#i need to draw more grumps . ill draw more grumps.
troutmouth · 9 months
*gets down on my knees* I would love to see snorpy in ur style…
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astronomergrump · 3 months
unsure if people have ask you this but like have tips (or tutorial) for draw grumpuses? /nf
Nope! I've never had anyone ask how I draw grumps ur the first! :3
ill try my best to explain how I draw grumps and some tips, even though I'm not very good at explaining stuff.
But also, fair warning there are headcanons of grumpus biology and other things. :P
But I have...2-3 ways I draw grumpuses, more animalistic or more of a cartoonish way.
But I'd have to say that you'd have to really study the cast we've got in bugsnax, study their body types. Such as with eggabell and my drawing of her.
Her original body shape is eggie, such with her name hehe.
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But with more rounder grumpuses (especially more in the stomach and hips area), I've interpreted their round side with fat. In eggabell's body shape you can see how her bottom area is more big than the rest of her body. In the drawing that I made, her body is large in the bottom but makes it way to be thinner just like in her og body. But with more plump grumps they have dewlaps. (Which if I remember properly are made of fat and fur for nesting)
Even with grumpuses like floofty (including other rounder grumps such as snorpy and beffica) >>
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In their original yk body and proportions, hips are big, but slowly move up to become thinner. But unlike eggabell they're not yk egg shaped.
But ofc their are....thinner grumpuses, such as wambus or wiggle. Unfortunately I've not drawn them, but I will show my skinnier ocs I've drawn before.
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These two grumpuses (even tho they're both undead might I add) have similar proportions as a human would. Mostly with the ratio hips to chest.
But I draw their bodies segmented, say with my skinny grumps you can see how both of their bodies/torsos are made up of three shapes. But with grumpuses like Beffica and Floofty, their bodies are segmented into two main shapes.
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But getting into faces and jaw lines...thats always threw me off a bit. But generally speaking I mostly draw faces for grumpuses to be more canine like, either that or to be an animal that more or so fits the characters's.
While I don't really and truly draw much of the actually cast, I fully believe that a character like uh... Say lizbert, if I'm writing this down incorrectly please tell me, but with her I'd imagine she'd more or so look like a seal in the face. A buff seal.
But in general, either more canine or feline like.
With jawlines tho, grumpuses without over/underbites are flat faced. So take that into consideration especially, as their snout would probably point out a bit it wouldn't point out as far as a grumpus with an under/overbite. Say like a pug or smth, they're faces are mostly flat and not as long as dogs with long snouts. Grumpuses with over bites as we all know have teeth that rest above the bottom jaw, causing their teeth/tusks to poke out from their lip. Ditto with underbites, but their bottom jaw goes out more than the top jaw. (Poodles is meant to look like a poodle so that's why her snout points out, BUT I PROMISE THAT'S NOT HOW I USUALLY DRAW IT)
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Oh and hair! And eyes as well. Hair, as I assume for grumpuses, can grow on their heads. But it would have to majorly have to deal with genes if a grumpus baby does have hair or fur that grows similarly to fur.
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Such as with my two grumpus ocs, one has fur, the other has hair. Again as I've stated, I believe that a grumpus probably needs some type of recessive gene from both parents to successfully grow hair. But it's not really and truly a very rare thing to have. Like I'd assume 45 out of 100 grumps have hair that does differ from long fur.
With eeeyyyeeesss thooo, I imagine it's very similar to what humans have. Such as different eye shapes, sometimes even different patterns of pupils, but that would depend on where the grumpus originates from and how far they we're in the food chain. So yes again, genes. In my own hc I believe grumpuses have 3 different pupils that depend on their gene origin, round pupils (like humans), slit pupils (like cats), and squared pupils (like horses or goats).
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We could also get into fur. But again like everything else I've stated before, genes and origins play a huge role in that
But um... For tips, I'd say mostly try and study their anatomy. As well facial structure especially with animals.
As well, take in consideration of characters body shape and anatomy. Even ur own characters.
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starlightrows · 3 years
Love In All Its Forms
Pairing: Boba Fett x reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Tags: FLUFF, illness, non-sexual nudity
Summary: It’s the day for celebrations of love, but instead of the plan you’ve crafted, you’re sick in bed
AN: Happy Monday! As I’m writing this, snow is continually falling, roads are closed and I’m spending Valentine’s Day solo and sick with a cold. But it’s okay, because I love all of you! Happy (late) Valentine’s Day!
“Lay back down princess, you need to rest,” Boba says, pushing on your shoulder gently. You’d woken up feeling intense pressure behind your eyes, and your nose running.
“No,” you tried to protest, pushing back against him. “You took time off from your duties, I spent weeks planning for today,”
You were starting to get upset, you really had been looking forward to today. Asked him weeks in advance to take this particular day off. On your home world, today was a special holiday to celebrate love in all its forms. Friendships, parenthood, spouses, lovers, partners of all kinds. And you wanted to celebrate with Boba, your love. Originally you had hoped to take him to your home world, it would be covered in snow this time of year. There are pools of hot bubbling mineral water up the mountain your home village was situated at the base of. You thought he might enjoy the hot water, and uninterrupted alone time you’d be able to enjoy. Unfortunately the journey to reach your home planet, celebrate the holiday, and the return trip would take too much time. But he had agreed to give you this day.
“I know,” he pushes your hair back, and sits next to you on the bed. Your eyes are beginning to water and your chest tightens. You don’t want to get upset this way, and you really don’t want to be sick. You sigh and close your eyes, willing the tears not to spill over
“I just— I really wanted today to be special. I wanted to show you how important you are to me,” you cry softly. Boba continues petting your hair, staring down at your pitiful form.
“We don’t need a specific day to demonstrate love cyare,” he tells you. His words are kind, but they do nothing to comfort you.
“I just wanted to take care of you, and make you feel loved,” the tears fall freely from your eyes.
“Cyare, you make me feel loved everyday,” he catches your chin between his thumb and curled forefinger, forcing you to open your eyes and look at him. “If today is truly the day for lovers, than let me take care of you,”
You don’t really want to relent, you don’t want to let this go so easily. But you feel like bantha shit, and you don’t have much of a choice. So you nod your head, and let him tuck the covers around you.
“Sleep princess, I’ll be here when you wake up,” he kisses your forehead, as you shut your eyes. The bedding is soft and warm, such a stark contrast to the chilled hard stone that make up the walls of the palace. Normally a welcome relief from the blazing dual suns that beat down on Tatooine. The warmth of the covers and plush pillows combined with your illness induced exhaustion, draws you back into sleep.
True to his word, Boba is there when you wake up again. He sits by in one of the comfortable arm chairs you’d had decorated the rather sparse bedchamber with, reading something off a datapad. You don’t alert him to your wakefulness, instead you just settle your gaze over him. You hope beyond all reason that he’s reading for his own enjoyment, and not for work. This was supposed to be a relaxing, pleasure only kind of day.
“Boba,” you call out for him, reaching an arm up out of the covers. He looks over at you, sets down the datapad.
“Can I get you anything little one?” He asks, coming to sit beside you once more, accepting your small hand in his two large ones. “Water? Tea?”
“Water please,” he releases your hand, and steps off into the adjoining ‘fresher. You sit up in bed, and accept the glass of water he offers on his return. You drink the entire glass, and hand it back to him to set on the bedside table.
“How are you feeling?” He asks, settling onto his side of the bed. He opens his arms, inviting you to cuddle up to him. A luxury you don’t often get to experience with him, so you take full advantage.
“A bit better. My head doesn’t hurt so bad, but I can’t breathe through my nose,” you say honestly. His thumb strokes your upper arm where he holds you.
“You wanted us to go to those hot springs on your home world,” he says, “we have a bath tub. The steam will help your breathing,”
“Maybe in a bit,” you say, clutching his shirt just a little tighter “you’re a very comfortable pillow, my love,” He chuckles, and presses a kiss to the top of your head. For now you were just happy to held.
Eventually the idea of a soothing bath, and humidity to open up your sinuses was too tempting to pass up. The day had gotten away from you, and an evening bath would be a decent way to end the day.
Boba disappeared back into the ‘fresher to run you the bath. You took some time to remake the bed, and toss your used handkerchiefs into the wash bin. Boba beckoned you into the ‘fresher. Helped you remove your night shirt you’d spent the day in, and gave you a hand for stability as your stepped down into the sunken tub. The hot water felt amazing on your aching body, and the steam wafting up from the water was already starting to ease your breathing. You leaned you head against the high wall of the tub and closed your eyes. Even though your throat was still sore, this was very nice.
“Are you going to join me?” You asked, sensing he was still in the ‘fresher with you
“No,” he answered “I’m going to check on dinner. I asked the scullery maids to make bread and soup for you,” You hummed in acknowledgment. He leaves the ‘fresher, making sure to shut the door so the steam will stay trapped inside.
Sinking further into the water, you think about how lucky you are. People you’ve been with in the past would likely be angry they’d taken a whole day off of work, only to have to take care of you or have plans canceled. But not Boba, for as much of a grump he could be at times, he truly does love you and appreciate you.
When he returns, the bath water is going a little cold and the steam is dissipating. He holds your bathrobe open for you and fastens the tie. He leads you back to bed and offers you a bowl of the soup he had mentioned before.
The broth is flavorful and rich, even though you’re already warm from the bath, it warms your insides. He sits with you, sipping off his own bowl of soup.
“Thank you,” you say, as he takes your now empty bowls placing them on the table by the door. The maids will likely come retrieve them later. You’ll have to remember to thank them in person as well when you get the chance. “Thank you for taking care of me today,”
He gives you a look, as he begins turning down the covers to get you tucked back into bed for the night. “How many times have you taken care of me when I was sick or injured, little one?”
“I wouldn’t have died or anything if you had chosen to go back to work instead of staying though,” you comment while he slides under the covers beside you. Draws you in, placing your head on his chest
“Today is the day for love in all its forms, and sometimes loving someone means taking care of them,” he says. You never would have expected this from him. He could have his tender moments with you sure, but this gentleness and wisdom is new.
“I’ll make it up to you,” you say sleepily “Next time you can manage a day off. I’ll return the favor and spoil you all day,”
He chuckles at your musings. “As if you don’t spoil me everyday,”
You’re fading, sleep calls to you. But you get out one last thing. “I love you,”
He nuzzles your head with his cheek, you’re fully asleep but he responds anyway “I love you too,”
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random-french-girl · 3 years
For the BroTP ask game...how about Toni and Dot from the Wilds?
They are so different.
Sounds fun.
Thank you Anon <3<3<3
What in-jokes do they have with each other?
They definitely have an in-joke about the bat incident, and Dot sleeping with her mouth opens.
Are they the “I’ll pay this time if you pay next time”-type friends, or the “I’ll pay for my food and you’ll pay for yours”-type friends?
First option, for sure. They're not used to having money to spend, so they enjoy being able to pay for a friend's meal.
Who’s more prone to pranking, or otherwise messing with, the other?
Probably Toni? Like, she'll try to put various stuff in Dot's mouth while she's sleeping... Dot is. Tired.
How do they text/message each other? Proper punctuation and capital letters, egregious overuse of emojis, mostly in meme format…?
They don't text all that much, but they send the occasional meme, and check in with each other regularly.
Do they exchange jokey birthday presents, or deeply thought-out and meaningful presents? Or both?
They both exchange very practical gifts, actually? They have a good eye for noticing what the other needs. Dot will send Toni a toolbox, with very stern instructions to ask Dot for some tips and guidance before she uses the tools to build her ikea furniture. Toni sends Dot a coffee maker - a real, good, durable one, because she knows how much Dot likes coffee in the morning, and how much she begrudgingly ends up spending at fucking Starbucks.
They go on a road trip together. Who drives, who picks the music, who’s in charge of snacks?
Dot drives, no questions asked. Dot is also in charge of snacks, but they actually have the same taste - Cheetos, Reese's, old-fashioned donuts - so Toni's fine with it. They fight A LOT about the music, however.
What do they think of each other’s family?
Oof. It's a hard topic of conversation between them. They're both like... vaguely resentful and jealous of each other's parents and relationships with them? Very VERY mixed feelings, that they don't really disclose to each other. Dot wishes Toni made more of an effort to reconnect with her mom, because she would give ANYTHING for her dad to still be alive... Toni feels so envious that despite everything, Dot still had a better relationship with her dad than she ever had with her mom... yeah, it's complicated.
Do they have any nicknames for each other?
Toni picks up "Dottie" from Shelby. Dot calls Toni "Minnesota" when she's drunk.
Who’d be the first to try and patch things up if they had a fight?
Dot rarely lets things go as far as a full-on fight. But if they do fight, Toni's the first to apologize, always.
One of their phones goes off in the middle of the night. Who’s calling whom, and why?
Toni calls Dot for advice about something or other in the middle of the night. Dot always answers her phone, even if she's a grump about it.
What’s their favourite funny story about something that happened to the two of them?
The cave fiasco is still the funniest thing.
Would they do a joint cosplay? If so, who would they dress up as?
No, not their thing.
Do they have any TV shows that they watch together? Are there any shows they have wildly different opinions on?
Dot gets Toni into survival shows, after the island. They end up binge watching together the seasons of Survivor that they've missed. They like betting on who they think is going to win, and criticizing everything the contestants do ("We did so much better on the island," Toni always says with vague disdain, to which Dot, one eyebrow raised, replies: "Who's this "we"? because if I recall I was the only one doing shit.")
Which one is the “fight me” friend and which one is the one who tries to keep the peace and prevent their friend from punching a total stranger?
Dot. Is. So. Tired.
One of them comes up with an ill-advised but mostly harmless idea. Does the other one egg them on because they think it’ll be funny, or try and talk them out of it?
Dot tries to talk her out of it at first, but if she doesn't succeed, then fuck it, she'll sit down with some popcorn to enjoy the show. If her friends are gonna be dumbasses, at least she'll take the free entertainment.
Who would win if they arm-wrestled?
Hmmm, it's a draw! They both insist they're better, but they are equally matched, and very unhappy about it.
Who’s better at what type of video games, and how competitive are they when they play together?
Toni THINKS she's better, but Dot fucking annihilates her ass every time they play Mortal Kombat, because she's spent hours playing with her dad and Mateo. Which is even more humiliating when you consider that Dot is in serious need of glasses. Dot pretends she's not competitive, but she brags to the group chat every time she wins, so what's the truth.
One of them ends up in hospital for something serious but not life-threatening. What does the other bring along when they visit in order to cheer them up?
Dot brings Shelby, and forces everyone else to get out of Toni's hospital room. Toni sends her a text that says "You're the best. I'm high on meds right now, but it's still true". Dot prints it and puts it in her wallet for when she needs blackmail material in the future.
How huggy are they?
Not very huggy. But they do that little side-arm hug, and clap each other on the back.
What was the moment when they first realized that they’d become friends?
On the island, for sure. I like to think that after Martha killed the goat, Toni noticed Dot keeping an eye on her, and quietly thanked her for it, and they had this moment of Recognition, like "hey. we're on the same page. we care about the same people. maybe we care about each other too."
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doyoufancyathought · 3 years
Through The Utility Closet Part 3: Get Tested
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Y/N had never been a fan of hospitals. In fact, she had gone above and beyond in her efforts to avoid going to them. She thought she could probably count all of her hospital visits on her fingers. Thankfully, she was a fairly healthy individual, so it wasn't hard for her to stay out of the Emergency room. They were too sterile, too clean, and everyone was always bustling and grumping around, and poking and prodding all the time. Y/N knew that the hospital wasn't supposed to be an enjoyable place to spend time, but she definitely was of the opinion that steps could be made to make it at least comfortable. Or hospitable, if you'll excuse the joke.
Still, she was in a new dimension, apparently, and so exceptions must be made when it comes to personal dislikes against institutions. She wanted to get home, after all, and this was a necessary step. In order for these scientists to send her back home, they must figure out where exactly she is from, otherwise they could end up sending her to a completely wrong place or time or what have you, and that would just be a disaster.
Once she was up on the exam table, Y/N did her best to appear friendly to the business-like nurse. She was quick and efficient as she hooked Y/N up to at least different machines, and tied a rubber band around her upper arm. For a moment, Y/N was worried that these strangers might be shooting her full of drugs, but then she remembered that this was simply routine for drawing blood. She hoped that medical procedures weren't too different in this world from her own.
Y/N was relieved when the nurse brought in a tray of empty vials and begin to explain what she was doing.
"I'm going to draw some blood so we can do some tests. I'll also need a hair sample, and I'm going to do a saliva swab as well, just so we can take a look at your DNA. How's that sound?"
The nurse smiled. "I promise you'll barely feel a thing. The swab will be oral, same as checking for strep."
The nurse did her tests, and then let a few scientists in lab coats in. They pulled up chairs in front of the exam table and introduced themselves, although Y/N forgot their names as soon as she heard them.
"Okay, so I guess the first question is for you to introduce yourself and where you're from."
"My name is Y/N Y/L/N, and I'm from (hometown) in (country). I was working at one of my jobs when I fell through an inter dimensional portal and ended up here."
"Good start. Can you tell me about the planetary system from your home world?"
"I guess so." Y/N thought about it for a second, trying to remember those astronomy lessons from many years ago. "Earth is the third planet from the Sun, which is the centre of the system. Then there's Mercury, Mars, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto, and I think I'm missing some. I can't remember the order, sorry, I've never been good at planets."
"That's all right. Can you tell me how many days in a year?"
"And how old are you?"
"And how old do people usually live to be?"
"Uh, I don't know. Maybe anywhere from 70 to 90 years?" Should have paid for attention in stats class.
"How big are spiders in your world?"
"Some of them are super tiny, like you can barely see them. And then some of them are huge, like a dinner plate."
"I see. And how big are chickens?"
"How big are chicken? I know it's a weird question, but some worlds have gigantic chickens that actually prey on humans."
"Thats, um, disturbing. But my chickens are normal size? Like small enough to fit in an oven."
"Ok, well that's good. "
There where more questions like this, some about history and some about geography and flora and fauna. When they were all done, the scientists discussed for a minute by themselves.
"Okay, well, from what we can tell, your world is incredibly similar to our own, with the major differences likely being social development. You say you don't have the Avengers in your world?"
"No, we don't have any superheroes or superpowers at all. I wish, though."
"Yeah, that makes sense. How much do you know about inter-dimensional portals?"
"Absolutely nothing."
"Ok, well that's fair, it's a tough subject. So pretty much, each dimension has kind of bridges to reach out to other dimensions. When two bridges line up, there's a chance for people or things to cross over."
"Okay, that makes sense I guess."
"A lot of the time, these bridges go unnoticed. Some dimensions are connected permanently, some are connected cyclicly, and some are connected for less than a second at a time, which makes them extra hard to track. You with me so far?"
Y/N nodded.
"Don't worry if you don't get it. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that we might have a hard time tracking down your world."
"Okay, but how long do you think it'll take? How long does it normally take?"
The scientists shifted uncomfortably. "Well that's the thing. There is an infinite amount of universes you could be from, and it'll take a while to narrow it down to just the most likely. From there, we would have to figure out what kind of bridges they all have, and figure out how to predict it, and then figure out a way to send you back."
"Oh, that does sound complicated. So like a month?"
They glanced at each other. "We've never done this before, and we've never sent anyone back through a bridge."
"Two months?"
"Maybe a year."
"I said, maybe a year?"
"I'm going to be here for a year."
"Maybe, like I said we've never done this before so we can't really give you an idea of how long it will take."
"Oh my God."
"We're very sorry. We'll give you some space."
The scientists left, and the nurse from before came back in and started unhooking Y/N from the monitors.
"We've run all the tests we need to, dear. Do you have any questions?"
"I have so many questions, I don't even know where to begin."
"That's understandable. We'll have your results back in a few hours, and that'll help the scientists get a head start on where you're from. I've got your clothes here, if you step through that door you'll be able to change in privacy."
Y/N nodded and jumped off of the table, gathering her clothes in her rooms and she quickly walked across the cold floor to the changing room. She pulled on her work clothes, which consisted of jeans and a black t-shirt, but opted to leave the apron and baseball cap off. There was no need to wear them here. Y/N put her shoes back on, simple canvas slip-ons, and reflected on what she had just learned. Here are the facts.
1. She had magically teleported through a door.
2. She was now stuck in a world that apparently had superheroes.
3. The superheroes had no idea how to get her back, or how long it would take to figure it out.
4. She was stuck.
Now, a normal person might cry when they considered this situation. But, Y/N was not a normal person. She had the fun meal-deal of anxiety and depression, and at this moment, she thanked her ill little brain for causing her to overthink every little scenario so she would be prepared for the worst to happen. Of course, none of those thoughts covered time and dimension travel, but they had covered a sudden zombie apocalypse, so it was just a matter of adjusting the survival strategy. Find shelter, find friends, and fight to live.
So far, Y/N had maybe found friends. The Avengers seemed like a friendly bunch, if oddly beautiful, and Sam had offered his basement as shelter. Now, all she had to do was figure out the day to day stuff. Get a job, live a life, and get back to her world.
So she stepped out of the changing room back into the hallway, and say the Avengers gathered around. They all turned to her as the door closed behind her.
"And what did you find out from the scientists, Y/N?" Vision asked.
"Well, they tried explaining how inter-dimensional portals work. That went way over my head. But basically, I'm gonna be stuck here for a while until they can figure out where I'm from and figure out how to get me back. So, I guess I'm going to need to find a job or something pretty quick."
Tony shook his head and stepped to the front of the group. "That won't be necessary. I'm loaded, and I'll make sure you're set up to not need anything."
"Because I want to? You just flew through outer space into a whole new world, and you're worried about getting a job? Come on, live a little! You look like you work too hard. What work do you do?"
"At which job?"
"Well how many do you have?"
"Holy moly."
Y/N shrugged. "I get bored."
"So you work?"
"Beats sitting around on my ass."
"Fair point. Well anyways, enjoy the vacation for now, and in the future if you still want a job, we'll have to figure out the proper documents. For now, enjoy your vacation! I'm loaded, and this is the perfect opportunity to share, okay?"
"If you really want to, I mean, I don't mind working."
"Clearly, you have three jobs. Psycho. But no, I don't mind. In fact, I would be offended if you didn't accept my offer."
"Okay, well, then, thanks!"
"No problem. I already gave Sam a credit card for you, so you can go shopping on your way to his house. You do know how to work a credit card, right?"
Y/N grinned. "Yes, Tony, I know how to work a credit card. My world apparently isn't that different from this one, just a few small differences I guess."
"Good. Alright, well, roll out, team."
The Avengers dissipated until it was just Sam, Steve, and James standing around with Y/N.
"So you're still coming with us, right?" Sam asked.
Y/N shrugged. "Yeah, I guess so. If you don't mind, of course."
"Not at all. It'll be nice having a girl in the house, for once."
The group of four started walking down the long hallway.
"So do you just collect strays, Sam?" Y/N asked, curious of why he was so eager to offer his spare room to a total stranger.
Before he could answer, Steve cut in. "Yeah, I mean, why else did you think we lived with him?"
"I don't know. I thought maybe you were in a band, or really good gym buddies, or maybe even a throuple."
Sam choked on a laugh, but Bucky and Steve looked confused. "What's a throuple?" James asked.
"It's like a couple, but instead of it being two people, it's three." Y/N explained.
"And you thought?" Steve almost looked offended.
"Look, sorry, I don't know what's normal for you here, and I didn't want to assume it was all platonic!"
Sam was dying laughing. "You thought -" he had to lean on a wall to keep standing upright. "Man, we're just good friends, and these two have absolutely no credit, so it's hard for them to find places to stay."
"Ah. I guess being a superhero might not pay well."
"Well, I mean there are other reasons too, but yeah let's go with that." Steve didn't exactly want to jump this poor girl with the fact that he was also over 100 years old and had been frozen for a while. She had enough to worry about.
Y/N didn't pursue the other reasons, because they had finally exited the building and she was looking around, comparing this new world to her own. It was dark out, because it was night. She looked down the street and saw a McDonalds sign, which made her smile. At least she could have her chicky nugs if things got too tough. Turns out this world was just like hers, just with a bit of a different history. A lot more violence, hence the need for superheroes.
They got into the car, and Sam drove them to a mall, where they spent an hour and a half hopping around to different stores to get stuff. Y/N got used to spending someone else's money, and she definitely took advantage of the three guys following her around who offered, nay, insisted on carrying her bags. However, she insisted on going into the drugstore alone so she could collect toiletries.
She grabbed a cart (and honestly who uses a cart in a drugstore unless you have serious money to spend) and spent about 45 minutes going up and down most of the aisles to find what she needed. Luckily, the products were exactly the same as she was used to, so it was only a matter of finding exactly what she needed.
When Y/N finally walked out, she spotted her new companions sitting down on one of those middle-of-the-mall benches that are intended for senior citizens and mothers with rowdy children and men waiting for women to finish their shopping.
"Got everything you need?" Sam asked as he stood up and stretched.
"Alright, let's head home. You feel like pizza for dinner?"
"What's pizza?" Y/N deadpanned, and the three guys looked shocked.
"You don't know what pizza is?" Steve asked.
"Nope, never heard that word before in my life."
"Why would I joke about it?"
"You've never had pizza before." James reiterated.
"Nope. What is it?"
"No, you gotta experience it." Sam smiled and started walking back the way they had come.
Steve and James were perfect gentleman, and oddly strong as well, but Y/N again did not complain when they grabbed her bags from the drugstore. She opened doors for them as they went out to the parking lot.
Once they were back in the car, Sam got on his phone and ordered pizza that would be delivered right as they got home, provided traffic cooperated. Y/N spent the drive looking out the window at all the lights and people she saw, and didn't pay much attention to the conversation the guys were having. Nothing looked too out of the ordinary, except for the whole superhero thing.
Once they got to Sam's house, a tidy little bungalow in a quiet neighbourhood, they unloaded the car and headed inside. Steve and James ran downstairs to put Y/N's bags in her room, while Sam gave her a tour.
As they were walking down a hallway, Y/N stopped to look at family pictures hanging on the wall.
"Is this your family?" She asked.
"Yeah, that's my sister and her two boys. They've grown a lot since that picture was taken though."
"They look like lots of fun."
"They're a handful, that's for sure."
"And these are your parents?"
"Yeah," Sam said quietly. "They passed a few years ago, that's the last picture we ever took of them both together."
"Oh I'm so sorry." Sam shook his head as Y/N reached out to touch his arm. "They have really kind eyes." She said, her gaze returning to the picture.
"They were the kindest people I've ever known." Sam said, and just then, the doorbell rang. "Sounds like the pizzas here."
Y/N could hear the two boys thundering back up the stairs as she followed Sam to the front door. She expected that he would need help carrying all the food in.
She was right. The delivery driver had to go back to his car to get a second load of pizza. Y/N brought the first load into the kitchen and got a few plates down from the cupboard.
"Oh, good, you found the plates!" Sam said as he walked into the kitchen a few minutes later.
"Yeah, lucky guess."
They set the table in silence as Steve and James washed up, and then they sat down for dinner.
Sam decided he wanted to know more about Y/N. "So, Y/N, tell us a little bit about yourself."
"Ok, well," Y/N hated this questions, because how do you boil yourself down to just a few facts? She just wished people would ask direct questions, because she could answer questions if they were clear. She hated vagueness. "I'm 22, I still live, or lived, with my parents. I like dogs. My favourite colour is yellow. I have three jobs, as a nanny, in retail, and also at a Bubble Tea shop in my hometown. What else do you want to know?"
"Well that's a lot. Why do you have three jobs?" Steve asked.
Y/N shrugged, having to explain her workaholic tendencies twice in a day. "I get bored. And I like working, keeps life interesting."
"I'll bet. What do you do for fun?"
"I read a lot. And I like to go to the lake. And crochet."
"What kind of books do you read?" Steve asked.
"It depends. Sometimes fantasy, sometimes mystery. I read a lot of those cheap drugstore romances."
"Wait, you crochet?" Sam asked. "What are you, a grandma?"
"Like a crazy, chaotic grandma, kinda. I drink a lot of tea and wear a lot of sweaters, sorry for being comfy!"
They went back and forth for a few minutes. "How do you like the pizza?" Sam asked.
"Well," Y/N waggled her head back and forth, debating how to break the ruse. "Not the best I've ever had, but it's close."
"Wait, you've had pizza before?"
"You said before though-"
"And you believed me?Rookie move, gentlemen."
"Why would you trick us?" They weren't mad, just a little confused. And amused. James hadn't really said much since they sat down for dinner, but he grinned and chuckled at the confused looks on his friends faces.
Y/N shrugged. "Gotta keep you guys on your toes, yaknow?" They all laughed. "But hey, tell me more about you guys. You're super soldiers? What does that even mean?"
Sam and Steve took turns explaining who they were, and how the Avengers came to be. They didn't touch too much on James, who excused himself fairly into the evening. He was a little shy and quiet around newcomers, apparently, but Y/N wasn't bothered. She had bigger things to worry about than someone being shy around her.
When the talking turned to yawns, Sam offered to show Y/N to her room. He took her down the stairs into the basement, which opened up into a spacious rec room. There was a massive TV and a pool table. Down a short hallway were the two previously spare rooms, both of which were now occupied by strays that Sam had picked up. The only bathroom was unfortunately across the basement, but Y/N didn't foresee any problems with that.
Sam explained how every room had it's own colours for sheets and towels and stuff, and Y/N was very impressed with how domestically organized he was turning out to be.
Sam went back upstairs, and Y/N took a few minutes to settle in. She would unpack and run her new clothes through the laundry tomorrow, but for now all she wanted was a hot shower and a good long nights sleep.
She went into the bathroom, and saw that James had already made space for her stuff in the shower caddy, on the towel rack, and in the medicine cabinet above the sink. With a smile on her face, she put her few new belongings in those empty spaces, then drug herself through the shower and fell into her bed, exhausted.
Before her eyes closed, Y/N considered what had happened to her today. In a new dimension, living with three strange yet wonderful men, something that would be sure to give her mother a heart attack. And yet, she was excited for the morning to come. Part of her hoped that when she opened her eyes again, she would wake up in her home world, and she would be surrounded by people she knew and recognized. That's what a normal person would hope for in this situation, right?
But as I've told you before, Y/N is no normal person, and the other part of her was wishing that when she woke up, she would still be here, in Sam's house. She wanted to opportunity to explore, so see what else was out there. Maybe she'd discover a new life, a new chance to be the person she had wished to be but never got the chance. Whatever happened, she knew that tomorrow would be full questions, and hopefully a few answers. She hoped, anyways.
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digitalcalmblog · 3 years
Here's the thing about smiling
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When I was new to the army, I was forever getting in trouble for smiling.  When I showed up for the West Point Prep School, Drill Sergeant Rodriguez's first words were to me, "What are you smiling at d**Khead?!" Most of the times, I'm not even aware that I am indeed smiling.  It's only when someone draws my attention to it that I become aware. By the way, I paid a heavy price in the form of many push-ups for smiling all the time during cadet basic training.  Not a recommended strategy if you're trying to blend in with the rest of the recruits and not draw attention to yourself. Out in civvie land however, smiling is good for you.
1.  Reduces Stress - And we all have a lot to be stressed out about these days. Smiling releases endorphins that counteract and diminishes the stress hormone.
2.  Instant  Better Mood - It's hard to be a grump when you're smiling.  Those extra endorphins lift your mood.  If you start smiling, then the people around you will start smiling and suddenly everybody is in a better mood.
3.  Builds Trusts - There have been studies that have shown that we are more trustful of people when the smilie genuinely.  Relationships are built on smiles.
4.  Strengthens You Immune System - Smiling triggers the production of white blood cells which of course help you fight illnesses.
5.  Builds Empathy - If you find yourself in an embarrassing situation, smiling helps your garner empathetic support from those who have witnessed your embarrassment.
6.  Makes You Look Younger - The muscles you use to smile lift your face making you look younger as a result.  Who needs a surgical face lift? Just smile more.
7.  Makes You Stronger - Ok this one only works if you're in basic training.  Smiling is guaranteed to draw heat from every drill sergeant in your vicinity.  I must have put 2 inches of muscle on my chest by the end of Basic.
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kaleidiope · 3 years
I'm just putting this here to put this here
Any of my accounts are there to share stuff I make. Let it be music, animations, covers, drawings. Anything. I don't do what I do for content reasons. They are for self distractions. I want to hear one of my favorite vocaloids sing a special song? I make it and post it in hopes someone might enjoy it. A friend asks for an animation? Why not post it while I'm at it? I'm drawing anyways, why not post it in hopes someone likes it? Even my positive posts are things I try to tell and remind myself about. And, if I struggle with that stuff, maybe someone else does and seeing the posts will help them? But, because of that, I do (try) to stay out of basically everything that could cause obvious discourse. (Except for the Yohio situation because I thought I should put how I felt since I'm a big fan of his.) Do to the Cryaotic issue and now whatever this game-grumps thing is going on, I just want to put this somewhere so if anything like this comes up again, it's already here: I do not feel one action makes anyone fully good or bad. And I feel you can like people without liking what they do. I also feel it's okay to like what someone does without liking them. Nothing like a mental disorder or illness is ever an excuse. Even if it is an explanation. Content creators are just people and should never be seen as anything more or less. They aren't perfect. And shouldn't be put on pedestals. I do not need to know your reasons for feeling any way that you do. But I will Always do my best with tagging anything I do because I know and understand things like triggers or even squicks aren't something controlled. And if anything I ever make needs tagged specially, I'll happily do it! If you are over the top unnecessarily rude about anything, I'll probably just block you, though. And with that, I'm not deleting anything I've made with sound bites of now discourse causing people. But I will re-tag if needed. It all still goes back to what I said in the Yohio post, I'm fine with basically anything, even if I don't understand it. Unless you start hurting people over it/do to it. I mean, I actually like the Yandere trope, but having "Yanderecore" scares me. Because cores tend to be a way of life, like me with Goblincore. And something like Yanderes should stay in entertainment and shouldn't become realties more than it already has. But if you like the core for it's aesthetic and understand not to make entertainment tropes a reality, then no issue in my eyes. I have no power or nor do I ever want to ever (metaphorically or literally) lynch people for how they feel or for their opinions even if I'm to disagree on them. We are all just going through life doing want we believe is the right choice. And that's okay! It's all anyone can do or ask of anyone. Just, don't hurt people or be unnecessarily rude or hurtful. Somehow, that seems to be harder than it should for some, sadly. Rant over. And in conclusion to the people I mentioned: Cry is too tainted in memory for me, personally to ever want to do anything like finishing animations I had started. I'm still a fan of Yohio even if I disagree with how some things were handled by him. And I will be getting Yohioloid one day. The game grumps issue is strange to me, so far. And I'll probably still finish my animation with them. But if it needs special tags, that's A-okay! Thank-you for reading and apologizes for the length!
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Why I'll Never be Over Losing Nobel
We're closing in on the start of Roswell New Mexico Season 2, and I realized that while I have lamented about this many times, I have never explained it.  I've never gone into detail about why this was my first Roswell New Mexico OTP. What about it struck such a chord. Or why, almost a year after the reveal about the truth about Noah's character, it's still crushing to me that they chose to go this route.
There's been several good metas about how, knowing the truth, the meaning of the scenes are completely different. How suddenly everything takes on a different meaning, one that's abusive and sinister. And that is both heartbreaking and true.
But that's not what I'm here to write about. I want to take you back to what it was like on a first watch through, without knowing the truth. About how beautiful this ship was and why. So here we go.
First of all, could there be both a sexier or funnier introduction to a ship than for Isobel to be in bed with her husband and get a psychic call for help from Max?  As she quickly excuses herself, and throws an "I love you!" over her shoulder, I was already on my way to OTP doom.
This is followed by both funny lines like, "I had to untie some loose ends at home", and the far more heartwrenching "I am married to someone who can't ever know who I am, and it kills me."
It sets up the conflict they will have to overcome. Isobel has been lying to Noah about what she is their entire relationship. And, no offense, this isn't some "on again, off again" or "second chance with the one that got away" romance. This is a marriage. They've been together for years.
Yes, I have a prejudice toward committed relationships in fiction. People who have dedicated years of their life to one another? Who have actually been there for one another when they needed them? Yes. More, pls, thank-you.
I've said it before, but I'll say it again. One of the least believable things about this show is that in a "small town", this many people near the age of 30 are unmarried. Heck, we know from Maria's palm readings that apparently even Hank, and another local at their reunion are unmarried. The alien part is more believable than that.
So Isobel being married was such a smart call to me. And, especially in a sci-fi show, was such a change from business as usual.  Not many shows would dare to have a main character be married, and honestly, I remember thinking it was awesome that they'd been willing to take the risk. (Of course, we know how that turned out, but I'll save that lament for the end.)
While Noah grumps about Isobel being "predictably codependent", he is still quick to offer to try to talk to Max about what's bothering him. Further, despite Michael not being Isobel's brother in the technical sense, it's clear he understands that to her Michael is her brother. Because that "predictably codependent" line isn't just about Max. Noah includes Michael in it.
He also shows zero jealousy towards Isobel's relationship with Michael. A character in a relationship showing zero jealousy towards Isobel's closeness with an unrelated character? That was so nice to see grace my screen.
The drive-in was one of the ship’s golden episodes. From Noah asking, maybe we can both be… present?  Pointing out how distracted Isobel has been since Max saved Liz.  Later in the episode, Isobel goes home and does her best to keep her promise about being present for Noah by forcing a smile, but Noah sees through it.  And this is one of those - omg, I love this.  Because guess what?  They talk.  They have communication.  They don’t scream, they don’t misinterpret, they don’t divert - they have a full-on honest conversation about things.  Don’t see that very often on a tv show, do we?
To Nobel fans “Isobel Evans-Bracken, you are my person” was on par with “I never look away” and “I would have followed you.”  We were melting, especially when Noah followed it up by showing he had set up a whole night to comfort Isobel after her bad day.  This is the type of romantic interaction people write fanfics about because it literally doesn’t get put on our screens.  It’s not “dramatic enough”, but this ship was giving it to us in spades.
And the good stuff kept coming.  Because we still got our “rocky dramatic” moments, too.  Because “committed relationship” doesn’t mean “boring.”  It doesn’t mean “And then they never had a misunderstanding or anything bad happen to them.  They lived in happy lala land for the rest of their lives.”  It actually means that when things get rocky, it both hurts more and has extra meaning behind certain actions.  And it honestly felt like, with Nobel, the writers were tackling those concepts beautifully.
Noah realizes Isobel is keeping a secret, and draws the conclusion that she’s an alcoholic.  Isobel (who doesn’t yet know “she” was the one who killed Rosa, Kate, and Jasmin) knows this is the one thing she can never tell him.  Not because she has to protect herself, but because she has to protect her brothers.  When Noah handed her the bag and said he needed time, I was in tears.  Honestly, while Liz telling Max she never wanted to see him again was very dramatic, the truth was they were not in a relationship at that time.  They had just been getting to know each other after a decade apart.  It’s very dramatic, and I’m sure Echo fans found it heartbreaking.  I was too busy crying over Noah and Isobel.  Sorry, but they were the ones in an actual relationship.  They were married.  This moment to me hurt more than any of the other moments because they were committed.  They weren’t going home to separate apartments every night.  Noah handing Isobel that bag, with the meaning of “I can’t even be in the same house as you right now”, that was the kind of pain you can’t get in a “Getting together” couple.  Only a committed one.
Noah continues to struggle with Isobel’s secrets, and whether they can fix what’s going wrong with them.  Talks to Max at the worse time, and even when he comes back starts to realize something is still wrong.  Especially when Isobel coughs up blood and collapses, but nobody will still talk to him about it.  His anger at that moment doesn’t seem off, because the woman he loves is ill and nobody will tell him anything.
But, honestly, the next big moment of Nobel gold was their confrontation when Isobel came out of her pod.  “I’m married to an egg person” remains hilarious regardless, as well as “Cowboys and aliens, it’s unnatural”, and “I would never pick that sweater.”
Noah’s struggle to accept everything (Buying the gun before they’re talk, his accusation that she had used her powers on him, and later suggesting she not use her powers) was a believable storyline.  It was actually nice, compared to the ease of every other human character on the show in accepting not only aliens, but ones with powers, to see someone struggle with it.
Of course, that was when the truth was revealed and the beauty of the whole relationship was completely destroyed.  Noah being the fourth alien, the murderer, and on top of all that having latched onto Isobel’s mind like a leech since she was fourteen?  There was no coming back from that, everything that made the ship beautiful wasn’t only a lie - it was actually Noah manipulating and abusing Isobel.
The reveal of the betrayal is very dramatic, and Karan Oberoi’s performance as the evil version of Noah is flawless.  Isobel’s confrontations with him in mindscape, both at Max’s house and before his death, are incredible scenes.  I can’t fault the storytelling there.
But I will never be over the “Could have been” because ships like Nobel aren’t common.  Committed relationships are rarely shown in a positive light.  In fact, writers seem to go out of their way to never show them as sexy or happy, but rather to show a relationship going “stale” with affairs being the most common plot they throw at every committed couple they bother to put on the screen.  Even then, the relationships are often for side or minor characters, never the more main ones.  I’ve even seen other fans of various shows ask, but what would they do with these characters if they’re in a committed relationship?  Um… exactly what they do with the characters who aren’t.  Given them plots.  Y’know, the whole non-relationship part of the show?  And how would them being in a committed relationship take away from dramatic moments like injury or kidnapping or loss?  It really wouldn’t - they could have all those same things happen.
With Nobel, they initially presented us with a pairing that was sexy, sweet, communicated, and whose relationship did and would continue to have their own set of struggles as events and truths unfolded around them.  It was gorgeous, and so rare, and, no, I’ll never be over losing that.
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: A Poor Bird
Also on AO3! (if you recognise the au it might be because I started a full fic which i abandoned because i realised a full canon retelling is l o n g. i’ll still probably write bits and pieces like the other AUs) 
TL;DR:  Izuku isn't quirkless. Not that Inko would ever let you know that.
AKA: Good dad Enji, bad mum Inko
TW: Child Abuse
Inko Quirk: Attraction of small objects Issues:
Soooooooo many
Hisashi  Quirk: All for one
Izuku Quirk: Push and Pull
Allows him to push objects away from him, or pull objects towards him.
If the object is heavier than him, the force acts on him instead
Crush injures on the hand, never healed correctly
Limited range of movement + tremors
Feels horrifically ill if he uses his quirk, has flashbacks. Cant use it at all until he is trained by allmight
Can't remember his mother hurting him outside of flashbacks and nightmares. Only knows it happened bc katsuki can remind him
Dislikes: Being called "cute" or being implied to be helpless but he can suck it up if hes not feeling too shitty.
Enji 47
First-year in All Might's final year.
Met Rei when he first reached the top ten, aged 22 and married her a year later, with fuyumi on the way just a quickly
Knows ab. All Mights other form
Rei 48
Does ballet!
Shouto 15
No scar
Yet, anyway. We can fix that.
Touya 19 Changes
A little less crispy fried, still scarred by his own quirk. Wears gold contacts undercover as Dabi
Studying Medicine
She's a teacher!
Mushy Stuff feat. The Todoroki’s
enji is still number 2 hero. hes actually really nice? he just has a major case of resting bitch face. hes from a rich family, he got dragged out to a ballet to celebrate his becoming number 2 and he was whining we hes like, 21 and doesnt wanna see a ballet he just wants to go to work, or get drinks with his sidekicks. hes being a bit of a grump and his parents are living for their grumpy son bc he still has Round cheeks and hes adorable
anyway its been like, 20 minutes and the show finally starts and enji is like "god i can go home after this and s l e e p" but like, the lady comes out on stage and hes in love. tall, white hair and incredibly graceful. his mum has to hit him bc hes blushing so hard hes getting uncomfortably warm
after the show he like, breaks into her dressing room. hes got his hands clamped over his eye and he like "oh my god im so sorry if you are changing i promise im not looking i just have somewhere to be after this but please what do i have to do to get you to agree to go to dinner with me"
and rei is r e d bc the grouchy number 2 hero has burst into her dressing room and hes bright red and his hair is smouldering slightly and she just laughs and pulls his hands away from his eyes and tells him she'd love to. enji just walks out, faintly dazed with rei's number on his phone and hes so ridiculously happy he cant stop his hair from smoking
anyway, they date, they get married etc
but rei's ballet company is threatening to drop her if she has kids bc she wont be "perfect" anymore and she's torn up about it bc enji started dating her because of ballet and what if he hates her? but enji is like ",,, i kinda,,, love you? plus you and our hypothetical kids with be gods gift to this earth. i will buy you a whole ballet company if i have to"and shes crying and everything is soft
she has fuyumi and she is the worlds most perfect baby and enji is the most protective dad on this planet
then she has dabi bc she wanted fuyumi to have a sibling and dabi is born w his quirk and sneezes embers and enji is crying because his son is perfect
and then they have another kid bc they are sickeningly in love and their children are all wonderful and they have natsuo who likes to eat not food things and rei loves her chunky toddler. enji is crying because "hes gonna be such a big strong man" and also because natsuo keeps trying to eat his flaming beard
and then they have shouto bc "fuck it more children” hes born and rei is crying bc "look he looks just like you enji!" and enji is crying because "rei he looks just like you,,," and fuyumi is crying bc she has another little brother, dabi is trying not to cry bc hes a big strong 5 yearold and natsuo is like,,, 3 and hes trying to est his baby brothers hair and hes perfect
also!!! dabi is a double agent. he loves his dad v much and is pretending to be a villain to keep him and the rest of his family safe
enjis that dad that’s so fucking embarrassing and he does it on purpose?? during the sports festival he’s in his seat and he’s just “sHOUTOOOO” everyone turns and they’re just ???? todoroki s bright red but he’s yelling back
endeavour, making a lil heart with his hands: “i love you and i’m very proud of you ♥️”
hi please enji sending photos of his kids to allmight all the time. all might fucking adores these little children and sends them so much random merch bc they are so fucking cute. he holds natsuo who’s trying to eat his weird bunny ear hair and he’s just
i love,,,these kids,,,
natsuo is a Chunky Boy. hes a toddler with the density of lead, hes so fucking heavy and round and allmight adores him. shouto looks at you judgingly even as a baby and allmight feels personally attacked
Pre canon + Training arc
in this au, izuku has a stronger version of his mothers quirk. like, really good telekinesis and he wants to be a hero! she hits him if he uses his quirk, makes him say hes quirkless and weak, says she just wants to protect him. she withholds food to keep him "perfect" because
"your father ruined me, now im all covered in ugly stretch marks and im disgusting, but ill make you perfect"
inko makes izuku wear feminine clothes and keep his hair long bc shes kinda trying to make him into like, the perfect version of her? and she always threatens to scrub izukus "fathers" freckles off his face with steel wool
shes ,,, conflicted about Katsuki
(katsuki knows something is up w inko and izuku so hes not terrible)
because she doesnt want her "perfect" sweet son to become brash like Katsuki but she kinda,,, likes her son being the damsel in distress that has to be saved by his stronger friend? and thinks that if izuku has a guard he won't need to be strong himself if they play in her house, inko is the villain, katsuki is the hero and izuku has to be the hostage that needs to be saved.
izuku tells katsuki about his quirk one day and he mentions it in front of inko. katsuki is almost thrown out of the house and he can hear izuku screaming from inside, and hes trying to get through the door bc his friend his crying and its not his fault. he stays there with this ear pressed against the door for hours. izuku stops crying after 45 minutes, inko starts saying shes sorry after 3 hours
inko crushed her son's hands
inko needs her hands for her quirk to work and assumes izuku does too? So she methodically crushes every finger and his wrists to try to ruin his ability to use his quirk. izukus hands heal but he cant write without it hurting and that makes him really upset bc he loves to draw. its the only thing that his mum lets him do that he enjoys. inko says sorry but she still blames him
"im sorry it hurt honey but mummy had to do it, you understand right?"
from that day forward katsuki starts training to be a hero bc he doesnt want anyone getting hurt like izuku ever again. he helps izuku train too in secret, they work together to lie because izuku wants to he a hero, and if he can survive his mother? he can do anything.
after that time w inko he cant use his quirk. like, physically? he can, but he has panic attacks and freezes up if he tries. basically izuku gets bullied for being quirkless, but not by Katsuki
ep 1 happen kind like normal. izuku asks "can i be a hero without a quirk?" allmight says no but he manages to use his quirk to save katsuki and katsuki hugs him as he cries, izuku pulls katsuki from the sludge villain w his quirk, allmight saves the day
the heroes are like, 2 secs from scolding izuku for using his quirk but the boy is having a horrific panic attack and they would feel bad ab it. also katsuki looks like hes gonna commit real actual murder if someone so much as touches izuku so they awkwardly walk away
allmight confronts izuku ab. the whole "i though you were quirkless" thing and izuku has another panic attack and all might feels terrible izuku is basically apologising for having a quirk??? that that sits really badly w toshi so he asks izuku if he can help him and katsuki train to be heroes and izuku cries and says yes
izuku looks at the time and starts crying again and allmight is like??? did i do something wrong???
izuku is sobbing that he doesnt wanna go home because "she'll be so angry" and toshi is like,,, holy shit im just gonna steal this child i guess but izuku convinces him hes overacting and izuku runs home, after toshi gives him his phone number and stresses that izuku is allowed to call even for "stupid" reasons
mitsuki is confused that katsuki looks so worried hes like,, pacing and he keeps sticking his head outside to look over the balcony to the street and checking his phone bc izuku hasnt told him what happened yet and hes scared that inko finally snapped and hurt him too badly to recover from
inko??? wasnt happy
shes beating izuku with heavy stuff and asking him if he thinks shes a terrible mother or something. izuku is crying because hes sorry and he didnt mean to use his quirk he was just scared. inko starts crying and is patching him up and says that she only hurts him because she loves him and wants him to be happy and perfect . izuku doesnt get food for 2 days after that, he has to sneak out to train w katsuki and all might. all might actually asks katsuki ab. it
"his mother is fucking crazy. my mum doesnt believe me but shes batty. lost it when her husband left and is trying to keep izuku like a fucking doll, its creepy"
izuku tends to wear gloves of long sleeves, or draws over his hands bc they are c o v e r e d in scares. on a particularly bad training day izuku cant hold his water bottle and he cant stop himself tearing up so katsuki holds the bottom for it and izuku is so embarrased and gratful and all might wants to cry because who hurt this kid???
like,, three? months into the training izuku comes up to all might and the kid is shaking and pale but he looks so determined and he says in the softest voice "i want to start training my quirk" and all might smiles like the sun
Entrance Exam
So allmight has already given his quirk to Mirio, he and nighteye made up. Hes out heroing, saves izuku from the sludge villain, Izuku doesn’t cling on but there is something ab the way Izuku looks at him that worries allmight so he stays to answer his question and runs out of time. Izuku asks if he can be a hero w/o a quirk, allmight hesitates. Izuku just quietly says "its ok, thank you for your time" and leaves. All might feels terrible.
He realises the sludge villain is gone, curses and runs towards the explosions. Izuku is wandering around trying to find Katsuki and sees the sludge villain has him. W/o wasting a moment he runs towards him, trying to pull him free. He uses his quirk to pull him out by the shirt and stands infront of katsuki to try to keep him safe. Allmgiht rushes in to help.
The heroes try to tell Izuku off but katsuki just yells at them and they hurry away. They run into Yagi and he tries to talk to Izuku but katsuki just yells at him. Allmight explains his form thing and tells izuku he can totally be a hero but oh hey werent you quirkless?
Katsuki is ab. To rip Allmights head off, izuku just explains he doesn’t much like his quirk. All might asks if he can help train the two of them to be heroes and they agree 100%. Izuku has to run home and leaves Katsuki w allmight. Katsuki tells him he'll need to look after Izuku and walks off in the same direction. Allmight is l o s t
Izuku gets beaten byhis mother for using his quirk, sneaks out to train with yagi and katsuki. Yagi is worried but there isnt much he can do. Mirio and Sir show up sometimes to chat w allmight and help training, All might admits hes going into teaching bc hes going to have to retire soon and Izuku tells him he'll be amazing at it, katsuki just roasts allmight
Day of the entrance exam mirio wishes them both good luck .
Izuku has told his mother hes taking the gen-ed written exam and has permission to go get food with katsuki afterwards. He has applied for gen-ed and the hero course and honestly doesn’t believe he'll get into heroics but he has to try.
Someone pushes him, Occhako catches him, they all say hello and enter the written exam hall. Izuku finds it easy as pie so hes honestly kinda worried that hes missing something (hes not, hes just smart). There is a moral dilema at the end of the test and he answers it in a way that concerns the markers (in a self esteem kinda way)
So they enter the auditorium and and izuku finds out he isnt in katsukis arena which makes im panic, but he tells him to suck it up because hes a grown as teenager and can handle himself which cheers izuku up. Iida calls them out for talking.
At the arena hes having a quiet breakdown, sees ochako and lights up, goes to talk to her but Iida tells him off for being a trouble maker. Someone in the crowd snidly asks "when did they start letting 12-year-old girls take the exam" and izuku feels like dirt. Mic calls start and his fight/flight is so overreactive he throws himself straight into the exam
Pulling rubble and crap w great force through the robots, he gets around 20 points? But after a while he just shuts down. He feels sick and he hates his quirk and his mother and his hnds ache and he just c a n t do it anymore.
Aizawa watches this kid in arena 4 crumple to the ground and he spares a moment to be sad for the kid. He looked promising, but its not the first time someone has cracked under the pressure durring the entrance exam. He sees allmgiht looking saddened out of the corner of his eye, locked on the screen, and thinks maybe this kid is why he asked to be excluded from the judging team.
Izuku sees the zero pointer and cant even bring himself to run away. But then he hears ochako cry out and instantly sprints towards her.
He pulls himself into the air and pulls as many shards of scrap metal and rebar as he can, and pulls them with all his might through the 0 pointer, turning into a giant pincusion. He runs out of energy, and just lets himself fall.
Aizawa feels his heart sink bc the kid is smiling.
Ochako saves him at the last moment, and hes miraculously uninjured but so out of energy he can barely stand. Recovery girl hands him gummies which he gratefully accepts and drags himself out of the exam. He meets katsuki by the entrance. He sees his tiny mess of a friend, pale and shakey but smiles and he picks him up and hugs him even though he will deny it till the day he dies. izuku is sure he failed but for one moment, using his quirk? he just felt so complete and free that he doesnt mind if he fails, just because he got to enjoy that one moment. bakugo tells izuku that hes gonna drag him into the hero course by his hair and izuku giggles
They go get food bc they need some relief.
Izuku doesn’t think he's in the heroics department but is hopeful anyway.
he and bakugo spend the week waiting for their letters "studying" for ua (aka, designing hero costumes, coming up with names, planning the fuck out of everything bc they are both crazy nervous and will never admit it)
inko hands izuku his mail and izuku is so nervous because if she looked? its game over but she just smiles happily and tells him to tell her if he got into gen ed. or not so they can invite the bakugo's over to celebrate
izuku walks calmly until his mum is out of sight, then he tears down the hall, stuffs a towel under the door and opens his letter under his blankets so she cant hear it. its allmgiht on the screen and he cries.
and he got in and he cries some more
and then he has a quick panic attack becuase holy shit this is a lot of lies hes going to have to spin because he came first in the entrance exam. his mum asks him if he got in and hes so grateful that his voice doesnt shake when he cries, as he says back "i got into gen. ed mum!!"
He finds out he got in and he starts to panic bc what is he going to tell his mum? Some point later Inko yells at him for just sitting around so he runs out of the house and to a cat café, and hes just sobbing because his face hurts from where she slapped him and he just wants to get out of the rain.
Shinso sees this kid, curses his heroic instincts and pays for 2 hours for him and the mystery kid. He just wanted to wallow in self pity for failing the exam he knew he was going to fail, but now hes got a crying kid to deal with
So turns out the kid is his age and is called Midoriya. As only izuku can do, hes shinso spilling his guts ab the hero course and his quirk in around 20 minutes. Izuku explains a bit about what his mother did to him, and that he got into the hero course but if his mother finds out hes scared shitless of what she'll do.
Shinsou’s family before Aizawa was shit, he gets it. And he sees this cute green-haired sobbing kid gently kiss a fat tabby on the top of its little head and decides he'd die for him.
They plot that they'll change shirts at the start of the day so inko doesn’t see the hero course shirt, and shinso will quickly tell him what they were doing in gen ed on the train home. Shinso does urge izuku to get help but izuku declines. His mother is sick and she's trying her best. She still loves him. Izuku is scared of who his dad is.
And it's not like anyone ever believed his soft, kind-looking mother could hurt her own son.
First day + Quirk Apprehension Test
Inasa is a recommendation student, along with Momo and Todoroki, was placed in Aizawa class bc his quirk is kinda wack.
Class does not contain Hagekure, Mineta is expelled
like, first day of school shinso is waiting down the road for izuku and bakugo is like,,, ha????? and shinso is like "oK So i have the hero course shirt, change behind a tree like a bunch of weirdos or wait for school" and izuku is like,,, “as much as my anxiety wants to change now so we wont be late i think kacchan might murder us if we change behind a tree" and bakugo is like??? "YeaH and WHO ARE YOU EXACTLY"
anyway! they take the bus and shinso explains that the bonded over a chubby tabby and that hes agreed to be izuku alibi and katsuki looks him up and down like ",,, you pass" and izuku giggles and shinso feels happy bc he didnt know the boy could giggle and its such a soft noise
anyway, izuku and shinso sprint into school to find a bathroom to change in, izuku tries not to cry on his hero shirt. they then proceed to speed walk to the correct class bc the other students have shown up and they dont wanna get yelled at. katsuki told izuku he could walk himself to class because "youre a big boy now" and izuku laughs again
izukus anxiety vs trauma is a continuous war bc anxiety says "hide behind friends" but trauma says "dont be weak and pathetic like inko says you are or shes been right the whole time"
izuku gets into class, bakugo is busy trying to scare iida bc iida is Really Getting On His Nerves. iida says hi to izuku and izuku almost cries before iida says that he was sorry for being a dick and then izuku almost cries again but bc hes happy
ochako bursts in like "OH MY GOD THE CUTE ONE GOT IN" and izuku is Red and like (a lil trauma but he shoves that way deep down) and says hi. aizawa crawls in and scares the actual shit out of everyone but izuku finds him super calming? bc hes just so fucking blunt and he doesnt have to look for double meanings
anyway, izuku gets called up to do the throw bc he came first and hearing aizawa say "use your quirk" made a cold sweat run through him but bakugo gave him a thumbs up so he felt a little better. The boy gets a crazy score. izuku gets a great score on all the stuff he can use his quirk for, but hes got terrible stamina/strength bc hes just so thin. hes placing like, first quarter of the class
so they finish, mineta gets kicked out
allmight is watching from behind a bush bc look at his boys go!!! his yelly boy and his crying boy!!. aizawa holds izuku back at the end of class, bakugo doesnt wanna leave him but tenya pushes him to the locker room
"so kid. thats a great quirk youve got there"
and izuku,,, really doesnt like talking about his quirk. he doesn't like using it. he and bakugo drew vines on his hands this morning to cover up the scars and hes tracing his fingers along them to keep himself from shaking.
aizawa looks him dead in the eye
"mind telling me why you are registered as quirkless?"
and izuku freezes. he cant breathe.
aizawa is waiting and his irritation turns to alarm when he realizes the kid i s n t m o v i n g. all might has seen izuku freak out before so he swoops in and sits izuku down on the ground and tries to get the kid to breath. he does but hes still shaking and all he'll stay is "im sorry" and "not again"
aizawa is very much shaken because izuku seemed pretty normal? then he remembered the kid shinso was talking about. allmight calls bakugo who runs back out onto the field, half in uniform and half in costume and hes trying to calm izuku down and he looks like,,, 2 seconds away from ripping aizawa head off and aizawa honestly thinks hes kinda deserves it lmao
its nearing the end of school and izuku isnt even down from his panic attack yet but bakugo n e e d s shinso to get over here so they can swap shirts or izuku is going to be in even more trouble than he already is. so bakugo is trying to get izuku to respond to anything, allmight has his hand on his not sons shoulder, aizawa feels like a piece of shit, and bakugo is trying to find shinso's contact number in izuku's phone
some of class a goes to look outside and aizawa lays into the and tells them to hurry up to class or he'll expell them all with mineta
anyway shinso comes running out bc his teacher is mic and is willing to let him do dumb stuff and shinso is like??? dad its been 1 day what did you do to the cat kiss boy?? shinso allmight and bakugo get izuku responsive enough that bakugo takes him to swap his shirts in the changing rooms and helps izuku clean up so its not obvious he was crying. shinso gets izukus stuff from his classroom. aizawa just turns to all might
“ok so what the fuck was that"
all might honestly shrugs "i barely know myself. kid has serious quirk trauma and is scared of his mother, thats all i can tell you" and aizawa is both concerned and annoyed bc ofcourse thsi si in his class
izuku and bakugo get home, alls good
Battle Trial
battle trial! its,,a ride
basically! izuku has his lil costume and ochako tells him he looks really cute and hes grateful + trauma. bakugo tells him he looks like hes ready to bust some heads which makes him feel better. todoroki is with iida on the villain team
they are chatting happily about have hero families and being melodramatic about being evil
Izuku is paired with inasa!
so izuku cant directly use his quirk on himself, but he can "push" against the ground, which sends him up. its useful for dodging but not sustainable
anyway, they work out that inasa's wind doesnt effect izukus telekinesis
izuku makes some dust, they roll in, todoroki is out and looking for them. he torches the dust but gets hit by a pebble to the temple. inasa is like, 100% impressed. they wrap todoroki up and inasa says sorry to his half/half bro. todoroki shrugs. bakugo is like, internally cheering and he has the most murderous smile
anyway, iida is melodramatic, inasa looses it laughing bc hes so funny and takes a big ol kick to the face. hes down, probs concussed but iida cant get in to tie him up because he almost gets squished by the currently moving bomb bc its paper mache its light and easy for izuku to pull on
iida decides he should probably take down izuku before anything happens, but at the last moment izuku pushes off the ground, dodging over iida and lightly tapping the bomb
hero team wins!!!
inasa and todoroki are both concussed which is awkward but its all g. izuku gets MVP but iida was a close second. bakugo like, friendly punches izuku in the arm and hes hiding behind bakugo bc people are looking at him but hes very happy
someone says "wow, your quirk is amazing" and hes like,,, "oh there goes my good mood." allmight and bakugo are about to tell this kid to shut the fuck up but get beaten to it by a concussed todoroki of all people
"its not the quirk its how he uses it you overipe melon"
izuku giggles until he cant breathe and bakugo is cackling. concussed todoroki looks so pleased with himsel
bakugo and kiri are teams up and they kick actual ass as the villains. like, crazy good, they take out the heroes and dont even have to let it run over time
because "if we win? we do it right."
izuku is like doing these little happy bounces and inasa is crying bc his partner is so pure
izuku and shinso meet up, change, go home
Happens like 3 weeks in, not 3 days in. They need time to bond ok. Before the trip we get some general hyjinks.
the next day, its field trip time baby!!!
inasa makes izuku sit with him and todoroki and its a tight fucking fit bc they are sharing 2 seats. inasa has like,,, claimed this boy because he was so soft and izuku has a friend!! and hes very happy. hes like,, a little scared of todoroki but also kinda loves him for the overripe melon comment so
Kurogiri yeets the villains into the usj. allmight is out of time, aizawa runs in like normal. inasa, izuku and tsuyu get sent to the shipwreck zone. they do some cool shit honestly. inasa holds the 3 of them in the air, tsuyu hold the villains together as izuku yeets them into the hull of the ship and seals the hold and hopes the villains dont really care enough to break a hole in the ship. Inasa gets them all to shore
then they get to witness the nomu and izuku sees the punch thrown? and he moves without thinking, using all of his quirk he can to hold to nomus fist back. after he moves, inasa joins in, pushing the nomu back as much as the can. aizawa punches shigiraki and he gets m a d. shigiraki breaks the capture weapon and sends the nomu after tsuyu. inasa, who was closer, pushes her out of the way and takes the hit. its just like, 1 blow? but hes down to the count. aizawa tells tsuyu to take him and run
izuku wants to throw up
aizawa tries to get him to run but the nomu charges again and izuku has to pull aizawa out of the way. all they can do is play keep-away and aizawa is frustrated because no matter the training he has, he can't stand up to this thing. all he can do is rely on izuku's quirk, because the quirk can move faster than a human can. shigiraki gets sick of this, kurogiri uses momentum to send aizawa to the other side of the usj with kiri and Bakugo. they begin to run back to the plaza. izuku is scared, slips up, takes a hit. hes down, with broken ribs and his quirk is nearing overuse
shigiraki sees this kid's broken hands, laughs and makes the nomu crush them again
bakugo blasts in, grabs izuku. todoroki has the nomu trapped in ice, aizawa wraps izukus hands with what he was left of his capture weapon
all might bursts in. he has more of his quirk left bc he hasnt passed it on yet, takes out the nomu and has enough strength to still be standing. shigiraki goes to attack, and izuku basically uses the last of his strength to pull allmight towards him, then he collapses
the other heroes arrive with endeavour! because he was patrolling nearby and got the alert. is his agency in hosu? Yep! do i care? nope hes here to see his son!
aizawa is like, moossttlylyy ok? shigiraki got to his arm and he's got scrapes and sprains from being yeeted around by izuku's quirk but he's pretty ok. inasa has a punctured lung but is stabilized quickly. izukus bones arent fractured? but hes got a pretty bad crush injury to both hands + cracked ribs and low blood sugar. bakugo rides w him back to ua
shinso is there and hes a little panicky bc his dad and bro were in a villain attack. nezu comes into recovery girls office and is like "oh its ok! ive contacted everyone’s parents and they should be here soon" and bakugo is like "YOU DID WHAT"
nezu sweating ",,, what do you mean this is what im ment to do"
and allmight cringes; aizawa, on painkillers, is like, pretty concerned; bakugo is enraged. izuku isnt breathing. hes frozen, crying silently and hes perfectly still and it breaks recovery girls heart
hes got a big bruise of the side of his face, fyi
bakugo doesnt want to leave but recovery girl orders him out, all might gets made to leave as well. soon the only people left are inasa (unconscious) izuku (catatonic) and aizawa (guilty)
inko walks in. shes smiling. she grabs izuku by the hand, "its ok honey, mummy's here now!"and aizawa?? hes trying not to judge but he gets a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach. inko pulls izuku from the bed by his crushed hand and izuku is silent. she has a hand wrapped around the back of his neck as she leads him out of the school
bakugo is at home and hes begging his mother to let him see izuku bur his mother wont let him because inko has been through something stressful and doesnt need you yelling! and bakugo is angry because shes never believed him about inko. he throws his plate against the wall and looks mitsuki dead in the eyes
"you'll regret that tomorrow. you'll regret that when you see what shes done to him"
his door slams
the day after the usj zuku isnt in school. shinso is waiting at the end of his street but only bakugo shows up. he looks defeated
"lets just go"
shinso spends the whole day in the hero course shirt
aizawa isnt surprized, loads of kids didnt show up to school the day after the usj, even non-hero kids, but then izuku isnt there the next day. bakugo is pacing, tugging at his hair as he waits for aizawa to show up. inasa looks lost, todoroki looks faintly confused, shinso is in the classroom, didnt leave to go to his own because bakugo doesnt know where midoriya is and hes waiting for aizawa
aizawa walks in with the bell. no izuku. his heart sinks. He looks around, and walks straight back out of class, sends mic to cover for him. he tells nezu. nezu has a terrible feeling and asks him and allmight to perform a wellness check. allmight uses his hero form, even though he doesnt have much time to waste, because this isnt a waste
they arrive at inkos house, they knock and she opens the door. shes smiling and asks if they would like to sit down, if they want some tea. there is blood under her fingernails
aizawa aks to use the bathroom, sneaks into midoriyas room. the kid is locked to the bed in the dark and aizawa wants to throw up bc he can smell blood and infection
inko took steel wool and scrubbed "off" every bruise on midoriya's skin to make him "clean" again
every mark
every cut
his hands are, oddly, untouched with their horrible crush marks healed by recovery girl as priority, but the side of his face, his ribs cage, the cuts on his arms and legs and back are raw. no skin, sticky blood dripping onto the sheets. aizawa goes over to izuku and he honestly smells like rotting meat because his room is hot and he has massive open injuries that are super infected. he tries to shake izuku awake and realizes the kid is burning. izuku fliches and is trying to pull away from aizawa, opening cuts and pulling at his wounds. hes so quiet aizawa wants to cry. he gently pats izukus hair and tells him he'll be safe now
hes walks out of the room and throws inko from the couch onto the floor, cuffing her. allmight is shocked, inko is screaming. aizawa cuffs inko to a couch and drags all might into izukus room and all might wants to cry
because, something aizawa hadn't noticed, every single piece of hero merch izuku owned has been ripped from its hiding place and crushed and torn on the floor. all might oh so gently breaks the cuffs holding into down and gently, gently picks him up. he cant stop the tears
izuku lets out the softest "im so sorry sensei" and aizawa has to leave the room. he sucker punches inko, calls nezu and an ambulance. inko is, thank god, unconscious now and the house is so quiet
so quiet aizawa can hear all might crying
mitsuki runs in bc she thinks her tiny friend is getting hurt and she sees her sons teacher sitting with his head between his legs on the floor like hes trying not to cry. he just points and she sees the number 1 hero holding this red and broken boy and she screams. she has to run back out to throw up into the kitchen sink
she calls Katsuki. hes sitting in class, most of the class is pacing or doodling, or chatting. mic doesn't have the heart to try and teach them but he also isn't cleared to tell them whats going on because he doesnt know
bakugos phone rings and the kid tears open his bag. all mistuki says it "im so sorry" and bakugo throws his phone into the wall so hard it shatters
mic like, yells bc a kid just shattered his phone and bakugo leaps over his desk to get to the door. mic grabs him by the collar
"hey listener? what do you think you're doing?"
bakugo is white and clammy
"let go." "listener?" "let. go."
mic drops him and bakugo tears down the hall, he kicks open shinsou's door and hauls him out of the room. midnight tries to stop him but bakugo is basically already off school grounds. shinso doesn't even need to ask, he can guess
they are running as fast as the can, faster than either of them have ever run. they don't even bother with the stairs, bakugo uses his quirk to haul them both up the side. bakugo and shinsou try to run in but aizawa just grabs them and pulls them close, he won't let them pass. aizawa isn't even angry but he won't let go of them, like hes scared someone will hurt another of his students, mitsuki drags Bakugo to her side and just holds him like she used to when he got hurt them he was little. the house is silent other than random crying, sirens in the distance
the ambulance comes and they come to take izuku but all might doesn't want to let go of this kid he's failed so badly, so he gently carries him all the way down and lays him on the stretcher. there is blood caked on his suit jacket
ok so as an fyi? izukus injuries arent terrible but hes missing a lot of skin. still has cracked ribs, has a serious infection and is critically dehydrated from fluid loss due to lost skin, plus the fact he hasn't been given food or water for 2 days
it's not the injuries that are the problem, its the dehydration/fever
1A is shaken. mic is shaken and 20 minutes after bakugo runs out? nezu announces that classes have been cancelled for the day and that students may remain on campus if they have no other way home and mic??? the guy is shaken. his husband is missing, all might left, nemuri says bakugo took shinso too
mic has to tell the class school is cancelled, 1 hour into the day but he can't tell them why because he doesn't know. momo, uraraka and kouda just kinda, start to cry bc they can feel something terrible has happened
todoroki invites everyone over to his house until school would have normally ended. they get over to shoutos house and hes like "so,,, you all wanna know whats happened right?" and he gets a bunch of silent nods. he just kinda, says a preemptive sorry to the pic of his dad on the wall and breaks open his hero office door. 1A is crowded around the computer as shouto, momo and tenya are scanning for anything in alerts and shouto stops and points
"minimal security transport and medical assistance to mustutafu, rapid response requested."
they click on it
Heroes Responding: Eraserhead (underground), All Might Civilian Involvement: 2 Adults (stable, no medical response) 3 Children (2 stable, 1 unknown. medical response requested) Villain: N/A Alert Type: Domestic Violence
tenya has to walk away. so does inasa and todoroki
Endeavour storms in bc "shouto, why did you break into my personal office-" and he sees these kids and they looks broken and his son just clings to him. he feels his heart drop, because he doesnt know whats happened, but its not fucking good
w recovery girl + iv fluids and antibiotics, izuku heals up pretty quick but hes got some big scars. shallow but red and angry looking
school doesnt start again until next Wednesday, 7 days after the usj and the dorms have been built
bakugo and shinso wouldn't leave izuku. like, aizawa threatened to expel Bakugo and he still wouldn't go. when izuku wakes up, his two brothers are holding his hands and he cries because hes alive and they are there
so, dorms
everyone swarms izuku bc that's the soft man who they love who saved them in the usj and also they thought he was dead for a hot minute and izuku is crying and there are hugs. aizawa is very fond of his dumb children and they train for the sports festival
U.A. Sports Festival
Event 1 : Battle Royal
so like, battle royal w a shrinking perimeter. 3 hits and you’re out. A hit is contact with another person, thrown object or quirk.
they all wear like these rly uncomfortable body suits that register touches anywhere bc nezu is a nightmare. they all fucking hate these things and nezu is cackling be he had them made but no one would let him use them
during the event, bakugo yells "MAKE IT THROUGH AND SHOW THOSE CHUCKLE FUCKS WHAT 1A IS MADE OF” a resounding yell of “FUCK YEAH” echos through the examinees
no matter what nezu does, not a single member of 1A lands a hit on another. like, bakugo trips and izuku uses his quirk to get him out of the range f kirishima
all of 1A makes it through. all of them. every single one, followed by half of 1B, plus 10ish mixed gen ed and support kids
gen ed, absolutely disgusted: “it’s clear ua favours 1a”
inasa, outraged and very loud: “sAY THAT TO MY FACe”
please, during the fight izuku goes to throw a punch at the person in front of him, they turn around and all he can see its purple hair and eyes and he cant. he uses his quirk to push himself away from shinso
izuku like,,, takes out most of the people bc he yeets people at eachother. he and inasa protect everyon from 1A! todoroki and bakugou team up, double the fire power. ochako is sad bc she cant help bc she cant touch her class mates so she yeets rocks at people. sato / kiri / bakugo make a sit tone of rubble for her, inasa makes a wind vortex above 1A, then she drops it. thats how they take out almost everyone
Event 2: Blind Tag
after the event their costumes light up. half red, half white. the anouncment is just "red is it. if you are still it in 10 minutes you dont move on. good luck" the area turns pitch b l a c k. all natural light is gone so all you can see is the glowing suits (the audience can see bc they have heat cams) and cementoss adds some varying terrain.
-        not gonna lie? it wasnt going to be blind tag but nezu didnt want the last fight to be just 1A
izuku is it he tags someone then avoids being tagged again
inasa is not it. he floats in a corner for like, the whole game but gets hit by ibara near the end
bakugo and todoroki are both not it and team up to make a firey circle of hell, they make it through
shinso does too and hes a really cool fight that no one but him and the audience get to see. he ends up choking this guy out, tags him and sprints away
Event 3: Tournament
momo/monoma, shinso/shoji, tsuyu/kendo, jiro/kuroiro, todoroki/hatsume, iida/awase, bakugo/kirishima, izuku/ochako
momo/iida, todoroki/shinso, izuku/tsuyu, bakugo/jiro
iida/izuku, shinso/bakugo
bakugo/izuku > Izuku wins
Vs. Hero Killer
Interns with Nighteye and Mirio as they do special training w gran. Working with Endeavours agency to find herokiller. Nomu attack, Nighteye tells Mirio to get Izuku to safety, Izuku tells Mirio ab. Iida. Another Nomu corners them, after internal deliberation Mirio tells izuku to go after Iida. Finds Iida, sends location.
Two Heroes
For one, Mirio and Nighteye are there, along with Izuku.
Forest Training Camp
They take Izuku too, because he was holding Bakugo's hand
Nighteye asks to see Allmight's future and allmight declines. Hes going to do it no matter what the future says, and he refuses to set it in stone by seeing it
Mirio is part of the rescue squad, 50% bc he's the one who will take the fall for the whole thing with his license. Besides, he knows about All for One, and it's his duty as a wielder of One for All to at least try to help his mentor.
"I mean, I could have just taken the boy's arm. But those nasty scars tell me hes very much seen the worst humanity has to offer. Perhaps he'd like to join as well."
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microfeelings · 5 years
You know I just realized how rude of me it was to just post the fantasy AU and never elaborate further on, so I'll do my best to write down the most important things from this universe (no timeline because lmao how does a timeline even work)
For Arin it would be the fact that he grew up on a tribe of half orcs, (his mother is a druid orc, and takes care of the horses that help them move around, his father is an elven bard, and because of this he looks less orcish and more femenine than other half-orcs his age, it bothers him at first but he learns to live with it) and when he is of age decides to leave to experience the world on his own and find a meaning to being alive, (he feels like he needs to find a purpose) trains as a barbarian, but leaves before finishing his training and starts taking adventures for money, (freelance adventurer babyy) at this time he cuts off his long hair and buffs out(is that the word??) his tusks (cause he believes hes not that good for his orc part), thats when he meets Ross, (who is trying to kill him but this doesnt bother the man) they travel together for a couple of years and then Ross leaves him for some pirates in the ocean (Or something like that?? Unclear undecided lmao). Then Dan comes into the equation, not much later Suzy, then Ross (who is kind of an on and off character traveling with them), and Brian (same with Ross, but hes justified because he has a family)
The story with Dan is more complicated (and angstier oh yeah). I still havent worked on his whole childhood part, but on his 150 and beyond he was kind of a free spirit, traveling as a bard, with literally anyone who might wanna join, meeting lots of people and sleeping around, he was more of a lover and the works he took were more on the entartaining side than the slaying, he lived without much care up until he was 200 when he met a tiefling lady whom he fell in love with and was decided he wanted to marry, the problem is that they had different views on life (since she was ready to settle down, meanwhile Dan was more of a "keep seeing the world"), even tho he was ready to leave it for her she told him to keep traveling and that she was going to be waiting for him when he was done. At this time (look you really must have bad luck Dan) he fell ill and into a coma of 50 years, when he woke up he found himself in a world where a lot of things had changed, and the woman he loved was dead. Devastated and with nowhere to go he just decided to keep working and travelling, so he joined a band of mercenaries where he met Brian, altho kind of violent (on Brian's side), they hit it off inmediatly and became very close, enough so that Brian presented him to his family, still Dan felt that he needed to keep travelling to fill the void he felt in his heart (and also because Brian was a human, and he couldnt bare the thought of losing him as well, and it was easier to just avoid it by leaving even if it made him feel like a coward). Then he met Arin, Suzy and Ross (I feel like their adventures all together deserve a different post)
Suzy is also kind of a work in progress (I still havent completely decided what drove her to leave her forest so the story might change from post to post). She lived in the forest her whole life (childhood undecided) and when she was around 200 met Arin when he was a teen, they became friends and Arin basically talked his whole life with her, eventually Arin left and Suzy kept living in the forest until a village started growing just outside it and started being rude and mindless on how they treated her forest, so she decided to talk to the townsfolk, they ignored her so she resolved into using fear tactics and that worked for a while, but now her forest was known as a dangerous place where no smart person went, aka a perfect place for mercenaries and other shady groups. She went to the town asking for help but people were either afraid or mad at her (Suzy is not having a nice day) but thankfully Arin and Dan were passing through town when she went to the folk so they decided to help her (sweet reunion between Arin and Suzy <3 the man has bad memory but he still remembered his childhood best friend, also she looks the exact same so... kinda hard to miss, Suzy has thoughts about the beard but this post is not about that). Still not decided why she left the forest (by all acounts it doesnt make sense, but I wanted her traveling with the boys) maybe she convinces the townsfolk to treat the forest better or something cheesy like that lmao.
From this point on the stories become less and less thought out
Ross as a tiefling was always an outcast, and you know what they say, treat someone like a monster and they will become one, he became a warlock at an early age (undecided but he was young) to a demon who would ask him all sorts of favors, one of them being killing Arin: the one favor Ross failed to do, because after trying to murder the man they both got into a life threatening sittuation where Arin saved his life and Ross thought "oh fuck, hes nice". They began travelling together and tho Ross tried to kill Arin a couple more times, tho he could never comit and ended up leaving him so the demon wouldnt find him (or something, how has the demon not killed Ross yet? Loophole! What loophole? I dont know, I havent thought about it yet). He left to travel the seas for a while and met a bunch of people but eventually came back to land and back to traveling with Arin because no one was as cool as him (I guess?) Gets along with Suzy and Brian cause they're scary, and likes to mess with Dan cause its really easy to do (and also because hes jealous of his relationship with Arin lmao) but they get along when its necessary.
Brian's whole life before joining the mercenary is a whole mystery, nobody knows anything about the man, the only person who knows his backstory is Dan, but even he is unsure because he always changes the story (one of them is the true one, which one Danny boy?). All everyone knows it that after Dan left the mercenary group, Brian wanted to retire as well, but the leader wouldnt let him since he was one of the best in their group, and threatened to get his wife and child if he left, so he took one last job to kill a certain Half-orc (everyone wants Arin death, why? I dont know) and after that went as well as expected (lots of knives, Dan trying to convince both Arin and Brian not to kill each other), the group decided to help Brian kill his own mercenary group. He sometimes joins the group on some adventures (Brian's house is one of their many 'safe houses') still enjoys to sometimes stab Dan and Arin, but knows better not to mess with a fucking druid and warlock
Also if you wanna write or draw related to this au, I will love you forever, you can tag it as fantasy grumps, or tag me (but honestly I dont trust tumblr, so you can just message me about it)
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ivisite · 5 years
For the drabble meme, 33 with Anruin?
Anruin is petty with a capital “P” and I’m all about that.
#33. “I saw you staring at each other, I just wasn’t sure if it was sexual tension or murderous rage.”
It wasn’t often that Anruin managed to successfully read his map well enough to make it to his destination and it was even more rare for him to stumble upon something worth writing about. Besides studying half-diligently at the two colleges of Skyrim, the small Bosmer found himself enthralled with his own personal journey. He wanted nothing more than to become the greatest bard and with his Mer blood giving him a few extra years to hold over the common man, he was happy to say he had plenty of time to accomplish said feat.
Bards of old simply spoke tales they’d heard from others but Anruin was determined to do the opposite. Based strictly on rumors he picked up while coaxing about local Inns, he managed to catch wind of a new figure emerging- or two, rather. One such figure was the Last Dragonborn, a Nord woman with hair as fiery as the souls of the dragons she captured and the other was a mysterious hooded figure that few had ever actually seen, a harbinger of thieves and larceny that guards whined about in the days after the it was supposedly spotted in the area. Amused by the notion but bribed to say otherwise, Anruin knew far too much about any given person anyways but in particular he knew quite a bit about the newest soon-to-be hero of old.
“Can’t you guys get some incense? Just because it is a sewer doesn’t mean it has to smell like it- and it’s far too humid, too. Humidity isn’t good for singing..” Anruin rambled, walking about the infamous Ragged Flagon that everyone spoke ill of.
At the counter, the owner of said makeshift bar wiped down tankards with an annoyed flair. He was a surprisingly decent looking man, all considering where he set up shop and his so-called lady friend wasn’t too bad on the eyes either. Both, however, watched the Bosmer parade about with the last of their nerves ticking away. 
“Woof Elf, I’ll ask again, what do you want? Shouldn’t you be prancing around an Inn or something?” Tonilia rather pointedly asked. She was a Redguard, Anruin presumed and had a tough demeanor about her. Pretty enough but perhaps too domineering, Anruin could see why her little friend the bar keep might like her so much. Docile by contrast, the barkeep was a good balance to her more assertive nature.
“Shouldn’t you be sleeping with your actual lover instead of literally everyone else?” Anruin coolly snapped back, taking out his journal and scribbling something down.
Both the barkeep and Tonilia’s mouth fell agape. The rabble that lived in the sewers weren’t exactly posh and well-mannered but for some stranger to waltz down on his merry way to gods know where just to bother them was infuriating in both both and practice.
“Why you dirty little bast-” The Redguard woman started to say, cut short by a rather loud throat being cleared.
“Can someone please be so kind as to tell me where all my workers are? I’d really appreciate it.”
The man in question was of average height but made up for any short-comings in the area by his gruff voice and permanent look of annoyance that chiseled itself onto his face. The man haphazardly glanced between the three other people in the Flagon only to shake his head and take a seat at a table off to the side. Grumbling about needing something to drink, the man motioned his hand at the barkeep.
“And what in Oblivion do you want, elf?” He spat, looking to Anruin rather hatefully. 
“A hearty drink with warm company, of course. Why else would I have come to such a lovely establishment with such inviting patrons?” Anruin cooed back, smiling at the irritated knitting of the man’s brow.
“If you must know, though, I’m looking for Saoirse. Had a gut feeling she might be around here when not dragonborn-ing.” The wood elf said slyly. In truth, he knew all too well of Skyrim’s rising hero. She wasn’t much of one from what he could see, at least not based on the great, bulky heroes of the past and had a bit of a dark side to her that she bribed him with gold and food to not tell anyone about.
“Oh, well then, that makes two of us.” The grump of a man retorted, rolling his eyes as he drank from his tankard.
“Ah, Mercer! Delvin and Vex are out on jobs with a few of the other stagglers from the Cistern. Brynjolf and Saoirse are probably killing each other or something. Delvin sent them on another job together.“ 
From his spot behind the bar, Vekel must have seen a lot of thing and for that Anruin could respect. Barkeeps and Bards knew everything about everyone that walked by them and were dangerous in their own right. Either type could twist a rumor just a bit and have the whole hold gossiping for weeks on end.
"As long as the job gets finished first, what’s it matter afterwards.” Mercer grumbled again.
It grew quiet in the small tavern after that, an odd but welcoming atmosphere if you squinted and tried really hard to find it. Persistent, Anruin took a seat at a table that was situated on what he called the dock, for lack of better words. If she were out on a job, she would have to come back eventually and he had a million things to ask as soon as she did.
Despite popping up at a bad time during a dragon attacking a nearby settlement, Anruin and Saoirse managed to get along rather well. She wasn’t pompous or haughty like he imagined someone with her title would be and seemed to put up with his presence on most occasions. Perhaps only because he was so insistent on the friendship, the two and whomever happened to be following her around at the time were quite the gaggle to behold. 
After what seemed like hours, the Flagon was greeted to the oncoming hum of what sounded like people screeching in the ratways coming towards the entrance of the tavern. While Vekel seemed amused by it, muttering something about his end of a bet going well, Mercer groaned and rubbed his temples.
“You bloody bastard! How dae you except me to be able to read your damned mind?! Ruddy haired son-of-a bi-" 
”-Look who’s calling the kettle full, you ruddy haired wench! When Mercer heres about this, he’s going to kill me and I’m going to push you in front like a human shield!“ 
Bickering as they walked into the tavern, Saoirse and another red head that Anruin couldn’t help but give a second glance towards made their way over to the seating area. They hadn’t noticed the other patrons just yet but they made good time in grabbing their alcohols of choice and taking seats as far away from each other as possible. Saoirse found herself sitting at the bar and her accomplice sat pretty with the grump from earlier. As quickly as the storm rolled in, it seemingly settled as soon as they had a drink in hand and back to one another.
Anruin watched the two for a moment before taking a seat next to his favorite muse, nudging her playfully in hopes of striking up a conversation while the men across the way talked business in hushed voices. Others started pouring into the tavern soon afterwards, as well, filling the seats and talking loudly while chasing what was left of daylight with various meads and wine. It was oddly comforting, Anruin noted, despite the general ambience leaving something to be desired. He was a muscian and a story-teller at heart and a bustling tavern was where he belonged.
As brazen as he might have seemed, Anruin could read a room in seconds flat. Despite the rumblings of several different conversations and boisterous laughter here and there, he couldn’t help but notice a stale bit of air sitting stagnant overhead. The other red head from earlier seemed to have lightened up once a few drinks settled on his stomach, carrying on with a balding man, a hateful looking blonde and this Mercer fellow from earlier. In contrast, Saoirse was uncharacteristically quiet, even having moved down a few seats from the Bosmer after muttering about not being in the mood.
It was absolutely tantalizing. Like a moth to a flame, Anruin took out his journal again, placing it on the counter along with a quill and ink bottle much to the barkeep’s amusement. There was always something to make a song out of and if the dragonborn had some sort of edge to her, he was about to write every observation on the matter down in his notes. The song of the era would need to be detailed and Anruin was more than happy to include this odd moment of stagnant tension in the hero’s journey in the song.
Not paying mind, he managed to draw a few curious onlookers attention towards him. Another Bosmer of the more cliche archer sort took a seat nearby while a dark haired man with a nicer disposition than the others sat on the otherside of Anruin. Both were quiet as they watched the bard scribble but couldn’t help but interrupt after a while passed.
"What’re you writing, kinsman?” The other Bosmer asked, peering over Anruin’s shoulder while the darker haired male squinted to read the pages.
Anruin loved attention, so when it was given he was to engage, though kept a certain watchfulness about him so not to miss anymore note worthy things. Smiling, he put his quill down and dusted off the corner of the page he was writing on.
“It’s a song. I’m trying to write about our dragonborn over here but she’s too busy moping about to get anything noteworthy out of.” He playfully chimed, pushing the journal into better view for his onlookers.
They seemed intrigued by the notion if not amused as they both skimmed the pages. Strangers they might have been but patrons never-the-less. If they wanted to hear a story Anruin would gladly oblige. While the pair quietly muttered and read through the pages of notes, Anruin let himself study the room. Nothing really changed since his last glance around but from the corner of his eye he did manage to catch a glimpse of something worth taking a moment to ponder on.
From across the way at the table full of important looking members amongst the rabble, Anruin watched as the red headed man gazed at Saoirse when he thought no one was looking. He would let his eyes linger on her for no more than a moment before flickering them back to his own company but wouldn’t let himself go too long without looking her way again. His expression was neutral as far as Anruin could tell from his peripheral vision but the gazes were intense. He wasn’t the target, but he could almost feel the weight of it pass over his shoulders en route to the woman nestled at the edge of the bar. 
“Curious…” He thought to himself before turning his attention to Saoirse down a ways from him. She sat quietly at the edge, tinkering with a fork while her bottle of mead sat sparsely touched.
She, too, seemed to notice the weight and made quick to let her own eyes wander towards the other red head from time to time. It was another hard read but Anruin could feel the weight of her gaze passing over him just as much, if not more so than the red headed male’s. They seemed to dance around each other, glancing in perfectly timed intervals so not to catch one another and Anruin found it rather amusing. It was as though they were bickering still, taking non-verbal shots at one another before passively looking away to await the other’s response.
Picking up his quill and dipping it in ink after several moments of watching the two, Anruin raised his brows nonchalantly and let a coy smile make its way across his lips. His notes were rather bland as of late, mostly based on rumors and the odd sighting but in this instance he decided to toss a bit of grease on the fire. Fingers popped and legs crossed just so, Anruin cleared his throat and caught the attention of the tavern. Pleased with spotlight, he chuckled and looked between the red heads on either side of the room. 
“I saw you two staring at each other, I just wasn’t sure if it was sexual tension or murderous rage. Care to elaborate or should I just write down that it’s both? That would make for a good line in my song….” He cooed.
Horror struck the faces of both people that had been singled out and every pair of eyes in the tavern began to waver between the two. Anruin, however, couldn’t help but chortle at his feat as he dipped his quill in the nearby ink well. With both red heads at a loss for words by the sudden call out, Anruin shook his shoulders happily and began writing.
"Oh good, it’s both then. The plot thickens and the tension rises! This is going to be the best song ever….”
Anruin is the messiest ho in all of Tamriel and I couldn’t be more proud.
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bluerene · 6 years
Do you take requests for stories? If yes, I have one: Family Fluff involving a sick day for Starfire, having her husband and her two kids Mar'i and Jake take care of her. Do what you like.. Pretty Please?
Ahhhh omg yes, this sounds adorable. Here’s some Grayson Family Fluff! Hope you enjoy it
Of all the illnesses his wife had ever taken to, Dick had found the Tamaranian Cold to be the worst.
Fevers were easy. Fevers meant Kori took an icy shower, swaddled herself in blankets, and slept for two days. Fevers were the evenings when Dick tucked the kids into bed before shutting himself in his office to work late, without the worry that his beautiful, terrifying wife would burst in and drag him off to sleep.
Eight days before Jake’s fifth birthday, an explosive sneeze from the master bathroom rattled the windows and doors of their home. This was not a fever.
The Cold always arrived without warning. It hit hard and fast, and each turn came with a bout of unpredictable symptoms. It needed a plan of attack. As it turned out, Mar’i and Jake’s mixed physiology made them immune to the common strain of cold that left their mother miserable for days. So when it reared its ugly head, the Grayson Household had all hands on deck. 
“Let’s get you back into bed, m’lovely.”
“Do not baby me, Richard, it was merely a small sneeze -”
Dick shook his head, “You can tell that to the neighbors. Want me to fix those?”
Kori crossed her arms and leaned forward, allowing him to fluff the pillows at her back. 
“You are fussing.”
“I’m your husband, I’m allowed to fuss.”
“It begins with the fussing, but then you will sound for the children -”
“MAR’I! JAKE!” Dick bellowed, clapping his hands over his wife’s ears, “OPERATION EXTREME SNIFFLES IS A GO!”
“X’hal, Richard.”
The sound of giggles and feet padding along the floor that reached their ears was enough to wipe the exasperation off her face and replace it with a smile.
To Dick, that alone was everything.
Mar’i floated into their bedroom and seated herself at the edge of her parent’s bed, watching the door expectantly.
“Jakey!” she called, “hurry up or else Dad’s gonna start the plan without you!”
“Wait!” her younger brother wailed, running into the room as quickly as he could, a half-dozing Silkie struggling to wiggle out of his grip, “don’t start without me, Daddy, I’m here, I’m here!!”
Dick chuckled, bending down to scoop his son up into his arms.
“Slow down, buddy, you didn’t miss a thing. Now, who remembers the plan?”
Mar’i bounced on the bed, waving her hand excitedly, “I do!  Jake and me get to help you make soup and read Mom books and give her medicine so she doesn’t ‘splode the bathroom and make cards and watch The Little Mermaid until she falls asleep so that Rella and her mom can come over and help fix Mom’s cold -”
“I am still here, you know,” Kori said indignantly, unable to hide the grin that had spread across her face, “and even if I am fighting a small guffax’hlr, it is unreasonable to expect Raven to drop everything for me.”
“We already called her,” Dick said triumphantly, “and she says she could hear you sneeze from Jump.”
“She did not, do not be a clorb -”
“Kids! Let’s go make Mom some breakfast. Jake, wanna keep her company?”
Jake nodded and floated out of his father’s grasp, landing clumsily beside his mother. 
Mar’i took advantage of the newly freed space on her dad and clambered onto his shoulders quickly. 
“Dad,” she whispered, holding out a fist, “Operation Breakfast for Extreme Sniffles is in action!”  
Kori watched Dick bump knuckles with their daughter, shaking her head as they left. The headache that had been quietly raging in her skull had heightened to a hard pounding. Her limbs felt heavy and drained of energy, there was an odd flutter in her stomach, and an itch in her nose that could only be a starbolt sneeze.
She sighed and held her arms out. 
“Come here, my bumgorf.”
Jake smiled and crawled into her embrace, curling up on her chest as he always did when they cuddled. 
Kori stroked his dark hair gently, pressing a soft kiss on the top of his head.
“Can I tell you a secret? You must promise not to tell your pyha’r.”
“Are you gonna tell Mar’i too?”
“No,” Kori said, “it is just between us. I am feeling a little bit of the sickness. But if you tell pyah’r he will tease me. So you must not say a word to him or your sister.”
Jake sat up and tilted his head, studying her with wide blue eyes. 
“Daddy says if you’re feeling bad you’ll get grumpy ‘cuz of your tummies hurting.”
“My tummies are hurting a little,” she admitted, smiling despite herself, “but I will do my best to not be the grump.”
Her son crossed his arms, and there he was again, a miniature version of the boy she had fallen in love with all those years ago. Kori’s four year old was serious, thoughtful, and surprisingly observant. Mar’i, who was every bit the acrobat her father was and possessed her mother’s energy and sunny personality, flitted about in crowds with confidence. Jake, on the other hand, demonstrated the same silent watchfulness as her Robin. Whether they were at the movie theater, a dinner party, or in their home, he behaved like a quiet protector. Just like he was doing now.
“If your tummies are hurting, Daddy should know.”
Kori rolled her eyes.
“I am sure he already does. Now, I believe I was promised some of the get well cards?”
“Can I make them in here if I’m quiet? I promise I won’t get marker on your bed.”
She nodded and allowed Jake to wiggle out of her hold, climbing off the bed, and racing out of her bedroom.
Kori leaned back into her pillow and groaned, shutting her eyes. She hated the cold. What she wanted and needed more than anything was a steaming bowl of-
“Fyegnar Root and Jek’k soup!” Mar’i announced cheerfully, balancing a full tray of food in her arms. Dick followed her with arms open, ready to grab her if anything fell. 
Mar’i placed the tray on her mother’s lap and grinned, “Daddy says it’s your favorite.”
“I always keep a few packs of it frozen, just in case,” Dick explained with a wink, “we also made you toast with sp’tflink jelly.”
“And zorkaberry juice!” 
Kori beamed, touching her daughter’s cheek. 
“That is very sweet of you Mar’i. Will you go check on your brother and make sure he is not having trouble bringing his items for coloring?”
Mar’i nodded and bounded off to find Jake, leaving her parents to themselves.
Dick held up his hands apologetically (though the smug look on his face said otherwise).
“I know you said you aren’t sick, but I cleared my schedule and the kids didn’t have anything planned for today, so I figured we’d take care of you. It’s good practice anyhow.”
Her husband grinned. 
“When baby number three comes around, Team Grayson will be totally ready to handle the mood swings, the morning sickness, and everything in between.”
Kori burst into laughter and shook her head, taking Dick’s hand.
“I should not be surprised you know, but I would like to know how you figured it out. I have only known for a few days.”
Dick bent down to kiss her cheek, intertwining their fingers. 
“I’d be a pretty terrible husband if I didn’t pick up on any of the signs the third time around. And you’ve been overly sneaky this last week. Mar’i also found six positive tests in the trash while she was doing her chores and she asked me what they were soooooo…”
She smacked his arm lightly.
“You are such a…an usstor varblernelk. Why did you not say anything to me?”
He shrugged. 
“I trusted you’d tell me when you felt ready. I remember how nervous you were when we found out about Mar’i and Jake. It made more sense to wait.”
Kori kissed the back of his palm and smiled.
“That must have been difficult for you.”
“Oh, you have no idea, it’s been exhausting,” he joked, “so I’d love it if you’d indulge me with some bed rest and family snuggles. Just until you’re feeling better.”
“It will be seven months before that happens,” she mumbled, playing with their joined hands.
“Totally worth it, babe.”
They sat there for hours, talking and touching and laughing as their children flitted in and out of the room, bringing books and hastily scribbled cards to the foot of the bed. Dick dared to taste the sp’tflink jelly that his wife had loved for so long, quickly tossing it at Silkie to finish it off before she noticed. Mar’i refilled her mother’s juice dutifully, before floating into bed with her tablet to watch The Little Mermaid. Jake lay curled up against Kori’s side, napping peacefully. There, with her family bundled up in her arms, her husband beside her as he had always been, Kori finally fell asleep. 
When she roused she could feel the headache pass and the tightness of her limbs ebb away as the flow of energy slowly returned to her body. The fluttering in her stomach had grown stronger, but it was clear to her that it wasn’t a symptom of the cold. 
“Feeling better?” Dick asked softly, stroking her hair. 
She nodded, blinking tiredly, “much better. I believe it was the soup.”
“Well, Raven popped by while you were sleeping, “ he admitted, “but we didn’t want to wake you. She gives her love, by the way. And -” He paused for a moment to retrieve his phone from his pocket, “she’s confirmed a strong heartbeat, good flow of energy, and a lot of activity.”
“Oh,” Kori said, drawing her hands to her mouth. 
“I wanted you to worry about it a little less,” Dick said, lips pulling into a half-smile, “I know you would’ve wanted to be awake for it but you’re sick and stressed -mmph!”
She grabbed him by the front of his shirt and yanked him down to her level, kissing him soundly, careful not to move Jake.
“I love you so much, Richard,” Kori whispered, pecking him on the nose, “I love you now and always and our beautiful family.”
He touched his forehead to hers, gazing into her shining green eyes.
“I love you too, Star. Always have and always will.”
“Did Raven say it was safe to tell people?”
Dick placed a hand on her stomach and nuzzled her neck, peppering kisses along her skin. She giggled and tilted her head back, beaming as he shared his enthusiasm with her.
“Another week if you’re still worried, but otherwise, yeah, she’s given the green light. Wanna wake the kids?”
Kori glanced over at the little boy snoring by her ribs and the fierce girl snuggling beside her brother. She placed her hand on her stomach and closed her eyes, imagining the feelings to come in the next few months.
“Tomorrow. For now, it can just be us.”
The cold, in an unusual twist of fate, had passed quicker than Dick had ever seen it go. In the Grayson Household that night, there was only warmth. 
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the-emerald-siren · 5 years
Tower Princesses- Greil and Mathrius
Inspired by prompts found on @crypticdatesuggestions blog.
She watched with laughter in her bright blue eyes as she watched yet another race for their life away from her tower. Three in one month, things were exciting. At what sounded like an incoming storm, she slipped down from the where she had perched on the stone railing of her balcony, taking a moment to shake out the deep blue gown that she had chosen to wear today. With a bright smile spread across her sun freckled face she made her way to the only real door in the entire stone built tower. She paused just outside her room, remembering that she should probably take her heavier cloak, he would grump at her if she didn't. Reaching in she snagged the black winter cloak, even through it was a bright sunny day, she could feel the first touches of the chill of winter creeping it's way into the stones of her home, chilling her bare feet as she made her way up the spiral stairs towards the roof. Her name was Greil,  Princess of the Ularn Kingdom and for the last 16 years of her life, she had called the Tower, her home.
Making her way upwards, her fingers trailed along the wall while her free hand clutched the cloak and her mind wandered. There was much she didn't remember of her life before coming to The Tower, such as why she had been sent here. She barely remembered what her mother and father's faces looked like, but that was a memory she didn't mourn losing, it had been almost 15 years since she had received a letter from them. What she remember was her older brother....or maybe a sister? That part was hard, but she remembered looking up to them and smiling while with them. She also remembered her mother's large belly and occasionally she wondered if she had a younger sister, or brother.
The large sloppily painted green door greeted her at the top of the stairs, the only door that led outside The Tower. Greil couldn't help but smile proudly at what had been her first, and in her opinion, most majestic artistic master piece since coming here. The green didn't reach all the way to the top of the door, but even his off handed teasing comments didn't make her want to change it, and the large time worn paint drops upon the floor just made her smile. As she pulled from her memories and thoughts she unlocked the heavy door and pushed it open, silently gasping when the bright sunlight washed over her.
The roof was her favorite place to be, so much so, that he had built her a simple lean too that during the summer and spring seasons she happily occupied over the interior of the Tower. With bright glittering eyes she extended her barefoot forward, and was, as always, overjoyed to feel the soft thick grass under foot. It has been 14 years since he had brought the earth and seeds to the roof, all to see her smile. With a full step she was standing in the grass, her toes flexing and enjoying the slight chilled feel of the soft blades.
"You should be wearing your cloak.....and your shoes."
His voice made the air vibrate and warm, drawing her attention from her feet upward to the blue sky above and to the great dragon that circled lower and lower as he aimed his landing to be a gentle as possible. With a smile and playful extension of her tongue she slipped beneath the roof of the lean too for him to land without concern of stepping on her. As she waited for him her gaze sweeping the inside of the small summer home, taking in all she would need to pack and take into The Tower before the first snow fell while her fingers gently swept her wild blonde hair into a tail at the base of her head. The feel of the slight shake of the ground and the growl that vibrated the air around her, drew her attention out too her, the smile returning to her face as she ran out to greet him.
His name was Mathrius, and he was The Ancient of the Dragons. As he settled, his head lowered to greet her, his maw gently touching the grass as she ran too him, throwing her much smaller body upon the top of his maw in the best embrace she could manage in this form. Even with the rumble of affection that rolled from him like distant thunder, still he chided her. "Greil, how many times have I told you that when the Northern winds come, you shouldn't run around without your shoes off. You'll get sick my little Amare." She smile, her eyes glittering in innocence and laughter as she nuzzled the top of his warm maw, enjoying the temperature difference between his warm soft scales and the chilly air that surrounded them. After a moment, she slipped down his muzzle, letting him lift his head to properly look at her and her hands be free. In swift fluid movements she began to sign to him, speaking to him.
"Oh Mathrius, you know how much I hate shoes. They are too, confining. Isn't it bad enough that I stay in The Tower at all times?" she asked, a soft pout forming on her lips as she looked up at him. She couldn't help the soundless giggle as he huffed at her, sending warm air washing over her, lifting her dress slightly and her hair up. She knew she had won. "I'll go pack my things to move down." she signed as she lightly spun on her heel and moved to the lean too again, gathering the few items she wanted and needed. It had been 14 years since she had been able to make a single sound, still as quiet as a mouse. Greil, was mute. The illness had been hard on her petite 12 year old frame and in her last letter to her mother, she had told her of the illness, and had asked to come home, that is when the letters had stopped coming. If it hadn't been for Mathrius, she knew she would never had survived.
"Gather you bow as well. There is an ice rain coming this night." With a nod and smile she gathered the finely crafted bow and her quiver with the small pack. The weapon had been his first gift to her after she had healed from her illness, and after years of practice, she found the art of the bow, to be her most comforting past time.
"Will you be coming down with me, or do you need to do another round?" she asked, her fingers moving fluidly as she skillfully balanced her items on her shoulder.
With a soft rumble once more his large head dipped, and softly brushed against her side in a reassuring way that she wasn't sure was for her, or more for him. No matter the reason though, it made her smile.
"I want to do one more sweep before joining you. There have been more than ever, I want to make sure that none are laying in wait within the forest." He paused, his deep emerald eyes gazing down at her, making her feel as though he wasn't just watching her, but watching her soul as well. "Greil, My Amare, you know if this was any other situation, I would take you with me..." he trailed off as she stood on her toes, laying her hand a moment on the front of his muzzle, silencing the great dragon in front of her before falling back onto her feet to speak to him.
"I know Mathrius. I know, really. It is alright, just come back safely too me." A soft smile followed the end of her sentence, her hands lowering as she placed a gentle kiss to his maw causing him to growl softly in return.
"I will always return to you My Amare." he rumbled as he gently put his head to her form a moment before giving her a soft nudge as he backed up as far as his large body could, opening his wings and taking off.
Greil watched in admiration as his deep dark green scales shimmered in the sunlight as his powerful leathery wings lifted him high into the air. Ever since she had met him, she had found him to be more beautiful than anything she could ever imagine, his scales shimmering in the light. Once he was too high up for her to watch properly she made her way back into the tower and to the main room she used when she wasn't on the roof above.
The room was large and circular in shape, the once cold and harsh stone walls, long worn and covered in trinkets and drawings given to her by Mathrius and encouraged by him. Taking a moment she hung up her bow and quiver before settling her items and looking around the room fondly. The years had been hard on her, she would never deny that, and for a very long time, she had stayed in this room, too lost within her own thoughts and sorrows to even leave the bed, but it was Mathrius that had brought her back to life. The loss of her voice had been a strike to her heart, a strike that had only grown and festered when her letters since telling her mother that she was feeling ill, were never answered. She had faced early on in life, that she had been abandoned here, but now, now she didn't care. She had moved on, and embraced her life with Mathrius. After lighting the fire and opening the large reinforced balcony doors for Mathrius' return she took a few moments in taking stock of everything she had in her room. A huff escaped her and frown touched her lips as she examined some of the too worn blankets, winter clothing pieces and coats too small. She knew she would have to ask Mathrius to bring her new items, meaning he would end up being away longer. That knowledge alone made her shove the items back into the trunk, that was a problem for tomorrow. ------- The night was cold, but comforting as she stayed nestled within her self made nest on the large bed, the oil lamps above providing the needed light for her to continue to read, it was a struggle, but she was determined to remain awake until Mathrius returned. Just as the words upon the pages were beginning to grow fuzzy the sound of his wings and feel of the cold air swirling. A tired smile spread upon her lips as she closed the book and put it upon the pile beside her bed, her gaze turning to watch the open balcony, watching as he began his landing 'dance' as she called it.
Mathrius circled, his dark scales glinting from the fire's light as his enormous form passed the smaller opening before he carefully braced his talons on either side of the balcony, and his form began to shrink. A gift of the Ancient Dragons was form manipulation. Some took advantage of this, masking as other races to hide, or interact with them, but not Mathrius. Never had he been comfortable with any form, but his own, but to share his time with Greil, he would allow the manipulation of his size...to a point. With a heavy thud he landed upon the balcony, shaking off the feeling, his form now just small enough that the could fit comfortably within the room, once he settled.
After a moment he saw her watching him, her gaze amused. A chuckle escaped his chest as he walked carefully into the room and her, his head dipping down and nuzzling her "You should be sleeping, my princess." he teased as he settled and curled around her comfortably. Greil rolled her eyes as she snuggled down into him as she signed too him. "You know that I don't sleep until you're home." she said as she yawn and settled down, the exhaustion of the long day finally taking her. "I love you Mathrius." she signed, her fingers tiredly moving against his side.
With soft huffs he extinguished the lamps, his eyes softening as his head lowered again to her, his maw softly touching her cheek "I love you too Greil."
Everything could be dealt with, tomorrow.
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starfcrmed-a · 5 years
Christmas Eve [Drabble]
Sniffle. Sniffle. “God damn this cold...”
The caracal let out a huff, pulling her blanket closer to her. She’d be enjoying this Christmas eve far more if her nose stopped running for five seconds. Not to mention, the lack of heating in the Eggman base had long been shut off for good, making the air chillier than needed. Accompanied by her side was Neo, wrapped up in a blanket too. Though he had no need for it, and it awkwardly stretched around him, he found mirroring her actions made him feel less... robotic.
“I do not mind attempting to fix the heating again. Though... I truly can’t say it’ll work.” Neo piped up, head tilting a little at her. “I must say, though, you do... seem a little bit under the weather, as they say, despite your illness. Are you, er, alright?”
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Another sniffle came from Mint, before her arm darted out from the warmth of her blanket to wipe her nose. “Yeah. Fine. Just... ugh, I dunno, man. I normally love Christmas... but... work’s got me so stressed out.” She grumbled. “You know how long I had to beg for a day off tomorrow to go see my family?” Neo shrugged in response. “Too long, that’s for damn sure. And the train might be cancelled, because y’know how public transport is, blah blah blah...”
“It seems you have a lot on your mind.”
“Too right.”
“...I don’t mind flying you to your family’s residence tomorrow morning. It will save spending money on a train.”
She shook her head. “It’s... it’s whatever, dude.” She grunted. “Besides... I don’t know how well my family will take a big towering robot escorting me to the front door. My baby sisters and brothers might think you’re cool. Parents? They were hesitant to even let me join the military... I’d hate to think what they’d think of you. I just told them I’m rooming with a co-worker.”
“I suppose you’re right.” There was still that, wasn’t there? He still couldn’t safely traverse in public without some kind of disguise. But... that was his own fault. “But I can’t blame their concern. Truthfully, I... worry about you sometimes too.”
“Cat’s have 9 lives. No need to worry.” She waved away his concern, sparing a glance over at him. The way his head tilted like a confused puppy... there was something amiss in those optics. She cleared her throat. “Uh... What d’ya mean?”
“G.U.N is not exactly an easy job. It’s very easy to get hurt. I cannot help but worry about you... You have a lot of people who care about you, Mint. You remember when we first met, don’t you?”
“...Uh, yeah. When you tased me half to death?”
“I did not!”
“You totally did--”
“Either way! I was merciful. I didn’t kill you. But... you could have died then. Even when I gave you the option to leave... you stayed.” Neo let out a sigh. “And... I suppose what I’m saying is... I appreciate that. Your selflessness, your kindness... even if you annoy me to no end,” there was a chuckle at that, “you’re still here. Thank you... for that.”
“...I mean, I guess I should thank you for not killing me, too?” Mint said jokingly. The robot only let out a low beep of distaste at that. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding! I mean, thanks for letting me stay. Even if you’re a total grump, you’re... you’re pretty cool, too, dude.”
“Hmph. Of course I’m cool.” He rose his head up, proudly. If Neo had a mouth, she was certain there’d be a smirk on his metallic muzzle. It seemed the robot definitely had a soft side, but was always quick to put up his typical defenses with some snarky comment. “...Ah... Wait here, just a moment.”
She watched as Neo rose to his feet, still holding his blanket around him as if he were a small child. She couldn’t help but smile to herself at the sight, the blanket dragging behind him as if it were a train on a wedding dress. Yeah, that was definitely another thing; he certainly didn’t know how ridiculous he seemed sometimes... She sighed, her breath condensing in the cool air, sniffling again.
After a few moments, the robot returned, holding a mug in his hand, before sitting down next to her again. He carefully placed it infront of her, but batted her hand away when she went to pick it up. “Wait! Read what it says, first.” He spoke, typical stern tone returning. Mint simply rolled her eyes, before picking it up. “Careful, it’s hot.”
“Okay, old man.” She muttered under her breath, picking up the mug, holding it eye-level as to not spill its contents. “Let’s see here...”
On the front of it read ‘World’s Best OKAYEST friend’, the best crossed out in red marker, with two bobble-head like drawings of both of their heads just underneath. The cat couldn’t help but giggle to herself. “...Do you like it?” Neo questioned at her laughter. “What’s so funny?!”
“I’m- I’m laughing because I didn’t expect it! I... aha, it’s brilliant.” Her laughing softened, looking over at the robot with a genuine smile on her face. “I love it. It’s... It’s great! Did you, uh, draw these?” She pointed to their two heads on the stark white canvas that was the mug.
“...Yes.” Neo seemed a little embarrased to admit it. “As you can tell, I’m not an artist.”
“I think it’s pretty cute! I think you could totally become an artist.” She mused, taking a sip of the hot cocoa in the mug, before flinching and pulling away at both the heat and excruciatingly bitter taste. “My Goodness, your hot chocolate sucks! Definitely not a barista. Good god.”
“H-Hey! Back-handed, much? I thought you liked chocolate! I followed a recipe and everything. It’s not like I can taste-test, either.”
“I’ve got a sweet tooth! Is this 100% coco?”
He nodded.
“Did you put sugar in it? Milk? Cream?”
He shook his head.
“That’s why, then. I’ll drink it anyway... I mean, it’s my first drink, outta my new favourite mug.” She smirked, side-eyeing him. His optics flickered into an expression she’d never seen before.
“Merry Christmas, Mint!”
“Merry Christmas, Neo.”
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hermannsgayhands · 6 years
some HANDY TIPS/references for drawing someone using a cane
mostly about hermann bc Lets Be Real who else is even out there to be drawn with a cane but this applies pretty generally
height: the handle should be at about hip/wrist level, and its almost definitely going to look too short if youre not used to seeing someone use a cane. theyre really not that tall.
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canes that are too tall (even by just an inch!) will REALLY mess up your back and can cause a lot of pain, so its one of those things thats pretty small and insignificant, unless you actually use a cane, then its like Oh My God Please Love Yourself And Take That To A Hardware Store You Must Be So Uncomfortable
this is what standing normally with a cane will generally Look Like (it doesnt usually get much farther away from the body than this and stays pretty upright):
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like it really does look almost awkwardly short but thats what its supposed to look like. the arm should be relaxed but not bent-bent, because thats when the back problems come in. its basically functioning as a third leg, so it needs to be the same length as the characters actual legs starting at the hip joint. it shouldnt change the characters posture unless theyre leaning really heavily on it like if theyre really tired, so it needs to be short enough that their shoulders stay pretty straight even when theyre leaning weight on the cane (sorry for the black cane on black pants lol i couldnt find my green one)
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the cane goes on the side opposite whichever side needs support, which in hermanns case is his left, so his cane needs to stay in his right hand. some people switch depending on their needs at that specific time, but hermann never seems to do that. the cane stays on the ground for the same amount of time as the opposite foot and moves in tandem like That:
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ive seen a lot of art with hermann using one of those hook-handle canes, but this isnt the kind he uses. most people dont use those, because they get SUPER uncomfortable or even painful because theyre not at all shaped to the hand. his cane is solid wood with a handle similar to mine (below), which you can see most clearly in a couple shots when hermann is up the ladder for his chalkboard and his cane is hanging up on a lamp. not all canes look the same! try to find references for the specific character
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if theyre standing up, their hand needs to be on the cane and the cane needs to be on the ground. for most people, the circumstances where they arent leaning on their cane are pretty specific and very brief, like if you need to get your wallet out of your bag and you need both hands free (and you either have an attachment on the bottom so itll stay upright, a wrist strap, or you veeeery carefully balance it on something, because it Will Undoubtedly fall over otherwise). burn gorman kinda misses this one a few times but the one that really jumped out at me was when hermann finds newt after he drifted for the first time, and he drops his cane on his way down to the floor. BIG ouch. until the character is fully seated, they need to use their cane (or lean on something else) While theyre getting fully seated. even when i have done something careless and hurt myself, its not because i did something like drop my cane right when im bending all my joints with a lot of pressure on them, because 1-muscle memory and 2-I NEED IT or else i probably wont be getting down on the floor in one piece. which leads me to the end of this, which is:
basically treat the cane like another leg, because thats basically how it functions both literally and figuratively. its the same height as the leg, it moves like another leg, it gives support the way another leg would, but mobility aids are also kind of an extension of the self, so disabled people generally are Really Not Okay with someone messing with or picking up or taking their mobility aids, because its really taking someones mobility and independence. ive seen a lot of art thats otherwise really cute that still makes me kind of uncomfortable because while im sure the artist just wasnt aware of this whole thing, its something that able-bodied people sometimes do in real life as a joke, and its really scary. if you treat it like a third leg, youve got your proportions pretty much down and you can avoid something that, in real life with a real disabled person, would unintentionally be Really Shitty and potentially put someone in danger. most of these things are pretty small and easy to miss if you arent used to seeing someone using a cane or using one yourself, but if you Do, when people get it right it makes a really big difference! i cant help noticing when things are a little off but i always notice when its drawn accurately
EDIT: i feel like a total idiot but there is at least one scene where hermann uses his cane in his left hand that i had missed (i was kind of in a grump over inaccurately drawn canes when there are already so few characters with canes so i made this post in a bit of a rush). the problem here is that its not really consistent with his kinda-canon disability based on some Bonus Content that i saw referenced on a wiki somewhere, which was his hip being shattered during a kaiju attack (tho ive mostly seen people writing him w their own disabilities). if he had an injury to A hip rather than a systemic issue, he would probably use the cane pretty exclusively in one hand because its only one side that needs the support, and the rest of him is fine. for systemic issues (like chronic illnesses that impact mobility), theres more of a likelihood that someone would switch hands depending on which side needs more support, but not always (i only ever used my cane in my right hand bc my left leg is consistently worse). this part kinda depends on the characters specific disability. sorry for the mistake earlier
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harlot-of-oblivion · 4 years
🔎OC Questionnaire: Mirabella🔎
a.k.a. The Detective Reader from The Devil’s In The Details series
Full name
Mirabella Merritt
Preferred name/nickname
Mira, Honey (even though she acts like she hates it)
Generally referred to as
Honeybee, Quickdraw, Hothead, Ice Bitch
FACECLAIM: Here’s a portrait I made using Artbreeder: 
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SEX: Female
WEIGHT: Lightweight 
BUILD: She got some muscle in her arms and legs from her defensive training and she stays in shape with some workouts at the local gym and nightly dancing at the local cantina. 
HAIR: long, soft, and honey blond. Her hair comes down just past her shoulders. She wears it in either a high ponytail or a perfect bun while working. It’s usually worn down or in a loose and messy ponytail at home. She usually curls it a little and either leaves it down or pinning it up with some flashy hair pins before going out for a night of dancing. 
SKIN: White. Smooth and soft with some rough areas around her scars and calloused hands.  
EYES: Honey brown like fine whiskey. They’re always sharp and focused while working a case behind her glasses. They light up like a wildfire when she’s angry and full of emotion. Long eyelashes.
MOUTH: Small mouth with thin lips. Slightly crooked teeth lightly stained with coffee.
NOSE: Little, rounded, and a bit crooked on the bridge. Small but cavernous nostrils.  
HANDS: Small with trimmed fingernails with the occasional manicure if she plans on dancing that night. A little calloused from training and drawing but otherwise smooth and soft. 
FEET: Small and narrow. Well trimmed nails that she paints before a night of dancing. A little rough from all the dancing in heels, but the occasional pedicure makes them soft and smooth. 
SCARS: One small round scar on her thigh from a stray bullet. One large burn scar on her chest and partly over her left breast with a couple other smaller scars. 
CLOTHES: A mix of business casual and sultry nightlife. Her work wardrobe mostly consists of suits, jeans, and riding jackets. She has a collection of backless evening dresses comfortable enough to dance in with a lot of high heels. There’s also quite a bit of leather, knee high boots, and concealed corsets and harnesses for her knives and guns.
OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES: She has a beauty mark just above and to the right of her chin.
VOICECLAIM: To be determined.
ACCENT: Neutral city accent.
VERBAL TICS: She will sometimes stumble over their words if back into a verbal corner.
LANGUAGE: Fluent in English and Spanish.
ARTICULATION: She is very good at explaining things; straight to the point, sometimes stubbornly so with a few curse words.
EDUCATION: She doesn’t mince words and gets straight to the point.
LAUGHTER: Her laugh is deep and hearty, but not many have heard it since she rarely laughs.
GRUMP: She’s a really grumpy gal! Grumbling, sneering, grunting...she’s done it all!
BREATHING: She humphs, scoffs, and huffs a lot when she’s annoyed.
FACE: She has a stoic face most of the time, especially when she’s working. But she’s really expressive when annoyed or enraged.
HANDS: She pushes her glasses up her nose and twirls her drawing pencil a lot.
LEGS/FEET: She jiggles her leg a lot when in deep thought.
EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: She’s a bit of a hothead, so she’s definitely prone to some angry outbursts every now and then. Lots of yelling and shaking when she’s mad. 
HABITS: She dances to music while she cooks. She also fiddles with her drawing pencil and glasses a lot.
POSTURE: Very good posture, straight and to attention even when she’s not working. She tends to slump around when she’s really sad though.
WALKING POSTURE: She has a very confident stride at all times, but tends to get stompy when she’s angry.
SITTING POSTURE: She crosses her legs a lot while sitting and doesn’t slouch unless she’s digging into a very big meal. 
PERSONAL SPACE: She maintains a personal bubble for the most part, but she has been known to get into someone’s face during one of her tirades. She gets annoyed when people invade her own personal space, but doesn’t make a deal unless threatened. 
SPACIAL AWARENESS: She’s been trained to notice even the littlest of details, so it’s very rare for her to be clumsy and trip over things. 
OTHER: She always has to have a few hidden knives on her person at all times.
DIET: She either eats a lot of junk food or nothing at all...there is no in between. Her favorite foods are spicy chicken wings, chilli dogs, pancakes, and belgian waffles. There are times that she forgets to eat while working on a case.  
SLEEP: She has an erratic sleep schedule. Some days, she’ll stay up really late and only get a few hours of sleep before work while on other days she passes out super early on the couch. She pulls a lot of all nighters if she’s working on a difficult case. Doesn’t dream much, but she does suffer from the occasional nightmare of past traumatic events such as her father’s death and a scaring case from her past.
EXERCISE: She works out at the local gym and at home, but her favorite form of exercise is dancing on the weekends.
ACTIVITY: She’s a hard worker...sometimes too hard. She’s been known to work herself into exhaustion on occasion. 
CLEANLINESS: She bathes regularly, showers in the morning and hot baths at night if she needs to relax. She takes special care of her feet and hair.
ODOUR: She has a nontypical feminie scent. Cool, herby, and slightly smoky.
MEDICINAL DRUGS: Birth control for her cycle.
INJURIES: The scar on her chest still feels like it burns every now and then, but she thinks that’s all in her head. But she has noticed that it tends to get itchy around demons.
OTHER: She’s a bit farsighted, hence the need for glasses whenever she wants to draw.
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT: She’s definitely more of an introvert, but she’s very outgoing with people she’s familiar with and has no qualms yelling when angered. 
OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: She’s more a pessimist with a dash of optimism when things go right.
GENDER: Female.
SEXUALITY: The gender and/or sex of a potential partner doesn’t really matter to her as long as they have the backbone to stand their ground around her. She can’t stand pushovers even though she’s more dominant in the bedroom. She finds it highly attractive if a partner can challenge her in some way, but if they turn manipulative she’s very quick to leave them in the dust.
ROMANTIC: She thinks that all romance is just a farce to get laid, but she secretly wonders how it would feel to be romanced. She has a weakness for any show of compassion, especially towards her since she scares away most people from getting closer to her. 
MEMORY: She has an excellent memory thanks to her training as a detective. She can recall a lot of obscure details off the top of her head such as restaurant menus, city streets, and defining features.
PLANNING: She’s very good at planning, very meticulous and contingencies are made for many possibilities. But sometimes the best laid plans fall apart, which is why she’s also a quick thinker and has been known to keep cool under pressure.  
PENSIVE: She spends a lot of time thinking about many things: her life, past actions, problems, and cases to solve. A lot of her ruminations happen while she’s drawing or driving on her motorcycle.
INTUITION: Her intuition is very sharp thanks to her training as a detective. 
PROBLEM SOLVING: She’s made a career out of solving problems, so she’s gotten very good at it.
GOALS: To serve and protect the people of Red Grave to the best of her ability.
INSECURITIES: She’s very insecure about the huge scar on her chest, which is why she never wears anything that shows her cleavage. No one knows about this since she’s so damn good at hiding her feelings. The only time it comes to light is when she’s intimate with a partner, but even then she just insists on wearing something to cover her chest. Her partner can still see and touch her anywhere if her demands are met. 
ACHIEVEMENTS: She was very proud when she got her badge and when she got her promotion to detective.
ANXIETY: Sharp objects near her eyes really freaks her out. And being around demons still makes her a little uneasy.
OVERWHELMED: She has a pretty high threshold for stress, but the dam has been known to break when it gets to be too much at the same time.
SELF-HELP: She says that she deals with her life problems, but it’s more like she brushes them off until she has to deal with it in order to move on once it becomes inconvenient. 
COMFORTS: Drawing, dancing, and eating breakfast food.
BAD HABITS: She taps her fingers a lot and even bites her drawing pencils at times.
PHILOSOPHY: She’s not very religious, especially after all the things she’s seen and experienced in Red Grave. But what she does believe in is that everyone deserves justice tempered with common sense.
TRIGGERS: The screeching of demons and malicious laughter.
The Past
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Both of her parents divorced when she was very young. She was mostly raised by her father while growing up. She loved her father very much, so when he died in the middle of a gunfight she was utterly devastated. She had to move in with her alcoholic mother soon after, constantly bickering and dodging stray vodka bottles until she was old enough to leave. Her relationship with her mother hasn’t gotten any better since then.
SCHOOL: She always got the highest grades in her class. She was teased for having a “trashy bitch” as her mother by fellow classmates, but one punch to the face and groin of one bully soon put a stop to that until she graduated. 
ADOLESCENCE: Going through puberty was really rough for her since that was about the time of her father’s death. 
LEAVING HOME: She hated leaving her father’s home in Red Grave, but she celebrated leaving her mother’s home to pursue a career as a detective just like her father.
FURTHER EDUCATION: She went to a prestigious university for police training and to study criminal justice. 
FIRST JOB: She did a bunch of odd jobs before moving out of her mother’s house, mostly food delivery and front desk clerk for a local mechanic.
LIFE EVENTS: Watching her father get shot multiple times definitely solidified her decision to become a detective at a young age. Getting her badge and promotion was a very proud day for her. Almost dying at the hands of a malicious demon while working a case still affects her to this day.
WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: The day her father died.
BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: She finally found her place in the world beside her devilish partner.
LESSONS: Life isn’t always a basket of rainbows and sunshine; sometimes it’s just hell in a handbasket disguised as the most wonderful dream. Humans will always put up a fight even when it seems hopeless. Always get the whole picture before putting your pencil to paper.
LOOKING BACK: If Mira could re-play her life and do something differently, it would be to not call out her father’s name that fateful day...maybe if he hadn't of turned around he would’ve seen one of the shadowy figures pointing a gun at him. Maybe he would’ve lived if he hadn't just looked away at just the wrong moment.
FAMILY: After her father died and she moved out of her mother’s clutches, she just accepts that she has no more family to speak of.
FRIENDSHIPS: A couple of her co-workers can be considered close friends. She values honesty in friendship, but finds it hard to open up about her feelings even among long time friends.
FRIENDS IN NEED: She’s a really good listener so she helps by hearing a friend out while they rant and rave their troubles to her. She’ll only offer advice when asked, and if it’s a subject that makes her feel uncomfortable...well, she tends to just stay silent and hope that it ends soon enough.
NEEDING A FRIEND: She’s always relied on herself so it doesn’t even cross her mind to seek help. She’d much rather just deal with her problems on her own, which makes the few friends she does have worry about her from time to time.
ANNOYANCES: She’s very easily annoyed if you know exactly what really grinds her gears. And if an argument or disagreement starts, she won’t back down unless proven wrong or she just gets way too angry and needs to leave to let off some steam. 
ROMANCE: She’s never really wooed anyone in a  romantic sense...she’s very up front and to the point, so if she intends to take someone to her bed then she’ll spell it out in big bold letters. She’s attracted to people who aren’t afraid to let her know a piece of their mind and respect her privacy.
MARITAL PROBLEMS: She’s not married, but there would probably be a lot of bickering and some fights that end with some sort of compromise.
ADVERSARIES: She doesn’t tolerate narrow mindedness and duplicity among friends.
ENEMIES: Anyone who harms innocent civilians and uses trickery for their own selfish gain will be seen as an enemy in her eyes. 
STRANGERS: She’s respectful of strangers since that comes part of the job, but she has no problem sharing a piece of her mind if they’re rude.
FUN STUFF: She likes to hang out at the local cantina for some good food, margaritas, and some salsa dancing.
DATING: She would just like to do what she normally does with friends...just in a more intimate setting with just her and her romantic partner. She also wouldn’t mind staying home, cooking a meal, and eating together on the couch while watching old movies. 
BEST FRIEND: To be determined.
LOVE: If she’s ever honest with her feelings...her devilish partner will forever always have her heart.
WORST ENEMY: Right now, whoever is behind the current string of murderers and disappearances is number on her list of worst enemies. The one criminal who got away is second for now.
RESPECT: She will never respect any enemies that pull innocent civilians into harm's way for selfish gain. 
MINGLING: She’s not much of a mingler and she’s terrible at making new friends.
COMFORT LEVELS: She’s somewhat comfortable talking to people, but doesn’t go out of her way to to do so unless it’s for a case. The only time she’s uncomfortable is when they invade her personal space.
PHYSICAL: She’s not touchy-feely at all. The closest she’ll ever get to close contact is handshakes, shoving her elbow into someone that’s annoying her, and the occasional pat on the shoulder and arm.
GROUPS: She does okay in a big group, but she’s more than likely sulking in the corner listening to various conversations. It’s only when she’s hanging out with a small group of people that she can feel truly relaxed.
OPENNESS: She’s definitely not an open book...more like an angry bee buzzing around in an airtight jar. And even if you manage to crack the lid open you still gotta deal with one pissed off bee! But if someone’s able to withstand her sting then she’ll gradually open to them.
GENEROSITY: She’ll buy gifts for close friends for their birthday and holidays. And she would be willing to lend money to a friend if so long as it’s for an important and responsible reason. She always tells everyone that they don’t need to get her anything, but it secretly warms her heart anytime she receives a gift.  
JEALOUSY: She’s not prone to jealousy unless it has something to do with her job, such as someone seeing a clue she should’ve seen first, which just pushes her to do better. When it comes to romantic jealousy, she will do one of two things: she’ll either pretend that it doesn’t bother her while asking a lot of questions OR she’ll straight confront her partner about it with just a tad of anger within her voice.
TEMPER: She has one helluva temper! But it only comes out if you know juuuust the right buttons to press. And she tends to keep a lid on her temper while working unless it will help get a lead that will help the case.
EMPATHY: She’s able to empathise with people despite living a hard life, and her training as a detective sharpened this to a fine point since it sometimes helps to think like a killer. She’s always careful about what to say as long as she isn’t in the middle of an angry tirade.  
AFFECTION: She doesn’t show affection in the typical way; sometimes she’ll give a little sketch on a napkin or a full on drawing. Other times, she’ll bring some takeout from their favorite place along with their preferred booze of choice. And as for physical displays of affection, she likes to lean her on their shoulder or chest, maybe some light hand holding if she’s comfortable around them.
DISTASTE: She’ll outright tell someone she dislikes them to their face. But if she REALLY doesn’t like someone, she’ll dig up some dirt on them and casually pull it out the next time they get on her nerves.
ETIQUETTE: She can come off as rude and inappropriate at times thanks to her upfront attitude, but she tries really hard to reign it in during certain situations.
RESPONSIBILITY: If she’s proven to be wrong then she will not only own up to her mistakes, but she’ll also try her hardest to correct it. 
SELF ESTEEM: She’ll not only stick up for herself...she’ll straight up fire back! Being bullied in school has toughened her up and her skin has only grown thicker since then. 
CONFIDENCE: She doesn’t give a damn what people think about her.
HONESTY: She always speaks her mind honestly at all times. But while working she’ll keep some thoughts private if she thinks it will lead to a break in the case.
LEADER OR FOLLOWER: She’s a leader through and through.
PARTY TRICKS: She’s pretty decent at speed drawing and she can tie a cherry stem into a knot, sometimes two knots if it’s long enough, using only her tongue.
PRAISE: It depends on who is giving her the compliment that determines her reaction. If it’s her superior complimenting her on a job well done, then she’ll accept it graciously but move onto the case. But if it’s someone in a more intimate setting giving her a compliment, she’ll still accept it but feel very strange about...almost as if she really enjoys it even though she doesn’t think she deserves the praise.
FAILURES: Some people don’t appreciate her abrasive attitude and her terrible temper hasn’t made her much friends in the past.
CRITICISM: She can handle criticism, but she has a tendency to beat herself up over it if it’s related to work.
INSULTS: It depends on who’s insulting her. She’ll launch into a full on yelling match at some, but then roll her eyes and just fire back with her own insult at others.
EMBARRASSMENT: It takes a lot for her to feel embarrassed. But when it does happen, she tries really hard to hide it behind her stoic expression. The tips of her ears and front of her chest turn bright red when she’s embarrassed.
FLIRTING: She’s not verbally flirty, but her body does all the talking while dancing. 
ATTENTION SPAN: She’s great at multitasking and can hold her concentration for a very long time. She’s not easily distracted either.
SITUATIONS: She’s not good at dealing with difficult social situations, mostly because her first instinct is to start yelling. 
CAREER: Detective for the Red Grave City P.D. She’s one of the best in her department and she finds her job very fulfilling with every case she solves.
PROMOTION: She’s happy where she is at the moment, but sometimes she feels like she could do more, which always leads to the idea about leaving the force to become a private detective just like her father.
BOSS: The superior she reports to was her partner before he got the promotion, so they have a pretty good relationship. 
DUTY: Solves crimes and brings criminals to justice whenever possible.
TECH: She’s great with modern technology.
POLITICS: Not very political.
COMBAT SKILLS: Has basic training in hand-to-hand self defence and has precise aim with her gun. She’s also not afraid to whip out one of her many hidden knives if ever disarmed.
HOME: She lives in a one bedroom flat near downtown Red Grave. It’s kept very clean and neat in some areas like the kitchen, but the one corner of the living room that serves as her work area is an organized mess of pencils, drawings, and crime scene photographs. Sparsely decorated with only a few personal touches here and there, such as a display case that holds her father’s custom gun.
DAILY LIFE: Goes through with the day-to-day tasks in a calm and orderly fashion most of the time. There are some days where stress gets the better of her, but some greasy food and a couple of margaritas help get her back on track.
INDEPENDENCE: Very independent ever since her father died.
COOKING: She’s a decent cook, only knowing a handful of recipes handed down to her from her father. Her specialty is spicy chicken wings, pan pizza, and pancakes.
BUILDING: She inherited her father’s toolbox and uses it for basic DIY around her flat since she hates waiting up for maintenance. She’s also a decent mechanic, which comes in handy when her motorcycle needs a tune up. And she knows a little about sewing, mostly just to fix her various riding jackets.
CLEANING: She tries to keep her flat clean, especially the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. But sometimes her job distracts her from doing her chores for days at a time.
SHOPPING: She doesn’t mind shopping, but it’s not something she looks forward to. She usually buys what she can online just so she doesn’t have to go out. She’s a sensible shopper and isn’t prone to impulsive buying unless it’s for a special occasion. 
DRIVING: She built her own custom motorcycle and drives around on it all the time.
FINANCES: She’s financially stable and pays her bills on time. She also has a tidy sum in her savings since she rarely splurges in anything besides food and drinks.
MARRIAGE: Not married and doesn’t really see marriage in her future. 
KIDS: No kids and doesn’t want kids.
PETS: No pets but wouldn’t mind getting one if she ever moves into a bigger flat.
LAW: The police got involved when she punched a bully’s lights out in high school, but no one pressed charges against her. Not much trouble with the law after that. 
COURT: She had to go there numerous times to sort out some legal issues with her mother.
TRAVELLING: She hasn’t been on holiday since college, and every time someone brings it up she just shrugs and says that her job doesn’t allow breaks. But she wouldn’t mind traveling somewhere for a time, drawing some new scenery and clear her thoughts before getting back to work.
MEDICAL: She goes to the doctor and dentist when she has to, but avoids the eye doctor like the plague...especially if the check up involves sharp objects near her eyes.
WORRIES: She worries about difficult cases from time to time, wondering if she’ll solve it before more lives are lost.
PEACE: She doesn’t mind peace and quiet, but she’s gotten good at filtering out distracting noise whenever she’s concentrating on drawing or just pondering about theories. She listens to rock music while cooking though.
PARTYING: She loves to go dancing at the local cantina with a couple of her coworkers on the weekends. But she sometimes stays in if she wants to be alone with her thoughts.
HOBBIES: Her job as a police sketch artist before her promotion to detective has now become an enjoyable hobby. She also likes to collect knives and hide them in various places all over her person as well as her flat. And she’s been known to tinker with her motorcycle and find ways to make it run smoother.
I used this detailed character meme here to fill this all out (the OP’s tumblr is either deactivated or on private so I cannot provide the link there)
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