#i need to do the blue lion route then probably the golden deer again (they were my first run that i never finished and i love them soo much)
quechl · 1 year
the fire emblem fixation is back
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
Azure Gleam Ch 2
Finally got to the Blue Lions route in my Three Hopes Warriors all routes playthrough. All spoilers kept below the cut.
FINALLY picking my boys and girls!
It's so funny. The last time I made this choice, I didn't really care too much one way or another. And now I have so many opinions and biases lol.
Yuck. Jeritza. Ugh, but I don't want him anywhere near the Blue Lions.
Awww, the Lions are giving us a welcome feast! The other houses didn't do that lol.
Not Ingrid calling Felix out for being rude, lol.
No, Dimitri, don't trust Jeritza's judgement. Don't.
Oh, shit, Mercedes in this class. Does she know? Or suspect? How awkward for both of them.
Jeritza's a comically awful teacher.
Ashe's like - we need to protect the village! Felix is like - easy picking to kill, let me at them.
Oh, the only house to assume it may be a trap that it's so quiet? Am I right on that?
Dedue being like "stay behind me, Dimitri" Felix has "you're trapped in here with me" energy lamo. I love this group so much.
Time to go save Monica again lol.
Man, I love getting to play as the Blue Lions. Dimitri is a lot of fun to use so far. I'm surprised they didn't give us Felix though. Probably because he's a sword like Shez.
Dimitri MVP. Yeah, this won't be the last time lol.
OMG I got so many new weapons this time. I don't think I got as many on the other routes?
Dimitri low-key recognized TWSITD, didn't he?
Man am I glad these routes split a lot sooner. This is the third time I've heard this dialogue about Monica and Tomas and etc . . .
Yeah, Arval 100% has ties to TWSITD
Dedue be like - "it's hard to imagine someone in the monastery is working against us." Have you SEEN Hubert? Not that hard.
Golden Deer House - should we suspect the lunch lady??? Blue Lions House - asking about how long Tomas has been working here, why kidnap a student, what made him hate the church? But this is the house of jocks and dumb people . . . sure.
Tomas transformation time again lol.
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
Regarding recruitment in 3 Hopes, I actually think AG makes the most sense, and the Blue Lions did overall make the most sense. Considering that everyone is literally against them in this game, it makes sense that 6 Blue Lions are route locked now: they don't forgive imperialist invaders. Mercedes only joins SB because of Jeritza, and Ashe only defects thanks to Lonato. Both make sense given their characters and their family connections. Catherine, Seteth and Flayn obviously fit in AG (1/3)
Shamir joins in AG because of Catherine, again, makes sense. Claude allows a bunch of Golden Deer to join once the Kingdom and Alliance join forces: again, logical. We don't poach them, they join us willingly. The only examples of students willingly joining without needing persuasive strategy. 4 Black Eagles can join because none of them are really loyal to Edelgard anyway, and all would prefer to just stop fighting for Edelgard altogether. So it makes sense in AG as well (2/3)
The only units who make no sense are Lysithea and Leonie. To start with Leonie, why can't she join in AG? Especially when Jeralt and Byleth are recruitable. For Lysithea, she was able to join on AM, so why not in AG? Leonie and Lysithea also had good support conversation with Blue Lions in AM as well, so it's not like there's no precedent for allowing them to join the Blue Lions. I cannot understand why Leonie, if anyone, wasn't recruitable on AG tbh. That made no sense whatsoever (3/3)
AG's recruits do all hang together fairly well, although it still has its share of random ones; Hapi is fighting with the Imperial army when you get her, and Yuri and Balthus just show up wherever the plot needs them to like they do on every route.
As for Lysithea and Leonie, I have a good guess as to why they're not in AG aside from the developers not wanting one route to have 3/4ths of the playable cast. Lysithea has a paralogue in SB with Edelgard and Hapi where they investigate one of Cornelia's old hideouts, which is of course not available in AG. Leonie meanwhile is very much tied to Jeralt; the only time she can be recruited out of GW is late in SB if you have Jeralt, and it was probably not feasible to do this in AG where Jeralt comes two chapters later and just before that route's last recruitable character. Also, fun/annoying fact: Leonie's Shez supports are unavailable in SB, and their A support can only be unlocked in GW if you recruited Jeralt. She really is all about the hero worship.
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Today, I accidentally got my FE3H/Pokemon crossover tag up to five pages on my blog, getting extremely carried away after we began to get carried away yesterday, and then today I also accidentally wrote 4k words of Blue Lions Route With Pokemon. Entirely self-indulgent but I offer it up to you nonetheless.
In which: Dimitri’s swinub is a nuisance, combat training with pokemon goes as well as you’d expect, the Golden Deer are weird in the background, Byleth is weird in the foreground but shows a glimpse of her heart, and Annette talks a lot about potatoes. Timeline goes through The Magdred Ambush.
It is Annette’s second time on kitchen duty with Dedue, which comes quicker than she thought it would in the rotation, but that’s okay because Dedue is good at cooking and patient with her scattered brain. It’s the third time she’s actually cooked with him, since he helped her out one day when it wasn’t his turn, and cooking with him is almost as fun as cooking with Ashe or baking with Mercie. But only almost, not because he’s not as good as them - she thinks he might be better, actually - but because he’s so quiet, and Annette sometimes has trouble with the quiet, and then when she fills it she worries that she’s annoying him. She can’t read the stern look on his face, can’t tell if it’s actually stern or if that’s just his face. 
But she likes Dedue all the same, even if it’s hard to tell if he likes her back, and she especially likes cooking with Dedue. He suggested to her today that she tell her chatot to give her a squawk to remind her to check on hot pots and pans, and that was a great idea that Annette would never thought of. Except because he used the word “squawk” and Chatot heard that, even when Annette gave Chatot his precise instructions, Chatot just yells “SQUAWK” instead, which is annoying, but also gets Annette’s attention and reminds her to look over everything. Chatot can be really annoying, especially when he goes around singing all of her secret food songs to Felix of all people, because Chatot was there in the greenhouse with her and should have known that she was mortified when Felix heard about steaks-and-cakes. Chatot should not go around giving Felix more of her songs! Chatot is a horrible monster.
She thinks she’s doing really good with helping Dedue cook - she’s not cooking, she’s just helping, and she knows it and that’s okay - and then something hits her in the shin and she shrieks and drops what she’s holding, which is thankfully just a ladle and not a knife. Dedue looks to her in alarm. She looks down in alarm. The swinub on the floor butts its head into her leg again. It’s stronger than it looks, stronger than its size suggests. “Wha--?”
It slams its entire body into the leg of the table and all of the potatoes Annette had so carefully set out roll to the floor, a bunch of smaller round brown things around the larger one. “Hey!” Annette cries. “You can’t have that!” She dives to the floor and starts trying to collect her potatoes again. The swinub sinks its little teeth into a potato and starts dragging it across the kitchen. It looks like a large, fluffy potato, the swinub does. “No! We need those!”
“Annette,” Dedue says, and he sounds all tired and oh, goddess, is she being annoying again? “Please put Swinub back outside, and I will worry about collecting the potatoes.”
She dumps two back on the table and then crawls back under it, trying to reach the swinub that has retreated into the corner with its prize. “Come - here - you - little - ow!”
It bit her with those little teeny-tiny teeth. “No!” she says. “Bad!” She manages to grab it, digging her fingers into its fur, and she starts to pull it back out to the open. “You don’t have to make this - such an ordeal - for both of us!” She wrestles it into her arms, tugging at the potato it had picked up as soon as it was done biting her, and tries to stand and slams her head into the table and falls back to the ground. The swinub jolts from her arms and scoots across the floor. Annette pounces on it and pins it to the ground beneath her stomach. The swinub lets out a cry of protest. “This didn’t have to be so undignified for either of us, you know!” she tells it, gathering it into her arms with an even firmer grip on it. She doesn’t want to look at Dedue. He won’t laugh at her but that might be even worse.
There are so many pokemon at the Officers Academy. Annette isn’t used to it. There were only a few at her uncle’s, and then surprisingly few at the Fhirdiad School of Sorcery. She met Chatot there, Chatot who mimicked her singing to her very great surprise and then followed her and then followed her some more until Mercie said, “I think he likes you, Annie. You should try to be friends!” And then she brought Chatot home to her uncle’s and that was one more pokemon there, and whenever she took care of Chatot she would see a sad look in her mother’s eyes, surely because Father was the only one in the household with a pokemon before, before he left, before they came to live with Annette’s uncle, and before he left he used to say that he would get Annette a pokemon of her own someday. And he didn’t. A pokemon of her own found Annette, all on her own, without him, just like Annette is doing everything on her own now, without him.
Her classmates have so many pokemon. So many of them seem so used to it, Ingrid and Felix and Sylvain all so comfortable among pokemon, like they don’t even have to try. Dedue doesn’t have a pokemon; Annette asked him if he did, on one of the first days, and his stern face turned sad for just a moment before it snapped back to stern and Annette regretted asking because she was still afraid of him then, and she’d asked something that seemed so surely out of line, and she had squeaked an apology and ran away. Later she thought about what she knew about the people of Duscur, what happened, and she got sadder. So she’s not going to ask again, not unless they’re really truly friends someday, and she doesn’t even know if he likes her even if he’s patient with her, so she’s not going to ask for a good long while.
Annette pulls the potato out of the swinub’s mouth. It squirms. She has the potato in one hand and both of her arms and other other hand wrapped tightly around the swinub. It writhes and wriggles more. She has to open the door like this. The kitchen door is closed in front of her and she has to open it and put the swinub out and close it again before it can get back in. She has to  open the door without letting the swinub go. Okay. She can do this.
She fumbles with the door with her potato-holding hand and her elbow and her shoulder and she stumbles and pushes the door open and nearly falls over the threshold and that means she nearly falls right onto the Prince of Faerghus.
“Eep!” Annette squeaks, and then the swinub makes a similar sound, and then Chatot somewhere behind her in the kitchen yells “SQUAWK!” and Annette has in her life probably been more embarrassed than this but this is really, really bad and really, really embarrassing. She so wants His Highness to like her, because she feels like she knows him from her father’s stories, and she likes the boy she knows from her father’s stories, and he knew her father, too, and no one else here knew her father, and here she is with a potato and a swinub in her hands, nearly tripping onto him, and she wants to go curl up in a hole and never come out. “Um, h-hi, Your Highness, I—”
His eyes go wide. Annette wonders if she has something on her face or if hitting her head on the table left some huge horrible bump on her head that Dedue was too polite to acknowledge. “Annette! Has Swinub been a nuisance in here?”
“I, um—” Wait. Oh, goddess, isn’t this his swinub? Annette knows Mercie’s two vulpix, of course, since their School of Sorcery days, and she is more familiar with Felix’s two honedge and Ingrid’s skarmory because they are undergoing combat training as well, but otherwise she always forgets which pokemon belong to who. 
“My deepest apologies,” His Highness says, with a small bow of acknowledgement that Annette’s whole self rebels against because he’s the prince and she is just - a knight’s daughter - with a Crest but— “He must have smelled the food and came running. I should have kept a better eye on him, after he did this the last time we passed near the dining hall before supper. He’s a bit like Ingrid in that regard, rushing off as soon as there is the faintest hint of food.”
He smiles awkwardly, unsure of his attempt at a joke, and Annette doesn’t know Ingrid that well but she can put away a lot of food at meals and Annette laughs a little loudly and awkwardly too. It’s awkward. She coughs and says, “So this little guy is yours, then?”
“He is indeed,” says His Highness with a nod. “I am sorry that he is causing you so much trouble once again.”
Again? Annette thinks, and then she is aware again of Dedue’s presence behind her, and it’s got to be him that His Highness is addressing with that, because they’ve known each other for a while, right, and all of the other nobles seem to have had their pokemon for a while, too. “It’s no trouble for me, really!” Annette says, and His Highness frowns, like he can tell it is some trouble, the way the swinub keeps squirming. “But here you go! Here’s your potato back!”
And she holds out the swinub, which mercifully stops wriggling then, and His Highness stares at it and then at the potato that Annette is also still holding. “My… potato?” he asks. 
Annette needs to go crawl into a hole right now. “Yeah, it um - it kinda looks like a potato! Especially since it went after the potatoes, like, um...” Oh, this is the worst. This is so bad. “Here!”
His Highness accepts the swinub from her. “Ah, yes,” he says, and he looks like he’s trying to smile and he doesn’t do very good at it and Annette would crawl under the table right now if she still didn’t have to help Dedue. “Of course. My potato.”
Annette stands there after he’s left, hating her stupid silly brain and all the stupid silly things she says, and then Chatot yells “SQUAWK” again and Annette realizes she still has a potato - an actual potato, not a swinub-potato - in her hands. “Um, Dedue?” she asks, gesturing with the potato. “What should I do with this? Since Swinub got to it.”
“Cut off the bitten part and then I will peel the rest,” Dedue says. He doesn’t want her to do anything as delicate as peeling a potato with a knife. Big chopping is all she can do. She thinks that’s probably wise but she also hates it. She curses her stupid silly scattered brain again and cuts off the side of the potato. She goes to throw it in with other scraps, but Dedue takes it from her, along with the knife and the potato.
Later, in the dining hall, she watches him duck under the bench to feed the raw potato scrap to His Highness’ swinub. His Highness says something to Dedue and then laughs. Annette wonders if it would like raw or cooked potato better. Once she brought Chatot back to her uncle’s, he scolded her for trying to feed Chatot cooked food off her plate, telling her that wasn’t proper behavior. It’s weird being at the academy now and seeing people just feed their pokemon food that’s prepared for people. The Golden Deer students, especially - they’re all so strange. Raphael piles a plate full for his makuhita of the exact same food as Raphael is eating. Claude lets his dreepy sit on the table and eat from his plate. Who does that?
“Is something wrong, Annie?” Mercie asks. “You keep looking over at Prince Dimitri.”
“I called his swinub a potato,” Annette says despairingly, laying her head down on the table, and Mercie pats her head.
Professor Byleth, who was a mercenary until six weeks ago and doesn’t know anything about the Church of Seiros, instructs them all to bring their pokemon to combat training with the Knights of Seiros one morning. Professor Byleth makes a lot of strange decisions but she lead them easily and carefully through their fight with the bandits in the Red Canyon, keeping everyone calm and helping reassure everyone who needed it when the battle was over, so everyone goes along with it without much fuss. Professor Byleth probably isn’t any older than Mercie, and she might even be younger. Maybe she’s even younger than Sylvain, Annette has no idea really. It’s weird. She’s an amazing fighter and has a great head for strategy, but she also doesn’t know how to lecture and the first time she looked in one of their strategy books, His Highness and Ingrid had to explain to her the shorthand and symbolism used for the tactics. It’s like nothing she’s learned ever came out of a book. It’s weird. She’s weird.
Her eevee lies draped around her neck like a scarf. She wears it into combat. Annette saw Sylvain at the training grounds one day trying that with his eevee, and she watched every attempt end in failure, which was sort of funny, but also makes her wonder how long Professor Byleth has kept her eevee as an eevee for them to learn to be so perfectly balanced. Eevee are easy to evolve if someone wants to evolve it quickie; evolutionary stones are somewhat expensive, but Professor Byleth and her father seemed to be competent mercenaries. Professor Byleth probably could have evolved her eevee by now, for something to help her in combat, and instead she just wears it as a scarf. Sylvain says he doesn’t evolve his eevee because it’s too cute as it is, and girls always like to gush over it, and Ingrid rolls her eyes and His Highness sighs and Felix ignores him so obviously that it’s obvious that he isn’t ignoring him at all. 
Anyway, Professor Byleth is weird, and they all bring their pokemon to combat training with the Knights of Seiros on a field not far away from the monastery. Felix’s two honedge and Ingrid’s skarmory came with them to the Red Canyon, but the professor wants to assess everyone’s aptitude. 
It’s a disaster. Annette wants to crawl into a hole again. Chatot keeps screaming out orders that have already been called, mudding any commands made, and the professor calls for a pause on the battle, which is the kind of thing that obviously can’t happen in a real battle, but this isn’t supposed to be like a real battle except without the chance of getting killed. This is all an exam of some sort and Annette and Chatot just failed. “Annette,” Professor Byleth says, and Annette slumps her shoulders and sighs.
“I know,” she says. “Chatot’s no good out here, is he?”
The professor shakes her head. “Now, no. Not at all,” she says, which is harsh but also what Annette is thinking. “There could be a use for it, considering its volume” - which is like, a nice way of saying that Chatot can scream louder than any human Annette has ever known - “but you would have to work with it to ask that it stay silent when you request.”
Annette can’t even get it to stop singing when she doesn’t want it to. She nods and takes Chatot away from the battle. Professor Byleth said that those of them whose pokemon are deemed not yet suitable for combat should remove their pokemon from the field and then return, but Annette can’t return because if she does Chatot will follow and start screaming again, so she has to stay off at the side and watch. Ashe eventually comes over and sets his snom down next to Annette. “Can you keep an eye on her?” he asks. “She can’t move really fast, but, still, thanks.”
Mercie’s brings her fire-vulpix over, leaving her ice-vulpix for a moment with Dedue still in the battle. Annette could have expected that. Fire is hard, and Mercie’s fire-vulpix kept setting all the grass under their sides’ feet on fire, ruining their visibility and leaving the “enemy” all right. Annette wonders how the Black Eagles would do with an exercise like this. So many of the Empire’s students have fire pokemon. Maybe they would ask Professor Jeritza for help. He’s the combat instructor and he’s as weird as Professor Byleth, but Annette has seen him training with his houndoom before and it’s remarkable, the way they work in sync, the way his houndoom wreathes fire all around him but still never getting in his way. 
“Ice is still in?” Annette asks Mercie.
“Well,” Mercie says, “the Blue Lions House is for students from Faerghus.” 
And Faerghus is cold but there actually isn’t much ice, this year. There’s Ashe’s snom and the prince’s swinub, and Sylvain said once that he’s expected to evolve his eevee into a glaceon, someday, but that’s not now, and then there’s Mercie’s vulpix. But Felix and Ingrid have steel, and Annette just has her chatot, and Dedue has no pokemon at all, which feels kind of really lonely to Annette. 
She and Mercie watch Prince Dimitri trip over his swinub. “I guess potatoes aren’t very good in combat,” Mercie says, and Annette giggles. Dimitri hitting the ground startles Sylvain’s eevee, which leaps back, right into Felix, tangling itself around his legs, and he yells in frustration and looks like he’s about to try and kick it before Ingrid intervenes. 
When the professor calls for the end of the session, Annette is sitting with Chatot, a fire vulpix, a potato-swinub, a snom, and an eevee. Mercie’s ice-vulpix didn’t cause enough trouble to be kicked out. It breathed a lot of ice on the knights’ legs, and that seemed to be a bit annoying for them, so maybe that was good and helpful, actually. Felix’s honedge and Ingrid’s skarmory are fine, and Ingrid’s rookidee is too small to be an obstruction and it kept diving at the knights’ helms and that seems to have annoyed and distracted them a little. And then Ashe’s nickit didn’t do anything, just stayed at his feet as he was an archer on the back line, in the woods, and Professor Byleth tells him, as they regroup, that it isn’t really the point of the exercise for the pokemon to do nothing at all, but they can work on that.
She’s still wearing her eevee around her neck.
The professor’s verdict on whose pokemon are presently suited for battle will hold for a month, she decides, after some discussion with the class, and then they will test them all again in a new training battle. In the meantime, they will continue to train in smaller-scale scenarios to gain an understanding of what unique strengths their pokemon may have. Dimitri’s swinub, she used as an example, and Dimitri was glad for it because he has been at his wits’ end with Swinub since they came to the monastery. It, for instance, she said, made a mess charging about the battlefield, but Mercedes’ vulpix and its ice breath proved useful; perhaps they could adapt such strategies for Swinub. 
Yet all the same, after the discussions of care for their pokemon who will be left behind when the Blue Lions ride out to Castle Gaspard - Annette’s chatot, one of Mercedes’ vulpix, Sylvain’s eevee, Ashe’s snom, and Dimitri’s own swinub - when they leave, Ashe’s snom is still perched on his shoulder. It remains tucked into the crook of his neck in the same position of comfort that it has adopted all month, since they first heard of Lord Lontato’s rebellion, and Dimitri - well, there is no tactical reason for it, by the professor’s own standards. But Ashe seems a little more at ease - relatively, which is not at ease at all, understandably so - with both his nickit and his snom with him, and that must be it. 
The professor seems so detached and cold - so mercenary, in contrast to all of the knights that Dimitri has known throughout his life. Her eyes are dark and dispassionate and flinty. But as they ride, more than anyone else, she glances toward Ashe, obviously seeing his snom, yet she has nothing to say of it. What Dimitri is sure must have been the first time she saw it, she registered no surprise at all. And that may be something as simple as how her face is, as Dimitri is coming to understand, but he wonders perhaps if she knew, or gave her permission.
Or perhaps in the course of their training she went back on her own standards and deemed snom suitable for combat, after all. Perhaps that was all. Or perhaps - is it wishful thinking on Dimitri’s part? - she allowed it as a simple comfort to Ashe, when all the rest of this is so painful and not at all simple. Perhaps, Dimitri finds himself hoping, there is more warmth beneath the surface.
“Excuse me, Annette?”
Annette looks up from her books. Lysithea does not look up. Lysithea probably did not even hear someone else’s approach. When she is dedicated, she is dedicated. She even ignores her litwick. In fact, she often ignores her litwick. Like she doesn’t want it around. It’s strange. There are a lot of strange people in the monastery, and a lot of them are in the Golden Deer House. Annette and Ashe watched Claude try to nock his dreepy to a bow and shoot it like an arrow yesterday. It didn’t work, and then Claude asked Ashe if he had any ideas on how they could get it to work, and Ashe looked like he had been slapped in the face but then he actually engaged Claude in the conversation. Annette thinks he would take any excuse to not have to talk about Lonato, or have anyone look at him while thinking about Lonato, and Claude was looking at him to find an accomplice in a ridiculous scheme instead. Annette left before they attempted anything but she should find Ashe and ask him about it later.
“Oh! Your Highness!” Annette sits up straighter. “How can I help?”
“I am sorry to ask this of you,” His Highness says, “but would you mind keeping Swinub with you for a while? I am on kitchen duty today, and he has been nothing but a nuisance again.”
“Of course!” Annette holds out her arms and His Highness gratefully deposits his swinub into her arms. “Was he headbutting shins again?”
“He was indeed,” His Highness says. “And I believe you may have confused him with your particular comment. When Leonie and I went to grab him, he attempted to hide himself by nosing his way into a pile of potatoes and remaining very still, as though he believed we would not be able to distinguish him from the surrounding potatoes.”
Annette giggles. She also wants to bury herself in some potatoes, because His Highness still remembers that stupid comment, but it’s also funny. “Are you a potato?” she coos at the swinub in her arms. It sniffs her face with its pink snub nose, and then it snuffles into her hand when she pets its head. “Yes! You’re a potato!”
“Thank you, Annette,” His Highness says, and Annette remembers that he’s there listening to her and she wants to become a potato herself and lie very still until he forgets about her and goes away. But the swinub in her lap is - well. It’s a fuzzy potato, which would probably be a bad thing because there’s no reason for a good potato to be fuzzy, but in a good way. It’s very cute. She loves Chatot, of course, but Chatot isn’t as cute as a swinub, or vulpix, or eevee. 
When Annette moves her hands from the swinub, it does not scoot from her lap and try to return to the kitchen. It sighs, heavily, and seems to flatten out a little wider on her lap. Like a ball of cookie dough spreading as it bakes. “Are you a cookie?” Annette asks. “Or are you a potato?” Its eyes open when she says potato. Oh, goddess, she’s done it now. She did it then with her comment and now she’s sealed it. Swinub thinks it’s a potato, or thinks its name is Potato, or something. “I guess you’re a potato!”
Lysithea loudly clears her throat, and Annette remembers that she is there listening to her, and it was Annette who asked her to help come study, and now she’s ignoring Lysithea to gush over a large, live potato.
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lovelyfeh · 5 years
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gosh same honey,,I was gonna play the golden deer route but changed my mind and just replayed the blue lions route again ;-;
this ask,, has me in tears it’s so cute and fluffy and I love it (pls guys send all your Dimitri requests and fluff and angst bc I love him)
➼When people think of Dimitri, they think of a kind young prince who’s ideals are quite chivalrous. Tons of girls swoon at the sight of him, as he’s as good looking as he is sweet.
➼Many speculate what his future spouse will be like. Perhaps as upstanding as him? Someone who believes in justice? Maybe even someone that’s ready to fight at his side, confidence being their number one priority!
➼...Or they could be you.
➼Shy, meek, weak hearted, and a bit of a recluse. The exact opposite of the boy you have feelings for.
➼Because of your quiet nature, you often fade into the background. More often than not you’ll find yourself in the back of the class, face aflame as you gaze at Dimitri. You aren’t even sure he knows you exist despite being in the same class, and while that’s disappointing, perhaps it’s for the better?
➼Of course, your very obvious feelings don’t go unnoticed by Sylvain and the rest of the Blue Lion House. His three closest friends find you one morning in the dining hall, dragging you to the training grounds to discuss romance.
➼The entire time you’re there consists of you being bright red, burying your face in your hands while Ingrid and Sylvain try to brainstorm on ways to confess. (Felix keeps trying to leave, but is dragged back in every time)
➼You insist you don’t love the prince! They simply thought wrong! There’s no need for them to help you confess because there’s nothing to confess! You shuffle away and quietly apologize for the trouble, running a hand through your hair shakily.
➼But that conversation gets you thinking; what if you did tell Dimitri how you feel?
➼That day during the lesson, you somehow end up making eye contact with Dimitri himself. He smiles kindly, waving before going back to his lesson. And all you can do after that is practically melt in your seat and try to find out what his favorite tea is.
➼That night, you lay in your bed, gazing at the ceiling while gripping a paper and quill in your hands. You really hadn’t thought this through. What would you even write? ‘We may have never talked but do you want to have some chamomile and maybe kiss?’ What could you do?!
➼It takes all night, but you manage to at least write something that doesn’t sound completely atrocious. Slowly, you place your initials at the bottom of the paper and swallow the lead taste in your mouth. The worst case scenario would be him not knowing who you are at all, and even if he did thoughts of rejection were sticking to you like a bad cold.
➼You wrap the letter in a ribbon, quickly finding Byleth and asking them to deliver it for you. The professor smiles at you and will gladly accept your request, already heading off to find the leader of the blue lions. You scramble to keep up, quickly hiding behind a pillar once they find Dimitri in the entrance hall.
➼He looks surprised when Byleth hands him the note, carefully unwrapping the blue blow and starting to read your confession. You want to cover your eyes so you won’t be disappointed when he throws it away, but can’t stop yourself from looking in case he does... well, anything else!
➼You watch his expression shift from neutral, to surprised, to that of a bashful smile, and then suddenly going very red! He slams a hand over his mouth and stares wide eyed, turning straight towards the pillar you’re hiding behind.
➼You almost faint, but quickly move back and grab the edge of your outfit in fear. Had he seen you? Hopefully not. Had he accepted your invitation to a tea party later today? Hopefully so.
➼And so you escaped from the entrance hall, entering the dining hall and starting to brew his favorite tea. You kept an eye out for the prince as you made preparations, praying to the goddess he didn’t show up and interrupt your plan.
➼(What you didn’t know was that the entire class was keeping him preoccupied while you readied everything. Dimitri was never one for subtlety and Ingrid had seen the whole thing, so she took action and gathered the rest of the students to keep him busy.)
➼And so the time came. You sat in the garden practically on the verge of a heart attack, unable to even eat the pastries you yourself had laid out. The teacup shook violently in your hand as you sipped some to pass the time. Your nerves were completely uncontrollable by now.
➼“My my, you really did everything S/O. And you even brewed chamomile! My favorite!”
➼You stifle a terrified scream when you feel a gentle hand reach from behind you and move a stray strand of hair behind your ear. You turn to the prince, absolutely speechless as he flashes a charming smile at you. He had actually come!
➼He takes a seat across from you, face lightly dusted red and staring at you with an affectionate gaze. You open your mouth to speak, but click it shut and suddenly feel your face growing increasingly warm. “I-I-I didn’t think you’d come!”
➼“Of course I would, S/O. It’s only natural I should tell my beloved that I feel the same way, should I not? Really, I’m surprised you noticed. I kept my crush on you hidden rather well, don’t you say?”
➼You choke, covering your mouth with your hands and stifling the coughs. You don’t need to see yourself to know that you’ve probably turned purple at this point from embarrassment and happiness. A giggle escapes your mouth once you realize the situation. You had both had a crush on each other without the other knowing! How in the name of the goddess had that happened?!
➼You hear Dimitri chuckling, and you look up to see the prince gazing at you dreamily. His hand reaches over and grabs yours, watching in amusement as you stutter while the blush on your face starts to travel to your ears.
➼“Ah, you‘re always so adorable, my love. Now, how about some tea before it gets cold? I want to know all about you, so let’s stay here for as long as we can together, ok?”
➼(You two don’t see the rest of the class and Byleth watching from the monastery windows cheering you both on and giggling at your young love, but hey, some secrets are just meant to be kept, right?)
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excorcismic · 4 years
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here i am . once more . telling myself three is plenty but justifying a fourth with ‘in my defense , i’ve been thinking about him for a while!’ so HOPEFULLY this goes well . A N Y W A Y . what’s up fam it’s hylia and we are back with one of my . . . my favorite video game characters of all time ; i love fire emblem so much & i’m so excited i’m finally getting a chance to write claude again !! keep in mind , i’ll try not to go too much into spoiler territory ( & it probably won’t be that hard in the sense , well , i won’t be going in depth about routes as of right now ) , but his general backstory does include a trigger for racism so please be advise while reading . other than that , enjoy the ride , and here we GOOOO !
IN A CANON NUTSHELL ( FE3H backstory spoilers ! ) : so when you meet claude in the story , he is one of the three house leaders of the officers academy in garreg Mach monastery - as the grandson of duke sovereign riegan of the leicester lliance , he is the leader of the golden deer house . byleth , the newest teacher , can choose to teach either the golden deer , black eagles , and blue lions - to which , if you choose the golden deer , you will be locked into the verdant wind path for the rest of the story . of course , that’s not all ; to the rest of garreg mach , claude is actually a mystery and a subject of huge suspicion given he’s known to be quite sly & a master but SCHEMEY tactician , even going as far as to consider dirty trickys & methods to win battles ( such as planning to get the opposing classes sick so they can’t participate , for one . ) and it’s also mentioned claude’s appearance before the events of the game . . . is very recent , like he just popped out of nowhere and suddenly the alliance was to be handed over to him . this is because claude is not actually from fodlan - claude’s not even his real name ! ( his real name is khalid ; it’s never stated in-game but an official source confirmed so in a gaming magazine ! ) it IS true he is of the riegan bloodline & the duke sovereign’s grandson ; however , his father is the king of almyra , a neighborhing country to fodlan who . . . REALLY does not like them . because that’s where his mother came from , ever since he was a child claude was subject to awful treatment from everyone in almyra - harassment , physical attacks , and even attempts on his life simply for the fact he was mixed of almyran and fodlan blood . he was given and protected from nothing by his parents ; which , that leads to his reasoning to come to fodlan - to learn an entirely different atmosphere and start his plans to create a new world in fodlan & almyra , free of evil prejudices & where people are kind to one another and don’t pay attention to anything such as skin color , background , etc . claude wants to free the world of prejudices and racism and harmful borders that allow these prejudices to fester - and if you pick his route in fire emblem : three houses , you can help him accomplish his wish .
IN AN ALUCARD NUTSHELL : like in-game , claude is not from here ; he’s the son of a wealthy technology ceo overseas , his mother born in alucard . he’s the heir to said business , but because he’s always been mistreated by other officials as the heir and his position is always getting contested , at seventeen he decided to move to alucard to try and figure out how he can use a new atmosphere to improve it from the outside . he’s been here five years now ; taking care of his ailing grandfather , he’s taken over his position at the local library and plays the role of observant onlooker . he knows key facts about anyone who enters its door , and the kicker ?? nobody knows anything about him . ah , the life .
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okay so for starters - frequent library people who claude talks to a lot , people he definitely probably knows some stuff about . a lot of times he also ?? reads on the job himself so he probably blends in with the crowd . probably has been called a sexy librarian multiple times bc i mean look at him and he’s got kind of a tendency to playfully flirt around . but the main focus of claude talking to everyone is , of course , to find out information and that’s probably why this is like , the central hub connection . claude is immensely smart and always planning shit and once you step into the library , he has his EYE on you .
also goes to bars & stuff frequently for similar reasons so he absolutely could know your muse from there or something !! he never actually drinks much himself - he goes to said places for the social aspect . 
people who knew claude for . . . the year he went to high school in alucard like it’s no secret that like . nobody knows where the hell claude came from before he moved to alucard with his grandfather at seventeen and he only completed his senior year here . so maybe people who always wanted to know more than what they’d learned after he just arrived ??
again , claude is extremely smart - so maybe people in high school he tutored or even people in college that he currently tutors , even though he isn’t enrolled in any classes . he always reads about shit and studies random things in his spare time ; very self-taught which helps him teach other people ! 
i want . . . kind of like a makeshift golden deer gang that hangs out of the library . people around claude’s age who come around the library frequently and they all just kind of vibe in one of the sections all the time and then they go somewhere else to hang . i love the idea of found friend groups and stuff which is kind of like how the deer house is . 
people who knew his grandfather from the library and they just kinda look at claude like “???” bc he . . . only popped up five years ago n still . seems kinda sus .
people who are just sus of claude in general for whatever reason and try to heavily look into who he is and stuff .
enemies for whatever reasons , people that claude’s just gotten under the skin of and it’s to the point where he’s onto it so he kinda. combats it with his own comeback . give me mutual bantery enemies pls
intellectual rivals bc i love it when the smart people go at war for each other
people who try and push claude to do more than just library stuff like encourage him to go to school or something but he has. his own plans. that he won’t share. so.
exes probably bc of how . . . unwilling to share information claude is . also hook-ups and stuff ; an eventual ship would be nice bt as always it’d need some development bc of how complicated claude is . he’s never been one to like . open up that much bc of his own reasons . flirtationships on the other hand i feel are frequent bc claude likes to flirt for fun but like . actual shit he can’t open up to rn and he’ll make that clear if he feels like he’s leading someone on . he’s not a fuckboy .
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crackimagines · 5 years
Hate to be this anon, but child!Byleth’s reaction to when Jeralt dies?
EDIT: Child!Byleth Post Masterlist here!
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Aw damn it! You stole my thunder before I could wri-
for real though, thanks for the ask, anon! I hope you enjoy!
And since I was going to do this anyway, this ask is gonna get some extra goodies!
Tears (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
Child!Byleth Professor AU
Bonus: Aftermath Talk with House Leaders + Flayn
It all happened so suddenly, Byleth barely had any time to process what was happening.
Monica had just stabbed Jeralt’s side with a dagger.
Not letting even a second go by afterwards, he immediately shouted in his head, probably the first time he had in a while.
Without needing to say a word, Sothis reversed time to right before Monica had attacked.
Byleth drew out the Sword of the Creator and lashed it forwards, only for it to be blocked.
Byleth’s eyes went wide as the dagger went into Jeralt, just as before.
Not even reversing time itself was able to save him.
The man and Monica were saying something, but he didn’t care, it was all just white noise right now.
All he cared about was seeing his father fall onto the floor in pain.
They teleported away, and Byleth immediately sheathed the sword and bolted for Jeralt.
He dropped to his knees and tried to angle him to where he could fix the wound. Wasting no time, Byleth reached for his cloak to make a bandage, but Jeralt grabbed his hand.
“S-Sorry…Looks like…I’m going to have to leave you now.”
Byleth didn’t say anything. He knew that meant Jeralt was going to die for how serious the wound was.
He felt tears coming out, as his mouth slowly opened wanting to say something, but unable to find any words.
“…Heh. To think that the first time I saw you cry…your tears would be for me. It’s sad and yet…I’m happy for it.”
“…Thank you, Byleth…”
As soon as he heard Jeralt call him by name, he felt his heart shatter into a thousand pieces, seeing his eyes close.
That was Sothis’ voice.
Byleth quickly sat up, breathing heavily as he felt sweat and tears.
“You looked like you were about to scream…You’re dreaming about it again, aren’t you?”
Byleth didn’t say anything, instead grabbing his stuffed bird and holding it tightly, trying to wipe the tears away.
It had been at least a week since it happened.
This was the first time Byleth had ever cried in his life.
The first time he ever felt pain and grief. And he absolutely hated it. 
He wanted to never feel anything again just so he didn’t have to deal with this.
He didn’t want to lose his dad.
Byleth quietly got out of his bed, still holding onto the bird and went to walk out the door. He didn’t bother to change out of his night clothes as it was midnight. Everyone was asleep by now. Sothis sighed and slowly floated behind him.
(Sothis) “If you must cry, chi-…Byleth, then I will be here for you.”
Byleth shook his head as he walked off.
(Byleth) “It’s not going to help, Sothis.”
(Sothis) “Then why are you going to his grave, knowing that?”
He didn’t reply.
Instead, he kept walking towards the graveyard. He had been buried right next to his supposed mother, which he was grateful for.
Double checking to make sure no one was here to see him like this, he knelt down in front of the grave and let the tears come out.
Byleth quietly sobbed, holding onto the bird even tighter. 
That stuffed bird was one of the only things Byleth had left to remember Jeralt. 
Sothis stood near him, knowing she couldn’t physically comfort him, but she wanted to be here in spirit at least.
After a while, he heard footsteps approaching, and knowing he wouldn’t be able to hide away in time, he rubbed his eyes with his arm, trying to make the tears stop. It didn’t work.
He then heard the person approaching him talk.
(Black Eagles Route - Edelgard) 
Byleth stood up, not facing her.
“Excuse me, I was just leaving-”
“No, you weren’t.”
He didn’t say anything as she walked closer.
“…That toy was a gift from him, wasn’t it?”
Byleth nodded.
She made him sit down, and he didn’t have the strength to resist, and sat down next to him, looking at the grave.
“I can only offer my sympathies, Byleth. I’m…afraid I can’t do much more than that.”
Though he wasn’t saying anything, she could hear his sniffles while tears continued to run down despite his wishes.
“It is not childish to grieve someone you loved, Byleth.”
He looked down, ashamed that she had to state the obvious.
“Byleth…no matter what, we will make sure that your father is brought to justice.”
“…T-Thank you, Edelgard.”
“Of course…The Black Eagles are your family now. You’re not alone, and you will never be, Byleth.”
His crying gradually grew louder and louder, curling up his knees to his arms.
“I know that I must move on but…but…!”
She put a hand on his shoulder.
“Mourn, Byleth. You are right, you cannot stay like this forever…but for tonight, let it all out. I’ll be right here for you.”
(Blue Lions Route - Dimitri)
“You’re here again.”
“…You knew I’ve been sneaking out, Dimitri?”
He stood next to Byleth, looking at him.
“Yes. I’ve been concerned with how you’ve been shutting yourself away, Professor. Though…I can’t say I blame you.”
He looked towards Jeralt’s grave, recalling his own painful memories.
“Me, Ingrid and Felix did the same thing when the tragedy of Duscur happened…I just wanted to my world to just…shut off. That’s how you’re feeling too, aren’t you?”
Byleth hugged his bird tighter as the tears fell.
“I know it’s hard to believe right now, Byleth but…you will prevail. You are by far the strongest child I have ever seen. There is none that could hold a candle so that’s why…That is why, you will get past this. And when you do, I will be ready to help you, professor. I know what it’s like losing people you love, and wanting to avenge them…”
Dimitri knelt down to eye level with Byleth and clenched his fist, slamming it against his heart.
“I will help you kill those bastards for what they did to Jeralt. We’ll make them pay…!”
Byleth nodded, and once he did, Dimitri held out a hand to him.
“But for now…you need rest, Byleth.”
Hesitating for a moment, Byleth took his hand, and let himself be led by Dimitri.
He looked back with a smile, though there was a hint of sadness to it.
“I’ll order Mercedes and Annette to bake some brownies first thing in the morning for you, Byleth.”
Byleth couldn’t help but smile a little when he heard that, letting out a chuckle while he wiped some tears away.
(Dimitri) “Well…that’s a good step in the right direction.”
(Golden Deer Route - Claude)
“…Hey, teach.”
Though Claude’s voice seemed nonchalant, to Byleth it held nothing but worry.
“Figured you’d be sleeping right now.”
Byleth didn’t reply.
Claude sat next to Byleth, looking out into the starry sky above.
“I can’t imagine the pain you must be feeling…I’ve…never been great at these things. I never lost a parent or anything like that, so I’m afraid I don’t have words of comfort in that regard.”
“But, I can say this. All of us care for you, professor. You stuck by our class, despite every single one of us being a pain in the ass to deal with. Hilda with her laziness, Lorenz with being himself, Marianne with her self deprecation, Leonie with…well you know. Yet, through our worst, you always made sure to care for us, despite our words. So, know that we have the same care for you as you do us. We’ll be here in your father’s place.”
“…Thank you, Claude.” Byleth said through tears. “Hah…all this time I tried not acting like a child in front of you…and here I am, crying…”
“Hey now, you know I’m not a jokester all the time, teach!”
Byleth smiled a little, which in turn made him smile.
Claude shook his head, even though he knew Byleth he couldn’t see it.
“Besides, there isn’t anything mature about holding in tears. As nuts as it sounds…it’s good that you are crying. It means you’re not lying to yourself, Byleth. It’s okay to feel scared, not knowing what to do. Us adults feel that way too.”
“Hah, really…”
He patted Byleth’s head, looking at the grave.
“Besides, no matter what you do, or how adult you try to be, you’re still going to be our little Professor.“
“Byleth, there you are!”
Flayn went down the stairs quickly and stood next to him.
“I’ve been worried sick, I haven’t seen you in days and…”
She realized that Byleth was crying, shaking while holding his bird.
“…I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s okay, Flayn. Don’t apologize.”
He turned to Flayn, tears glistening in his eyes. She nodded, kneeling down with him.
Flayn was one of the only people to talk to him normally at the Monastery. Perhaps it helped that she seemed to act about the age as Byleth, whatever that was, it was still young.
Most of all though, that meant he didn’t care that Flayn was the one to see him like this. He was relieved it was her, in fact.
Which means, he didn’t have to hold back.
“It hurts so much, Flayn…!”
He began sobbing louder now, barely able to see the grave.
“Why…Why do I feel this way?! HOW DO I MAKE IT STOP?!”
He hugged the bird so tightly now, it started to hurt, closing his eyes and crying loudly. 
Flayn took Byleth into a hug, grateful that no one was around to hear them.
She stroked his back, shushing him and whispering things to calm him down.
“It’s okay, Byleth…”
After what seemed like a while, his crying eventually did calm down. She let go, and Byleth stared at his stuffed bird.
“It’s going to take a while but…I promise it does get better. Seteth and I talked about our mother when we went to dispel the Western Church members, right?”
Byleth nodded.
“My father and I were in a similar state but…there’s one thing mother always told me. ‘We cannot turn back the clock. We must live our lives fully in the present moment.’ Though we miss her greatly, it is how we carry on.”
Byleth looked at the grave and though it wasn’t Jeralt’s words he heard. It was Sothis speaking to him.
“She is right…Even though we can turn back time, we cannot change fate. You must go forth.”
“And forgive me if it’s presumptuous of me to say but,” Flayn continued. “I’m sure Jeralt’s told you something to that effect.”
“Yeah, something like that.”
“As to how to make the pain stop…That’s a good question. I still have never really gotten over that pain myself.”
She laughed at herself.
“Perhaps it’s all the fish I keep eating that reminds me of her so much…”
Byleth laughed as well, staring at the bird.
“I’m…sorta in the same boat. This was a gift Jeralt had got me this year, actually. Here I am asking you how to make it stop, when I’m holding something that’ll hurt me everytime I’m looking at it.”
They both smiled at each other, realizing they probably wouldn’t get over the pain truly when it’s something they hold so dear to them.
“Live in the present moment, huh…?” Byleth said quietly.
“Yes. Now, you have something else to live for. Your class needs you, Byleth…”
She hugged him for a moment before smiling.
“I need you too! The classes would be too boring without our tiny professor!”
He smiled at that and nodded. 
“Thanks, Flayn. For being here tonight.”
“Of course. If you need anything at all, I’ll be right here.”
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msbluebell · 5 years
How about a Dimileth AU where Byleth sided with the Dimitri we see in the Black Eagles run? For example, after her sleep, instead of being found by that villager, she's instead found by Dimitri who, after she wakes up, explains everything that's been going on? Since this version of Dimitri didn't go feral like in BL, I think he'd be more open-minded and willing to listen to Byleth's council. Still, how would it affect the war that's currently in Edelgard's favor?
Figuring out this one is going to be a little hard. 
Byleth can’t have been the Golden Deer teacher for this one. But being the Blue Lion teacher wouldn’t work either because Dimitri would have had to go mad/feral and that’s not really what he does in the Black Eagle Route.
So, really, Byleth would have had to either be the Black Eagle teacher or on the Church Route. We know in the Church Route Dimitri still goes mad, so this is probably the Black Eagle Route.
So, we’re going to go with my version of events where Byleth wasn’t actively trying to side with the Black Eagles, but rather was trying to stop Rhea from jumping the gun and doing something she’d regret before she started a war/looked like the bad guy/didn’t get info out of Edelgard, and Byleth was declared a traitor and just ran with it (internally screaming the whole time, one assumes).
Then during the battle, Byleth was like, “Maybe Seteth will listen to me and I can be a spy or something idk” and got knocked off a cliff for her troubles. She’s falling, screaming, and probably thinking she’s going to die and only be remembered as a traitor.
(Byleth in this AU so far needs a fucking vacation)
She doesn’t expect to wake up.
She gasps as she experiences being lifted, seemingly by a single hand. Water spews out her mouth, and she hacks as coughs as she’s placed on the ground non-too-gently by her savior. She looks up and sees as...pretty familiar face.
Byleth had known Dimitri, not personally, but they had exchanged words before. He’d always been a very polite boy, a very kind seeming one, always willing to lend sympathy or aid. Now, he’s grown quite...large. He’s tall, very tall, and he’s broad, a thick wall of muscle. He just...seems bigger than a man should be, and the black armor and fur cloak only add to his largeness somehow.
He was always a handsome boy, but now he’s very...matured. Striking. He’s aged for certain.
“I hadn’t expected to find you here, professor.” Dimitri’s voice is deeper now. He laughs at his own words, a regretful sound, casually moving to swing the land in his other arm until it’s sharp end pointed at her, “Or should I say former professor? You did side with Edelgard and her invasion. Tell me, where has she been hiding you these past few years?”
“I don’t know.” She answers, “I never meant for this to happen.”
It’s almost like an interrogation, the way their conversation flows after that. Byleth doesn’t blame him, because from his point of view, she’d betrayed them all. Honestly, she’s thankful he’s asking her side of the story rather than just running her through like someone more sensible would. 
He seems to want to believe her, though, and she doesn’t know why. There’s a flash of something like hope in his eyes when she explains that she had just wanted to interrogate Edelgard first, that she hand’t meant to make Rhea so angry and drive her mad. 
She explains that everything had happened so fast afterwords too, she hadn’t known what to do. But she also understands if he doesn’t believe her.
“No...no. Call me a fool, but I think I do.” Dimitri brings back the point of his weapon, “Or I hope to the goddess I can, least I be the biggest fool of them all. Felix will despair my intelligence when he and Dedue return from scouting.”
He holds out a hand to help her up, and she takes it, allowing him to pull her to her feet.
He really is so much larger than he used to be.
Dimitri escorts her back to Garreg Mach, which has apparently been abandoned. Five years have passed, apparently, and time has done quite a bit of damage to the monastery. Rhea had been forced to flee, and Dimitri has given her shelter in his Kingdom. The Alliance is split, and Edelgard’s forces are attacking both nations. He’s here on a scouting mission, having hear rumor that a few of Edelgard’s inner circle were heading in Garreg Mach’s direction.
“It’s the Festival tomorrow.” Byleth realized, “Edelgard and the rest of the class promised to meet there five years to the day.”
“What a horrible thing to promise when one has the intention of war.” Dimitri muses.
Dimitri was right, Felix is furious when they reach the monastery. He has a sword in hand and pointed at her neck in moments. Dimitri has to step in front of her in order to keep the other man down.
He asks what Dimitri thinks he’s doing, asks if he wants to lose this war. He scoffs, when Dimitri explains, calling him a fool, a beast caught by the wiles of a fellow beast and trapped it’s own rut. Byleth raises a scandalized brow at the man.
Dedue shakes his head and asks, “Your highness, are you sure?”
“Yes.” Dimitri nods.
Just as Dimitri had said, the former Black Eagle students all arrived to meet again. 
Including Edelgard.
That had attempted to fight her, to end the war, but it was for not. She hadn’t arrived alone, and when she saw Byleth on Dimitri’s side, she spit out hissing insults about treachery. The former Black Eagles were all left teary eyed as they realized their professor had returned seemingly from the dead, just as they hoped, only to find her on the other side of the battlefield.
Casper died that day, having rushed to try to end Byleth’s life in a fit of fury. She was forced to cut him down just to escape with her own life.
And like that Byleth is suddenly absorbed into Dimitri’s council, spirited into his army just as she had been lost and alone. Not everyone trust her, at first, and she doesn’t blame them (He doesn’t tell Rhea about her at first. He waits until one of Rhea’s calmer days to even bring up her name, which had Rhea in a fit. It seems impossible to calm her on most days. Dimitri says he’s trying to put the idea in her head that Byleth had been trying to help, but that seems to just make her cry. He’s waiting until she’s less prone to mood swings to even begin telling her that Byleth is alive, much less in his council). She’d be weary, too, if the former teacher and seeming ally of the enemy Emperor showed out seemingly out of the blue and suddenly had the King’s council. 
She doesn’t understand why Dimitri trusts her at all.
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masterserris · 5 years
all things considered, i think the blue lions ending is the “true” ending and at least the happiest of endings... we’ll see when the dlcs come out tho
spoilers under cut
it’s literally the only ending in which dimitri lives and becomes the “savior king” and saves the continent and creates a new democratic government to fix the broken old noble/chest system.
edelgard dies but like. she did that to herself by LITERALLY STARTING A WAR AND KILLING THOUSANDS OVER 5 YEARS. like that bitch had it coming. she may have wanted a better future by getting rid of a corrupt church but fuck that bitch honestly she coulda gone about it in a better way
idk about the golden deer route, i havent seen much on it, but eh dimitri still dies and i think so does edelgard so it isnt much better. just slightly better than the black eagle route. church route is also in the same boat.
idk man dimitri and the blue lions literally did nothing wrong. the kingdom did nothing wrong, they only ever acted out of self defense. so fuck the empire honestly afjsafnjaksfajksfjaks for as wack as dimitri gets it ONLY happens because of MASSIVE ptsd, depression, and anxiety caused BY the empire, his step mother, and edelgard. like his step mom had his whole family killed in front of him, blamed it on duscur to destroy them, then she got killed by edelgard i think or smth. his dad LITERALLY was beheaded in front of him and people/buildings were burned too. like holy fuck he’s just a KID goddamn
anyways, the empire is literally the invading imperialistic army so. yeah. no. edelgard can’t just be like: “aw ur in the wrong dimitri!1!! you are a bad person to keep fighting back and killing more people!!111!! even tho i started all this shit and killed thousands of innocent people to begin with!1! i burned a whole village mother fucker!” 
before killing him. like fuck. that. bitch. UGH.
like he didnt even know it was his step mom that did it until later when he finally takes the throne. it’s bullshit, all he knew is some bastards like the flame emperor were behind it, that’s all. he wanted Rightful revenge for the murder of his family, the destruction of garreg mach and the “death” of his teacher, AND the 5 year war that butchered the continent and his homeland.
dimitri is valid as FUCK for being pissed at her and the empire. wack. it’s all wack. he’s the best boy and the only route that leads to a good ending for him and the kingdom overall is the blue lions route so there. 
he gets all crazed but honestly who wouldnt. dont gaslight the man for having a super fucked up life and stressful from like age 10 and on. he deserves peace for all he’s been through and he does a fucking fantastic job once he gets his shit together.
edit: based on all the likes i’ve been getting on this i can probably just assume that I Am Right About This
sorry i dont make the rules nsfjanfjannfjnnjk
also all the shit edelgard wanted? dimitri went and did anyways. he got rid of the bullshit nobility and made things more of a democracy. like all she did was kinda pointless and made a lot of enemies.
sure, byleth still has that thing in their chest but who GIVES A FUCK. they still live their life just fine like damn. rhea retires the fuck away regardless. so she aint being a tyrant anymore. byleth is in charge. like damn all the “good shit” from the black eagle playthrough is IN THIS ONE PLUS DIMITRI LIVES AND MORE PEOPLE LIVE AND HAVE GOOD LIVES.
so yeah 
also also: empires always ALWAYS crumble as nations desire their independence. in a few decades after edelgard leaves you can BET your ass someone will wanna revolt from their control. imperialism never works forever folks. look at all of human history for that example. the other nations in fodlan should remain free.
i think by the end dimitri rules all the lands in fodlan? mainly bc the empire just got dethroned and they are destabilized (the alliance is also destabilized but i think they are mostly ok), so it makes sense he would rule/join the two (empire/kingdom) together for mutual growth. but they are still at least sorta recognized as their own territories. they aren’t just wiped from history like edelgard did ffs.
ALSO. ANOTHER THING (sorry i keep editting this bc i have so many thoughts)
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after all the bullshit, they still have the highest moral ground and actually fix things. even after offering their enemy peace.
after the cutscene!! the epilogue!!
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edit edit: also look at the murals specifically, i’m gonna point out some shit real quick. 
first, dimitri’s:
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It’s in nature. Birds and trees and leaves. Calm and harmonious.
Children are playing and smiling, food is being passed out by the soldiers to the people. they are thankful. 
byleth is addressing the people, writing out reforms and decrees, making sure things are aright.
the people of duscur are literally at the side of dimitri, the king. 
looks like people from the alliance are on the far left of the mural, they are carrying gifts but they dont seem unhappy about it. just. normal.
dimitri is lower than everyone on the canvas besides a person on their knees asking for help and literal children. he is seated down at THEIR level, smiling AT them and doesn’t mind the kid pulling at him and playing. very relaxed. he’s sitting on just a regular ol’ tree stump. no throne. no opulence. just him, bc that’s all that’s needed.
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she is the tallest above them all, next to her is a divine figure, she is holding a staff as well. she is power. she is above all other peoples. she is STEPPING on a national flag with impunity. she doesn’t CARE she is the one in charge and no one can stand against it.
everyone from the other nations are bowing their heads and being submissive, but they certainly dont look happy. they look anxious as hell. their kingdoms are literally being trampled by the emperor. she is in her grand castle, gold and red and opulent. power and riches and rule.
the common folk, however look up to her. they see her as a second saint seiros. a better one. hence the divine figure next to her. she is like a god to them. not ideal. they seem happy, but no. they are looking to her for guidance in a troubled time caused by HER actions.
let’s not forget the mage in the back holding a knife. things are far from peaceful. 
the two very different moods of these pictures say all. one is true peace where everyone seems to be thriving with a compassionate ruler.
the other is domineering and crushing in presence. people are anxious about the future with violence still on the horizon. 
yeah, no. blue lions >>>> black eagles.
(i’m currently playing through golden deer which is looking p good so far, def better than black eagles and then im gonna do the church route. we’ll see how THAT goes anfjanjfnnfasjns)
edelgard stans dont interact
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fe3hslut · 5 years
So I'm a few chapters into Blue Lions.....and here's my ships!
Ok so I'm on the whole chapter based around Flayn. You guys know the one. And I think I finally have everyone's shit sorted. Took a while, but we here now.
Dimitri/Me: What, did you think I was gonna get reeled in by the cinnamon roll archers again, like I did in the Golden Deer Route? Cause NOT TODAY! Man, I'm only like a third of the way through the pre-timeskip BL route but I would literally die for this bean and I'll make sure I cure the darkness lurking in his soul cause damn it!
Sylvain/Mercedes: I wasn't anticipating this. I was fully prepared to go in with Sylvain/Felix again and then Mercedes/Annette but I got their C support on accident and man did plans change. It's just, so nice to see Sylvain being sincere from the get go, seeing him be able to open up to her and vise versa. It's honestly pretty refreshing.
Felix/Annette: Yeah, this is totally the leftovers from my foiled plans, but so far I'm not complaining cause they cute. Felix is actually reasonably nice from the start, and even though she's misunderstanding big time, I think Annette is simply what Felix needs to be himself.
I still ship Sylvain/Felix hardcore tho don't get me wrong.
Dedue/Ashe: Listen there's gotta be the one gay one, and this is it. I fully wasn't expecting to find this as cute as I do. I mostly got into it due to really well written fanfics and well.....look at me now. Seriously seeing someone genuinely care about his Homeland and make sure he actively remembers it while participating in his culture fucking kills me. I need a Dedue appreciation day for my lv 14 22 defense 22 attack brigand. Omg.
Cyril/Lysithea: Yes this is the ship I used in my Golden Deer Route. Yes I know exactly how it goes, and no I don't care, cause Cyril deserves love but I don't like any of his other options. I'd totally try him and Flayn or Annette if they were options but they're not and I'm salty. Literally all his other female options are just big sisters for him in my mind, me included. But damn if Cyril and Lysithea don't give me diabetes. They're too cute. Anyway I recruited Lysithea just for this purpose.
Flayn/Ignatz: I also recruited Ignatz just for this purpose (and I literally did the same thing to him in BE too). My GD husband is just getting all sorts of ladies. Anyway none of Flayn's other options are really appealing to me as ship material and I thought this was pretty cute. She ended up single in my GD file so I think she needs someone this time. Good luck being mad at Ignatz, Seteth. It's literally impossible.
And finally........
Ingrid/No One: ok this mostly happened on a whim but I swear there's a reason. I was going to pair her with Ignatz at first cause I low-key forgot about Flayn, but I didn't like their supports that much, so I was trying to figure out who I could marry her to and realized. I don't have to do that at all. In fact keeping her single is probably what's best. It's the ultimate "fuck you" to her dad, and yet at the same time gets rid of that burden on her shoulders.
Imma still get her C support with Raphael tho, just to see.
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senpai-no-lie · 4 years
Golden Deer Route
So I finished the Golden Deer Route!
Why I chose Golden Deer: I have already played through Blue Lions, and from what I’ve heard about Edelgard, I figured I’d be more fond of Claude than her. And, well, that’s true, and I can see the appeal of the Golden Deer kids, this route is a bit of a mixed bag.
Who Was My Dancer: Ingrid. I really like Ingrid as a character, and I was torn between her, Marianne, or one of the boys as my dancer. Ultimately chose Ingrid because I remembered her having a pretty good magic stat in my BL playthrough, and I wanted to capitalize on that. She rocked as a dancer and was a fantastic asset to the team. 
What Paired Endings Did I Get:  
Claude & Ingrid (I was trying to get Ingrid with Yuri, but I think I just had Ingrid dance for Claude too much on the final chapter)
Ralpheal & Ignatz (again)
Lysithea & Balthus
Leonie & Seteth (I wanted this last time, so here we go)
Lorenz & Catherine (Whatever to this one)
Yuri & Constance
Ashe & Hapi 
Who Did Byleth Marry: Marianne. I’m fond of her as a character, her Goddess Tower scene was fun, and I think she’d be a great wife. But I’ll be honest, was really torn between her or Yuri.
Which Claude Do I prefer?: Pre-timeskip! I think both character designs are comparable, but I felt that pre-timeskip Claude was a bit less clingy to Byleth. Though, that white wyvern was boss af.
General Thoughts: I liked the route, but I don’t think it was as well-rounded as Blue Lions. This route was a mash of church stuff and Claude stuff, and the back and forth just made everything a bit stranger. Also, the last minute “Edelgard wasn’t that bad; she was a pawn and thanks Hubie for telling us. They’re pretty swell after all” was generally laughable. The only BE character I recruited was Petra, for supports, so it was at least novel to have them all as enemies. 
The Golden Deer Characters:
Before I started this route, in my head I had “Marianne White and the 7 Peers” as the characterization motif for the Golden Deer, and I wasn’t really wrong about their one-note personalities, since the only supports I really needed this round were Claude’s and some of the non-other-route exclusive DLC characters’.
Claude: Sneaky. I can see the appeal of Claude, I really can, but there’s a lot about his that vaguely irritated me. The back-and-forth of him being a shining idealist who wants everyone to get along and then being a sneaky sneakster who the player often is told uses poisons to get his way make it hard to believe either side of him is genuine. I also found Claude to be pushy (about interrogating Rhea and the whole journal incident) and his clinginess to Byleth makes comparatively the least amount of sense, assuming we all accept Edelgard’s position as Boss Babe Waifu Bait legitimizes her behavior around Byleth. Enjoy his supports and Claude as a unit, but Claude screams “I’m not like the other lords, really” a little too hard for my tastes.
Hilda: Lazy (or Whiny works too) I like Hilda, and she’s a heavy hitter! At first I thought she was going to be like Charlotte, who I love, but she’s not lol. I could make petty complaints about Hilda’s mostly unaddressed racism (bigotry, if you want to be generous to her) or her lazy ways, but she never really bothered or stood out to me either way.
Marianne: Snow White. Marianne would probably make my top 10 3H characters. Great unit, great person, and I really like her voice actor.
Lysithea: Angry (or Tsundere-y, if you want to make up words). Let it be known that I am partial to tsunderes of any gender, and as a consequence, me and Lysithea were vibing. In Azure Moon I made her a gremory, but now that I’ve completed the DLC, let me just say Valkyrie is the way to go with her. With that one staff she can get up to 6 range, perfecting her role as a glass cannon.
Leonie:  Sweaty. Leonie, in her supports, at least is somewhat fleshed out and likeable, but damn is she so freaking annoying in the storyline, slamming how much she loves Jeralt down your throat, despite how mostly apathetic he seemed about her existence while he was still kicking. A great unit, but if I took a shot every time she mentions Jeralt, I’d be dead.
Lorenz: Snobby (or M’lady). Hot take but I don’t like Lorenz. Post-timeskip he looks like an angry purple lizardman and he is a white knight fedora tipper. His voice irritates me, his supports irritates me, and his face irritates me. Going through the mage path at least fixed up his speed some and he ended up being a serviceable Dark Knight, at least. 
Ignatz: Sorry (or Artsy, if you’re less mean). Ignatz, much like Claude and Bernadetta, seems to be modeled after some flavor of Tumblr user, which would be socially stunted artsy type. He’s just okay, but I’m kind of allergic to people who apologize for existing. I know people like to say “oh, he gets more confident over the timeskip” but can you really argue that when you can view most of his C-supports post-timeskip? in BL I made him an assassin, but this time I had Ignatz as a Mortal Savant (because I love magic), and it rocked. 
Raphael: Hungry. Not really much to say about him besides that. Not my type and not my character personality template either.
Judith: Take a shot every time she calls Claude “boy” in a way that wouldn’t sit right in modern purity politics lmao. She was okay as the like Rodrigue that doesn’t die character, but I am not so easily smithen for your run-of-the-mill Boss Babe. In a similar vein, Nadar left little to no impression on me, and his presence on that one map irked me because he sniped my Linhardt kill. 
Assorted Bulleted Thoughts:
I really liked the last few maps of this route. They were visually interesting, offered a bit of a challenge while also being fun. 
I’m glad we actually got to interact with Rhea after rescuing her, because that was a let down in BL. (But yeah, settle the fuck down, Claude, on harassing Rhea the second she’s free because your boyfriend Hubie left you a letter)
 I can’t confirm for Petra, but it’ s interesting to note that the only death Edelgard remarks on is Bernetta’s, probably because she sets the bridge on fire. Not a word for anyone else lol
In a similar vein, because my Lysithea had 6 range, stupidly high magic stats, and most of BL are weak to magic attacks, I was able to one-shot everyone but Sylvain (he was too far away) with her on the Grounder map. I rewound time to un-kill them all, because I just wanted to see what they said and how Dimitri reacted. Dimitri shouts Felix’s name, which I thought was real gay.
Speaking of that Gonder fight, lame lame lame lame that there was no animated scene or even a still of Dimitri’s death. Felt cheap, and having Gilbert take Dimitri’s body when he wasn’t even on the battlefield, also lame. 
Last animated scene with Nemesis was real dope, but Claude’s speech was top tier cringe and kind of taking me out of the moment. I would expect Naruto to say shit like that.  
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writtingfiction · 5 years
This one isn't exactly ship related, but I just had to ask for this! So this is after the war with the Empire on the Kingdom path. So after the celebrations and coronations, (male) Byleth realizes that the real war has only just started against those who slither in the dark after uncovering a secret Imperial letter, and so he routes the knights of Serios for one last battle, but not until sharing a word with Dimitri and the Blue Lions before embarking. Is that sufficient enough?
Thank you for sending this one in. It was refreshing to write. However, for everyone who reads this, there are spoilers about Those Who Slither In The Dark and from the Golden deer route. Read This at Your own Risk!!(´∀`)
pairing: None
words: 1.3k
It was the last day of the large festival, things were final starting to calm down. Byleth never would have thought that a day like this would come. Him celebrating without having to worry if he’ll die tomorrow. It was as if a weight had been lifted off of him, but of course it didn’t come without having his thoughts go back to the past. It had been a long 5 years for his students whom he had helped grow and then, to be able to see them as equals, it was hard to believe. However, he can say, he would do it all over again just to see them happy.
Byleth turns and sees Annette smiling brightly, waving him down. She smiles just as brightly as she comes closer, a small bag in her hands.
“Annette, are you enjoying the festivities?” Byleth said, and Annette nods her head vigourously.
“It’s been such along time since I’ve seen everyone so happy. To finally have the chance to relax.” Annette says and Byleth couldn’t agree more. “Oh! Before I forget, these are for you. Mercie helped me bake them. They’re your favourite.” She hands him a small package of baked sweets, perfect to enjoy with tea. A small smile appears on his lips as he thanks Annette. 
The two of them enjoy a small chat before parting ways, there were still a few things to do while the festivities went on. However, something had been bothering him. It was their final fight with Edelgard, and among the emperor’s soldiers were those dressed in black. They fled about halfway through the battle after killing one of the higher ups. It was strange, and it never felt like a complete win for him. He didn’t want to say anything yet, he didn’t want to spoil his students efforts to ending this war only to start another. Not yet anyway, he needed more proof before he could do anything drastic.
“Dimitri.” Byleth called, a smile on his lips as he sees his dear friend. Dimitri turns to him, a wide smile on his lips. He looks relaxed with Marianne by his side. “Your Highness.” Dimitri laughs lightly to be addressed with the high title.
“Archbishop.” Dimitri returns in response, although it’s all in tease. “Enjoying the festivities?”
“To the fullest. Have you tried the food stall claiming it’s the best from Almyra?” Byleth said with a raised eyebrow. Dimitri leans a bit closer him, whispering:
“Claude?” There’s a hope in his eye. Byleth shook his head.
“I wish it was, however, the food at the stall is delicious. Have you had some yet, Marianne?” His attention shifts. The girl seemed to glow, confidence had only grown since the last time he saw her five years ago.
“No, but if the food vendor claims he’s right. Perhaps we should check it out?” She looks to Dimitri, whom only smiles and gently takes her hand before they’re off towards the stall. However, not before a quick goodbye.
Byleth continues to roam the monastery, talking to old students and staff. He even visits his old room, hands trailing against the edge of the old desk. The small nick near the drawer from when Sothis had scared him and he had thrown dagger at her. The scolding he got from it, he could still hear her voice from time to time. His eyes catch the old tactic’s primer his father had given to him, a sad nostalgia fills him as he pulls it out from its spot. He opens it with carefully, flipping through the pages as if they were glass. Taking in the notes on the page written from him and his father. He took a slow deep breath in, reeling in those memories for a moment and letting go with an exhale. 
There’s footsteps that approach his door and he closes the book just as the person goes to knock. He looks up to see Seteth. The saint lifts up a hand with a closed letter in hand. Byleth quickly approaches him in hopes it’s a lead to those whom had dressed in black. He’s quick to open it with Seteth keeping a close eye on him. The contents of the letter confirm everything he needs to know. The group in black was called Those Who Slither in The Dark, a long name but surely there was a reason. Further in the letter described where they were hidden. The fight wasn’t over yet. 
“Seteth, summon the Blue Lions to Council room immediately.” 
“If they ask why?”
“Tell them to trust me. They’ll understand, I hope.”
About twenty minutes had passed before everyone was in the council room, whispering amongst themselves. Everyone was in high spirits due to the festival and their thoughts probably lead them to think that there would be a surprise, a fun surprise waiting for them. They were wrong, very wrong.
“Everyone, listen closely.” Byleth starts off, and the room hushes into silence. “What I’m about to tell you will not please you, nevertheless do no feel obligated to support the Church with what I’m about to tell you.” This causes a few people to grow concerned, but everyone remains quiet. “Our fight isn’t over yet, for at least the church. Those people dressed in black back at the Imperial castle brought up some red flags and now, we know who and where they are. Before they can cause anymore damage or hurt anyone else, we’re going to bring the fight to them.”
“You’re going in alone?” Ingrid speaks up. 
“I’ll have the knights of Seiros with me.” 
“We’ll fight with you, Professor.” Caspar said. “I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say this.” When Byleth turns his attention to his former students, they all nod. He couldn’t be prouder of them.
“Thank you, but let the knights—“
“It’s one more battle, Professor. It will be the final battle that anyone of us will fight, at least let us help you.” Mercedes said. The room was silent for a moment as he looked at them, seeing their determination and grit. He lets out a sigh.
“Alright. We set off at dawn to Shambhala, prepare yourselves everyone; it’s going to be a hard fight.” Even though there were serious connotations to his words, there were still wide smiles on their faces. He shook his head, his students were definitely stubborn but he couldn’t ask for more.
— — — — 
True to Byleth’s word, when the festivities had settled down, they all left at dawn. Prepared to fight their final enemy so true peace could truly be brought to Fódlan. It deserved to rest and not have such bloodthirsty past painting the walls anymore. This fight would settle things and bring Fódlan into a new age.
The anxiety and worry though, had settled in when they had reached the entrance and found they would be underground for this fight. However, Byleth wouldn’t let anyone waver, rallying the troops and have them follow him one last time. 
They were greeted with resistance quickly, but the Lions would not give in so easily. The army pushed and pushed farther in, before reaching what seemed to be the main base of the operations. From here it got harder, large stone golems rose from the ground and started to attack the troops. It was a setback, but with the help of magic and a bit of wit, they pushed through. They never gave in, fighting with every muscle that could possibly move. 
Victory was in their sights, Byleth had managed to corner a strange man named Thales into a corner, blade at the ready to slice the man into bits.
“H-how, did you find us?” The old man croaked. Byleth’s brows furrowed, keeping quiet. Thales growled out his next words. “You can’t get rid of us. You’ll never—“
Byleth plunged his blade through him. Not letting him speak and it would be for the best. A man like that would not be worth listening too, but the fight was over. They could return home, everyone could return home and be at peace with their lives. Things could be lived where their biggest worry would be what they would eat. Byleth couldn’t wait for it.
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benisasoftboi · 5 years
Unorganised thoughts on Silver Snow:
When I finished Golden Deer, I said that it had felt like a more traditional Fire Emblem story than Blue Lions. Silver Snow is that but even more so (though GD is still the most trad-FE cast, IMO)
Having already played those two routes, it felt very much like a whirlwind tour of them both, plus another battle thrown in at the end - a battle that probably should have been harder, but I (completely accidentally) built the bulkiest Byleth imaginable, especially resistance wise, plus high magic - and so, by pairing high defensive stats with Nosferatu, I tanked every attack that came my way 
Gaming, for me, is just doing whatever the hell I feel like, stumbling into good results, and then pretending that I did it on purpose
I spent the whole battle with the Dragon Tales theme song stuck in my head. Kind of killed the mood
I really enjoyed that after wrapping up both the Edelgard and TWSITD plots, they basically Persona 4 you by trying to convince you that the whole game’s done now and all that’s left is to chat with everyone - though unlike in P4, there’s very obviously something left to do because they give you a whole month of prep time, rather than just one day
I felt the same way about this on Golden Deer - none of the characters are appropriately shocked by Rhea’s highly questionable actions 
Also - she says she’s going to explain the whole truth! And she doesn’t! Only the Byleth creation stuff! The other revelations from Golden Deer are missing! Rhea! Why! Are! You! Like! This!
This is actually a problem I have with this game as a whole - they want to keep certain lore and secrets exclusive to certain routes, but it results in every story feeling in some way incomplete. Like, Fates gets a lot of crap, but at least you did get a full story from your half (third? never played Revelation) a game for the price of a whole one. Blue Lions gets the worst of it, I think 
Plus, when you know some of said secrets, it makes characters who refuse to share them in other routes seem weirdly (and sometimes, contrivedly) cagey about things they really do not need to be cagey about. See: Claude refusing to tell Dimitri and Byleth in Azure Moon that he wants to End Racism, and instead vagueing about ‘achieving his dream’. This is not Edelgard wanting to conquer Fodlan and dismantle the entire social structure, Claude, your ideals really are not so controversial that you need to be this coy. Dimitri and I are cool, we getcha 
My one sentence review of the whole game is basically: Great characters, great world building, great gameplay - but really, really frustrating plot structure
I’m also really upset that Seteth does not have a dragon form
Speaking of Seteth, I married him this time around. I mostly decided to do it for laughs, but while Byleth/Dedue is still my number one Byleth pairing, I came to really, genuinely like them together. Seteth is one of my favs, now more than ever
It helps that romancing Seteth feels a lot less... creepy than romancing most of the students. I like Linhardt, but romancing him felt very weird to me because I couldn’t get over Byleth having first known him as a 16 year old under their care. Dedue, for the record, doesn’t elicit this response  because he doesn’t really feel as much like a student to me? Role-wise he feels a lot closer to the knights, and it’s just that he's been enrolled as a student for convenience’s sake, which makes him and Byleth feel more equal than they do with most of the other kids. Helps that he’s also on the older end
Anyway, Seteth and Byleth would be the nerdiest couple ever, is the impression I got from their ending. The confession scene made me laugh in how ‘oh we’ve got a lot of work to do - btw wanna get married? - sweet, now let’s get back to work’ it was. Mark Whitten is a gem
It’s also the the first time I felt like the game was actually shipping me with a main lord (Seteth taking that role in the absence of the box lords on this route). Haven’t done Crimson Flower yet, so no opinion on the Edelgard/Byleth relationship yet, but regarding Claude and Dimitri my (pretty damn controversial, possibly a bad idea to put out there) opinions on them with Byleth are that
Claude and Byleth are platonic bros, regardless of Byleth’s gender. I just don’t get any feeling of romance from their relationship at all, and so pairing them off feels weird (to me, personally - I don’t hate the ship or anything, though)
Meanwhile Dimitri 100% had a crush on his teacher at school, but after more than five years of enduring trauma after trauma, and then half a year of beginning to heal (whilst fighting a war culminating in the execution of his step-sister), Dimitri is nowhere near ready for a romantic relationship. And when he is, I wouldn’t want him with any of the main cast, Dimitri x Village Girl OTP. I guess if it has to be anyone, I’d be okay with Mercedes, maybe Marianne - hell, maybe even Claude - but really, I just want him to get a fresh start. I think that’s the healthiest option for him, in the end
I do think it’s a pairing that could work in an AU where Dimitri doesn’t have any of the experiences he has in canon, though 
And again, this is just my personal reading
I’ll also admit that I may be influenced by the fact that his two most popular pairings are with Byleth and Dedue, who I greatly prefer with each other. Mostly because I love Dedue with all my soul and his ending with Byleth is by far his happiest, in my eyes at least. It’s the only one where he puts some distance between himself and Dimitri and evens out the power balance in their relationship, which makes me happy because oh boy, the Dimitri/Dedue relationship is super interesting and compelling, but also (again, by my reading) all kinds of unhealthy as it’s presented for most of the game - power balance issues like I say, the fact that they tend to indulge, even encourage, each other’s worst instincts and behaviours, mutual guilt complexes - like I say, it’s fascinating, but damn screwed up. IMO, they’re one of the best examples I’ve seen of how unhealthy relationships aren’t always the result of one bad person, and how two good people can end up being very bad for each other
Though it is, again, a pairing I can see working (and actually being incredibly cute) in an AU where they’ve lived less horrible lives
And it’s not like I don’t want them to be friends, I just want them to also develop healthier boundaries and equal levels of respect
oh my god none of this has anything to do with silver snow what am I doing
But hey, speaking of Dimitri - I flip flopped on whether I thought his death was handled better or worse here than Golden Deer. It was given, I felt, more appropriate gravitas, but again suffered from ‘Dimitri’s dead! No, Dimitri’s alive! Oh wait, now he’s dead again’ in like, three successive scenes. And then you see his... ghost? I guess?
Dimitri really seems to get the short end of the stick on routes outside his own. Claude’s non-Deer roles were, in both cases I’ve played, much stronger and more fitting, and Edelgard is Edelgard
Maybe he’ll be good in Crimson Flower. Please. I miss Dimitri mattering. He’s probably my favourite of the three
There’s a point - obviously I don’t fully know Edelgard yet, but from what I got from the White Clouds section, above anything else she strikes me as an incredibly realistic depiction of a slightly edgy, extremely idealistic, but also highly naive and short-sighted teenager
Her whole goal, it seems, is meritocracy. She hates the crest system and the nobility, and she wants to create a system of equal opportunity. I can get behind that, but I really hope she’s prepared to accept the fact that true equal opportunity is basically impossible without recreating The Giver, as inequality is always more complex than one single factor being to blame for everything. Has Edelgard considered other limitations that make true meritocracy difficult to achieve? Has she been working on, say, a comprehensive benefits system? Or is she more of a libertarian type, and so primarily all about negative freedom and removing direct oppression? I hope Crimson Flower goes into detail on this, I’d be genuinely interested to know
I also find it interesting that she gets very angry about the fact that people hurt her and her family as a means to their own ends, so she decides that her own ends are to eliminate the system that lead to that happening - and she doesn’t care who she has to hurt in the process
This isn’t a CinemaSins *ding* plot hole observation, I genuinely think it’s interesting, and not actually that unrealistic
I also suppose her goal is no less naive than End All Racism By Being Nice To People, but Claude isn’t killing and persecuting people in attempt to achieve that, so it invites less scrutiny
I do wonder if I would have felt more strongly positively about her if she’d been my first playthrough. I do believe she’s a person that sincerely means well, and she’s certainly sympathetic, but - hmm. I’ll make my mind up when I finish CF
Anyway, paired endings. A few that I got include Raphael and Bernadetta (by far my favourite Bernie ending so far, seriously, what is that Caspar ending), Shamir and Leonie, which was cute and goofy (as Leonie’s endings tend to be, I notice, I do like that girl), Felix and Dorothea (not my favourite for either, but cute), Sylvain and Mercedes (the same but even cuter), Cyril and Petra (which felt wrong, partly because I love Cysithea a hell of a lot, and also because despite knowing there’s only about a year between them, Petra looks so much older pre-time skip), Ferdie and Marianne (super wholesome and sweet), and Linhardt and Caspar (my boyyyyssss that I refuse to ever separate again)
Not sure what I’m going to aim for on CF aside from keeping those boys together and also Ferdie/Hubert, as I’ve Heard Things
Flayn and Manuela have an A support so I figured they had a paired ending and it turns out they do not, which means Manuela was alone forever and Flayn ran away because apparently she hated having Byleth for a step mother I guess, rude
My Byleth (Myleth?) was prepared to be the best step mother in the history of the world, so offended
I realised ‘Javelins of Light’ is one of my absolute favourite tracks in the whole game. Mostly because it sounds like something out of Danganronpa, which made me nostalgic
I also like ‘Guardian of Starlight’ for somehow managing to sound like a Danganronpa/PMD: Explorers crossover track
I love how out of nowhere the Immaculate One fight is. It really does just feel like they needed something to distinguish the route from Verdant Wind outside of Claude not being around, so they just had a map that was less cool in every way except for the dragon
Is there an explanation for why Nemesis doesn’t show up on this route?
Also - I didn’t mention this in Golden Deer thoughts but I also found that final battle way, way easier than it was probably meant to be because I’d made everyone into a flier and so the floor damage hazard was meaningless
Which I totally did on purpose and not so I could make a stupid joke post about my all-wyvern team 
Anyway, in conclusion, Silver Snow was a good route, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would (I’d kind of thought it was just going to be GD without Claude, which isn’t... totally wrong, but it’s got some other stuff going on too), I liked Seteth getting to have a bigger role, I thought it had the best final boss (if not the best final boss map), and I liked that I got some more Dragon Lore (never a bad thing)
please don’t yell at me for my controversial shipping opinions 
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roxannarambles · 4 years
Top 3 Favorites Of Fire Emblem 3 Houses
It’s time once again for Top Three! This time, for Fire Emblem: Three Houses, a game I’m rather late to playing but have finally gotten around to!
I’ve decided to divide it by houses and give my top three favorites from each of the playable characters from the three houses/four routes. 
(Contains a few plot spoilers.)
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Black Eagles
1.) Caspar
Caspar isn’t a perfect guy; he tends to have a disturbing tendency toward black-and-white thinking on morality, dividing the world into pure heroes and pure evil, and he doesn’t always stop to ponder the more intricate details of moral quandaries. Yet, despite that fact, in his heart he means well, and you cannot help but love him anyway. He’s enthusiastic and earnest, whole-hearted in what he does, and will fight fiercely to protect his friends. His voice actor is simply splendid and I think half of why I adore his character so much; the delivery is just perfect. The character will bring humor and energy to almost any situation, and both those elements are valuable standouts in a game with often heavy story themes.
2.) Petra
In a lot of ways, Petra is simply fulfilling a warrior princess archtype; a self-reliant huntress, proud, fierce, grateful to the blessings of mother nature, confidant, driven. With all that, it’s hard to find anything to dislike about her. She’s genuinely open and caring with everyone, despite the injustices against her country. She works very hard and carries the burden of an entire country on her shoulders with poise. She also makes for a powerful assassin unit.
3.) Linhardt
Linhardt is, to be perfectly honest, probably suffering from some pretty bad depression. His tendency to skip sleep some nights in favor of binge-studying, and then to sleep excessively and at all odd hours of the day, doesn’t read as “quirky” to me so much as a plain and very real symptom of depression (which can manifest in a number of ways, including insomnia and excessive sleep). His general attiude of apathy, again, seems a rather plain sign of depression. Considering the troubles of his past that he mentions he’s been trying to avoid confronting, this does make sense. While I don’t particularly enjoy Linhardt’s apathy and sleepiness, he’s actually quite a nice intellectual and a very good friend, when he puts his mind to it. 
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Blue Lions
1.) Ashe
Ashe is a Very Good Boy, My Good Son. He’s as sweet and pure as a summer’s afternoon and I won’t suffer any fools who say otherwise. He dreams big and he actually puts the effort out to pursuing those dreams. Even when others try to dissaude him, or tell him he’s being niave to have such glowing ideals of knighthood, he fights for them anyway and follows his heart. He also cares deeply about his family and does all he can to take care of them, putting their needs above his own. And, he’s flippin’ adorable. What a lovely person.
2.) Felix
Ok, look. I don’t always like rude, bitchy, acerbic tsunderes. But when I do, I like me some Felix. Apparently. Felix is a disappointingly rather two-dimentional character in a lot of ways, since he falls into the “obsessive swordsman trope” that Lon'qu, Rutger and others also fall into. He obsesses over his swordplay and over improving himself, but there is no real core to WHY he obsesses over it; what drives him. The support conversation with Byleth and Felix explores this, but the conclusion never actually reaches any reason why he obsesses over it. He simply wants to be strong for the sake of strong. He has no idea why and never actually finds a reason. I find this deeply unsatisfying. Still, despite this fact, I cannot help but enjoy him anyway. His bitchiness and tsundere behavior is highly entertaining to me. And he does seem to at least draw some very clear lines: as obsessed as he is with power for sheer power’s sake, he is truly disgusted at excessive bloodshed and cruelty. He’s equally disgusted at romanticizing battle or dying for your ideals-- although I think his interactions with Ashe make him consider that sacrificing for your ideals may not be so terrible after all. 
3.) Annette
She’s bubbly, cheerful, energetic, loves to learn, is super friendly and often silly and provides comedic relief. The Blue Lions are generally a bunch who carry some pretty heavy emotional baggage-- so Annette’s presence is pretty essential to lighten the tone at times and help buoy people up. That’s not to say Annette doesn’t have her own shit to deal with, considering her father left her and her mother when she was still young. Still, she is a resiliant person who manages to carry on with aplomb despite that pain. And we get to enjoy her reconciliation with her father during the Blue Lion route, which is quite nice. 
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Golden Deer
1.) Claude
Claude . . . Claude has so much great potential as a character, but I feel he was short-changed, in the end. He has an intriguing combination: he’s a man who has built up a reputation of being a sneaky, devious schemer, somebody to not be trusted and who does not trust others-- who relies soley on himself. Yet, on the other hand, he also has big, flowery dreams of creating a world that has destroyed racism and xenophobia, that welcomes and celebraties diversity and differences of all stripes. For all his claims of being self-serving and mistrustful, his dreams are enormously altruistic and compassionate. There was great potential in exploring this contradiction in his character, as well as tracing Claude’s path of slowly opening up and learning to trust others with his tender heart-- such as with Byleth. The trouble is this never actually HAPPENS in his route. The main plot focuses mostly on the actual military strategy; it does not go into the character development he so deeply deserved. His support conversations with Byleth were intended to show this character development, but without actually showing how he got from Point A to Point B-- wary and mistrustful vs. learning to open up-- it rings hollow to me. It’s frustrating, because I do love Claude dearly (deer-ly, haha. . .). He deserved, quite frankly, so much better.  
2.) Leonie
Leonie is very straightforward: what you see is really what you get. She’s a Commoner from a small village with big dreams of heoric mercenary life-- not all that dissimilar, really, from Ashe’s big dreams of heroic knighthood. She managed to drum up support (both emotional and financial) from her village and now feels obligated to do them all proud and pay them back for their support and kindness. While she can be a little single-minded at times about her adore for Jeralt (sometimes even lashing out in jealousy at Byleth), overall she’s a strong-willed, clever, and very determined young lady. I can’t help but love her. She also excels as a fantastic unit to use in-game, powerful, versitile, and getting so much done through pure grit, without any of the advantages or leg-ups that the Crest-bearing nobles are in posssession of. 
3.) Ignatz
I do realize this is Sweet And Pure Archer Son Number Two on my list, but there’s no way he’s not going on the list. He’s just too wonderful. Look at my son!!! He loves his family dearly and puts aside his own dreams to honor their needs and wishes! But he also can never quite give up on his artistic dreams and his friends all gradually encourage him to have the confidance to pursue them! He is so polite and sweet and friendly and shy! He has adorable little daydreams about the Goddess and has a crush on Saint Cethleann! He has such a huge glow-up after the timeskip and turns into such a dependable, strong young man who fights for justice and always holds such tender compassion in his heart! He’s great. :)
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Church of Seiros
1.) Seteth
I would be repeating myself if I wrote anything here expounding upon my love of Seteth, which is as wide and deep as the blue-green seas. So I will just link you to a previous post. That should explain exactly how my feelings evolved over time about Seteth. He was an absolute surprise and a joy to discover. I never expected to fall in love with him; when I first started playing I always expected that Claude would be the one to steal my heart, not this mysterious man. But life’s funny like that.
2.) Alois
This man is a giant freaking dork and a goober, and I feel a great deal of affection for him. He makes me feel happy and safe and he is a great adoptive brother/dad/uncle/whatever. Truly, the game and the church would feel much emptier with him not around (and much quieter, haha). 
3.) Shamir
Shamir, when you first run into her, simply seems rude and cold. In fact, you will probably always have that impression of her, unless you read her support conversations. Once you access her supports, a whole new story is told. While she’s reserved and can be curt, she really does have a warmer side, growing to truly care for her allies. She’s deeply thoughtful and reflective, full of surprising insights. She’s also a remarkably talented mercenary and assasin, but while she insists she’s simply a sellsword, she does care about more then just the pay and survival. 
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the-apocryphal-one · 5 years
To be fair, while Edelgard does distrust Claude for being an outsider, i doubt Claude being a known and self confessed schemer helped his case. Besides, Dimitri is from the HOLY kingdom, so the odds of him being convinced to help Edelgard's plan is nil, even in the route where Rhea is publicly revealed to be a Dragon and more insane, Dimitri STILL grants her aid. Plus pre-timeskip Edelgard has NO compelling evidence to sway the two. Continued:
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Dimitri in Edel’s route is also anti-Edelgard because, y’know. Crazy, revenge, etc. It’s side with Rhea or side with Edel, and in any route but his own, he won’t even contemplate doing that.
Claude finds perfectly compelling evidence on his own, pre-timeskip, in the Golden Deer route. If he can find that while being neutral, anti-Rhea Edelgard can too. Present arguments about how Rhea is abusing her power to execute anyone against her. About how she has Seteth remove any books from the library she doesn’t agree with. About her lies with the Holy Tomb (it doesn’t contain Seiros’s body). There’s enough to make Rhea look suspicious, and with that, comes doubt. With doubt, investigation.
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Again, Claude in the Golden Deer route actively investigates Rhea on his own. The fact that she’s hiding something is all the reason he needs to turn on her, and he later admits he agrees with Edelgard’s reasons–he just views her way as too bloodthirsty.
Getting rid of Rhea would leave everyone in a better position, not just the Empire. She’s the reason Fodlan’s Locket exists, so if she’s gone, the Alliance doesn’t have to deal with Almyran invasions because they can actually initiate peaceful contact with them. She’s the reason the Crest system is strangling the Kingdom and Empire, so if she’s gone, Sylvain, Edelgard, Hanneman, etc, can get to work on reforming it.
 Claude does not trust her at all. Dimitri’s attitude, again, depends on his mental state; at his worst he’s blindly loyal to Rhea and hates Edelgard, at his best he sees the problems with Rhea and wants peace with Edelgard.
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Sure, this is fair. They are different depending on their routes, and the game makes a point to emphasize gray morality. Dimitri at his worst goes on a five-year killing spree and doesn’t care who he has to sacrifice for his revenge. Dimitri at his best is a Savior King who seeks peace with Edelgard and reforms the system to remove corruption. Edelgard at her worst uses her own citizens as human shields (Golden Deer, Blue Lions) and literally turns herself into a monster to win (Blue Lions), on top of everything else. Edelgard at her best…I haven’t seen Edelgard at her best yet lol, but I can readily believe she’s less ruthless with Byleth’s influence.
But Edelgard still does a lot of shady stuff before the routes split. It’s not black-and-white, but it makes h
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I’m glad to hear lol, although I really don’t think anything will convince me Edelgard’s actions were acceptable. We’re probably just gonna have to agree to disagree, otherwise we’ll just talk in circles.
Uhhh no, Edelgard’s omelette is burnt and weirdly bloody. Dimitri’s is mashed up but charming because it’s still trying its best, and packed full with nutritious feels. Claude’s, however, is correct XD
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Rhea’s reign is horrific. Change does need to happen. But it can happen without this. Are Edelgard’s reasons good? Yes. But at what point does a cause outweigh the cost? When you invade innocent countries without warning? When you war for five years? When innumerable civilians die in your war? When you turn a blind eye to human experimentation? When you kidnap someone (Flayn, Rhea in non-BE routes) for experimentation yourself?
Sometimes, there are no options but bad ones. But Edelgard doesn’t look for other options. Supporting her means supporting that decision to go for the bloodiest option first, and I can’t do that.
And yes, some things are worth dying for, but you don’t have a right to force others to die too. And that, ultimately, is what Edelgard does by starting a war.
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megashadowdragon · 5 years
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Perspective, Tragedy, and the Value of Connection
comment by a
Pinned by Aleczandxr)Table of Contents: Introduction: 0:00 Rhea and the Church of Seiros: 4:22 Claude and the Golden Deer: 15:35 Edelgard and the Black Eagles: 29:10 Dimitri and the Blue Lions: 37:57 Conclusion: 58:11 Please note that a decent portion of this video involves summarizing certain lore, backstory, character and plot elements in order to provide a foundation for my arguments about the themes and ideas presented. This game has an extensive and quite complex setting and story, and it is told piece-meal across four routes, so I felt the need to summarize them for the sections in which they were relevant. Also, the main point of this video is now to have four all-encompassing character analyses for Rhea, Claude, Edelgard and Dimitri, but to go over their backgrounds, mindsets, philosophies and how they are integrative with the game's main themes of perspective and the importance of a connection and "light" like Byleth. This isn't intended to discuss every little nuance of each character, and there are undoubtedly some things I left out about each of them, simply because they wouldn't contribute to the intent of the video. So simply put: don't expect me to talk about every aspect of these characters, because that isn't the point. HAVING SAID THAT - I now realize that the main problem with this video is that I didn’t really delve into Rhea to the fullest extent. In the process of writing her part I got a bit too caught up in leaning on summarizing the lore of the game and talking about how you can be her “light”  and didn’t give her quite as much sympathy as she deserved with regards to her motivations. My phrasing should’ve been more fair and elaborate to help justify her perspective. ALSO: Note that I said that Rhea created the Empire, but it’s more accurate to say that she fostered the founding of the Empire, which is what she said in the scene I provided.Show less
comments I saw on the channel
I think it’s interesting to characterize Byleth as a light for Dimitri and Edelgard but not for Claude. There’s some nice visual storytelling in the fact that in the reunion cutscene with Claude, he’s already in the light while Byleth has to walk out of the darkness to meet him (which is the exact opposite for Dimitri’s cutscene). It reinforces the fact that what Claude needs isn’t “a light” or someone to pull him up, but a partner and companion with the power to help bring his dreams to fruition.
Edelgarld isn't in need of a light either,  she also just needs someone who she can trust to break the stalemate situation,  because if byleth didn't come she would have still won the war with the help of cornelia and house Gloucester in the alliance,  this is made proof in the amount of chapters you have to beat.
yes she can win, but  the " with the help of Cornelia" caveat to that statement is the big problem there. Yes if Byleth didn't exist she likely would have been able to win the war, but in order to do so she would have had to sell her soul completely to the devil (TWSITD) and compromise her morals for the sake of victory. Once you start down that slippery slope, it's difficult to pull yourself back. We see this in the Azure moon route where Edelgard becomes so committed to attaining absolute victory, that she's barely even tries to reach an understanding with Dimitri to avoid greater bloodshed. She becomes convinced of the fact that only she knows what is right for Fodlan and is prepared to do anything to win, including using her own people as meat shields and trap bait if need be. She's even willing to quite literally surrender her own humanity in order to increase the odds of her success. Edelgard and Dimitri are both good people who find themselves surrounded by darkness in different forms. They both need Byleth to act as a guiding light of sorts to lead them out of that darkness and into the brighter future that they hope for.
I feel like in that cutscene Claude is in a way serving as Byleth’s light which is why they have to walk out to meet Claude in the light. Claude focuses mostly in comforting Byleth, offering food and companionship first and foremost and throughout the story serves more in a guiding or advisor role letting Byleth be the leader/figurehead. This is all the more clear in the final battle where Claude sets up Byleth for victory even at risk of his own well being.
The tragedy of the game really hit me when the new difficulty mode came out and I had to pick a route again. I realized that no matter what house leader I chose to support, it meant i would have to watch the lives of others end in tragedy because my choice deprived them of the support they would desperately need
@kamden madan  that’s why I feel like a dick in silver snow I canonically upheld a system that harmed my students was the  cause of multiple wars lead to death innocents and then put people  for responsible  said system on top with no reforms no matter how much I like the church characters I can’t side with them it makes me sick to the core .
if Byleth doesn't join any faction, Edelgard probably would have won eventually, but at that point she probably would've compromised so many of her moral stances that I'd see it more as TWSITD's victory and not Edelgard's
What I love about Edelgard is just how much the butterfly effect is conveyed with this one character. If you opt not to help her, she closes off her heart completely. She becomes a ruthless empress intent to conquer all and absolutely destroy anyone in her path with no qualms or empathy. But the one action you choose in the crypt changes everything. Edelgard did not expect Byleth to side with her. In every single situation, Byleth should try to kill her. They have absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by siding with her. The Church turns on them, they become one of the biggest enemies there. But in that instant, Byleth's choice to believe in Edelgard purely because they care about her shakes her to the core. When you next see her, she cries tears of joy over Byleth's reappearance. Her moves are less brutal and cruel, and she has opened up more to her fellow classmates. The Agarthans do not dominate every choice that Adrestia makes, and as such she tries to win the war while minimizing casualties. The Agarthans do not seize Faerghus, and Dimitri is not driven out. He does not lose himself with madness, and instead goes down as a noble king who harbored the Archbishop and tried his best to fend off Adrestia. Claude can be spared, which will ultimately lead to peace between Fodlan and Almyra as he is the next in line. Edelgard's willingness to show empathy pays off in the end, as she mentions that she wanted to create a treaty with the nation. Who better to help create ties than Claude? All because Byleth reached for her hand.Show less
I always wondered why there wasn't such a heavy emphasis on Edelgard's and Dimitri's relationship in BE but if you recall the conversation that Edelgard, Dimitri, Byleth and Hubert have right before the attack on the Empire in the BL route, it's revealed that Edelgard forgot that Dimitri was the boy that she stayed with for all those years which makes sense if you realise Edelgard was tortured shortly after her time in FaerghusShow less It is apparently a realistic symptom of trauma like Edelgard endured that huge chunks of her life surrounding the trauma would fade from memory. One of the things I liked a lot about 3H was that all four of the leads Byleth can side with are carrying around a lot of trauma but it manifests in very different ways for all of them. Of course, it's a major knife in the heart to realize that if things are consistent between Azure Moon and Crimson Flower, Edelgard's memories of who Dimitri was to her come back into focus when he calls her "El." Which in Azure Moon happens moments after they realize neither of them can back down and they're going to fight to the death for their principles, and in Crimson Flower happens as Dimitri's bleeding out at her feet.Show less
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