#blue lions spoilers
lesbiandardevil · 3 months
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marcille panel redraw :) (↓)
og panel + close up because she's so pretty i might pass out etc
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ninjasmudge · 1 year
Thoughts on Azure Lion and Sun Wukong's relationship? I know a lot of people think Azure was and still is very gay for Wukong (which, yes, obviously,).
so, obviously this is without the official english version, but i personally think its more meaningful if azure had a lot of admiration but not a thing for swk, you know?
because azure lion actually looks at a lot of people like that
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it seems to me like he really cares for people, he gives all his friends the same soft expression that says 'im glad youre here'. he avoids hurting mk and tells the others to back off and not hurt them unnecessarily, he hugs elephant outright when he sees him, these arent soldiers to help him accomplish his goal, these are his friends. and i think that makes his goal and reasons all the more poignant, because he doesnt seem like hes doing it for himself. hes not doing it for swk, hes doing it for everyone, because he cares about them and thinks this is the way to keep them safe.
its what makes him so dangerous. he comes from something like a warped heros perspective, he fully believes hes right, hes there because heaven has proven to him that they cant lead fairly. hes doing this for everyone that was hurt when their safe haven was attacked, and for his friends who were imprisoned for thousands of years replaying their mistakes over and over, he really believes hes right, which is why he wont stop.
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isan0rt · 10 months
I feel like I haven't really seen the fe3h fandom talk too much about how clearly Azure Moon is an adaptation of Hamlet. Like not even subtly Hamlet (like, see, he's the lion king, get it, haha, because... It's Hamlet).
Dimitri is obvious; he's the prince whose uncle has become king, due to a conspiracy he's trying to uncover, spurred on by his murdered father's restless ghost. Pursuing this vengeance drives him mad, and he becomes increasingly erratic as vengeance continues to escape him.
Dedue is Horatio; Hamlet's best friend (but one he met more recently than his other friends), always at his side and loyal no matter how far Hamlet falls, but formal with him right up until Hamlet dies for his revenge. Crimson Flower Dedue practically delivers the "Goodnight, sweet prince" line in the game if you defeat him before he can transform himself.
The rest spends a lot of effort making subversions; Rufus is Claudius, and this is played straight in Three Hopes, where Dimitri gets justice before he loses his mind and so he never reaches the depths of despair he does in Azure Moon. But in Three Houses this gets subverted; Rufus is still actually the Claudius, but Dimitri has miscast Edelgard in the role. This also allows Patricia to serve as Gertrude, forcing Dimitri to grapple with whether his (step)mother was complicit in his father's murder and whether she has more loyalty to the murderer than to him. Rufus then shifts into the Polonius role, as it's after his death (allegedly at the hand of Dimitri himself) that everything starts going to shit.
Felix, meanwhile, I think is Laertes (with Glenn and Rodrigue serving as Ophelia and Polonius for him (side side note I personally think Glenn was one of Dimitri's first crushes but that's neither here nor there)). The death of one curdles Laertes's positive childhood friendship feelings towards Hamlet (and Felix towards Dimitri) and then the death of the second fully solidifies Laertes's feeling that Hamlet must be stopped.
In Azure Moon, this gets subverted, in that Dimitri reverses course here, where Hamlet doubles down. As a result, Laertes turns his sword against Hamlet, while Felix returns to a shaky companionship with Dimitri. But crucially, if Felix does get recruited to other routes and turns his sword against Dimitri, he basically cannot have a happy ending - the same way Laertes dies for turning against Hamlet.
I don't have a snappy conclusion or anything (are Ingrid and Sylvain Rosencrantz and Guildenstern? Unclear) but I think it's fascinating.
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s0uperfly · 5 months
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I see no difference 😏
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I rewatched this scene an unreasonable number of times because Taylor Zakhar Perez looks like utter perfection after being flung onto the couch and there was something about the angle of his neck and head and the intensity of his gaze that was just *chef’s kiss* and then I realised what it reminds me of
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(Gif by @sheisraging)
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delusionbound · 1 year
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ghost-pocky · 2 years
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The first time I get a chance to observe respectfully and the king nearly jumps out of his skin 😂
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its-ya-boi-calzone · 2 years
Hello to everyone who's been enjoying FE3Hopes! I wanted to share a little thing I noticed in my playthrough regarding Yuri's real name, so spoilers ahead. You've been warned!
For those who hadn't purchased/played the DLC of the original 3Houses, Yuri was an available character for an S-Support (for both female and male Byleth), in which he goes to reveal his name, but the scene cuts away before he reveals it.
This left me dissatisfied for a while, until 3Hopes came in with this little scene from the Shez and Yuri C-Support:
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Then again, in their A-Support, Yuri explains a little bit more about his name; His name comes from a star which he states is, "a pretty ostentatious name for a penniless kid," as well as an especially "bright star".
Using these clues, I did some digging into real-life stars. I didn't expect to find much, but out of the named stars, one works with the criteria: Regulus
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Regulus is not only an bright star, the brightest in the Leo constellation, but it also aligns with the the description Yuri gave it about his name being "ostentatious".
Though this is not confirmed, and likely will never be, I think this is fairly reasonable to assume to be Yuri's real name. If you made it this far, thank you for reading! <3
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wenja45 · 1 year
Edelgards legacy in the fandom
Since people are bringing up post launch Engage (looking at you Raxistachio) not creating much buzz whilst in comparison to Three Houses which is only kept alive by the Edelgard discourse it is time to talk about Edelgard's legacy.
Edelgard's legacy is not looked at fondly she isn't a famous character she is an infamous character that has created the worst discourse in the entire fandom and likely no future games will ever be able to overcome the toxic shithole that is Edelgard discourse.
Edelgard will not be remembered for her character, her route it anything she will just be remembered as the character that created the worst discourse in Fire Emblem history.
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individuating · 5 months
blonde sayo is a lie made up so as to keep her from reaching her full potential as a crazy brunette
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saturns-ninth-moon · 1 year
It is done.
I have finally completed all routes of FE3H.
All that is left to say, is a quote from Joe Zieja (VA of Claude) and Allegra Clark (VA of Dorothea and Shamir):
“We are all just Dimitri trash” </3
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byrnethebooks · 2 years
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ninjasmudge · 1 year
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as promised
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dazzlerazz · 2 years
I really love this illustration (spoilers for the end of Azure Gleam)
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ladytrsharon · 2 years
OKAY BUT - People are really WILD assuming that the blue lions are only following dimitri out of a sense of loyalty to HIM. But like have you really not analyze what route that you're on ?? YOU are the one invading, THEY are the ones defending their homes.
Oh, the eagles follow Edelgard's ideals is fine because they wanted to do so and have the options to back out but when the blue lions do it then its because its only because of Dimitri ?? Its totally not because they want to willingly volunteered to join to save the church (Mercedes) or idk PROTECT THEIR HOMES ? I love the black eagles and golden deers (Theyre my favs) , but honestly all of you stans need to get off your high horse. The routes all have their problems but its not an excuse to invalidate what is already stated within each route especially if you havent even played it.
Like people forget that Dimitri asked Ashe to priotize his own life before duty. Mercedes volunteered to be there. Sylvain, Ingrid, and Felix are NOBLES that have the duty to make sure that their territory would be SAFE.
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unxpctedlygreat · 2 years
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In record battles for smaller missions, you can get extra lines from the characters when facing their friends! I obviously went to look for Felix's.
Unique lines for everyone except Mercedes and Annette, who get the same one.
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