#i need someone to tell her about starly and what her thoughts are on it
jodians · 5 months
i knew jodie foster was a real one when i found out that she’s clannibal’s #1 hater
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feroluce · 2 years
On character death: Coming to Hisui went very, very wrong. Ingo comes across Emmet's body and. He can't place a name, who this person was to him (is it even the same man from his faint memories? why would that person be in hisui?), but, looking at this stranger(?), he still feels himself fucking s h a t t e r
It happens in the coastlands. Palina and Iscan are just kinda sitting around at the top of the cliffs, up by the previous Lord's grave, and suddenly Palina looks horrified. Iscan finally manages to see what she's pointing at and shit, shit, that doesn't look like just debris floating out on the ocean. Iscan goes diving off the cliff, blowing into his Celestica Flute on the way down, Basculegion catching him right before he hits the water, and they get out there at top speed, but. Yeah. It's already too late. It was already too late well before they'd spotted him.
Iscan brings the body back with him, of course. He figures he'll have to ask the Ginkgo Guild if one of their merchant ships have lost any crew, even if this doesn't look like their usual blue and yellow uniform. Except.
As soon as she gets down to the shore with him, Palina looks stricken, and it takes Iscan a few minutes just to calm her down and get the words out of her. He knows she still has a lot of trauma related to drowning after the previous Lord of the Isles, but he can tell there's something different this time, something's off. Palina never cries in front of anyone but him, but even then, this is way way worse than usual. And it's not until he picks out a name between all her hiccupping little sobs that Iscan realizes oh, no, Palina knew this person.
He'd never really met Warden Ingo, but he's seen him from afar, and now that he looks, yeah, this body definitely seems to be him.
Even if his coat does seem to be a different color than usual.
So Iscan carries Palina home, sends out a message via Starly, and waits.
((Irida, looking up from a letter in her hands: Warden Ingo, apparently you've been found dead in the coastlands.
Ingo: Ah, alright, My Lady.
Irida: ...
Ingo: .....
Irida: .......
Ingo: .........No, wait, what???))
The next day, Irida shows up...with Ingo in tow?! Iscan says something about ghosts and nearly faints haha. Palina is so relieved she nearly faints, too. She's still upset that someone drowned, but. She's at least glad it wasn't Ingo.
Irida doesn't look as relieved. And neither does Ingo, to a much greater extent.
Irida keeps glancing at him, hovering near him, fidgeting with the bangles around her wrists, and it's been so long since Palina has seen her act this way that she almost can't place the behavior.
Irida is nervous.
She shouldn't have any reason to be nervous. If the body isn't Ingo, then it's not anyone else in the clan either. It shouldn't be anyone they would be upset over. But as they make their way through the rest of the coastlands, the air starts to feel thicker, darker, more oppressive, Palina has to all but hold onto Iscan to keep herself from running ahead just to escape it and get it over with, because it feels like waiting for the other shoe to drop, like the suspense of waiting for the blade of a guillotine to come down.
Iscan leads them to where he'd safely placed the body, but before closing that last bit of distance, Irida suddenly grabs Ingo's hand. His eyes are locked dead ahead; Ingo isn't looking at her. Irida isn't looking anywhere but him.
"That's- I can- Do you want me to look? You don't have to."
"No thank you, My Lady. I need to see for myself."
And still she hesitates, but Irida drops his hand. She lets him go, stands there with her fists clenched around nothing but their emptiness.
Ingo finally gets a good look at the body, at the man dragged under and brought in by the tides, at his face, the white of his hat and his coat, his upturned mouth, something tugs at his insides, pulls loose, the knot he'd been working to tease apart for so long, for years, it's vanished into thin air, the thread let loose, nothing to hold it steady, nothing to keep it anchored and taut anymore, part of him is gone now, just suddenly gone, and that absence aches-
Ingo's knees hit the ground first. Then his palms. Then his elbows, and finally his forehead.
All sound seems to disappear, the world is as quiet as a wake. Ingo tries to remember how to breathe.
His vision fades out, then back in, then out and then back in again. He doesn't remember sitting up. It seems like it should have been impossible for him to do, with how unbearably heavy his body feels. Palina and Iscan are gone. His aching hands are covered in grit from clenching his fists. When he hears sniffling, it seems to come to him from the bottom of a deep, dark well.
"It is him, isn't it." Irida's hands are clutched in his coat.
"It...it is." Ingo has no idea who he is, but he would know him from anywhere. He can feel it in his leftover half of a soul, in his ripped red thread.
Ingo sits there, on his knees, in the dirt. He doesn't know for how long. He doesn't move. The sun starts to set. He doesn't move. The man's coat all but glows white under the silvery moonlight. He doesn't move. Irida's head lolls. She's been sitting flush against his back the entire time. Ingo moves, if only to find his voice.
He asks if he can have some time alone. Because Irida doesn't need to be out there in the elements with him, she hasn't even eaten this whole time. Irida tells him he can, of course he can, he can have whatever he needs. But not just yet.
Not until Ingo stops looking like he'll walk right out into the ocean to join him.
Gaeric shows up the next morning with a sheet big enough to wrap a body and a cart to bring the man in white back with them, surprising Ingo. Usually people that don't belong to a clan or settlement are simply burned and then the ashes buried where they're found. Hisui is no stranger to shallow, hastily dug graves.
Irida declares that the man in white is to be given all the same burial rites as any Warden's spouse. Ingo is one of hers now, and that extends to his family, too. She had always planned to take in anyone who showed up looking for Ingo, she just...hadn't wanted it to be like this...
Ingo nearly cries again right then and there.
Iscan helps Gaeric with the cart and pats his shoulder when they go to leave. Palina promises she'll be there for the rites and hugs him goodbye so tightly that Ingo wonders if she's trying to squeeze all his broken pieces back together into one jagged, misshapen form.
They set off, and at first Ingo walks alongside Gaeric and Irida. And then alongside the cart's front wheels. And then its back wheels. And then almost behind it. Gaeric keeps pulling it forward as he tells Ingo that he can sit on the back of the cart if he's tired. If he wants to. He's strong, he can pull them both the whole way.
There's no verbal answer, but the cart dips under its new additional weight, two bodies laid side-by-side.
Irida takes up one side of the handles so that she can squeeze in next to Gaeric. She hangs her head and grits her teeth, fits her smaller hand into his. He lets her, grips back just as tight.
And neither of them says a single word of protest the entire way back to the alabaster icelands, as Ingo quietly breaks down behind them.
(Technically, everything goes back to the same afterwards. Technically, Ingo's life is the same as it's ever been; nothing has changed. The man in white had never lived with him here. Ingo still doesn't even know who he is. Technically, he should be fine.
Ingo gets up. Takes balms to Sneasler and her kits. Eats breakfast. Scares off any predators. Clears the arena. Fishes in the river. Eats dinner with Melli. Reads the book Calaba lent him. Goes to bed.
Ingo gets up. Walks to Jubilife. Eats breakfast. Puts the aspiring trainers through their paces. Makes small talk with Zisu. Coordinates matches. Eats dinner with Akari. Goes home. Goes to bed.
Ingo gets up. Delivers balms. Protects the territory. Eats the food Melli brings him. Goes to bed.
Ingo gets up. Drags himself to Jubilife. Battles. Picks at the food Akari treats him to. Goes home. Goes to bed.
Ingo gets up. Does his work. Goes to bed.
Ingo gets up. Does his work. Goes to bed.)
((When Ingo passes of illness some amount of time later, he isn't found at the main settlement, or at the training grounds in Jubilife, or even at his own home in the highlands. Instead, he's found huddled against a nameless grave, protected from the elements by a white coat, matching white cap still clutched in his hands.))
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theroyallypurple · 2 years
I absolutely adore the way you draw Hassel and Larry! Would love to know if you have any hcs of them cause I love hearing others thoughts about them :D
AAAA THANK U IM GLAD U DO!!! also jeez buckle up I have a lot lmao I'll put them under a readmore These are some established ones I've written about before but not an exhaustive list!!
HEADCANONS… I have sO MANY UHHH LEmmie try to articulate some thoughts
Larry I imagine to be from Sinnoh but he moved to Unova as a tween. One parent is sinnohan and one parent is unovan, he got his staraptor when it was still a starly in Sinnoh. He’s moved around the world doing different jobs until finally he wound up in Paldea. He can speak many languages including but not limited to: Japanese (first language), English, Spanish, French, German
I imagine that he’s autistic (I might be projecting a little here lol) and he suffers form depression, but he isn’t medicated
He struggles to control his volume as part of his autism, he always speaks a bit too quiet and doesn’t raise his voice even when needed.
He has perfect 20/20 vision but has visual snow syndrome which causes a layer of static to be over his whole entire field of vision. He also has tinnitus that goes hand in hand with visual snow syndrome and he enjoys spending time in the treasure eatery not just for the food but because the sound of the patrons helps to drown out the high pitched tone inside his head. It gets louder when he's stressed
He has a tie collection, also he has a lot of novelty fun patterned socks and boxers (his choice of underwear is Not sexy)
He’s owned the same pair of shoes for many years and he knows he needs to get new ones, the soles of his current ones are worn out, but he hates shopping for new clothes and new shoes feel bad on his feet.
He has great colour vision and can discern colours very well, often telling the difference between colours that other ppl can’t see a difference in. His night vision however leaves much to be desired, when he looks at things in darkness they merge into a big staticky blob and he uses his phone torch when it gets too dark outside and there’s no street lights.
He wears a suit not only because it looks good but because it feels good. He likes the weight of the blazer on his shoulder and the familiarity of it makes him comfortable
He’s only 35 but started greying early, he can be very sarcastic when ppl worry about getting greys since he’s been going grey since his early 20’s
His first language is Japanese but he doesn’t get many chances to speak it so all his personal devices are set to Japanese. This results in people hearing him speaking to his phone in Japanese. Poppy sometimes plays games on Larry’s phone and has learnt some Japanese through exposure. This makes Larry happy and he teaches her Japanese, it’s good for her developing brain he says
He can cook well but he’s often too tired to cook so when he isn’t buying something from a restaurant it’s instant noodles for him.
He’ll also make egg fried rice with furikake sprinkled on top
His favourite colour is blue, his favourite flavour is lemon, his favourite sweet is lemon drizzle cake
He Hates being in front of the camera (which is why his gym photo is the back of his head) so he isn’t actually in many photos. When he’s out with a group he’s almost always the one behind the camera taking the photo. A few candid photos of him do exist but whenever he finds out someone has taken a photo of him he tells them to delete them, despite this there are some photos of him smiling when he thinks no one is looking
Speaking of, his expression is mostly flat and his smile isn’t what people would often consider a smile to be. His features soften and his mouth is in a smile but he doesn’t grin big or wide, he has trouble properly showing his emotions but people who know him are used to it
He’s actually very blunt and matter of fact, which some people don’t like, but he doesn’t see the problem because he’s honest
He’s tired a lot of the time and loves sleeping. He’s a cuddler and has a body length pillow that he hugs (is also helps his back to have it between his knees and align his spine) if you shared a bed he may fall asleep facing away from you but by the time you wake up he’s hugging you tight
He suffers from adult acne, he doesn’t really care how it looks but he hates when it gets itchy and painful. It’s something he’d rather not deal with and he can get breakouts when he’s particularly stressed (I actually wrote a fic abt Rika helping him with this!!)
He does use product to style his hair, he puts it in when his hair is damp and uses a hair dryer to put it into position. He’s so practiced that he can do it in just 5 or so minutes What he uses has a strong enough hold but as the day goes on his hair can become slightly disheveled which is easily fixed by running his hand through it, but it can leave a few strands out of place
I personally use fiber gum and my hair style is similar to Larry’s so I can see him using it too, of gives the hair hold while keeping it light and soft, maybe on longer days he'll use gel instead since it has a stronger hold but it doesn't leave the hair as soft or light
Larry wears cologne. During the day he wears a fresh scent, bergamot for those with a refined nose or simply “citrus” for those who don’t. It has a hint of a floral smell to it. Fresh he thinks, good for the start of the day If he ever goes out in the evening he wears a muskier smell: sandalwood, amber, patchouli Despite what scent he uses there’s the always faint hint of tobacco, he may try to cover it up but it’s a deep set smell that’s hard to get out of things His used pyjamas smell like sweat but he always smells nice when he goes out
Larry is good at singing but he wouldn’t believe you if you told him. After a few drinks he slays on the karaoke machine
Speaking of which his drinks of choice are whisky on the rocks and a sparkling sake
For Hassel I have two headcanons of where he’s from. It’s fun to imagine him from Galar, I’m Scottish so I’m familiar with Galar and the tradition with the applin and him having a flapple on his team is very fun when u imagine it’s Brassius that gave him the applin.
On the other hand I think he could be German… Hassel is a German name and Germany is close to Spain and idk it feels kinda fitting
He’s classically trained in piano but he can also play the guitar, drums, ukulele, violin, trumpet, and also he can sing
He’s a very good cook, he’s no chef but he makes great homey food, his stews and soups are very comforting
He never learned how to use chopsticks and thus doesn't use them, but I like to think that one day Larry teaches him
He enjoys painting and sketching from life, he finds it fun and relaxing and enjoys the challenge of portraying something correctly He can produce photorealistic works but I also think he’d enjoy impressionism, he’d also enjoy life drawing
He has a wide collection of knitted tanks in many different colours and patterns
His favourite colour is burgundy, he likes rich foods with a lot of flavour and struggles to eat anything bland. highly textured food with no flavour makes him gag
He snores, not a loud obnoxious snore but a deep kind of snore that rumbles in his chest. It’s oddly comforting and can be likened to a cat purring (or a dragons growl…)
Hassel smells like home, warm and familiar!! I really like the idea of him having a deep woodsy smell, pleasantly pleasant musky that is his natural scent, not a dirty musk but something that’s nice and human. He’s always well groomed The cologne he wears is faint but pleasant, with a spicy yet faintly sweet scent and it complements his natural body odour Other times he smells like art supplies- paints, sealant spray, and the likes, something noticeably chemically
His alcohols of choice are real Scottish whisky, red wine, gin, and honestly he’d enjoy a beer lol. Brassius tries all kinds of weird flavoured craft beers and makes Hassel try them
He's a little soft under his clothing, his belly and chest having a little pudge, but there are muscles underneath and he's very strong
I kind of like the headcanon ppl have that Hassels natural hair colour is brown but he dyes it blonde... I don't always stick to that hc in my art (sometimes I draw his body hair dark, sometimes I draw it blonde) but it's fun!!
He's very comfortable with aging and sees beauty in it, he doesn't strive to look young forever or to "keep his beauty" he thinks all kinds of people look beautiful He's also very secure in his masculinity and isn't afraid of being emotional or showing emotion, or showing any other traits typically seen as more feminine he wants to be a good role model and show boys that it's ok to be emotional and like certain things
Hassel has a big d-
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airi-p4 · 4 years
Last chance - Chapter 2
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | 
Luka’s POV
I always knew how Marinette was happy dating Adrien. It had been a while since they confessed to each other, and I was happy for her, for them. Hurt, but still happy. Even during the bad times, I was always happy to be there for her. I was happy to be there for her anytime she needed me. But at some point, that was not enough...
The more time I spent with her, the more I kept wishing she was MINE. I had to deprive myself constantly, trying not to hug, kiss or confess to her, while encouraging her happiness with someone else.
I was her second choice.
Always had been, always will be.
And with her relationship with her first choice going smoothly, I felt like I was not really needed anymore. She made her choice. And it wasn’t me.
Hearing all sorts of details of Marinette and Adrien’s relationship only deepened my pain. Knowing how they shared their first kiss or how she was sewing him something for his birthday or how much she struggled because of Adrien’s father… it was hard to endure.
Adrien coming to me for advice made things even harder, especially when he came to ask me for sex advice. I could have sabotaged their relationship many times, but I didn't. No matter how much tempted I was to. Marinette’s happiness was what mattered the most to me and I couldn’t stand seeing her unhappy or hurt face. But Marinette coming a week later, inadvertently spilling how good their first time sleeping together felt was too much for me.
I reached my limit.
I needed to escape.
Pain kept getting deeper every visit, sinking deeper, like heavy rocks accumulating at the bottom of the sea of my heart, where light could not reach.
Marinette was clueless about my feelings. But I didn’t want to be greedy. I had always known she loved Adrien anyway. It’s been like that since the beginning. Why should I interfere with their happiness? Sure, they fought quite a lot too, but it was always because of either trivial things or because of Adrien’s father.
At that time I thought it was a good thing I never had a father. But if I had known my father was Jagged Stone I would have never thought that. I regret that I used to think that now.
So these arguments were never a real threat for a ‘true love’ destiny based relationship. Nothing that could give me hope for a break-up or a future with Marinette.
That’s when I decided to leave.
I couldn't bear it anymore. I tried hard to watch over their happiness. To encourage them. To honestly wish for their love to continue forever… But I couldn’t. My heart couldn’t take it anymore: seeing her smile, hearing her laugh… all of it directed to someone who was not me.
I had to leave. But it was not easy.
I kept wishing to see her face, no matter how it hurt. I wanted to be beside her every day, forever…
But I had to move on.
I considered the idea of making her hate me. And I somehow decided it was a good idea. How could I let my broken heart take decisions?
Even if so, I never regretted it. The KISS. Our one and only kiss. Our first and last kiss. A kiss that was short and filled with sadness. Loneliness too, because it was one-sided from me. She didn’t respond to it. Not that I expected she would, but added another enormous rock to my heart’s sea collection. And it was heavy. Too heavy.
Just before the kiss, I had already my tickets to go to America with Jagged Stone, who I had no idea that he was my father at the moment. I didn’t have the courage to tell Marinette I was leaving. I knew she would beg for me to stay, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to deny her anything. Love is a strong source of will, but can also be a strong barrier to personal accomplishments.
That day, she was happily talking about how she liked my new song and how she was going to have dinner in Adrien’s house, with her parents too, for the first time soon. She sounded excited.
I don’t know what motivated me. But probably jealousy and an absolute devotion to the girl in front of me. Also, knowing that was going to be the last time we met probably played a final key point for my determination. And, even if I knew she was going to hate me after that, I had to take my last chance with her. I needed to be rejected in order to move on.
So I kissed her.
Marinette's lips were half open in surprise as I lightly brushed them with mine. Soft, kind, warm. They felt just like I expected them to feel, except the kiss was unreciprocated.
Her reaction after the kiss was also what I expected: confusion, hurt, anger and hate.
With that look on her face, I don’t think she understood the meaning of my kiss, maybe not even after I left.
‘I love you. Goodbye’
Would it have made a difference if I had told her out loud? Who knows. It’s all in the past now. And the past can’t be changed.
When she told me ‘I hate you’ my heart reached the bottom of my inner sea. I could only see black. I’ve never cried so much in my whole life. Her rejection hurt and broke my heart, but it gave me the chance to try to move on. To try to forget about my first love and stop my pining over her. Good thing about reaching the bottom is you can only go up, they say.
But it didn’t work.
How can I forget about the most beautiful and perfect girl in the world? How to forget her beautiful voice or her beautiful laugh, her shining smile and her starly freckles? Her silky dark hair or her stunning eyes? And her magical lips I could only taste once but I wish I could taste forever?
I can never move on from her.
A part of me kept waiting for her to contact me. I waited, but she never did.
I tried to avoid looking at the news, but Marinette and Adrien Agreste’s engagement was an announcement too big to be avoided. Of course she wouldn’t contact me when she’s getting married to someone else…
That’s when I decided to definitely move and stay in the US. After finding out about Jagged being my father, I got to meet my grandfather and he helped me feel better, teaching me some country songs I would have never expected to enjoy. Music was the only medicine that kept me for sinking deeper in my own darkness. Finally, a tiny ray of light could be seen.
It was some time later when I met Chloé Bourgeois. She followed her mother’s steps and became a stylist, living in America. At some point she became Jagged Stone’s stylist, and then mine when I debuted as a solo artist. She became my second chance after Marinette.
It stunned me how Chloé remembered me from when she was Miraculous Queen. “Good think I’m your stylist now so I can fix that utterly ridiculous clothes you are always wearing, snake boy” she had told me. After she confessed to me, I decided to try to do my best to love her back. I like her and had nothing to lose, anyway.
In truth, I was just hoping she could help me forget about Marinette and heal me from my pain. It didn’t take long until all the news about us dating were everywhere. I dislike the press, but I know Chloé loves to be the focus of media attention, so I endured it.
Dating Chloé isn’t easy. She is a stubborn lady who tries to sound confident when she is actually scared inside, begging to be loved. I thought it was adorable how she tried to hide her need for affection. But the more I spent time with her, the more I saw Marinette’s traits in her.
As I thought, a girl like Marinette could never be forgotten. My love for her can never fade out. But she’s taken, so there’s no point in having expectations with her.
When the engagement news was out, I couldn’t help but wonder if Marinette had seen them, or what she thought about it. But, even if I left my email account opened with only her contact for years, no message ever arrived into my inbox. She probably still hates me for kissing her like that. Or I disappointed her for not being able to contain my urge to kiss her. Or maybe she just thinks I’m a perv or something - Chloé’s fashion choices for me are kind of… showy. ‘Sexy and unique’, she would say.
And now that my Wedding Ceremony is coming in less than two months I wake up to an email inbox suddenly full of messages. Is it SPAM? Wow, 986 messages, that’s really something! I gasp when I see the name of the sender: Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Why now?
“What’s wrong? Go back to sleep, dear”
“Keep sleeping, honeybee, I’ll be right back”
It seems the email notification had woken Chloé up. No wonder since she is sleeping just beside me. I make sure I kiss her before going to the other bedroom of our house.
Sender name: Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
No doubt, I read it correctly. Dupain-Cheng. Shouldn’t it be Agreste? She kept her name? What’s with all those messages? If she wanted to congratulate me for my Wedding, one would have been enough. Is she doing this out of hate? There’s only one way to know. The most recent message… written today?
“Luka… I can’t take it anymore… I’m going to Tibet, to the Temple of the Miraculous… I need to restore my happiness… Wait for me in another timeline…”
What does this mean? She’s going to get her Miraculous back? What does she mean with ‘my happiness’? She sounds desperate for help. Another timeline…? Is she planning to use the Rabbit Miraculous? Or even worse: the Ladybug and Chat Noir Miraculous together? What’s going on? And why is she telling me?
I need context. I’m going to read the oldest message… The oldest one, here it is… I gasp in astonishment when I notice the pattern of the mails, the date they were written as the 'subject': almost one for every day starting the day I left Paris - the day after I kissed her. The day I decided to move on.
I click on the oldest message.
“Luka, I can’t believe you just left without saying goodbye? What were you thinking? I thought we were friends! I rushed to the airport as soon as I knew you were leaving, but you had already left… Why didn’t you tell me? You are my friend, I thought you trusted me…”
No mention of the kiss. Well, at least she didn’t seem angry for the kiss? I was right not telling her I was leaving. I would have been very tempted to stay if she had begged me to… Let’s see the next one…
“Luka… I miss you… I’m not angry about the kiss anymore… I’m sorry for not considering your feelings… I’m stupid… You are my friend and I care about you… I wish you had said goodbye to me…”
Oh… great. I’m pitiful at her eyes. At least she wasn’t angry…? And she thought of me as a friend. ‘A friend’, huh. Marinette had been hurt by those words for a long time and now she shoves them at me. No, Marinette. You don’t understand.
I keep reading some more messages.
“Luka… I miss you a lot… I wish you would contact me, but you must hate me if you haven’t yet… It was a lie when I told ‘I hate you’ to you. I really care about you… I miss you a lot… Come back, please…”
“Luka... I wish I could tell you this in person… I miss you…”
“Luka… I’m sorry for being greedy… But I can’t take it anymore… come back… please… I need you…”
“Luka… it’s been three months since you left… I’ve seen you are doing well with Jagged Stone… You seem happier… I’m sorry for not considering your feelings… I wish you the best… even if I miss you deeply…”
“Luka… I wonder if you’ve seen the news? I’ve made my debut as a fashion designer! Seeing you fighting for your dreams made me try harder for mine. I wish you could be there for my first big event…”
I remember that day. Marinette Dupain-Cheng and her boyfriend Adrien Agreste smiling for the cameras. Gabriel Agreste had acknowledged Marinette as his successor, but she rejected the offer. I stopped watching her news after seeing that stupid photo of them together, happy, when I was swimming in despair for missing her. Maybe I should stop reading… But I guess I can’t stop my curiosity… Or maybe I’m some kind of a masochist? That would make a lot of sense, to be honest...
Well, next one.
“Luka… Adrien finally asked me to marry him, can you believe it? We still have no set date yet, but I’ll make sure Juleka receives an invitation for you, so you can join us too! I wish you would come… I miss you…”
Yeah… I should stop reading… yet, for some reason, my finger keeps moving on its own.
“Luka… things with Adrien aren’t as happy as I thought they would be… I thought he could fill in for you, but… I keep searching for you everyday, everywhere I go… I was fine that time I didn’t have Adrien by my side since you were there for me… but now that Adrien is by my side but you aren’t… I can’t find the happiness in me anymore…”
“Luka… I’m so stupid… I should have noticed earlier… I took you for granted and now that you’re not here… I miss you more than anything… I… I don’t think I can live without you anymore… I love you… You were never my second chance… I wish I could have figured it out sooner…”
‘I love you’. Is… is this for real? Is this some kind of prank? Why are you sending all this now, Marinette? I’m getting married soon! You are married too! What are you up to? I know I’ll never be able to move on from you… don’t make things even more difficult… please…
“Luka… Today I cancelled my engagement with Adrien. I tried to love him more than I love you, but I can’t… I love you more than anything, more than anyone… I miss you so much…”
“Luka… I’ve broken up with Adrien now… Do you think I still have a chance with you…? I want to be with you… I love you…”
What? She cancelled her wedding? I check it on the Internet: ‘marinette adrien agreste wedding’ and search. ‘BREAKING NEWS: Fashion designer Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Model Adrien Agreste break up”. It can’t be… How could this pass me? When? When was this...? Oh… Vacation with Chloé… We spent a week in Thailand, turned our phones off and relaxed after my first solo tour was over… Of course it wouldn’t reach that far… Oh, it was just before Chloé’s and my dating news were out too… Such a bad timing...
“Luka… I’ve seen you are dating Chloé now… I hope you are happy… Is this how you felt with me when I was dating Adrien? Did it hurt this much for you too...? How could you stand this pain...? I wish for your happiness, I really do… But it hurts so much…”
No way…
“Luka… Adrien asked me out again. I had already told him I loved you before and after I broke our engagement, but, with last week’s news about you dating his childhood friend, he asked me out again… I considered going back to him to stop this pain… But I don’t think I can ever forget you… I wish I could still be the song in your head… I love you… I miss you so much...”
Marinette, she doesn’t understand, doesn’t she? She’s always been the song in my head. Since the first day we met, even today, my only true muse and inspiration has been her... How can she be so dense? Has she never listened to my songs? I thought it was obvious… Chloé is a good muse too, I must admit, but I wouldn’t be standing where am I without Marinette.
“Luka… I can’t bear to watch more of your happy photos with Chloé… I’m going to focus solely on my fashion career… I wish I still had a chance with you… But I can only give up, can’t I?”
“Luka… no matter how much I try I can’t forget about you… I miss you and I know I’ll never be able to love anybody the way I love you… I wish I could tell you my feelings, but you seem happy now and I don’t want to be in your way… It’s hard, but I have to let you go... Be happy on my behalf too, ok? I love you...”
“Luka… today Sabrina received yours and Chloé’s Wedding invitation. She tried to hide it from me so I wouldn’t be hurt, but I ended up finding out anyway. I wish I could congratulate you, but you must have forgotten about me already… I’m so silly… Of course you have moved on when you are getting married… Congratulations… I hope you two are happy...”
“Luka… I promise you I tried… but my heart can’t take it anymore. I’m drowning in darkness… You had been my light for so long… But now that I’ve lost you forever it feels like I’ve forgotten how to breath… I need you so bad… I don’t think I can live anymore…”
There are some blank days after this message? What happened? Marinette felt all this for years? Why didn’t she send me this earlier!? I would have run to her side in an instant. Why now? I need to know what happened until the newest message…
“It seems I passed out for some days… I’ve woken out today in a hospital room. I guess I forgot to eat or drink or even sleep… So Marinette, right? haha… Alya and Nino visited me with their newborn child. I wish we could have been a happy family like them… I don’t think I can bear to watch you forming a family with someone else… Am I too selfish? I guess I am… The doctor said I have depression. I already knew that. I guess I have nothing that makes me want to live anymore… without you I can’t even…”
This was the last message before the most recent one, dated a few days ago. Is Marinette trying to give up her life? Is she trying to use the Ladybug and the Black Cat Miraculous? She knows how dangerous that is! There’s a price to pay if you change the past! Marinette should know that! I need to re-read her most recent message.
“Luka… I can’t take it anymore… I’m going to Tibet, to the Temple of the Miraculous… I need to restore our happiness… Wait for me in another timeline…”
No doubt. She is trying to use the Ladybug and Chat Noir Miraculous to change reality: just like Hawk Moth wanted to. But why would she send me these messages then? Why would she let me know...?
Of course.
She thinks she has nothing left to lose. She is calling for help, desperately…
“Luka, what are you doing? It’s morning already, we’ll be late to the venue”
“What? Morning already? I’ll go have a shower real quick!”
“What’s wrong with you? You look like you haven’t slept at all!”
“I- I’ll tell you later!”
“Hey, aren’t you forgetting something?”
“Uhm? Oh, sure, honeybee. Morning kiss”
“Good. Now go or we’ll be late”
“I’ll be right back!”
What the hell am I doing… Going to prepare my wedding ceremony knowing Marinette is about to break the balance of the world? Knowing she is willing to sacrifice anything? To DIE, even. Just because I was stupid enough to never contact her? Like hell I can let her go! I should be going to Tibet not some stupid Wedding Venue! Shower finished. Hair… Nevermind, I’m in a rush.
“Chloé, listen-”
“Luka. What’s the meaning of this?”
My smartphone… Of course she knows my screen lock code… She must have seen all the messages by now… and most likely read a few of them.
“Marinette contacted you. Are you trying to ditch me now that you know she is interested in you?”
“No, Chloé, listen. I need to go stop her. You know the Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous should never be used together. I need to stop her”
“You can’t go.”
“Chloé, our whole world will disappear if I don’t stop her! Can’t you understand!? No world, no wedding! She has to be stopped!”
“No! I haven’t worked this hard to get you to lose you just when we were so close to be forever together! I prefer the world ending than you dumping me to get back with her. I want to be your first choice for once!”
“What do you mean? How can you say that...? I thought Marinette was your friend...”
“My friend? No. I am Adrien’s friend. And she kept hurting him, until she broke his heart. You two broke his heart”
“You knew, didn’t you? You’ve known about Marinette’s feelings since the beginning and remained silent about the matter. Why would you do that? I guess you know about my feelings too”
“I just wanted to help Adrien and take revenge on you and Marinette for hurting him. But stupid me fell in love with you while trying to get them back together!”
“Tell me more”
“No. I don’t want to lose you”
“You’ve already lost me. Answer me if you want to keep some decency and respect from me. I’m never contacting you again otherwise”
“No, please! I love you… You know I do!”
“I know. And I know there’s kindness in your heart, Chloé. That’s why I know you’re going to tell me in what else you were involved with Marinette”
“I… I couldn’t take revenge on you… So I focused my revenge on Marinette, for hurting Adrien’s feelings... I hid their break up news or any other news you received from her friends. I knew she was still your first choice even when I tried so hard to get your full attention, and even if you proposed to me, I could see your eyes were not looking at me. You were looking at the Marinette you saw in me! And now that you know she loves you back… You’ll go back to her… and dump me… won't you?”
“Chloé… you did all that to hurt Marinette? I was willing to forget about her and have a happy marriage with you… I was serious about you. I wouldn’t dare to play around with something as serious as marriage. I thought you had changed… But it seems you’re the same girl that bullied my little sister when you were younger... But we’ll talk about this later. I need to go now. I need to stop Marinette before she does something stupid”
“Wait. I’m coming too. No secret intentions, I promise. I just thought… we could get our old team back to save Ladybug…”
“We don’t have time for that!”
“Of course we do! I’ve already sent them a message while you were at the shower. Who do you think I am? No one worth dumping! I’m telling you!”
I must say that surprised me - and in a good way. Getting the old team back is definitely going to help. The more allies the better to stop the end of the world. And who better fit than a team of superheroes? Chloé’s move makes me relieved and thankful.
“Chloé, you’re amazing”
Oh. OK… maybe I shouldn’t have kissed her now… I better warn her.
“Don’t take me for granted because of this. We’ll having a long talk when we save the world”
“O- Of course!”
Who am I kidding? Chloé is amazing too. Not Marinette, but still amazing. But damn it. Habits are hard to break. Especially with a wedding coming. But she really owned that kiss. I don’t want to stop holding her hand either. Well, not now, as we get moving, at least.
Maybe, and just maybe, I could have come to love her for real if I hadn’t met Marinette… But there’s no point in wondering about ‘what ifs’. We need to hurry.
Before leaving, another email arrives into my inbox.
“My job is done. Now it’s your time to make it right. You have 6 days left”
Alix. Of course. It made sense. I type a reply while Chloe closes the door of our house, before rushing to the airport.
“Leave it to us. The Miraculous Team is back”
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animefan-overran · 4 years
Birthday Surprise (Twinleafshipping)
This is another multi-part story. Tbh, I honestly don’t know how I busted this part out so fast, I guess it’s considered pretty short, but I don’t know. With this story, I wanted to be able to have a choose your own story format, so this is the first part. After this depending on your preference, you can choose to read whatever part 2 that you would like. Hope everyone enjoys!
*Also, if you like my content, be sure to follow for more!*
Dawn scratched her head and stared blankly at the clean piece of paper in front of her, sighing at the reality of her situation. Her mind, fried from thinking so much, was ready to shut down. Giving into her fatigue, she closed her eyes, and rested her head in her arms, that already found their way to the table in front of her. Just as she was about to doze off into a peaceful slumber, the thump of the kitchen door opening  jostled her awake. She glanced over wearily to her mother, who had just returned from the grocery store. Her mother stared back at her with a knowing expression. After all, she didn’t need a rosetta stone to interpret her own daughter. 
“Honey, I know that face all too well. What’s up?” Dawn’s mother finally spoke up, breaking the silence between them.
Dawn shrugged her shoulders in mere defeat “Ah, I don’t know,” she groaned rubbing her eyes in a careless fashion “It’s just that Barry’s birthday is in a week, and I wanted to get him something good this year.” she sighed her figure slumping further into her chair “So, I decided to sit down and brainstorm, but nothing is really jumping at me, ya know? Nothing is really screaming ‘Happy 18th birthday!’.”
Nodding at her daughter’s words, Dawn’s mom proceeded to put away the groceries that she had brought in with her “Well, you could always ask him what he wants,” her mom stated simply.
Almost instantly, Dawn’s eyes widened in disbelief “Ask him? I can’t do that. Sure maybe if our friendship was still fairly new, but I’ve known this guy my whole life. If I ask him what he wants, what will that say about me as his friend?” Dawn replied.
“Well, honey, I don’t know what to tell you then,” her mom looked at her with an apologetic expression “Good luck in your endeavors though.” She stated.
“Thanks, I’m gonna need it,” she murmured, getting up from her seat “I think, I’m just gonna go for a walk. Maybe I’ll get some inspiration outside. I’ll see ya later, mom,”
“Ok, dear. Just try to be back before dinner” her mom called out just in time for Dawn to hear before she left the house.
Closing the door, Dawn was immediately hit with an intoxicating scent; it was the wildflowers that bloomed in the grass every spring. She smiled as she breathed in the pleasant aroma, and exhaled all the tension that she had built up in the kitchen. Nature always had a way of calming her down, especially during this time of the year. She started down the familiar road that connected Twinleaf to a nearby forest trail. This is where she usually went when she needed to implement some good old fashioned problem solving. The woods provided the perfect escape from her mind, and that’s exactly what she needed. Within minutes of listening to the Starly and Bidoof of the forest, Dawn’s motivation was fully recharged. I wonder if Barry likes being in nature as much as I do. Maybe I could take him on a camping trip? Or maybe I could build us a secret hideout out here… Dawn’s thoughts were finally starting to take some shape, something that she was grateful for, to say the least. Just as she was about to turn around to head back, she saw two familiar looking objects a couple hundred yards ahead of her. She walked a little closer to ensure that her eyes were not deceiving her. She gasped, as she finally got close enough to clearly see the subject of her curiosity. Her heart beat raised as she realized she was looking at the bikes of none other than Barry and Lucas.
Immediately, Dawn was hesitant to go any further. What are Barry and Lucas doing all the way out here. Huh, maybe they’re having one of their famous ‘bro times’. But, where did they go? Dawn thought to herself looking around for her two friends. Just then, she heard two familiar voices coming from the woods behind her, their pitches getting louder with each word. Barry and Lucas were coming back to their bikes. Panicking a little, Dawn ran behind a bush and crouched down. The last thing she wanted was for them to think that she followed them. 
“You’re right Lucas, that was a great fishing spot. I can’t wait to show off my new Magikarp to everyone.” Barry smiled pridefully.
“Yeah, man who knows, maybe it’ll even impress Dawn,” Lucas laughed unchaining his bike from a nearby tree. 
“Dude, not funny. Don’t make me fine you for that comment,” Barry snapped back quickly.
Lucas shook his head “I don’t know, it’s kind of funny to me how you’ve liked her for so long, and yet you still haven’t told her how you feel. You’re gonna be 18 soon for crying out loud. You’re gonna have to Machamp up like they say,” Lucas scolded lightly.
Barry sighed knowing full well that his friend spoke the truth. “Ok, first off, no one says Machamp up, it’s literally only you. Second, I know you’re right, but I’m just not sure how she’ll react to it. She could laugh in my face, I can’t have that!” 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right, take your time I guess,” Lucas grinned as the two hopped on their bikes and pedaled back towards Twinleaf Town. 
Dawn stood up from her hiding spot once she was sure that the boys were long gone. “Well, I don’t think I was supposed to hear that,” she stated bluntly in minor shock, her cheeks burning a bright shade of pink. Barry was right, she didn’t know how to respond to this new information. Dawn remained quiet, standing completely still for what seemed like an eternity. For the life of her she couldn’t find any words to describe what she was feeling. 
Barry likes… me? Dawn constantly rolled the thought over in her mind, as she made her way back to her house. That boy can be so elusive with his feelings I would have never known. Who knows, maybe he’s trying his best, and I’m just being extremely dense. Searching the idea of her and Barry as a couple was a completely new concept that brought a host of undiscovered feelings along with it. Feelings of excitement,  curiosity, and weightlessness.
Finally, upon returning to her house, she mindlessly sat down in her front yard, wanting to soak up the last vestiges of the sun before night fell. She laid down in the grass, and gazed up at the dusk’s magnificent display of faded orange, intense fuchsia, and deep violet. Just like the day, who knew that someone could have so many colors to them? Moreover, I would've never guessed that person to be Mr.Busy-body… Dawn giggled at the ever so realistic image of Barry running around always looking for his next purpose. That boy truly is amazing, he never stops… and now I can’t stop thinking about him… Dawn hardly realized she had lost all track of time, in thought of the blonde haired boy, something she never imagined was possible. Nevertheless, she enjoyed being whisked away from reality in thought of her and Barry together. If only I could make Barry to forget about his busy schedule...  a smirk slowly edged its way onto Dawn’s lips. That’s it, I know what to get Barry for his birthday!
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Tortured Souls. (5)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader.
Summary: Y/N Stark is Tony's adopted daughter. She becomes a deadly agent and part of the Avengers, well this is what everyone believes. 
Gifs go to their rightful owners.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 4,551.
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He stared at you and shook his head. “Let me put these upstairs so we can talk.” He answered.
You helped him upstairs and gave the rooms a few looks, it’s like nothing has changed.
Downstairs you went to the kitchen and decided to prepare a coffee, to help the situation, kind of.
Bucky knew it was the time to apologize but his mouth couldn’t find the right words to express his feelings. “Sorry.” He murmured, you almost didn’t hear.
You looked at his face that seemingly hurt. “I don’t want your apologies, James, all I want is to you be honest with me. I love you! And I miss you so much.” He nodded. “What I’d said last month was the truth, the part where it looks like you want to avoid me and is using this whole situation as an excuse.”
“Isn’t an excuse Y/N. I-” He trailed off, scratching his head in pure frustration. ‘Come on man you can do this’  his mind was screaming to him. “I hated the fact that you got hurt and I couldn’t do anything about it.” You rolled your eyes. “I swear! Seeing you injured it hurt me, and all I could think it was how I was stupid for not being there protecting you and if I stood being your friend you would be hurt because of me.”
He rubbed his eyes. “You don’t understand.”
“Well I’m listening so you could at least try to make me understand.” The kettle was making the annoying sound it does letting you know the water was boiling. You turned the fire off just to make sure that the conversation wouldn’t end and he wouldn’t run away like the last time.
“I worked for them, Y/N,” His head bobbed, he wasn’t sure which words he could use. “Hydra. I was their best asset and even if I try the hardest to pay for my errors I’ll not be able to.” His hand held the kitchen countertop.
You let a sigh. “James we already got through this, it wasn’t you. They brainwashed you and did other terrible things.”
“But I still did it, yes it wasn’t me anymore, I was tortured and if I didn’t do what they sent me I would be tortured for days until I finally did it. And put in a cryo right after, and it was always like that. But still, it was in a Hydra facility that you got injured on, by one of them. I,” He exhaled frustrated with his own thoughts, now his metal hand broke the wood counter. “I think one day I will be the one to hurt you for them.”
How could you be so naive about it, you let your frustrations and low self-esteem make you believe he was trying to cut you out of his life. His fear wasn’t the best but it was acceptable. “They won’t get you back, I promise you that okay, just over my dead body they would get you back.”
He snapped his head around. “Exactly you would kill and be killed for me. And what if I go with them willingly?”
“What is that suppose to mean? The triggers words don’t work anymore, T'challa took it all out.”
His mouth swiftly transformed into a frown. “Maybe he did, or maybe there are other words? Another way to put it inside me? They did this in the 40’s where medicine and technology were totally small, imagine what would they are able to do now.”
You walked to his reach, your palms were tingling to clutch his face and make sure he would pay attention to your words. “They won’t. Steve won’t let it happen, I won’t let it happen! You are extremely important and we could go through hell to get you back.” A few tears slipped from his eyes. “Can I hug my friend now?” He smiled and nodded.
You hugged him and it was phenomenal. He was so solid and real under your touch.
He placed his face on your neck and murmured. “I’m so sorry I was stupid. I know you needed me.”
You placed your hand on his hair and smoothed it. “Shh, it’s okay. I guess I was too concerned with this whole circus that I didn’t realize you needed me too.” You held his face with your hand and stared into his starly eyes, your eyes glanced at his lips for a few milliseconds and you felt gravity pushing you to his lips.
His eyelids closed and when both lips were softly brushing each other you heard the door opening.
You grabbed the gun inside in the back of your pants but before you could use it Bucky was in front of you holding a gun as well and making sure his full size was shielding you from any potential threat.
In the door was a young man just a few years older than you holding a shotgun. “I don’t know who you are but I’ll ask to leave my property.”
“You must be mistaken buddy, this house is hers.” Bucky’s voice was firm and even scary.
You were about to reply but was answered with a dog barking at you with his tail moving so fast as it knew you. “Barsi?” The dog barked back and you forgot the gun above the counter, dropped to your knees and started to pet the dog.
“Y/N?” The man asked, the dog heard his voice and rushed back to his owner.
Barsi was a stray you had saved years back, the poor thing wasn’t trustworthy with strange people since his rough past made him completely suspicious around humans. He was only nice to you and…
“Jordan?” The blue-eyed man placed his shotgun on the floor and walked to your reach, Bucky looked at you and you nodded your head letting he know Jordan wasn’t a threat.
Your old friend didn’t lose time hugging you tightly lifting your feet off the floor. “Oh my God, how long has it been?”
“I don’t know, five years? I guess.” You laughed and hugged him closer. When he placed you on the floor again and stared at you, you couldn’t help but smile. “Wow look at you, you look handsome and all badass with a shotgun.”
“Me? You’re stunning Y/N! How about you holding a gun and using that threatening expression of yours.” He laughed and couldn’t keep his hands out of you.
Jordan was the eldest son of the family Tony hired to work at the house and to keep it safe while you weren’t there.
When the construction started you and him would talk hours and babysit his young brothers. Whenever Tony left the town he would let Happy with you there and a device that you quote “would bring me here in seconds if you click, whatever you need just click it”.
You were so nostalgic looking at your old friend that you didn’t realize Bucky was in the same room, you darted your eyes to him and saw that his gun was in the back of his pants and he was paying attention to Jordan and the door, he thought that someone would enter there and kidnap you.
James finally told you what his fears were about. He was so scared when Steve asked him to be with you in a random house that his hands were shaking, he was worried that you hated him.
The last time you two spoke wasn’t much pleased, counting the fight and the words that made him leave you and spent the majority of time running away from you.
If Steve called him to watch something on the TV you were there so he declined, if Sam said you all would hang out but you would be there he also declined. Therefore the other missions he managed to go in a short amount of time in 4 weeks.
Then the phone had to beep with a message, he wasn’t really good with this, especially because he could only use his right hand to type the words on the small keyboard. But when he clicked on the small button it appeared 'New Message: Y/N’ he unlocked his phone and saw the simple message. 'Reunion on Steve’s, it’s important. Come as soon as possible.’ it probably was the type of message you had sent to more than one number, but after one month ignoring each other existence, it would be extremely important for you suddenly text him.
At Steve’s he felt uneasy, of course, he had been there before, but you were living there.
Steve's mugs were beside your mugs, the TV was beside a picture of you hugging Tony. The second room that would hold unnecessary things was a bed and your favorite duvet above it, his eyes darted everywhere as he always does after all his life in Hydra and spots a lipstick in the bathroom sink, your favorite color that he knew by heart.
But on that day you weren’t smiling at your friends, you were uneasy and all your friends were gathered in the same place, making the small apartment crowded.
His mind wasn’t good to him, so he knew eventually he would hurt you somehow. Isn’t possible for someone like him deserves someone like you.
He never got the guts to tell you how he truly felt, he tried to show you but he knew he didn’t make a good job since every time he tried to use the Buck Barnes old-fashioned lines you would look at him curiously with an ear to ear smile plastered on your face, he probably wasn’t as charming as his previous life.
So the days matured to weeks and weeks became months. You got injured and if it wasn’t good luck, you would be in a coffin now.
Your past came up and someone was trying to incriminate you. It’s like everything happened in a blink of eyes. He clearly got shocked at first and even a little sad, how come you had never told him about your past? You knew him, even the hideous parts that plague his nights of pure nightmare and remorse.
You knew everything, and when the subject about how you ended being Tony adopted child came up you would only answer with 'he saved me from a bad life’, no one knew how bad it truly was.
And now he was in a house pretty far away from all the responsibilities and duties of a hero. Just two stubborn people who had the chance to finally have a real conversation.
When Steve left both of you there he said “take care of her, and please try to talk with Y/N. She misses you as much as you miss her.”
Then he saw Steve going to hug you and paid attention to how sad and exhausted you were, it wasn’t easy to be a target as the bad guy and treated as such, and with the whole chaos, you were the target now.
A really exceptional one for the matter.
Bucky took a deep breath and tried to calm his instincts of avoiding the whole feelings position. But then you talked to him and he remembered Steve’s words dancing on his subconscious.
Things lead to another and then you were in front of him offering support like you weren’t suffering or terrified of your current life situation.
His eyes darted to your lips but then you did the same to his, you closed the space so slowly and when the electricity of your lips brushing so slightly against each other made him feel like the innocent 18 years old kid that tried his bests attempts to impress a dame back in the day.
He was ready to deepen the kiss and hold you tight against his body, but he sensed some steps and then the door opened making him retrieve his actions and take his gun and protect you of whoever would that be. But the person was apparently someone so close that you’d skip Bucky’s existence and devoted your entire attention to the Jordan guy.
How could you two been almost kissing in seconds ago and now you are staring at another man as he was the love of your life?
Bucky frowned his eyebrows, he thought that you probably regretted what would have happened and now you’ll try to ignore the fact that both had almost kissed, reasonably only heat of the moment, you were exhausted of all the stress and was probably seeking for some sexual relief.
Nothing besides that.
“Hmm,” Bucky got out of his thoughts and saw Jordan's hand in the air. “I said my name is Jordan and I’m glad to meet you,” Jordan said awkwardly, Bucky nodded and shook his hand with his flesh hand, he didn't answer.
You were confused about Bucky’s ministrations. “Jordan, this is my friend Buck. Buck, this is my old friend Jordan.” Bucky nodded and Jordan retrieved his hand to his jean pocket.
Bucky didn’t trust the man, five years? A lot of things can happen, he could be a spy or someone hired to kill you. Jordan cleared his throat. “Well I’ll let you guys settle down, I have a few things to fix so I’ll let you two alone.” He looked at both bodies while informed, making sure Bucky knew he wasn’t a threat. He looked at you and went for another hug. “It was really good to see you again.” You agreed.
You accompanied him to the door where he got the shotgun and whistled to Barsi. “My house is just west through the woods. You can’t miss it. If you need anything just come by.” You thanked him and closed the door sending a kiss to Barsi.
You stepped back to the kitchen and combed your hair with your fingers.
Bucky was with his arms crossed over his chest.
Two guns now decorated the countertop.
You looked at him and he was looking at the guns. “I met him when I was 14 years old, Tony hired him and his family to take care of the place while we were gone, and well that means constantly.” You admitted with a shy smile. You looked at the kettle, with everything that happened you had forgotten your coffee. “The water is probably cold by now.” He gave you a small smile.
“I’ll look around to make sure the place is safe.” He said leaving the place not pausing for your reply.
You closed your eyes and chewed your cheek, 'he slipped again’ you thought.
The following hours you hadn’t seen Bucky, if he wasn’t a strongly trained assassin you would be anxious about his whereabouts, but you know he can take care of himself.
You made your coffee and walked around the house sipping the hot liquid.
So many memories, it’s a shame you just got back in the house because circumstances got complicated.
When the coffee ended and your mug got empty, you washed the dishes and went to your room to unpack your bag.
Bucky had left it above the bed and you began to put the clothes in the wardrobe. His bags were in the room at the end of the hall, maybe even in his sleep, he required space between you two.
You thought about his previous words, if he was any other person you would believe it was a pure trick, but Bucky was different, as cliche, it might sounds, he wouldn’t lie to you.
Your fingertips touched your lips where his own brushed softly when it happened your heart was beating so fast you felt an eagerness to pull him closer and claim his lips.
But it got interrupted, probably it was for the best. Maybe if it had led further the whole situation would be awkward. Even more.
But Bucky approached too, it wasn’t you chasing his lips, he was chasing yours likewise. Perhaps he does like you, could it be possible? All the teasing Sam had done, all the expressions Wanda gave you whenever he passed through the living room…
No, if he did like you, he would have said something by now. He merely say anything philandering to you, just some jokes here and there of how his lines were before but never addressed them to you.
At least you suppose so.
Comments make me extremely happy.
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echoeternally · 5 years
Birthday Gift
Wow, I actually made one on time for once!
My friend @starlys​ has a birthday today, so I scribbled a quick one-shot for her. It’s a thank you too, since she spends time talking to me a lot about different things.
This one is very small, because I’m still trying to work on my other fanfics, but I’m happy to have something. And, for once, it’s not based on Pokémon! Yay me, I tried!
So, here, a small Fire Emblem: Echoes one-shot for my friend, below the cut. It’s about a pair of characters after the war, ten years later. Enjoy!
Out in some dark woods of Valentia, a woman in black wandered around from clearing to clearing. She brushed back her long, messy purple hair, and scanned the trees lined along the sides of the opening. Shaking her head, the woman tightened her grip on the dark purple tome that she carried, and ambled back into the woods.
 Though the enchantress kept her steady posture in powerful stride, her shoulders slumped a bit with her passing steps. She narrowed her eyes as she ventured further into the woods, and glanced at her surroundings.
 The trees grew tall, appeared grayer than normal ones, and had branches that tangled and twisted around one another. Bushes lining the sides and roots of the trees had thorns in them, deceptively hidden further into the bushes’ branches. Fungi were more common than wilted flowers, though both were sparse across the earth.
 “Not a pretty place,” murmured the woman, and she drummed on her tome as she carried on.
 “So then, what’s a pretty lady like you doing here?”
 Stopping cold in her tracks, the enchantress rolled her eyes. Pivoting around, she opened her tome as she caught sight of two bandits and a mercenary. Slightly, she smirked as she narrowed her gaze upon them.
 “Would ‘taking an evening stroll’ suffice as a response?”
 “Been waltzing around here for hours,” contested one of the bandits. “Try again.”
 “How long have you been watching me, exactly?”
 “Long enough,” snapped the mercenary. “Rumors were right. People went on and on about some mage that was part of the Queen’s old army a decade ago, how she disappeared one day.” He tightened his grip on his sword’s hilt. “Then they went on about how Nuibaba’s old place started to pick up again.” He gritted his teeth as he glared at her. “Pretty easy to put things together.”
 “So, you came out here to hunt me down?” She laughed. “How do you plan on accomplishing that one?”
 “With my help.”
 A mage stepped out from behind a tree, and opened his golden tome. He raised his arm, as light bindings wrapped around the woman’s wrists and dragged her back against a tree, cuffing her to it.
 A bandit laughed and hurried forward, twirling his axe in his hand. He pointed it at the enchantress, who scowled at him.
 “You really think we’d be stupid enough to come without magic of our own?”
 “If he’s all you brought, then that’s not going to do you any good,” taunted the woman. “But go ahead, try killing me here.”
 “Sonya is your name, isn’t it?” The enchantress blinked at the mage, an older man in white and red garbs. “You helped our Queen so many years ago. What happened?”
 “Let’s just go with me not wanting to let my beauty go to waste,” offered Sonya. “It’s a good reason to become a witch, right?”
 “Please, let us help you,” begged the mage. “Queen Anthiese would be heartbroken to see what’s become of her comrade.”
 “Doesn’t she go by Celica now?” Sonya chuckled and shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. The Queen doesn’t care that much for me. No one does.”
 “There must be someone—”
 “What does it matter, old man?” The mercenary stepped forward, unsheathing his blade. “She dies, here and now. The world will be a better place for it.”
 As he approached Sonya, a beam of light fired out between them. Sonya blinked and glanced toward the source of the magic.
 A woman in a pale rose dress stepped from the shadows of two trees, holding a long staff up. She brushed her curly coral hair back from over her eyes, and pointed her wand forward.
 Inhaling, Sonya gasped as a green mist swirled around her. Revitalized, she tugged against her magical restraints.
 The mage elder, nodding to the exemplar that appeared, waved his hand, releasing the enchantress from her bindings. He quietly departed from the area.
 “Hey! Hey, where do you think you’re going?!” The mercenary swept his sword out. “Old man, get back here!”
 “No, he’s got the right idea.” Sonya flipped her hair aside, as her tome’s pages flipped open on the ground beneath her. “You should run.”
 Launching a dark, magical skull from her tome and hands, Sonya fired out her hex, blasting one of the bandits to the ground. He jolted back up and sprinted back, as his companion raised his axe to defend him.
 “Oh no, you’re not getting off that easy,” snapped the mercenary.
 “Actually, she is,” called the exemplar. Her long staff crackled with light energy. “Unless you want this to be your final resting place, I suggest you and your men flee. Now!”
 “Is that…?” Sonya’s eyes widened. “The good little soldier?”
 “My name is Genny.” She narrowed her eyes and lifted her staff, intimidating the three soldiers away.
 “Yes, yes, I know, but I just…” Sonya shook her head. “What happened to your hair?”
 “It’s still curly, but now, well, you grew it out.”
 “Oh! Yes.”
 “Now we can’t call you the ‘little sheep’ anymore.”
 “Gods, Mae wasn’t kidding when she told me everyone called me that.” Genny sighed. “Sadly, yes, ‘little sheep’ grew up and sheared the wool. Or, um, let it go? One of those.”
 “No kidding.”
 Sonya smirked as she eyed Genny up and down, observing a few flowers that adorned her dress and staff. A teal shawl flowed down from her gold pauldrons. Each of these barely blocked the gauntlets on her wrists and the boots below her dress’s hem.
 “You certainly matured from the last time we met.”
 “Really?” Genny jerked back and cleared her throat. “Yes, well, I suppose that, over the years, I, ah—”
 “And now you’re back to the meek girl that I remember.”
 “Yeah, that’s fair.” Genny sighed. “Sometimes I think I’m better than who I used to be. But, a lot of days, I still feel like the same old me.” She pouted and placed her hand on her hip. “But I don’t think that’s too much of a bad thing…”
 “What brings you out here, anyway?” Sonya folded her arms. “If I remember correctly, you weren’t exactly the type to go out for adventures on your own.”
 “Uh.” Genny shrugged and grinned. “Would you believe me if I told you it was for research on my new story?”
 “Well, that is part of the reason,” insisted Genny. “But…the other part was because I heard about you being out here.” She tapped her cheek. “Not exactly you, but the descriptions that people nearby gave lined up with how I remembered you, so—”
 “If you make a crack about my age, I swear, I’ll—”
 “Oh, no! Not that at all.” She covered her face with her hand. “Gods, I still can’t believe how I acted around you during those years ago.”
 “Huh.” Sonya relaxed as she sank back. “Well, you’d be right, nowadays. I probably should be someone’s mother by now, huh?”
 “Are you?”
 “Oh, ok.”
 “You could add a little more sympathy to that,” muttered Sonya.
 “Sorry.” Genny picked at her staff, tracing the star shaped center of its head. “I just didn’t think you were looking to be a mother.”
 “I’m not.” Sonya huffed. “Still, just…oh, never you mind.” She shook her head and started to stroll away. “Thank you for your help. Not that it was needed, but—”
 “Sonya, wait!” Genny chased after the enchantress. “Please, where are you going?”
 “Back to my new abode, since that’s where I’m expected.” Sonya dragged her fingers past a tree’s broken branches, plucking a dangling twig away. “Shouldn’t keep people waiting on the new witch of the woods and Valentia, after all.”
 “Witch? Is that really what you’re doing?” Genny followed after Sonya, hugging her staff close to her. “Queen Celica won’t want to hear that.”
 “She does still go by Celica, then.” Sonya smiled. “Good to know.” She shook her head. “But what does it matter to her, what I do?” She pivoted back to Genny. “Isn’t she happy, helping bring Valentia forward to the future, together with that precious King Alm of hers?”
 “Of course, but she still checks on her friends all the time,” reasoned Genny. “I told her that I was coming out here to find you, and she wished me well, and hoped that I would tell her about your new life.” She softly smiled as Sonya spun away. “The Queen was hoping to see you again, some day, too.”
 “So, you’re an errand girl now.”
 “That’s…well, sometimes, I guess.” Genny sighed. “But, I don’t really see it that way, and Celica doesn’t really put anything upon me.” She frowned and gazed down to the earth. “Are you just going to walk away from me?”
 “Kind of what I’m trying to do.”
 “Then you really are like my mother.” She glanced back up as Sonya flinched and stopped in her tracks.
 “Cheap shot, Genny.” Sonya whirled back around. “Fair, but cheap too.”
 “It got you to stop, at least.”
 “Fine.” Sonya folded her arms again. “What are looking to have me do?”
 “Come with me.” Genny stepped forward, and placed her staff into the earth. “We can go back, see Celica and the others around—”
 “That doesn’t do anything for me, Genny.” Sonya leaned back, letting her hair droop over her face. “Just look at me. I’m becoming the witch that Jedah would’ve made me.”
 “But you’re not.” Genny brought her hands up with Sonya’s. “The fact that you’re still you means that you haven’t jumped from that cliff yet.”
 “Not yet, that’s right.”
 “Don’t you see?” She smiled to her friend again. “I’m here, now. You don’t have to.”
 “Genny, I left you years ago.” Sonya frowned. “Why are you here, chasing after me, when I’ve caused you more harm than good?”
 “Actually, you gave me a confidant that I never had before.” Sucking in on her cheek, Genny blushed. “When we talked, after our first few times, I felt like I could really open up around you. And I thought you were around me too.”
 “I did.”
 “So, I wanted to keep that going.” Genny cupped Sonya’s hands close to her chest. “You left five years ago, and at first, I was hurt because I thought you abandoned me. But then I figured that I had done something wrong.”
 “It wasn’t you at all.” Sonya flipped her hair aside. “I told everyone that I was looking to cure witches from their ailments so long ago.”
 “Right, that’s why I didn’t follow you immediately,” explained Genny. “Three years ago, they told me that you had disappeared in a remote region, and I’ve been looking for you ever since then. Rumors led me here.”
 “Wait, back up.” Sonya raised an eyebrow. “You…spent three years searching for me? On your own?”
 “Not entirely on my own.” Genny smiled. “Leon, Valbar, Saber, and even Kamui helped me out a few times. Mae and Boey helped with researching locations. Even Celica wanted to come along a few times, and made sure that I had the money and resources to travel.”
 “They…all chipped in? That much?” Sonya deflated. “…For me?”
 “Yes, Sonya!” Genny beamed. “We missed you terribly! Especially me.”
 “…Gods, how could I have…?” Sonya took her hands from Genny and brushed tears from her eyes. “And especially you, Genny, I…I’m sorry, I—”
 “Don’t. I only wish I had been clearer years ago,” admitted Genny. “You’re beautiful to me, Sonya. And I don’t ever want to lose you again.” She inched closer to the enchantress. “So…please. Come home with me. Let’s be each other’s family now.”
 “Genny…” Sonya sobbed and sniffed into a chuckle. “Gen, I’m not going to be your mother.”
 “That’s…ok, that’s really not where I was going with this.” Genny sighed. “I, um, I wanted you to…well, at least, you and I could maybe…”
 “…Here, let me…” Genny leaned close to Sonya and kissed her cheek. “Does, um, is that ok?”
 “…You’re adorable, Genny.”
 Sonya smirked and leaned close to Genny, as she brought her lips to the exemplar’s. They remained close together in the woods for a little while, until Genny finally won Sonya over once more.
 Outside of the King and Queen’s castle courtyard, at a small market organized in the streets below, a woman with bright, flowing pink hair gasped as Genny finished telling her about her latest story.
 “And that’s what I wrote so far.”
 “So, that woman in the story, the exemplar, was…was that based on you?”
 “Ah, a little bit, yeah.”
 “And then she fought off a whole horde of bandits?!”
 “Not exactly a horde…well, in the story, yes, but—”
 “After that, she meets her true love?”
 “At the manor above the woods, yes.” Genny giggled. “Mae, just give me a second, I’m trying to get to that part.”
 “But then that means you—”
 “I’m getting to that!”
 “Wait, wait, wait.” Mae placed her hands on her hips. “You? Genny, sweet and innocent little Genny, fell in love? With…with someone we traveled with?” She gawked as Genny shrugged and giggled. “Wait, but, I’m with Boey, Celica is with Alm, so you…who did you end up with?!”
 She only gave Mae a smile after her enigmatic laugh. Mae chuckled and rolled her eyes.
 “Well, he’s certainly a lucky man, that’s for sure!”
 Glancing a little past Mae, spotting Sonya glancing over a merchant’s supplies.
  Both women subtly smirked at one another.
~The End~
Jfc, they got rid of line breaks, and I hate them for this, because this looks ugly and you can’t tell when the story is actually over without something tacky added on. Also, I have to double check formatting because Tumblr just loves posting spacing in the worst way, yay! This website sucks.
Hooray, you read through it! I hope you enjoyed it!
I wanted to make a story mostly based on Sonya, and I scoured over her Wiki page details. And then I read her ending and I was like, “Wow, that sucks. What happened to all of her friends?” (Yes, she does have friends. She joined Celica, she has no choice.) So, I tried my hand at that!
Ten years seemed like a fair time skip to allow the events of Echoes to pass and work on the post-game endings. After all, if you tell me Alm and Celica got married and ran Valentia when they’re like 12 (actually 17), like, no. Hence, time passing for things.
Since Sonya’s primary relationship (barring Celica) is with Genny, I decided to go with the two of them together. Besides, they seemed kind of nice together, given their dynamic. Also, I wanted to try reversing how we’d expect them, since it’s Sonya who needs help finding herself and Genny who fights to help her out. Also, it makes Genny’s canon ending gay, and I live for that.
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got. Hope you liked it, @starlys!
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ayanamimon · 6 years
IMPACT // Island Confrontation
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As Golurk touched down on Utmost Island, Rei climbed onto their shoulder to survey the landscape. The island wasn’t large by any stretch of the imagination; from the looks of things, it would barely be able to fit downtown Jubilife and nothing more.
While heavy, lush foliage covered the island, Rei could make out the very top of some sort of temple sticking out over the trees. If Mew was going to be anywhere, it was there.
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“You ready?” Asuka asked as her girlfriend jumped down to the ground. “They might already be here... if I were you, I’d send out Zee or Banette. Probably both.”
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“...good idea.” Golurk would soon find themselves back inside their ball, recalled in favor of Zee. The cybernetic Pokemon noticed the temple in the distance and began to speed ahead by himself, but Asuka’s Talonflame stepped in to keep that from happening. “Not quite yet, Zee... we need to wait for Dr. Akagi before-”
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Speak of the devil. “I’m ready. Ready as I’ll ever be, at least.” Ritsuko handed Magnezone’s ball back to Rei, having used them to get to the island. “I’m assuming you’ll lead the way, Rei?”
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Rei nodded. As she looked back towards the temple, her eye twitched... while she didn’t show it, or at least tried not to, it infuriated her that she would have to confront the man who created her again. 
But if he was going to force her to show up, she’d make sure this would be the absolute last time.
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She didn’t respond; she simply began marching ahead, Zee by her side. Asuka and Ritsuko exchanged a concerned glance before they followed Rei down the winding, overgrown path leading to the temple.
Shining a small light from his eyes, Zee led the way as Rei, Asuka, and Ritsuko followed down the temple’s main hall. Even with the illumination, they found themselves struggling to see well. Occasionally, paths branching off to the sides of the hall could be seen, but the layout seemed rather straightforward; it was better they keep moving ahead. They didn’t want to get lost, after all.
As the hall came to an end, Zee’s light shone upon what seemed to be the entrance to the main room, guarded by an enormous stone door... that had been blasted right through.
They’d been beaten here.
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“Scheiße... Scheiße, we’re too late, aren’t we?” Asuka stamped her foot on the ground out of frustration. “Dammit, I knew this wou-”
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“Quiet.” After shushing Asuka, Rei cloaked herself beneath her hood and crouched down as she peered through the shattered door. Sunlight illuminated the room through a hole in the ceiling, shining down on an ancient shrine that appeared to be dedicated to Mew. In front of it stood two old men, two men Rei instantly recognized. Two men whose very presence made Rei’s blood boil.
With Zee ready to attack, she stepped through the door, hands balled into fists.
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“Back away from the shrine.” Her voice echoed through the cavernous room, prompting Charon and Lorenz to turn around. “I do not want to fight... I hope you understand that provoking Mew and Arceus will lead to... disastrous consequences.”
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Lorenz, seeming slightly taken aback by Rei’s presence, shook his head. “Quite the contrary... perhaps you may see the consequences as disastrous. However, Instrumentality... uniting all souls into a single, collective existence... it will completely erase the imperfections of human nature. Why would you oppose such a thing?”
Sensing a fight, the old man released his Malamar. “All the conflict and discord in this world can be traced back to our flaws as a species. Our physical weaknesses, our mental insecurities... all of that would be eliminated by a single, perfect existence. Granted... I’m not surprised that you wouldn’t understand. From what your father has told me, you seem rather... incapable... of comprehending such things.”
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“He is not my father.” Her growing fury had begun to bleed into her voice; it took on an aggressive tone very rarely heard from Rei. As she looked over towards Charon only to see a mocking smirk on his face, she continued, “He does not have the slightest idea of what my life is like... everything he says stems from my refusal to be his perfect little doll.”
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Ritsuko stepped forward, trailed by her hulking Metagross. “Quit deflecting, Mr. Lorenz. What you call a ‘perfect existence’ is what the rest of us would consider tantamount to genocide. I’d recommend you stand down and turn Charon in before you make things worse for not only yourself, but all life on the planet.”
Lorenz stood stoically for a few moments, as if he were contemplating Ritsuko’s ultimatum; it really was difficult to decipher him beneath the visor he wore.
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“Malamar, deal with this before it becomes a headache.” He turned away, acting almost as if the confrontation wasn’t worth his time, as his Malamar suddenly flashed out of sight. Zee beeped frantically as he tried to locate where the squid would re-materialize; it would be right behind him, and before anyone could realize it, the Malamar let loose a brutal Superpower attack on the unsuspecting Zee.
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“Holy shit...! Talonflame, Sturzflug, now!” Asuka’s Talonflame would indeed be the next to go after the Malamar, flying up as high as the temple’s ceiling would allow before tucking their wings in and diving straight at their target.
Normally, this would have been a fantastic move; the Malamar had just performed the immensely draining Superpower, meaning its guard would be down. At least, that would’ve been the case had its ability not been Contrary. Instead of taking the impactful Brave Bird like Asuka had expected, the Malamar smashed its tentacles against the ground, lifting up large chunks of stone with its psychic powers and flinging them at Talonflame. Already mid-attack, Talonflame had no chance to dodge the oncoming Rock Slide, and they crashed to the ground hard.
As both Asuka and Rei rushed to check on their fallen Pokemon, only Ritsuko’s Metagross remained standing. The monstrous metal arachnid stormed ahead, seemingly preparing to unleash a Meteor Mash. The Malamar, however, had other plans, again warping out of harm’s way. This time, though, Metagross guessed correctly that it’d show up right behind him, and turned to swing at the Malamar when it did.
Not even catching on to its tricks would save the Steel-type, though; as the Malamar re-materialized, its Contrary-backed strength allowed it to counter the attack easily before unleashing a flurry of Night Slashes on its target. Metagross tried to stay upright after the barrage, even with their body sliced up by the Malamar, but ended up collapsing.
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Fear took hold of fury as Rei, clutching Zee in her arms, looked up to see her creator and Lorenz glaring at her. That Malamar... she didn’t know exactly what it had been put through, but it seemed nigh-unstoppable. If it could make such short work of some of their most powerful Pokemon, then...
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“Hmph.” Lorenz reached into his coat; Rei’s immediate instinct was that he had a gun, but once she saw the purple top half of an empty Master Ball, she almost wished she’d been right. “It really wouldn’t have mattered if you did defeat my Malamar. It wouldn’t have stopped me from capturing Mew... do you see now, Ayanami? How foolish you are?”
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“Big talk for someone who thinks he can tell Arceus what to do,” Asuka suddenly cut in, marching between Rei and Lorenz. “Listen, arschloch, you don’t even know if Mew’s gonna show up, so what’s the point of-”
“Malamar.” At Lorenz’s command, the Malamar suddenly began flashing its lights, emitting a strange psychic energy that manifested as a beam aimed at Asuka’s head. Once it made contact, the redhead suddenly stopped talking, her eye going wide as the vivid blue iris faded to white. Her knees buckled, and as she slumped to the ground, Asuka simply stared ahead blankly, not moving or speaking at all.
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“What in the goddamn... was that... was that Simple Beam? Is that... really capable of-” Ritsuko would be hit by a similar beam shortly after, and just like Asuka, she collapsed, the Simple Beam having completely blanked her mind.
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“Impressive... isn’t it?” For the first time in the entire confrontation, Charon spoke; by this point, Rei was actively dreading having to hear his voice. “You know, Rei... I... imagine you try to avoid reading about my accomplishments... so I thought you’d be interesting in knowing I was the one who discovered Simple Beam could put humans in a mindless state. Very convenient way of eliminating... distractions.”
Charon appeared to be in better shape than during Rei’s visit, but not by much; when he crouched down to look Rei in the eyes, he visibly struggled, and his voice still sounded strained and weak. Nevertheless, his very presence was a haunting one, akin to a terrible nightmare that just wouldn’t go away. “Now, listen to me... Mr. Lorenz here was gracious enough to get me out of that personal hell in exchange for my scientific expertise. I am not about to let a little freak like you ruin this for me... so I suggest you take your mindless friends home and let us continue with our work.”
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“Fuck you.” The moment Rei moved to tear her creator limb from limb, Lorenz’s Malamar fired off its third Simple Beam, causing her to unceremoniously faceplant on the ground, her mind empty.
It would come just in time, too; shortly after he returned the Dark-type to its ball, Lorenz noticed the legend they had come for had finally shown themself. Mew peered out from behind the shrine dedicated to them, curiously watching those two old men.
By the time Mew noticed Lorenz possessed a Master Ball, though, it was too late; they were sucked inside the moment it bounced against their head, and no amount of thrashing would be enough to break free before the capture was processed.
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“Well... that concludes the first step.” Lorenz moved to retrieve the Master Ball as nonchalantly as if it were merely a Starly inside. “Now that Mew is in our possession, we can proceed with the creation of the vessel... which, considering their basis happened to come to us...”
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“Hey... you said it yourself.” Still lingering over the simplified Rei, Charon produced a scalpel. “She’s a foolish little brat.” Carefully brushing back his creation’s steel-blue hair, he made an incision in the side of her neck, from which slightly orange-tinted blood began to leak. He allowed it to drip into an empty vial he’d brought, sealing it shut and stowing it away in his lab coat once he had enough.
Charon stood, beginning to walk back towards the ruined door. “I think we’ve spent enough time here... let’s get going. There’s work to be done.”
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“Of course.” With that, Lorenz followed his accomplice out of the temple, the Master Ball containing Mew gripped tightly in his palm.
Their three would-be saboteurs were left lying in the empty shrine room. The wound on Rei’s neck continued to drip orange-red blood, forming a small puddle on the ground beside her.
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jelanisaeed · 4 years
Round 3: VS Shadow Salazzle - Legends Part 3
Chapter 3! Probably the best change I've made lol. Not only will be seeing more of Paxton but Turquoise as well. And a little twist. I'll get into timelines later down the road but I'm taking some liberties with source material as you can tell. It's definitely set in the future from the Pokemon Adventures manga, but I'm implementing game-related topics that weren't touched upon. I hope they will be though! I'd love to see what the writers will do with it!
Now, this chapter was also inspired by the Calling All Lovers album by Tamar Braxton. Most notably, Never. That song is so beautiful and powerful.
Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!
Pokémon Adventures: Turquoise, Jasper, & Ammolite
Round 3: VS Shadow Salazzle – Legends Part 3
Location: Lake Verity Date: August 4th , 3000 Time: 8:00pm
Fire had never been Paxton's friend. Not just because his team comprised of bug and grass types. It went deeper than that. Flames destroyed everything in their path. What remained could never be salvaged. Much like his home. Destroyed in the blaze, many remembered. They forgot, however, that he sat inside his room when the flames ran rampant.
For as long as he remembered, Paxton loathed flames. And these flames were no different. Regardless of the beautiful pokémon it came from. Those purple flames killed all it touched. And left the air reeking of a foul aroma. Thank Arceus he stumbled away when he did.
He stood before the sultry beast and bit his lip. His pokémon weren't far. All they needed was one opening to tip the scales. Times like this made him wish for a battle notebook. Maybe he should start compiling one…
"A Shadow Pokémon."
Ah shit. That freak from Lake Verity stood behind him. Horrified with his mouth agape. No ugly bug in sight, though. Instead, a cute little penguin stood at his feet. A piplup if he remembered right. Lucky freak, Paxton snorted. Still, everything about him seemed different. Down to his outfit. Could have passed for a ranger if he had not traded the orange for blue. Or tied that dumb bandanna across his forehead. What a weirdo.
"Get outta here," Paxton grounded out. The lizard hissed as purple flames danced across its scales. "It's dangerous!"
The lizard spat a gout of purple flames. This time, though, Paxton was ready. He leaped aside and threw a few pebbles at it. Didn't do much but annoy it. An easy distraction for Kiri. She jumped out of the foliage and unleashed a spiraling barrage of leaves onto it.
"You're up, Mitsu!" His vespiquen flew down from above and raked her claws against it. It winced. Mitsu continued her onslaught. Only to fly back when it retaliated with a burst of purple flames. "Yeah, that's the way!"
Kiri went in to join the fight. Just when a fireball smashed into her back! She stumbled right into a tail slap from the lizard, leaving her sprawling against the grass.
"Kiri! The hell was—"
"—That pokémon is a salazzle." Weirdo interjected, walking over with a strange handheld in his grasp. "She called for help."
For help? The hell was this weirdo talking—
From the bushes, a pair of strange pokémon emerged. Like pre-evolved versions of that lizard—salazzle or whatever. Each with a pair devious grins as they spat more fireballs at Kiri's back. "Where did they come from?" Mitsu flew in for another strike when another lizard took the strike inside. And that salazzle headbutted Mitsu away. "How?"
"Salazzle attracts male salandits with her pheromones." Weirdo stated, glancing at his handheld. "They do anything for her."
That explains it. Still, there had to be a countermeasure for this. Maybe if he sent out another pokémon—Gama could divert their efforts!
"If we wanna defeat Salazzle, we'll hafta handle her cronies!" Snatching some cool luxury balls off his belt, Weirdo threw two pokémon into battle with a cry of "Shine on!" A shinx and starly appeared in a burst of light and smoke. The duo rushed the salandits, knocking them away from Kiri. "These pokémon aren't native to Sinnoh so they shouldn't be much more of them. Nor should they be that tough."
And he was right. They collapsed quickly and only three more came to replace them. Not like the houndour packs that loved ambushing trainers.
He's pretty smart, Paxton mused. Still a weirdo though.
"Now, we gotta keep it from dealin' damage! Reuno, Motha!" He summoned two more pokémon. This time, that ugly bug rushed into battle, Followed by…a floating head? Gross! What was with this guy and ugly pokémon? "Reuno, raise our defensives! Motha, knock her around!"
Pulses of light surged around their pokémon. And the fireballs looked smaller than before. Kiri withstood them long enough to knock out a salandit with a swing of her scythes. The starly and shinx followed suit and took out the last two without trouble. Even Mitsu managed to shrug off a gout of purple fire and slash the lizard!
Must be Light Screen. A wave of colorful energy slammed into the salazzle and it shrieked. An easy opening for Mitsu to score another Slash. And that had to be Psybeam.
They had a good momentum going. Hit and run tactics mainly. Even with the Light Screen, Salazzle proved dangerous. With vicious slashes with its tail, it kept them at bay. And breathed toxic flames when it felt necessary. Paxton knew the stat boost wouldn't matter for long. They needed to finish this fast.
"I'm outta ideas," Paxton confessed, stealing a glance at the weirdo. Even he looked concerned as sweat beaded his brow. "Got a plan?"
Weirdo bit his lip. "Kinda. We're outmatched so we can't muscle it down."
"You called it something. A Shadow Pokémon. What do you mean by that?"
Weirdo shook his head. "You wouldn't be able to tell. Shadow Pokémon have dark auras and closed hearts."
Paxton pursed his lips. He had heard about them before. Off in a distant region, there had a rise of them. Maybe a decade or two ago. Hard to believe someone would continue such monstrous practices.
"So, what do we do?"
"I could stun her…" Weirdo glanced at his piplup. It hadn't joined in the fight yet, but something told him it wanted to. Had to be the angered gleam in its eyes. "But I needa touch her."
…Forget that, this man lost his mind! How did he think that would happen? Their pokémon kept that lizard at bay, but that didn't save them from danger. Those purple flames scorched much of tall grass and drove off many of the wild pokémon. Powerful tail slashes severed trees and even stuck a few pokémon. Getting in close wouldn't be that simple.
"Let's say I agree with this dumbass plan of yours," he began slowly as his fingers danced at his belt. Push come to shove, he had Gama. "How would this work?"
"Same tactics," Weirdo stated and shared a nod with his piplup. "We just gotta douse her a bit."
Douse her—Salazzle hissed and pinned down that ugly bug. Would've taken her out had the floating head not blasted it with a strange pulse of heated energy. "Right, is that supposed to be easy?" Mitsu dove in but it knocked her down with another slash of its tail. "We're getting our asses handed to us."
His starly and shinx were the first knocked out. Burned by the purple flames at close range. Kiri fell soon after. Poor girl—the second battle she lost today.
"Not, but nothin' ever is." His piplup rushed into the battle with loud chirps. Salazzle swung its tail, but Piplup side-stepped and circled it. With each step, blue feathers fluttered through the air and Salazzle hissed. "Empola, keep the Feather Dance going!"
Paxton sighed. Well if that's the case. Bomie the budew jumped out of his heal ball and hopped in place.
"Bomie! Water Sport!"
A burst of water rained down and Salazzle's flames sizzled. Their pokémon took advantage and blasted it, but it still stood tall through it.
"Everyone, back up!" Weirdo barked and the pokémon back up. All except for his piplup with glowed in blue light. "Empola! Water Pledge!"
A wave of crystal blue cascaded onto Salazzle and it screamed! And Weirdo rushed into in. Just as the wave splashed off the lizard's skin, he went and pushed his hand on her forehead. It…don't look like much to him. But it made the lizard hack and hiss. Soon it stumbled away, gasping for air as the flames died around it.
"Run!" Gathering his piplup, Weirdo took off. And Paxton followed suit.
This is the weirdest day ever!
Finally, they made it a good distance away. Drenched in sticky sweat none the less. Still, Turquoise claimed this as a victory. Thank Master Doryu for the extensive training. Never thought it would pay off, but…
I needed it, he frowned and took a glance at his team. Only Empola stood battle-ready, but even she had her limits. The last attack draining her plenty. Gotta get to Sandgem Town soon.
"Hey, um…" Stranger spoke up for the first time since the night. Eyes low as he hugged his budew close. Until the soft night sky, Turquoise couldn't tell if tears accompanied the sadness the teen felt. "I gotta tell you something."
His vespiquen nodded, even shoved his shoulder. Stranger flinched but didn't make a retort. Turquoise expected as much. Rude or not, this trainer cared for his pokémon. And even valued their opinions. Not a sentiment many shared. Turquoise saw many trainers who berated their teammates and sent them into losing battles. All for poorly thought out dreams of grandeur. What a waste.
"I'm sorry…for calling you a weirdo and freak and stuff." Stranger started. Their eyes met and his emerald eyes shined through the darkness. "Thank you for helping me back there."
"Hehe, no problem." Turquoise grinned. "I'm sorry Motha attacked you like that."
"Yeah…well, I should introduce myself properly then. I'm Paxton Lotus of Floaroma Town."
Paxton Lotus…it suited him. From his short green coils to his emerald eyes. Even his outfit. A simple white t-shirt paired with dark green joggers and heavy brown gardening boots. Even his brown belt with its full array of heal balls and a green leaf buckle. A true trainer from the town of flowers.
And a cute guy.
"Nice to meetcha!" Turquoise blushed but hold out his hand. "I'm Turquoise Yukule of Twinleaf Town!" They shook hands, and the sensation flooded Turquoise with joy. A new friend! Finally! "Newest Pokédex Holder of Sinnoh."
"Wait, what?!"
Turquoise laughed and withdrew his pokédex. It started up, running through a burst of code he couldn't hope to understand. Before long, it faded into a smiling picture of him from his graduation. Back when he had his hair braided in cornrows.
"Porygon Pokédex Model 1," a computerized voice started up, "belonging to Turquoise Yukule of Twinleaf Town. If lost, please return to Professor Kapok of Ancient Island or Professor Rowan of Sandgem Town."
"Surprised, huh? All thanks to your package!"
Without it, Turquoise feared he would never leave. But now, he stood tall beyond the safety of home. Ready to take the world by storm.
Sooo, how'd y'all like it? I'm getting better with fight scenes, but not perfect yet. Still, I enjoyed writing this one.
In the previous version, it was a Shadow Absol, but then I was like...symbolism! Think of the symbolism! And thus came Shadow Salazzle and her pesky Salandits! Just wanna say Salazzle is one of my favorite pokemon introduced in Sun and Moon. I used her on my first Moon playthrough and chileeeee, perfect! I had to bring her back and it was so much fun to write!
I did my best to keep it very Pokemon Adventures. I recently reread the Gold, Silver and Crystal Chapter and was inspired by the scene where the Masked Man's Houndour called for a pack against Lt. Surge. I felt like I needed to keep my fights with that kind of veil rather than thinking about it in the style of the anime.
Initially, during the fight, I was gonna have Vespiquen and Salazzle have a rivalry, but think I realized I couldn't😢😭 If only Vespiquen knew Attack Order. Butttt, who's to say she won't be back?
And yup, Shadow Pokemon! They're gonna be very important to this series, don't you worry. And another one too! Once I finally get to it lol.
Oh! And I added a new pokemon to Turquoise's team! I feel like an Empath needs a psychic type, but I didn't wanna do ralts lol. Soooo, we got Solosis instead! Great because it fits him stats-wise and personality-wise.
Now, we're done with Turquoise and Paxton for now! Time to move onto the next Sinnoh Dex Holder! He's probably a new favorite of mine. I definitely didn't know what I was doing with him when I first made him, but now he's awesome.
As always, feel free to review or PM me with your opinions!
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