#i might figure out how to move pictures around on my blog
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Part Three
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Valencia: You ready?
Erik: You wanna come down to my room? I’m almost finished, I just hopped out of the shower.
Valencia stood in front of a mirror propped up against her side of the dorm room. The idea of going to Erik’s room excited her. Biting down on her bottom lip, Valencia quickly typed a reply.
Valencia: Of course ☺️
She checked out her attire one last time. That yellow dress on her body was sure to have Erik’s attention. At least that’s what the blog said.
-Erik loves sundresses or anything showing off legs and hugging curves. Bonus points to bold colors that pop against brown skin ☺️
Valencia grabbed her black crossbody bag from her bed and she left her dorm room. She shut the door softly, waiting until a group of students talking closely together walked by. The RA dorm room was at the very end of the hall near the bathrooms. Valencia walked down the hall, keeping a lookout for anyone who would be spying on her. Not that anyone really gave a fuck. Rochelle was messing around with a few male students regularly.
Her footsteps came to a halt in front of his door. Valencia raised a fist and knocked with uncertainty. Valencia withdrew her hand and fiddled with her bag. She rocked back and forth on her heels, clicked her tongue, looked from one end of the hall to the other. The door opened and Erik peeked his head out, smirking at her. She could tell that he was trying to conceal himself. Was he—
“Come in.”
The door opened enough to let her in. Valencia’s eyes scanned the room first and then they landed on Erik. She had to close her mouth before she drooled down her chin. If there was a word to collectively describe how delicious he looked at the moment, Valencia would say it. His locs were flesh against his forehead. His skin was glistening and moisturized. He was shirtless with a single gold cross chain hanging between his pecs. His jeans hung low on his hips teasing her.
Erik chuckles, “Let me grab a T-shirt and we can head out, okay?”
Erik turned to grab a folded white T-shirt from his bed. He didn’t take his eyes off of Valencia as he pulled the T-shirt over his head. She peeled her eyes away to look around the room. She had to calm herself down because it was getting heated. Her skin was flushed, body temperature increased, breathing rapid. She noticed a pair of gold boots haphazardly placed in a corner near his closet.
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“You ready?”
Valencia’s cafe noir eyes fell on Erik. He was fully dressed now, holding a denim jacket in his hand.
“I figured we could go to this bomb ass diner I found about a week ago. Best milkshakes I ever had.”
“Is it Macky’s Diner?”
“It is,” Erik smirked at her, “Damn…”
“You. That’s what.”
Erik moved closer, literally standing over her to the point where he had to crane his neck. Valencia’s eyelids fluttered and she looked up at Erik through her lashes. She dropped her eyes to his lips, then his neck.
“This color on you…”
Valencia blushed, “You like it?”
“It’s one of my favorites.” Erik gave her a lop-sided grin.
His hand reached down to twirl one of her braids around his finger. Valencia’s sharp intake of breath didn’t go unnoticed to Erik.
“You got some explaining to do, baby girl.” Erik said with a playful glint in his eyes.
“Oh,” Valencia giggles, “The picture…”
Erik tilted his head and looked at her.
“The one with your face down and ass up. Yeah, that picture.”
Valencia was shrinking beneath his gaze. A nervous feeling tickled her belly. She tried to come up with a remark in her head.
“No need to be all coy about it.” Erik laughs.
“I—I thought you might want to have something to look at when…when I’m not around. So you don’t forget about me.”
Her small voice, timid yet sexy eyes, and voluptuous lips had Erik in the strongest chokehold. He had the biggest crush on her in two days time.
“I couldn’t forget you even if I tried.”
Erik’s hand reached past Valencia and turned the doorknob. Her beautiful smile at his words warmed his heart. Valencia turned her back towards Erik and he used his hand to hold the door open so she could walk out. She stood back and watched Erik shut and lock his door before they walked down the hall side by side.
The lounge area was surprisingly empty. They took the elevators down and Erik walked ahead to hold the door for Valencia. He shocked her by gripping her dainty hand in his much larger one. She looked from their hands to his face and nibbled on the corner of her bottom lip to fight the urge to smile hard. Holding his hand made he blush uncontrollably.
They finally made it to Erik’s car. He released Valencia’s hand to open the door for her. She lowered herself into the seat, the smell of mahogany teakwood filling her nose. The leather seats were warm against the back of her legs since his car was within a shaded area. It was clean inside minus a gym bag tossed in the backseat. She secured herself while Erik slipped into the drivers seat. When he turned on his car, the car vibrated from the music Erik was listening to on max. The Scotts by Travis Scott ft. Kid Cudi filled the interior of the all black Hellcat Challenger. Even in low throttle, the supercharge whine was the best automotive sound Valencia ever heard. She felt like she was in a race car.
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Erik turned his music down a little, laughing at the expression on Valencia’s face. One hand whipping, Erik sat his other hand on Valencia’s thigh. Die Young by Roddy Ricch was next on Erik’s playlist. She loved trap music. Her own playlist would probably shock Erik. He started stroking her thigh and Valencia had to distract herself with fixing her hair in the mirror so she wouldn’t shudder.
“We’re five minutes away.” Erik said.
They walked into the diner hand-in-hand. They came in at the best time. The hostess led them to a booth seat right next to the window. Valencia sat across from Erik and two seconds later, their waiter, a stout, curvy black woman with cropped curls came over to their table.
“Hello. What can I get you to drink?”
Erik stroked his soul patch down to his goatee in deep thought.
“I’ll do a cookies and cream milkshake. No Cherry with extra Oreo.”
“Okay. And you?”
“Can I have the same please? And a water.”
“I’ll have a water as well.” Erik added.
“Alright. I’ll be back with your drinks.”
The waiter sauntered away. Valencia scanned the diner, avoiding Erik’s gaze because he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. She placed a hand over her belly to calm the butterflies. She really needed to relax.
“Are you enjoying the date so far?” Erik questioned, breaking the ice.
Valencia finally looked at him. She gave him a warm smile.
“Yes. I’ve never been on a date before so…”
Erik furrowed his brows at her in disbelief.
“My ex before college never asked me. A guy I was talking to during my sophomore year stood me up. And Isaiah—that was a mistake. Pretty much no experience in what it would be like until now.”
Valencia shrank in her seat. She started overthinking again. Her inexperience probably turned him off. Once again, she was proven wrong.
“Here are your drinks…”
The waiter who Valencia recognized to be Pam from her name badge— she didn’t give them her name—sat their drinks down.
“Ready to order?” She clicked her pen.
Erik motioned for Valencia to go first. She was so distracted by Erik she hadn’t even looked the menu over. She opened her menu and skimmed.
“Okay…I’ll do a cheeseburger with french fries. Extra salt and pepper on the fries please.”
The waiter jotted that down and turned her eyes onto Erik.
“I’ll do the same but make it a double cheeseburger.”
Both of them handed their menus over. Pam walked away to put their orders in.
“…To respond to what you said, they didn’t deserve you. I’m happy to be your first date though.”
Erik smirked at her causing his dimples to pop.
“…And don’t feel ashamed of your inexperience. Ever.”
“Thank you,” Valencia hunched her shoulders and blushed.
“You’re a swimmer? I noticed the bathing suit you had on beneath your shorts today had the school logo on it.”
“I do! I’m on the swim team. Swimming is a real passion of mine. I’m not looking to go pro or anything like that. I’m amongst a few family members of mine who can actually swim.”
Erik nodded his head, “I love to swim myself. Haven’t been in a while. I used to go night swimming in the pool at TSU. I was cool with the coach at the time. Now, since I’m a TA, I can just badge right in.”
“Hm,” Valencia drew in a slow breath, “What else do you like to do?”
Erik looked away and down at his hands on the table he smirked to himself.
“I really enjoy poetry. I used to write my own and recite it at Poetry Live. Most of my work is sexual. Anyone can talk dirty, but there’s an art to painting erotic images in another’s mind…”
Valencia didn’t know if there was even a kink to describe what Erik was explaining to her. If it is, she may have discovered a new kink of hers. She rested her chin into her hand and focused on him.
“…Whether it’s my warm voice whispering into someone’s ear, or amplified. Through words I can arouse a reader. I just think that’s powerful.”
Silence filled the space between them while they enjoyed their shake. Erik licked his lips and then he started talking again.
“Words may be primitive shapes, or puffs of spoken air, but a mind can transform them into a force of thrilling potency. It imbues them with a sexual power. Our mighty mental engines are voracious, they yearn for novelty, new instructions to drive the looms of our imagination to weave stunning new patterns…”
Valencia gawked at Erik. He chuckled.
“I can be very eloquent when I choose to be.”
“I can see that,” Valencia giggles.
The waiter returned with their food. Valencia’s eyes widened at the portions. She wasn’t going to finish all of that. Erik and her reached for the ketchup at the same time. They both laughed and then Erik passed her the ketchup first. Valencia ate her fries while thinking of something risky to do to tease Erik. She was taking advice from the blog earlier after sharing that she would be going on a lunch date.
-You should tease him some more. Maybe eat your food in a sexy way. Slow, make noises.
Valencia grabbed a fry and when Erik glanced over at her she bit down on her fry slowly, drawing it into her mouth with her tongue. Erik rolled his lips, his dimples deep in his cheeks.
“Mm, that is so good,” Valencia closed her eyes, “Mmm…I love French fries.”
“I can tell.” Erik laughs.
Valencia paused, a nervous chuckle escaping her mouth. She sat her fry down and rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment.
Remind me to never do that again, she thought.
“So, how long have you had a thing for me?”
Valencia darted her eyes across the table at Erik like she’d been caught. Erik laughed with all his teeth.
“What makes you think I have a thing for you?” Valencia quipped.
“Oh, I don’t know,” Erik spoke sarcastically, “The constant blushing. The way you can’t even look me in the eye.”
Valencia rolled her eyes. She looked away and back to her food.
“How long?”
She swirled a french fry in ketchup.
“I wish I would have known. I’m glad I do now.”
“Because I’m feeling you too. I’ve seen you around campus. I’ve peeped you out for a while now.”
Valencia gave Erik an incredulous look.
“Yeah. Might as well throw it out there. I didn’t wanna make it obvious because I saw you with Isaiah. I didn’t think you were available. Probably thought I was too old for you or some shit…”
Valencia could not believe it. Erik had been interested in her this entire time?
“Are you being serious?”
Erik chuckled.
“Yeah, I’m serious. Why would you think that I wouldn’t? You’re gorgeous.”
Valencia turned her face away, giggling. She covered her mouth to contain her laughter. They went back to eating their food and the entire time, Erik would look over at her and Valencia would look up at him. Her foot brushed against Erik’s beneath the table and she held her breath when Erik did the same to her but intentionally. Valencia clenched her thighs together to calm the throbbing between her legs.
“I was thinking we could hit up this black-owned library before going back to campus. Is that cool?”
Valencia bobbed her head, “I’m down.”
The bell alerted to their arrival. Valencia loved the smell of a library. It’s a combination of grassy notes with a tang of acids and a hint of vanilla over an underlying mustiness. A customer slipped past them after purchasing a book. The cashier looked up at them and gave them a welcoming smile.
“I’m Simone. Let me know if you need anything.”
Erik and Valencia thanked her. Everything was neatly placed and organized. Hand in Erik’s, he led her to the back of the library, and between two stacks beneath a low ambiance.
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“This is where I find the best poetry.”
Erik released her hand and he walked up to the shelf to his left first. His thick, pointer finger moved from book-to-book. Valencia followed him, her eyes scanning the books. There was one sticking out from its spot so she paused, grabbling it from in between just so she could read the front cover.
“Verbal Stimulation: An Intimate Collection of Poetry. Sounds promising.” Valencia whispered.
Erik turned towards Valencia. He studied the front cover of the book.
“I’ve read this one…actually, I think I may have this…”
Valencia handed him the book. Erik opened it, turning the pages a few times before he found one that he really liked. Valencia leaned her shoulder against the shelf, veering closer to Erik. He cleared his throat and his voice took on a much lower timbre.
“i like my body when it is with your
body. It is so quite new a thing.
Muscles better and nerves more.
i like your body. i like what it does,
i like its hows. i like to feel the spine
of your body and its bones,and the trembling
-firm-smooth ness and which i will
again…and again…and again
kiss, i like kissing this and that of you.”
Erik looked down at Valencia and a smile slowly crept up his lips.
“E.E. Cummings. He writes a lot of erotically charged love poetry celebrating self-love and the excitement of a love affair.” Erik informed Valencia.
“I liked that one.” She replied with a hushed tone and tempting eyes.
Erik placed the book back on the shelf and they continued down the aisle. His footsteps paused again when he’d noticed another book.
“This one is Pablo Neruda. One of his books…”
“Can you read to me again?” Valencia pleaded.
Erik gave her a once over with a smirk. He opened the book to the first poem.
“I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.
I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.”
The more he recited poetry to her, the more her panties grew wet. Erik noticed, and he inched closer to Valencia. She placed her back against the shelf and Erik loomed closer, his chest almost touching hers.
“Isaiah called you poet…”
Erik’s eyes danced over her face. Valencia’s eyelids fluttered.
“We have nicknames. Poet is one of my nicknames. My brothers know that I’m a man of words. They used to crack jokes until they realized that my words had an effect on women. They didn’t have much to say then.”
Valencia tucked her chin and quietly giggled.
“Well, I like the nickname,” Valencia looked up at Erik shyly, “Can I call you Poet?”
“If you want,” Erik licked his lips, “You can call me anything you want…”
Erik’s face drew closer to Valencia’s. She released a shaky breath. A tickle crept over her skin when he pressed his lips against her ear.
“I have another one I think you’ll like. It’s one of my favorites…”
“O—Okay,” Valencia shivered.
“Like one slutty little horny slave
listening to her master.. she behaves
he mind keeping hidden what she craves
one hard black dick her pussy loving raves…”
Valencia closed her eyes. Her hands came up to rest on Erik’s chest. She could feel his hands on her waist now. He drew circles with his fingertips, eliciting a whimper.
“I want to unleash on to you
Not out of love but because you know how to receive
Teeth digging into your fair fragile skin, rupturing
I feel hunger ever more
Your little wet mouth lingering in obedience yet I strike with punishment
Feeling your breath withdraw under the pressure of my hand wrapped around your throat…”
His hands leisurely smoothed up her waist until his hands were flush against her back. Valencia slowly opened her eyes and Erik was staring down at her through his gold-rimmed glasses. Her glossy, full lips parted slightly and her eyes focused on his mouth as he recited erotic poetry to her.
“The sight of her makes my mouth drool
So tempting, so irresistible
I take her in my arms
I lick my lips in anticipation
Pulling back the cover
I gaze at her pretty pussy
I can’t wait to taste her pretty pussy
The flavor of her arousal so deeply embedded on my appendage.”
Valencia’s chest heaved up and down, her breasts pushing against Erik’s chest. Now, they were playing into her size kink. The way he crowded her space with his much bigger and stronger body made her phat pussy quiver. Erik used one hand to stroke her chin with his thumb while the other now took its place on her ass.
“Did you like that?” He whispered.
Erik dropped his onyx eyes down to her lips. His top lip twitched slightly with anticipation to taste her juicy mouth.
“You have the most beautiful lips…”
“So do you.”
Erik smirked at her and then he inched closer. Valencia titled her chin up and closed her eyes. The moment his plump lips graced her full lips, a spark ignited within her. Her arms came up to wrap around his shoulders. She stood on her tip toes in her sandals. Erik wrapped a single arm around her waist. Their heads tilted to the left, both of their plump bottom lips sinking into each other like wet cushions. Erik sucked her lower lip into his mouth and dragged his teeth over it before using his tongue to trace the inside of her lip.
Valencia moaned softly into his mouth. Her dress hiked up beneath her ass, almost exposing her black thong. Their lips made moist, smacking noises. Both tongues hot and wet. Erik’s other hand squeezed Valencia’s buns, so much that her pussy opened up. The cool air of the library against her heated pussy caused her to moan.
It was a mixture of a whimper and a moan. The sexiest fucking sound Erik had ever heard. He broke their kiss and his eyes scanned her body.
“That pussy wet?” He asked with a husky voice.
She nodded her head with a pout of her lip.
“Tell me that pussy wet…”
He dragged his tongue over her tongue.
“Tell daddy that pussy wet, baby…”
“…Daddy…my pussy is so wet…”
Valencia’s face was hot. She’d never been talked to like that. Ever. She couldn’t even believe she said it. Erik’s hand sat beneath the under cuff of her left cheek and he made it jiggle. She pressed her face against his chest, her shyness something she was unable to control.
“Can I touch that wet pussy?” He whispered.
Valencia nodded her head again, unable to meet his gaze. Erik didn’t force her to say it this time, only because he was so anxious to see and feel that wet puss for himself. He hadn’t been this excited and aroused in a long time. Valencia turned her back towards Erik and poked her butt out against his crotch.
Erik looked both ways to make sure there wasn’t anyone lurking. He could hear voices so he needed to make this quick. Erik brought a hand around and between her legs. The temperature there made him groan against her hair. Valencia braced herself on the shelf in front of her. Erik started off by stroking her pussy lips up and down through her panties. There was a heated damp spot right in between as if her panties were sitting right in the middle of her phat lips.
Using his middle finger, eyes still looking around, Erik stroked from the top of her pussy, all the way to the back. He did it a few more times before he pinched her pussy lips between his fingers. Valencia’s forehead fell forward and she quietly moaned. Erik did it again. His dick was twitching. He flicked her pussy lips with his fingers and in his mind he couldn’t believe how phat her pussy was.
“Damn, Valencia…”
Erik carefully slipped the crotch of her thong to the side. Valencia inhaled. They sat perfectly to the side and Erik didn’t waste time touching her. When the flesh of his fingers graced the flesh of her bald pussy, Erik exhaled a longing breath. He took his time stroking her outer lips. She had inner folds that poked out between her outer lips. Like a pretty flower. He was shocked when he’d noticed that she had a clit piercing.
“You got your clit pierced?” Erik whispered, his tone laced with shock and arousal.
Valencia chewed on her bottom lip.
“That’s not what I expected at all,” Erik chuckles.
“It’s a VCH. I got it a year ago—”
Erik used his fingers to spread her pussy open wide. He fingered her clit and Valencia almost shouted. He flicked her clit non-stop, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. She had to bite down hard on her lip to control herself. He then used his middle and ring finger to circle her clit.
Valencia almost pulled books from the shelves. Her inner thighs quaked. She could feel her nipples harden.
“You’re right baby girl…this pussy is wet…”
Erik massaged her clit over and over and since it was so quiet in the library, Erik could hear her pussy making creamy noises.
“That pussy talking now…fuck…”
“It feels so good…” Valencia spoke with a hushed tone.
The smell of his cologne and the warmth of his body against her back had her dripping.
“I wanna feel it deeper, baby…”
She knew what he meant. She was a little nervous because all the times she’d been fingered by her ex, she never enjoyed it and always avoided it. Valencia relaxed her body, but her heart was racing. Two of Erik’s fingers sat at her entrance. She stilled her body with anticipation, gaining the courage to look back at Erik. The second her cafe noir eyes met his, those thick fingers were pushing up inside of her.
“Oh my gosh…”
He sank his fingers deep. He started stroking her spot.
Erik placed a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. Her ass pressed into his crotch and she writhed against him. The sound of her pussy was so loud and obnoxious.
“You’re making too much noise…I know it feels good, baby, but you gotta stay quiet…”
The way he fingered her made her fall in love. He knew where to touch and stroke. She was clenching around his fingers. Uncontrollably. She could feel herself dripping down her inner thighs. His hand must be soaked. It had to be with the way he easily went in and out. His wrist didn’t get tired. His fingers didn’t cramp up. She mumbled something against his hand but her words were lost on him.
“This pussy is deep and fuckin’ wet…you lovin’ this shit…my mouth is drooling…”
Erik had to bite down on his lower lip. She gripped his fingers again and he could see her eyes crossing.
She hung her head and pressed her face into her arm. Erik’s fingers sloshed in and out of that wet fucking pussy and when she climaxed it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. She fell back against him, reaching behind her to grip his arms. Her knees almost buckled and a thin layer of sweat made her mocha skin glisten. Erik’s fingers carefully withdrew from her pussy. Even though her panties were pushed to the side, the amount of creamy goodness that came from her stained them.
Erik looked down at his hand and his fingers were dripping wet and creamy. He could smell her pheromones, the scent of her pussy wafting his nose. She smelled amazing. Erik loved the smell of freshly fucked, horny, wet pussy. Bonus points if it’s clean, well taken care of pussy. Valencia turned and braced herself against the shelf. She stared up at Erik through her lashes with low, wanton eyes.
“You made a big ass mess…”
Valencia watched Erik suck on his fingers. He cleaned them off like it was a sweet treat. Her mouth dropped open in shock. He licked between his fingers, the palm of his hand, and sucked on his own lips to get any remnants of her onto his tongue. All while looking at her intently.
“Mm,” Erik licked his lips again, “You taste amazing.”
“T—Thank you.”
Come here so you can taste it…”
He curled his finger for her to come to him. She tilted her chin up.
“Stick your tongue out…”
Valencia did as she was told. Erik touched tongues with her and then they french kissed. Valencia whimpered into his mouth. She’d never tasted herself before. This was the nastiest thing and she loved it. Erik drew back to stare her in the eyes. He was so horny. His dick was fat and long between his legs.
“Take your panties off.” Erik commanded.
He wasn’t asking, he was telling.
“Right here?”
Erik chuckled, “You let me play in your pussy right here, didn’t you?”
Valencia giggled. He had a point.
She slipped her hands beneath her dress. Valencia pulled her thong down and stepped out of it. She held her panties out in her palm for Erik. He snatched them and balled them up before placing it inside of his pocket.
What was he going to do with fhem? Valencia felt a little self conscious. Used panties? Erik could sense her nervousness.
“Thank you for letting me touch you like that.”
Erik kissed her cheek softly. She smiled up at him and swayed from side to side.
“Thank you for making me fall in love with fingering. I’ve avoided it for so long because I didn’t like it when my ex would do it…he made it hurt.”
“It’s never supposed to hurt, ma. That nigga didn’t know what he was doing.”
Erik stroked her cheek with the side of his finger. She was so precious. It made him feel good that he was her first date and first great finger-fucking partner.
“I’ll show you what it’s like anytime you want. Whatever you want, I’ll show you. You have my number…”
Valencia swooned at his words. Erik couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her one last time before they left with one of his favorite poetry books for her to read. When the both of them appeared at the front of the store again, Valencia expected the cashier to mention how they’ve been gone for so long, but surprisingly enough, she simply smiled knowingly at them.
“Find everything okay?”
“Yes,” Erik replied.
She rung them up and they left hand-in-hand back to the dorms.
Back at the dorms, Erik and Valencia stopped in front of her dorm room. She hesitated to enter, and Erik was reluctant to leave. The car ride over, Valencia would catch glimpses of Erik smelling his fingers. The reason for that is because his fingers found their way between her legs again. He’d only done it so he could smell and taste her. It was the most primal thing she’d ever seen. The recollection of her thong in his pocket turned her on and she pictured him smelling her panties. He even questioned if her STD panel was up to date and how often she got tested. Very mature and necessary considering the amount of unsafe sexual activity going on. They exchange info and that was the final green light to go further. And boy was Valencia thrilled about that.
“I’m not gonna lie…I wanna eat your pussy.”
His boldness was too much. She hid her face behind her hands, only for Erik to move her hands away.
“Your dorm or mines?”
Erik quirked a brow at her. He was dead serious.
“Uhm…we should go to yours. Only because I don’t know if Brielle is in there or not…”
“Smart.” Erik said.
He grabbed Valencia by the hand and led her down the hall. They made it to his room and he unlocked the door. They slipped inside quickly and Valencia sat down on his bed while Erik shut the door. He told her to get comfortable so she removed her sandals. She couldn’t believe this was about to happen. If Valencia had ever created a list of things she’d never done or things she’d had bad experiences with, pussy eating would be one of them. Her ex had little to no experience with it and Valencia didn’t care much for it. Isaiah was flat out terrible at it. So far, Erik had proven to her that he could easily change her mind so she wasn’t worried about his pussy eating skills. With a mouth like that, he better be a pussy monster.
The walls in the dorms are thin. Erik decided to put on a playlist of his from the TV in the dorm. He opened Apple Music and found a random rap song for background noise. One she hadn’t heard of but the beat was good. It was definitely something she would shake her ass to. Erik sat his jacket down and kicked off his shoes. Valencia watched him pull his shirt over his head and his abs flexed. One thing for sure, Isaiah has a nice body, but he wasn’t touching Erik.
He walked over to Valencia and climbed onto the bed. She backed up towards his pillow and giggled when he pounced her. They started off with a make out session again. Valencia opened her legs and rubbed her inner thighs along Erik’s waist. His kisses trailed down her neck while his hands pushed her knees back. He sat up on his knees and then his eyes dropped down to admire her pussy. It was smooth, wet, and phat. Pretty chocolate with a pink center. The VCH piercing popped against her flesh.
“The prettiest pussy.” Erik praised.
“Thank you,” Valencia looked away.
“Aight, rule number one, don’t look away while I eat it…”
“Yes sir,” She replied.
“Rule number two, don’t push my head away. I hate that shit. You want it, you take it.”
That scared her. Valencia didn’t know what she was in for.
“Lay back…”
Valencia relaxed against his pillow. She looked down at him, watching him lay flat against his abs. He kept her thighs pushed back and then without further ado, his tongue licked a long trail up her pussy. Valencia’s mouth opened. She locked eyes with Erik and he spread her lips before doing the same thing with his tongue to her inner folds. She curled her toes and fought to shut her eyes.
“Fuck,” She whispered.
This was a real challenge. Keeping eye contact while his tongue flicked, twirled, and glided all over her clit. He knew how to work that tongue on areas she didn’t know could feel so good. He made sure each spot got equal attention.
“Fuck, you taste so damn good…”
“Mhm,” Valencia nibbled on her bottom lip.
Erik planted kisses on her clit before those same lips started softly sucking. Valencia took in a sharp breath. Erik flicked his eyes up at her and then they rolled shut. Valencia threw her head back. Her legs were shaking like she had Parkinson’s. When he released her clit, they both stared at how stiff and swollen it was. This is the moment when Valencia knew she was in trouble. The VCH piercing made her clit extra sensitive. That’s why every time she used her vibrator, she could never last. Two minutes into masturbating and she was cumming.
Erik flicked her clit just a little and Valencia’s body jerked like she was doused with cold water.
“It’s too sensitive—”
Erik wasn’t trying to hear that. He started sucking again. His sucking this time was more like french kisses. Slurping sounds filled the room. He forced her thighs back harder now. He gave her another break, her clit popping out of his mouth.
“You gotta take it. Don’t keep this pussy away from me.”
His voice was huskier and it had Valencia in a trance.
“Okay, daddy.” She replied with a small voice.
He went back to munching. Valencia moaned loudly. The sweetest moans. She fought to close her thighs despite Erik’s words. Her body seizes and she clawed at the sheets. Her eyes almost rolled to the back of her head.
“Unh! Uhhhnnnn!”
She climaxed. Valencia couldn’t believe how hard she’d cum. He finally came up for air. His beard was soaked. Pupils dilated, he looked like a pussy eating savage. Valencia sat up and stared between her legs. She’d never known that her pussy could tremble but she watched it in real time. One look at Erik and she knew he wasn’t finished.
“Mm,” Valencia whimpered.
“Turn over and put that ass in the air.”
She moved towards the center of the bed and arched her back deep like she did in that photo. Erik stood behind her, shaking his head at how fucking beautiful her wide open pussy and ass looked from the back. Valencia peeked back at him. They locked eyes and then Erik whacked her ass with both hands. She flinched and moaned. He jiggled her cheeks while spreading them at the same time.
“This my pussy to play wit’ now. I better not find out you giving this up, hear me?”
“Yes, daddy.” Valencia replied.
“I’m not joking, girl…”
She knew he wasn’t. His tone alone told her that. And why would she? He’s the best she ever had.
Erik got down behind her and started slurping her from behind. The position and the way he did it felt more intense for Valencia. She curled her lower legs up and went flat against the bed, reaching behind to hold her ankles. Erik slapped her cheeks before continuing his feast. She moaned into the bed.
“Yes, daddy,” Valencia cried.
She started moving her hips with the motion of his eating. She felt her body shake out of control and she couldn’t hold her ankles any longer. Valencia moaned on a loop, falling onto her side on the bed. Erik tilted his head and ate that pussy from the side. She held her thigh back and pressed her face into her knee. She was shaking out of control.
“I can’t, I can’t, I can’t,” Valencia begged.
“Mm-mm,” Erik hummed into her pussy.
She felt herself squirt a little and Erik licked that up. His tongue would push inside of her, his lips would suck whatever he could, his saliva mixed with her juices added a sensation mixed with heat. It was amazing.
“So good…I…so good…I’m cummin’…I’m cummin…”
She almost closed Erik’s head between her thighs. He finally stopped and the visual with his messy locs and wet face was beyond sexy. Valencia rolled over onto her back and covered her face with her arm. Erik stood up and his jeans were hanging low on his hips. Valencia moved her arm away from her eyes and she stared openly at his print. What was he holding back in those jeans? A python? He was big. She sat up on her knees and reached out a hand to stroke him. Valencia gripped him and squeezed. That elicited a grunt from Erik.
“I can return the favor.” Valencia said.
“As much as I would love you to, I have to get ready for tonight…”
Time was lost on her. She hadn’t realized how late it was. Valencia tried to hide her disappointment but Erik caught her face in his grip and forced her to look up at him.
“I promise. Daddy will give you this dick tonight, baby. After the party, okay? I promise.”
Erik kissed her lips and Valencia stood up to fix herself. She still had to figure out what she was going to wear tonight and it always took her forever to do her makeup. She also needed another shower. Erik helped her with her shoes and then he walked her to the door. He grabbed her by the hand one last time, pulling her into another kiss. Valencia smiled against his mouth.
“I’ll see you later, aight?” Erik said.
She waved goodbye and left his dorm room. Walking down the hall, Valencia squealed. This was probably the best day of her life so far. At her dorm, she opened the door and found Brielle sitting on her bed on her lap top.
“Where have you been all day?” Brielle pestered.
“Went for lunch, got some fresh air, that’s all…”
Valencia was happy that whatever had Brielle’s attention stopped her from noticing the big, goofy grin on her face.
“This blog is hilarious! Listen to this…I’m fucking my professor for an A in his class. He got me pregnant. I don’t want an abortion, but he has a wife and kids. The sad truth is, I know he wouldn’t leave his wife for me even though he complains about her having wack pussy. I don’t know what to do.”
“That’s wild! What school?”
“Morgan State.” Brielle replied.
A Delta is, whatta AKI ain't. What a Zeta wanna be and whatta Sigma can't. What a Alpha likes, whatta Kappa loves. and whatta a Que Psi Phi can't get enough of. THAT IS A DELTA!!!!
Delta Sigma Theta kicked it off with their stroll through fhe party. Andrea lead the way proudly. Knuck if You Buck filled the party and everyone had their phones out recording the ladies. Body rolling and hands forming a pyramid. Their competitive chant had the other sororities, like AKA, dismissing them and rolling their eyes. The Kappas wolf-whistled, The Alphas watched with proud stances, and the Omegas shouted.
“Get it Get it.”
“That’s right!”
The room was packed from wall to wall. It smelled like weed and sweat. Valencia took her place as a wall flower, dressed in a sparkly bandu with black high waisted jeans. She accessorized with large silver hoops and a layered chain necklace. Her braids were down her back and her face was beat to the gods. She added body glitter as a final touch to draw the look together. Brielle and Skai were on the dance floor, grinding all over each other. Cindy was there with her boyfriend who is a Kappa, chatting with him closely with drinks in their hands.
Dior was standing with the AKA’s she’s an AKA just like her sister Jeanette. It was too crowded to try and watch them do their entrance so Valencia stood back and waited for Erik to do his thing. The crowd erupted when AKA took over.
Valencia could see them a little from where she stood.
Whooo those AKA's
An Ahhka is what a Delta ain't
What a Zeta couldn't
What a SGRho can't
What the Kappas like
What the Ques love
What APhiA can't get enough of us!!!!”
“Valencia, you okay?”
Cindy tapped her shoulder, startling Valencia. It was so loud she could hardly hear Cindy.
“I’m okay! You know how I get with crowds!”
“You wanna grab a drink?!”
That sounded good to Valencia. She nodded her head and grabbed Cindy’s hand. She led the way over to the open bar stock piled with alcohol. Valencia asked for a mixed drink with tequila. The bartender whipped something up for her and she sampled it to see if she liked it. It was strong but very good. Now that they were standing by the bar, Valencia could watch. The Zeta’s were doing their thing now.
“The men, the men, of Black and Gold
1-9-0-6 too cold, too cold
They came to a Zeta and they said to me
They said, ‘I’ll never be as COLD as a Z Phi B.’
The men, the men, of KAPsi
Phi Nu Pi ’til the day that they die
They came to a Zeta and they said to me
They said, ‘I’ll never be as PRETTY as a Z Phi B
The men, the men, of Q Psi Phi
Down dirty dogs ’til the day that they die
They came to a Zeta and they said to me
They said, ‘I’ll stop being NASTY for a Z Phi B!!!”
They performed a choppa style stroll that went so hard Valencia had to cheer them on. Her mother begged her to be a Zeta but she wasn’t interested in pledging.
The Que Dogs stepped up. They all wore skull masks in their colors to conceal their faces so Valencia didn’t know which one Erik was.
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“FUCK IT UP!!!!”
Down in the valley, woh ohh ohh ohh!
There is a place that I long to go!
The name of this place rings in my ear!
Omega, Omega, Omega, Omegaaaaaaa!
Land of the Purple and the Gooooold ohhh!
Land of the Purple and the Gold!
They marched up with heavy stomps and enter-linked arms. The room was filled with flashlights from cellphones.
I kNEW THIS GIRL! (bruhs say Yeah)
Valencia clapped and cheered with a big smile on her face. She recognized that voice. It had to be Erik leading that chant.
They circled each other, barking and howling. It was a turn on for sure. They finally removed their masks and tossed them to the side. Seeing Erik perform had Valencia feeling extra giddy.
The charismatic dance that included jumping, splits, torquing bodies in the air — it’s called “hopping” — is a very athletic show that requires extensive practice to get the mostly synchronized routines down. Those are the videos that pop up on social media, the group breaking out in a routine in the middle of a crowd. The bent just-so elbows and hands pointed at a specific angle — the pose to signify an Omega — that’s what overwhelmed the crowd. The tongue featured in nearly all of those photos — sticking out at odd angles, hanging down — that’s because people in the fraternity consider themselves “dogs.” Atomic Dogs.
The way Erik led the stroll had Valencia stunned. She wasn’t the only woman that felt that way. When they finished, the applause surrounding them was deafening. Erik dabbed up his brothers excitedly and even when they finished, they continued to bark and stick their tongues out savagely. That same tongue that was licking her pussy earlier. Erik scanned the crowd and he spotted Valencia. He made his way over towards her, Cindy watching with nosy eyes.
“Did you like our stroll?!”
“YEAH!” Valencia shouted.
“You look amazing,” Erik pulled her in, “You gon’ have all my attention now…”
Cindy gave her friend a look before slipping away to watch her man do his thing. Andrea cheered and jumped up and down when James stepped up to perform with his Kappa brothers. Erik stood behind Valencia with his arms wrapped around her waist while they watched. Valencia sipped from her solo cup, the tequila already making her tipsy. She scanned the room and noticed Dior and her older sister, Jeanette, watching her with hard eyes. Valencia gave them a strange look before Erik distracted her with his lips on her neck.
What is a nupe? Is it a name understood by few, used by many,and respected by all? Is a NUPE a man of Kappa third, a "son" Diggs second and a child of God first? Is a NUPE a Greek Step Shower, a Lady Mind Blower, and a Pretty Ass Bow Thrower? it is also ever man dreams to become one and every woman desire to have one beside her! It's what a Alpha wanna be and a Que Dawg aint. It's what a Sigma try to be and what an Iota aint.!! YO YO!
Erik threw up a fist to cheer his friend on. Others joined in as well. They finished and the Alphas did their thing. Valencia downed the rest of her drink and asked for a refill while Erik was on his second drink of the evening. He was drinking on Hennessy mixed with Hypnotic. A drink he said was nicknamed ‘Incredible Hulk’. When they finished their strolls, the party commenced.
The tequila gave Valencia some courage. She was bent over with her cup in her hand, shaking her ass on Erik’s crotch. He had his cup in one hand and his other hand on her spine, guiding her. He would roll his hips so she could feel his bulge. They weren’t the only ones getting down. D9 parties are known to be wild. Sex-filled and rowdy.
“Let me get you another drink…”
Valencia didn’t need another one but she agreed. Two drinks in and she was feeling loose. Erik disappeared with her cup and Valencia waited. Someone bumped her shoulder hard and she stumbled in her heels. A random girl with a big natural fro helped her and they both looked towards the direction of who did it. Valencia noticed Jeanette giving her a dirty look.
“BITCH!” Valencia yelled.
“What the fuck is her problem?” The girl questioned angrily.
“I don’t even know that bitch!”
One thing about Valencia, she can throw hands. Don’t let her shyness fool you. Erik returned with her drink and noticed the rage on her face.
“What’s wrong?”
“Some stupid bitch bumped me on purpose. I don’t even know this chick…”
Erik searched the room. Valencia took her drink and Erik leaned down to kiss her lips.
“I’ll be fine.” Valencia said.
“Come dance with me…”
They went to the dance floor again and her ass was on him again. Erik held her hand up while she expertly whined her hips. They locked eyes and Erik bit his lip at her. She loved seeing him in his glasses, but when he didn’t wear them she could really get a good look at his eyes. Dark and sexy. Erik pulled her up and he started touching all over her openly.
“You’re the most beautiful girl in here…so damn fine.”
Valencia blushes.
“Thank you, My Poet.”
“Ahhh shit,” Erik noticed his line brothers approaching him, “Here y’all niggas go!”
Valencia stepped to the side, laughing at Erik trying to fight off his friends playfully.
The crowd parted like the Red Sea and the woman that bumped Valencia started to perform for Erik. Erik looked her up and down with amusement. Valencia looked between them both, her smile replaced with a look of annoyance. The chick got up in Erik’s face and hopped up, wrapping her legs around him. The room got loud and wild. Valencia was almost knocked down. Granted, Erik wasn’t her man officially, but who the fuck did she think she was? Erik laughed and the sight of him laughing pissed Valencia off. He put her down and the bitch kissed him. Valencia turned to walk back to the bar. She was livid.
Valencia sat her cup down and shook her head. She tried to calm down. Maybe she was over exaggerating. She walked away so fast, she probably missed Erik telling the chick off. But still, it hurt a little. Valencia knew all too well about being cheated on and played with. It happened to her twice. If she was going to give Erik a chance, he needed to be honest and not lead her on.
She turned and came face to face with Dior.
“What is your girls problem?!” Valencia argued.
Dior snorted a laughter.
“That’s my sister Jeanette. I heard from Skai that you had a crush on him…too bad he’s not available, sis.”
“Let me guess, he’s dating your sister?”
“Yeah, pretty fucking much. That’s his ex. They broke up because he was going to the military. Now that he’s back, they’re tryna connect again.”
Valencia glared at Dior. She didn’t believe any of it.
“Don’t believe me? Go ask him then.”
Valencia looked towards the crowd She hesitated before turning her eyes back towards Dior.
“Why the fuck are you even telling me this? Because if it’s to piss me off it’s definitely working.” Valencia quipped.
“I just thought you should know. Better sooner than later, right? How would you feel if you found out about it later?”
“Girl, please. I can see right through you. I don’t want Isaiah, so why are you so mad? Give it up.”
Valencia walked away. She had to before she did something reckless. Plus, it wasn’t worth it. Erik wasn’t her man and she wasn’t going to fight over him. She’ll simply walk away, no big deal. One thing for certain, Valencia can move on and never look back.
She left that party as fast as she could.
Fresh face and in pajamas, Valencia sat at the desk in her dorm, the only light coming from her laptop. The tequila had given her a headache. She massaged her temples while ignoring her phone. Erik had called and texted her, wondering where she was. She was in her feelings honestly and wanted nothing to do with him and that party. Maybe she needed to sleep it off. It hurt so bad because she really liked him. He didn’t have to play along. If that’s your ex, why even entertain that mess? These are the games she’s not willing to play.
-How’s everything going with your crush? 😌
Valencia typed a reply.
-Not so good. He isn’t my crush anymore 😪 he just played in my face. Men ain’t shit.
She shut her laptop and climbed into bed to try and get some sleep. Dreams of Erik took over her mind in slumber.
You see that q-dog over there? Play with em’ if you want to and he’ll break your heart…
@goddessofthundathighs @theegoldenchild @hearteyes-for-killmonger @imagining-greatness @chaneajoyyy @uzumaki-rebellion @theeblackmedusa @lisayourworries @ratedbadgal @bombshellbre95 @cecereads209 @cancerianprincess @dameshaemonique @6lack-1otus @thickemadame @thickeeparker @stinkalinkkkk @ehniki @electrixit @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @bakarisprxncess @melodicheauxxlovesfood @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @bxolux @sweet2krazee @bluesole16 @ispywithmylileye @geemamii @unbotheredblackchild @nubianbabee @adoreesun @blackpinup22 @nayaxwrites @dersha89 @honeytoffee @thickianaaaa @modelmemoirs @why-wait-4-eventually @queenfaithmarie @angelicniah @soulfulbeauty19 @aijha @novaniskye @princessxotwod @callmemckenzieee @blowmymbackout @lahuttor @momobaby227 @blackerthings @kenbieee
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theskit · 1 year
Stickers AU
On the mobile app, direct linking gets rid of the readmore cuts!
If you came here via direct link, or wish to use the direct links to another part of the story, and DO NOT want to spoil the surprise stickers, please click on my blog name to go to the actual post after using the link.
Also, due to the apparent shadow banning of people with long tag lists, I will make a master post that people can subscribe to for updates.
Part 10
Master Post
Red Hood and Nightwing coming to the cave on Sunday night with tales of their own encounters with the sticker kid had unfortunately not given them as much to work with as Tim had hoped.
Jason was tagging along more to hear about their encounters and to see the rest of the stickers than providing much in the way of evidence himself, what with having his helmet cams and comms shorted out for the duration of his encounter and not bringing his own sticker with him.
There was some friction when Batman and Robin made it back to the cave, it being a fairly slow evening for Gotham with no sign of the kid, which made sense if he'd gone all the way to Bludhaven to bother Nightwing.
Bruce had wanted to compile all the evidence together, and while Dick had been obliging, after they'd gotten the frankly hilarious sticker off of him, Jason had promptly refused to hand his over. Much like Damian, he'd claimed it as his own and would hear nothing else about it, only providing a picture of it after a lot of coaxing from Dick.
The corrupted audio/video file had also been less than helpful. Besides a flurry of green-tinted gray static snow and laughter so distorted it almost sounded like screaming, there was nothing else recoverable.
The sheer degradation of the files was actually impressive. That was either very good tech, or a very strong meta ability. Either way, they needed to find this kid and figure out what was up with him.
Dick at least had managed to both lay eyes on and semi-converse with the kid, though that was also bringing up questions. Such as: how did he get out of a dead-end alleyway? Which, while similar to the disappearing acts he'd pulled in Gotham, those had at least been on rooftops with clear, if possibly inadvisable, access to escape routes all around. As well as the question on why the kid was wearing a blood stained hoodie.
Yes, they had figured he'd injured himself to some degree last night, but why hadn't he changed out of those clothes? Did he not have access to more? Was the kid in a bad living situation here in Gotham instead of having come in with the rest of the out of towners for the ghost hunting convention and the stickers were something unconnected to him that he'd somehow gotten ahold of?
If that was the case, they might be looking at some sort of meta trafficking escapee, since the boy's accent very much labeled him as not a native Gothamite and most people would not move here with a meta ability with Batman's supposed dislike of metas in Gotham. A stance Bruce had taken more to discourage metas from possibly getting targeted by the revolving door of Gotham's Rouge gallery than any real prejudice.
Despite everything, the convention was still their best lead, so it was decided they would go investigate as civilians tomorrow for the last half-day it would be held and try to find more clues.
The description of a short, young male, with blue eyes and dark hair, an echoey voice, possibly still wearing a bloodstained hoodie, was not a lot go to off of in a crowd of hundreds. Maybe they would get lucky and find where the stickers came from, which might give them more of a lead.
Bruce was reconsidering the effectiveness of coming to the convention as Brucie Wayne instead of the small time criminal Matches Malone, regardless of how that may have effected that alias, as he was accosted by another non-gothamite.
Bruce had forgotten how those outside of Gotham tended to act around celebrities. People native to Gotham usually had a strong mind-your-own-business attitude regardless of where on the social scale they happened to fall.
Smiling for yet another photo, Bruce hoped his slightly-less-widely-recognized children were having more luck moving around the convention to check for leads, having abandoned him to fend for himself after the third photo ambush.
Coming on the last half-day might have also been a miscalculation, even if they hadn't had much of a choice with the timing, as it seemed to make people even bolder, knowing they would leave the city in a few short hours.
Dick was having fun roaming around the convention. Seeing all the booths set up with either crystals, tarot cards and other mystical odds and ends or EMF meters, magnetic field detectors and more scientific equipment for ghost hunting.
It all mostly went over his head, but it was interesting to talk with different people and hear all the differing accounts and history, both historical and personal, behind their choice of what equipment or mystical dodad worked best.
He'd even seen a few people cosplaying as The Ghost Busters, and he swore he'd seen a couple in full hazmat suits for a moment before he lost them in the crowd.
He had forgotten how interesting conventions could be when they weren't constantly crashed by Rogues. Dick would have to try and find time to go to more of them. The eccentricities on display reminded him fondly of all the different personalities you could find in a circus.
Damian scowled as he made his way through the crowds. This was ridiculous. There was no practical use for most of the things displayed in the various booths, as most wardings against Pit demons needed to be cast by those with magical or mystical bloodlines as far as he was aware, and to date there was no known scientific way to capture or quantify Pit demons.
Most of the 'evidence' provided by both sides was also suspect. Generally involving blurry photographs and 'spooky vibes'.
There was also a marked dearth of younger people in the crowds. Mostly consisting of small children accompanying their parents with few teenagers, such as a redhead female approximately his age he'd spied a time or two due to the eye catching color of her hair, to be seen.
Jason had decided to leave the convention a little early. Despite the fun he had watching Bruce get mobbed by out of towners with his Brucie mask on, something about wandering the crowds was riling up the Pit.
Maybe it was the crowds themselves, all those people blatantly not from Gotham, who *did not belong* here. Or maybe all the talk of death and ghosts and what came after, but *something* had his aggression ramping up out of the blue as he made his way around the convention.
Randomly feeling the need to punch something wasn't exactly new, but the sheer number of times he'd started seeing green out of nowhere was worrying, so he'd called it quits.
He'd check in with Dick later to see if any new leads had been found.
Danny breathed a sigh of relief as Jazz came to collect him. Everything was already packed up in the RV and it was time to grab whatever he wanted for the ride back as their parents wanted to get ahead of the leaving crowd.
He'd been feeling something wandering the convention for the last few hours. Not quite enough to set off his ghost sense, but definitely at least ghostly-adjacent.
He'd been doing his best to navigate away from the feeling any time it drew near, not wanting a fight to break out between him and whatever territorial spirit had decided it was a good idea to haunt ghost hunters.
Hitting up a nearby coffee shop for a hilariously named Deathwish coffee and a pastry for the road, Danny saw a guy wander in, take in the line almost out the door, and nearly fall into a seat instead.
Holding his head in his hands, it looked like the guy was almost nodding off where he sat. Poor dude had eyebags darker than Danny had the time Technus, Skulker, Ember and a swarm of Blob ghosts had all decided the night before a major test was a great time to invade Amity with their shenanigans.
Taking pity, Danny ordered a second coffee, handing it to the guy with a little surprise attached before heading out. Hopefully it would brighten his day a little.
"You look like you could use this."
Tim glanced up from his seat at the coffeeshop table as a younger teen placed a large coffee cup and a few napkins down on the table.
The other boy was out the door before Tim could even fully process that some kind soul had taken pity on him and saved him from having to stand an eternity in line before getting his hands on the much needed caffeine.
Blessing whoever it was silently, Tim took a large swallow, closing his eyes a moment as the strong coffee helped kick his brain back into gear. Ahh, Deathwish, my beloved, hallowed be thy beans.
Standing up, he grabbed the couple of napkins to take with him, feeling an odd stiffness to them. Shifting the top napkin out of the way, Tim boggled at the sticker staring back at him for a moment before bolting out the door.
Looking around frantically, he was just in time to see the boy on the other side of the road, getting into a frankly absurdly proportioned vehicle before it sped down the street, barely keeping from sideswiping at least three other cars before careening around a corner and out of sight.
Well, he thought as he glanced from the sticker to where the vehicle had disappeared, at least something that... distinctive, should be easy to track down...
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@mygood-bitch99 @stargazer-luna @easily-broken-by-emotion @dolfay @britcision @cyber-geist @is-this-even-relatable @alcorbearson @fisticuffsatapplebees @thegatorsgoose @my-mom-calls-me-rat @some-rotten-nest @crystalqueertea @meira-3919 @wandererofthestars @seraphinedemort @bjurnberg @blep-23 @stargirl1331 @bianca-hooks123 @addie-lover-of-stories @pickleking8 @iconicanemone @sarina-elais @mur-ururu @sailor-goddess @dragonfirefeather @nutcase8691 @ravenpainter @liandrin @jaguarthecat @russetfur1128 @purefrickingspite @oakskull @vythika96 @molasses-being-slow @satisfactionbroughtmeback @serasvictoria02 @tkiesai @breesperez139 @dhampir-princess @redhoneysugarorange @gildedphoenix @iglowinggemma28 @f4nd0m-fun @therandomartmaker @mandyne-1001 @learning-to-fly-on-my-own @solarisaetherlumine @zeldomnyo
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bebewrites · 9 months
I promise I searched your blog, but how do you (specifically) zero draft? The post that showed up in a search of your blog was like, bullet point writing whatever is in your head for the.wip, which I think is v cool and would help me finish lofm! So I'm curious how you do it!
Oh yes, okay! I don't think I've actually explained it anywhere, but I love talking about this.
what is a zero draft?
The great thing about a zero draft is that you can pretty much make it whatever you need it to be. For me, I was having a hard time with the middle of my story. I've started and stopped this wip so many times, always getting hung up at the same part as I approach the middle. I've always had a very clear picture of the beginning and the end, but never how to get all the way through from point A to point B. My original outline had things in brackets like [character growth] and [plot stuff], but what does that mean!?
My goal was to get all the way through. So I opened a blank document, started at the beginning, and literally rambled and talked my way through the entire story. I didn't write real prose. It was all stream of consciousness. It was me describing what happens in the story as if I was telling it to a friend. The zero draft was my rubber duck. This was my brainstorming document. I used common vernacular and slang and abbreviations. There are bullet points, numbered lists, sidebars where I rambled about a scene I completely forgot to mention in a previous section. Lots of comments about things I need to include in the next draft. Literally anything and everything I thought of went into the zero draft.
A zero draft can be as long or short as you need it to be. Mine ended up being around 40k words. But I've seen other people say a zero draft is 10k to 20k words. It's really up to you! And when you feel like you've covered enough of the story to move on to the next draft.
And you don't have to go about a zero draft the way I did! Recently, an author I love and follow on instagram (Casey McQuiston) shared in their stories that when they were writing their most recent book, they zero drafted each chapter before they wrote it out. Casey said that because of this, it was first time they didn't have major edits and rewrites afterwards. So if you find yourself needing a little more structure and sense of where you're going, I think a zero draft could be super helpful!
Of course you don't have to have a zero draft, and if you've got a good sense of the plot and character arcs, you might not need one. But it can be a great way to brainstorm and figure out those things if you need to!
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fuwaprince · 9 months
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👉👈 Hi friends! I have a long, serious post made just for you(!) that isn't full of spoilers, smut or mooning lawn gnomes. Please read if you can, this is a 💥 mutual aid request 💥
It has been a horribly painful and long while as most people following/keeping up with me know. and in a few days I'm going to be down $1500, which is basically all my fucking $
I can't afford Christmas for anybody, which sucks and I'm very sorry. I can't even take care of myself and haven't been, which also sucks and I'm very sorry
Landlords spontaneously raised rent on me more than halfway through this month as punishment for not getting to my house chores and not communicating, to be totally honest with you. I feel ashamed and awful about it but I didn't want to clean the place while multiple ppl living here had tested positive for COVID and kept walking around unmasked... I am not fully vaxxed because I've been too depressed to get any kind of necessary medical care done and I didn't want to catch COVID in the middle of my finals week for the semester. I woke up to being angrily and rudely bitched at first thing after the last of my finals (I passed at least). It wasn't a humanizing text. Fuck the mistreatment though. Rent is now almost doubled and it won't be lowered
There was no room for negotiation and I truly believe they've resorted to pricing me out of living here because the group of renters psychologically tormenting me wasn't effective (actually- putting a picture of my rapist on the fridge rly was super effective in getting me to isolate myself in my room all day and so was outing me as trans to the transphobic ass neighbors.... But I didn't and still don't have any place better to move out to, like the way they were hoping I would. Yes, I have looked and BEGGED btw)
I want out of here NOW, but I can't leave. I tried and had to come back because it was the best option. I can't afford to stay in a motel/hotel/BnB just to get away from them for a day or two during Christmas. I don't have any friends who I can spend the holiday with either. During the semester, I resorted to convincing classmates with keys to locked buildings to let me crash in them while they worked at night and I would leave before anybody showed up. Now that school is out, I can't do that. I don't have any family I can reach out to for support or friends who I can depend on for immediate help. I have been crying day in and day out for weeks. I have records of it posted throughout my blog. Literally crying for days on end. I'm being so fucking transparent
All that lump of text is to explain to whoever is out there, who might be listening and willing and able, to please consider helping me, if and ONLY IF able. I know times are tough and if you'd rather use your $ for other reasons or just don't have any to spare, don't sweat it and take care! 🫂
I've thought about what I could do for a long time and have helped myself how I can. It isn't enough. I've applied for so much assistance. Been approved and been sabotaged by my inhumane mom (who does not love me) via stealing my legal documents and letters and hiding them for months. My mind jumps to grim places but I'm clinging for dear life to whatever hope I have left that says things will get better. I wish I knew somebody with a business that I could work for. Part of me feels so fucking terrible for asking for help because I feel like a waste of all your resources. I feel like I shouldn't ask, like I really do not fucking deserve help, but there are friends online who care, who I know mentioned being interested in helping in whatever ways they can
So to the people who care to seriously me, I'm ready to accept it: please send me nice words to get through this and feel less alone. It feels pathetic to ask but I would love a nice letter. A nice card even. Kind words of any kind would go a long way. It means more to me than food. I have felt so broken and every day feels like a test to figure out how badly I actually want to live
I'm also leaving my cash app and paypal here in case anybody would like to do more than what I'm comfortable asking but probably very likely will inevitably need very very soon. I will be left with fucking nothing and I will have no idea what to do once rent is paid
Thank you to those of you who have sent love, offered to listen and heard me out. I really wish it wasn't so hard to survive. I'm trying to feel better knowing there are people out there who are also without help and hoping the best, but it doesn't make me feel any better or comforted tbh. I just wish the help was there for us. I wish there was a place to go for spare love, care, compassion, empathy, kindness, humanity, generosity... I need that more than I need $. Call me stupid but that's what I live for. I don't live for paying to survive in terrible conditions. I live for love and to smile with friends
I hope to write back to the friends who have already been so kind as to message me soon btw. I'm sorry for not replying sooner. Your overwhelming support is sincerely sweet and sometimes I cry because I can't believe people are so nice (to me???). It'll give me something to do that doesn't make me feel like dying! :') so thank you thank you thank you *fist bump*
Hope you're all doing as well as you can and that somehow things get better. Hope anybody else struggling like me doesn't make the mistake of isolating like a sick and dying animal. You deserve love. You deserve support. Don't be like me. Have the courage to reach out to the people who care about you for help as early on into your emergency as possible. Don't let your situation snowball because you spend so long trying to figure out if you're worth it!!! This Random Tumblr user is here to tell you that YOU ARE. Sending my infinite everlasting unconditional love. Be nice to yourselves. Be nice to each other. Fuck the hateful assholes who wish I would just kill myself already. Tell your friends you love them. Happy Holidays!!!
And here's a single picture of a mooning lawn gnome at the very end, as a treat! I told you this post wasn't full of it.... It just ended with it 👉👉
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
Notes with Dieter
Dieter Bravo/husband x female reader/wife
My blog overall is 18+ MDNI
Word Count: about 1.1k
Summary: You're leaving for another work trip and Dieter is sad once again. This time, he decides to show you how much he cares in full Bravo style.
Warnings: Dieter is the softest boi 😭, side-eyeing a suitcase, illusions to smut?, kisses, doodles, just all the fluff, bad jokes
Notes: So this is a follow up to The Day before was always difficult. @angelofsmalldeath-codeine and @mysterious-moonstruck-musings are always asking more for more soft Dieter. So naturally, I took it as a request even though they didn't really ask? FYI Dieter is a koala 🐨 in this one, but he'll always be our lovable messy trash panda. 🦝 I think I used all the colors Hemmy. 😆
Main Masterlist / Dieter Bravo Masterlist
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Dieter used to love suitcases. It meant he was on the move to a new job or some new fun, sometimes both. Now he was more ambivalent about them. Coming home and seeing the hard shell gray suitcase meant that tomorrow morning you’d be gone again for a time.
It’s not like he didn’t know it in advance, you’d always let him know ahead of time. Especially if he was going to be at home alone. It didn’t make it hurt any less. Some might say that he should get over it, just relax and wait for your return, but Dieter isn’t that type of man. The tea kettle screeches with steam and he knows where you are: the kitchen. Instead of alerting you to his presence, he waits until you’ve poured your tea and is covering it to let it steep.
His chest gently presses against your back before his arms ensnare you just under your breasts, propping them up as you’ve showered and in your black cotton nightgown. You’ve decided on an early evening for yourself but Bravo has other plans as his lips to the nape of your neck tell you. A chuckle leaves your chest while you fix the rest of your tea, not intent on giving him a quarter into the game he’s trying to play.
But the two of you sit on the couch. Chatting about current events, he hasn’t made any more moves. Just watching you, listening to you, with an enamored grin. Another chuckle from you for how cute he looks, he’ll do this from time to time when you’re going to leave town again. Like he’s trying to paint a picture of you in his mind. You always remind him that he’s your reason to come home. Dieter always tells you he’s grateful for that.
After tea, it’s bedtime and there are kisses goodnight. He wraps his arm around your waist. You kiss his neck and begin the nightly activities. Apparently Dieter’s learned to just give you a nibble and you’ll do the rest. In the glow of the short hours of the dark, you pinch his cheek, figuring out his game before dozing off on his chest. Sticking to him, not wanting to let go.
Dieter steals out of the bed when you’re asleep and uses a notebook he keeps in his nightstand. He sketches your various expressions you made while on the couch and then how you look in bed right now, sheets half-covering you, your glory exposed for him to see. He has to capture it now else he could miss his moment.
Another idea pops into his head so he grabs his phone and steps out into the living room to record it for you. He plans to send it tomorrow morning while you’re at the airport so you can listen to it on the plane.
A handwritten note slid into your suitcase is for when you unpack. Carefully he slides back into bed, his thumb running down your back with a kiss to your shoulder.
The sun has barely broken the horizon when the alarm sounds, groans fill the room as you both stir. Washing up and getting dressed is your focus so Dieter makes a light breakfast for you with coffee. His eyes cut to your suitcase before he picks it up to carry it to the car his ordered for you, thankfully he was able to zip it back properly.
A text from Dieter says to listen to the message on the plane and to download it just in case. Your headphones are in after greeting your coworkers and the plane is at cruising altitude.
“Hey pretty lady, you know I never want you to leave. I know it’s selfish but I know I always feel better and do better when you’re here. You’re my person you know? Plus who else is going to tell me that many patterns don’t go together, everyone always tells me yes.
Anyway, have a safe flight and kick those old dudes asses. I hope your project goes well. I know you were trying to explain it to be but once you got into Access and databases I was gone. I’m so sorry. I’m gonna try googling it later. You can’t wear that navy blue dress because they’ll think they have a chance and you’re already with an Oscar Winner. They’re too late and I love you Ms. Smarty Pants. Hmm… You should wear pants. Bye.”
The two people sitting next to you thought that you needed some oxygen based on how hard you were wheezing trying to hold in your laughter. You told them that you were fine and it was just a message from your sweet husband, he has quite a way with words.
Thankfully when you landed, everyone was given time to rest in their rooms before the initial group dinner. Opening your suitcase, a piece of notebook paper fell out and you picked it up off the floor. Sitting on the bed you read it, shaking your head.
Sometimes I really do wonder why you’re with me at all, why you come home to me. Hell, why you call me home. I can be a complete and utter mess, irresponsible at times and I’m sure annoying. My one redeeming quality I thought was in creating art through film, painting and drawings. You helped me see that I’m more than that though. So much more. I can be faithful, I can be loyal, I can put someone above myself and I can do all these things without needing an escape.
I often wonder what would have happened if you hadn’t run over my foot with your suitcase and I didn’t sucker you into having lunch with me. You look as beautiful then as you do now, actually more so because we enjoy nighttime KitKats a few times a week. We dance it off part way so it’s fine.
I love you my brave, clever, gracious muse.
Your koala bear who runs hot,
Dieter Bravo
P.S. - You should frame this FYI
Falling back on the bed, you question when Dieter would have slipped this into your suitcase let alone written it. It’s completely in character for him and at the same time, seems so unusual. Trying to hold your tears back only makes them fall harder, you’ll need to re-do your makeup for the dinner but it doesn’t matter to you if you’re late. Dieter will never fail to make himself memorable.
Life as Dieter Bravo’s wife is always full of the unexpected and something to hold onto.
Trash Panda Posse 🦝: @katw474 @readingiskeepingmegoing @megamindsecretlair @pamasaur @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @sp00kymulderr @titlee78 @magpiepills @soft-girl-musings @morallyinept @rhoorl @wannab-urs @survivingandenduring @missladym1981 @yorksgirl @fhatbhabie @tinytinymenace @yourcoolauntie
Special fluff guests: @grogusmum @maggiemayhemnj and @frenchiereading
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bloodyinkandquill · 11 days
Sword x Reader x Rocket
yay polyamorous time, im questioning if im poly and my sister just straight up is so coolio, so should be accurate, im also a swocket shipper, but this is a x reader blog so the only shipping that will occur is poly self shipping :]
- Getting with one of your friends was unexpected, getting with two of your friends who were already dating was even more unexpected
- They were both so sweet about it, they had thoroughly discussed it before hand and all three of you gave each other equal amounts of attention and affection, like Sword wrapping his wings (hc) around both of you, one on each side, or Rocket laying across the both of you, legs on one head in the other, before swapping to get his head pet by both of you equally
- It was an adjustment to figure out how to go about certain couple-y things though, you found that if you all wanted to sleep in the same bed it couldn’t be Rocket’s his was too small so it would have to be yours or Sword’s, and with that Sword had to be big spoon due to his wings so that left you and Rocket to choose who was little spoon and who was medium spoon on any given night
- Kissing was also something that led to confusion and experimentation, onetime you tried to all kiss at the same time, you ended up getting a bloody nose, Rocket loosing his shit laughing and Sword helping you by giving you tissues and telling Rocket to calm down, you guys just decided on two of you kiss, then two of you, then the last two, maybe more time consuming but less risk of injury
- Speaking of Rocket would purposely ‘miss place’ his leg so you two would carry him somewhere, like to the living room or to whoever’s bedroom, while one of you could do it by yourself, or maybe just Sword, he always insisted the both of you carry him, going ‘woe is me’ you two would roll your eyes but go it nonetheless
- You and Rocket would help Sword preen his wings, one of you gets one wing the other takes the other, you carefully go through his feathers while you all chat, you can also afterwards see Sword itching to do the same but since neither of you have wings he can’t, but his semi-bird brain wants to preen you in appreciation for preening him
- You guys all get plenty of one on one time though, you and Sword going out for dinner, Rocket inviting you over to play video games, Sword and Rocket training together, you all know you don’t have to do everything with all three of you, and sometimes you need some time with just one of you, or even some alone time since having two partners can be a little more tiring sometimes
- If two of you go out on a date for food and bring back leftovers, whoever wasn’t on said date can and will eat the leftovers, Sword does so after asking, and Rocket gets mad if neither of you bring back any leftovers for him to eat, so you and Sword learned to leave a little bit of food so you don’t have to deal with a huffy Rocket that can and will throw his bionic arm at you in retaliation
- You guys definitely have sleepovers, like full on teen girl movie sleepovers with nail painting, face masks, gossip, prank calls, it’s all so silly and unserious but all three of you adore them, Sword surprisingly is amazing at nail painting and Rocket can absolutely slay in some makeup, you all laugh and then fall asleep in each others arms, you probably wake up sore because you fell asleep in awkward positions but oh well
- You made the three of you matching lockets that contain the other two’s pictures, both thought it was the sweetest thing and you guys almost never take them off unless showering or think it might get damaged like in phights, which you cheer on Rocket and Sword if your not a phighter, if you are you guys make some goofy trio moves and accidentally distract each other during the matches
yippee, also my sincerest apologies i was going to open my requests again once i posted this however im about to go to sleep and i don’t wanna wake up to 7 requests, so i shall open them first thing after i wake up in 6 hours basically exactly (7:30 am mst american)
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yourdarkstuff · 1 year
TF Gun 1: Underwear
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Jason and Zach were just getting out of their college class, when Jason asked if Zach would like to come over, being that Zach had nothing to do he agreed he might as well go with Jason. While walking over to Jason’s house, Jason mentioned his dad supposedly got an experimental transformation gun locked up in his safe. Due to his father being a genetic researcher and booking into the ways of preservation with human consciousness intact. Zach was intrigued by this and asked, Jason do you think we can use it and see what happens? I know you gotta be curious. Jason stated, what do you think I was planning on doing, i want to use it on you what do you think of being my underwear. Zach began blushing, not expecting Jason to say such a thing. Jason then started saying, yeah you can be my underwear I’ll stretch you out a bit and wear you around, I bet you’ll make a really comfortable pair. I’m just curious what color you will be on m gotta make sure you match my outfits. Zach was beet red and told Jason, you want me to be underwear for you, why? Jason replied, well you have alway been there for me and I did not know how to tell you this but I’m moving out of my parents place and going out of town figured I will take you with me. Zach was having so many thoughts run through his head, but by the time he comprehended everything it was too late, as he was already inside Jason's room waiting while Jason went to grab the transformation gun from his dads safe. When Jason returned he came in immediately and blasted Zach with the gun, Zach instantly dropped to the floor a pair of black underwear in his place. 
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Jason marveled at what he had just done looking at his friend who had turned into underwear. Jason immediately stripped down and put Zach on, wow you fit like a glove, I love how your fabric feels. Zach could only be heard when worn is what Jason soon discovered, as he heard his friend saying this is not the perspective I was prepared for Jason. Jason replied, well too bad I love the way you feel, you have to see yourself in the mirror as Jason goes to take a picture of his body in the mirror located in his room.
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Yeah Zach this is going to work out perfectly you get to be with me now everywhere being my underwear, what do you think? Zach told Jason, I didn’t want this to be an arrangement to turn me back, you had your fun. Jason says, no I think you’re better this way and if you can’t  this guess you’ll just be a piece of clothing from now on, well I think you need some alone time, lets get some pants on, can’t go walking around in my underwear like some kid.
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Well guess we’ll talk later, gonna leave you be for now.
Hope you all enjoy this story, it’s my first one ever so please leave comments, also likes and re-blogs are highly appreciated.
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wutheringmights · 2 months
New CTB Music (2024 Update)
It's that time of year where I share some of the tracks that I added to my personal CTB playlist that have not been mentioned before on this blog (view (2021, 2022, and 2023 updates as well).
Body to Flame - Lucy Dacus 
Longing for your short hair to grow back to the way you like Thank you for the gesture I regret ever implying that you could be better Didn't mean to empty your perfect body And fill it with my passing will
Hate Me - Miley Cyrus
Go ahead, you can say that I've changed Just say it to my face One drink and I'm back to that place The memories won't fade
Is It Over Now? - Taylor Swift
"Come here, " I whispered in your ear In your dream as you passed out, baby Was it over then? And is it over now?
Halloween - Noah Kahan
But the wreckage of you, I no longer reside in And the bridges have long since been burned The ash of the home that I started the fire in It starts to return to the Earth I'm leavin' this town and I'm changin' my address I know that you'll come if you want It's not Halloween, but the ghost you're dressed up as Sure knows how to haunt, yeah, she knows how to haunt
Growing Sideways - Noah Kahan
But I ignore things, and I move sideways Until I forget what I felt in the first place At the end of the day I know there are worse ways To stay alive 'Cause everyone's growing and everyone's healthy I'm terrified that I might never have met me
Orange Juice - Noah Kahan
You said my heart has changed and my soul has changed And my heart, and my heart That my life has changed, that this town had changed And you had not That the world has changed, don't you find it strange That you just went ahead and carried on?
I Remember Everything - Zach Bryan
Strained words come on out Of a grown man's mouth when his mind's broke Pictures and passin' time You only smile like that when you're drinking
Figure 8 - Paramore
All for your sake Became the very thing that I hate I lost my way Spinning in an endless figure eight
Let You Down - Zach Bryan & Kacey Musgraves
I'll let you down darlin', down babe Just like I did before You'll just keep on slammin' closed hollow unlocked doors I'll let you down darlin', down babe Just like times before You'll just keep on crawin' back and beggin' me for more
No One Else to Blame - Madison Cunningham
For the burden and the stress For the heartache and the mess you entertain You put your money down on which part of you is next To slip down the drain with nothing, nowhere and no one No one else to blame
Golden Age - Ethel Cain 
Do you just want my blood? Am I just that damn hard to love? 'Cause it feels like all I have is still just not enough I guess that I'll just go outside and watch the fire And fields of gold fly farther away from me
Dawns - Zach Bryan & Maggie Rogers
Give me my dawns back Everything that dies makes its way back I lost her last July in a heart attack I need one small victory
Crave - Paramore
I romanticize even the worst of times When all it took to make me cry was being alive Look up and see a reflection Of someone who never gave way to the pain What if I told 'em that now that I'm older There isn't a moment that I'd wanna change?
Your Hate Could Power a Train - Madison Cunningham
I'm not messin' around, not ready to laugh about it I don't worship the ground that's holdin' you I think it's wrong, the way you harm But no one ever looks too hard at it What does it say about you? Your hate could power a train
Head In the Wall - Ethel Cain
Sometimes you make wanna put my fucking head through the wall Sometimes I wonder if I even know you at all
thousand eyes - FKA Twigs 
If I walk out the door, it starts our last goodbye If you don't pull me back, it wakes a thousand eyes
teenage dream - Olivia Rodrigo 
They all say that it gets better, it gets better the more you grow Yeah, they all say that it gets better, it gets better, but what if I don't?
You First - Paramore 
Everyone is a bad guy And there's no way, no way to know Who's the worst Karma's gonna come for all of us And I hope, well, I hope, I just hope She comes, comes for you first, oh
Vampire Smile - Kyla La Grange
I want a scar that looks just like you, 'Til then I gotta learn to be a wiser fool.
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
Death by Exposure
Written for the Phic Phight Prompts: At first Danny had been worried sick that Wes had figured out that he was Phantom, but when no one believed him it had sort of become funny. Still, after the anti-ecto act, and the GIW, and his own parents very public very violently vitriolic screeds against ghosts, Danny had to wonder what he'd ever done to Wes that the guy would risk exposing Danny to all that. (from @hpwotters-blog, or at least I think that's you're tumblr.), and Wes Weston wakes up to find an injured Phantom on the fire escape. (from @half-deadmagicperson)
Other prompts that will be included in later chapters but aren't in this one:
With how much time he spends on basketball and his delusional conspiracy theories, no one would ever suspect that Wes Weston has another secret hobby… (from @kadziduo)
And Wes has been spending more and more time around Fenton and Co. lately - hey! he’s only trying to get some much-needed evidence against them, not trying to get all buddy-buddy with them. And anyway, they’re an entirely annoying bunch, so he wholeheartedly blames them for the fact that he’s currently being monologued at by the ghost holding him hostage. (from @a-closet-emo)
Chapter 3: Expostulate
AO3 Link
[Warnings for blood (ectoplasm), severe injuries, implied abuse]
Danny was desperately clinging to consciousness when Wes' window slid open and the redhead poked his head out with a yawn. "Can whoever is making a racket at three in the goddamn morning kindly shut the hell up!?" he shouted. He started to pull his head back in and Danny, worried that Wes might not notice him, choked out his name.
"Wes," he said weakly, but it was enough to catch his attention.
The moment those green eyes landed on Danny they widened with utter horror. He looked like he might be sick. "Fenton?" 
"little... help?"
"Fuck! Yeah, okay, gimme a sec!"
Wes disappeared into his room, and Danny heard rustling like fabric. A moment later, Wes returned and climbed out onto the fire escape. Mindful of his wounds, he hoisted Danny up and got him through the window. He laid Danny on his mattress, which he'd completely stripped. Blankets, pillows and sheets were wadded up on the floor.
"I'll be right back, I gotta get the first-aid kit."
Danny didn't have the strength to respond, but now that he was safely out of danger where the G.I.W. wouldn't find him he could feel his healing kicking in. Without flying and hiding using up his energy, he was already beginning to recover somewhat. He laid back and tried to focus his eyes, taking in his surroundings. Wes' room had light blue walls. Unsurprisingly, one of them had a cork board covered in pictures of Danny, articles about Phantom, evidence that the two were linked, that they were the same. If the G.I.W. started doing home raids and saw that, Danny would be screwed.
There were stickers on the ceiling, old and peeling, some with neon colors and unicorns, skateboard stickers, a rainbow flag, price tags from fruit, a bumper sticker that said "My other car is a Maserati! Ha ha just kidding! I'm dirt poor," and another one that said, "baby on board," with a picture of a baby wearing a backwards baseball cap riding a skateboard. Danny might've laughed if he thought he could do it without choking on ectoplasm.
"I found it!" Wes returned with a red metal box and some towels. He stopped in the middle of his room staring at Danny. "Uh... so does the jumpsuit, like, come off?" he asked.
Danny let out a weak huff of laughter. "You've already got me... in your bed and now... you wanna get my clothes off, too?" he asked teasingly, the words slurring together slightly. "Don't you think... you're moving a little fast?"
"Very funny," Wes said flatly, rolling his eyes. Although, the joke seemed to shake him out of his terror somewhat, which was good. That, or he was really good at compartmentalizing. "At least you're not too badly injured for sarcasm. Now if you could phase off that butt-ugly jumpsuit so I can stop you from oozing all over my mattress, I'd appreciate it."
"Grab it and pull," Danny told him. Wes gripped the front of the jumpsuit and tugged while Danny made himself intangible so it could slip right off, leaving Danny laying there in ectoplasm soaked briefs on Wes' bed. Just that much exertion however was too much for him, and white rings of light flickered around his middle. Wes gasped when he finally saw the extent of the damage.
"What the hell happened to you?" he asked breathlessly.
"Was helping some... blob ghosts," Danny answered. "The Guys 'n White caught up to me... on their patrol."
"They did this to you? Why?"
"'Cause they want me dead," Danny answered, scowling. "You were at that assembly a while back; you've... you've seen the propaganda posters. Did you think they were... running a catch-and-release program? A rescue shelter?" Wes got to work on Danny's leg first, mopping up the ectoplasm there with a towel so he could get to the wound.
"I didn't think they'd do this," he said quietly.
"What did I ever do to you?" Danny asked. He didn't want to piss off the person helping him, but he couldn't stop himself from asking. "What made you start this... beef with me?"
"I care about the truth. I think it's important."
"More important than my life?"
"What life? You're a ghost."
"I'm not a normal ghost," Danny said. "I thought you, of all people, would've... figured that out by now." Wes didn't respond, just opened up an alcohol wipe and started cleaning the wound on Danny's leg.
Danny didn't flinch even once while Wes patched his leg up, disinfecting and pressing gauze over the wound and wrapping it in bandages. He did so very calmly, his hands surprisingly steady, like he'd had a lot of practice. 
"I wasn't thinking about what would happen afterwards," Wes admitted as he finished securing the bandage. "I just wanted people to believe me."
"I don't think you were thinking at all," Danny said as Wes propped him up to clean the wounds on his back. "I mean, fuck, one of your theories is that... I'm like this because my parents experimented on me. I'm pretty sure everyone... in town has heard them threaten to rip me apart molecule by molecule.... What do you think would happen to me if they found out?"
"Okay, but that theory was low on the list," Wes defended, "and the more likely theory was that they were in on it and hunting you was a cover."
"They shoot at me any time they see me!" He tried to turn to glare at Wes, only to get a smack on the head.
"Quit moving!" Wes snapped. "I gotta disinfect." Danny clenched his teeth as he felt the sting of alcohol in the wounds on his back.
"How d'you know how to do this, anyway?" Now that the worst of the bleeding, from his leg, was stemmed, Danny was recovering even faster. His body could regenerate blood and ectoplasm without immediately losing it. He was able to speak more or less clearly now, and he didn't feel like he was about to pass out.
"Kyle skateboards, and he's an idiot," Wes answered. "I used to, too, but not so much anymore. He still bribes me sometimes to patch him up before Dad finds out he's injured, so that he won't get grounded for being reckless."
"Who's Kyle?"
"My twin brother."
"You have a brother?" Danny's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He had thought he knew Wes, after all the time they'd spent antagonizing each other, but he was realizing that he didn't really know anything about Wes outside of his constant insistence on outing Danny as a ghost. "How come I've never seen him around?"
"I have two brothers, actually," Wes told him. "And you probably have seen him around. You just didn't realize because we're not identical. The other one's off at college in New York."
"Are you the older twin, or the younger twin?"
"What does it matter? We're twins."
"So the younger twin, then." Wes smacked his head again.
"Maybe stop being such a dick when I'm patching up your nasty ass ghost injuries, yeah?" Soft gauze pressed against on of the wounds on his back and Wes started wrapping bandages again. Halfway down, Wes put down more gauze for the second wound and kept wrapping. "Why did you come to me, anyway? Something happen to your actual friends?"
"They're both out of town for spring break," Danny responded. "Trust me, you were not my first choice. I wouldn't've come here at all if I wasn't completely desperate." Wes scoffed and finished bandaging the wounds on Danny's back, repositioning him to get better access to the last wound, on his side.
He cleaned it up in silence, and as he was applying disinfectant, he asked, in an uncertain voice, "Do you get hurt like this a lot?"
"I don't know about 'a lot'," Danny said, although Jazz's voice in his head told him often that if it happened more than once in his life, that would probably be considered a lot to most people. "It's been known to happen."
"G.I.W. patrols, ghost fights, my mom's aim is actually pretty good, and sometimes I don't dodge fast enough," Danny said with a shrug, then winced at the way the movement tugged on his injuries.
"I told you not to move," Wes scolded, then, in a softer voice he asked, "Your parents have done this to you before?"
"Do you think I keep my identity a secret for my own entertainment?" Danny asked. "Most of the ghosts I fight know who I am already. They're obviously not the ones I'm worried about."
Wes finished disinfecting and pulled out another wad of gauze. "Fuck." Wes breathed out emphatically.
"What? Outta bandages?"
"No, it's just... this is making me realize just how much of an asshole I've been," he said, starting to wrap up the last wound. "I mean, I knew that I was being an asshole, honestly, but I didn't think it was this bad. It was what I had to do to get the truth out there."
"I guess maybe I should've called you out earlier, huh," Danny said. "In my defense, you were smart enough to figure out who I was, I thought you'd be smart enough to realize why I hid it in the first place. Seriously. Again, my parents shoot at me all the time."
"I thought it was an act!" Danny snorted. "Anyway, I guess," Wes glanced over at his conspiracy board. "I guess it's probably time to take that down, huh?"
"Wait... you mean you're actually giving up?" Danny couldn't help turning around to face Wes in his surprise, and cringed when it irritated his wounds. "Gah!"
"I told you to stay still!" Wes griped again, having to unwrap and re-wrap a section of bandages to keep them tight. "And no, I'm not giving up. One day, I'm personally gonna make sure everyone knows you're Phantom. But I never actually wanted you to get hurt, so... I'm revising my method."
"What's that mean?"
"It means my three step plan to expose you is more like a twenty-step plan now," Wes said with a sigh. "First, I gotta get the Guys in White out of here, then prove ghosts are sentient, and convince the government to repeal the anti-ecto acts, then convince the paranormal science community at large that ghosts aren't inherently evil, and eventually, when it's safe, I'm definitely gonna convince everyone you're Phantom."
Danny chuckled, then grunted in pain. "I'll tell you what, Wes," he said. "If you can change the world to that level, I'll show everyone I'm Phantom and prove it to them for you."
Tying off the last bandage, Wes nodded. "Deal," he said. "For now though, go to the bathroom and clean the rest of that gunk off you. I'll let you borrow some pajamas. It's the door at the end of the hall. Try not to get your bandages wet."
"Thanks, Wes," Danny said as the red-head handed him a gray t-shirt and some plaid pajama pants.
"Don't thank me yet," Wes said. "You're sleeping on the bed, on your stomach, and you don't get bedding."
"Why'd you strip your bedding anyway?"
"You think I'm gonna subject my poor dad to ectoplasm-stained sheets?" Wes scoffed. "No way. I'd be doing everyone's laundry for a month."
"Right, of course." Danny stepped out of Wes' room and into the hall, smiling.
Hearing about normal problems like that was kind of refreshing. When Danny didn't want to do chores, it was because they were dangerous for him, like cleaning his parents' lab. When his parents were mad at him, they threatened to dissect him, not to make him to the laundry. In comparison, Wes' problems sounded so trivial, and yet, Danny could still relate. He didn't like doing laundry either.
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starakex · 2 years
Warden Ingo Cosplay Build Log
Hey Legends Arceus / Submas / Pokémon fans ! I spent two months last year making a Warden Ingo costume because the game made me fall in love with the franchise all over again (and because I love sad amnesia uncle, of course). I'm pretty proud of it, so I thought it'd be fun to share the process here in painstaking details. I've been cosplaying for over a decade now and I learned a bunch from so many defunct cosplay tutorials on this website, so I thought I'd give back. This isn't a guide, persay, but rather a dive into the methods and decisions I picked to complete this project. Any pre-made items or patterns that are available online will be linked! I'll be splitting down each piece of the costume into its own section for easier reading. This is gonna be a long one with a bunch of pictures, so I'd suggest viewing on the blog directly! Without further ado, all aboard!
Station 0: The Guidelines
Before getting into the build itself, I wanted to preface this wall of text with the guidelines I set myself for this project.These core pillars inform a lot of the decision-making, and some people might feel like using this log as reference for their own cosplays, so I thought it'd be good to put them here to explain why I did some stuff the way I did. Comfort first: I knew I was gonna wear it in the summer, and stand around all day at a convention, so it needed to be lightweight and comfortable. (well, as much as a cosplay can be, anyways.) Realism: Ok, that's kinda weird to associate "realism" to a Pokémon costume (unless you're Detective Pikachu I guess), but I wanted to look more natural instead of translating a shiny fancy 3D model straight to real life (nothing against that, it just wasn't my goal). This meant adapting certain elements that only really worked in stylized Pokémon graphics. Be a huge cheapskate: I didn't wanna break the bank with this one, so if I could save money thrifting or reusing stuff I had lying around, I was going to do it. Whenever you see me pull some material out of my ass that wasn't entirely fit for the job, that's why. After putting these down, jotted down a battle plan for the project (basically just a huge compartmentalized list of all the material I expected to need and the steps to complete the costume), and then it was time to get to work.
Station 1: Thrift Shop Pit Stop
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I like starting every project with a quick trip to the local thrift stores to see what I can find. I hate sewing pants with a passion, so my priority was to grab some navy suit pants to match the coat's fabric to later. I also found a long sleeve black shirt for Ingo's undershirt, a belt I ended up not using, and lucked out with some excellent clown shoes with removeable insoles. After slapping in my own insoles, replacing the shoelaces and fixing up the pants' button, we were good to go on every element that could be done without any extra work on my end. Moving on.
Station 2: Three Refined Metals For A Hat
I'll be honest here: when I initially planned out the entire project in my notebook, the hat was scary as hell. I had no clear idea how I was going to do it; I didn't really want to buy a similar pre-made hat cause roughing it up would've been stupid hard to get to look right. I figured I could probably make it out of EVA Foam (a certified cosplay classic), but I've never patterned a shape this complex before. Turns out Kamui Cosplay made a foam pattern for the same kinda hat. Score! I purchased the pattern and assembled the hat using 6mm EVA Foam and Contact Cement according to the instructions. I then destroyed some poor polyester cord trim from the bottom of my scrap bin and glued it into the base for the... sticky-outies? The damaged bits. Y'know.
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With the base finished, I drafted a pattern for the fabric covering, cut my pieces out of navy twill, sewed it up and slid it over the hat. I did the same for the inside with some cheap black muslin leftovers from another project, glued it all to the base in strategic spots, and then patterned, sewed and glued the band on. Finally, I took my seam ripper and scissors and opened up the seams where the little piles of sad polyester scraps were lining up to free them. With the main part of the hat complete, I cut up a disc of 10mm EVA foam for the insignia, scored the design on with a hobby knife and heated it up to form a bit of a curve. It was then sealed with flexbond, painted and sealed with a clear coat, and glued on! All that was left after this was weathering the hat. It's a little hard to photograph this piece properly, so I'll show the weathering process when we get to the coat.
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I apologize for basically pulling a "rest of the fucking owl" here, but honestly a lot of the process was improvising and somehow not destroying the entirety of my progress, so I have no pictures of the hat building process beyond this.
Station 3: Sneasels Ripped My Coat
Ingo's coat started with a heavily modified version of a commercial pattern. Specifically, it's the D Coat from Simplicity's 4789. I could've probably found a pattern closer to the Subway Bosses' coat design, but this one had already been in my pile of "patterns I bought for an abandonned project and will totally use someday, I swear" and it was close enough, so I used it. Modifications included extending the collar, making the coat a little longer in proportion to my body, the sleeves wider at the ends, and adding inner pockets (a cosplayer's best friend). Oh, and the white bias tape on the edges and the orange stripes, of course. You may have noticed I'm not showing the pattern with all the modifications here. That's because as part of the Cheapskate Protocol, I really wanted to use this old Simplicity pattern to save money. A pattern I bought when I was a teen way back when. the misses sized pattern enveloppe. So I had to size up the entire damn thing. The biggest size on this pattern was like 7 inches off my measurements. It's a paper Frankenstein golem. It looks godawful. The actual adjustments to make the pattern Submas-ready are incomprehensible in there. But hey, I saved like 10 dollars! I started by assembling the base coat (undamaged) out of navy twill. I added heavy interfacing in the collar to help it stay up. I considered adding a lining to it to really sell the fact this used to be a modern machine-assembled piece of clothing, but it wouldn't have looked as good with the rips and tears later on. As a bonus, it's one layer less in the fight against heat exhaustion! However, if I were to make this coat for Pre-Eeby-Deebied Ingo, I'd definitively do a lining.
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Next step was the stripes! I used some double fold white bias tape to finish the edges of the coat and topstitched the ones on the back of the coat on. I then used the same orange cotton as the hat band for the three orange stripes,which were topstitched on. Cheapskate Protocol made me buy barely enough orange cotton this time around because I was tired of building up the pile in the fabric scrap bin, so I had to improvise to make it work by snipping the bands in strategic spots in order to cover to whole coat properly. It's not like the parts that would be cut off later for the damage would need them, anyways. ✨Optimization✨
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After rolling my rock up the hill of a Hell of my own creation, I booted up the game, dragged my avatar to the Ingo enclosure and marveled at the magnificent creature to see where the coat was ripped. I traced a loose guide of the tear designs with washable fabric chalk and crudely cut up the bottom edge, sleeves and collar to have the basic shape down.
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All that was left was to add the armband and the buttons. Turns out the only metal buttonsI could find that were big enough were those buttons kits to cover with fabric. Since I wanted to go for realism here (and be able to throw the whole thing in the wash after sweating in it all day), I wanted to avoid crafting them myself. With the main construction done, it was time to do the weathering! ... ... ... OH GOD I FORGOT TO ADD POCKETS
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Behold, the world's most awful pockets. Two stupid little bags sewn in such a way you hopefully can't tell from the outside that I completely forgot that I wanted these. They literally only exist so I can have my phone handy at a convention. There's a buttonhole to close it too, I guess. They're shamefully hidden with all my lining-less, raw seam sins. Ok now we can destroy the coat
Station 4: Stinky And Dirty
I mentionned earlier during the hat section that I was going to get back to the weathering process. This is happening now. For the sake of Realism™️, I wanted the damage to look natural in real life, so I had to make it look believable. Luckily this wasn't my first rodeo with the Dirt, so I had plenty of weathering experience under my belt. To break up the awkward scissor cuts from earlier on the edges and fray everything up, I pulled out the sandpaper and started... Sanding the fabric. Might sound weird to some, but a lot of costume makers swear by it. It's also great for ripped jeans (if those are still popular today) and general natural wear. I also refined the shape along the way with scissor to break up any long straight cuts before fraying the edges. I took care to reinforce any newly destroyed seams with a sneaky staystitch so it doesn't unravel in the future. I then mixed up a bunch of different shades of brownish grime with fabric paints (I had black, brown, yellow, orange and green on hand) to dirty the whole thing up. This doesn't look as realistic as some other methods like weathering powders and Just Using Real Dirt, but as mentionned earlier I wanted to be able to just throw it in the washing machine at the end of the day to sanitize it. (If you're interested in actually learning how to weather a costume, this guide is where I started my journey.) I prioritized the ripped edges and any spots where grime would realistically accumulate in over time, like under the edge of the hat band. Paint was dabbed, stippled and rubbed on with whatever garbage tools I could find, which in my case were some old crusty brushes, sponges and toothbrushes I could get really violent with. (brushes were harmed in the making of this costume, but not my good brushes.)
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The whole thing was then sealed with heat using a flat iron as per the fabric paint instructions. With the coat done, all of Ingo's old Subway Boss uniform was complete!
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Station 5: A Warden's Garb
Next step on the list was making the Pearl Clan uniform. Thankfully, there's a fun little piece of concept art that shows Ingo without his signature coat, so from it we can confirm that his clan outfit has short sleeves (good for the comfort goal) and consists of two pieces: a tunic and some kind of hip sash. I omitted the hood on the tunic because I was realistically never going to wear it up and it would have just bunched up under the coat anyways. Now you'll be painfully aware of that terrible corner cutting truth whenever you scroll down and see photos of the costume. Sorry. I drafted out a quick pattern for both pieces of the clan garb through the power of math for the sash (a couple half circles with another piece for the border) and tracing over a tunic in my wardrobe for the shirt. I assembled a test version out of scrap muslin to make sure it worked properly, then set the pattern aside so I could prepare the fabric. In order to have all of the tunic elements match together, I picked up a bunch of white stretch knit fabric and a bottle of purple synthetic dye so I could reach the shade of dusty lavender I wanted. I measured out two squares of fabric based on the pattern. One square was for the darker border on the waist sash, while the rest was the lighter color for the whole outfit. I boiled water according to the dye instruction and worked on my Fabric Soup.
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With the fabric dyed and washed, I cut my pattern pieces out and assembled everything together. Nothing special happened there since the pattern had been tested and adjusted prior to sewing the real deal. Ok, one thing happened actually. My sewing machine absolutely hated how thin this fabric was and kept trying to eat my costume. By the end I was about ready to throw the machine out the window, but things worked out.
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It's pretty sneaky and totally not visible on the outside, but the sash is held closed with two snap buttons on the front. It's easily the single jankiest piece of the costume due to the aforementioned attempt by my sewing machine to have fabric dinner. But hey, it works and the jank isn't visible so who caaaares (I care)
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Final step for the Pearl Clan outfit was adding the logo on the front. I wasn't sure how I wanted to do this, at first, but to keep the fabric's stretch and keep with the idea that this is a hand-sewn garment from old Hisui, I decided to go with hand embroidery. I grabbed some scrap white cotton, dyed it purple, then cut it out in the shape of the logo. It was then painstakingly applique'd to the tunic by hand with embroidery floss.
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With that done, the tunic was completed! It looks absolutely depressing on a coat hanger, but when worn with a belt it's all nice and cozy. As a bonus, it layers with the coat well enough that I don't have to wear a binder under everything to hide obvious boob shapes. Another win for the Comfort team! 👏 With all the sewing done, all that's left is the Warden bracelet and the hair.
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Station 6: Noble Sneasler's Cool Bling
Ingo's got a bestie bracelet of his best pal Sneasler, so we gotta make that. The build should be pretty standard to anyone that's made anything out of EVA Foam for a cosplay. I drafted the pieces by referencing the in-game model, cut them out of different thicknesses of the material to create some depth, and glued everything together with contact cement and hot glue. (The main bracelet is 6mm foam, the details are 2mm foam and the black parts for the base of the head and the gem are 4mm foam.) I added an elastic on the wrist to keep the bangle secured to my arm while still being able to easily slip it on and off.
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The whole thing was then sealed with flexbond, painted and then sealed with a spray clear coat. Honestly, it was the simplest part of the build and it actually went without a hitch this time around.
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With the accessories done, it was now time to get to what I am convinced is every Submas cosplayer's worst nightmare: The Goddamn Hair.
Station 7: The Goddamn Hair
There's a lot of artists credited as character designers in the credits of Pokémon Black & White (2010). This means I can't figure out who to blame for Ingo and Emmet's stupid sideburns that make absolutely no sense in the real world. Instead we're just going to scream at the heavens and find a solution to the geometric flaps. Another fun fact: I'm awful at wigs. Like absolutely awful. I understand the methods involved, but I'm stupid bad at applying that knowledge on an expensive mop of plastic hair I don't want to ruin. So I did some research to figure out how people were making the twins' hair on their own cosplay. Everyone did a great job, but it wasn't really the effect I was looking for, so I decided to start from scratch. Because, you see, I was going to completely avoid styling a wig. I've always interpreted the art as them having some sick sideburns/muttonchops. (This art piece by waltias on twitter was posted like a week after I finished my cosplay and I felt so so validated in my interpretation) I also love Makeup FXs, so I thought "hey, I can look up beard makeup tutorials." I ended up with two ideas: either I could buy crepe wool hair in grey and glue the fibers to my face individually every time I put the costume on, or I could make a reuseable prosthetic. I'm a lazy piece of garbage that likes doing things once so prosthetic it was. I mean, I know how to ventilate wig lace. It'll be reusable and take 4 minutes to apply. Smart! I got the Jett in Light Grey from Arda Wigs, a ventilating hook, matching wefts and the lace. I had a plan, I was ready, it was going to look great. And then I spent 40 hours tying individual strands of plastic hair on a wig lace mesh. For a total surface area of maybe 3 square inch.
(Pictured above: A Fool.) It was hell. I might've incurred a stress injury from the process and then had to let it rest for a week because I did it all over a couple days. Would I recommend doing it? If you're patient, sure. I love the result. But this was, by far, the worst part of the entire project. 40 hours. The entire coat took me like 6 hours. 40 fucking hours.
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After painstakingly tying individual hairs to a mesh and realizing I might've reached the Ninth Circle of Hell along the way, I took my couple squares of ventilated wefts and trimmed them to the proper length. The result was awesome, and I don't regret it at all. It looks exactly how I pictured the idea of sideburns would look like. But it also took 40 hours of me just tying some fucking hair to a mesh. Maybe there was a better solution, but there's so little ressources about the process online that I just went with the methods I could find, really. I pray someone starts offering squares of pre-ventilated wig lace someday so no one else has to suffer like I did. As a sidenote, I didn't even bother with the balding hair since I wasn't gonna go through all the effort of heavily modifying a wig and wearing a bald cap if I wasn't even gonna take the hat off.
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40 hours.
Station 8: Bits And Bobs From Under the Subway Bench
Honestly, after the absolute nightmare I went through making the sideburns and goatee, The final touches were a cakewalk. After all, the costume is complete! What's next? Warden Ingo uses Pokéballs like a cool guy, so I wanted one. I usually make pretty much everything myself for costumes because it's fun, but after the ventilating adventure I just wanted to rest. I'd been following NisuzCraft's work for a while now, and I loved the wood grain effect on their Hisuian Pokéballs. I wholeheartedly recommend them, their work is awesome.
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As a final touch, I grabbed some red cord I had lying around from a previous project to craft a little loop to hook my convention badge onto. I don't really like having the badge show up on photos, so it was a clean way to have it easily accessible while having it be easy to slide out of sight. I based the idea off of the knotted ropes the Galaxy Team member hang their Pokéballs from on their uniforms.
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Lastly, though it's not necessarily part of the costume itself, I made an overly indulgent ita bag panel for the first con I took Warden Ingo out to. The collection's grown since then, but here it is:
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Chandelure: JellyBearDesigns Ingo & Lady Sneasler: AstroTeenyArts Warden Ingo, Emmet&Ingo Duo: Cynniarts Ingo & Emmet with fingers crossed, Hanging Ingo, Emmet & Warden Ingo: Zhampip Rubber Straps: Official Pokémon Mate Merch Go show them some love!
Terminus: You Have Reached Hisui Station
So, first con wearing Warden Ingo came and went. What's the verdict? Pretty great experience, honestly. It was relatively comfortable to wear despite record heat in the middle of summer. The only real issue was that having a wig and a hat together trapped heat real bad, therefore some wig breaks were needed. I also initially used spirit gum to stick the facial hair on, and I struggled to remove the residue afterwards from the lace mesh, so now I just use body tape to keep it on. Nothing broke, nothing hurt, so I'd say it was a success! I haven't had to modify or repair anything for the future, so I'm very proud of the results. To anyone who read this Build Log to the very end, thank you so, so much for your interest. I hope this may have given you some insight into the process; especially if this helps your in future cosplay projects! If you don't cosplay, I hope it was still an entertaining read.
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Hoping to see more wonderful Submas cosplays in the future!
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ladylooch · 7 months
Since David is Connor’s teammate, how/when does he officially meet Mack
AN: This was in the Queue for DAYZZZZ. bless my heart this was supposed to be out last week. My b!
Mack and David first meet when he is 26 and she is 22.
She comes over to NY right after graduation for a job interview in the US with Travel + Leisure as a full-time travel blogger. She had her own travel blog throughout college and impressed the interview panel with her content. So, she got her dream job right out of school. Mack moved to NY that summer. She stayed in Connor and Lucie’s apartment over the off-season while they split time between Massachusetts and Switzerland.
David lives in the same building as the Wood's. He had come back early that summer, knocking on the door to ask for some milk.
"Hi?" Mack had asked, peeking one eye out at him. He had been shirtless, shorts hanging low on his hips as he smiled charmingly at her.
"Who are you?" She scrunches her nose at him.
"I'm Connor's teammate, David." Yeah, she figured. Everything about this guy screams hockey.
"He's not here."
"Yeah." He smiles larger, rubbing at his thick mustache with the pad of his thumb. "He said you might be willing to lend me some milk? I got in late last night and am trying to make some oatmeal before I go on a run." Mack looks him up and down, deciding he seems relatively harmless despite his sculpted body. She opens the door farther.
"I only have almond milk."
"That's cool. Anything is better than water." She waves him in.
David strolls to the fridge like he's familiar with the walk. He looks in, finding the almond milk after a few moments. He stands there, looking over the contents of the fridge. He has never seen so much chick food in his life. Not a single beer or cold pizza slice in sight.
Meanwhile, Mack goes back to the counter, curling a leg under her as she goes back to editing. David grabs the milk, then shuts the door, standing on the other side of the island, staring at Mack. She ignores him, continuing to sift through her layers in photoshop to grab the right boost for the turquoise blue water she just left behind in Hawaii.
Eventually, the silence and his insistent, green-eyed stare become awkward. Mack connects their eyes, then deliberately works her gaze down to the milk in his hand.
"You good?" She asks. "Cause I'm kind of working." She twirls her finger. "Some of us aren't millionaires." He nods, then shrugs his big shoulders.
"Where do you work?"
"At a magazine." She clicks a few times on her computer, then looks at the settings. David walks around the island, curiously looking over her shoulder.
"Wow, do you mind?" She asks, grabbing the screen of her laptop and pulling it down. The picture is not ready for any type of public consumption.
"Did you take that picture?"
"Pretty good. Although whatever you're doing to it makes it look fake." An iterated scowl glosses over Mack's face.
"Thanks for the unsolicited feedback. I'll make sure to critique your game after one shift." David chuckles.
"I didn't mean to offend you. Just being honest."
"Yeah, I'm sure. You hockey boys never do."
"Well, I'm half hockey boy, half farmer."
"Oh! Even better! That explains everything." She smirks, thinking about how small and closed-minded his world view must be.
"Wow, beautiful but snotty and judgmental. No one told you to leave that better than thou attitude in Switzerland?" Mack scoffs, rolling her eyes. He was the one who interrupted her morning.
"Again, I ask: are you good?" She points towards the door. He smiles widely at her, grabbing the carton off the counter.
"Thanks for the hospitality, Miss Hischier." He pretends to tip his hat at her while he works his way back towards the door. "Enjoy manipulating people out of their money with your photoshop."
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henrysglock · 2 years
dude creels are supposed to represent the byers, lol. how the hell karen is virginia coded? virginia was calling henry broken and such. she is lonnie's direct parallel. viktor is supposed to represent joyce, they are literally given the same lines. and alice is supposed to represent the jonathan, henry's big sibling. and henry is supposed to represent will. it is just gender bent byers family.
Okay, dude, let me direct you to my Link Library. It's pinned at the top of my blog. I have a post talking about Karen and Virginia vs Billy and Henry in there that details how they're the same. Begging you to read that.
The fact is that none of this is mutually exclusive because it's all tied together on a spectrum.
The Creels exist as a direct, clear, black and white foil to the Byers. They show us what Will could have been, and by extension what Henry could have been, if their places were reversed. They exist in static. They're extremes. They don't show us how the spectrum works.
So what about the Wheelers?
They're showing us the progression in real time. It shows us how a family exists in-between the extremes, and how change at any time can affect the outcome.
The Wheelers are so similar to the Creels. They're well off, they're normal, Karen/Virginia is the bad blonde mother, Ted is the ignorant father who does genuinely love his children, Nancy is the golden child older sister, and Mike is the gay scapegoat son who's slipping through the cracks. I'll come back to Holly.
The Wheelers are at a turning point. This is why character growth arcs will be so important in ST5.
Karen needs to actively show that she loves her children, rather than this "he'll come to us when he's ready" and "punishing/blaming Mike for his trauma response to Will's disappearance instead of meeting him with compassion" bullshit. That is how she escapes the Virginia coding she's progressed into across the seasons in ST5.
Ted needs to open his eyes. He needs to wise up and start actively fighting back. No more "ask your mother" "sit lamely in front of the TV" bullshit. He needs to continue his S4 discovery arc and physically fight back in ST5. He needs to escape his Victor-coding.
This directly ties into Mike, our Henry figure.
ST1: Karen is brunette, and she's the supportive Mike that we see her be.
ST2: She's got blonde highlights and the Virginia bangs make an appearance. This is the season where she punishes Mike for his trauma-linked misbehavior instead of reaching out with compassion.
ST3: She's full blonde with Virginia bangs and she's hitting on teenagers. Mike is still in Hawkins, but she has no idea where he is. At all. Meanwhile she's here supporting Nancy and giving her pep-talks. She's lost Mike.
ST4: She's still blonde, but the style is different. She's got the bangs, but she's also got a perm. She's changing. She's getting back to ST1 Karen, but she's not there yet. Mike is physically gone. When he comes back, she meets him with love (love that seemed to surprise him, if you recall).
I wouldn't be surprised if Karen is brunette with no bangs again in ST5, in which she moves back to the Joyce end of the spectrum. I think maybe she'll be supporting Mike more, she'll be actively fighting, she'll be in good mom mode.
Ted hasn't changed much across the seasons, not until ST4. His change may result in his death, which shifts our final picture to an inverse 1959 Creel/current Byers state.
Mother present, father gone. Both siblings alive and cared for. They've fully escaped the Creels.
Now I said I'd come back to Holly, and I'm doing that now.
Holly ties in with my siblings analysis part 2, and I'd suggest you read it for more detail. It's in my pinned post. To summarize:
El is the little sister Henry holds on to in hopes of replacing/atoning for Alice. This is why he keeps her around instead of just killing and absorbing her, and why he's so upset that she keeps going against him. She's the littlest sister in the Creel household by association.
Holly is the exception that proves my point. Holly completes the pattern.
It might be easier for me to diagram it.
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Adult Henry wanted El to be his second sister, younger. She said no. El tried to become Mike's sister ("Nancy can be like your sister!" "Will you be like my brother?" "No"). He said no. El became Will's second sibling, and I'll bet she's younger than Will (who is already the oldest in the Party). They said yes.
This all works narratively because of the family structure and narrative patterns. El rejects Adult Henry because he's the opposite of the way he was the last time Alice was alive. El couldn't be Mike's second sister...because he already has one. El becomes Will's second sibling because Will is almost identical to Young Henry. So of course El, the Alice-proxy figure, adores Will and he adores her in return.
I hope that all makes sense.
We can use these two extreme families to figure out how the Wheeler family is going to end up in ST5.
If Karen/Ted begin to act less like Virginia/Victor and act more like Joyce/Jonathan (parentified), then they'll end with the inverse of the Creel ending (and vice versa).
Less like Creels: Karen, Nancy, Mike, and Holly live. Ted dies.
More like Creels: Ted lives. Karen, Nancy, Mike and Holly die.
This is why Nancy sees Karen, Mike, and Holly die but makes no mention of Ted. She's seeing the Creel ending, which is what Henry anticipates.
But Henry is a mirror, so we're going to get the inverse of Nancy's vision.
Hope this helps!
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
happy holidays lock 🫶🫶🫶 i'm here to say i'm IN LOVE with the way you write and how you turn mundane prompts into interesting and colorful pieces literally word dancing ‼️‼️ your stories helped me expand my vocabulary as someone whose first language isn't english i get introduced to new terms everytime (it's a bit embarrassing to admit LOL, moving on)
oh and i mean to ask for book recommendations as well ! after all, a devoted reader makes a good writer. i can't say i'm not interested in your taste in literature
AA thank you so much ❤️❤️ i love taking little ideas and seeing how much horror i can infuse into them… that’s honestly how most of my stories come to be. i’m glad that they’ve been able to help some with vocabulary too!! i’ve tried to be more intentional these past few years with expanding my vocabulary, whenever i come across a new word, i slap it and its definition into a google doc so i can review it later hlslgkskfk it’s also a good resource for coming up with fanfic names…
oooh, as for book recommendations, here are my favorites! anyone who has been around this blog will probably be familiar with everything i’m about to list by now since i talk about it pretty often goskgkskfks
the brothers karamazov by fyodor dostoevsky (this is my absolute favorite of all time!!)
notes from underground by fyodor dostoevsky
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde
we have always lived in the castle by shirley jackson
frankenstein by mary shelley
faust by johann wolfgang von goethe
jane eyre by charlotte brontë
i basically have a strong inclination toward gothic/existential/psychological works.
i had another anon who asked what i’m reading right now, so i figured i might as well answer that here!! i’m currently about 50 pages into demons by fyodor dostoesvky. i’ve been loving it so far. dostoevsky’s cutting edge wit still holds up centuries later which is kinda wild. after i finish demons, i’m onto a book recommend by @bye-bye-sunbird called dragonwyck! i’m excited to check that one out 👀👀
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quaddmgd · 1 year
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Yes it can! Got something cool to show ya.
So on a Tuesday night I was kinda stuck in the workroom, running rendering tasks, so I figured I can at least pop in a CP77 disc into the One S I have lying around. I had to make some preparations for my future Corpo AU shots and I've never played the last gen version before, so I was already excited to try it out.
I did all I wanted in about 15 minutes and decided to quickly shoot some pictures to see how they stack up against Series X (apart from lower resolution of course). Halcyon suggested that I start Nocturne Op55N1 to get some pics with Hanako. I decided to ship Corpo!Crystal with her after all (now you know). What the hell, I'm stuck here anyway, right?
So let's see what we can achieve with the most vanilla photo mode experience possible and the right mindset - in Cyberpunk 2077 v1.61 on Xbox One S.
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I was wondering if I can get any shippy saturday material with such a limited set of tools. I got Crystal as close to Hanako as possible, then tried out (mostly unfitting) poses that I'd deviously cut to make them look convincing enough, similarly to my previous vanilla photo mode ventures (I have yet to post some of my favorites).
It worked well enough, even with the barrier around Hanako stopping me from getting them really close together. I created tension between them, simply by having Crystal "Eavesdrop (Left)", "Distracted Girlfriend" or "C'mere, Gonkbrain" towards Hanako.
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But come on.... they had to kiss somehow.
I focused on poses that: a) have Crystal lean in any direction b) have an up/down slider to compensate for the height loss from leaning
Leaning poses made it possible to bring them even closer to each other, but it wasn't enough. No matter which one I chose, her barrier was impossible to break... or so I thought.
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See, the counter is seemingly inaccessible, but jumping on any stool makes it easy to get on. Collision system tries really hard to push you off of it but, with some luck, switching photo mode on and off can stop it from happening*, let you stay on top and move freely. Now I was back using poses with up/down sliders and I quickly settled on "Off to the Races" as the one most likely to make them kiss. Luckily, the minimum slider value was IDEAL to get Crystal's lips on the same level as Hanako's. The only issue was with moving C left/right/close/far, as her collision remained in the same place she spawned - on the bar top. At this point sliders were useless, so I had to go back to gameplay to correct her position. After some trial and error I set her perfectly. Now a quick rotation towards Hanako and voila! Now they kiss! * - if your V spawns with the default starting pose - "Tabula Rasa", "What Can I Get Ya?" or "Night City Strut" - then it's a good sign
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And how does it look from the outside perspective?
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Yes, that's a lot of steps and time spent on a small photo shoot. The lighting is what it is, their eyes are open, Johnny The Parasite stands exactly where I'd want to place the camera, but it's still cute and it proves that creativity can get you places with vanilla photo mode. And final results can look really good, even on a base Xbox One.
Of course, photo editing software like GIMP can get you even better results. I use it to change aspect ratio of my pics, patch up any lighting/texture bugs, and sometimes for basic color correction. For the sake of clarity, I didn't use it for shots in this post. Just know it's there and it's easy to learn.
I couldn't decide whether it should be a blog post or a tutorial, so it's a blog post that goes step by step through my thought process, I guess. I might do some vanilla VP tutorials in the future, if the demand is there, but right now my job doesn't even let me finish my Legacy of Kain: Defiance playthrough, so I can't promise anything!
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literaticat · 5 months
Hi Jennifer, can you offer any advice/suggestions around managing marketing/ publicity as a picture book author who wants to write under a pen name and not do face-to-face interviews/ visits? Potentially happy to do some faceless social media, blogs, or podcasts but not interested in being publicly known due to privacy/ anxiety/ protecting my family. How would you recommend approaching this with agents/ publishers? Thanks
I don't want to minimize your concerns, so first let me say, if your fear is based around something truly scary (like you have an abusive ex who you are scared will come out of the woodwork or something like that?) -- or a privacy issue you worry will have blowback onto your real life (like your books are about being LGBTQ and you don't feel like you can come out because of your religion or day job or something like that?) -- Well, you just need to be honest with your agent and publishing team about what is going on, what you CAN do and what you CAN'T do, and let them help protect you and your privacy. Be candid with your agent from the time you sign with them, and they can handle having conversations with the publisher when the time comes that there is actually a book to promote.
WE CAN HELP YOU IF WE KNOW THERE'S A PROBLEM. We can't help you without the information! The good news is, your agent and publisher are not MONSTERS, and they don't want you to do anything that would put you in danger make you have a heart attack or anything like that!
Further good news: many opportunities you'd have to talk to people are NOT open to the general public. School visits and conferences and things like that are in controlled environments and would not really even be publicly advertised. So if you say ahead of time, look, I don't feel I can do public / open events because of this yikes situation, but I would feel OK, say, doing podcasts / blogs / talking to librarians / booksellers at a private luncheon during a conference, doing school visits on Zoom, or what have you -- they can totally work with that. Figure out what your comfort level is, and what you are willing and able to do, and ask for help if you need it.
That being said: If your problem is not quite as dire as all that, but is more about just general anxiety, well. I'm not saying "get over it" (OK, I am kind of saying that but hopefully nicer!) -- I just do think that perhaps, without an actual cause for concern, this is fear-based, as in, you are anxious, and your anxiety-brain is coming up with scenarios and rationalizing your fear rather than handling it. And if that's the case, there are ways around that. Perhaps it will help you a bit to realize that MANY authors have these feelings, and they are deal-with-able.
Because make no mistake, a certain amount of self-promotion, marketing efforts, etc, are pretty much mandatory. (As in, not only will they be expected, they might even be in your publishing contract.) Being an author is a public-facing job. Part of it involves promoting your work. School visits, bookstore visits, conferences, panels, signings, story-times, meeting kids, talking to teachers and librarians -- it's going to be tough to avoid all this stuff and also have a thriving career as a children's book author. Blog posts and podcasts are a start-- but they aren't going to move the needle a fraction in terms of sales compared to, say, meeting a bunch of booksellers at a conference or doing school visits and getting on state book lists because the librarians love you so much.
So see if you can get to the root of this. Where is the fear coming from?
If you feel like you can't things in public because of anxiety, see about managing your anxiety. (Therapy! Medicine! Meditation! There are things that can help!) If you are just nervous, like "oh, I don't love public speaking" -- MOST people are nervous, and few people DO love public speaking, you just get decent at it if you practice, and your audience can't tell if you feel like puking as long as you don't actually puke.
"I want to protect my family" "I want personal privacy", etc, are perfectly rational concerns to have. Of COURSE they are. But do you think, honestly, that every single author on earth who has a website and does school visits and book signings DOESN'T want to protect their family? That they DON'T care about their personal privacy? Of course they do. So how do they do that and still have a public-facing persona?
First, you already said you are planning to use a pen-name. Second, you also have control over your own image and you can curate your persona to be just what you want it to be. In other words, if you have a website that you create that is exactly how you want it, you choose the picture, you write the bio, you make the press kit, you choose what to talk about on social media, etc -- you can include or exclude whatever you want.
So if you are self-conscious, you can choose the headshot that makes you feel like a bad-ass, or the one where you are in a burrito costume, or whatever. If you don't want to talk about your kids or spouse -- DON'T! You don't need to mention them or name them. You don't need to say the town where you live (though the general region would be helpful). You don't need to say what your day job is or where you went to school.
When people write stories about you and your book, they will use the info and the headshot you've so helpfully provided, rather than digging up some random pics and info off the Internet. When you get invited to talk to some librarians, or do a school visit, it will be promoted using the info YOU have given them. Hopefully knowing that you are in control of your own narrative will give you a measure of comfort!
TL;DR: You don't have to do any promotion that makes you seriously uncomfortable or worse. But you do have to do SOMETHING. Talk to your agent!
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ppenvs3000w24 · 7 months
Blog 6: How safe are you at work?(Historical interpretation)
In this week’s blog prompt, we were tasked with unpacking the quote:
“There is no peculiar merit in ancient things, but there is merit in integrity, and integrity entails the keeping together of the parts of any whole, and if these parts are scattered throughout time, then the maintenance of integrity entails a knowledge, a memory, of ancient things. …. To think, feel or act as though the past is done with, is equivalent to believing that a railway station through which our train has just passed, only existed for as long as our train was in it.” – Edward Hyams, Chapter 7, The Gifts of Interpretation
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Collecting and fixing the broken historical artifact helps discover the knowledge that accompanies the artifact.
I believe that Edward wants to express that historical artifacts and evidence of the past by themselves have no value. However, by collecting these often degraded and broken parts, we can discover a story, lost knowledge, or memory of the past. He also uses a train simile to explain that one cannot ignore the past just because it has already happened. It usually teaches us a lesson that helped us improve to the present. Edward’s use of simile, a figurative language, is like what Alan Leftridge talked about when discussing ‘Interpretive Titles and Leads’ in the assigned reading, chapter 14 of the textbook. This helps the reader better visualize and relate the meaning behind Edward’s statement as most people have ridden a train, allowing them to easily visualize and understand.
Relating this quote back to interpretating history, Edward mentions how learning about past helps discover lost knowledge or warnings. This was also mentioned in this week’s second assigned reading, chapter 15 of the textbook, “Another reason to interpret history is to remember. To remember not only the happy stories of our past, but also the tragic ones”. The textbook goes on to mention historic conflicts and events, but I want to relate this to work safety and OSHA.
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There is a common saying in the workforce especially centered around manual labour and heavy equipment: “All safety regulations are written in blood”. This saying wants to drive home the message that all work safety regulations and rules that workers find annoying only exist due to a worker in the past getting seriously hurt by a workplace incident causing preventative measures to be made afterwards. While working daily, it is important to follow safety regulations and rules as YOU might be the next OSHA case that rules are written about to prevent serious injury.
By observing the preventative rules, watching recreated incident videos, and reading case files, a working can paint a picture and gain knowledge of the incident that happened in the past that they can prevent now. This is in my opinion exactly what Edward Hyams was talking about in his quote but in a different circumstance compared to my interpretation.
As someone who has worked in many different warehouses and distribution centers, I am fairly comfortable working around loud heavy machinery and forklifts moving around with their horns blaring. Safety is always important in warehouses as the employers do not want to get sued however, safety incidents still occur. One of the biggest safety rules is always wearing high-visibility clothing in the facility so people operating heavy machinery can notice the employee easily. However, all employees are given the same high-visibility clothing so after a period of time, employees unconsciously start tuning out the high-visibility clothing as they become used to them. This is why the saying “All safety regulations are written in blood” resonates with me, as I believe high visibility acclimatization is going to lead to an incident that will create a new OSHA law sooner rather than later.
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