#i mean—i don't know‚ that may be confirmation bias
frommybookbook · 2 days
Earlier today, some friends and I were discussing one of those Star Trek captains memes. You know the ones I’m talking about, the ones that pit the captains against each other with pithy descriptions that glorify and champion the men and shit on Janeway. The ones where Picard is describe as the wise teacher and scholarly diplomat; Kirk is the brave trailblazer and lovable rogue; Sisko is the take-no-shit commander and more-than-human uniter; Archer is the quick thinking explorer and the avenging do-gooder; Pike is the empathetic Boy Scout and the quippy everyman…and Janeway is an irrational murderer and erratic loose canon. And, as usual, I went on a bit of a rant. They (looking at you @redsesame, @epersonae, and @emi--rose) told me to share it here so, if you trudge through this whole thing, blame them.
Does Janeway make some questionable decisions throughout VOY (Prodigy!Janeway is a different conversation for another time)? Yes, absolutely. But here’s the thing: every captain does. What I still love about her though and will champion until I'm blue in the face is that Janeway owns her decisions more than I think any other captain does.
Picard and Kirk hide behind the Prime Directive a lot. That's the reasoning Picard gives for not interfering in the drug running in “Symbiosis” and leaving the Ornarans trapped in dependence on the abusive Brekkans. His line, “Beverly, the Prime Directive is not just a set of rules. It is a philosophy, and a very correct one. History has proved again and again that whenever mankind interferes with a less developed civilization, no matter how well-intentioned that interference may be, the results are invariably disastrous." is a cop-out we hear from him time and time again, especially to Dr. Crusher, as she is the one who most often calls him on his bullshit.
Kirk does the same thing. We still this when he leaves Shanna and the other thralls behind in "The Gamesters of Triskelion" and when he forces Elaan of Troyius into a marriage she clearly doesn't want because it's "for a greater good." And all the while, he's got Spock at his side giving him confirmation bias that he's following regulations.
And Sisko, Sisko makes some of the most horrific and destructive decisions of any captain and uses not only the Prime Directive to fall back on, but he's got the Dominion War to blame. He poisons an entire planet to get back at one man he feels betrayed him in "For the Uniform" and don't even get me started on his actions in "In the Pale Moonlight".
Enterprise is so unjustly shat on by the fandom that I almost hate to bring some of Archer's questionable choices into this conversation but I'm going to do it anyway. Similar to Sisko and the Dominion War, Archer has the threat of the Xindi in his back pocket to excuse some of his worst behavior. If Tuvix is the worst thing people can point to for Janeway, then we have to talk about Archer and Sim, the simbiont created solely to be a living tissue donor for an injured Trip, a procedure that will kill the living, breathing, sentient Sim. Archer orders Sim created against the arguments made by Dr. Phlox. He rationalizes his decision with the same argument for the greater good that we see from all the others. He says to T'Pol before Sim is created "…we've got to complete this mission. Earth needs Enterprise. Enterprise needs Trip. It's as simple as that." And it doesn't end there. When Sim is grown enough for the procedure and has figured out what's going to happen to him, he challenges Archer himself, arguing for his own right to live, and Archer sticks to his guns. This exchange directly between Archer and Sim is haunting.
Archer: I must complete this mission; and to do that, I need Trip. Trip! I'll take whatever steps necessary to save him. Sim: Even if it means killing me? Archer: Even if it means killing you. Sim: You're not a murderer. Archer: Don't make me one.
Not only do all of these captains (except Archer, who arguably writes the damn thing himself at the end of the series) have the Prime Directive to fall back on, they also have Starfleet/the Federation/Vulcan High Council right there on speed dial to validate their choices and hear their excuses and give them another commendation. They all know that ultimately, they can turn to someone higher in command to turn to for help.
Janeway is alone. She is alone with her crew 70,000 lightyears from home with only her training and her own moral compass to guide her. Yes, she claims the Prime Directive a lot but she also goes with what she feels is right and she is clear about that with her crew. When she makes the decision to split Tuvix, despite what everyone else says, she sticks to it and more importantly, does the procedure herself. Picard would have forced Beverly to do it, saying Doctor I gave you an order, your conscience be damned, and Archer does the same to Phlox with Sim, but Janeway takes the tool out of the Doctor's hand and says it's my call, I'll do it. When everyone is angry and mad about her destroying the Caretaker's array, she stands up for her decision and says yes, I did it, because it's what my Starfleet training said to do AND because I think it was the right thing and it's on me to make the hard choices.
She also can admit when she made the wrong decision, which isn't something we see from the other captains. In the season 5 opener, "Night", we see her in a depressive state because she's questioning her decision to effectively strand her crew in the Delta quadrant but she comes out of it when she's reminded by her senior staff that the crew believes in her and trusts her, she should do the same for herself. When the Doctor has a mental crisis in "Latent Image" after questioning his own choice to save the life of Harry Kim over that of another crew member, Janeway admits she did the wrong thing by first deleting his memories of it so he could get back to work and then sits with him for days while he works through it because that's what captains do.
And she does all of this without the backup and support of Starfleet. She doesn't have anyone higher on the chain of command. She's 70,000 miles away from the admiralty and her support system. There's no one higher than her to give her a break from making every decision.
To quote my fellow Missourian Harry Truman, for Janeway the buck stops with her in a way it doesn't for any other captain and she is painfully aware of that and owns that and that is why I love her and she's my captain.
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aeide-thea · 2 years
also: i just finished n*torious sorcerer, and enjoyed certain aspects of it but was left unimpressed/unconvinced by others (longer letter later on this, maybe? no promises tho), which i guess makes it yet another addition to the growing list of m/m tradpub fantasy novels i wanted to love but ultimately didn't, quite? part of me is honestly starting to wonder if the capacity for love is burnt out of me, although that sounds awfully dramatic and i quite frankly think it's equally possible that we're just getting more and more writers coming up by way of fandom and that it's eaten particular, recognizable sorts of holes (ha) in their skillsets...
#i mean—i don't know‚ that may be confirmation bias#it's not as if writers who didn't cut their teeth on fandom are universally good at‚ say‚ establishing worldbuilding#and not just sketching it out suggestively and relying on readers to supply what's not stated#(also like. at some level good worldbuilding can be sketched out as long as the sketch is *sufficiently* suggestive. sargent style.)#(and certainly overexplaining can easily sour into exposition dump. but like. you know what i mean maybe.)#or at writing women#(and actually on that point i thought this book was notably more successful than‚ say‚ meadows' or rowland's most recent efforts)#(still a bit unbalanced in that there were arguably four major characters—the central m/m couple and then a pair of sisters—#and the men had their arcs‚ i thought‚ much more resolved than the women did)#(in fairness i think the 'gotta leave something for the sequels!' factor may be relevant there)#(but—idk. something to be said abt priorities and whose stories we feel it's necessary to resolve at least the opening act of#vs whose stories we think we can leave in-progress and still feel as though we've tied up enough loose ends to have a satisfying book)#anyway—i hope obviously!—i'm not saying writing romance between two men is somehow an intrinsically misogynist move#but like. esp if you're writing something that's got a plot bigger than just the romance‚ i do feel like you ought to have women characters#and they ought to be given enough weight to feel like full people‚ even if they're full people we aren't focusing on#or otherwise spending a ton of time with#i don't know. i don't want to carp about any of this. i want to be magically presented with stories i love#where i don't feel the need to start squinting suspiciously at aspects of them because they've successfully convinced me#i wish i could tell whether the problems are with what i'm reading or with me :/#(very possibly both. road to el dorado gif only it's the dark version so no one has a goatee.)#bookblogging#you may have gotten the impression that i love to be a hater but i'm actually very tired of it#would love to be transported actually! cue patrick wolf the days
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neptunes-sol-angel · 11 months
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BOO! 👻🎃🕸 How are you scaring people with their shadows? Pick the picture(s) that you're drawn to the most then scroll down for the corresponding message(s). Happy Halloween my Sol-cherubs!!
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Pile One
You trigger others in a way that threatens their confidence and provoke them into a cycle of evaluating their self worth and identity after an ego death that's probably been long overdue. Some people in this group may hinder themselves back from speaking to people about anything in general, like expressing your opinion on something, talking about yourself, joining in a conversation so that you can be outgoing and network with others because you could feel like developing normal interactions with others is difficult for you. You could feel that people may find what you have to say as meaningless, they could even talk over you, or maybe you fear that people will hate you for what you say. You could also find yourself in too many situations where people are dedicated to misunderstanding you by twisting what you say or snubbing you. But despite their reactions, people strongly value what you say, and are often changed personally by even just a few words that you mention and could still think about what you've said years later whether it's from a normal conversation or an argument. I feel called to mention to this group that you shouldn't restrain yourself by muting your verbal expression in order to please others, because I'm getting that even though you aren't aware that there are people who want to listen and do listen to what you have to say and will like and respect you for who you are, you understand the weight of your words and the repercussions you face when you defend yourself and but there are times you don't in order to keep the peace. You must understand that peace is simply an illusion when you keep putting your feelings and wellbeing aside to keep people that are not even for you in your life. Tip toeing around others is not what's going to keep you safe—you gotta step on some toes to free yourself. This group has to learn both when it isn't your fault for when you trigger someone and when it is. Because I'm getting that another part of this group is more so in the darker aspect of this trait, you don't hold your tongue for anyone and when someone goes low, you go to straight to the pits of hell. You're fully aware of how you know just the right words to break someone and to intentionally offend them. Your brutal honesty isn't needed all of the time and sometimes you're not being blunt, you're just being an asshole. Reserve your poison for the people that deserve it, but it will benefit you to learn that the same way the magnitude of your words can be poison to others it also be venom used to help others heal. I know it may feel like that someone's always trying it with you but you gotta calm down and start seeing the good in humanity, because not everyone is a piece of filth that you need to sweep. The shadow work that you make other people do eventually creates a balance that keeps their egos in check and where their humility is holding them back.
Pile Two
What's chilling about you is how elusive you are. This can mean a variety of things, but one of the scenarios that I'm getting is that this pile could be adamant when it comes to holding grudges. People hate that you don't forgive them because it gives them a reality check with how entitled they feel to treat others and how they expect them to react about it afterwards. You seem to unfortunately attract a lot of people that don't take any accountability. They show up as either someone who feels like they have the right to mistreat others and have control over how their victims feel or perceive the situation or people who have lived their entire lives as victims but are in disbelief when they are in situations where they have made someone else a victim so they manipulate the situation to confirm their bias and lack of self awareness. These people are possessive over outcomes and how they want to be seen. You are very much capable of forgiving others, but you are strong with your boundaries to the point where you don't make yourself accessible anymore to the people have hurt you and this confuses them. They're used to thinking that words have more meaning than their actions or that forgiveness is something that's automatically given when asked for it, but you show them that's not exactly how it works. This makes them have to unpack guilt that they will deal with for a very long time or your absence reminds them of how powerless that they feel. Both are situations that are hard to sit with alone so these people may tend to latch on others and surround themselves with company. The shadow work that you make others do is to reflect on situations where they are habitually self-undoing.
Pile Three
What makes other people shook about you, is how unmoved you are but how you always seem to ironically move others. You could have this radical intelligence and self sufficiency where you don't care who's on your level or not. You could be isolated by others a lot, and on the outside it could look like you're out of touch with humanity, but no, you're actually way ahead of your time, they just need to catch up. The same things that people have tried to shun you for, end up becoming trends in the future. You guys are very secure with yourself and it intimidates others, but you've grown or will grow to not let that effect you anymore. I see that your purpose involves leading others. You guys could be coaches to help people break habits that maladaptively stagnate their lives, you keep yourself strong, in order to pass this on to others who finally decide that they to help themselves. Your insight isn't going to be accepted by the majority because those people are still stuck on outward appearances or are complacent with their own delusions, and it's not your responsibility to help everyone, but you're good at what you do and you have the potential to save a lot of lives with the changes that you help other people make within themselves. It doesn't even have to solely be changes either, you could motivate others to recognize what they already have within themselves too and that's so empowering. If you guys are tarot readers that are feeling down about the messages that you're trying to bring to people, I'm getting that you guys need to keep going, what you're doing is meaningful even if you can't physically see it, you awaken others deeply to things that they may not be ready to publicly share with others so give it time and remember your mission. You aren't here to entertain any thoughts of staying the same, you are here to promote growth. Don't downplay your gifts, you know what you know.
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accirax · 24 days
DRDT Chapter 2 Recap Analysis
Heyyyyy everybody :D
I'm sure that, by now, everyone has heard the exciting news: DRDT will be back on Friday, September 6, at 7 PM EST! That's so awesome!!! I can't wait to finally see the end of the Chapter, and hopefully for the DRDT community to come back in full force, even if only for a little while. I missed you all :)
So, to get back in the swing of Chapter 2 theorizing (and recap what's just happened for everyone including myself), I've decided to run a bit of analysis on the return announcement itself, specifically the recap that occurs at the end. I believe that anything an author says about their works can hold clues as to how they view their story. And, in this case, what does and doesn't make the recap and how certain events are phrased can give us some last-minute clues as to what we should be keeping our eyes on going into the second half of the Trial.
I'm going to try to keep this as facts-focused and non-partisan as possible, but in a "theory" like this, confirmation bias is basically impossible to fully ignore. It's inherent that I'll be more likely to pick up on "clues" that work with my beliefs than ones that work against it. So, please remember that I am not attacking anyone who believes any of the things that I "disprove" in this analysis, and I'm also not saying that you're already 100% wrong about them at this point in time. I'm literally going to "shoot down," so to speak, some of my own theories, but I'm not taking this analysis as reason enough to abandon them just yet. We can't know if anything is true or false until the Chapter is finished, so it would be silly to call something completely wrong when the Chapter hasn't even restarted yet.
With that out of the way, let's recap that recap, and drain every bit of information out of it that we possibly can!
I think that the most efficient way to see what is and isn't present is to list out the "scenes" that occur throughout Chapter 2, and see what DRDTdev had to say about each of them. With that in mind, our first "event" is...
Eden Makes Breakfast
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Notably, all mention of Levi helping Eden make breakfast is omitted from this recap. This includes in the visuals of the clip played.
In some instances, I'm going to write how DRDTdev could have phrased things if he wanted to highlight certain elements in an indented paragraph, just to prove that it was possible to convey the information differently. Like this!
"Chapter 2 starts with Levi helping Eden make breakfast for everyone."
Distributing the Motive
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This part seems pretty all-inclusive to what I remember happening in this scene. The only thing I particularly have to note is the finality of "Arturo received J's secret"-- which really makes it sound like that secret was assigned correctly-- but I don't think literally anyone was trying to claim that Arturo was lying about J having that secret.
Investigating the Second Floor
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Obviously, DRDTdev didn't go into detail about any of these interactions-- no notes on Whit's theory that the killing game was catered to them, about Levi really wanting to make things up with Ace, or Nico's struggles with socialization. It means that those details are probably less important to the end of the Trial specifically, but I don't think that's much of a surprise.
Caulking the Bathroom
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A lot of detail is omitted from what Teruko and MonoTV were actually talking about in the bathroom. Most notably, however, is that the Monocredits are not included in the recap. This may mean that Teruko's second Monocredit will not be redeemed this chapter, but at some later time.
A Chat With Charles
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Once again, the use of Monocredits are ignored, as well as the fact that Charles gave Teruko the secret he received in case of emergencies. Therefore, it's possible that the letter (which should contain Eden's secret) won't come up again in the end of the Trial, and that this scene was more relevant to Charles' plot of opening up to Teruko than anything directly related to the secrets themselves.
"Afterwards, Teruko goes to talk with Charles, who hands her his motive secret in case of emergencies. Flustered by Charles' trust in her, Teruko uses her first Monocredit to have MonoTV make Charles go away."
Eden Retrieves Teruko
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A couple of things here! Firstly, DRDTdev draws attention to the fact that Teruko was removed from the group for a day. I don't know if this could factor into murder plans at all, given that it's a whole three days before Arei turns up dead, but it could be relevant. Secondly, any mention of Eden's blackmail AND any mention of Eden's philosophy are omitted from the recap. Given that that's both one piece of information that makes Eden seem more guilty AND one piece that makes her seem more innocent, I imagine that was probably just to keep things neutral/brief. Unlike some of the other text boxes that I showed could have been written differently, that descriptor was already pretty long.
Commotion in the Cafeteria
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No comment on who was the one tasked to help each of those pairs (Eden, Veronika, Teruko) or Charles and Whit choosing to sit out, but none of those additions seemed incredibly relevant to the overall plot.
David Suggests Secret Sharing
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In this case, "secret" is put in quotations, which strongly suggests that having a family history of depression, whether true or not, is not what David's secret actually was. But, the board basically confirmed that already. Far more wildly, no mention is made of Charles learning of Elliot's existence at all. This is particularly crazy to me given that the last video on the DRDT channel prior to this was the Yoidoreshirazu MV. It definitely implies to me that Charles' secret will not be relevant in wrapping up Chapter 2.
Arei's Breakdown
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The use of "rebuffs" as opposed to "bullies" or "demeans" is interesting to me, as it's a relatively chill word to describe what Arei did. We also lost Eden slipping up and telling Teruko that the secret she has belonged to someone with he/him pronouns, but that was likely excluded because we've (most likely) already solved that mystery.
Rose's Secret
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No detail about Rose's backstory, but we don't have all day. Far more interesting to me is that DRDTdev draws attention to Nico asking Rose to teach them to paint in a sentence that could have easily been cut. My guess is to highlight the importance of this in relation to Ace's "murder."
Nico Threatens Ace
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Nothing of note here; this seems pretty standard.
Nico's Secret
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The phrasing "David has Nico reveal their secret" is really cool for how non-partisan it is. It doesn't say "David FORCES Nico" or "David MAKES Nico," but it also doesn't just say "Nico reveals their secret," either. It points out how David pushed things in this direction, but did so in a way where it was still technically up to Nico. Anyways, we also lost Hu telling us about the origin of her name. This is a bit strange, given that it's the main scene we have (in Chapter 2 at least) of Hu and David working together and being on good terms before David's reveal. Perhaps this implies that any relevance this scene has on the Trial has already passed.
Teruko Threatens J
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Honestly, the weirdest part of this to me is that it was important enough to make the recap at all. But, it did have a CG and everything. Actually, I wonder if this could have been included to help us remember that Teruko is actively carrying a knife on her at all times.
Ace Nearly Dies
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DRDTdev directly phrases this as "Nico attempting to murder Ace," which really sounds like a soft confirmation that Nico was the one who tried to kill Ace, and therefore they were not framed for this crime.
"Late at night, Teruko and Eden spot Nico running away from Ace's nearly dead body in the Gym."
We also lose a lot of detail when it comes to Teruko and Eden investigating the initial scene of the crime, Ace chasing down Nico to kill them on the spot, and Levi offering his aid before being rejected and growing angry. It could indicate that the details of what happened after Ace "died" won't be relevant to the end of the Chapter.
Hu Defends Nico
This scene, in which Ace tries to expose what Nico did and Hu argues that Ace must have the wrong idea, is entirely missing from the recap. I bring this up because, very notably, this is the scene where Arei is last seen, not speaking. Arei's weirdly quiet breakfast is not highlighted in the recap at all, which may mean that it won't be relevant to the Trial.
Teruko and Rose Check Out the Gym
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We once again call particular attention to the fact that Rose can't do a pullup because the grippy tape went missing from the Gym at some point around the time of the murder, although no focus is put on the fact that the Gym was closed in between when Teruko and Eden were there and when Teruko returned with Rose. This may suggest that the lockdown logic of how the tape went missing may be relevant to the remainder of the chapter.
A Chat With Charles and Whit
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Once again, absolutely no mention is made of Ellie or Charles' childhood amnesia, despite that being the main point of this conversation. Weird.
"Teruko stops by the Computer Lab and talks with Charles and Whit about Charles' memories of a forgotten older brother."
Horror Movies in the Gym
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Beyond the lack of detail regarding Veronika's philosophy, I'm quite surprised that Teruko's plan to end the killing game wasn't at all mentioned in the recap. I guess that'll be saved for a further chapter!
Motive Reveal Time
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I don't think there's anything particularly important going on here, besides possibly drawing attention back to David being the one to point out that Arei was missing. It's possible that could still be relevant if the specifics of the BDA come up in the Trial.
Discovering Arei's Body
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A couple of points on word choice in this one-- first of all, the text says "find her body," which, according to what was said on the slide before this one ("points out that Arei is missing"), should imply that they found Arei's body. However, the way that this slide is phrased allows for the very sneaky "Everyone goes to search for [Arei]. Teruko, Eden, and Whit find [J's] body hanging in the playground." Therefore, in my opinion, this part of the recap doesn't disprove swap theory, at least.
Secondly, the word DRDTdev chose was "find," not "discover." And, in this game, the BDA rule is phrased as "The Body Discovery Announcement will play when three or more people who did not witness the murder discover the body." Thus, by not directly saying that Teruko, Eden, or Whit was discovering the body here, this part of the recap also doesn't disprove the idea that Eden or Whit (or Teruko) could have done something to falsify the BDA. In fact, the BDA itself isn't mentioned at all.
"Everyone goes to search for her. Teruko, Eden, and Whit discover her body hanging in the playground, and trigger the Body Discovery Announcement."
Absolutely nothing from the investigation makes it into the recap, likely because the investigation is an entire episode long on its own, and DRDTdev was trying to keep it quick. Not to mention, pointing out particular pieces of evidence here would really highlight what's going to be important in the Trial to come, and DRDTdev may be lowkey trying to further nudge people towards rewatching the entire investigation for themselves anyways. I think that the reconstruction of the note is probably the thing that I'm most surprised to see missing from the recap? I'll also point out that the video clips chosen for the "Investigating the Second Floor" section include Teruko and MonoTV looking up at the Gym's ceiling fans, which could be a sneaky way of drawing further attention to that setup.
Assigning Secrets
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We have to go a bit later into the recap to hear about the motive secrets, and what we get is, predictably, very vague. Saying, "currently, the state of the motive secrets is like this" puts the full burden of proof onto the students to assign them correctly, with DRDTdev giving no indication here as to which are correct. Even the most highly contested assignment-- that Xander has the "the killing game is all your fault" secret as opposed to Teruko-- is still treated like fact here. Again, not a surprise, but not much to be gained.
Possibility of Suicide
The specifics of the blackened being the "most mastermind-y" person involved in the case are not included in the recap. This could imply that this rule may not be important to the outcome of this Trial.
Eden and Arturo
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"Eden had Arturo's secret" also feels like a soft confirmation that that is Arturo's secret, and we won't reveal later down the line that Arturo actually had a different secret. I feel like this segment is also phrased like fact, therefore implying that Eden wasn't lying about this confrontation happening. We also get no indication as to Eden's feelings on Arei's vow, or whether them becoming friends actually happened.
"In the Trial, Eden claimed to have Arturo's secret, and that he attacked her when she revealed it. When Arei came to save her, the two of them forged a friendship."
What Ace Overheard
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While not as plainly put as "it is revealed that," the phrasing "Ace reveals that" seems to support that Ace was telling the truth about overhearing this conversation, although the date on which it happened isn't reaffirmed here. Similarly, "David's secret is revealed" strongly implies that David does have the manipulator secret.
"Ace then claimed to overhear Arei and David talking about [David's] secret, and declared that David's secret was being a manipulator."
The David Reveal
(I'm going to write these ones out instead of having a screenshot because I ran out of images :,( And I'm too lazy to compress them... )
"In response, David acts aggressively and admits to being Arei's killer. Everyone nearly votes for David, but Teruko and a few others believe that David is lying. Then, Charles interrupts and reveals that he has some yet-unknown information that changes the Trial..."
To be honest, I didn't realize that "a few others" were siding with Teruko. Like, Charles for sure, and possibly Ace, given he still thinks Nico did it...? That phrase could be a hint that we'll hear more about other students who don't think that David is the blackened quickly after the plot resumes. Maybe my prediction that we're about to head into a scrum debate for 7:30 AM vs 7:30 PM will turn out to be correct...!
And, that's pretty much all I had to say... 30 images later. Look, a lot of it is images, so there wasn't actually that much analysis involved! Besides, now is the third-best time to be hyped and rambling about DRDT Chapter 2-- the top two being while the chapter is airing and just after it's finished, obviously-- so I can say as much as I want! And so can you!
If there are any particular phrasings within the recap that struck you as interesting, feel free to talk about them in the comments or a reblog! I'd love to see what other people think about this, and add my two cents (if desired).
From what it seems, the DRDT community seems to be just as excited for the return of DRDT as I am, which makes me very happy. I hope you enjoyed reading this analysis, and once again, please remember that I'm not trying to shame anyone for believing in anything that may be "disproved" by what DRDTdev said, or to fully convince them out of it before the Chapter begins. If I were DRDTdev, I would be trying to phrase things in the most vague and misleading ways possible to throw off nosy people like myself. It's also definitely possible that I read into things too far in my excitement. That's what this practice round is for, before we dive back in to the real meat of the mystery on September 6th!
Oh my god... we're actually going to dive back in to the real meat of the mystery on September 6th...
See you then!!!
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genderkoolaid · 6 months
I understand if this is not the kind of ask you usually get, but you sometimes post about youthlib so. How would one deal with disliking their peers and some slightly younger people as a young adult? I logically know that no age group is a monolith but I just mean, interacting a lot with people of my age and somewhat younger has really disillusioned me, I don't seem to find any happiness in being around most of them. I sometimes think of my own being a relatively young adult as negative. Im aplatonic and don't want friends and I was miserable when I tried to make myself make friends mainly with peers.
I only talk to people for specific reasons but may just generally joke around with them or make small talk briefly without forming a bond. My partners are mostly somewhat slightly older than me, but one is my age, and I like all of them more than I like other people. Other people I generally just see neutrally and don't wish for them to come to harm.
I think Ive often been annoyed by my peers due to not fitting in and sometimes being treated in toxic or abusive/bullying kind of ways by peers, or from sensory issues because they all talk so much you could probably hear them from another floor. I think its things like that that make me generally unable to feel positive about my peers, along with seeing so many rancid discourse takes online come from the young adults and teenager age groups.
And I understand how being around my age makes people vulnerable to harmful ideology too but its so tiring to see a shit take then see like '22' or '17' on the persons bio.
(Im 21 for reference)
I think it's important to recognize that our emotions and our political philosophies are not tied together. You don't need to feel the right feelings in order to advocate for youth liberation. If you accept these ideas intellectually, and you are cognizant of your emotions and how they affect you, then you can make the choice to not let those emotions shape your actions.
It's important to engage with people outside your age group (or the age group you spend the most time around), but that doesn't need to be friendship. It's alright to engage with others in your communities without wanting friendship. You know, intellectually, that there are young people who are quiet, not interested in friendship, have nuanced opinions on things, etc. It's good to expose yourself to proof of this, but you don't have to do that through feelings of love and friendship.
The Internet is full of shitty opinions and youth, so obviously you are going to see a lot of youth with shitty opinions. But there's plenty of adults with shitty opinions, and youth with solid ones. Confirmation bias is a tricky bitch. I would recommend focusing less on how you feel, & more about how you act. Don't pressure yourself to like your peers or befriend people when it makes you miserable. Put that energy into talking about ageism, fighting KOSA laws, and consciously combatting your own bias. Accept that you feel what you feel, ask yourself what you value, and then find what harmonizes those two.
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devildomwriter · 5 months
*TW*- i*cest, r*pe, g*re, p*dophilia, some general discourse
Ok so I am trying to ask this in the most respectful way because I don't wanna snowball this into a huge discourse; but I wonder if you've been seeing the Dark Content Discourse here on Tumblr?
It basically entails that despite your personal preferences, attacking/ demeaning other ppl who create/ consume dark content is a big no no because it's their safe space to be able to explore these topics. This includes all sort of stuff like i*cest, r*pe, g*re and even p*dophilia. Now you may not agree with any of these things, most ppl don't, and they might disgust you; which is totally fine. But there is a huge leap b/w something that is fictional and something that is real.
Fictional characters are literal lines on a paper. Doing anything with a fictional child does not mean you are harming a REAL child. This might still disgust you and that's fine too. You can block that person so you don't have to look at it again but to call everyone like this and start a campaign against them is well...
I just want you to know that I am not defending that person. I didn't even know them at all before this...Neither I am advocating for anything they are saying or confirming/claiming that they are good irl. I don't know them.
I just want you look at this from a different perspective and know your thoughts about this ordeal. Like for one moment step away from your pre-existing feelings and bias and look at this objectively. Everyone likes something that's even a lil problematic, so if we went on these campaigns every time, literally no one will be left in fandom. I don't agree with p*dophilia but I don't agree with this either...AGAIN THIS IS NOT MEANT TO CONDONE ANY OF THIS BEHAVIOUR! But to paint someone as a bad person for things they do in fiction in their safe space no matter how problematic, is somewhat disconcerting.
I again wanna say that this is not any hate against you or anyone else. I don't want to cause any discourse myself . I think you are an amazing writer and a valuable member in our fandom. Which is why it's important to me to hear your stance on this. But if you'd rather not answer this at all that's fine too! :>
I appreciate your perspective and I sometimes enjoy certain dark content as long as they warn others but pedophilia— fictional or not— should never be written/glorified/accepted. If it’s written as a horrible incident or traumatic backstory (like Lolita) then I understand why it’s written but glorifying or romanticizing it in any way is unacceptable.
If no one is left in the fandom after going on these “witch hunts” then the fandom is toxic, preditory, and unsafe.
As for the huge leap between fiction and reality, everything starts as a thought or fantasy. The more you think about it the more likely you are to commit or watch such an act.
Tumblr should under no circumstances be a safe place for pedophiles.
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puckgoss · 5 months
Okay great! Same anon from before. BTW, love your blog! The others seem to have a clear bias but I love how you keep it real over here. Super interesting as well! Now with the real deal...
Justin Bieber is super nice, he seemed genuinely honored and happy to be there. Him and Mitch Marner are sooo cute, Justin was so supportive of him all the time and cheered backstage so much. He's also cool with Crosby apparently, saw them talking a lot. Met Hailey briefly and not surprised, just classic model behavior, glasses on inside, didn't say hi to anybody just a slight smile. It's fine I guess but compared to Justin who was a ray of sunshine seemed kinda odd. Michael Bublé did not 'accidentally' take a huge dose of weed, he was joking about how high he was and laughing about smoking more afterwards. Will Arnett is like a drunk uncle but not drunk. Both nice. Tate McCrae is soo sweet! I felt her because we were only like 5/6 women backstage and she was the only female captain, also with an ex who is an NHL player so already has that "puck bunny" reputation, so her being there was cool to see. Her BF was also backstage, but I don't think the players knew it was her BF haha, a colleague and I noticed at least 15 of the guys walking up to her and chatting it up. Ones I remember that looked flirty are Sway, the Hughes (they talked throughout the whole weekend and they're all around the same age so may have been friendly but you know how men are), Elias Lindholm, Elias Petterson, & Mat Barzal. She obviously talked to a lot of people but these I remember looking more like them trying to get somewhere with her. Her and her BF are so cute though! He was very touchy with her. Saw her talking to Boone Jenner for a while, but he seemed just friendly. He is also her ex's teammate so wonder what that's about.
Auston Matthews is actually really charismatic. At one point the whole dressing room went quiet and we heard him singing "Baby" by Justin Bieber. We all cracked up haha. The Hughes brothers had a fight the first day, don't really know about what but Jack walked in upset and Quinn wouldn't even look at him. Both with their frowning RBF. McDavid had the same attitude as Hailey Bieber LOL. He softened up a bit when talking to other players but otherwise he is super cold always. Pasta and Travis Konecny also seemed to lowkey hate each other. Colleague told me Travis doesn't like Pasta at all but can't 100% confirm that as I didn't hear it directly, just an interesting rivalry. The Canucks players were like a group of mean girls, they literally stuck together the entire weekend, even if they were drafted to separate teams. Vincent Trocheck flirted his ASS off with several women, myself included. Found out later he was married. Swayman is truly a nice person, I think he and Boone Jenner were the only ones who said hi to the whole crew and also goodbye. Also saw him and Georgiev have a bro-hug after they lost the game and he said something to him that made him really laugh, it was very cute. The Hughes also seem to not like Suzuki, avoided him all weekend. Cale Makar is like a doll haha he is so awkward all the time and everytime he speaks his face looks like he immediately regrets it.
That's all at the top of my head, but if there's anything else you want to know LMK!
ahaha ty ty! i def have my biases when it comes to teams but i try pretty hard to keep it neutral and not give my biases away 😭 as for players i don't have any faves or rly think any are angels so i have no preconceptions there
omg there is so much to unpack here idek where to begin
justin bieber - he did seem so happy to be there the whole time lol he loves hockey and the leafs i think that was all 100% genuine! so sweet
hailey bieber - sounds abt right lol
michael bublé - lmaooooo tell me ur from vancouver without telling me ur from vancouver.... iconic he was so funny that whole weekend
tate mcrae - ya i forget her bf's name but i was aware he was there n they do seem v cute together! love all the wifed up guys chatting her up ahaha except barzy n petey they get a pass. another anon on here was telling me all the CBJ guys & wags liked tate a lot so doesn't surprise me that boone & her were friendly
hughes brothers - jack n quinn having a fight is soooo funny omfg i can't. also being bitchy towards suzuki like 😭 funny bc they're so tight w cole caufield (esp jack) n suzuki n cole are teammates and besties
mcdavid - you comparing mcdavid to hailey bieber is fucking sending me dsiofjdskghdfjklgh he is so awkward...
TK - TK having beef w pasta is soooo funny
canucks - canucks players "like a group of mean girls" i'm dying omfg 💀 lindholm was drafted to a separate team ya but he was only traded to the canucks like a few days before that so that was the first time they were really meeting him
trocheck - flirting his ass off with multiple women dsfknadslfkjgfng his kids were literally on the ice watching the skills comp w him that's soooo bad
swayman & jenner - being sweethearts aw that is nice to hear
cale makar - "like a doll" "awkward all the time" "every time he speaks his face looks like he immediately regrets it" perfect no notes!!!
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pikahlua · 28 days
regarding the todofam plot, didn't you find it kinda cruel/bad taste how Touya dies "alone" inside that alien pod thing meanwhile Endeavor's last panel has him surrounded by people that cares about him? i mean, after all those panels drawn by the author showing neglect and hints of domestic violence and stuff....
Sorry to say, but I think your portrayal sounds like it comes from a place of bias. We have no confirmation that Touya dies alone. He could die surrounded by people who care about him, and based on the story's framing of this situation I would say that's the most likely scenario. The story clearly frames Touya's fate as a gentle one that grants him his final wish of getting to talk things out with his family. The pod is not alien either. It's medical. I believe the aesthetic of it chosen was to give Touya a final form that resembles a vengeful grudge spirit that is slowly purified over time by the reconciliation with those who wronged him, his family.
And the only people shown surrounding Enji (not Endeavor, Endeavor is finished) are those who have the giri (duty, obligation) to associate with him. Some may care about him, some may just feel obligated to be there with him due to their history and other social ties. He also requires medical care now too. Do you expect them to dump Enji on someone else to care for so he can be someone else's problem? They may be within their rights to do so, but there are more social considerations to that, and it's not unexpected some of them would feel uncomfortable doing so. Giri is not a concept that is easily explained to a western audience, but I encourage you to look it up. What's important is that everyone was given the choice of how they wanted to engage with this aftermath, and we see Natsuo and to a lesser extent Shouto choosing to distance themselves to the degrees they desire.
i mean, after all those panels drawn by the author showing neglect and hints of domestic violence and stuff….
Sorry, I'm not sure what you're referring to or implying here. But if you are saying something like "Enji was an abuser so everyone should leave him to suffer alone forever," again, I strongly recommend you look up giri. And also, you have no right to determine how other people may want to go forward with their relationship with Enji or with anyone. Enji did change his behavior towards the end of the story, and those he improved his behavior to are at liberty to decide if they want to honor his changes with their freely-given association.
If it makes you feel any better, the story makes clear that Enji doesn't get to live it up in comfort as he is cared for. He dedicates the rest of his life to ensuring that the shame he has brought upon himself and the murderous legacy of Touya do not trickle down to affect the rest of his family, which is a difficult thing to accomplish in Japan. If you don't know what I'm referring to, please do some research on how the families of criminals are often treated in Japanese society, especially the families of murderers. They become social pariahs. It's not an easy life.
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avicebro · 5 months
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fate fandom poll results! (higher res, since tumblr has crunched it)
these are the big patterns i noticed. if you want some more commentary on the numbers, come and join me in the read more:
I first want to reiterate that I did this as a way to see if I was in a bubble. By the end of the poll, it received 93 results. A lot of these responses did come from tumblr and twitter (thank you friend for posting onto your twitter), and so, the demographic that is being polled is biased. Please keep this in mind.
Overall Age/Satisfaction:
Overall, more neutral or people upset with the fandom.
Older fandom - these numbers also do align with the perception that fate fandom grew in size with the pandemic
Shoutout to the 1 person who said they were in the fandom for over 15 years. I'm saluting you
Shouldn't have been surprised there were zero 20+ years responses, but hey, yk, if you don't put it there.
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I also did this because I wanted to know how gender of characters played into whether a character had 'nice' or 'rude' fans.
Note: I put any characters that have gender ambiguous or gender: unknown in the non-binary section. So this does mean that characters like Astolfo, Caeneus and D'Eon are in this section. While the general fandom may not see some of these as non-binary, it's easier than doing a big asterisk. I'd love to run another poll examining the way trans and non-binary characters are viewed by the fandom, but that's for another time.
Thus, my method was: I read the response, and for each character listed, I sorted them into one of the 3 gender options and tallied it as a point. So, for example, if someone said Avicebron, Medea and QSH, then that would be one point for male, one for female, and one for non-binary. Groups, unless they are specifically one gender, were not counted, however I did keep them in mind (see: later on).
If someone specified popularity, I tallied that as well. For the 'nice' fans, there were only nice comments about 'low rarity/less popular' characters, with the opposite being true for rude fans and popular ones. Hence their bars.
I also included the 'none' section, as there was a non-zero amount of people answering with none, for both.
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Male characters' fans are perceived to be kinder 1.8 times more than fans of female characters
On the other hand, female characters' fans are perceived to be meaner 1.7 times more than male characters
Specifically, some stated that they do not trust 'male fans' of some characters
Some gender non-confirming and/or non-binary servants (like Astolfo, Mordred) also have a similar rule, aka "do not trust male fans"
Younger characters like Taisui and Voyager often have 'nice' fans, while younger female characters have 'rude' fans
In the future, it would be interesting to take data on gender to see the main demographics answering these
As I am trying to remain as unbiased with this data presentation as possible, I will just leave the data here. Again, if I redid this poll I'd ask for gender metrics, and maybe try and spread it to reddit spaces for less polling bias.
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
When looking at specific characters, I sorted through the responses and counted how often certain characters appeared while accounting for repetition. Simple as that.
Top 10 Characters Associated with 'Nice' Fans:
Arjuna (16)
Dantes (10)
Gilgamesh (10)
Voyager (9)
Diarmuid (6)
Cu Chulainn (5)
Enkidu (5)
Ashiya Douman (5)
Oberon (5)
Mandricardo (5)
Couple extra things to note:
groups mentioned often: GUDAGUDA, KOTRT, Hindu Servants
Kintoki mentioned rather often, too
People highlighted that they like seeing people talking about characters that are less known/less popular.
Avicebron did appear on the top 10, however I have excluded him from the list as it is likely due to polling bias. Thanks, though.
Besides Enkidu and Ashiya Douman, the top 10 list is dominated by male characters.
Top 10 Characters Associated with 'Rude' Fans:
Morgan (20)
Artoria (15)
Cu Chulainn (13)
Melusine (12)
Rin (12)
Astolfo (11)
Jalter (11)
Gilgamesh (11)
Arjuna (10)
Castoria (9)
Couple extra things to note:
As mentioned before, some replies were 'Saberface fans', 'Prillya fans' or 'male fans of x'
People highlighted disliking fans of 'popular characters', some specifically stating their dislike stemming from fans pushing a 'need to roll' mentality upon the fandom.
Male Ritsuka appears more frequently as 'rude' versus female Ritsuka.
'Rude' fans are often associated with being fans of non-FGO properties (namely: Prillya and F/SN).
People who show up on both top 10s: Arjuna, Cu, Gilgamesh.
There are also some less popular characters who were highlighted more often as being 'rude'. However, considering the fact that these characters likely do not have that many fans, I have not included them in the data. That being said, if you wish to DM me about them I'll share. I just do not want to drag anyone, you know.
What's Next?
Maybe in a year, I'd like to re-do this poll. Namely to see if the overall satisfaction changes. But, there's there's a few things I'd like to add to the questions next time:
Gender and Maybe Sexuality Preferences
As mentioned above, I think actually taking data on the gender of the participants would be helpful. Further, sexuality would help understand the data. I do not think it's a big leap to suggest that this poll is low on responses from male fans, specifically straight men. But I would like to have the actual data, and not just a hypothesis.
"Which character's haters do you find rude?" question
As my friend pointed out, as well as some of the responses - some of the haters of a character are ruder than their actual fans. I think this would be interesting, too.
Branching the poll out so it catches more attention from the other side of the TM fandom.
While I would like to keep this predominantly to the tumblr and twitter side of the fandom, it's clear that the results tend to veer on the side that is more FGO-focused. I'd like to get some more data from those who don't play FGO or focus their time on non-FGO property.
Post it to other places.
This was a fun trial run! Maybe I could run a separate poll next year, so there's two: one shared only to tumblr, and one to twitter/reddit. I am, at the end of the day, someone who loves data and would love to compare and contrast fandom perception.
Have an option to share characters who's mind you've been changed on.
Sometimes, it really just takes one person to change your mind on a character. I'd like to highlight that.
I believe? That's everything? I tried my best to be as unbiased as possible in presenting the facts. In a reblog of this post, I'll share my further (biased) thoughts at a later time.
I'm curious to see what you guys think! Did this make sense for you? Are you maybe surprised? Ultimately, thank you for responding to my silly lil poll, and I hope that these numbers don't make anyone upset.
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jae-bummer · 4 months
The Intervention
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Prompt: Hi ✨ I just found your blog and I'm reading through My Idol s2 after finishing s1. It's so much fun! Can I request prompt #16 with Monsta X?
16) Going out to dinner with your bias group and it is growing increasingly obvious that someone at the table has a crush.
Pairing: Monsta X SURPRISE x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Song rec as you read: Got My Number - Monsta X
"Y/N," Hyungwon said solemnly, guiding you toward a seat. "I didn't want to be the one to say this, but-"
"I'll say it," Changkyun gasped. "We hate your boyfriend. This is an intervention."
"I-" you paused, your mouth falling open as you actually took in Changkyun's words. "You what?"
Hyungwon pushed you into the chair and patted you lightly on the shoulder. "Let's get you a drink."
"Hold on," you said furrowing your brows. "What do you mean you hate Jun? You said you liked Jun!"
"We lied," Kihyun said shortly, shoving a complimentary chip covered in salsa into his mouth. "Next question."
"So...you brought me...to a restaurant...to tell me you hate my boyfriend?" you hissed, trying to tap down your annoyance.
"We thought it was best to pick a public place," Jooheon nodded. "So there wouldn't be a scene."
"This isn't real," you grumbled. "You ambushed me."
"They'll have a strawberry margarita," Minhyuk confirmed from your left as the waiter reappeared. "Sugar instead of salt, probably best if you make it a double."
"And a water," Kihyun piped in. "You should stay hydrated."
"Thanks," you managed, teeth barred. "So considerate of you."
"I thought so," Kihyun hummed with an award winning smile. "Salsa?"
Shaking your head, you heaved a sigh. "What exactly do you not like?"
"Oh, ripping the band-aid right off then, okay," Changkyun said, straightening. "Well, first off, he's fucking weird."
"Oh, if that's not the pot calling the kettle black," you muttered.
"No, I'm weird in a quirky, artistic way," Changkyun insisted. "He's weird in a, I wonder if there's a woman being held captive in his basement, type of way."
Your eyes widened. "What is that even supposed to mean?"
"I thought it was fairly clear," Changkyun huffed.
"Shownu," Minhyuk said, poking the leader of their small gang of bullies. "Are you going to contribute anything?"
Shownu looked up from the menu, a bit lost. "Have you noticed that he smells mildly like kimchi? But like...not in a good way?"
"Okay, I'm leaving," you snapped, slowly sliding your chair away from the table, only for Hyungwon to catch the back and hold you in place.
"Nope," he said, shaking his head. "You're not allowed to leave until you hear our solution."
"Before there is any type of solution," you hissed. "I'm going to need some valid reasons for why I should not be dating him."
The silence around you grew heavy. It seemed like none of them wanted to break the news to you.
Taking a deep breath, Minhyuk took your hands into his. "Y/N, love, you don't even like him."
You opened your mouth only to close it again. He wasn't entirely wrong. Jun was not the easiest person to be with and he was a bit odd. In general, you had fun with him, but there wasn't a whole lot past that surface level.
"I'm happy!" you found yourself arguing nonetheless. "I'm totally happy!"
Minhyuk quirked a brow.
"It's fine," you grimaced. "Totally could get better in time."
"I know you've only been dating for like five minutes," Kihyun sighed, crossing his arms. "But it may be best to cut your losses."
"Why do you guys care?" you groaned. "You haven't interfered before!"
"That you know of," Hyungwon muttered. Spinning around in the opposite direction, you eyed him.
"Don't look at me!" he gasped, shooting a look toward Changkyun.
You directed your gaze toward the youngest man.
Making a point to look away, he cleared his throat. "There may have been that one time."
"Changkyun," you whispered, using his name as a warning.
"It was for the greater good!" he gasped. "I promise."
"And what exactly is this greater good? And who was it?!"
"Well, if you insist on getting the truth today," he muttered, crossing his arms. "One of us-"
"We just want to see you happy," Jooheon cut in, giving his fellow rapper an elbow to the side.
You furrowed your brows. "But-"
"Which brings us to our solution!" Hyungwon chirped happily. "Minhyuk, if you will?"
"So our solution," Minhyuk said, radiating excitement about their master plan.
"You date one of us," Changkyun interrupted, nodded proudly.
"What?" you croaked.
Looking to each boy in turn, they all wore proud expressions, as if this was the best possible idea you could be presented with.
"I'm sorry," you groaned. "I think I just hallucinated."
"Kihyun was the first to volunteer," Minhyuk nodded. "But honestly, a few of us are willing to step up."
Your focus switched over to the boy in question, the tips of his ears a bright red.
"Not in any kind of permanent sense," Jooheon rushed out. "Just enough to create the ruse of a love triangle and give you reason to break up with the guy."
"I dunno," Shownu managed around a mouth full of food. "I think Kihyun thought it was in a permanent sense."
"No," Kihyun chirped. "I mean - If it were - I mean - I"
"I also volunteered," Changkyun nodded. "But so did Hyungwon and if you want to really make a guy feel bad about himself, you should leave him for Hyungwon."
"He is the ideal physical specimen," Minhyuk nodded solemnly.
"And I'm not?!" Kihyun gasped, a hand on his chest. "I think I'm incredibly easy on the eyes."
"Obviously you're good looking and approachable enough to become an idol, but -"
"End the sentence there please," Kihyun snapped.
You sat in stunned silence.
"Y/N?" Kihyun asked, unfurrowing his brows as he looked to you. His eyes softened. "Are you okay?"
"I'm not fake dating one of you," you snapped. "That's-"
"Then real date one of us," Jooheon said simply.
Maybe you were slow on the uptake. "Huh?"
"Real date one of us," Minhyuk repeated. His eyes swept from Hyungwon to Kihyun and then finally landed on Changkyun.
"You say that like it's the easiest thing in the world," you exhaled.
"Isn't it?" Changkyun said quietly, avoiding eye contact. "I know...one of us..."
The room suddenly felt much too small and the air much too thick. You could tell that the guys were speaking to you, but you couldn't hear a word.
Okay, so maybe you were on board with breaking up with Jun. You recognized that if it took this small of an argument for you to consider it, it likely wasn't meant to be in the first place, but...
Date one of them? One of your best friends? Changkyun alluded to someone in the group having a crush on you for some time, so how did you not see it? Did you just ignore the signs all of these years?
How could you date one of the monstas without the fear of something going wrong and messing up the whole group dynamic? No, it was much safer being totally platonic.
"I can't," you broke through your thoughts. "I'm...I'm sorry guys."
Before anyone could stop you, you pushed away from the table and slid around Hyungwon. His narrow frame attempted to block your exit, but you managed to sidestep away. While heading toward the door, you couldn't ignore the sound of breaking glass behind you.
The waiter had finally returned with your drink...just when the boys had surged forward to follow you.
Well, shit.
Unsure if you were going to laugh or cry, you made the safe choice to continue outside in case it was the latter. Turning the corner, you nestled yourself in an alley between the restaurant and the shop next door. Heaving in deep breaths as if you had been drowning, you leaned against the cool brick building. The cold cut through the thin fabric of your top, causing you to shiver.
"Y/N!" you heard several voices call. "Y/N?"
Closing your eyes, you tried to focus on your breathing. They would find you and then what?
"Y/N," a familiar voice huffed, relief evident in its tone.
Peeking out of one eye, then the other, you slowly tilted your face up to address a margarita-red and dripping Kihyun.
"Hey," you said softly, feeling a smirk tug at the corner of your lips. He looked ridiculous.
"You can laugh," he grinned. "Our waiter has exquisite timing."
"Apparently," you chuckled, shaking your head. This whole thing was insanity.
"Y/N," he sighed, the grin on his face replaced with a stern expression. "None of us wanted to pressure you. Usually when we bring up an idea you don't like, you shut us down, tell us we're idiots, and we all go about our day. Why was this any different?"
"Because this wasn't a plan to skydive in our underwear," you muttered. "This was me DATING one of you."
Kihyun winced. "Well, when you put it like that."
"Yeah," you grumbled. "See where I'm coming from?"
After a few moments of silence, Kihyun pursed his lips. "You could've said you don't have feelings for me. It would have sucked, but I would've been able to take it."
Your attention shot back to his face. "I'm sorry, did I miss a chapter?"
"I...I thought," he trailed, tilting his head as his brow furrowed. "I thought Changkyun and Shownu's comments made it pretty obvious-"
"No!" you gasped. "At no time during that lunch did I assume it was you, Ki."
"Oh," he chirped, his face turning a nice shade of pink. "Well...uh...in that case...um...disregard all of that?"
It was Kihyun. Kihyun had a crush on you, and you had never seen it...
You tried to go into your brain's way back machine and think back to any intimate moments the two of you had shared. Sure, you had cuddled a time or two on a movie night, but which of them hadn't you cuddled at this point? He teased you, he made sure you were taken care of, and he cooked for you constantly. You thought he was just being nice.
Glancing toward Kihyun, you considered him - like, really, considered him. He was absolutely adorable, you had always known that. It was the way the tips of his ears turned red when he was embarrassed. Or the way when he smiled, his cheeks dented a little bit with unique laugh lines you had never seen before. Or maybe it was his smile itself that was so refreshing. Earning a smile from him was better than any compliment you could receive.
It was more than possible to fall in love with him and the fact that it had snuck up on you like this...was terrifying.
"Okay," you said quietly, nodding more to yourself than to him.
"Okay?" he asked. "We're good?"
"Yes," you hummed, still trying to parse out your thoughts. "I mean no, I mean...yes we are good, but no, not in that way."
He crossed his arms. "Explain."
"Okay," you said simply. "Let's do this."
"Do what...exactly?"
"Date," you nodded. "But if you mess this up Yoo Kihyun, you do not get our friends in the breakup."
"Guess we just won't break up then." he said, a smile now fighting to overtake his lips. "But Y/N...just one thing?"
"You should probably break up with your boyfriend first."
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well students,
i really thought we might get have a nice quiet weekend without the resident wannabe-queen-bees trying to make a play for the kingdom. but here we are with grassy checking in for duty posting their harangue against the 'opinions everyone is entitled to, but cling to the pr angle and isn't it weird...'. normally i write this fool off to another wannabe-mean-girl who thinks they're doing something while no one actually cares about them. but, they've made posts policing this fandom (and me, but i'm more focused on the fandom) and i feel the need to share my piece. since everyone is entitled to their opinion and all.
this person made an account to purely give attention to the 'delulus' they can't stand and call out 'bad behavior'. yes, those delulus are fucking insane and need to be called out; but isn't what you're doing giving them the attention they want? it's all you talk about. this constant back and forth, launching thought turds to try start a fandom war is played out. but now you are going after the people who think this might be pr and lumping them in with the crazies? i hope you are including yourself with the crazies, because you sure are one. everyone is entitled to their opinion, right? just not these people who are discussing a celebrity's relationship on their blogs or in group chats. and probably not my opinion when you read this (hi!) and start using terms you don't understand to call me names. imo you are trash just like the rest of them. you and your friends are deeply concerned about those group chats, aren't you? odd. but i digress.
why do you care so much what these mods think, when by your own accord, they aren't harming anyone or sending nasty notes or hate? sorry, i added that last part, but it is implied by your other posts. you spend so much time fighting to confirm a marriage that isn't yours. you give the 'delulus' airtime time and time again. are you that bothered by people disagreeing with you? and why does it automatically have to be jealousy if someone doesn't believe the bill of goods they are being sold? fyi, seeing the awkwardness or plot holes is not confirmation bias. maybe these fans are trying to grapple with the upset of their favorite actor not living up to ideals he has claimed to hold. maybe they are just trying to continue to enjoy his projects without associating her in them. we do not have to bring her into absolutely every conversation about him, but both dumb ass 'teams' sure try. and yes, his wife is plenty problematic. she may not have directly said the horrible things her friends have and then tried to throw (at least one of) those friends under the bus, but you know what is said: when someone sits down at a table with three nazis, and if they don't call them out, there are four nazis at the table.
so what's the real reason for your constant vitriol and desperate attempt to make people 'see the truth'? why are you fighting so hard for a relationship that isn't yours? do you, just like those 'delulus', think you'll get some big prize for being his biggest defender? you don't want to have genuine conversation with anyone, you just want to argue your point of view time and time again. you want everyone to see things through your lens and agree with your confirmation bias.
yes, you, your friends, and the delulus all just love to police the fandom. i thought it was a joke when i was told about the constant policing, but here you all are, over and over, day after day. telling people what to think, telling people what to post, cruising around tumblr to comment on posts that have nothing to do with you. for what? i'm starting to believe the rumblings that you all are part of the plot to advance a certain narrative and keep the nunemployed at the forefront of the discussion. i can't prove it, but again, it's rumored.
i'll close with some words you might recognize, grassy.
these two people do not know you. they don’t care how you feel about them. you will likely never meet or know them in your lifetime. therefore it is really weird to INSIST you are right about certain things happening in their lives and/or behind the scenes when absolutely none of his fandom knows anything beyond what he presents to us.
think about it for a while. why do you care so much if someone doesn't believe this narrative? are you getting paid for this? because if not, it is very strange to be this invested in someone else's marriage. maybe you are jealous because you aren't married. i don't know. but jealousy is your go to.
from the archives: you once told people they would be accepted by you and your ilk if they admitted they were wrong. that announcement and offer gave very strange, cult leader- like vibes. so fucking odd. so here's this -if you can admit you're just a bitch who wants tumblr notoriety (HA) and has an axe to grind, we'll accept you. there's no prize for being an asshole online. ce will never care if you were his greatest warrior on the world wide web. you're just another asshole existing on the same coin with the others and think you are better than everyone else.
i will definitely be using tags on this. i will continue to use them. and as you say: most people are doing no harm. they are discussing things in private chats, but i understand that you all are so upset about not being invited. i promise, being honest with yourself will set you free.
and grassy? shove your dollar store, rip off musing up your ass.
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Is there anything in taeils chart that could point to him being an awful person?
Oooh- I was so hesitant in wondering whether or not I should respond to this question BUT I'm going too for education purposes because this is a great way of understanding how unhealed/undeveloped/immature zodiac placements manifest in people.
Disclaimer: Before I begin and receive hate comments, pls be mature and understand that this isn't reflective on EVERY person who has these placements AND also this is for funsies and not to be taken srsly. Taeil's decisions are a product of his own free will and free will always surpasses astrological influence. 18+
Placements: Gemini Sun, Leo Moon, Cancer Venus, Taurus Mars ( Rising Sign Unknown)
Sorry to the ppl with Gemini placements watching this but we have another Gemini man bringing shame to the zodiac world.
The benefits of this Sun/Moon duo together is having the ability to use their natural charisma, ability to adapt to different situations, friendly appearance and whimsical sense of humor to bring joy to others around them and to help the underdog/misfits feel included.
I don't know much about Taeil but from what I've seen on Tiktok and X, many people who did bias Taeil biased him because of his talented vocal cords, overall 'sweet' persona and having a 'gentle' demeanour.
But of course, Gemini and Leo are known for being able to 'mask' easily and adapt their personality to the environment around them- it's why they are great placements to have if you're in the entertainment industry.
These zodiac signs typically enjoy giving and receiving a lot of attention from multiple people to satisfy their ego and if unchecked, can develop a god complex honestly.
Taeil's ego might have been so unhinged and inflated he might have thought he could commit these acts and not get caught, purely because he's too smart or too famous to receive the consequences from doing it.
When I see a man with a Leo Moon and a Cancer Venus, this is giving me such mommy's boy energy not going to lie. It's common for men with Leo and/or Cancer placements to grow up with a mother who blew wind up their arse and they could never do anything wrong and their mother coddled and did everything for them.
I don't know if he's a Mommy's boy but it wouldn't surprise me if he is.
And I've just noticed in general, that a large amount of men who grew up being a Mommy's boy or in an emotionally incestuous relationship with their mother (NOT ALL BUT MANY) tend to have a quite derogatory view towards women.
This is mainly because they already have a woman who satiates their psychological, emotional and egotistical needs and so may view other women merely for sexual gratification and that's it.
It's common that men with these placements typically have a conservative/traditional view and opinion towards hetereosexual romantic relationships.
South Korea is a country where the societal norms and standards towards women are very misogynistic, restrictive and sexist (don't argue with me on this, there's a reason why the 4b movement exists) and that Cancer Venus influence means he probably developed these views towards women at a young age.
Which is really sad because majority of ppl who stanned Taeil were women or fem-identifying so unfortunately, I wouldn't be surprised if...
Taeil stans viewed him as being this 'soft spoken' idol that was respectful and loving towards his fans when in reality...
It's more likely that he saw his fans as nothing more than to satisfy his ego, give him the fame he thinks he deserves and would warm his bed with a single click of a pen.
Again, this is just intrusive thoughts and a random brain rot about how his natal chart could show insight into his wiring and why he made these horrific decisions.
None of this is confirmed, might not even be accurate but hey, you wanted my opinion and so here it is.
And don't be afraid if you know a person or stan another idol who has similar placements because again, a human's greatest gift is free will.
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003soy · 5 months
Kat’s Character Overanalysis of Murasaki
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The content below may exhibit multiple instances of confirmation bias due to over a year of brain rotting.
Do not proceed if you dislike excessive analysis of characters that only appear in official tweets and random merchandise.
I treat this guy like an oc so don’t be mean to me ok 💔 just my headcanons and personal observations!!!
Viewer discretion is advised…
Ok so I'm going to start with the basic stuff (i.e. inkipedia)
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From 2015-2018(?) Murasaki was the drummer for the band Squid Squad. He was the youngest member of the group.
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While this excerpt from Inkipedia may seem small, there are a lot of traits described here that can be further analyzed (if you have nothing better to do)
The Squid Research Lab describes him as rough around the edges.
The term "rough around the edges" is used to describe something that has small imperfections, but is generally good. When describing a person it can mean someone who is unsophisticated or impolite. In this instance, "rough around the edges" could be describing Murasaki's drumming skills as he's said to have potential, but he also needs some practice.
this characterization was probably made to resemble his appearance as well! (sea urchins don't have very smooth edges...)
2. Murasaki is referred to as a wild child.
A "wild child" is usually someone (likely a young person) who is headstrong, rebellious, and/or uncontrollable. To me, this info matches nicely with the impolite interpretation of the phrase "rough around the edges."
3. From here, it sort of goes on about his playing which I sort of addressed in the first point. Basically, he has a natural gift in drumming because he has a good sense of rhythm, and despite lacking in technique, he always tries his best.
4. He is prone to crying
The Squid Research Lab states that he could be caught crying during a drum solo which goes to show how much effort he puts into his playing :). I feel like this part tends to override his other traits in fan stuff (if he gets included at all). I personally view this as a subversive aspect of his personality. Normally he has an abrasive personality because of the rebelliousness and lack of manners, but he is also a sentimental person and his emotions are expressed through tears even if he isn’t sad (samee). Think of how urchins have a spiky hard external shell that hides soft uni inside of it ok...
5. Energetic
I know the energy think is probably referring to his playing style, but I picture him to be a fidgety person who doesn't like to stand still. I guess it matches with the wild child thing.
6. He's the youngest
Expains the previous behavior. rude + rebellious + more talent than practice. teenager.
Moving onto other sources! Bye Inkipedia...
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Here is the original japanese text of the Squid Research Lab info on twitter. Yes, I know google translate isn't that accurate, but I think it's interesting and deepl says something similar as well.
7. Ignoring the strange grammar, Murasaki is additionally described as mischievous (やんちゃ?). Definition: playful in a naughty or teasing way or troublesome/irritating.
I guess this was translated into the wild child in the english version because I'm assuming the term in japanese refers to more childish behavior. I think the word mischievous is easier to understand though since I've never heard the term wild child before. Anyway, he's silly.
8. I sort of glossed over this in the english version but apparently he can take the lead when it matters most. In english, the phrasing kinda made this confusing. I thought they were just saying words lol. Anyway, this ties in with him trying his best while in the band + being compassionate/sentimental.
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topic-adjacent kinda. I've seen people interpret this in a sort of sad way, but I interpret this as him being mischievous! I think he's walking towards them to scare them. The little star next to his head reminds me of the animal crossing mischief emote.
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another bonus thing because it shows that hes silly. a silly goose. I think he likes to doodle.
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God I haven't even gotten to the splatune articles yet...
yeah this kinda repeats what I already said but here it says his playing fits well with Ichiya. I think that both of them are kinda similar. Both are sort of lacking in technique but make up for it in other areas. Both have ADHD (lying). To me, Murasaki is if an asshole turned out to be kind, and Ichiya is if a kind person turned out to be an asshole. #crazy
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Splatune 1! No more numbered list I forgot what number I was on :)
Cool and edgy urchin
I have no idea what that means. Ok.
Cool means cool.
I don’t know if they mean edgy in the internet way because ???... Anyway, edgy can mean: 1. tense, nervous, or irritable, 2. trend setting, daring, or provocative. I think the word choice was for the sake of an urchin pun.
I think they meant to convey the second definition by saying hes cool and unconventional (I don't think it makes sense to say someone is cool and nervous in the same sentence). Kind of matches with being rough around the edges. I like to apply the first definition sometimes though. I like to stress him out.
he boldly pushes up to the front like a blaster
information about his drum playing is information about his personality! this relates to his previously described energetic playing. I like how this sort of frames him as unusual compared to other drummers. It shows how his playing style relates to his character... energetic, headstrong, he can lead the way if necessary. all things previously stated.
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mean to him :(
I think this is trying to say how the others keep him around even though he doesn't match the theme. They keep him around because he looks cool? (this information is probably useless because machine translator. grain of salt)
very brief splatune 3 cameo
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can drink in bars now? (old...)
likes to talk in circles (old...)
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looks depressed now. aware of the horrors... evil leg bouncer...
thats it for official stuff i think. I like to add on bonus traits to him during the front roe era, but yeag ✌️
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So When are We Gonna Talk About-
How Ozzie was likely the 'blueblood prick' that confirmed/rammed home Blitz's bias and bigotry/classism towards higher ranking hellborn/signs? How, after the fire, when Fizz was healing and in the hospital, getting to know Ozzie who was getting to know (and fall in love with) him, he likely found out that the fire was set by a 'jealous prick' who 'just left him to die'? How Fizz, when he could speak and function again, was likely in pain and in tears, betrayed, completely and fully disabled, likely threw hate and vitriol and bitterness towards fucking Blitzo. How Ozzie, who does have issues with being over-protective and not always respecting boundaries ("lil sus, babe") likely took it upon himself to keep Fizzie 'safe' from the person who caused him stress and pain? Think about it. Consider this. Viewer bias, for one. We see Blitz and Fizz get into an actual fight- Ozzie, remember, hasn't actually seen this go down. So the moment where he tells Stolas 'no, my partner- business partner, FizzaRolli- hates your imp guy. Haaaatttes." is previously established knowledge.
Combine this with 'you've lived rent-free in Fizzie's head for years' and you start getting a picture painted. Blitzo has been nothing but a source of stress, pain, and anxiety for Fizzie for how long? Fizzie, who thinks, at least in some dark corner of his mind, that Blitz may have blown him up on purpose. Fizzie, who probably spilled that narrative over onto Ozzie, who painted Blitz in what was likely the worst light possible, probably right off the bat. Fizzie who had- and maybe still has?- bad pain days. Fizzie who struggles with anxiety and trauma. Fizzie who has psycho fucking fans. Is it such a stretch to think of Fizzie, angry, hurt, misreading the situation, twisting it in his mind, painting Blitz as a person to be avoided, mistrusted, disliked? Is it such a stretch to think of Blitz, kicked from his home, from the hospital, hurting, heartbroken, exhausted, guilty, alone for the first time ever, trying to find the one person he has left- his one friend. His best friend. Hell, the guy he's at least a little in love with, from that card and flower we saw. Finding him shacked up with a fucking sin. A sin that glowers at him, that crosses his arms and says he doesn't want to see you. In Blitz's mind, Ozzie is speaking for Fizzie. Ignoring what Blitz wants, what he says, and, in Blitz's mind, ignoring what Fizzie wants, as well. Acting as if he has full say in the situation, full control, like he can just dismiss Blitz because he's stronger, he's more important, he's bigger. Sound familiar?
Of course, we, the viewer, know that if this happened it's not because Ozzie is mean, or evil, or controlling, but because here is the person that hurt Fizzie, that Fizzies loathes, and he has the balls to show up here?
But Blitz has this magic ability to take everything the wrong way, too hard, and to heart. He doesn't want to see you. So, is it such a stretch to see Blitz doing what Blitz does when he's hurt? When he's sad and scared? Get angry. Snarl back. "You don't speak for him. You don't know him. You can't just toss me out." You can't just ignore me because I'm an imp. You can't just walk over me, talk over me. I'm hurt, too. I want my friend. But that just shows Ozzie that Fizzie was right. Blitz is angry, he's dangerous, he's got a shit attitude and he needs to get the fuck out of here. So Ozzie doesn't bother to stress Fizzie out with the truth- that he just had to throw out the one guy Fizzie has made it very clear he never wants to see again. (Even when, inside, Fizzie does want to see him, is desperately waiting for Blitz to show up, who may not even remember saying half the shit he said depending on how bad his pain was, on what medications or spells he was on/under.)
And that's how you end up with 'they told me I wasn't allowed to see you.' 'They never said you came to see me!' That's how you end up with 'Fuck you blue blood pricks, who just take what you want (my best friend, the guy I loved) and play with our feelings because we're smaller and less important.'
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yuzuyoon · 1 month
I have been watching the show.
Overall it's been an enjoyable watch. It just confirms a few things for me that I have always known but it's more noticeable here.
I think the first two episodes were a little more intimate. I have always known JK and JM share a close bond. I mean BTS as a whole do so I expect the closeness.
The show has further reiterated my belief that Jimin has a patience of a saint and can and will get past anything and everything. He is also extremely aware of how people feel around him. For instance in the first two episodes, it's pretty obvious he understands that JK doesn't know how to keep people engaged/entertained unless people are thirsting over his body or if he is drinking and signing songs. No offense but doesn't have the charisma to hold audiences intrigue. Also, honestly he looks so skinny especially in the episode 3 that I was a bit confused what everyone was raving about. He isn't as big as people make him out to be lol. All those comparisons posts of how big JK is and how small JM is so funny to me. There are literally like a few centimeters different between them. Yeah he is a bit more muscular but honestly he looked skinny in the new episode. JM then knows he needs to step in and bring in the chilled and entertainment vibe and he does while dying.
I don't think BTS fans understand how much Jimin brings to the team because they are so busy trying to argue about everything Jimin related and trying to make it look like Jimin is nothing without BTS. Literally, these episodes make it even more obvious to me how instrumental he is to their success. He is entertaining, knows when to step in, when to pull back. Like they are so lucky.
I think I have always thought about this but JK is kinda rude. I don't mean with JM because I think there was a bit of banter going on with them but he was rude to V. JM literally had to tell him off when they were go carting. I get that it could be his humour or him trying to be funny but honestly it came across rude. I don't understand why shippers are using the moment. That's not sassy. That's actually rude and if I was V I would be offended. Luckily JM pulls him back and he changes his tune. Can you imagine if he wasn't there as a buffer? God these solos and shippers are so dumb. Jimin is the one that treats your favorites well lol literally. Also the thing that's been obvious and continues to be obvious is that JM is still the one they both buzz around. He is obviously the one that keeps them both grounded because sometimes neither of them have any sense. Once again I go back to the same thing I mentioned before. They don't know how fucking lucky they are haha.
Overall the episodes were good, a bit chaotic. I don't think JM and JK are estranged like people think neither do I think V and JM are. They still share a close bond it seems. It was nice to see them all.
Watching AYS, it just confirms my bias that JM is a great individual with an amazing sense of humor, incredible people skills and just overall a good guy.
jimin's ability to be so aware and patient is why i love him so much. that's the type of person i need in my life personally, so i'm so drawn to his behavior. watching him on ays really just makes me love and appreciate him more.
jimin appears to look so small at times copmared to other memebrs because of his body proportions. someone can have the exact same height and weight as another person but look either tiny or massive in comparison to them. jimin may be only a few centimeters shorter than jungkook but because he has such slender limbs and narrower features, he looks a lot smaller.
jimin is also literally the perfect entertainer. you have too little (jungkook) and then too much (taehyung) and you have jimin, who is the perfect balance. his persona he has on camera is a lot more natural than the one taehyung uses and it really helps to ease everyone into the episode. it also helps bts shows feel a lot more real and personal. it's like watching a hidden camera show rather than a planned program. also how jimin go more for the entertainment route with shows like run bts instead of trying to win everything like jk does. it provides a good balance for the group
bts was honestly really well crafted personality wise and when you take into account all the members strengths and flaws, they end up balancing out really well. it feels really natural, and you can tell they've all rubbed off on each other to the point where every interaction seems almost perfect for the moment
i think jk has been seeming rude to a lot of us recently is probably because he was babied so much. there's a reason authority hands out consequences for poor behavior and it's to teach whoever that what they did was not okay. jk, having grown up surrounded by people that coddle him, probably did not quite learn these things in the same way. that coupled with his newly inflated ego really put a new perspective on his behavior.
i honestly think that bts are all close in a family sort of way. the way they get jealous of each other but still support one another, the way they joke around, their skinship, the way they will not talk to each other for weeks and then come back and be fine. i'm like that with my siblings and relatives so it really just makes sense for them to be that way
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mod-doodles · 1 year
Fire Suppression Exam: Inspired by @sydcarmyfan
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Fire: In romance ‘fire’ is commonly used to describe love; the ignition of a flame is the act of falling in love alternatively the extinguishing of a flame is the act of falling out of love. A fiery love is one in which is filled with intense passion and desire, it engulfs the body, mind and soul - physical, mental and spiritual. We’ve hit all of these notes with Carmy and Sydney, he’s started making physical contact with Sydney more often; he yearns for her touch, the editing suggests very unsubtly that she is nestled firmly on his conscious and his soul literally is at peace with at the thought of her and when he’s around her.
Suppression: to suppress is prevent the development, action, or expression of (a feeling, impulse, idea, etc.); restrain (Oxford Dictionary). As it has been discussed in grave detail in all of the beautiful meta, there’s a couple of solid reasons why Carmy has withheld crossing the romantic threshold; workplace relationship (major liability), lack of past relationship history and his past trauma so yes very very loaded. I’ll probably write about this next because now I’ll thinking about it lol.
The Test: The ‘fire suppression test’ is symbolic of Carmy’s growing desire, passion and love for Sydney. The Bear *restaurant* may have passed the ‘fire suppression test’ but the bear *Carmy* has failed and was unsuccessful at fire suppression - insert table scene *my attention shouldn’t be split, it shouldn’t have to be shared, she’s so great it scares the shit out of me, I could do this without you, I wouldn’t want to this without you, you make me better at this, you deserve my full focus, you’re not alone*.
‘Strange Currencies’ - R.E.M.
And I don't know what you mean to me But I want to turn you on Turn you up, figure you out I want to take you on
These words, you will be mine
Carmy does not have the emotional vocabulary to describe the role that Sydney plays in his life and his heart and the arson gene is strong in the Berzatto family (shoutout to the op that said that) and Sydney is the fire thats ablaze and engulfing Carmy’s heart. Lmao why am I so corny.
I’m a walking, living, breathing ‘confirmation bias’ and I’m unstoppable. No cast/crew, media article and sure as hell no anti shipper/platonic battalion member could ever stop me. The only thing that can stop me is an episode that dismantles the entire ship or the series finale that is inconclusive.
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