#and there’s no way i’ll be able to catch 911 at 8
dashiellqvverty · 4 months
it better work out with the guy who’s coming to see our apartment tomorrow bc i’m gonna be missing 911 😤
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buckaroosboogara · 3 years
911 week - Day 4:
“It’s always been you.” + love
(1700~ words, Buck and Eddie, blackout fic.)
"How long have we been here? Are you okay?" Buck asked, his throat begging for water.
"We have been here for," Eddie looked at his watch, the only source of light in the elevator. "3 hours."
"Are you okay?" He asked one more time.
Eddie's silence dragged for almost a minute before Buck spoke again.
"I need to know if you are hurt."
"I'm fine... physically." He finally said, taking air sharply. "The darkness and tight space... it reminds me of..."
"The well accident. Fuck."
The first thing Buck noticed when he woke up was that he was in a dark place.
It was hot, closed, and pitch-black. Tight.
He didn't like the implications of that.
He tried to move from his laying position only to be stopped by a stabbing pain in his skull.
Buck hissed as he laid on the floor again and a voice sounded in the dark, quiet but worried.
"Hey, hey, Buck, you are awake," The voice said out of breath. Buck felt a hand come to his shoulder clumsily and pat him. "Welcome back."
Buck grunted. His throat was dry and his mouth felt like sand, contrary to his skin which felt soaked in sweat. At least the pain was more bearable.
He turned on his back to sense the voice's owner, Eddie, sitting next to him on the floor. "What happened?"
"What happened was that we were helping a woman out of this elevator when the lights went off again and the elevator went down some stores before I pressed the emergency button." Eddie explained, with his breaths still shaky. "You hit your head pretty bad and I bandaged it with what I could. The radios don't work here, so I'm hoping Bobby will notice we are not out there with them."
Buck's hand climbed to his wet forehead where a piece of cloth was held to his skin with two pieces of tape. Rough but it would work.
"What happened with our coats' flashlights? And our helmets?"
"They ran out of battery, we used them for 8 hours straight Buck." Eddie yawned. "I took mine off as well as yours, this place feels like an oven. And the helmets... they are somewhere here."
"I kind of became desperate when I couldn't see or hear you. I haven't been able to look for them." Eddie huffed.
"And how long have we been here? Are you okay?" Buck asked, his throat begging for water.
"We have been here for," Eddie looked at his watch, the only source of light in the elevator. "3 hours."
"Are you okay?" He asked one more time.
Eddie's silence dragged for almost a minute before Buck spoke again.
"I need to know if you are hurt."
"I'm fine... physically." He finally said, taking air sharply. "The darkness and tight space... it reminds me of..."
"The well accident." Buck said with a huff. "Fuck, Eds I..."
"I am fine." Eddie forced out through his gritted teeth.
"No. I'm fine. End of conversation, we need to keep the oxygen."
Buck nodded although Eddie couldn't see him.
So he would of course avoid the topic.
He heard Eddie place his head against the metallic wall and breathe with difficulty.
Buck rolled his eyes, he knew how stubborn Eddie could be and he didn't need that in stressful moments like that one.
"Have any news about Chris?"
"Nope. My phone died like an hour ago," Eddie answered. "I couldn't find yours."
"Well, that's because mine is..." Buck muttered as he looked for the device on the back pocket of his pants. "Safe on my ass."
Eddie snorted a laugh and Buck smiled, mission accomplished.
The phone almost slipped from his hands and the air was taken from his lungs.
He turned it on and the light made him hiss. He could now see the elevator - it was indeed very small - and he could see Eddie, who was very much shirtless. His shirt was on his shoulders, missing the piece that was on his head.
"I-I guess I'll have to buy a new one. Great." He said, avoiding to look at the man by his side.
The device buzzed with a notification of very low battery, only 5%, and Buck noticed the screen had cracked in the fall.
"I could buy you one, after all, it's my fault that it's broken. Now give me." Eddie spoke and Buck did as told.
"So, what's the diagnosis doc?"
The former medic proceeded to turn the flashlight on and crouched in front of Buck to check his pupils.
"Pupils are matching, but you will need a CT scan once we get out of here."
Buck groaned again. He hated those.
Eddie passed Buck his phone but stayed still in front of him for some seconds.
Apart from being very much shirtless, Buck noticed he was very much pale and shaking. There was fear in his shiny eyes, which were scanning him in detail.
A hyperfixation.
Buck closed his eyes as he sighed, he should have known.
"Are you having a panic or anxiety attack?"
Eddie went back to his side feeling embarrassed and huffed a humorless laugh, "Honestly... I don't know. It just feels bad."
Buck shifted positions to look fully at Eddie. "It's okay. I'm here Eddie, I just need you to breathe. Will you do it with me?"
Eddie nodded, the world went black again.
His phone had died.
Eddie's breaths went faster.
"No, no, don't do that. You are going to hyperventilate and we don't want that." Buck grabbed Eddie's hand and squeezed it. "I'm here okay? I'm here with you. We are going to breathe together, how about that?"
"Inhale, one... two... three... four... yeah like that, and exhale, one... two... three... four..."
Some minutes later Eddie could calm down, the shudders went away with the cold sweat and they stayed in silence. Buck's hand was still tangled with Eddie's, on the other man's lap.
That encouraged Eddie to voice his thoughts.
"I... I hadn't remembered what it felt like until today. Not for years." He whispered into the air.
"I could have died. But I remembered a promise I made Chris once." Eddie turned his head to watch Buck. He found pitch-black that somehow made it easier to talk. "That I would always fight to come back to my family."
Eddie looked at the front again and simply said, "You are my family."
He felt Buck's body tensing by his side as he started stuttering. "I- I Eddie-"
"Why did you think I changed my will? I trust you more than I trust my own parents." He scoffed bitterly, squeezing his hand.
"I... I thought you only saw me as your best friend."
"If you knew..." he shut his mouth quickly. He had gone too far.
How could he have gone that far? Voicing his thoughts didn't mean telling Buck the truth about the things he felt for him. About the warm wave of happiness that washed over him every time they locked eyes. Every time Buck smiled. Every time Buck was with Chris.
The feeling of home never faded whenever he was with Buck, instead, it gained strength every time they saw each other.
"If I knew... what?" Buck asked and Eddie could feel his look on his side. His cheeks started to burn.
"Eddie-?" Buck was cut by hot lips on his cheek, giving him just a sweet short peck and going away. He gasped and Eddie tried to untangle their hands but Buck grabbed him tighter.
With his heart running wild on his chest, he reached a hand into the darkness and found a chest, he went up until he found Eddie's chin and clumsily made their lips meet halfway.
The kiss turned to be as good as a kiss in the darkness could be.
So unexpected, so romantic.
It was a mess. Both were a hot, sticky mess - in the good way, not the horny one - in a dark elevator at 5 am, sealing their mouths in their first kiss.
Buck loved it.
Eddie loved it too.
They separated to catch up with their breaths and smiled to the dark.
"If you knew," Eddie started, feeling Buck's head resting on his chest. "That it’s always been you, Buck.”
"I always saw you, Evan Buckley. For who you are, your good things and your bad things. I've seen your worst and your best, and I wanna be there for and with you in them for the rest of our lives."
"Ever since I saw you in the firehouse for the first time, since I saw you smiling in your car when we went to look for Christopher after the earthquake, since I saw you pinned under that truck... I have always known it's you. You who I want to experience life. You who I wanna watch Chris grow. You who I wanna marry someday. You who I wanna grow old with." Eddie answered with a smile.
"I love you too."
"Eddie... Oh god, all this time you... Fuck, I- I want that too." Buck chuckled, placing his hand carefully on his jawline and pulling him for another kiss.
"I love you."
The last thing they expected next was to hear the 118 outside the doors, having heard half of the conversation.
"As much as I love listening to you two getting your shit together-" Hen's voice cut through the elevator's doors. "And I really love it, we need to get you two outta there so, Albert! Bring the jaws!"
Then cheers were heard as both were freed from the elevator, coming out half hugging the other.
"You should have told me it would take you some hours in a sauna to get together! I would have gladly paid!" Chimney teased them.
"Amen, you said it, Chim." Hen agreed, making Buck seat on the gurney and transporting him down with the rest of the crew.
She checked both of them once they were in the parked ambulance and exclaimed to the street, "You all owe me 20 bucks each!"
The couple heard the whole 118 groan before they closed the ambulance doors and started making their way to the hospital, the light of the sunrise illuminating the city which was slowly recovering the electricity.
"You had a bet on us?" Buck whined from the gurney.
"Yup, and I just won. Took you three years and a month, but who's counting?" Hen smirked.
Eddie rolled his eyes fondly and took Buck's hand. "You can have all the bucks you want Hen. I already have the one I love."
(Tagging: @perfectlynervousbeard bc they asked me)
Chimney cried from the front, "Ugh, they are going to be that type of couple."
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forsakenoathkeeper · 4 years
I Am Alive (chapter 8/?)
Deviant!Connor[RK800] x (fem!)Reader Rated M(18+) for canon-typical violence and gore, medical procedures, and graphic sexual content
Please support me on AO3 & thanks for reading ♥
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"Looks like we're gonna have to bring the plastic detective," Gavin said sourly, removing his phone from his ear.
Connor had been looking through hours and hours of security camera footage all morning. Somehow, he still managed to hear Gavin insult him from across the room.
Seeing as he didn't need to sleep, Connor was one of the first detectives to arrive in the morning, almost every morning. Detective Reed rarely failed to come in shortly after him. Judging by the dark lines in the skin beneath his eyes and redness in his sclera, Connor assumed he suffered from insomnia.
"Just sittin' there, doin' nothing?" Gavin asked, suddenly standing by Connor's desk. He crossed his arms, looking down at the android with contempt.
Connor had been staring at a blank computer screen, finding it much faster and easier to just use his internal interface than the computer. He also operated at much faster speeds than desktops.
He was aware of how comical it appeared, sitting there and looking at nothing; but, most were aware of his internal processes and didn't bother him about the strangeness of his behavior.
Connor had found footage of Robert pulling himself out of the harbor, the time stamp suggesting it was a few hours after their encounter. He had not managed to catch any more footage of him since. He also was on the lookout for the assailants that had attacked androids at the protests yesterday. Unsurprisingly, they were also laying low.
It was a massive city and there was a lot of ground to cover.
"I am going through security camera footage," Connor answered plainly, looking up at Gavin from his seat.
"Ahuh," Gavin replied, clearly not giving a damn. "Got a crime scene with a dead android. Heading over now. Don't fucking keep me waiting."
Connor didn't bother asking for any info, knowing full well he wouldn't get any. As Gavin walked away, Connor checked the case logs in the police database. Luckily, it was already there. The first responding officers had documented it fairly well.
Twenty-one minutes ago, officers responded to a 911 call that an armed assailant had broken into a small manufacturing plant on the north side of the city. The facility created specialized computer chips. They were most commonly used for android motherboards; however, they were also used in some security monitoring systems.
At a quick glance, Connor could see all the victims were androids. They were employees for the morning shift. When he searched the company's records, he could see they had hired the androids as proper employees a few months ago.
One android was dead and three others had been injured. There was one human involved, another employee and a witness, unharmed.
An important report was missing. Despite the fact that three androids had been attacked, no emergency medical services had been called to the scene. Unfortunately, it wasn't entirely surprising. There weren't clear medical services for androids. Not yet.
The clinic you worked at was outsourced from one of the big contributors to Cyberlife's stocks. It was, essentially, the company's way of carefully moving their funds from Cyberlife production to healthcare for androids. Eventually, it was going to start paying for itself, and it served as a great way to protect their public image.
The police needed medical services to document the case, sure; but, Connor was also bothered by the injustice here. Fowler wasn't in yet to approve of his idea. So, the android decided to make the call himself.
Connor was already gone by the time you woke up.
Funny enough, he still managed to wake you up.
You hummed groggily into the phone, not bothering to check who it was before answering.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think you would still be asleep," Connor's voice said politely on the other end.
You yawned into the phone. "Hm? Oh, Connor... You beat my alarm by, like, five minutes. Don't worry about it," you replied hoarsely, rolling onto your other side.
"There's been an incident," Connor began, suddenly sounding quite serious. His tone was enough to wake you up.
"Some androids were injured; but, no paramedics were called for... obvious reasons." Connor didn't sound mad, bless his heart. But, you could sense some frustration. "Would you mind accompanying me on this? I must warn you, it will lead to involvement in this case: paperwork, and likely testimonies."
"Yeah, of course, Connor," you said into the phone, rolling back over to swing your legs over the edge of the bed. "Text me the address?"
"Will do. I haven't arrived yet. I'll meet you there. I'm sorry, there's no food. I haven't had the time to go to the store for-..."
Connor trailed off when he heard you laughing quietly in the background.
"I'm sorry. I was just imagining you at the grocery store," you chuckled. While you didn't mean to laugh, it was hard not to. The image you conjured in your mind was Connor looking very out of place in a grocery store. He probably would only bring home raw vegetables and bottled water.
"I know what dietary needs humans have," Connor replied, almost defensive.
"That's exactly what I'm afraid of," you laughed softly. "Don't worry about it. I can just pick something up along the way."
"I hadn't considered, before I asked, if this unexpected time off would be approved by your employer?" Connor asked.
"Oh, they'll have a field day with this one. No IMS called to an assault. I should be asking you if YOU are gonna get in trouble."
"We need medical reports for the case; so, it isn't entirely in my own self-interest," Connor answered in his usual, calm tone. He sounded robotic at times; but, you had grown to recognize that as his own nature. He was a dedicated detective after all. In your privacy, he wore his heart on his sleeve. But, right now, he was on the force. It was all business.
"Alright. Meet ya' there-" You stole a glance at your messages and noticed the address. "Geez, north side of town? Oh - that's a factory, isn't it?"
"AlphaBio," Connor answered simply.
Naturally, you recognized that name, having a small stash of their chips at the clinic.
"You don't think it's related to the protests?" you asked. It was less of a question and more of a suggestion.
"It is... likely," Connor replied, sounding a little hesitant to answer you.
"I guess I shouldn't be surprised... I'm'a let you go so I can get changed."
"I will see you soon - oh - and, good morning," Connor said warmly. You could practically hear the smile on his face.
You giggled, "good morning, Connor. See you soon," before hanging up.
Connor had failed to mention it was the crime scene for a homicide. Although, he was, specifically, a homicide detective; so, it really shouldn't have surprised you.
The first responders had separated the three damaged androids from the body and sanctioned off that part of the crime scene to everyone but the detectives.
You had been there for almost an hour and had yet to see Connor.
Two of the androids were AP700 models. They were almost exact twins, except one had blue eyes and the other had brown eyes. The third android was a BL100 model. She had her factory issued hair swapped with something short, boyish, and ebony black.
All of them had suffered defensive wounds. The detectives made it very clear you weren't to be given any insight to their testimonies. It was understandable. They wanted to verify that your findings matched their statements without preconceived notions.
Luckily, most of their wounds were superficial. The worse injury of the batch was one of the AP700's had severe nerve damage on his inner, right elbow, cutting off movement to his forearm and fingers. It was an easy fix, and he seemed grateful.
The BL100 was hesitant to let you touch her, not that you were the least bit offended or surprised. You knew what she was designed for, and she knew that you knew. It was only after she saw you handle the other two androids with respect that she felt comfortable enough to let you help her.
As you treated their damages, you documented them with a tablet one of the officers had given you. It was a little difficult, considering their documentation was designed for humans. Somehow, you managed to make it work.
You had been there for a little over two hours before you finally saw Connor. He had actually caught you off guard. You were seated at a small, fold out desk, tapping away on the DPD tablet when you saw someone suddenly approach in the corner of your eye. They set a water bottle at the edge of the desk.
Your eyes shifted to his torso first. Oh. He was wearing his nice coat today, and a matching, black tie.
"Thank you," you uttered, a small smile forming on your lips. You didn't maneuver too far from the tablet, going over your work carefully to make sure everything was properly notated. Considering it was documentation for human wounds, you had to put extra care into it.
"Hey, Robocop!" Detective Reed called out suddenly, before the android could say anything to you.
Connor knew he was talking about him, and wanted to ignore him; but, they were at a crime scene and this was important. He couldn't ignore him right now.
He shifted his eyes from you and over to the other detective. You froze up at the word 'Robocop', somehow doubting it was intended to be a word of endearment.
When Gavin saw that Connor was looking, he continued. "This computer is having issues. I figured it was your cousin or something. So, you should be able to fix it, yeah?"
All at once, blood rushed to your face and rage started to rise in you like smoke in a chimney.
Everyone in the room heard Gavin's remark: Hank, on the other side of the room, going over the case details with the first responding officers, another detective who had been dusting for prints along every entryway, a total of four police officers, and the CSI operator sitting at the desk next to Gavin.
If Connor was annoyed, he was doing a damn good job of hiding it.
The android approached the detective. "Androids are far more complicated than desktop computers," he said calmly, keeping his eyes focused on Gavin. He wasn't just calm: he was polite. "I won't be of much help, I'm afraid."
The person seated in front of the computer, a member of their computer division, looked uncomfortable enough to commit seppuku right then and there.
"Do the hand thing," Gavin suggested, lifting his hand for a moment and waving it like he was talking to a child. "You know - probe it."
"I can only probe androids," Connor answered, plainly, as if unbothered by the ridiculousness of it all.
"It's fine. I can recover the data-" the crime scene investigator tried to mediate. It was clear that Gavin wasn't listening to him.
"Ohhh - right - right," Gavin replied, drawing out his words in mock understanding. "Poor girlfriend," he added on with a chuckle.
Did he just suggest-...?
Something in you snapped. You carefully set down the tablet, pushed your chair back, and marched over to the detective.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" you called out to the detective, not caring if everyone in this god-damned room was watching.
The smug bastard turned around, eyeing you. You stepped right up to him, fearless, fire in your eyes. You could tell Connor was looking at you; but, most of your vision was being taken in by this asshole, leaving you unable to make out Connor's expression.
"Ugh - shit," Hank muttered to himself. He approached, deciding to intervene before things got ugly.
"A real cop," Gavin sneered at you. "-and you are here as a formality. Don't push your luck."
"Connor is a real cop," you practically snarled at the guy. "He deserves just as much respect as anyone else."
"That's enough," Hank said lowly, directed at both you and the detective.
The lieutenant looked around, eyes briefly scanning everyone in the room. "This isn't a high school locker room. Get back to work," he hollered. He was loud and commanding. His words didn't fall on deaf ears.
Except, you and Detective Reed were still locked in a death glare.
You wanted to punch him. You hadn't felt the desire to do that since college, when you had to share crowded hallways with smug assholes who thought they owned the world.
Somehow, you had a feeling, the detective could sense that.
"Unless you wanna get arrested for assaulting a police officer, honey, I suggest you back down," he threatened, craning his neck a little to get closer to you.
The android felt his internal temperature rise at the word 'honey'. He didn't care if Gavin called him 'plastic detective', 'robocop', or whatever else came to mind. But, that, directed at you, specifically, bothered him.
Connor could see how tense you were, staring Gavin down with the kind of burning rage he had seen in you once before, directed at himself when he attempted to prevent you from salvaging supplies from a truck in the middle of a firefighter.
He wasn't sure if you would actually hit Detective Reed; but, he couldn't take that chance. There was a high probability that Detective Reed would go through with his threat. You didn't have a criminal record, and Connor didn't want you to end up with one, especially because of him.
The android moved in and slid his arm around your waist. He pulled you into him and away from Gavin, turning his back to the detective. With his legs moving, you had no choice but to shuffle your own feet to keep up with him, practically being dragged away. You flailed awkwardly, but Connor kept you up.
"Don't," Connor requested. You glared at the detective over Connor's shoulder.
Gavin seemed pleased with that. "I would listen to your vibrator, sweetheart," he called out to you smugly, starting to step away. "Might do ya' some good!"
"You don't fucking know when to quit," Hank snarled, his hand roughly falling onto Gavin's shoulder, giving him a push away from you.
"Take your own advice, fuckhead!" you almost shouted over Connor's shoulder. "Maybe if you got laid every once in a while, you wouldn't be such a piece of s-"
"Please don't," Connor interrupted you, stepping in the way so that he took up most of your field of view.
"Connor, don't you fucking-" you hissed at him.
"He's not worth it," Connor warned, eyes narrowing slightly at you. Well, that was new. He actually looked a little angry with you.
"Like fuck he isn't. That bastard deserves to be punched in his stupid bitch-ass fa-"
"I don't want you to get in trouble," he insisted, shaking you a little.
You clenched your jaw, glaring at the android's stupid, handsome face. That bastard disrespected him. You had no doubt that it wasn't the first time, and it sure as hell wouldn't be the last.
"I like when you get angry," Connor commented with a small grin. He didn't say it, but you couldn't hear it being followed with, 'cute'. He seemed enamored in that moment, and he was, captivated by how passionate you were in his defense, even if it didn't exactly make sense to him.
"...maybe I should punch you instead," you grumbled, trying not to be completely smitten with him.
Connor removed his arm from your waist and stepped back a little, giving you space. You let go of his shoulders and fixed your scrub top, which had been bunched up a little after he grabbed you.
"Well-" you stammered, feeling a little flustered. You couldn't help it. You liked it when he was like this. Connor wanted to be protective, but he also wanted to give you freedom, and it clashed so beautifully in him.
"Y-yeah, well, he fucking had it coming and - and you should'a just let me-..." You sighed heavily. Of course he shouldn't have just let you do whatever.
But, still-
-you were frustrated.
"-you're in the doghouse, mister," you proclaimed quietly, sounding barely serious at all, and poked a finger into Connor's shoulder.
The android stared at you, perplexed.
The dog... house?
As you stepped away and returned to the desk, Connor searched the internet for the meaning of that. From his findings: it seemed to be a word primarily used between couples and meant that someone was in trouble for angering the other, and held the connotation that the one in said 'doghouse' would not be bedding with the one they had angered.
Connor fixed his tie in place of his pride.
He couldn't say he didn't understand why you would be upset with him. What he had done to you was degrading, wasn't it? He had manhandled you, in front of everyone.
He despised Detective Reed, if he was being perfectly honest. It was something he had struggled with; but, it was inevitable that he would meet people whom he simply could never get along with.
He could make sense of being disliked for being an android; he had heard many, many reasons ranging from past traumas to selfish insecurities. But, Detective Reed sought out ways to degrade him whenever the moment convenienced him.
It didn't exactly help that Connor had left him passed out in the evidence room some odd months ago. That likely left a huge dent in his ego. Of course, Connor didn't bring it up because he didn't care.
Connor had yet to hear the detective actually call him by his name. If he was being perfectly honest, 'robocop' was somehow the most flattering of the bunch.
Detective Reed seemed to enjoy relating him to every piece of computer equipment in the office. Connor knew this was to remind him that he wasn't human: he was a machine, a computer wrapped in plastic.
-and, he enjoyed emasculating Connor.
The android didn't care of the extent of Detective Reed's knowledge of his genitalia or whether or not he was capable of pleasing you sexually; but, you cared?
Maybe, while he was in the 'doghouse', he could try to make sense of it.
"It's almost midnight. What the hell are you still doing here, Connor?" Hank barked at him.
Connor looked up at his desk, uttering, "I could ask you the same thing, detective..."
Hank was holding his coffee mug in one hand, a folder in the other. He laughed, mumbling, "smartass", as he sat back down at his desk.
The android sighed out your name, "-said I'm in the 'doghouse'. I assumed that meant she wanted space."
Hank let out a bellowing laugh that almost startled the android. He nearly split his coffee, too. After Hank calmed his laughter and looked at him again, and caught that childish frown on Connor's face, he started laughing again.
"Trust me, son-" Hank coughed, still trying to calm his laughter. "She doesn't want space. She wants you to go home and apologize."
Connor looked at Hank like he was analyzing. He hadn't looked at Hank like that in a long time.
"I see..." he uttered, sounding quite embarrassed.
"It's about the thing Gavin said, huh?" Hank added on. "You not having a huge ego is good for you and all, but - of course she was gonna defend you because well - you know."
Hank waved his hand at Connor, not explicitly wanting to say what he was thinking.
"But," Hank continued, "you did the right thing: stopping her before she did something stupid. She knows that, which is why ya' need'ta go home and apologize anyway. Women are... like that."
Hank paused and took a sip of his coffee, hissing in response to how hot it was; however, that didn't stop him from immediately going in for another drink.
The android pondered over the lieutenant's words quickly.
"Thanks, Hank," Connor said, hastily removing himself from his desk. It was the first time he left the office without tucking his chair back in.
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terrm9 · 4 years
Words count: 5 200
seriously guys this is very very very dark and angsty, there is no glimpse of anything else.
Author’s note: okay, the angsty fic is here. PLEASE, read the warnings and consider if you want to read it. I would hate to cause some triggering feelings in anyone, so please if you are not sure, DO NOT READ. The story will not be relevant for any other of my fics, it is really just angsty one-shot that I needed to write and will not be mentioned ever again. You won’t miss anything important because my other fics will be pure fluff again - there is a fluffy fic about Ramsey family coming where they are all happy and healthy and very much alive. (for more notes, see the end of the story)
„You are overreacting, babe,“ Chiara chuckled and wrapped herself tighter into the sheets.
„You literally just called me ‚babe‘,“ Ethan rolled his eyes. „I have every reason to be overreacting.“
Chiara laughed – or she tried to laugh, the sound soon turning into painful groans.
„It’s just the flu, Ethan. Really, I am doctor and a capable one, so stop questioning my judgement on my own flu. It’s flu season after all. It sucks but I’ll be fine in no time.“
Ethan was not as sure, not at all. Her strained voice and burning forehead kept his mind on the edge.
„I promise I’ll let you take me to the hospital if I don’t feel better in the morning,“ Chiara added as she noticed the wrinkle of concern between his brows.
„Okay,“ Ethan nodded relucantly and kissed her cheek softly. „Now, let’s try to get some sleep. And wake me up if you need pills or water or anything.“
Nodding, Chiara shut her eyes and allowed herself to hope that the throbbing headache would disappear by the morning.
Switching the lights off, Ethan took Chiara’s sweaty hand into his a put another gentle kiss on her knuckles.
„I love you,“ he whispered into the dark room, not sure if Chiara heard him.
„I love you more,“ she whispered back, a small smile on her lips.
Ethan chuckled, the fact that Chiara couldn’t resist to play the little competition with him even now giving his mind the peace it so much needed to sleep.
Impossible, he thought before letting the sleep overtake him.
The sharp, bright rays of a sun that has risen long time ago made Ethan stir in the bed. He didn’t even check the clock, his hand already reaching for Chiara – she was the first thing on his mind every morning and this one was no exception.
With his eyes still half closed, he put his palm on her forehead and a relief washed over him at the feeling of cold skin under it.
The fever was gone.
The relief lasted mere seconds, however. Mere seconds until the words ‚cold skin‘ echoed in Ethan’s mind again.
Her skin was cold. Not feverish, not warm and not the way it normally was.
It was cold.
Ethan sat up in an instant, the last traces of sleep long gone. He turned his head to see Chiara clearly and the terrifying, dreadful knot formed in his stomach.
Chiara looked as if she was sleeping very deeply.
But Ethan knew better. Ethan knew that Chiara has never been a deep sleeper.
„No,“ he whispered as he kneeled next to her and pulled the sheets of her.
She was pale. Her lips had the unnatural shade of purple. She was not in a deep sleep – her chest wasn’t moving up and down with her every breath. It wasn’t moving at all.
There were no breaths.
Ethan slapped her; slapped her really hard.
Chiara didn't move. The skin on her cheek didn't get flushed by the harsh contact with Ethan's palm.
"What the fuck are you doing, Chiara?" Ethan screamed at her while laying her down on the floor, as gently as ever.
But there was a part of his brain that was starting to fathom the truth, the part that knew exactly what Chiara was doing.
And that there was no need to be gentle with her anymore.
His head was spinning. Years of medicine worth nothing with the hands shaking so hard he couldn’t perform a proper CRP.
Ethan grabbed a phone and realized it was Chiara’s the moment his own face looked back at him from her locked screen.
He wanted to throw it across the room, to break it. But then, does it really matter whose phone do you use when you need to call 911?
He dialed the number, put the phone on a speaker and got back to pumping Chiara’s chest, praying to God he stopped believing in long time ago that any force that made Chiara’s heart stop could make it beat again under his hands.
The morning became a bizzare blur of action, fear and emptiness with Ethan dictating his adress to the phone one moment and sprinting to open the door for the paramedics the second, not giving them a chance to ask questions before he was kneeling next to Chiara’s motionless – lifeless – body.
The shock on all of the paramedics‘ and Dr. Stock’s face at the sigh of Dr. Ramsey in his pajama bottoms and trembling hands and Dr. Ray on the ground was evident – after all, they knew both doctors. They worked with them for years.
The young paramedic man – Ethan felt like his name was Eric, but maybe that was a pure lie his mind made up – pushed Ethan gently aside and started to perform a CRP himself, while Dr. Stock – a man Ethan’s age – asked him many questions.
When did you find her? What happened before? Was it a long time before you called us?
But Ethan couldn’t answer. Ethan didn’t know. Was it an hour or a day? What happened? He had no idea what happened. He wished he knew what happened and he also wished he would never have to find out.
Dr. Stock knelt down next to the young paramedic and with a solemn nod gestured him to stop with the CRP.
He checked Chiara’s pulse, he foricbly opened her eyes and observed them, he gave her feet a light tap.
And then he shook his head softly.
The three paramedics – two younger men and one older woman – shared a look and all of them checked their watches at once.
„8:08 AM,“ one of them spoke quietly and raised his eyebrow, a question for the doctor.
„Write that down for now,“ Dr. Stock nodded and stood up. „The autopsy should tell us more.“
The autopsy. 8.08 AM. They way they stopped with the resurrecting. Stopped with trying.
As if there was no point in trying anymore.
Ethan didn’t quite register everything going on around him. He wanted to throw up. He felt like fainting. Screaming. Knocking and throwing fists.
He hadn’t done any of those.
He kept standing on the spot, frozen and unable to move. He didn’t want their words and their actions to make sense.
"Sir - Dr. Ramsey - we are sorry."
The paramedic put a sympathetic hand on Ethan's shoulder, her eyes concerned. Perhaps it was supposed to bring some steadiness into his breaths, however the result was the opposite.
"I don't need your sorry," he shook her hand down and took two steps back.
The two other paramedics along with Dr. Stock wheeled the stretcher with Chiara’s body on it out of the bedroom, throwing one last glance at Ethan's trembling figure.
"Stop looking like that," he was screaming now. "Stop with the sorry and those looks, there's no need for them, there's no need for them."
His voice was cracking and the little part of his brain that wasn't completely coated in denial whispered 'Please tell me there's no need for them'.
"You are taking her to hospital, right? That's good, that's great," he muttered but noticing the exchange of their worried glances, his rage came back.
"Just STOP! Take her to the hospital, make her feel better! Make this okay!"
The tree men left the room, however the woman remained standing next to him.
„Why are you still here?“ Ethan asked.
„We already informed Chief Banerji, Dr. Ramsey. He asked one of us to stay with you until he arrives here.“
Ethan shrugged and turned away before replying.
„There is no need for that. You can go. Or at least leave the room, I am going to get changed.“
The paramedic didn’t look happy about his command but left the room anyway and Ethan opened his closet to choose a shirt for the day.
What a busy morning, he thought. At least Chiara is in the hospital now. I will be better at taking care for her there.
He almost laughed at the situation. They were supposed to go to the opera tonight and instead, she ended up in a hospital with the flu.
Maybe he could stop at the Derry Roasters and buy her some good coffee. But then, she probably doesn’t have the appetite and it would be just a waste of time.
No, he will go straight to the hospital. She will surely be confused when she wakes up in a hospital bed.
Ethan just finished tying the knot on his tie when the door to the bedroom opened and Naveen stepped in.
His face was grave and his eyes red, as if he was crying recently.
„Ethan,“ he said softly, not entirely sure what kind of reaction was he expecting.
„Naveen,“ Ethan nodded in a greeting. „I am sorry but I won’t even invite you for a coffee. I can’t be late for work.“
„I don’t think you should go to work today, Ethan.“
„I can’t see why not. I want to be there when Chiara wakes up.“
Every single cell in Ethan’s body, every single atom in it denied the truth. The new reality.
Ethan couldn’t admit what was happening and he wasn’t going to.
„Chiara is not going to wake up, Ethan,“ Naveen whispered, his voice broken.
„Oh, she is,“ Ethan laughed shortly, waving his hand in the air. „She has a nasty flu, but now that she is in the hospital, it’s going to be okay. They took her to Edenbrook, right?“
„They took her to Edenbrook’s morgue. Chiara is dead, Ethan.“
The air stopped moving around them.
The clock on the wall stopped ticking.
Neither of the men – the friends – moved for a long moment.
The truth has finally found its way into Ethan’s brain. His cells were not able to deny it any longer.
Dr. Banerji was ready to catch Ethan if he falls. If he faints.
But there was no need to catch him.
Ethan cleared his throat and nodded once again.
„Yes, right. Right. I need to call her mother and let her know. The funeral will probably take place in San Francisco, so we need to take care of the transport of her body.“
Naveen recognized what was happening. He has seen the scenario many times in his career as a doctor. The husbands that lost their wives, the sisters that lost their brothers – the first reaction was not always a breakdown.
Sometimes, the defensive mechanism was a forced rationality.
„I will inform Mrs. Ray. In the name of the hospital.“
„I should do it,“ Ethan replied stubbornly.
He wanted to fight with Naveen. He wanted to tell Diana Ray that her daughter died on his watch.
He wanted to take care of a funeral.
He needed to.
„Let me handle it,“ Naveen insisted.
After a long moment, Ethan agreed.
As he muttered silent ‚alright‘, little did he know that those would be the last word he would say in days.
Naveen left the room and Ethan’s glance fell on the bed.
Their bed. Her bed. The bed she died in.
The bed she died in.
She died.
She died and there was no way to reverse the fact.
It hit him like a wave, a wave one would never believe could be formed in such calm waters.
Dead. Gone.
Ethan fell on his knees and the room was filled with a desperate scream.
His scream, he realized.
It was as if the world as he has known it stopped existing in the moment Ethan’s knees met the floor.
His hands formed into tight fists and he punched the wood once, twice, he kept punching until his knuckled were all bruised and bloody.
He couldn’t bring himself to care.
Naveen heart broke at the sight in front of him as he opened the bedroom door.
The man he considered son curled up on the floor, screaming and crying and clearly not registering the room around him.
The back of Ethan’s throat was burning from all the screaming and his temples were throbbing from all the crying.
There was a gentle hand on his shoulder and Ethan believed it to be Naveen’s, but how could he be sure?
How could he ever be sure of anything anymore?
How could he be anymore?
The time stopped existing for Ethan after his first breakdown. Whether it was a day or a night, he didn’t know and he didn’t care.
The days became one and they were all coated in a thick fog, precluding Ethan to remember them.
It is as if there was a window in his mind that swallowed the memories of the first days after Chiara’s death, leaving only occasional snippets to torture his mind.
Ethan remembers the moment Chiara’s mother Diana, her sister Alicia and her aunt Livia stepped into his apartment. He remembers not being able to say a word to them and he remembers their gazes – broken and vain.
He remembers how Diana’s gaze is something more even – so, so distant.
She is sedated, Alicia explained to Naveen, who hasn’t left Ethan’s apartment. She kept fainting and her doctor presribed her the strongest pills.
Alicia cries the whole time and Chiara’s aunt Livia bites her lower lip so hard it never stops bleeding.
He remembers how he wanted to say that he was sorry, wanted to explain, but no sound left his mouth.
Ethan doesn’t sleep and doesn’t eat.
He hasn’t even cried since his breakdown. He just stands by the window, hand deep in his pockets and stares out of it – never saying a word to anyone.
Lost in the fog.
He remember the moment Chiara’s autopsy results come with the meningitis as the cause of her death.
The quickest, deadliest form, Naveen tries to explain. There was nothing that could have been done.
Ethan knows that that is a lie.
The hate he feels towards himself grows impossibly bigger at Naveen’s words – of course there was something that could have been done.
He is the best diagnostician in the country and he let his fianceé die while sleeping next to her.
He failed. Himself. Chiara. Chiara’s mother. Everyone and everything.
Chiara mentioned a stiff neck – that was it. That was a clear sign of the illness so how could he overlook it?
Why did he let her persuade him that it was just a fucking flu?
He still doesn’t cry. He grits his teeth and his hands formed in fists – always in fists – cause his nails to break the skin on the palms.
He should get ready for a funeral. They all should leave to San Francisco.
But nobody moves. Nobody is strong enough to make a first move.
That’s when Bryce Lahela walks into Ethan’s apartment, his eyes haunted and sobs leaving his body as he hugs Diana and Alicia.
Ethan remembers what happens next very well.
Most clearly of everything, it seems.
Chiara left this with me some weeks ago, Lahela speaks quietly while pulling an envelope out of his pocket. In case something happens to her.
It’s a letter. A letter Ethan doesn’t want to read but know he needs to.
           My dearest,
now is the right time to use the Hollywood cliché and I am going to do it.
If you are reading this letter it means I am dead.
And I am sorry. I am so very, very sorry because I know I have hurt you all terribly. And that’s something I never wanted to do.
Mom and Alicia – I failed. I remember how we promised each other that nothing would ever happen to us after dad and Liam died and now I broke my promise. Again, I am sorry. You still have each other – please remember that. And you still have me. Just as you still have dad and Liam. We are with you wherever you go, I promise. You know how much I believe in an afterlife – and with that, I cannot only be sorry for dying, because it also means I finally get to be reunited with them and that makes me happy. Let it make you happy too. Alicia, I am the proudest older sister and I beg you to continue with your life, to find your happiness and to follow your wild heart, just as you always have.
I would also like to ask for a favor – I know that I always wanted to be buried next to my brother. I know you want me to be buried in San Francisco. But Boston is my home now. And Boston is where Ethan is. Me and Ethan, we are forever. In any form. And if I am dead, I want to be resting forever next to him – find me a place in Boston, please. Ask him where he wants me to be buried and bury me there.
I love you both. I love you more than life.
Bryce – thank you. I wish you never had to deliver this letter, but I am eternaly thankful that I have had you to do it. Thank you for being part of my life. You were the brother I lost and you were my constant. No matter how stormy my life got, I knew that somwhere out there, there is my sun, my light Bryce, my safe port I could always run to when things became too much. You deserve all the happiness this world has to provide, Bryce Lahela and never settle for anything less than that. Please, let eveyrone else know how much I loved them – and how sorry I am. Sienna, Jackie, Aurora, Elijah and Rafael – my bestest of friends.
Forgive me for screwing this, Bryce. I know we had plans and I know you were looking forward to the wedding – me too. I love you, surfer boy. Always stay so irresistably amazing.
Oh and I think you really should ask Kyra for that date.
Ethan – my dearest Ethan. My greatest love. My forever. We have both believed in a different future for us, but we were destined for this. I am sorry I left without saying a proper goodbye. I am sorry I left you, period. You know how much I love you, Ethan. And I know how much you love me too – trust me, I do. Don’t torture yourself with regrets of not telling me more. I have always known. I have always felt loved with you and I have always felt happy. Until my last moment, I felt happy because I knew you loved me. I know that no matter what caused my death, you blame yourself for it and I need you to stop with that. Unless you killed me, you are not responsible for my dying.
Ethan Jonah Ramsey, you deserve a lifetime of happiness. I am sorry I ruined that for you, for I know that there is no happiness in your life now. But you still have a lifetime. Lifetime of chances, lifetime of love and friendships and miracles (stop muttering that you don’t believe in those, I know you are doing it now!!!). There are people who love you deeply and unconditionaly and those people will help you. Don’t push them away.
We deserved better. You deserved better, Ethan. We had plans, we had a wedding date, we had a vision of a beautiful future and that has been taken away from you, from us. But I have been part of your life and I am not truly gone as long as you remember me.
Please, never forget that there were five years in your life when you have been loved so deeply and so strongly it didn’t even make sense to the person that loved you sometimes. I will never stop loving you, no matter where I am and where I am not.
You are my greatest love and greatest adventure and I am proud of the man I had the honor of calling mine.
Find your happiness again, Ramsey. Find it and keep it. Love again. Laugh again. Live again.
I am somwhere there, watching you.
I loved you, I love you and I will love you always, Ethan.
 So, that’s it. If someone cares about my last wish, do you think you could arrange for Benedict Cumberbatch to crash my funeral and shout: „She was clever. Clever, yes! She’s cleverer than you lot and she’s dead!“ ? (it’s the scene from S01E01 in Sherlock, you know).
Haha this was a joke but I suppose nobody really laughs at it at the moment. I hope one day you will.
I love you all with my whole heart.
Don’t you fear for me, I am where I am supposed to be.
                                                                              -forever yours, Chiara.
 Ethan reads the letter over and over until he can’t anymore, until his hands are shaking so much he fears he would tear the paper, until his vision is blurry and he cannot read the words anymore.
And then he runs. He runs into to bathroom and throws up, even though he hasn’t eaten in days and there is nothing he could throw up.
He still does.
He coughs and acid that leaves his mouth burns his throat. He throws up and his whole body strains so much it brings tears into his eyes.
First tears after days and they are caused by the vomiting.
Once they are there, however, the first one is followed by another and that by another until Ethan Ramsey is hunched over his toilet seat, vomit and tears falling down.
He doesn’t remember anything after that.
He might’ve fainted and maybe he did. Maybe he didn’t. He doesn’t know.
The last thing he remembers until the day of the funeral comes is Harper Emery and her stern gaze as she sits down next to him.
"Take the pills, Ethan. You need to sleep.“
"I need Chiara."
His voice is raspy and speaking for the first time in three days feels unnatural. It makes his thorat sore and takes another remnant of his energy away.
"I understand."
Ethan almost snickers at the absurdity of her statement. Nobody could understand. Because if anybody could comprehend his desire to just wrap his arms around Chiara for one last time, they wouldn't survive the pain that came with it. He doesn't snicker, however. Instead, he whispers.
"No you don't."
"I do," Harper replies firmly and takes a deep breath, deciding to tell Ethan about the man she has never mentioned before, not once in their relationship.
„Michael and I were together for three years. We met while I was in a med school and the flame between us burned almsot immediately. We fell in love and for the first – and the last – time in my life, I felt like I found my true love. But we weren’t meant to last. The relationship was too passionate, too stubborn, too exciting, too much. It became toxic and we had a very rough breakup. I moved on and I knew that we were better off, but there was this part of me that always knew that Michael was the only man I could see my forever with.“
„It was my fifth year at Edenbrook when there was an emergency surgery needed for a motorbike rider and I was the one to perform it. I didn’t need to look twice to recognize Michael – with his face all bloody and bruised and awful, I knew it was him. And I didn’t tell anyone because they wouldn’t let me perform the surgery and I needed to do that. I needed to save him.“
Ethan doesn’t move. He doesn’t even look at Harper – he just keeps staring out of the window. He is surprised but he doesn’t show any emotion.
„I didn’t save him. He died on that table, he died under my hands. For so long I felt like I killed him. I blamed myself, I thought that if someone else did the surgery, they would keep him alive.“
She trailes off and doesn’t give Ethan the answer he needs.
He doesn’t find out is she ever stopped blaming herself.
He doesn’t know if there is a chance that he could ever stop blaming himself.
Ethan doesn’t cry at the funeral.
He is sitting on the front bench in the cathedral, next to Diana, Alicia and Livia.
He doesn’t want to sit there. He doesn’t deserve to sit them.
Can’t they see that it was his fault? That there would be no funeral if he only did his job right?
Alicia cries softly, her lips trembling. Diana, just like Ethan, doesn’t cry – no, she even smiles a little. It is the effect of her sedatives and Ethan knows that she probably won’t even remember the funeral.
Seeing Chiara’s smiling mother hurts more than seeing her crying sister.
The whole ceremony is filled with tears and love. Because everyone loved Chiara and Chiara loved everyone.
And Ethan just sits in his spot, staring at the casket, his gaze never leaving the wood it is made of.
And he doesn’t cry.
He wishes he would. He wishes the tears could get him through the day.
But he doesn’t and there is nothing to get him through the day.
People shake his hand and say their condolences and he keeps nodding and murmuring fake „thank you’s“.
He wishes he could go home, only to realize that there is not a single promise of some kind of peace with returning home.
There is no home for him anymore. There is an apartment. A place to live.
His home is gone. His home is lying in a wooden casket. His home is having ground scatterd all over her.
His home is buried six feet under him.
He is destined to be homeless forever.
Days go by and Ethan doesn’t come back to work – not that anyone expects him to.
His days consist of staring out of the window and sitting next to the toilet in case he needs to vomit again.
People insist on staying with him. Alan and Naveen mostly.
But he doesn’t want their company. He doesn’t want their compassion even.
He wants to be alone and to let his guilt and regrets kill him slowly.
He wants his medical licence removed. He should be charged for killing someone out of negligence.
He doesn’t want to be Ethan Ramsey anymore.
And he always expects Chiara to come back to him. He checks his phone for a message from her. He walks into the living room and it surprises him that there is no stupid movie playing on the TV – the one only Chiara would watch.
He opens the fridge and is shocked when he sees that the Toblerone chocolate is still there – how did Chiara not eat it already?
It is one evening, weeks after the funeral, when Ethan opens a drawer in the bedroom and jolts into Chiara’s  perfume that meets the floor with surprising force and the bottle breaks into dosens of pieces.
The smell – Chiara’s smell – hits him with a force of a train and Ethan stumbles involuntarily at the feeling.
He broke her perfume bottle and it doesn’t matter anymore.
Because Chiara will never use the perfume anymore.
She is not coming back.
She is not coming back.
She is not coming back.
Ethan chokes on his sobs and leaves the room, his decision suddenly thoroughly clear.
There is no world in which he could live if the world is one where Chiara doesn’t live.
He can’t do it.
He can’t stay alive if she is dead.
Grabbing a bottle of scotch, he fills the glass and drinks the liquor in one swing.
Then the second.
Then the third.
There are the sleeping pills Harper has brought him on the counter and Ethan knows.
For the first time in weeks, he has a plan.
The plan that is supposed to be his last one also.
Chiara asked him in the letter to go on with his life. She promised him that there are better days waiting for him.
How could she? She was dead. Dead and gone and indifferent to everything she left behind.
Everyone she left behind.
Ethan Ramsey has always been a rational man. His rules and princlipes leading him through the life, the life that was predictable and safe.
That was until Chiara burst into his life without ever asking and burned his principles to the ground.
That was until Chiara left his life without ever asking.
All he wanted was to die. Ethan never believed in an afterlife and he didn’t believe that killing himself would reunite him with Chiara. But it didn’t matter. He didn’t need to be with Chiara – he just couldn’t handle being without her.
And so he drinks some more.
Suddenly, he sees it. The picture forever burned into his brain.
Diana Ray.
The eyes of a woman who lost her husband, her son and her daughter.
There is a glimpse of rationality after all. And with that part of his brain, Ethan realizes that no matter how much he hurts, Diana Ray hurts more.
He feels like he can’t breathe and he knows that that is how Chiara’s mother feels for every second every day.
He thinks of a mother that lost two of her children and with that, he thinks of his father.
Alan would lose his only child.
And Ethan sees it. Feels it. Knows it.
With his desperate desire to escape the misery surrounding his whole being, he would not only kill himself.
He would kill Alan Ramsey’s child.
The pain he feels would become the pain he caused.
It is the same exact moment the terrible, sobering realization hits him when the heavy crystal glass falls from his hand and shatters on a wooden floor. Ethan follows its trajectory almost identically and with a inhuman sob leaving his throat, his knees hit the floor - and the broken glass.
He can see blood.
The glass is quickly stained by the maroon red and with combination of an artifical light in the kitchen, the most omnious of shadows project on the wood.
There's a lot of blood and even in his state, Ethan knows that it is his own blood. He can see it, he can perceive that his skin has been cut by the sherds. But he doesn't feel it.
There is no physical pain to be felt.
It is as if the pain coming from his core - the pain that doesn't have any visible source - was at such unbearable rate that his body protected him by refusing to let him feel any more.
He could be shot right now and he wouldn't feel anything.
Ethan just wishes he could be shot right now.
He wishes he could vanish, he wishes he could erase the existence of Ethan Ramsey from the universe.
If only it was that easy.
And so with bloody hand, he reaches for his phone and dials his first emergency contact.
„Ethan?“ Alan’s concerned voice responds immediately.
„Dad,“ Ethan gets out of himself, though he is sure Alan hardly understands him thorugh the violent sobs leaving his mouth constantly. „Could you please come here?“
 *** *** ***
so... one thing. The whole meningitis thing being so deadly is not something I made up. It is the very same thing that killed my best friend 7 years ago - he fell asleep with light flu (so everyone thought) and never woke up again.
If Ethan seems out of character here, I am sorry. However I believe that  when one is grieving, there is nothing as out of character. People do really unexpected and weird things while grieving.
This was actually self-indulgent (even though I guess it’s weird to use it like this) - the stages of grief Ethan is going through (denial - weird rationality - breakdown - shutting himself off - not sleeping, eating, talking - unability to express his sorrow at the funeral - more breakdowns - the terrible, terrible moment he realizes she is really never coming back - wishing to die - finding the strength to stay alive...) are my exact stages of my own grief back then. And it was very difficult to write about those and also very healing.
88 notes · View notes
spiderstyles04 · 4 years
Episode 1:
Can’t stand the fact that they’re trying to make Sam the victim, fuck the white bitch 😤. (okay yeah she’s kinda the victim but like she deserves to be blamed)
I can’t stand the fact that everybody keeps trying to make Robby the villain (ik he’s MIA, but the words they’re calling him make me wanna punt their asses into oblivion 🧎🏽‍♂️🏌️)
Episode 2:
Kreese is actually fucking sadistic wtf.
fuck men (esp. those that prey on young girls).
cops @ the prison rlly said: “I aint see nothin at all -👄-“.
wow so you can definitely see who is Johnny’s priority! Instead of continuing to look for his missing son, he went to go see Miguel🖕🏻.
and Miguel is like boohoo why’d this happen to me it’s all Johnny’s fault. Uh no it’s partially yours for accelerating the fight. Shouldn’t have gotten in the middle of a fight if you wanted to come out unharmed.
Robby blaming himself for everything and worry abt the others before himself is making me cry my eyes out pls 😭😖.
Daniel fucking Larusso rlly said let’s catch this scared teenage boy off guard and have a cop sneak up on him and arrest him
Episode 3:
I hate that Robby is in jail but he looks hot af
Not the LaRussos blaming Robby’s grudge on him being a teenage. Like you literally had a cop sneak up on a terrified kid and you expect him to take your calls???? I think tf not.
Sksks Sam rlly out here acting like Tory got angry outta nowhere and that she had no reason for being brutal. Yeah having a bad background doesn’t justify bullying but you kinda provoked her. YOU KISSED ANOTHER GIRL’S BOYFRIEND WHILE YOU HAD ONE OF YOUR OWN. SUCK IT UP AND SHUT UP LIL BABY.
Not Robby fighting with guys in prison over their comments abt Sam of all ppl 💀 she’s the reason you’re in there and she cheated, what the fuck are you defending her for?
sad puppy Robby is making me tear up shit I love him too much to see him in pain 😖
God I hate Eli. Imagine being jealous of not being able to creative enough to raise money for your friend so you resort to stealing the money from the only ones able to get money for him 💀.
“Douche clown” BAHAHA.
Episode 4:
NOT JOHNNY ASSUMING THAT ROBBY IS THE ONE STARTING FIGHTS (reminds me of Jess and Rory from Gilmore Girls when she accused him of fighting with Dean when rlly he just got attacked by a bird)
I love that Robby is telling Johnny off like PERIODT KING GO OFF
Nah if some idiot wrecked my lego diagram that took me weeks to build, I’d knock him on his ass no hesitation. Idgaf if I got expelled
Not the counselor completely disregarding the fact that Dimitri’s project was wrecked
Every time Johnny enters Robby’s life, he just makes shit harder for him. I feel horrible for my bby
Kreese has a god complex & I wanna put him in the ground 🕳👨🏻‍🦽👩🏽‍🦯
Little miss princess got some anger issues oop
Not Johnny making a paralyzed kid get out of bed 💀
Episode 5:
Robby basically telling Kreese to fuck off and tell talk to “somebody who gives a shit” is everything to me I love him
Not Johnny using a sex magazine to motivate Miguel 🤢
If Robby gets back with Sam I will RIOT
Imagine taking pleasure from terrorizing others and children sksksk couldn’t be me
Damn it Robby you shouldn’t be fighting. It’s only gonna make your sentence worse bby. Ik he’s an asshole, but you gotta be the bigger man
The fight in the lazer tag place I- not even gonna comment
Episode 6:
I’m glad Eli is abt to get the vibe check he deserves
Miguel rlly should choose what he says more wisely like sir you can’t just tell the angry mentally unstable girl that she needs help sksksksk those are words of war to her
Oh Mrs. LaRusso getting in on the action lmao
Episode 7:
Damn Tory rlly wakes up every day and chooses violence uh it was a dream nvm
There’s no fooking way Miguel recovered from a spinal injury so quickly 🙄 also why’d they throw away the wheelchair??? That shit is expensive af
Imagine having a dad that actually feels genuinely bad for not keep up with your life SKSK couldn’t be me
I haven’t seen Robby in a hot minute and I’m getting pissed abt it.
I love when ppl tell Eli off. Gives me a diff kind of joy
tf is Eagle Fang sksksks
@ Kreese: Bye bitch 🥴
Episode 8:
I cant believe they’re dicusssing Kreese when they’re abt to pick up Robby I- none of these men are fit to be stable father figured to him
Glad Robby told them to fuck off bc when the going gets tough, unfortunately, they will always choose someone else over Robby
But I’m all here for Miguel’s character development. Looks like soon I’ll have a total of 2 characters that I like on this show
Eyyy go off Miguel preach
Nvm fuck that. I’m glad Robby walked in on Miguel and Sam flirting so he could see she isn’t all she’s cracked up to be. I’m glad he’s telling them off. I just hate that they’re making him out to be a villain, AGAIN UGH
Episode 9:
Fuck fuck fuck I’m terrified for this episode
oh shit Ali...
Trouble is in the air....
Miguel and Sam 🙄😀
Oh so Robby is back in his sn 1 wardrobe... 🤬
Not you making bad decisions again Robby smh we’re trying to keep you out of jail
I repeat... if Robby and Tory get together I am RIOTING
Fuck Johnny
Episode 10 - final episode:
I am the quintessential example of seething anger. If I was an anime character, I’d have steam coming out of my ears and a tic mark on my forehead smh
Tory has got some anger issues that surpass even my own, and that’s saying something
Also why tf are they fighting in Sam’s house??? Like I don’t like her but thats not only trespassing passing on private property, but the damages they’re causing are gonna cost a buttload
I’m just glad that Robby isn’t there to fight. Thank you bby
I love the fact that Eli is realizing how fucking stupid he’s been acting
I’m still crying over Robby fuck
Everybody over here hashing shit out and Robby is inside the dojo like X👄X
Anyways all in all, fuck season 3 gn
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thingwithfeathers · 3 years
tag 9 people to learn more about their interests
tagged by: @enniomorricone :)
fave genre? indie/alternative rock, and pop but not really current pop more like 80s/90s.
fave artist? bastille, twenty one pilots, fleetwood mac, the clash, the smiths, abba, probably a lot more i can’t think of right now.
fave song? my joint favourite songs are ‘with or without you — u2′ and ‘landslide — fleetwood mac’
most listened song recently? 'song for zula — phosphorescent’ it’s become one of my favoure songs ever.
song currently stuck in your head?  any abba song because i was listening to them a lot earlier.
5 fave lyrics?
“It’s a hell of a long way to fall just to learn to get up” — the mess, the naked and famous.
“But now it’s just another show / and you leave them laughing when you go / and if you care, don’t let them know / don’t give yourself away / i’ve looked at love from both sides now / from give and take and still somehow / it’s loves illusions that i recall / i really don’t know love at all.” — both sides now, joni mitchell (this entire song though! really hard to choose lyrically because it’s a masterpiece).
“See, honey, i saw love / you see it came to me / it put it’s face up to my face so i could see / yeah then i saw love, disfugure me / into something i am not recognising / see the cage, it called, i said come on in / i will not open myself up this way again / but my heart is wild and my bones are steel / and i could kill you with my bare hands if i was free.” — song for zula, phosphorescent.
"Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love? / can the child within my heart rise above? / can i sail through the changing ocean tides? / can i handle the seasons of my life? / well, i’ve been afraid of changing / ‘cause i’ve built my life around you / but time makes you bolder / even children get older / and i’m getting older too.” — landslide, fleetwood mac.
“And then you put your hand in mine / and pulled me back from things divine / stop looking up for heaven / waiting to be buried / and all their words for glory / they always sounded empty / when we’re looking up for heaven.” — bastille, glory.
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie (depends!) | loud or silent volume in-between! I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on.
fav book genre? just fiction in general. i’ve kind of grown out of young adult so i don’t really read a lot of that, and have been reading classics lately. just any books that make you really think and are written so beautifully that you can highlight quote after quote. i’ve also been reading a lot of non fiction spiritual books lately.
fav writer? recently, taylor jenkins reid. i’ve read two of her books and they’re incredibly gripping. love the simplicity and warmth of benjamin alire saenz as well, the care that ari & dante was written with. and also emily dickinson, especially her letters in particular to susan are just gorgeous.
fav book? aristotle & dante discover the secrets of the universe, wuthering heights, little women, a little life, and recently the seven husbands of evelyn hugo.
fav book series? i don’t really read book series, so the only thing coming to mind is harry potter which i only read for the first time about five years ago now.
comfort book? little women and aristotle & dante.
perfect book to read on a rainy day? any easy read, probably several i listed above.
fave characters? aristotle & dante, jo & beth march (little women), mina murray (dracula).
5 quotes from your fave books that you know by heart?
“You teach me now how cruel you’ve been — cruel and false. why did you despise me? why did you betray your own heart, cathy? i have not one word of comfort. you deserve this. you have killed yourself. yes, you may kiss me, and cry; and wring out my kisses and tears: they’ll blight you — they’ll damn you. you loved me — what right had you to leave me? what right — answer me — for the poor fancy you felt for linton? because misery and degradation, and death, and nothing that god or satan could inflict would have parted us, you, of your own will did it. i have not broken your heart — you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine. so much the worse for me that i am strong. do i want to live? what kind of living will it be when you — oh god! would you like to live with your soul in the grave?”  — wuthering heights, emily bronte (i could choose so many from this book but this is the most underrated one in my opinion and deserves more recognition).
“I will love you forever, whatever happens. ‘til i die and after i die, and when i find my way out of the land of the dead i’ll drift about forever, all my atoms, ‘till i find you again. i’ll be looking for you, will, every moment, evert single moment. and when we do find each other again we’ll cling together so tight that nothing and no one’ll ever tear us apart. every atom of me and every atom of you... we’ll live in the birds and the flowers, and the dragonflies and pine trees, and in the clouds and in those little specks of light you see floating in sunbeams... and when they use our atoms to make new lives, they won’t just be able to take one, they’ll have to take two, one of you and one of me, we’ll be joined so tight...” — his dark materials (amber spyglass), philip pullman. (don’t talk to me, this quote makes me actually ache)
“I wanted to tell them that i’d never had a friend, not ever, not a real one. until dante. i wanted to tell them that i never knew that people like dante existed in the world, people who looked at the stars, and knew the mysteries of water, and knew enough to know that birds belonged to the heavens and weren’t meant to be shot down from their graceful flights by mean and stupid boys. i wanted to tell them that he had changed my life and that i would never be the same, not ever. and that somehow it felt like it was dante who had saved my life and not the other way around. i wanted to tell them that he was the first human being aside from my mother who had ever made me want to talk about the things that scared me. i wanted to tell them so many things and yet i didn’t have the words. so, i just stupidly repeated myself, “dante’s my friend.”” — aristotle & dante discover the secrets of the universe, benjamin alire saenz.
“There are many beths in the world, shy and quiet, sitting in corners till needed, and living for others so cheerfully that no one sees the sacrifices till the little cricket on the hearth stops chirping, and the sweet, sunshiny presence vanishes, leaving silence and shadow behind.”— little women, louisa may alcott.
“And so i try to be kind to everything i see and in everything i see, i see him.”— a little life, hanya yanagihara.
hardcover or paperback (paperback for general reading and hardback for special editions!) | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature (i love nature and want to be able to read outside but i cannot be in nature without being hypervigilent of bugs so wouldn’t be able to concentrate) | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending (i also used to read the last line of a book first for a long time but i started to piss myself off when it wasn’t vague enough) | reliable or unreliable narrator  | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary (i can’t help it, i love pretty covers) | rereading or reading just once.
fave tv/movie genre? disaster/post apocalyptic, drama, sci-fi, documentary, occasional fantasy. i’m pretty on board with most things, other than horror but even that has some exceptions.
fave movie? titanic, shaun of the dead, little women (1994), eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, wuthering heights (2009 tv movie), portrait of a lady on fire, practical magic, the greatest showman, finding nemo, the grinch (2000).
comfort movie? finding nemo, little women (1994), shaun of the dead, all my favourite christmas movies which are too many to list.
fave tv show? friends, charmed, golden girls, gilmore girls, the walking dead, new girl. currently: 911.
most rewatched tv show? friends. i watch it almost every day and it would be impossible for me to count just how many times i’ve watched it from start to finish.
5 fave characters? all the friends on friends, piper halliwell (charmed), tara chambler (twd), glenn rhee (twd), maddie buckley (911).
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging (i’m conflicted because i miss the event of catching a show every week but at the same time once you binge watch you can’t go back) | one season or multiple seasons (but shows need to know when to stop) | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes (depends on my mood) | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once.
tagging: @bettyhofstadtdraper / @kubrickking / @koningen / @urispatty / @marmaladepotion / @mixye + anyone else that wants to do this, feel free to tag me to read :) !
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marvelsdc22 · 4 years
The Professor And I Season 2 (pt. 12)
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Intro: Hello, lovelies!! I hope you guys are having a good day/night!! Sorry for the delay, I had so much I wanted to write, but of course I split it up, I hope you guys enjoy!! :)
Note: Y/N is even more confused, a plan ensues, Nia gets upset with Y/N but for good reason, Lena is panicked.
Word Count: 1387
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
As you looked up at Lena, everything seemed even more confusing than before, you still loved Lena, of course you did… But, you also liked Lara “Thanks” you finally said, looking at Lena who nodded and helped you stand up “Of course” Lena said, glancing at Lara as the two of you set you back onto the bed, Lena refusing to let go of you until she knew you were comfortable “I got them” Lara said softly, looking at Lena and able to feel the tension in the room, watching Lena nod before unwillingly letting you go “I should get going… I’ll see you in class, Miss Croft” Lena said, looking at Lara who nodded before she looked at you “I hope you get to feeling better Mr./Miss Y/L/N” she said before heading out, leaving you feeling very conflicted and unsure of yourself.
A few days later, Lara and Lena stopped showing up, which hurt since you were used to at least one of them coming to see you, another odd thing was Vikander never responded to your email which made you very suspicious “I have to get out of here” you whispered to yourself, trying to think of how you would get out of here… You were on the fourth floor, you didn’t have a vehicle, and you were missing an arm… This wouldn’t be easy.
After a few moments, the door to your room opened and you looked up to see Maggie with Alex “Hey” you said, giving them a small smile as you sat up and gave them careful hugs “How are you feeling?” Alex asked, her having been unable to visit much with classes and work “Better… I get molded in a few weeks” you said, knowing the scars and stuff would be healed enough by then to be able to get a good mold “That’s good, one step closer” Alex said, giving you a small smile which you returned and debating on asking them for help… Alex would definitely say no, but Maggie? She may be up for an escape attempt.
You waited until Alex headed out to grab herself a coffee before you looked at Maggie “I know that look… What do you want?” Maggie sighed, raising an eyebrow “How do you know I want something?” You asked, tilting your head to the side and watching as Maggie rolled her eyes “You know why, now tell me” she said, gently shoving your good shoulder and quickly shaking her head when you asked “You know Alex will kill me if I help you” she said, looking at you and glancing at the door to make sure no one was coming yet “Please Maggie, something’s going on and I have to find out!” You begged, giving her puppy eyes and cheering when she relented “Fine, but you’re going to need more than just me” “Don’t worry, I have some others in mind”.
“You’re crazy” Nia said when you informed her and Brainy of the plan you had come up with a bit after Maggie and Alex left “Maybe, but I have to know what’s going on here and me staying in this damn hospital room is not gonna do that” you said, looking at them “They have a point” Brainy said, ignoring the glare that Nia threw at him “They’re the only one with access to the lab, they’re the only one that can get us the information we need for all this” he said, looking at Nia who didn’t let off the glare “Fine, but if we get caught, I blame you” Nia said, pointing at you and watching you nod “Of course, I’ll take full blame, but we won’t get caught” you said, looking at them and running them down on what they needed to do which included informing Maggie about it since you would stay with her for the time being to hide out.
Today was the day, it had been a week since your original meeting with Nia and Brainy, but you had gotten all the schedules down to a pat, waiting until Maggie came into your room “Okay… Everything’s set” she said, looking nervous since she’d never broken anyone out of the hospital before, but there was no going back now “Nia have the costume?” “She does, she’ll be here in ten and Brainy is ready to distract downstairs… I’ll be in my car, ready to get you out of there and Nia and Brainy will meet us at my place” she said, looking at you and you smiled “Great!” You said, watching her nod before she turned and opened the door “Hey Maggie?” You asked, watching as she turned to look at you “Thank you” you said, watching as she smiled and nodded before heading out, leaving you to prepare to leave.
Pulling on your flannel that you had asked Kara to bring you, your door opened and you looked over, seeing Nia in her nurse outfit and a rolling cart filled with clean sheets “I suggest you hurry because what I’m doing right now is highly illegal” Nia said, keeping the smile on her face as you quickly pulled whatever needles were in your arms after shutting the machines off, knowing they’d know but it would take a little longer with the alarms off before you threw your bag into the cart and carefully hopped in before Nia covered you with some of the blankets.
As Nia pushed you out of the room and towards the elevator, you heard her muttering to herself about how much you owed her for this and you knew you would find a way to pay her back, but right now you had to get out of there, feeling the cart stop “We almost there?” You asked softly, earning a quick ‘shush’ from Nia who was getting an odd look from a doctor that was in the elevator as well, waiting until he got off before talking to you “You almost gave us away” she hissed, making you wince since she had never used that type of tone with anyone before “Sorry” you responded, opting to stay silent the rest of the way.
After a bit, you heard Brainy talking with the nurse up at the receptionist desk as Nia pushed you through the area and into a side hallway before she helped you out “Head down these stairs… Maggie is waiting right outside the doors” she said before heading out of there, planning to ditch the outfit before leaving and you quickly made your way down the stairs, coughing some into your good arm since this was the most physical activity you’ve done in a hot minute “Shit” you muttered, seeing Lena’s car pull up as you exited the staircase, diving quickly in front of the nearest parked car and waiting until you heard the distinct sound of her heels clicking on the concrete.
“Yeah, I just need to visit someone and I’ll be there… Sir, I will make it back in time, promise” you heard her say, knowing that she had to be on the phone with one of her higher ups, waiting until you heard the doors to the stairs close before you got up and rand to Maggie’s car and hopped in “Go, we don’t have much time… Lena’s here” you said, looking at Maggie whose eyes widened “She’s going to kill us” she groaned before starting the car and driving off, praying to everything that was holy that Lena didn’t catch you guys.
In your hospital room… About ten minutes later… Lena walked into the room and froze, seeing the room empty and your window open, panic surging through her as she ran to get somebody “Where did they go?” She asked, panicked as she confronted a nurse “Who?” “The person that was in that room” Lena said, pointing at the door to your room “They should still be in there” the nurse said, walking over to your now vacant room and freezing when he as well saw your room empty “I’m calling the cops” Lena said, fighting back tears as she dialed ‘911’, she was scared that the worse had happened again… She can’t go through that, not again, she almost lost you last semester due to her negligence… She wouldn’t let it happen again.
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates​ / @5aftermidnight / @youngandwildx7 / @stewie-castle / @hopingforbarnes​
Supergirl Taglist: @x-danvers-x​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @aznblossom​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @stop-drop-and-drumroll​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @worlds-in-words​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @wlw-in-space​​
Lena Taglist: @life2-live​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​/ @ianarec​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @thelonewriter247​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @kalistory-blog​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @ess0h​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
The Professor And I Taglist: @youlookterribleilookawesome​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @ironsnowstorm​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @rebornpoet​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @scottishgirl1998​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @lezzzbehonesthere​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
End Note: I hope you guys enjoyed it!! If you would like to be added to a Taglist, shoot me a DM or an Ask!! Have a good day/night!!
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callioope · 4 years
Month after month after month. For seventeen months. Seventeen months of figuring out when I’m going to ovulate. Seventeen months of timing. Of ovulation tests. Of paying way more attention to my body and its symptoms than seems sane. Seventeen times: hope, disappointment. 
I thought by now I’d really figured out my body’s symptoms, but apparently not. I really thought this would be the time. I really thought I knew it, like in my bones, that this was it. You may recall last month posting how I could tell the difference between symptoms. They seemed different this month, they really did.
And we needed a win this month.
I have not talked about this yet, but last month, my father-in-law suffered a heart attack. He was driving with my husband’s stepmom, and fortunately had the ability to pull over in time. But she does not really speak good English, and she had to get out of the car and flag someone down to call 911. It took the emergency responders 8 minutes to get to him, but we have no idea how long it took to place the call in the first place. They say if it takes 10 minutes -- 10 minutes of the heart not pumping blood to the brain -- they declare a person dead upon arrival. 
But it took them 8 minutes, so there was a chance. And that meant 3 weeks in a coma, monitoring brain activity that wasn’t getting better. They were able to treat his heart, and the doctor said he could have survived the heart attack. He did survive the heart attack. He did not survive the brain injury sustained because of the heart attack. 
As my father-in-law is Turkish, the family agreed that he’d want to be buried in Turkey. So my husband flew with his body to Turkey last week to bury him. He had to spend a week there, I think he said that was the minimum in order to get the round trip fare at a reasonable price. And with COVID, the whole idea of him travelling that far has been especially worrying.
He came home last night, but he’s quarantining at our place while I say with my parents in New Jersey. Their home is small and there’s really not a lot of space for me to work, I’m having to sit on a recliner and it’s really hard to feel energized to work. Especially with all the cramps and heartbreak of everything. I should probably just ask for the day off, but there’s an important meeting I need to attend at 1. Maybe I’ll sign off after that, I don’t know...
I just wish I could be with my husband right now. 
Our anniversary is on Tuesday, I was .... I was dreaming of calling him up and telling him we’d finally succeeded. We.... we talked about naming the kid after his dad... if we succeeded....
It feels like it’s never going to happen. It feels like I’m trying so hard for nothing. It feels like I don’t deserve it, it feels like the universe is telling me to give up, that I wouldn’t be a good mother, that I’m not worthy. It feels like something is wrong with my body and every time I talk to the doctor, they don’t seem worried, and well, in the moment, I’m like “herp derp they are a professional I should trust them” but then three -- five -- seventeen months later, I have nothing to show for that trust and a million questions. My friends got bloodwork done when they first started trying so they could address any hormonal roadblocks that could make conceiving more challenging. But my doctor said that wasn’t necessary because “when I get pregnant they’ll do the bloodwork.” 
I want to scream, I feel like you can’t trust medical professionals to catch any red flags. They didn’t take my seriously until the third time I mentioned that my periods are sort of worryingly light every month, when I specifically phrased it “they’re lighter since I came off the pill,” and even then, they just went “Oh? Hmm. Weird.” And didn’t follow up. No, all they said was, “well you got pregnant within a year so you must be fine.” (Miscarried in May, if you didn’t know. And they say that it’s so easy to get pregnant after you miscarrying. That like, most women get pregnant within 3-4 months of miscarrying. Further emphasizing that something is wrong with me and my body.)
I am going to be 33 in January. They say at 35 your chances start to reduce significantly. I worry about this all the time. I worry that I have PCOS and that it’s going to take me two years just to conceive the first time. I worry that the universe wants me to give up, that something is wrong with me physically or mentally, that I just don’t deserve it. I have so many friends who get pregnant immediately after going off the pill, like it’s so easy. We’d dreamed of being parents together, of shared play dates, and their child gets older and older and... 
It just feels like it’s not in the cards. 
I recently (accidentally) read an untagged pregnancy fic where they had trouble conceiving -- a whole whopping 4 months. I remember when 4 months felt like forever. I feel like a fool now, of course, and it made me so angry to see that. They said in that fic that it takes 78 times of having sex to succeed, but I don’t understand that statistic because -- they say most couples conceive with one year, although most conceive within 3-4 months of trying. But they also say that you shouldn’t have sex too frequently because it doesn’t give the sperm enough time to regenerate. (You should wait two days between trying.) Also, there’s really only like 6 days per month worth trying, that’s during your fertility window. But you have to have sex every other day during that 6 day window, so that means 3 times per month for 12 months is only 36 times. 
YOU SEE. YOU SEE THE MADNESS involved in this process? Every month I pee in a cup and I take a test to see if I’m ovulating yet. And it SUCKS. I HATE IT. I hate doing it. But if I don’t do it, I won’t know when I ovulate, which means I won’t time it right. 
And sex starts to feel like a chore.... and it shouldn’t. It feels like it should just be magical. And it isn’t. 
It’s so hard. It’s so demoralizing. It’s so frustrating to see babies. My mom going on about how fertile her friends are and how they’re having another kid. Hearing that the friend in HS who told me, when I said I wanted to have kids some day, that she “wanted to amount to more than a baby making machine” .... and she just.... immediately got pregnant and here I am. A dream I’ve had, to start a family, a dream that has been mocked, and I’m still waiting. 
I’m so tired.
And I feel guilty because I know that some people have waited even longer.
And I feel scared because I know that some people have waited even longer.
I feel scared with the limited knowledge I have of what the fertility process looks like. I don’t want to have to go to the doctor every other day. But it looks like maybe I’ll have to? At least, eventually?
It’s just heartbreaking. I really needed a break this month, but 2020 continues to be demoralizing. Sometimes it feels like... what am I even doing trying this hard to bring a kid into this world at all. Maybe that’s what the universe is telling me. I certainly had friends in HS who said as much -- that they couldn’t fathom bringing a child into this horrible world -- and that was like, back in the 2000s, before a disaster like 2020 could even be imagined.
Well. Anyways. Thanks for reading my rant. This was cathartic, screaming into the void. 
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abm111815 · 4 years
Bad feelings: JJ x reader
Part one
Summary: what happens when the groups plans get ruined and no one can find JJ? They have a bad feeling that something isn’t right.....
The rest of the pogues were waiting for you down at the docks, or at least that was what the plan was supposed to be. Your shift at The Wreck was just ending. You changed out of your uniform and into your swimsuit and shorts and headed to the docks. Kie, Pope, John B, and Sarah were all there waiting. However, your boyfriend, JJ was no where to be found. That made no sense seeing as how JJ never missed an opportunity to be out on the water. “Hey guys! Where is JJ?” You asked the group as you made your way towards the boat. “We haven’t heard from him since yesterday. We just assumed he was picking you up from work and coming with you?” Pope said as he lended his hand to help you into the boat. You don’t know why, but you suddenly had a very bad feeling that something was wrong.
“Guys, I think I’m going to go try to find JJ, you guys go ahead and take the boat out and I’ll let you know when I find him.” You couldn’t just go out and enjoy yourself when you didn’t know where your boyfriend was or if he was okay. “No, you’re right y/n something doesn’t seem right, we will all try to find him.” We decided to split up to try and cover more ground. JJ had broken his phone during a fight a couple weekends ago so that did not help the situation. Pope and kie said that they would go look at some of his favorite spots to surf and check some of the jobs he had been working to see if he was there. You and John B. decided to go see if he was at his house. You knew that if something had happened to him, sadly home was where it probably happened. You and John B. Were the only ones that knew about his abusive, horrible father and what JJ went through at home. You knew that JJ would not want you all to be there , he had made it very clear that he wanted you to stay clear of his father. However, you did not care how angry he would be, you had to see for yourself that he was alright.
John B. Pulled the van into JJ’s driveway, there was no sign of Luke’s truck anywhere so you made the decision to go inside. John B. Called out for JJ but got no response. John B. Attempted to go through the front door only to find it locked. You remembered that JJ had mentioned one night that he would always leave his window unlocked to his room so he could sneak in for clothes without Luke knowing. You ran around to the side of the house and found the bedroom window. “John B. I need a lift! I’ll go in and unlock the door for you!” John B. Helped you maneuver yourself in through the window. You made your way to the living room to unlock the door and that’s when you saw it...or should i say when you saw him.
“Oh My God! John B. Hurry!!” You hurried and swung open the door and ran straight over to the slumped over, unconscious body of your boyfriend. “Dear God JJ! y/n is he breathing?!” You fell down beside him and tried to roll him over towards you. There was so much blood, his face was black and blue and there were cuts all over his arms and his chest. You put your hand on his neck trying to find a pulse, it was very faint but it was there. “He has a pulse but it is weak! Call 911!” “Baby, can you hear me? Me and John B. Are here ok? Can you open your eyes for me?” You were trying desperately to try and get some kind of response out of him but there was nothing. You pushed some of his hair that was matted to his forehead back out of his face. As tears streamed down yours and john b’s faces, all you could feel was anger. How could someone do this to their own child? How could you just leave them there to die? Not even call for help?? How long had he been laying here?!” Once the paramedics arrived and loaded JJ on the stretcher, you followed close behind and hopped in the back of the ambulance grabbing ahold of JJ’s hand. “I’ll meet you at the hospital, I am going to call the others and we will all be there as soon as we can.” You just nodded at John B. Afraid that you would break if you tried to speak. JJ never woke up the entire ride to the hospital. The paramedic informed you that he was breathing but that he was not getting enough oxygen so they had to intubate him. You had never been more afraid in your life, seeing a tube down your boyfriend’s throat was something you couldn’t have ever imagined having to see.
The others came running into the hospital and rushed over to you in the waiting area. “Any news? Where did they take him? Did he wake up??” They all were shooting questions at you trying to find out anything about their friend. “They said they had to run some tests, check to see how bad the damage was and see what all injuries they were dealing with. No, he didn’t wake up at all. He wasn’t getting enough oxygen so they had to put a tube down his throat in the ambulance to help him breathe.” you tried to explain everything to them but you had to stop because your voice started cracking and it was getting harder to catch your breath. “Ok, ok calm down y/n. You’re gonna have a panic attack if you don’t calm down. Just breathe for me, take deep breaths ok?” Kie and Sarah sat on both sides of you trying to calm you down. It was no use though, once the tears started and the first sob escaped your throat you couldn’t contain it anymore. You sat there with Kie and Sarah holding you until you eventually wore yourself out and fell asleep.
“Y/n, wake up sweetie, come on wake up.” Kie gently shook your shoulder trying to wake you up from the uncomfortable waiting room chair. “Hey, so the doctors just came by. They said that it was pretty bad and that if we hadn’t got there when we did.....he probably wouldn’t be here.” John B. Explained. “They said that he has a severe concussion, almost all his ribs are broken, he had been choked so he had some damage to his throat and that’s why he was having trouble getting enough oxygen, and several cuts and bruises which we had already seen.” All you could do was sit there wide eyed and shocked as John B explained all of your sweet boy’s injuries. “Is he awake yet?” You just needed to see him, see those blue eyes staring back at you, to see that he was still here with you. “No, not yet. Since the concussion was pretty bad, they wanted to keep him sedated for a few days to let him rest and heal and also to let his throat heal before they remove the tube. They said if he wasn’t sedated he would probably try to pull the tube out and it would only make things worse.”
You had no more words to say to anyone. You felt like your world was just crashing down. Your sweet boy was laying in the hospital not able to breathe on his own all because of his asshole of a father. You could not sit by anymore and let this happen. You had asked JJ several times why he didn’t say something to the cops about his dad beating him. He said that he couldn’t do that because he would have no one to take care of him and DCS would send him to foster care on the mainland. You didn’t care anymore, you had to figure out a solution. You could not let the love of your life step back into that house with that man. “Guys, I’m going to head home. I need to get cleaned up and get some sleep. I’ll be back first thing tomorrow.” You wanted to include the group in your plan but not yet. After telling everyone goodbye, you headed back to figure 8 to your house. Yes, you were technically a Kook, but your parents were pogues when they first got married and moved here. Your father had worked very hard to expand his business and create a great life for you all. You moved to figure 8 a few years back but you were still a pogue at heart. That is the main reason that your parents never had an issue with your friends. They knew how kooks treated them and they did not agree with it. Your dad and JJ loved each other and hung out together quite often since you all started dating 3 years ago.
“Y/n, is that you? Oh, honey what is the matter? Why are you so upset?” The second your parents seen you come through the front door they knew something was terribly wrong. You immediately collapsed into your mom’s arms and sobbed. You couldn’t even get words out to tell them, your mom just held you while your dad rubbed your back until you finally calmed down enough to tell them what had happened to JJ and who had been the one to cause it. “Are you serious? How could he do that and get away with it? I’m not going to stand for that, I’m calling the sheriff myself and turning him in!” You hadn’t ever seen your dad so mad in your life. He was pacing around the living room clenching and unclenching his fists. “Dad, you cant! JJ doesn’t have anymore family to take care of him, if Luke goes to jail, JJ goes into foster care on the mainland!” “No, that is not going to happen either sweetie. Now would i love for my daughter and her boyfriend to live together in my house? No. Would i like to see the boy that she is obviously in love with be taken away from her? Also no. So that’s why i am going to march down to the station and tell the sheriff what happened and that it is not the first time it has happened and how i want JJ taken from that home immediately and i want to become his legal guardian and he will live with us.” You sat there in shock just staring at your dad. Your mom just looked between you and your father with a huge smile on her face, “Y/n honey, you cant honestly expect us to sit by and watch JJ go through that and not do something about it? I know that boy means the world to you, and i know he feels the same. There is no better place for him than right here with us.” You could not believe how well that went. You went to bed shortly after your talk and tried to get some sleep. You could not wait to get to the hospital tomorrow to tell JJ the good news, but what will he think about it when he wakes up?
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clockworkrosea · 4 years
911, what’s your emergency? (3)
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→ summary: they were dangerous. she knew that, and yet, she continues to hunt them. and this? this is her retribution.
→ pairings: jeon jungkook/fem!reader, kim namjoon/oc
→ warnings: graphic depiction of torture, mentions of torture, a lot of mentions of blood, mentions of death, mentions of the mafia, mentions of arson, mentions of fire. graphic description of what the shankill butchers did at the end a/n. 
→ wc: 1.5k
→ a/n: alright sorry this took so long, i first was worried with the depiction of the police then i realized corrupt is not that inaccurate, and then i was trying to get a decent wc. please give me feedback! also if anyone wants to be tagged send me a message, comment or ask or smth. aLso i ended the chapter there bc i didn’t want to reveal who was who yet. y’all can guess tho 👀👀. enjoy the chapter! also i made exo bts’s enemies in the story just for convenience they aren’t actually enemies
→ disclaimer: this is not an accurate depiction of bts and anyone else mentioned in this fic. this is also not an accurate depiction of seoul’s police department, government, and any other institutions mentioned in this fic. 
series masterlist
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When Y/N woke up, hours later, she quickly figured out what had happened. They'd laid a trap, and she had walked right into it. She tugged at her restraints, cringing as they chafed her skin roughly. Her head was pounding, and she felt exhausted, but she looked around and analyzed her situation. 
The room was bloodied and dirtied. The blood pooled  Y/N scrunched up her nose in disgust as the smell finally hit her. The coppery scent did nothing to help with her headache. Carefully, she kept her eyes off the ground, the grisly sight of dried and fresh blood enough to make anyone retch.
It felt like hours before someone walked into the room. Y/N groaned, tilting her head up slowly to glance at who it was. Hannah was in front of her, looking down with what seemed to be interest. Despite the gore around the room, she seemed to be calm, albeit slightly disgusted. 
“Well, well, well. I won’t lie, I expected better of you.” Hannah said, looking her up and down. 
"Getting kidnapped by the mafia isn't very high up on my list of dangers, unfortunately. Sorry to disappoint, though." Y/N snorted, staring at her kidnapper. Well, technically the orchestrator. Hannah didn’t look strong enough to drag her all the way to their car. Y/N waited for the pain that was surely to pay her back for her sassiness. 
Surprisingly, Hannah snickered. 
“I like you. Sassy. Unfortunately no one else that lives here would’ve taken that too kindly, so I’d be a little more careful.” She warned, although the effect was lost as a result of the smirk on her face. Hannah left the room, daintily stepping around the blood stains. 
“You’ll need to convince Namjoon to let you out. Although, I’m not totally sure you’d enjoy it out here.” Hannah said cheerily, shutting the heavy metal door. Y/N blinked in surprise, not actually expecting to get help. She nods slowly, careful to keep her head as stable as possible. 
It felt like hours had passed when another person finally entered. This was the other man that had been standing by Hannah during the ill-fated conversation. Ill-fated for Y/N, of course. She observed the man, assuming this was Namjoon. 
He was...different from what she'd expected. Realistically, neither of the leaders were what she’d expected. Both exuded power, yet they had none of the sadism she’d come to expect from mafia leaders. They were relaxed, yet they had the traditional personality type of a strong mob boss. 
Y/N had also talked to them for a grand total of 5 minutes. Namjoon stared at her, seemingly contemplating something. Y/N shifted nervously, running her tongue over her lips. Finally, he smirked and spoke.
"I think we'll let you go. No point in keeping you here." She nearly tipped the weak wooden chair over in her shock, barely managing to tip it back in time. When she looked back at Namjoon, he was smirking as he watched her struggle. 
“You’re smarter than Jungkook gives you credit for. I’d thank him, if I were you. Had he not been so annoying you’d be stuck in here, and, well, it's not exactly a great place to be." Namjoon motioned to the blood-covered walls. He stepped over to her seat carefully and slashed through the ties binding her legs and feet. 
Y/N stood up hesitantly, taking a couple steps forward. Namjoon followed behind her, with practiced grace, and he watched as she slipped. She looked at her hands, sticky with drying blood. It slowly dripped off of her hands as she carefully got up. Namjoon stepped past her, opening the door. 
She left the room hesitantly, slightly intimidated at the thought of staying in a house with 8 mafia members. Despite the bloodiness of the room, it had become familiar, and Y/N wasn’t particularly eager to leave it. 
“Down the hall, on the right.” Namjoon’s voice broke her out of her thoughts. When she looked at him, slight confusion evident, he motioned to her hands. She nodded, before making her way down the carpeted hallway. 
It was modest, yet subtly extravagant. They didn’t have many decorations, but it’d clearly been strategic. She could see there was thought behind the placement of plants, desks, and chairs in the hallway. Even while she’d been living in her home, her paranoia, similarly to many other members of the police force, had been through the roof. It was probably much worse for them, considering the design of one hallway reflected clear defenses against intruders. Feeling Namjoon’s eyes on her, she quickly stepped into the bathroom. 
It didn’t take long to wash the blood off. Once she’d stepped back out, Namjoon was waiting for her, face still impassive. He nodded to her, motioning for her to follow him. Y/N stumbled slightly as she rushed to catch up with his brisk pace.
“Where are we going?” She couldn’t help but ask him. He shot her a sharp glare, quickly shutting her up. It also surprised her, considering what she asked was an innocent question. To be fair, he’d also seemed significantly more tense after she’d finished washing her hands. Something probably happened in the five minutes, and she was on the receiving end of his annoyance.
It took a couple minutes, winding through  halls and rooms, to find wherever Namjoon's destination was. When Y/N looked inside, all she does is sigh. This had been coming, she knew, but that didn’t make her any more eager to meet them. 
Namjoon cleared his throat, bringing the attention to the two standing in the archway. 
Y/N didn’t recognize anyone, as expected, but she matches faces to positions and positions to crimes. As with everyone else in the room, she was well aware she was at a major disadvantage. Namjoon guided her over to an empty couch, and Y/N sat down carefully.
First, she looked for the doctor. Y/N first figured out his existence in the early stages of her assignment, when the previous detective had quit. It was well known that there were 8 members of Bangtan, yet Y/N had only been able to find seven distinct signatures among the crimes. Originally, she’d assumed that the final member had been a drug dealer or enforcer, rather than participating in the murders. It’d taken a month and a small gang war for her to conclude that the last one had to be a doctor. There had been no increase in hospital admissions within Seoul, yet Y/N knew they’d been injured. 
The doctor takes the shape of a smiling man with sharp almond eyes. 
Next, she scanned for the arsonist. The previous detective, Suho, had tracked the string of fires supposedly in connection to BTS. 4 months later, Y/N had confirmed the Arson to be among the inner circle. EXO, a then-recent enemy of Bangtan, had had their temporary headquarters burned down. It was well known that Bangtan had orchestrated the attack, allowing them to uncover another member of the group.
The arsonist takes the shape of a glaring man with twitching hands. 
The interrogator, a terrifying force of death. He’d been the easiest to uncover, and Y/N’s team had tried to track most of his movements. Suho had told her about the first time they’d found one of his bodies. It’d been mutilated beyond recognition. The final cause of death had been a deep slash to the jugular, like the Shankill Butchers. Electrical burns decorated the poor man’s skin, and shallow slashes covered his entire body. The coroner’s report had specified that none of the cuts had been deep enough to kill. Y/N got through about half of the report before she’d had to put it down. 
The interrogator takes the shape of a man with doe eyes and scarred hands. 
Finally, the leaders. Some of their smaller, less experienced teams had tracked the movements of the kingpin early on. Suho’s team had been the one to uncover the other mob boss: a well-hidden daughter of a dead businessman. It hadn’t been a surprise no one had discovered her, considering the lack of information on the whole network. According to Suho’s informant, no one in the lower ranks had ever seen the other boss. Shortly after, they’d found his body, tortured and broken. 
The leaders are a man and a woman with angry eyes and bloodied hands. 
“So,” Hannah spoke, looking at her with hidden amusement. “I suppose we should introduce ourselves. After all, we already know so much about you.” 
“You know me. Kind of. I’m Hannah Zhang. Bangtan’s godmother, donna, leader, etc. If you hurt any of us, I will kill you.” She continued cheerfully. Then, Hannah motioned for another man to talk. Even before he began, Y/N identified him as their doctor. He seemed kind, she thought. Then again, he also was in the inner circles of a top mafia well-known for their ability to kill.
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→ tagged: @btstxtgenre​
→ a/n: again i get this could be a little confusing, so feel free to send me any questions you have and i’ll answer them :) the shankill butchers were a group of loyalists who operated out of the shankill area in belfast, ireland. they were responsible for many violent sectarian attacks, in which they would slash their victims’ throats nearly through to their spines. basically they were violent and almost beheaded people but not quite 
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whencallstheheart · 4 years
Thank you all so much for the questions.  They were fun to answer.  There were some repeats so I skipped over them when they came up again.  If there’s more you’d like to know don’t hesitate to ask!  😀
It’s a little long so I’ll put it under the cut. 
I love a “ask me anything”!! what made you such a fan of the show that you started this blog??
I think I initially saw a tweet from John Stamos congratulating Lori on her new show and that was the first I had heard of it.  I think a couple episodes had already aired.  I hadn’t ever watched anything on Hallmark prior.  I'm a huge Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman fan (which was the first fandom blog I started) and when I watched the first episode it felt sort of reminiscent of that.  There wasn't really anything on Tumblr about it at that time so I started the blog and now here we are.
Are you a fan of historical dramas in general? If yes, have you seen Outlander?
I don't watch many historical dramas but, yes, I have seen Outlander. I'm behind but I do really enjoy that show and plan to catch up eventually.  Another one I liked a lot was Jamestown.  I also enjoy The Alienist.  And Dr. Quinn, of course.  
Where do you live (city) and what do you do to pay the bills?
I live outside Portland, Oregon and I work for a large bank in operations.  Currently working from home.
Were you ever a member of the crazy fanatical hearties group on FB?? Are they really that deluded about the show’s shortcomings?
I am a member of the Facebook group but don't participate or really look at anything but I like to be able to see if someone important posts something.  I just see whatever happens to end up on my feed when I'm scrolling.  Yes, but they're also not allowed to comment anything negative.  It's highly policed so fans can't really have discussions even if they wanted to.
What is your favourite food of all time? The food you would want as your last meal, the food that makes you glad to be alive.
These are hard questions.  Maybe a cheeseburger and fries.  I also really love Mexican food.  One of my favorite meals is something my mom makes which is porcupine meatballs.  It's basically a beef meatball with rice in it with a tomato soup sauce served over mashed potatoes.  Throw some peas on top and I'm a happy camper.
How do you stay so positive about the show when it disappoints you? Like the disaster of season 5!
There were some good things about season 5.  It's definitely just a mindset.  I was sick of people being so negative and dragging me down that hole with them.  I still enjoyed a lot of aspects about the show.  I still cared about the characters.  I wanted to focus on those good, positive things and be happy that we still had a show to watch.  And even now, I don't have many expectations.  I just want to watch and enjoy it and not pick everything apart to the point where I hate it.  It's not a perfect show but it's fun to watch and that's all that matters at the end of the day.  There’s plenty of other things in the world to be mad at and a Hallmark show doesn’t need to be one of them, you know?
What's your favorite pastime and favorite non-Hallmark show? Also, have a lovely day :)
I basically have no hobbies.  Tumblr is my second job.  I watch a lot of TV (too much these days) and I like listening to podcasts as well.  I play games on my phone.  That's honestly about it.  I'm super interesting, obviously.  My favorite show right now would have to be Yellowstone which just ended its third season.  I'm pretty obsessed.  Otherwise, The Killing is high up there.  ER.  Dr. Quinn.
If you could a character on WCTH to hang out with for a day, who would it be? If you could pick an actor on WCTH to hang with for a day, who would it be?
Rosemary/Pascale for sure.
What is your fav color? Music? Other TV shows? Books? What type of job do you have? What State or Country are you from?
Probably blue but it depends on what I'm picking the color for.  
I'm not huge into music or have anyone in particular I really love.  I've listened to The Chicks a lot lately.  I recently watched The Greatest Showman for the first time and promptly downloaded that soundtrack. I don't know.  I just listen to whatever suits my mood. If I'm listening to the radio, it's usually Top 40 stations or sometimes I'll throw a Russian pop station into the mix which is fun.
I watch a lot of shows.  I watch General Hospital and have for like 15 years at least.  Grey's Anatomy, Station 19, Roswell, all the Bachelor nation stuff including some foreign series, Love Island UK, a bunch of ghost hunting and adventure shows lately on the Travel Channel, random shows on Netflix, A Million Little Things, 911 and 911: Lone Star, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist, 90 Day Fiance and all its shows, The Rookie, Prodigal Son, New Amsterdam.  I could go on.
I don't read as much as I would like to.  I enjoy the Virgin River series by Robyn Carr a lot (also a Netflix show now but the books are much better).  I mostly just read the trashy free ebooks in the Apple bookstore.
Realistically, could this show run for as long as Heartland has?? Does it have that kind of staying power with the fandom and l do wonder - is it growing it’s audience in any way? Cos that would help it stick around for longer.
Of course.  I think it'll be around for a long time.  We're at 8 seasons and with the reset, we're basically starting over with Elizabeth which is really exciting.  The audience certainly isn't shrinking.  I think the ratings generally stay about the same but more and more people find the show on Netflix all the time.
This is a very girly question but whose wedding dress is closest to your style - Rosemary’s , Elizabeth’s or Clara’s?
Rosemary's was my favorite.
Do you have a favourite colour?? And a favourite brand of make up?
I only wear mascara now because of masks and I honestly might not go back to wearing makeup.  I don't have a brand in particular that is my go-to but I just stick with drugstore makeup.  It works good enough for me since I don’t really care or spend much time on that stuff.
hi! I have some questions for ya! How did you get into watching WCTH? Do you enjoy period dramas in general? If you do, would you recommend any? Is anyone in your family or friends fans of WCTH? Do you like to read? Those are kind of a lot but I’d love to hear from you! Really enjoy your blog and fellow WCTH fans! Thanks for all you do!
No one I know personally watches it.  Or at least I don't know if they do.
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heauxplesslydevoted · 5 years
The Fall (Ethan x F!MC)
Summary: Naomi has huge news to give Ethan, but things don’t always go as planned.
Word Count: 3k+
A/N: This is my first Open Heart fic. Let me know if you guys enjoy!
“And there it is.”
“That’s it? That tiny little thing?”
“Yup. That’s your baby. And the little flicker you see on the screen? That’s the heartbeat.”
“Can I hear it?”
“Not until the second trimester. I’d say you’re at 8 weeks right now.”
Dr. Naomi Valentine Ramsey stared at the screen in front of her with rapt attention. She had never seen something so magical in her 29 years on earth. That tiny little flicker on a monitor was hers. Her baby.
A tear rolled down her cheek, and she quickly wiped it away with the back of her hand. “It’s beautiful.”
Dr. Brenda Forbes, one of Edenbrook’s best attending OB/GYNs smiled at her colleague. “Yeah. I have five kids myself and seeing them for the first time is always the best.”
“Five? I don’t know if Ethan and I can manage five.”
“You’d be surprised, Naomi. I’ve known Ethan for 13 years. I never thought he would get married, but here we are. You may very well have five little humans.”
Being married to Ethan was still a dream. After months of fighting their feelings for each other since she was officially part of his diagnostics team, they finally decided to stop kidding themselves and seriously see where their relationship could lead them. Seven months later, they were at Naveen’s gorgeous lake house, exchanging vows in front of their family and close friends.
“We’ll focus on this one for now,” Naomi started. “It is just one, right?”
“Yes, just one.”
“How are you going to tell him?”
That hadn’t even crossed Naomi’s mind. How was she going to tell him? Would she do something cute and cheesy like buy a onesie that says “World’s Best Daddy” or would she be straightforward and spit it out as soon as she saw him?
“I don’t know,” Naomi replied honestly. “With our crazy schedules, I actually don’t think I’ve even properly seen him in the last 36 hours. He was still here last night when I took the pregnancy tests at home. And when I got up to get ready for work, he was fully clothed, passed out in the living room with the dog, and I didn’t bother waking him. But we’re both off tomorrow, so I’ll think of something.”
“He’s going to be excited.”
“I hope so.” They had talked about kids, extensively, and they knew they wanted to have them at some point, but they never set an official timeline when it came to family planning and baby making. They weren’t actively trying, but they weren’t not trying either. So Naomi couldn’t be too shocked when all six of her EPTs (she always was one for overachieving) came back positive.
“Ethan adores you and everyone at this hospital with semi decent vision can see that. He’s going to be ecstatic.”
Naomi didn’t reply, opting to let the optimistic words of her doctor wash over her. Brenda was right. She and Ethan wanted this, Ethan would be excited.
“Do you want a prescription for folic acid and prenatals, or do you want to pick them up at a local drug store?”
“I don’t want any nosy pharmacy techs knowing I’m pregnant,” Naomi said. Over the last 3 years, she had become hospital gossip fodder and it was annoying. “I’ll pick some up from CVS on my way home.”
“Fair enough. I will see you again in 4 weeks for your next appointment. You can schedule it in the waiting area.”
“Now, let’s print out an obnoxious amount of pictures.”
Fifteen minutes later, Naomi was exiting the locker room after safely tucking her ultrasound pictures away and making her way to the cafeteria. She spotted Bryce flipping through a chart. “Hey, Bryce!”
He looked up from his chart and flashed a large smile once he saw Naomi walking towards him. “Hey. I haven’t seen you around today.”
“I’ve been here. You know I never leave this place.”
“I’m having an awesome day,” Bryce announced. “I assisted on an emergency spleen removal with Dr. Rodriguez, and in a few hours I get to do a craniotomy with Dr. Emery.”
“Aren’t you on cloud nine, you hot shot.”
“More like cloud infinity. What about you?”
“My day’s been…great,” Naomi said honestly. Her doctor appointment was amazing. “And when I’m off in a few hours, I get to go home, put on my rattiest pajamas and eat greasy fast food with Ethan.”
“Dr. Ethan Ramsey eats greasy fast food?” Bryce asked, half teasing, half amazed.
“Occasionally. Most of the time he’s nagging at me to eat better, but I’m not listening to him tonight. I’m craving pepperoni pizza. And wings.”
“That sounds great,” Bryce sighed. He was going to be eating a cafeteria sandwich for dinner. “Hey, you want to get something from the caf? I need caffeine.”
“You read my mind, Lahela. That’s actually where I was headed.”
Before they could even make it all the way down the hall to the staircase, their pagers went off. There was an emergency down in the ER, and it was an all hands on deck situation.
“Rain check on that coffee, Omi?”
“Yup. I’m holding you to it though. And you’ll buy me a bagel.”
“Oof, you drive a hard bargain.” They made their way to the stairs. “On the bright side, I might be able to get a cool surgery out of this.”
“Ever the optimist,” Naomi teased with an eye roll. Only doctors could get excited about high stress accidents and emergencies.
Out of the corner of her eye, Naomi saw an overzealous intern flying down the hall as they started down the stairs, on his way to the ER. She was able to step aside in time, grabbing the handrail for support. But the guy ran into Bryce, bumping him on the shoulder, without as much as a backward glance.
“Hey, watch it!” Bryce called out but the other doctor didn’t acknowledge him. “God, were we that obnoxious our intern year?”
“I hope not-“
A few more of them followed behind, pushing past them to get downstairs to the ER. One of them knocked into Naomi, causing her to lose her balance.
It was like a slow motion car crash, in which no one could look away or move fast enough to do anything to stop it. Bryce quickly reached out in an attempt to grab her arm and catch her, but it was too late and Naomi went tumbling down the stairs until she landed at the bottom with a loud thud on the cold hard floors.
“Naomi!” Bryce raced down the stairs, and a few doctors who happened to be standing by rushed towards her as well. “Oh my god, Naomi, are you okay?”
Everything hurt. Her entire body was screaming out in pain, but she could barely respond. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to move.
Her head was foggy and she was dizzy. She could hear Bryce and a nurse attempting to talk to her in the background, but it mostly sounded like a loud ringing. She gingerly touched the top of her head and felt something wet, which she quickly surmised was blood.
“Mhmmm,” Naomi grumbled, still not really listening to Bryce.
Bryce looked up and pointed at the first nurse he could find. “Page the other Dr. Ramsey, tell him it’s Naomi and it’s an emergency.”
“Okay, Dr. Lahela.”
Bryce gently touched Naomi’s head. “Naomi, can you hear me?”
“My head hurts.”
“Yeah, you took quite the fall.”
Naomi’s hand flew to her stomach, but she recoiled instantly as an indescribable pain radiated through her entire rib cage. Hot tears stung the corner of her eyes. “My stomach. Bryce, my stomach!”
“Naomi, I need you to relax,” Bryce ordered. “Calm down. Breathe.”
Naomi tried to reposition herself and touch her stomach from a different angle, but another intense pain shot through her body. Another doctor came over with a bed, and they lifted Naomi up, also putting her in a neck brace so she couldn’t move and exacerbate her injury.
“We need to do a CT scan to see if she has a concussion or any other type of head injury,” Bryce explained to the other doctor as they started wheeling her to the radiology department. “Maybe a chest or abdominal x-ray to check for any trauma.”
The mention of getting an x-ray exam sent Naomi into a panic. All of the radiation could be bad for the baby. She reached out and squeezed Bryce’s scrub top. “No! No, no x-ray. No CT scan.”
“I’m not a neurologist by any means, but I’m pretty sure you have a head injury that we need to check out.”
“I can’t.”
“If you’re scared, I won’t leave your side until Ethan–”
“I’m pregnant,” Naomi confessed, cutting her friend off.
Bryce sucked in a deep breath at the revelation. That changed everything. “Okay. CT scan for your head only, and the fastest chest x-ray we’ve ever performed.”
Naomi tried to take breath to calm down, but it hurt too much to inhale, so her breath was coming out in quick, short bursts. Her head was still pounding violently and Naomi wanted nothing more than to close her eyes.
Bryce turned back to Naomi and noticed her eyelids getting heavy and drifting shut. He gently shook her shoulder. “Omi, I need you to stay awake. Keep your eyes open, okay?”
She could hear the words, and she knew what Bryce was saying was correct, but the pull was stronger than she was able to fight. She closed her eyes and slipped into dark nothingness. The last thing she remembered was silently praying that her baby would be okay.
On the other side of the hospital, Ethan was in a meeting with all of the other department heads and Naveen, going over budgets and quotas and other boring administrative dribble that Ethan didn’t care about.
His pager was consistently going off, but Naveen had a strict rule about not using pagers during their meetings. They were only 45 minutes long, and the doctors delegated all of their work, so there was no need to be contacted.
He could feel his cell phone vibrating against his thigh in his pants pocket, as if someone was calling him or sending him a lot of text messages.
While he couldn’t very well pull out his phone, he could always check the messages in his Apple Watch, and Naveen would be none the wiser. His notification tab was full of messages, all from Bryce.
Dr. Bryce Lahela: Dr. Ramsey, 911!
Dr. Bryce Lahela: Naomi had a fall, taking her to get a CT. She’s unconscious.
Dr. Bryce Lahela: update: she has a concussion, consulting w/ neuro rn
Dr. Bryce Lahela: Taking her to ER now, Sienna and Aurora r w/ me
Dr. Bryce Lahela: She still hasn’t woken up, but she’s stable. Moved to a private room
Dr. Bryce Lahela: Helloooooo, are you getting my messages?
Dr. Bryce Lahela: DUDE!
Dr. Bryce Lahela: Fuck, a nurse just reminded me you’re in meeting with Dr. Banjeri, so you probably haven’t seen any of these. Sorry.
Just come as soon as you’re available
Ethan’s blood ran cold as he read the messages and a wave of nausea rolled through his gut. As if on autopilot, he jumped out of his seat, starling his co-workers.
“Ethan?” Naveen prodded. “What are you doing?”
“I need to go,” Ethan said, grabbing his coat.
“If he’s leaving, I’d like to go too,” another doctor added.
“No one is going anywhere,” Naveen added firmly. “Ethan, sit back down.”
“There’s an emergency,”
“This is a hospital full of perfectly capable doctors who can handle–“
“Naomi is hurt,” Ethan said, cutting off his mentor and boss. “I’m leaving.” His tone let it be known that there was no room for argument. It was a definitive statement, no debate.
Naveen’s face softened at the mention of the young doctor and Ethan’s wife. He knew if something was wrong, there would be no stopping Ethan from finding her.
Naveen sighed and waved Ethan away. “Go ahead.”
Without another word, Ethan quickly exited the large conference room and made his way to the other side of the hospital as fast as his legs could carry him.
Once in the recovery unit, he stopped at the nurse’s station, stopping the nearest orderly he could find. “Where’s Naomi Ramsey’s room?”
The orderly rounded the nurse’s station and logged onto a computer. “She’s down the hall in room 458.”
Without saying thanks, Ethan left the nurse’s station and headed towards the room. His eyes instantly found Naomi, sitting up in bed. She had a bandage on her head and one wrapped around her right ankle. There were so many wires and IVs and monitors, he felt himself getting overwhelmed.
“Rookie!” He rushed to her bedside and gently grabbed her face, peppering it with kisses. He kissed the crown of her head, instantly relaxing as he inhaled the coconut scented shampoo Naomi was so obsessed with. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here earlier. I was in a meeting and I couldn’t check my cell.”
“It’s fine.”
“Thank god, you’re okay. What happened?”
“Bryce and I were on our way to the ER because we got paged, and out of nowhere a group of interns came flying past us,” Naomi explained. “One of them bumped into me and I fell down the stairs.”
“An intern? An intern did this to you?”
“They were overeager and in a rush to experience their first night in mass chaos in the ER.”
“Are you alright?” Ethan asked. “Where’s your chart? What does it say?”
“Why don’t I just call for my doctor,” Naomi suggested. She grabbed the red button at her bedside and pressed down on it. Within a minute, a doctor entered the room.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Carter, I’ve been assigned to Dr. Ramsey’s case. Missus Dr. Ramsey, obviously.”
Ethan narrowed his eyes at the doctor. She looked young. Incredibly young. “I’ve never seen you before.”
“I’m an intern, I’ve only been here for a month.”
Ethan didn’t know how he felt about an intern being in charge of his wife’s health, especially since one of them was the reason she was in the hospital in the first place.
“Well, nice to meet you, Dr. Carter. What’s going on, will Naomi be okay?”
“Dr. Ramsey fell down the stairs and as a result, has a concussion. She also bruised two of her ribs, but they didn’t fracture and should heal within a few weeks. We’ve been making her take very deep breaths every few minutes just to keep the lungs clear and prevent infection. And she twisted her ankle in the fall, so she should try to keep it iced and elevated as much as possible. When Dr. Ramsey is discharged, she’ll be given a pair of crutches. We are going to keep her overnight for monitoring, because she did lose consciousness as a result of the fall, but all in all, she and the baby are fine.”
Ethan let out a heavy sigh of relief at the prognosis. He squeezed Naomi’s hand tightly. “Oh that’s the best–did you say baby? What baby?”
Dr. Carter looked at Naomi, her eyes wide like a deer in headlights. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was a secret.”
“It’s alright, Doctor. Can I have a moment alone with my husband, please?”
“Of course.” Dr. Carter scurried out of the room, softly shutting the door behind her.
Ethan looked back at Naomi. “A baby? Are you pregnant?”
She nodded. “Yes. I had been suspecting it for a few days now, and I finally took some tests last night. When they all came back positive, I made an appointment with Dr. Forbes and she confirmed it this morning with a urine sample and ultrasound. I wanted to tell you tonight, or tomorrow, but obviously that didn’t happen.”
“How far along are you?”
“Only 8 weeks. If my math is correct, we’ll be having a Spring baby. Late April, early May.”
“We’re having a baby?”
“We’re having a baby.” Ethan reaches out to touch Naomi’s stomach but stopped himself when he remembered that her ribs were bruised. Naomi instantly took notice of his hesitance. “Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
“Well this wasn’t a planned pregnancy, and we don’t have a house, and we’re both so busy here, and–”
Ethan cut Naomi off with a kiss. She was rigid for a second before responding, kissing him back with equal force.
When the urge to breathe became too much, Naomi pulled away. “Did you do that to shut me up?”
“Did it work?” Ethan asked with a slight smirk.
“Then yes.” Ethan ran his hands through her hair, tucking a single curly strand behind her ear. “No, we don’t have a house, but we live in a 3 bedroom, 3500 square-foot condo in the heart of the city. I think that’s more than enough space for two adults, a dog, and an infant.” That managed to get half a smile out of Naomi. “But if you want to move to the suburbs and have a white picket fence and HOA fees and neighbors who bring us pies, I’m okay with that as well. I’ll give you whatever you want. And true, we didn’t plan this pregnancy, but I love you more than anything else on this earth and I want kids with you, and I’m over the moon.”
Naomi visibly relaxed at his words. “Really?”
“Really.” A tear rolled down Naomi’s cheek and Ethan caught it with his thumb. “Why are you crying, Rookie?”
“Because you’re so sweet. And I’m emotional because this isn’t how I wanted to tell you, at all. And you aren’t even the first person to find out, Bryce was.”
“I can live with that.”
“You aren’t even in the top 3,” Naomi added. “I told Bryce, and he told the x-ray technician, and then I told Aurora and Sienna.”
“It’s fine, I promise.” Excitement bubbled in Ethan’s chest. He was actually going to be a dad. He was having a baby with Naomi, his brilliant and amazing wife. He surged forward and kissed her again, this time without as much fervor. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
But as excited as he was, he couldn’t ignore the anger simmering under the surface. Someone so carelessly injured his wife without a care in the world, and things could’ve ended up being so much worse. And sure, he’s only known about this baby for 5 minutes, but he loved it more than life itself already, and if anything were to compromise Naomi’s pregnancy, there would be hell to pay. He knew Naomi would want him to let it go and just focus on the positive, but he wasn’t as nice and benevolent as she.
She noticed his tension and reached out, stroking his cheek. “Relax, darling. I’m okay.”
“You shouldn’t have been put in this position to begin with.”
“Don’t do anything crazy, like hunting for the intern who knocked me down. It was an accident”
Ethan looked Naomi in the eye, as if he wanted to argue with her, but he held off. “I’ll drop it. Only because you asked me to.”
“Thank you.”
“But they do need to know that running through a crowded hospital is dangerous,” Ethan continued. “Maybe I’ll send out a memo. Or make all of the interns watch hour long safety training videos.”
Naomi rolled her eyes. She knew Ethan wasn’t going to let this go and she’d have to compromise with him somewhere. “I can agree to those conditions.”
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Ethan asked. He reached out to stroke Naomi’s cheek again. Just seeing her wasn’t good enough, he needed to touch her.
“Yes. I have a bit of a headache, and my ribs are hurting like crazy right now, but other than that, everything is good. In a few weeks, I’ll be good as new.”
There was a knock at the door and Bryce walked in, a small teddy bear in his hands. “Naomi, are you–oh, hello Ethan!”
“Bryce,” Ethan greeted. He stood up and wrapped his arms around the young surgeon. Bryce was stunned into silence, not really knowing what to do. Ethan Ramsey never really struck him as the type of man to dole out hugs. He looked over Ethan’s shoulder and gave Naomi a wild look. She laughed him off and silently mouthed, “Just go with it.”
Ethan released Bryce from the hug after one more measure. “Thank you so much for everything you did to help Naomi today.”
“Of course, she’s one of my best friends. There was nowhere else I’d be.”
“Well, I am eternally grateful. Seriously, I owe you one.”
Bryce looked down in an attempt to hide the blush creeping onto his cheeks. “Don’t even mention it.” He remembered the plush teddy bear in his hands and gave it to Naomi. “Here.”
She smiled down at the soft bear. “Aww, thank you. But you didn’t have to get me a gift.”
“Um…it’s not for you, actually,” Bryce admitted. “It’s for the baby. His or hers first gift from their godfather, Bryce.”
Naomi smirked. “Godfather, eh?”
“After today, I think I’ve earned the prestigious title.”
Naomi shot a quick glance towards Ethan, who nodded. “You’d have to be the one to tell Elijah though.”
Bryce nodded. “That’s fine. Be warned though, I’m going to be the best godfather the world has ever seen. Your child wants to go on a shopping spree? Uncle Bryce has them covered. They want to sneak into the gallery and watch super cool surgeries? Done.”
“Now I don’t think–”
“They want to go skydiving or get a tattoo for their 16th birthday? I’m their guy!”
Naomi’s eyes widened. She turned to Ethan. “I think I’m already regretting my decision.”
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Sway Pt.7 - Danny Rayburn x Reader (Bloodline)
It’s only appropriate for me to post this particular fic today...
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6  / Here / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
Authors Note: ...I uhm... Hope that cover doesn’t look TOO much like a wedding... Despite the jokes in this...! I edited it several times! Having said that I did get to use another Dirty Dancing 2 image - THAT THIS ENTIRE FIC STARTED BASED ON WAY BACK WHEN!!! So I’m happy about that! I also had to take advantage of Danny in a suit! So... I essentially wanted to write this, then cut it, then wrote it to take Sway to 10 parts... and it’s ended up really long!
Gosh darn, I just read this back to edit and... There’s a few super significant paragraphs in here I forgot I ever wrote...
Disclaimer: As ever, I only own my OCs! 
Premise: As Danny’s departure for the Rayburn’s 45th Anniversary looms, you reminisce on Anniversaries of your own... However, deep down, you know you’re only wasting precious time...
Word Count: 8991
Warnings: DUI / Swearing / Sexual Amble (!!!)  / Another load of people talking trash about Danny. Oh god, and I promised we’d get LESS angsty didn’t I?! 
I believe, things happen for a reason Even though you might not see it at the time Cause now I know Every plan that came unravelled Every crooked path I travelled in my life Led me here to your side
Could it have been easier? Yeah A little smoother ride? Maybe so But lying here with you, would I change one thing ‘bout that road? No  --- Looking at you looking out the window right now, Those eyes, that dress, that smile, that laugh If I could hit pause I would somehow  But it don’t work like that --- There’s nothing I wouldn’t try  If I thought it would change your mind And I know as soon as you walk out that door… Pain’s a comin’, tears are runnin’ Yeah that’s kind of the way I’m feelin’ Trying to stop your leaving…
Present Day - Your Apartment, Late
You were standing on your balcony, tapping your fingers against a glass of water and watching the sun sink down over your favourite skyline. Another day gone, and you were fast running out of time… The Rayburn’s 45th Anniversary was in just 2 weeks… If you couldn’t stop Danny from leaving… You shook your head, not wanting to think on it, and let out a groan. He joined you, winding his arms around your waist, kissing your cheek and nuzzling his face into your neck; his hum was content… The Anniversary though, only made you think of your parents. You and Danny were fast approaching your 3 year mark. Which made you crack a smile, remembering your Dad’s jest in the middle of his toast. So much had changed over the past year… You entwined your fingers with Danny’s as you placed your hands on his; resting your head against him. AT LEAST during that time, you and him had been something consistent… ***
Previously… You realised, staring at the pile on your kitchen counter, that you might need more help than you thought. And certainly wouldn't be able to get all this in your car at once... 
You must have been staring at it for a good few minutes because you heard your balcony door slide across, and were greeted with a call of: "Need any help!?" Danny had gone out for one last cigarette before he put in a couple of hours in the restaurant ahead of tonight. The party would take all day to set up, so you'd offered to go down early to help your parents and friends. "No, no baby that's okay I...!" He threw his smoke down and hurried over, you sighed; "You need to get down to the restaurant." He hummed "Yeah, maybe, but you know I'm never late... C'mon, there's a lot here..." He stacked a few boxes, and held his hand out for what you were already carrying, you held it behind you defensively. "Uh uh! No! You don't get to see this yet!!" He laughed; "Why not!?” Mostly because whatever him, Javi, and Javi’s cousin had decided to dress Danny in remained a mystery - turns out Javi called in a fashion industry favour - and you wanted to be just as mysterious. But you also liked the way Danny would study every inch of you if you ever wore something he'd never seen before. You'd rather he saw this on than off... Well. Maybe off. Later. “Because...!” You didn't need a reason That only made him laugh harder “Don't tell me!! This wedding anniversary is going to turn into an actual wedding...” That made you gasp for effect, but laugh, "Will you stop...!!!" He joked about this way too often. But you only left him shaking his head as he collected the boxes and opened the door for you, "Which car?" "911..." "You’re NOT gonna fit all this in that car!” "It'll fit!” “Nah! We'll put some in mine and I'll follow you down.” “You don’t have to do that...” “I know I don't...” He leant across to catch your lips “But I'd sure like to...”
 You managed to squeeze nearly everything into your car’s limited two-seater space, but Danny still insisted that he help you out. So, now he was following you down the seaway. When you pulled up Danny stayed in his car and just stared. "What?" You opened his car door “It's on a yacht!?” You looked back, it could probably be classed as a liner. Looking like a classier version of somewhere you might have a high school prom. “Yes.” “... Don't tell me your dad bought this.” “Noooo... His friend is letting us borrow it.” Danny shook his head. “His friend!?” *
“Where's papa!?” You embraced your mom “Oh. Called to some project. It’s okay... Men will only get in the way!!” You raised an eyebrow, there were plenty of males around helping! Also... “Oh! Danny!! You sweetheart! You didn't have to!” “What? No, my pleasure...” He put the boxes on the table your mother indicated and joined you, “See you later…!” “Yeah have a good day...” You embraced him He looked around “Well, I know you will...” Kissing your cheek he turned to accept your mom's hug, "Don't go day drinking too much!!" He walked backwards back towards the gangplank with a cheeky wink; only making your mom laugh. “God, I like him...” “I know.” “And so does your father…” She turned to you with a suggestive look. “Yeah, I know!' That much was obvious. Even though Danny was your boyfriend your dad treated him like the son he never had.
 Everything was ready and set up; except you. Still trying to get those finishing touches looking just right... You sighed, for some reason the place cards on this particular table just weren't playing ball. Your mother called you from across the deck, "Y/N!!!! Are you still not dressed!?" "Mama!! This just isn't working!!" She shook her head "Too much like me for your own good!" She took your arms and steered you away from the table: "Oh yeah... Because I certainly got the perfectionist thing from you with my work in progress..." It was the way she had described Danny as being like your father when she’d first met him. "Danny is a fine man. I'll deal with the table..." She pulled you down a deck and headed towards a large suite of rooms, “Absolutely he is fine..." You tried to hide your smirk, "Do you know what he's wearing?" "No..." "Has he seen your dress?" "No. Mama. I wasn't about to ruin the main event!" She laughed and ushered you into a dressing room; "Now get changed!! People will be arriving soon!!"
You shook your head as she closed the door behind you. You took a quick shower and dried your hair... You already knew it was going up tonight... You took care with your makeup. Going for a little of that classic movie star flawlessness from all those old films your parents loved to watch. Approaching your dress you ran the fabric through your fingers, white into powder blue; halter neck with a cut taken straight out of the 50s. Sporadic clusters of Swarovski crystals covered the skirt and the ribbon that tied it coloured the same blue the dress bled into. You studied it in the mirror for a second and twirled. The only thing that disappointed you was that the cut was modest; whilst the chain was visible the ‘D’ wasn't... You sat and began on your hair, when there was a knock at the door, you beckoned them in and heard your mother gasp. "Oh... My baby is so grown up...!!" She approached you, and taking the straighteners from you she helped finish your look.  "I can't wait to see his face." “Mom, this is your anniversary..." "I know I just..." She hummed, sliding pins into your hair "... You remind me so much of us..." You couldn’t stop the smile; but it felt strange, that your mom would compare you and Danny to her own relationship with your father. In your eyes the two were completely different… Maybe she saw something you couldn’t see… But that also meant, as Danny has teased so many times, she saw real longevity in this. For once, you were starting to believe that too. She finished with a pretty hair slide from another one of your favourite designers, leaving some of your hair to frame your face. "You are so perfect..." You almost beamed, but then pulled at the chain again: "Just this... You can't see it... " "Come here... We'll see if we can't make a change..." She took the fine chain in her fingers and uncoupled it, looping it around your neck again she pulled it to make more of a choker and linked the ends back together through the ring to hold it in place, "There... " "Why didn't I think of that!?!" She chuckled "Thinking too much! As always…" she presented you with a box, "But, I also want you to wear this..." You hesitated, looking to her, and opened it with a gasp; "Mama. No..! It's too much!! I can't!!" You knew the bracelet well. The amount of times your mom had worn it for dance competitions... It was the first thing your father had ever saved up and brought her. It held the same significance to your parents as your necklace did for your own relationship. "You can, and we want you too..." ***
Amanda and Evelyn were the first two people you really greeted with enthusiasm. You did, however, have to raise your eyebrows at Amanda’s outfit – never passing up the chance to take someone home (and her relationship with Javi more of a… *cough* summer fling *cough*) her dress was skin tight and verging on inappropriate. That was just like Amanda, though. Evie had gone full on floor length ballgown – never missing the opportunity to dress up. You were thankful they were here, to take your mind off waiting in anticipation for Danny to show. Suddenly there was a buzz around you, and Amanda had to catch someone to explain what was going on. “OH. Someone pulled up with a Zegna Maserati. God, Y/N, I thought your dad was the only one outside of Italy with a car like that!?” “Isn’t it his!?” “No. Different number plate – Your dad came in the Lambo anyway…” What-!? It MUST have been your fathers. “So who are they!?” “You mean the man who looks like YSL dressed him personally?” They jerked their thumb over their shoulder “Talking to your dad…” Now this you had to see. “…If he’s single…” Evie suggested, but you laughed; “I’ll put a word in…” You walked through the crowd, aware they were both following behind you, just as intent on finding out who was the new celebrity. “-Wait!?---Is that--!?” You hushed them in the event this was a mirage. Your dad tapped his arm and he turned. The air left the deck; for both of you. His blue eyes fell on yours and he swallowed hard. You felt like you couldn’t breathe. You could just about make out the look on your father’s face, but everything else melted. You bit your lip shyly, and made your way across the floor to him. The crowd parting for the daughter of the couple they were all here for. You noticed your friends hung back in order to let you have this moment. How many people here knew about you and Danny? It was clear none of them knew who he was – but the fact that putting him in a suit and a fancy car made them all want to know him was very telling of Miami high society. You swept your gaze over him and realised you’d be thanking Javi for a very long time. The suit was fitted; taking every advantage of Danny’s height and body shape – they had obviously tailored. It looked black and simple until you got closer; his jacket gave him smooth lines, the silk iridescence of his collar was bordered in a deep, rich navy which translated into the lining, shining ever so slightly against his shirt in the lighting. The shirt was crisp and bright white – but the stitching black in contrast - the fabric of high quality, to let you know if for any reason you might want to rip through those buttons, it wouldn’t be happening easily. As both of you were having difficultly finding words, your dad stepped in. Introducing you like Danny was a friend and potential suitor; “Mr. Daniel Rayburn, allow me to introduce you to my daughter, Miss. Y/N Ervin.” Danny at least managed a laugh; “It is a pleasure. Although I do believe I’ve seen you around…” “…I was just about to comment it’s lucky I’m not single Mr.Rayburn… Though I’m not sure looking at you tonight that would stop me…” He held out his hand, as if for you to shake and you realised that your dad had not only leant him the car; he was wearing a Cartier watch. And your breath caught again as you pulled his hand towards you. “…Oh my god! DAD!!” Your dad laughed, Danny only looked a little confused, “…You gave him…!?!” The bracelet that your mother had given to you was clearly all part of the plan. Stupidly it hit you that Danny probably hadn’t even gone to the Restaurant today; the cufflinks that he was sporting matched the bracelet perfectly. They had always been your parent’s lucky combination… The fact you and Danny were now wearing them at their 35th wedding anniversary was no mere coincidence. As Danny turned your wrist in his, the significance hit him also. “Oh…” He turned to your father; “…I…” Jack Ervin just laughed, harder than before; Danny at a loss for words was a rare event. Which meant it was much more than just obvious how grateful he was. “Think nothing of it.” You took the opportunity of Danny’s attempt to express his gratitude to study Javi’s fine work closer. The bow-tie had the same gleaming effect running through it that his suit jacket did; but his belt… His belt held the unmistakable Zegna ‘Z’. Was this a big Ervin-Viva Caputa colab that you had missed out on!?! With that expensive glass of champagne in his hand, he certainly looked the part. And everyone on that boat knew it. And he was here, talking to you! “Okay. What the HELL did Javier even do?!” That got their attention back on you, but Danny only held his hands up innocently “I dunno! Ask him!” You then rounded on your father; “You let him DRIVE the Maserati!?” Your father looked like he was about to cry laughing “YES.” “Danny!!! Danny!! Dios Mio just LOOK at you!!” Your mother had swept through the crowd almost as easily as you. Her red dress exquisitely beautiful and looking like something a Flamenco dancer would wear, she embraced her favourite Rayburn and looked him over. She turned to you, because nothing got past her, and gave you an approving nod and wink. Before turning back to him, taking his face in her hands; “How is my boy?!” He laughed and pink dusted his cheeks, “I’m… I’m good! Yeah!” He took her hands in his; “How are you? Oh my gosh – Yeah! Happy Anniversary! Both of you! Congratulations!” “Oh-! It’s nothing! It’ll go quick!” She beamed, but your father made sure to at least thank Danny. Before your mother took your hand and placed it in Danny’s “Enough from us!! This should be a celebration of everyone in our family!” She gave a wink to Danny, who gave another slightly embarrassed laugh “You look like the most important man in the room. This is good! It suits you! Muy muy guapo!” Then she took your fathers hand and dragged him away from you both.
Danny blinked a few times and turned to you, still watching them leave… And it took you a while to pull your eyes back to him, although you knew you weren’t the only one staring; Tonight his intense blue eyes were softer, they matched his demeanour rather than his sharp suit; “I can’t breathe you look SO good.” “I feel it…” He ran a hand over his chest, “But I can’t say it’s me…” You laughed “…I’d rather be on this boat with you in a T-Shirt over this too… I know what’s you. I love you because you are you.” “Still…” He scanned the party, “I think I’ve managed to make an impression on them… And you…” He tipped his expensive glass and whistled “A significant portion of people want to BE me. For once…” he couldn’t help laughing; “You are, as always, stunning…” “Stop…” You murmured it, pushing gently against him, which made him laugh again; “No way… Not tonight… I’m lucky to get to show you off…” “You!?” You shook your head as he wound his arm around you and pulled you in so that he could kiss your forehead “…Baby, no, tonight I get to show you off! I am the Lucky one.” Without your parents here you suddenly remembered the exactly reason you’d thought about inviting him in the first place. “AH!” You made him jump at your suddenly exclamation and the way you held his shoulders “…I asked you here to meet my friends; right!?” “Well, it’s not like I haven’t…” “Yeah, but…” You made a face that said not really “…And you do NOT have to answer all their questions…! In fact, please DON’T.” “Oh, What kinda conversation is this gonna be?” He raised an eyebrow suggestively; but that just made you agree with him. “Yeah. It’s gonna be exactly that.” You turned to Amanda and Evie, and then almost found yourself with a smug smirk at the way they were both staring at Danny. Caught up in that thought, it was him who waved to them both; making them give each other the same look and him stifle a laugh. “Do I have to fend these two off?” “…Hey. I saw you first.” You nudged him into quiet agreement as they came over at your beckon. “I know we’ve done drinks… Kinda… But, Amanda, Evie – Danny. Danny, my two best friends.” Then you added a warning; they all had great ammunition on you the other party could use, “The three of you collude on anything – Not kidding, you’re going overboard…!”
 They loved him, it wasn’t surprising to you that they did. Considering that you were pretty sure they also both wanted to date him. It was the impression you’d got that very first time. The impression didn’t change now. Your friends might have been from this world and have long strings of high-class toy boys. But they found it refreshing that Danny was a down to Earth, Southern working boy from the Keys. And older. The more he talked, the more impressive the looks they kept giving you were. He’d passed the best friends test; you knew he would. The two most important people on this ship to you loved him. And your parents loved him… More importantly than that, Danny had done all that hard work himself. Showed what the Rayburn’s really knew…
You introduced him to many members of your family. Danny even managed to stumble through some basic – if not broken, but incredibly polite – Spanish to your fathers’ mother. She had her husband and son to look out for her, so she’d never really had to learn English. Which means every time she turned to you to pay Danny another compliment, making you go bright red and laugh, she completely lost him. Which was great, because every time she did you could see him desperately wanting to ask you what she said. From your father’s father Danny figured where you’d both got your business head from. A retired self-made business man, and extremely proud of his son’s success – and that his son had surpassed him. Although, he had that American patriarchal air that demanded respect from everyone. In a different way from his own father, Danny noted quickly – he could see exactly where Jack had learned to be a man. All at once he was grateful for your family – at the acceptance he seemed to be receiving even from those on the extended side… Maybe he’d finally get the family he always wanted… Dinner was a little different and overly formal. Walking around a party hand in hand with you, and a glass of something strong to calm his nerves, worked on Danny like a charm. But here, sitting in a suit and surrounded by topical conversation of those living the high-life he had very little opinion on ,or stomach for, made Danny look uncomfortable. You noticed it straight away, so you moved your chair closer to his and spent a lot of time with your hand resting comfortingly on his thigh. When he could, his hand would find yours and you could almost feel the nerves. Every so often you’d whisper comforting phrases to him or give him context – because he would be expected to talk. He seemed to position himself as a say little but say something that sounds profound. And it was expertly done; although there was a little shake to his voice from time to time. You knew that would bother him – but he was so far out of his comfort zone now you couldn’t help but be proud. Of course, as ever your father and mother were on hand to help out and you would pick up pieces of his sentences to elaborate on. When they asked about his family, he got into his element because no word of that was stretched truth; he came from this – even if it was different in the Keys. Eventually though, he got back into his nervous ticks and the two of you drifted from the main table conversation into your own world; he held your hand even tighter and he tried not to look like he was getting the I need a cigarette jitters… You kept him steady until most of the table began to disperse. To which he breathed a sigh of relief and you gathered him gently in your arms. He wouldn’t have to suffer much longer… You hoped.
** Later that evening, as you still hadn’t left the table (Danny needed that quiet…), further family members began to wonder exactly who your man was. That left you sitting with Danny and your aunts. Your father was an only child, but your mother came from a family of 4 sisters. She was the youngest. They were all fussing over him and asking questions; at first they were the right kinds of questions, where he grew up, what he did before Miami, where he lived now, what he was doing now… and then they weren’t… where did he attend college… what car did he drive… what was his job… what was his salary..? At the point he said he was the chef, and not the owner/manager – although really Danny was both – and then they broke into the salary question Danny cleared his throat, you could tell that made him uncomfortable…  And you didn’t like that… Putting your hand on his knee again you pulled him back to you; “Baby… Do you mind getting me a drink?” He looked more than grateful; kissing your cheek gently, “Sure thing, I’ll be back…!” He took his leave politely and wandered off. You took a breath – and turned back to the table. They were also watching him walk away with some interest. Although as soon as he was out of earshot they all turned to look at you, and the conversation continued. In Spanish. “Isn’t he too old for you!?” That first shot hurt, but it didn’t hit as hard at the others; “There is no way he makes enough for you to both live comfortably on.” “…And he’s living in downtown…” “He must have borrowed that suit…” “Agreed, he looks so awkward in it… He can’t be from here…” “-And the car!” “Y/N, really… He didn’t even get a college degree?” You could hardly believe what you were hearing. SURELY, SURELY your family could not be as bad as the Rayburns!?! In fact, this was WORSE. Because the Rayburns didn’t say it out loud. “You can do better… Look at the men around here…! What about the men you work with!?” What hurt even more is that they actually tried to make themselves sound sympathetic towards you; like Danny was just a mistake you’d made. No – your mistake was clearly thinking this was a good idea, and forcing Danny to be here with you in the first place. You stood in one movement. Attempting to swallow the lump in your throat. “You’re right. I can do better. And so can he!” You left, but you didn’t get very far before you got upset and started crying. Unfortunately for you, Danny was just strolling back to your table. When he saw you, his face became instantly worried and he attempted to catch your arm; “Y/N… What’s wrong!?” But you didn’t want to make a scene here… It was your parents anniversary after all. You shook your head and ran quickly for the stairs to the lower level rooms. He wasn’t the only one to notice that you were clearly upset. As he called after you, Amanda and Evelyn rushed to him. “What happened?!” “…I dunno… She…!” He hesitated… Putting the glass he was holding down, he followed you “Y/N! Wait!” You locked yourself in one of the bathrooms and sat down. Just a few deep breaths. Just a few deep breaths… that’s all it would take. Hot tears stung your eyes as you tried your best not to ruin your makeup by having them stream all over your face. You were angry, at them for saying those things. At everyone else here for clearly thinking it – you’d seen the way some of them were looking at him like he wasn’t good enough for you… - At yourself, for not standing up for the man you loved SO much. You wanted to yell at all of them. Danny didn’t have to be here. He’d be having a better time anywhere else in the world right now than being in that suit on this ship. But he was here for YOU. He was dressed up for YOU. They weren’t worthy of his time or his presence here… Hell, they didn’t deserve to be in the same room as him. Danny loved you dearly, he had a better heart and mind than half those people on deck… His family couldn’t see that either; you didn’t know why you’d expected Miami socialites to be any different. You heard a knock at the door; “Y/N… C’mon… What’s wrong…” Now he sounded visibly upset, which didn’t help you. You found yourself holding back sobs. “…Baby…” his voice was soft “…Baby, I’m here… C’mon…” You heard other hushed voices, and he replied to them. They were both female. Of course Amanda and Evelyn would be just as concerned. He knocked again; “Y/N… Darlin’… Open the door… Let me in… Or… Let them in… I don’t know, just… Baby please don’t cry…” Saying that made you actually sob. And you heard the noise he made. “…Y/N… Please… I’m right here… Sweetheart… I’m here…” Only now you continued to sob. You heard a fourth set of footsteps and the hushed voices fell silent for a minute… Three sets of footsteps disappeared… Then there was another knock. “Danny? Girls? What happened?” “We don’t know… Y/N got upset and ran down here… Danny followed her, we wanted to support her too…” Danny moved away from the door and bit his lip, “She’s cryin’…” Jack noticed that Danny looked like he was about to tear up too… “Okay… Go back to the party all of you… It’ll be alright… I’ll get her out…” The two girls left, looking to him sympathetically. Danny was reluctant, but followed. Jack placed a hand on his shoulder; “Danny… I’m sorry…” “For what?” “...I know this isn’t easy for you…” “I’m not doing this for me, I’m doing it for her.” Jack nodded “I know. And you have no idea how much I appreciate all you do for her… I’m very proud that you are with my daughter…” “…Thank you?” Danny wasn’t exactly sure how he was supposed to react. Jack just smiled, like he understood how Danny was feeling; “Whatever they say… Hers will always be the only opinion that matters.” “I agree…” Danny said it softly, but then smiled “I… Kinda think that yours matters too…” Jack laughed. “You’re too good. Mr.Rayburn. Too good. Wait at the top of the stairs, I’ll have her back to you in 5…” With that, Danny headed back to the top deck, and your father tapped on the bathroom door. “Y/N.” Oh, great. Way to ruin your parents party by having your dad find you crying in a bathroom… “Open the door. I’m the only one here…” You reached up and unlocked it. He slid it open, shaking his head. It hurt him to see you like this as much as it did Danny and your friends. He shut the door behind him and locked it, sitting next to you he took you in his arms and handed you his pocket handkerchief. “Estrella… What’s wrong? What happened? Who said it?” “Who said what…?” You dabbed at your cheeks to stop your tears ruining any more of your makeup than they already had. “I’ve been watching all night, to know that you have been watching all night. I’ve seen the way they look at him too…” You didn’t answer, still sniffing away… “…You know. Your mothers’ sisters never liked me either. Hated me in fact. I was a nothing too. I could dance, great, but how was that going to make a good living?” He knew exactly what had happened. You wondered if your father was protecting Danny just as much as you were. He chuckled; “Better believe that all changed when I was able to get them into places like this…” He shook his head “…Why they act so high and mighty I don’t know… They’re not exactly from the echelons of Miami either…” He rubbed your arm affectionately. “Your mom’s father however… Now of course no man was ever good enough for his youngest… But… All he cared about was how I was going to treat her… He knew there was more value in love than money. Still, Jorge decided that maybe I ought to earn something if I wanted to raise a family…” “…You built the business… for mom?” He shrugged “For mom and you… When you came along. The point is, I value what her father values…” You raised an eyebrow; “So… He’s not good enough for me?” He laughed; “No one will ever be good enough for you, until one is. And… he IS.” He brushed some of your hair back into place; “I believe I’m right if I make the statement Danny is the best thing that ever happened to you…” “He is…” You didn’t hesitate. You knew that. Like fact. “Then, he is more than good enough for you. And I will let those hateful bitches know that myself.” You choked on something between a sniff and a laugh; “Papa. I probably wouldn’t say that to their faces!” “Watch me.” He smiled; “For the record. Danny is better than ¾ of the people out there.” “They’re your friends.” Weren’t they? People your parents liked? “…They’re friends we have to make. The society in which we live. We all know who the real friends are…” He fumbled around in his pocket; “…The whos-who… Probably not to be associated with after tonight…” “Because of how they are treating Danny!?” “…Something like that…” He twirled what looked like a pen, and held it out to you “I don’t want anyone I know, or invited tonight, to cause anything to happen between the two of you. You are happy. The happiest I’ve ever seen you, and I’ll be damned if I let some high-and-mighty socialite ruin that… For either of you.” You laughed, realising he was holding out liquid eyeliner, you took it with a grateful smile; “I thought you might be crying over something else, tonight… So… I thought I’d keep it just in case. You don’t look too bad. Touch it up, but hurry now, your man is waiting…” You dried your eyes one final time before he helped you stand up. You embraced him; “Gracias Papa!” “It’s nothing… Not for my little girl…” He exited the bathroom and then turned back “He looks good in YSL don’t you think?” You turned to the mirror, yeah; a little bit of a touch up and you’d be fine. “…He looks a bit awkward. He was carrying it well, then when we all sat he looked uncomfortable… Now he’s standing again he’ll…” You looked to your fathers face; “What?! I have to admit that! He’d rather be in a T-shirt, or chefs whites c’mon daddy…!” “…You noticed what he’s wearing didn’t you.” “He’s wearing your watch…” You let the eyeliner glide smoothly as you began touching up “…He’s wearing the cufflinks that match this bracelet, don’t think I don’t know what you and mom are up to…” you smiled. “…Yes. Mr. Daniel Rayburn looks fantastic. He really does. But it’s not him, and he knows it’s not him.” “…And so do you, so, tell him to be comfortable... He looks awkward because he’s trying to make that suit look natural. He is wearing it, it is not wearing him.” “Then YOU tell him that. He respects you.” “But he loves YOU. We both know he didn’t turn up to this party for your mother and I… He came because you didn’t want to turn up with anyone else…” When you reached the top of the stairs, Danny was indeed waiting for you, and you weren’t even on the top step before he’d gathered you in his arms again; “Are you Ok?” “Yeah… God, I’m sorry… I just…” You shook your head, “I know… This isn’t you… And you want to be anywhere else right now… I’m sorry I made you come here… and wear a suit and…” He shook his head, and his smile was brilliant. “Baby girl… I am here… with YOU… You look amazing, and I am proud to look at least half decent next to you… Darlin’… When you are here, make no mistake, there is no place on Earth I would rather be than right here with you in my arms…” “But they-” “I know. I’ve only been used to it my entire life…” He shrugged, and rolled his eyes “What is one more night.” “Tonight wasn’t meant to be one more night, though, it was meant to be your night off…” “Tonight is very much a night on…” He guided you through the crowd, his hand respectfully around your waist “…Overtime…! Tomorrow, we will have a lazy day… on the couch… watch movies… I might even consider ordering take out… God, what am I saying…!” You wrapped your arms around him as you continued to walk… Funny thing was, you knew that would be a better day than you would ever have hanging out with half the people here tonight. Guests had begun to gather around the bottom of the stairs with drinks. You guessed your parents were about to make their big toast… You both collected your own drinks and found Amanda and Evie. Both glad you were okay, even more glad you were back in Danny’s arms.
“…I want to give a toast to the best thing that ever happened to us over the past 35 – married – years… Our daughter-” oh God! You placed one hand to your forehead – Here we go! You weren’t surprised that Danny led the cheer on that one. Your father continued his speech, making increasingly embarrassing anecdotal comments about your first steps, first words, your first car and teaching you how to drive (the red tape mark and the boat thankfully remained buried and your Rayburn boys were sworn to absolute silence), college degree, graduation, first job… promotion… Everything part of a world Danny wasn’t from. But Danny, seeing the look on his face, was living all of those moments with your father… He couldn’t be prouder of the person Jack was talking about, even though he wasn’t a part of any of it. He couldn’t be any prouder of you. That he got to experience you. “But I didn’t want to make a toast just to our daughter, on an anniversary, right!?” Your father laughed and left a pause for emphasis; “I also wanted to make a toast to the best thing to ever happen in her life…” You felt Danny hold his breath as you looked to him; your father was really toasting him!? “So…” Your father raised his glass with a wink; “Mr.Danny Rayburn… I want to thank you for putting that smile back on me daughters face, I’m grateful for the way she talks about you… For you bringing her down to Earth, because you did that when she needed it most…” He laughed “I… Just hope I get to make many more of these!” You and Danny shared a significant look; doubtless your dad was thinking about Wedding speeches already. Your dad took a sip of his drink through the applause, with Amanda and Evelyn pushing Danny’s shoulders with a bit of pride of their own (they’d seen this through from the beginning, after all), and just when you thought he might switch subjects, he continued; “…I ALSO want to say a big thank you to Danny and his incredible team at Viva Caputa! Thank you for the catering tonight!” Another round of applause went up and you turned, quick; “What!?” Danny raised his glass to your father; you smacked his arm “WHAT?! Why didn’t you TELL ME!” “Mmmm… Mmmm…!” Danny shook his head like that one was remaining a secret. “Oh my god! I can’t believe it!” He laughed, murmuring; “It’s Ok… The guys have a well-deserved day off…” Danny had his arms around you for the duration of your parents’ speeches and toasts, every so often he would brush his fingers against your side gently, calming… Like he was never going to let you go... In a room full of people like this, you belonged here with him.
 Your parents took centre stage and held each other. Barely a breath was taken over the hushed crowd as they recognised the stance instantly. The way your heart skipped as the music swelled. They were about to perform the dance that had won them state… AND nationals, and had put your parents on the map. Everyone in the dance world knew them because of these very moves. It was your favourite; because of the story it told. Every time they performed it they added a slightly different element, because it was about them. About their relationship; and of course, in 35 years plus of performing this that relationship had grown and changed…
Danny nudged you, making you look at him; “What?” “We should…” he tilted his head to the dancefloor, you looked back to your parents, the next graceful turn they made. It was all so natural to them… Look at the way they looked at each other… Was that how you looked at Danny when you were in his arms like that? “No… This is them… It’s all them…” “Trust me… We should…” “Danny..?!” He took your hand, with confidence and pulled you out. He was crazy, this was THE dance, this was your parents dance.  If you were going to go onto the dancefloor at all, it wouldn’t be this early! You did trust him, though, implicitly. You took a breath and watched him pick up the next bar of music, the way he moved. Then you realised, he wasn’t just matching the music… He was matching your dads’ movements. OH MY GOD--!? No way, your parents--- Did your parents teach HIM this!? He held out his hand, and you took it, instinctively. You knew this dance off by heart, you couldn’t believe that your parents would be this sneaky… But your heart… You couldn’t have loved any of them any more than you did right then…
 *** You approached him again. You'd been trying to help your parents usher people off the ship or get them home safe. This left Danny to his thoughts... Something you weren't always sure was good... He hadn't touched his shoulder all evening, which was a good start. But it also wasn't like you hadn't noticed him sneaking his painkillers every so often either. "Darlin'..." He turned back to you from looking at the city lights, as you wound your arms around him, he had a cigarette in his hand and you were glad he was unwinding... He'd lost his tie; his top shirt buttons were undone and all at once you knew he was more comfortable. "You ready to go?" "Mmmhn?" He looked around at the remaining guests. "It's not over yet?" You shrugged "It is for me..." He looked to his half-finished glass and gave his own shrug, placing it on the nearest table he took your hand in his; "Better say goodbye to your parents. Is there anything we need to take back?" "Don't think so... We can always head down tomorrow... It’s not like this liner is GOING anywhere..."
Danny called your dad over; "Thanks, again, it’s been great." "Come now, Danny, it’s always my pleasure. I'm glad you came." He nodded to you "She's even more so... It'll be smaller next year!" He made the promise like Danny's presence would be concrete. You liked that. Your dad embraced you. "Estrellita... You have yourself one hell of a man... You are lucky." "I know papa..." "With any luck, one day you'll get your own one of these... Then you can learn from my mistakes..." "Oh. Y’know... Only around 34 years to go... Then..." He looked to Danny, then continued in Spanish "Don't let this one go...!" "I don't intend to..."
Your mother hurried over upon realising you were both leaving "Oh...!!! No!! Not my favourite daughter and her other half!" "Mom I'm your only daughter!" "Yes, well, I'm more concerned over our Danny here...! You won't stay?" “If she calls it I'm following her, M'am!" Maria was obviously disappointed as she embraced him "You really outdid yourself tonight Danny, in every capacity. You should be really proud of yourself." "Ah! It was nothing...!" His smile was shy and you could swear that red was crossing his cheeks for once. "No. It was everything!!" She smiled, then turned to you, as your dad also embraced Danny tight. "My darling girl... My sisters they..." "Mama I know..." She gave you a look that let you know there was possibly a world of hell coming "... You will look after him?" "Always." "He will certainly look after you." She smiled "... I could not have wished for better for you..." Honestly what was with your parents!? It was like he had gotten down on one knee already. They were almost definitely hoping for it. Geez... They were probably planning it all in their heads already. But you were sure neither of you were ready for that. "Oh!" Danny held out the Maserati keys "Better give these back..." Your dad didn't hold his hand out, rather backed away; "What? It's not like anyone else will be driving her tonight." Danny froze and looked at him like he was insane "No! Jack-! I can’t-!" Your father winked, patting him on the shoulder "Go on. Take her out. You deserve it!"
Danny stared hard at the car as he unlocked it; "Is this a good idea?" "How many have you had?!" "Like... More than should be allowed, but I'm lucid, is this legal?!" You noticed that someone, somewhere had changed the number plates back to your dads. "...Either my dad has a city agreement..." it wouldn’t surprise you "Or its going to be one of those legal for rich people fines..." Danny raised a questioning eyebrow, but now wasn't the time to get into those details. You both entered the sleek, stylish Maserati and he turned the key in the ignition. Making the "oh." sound that turned him into another boy-with-a-toy at the hum of the engine. You could hardly believe your dad was about to let him take you on a thrill ride in THIS car. "You ever actually driven a supercar before!?" He noticed the way you checked your belt more than once. "...Yeah, I drove this down here didn't I?" "Carefully, like your life depended on it, I bet!!" "My life DOES depend on it.” He looked to the dashboard "Sorry this can go HOW fast!?" "Don't you DARE!" "Oh God! How many of these are there, 100?" He put the car in gear and laughed nervously, checking around he reversed smoothly out of the parking space "...There'll be 99 after tonight!" "Don't say that!" Your voice practically pitched, and he took a deep breath. "I made a promise to get her back in one piece. I have a feeling your dad didn't mean the car...." You were watching him very carefully. Although he looked a little jumpy, and his eyes held all the excitement he wasn’t allowing to show on his face, he was checking and double checking every road and mirror as he pulled out of the Marina. He tapped the screen and the SatNav flickered into life; "Ah ha..." "Daniel. Eyes on the road..." He rolled his eyes "Back to Daniel, am I?" He took your hand "Darling." He emphasised the G like he was trying to be sophisticated "Would you please zoom out the navigation system so I can see the appropriate stretch of road." You were staring at him like he was crazy "I certainly will... On one condition." "Which is?" He leant over towards you, but kept his eyes on the road "Drive with two hands, and STOP talking like that." Danny laughed hard; "I’m trying to be the kind of man that owns one of these.” "Then you missed the point! My dad just wants you to be YOU." "And what do you want…?" He glanced at the screen to watch the road that headed up the coast line and onto the interstate, where he would really let this car fly... You smiled across at him "...Well. I know who I fell in love with. That's all I ever asked for.” "...I don't think he exists anymore..." "Hmm!?"             "... You already made him a better man..." He paid attention to his mirrors again and blatantly didn't look at you "...So he just hopes you’re still in love with him." You shook your head, what was with Danny tonight? Did it had something to do with your dumb crying episode, which you were now SO over. "You tell him not to worry...." You looked out to sea, dark, the waves every so often lit by street lamps "...I'm not sure I've ever loved anyone more than I do him..."
You continued to stare out of the window as he brought the car up to the increasing speed limit – affording him to look back to you. Every moment he spent with you he tried to savour, if only life had a pause button he knew he’d find himself pressing it often. He’d always thought this was way too good to last… But he was also quick to realise that he could probably put you through anything, not that he would want to, but your versatility would allow him to – AND let him find you still holding onto his hand at the end of it all. Somehow this was working out for him; you, Nolan, the restaurant. Suddenly he stopped looking for all the things that could go wrong – and was starting to allow himself to enjoy everything that was going right… You wound the window down as the engine revved at the gaining speed, allowing the cool evening air that rushed past you to fill the car. Danny continued to carefully push the car into the next set of numbers – when they started to turn red at the top end of the speedometer he held his hand out for yours. “I’m scared of what you’re about to do…” He laughed, “You just gotta trust me.” You took his hand in answer and the next thing you knew the car was more than flying as he broke into triple figures. You found yourself getting that shot of adrenalin as the world passed you by in a blur, flashes of colour every so often melding into the dark of the evening. “Oh My God!!” You couldn’t help but let out something akin to a scream, which only made him laugh harder as he continued to let the speed climb. Even with just one hand on the wheel; he managed to hold the car steady. And even with his hand in yours his eyes were focused on nothing but the road.
He took it back down in notches, almost letting the car coast until the dash started to read something more sensible. Both of you were near breathless and he let your hand go; looking across to you. “Guess there’s still 100 of these!” You put a hand to your heart; “I think my heart is going at the number of miles an hour you were just at.” He chuckled; “That was good fun!” “Don’t be getting ideas.” “Aw, and here I was thinking about taking the Porsche out…” “Hands off the 911 Mr!!” “MMM… Careful…” He produced the keys from his pocket; spinning the keychain around his index finger; “Wait WHAT!?” “You forgot about it. I didn’t.” “Danny you are NOT driving that car.” He looked across to you almost disbelieving; “C’mon! What is one more joyride?” You tipped your head; thinking that phrase was a double entendre “Take me home and I’ll consider it.” “Hm.” He acted like it was a hard choice “Ok… Home…” He looked to the time on the illuminated clock; “Yeah… let’s… go home…” Then he looked across to you like he was about to say something impressive; “Our home.”
 * The Anniversary the year after had been a smaller affair with closer friends and family. As had happened with your surprise birthday party (you still weren’t forgiving anyone for that!) and Nolan’s birthday, Danny had closed down his restaurant for the evening. That also meant your parents got to invite his whole team (And Nolan, but that was given.) – especially after the efforts for their 35th. “Well, Danny… Team… You’ve all outdone yourselves once again!” Danny wasn’t one to be shy, but this time when he smiled to your dad’s compliment, he looked to the table… “Aw… It was nothin’…” He laughed “We’re happy to. You guys have given me the best time of my life. Honestly, I can’t thank you enough!” He had his arm over the back of your chair, barely moving from touching you or being that close all evening… You loved and trusted this whole group. None of them were judgemental. With time, and it wouldn’t be much longer, Danny would love them all too and accept that he was somewhere he finally belonged. It wasn’t a class, or a title, not even a name… But friends and family, real family. Sometimes family didn’t have to be blood relatives, after all. “To Y/N, and Danny. Thank you for everything, and I truly mean everything, over the past 2 and a half years….” Then he laughed again “2 and a half! Wait until it’s 35!”
Present Day – Your Apartment, PM
Even with the AC on nearly as high as it would go, with Danny all over you it was still SO hot in your apartment. Not that in the literal heat of the moment you particularly cared but hell… It was making your short breaths even shorter. Wrapped up in your white sheets on one such Sunday morning was where you found yourself today. “Danny… it’s… too hot…” You were breathless as much as you were laughing as he kept kissing you. The man was nothing if not persistent. Your bedroom window was open, as was the balcony door and you still had the AC cranked and you were still falling victim to the Miami sun. “Baby girl, trust me, there is NOTHING as hot as you…” Aw Geez… How the hell was this not affecting him too? Was he just so used to working out in it at the Keys? Or in a hot kitchen day-in-day-out in the middle of summer? Both. You guessed. Your office was air conditioned, your car was air conditioned... You only had to face the heat on the short walk from one to the other or when you wanted to face it on a beach. This was neither of those things. You laughed again as he kissed the base of your neck; “Alright, quit it!” “Nah…” He bit your collar bone harder than he perhaps meant to, judging by the resulting gasp from you. “…You need to know…” He kissed up your neck and then your jaw line to your lips; “…You’re so fucking hot.” “Yeah, that’d be the weather…!” You giggled again. “Or you?” “Mmm…” He gave you a playful smirk; “Well, hell, I know exactly how I make you feel…” There was no better feeling than being one with Danny. Now in a different way to how you were one and the same on the dance floor, but it gave you the same sensation none the less. Tangled up with him like this, even with it being too damn hot, made you feel like there was no place on Earth worth being than here. Oh-! “…That was…” “What?” You said it under your breath, but Danny Rayburn thought he caught on anyway… His blue eyes were alert, bright and intelligent and cool as the Miami water. “Sorry. Did you just say, sexy?”
Your problem now was… How many more times were you going to get to do this? Fast running out of lazy days where you could just DO this. I mean, in his parent’s house in the Keys!?!? Was Danny thinking straight?? Did he really know what he was doing…? Did he honestly think it was best for everyone for him to be heading there…?
@stcphstrange - I read a good portion of these paragraphs whilst editing and immediately thought of you... ☺❤😚
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I use these GIFs you keep seeing because when I see them I think of the way I think of him looking at Reader... And I have a lot of feelings...!
*AFTER EDIT - 8/6/19* OKAY. So, those of you that have read this before now... I’m so so sorry you’re likely to miss this. But. The gorgeous Amanda (my Amanda, not readers Amanda... but if she wants to date Javi that’s fine by me!) presented me with this GIF of Mr.Mendelsohn. and HOLY SHIT If it isn’t Danny (and what he’s WEARING!) in this part!!!
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dangerousfoxfest · 6 years
Collide: Chapter 8
Hi everyone, I have wrote another chapter, I am still working on my Msc so I will try to update and post when I can. Think of this chapter as a bridging chapter onto the next storyline. 
Probably best that this one is for over 18s only. As always the chracter as PBs unless there are the ones i’ve made up.  
Summary: The aftermath of a car accident brings with it the end of secret and lies; but to what end?
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What? Riley asked in astonishment in a half laugh
“Lady Riley Holligan…you are the love of my life…my world…and I have asked you to be my wife” Liam answers while taking her hand, as he does, he kneels by the bedside while his other hand takes a small black box from his pocket.
“Oh my gosh” Riley responds “Liam…I…I…what about Madeline….your married”
“Sshhhh” Liam soothed “that’s not an issue….what is an issue is I’m not getting any younger kneeling on this floor….I’m not used to it….more the other way around…”he smiles.
Riley’s eyes look into Liam’s blue eyes….knowing the answer….”yes….Yes” she squealed in delight “of course” Liam returning Riley’s gaze leaning in and met her lips with a passionate kiss, they kissed as they had both been starved of each other and each other was now their own oasis.
Carol gasped in delight watching this scene unfold in front of her. Liam and Riley now remembering they are not alone breaking apart smiling. Liam gently opened the box to show Riley the ring. A beautiful white gold ring with a Sapphire in the middle with an even set of diamonds surrounding it before placing it in her finger. At this moment  Carol was bursting with delight and unable to contain herself any longer broke in a hugged her daughter “Ive missed you so much….I thought….” Carol finding, she was unable to finish that sentence. Carol kissed her daughter cheek and smiled….”I am so proud of you….oh….” reality was now hitting Carol “am I……. The future queen mother?” Carol turns as she questions Liam. “I suppose yes you are” Liam laughs.
“Ouch” Riley cried out holding her head “my head”
Riley….What is it?” Liam asked in a panic
“My head….it’s killing me!” Riley responded
Carol rushed out to get Dr Evans, and soon returned with him.
“Ah, Miss Holligan. I see you’ve returned to us, how are you feeling?”
“My head hurts….really bad?” Riley replied
“Well, yes you’ve been through a lot,” Dr Evan responds “ it’s normal to have some initial dizziness and headaches….it will take time to settle…...I’ll have a nurse check your vitals and give you something for the pain”
A few minutes later the nurse came into the room checking Riley’s vitals and gave her something for the pain. With the medication making her tired Riley feel back into a deep sleep. Liam sat holding her hand which now adorned her engagement ring, happy and contented she was back and back to him.
Liam left the room to contact Drake and Olivia informing them of Riley responding since waking up. He asked that the bring Kimmy to see her mum tomorrow. Bastien who was outside the room could here the commotion from earlier, “ Sir, I take it congratulations are in order?” As he holds out his hand for a handshake. Liam smiles returning the handshake “yes, thank you Bastien….oh can you see to Lady Riley security please….I want them here first thing in the morning….and Bastien I want the best….fly them out here if needed.
“Sir,” Bastien nods “I will arrange for her private security right away” Bastien responded.
“Thank you” Liam replies.
Liam left the hospital for the first time in weeks. Carol was staying tonight. Liam wanted to be fresh for he and Riley’s first time with Kimmy as a family. As he left the hospital the press still ever present were shocked their patience paid off, some journalists gave up and went onto other stories, but some remained persistent. Liam walked past them Bastien next to him, ignoring their questions. They began to speculate was this good or bad the king left the side of Lady Riley?? Soon fake news posted on social media and trashy news sites had said Lady Riley had died and the King was leaving to mourn his loss. This made Liam angry, the press was always after her blood, would she ever see peace. Back at the hotel, Liam spoke with Regina regarding his engagement. Regina now knew better than to mention how soon it was after Madeline death, in fact she knew better than to mention her name. Deep down though out-with the politics she was genuinely happy for him. He was now going to have his family together.
They next day Liam rose early, finally having the chance of a good night’s sleep and a shave he looked 10 years younger than the week before. Arriving at the hospital room with Bastien he nodded to a young man standing outside the door, smartly dressed in a dark suit with an ear piece. “Sir” Bastien said “this is David Worth….Lady Riley’s personal security as requested” David turned to Liam “Sir” as he gave another respectful nod. “Have you met with Lady Riley yet?” Liam asked. “Er yes sir,” David replied “Lady Rileys mother caught me standing outside and was ready to call 911….I managed to reason with her an explain who I was….the commotion woke up Lady Riley….I had a chance to introduce myself and meet with her….we plan to go over further security details when you both got here today at a more suitable time”
“Okay, thank you David” Liam responded and made his way into Riley’s room.
“Hello, how are you feeling” Liam asks Riley with a smile.
“Better” Riley replied “ and safer” she continues sitting upright in bed nodding at the door.
“Riley….I have…” Liam answers
“I know….and thank you….thank you for taking care of me….” Riley responds with a smile.
As the morning continued Riley, Carol left, and Riley managed to eat some breakfast and Liam was able to support her having a shower. “This is nice” Riley murmurs as Liam helps with her shower the water washing over her body as Liam gently washes her. Liam smiles as he gently whispers in her ear “wait until your better and I can show you how nice it can be.” This message sent a jolt of anticipation through Riley’s body. Riley smiled, grabbing Liam pulling him into the shower with her. Liam’s and Riley’s mouth caressing and touching each other, their tongues passionate and hungry. Riley’s hands run through Liam’s now wet hair. As their kisses deepen, Liam’s hands glide over Riley’s naked wet breasts down her body to her legs, and as he does stop to spend time to touch and caress the nipple building her need. Liam mouth leaves Riley lips, his kisses now trailing from her neck to her breasts, however not stopping kissing lower and lower before reaching her inner thighs “oh gosh, Liam…” Riley pants unsure how much she can hold back.
“Is this Okay? Do you want me to stop…?” Liam asked
“never” Riley gasped. Liam continues kissing Riley’s inner thigh before moving to lift her leg over his shoulder and pressing his lips to her most sensitive area, his tongue taking time and care to massage this spot, before using his fingers to work inside her, working and building her to her ecstasy. Riley feeling the  pleasure building inside her could do nothing but cry out Liam’s name as she threw back her head. Liam held her through her climax, taking everything, she could give before gently placing her leg back down. Riley trying to catch her breath as Liam stood up smiling, reaching out to touch Riley’s chin before gently kissing her. “How was that my Queen?” Liam asked
“Worth the headache” Riley replied.
“Oh Riley…I didn’t think” Liam quickly replied apologetically. “I got caught up in the moment”
“Don’t be” Riley smiled “ and yes, I can’t wait to get you home either”
“Hello” a voice shouted through from outside the door.
“Shit” Liam replied remembering he was very wet in his clothes. Riley started to laugh as she shouted back “be out in a minute”
Riley quickly dried herself off, placing on a bathrobe as Liam futilely tried to dry off also.
As Riley left the shower room, she saw Olivia holding Tommy, with Drake alongside her, and Kimmy stood there. Riley observed that Drake and Olivias eyes were looking behind her, and Riley knew a very wet Liam had stepped out the room also. “I slipped as I was helping Riley shower” the voice said from behind. Olivia said nothing as she raised an eyebrow, as Drake stood next to her smirked shaking his head. Kimmy totally unaware of anything ran towards her mum as Riley scooped her up giving her the tightest cuddle, she’s ever gave anyone, “mummy your awake….I’ve missed you.”
“And I’ve missed you” Riley replied giving Kimmy another kiss and tight cuddle.
The day wore on Kimmy, Liam and Riley got caught up, with Drake and Olivia leaving them and coming back a few hours later. As Carol returned to take Kimmy home, Riley asked the questions Liam was waiting on. “Where’s Madeline?” “Where’s Tariq” “what happened when she was unconscious” Liam, Olivia and Drake filled Riley in on her life that she missed when unconscious. “I can’t be sorry she’s gone Liam….she tried to ruin my life” Riley responded to the news.
“Nor, do I wish you to be” Liam replied “Madeleine has been seen for what she was now, thanks to Ana who has been getting the right story out there”
“Ana?” Riley asked
“Ana de Luca the reporter….you sent her the email” Liam states
Then Riley remembered the recording, “where’s my phone?” Riley asked
“I have the recording,” Liam explains “I heard it all”
With either relief and exhaustion Riley began to cry, Liam hugging her tightly. “It’s all over” he reassured. Riley nodded not quite believing after all the years the bitch was gone and out of their lives.
Over the next week Riley and Liam agreed that the engagement would be announced when they got to Cordonia, Ana would run the story with the pictures. The remainder of the press would get a statement, although to Liam it was more than they deserved. Plans were made for Riley’s discharge from hospital, but also to pack up her life in New York. Olivia, Drake and Tommy returned home earlier that week.  Carol was going to join Riley and Kimmy in Cordonia. For both of them it was quite easy to move on. Family were each other and their only ties to anywhere. As Riley left the hospital the press flash bulbs continued as did the questions, “what did she think of the plot against her?” “Madeline?” “What were her plans now?” “What of the crown princess?” for Riley they were easy questions to ignore. She hated the press, she owed them nothing; they helped ruin her reputation. Liam and Riley went to the waiting SUV, picking up Carol and Kimmy on route to the airport. On arrival she made her way up the jet stairs turning around to take one last look at New York, her life here was over….now surely, she and Liam would have their happy ending?
“Sir” Basiten called to Liam handing him a piece of paper as they both stepped into the plane. Liam looked to Bastien as he read the paper “Christ” Liam reponded, we need to get home now”. 
@blackcatkita​ @fluffy-marshmallow-heart​ @bobasheebaby​ @ao719​ @cocomaxley​ @leelee10898​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @gardeningourmet​ @supersecretfandomblog @thequeenofcronuts​ @princess-geek​ @flowerpowell​ @carabeth​ @brightpinkpeppercorn​ @furiousherringoperatortoad​ @isoberg @jared2612 @annekebbphotography @indiacater​ @moneyfordiamonds​ @stopforamoment​ @wannabemc2​ @blznbaby​ @mrsdrakewalkerblog​ @innerpostmentality @perfectprofessorherokid @perfectlyimperfectcrystal @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lodberg @princess-geek @thequeenofcronuts @choiceslife @lauradowning29
Sorry if ive forgotten anyone on the tagg list if i have let me know, or if you want to be removed from the list. 
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percywinchester27 · 6 years
Unconventional Roommates (Part-8)
Word count: 4.5K
Pairing: Dean X Reader
Warnings: Fluff!
Series Summary: Now that his brother is at Stanford, for the first time in his life, Dean does something for himself. He takes a step towards chasing his own dreams and moves away from Lawrence to start college, which is both thrilling and scary at the same time. Only catch, in this unknown town, he is stuck with the MOST infuriating female on the planet- the roommate from hell!
A/N: Thank you so much for all your love, guys. It means the freaking world to me!! This is also written for @spnfluffbingo
Square filled: Girl power (Hell yeah!)
Thanks to the loveliest @deanssweetheart23 for being my beta on this one. You are the absolute best and I love you so much <3
Unconventional Roommates masterlist
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The moment Nick uttered the word 'girlfriend,' Y/N's head whipped in Dean's direction. The unfathomable, unwavering coldness back in them. He wanted to yell 'no… come back!' to the girl who was overjoyed about riding a Ferris Wheel for the first time. But she was too far buried underneath the sullen mask...
Dean stared back because it was all he could do. He stared back into Y/N's unflinching stare, trying to decipher the thoughts running through her head, for once hoping that her mind reading stare worked, that she could pick the truth right through his head.
Then something unexpected happened, she nodded ever so lightly and turned to face Nick, who stepped back. A reflex to her fierceness, but he recovered soon enough, completely looking past her and to Dean.
"Is that the one who helped you with the assignment? Your special friend?" Nick's eyes roved over Y/N once more, finding what he saw disinteresting and the fury roared again inside Dean.
He stepped ahead, but Y/N put her hand forward, stopping him. He knew better than to overstep her boundaries.
Y/N smiled, slow and cheesy. "Sure, I helped him, mostly because he deserved it. I'm sure your friend over there helps you with all those load calculations you break your head over before every submission."
The friend in question was a giggly girl who seemed too drunk to even balance herself. She was leaning over Nick for support.
Nick gave the girl one disgruntled look, clearly mad that he was being judged by the standard of a wasted junior.
"Don't look at her like that," Y/N continued. "Even drunk, she'd do way better in a brain test than you'd do a month sober."
Dean had to control an urge to snigger. His protective instinct for her was still a mystery to him, but he should have known better than to try and actually protect her. She looked the sort who put people in their places for a living. What was one Nick Dormer to her?
"Well, I do hope you manage to cultivate some common sense. It would be good for you," she continued. "Learning to not judge women by their looks should be a good start."
Dean wanted to call 911 and report a murder, but he settled for grinning a smug grin, not unlike Y/N's. When she jerked her head, gesturing to move, he deliberately stepped ahead and intertwined his fingers within hers. Then hand in hand, together, they walked away as the girl wrapped around Nick giggled once more.
"How did you know that I hadn't said anything to him?" Dean asked when they were out of earshot.
"It's my turn to ask the question," she pointed out, but answered anyway. "You assured me the other day that you weren't using me. Not even to brag about a fake girlfriend. I believed you."
So simple for her say, but Dean knew exactly how hard it must have been for her to realize that… to trust him, to follow his word. It made him feel special.
"Please tell me you don't let that idiot walk all over you in college?"
He shrugged. "I don't care enough about him to even notice him. He looks at me like an outcast of sort."
"Why?" She asked curiously. Of course she wouldn't find anything wrong with his over-large, worn out leather jacket that screamed 70's.
"Let's just say I'm old fashioned." He spread his arms wide to make a show of the jacket.
Y/N groaned. "Of course it would be all about appearance for him." She looked at him. "I love your jacket though. Gives the bad boy vibe."
"Is that why you jumped on me that first day?" He teased.
She had the grace to look embarrassed and it made Dean laugh.
"It's okay," he said. "I don't hold that against you. Does seem kinda creepy now that I think about it."
He scanned the street looking for somewhere they could head next, and then found a group of his college mates gathered near the Limbo bar, Meg, Cas and Hannah with them. It made him feel guilty about ditching them.
He felt her hand on his shoulder. "You have to go be with them, don't you?"
Truth be told, he didn't. He didn't want to leave Y/N and go be with his friends, but they were expecting him, and he knew that Y/N wouldn't be comfortable in company. He felt torn.
She laughed. "You look tortured."
"I promised you I'd make sure you had a good time," he said firmly.
"And I am," she reassured. "Come, let's head over to your friends. You can do the talking and I'll do the listening… as long as it's not about the weather."
Dean couldn't have been more grateful as she let him guide her to the group.
Everyone there was faring miserably at the Limbo and Hannah was urging Meg to try it. All eyes turned to him when Dean reached them and Y/N squirmed behind him. Cas gave him a huge grin while Meg stepped forward to introduce Y/N to everyone who greeted her and she nodded back, smiling hesitantly. Dean had to grin at her effort of being socially polite. It was awkward. It was adorable.
"C'mon, do the Limbo!" Hannah pushed Meg, and she gave in, laughing as she tried to bend enough to get past the rod. It was placed at an height of 4' 4".
In her defense, Meg tried her best, but apparently, it was harder than it appeared and just when it looked like she was going to cross it, her head hit the bar and it displaced with a loud clang. Everyone started laughing, so did Meg as she returned rubbing her head.
The next girl in line, a pretty brunette was braver, she danced a couple of steps to the peppy beat and then tried her luck, passing the rod without touching it and everyone cheered. The handler asked her if she was ready the take the money or if he should lower the bar and double the stakes. The girl considered and then asked him to lower it by another 4 inches. Dean clenched his fist as the girl went at it again, but this time, the rod clattered to the ground and everyone let out a collective disappointed "No!"
Everyone except one voice. Dean didn't have to look to know that it was that asshole Nick.
"C'mon!" He called to the girl, "Go at it again." Only, it wasn't encouraging, it was mocking.
"That stuff is hard, okay?" Dean said, unable to stop himself.
"Sure it is," Nick said. "But I'm sure if your special friend helped you, you can do this, too, Superman."
Everyone went quiet all of a sudden.
Nick considered that as a victory. "Of course with something like this, she'd never be able to help you. She's not the type to be able to pull off something like Limbo."
Dean got the implication of each word completely. He understood perfectly well the type of girls Nick was hinting at.
But before he could say anything, he felt the swoosh of clothes as Y/N walked past him to the handler.
"Lower the bar," she ordered.
The guy gave her a puzzled look. "You need to get through 4' first."
"Raise the stake and drop it."
He didn't need to be told twice.
He doubled the stake and the bar went to 3' 8"
But Y/N shook her head. "Drop it further."
By now everyone was looking at each other, wondering what was up with her. A few glances strayed towards Dean too, and he didn't have look up to see the question there.
'Who the hell is this girl that Winchester towed along?'
The handler looked like he wanted to argue but one look from Y/N silenced him again. He now stacked an obscene amount of money on the table. Dean watched as Y/N smirked and lifted one plate of the table, then another. She nodded to the guy who gulped and added more money to the stack.
She judged the bar which stood at only 3' 4" high, shot one deliberate look at Nick, then her eyes found Dean's and her face transformed into a reassuring smile.
He didn't know what his face gave away apart from shock, and if he was true to himself, fear. He knew Y/N, he knew that she wouldn't do anything that would ever put her in a position that was beneath, however, he couldn't help but be scared of the 'what if…' What if she couldn't do it? Dean knew he couldn't stop himself from punching Nick in the face if he took one more jibe at her.
Y/N was still moving forward, one disk in each hand. She didn't try to warm up like the first girl, instead, she bent back gracefully and slid from underneath the bar as easily as if it was a choreographed move she'd been practicing for ages. Not till she had placed the discs back on the counter and gathered the lump sum of money in her slender arms, did she turn back, much to the distaste of a horrified the handler.
Dean had forgotten to breathe. But he wasn't the only one, for there was an almost audible pop as the jaws around him dropped when Y/N has successfully passed from underneath the Limbo bar.
"Is she a freaking Ninja or what?" Meg gasped.
"I- I don't know," Dean said honestly.
Y/N skipped to his side, happy. She jiggled the little bag and offered her arm. Dean took it immediately, grinning wide.
"How the hell did you do that?"
She shrugged. "I don't like to back down from challenges."
"Well, clearly."
Everyone around crowded in on her, acknowledging the feat and praising her for it and she seemed to come of a bubble where it was just him and her. Y/N was visibly embarrassed and confused by the attention, like she wasn't used to appraising eyes. Dean knew it wouldn't be long before she was uncomfortable.
He cleared his throat loudly, and announced that he had to move on to other rides to click pictures, then dragged Y/N away from the gawking crowd.
In her relief, she neither saw, nor paid attention to Nick, but in passing, Dean saw his face. Apart from complete and utter humiliation, there was also a curiosity, a certain look of interest that didn't sit well with Dean. It bothered him, but Dean didn't dwell too long on it.
Once they were far away, Dean stopped. "What was that?" He asked her.
"What?" She shrugged.
"THAT! How did you do it?" Then he remembered, she was a yoga freak. How many times had he seen her in those yoga pants?
She straightened her beanie. A sign of nervousness. Of course she doesn't want to talk about things she is good at. "I just practice a lot."
"Yoga, yeah."
"You should try it sometimes," she suggested. "It keeps me sane through all the sleeplessness."
She would get along well with Sam who didn't miss a day of his morning run.
The street was buzzing with people now, college students, teenagers and even young families. Dean was wary about the sort of games Y/N was attracted to. Wrestle the hand, High Striker and such. He had to drag her away from those towards the saner, aiming games. But it was fun to see her hit the hammer harder than the muscled boys and hit the mark on High striker. He made sure he captured every moment with his camera.
She wasn't any good at aiming though. None out of the 10 cans. So maybe she wasn't CIA after all.
"That's not how you do it," Dean corrected her gently.
"Teach me!" She commanded.
He positioned his hands over her shoulders tenderly and pushed them back a little, then extended his right hand along hers and corrected the way she was holding the cork gun. Placing his chin over her shoulder, he guided her other hand to the trigger.
Dean wanted her to make that shot. He wanted to help her aim right, because, if he missed the shot, he knew he'd never hear the end of it, but it was so hard. The honey-cinnamon wafting off her, the pleasurable warmth exuding from her body and the touch of her back against his chest- it overwhelmed him. He was acutely aware of his heart thudding so loudly in his chest, he was sure Y/N could feel it, caged in his arms that she was. In fact, he was beyond certain that she could even hear his gulp, feel his nervousness.
What was the meaning of all of this? Why was he feeling this way? Tingly and all warm.
But he took the shot nevertheless; wrapped a finger around hers over the trigger, closed his eyes and pulled it.
The tumbling of the can echoed even through the bustling noise. But what rang clearer was her delighted laugh, like crystals of a chandelier swaying against each other on a breezy night. Y/N turned in the circle of his arms, throwing her own arms around his body.
The moment froze. It wasn't only time directing his existence anymore, it was her presence all around him.
"You did it, Dean! We did it!" She cheered.
And while her fingertips found his lower back, he let go of her, the truth hitting him like a ton of ice. Her seconds of exultation felt like an eternity to Dean, but still not long enough.
When she broke apart from him, her face glowing with glee, he had to fight the urge to hold her again and avert his mind from thoughts of how close her lips were to his. It made his stomach drop right through the floor.
"C'mon! We get to pick a toy from there."
They were all old and seemingly musty toys, but seeing Y/N's enthusiasm, Dean didn't say a word. Instead, he watched as she went through the items and picked up a very fluffy pink stuffed rabbit. It did make him realise one thing though, no one had ever done this for her… What sort of background did she have?
As they walked to towards the carousel, he took his time to simply watch her while she inspected the rabbit, trying to control the overwhelming emotions in his heart. Maybe getting to know her wasn't the smartest idea after all. Before, Dean could ignore her, even dislike her and as annoying as it was, he could live it. But how was he supposed to live with this new feeling coursing through him?
"Tell me something," Dean said, after they had left the carousel, because Y/N had refused to spend her free time going around a pole. Dean suspected motion-sickness.
"It's still my turn to ask question, but you can continue, since you won me this rabbit."
He smiled. He wanted to ask one particular question, but he changed his mind at the last moment and asked something else. "Why do you wear that beanie all the time? It's 80 degrees."
"Keeps the hair off of my face and neck. Is there anything more annoying than sweaty hair on your neck?"
"I- I wouldn't know," he said. Dean didn't know what he expected out of the question, but surely not such a simple answer.
"We should head to the diner… I'm assuming you're buying me a dinner like you promised?" There was something too sly about her glance.
"Yeah, course," he said, then continued, hurriedly. "Screw the game. You can ask me as many questions later as you want, but I have to know. What do you do for a living?"
She contemplated, and Dean knew he wasn't going to get a straight answer even before she spoke. "I work in the tertiary sector."
He groaned. "That could be anything from a bartender to a hit man!"
"Hit woman," she corrected. "Or, I could be both."
Fair enough. He had a fair guess that it was something that she was passionate about, because she didn't seem like someone who would settle too much.
The diner was also buzzing with people. Dean remembered the first time he'd been here- on his first day in the town, with Benny. Maybe his face showed and Y/N inquired. He told her all about Benny. How, growing up, Benny had been his closest friend and confidant.
"After… after what happened to your mom, I'm sure you could've used a friend," she said hesitantly.
Actually, Benny was there more when he needed help with his father.
She guided him to an empty table at the very corner, sliding in opposite to him. "I'm gonna have a big burger with large fries," she declared. "What about you?"
Instead of one of the waitresses, the owner spotted Y/N, and made her way over.
"Long time, no see?" The older woman grinned.
Y/N grinned back. "You know the hours, Ellen. In fact, it's getting crazier lately."
"You work too hard, baby girl," Ellen grinned. "But it's good to see you. At least, I'll have something to tell Jo the next time she calls."
Y/N laughed. "Tell her I miss her."
"Sure thing, kiddo. The usual?"
While Y/N sorted their order, Dean was surprised to see her interact with someone she knew.
She also introduced Dean as her friend and Ellen gave her a raised eyebrow.
Once the owner was gone, he asked. "Who's Jo?"
"Ellen's daughter."
"You friends with her?" Would be interesting to see how Y/N was with her friends.
But she surprised Dean by giving him a peculiar smile… She looked guilty but also mischievous. Like a kid caught stealing cookies. "Errrr…. Actually we went around for a while."
"Oh-" Wow.
"But that was years ago, when I first moved in here 7 years ago. It wasn't official or anything, just two teenagers fooling around," she explained.
"What happened?" Dean asked, despite himself.
She laughed, surprising him again. "Nothing. She got accepted into the college she wanted and moved to the east coast. It's been years since I saw her. I think she's engaged or something."
"So, you haven't dated since?"
"What do I look like? A hermit?" She seemed to find his question silly, but the anxiety rolling within him was anything but. "I haven't dated in a while though, the last guy I dated turned out to be a dick."
Dean laughed, relieved.
"You find that funny?"
"Not at all," he raised his hands. After the initial relief, he was subdued by the reason behind his relief. What was his expecting? So Y/N was interested in men, too, that shouldn't matter to him. It shouldn't make him feel so happy inside. So, his voice was somber when he added. "No one should be a dick to you, you deserve better. You deserve best."
Y/N gave him the piercing look again, but her features were all soft.
The plates clanged on the table, breaking the moment. "Here's your food, Y/N," Ellen said. "Eat up!"
Dean picked at his fries, his stomach already too full of butterflies and denial. But he had to distract himself somehow so she needed to keep talking.
"What're you gonna do with all that money?" He asked.
"Haven't decided yet." She didn't pursue the topic further, but she had lots to talk about the fair, and Dean found himself mesmerized with the way she spoke in that oddly deep and husky voice. She was both expressive and quiet at the same time, strangely melodic. He had to make an effort to pay attention to what she was saying and not get lost in the lull of her unique voice.
So much that he almost forgot to keep up his end of the promise and pay… almost.
She was laughing more freely by the time they walked up the stairs- the lift was out again. Y/N was sure to tell him the peculiarities about each and every tenant. She had been staying here longer than any of them. He had more fun cursing the lady downstairs than he should have.
Once they were inside the apartment, Y/N shut the door behind them and Dean was suddenly hyperaware about the fact that it was just two of them. No one to interrupt their conversation, no one but just him and her. His heart accelerated once more and he wanted to kick himself for landing in this situation. Every minute with her behind that closed door was going to be a torture of its own kind now.
An inspiration struck him.
"I want to show you something," he said quietly, nervous.
Dean moved quickly, before he could change his mind and grabbed her hand. "Come."
He guided her to his room and pushed the door, letting them both in, but Y/N stood there rigidly. "You sure you want me in there?"
"Of course," he said as genially as he could, trying not to give away his anxiousness.
Y/N stepped inside cautiously, her eyes roaming all over the place, taking in the way he had stacked his books on the corner, arranged the few things he owned over the shelves, the pale grey walls and the haphazardly made bed. There were scrolls of sheets carelessly strewn along the wall next to his work table, where his laptop rested. Dean placed the camera right next to it.
Her eyes, however, were trained on the two photographs resting against his bedside lamp.
"Is that Sam?" She asked, pointing to the larger one where he and his brother were laughing. "He looks happy."
"I should hope," he said. "I sure tried."
She walked up to pick the photo, examining it carefully, then picked the other one too, where his mom was hugging him from behind, laughing. "I was right… she's absolutely beautiful."
Dean said nothing. Suddenly, there was something stuck in his throat.
"Tell you what," she said, placing the photos back where they belonged, and taking a seat at the edge of his bed. "I think your mom would have been pretty frickin proud of how you turned out. Looking after your brother the way you did, the sacrifices you made, that's pretty commendable. Not everyone would have done that."
He could have said anything then, thanked her or even told her about the jumble of thoughts in his head, but instead, he mumbled something about using the bathroom, and rushed out of the room.
Once inside, he splashed the water over his face once, then twice more, trying to clear his mind of her words and even of those memories- her smooth fingers gripping his, her soft body pressed against his, and even now, in the dimly lit bathroom, his body reacted to that memory, his hands itched to pull her back to him, his skin thirsted to feel hers against it.
As a last resort, he stripped and stepped underneath the shower, trying to fruitlessly drown himself in something other than her. Once the hot water had ran out, he dried himself and wrapped the towel around his waist.
It had been a while since he'd left Y/N in his room. He was fully expecting her to be back behind her red door by the time he entered it. But the scene that met his eyes, took his breath away. Y/N was lying curled on her side in the middle of his bed, deep asleep.
The soft smile on her lips made Dean's heart melt and he couldn't help but return it.
As silently as he could, he put on his T-shirt and boxers, then slowly removed Y/N's shoes, stacking them at the foot of the bed. He softly urged her to let him remove her satchel that was still slung across her torso and her jacket off of her, placing them next to her shoes. Sleepily, she obliged, further letting him adjust her on the bed. He placed a pillow under her head.
Y/N groaned, then in an effort to get more comfortable, pulled off her beanie. A flurry of wild, untamed Y/H/C hair fell out from underneath it, taking Dean by surprise. He hadn't given much thought to what color her hair was, in fact, he'd never tried to decipher her appearance at all. She wasn't the girl who would immediately catch your attention the moment you walked into the room, no. But once you saw her, she became more and more beautiful with every passing second, till there came a point where you'd question yourself how you didn't find her the most exquisite from the first second itself.
Gently, he swept the locks off of her face. He was so close to her now, all he had to do was to bend down a little and kiss her forehead. However, he backed right off. Just when he was about to get off the floor to head to the sofa outside, Y/N's hand found his, and half asleep she mumbled, "Don't."
The emotion he felt in that moment was without a precedent. Right then, Dean knew there was no fighting this feeling. He could try, he could wage a war with himself, but each time he would lose, and lose happily.
A resigned sigh left his lips as he pried her fingers off his wrist. He'd have spent the night on the sofa, but he didn't want to disrespect her wishes.
He switched the lights off, laid his blanket over her and spread the extra sheet on the carpet next to the bed. Then laid down on it, using her bumpy satchel as the pillow. In the moonlight trickling from the window, she looked like a goddess, a forbidden nymph he wasn't supposed to see. It was impossible to see her as the annoying girl from a month ago. With every moment he spent with her, she just became more unbelievable.
As he watched her sleeping form, Dean was absolutely certain of two things. One, he had to find out what had happened to her. Not secretly, but rather, he'd wait for as long as it took for her to trust him enough to tell him herself and willingly.
And second, that he wasn't just in danger of falling for her anymore. He knew it with absolute certainty, felt it in his gut, saw it even behind closed lids that he already had and now, there was no going back from it.
A/N 2: Did anticipate the reader’s reaction at the start of the chapter? Do you think the reader likes him too?
Also, how screwed is Dean? ;) I hope y’all liked this chapter. Love you guys <3
A/N 3: Please do consider reblogging my work and leaving feedback. Reblogging helps spread it, and also helps against the “best posts first” option tumblr has. The more the notes, the less chance of it getting buried beneath others posts. And the comments are what keep me going. I love you guys and I’ll be in forever grateful <3
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marvelsdc22 · 5 years
The Professor And I (pt. 11)
Intro: Hello lovelies!! Happy Halloween!!!!!! I hope you guys are having a good one!! Enjoy this Halloween part, it kinda got away from me word count wise! :)
Note: Y/N is gender neutral. Lena is a professor. Y/N is a student.
Word Count: 1800
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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The next morning, you woke up to the sound of a loud and obnoxious alarm “Kara, shut it off” you groaned, burying your face into the pillow and trying to drown out the sounds, feeling someone lean over you before the alarm shut off and you heard them chuckle “Sorry, but I have a class to teach” Lena teased, watching you jump and turn to look at her, confusion evident on your face until you remembered that you had stayed the night “Can’t we just have five more minutes?” You whined, laying back down and tugging on her arm as she sat up on the bed “I have a class to teach, Y/N” Lena chuckled, carefully pulling her arm out of your grasp and rolling her eyes at your pout “Besides, you have to go get ready for class as well” she pointed out, causing you to groan and bury your face into the pillow once more, you hearing her footsteps as she headed into the bathroom before you allowed yourself to drift off again, waking up once more when you felt a pillow hit your head “Get up, lazy” Lena said, watching you roll over and stretch before she grabbed your arms and forced you up “Get dressed and I’ll make some breakfast” she said, kissing your nose before she headed out of the room.
Once you got changed and gargled some mouthwash, you headed into the kitchen just as Lena set some plates full of scrambled eggs and toast “What would you like to drink?” Lena asked, pouring herself some coffee “Coffee as well, please” you said, giving her a small smile as you sat down and thanking her for both the food and the coffee when she set a mug down in front of you “You’re going to the Halloween party, right?” You asked after a few moments of silence, taking a bite of your eggs and looking at her “I am, I’m being dragged by some of the other professors” she chuckled, wiping her mouth with a napkin “What are you dressing up as?” You asked, smiling at her and raising a brow when she smirked “That’s a secret” she chuckled, winking at you before she focused on her food once more since she knew you were pouting.
A few days later, you were in your dorm with Kara as she rushed around to get ready for the Halloween party that started in two hours “Kara” you said, watching her run around to get her costume together “Kara” you repeated when she ignored you, rolling your eyes and standing up, going over to her and grabbing her shoulders “Kara!” You said, looking at her and watching as she focused on you “Calm down, the party is going to be great” you assured, looking at her and giving her a small smile “But, what if-“ Kara started, getting cut off when you shook her a bit “No buts, it’ll be great” you said sternly, watching as she slouched a bit and took a deep breath to center herself “You’re right” Kara said, giving you a small smile and pulling away “But, you need to get ready!” She said, forcing you over to the bathroom where your costume was hanging “Okay okay!” You laughed, going into the bathroom and shutting it behind you.
Once you were both dressed up and ready to go, you walked to the Student Union, the two of you wrapped up in coats since it had decided to start snowing earlier that day “Of course it had to snow” you complained, speeding up slightly to try to get there faster “Come on, snow is amazing” Kara chuckled, following you up to the building “Nope, I hate it” you said, heading inside and shaking the snow off of you before taking your coat off and hanging it up, fixing the sleeves of your ripped shirt since you decided to just go as a zombie since it was easy to make your own costume of it “Whatever you say” Kara chuckled, hanging her coat up as well and her dressed up as some princess you don’t remember the name of and watching as she headed into the large space that had lights flashing and music already booming “You did really good, Kara… It looks amazing” you said as you followed her into the room, looking around and seeing the party was already in full swing “Thanks! I honestly couldn’t of done it without you and Alex, so thank you” Kara said, smiling at you and giving you a hug, pulling away when she heard her name called “Go on, I’m gonna walk around” you said when she looked at you, giving her a smile and watching her head off before you made your way through the crowd, freezing when you saw Lena with the other professors, her in a tight black dress and her long, black hair down, a long cape around her neck, her lips a deep shade of red with small white fangs just barely poking out, feeling your face flush when she caught you staring and winked at you, you about to make your way over there until you were grabbed and dragged out of the crowd.
“Nia” you said when you finally saw who was dragging you “Nia, where are we going?” You asked, giving a small laugh and stopping when she finally stopped and looked at you, finally getting a full look at her costume which was what looked like a bumblebee "Cute costume" you said, giving her a smile and watching her relax slightly and give you a smile “Sorry, I wanted to talk to you” Nia said, looking at you and wringing her hands “What’s wrong? You can talk to me” you said, placing a hand on her arm and watching as she seemed conflicted on what she wanted to say “Nia-“ you said, getting cut off when she surged forward and kissed you, you tensing and pushing her away, trying to not be too harsh as you did so “Nia… I” you said, running a hand through your hair and looking over her shoulder to see Lena, her expression unreadable until she turned on her heel and stormed off “Dammit” you said, pushing past Nia and making your way through the crowd, running outside without worrying about grabbing your coat “Lena!” You shouted, forcing yourself to run after her “Lena! It’s not what it looks like!” You shouted, managing to catch up to her and grab her wrist “Lena-“ you said until she cut you off with a slap to the face “I don’t want to hear it, Y/N” Lena said, looking at you with tears in her eyes and trying desperately to not burst into tears “Lena, it wasn’t what it looked like… Nia kissed me! I didn’t kiss her back” You said, grabbing her arms gently and not caring if it got you slapped again, watching as she opened her mouth to say something until you cut her off “I love you, Lena” you said, looking at her and watching her freeze, you not expecting a reply back since you knew she may not feel the same “I-“ she said, looking like she was trying to form words until you guys heard a scream come from the Student Union, causing the two of you to run back towards the building “FIRE!” You heard someone shout, you pulling Lena out of the way of the door when people started running out of the building “Call 911” you said, moving around her and running inside to try to go and help.
After you got inside the building, you looked around to try to find your friends, knowing they could’ve been outside, but you needed to make sure “Kara! Alex!” you shouted, looking around and moving out of the way of people running for the exit “Kara!” You shouted once more, looking around and stopping when you heard a groan “Alex” you said, running over to her and seeing she was trapped under a piece of the wall that had fallen over “Alex, I’m here” you said, grabbing the wall and trying to lift it “Dammit” you said, looking around for something to help “Y/N, get out of here” Alex coughed, looking up at you and watching as you shook your head “No” you said, glaring at her when she tried to argue with you “I’m NOT leaving you” you said sternly, trying once more to lift the wall off of her and inwardly cheering when it started to move “I got you” Nia said, looking at you when you finally noticed her on the other side helping you lift the wall and the two of you managing to get it up “Get her out of here” you said once you got Alex out, helping Alex stan before handing her over to Nia before you went to search for others.
As you were looking through the last area that anyone could be, you saw a shadow rush by and you raised an eyebrow, coughing into you arm and forcing yourself to crouch, pulling your plaid shirt off and folding it up before covering your mouth and nose with it “I gotta get out of here” you whispered to yourself, slowly making your way towards an exit and hearing the sirens, letting out a scream of shock when you were suddenly knocked to the floor “I warned you” the person hissed, you not able to see their face due to the mask and the black hoodie “You kill me, you get arrested” you coughed, grabbing his wrists when he grabbed onto your neck “You act like I’m gonna get caught” the person said, tightening their grip on your neck and you struggling until you lifted your leg just right and nailed them between the legs, forcing them to let you go and giving you enough time to slip from their grip and make your way out as quickly as possible “Y/N” Lena said when she saw you exit, you only wearing a tank top with your ripped outfit and her rushing over to you, cupping your face gently and watching as you struggled to breathe for a moment before you started coughing, her pulling you close to her before she slipped her coat off and draped it over your shoulders as she led you to the ambulance, looking over her shoulder at the Student Union and catching a glimpse of what looked like someone running out of the side entrance, her about to go after them until she heard you cough again, so she shook her head and focused on getting you checked out, you were more important to her than chasing after someone that may not even be real.
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates​​​ / @5aftermidnight​​​
Supergirl Taglist: @x-danvers-x​​​ / @aznblossom​​​
Lena Taglist: @stewie-castle / @life2-live​​​ / @supergirl-imaginess​​​
The Professor And I Taglist:@youngandwildx7​​​ / @undertherightlight / @youlookterribleilookawesome​​​ / @ironsnowstorm​​​ / @rebornpoet​​​ / @scottishgirl1998​​​
End Note: I hope you guys enjoyed!! If you want to be added to a Taglist, shoot me a DM or an Ask!! Also! If you weren’t tagged like you were supposed to be, please refer to this to help see if it can be fixed!! Have a Happy Halloween, bbys!!! :)
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