#i might re-write this
sag-dab-sar · 30 days
📖 Myth & Sacred Scripture 📖
In Hellenic Polytheism and Mesopotamian Polytheism (and others but I don't want to speak for them) there is no sacred scripture where the words of a God are given to a myth writer and that writing is then declared holy by some form of religious authority.
The idea that myths are the literal actions of the Gods come from a concept of sacred scripture. Sacred meaning the words have holy implications or they have a fundamentally important connection to the divine. This understanding of religious writings is demonstrated in:
Protestant Christianity where the Bible is divinely inspired (usually derived from 1 Timothy 3:16 & 2 Peter 1:12). Additionally, in Trinitarian Christianity Jesus is God making his words in the Gospels the literal words of God.
Islam where the Quran are the words of God given to Mohammad via the angel Gabriel over the course of his life.
Judaism where traditionally the written Torah are the words of God given to Moses at Mt Sinai.
**There are more examples but I'm not going to try and talk about something I did not study.
This pervasive idea of scripture being the words of God embeds itself into a general view of what religion supposedly is because:
Christianity is the largest religion in the world.
Christianity is the dominant religion in English speaking countries, so when we have these discussions in English it tends to have that cultural Christian viewpoint.
Islam is the second largest religion in the world.
Islam considers the Jewish and Christian scriptures to also be given from God, but they have been corrupted in one way or another. This combination can put a mistaken emphasis on sacred scripture being a fundamental aspect of religion.
Even though Judaism is a very small religion the the written Torah is considered part of the Christian Old Testament (first five books). Christians interpret the scripture completely differently but the idea of Moses receiving the Word of God at Mt Sinai continues into Christianity from Judaism.
In many "dead religions" the closest you can come to the "words of the gods" might be the writings of ancient oracles or those who communed directly with spirits & gods. However, in Greece and Mesopotamia there was no centralized religion or continuous tradition to overview and canonize them into sacred scripture. Additionally, those are not usually what people are talking about when they refer to myth.
Myth is extremely important, but mythic literalism is a misstep people make, often due to our preconceived notions of sacred scriptures and their connection to the divine.
-dyslexic not audio proof read-
-I hope this makes sense-
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xeeljii · 2 months
if you have no Fans i am Dead. please post the fic i vibe with dom joost
AFGVDHJBJD I LOVEEE U ANOOON!!!! <3333 im gonna post a snippet to hold myself accountable lol
WARNING! Explicit RPF! 
CW: 18+, f! reader, kinda dom!Joost, oral (m!receiving), skirt mention! :D
“What are you doing here?” He is still a few steps away, he looks taller this close.  “Well I came to see the main act, heard he was eye candy.” You smile seductively before licking your lips, the small glimpse of pink into your mouth already has him quickly hardening in his jeans, he didn’t even notice he was that pent up. “Yeah?” His voice is a little hoarse from the show it makes you blush quickly under his gaze. He takes another step towards you, he uses his height to stare you down, to seem like he is the one in control when he is already so worked up. “Well you have no backstage pass, you can’t be here” He says smiling triumphantly at you, he sees a cute pout form on your lips. You are undeterred by this and take a step to close the gap. “Really?” You ask faking nervousness that he will really kick you out. You see he doesn’t reply just looks down at you trying to keep the harsh stare. You lift your hand up and rest a tentative palm in his stomach feeling the soft flesh underneath only separated by the light fabric of the white button up. He makes no effort to swat your hand away, truthfully he is a little touch starved this past month has been hard on him, he is needy under the faced. “Not even if I give you head?” You ask bluntly. He swallows thickly, you start moving your hands down, he lets you play with the hem of his skirt. He can only hum in acknowledgment of what you just said fearing if he opens his mouth all that will come out too eager. “Is that what you do with your groupies?” You ask when he sees he seems speechless, there is a smile on your face, but at the same time there is a hint of real possessiveness on your voice, wanting the star to yourself doesn't get easy really when everyone also desires him. “Wouldn’t you like to know” He smirks down at you. And you would like to know, right now actually. You push him towards the couch until it touches the back of his legs, he drops on it heavily spreading his legs leaving room for you in the middle.
A/N: im still unsure about a couple things so im trying to decide the direction b4 posting sorry! but pls help me decide lol
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moonstarsandspacedust · 2 months
I just started the fires of heaven and I’m obsessed with how Rand:
1) shows next to no interest in the various women coming onto him
2) sees a naked woman and his only thought is “wow she’s sunburned”
3) has multiple homoerotic encounters
And then describes a man as “probably attractive to women”. In conclusion: Robert Jordan was a coward.
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nuttersincorporated · 10 months
Small changes I would have made to Doctor Who’s 60th Anniversary episode
For the most part, I really like The Star Beast. However, here are a few things I would have done differently.
Firstly, I think they should have made it clear that Rose Noble is nonbinary before the Meta-Crisis was reactivated. A trans woman is no more nonbinary than a cis woman. They make it very clear she’s trans but not that she’s nonbinary. Can a person be nonbinary while using exclusively she/her pronouns? Absolutely! However, they don’t make it clear that’s what they are doing.
The easiest way would have been to have Rose use she/they pronouns. I would have had Rose wear a badge with ‘she/them’ on it. I would also have added and tweaked a few lines when Donna and Sylvia were talking about Rose in the kitchen.
Sylvia: I don’t know. When I say she looks gorgeous, is that right? I mean, is it sexist? Or is it even the right word for someone who’s nonbinary? I never said it to him when he was… Oh… oh sorry.
Donna: Does she look gorgeous? Yes! So, stop worrying.
Sylvia: I just get so clumsy.
Donna: I know. So do I. You know Rose uses they/them pronouns too. You could use those if it’s easier.
The other thing I would change is the stupid line about a male presenting Doctor not ever thinking of letting something go. I hate that line. Not only is it sexist, it’s also said to the Doctor who – in one episode – has already been more emotionally open than any of the ones who came before including the one who was a woman.
Instead, it would have gone something like,
Doctor: We’ve still got to fix you two because the Meta-Crisis might have slowed down but that thing is wrapped around your cortex.
Donna: Yes, we know.
Rose: We know everything. Thanks.
Donna: And you apparently know nothing, even though you really should.
Rose: We’ve got all that power but there is a way to get rid of it.
Donna: It isn’t even a part of us, not really.
Rose: If a part of who you are isn’t really you or it’s hurting you, you can let it go and change.
Donna: How many times have you changed Doctor and this didn’t even occur to you! Anyway, like my wonderful daughter taught me we can let parts of ourself go and so we choose to let it go.
Then afterwards, there would have been a conversation about how Donna couldn’t have done that the first time around. It was happening to quickly; she didn’t know it was an option and she didn’t think she was worth anything without it. Now she knows better.
Then they’d talks some more about why the Doctor has his ‘old face back’. Is it because he isn’t able to change and move forward at the moment or is there another reason?
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tinyq · 1 year
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Reading time is over.
Part II of this one: [Link]
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hall0wedwyrm · 3 months
I want to revive that 'Black Doom Lived' AU I wrote ages ago just so Eclipse can make fun of Shadow for being in a relationship/having a crush on Sonic.
"Darkling, do not make fun of him. They've been with mortals longer than we."
Eclipse rolls their eyes, and Shadow triumphantly smirks.
"... but it is rather pathetic though." Black Doom adds. If he could grin he would.
Eclipse howls with laughter. Shadow stares, slowly turning red.
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charlie-oh-no · 2 months
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lloyd-007 · 6 months
Firebound au
I love these kinds of aus so much, like the whole idea that one of the ninja can be lost to there elements is so interesting to me but heartbreaking for everyone around them. Like just imagine one day there here and the next they’re gone well technically they’re still there but not at the same time.
In my au so far it’s more focused on the aftermath, how the ninja handles what happened to there brother and filling what I feel the show missed out after what happened in seabound like we barely got to see how the rest of the ninja handled it like all we had was a time skip to a whole year later when they had mostly accepted what happened ( well not Jay). How would it had been if it was someone else and not Nya? What if it was Kai instead, how would this affect the team? Most importantly Nya and Lloyd? What about Kai and Nyas own parents?? And can’t forget about Skylor , how would this affect the team and overall what about Kai?
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In my opinion Nya wouldn’t waste the chance to get kai back like that’s her brother, the one that literally raised her. He’s isn’t  just a brother he’s literally a parent to her and Same with Lloyd. The ninja would probably go down a different state of grief, Lloyd without a doubt would be depression, Nya would be denial, it takes them longer to accept what happened to Kai and Lloyd starts to lose control of his powers a little. They both lash out at people who want to help, but just as Nya starts to accept what happened to her brother something happens to Lloyd ( no spoilers).
And kai is there to help them but he’s mad at them he doesn’t understand why he’s even mad at them, he doesn’t even know them. Lloyd argues back, and something snaps in kai causing him to somewhat come back but he’s still stuck as his element, his minds is half gone half foggy he’s sometimes unsure of what’s happening around him but at least it can’t get any worse.. right.
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deerspherestudios · 1 year
How would Mychael have reacted if mc reacted how I actually did irl when I saw his face and multiple eyes: just immediately like omg So Pretty??? He's so lovely and I'm very very gay
Technically the same as in the demo haha! You do compliment him to varying degrees between 'attractive', 'unique' and 'hot'. And he'd just be flustered and be at a loss for words.
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spicyvampire · 7 months
Okay so after the whole Sakuna/Wansarut and Phaya/Tharn "characters description" fighter (protector)/healer+protector(mediator) post, now imma talk about about our resident Snake (PhD), Doctor Chalothorn being a fighter and well how do you convince a fighter to not fight?
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I've already made a whole gifset about this but I needed to put the stuff into words cuz u just can't say everything in a gifset so this post is gonna be about a few things, first of all, the way Charlothorn's goals shifted in the last 2 episodes, from wanting to kill Phaya so he can have Tharn, to wanting to save Tharn and Phaya's end not really mattering anymore, and second of all Tharn's role in this shift and where have we saw something similar to this shift before aka Wansarut and Sakuna and how Wansarut even did that
Same disclaimer as the last one applies : pulling this out of my ass from watching the show, these are raw out-of-order thoughts, ill try my best to separate but like the last post because I'm going to have to go back and forth between Wansarut (love of my life, talking about Wansarut has to be my favorite activity rn), Sakuna, Tharn (smooching him smooching him), Phaya and Chalothorn this might get hard to follow but hey that's what it's like inside my brain so welcome to the mess
Putting it under keep reading
So like I said in the last post, Chalothorn is a fighter, like you can't get more fighter than this, the man is literally the prince/ruler of Nagas and he is right in the middle of the battle field anytime there is a fight to be had, and like I said in Sakuna's part of the post he is a level that can probably can only be rivaled by Sakuna's brother, you can't be a higher level of Naga fighter from what I understand, so like how do you fight this man if you are Wansarut and Sakuna? (ep. 8)
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Keep in mind that : the answer is that they never were supposed to fight Chalothorn
SCENARIO 1 : Chalothorn wins
This is what we've seen in the show, Sakuna/Wansarut/Phaya/Tharn would never win against him in a fight because they just aren't strong enough to began with, Sakuna and his Garuda were not Chalothorn's level when he was alive, Wansarut is a healer/protector not a fighter, Phaya can only do ✨Sparkles✨ of Garuda powers as of rn and while Tharn can do some powerful protecting he is of the gang the person who is the less in contact with his past and magical self (other than for protecting Phaya magic, we have not even seen his Naga in this lifetime) and also his past self wasn't even a fighter, so it makes sense that Chalothorn just keep killing them and every single one of their reincarnations, he kills them so much that it was destroying his own soul (ep. 8) because surprise he is getting affected by the little cyclic karma thingy they got going on too, this isn't just about Wansarut/Sakuna and PhayaTharn, Chalothorn is trapped in this shit too
Clearly fighting is not the answer, because even if you win, which Chalothorn has been doing a lot of, you still lose, Chalothorn is losing control of his Naga form, not only does it destroy his soul (ep. 8) but he might just not be able to turn into his human form anymore aka would be forced to be a Naga forever (ep. 9)
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Another lost of this is that he keeps losing Wansarut and having to wait for the cycle to start again so he would get another chance, like the level of psychological damage getting done to him because he kills the one he loves and he is always left behind alone to wait is enough to drive anybody insane (ep. 11)
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And I think that's one of the reasons why it took him so long to understand that he should let Wansarut/Tharn go, because when you do something so despicable and keep doing it over and over again you have to justifies your bad actions to yourself so you don't break and the more you justifies them the harder it becomes to see clearly through them, so you just keep doing it, like Chalothorn probably hates himself more than he even hates Phaya or love Tharn at this point because he keeps killing reincarnations of Wansarut, like this is his reaction to killing Wansarut the first time, falling to his knees screaming and everything (ep. 8), the cognitive dissonance in that man's brain must be insane
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SCENARIO 2 : Phaya wins
Now let's imagine for a second there that they did win, Phaya succeeded in killing Charlothorn, and then what? Isn't Charlothorn just gonna reincarnate and come back for them again? Like yes it might take some times but it will happen, and then Phaya and Tharn would be the one destroying their souls and making their karma worst, that's just not a solution
Also we saw with Narong's case part of the show that "victim turned attacker" is not the answer (anyways that's what the show says), when Tharn and Phaya are talking to the abbot at the end of episode 5 the abbot keep repeating that over and over again killing is not the answer
When Phaya Says "Those victims are left with no choice but to fight back in order to survive. They have to kill." The abbot answers "The basic code of moral conducts for human beings like us is the 5 precepts. One should be abstained from killing other living beings. These precepts can bring peace and happiness to your family and the society. Undertaking the 5 precepts will benefit not only yourself but also the people around you." Basically straight up telling them that [not killing] is the only answer that will bring peace to everyone
Also so many parallels can be made between Narong and Chalothorn (which is probably why it was easy for Chalothorn to possess Narong to attack Phaya but let's not get into that), because like isn't this Chalothorn? (ep. 5)
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His mind is so clouded by anger and wanting to kill Phaya and getting Tharn that he is obsessed with it, he literally do not see anything else, specially if Phaya is in the room and/or mentioned, like I said a bit higher in this post, he hates Phaya, but he probably hates himself too, and so much hate and anger just blinds people
Also sidenote that I'm not really gonna dive into : How do you think Tharn would feel about Phaya killing Chalothorn, knowing what u know about him? like Tharn loves Chalothorn as a friend, and that's even if Chalothorn is responsible for all the bad things in his life (ep. 12)
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Tharn may be looking at Chalothorn saying this but he said "Please stop killing each other." he could not be more clearly talking to both of them, he doesn't want Chalothorn to kill Phaya but he also doesn't want Phaya to kill Chalothorn
SCENARIO 3 : Tharn Wins
Now lemme say this, you can literally never convince a fighter by fighting him, like if you've ever had a fight/argument with someone you know that you cannot reach a compromise in the heat of the fight when everyone is angry and losing the control of their emotions, it just doesn't work, but what does work in the context of the show?
Wansarut and Sakuna
And now I'm back to Wansarut (<3<3<3<3<3<3) and Sakuna because well Wansarut did change a fighter's mind before already, this is part of Wansarut's power that's why I also describe Wansarut as a mediator, and what did Wansarut do exactly?
Well Wansarut healed Sakuna, even if he is from the enemy side, and took care of him and acted in a way that was protective of him, even if again Sakuna is an enemy of Wansarut's people (literally brother of the Garuda king) because that Wansarut's character, Wansarut is a healer/a protect/a mediator that's how Wansarut fights (ep. 8)
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Then Wansarut tough Sakuna about Naga culture (Naga offering and breathing fire to pay respect to Buddha, on the 15th nigh of the 11th waxing moon)
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And while being in love with each other did facilitate this change of view in Sakuna (which would later turn him a bit into a protector of Wansarut), you really do not need to be for this to work, like the best way to change people views on some things truly is just to expose them to the thing from the POV of the people living it, when nobody is in any immediate danger
And that is exactly how Tharn succeeded in convincing Chalothorn that the love between Phaya and him is good, by being there for Chalothorn and taking care of him, and being patient, until Chalothorn was ready to let him go on his own, not in the heat of of fight when everyone is angry and putting the blame on each other, which was again so healer/ protector/mediator of him like I talked about in my other post
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Tharn and Chalothorn : the final
So with Wansarut and Sakuna we saw how Tharn could change Chalothorn's mind and what really does work, now imma dive into the last 2 episodes of this show aka the shift in Chalothorn
So in episode 6, Chalothorn says this
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And at that time I think those words were true cuz that's literally what he has been doing isn't it? Like everytime he lost, both Wansarut and Sakuna's reincarnations died, so he was "okay" with killing Wansarut, as long as it meant that Sakuna was also dead and they weren't together (crazy way to fight cognitive dissonance if you ask me) but then something changed around episode 11 because Chalothorn started saving Tharn even if Phaya was still alive? (Ep. 11) (ep.12)
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The importance of Chalothorn saving Tharn those 2 times, is that 1) now Tharn knows what the fuck is going on and 2) (like I said in the other post) Tharn end up understanding that Chalothorn can be talked too and reasoned with (the abbot would call it enlightenment), because in that 2nd saving he told Chalothorn to not kill Montee, and Chalothorn listened
Sidenote : Wansarut also did tell Chalothorn to not kill Sakuna and Chalothorn did listen that time too, like Wansarut has a BIG influence on this man (wish we saw their relationship before the mess), the only reason why the fight did continue was because Sakuna did not let Wansarut go
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Why did he listen then? because he loves Wansarut, it really is as simple as that, and that's why he also listened to Tharn with Montee, because our chronically involuntary celibate man is head over dick for Tharn (valid and relatable)
So remember when I was talking about cognitive dissonance and stuff, well by ep 12, Chalothorn cannot justifies killing Tharn anymore, he is tired, he is turning into a Naga, and he cannot stand seeing another reincarnation of Wansarut die again, but most importantly he cannot stand to see Tharn die by his own hands
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It's easy to concentrate on Phaya's distress in this scene but Chalothorn is in as much distress as Phaya, you can hear Chalothorn's voice break when Tharn is dying in both Phaya and his arms after asking them to stop killing each other, they are both screaming Tharn's name, and this time Chalothorn just listen because this is too much, his hatred for Phaya is just not important anymore, killing Phaya is just not as important anymore because anyways Tharn did choose him didn't he? isn't that what he wanted? even if Tharn clearly is in love with Phaya, Tharn did choose to come with him, so in a way none of this shit even fucking matters anymore
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So for the 3rd time, he saves Tharn, this time by literally giving Tharn his soul so he would live (wish we saw him breaking down over Tharn dying in his arms in the Naga caves until he ended up giving Tharn his soul tbh), Chalothorn chooses to save a life instead of ending one and thus ending the curse on his part
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"i have to go to sleep" i say
"i really have to go to sleep" i say again, four hours later
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aquacomet · 1 year
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AU based DCA Palooza magma doodles from the weekend! Got to doodle up a AU idea that's been on the mind for a while and a mini sea slug Sun!
So hear me out: Imagine DLC Ruin M.X.E.S but it's Eclipse! Digital shenanigans and hijinks ensue (let's just hope they can keep themselves together long enough to make good decisions). Thinking of referring to him as E.C.L.I.P under the au name Eclipsed Security for now.
Bonus mini sona doodle from my part of a little pizza collab!
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chaosduckies · 2 months
First of all, Congratulations for 100!
For the writing commissions thing, Could you do a story based on a song?
I have been obsessed with this song (funny that it's already based on a novel) and would love to see a g/t story with it!
Thank you! :D
This one was hard if I’m being honest, but I still managed it! (If you don’t like it, I’ll re-write it! But please tell me what you specifically want haha-) This one is basically a combination of how I interpreted the song and what the novel it’s based on is about (It’s Six of Crows right? Cause if it isn’t that would ruin this entire piece-) This is a kind-of parental g/t, so I’m sorry if you don’t like that trope TwT
But I hope you enjoy! :D
Word Count: 3.7k
CW: Mentions of death
Birds Of A Feather
I’ve never had to stay more quiet in a single house in my entire life. The way the humans’ steps seemed to echo throughout the house sent a slight shiver down my spine, but I didn’t pay any mind. I’ve done this before thousands of times. I wait for him to go outside on his daily walk, get what I need, and head back to my home in the walls where my sister was waiting. I never trusted her to go on her own. She was too young (I mean I was only 14 but still), and I didn’t trust this place at all. 
This area was secluded, what had looked like a nice, humble little cottage, was actually a death trap for borrowers like myself. The human that resides here had seemed kind. A bright smile on his face, friendly with any visitors and his family, but when he’s alone,  it just disappears. As if the kind presence never existed in the first place. There was also one other thing. This entire place gave off an ominous vibe that screamed, “Stay the hell away from here.” It was a mystery to me why I had even decided to settle down in this place. Because I wouldn’t have to worry about so many humans? Well this one was a lot to deal with too. 
After staying a couple nights here I had started to notice just how creepy the place was, and how odd this human’s schedule was. It almost always stayed silent here besides the tv rarely being played at night. But it was almost always quiet. Of course you’d think that would be good for me, but it wasn’t. Normally humans are busy doing something. This one? It’s like he’s waiting for something to happen. He walks quietly through the house, doesn’t talk to anyone unless someone stops by for a visit, only has the tv on when it’s raining. It’s almost like he knows that my sister and I live here, but that would be impossible. I’ve been nothing but quiet and careful this entire time. My sister included since I make her stay at home while I’m out. 
This human seemed to always go on daily walks around the small, secluded forest outside his home. He would come back nearly two hours later, take a short shower, make something to eat, and head into his room that I never dared to go into. I had no idea what I would find in there, but it’s probably not something I want to see. 
I hurried to the counter, grabbing my hook from the side of my hand-made belt and throwing it up as far as I could, barely managing to make it to the top before the paperclip latched onto the ledge. I tugged on it a coupe times before starting my trek up, trying to get out of the open as fast as I can. I hated almost everything about this place. Or maybe it was just me. Lizzie, my sister, claims that she does just fine and doesn’t find a reason to stay quiet, but she just didn’t understand. Humans would hurt her. I’ve seen it happen, and I don’t want her to be in trouble because I just let her do what she wanted. I knew we were small. I knew that we could probably speak louder than a whisper, but I just didn’t trust it. As much as I want- need help, I didn’t trust a single thing about this place. 
When I walked onto the vast expanse of marble, I looked around for literally any kind of food. Nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. I cursed under my breath, my head turning out of fear to see if the human had heard me, but I forgot that he wasn’t home. I let out a sigh of relief, continuing my journey to find food. We had some at home, but I had zero idea if it would last my sister and I until my next trip, or when the humans leaves something out again. Plus, I don’t think I can eat bread for dinner again. I’d prefer something healthy, but I can’t be too picky. 
I moved onto the little bowl that he usually kept snacks in plastic wrapping, seeing that there was a small package of peanut-butter crackers among other snacks I already knew I couldn’t get into without making a huge mess. To be honest, I wasn’t feeling it, but anything I can get I guess. 
With a little bit of perseverance, I tore open the package, grabbed a few pieces of the cracker and shoved them into my bag. It should be enough for now, I didn’t want to stay any longer than I needed to be. I tried my hardest to make it look like the package wasn’t ripped open and climbed my way out, rushing over to the edge of counter where my hook was waiting for me. 
I was a good borrower. At least I think I am. I’ve always been good at hiding, “borrowing” as we like to call it, I think I’m also pretty good at not leaving a trail that I even exist. It’s like planning a heist every time I go out. I have to know the fastest way in or out, where all my exits would be. At least in this forsaken house. I just get the creeps here. 
I picked my head up, staring straight at the door that was slowly creaking open. My heart pounded in my chest, fear creeping up and down my spine, breathing becoming ragged. He wasn’t supposed to be home yet. I rushed down the remaining distance, not caring at all about the rope burn I’ll have on my hands later. He won’t see me. It’ll all be okay… I held in a breath, not daring to hesitate sliding down the rope for even a second. I bit down on my bottom lip so hard to help ease the burning sensation on my hands as I rushed down to the ground. 
As soon as my feet were planted on the ground, I pulled on my hook, taking the time to messily wrap it up and run all the way back to the small crack in the wall. I ran as fast as I could, only looking back once to see hazel eyes staring deep into my soul.The breath I was holding in was caught in my throat, shoving my body through the crack and slamming my body onto the hard surface behind me once I was out of view. I tried to calm down my breathing, clasping my hand over my mouth as I felt the human walking closer. The small amount of light that the crack in the wall emitted had nearly vanished, the human most likely blocking it. Everything remained quiet, all noise becoming muffled to me. Were they saying something? I couldn’t hear. Please just go away. Be my imagination. This isn’t really happening. 
  The light came back, I felt footsteps walking away, but I didn’t trust it. I stayed hidden for another couple minutes, about to leave when the shadow came back, making me clasp my hands over my mouth once again. If they were talking, I couldn’t hear. Of course this “heist” doesn’t go as planned this one time. Why did he even come back early? Or did I just take too long? 
I had no clue how long I waited. The human was long gone, but I was too frozen in fear to move. There was no way I was going to risk getting caught. Who knows what this… sadistic human would do to me? Keep me in a jar, a pet, use me for his own entertainment? Kill me. I didn’t even want to think about that. Leaving my sister all alone. Better me than her though. I would hate myself if she was ever hurt because of one of my own mistakes. 
Gathering up the courage, I peaked my head out, shocked at what I saw. There were two bottle caps, one full of actual food, and one filled with water. My heart started to beat fast again, thoughts working. Was the human just waiting for me to fall victim to this very obvious trap? Was the food poisoned? Was he going to kill me if I step out? I jumped when a tall figure emerged from the hallway holding a book and sitting down on the couch. I ducked my head back, standing up on wobbly legs and gripping my the strap of my bag tightly. Time for me to go. 
I maneuvered through the walls, carrying what was like precious jewels to my sister and . What even was that? I-I know he saw me… so why didn’t he just grab me when he had obviously seen me long before I had even realized. Or did he want to capture me in an inhumane way. lure me out with food like I was some kind of… animal. Trap me in a jar or a cage afterwards. I couldn’t think of anything but what was could’ve been going through his sick mind. 
When I walked into out tiny home on the walls, a sigh of relief escaped my mouth. Lizzie was still here, playing with the stuffed animal our mom had given her years ago. I mean she just a six year old, there wasn’t really anything to keep her busy when you were just barely over two inches tall and was forced to keep below a whisper just so you’re not caught into huge… terrifying… human hands. My mind went back to what had just happened in the last thirty minutes, a shiver running down my spine. 
Lizzie stood up, hugging me with a bright smile on her face. I was still trembling slightly from the encounter I had, but hugged her back all the same, mindful of the burn marks on my hands. 
“Did you get anything good?” She cheered, hugging her teddy bear close to her chest. I nodded my head, laughing and pulling out a small piece of the peanut butter cracker and handing it to her. She gasped, taking the piece in her hands and biting into it. I could’ve brought back some actual food if I didn’t think it was poisoned. I sighed, burying my head in my heads as she went off to entertain herself once again. Would we have to find another place again? Probably. Humans aren’t supposed to know about us, and well, this one does now. Thanks to me.
I wouldn’t tell Lizzie yet though. She’d be devastated. She’s always telling me how much she loves this place. She likes how we can go outside sometimes, how the human living here is quiet and not loud like most humans were. I can see why she likes it here, but it was just too dangerous. We might be in danger. Like I’ve said, I didn’t trust this place at all. This guy living here… just doesn’t give off “nice” vibes. 
It was late at night, Lizzie and I were about to head to bed. I wasn’t that much older than her. I was just a kid who really new how to steal and survive. I guess I’d have to revoke that title since I’ve been caught. I tucked Lizzie in, and pulled the fabric over my head, falling asleep and pushing all of my worries for tomorrow. 
I woke up to foot steps. I picked up my head, grabbing the needle that I probably should have been carrying with me yesterday and checking on Lizzie. My heart skipped a beat when I didn’t see her there. Which meant… My eyes darted to the entrance of our little place, seeing that the cloth blocking it was moved. Soon enough, I started running towards the little crack that lead to the kitchen. I heard quiet sobs that sounded like Lizzie. 
Please don’t be what I think it is. 
When I arrived, I was too afraid to take a little peak out of the side, afraid of what I might find on the other side. What could I do against someone who was twenty times my own size? He has my little sister… but what could I do? He’d just take us both. Probably torture us for his enjoyment. Just make us live in terror and agony until we die. What would happen if I didn’t do anything? I would never forgive myself he did anything to hurt Lizzie. So I just have to make sure she can get out of this. 
I sucked in a deep breath, slowly peaking out and seeing that her teddy bear was left on the ground, along with a little pool of water right next to the bottle cap the human had left. My eyes widened, breathing hitching in my throat as I saw the huge being pinching her effortlessly in between his thumb and pointer, whispering for her to calm down. Nononono. My breathing became fast, and my legs pushed myself out of the crack, pointing the needle right at the human, whose eyes darted cautiously over to me. 
“L-let her go!” My hands and arms were shaky as I looked away, my eyes shut and closed. I was terrified. Being out in the open in front of a human was the worst imaginable thing. It could only be worse for Lizzie for actually being held by one, but I was threatening one. I’d have a worst fate than her, but I just want her to be safe. 
I opened my eyes, a little blurry from the few tears that escaped, but it had seemed like everyone stopped moving, heck, even breathing all together. Lizzie tried her hardest to escape the grip around her, failing miserably and giving up. This time, she just quietly cried to herself, slightly reaching for her teddy bear on the ground. I bit the bottom of my lip, keeping my needle pointed towards the human and reaching down to grab her bear. 
The human’s eyes shot open wide, looking between my and my sister he was currently keeping hostage. But I swear his eyes softened before he carefully placed my sister down a little ways from me. She looked up at him, tears still in her eyes. The human bit the side of his cheek, looking away from Lizzie and back to me with sympathetic eyes. He had to be lying. There was no way he’d just “let her down” like that. 
Lizzie ran over to me, hugging me tightly and hiding behind. My entire body was shaky as I guided us slowly back towards the crack in the wall. 
“Sorry for trapping you.” He whispered, looking behind me. I paused, watching as my sister ran back to the crack in the walls. Now I was alone. No telling what would happen. But I was more hung onto the fact that this human just apologized. As much as I didn’t trust him at all, or thought that he was a mean person, he apologized. This was something I had least expected from this guy. Instead of taking us against or wills, he just apologized. Not to mention just let my sister go without so much as a complaint or deal. 
“You can take the food I put there.” He pointed to the bottle cap behind me, filled with fresh food. My mouth watered at the sight, but I shook my head, hands still shaky as I stayed in place while still pointing my needle towards him. The human paused for a second, looking confused. 
“Why not? Isn’t that what you were stealing from me earlier today?” His words sounded harsh through my ears, making me wince and take a couple steps back, ready to dart straight for the tiny hold in the wall if he had tried anything. It was intimidating I admit, and I had no idea why I didn’t just run back with Lizzie. So why don’t I just go? What was I waiting for? 
“That came out.. harsh, didn’t it.” The mountainous being in front of me sighed, ruffling my hair a bit. I don’t say anything, wondering why I haven’t been dangled or threatened yet. He always looked so… intimidating. Or maybe that’s just the way he looked? Honestly I can’t even tell. 
“How long have been stealing from me?” His eyes were full of sympathy again, hands away from me. Making no move. I guess it would be okay to answer. Just so I could lower the amount of torture I would endure if this was all a trap. 
“A m-month or two? Give o-or take?” I kept my arms up no matter how much they screamed for me to put them down. Lizzie was safe, I would be back in a little, and we could go out tomorrow to find another place to live in. Even if the next house or town is miles out, we just need to get the hell away from here. 
The human’s eyes widened again, quieting in the dark to get a better look at me, which only made me slightly insecure, but ignored it, “You don’t even look old enough to be taking care of yourselves,” He started, “Look, the least I can do for you after trapping your sister is to give you both something to eat. I’m pretty sure you’d like something better than peanut butter crackers.” I really would, but how could I know to trust him? He trapped my sister. I’m pretty sure it was meant for me, but still! 
“You trapped my sister! I can’t t-trust you!” I whisper yelled, hoping I wouldn’t be killed on the spot. His eyes hazel pierced through my soul, making me close my eyes shut and look away while raising my puny weapon. Soon enough, something pitched the needle and dragged me along with it. I let out a yelp, letting go and stumbling to my knees, my face hitting the hard floor. Nonono. Please don’t- I sat up and buried head in my knees and covered myself with my arms, expecting a sharp pain, a stab, anything to indicate that I was dead. Just like that, my only sense of protection was gone. I couldn’t defend myself with or without a weapon what was I even thinking? 
The human above me sighed, and soon enough I was pinched between two of his fingers just like my sister. I started kicking and trying to pull myself out, but to no avail. Tears formed in my eyes as I tried my hardest not to let them fall. The last thing I needed was for this human to take pleasure in my own suffering, but of course he noticed anyways.
“For someone who was just threatening me with a needle you overreact a lot.” The human chuckled, standing up and turning on a dim light, keeping me pinched. Could he feel how fast my heart was beating? Could he feel how my body trembled under the surprisingly soft grip? I just kept quiet, afraid anything I said now would just make my fate even more dreadful. 
The human moved fast, grabbing a few snacks and either breaking them up into miniature pieces or cutting them up with an extremely sharp knife I would not like to be on the other side of. I was shocked at what he was doing, but also scared. I mean, I was basically being held against my will right now. He placed the snacks into a small bowl, kind of like the snack tray my mom would make. My mouth watered, my stomach growling, and I guess the human heard it because he glanced at me for just a split second, a smile on his face. It was embarrassing, but also somewhat… nice of him to be making us this? 
“I use to steal just like you, pretty close to your age actually,” he chuckled, “I may only be 22, and you still don’t trust me, but I think it’s better if you just ask people for help little guy.” He walked back over to where the small hole in the wall was, placing down the bowl and myself. I tripped over my two legs, earning a small laugh from him. Now I just felt… terrible for ever thinking he was bad. It doesn’t mean I trust him fully yet, but maybe one day? This could also be some sick trick to enjoy my suffering later of course, but for now I’d like to believe that he was doing this because this was really who he was. 
“S-sorry. For the stealing.” I fidgeted with my hands, eyeing my needle still in his other hand. His hand carefully came towards me, offering it back. I took it from his fingers, hugging it close. My heart was still racing, and my thoughts were all jumbled up, but I still couldn’t believe that I was alive. Without a single scratch too. 
“You were only doing what you needed to survive. I get it,” He smiled, “But, just ask me if you need anything next time?” i gave an “i don’t know” look at him, but he just playfully rolled his eyes, “What’s your name anyways?” I bit the bottom of my lip
“Andrew…” My voice came out quiet, feeling a little insecure. 
“Gabriel, but you can just call me Gabe.” He smiled, and left just as quiet as ever. It took me a while to realize what had just happened, then my eyes trailed off to the vast amount of snacks waiting to be eaten. Best part about it? There was finally something healthy to eat that I didn’t think was poisoned. I turned back to the hold in the wall, hoping that Lizzie was okay. 
“Lizzie!” I whisper yelled, expecting her to be back home, under the sheets, but she came out of the hold, hugging her bear tight against her chest. I rushed over, hugging her before her eyes widened at the huge amount of snacks that awaited her. Sure, it was way past midnight, but it couldn’t hurt to have something nice to eat, right? Borrowers rarely ever get a chance like this anyways. 
“I told you he was nice!” She giggled, forgetting just how scared she looked minutes ago. We both giggled, and for the first time in what felt like forever we felt safe. Even if I still didn’t entirely trust Gabriel, there was a small possibility I could just as much as my sister does. Just maybe. 
Yeah I have no idea about this one either (My brain cannot come up with good scenes anymore whyyyy… also I kind of gave up on editing halfway through so I’m very sorry for mistakes-)
Again, if you don’t like it, please tell me! But I hope you liked it! Writing based off of songs is pretty hard, but I might as well give it a try! If you would like a part 2 to this, please let me know! (Cause I kinda do… I might make it just for the fun of it)
Thank you for the prompt! I had fun writing it! :3
Writing commissions are still open for anyone interested! Please keep them strictly sfw! (If I’m uncomfortable with a certain commission I will let you know!)
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batsgetscensored · 8 months
"Been a long time..."
His voice is like a long forgotten melody, one that rushes back into your mind and floods your body and soul with familiarity.
It's Leon. How could you let yourself almost forget the man you once spent every night with...?
You nod slowly, not looking just yet. "I know..." you whisper, eyes shut tight as you take in a shaky breath, letting it all come back.
"Where did you run off to?"
He asks, and all you can do is chuckle slightly. It's a weak laugh, but something nonetheless. The action feels unfamiliar, but god if it doesn't feel good to feel this way again. "I had to take care of some things. I'm sorry." You try to explain.
He shakes his head, placing his thumb and forefinger to your chin, tilting your face up to look at him, silently encouraging you to open your eyes.
"It's okay. I get it. Life gets in the way sometimes."
"Its not just that-"
"You don't have to explain."
His eyes are soft as you finally look into them, warm and feeling like home, the baby blues looking at you like he knows you better than even you do.
"Situations change. People change. It happens, and I don't blame you..."
Leon's words are as careful and gentle as his gaze as he brings his fingers through your hair, brushing the strands out of your eyes.
And then he speaks again...
"I missed you. Try not to stay away so long next time, for my sake."
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lesovyart · 1 year
Tumblr media
im so obsessed w them that I made fanart AND my own playlist
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butterfliesornauseous · 9 months
500 special part 2: hunger in bed
Warning for character skipping meals (unintentionally), teasing and hunger, cheesy use of pet names
“Yep, power is not going to be back on for a while.” A says as they click their phone off with one hand while the lighting a candle with the other. A gets up and smiles, looking over at B. “Guess we are going to have to wait a little to head out for dinner out, huh?”
B sits on the edge of the bed with a huff and crosses their arms, “Why?” B doesn’t mean to come off rudely, but truth be told, B hasn’t eaten all day and their dinner reservation was their ticket to rescuing their stomach from its empty churning.
“Why? We can’t leave until the power is back on, it’s not safe to drive in the dark” A replies a little confused. They sit on the bed next to B to grab B’s face to look at them. “What’s with the face, sweetheart, you still get to spend time with me tonight.”
B feels their stomach muscles tighten unpleasantly like it’s going to growl, but no pressure gets relieved. Their tummy has been like that all day. It wasn’t like B didn’t eat on purpose. B had dinner early last night yet somehow still accidentally slept in so they missed breakfast and then as a consequence in they were nearly late to work and ended up forgetting to bring lunch with them. On top of that, conveniently, B forgot their phone and wallet to buy anything during their breaks and once B got home, they were too busy getting ready for their date. All day, their mouth has been watering, thinking of dinner like a reward for making it through the day.
Lost in thought, B didn’t realise their stomach muscles finally loosen until they feel a rumble through their ribs with a a short but audible grumble. Their stomach instinctively clenches again in after the sound.
“Was that your stomach?” A asks.
“I-“ B doesn’t know how to respond before a little lower in their left side another rumble issues, and they clasp a hand to their gut to cover it with a blush.
A moves closer with a little concern in their voice. “Woah, you sound really hungry.”
“I haven’t eaten in a while.” B shrugs defensively. Rubbing their hand across their belly.
“How long is a while?” A arches on of their eyebrows.
With a little shame, B responds “All day.”
A suddenly lays B down and leans over them in concern. “All day, why?” A puts their hand on B’s stomach.
B realises how embarrassing it is now to admit all their little mistakes that have led to one empty unhappy tummy. B quickly says sheepishly, “Late to work, no time to eat, forget lunch, forgot phone and wallet to pay for lunch, had to get ready.”
A looks down at B with concern and mild amusement. “You know you can’t starve your poor belly like that.” A says with a little more of a tease and squeezes their tummy a little, prompting their tummy to admit a quick humble growl. A moves lays their head onto to B’s stomach. A says with fake wonder, “Oh, I think I can hear the next one coming.”
“Can you stop teasing me” B complains in a whine like matter. They try to push A’s face away before their stomach has chance to make any noise again.
“Oh darling, this is just the consequence of neglecting yourself.” A smirks. They squeeze B’s lower belly gently again.
“Isn’t that right.” A says in response to a deeper groan like sound.
“Actually stop it”
“Or what?”
B stomach growls again, a higher pitched sound that sounds like it’s being squeezed at the end. B’s head dips in embarrassment.
“Thought so” A puts their hand back onto B’s stomach under their rib. “Wow, I can really feel them building up in there, do they hurt?” A’s ask and moves their hand back and forward against B’s abdomen. B shakes their head to not worry A.
“You sure…. You do sound bad?” A sighs now just leaving their hand motionless and spreading their fingers out instead feeling a silent vibration under their palm.
“Only the ones near my ribs” B comes clean as another pocket near their ribs tightly rumbles.
“See you can’t do this to yourself, darling, even if it’s just a day.” A leans over to boop B noise in concern and to annoy them.
“You could have told me you haven’t eaten today, I would have brought you something to eat before dinner, now look at your poor tummy.” A mock coos at the end.
“It’s okay, really.” B cringes at their belly whining in response.
“It’s not okay when your stomach is moaning at me.” A lightly scolds then breaks into a smile.
“Hopefully the power won’t take too long” B says hopefully, B’s voice breaks at the end in time for the lights above to flick on.
“Oh, powers back on,” A looks up to the lights before B stomach grumbles again and A squeezes it “Someone’s eager.”
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