now because it’s going to go up after the Fourth of July ish area timeframe. So now would be a good time to get them at their lowest price.
Adam: Definitely. And I mean, I will just say to it’s a good time, you know, you can go These are real people on the pages, the real attendees from last year, you know, we can tell you about it. And if you have questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected] will answer them. Or you can ask them here on Hump Day Hangouts. But you can go and see what other people had to say about the event. You know, a lot of really good points, people got a lot out of it and a lot out of each other the networking that happened there, just like being in the mastermind, a lot of the power comes from the people you meet there the connections, you meet the ideas that are generated in that kind of smaller group setting. So really looking forward to doing that again, and narrowing down the list for the VIP day. That last time was a blast, we did a kr a chartered brewery tour in Washington, DC. And this year, we’re going to be in Denver. So I’m looking at something else I’ve got it narrowed down to a couple but I think it’s going to be just as fun. It’s a good way to get to meet everybody, relax, to have fun, get introduced, get up speed and then hit the ground running the next day for the main event.
Press Release Advantage Webinar
Bradley: Sweet. Yeah. Are we going to let’s talk briefly about the press advantage webinar? If we can,
Adam: Oh, definitely. Yeah, you want to fill people in case they missed that brother.
Bradley: Okay, uh, if you guys didn’t see it on Monday, we had Jeremy, the developer or one of the codeveloper of press advantage on and you guys know, we been pitching or using press advantage I have been for many years actually. But we did a promotion for press advantage when they when he kind of relaunched it as two dot o at the end of September last year. And so we’re talking, you know, eight months ago, and he was gracious enough to come on on Monday to open up a very, very good offer. Again, for people that want to subscribe have their own subscription to press the advantage, which there were two different levels, there’s one level which is three done for your press. So written for you press releases on a monthly basis for 350 bucks, which gives you the ability to have an organization page, which, if you followed any of our training, that is an integral part of what we do, we use that organization page as a very powerful tier one property branded property. Very, very powerful. And a lot of things that you can do with it are powerful as well. Then there’s the other offer, which was amazing that he swore up and down, he wouldn’t open up again, the previous time that he in September when we did the webinar, but I did twist his arm and he opened it up again. And that was for 497 a month you get six written for you press releases and unlimited, write them, write it yourself, press releases, or submit yourself. But here’s the catch that I mean, there’s no catch. But you can buy additional press release writing services from press advantage for 50 bucks. So essentially, you get six for 497 a month. And then you can buy each additional one for 50 bucks, or you can go out and get your own writer and all that. But I’m telling you the best and most efficient way to run it is to just use the writers. And anyway, we did a webinar with him and ended up going two hours. Again, there’s a lot of new and additional features that have been implemented since September when we did it the first time. And so we cover all here, he covers all of that. And I you know, I comment along in the webinar, if you want to watch it. Otherwise, just skip to the end or, you know, go to the sales page or the checkout page, I should say and subscribe. If you’re doing anything for your your own business, a light like a court press releases are incredibly powerful content marketing through press releases are incredibly powerful. So even if you’re your own business owner, as opposed to like an agency or a marketing consultant, using press releases, frequently and often is going to be very, very powerful for your business, we’ve seen it time and again. So I would say if even if you’re a business owner, or definitely if you’re a consultant or an agency that you should look at to get your own subscription, you can buy press releases from us at in our store, mgyb.co, and they’re one-off press releases for a very good price. And you still get the benefit of having that press release published, which drives a lot of links. It can get a lot of traffic and all that kind of stuff. But if you’re going to be doing volume, which you should be doing because they are so powerful, it should be an integral part of your content marketing strategy, you should have your own subscription period. And we stand by that statement. So it’s a great service, I highly recommend you go check it out. Check out the webinar if you want to see all of what it can do for you. Otherwise, just go straight to the checkout page and subscribe.
Bradley: Did you drop the link? Adam? I assume you did.
Adam: Yeah. Did the webinar replay page is on there. And I think we are good to go. Are there any other announcements? Yes. I don’t.
Bradley: I don’t have any. I’m ready for questions.
Marco: Yeah, I have a comment. Our shit works, period.
Bradley: Boom. All right, I’m taking the screen. Let’s do it.
Bradley: Okay, cool. We probably have some new listeners or watchers, viewers, audience members, whatever. Because I did a podcast with Tommy, Tommy Mellow has a podcast, which does handle a whole bunch of home service type contractors and got a really good response from that. And so anybody that’s here from Tommy mellows podcast, welcome. Come back, post off, you know, post questions here often about anything that has to do with your contracting businesses as far as marketing, getting better results, lead generation, that kind of stuff, we’re happy to answer them. And again, definitely, you know, engage with us, and we’ll try to help you out as much as we can.
How To Use Google My Business Page To Promote A Hardwood Floor And Staircase Renovation Business?
So Alright, so the first question I see comes from Scott n, and I’m assuming this may be one of them. I have a hardwood floor and staircase renovation business, my main point of interest is to learn how to best utilize the Google My Business Page to get the most out of the account. So that’s really good. Now, there are a few things that I would recommend, number one if you heard the beginning of this webinar, or today’s Hump Day Hangout right now is not really a good time to be doing a whole lot of editing of your Google My Business Page, right. So if you’ve got it already, and it’s running, that’s great. I would recommend that you really stick to just doing Google My Business posts or GMB posts right now, and not do a lot of editing of the page itself or the profile. because things are being suspended. Right now Google is on a rampage to eliminate spam listings, in part because of some high profile people running their mouth, to high profile publications and getting a lot of unnecessary attention to them. And so anyway, my point is, even if you’re a legit business owner, with a legitimate business with the physical location that you can verify, I recommend that you stay the hell out of it. As far as making edits to the actual profile, at least until Google fixes its itchy trigger finger so to speak, because right now, barely, I mean, for no rhyme or reason that I know of. You go in and you make an edit of any kind and boom, it can get it can be suspended. And it’s a crapshoot every time, right? You roll the dice every time because you never know what’s going to suspend the listing or not. And, as I mentioned before, their backlog for reinstatement requests are two to three weeks currently at the moment. So if it gets suspended, you’re going to be shut out, you know, dead in the water di Tw until you can get it reinstated if they’re going to be gracious enough to reinstate it. So that’s just the caveat, I want to you know, disclaim everything here with that, number one. Number two, it really one of the best things that you can do is to Google My Business posting, right, do that frequently and often. Look for the keywords that you want, or search queries that you want to get more traffic from. Also, look at the GMB insights. And you’ll see what kind of search queries are actually bringing your maps listing exposure, and start using those search queries that are relevant more often in posts. Okay, that’s really important. And in something else, we you know, we talked about our store mgyb.co. And just for anybody that doesn’t know what mg yc stands for, that makes Google your bitch. So mgyb.co is our store. If you go there, we’ve got some products that will help help you to actually really boost your Google My Business profile. As far as you know, getting better results from it. Number one would be a syndication network. Number two would be a drive stack. And we can know, we can offer assistance as to how to get the best use out of those. For people that don’t know, those of you that are not in the SEO industry. Some of that may seem foreign to you. But really, it’s not difficult, the concept is quite easy, I’m actually going to walk through a brief example of how you can gather the type of links that you would want to promote. So your profiles within a drive stack. Drive stacks are incredibly powerful, especially for Google My Business stuff or maps ranking. So I’m going to walk through that here in just a moment. But first, I just want to say, for your Google My Business Page, really again, I would stay out of trying to edit it right now. But I would take advantage of the Google My Business posting feature. Post often, post regularly, use the search queries or the keywords that you want to get traffic from. So for example, in this case, like it might be flooring, floor restoration or floor renovation or flooring, contractors or gills notice a lot of near me keywords. near me type search queries are driving a lot of traffic to maps. So flooring contractors near me flooring restoration near me variations of near me like nearby in my area close to me, that kind of stuff. So mix and match the keywords, the types of service keywords that you want to rank for, along with near me and variations of near me. Also, if you cover a wide surface area, you want to start including some of the locations that within your service area. So location names, do it be via city names, even neighborhoods, things like burrows, districts, things like that if you have different names that you can start to include. That’s why I said there’s really no way that you can do too many posts in my opinion. That’s really important and that as far as I know, is not getting GMB suspended. I haven’t had that happen from a post yet, but I have from doing editing the profile at all. That makes sense. Okay. Marco, do you want to comment on that while I pull up some examples?
Marco: No, no, I agree. Totally. I mean, we have the train Local GMB Pro, which could be the next step. In the process except in gi in local GMB Pro, we do tell you to go and make edits and all of these other things which you shouldn’t be doing when you submit it, especially if you have a real business, right? A real, whether it’s service area, brick, and mortar, whatever it is that you have, fill it out as thoroughly as you can right at the beginning before you send for that pin. So that you don’t have to go back and mess with it. Because it’s when you start going back and messing with it that you get into problems. So that the only change that I would recommend right now is if you’re doing some that’s legitimate. Do it right the first time get you to know, use the guidelines that we set up in local GMB Pro. But do it right the first time send for that pin, make sure all the information is correct. And then it’ll come back to you. It’s your business. And if something happens, you can always go back in and get that business reinstated. Right that GMB whereas others are the problem that they’re having. And why it is a problem, to begin with, is we were just spamming in and getting a ton of businesses that didn’t really exist. But if yours does that, then you right now, the second problem is Bradley mentioned is that you’re in a queue. And until they can get to you because of spammers like Bradley. You’re waiting for three four months and excuse me weeks. And right now, whatever it is that the summer businesses, right? Well, the summer businesses, like a pest control Tree Service, anything having to do with outdoors, are in the queue, and this is like the top of the season. So they’re moving a whole lot of money. And they shouldn’t be because they have legitimate businesses. So that’s the only thing that I would add.
Bradley: Yeah, that’s my client is an outdoor pest control company. And he’s, you know, this is the peak of their season. And it’s just, it’s just really shitty. And, you know, again, we didn’t do anything spammy or wrong, it just suspended, it’s dumb. Anyways, I’m going to use home remodeling as opposed to floor restoration only because I know this industry a bit better. So I’m going to use it just as a quick example, for those of you that are, we get questions all the time about how to how to order a drive stack within MGYB. And I’m going to cover that just briefly, guys, because I’m telling you, it’s one of the very most powerful things that you can possibly do. And you can get it 100% done for you on our store. And I say that because it’s absolute truth. I started a new business about two months ago, a brand new business. And all I have done is three press releases and a drive stack. That’s it, I haven’t even done anything else to it at all is a one-page website with a drive stack and three press releases. And I’m on the number three position for the state of Virginia for my very top keyword. So and that’s just and it’s been two months. So I’m telling you, it’s incredibly powerful, you’re going to see results if you use it. So my what I want to just walk through very quickly is just give an example here. So for home remodeling, Fairfax, I use Fairfax because I’m in a rural area called Cole pepper, there’s not a lot of activity around me, but Fairfax is a very busy area in Northern Virginia. So let’s just say that your business was Daniels design and remodeling general contractor. Well, what I would do is to figure out which URLs which links you want to include or submit when you order a drive stack. You know, if you’ve been following us, you know that we recommend getting a syndication network first, and then ordering and drive stack and including your syndication network URLs, profile URLs in the or the links that you submit when you purchase the drive set. So that’s the number. But if you’re just coming to us, and you don’t know what a syndication network is, well, we’ll cover that at a different time. We’re covering drive stacks right now. But what I would do is just go to Google and use another search for Google. In this case, I was just looking for a brand that I could use as an example. So I’m going to take Daniels design and remodeling as my example. Okay, so all I’m going to do is a copy. So let’s say whatever your company name is just go to Google, paste it in, and also pasting your phone number to so not just your name, but also paste in your phone number. Alright, so this is what we’re going to do, we’re going to say that this is your business, we’re going to do a quick Google search on your brand name and your phone number. And then what we’re going to do, and apparently they got some shitty Yelp reviews, but that’s probably because of Yelp filters out all the good ones, right unless you’re a paying advertiser. So what I would do is come in here, and I would just open up these links, all the links associated with your first two pages that are, you know, obviously that are relevant links to your business.
Bradley: I would just go through and over up every single one of those links, they’re also plugins that you can use guys that will that are called like link grabbers that will actually scrape all the links off a Google search page and put them into a text file or a notepad file. But you can do this manually, just go through and click right click, open Lincoln new tab, and then just go collect all of those links, put them into a notepad file, because that’s how you submit them inside our dashboard. Anyways, once you place your order, and go through the checkout process, then you go submit your order details. And what you can do is submit a text file with all the URLs that you want including in the drive stack. So that’s all you do, I’m not going to go through this guys, you understand the point, just go through the top two pages, select all of your URLs that you want to be included in the drive stack, and put them into a text file, save it and then upload that text file as your target URL or for the order. Right, then the same thing goes for keywords. for keywords, you’re going to want to take your top level keywords that you know, including your brand name, and use those as the keywords, create a nice little text file with your keywords in there. So your top level service products and or services, some of the location names that you want to include. Also your brand name, use, make sure that that’s included in your keyword list and upload that. And then our team will go out and build you a very, very, very powerful drive stack, which are Google Drive properties that are going to be branded and themed and have your profile URL, or excuse me, your profile logo, your logo as the profile image, your header images, it’s just going to be a very, very powerful thing. And now that becomes your insulator, your SEO firewall, all of the other stuff that you can do an SEO that we would never recommend you do directly to your money site, you can now due to the drive stack, and the drive stack pushes all of that relevance back to your money site will help in your maps listing. And we’ll help you to rank that makes sense. So that’s a quick down and dirty way to figure out how to get the URL was that you’re going to submit is just go to Google use Google to tell you and just go through the top two pages. That’s all you need. What are the most powerful or authoritative branded profiles or citations in this case that Google thinks for that particular brand your brand, right, so put your brand name in your business, your phone number and click Search. just collect all the URLs from the top two pages, put them into a text file, save them, then work on your keyword lists. Again, you can find out the keywords that are bringing your traffic through your GMB insights and just select the relevant keywords. And then also if you have some search queries that you desire more traffic from add those in as well. Mark, do you want to comment on that before I move on?
Marco: Yeah, the only thing that I would add to this is that they do get a spreadsheet when they order that their syndication network. Those should also be included.
Bradley: That’s correct. And I said step one should be a syndication network but for those people are coming to us from the podcast. I just wanted to talk about the drive stacks first networks maybe we’ll cover that the beginning of next webinar. But that’s correct. Alright, so anyways, welcome Scott Scott Walker says I guess he’s asking where he’s at. Okay, cool.
What URL Do You Use In The Press Release When Boosting The Rank Of A GMB Listing?
And thanks, guys. given us a shout out Gordon says, Hey, guys, thanks again for your hump day out. Hump Day help, as usual, greatly appreciated it. Thank you, Gordon. He says this may be a dumb question, but I’ll ask anyway. When using a press release for boosting the rank of A GMB listing, is the URL that you use? Is it backlink in the PR the same as the one that you get by going to the GMB dashboard and clicking the Info tab and going to view on search or view on maps? Or is this something else? Yes. That’s the link that we suggest. I’ve shown a kind of a funky way to get that URL in the past. If you go into your info tab, and you right click on the view on maps, and copy link address or right click copy link address and paste it into a notepad file. It’s going to be an HTTPS www.google.com slash maps, question mark. See ID equals and then that’s going to be a string of numbers. And that’s the maps URL. But that’s actually a 302 redirect to the final, the correct URL for maps, which is instead of, excuse me, it’s going to be that this is what it’s going to look like. I’m just going to give you an example real quick. So it’s going to be maps google.com, forward slash maps, question mark, see ID equals and then it’s going to be a string of numbers, right? It’s going to be several numbers, something like that. Right. That’s what Google is going to give you. When you right click view on the view on maps and copy link address. All you want to do though because if you put that in a redirect checker, you’re going to see that it actually redirects with a 302 to this. That’s it, it doesn’t change anything except that it changes that map subdomain to dub dub dub. And now that’s the URL that you want to use right there. Right. And what happens is, when you actually take that URL and check it in a redirect checker, it’s going to say test, okay, there’ll be a 200. htm, code 200, which says test, okay. But if you actually go to view that URL in your address bar, like paste and go, it will, once the page loads, it actually switches to that really long, stupid, ugly URL that maps gives you when you’re viewing your map in the browser. Does that make sense? So again, it’s a straight URL, and that’s the best URL to use. So you can get it that way. By the way, by going in and getting it from your GMB dashboard. Right click, go to the Info tab, right click view on maps, and then copy link address the other way which one of our mastermind members shared this with us is to go to standby I’m looking for it now. I think it’s. Where the hell is it? Shit guys, give me a minute. Damn, somebody gave me a tool the other day. Maybe that’s it? Is that it? Let’s see this is it? Yes, that’s it. Use this one right here, guys. So this is https://www.GMBreviewsmaker.com. I’m going to paste this on the page for you guys real quick. And then I’ll show you how this works. Okay, so if you go to this, this will make it so much easier. All you gotta do is start searching. So if I say like, excuse me, guys, I got a should have muted notifications.
Adam: Oh, no, it’s fine. A Bradley. Just take the call will listen to.
Bradley: Yeah. Standby. I gotta hang up on that.
Bradley: Alright, sorry about that. All right, let me grab the screen a green screen. Again, this is the actual pretty cool tool that somebody posted from our group if I just start typing in Semantic Mastery. And it’s not going to show me now. It’s okay. You can type it you can paste in the URL as well. So let’s just go let’s go Semantic Mastery. And why is it not showing our knowledge base? Wasn’t that some shit? Let’s do it over here. Let’s just use this guy. So let’s go to his map. We’re going to grab the share URL here. Paste that in. And let’s see why is it not? Okay, so for some reason, we can’t find your business and drop down hit to code, place it Okay, there we go hit the code place ID and then enter in your map URL, wherever that goes are right there and click the code place ID. And what it does is it brings that URL back right here, the same one. That makes sense. So it’s this is the same one.
But like I said if you grab that URL right there, and you go to a redirect checker, so let’s go to like https://www.redirectdetective.com, for example. And you’ll see that that’s what I was talking about. This actually does a redirect through a 302 to the same version of the URL, but it’s just www.google.com as opposed to maps. google.com. Does that make sense? So if all you got to do is take this URL here, and swap that this out with the www, and it ends up being the URL that you want to use, right? So again, or Here we go. You can always copy it from the redirect checker. And that’s what it looks like. Does that make sense? And now if we take this URL, and we put it in the browser bar, click paste and go, you’ll see that once the page loads, it’s going to automatically switch to this long, ugly thing. That makes sense. So again, that which is a cleaner URL to use this one, certainly as much cleaner than this one. So this is the URL that I used to build links to. Okay. That’s a good question.
Do You Use The Same URL For Press Release And Video Embeds On A GMB Listing?
Bradley: Moving on. Okay, Gordon says when you post a backlink on an embedded page, on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing. When you post a backlink on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing is the same URL used for PR a different URL. Thanks. I don’t understand that question. Gordon, sorry. Does anybody can anybody decipher that question? For me?
Marco: If he’s talking about the video for PRs, it’s I don’t know if you could use a GMB URL for the video. I think they’re using it. They said Vimeo and YouTube, the other page right now about embedding on a press release. Is that what you mean? Yeah, I think that’s what this means. I don’t know. You’ll have to clear it up. Yeah, I’m just taking it as that what it means to be talking about the video that you can embed, the URL that there may be is that any YouTube video URL or a Vimeo URL. That’s what they’ll embed.
Bradley: Yeah, I’m not sure I understand the question. I’m not sure if that was it or not. But thanks, Marco for attempting. So yeah, if you can clarify, Gordon, that’s great. If not, that’s fine.
What SEO Strategies Would You Apply For A Wix Site OF A National Insurance Leads Provider?
So Muhammad’s up, he said, What’s up, mom? And by the way, he said, Hey, guys, what do we do with a client that has a Wix site run away? Now? I’m kidding. I’m pretty close to signing a national insurance leads provider, but I’ve just noticed the site was Wix. What’s the best course of action here? Can I still follow the battle plan and SM methods in general on wigs? Would it have the same effect? Yeah. I mean, it can, yes. Um, you know, there’s not much you can do about that, if that’s what they’re on. I believe Wix has an RSS feed. So you can still use that for blogging and everything else. I am personally not crazy about wigs. But as far as I know, you can still do everything pretty much that we recommend with WordPress, via Wix. It’s just a different type of, uh, you know, user interface and all that kind of stuff. I don’t know that Wix has any benefit, or is any worse as far as SEO stuff that you can do with it? Like the coding of it? Maybe Marco or somebody else can comment on that. But as far as I know, Wix can still be used for all the stuff that we do because it’s similar to WordPress.
Marco: Yeah, I’ve never even I think I built one. But I never followed through with it. Because it’s just learning a new platform, just as isn’t. I don’t know. There’s nothing in it for me and learning a whole new platform. So I stick with WordPress. And I’m trying to even get away from that. And what we recommend this if it doesn’t have the same functionality as WordPress, then install up a WordPress on a subdomain. Yeah, and blog from there. That’d be it. That’s that’s been our constant recommendation, since forever, when people come up with HTML or whatever else what other whatever other a CMS that you’re using outside of WordPress, or if it’s ecommerce or something, yeah, just whatever it is just do a WordPress install on a subdomain.
Bradley: Yeah, I totally agree with Marco could be like a blog.or, a news.or, something like that subdomain that you could use as the content distribution engine, essentially. You know, as I said, my new business that I was just talking about earlier, I’ve got a single page. It’s just a Click Funnels landing page. And that’s my, that’s on the root of the domain. So it’s a one-page site. So I had installed a WordPress on blog dot domain. com, essentially, and I’m using that as the blog, but I’ve only done two or three posts. So anyway, but yeah, you can do that. That’s what I would recommend.
Is Consistent Content Creation Necessary For A Wix Site Of A National Insurance Leads Provider?
But he says, following on from the previous question, is consistent content creation necessary? Still? I know, of course, it helps a ton. But assuming I still have a syndication network may do I lose a lot by not doing it? Well, I mean, we certainly recommend that you do market yours do content marketing. As like I said, If Wix has an RSS feed, but I’m pretty sure it does, you should be able to do it directly from Wix. But if you don’t like the interface, then just use the blog write blog, dot subdomain with WordPress installed. And then you can still do the same thing. I do recommend content marketing. I mean, again, guys for it. Google loves that they love the freshness, the updates the activity. You can automate, obviously, you know this mom and syndicating your network. You can automate syndicating to GMB, there’s a lot of things that you can do. So I do recommend that you get on somewhat of a content a consistent and regular content marketing schedule, although that you don’t, depending on the industry, you know, some you don’t have to do it three times a week, you could do it once a week or once every two weeks. It really just depends on the industry. But I do recommend that you are updating the blog regularly with content. The frequency is going to really depend on your competition that you’re dealing with as well as what industry you’re in. Okay.
Wayne, Clayton, you prick. Keep moving.
Do You Recommend Adding Keywords Into The iFrame?
Scott says I am in the process of placing an embed order with mg Why be question do you recommend adding keywords into the iframe? Marco? let you answer that one.
Marco: But I mean, you can.I haven’t seen it from everything that we’ve done add that much to the to whatever iframe you’re embedding, whether it’s map or video. I mean it could I’ve seen it a Google will read anything before the closing iframe tag. And so if you’re adding information in there, whether it’s schema keywords or whatever, Google will read it. The thing is, like, only SEOs do that. And it’s a really good way to get picked out. I mean, at some point, if they ever come after iframes, that would be the first thing that I would pick out anyone adding any information before that closing iframe tag because it’s mostly just SEOs that add information in there doesn’t work. I’ll be Scott nothing beats a try but fail so so we do allow you to submit keywords and Dadea will add it before the closing iframe tag. So try it out. That’s all I can tell you. Do I do it? No, I’ve hardly ever done it. We tested with it. And since we get similar results without we just don’t add extra information.
Bradley: Yeah. Correct. Alright, so the next several comments are Adam to spamming the comment box
Adam: and I roll.
Bradley: So doings got a nice meme about the bloodbath. It’s pretty cool.
Should You Complete A GMB Site Amidst Google’s Rampage Of GMB Suspensions?
Bradley: KenManich.e What’s up, Kenny says I have a new GMB. It’s a real business and above-loaded pics, logo description, etc. I haven’t built the GSB site. What do you thoughts about completing the site? Do you think that might kick off a suspension? Yeah, it may I mean, the thing is, is I haven’t had any issues with real client businesses like real bona fide businesses, GM bs until this week, and it was Monday. And that was one of those. All I did was I head up, I deleted one photo because it was showing up as a, like the primary image and mobile and the client said that he wanted a different photo. So and I don’t know how to force Google to select a different photo. So I said, Okay, well, let’s delete that one. And then I uploaded some new photos because he had some new photos recently of some of his technicians and such. And then I published the GSB website because for whatever reason that that he never had published that website for his GMB. And so I went in and publish the website, but I didn’t even add any content. It was just straight publishing. Before adding any content to it or anything. All I did was published a website and I don’t know if you know this can but when you publish the GMB website, it forces the change of the main URL for the GMB profile. From the money site to the business site GMB website URL, it forces the change with the UTM code on it to its really long and ugly, and you have to go in and then once you publish the site, you have to go edit the Info tab and change the website to back to the money site URL. And that’s all I did was I published the website didn’t even edit it. Right. All I did was then go to the Info tab. And I had to I changed the URL from the business site, which is the GMB website URL back to the money site URL. So to the branded domain, and immediately it’s suspended. And that’s where we’ve been we’ve been at ever since. You know, it’s only been a couple of days, but still, it just sucks because I didn’t do anything spammy. And it’s a legitimate business. You know, we can certainly can’t confirm and verify that, but that’s the case. So yeah, I don’t know. Honestly, I can’t tell you if it’s the GMB site that does that. Or it could have been a combination of doing both photos that day and the GMB site, I have no idea. I haven’t had any issues with legitimate businesses until this week. And now that I’ve experienced it, I’m skittish, right, I’m a bit gun shy, I don’t want to, I don’t want to really poke the bear, so to speak, you know what I mean? So I recommend and you know, until this shit settles down, which who knows when that’s going to be, I would say, try to stay out of that as much as possible and only do stuff that, you know, you can do either via API, like, posting GMB posts. Or you can probably post manually, I haven’t heard of anybody losing it from just doing the GMB post inside you know, the dashboard. But even then I might even want to do that through a manager account or content. What do they call it a site manager or something like that? Now, there are a couple of different levels that you can add additional users on one that would make more sense to be like a, I think it’s called a site manager used to be called content or communications managers or something like that. But I think they’re called site managers now. So
Will Google Treat A Subdomain As A Separate Brand Or It’s Treated As A Silo?
Okay, next is? And no, man, I guess he says, Hi, thanks for a wonderful webinar. My question is, if I use a subdomain, Google will treat it as a separate brand, or just like a silo? No, you know, it depends on how you set it up. But if you’re setting it up as a branded subdomain, you know, for example, like using what we talked about earlier, setting up a blog on a subject, you’re going to want to brand it the same. But you can also like, for example, I’ve got a lot of multi-location clients or stuff that I do, where each subdomain is we have separate subdomains for different locations. So each city has its own subdomain, so to speak, right? And that, that they’re all the same brand, but they each have their own WordPress installation or subdomain that is city specific. So but you can set up subdomains to treat them as two completely different entities if you want. So it really just depends on how you theme it and how you interlink between the subdomain and the root domain or other subdomains or all of them. Does that make sense? So the good thing is that Google does treat subdomains as separate web entities like another, in other words, separate websites, you can create the relationship, the association between the subdomain and the room if you want or the from, you know, the association with the brand. But the actual, the web asset itself, the domain itself, the subdomain is treated as a separate website if that makes sense. So that way, that you know, that’s why we do what we’ve been talking about using subdomains for like multi-location stuff for a long time because it’s a bit safer. If you put separate landing pages as internal pages of a website for multiple location stuff, and any one of your location pages catches the penalty for some reason, then it will, it can pull down the entire domain, right, it can affect all of the other locations because it affects the route as well. However, if you do stuff on subdomains, and you like, for example, have separate subdomains for each location, if anyone location gets hit by a penalty for some reason, then it will be isolated to that particular subdomain. It won’t affect the route and it won’t affect what I call sip the other sibling subdomains. So that’s why we tell you to do that. But again, it just depends on how you enter LinkedIn and what type of associations you make.
How To Use Schema And Rel=Canonical To Boost Ties Between A Reciprocal Link And The Money Site?
Jordans up, he says, related to a man’s question and reciprocal links, the blog subdomain should link heavily to the money site, right. Also, is there anything we can do to schema wise on a subdomain or rel canonical to tie it super tight to the main money site? domain? Yeah, that’s what I would do. Yeah, I mean, if you’re using a blog on, like what we talked about, for Mohammed, above, we’re like an e-commerce site or whatever. So if you’re using a subdomain name for blog, yeah, you’re gonna be using that to do like content marketing and link building from the subdomain up to the money site, typically, you’re not going to want to link back from the money site back down to the blog, it’s, you know, I mean, other than perhaps a navigation link that says blog, right, or whatever that links down to the root, or excuse me, the subdomain, but from within the individual pages and posts, now you’re going to use the subdomain to link up to the pages on the site that you want to rank. Okay. And then yeah, can article are always very powerful? You know, you can do that. It’s up to you. That is the blog link heavily to money site, but the money site not Yes, correct? That’s correct. Right, that as far as the money site, linking down, the only thing I would do is a subdomain, or excuse me, a navigation menu link that says blog that links down to that. And you know, you could do some sort of like sidebar widget for if you have, you know, for silos and things like that to show like related content and things like that you could do that on the money site. But typically that stuff that you would isolate to the blog anyway.
All right. Look, Gordon’s clarifying his question, good.
30-Day Click Funnel Challenge Update
Hernan, is the ad info information still available on Facebook pages? Is Hernan still here.
Hernan: I’m here. I’m here. Hey, can you hear me? Yes. The info and ads? I think so let me see. The adding for information is still available on Facebook pages. I’m working on the 30-day challenge and can find any info on certain business pages? Yes, I mean, they have switched that. So if you go to facebook.com/ads/library. So facebook.com/ads/library, you will be able to get like a public library of all of the ads that are being run right now. So on certain business pages, if there are running ads and whatnot, it’s still available. But some templates are like hiding it. But you know, all of the ads are being run on the platform can be found on facebook.com/ads/library. If you go there, you type in the Facebook page, and even the niche, you will be able to get a lot of intelligence out of that. So yeah, that’s basically how I do it.
Bradley: Cool, thank you.
Clarifications On The URL Used In Press Release & Video Embeds For Boosting GMB Listing
Bradley: So Gordon’s clarifying his questions. He says if you have time, here’s what I was trying to ask if I upload a video to a GMB listing and use that same video with an empty Why be in bed job is the backlink URL that is posted on each page of wherever the video is embedded the same URL used for press releases or as a different hope that clarification makes more sense. Okay. Remember in an embed, it’s not a backlink. Right? So you’re not linking to the video, you do not paste, you’re not posting the URL to the video, it’s an embed, so it’s not going to be the same. And if you’re if you upload a video to a GMB listing, then you’re going to get a GMB post URL. Not an embed code now, am I unless Marco, you said that you can embed a GMB post the correct you absolutely can. Okay. Now, I haven’t tested that where if you were to upload a video to GMB, then grab the as a GSB post, then grab the post URL, turn that into an embed, and then ask for an embed campaign for that I haven’t tested that that would actually be kind of an interesting test. Because then you’re doing an embed blast to a GSB. Post video. Does that make sense? So you could do that. Now if that’s what you’re talking about Gordon, then the URL, the iframe is going to be the same on all of the video pages or the embed pages. But you’re not going to be able to use that for press releases, not as an embed. You can use because the press releases for press advantage. You can embed a Google map, Google My Business map, and a Vimeo or YouTube video. And the way that you do it in the press release, and the press release is that for you? Well, first of all, if it’s a GMB map that you want to embed that’s how I select if you have your own subscription, when you go to submit the details for the press release to be written, there is a drop-down menu at the bottom that says, Do you want a Google Map embedded? And if you say yes, then it’s going to embed the GMB map that you have associated with the organization page. You say no, then it won’t. If you want to embed a video, then the way that you do it is you put the YouTube URL or Vimeo URL on its own line with a line break above and a line break below within the content body of the press release. Okay, and then when it publishes, it will publish as an embed. But you can’t do that with the GMB post URL. Like if you put the GMB post URL on its own line, it’s going to publish as just a URL. And unless you hyperlink that URL, it would literally just be a text URL, not hyperlinked, so just keep that in mind. Now, if you want to embed a YouTube video, then like I said, that’s, that’s all you do is put it on its own line. And then that’s going to be an embed code, it’ll convert to a competitive excuse me convert to an embed code when it publishes. That makes sense. So you can take a video that you upload to YouTube though, and upload that same file to GMB as a post as a video post. And now you’ve got the video uploaded as a GMB post. And you also have it embedded or uploaded to YouTube, which now you can use that in press releases. Ok. Ok, says I was talking about a video upload to the profile, not embedding it in a GMB post. I use such a video and Emma, can I use such a video and again, I don’t know how what you’re talking about. If you upload a video directly to GMB as like a photo, which you can do that to not a post, but you can upload it as a photo in the photo section, you can upload videos, it doesn’t give you an embed code. As far as I’m aware, it doesn’t give me an embed code. Does anybody can anybody clarify that?
Marco: You can actually embed a video in the photos section. It does overview but customer photos only up to texture, and video. So you can upload a video, then that video will have a URL. And if that video has a URL, you should be able to get an embed unless Google has a frame breaker on it. So I mean, I would have to test that and see if you could embed. I think I have one. But you’d have to test it. And then yes, you can submit that to mgyb.co. And Dadea will take that and he’ll run an embed gig on that. That URL as long as it’s an embeddable URL. Right.
Bradley: Okay, I think that’s complicating Gordon a bit. I don’t understand exactly what it is that you’re trying to do. But I do know that you can upload a video to GMB directly as not a post, I get that that’s fine, you can do that. I don’t know that you can get a share URL for it, but I didn’t know that you could get. I don’t know that that is embeddable.
Marco: I’m checking right now.
Bradley: Okay, cool.
Marco: I’m checking right right now and I’m saving the file, hang on a second.
Bradley: Because like clicking the photos, for example, just click on that photo, and we click Share. This is the share URL here. I don’t know if that would actually embed. So I’m it’s the same type of link that you get from uploaded videos my point. And I don’t know that that would embed. So you’d have to play with it and see. And that’s what Marco said he’s doing now.
Marco: No, no, it’s not coming up.
Bradley: It breaks it, doesn’t it?
Marco: It’s Yeah, it has a breaker. Yeah. Oh, fuck,
Bradley: yeah. So you’re better off uploading it as a GMB post, video post, and then taking the post URL and turning that into an embed. Right. So anyway, all right. Well, looks like there are no more questions. So if we don’t have any more questions, we can wrap it up about five minutes early. I’m okay with that. Are you guys okay with that?
Adam: I’m going with it in the woods.
Bradley: Okay. All right. All right. Well, everybody. Thanks. Thanks for being here. We’ve got mastermind webinar tomorrow. Don’t forget if you’re in the mastermind, 3:30 pm. We’ll see you all there. Thanks for everybody being here. Thanks, guys.
Hernan: We’ll see you guys.
Adam: And before we hop off, Bradley, we’re going to be going over some sales stuff with mastermind tomorrow.
Bradley: Yes, that’s right. Each one of us is going to chime in on that.
Adam: Awesome. I’m gonna get my slides out. Get that stuff and the slides, but I got some good stuff. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Bradley: That’s right. That’s why you asked to edit that. Today, I was wondering why I was like what’s going on with that? Now? I remember so I’ve got to prepare for that. I appreciate you mentioning that.
Adam: Yeah, no problem. Yeah, Mastery, everyone else mastermind members can get a little inside look into how we do sales individually. Since everyone’s a little bit different. And you know, there’s a lot of templates out there. But it’s a different thing, I think to hear people say exactly kind of what they do in order to, you know, move from prospect to actually close deals. So looking forward to chatting with you guys about that tomorrow. Yeah, definitely.
Marco: That’s gonna be a good one. I’m looking forward to definitely.
Bradley: see y'all then take it easy, guys later.
Bye. Bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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oasisoptimization · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242
Click on the video above to watch Episode 242 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, well hangouts are still here. We are going to be live on hangouts with Hump Day hangouts Episode 242. Yeah, we're just gonna, we're going to switch to tin cans and strings and how.
Hernan: There you go.
Adam: Well, with that, thanks for being here, and we're going to jump right into it and just say, first of all, thanks for watching Hump Day Hangouts. Whether you're catching this as a replay, whether you are joining us live, if you are live, go ahead. If you got any questions, pop them on the page. Say hello. Help post your favorite GIF. Do whatever you want to do. Let me take that back. Don't do whatever you want to do. At least like PG 13 maybe.
Bradley: At least keep it relevant.
Adam: Yeah, well, real quick. Let's go down the line. Say hello to everybody. We got everybody here today. I think Chris is hanging out so he doesn't die of heat exhaustion. But so we'll start with him before he passes out. How are you doing Chris?
Chris: Yeah, then good. had to move forward to the seller because like I don't know the heat wave is like quite unbearable for me. I still don't know why people love summer that much. More of a person. Yeah, rest. Life is good. Otherwise.
Adam: Coco Hernan, How about yourself? You're kind of the opposite, right?
Hernan: Yeah, dude, I'm freezing my ass. But on the good note. I think that if I'm the Hangout goes away. We can do like you porn type of streaming, you know, and embed that in the page. Now I'm pretty cool. Yeah. Anyways, I'm great. Dude. I'm awesome. I'm just really looking forward to POFU Live 2019. That's coming. He's coming in hot. We had a really cool. We had a really cool event last year. And we are going to make it cooler this year. So it's going to be pretty cool. So
Adam: yeah, definitely. We're going to talk some more about that. But if you're not sure what it is, one, stay tuned. And then secondly, go over to pokey live.com which will actually work now I got the domain resolve so you can actually they type in hopefully live and get there. So go check that out. Marco, How about yourself? How are you doing, man?
Marco: What's up, man? Just to get the question out of the way. Our Hump Day hangouts going away?
Adam: No, oh,
Bradley: no. No.
Marco: Before we get asked 1000 times on be the first person to ask it. I'll be done with Hump Day hangout on my watch. Just making sure I took
Bradley: I took off last week because I had a meeting that I couldn't get out of. And I feel I felt like something was missing the entire damn week because this is Episode 242. And this is only the second episode I've missed out of 242. And so it's you know, it's Wednesday's aren't the same without Hump Day Hangout. So no, we're not taking them away. We're just saying that Hangouts On Air is going away. So we're going to have to figure out a new way to stream and answer questions, which is fine. We'll adapt. We always do.
Marco: Yeah. Anyway. Life's good. Costa Rica is good. the weather's good. Have a nice little earthquake last night. 66263 woke me up at around one-two in the morning. You know, shaken and bacon. But otherwise? Things are good.
Adam: That's good. I'm glad you guys are all right. That's getting up there. That's not a tiny one.
Marco: Now I was off on the coast. No worries.
Adam: Good deal. Bradley, you. You're still with us too I guess weather and everything treating your it.
Bradley: Everything's good man. Life is good. Can't complain. A lot of good things going on. Right now. We're doing some pretty cool stuff in the mastermind, which by the way, guys, we have a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we'll be covering some stuff in there. I'm also starting a small group training inside the mastermind for some select members that it's going to be really cool for they're going to be kind of learning the new business model that I'm into. Because it's so lucrative. So that's a lot of fun. Just got a lot of exciting stuff going on right now. Oh, do want to talk about something else though. GMBs are certainly on a rampage. Google is on a rampage right now suspending shit, that's even 100% legit for no reason. I actually had my first client site or GMB suspended just two days ago for doing nothing other than uploading a photo. And it was dumb. It was just it's stupid. And I've got it in the reinstatement request going on. And they sent a message back to said originally that they'll you know, reply within 24 hours. Then within 24 hours, I got a follow-up reply that said we have a huge backlog of reconsideration, reinstatement requests that we're trying to work through, and it will be we're backlogged up to three or two to three weeks. So my clients pissed, but he understands I didn't do anything. You know, it's spammy. It's just, it's just Google My Business is broken right now, guys. So now we have to switch strategies up, I would recommend staying out of them as much as possible, try not to edit them at all, if possible, until they get their shit together. It's just, it's a bloodbath out there right now. So just keep that in mind. So I didn't want to give that update. We gotta shift our strategy to adapt with whatever, whatever comes. And this is, um, this is not a very good time for Google My Business stuff for sure.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. There are more questions about that, too. If anyone watching has some questions, go ahead and pop that in there. I mean, obviously, it's a big topic we've been covering. It's a great way to conduct lead gen like we've been talking about. And just because this is happening doesn't mean this is the way it's always going to be things change, just like it became, you know, a great tool to use and it may swing back that way. So real quick to just want to say if you're new to Semantic Mastery, thanks for joining us for Hump Day Hangouts. Again, whether you're live or watching the replay. If you're here, you're in the right place, you can always go to https://www.semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask your questions ahead of time, in case you can't watch it live. So each week, you can pop those on there will answer them or point you in the right direction. If we can't get you a specific answer. Other than that, though, the next thing people ask us is, you know, hey, where should I start with Semantic Mastery besides coming home to hang out What should I do? Go get the Battle Plan, go to https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com and if you're ready to move on from that, take things up a few notches come join our MasterMind, alright, if you're looking to form a strong network, if you're looking to either start or grow your own digital marketing agency or if you're a business owner that wants to grow it as well that I'll also comprise a number of our members. Come check out the mastermind https://www.mastermind.semanticmastery.com. You can find out more about that. And then if you're looking for Done For You services like syndication networks, RYS drive stacks, links, embeds all that good stuff, go to mgyb.co for your premium done for you SEO services. And last but not least, hook us up, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you guys are over there, you're watching clips or whatever, just check, just click the subscribe button. Stay update helps us and helps us stay on top of important questions whether it's SEO, its other digital marketing questions, funnels, Facebook ads, whatever it is that's going on, we put out a ton of content and we love that people watch it. So help us out and subscribe over there.
POFU Live 2019 Guests
So real quick, we mentioned POFU Live, I want to touch base on this real quick for everyone. We just tomorrow or for if you're a subscriber, you're going to see an email about that. And I just wanted to talk real quick because we just got that up and running. We're just starting ticket sales mastermind members got the first crack at getting their tickets. And we've got two out of the three speakers that we can announce there on the page. So it's no secret if you go there, but I wanted to touch base on this. Jeffrey Smith is going to be joining us again. All right. He was Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so he's going to be joining us again, really pumped to have Jeffrey back. He joined us last year for the first POFU Live gave a killer talk. He was a blast. He was there all weekend, hanging out talking to people dropping some bombs and some great gold nuggets, there are some information. And he's going to be coming back and doing it again. So really looking forward to that. And then Adam Benjamin is not only a because he's got a great first name. But also He's the founder of Brain Hickey, this guy is a killer copywriter. He's got a lot of real-world experience dealing with clients both at scale and with high ticket, high-end clients, tons of information, tons of knowledge he's going to share. So looking forward to having him he's a Colorado local. So he's going to come down and help us in Denver and be pitching in and dropping some knowledge there too. And then we are going to have potentially a third and maybe even a fourth guest speaker who we will be announcing in the coming days. But the reason I bring this up to you is if you want to go to poker, you live in Denver and October 11 12th and 13th of this year, you're going to want to get your tickets in the next week or two, shortly after the Fourth of July week, the prices are going to be going up, we want to offer you an early bird discount. It's our way of saying thank you if you get the tickets now helps us plan accordingly. And we can do this a lot easier. So as again, our way of saying thank you is we offer you a lower price for that. But as soon as that's over, prices are going to go up. There's no you know, special offers coming. There's no you know, last-minute sale, anything like that.
Bradley: Yeah, the way just quickly to clarify, our events are not pitched fest guys, it's not like you're going to come to our event, we're going to pitch you additional training and products and the speakers are going to be pitching training and products. It's not how it works with it's a training event. You know, if you want to reach out to any of them afterward, and you know, pursue what they have available, that's perfectly fine. It's up to you. But it's not about that it's about training. It's going to be a really good event. You know, we talked about holistic business building, right. So it's not just about SEO or this or that it's about the overall building a business, scaling a business, sustaining a business, all of that. So again, we would highly recommend if anybody's interested to Get your tickets now because it's going to go up after the Fourth of July ish area timeframe. So now would be a good time to get them at their lowest price.
Adam: Definitely. And I mean, I will just say to it's a good time, you know, you can go These are real people on the pages, the real attendees from last year, you know, we can tell you about it. And if you have questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected] will answer them. Or you can ask them here on Hump Day Hangouts. But you can go and see what other people had to say about the event. You know, a lot of really good points, people got a lot out of it and a lot out of each other the networking that happened there, just like being in the mastermind, a lot of the power comes from the people you meet there the connections, you meet the ideas that are generated in that kind of smaller group setting. So really looking forward to doing that again, and narrowing down the list for the VIP day. That last time was a blast, we did a kr a chartered brewery tour in Washington, DC. And this year, we're going to be in Denver. So I'm looking at something else I've got it narrowed down to a couple but I think it's going to be just as fun. It's a good way to get to meet everybody, relax, to have fun, get introduced, get up speed and then hit the ground running the next day for the main event.
Press Release Advantage Webinar
Bradley: Sweet. Yeah. Are we going to let's talk briefly about the press advantage webinar? If we can,
Adam: Oh, definitely. Yeah, you want to fill people in case they missed that brother.
Bradley: Okay, uh, if you guys didn't see it on Monday, we had Jeremy, the developer or one of the codeveloper of press advantage on and you guys know, we been pitching or using press advantage I have been for many years actually. But we did a promotion for press advantage when they when he kind of relaunched it as two dot o at the end of September last year. And so we're talking, you know, eight months ago, and he was gracious enough to come on on Monday to open up a very, very good offer. Again, for people that want to subscribe have their own subscription to press the advantage, which there were two different levels, there's one level which is three done for your press. So written for you press releases on a monthly basis for 350 bucks, which gives you the ability to have an organization page, which, if you followed any of our training, that is an integral part of what we do, we use that organization page as a very powerful tier one property branded property. Very, very powerful. And a lot of things that you can do with it are powerful as well. Then there's the other offer, which was amazing that he swore up and down, he wouldn't open up again, the previous time that he in September when we did the webinar, but I did twist his arm and he opened it up again. And that was for 497 a month you get six written for you press releases and unlimited, write them, write it yourself, press releases, or submit yourself. But here's the catch that I mean, there's no catch. But you can buy additional press release writing services from press advantage for 50 bucks. So essentially, you get six for 497 a month. And then you can buy each additional one for 50 bucks, or you can go out and get your own writer and all that. But I'm telling you the best and most efficient way to run it is to just use the writers. And anyway, we did a webinar with him and ended up going two hours. Again, there's a lot of new and additional features that have been implemented since September when we did it the first time. And so we cover all here, he covers all of that. And I you know, I comment along in the webinar, if you want to watch it. Otherwise, just skip to the end or, you know, go to the sales page or the checkout page, I should say and subscribe. If you're doing anything for your your own business, a light like a court press releases are incredibly powerful content marketing through press releases are incredibly powerful. So even if you're your own business owner, as opposed to like an agency or a marketing consultant, using press releases, frequently and often is going to be very, very powerful for your business, we've seen it time and again. So I would say if even if you're a business owner, or definitely if you're a consultant or an agency that you should look at to get your own subscription, you can buy press releases from us at in our store, mgyb.co, and they're one-off press releases for a very good price. And you still get the benefit of having that press release published, which drives a lot of links. It can get a lot of traffic and all that kind of stuff. But if you're going to be doing volume, which you should be doing because they are so powerful, it should be an integral part of your content marketing strategy, you should have your own subscription period. And we stand by that statement. So it's a great service, I highly recommend you go check it out. Check out the webinar if you want to see all of what it can do for you. Otherwise, just go straight to the checkout page and subscribe.
Bradley: Did you drop the link? Adam? I assume you did.
Adam: Yeah. Did the webinar replay page is on there. And I think we are good to go. Are there any other announcements? Yes. I don't.
Bradley: I don't have any. I'm ready for questions.
Marco: Yeah, I have a comment. Our shit works, period.
Bradley: Boom. All right, I'm taking the screen. Let's do it.
Bradley: Okay, cool. We probably have some new listeners or watchers, viewers, audience members, whatever. Because I did a podcast with Tommy, Tommy Mellow has a podcast, which does handle a whole bunch of home service type contractors and got a really good response from that. And so anybody that's here from Tommy mellows podcast, welcome. Come back, post off, you know, post questions here often about anything that has to do with your contracting businesses as far as marketing, getting better results, lead generation, that kind of stuff, we're happy to answer them. And again, definitely, you know, engage with us, and we'll try to help you out as much as we can.
How To Use Google My Business Page To Promote A Hardwood Floor And Staircase Renovation Business?
So Alright, so the first question I see comes from Scott n, and I'm assuming this may be one of them. I have a hardwood floor and staircase renovation business, my main point of interest is to learn how to best utilize the Google My Business Page to get the most out of the account. So that's really good. Now, there are a few things that I would recommend, number one if you heard the beginning of this webinar, or today's Hump Day Hangout right now is not really a good time to be doing a whole lot of editing of your Google My Business Page, right. So if you've got it already, and it's running, that's great. I would recommend that you really stick to just doing Google My Business posts or GMB posts right now, and not do a lot of editing of the page itself or the profile. because things are being suspended. Right now Google is on a rampage to eliminate spam listings, in part because of some high profile people running their mouth, to high profile publications and getting a lot of unnecessary attention to them. And so anyway, my point is, even if you're a legit business owner, with a legitimate business with the physical location that you can verify, I recommend that you stay the hell out of it. As far as making edits to the actual profile, at least until Google fixes its itchy trigger finger so to speak, because right now, barely, I mean, for no rhyme or reason that I know of. You go in and you make an edit of any kind and boom, it can get it can be suspended. And it's a crapshoot every time, right? You roll the dice every time because you never know what's going to suspend the listing or not. And, as I mentioned before, their backlog for reinstatement requests are two to three weeks currently at the moment. So if it gets suspended, you're going to be shut out, you know, dead in the water di Tw until you can get it reinstated if they're going to be gracious enough to reinstate it. So that's just the caveat, I want to you know, disclaim everything here with that, number one. Number two, it really one of the best things that you can do is to Google My Business posting, right, do that frequently and often. Look for the keywords that you want, or search queries that you want to get more traffic from. Also, look at the GMB insights. And you'll see what kind of search queries are actually bringing your maps listing exposure, and start using those search queries that are relevant more often in posts. Okay, that's really important. And in something else, we you know, we talked about our store mgyb.co. And just for anybody that doesn't know what mg yc stands for, that makes Google your bitch. So mgyb.co is our store. If you go there, we've got some products that will help help you to actually really boost your Google My Business profile. As far as you know, getting better results from it. Number one would be a syndication network. Number two would be a drive stack. And we can know, we can offer assistance as to how to get the best use out of those. For people that don't know, those of you that are not in the SEO industry. Some of that may seem foreign to you. But really, it's not difficult, the concept is quite easy, I'm actually going to walk through a brief example of how you can gather the type of links that you would want to promote. So your profiles within a drive stack. Drive stacks are incredibly powerful, especially for Google My Business stuff or maps ranking. So I'm going to walk through that here in just a moment. But first, I just want to say, for your Google My Business Page, really again, I would stay out of trying to edit it right now. But I would take advantage of the Google My Business posting feature. Post often, post regularly, use the search queries or the keywords that you want to get traffic from. So for example, in this case, like it might be flooring, floor restoration or floor renovation or flooring, contractors or gills notice a lot of near me keywords. near me type search queries are driving a lot of traffic to maps. So flooring contractors near me flooring restoration near me variations of near me like nearby in my area close to me, that kind of stuff. So mix and match the keywords, the types of service keywords that you want to rank for, along with near me and variations of near me. Also, if you cover a wide surface area, you want to start including some of the locations that within your service area. So location names, do it be via city names, even neighborhoods, things like burrows, districts, things like that if you have different names that you can start to include. That's why I said there's really no way that you can do too many posts in my opinion. That's really important and that as far as I know, is not getting GMB suspended. I haven't had that happen from a post yet, but I have from doing editing the profile at all. That makes sense. Okay. Marco, do you want to comment on that while I pull up some examples?
Marco: No, no, I agree. Totally. I mean, we have the train Local GMB Pro, which could be the next step. In the process except in gi in local GMB Pro, we do tell you to go and make edits and all of these other things which you shouldn't be doing when you submit it, especially if you have a real business, right? A real, whether it's service area, brick, and mortar, whatever it is that you have, fill it out as thoroughly as you can right at the beginning before you send for that pin. So that you don't have to go back and mess with it. Because it's when you start going back and messing with it that you get into problems. So that the only change that I would recommend right now is if you're doing some that's legitimate. Do it right the first time get you to know, use the guidelines that we set up in local GMB Pro. But do it right the first time send for that pin, make sure all the information is correct. And then it'll come back to you. It's your business. And if something happens, you can always go back in and get that business reinstated. Right that GMB whereas others are the problem that they're having. And why it is a problem, to begin with, is we were just spamming in and getting a ton of businesses that didn't really exist. But if yours does that, then you right now, the second problem is Bradley mentioned is that you're in a queue. And until they can get to you because of spammers like Bradley. You're waiting for three four months and excuse me weeks. And right now, whatever it is that the summer businesses, right? Well, the summer businesses, like a pest control Tree Service, anything having to do with outdoors, are in the queue, and this is like the top of the season. So they're moving a whole lot of money. And they shouldn't be because they have legitimate businesses. So that's the only thing that I would add.
Bradley: Yeah, that's my client is an outdoor pest control company. And he's, you know, this is the peak of their season. And it's just, it's just really shitty. And, you know, again, we didn't do anything spammy or wrong, it just suspended, it's dumb. Anyways, I'm going to use home remodeling as opposed to floor restoration only because I know this industry a bit better. So I'm going to use it just as a quick example, for those of you that are, we get questions all the time about how to how to order a drive stack within MGYB. And I'm going to cover that just briefly, guys, because I'm telling you, it's one of the very most powerful things that you can possibly do. And you can get it 100% done for you on our store. And I say that because it's absolute truth. I started a new business about two months ago, a brand new business. And all I have done is three press releases and a drive stack. That's it, I haven't even done anything else to it at all is a one-page website with a drive stack and three press releases. And I'm on the number three position for the state of Virginia for my very top keyword. So and that's just and it's been two months. So I'm telling you, it's incredibly powerful, you're going to see results if you use it. So my what I want to just walk through very quickly is just give an example here. So for home remodeling, Fairfax, I use Fairfax because I'm in a rural area called Cole pepper, there's not a lot of activity around me, but Fairfax is a very busy area in Northern Virginia. So let's just say that your business was Daniels design and remodeling general contractor. Well, what I would do is to figure out which URLs which links you want to include or submit when you order a drive stack. You know, if you've been following us, you know that we recommend getting a syndication network first, and then ordering and drive stack and including your syndication network URLs, profile URLs in the or the links that you submit when you purchase the drive set. So that's the number. But if you're just coming to us, and you don't know what a syndication network is, well, we'll cover that at a different time. We're covering drive stacks right now. But what I would do is just go to Google and use another search for Google. In this case, I was just looking for a brand that I could use as an example. So I'm going to take Daniels design and remodeling as my example. Okay, so all I'm going to do is a copy. So let's say whatever your company name is just go to Google, paste it in, and also pasting your phone number to so not just your name, but also paste in your phone number. Alright, so this is what we're going to do, we're going to say that this is your business, we're going to do a quick Google search on your brand name and your phone number. And then what we're going to do, and apparently they got some shitty Yelp reviews, but that's probably because of Yelp filters out all the good ones, right unless you're a paying advertiser. So what I would do is come in here, and I would just open up these links, all the links associated with your first two pages that are, you know, obviously that are relevant links to your business.
Bradley: I would just go through and over up every single one of those links, they're also plugins that you can use guys that will that are called like link grabbers that will actually scrape all the links off a Google search page and put them into a text file or a notepad file. But you can do this manually, just go through and click right click, open Lincoln new tab, and then just go collect all of those links, put them into a notepad file, because that's how you submit them inside our dashboard. Anyways, once you place your order, and go through the checkout process, then you go submit your order details. And what you can do is submit a text file with all the URLs that you want including in the drive stack. So that's all you do, I'm not going to go through this guys, you understand the point, just go through the top two pages, select all of your URLs that you want to be included in the drive stack, and put them into a text file, save it and then upload that text file as your target URL or for the order. Right, then the same thing goes for keywords. for keywords, you're going to want to take your top level keywords that you know, including your brand name, and use those as the keywords, create a nice little text file with your keywords in there. So your top level service products and or services, some of the location names that you want to include. Also your brand name, use, make sure that that's included in your keyword list and upload that. And then our team will go out and build you a very, very, very powerful drive stack, which are Google Drive properties that are going to be branded and themed and have your profile URL, or excuse me, your profile logo, your logo as the profile image, your header images, it's just going to be a very, very powerful thing. And now that becomes your insulator, your SEO firewall, all of the other stuff that you can do an SEO that we would never recommend you do directly to your money site, you can now due to the drive stack, and the drive stack pushes all of that relevance back to your money site will help in your maps listing. And we'll help you to rank that makes sense. So that's a quick down and dirty way to figure out how to get the URL was that you're going to submit is just go to Google use Google to tell you and just go through the top two pages. That's all you need. What are the most powerful or authoritative branded profiles or citations in this case that Google thinks for that particular brand your brand, right, so put your brand name in your business, your phone number and click Search. just collect all the URLs from the top two pages, put them into a text file, save them, then work on your keyword lists. Again, you can find out the keywords that are bringing your traffic through your GMB insights and just select the relevant keywords. And then also if you have some search queries that you desire more traffic from add those in as well. Mark, do you want to comment on that before I move on?
Marco: Yeah, the only thing that I would add to this is that they do get a spreadsheet when they order that their syndication network. Those should also be included.
Bradley: That's correct. And I said step one should be a syndication network but for those people are coming to us from the podcast. I just wanted to talk about the drive stacks first networks maybe we'll cover that the beginning of next webinar. But that's correct. Alright, so anyways, welcome Scott Scott Walker says I guess he's asking where he's at. Okay, cool.
What URL Do You Use In The Press Release When Boosting The Rank Of A GMB Listing?
And thanks, guys. given us a shout out Gordon says, Hey, guys, thanks again for your hump day out. Hump Day help, as usual, greatly appreciated it. Thank you, Gordon. He says this may be a dumb question, but I'll ask anyway. When using a press release for boosting the rank of A GMB listing, is the URL that you use? Is it backlink in the PR the same as the one that you get by going to the GMB dashboard and clicking the Info tab and going to view on search or view on maps? Or is this something else? Yes. That's the link that we suggest. I've shown a kind of a funky way to get that URL in the past. If you go into your info tab, and you right click on the view on maps, and copy link address or right click copy link address and paste it into a notepad file. It's going to be an HTTPS www.google.com slash maps, question mark. See ID equals and then that's going to be a string of numbers. And that's the maps URL. But that's actually a 302 redirect to the final, the correct URL for maps, which is instead of, excuse me, it's going to be that this is what it's going to look like. I'm just going to give you an example real quick. So it's going to be maps google.com, forward slash maps, question mark, see ID equals and then it's going to be a string of numbers, right? It's going to be several numbers, something like that. Right. That's what Google is going to give you. When you right click view on the view on maps and copy link address. All you want to do though because if you put that in a redirect checker, you're going to see that it actually redirects with a 302 to this. That's it, it doesn't change anything except that it changes that map subdomain to dub dub dub. And now that's the URL that you want to use right there. Right. And what happens is, when you actually take that URL and check it in a redirect checker, it's going to say test, okay, there'll be a 200. htm, code 200, which says test, okay. But if you actually go to view that URL in your address bar, like paste and go, it will, once the page loads, it actually switches to that really long, stupid, ugly URL that maps gives you when you're viewing your map in the browser. Does that make sense? So again, it's a straight URL, and that's the best URL to use. So you can get it that way. By the way, by going in and getting it from your GMB dashboard. Right click, go to the Info tab, right click view on maps, and then copy link address the other way which one of our mastermind members shared this with us is to go to standby I'm looking for it now. I think it's. Where the hell is it? Shit guys, give me a minute. Damn, somebody gave me a tool the other day. Maybe that's it? Is that it? Let's see this is it? Yes, that's it. Use this one right here, guys. So this is https://www.GMBreviewsmaker.com. I'm going to paste this on the page for you guys real quick. And then I'll show you how this works. Okay, so if you go to this, this will make it so much easier. All you gotta do is start searching. So if I say like, excuse me, guys, I got a should have muted notifications.
Adam: Oh, no, it's fine. A Bradley. Just take the call will listen to.
Bradley: Yeah. Standby. I gotta hang up on that.
Bradley: Alright, sorry about that. All right, let me grab the screen a green screen. Again, this is the actual pretty cool tool that somebody posted from our group if I just start typing in Semantic Mastery. And it's not going to show me now. It's okay. You can type it you can paste in the URL as well. So let's just go let's go Semantic Mastery. And why is it not showing our knowledge base? Wasn't that some shit? Let's do it over here. Let's just use this guy. So let's go to his map. We're going to grab the share URL here. Paste that in. And let's see why is it not? Okay, so for some reason, we can't find your business and drop down hit to code, place it Okay, there we go hit the code place ID and then enter in your map URL, wherever that goes are right there and click the code place ID. And what it does is it brings that URL back right here, the same one. That makes sense. So it's this is the same one.
But like I said if you grab that URL right there, and you go to a redirect checker, so let's go to like https://www.redirectdetective.com, for example. And you'll see that that's what I was talking about. This actually does a redirect through a 302 to the same version of the URL, but it's just www.google.com as opposed to maps. google.com. Does that make sense? So if all you got to do is take this URL here, and swap that this out with the www, and it ends up being the URL that you want to use, right? So again, or Here we go. You can always copy it from the redirect checker. And that's what it looks like. Does that make sense? And now if we take this URL, and we put it in the browser bar, click paste and go, you'll see that once the page loads, it's going to automatically switch to this long, ugly thing. That makes sense. So again, that which is a cleaner URL to use this one, certainly as much cleaner than this one. So this is the URL that I used to build links to. Okay. That's a good question.
Do You Use The Same URL For Press Release And Video Embeds On A GMB Listing?
Bradley: Moving on. Okay, Gordon says when you post a backlink on an embedded page, on an embed page of a video you've uploaded to the GMB listing. When you post a backlink on an embed page of a video you've uploaded to the GMB listing is the same URL used for PR a different URL. Thanks. I don't understand that question. Gordon, sorry. Does anybody can anybody decipher that question? For me?
Marco: If he's talking about the video for PRs, it's I don't know if you could use a GMB URL for the video. I think they're using it. They said Vimeo and YouTube, the other page right now about embedding on a press release. Is that what you mean? Yeah, I think that's what this means. I don't know. You'll have to clear it up. Yeah, I'm just taking it as that what it means to be talking about the video that you can embed, the URL that there may be is that any YouTube video URL or a Vimeo URL. That's what they'll embed.
Bradley: Yeah, I'm not sure I understand the question. I'm not sure if that was it or not. But thanks, Marco for attempting. So yeah, if you can clarify, Gordon, that's great. If not, that's fine.
What SEO Strategies Would You Apply For A Wix Site OF A National Insurance Leads Provider?
So Muhammad's up, he said, What's up, mom? And by the way, he said, Hey, guys, what do we do with a client that has a Wix site run away? Now? I'm kidding. I'm pretty close to signing a national insurance leads provider, but I've just noticed the site was Wix. What's the best course of action here? Can I still follow the battle plan and SM methods in general on wigs? Would it have the same effect? Yeah. I mean, it can, yes. Um, you know, there's not much you can do about that, if that's what they're on. I believe Wix has an RSS feed. So you can still use that for blogging and everything else. I am personally not crazy about wigs. But as far as I know, you can still do everything pretty much that we recommend with WordPress, via Wix. It's just a different type of, uh, you know, user interface and all that kind of stuff. I don't know that Wix has any benefit, or is any worse as far as SEO stuff that you can do with it? Like the coding of it? Maybe Marco or somebody else can comment on that. But as far as I know, Wix can still be used for all the stuff that we do because it's similar to WordPress.
Marco: Yeah, I've never even I think I built one. But I never followed through with it. Because it's just learning a new platform, just as isn't. I don't know. There's nothing in it for me and learning a whole new platform. So I stick with WordPress. And I'm trying to even get away from that. And what we recommend this if it doesn't have the same functionality as WordPress, then install up a WordPress on a subdomain. Yeah, and blog from there. That'd be it. That's that's been our constant recommendation, since forever, when people come up with HTML or whatever else what other whatever other a CMS that you're using outside of WordPress, or if it's ecommerce or something, yeah, just whatever it is just do a WordPress install on a subdomain.
Bradley: Yeah, I totally agree with Marco could be like a blog.or, a news.or, something like that subdomain that you could use as the content distribution engine, essentially. You know, as I said, my new business that I was just talking about earlier, I've got a single page. It's just a Click Funnels landing page. And that's my, that's on the root of the domain. So it's a one-page site. So I had installed a WordPress on blog dot domain. com, essentially, and I'm using that as the blog, but I've only done two or three posts. So anyway, but yeah, you can do that. That's what I would recommend.
Is Consistent Content Creation Necessary For A Wix Site Of A National Insurance Leads Provider?
But he says, following on from the previous question, is consistent content creation necessary? Still? I know, of course, it helps a ton. But assuming I still have a syndication network may do I lose a lot by not doing it? Well, I mean, we certainly recommend that you do market yours do content marketing. As like I said, If Wix has an RSS feed, but I'm pretty sure it does, you should be able to do it directly from Wix. But if you don't like the interface, then just use the blog write blog, dot subdomain with WordPress installed. And then you can still do the same thing. I do recommend content marketing. I mean, again, guys for it. Google loves that they love the freshness, the updates the activity. You can automate, obviously, you know this mom and syndicating your network. You can automate syndicating to GMB, there's a lot of things that you can do. So I do recommend that you get on somewhat of a content a consistent and regular content marketing schedule, although that you don't, depending on the industry, you know, some you don't have to do it three times a week, you could do it once a week or once every two weeks. It really just depends on the industry. But I do recommend that you are updating the blog regularly with content. The frequency is going to really depend on your competition that you're dealing with as well as what industry you're in. Okay.
Wayne, Clayton, you prick. Keep moving.
Do You Recommend Adding Keywords Into The iFrame?
Scott says I am in the process of placing an embed order with mg Why be question do you recommend adding keywords into the iframe? Marco? let you answer that one.
Marco: But I mean, you can.I haven't seen it from everything that we've done add that much to the to whatever iframe you're embedding, whether it's map or video. I mean it could I've seen it a Google will read anything before the closing iframe tag. And so if you're adding information in there, whether it's schema keywords or whatever, Google will read it. The thing is, like, only SEOs do that. And it's a really good way to get picked out. I mean, at some point, if they ever come after iframes, that would be the first thing that I would pick out anyone adding any information before that closing iframe tag because it's mostly just SEOs that add information in there doesn't work. I'll be Scott nothing beats a try but fail so so we do allow you to submit keywords and Dadea will add it before the closing iframe tag. So try it out. That's all I can tell you. Do I do it? No, I've hardly ever done it. We tested with it. And since we get similar results without we just don't add extra information.
Bradley: Yeah. Correct. Alright, so the next several comments are Adam to spamming the comment box
Adam: and I roll.
Bradley: So doings got a nice meme about the bloodbath. It's pretty cool.
Should You Complete A GMB Site Amidst Google's Rampage Of GMB Suspensions?
Bradley: KenManich.e What's up, Kenny says I have a new GMB. It's a real business and above-loaded pics, logo description, etc. I haven't built the GSB site. What do you thoughts about completing the site? Do you think that might kick off a suspension? Yeah, it may I mean, the thing is, is I haven't had any issues with real client businesses like real bona fide businesses, GM bs until this week, and it was Monday. And that was one of those. All I did was I head up, I deleted one photo because it was showing up as a, like the primary image and mobile and the client said that he wanted a different photo. So and I don't know how to force Google to select a different photo. So I said, Okay, well, let's delete that one. And then I uploaded some new photos because he had some new photos recently of some of his technicians and such. And then I published the GSB website because for whatever reason that that he never had published that website for his GMB. And so I went in and publish the website, but I didn't even add any content. It was just straight publishing. Before adding any content to it or anything. All I did was published a website and I don't know if you know this can but when you publish the GMB website, it forces the change of the main URL for the GMB profile. From the money site to the business site GMB website URL, it forces the change with the UTM code on it to its really long and ugly, and you have to go in and then once you publish the site, you have to go edit the Info tab and change the website to back to the money site URL. And that's all I did was I published the website didn't even edit it. Right. All I did was then go to the Info tab. And I had to I changed the URL from the business site, which is the GMB website URL back to the money site URL. So to the branded domain, and immediately it's suspended. And that's where we've been we've been at ever since. You know, it's only been a couple of days, but still, it just sucks because I didn't do anything spammy. And it's a legitimate business. You know, we can certainly can't confirm and verify that, but that's the case. So yeah, I don't know. Honestly, I can't tell you if it's the GMB site that does that. Or it could have been a combination of doing both photos that day and the GMB site, I have no idea. I haven't had any issues with legitimate businesses until this week. And now that I've experienced it, I'm skittish, right, I'm a bit gun shy, I don't want to, I don't want to really poke the bear, so to speak, you know what I mean? So I recommend and you know, until this shit settles down, which who knows when that's going to be, I would say, try to stay out of that as much as possible and only do stuff that, you know, you can do either via API, like, posting GMB posts. Or you can probably post manually, I haven't heard of anybody losing it from just doing the GMB post inside you know, the dashboard. But even then I might even want to do that through a manager account or content. What do they call it a site manager or something like that? Now, there are a couple of different levels that you can add additional users on one that would make more sense to be like a, I think it's called a site manager used to be called content or communications managers or something like that. But I think they're called site managers now. So
Will Google Treat A Subdomain As A Separate Brand Or It's Treated As A Silo?
Okay, next is? And no, man, I guess he says, Hi, thanks for a wonderful webinar. My question is, if I use a subdomain, Google will treat it as a separate brand, or just like a silo? No, you know, it depends on how you set it up. But if you're setting it up as a branded subdomain, you know, for example, like using what we talked about earlier, setting up a blog on a subject, you're going to want to brand it the same. But you can also like, for example, I've got a lot of multi-location clients or stuff that I do, where each subdomain is we have separate subdomains for different locations. So each city has its own subdomain, so to speak, right? And that, that they're all the same brand, but they each have their own WordPress installation or subdomain that is city specific. So but you can set up subdomains to treat them as two completely different entities if you want. So it really just depends on how you theme it and how you interlink between the subdomain and the root domain or other subdomains or all of them. Does that make sense? So the good thing is that Google does treat subdomains as separate web entities like another, in other words, separate websites, you can create the relationship, the association between the subdomain and the room if you want or the from, you know, the association with the brand. But the actual, the web asset itself, the domain itself, the subdomain is treated as a separate website if that makes sense. So that way, that you know, that's why we do what we've been talking about using subdomains for like multi-location stuff for a long time because it's a bit safer. If you put separate landing pages as internal pages of a website for multiple location stuff, and any one of your location pages catches the penalty for some reason, then it will, it can pull down the entire domain, right, it can affect all of the other locations because it affects the route as well. However, if you do stuff on subdomains, and you like, for example, have separate subdomains for each location, if anyone location gets hit by a penalty for some reason, then it will be isolated to that particular subdomain. It won't affect the route and it won't affect what I call sip the other sibling subdomains. So that's why we tell you to do that. But again, it just depends on how you enter LinkedIn and what type of associations you make.
How To Use Schema And Rel=Canonical To Boost Ties Between A Reciprocal Link And The Money Site?
Jordans up, he says, related to a man's question and reciprocal links, the blog subdomain should link heavily to the money site, right. Also, is there anything we can do to schema wise on a subdomain or rel canonical to tie it super tight to the main money site? domain? Yeah, that's what I would do. Yeah, I mean, if you're using a blog on, like what we talked about, for Mohammed, above, we're like an e-commerce site or whatever. So if you're using a subdomain name for blog, yeah, you're gonna be using that to do like content marketing and link building from the subdomain up to the money site, typically, you're not going to want to link back from the money site back down to the blog, it's, you know, I mean, other than perhaps a navigation link that says blog, right, or whatever that links down to the root, or excuse me, the subdomain, but from within the individual pages and posts, now you're going to use the subdomain to link up to the pages on the site that you want to rank. Okay. And then yeah, can article are always very powerful? You know, you can do that. It's up to you. That is the blog link heavily to money site, but the money site not Yes, correct? That's correct. Right, that as far as the money site, linking down, the only thing I would do is a subdomain, or excuse me, a navigation menu link that says blog that links down to that. And you know, you could do some sort of like sidebar widget for if you have, you know, for silos and things like that to show like related content and things like that you could do that on the money site. But typically that stuff that you would isolate to the blog anyway.
All right. Look, Gordon's clarifying his question, good.
30-Day Click Funnel Challenge Update
Hernan, is the ad info information still available on Facebook pages? Is Hernan still here.
Hernan: I'm here. I'm here. Hey, can you hear me? Yes. The info and ads? I think so let me see. The adding for information is still available on Facebook pages. I'm working on the 30-day challenge and can find any info on certain business pages? Yes, I mean, they have switched that. So if you go to facebook.com/ads/library. So facebook.com/ads/library, you will be able to get like a public library of all of the ads that are being run right now. So on certain business pages, if there are running ads and whatnot, it's still available. But some templates are like hiding it. But you know, all of the ads are being run on the platform can be found on facebook.com/ads/library. If you go there, you type in the Facebook page, and even the niche, you will be able to get a lot of intelligence out of that. So yeah, that's basically how I do it.
Bradley: Cool, thank you.
Clarifications On The URL Used In Press Release & Video Embeds For Boosting GMB Listing
Bradley: So Gordon's clarifying his questions. He says if you have time, here's what I was trying to ask if I upload a video to a GMB listing and use that same video with an empty Why be in bed job is the backlink URL that is posted on each page of wherever the video is embedded the same URL used for press releases or as a different hope that clarification makes more sense. Okay. Remember in an embed, it's not a backlink. Right? So you're not linking to the video, you do not paste, you're not posting the URL to the video, it's an embed, so it's not going to be the same. And if you're if you upload a video to a GMB listing, then you're going to get a GMB post URL. Not an embed code now, am I unless Marco, you said that you can embed a GMB post the correct you absolutely can. Okay. Now, I haven't tested that where if you were to upload a video to GMB, then grab the as a GSB post, then grab the post URL, turn that into an embed, and then ask for an embed campaign for that I haven't tested that that would actually be kind of an interesting test. Because then you're doing an embed blast to a GSB. Post video. Does that make sense? So you could do that. Now if that's what you're talking about Gordon, then the URL, the iframe is going to be the same on all of the video pages or the embed pages. But you're not going to be able to use that for press releases, not as an embed. You can use because the press releases for press advantage. You can embed a Google map, Google My Business map, and a Vimeo or YouTube video. And the way that you do it in the press release, and the press release is that for you? Well, first of all, if it's a GMB map that you want to embed that's how I select if you have your own subscription, when you go to submit the details for the press release to be written, there is a drop-down menu at the bottom that says, Do you want a Google Map embedded? And if you say yes, then it's going to embed the GMB map that you have associated with the organization page. You say no, then it won't. If you want to embed a video, then the way that you do it is you put the YouTube URL or Vimeo URL on its own line with a line break above and a line break below within the content body of the press release. Okay, and then when it publishes, it will publish as an embed. But you can't do that with the GMB post URL. Like if you put the GMB post URL on its own line, it's going to publish as just a URL. And unless you hyperlink that URL, it would literally just be a text URL, not hyperlinked, so just keep that in mind. Now, if you want to embed a YouTube video, then like I said, that's, that's all you do is put it on its own line. And then that's going to be an embed code, it'll convert to a competitive excuse me convert to an embed code when it publishes. That makes sense. So you can take a video that you upload to YouTube though, and upload that same file to GMB as a post as a video post. And now you've got the video uploaded as a GMB post. And you also have it embedded or uploaded to YouTube, which now you can use that in press releases. Ok. Ok, says I was talking about a video upload to the profile, not embedding it in a GMB post. I use such a video and Emma, can I use such a video and again, I don't know how what you're talking about. If you upload a video directly to GMB as like a photo, which you can do that to not a post, but you can upload it as a photo in the photo section, you can upload videos, it doesn't give you an embed code. As far as I'm aware, it doesn't give me an embed code. Does anybody can anybody clarify that?
Marco: You can actually embed a video in the photos section. It does overview but customer photos only up to texture, and video. So you can upload a video, then that video will have a URL. And if that video has a URL, you should be able to get an embed unless Google has a frame breaker on it. So I mean, I would have to test that and see if you could embed. I think I have one. But you'd have to test it. And then yes, you can submit that to mgyb.co. And Dadea will take that and he'll run an embed gig on that. That URL as long as it's an embeddable URL. Right.
Bradley: Okay, I think that's complicating Gordon a bit. I don't understand exactly what it is that you're trying to do. But I do know that you can upload a video to GMB directly as not a post, I get that that's fine, you can do that. I don't know that you can get a share URL for it, but I didn't know that you could get. I don't know that that is embeddable.
Marco: I'm checking right now.
Bradley: Okay, cool.
Marco: I'm checking right right now and I'm saving the file, hang on a second.
Bradley: Because like clicking the photos, for example, just click on that photo, and we click Share. This is the share URL here. I don't know if that would actually embed. So I'm it's the same type of link that you get from uploaded videos my point. And I don't know that that would embed. So you'd have to play with it and see. And that's what Marco said he's doing now.
Marco: No, no, it's not coming up.
Bradley: It breaks it, doesn't it?
Marco: It's Yeah, it has a breaker. Yeah. Oh, fuck,
Bradley: yeah. So you're better off uploading it as a GMB post, video post, and then taking the post URL and turning that into an embed. Right. So anyway, all right. Well, looks like there are no more questions. So if we don't have any more questions, we can wrap it up about five minutes early. I'm okay with that. Are you guys okay with that?
Adam: I'm going with it in the woods.
Bradley: Okay. All right. All right. Well, everybody. Thanks. Thanks for being here. We've got mastermind webinar tomorrow. Don't forget if you're in the mastermind, 3:30 pm. We'll see you all there. Thanks for everybody being here. Thanks, guys.
Hernan: We'll see you guys.
Adam: And before we hop off, Bradley, we're going to be going over some sales stuff with mastermind tomorrow.
Bradley: Yes, that's right. Each one of us is going to chime in on that.
Adam: Awesome. I'm gonna get my slides out. Get that stuff and the slides, but I got some good stuff. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Bradley: That's right. That's why you asked to edit that. Today, I was wondering why I was like what's going on with that? Now? I remember so I've got to prepare for that. I appreciate you mentioning that.
Adam: Yeah, no problem. Yeah, Mastery, everyone else mastermind members can get a little inside look into how we do sales individually. Since everyone's a little bit different. And you know, there's a lot of templates out there. But it's a different thing, I think to hear people say exactly kind of what they do in order to, you know, move from prospect to actually close deals. So looking forward to chatting with you guys about that tomorrow. Yeah, definitely.
Marco: That's gonna be a good one. I'm looking forward to definitely.
Bradley: see y'all then take it easy, guys later.
Bye. Bye.
0 notes
jenniferbowley · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242
Click on the video above to watch Episode 242 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, well hangouts are still here. We are going to be live on hangouts with Hump Day hangouts Episode 242. Yeah, we’re just gonna, we’re going to switch to tin cans and strings and how.
Hernan: There you go.
Adam: Well, with that, thanks for being here, and we’re going to jump right into it and just say, first of all, thanks for watching Hump Day Hangouts. Whether you’re catching this as a replay, whether you are joining us live, if you are live, go ahead. If you got any questions, pop them on the page. Say hello. Help post your favorite GIF. Do whatever you want to do. Let me take that back. Don’t do whatever you want to do. At least like PG 13 maybe.
Bradley: At least keep it relevant.
Adam: Yeah, well, real quick. Let’s go down the line. Say hello to everybody. We got everybody here today. I think Chris is hanging out so he doesn’t die of heat exhaustion. But so we’ll start with him before he passes out. How are you doing Chris?
Chris: Yeah, then good. had to move forward to the seller because like I don’t know the heat wave is like quite unbearable for me. I still don’t know why people love summer that much. More of a person. Yeah, rest. Life is good. Otherwise.
Adam: Coco Hernan, How about yourself? You’re kind of the opposite, right?
Hernan: Yeah, dude, I’m freezing my ass. But on the good note. I think that if I’m the Hangout goes away. We can do like you porn type of streaming, you know, and embed that in the page. Now I’m pretty cool. Yeah. Anyways, I’m great. Dude. I’m awesome. I’m just really looking forward to POFU Live 2019. That’s coming. He’s coming in hot. We had a really cool. We had a really cool event last year. And we are going to make it cooler this year. So it’s going to be pretty cool. So
Adam: yeah, definitely. We’re going to talk some more about that. But if you’re not sure what it is, one, stay tuned. And then secondly, go over to pokey live.com which will actually work now I got the domain resolve so you can actually they type in hopefully live and get there. So go check that out. Marco, How about yourself? How are you doing, man?
Marco: What’s up, man? Just to get the question out of the way. Our Hump Day hangouts going away?
Adam: No, oh,
Bradley: no. No.
Marco: Before we get asked 1000 times on be the first person to ask it. I’ll be done with Hump Day hangout on my watch. Just making sure I took
Bradley: I took off last week because I had a meeting that I couldn’t get out of. And I feel I felt like something was missing the entire damn week because this is Episode 242. And this is only the second episode I’ve missed out of 242. And so it’s you know, it’s Wednesday’s aren’t the same without Hump Day Hangout. So no, we’re not taking them away. We’re just saying that Hangouts On Air is going away. So we’re going to have to figure out a new way to stream and answer questions, which is fine. We’ll adapt. We always do.
Marco: Yeah. Anyway. Life’s good. Costa Rica is good. the weather’s good. Have a nice little earthquake last night. 66263 woke me up at around one-two in the morning. You know, shaken and bacon. But otherwise? Things are good.
Adam: That’s good. I’m glad you guys are all right. That’s getting up there. That’s not a tiny one.
Marco: Now I was off on the coast. No worries.
Adam: Good deal. Bradley, you. You’re still with us too I guess weather and everything treating your it.
Bradley: Everything’s good man. Life is good. Can’t complain. A lot of good things going on. Right now. We’re doing some pretty cool stuff in the mastermind, which by the way, guys, we have a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’ll be covering some stuff in there. I’m also starting a small group training inside the mastermind for some select members that it’s going to be really cool for they’re going to be kind of learning the new business model that I’m into. Because it’s so lucrative. So that’s a lot of fun. Just got a lot of exciting stuff going on right now. Oh, do want to talk about something else though. GMBs are certainly on a rampage. Google is on a rampage right now suspending shit, that’s even 100% legit for no reason. I actually had my first client site or GMB suspended just two days ago for doing nothing other than uploading a photo. And it was dumb. It was just it’s stupid. And I’ve got it in the reinstatement request going on. And they sent a message back to said originally that they’ll you know, reply within 24 hours. Then within 24 hours, I got a follow-up reply that said we have a huge backlog of reconsideration, reinstatement requests that we’re trying to work through, and it will be we’re backlogged up to three or two to three weeks. So my clients pissed, but he understands I didn’t do anything. You know, it’s spammy. It’s just, it’s just Google My Business is broken right now, guys. So now we have to switch strategies up, I would recommend staying out of them as much as possible, try not to edit them at all, if possible, until they get their shit together. It’s just, it’s a bloodbath out there right now. So just keep that in mind. So I didn’t want to give that update. We gotta shift our strategy to adapt with whatever, whatever comes. And this is, um, this is not a very good time for Google My Business stuff for sure.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. There are more questions about that, too. If anyone watching has some questions, go ahead and pop that in there. I mean, obviously, it’s a big topic we’ve been covering. It’s a great way to conduct lead gen like we’ve been talking about. And just because this is happening doesn’t mean this is the way it’s always going to be things change, just like it became, you know, a great tool to use and it may swing back that way. So real quick to just want to say if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, thanks for joining us for Hump Day Hangouts. Again, whether you’re live or watching the replay. If you’re here, you’re in the right place, you can always go to https://www.semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask your questions ahead of time, in case you can’t watch it live. So each week, you can pop those on there will answer them or point you in the right direction. If we can’t get you a specific answer. Other than that, though, the next thing people ask us is, you know, hey, where should I start with Semantic Mastery besides coming home to hang out What should I do? Go get the Battle Plan, go to https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com and if you’re ready to move on from that, take things up a few notches come join our MasterMind, alright, if you’re looking to form a strong network, if you’re looking to either start or grow your own digital marketing agency or if you’re a business owner that wants to grow it as well that I’ll also comprise a number of our members. Come check out the mastermind https://www.mastermind.semanticmastery.com. You can find out more about that. And then if you’re looking for Done For You services like syndication networks, RYS drive stacks, links, embeds all that good stuff, go to mgyb.co for your premium done for you SEO services. And last but not least, hook us up, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you guys are over there, you’re watching clips or whatever, just check, just click the subscribe button. Stay update helps us and helps us stay on top of important questions whether it’s SEO, its other digital marketing questions, funnels, Facebook ads, whatever it is that’s going on, we put out a ton of content and we love that people watch it. So help us out and subscribe over there.
POFU Live 2019 Guests
So real quick, we mentioned POFU Live, I want to touch base on this real quick for everyone. We just tomorrow or for if you’re a subscriber, you’re going to see an email about that. And I just wanted to talk real quick because we just got that up and running. We’re just starting ticket sales mastermind members got the first crack at getting their tickets. And we’ve got two out of the three speakers that we can announce there on the page. So it’s no secret if you go there, but I wanted to touch base on this. Jeffrey Smith is going to be joining us again. All right. He was Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so he’s going to be joining us again, really pumped to have Jeffrey back. He joined us last year for the first POFU Live gave a killer talk. He was a blast. He was there all weekend, hanging out talking to people dropping some bombs and some great gold nuggets, there are some information. And he’s going to be coming back and doing it again. So really looking forward to that. And then Adam Benjamin is not only a because he’s got a great first name. But also He’s the founder of Brain Hickey, this guy is a killer copywriter. He’s got a lot of real-world experience dealing with clients both at scale and with high ticket, high-end clients, tons of information, tons of knowledge he’s going to share. So looking forward to having him he’s a Colorado local. So he’s going to come down and help us in Denver and be pitching in and dropping some knowledge there too. And then we are going to have potentially a third and maybe even a fourth guest speaker who we will be announcing in the coming days. But the reason I bring this up to you is if you want to go to poker, you live in Denver and October 11 12th and 13th of this year, you’re going to want to get your tickets in the next week or two, shortly after the Fourth of July week, the prices are going to be going up, we want to offer you an early bird discount. It’s our way of saying thank you if you get the tickets now helps us plan accordingly. And we can do this a lot easier. So as again, our way of saying thank you is we offer you a lower price for that. But as soon as that’s over, prices are going to go up. There’s no you know, special offers coming. There’s no you know, last-minute sale, anything like that.
Bradley: Yeah, the way just quickly to clarify, our events are not pitched fest guys, it’s not like you’re going to come to our event, we’re going to pitch you additional training and products and the speakers are going to be pitching training and products. It’s not how it works with it’s a training event. You know, if you want to reach out to any of them afterward, and you know, pursue what they have available, that’s perfectly fine. It’s up to you. But it’s not about that it’s about training. It’s going to be a really good event. You know, we talked about holistic business building, right. So it’s not just about SEO or this or that it’s about the overall building a business, scaling a business, sustaining a business, all of that. So again, we would highly recommend if anybody’s interested to Get your tickets now because it’s going to go up after the Fourth of July ish area timeframe. So now would be a good time to get them at their lowest price.
Adam: Definitely. And I mean, I will just say to it’s a good time, you know, you can go These are real people on the pages, the real attendees from last year, you know, we can tell you about it. And if you have questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected] will answer them. Or you can ask them here on Hump Day Hangouts. But you can go and see what other people had to say about the event. You know, a lot of really good points, people got a lot out of it and a lot out of each other the networking that happened there, just like being in the mastermind, a lot of the power comes from the people you meet there the connections, you meet the ideas that are generated in that kind of smaller group setting. So really looking forward to doing that again, and narrowing down the list for the VIP day. That last time was a blast, we did a kr a chartered brewery tour in Washington, DC. And this year, we’re going to be in Denver. So I’m looking at something else I’ve got it narrowed down to a couple but I think it’s going to be just as fun. It’s a good way to get to meet everybody, relax, to have fun, get introduced, get up speed and then hit the ground running the next day for the main event.
Press Release Advantage Webinar
Bradley: Sweet. Yeah. Are we going to let’s talk briefly about the press advantage webinar? If we can,
Adam: Oh, definitely. Yeah, you want to fill people in case they missed that brother.
Bradley: Okay, uh, if you guys didn’t see it on Monday, we had Jeremy, the developer or one of the codeveloper of press advantage on and you guys know, we been pitching or using press advantage I have been for many years actually. But we did a promotion for press advantage when they when he kind of relaunched it as two dot o at the end of September last year. And so we’re talking, you know, eight months ago, and he was gracious enough to come on on Monday to open up a very, very good offer. Again, for people that want to subscribe have their own subscription to press the advantage, which there were two different levels, there’s one level which is three done for your press. So written for you press releases on a monthly basis for 350 bucks, which gives you the ability to have an organization page, which, if you followed any of our training, that is an integral part of what we do, we use that organization page as a very powerful tier one property branded property. Very, very powerful. And a lot of things that you can do with it are powerful as well. Then there’s the other offer, which was amazing that he swore up and down, he wouldn’t open up again, the previous time that he in September when we did the webinar, but I did twist his arm and he opened it up again. And that was for 497 a month you get six written for you press releases and unlimited, write them, write it yourself, press releases, or submit yourself. But here’s the catch that I mean, there’s no catch. But you can buy additional press release writing services from press advantage for 50 bucks. So essentially, you get six for 497 a month. And then you can buy each additional one for 50 bucks, or you can go out and get your own writer and all that. But I’m telling you the best and most efficient way to run it is to just use the writers. And anyway, we did a webinar with him and ended up going two hours. Again, there’s a lot of new and additional features that have been implemented since September when we did it the first time. And so we cover all here, he covers all of that. And I you know, I comment along in the webinar, if you want to watch it. Otherwise, just skip to the end or, you know, go to the sales page or the checkout page, I should say and subscribe. If you’re doing anything for your your own business, a light like a court press releases are incredibly powerful content marketing through press releases are incredibly powerful. So even if you’re your own business owner, as opposed to like an agency or a marketing consultant, using press releases, frequently and often is going to be very, very powerful for your business, we’ve seen it time and again. So I would say if even if you’re a business owner, or definitely if you’re a consultant or an agency that you should look at to get your own subscription, you can buy press releases from us at in our store, mgyb.co, and they’re one-off press releases for a very good price. And you still get the benefit of having that press release published, which drives a lot of links. It can get a lot of traffic and all that kind of stuff. But if you’re going to be doing volume, which you should be doing because they are so powerful, it should be an integral part of your content marketing strategy, you should have your own subscription period. And we stand by that statement. So it’s a great service, I highly recommend you go check it out. Check out the webinar if you want to see all of what it can do for you. Otherwise, just go straight to the checkout page and subscribe.
Bradley: Did you drop the link? Adam? I assume you did.
Adam: Yeah. Did the webinar replay page is on there. And I think we are good to go. Are there any other announcements? Yes. I don’t.
Bradley: I don’t have any. I’m ready for questions.
Marco: Yeah, I have a comment. Our shit works, period.
Bradley: Boom. All right, I’m taking the screen. Let’s do it.
Bradley: Okay, cool. We probably have some new listeners or watchers, viewers, audience members, whatever. Because I did a podcast with Tommy, Tommy Mellow has a podcast, which does handle a whole bunch of home service type contractors and got a really good response from that. And so anybody that’s here from Tommy mellows podcast, welcome. Come back, post off, you know, post questions here often about anything that has to do with your contracting businesses as far as marketing, getting better results, lead generation, that kind of stuff, we’re happy to answer them. And again, definitely, you know, engage with us, and we’ll try to help you out as much as we can.
How To Use Google My Business Page To Promote A Hardwood Floor And Staircase Renovation Business?
So Alright, so the first question I see comes from Scott n, and I’m assuming this may be one of them. I have a hardwood floor and staircase renovation business, my main point of interest is to learn how to best utilize the Google My Business Page to get the most out of the account. So that’s really good. Now, there are a few things that I would recommend, number one if you heard the beginning of this webinar, or today’s Hump Day Hangout right now is not really a good time to be doing a whole lot of editing of your Google My Business Page, right. So if you’ve got it already, and it’s running, that’s great. I would recommend that you really stick to just doing Google My Business posts or GMB posts right now, and not do a lot of editing of the page itself or the profile. because things are being suspended. Right now Google is on a rampage to eliminate spam listings, in part because of some high profile people running their mouth, to high profile publications and getting a lot of unnecessary attention to them. And so anyway, my point is, even if you’re a legit business owner, with a legitimate business with the physical location that you can verify, I recommend that you stay the hell out of it. As far as making edits to the actual profile, at least until Google fixes its itchy trigger finger so to speak, because right now, barely, I mean, for no rhyme or reason that I know of. You go in and you make an edit of any kind and boom, it can get it can be suspended. And it’s a crapshoot every time, right? You roll the dice every time because you never know what’s going to suspend the listing or not. And, as I mentioned before, their backlog for reinstatement requests are two to three weeks currently at the moment. So if it gets suspended, you’re going to be shut out, you know, dead in the water di Tw until you can get it reinstated if they’re going to be gracious enough to reinstate it. So that’s just the caveat, I want to you know, disclaim everything here with that, number one. Number two, it really one of the best things that you can do is to Google My Business posting, right, do that frequently and often. Look for the keywords that you want, or search queries that you want to get more traffic from. Also, look at the GMB insights. And you’ll see what kind of search queries are actually bringing your maps listing exposure, and start using those search queries that are relevant more often in posts. Okay, that’s really important. And in something else, we you know, we talked about our store mgyb.co. And just for anybody that doesn’t know what mg yc stands for, that makes Google your bitch. So mgyb.co is our store. If you go there, we’ve got some products that will help help you to actually really boost your Google My Business profile. As far as you know, getting better results from it. Number one would be a syndication network. Number two would be a drive stack. And we can know, we can offer assistance as to how to get the best use out of those. For people that don’t know, those of you that are not in the SEO industry. Some of that may seem foreign to you. But really, it’s not difficult, the concept is quite easy, I’m actually going to walk through a brief example of how you can gather the type of links that you would want to promote. So your profiles within a drive stack. Drive stacks are incredibly powerful, especially for Google My Business stuff or maps ranking. So I’m going to walk through that here in just a moment. But first, I just want to say, for your Google My Business Page, really again, I would stay out of trying to edit it right now. But I would take advantage of the Google My Business posting feature. Post often, post regularly, use the search queries or the keywords that you want to get traffic from. So for example, in this case, like it might be flooring, floor restoration or floor renovation or flooring, contractors or gills notice a lot of near me keywords. near me type search queries are driving a lot of traffic to maps. So flooring contractors near me flooring restoration near me variations of near me like nearby in my area close to me, that kind of stuff. So mix and match the keywords, the types of service keywords that you want to rank for, along with near me and variations of near me. Also, if you cover a wide surface area, you want to start including some of the locations that within your service area. So location names, do it be via city names, even neighborhoods, things like burrows, districts, things like that if you have different names that you can start to include. That’s why I said there’s really no way that you can do too many posts in my opinion. That’s really important and that as far as I know, is not getting GMB suspended. I haven’t had that happen from a post yet, but I have from doing editing the profile at all. That makes sense. Okay. Marco, do you want to comment on that while I pull up some examples?
Marco: No, no, I agree. Totally. I mean, we have the train Local GMB Pro, which could be the next step. In the process except in gi in local GMB Pro, we do tell you to go and make edits and all of these other things which you shouldn’t be doing when you submit it, especially if you have a real business, right? A real, whether it’s service area, brick, and mortar, whatever it is that you have, fill it out as thoroughly as you can right at the beginning before you send for that pin. So that you don’t have to go back and mess with it. Because it’s when you start going back and messing with it that you get into problems. So that the only change that I would recommend right now is if you’re doing some that’s legitimate. Do it right the first time get you to know, use the guidelines that we set up in local GMB Pro. But do it right the first time send for that pin, make sure all the information is correct. And then it’ll come back to you. It’s your business. And if something happens, you can always go back in and get that business reinstated. Right that GMB whereas others are the problem that they’re having. And why it is a problem, to begin with, is we were just spamming in and getting a ton of businesses that didn’t really exist. But if yours does that, then you right now, the second problem is Bradley mentioned is that you’re in a queue. And until they can get to you because of spammers like Bradley. You’re waiting for three four months and excuse me weeks. And right now, whatever it is that the summer businesses, right? Well, the summer businesses, like a pest control Tree Service, anything having to do with outdoors, are in the queue, and this is like the top of the season. So they’re moving a whole lot of money. And they shouldn’t be because they have legitimate businesses. So that’s the only thing that I would add.
Bradley: Yeah, that’s my client is an outdoor pest control company. And he’s, you know, this is the peak of their season. And it’s just, it’s just really shitty. And, you know, again, we didn’t do anything spammy or wrong, it just suspended, it’s dumb. Anyways, I’m going to use home remodeling as opposed to floor restoration only because I know this industry a bit better. So I’m going to use it just as a quick example, for those of you that are, we get questions all the time about how to how to order a drive stack within MGYB. And I’m going to cover that just briefly, guys, because I’m telling you, it’s one of the very most powerful things that you can possibly do. And you can get it 100% done for you on our store. And I say that because it’s absolute truth. I started a new business about two months ago, a brand new business. And all I have done is three press releases and a drive stack. That’s it, I haven’t even done anything else to it at all is a one-page website with a drive stack and three press releases. And I’m on the number three position for the state of Virginia for my very top keyword. So and that’s just and it’s been two months. So I’m telling you, it’s incredibly powerful, you’re going to see results if you use it. So my what I want to just walk through very quickly is just give an example here. So for home remodeling, Fairfax, I use Fairfax because I’m in a rural area called Cole pepper, there’s not a lot of activity around me, but Fairfax is a very busy area in Northern Virginia. So let’s just say that your business was Daniels design and remodeling general contractor. Well, what I would do is to figure out which URLs which links you want to include or submit when you order a drive stack. You know, if you’ve been following us, you know that we recommend getting a syndication network first, and then ordering and drive stack and including your syndication network URLs, profile URLs in the or the links that you submit when you purchase the drive set. So that’s the number. But if you’re just coming to us, and you don’t know what a syndication network is, well, we’ll cover that at a different time. We’re covering drive stacks right now. But what I would do is just go to Google and use another search for Google. In this case, I was just looking for a brand that I could use as an example. So I’m going to take Daniels design and remodeling as my example. Okay, so all I’m going to do is a copy. So let’s say whatever your company name is just go to Google, paste it in, and also pasting your phone number to so not just your name, but also paste in your phone number. Alright, so this is what we’re going to do, we’re going to say that this is your business, we’re going to do a quick Google search on your brand name and your phone number. And then what we’re going to do, and apparently they got some shitty Yelp reviews, but that’s probably because of Yelp filters out all the good ones, right unless you’re a paying advertiser. So what I would do is come in here, and I would just open up these links, all the links associated with your first two pages that are, you know, obviously that are relevant links to your business.
Bradley: I would just go through and over up every single one of those links, they’re also plugins that you can use guys that will that are called like link grabbers that will actually scrape all the links off a Google search page and put them into a text file or a notepad file. But you can do this manually, just go through and click right click, open Lincoln new tab, and then just go collect all of those links, put them into a notepad file, because that’s how you submit them inside our dashboard. Anyways, once you place your order, and go through the checkout process, then you go submit your order details. And what you can do is submit a text file with all the URLs that you want including in the drive stack. So that’s all you do, I’m not going to go through this guys, you understand the point, just go through the top two pages, select all of your URLs that you want to be included in the drive stack, and put them into a text file, save it and then upload that text file as your target URL or for the order. Right, then the same thing goes for keywords. for keywords, you’re going to want to take your top level keywords that you know, including your brand name, and use those as the keywords, create a nice little text file with your keywords in there. So your top level service products and or services, some of the location names that you want to include. Also your brand name, use, make sure that that’s included in your keyword list and upload that. And then our team will go out and build you a very, very, very powerful drive stack, which are Google Drive properties that are going to be branded and themed and have your profile URL, or excuse me, your profile logo, your logo as the profile image, your header images, it’s just going to be a very, very powerful thing. And now that becomes your insulator, your SEO firewall, all of the other stuff that you can do an SEO that we would never recommend you do directly to your money site, you can now due to the drive stack, and the drive stack pushes all of that relevance back to your money site will help in your maps listing. And we’ll help you to rank that makes sense. So that’s a quick down and dirty way to figure out how to get the URL was that you’re going to submit is just go to Google use Google to tell you and just go through the top two pages. That’s all you need. What are the most powerful or authoritative branded profiles or citations in this case that Google thinks for that particular brand your brand, right, so put your brand name in your business, your phone number and click Search. just collect all the URLs from the top two pages, put them into a text file, save them, then work on your keyword lists. Again, you can find out the keywords that are bringing your traffic through your GMB insights and just select the relevant keywords. And then also if you have some search queries that you desire more traffic from add those in as well. Mark, do you want to comment on that before I move on?
Marco: Yeah, the only thing that I would add to this is that they do get a spreadsheet when they order that their syndication network. Those should also be included.
Bradley: That’s correct. And I said step one should be a syndication network but for those people are coming to us from the podcast. I just wanted to talk about the drive stacks first networks maybe we’ll cover that the beginning of next webinar. But that’s correct. Alright, so anyways, welcome Scott Scott Walker says I guess he’s asking where he’s at. Okay, cool.
What URL Do You Use In The Press Release When Boosting The Rank Of A GMB Listing?
And thanks, guys. given us a shout out Gordon says, Hey, guys, thanks again for your hump day out. Hump Day help, as usual, greatly appreciated it. Thank you, Gordon. He says this may be a dumb question, but I’ll ask anyway. When using a press release for boosting the rank of A GMB listing, is the URL that you use? Is it backlink in the PR the same as the one that you get by going to the GMB dashboard and clicking the Info tab and going to view on search or view on maps? Or is this something else? Yes. That’s the link that we suggest. I’ve shown a kind of a funky way to get that URL in the past. If you go into your info tab, and you right click on the view on maps, and copy link address or right click copy link address and paste it into a notepad file. It’s going to be an HTTPS www.google.com slash maps, question mark. See ID equals and then that’s going to be a string of numbers. And that’s the maps URL. But that’s actually a 302 redirect to the final, the correct URL for maps, which is instead of, excuse me, it’s going to be that this is what it’s going to look like. I’m just going to give you an example real quick. So it’s going to be maps google.com, forward slash maps, question mark, see ID equals and then it’s going to be a string of numbers, right? It’s going to be several numbers, something like that. Right. That’s what Google is going to give you. When you right click view on the view on maps and copy link address. All you want to do though because if you put that in a redirect checker, you’re going to see that it actually redirects with a 302 to this. That’s it, it doesn’t change anything except that it changes that map subdomain to dub dub dub. And now that’s the URL that you want to use right there. Right. And what happens is, when you actually take that URL and check it in a redirect checker, it’s going to say test, okay, there’ll be a 200. htm, code 200, which says test, okay. But if you actually go to view that URL in your address bar, like paste and go, it will, once the page loads, it actually switches to that really long, stupid, ugly URL that maps gives you when you’re viewing your map in the browser. Does that make sense? So again, it’s a straight URL, and that’s the best URL to use. So you can get it that way. By the way, by going in and getting it from your GMB dashboard. Right click, go to the Info tab, right click view on maps, and then copy link address the other way which one of our mastermind members shared this with us is to go to standby I’m looking for it now. I think it’s. Where the hell is it? Shit guys, give me a minute. Damn, somebody gave me a tool the other day. Maybe that’s it? Is that it? Let’s see this is it? Yes, that’s it. Use this one right here, guys. So this is https://www.GMBreviewsmaker.com. I’m going to paste this on the page for you guys real quick. And then I’ll show you how this works. Okay, so if you go to this, this will make it so much easier. All you gotta do is start searching. So if I say like, excuse me, guys, I got a should have muted notifications.
Adam: Oh, no, it’s fine. A Bradley. Just take the call will listen to.
Bradley: Yeah. Standby. I gotta hang up on that.
Bradley: Alright, sorry about that. All right, let me grab the screen a green screen. Again, this is the actual pretty cool tool that somebody posted from our group if I just start typing in Semantic Mastery. And it’s not going to show me now. It’s okay. You can type it you can paste in the URL as well. So let’s just go let’s go Semantic Mastery. And why is it not showing our knowledge base? Wasn’t that some shit? Let’s do it over here. Let’s just use this guy. So let’s go to his map. We’re going to grab the share URL here. Paste that in. And let’s see why is it not? Okay, so for some reason, we can’t find your business and drop down hit to code, place it Okay, there we go hit the code place ID and then enter in your map URL, wherever that goes are right there and click the code place ID. And what it does is it brings that URL back right here, the same one. That makes sense. So it’s this is the same one.
But like I said if you grab that URL right there, and you go to a redirect checker, so let’s go to like https://www.redirectdetective.com, for example. And you’ll see that that’s what I was talking about. This actually does a redirect through a 302 to the same version of the URL, but it’s just www.google.com as opposed to maps. google.com. Does that make sense? So if all you got to do is take this URL here, and swap that this out with the www, and it ends up being the URL that you want to use, right? So again, or Here we go. You can always copy it from the redirect checker. And that’s what it looks like. Does that make sense? And now if we take this URL, and we put it in the browser bar, click paste and go, you’ll see that once the page loads, it’s going to automatically switch to this long, ugly thing. That makes sense. So again, that which is a cleaner URL to use this one, certainly as much cleaner than this one. So this is the URL that I used to build links to. Okay. That’s a good question.
Do You Use The Same URL For Press Release And Video Embeds On A GMB Listing?
Bradley: Moving on. Okay, Gordon says when you post a backlink on an embedded page, on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing. When you post a backlink on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing is the same URL used for PR a different URL. Thanks. I don’t understand that question. Gordon, sorry. Does anybody can anybody decipher that question? For me?
Marco: If he’s talking about the video for PRs, it’s I don’t know if you could use a GMB URL for the video. I think they’re using it. They said Vimeo and YouTube, the other page right now about embedding on a press release. Is that what you mean? Yeah, I think that’s what this means. I don’t know. You’ll have to clear it up. Yeah, I’m just taking it as that what it means to be talking about the video that you can embed, the URL that there may be is that any YouTube video URL or a Vimeo URL. That’s what they’ll embed.
Bradley: Yeah, I’m not sure I understand the question. I’m not sure if that was it or not. But thanks, Marco for attempting. So yeah, if you can clarify, Gordon, that’s great. If not, that’s fine.
What SEO Strategies Would You Apply For A Wix Site OF A National Insurance Leads Provider?
So Muhammad’s up, he said, What’s up, mom? And by the way, he said, Hey, guys, what do we do with a client that has a Wix site run away? Now? I’m kidding. I’m pretty close to signing a national insurance leads provider, but I’ve just noticed the site was Wix. What’s the best course of action here? Can I still follow the battle plan and SM methods in general on wigs? Would it have the same effect? Yeah. I mean, it can, yes. Um, you know, there’s not much you can do about that, if that’s what they’re on. I believe Wix has an RSS feed. So you can still use that for blogging and everything else. I am personally not crazy about wigs. But as far as I know, you can still do everything pretty much that we recommend with WordPress, via Wix. It’s just a different type of, uh, you know, user interface and all that kind of stuff. I don’t know that Wix has any benefit, or is any worse as far as SEO stuff that you can do with it? Like the coding of it? Maybe Marco or somebody else can comment on that. But as far as I know, Wix can still be used for all the stuff that we do because it’s similar to WordPress.
Marco: Yeah, I’ve never even I think I built one. But I never followed through with it. Because it’s just learning a new platform, just as isn’t. I don’t know. There’s nothing in it for me and learning a whole new platform. So I stick with WordPress. And I’m trying to even get away from that. And what we recommend this if it doesn’t have the same functionality as WordPress, then install up a WordPress on a subdomain. Yeah, and blog from there. That’d be it. That’s that’s been our constant recommendation, since forever, when people come up with HTML or whatever else what other whatever other a CMS that you’re using outside of WordPress, or if it’s ecommerce or something, yeah, just whatever it is just do a WordPress install on a subdomain.
Bradley: Yeah, I totally agree with Marco could be like a blog.or, a news.or, something like that subdomain that you could use as the content distribution engine, essentially. You know, as I said, my new business that I was just talking about earlier, I’ve got a single page. It’s just a Click Funnels landing page. And that’s my, that’s on the root of the domain. So it’s a one-page site. So I had installed a WordPress on blog dot domain. com, essentially, and I’m using that as the blog, but I’ve only done two or three posts. So anyway, but yeah, you can do that. That’s what I would recommend.
Is Consistent Content Creation Necessary For A Wix Site Of A National Insurance Leads Provider?
But he says, following on from the previous question, is consistent content creation necessary? Still? I know, of course, it helps a ton. But assuming I still have a syndication network may do I lose a lot by not doing it? Well, I mean, we certainly recommend that you do market yours do content marketing. As like I said, If Wix has an RSS feed, but I’m pretty sure it does, you should be able to do it directly from Wix. But if you don’t like the interface, then just use the blog write blog, dot subdomain with WordPress installed. And then you can still do the same thing. I do recommend content marketing. I mean, again, guys for it. Google loves that they love the freshness, the updates the activity. You can automate, obviously, you know this mom and syndicating your network. You can automate syndicating to GMB, there’s a lot of things that you can do. So I do recommend that you get on somewhat of a content a consistent and regular content marketing schedule, although that you don’t, depending on the industry, you know, some you don’t have to do it three times a week, you could do it once a week or once every two weeks. It really just depends on the industry. But I do recommend that you are updating the blog regularly with content. The frequency is going to really depend on your competition that you’re dealing with as well as what industry you’re in. Okay.
Wayne, Clayton, you prick. Keep moving.
Do You Recommend Adding Keywords Into The iFrame?
Scott says I am in the process of placing an embed order with mg Why be question do you recommend adding keywords into the iframe? Marco? let you answer that one.
Marco: But I mean, you can.I haven’t seen it from everything that we’ve done add that much to the to whatever iframe you’re embedding, whether it’s map or video. I mean it could I’ve seen it a Google will read anything before the closing iframe tag. And so if you’re adding information in there, whether it’s schema keywords or whatever, Google will read it. The thing is, like, only SEOs do that. And it’s a really good way to get picked out. I mean, at some point, if they ever come after iframes, that would be the first thing that I would pick out anyone adding any information before that closing iframe tag because it’s mostly just SEOs that add information in there doesn’t work. I’ll be Scott nothing beats a try but fail so so we do allow you to submit keywords and Dadea will add it before the closing iframe tag. So try it out. That’s all I can tell you. Do I do it? No, I’ve hardly ever done it. We tested with it. And since we get similar results without we just don’t add extra information.
Bradley: Yeah. Correct. Alright, so the next several comments are Adam to spamming the comment box
Adam: and I roll.
Bradley: So doings got a nice meme about the bloodbath. It’s pretty cool.
Should You Complete A GMB Site Amidst Google’s Rampage Of GMB Suspensions?
Bradley: KenManich.e What’s up, Kenny says I have a new GMB. It’s a real business and above-loaded pics, logo description, etc. I haven’t built the GSB site. What do you thoughts about completing the site? Do you think that might kick off a suspension? Yeah, it may I mean, the thing is, is I haven’t had any issues with real client businesses like real bona fide businesses, GM bs until this week, and it was Monday. And that was one of those. All I did was I head up, I deleted one photo because it was showing up as a, like the primary image and mobile and the client said that he wanted a different photo. So and I don’t know how to force Google to select a different photo. So I said, Okay, well, let’s delete that one. And then I uploaded some new photos because he had some new photos recently of some of his technicians and such. And then I published the GSB website because for whatever reason that that he never had published that website for his GMB. And so I went in and publish the website, but I didn’t even add any content. It was just straight publishing. Before adding any content to it or anything. All I did was published a website and I don’t know if you know this can but when you publish the GMB website, it forces the change of the main URL for the GMB profile. From the money site to the business site GMB website URL, it forces the change with the UTM code on it to its really long and ugly, and you have to go in and then once you publish the site, you have to go edit the Info tab and change the website to back to the money site URL. And that’s all I did was I published the website didn’t even edit it. Right. All I did was then go to the Info tab. And I had to I changed the URL from the business site, which is the GMB website URL back to the money site URL. So to the branded domain, and immediately it’s suspended. And that’s where we’ve been we’ve been at ever since. You know, it’s only been a couple of days, but still, it just sucks because I didn’t do anything spammy. And it’s a legitimate business. You know, we can certainly can’t confirm and verify that, but that’s the case. So yeah, I don’t know. Honestly, I can’t tell you if it’s the GMB site that does that. Or it could have been a combination of doing both photos that day and the GMB site, I have no idea. I haven’t had any issues with legitimate businesses until this week. And now that I’ve experienced it, I’m skittish, right, I’m a bit gun shy, I don’t want to, I don’t want to really poke the bear, so to speak, you know what I mean? So I recommend and you know, until this shit settles down, which who knows when that’s going to be, I would say, try to stay out of that as much as possible and only do stuff that, you know, you can do either via API, like, posting GMB posts. Or you can probably post manually, I haven’t heard of anybody losing it from just doing the GMB post inside you know, the dashboard. But even then I might even want to do that through a manager account or content. What do they call it a site manager or something like that? Now, there are a couple of different levels that you can add additional users on one that would make more sense to be like a, I think it’s called a site manager used to be called content or communications managers or something like that. But I think they’re called site managers now. So
Will Google Treat A Subdomain As A Separate Brand Or It’s Treated As A Silo?
Okay, next is? And no, man, I guess he says, Hi, thanks for a wonderful webinar. My question is, if I use a subdomain, Google will treat it as a separate brand, or just like a silo? No, you know, it depends on how you set it up. But if you’re setting it up as a branded subdomain, you know, for example, like using what we talked about earlier, setting up a blog on a subject, you’re going to want to brand it the same. But you can also like, for example, I’ve got a lot of multi-location clients or stuff that I do, where each subdomain is we have separate subdomains for different locations. So each city has its own subdomain, so to speak, right? And that, that they’re all the same brand, but they each have their own WordPress installation or subdomain that is city specific. So but you can set up subdomains to treat them as two completely different entities if you want. So it really just depends on how you theme it and how you interlink between the subdomain and the root domain or other subdomains or all of them. Does that make sense? So the good thing is that Google does treat subdomains as separate web entities like another, in other words, separate websites, you can create the relationship, the association between the subdomain and the room if you want or the from, you know, the association with the brand. But the actual, the web asset itself, the domain itself, the subdomain is treated as a separate website if that makes sense. So that way, that you know, that’s why we do what we’ve been talking about using subdomains for like multi-location stuff for a long time because it’s a bit safer. If you put separate landing pages as internal pages of a website for multiple location stuff, and any one of your location pages catches the penalty for some reason, then it will, it can pull down the entire domain, right, it can affect all of the other locations because it affects the route as well. However, if you do stuff on subdomains, and you like, for example, have separate subdomains for each location, if anyone location gets hit by a penalty for some reason, then it will be isolated to that particular subdomain. It won’t affect the route and it won’t affect what I call sip the other sibling subdomains. So that’s why we tell you to do that. But again, it just depends on how you enter LinkedIn and what type of associations you make.
How To Use Schema And Rel=Canonical To Boost Ties Between A Reciprocal Link And The Money Site?
Jordans up, he says, related to a man’s question and reciprocal links, the blog subdomain should link heavily to the money site, right. Also, is there anything we can do to schema wise on a subdomain or rel canonical to tie it super tight to the main money site? domain? Yeah, that’s what I would do. Yeah, I mean, if you’re using a blog on, like what we talked about, for Mohammed, above, we’re like an e-commerce site or whatever. So if you’re using a subdomain name for blog, yeah, you’re gonna be using that to do like content marketing and link building from the subdomain up to the money site, typically, you’re not going to want to link back from the money site back down to the blog, it’s, you know, I mean, other than perhaps a navigation link that says blog, right, or whatever that links down to the root, or excuse me, the subdomain, but from within the individual pages and posts, now you’re going to use the subdomain to link up to the pages on the site that you want to rank. Okay. And then yeah, can article are always very powerful? You know, you can do that. It’s up to you. That is the blog link heavily to money site, but the money site not Yes, correct? That’s correct. Right, that as far as the money site, linking down, the only thing I would do is a subdomain, or excuse me, a navigation menu link that says blog that links down to that. And you know, you could do some sort of like sidebar widget for if you have, you know, for silos and things like that to show like related content and things like that you could do that on the money site. But typically that stuff that you would isolate to the blog anyway.
All right. Look, Gordon’s clarifying his question, good.
30-Day Click Funnel Challenge Update
Hernan, is the ad info information still available on Facebook pages? Is Hernan still here.
Hernan: I’m here. I’m here. Hey, can you hear me? Yes. The info and ads? I think so let me see. The adding for information is still available on Facebook pages. I’m working on the 30-day challenge and can find any info on certain business pages? Yes, I mean, they have switched that. So if you go to facebook.com/ads/library. So facebook.com/ads/library, you will be able to get like a public library of all of the ads that are being run right now. So on certain business pages, if there are running ads and whatnot, it’s still available. But some templates are like hiding it. But you know, all of the ads are being run on the platform can be found on facebook.com/ads/library. If you go there, you type in the Facebook page, and even the niche, you will be able to get a lot of intelligence out of that. So yeah, that’s basically how I do it.
Bradley: Cool, thank you.
Clarifications On The URL Used In Press Release & Video Embeds For Boosting GMB Listing
Bradley: So Gordon’s clarifying his questions. He says if you have time, here’s what I was trying to ask if I upload a video to a GMB listing and use that same video with an empty Why be in bed job is the backlink URL that is posted on each page of wherever the video is embedded the same URL used for press releases or as a different hope that clarification makes more sense. Okay. Remember in an embed, it’s not a backlink. Right? So you’re not linking to the video, you do not paste, you’re not posting the URL to the video, it’s an embed, so it’s not going to be the same. And if you’re if you upload a video to a GMB listing, then you’re going to get a GMB post URL. Not an embed code now, am I unless Marco, you said that you can embed a GMB post the correct you absolutely can. Okay. Now, I haven’t tested that where if you were to upload a video to GMB, then grab the as a GSB post, then grab the post URL, turn that into an embed, and then ask for an embed campaign for that I haven’t tested that that would actually be kind of an interesting test. Because then you’re doing an embed blast to a GSB. Post video. Does that make sense? So you could do that. Now if that’s what you’re talking about Gordon, then the URL, the iframe is going to be the same on all of the video pages or the embed pages. But you’re not going to be able to use that for press releases, not as an embed. You can use because the press releases for press advantage. You can embed a Google map, Google My Business map, and a Vimeo or YouTube video. And the way that you do it in the press release, and the press release is that for you? Well, first of all, if it’s a GMB map that you want to embed that’s how I select if you have your own subscription, when you go to submit the details for the press release to be written, there is a drop-down menu at the bottom that says, Do you want a Google Map embedded? And if you say yes, then it’s going to embed the GMB map that you have associated with the organization page. You say no, then it won’t. If you want to embed a video, then the way that you do it is you put the YouTube URL or Vimeo URL on its own line with a line break above and a line break below within the content body of the press release. Okay, and then when it publishes, it will publish as an embed. But you can’t do that with the GMB post URL. Like if you put the GMB post URL on its own line, it’s going to publish as just a URL. And unless you hyperlink that URL, it would literally just be a text URL, not hyperlinked, so just keep that in mind. Now, if you want to embed a YouTube video, then like I said, that’s, that’s all you do is put it on its own line. And then that’s going to be an embed code, it’ll convert to a competitive excuse me convert to an embed code when it publishes. That makes sense. So you can take a video that you upload to YouTube though, and upload that same file to GMB as a post as a video post. And now you’ve got the video uploaded as a GMB post. And you also have it embedded or uploaded to YouTube, which now you can use that in press releases. Ok. Ok, says I was talking about a video upload to the profile, not embedding it in a GMB post. I use such a video and Emma, can I use such a video and again, I don’t know how what you’re talking about. If you upload a video directly to GMB as like a photo, which you can do that to not a post, but you can upload it as a photo in the photo section, you can upload videos, it doesn’t give you an embed code. As far as I’m aware, it doesn’t give me an embed code. Does anybody can anybody clarify that?
Marco: You can actually embed a video in the photos section. It does overview but customer photos only up to texture, and video. So you can upload a video, then that video will have a URL. And if that video has a URL, you should be able to get an embed unless Google has a frame breaker on it. So I mean, I would have to test that and see if you could embed. I think I have one. But you’d have to test it. And then yes, you can submit that to mgyb.co. And Dadea will take that and he’ll run an embed gig on that. That URL as long as it’s an embeddable URL. Right.
Bradley: Okay, I think that’s complicating Gordon a bit. I don’t understand exactly what it is that you’re trying to do. But I do know that you can upload a video to GMB directly as not a post, I get that that’s fine, you can do that. I don’t know that you can get a share URL for it, but I didn’t know that you could get. I don’t know that that is embeddable.
Marco: I’m checking right now.
Bradley: Okay, cool.
Marco: I’m checking right right now and I’m saving the file, hang on a second.
Bradley: Because like clicking the photos, for example, just click on that photo, and we click Share. This is the share URL here. I don’t know if that would actually embed. So I’m it’s the same type of link that you get from uploaded videos my point. And I don’t know that that would embed. So you’d have to play with it and see. And that’s what Marco said he’s doing now.
Marco: No, no, it’s not coming up.
Bradley: It breaks it, doesn’t it?
Marco: It’s Yeah, it has a breaker. Yeah. Oh, fuck,
Bradley: yeah. So you’re better off uploading it as a GMB post, video post, and then taking the post URL and turning that into an embed. Right. So anyway, all right. Well, looks like there are no more questions. So if we don’t have any more questions, we can wrap it up about five minutes early. I’m okay with that. Are you guys okay with that?
Adam: I’m going with it in the woods.
Bradley: Okay. All right. All right. Well, everybody. Thanks. Thanks for being here. We’ve got mastermind webinar tomorrow. Don’t forget if you’re in the mastermind, 3:30 pm. We’ll see you all there. Thanks for everybody being here. Thanks, guys.
Hernan: We’ll see you guys.
Adam: And before we hop off, Bradley, we’re going to be going over some sales stuff with mastermind tomorrow.
Bradley: Yes, that’s right. Each one of us is going to chime in on that.
Adam: Awesome. I’m gonna get my slides out. Get that stuff and the slides, but I got some good stuff. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Bradley: That’s right. That’s why you asked to edit that. Today, I was wondering why I was like what’s going on with that? Now? I remember so I’ve got to prepare for that. I appreciate you mentioning that.
Adam: Yeah, no problem. Yeah, Mastery, everyone else mastermind members can get a little inside look into how we do sales individually. Since everyone’s a little bit different. And you know, there’s a lot of templates out there. But it’s a different thing, I think to hear people say exactly kind of what they do in order to, you know, move from prospect to actually close deals. So looking forward to chatting with you guys about that tomorrow. Yeah, definitely.
Marco: That’s gonna be a good one. I’m looking forward to definitely.
Bradley: see y’all then take it easy, guys later.
Bye. Bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242 syndicated from https://medium.com/@SpanishFly
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localwebmgmt · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242
Click on the video above to watch Episode 242 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, well hangouts are still here. We are going to be live on hangouts with Hump Day hangouts Episode 242. Yeah, we’re just gonna, we’re going to switch to tin cans and strings and how.
Hernan: There you go.
Adam: Well, with that, thanks for being here, and we’re going to jump right into it and just say, first of all, thanks for watching Hump Day Hangouts. Whether you’re catching this as a replay, whether you are joining us live, if you are live, go ahead. If you got any questions, pop them on the page. Say hello. Help post your favorite GIF. Do whatever you want to do. Let me take that back. Don’t do whatever you want to do. At least like PG 13 maybe.
Bradley: At least keep it relevant.
Adam: Yeah, well, real quick. Let’s go down the line. Say hello to everybody. We got everybody here today. I think Chris is hanging out so he doesn’t die of heat exhaustion. But so we’ll start with him before he passes out. How are you doing Chris?
Chris: Yeah, then good. had to move forward to the seller because like I don’t know the heat wave is like quite unbearable for me. I still don’t know why people love summer that much. More of a person. Yeah, rest. Life is good. Otherwise.
Adam: Coco Hernan, How about yourself? You’re kind of the opposite, right?
Hernan: Yeah, dude, I’m freezing my ass. But on the good note. I think that if I’m the Hangout goes away. We can do like you porn type of streaming, you know, and embed that in the page. Now I’m pretty cool. Yeah. Anyways, I’m great. Dude. I’m awesome. I’m just really looking forward to POFU Live 2019. That’s coming. He’s coming in hot. We had a really cool. We had a really cool event last year. And we are going to make it cooler this year. So it’s going to be pretty cool. So
Adam: yeah, definitely. We’re going to talk some more about that. But if you’re not sure what it is, one, stay tuned. And then secondly, go over to pokey live.com which will actually work now I got the domain resolve so you can actually they type in hopefully live and get there. So go check that out. Marco, How about yourself? How are you doing, man?
Marco: What’s up, man? Just to get the question out of the way. Our Hump Day hangouts going away?
Adam: No, oh,
Bradley: no. No.
Marco: Before we get asked 1000 times on be the first person to ask it. I’ll be done with Hump Day hangout on my watch. Just making sure I took
Bradley: I took off last week because I had a meeting that I couldn’t get out of. And I feel I felt like something was missing the entire damn week because this is Episode 242. And this is only the second episode I’ve missed out of 242. And so it’s you know, it’s Wednesday’s aren’t the same without Hump Day Hangout. So no, we’re not taking them away. We’re just saying that Hangouts On Air is going away. So we’re going to have to figure out a new way to stream and answer questions, which is fine. We’ll adapt. We always do.
Marco: Yeah. Anyway. Life’s good. Costa Rica is good. the weather’s good. Have a nice little earthquake last night. 66263 woke me up at around one-two in the morning. You know, shaken and bacon. But otherwise? Things are good.
Adam: That’s good. I’m glad you guys are all right. That’s getting up there. That’s not a tiny one.
Marco: Now I was off on the coast. No worries.
Adam: Good deal. Bradley, you. You’re still with us too I guess weather and everything treating your it.
Bradley: Everything’s good man. Life is good. Can’t complain. A lot of good things going on. Right now. We’re doing some pretty cool stuff in the mastermind, which by the way, guys, we have a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’ll be covering some stuff in there. I’m also starting a small group training inside the mastermind for some select members that it’s going to be really cool for they’re going to be kind of learning the new business model that I’m into. Because it’s so lucrative. So that’s a lot of fun. Just got a lot of exciting stuff going on right now. Oh, do want to talk about something else though. GMBs are certainly on a rampage. Google is on a rampage right now suspending shit, that’s even 100% legit for no reason. I actually had my first client site or GMB suspended just two days ago for doing nothing other than uploading a photo. And it was dumb. It was just it’s stupid. And I’ve got it in the reinstatement request going on. And they sent a message back to said originally that they’ll you know, reply within 24 hours. Then within 24 hours, I got a follow-up reply that said we have a huge backlog of reconsideration, reinstatement requests that we’re trying to work through, and it will be we’re backlogged up to three or two to three weeks. So my clients pissed, but he understands I didn’t do anything. You know, it’s spammy. It’s just, it’s just Google My Business is broken right now, guys. So now we have to switch strategies up, I would recommend staying out of them as much as possible, try not to edit them at all, if possible, until they get their shit together. It’s just, it’s a bloodbath out there right now. So just keep that in mind. So I didn’t want to give that update. We gotta shift our strategy to adapt with whatever, whatever comes. And this is, um, this is not a very good time for Google My Business stuff for sure.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. There are more questions about that, too. If anyone watching has some questions, go ahead and pop that in there. I mean, obviously, it’s a big topic we’ve been covering. It’s a great way to conduct lead gen like we’ve been talking about. And just because this is happening doesn’t mean this is the way it’s always going to be things change, just like it became, you know, a great tool to use and it may swing back that way. So real quick to just want to say if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, thanks for joining us for Hump Day Hangouts. Again, whether you’re live or watching the replay. If you’re here, you’re in the right place, you can always go to https://www.semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask your questions ahead of time, in case you can’t watch it live. So each week, you can pop those on there will answer them or point you in the right direction. If we can’t get you a specific answer. Other than that, though, the next thing people ask us is, you know, hey, where should I start with Semantic Mastery besides coming home to hang out What should I do? Go get the Battle Plan, go to https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com and if you’re ready to move on from that, take things up a few notches come join our MasterMind, alright, if you’re looking to form a strong network, if you’re looking to either start or grow your own digital marketing agency or if you’re a business owner that wants to grow it as well that I’ll also comprise a number of our members. Come check out the mastermind https://www.mastermind.semanticmastery.com. You can find out more about that. And then if you’re looking for Done For You services like syndication networks, RYS drive stacks, links, embeds all that good stuff, go to mgyb.co for your premium done for you SEO services. And last but not least, hook us up, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you guys are over there, you’re watching clips or whatever, just check, just click the subscribe button. Stay update helps us and helps us stay on top of important questions whether it’s SEO, its other digital marketing questions, funnels, Facebook ads, whatever it is that’s going on, we put out a ton of content and we love that people watch it. So help us out and subscribe over there.
POFU Live 2019 Guests
So real quick, we mentioned POFU Live, I want to touch base on this real quick for everyone. We just tomorrow or for if you’re a subscriber, you’re going to see an email about that. And I just wanted to talk real quick because we just got that up and running. We’re just starting ticket sales mastermind members got the first crack at getting their tickets. And we’ve got two out of the three speakers that we can announce there on the page. So it’s no secret if you go there, but I wanted to touch base on this. Jeffrey Smith is going to be joining us again. All right. He was Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so he’s going to be joining us again, really pumped to have Jeffrey back. He joined us last year for the first POFU Live gave a killer talk. He was a blast. He was there all weekend, hanging out talking to people dropping some bombs and some great gold nuggets, there are some information. And he’s going to be coming back and doing it again. So really looking forward to that. And then Adam Benjamin is not only a because he’s got a great first name. But also He’s the founder of Brain Hickey, this guy is a killer copywriter. He’s got a lot of real-world experience dealing with clients both at scale and with high ticket, high-end clients, tons of information, tons of knowledge he’s going to share. So looking forward to having him he’s a Colorado local. So he’s going to come down and help us in Denver and be pitching in and dropping some knowledge there too. And then we are going to have potentially a third and maybe even a fourth guest speaker who we will be announcing in the coming days. But the reason I bring this up to you is if you want to go to poker, you live in Denver and October 11 12th and 13th of this year, you’re going to want to get your tickets in the next week or two, shortly after the Fourth of July week, the prices are going to be going up, we want to offer you an early bird discount. It’s our way of saying thank you if you get the tickets now helps us plan accordingly. And we can do this a lot easier. So as again, our way of saying thank you is we offer you a lower price for that. But as soon as that’s over, prices are going to go up. There’s no you know, special offers coming. There’s no you know, last-minute sale, anything like that.
Bradley: Yeah, the way just quickly to clarify, our events are not pitched fest guys, it’s not like you’re going to come to our event, we’re going to pitch you additional training and products and the speakers are going to be pitching training and products. It’s not how it works with it’s a training event. You know, if you want to reach out to any of them afterward, and you know, pursue what they have available, that’s perfectly fine. It’s up to you. But it’s not about that it’s about training. It’s going to be a really good event. You know, we talked about holistic business building, right. So it’s not just about SEO or this or that it’s about the overall building a business, scaling a business, sustaining a business, all of that. So again, we would highly recommend if anybody’s interested to Get your tickets now because it’s going to go up after the Fourth of July ish area timeframe. So now would be a good time to get them at their lowest price.
Adam: Definitely. And I mean, I will just say to it’s a good time, you know, you can go These are real people on the pages, the real attendees from last year, you know, we can tell you about it. And if you have questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected] will answer them. Or you can ask them here on Hump Day Hangouts. But you can go and see what other people had to say about the event. You know, a lot of really good points, people got a lot out of it and a lot out of each other the networking that happened there, just like being in the mastermind, a lot of the power comes from the people you meet there the connections, you meet the ideas that are generated in that kind of smaller group setting. So really looking forward to doing that again, and narrowing down the list for the VIP day. That last time was a blast, we did a kr a chartered brewery tour in Washington, DC. And this year, we’re going to be in Denver. So I’m looking at something else I’ve got it narrowed down to a couple but I think it’s going to be just as fun. It’s a good way to get to meet everybody, relax, to have fun, get introduced, get up speed and then hit the ground running the next day for the main event.
Press Release Advantage Webinar
Bradley: Sweet. Yeah. Are we going to let’s talk briefly about the press advantage webinar? If we can,
Adam: Oh, definitely. Yeah, you want to fill people in case they missed that brother.
Bradley: Okay, uh, if you guys didn’t see it on Monday, we had Jeremy, the developer or one of the codeveloper of press advantage on and you guys know, we been pitching or using press advantage I have been for many years actually. But we did a promotion for press advantage when they when he kind of relaunched it as two dot o at the end of September last year. And so we’re talking, you know, eight months ago, and he was gracious enough to come on on Monday to open up a very, very good offer. Again, for people that want to subscribe have their own subscription to press the advantage, which there were two different levels, there’s one level which is three done for your press. So written for you press releases on a monthly basis for 350 bucks, which gives you the ability to have an organization page, which, if you followed any of our training, that is an integral part of what we do, we use that organization page as a very powerful tier one property branded property. Very, very powerful. And a lot of things that you can do with it are powerful as well. Then there’s the other offer, which was amazing that he swore up and down, he wouldn’t open up again, the previous time that he in September when we did the webinar, but I did twist his arm and he opened it up again. And that was for 497 a month you get six written for you press releases and unlimited, write them, write it yourself, press releases, or submit yourself. But here’s the catch that I mean, there’s no catch. But you can buy additional press release writing services from press advantage for 50 bucks. So essentially, you get six for 497 a month. And then you can buy each additional one for 50 bucks, or you can go out and get your own writer and all that. But I’m telling you the best and most efficient way to run it is to just use the writers. And anyway, we did a webinar with him and ended up going two hours. Again, there’s a lot of new and additional features that have been implemented since September when we did it the first time. And so we cover all here, he covers all of that. And I you know, I comment along in the webinar, if you want to watch it. Otherwise, just skip to the end or, you know, go to the sales page or the checkout page, I should say and subscribe. If you’re doing anything for your your own business, a light like a court press releases are incredibly powerful content marketing through press releases are incredibly powerful. So even if you’re your own business owner, as opposed to like an agency or a marketing consultant, using press releases, frequently and often is going to be very, very powerful for your business, we’ve seen it time and again. So I would say if even if you’re a business owner, or definitely if you’re a consultant or an agency that you should look at to get your own subscription, you can buy press releases from us at in our store, mgyb.co, and they’re one-off press releases for a very good price. And you still get the benefit of having that press release published, which drives a lot of links. It can get a lot of traffic and all that kind of stuff. But if you’re going to be doing volume, which you should be doing because they are so powerful, it should be an integral part of your content marketing strategy, you should have your own subscription period. And we stand by that statement. So it’s a great service, I highly recommend you go check it out. Check out the webinar if you want to see all of what it can do for you. Otherwise, just go straight to the checkout page and subscribe.
Bradley: Did you drop the link? Adam? I assume you did.
Adam: Yeah. Did the webinar replay page is on there. And I think we are good to go. Are there any other announcements? Yes. I don’t.
Bradley: I don’t have any. I’m ready for questions.
Marco: Yeah, I have a comment. Our shit works, period.
Bradley: Boom. All right, I’m taking the screen. Let’s do it.
Bradley: Okay, cool. We probably have some new listeners or watchers, viewers, audience members, whatever. Because I did a podcast with Tommy, Tommy Mellow has a podcast, which does handle a whole bunch of home service type contractors and got a really good response from that. And so anybody that’s here from Tommy mellows podcast, welcome. Come back, post off, you know, post questions here often about anything that has to do with your contracting businesses as far as marketing, getting better results, lead generation, that kind of stuff, we’re happy to answer them. And again, definitely, you know, engage with us, and we’ll try to help you out as much as we can.
How To Use Google My Business Page To Promote A Hardwood Floor And Staircase Renovation Business?
So Alright, so the first question I see comes from Scott n, and I’m assuming this may be one of them. I have a hardwood floor and staircase renovation business, my main point of interest is to learn how to best utilize the Google My Business Page to get the most out of the account. So that’s really good. Now, there are a few things that I would recommend, number one if you heard the beginning of this webinar, or today’s Hump Day Hangout right now is not really a good time to be doing a whole lot of editing of your Google My Business Page, right. So if you’ve got it already, and it’s running, that’s great. I would recommend that you really stick to just doing Google My Business posts or GMB posts right now, and not do a lot of editing of the page itself or the profile. because things are being suspended. Right now Google is on a rampage to eliminate spam listings, in part because of some high profile people running their mouth, to high profile publications and getting a lot of unnecessary attention to them. And so anyway, my point is, even if you’re a legit business owner, with a legitimate business with the physical location that you can verify, I recommend that you stay the hell out of it. As far as making edits to the actual profile, at least until Google fixes its itchy trigger finger so to speak, because right now, barely, I mean, for no rhyme or reason that I know of. You go in and you make an edit of any kind and boom, it can get it can be suspended. And it’s a crapshoot every time, right? You roll the dice every time because you never know what’s going to suspend the listing or not. And, as I mentioned before, their backlog for reinstatement requests are two to three weeks currently at the moment. So if it gets suspended, you’re going to be shut out, you know, dead in the water di Tw until you can get it reinstated if they’re going to be gracious enough to reinstate it. So that’s just the caveat, I want to you know, disclaim everything here with that, number one. Number two, it really one of the best things that you can do is to Google My Business posting, right, do that frequently and often. Look for the keywords that you want, or search queries that you want to get more traffic from. Also, look at the GMB insights. And you’ll see what kind of search queries are actually bringing your maps listing exposure, and start using those search queries that are relevant more often in posts. Okay, that’s really important. And in something else, we you know, we talked about our store mgyb.co. And just for anybody that doesn’t know what mg yc stands for, that makes Google your bitch. So mgyb.co is our store. If you go there, we’ve got some products that will help help you to actually really boost your Google My Business profile. As far as you know, getting better results from it. Number one would be a syndication network. Number two would be a drive stack. And we can know, we can offer assistance as to how to get the best use out of those. For people that don’t know, those of you that are not in the SEO industry. Some of that may seem foreign to you. But really, it’s not difficult, the concept is quite easy, I’m actually going to walk through a brief example of how you can gather the type of links that you would want to promote. So your profiles within a drive stack. Drive stacks are incredibly powerful, especially for Google My Business stuff or maps ranking. So I’m going to walk through that here in just a moment. But first, I just want to say, for your Google My Business Page, really again, I would stay out of trying to edit it right now. But I would take advantage of the Google My Business posting feature. Post often, post regularly, use the search queries or the keywords that you want to get traffic from. So for example, in this case, like it might be flooring, floor restoration or floor renovation or flooring, contractors or gills notice a lot of near me keywords. near me type search queries are driving a lot of traffic to maps. So flooring contractors near me flooring restoration near me variations of near me like nearby in my area close to me, that kind of stuff. So mix and match the keywords, the types of service keywords that you want to rank for, along with near me and variations of near me. Also, if you cover a wide surface area, you want to start including some of the locations that within your service area. So location names, do it be via city names, even neighborhoods, things like burrows, districts, things like that if you have different names that you can start to include. That’s why I said there’s really no way that you can do too many posts in my opinion. That’s really important and that as far as I know, is not getting GMB suspended. I haven’t had that happen from a post yet, but I have from doing editing the profile at all. That makes sense. Okay. Marco, do you want to comment on that while I pull up some examples?
Marco: No, no, I agree. Totally. I mean, we have the train Local GMB Pro, which could be the next step. In the process except in gi in local GMB Pro, we do tell you to go and make edits and all of these other things which you shouldn’t be doing when you submit it, especially if you have a real business, right? A real, whether it’s service area, brick, and mortar, whatever it is that you have, fill it out as thoroughly as you can right at the beginning before you send for that pin. So that you don’t have to go back and mess with it. Because it’s when you start going back and messing with it that you get into problems. So that the only change that I would recommend right now is if you’re doing some that’s legitimate. Do it right the first time get you to know, use the guidelines that we set up in local GMB Pro. But do it right the first time send for that pin, make sure all the information is correct. And then it’ll come back to you. It’s your business. And if something happens, you can always go back in and get that business reinstated. Right that GMB whereas others are the problem that they’re having. And why it is a problem, to begin with, is we were just spamming in and getting a ton of businesses that didn’t really exist. But if yours does that, then you right now, the second problem is Bradley mentioned is that you’re in a queue. And until they can get to you because of spammers like Bradley. You’re waiting for three four months and excuse me weeks. And right now, whatever it is that the summer businesses, right? Well, the summer businesses, like a pest control Tree Service, anything having to do with outdoors, are in the queue, and this is like the top of the season. So they’re moving a whole lot of money. And they shouldn’t be because they have legitimate businesses. So that’s the only thing that I would add.
Bradley: Yeah, that’s my client is an outdoor pest control company. And he’s, you know, this is the peak of their season. And it’s just, it’s just really shitty. And, you know, again, we didn’t do anything spammy or wrong, it just suspended, it’s dumb. Anyways, I’m going to use home remodeling as opposed to floor restoration only because I know this industry a bit better. So I’m going to use it just as a quick example, for those of you that are, we get questions all the time about how to how to order a drive stack within MGYB. And I’m going to cover that just briefly, guys, because I’m telling you, it’s one of the very most powerful things that you can possibly do. And you can get it 100% done for you on our store. And I say that because it’s absolute truth. I started a new business about two months ago, a brand new business. And all I have done is three press releases and a drive stack. That’s it, I haven’t even done anything else to it at all is a one-page website with a drive stack and three press releases. And I’m on the number three position for the state of Virginia for my very top keyword. So and that’s just and it’s been two months. So I’m telling you, it’s incredibly powerful, you’re going to see results if you use it. So my what I want to just walk through very quickly is just give an example here. So for home remodeling, Fairfax, I use Fairfax because I’m in a rural area called Cole pepper, there’s not a lot of activity around me, but Fairfax is a very busy area in Northern Virginia. So let’s just say that your business was Daniels design and remodeling general contractor. Well, what I would do is to figure out which URLs which links you want to include or submit when you order a drive stack. You know, if you’ve been following us, you know that we recommend getting a syndication network first, and then ordering and drive stack and including your syndication network URLs, profile URLs in the or the links that you submit when you purchase the drive set. So that’s the number. But if you’re just coming to us, and you don’t know what a syndication network is, well, we’ll cover that at a different time. We’re covering drive stacks right now. But what I would do is just go to Google and use another search for Google. In this case, I was just looking for a brand that I could use as an example. So I’m going to take Daniels design and remodeling as my example. Okay, so all I’m going to do is a copy. So let’s say whatever your company name is just go to Google, paste it in, and also pasting your phone number to so not just your name, but also paste in your phone number. Alright, so this is what we’re going to do, we’re going to say that this is your business, we’re going to do a quick Google search on your brand name and your phone number. And then what we’re going to do, and apparently they got some shitty Yelp reviews, but that’s probably because of Yelp filters out all the good ones, right unless you’re a paying advertiser. So what I would do is come in here, and I would just open up these links, all the links associated with your first two pages that are, you know, obviously that are relevant links to your business.
Bradley: I would just go through and over up every single one of those links, they’re also plugins that you can use guys that will that are called like link grabbers that will actually scrape all the links off a Google search page and put them into a text file or a notepad file. But you can do this manually, just go through and click right click, open Lincoln new tab, and then just go collect all of those links, put them into a notepad file, because that’s how you submit them inside our dashboard. Anyways, once you place your order, and go through the checkout process, then you go submit your order details. And what you can do is submit a text file with all the URLs that you want including in the drive stack. So that’s all you do, I’m not going to go through this guys, you understand the point, just go through the top two pages, select all of your URLs that you want to be included in the drive stack, and put them into a text file, save it and then upload that text file as your target URL or for the order. Right, then the same thing goes for keywords. for keywords, you’re going to want to take your top level keywords that you know, including your brand name, and use those as the keywords, create a nice little text file with your keywords in there. So your top level service products and or services, some of the location names that you want to include. Also your brand name, use, make sure that that’s included in your keyword list and upload that. And then our team will go out and build you a very, very, very powerful drive stack, which are Google Drive properties that are going to be branded and themed and have your profile URL, or excuse me, your profile logo, your logo as the profile image, your header images, it’s just going to be a very, very powerful thing. And now that becomes your insulator, your SEO firewall, all of the other stuff that you can do an SEO that we would never recommend you do directly to your money site, you can now due to the drive stack, and the drive stack pushes all of that relevance back to your money site will help in your maps listing. And we’ll help you to rank that makes sense. So that’s a quick down and dirty way to figure out how to get the URL was that you’re going to submit is just go to Google use Google to tell you and just go through the top two pages. That’s all you need. What are the most powerful or authoritative branded profiles or citations in this case that Google thinks for that particular brand your brand, right, so put your brand name in your business, your phone number and click Search. just collect all the URLs from the top two pages, put them into a text file, save them, then work on your keyword lists. Again, you can find out the keywords that are bringing your traffic through your GMB insights and just select the relevant keywords. And then also if you have some search queries that you desire more traffic from add those in as well. Mark, do you want to comment on that before I move on?
Marco: Yeah, the only thing that I would add to this is that they do get a spreadsheet when they order that their syndication network. Those should also be included.
Bradley: That’s correct. And I said step one should be a syndication network but for those people are coming to us from the podcast. I just wanted to talk about the drive stacks first networks maybe we’ll cover that the beginning of next webinar. But that’s correct. Alright, so anyways, welcome Scott Scott Walker says I guess he’s asking where he’s at. Okay, cool.
What URL Do You Use In The Press Release When Boosting The Rank Of A GMB Listing?
And thanks, guys. given us a shout out Gordon says, Hey, guys, thanks again for your hump day out. Hump Day help, as usual, greatly appreciated it. Thank you, Gordon. He says this may be a dumb question, but I’ll ask anyway. When using a press release for boosting the rank of A GMB listing, is the URL that you use? Is it backlink in the PR the same as the one that you get by going to the GMB dashboard and clicking the Info tab and going to view on search or view on maps? Or is this something else? Yes. That’s the link that we suggest. I’ve shown a kind of a funky way to get that URL in the past. If you go into your info tab, and you right click on the view on maps, and copy link address or right click copy link address and paste it into a notepad file. It’s going to be an HTTPS www.google.com slash maps, question mark. See ID equals and then that’s going to be a string of numbers. And that’s the maps URL. But that’s actually a 302 redirect to the final, the correct URL for maps, which is instead of, excuse me, it’s going to be that this is what it’s going to look like. I’m just going to give you an example real quick. So it’s going to be maps google.com, forward slash maps, question mark, see ID equals and then it’s going to be a string of numbers, right? It’s going to be several numbers, something like that. Right. That’s what Google is going to give you. When you right click view on the view on maps and copy link address. All you want to do though because if you put that in a redirect checker, you’re going to see that it actually redirects with a 302 to this. That’s it, it doesn’t change anything except that it changes that map subdomain to dub dub dub. And now that’s the URL that you want to use right there. Right. And what happens is, when you actually take that URL and check it in a redirect checker, it’s going to say test, okay, there’ll be a 200. htm, code 200, which says test, okay. But if you actually go to view that URL in your address bar, like paste and go, it will, once the page loads, it actually switches to that really long, stupid, ugly URL that maps gives you when you’re viewing your map in the browser. Does that make sense? So again, it’s a straight URL, and that’s the best URL to use. So you can get it that way. By the way, by going in and getting it from your GMB dashboard. Right click, go to the Info tab, right click view on maps, and then copy link address the other way which one of our mastermind members shared this with us is to go to standby I’m looking for it now. I think it’s. Where the hell is it? Shit guys, give me a minute. Damn, somebody gave me a tool the other day. Maybe that’s it? Is that it? Let’s see this is it? Yes, that’s it. Use this one right here, guys. So this is https://www.GMBreviewsmaker.com. I’m going to paste this on the page for you guys real quick. And then I’ll show you how this works. Okay, so if you go to this, this will make it so much easier. All you gotta do is start searching. So if I say like, excuse me, guys, I got a should have muted notifications.
Adam: Oh, no, it’s fine. A Bradley. Just take the call will listen to.
Bradley: Yeah. Standby. I gotta hang up on that.
Bradley: Alright, sorry about that. All right, let me grab the screen a green screen. Again, this is the actual pretty cool tool that somebody posted from our group if I just start typing in Semantic Mastery. And it’s not going to show me now. It’s okay. You can type it you can paste in the URL as well. So let’s just go let’s go Semantic Mastery. And why is it not showing our knowledge base? Wasn’t that some shit? Let’s do it over here. Let’s just use this guy. So let’s go to his map. We’re going to grab the share URL here. Paste that in. And let’s see why is it not? Okay, so for some reason, we can’t find your business and drop down hit to code, place it Okay, there we go hit the code place ID and then enter in your map URL, wherever that goes are right there and click the code place ID. And what it does is it brings that URL back right here, the same one. That makes sense. So it’s this is the same one.
But like I said if you grab that URL right there, and you go to a redirect checker, so let’s go to like https://www.redirectdetective.com, for example. And you’ll see that that’s what I was talking about. This actually does a redirect through a 302 to the same version of the URL, but it’s just www.google.com as opposed to maps. google.com. Does that make sense? So if all you got to do is take this URL here, and swap that this out with the www, and it ends up being the URL that you want to use, right? So again, or Here we go. You can always copy it from the redirect checker. And that’s what it looks like. Does that make sense? And now if we take this URL, and we put it in the browser bar, click paste and go, you’ll see that once the page loads, it’s going to automatically switch to this long, ugly thing. That makes sense. So again, that which is a cleaner URL to use this one, certainly as much cleaner than this one. So this is the URL that I used to build links to. Okay. That’s a good question.
Do You Use The Same URL For Press Release And Video Embeds On A GMB Listing?
Bradley: Moving on. Okay, Gordon says when you post a backlink on an embedded page, on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing. When you post a backlink on an embed page of a video you’ve uploaded to the GMB listing is the same URL used for PR a different URL. Thanks. I don’t understand that question. Gordon, sorry. Does anybody can anybody decipher that question? For me?
Marco: If he’s talking about the video for PRs, it’s I don’t know if you could use a GMB URL for the video. I think they’re using it. They said Vimeo and YouTube, the other page right now about embedding on a press release. Is that what you mean? Yeah, I think that’s what this means. I don’t know. You’ll have to clear it up. Yeah, I’m just taking it as that what it means to be talking about the video that you can embed, the URL that there may be is that any YouTube video URL or a Vimeo URL. That’s what they’ll embed.
Bradley: Yeah, I’m not sure I understand the question. I’m not sure if that was it or not. But thanks, Marco for attempting. So yeah, if you can clarify, Gordon, that’s great. If not, that’s fine.
What SEO Strategies Would You Apply For A Wix Site OF A National Insurance Leads Provider?
So Muhammad’s up, he said, What’s up, mom? And by the way, he said, Hey, guys, what do we do with a client that has a Wix site run away? Now? I’m kidding. I’m pretty close to signing a national insurance leads provider, but I’ve just noticed the site was Wix. What’s the best course of action here? Can I still follow the battle plan and SM methods in general on wigs? Would it have the same effect? Yeah. I mean, it can, yes. Um, you know, there’s not much you can do about that, if that’s what they’re on. I believe Wix has an RSS feed. So you can still use that for blogging and everything else. I am personally not crazy about wigs. But as far as I know, you can still do everything pretty much that we recommend with WordPress, via Wix. It’s just a different type of, uh, you know, user interface and all that kind of stuff. I don’t know that Wix has any benefit, or is any worse as far as SEO stuff that you can do with it? Like the coding of it? Maybe Marco or somebody else can comment on that. But as far as I know, Wix can still be used for all the stuff that we do because it’s similar to WordPress.
Marco: Yeah, I’ve never even I think I built one. But I never followed through with it. Because it’s just learning a new platform, just as isn’t. I don’t know. There’s nothing in it for me and learning a whole new platform. So I stick with WordPress. And I’m trying to even get away from that. And what we recommend this if it doesn’t have the same functionality as WordPress, then install up a WordPress on a subdomain. Yeah, and blog from there. That’d be it. That’s that’s been our constant recommendation, since forever, when people come up with HTML or whatever else what other whatever other a CMS that you’re using outside of WordPress, or if it’s ecommerce or something, yeah, just whatever it is just do a WordPress install on a subdomain.
Bradley: Yeah, I totally agree with Marco could be like a blog.or, a news.or, something like that subdomain that you could use as the content distribution engine, essentially. You know, as I said, my new business that I was just talking about earlier, I’ve got a single page. It’s just a Click Funnels landing page. And that’s my, that’s on the root of the domain. So it’s a one-page site. So I had installed a WordPress on blog dot domain. com, essentially, and I’m using that as the blog, but I’ve only done two or three posts. So anyway, but yeah, you can do that. That’s what I would recommend.
Is Consistent Content Creation Necessary For A Wix Site Of A National Insurance Leads Provider?
But he says, following on from the previous question, is consistent content creation necessary? Still? I know, of course, it helps a ton. But assuming I still have a syndication network may do I lose a lot by not doing it? Well, I mean, we certainly recommend that you do market yours do content marketing. As like I said, If Wix has an RSS feed, but I’m pretty sure it does, you should be able to do it directly from Wix. But if you don’t like the interface, then just use the blog write blog, dot subdomain with WordPress installed. And then you can still do the same thing. I do recommend content marketing. I mean, again, guys for it. Google loves that they love the freshness, the updates the activity. You can automate, obviously, you know this mom and syndicating your network. You can automate syndicating to GMB, there’s a lot of things that you can do. So I do recommend that you get on somewhat of a content a consistent and regular content marketing schedule, although that you don’t, depending on the industry, you know, some you don’t have to do it three times a week, you could do it once a week or once every two weeks. It really just depends on the industry. But I do recommend that you are updating the blog regularly with content. The frequency is going to really depend on your competition that you’re dealing with as well as what industry you’re in. Okay.
Wayne, Clayton, you prick. Keep moving.
Do You Recommend Adding Keywords Into The iFrame?
Scott says I am in the process of placing an embed order with mg Why be question do you recommend adding keywords into the iframe? Marco? let you answer that one.
Marco: But I mean, you can.I haven’t seen it from everything that we’ve done add that much to the to whatever iframe you’re embedding, whether it’s map or video. I mean it could I’ve seen it a Google will read anything before the closing iframe tag. And so if you’re adding information in there, whether it’s schema keywords or whatever, Google will read it. The thing is, like, only SEOs do that. And it’s a really good way to get picked out. I mean, at some point, if they ever come after iframes, that would be the first thing that I would pick out anyone adding any information before that closing iframe tag because it’s mostly just SEOs that add information in there doesn’t work. I’ll be Scott nothing beats a try but fail so so we do allow you to submit keywords and Dadea will add it before the closing iframe tag. So try it out. That’s all I can tell you. Do I do it? No, I’ve hardly ever done it. We tested with it. And since we get similar results without we just don’t add extra information.
Bradley: Yeah. Correct. Alright, so the next several comments are Adam to spamming the comment box
Adam: and I roll.
Bradley: So doings got a nice meme about the bloodbath. It’s pretty cool.
Should You Complete A GMB Site Amidst Google’s Rampage Of GMB Suspensions?
Bradley: KenManich.e What’s up, Kenny says I have a new GMB. It’s a real business and above-loaded pics, logo description, etc. I haven’t built the GSB site. What do you thoughts about completing the site? Do you think that might kick off a suspension? Yeah, it may I mean, the thing is, is I haven’t had any issues with real client businesses like real bona fide businesses, GM bs until this week, and it was Monday. And that was one of those. All I did was I head up, I deleted one photo because it was showing up as a, like the primary image and mobile and the client said that he wanted a different photo. So and I don’t know how to force Google to select a different photo. So I said, Okay, well, let’s delete that one. And then I uploaded some new photos because he had some new photos recently of some of his technicians and such. And then I published the GSB website because for whatever reason that that he never had published that website for his GMB. And so I went in and publish the website, but I didn’t even add any content. It was just straight publishing. Before adding any content to it or anything. All I did was published a website and I don’t know if you know this can but when you publish the GMB website, it forces the change of the main URL for the GMB profile. From the money site to the business site GMB website URL, it forces the change with the UTM code on it to its really long and ugly, and you have to go in and then once you publish the site, you have to go edit the Info tab and change the website to back to the money site URL. And that’s all I did was I published the website didn’t even edit it. Right. All I did was then go to the Info tab. And I had to I changed the URL from the business site, which is the GMB website URL back to the money site URL. So to the branded domain, and immediately it’s suspended. And that’s where we’ve been we’ve been at ever since. You know, it’s only been a couple of days, but still, it just sucks because I didn’t do anything spammy. And it’s a legitimate business. You know, we can certainly can’t confirm and verify that, but that’s the case. So yeah, I don’t know. Honestly, I can’t tell you if it’s the GMB site that does that. Or it could have been a combination of doing both photos that day and the GMB site, I have no idea. I haven’t had any issues with legitimate businesses until this week. And now that I’ve experienced it, I’m skittish, right, I’m a bit gun shy, I don’t want to, I don’t want to really poke the bear, so to speak, you know what I mean? So I recommend and you know, until this shit settles down, which who knows when that’s going to be, I would say, try to stay out of that as much as possible and only do stuff that, you know, you can do either via API, like, posting GMB posts. Or you can probably post manually, I haven’t heard of anybody losing it from just doing the GMB post inside you know, the dashboard. But even then I might even want to do that through a manager account or content. What do they call it a site manager or something like that? Now, there are a couple of different levels that you can add additional users on one that would make more sense to be like a, I think it’s called a site manager used to be called content or communications managers or something like that. But I think they’re called site managers now. So
Will Google Treat A Subdomain As A Separate Brand Or It’s Treated As A Silo?
Okay, next is? And no, man, I guess he says, Hi, thanks for a wonderful webinar. My question is, if I use a subdomain, Google will treat it as a separate brand, or just like a silo? No, you know, it depends on how you set it up. But if you’re setting it up as a branded subdomain, you know, for example, like using what we talked about earlier, setting up a blog on a subject, you’re going to want to brand it the same. But you can also like, for example, I’ve got a lot of multi-location clients or stuff that I do, where each subdomain is we have separate subdomains for different locations. So each city has its own subdomain, so to speak, right? And that, that they’re all the same brand, but they each have their own WordPress installation or subdomain that is city specific. So but you can set up subdomains to treat them as two completely different entities if you want. So it really just depends on how you theme it and how you interlink between the subdomain and the root domain or other subdomains or all of them. Does that make sense? So the good thing is that Google does treat subdomains as separate web entities like another, in other words, separate websites, you can create the relationship, the association between the subdomain and the room if you want or the from, you know, the association with the brand. But the actual, the web asset itself, the domain itself, the subdomain is treated as a separate website if that makes sense. So that way, that you know, that’s why we do what we’ve been talking about using subdomains for like multi-location stuff for a long time because it’s a bit safer. If you put separate landing pages as internal pages of a website for multiple location stuff, and any one of your location pages catches the penalty for some reason, then it will, it can pull down the entire domain, right, it can affect all of the other locations because it affects the route as well. However, if you do stuff on subdomains, and you like, for example, have separate subdomains for each location, if anyone location gets hit by a penalty for some reason, then it will be isolated to that particular subdomain. It won’t affect the route and it won’t affect what I call sip the other sibling subdomains. So that’s why we tell you to do that. But again, it just depends on how you enter LinkedIn and what type of associations you make.
How To Use Schema And Rel=Canonical To Boost Ties Between A Reciprocal Link And The Money Site?
Jordans up, he says, related to a man’s question and reciprocal links, the blog subdomain should link heavily to the money site, right. Also, is there anything we can do to schema wise on a subdomain or rel canonical to tie it super tight to the main money site? domain? Yeah, that’s what I would do. Yeah, I mean, if you’re using a blog on, like what we talked about, for Mohammed, above, we’re like an e-commerce site or whatever. So if you’re using a subdomain name for blog, yeah, you’re gonna be using that to do like content marketing and link building from the subdomain up to the money site, typically, you’re not going to want to link back from the money site back down to the blog, it’s, you know, I mean, other than perhaps a navigation link that says blog, right, or whatever that links down to the root, or excuse me, the subdomain, but from within the individual pages and posts, now you’re going to use the subdomain to link up to the pages on the site that you want to rank. Okay. And then yeah, can article are always very powerful? You know, you can do that. It’s up to you. That is the blog link heavily to money site, but the money site not Yes, correct? That’s correct. Right, that as far as the money site, linking down, the only thing I would do is a subdomain, or excuse me, a navigation menu link that says blog that links down to that. And you know, you could do some sort of like sidebar widget for if you have, you know, for silos and things like that to show like related content and things like that you could do that on the money site. But typically that stuff that you would isolate to the blog anyway.
All right. Look, Gordon’s clarifying his question, good.
30-Day Click Funnel Challenge Update
Hernan, is the ad info information still available on Facebook pages? Is Hernan still here.
Hernan: I’m here. I’m here. Hey, can you hear me? Yes. The info and ads? I think so let me see. The adding for information is still available on Facebook pages. I’m working on the 30-day challenge and can find any info on certain business pages? Yes, I mean, they have switched that. So if you go to facebook.com/ads/library. So facebook.com/ads/library, you will be able to get like a public library of all of the ads that are being run right now. So on certain business pages, if there are running ads and whatnot, it’s still available. But some templates are like hiding it. But you know, all of the ads are being run on the platform can be found on facebook.com/ads/library. If you go there, you type in the Facebook page, and even the niche, you will be able to get a lot of intelligence out of that. So yeah, that’s basically how I do it.
Bradley: Cool, thank you.
Clarifications On The URL Used In Press Release & Video Embeds For Boosting GMB Listing
Bradley: So Gordon’s clarifying his questions. He says if you have time, here’s what I was trying to ask if I upload a video to a GMB listing and use that same video with an empty Why be in bed job is the backlink URL that is posted on each page of wherever the video is embedded the same URL used for press releases or as a different hope that clarification makes more sense. Okay. Remember in an embed, it’s not a backlink. Right? So you’re not linking to the video, you do not paste, you’re not posting the URL to the video, it’s an embed, so it’s not going to be the same. And if you’re if you upload a video to a GMB listing, then you’re going to get a GMB post URL. Not an embed code now, am I unless Marco, you said that you can embed a GMB post the correct you absolutely can. Okay. Now, I haven’t tested that where if you were to upload a video to GMB, then grab the as a GSB post, then grab the post URL, turn that into an embed, and then ask for an embed campaign for that I haven’t tested that that would actually be kind of an interesting test. Because then you’re doing an embed blast to a GSB. Post video. Does that make sense? So you could do that. Now if that’s what you’re talking about Gordon, then the URL, the iframe is going to be the same on all of the video pages or the embed pages. But you’re not going to be able to use that for press releases, not as an embed. You can use because the press releases for press advantage. You can embed a Google map, Google My Business map, and a Vimeo or YouTube video. And the way that you do it in the press release, and the press release is that for you? Well, first of all, if it’s a GMB map that you want to embed that’s how I select if you have your own subscription, when you go to submit the details for the press release to be written, there is a drop-down menu at the bottom that says, Do you want a Google Map embedded? And if you say yes, then it’s going to embed the GMB map that you have associated with the organization page. You say no, then it won’t. If you want to embed a video, then the way that you do it is you put the YouTube URL or Vimeo URL on its own line with a line break above and a line break below within the content body of the press release. Okay, and then when it publishes, it will publish as an embed. But you can’t do that with the GMB post URL. Like if you put the GMB post URL on its own line, it’s going to publish as just a URL. And unless you hyperlink that URL, it would literally just be a text URL, not hyperlinked, so just keep that in mind. Now, if you want to embed a YouTube video, then like I said, that’s, that’s all you do is put it on its own line. And then that’s going to be an embed code, it’ll convert to a competitive excuse me convert to an embed code when it publishes. That makes sense. So you can take a video that you upload to YouTube though, and upload that same file to GMB as a post as a video post. And now you’ve got the video uploaded as a GMB post. And you also have it embedded or uploaded to YouTube, which now you can use that in press releases. Ok. Ok, says I was talking about a video upload to the profile, not embedding it in a GMB post. I use such a video and Emma, can I use such a video and again, I don’t know how what you’re talking about. If you upload a video directly to GMB as like a photo, which you can do that to not a post, but you can upload it as a photo in the photo section, you can upload videos, it doesn’t give you an embed code. As far as I’m aware, it doesn’t give me an embed code. Does anybody can anybody clarify that?
Marco: You can actually embed a video in the photos section. It does overview but customer photos only up to texture, and video. So you can upload a video, then that video will have a URL. And if that video has a URL, you should be able to get an embed unless Google has a frame breaker on it. So I mean, I would have to test that and see if you could embed. I think I have one. But you’d have to test it. And then yes, you can submit that to mgyb.co. And Dadea will take that and he’ll run an embed gig on that. That URL as long as it’s an embeddable URL. Right.
Bradley: Okay, I think that’s complicating Gordon a bit. I don’t understand exactly what it is that you’re trying to do. But I do know that you can upload a video to GMB directly as not a post, I get that that’s fine, you can do that. I don’t know that you can get a share URL for it, but I didn’t know that you could get. I don’t know that that is embeddable.
Marco: I’m checking right now.
Bradley: Okay, cool.
Marco: I’m checking right right now and I’m saving the file, hang on a second.
Bradley: Because like clicking the photos, for example, just click on that photo, and we click Share. This is the share URL here. I don’t know if that would actually embed. So I’m it’s the same type of link that you get from uploaded videos my point. And I don’t know that that would embed. So you’d have to play with it and see. And that’s what Marco said he’s doing now.
Marco: No, no, it’s not coming up.
Bradley: It breaks it, doesn’t it?
Marco: It’s Yeah, it has a breaker. Yeah. Oh, fuck,
Bradley: yeah. So you’re better off uploading it as a GMB post, video post, and then taking the post URL and turning that into an embed. Right. So anyway, all right. Well, looks like there are no more questions. So if we don’t have any more questions, we can wrap it up about five minutes early. I’m okay with that. Are you guys okay with that?
Adam: I’m going with it in the woods.
Bradley: Okay. All right. All right. Well, everybody. Thanks. Thanks for being here. We’ve got mastermind webinar tomorrow. Don’t forget if you’re in the mastermind, 3:30 pm. We’ll see you all there. Thanks for everybody being here. Thanks, guys.
Hernan: We’ll see you guys.
Adam: And before we hop off, Bradley, we’re going to be going over some sales stuff with mastermind tomorrow.
Bradley: Yes, that’s right. Each one of us is going to chime in on that.
Adam: Awesome. I’m gonna get my slides out. Get that stuff and the slides, but I got some good stuff. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Bradley: That’s right. That’s why you asked to edit that. Today, I was wondering why I was like what’s going on with that? Now? I remember so I’ve got to prepare for that. I appreciate you mentioning that.
Adam: Yeah, no problem. Yeah, Mastery, everyone else mastermind members can get a little inside look into how we do sales individually. Since everyone’s a little bit different. And you know, there’s a lot of templates out there. But it’s a different thing, I think to hear people say exactly kind of what they do in order to, you know, move from prospect to actually close deals. So looking forward to chatting with you guys about that tomorrow. Yeah, definitely.
Marco: That’s gonna be a good one. I’m looking forward to definitely.
Bradley: see y'all then take it easy, guys later.
Bye. Bye.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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semanticmastery · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 242
Click on the video above to watch Episode 242 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, well hangouts are still here. We are going to be live on hangouts with Hump Day hangouts Episode 242. Yeah, we're just gonna, we're going to switch to tin cans and strings and how.
Hernan: There you go.
Adam: Well, with that, thanks for being here, and we're going to jump right into it and just say, first of all, thanks for watching Hump Day Hangouts. Whether you're catching this as a replay, whether you are joining us live, if you are live, go ahead. If you got any questions, pop them on the page. Say hello. Help post your favorite GIF. Do whatever you want to do. Let me take that back. Don't do whatever you want to do. At least like PG 13 maybe.
Bradley: At least keep it relevant.
Adam: Yeah, well, real quick. Let's go down the line. Say hello to everybody. We got everybody here today. I think Chris is hanging out so he doesn't die of heat exhaustion. But so we'll start with him before he passes out. How are you doing Chris?
Chris: Yeah, then good. had to move forward to the seller because like I don't know the heat wave is like quite unbearable for me. I still don't know why people love summer that much. More of a person. Yeah, rest. Life is good. Otherwise.
Adam: Coco Hernan, How about yourself? You're kind of the opposite, right?
Hernan: Yeah, dude, I'm freezing my ass. But on the good note. I think that if I'm the Hangout goes away. We can do like you porn type of streaming, you know, and embed that in the page. Now I'm pretty cool. Yeah. Anyways, I'm great. Dude. I'm awesome. I'm just really looking forward to POFU Live 2019. That's coming. He's coming in hot. We had a really cool. We had a really cool event last year. And we are going to make it cooler this year. So it's going to be pretty cool. So
Adam: yeah, definitely. We're going to talk some more about that. But if you're not sure what it is, one, stay tuned. And then secondly, go over to pokey live.com which will actually work now I got the domain resolve so you can actually they type in hopefully live and get there. So go check that out. Marco, How about yourself? How are you doing, man?
Marco: What's up, man? Just to get the question out of the way. Our Hump Day hangouts going away?
Adam: No, oh,
Bradley: no. No.
Marco: Before we get asked 1000 times on be the first person to ask it. I'll be done with Hump Day hangout on my watch. Just making sure I took
Bradley: I took off last week because I had a meeting that I couldn't get out of. And I feel I felt like something was missing the entire damn week because this is Episode 242. And this is only the second episode I've missed out of 242. And so it's you know, it's Wednesday's aren't the same without Hump Day Hangout. So no, we're not taking them away. We're just saying that Hangouts On Air is going away. So we're going to have to figure out a new way to stream and answer questions, which is fine. We'll adapt. We always do.
Marco: Yeah. Anyway. Life's good. Costa Rica is good. the weather's good. Have a nice little earthquake last night. 66263 woke me up at around one-two in the morning. You know, shaken and bacon. But otherwise? Things are good.
Adam: That's good. I'm glad you guys are all right. That's getting up there. That's not a tiny one.
Marco: Now I was off on the coast. No worries.
Adam: Good deal. Bradley, you. You're still with us too I guess weather and everything treating your it.
Bradley: Everything's good man. Life is good. Can't complain. A lot of good things going on. Right now. We're doing some pretty cool stuff in the mastermind, which by the way, guys, we have a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we'll be covering some stuff in there. I'm also starting a small group training inside the mastermind for some select members that it's going to be really cool for they're going to be kind of learning the new business model that I'm into. Because it's so lucrative. So that's a lot of fun. Just got a lot of exciting stuff going on right now. Oh, do want to talk about something else though. GMBs are certainly on a rampage. Google is on a rampage right now suspending shit, that's even 100% legit for no reason. I actually had my first client site or GMB suspended just two days ago for doing nothing other than uploading a photo. And it was dumb. It was just it's stupid. And I've got it in the reinstatement request going on. And they sent a message back to said originally that they'll you know, reply within 24 hours. Then within 24 hours, I got a follow-up reply that said we have a huge backlog of reconsideration, reinstatement requests that we're trying to work through, and it will be we're backlogged up to three or two to three weeks. So my clients pissed, but he understands I didn't do anything. You know, it's spammy. It's just, it's just Google My Business is broken right now, guys. So now we have to switch strategies up, I would recommend staying out of them as much as possible, try not to edit them at all, if possible, until they get their shit together. It's just, it's a bloodbath out there right now. So just keep that in mind. So I didn't want to give that update. We gotta shift our strategy to adapt with whatever, whatever comes. And this is, um, this is not a very good time for Google My Business stuff for sure.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. There are more questions about that, too. If anyone watching has some questions, go ahead and pop that in there. I mean, obviously, it's a big topic we've been covering. It's a great way to conduct lead gen like we've been talking about. And just because this is happening doesn't mean this is the way it's always going to be things change, just like it became, you know, a great tool to use and it may swing back that way. So real quick to just want to say if you're new to Semantic Mastery, thanks for joining us for Hump Day Hangouts. Again, whether you're live or watching the replay. If you're here, you're in the right place, you can always go to https://www.semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and ask your questions ahead of time, in case you can't watch it live. So each week, you can pop those on there will answer them or point you in the right direction. If we can't get you a specific answer. Other than that, though, the next thing people ask us is, you know, hey, where should I start with Semantic Mastery besides coming home to hang out What should I do? Go get the Battle Plan, go to https://www.battleplan.semanticmastery.com and if you're ready to move on from that, take things up a few notches come join our MasterMind, alright, if you're looking to form a strong network, if you're looking to either start or grow your own digital marketing agency or if you're a business owner that wants to grow it as well that I'll also comprise a number of our members. Come check out the mastermind https://www.mastermind.semanticmastery.com. You can find out more about that. And then if you're looking for Done For You services like syndication networks, RYS drive stacks, links, embeds all that good stuff, go to mgyb.co for your premium done for you SEO services. And last but not least, hook us up, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you guys are over there, you're watching clips or whatever, just check, just click the subscribe button. Stay update helps us and helps us stay on top of important questions whether it's SEO, its other digital marketing questions, funnels, Facebook ads, whatever it is that's going on, we put out a ton of content and we love that people watch it. So help us out and subscribe over there.
POFU Live 2019 Guests
So real quick, we mentioned POFU Live, I want to touch base on this real quick for everyone. We just tomorrow or for if you're a subscriber, you're going to see an email about that. And I just wanted to talk real quick because we just got that up and running. We're just starting ticket sales mastermind members got the first crack at getting their tickets. And we've got two out of the three speakers that we can announce there on the page. So it's no secret if you go there, but I wanted to touch base on this. Jeffrey Smith is going to be joining us again. All right. He was Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so he's going to be joining us again, really pumped to have Jeffrey back. He joined us last year for the first POFU Live gave a killer talk. He was a blast. He was there all weekend, hanging out talking to people dropping some bombs and some great gold nuggets, there are some information. And he's going to be coming back and doing it again. So really looking forward to that. And then Adam Benjamin is not only a because he's got a great first name. But also He's the founder of Brain Hickey, this guy is a killer copywriter. He's got a lot of real-world experience dealing with clients both at scale and with high ticket, high-end clients, tons of information, tons of knowledge he's going to share. So looking forward to having him he's a Colorado local. So he's going to come down and help us in Denver and be pitching in and dropping some knowledge there too. And then we are going to have potentially a third and maybe even a fourth guest speaker who we will be announcing in the coming days. But the reason I bring this up to you is if you want to go to poker, you live in Denver and October 11 12th and 13th of this year, you're going to want to get your tickets in the next week or two, shortly after the Fourth of July week, the prices are going to be going up, we want to offer you an early bird discount. It's our way of saying thank you if you get the tickets now helps us plan accordingly. And we can do this a lot easier. So as again, our way of saying thank you is we offer you a lower price for that. But as soon as that's over, prices are going to go up. There's no you know, special offers coming. There's no you know, last-minute sale, anything like that.
Bradley: Yeah, the way just quickly to clarify, our events are not pitched fest guys, it's not like you're going to come to our event, we're going to pitch you additional training and products and the speakers are going to be pitching training and products. It's not how it works with it's a training event. You know, if you want to reach out to any of them afterward, and you know, pursue what they have available, that's perfectly fine. It's up to you. But it's not about that it's about training. It's going to be a really good event. You know, we talked about holistic business building, right. So it's not just about SEO or this or that it's about the overall building a business, scaling a business, sustaining a business, all of that. So again, we would highly recommend if anybody's interested to Get your tickets now because it's going to go up after the Fourth of July ish area timeframe. So now would be a good time to get them at their lowest price.
Adam: Definitely. And I mean, I will just say to it's a good time, you know, you can go These are real people on the pages, the real attendees from last year, you know, we can tell you about it. And if you have questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected] will answer them. Or you can ask them here on Hump Day Hangouts. But you can go and see what other people had to say about the event. You know, a lot of really good points, people got a lot out of it and a lot out of each other the networking that happened there, just like being in the mastermind, a lot of the power comes from the people you meet there the connections, you meet the ideas that are generated in that kind of smaller group setting. So really looking forward to doing that again, and narrowing down the list for the VIP day. That last time was a blast, we did a kr a chartered brewery tour in Washington, DC. And this year, we're going to be in Denver. So I'm looking at something else I've got it narrowed down to a couple but I think it's going to be just as fun. It's a good way to get to meet everybody, relax, to have fun, get introduced, get up speed and then hit the ground running the next day for the main event.
Press Release Advantage Webinar
Bradley: Sweet. Yeah. Are we going to let's talk briefly about the press advantage webinar? If we can,
Adam: Oh, definitely. Yeah, you want to fill people in case they missed that brother.
Bradley: Okay, uh, if you guys didn't see it on Monday, we had Jeremy, the developer or one of the codeveloper of press advantage on and you guys know, we been pitching or using press advantage I have been for many years actually. But we did a promotion for press advantage when they when he kind of relaunched it as two dot o at the end of September last year. And so we're talking, you know, eight months ago, and he was gracious enough to come on on Monday to open up a very, very good offer. Again, for people that want to subscribe have their own subscription to press the advantage, which there were two different levels, there's one level which is three done for your press. So written for you press releases on a monthly basis for 350 bucks, which gives you the ability to have an organization page, which, if you followed any of our training, that is an integral part of what we do, we use that organization page as a very powerful tier one property branded property. Very, very powerful. And a lot of things that you can do with it are powerful as well. Then there's the other offer, which was amazing that he swore up and down, he wouldn't open up again, the previous time that he in September when we did the webinar, but I did twist his arm and he opened it up again. And that was for 497 a month you get six written for you press releases and unlimited, write them, write it yourself, press releases, or submit yourself. But here's the catch that I mean, there's no catch. But you can buy additional press release writing services from press advantage for 50 bucks. So essentially, you get six for 497 a month. And then you can buy each additional one for 50 bucks, or you can go out and get your own writer and all that. But I'm telling you the best and most efficient way to run it is to just use the writers. And anyway, we did a webinar with him and ended up going two hours. Again, there's a lot of new and additional features that have been implemented since September when we did it the first time. And so we cover all here, he covers all of that. And I you know, I comment along in the webinar, if you want to watch it. Otherwise, just skip to the end or, you know, go to the sales page or the checkout page, I should say and subscribe. If you're doing anything for your your own business, a light like a court press releases are incredibly powerful content marketing through press releases are incredibly powerful. So even if you're your own business owner, as opposed to like an agency or a marketing consultant, using press releases, frequently and often is going to be very, very powerful for your business, we've seen it time and again. So I would say if even if you're a business owner, or definitely if you're a consultant or an agency that you should look at to get your own subscription, you can buy press releases from us at in our store, mgyb.co, and they're one-off press releases for a very good price. And you still get the benefit of having that press release published, which drives a lot of links. It can get a lot of traffic and all that kind of stuff. But if you're going to be doing volume, which you should be doing because they are so powerful, it should be an integral part of your content marketing strategy, you should have your own subscription period. And we stand by that statement. So it's a great service, I highly recommend you go check it out. Check out the webinar if you want to see all of what it can do for you. Otherwise, just go straight to the checkout page and subscribe.
Bradley: Did you drop the link? Adam? I assume you did.
Adam: Yeah. Did the webinar replay page is on there. And I think we are good to go. Are there any other announcements? Yes. I don't.
Bradley: I don't have any. I'm ready for questions.
Marco: Yeah, I have a comment. Our shit works, period.
Bradley: Boom. All right, I'm taking the screen. Let's do it.
Bradley: Okay, cool. We probably have some new listeners or watchers, viewers, audience members, whatever. Because I did a podcast with Tommy, Tommy Mellow has a podcast, which does handle a whole bunch of home service type contractors and got a really good response from that. And so anybody that's here from Tommy mellows podcast, welcome. Come back, post off, you know, post questions here often about anything that has to do with your contracting businesses as far as marketing, getting better results, lead generation, that kind of stuff, we're happy to answer them. And again, definitely, you know, engage with us, and we'll try to help you out as much as we can.
How To Use Google My Business Page To Promote A Hardwood Floor And Staircase Renovation Business?
So Alright, so the first question I see comes from Scott n, and I'm assuming this may be one of them. I have a hardwood floor and staircase renovation business, my main point of interest is to learn how to best utilize the Google My Business Page to get the most out of the account. So that's really good. Now, there are a few things that I would recommend, number one if you heard the beginning of this webinar, or today's Hump Day Hangout right now is not really a good time to be doing a whole lot of editing of your Google My Business Page, right. So if you've got it already, and it's running, that's great. I would recommend that you really stick to just doing Google My Business posts or GMB posts right now, and not do a lot of editing of the page itself or the profile. because things are being suspended. Right now Google is on a rampage to eliminate spam listings, in part because of some high profile people running their mouth, to high profile publications and getting a lot of unnecessary attention to them. And so anyway, my point is, even if you're a legit business owner, with a legitimate business with the physical location that you can verify, I recommend that you stay the hell out of it. As far as making edits to the actual profile, at least until Google fixes its itchy trigger finger so to speak, because right now, barely, I mean, for no rhyme or reason that I know of. You go in and you make an edit of any kind and boom, it can get it can be suspended. And it's a crapshoot every time, right? You roll the dice every time because you never know what's going to suspend the listing or not. And, as I mentioned before, their backlog for reinstatement requests are two to three weeks currently at the moment. So if it gets suspended, you're going to be shut out, you know, dead in the water di Tw until you can get it reinstated if they're going to be gracious enough to reinstate it. So that's just the caveat, I want to you know, disclaim everything here with that, number one. Number two, it really one of the best things that you can do is to Google My Business posting, right, do that frequently and often. Look for the keywords that you want, or search queries that you want to get more traffic from. Also, look at the GMB insights. And you'll see what kind of search queries are actually bringing your maps listing exposure, and start using those search queries that are relevant more often in posts. Okay, that's really important. And in something else, we you know, we talked about our store mgyb.co. And just for anybody that doesn't know what mg yc stands for, that makes Google your bitch. So mgyb.co is our store. If you go there, we've got some products that will help help you to actually really boost your Google My Business profile. As far as you know, getting better results from it. Number one would be a syndication network. Number two would be a drive stack. And we can know, we can offer assistance as to how to get the best use out of those. For people that don't know, those of you that are not in the SEO industry. Some of that may seem foreign to you. But really, it's not difficult, the concept is quite easy, I'm actually going to walk through a brief example of how you can gather the type of links that you would want to promote. So your profiles within a drive stack. Drive stacks are incredibly powerful, especially for Google My Business stuff or maps ranking. So I'm going to walk through that here in just a moment. But first, I just want to say, for your Google My Business Page, really again, I would stay out of trying to edit it right now. But I would take advantage of the Google My Business posting feature. Post often, post regularly, use the search queries or the keywords that you want to get traffic from. So for example, in this case, like it might be flooring, floor restoration or floor renovation or flooring, contractors or gills notice a lot of near me keywords. near me type search queries are driving a lot of traffic to maps. So flooring contractors near me flooring restoration near me variations of near me like nearby in my area close to me, that kind of stuff. So mix and match the keywords, the types of service keywords that you want to rank for, along with near me and variations of near me. Also, if you cover a wide surface area, you want to start including some of the locations that within your service area. So location names, do it be via city names, even neighborhoods, things like burrows, districts, things like that if you have different names that you can start to include. That's why I said there's really no way that you can do too many posts in my opinion. That's really important and that as far as I know, is not getting GMB suspended. I haven't had that happen from a post yet, but I have from doing editing the profile at all. That makes sense. Okay. Marco, do you want to comment on that while I pull up some examples?
Marco: No, no, I agree. Totally. I mean, we have the train Local GMB Pro, which could be the next step. In the process except in gi in local GMB Pro, we do tell you to go and make edits and all of these other things which you shouldn't be doing when you submit it, especially if you have a real business, right? A real, whether it's service area, brick, and mortar, whatever it is that you have, fill it out as thoroughly as you can right at the beginning before you send for that pin. So that you don't have to go back and mess with it. Because it's when you start going back and messing with it that you get into problems. So that the only change that I would recommend right now is if you're doing some that's legitimate. Do it right the first time get you to know, use the guidelines that we set up in local GMB Pro. But do it right the first time send for that pin, make sure all the information is correct. And then it'll come back to you. It's your business. And if something happens, you can always go back in and get that business reinstated. Right that GMB whereas others are the problem that they're having. And why it is a problem, to begin with, is we were just spamming in and getting a ton of businesses that didn't really exist. But if yours does that, then you right now, the second problem is Bradley mentioned is that you're in a queue. And until they can get to you because of spammers like Bradley. You're waiting for three four months and excuse me weeks. And right now, whatever it is that the summer businesses, right? Well, the summer businesses, like a pest control Tree Service, anything having to do with outdoors, are in the queue, and this is like the top of the season. So they're moving a whole lot of money. And they shouldn't be because they have legitimate businesses. So that's the only thing that I would add.
Bradley: Yeah, that's my client is an outdoor pest control company. And he's, you know, this is the peak of their season. And it's just, it's just really shitty. And, you know, again, we didn't do anything spammy or wrong, it just suspended, it's dumb. Anyways, I'm going to use home remodeling as opposed to floor restoration only because I know this industry a bit better. So I'm going to use it just as a quick example, for those of you that are, we get questions all the time about how to how to order a drive stack within MGYB. And I'm going to cover that just briefly, guys, because I'm telling you, it's one of the very most powerful things that you can possibly do. And you can get it 100% done for you on our store. And I say that because it's absolute truth. I started a new business about two months ago, a brand new business. And all I have done is three press releases and a drive stack. That's it, I haven't even done anything else to it at all is a one-page website with a drive stack and three press releases. And I'm on the number three position for the state of Virginia for my very top keyword. So and that's just and it's been two months. So I'm telling you, it's incredibly powerful, you're going to see results if you use it. So my what I want to just walk through very quickly is just give an example here. So for home remodeling, Fairfax, I use Fairfax because I'm in a rural area called Cole pepper, there's not a lot of activity around me, but Fairfax is a very busy area in Northern Virginia. So let's just say that your business was Daniels design and remodeling general contractor. Well, what I would do is to figure out which URLs which links you want to include or submit when you order a drive stack. You know, if you've been following us, you know that we recommend getting a syndication network first, and then ordering and drive stack and including your syndication network URLs, profile URLs in the or the links that you submit when you purchase the drive set. So that's the number. But if you're just coming to us, and you don't know what a syndication network is, well, we'll cover that at a different time. We're covering drive stacks right now. But what I would do is just go to Google and use another search for Google. In this case, I was just looking for a brand that I could use as an example. So I'm going to take Daniels design and remodeling as my example. Okay, so all I'm going to do is a copy. So let's say whatever your company name is just go to Google, paste it in, and also pasting your phone number to so not just your name, but also paste in your phone number. Alright, so this is what we're going to do, we're going to say that this is your business, we're going to do a quick Google search on your brand name and your phone number. And then what we're going to do, and apparently they got some shitty Yelp reviews, but that's probably because of Yelp filters out all the good ones, right unless you're a paying advertiser. So what I would do is come in here, and I would just open up these links, all the links associated with your first two pages that are, you know, obviously that are relevant links to your business.
Bradley: I would just go through and over up every single one of those links, they're also plugins that you can use guys that will that are called like link grabbers that will actually scrape all the links off a Google search page and put them into a text file or a notepad file. But you can do this manually, just go through and click right click, open Lincoln new tab, and then just go collect all of those links, put them into a notepad file, because that's how you submit them inside our dashboard. Anyways, once you place your order, and go through the checkout process, then you go submit your order details. And what you can do is submit a text file with all the URLs that you want including in the drive stack. So that's all you do, I'm not going to go through this guys, you understand the point, just go through the top two pages, select all of your URLs that you want to be included in the drive stack, and put them into a text file, save it and then upload that text file as your target URL or for the order. Right, then the same thing goes for keywords. for keywords, you're going to want to take your top level keywords that you know, including your brand name, and use those as the keywords, create a nice little text file with your keywords in there. So your top level service products and or services, some of the location names that you want to include. Also your brand name, use, make sure that that's included in your keyword list and upload that. And then our team will go out and build you a very, very, very powerful drive stack, which are Google Drive properties that are going to be branded and themed and have your profile URL, or excuse me, your profile logo, your logo as the profile image, your header images, it's just going to be a very, very powerful thing. And now that becomes your insulator, your SEO firewall, all of the other stuff that you can do an SEO that we would never recommend you do directly to your money site, you can now due to the drive stack, and the drive stack pushes all of that relevance back to your money site will help in your maps listing. And we'll help you to rank that makes sense. So that's a quick down and dirty way to figure out how to get the URL was that you're going to submit is just go to Google use Google to tell you and just go through the top two pages. That's all you need. What are the most powerful or authoritative branded profiles or citations in this case that Google thinks for that particular brand your brand, right, so put your brand name in your business, your phone number and click Search. just collect all the URLs from the top two pages, put them into a text file, save them, then work on your keyword lists. Again, you can find out the keywords that are bringing your traffic through your GMB insights and just select the relevant keywords. And then also if you have some search queries that you desire more traffic from add those in as well. Mark, do you want to comment on that before I move on?
Marco: Yeah, the only thing that I would add to this is that they do get a spreadsheet when they order that their syndication network. Those should also be included.
Bradley: That's correct. And I said step one should be a syndication network but for those people are coming to us from the podcast. I just wanted to talk about the drive stacks first networks maybe we'll cover that the beginning of next webinar. But that's correct. Alright, so anyways, welcome Scott Scott Walker says I guess he's asking where he's at. Okay, cool.
What URL Do You Use In The Press Release When Boosting The Rank Of A GMB Listing?
And thanks, guys. given us a shout out Gordon says, Hey, guys, thanks again for your hump day out. Hump Day help, as usual, greatly appreciated it. Thank you, Gordon. He says this may be a dumb question, but I'll ask anyway. When using a press release for boosting the rank of A GMB listing, is the URL that you use? Is it backlink in the PR the same as the one that you get by going to the GMB dashboard and clicking the Info tab and going to view on search or view on maps? Or is this something else? Yes. That's the link that we suggest. I've shown a kind of a funky way to get that URL in the past. If you go into your info tab, and you right click on the view on maps, and copy link address or right click copy link address and paste it into a notepad file. It's going to be an HTTPS www.google.com slash maps, question mark. See ID equals and then that's going to be a string of numbers. And that's the maps URL. But that's actually a 302 redirect to the final, the correct URL for maps, which is instead of, excuse me, it's going to be that this is what it's going to look like. I'm just going to give you an example real quick. So it's going to be maps google.com, forward slash maps, question mark, see ID equals and then it's going to be a string of numbers, right? It's going to be several numbers, something like that. Right. That's what Google is going to give you. When you right click view on the view on maps and copy link address. All you want to do though because if you put that in a redirect checker, you're going to see that it actually redirects with a 302 to this. That's it, it doesn't change anything except that it changes that map subdomain to dub dub dub. And now that's the URL that you want to use right there. Right. And what happens is, when you actually take that URL and check it in a redirect checker, it's going to say test, okay, there'll be a 200. htm, code 200, which says test, okay. But if you actually go to view that URL in your address bar, like paste and go, it will, once the page loads, it actually switches to that really long, stupid, ugly URL that maps gives you when you're viewing your map in the browser. Does that make sense? So again, it's a straight URL, and that's the best URL to use. So you can get it that way. By the way, by going in and getting it from your GMB dashboard. Right click, go to the Info tab, right click view on maps, and then copy link address the other way which one of our mastermind members shared this with us is to go to standby I'm looking for it now. I think it's. Where the hell is it? Shit guys, give me a minute. Damn, somebody gave me a tool the other day. Maybe that's it? Is that it? Let's see this is it? Yes, that's it. Use this one right here, guys. So this is https://www.GMBreviewsmaker.com. I'm going to paste this on the page for you guys real quick. And then I'll show you how this works. Okay, so if you go to this, this will make it so much easier. All you gotta do is start searching. So if I say like, excuse me, guys, I got a should have muted notifications.
Adam: Oh, no, it's fine. A Bradley. Just take the call will listen to.
Bradley: Yeah. Standby. I gotta hang up on that.
Bradley: Alright, sorry about that. All right, let me grab the screen a green screen. Again, this is the actual pretty cool tool that somebody posted from our group if I just start typing in Semantic Mastery. And it's not going to show me now. It's okay. You can type it you can paste in the URL as well. So let's just go let's go Semantic Mastery. And why is it not showing our knowledge base? Wasn't that some shit? Let's do it over here. Let's just use this guy. So let's go to his map. We're going to grab the share URL here. Paste that in. And let's see why is it not? Okay, so for some reason, we can't find your business and drop down hit to code, place it Okay, there we go hit the code place ID and then enter in your map URL, wherever that goes are right there and click the code place ID. And what it does is it brings that URL back right here, the same one. That makes sense. So it's this is the same one.
But like I said if you grab that URL right there, and you go to a redirect checker, so let's go to like https://www.redirectdetective.com, for example. And you'll see that that's what I was talking about. This actually does a redirect through a 302 to the same version of the URL, but it's just www.google.com as opposed to maps. google.com. Does that make sense? So if all you got to do is take this URL here, and swap that this out with the www, and it ends up being the URL that you want to use, right? So again, or Here we go. You can always copy it from the redirect checker. And that's what it looks like. Does that make sense? And now if we take this URL, and we put it in the browser bar, click paste and go, you'll see that once the page loads, it's going to automatically switch to this long, ugly thing. That makes sense. So again, that which is a cleaner URL to use this one, certainly as much cleaner than this one. So this is the URL that I used to build links to. Okay. That's a good question.
Do You Use The Same URL For Press Release And Video Embeds On A GMB Listing?
Bradley: Moving on. Okay, Gordon says when you post a backlink on an embedded page, on an embed page of a video you've uploaded to the GMB listing. When you post a backlink on an embed page of a video you've uploaded to the GMB listing is the same URL used for PR a different URL. Thanks. I don't understand that question. Gordon, sorry. Does anybody can anybody decipher that question? For me?
Marco: If he's talking about the video for PRs, it's I don't know if you could use a GMB URL for the video. I think they're using it. They said Vimeo and YouTube, the other page right now about embedding on a press release. Is that what you mean? Yeah, I think that's what this means. I don't know. You'll have to clear it up. Yeah, I'm just taking it as that what it means to be talking about the video that you can embed, the URL that there may be is that any YouTube video URL or a Vimeo URL. That's what they'll embed.
Bradley: Yeah, I'm not sure I understand the question. I'm not sure if that was it or not. But thanks, Marco for attempting. So yeah, if you can clarify, Gordon, that's great. If not, that's fine.
What SEO Strategies Would You Apply For A Wix Site OF A National Insurance Leads Provider?
So Muhammad's up, he said, What's up, mom? And by the way, he said, Hey, guys, what do we do with a client that has a Wix site run away? Now? I'm kidding. I'm pretty close to signing a national insurance leads provider, but I've just noticed the site was Wix. What's the best course of action here? Can I still follow the battle plan and SM methods in general on wigs? Would it have the same effect? Yeah. I mean, it can, yes. Um, you know, there's not much you can do about that, if that's what they're on. I believe Wix has an RSS feed. So you can still use that for blogging and everything else. I am personally not crazy about wigs. But as far as I know, you can still do everything pretty much that we recommend with WordPress, via Wix. It's just a different type of, uh, you know, user interface and all that kind of stuff. I don't know that Wix has any benefit, or is any worse as far as SEO stuff that you can do with it? Like the coding of it? Maybe Marco or somebody else can comment on that. But as far as I know, Wix can still be used for all the stuff that we do because it's similar to WordPress.
Marco: Yeah, I've never even I think I built one. But I never followed through with it. Because it's just learning a new platform, just as isn't. I don't know. There's nothing in it for me and learning a whole new platform. So I stick with WordPress. And I'm trying to even get away from that. And what we recommend this if it doesn't have the same functionality as WordPress, then install up a WordPress on a subdomain. Yeah, and blog from there. That'd be it. That's that's been our constant recommendation, since forever, when people come up with HTML or whatever else what other whatever other a CMS that you're using outside of WordPress, or if it's ecommerce or something, yeah, just whatever it is just do a WordPress install on a subdomain.
Bradley: Yeah, I totally agree with Marco could be like a blog.or, a news.or, something like that subdomain that you could use as the content distribution engine, essentially. You know, as I said, my new business that I was just talking about earlier, I've got a single page. It's just a Click Funnels landing page. And that's my, that's on the root of the domain. So it's a one-page site. So I had installed a WordPress on blog dot domain. com, essentially, and I'm using that as the blog, but I've only done two or three posts. So anyway, but yeah, you can do that. That's what I would recommend.
Is Consistent Content Creation Necessary For A Wix Site Of A National Insurance Leads Provider?
But he says, following on from the previous question, is consistent content creation necessary? Still? I know, of course, it helps a ton. But assuming I still have a syndication network may do I lose a lot by not doing it? Well, I mean, we certainly recommend that you do market yours do content marketing. As like I said, If Wix has an RSS feed, but I'm pretty sure it does, you should be able to do it directly from Wix. But if you don't like the interface, then just use the blog write blog, dot subdomain with WordPress installed. And then you can still do the same thing. I do recommend content marketing. I mean, again, guys for it. Google loves that they love the freshness, the updates the activity. You can automate, obviously, you know this mom and syndicating your network. You can automate syndicating to GMB, there's a lot of things that you can do. So I do recommend that you get on somewhat of a content a consistent and regular content marketing schedule, although that you don't, depending on the industry, you know, some you don't have to do it three times a week, you could do it once a week or once every two weeks. It really just depends on the industry. But I do recommend that you are updating the blog regularly with content. The frequency is going to really depend on your competition that you're dealing with as well as what industry you're in. Okay.
Wayne, Clayton, you prick. Keep moving.
Do You Recommend Adding Keywords Into The iFrame?
Scott says I am in the process of placing an embed order with mg Why be question do you recommend adding keywords into the iframe? Marco? let you answer that one.
Marco: But I mean, you can.I haven't seen it from everything that we've done add that much to the to whatever iframe you're embedding, whether it's map or video. I mean it could I've seen it a Google will read anything before the closing iframe tag. And so if you're adding information in there, whether it's schema keywords or whatever, Google will read it. The thing is, like, only SEOs do that. And it's a really good way to get picked out. I mean, at some point, if they ever come after iframes, that would be the first thing that I would pick out anyone adding any information before that closing iframe tag because it's mostly just SEOs that add information in there doesn't work. I'll be Scott nothing beats a try but fail so so we do allow you to submit keywords and Dadea will add it before the closing iframe tag. So try it out. That's all I can tell you. Do I do it? No, I've hardly ever done it. We tested with it. And since we get similar results without we just don't add extra information.
Bradley: Yeah. Correct. Alright, so the next several comments are Adam to spamming the comment box
Adam: and I roll.
Bradley: So doings got a nice meme about the bloodbath. It's pretty cool.
Should You Complete A GMB Site Amidst Google's Rampage Of GMB Suspensions?
Bradley: KenManich.e What's up, Kenny says I have a new GMB. It's a real business and above-loaded pics, logo description, etc. I haven't built the GSB site. What do you thoughts about completing the site? Do you think that might kick off a suspension? Yeah, it may I mean, the thing is, is I haven't had any issues with real client businesses like real bona fide businesses, GM bs until this week, and it was Monday. And that was one of those. All I did was I head up, I deleted one photo because it was showing up as a, like the primary image and mobile and the client said that he wanted a different photo. So and I don't know how to force Google to select a different photo. So I said, Okay, well, let's delete that one. And then I uploaded some new photos because he had some new photos recently of some of his technicians and such. And then I published the GSB website because for whatever reason that that he never had published that website for his GMB. And so I went in and publish the website, but I didn't even add any content. It was just straight publishing. Before adding any content to it or anything. All I did was published a website and I don't know if you know this can but when you publish the GMB website, it forces the change of the main URL for the GMB profile. From the money site to the business site GMB website URL, it forces the change with the UTM code on it to its really long and ugly, and you have to go in and then once you publish the site, you have to go edit the Info tab and change the website to back to the money site URL. And that's all I did was I published the website didn't even edit it. Right. All I did was then go to the Info tab. And I had to I changed the URL from the business site, which is the GMB website URL back to the money site URL. So to the branded domain, and immediately it's suspended. And that's where we've been we've been at ever since. You know, it's only been a couple of days, but still, it just sucks because I didn't do anything spammy. And it's a legitimate business. You know, we can certainly can't confirm and verify that, but that's the case. So yeah, I don't know. Honestly, I can't tell you if it's the GMB site that does that. Or it could have been a combination of doing both photos that day and the GMB site, I have no idea. I haven't had any issues with legitimate businesses until this week. And now that I've experienced it, I'm skittish, right, I'm a bit gun shy, I don't want to, I don't want to really poke the bear, so to speak, you know what I mean? So I recommend and you know, until this shit settles down, which who knows when that's going to be, I would say, try to stay out of that as much as possible and only do stuff that, you know, you can do either via API, like, posting GMB posts. Or you can probably post manually, I haven't heard of anybody losing it from just doing the GMB post inside you know, the dashboard. But even then I might even want to do that through a manager account or content. What do they call it a site manager or something like that? Now, there are a couple of different levels that you can add additional users on one that would make more sense to be like a, I think it's called a site manager used to be called content or communications managers or something like that. But I think they're called site managers now. So
Will Google Treat A Subdomain As A Separate Brand Or It's Treated As A Silo?
Okay, next is? And no, man, I guess he says, Hi, thanks for a wonderful webinar. My question is, if I use a subdomain, Google will treat it as a separate brand, or just like a silo? No, you know, it depends on how you set it up. But if you're setting it up as a branded subdomain, you know, for example, like using what we talked about earlier, setting up a blog on a subject, you're going to want to brand it the same. But you can also like, for example, I've got a lot of multi-location clients or stuff that I do, where each subdomain is we have separate subdomains for different locations. So each city has its own subdomain, so to speak, right? And that, that they're all the same brand, but they each have their own WordPress installation or subdomain that is city specific. So but you can set up subdomains to treat them as two completely different entities if you want. So it really just depends on how you theme it and how you interlink between the subdomain and the root domain or other subdomains or all of them. Does that make sense? So the good thing is that Google does treat subdomains as separate web entities like another, in other words, separate websites, you can create the relationship, the association between the subdomain and the room if you want or the from, you know, the association with the brand. But the actual, the web asset itself, the domain itself, the subdomain is treated as a separate website if that makes sense. So that way, that you know, that's why we do what we've been talking about using subdomains for like multi-location stuff for a long time because it's a bit safer. If you put separate landing pages as internal pages of a website for multiple location stuff, and any one of your location pages catches the penalty for some reason, then it will, it can pull down the entire domain, right, it can affect all of the other locations because it affects the route as well. However, if you do stuff on subdomains, and you like, for example, have separate subdomains for each location, if anyone location gets hit by a penalty for some reason, then it will be isolated to that particular subdomain. It won't affect the route and it won't affect what I call sip the other sibling subdomains. So that's why we tell you to do that. But again, it just depends on how you enter LinkedIn and what type of associations you make.
How To Use Schema And Rel=Canonical To Boost Ties Between A Reciprocal Link And The Money Site?
Jordans up, he says, related to a man's question and reciprocal links, the blog subdomain should link heavily to the money site, right. Also, is there anything we can do to schema wise on a subdomain or rel canonical to tie it super tight to the main money site? domain? Yeah, that's what I would do. Yeah, I mean, if you're using a blog on, like what we talked about, for Mohammed, above, we're like an e-commerce site or whatever. So if you're using a subdomain name for blog, yeah, you're gonna be using that to do like content marketing and link building from the subdomain up to the money site, typically, you're not going to want to link back from the money site back down to the blog, it's, you know, I mean, other than perhaps a navigation link that says blog, right, or whatever that links down to the root, or excuse me, the subdomain, but from within the individual pages and posts, now you're going to use the subdomain to link up to the pages on the site that you want to rank. Okay. And then yeah, can article are always very powerful? You know, you can do that. It's up to you. That is the blog link heavily to money site, but the money site not Yes, correct? That's correct. Right, that as far as the money site, linking down, the only thing I would do is a subdomain, or excuse me, a navigation menu link that says blog that links down to that. And you know, you could do some sort of like sidebar widget for if you have, you know, for silos and things like that to show like related content and things like that you could do that on the money site. But typically that stuff that you would isolate to the blog anyway.
All right. Look, Gordon's clarifying his question, good.
30-Day Click Funnel Challenge Update
Hernan, is the ad info information still available on Facebook pages? Is Hernan still here.
Hernan: I'm here. I'm here. Hey, can you hear me? Yes. The info and ads? I think so let me see. The adding for information is still available on Facebook pages. I'm working on the 30-day challenge and can find any info on certain business pages? Yes, I mean, they have switched that. So if you go to facebook.com/ads/library. So facebook.com/ads/library, you will be able to get like a public library of all of the ads that are being run right now. So on certain business pages, if there are running ads and whatnot, it's still available. But some templates are like hiding it. But you know, all of the ads are being run on the platform can be found on facebook.com/ads/library. If you go there, you type in the Facebook page, and even the niche, you will be able to get a lot of intelligence out of that. So yeah, that's basically how I do it.
Bradley: Cool, thank you.
Clarifications On The URL Used In Press Release & Video Embeds For Boosting GMB Listing
Bradley: So Gordon's clarifying his questions. He says if you have time, here's what I was trying to ask if I upload a video to a GMB listing and use that same video with an empty Why be in bed job is the backlink URL that is posted on each page of wherever the video is embedded the same URL used for press releases or as a different hope that clarification makes more sense. Okay. Remember in an embed, it's not a backlink. Right? So you're not linking to the video, you do not paste, you're not posting the URL to the video, it's an embed, so it's not going to be the same. And if you're if you upload a video to a GMB listing, then you're going to get a GMB post URL. Not an embed code now, am I unless Marco, you said that you can embed a GMB post the correct you absolutely can. Okay. Now, I haven't tested that where if you were to upload a video to GMB, then grab the as a GSB post, then grab the post URL, turn that into an embed, and then ask for an embed campaign for that I haven't tested that that would actually be kind of an interesting test. Because then you're doing an embed blast to a GSB. Post video. Does that make sense? So you could do that. Now if that's what you're talking about Gordon, then the URL, the iframe is going to be the same on all of the video pages or the embed pages. But you're not going to be able to use that for press releases, not as an embed. You can use because the press releases for press advantage. You can embed a Google map, Google My Business map, and a Vimeo or YouTube video. And the way that you do it in the press release, and the press release is that for you? Well, first of all, if it's a GMB map that you want to embed that's how I select if you have your own subscription, when you go to submit the details for the press release to be written, there is a drop-down menu at the bottom that says, Do you want a Google Map embedded? And if you say yes, then it's going to embed the GMB map that you have associated with the organization page. You say no, then it won't. If you want to embed a video, then the way that you do it is you put the YouTube URL or Vimeo URL on its own line with a line break above and a line break below within the content body of the press release. Okay, and then when it publishes, it will publish as an embed. But you can't do that with the GMB post URL. Like if you put the GMB post URL on its own line, it's going to publish as just a URL. And unless you hyperlink that URL, it would literally just be a text URL, not hyperlinked, so just keep that in mind. Now, if you want to embed a YouTube video, then like I said, that's, that's all you do is put it on its own line. And then that's going to be an embed code, it'll convert to a competitive excuse me convert to an embed code when it publishes. That makes sense. So you can take a video that you upload to YouTube though, and upload that same file to GMB as a post as a video post. And now you've got the video uploaded as a GMB post. And you also have it embedded or uploaded to YouTube, which now you can use that in press releases. Ok. Ok, says I was talking about a video upload to the profile, not embedding it in a GMB post. I use such a video and Emma, can I use such a video and again, I don't know how what you're talking about. If you upload a video directly to GMB as like a photo, which you can do that to not a post, but you can upload it as a photo in the photo section, you can upload videos, it doesn't give you an embed code. As far as I'm aware, it doesn't give me an embed code. Does anybody can anybody clarify that?
Marco: You can actually embed a video in the photos section. It does overview but customer photos only up to texture, and video. So you can upload a video, then that video will have a URL. And if that video has a URL, you should be able to get an embed unless Google has a frame breaker on it. So I mean, I would have to test that and see if you could embed. I think I have one. But you'd have to test it. And then yes, you can submit that to mgyb.co. And Dadea will take that and he'll run an embed gig on that. That URL as long as it's an embeddable URL. Right.
Bradley: Okay, I think that's complicating Gordon a bit. I don't understand exactly what it is that you're trying to do. But I do know that you can upload a video to GMB directly as not a post, I get that that's fine, you can do that. I don't know that you can get a share URL for it, but I didn't know that you could get. I don't know that that is embeddable.
Marco: I'm checking right now.
Bradley: Okay, cool.
Marco: I'm checking right right now and I'm saving the file, hang on a second.
Bradley: Because like clicking the photos, for example, just click on that photo, and we click Share. This is the share URL here. I don't know if that would actually embed. So I'm it's the same type of link that you get from uploaded videos my point. And I don't know that that would embed. So you'd have to play with it and see. And that's what Marco said he's doing now.
Marco: No, no, it's not coming up.
Bradley: It breaks it, doesn't it?
Marco: It's Yeah, it has a breaker. Yeah. Oh, fuck,
Bradley: yeah. So you're better off uploading it as a GMB post, video post, and then taking the post URL and turning that into an embed. Right. So anyway, all right. Well, looks like there are no more questions. So if we don't have any more questions, we can wrap it up about five minutes early. I'm okay with that. Are you guys okay with that?
Adam: I'm going with it in the woods.
Bradley: Okay. All right. All right. Well, everybody. Thanks. Thanks for being here. We've got mastermind webinar tomorrow. Don't forget if you're in the mastermind, 3:30 pm. We'll see you all there. Thanks for everybody being here. Thanks, guys.
Hernan: We'll see you guys.
Adam: And before we hop off, Bradley, we're going to be going over some sales stuff with mastermind tomorrow.
Bradley: Yes, that's right. Each one of us is going to chime in on that.
Adam: Awesome. I'm gonna get my slides out. Get that stuff and the slides, but I got some good stuff. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Bradley: That's right. That's why you asked to edit that. Today, I was wondering why I was like what's going on with that? Now? I remember so I've got to prepare for that. I appreciate you mentioning that.
Adam: Yeah, no problem. Yeah, Mastery, everyone else mastermind members can get a little inside look into how we do sales individually. Since everyone's a little bit different. And you know, there's a lot of templates out there. But it's a different thing, I think to hear people say exactly kind of what they do in order to, you know, move from prospect to actually close deals. So looking forward to chatting with you guys about that tomorrow. Yeah, definitely.
Marco: That's gonna be a good one. I'm looking forward to definitely.
Bradley: see y'all then take it easy, guys later.
Bye. Bye.
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dentalinfotoday · 7 years
May 23, 2016
UPDATE FROM DR. BUCK AND CARILYN: The Flying Doctors of America Mission is about to begin! Carilyn and I (Dr. Buck) left MQT at 6:20 AM on Saturday. After transferring in Detroit and Atlanta, we flew to Lima, Peru (6.5-hour flight) and arrived around 11:30 PM (Lima is on Central Time).
Our plan was to stay at a hotel at the Lima Airport, however, I made the reservation for the wrong date! Thankfully, the nice gentleman at the front desk offered us a space to lie down in a side room and told us that he would let us know if some guests don’t show up. Around 1:30 AM, we were allowed to check into a room and got a nice, solid 3-hours of sleep in preparation for our early morning flight to Cusco.
Our team leader met us at the airport in Cusco (short 1-hour flight from Lima) and we began our preparation for Monday’s mission. We checked into our hotel, met the rest of the group and ate lunch. The group consisted of 20 people: 4 dentists, 2 dental assistants, 8 doctors, 2 nurses, and 4 auxiliary members. Then the medical team sorted medications and the dental team sorted dental supplies into rations for each day of the mission.
After a quick stroll around the neighborhood, we came back to meet the translators and had some questionable pizza (trust me, anywhere outside the fabulous US of A, the pizza has a high probability of being mediocre or just plain weird!).
We’ve been staying hydrated and drank some tea which is specific for altitude sickness prevention (Cusco is at an elevation of 11,000ft). We can’t tell if it’s the lack of sleep or the altitude that causes us to have a few weak moments or very slight headaches, but overall, we are doing very well. Carilyn and I got into bed earlier than we can remember (7:30 PM) to catch up on some sleep for Monday’s mission. We’ll keep you posted on how it goes—we couldn’t be more excited!
May 24, 2016
UPDATE FROM DR. BUCK AND CARILYN: For our first day of the mission, we set up at the main market of downtown Cusco. This market is the original indoor market in the city, and we were told the same architect who designed the Eiffel Tower also designed the trusses in the roof. The people of the market coordinated tents just outside for us.
The medical team setup a triage station, pediatrics, dermatology, ob-gyn, and two internal medicine stations. The dental team had a larger tent to share (maybe 10′ X 30′ or so) and we all got to work.
Working without electricity does require many adaptations from dentistry in the United States! We sterilized our instruments by washing them in water, then two changes of cold sterilization solution, followed by another wash of water. For extra visualization, we used headlamps. We were limited to only extractions, checkups, fluoride treatments and cleanings. We performed many of each of these.
Having done very few cleanings since dental school, I was out of practice, and boy, did my ring finger get sore! I already appreciate our incredible hygienists, Amanda and Kim, but that helped me to appreciate them even more. Thank you for all that you do, ladies! I did notice at one point when music was playing near the market that I was humming to it. I guess you can’t stop me from humming while I work (but please feel free to stop me from singing—it’s not pretty!).
Much of the general population in many Third World countries, including Peru, often make only a few dollars per day or per week. Toothbrushes cost a lot here, around one dollar or more, so it is understandable that many people do not even own toothbrushes. It was wonderful to be able to distribute toothbrushes to so many people (especially seeing the children smile with excitement when they received them!).
One memorable experience was having to use the bathroom in the market. It costs 50 Soles (Peruvian “suns”-about equal to twenty cents) to use the bathroom. This was a dirty room with stalls and urinals all in the same location. And guess what? There’s no toilet in the stalls! Carilyn and I had the pleasure of peeing in a hole jaggedly cut into the tile of the floor. I’ll tell you what, these Yoopers prefer the woods over the hole in a floor any day!
We did unfortunately have a team member fall ill due to altitude sickness. She was nauseated in the morning and got worse throughout the day. They tried to give her oxygen, but the hotel’s oxygen tank (which they keep for foreigners not used to the altitude) was empty due to another guest recently using it. By evening, she was starting to feel much better, but she might not be able to join us on Tuesday’s mission. Carilyn and I are doing well adjusting to the altitude (taking our Diamox for altitude sickness prevention helped us I’m sure), with very minor symptoms, at times no symptoms.
Given that we are in the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are switched, so it is nearing winter here. The sun began to set shortly after 5 PM. We had to start wrapping up by 5:15, otherwise, without electricity, we wouldn’t be able to see enough to clean up. After a tour of the market by the workers learning about local food and products, we ate dinner and went to bed, satisfied with all we did and experienced.
Tuesday’s mission will take place in a town about 45 minutes away from Cusco. We are ready for another hard day��s work! Stay tuned for the next update of the mission!
May 25, 2016
DAY 3 UPDATE FROM OUR PERUVIAN TRAVELERS: “No comer ni beber durante mediahora por favor.” This translates as: “No food or drink for a half hour please.” We’ve been practicing this phrase mucho! Tuesday’s mission was spent in a municipality named Poroy, 20 minutes away from Cusco by bus. Since the schools were involved in organizing this event, many more children were seen this day than Monday. Over 100 fluoride treatments were done for the children of Poroy.
Each child was such an individual; some were shy, some were outgoing, some were brave, some were not. In general, the children seemed very happy. I often think about happiness and what a person needs for it, and often, it isn’t much. People might not have electricity, glass in their windows, toothbrushes, or lots of money, but happiness, a feeling that is as impermanent and fleeting as any, can be found in a sunrise, a wonderful bite of food, or in a child’s laughter. We are each the masters of our own happiness, no matter where we live.
The mission was a lot of hard work, a lot of fun, and very interesting on Tuesday. Although most people spoke Spanish, some people were not fluent in Spanish. They were “Andinos” meaning from the Andes mountains. A few people we saw spoke the language Quechua. The Spanish translators (we shared 2 among the dental team) relied on a third person to help us. Imagine, translating from English to Spanish to Quechua, and then the other way around!
Most of the treatments other than fluoride were extractions. I only did one cleaning on Tuesday and thank goodness, because my fingers were very sore from no practice! We learned phrases like “Buen Trabajo!” (Good job!) and “Muy Valiente!” (Very brave!). The mayor of the town thanked us at the end of the day, bringing us to the town building and feeding us coffee and sandwiches. Everyone was so thankful.
On the bus ride back to Cusco, Carilyn and I spoke about what we were both feeling observing the people of Peru. Each human wants similar things: Food in our bellies, a roof over our heads, the best for our children. How different would life be if I had been born here? How would my life outlook be different? What choices would I make? What opportunities would I have? We pondered this as we watched the beautiful lights from houses twinkle in the mountains as we returned from the town of Poroy.
We ate dinner at our hotel and got a chance to speak with the team about their other missions. Almost everyone had been on numerous missions previously and it was interesting to hear about them. Syrian refugees in Jordan, Israel, Ecuador, Honduras, jungles in Peru, Africa. It has me excited for my next mission already. I can’t wait to do more. So many people in this world have it tougher than the least fortunate American.
Wednesday will be spent in a village called San Jeronimo, near their market, in similar conditions as Monday and Tuesday. Carilyn and I made sure to get tons of sleep!
May 26, 2016
DAY 4 UPDATE: “Dame cinco!” This translates as “Gimme five!”
Wednesday’s mission was in a municipality named San Jeronimo. We set up inside a fenced cement soccer field. Mary, who couldn’t join us on Tuesday, is mostly recovered from the altitude and was able to rejoin the group. Many senior dental students and three of their professors joined the dental team. The students had an entire presentation for preschool children, dressed up as Olaf, Anna, and Elsa. Don’t worry, they didn’t play “Let it go.” They had a cute act and dance about sugar bugs and brushing your teeth.
They also asked the children dental questions and gave out toothbrushes for the right answer. For the third question, one little boy was so excited, he ran up before he was called. “How many days per week should you brush your teeth?” And he had the best answer! He said ten!
Many fluoride treatments were done, cleanings and some extractions. The first little girl I had, an 8-year-old, was so afraid. A dental student set up a selfie stick with her phone playing cartoons for the girl, and we got through gently wiggling out three baby teeth. At the end, when I was giving her a toothbrush and stickers, she surprised me by lunging in for a big, long hug! My favorite moment of the day!
The largest celebration of the year in Peru, Corpus Cristi, lands on Wednesday and Thursday this year. Due to all of the celebration, there weren’t as many people as we had hoped at the clinics. However, we made the most of it and helped everyone we could. While Carilyn was doing an excellent job at cleaning one woman’s teeth, we noticed that she might have lice, so we brought the dermatologist over. He said there might be louse eggs in her hair and he gave her some shampoo and instructions for her and her family. Keep your fingers crossed for Carilyn and I!
For dinner, we got a chance to try a traditional Peruvian restaurant. The goal was for us to be able to try “Cuy” (pronounced Koo-ee), which is guinea pig. Funny, but because of the holiday, it was very, very difficult for our leader to track down any Cuy in the entire city of Cusco! But with perseverance, we found an excellent place with traditional dancers and a Peruvian flute band. The guinea pig was roasted and presented to us with the head still on! Yes, it does taste like rabbit. We also got to try beef heart (thumbs up) and cold pig feet (thumbs down).
An artesian market was near the restaurant, so we had the chance to see some hand-made artwork before heading back to the hotel. There were blankets, masks, wooden carvings, trinkets, hats, scarves, purses and backpacks, all with such detail and so many vibrant colors around.
Before traveling home (a 30-hr journey), we will visit one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Machu Picchu. So, to bed early again for Carilyn and I!
The post Dr. Buck’s Experiences in Peru with the Flying Doctors of America appeared first on Northern Trails Dental Care.
from Northern Trails Dental Care https://northerntrailsdentalcare.com/blog/dr-bucks-experiences-in-peru-with-the-flying-doctors-of-america/
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