#i need them to release a studio version asap
sunmisbf · 2 years
so obsessed w this part
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jonberry555 · 7 months
Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection Review
I am playing on a Windows PC via Steam.
Its okay, but has problems. If you already own SWBF Classic and SWBF2 Classic in some form, then I would not recommend buying the classic collection at this time. While many have called the game unplayable, I think that is going a bit too far. I would describe it as janky. It needs a lot of polishing.
There are broken elements, not game breaking, but infidelity frustrating. You can still play the game, but you will not get a better experience than the originals.
Aspyr needs to patch the game ASAP if they wish to salvage their launch and their reputation, which is already not so good. They need to allow you to invert starfighter controls -- actually they are inverted already, so they need to allow you to put them back to normal. Some cutscenes are not triggering, so they need to fix that -- in all honestly this is the worst for me as how do you not realize the ending cutscenes are not triggering. They need to improve the controls as they are janky, I in no way expect them to be as good as modern game controls, but it could be improved. Multiplayer needs to be improved, mostly with fixing latency issues, but with SWBF2 each time I finish a round, I was unable enter the next round.
We do need to remember that these are 20 year old games and even remastered, they will not hold up to the same standards as modern games, however that does not excuse having so many bugs and errors at launch; especially bugs and errors not present originally. Also, it would have been nice if they could have improved the AI, even in the original SWBF2 the AI was always bugged on Naboo, would have been nice if they could have fixed that.
Also, it seems to me for the PC they ported it from a console version, when they would have just built off the original PC port of the game as there are UI differences for SWBF2.
But this launch reveals a bigger problem in the game industry as a whole beta testing. Obviously some errors are going to slip by and not be caught, but it seems like more and more games are having major issues at launch. It is clear to me, that game development studios are operating with bare bones staff. Hiring more staff would help, but I think they need to do more Public Betas.
Studios, especially Aspyr based on this, seem to have a limited amount of beta testers. an Public Beta, would allow them have large numbers of people with different systems and play styles to test their games and look for bugs and errors that need to be fixed. Regardless if the game is an original, remake, or remaster All games need to be tested en masse. Public Betas are the easiest way to accomplish this (and the cheapest).
I do think Public Betas should be free for anyone to participate in, so that they can get as many people as possible, as a cost may discourage some people. I think it would be mutually beneficial for games and the industry to have free public betas, due to how many can be reached. The actually release version of the game can still have a cost, but give those who participated in the public beta a discount. This could also encourage people to participate in the beta knowing they can get a discount on the release version.
Another game I play is Hearts of Iron IV, they have a lot of DLCs, but sometimes new DLCs are not fully compatible with old DLCs. They do play test, but the players always find a bunch of errors. I believe this is because us players are way more likely to just do random stuff, stuff that cannot be predicted and stuff no one though would be tried together. This is especially true when you have games with a lot of permutations on how the game can go.
If all games used public betas, a lot of this stuff that is missed in house can be caught before release. However, Aspyr allowed many obviously errors, that they should have caught, to be in the release game. An inexcusable amount of erros.
I myself am considering asking for a refund because of these errors as while I can play the game these errors are annoying and since I already own both games on PC and on the original Xbox, I can still play singleplayer games without these issues. I am going to wait to see if they release a patch, though. They have two weeks for a patch to be released as that is how long Steam's refund policy lasts; if they is nothing after those 14 days, I'm asking. Since Steam also has a 2 hour game play policy, I am not going to touch the game during these two weeks as I am still under that time, because while exceptions can be made, I would want it as easy as possible should it be needed.
But in conclusions, if you already have the original Battlefront games or are on the fence, this is currently not worth your money. Wait to see if they patch it, if they don't don't bother purchasing it.
Also, you can purchase the original PC versions on Steam for cheaper anyway, so if you play games on the PC and want to play the original Battlefront games, you can do so.
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sh5 · 1 year
i agree they killed that fucking song. i need them to upload the other version to spotify asap or paypal me some money either works i guess
I showed it to my mom and, though neither of us actually know what went on, she introduced the theory that the studio version was recorded before the live performances and released late…because it just sounds like a demo of the live version. instruments are stripped, melodies are sacrificed for (albeit interesting) throaty screams, THEY GOT RID OF THE FLUTE????, rhymes are absent and replaced with silence for no reason (which fucks up the energy so much), the backing vocals are gone or drowned out, the percussion is mixed SO loud, it’s really just a dumpster fire that sounds like an !!!!!unfinished demo!!!!!!!
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ncssian · 4 years
A Favor: Part Nine
Nessian Modern AU
a/n: reading canon eris discourse literally makes me dizzy but in this fic he's pretty chill
“Any plans for Thanksgiving?” Emerie asks as they stroll between the shelves of the library.
Nesta runs her finger down the spine of a textbook on corporate law. “Not really,” she murmurs distantly.
She’s been doing her best not to think of the upcoming holidays, in fact. Cassian is going to Velaris for Thanksgiving, and of course Feyre invited Nesta as well, but…
She’s always ignored her sister’s holiday invites, but this year is different. Cassian, a recent constant in her life, will be gone, enjoying himself for the first time in months without her presence. And Nesta will be at the cabin alone, because of course she can’t celebrate Thanksgiving with Feyre’s found family. Being friends with Cassian hasn’t changed that.
“Well,” Emerie is saying, “a bunch of us can’t go home for the holidays for one reason or another, so we’re hosting a small Friendsgiving at my apartment. You’re invited.”
Nesta glances at her, surprised. “Who’s going to be there?”
“The same guys from drinks night: Eris, Justinian, Isaac. Maybe a plus one or two if we’re lucky.” She elbows Nesta. “Maybe a girl for me to take home.”
“I thought the party was at your home already?”
“You know what I mean. Anyway, are you coming?”
Nesta purses her lips. “But you said it was a Friendsgiving. Those guys aren’t my friends.”
Emerie looks at her like she's insane. “Uh, why not?”
“Because,” Nesta states, “we’ve only had one real interaction all semester.”
Emerie scoffs. “You talk to them all the time in class, Nesta.”
“Yes. Out of necessity.”
Emerie raises a high brow. “That’s how you view spending time with us? A ‘necessity’?”
She’s upset, and Nesta doesn’t know what she said wrong. “That’s not what I meant,” she tries to say.
“Then what did you mean?”
“I just…” Nesta shrugs. “I thought it took more to make friends than a single night out.” Those are the rules, right?
Emerie narrows her dark eyes at her. “I’m sorry we’re not up to standard, then. But for your information, those guys liked you. I’m sure they considered you a friend.” She turns to leave, but Nesta is so stunned she can’t even try to stop her. The click of Emerie’s heels resonate long after she’s gone.
“Hey,” Cassian comes up to her later that day. “About Thanksgiving—”
Nesta drops her dinner plate onto the island with a clatter. “What is it with everybody and Thanksgiving?” Her voice is unnecessarily loud.
Cassian blinks. “Well, it’s only a few days away—”
“I know,” she says. “I’m fine staying home alone. We never celebrated Thanksgiving growing up, you know? It’s really not a big deal.”
“Will you let me finish, Nesta?”
Nesta presses her lips together.
Cassian takes a breath. “I think you should— I would really love it if you came to Velaris with me this weekend.”
There’s a silence as he waits for her to answer.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she says after a moment.
Before he can press the subject, she blurts, “I already have plans.”
“You do?” Nesta can’t tell if he sounds disappointed or surprised.
She straightens her back, lying through her teeth, “Yes. Some friends from school are getting together for a Friendsgiving, and I’m going.” She almost bites her tongue on the word friends. She doesn’t even know what that means anymore.
“That’s amazing,” Cassian says, though he still looks a little taken aback. “I’m glad.” He looks down at the marble counter then, trying to smile. “Sucks for me, though.”
Nesta huffs a laugh. “Please, like you won’t be having fun with your friends whether I’m there or not.”
He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, but why go for half the fun when I could go for double?”
“That’s not how math works,” she snipes.
Cassian grabs a fork so he can sit down across from Nesta. “Don’t you ever bring up correct math in this house again.” He points his silverware at her threateningly.
From there, they can devolve into their usual dinner habit of bantering that leads to more serious conversation. Cassian has recently been on a French movie binge, Nesta learns, and even though she despises the French, she listens closely to his analysis of each film and offers her own thoughts back. She even promises to rewatch one or two of his favorites at a later time. The giddiness he gives in return makes her almost wish she had accepted his invitation earlier, if only so she could keep making him happy.
God. What is he doing to her?
Later that night, Nesta pulls out her phone and opens up her messages with Emerie. She doesn’t want to have rejected Cassian just to end up staying home alone all weekend. She types out five different messages and erases them before settling on an apathetic, Is the invite for Thursday still on?
Emerie takes her time to reply, likely to punish Nesta. After some minutes, she finally texts, Yes.
It’s all she can expect from Emerie, and it’s all she needs to see.
Nesta: I’ll be there.
“Cassian!” Feyre swings open the door with an overjoyed smile, ready to greet him.
He laughs and steps in for a hug, going so far as to lift her feet off the floor. Because damn him, even with his conflicted feelings towards Feyre lately, he’s missed her. He’s missed all of his friends, even though he’s found something precious while he was away from them.
He’s ushered into the penthouse, which Feyre and Rhys insist on calling an “apartment”, as if that softens the blow of their extravagant wealth. Cassian and everybody else goes along with it, however, because the rich have committed worse crimes. At least that’s what Nesta says.
“Rhys is out getting last minute beer from the gas station,” Feyre says as she takes his overnight bag. “And you’re the first to arrive, which means I have you all to myself.” She whirls on him with a predatory gleam in her eye. “Tell me everything about the last two months with you and Nesta, ASAP.”
Cassian’s heart starts racing at the unexpected interrogation, but he laughs it off and shrugs. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’re just roommates.”
“Well, I know that.” Feyre rolls her eyes. “But what is it like? How is it going? Is she okay? Are you okay?”
Before he can answer a single question, Feyre goes on. “I haven’t heard from either of you in eons, it feels like. Is Nesta still picky about her foods touching? Does she get upset when you play music too loud? Does she—”
“Jesus, Feyre,” Cassian interrupts loudly. “Not everything in my life is about your sister. Give it a rest.” He takes his duffel bag back from her.
“I’m just curious!” she says indignantly, but Cassian is already heading up the winding stairs to his guest room, going as fast as he can without outright running.
“I need to get washed up!” he announces before Feyre can make him stop and come back for more questioning.
In the safety of his bedroom, he releases a breath.
If Cassian thought keeping Nesta’s health issues from Feyre was difficult, he couldn’t have predicted how painful it would be to hide his feelings for Nesta. Still, he doesn’t dare expose what he can’t yet define, especially not to his nosy-ass friends. Some things just aren’t matters for gossip.
Nesta hesitantly enters Emerie’s small studio apartment to a party in full swing; “full swing” being Justinian and Isaac playing video games on the couch while Emerie is in the kitchen area attempting to make drinks. Nesta stops near the kitchenette and crosses her arms, surveying the scene. “Something about this doesn’t look right,” she says aloud. Emerie doing the hard work while the men play? Antithetical to her very nature.
“I know,” is all Emerie says without looking up from whatever hellish concoction she’s whipping up. “But I’m the host, so this is my role.”
“Hey, Nesta,” the guys speak up together, not taking their eyes off the TV. Isaac is the first to break his concentration from the game, glancing at Nesta and doing a double take. “Woah, you look good today.” Is he blushing?
Emerie finally looks up at that, eyeing Nesta’s modest black dress. “A little funeral-chic, but still hot as ever, babe.” Right after, she makes a face at the term babe. “Nope, I tried it and I hate it.”
Nesta hates it just as much, but goes over to help Emerie with what she now realizes are oddly colored Jello shots. She picks up a little plastic cup with dark jelly in it and wiggles it around. “What color is this supposed to be?”
“Brown.” Emerie blows a piece of escaped hair out of her face. “They were supposed to be Thanksgiving themed.”
Nesta surveys the shots arranged in various fall colors. Definitely an interesting choice for a twenty-four year old law student, but what did Nesta know about parties?
“Where’s Eris?” she asks casually as she helps arrange more cups. Her argument with Emerie is far from forgotten, but the two women are too alike for their own good. They’ll ignore the lingering tension until it dissipates, and that will be the end of that.
Before Emerie can answer Nesta’s question, a loud bang comes from the entryway as the already open door hits the wall. Eris Vanserra sweeps inside in his designer coat and sophisticated boots, followed by a new, striking face. “It’s fucking freezing,” he announces, just as the new guy quietly shuts the door behind them.
“You’re late,” Emerie says in her usual flat tone.
“I had to pick up my twerp brother.” Eris tilts his head toward the redhead behind him.
“I didn’t ask to come,” the new guy, Eris’s brother, chimes in.
Nesta is perked up now, angling to get a better look at him. Same hair color, same eyes, different skin tone from Eris. He looks like the relaxed, unpretentious version of his brother. Someone pauses the video game.
“I’m Lucien,” he awkwardly raises a hand.
Justinian looks at everybody else. “I’m confused— does this mean we can finally replace Eris’s punk ass?”
The thought of an unexpected guest first makes Nesta clench up, especially when she’s seated right next to the damn guy at the dining table. New people means everything about the regular social routine will be changed up, and she isn’t at all prepared for it.
It takes maybe fifteen minutes for her to realize that Lucien is nothing to worry about— much quicker than she’s ever warmed up to a stranger before.
He has the affected quiet confidence of someone who would rather be anywhere else but here. No one knows that mask better than Nesta.
Against all odds, she’s the first to initiate a conversation.
“Why are you here?” she says bluntly.
No hello, no how are you. Fuck, this is why she doesn’t talk to people.
Lucien looks surprised at the sudden acknowledgment, but answers, “My plans got cancelled at the last minute.” His mouth tightens as he looks toward his brother. “So Eris dragged me here instead.”
“You don’t like your brother?”
Lucien narrows his eyes at her, defensive. “Is this an interrogation or something?”
Embarrassment heats Nesta’s face, but she hides it under her usual cold stare. “Never mind.”
She turns back to her food, refocusing on an anecdote Isaac is giving about a girl he met the other week. A moment later, Lucien says lowly, “I can’t stand my brother.”
She laughs a little too loudly at that, and everyone looks at her.
Isaac grins. “See, Nesta thinks it’s a funny story.”
Nesta frowns. “No, I don’t. You told it last week and no one laughed.”
His face falls. Eris laughs out loud at him, and Emerie tosses wadded up napkins at both men. “You’re both deeply uninteresting. Let’s talk about me.”
She launches into a heated discussion about how she plans to defeat “that bitch Brian” for the internship at Velaris’s biggest law firm next summer, with Eris interjecting that she wouldn’t survive a day in the big city. Nesta turns back to Lucien. “I understand how you feel.”
“You hate Eris too?”
“No, but I have sisters.” Eris is nice, if a pretentious asshole at times, but she empathizes with Lucien either way.
He raises a brow. “And you’re here for Thanksgiving instead of with them?”
For the first time all night, Nesta remembers that Cassian is having fun in a spacious penthouse with Feyre and Elain and the others, likely eating much nicer food than store-bought turkey and Jello shots, and she almost deflates. Almost. Because as much as she enjoys this— spending time with people that belong to her, not Feyre or anybody else— there’s a hollow space in the room that Cassian usually fills. She doesn’t know how she can miss someone and be this thoroughly content at the same time, but she tries not to ponder on her feelings.
She shrugs at Lucien’s question. “We’re all here instead of with our families.”
What would have been a thirty-minute meal on Nesta’s own stretches into a long night of full bellies and fuller conversation. Justinian demands a toast in honor of Friendsgiving, and Emerie tells him not to pull that cringy shit, but everyone ends up raising their small Jello shots to clink against each other.
Thanksgiving might be Nesta’s favorite holiday.
Cassian doesn’t know what this feeling is: the itching, nervy sense of impatience that plagues him the longer dinner drags on. All he knows is that tonight Mor’s laughter is just a little too loud, and Amren’s quips are just a little too sharp, and Rhys’s stories aren’t very interesting for once.
Nothing about his friends have changed, but somehow, Cassian feels different. Empty. He can’t stop thinking about what Nesta is doing right now.
He checks his phone under the table for the sixth time in three minutes, for what, he doesn’t know. Maybe she’s in trouble and needs his help. Maybe she’s having a bad night and wants to talk to him. Maybe she’s just bored and thinking about him.
None of this is true, evidently, because his phone remains dead silent.
“Cassian.” It’s Elain’s gentle voice that draws him out of his head. “What’s it like having a roommate for once? I know you and Nesta love being alone.”
He nearly jumps out of his skin. “Alone? No we don’t. Why would we love being alone together?”
Elain looks at him like he’s grown a new head. “I didn’t mean alone together. It’s just that you’ve always spent your time boarded up in that mountain cabin on your own, and before Nesta moved in, she wouldn’t leave her apartment even to see me.”
“I never thought of it that way,” Feyre butts in. She whirls to Cassian with her hands under her chin. “All this time I was wondering what you and Nesta living together would be like, and I didn’t even consider you guys avoiding each other.”
Cassian scoffs a laugh but doesn’t know how to respond. He just wants Feyre and Elain to stop poking at this raw, fresh thing in his life before his nerves get worse, so he turns to Amren and brings up the thing he knows will shut everyone down: work. “How much longer is Rhys gonna have you playing double agent at Adriatic?” She’s been acting as brand ambassador to the West Coast-based conglomerate for the past five months, playing nice while gathering information on Night Court Inc.’s biggest competitor.
Groans resound around the table, but Amren’s eyes brighten frightfully. “If he keeps me there any longer, I might end up staying for good.”
Rhysand smiles thinly. “Amren has a crush on their new CFO. If she keeps going on about Varian’s pretty face I might pull her out of Adriatic by the end of the year.”
Just as Cassian is about to convince himself to care, his phone vibrates in his hand. Everything tunes out as he sees Nesta’s name on the screen, attached to a new text. He clicks into it.
A picture of Nesta and her friends around a dinner table pops up, smiling and laughing. His heart catches in his throat at the image.
“What did we say about phones during dinner, Cassian?” Rhysand interrupts just then.
Cassian stands up quickly, stammering, “Uh, I just need to answer this call— it’s important.” Azriel is staring up at him like he’s lost his mind, but Cassian doesn’t notice or care as he rushes out of the room with his phone in a death grip, overcome.
Alone in a hallway bathroom, he lets himself look at the picture again, hungrily absorbing every detail he couldn’t catch the first time around: her face is flushed and her hair is down, wilder than usual. Her smile is so rarely genuine that it kills him a little just to see it; he doesn’t know whether to be relieved or pained that she’s having such a good time, that she isn’t missing him like he’s missing her. A sharp-faced girl that Cassian assumes is Emerie is holding the camera, likely having stolen Nesta’s phone to demand a picture, and the two women are surrounded by guys he doesn’t recognize. Except—
The face beside Nesta’s catches Cassian’s attention, and he clicks to zoom in. “Is that Lucien Vanserra?” he mutters.
Elain’s ex gets to hang out with Nesta while he doesn’t? This is fucked.
He doesn’t have a reason for his actions as he shoves his phone into his pocket and exits the bathroom. He just knows he needs to get out of here, away from this place that’s so far from Nesta’s heart.
His keys and coat hang near the front door, and he can hear Feyre’s voice from the dining room. “Cassian? Where are you—”
The door slams behind him before she can finish.
Being the only one who refused to get drunk off Jello shots, Eris offers to drive Nesta home for the night.
While Lucien is passed out in the backseat without a care in the world, Nesta is so awake she can feel her nerves buzzing. She knows as soon as she leaves this car, the bittersweet loneliness that comes after a party will set in, but for now…
What a night. She sighs and lets her head fall back against the seat, a small smile gracing her lips.
“Damn,” Eris lets out a low whistle as he pulls up to the mountain cabin. “This is your place?”
She lifts her head, realizing she’s home. “Ah. It’s only a temporary living situation,” she explains. “It’s my— friend’s place.”
“Friend or sugar daddy?” Eris smirks.
Nesta scowls, grabbing her stuff and pushing open the door to leave. It’s not Eris’s fault she’s unable to take a joke about Cassian, but that doesn’t change the sensitivity of the topic.
“Hey, wait—” he calls after her.
She pauses to look back at him. He hesitates, then says, “Good night.”
“Take care of your brother,” she directs. Stepping out of his fancy car, she shuts the door and raises a hand in goodbye, watching him pull away from the cabin.
Alone in the driveway, Nesta stands under the moonlight for a long moment, letting the chill seep into her bones. She’s dawdling.
She pauses again at the front door, her hand on the doorknob. The dreaded loneliness is already coming over her, crawling over her skin and making a home in the cage of her ribs.
A whole weekend without Cassian.
Maybe she should have asked Emerie if she could stay over for the night, but a part of her knows it would have been futile. Emerie can’t replace Cassian’s constant presence, no matter how much Nesta likes her.
It’s only three days. She steels herself and unlocks the door, prepared to be greeted by darkness and hollow silence.
The first thing she notices when she steps inside is the sound of crackling, followed by a warm glow from the living area. The lights are all off, but the fireplace is ablaze.
Nesta’s brows furrow, confused, but then she sees on the couch— “Cassian?”
a/n: i know justinian and isaac are names for side characters that sjm has used before but in this case they're completely different ocs.
taglist: @ladywitchling @sjm-things @thewayshedreamed @drielecarla @sensitiveillyrian @superspiritfestival @aliveahaahahafuck @cupcakey00 @sayosdreams @rainbowcheetah512 @claralady @thebluemartini @nessiantho @missing-merlin @duskandstarlight @lucy617 @sleeping-and-books @everything-that-i-love @cassianscool @awesomelena555 @julemmaes @wickedqueenoffantasy @poisonous-bloom @observationanxioustheorist @gisellefigue08 @courtofjurdan @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter @wolfiixxx @cass-nes @seashade @royaltykxx @illyrianundercover @queenestarcheron @monstrousloves-explodinggalaxies @humanexile @that-golden-lyre @agentsofsheilds @mercy-is-alive @cassiansbigwingspan @laylaameer01 @verypaleninja
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amphtaminedreams · 3 years
Spring/Summer & Haute Couture Week 2021: Whoops, I’ve Missed a Loooot (Part 2)
Hey to anyone reading,
I’m so sorry for the gap between the last fashion week review post and this one! Argh. I had no idea I posted it as long ago as the beginning of March but I think we can all agree that lockdown has fucked with our perceptions of time completely. I wish I could say the delay in posting was as simple as me being busy but I’ve also started to reflect on whether or not I want to carry on this format of posts for the time being; on the scale of problems, this one is wayyy down there in the very lower quartile of the first world region, but my motivation to carry on this kind of content in the form of long-winded text posts is...meh...not so much there anymore. At first I was thinking the issue was that working on these was my last priority on my daily to-do lists but as I’ve got back into writing fiction, it’s kind of occurred to me that the fact I was putting these posts on my to-do lists in the first place along with things like doing the ironing and contacting student finance speaks volumes. When I’m back from work or winding down, opening up Tumblr and coming back to this draft isn’t something that I think of as a fun stress reliever in the way drafting stories is. It doesn’t feel like I’m using my imagination or my creativity or expressing myself in any way and it’s not much of an escape from day to day life in the way that writing dialogue or exploring characters is. Maybe it’s because I’ve done quite a few of these posts now but I just tend to feel like I’m repeating myself, you know kinda like when you’re writing an essay and trying to fill up a word count; of course there are collections that I do have a lot of opinions on but by and large, sometimes it boils down to THESE CLOTHES ARE JUST FUCKING PRETTY, OKAY?! There’s only so many things you can say about a tulle skirt or an exaggerated collar before you want to strangle yourself with said tulle. I used to think iF VoGUe RuNwaY wRitErs CaN dO iT WhAT's MY exCusE until I realised that 1). Vogue Runway writers actually get paid and 2). for the most part all they do is explain the designer's intentions behind the collections verbatim without giving a critical opinion anyway.
I think a lot of the pressure I feel to justify what are in reality quite simple observations and opinions goes back to some of the feelings I explained in my first ever fashion week review where people who know more about fashion and have a formal education in the subject tend to be kind of gatekeep-y and elitist. It can never be that you appreciate different things about a collection but rather than one of you has taste and the other doesn’t and if it wasn’t obvious, the taste level assigned to you by the powers that be tend to positively correlate with the amount of money you have available to spend on a degree that has a reputation for failing to provide a steady income, which for most makes it an unrealistic avenue to pursue. I know, I know, the pressure is totally self-inflicted and wholly imagined seeing as I have under 500 followers on here and those who do interact with these posts most likely do so for the pictures but I still feel it, and given that I’m going to have enough external pressure to write essays when I return to uni in September, why on earth am I wasting time putting it on myself? When just posting photosets of my favourite looks is not only actually enjoyable for me but is also what other people WANT to see too? Nobody wants to read a self-indulgent paragraph like this when they’re here for the clothes and to be honest, for the most part I don’t want to write them anyway unless it’s something I have strong feelings about or if a collection can only be properly appreciated with analysis. I think I’ve made pretty clear which designers I’m a fan of, do you really need to hear me raving about Gucci or Zimmerman or Miu Miu or Balenciaga again? Is there gonna be anything revolutionary in yet another rant about Maria Grazia? Course not. I mean, if you are reading, you might have to witness those things one last time because I do intend to finish off this season’s review in this format for consistency purposes and because I’ve already got all the notes now but on the whole, I doubt anyone will miss my rambles.
So, with all that in mind, I think after I finish my S/S21 posts I am gonna start just uploading these posts without the written part. I mean, for one, the simplicity of doing this means I’m much less likely to procrastinate making them which in turn means I’ll be able to get them out right after the shows as a kind of summary as opposed to months later when they’re no longer as relevant. This will also give me more time to work on the writing I actually enjoy. Right now I’m going through and editing my 17 year old self’s “grown-up” take on the Pretty Little Liars blackmail murder mystery style plot line which I wrote back when I was completely and utterly obsessed with the show and bitterly disappointed by the last couple of seasons. The writing is pretty mediocre and often hugely cringey to read back now but I am still a fan of the basic plot and I’m genuinely motivated to see if I can make it something actually worth reading, and to get onto that ASAP; this feels especially important right now given that the HBO version of the series’ apparent upcoming release has sent that ever-present writer’s fear of seeing-your-same-storyline-done-better-by-somebody-else-thus-forever-relegating-your-version-to-being-the-poor-imitation-so-you-gotta-get-there-first into overdrive (or maybe that’s just me and my neuroses). Again, it’s a totally unfounded fear based on the fact that the HBO show will probs get millions of viewers whilst I will be doing little more than shouting into the void but anybody who’s used Turnitin to submit an essay that ultimately counts for little more than like 1% of your grade or degree will know that no matter how irrelevant your work is, the concept of failing a plagiarism check, be it via a computer algorithm or one random stranger on the internet’s assessment, is enough to conjure visions of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse galloping towards you screaming “START THE WHOLE THING AGAIN” before releasing a hoarde of 2015 Chanel vs. Walmart style comparison memes.
Now, speaking of Chanel, I should probably get back into the reviewing. 
So for the last time for a little while, here’s Christian Siriano:
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Siriano’s designs are a great example of work I feel guilty enjoying. I know that when it comes to quality, the high fashion community have a lot of (negative) things to say and I really can’t speak to that because quite honestly, I know very little about textile manufacturing. Solely from my own point of view though, I do like his work a lot. I wouldn’t claim for a minute that he’s a pioneer in terms of his creations but I would 100% love to wear them and I DO hugely admire his commitment to putting women of all sizes on the runway and designing pieces that don’t simply cater to straight up and down types which is more than can be said for most brands. I get that his collections are pretty formulaic, taking what has worked for the likes of Chanel and Alessandra Rich, De La Renta and Carolina Herrera, Michael Kors too (who is kind of guilty of the same thing himself), but that’s not to say his work is bad. Let’s be real, we’ve been on this planet thousands of years, we’re all taking inspiration from someone, and maybe figures like Kors and Siriano could wait a *little* longer before taking said inspiration but their aim at the end of the day is to sell clothes, not break barriers, a task which although often left to the big name brands, they too often fail at. I’m not going to lie, I’m feeling this whimsical mid-century tea party vibe, it’s elegant and it’s cutesy and My Fair Lady-esque, and you bet your arse I would be absolutely thrilled to wear one of these looks on a summer red carpet. I just can’t say no to anything tulle-maybe it’s that I was on Toddlers & Tiaras in a past life or maybe it’s that I watched too many Barbie Princess films growing up, but I like pretty much everything going on here, especially Siriano is giving us matching fedoras too. Plus, can we take a moment to praise Siriano for his COVID relief efforts? Near the beginning of the pandemic, he turned his studio into a mask manufacturing factory in order to send them out as donations, and I think that is very cool.
Then there’s Christopher Kane who once again came through with the most insanely gorgeous prints:
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I mean, paint splattering is hardly a new technique but I haven’t seen it done as a print so tastefully before-it eats the Moschino biro scribble print (which apparently was copied too speaking of the tendencies of designers to “borrow” inspiration) for breakfast. It’s shit because there weren’t many looks in this collection and they weren’t really shot in a way that does them any justice but I thought I’d include the few I saved.
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Comme Des Garcons is a fave of the high fashion community and one I look forward to seeing at fashion week but can never quite get behind. I appreciate the what-the-fuckery of it all with this show totally being able to pass as a run-through of some kind of nuclear waste themed scare house at one of Thorpe Park’s fright nights. I assume given that and the plastic Mickey Mouse print it’s supposed to be some kind of reference to the part late-stage capitalism has played in the hellish landscape we find ourselves in today? Or something all intellectual? In which case I made my interpretation with farrrr too much confidence. But Anyway! Who knows! I’ll leave the analysis to the fashion students, and give it one word: trippy.
Onto Dion Lee, a brand I truly do get excited to talk about because it’s rare that I don’t LOVE his work.
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Without fail, Lee manages to be confidently ahead of the curve without going out of his way to announce it and his genius to everyone with flamboyant shows and exaggerated designs and extortionate prices. He is very much an underdog in the fashion world in terms of big names but you’ll be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn’t love his collections. His S/S21 collection is one of my favourites of the bunch. I love seeing something I’ve never seen before and the palm leaf breast plate is so odd but so cool and so perfectly Dion Lee at the same time; we’ve seen jungle/tropical inspired collections sooo many times *cough cough D&G cough cough* and THIS is how you make them fresh and unique. I mean, never in a million years did I think I’d get behind the resurgence of the gladiator sandal trend but Lee has me changing my mind. This is one of the very rare times you will ever see me using this meme to praise a man but:
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I mean, he has Fernanda Ly modelling for him, that the man has taste goes without saying.
Now for a bit of a full circle moment, given that I did actually praise Dior’s haute couture collection in my first ever post; Maria Grazia did GOOD. Well, with haute couture at least.
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She’s always pretty hamfisted with her references, there’s no denying, with that Grecian Goddess style RTW collection typifying that statement completely, but luckily she struck gold this time round; as someone who studied the Tudors for A-level history, seeing a modern take on the exaggeratedly feminine renaissance silhouettes with the baroque prints and the deep jewell tones got me super excited especially when you throw in the dreamy tarot theming and the nods to the mystical and arcane. Seeing as the Heavenly Bodies Met Gala (I know, I know, I need to move on) was some time ago now and Cersei Lannister’s *SPOILER* been crushed by a rock (could also be seen as a metaphor for the irrelevancy David Benioff and D.B Wise condemned GoT to when they aired that shitty ending tehe) and so probably won’t be getting a collection based on her costumes any time soon, this is the only fashion take on this kind of period dress I’m going to get…and you know what? I’m okay with that. Thanks Maria, I guess?
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Her RTW collection wasn’t absolutely awful either, and slightly better than the past few collections at least. Put a monkey in a room with a typewriter (or show it enough similar well-received collections) and it will eventually write something that makes sense, don’t they say? I like the nomadic feel of a lot of the looks and there’s beautiful layering going on but the aura of exotic opulence unsurprisingly didn’t stick around for long and I found that there was a decline in quality in the midsection of the show that landed a lot of the outfits in either awkward mother of the bride at a beach wedding or The Only Way is Essex Ocean Beach PLT sponsored poolside party territory. The looks picked back up a bit towards the end stretch of the show but I wasn’t a fan of the Gucci style oversized glasses which were so out of place with the rest of the theming that if anything they seemed like a cheap grab at relevancy. So yeah, a middling, subpar Etro-esque collection which is better than usual for Dior I suppose.
Next, Elie Saab, whose S/S21 collection was kinda disappointing, tbh. Oh how the turns have tabled given that positive Dior review and my usual love of Saab’s collections.
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I know his dresses lose some of their appeal when we can’t see them in motion but even ON the runway I can’t see myself being dazzled by any of these pieces the way I usually am. They’re lacking the level of detail and craftsmanship I associate with the brand seemingly in favour of block colours and suits and the issue is that the whole Disney Princess fantasy has always been the appeal for me because the silhouettes aren’t interesting enough on their own. They’re not ugly pieces, they’re nice, but does nice really have a place in high fashion when the pieces are so basic in both their design and presentation that the shots could pass as ripped from a catalogue? The strongest parts of the collection were when it did go down the more delicate route with the muted blue suits and the white feather trimmed dresses, the small, ornamental gold details reminding me of a very toned down nod to Schiaparelli’s hardware, but with regards to the bright coloured pieces, I can’t lie-they did look like something you could find in the M&S Per Una holiday section. Then you’ve got the weakest parts, which were just flat out ugly: sheer giraffe print, sweat band style elasticated waits, and long chiffon shirts that I hate to admit read as frumpy. There are times where I’ve not been particularly excited by an Elie Saab collection in the past, but I do think this is the first time I’ve actively disliked parts of it.
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Conversely, Erdem’s S/S21 collection was super strong, and solidified the brand’s place in my mind as a dependable source of kooky maximalism, this time round giving us  Anya Taylor Joy’s Emma wardrobe on speed. You could tell me Erdem Moralıoğlu had just raided the Bridgerton set’s fitting rooms and put it on a runway and I would 100% believe you and I mean that in a positive way because to give my unpopular opinion, the clothes were the only good thing about that show. The endearingly florid details of exaggerated bows and clashing florals were still there but this time in a way that felt more subtle and self-assured, as if the calming influence of the wooded set’d had a direct hand in the designs, giving the rugged, ethereal feel to the collection I associate with brands like Brock and Simone Rocha, all whilst keeping the parts of Erdem I’m so fond of.
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Is it really much of a shock that I included pretty much every look from the Etro S/S21 show?  Like, you know that Christian idea of God, like, (the voice in my head is very much taking on the dumb valley girl voice that anybody who reads this is most probably getting too) knowing our souls? I think Veronica Etro knows mine. So no, no surprise. Though there were a few unconventional touches thrown into these looks (the campier prints and nautical theming we see with the 80s beach towel print, for example, reminded me a bit of Versace) the mystical bohemian it girl that Etro designs for would still be highly satisfied. Sure, it might be a wardrobe fit for a holiday less adventurous than backpacking but if she wanted a tropical poolside holiday, this collection is the one, the paisley print chiffon mini and maxi dresses especially. I’m just gonna pretend I don’t see the monstrosity that is leggings worn as trousers-it’s a fashion rule I refuse to abandon-because they are the only stain on an otherwise expectedly gorgeous collection.
Next, an unusually reserved RTW collection from Fendi:
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More in line with the wardrobe of a European fashion editor than the glamorous trophy wife (who let’s say uses that facade as a guise to ruthlessly run her husband’s whole business empire from behind the scenes because in this house we do complex female characters only), these pieces are lot “smarter” and more professional looking than Fendi’s typical offerings; where I feel Fendi usually designs for the society girl who wouldn’t mind a front page scandal, these are the kind of outfits a young member of Monaco’s royal family would wear for a positively received but business-as-usual press tour. I know, Fendi is an Italian brand, but this is more Southern France to me. We’re talking some 2nd page shots of a Kate Middleton type on a yacht on the Riviera smiling and waving as her PR team’s ideal scenario. Still, whilst fewer exaggerated silhouettes, animal prints and overtly luxurious fabrics (real leathers, silks and furs for example) mean that the drama’s a little toned down, it’s all still very expensive looking and combines the classically feminine glamour of the past and the minimalism of modernity in the artful manner that we’re used to. Maybe it’s me being a basic bitch but I always love seeing Ashley Graham on the runway too, even if brands to tend to use her as their single token plus size model.
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Kim Jones’ debut haute couture collection for Fendi, however, wasn’t a very well received one. I don’t hate it personally but I can see where the criticisms are coming from. Whilst it’s closer to the version of Fendi I’ve come to expect and there were some stunning pieces which completely encapsulated that distinctive aura of luxe and glamour, there were quite a few lazy pieces which could’ve been from any designer. I also felt the collection was a bit upstaged by what seemed to be a who’s who of the modelling world; having Bella, Cara, Kate and Naomi ALL walk in one show was a bit distracting and took the focus off the clothes completely.
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Giambattista Valli’s RTW collection was gorgeous as ever; the man has undeniably mastered the art of delivering classic, objective elegance, the kind of designs I feel would make you light on your feet and smell like strawberries and cream the minute you put one on. Whilst as a brand his RTW shows are rarely trendsetting, they reliably produce a plethora of unfailingly graceful and demure pieces, as appealing to your mum and your grandma as they are to young women and little girls, and this collection is another victory lap for Valli when it comes to upholding his signature tea party and artisan cupcake making and rose garden strolling and bottomless rosé brunch appropriate aesthetic. There were a lot of outfits that were bordering on overly juvenile, with structures a little too basic to justify the amount of sequins thrown on, but when it’s good, it’s so sweet that regardless of how to formula it is, I can’t help but fall in love.
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Valli’s haute couture collection was stunning too and for sure a more exciting offering than the RTW. There was of course a lot of the signature tulle but it was head-turning, over the top in a way that leant far more towards the experimental than I expected. The photos themselves are 100% believable as a some kind of Vogue behind the scenes editorial shoot on the set of live action Disney princess movie (in between takes of the climactic ball scene if you wanna get specific with the vision); if you are looking for a prettier alternative to the primary colours and disruptive shapes of a Molly Goddard collection, this is the one. It’s giving the themes of excess and abundance I associate with that of the Hunger Games Capitol but through the softer lens of a Sofia Coppola movie, and being the typical cinema loving white girl I am, I’m obviously on board with that vibe.
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I did SUCH a 180 on Givency’s S/S21 collection from when I first saw it to writing a review. My initial reaction was one of disappointment, I guess simply because Givenchy has given us so many bold pieces and presentations over the last few years whereas this is more low-key. After properly considering it though as I would any other brand, I came to the conclusion that I do actually really like it. It’s still got the strange, androgynous silhouettes popping up throughout and the futuristic space-age details but with a more down-to-earth, streetwear feel, albeit a very slick, glossy spin on the trends of the rabble (that’s us guys) of course before we go believing it’s achievable. On the one hand, the devil horn accents are a touch Claire’s accessories halloween range but at the same time, done with confidence they’re kind of cool and bring something new and fun to the table in line with the dark theatre of Givenchy’s last few shows.
Now for Gucci, which for the first time I have to say, if I'm attempting objectivity, is not a standout. 
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Like, can I just start by saying though the format it’s presented in is cute, it’s not ideal as a way of actually showing the collection. I get that the vintage shop bin vibe is a huge part of Gucci’s brand but polaroids make it SO hard to actually see the clothes, and that’s what we’re here for right? I don’t want to give the impression that I don’t like what I see here-the clothes are gorgeous, an idyllic ode to the off-duty wardrobes of Studio 54-ers, bohemian style icons like Charlotte Rampling and young Olivia Newton-John, psychedelic rock guitarists and the inhabitants of San Fransisco’s Haight during the late 60s and early 70s, Alessandro Michele’s favourite period of reference. I can’t pretend otherwise, or act like I wouldn’t want to wear the shit out of this collection. Buut, for Gucci? It’s a little underwhelming. These are the kind of filler looks we get in a typical Gucci show to go alongside the more statement pieces, which this collection is lacking. It’s just that these are designs which usually gets people talking and these pieces don’t do that. It sucks because for most other brands this would be a stand out collection, an immersive, luscious vignette of what people tend to think of as a cultural golden era, but when you’ve had a show that involved models carrying replicas of their own decapitated heads down the runway in the last 5 years, of course something more toned down like this is gonna generate a lot of “is that it?”s.
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I owe Hermes an apology. Looking back, I have disliked all their previous collections for the same reason that I now really like this one; maybe it’s in part down to the frustration of still having to whack out the winter coat on occasion in May (fuck British weather and climate change), but suddenly I really appreciate the value of some good quality, versatile outerwear. Hermes is giving us that in spades here and for that, I bow down to them. The pieces on offer are clearly well-made and genuinely practical, and through the minimalist approach manage to retain both an air of timeless sophistication whilst also being youthful and on trend. The leather tactical vest co-ord I can easily see edged up and taking centre stage on one of those insane Seoul street style slow-mo TikToks that were big a couple of months ago and there are several pieces that could tie together a grunge influenced k-style look just as well as they could exist for years on end as the wardrobe staple of a high-powered businesswoman. Designer Nadège Vanhee-Cybulski’s strengths really come through with the simpler looks and it’s the patterned pieces that drag down an otherwise flawless collection; I guess because the aesthetic is very minimalist, the patterns can’t be anything overly decorative but unfortunately this has a bit of a dowdy effect when you pair it with such modest silhouettes. Disregarding those elements of the collection though, it was super good.
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It goes without saying that Iris Van Herpen’s haute couture collection was breathtaking; if the fashion community can agree on anything, it’s that this woman’s work is consistently awe-inspiring. She captures the wonder of the universe, the biological structures and kaleidoscopic colours we don’t even register, through fashion in a way that others can only imitate, to mesmerising, truly transcendent effect; I can only assume Van Herpen has mother nature whispering into her ear because how the hell else do you explain her ability to take the kind of microscopic organisms they show you images of in an outdated GCSE science powerpoint and make a dress that resembles one so stunning? Care to explain, Iris? Because if there is some kind of line of communication between the two of you can you please tell the bitch I’m over this weather and that I have cute summer outfits I’m waiting to wear so can she pack this torrential rain shit in? K, thanks xoxo
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See it seems shady as fuck to go from IVH to Isabel Marant like this because we are talking 2 designers with totallyyyy different approaches to fashion; Iris Van Herpen is haute couture for starters whereas Marant is commercial, and that’s her thing, but unfair comparisons aside this collection is still a bit of a let down. This is considering I do usually really like Isabel Marant collections based on whether or not I’d wear the pieces, which seems a more appropriate barometer to use to come to a quality verdict. Whilst there were a few of the elegant bohemian pieces my mind goes to when it comes to her brand, the steps outside of that comfort zone didn’t pay off; graffiti print (can be cool if done with some subtlety which apart from a few exceptions was not the case here), cheap looking reflective fabric, and MC Hammer style dungarees, it seems to be an attempt to merge 80s trends with modern urban culture, and an attempt that at times verged on the disastrous. It’s good for a brand to experiment, of course, and appeal to a wider client base than usual, but when it’s bad the unfortunate take away is that the design team don’t have the chops to pull off straying from familiar territory; designers wouldn’t be showing at fashion week if this was truly the case because disregarding the influence of nepotism, fashion is an area you need real talent, perseverance and business smarts to excel in, and so it doesn’t do a team justice when they do fail.
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J.W Anderson, on the other hand, really put his best foot forward this season and presented this work in a really cool way too which only added to the positives; whilst the way the shots were edited was funky af, it didn’t detract from the actual outfits, and if we are to see the same limitations when it comes to the F/W collections being released, this is something a lot of designers and editing teams should take note of. The idiosyncratic exaggerated shapes that we see as a recurring feature of Anderon’s collections were still on show but this time round with added femininity, billowing skirts and trailing jewellery that channel the stage looks of Stevie Nicks in a way that’s modern and functional and maybe even fit for the office if you were to work in a more creative industry with a chill boss. Could also work for a coven of witches who practice meditation by bonfires in the moonlight and burn the letters of men who wronged them in some Arizonian desert, so like I said, functional! Who doesn’t like versatility? The only thing I’m not too keen on is the shoes but they’re not so bad that it affects my opinion of the collection and they look comfy I guess.
Lastly, we’ve got to talk about Jacquemus, one of the most influential names in fashion at the moment. And yes, this time round, I’m doing it: I’m buying into the hype.
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This collection is gorgeousss! I can see already that a lot of the recurring elements of the show are going to be big summer trends for this year (the cut outs and strappy details on the blouses are everywhere already) even though it isn’t hot enough to have collectively decided the time to start dressing for heat is upon us yet, and that’s always a good indicator of how successful the designer was in their vision and attempts to assess the needs and wants of fashion enthusiasts; whether I’m as big a fan of his work as everyone else seems to be, there’s no denying Simon Porte Jacquemus has always excelled at this practice if the buzz around him is anything to go by. It makes sense given the last year of us all being stuck in and suppressed that a lot of us are already romanticising the summer ahead, anticipating picnics and beach days and general Theresa May running through wheat fields type shenanigans galore, in spite of how dubious an assumption it is to make that British weather will allow for this; Porte Jacquemus has very much catered to this wishful thinking and the popularity of the whole escapist “cottage core” aesthetic, sexing it up a little bit with pieces that hug the body in ways only Mugler knows how whilst being lightweight and relaxed enough to look good with windswept, sandy hair and a little dose of sunburn. I’m talking enough to give you some cutesy freckles and rosy cheeks not PSA on the importance of suncream territory, guys, what is it with those of us on the gen Z/millennial cusp not taking sun damage seriously!? Why do I have to beg so many of my friends to wear it!? Does nobody else remember those photos they’d show you in PSHE in English primary schools of burnt people’s skin under UV lights? Or is that just me being weird and only having such a vivid memory of the images because teachers told us we had to wait until year 6 to see them due they to their “graphic” nature only for my gore-loving self to be extremely underwhelmed when we finally did get that lesson? They showed us a woman giving birth in year 4 for fuck’s sake. THAT was traumatising.
Back to the actual point anyway, with just a couple of negatives, the first of which being that the pieces are very similar to those feminine looks we saw dotted about the Jacquemus menswear collection from last year that were all over fashion Twitter. In Simon Porte Jacquemus’ defence though, it makes sense that those tones and silhouettes would be revisited in a full womenswear collection for that very reason; considering they went down so well and that lockdown gave us a bit of a half-baked summer in 2020, expanding on those elements enough for a whole new collection makes good business sense. We did get some cool additions too, mainly in the form of accessories, with the hardware details on the belts similar to those included in the Givenchy collection and the abstract hair slides being standouts for me. It was all exquisite-the shoes, the jewellery, the styling, everything 10/10. My other nitpick, and I say nitpick not because it’s not important but because it’s an issue that’s hardly restricted to Jacquemus (this casting team are far from the worst offenders, Saint Laurent I’m looking at you), is that I WISH we’d see more diversity with the models. Despite what my body dysmorphia yells at me, I am small, and yet seeing all those fucking minuscule waists made me die a little inside; it’s crazy to me that in 2020 the lack of variety in body types on the runway is still such a problem.
I must have said this a million times but I don’t want to end on a negative note so let me reiterate: this collection was STUN. NING. Plus there were some others I’ve talked about in this post that I’m sure will make it into my top 20 in the final part, Jacquemus, Dion Lee and Etro for sure; we even got some gorgeous pieces from Maria Grazia which I thought was a sentence I’d never type out. Have I said enough to not leave a bad taste in the mouth of anyone who read to the end of this post? I hope so, lol! TBH, it’s impressive given everything that’s going on that the majority of designers did roll out collections in September as usual so serious respect to them and their design teams for that.
In the next post, I’ll fingers crossed be able to include everything from Kim Shui (exciting!) through to at least Off-White (actually pretty good this time?!) and make this whole thing a 4 parter before getting straight on top of the photo posts I’m thinking about doing for the time being for the F/W21 shows. So as usual, if you did read to the end thank you so much and I respect the perseverance you must have to get through all my rambling, lmao. Hope everyone is well and coping okay and again, my inbox is always open for any post suggestions, constructive criticism, or just a chat for anyone who needs a listening ear.
Big love and thank you again!
Lauren x
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allyreactions · 4 years
Hi! More mama opinions? 👉👈 (SVT or NCT related or every other group you wanna talk about)
I didn’t want to respond to this until I watched the performances, and now that I have ... let’s get into this.
I want to specifically talk about the performances in this ask because I’ve mainly (negatively) talked about the actual awards, so I want to focus on the positives which were the performances. 
1. Kingdom / The Triangle Performance 
I am so excited for Kingdom. The Boyz, Ateez, and Stray Kids are going to dominate and this whole triangle performance was absolutely amazing. I’m so proud of them and I’m looking forward to Kingdom next year. The Boyz’s performance of “Reveal” where they (idk what it’s called), but they had the two staircases collide with each other. OMG that was mind blowing! Ateez, with “Answer”????? I loved it!!! Although I miss Mingi, Joongie did his lines justice and the whole performance was just everything. And lastly, Stray Kids with the warrior version of “Victory Song”. If that performance didn’t get you hype, idk what will. I need a studio version ASAP. 
2. NCT 
I’m so proud of all my babies, their performance was great. VOCAL LINEEEEEEE They killed it with the rearranged version of “From Home”. I also need a studio version ASAP. It lives in my head rent free. Also, how could I forget the iconic moment where Spongebob Taeyong descended from the heavens. And the WayV performance of “Turn Back Time” IN WATER????? I- 
3. Twice 
My girls owned the stage, as usual. Twice recently announced that they’re releasing “Cry for Me” as a single and, of course, I immediately pre-saved it on Spotify. Sana’s lines are everything, I love her voice in this song. Also, Chaeyoung’s hair in this performance 🥵 
If there’s anything else you want me to talk about or if you wanna discuss some moments with me, feel free to send me an inbox message 😊
~ Admin Ally 
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wormmomma · 4 years
tyler, the creator: the very queer discography review!!!
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Im bored of writing overly long threads on twitter so i wrote a look at tyler the creators discography and why hes gay and im gay and deserved to have his dick immortalized in gold when he dies. So tyler gregory okanma is a black man born in ladera heights california. He’s also my third favorite rapper and since he discovered my favorite rapper earl sweatshirt I guess he deserves goat status for that shit too. Tyler started his career around 17 years old as the ace the creator. He did features at the time with casey veggies and the inspirations in his flow to mf doom where already apparent even back then. From ace the creator mixtape you can already hear the very digital and jazz inspired pharrell production. Funny story if you look up any of his ace stuff now you'll mostly find some really old production that in the age of tyler the creator type beats doesn't really hold u all that great. From there Tyler went on to create odd futures and his first album bastard. He quite quickly followed up bastard with godlin. Goblin, bastard, and the OF tape vol.1 all feel pretty interconnected so im gonna speed round from worst to best. So odd future tape volume one is fun and punk and really crass, it's also completely eclipsed by odd futures other releases. I love odd future and the collective's ability too be both edgy teen skate rap garbage, and a risky artistic rap collective all at the same time. In odd future's first tape it seems pretty clear that tylers description of the groups early work as a bunch of niggas joking around in a studio is very apparent for better or worse. If you wanna get high with some friends can listen to some funny edgy and downright grimey tracks over left brains booking production skip this and listen to odd future's next mixtape but come back here to listen to some funny skits and a few proto mellowhype track with domo genesis. Goblin is Tyler's attempt to do a bigger darker more sprawling version of bastard but misses the mark. I like the album and I love singles on the album. Goblin the opening track is amazing and is a great look at tylers mental state attempting to live up to his newfound fame and anxiety about his infamy. I love yonkers and tron cat. Tyler says alot at this time that he doesn't make horrorcore and he's correct but the lack of emotional honesty and his immature deflections is really going off on all cylinders. If you dont wanna hear skits like “my bitch suck dick” and lines like “im not homophobic faggot” i would probably call it his worst album. Before i talk about bastard id like to go over his use of slurs and rape in his work. Tylers consistent lyrics about violence towards women and use of the lgbtq community really don't insult me. I feel like his lyrical content is filled with a clear look of how angry and insecure tyler was about not having a father or any way of processing his angst. Did he have to sound like a incel threatening to stalk and murder women who refuse to love him for over 3 albums? No, but i really enjoy looking at his early music. He doesn't shy away from how angry, sad and desperate he was at the time. That synthesis of need for fatherly love, anger from a lack of it and deteriorating mental state honestly makes the content more palatable. Also as a black trans women id rather hear tranny an faggot bars from a male rapper making intreeating music. Tyler at the time was being honest, angry and vulnerable not like eminem and action bronson who spit these bars with all the same rap bravado and violent anger toward women with zero pathos. Bastard is amazing, it's an intimate dark album. At the time it felt like it was tapping right into where I was at the time. The amount of mental anguish on bastards opening track really hit me. I was an angry kid with a lot of angst and bipolar disease so hearing a rapper yell about that same dysfunction really meant alot to me. The flows are amazing and it was a really good look at tylers ability to build a narrative. Wolf was tyler's next album. For a while wolf was my favorite album by tyler. His look at relationships and breakups on bimmer and ifhy are amazing and are expanded on his future releases. Find your wings and treehome are also a good look at his more melodic influence. It was such a good album I actually bought the mrech for and went to see Tyler at afropunk. Also hearing an entire song about the death of his grandma really hit me, my grandfather died around the same time. Cherry bomb was bad, now moving one. Ok im  joking i've listened to it two or three times but its really not worth going back to even though tyler put his all into it. The soul features and amazing production is worth listening to but even Tyler admits he rushed the album a little and that he needed to blow people away next time. Flower boy, is one of the most important albums in hip hop. That's it. Bar none. It was my favorite release of 2018. Flower boy is about tylers newfound isolation with his fame, and how he drives cars by himself in beautiful la vistas. Its also about how he’s gay (or bisexual). There are ALOT of stupid takes on this album. There is a contingency of tyler stans that think tyler has been “playing a character” since bastard. Now I'll admit that wolf haley and dr.teecee are clearly characters; they are also artists' representations of tyler's mental state. If wolf haley has adhd and no father that means tyler also has those issues. So whether or not Tyler is playing a character he has in fact “been kissing white boys since 2004”. I also have seen an insipid article that asks if “tyler the creator should be accepted into the lgbtq community” due to his homophobia? Much more controversial and actually homophobic and transphobic people are in this community hes tyler the creator, not milo yinnaoplous. I also dont think that it occurs to the reviewer that alot of gay men are very hmophobic before they come out and that self hate is very common. Lyrics like “im not gay i just wanna dance to some marvin” also has a much deeper context now. Listening to older releases you can see how in your face tyler was about his queerness. He even said he filmed himself kissing his friend Lucas to prove he wasn't a homophobe. I'm happy Tyler grew enough to make an album not only about being attracted to men but how lonely he felt in and out of the closet. As someone who came out as bisexual at the time it came at a perfect time. Being  gay is isolating and confusing and when you do you lose alot of friends and family. Garden shed, who dat boy, and 911 are real standouts. His collaboration with kali uchis was also so fucking smooth and she a born r&b star. Tyler gained a grammy nomination off the album and said he loved the feeling of finally making popular catchy music people wanna sing the lyrics too, so he followed it with igor. Igor opens with this addendum on the back of the physical album: 
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This might be fiction, this might be about igor but it is fully about tyler okanga. The album is very hard to parse and barely has any rapping. It's more of a pop experimental album with a lot of lofi synth production. Tylers production chops are full force here. Igor is melodic, sad and full of the same anger and obsession from his previous albums. Its just more mature and really gay, and i fucking love it. Tyler was dealing with a tumultuous relationship with a guy and his refusal to be with tyler exclusively. Its about a breakup. A love tragedy that only becomes more depressing after the argument on a boy is a gun, the breakup in my love is gone, and the sad slump back into needing closure in can we be friends. The album is fun to sing to, and fucking devestating. I've dealt with a lot of similar issues with love and obsession so to hear it so clearly illustrated on igor really hit me. I think the album becomes even more depressing with the unreleased track best interest, about tyler being a side nigga. This is the kind of music that's sometimes made in r&b and pop but never in rap. There was an interview where Tyler says he hated his voice which is why he edits it so evident on igor. Tyler also said he wanted to send these songs to rihanna and Justin Beiber but they didn't want them, as cool as it sounds. I'm happy tyler was able to tell his own story. I would also recommend magic wand since it's my favorite track on the album and kicks you in the face with how angry and heartbroken Tyler was at the time. 
Tyler is an artist that talks and speaks about how he feels all the time, he's also a person who feels enigmatic and mysterious somehow. I think it has to do with how constantly he's put to the side of his other hip hop contemporaries. He always seems to be making music Tom weird, controversial and experimental to be treated like asap rocky, vince staples, or the late mac miller. A fact that feels ironic since he worked with all of those artists, lil wayne, and even kanye west. I'm as big a stan for tyler as he is for Pharrell, if it wherent forever I'd never take rap seriously and would never have chosen to make my own music. As a black trans woman I find a lot of tylers work really relatable. I've been in alot of the angry hopeless situations Tyler talks about in his music. I think he's the artist who hits me the most on a personal level and yeah when i was depressed i sat in my bedroom and listened to bastard in my low moments. I like riding in the car and listening to all of flowerboy. Igor is amazing as well for almost half a decade it's been amazing growing up and hitting the same emotional beats Tyler went through5 in his work. Hearing about him coming out as gay ajd dealing with very similar backlash mad me feel less alone if im being honest. Tyler has said he wants to take a more production heavy role in the industry moving forward but he says that a lot, i think as long as he has a story to tell he's always going to make music. His music feels like a diary and I'm happy to read it and sonnet to it in all its beauty and ugliness. 
Hi my name is lua o'reilly i make music on soundcloud.com/wormmother
If you liked this review let me know and I'll do a look into earl sweatshirt.
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bthenoise · 4 years
We’re Starting To Lose It So We Made A Fake Music Award Show To Remember The Quarantine By
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We are losing our minds and we aren’t talking figuratively like The Pixies. Every morning waking up in quarantine feels like an episode of Punk’d. 
Where is Aston Kutcher -- oh right, it’s 2020 -- Where is Chance The Rapper? we ask ourselves as we peel ourselves out of bed for what feels like the millionth time.   
Seriously, though. We know you guys are feeling the same way too. We read the tweets. We see the TikToks. Ya’ll are losing your goddamn minds just like us. 
The good thing is, to help with this sense of craziness as best as we possibly can (which isn’t saying much, we aren’t doctors after all -- shout out to all the amazing medical teams out there!) we have constructed the first and hopefully last 2020 Noise Quarantine Awards.
Featuring highly coveted awards such as Best Soundtrack To Fuel Your Hatred For The Government and Best Song To Steal Toilet Paper To, the awards below are meant to shine a light on all the positive things to come out of 2020. 
We know it sounds like an impossible task to put “2020″ and “postive” in the same sentence but somehow we did it. 
Check out the awards below.   
Fantastic Features Award
Silverstein - A Beautiful Place To Drown
Honestly, there are probably about ten different awards we could give Silverstein’s sensational LP A Beautiful Place To Drown. From start to finish, this is hands down one of the band’s best albums yet. However, for the sake of this very serious and very made-up award show, we are happy to present the scene staples with the Fantastic Features Award. 
Not only did the band include familiar favorites such as Beartooth’s Caleb Shomo, Simple Plan’s Pierre Bouvier and Underoath’s Aaron Gillespie, but they also went out of their way to include other artists such as emerging rapper Princess Nokia and Intervals’ guitarist Aaron Marshall. Now if that doesn’t deserve an award, we don’t know what does.  
Back Off Pit Daddies Cause This Song Slaps Award
A Day To Remember - “Mindreader”
But there’s no breakdown! How am I supposed to mosh to this? Would you quit your whining? It’s pretty much impossible for A Day To Remember to write a bad song. And sorry to break it to you pit warriors, they definitely didn’t start with their newest track “Mindreader.
Best Album To Eventually Soundtrack The Next Matrix Movie
Code Orange - Underneath 
Does this one really come as a surprise? Essentially creating their own genre of technology-influenced metalcore (computer core, maybe?), Code Orange’s Underneath is the perfect soundtrack to any type of action-packed, dark web-based, sci-fi thriller like The Matrix trilogy. Now would you like the red pill or the blue pill?  
The Welcome Back, We Fuckin’ Missed You Award
The Ghost Inside - “Aftermath”
A world without new music from The Ghost Inside is a world we don’t want any part of. Thankfully, for the first time since their tragic bus crash back in 2015, the metalcore maestros have returned with the hard-hitting and incredibly emotional track “Aftermath” taken from their soon-to-be-released self-titled album. So for that, the least we could do is present the band with the Welcome Back, We Fuckin’ Missed You Award.  
Honorable Mention: D.R.U.G.S (aka Craig Owens) - “King I Am”
Best Song To Listen To On Repeat And Realize You Successfully Killed Two And A Half Hours Of Your Quarantine
Loathe - “Screaming”
There is nothing made up about this whatsoever. We seriously thank Loathe for creating mind-altering music that transports you to a new dimension.  “Screaming” is a gem and the band deserves to be awarded for it. Oh, and also, I Let It In And It Took Everything is an amazing record everyone needs to hear ASAP.
Best Album To Get Drunk And Talk About Your Feelings To
Violent Soho - Everything Is A-OK
We’re not sure exactly what it is about Australia’s Violent Soho but they always seem to bring the deepest and darkest emotions out of us. Their latest LP Everything Is A-OK is no different. From track one to track ten, the band’s first new album since 2016 is an emotional magnet attracting feeling after feeling leaving us desperate for a drinking buddy and a good cry.
The If It Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix It Award
August Burns Red - Guardians
August Burns Red has been a prominent staple of the heavy music scene for years. Since bursting out of Lancaster, PA with 2005′s Thrill Seeker, the two-time Grammy-nominated act has been a constant source of inspiration with their bruising, top-notch musicianship. Fifteen years later, with the release of their ninth studio album Guardians, the metalcore vets are still as heavy and hard-hitting as ever deserving of our If It Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix It Award.   
Best Album To Eventually Soundtrack The Next Season Of Black Mirror
Enter Shikari - Nothing Is True & Everything Is Possible
Enter Shikari is easily one of the most unpredictable bands in our scene. One minute you think you have them and their eclectic sound pinned down, then the next they release their genre-shattering LP Nothing Is True & Everything Is Possible. With cinematic twists and turns from the rock-oriented opener “THE GREAT UNKNOWN” to the cosmic tornado that is “{ The Dreamer’s Hotel }” and circus-themed “Waltzing Off The Face Of The Earth,” Enter Shikari’s spellbinding LP is a perfect fit for something just as fascinating as the next season of Netflix’s Black Mirror.
Best Album To Get Your Medical Degree To
Vermicide Violence - The Praxis Of Prophylaxis 
We understand it’s not easy to comprehend deathcore lyrics. However, if you’re in need of a good study buddy while you prepare for the boards, look no further than Jarrod Alonge’s new parody album The Praxis Of Prophylaxis. Covering high-end medical topics such as vaccines, gingivitis, asthma and more, Vermicide Violence’s new LP is sure to help a lot more than those Grey’s Anatomy re-runs.    
The Tasmanian Devil Award
Rotting Out - Ronin
The Tasmanian Devil award is a highly coveted prize (possibly one of our most coveted) given to the album with hands down the most circle-pit-inducing tracks. While there have been some pretty good options this year, the record that stands out the most is Rotting Out’s first new album in over seven years, Ronin. Without going too far into detail -- because honestly, it’s pretty obvious why we picked this record -- if you’re able to stand still while listening to these fiery ass songs, you’re probably a cop.
Best Album To Get Drunk And Talk About Your Feelings To Part Two
Spanish Love Songs - Brave Faces, Everyone
Really? You’re gonna complain we used the same category twice in a made-up award show only created cause we’re stuck living fucking Groundhog Day over and over again? Instead, how about you put that same energy into enjoying Spanish Love Songs’ brilliant, tear-jerking album Brave Faces, Everyone. You won’t regret it.
Best Soundtrack To Fuel Your Hatred For The Government
Anti-Flag - 20/20 Vision
Regardless of if you’re really into politics or not, it’s practically impossible at this point to not swear at our so-called “leaders” up in Washington DC. So if you’re looking for the best album to fuel your hatred for the Head Cheeto In Charge and all his helpless minions, look no further than Anti-Flag’s powerful 20/20 Vision.
Honorable Mention: The Homeless Gospel Choir - This Land Is Your Landfill
The Album Most Likely To Get You Out Of Mosh Pit Retirement
Polaris - The Death Of Me
This record is the definition of “slaps.” From beginning to end, Polaris’ punishing new album The Death Of Me is a heavy-duty rollercoaster ride that will leave you with a melted off face and an endless desire to jump back in the pit and crack a few skulls.  
Best Album To Rip A Phat Riff To
Hot Mulligan - You’ll Be Fine
Hot Mulligan are a bunch of jokesters but there’s nothing funny about their new album You’ll Be Fine -- alright, maybe a few of the song titles are a little silly. The band’s latest release is a guitarist’s delight with ringing mathcore-like riffs that will leave you both jubilant and jealous. Case in point, give the infectious opener “OG Bule Sky” a spin and get back to us.   
Honestly, Fight Us, This Song Is A Bop Award
All Time Low feat Blackbear - “Monsters”
We know what some of you cool cats and kittens are thinking: But this isn’t pop-punk!? Since when does Blackbear get a scene pass? Listen up. No, this song isn’t “Dear Maria, Count Me In” but who cares? It’s 2020 and musical genres are dead. Enjoy the good music while you can before we’re all dead too, okay?
Honorable mention: PVRIS - “Deadweight”
Best Song To Steal Toilet Paper To
The Chats - “Drunk N Disorderly”
If you haven’t had the fear of potentially wiping your ass with a washcloth over the last few months, this award probably isn’t for you and your 30 extra rolls of toilet paper. However, for us regular folk who have a limited supply of TP, The Chats’ fast-paced High Risk Behavior track “Drunk N Disorderly” is the perfect song for stumbling into someone’s home and swiping a roll or two.  
Wow We Didn’t See That Coming Award
Falling In Reverse - “The Drug In Me Is Reimagined”
Ronnie Radke has never been afraid to push boundaries musically. Whether it’s rapping on a track or dropping an upbeat, synth-laced single like “Bad Girls Club,” the former Escape The Fate frontman always seems to have something new up his sleeve. This year, to help celebrate 2011′s The Drug In Me Is You becoming gold-certified, Radke and Co. released an epic piano-lead version of their fan-favorite title track. The results? A majestic dream-like experience worth repeating over and over again.
If You Hurt Mother Earth One More Time We Swear You’re Dead Award 
In Hearts Wake - “Worldwide Suicide”
There’s been a lot of talk about global warming over the past few years. Recently, while we’ve all been stuck at home, skies have become clearer than ever as wild animals roam the barren streets. This is a dream come true for earth-friendly metalcore act In Hearts Wake. 
Now as some cities start to reopen, let us remind you: If you even think about going back to your wasteful, pollution-heavy ways, we and In Hearts Wake will come for you with the same force and brutality as heard on their newest track “Worldwide Suicide.” Watch your back.
Sure It’s Different But Still Kicks Ass Award
The Used - Heartwork
This isn’t The Used you knew in junior high. Bert McCrackin and Co. have returned with a fresh-faced 2020 LP that is sure to make you feel some type of way. Featuring guest appearances from members of Blink-182, FEVER 333 and Beartooth, The Used’s latest is a heavy-yet-dancy addition to their beloved-and-never-stale catalog.  
Better Not Sleep On This Record Award
Charmer - Ivy
Look, you literally have nothing but time on your hands. Why not spend it discovering new music from bands who deserve your attention? Seriously, turn off Love Is Blind and Too Hot To Handle and give Charmer’s moody 11-track release Ivy a try. You can thank us later.
Honorable Mention: Big Loser - Love You, Barely Living
Holy Shit We Can’t Believe That Just Happened Award
Dance Gavin Dance - “Calentamiento Global”
Four words we’ve all been thinking since Dance Gavin Dance dropped their highly anticipated album Afterburner: Tilian can speak Spanish!?
Giving the entire Swancore community a jaw-dropping moment with their new experimental track “Calentamiento Global,” in the song, DGD’s brawny frontman shows a little latin flavor with lyrics like “Te adoro, mi reina. Eres la única que veo.” Unsurprisingly, like most Dance Gavin Dance (or should we say Baile Gavin Baile) experiments, the post-hardcore act totally nailed it. 
The Back To Basics Award
The Amity Affliction - Everyone Loves You... Once You Leave Them
The Amity Affliction caught a lot of flack for their experimental 2018 release Misery. While entirely unwarranted as the metalcore vets were just looking to expand their sound, for their 2020 LP Everyone Loves You... Once You Leave Them, the Aussie outfit returned to form with their breakdown-heavy musicianship and brooding lyricism. Still have doubts? How about you give “All My Friends Are Dead” a spin or two.  
Skankin’ Pickle Award
Skatune Network - Ska Goes Emo, Vol. 1
Here’s a fun one. Adding to the list of things we never thought we’d see in 2020, go ahead and add a ska record covering some of your emo favs like My Chemical Romance, Paramore and Blink-182. Already known for his creative covers, Skatune Network really outdid himself this time around with his Ska Goes Emo LP. Who would have guessed you could skank so well to “I’m Not Okay (I Promise)?” 
The 2020 Glow-Up Award
The Word Alive - Monomania
The Word Alive has seen a lot of change over the course of their ten-year career. From 2010′s hard-hitting album Deceiver to this year’s impressive LP Monomania, the band has really grown into who they are today. For the first time, instead of putting out the music they’re expected to release, the Arizona act really stepped out of their comfort zone and dropped the music they wanted to make resulting in one of this year’s freshest and best so far.
Chocolate Covered Cranberries Award
Four Year Strong - Brain Games
For five long grueling years, we went without new music from easycore noisemakers Four Year Strong. This February, that all changed with the release of the band’s killer seventh studio album Brain Pain. Bringing the guitar-lead heaviness fans have come to love over the years along with their infectious pop-punk-leaning songwriting, Four Year Strong’s new record is the perfect balance of sour and sweet -- like chocolate covered cranberries! Who’s hungry?    
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lexosaurus · 5 years
Hey thanks for your tags on your reblog of the Danny Phantom reboot 2 because I’ve been looking for a way to make some music free for a while 👌
oh my DUDE do I understand that struggle
I use Logic Pro X now which I got as like part of a school bundle thing and I also have Protools like a fancy bitch but yeah for like 5 or 6 years I was using free software so I totally have ur back. I have a few recs actually.
1. Audacity
If you’re tryna record/edit audio at all this is a decent software. It’s pretty much baby Protools. I still use a few of their plugins (esp the noise reduction one. that’s some good shit). So yeah this program is really good for editing already made audio, but not so much for like songwriting at all. But still very useful and 100% free and I deffs recommend everyone download it tbh.
2. Musescore
This was my software of choice for many years. It’s a free scoring program that I really really love and still use for all my scoring needs. I’ve made a ton of stuff on it and yeah it’s super user friendly and if you put it in continuous viewing mode you actually get an unlimited amount of instruments per project so that’s pretty lit.
I highly recommend loading in your own instrument soundfonts. I got mine from here. It just makes everything sound nicer. For comparison, this song is with the default soundfonts and this version is with the soundfonts I imported in myself. The sound quality difference is pretty staggering. 
3. Garageband (on Mac)
This is a given for any Mac user. It’s the baby version of Logic Pro and for a free program it’s incredibly powerful. Great for any songwriting, (both electronic and live instruments) and recording. Everyone knows this so I don’t think it requires much explanation.
4. Windows Garageband
If you’re a windows user, apparently there is a Garageband on the internet. I don’t know much about it, but if you click on this link and scroll down there are tons of alternatives you can use as well. Honestly, if you do a little googling you will find loads of alternatives to Garageband, whether you’re a Windows or Mac user. Many of those programs are modeled after FL Studio, which is the Windows version of LPX.
Lowkeye there are so many free music programs out there. I know opening up new music software is super intimidating. Trust me, I get hit with that same feeling every time I try a new program. And I’ve used a LOT of programs. But there are loads of amazing tutorials on youtube and such and once you really just experiment a bit with your program of choice, things will really get a lot easier very quickly.
Some tips for using a new program:
1. Start slow. Don’t worry about being amazing right off the bat. Truth is, you’re not gonna be good at the program right away. And guess what? That’s fine! So start slow and just experiment with all the different buttons and options. Remember, control z exists for a reason!
2. Look up the keyboard shortcuts right away. I cannot stress enough how much better your workflow is going to be for it. Just imagine trying to write an essay, but every letter you have to search the keyboard for it. That would disrupt your thought process so much, right? It’s the same for music! So get those keyboard shortcuts in your brain asap!
3. Make mistakes! Do it, I dare you! Sometimes it’s hard when songs aren’t going the way you want them to. But just remember, that for every song some famous person puts on Spotify, they have 10 failed songs right behind them. People only release the good stuff. Nobody ever sees the mistakes except the artist. So go ahead and make them!
4. There’s legitimately nothing better than just asking people for help if you’re stuck. I’m in two separate Facebook groups for Logic Pro X and I’ve asked so many “dumb” questions, and have gotten so many great answers! Musicians get a bad rap for being self-centered and close-minded, but in reality musicians are just people. And generally, if you ask people for help, they’ll totally help you! So don’t be afraid to reach out when you need. We’ve all had to do it!
Good luck Anon and I hope you start making some dope ass stuff because YOU GOT THIS!!!!
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sol1056 · 6 years
three anons: what the hell was all that in S7
Picking out the three that are most to the point for this answer, but I’ve got another dozen or so that overlap. Not sure I’ll have time/energy to answer the rest individually, so hopefully this meta will be sufficient. 
I mean it could be that they had different execs back then who were better at their jobs and kept Shiro around. No one disliked black paladin Shiro, even the DotU fans were ok with it, and the writing in s1-2 was mostly very good. Changing all that was a bad idea. I would have left on the spot if Shiro died or was benched, like now, I'm only around for closure. Maybe they were different execs with this decision & the EPs leaped at the chance. Well, we know who's also gonna be in trouble if that's the case.
With your theory on how storyboards were reused and characters shuffled around for cost cutting, might this not also partly explain the Adam flashback scene and how it was staged? I mean, they were originally supposed to be roommates and the scene was meant to appear in season 2 but got cut. What if they just reused the storyboard (or even animation, if it was already mostly done) the way it was and then just changed the dialogue? This could explain the lack of intimacy in the staging, too. Ezor and Zethrids interactions were more openly intimate maybe not (just) because they‘re villains who die immediately after, but because the decision to make them an item came before storyboarding was done, so the staging is more suggestive. I mean, if you think Shiro was mostly pasted in in the first half of s7, that might make sense.
If cost was the issue and they already had the black paladin Shiro version written, and got the greenlight to change it to Keith then things don't add up. Because they changed it once more! Which could have been avoided if they stuck to the Shiro one. And it goes without saying it would be better written to follow canon instead of the mess we got, like, I cant imagine this NOT discussed. So if it wouldn't be cost effective to change it again for Keith and it would be badly written, why did it happen?
Behind the cut: the most likely chronology of revisions, the clues in S7 as to its original form, and what this means for S8 and the Black Paladin position. 
This is everything I’ve been able to figure out between interviews, podcasts, tweets, plus researching the industry and a few reality-checks with friends more familiar. As always, any mistakes are my own. 
version 0: "five teenagers"
This would’ve been the first pitch after getting the green light, and probably only a loose synopsis, with just the pilot given a rough storyboard. A post-apocalyptic Earth conquered by the Galra, who are seeking Blue. The execs rejected JDS' mechanism for the discovery of Blue, in favor of simply having Keith ‘sense’ Blue. The execs also rejected the idea that Shiro would die only a few episodes in. This summary seems to be the basis of the "five teenagers" part of the teaser.
version A: "shiro kicks the bucket"
Timelines would've dictated moving onto an outline pretty quickly, detailed down to the episode level, including bits of dialogue, motifs, turning points or emotional beats. In this revision, Shiro dies/leaves at the end of S2 and does not return. This is the “originally we wanted him to kick the bucket” version, which the execs rejected.
version B: "shiro goes away for awhile"
If I'm interpreting the hints correctly, the "does Shiro die or not" question got tossed back and forth all the way into S1/S2 pre-production. Rather than rearrange everything, the easiest fix would've been to leave most of the story intact and write only a new ending where Shiro returns. The execs reject this rewrite, saying Shiro can’t be gone that long. This is the “we tried to just have him gone for awhile, but the execs said he had to come back sooner” version.
version C: "enter the clone"
Again, easiest fix is to insert Shiro/Kuron, remove Keith, and reverse that just before Shiro's return in version B. This impacts only the middle seasons (S3-S6); the clone compromise satisfies the execs. Kuron's characterization makes a lot more sense if it’s Keith, in visuals (ie Kuron leaning against the wall in Keith fashion), dialogue (fighting with Lance), and action (leaving without consulting the team). It's also why no one mentions Keith's absence. Because in the original version A, Keith was standing right there.
version D: "wtf is going on", aka Season 7
When JDS mentions having a full season written with Shiro as Black Paladin, it didn't make sense how they'd have a script and not use it. With @ptw30's visual detective work, I think I may've figured it out.
Technical notes: first scripts are all written for a season, then voices are recorded, and then the combined script+recording is used to storyboard. Production seasons are 26-episodes, independent of actual broadcast seasons; VA may be recording scenes across two 13-episode seasons completely out of order, since the recording schedule's going to be based on who's available, not chronology of the file numbers. The biggest staff changes are usually in April ('staffing season') when new shows get the greenlight and start sharking around to catch writers, designers, directors, etc.
In March of this year, S5 was released. At least some of the storyboarders were released in time for staffing season; in April, Hedrick moves to a new project. With S7/S8 being unchanged since version B, I suspect Hedrick delivered the scripts for S7 and S8 by winter of last year, at latest. Even that would be tight, since that's expecting animation to deliver 26 episodes in an 8-month timeframe. [edit: probably delivered much earlier, given the studio leaks show images we can recognize from S7/S8, so some amount of these seasons were in production by then.]
In June, S6 dropped, and a week later, Hamilton was announced as the new story editor via the Lets Voltron podcast. With the lead time required in production, there doesn't seem to be any reason to even need a story editor, at this point. All the pre-production work should be done.
In August, S7 dropped. Hedrick's editor credit is only for the first half of the season; Hamilton gets it for the second half. That means the last six episodes were written after Hedrick's departure. (May Chan's S2 script was reused in part, and she gains a belated co-writing script credit for that. Hedrick should've received the same; it's standard.)
Let's recap a few things we know (and a few we can intuit) about S7:
The season was already written with Shiro returning as Black Paladin, possibly also recorded and storyboarded. 
S6 reversed the S4-S5 trend, lending strength to exec arguments that Shiro is necessary in the story.
After S6 dropped, the EPs said the wolf's name was a spoiler. See this post from @pwt30; tl;dr is that perhaps the EPs intended the wolf to be Shiro's spirit. 
Despite Shiro's return, he's absent for the majority of the first half; when he is present, he barely speaks a half-dozen words, and none are plot-relevant. See @ptw30's post for more details. 
There's a glaring incontinuity when Allura says the paladin armor protected the team, yet Shiro is frozen with the other non-paladins despite wearing armor. 
Keith never offers for Shiro to pilot, nor mentions it, nor even seems to consider it an issue.
Not everything dovetails since I don't have the full picture, but here's my theory: S7 was originally outlined with Shiro's spirit in the wolf, rather than Black. I have no idea when/how JDS would've thought up the CA:WS parallels for his sole writing credit, but Shiro's "I died" and Lotor's psychotic breakdown are squeezed into S6E6, which was written by Josh Hamilton, Hedrick's later replacement. The only other Shiro-in-Black point is a few minutes at the end of S6's final episode. Shifting from Shiro-in-wolf to Shiro-in-Black really only affects one episode, with a bit of editing for another.
Anyway, S6 ends version C, and we segue to version B. For the first half of S7, the clone's body may have been in stasis while the team traveled through its various non-adventures. The episode we now know as S7E1 may have been the mid-point, with about six episodes of Shiro being unconcious. After watching the numbers drop from S3 to S6, the execs may've rejected another six episodes of where-is-Shiro and insisted he come back ASAP.
S7 only has two episodes that must be in order; the rest are pretty rearrangeable. All they had to do was insert Shiro into the background and record a few lines. (Several lines are pure voice-over, which also saves cost/time by not needing to animate moving mouth.) But the moved episode is only his memory/awakening, and the logical next episode would be Shiro's reconnection, and the rest of the season would roll from there. Without moving the entire second half of the season to the start, moving only his awakening episode would mean Shiro does nothing for 5-6 episodes and then abruptly reconnects.  
In a recent interview, JDS said at first the execs weren't enthused until JDS talked up the new mecha they'd give Shiro to captain. Honestly, there's no way JDS got to be EP without giving a really good pitch, but there may've been another element to his argument: nostalgia. The EPs seem certain everyone suffers from their same nostalgia dementia, which if you do, then you probably have been waiting for any glimpse of that og!Keith. If Shiro returns at the start of S7, then Keith's time in Black has been limited to a few disastrous episodes in S3, and a single big battle in S6. The beginning of S7 is the only time we'd ever see the Voltron84 formation working as a unified team, and returning Shiro too soon would defeat the whole purpose of showing how the team has grown in his absence.
The solution seems to have been to remove Shiro's reconnection completely, and keep Keith in Black. That would mean re-recording Shiro's lines from the midpoint onward, and editing in Keith over Shiro. The savings would be that only half the seaon would have to be reworked, not all. The loose end of the space wolf --- an artifact of version B --- was left in place.  
What I'm not sure of is whether the following are significant enough changes to warrant removing Hedrick's name and replacing it with Hamilton's. It could be, if supervising the revision process is enough to override the previous credits. I have no idea about that part of the industry, and it's the kind of edge case you're just not going to find a lot of blog posts about, so if you know, tell me. Otherwise, your guess is as good as mine.
Anyway, this would've meant Shiro was switched in for Allura, Allura was put back in a lion, and Keith was switched in for Shiro. This would explain why Shiro speaks as the leader of Voltron despite no longer being a paladin, and the uneasy sensations a lot of people got about the characterizations. It was most striking in the last three episodes: Shiro felt like Allura v2, while Keith felt like Shiro v2. And that further, the Altean-Earthian ship just 'lighting up' for Shiro --- and becoming that oversized white mecha --- may've meant as Allura's fourth (fifth?) deus ex machina.
I'd be willing to bet that mid-battle, Allura repeated her stunt from the end of S2, heading out to destroy Sendak's crystal by herself. She wouldn't need Sam to hack her brain, and then we'd also have a call back to when she got knocked down by the crystal-ball thing on Naxzela. If she was the one meant to go toe-to-toe with Sendak, that would explain the bizarre neutrality of Sendak's words --- he says nothing personal to Shiro, at all --- and the even more bizarre silence on Shiro's part. Allura's words wouldn't fit Shiro, so he's silent.
And lastly, it'd mean that the one leaping out of Black to cut down Sendak wouldn't have been Keith. It would've been Shiro.
Where would the story go from here?
If I look at the events of S7, the first half is terribly disjointed, really. If Shiro was supposed to wake at the midpoint, an episode (or two) is missing. One for him to reconnect with Black, and a second that would provide some minor conflict to settle him back into position. Those two episodes were likely replaced with the unexpected and frankly over-told two-parter of the Earth flashbacks.
Two problems with that, one technical, one structural.
First, the flashback two-parter has a lot of moving parts. Brand-new designs, characters, and backdrops. It's far too elaborate to be done in an ultra-compressed timeframe, not without several heart attacks and therapy bills on the part of the animation staff. (Plus, the US-based storyboarding team is already downsized, so fewer hands to do the work.)
Second, it doesn't make a lot of structural sense, especially against the big revelations in S6 of an existing Altean colony. Within the story, there's no reason to halt everything and travel across the universe to take however long to build a new castle, when the Altean colony question is far more pressing. Returning to earth also violates the structure, because it's really just a standard milieu: start on earth, head out to have adventures, and return home at the end.
But here, they're returning home and then possibly leaving again. That's just... a rather peculiar and imbalanced way to do it. It doesn't help that doing so means literally telling Romelle her people are just gonna have to rot, the paladins are certain they need the castle more. Why would you take one of the more compelling storylines you've come up with, only to background it again, and wreck the traditional bookending milieu structure at the same time? Especially if that means coming up with major set-pieces and brand-new designs in the space of several months, after a chunk of your core staff are already onto other things.
I think those two flashback episodes -- and the rewritten finale episodes --- may've been cribbed from S8. In other words, the second half of S7 was the original end of S8. That would mean repurposing already-created storyboards and animation artifacts, so there's a huge time savings there (not counting the need to re-record voices and edit the visuals to match the changed-around parts). 
[note: if there’s anywhere you want to frontload introductions for the spin-off, it’d be in the final season, not the penultimate season. Here it feels like a big honking distraction, rather than an organic segue into the next iteration.]
That change necessitated that utterly bizarro mecha that appeared out of nowhere with the most ridiculously impeccable timing. There needed to be a reason to pull the team back out to space to deal with Haggar and/or the alt-Alteans and/or Lotor or whomever else it turns out to be.
So... where we go from here depends on when S8 gets released, because that’ll tell us how much they did (or did not) edit the episodes. Another clue will be whose name gets listed as head editor for an episode; if we see Hedrick’s name reappear at the top, we’ll know we’re dealing with episodes that are enough unrevised to qualify as being Hedrick-edited, that it’s a version B episode. 
My expectation? They’ll move Shiro’s reconnection to the first part of S8, and add an episode or edit pieces of another, to blend it into what would’ve been the first half of S8 (probably with filler to mask the gap). Then add an episode to segue into the version B finale of S7, where we’d end with the original VLD lineup. With the time needed for animation, that’d be the easiest (if potentially awkward) way to repurpose as much as possible of existing artifacts. 
If we don’t get S8 in the next 1-2 months, though, all bets are off, and there’s a much greater possibility that the entire final season is being redone from scratch. I’d expect Keith to stay in Black, in that case, but I’m always willing to be pleasantly surprised.  
edited to add: see this followup for another detail that supports the reversed-seasons theory
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dailyjeons · 6 years
A version of Euphoria should have been released as a single on Spotify or something so that we could hear the whole song without any breaks and truly appreciate JK's vocals ;;
strongly agree | strongly agree |strongly agree |strongly agree 
God I’m STILL so extremely petty about this?? And it makes me so emo that any Jungkook stan that complains about this gets some backlash about how ‘the others deserve more’ or ‘it was never supposed to be part of the album and bh already said that’. That doesn’t mean that Jungkook doesn’t deserve his hard work to get appreciated still?
FIRSTABLY. I can agree that the others deserve a lot more, that doesn’t mean Jungkook suddenly has to suffer for it? Secondably. Bighit already telling us it’s not part of TEAR doesn’t mean they couldn’t have dropped the ball on him/his fans?? We ain’t gotta be up Bighit’s ass all the time??  At least drop an official audio somewhere instead of us having to rely on ARMY’s that ripped the audio to illegally stream/dl it aka waste away the song?? lol
I sincerely hope they do something for this asap?? Cause i really do not want it to be released in the last album when the hype for it has already died down and we need to focus on the new songs, and i definitely do not want to think of the studio version never ever getting released z_z
Send me UNPOPULAR opinions (or popular, it doesn’t matter) and I’ll rate them!
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roseband · 6 years
I have a few of The Rose's songs on my work playlist (I work in a lil indie coffee shop so we can pick our own music) and I almost out burst into tears listening to She's in the Rain bc ???? it legit hurt my soul and I don't know why specifically tonight but ;;-;; it's my new fave from them.
ahhh i’m so happy about how much you like it anonnie!! and you’re lucky that your work place allows your own music cause i worked as a barista trainer at a chain bakery/cafe for 2 years and we had the worst playlist of softer cover versions of pop songs >_
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digifox199 · 3 years
Re Loader By Rain
R@1n Act1vat0r (AKA: Rain Activator) is a Windows, Office & Visual Studio all versions universal activator based on KMS activation method, made by R@1n. Unlike R@1n ’s Re-Loader Activator, R@1n Act1vat0r comes with the classic and clean DOS UI.
OR: 1b)Download the selected mod through the in-launcher mod browser under the Rainfusion tab by clicking on the selected mod and clicking on 'DOWNLOAD VERSION x.x.x' for that mod 2)After downloading, it will appear in the Manage tab under the Disabled section. Click on the mod and press the Enable button.
The latest tweets from @Ra1nReLoader.
Reloader By Rain Download
Re Loader By Rainer
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(Example: Slugcat Camo Mod by LodeRunner + Co-op Mod by OriginalSINe, both running through this mod loader. Check out RainDB.net for more released mods, which may some day be made compatible with this loader.)
Vape Store Online – Vape Royalty. Vape Royalty is your one stop online vape shop created by vape enthusiasts, for vape enthusiasts. We offer an industry leading selection of vaporizers (electronic cigarettes), e-liquids, and accessories and pride ourselves in only offering 100% genuine products for the lowest price possible. Unlock Loader QUICK AF. The video above shows you how to unlock Loader as quick as possible. It uses a Mercenary cheese tactic I found so make sure to watch it if you want Loader ASAP. Other Posts: Risk of Rain 2 Tier List; Longer Explanation. If you want to go as quickly as possible, select Drizzle and either the Engineer or the Commando.
Proof of concept Rainworld Mod Loader, almost at a state of being useful.
If you are a mod developer, please do get in touch and provide feedback! I’m on the Rainworld Discord in #modding.
(This same approach could be used to create mod loaders for any Unity game, really.)
Reloader By Rain Download
Download this repository
If your current Assembly-CSharp.dll file is already modded, the injector will not detect this and probably fail. Make sure you have the vanilla version of the game installed.
Paths to important game folders are currently still hardcoded into the code and project setup. They will be different on your machine, so make sure to change the following:
RainWorldInject.csproj -> Build/OutputPath, should be set to Rain WorldMods
ModLoader.csproj -> Build/OutputPath, should be set to Rain WorldRainWorld_DataManaged
MyCustomMod.csproj -> Build/OutputPath, should be set to Rain WorldModsMyCustomMod (do this for any mod project in the solution)
Similarly, references to Assembly-CSharp.dll and UnityEngine.dll need to be pointed to files in your Rain WorldRainWorld_DataManaged folder.
You should now have a VS2017 solution that patches your game when ran, builds the mod assemblies and puts them in the game mod folder. Do that once, and you should be able to launch the game and see the mods take effect. This can be verified in the produced consoleLog.txt file. If anything goes wrong, check exceptionLog.txt.
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Note: currently this project contains multiple example mods which will eventually migrate to their own repositories. They’re purely there to help quickly iterate on the mod api design. You can delete them, overwrite them, or enable/disable them in the solution’s build configuration.
Optionally, copy libPatchedMonomono.dll from this repository to Rain WorldRainWorld_DataMono, after backing up the original you find there. This will let dnSpy’s debugger attach to the game.
For debugging I still recommend using dnSpy. If you load the game’s assembly in there, and manually add your installed mod assemblies, and then launch the game through dnSpy’s debug menu, its debugger works like a charm.
I’ve tried getting VS2017’s debugging tools to work with the game, but haven’t managed it yet. And besides, dnSpy’s decompiled code is nicer to read.
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The mod loader also automatically enables logging to consoleLog.txt and exceptionLog.txt, so all your Debug.Log, Debug.LogWarning and Debug.LogError calls ends up there.
Note: There is a caveat to using a debugger due to Harmony, see Known Issues.
The existing approach to modding Rainworld is to load the game’s dotnet assembly using a tool called dnSpy, which lets you see decompiled source. You then have to edit the low level IL assembly code to do anything, deal with all sorts of cryptic errors, and after that your code is stuffed into the game DLL.
This workflow is not great for writing and maintaining comprehensive modifications.
An injector program takes the vanilla game dll and injects a small mod loader routine. This only has to be done once to enable mod loading for an installed version of the game.
The mod loader will then load custom DLLs with mod-only code when the game starts up, and get the game to call into it.
The loader looks for mod assemblies in the Rainworld/Mods folder. Anything called ******Mod.dll that contains an implementation of the modding interface gets loaded. Any static class that has a static void Initialize() and a name that ends with ******Mod will have that method called.
The Harmony framework is currently used to inject your mod hooks into the game’s code. Check out the provided example mod projects to see how it’s done.
Important: the exact way the mods are hooked into the game’s many functions is still subject to change.
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Three big wins:
The game can load multiple mods at once. (Providing they don’t conflict, which requires some developer care. The modding API can’t guarantee that any two mods go well together, but their developers can.)
You can write your code in visual studio, in C#, organize it into separate DLLs, have dependencies, use source control, and so on.
Mods and modding APIs don’t need to redistribute copyrighted code in Assembly-CSharp, but can be locally applied as a patch to your game install with an easy to use patching program. The Hollow Knight modding community has encountered and discussed this issue, leading to a similar approach.
Re Loader By Rainer
As soon as Harmony is used to patch the game’s assembly at runtime, dnSpy’s debugger can no longer respond to break points set in any patched methods. This is counterproductive, and a serious argument in favour of offline patching instead of runtime patching.
Having no mod API whatsoever and relying entirely on Harmony for creating your mod is not great. Should identify some common modding patterns (e.g. adding a new creature) and create easy to use infrastructure for this.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
How the Passion of Hannibal Lecter Inspired a New Opera About Dante
When you hear the name Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a few things spring to mind—and none of them are likely to involve Italian poet Dante Alighieri or opera. Of course there’s good reason for this, with Lecter’s exotic cooking ingredients superseding his gentler affectations. But even so, when author Thomas Harris first imagined how the character might move in the wild for the novel Hannibal, it was with baroque glee he unleashed the doctor in Florence: Italy’s Renaissance city and Dante’s medieval stomping grounds.
Director Ridley Scott similarly understood that secret recipe. His film version of Hannibal relishes every Italian colonnade Anthony Hopkins walks under, or the way the shadow of the statue of David casts darkness on its star’s face, often as he stands in the same spot where men were hanged or immolated centuries ago. In its better moments, Scott’s movie savors that this is a story about a devil who covets the divine; it delights in playing like an opera.
Hence for the picture’s best sequence, the filmmakers commissioned a new “mini-opera,” one that would for the first time put music to verses that Dante wrote more than 700 years ago. And in the decades since the movie’s release, those fleeting  minutes of music have blossomed into a real, full-fledged opera about to have its world premiere. Once again the doctor’s distinct tastes and influences appear singular within the realm of movie monsters.
“He is a character that’s so exaggerated and extreme, I’m not sure if a person like Hannibal Lecter really could exist,” composer Patrick Cassidy says when we chat over Zoom, nearly 20 years to the day after Hannibal’s release. “He’s a great figure for drama because he is all of these extremes.”
Cassidy should know. Once a young Irish composer who was a relatively new member of Hans Zimmer’s large Remote Control Productions film scoring company, Cassidy’s sumptuous Italian aria “Vide Cor Meum” elevated Lecter’s Italian sojourn on screen, and placed its composer on the path to eventually becoming a Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia (Knight of the Star of Italy). That’s all the more remarkable since Cassidy didn’t even speak Italian when he first set a Dante sonnet to music.
Looking back now, Cassidy remarks, “I was working with Hans Zimmer at the time, who was the composer on the movie. He works on a lot of projects simultaneously and he knew my strength was choral music… They needed an aria and they were shooting the scene in two weeks. So I was in the right place at the right time.”
The sudden impetus for needing an original aria in the movie seems to hail from Scott. In Harris’ novel, a similar scene occurs when Dr. Lecter attends the performance of a real symphony written in the 19th century, but for the movie Scott, Zimmer, and producers Dino and Martha De Laurentiis wanted something original: an aria based on a Dante poem which Hannibal repeats several times throughout the book and film. Written in 1283 when Dante was just 18, the poet’s first sonnet in La Vita Nuova is a paean to Beatrice, the woman he loved. Within its verse, the sonnet includes the following:
Joyfully Amor seemed to me to hold
my heart in his hand, and held in his arms
my lady wrapped in a cloth sleeping.
Then he woke her, and that burning heart
he fed to her reverently, she fearing,
Afterwards he went not to be seen weeping.
– Dante’s First Sonnet
Says Cassidy, “[The aria] had to be based on the first sonnet in La Vita Nuova because that sonnet has a metaphor about eating the heart. But of course Hannibal might have taken that in a literal sense.” Indeed, on both the page and screen, storytellers wanted Hannibal to pivot around the uneasy idea of the debonair cannibal giving his heart to Clarice Starling. After all, “Vide Cor Meum” is Latin for “Look into My Heart.”
Cassidy, however, had little time to digest these finer details when the opportunity to write the aria arose. Relatively new to Hollywood after being in Los Angeles only a year—and succeeding as a choral composer in his native Ireland with Children of Lir, the first major symphonic work in the Irish language—he was primarily tasked with working on library music at Zimmer’s company when the assignment came down: They needed “a good aria” ASAP.
“There was no room for anything to go wrong in a sense,” Cassidy says. “Ridley was already in Florence shooting the movie, but Ridley’s editor Pietro Scalia came into my studio and he brought in lots of CDs of Italian arias, being Italian himself.” This proved particularly useful because while the composer speaks Italian today, he needed to rely on Scalia’s ear while putting Dante’s words to music then.
Cassidy adds, “Ridley also sent me some sketches, which are very fantastic sketches of what the opera would look like. Of course then there was also Dante’s poem. So we started from that, and I think Pietro came back two days later and while I didn’t have the full aria written, I had a nice thematic kind of sense at that stage.”
By his own account, Cassidy estimates he wrote the full aria in under a week.
As a piece of choral composition, “Vide Cor Meum” is transcendently beautiful. Reliant on choral harmonies and luscious strings, the piece more than recites fragments of Dante; it taps into a sense of revelry and underlying melancholy—bringing out the inherent musicality in Dante’s lamentations. This is crucial to both the sonnet and the music’s effect, since the original verse was written in a style of poetry later dubbed by Dante to be the “dolce stil novo” (sweet new style) due to its idealization of Beatrice. This level of worshipfulness was significant for the author since the woman he adored died at the age of 25, four years before La Vita Nuova was released in 1294, complete with new prose around the sonnets in which Dante grapples with her death.
“Vide Cor Meum” brings those aspects out so hauntingly that it’s demanded greater attention ever since its inception. Even back in 2000, the piece was originally only meant to exist in its one minute of screen time; yet it was expanded to two and a half minutes at the request of Scott and the De Laurentiis’ after they heard that minute of music. And once the film was complete, Cassidy was then asked to turn it into a full aria of more than four minutes, or “mini-opera,” on the soundtrack.
Says Cassidy, “Everybody loved the aria instantly, and it was kind of immediate, really, for all the people involved, including Martha and Dino. Ridley especially loved it, and they were all thinking, ‘Maybe you should write a full opera?’ But then nobody knew what the opera should be about.” Editor Scalia did offer an amusing suggestion: write a full-length Italian opera about Hannibal Lecter.
It’s probably for the best that the Hannibal the Cannibal opera never happened, and as the years passed, everyone, including Cassidy, moved onto other projects. Still, the legacy of “Vide Cor Meum” continued to grow. In 2007, listeners of the UK’s Classic FM ranked the Hannibal score in the top 100 film soundtracks of all time (likely in large part due to “Vide Cor Meum”), and the piece has appeared in numerous other places, including another Ridley Scott film, Kingdom of Heaven.
“I loved it in that movie,” Cassidy says, “I thought that was an incredible scene. In many respects I even nearly prefer it in that movie than I do Hannibal.” And as the aria endured, so too did the persistent idea of expanding on it… and on Dante.
In 2010, producer Dino De Laurentiis passed away. While Cassidy had lost touch with the De Laurentiis family over the years, they obviously left a mark on each other, with Cassidy’s career rising after “Vide Cor Meum,” and Dino accepting his Irving G. Thalberg award from the Academy in 2001 to an orchestration of the aria—a development Cassidy suspects Dino’s wife had a hand in.
“Martha loves the piece, so I think she probably organized that,” Cassidy says. “When Dino passed away, I went to the funeral and I was going to pay my condolences to Martha, and there were rows and rows of people around her. But she saw me in the back and she said, ‘Hey, Patrick where’s Dino’s opera?!’”
It’s visibly a sweet memory for Cassidy, even as he recalls he didn’t tell Martha at the time he’d already begun work on expanding what was originally just a two-minute composition into an opera, one with a specific subject matter: Dante Alighieri.
Cassidy says, “Maybe two or three years later, I called her into my studio to give her a presentation of what I’d done on the opera and she loved it, and she wanted to be the producer immediately.” He was also able to show why the opera could only ever be about Dante, the medieval writer who similarly electrified the imaginations of Thomas Harris and his most famous fictional character.
“I think Dante was transitioning out of the Middle Ages into the Renaissance,” Cassidy says about the poet. “Especially in La Vita Nuova, the poetry is in the troubadour tradition of the idea of chivalric love. So it’s kind of a foreign idea to us. When we think of love [it’s] not as an idealization, but just a passion in a sense… for him [love] was quite religious, and he often associates Beatrice with the Virgin Mary.” That sense of an almost deification of love—Amor is a godlike character in La Vita Nuova—also gave Cassidy the space to build a story out of Dante’s life, as opposed to just adapting his most famous and macabre work, La Divina Commedia (The Divine Comedy).
“I realized the mistake would have been to do an opera about La Divinia Comedia where you had the Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradisio,” says Cassidy. “What I did instead was [make] the opening scene in the opera be the first meeting of Beatrice and Dante when they’re both 12 years of age. And then the opera finishes when Dante, at the end of Paradisio, meets Beatrice again in the heavenly paradise, which is the Garden of Eden. So that was the core of the story, it’s a love story of Dante in pursuit of Beatrice.”
It’s a shrewd choice since many forget that at the end of La Vita Nuova, Dante concludes by saying he will write an epic poem unlike any other, and it will be dedicated to Beatrice. Nearly 30 years later, and about 12 months before Dante’s own death in 1321, The Divine Comedy was published with its most famous passages about Dante descending down through the nine circles of Hell. However, it also features Dante ascending to the heavens where he finds Beatrice as his guide to Paradise. When these elements are combined, you have the stuff of opera.
“The second act is Inferno,” Cassidy says, “And at the beginning [of the act], Dante meets Virgil, and Virgil explains that he has been sent by Beatrice to guide him through the underworld.” In the pits of Hell, “Vide Cor Meum” will even have a reprise. While the aria appears much as it did in Hannibal during the first act of Cassidy’s opera, it’s then sung a second time in act two when a siren in the Inferno attempts to seduce Dante, and Beatrice’s angelic voice intercedes.
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By Jack Beresford
The Silence of the Lambs and Clarice’s Lifelong Battle Against the Male Gaze
By David Crow
It’s an ambitious concept, and one Cassidy has been working toward on and off for six years. The composer’s Dante was supposed to have its world premiere later this year in Verona—in time for the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death in 1321. Unfortunately, like many other plans since 2020, whether Dante meets that anniversary is currently up in the air.
“We were hoping to premiere it in the anniversary year,” Cassidy says, “but I don’t know what’s going to happen.” Fortunately, the Irish composer can stay busy. With Dante finished, Cassidy is already working on his second opera, this one with the added challenge of being in English: King Arthur.
“After writing a whole opera in Italian, [you realize] it’s the best language for music. I mean, you really can’t go wrong because it just sounds so beautiful… writing a new opera in English, it’s more difficult. It’s more difficult to make work.” Although as with Dante, King Arthur provides Cassidy with the chance to explore medieval classics, specifically Sir Thomas Malory’s famed 15th century tellings of the King Arthur legend.
Cassidy also recently released a new recording of “Vide Cor Meum” on Apple Music and Spotify, one of two pieces he now has in “A-List Classical” on Apple after another of his works, “The Proclamation,” gained international attention when it was used by President Joe Biden during his Presidential Inauguration Mass. But Cassidy does remain hopeful that Dante will still have its day this year, in Verona or otherwise.
“I would hope that even if we don’t get a full production that we will get something done on Dante this year, because it is an anniversary,” Cassidy says.
Whenever it does debut, Dante and its most famous aria will have come a long way from their origins in a horror movie. But in a certain sense, one imagines Dr. Lecter would approve.
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The post How the Passion of Hannibal Lecter Inspired a New Opera About Dante appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2ZlXtW7
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bittersweet-hun-ny · 4 years
Life is a very confusing thing to try and dissect.
Life has a varying amount of outcomes and possibilities…
​Zeke wakes up in a cold sweat and rubs his eyes. He has been having reoccurring dreams every night for the past week. He would be walking in a beautiful garden with exotic flowers and lush greenery, but beyond that veil someone or something sinister. Zeke was zapped out of his thoughts by the ringing of his phone.
“Yeah what’s up?” He asks his manager.
“Well, Zeke we need you to come down to the studio. Your last song it got deleted somehow. So, we need you here ASAP!” His manager declares before hanging up on him and leaving him to his thoughts once again. Zeke got dressed and tied on this headband, before heading to the studio.
He walks down the sidewalk and sees someone out of the corner of his eye.
It can’t be… It was Zeke. The spitting image of him right down to wearing the same pair of ivory Converse. He stops and watches his doppelgänger gracefully walk away. Zeke runs to his studio and throws open the door almost knocking a plaque off the wall.
“Andrea you are not going t-!” He starts to shout, but his manger Andrea cuts him off stating.
“I was not going to wait for you Zeke. We need to record this now. The release date for this song was yesterday.” She glares up at him, causing him to swallow hard.
“I know. I know. Trust me though I am truly sorry, but I seen someone, and he looked exactly like me! Down to the same pair of shoes.” He says still flabbergasted about what he saw.
Andrea sighs and shakes her head, stating her concern.
“Zeke maybe you need more sleep. We can delay your next album a bit so you can focus on your wellbeing and especially your mental health. I know you must be…” Zeke shakes his head quickly and groans in frustration.
“Andrea… I don’t think you are understanding me. I have been having these weird dreams for the past few nights and I feel like that guy might be connected to them. I know it might seem like a long shot. However, every night I would get closer to the edge of the garden. Last night… I saw the silhouette of a man. I know it is him.” He says exasperated.
Andrea stands up and pats him on the shoulder.
“Okay. I believe you. How about we re-record your song and then we can hunt down this mystery man.” She says with a reassuring smile. Zeke nods and heads into his recording room.
After an hour of recording and mixing. Andrea and Zeke head out to find “Zeke 2.0”.
They start their search in the most basic of places a coffee shop. Zeke questions the barista and a few of the customers that are sitting around. After searching the coffee shop Andrea suggests checking the mall because they are usually bustled and packed full of people. So, it could be possible to find him there. Both walk around and Zeke spots him in an ocean of loud bustling shoppers. He pushes his way through the people, and he grasps the man’s forearm, using that to make his way in front of him.
“You. Who are you?” Zeke asks out of breath from wading over.
“I should be asking you that. Seeing as you rudely grabbed my arm.” The mystery man states
unbothered at the fact they looked exactly the same. The only difference was that Zeke was a well-known rapper, had piercings, tattoos, and the fact that he had longer dreads.
“You really do not know me.” Zeke states and continues “I am Zeke Gray. I’m a rapper who works under the stage name of Project 012.” The mystery man sighs and shakes his head.
“Eh.. a rapper. I am not fond of that genre of music.” He states annoyed and continues.
“My name is Sterling Q. MacIntosh. Instead of having a wack occupation like you. I am a businessman and I own a lot of buildings in the downtown district nine.” He says proudly. Zeke sighs and says
“I have no clue what your deal is man but is none of this worrying to you. I mean you are the spitting image of me.” Sterling scoffs and says
“Oh please. Do not compare us. I am on a whole other level, but if you ever feel like trying to get on my level. Here is my business card.” Zeke takes the card and starts to read it.
“hey-?” He says aloud and looks up seeing that Sterling is gone. Andrea had taken his place.
“Oh my gosh. I thought I lost you!” She says and pulls him out of the crowd, looking down at the small business card in his hands.
“What is this?” She asks softly and carefully takes it from him, reading it to aloud
“Sterling Q. MacIntosh
Architect and Business Manager
Andrea gives him back the card and says.
“So, Zeke 2.0 is a businessman named Sterling. Huh? Kinda old fashioned.” Zeke looks down at the card again and places it in his pocket.
“I’m going home.” He says solemnly and leaves the mall in haste. Zeke goes home and starts to look up information on Sterling. After being awake until midnight, he closes the laptop and looks at his notes.
“He seems completely normal, but something still feels off.” He mutters and walks over to bed laying down and falling asleep. Zeke is in his reoccurring dream again, but this time he is outside of the garden’s boarders. He can see Sterling standing next to a tree that has caught on fire somehow and on the horizon, Zeke see toppling skyscrapers. His words get trapped in his throat and Sterling smiles innocently, but his eyes hold malicious intent.
“Well. What do we have here? Ah the dreamer in life and in subconscious. Zeke Gray… Project 012… Well-known rapper… You are not real Zeke. My company made you under the guise of being a businessman/architect. I am a mad scientist in a sense. Zeke. My son I could never have. You are just a highly functioning robot.” Sterling says the smile disappearing and his head falls, tears roll down his cheeks. Zeke watches as everything around him starts to crumble and disappear. He runs over to Sterling and pulls him into a hug, not knowing why but soon enough he realizes why.
Everything in the dream began to change into a bright white room and on a table in the middle of the room… was Zeke. He was a robot an android something different and innovated. Zeke lets go of Sterling and runs over to the table. He was astounded watching the code flash across the laptop screen. Sterling walks up behind him and says
“Forgive me.” Zeke looks down at the completely autonomous version of himself, starting to declare.
“Forgive you? For what? You gave me life. I should tha-!?”
Zeke wakes up in his room with a jumping start.
“What was that? That dream felt so real, but it could not be. I family photos, memories, a complete past, but… a highly functioning robot…” He says quietly and looks at his hands, before running to the bathroom. He looks at himself in the mirror touches his skin, his hair, and his clothes. He is completely real and human for sure, right?
Zeke digs in his pockets for Sterling’s business card and luckily for him there was a number. He dials it and waits for him to pick up.
“Hello?” Sterling asks sleepily.
“Sterling… I have a question. I know this is gonna sound crazy. Okay not crazy, but definitely insane. Just hear me out. You were in my dream and you said you made me a-.” Zeke rambles and gets cut off by Sterling.
“Just meet me tomorrow at Café al Dionte. It is in district nine.” He says before hanging up and leaving Zeke confused. Sterling runs his fingers through his short hair and sighs to himself.
Zeke wakes up the next morning and gets dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie. He gets a taxi to the café and walks inside ordering a coffee, before taking a seat by the window. Sterling walks into the café about twenty minutes later and takes a seat next to Zeke, putting his briefcase on the table.
“Your dream. You are very perceptive Zeke. Yes, you are my son. I did make you with the same likeness as me, but I did not intend for this to happen. I feel like it would have been too meta and I am sorry for making fun of your career. I will support you through anything.” Sterling says and carefully opens his briefcase revealing pictures of Zeke being put together, pictures of a quite younger Sterling, and a few little robotic components. Zeke nods along and asks
“Why not just keep me and raise me as your son? That would have made more sense, right?” Sterling nods a bit and says
“Yeah… I don’t know. I felt like you would turn on me in some way, but now I see that would never have been the case. The whole reason I made you was because I was alone. At one point in my life I was married. I had a wife and a child, but that changed in an instant. My wife got into a car accident it was a drunk driver. Her and my son were pronounced dead upon impact. I guess I broke and became disjointed. No one wanted to talk to me. So, I just locked myself away and began to create you in my own likeness and my son. I made you into the future version of him in the hopes it would make me feel again.” Sterling stops talking and trembles a little. Zeke passes him the coffee and smiles.
“I understand now. How hard it must’ve been to endure all of that alone. I am glad that you gave me life and a good one at that. I have been able to chase dreams and become famous. Thank you, dad.” Zeke says with a bright genuine smile. Sterling looks up at Zeke and sees what he had always wanted for his son. A bright smile, future, and the ability to withstand any obstacle put before him. His eyes begin to tear up and he quietly says.
“I am so glad about how you turned out Zeke. I… You. Thank you, son.” He leans over and hugs Zeke tight, before pulling away and wiping his tears with a handkerchief. Sterling drinks the coffee and sits the empty mug on the table. Zeke looks at the mug and then up at Sterling.
“Dad, why don’t you come and live with me? That way you can learn more about who I’ve become and so we can have a familial bond.” He suggests and Sterling smiles.
“I would love that. Oh, and can I ask you a personal question?” Sterling asks. Zeke nods and Sterling continues.
“I see that you are wearing a ring on your left ring finger. Are you perhaps married?” Zeke blushes and covers his face.
“Oh yeah. That is probably important.” He says with a small nervous laugh and says
“I am married. My wife’s name is Onyx, and she is an independent writer, and she tends to write romance novels. I met her at a bakery in Toronto while doing a tour to try and get my music out there. She is really nice. So, I am sure she would love you, but wait… Should she know I am a robot or android or whatever? I feel like it would complicate or make things bad…” Sterling looks at Zeke and takes a moment to think.
“I think that is up to you. However, for relationships and marriages to work there needs to be honesty. So, I think for the greater good you should tell her and if she is as nice as she sounds then I am sure she won’t mind.” Zeke nods and ponders on his father’s answer.
“I will tell her when she comes back from her book signing events. Anyways, here is my home address. Come over when you are ready to get settled in. I have a guest room with your name on it!” Zeke says cheerfully and stands up leaving the café and going to his house. He starts to clean up and waits for the time his father decides to come home. Zeke sits in his living room a smile on his face, as he looks down at a picture of him and Onyx, but slowly the picture develops, and Sterling is standing next to him with a big smile.
Life is what you make of it and it can be wild at times.
Life is a thing that can be created, destroyed, and altered in various ways.
Life is a miracle.
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thedivinefish · 4 years
TGIWednesday and party like it's MY birthday
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TGIWednesday News
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Today is my birthday and yes, this is how I feel as my g'daughter Charlie represents another year has come and gone!  Where does it go?  I have a movie star client that always says, “The days are long but the years fly by!”  The ultimate lessons that I have learned over time are as my sweet momma always said, “I don’t do rush.” So slow it down a bit and don’t hurry up into anything or anyone!  Know that I appreciate you and every birthday. I am now making every effort to receive personal self-care, whether it’s a haircut/massage/reading or other.  And with all of my birthdays I like to treat others...  
So here you go in celebration of my birthday on August 19th we have activated a Special 19% off Discount on ALL Audio MP3 and eBooks in the shop for the next 19 hours!  You'll see the price adjustment after you Add To Cart and begin Checkout.  This deal will be gone in a FLASH so don't delay!  Go here now and have fun shopping!  (*sessions/prayers zoom videos and certification are NOT included - time runs out at 6pm ET/ 3pm PT on Thursday the 20th) Make it fun today and every day and know that I appreciate you and I plan on having my version of fun too!
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Get Jimmy's Bday19 Discount Here!
TGIWednesday Download
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~ CLEARING YOUR DAY AND EVERY DAY ~ I believe, think, know and feel that my day today is Clear. I know, when, where, how and why to release my day today from unclear.  I am ready, willing and able to have everything today in this very day, running forward with grace and ease and I am asking in all time lines and languages and so it is.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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AUGUST 19th- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Birthday Greetings from my Inbox: "Jimmy, Happy Birthday, listen my tooth is really bothering me and I have another dentist appointment tomorrow but I am hoping to get with you today to get rid of this pain and anxiety, so get me in on your first available, K?. "Happy Birthday, do you think my resumé is being received because the recruiters act skittish and I am wondering if it’s just me or the whole state of Florida? Can we schedule? "Jimmy, Happy Birthday my dear friend, I hope you are having a blast and I know that traditionally you don’t schedule clients on your birthday, but I am hoping you will make an exception for me because I just got back from the doctor, hit me back. "Jimmy, Happy Birthday, I forgot that you are a fellow Leo like me, listen, I cannot find my car keys anywhere.....Thoughts? Hints? Impressions? "Happy Birthday buddy, I know you’re not working today but my anxiety and loneliness is at a new level, honestly we have to get together ASAP anything available noonish today? Call, text or email asap. "Jimmy, I know that you’ve been working on me for attracting more women and I REALLY want to get with this new girl. I don’t think I told you that I found out her husband’s name is the same as mine and now she’s acting all cold towards me. Do you think that all the attractive good mojo stuff you’ve been sending my way went to the wrong Phillip? I know it’s like midnight but call me ASAP." Daily Affirmation: "Today I will remember that we have choices. That "No" can be a one word sentence. That other people are generally self-absorbed and that I can make the choice to buy into that as a belief and or as much as a choice that they have made. Today I will choose peace and quiet."   
From the Fish Box
"Good morning Jimmy, When I woke up early this morning my cat still hadn't come home. So I got dressed and went to go look for her. After 45-min and feeling into where she was, I stood at a spot quietly calling (as it still was really early) and suddenly she started meowing from somewhere and found her way to me. After a bit of saying hello, she led the way home. So, she's back and I'm happy ;) Thanks for the session and assistance yesterday. It helped a lot!" - Nicky
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From Jimmy: Some of you may have read on Facebook that MY sweet black male cat "Kitty" has been missing for over a week.  If you can offer your prayers for his safe and quick return, we sure could use them!  🙏  It would be the best birthday present ever!!
Monthly LIVE Zoom Event
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Next MySwitchWorks Live Zoom Event Wednesday August 26th 7:30-8pm ET August: Themes of Loss
Have you recently suffered a loss of work, a loved one in spirit, lost innocence, lost health, lost youth and vitality?
Let’s have this one be about what you feel you’ve lost and what you’d like to reclaim!  Gainful employment, peace, restored zest for life etc...  Send in your Top 3 to [email protected] (please do not reply to the confirmation email)
Register Here for August - $22
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
Thursday Sept. 23rd - The Global Gathering
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with host Dipal Shah. The Gathering is an online spiritual event in which multiple healers, lightworkers, catalysts and spiritual teachers come together as ONE to support humanity by anchoring love, light, joy, wellness and optimism.    Join Us and Watch Online!   
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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NEW VIDEO FORMAT! WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected] Yesterday's Show - Watch the replay here! Special Guest Jeremy Riden  Divine Spark Ministries https://www.facebook.com/JeremyRiden/  UPCOMING GUESTS:
August 25th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page September 1st Psychic Joanne Leo | Numerology/astrology/angel cards reading from the heart www.psychicjoanneleo.com   September 8th Jeremy Riden | Cards and intuitive readings https://divinesparkministries.com/about-jeremy-riden   September 15th  Gosia Lorenz| Clearing negative entities and intuitive readings www.gosialorenz.com   September 22nd Ayla Murray | Tarot/Angel Cards and intuitive readings https://www.facebook.com/harmonicperspective/   September 29th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page  
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Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
 Tampa Office Sessions
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with you immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
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