#i mentioned it before but did u KNOW that even if u put something under a readmore
dronebiscuitbat · 3 days
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 18)
N was peacefully in sleep mode, wrapped around something he inherently wanted to protect, whatever it was, it was pleasantly cooler than the rest of his body, and he found himself bringing it closer to him.
“En! En! En!” A small little voice chirped into his audio receptors, but even still he remained in sleep mode, where all that was active was his most base code.
That voice was no threat, it was the opposite, it meant love and protection, it was someone who belonged with him, no need to panic, no need to disrupt recharge.
His programming pulled the source closer.
Love. Protect. Mine. Those keyphrases ran on repeat within the part of his system that was always active, always ready to immediately jump into action even when he was asleep.
“Shhh… Tera let your dad sleep…” A second, very sleepy voice met his audio receptors, sending more code running through that system.
Freind. Partner. Love. Protect. Safe.
Still no reason to disrupt charge. Partner not in distress. Offspring not in distress.
“Zi!” He felt something shuffle against him, and the sudden removal of the weight in his arms, finally he snapped out of sleep mode, visor and eyelights popping on all at once in a sudden outburst of conscious thought.
“Huh…?” He asked noone, blinking around dumbly, his eyes landed on Uzi, who was currently filling yet another bottle with oil. Tera was unplugged, rolling excitedly in her arms as she impatiently waited for her feed.
“Sorry, I tried to let you sleep.” She said sheepishly, before finishing what she was doing and rolling back down her hoodie, she rubbed her side, apparently all the attention was beginning to make it sore.
“S’okies…” He slurred, still groggy. Dang, what background process was running that had him this out of it?
“Can't believe you have a full size bed and we both used the couch.” She grumbled as she slowly squeezed the oil into Tera’s port, he blushed, oh yeah, they'd cuddled all night…
“Hey the past week's been crazy, you can't blame me for falling asleep.” He defended, not giving into the fact he'd been having a little trouble sleeping without her there.
Uzi looked disheveled, like she'd just lost a fight or crash landed, her beanie was crooked and her hoodie was lopsided, there were lines under her eyelights that indicated poor sleep.
“How did you sleep?” He asked on instinct, stretching as he splayed out on the couch, he wouldn't lie, it was incredibly comfortable.
“Meh… weird dream.” That was typical for Uzi at this point, “weird” probably didn't describe them very well “terrifying” and “prophetic” was probably a better description.
“Wanna talk about it?” He asked, only for her to yawn and shake her head, she would put it up on her conspiracy board when she was next home, it was way easier to sort out that way.
“I'm good.”
N looked slightly concerned, he hoped she wasn't bottling in any emotions, she tended to be good at that.
“I got a message from Thad?” She suddenly said, although it was clear she was talking more to herself, N felt his core flip at the mention of the drones name.
Usi had just checked her system messages (and they were nearly always empty) and found several green colored messages awaiting in her inbox.
WID-Thad: Hey Zi, throwing party this wknd, ur still coming right?
WID-Thad: It's gonna b outside. Don't worry, @ nite
WID-Thad: Or r u gonna need a babysitter fr the kid?
The kid? Oh… oh no.
“Thad knows about Tera…” Uzi whispered, living one of her greatest nightmares, how- how did he find out?
“How'd he find out?” N asked as if he read her mind. She wasn't in the headspace to think about that, not when Thad, the least gossipy person she knew, knew about Tera.
“I don't know! I thought I was doing well in hiding it!” She pulled at her hair, eyelights hollow and the feeling of extreme anxiety crawling up her mechanical spine.
“I mean it's not all bad? What did he say exactly?” N could immediately tell she had started to freak out, and took Tera in his arms, standing up just to put a hand on Uzi's shoulder.
“Uh… if I needed a-uh babysitter to come to his party?” She tried to breathe, maybe it was some sort of weird, oddly coincidental misunderstanding?
“I mean… I would…” He admitted, but that made sense, he was the one who adopted her, that was the main name on those papers, not her.
“Yeah but he asked me that. I'm not- at least not officially!” She stammered, trying to both claim ownership and avoid it at the same time, two juxtaposing desires, to be seen as edgy and mean so that she could protect herself, and all soft and gushy and parental, bragging about her kid.
It was all very confusing.
“It's okay! Maybe it's just Thad?” N offered, smiling like he really, truly meant it.
It was not just Thad.
When Uzi left N's apartment later that day to track down Thad and figure out exactly where he'd found out from. She'd been approached by drones she didn't even know, asking her how the baby was and how N was doing. Like they totally didn't ignore her existence for her entire life.
The entire colony seemed to know. N had just brought Tera home, how has it spread this quickly! And the assumptions! Several drones had asked how long her and N had been together, one had even asked how well her and N's code fit together.
How was she supposed to answer!? Other than how she did, which was a gruff “Bite me, none of your business.” Before she continued her warpath to Thad’s room, a blush slowly but surely growing everytime she was stopped, congratulated, or questioned.
When she did eventually get to the door, she pounded on it with a fury. How the hell did everyone know so soon?!
“Zi? Woah… you look pissed…” Thad opened the door first with a confused smile, then extreme nervousness, glancing from side to side and backing up slowly.
She shoved him wordlessly into his apartment (which was littered with sports memorabilia) and followed him inside, unleashing her tail to close the door behind her with a aggressive smack.
“How the fuck did you find out about Tera?” She asked, so serious that Thad's eyelights gained a few extra lines underneath them.
“Tera? Is that the kids name? It's cute!” He replied, clearly trying to appease her.
Her tail came up to point at him, saliva dripping from it's needle-like teeth, each drip causing his carpet to singe slightly. It's hot organic breath blowing over his visor.
“Wasn't what I asked Thad.” She put a hand on her hip. She wasn't really controlling her tail right now, but she did agree with it's sentiment, less small talk- let's get to the point.
“Right! Right! No need to get the tail involved!” He gulped, backing away from her tail slowly, putting both his hands up in surrender.
“I overheard your Dad talking to some of the WDF! That and Lizzy said she saw you and N walking into his new apartment with a baby! I drew conclusions?!” He stammered out rather loudly. Sweat appearing and falling rapidly down his visor.
“Okay sure, but why does everyone know!” She exclaimed, raising both her hands in irritation and stomping angerly. If it was just Thad she may not have even minded, but it wasn't was it, it was freaking everyone!
“Lizzy is a blabbermouth and your Dad isn't much better…?” He suggested, still attempting to get away from her irate tail, which had begun chasing him as much as it could while still attached to her.
“I didn't say shit Zi! I knew better!” He exclaimed, looking more and more freaked out of the fleshy appendage as it had somewhat backed him up against the wall.
She sighed, groaning as she put her tail away. Of course it was freaking Lizzy!, she didn't even blame her dad for this one, dispite his everything, he kept family matters pretty tight lipped- he probably hadn't said much.
“Dammit… Sorry Thad, I just… didn't want anyone else to find out about uh… her.” Her voice became… not soft but no longer as aggro.
“Hey it's cool. Didn't think you'd ever want kids though, did N wear you down or something?” He chuckled, scratching the back of his head awkwardly, looking at her with an eyebrow raised.
“Uh! No! She's- She's not mine. Er, not mine mine. She's adopted, and N adopted her, not me.” She explained, violet breaching her defenses as she stammered over her words. Dammit not now! Not in front of Thad!
“Oooooh, yeah that… that makes way more sense. He always seemed more the type then you.”
“Y-yeah…” She couldn't help it when her voice lost it's edge. Even when she tried to hide it.
“Lizzy took a picture though, she kinda does look like… yours.” He sent her a photo over short-range, and she immediately brought it up to her view.
And yeah, he was absolutely right.
It wasn't just the fact that Tera had purple eyelights as well (it's not like that was uncommon.) But her and N were looking absolutely enamored with her, she was even gripping onto his arm as they were walking to get a better look.
She uh… did not remember doing that.
She looked back up at Thad, who was smiling warily, trying to look supportive but also looking incredibly nervous.
“Uuuuuuuuugh” A blush had taken over her face again, this time impossible to hide.
So that's how everyone knew… there was a picture floating around. Photo evidence of her being soft and squishy with a baby.
“Uh Zi…?” Thad looked at her with an amused smile, quickly recovering from her threats once noticing her bravado had deflated.
“My life is over…” She replied, looking like she was suffering deeply, her arms drooped to the floor.
“Thats… probably overdramatic.” He chuckled, stepping closer into her personal space, he hadn't been scared of Uzi, not really. He wasn't sure why, but he'd never got the impression she ever wanted to actually hurt anyone as much as just scare them. He knew she could, and the tail was intimidating, but want to? Nah.
“Theres photo evidence of me being-ah!” She yelped, she was also always… dramatic, seemingly overanimated at times, some people found it off-putting, he found it endearing. A nice juxtaposition to his eternal mellow.
“Of you… being, motherly?” He asked with a smirk as she seemed to melt with embarrassment.
“I don't think that's a bad thing. I mean, has it been bad for you so far?” He asked, cocking his head. Surely it hadn't, she looked happy in that picture, happier then he'd ever seen her before.
“Well uh, no…” She admitted, the people who had stopped her had all been relatively nice… not as mocking as she'd expected.
“I think it looks good on you! You can't be edgy all the time.” He replied, this time a wide smile on his face, honestly, Thad had known about Uzi's soft center for a long while. He had known her right before Nori died, she'd been… much sweeter then. Soft spoken but not shy.
“Yes I can! Bite me!” And there was the shield… oh well.
“Sorry. You're trying to help.” Oh. Now that was new, the Uzi he knew would never apologize for anything, much less for saying “Bite me.”
“No issue. So are you and N…?
“Uh… no, we're not… I'm just helping him take care of Tera, and uh… speaking of.” The way she stammered and sputtered told him a lot. Mostly that she was still hiding something that's for damn sure, but he didn't want to pry.
“Riiiiight…” He said as if he didn't quite believe her, and he didn't. There was no hiding it in that picture. Hell, they looked like they were married, not even just dating, with the soft looks they both had.
“Okay now actually Bite Me!” She shouted as she stomped off, but Thad stuck his head out of his doorway to shout back.
“You better be still coming!”
She grumbled all the way back to N's apartment, still being stopped every once in awhile to be asked questions, either about Tera, or about her relationship with N.
While her first instinct was to still snap at them, she found herself actively beginning to surpress it. None of these people were asking out of any sort of malice or trying to be mean. Some of them even looked genuinely happy for her.
So she answered them, possibly not in the best or friendliest way (her voice was still rough and a little rude.) But she did clear up a few things here or there.
“No N and I didn't have a baby. She's adopted.”
“No, N's on the paperwork, I'm just listed as a caretaker.”
And when she did reach N's apartment and opened the door. She found N on the floor, helping Tera roll around to chase her toy, a wide grin on his face as a peel of laugher escaped his adoptive daughter each time she was boosted forward gently by his hand.
His eyes snapped up to meet her and they immediately softened, and Uzi had to supress another blush.
Now that she knew he liked her, the signs were rather obvious.
“What did you find out?” He asked, cute little head cock and all, she sighed, sending him the picture.
He blinked, before his face seemed to explode with color, taking a gander over the picture he couldn't help but think how much they both looked like parents.
“O-oh.” Was the only thing that came from his mouth, he look another look at Uzi, who was obviously far tenser than usual, she looked at him, and with only a beat of hesitation, threw herself onto his lap, wrapping her arms around him.
“Uh! Uzi-wha-” He stammered, was something wrong? She didn't typically initiate hugs like this unless she was extremely upset.
“Shut up and hold me goober.” Was all she said, holding him gently. He couldn't see the blush or the smile on her face that had appeared after she'd heard his core skip over a cycle when she'd made contact.
“Y-yeah okay…”
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iirc, for when you wanna draw really spice pizza tower stuff, I believe the nsfw tag used for the game is 'penis tower'
Oh yeah i think i saw that before, but on twitter instead of here 🤔 i appreciate it but i am TOO shy to be putting this art in any main tags LMAO….itll be behind a readmore and ill tag it appropriately for my blog AND describe a bit whats under the readmore (and maybe even put the mature label on it if it REALLY needs it…but i hope just putting it in its own containment box will be enough). That way, even without common tags, people can avoid accidentally stumbling across it and peeping what they wish Not to peep at 😳
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sttoru · 10 months
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ෆ sypnosis. shiu kong catches toji and you in the living room. toji decides to invite shiu into the fun and he agrees after some deep thinking.
ෆ note. this is a part two to this post ! make sure to read that one first. &&i’m happy u all enjoyed the first part ehhh.. i tried my best w this one too, enjoy. also not entirely proof read so excuse the possible mistakes. this post contains smut, proceed at own risk !
ෆ tags. dom!toji (+shiu) x female reader. three some, blowjob, breast play, objectification, degradation, name calling (whore, slut), cum play, free use, dacryphilia, creampies, male masturbation, voyeurism-ish, multiple orgasms, spanking, hair pulling, overstimulation, doggy style, breeding mention. toji’s mean, shiu a bit less.
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“fine, but we have ten minutes.”
shiu kong crosses the room in a couple strides, hands skilfully removing piece after piece of his clothing until he was left in nothing. you couldn’t quite figure out the unreadable expression on shiu’s face once he came close enough to toji and you on the leather couch.
it was impossible to do so through your tears. plus, due to the man on top of your body guiding your head back to look him in the eyes.
“just because he’s joining doesn’t mean y’re allowed to take those eyes off of me.” if toji wasn’t just a fling, you could’ve sworn that those words were said out of jealousy or possessiveness. even if he was the one who suggested the threesome in the first place.
toji hisses and grunts as he pulls all the way out of you before slamming back in twice as hard. your screams of pleasure were like music to his ear. and not only to toji’s ears; shiu was having a hard time holding his usual calm self together every time he hears your sensual moans.
“shit..” shiu curses under his breath, his demeanour slowly falling apart because of the sight in front of him. but, also because he secretly desires to be the one getting those reactions out of your mouth, “she’s quite noisy, eh?”
toji laughs a bit; a mean (almost condescending) laugh, “yeah— maybe we can see which one of us can make her even noiser, whadd’ya think?”
“..or ya can just make her shut up by stuffing that mouth full. your choice.”
your hands were trembling as they try to hold onto any solid object you could spot out of your peripheral vision. your tears withheld you from seeing toji’s agent masturbating; shiu’s rough hand was swiftly gliding up and down on his cock—coating it with his own pre-cum. if it wasn’t for his desire to dump his cum in any of your holes, he’d have released it all over his own hand already.
“i think i’ll put that mouth of hers to use.” shiu had lost the internal battle of keeping himself together as he walked closer to you, standing near your head and gently tapping the tip of his cock on your plump lips, “you know, toji’s told me you’re good at sucking men off and i’ve always wanted to test that claim myself.”
your eyes slightly widen in response, unable to comprehend anything in this situation you got yourself in. neither toji nor shiu cared about that; they just cared about the pleasure you were going to be giving them.
“c’mon,” toji grins and pulls out of you completely, looking down at his throbbing cock which was covered in your fluids before flipping you around on your stomach, “y’re gonna be a good little slut and suck that man off, yeah?”
shiu takes notice of toji’s action and immediately gets into position like the two have done this many times before with other women. the agent takes a seat in front of you, legs spread to give you a nice view of what he was packing between them. shiu’s back was resting against the armrest as his eyes were scanning your face from up close, “what a pretty girl.”
your mouth was watering more than it did previously, drops of saliva running down your chin as you stared at shiu’s cock in front of you. a harsh slap to your ass makes you squeal lightly and your pussy clench onto nothingness.
“i said something, didn’t i?” toji clicks his tongue while he checks out your ass in his position behind you, “get to work.”
your hands found their way to shiu’s thighs and they slid up until they were wrapped around the base of his cock. an almost unnoticeable grunt left shiu’s lips once he felt that jolt of pleasure run through his body from your simple touch. he had waited so long for this.
“fuck— take me in your mouth.” the older man breathlessly orders. you swallow the built-up saliva in the back of your throat and stick your tongue out to lick the tip of shiu’s dick— testing the waters first. as expected, shiu was easy to please since the man was already moaning and breathing heavy when you hadn’t even started yet.
toji looks down at the two and sees how you tease shiu by using your tongue. shiu was trembling a little, biting his bottom lip while one of his hands was tangled in your hair. the agent was trying very hard not to reach his climax already. not when he hasn’t felt your mouth around his cock at least once.
a smirk forms on toji’s lips as he sees the desperation and lust written all over shiu’s face. toji knew that you were good at giving blow jobs; the little teasing you did beforehand—where you’d hold eye contact with him while licking his length in small intervals—added to the entire experience.
“seems like you haven’t had any action in a while, huh?” toji grins while pumping his cock at the sight of you finally starting to suck shiu off. his hand moved in slow strokes, the other placed on your ass, prepared to slap it if you were caught slacking off.
“shut up, toji— shit!” shiu gasps and throws his head back once your mouth engulfs the fat tip of his dick. the warmth and wetness around his throbbing cock was driving him mad, “if i wasn’t too busy cleaning after your mess, i’d have a woman in my bedroom every day of the week.”
you held eye contact with shiu as he makes small talk with toji whom you couldn’t even see. you start bobbing your head in repeated up and down motions, his cock going in and out of your warm mouth, leaving it completely covered with your saliva in no time.
“fuckkk— she’s good.” shiu groans while his hand tugged at your hair, pressing down on your head to hit the back of your throat—the tip of your nose just a centimetre away from his lower abdomen, “way better than expected.”
that gains a small proud chuckle from toji. the assassin was starting to move, lining up his still hard cock against your entrance, “told ya. she sucks cock like a real fuckin’ slut—always knows what to do.”
shiu fully believes those uttered words as he sees you desperately suck him off, hands playing with his balls and sometimes stroking the rest of his length which you couldn’t fit in your mouth. your tears and drool were dripping down between his legs.
a muffled moan vibrates against shiu’s dick the moment you felt toji bully his way into your cunt again. this causes shiu to thrust his hips forward, making you almost choke at the unexpected movement.
“mhh, that’s hot.” shiu breaths out while holding onto your hair with both hands now, ready to repeat his actions since it added to his own pleasure, “do it again, come on—yeahhh— good girl.”
as you choke and slobber all over shiu’s length, toji starts to roughly pump back and forth, hands on your hips to keep your lower body up to meet his— “your cunt is so fuckin’ tight compared to before—fuck— bet it’s ‘cause you’re a slut who enjoys getting both her holes filled at the same time.”
toji smacks your ass a couple of times as his cock penetrates your cunt to its deepest point, “maybe we can fill a third one soon, don’cha think?”
yes, he was implying what you were thinking; anal sex. the nasty thought made you whimper and squirm under toji while continuing to move shiu’s cock in and out of your wet mouth in rapid strokes. shiu reacts to this by bucking his hips up again and again, moaning and grunting loudly, as was toji.
shiu looked down at you through his half closed eyes, enjoying the way you look with your mouth stuffed full of his cock. especially because you were crying as well; it made you look pathetic and helpless yet so attractive.
“fuck— with the way you’re sucking me off, i’m going to cum soon,” shiu says between shallow breaths, seeing your body powerlessly shift back and forth due to toji’s intense thrusts, “mhm— better swallow it all, okay?”
you let out a long, strangled moan. it wasn’t clear whether it was due to toji pounding you or shiu asking you that lewd favour. either way, shiu bucked his hips up one last time, hands clenching around your hair to push your head down all the way to the base of his cock before spurting his hot cum right down your throat—the taste bitter on your tongue.
“swallow,” the older man in front of you reminds you with a hoarse voice, keeping his dick between your lips to make sure you do as told before gradually taking it out with a hiss.
shiu taps the tip on your mouth a little to get the last drops of semen on your lips for you to lick off. toji’s agent started to lazily stroke his dick again, trying to make it hard so he could fuck you as well.
“mhh, want to cum in your pussy. maybe even breed you, huh?” shiu murmurs. his words were solely meant to fuel his desires and get his cock hard again, yet the thought could easily be made a reality.
toji groans as he hears his agent’s dirty talk about breeding you. this causes him to reach out and grab a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back while he angled his hips in a way to hit your cervix repeatedly.
“fuck, i might even let him do that to ya—let him dump his load into your pussy along with mine.” toji grins, feeling like his cock was swelling even more with each deep thrust, “how ‘bout we try that out?”
shiu takes the chance to watch your tits again as they come into view. his body was relaxing against the armrest of the trembling couch, one hand reaching out to cup a breast and squeeze the hardened nipple.
“ah! yes, y-yes, wan’ both of your cum inside me, please.” you plead and your back arches from all the sensations the two men were granting you in this moment. toji groans loudly at your words, feeling even more turned on than ever and he makes that known.
“yeah? fuck— y’re such a desperate, greedy whore.” toji mocks and continues to pound into your overstimulated cunt. shiu was still squeezing your breasts and flicking your nipples, going from one to the other,
“just hold on, little girl— gonna stuff you full first.” toji adds and thrusts a couple more times before you sense that familiar feeling again; toji’s cum flooding your insides until it can’t help but leak onto your thighs.
with a deep sigh, toji pulls out again to watch the white liquid overflow from your filled hole. shiu, in the meantime, was still admiring your tits and now used both hands to play with them.
you were too fucked out to see the way the two men were silently exchanging glances. toji nodded downwards at his place behind you and shiu understood: the two were changing places.
shiu let your breasts go and stood up, toji following afterwards. the assassin and his agent slowly swapped positions and stroked their cocks at the sight of your spent body, quivering and silently sobbing from overstimulation.
“mind if i borrow her from now on, toji? just from time to time.” shiu asks with a deep hum, enjoying the sight of toji’s cum leaking out of your hole and the way it stained your skin as the sticky fluid left trails down your thighs.
toji snickers as he was getting his cock hard again by looking at your tits and head between his legs,
“nah, i don’t mind. as long as she returns to me at the end of the day.”
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softbeej · 4 months
Rule Number One (You Gotta Have Fun)
Alastor x Reader Smut. U break his only rule and bother him while hes tryna work. Enjoy. :} Requests open btw.
Alastor had locked himself up in his radio tower for what felt like days. He was truly a workaholic, and loved to be busy. This was fine, except you found yourself actually sort of... missing him?
No sight of him creeping down the hallway or the impending feeling that he was about to catch you doing something prohibited at the hotel. It all felt too empty all of a sudden, and you wished he’d be back down soon, even if just to make you uneasy with that eerie smile.
So, you decided to break the number one rule set by him.
“Under no circumstances is anyone to ever enter the radio tower without my express permission.”
Well, what are rules if not to be broken, right? And that’s where you found yourself, climbing up into the prohibited area.
Ears pressed back, he turned to face you. There was no other way to put it, Alastor was fucking pissed.
You shouldn’t of come up here. You should of listened to his stupid rule, and busied yourself with something else. Maybe you had time to turn around, and pretend you made a wrong turn.
“I trust you have something important for me? Something that would be worth you coming all the way up here without my say so, hm?”
His voice was even more staticky than usual, his tone dripping with sarcasm. You were thinking up a response when he stood up and strode over to you. He jabbed his microphone stand under your jaw, albeit gently, and forced you to look at him.
“Well, deary?”
You only shook your head, hair bouncing on your shoulders.
“Then why, pray tell, are you up here? And use your words this time, yes?”
Within those few words, you suddenly understood why he was so feared. Just from the way he spoke, he could make you feel tiny and stupid.
“I, um, was just wondering where you were, is all...”
“Oh?” He released the microphone stand and you faced the floor again, feeling like a child about to get scolded. “You did know where I was though, didn’t you? So, I’ll ask once more. What brought you up here?”
He had retired back to his chair, and was watching you intently as you squirmed at his questioning. His smile never once left his face.
“You know what, I should go-“
Slam. His shadow had closed the door.
“Has no one ever told you it’s rude to ignore someone, darling? I’m just asking you a simple question, what’s the need for all this attitude? Why are you here?”
Blush rising to your face, you picked at skin around your nails still not wanting to look at his shit eating grin.
“I was bored. Missed you.”
“Ah, there we go! You see how easy that was?”
You nodded, “Can I go now? Sorry for interrupting...”
“Nonsense! You missed me, did you not? You came all the way up here for me, desperate for my attention. Well, dear, my attention you have got. Come, sit, sit.” He patted his thigh.
Oh, how you wished the world would swallow you up right now. But the worst part of this was how turned on you were at his lecturing. You think your reaction was doing the same to him, given the way his ears were perked up and pupils blown.
You walked over to him, gently perching on his knee, before he pulled you down by your waist so you were properly sitting in his lap. He continued working, tapping buttons and twisting dials, as you could only sit there and pray your heart rate would soon go back to normal.
"If I did not know any better, I'd say this encounter has you quite excited, darling! The way your pulse is rising, and not to mention the fact I can smell the arousal on you!" He laughed. "You'd tell me, wouldn't you? If I had brought out such emotions in you."
Your blood drew hot in shame, he knew.
You nodded and tried to save face, "Yes, Alastor. I'm fine, just- my pulse is high from the walk up here, that's all."
"And if you were to stand up, your answer would be the same, I presume?"
Confused, you cocked your head. He didn't say anything, just wrapped his hands around your waist and stood you up.
There it was, the evidence he was looking for. A wet patch on his thigh. Right from where you were sitting. Your wetness had leaked through your panties, leaving a spot on his dress pants.
“Well, look at this mess. And my best pants, no less! Do you have anything to say for yourself, dear?”
You shook your head, never so embarrassed in your life.
He tutted, "First, you lie about why you came up here. Then you lie about this? Darling, have you no manners? Or am I to teach you them myself, hm?"
His eyes were half lidded now, ears twitching.
"I- uh. I think you need to teach me, Alastor..." You admitted, not able to take your eyes off him.
“Finally! The right answer! You’re getting the hang of this now, eh?” He laughed, and patted his thigh - the one you’d dirtied, “Back up here. May as well see how much more you can ruin them.”
Legs shaking, you stood up and straddled his thigh. He leaned in close, “Now get yourself off. You can do that, yes? If your mewls at night are anything to go by, I’d say you’re to be a natural at this!”
The thought of Alastor hearing you play with yourself through your bedroom door sent shivers down your spine, in a good way. He grabbed your chin, angling your head to face him.
“I said you can do that, yes, dear?”
You nodded, hands reaching up to his shoulders to steady yourself as you started grinding down on his thigh like your life depended on it, maybe it did. You could feel his cock hardening. His hands trailed down your body to your hips where they stayed, helping you slowly ride his thigh.
“Theres a good girl, hm? See what happens when you behave?”
You nodded, breathing heavy, “Uh-huh.”
Alastor nodded, his hips gently bucking up for friction. Your hand went to zipper to help, but he brushed it away.
“This is your lesson. Not mine.” He winked.
So you kept riding his thigh, until your own thighs were weak, and you were close. And he knew it.
“If this were a proper lesson, I wouldn’t allow you to cum. But you’ve been so good, so good for me... You may cum.”
You nodded into the nook of his neck, letting out a pathetic whiny mewl as you came, soddening his pants. From the sound of it, he came too, letting out a staticky grunt that would of hurt your ears if you were paying attention, but you were too busy grinding your way through your climax, as he shushed you gently.
He helped you stand up, your thighs shaking and almost giving out under you. A sharp finger pressed into the stain on his pants, before he collected some of the wetness and licked it off.
“Head off to my bedroom, now, love. Get yourself cleaned up. I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”
The walk to his bedroom was strange to say the least. Your knees shaking and panties wet, of course Angel was going to say something.
“Christ, you look like you been fucked good, sweets.”
“I have, I think...?”
“Oh yeah? And whose the lucky son of a bitch, huh? He knows not to fuck with you, right?” He winked, ever protective of you.
As if on cue, Alastor appeared, strolling carelessly toward you both. A hand on your shoulder.
“Sorry to interrupt, Angel, my dear, but I’m afraid we have something to take care of. If you’ll excuse us...” He guided you away, towards his room.
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ilycosy · 5 months
why is the thought of luke stealing your underwear and keeping them in his cargo pants so hot to me??? i……
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it's so hot bc it's totally real n possible ,,, he wld definitely steal anything of yours that he can grab w/o anyone noticing !!
lukes the type of guy that def ends up getting caught eventually tho .. maybe on purpose
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luke castellan has always been the golden boy of camp— never mean nor out of place, just the right amount of confident and talkative. perfect in every sense, with his pretty face and natural hermes boy charm.
which is why he finds it so hot, the actual scandal of it all fueled his fucked up sense of self even more. he knows it's weird to do, but he chalks it up to his father as another thing he can hate him for. besides, who expects a hermes child not to steal?
at first it starts off simple, just little things of yours that you won't miss. pencils and random things you fiddled with for a week before forgetting about it, then it turned into shirts. the shirts served a double purpose really, slipping them over his pillow so he can cling to and pretend like you're together— and then the more obvious answer.
he honestly hadn't thought about stealing your panties until he saw the opportunity— well, maybe he did, but he didn't actually expect himself to do it. until he did. it was like he was on autopilot, grabbing something from your cabin for another person when he saw your bunk. the small laundry basket caught his eye, he knew that he had to have it.
he barely looked at them before they were in his hands, he only paused for a moment to feel the intricate lace before stuffing them in his pockets. he puts them in the pocket closet to him for easy reach, the fabric lump isn't even visible with how the pants are designed and he's never been more thankful for cargo pants until now.
throughout the day he can't help but feel them to make sure they're real every chance he gets, hands in his pockets idly while he's talking to people— even you. pretending like he doesn't know everything about what you're saying, he smiles and nods, occasionally rubbing the fabric and fighting back the blood rushing down his body.
but back to what i was saying abt him getting caught (on purpose)
luke has always been sneaky, you've known this ever since you started dating him. he's always planning and learning certain things about you that makes you wonder if he's stalking you (he is but shh pretend u don't know), but you just brush it off as him being a good bf and a hermes child.
which is why you almost second guess your eyes when you spot a pair of panties tucked under lukes pillow— at first you thought the worst, but when you got closer you felt your stomach drop and churn when you saw it was an old pair of yours. half in disgust, but also there was a deep coil of desire in you.
you don't mention it for a while, at first he just thinks that you didn't see it the first time— so he keeps leaving them under his pillow still.
he couldn't be so wrong. when he finally has a moment away from the prying eyes of young campers and the annoyance of the other counselors, he takes you to the cabin. pushing you down against the bed completely forgetting that he planted them under the pillow.
he's leaving wet open-mouthed kisses down your neck onto your chest when you reach up to grab them, hooking your finger around the thin waistband— you hold them up smugly like a trophy. "you still haven't hid them?"
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i-love-scarameowche · 3 months
yandere!gojo taking depressed readers virginity? i'd personally prefer if it'd be non con but if u dont want to it's okay!
Yan Gojo x depressed reader <3
TW: NSFW, noncon/rape, virginity loss, unprotected sex, using spit as lube, soft sex(mostly), creampie, mentions of depression(reader has depression obv), bad hygiene, yandere behavior, fem!reader.
WC: 1.9k
Other Gojo x depressed reader: <33
A/N: ofc!!!! Sorry it took so long, I hope it's what you wanted<3
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Satoru has waited for so long. He waited when you got a boyfriend who didn't care about you, he waited as you cried to him about how your boyfriend was rude to you, and he waited when you came and cried about how your boyfriend went missing.
He wanted it to be real. Really real.
But he just can't wait anymore. It's been years.
So, he snuck into your apartment while you were sleeping, he has a key because you gave him one. You'd never think that your friend of so many years would do what he's about to do.
And so, Satoru walked to your room with swift steps and opened the door. He lowers his head as he walks into your room, he glances at your sleeping body. His blindfold is pulled down, he wants to fully see and feel you tonight. But he keeps it just in case something happens and he needs to put it over your eyes. He knows you haven't been able to really make yourself feel good like you deserve; Not with how little your fingers reach, which leaves you to just put a pillow between your legs and grind your clit against it through your clothes while playing with your nipples.
Satoru walks through the dark room and to the side of your bed, his piercing blue eyes glowing in the room which has no lights on. Not even a faint glow from the kitchen light seeps into the bedroom through the door, because he turned off all of the lights.
He slowly slips the blankets off you, causing you to move just a bit as he does it. He catches every movement from you, down to the twitches of your feet and up to your lips parting. Satoru puts a knee on your bed and it dips underneath his weight. He moves on top of you with his hands beside your head and his knees by your thighs. His eyes are practically unblinking as they shine. He looks at the plushie that he gave you while you were both younger, sitting on your shelf. You change it's spot around your room a lot. Sometimes you bring it to bed with you to cuddle, other times it's accidentally under your bed.
He put a camera in it, like he did with many other things in your house. He can't always be focused on you, but he can rewind the footage and watch as long as he saves it, which he always does. He knows you're still a virgin, and he still considers himself one. He never came while inside of them, even if he was wearing a condom. He just wanted to know how to pleasure you best, but he's sure he knows now. And all it'll ever be after this is you, and him. Satoru takes off his shirt, still staring at you with unyielding eyes. He never breaks eye contact with your closed eyelids, even as he slips out of his boxers and throws them aside, along with the rest of his clothes. He makes quick and swift work with your shirt, then your pants, then your underwear. He knows how long it's been since your last shower, it's been 8 days. To him, it just proves how much you need him, even if you don't know it yet.
As he looks down at your chest, his dick can't help but twitch. Your nipples are so pretty...he's seen them in recording but, they're even more so in person. His hand reaches down, his fingertips wrapping around one of your nipples ever so softly.
Satoru pinches softly, your nipple getting hard in response. He sits back on his knees, his other hand moving down to your stomach, softly going over your belly button before reaching your pubic hair. You don't shave, and if you do you almost never shave your pubic hair. It's hard for you to just shave one leg, and besides, you thought you wouldn't have sex for a while longer, and that when you were going to, you'd have time to prepare before.
Satoru doesn't mind, it's oddly..cute to him. He knows how bad this would seem if you wake up–he's not delusional–but it'll be fine in the end. He'll make sure of it.
And so, he lifts his hand to his mouth, covering his fingers in some saliva, before he moves his hand down again, cupping your sex. Satoru's finger prods a bit at your pussy, before he slides it in slowly and gently. He doesn't want to risk waking you up yet. Once his finger is inside of you halfway, he pulls it out again before pushing it back in, fully this time. His fingers are long and slender, though thick at the same time, and they hit deep, deeper than you've reached before. Your eyebrows furrow and your lips part just a bit more than before.
Satoru's thumb moves to your clit, moving around a bit to find it-which he quickly does-and then he presses down and rubs. Your legs twitch a bit and your breath hitches. He feels you starting to get a little wet, and he continues. He slowly adds another finger, stretching you. You're so tight. He's so happy that he's the one that's going to be your first time. He's always been in god's favor, hasn't he?
After a little bit, Satoru stops and takes his fingers out of you. He moves his hands from their current positions, one moving to your thigh to spread your legs a bit, and the other moves to his dick.
Satoru softly pumps his cock, before aligning it to your wet hole. He wonders what you're dreaming about, if you're even dreaming. He pushes forward slowly, sinking into your warmth.
Once an inch enters you, your eyes flutter, not yet opening, and he pauses his movements. After a few moments, you return like you were before, and Satoru slowly begins to push in once again.
Satoru continues to sink in inch after thick inch, and when he's about halfway in, you wake up.
"What..? Ow.." You wince, your eyebrows furrowing as your eyes open a bit. The stretch from Satoru's cock burns. You've only ever used 2 fingers on yourself, and even that burned. So of course this isn't going to feel nice. Especially considering what's going on.
Satoru's eyes are all you can see, a dead giveaway really.
"Satoru? What-" You mumble out, starting to try and move away from Satoru.
"Baby calm down it's okay. S'just me sweetheart.." Satoru murmurs, stopping your from moving as he puts one of his hands under your knee, pushing your thigh to your chest, and his other doing the same.
That, of course, doesn't calm you down.
"Get off me!" You exclaim, starting to try and push at Satoru, wanting him off of you. Your eyes are tearing up as Satoru resumes pushing his member into your pussy, your blood soon begins to coat his length. He doesn't like the thought of making you bleed–even whilst he's making love to you–but he knows he needs to bear through it for now. For the both of you. 
Satoru just sighs softly, his gaze lowering as he bottoms out, as though this is hurting him more than it hurts you. "Stop! Please..." You choke starting to cry as you struggle and hit and scratch Satoru. Why is this happening? Why is Satoru, of all people, doing this to you? You never would've thought for even a second that he would do this to anyone. But here he is. You wonder why he's doing this. You don't understand. 
"Baby..Stop acting like this." He's not even looking at you. If he feels guilty why won't he just stop? Satoru moves his hand from the pit of your knee to holding your ankle on his shoulder.
"Jus-Just get off me...please..I-I won't tell anyone! W-We can just pretend it never happened....please just stop.." You sob, tears starting to stream down your face as Satoru just turns his head and kisses your ankle that's sitting on his shoulder. It would be sweet if he wasn't violating you right now. 
Satoru moves his hips back a small bit, before barely thrusting them forward, trying to get you used to him. You feel so warm and tight around him, it feels like heaven. He's struggling to not cum inside of you right now.
“S'okay baby, I got you..” Satoru breathes out, starting to thrust faster into your warmth as you let out choked wails.
“You’re taking me so well baby...so so well.” He whines, completely lost in the feeling of you. Satoru leans down to kiss away your tears, your hands trying to push away his face as you scratch at his cheeks. He doesn't seem to care, which only makes you feel more helpless as he just picks up the pace of his thrusts.
"Ple-ase.." You mumble, your tears staining your lips, making them wet as you cry. You don't know what to do or say. What could you even do against Satoru? He's practically a god. The thought doesn't make you feel any better.
Satoru just continues to kiss your face, not even wincing or moving away as you scratch his face.
Your hips buck when his cock rubs against your g-spot. He lets go of the under to your knee and he moves that hand down to rub at your clit. Satoru's head lowers until his mouth is sucking on your neck. You only continue to sob and try and push Satoru away. One of your legs is free, but you can't do anything with it. Your hips and legs twitch involuntarily as Satoru rubs and presses down on your clit. He begins to bite at your neck, sucking on the spot afterwards.
"St-op...I don-'t want-" The words spill out of your mouth as Satoru feels your cunt squeeze his cock as you cum.
Satoru's pace gets sloppy before he stops thrusting entirely, just rutting into you as his eyes screw shut. "Hah-hhhh...fuckfuck...I love you so much-" He cries out, ropes of cum spurting from his cock as tears start to form in his eyes. It feels like Satoru's cum is infinite, but eventually it stops. You hiccup out a sob, and Satoru just lays down on top of you, his arms wrapping around you and his dick still hard inside of you as his cum slowly leaks out of your aching pussy.
But, he decides to pull out. He doesn't really want to, but he doesn't want your first time with him to be so forceful.
"I got'cha baby" Satoru hums as he picks you up, you've given up on trying to push him away. You just lay limp in his grasp, your tears starting to dry on your cheeks and under your eyes.
Satoru walks you to your bathroom, begrudgingly cleaning you up before he sits you on the toilet. Once you're finished, he brings you back to bed and lays with you, his arms keeping you still in an iron grip.
He kissed you before settling down with you to sleep. Or rather, waiting for you to sleep so he can watch you.
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Extra notes: it's a little soft but yeah !!! I have not posted in awhile but I'm gonna try to post more soon <3
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luveline · 8 months
Girl pls pls write stripper reader and Spencer where she thinks he would never date her bc she’s a stripper and just a sprinkle of angst with lots of comforting fluff and Spencer reassuring
thank u for requesting! ♡ fem, 1.5k
cw mentioned past domestic/workplace abuse, unhealthy eating habits
Someone broke into my apartment. 9:14AM
Spencer reads the message under the table but forgoes discretion when he registers what it says and who it's from. He excuses himself from the round table, something he isn't even sure he's allowed to do, and hurries out onto the landing. 
You answer on the second dial. "Hey, did you see my text?" you ask. 
"Are you okay?" He squeezes his phone. 
"I'm not sure. I'm fine, but my lock is busted and the door won't stay shut." 
"Where are you?" 
If you're surprised that he's steamrolling, you don't show it. Spencer leaves work to meet you at the coffee shop you've chosen for refuge, your eyes tired, a small bag of your most important possessions hanging on a slumped shoulder. He hugs you straight away. 
"I'm fine," you say into his neck. 
He hugs you tighter. "That's good," he says, feeling useless, fingers stroking little paths into your shoulders. He pictured the worst from your text, and seeing you in person is the only true mitigator. You'll talk down bruises and black eyes —you have in the past. 
He pulls the story from you as you walk back to his apartment, shoulder to shoulder in the cold street. "It was open when I got home, the door, but I did what you asked me to." 
"You didn't go in?" he confirms proudly. 
"Not at first." 
"You really won't call the police?" 
"I texted you." 
Spencer takes the strap of your bag from you and throws it over his own. "I'm not that kind of cop. I'm not really a cop at all." 
"No, you're a fed, which is worse. The girls at work told me to stay away from you." You wipe under your eyes sluggishly. Sleep clings to you like a shadow trailing behind you, ever-present. 
He puts his hand behind your back, worried you'll fall up the steps to his apartment building. "They think I'll what, extort you?" 
You shake your head, something sad in the slow side to side. "Girls like me have no business around guys like you." 
"You probably get too much business from guys like me." 
You laugh, but you both know it's not what you meant. Spencers noticed it more and more lately, nothing so obvious until now, this dead set belief you hold that he's one type of person and you're another. He gets that your work isn't what you wanted for yourself when you were growing up. He knows it isn't easy, even on your 'good' nights. It takes a toll to be seen as you are, nothing left private. But you've always said you liked stripping as much as anyone should like their job. "It's a job," you'd said, having barely known him, tired and hungry, curled up on his couch with nowhere else to go. "Only the luckiest get to really enjoy work. S'why it's called work." 
He'd hoped, perhaps in a self-absorbed way, that  having more support might make you feel better about yourself; he wanted his friendship to give you some confidence, basically. Before you met Spencer there was no one else you could depend on. It's why you stayed working for a man who broke your wrist until Spencer weaselled his way into your life and made you a bed in his living room for the time it took to get you out. His credentials helped, of course, but you survived it because you're resilient. You're awesome. You've done everything you can with what you have and you don't think it's enough. 
You and Spencer take the elevator to his floor, and for the twenty seconds it takes to get there, you let your cheek rest on his shoulder. He's just about to drop his head on top of yours when the doors open, and the slice of quiet you'd both savoured slips like sand between his fingers. 
"I can go back and get some of your stuff," he offers, guiding you the short walk to his door. He passes you the key rather than struggle with the lock himself. 
Your hand shakes as you push down the handle. "There's nothing worth going back for." 
"Don't say that, you have all your clothes there, your couch. You have things. I'll take my car." 
"You hate driving." 
"I'd hate someone robbing you even more." 
"Robbing me again," you correct, holding the door for him. 
You didn't have anything worth the trouble, it seems. You keep your savings in a locked box hidden in the bathroom that they couldn't find, and though your apartment is clean and bigger than the one you lived in before Spencer met you, it's mostly empty. You don't have a TV, you're not a collector. They took the radio off of the refrigerator, your microwave oven, and a box of cosmetic jewellery worth chapel change. 
"But it's your stuff. You deserve to have stuff." Spencer drops your bag gently and his with less care by the door. 
"It's only until the locksmith can come tomorrow," you say with a yawn. "Let the junkies lavish in my stuff for the next twenty hours." 
"That's not a problem for you?" 
"I don't have the luxury of that being a problem for me, Spence. What am I supposed to do? The locksmith can't come–" 
"There are a hundred locksmiths." 
"Not that I can afford." You shrug out of your jacket. "Spence, listen to me. It's okay. I can't ask you to do that, anyways. You've done more than enough for me already," you say, sitting on the couch. You perch for a moment like you're trying to be polite until fatigue overtakes you, and you sink into the cushions with a relieved sigh. 
Spencer crosses the space between you and kneels by your feet to untie your shoelaces. 
"Don't do that," you mumble, hand over your mouth as a second yawn in as many minutes catches you. 
"Why not?" He slips your shoes off, letting his hand rest on your ankle. "Wanna watch that weird cooking show–" 
"Why aren't you at work?" 
He climbs onto the couch next to you, unafraid to sit shoulder to shoulder. "You were having an emergency." 
You rub your face with both hand. "I knew I shouldn't have called you. You can't just leave work because of me, Spencer, what if you get in trouble?" 
"Someone I care about needed my help, and Hotch understands that." Spencer puts on his big boy pants with a wince. "Do you get that?" 
"I don't really… I don't…" You falter. "We're never going to work. You'll never…" 
"I'll never what?" he asks insistently, voice lilting up with a little incredulity. He can't help it.
You refuse to answer, turning your face from his. 
Spencer knows what you're going to say. He's bad with girls but he's good at recognising human emotion; he sees the same insecurity in himself as he does in you. He knows the feeling. 
You're not right, is the thing. 
Spencer would kiss you if he thought that would change your mind. But tired as you are, angry with yourself, defeated, he knows it's not a good idea. He takes your hand instead, sewing your fingers together with a deliberate slowness. He brings his other hand to them and strokes the back of your index finger with his thumb, careful not to disrupt your press on nails. He knows they have a tendency to come off with too much pressure, and you're always losing your glue. 
"If they really need me to go, they'll call me. But I'm staying here." His thumb moves down to your knuckle. You have little calluses and cuts and bruises everywhere from dancing. He's seen the contusions that line your thighs on a semi permanent basis. "When was the last time you had something to eat?"
"Spencer," you murmur. 
"Let me take care of you, please," he says, hand curling around your wrist with extreme gentleness. "You need to eat. You need to sleep. Let me worry about everything else for once, I want to." 
You still don't look at him, but you sink down an inch at a time until your cheek is on his shoulder again, like it had been in the elevator. Hesitant, you wrap your arm around his stomach. 
"I'm so stupid," you say. 
He wonders if that's a placeholder for what you really want to say. You think so little of yourself sometimes, but it's like you've told him before. Not everyone has the luxury of enjoying their job. 
"You're amazing." Spencer feels like he's on fire everywhere that your skin touches him. Is he saying the right things? "You are. You're the only person who doesn't see that." 
"The only person here, maybe." 
"You should always be here, then. With me. That way I can remind you." 
You sound more like yourself when you answer, though tiredness lines every word, "Thank you, Spencer. I don't deserve you." 
"Yes, you do."
Spencer rubs your hand until you fall asleep, and then he buys you a new toaster oven on his phone, and an industrial security lock. He doesn't know what it'll take to convince you that you deserve him, you deserve better, but he's gonna try. 
He presses his cheek to your temple and focuses on the softness of your skin where it touches his.  
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totheblood · 1 year
superposition. (one)
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pairing: dealer!ellie x best friend!reader
summary: you've never been on a date, hell, you've never even kissed anyone. ellie decides to be a good best friend and teach you how! wow.. so kind of her..
warnings: 18+, nearly every chapter will have a somewhat sexual element to it (this one is probably the tamest?), cursing, alcohol/drug mention, suggestive themes... cheating if u squint
a/n: i want bff!ellie and that's all... friends to lovers??? fav trope. i hope i do this justice and i hope you guys like it... ai audios at the end as usual
"in every universe, you are my dark star."
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You felt like a fucking loser.
Well, you usually felt like a loser, but as you sat on Dina’s couch researching what to wear on a first date you felt absolutely lame. It wasn’t like you hadn’t been asked out on a date before, it’s just that no one you liked had asked you out on a date before. A girl had never asked you out on a date before. But since the cute girl from your chemistry lab had asked you if you wanted to go to dinner with her, you happily agreed.
You were just… inexperienced and although it never bothered you before as you approached the time for your date you were becoming increasingly more nervous. What to wear, what to order, and what to talk about were all things you were not familiar with and you wanted to be, if anything, overly prepared. So you did the only thing you knew how to: Google it. 
Your feet were tucked under your legs as you sat crisscrossed on the couch. From the living room, you could hear Dina and Jesse laughing in the kitchen as they snacked on whatever they had available in their pantry. Ellie was sat at the dining room table with a scale in front of her, measuring and sorting loose flowers into dime bags. This was what a regular Friday night looked like for your friends. It usually ended in Ellie passing around one of her pre-rolls as you watched a shitty movie Jesse had suggested, but tonight you planned to leave early for your date.
As if Ellie could sense the tension rolling off of you from her place at the table, she plopped herself next to you on the couch, startling you from your anxious state. 
“Jesus, fuck-” You looked at Ellie with wide eyes, her green ones staring back and searching your face as if she was analyzing you. “We need to put a bell on you. You scared the shit out of me.”
“I practically stomped over here, it’s not my fault that whatever-” She gestured back and forth between you and your phone. “Is going on with that stopped you from hearing me.” 
You rolled your eyes at her fully knowing she was right but not wanting to give her that satisfaction. “Yeah, whatever.”
“Soooo,” She began, drawing out the sound as she placed her arm behind you on the couch and leaned into you. “What’s got you all nervous today? I swear whenever you’re nervous, I get nervous.”
You groaned, leaning your head back and into Ellie’s arm. You tilted your head slightly to look at her. She looked comfortable in her grey hoodie, her other hand tucked into the pocket. Her eyes were locked on yours and her eyebrows knit together. She was concerned about you. If the reason you were freaking out wasn’t so juvenile you would be eating this up, but instead you just felt guilty. It annoyed you how well she knew you sometimes.
“It’s so stupid, El.” Your voice came out in a whisper almost as if you were telling her a secret. “You’re gonna laugh at me” Her face softened as she offered you a small smile.
“How much do you wanna bet it’s not stupid?” She leaned her head back on the couch, trying to match your posture. “And if I laugh you have full permission to punch me.” 
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes for a second. You knew that she would never make fun of you for freaking out over a date, but that didn’t stop you from being reluctant to say it out loud. 
“I have a date tonight.” When you opened your eyes you scanned her face looking for a hint of a smile, something that would tell you not to stress. Instead, you saw a different emotion flicker over her face, something you couldn’t quite place. Shock? No. Sadness? No. Disappointment? Close enough. It didn’t make much sense to you but as quick as it was there, it was gone.
“And?” She didn’t sound annoyed, but she didn’t sound happy for you. For the first time in your life, you were having a difficult time reading her.
“And I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve never been on a date before.” With your admission, you squinted your eyes causing your nose to scrunch. The reaction you were getting from Ellie was hard to read and you were already beginning to feel extremely embarrassed. When you finally did adjust your vision to look at her she just looked confused.
“Why did I not know you’ve never been on a date?” 
“Cause I never told you.” You laughed, a downturned smile on your face. “Not really the best talking point.” You were trying to lighten the mood but Ellie’s expression never changed.
“I mean, it makes sense.” She casually said. If you were anyone else you may have laughed it off, but the sentence cause a sharp pain in your chest. Your mouth fell open as you gasped and playfully pushed her shoulder.
“What the fuck does that mean?” Her eyes widened as she realized how you took her sentence.
“No, no- fuck. I just mean like you spend all your time with me. You never really talk about anyone, I’m not saying no one would date you cause obviously I know that’s not true, I just mean… I didn’t mean it like that.” She rambled out, a frantic look on her face.
“Damn, Ellie. Tell me how you really felt.” The smile crept back up on her face as she realized you were teasing her.
“So you’ve never been on a date? So what?” She shrugged, trying to steer the conversation back in it’s original direction.
“So I don’t know what to wear, or what to talk about, or howtokiss.” You mumbled the last part of your sentence together hoping she wouldn’t notice, but she was Ellie and she noticed almost everything.
“Wear that pink floral dress you have, the one that makes your boobs look amazing. Talk about yourself, it’s a date, the whole point is to get to know each other. And what was that last thing you said?” When she spoke to you everything she said seemed so casual, but you weren’t like her. You couldn’t brush over the fact that she just told you not only does she know your wardrobe without thinking too much about it, but also makes a note of how you look in them. How your tits look in them. 
“Uhm-” You cleared your throat. “I don’t know how to kiss. I’ve never done it before.” You reluctantly admitted. Again you expected Ellie to laugh at you, but she just stared at you, then your lips. 
“Well, I can show you.” She shrugged, eyes trained on you. Your mouth hung open, unsure of what to do. On one hand, kissing your best friend never seems like a good idea, on the other hand, you could use the practice.
“I mean… now?” You asked, your body heating up in anticipation. She looked completely serious, her lips were a straight line and her body seemed completely calm. She was the complete opposite of you. She slightly got up and leaned over you as she peered into the kitchen, presumably checking for Dina and Jesse. As she sat back down she took another quick glance at your lips. 
“Yeah, now. Just a quick lesson before your date.” She said it matter-of-factly almost as if this would just be a case of a friend helping another friend. Like she was offering to help you move or something. A part of you assumed you were overthinking it. If she was so nonchalant about it, then it must not be a big deal. Right? 
“Yeah, okay. It couldn’t hurt, right?” 
“Don’t think so.” She agreed.
“So, what do I do? Do I just-” You placed your phone on the couch between you before cupping her cheek. Ellie placed her hand that was previously in her pocket over yours and moved your hand down to her thigh before leaning in close to you.
“Just relax, I’ll show you how.” Her voice came out in a whisper that you could feel ghost your lips. You were unsure of when she got so close but you could smell her, feel her short and rapid breaths coming from her nose. If you moved an inch your lips would be on hers, but you decided to let her take control.
Your heart was pounding in your chest as she closed the small gap between your faces and pressed her chapped lips against yours. Your eyelids fluttered closed as you froze, unsure of what to do next. Her hand that was still resting on yours tapped the back of your hand. Almost instinctively you parted your lips and hummed when her tongue tentatively brushed against yours. It almost felt natural, her tongue in your mouth and your hand on your thigh, but as she slowly pulled her face back from you, you suddenly wanted more. 
Your free hand grabbed the back of her head, your lips capturing hers once again. You were fighting to feel her tongue in your mouth again but understood what she wanted when her lips parted. Her hand which had been resting behind your head for a better part of your conversation had made its way down to your waist and gently pulled you into her. Your chests were impossibly close together and every little noise you made caused her to get more and more aggressive. Your whole body was burning and you were attempting to ignore the wetness that was growing at your center, but Ellie just kept going. She guided your hand further up her thigh, humming into your mouth as you brushed your thumb over her inner thigh.
With the hand that was previously trapped in your hair, you steadied yourself with a hand on her shoulder as you pushed her back in an attempt to straddle her. Both your hands had moved. Her hands found their place at the base of your hips and yours were gripping the back of her neck. Her lips felt like fucking magic as she began to suck on your bottom lip. You could feel a tightness in your core, something you were all too familiar with. Your clothed hips ground down on hers, causing her to gasp and break away from you instantly.
“Fuck, fuck. Okay.” She sighed, leaning away from you and gently pushing you away from her. When you got a good look at her her lips were swollen and eyes red and glossy. You wanted to kiss her again, you wanted to relieve the pain you were beginning to feel, but the situation was beginning to set in for you. 
“I can’t believe you’ve never done that before.” She blinked up at you, her hands rubbing at your sides distracting you. Your mind was practically empty. 
“Was I okay?” You asked bashfully, causing her to snort. All she did was lean up and press a kiss to the side of your lips, before pushing you off of her and back onto the couch. 
“You were more than okay, that was-” She stopped herself as she looked at you. Her eyes scanned your face, staying too long on your lips. “I think your date will go great.” Something in her tone seemed solemn, but she had a gentle smile on her face, and her hand was still hoovering the side of your body.
“Thank you.” You said quietly, eyes never leaving her. 
“I should get back to work, and you should go get ready.” She pushed herself off the couch and made her way back to the dining room table, leaving you sitting there licking your lips just for the taste of her. A second after her you got up too, grabbing your bag from the coffee table in front of you. Ellie turned back around to look at you from the table. 
“Wear the dress, and uh-” She stopped to look you up and down. “Text me when you get home tonight.”
ai audios:
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serevena · 11 months
Hii!! i literally love your work so muchhh
I was wondering if you would write Ellie and an inexperienced reader? (not necessarily innocent but just doesn't know how to do much in the bedroom) if not thats fine, love youu <3
Into It.
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Pairing - Ellie Williams x Inexperienced!reader
a.n - thank u so much lovely, ilysb! Enjoy <3
Warnings - Provocative language, graphic depictions of lesbian sex, Gentle!Ellie, inexperienced!reader, implied (?) loss of virginity, strap is referred to as her ‘dick’ and ‘cock’, use of the name ‘sweet’, established relationship, hand humping, this is so rushed and sloppy, a lil aftercare, readers a bit of a masochist, smut, finger sucking, mentions of bodily fluids (spit, cum), top!Ellie, bottom!reader, use of a strap-on, fingering (e!receiving), not proofread! Reblogs, likes, & comments are appreciated! <3
Sex hadn’t really been something you and Ellie discussed. She figured since it hadn’t been brought up, you just weren’t ready.
Oh, but you were.
You were so ready. The constant manspreading she did, every mannerism, every little movement she made had you aching for her. But there was one problem.
You had no idea what to do. You weren’t stupid, you’d masturbated plenty of times, and you knew what sex was (props to the girls kissing YouTube videos from middle school) that taught you how to kiss, but you hadn’t been intimate with another person like that.
So Ellie laid there, her calloused hand caressing your arm as you laid in her chest. You tried to ignore the throbbing heat between your legs, but your constant shifting didn’t do you any Justice, and it’s something she quickly picked up on, but didn’t think too deeply about.
But when she noticed just how much you were moving, she had to speak up, voicing her concern.
“Babe..you okay?” to which you could only nod, looking up at her.
You weren’t sure what the hell had happened. Your hand wrapped around her wrist as you humped against her hand, her brows furrowing. It had all happened so fast. Her breath hitched in her throat as she mumbled a faint “damn..”under her breath.
You were in the clear. You didn’t have to do much but rock your hips and hold her hand in place. That wasn’t so hard, right?
“Turn around for me.” Ellie bluntly said, in which you almost immediately obliged, turning around to look her in the eyes. She gave you a smile, guiding your hand to her boxers.
“This your first time?” She questioned, watching as your hand hooked around the band of her underwear. You nodded again. “Words.”
“Yeah— yes.” you mumbled, and she nodded at your words, lifting her hips up as she signaled you to pull her boxers down, which you did. When you got them off, she gave you a soft look, which was hard to focus on when her gaze was dark and her eyes were half lidded, but you knew she’d take care of you and there was nothing to be worried about.
Ellie let out a shaky breath when yours hit her cunt, her hips jerking faintly. She stared at you, licking her lips as she put one of her hands behind her head. You looked up at her as she caressed your cheeks, tilting her head. Just follow what they did in the videos..
She noticed your hesitation, and her gaze immediately softened once more. “We don’t have to—” “I want to.”
Your finger found Ellie’s hole, not even needing lube or spit considering how wet she was already. You shoved your finger inside her, letting out a sigh from the feeling. “Oh..fuck.” She groaned out, looking at your face before looking down at her cunt. She faintly told you to speed up, which you did with little to no hesitation.
Follow the videos, follow the videos..
Ellie let out something of a squeal when she felt the second finger slip passed her dripping hole. “Fuck, sweet..doin’ so well..” you had no idea what you were doing,, did it even feel good for her or was she just faking it? Ellie mumbled something incoherent, before repeating herself.
“You feel that..squishy part?..curl your fingers right there..” she said, with a faint whine at the end. You did as she said, thrusting your fingers in and out slowly before curling your fingers. Ellie jolted up at that feeling, her eyes rolling back as she tugged at your hair. “Fuck! Fuck..”
Ellie’s face was flushed, her brows contorting over and over again, her chapped lips parted as beads of sweat rolled down her forehead. She wasn’t faking this. And that fueled your confidence.
You just kept going, and going, and going— “fuck! Fuck! I’m cumming!-” Ellie yelled out, her body shaking as you could only stare at her, slowing your pace but not stopping until she physically had to pull your hand away to avoid overstimulation.
You pulled your coated fingers out of her hole, not really knowing what to do with it. That was until Ellie gripped your wrist, bringing your fingers to her mouth and sucking on them like her life depended on it. Your lips parted as you let out a shaky breath, staring into her glossy eyes before she removed your fingers to kiss your lips.
“You did so good..‘think you deserve a little reward.” She mumbled against your lips, and again, in the blink of an eye, she was on top of you, your underwear on the floor as she tugged at the harness around her waist to make sure it wouldn’t come off. You stared down at it, nervousness evident in your expression as Ellie made you look back up at her.
“Don’t worry, sweet..I got you, ‘kay?” She said softly. “Okay.” You simply responded before she so effortlessly spit on her dick, acting like it was the most normal thing in the world. Your entire body got hot the second she did that. What the fuck.
Ellie looked at you again, brows slightly frowned. “Lemme know if I need to stop, ‘kay? Just say the word.” And you could only nod, biting down on your lip. Ellie put the tip of her cock inside of you, watching your reaction closely. It hurt, but you endured it, because you wanted this.
She thrusted softly, putting her hand on the mattress next to your head before slowly pushing more of the silicone inside of you, watching how it disappeared. You covered your mouth, tears welling up in your eyes from the newfound pleasure but the mix of pain as well. It was perfect. Ellie slowly but surely lost her composure, pushing more, and more, and more, rubbing your clit as she continuously thrusted into you.
“Fuck..takin’ me so well..” the endless praise Ellie gave you was enough to cause you to let out moan, after moan, after moan. Ellie stared at your face intently, barely able to say anything from how deep in a trance she was. She’d never seen you like this..this was new. And she couldn’t help but pray to whatever god was out there that this wouldn’t be the last time she’d have you like this.
The disgusting noises your cunt was making bounced off the walls, and was music to Ellie’s ears. She kissed at your chest and neck, grabbing your hands to pin them above your head and interlocking your fingers together. “‘That feel good?..” she said, practically out of breath. And you nodded, letting out a faint “yes..” in between moans and baited breaths.
She couldn’t stop, she wouldn’t stop unless you told her to, or unless she made you cum. And by the look on your face and the sounds you were making, you were bound to cum in just a few minutes—
“Ellie..I’m—i’m cumming..’m cumming..” you mumbled along with other incoherent words, and Ellie could only kiss you, moaning into your mouth before pulling away to nod. “Cum for me, sweet..cmon..”
She practically called it. Because when she was done speaking, you felt the knot inside of your stomach snap, your body shaking just like Ellie’s earlier as your moans became louder and more frequent.
A few more thrusts, kisses, and praises left Ellie before she pulled out, leaving you on the bed, breathless and sweaty. She came back a few minutes later, not with a rag, not with anything but a glass of water. She helped you sit up, your back against the headboard before she kissed your forehead, handing you the glass. You let out a relieved sigh—more like a moan at the cold water, closing your eyes. You guess that’s why you didn’t notice Ellie was laying in front of you, parting your legs. Your brows raised before you looked down at her. Ellie smirked,
“Gotta clean up, don’t I?”
My lovelies <3 @mousymaven @redmpticn @gold-dustwomxn @gossip-grape @machetegirl109 @urmommyluvr @robinismywifee @wiggle-w0rm @h3avenfloo @elliewilliamsisgay @lovejuliettq @bugaboodarling @sadeyedsugar @sapphicxprincess @thatonementallyillsimp
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mydarlingdyke · 1 month
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a dbf!abby x fem reader drabble
WARNING: SMUT!! minors dni or I'll grab ur feet from under the bed while u sleep
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summer hit like a tidal wave. the drops of sweat running down your chest and the scorching sunlight bleeding through the window was enough to drive anyone crazy. your solution? making freezing cold lemonade first thing in the morning. you'd taken a sip from it just to taste it; was it too sweet? maybe you messed up the amount of sugar... but then again, you preferred slightly-too-sweet over slightly-too-sour.
that wasn't your dad's opinion though, after he took a sip of it before running to get his keys. an emergency meeting at his workplace, something about an unplanned financial situation. that's the reason why you were left all on your own for the remaining of the afternoon... and you decided to put your time to good use.
loud music was playing from the portable speaker you set on the coffee table while your figure was splayed out on the couch, only in your underwear, reading some sort of magazine your mother kept in her room. the shorts and t-shirt you were sleeping in prior to that were on the floor and the AC was turned on, easing off the vapor that seemed to envelop the house. a particular song came up, and soon enough you were dancing around the living room, with hops and twirls and funky dance steps that would surely scare off anyone at a club. but it didn't matter, you were alone right? no one was there to burst your little bubble of delicious freedom.
or so you thought.
ding-dong, the doorbell rang.
you froze in place, looking like a deer caught in the headlights.
"y/n? you there?"
oh shit. shit shit shit shit.
abby anderson, your dad's best friend. and did I mention next door neighbor? her voice was distinct, you knew it from all the times your mind would replay its timbre and raspiness after hearing her say anything. it was almost entrancing, the soft and yet deep way she spoke... but this was no time to daydream.
in the blink of a eye you were scrambling across the room, looking desperately for your pajamas. fuck, where are my shorts? you kneeled down to find them under the couch.
"be right there!"
you yelled out, acknowledging her presence at the door. you threw your clothes over you in a haste, smoothing your hair down and panting a couple times before you opened the door to reveal the tall, burly woman in front of you. a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants, with her hair tied back in that familiar braid. you sometimes wondered what would be like to run your fingers through it, to braid it for her. or to tug on it while she's-
"everything okay?" her words took you out of your daze. you must've been staring because the way she eyed you up and down with that little smirk on her face... ugh! so hot and she doesn't even know it.
"uh, yeah! I'm fine, thank you ms. anderson." you chirped, breath still staggered from the short but tiring race you had just seconds ago. "did the music bother you?"
the sincere and sweet tone you spoke in made abby chuckle softly. such a pretty girl, worried she upset her friendly hot neighbor, looking up at her with guilt painted over her features. she decided to put those worries to rest.
"not at all! I just..." the woman says as she looks back at your driveway. "I saw your dad's car wasn't here, and I came by to drop of some stuff he asked me to get."
"oh!" you slightly perked up. "then please, come in..."
you gestured for her to walk inside, and so she did. the chilly air of the AC greeted her in a matter of seconds. she tried not to stare at the way your hard nipples were visible through the flimsy material of your tee. were you even wearing a bra?
it was simple, really. abby knew she had a thing for you the second you and your family moved into the cul-de-sac. with your beautiful hair and your sunny disposition. yet as she developed a close bond with your father she couldn't help but feel a little guilty. it was weird to have a thing for your best friend's daughter. she'd constantly battle the urges that suddenly bloomed in her chest when you were around.
but how could she? you were so pretty, so stunning, so sweet... whatever word she used to describe you, the feeling was the same.
that same feeling was present now, as she placed the bag of unknown contents on the kitchen counter. you were curious enough to try and get a peek: seemed like things you'd buy at a hardware store. then you remembered the loud clanking and whirring of metal machines in your garage this week, and it all made sense.
you moved away to stand in the middle of the kitchen, unsure of what to do next. it wasn't the first time abby dropped by, but never without your dad in the house. and especially not when you were this... flushed from the heat. yeah, the heat. must be the heat.
"so!" you quickly tried to make the awkwardness dissipate in your body. "you can, um, take a seat..."
your still shaky voice sounded sweet as you gestured towards the living room, the comfy red couch on immediate line of sight. once abby silently took up your offer and plopped on the soft cushions, it almost looked like she belonged in that space. the golden sun rays hitting her equally golden hair, making all of her freckles and sunkissed marks on her skin glow. she sat comfortably, a muscular arm draped over the top cushions; if you didn't know her you'd say she's acting all smug and overconfident like she owns the place. but the truth is she's been there so many times before, laughing and sharing with your parents about her life and experiences over a glass of wine on the weekends... she might as well own it.
"want something to drink? water, juice..." you were being a bad host, you had to change that. "I made lemonade this morning."
she just looked you up and down with a gentle smile. "lemonade sounds great."
your waddle to the kitchen was rushed, almost tripping over your slides. unsure hands and self-conscious fingers reached for a glass in a cupboard that was a little too high up. you felt her eyes on you. don't look stupid, don't look stupid. you stretched as far as you could to finally grab the frosted glass cup, pretending like the burn wasn't a little too intense for your limbs.
abby kept a steady eye on you, noticing how your shorts rode up your thighs. she felt like a vulgar man gawking at you, but that didn't stop her from taking every detail of your back bending over the fridge as you pulled out the jar with that sweet, lemony drink. how you poured ice into the glass and how you served it with such softness. this feels wrong.
and it definitely was.
you came back to her with your lips pressed into an awkward smile, putting down the chilled glass on the coffee table in front of you. and you stood there. why were you just standing there? she patted the empty spot next to her on the couch, and you obliged without hesitation.
she nodded softly before she spoke. "thanks, princess." the nickname made butterflies spring out of your belly, feeling that familiar shiver down your spine whenever you were around her.
you tried not to stare as she brought the glass to her lips, watching her throat bob gently while she almost drank the whole thing in one sitting. she stopped halfway through, letting out a satisfied ahhh sound.
"really good, just what I needed."
you blinked. "really? don't think it's too sweet?"
abby shrugged with a smirk. "it's sweet, but I like that."
a small silence fell between the both of you, only two seconds long until she broke it. almost as if she hesitated to continue.
"like you."
did the room suddenly get warmer? despite the AC blasting cool air into every corner of it? that's what you thought at least, because it seemed that your flesh was melting off of your face; cheeks red and chest tight. you were suffocating.
it was evident to the blonde sitting next to you too. she could practically see your skin melting into the couch, your clothes slowly engulfed by flames. god, how she wanted your clothes to suddenly combust. but she knew, unfortunately, that they wouldn't. at least not without her acting on it.
one hand on your thigh later, it's like your clothes were never there to begin with.
"tell me you want this." abby whispered between heated kisses, on your lips and neck and jaw. every single touch feeling it scorch your skin. a desperate set of lips snaked down your neck to your shoulder, nipping and sucking at the skin for far too long, leaving a red mark.
with quivering lips you answered a simple "yes, please", and that was enough to drive the woman mad.
you saw it in the way her beautiful blue eyes darkened, her gaze heavy on your features and down to every detail of your body. what a sight to behold. no barrier of fabric was left between you two, sweaty and hot bodies sticking together like glue. a rough hand went to your core, soothing circles around your already dripping core. slipping a finger, then two— until the stretch was stirring your insides with every push of her palm against your clit.
"atta girl, that's it... doing so good." she would coo into your ear, pressing a fluttering kiss right below your earlobe as you orgasmed for the first time under her touch. it came in one intense, magnificent wave that crashed over you mercilessly, and then the soothing ripples of the aftershock took place.
she took her digits out, coated in your slick and staring at them with an unreadable— yet undeniably aroused— expression. you whined at the emptiness, finally realizing they should stay inside you forever.
"c'mon, sit on the armrest." she commanded with a gentle voice. your body moved on its own, still sore from the pleasure you just experienced. once seated, she propped your legs open and positioned herself between them. "gonna give me one more, 'kay princess?"
and then you swore you were actually melting this time. because the way her head dove between your thighs, and her tongue moved so deliciously over your folds, tasting you like you could somehow soothe the aching heat of the summer— it made your legs sticky, your brow dewy and your lips parched. moan after moan, plead after plead, she was relentless against your cunt, slurping up every bit of liquid she could from that sacred spot on your body, leaving you dry.
your second orgasm soon approached, yet this time the wave was refreshing. like salt water spraying on your face in a beach day, like a cold shower in the middle of july, like a gulp of delicious sweet lemonade dripping down your chin.
you were in a daze, limbs buttery and fucked out— too fucked out to hear keys jingling on the other side of the front door. was this all a dream? or was it the heat?
yeah, the heat. must be the heat.
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w2sology · 3 months
harry, private but not secret relationship.
(i hope u understand what i mean 😭)
i know exactly what you mean and i LOVE this type of trope so so much 🤭
under the sheets, harry lewis.
summary: everyone knows that you and harry are together, yet no one really knows what goes on in your relationship. but when fans get little snippets, they can't help but fawn over you both.
warnings: mentions of sex
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having been together since before harry had started youtube, all his friends knew you, and of your status as his girlfriend. but with his rapid incoming fame, you thought it would be better to shy away from the spotlight.
and of course, harry respected this. but he was still gonna let people know that he was in a relationship.
it started off with small mentions of you in his videos. "my girlfriend got me this the other day... my girlfriend said that... i know my girlfriend would like to..." but never fully dropping your name.
everyone knew you were together, but hardly anything about your relationship was ever revealed unless harry said something or if the boys mentioned you briefly.
whether or not you had a public account on socials varied, you liked to switch between public and private.
harry, bot being the average active social media user, would hardly post things. yet most of the time when he did, it would always correspond to you.
a snap of a restaurant with your plate opposite his, a walk in the park with a dog you were dog sitting, your leg just about in the frame, or if he was bold enough, a mirror pic that you took, your face covered by your camera but his fully visibly as he stared lovingly at you through the mirror.
slowly but surely, you would join in too on the secret snapshots into your relationship.
it would start with a post on your story of a picture you took on harry's phone whilst he was on set with the boys, and it was clearly his phone because of how fucked up it was. then it would progress to making tiktoks while wearing clothes that were so obviously his.
it was cute to see you two showing bits of each other online whilst not giving away too much, but god did it have fans dying for more.
when thy'd run into you two in public, you found it so cute that they'd take the time to speak to you as well as harry, even if you'd shy away so as to not interrupt them and harry.
but harry would still have you close by; a fan once posted a selfie that they took with him, and his hand furthest away from their body could be seen in the corner of the picture still intertwined with yours.
when harry was on twitch, streaking either by himself of with his friends, you'd occasionally peak inside the room to check on him, not realising that you were on camera.
one time, you were so tired when you cane back from work that all you wanted to do was lay in bed with harry, but when you figured out he was streaming, you figured his arms would suffice.
so you quietly opened the door to his room, and found yourself snuggling into his arms. harry was surprised, probably putting two and two together and realising that you didn't really care what was on camera, and so returned your embrace. that stream absolutely rocked people's worlds.
and the dates !!! the dates would be the cutest things EVER. he didn't mind going all out but he also wasn't against the occasion cosy date indoors.
on the odd time you did get out, of course there would be pictures and videos of you two sitting in close proximity in a cosy booth at a restaurant, both you all smiles and harry not being able to take his hands off of you.
and if there was one thing about harry, he loved physical touch.
it pained him to not be all over you in public because you didn't want to showcase your relationship like that, but he still found a way to make sure he was either near you or touching you.
be that a hand on your thigh under the table or linking your pinky fingers together when you stood near him.
and the way he'd kiss you; he'd look at you to make sure it was okay to do so before gently placing his lips on yours, pulling you in closer to him.
and even though he can hear simon and toby's shouts of "ew" or "look at those lovebirds" he simply waves them off whilst you hide your face in his chest.
harry loved to have you as his little secret thing, it gave him an even bigger energy rush than he usually had; the idea of being caught was just so exciting to him.
like when he rocks up to filming with a few hickies around his neck, unable to have covered them with his compression shirt that he mistakenly wore.
the comments under that video were enough to you have you covering your face when harry brought it up, as well as the digs that the boys took at you and harry apparently "going at it like animals."
but harry didn't care, it was the best part of the relationship and he got to keep it all to himself, unless he slipped up in front of the camera that was.
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nickfowlerrr · 11 months
Bellllaaaaa hiiii:)
I’m hooked on biker/bartender bucky(even tattoo artist bucky) with fucking Tats right now and I’d totally love if you could maybe write him and chubby/plus sized reader having a flirty relationship, maybe they’re like a fling or something. She works at his bar/tattoo shop, whichever au you pick, and they’re just fucking flirty and so naughty together lol
Smut is always welcomed!!
Thank u bby in advance<3 mwahhh🥺💋
about how it started..
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pairing: bartender!bucky barnes x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ only. pining. flirting. smut. a little tiny hint of voyeurism/exhibitionism. if i’m missing something pls lmk!
words: 3.1k
notes: thank you, mickey, for sending this and sorry it took so long! i kind of wanted to incorporate more mention of his tattoos but i felt like i kept screwing it up so i kept it very vague - i’m sorry. but i hope you like this! i really love the idea and i’d love to do more with them in the future, too (including more of his tattoos too 🥴), so thank you, thank you, thank you!! 🥰
also this gif isn’t necessarily the bucky i was picturing but the visible tattoo feels right so whatever 😌
i hope you guys enjoy this! thank you in advance for reading and reblogging. as always, feedback and comments are always welcome and so appreciated! 🖤
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You know you should be checking tables right now. You know. But goddamn if you can’t take your eyes off of the brawny, blue eyed, six foot something beauty that is Bucky Barnes.
You’re leaning against the far end of the bar, eyes fixed on him with no plans of trailing anywhere else.
He’s making another Sex on the Beach for the less than subtle, leggy, bleach blonde who’s been fawning over him since she got here. When she and the other college girls showed up, seeming to have already been pregaming, you knew tonight wouldn’t be uneventful.
You could obsess over the fact that the twenty one year old, who looked like she stepped right off a runway, was currently pushing her chest out and twirling her perfectly styled hair as she continued rambling on and on to Bucky, but his disinterest was clear to you as he kept a polite smile and entertained her as he finished the drink.
That, and because you had no right or reason to obsess over who was flirting with him and when.
You pushed the thoughts away as you admired Bucky’s profile. The way some of his hair had fallen out of his bun and hung around his perfectly sculpted face. How his brilliantly blue eyes shone still through the dark strands. And god did you envy his perfectly shaped nose. Your eyes fell to his lips as he smiled at something the girl said, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to care, you were so caught up in the beauty of it. He gave her the drink before he tucked the loose hair behind his ears.
You watched as the girl held out a twenty with a sultry smile and a wink before Bucky took it with a small laugh as she sauntered off back to her friends.
He put it in the cash box and then pushed up his sleeves as he took the time to count out how much the bar had made so far tonight.
You swear your mouth went dry as his tattoos were on display now. The dark ink that told story after story lining his forearm, and though you couldn’t see them right now, led all the way up his strong arm only added to the endless list of things that made him attractive. The artwork was mesmerizing. Just like him.
“You just gonna stare at me your whole shift, sweetheart?” he says to you without looking over, a smirk playing on his lips.
You take in a breath before pushing off the bar and walk over to meet him where he stands.
“Who says I was staring at you?” you question and lean over just slightly to glance at Torres who was pouring shots at the other end of the bar.
Bucky turns to follow your gaze and gives a laugh when he sees who you’re referring to.
“You and Torres, huh?” he plays along, smirk never faltering. He finishes his count and tucks the box back under the bar before he turns fully to you, blocking your view of the younger man completely, not that you cared.
Bucky walks into you, backing you up until you’re forced into the dead corner of the bar. You nearly stop breathing when he leans into you, his cologne invading your senses, his warmth surrounding you as he keeps you trapped between him and the bar, his thick arms on either side of you. Your lips part on an inaudible gasp when his lips brush against your ear.
“He know I was guts deep inside you last night? How you were screaming my name, begging me not to pull out? So fuckin’ desperate to be full‘a me,” he reminds you as his hands find your waist and he squeezes your softness before pulling you flush against him and letting his hands slide down to your ass. “How many times did you come again? I think I lost count,” he taunts as he leans over you and gropes you shamelessly.
You can see out past his shoulder as he nearly nuzzles into your neck, your eyes growing heavy with desire as your lips stay parted in heated awe.
Your eyes meet the blonde Bucky had just served as she looks on in a bit of a stupor before blinking and turning away with a hint of a blush warming her cheeks.
“Watch it, Barnes. You’re gonna lose out on tips if you’re not careful,” you warn playfully, if not a bit breathily.
When he starts kissing your neck, your knees become unsteady as a warmth starts to grow in your tummy.. and lower. Your hands latch onto the front of his shirt in an effort to stay steady.
You’ve noticed he’s been getting more brazen every day, more teasing and touching when he knows full well people can see, and the fact that he really doesn’t seem to care sparks a bit of hope that maybe this could grow into something more than what it started as.
But as Bucky nips and then gently kisses your pulse point, all thoughts fly right out the window as your main focus is solely on not melting into a puddle right then and there.
“Don’t care,” he says against your delicate skin, placing another kiss to your neck before you push him back just slightly. “What?” he asks as a half smile adorns his face when he stands up straight again, looking down at you.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish right now,” you say as you hold his smoldering gaze.
“You think I won’t fuck you right now?” he challenges, his seriousness sending a thrill up your spine.
You let out a nervous, disbelieving laugh as you push him to turn around. “I think you have some patrons waiting for your attention,” you say, ignoring the desire burning deep within at his words.
He sucks his teeth as he walks back over to the lively area of the bar, but not before eyeing you with a look that promises he isn’t done with you tonight.
You watch him back before spinning around and coming out from behind the bar to start checking tables.
You’re leaning over a newly emptied table close to the bar when you feel his heavy gaze on you.
The low cut scoop neck of your top already offered a generous view of your cleavage, but as you’re leaning over to wipe the table down, you’re sure he can see right down your shirt. You hide your smirk as you walk around the table and make a show of leaning over once more, your tight black skirt that hugs your tummy riding up your thick thighs as you do. You’d forgone underwear under your opaque black tights and wonder for a second how much he can see as you bend further over the table.
You don’t have much time to wonder as suddenly Bucky is right up behind you. You stand up against him, your ass brushing against his crotch. His hands are on your skirt as he adjusts it back down for you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asks, voice low and husky.
“Cleaning a table,” you answer innocently as you stay where you are, enjoying the feeling of his large hands on your wide hips and his solid chest at your back.
“Yeah? Cuz from where I’m standing, it looks like you’re purposely being a little tease.”
“Me?” you say in faux offense, turning to face him. “I’d never. Just doing my job, boss.”
He pushes you back against the table just slightly, “So, you’re telling me you haven���t been thinking about how hot it’d be if I came up behind you, ripped your tights open and fucked you stupid right here on this table?”
You swallow hard as you feel yourself growing wet at the scene that plays out in your mind. The bar is near empty as you’re both getting ready to close up but the idea of Bucky taking you right here and now, onlookers be damned, has heat creeping up your skin.
“Say I have. What are you gonna do about it?” you whisper wantonly, eyes swimming with lust.
A sinful growl escapes him as he presses himself closer to you. You can feel his growing bulge against you and it takes everything in you to not let out the whimper that threatens to slip past your lips.
Joaquin left twenty minutes ago after him and Bucky served last call, so it’s just you two and the lingerers who are slowly making their way out.
“What am I gonna do about it?” he repeats as his hand comes up to hold your chin. He leans down, face to face with you as he continues headily, never taking his eyes off yours, “I’m gonna fuck you stupid. Right here. On this table,” he breathes each sentence before he finally takes your lips in his. It’s gentler than you expect as your eyes flutter shut and the sound of the entrance door closing behind the last patron signals that you’re alone now.
You sigh into his mouth before you pull him closer, the kiss growing more heated with each moment that passes.
You let Bucky ruck up your skirt as your hands fumble with his belt before you start working on his button and zipper. You stop him for just a second, grabbing his hand, “You rip ‘em, you buy ‘em,” you tell him, earning a grin from him.
“Deal,” he says before easily tearing your tights and turning you around, forcing you down against the table.
“No underwear, huh?” he taunts as he rips your tights even more, his thick fingers wasting no time in playing with your wetness on full display for him.
Your legs are spread as you moan at the delightful feeling of his fingers pushing into your sex, opening you up for him as he scissors his fingers inside your tight heat before curling them the way he knows you like.
“Fuck, Bucky, please,” you whine as you clutch onto the table, pushing your hips backs and trying to fuck yourself on his hand.
“Jesus, fuck, you’re perfect,” he swears before landing a stinging slap to your ass and pulling his fingers out. He quickly tugs down his jeans and frees himself from his boxers, his erection hot, heavy, and throbbing.
“Make me so fuckin’ hard, you know that?”
You only mewl in response as he runs the head of his cock through your folds, teasing you. He doesn’t have as much patience as he normally does, though. He’s been thinking of you nonstop since you left his apartment this morning. Been wanting you close again from the second you left his bed.
He knows this was just supposed to be a fun fling, but from the first time he kissed you, he knew he was done for. He knew he’d only want more.
And he was right.
He wanted all of it with you, not just sex. He wanted to spend his days cuddling you in his bed, watching movies, talking about nothing; hell, he even had to stop himself from texting you the other day to see if you were busy when he had to go get groceries because he wanted your company.
He was hooked on you completely.
But this “fling” was your idea and he didn’t want to run you off with the idea of commitment so soon. So for now, this would have to do. And who was he to complain about the nights he got to spend flirting with you, teasing you, taking you apart only to put you back together in his arms come morning.
He’s pulled from his thoughts as the head of his cock catches along your slick entrance, a hiss emanating from him as you gasp at the feeling.
He slowly lets himself push in, deeper and deeper until his hips are flush against your ass and he’s filling you completely.
Your soft moans urge him on as he begins to fuck you, the sound of his hips slapping against your ass filling the quiet of the empty bar. As he starts to thrust harder, the squelching noises of your fucking grow louder and louder as you moan without care, your hips hitting the edge of the table over and over with his every thrust.
His hands frame your waist as he holds you tight, rutting ever deeper inside of you, his cock hitting your g-spot repeatedly as you whine and gasp in pure pleasure, the coil in your belly tightening with each glide of his cock along your walls and every nudge against your g-spot. Bucky slips a hand down and finds your puffy clit, circling it as he feels you getting closer, your walls squeezing him tighter and tighter.
Your toes are curling in your shoes as your feet arch and slip against the floor when the muscles in your legs and core tighten and strain as your walls clench down on his thick cock and your orgasm hits you hard.
In the same instance, Bucky growls as the swinging of the entrance door sounds. You don’t even bother to look up as you’re lost in the euphoria of your high.
“We’re closed,” Bucky barks, his hips never faltering as he continues to fuck you while your eyes screw shut in overwhelming pleasure.
You vaguely hear a fumbling apology and the door closing once more as Bucky buries himself inside of you, leaning over your bent body and rutting into you as his groans and moans tumble heavily from his lips. With one more thrust, you sigh breathily as you feel him spill inside of you.
The weight of his body on top of yours is a comfort you can’t help but revel in as he holds you still and gets all of his release out, your velvety walls milking his cock as he fills you with his hot come.
He’s breathing heavily as he comes down from his orgasm and gently pulls his cock out of you. You instinctively press your legs together, your thick thighs making it easy. You push yourself up off the table after a moment and turn around, fixing your skirt as you do.
“Fuck,” you breathe under your breath happily. “Maybe lock the door next time?” you suggest playfully, “Or, at least turn the ‘OPEN’ light off.”
“Next time?” Bucky says with a raised brow and a smirk as he fixes his pants. “You like getting fucked in the bar that much?”
“Well, you did say something about fucking me stupid.. And not that that was bad at all, but, I’m not feeling very stupid right now.”
He licks his lips as he takes you in, taking your hands in his and tugging you close. “Why don’t you come home with me and I’ll get you there,” he says smoothly.
“That’d make it three nights in a row,” you say, a little unsure. “You sure you wanna risk it? I might not wanna leave.”
“I might not want you to,” he says, surprising you by how soft and sincere his voice is.
You meet his eye and swear you could drown in the glimmering blues as he smiles that schoolboy smile. You let out a shaky, nervous laugh.
“You fallin’ for me, Barnes?” you tease playfully - just a hint of hope laced in your tone.
He surprises you again as he takes hold of your chin, peering deep into your eyes, before he brushes his nose against your, his lips inches away from your own as you breath each other in for a second.
And then he kisses you.
Soft, yet firm and as you lose yourself in it, a deep yearning for Bucky that you’ve kept down from day one rears her head once more.
You part for a second to breathe before you crash your lips into his again, pulling him closer to you by the front of his shirt.
Your tongues glide against one another as he slips his in expertly before kissing you deeply.
He lets his forehead fall to yours as he parts from you.
You're breathless as he wears a nervous smile you’ve never seen on him before.
“Say I have. What are you gonna do about it?” he repeats your earlier taunt, trying to hide his anxiousness as he waits for you to respond.
You suck your lip as you consider him, biting back the smile threatening to take over your face.
“I’d tell you that, maybe, I’ve fallen for you, too,” you admit shyly, looking up to see his cocksure smile back in full force, just the way it always is.
“Then I’d tell you to take me back to your apartment,” you say, leaning into him for another sultry kiss. “So you can fuck me stupid,” you breathe against his lips, “as many times as you want.”
You nearly squeal as you're taken off your feet in the next second, Bucky’s strong arms holding you securely as you wrap your own around him.
“That I will happily comply with,” he says, kissing you hotly as you smile into it. You pull away just slightly to speak.
“We didn’t finish closing,” you laugh.
“Don't care,” he says, kissing you again as he easily walks to the bar, holding you with surprising ease that you aren’t sure you’ll ever get used to before he sets you down. “We can do it tomorrow,” he excuses, grabbing his keys from behind the bar and flicking the lights out. You grab your jacket and bag from the shelf you kept them on and follow behind Bucky as he locks the doors, escorting you out and to his car.
Before you get there, he turns on you, both of you stopping in your spots.
“We really doing this?” he asks, wanting to make sure this is really what you want, too.
You smile and nod.
“Yeah,” you whisper.
He lets himself smile in return.
“So I can call you mine, now?” he asks, grabbing your hand, pulling you to him.
“I’d be good with that.”
“You sure? Cuz once we make this official, I’m gonna let everyone know. I might never shut up about it.”
You can’t help but laugh at how excited and proud he sounds. “I think I’m okay with that,” you smile up at him, meeting his lips in another kiss before he leads you to the car and opens the door for you to get in.
You know you’re okay with that. It’s what you’d been hoping for from the first time you’d kissed, for this to lead to something real, something more. Now here you were.
He wanted to officially call you his, and Bucky was finally, truly yours.
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sadbenedict · 4 months
About the basement au 2 questions here
1.Will geto eventually be free from gojo and the basement?
2. Will gojo ever realize what he's doing is wrong?
thank you for all questions!! I haven't had time to do sketches yet, but I'm finally a little free today! sorry for the waiting!!!! o(TヘTo)
well, I don't think in my version he can get out, maybe something will happen to him, but I won't have a happy ending, it's a pretty dark story
maybe, but it'll be too late to retreat
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from @mushroomslime0
If itadori somehow managed to help Geto escape what’s the first thing geto would do?
maybe try and find his girls, I think he'll do it without a second thought. maybe he won't believe that Gojo really let them live.
from @myssteriouss-wanderrerr
What do you think would happen if Suguru did reach his breaking point? Or if he psychologically collapsed and Satoru's threat against the twins no longer works on him?
Interesting question, this even as I think it could be one of the endings. I think Gojo will be horrified and gradually realise that he's losing control of Suguru. He'll be pushing him harder and harder, looking for weaknesses. I think Gojo will descend into even more despair, realising that his Suguru will never come back to him again
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from @b3achysurfer
how does geto feel about shoko visiting? is he upset that she doesn’t help free him? how often does shoko visit and are they supervised by gojo? (I think u mentioned shoko visiting when gojo can’t in a past post but if she doesn’t then js ignore this 😭)
I think he realises why Shoko isn't helping him, if Gojo finds out it would be bad not only for Suguru but also for Shoko herself. She visits him to check on his health and just to ☆brighten up☆ the loneliness when Gojo is away on a mission for too long. She warns Gojo about her visits, but I think he'd know that anyway
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from @gyutar0s
hi there !! I came across ur art a few months ago n I absolutely love your art style !! a question about the basement au– does suguru hold some sort of love for satoru still, even after satoru puts him through this ? or does he hold some sort of anger towards his one and only ?
Thank you!! I've answered a similar question before, you can search by hashtag :D! In short, he feels some love for his Gojo, but it is lost under resentment and anger
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straykeedz · 1 month
[small penis humiliation with chan]
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a/n: we love small cocks here and we’re not shaming anyone <3 small cocks are equally as cute and valid as big cocks and every other cock! this is just reader and chan exploring their kinks! with that being said… idk what this is. my brain went like 👹 small penis humiliation with chan write that write that write that 👹 while i was trying to study so here we are. hope u enjoy it <3
a/n 2: if you’re bang chan……… go away there’s nothing for you to see here 👹
tw: afab reader ; degradation (but they love each other i promise i was there) ; unprotected piv sex (don’t!!!) ; chris is shy and subby ; mommy kink ; kink exploration ; clit play ; breeding is mentioned ; creampie ; implied porn watching ;
wc: around 1k ;
smut under the cut. minors dni. 18+ ONLY. don’t follow me if you don’t have your age in your bio. i’ll block you.
you blurt it out when he’s least expecting it - just to see his reaction at first, ready to take it back and dismiss it with a giggly “i’m kissing, i’m kidding”. you don’t expect him to blush until the redness reaches the tip of his ears and fucking whimper. that’s what pushes you to continue with your little evil plan.
“is it in yet?”
chan stops right then right there, halting his movements inside of you. what do you mean is it in yet? do you… are you talking about his dick? chan is genuinely confused because - he’s been fucking you for ten minutes now, of course it’s in.
“huh? you mean…?”
“your cock. did you put it in? is it in yet?” you start teasing him by kissing and licking his neck, sucking a faint mark on his skin. “put it in, babe. wanna feel you. wan’ you to fuck me, babe, please.”
he’s beyond confused. “i… uh, babe, it’s… i mean, it is in. we’ve- we’ve been fucking?” he narrows his eyes at you and furrows his brows.
you tip your head back to look at him. “oh. but, like… you mean just the tip, right?”
he blinks at you a couple of times. “what are you talking about?” he dips his head to look at the spot between your legs where his body meets yours, and your gaze follows his. “no. it’s fully in. see?” he pulls out only to slam back inside of you.
“oh. you have such a small cock, channie, it’s so… cute. how are you planning on making me cum with that?”
and you know it’s far from the truth, he knows it - he’s always managed to make you cum perfectly fine. sure, his cock is not huge and he’s definitely not hung, but it’s not minuscule either, like you’re implying.
he looks taken aback - cock buried inside of you, and definitely harder than it was before. you feel it twitch. bingo. “i, uh… uh, what?”
his eyes are big and round. you clench around him and nearly make him see stars. “it’s so… tiny. i almost can’t feel it inside of me. i genuinely thought it was just the tip.”
his face drops in the crook of your neck as he bucks his hips into yours out of instinctual reflex. he hates that he loves it so much. “babe… what… i’m not following…”
you giggle, playing with his soft curls. “there’s nothing to follow. your cock is literally so little, babe. i doubt you can make me cum with it, but feel free to try your hand at it.”
“i’m not sure what game you’re trying to play here. i’ve done it before. multiple times. i can make you cum just fine.”
“can you, though?” you challenge him, raising your eyebrow at him. “put that ridiculously small cock to good use, then.”
“i-“ he lets out a shameless, lewd whimper.
“are you gonna fuck me or not?”
chan shuts his mouth and resumes thrusting inside of you, a little harder than before, like he wants to prove something to you. he even hooks his arm under one of your knees so that he can reach a deeper spot inside of you, a whole new angle that has your pussy practically dripping around him. you don’t let out a sound, though, doing your best to suppress your moans. you want to tease him, push him to his limits, indulge his fantasies a little longer.
“literally so small,” you huff, feigning annoyance. “i swear it feels just like one of your fingers. not even two. i swear to god even your fingers are thicker and longer.”
“they’re n-not. you k-know it’s not true,” he pants, hips snapping faster to meet yours. “you know i can- i can pleasure you like nobody else. i’ve done it so many times.”
“well, i’m not so sure anymore after seeing that little worm between your legs, babe, ‘m gonna be honest.” you fake pout at him, holding back a moan when chan delivers a hard thrust inside of you, furiously rubbing your clit, determined to make you cum.
“stop teasing me.”
“or what? you’re gonna break me in half with that teeny tiny thing you call a cock? is it even hard, chan?” you mock him. “i bet it’s so small you can’t even breed me with that useless little cock of yours.”
“you… ohmy- fuck!”
“look at you. getting off to me making fun of your little cock. good boy, desperate to fill mommy’s pussy just like the good boy you are.”
you smirk satisfied as he cums inside of you with a choked moan, emptying himself in your heat, filling you up with his warm cum. he makes you cum with his fingers rubbing your clit faster and faster. then, he collapses on top of yours and doesn’t say a word. you figure it’s time to come clean about your little scheme.
he lets out a hum, but doesn’t lift his head to look at you.
“you know your cock is perfect for me, don’t you?” you kiss the top of his head.
“oh, thank god, i was just about to ask you that,” he sighs out of relief. “i was actually worried, you know? you caught me off guard with… whatever that was. by the way… what was that?”
you shrug. “just wanted to make one of your fantasies come true, i guess.”
his cheeks turn red. “m-my fantasies? what- what are you… huh?” he looks like a deer caught in the headlights.
you giggle, then kiss the tip of his nose. “just… next time, close your tabs before you lend your computer to me, or anyone else. and delete your search history while you’re at it.”
i’ll go back to working on my essay for uni now. goodbye until may.
-> reblog to support me! feedback is always appreciated and so so cherished 🎀
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synthetickitsune · 8 months
angst 16 and fluff 32 with jeonghan please? and that will be my last one haha i'm just so happy that your requests are open. and i just wanted to say thank you so much for your service really, you are legitimately one of my favorite writers on here and i love your blog so much. also you're really sweet and friendly and i appreciate u! <33 have fun writing and don't put too much pressure on yourself, take care, love you 💖
aah, thank you so much!! it took a while but i hope you'll like this ♡
Jeonghan (Seventeen) | Scaring them + “It’s okay. I’m here.” angst/comfort | 0.9k | gn!reader
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“Shut up.”
You’re seething on the opposite end of the sofa, your knees hugged to your chest and your body so tense he’s afraid something in it might snap. He can barely see you in the faint light coming in from the kitchen. Jeonghan’s just helpless about what to do now.
He realizes, in hindsight, that the prank was stupid. You did mention you like horror movies, that you enjoyed being scared sometimes. Still, he should’ve known better and he’s angry with himself that he didn’t. It’s dark, it’s late, you’ve had a long day, and already had to walk through the dark streets, of course you’d be on edge, and then he jumped out at you from the shadows in your home before you could turn on the lights. 
It’s funny when Mingyu shrieks and pouts and complains, but he sees now it’s not so funny when you’re the one screaming and trembling, pushing him away when he tries to hug you and make up. You won’t even look at him.
He pushes his luck and cautiously moves to sit a little closer. You don’t pay him any mind so he monitors your reactions and continues until he’s sitting right next to you without really touching you. You glare at him when he opens his mouth, and from this close he can see the corners of your eyes are red and you look like you’re about to cry. His heart drops, and Jeonghan can’t resist the urge to hug you, to touch you, but he can slow it down.
To his surprise, you let him wrap his arms around you, you hug him back too, slowly uncurling from your previous position. He maneuvers you until his back is against the armrest and you’re almost lying on top of him, clinging to him with desperation that matches his own. 
“It’s okay, I’m here,” he whispers, tucking your head under his chin after he plants a kiss to your forehead.
“It’s not okay, because you’re here,” you counter. You have every right to be upset, he acknowledges, and he deserves this but it feels like someone is trying to crush his heart in their fist. 
“I know, I’m so stupid,” he agrees, squeezing you a little tighter in hopes you won’t push him away again.
“Extremely stupid,” you hiss.
“Dumbest person alive~” he sing-songs and while you don’t laugh, you scoff and that’s alright for now. At least you’re not struggling to get out of his embrace.
He holds you tightly and when you don’t say anything more, Jeonghan starts humming the melody as softly as he can. His hand rubs circles over your back, soothing you until the tension melts from your body. He closes his eyes and gets a little lost in the feeling of holding you, chasing away the unpleasant memory of you fighting against him, of you shaking in fear in his hold. That’s something he doesn’t wanna experience again, much less so when he knows it was his own doing.
But then you start moving and you want him to let go of you - he can’t stop the quiet whine that spills from his lips. You pause and everything is still for a moment before you sigh.
“I just want to see you, Han,” you explain and pull away just enough to look at his face. He gives you an apologetic smile, adjusting his position so you’re both comfortable and he can keep holding you. 
“I’m sorry,” he finally gets to apologize. He nearly melts when you shift in his arms just so you could put your forehead against his. 
“I know you are,” you accept, “So I hope you won’t-”
“I won’t. I’m never doing it again, I promise,” he quickly reassures you, and the only thing that stops him from pulling you flush against his body again is your hand against his chest. You frown seeing how quickly he freezes.
“I just wanna see you when we talk,” you tell him again and he quickly agrees, settling against the pillows again. “I’m not leaving, Jeonghan.”
He nods with a sigh and brings one hand to your face, gently stroking your face. “I’m just really sorry I scared you so much. I didn’t mean to.”
“I know,” you press a kiss to his cheek, “Don’t beat yourself up over it.”
He hums, and you know he won’t listen to you, so you make a note to remind him again tomorrow. For now, you think you both just need some time. You talk some more, ask each other about your days, and when he starts getting too distracted, you snuggle closer to him under the excuse of being tired. 
Nobody is as doting as Jeonghan, more so when he knows he has something to make up for. He cuddles you for a few more minutes, careful to keep you nice and warm, rubbing your arms and back and whispering in his soft voice. He helps you to bed, tucks you in and gets you anything you need - glass of water, a little snack if you get hungry during the night, he sets up your phone to be charged. But just one word from your lips and he’s under the covers with you, holding you again. When he promises to protect you, you know you’re as safe as you could ever be.
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garoujo · 2 years
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feat : scaramouche, diluc, childe, al-haitham + kazuha
♱ warnings — f!reader, how long they last during no nut november, teasing, degradation, some grinding, not proofread. / note. this is the last fandom 4 the nnn hcs ! hope u guys enjoy <3
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it was your idea at first and as much as scaramouche didn’t want to do it, you know you had him when you told him he probably wouldn’t be able to anyway — his pride not letting him back down from a challenge that he was so hellbent on winning. he was stubborn, would never let it known just how much you had an effect on him (even though you could tell) but when you had first proposed the challenge, you never told him it was going to be easy — afterall where’s the fun in that when you could up the difficulty with a little teasing. you’d be going without him too afterall.
scaramouche had done pretty good at avoiding you this far, brushing you off with grumbles under his breath — he wasn’t stupid, he knew that you were trying to get him to give in, so selfish despite the way this was all your idea in the first place. but he’s not as invincible as he may think, he still had his limits and with enough effort you noticed a few cracks were beginning to show.
“pathetic… could barely keep your hands off of me.. are you that eager for my touch?” scaramouche breathes unsteadily from where he’s sat at your side, eyes narrowed over at you as you palm and stroke at his clothed cock — deliberately pressing your hand against it when you’d leaned in to show him something and now he doesn’t want you to fucking stop. the almost smug look on your face makes his blood boil, but he’s much too consumed by the saccharine squeeze of your fingers around him to think up a snarky remark right now. instead you feel him throb before he chokes on a whine and lets you trace your fingers beneath his waistband. “barely two weeks in and you’re getting all worked up, hah—have you always been this weak? hmmfff—“
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kaeya had mentioned it to diluc in passing while he was at the tavern, drunkenly rambling on about how his dear brother is too whipped to stand a chance and your boyfriend is much too stubborn to let the cavalry captain rile him up — so he decides he’ll show him. he warns you in advance, makes sure to fuck you until you can barely walk the night before and it does take his mind off of it for a few days, that’s it though until his cravings for you return with a vengeance.
but diluc knew he was in danger when it comes to you, knows he can’t resist you which is exactly why he’s been taking up more shifts at angels share — coming home late at night with a press of his lips to your temple and leaves before you wake up with the exact same goodbye. he missed you, but he knows he wouldn’t stand a chance if he had you sending him those pretty looks that make him feel so fucking weak.
this is why diluc knows he’s fucked when you visit him at work, his cock already hard as soon as he catches a glimpse of you coming through the tavern door and he has to swallow the groan he feels kick at his chest when you blink at him over the bar. “did.. ugh, did he put you up to this?” he grunts as he presses you against the desk he has hauled up in the back room, his hips flush against yours as his large hands grab and rip at your clothes — so eager to undress you and ease the throb in his cock that only intensifies with every grind of his bulge into you. “it’s true, i can’t deny what you do to me afterall, sweetheart.”
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as if he would ever pass up an opportunity to test his limits, plus childe is always looking for an excuse to be able to tease you, and himself considering he’s told himself this’ll help him get stronger. he actually does a lot better than you thought, even goes as far as to make it harder for himself — letting his hands smooth along your body, touching something he knows he can’t have as he bites down on his bottom lip and feels his cock fucking leak against his slacks.
but maybe childe had gotten a little too cocky, worked himself up a little too much until he was wound up tight — particularly ruthless when it came to training new recruits or seeking out fights with whoever looks at him the wrong way. that’s when his facade had slipped, when he’d been particularly riled up after a fight — still high on adrenaline when he sends you a hooded look, one that’s still a little wild as he approaches you quickly, like he’s a wild animal who’s finally caught a glimpse of his pray.
“oh, come on now. aren’t you gonna beg?” childe grunts from where he’s pressing himself up against you — his chest flush against your back as he lets you feel the way his cock is uncomfortably throbbing between you both, begging for the much needed friction that he’s too eager to chase right now. “i’ve been quite formidable, don’t you think?” he’s breathing hard as he stuffs his face in the crook of your neck, rutting his hips into you while his hands squeeze at your hips. “so then amuse me.”
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al-haitham lasts the whole month, if you were to ask him how he’d did it he’d probably drone on and on about the preparations he’d taken, the science behind it and how easy it was for him. but you know that he’s lying to some extent, even when he was pretending to be oh so focused on the book he was reading you weren’t blind. one quick look over your shoulder wouldve let you see the way his sharp gaze was only focused on your hips and ass, bulge prominent as he lays back in his seat with a low hum. “tell me now, is that all you’ve got?”
but as much as al-haitham was smart he was still human, and there was a few times he couldn’t help but fight the carnal urges to reach out and grind his cock against you — do anything to feel the tight squeeze of your cunt around him like he yearned. he’d made sure to fuck you a day before the challenge began, getting it out of his system before the inevitable purge but even just being in your presence had him in a constant state of being so fucking needy.
so you almost jump when al-haitham basically slams the door to your bedroom open just as the last day in november ends, his steps are heavy and he can feel the throb of anticipation straight through his cock as he approaches you — fingers gripping around your jaw to tilt your face to his before he’s kissing you fiercely. “well would you look at that, told you i could do it.” he grunts as he looms over you, already pulling at your clothes before his own follows — groaning with the slightest graze of his cock along your thighs. “well now sweetheart, i think i’ve earned a reward.. don’t you?”
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kazuha honestly didn’t think he’d be able to do it, he was entirely addicted to you and your cunt but the team were placing bets and he’d been a little tipsy when he’d agreed and didn’t want to be the first one to lose afterall. but it’s just as hard as he imagined it would be, he can barely even look at you without his gaze becoming heavy, cock twitching and begging for him to reach out to touch you, to have you and take you like he desires but he also can’t stand the chuckles from the surrounding crew.
that is until you’re finally both alone for the first time in two weeks, kazuha had went out of his way to make sure this didn’t happen but he couldn’t stand not giving you the attention you deserved, it only taking a particularly pretty look from you to have him crumbling. but he should’ve known this would be the outcome when you decided to take your place pressed up against his side, arms wrapped around his waist so tight he can barely breathe — but that’s probably due to how much he needs to cum right now.
“now would be the best time to rest well.” kazuha breathes, low and ragged as his chest expands with each inhale he takes and he’s sure you must be able to tell the effect you’re having on him right now. but his words only seem to draw you closer, your fingertips resting against his thigh to squeeze at the skin — close enough to have his hips twitching before he whimpers and clenches his jaw. “ah.. i see, you are relentless.” your fingertips only crawl closer and he can’t stop the way his hand rests over yours instinctively to hold you there, letting you palm and stroke at his cock before he cums in his pants with a long and low whine.
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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