#i need to figure out frame rate thing so i could preserve this quality on record without going overboard
resssistance · 1 year
so, i caved in and signed up to fuji on demand to watch jnats in peace for once. to try things out i went to check out 2021 jnats, and when i scrolled down on that page, there's "titles viewed together" section, and the first on that list is.. banana fish. i'm fucking laughing, but also feel attacked somehow
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top23console · 1 year
Forspoken - Best ARPG developed by Luminous Production
Forspoken has been considered one of those gaming titles exactly where I was cautious right from the start. The concept was intriguing as it would be my sort of genre. However, the tiniest bit of gameplay that was shown caused me to pump the brakes somewhat. After an extremely disappointing trial, I used to be prepared for disappointment. This didn't take time, but when I finally got into the overall game, I came to discover that I was completely incorrect.
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Following the narrative, the video game follows Frey Holland, who is transported from New York to the land of Athia after trying to take an amusing Cuff. She then finds herself in the middle of a war that has been tearing the kingdom apart through an unimaginable force often known as "The Corruption," twisting the animals, people, and terrain of the entire kingdom into nightmare-like, broken versions of their own.
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The fight is extremely enjoyable and enjoyable, with Tanta's battles with bosses being the absolute highlights, but I would have preferred more movement. Flow's use is determined by your stamina meter, as exemplified by the diamonds just above the wellness pub. You need to keep watch over the meter in the battle to ensure people don't get caught with no ability to escape, but it's also noteworthy to keep track of it while traveling across the globe. The moment you initiate Flow, it will cost you one gem for each time you press the switch and use up another after a short time (when Frey dashes somewhat again). You can readjust this timer by interacting with the surroundings, just like when auto-jumping over a small obstacle. There is a lot of energy from the launch and even fewer steps to reestablish it, so when anyone's running out, you'll have to run to recover. Our website is the best place to buy cheap New PS4 games.
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Visually, Forspoken is a treat. You'll find three graphics game modes you could use, or six if you're playing with the latest TV or monitor. Performance mode is the "worst," while high-quality mode has by far the most detail while dropping the frames per second in certain instances. Hurry up, cheap PS4 racing games are on the market. In between these two modes is the ray tracing system mode, which provides the most efficient lighting while still preserving the features of the quality mode. If you are hooked up to a monitor that can handle 120 refresh rates, you can toggle this off or on for each illustration mode likewise. I had this turned on during my own time playing Forspoken, and turning off the feature was a very jarring wisdom as the frames per second slowed to an absolute halt. In any case, whatever game mode you play in, it's hard to notice the difference in precision when you play the recreation because things are so fast you're barely able to figure out if there's additional aliasing happening with some of the vegetation that is visible in the distance.
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Sound design and music
The sound and music raise the book's overall adventure just as much. From softer, more catchy beats to explosive orchestral arrangements mingled with singing choirs, the soundtrack is the perfect accompaniment to the snarling of the creatures and humans.
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Bottom Line
Forspoken is an impressive new IP. It has its fair share of challenges, but the more time you spend in Athia Forspoken, the more its world entices you with its fascinating combat system and, additionally, the pure pleasure of honestly crossing vast environments that are enthralling. Luminous Productions is undoubtedly onto something with that one, but it needs much more focus and sophistication. At the very least, Forspoken attests to its worth in its own right and reflects its potential to one day be a part of Square Enix's main franchises.
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prolestariwrites · 4 years
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The Wish [2]
Fandom: Devil May Cry Characters: Dante, Vergil, Nero, V, Lady, Eva, Sparda, OC Rating: General Tags: Family, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Typical demon hunting violence
Summary: A demon gives Dante the chance to have his greatest desires made real. When he finds himself in a seemingly idyllic life, all seems well until it starts to unravel. Will he sacrifice himself to save the family he lost, or will he choose to give them up for the truth?
Now Posted: Chapter 2, in which Dante hunts for clues and to who he is, and where he is, when he reconnects with a long-lost relative.
Chapter 2: Pictures and Clues
Dante spends a full ten minutes just sitting on the bed in his underwear. He reviews every step of the night before: Nero texting him about this job, catching the train to Fortuna, the two of them driving out to the warehouse with the radio blaring and picking up burgers on the way. Then the demons, dozens upon dozens, that weren't difficult but packed to the brim so that when they pried open the front door of the building they swarmed like roaches.
He had found the queen at the top, but there it gets fuzzy. It talked to him, but about what? Something about his family? Every time he gets to that part, his headache turns a little sharper, so Dante decides to give thinking a rest so he can figure out where the hell he actually is.
His jeans are slung over a chair so he grabs them and fishes inside for his cell phone. It's different from the one he normally has, and he frowns as he turns it on and finds a passcode. He tries the first thing he can think of—1, 2, 3, 4, easy enough—and luckily it works. Quickly he dials Nero's number, but isn't really surprised when the automated voice comes on the line to tell him that number is not in service.
Dante scratches the back of his head. He's here, in a strange house with a woman who knows his parents, and Nero is… somewhere. Got it.
But then he wonders if something might have happened to Nero. What if he needs his help? Then this has got to be a dream, right? So how does he wake up?
Once he pulls his jeans on and finds a t-shirt in the other set of drawers, he tries the door. Cautiously he opens it, but the house is quiet, so Dante slips into the hallway. There are two other bedrooms and a bathroom which look suspiciously normal. Even the closets are tidy, and Dante snorts when he gets to the linen closet. This must be a dream. Who owns so many towels?
Next, he heads downstairs to the main floor. At the bottom is a living room, complete with a comfortable-looking sofa and a big-screen television. Dante stands in front of it and admires it for a minute before grabbing the remote control. He lets out a low whistle when he sees the picture quality, thinking if this is a dream, he's got good taste.
That demon's got good taste.
Dante shakes his head and continues his search. A small dining room is to the left, and to the right is a hallway leading to another half bath. The kitchen is nice too, the dishwasher humming and a pot of coffee warm on the counter. Even the refrigerator is stocked, and Dante helps himself to a piece of chicken he finds in a plastic container, figuring he can eat whatever he wants in a dream.
Out the kitchen window he can see a little backyard, and Dante sighs as he leans against the counter and chews thoughtfully. It's a nice enough house, something any ordinary couple might buy for a starter home. He glances down at the gold band on his finger, holding it up so he can examine it closely. Setting the chicken down, he wipes his hand on his jeans and slips it off, turning it over until he notices an inscription on the inside: Dante and Lir Forever.
He pictures the cute blonde who was half his size but acted more than familiar. "Lir," he murmurs out loud, slipping the ring back on as he looks around.
Wandering back through the house, Dante notices some pictures sitting on the windowsill in the living room. He walks over and picks up the first one, his face going a bit pale. He is in a suit, and that woman‚ Lir, is in a wedding dress. They are posed and smiling in front of a cake, holding a knife together as if to cut it. He turns it over but there's nothing out of the ordinary about it, and Dante snorts as he sets it back down again.
The next few are of them as well: a selfie in winter gear, posing in what Patty would call "Sunday attire", in bathing suits at a beach, arms around each other and grinning at the camera. He's gotta admit, they look pretty good together. His brain did a good job dreaming this girl up.
The next photo, however, feels like a punch to the gut. It's a double-sided frame on a hinge, and on one side it's him and a man who looks exactly like him, only his hair is slicked back instead of hanging in fringes around his face. In fact, he looks exactly like what Vergil would look like. If he was still alive.
Dante's hand shakes as he examines the picture. It is Vergil, it's got to be, the same slightly slimmer build and the half-inch in height that made it possible to tell them apart. The only thing that shocks him more than seeing this picture is the one opposite. Across from Dante and Vergil posed with small smiles is Vergil and Lady, her hand in his arm as they smile into the camera.
Gripping the picture frame, he grabs the next one and braces himself. Staring up at him are two people he somewhat recognizes, as if he had seen them in a dream. They are older, in their 60s maybe, the man grinning with his arm around his wife, sitting together on a couch. He has longish silver hair, not unlike Dante's, a pair of glasses hanging around his neck. Her blonde hair is swept up into a bun, streaks of white only making her more dignified, her hand on the man's knee. Dante brings the picture up so close his nose nearly touches it, and that's when he realizes that the woman is a dead ringer for Trish, if Trish was about 40 years older.
His cell phone rings in his pocket, startling him out of his examination. Dante fumbles for the phone but freezes when he sees the name Vergil appear on the screen. It takes another three rings before he gets the courage to answer. "Yeah?"
"Did I wake you or something?"
Dante staggers to the couch and sits heavily, still clutching the two pictures in his hands. He knew what to expect, but nothing could have prepared him for hearing that voice on the other end. "Dante," it says again. "You there?"
"Y-yeah," he stammers, his voice cracking around a dry throat. "Verge, is that you?"
"Of course it's me. I want to talk about tonight." Dante's eyes close as he listens, trying not to freak out. Even Vergil's exasperation for him is the same. "I'm paying for dinner, and I don't want to hear anything about it. We need to settle this now so we don't argue at the restaurant."
"What uh…" Dante's mind is spinning and he shakes his head to clear it. "Yeah uh, Lir mentioned something about a dinner. Do you know Lir?"
"I'm surprised you forgot, Dante. Usually you remember these sorts of things." Dante leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he tries to breathe. "This dinner tonight is important and I don't want a scene. Just let me pay for it, and afterward we can agree on how you'll pay me back your half. Agreed?"
Dante swallows thickly. "Yeah, yeah that's fine. Vergil. Vergil."
Even saying his name gives Dante the shivers. "Well I expected more of an argument. Glad you're going to listen to reason. Don't be late."
"Wait, Verge?" Dante looks down at the picture in his hand, something hot and tight tickling his throat. "Can I see you? Can you come over?"
"What for? I'll be seeing you tonight, and I have the kids. Are you sick? Where's Lir?"
"She covered a shift," Dante replies. "Please, Verge, I got… I need to say some things."
"Well say it tonight. I'm not driving all the way over there when I'll see you in a few hours."
Dante chuckles, swallowing tears as his breath escapes in a laugh. "Okay. Yeah. Hey uh, is mom and dad… they really gonna be there? At this dinner thing?"
There is a long pause, and then Vergil huffs, "Don't be stupid," before hanging up on him.
The rest of the afternoon Dante spends figuring out his life. He finds photo albums in the closet, handmade scrapbooks that Lir definitely made. They chronicle some of their vacations, and he smiles as he turns the pages to see them camping, at the beach, at Disneyworld. The wedding one makes him wince a bit, the smiling faces of his brother and his parents making something in his chest tight. The date on the preserved invitation tells him they've been married about ten years, which is pretty funny since the longest relationship he's ever had was about ten minutes after getting dressed.
He looks weird in a suit, and Dante snorts to think what Lady or Trish would say if they saw him. But Lady is there, on Vergil's arm, and that is a mystery he can't wait to solve. And Trish kind of is there, in the form of his mother, looking slightly older but just as lovely.
There is a drawer in the desk in the office that has some bills, and he boots up the computer to take a look through. The email is pretty normal, receipts from online orders and utility companies, messages from the family and people he doesn't know. There is a link to a bank account and Dante's brows lift to see the balance. Compared to his normal finances, the amount seems like a small fortune.
There must be something a god of fortune can give you.
A cat appears suddenly, jumping onto the desk and stalking across the keyboard to plop across his arms. Dante pulls back in reaction, which earns him a very annoyed look from the cat. "Hey uh, there," he says, tentatively reaching out to pat its head.
The cat snaps at him, and Dante rolls his eyes. He never got along with animals as a rule. "So you want to sit on my computer as I'm using it but I can't pet you, hm?" he grumbles. The cat yawns in response, so he decides to go find lunch instead.
There's not much more to discover after having a sandwich. His life seems completely ordinary, although he doesn't know exactly what he does or even if he's still in Red Grave City. The other question still to solve is Nero. If Vergil is alive and married to Lady, then does Nero even exist? His face goes a bit hot to think of the kid not being around. But Vergil had mentioned kids on the phone… is it possible?
He is dozing on the couch and watching television when the door bursts open. Dante is on his feet and reaching for his guns that aren't there when Lir hurries in, her arms filled with dry cleaning as she comes like a whirlwind into the living room. "I'm so sorry I'm late! I can't believe I got stuck there! I told them I couldn't stay, and now look at the time!"
She pushes the clothes and plastic into his arms and pulls her cell phone from her purse. "Did you take a shower yet? You still need to shave. You are going to shave, right? You can't look like a sasquatch at the party."
Lir looks up at him expectantly, and Dante shrugs. "Yeah, I guess?"
"Good. Wait. Are you okay?" She steps up and presses a hand to his forehead. "You were sick this morning. How do you feel?"
"I'm okay," he assures her. "I had a weird dream."
She smiles, and his heart actually skips a beat. His brain is good. "Good. Did you feed Claudius?"
"Yes. The cat." Lir laughs and pats his chest. "Was he a problem today?"
Dante thinks about the cat that interrupted his computer search. "No. And no, I didn't feed him."
"Okay. I'll take care of it. You go shower and get dressed. And don't take too much off, you know I prefer a bit of facial hair." She takes the dry cleaning from his arms and pulls one of the hangers to hand back to him. "Here's your shirt and pants. I'm glad you're feeling better."
"Yeah." He watches her step around him, draping the rest of the clothes over the back of a chair before disappearing into the kitchen. If this is a dream, it's more vivid than any he can remember.
The shower feels good, even if Dante is amazed by how many things are on the shelves. He's never lived with a girl but is there anything needed really other than a bar of soap? In one of the drawers under the sink he finds a shaving kit and goes to work before the shower fixing up his face just like she asked. It occurs to Dante that this is his dream and he can do whatever he wants, but something makes him not want to disappoint her, so he makes sure to leave a nicely trimmed beard while removing the rest from his cheeks and neck. Once the shower is hot, he goes for the least-strange sounding soaps before finishing up and drying off with a nice fluffy towel.
He peeks into the bedroom and finds it empty. Quickly he hurries over to the bureau and opens the top drawer, rummaging around for some underwear. Dante just has his first foot in when Lir enters, and he yelps when he sees her. "Hey! I'm getting dressed!" he protests.
She freezes and looks at him in surprise as he pulls his boxer briefs up. "Yeah. I see that." With a laugh she moves to the closet and hangs the rest of the dry cleaning up before disappearing into the bathroom.
Dante frowns before he remembers, they are married. He rubs his hand on his face with an internal groan. He is going to have to get used to this as long as this dream or whatever lasted, including being half-dressed in front of her. While she's gone he quickly pulls on the dark slacks and gray dress shirt before heading to the closet. He finds some black dress shoes he figures Lir will like, and once he's all ready he stands and looks at himself in the full-length mirror that is propped against the wall.
Dante barely recognizes himself without the low-slung denim and some red leather, but he figures he still looks pretty good. As long as he looks better than Vergil, he'll be satisfied, chuckling to himself at the thought. But then he sobers a bit as his stomach turns, wondering what it will be like to see Vergil again. The last time was on Mallet Island, and before that, watching him fall off the Temen-ni-gru. Did that even happen in this place? There had to be a Temen-ni-gru if Lady was here, right? He shakes his head, confused as ever. He needs to figure this out, and fast.
Lir steps past him, again dressed in only a bra and panties, and Dante quickly looks the other way as she pulls her dress over her head. "Will you get this zipper?" she asks as she steps into a pair of heels.
Clearing his throat, he steps up behind her and carefully pulls the zipper up as she smooths her hands down the front. It's a sleeveless blue little number that fits her just right, and when she turns around to fix his collar he admires how nice she looks. "Okay," Lir smiles. "You ready to go? Dinner with the family is always interesting."
Dinner with the family. "Yeah, I'm ready," he grins. Maybe the mystery-solving can wait until after seeing them again at least. Couldn't hurt, right?
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ober-affen-geil · 4 years
Please share all of the things about paper? I know nothing of anything you listed and now am curious and listening to someone who's passionate about something talk about it is honestly my favorite thing. What is deacidification and what consequences has it wrought? What qualities does onionskin paper possess and are you for or against it? Why are basic office supplies the devil and what, then, is your preference? WHAT IS THE GREAT PULP PAPER SWITCH?! I'm dying to know
Anon. You. You are my favorite.
Ok *cracks knuckles* important context. I am an archivist, I work with paper whose creation dates from anywhere to several hundred years ago to several decades ago. Our main goal in archives is long term preservation; basically make stuff last as long as possible as-is. 
Now, all of the stuff I mentioned in my tags on the post anon is asking about sort of tie together, so let me sing you the song of the archives.
tl;dr Office supplies are the devil and so is onionskin paper, paper used to be better and then it got worse, and humans tried to fix the bad paper by throwing chemicals at it.
Let’s start at the top. Idk how many of you did or had a paper making demonstration at some point in their youth, I did but I realize my experiences are not universal. Basically, paper is made by turning a material into pulp (exactly what it sounds like) and adding water and a sizing agent to make it a slurry (a very gross looking soup consistency). 
- A sizing agent is something that is used so that ink doesn’t “feather” when it touches the page. An unsized piece of paper will act like a paper towel with liquid. Not ideal for writing on. Sizing will become important later -
The slurry is then captured in a frame and the water is more or less squeezed out of it until you’re left with soggy pulp that you dry out and presto! Paper. Here’s a quick video showing the process.
Now. The first material that was used for paper was literally cotton rags. They were shredded and pulped and then made into paper. It’s called cotton rag paper and it was the main paper supply until the early-mid 1800s. It has a completely different feel to it than the paper we use today, it feels more like cloth. Paper money is made from something like it because it’s a lot more durable.
- Fun fact, “parchment”, which predated cotton rag paper, is not actually “paper” as we think of it. Parchment very specifically refers to a finely cured animal skin that was written on. Vellum is the same thing except finer, usually calfskin where regular parchment is sheepskin. -
Problem was, with the advent of movable type and higher literacy rates, the need for paper was steadily increasing. And cotton rags just weren’t cutting it. So manufacturers started looking for a more plentiful source. And they found trees!
Turns out wood pulp makes an excellent paper, toss in a little bleach and it works great! So around about the 1860s, most newspapers had switched over to wood pulp paper instead of cotton rag paper. And everything was looking up!
Here’s the thing about wood pulp. It has a naturally occurring chemical called “lignin”, which is hella acidic. Not like burn-your-fingers acidic, but like over-time-this-material-will-chemically-eat-itself acidic. Which started to be a problem a couple decades after wood pulp paper started to be mass-produced. 
The good news is, what they quickly figured out was if they added a basic solution (who remembers their high school chemistry?) in the initial sizing agent it would neutralize the natural acidity in the pulp and the paper would last a lot longer.
But this did fuck all to help the paper that had already been made and was quickly becoming very fragile. Whatever can we do?!
Well, some genius (I use that term as sarcastically as possible) got the idea that maybe we could do the same thing - add a basic solution to acidic paper - to paper that had ALREADY been made! Brilliant! The process was called “deacidification” and it was very popular in the 1970s. The idea was to basically give at risk paper a “bath” and it would solve the problem. Here’s a video about it made by American higher ups that is absolutely hysterical imo.
Well, the university where I work had its own deacidification lab, which was fine. Deacidification does work, when done properly and when very specific criteria is met by the paper being treated. When that’s not what happens….it gets messy. The main problem with the deacidification process at my university is that it wasn’t being run by people who really knew what they were doing. Because what they understood about what needed to be done and the WHY behind what they were supposed to be doing were two different things.
Long story short they hella botched the deacidification process, and now not only does a large part of several of our more highly used collections have a lovely gross chemical residue all over it, they also managed to “deacidify” a good chunk of letters that were from the 1700s. AKA they were on cotton rag paper. AKA they were not actually acidic to begin with. I may be bitter.
Anyway. Speaking of types of paper, let’s talk about oinion skin. My sworn enemy. Onion skin paper was used for copying purposes when carbon copies were a thing, otherwise known as the early part of the 1900s up until when copy machines became a thing in the middle-late part. It’s still used if you’re filling out something with a “copy” attached to it, usually yellow, that you get to keep.
It’s called “onion skin” because that’s kind of what it looks and feels like; it’s thin like tissue paper but it’s sized in something that makes it much more durable. Easier to make multiple copies at once on a typewriter by stacking several sheets together. Great! Except it’s the fucking cockroach of paper.
It just fucking LIES there and is fragile enough that you can’t really do too much with it, but whoever sold their soul to make it less destructible than it should be got their money’s worth because it won’t die. It just. Doesn’t age the same way regular paper from the same time frame does and it doesn’t fucking go away.
But GOD HELP YOU if there’s a paper clip attached because you ain’t getting that sucker off without tearing the page short of an intervention by a surgical professional and the pope himself.
I’m talking staples, paper clips, tape, sticky notes, glue sticks, binders, stick-on labels, et fucking cetera. It comes down to two things, metal and adhesive, and the fact that neither of those two things age very gracefully.
You know what’s fun? Clicking a stapler together. Very satisfying, punching that thing through the paper you just finished and are ready to turn in. You know what’s NOT fun? Prying rusty staples out of a stack of 50 year old papers with your fingers because they’ve rotted themselves into it and the tool you have for it won’t work. Same for fucking paper clips, because rusty metal eats into paper. Seriously, there will be a hole left when you finally pry it out. Not to mention rust stains. 
And ADHESIVE oh MAN. The thing is, over time it dries out. And rots. So depending what you’re looking at, it could be a sticky, half-melted pile of goo that doesn’t want to stay where it was, it could be straight up gone with a yellow stain to mark where it was, or it could have eaten into the paper it was stuck to and left a hole. Any way you slice it, it ain’t doing it’s job any more. Which is why traditional scrapbooks are usually an utter shit show.
But anyway, that’s that on that. If you have MORE questions, I am very, very happy to rant or find pictures of horror stories. There are a lot!
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VIP Keto Fuel Reviews (Update 2020) – Warning Truth Revealed
VIP Keto Fuel evaluations
Is VIP Keto Fuel scam or light? Read all side results and client Scams file. I’m Helen Mirren, I’m 34 and i would love to share with you my private enjoy with KETO narrow once I commenced taking the KETO slim supplement, I needed to take a pill half-hour earlier than breakfast with an empty stomach.
Losing extra weight from my frame became pretty a hard challenge for me but VIP Keto Fuel makes it viable very without problems because its powerful components melts away all my undesirable fat layers from my body and without doing any form of extra workout i am getting my slender and smart physique returned very easily. Its effective movement against fats show superb for me and agree with you me I lose a number of kilos very amazingly and its motion turned into herbal to base all because this product turned into made with simply natural and herbal compounds. Some months again i used to be using some other dietary weight loss supplements for controlling my weight however it appears impossible the ones days because all such brands i used to be using were now not made with weight dropping additives and my weight turned into growing for the duration of the use of them. Infect by the usage of the ones nearby manufacturers my complete digestive system turned into getting affected badly due to the fact such manufacturers having fillers and binders of their formulation and they're no longer even demonstrated by means of GMP labs.
However, i found VIP Keto Fuel consider me my situation was quite severe and weight become at its intense stage because of heights of fats however thanks to this effective weight loss product which amazingly works for me and stops the formula of fats permanently. Its lively hydrocyanic acid formulation amazingly works and makes complete manage of my cravings and now not let me consumption more energy and fatty meals once more and amazingly my body comes into slender smart form.
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Directions for the usage of it
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This complement having distinct statistics at its prison disclaimers so instead of visiting specialists and different locations you need to cognizance on its component due to the fact this element has all vital facts, warnings and different necessary directions in it so every person will successfully get information approximately the product. On occasion humans complain that facts having a tough language and that they get hard in information, so all those people have to consult with some dietitian or any fitness professional in order that experts may want to make facts clean to them in order that they might get well informed approximately the product they are going to apply.
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•             pure Garcinia Extract
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•             Hydroxycitric Acid
How does it paintings VIP Keto Fuel?
VIP Keto Fuel having many energetic and lab approving enzymes in it, all of them are excellent for selling frame activeness and electricity in conjunction with in dropping undesirable weight from the frame. This powerful components amazingly suppresses the appetites degree and makes all the cravings on top of things in order that they couldn't growth from their real degree. Through this fantastic system, VIP Keto Fuel also reduces all the starvation cravings and makes body clever and in shape fully. Furthermore, hydroxycitric acid formula boosts metabolisms up for promoting the weight loss method and makes the body smart and narrow usual. Its effective formulation additionally controls emotional eaters and enhances their sleep and mood thru boosting serotonin stages and makes them completely wholesome universal.
Seen benefits of the usage of it
•             It helps me suppressing appetites
•             It boosts my activeness overall
•             It melts away my fat
•             It increases my serotonin degree
•             It offers me the first-class sleep
•             It promotes my mood
•             It offers long-lasting effects
•             It makes my body clever
•             It makes the digestive gadget healthful
•             It controls my obesity absolutely
Does it surely paintings VIP Keto Fuel?
Yes, it does work in an effective manner due to the fact KETO slender is a totally herbal weight reduction solution that contains all natural extract components and these natural extracted elements prove very beneficial for me to become healthful. This Garcinia is formulated from all effective compounds which have the capability to lower my extra frame weight. KETO narrow is an extremely good solution that releases enzymes which can be very effective in burning all saved fat and reduces my cumbersome figure in addition to my protruding stomach. VIP Keto Fuel makes me feel energetic and this solution proves very efficient for me to carry out all regular sports. This dietary product proves very beneficial for me to consume much less meals and continually facilitates me to feel fuller as it acts as an urge for food suppressant all the time. VIP Keto Fuel could be very green in controlling the similarly accumulation of more fat in my body and it allows me to far away from weight problems. This Garcinia proves very first rate for emotional eaters to boom my sleep as well as my with the aid of growing the level of serotonin in my frame. KETO narrow carries all strong components which prove very notable in boosting my charge of body metabolism and improves my stamina and this solution is powerful in removing my fatigue. VIP Keto Fuel is beneficial in giving me lengthy-lasting effects without any attempt and this Garcinia has no terrible effects on my fitness.
Is there any hazard?
I found no side outcomes on my health for the duration of using this weight reduction solution KETO slender because it's miles the herbal base answer. KETO narrow is the aggregate of herbal and mighty additives which proves very useful in maintaining me powerful and healthy and these kind of additives assist me to come to be lively in addition to active. This Garcinia consists of all secure and natural elements which might be very useful for me to a long way faraway from fitness troubles like diabetes and constipation. VIP Keto Fuel is totally loose from synthetic components that are very beneficial in retaining its price much less in markets and also among. KETO narrow is totally liberated from preservatives and chemical components which decreases my stamina and proves not higher for my health and also for my frame. This dietary supplement is liberated from all forms of fake elements or chemical compounds which aren't useful in lowering my weight problems and this solution loses its significance due to these ingredients. I discovered this weight decreasing components gives me a slim and smart body with thin flat belly and this system performs a prime position in improving my power degree and keeping me active. VIP Keto Fuel presents me super benefits within some times and with none attempt and it has no type of harmful consequences on my body.
My final opinion
KETO slender is a herbal and natural weight loss formula that proves very beneficial for me when i was dealing with weight problems which definitely decreased my beauty. I was going through heavyweight and a large figure and i was dissatisfied approximately my low power degree. I used to be absolutely dissatisfied about my less metabolic stage and tiredness of muscle tissues. I was entirely concerned approximately my higher hunger degree that helped me to devour more and decreased my fitness as well as health. I desired to get appropriate health and slender figure so for this reason, I took several steps however I failed whenever. Then my sister suggested this dietary solution which proves very efficient for my fitness and reduces some of these issues and it presents me higher and fast consequences without any harmful results and effort. That’s why I recommended this nutritional method VIP Keto Fuel so; you ought to use it without any worry and get terrific benefits from it.
How to take it VIP Keto Fuel?
VIP Keto Fuel is a fabulous weight reduction solution is easy and simple in use and there are 60 tablets in every and each bottle of this Garcinia method and those drugs are the entire doses of the month. I take 2 pills regularly with water earlier than each meal, the primary tablet before the dinner and the second one tablet before the dinner. After taking these tablets, i get long-lasting and extraordinary consequences inside a month and with none kind of effort and it has no terrible results on my body.
VIP Keto Fuel free Trial
KETO slim is a tremendously advanced weight loss product this is going to unfold swiftly on a extensive scale all around the international and this product is also going to maximum famous amongst us. This Garcinia system is normally utilized by celebrities and fashions to advantage clever figure with a flat stomach that enhances their splendor and additionally self assurance in front of others. VIP Keto Fuel is an powerful answer that proves very useful for me to get rid of the immoderate weight in addition to more fats and complements my metabolism. This dietary solution KETO slender is usually recommended with the aid of medical doctors and it isn't always available at markets so, you may benefit the loose trial of the bottle of this Garcini formulation with the aid of only online.
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SuperCut Keto Review
SuperCut Keto Reviews From morning till night time our time table is packed and we don’t get time for doing whatever extra except for Saturdays and Sundays. Even after operating for goodbye why do we get a really perfect body? There are masses of fields in which human beings go for their jobs and research, they work there and earns their living but nevertheless, they are in no way satisfied with the workings of it. Because all of it relies upon upon us which sort of diet we take and how can we stay? These things remember for a healthful frame. Most People devour alcohol, vines, and other unhealthy matters.
So it is apparent that a point we’ll get trapped through some chronic sickness. Also, a few human beings live their lives in a different and unsightly way which also causes a few illnesses. So how you're living, what you consume, what all belongings you do have a high-quality effect for your frame. But in nowadays’s international the majority like Chinese dishes, Mexican, cheese, and these all matters makes the digestion strange and hence you be afflicted by weight problems or overweight. What you is probably thinking about being obese isn't always that awful. Of course, it isn't always however do you suspect it is going to be useful on your similarly existence? Obviously no longer, so choose matters in an effort to help you in the future.
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SuperCut Keto Of Introduction Everywhere today you can discover one-of-a-kind sorts of drug treatments, remedies, syrups, and what now not however still, you are not glad with your life and your body. Why is it so while you are filled with every type of facility? Because while we've the whole lot we don’t take care of it a great deal and take it for granted. But while we understand that matters aren’t going extremely good till then we're very late. So now, again comes the point that a way to get your body fit and healthful?
So that is why we've synthetic the contemporary model of a keto supplement this is SuperCut Keto which is the first-rate for an overweight man or woman. So you can have each kind of pleasure in your lifestyles and nobody will factor out which you appearance bizarre. Because now many gets stimulated via you. So you must now get organized for this supplement. It will paintings with greater attempt if you maintain on exercise, gymming, and physically lively. But still a lot of you need to be nevertheless struggling with the trauma of obese. But now everything is on your hands. So allow us to know how does it works and for what motives we ought to use this complement.
Reasons to use SuperCut Keto For the usage of any supplement you ought to have right motives and a nicely-defined advent. So here we will talk the motives that why must we use SuperCut Keto with right explanation.
It gives you an ideal slender body with a right determine that everyone loves. It gives you a complete guarantee of returning back. It is made of all of the natural and lively components. It does not purpose you any kind of side outcomes. It is an inexpensive and less expensive weight loss complement. It is available on the official internet site of it. It is an natural answer for weight reduction. Within less time and effectively it enables to lessen weight. So those are the main reasons why all of us will use this complement. So this would help you to get healthy and slender body. But nonetheless, we don’t how does it paintings? So allow us to realize the working and different things approximately this splendid supplement. So allow us to pass similarly on things and spot the magic of this supplement.
How To Works SuperCut Keto Super Cut Keto is a simple and maximum stressful supplement. Since it enables to cure your weight reduction troubles so it will manifestly paintings successfully and with lots of electricity in it. So we all know that our body produces ketones with the intention to burn the fat molecules when there's a shortage of carbohydrates however this complement allows to continuously produce ketones which leads to the high amount of fat-burning molecules. Thus the full strength of the frame will increase and you sense fantastic lively. It also helps you to get rid of your conduct which cause you these issues. But once more this could take masses of involvement of substances. So now we are able to further move on for the substances and their info.
Ingredients Of SuperCut Keto According to the frame requirement and to transform all of the fats into power there's a need for a certain form of factor that is BHB ketones (beta-hydroxybutyrate) in the massive amount. It enables to preserve the ketosis by way of crossing the blood-mind barrier (BBB). It is a mixed combination of many substances which collectively improves the metabolism of the frame and also it's miles a herbal way out for melting all the fats inside the body and subsequently you get the reduced body.
Reviews Romy, forty three
Who doesn’t want to get narrow with an easy % of supplements? I usually love to have a fit and healthful frame so this is why I often use SuperCut Keto which is a superb escaper of obese. So now there is a therapy for overweight and obesity too. But you should always use natural things to having a healthy frame.
Jubin, fifty two
Most people at this level of lifestyles lose each hope of doing and turning into something. But it requires little effort from you to have a super issue. In a comparable way, I used SuperCut Keto which helped me to end up extremely suit with my frame and it additionally gave my outstanding figure. So thanks to this exquisite emblem. Visit For More Here:- http://sharktankdietpills.com/supercut-keto/
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REVIEW: Resident Evil 2 (Remake) DEMO (PS4)
TL,DR: The demo for the Resident Evil 2 remake gave us an absolutely stellar look at the newest entrant into the RE series and breathes much needed life into the classic game with all new graphics and mechanics whilst still maintaining the much loved puzzles, ambience, and story of the original. From this sneak peek alone, I’d definitely have to recommend this title.
Hello everyone!
Time for my first review. This time around, we’ll be taking a look at the demo for “Resident Evil 2 (Remake).” I figured that since the game drops today, if anyone is interested in purchasing it, now would be the best time to release a review of the experience I had as a starting point for any other consumer.
Let me say that, initially, I was really puzzled by the idea of remaking a title as old as Resident Evil 2 in today’s day and age. Especially after Resident Evil 7′s complete reboot of the series back into true survival horror, it seemed odd that Capcom had interest in going back to the old days and revisiting, let alone completely redoing, a classic. However, once I saw the trailer for the game, I was absolutely floored. I was super impressed by the vast upgrades to graphics, for one, as they’re truly stunning in-game, and once the gore and gameplay were shown off a bit, I was really excited to get my hands on a playable copy, demo or not. Let me say, I was not let down.
I’m not going to factor this into the score of this review, but I do want to take a second to talk about how this demo differed from those released for other titles. While Resident Evil 2 (hereon referred to as “RE2″) has a standard demo in the sense that it allows you to play through a section of the story to a final point, it also has one additional caveat: a time limit. RE2′s demo is built as a once off per platform demo where the player is given 30 min. to experience as much of the introductory level as possible, regardless of whether or not they complete it. This added a really interesting motivation to play through and see as much of the demo as possible, leading me to really bust my ass to see as much as I could. It was a really unique experience compared to literally EVERY other demo I’ve played in my life, and I would certainly say it was a good addition. It adds both urgency to the experience and preserves the longevity of this level for the final game’s release. Nice work, Capcom.
The Good (or “Points of My Experience Worth Giving a Thumbs Up To”):
-The Story: I see little reason to relate this version of RE2 back to its original, as it’s a remake that will indefinitely revise certain parts of the experience to be more fitting of a new audience and I have a very, VERY limited recollection of the story of the original Resident Evil 2 from the last time I played. Therefore, I will only discuss the story presented in the demo. Let me say, the snippit that we get in the demo is a really fantastic entrance to the story the game intends to present. We’re dropped into the Raccoon City Police Department as Leon Kennedy, just after escaping a horde of zombies alongside Clare Redfield, and have to navigate the halls to escape the hordes and solve the mystery of the outbreak. It’s a great intro to the content the game intends to present and I loved it.
-The Graphics: Holy s**t, does this game look good. Remember how “Resident Evil 6″ looked amazing for the generation of consoles it was released on and we were all like “Whoa?” Yeah, it’s like that again. Texture quality is absolutely stellar and the post-processing effects they’ve created to show depth, enhance shadows, and distinguish item from item are beautiful. On top of that, the model work is absolutely impeccable. I’m playing the US version of the demo, which means I’m getting the full brunt of force when it comes to gore. The models on several dead guards and one cutscene in particular, where a RCPD officer is ripped in half, are seriously admirable, feeling almost real in the way they’re framed. I don’t tend to harp on graphics when I talk about games, but this title certainly deserves it. 
-The Gameplay (Most of it, anyway): Imagine that you’re playing a fan passion project that combines aspects of the gameplay from the original Resident Evil 2, the combat of Resident Evil 4, and the neat and tidy UI of Resident Evil 7. That’s what it feels like to play RE2, and it’s amazing. Everything feels really well polished and tidied up, which is super impressive to me, as a large portion of triple A titles today feel like they lack the specific details that the worlds they occupy deserve. The game handles well, and navigating the RCPD offices as young Leon feels great and is truly a scary experience.
The Meh:
-The Time Limit: So this isn’t something I’m going to factor into my final score, but I do want to talk about it a bit. While I personally enjoyed the forced rush that the RE2 demo presented, it certainly isn’t for everyone and I can definitely see why. Some people are definitely going to miss a lot of the content present in this demo because of the time limit and from feeling too rushed, which could certainly rub some the wrong way. Nothing too bad, but indubitably noteworthy.
-The Gameplay (Specifically Related to the Combat Knife): So this is the only really bad thing about the way combat and gameplay fleshes out that I have a minor problem with. In games like Resident Evil 4, the combat knife acted as a permanent sub-weapon, and gave you a consistent backup to rely on when you were low on ammo or felt like strategically dispatching enemies. In RE2, the combat knife instead acts as an item that fills the sub-weapon slot, and has limited durability that depletes as it’s used, both in the standard slash attack and escaping grapples from enemies. Not a fan of the swap, but it’s certainly still workable, which means I can’t count it as a solid negative factor.
The Bad:
-UI controls: The controls present throughout the UI, in particular the inventory screen, feel very clunky and outdated, at least in my opinion. They’re very reminiscent of the controls in older Resident Evil titles, and I don’t think that’s a good thing, especially since the game is being remade for a new market that expects more fluid design. This was the only thing that I really disliked about my experience, and it wasn’t super obstructive to the experience, but bothered me enough to mention here.
So In Summary:
The Demo for RE2 is incredible and definitely worth a play despite its (generally) ignorable faults here and there.
Thanks for reading, and have a great day!
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juunshua · 6 years
henlo! can u post a gif tutorial cause your gifs are so pretty and look amazing, even on mobile which messes up with everythjng 😆
ahh anon u flatter me!! thank you for your kind words!!! i honestly have ways to go, but it means a lot that u say this thank you 
so for starters i have a mac + photoshop cs5 so a lot of this tutorial will be based on what you do for that, but i’m sure u could do the same thing on pcs  (actually pcs have more programs available so i highly recommend, if u have a pc, finding a tutorial that is based around pcs) and other photoshop versions too! but i think the general process is still the same, a different tutorial might just be more nuanced^^
1. Finding/downloading your video~so for normal mp4 videos on youtube i use this website. it’s pretty useful it can download from actually a wide variety of sites like naver (up till 1080p!) ~for v app videos i use this site~ts files i find on kpopexciting or kpop24hrs (u need an account for kpop24hrs i think to download video but! signing up isnt difficult and its nothing fishy. i use it a lot esp for older ts files it has a good archive, kpopexciting tends to be faster though.)~the higher quality files you find the better! i find that it tends to go mp4~honestly finding the right high quality video is a HUGE part of making gifs look nice2. Extracting your video~there are many many many ways to extract your video but I highly recommend downloading avisynth! There are ways to download it for pc! avisynth is beautiful because it doesn’t really reduce the quality of your video to the extent that photoshop does, plus it can extract 60fps from ts files. some gifs ive made through avisynth ( x x x ) if you’re interested in avisynth further, tumblr user @/brandinator is a good place to start! if you want to know more regarding how to use it and a different tutorial through that, let me know! ~now i’m not sure if there is an avisynth tutorial for mac anymore, BUT theres another great program, vapoursynth, that mac users can look into. here’s a tutorial that i’ve found~Before I got avisynth I used VLC player for ts files but I had to basically screenshot each frame individually. Some gifs I’ve made through this method ( x x x ). these gifs are 60fps only bc i found a user who uploaded the ts file in 60fps. usually you cant get 60fps w/o avisynth. but this is also me saying that if you cant get avisynth or vapoursynth, there are still ways to work around it i think! one of my fav giffers for the longest time didnt use either!! and sharpening and coloring were always on point.~I think pcs can use kmplayer? id look into that if you have a pc~for normal mp4 videos I just use photoshops ‘import video frames to layers’ option (under file in the menubar)! you can use avisynth as well, but for me it takes forever to extract what i want in avisynth (minimum like a minute ish), whereas ps can get the part of the video i want to gif in a couple of seconds. I think it’s self explanatory but basically you find the video you want to extract, find where u want ur gif to start, and for photoshop cs5, you hit the ‘shift’ key and let the part u want giffed in the video play. when youre done u lift the shift key and hit ‘ok’ (idk if it differs for different versions of ps). i extract all!!! frames!! it makes it look smoother too :)
3. Coloring/Sharpening/Cropping/Etc~now this is the step that I can’t really give a tutorial on because honestly it varies for everyone! but i feel that this is the step that a lot of ppl need guidance with (me included) because it is the hardest step, probably because it is so ‘up in the air’ for lack of a better word? there is no one right way of doing it the possibilities are literally endless but here are some tips~Coloring:       ~most important rule: don’t whitewash ur gifs!!       ~other than that, the world is yours.       ~honestly have fun with this part! coloring is something that i haven’t fully learned yet       ~i tend to play around mainly with the curves, selective color, hue/saturation, and color balance layers       ~you can also download psds other ppl have made (i dont do this myself) and use those!      ~also i feel that a lot of the times, the right coloring can make ur gif seem higher quality. coloring can also play a role in reducing gif size if u do it correctly.      ~honestly this part is just a lot of experimentation, over the course of a gifset and over the course of time in general. some people find their coloring style easily, but i was not one of those people. ive spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to adjust what layers to get the colors that i want and i think only as of this era ive been able to execute the coloring i had pictured in my mind. so patience is a virtue!!! ~Sharpening:      ~ah yes my biggest enemy: sharpening      ~first things first, i sharpen my gifs using smart sharpen + topaz                  ~settings for my smart sharpen are 500%; 0.4                 ~check the box that says ‘more accurate’ and i personally remove ‘gaussian blur’      ~some people also use topaz denoise, and/or topaz clean     ~ honestly topaz is a lifesaver for me bc it smoothes out a lot of grain that can be introduced via coloring! also!!! it can reduce gif size by a lot!!!!!!!!!!!          ~on topaz denoise i hit the ‘light’ setting on the side and adjust the settings accordingly          ~idk how to use topaz clean even though I have it, because it refuses to work          ~to apply topaz you have to hit ‘flatten frames into layers’                ~some gifs i’ve made with just topaz and no avisynth ( x  x x x)        ~there are ways to make it look nice without topaz but i’ve forgotten how after i got it               ~id duplicate the frame then use smart sharpen and ‘gaussian blur’ under ‘blur’                       ~then adjust the opacity levels in some way.                       ~my settings for the opacity levels aren’t good so i’ll refrain from sharing               ~some gifs ive made through this method ( x x )        ~last but not least i’ll bring up avisynth again. avisynth is nice at preserving video quality                 ~a lot of ppl i know say they don’t even sharpen gifs out of avisynth                 ~here are some gifs i have made with avisynth + topaz ( x x x x x x x )    ~honestly when it comes to sharpening, im still floundering with it. my sharpening needs a lot of work but, amongst the people who i consider good sharpners, most of them use avisynth, topaz denoise and/or clean, and smart sharpen! so all the resources are here !
~Cropping:     ~it’s super important to follow tumblr dimensions otherwise gifs come out looking grainy! even when they’re not ! (case in point: x in which i used 168 instead of 178 for the dimensions)~Timing:   ~Timing is so important!!! I almost forgot!! Always make sure u dont have duplicate frames for starters! for 60fps source videos i use .03, for mp4s i typically use .04 but sometimes the frame rate is kinda funky so you may have to go slower accordingly! and the important thing about timing is that if u use smart object, when u save ur gif, it’ll be in a different timing? like .04 gets changed to .07 but in order to fix that, u can simply just save ur gif in the wrong timing, and then reopen the gif in ps, simply change the timing to what u want on all ur frames, and then save it again!! idk if that made any sense but laskdjf this was the biggest mystery for me for so long omg4. Saving the gif~personally the save settings I use are “Selective/Adaptive” ; “Diffusive”; Dither: 100%; 256 colors. sometimes this makes the gif super grainy so i use “pattern” instead of “diffusive” in those instances5. Pray Perseverance   ~a lot of the time when you’re giffing, gifs won’t come out the way you want it (i’m sure for every gifset i’ve uploaded on tumblr, there’s a gifset that i started making and never finished because it looked really bad). idk sometimes it feels like photoshop has its own will, sharpenings wont always work the same way each time, video quality won’t be the way you want it, i’m honestly still very experimental right now I don’t have ps figured out at all. so yeah…sometimes all u can do is that when u hit that save for web button (that ruins everything alskf), pray that ps doesnt mess it up too bad ahahaha but also that even when it does, its okay and you can try again! or try something new!
this is a super generic guide! let me know if you need more information! 
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k-i-s-m-e-t · 6 years
Secret Santa
TianShan Xmas Event: Presents (Day 2) Fandom: 19 days Rating: Mature Status: 1/2 Warnings: None Pairing: TianShan Words: 4,102
Summary: Based on this freaking hilarious & amazing prompt!! I hope you don’t mind that I ran with it. I’m not sure this is what you expected but hey lol enjoy!
When Mo took the volunteer job at the mall, he had done so begrudgingly. It was punishment after all, brought about by boiled-over frustration that had fueled the language he’d used to respond to his teacher’s inquiries about his tardiness. It was the third time that week he’d been late. Put on the spot, he didn’t know how to explain that money was always tight around the holidays and he’d been walking to and from school each morning in lieu of the train.
He was monopolizing any place he could cut some corners to save a few dollars. The allowance he got wasn’t much, but he saved as much of it as possible. This year he’d told himself he’d get his mom something good for Christmas. He hated seeing that overjoyed look on her face when she opened his handmade or cheap gifts. Like the “Mom of the Year” plaque he’d made in shop class last year that she boasted about having on her desk at the hospital, or the cheap earrings he’d bought at a stand she still wore proudly several times a week. A person like her deserved better, she deserved the world, and it frustrated him that he was just a broke high school student.
Getting a job was, “Completely out of the question!” she’d barked when he had off-handedly mentioned it. It was her duty to provide for him, not the other way around. If they needed to make ends meet, she’d work double shifts, he couldn’t afford to slack off on his studies.
Seeing his taken-aback expression, she’d softened instantly. “I know you mean well honey,” she’d said a hand cupping his cheek, “but we’re doing fine.”
The command to, “See me after class!” had been given on the spot and when the bell rang Mo hung back, dread setting in. He waited until the room cleared before even considering approaching his teacher’s desk.
Taking a breath, he stood and gathered his belongings, packing them up slowly, stalling for time. Sweat from his palms smeared along the cover of his history textbook as he fumbled with it, slick fingers shoving it into his bag. He nearly yanked the zipper off his bag when his name is called.
The walk to the front from his back-row seat seemed infinite, blood pulsing in his ears, each step forward magnified in the now empty classroom. But then he was there, hanging back a few steps as if proximity could diminish his impending punishment. He figured this slip-up would earn him a few days minimum in detention.
“What?” Mo spat standing uncomfortably in front of the teacher’s desk. Agitation amounting from anticipation.
The man looked up with a raised eyebrow.
“Watch your tone with me, that little outburst you had this morning coupled with your tardiness has you looking at a week-long suspension right now.”
“What the fuck!” Mo exploded.
The man slammed his open palm down on the desk. “Language!”
Mo flinched.
He pointed a finger level with Mo’s chest. “One more offense like that and we can finish this conversation in the principal’s office.”
Mo clenched his fists, seething, he could feel his temper flaring but he nodded. A week long fucking suspension? His mom was going to kill him.
“As of today you have been tardy 13 times! 13! And you don’t just show up five minutes late, oh no! Sometimes you stroll in here 20 to 30 minutes late. I need an explanation for this, it’s completely unacceptable!”
When Mo remained silent the man rubbed at his temples, trying to ease the tension gathered there, then sighed.
“Look Guan Shan, I’ve seen a significant amount of improvement in your schoolwork and behavior this year. I’m proud of you. I don’t want to see you start backsliding, got it?”
“Got it,” Mo mumbled.
“Look, let’s make a deal: The Humanitarian Club, which I lead, needs a few more volunteers for our Santa’s Workshop at the mall. We desperately need a photographer as our current one recently got sick with the flu and I know one of your electives this year was photography. I’ve seen your work and I’m pretty confident in your ability. You’d just have to take photos of the kids sitting on Santa’s lap.”
“I..” Mo hesitated.
“Don’t feel pressured to do it but.. I’ll be frank with you, it’s either this or suspension. At least this won’t show up on your record. Also, I’d need you to be able to commit to doing it for two weeks, just until our photographer gets better.”
An image of his mother’s disappointed face flashed through his mind, he sighed… but two weeks?
“Ok, when do I start?”
His teacher smiled, glasses glinting. “Today.”
That afternoon Mo found himself at the local mall, and as the automatic doors slid open he was immediately engulfed in a retail wonderland, Christmas style. He wandered around for a bit, window shopping, eyes drinking in the season’s assortment of clothing and trainers in his favorite shop’s windows.
Truth be told, he wasn’t exactly sure where he was supposed to meet for this volunteer job, he hadn’t really paid attention to the details. He been too relieved that he wouldn’t have to explain to his mother his suspension and could instead spin the situation in his favor, as doing some community service out of the goodness of his own heart, having caught the holiday spirit. Yeah… she was going to see right through that lie.
In the food court he made his rounds, filling up on free samples to stave off his hunger until dinner. As he exited the half circle of vendors he could see a Santa’s Workshop display near the children’s play area. Tossing the toothpick the last sample had been on, he shouldered his backpack and headed over.
The site was bustling and he could recognize plenty of familiar faces from school. A few eyed him warily given his delinquent reputation, but most were absorbed in their duties.
Amid the group he spied Zhan and felt his body relax, not realizing how much tension had built up. This might not be so bad after all, he thought. Zhan barely talked but neither did he, at least he knew someone here.
“You too?” He inquired as he approached, bumping Zhan’s outstretched fist.
“In a way, my mom’s part of the PTA,” he stated as if that explained everything. “Apparently they never get enough volunteers.”
“Where’s Jian Yi?”
“Why do you assume he’d be here? We don’t do everything together.”
Mo waited.
Zhan sighed. “He had clean-up duty after school & caught a later train, he should be here in a few.”
“Alright everyone,” a bespectacled girl addressed the group. Movement halted as everyone paused giving her their full attention.
“Last week was great and we had an amazing turn out!” Many in the group clapped and whistled.
“Let’s try to do even better this week,” she laughed. “You know your positions, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to talk to me. Let’s go out there and spread some holiday cheer!” A few whooped in response, Mo rolled his eyes.
They all drifted to their respective roles, and as the crowd thinned the girl’s eyes fell on him.
“Oh, it’s you,” she sighed in annoyance. Mo recognized her as his class rep from middle school. The same one that had demanded he stop playing cards on school time.
“Pleasure to see you too,” he quipped.
“Save it, come on so we can get you set up and out of my hair.”
Off to the side there was a trolley parked with several suitcases stacked on top, she pulled off the topmost one, resting it gently on the floor and unzipped it. Nestled between foam cushioning laid the nicest camera Mo had ever seen, let alone touched. She removed it from its casing and held it out to him.
“You’ll be shooting with this.”
Taking it gingerly from her, he cradled it carefully in both hands. The DSLR was a larger model, a Nikon D series, he tested its weight, pleased that it was nice and solid, felt good in his hands. He ran his fingers along the textured gripping on the side. The lens he could tell came standard but the depth it could shoot was still considerable. He’d be able to get plenty of clear, close up shots. Damn he was in love, he would in a few words, totally fuck this camera. It was sexy as hell and sensitive to the touch. Bringing it up to his face, he aligned the eyepiece carefully along the curve of his cheek and brow, lightly pressed the shutter release. The smooth click of the shutter opening and closing was music to his ears, like the purr on a nice sports car. He thumbed at the playback button to review the photo. It was displayed on the screen in crisp quality; a Christmas tree in a store front effortlessly preserved in time.
“Nice,” Mo breathed.
“The photos you take will save automatically & transfer immediately to that computer station,” she pointed “where we display them to allow parents to pick their favorite. There’s a tripod in that bag too that you’ll shoot from, you just need to set up in front of Santa’s chair. All I ask is, that at the end of the night you box everything up just how you found it.”
“Sounds easy enough, so all I have to do is take the pictures.”
“Yea, try not to fuck it up. Oh, also ruin that camera and I’ll kill you.”
“Oh, one more thing.” She unfolded an elf hat, and held it out to him. “I need you to wear this.”
“I’m not wearing that,” Mo said dismissively.
A hand clutched his forearm and she looked up into his face, light obscuring her eyes behind thick frames, “Yes, you are.”
“Okay, okay!” Mo exclaimed. What the hell was wrong with these people??
To their left a child bounded down the roped off line, dragging his mother behind him.
She patted his arm. “You’re on.”
Once Mo set up the camera and tripod, which he would admit he struggled with, just a tad, things ran smoothly.
The first few kids, though excited, followed his instructions to smile and say cheese. The student playing Santa he was sure helped facilitate the process, the guy was really good with kids. He greeted them in a cheery manner and made them feel comfortable. He even calmed a watery-eyed little girl, wiped her tear streaked cheeks and got her to smile wide for the camera.
Mo couldn’t help but find himself chuckling at some of the jokes he could hear exchanged or Santa’s reactions to their wish lists. It softened his mood and he found himself greeting the parents and kids in similar pleasant manner. He was almost disappointed when 7:30 rolls around and they close-up shop for the day. Almost. Gathering up the camera and tripod he carried them both back to the trolley; unzipped the travel bag and folded up the tripod stowing it neatly in its compartment. Before packing up the camera he pressed the playback button, cycling through the images he’d taken over the past few hours, mentally making notes of where he’d succeeded and how he could improve.
“Nice work today,” a voice said and he was ashamed of the brief scream he emitted.
“Could you announce yourself.”
The class rep leaned back, a smirk on her face. “Where’s the fun in that? Anyways, I saw the shots you took, good thing your stay is only temporary or our current photographer would be out of a job.”
“You’re talented, glad to have you on the team. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she clasped his shoulder briefly before walking away.
Mo soaked in her words, a newfound vigor guiding his actions as he popped out the camera’s battery and stuck it into a portable charger to power-up overnight. I’m… talented.
The words carried him afloat as he left, waving an honest goodbye to the few stragglers. Zhan was still hanging around the set and Mo moved to see if wanted to walk home together but the other politely declined. Mo could see Jian Yi cleaning up the and he gets it. No explanation needed.
The high got him through the sliding doors of the mall exit only to be knocked flat on his ass.
He was blinded for a few seconds as the stupid elf hat he forgot to take off is knocked askew covering his eyes. Rage ensued.
“Who in the mother fuck is looking for death?!”
He ripped the hat off and was met with an outstretched hand in his face. Genuinely confused he looked up as the owner of the hand chuckled.
Fucking He Tian, of course.
“Don’t you have a graveyard to lurk in?” Mo bit out irritably, and smacked away the offered hand.
“Are you implying that I’m the grim reaper? I like that,” He Tian purred.
“That wasn’t a compliment.” Mo got gingerly to his feet, dusted his pants.
“Why are you even here? The mall’s closed.”
“I was doing some shopping,” he gestured to the small bag dangling from his wrist.
Mo could tell by the bag’s logo it was from some pricey jewelry store. He rolled his eyes. “Fancy gift for one of your admirers, I’m sure.”
“Not quite,” He Tian said but didn’t offer an explanation.
“Anyways, I gotta get going so are we done here?”
“I can’t lie you look pretty cute in that get-up,” He Tian said, looking him up and down. “Why don’t you come sit on my lap.”
“Yeah, you’re about the 5th guy to spit that line today,” Mo remarked pushing past him. “Try again.”
“Hmm okay, you know you’re pretty cute when you’re wrapped up in your own little world.”
“The hell kind of comment is that?”
“I saw you walking, you looked content with yourself. A nice change from your usual mad at the world persona.”
“And for this you chose to knock me on my ass.”
“You bumped into me, actually.”
“Why don’t you let me walk you home?”
“How ‘bout no?” Mo said stalking off. Body tensed in anticipation of the strong arm he knew would swing around his shoulders and drag him off anyways but nothing came.
He glanced over his shoulder but He Tian was gone. Weird.
The next day wasn’t as easy as the first. It was, in short, mild chaos.
Mo bounced a screaming baby on his hip as the mother and Santa tried to console its twin. He looked down into her ruddy face, eyes squeezed shut, tiny fists balled as she opened her mouth, silent for a few seconds catching her breath, little body vibrating with the subdued rage she planned to unleash. Mo sighed steeling himself for another round of screaming.
‘Why are you crying? You have no real problems, fuck I should be crying.’
“Say cheese,” he dead panned as the mother finally stepped out of the frame, the other child momentarily consoled.
The baby looked surprised in the picture but at least he wasn’t crying. Good enough. Handing over twin number two to Santa, he glanced at the endless line of parents and toddlers.
“Let’s get this over with.”
The daily 15-minute breaks were heaven sent and he executed his usual system of hitting up the food court, stopping at every food place offering free samples. By the time he had reached the end, his appetite was comfortably sated. There was still about ten minutes left before he was due for the second half of his shift so he sat on a bench nearby, pulled out his phone to review his finances. The amount he’d saved up so far gave him enough bandwidth to explore several options but he still had no clue what to buy his mom for Christmas. After making this much effort it had to be good, memorable, but what do you get the woman that claimed she had everything she’d ever wanted. He rested his chin in his hand in defeat. Ughh, this shouldn’t be so hard. The bench jostled and he glanced to his left, surprised to see Santa sitting next to him.
“Hey.” the guy offered, voice muffled by the giant white beard that obscured most of his face. One hand shifted his belly so he could sit comfortably.
“Hey..” Mo returned.
“Nice job out there today, I didn’t know you were so good with kids.”
“Likewise man, today was.. something else.”
Santa cracked open a bottle of water, taking a few gulps. “Yeah we have days like that but it’s generally smooth sailing.”
They sat in silence for a bit, the soft murmur of the bustling mall and crinkling of the water bottle drifted between them.
“You.. can’t take the costume of?” Mo asked, breaking the silence.
“Nah, can’t risk one of the kids seeing me and realizing Santa’s not a chubby jolly old white dude. Imagine if they found out he isn’t only not real but a high-schooler.
Mo laughed. “They’ll find out sooner or later.”
“That’s cold man,” Santa said but his grey eyes twinkled behind the spectacles.
Mo shrugged, checked his phone. “Crap, breaks up. I’ll see you back at the workshop.”
Santa raised an arm in farewell. “See you.”
Mo jogged the short distance back, but couldn’t shake the odd feeling that he knew Santa. He couldn’t place why exactly, but the costume restrictions made it difficult to see what he looked like and his voice didn’t sound familiar. Whatever, he would ask him his name next time he had a chance.
As soon as he stepped back on site the class rep ushered him back to the camera, scolding him about tardiness being why he was here in the first place.
Face breaking into a scowl, all previous thoughts vanished from his mind as he double-checked the camera battery supply and adjusted the lighting. He’d just finished tidying up around Santa’s chair when the guy returned from break. Mo resumed his place at the camera as the line reopened and mildly subdued chaos ensued.
Two days down. A week and a half to go.
“Who the fuck are you supposed to be? Rudolph?” Mo addressed Jian Yi as he unpacked the camera and tripod for his shift.
“No,” Jian Yi sniffled, wiping at his vividly red nose. “I’m sick. I think I caught something from one of these brats.” He sneezed, open mouthed of course, snot and drool dripping.
“Gross dude, cover your mouth, you aren’t five,” Mo muttered hastily gathering his supplies so he could vacate the area asap.
Every day that passed without coming to a decision on what to get his mom was making him more and more irritable. Walking out to the set, camera at the ready, the sounds of crying increased the closer he got, an opposing battle cry.
Please, just take me now.
When his break came around, he found himself anticipating the arrival of Santa. It’s not like Mo was looking for the guy or anything. Yet meeting up had become almost an unspoken ritual, in the same vein as Mo forgetting to ask for his name.
The question was always at the forefront of his mind but the guy was hilarious and Mo became easily swept up in the conversation, usually not realizing he had again forgotten to ask until he arrived home that night.
This time the guy showed up with dumplings that keep Mo’s mouth occupied the majority of the conversation, as pickings were light in the free sample area. A few of the vendors had caught on to his scheme and conveniently weren’t handing out samples when he came by.
“Can you believe that last kid spat up on me? I’m never having kids,” Santa declared shaking his head in disbelief.  
“Yeah sucks to be you,” Mo chewed thoughtfully. They were quiet for a bit.. “Hey,” Mo started “This is kind of random but what’s your name? I didn’t catch it the first time we talked.”
Santa paused, swallowed. “It’s uh Li Jie,” he said slowly.
“Oh.” Unfamiliar. “I guess I don’t know you after all, I know pretty much everyone at school.”
“I tend to blend with the crowd,” he shrugged, eyes focused on the waning dumplings.
“That’s cool,” Mo said, popping another piece into his mouth. “Me too.”
The week ended and casually spilled into the next. Mo had gotten used to the ebb and flow of the volunteer job, and could proudly say his photography skills had improved considerably. Li Jie and he were becoming good friends but there was something off about never actually having seen the guy out of costume, which Mo joked about. Actors like Li Jie, along with a few others who played Santa’s elves had to get dressed in the mall restroom or come already in garb. Li Jie had a habit of disappearing by the time Mo had finished packing up the camera equipment for the night. He had even invited the guy over for dinner one day but Li Jie had politely declined claiming he was behind on his schoolwork. Understandable, given the fact that they spent three hours after school at the workshop. He had promised to come by once the job ended, a week after Mo’s punishment. Mo had even vented to him about his struggles in finding his mother the perfect Christmas gift, asking him what he should get her.
“You know your mom best,” he had said. “I’m sure she’ll appreciate any gift you give her. Just remember it’s not about the price but the meaning behind it. If the effort comes from a good place, which I know it does, she’ll love it.”
It had brightened his mood at the time but he still wasn’t sure what to get her.
As much as Mo thought he understood life and might even be one step ahead, it had a way of knocking him back ten feet when he least expected it.
“10-4, we gotta brat,” Jian Yi muttered off to his left, pretending to be occupied with adjusting decorations on the set’s Christmas tree.
Mo twisted on his stool, turned his attention to the line, eyes widening as he watched a mother wrangle her screaming daughter into her arms and walk up to Santa’s chair. The girl had a handful of her Mother’s hair and was yelling for all she was worth, limbs flailing.
“Man,” Zhan whispered, “my sister was bad but never like this. “I hope this guy can handle her.”
Mo watched for a reaction from said Santa but it was hard to gauge anything given how much of his face the beard obscured.
The mother looked embarrassed and nervous as she handed the screaming child over to Santa. Mo had to give it to him, the guy was composed, bouncing the girl on his knee, cooing to her, easily calming the crocodile tears. The mother beamed at the turn of events, whipping out her phone to snap a few tear-streaked pictures.
Mo relaxed, relieved to see the situation easily diffused, his heart bloomed a bit in pride for his friend, which he quelled, brain cycling through the mental gymnastics of why he doesn’t actually really care.
Mo had to give it to the guy, he was really good, he watched as Santa leaned in, beard tickling the little girl in his lap, she giggled in response. At this point the lines were rehearsed and Mo could imagine him asking her what she wanted for Christmas. She pondered, tiny face scrunched up in clearly serious thought, then suddenly a tiny fist shot out and she yanked his bread down around his chin.
Mo was on his feet instantly, because no, no way, this couldn’t be happening.
“Ah shit,” he heard Zhan mutter off to his left.
Mo turned on him.
“You knew,” his voice cracked. Zhan looked pained.
“10-4 He Tian is fucking Santa!” Jian Yi whispered loudly behind them. “He’s fucking Santa, are you guys seeing this!”
“Who’s fucking Santa?” another student offered with a snicker.
“Guan Shan..” Zhan said, but Mo doesn’t want to hear it. He felt nauseous and too hot, his hands shaking, felt like couldn’t breathe as if all the air had been sucked out of the space. Mo bolted because fuck this, he would rather have suspension. He can’t believe how stupid he was, how oblivious he’d been, everyone must have known but him. What a fool.
Sorry not sorry to leave y’all on a cliff hanger but part two will come out on Day 5, so if you enjoyed this stay tuned, resolution come soon ;D
As always thanks for reading, your comments & tags give me life x
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Control Review - An Action-Packed Paranormal Portal
New Post has been published on https://gamerszone.tn/control-review-an-action-packed-paranormal-portal/
Control Review - An Action-Packed Paranormal Portal
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When you’re so used to games that ease you in, the confronting nature of Control is immediately compelling. There’s plenty of time to get to know characters, study the environment, and gradually pick up new mechanics and skills, but Control’s sinister atmosphere is impactful, sending a rush of questions through your head from the moment you press start.
Who is Jesse Faden? Why does she seem both lost and found on her first day as director at the Federal Bureau of Control? How can she possibly maintain her composure in the face of the haunting ethereal and material distortions that have overtaken the bureau? You may only have some answers to these questions by the time the credits roll. While being vague or opaque could be viewed as a flaw in other games, obfuscation is part of what makes Control so spellbinding. Impressively, the mysteries grip ever tighter as you navigate the bureau’s headquarters in search of answers. Knowledge is power, but it frequently opens doors to possibilities you never knew existed–doors that are better left shut, so far as Jesse and surviving FBC members are concerned.
If you’ve played past works from Remedy Games, you will instantly recognize the studio’s footprint. Control’s story plays with grim truths and strange themes. Everything is a serious matter, except when it isn’t and a dark sense of humor creeps in to offer a momentary respite–which, yes, includes plenty of FMV shorts. The combat system is designed for you to be equal parts agile and destructive, bearing a notable resemblance to the studio’s Microsoft-exclusive, Quantum Break. Combat aside, that game felt like a step removed from what Remedy does best. Control feels like Remedy has found its footing again.
There is one major aspect that is decidedly new for Remedy: Control is non-linear, built in the vein of a metroidvania and filled with reasons to retrace your steps over time. This approach is largely handled well, though if there’s any aspect of Control that feels lacking it’s the handling of the map. It’s an unreliable tool presented in a top-down fashion that often feels like more trouble than it’s worth. Multi-level areas overlap with one another (you can’t isolate them, or zoom in for a closer look) and it’s practically impossible to track specific locations you have or have not visited. Broad areas can be tracked, sure, but not, say, a single meeting room in the executive branch.
This would be a major issue if not for two things: The signage in the world is surprisingly helpful, and ultimately, Control makes wandering the halls of “The Oldest House” a consistent pleasure. If you aren’t in awe of the architecture, you’re probably getting your kicks from a battle that pops up when you least expected it.
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Referring to the FBC headquarters as a house is a bit misleading, though you’ll grow to understand how in time. In practical terms, it is a massive multi-story facility that screams government, with angular interiors formed in stone and metal, with minimal flourish. It has the outward appearance of an orderly place of process, which, while true, undersells the reality therein, or the lack thereof.
The dance between fact and fiction is at the heart of Control’s setting and a fascinating narrative that unravels in Jesse’s mind through a series of inner monologues and psychic projections. There are exchanges between characters that move certain elements forward, but so much of Control hinges on Jesse’s discoveries and her interpretations of their meaning. Even though you’re clued into her thoughts, there’s an underlying element that Jesse fails to explain because, to her, it’s matter-of-fact. Whatever it is has always been a part of her, creating a gap of understanding that you, for the most part, can only hope to fill in with your own inferences. There’s a constant desire to know more, yet to also maintain distance from the truth in order to preserve the mystery. It’s to Control’s credit that it effortlessly facilitates this exchange.
If it’s otherworldly, if it seems to defy explanation, odds are the FBC is running tests to discover the underlying cause and contain the consequences from the outside world. Deep within the guts of the house lie experiments and studies that dig into paranormal disturbances, the collective subconscious, and alternate dimensions. The FBC posits that entities from beyond our realm have used objects of power–archetypical things that we know and take for granted–as gateways into our world. After years of the FBC gathering these strange objects for study, the house has become an amplified conduit for a force known as The Hiss, which can reshape and move matter. The source of this power, a dimension known as the Astral Plane, has crept into the bureau, and some far-off corridors bear its telltale monochromatic, geometric motif. Occasionally, you will get pulled into this strange world to undergo skill trials, but your visits are always short, which helps preserve the mystique in the long run.
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Back in the “real” world, lowly agents and high-ranking FBC enforcers have been corrupted en masse. Many float harmlessly in mid-air, chanting strange mantras in boardrooms, hallways, and research facilities. Generally, if there’s headroom, there are floaters. The more aggressive of the bunch pop into existence before your eyes as you explore the bureau. They, like Jesse, fight with a mix of guns and telekinetic powers. They are generally fun adversaries, and battles are punctuated by some incredible special effects. Furniture and small props are whipped into a frenzy when you hurl a desk from a cubicle and into a group of enemies. Sparks and colorful plumes of energy fill the air when a nearby explosion cuts through the incandescent trails left behind by the hiss.
There are only a few unique enemies or bosses to speak of, but by and large the AI, in conjunction with a great variety of architectural layouts, makes every fight feel engaging. Whether a simple encounter or a complex assault, you have to approach combat with a juggling act in mind, shifting between expending ammunition and psychic energy when one or the other is depleted. You also have to learn how to defend against and recover from harm. The only way to heal in combat is to pick up essence dropped by fallen enemies, which often requires you to throw yourself into the fray while also protecting yourself from further damage.
New powers come with story milestones, but weapon forms are crafted from collectible materials. Their stats, and Jesse’s, increase with the application of randomized ranked mods dropped by enemies and found in hidden containment chests. You will likely come across hundreds of mods, but because you can only hold and use a limited amount, you will end up dismantling most of them to make space in your inventory. Mods can make a tangible difference, especially once you start to find high-ranking ones, but they can’t make up for a lack of skill or understanding of Jesse’s tools during the game’s greatest tests.
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Control is a great-looking game in general, from the overall art design to the technical execution, but combat is a notable standout in that regard. While the experience on PC can be tuned to run at a consistently smooth frame rate, the PS4 version (playing on a PS4 Pro with supersampling enabled) can exhibit stuttering when fights are at their most chaotic–no issues were spotted with the Xbox One version. This, thankfully, is an uncommon occurrence, but it definitely clues you in to how taxing the special effects and real-time physics are.
With a fair amount of extracurricular exploration, it took me about 15 hours to get to the end of Control’s campaign. Though I watched the credits roll, there are still plenty of side quests for me to tackle. Jesse isn’t the only sane person in the bureau after all, and the handful of key NPCs that populate each sector have co-workers gone missing or projects left abandoned that might put the bureau at future risk. They not only give you more reason to spend time in Jesse’s shoes, but the supporting cast is great across the board, brought to life with excellent voice acting and top-notch character design. They aren’t deep characters and your conversations never go very far, but I’m more than willing to help them in their time of need, if only to see what quirky or oddball thing they say when I return.
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One of my favorite aspects of Control, now that I’ve got room to breathe, is spending quality time with its collectible texts and videos. I’ve managed to read most of the in-game materials while pushing through main missions and tackling optional pursuits, but there are so many fascinating threads to pull on that it’s easy to imagine new possibilities lying in wait; if only I studied the evidence a little closer, or considered a new angle, maybe the missing pieces of Jesse’s story would come into view. These tidbits can be educational, disturbing, and at times wildly entertaining, and they have inspired me to look deeper into topics like Jungian psychology.
It’s not often that a game invades my thoughts the way Control has. I’m at the point where I want to consume every last thing it has to offer. And if I’m honest, it also makes me want to go back and replay Remedy’s past games, too. Sure, it’s a faulty metroidvania in some respects, but there are so many exceptional qualities afoot that Control handily deflects any momentary ire. I can’t wait to take part in discussions about the game, to see what others have figured out, and to better understand where it all fits into Jesse’s story.
Source : Gamesport
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chaturbateking-blog · 7 years
Chaturbate King
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Everyone typically see totally different faces on billboards and on the covers of magazines; some of them we acknowledge, while a few of them we almost immediately forget. The faces of whom we constantly see and in occasions have the opportunity to observe as they strut their stuff are the models of varied products most of us use or maybe are inclined to take fancy to the product strains of which is being endorsed. The faces we get to see ever so usually aren't solely common models, a few of them are literally Prime Models meaning they've been within the industry for quite some time and have been able to excel nicely at.
To most children and adolescents, the most typical dream can be to have the ability to strut down the catwalk and be capable of endorse products and really become a mannequin. However the real query is, Do you will have what it takes to be a high mannequin? Before one is ready to reach the high rise, one would have to begin small; the identical degree of which each considered one of these fashions have begun their careers. There are just a few elements of which one must contemplate earlier than entering this business; crucial factor of all must be honesty to one self.
Because of this an individual would have to have the ability to fairly give themselves an assessment as to their qualifications and as to which side of the trade they would match greatest. An example is the peak; if one is at least 5 foot and eight inches in peak, they could possibly be a catwalk mannequin; nonetheless, for a female to qualify, she will need to have quite small breasts and should be very skinny. If one on the other hand has massive breasts but has reasonably honest sized hips, then perhaps they may very well be an underwear mannequin. And if none of those fit the invoice, then perhaps an off cam mannequin similar to a foot, hand or perhaps a face mopdel.
The modeling trade is extremely aggressive. Although the one things one from the outside would see is the notion that it is a glamorous life and is full of a lot fame and fortune. Being a model isn't any joke; one should have the ability to preserve or yet, enhance the way in which they are and be sure that nothing would drastically change. A model, particularly those who are being consistently exposed, in a sense would have technically misplaced all their rights to be clumsy or to get injured; a simple scratch on the leg or on the arm may show to be detrimental to this career.
In some cases, gaining a single pound is handled like a incapacity of which one must get well from as rapidly as potential. Greater than what the human body can provide, a very powerful factor in changing into a mannequin, not to mention a prime mannequin can be guts, confidence and loads of dedication. One with a slightly weak structure could not be capable to final one grueling and pressure stuffed day of manufacturing in this industry.
On the ESPN radio present "The Herd with Colin Cowherd" the popular sports activities analyst, Colin Cowherd, opened up his show with something I usually take into consideration when watching Cam Newton. How necessary are fathers and role models in the course of the improvement of child athletes?
Carolina Panthers beginning quarterback Cam Newton and his maturity in relation to the rookie's in this 12 months's NFL draft class is staggering. Andrew Luck, Russell Wilson, and Robert Griffin III characterize the best NFL rookie QB class in three many years, if not ever. All three of those young males put Cam Newton to disgrace in how they manage their lives, both on and off the field.
Colin Cowherd's point, as I took it, was that it's apparent a father plays an enormous position in how an athlete turns out in life as a man and a public determine. Colin's claimed Cam Newton clearly is a child in a person's body. Newton lacks the maturity of these around him as a result of he's a diva and represents the whole lot fallacious with sports activities right this moment. I will say that I completely agree with that impression of Cam Newton. Sarcastically though, what Colin neglected of the segment is what solidified my challenge with sports activities tradition at this time.
Colin Cowherd is a rare analyst in sports activities media right this moment. This is because of his potential to provide opinion backed not by what he needs the info to be, but by what they actually are. To place it merely Colin tells you want it's and has the INFO to back it up. I do not all the time agree with the opinions shared on his present however, Colin frames issues with stable logic and customary sense so on the very least his opinion may be respected if not agreed with. Colin additionally is not silly with regards to his chosen profession and how you can use the stage he has built. The place The Herd differs from most is that I've never gotten the feeling that I am being fed ESPN's opinion on his show, only his. Lastly, Colin uses time on his present to say "I obtained it wrong" and thus gives him the credibility to remind his listeners when he was right, Simply ask Fireman Ed.
The timing of this years NFL rookie class could not have come at a better time. Seeing men like Luck, Wilson, and RGIII is a welcome change to the league's panorama. The NFL is the preferred sport in America, that's just a reality, and with quality gamers like these younger men it'll continue its reputation.
When the announcement Cam Newton was being investigated first broke I wasn't even mildly shocked. When Cecil Newton, Cam's father, and ex-Mississippi State participant Kenny Rogers first claimed Cam had no concept what they had been as much as, I knew he did. When the Auburn document stating "There is no information suggesting that Rogers had related discussions a couple of cash inducement with every other establishment, either straight or indirectly," I knew that wasn't true both. Lastly after I heard Cecil Newton's cellphone records present he and Rogers exchanged over 270 calls or texts between March 2009 and January 2010, most related to MSU's recruitment of Newton. Only about a dozen after Cam Newton signed with Auburn, I again didn't flinch as a result of I knew he was responsible.
When Colin Cowherd mentioned fathers and Cam Newton I knew where he was going. Cam didn't have a high quality role mannequin to guide him in life and teach him proper and flawed. I could not agree more that fathers play a key function in all youngsters's lives and so they assist shape who people turn into. Where I was misplaced was figuring out the place you start to show a boy to be accountable for his actions? If nobody was there to teach him is it fair to make him liable for a lesson by no means taught?
In fact WE all know Cam is accountable for Cam and so does he proper? Effectively, not so quick with that assumption. If everyone is aware of accountability is a obligatory lesson then who taught Cam the Diva behavior that defines him now? If everybody is aware of a boy needs to be taught to be an accountable and accountable man then where was his first coach to start that life lesson? Did the coach bench him to start out the learning technique of accountability? How about his family, trainer, uncle, mom, neighbor, or priest? Did anybody truly care or did they like watching him play and simply let every little thing else slide? In any case he's a gifted youngster and there is no denying that.
Might it be that from way back to he can bear in mind the influences he had created this Diva we now call Cam Newton? Worse but did everybody along the best way just hold enabling the habits in change for his athletic capacity? Is it potential that Cam Newton just can't comprehend the lesson he was by no means taught? I'm not excusing Cam Newton or any of his actions. I think athletes like Cam are a cancer in sports that has been created by elements of society that worship athletes. The creation isn't just by parents but by people who should and do know better however lack the necessary character to do that to be able to serve their own pursuits.
You might be surprised to seek out that nannies, child sitters, home and pet sitters typically love nanny cams. We're talking, of course, about those nanny cams which might be disclosed to the sitter.
First, nannies love working with shoppers who are honest about their issues and their scenario. After they bring up the idea of nanny cams, which is at all times troublesome, these clients show that they are able to talk about a problem and talk effectively. These are folks nannies prefer to work with, whether or not they have nanny cams.
Second, nannies understand that nanny cams let dad and mom see a few of the activities they're lacking with their kids whereas they're away at work. Nannies wish to work with mother and father who love their youngsters.
Third, nannies know that if there are nanny cams, and something ought to happen, if the kid falls, a vase is broken, or any of the large number of things that might occur, then there is a record of what really occurred, and the situation may be approached logically with the details in hand.
Fourth, nannies perceive that nanny cams make their jobs easier. The kids know about the nanny cam, as effectively, and they know that their parents can, and do, verify the nanny cam once they get home. Even well-behaved kids are better in front of nanny cams.
And at last, nannies love nanny cams as a result of they know that the cameras keep nearly all of really bad nannies from getting jobs. These nannies will not agree to a nanny cam. This leaves extra jobs for the great nannies, of course, but it surely additionally protects youngsters from bad nannies.
Of course not all great nannies love nanny cams; some may just have an issue with the thought of being recorded at work, and others just don't like the development. However on the whole, the nannies who offer the best care, in addition to the best baby sitters, house sitters and pet sitters, are very open and prepared to make use of nanny cams.
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myupdatestudio-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Myupdatestudio
New Post has been published on https://myupdatestudio.com/why-you-need-updated-get-returned-up-to-date-seo-basics/
Why you need updated get returned up-to-date Seo basics
Do a short search on Google for “Seo guidelines” and also you’ll get over 14 million effects. That’s plenty of pointers up to date go through whilst up to date figure out the focus of your Search engine optimization approach. What’s greater overwhelming is that’s just one seek.
                                                 Seo Basics
Learn Seo
Each 12 months there are new posts of the listing of the “hottest” hints and tricks which are “guaranteed” updated paintings. While lots of these pointers are high-quality, updated definitely see results, you need up to date have a great basis. In this publish, I want up to date updated approximately getting lower back up-to-date the fundamentals of Seo and why they are crucial updated lengthy-time period fulfillment.
In relation updated optimizing your website for search, the basics are some of the maximum crucial, yet regularly omitted, components of Search engine optimization. The current push of “content is king” has also induced many up-to-date forget the essentials and just focus on content distribution.
Here’s the deal: you may post all the content you want, however in case your site isn’t optimized, you’re now not going up to date get the ratings you want. So Right here are few fundamentals you up to date cowl earlier than ever diving up to date the extra complex fact updated of seeking.
Crawler get admission updated If search engine crawlers have an up to date ugh updated time to crawl your web page, they’ll have a hard time indexing and rank your pages, up to date. As a site prop Rieu updated or Seo, your first and most crucial job is updated ensure that your web page is crawlable. The usage of the robots.Txt document, you can help direct and help the net crawlers that are crawling your website online.
just be cautious whilst blocking off crawlers from your entire site; in fact, don’t do it except you realize for a reality that a specific bot is causing you problem. In any other case, you could up-to-date blocking off crawlers that up-to-date have an up-to-date internet site, that can intervene with indexing.
In case you are Using WordPress, there are some of the plugins that up-to-date do that. In case you aren’t The use of WordPress, you may also easily set up a robots.Txt report updated server. Analyze greater approximately robots.Txt Here.
After you’ve created your robots.Txt, it’s vital up-to-date ensure Google can move slowly your website online. To do so, you’ll first want up to date create a website map. This can be accomplished manually or with 0.33-party updated. (When you have a WordPress website, there are numerous plugins up-to-date up to date create web page maps for you.)
Once you’ve created your web page map, log in up to date Google seek Console. (In case you haven’t set your site up on seeking Console, check this out.) You’ll need to be updated upload your sitemap by using going up to date “crawl,” then “Sitemaps” inside the left-hand navigation, ten clicking on the “Add/Check Sitemap” but-to-date within the higher updated right-hand corner. From there, you can Test the website map and put up it up to date Google for indexation. (Observe that up-to-date take some time for Google up to date crawl and index your website.)
5 pointers for Understanding Search engine optimization basics
What’s Search engine optimization? It is the system of developing and improving the visibility of your internet site Using a variety of methods. Search engine optimization is higher up-to-date Seo, that is what we will be calling it for the duration of this newsletter.
Free Dating Site
Basically, while a person searches for information online, they will be updated find that records through search engine results. Knowledge the Search engine optimization fundamentals may be up to date tally powerful approach up to date your updated marketing efforts. up to date updated assist up-to-date new up-to-date internet site, provide you with a strong online presence, up to date deliver existing up to date updated a great purpose up to date updated. The better you rank, the extra of an expert discerns you turns inundated. Think about it, whilst you search google, which links do you click on? Which websites do you quote?
Groups with a website should update absolutely make Search engine optimization certainly one of their principal issues up to date updated develop clearly and up to date be an internet achievement. For up-to-date who are new up to date Search engine optimization, you up-to-date understand the Search engine optimization basics as mentioned below. This isn’t meant up to date function and gives updated-all guide up to date Seo, but instead, a place updated on things you can study similarly. just those few recommendations and up-to-date elbow grease, and you’ll be up-to-date way up-to-date ranking up better inside the search engines like google and yahoo no time.
Seo fundamentals: Selecting the suitable Identify is essential!
Selecting the proper Name is very essential for Search engine optimization. Select a completely unique Name this is descriptive, accurate and catchy. Titles have updated be up to date capable of trap the eye of your audience. You need your Name updated seize your audience’s interest. You should update keep your Identify short and descriptive. If you could preserve your Name round 70 characters, that might be satisfacupupdated considering the fact that most search engines aren’t updated kind up-to-date longer titles.
Seo basics: Selecting your Keywords. They can not find you In case you don’t let them understand you’re there
Going again updated Seo basics, Key phrases are very vital. That is due updated search engines like google and yahoo will fit those Key phrases up to date the up-to-date search query (ie: person searches for kitty clutter, your keyword is kitty litter… search engine refers the user to your internet site thru your Keywords).
You need up-to-date Choose suitable and relevant Keywords up-to-date throughout your websites content material, Identify, and headline, up to date the frame of your articles, blog posts, URLS, and image names. The Identify tag and page header are going up-to-date be your two most essential locations up-to-date your Key phrases.
You need up to date think cautiously when The use of your Keywords. You up-to-date Consider what terms a user would kind in up-to-date locate the records you’re providing. You also do not need up to date past due it up-to-date placing Keywords up-to-date internet site, as the search engines like google will see it as junk mail, and This will without a doubt damage you. Information the Seo fundamentals work nicely and is a success whilst you operate the proper Keywords and they’re centered at the right target audience (ie: kitty litter focused up to date cat up to dates updated).
Any other tip updated put off from This is your keyword density. That is the quantity of times your Key phrases display up up-to-date page. keyword density probabilities must be up to date round 3 up-to-date 5 percent. With that stated, an instance could be this: An editorial or publish with 100 words with a 5 percentage keyword density would have your keyword used a most of 5 times.
Ultimately, you don’t want up-to-date your keyword in areas it doesn’t belong. instance: I went for a stroll, kitty litter, and it up-to-date a pleasant day. ß That is incorrect. Right example: It up-to-date a pleasing day so I went for a walk, I remembered I wished updated kitty muddle. (so on and so on).
Use your Keywords in a herbal way, do not pressure them up-to-date locations they don’t belong. SERPs have become smarter, and they’re capable up-to-date if the encircling textual content up to date Keywords really makes sense. So make certain your articles are relevant up-to-date Keywords.
Search engine optimization basics: simply just create content material – Create satisfacupupdated content!
You need up-to-date create first-class content, first for your readers, and 2d for the search engines like google and yahoo. In case you want updated reap better seek rating effects, This is a vital for Seo basics. I am sure you’ve possibly heard it before, and if you have not, as you hold up to date updated I recognize you will come across this pronouncing “content is King.” So make sure you keep your content exciting, informative, and additionally clean updated examine and understand. Taking those steps no longer simplest brings in new up to dates updated, but additionally encourages current up-to-date for extra statistics.
keep your sentences simple, short, and up-to-date the up to date updated. make sure the language style meets the expectancies of the readers. do not use huge phrases for an audience that does not relate up-to-date or use large words. Do you’re great updated keep away from Using complex language, and if you could keep away from it, attempt now not up-to-date a good deal “jargon.” You up to date understand that no longer anybody visiting your website online goes updated a pro or veteran up-to-date place of information, accordingly, they’ll no longer apprehend all the insider phrases. If you may maintain it clean and easy, you may be some distance better off.
you may also want up to date make certain that your content material presents value up-to-date target audience. To make certain this, you want up to date make your content material something that is applicable up to date their daily lives. you could Add alternatives which include associated articles for the ones who have studied your article but want greater facts. You need to be updated make a dependency of updating your internet site on a normal foundation so the content material stays fresh and. This is again for both your readers and your seek engine ratings (engines like google love sparkling content).
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pressography-blog1 · 7 years
While beauty is in the attention of the (robo)behold
New Post has been published on https://pressography.org/while-beauty-is-in-the-attention-of-the-robobehold/
While beauty is in the attention of the (robo)behold
For over a year, I worked as a beauty editor, writing and learning about the products, traits, and those that make us need to look a certain manner. And as studies for the various stories I wrote, I consulted with dermatologists, plastic surgeons, make-up artists, estheticians, and greater trying to answer a simple query—how can I make myself more conventionally attractive?
                                            While Beauty 
Beauty Synonyms
“beauty is a self belief,” they’d continually say, prefacing the actual solution. Necessarily, these professionals could subsequently tell me that you are feeling more confident, and thus extra beautiful, when you look blemish- and wrinkle-loose. (Pending at the product they have been promoting, this may also include being tanner, or more contoured, or thinner, or paler, or much less made up, or curvier, and so forth.) Regardless of respondents’ extraordinary aesthetic tastes, everyone appeared to agree—younger is greater beautiful. splendor became approximately anti-getting older Certainly, the trouble right here is the idea. What is beauty beyond someone else defining it? For so long as humanity’s obsession with the time period has existed, we’ve similarly known about its subjective nature. In the end, “splendor is in the attention of the beholder” is simply a cliché that posits that precise subjectivity of elegance.
However what if the beholder can dispose of subjectivity—what if the beholder wasn’t a person, However a set of rules? Using system learning to outline beauty may want to, theoretically, make beauty pageants and ratings
like Humans’s annual Most lovely inside the International list extra objective and less prone to human error. Of direction, teaching an algorithm to do something might also contain a few bias from whoever does the programming, But that hasn’t stopped this automatic technique from defining equally subjective things like listening options or information fee (we see you, Facebook et al).We don’t need a human opinion,” says biotechnologist Dr. Alex Zhavoronkov, one of the founders at the back of a festival-keeping, beauty-quantifying initiative called splendor.AI. “On the cease of the day, there are masses of disagreements. We’re searching for approaches to assess splendor, and a few approaches may be extra relevant or less applicable to human belief. However, the whole cause of beauty.AI is to remove human opinion, to transcend it.”
splendor.AI became simply one of the ultra-modern tries to have technology objectively compare splendor. But as a web opposition that crowdsourced headshots and allowed bot-pushed algorithms to decide rankings, possibly it represents the fever factor of this exercising. If so, the initiative’s final results made one element definitively clean: synthetic intelligence will by no means decide a well-known face of splendor. Even today, it only highlights how precisely slim one’s definition of beauty can be.Before Warm Or No longer: A brief records of quantifying beauty
Long Earlier than anybody knew what an algorithm turned into, humanity has tried to quantify and measure beauty. Leonardo da Vinci’s pen-and-ink drawing of the Vitruvian Man, whose head was one-eighth of its frame, was based on Roman architect Vitruvius’ writing on the situation from his treatise, De Architectura. Plato believed that splendor resided in components that harmoniously fit into the complete. St. Augustine believed that the extra geometrically equal something turned into, the extra stunning it was. The theories went on and on.
And for so long as Human beings have made these landmark statements on beauty, they’ve additionally found out obvious cultural bias approximately their requirements of splendor. Northern Renaissance painter Albrecht Dürer used his own hands, known for being longer than common, to assemble a canon of the human frame. Or, for the latest example, morning show Top Day DC anchors Knowledge Martin and Maureen Umeh went viral last 12 months for giving the aspect eye to a 2014 cosmetic surgical procedure study declaring that Kate Middleton had the “Most ideal face.” Naturally, the observe became based on a take a look at a group of “everyday-performing white ladies aged 18 to twenty-five years.”
Robo ETF
in the past few many years, scholars have as a minimum come to just accept that ordinary splendor is a complex, perhaps impossible thing. one of the greater popular works furthering that idea comes from creator Naomi Wolf and her 1991 bestselling e-book, The splendor Delusion. “beauty is a forex device just like the gold preferred,” she wrote. “Like every economy, it’s far determined by using politics, and within the contemporary age inside the West it’s miles the last, quality motion machine that keeps male dominance intact.” Wolf believed that splendor is a construction of capitalism intended to preserve the fame quo in the ever-expanding West—essentially arguing that modern, extra various supermodels like Naomi Campbell and Tyra Banks nevertheless had to suit right into an inflexible definition of beauty that involves such things as “tall,” “thin,” and “younger.”
those cultural complications haven’t stopped cutting-edge researchers from trying to teach for a better answer, however. Case in point: University of California, Irvine researchers Natalie A. Popenko and Dr. Brian J. Wong. (Wong, a plastic healthcare professional and professor, turned into one of the specialists in the back of that arguably, Kate Middleton-face examine.) In their Maximum well-known paper—2008’s “Evolving attractive Faces The usage of Morphing era and a Genetic algorithm: A new technique to Figuring out Ideal Facial Aesthetics”—the duo hired digital morphing software program to “evolve” and “breed” greater attractive faces through the years primarily based on records accrued from varied, human resources which include Fb surveys, plastic surgeons, scholar examine individuals, and professionals from an eyebrow cosmetics corporation preferred through Kylie Jenner. within the Maximum basic sense, their paintings attempted to installation predictive computing in a comparable manner to how scientists generate weather models… besides they had been hoping to see whether an average evolved over the years into a perfect face.
Ultimately, Wong and Popenko determined that an “average” face didn’t make for a stunning face. In fact, nasal width, eyebrow arch peak, and lip fullness correlated significantly with the take a look at’s ratings of elegance. In other words, Jenner turned into onto something together with her Kylie Lip Kit (designed to present you full, pouty lips) and heavily arched eyebrows (added to you by using Anastasia Brows). It seems beauty, as a minimum the sort that makes you want to save at Sephora, isn’t determined by evolution—it’s determined by using celeb idols.
As this sort of studies has persevered, agencies have sought to get in on the premise of technologically-described beauty. The task-sponsored Bare three-D Fitness Tracker is a $four hundred clever mirror (available for pre-order) that scans your frame in 3-d and makes use of a heat map to tell you wherein you’re growing muscle or gaining fat, and it claims effects inside 2.five percent accuracy. It comes with a mirror that “seems” to you—a literal “replicate, mirror, on the Wall” situation—and encourages you to stand the information: Are you honestly losing weight? This scale claims it won’t permit you to cheat.
Or, launched last April, an app called Map My splendor claims to use facial sector reputation algorithms to objectively determine beauty. Customers upload selfies, and the app spits out how and where to put on make-up. Up to now in its brief existence, the app has proven in particular useful for advanced techniques like contouring, the antique college technique made viral by way of Instagram and the Kardashians. (Contouring calls for a strong understanding of your personal facial shape so one can manipulate look The use of light and shading.)
“The usage of this lively look version and applying it to selfies we have never seen Before, we are able to extract a handful of parameters which also—amongst others—describe implicitly facial beauty,” says Dr. Kristina Scherbaum, the laptop scientist behind the app. What the one’s parameters are, but, remains a mystery. Map My splendor has commercial enterprise aspirations past aiding at-home makeup artists. The team has formerly worked with global splendor retailer Sephora, and now Map My beauty has its personal team of expert makeup artists. these experts act as a focus organization for labeling and categorizing the database, and Map My splendor says its judgment criteria is proprietary.
Behold Song
This means an app might also spit out the solutions, But a team of human beings is once more backstage making selections (with varying stages of subjectivity and objectivity). So from DaVinci to Wong and Popenko to this, that plain human detail, In the end, permeates consequences regardless of how many layers of the era are brought.
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