#i mean the logic is sound
tapakah0 · 2 months
heeeeeyy tapa. you and cass are friens.
DoEs AnYonE KnOw WhaT tf HaPpEnEd to HIm!!!!
hello? cass you ok???? he didnt mention going on vakation.
did he abandon us??? is he tired???
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No panic, okay, listen, Cass did send pretty long ago a link to their another account, she didn't disappear, she appears online and keeps creating great content with what she currently enjoys the most, I'm pretty sure she gets dozens of asks about how she does and if she doesn't answer it has a reason. I am a bit uncomfortable to ask people stuff like "how do you do" since for me it sounds a bit awkward, I see a post from that person and guess that they are okay, maybe posts under them have tags explaining if they are tired, resting or have too much work that has to be done and so on *whispering* You all were abandoned *evil laugh*
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So yeah, just relax, search the link if you're really interested in the other content she creates since passionate comments to work give so much creation boost than just a few hollow tags, otherwise just look around and enjoy the stuff you like
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starbylers · 1 year
M*levens will say Will’s love for Mike is ‘just a crush’ or that ‘he can/will get over it’ whereas El’s love for Mike is real and true and deep, too strong for her to possibly move on from…while in the same breath try and claim Will’s words/feelings in the van also belong to El. Make it make sense 🙂 they'll say Will's feelings = El's feelings to explain why the monologue is valid even though Will was the driving force behind it, but then turn around and say Will's feelings ≠ El's feelings which is why he'll move on but El can't, and why El’s love for him is deeper and why she‘s better for him. It's a total paradox.
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science-lings · 5 months
Hey so you know how in tgaa families tend to have a symbol, like how the Mikitoba’s have the Sakura flower and the Asogi’s have that shield thing that kinda looks like a flower, which is important bc flowers are so important to the aa series as a whole, at least symbolically. They’re usually used to signify family, either with matching crests or name associations, and what I’m really getting at is that there’s a connection in my brain that went from ‘flowers = family’ and ‘there’s a running joke that the Naruhodō’s don’t know anything about flowers.’
Ryunosuke’s little dlc outfit change is important bc it absolutely covers him in the little four pedaled flower that represents Iris and I don’t think that’s just bc she’s the one that made it. Sholmes is covered in them too, that’s just Iris’ way of saying ‘you’re my family now and now everyone who sees you knows this’, she made them the most noticeable thing about his little mouse doll, whose flower ears match the one she made to represent herself.
This just adds to my conviction that there’s something up with Ryūnosuke and Phoenix when it comes to their family. There’s no pride in being a Naruhodo like there is in behind an Asogi or a Mikotoba. Is there no reason to flaunt his family crest or could there be something more going on there?
Also it was so easy for Susato to go by ‘Ryutaro Naruhodo’, and I think it says something about how close they were that she would chose a name so much like his.
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caffeinatedopossum · 4 months
My mom always resented how some people tell their kids they can be anything that they want. Her reasoning was that I *couldn't* be anything I wanted- specific examples like "You can never be a boy" or "you can never be a cat". A decade later and I'm a transgender furry. Never let the haters stop you
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shoechoe · 1 month
i don't really understand it when people say they have like 5 hyperfixations at the same time. how is that possible
same for when people say something is a "mild hyperfixation" i feel like if it's "mild" it's not a hyperfixation it's just like, an interest of yours
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eternal-reverie · 6 months
I just got psychic damage by hearing Lauriam’s name on youtube pronounced as “larry-am”
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woetoy · 7 months
Bruh, how can he be hungry for his eggs when they’re were literally in his tummy a minute ago.
you two would get along so well, same wavelength, kindred spirits, etc <3
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roseofhybrids · 6 months
Since Drone Tessa is catatonic following her rather unpleasant discovery Cyn proceeds to fix her by using so much brainwashing that she thinks she’s fixing damaged drones (actually humans and drones) alike by turning them into disassembly drones and sees Cyn as a mother-like figure who fixed her and made her a superior being.
"Why are there lungs in the drones?"
"Geez, Tessa, how else do you expect them to breathe?"
"But... robots don't need to breathe?"
"Course they do, there's lungs in there after all-"
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blurglesmurfklaine · 3 months
tumblr users who actually reblog things my beloved
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batw1nggg · 10 days
ive always been conflicted on how komaeda reacts to flying because the reasonable assumption is that it gives him ptsd. being orphaned and all. but then the anime shows him flying somewhere and then he crashes on the way back to japan AGAIN and first thing he does when he sees there’s a spring on the beach is strip ass naked. he dgaf. so which one is it
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timetravellingfox · 2 months
How long have you been trying to bring back Sonic? Have you ever gathered up all of your findings from your previous attempts so far and sent them back in time to your past self who had already invented a time machine? That way your past you wouldn’t make the same mistakes and could try new things instead. You could probably repeat this process forever until you bring your brother back.
“…For a while. And well, my method is that I send my consciousness back to my past self. Of course, I would have a different and improved plan for each attempt. If it fails, instead of wasting time staying in that timeline and living everything over again, as well as building the time traveling technology again, I would just send myself back to the present and then try again. So, not quite.”
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elisemochi · 1 month
Thinking about that one post I saw in passing way before I made this account that like was a confession blog and the confession was like
"I think Illuminata isn't romanceable because she falls in love with Amber"
or something like that and like the only comment was somebody saying like "ew, how dare you make me look at this"
Anyway I think Illuminata/Amber would be pretty cute
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keclan · 5 months
breaking my silence as the resident swiftie mutual. it was bad.
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kyouka-supremacy · 10 months
Aku gets cured from vampirism for the most part.
B-but he still gets side effects of the need to drink blood, (doesn’t need much and helps him stay healthy)
And he needs it around the full moon.
And Atsushi needs someone to be with bum during the full moon.
D-do you think that Aku would drink Atsu blood?
I mean, are you going to let him starve?
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burning-quesadilla · 5 months
thank you cynari for existing. for inventing love
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fishsticxz · 9 months
'close the lights' is also not correct
wait what.... why does it sound correct then???
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