#i miss my favorite eggplant
sagie-artzz · 4 months
wakiya, u will always be famous ✌️
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 2 months
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happy late bday gakupookie
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despacito-uwu16 · 2 months
Instant Regret- Tadashi Hamada x Reader
“But I miss you, I’m sorry” - Gracie Abrams
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You would think that no matter how big or small the arguments would get, that you would always find a way back to each other. But it really wasn’t the case for the two of you. 
You’ve gotten a job opportunity at the company of your dreams. However, their office is ten thousand miles away from home. At first, you weren’t sure what to do. You built your life around getting into the company of your dreams, however you never prepared yourself for the day that you have to leave San Fransokyo. Not only that, you would be leaving Tadashi behind. But after a few days of hesitation, you decided to take the risk and go for it. 
You and Tadashi were in your apartment watching your favorite TV show while eating Chinese take out. You couldn’t concentrate on the current episode of That 70’s Show because you didn’t know how to tell Tadashi about the job. If you tell him about it, he would for sure be supportive of it. Right? It’s not like he would just tell you to turn it down…
“Something wrong Y/N”? He snaps you out of your daze. 
“No! Nothing’s wrong”. You quickly said. 
“You sure? You barely touched your eggplant and tofu”. He pointed at your food with his chopsticks. 
You look down at the take out box. It was barely half empty. 
“I’m just not hungry”. You said, playing with your food. 
“Y/N, if something’s bothering you, you can always talk to me”. Said Tadashi. 
You look down at the food. “I guess it’s time”. You thought. 
You put your food down and turned off the TV. You turned to him and gently held his hands. 
“There is something I’ve been meaning to tell you”. You confessed. 
“Okay”. He turns to you. “You got my full attention”.
“Well, remember I told you about that job interview for that company I always wanted to work at”? You started. 
He thought for a bit before replying. “The one with the virtual reality and AI research?”
You nodded.
“Well…” you sighed.
“I got the job”. You looked up at him giving him a small smile.
His eyes lit up and he started smiling ear to ear. “Y/N that’s amazing! See! I knew they would like you”! He hugged you tightly.
“Yeah. However, they want me to work at their London office”. You added. 
Tadashi’s face fell as he let go of you. “Oh, I see”.
“I know, I promised I would stay, but I didn’t think they would relocate me. But hey, we’ve been through this before. Who said we couldn’t do it again ”. You said
“Yeah, yeah totally”. Tadashi looked at the ground.
You noticed his facial expression. It was a mix of sadness and disappointment. You knew that he wouldn’t approve of this.
“Did I say something wrong”? You ask.
“It’s nothing like that, it’s just”… he trailed off
“It’s just what”? You pressed on.
He let out a sigh before continuing “I had a plan for us to move in together after college. For us to start our life together”. 
“I know this is a huge shift from what we’ve planned Tadashi. But this is my dream, you know I couldn’t just let this slip by”. You said in attempts to justify your reasons .
“What about us and everything we built”? He said, emphasizing on “us”.
“Well what about me? You knew how important this job and this company is to me”! You exclaimed
“Am I not important to you”? He asks
“You are, that’s not what I meant. I just thought you would be more supportive of me”. 
“I was so supportive Y/N! I supported you when you went abroad for a semester, I supported when you had that 8 week internship over the summer! I was there for you through thick and thin, and now you’re leaving again”? He raise his voice.
You tried to calm the situation down, “Tadashi please I”- 
“You never think about the consequences of your decisions and how it affects others. YOU ARE SO INCREDIBLY SELFISH”. He yelled, his words piercing into your ego.
You were both sitting on opposites sides of your black leather couch. The room fell silent. The only thing you both could hear was the clock ticking away and you attempting to muffle your sniffles. But before long, you hear Tadashi letting out a sigh, breaking the short term silence. between the two of you.
“I don’t know if I can wait for you this time Y/N”. Tadashi looks at you. 
“No. Please stay. I want you to stay”. Your mind screamed.
“Then leave”. 
You felt the couch cushions rise as Tadashi got up. He grabbed his hat from the hooks along with his keys. 
Before he closed the apartment door, he looked at you hoping you would say something to make him stay. But you just sat there and stared at the blank TV.
“Goodbye Y/N”. He shuts the door.
And that was the last time you ever saw him. 
The next thing you know, you got a call from Aunt Cass. She slowly broke the news about Tadashi’s passing. At first you thought Tadashi was doing this in retaliation for what happened a few weeks ago. But after the news broke out about the fire that killed Tadashi and Professor Callahan, the sad reality settles in. Tadashi is gone.
The funeral was short and simple. You stood in silence, hovering over your late boyfriend’s tomb stone while everyone around you cried. You didn’t think this was going to happen. It wasn’t supposed to happen. 
You weren’t planning on sticking around during the reception. But before you could leave, Aunt Cass stopped you.
“Tadashi wrote something for you”. She hands you a white envelope. 
You thanked her and began to make your way to the door. But as you were about to leave, you made eye contact with Hiro. You were about to say something, but he disappeared into his room. 
You came back to your semi empty apartment physically and emotionally drained. All of your furniture has been shipped to your new apartment in london, and the only thing left is a small white mattress and a few cardboard boxes stacked into a pyramid. You took a bottle of wine from one of the moving boxes and drank out of it. You sat on the floor, letting your head fall back against the wall. Looking down at the envelope, you carefully opened it. You took out the paper and unfolded it.
Dear Y/N,
I wanted to call or text you, but I don’t think you would respond. I’ll be sending this to you after the SFIT showcase. You know that I’m never good with words or with writing down my feelings, so bear with me. 
I want to start off by saying, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for calling you selfish. You were so excited about your dream job, and I ruined our night. You were never selfish to begin with, I was. The truth is, I got scared. I know we’ve done long distance in the past, but the thought of us eventually drifting apart scared me. I should’ve been more vulnerable when it came down with these things, but I didn’t know how to bring it up. 
I never want to loose you. I couldn’t imagine my life without you. Remember during our date at the butterfly gardens, we were all alone in the auditorium and I randomly blurted out “I want us to last forever”. Well, when I said forever, I meant it. I want us to last for a lifetime.
If anything, I want you to take that job. You’ve worked so hard for it and I bet you would make a great employee at the London office. understand that I cause you some pain, and I don’t expect you to forgive me now. But when you’re ready, I’ll be here, waiting for you. 
I love you so much Y/N.
You buried your head in your arms as you let out loud sobs. You cries drowned out the sounds of the thunder and rain outside. 
You couldn’t help but wonder what life would be like if you never took that job offer. What would happen if you apologized to him. Telling him how much you loved him, telling him to stay. The amount of instant regret fills up your heart, and there was no way of getting rid of the grief that came with it. 
“I miss you, I’m sorry”. 
A/N: I love me some angst hehe srry readers :)
Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are always appreciated!
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suicidedance · 4 months
BUCK-TICK Q&A (1987)
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Source: Limited_Night_ on X
Q1: Who is your family comprised of?
Sakurai: Mother, older brother, me, dog and two cats.
Imai: Grandma, dad, mom, aunt, younger brother, younger sister.
Hoshino: Father, mother, younger sister, older brother.
Higuchi: Father, older sister and older brother.
Yagami: Father, older sister, niece, younger brother.
Q2: Date and place of birth
Sakurai: March 7, 1966. Fujioka City, Gunma Prefecture.
Imai: October 21, 1965. Takasaki Hospital.
Hoshino: June 16, 1961. Fujioka General Hospital. 
Higuchi: January 24, 1967. Takasaki.
Yagami: August 19, 1962. Takasaki.
Q3: What are you called by everyone? Why is that?
Sakurai: Acchan, Atsushi. Why?
Imai: Imai. I’m Imai so that’s why.
Hoshino: Hide. Because I’m Hidehiko.
Higuchi: Yuuta. When I was a child, I was called Yuutan, which was shortened to Yuuta.
Yagami: Anii (big brother) by the other members because I’m older. (He’s U-TA’s older brother)
Q4: Height, weight, shoe size, eyesight
Sakurai: 177 cm, 57 kg, 26 cm. 1.5 on the right, 1.2 on the left.
Imai: 174 cm, 58 kg, 26 cm. 1.2 on the right and 1.2 on the left, I think.
Hoshino: 179 cm, 60 kg, 27 cm. 1.5 and 1.5.
Higuchi: 167 cm, 48 kg, 25 cm. 0.9 on the right, 1.2 on the left.
Yagami: 170 cm, 48 kg, 25 cm. 1.5. 
Q5: Favorite foods
Sakurai: Sushi (toro ebi), chahan, corn soup.
Imai: Tempura udon, katsu curry, kimchi, reba nira, asparagus, burger with pickles, generic chips, miso soup, nametake, shiokara, oyster, sashimi, sushi, yakiniku, ham and eggs, natto, sea urchin, tororo, watermelon, turbo sazae.
Hoshino: Yakiniku, salad, ramen, pudding.
Higuchi: Vegetables.
Yagami: Pudding.
Q6: Foods you dislike
Sakurai: Eggplant, shellfish, scallion, shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots.
Imai: None.
Hoshino: Egg yolk.
Higuchi: Jellyfish.
Yagami: Liver.
Q7: What you want the most right now
Sakurai: Everything in this world.
Imai: Good songs.
Hoshino: Love, money.
Higuchi: Bass.
Yagami: Money. (Because I think I’ll become rich)
Q8: Blood type and self-analysis
Sakurai: Type O.
Imai: Type O. Extremely optimistic. My handwriting is messy, but I’m second rank in Japanese calligraphy.
Hoshino: Type A. Quiet, sometimes I’m stupid so I can’t grasp things.
Higuchi: Type A. Humble.
Yagami: Type A. Genius!!
Q9: What do you think you’ll be doing in five years?
Sakurai: Doing lives.
Imai: Playing guitar in BUCK-TICK and doing my best.
Hoshino: I think I’ll become a celebrity.
Higuchi: I don’t know.
Yagami: I’ll become a professional top-class musician.
Q10: What does manliness mean to you?
Sakurai: Be kind to the weak, be tough to the strong. Always be cool.
Imai: There’s no such thing.
Hoshino: Being strong and being kind.
Higuchi: Men are tough.
Yagami: Be strong and kind.
Q11: A movie that recently moved me.
Sakurai: Oedipus No Yaiba.
Imai: I watched Friday the 13th Part 6 on video. That idiot Jason needs to be punished once and for all!
Hoshino: I haven’t watched any movies recently.
Higuchi: Hachiko Monogatari.
Yagami: Back to the Future. (I like time travel stuff)
Q12: A person you aspire to be like
Sakurai: My ideal self.
Imai: There isn’t one.
Hoshino: John Lennon.
Higuchi: There isn’t one.
Yagami: Eikichi Yazawa.
Q13: Please tell us the name of the celebrity who is closest to your ideal woman
Sakurai: [Didn’t provide an answer]
Imai: Probably Miss Oginome Yoko .
Hoshino: Miss Yumi Aso .
Higuchi: Yappy, Nori-P, Skippy, Noriko Sakai. [Nori-P was Noriko Sakai’s nickname]
Yagami: Kaori Torii .
Q14: What was the first record you ever bought?
Sakurai: Maybe Carol?
Imai: «Technopolis» by Yellow Magic Orchestra.
Hoshino: Beatles. (He was tricked by his brother)
Higuchi: I bought a Beatles record for my late brother for his birthday.
Yagami: «Let it be» by The Beatles. (In 2nd grade of elementary school)
Q15: What was your first impression when you met the members?
Sakurai: Imai → Weird!
                Hide → What a superficial guy.
                Yuta → This bastard.
                Anii → Is he okay?
Imai: You should never judge someone based on first impressions.
Hoshino: Sakurai → Scary but interesting.
                 Imai → The yellow-green Converse are impressive.
                 Higuchi → Caring guy.
                 Yagami Toll → Rock n Roller.
Higuchi: Hide → A tall guy.
                Imai → Quiet guy.
                Acchan → Scary guy.
                Brother → I don’t really know.
Yagami: Imai → A silent and mysterious guy.
                Hide → A good young man.
                Sakurai → Seems like a disciplined guy.
                U-TA → Cute baby.
Q16: What do you think is your role in the band?
Sakurai: A person who can get other members on board. Someone who expresses a variety of things.
Imai: Guitar man.
Hoshino: People say I’m someone who makes things run smoothly.
Higuchi: A talkative person.
Yagami: A man of high spirits.
Q17: Teach us how to flirt with a girl!
Sakurai: Don’t flirt.
Imai: Please teach me how to flirt with a girl!
Hoshino: I think it would be good to be honest.
Higuchi: I’m not good at that.
Yagami: I don’t know how to flirt.
Q18: Have you ever cried because of love?
Sakurai: I have.
Imai: I haven’t.
Hoshino: I cried when I was heartbroken.
Higuchi: I have.
Yagami: I have.
Q19: Favorite word or phrase
Sakurai: Atsushi, come out!
Imai: Freedom.
Hoshino: A boy’s heart.
Higuchi: The characters that aren’t difficult. [Japanese characters]
Yagami: Love saves the Earth. The BUCK-TICK Phenomenon.
Q20: What kind of person you cannot tolerate?
Sakurai: A frivolous person. Someone who acts overly familiar with you.
Imai: Stubborn and insincere people. 
Hoshino: Liars.
Higuchi: A selfish person.
Yagami: The guy who sold a BUCK-TICK sample copy to a second-hand record store before it was released. If we ever find him, we’ll beat him up.
Q21: What do you not want a girl to do?
Sakurai: Cheat.
Imai: Be fake. Murder, robbery.
Hoshino: Cheat.
Higuchi: I don’t want her to cry.
Yagami: Don't talk like a man!!
Q22: If you were a plant, what would you be? Why?
Sakurai: A black rose. You wouldn't think of them as morning glories or sunflowers, right?
Imai: A pansy. Yellow around the edges and black towards the root.
Hoshino: Bonsai. Because that's what people often say.
Higuchi: I don’t know.
Yagami: Pineapple. (Hairstyle)
Q23: What is your favorite number and why?
Sakurai: Odd numbers.
Imai: 4. I just like it.
Hoshino: 2. For all six years of elementary school, I always came in second place at sports day.
Higuchi: 1. Because it’s the first one.
Yagami: 3. It’s Nagasaki, Nagashima.
Q24: Someone you would like to meet and talk to
Sakurai: Me from tomorrow.
Imai: Kiyoshiro Imawano, Beat Takeshi, John Lydon.
Hoshino: John Lennon.
Higuchi: Nori-P. [Noriko Sakai]
Yagami: Yuming. [Yumi Matsutoya]
Q25: Any final words!
Sakurai: Let’s make some noise together again!
Imai: We’ll keep on doing our best, so please come to our live show.
Hoshino: BUCK-TICK is immortal.
Higuchi: I’m Yuta.
Yagami: I think the genius group BUCK-TICK looked great at Madison Square Garden!
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shadowwolflady · 7 months
Hatake Kakashi Headcanons
Alright. It's time for some of my husband's headcanons. I consider Kakashi my husband. So I have to make some headcanons for him.
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Birthday September 15th
Zodiac Virgo
Height 181 cm
Weight 67.5 kg
Blood type O
Hair color silver/gray
Eye color gray
Missions completed 1,141
197 D
190 C
414 B
298 A
42 S
Jutsu: Tai and Nin
Kekkei: Sharingan
Hidden ability: Kamui
Style: Tracking/Assassination specialist
Reads Icha Icha in public
This man is an introvert.
Favorite colors: black, grey, green (neutral colors)
Work smarter not harder
Is late to things that aren't important
Sees KIA stone in morning
Appreciates his comrades more than he lets on
If you can't find him, he is reading or working out. Most likely reading.
If you REALLY can't find him, he is trying to hide and keep away from people.
He is straightforward and doesn't beat around the bush. Especially when it is something he likes.
Kakashi does smoke, only when extremely tired and stressed, like after a tough mission. Other than that, he won't smoke.
Will. Do. 400. Crunches. For. The. Fun. Of. It. Basically any kind of exercise for the hell of it.
His spacial awareness is insanely keen.
The moment he walks into a place or room, he already has a plan in case things go awry. He has an exit path separate from the front. He already has tabs on civilians and potential allies. On top of that, he already can sense those who have ill intent.
Plays dumb so he doesn't have to interact or get involved.
Has hyper focused on something and missed a conversation point.
Has fallen out of bed.
Has fallen asleep with his gear on. Basically face plant into his bed the moment he got home. And didn't wake up until 12 hours later to go to the bathroom.
He always throws up an aloof facade so he throws his opponents off. Acting bored or disinterested is the best way to rile up an opponent's anger, which can cause them to lose a fight.
Just the fact he shows up to something or for someone is a big deal. It means he supports them or it is important to him in a way, even if he is forced.
He gets really quiet and withdrawn when tired. Usually his book isn't even out by this point.
He gets more irritable when tired. He tries to keep his comments to himself and mouth shut.
Has massive respect for kunoichi. It isn't easy in the shinobi world and a woman has to be bad ass if they want to achieve recognition.
He is a stickler for teamwork and comradery.
He has a favorite tree he likes to sit in so he can watch over people while he reads.
He has sharp canines.
Favorite food Miso with Eggplant with salt boiled saury
Can cook
Likes simple meals
Doesn't like sweets
More savory food
Fish, beef, chicken, pork. In that order.
Can handle most spices.
Fast eater
Least favorite anything fried or sweet
Social drinker
Can hold his liquor
It is rare, but in the mornings he will have Coffee, Black
He is a gentleman, walks ladies home at night and makes sure his drunk friends get home.
He will get cats out of trees for civilians.
He will help the elderly with groceries.
Calm, cool, collected.
He is quiet and analytic, he likes to stay in the background and unnoticed. He will step in when he feels like no one will be able to handle the situation.
He is usually reading or day dreaming.
He usually speaks tactfully. But he does say what is on his mind.
Originally, he was strict and by the book. But after Obito's death, he became carefree and prioritized team safety over success of the mission.
He is reluctant to let anyone close to him. He fears losing them.
Modest about his abilities.
He has a heightened sense of smell and hearing.
He has a sensitive chakra network, able to pick up on people around him and distinguish friend and foe by their chakra signature.
Showers at night
Smells like sandalwood and timber, earthy undertone
He brushes his teeth with mint and mouthwash
He shaves every morning.
Comb? What's that? Maybe once a week or so.
Fighting Style
Kakashi uses a ton of kicks to keep opponents at bay from getting too close to him.
INSANE core strength.
Fluid movements.
Constantly adapting to the fight, changing grips and angles of attack.
Will use chakra as a last resort.
Will use Sharingan as the ultimate last resort.
Will prefer to knock out or render unable to move. Will terminate as a last resort or if opponent is known in bingo book.
Has dealt with bingo book individuals before.
He usually waits to strike.
His Anbu training takes over and he strikes fast and lethal over power.
Lots of his fighting is based off Gai.
Kakashi knows the strongest and most powerful muscles in the body are the legs, which is why he uses them.
He tends to sleep on his back.
He will wind up on his side.
He is a light sleeper.
Has insomnia.
He does like to nap during the day. Usually in a tree or outside. But he has napped at home.
He sleeps with a kunai under his pillow.
If he can't sleep he will read.
If that doesn't work, he will go for a walk around the village.
He enjoys taking naps with his ninken.
First chakra affinity is Lightning
Second is Earth
Can wield all elements due to sharingan
Insomnia, hence naps.
He will have night terrors to the point he will purposely walk around the village to avoid sleep.
Has scrubbed his skin to the point of bleeding so he could get the memory of blood off.
I will post more, but this is the general list I have for him.
My other list is for that when he is with my OC, Rai.
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He is so precious! He has my heart! I love him so much!
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Winter Rose
A Batter Up Extra Chapter
Pairing: Baseball player Joel Miller x Female Reader Rating: Explicit. 18+ (Minors DNI) Summary: It's cold and you're all alone in New York, Joel changes that. Warnings: smut, tub masturbation shenanigans, sex toy use Words: 2,400 A/N: Once I saw @morallyinept's challenge I knew I had to make it Baseball Joel being stupid sweet. Please note this takes place a couple of months after Golden Corral. Thank you to @jennaispunk for her read through!
Masterlist Playlist
You don’t know if you’ll ever get used to winter in New York. Bitter winds, gray skies, piles of dirty snow sitting on the curb. You long for Texas, groaning every morning when you check the weather and see Austin is over twenty degrees warmer than New York. Of course you know the real reason why you long more for Texas these days… Joel’s there.
Fifty degree days, wrapping yourself up in Joel’s flannel when it gets chilly at night, sunlight, the way his skin looks in the sun, Whataburger fries with spicy ketchup, Joel’s hand on your knee as you sit in the drive-thru, your favorite honey latte from Jo’s, the taste of black coffee on his tongue. God, you miss him. 
Isn’t that what your whole relationship was based around… missing each other? Your job kept you in New York while Joel’s training regimen and daughter kept him in Austin. You were at least headed to see him in two weeks… two long weeks.
Joel’s typical ringtone makes you smile as you pick your phone up from your desk.
“Hey, didn’t expect to hear from you until this evening, what’s up?” You smile and lean back in your chair.
“Wanted to hear your voice. Did you tell me you had plans tonight?” 
“Nope, my plan was to talk to you and eat my left over eggplant parm.”
“Okay, good. Looking forward to seeing you later sweetheart.”
“I’ll have my iPad charged.”
“I know you will. I’ll see you around seven.”
“Works for me. This was a nice lunch surprise. Thanks for calling.”
“Course. So, I’ll see you at seven in your living room?”
“…Unless I’m in another room.”
“Be in your living room.”
“Whatever you say Joel.” 
“I love you sweetheart, see you then.”
“Can’t wait.”
“I really can’t either. Seven sharp.”
“Seven sharp. Love you.”
You don’t know how other long distance couples existed before FaceTime and free long distance calling. Most of your nights now exist of setting your iPad or MacBook on your coffee table and watching TV while Joel’s handsome face keeps you company. Sure, you enjoy random nights out with friends and coworkers but you still count down the time until you can walk home, press the little camera icon on your home screen and call Joel.
The rush of receiving your nightly call is what you wait all day for. Your heart beats faster, your face breaks out into a large grin, your body thrums with excitement whenever you get to hit the ANSWER button. 
You feel those feelings now.
Joel’s face appears on your iPad but… he’s outside.
“Hi! Where are you?”
You hear a horn honk in the distance through the speakers, the same horn you hear outside your window. 
Joel smiles but doesn’t say a thing as he turns around… and your apartment building is behind him. 
“Hi baby,” he winks, “got something for you. Can I come up?” 
You don’t know if you’ve ever smiled this wide before. “What? Yes! Oh my god!”
“Be right up,” his smile is just as big as yours as he ends the call. 
It takes six minutes to get from your apartment’s entrance to your floor. Joel knows your code, he walks quickly and efficiently. You’ll see him in four.
You run to your door and open it, rushing down the hallway waiting for him at the elevator. You don’t care if you’re out in the middle of the hallway only wearing Joel’s oversized sweatshirt and a pair of underwear, if you’re by the elevator, you’ll get to see him quicker.
The elevator dings, the golden doors open, Joel’s hidden behind a giant bouquet of white foxgloves and peonies. 
“Surprise,” he peeks above the massive plume of flowers. The sight of him lights up your entire world. 
“Hi! Oh my god! Hi! Ho—Why? How?!” You shout in disbelief. He’s right in front of you, in your building. 
He walks out of the elevator shifting the flowers to the side and giving you a kiss. It’s the first time you’ve touched him in two very long weeks. He pulls away and smiles your favorite dimple appearing smile. 
“Was able to escape for a few days under the ruse of Winter Meetings being held here.”
“Wow,” your face hurts from how big you’re smiling, “I—remind me to cancel brunch tomorrow. Oh my god! How long are you here?” 
“I’ve got three days, I fly out Monday morning.”
“Three daaaaaays,” you sing as you turn to head back to your front door. Joel following closely behind you.
“Three days.”
“They’re beautiful, thank you again,” you bend over and run your hands across the soft petals of the flowers sitting on your coffee table. 
“You’re welcome baby, I remember you said you loved foxgloves and peonies before,” his hand begins to rub your back as you lean forward. He’s always listening.
You turn back to him, he’s sitting on your couch, the same couch you thought you’d be laying on all alone tonight. You hate how good he looks in your spaces, how it’s always such a temporary stay for him, how you know that there’s only a little over two days with him. 
You didn’t eat dinner alone tonight, you got to sit next to Joel at your table and share a meal while he kept his hand on your knee the whole time. He helped you load the dishwasher before lifting you up on the countertop and eating you out as you screamed into your kitchen towel. Your space feels so complete with him in it.  
You pluck a peony from the bouquet and sit back against Joel bringing the flower to your nose. 
“I love the way peonies smell,” you inhale, “and now I get to smell them with my boyfriend.” You turn your head to smell his neck. “You always smell so good.” 
Joel lets a deep chuckle out as you run the flower along his neck.
“There,” you tuck the flower behind his ear, “I always liked the color white against your skin, makes it look even more golden.” 
“Mm, I like whatever color you wear, I know we’ve established that, but,” he takes the flower out from behind his ear, “I’d like to see what this looks like against your skin.”
Joel puts the flower against your cheek.
“I knew it, s’beautiful,” he smiles, “but I want to see how it looks against you here,” he places the flower against your chest, “here,” against your stomach, “here,” against your thigh, “and most importantly,” he places the flower in between your legs, “here.” 
His eyes darken as he drags the flower back up your body. 
“Go ahead ’n get naked for me baby, I need to see.” 
You stand off the couch, quickly shucking your clothes. You love the way Joel looks at you when you’re naked, whether it’s when you’re two inches or two thousand miles away from him, he always looks like he wants to devour your whole body.
“Mm, s’a good girl,” he nods sitting back against the couch. “Get a flower from the bouquet I brought you.”
You bend over and grab another white peony bringing it to your nose to smell the sweet floral scent as your eyes don’t break contact with Joel’s. 
“Lemme see how it looks against your skin.”
You run the smooth petals against your cheek down your chin, past your neck to your breasts. 
Joel lets out a low groan as you circle your nipple with the bloom before trailing it down your stomach. 
“Look at you baby girl, so beautiful.”
Your whole body blooms much like the flower against your skin at his praise. 
“Go lower, lemme see how that white flower looks against your pretty pink pussy.”
Fuck, the way Joel Miller’s soft, deep voice husks out the word pussy. It drives you crazy, it makes another gush of slick rush out of your cunt. You run the flower down your hips and across your thighs, running it along your folds before lifting a foot up and placing it on his knee. 
“That’s a good girl, look at that pussy.”
God, that word and the way he licks his lips as he watches you run the flower along your wet cunt makes your knees weak. It’s so soft and delicate against your sensitive skin, it reminds you of Joel’s tongue, lightly tickling your folds.
“Fuck baby girl,” he leans forward, “give me that flower.”
You hand Joel the flower, you love how the bloom looks in his large calloused hand; something so soft and held within the hands of a large, strong man. He brings the flower up to his nose. 
“Christ, it smells so fucking good, like pretty little flowers and your wet pussy.” He puts the flower behind his ear and stands. “Now, I got something else for you babygirl, close your eyes and wait here, it’s going to be bit so be a good girl and be patient for me, okay?”
You nod and shut your eyes as Joel leaves a kiss on your forehead. 
He’s here with you, in your apartment tonight, he flew halfway across the country to be with you… and now you’re standing naked and alone with only the sound of his retreating footsteps filling the air of your home. What in the world does he have planned?
How long will he make you wait? It’s been over five minutes, you may have cheated and checked the clock. 
“Eyes still closed?”
Your body thrums with anticipation as his footsteps approach.
“Sorry it took so long,” Joel hugs you from behind, “but I think you’re going to like this. Been thinking about this since I got on the plane this morning,” he whispers into your ear. “Now, open your eyes and go to your bathroom.”
You blink your eyes open, realizing nothing has changed in the room. 
“Did I really need to have my eyes closed Joel?”
“No,” he chuckles, “but it adds anticipation, now go.” 
He smacks your ass as you pull away, heading for your room. 
Your room is left as it was, nothing askew besides Joel’s open bag sitting on the floor. You open the bathroom door, Joel’s been busy. 
The tub is filled, white petals float on the surface while a candle sits on the edge casting a flicking aureate glow on the water. 
“Get in baby,” Joel whispers in your ear.  
“What about you?” 
“Not tonight, want to watch you.” 
You walk over to the tub, Joel, always the gentleman, reaches his hand out to help you step in. The heat of the warm water feels good against your chilled skin as you sink down. A small moan leaves your mouth as you lean back against the tub wall and get comfortable. 
“S’nice?” He asks, his eyes watching your every move.
“Mm, very. Haven’t had a bath in a long time. Thank you.”
“I’m doing this for me baby, you look like an ancient goddess taking a bath in your pretty flower petals,” he scoots your vanity bench up to the side of the tub and sits down. “Here,” he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small red rose shaped device. “Ordered this for when you miss my tongue but I wanted to watch you try it out for me.”
“What is it?” 
“It’s a rose,” he leans over and dips his hand into water placing it against your thigh, “it goes…” his fingers caresses up to the apex of your thighs as you instinctively spread your legs, his finger dips in and grazing against your clit, “here.” His deep brown eyes burn into yours as you gasp at the contact, the hazel flecks shining in the candlelight as he rubs a thick circle around your sensitive flesh. 
“If you just keep doing that, I won’t need your gift,” you moan. 
“My gift is watching you use my gift,” he winks pulling his hand out. “Now,” he turns the toy on, “I’m going to show you how to use it, ’n then I’m going to let you take care of yourself while I watch, okay?” “Yes.”
“That’s my good girl, ready?” 
You nod as he leans forward, the soft buzz of the toy disappears as he reaches back down into the water and places it against your clit.
Christ, it feels good. Your muscles are already so relaxed from the warm water, but the feeling of the little red latex rose sucking against your sensitive bundle of nerves makes you spark with desire. It doesn’t compare to Joel’s mouth on you, but fuck, it’s a great second place. 
“Fuuuuck,” you blissfully smile.
“That’s it baby, knew you’d like this, feel good?”
“So fu—good,” you moan, gripping the edges of the tub as your body begins to squirm in the water.
“Here, take it, wanna sit back and watch.”
You reach down and replace his hand with yours, pressing down, the suction pulsing harder against your clit causing a shiver across your body. 
“Fuck!” Your voice echoes across the tile as you rock the toy back and forth. 
“That’s right babygirl, I think you like my gift, don’t you?”
“Yessss,” you moan, you’re so close already. It feels so fucking good.
“That’s it baby, look how quick this is making you cum, glad I couldn’t resist getting a taste of you and ate your pussy earlier, or it would have been even more instant, huh?”
“Jooooel,” you clutch his shirt with your soaked hand pulling him forward and kissing him. “Let me cum, please,” you whimper against his lips, “please let me cum.” 
“I’m not stopping you baby,” he gently bites your lower lip, “cum for me pretty girl. Lemme see you cum for me.” 
He leans back, the sight of his now wet shirt from your hand causes your orgasm to tumble into you, his name spills out of your lips over and over, much like the water escaping the tub as your body tremors through the wave of your release. Your hands unclench from the toy, the red rose ascending to float on the water along with the white petals. 
“That’s my good girl, you came so good for me,” Joel breathes against your forehead leaving a kiss against it. “Did you like your flowers?” 
“I like anything you give me.”
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shoku-and-awe · 2 months
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Holiday kushi katsu lunch! I almost never get this kind of thing and I forget how nice it can be!
They gave me benishoga pickled ginger (the red thing), quail eggs, chicken tender, wiener sausage, and beef, and hidden underneath, my favorites: eggplant and lotus root.
Quail eggs can be hit or miss, but these ones were delicious, with creamy yolks. And the sausage and chicken were nice, especially with alternating bites of ginger, but with deep-fried food, veggies are basically always going to be the winners.
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hampink · 1 year
so kaku twitter space Q&A highlights (5/14/2023)
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was casually listening to so kaku’s (kaguragi) twitter space while i was drawing, so here's some fun kingohger related + personal questions he answered that i noted down and translated!
(unfortunately i didn't record the stream though so you’ll just have to believe me)
 (source: bro just trust me)
Q: who’s your favorite king in kingohger?
probably yanma. he’s very cool and manly, and i like how high energy he gets
Q: do you guys come up with the kingohger tiktoks yourselves?
we have a social media manager who suggests which audio to do, and we (the actors) decide how we'll act it out together
Q: anyone from the cast you talk to/hang out with the most?
all of them, but maybe because we’re shooting a lot of scenes with jeremy right now recently i talk to masashi ikeda a lot
Q: does kaguragi know what kuroda looks like?
oh but of course he does~!
Q: what's your favorite sentai?
dairanger! it's such a cool show
Q: a question from my 5 yr old son: does kaguragi like flowers? he says he wants to go flower picking with kaguragi
ahh, flower picking, how nice! yes, kaguragi likes flowers!
Q: does kaguragi have a favorite place?
he does, but i can't say what it is yet. there’s a really good scene (about it) so look forward to that
Q: how much of kaguragi’s hair is a wig? also how long does the hair and makeup take?
the entire thing is a wig. it used to take a lot longer to get into hair and makeup, but the makeup artists have gotten used to it/have gotten better at it so the process is a lot faster now, which i’m really grateful for
Q: i heard shiokara's actor does a lot of adlibs. do you do that a lot as kaguragi too?
“sukonbu piiman” (”sour konbu peppers”, kaguragi mishearing “sukopi”) was an adlib
Q: are kaguragi's geta (wooden sandals) hard to walk in?
it was at first, but i've gotten used to it now
Q: what’s your favorite anime?
code geass, gurren lagann, higurashi no naku koro ni. i like intense anime
Q: favorite musician?
Q: favorite flower?
Q: favorite food?
curry, sushi, and yakiniku
Q: i love how hachi ohger incorporates kabuki movements in his fighting style. what's your relationship with kabuki?
i really like kabuki. it wasn’t a traditional kabuki production but when i was younger i saw a performance of “super kabuki” and thought it was really cool. as for kaguragi/hachi ohger, the suit actors and i would watch videos of kabuki actors and try to mimic their movements.
Q: we want to see the fruits of your (muscle) training!! please let kaguragi wear a tank top!!
hopefully we get to do a scene like that hahaha
Q: do you look up your name online?
i do... so please don’t say mean things about me ;w;
Q: what's kaguragi's favorite vegetable? my nephew who’s growing vegetables at home would like to know!
wow! kaguragi would love anything homegrown. but maybe in particular he likes tomatoes, or eggplants
Q: what’s your favorite thing about kaguragi’s outfit?
the haori (coat), definitely. it’s when i put it on that i really feel like i’ve transformed into kaguragi. but the outfit weighs 5 kilos... so heavy...
Q: tell us about the "H" incident
the what....? *suddenly remembers* OHHHH HAHAHA
so during the roll call scene in episode 10 where aoto (yanma) said "eichi no ou, yanma gasuto! (king of wisdom, yanma gast!)" i thought he said "eichi" as in the latin letter “H” (in japanese, H = hentai/ecchi, in other words he thought yanma said he was “the king of perverts/sex” LOL)
Q: what's kaguragi's color? (asking for light stick reasons since there’s no black color setting on a light stick)
it's orange, i'm pretty sure!
i joined in kinda late so there’s probably some questions i missed (and sorry if i remembered some details wrong, i was multitasking and not fully focused, but i did take simple notes) he also talked abt things like how he plays valorant and how great his muscle training is going etc (he lamented that kaguragi wears so much clothing and he doesn’t get to show off his muscles lol). i think i remember he also teased something about kaguragi and rita as a duo and something ~maybe~ happening with them in the plot
it was his first time hosting a twitter space and he gave off very boomer energy because he had No idea what he was doing. people kept trying to help him understand how to let in other speakers but he gave up lol xD he was kind of nervous but it was still a lot of fun! himeno and shiokara’s actors were there too, and he might do a twt space with the both of them next time ^^
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explicit-tae · 1 year
Freak (Mommy Issues)
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Jungkook finds a way back into your world - and you let him.
Word Count: 1.260
Warning: yandere themes, angst, smut, dirty talking, mc making MORE bad decisions, phone sex, masturbation (f receiving), mommy kink, baby boy kink, mentioning of sex, cheating, fingering,
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@babycandy111 @seokjinkismet @iloverubberduckiez-blog @bloodline1632 @pointofviewyugyeom @yoongixthot @taetaecatboy @ultimatebasura @jlatbh @lilliankoo @btsw1fe @bxcndd @mageprincess7
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I miss you. I always pondered what prison would be like and if it was like the movies. I haven't witness any extravagent fights between inmates or a rebellion against the gguards - so I guess it isn't like the movies. 
I hope you're well.
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How are you? How's the baby coming along? There isn't much to do in here but eat, sleep and work out. I've began to workout all the snacks I eat throughout my time here. I find it theraputic. I also have been reading a lot of books - even the one's about babies. If my calculations are correct, you should be the size of a rutabaga!
Be safe.
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It's week 28! That means the baby is the size of a large eggplant. How is it going? Do you feel sore? Do you still get morning sickness? I've read that you can find out the gender between 18-22 weeks. Have you found out or do you wish to be surprised? 
Take care.
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I've decided to take up drawing again. I'm sure I have read almost every book in this facility. I have decided to draw you. I could remember each and every detail about your beautiful face. I hope you like it!
Hope all is well.
Your hands trace the blue ink on the paper that was neatly folded into the envelope. You always thought Jungkook was an amazing artist by the first little doodles he'd do on scrap paper. However, sitting in prison had perfected Jungkook's craft. You're amazed with the amount of detail Jungkook drew onto the paper - all in ink. Did it take him one try or multiple?
You placed the letter and portrait drawing of you in your dresser beneath your clothing - right next to the rest of them. The stack of letters come nearly daily - and you're unsure who delivers them. You've attempted to keep an eye out for someone entering the property, but you never come close to finding out. They always make sure to deliver said letters when Jin is at work - which was all the time.
As the months dragged on and the letters from Jungkook came, you grow to expect them. You were lonely. Jin and you were married but separated. He and you no longer shared a room, and it was difficult speaking with one another outside of the concerns of the baby. He drove you to doctor visits and was present, but outside of that, Jin was always gone. You did not blame him. He has endured enough by your hands and you're only grateful that he has not yet slapped you with divorce papers.
Jungkook's letters became longer, detailing his day-by-day activities. He sent more drawings of you - some of you and him. They were innocent at first - until they were.
Jungkook was a storyteller. In one letter he disclosed that he missed you dearly and the only way he could get the need of you out of his system was to draw them. You're disgusted with yourself for going through pages and pages of pure smut - written and draw. Jungkook had drawn both of you together in bed; his tongue between your legs, your cock in his mouth and, "his favorite" he says, you on top of him.
You're even more disturbed with yourself when you began to touch yourself. You and Jin were probably never going to be sexual again - if so, it would take longer than a few months. You were a horny emotional wreck. 
Your fingers would play with your clit, eyes shut. You would pretend that it was your husband at first - but sadly, that didn't help you. You could only get off thinking about Jungkook - the way his fingers would curve inside of you and fuck you just right. It was tragic that after everything Jungkook had caused you, it is still him that you crave. You would moan his name, voice sultry and low when you plunge your fingers in and out of yourself.
Time and time you would get a new letter - one dirtier than the next - and each time you'd cum to it.
Do you remember how it feels to be with me? Sure, you may hate me now, but just think. Close your eyes and recall the time you would sit on my face. Your pussy was so wet and beautiful and all for me. You would grind on my tongue like a bitch in heat - and I would allow it. You'd go crazy when I shook my head side to side to deeply pleasure you until you're cumming onto my tongue. That was my favorite, Mommy. I was a such a good boy to you. I always made sure you came. Remember that one night we shared during your stay with me? The night you allowed me to fuck you until you were squirting all over the place? I cherish that night, Mommy. That was the first night you called me your baby boy. I wish I could hear your beautiful voice again, Mommy.
I love you.
You reflect on the written words on the letter. You take several deep breaths before going to grab a separate sheet of paper and a pen. You never wrote Jungkook back and never thought about it until now. Maybe it was the loneliness you felt that has you writing him. While Jin worked his days away - you're positive it's to stay away from you - you remained home to your lonely. Jimin had steered clear from you, as well, only visiting once a month to what you assumed was pity. He pitied you even if he truly deserved to hate you - your actions have caused him to be expelled and without a home and pet.
You hadn't received a letter from Jungkook in a week. It was a long one; so long that you were checking every day for a new letter to not have any. You were jittery and impatient. It was as if you were slowly losing your mind. 
Jimin has come the following day. He sits with you while you watch whatever show on the tv. You speak with him, asking of his days and each answer was bland. You knew of Jimin's life now. Expelled from University and no other will take him in, even if the scandal of him cheating was false. He works full time now and saves for a new apartment while staying with your parents.
Your phone sounds, startling you. It was an unfamiliar number calling and your heart beats. "I'll be back. I have to take this."
Jimin nods without taking his eyes away from the screen. You make your way into your bedroom and sigh deeply, answering the phone. The automated line speaks until suddenly you hear his voice - Jungkook's.
"Hi, Mommy." Jungkook sing-songs, a hint of mischief in his voice. "I got your letter."
You gulp. You sit upon your bed and take a deep breath. "Hi."
You and Jungkook began to speak for as long as he could every day. He asks about your day and the growing baby you were carrying. You would ask your own questions about his prison life and what he planned to do when he was released. 
It felt nice to be able to speak with someone without having the lingering dark cloud above them. It was weird to think that the two people who caused said dark cloud could speak as if nothing has ever happened. It should bother you - but it doesn't.
Whore (Next)
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allieebobo · 1 year
Eid Mubarak :)
I'm so sorry this is a little late, but Eid Mubarak to everyone who celebrates! (And Selamat Hari Raya to folks who come from where I come from! <3)
Here's a little snippet of Rayyan and MC back home, celebrating :)
Part I.
Rayyan's family have just gotten back from their neighbourhood mosque, and now they're busy with the finishing touches to the meal preparations.
Little Mahaila is still a little too young to help out, but she doesn't wanted to miss out on all the fun, so Rayyan hoists her up to the kitchen counter, and Mahaila keeps up a constant stream of chatter directed at MC, while Rayyan and their mother busy themselves with the cooking.
Already the counter is laden with huge colorful dishes, and the smell is to die for. Mahaila's pointing out each of the dishes to MC one-by-one, and Rayyan and their mother occasionally chime in with details and little family anecdotes and recipe instructions.
There's Mahshi—stuffed peppers with tomato sauce, her grandparents' favorite, Batatis bil frakh—potatoes with chicken, her dad's favorite, and Mesaka’a—oven roasted eggplant with ground beef, which is Rayyan's favorite. Rayyan no longer quite remembers how it had tasted, back in Cairo, but ever since they'd moved to Seattle, the dish has become a family specialty, mostly because all the ingredients can be easily found in the grocery shops in Seattle.
Part II.
Rayyan's mother holds a spoon out to Rayyan. "Come, help me taste the Molokhia," she says. "Does it need more cilantro?"
Rayyan takes a big mouthful of the thick green soup which always tastes a little too healthy, in their opinion. They scrunch up their face, swallow, and nod—a little weakly.
Their mother smacks them on the arm and snorts. "I don't know why I bother," she says, shaking her head and bustles over to offer it to MC instead.
The shock of the taste makes MC blink, then breathe out softly, before allowing it to swirl around their tongue, delightfully distinct from anything they've ever tasted. They detect chicken broth, which forms the strong, comforting base, then the delicate and familiar layers of cilantro, garlic, salt and pepper, but there's another taste—strong and clean—cutting through everything else. "Wow," they breathe, genuinely astounded. "It's amazing. What is it?"
Rayyan's mother beams at MC. "I think what you are tasting is the leaf of jute tree. I am happy you like it. It is my favorite too." She nudges Rayyan in the ribs. "We have good taste. Unlike this one."
Rayyan makes a face at you. "Suck up," they whisper, for your ears only, but even their usual knitted brows can't hide the big grin that's spreading across their face.
Part III.
A loud clatter interrupts your conversation, and Rayyan looks up in alarm, still swiping at their mouth with an arm. Ishaq, one of Rayyan's twin brothers, pauses guiltily mid-stride, about halfway to the kitchen door. You hadn't noticed him come in. In his hands, there's a big bowl of kahk—nut cookies dusted with sugar. A bunch of cutlery lie on the floor, knocked over in his rush to escape with the loot.
Mahaila, beaming, lips also stained with the evidence of powdered sugar, helpfully points a finger at her brother.
"You already ate like five of them," Rayyan's mother scolds, taking the plate from Ishaq and placing it firmly on the table. "Shoo now! Before I ban you from kahk for life!"
His jaw drops, and he quickly scurries away obediently.
Rayyan snorts at you, and sees you eyeing the cookies curiously. They pick one out of the plate, then close the distance between you, smiling. "Would you like one?" they ask, voice dipping low as they lean in closer to you.
Part IV.
MC's heart flutters, and they hop off the counter, face now inches from Rayyan's. "If it's as sweet as you are," MC says, grinning, "then yes."
Rayyan bring a hand up, then pop the sweet treat into MC's mouth, studying their expression closely.
There's an immediate burst of rich, nutty sweetness. MC lets out a soft groan of appreciation.
Rayyan laughs, then brings their thumb up to wipe the sugar from MC's bottom lip, green eyes sparkling. MC catches their hand. That's when Rayyan leans in for a quick kiss, tasting the sweetness of soft sugar on MC's lips. When they finally step back, there's an infuriatingly smug smile on their face. "The cookies are good this year, aren't they? I helped make them."
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How We Met
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Pairing: Dave Mustaine x f!reader
Summary: Dave and Y/n are out on a date when they run into Y/n's acquaintances, and reminisce in the story of how they met (fluff)
𝓦𝓐𝓡𝓝𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓢: power dynamic/mentorship, fluff
It was nice to get out on the town while my boyfriend Dave was home from touring. I was wearing a long black demin skirt with a high slit, a minimalist leather top with a single clasp at my breasts, and thigh high black and white snakeskin boots. Dave was in a black tshirt and jeans–I was always amused and slightly jealous of how good he looked with so little effort–his strawberry blond hair waving around his chest and framing his sharp cheekbones. Like our personal styles, tonight held a little of everything: we were just arriving to our reservation at a hard-to-get-in Italian restaurant, a few diners recognized him (which slowed us down for a moment), we were together, he would be leaving to go back on tour at the end of the week. Bittersweet.
As we wound our way between tables on our way to our own, Dave stepped away to use the restroom. As I continued to the table, I heard a woman’s voice, “Y/n!”
I stopped and looked around, finally grabbed by a familiar pair of eyes. It was–Jenny? No… Janice? Jess. Definitely Jess was the right name–my old boss’s best friend. And of course he was there too. It was always a pleasure to run into them and catch up–though I don’t think I had ever mentioned Dave to them… I mean, I tried to keep conversations professional but you would have thought it would have come up once or twice… 
“Hey Y/n, having a night out?”
“Yeah. Was in the mood for Italian.” I smile.
“Well, this is the best Italian in [your city].” replies my old boss, Steve.
“Do you have any favorites on the menu?” I ask.
“Hmm… you are vegetarian, right? The eggplant siciliana is wonderful… also the goat cheese gemelli…” Steve replied, looking at Jess to see if she had any to add.
“Can’t miss the dessert though.” Jess grinned.
Suddenly I saw Steve and Jess raise their eyebrows and in a moment I could feel why, as Dave’s hand snaked around my waist, the warmth radiating on my skin and tingling up and down my spine as his cologne drifted around me, reminding me of being in his arms before we cleaned up for our date. “Introduce me to your friends, sweetheart.”
I didn’t need to see Dave’s face to know he was giving off his best guard dog scowl–a face he worked so well, somehow keeping his curling lips relaxed while flaring his nostrils and throwing daggers with his eyes. He was always on offense by default.
I rolled my eyes slightly, looking down. I loved him so much but it could be so embarrassing when he got possessive. Not gonna lie, sometimes it was really hot–like when his ex-bandmate was hitting on me and he scared him off, first by interrupting the conversation by grabbing my face and making out with me in front of him before wrapping his arm around my shoulders with his fist clenched–and of course the guard dog face. That guy wasn't in the band anymore, to say the least. But Steve and Jess were friends, not a threat. 
“Steve, Jess, this is my boyfriend Dave.” I paused. “Dave, I worked for Steve for a while and Jess is his good friend. Steve is a specialist in [your industry], and it was a great opportunity for me to learn.”
Dave’s hand on my waist relaxed a bit and he began to caress my side lightly . He nodded his chin slightly in acknowledgement.
“I don’t think we’ve met Dave,” Jess said teasingly, more to me. I couldn’t help but smirk–yes I, Y/n had a love life outside of work.
“How did you two meet?”Jess asked
“Dave actually produced my first 2 albums… when I still played.” I responded.
“She is one of the best I’ve ever worked with.” Dave jumped in, his face softening.
“I knew you played but I didn't realize you did it professionally, Y/n.” Steve said, his voice rising in curiosity.
“How long ago was that?” Jess asked.
“Umm… maybe 10yrs ago?” I replied.
“Did he do a good job as a producer?” Steve asked jokingly. I grinned.
“Of course! It’s just that his band took off… so I started working with someone else. And of course, eventually I switched career paths…” 
“You can still come back to music, babe, you have so much to give.” Dave said lovingly.
“You two have been together for 10yrs?” Jess asked.
“Well, not quite. We dated back then, but when his band took off it was a lot… he was on the road for 70 weeks the first year… It’s hard to be apart like that…” I looked down, I didn’t want to make Dave feel guilty, especially when he had been putting in so much effort to make this past month so special while he had a break from touring and before he left again to finish the tour.
“We kept running into each other–we have a lot of the same friends. So we dated on and off but we’ve been together now for 3 years.” Dave filled in, giving my waist a light squeeze.
“Is it a lucrative business?” asked Steve, inquisitively.
“For us it is. But in general no. I am fortunate I can go to work and provide for us–but the cost is being away and it’s really taxing–I mean, there is a reason we have replaced band members each album… it burns people out. But yeah, I have 3 Platinum records so I would say it is lucrative.” Dave said, a bit cocky. Dave always got a bit defensive when he sensed any inkling of doubt from others.
“He works really hard for it.” I added.
There was an awkward pause. Steve nodded, raising his eyebrows in acknowledgement of Dave's success. "We'll have to listen to your music." Steve finally said, with a friendly smile. I knew he probably wouldn't like it.
“So… who made the first move?” Jess smirked, fishing for more details.
My cheeks grew warm and I couldn’t contain my smirk, I looked down. 
“Oh, that would be Y/n.” Dave answered snarkily, with a big goofy grin.
Jess and Steve exchanged playful glances. Ugh. Here we go. I bowed my head but couldn't help but smirk.
“I had gone out with friends and we had gone to a few bars… I guess I had a drink at each one… more than usual for me. Then I went back to the studio because I knew Dave is such a vampire that he would be there and we could work on the album. But obviously I was pretty drunk so…” I said smiling, owning it, though training my gaze aside.
“You were so drunk sweetheart–I mean, she is so small–it doesn’t take much.” Dave teased. “She wanted to work on the latest track but she—” he turned to me, “you just sat on my lap and drunkenly asked me if I knew how hot I am and started playing with my hair.” He chuckled, mimicking a valley girl voice. I turned red. Closing my eyes and biting my lips as if it would make this moment fast forward. Looking back up at him, he caught my eyes with his–I was currently drunk on his curled lips, somehow he could tease even more without words.
“Yeah… that happened. Dave is a gentleman though, so technically I made the first move but nothing happened between us until he asked me out when I wasn’t drunk. He set me up on the couch in the studio that night with all the cozy things that were in the studio. I woke up in the morning when he walked in at some point with coffee and egg sandwiches for us. It was actually really sweet.” I grinned.
Dave chuckled. “Yeah, I guess it’s true, I guess I asked you out for real.”
“Well... he asked me, ‘So… I am still hot when you are not drunk?’ and of course I was mortified.” I laughed. “But he’s a pretty confident guy… and I’m sure I wasn’t the first… so he asked me if I wanted to get dinner that night!” I turned to Dave, “I don’t know when you slept that weekend.”
“Back then… I probably didn’t.” Dave replied.
I would have never imagined telling Steve about all of this, but there was something nice about opening up about myself, about my relationship with Dave–even if Dave’s style was so different from some of the other people in my life now–even his mannerisms, so unapologetic, so piercing, so magnetic–it’s what I loved about him, it’s what made me feel seen.
“I think our table is ready.” I said amicably, not wanting to keep Dave waiting when time was so precious for us.
“Pleasure to meet you, Dave!” Jess said warmly. Steve nodded. 
Dave nodded and smiled, giving a small wave goodbye awkwardly but genuinely.
We sat at the table, finally breathing together, his eyes like an inviting garden for mine to lay in as the candle on our table flickered, the dancing flame multiplied in the reflections on our wine glasses in this dimmer corner of the restaurant.
I smiled. I wanted him to know I appreciated him taking the time… and not being a total prick about it either. It meant a lot to me… and I could tell he knew that, which made me feel loved.
“So… do you know what you want?” I asked him, my lips curling a bit as I looked him in the eyes.
“Probably the veal parmigiana… how ‘bout you?”
“I was thinking the goat cheese gemelli… looks like it has arugula too.”
“Oh, that does sound good.”
“Jess said the dessert is not to miss.”
“Mmmm… I was thinking of having you for dessert.” Dave smirked, sharpening his gaze. It was moments like these that made the time apart worth while.
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(re: tags on rb'ed post) It's genuinely so wild to me that people don't know how to cook??? Obviously I don't fault anyone for it, you've got to learn and there's no shame to it, I just really thought everyone had some degree of culinary knowledge until I was like twelve.
Anyway, what are your favorite vegetables to cook with? Favorite summer recipes? Favorite pasta recipes if you've got them? I need new recipes to try :)
exactly, I don't want to fault anyone on it either!! we have to acknowledge the diverse backgrounds we have, levels of privilege etc--and i do also think with that comes, what do we assume as normal just bc it's our experience? and so it's so important to hear from other people. i find a lot of asians and women such as myself learn how to cook from a very young age just like you did, and then assume everyone else does too (i didn't realise most of my friends didn't do their own laundry either all through high school).
anyway in response to your question: I love cooking with eggplant, capsicum, sweet potato, potatoes in general, sweet potato leaves, basically every kind of legume and all the products people make from them, tomatoes, all kinds of herbs (but the italian mix is my favourite) as well as an assortment of asian vegetables and melons that someone in my family always procures and has too much of!! i also love to add ginger to any recipe i feel like is missing its meatiness, green/spring onions go really well with a lot of things and so do raw red onions or cooked brown onions!!
pasta wise i love everything pasta. a pasta bake is a go to one for me as i make a good white sauce and my sisters and i all love it!! lasagna is cool but a bit more time consuming so it's been ages. otherwise anything spaghetti bog/with meatballs (specifically the ones i make from Beyond Meat, water crackers, carrot, onion and spices) is good and i eat it with green beans! it's also super quick bc pasta sauce is like $1 for a big bottle where i live and you just pour it on your spaghetti or pasta. i also love all things ramen (both the curly type and the more expensive straight organic japanese one, they also have other noodles called udon and soba that you literally just boil for 5mins and have with sprouts or smth and olive oil and it's delicious). i do love mac and cheese when i get a good vegan cheese but it's pretty hit and miss on that.
and as for summer recipes i'm a big smoothie gal!! pack it with protein powder and chia seeds and coconut water for electrolytes and ice cream for fun but i love mango/banana, pineapple/papaya, mint/spinach/coconut, mixed berry, sometimes i'll shake it up and do orange/papaya or smth!! i love all the bright colours and how creamy they are if you have a good banana or mango or papaya or just really creamy soy milk. also love anything with watermelon+mint (my sister makes a really good salad with it and cos lettuce, olives, cucumber and baby tomatoes i believe). also my beyond meat meatballs go well on a skewer dipped in guacamole for the summer nights where it's light right up til bedtime!
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Episode 5 (OPLA)
-”But first lunch”
-The Straw hats being a fucking mess in their first encounter with the Marines is so on point
-I love that they left Garp throwing cannonballs with his hands
-Koby saving Helmeppo’s live
-Usopp and Luffy celebrating
-Zoro’s talk with Luffy (or the lack of it)
-”Think that he has brain damage””I think that every day”
-Luffy's nose guiding them to the Baratie
-Baratie aesthetic 10/10, love it even more than the original
-Nami giving a good idea + Usopp giving an idea defeated by Luffy “Nah, let's eat” +  Zoro “That fish better have a bar”
-”You have to excuse them, they are idiots”
-Usopp and Luffy brain cell proceeding to believe that their “smooth talk” work
-Zoro struggling with his swords 
-Sanji introduction 10/10
-Also Sanji wearing a ring, so fucking fitting
-Patty, making an appearance and bickering with Sanji
-Zeff and Sanji arguing, with the little eggplant include, love it
-Fullbody making appearance makes me happy, but sad that we don’t have his boyfriend Jango in the live action :c
-At this point Luffy “Good fighter” equals “I want that one” 
-Sanji being the best waiter ever (aka the worst)
-Sanji automatically changing the tone the moment that he sees Nami and trying to impress and flirt with her (add Nami not being impress)
-Zoro saying madam to Nami, something that I didn’t knew I needed but now I can live without it
-Also Zoro and Usopp mocking Nami about Sanji, Luffy don’t getting it but happy that his friends are happy (also Nami smiling)
-Mihawk being the Queen that I know that he is
-And Don Krieg being absolutely demolished by Mihawk (nobody cares about him anyway so very happy with the change)
-Luffy signing the bill and Sanji just rolling with it
-Zeff and Luffy arguing
-”I need a drink””Yeah. Now you’re talking”
-Usopp drink like there's no tomorrow because is sweet as hell and Zoro warning him that he needs to slow down
-”Who is ready for another drink? My treat””Mmmh. My favorite kind of drink”
-Helmeppo trying to be nice at Koby after saving his life, but still being a sassy bitch
-Sanji explaining his dream to Luffy (like it more here that in the manga it feels more intimate and I like it)
-Luffy projecting his issues with Sanji’s issues
-Gin making an appearance (see I’m just fine erasing Don Krieg, but I miss Gin’s arc a lot - but I know that without the asshole Gin’s arc doesn’t make any sense)
-Sanji considering for a solid minute directly joining Luffy
-Usopp dancing 10/10
-Zoro and Nami drinking game (I have seen the appeal of Zona or Zonami before but I am seeing it a lot more right fucking now)
-Garp mentoring Koby, yet again (My poor sweet Koby, the world is going to hurt him :c)
-Drunk Usopp explaining things too Mihawk 10/10
-Zoro being the dramatic bitch that I would give my life for (also Usopp open mouth - like wait, that was my new best friend!)
-”He will slice you into sashimi”
-Luffy repeating Zoro’s words
-Nami saying angry that Zoro is the best tickles something in me (I am yet to decide what)
-”Because you are my friend. You idiot” AHHHH, cutie pie Nami 
-I don’t like Zoro’s response but I have to admit that it’s on point
-Zoro meditation
-”Though I do like your hat”
-I love that only the very good swords have this special ring to them 
-Nami grabbing Usopp’s hand, found family vibes check
-”You could never fail me” 
-All the Zoro’s form Luffy (Oh my god, every single episode I am more attracted to ZoLu - halp)
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Just an old nonnie saying hey!! I've missed your takes and have been dying to ask - what was your fav and least fav outfit from the AQP press tour?
Hey back!
Ooooh, good question. I didn't like the red suit at first, but I have to say it grew on me.
Least fave? Probably this one:
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Boxy and gray washes him out. Plus, were those pants hemmed?
As for my favorite, I loved the eggplant color, but the cut of the red won me over:
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The white was cut well too but it washed him out.
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moonmothmama · 11 months
What’s your favorite food?
that's a hard question because above all else i love variety.
i'm a new yorker so i've gotta say one of my fave foods is an everything bagel w/ cream cheese and lox. bonus if it's an egg everything bagel.
i never met a broccoli i didn't like... i love veggies in general, i love them raw and i love them prepared, i love salad, i love anything with black beans in it, peppers, eggplant, peas, squash, brussels sprouts, cabbage, avocado, spinach, i need vegetables in my life
love sushi and sashimi, especially salmon (hm... salmon is here twice)
i love cantaloupe. mango. pineapple. pears.
i love seafood.
i love panettone (italian holiday fruit bread) and (my family's recipe) irish soda bread
been making a lot of tortang talong with the eggplants that have been coming out of the garden over these past months and that has become a new fave
of course who doesn't love every potato dish known to man but particularly i love colcannon, pierogi, and knishes
i could go on tbh. i love various cuisines and i enjoy cooking, especially just making something up. when i follow a recipe i like to play around with it (also often need to adapt it to what i have on hand).
basically i love to have fun with food. i mean, you need to eat every day multiple times a day, so if you're not having fun with food you're missing out imho. experiment. try something new. add sliced fruit to your grilled cheese sandwich. make a pasta sauce from scratch. bake something. make savory pancakes for breakfast. take a large vegetable and scoop out the inside and stuff it with a grain and some other veggies and perhaps a cheese and bake it (you can do this with all sorts of shit and it comes out awesome). throw everything you like into a salad. make a beer cheese sauce for your mac and cheese (surprisingly easy). make a quiche. mix stuff into mashed potatoes. if you see a fruit at the supermarket that you've never seen or tried before, grab that thing and take it home. google how to cut/peel it correctly if you gotta. enjoy that shit. you know what i mean?
oops i went off on a tangent, sorry
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whimsyswastry · 1 year
Get to know the Blogger
<3 <3 Thank you  @greypetrel​ for the tag. Sorry it’s taken me a bit...that ADHD urge to rearrange in the middle of the night on a work day hit on earlier this week and my loft has been a disaster area since.
I think I filled out something similar not too long ago, but as I’m pretty sure most of my answers have changed since then, I shall fill it out again. Plus, I love being tagged :D
Share your wallpaper: I’m rocking the Dragon Age love. A beautiful and complicated piece you can find here, by @lethendralis-paints
Last song you listened to: Feeling nostalgic for being 18 so I’m listening to Here (In Your Arms) by Hellogoodbye
Currently reading: Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo for the second time. The entrire grishaverse gripped me in a way I hadn’t felt since H*P* when I was like 9 years old. Plus, who doesn’t love Wesper?
Last movie: Quasi on Hulu by the people who made Super Troopers. Surprisingly funny, but definitely one of those dumb improv movies you need to be in the mood for.
Last show: lol also Supernatural. I missed Cas, so I’m re-watching some of my favorite episodes while I design a digital planner.
Craving: Sleep. I gave in to my recent craving of homemade brownies and now just need to sugar crash.
What are you wearing right now: A loose 2-piece pj set, blank spaghetti straps and black shorts.
How tall are you: I converted my height from imperial and apparently I am also around 166 cm.
Piercings: Two in each ears that usually has tiny hoops in it. I also had a triple forward helix which was SO AWESOME, but itched like mad so I took them out and let it close.
Tattoos: One on each wrist and a handful of others that I plan on getting if I ever commit the time and money.
Glasses? Contacts? Glasses. I used to wear contacts on special occasions, but I’ve embraced the glasses 24/7 lifestyle.
Last drink: Water
Last thing you ate: The aforementioned brownies
Favorite color: It changes pretty regularly. As far as clothing goes, I really like dark reddish purple, that orange-y yellow, olive green, and eggplant. Any jewel tone really. But I’m also a fan of those sickly sweet pastels when I’m doodling.
Current obsession: I’m between obsessions honestly. I guess the closest thing would be the digital planner I’m designing. Can’t wait until the DA or ME bug bites me again, though. Particularly because I’m *so* close to having completed my second draft of Operation Leviathan, but my brain just won’t do the thing.
Any pets: One adorable, stubborn, sassy basset mix.
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Favorite fictional character: Only one? Umm....Castiel comes to mind immediately. But he’s just the current one, not my all time favorite…all-time favorite is probably…. Kaidan Alenko.
Tagging || I tagged a bunch of people last time and am feeling shy...so please consider yourself tagged and don’t forget to tag me if you do it! <3
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