#i need to just go focus on my starters LOL
outguilt · 9 months
man i wish i was better at plotting
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My main focus right now is tapping into the void, and a few people just made a post about how to use states to become a void master, but I guess I’m failing to grasp the concept of feeling something when you’ve never felt it before. To me it’s like someone saying: Feel what it would feel like to cut your leg off even though you have never felt that before. How?
When you have stuff thrown in your face in your 3D that is very unwanted and serious, how do you practice relaxation and feeling free of all your burdens?
How do you get into the state of the wish fulfilled if you constantly have things in your physical world that are screaming for your attention?
I 100% know manifestation is real, and I 100% know the void is real, I just want something to click for me because so far, it hasn’t. And I consider myself a pretty smart person lol, I guess I just want encouragement idk
I understand how challenging it can be to stay in the state of a wish fulfilled, especially when you are surrounded by distractions that are screaming for your attention. In today’s world, there are so many external factors vying for our attention, making it difficult to take the time to practice relaxation and to achieve the freedom from our burdens that we all so desperately need.
Some general basic tips I always encourage no matter the situation is for starters Try to start with basic breathing exercises or mindfulness techniques. These can help to calm your mind, allowing you to focus on being present and open to the possibilities. As you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions, it’s important to practice self-compassion. Acknowledge and accept the emotions you feel without judgment or criticism. Remind yourself that these emotions are normal and not indicative of any lack of power on your part.
Another powerful way to get into the state of the wish fulfilled is through visualization. Visualize yourself achieving your goals, picturing with detail how it looks and feels when it’s finally all achieved.
Finally, find a healthy, supportive tribe that can help keep you accountable and motivated to maintain the state of the wish fulfilled. Tumblr is a start but always try to Surround yourself with people who lift you up and can offer guidance when needed.
I’m also going to share some Neville Goddard quotes that deeply resonated with me.
“Put yourself in the state of mind in which you have already attained your desire, live in its attainment.” Keeping a positive mindset is essential when aiming for big changes, as it will help you keep sight of the goal even when times get tough. It helps you to see life as if you have already achieved it.
“Imagination is the creative force of the universe. To create you must be able to picture the thing desired in your mind.” Imagination is crucial for the fruition of something desired. It helps you to become mentally aware of what it is you want and how to go about attaining it.
“Your inner confidence and ability to believe will bring about miraculous results. Dream lofty dreams and as you dream, so shall you become.” Having faith in yourself and believing that what you are working towards is achievable will bring great results. It will give you strength to keep going and faith that in the end you will have what you desire.
“Wishful thinking is powerful and can shape our reality. If we wish strongly enough, our wishes will become reality.” Literally Knowing that your wishes can shape reality is a powerful concept, and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. When we feel the weight of our wishes, we understand the power we possess to bring about change in our lives and those around us.
, “Always stand strong in the assurance that completing your desire is inevitable. Act as though you have already got what you want. Make it real in your mind first, and then it shall be real in your outer life.” Believing that something is inevitable helps us to stay focused on our goals, and to never give up even when it’s hard. Knowing that if we make it real in our minds, our desired outcome will manifest in our outer lives, is incredibly motivating.
But it's important to keep in mind that the Void is accessible to all of us, no matter what our prior experience may be. The trick is to shift your perspective and open your mind to something that is beyond the 3-dimensional space we inhabit. It requires a certain level of detachment from the physical world, and a willingness to explore the unknown. Ultimately, mastering the Void is all about learning to trust yourself and your intuition, and allowing yourself to explore the depths within. By tapping into these deep states of being, we can access inner peace that may otherwise be inaccessible in our current realm. So it doesn’t really matter what I say or anyone you seek guidance says, because at the end of the day it’s within you and once you access it, it’s really because you let go.
I also want to emphasize this part of the question “I’m failing to grasp the concept of feeling something when you’ve never felt it before. To me it’s like someone saying: Feel what it would feel like to cut your leg off even though you have never felt that before. How?” I think it’s a great concern but you’re overthinking it.
Imagine you're in a forest. You're walking along, observing the beauty of the trees, plants and creatures around you. Then suddenly, you come across a clearing. In the center of this clearing is a lake. The lake is inviting and reflective. You can see yourself in the lake, and as you look closer, you notice something else—a key floating on its surface.
The key is a representation of your desire. It's been there all along but you just hadn't noticed it. You become excited and want to reach out and grab the key. However, if you've never actually reached out and felt your desire before, it may seem impossible or pushed away.
To help envision how to grab and feel what you desire, try to imagine that there is an invisible force field around the key. You can't see it, but you can sense it. You want to reach out and grab the key, but this invisible force is holding you back from doing so. To break through this barrier, you must take action, no matter how small. Take a few steps closer and break through this invisible barrier by actually reaching out your hand and taking the key.
The feeling of grasping the key in your hands is a representation of how it feels when you reach out and feel your desires. When you have taken the key in your hands, it is a tangible proof that you can indeed make your desires come true.
We can use this same analogy to understand that reaching out and feeling our desires requires us take action, (accepting it is ours no matter what l!) just as we had to take action to break through the invisible barrier in order to get the key. Sometimes, taking that first step is the hardest part, but it's worth it when the result is feeling our desire from within and having the tangible proof that we can make our dreams into reality.
I can type up as many paragraphs and analogies as possible but seriously nothing compares to your inborn power I’m begging you to recognize. We can only get so much encouragement and motivation from others until it just becomes over consumption and counter intuitive.
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khaire-traveler · 1 year
Ok, but unironically, the song Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley represents Hermes perfectly to me.
For starters, it's a meme, and I think he would love that. What's not funny about Rick Rolling someone in a moment of silliness?
Along with that, though, the actual lyrics of the song remind me strongly of Hermes, especially in his willingness to help others and his reliability.
"Never gonna give you up,
Never gonna let you down,
Never gonna run around and desert you,
Never gonna make you cry,
Never gonna say goodbye,
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you..."
In my personal experience with Lord Hermes, he is extremely loyal, kind, and considerate. He chooses his words wisely and expertly delivers them. If someone needs his help, he answers them swiftly (there's a reason he's known as Eriounês - Ready-Helper/Luck-Bringer). He goes out of his way to support others during their times of need, whether that be through giving them something to smile about or offering a listening ear. Hermes is always there when you need him, just like Rick Astley.
I think that this song - outside of the song's romantic context lol - represents Hermes' dedication to his worshippers and loved ones. I feel that Hermes is a dedicated, generous, and caring god, and while maybe these aspects of him go overlooked sometimes, Never Gonna Give You Up brings them back into focus.
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mirror-ralsei · 1 year
THEORY: The Ink Blot Test & Symmetry in UTDR
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This isn't as much of a typical theory as it is pointing out a design element that I think really needs more discussion: the distinctive style used in certain visuals in the game.
It's actually kind of difficult for me to describe. But there seems to be a recurring style used across many enemies and their weapons. This style is typically white in color, and typically very ornate and detailed-looking. It's easy to pick out because most of the shapes in Undertale/Deltarune's sprites are more simple...and because of one fact: all of these designs look symmetrical.
Here are the places I noticed this style appearing. Hopefully as you look at these, you can understand what I mean by a particular “ornate, symmetrical look”:
Reaper Bird's overworld appearance
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Reaper Bird's body
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Final Froggit
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POSSIBLE: Knight Knight's Good Morningstar (listed here as “hammer”)
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POSSIBLE: Memoryheads (they're in 3/4 view and melting-looking so it's harder to tell, but notice the curly parts and comb-teeth-like parts)
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Gaster Blasters (using the unused version since it's easier to notice the style without the eyes)
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(While most of these designs are technically not symmetrical if you look closely, they all definitely give the impression of being so.)
There's some other possible references to this style, but I'm just going to focus on the more distinct ones for now. And even some of the ones I've listed are debatable. If I had to pick just a few, I'd use Reaper Bird, their overworld sprite, and CHAOS BUSTER as the definitive examples.
So it's taken me a couple years of not quite being able to place why this style felt so familiar. At first I thought they might look like fractals...
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...but that wasn't quite it. Finally, all of a sudden, I put my finger on it.
This design style reminds me of Rorschach blots.
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For anyone who doesn't know, the Rorschach test is a psychological test involving the subject looking at inkblots and determining what these patterns look like to them. As you can see, the inkblots are very intricate and symmetrical - just like the examples above.
How does this connect to Undertale? Not too much. But Deltarune? Possibly a lot! Maybe that's the reason most of the instances where this style appears seem connected to Deltarune in some way.
For starters, inkblots are black and white. Specifically, they're black patterns on a white background. So far, every instance of these inkblot-like designs in UT/DR have been the inverse of this: they're all white patterns on dark or black backgrounds. We know light and dark have meaning in Deltarune, so this makes sense.
The ink blots' meaning are what you make of it. Your brain determines what real world things this abstract ink on paper looks like to you. This seems like it could tie into the concept behind the Dark Worlds, and how they seem like “interpretations” of items in real life: For example, the Halloween Pencil becomes a SpookySword. (It's possible the ShadowCrystals may play on this “perception” idea a bit too, but we don't know yet.)
Doctor Gaster seems to be conducting tests on us (Sound Test, SURVEY_PROGRAM, etc.) to observe our feedback. This thematically fits with this whole Rorschach blot test reference. I'm not sure if “WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK?” from Entry 17 and the egg man's flavor text 'What do you think?” are necessarily connected to this at all, but it does happen to fit the theme, lol.
All right, so we've established that there seems to be a symmetrical-looking style. We theorized that maybe they were supposed to evoke a similar look to Rorschach blot tests.
Now we're going to speculate even further.
So why exactly was this Rorschach blot looking style chosen? I think this symmetrical look might be based around reflections. After all, Deltarune involves a Light World and Dark World that reflect each other. And there are actually a few important references to reflections across Undertale and Deltarune.
Kris first appeared in Undertale as the PC's reflection in a puddle if Undertale is being run in Debug mode (Video by marxvee)
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Reaper Bird is encountered in a mirror
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Asriel and Kris' sides of their room are almost perfectly symmetrical in terms of layout and furniture
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Kris' room in Ralsei's Castle has mirrored sprites of Asriel's trophies
The File Select text before Chapter 1's completion states “CHOOSE THE TARGET FOR THE REFLECTION” when copying a file, “IT IS IMMUNE TO ITS OWN IMAGE” when trying to copy a fiile onto itself, and “IT CONFORMED TO THE REFLECTION” when overwriting a file with a copied one
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Mettaton NEO's attack is incredibly high but defenses are low, Spamton NEO's defense is incredibly high but attack is low
Gaster's motif of “666” is “mirrored” by 999: 999 appears in multiple places, eg. Chara's attack, stats of Grandpa Semi were “atk: 99999, df: 99999, hp: 999” (pointed out by LeedleLel's comment on this video by Lil' Alien).
The background of Jevil's fight is a mirrored image of a carousel.
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The mirrored sinks in the right hospital room read “(It's a regular sink.)” and “(It's a clone of the other sink.)” Also: “(Perhaps there was originally one tall sink that was cut in half to create both of them.)”
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All leg options in the GONER_MAKER are identical except the final one, which is mirrored. (pointed out by Shayy via Semi Frequent Undertale Facts)
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The background of the GONER_MAKER itself is mirrored.
The background of the Asriel Dreemurr fight is mirrored.
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The strange fog graphic before Papyrus' battle appears mirrored.
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"I can't get any closer to the camera, I can't even see...my...little reflection." from the Spamton Sweepstakes
POSSIBLE: Gaster's belly face (upside down, details are white on black background, where Gaster's main face are black on white background)
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POSSIBLE: Hot Fridge (inverse of the function of a normal fridge. look this one's loose lol, only including it because Alphys invented it and fridges are tied to Asgore's egg fridge, Snowdrake's mother, the Sans fridge call, and maybe the unused “rustfridge” in the Trash Zone (a place rife with possible Deltarune references))
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POSSIBLE: Unused rooms 123 and 321 (123 is a relatively accessible unused room with interesting dialogue and 321 is...dark, and "empty").
So notably, the places we find this reflection motif in Undertale seem mostly connected to Deltarune: Kris is the PC of Deltarune, Reaper Bird is tied to Deltarune through Everyman, Mettaton NEO is similar to Deltarune's Spamton NEO, and Gaster is...well, probably the one who gave us our SURVEY_PROGRAM in the first place. Even the more tenuous examples of reflections seem plausibly Deltarune-related, such as the fridge Fun call and the Gaster belly face in Spamton's dumpster and a reflected dark room.
I'd like to expound a little bit on the File Select and sink dialogues. Both of these seem to be playing with a concept that could explain this reflection motif.
Copying a file in the File Select seems to mean we are “reflecting” it onto another slot: “CHOOSE THE TARGET FOR THE REFLECTION.” We cannot copy a file onto itself because “IT IS IMMUNE TO ITS OWN IMAGE.” If we overwrite an existing file with a copied one, “IT CONFORMED TO THE REFLECTION.” Interestingly, though, if you copy a file into an empty slot... “THE DIVISION IS COMPLETE.”
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Not multiplying the file - dividing it in two. The original file is also implied to be changed in some way by this, because if you cancel the action of copying a file into an empty slot, “IT RETAINED ITS ORIGINAL SHAPE.” Meaning it would not have retained its original shape if it were copied.
The flavor text for the “cloned” sinks reflects this (hah) exactly. “(It's a regular sink.)” and “(It's a clone of the other sink.)” are followed by “(Perhaps there was originally one tall sink that was cut in half to create both of them.)” Aside from being relevant to the only tall sink we know of, Papyrus' in Undertale, this seems to be setting up a concept of “reflections” representing “an original being divided in two.”
That's about as far as I can take this with the context we have now. We don't know what exactly this reflection/division concept will mean in the plot of Deltarune, as it hasn't showed its hand yet. We don't know if the resemblance of that one recurring style to inkblots is intentional or just coincidence. But at least we have some possible explanation for why these motifs of symmetry and reflections keep showing up.
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nohomie · 8 months
Question for HvsH Howdy. As established he is a very public figure as the faceman fo the HA. Needing to be charming and charismatic for the public. But really he is more gruff and serious, working alone type of guy.
I was wondering would he ever consider being romantically involved with someone or not? How would that go down? (His type, headcannons, and all that....)
Okioki so for starters I'm not going to assign any sexuality to any of the characters in this au. You're free to interpret them in any way you want, since romance isn't really my main focus for it, but in general you can ship any character with whoever regardless of gender for a bit of creative liberty.
It's pretty long so
For Howdy, it takes a while for him to even consider dating. He has a lot of priorities and finding a significant other isn't part of it, yet. Key word, yet. His romance route is an agonizing slow burn lol. His mind is set on being a hunter first and foremost but if you can find a way to get past his fake persona, then rigid exterior, you can be sure he will at most remember your name. He's a tough cookie but still a cookie, if you manage to find his soft spot it may be a bit awkward between you two since he still has to process the emotions he's going through, but he is genuinely caring, think protector type.
It'll takes maybe a season or two before he even realizes he has feelings for you, but once he does recognize it, he will be upfront about it with you. The earlier he confesses the lesser he has to worry about it and all that. Efficiency. Whatever happens next, rejection or reciprocation, he will accept it wholeheartedly. If you start dating, it may have it's rough patches since he still has his whole hunter job to do, but he makes up for it in the moments that matter.
As for preference... Hmm, he likes people who are strong willed. Someone who can handle themselves well in a battle or in general. Someone he can trust won't die easily, for uh-- trauma reasons. Even if you don't fit this specific type, you still have a shot, just spend more time with him lol. If he sees you actively approaching him, he may grow fond eventually.
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I am starved
for interesting babylon rogue headcanons
feed me pls
youd' expect me to ask for just storm but no give me any they all need it
bestie do you know how little this narrows things down??? AH SHIT OKAY LET ME THINK OF SOMETHING <- instantly forgets all my lore
umm. you know, i focus a lot on all the way storm and wave bash heads, and most of that is based on my irl lore (i was raised with my cousins who are more like my brothers tbh, and while the one older than me is an insufferable smartass, that’s still my storm tbh) I NEED TO MOVE ON AND FOCUS ON THE WAYS IN WHICH STORM AND WAVE WORK TOGETHER.
for starters, jet is the most sheltered nepo baby of the three. storm grew up normally in society and wave has also gone outside at some point, but jet is a bit helpless. he tries, he really does, but the amount of dumb shit he’s sucked into makes wave and storm equally patronizing to a funny degree
like, jet has never taken a train before. he was invited to amy’s birthday and never showed because he thought the train would find him.
anyways, storm and wave when they’re working together will finish each other’s sentences. the problem is just them working together LMAO. if they’re with Jet, they can also communicate just with subtle facial expressions to completely screw him over and it’s really funny
one step further, wave will pretend to pull jet aside and tell him about a planned prank, but she’s actually just leading him to the real one. joke’s on her though, jet and storm conned her and now SHE’S the one getting pranked
the rogues sometimes go camping. they wanted an authentic, normal-person experience so wave got a trailer/van that was pre-owned and just fixed it herself without too many upgrades (to keep it authentic ofc). they drive to the middle of the woods sometimes and storm makes camp meals while they fish and climb trees and go offline (except for wave’s necklace she doesn’t take that off)
y’know, i’m starting to realize that i’m struggling because i’m trying to think of a hc list that is general and not specific to my lore, so if you don’t mind that just send me another ask and i’ll spam them if these aren’t enough lol
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nugulover69 · 16 days
I too am a member of the Taiya-hater club and every episode I question why I'm not dropping this show until they show me scraps of Mira or Agent Shirabe or the Three Idiots, but I think from now on I'll be fastforwarding through new eps just for them. My only sentai are Zenkai and halfway through Donbros so being forced to watch Boonboom Red as the main character is like beibg fed cardboard after a pizza.
Oh man. if your only sentai experience is zenkai and donbros, two very experimental and Not A Typical Sentai sentais, yeah boonboom must hit a real sour note since its a return to basics lol
I personally wouldn't call it bad so far, a solid B+ imo, but Taiya is def the weakest character, and his blandness is only more evident whenever an episode is focused on him
I can suggest some good sentais that are more typical in structure for you to watch in the future:
Gokaiger- the core team is phenomenal here, bursting with personality and incredible chemistry between each of them. this IS an anniversary sentai, meaning past rangers are constantly showing up to be apart of the plot, but you do NOT need to have seen their shows to get the gist and have a fun time. you're following the gokaigers and their character arcs are always the main focus. plus they're aliens (space pirates even) that don't know jackshit abt Earth, so you and them are on the same level of knowledge lol
Idk why folks don't recommend this as a starter sentai more often. it was my first ever sentai and I picked the next sentais I watched based on how entertained I was by a past characters appearance. its how I watched go-onger and carranger (and liveman but I don't wanna talk abt that)
Also Marvelous is best red. this is an objective fact we as a community all agree on, even if he's not our own personal favorite red
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Speaking of go-on
Go-onger- the canon, main strength of this team is their stupidity. VERY CARTOONY, heavy on hijinks, light on serious plot (it was written by a veteran kids anime writer and boy can you tell). if you like loud genki kinda assholeish shonen protags than you'll love the red Sosuke. if you don't...perhaps skip this one lol. Sosuke is a biiiig make or break of someone's enjoyment of go-on. the villains are great tho, very team rocket, kinda like the Sanseaters in boonboom
(and its a much better car sentai. Speedor is there all the time. boonboom only has Speedor for one episode. I rest my case)
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Zyuohger- if you need an animal sentai under your belt, this is the best one. the red, Yamato, does get more focus than the rest of the team (many more power ups as well) but he's a likeable character played by a guy who can actually act. GREAT VILLAINS, they evolve over time as well and I can't say much w/o spoiling things, but I'll just say Genis caused his own demise
Also I haven't seen donbros but I know the donbros sixth is deranged, so if you need more deranged sixths in your life you should watch zyuoh for Misao
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Gekiranger- if you really love serialized story telling and characters growing and changing and all that, I cannot recommend geki enough. in a lot of sentai, the weapons are usually just found or given, which isn't inherently a bad thing but I can see why someone wouldn't care for that. every weapon and power up the gekis get is always earned thru them overcoming some obstacle, literal or figurative, so its that much more rewarding when the new Marketable Touy is used
Also they're kung fu fighting cats. did I mention they're kung fu fighting cats. the red was raised in the woods and literally acts like a feral animal most of the time. he does mellow out over the course of the show, but honestly if someone doesn't like Jan from the jump I don't trust them (he has CRAZY yaois with the main villain Leo btw)
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ryuichirou · 1 month
Some replies! A couple about daily posting, some about twst boys.
Anonymous asked:
I hope you don’t feel rushed to post every alternate day. It’s your blog, and if you ever want to take breaks, please take as much time as you want! Always prioritise yourself first! Anyway, that aside, thank you for bestowing upon this fandom such incredible work!
Thank you so much, Anon! This is very sweet, I am very happy to hear that!
Don’t worry about it: we love this blog too much to let ourselves get burnt out by it, so whenever we’ll need it, we’ll take breaks or skip days. Fortunately, you guys are very understanding of our circumstances, so it’s all good <3
Anonymous asked:
I did see the tail post (though I had to check twt before realizing it was a tail... I didn't see the caption.) You just tend to upload multiple times every day (now that I think about it, how do you work with all the art? I want a job with that much free time! ...Sleep is important despite what Idia would say) so I was worried. Glad to know your ok!
-(Overly(?)-)Anxious Anon
P.S. Sorry if I asked to many personal questions: boundaries are not my strong suit. Feel free to ignore them, and please tell me if I make you uncomfortable. I really like your work, and I would hate to make you feel uncomfortable by asking something too personal.
It's okay, Anon; I understand! It must be weird when someone who posts multiple times per day suddenly doesn't post anything, but it really isn't anything to be worried about. It also still feels a little bit weird to skip even a day after that twitter thing that happened in May on my fucking birthday. It was a month-long forced break, and it still haunts us lol Your questions and concerns are perfectly fine and not out of any boundaries.
I draw a lot and pretty much all the time: I start the day by drawing for work (commissions and such, up to six hours), then I take a break to write replies (one hour, or sometimes more, on weekends it can go up to two), then I prepare something for us to post (2-3 hours) + draw for fun for the rest of the day. I also have long sketching sessions whenever I can, and it usually results with a bunch of simple sketches. And we always end up having some stuff to post. Well, usually it’s too much stuff lol Fortunately, I don’t have to ever think about what to post because Katsu does pretty much 100% of our posting. Because of that, I can focus on what I love to do most – you guessed it, drawing. I can’t stress enough how much it helps me out woah.
We usually post replies at around tea time in our time zone (well, Katsu’s), and we post my art ~three hours before going to bed, so to us, this posting feels like once a day. Things for ko-fi and my private twitter are posted in the morning, but if ko-fi posts are twice per day, then one of them is in the evening for us... It’s a lot to keep in mind lol But sometimes we have a couple of things to post, ofc, so these go an hour before our usual posting time so that we won’t replace it with something fewer people are going to like. This is why I said that it helps me out a lot...
I am pretty sure that I am an obsessive weirdo when it comes to drawing, but to be honest, I’ve always been this way. Don’t worry though, I take good care of myself and after a certain point stop drawing for the day; plus, I never draw when I’m tired, and I would never force myself when my back or hand hurt (that doesn’t really happen btw).
And I know that we probably won’t be able to post twst every day for the rest of our lives (for starters, we won’t be into twst forever, as sad as it is…), but for now we can and we’re having fun with it, so I’m very happy about it! Thank you for enjoying our stuff; I say it all the time, but I mean it.
It’s going to sound cheesy, but for now I feel very happy and lucky to be able to draw so much and post so often. With the help of people around me (especially Katsu), with your support, it’s been really great. I want to keep doing it while it lasts and while I can.
Anonymous asked:
Yes, I’d like his number. But considering how old he is maybe smoke signals are more up his valley
(this is about Lilia)
Apparently he likes written letters, Anon, so maybe it will work just as nicely lol
Anonymous asked:
Great. I now low-key ship desperate/thirsty ghost and rook
Well, let’s be honest. Rook would.
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stunfiskz · 6 months
Please tell me about the deltarune pokemon au. I wanna know about the teams
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apologies this took me a bit to put together, i have had a Night LOL
this started as just a thing i like to do for a lot of fandoms where i make a handful of pokemon teams for characters, but it’s kind of expanded into its own concept in my head now X) i’ve been watching a lot of pchal’s videos lately and so my image for a full project with this au would likely be a romhack but i doubt it’ll ever actually get made lmao 
basically, you play as kris still in it. they’re beginning their journey as a pokemon trainer a couple years after their brother asriel left on his own. almost all of their party will depend on what the player catches, but they have a starter honedge (can fully evolve it) that you cannot remove from the party. honedge is a fun choice to me because it doubles as both the knife they have in the light world and their weapon being a sword in the dark world.
susie, ralsei, noelle, and berdly are rivals. the latter two are more of the professors assistant (professor is alphys probably) type rivals, though- berdly in particular would focus on filling up his pokédex and would brag about all the pokemon he’s caught. susie is your traditional asshole rival and ralsei your friendly one. the idea i have for noelle is that she is like… a walking glitch cause, lmao. i always loved watching pokemon glitch compilations when i was little and think its a really fun idea for her. it could start with small things- like, a scene in the school where the curtains turn black when she enters and go back to normal when she leaves, up until she starts getting some REALLY weird shit like the bad egg in her party. unsure what exactly the climax would be for that but i think it’ll be really fun to mess with haha
i think that each chapters main boss would be leaders of their own evil team. i could see it like… king leader of team spade and queen leader of team cyber, maybe? rouxls could be a team spade admin (and maybe lancer i initially didn’t think of that but the idea of there being a like 8 year old as an evil team admin makes me lose it) and swatch & tasque manager as team cyber admins.  unfortunately being rouxls brained means i’ve thought quite a bit for him in this au lmao, i think it’d be funny if he was a former member of basically every evil team imaginable but just kept getting kicked out for being incompetent 😭
as for the teams, i currently have
kris with their starter honedge
susie with a final team of hydreigon, hydrapple, druddigon, tyrantrum, scrafty, and toxtricity. all funny lizards, lol. in particular, hydreigon was chosen for a few reasons- one, i’m biased because the deino line is one of my favorites, but also because the progression of deino and zweilous having their eyes covered, the whole ravenously hungry thing, and all that fit susie very well imo. hydrapple was also chosen specifically because of the whole apple thing she has with kris.
ralsei has an umbreon, absol, altaria, cacturne, comfey, and zoroark. i initially wanted to give him a mono dark team but felt altaria and comfey fit him better than my previous picks. umbreon is a cute dark type with a fluffy prevo, absol is a fluffy dark type and i feel that its whole omen of disaster thing fits nicely with ralsei delivering the prophecy, altaria is fluffy + the whole soothing song thing fits well with ralsei’s pacify spell, cacturne looks like his hat lol, comfey is a healer and has the flowers thing like that one fuckass fangamer shirt i think about constantly, and zoroark is fluffy and ralsei himself has his whole mimicry thing going on.
noelle has an alolan ninetales, sawsbuck winter form, venusaur, azumarill, kabutops, and mew. alolan ninetales was chosen because she needs at least one ice type lmao, sawsbuck because Winter Deer, venusaur because a lot of glitch Pokémon will default to using bulbasaur’s sprite due to it being first in the dex, azumarill both because of the transgender marill glitch and the pikablu rumors pre gsc, and kabutops because one of the sprites that missingno can use in gen 1 is a fossil resembling it, and mew because Mew Under The Truck. i really want her team to be mostly themed around glitch/playground runor stuff but i'm a bit worried that these picks aren’t that recognizable/don’t make as much sense for her because of that 😅
rouxls has a leavanny, vivillon (polar), frosmoth, larvesta, dunsparce, and orthworm. leavanny has the Sewing/Caretaker thing as well as being an early bug evo, vivillon polar form in particular looks like him and is an early bug (easy to get), frosmoth is shiny and is a friendship evo meaning it doesn’t take much effort to evolve, larvesta is little worm, dunsparce is worm adjacent and has the whole “useless silly thing” going on as well, and orthworm is big silly worm. i tried to only chose evolutions that wouldn’t require a lot of effort, which is why larvesta and dunsparce are both unevolved. additionally, i didn’t actually realize this til i was sharing the team with gummy and it pointed it out, but he has a couple friendship evos, which is just always fun when evil team members have those lol.
lancer has a gastly, spheal, voltorb, gible, galarian darumaka, and munchlax. silly and round….
the rest i don’t have full teams for yet, but have some sort of idea for
i want king to have a mono dark team, particularly of more imposing pokemon. i currently have him down with a pangoro, obstagoon, and tyranitar. i really want to give him a guzzlord but im unsure how to be able to justify him having an ultra beast in universe haha. maybe the fountains could be like ultra wormholes and each main boss could have one?
queen has an electivire because. wires lol. and also a tsareena because queen pokemon + kick attack + i like it a lot that’s always been one of my favs lol
swatch has a smeargle, staraptor, porygon 2, indeedee, and spritzee (thank you jay for helping me with the last one lol). i still feel like im struggling a bit to find a real direction for their team though :p
i think it would be funny if tasque manager had a team full of luxray but im unsure how much im willing to commit to it lol
in theory i want berdly to be a bird trainer, but he could also fit well with other pokemon like alakazam for his smart boy gimmick. unsure what direction to go for him as well
ah, also! i think it would be very funny if jevil, spamton, and any other secret bosses had their own weird mechanics for fights, but im unsure exactly what. my first thought was jevil’s fight locking you into hardcore nuzlocke rules and spamton trying to steal your pokemon throughout the fight but the first feels a bit too morbid and the second im unsure how that would actually work so XD will probably go for something different there lol. also reminds me, i think it would be fun for the shopkeepers to still be shopkeepers, and each sell different items like tms or held items used for competitive play! 
thank you for enabling me to ramble abt this lol
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shirogane-oushirou · 7 months
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gonna continue to puzzle over specifics when i'm forcing myself to go offline LMAO but. poke.mon au!!
ren started his journey in kalos with a froakie, but didn't get far because 1) he wasn't actually that interested in battling, 2) he preferred photographing and studying the things and places he saw, and 3) his parents were pressuring him to do something else because his efforts could be "put to better use" elsewhere.
now he's working alongside many others across the world to find new medicinal and therapeutic purposes for various poke.mon (his focus of course being in fungus-based poke.mon + various kinds of spores). he's also skilled at treating spore-based illnesses. his current team helps him in his studies.
i just kinda gave my s/i the team i like when i'm playing the games (aside from scolipede, though i DO have a shiny scolipede that i love hehe). my initial idea was "ro gets through most of the johto league before getting into an accident that cuts their career short" but like. lbr. i've never been the adventuring type LMAO SLAJDNKJN, i've been a gamer and art kid since i was itty bitty, and any time outside was spent looking at cool plants and sticks and shit.
so while my team here was going to have a lugia in place of scolipede, i just don't think that makes sense. nah, more likely, i can imagine starting in johto with cyndaquil as a starter, mareep and magikarp as early catches, realizing the league isn't For Me, and moving to coumarine in kalos with family. once there, i could travel to places around lumiose and catch a venipede, be rescued by a gengar (based on a dream. as usual for me lol.)...
and i'm still working out the How, but i wuv sawk and need him on the team. i do get in some kind of accident at some point, so maybe he could help me-- actually that might work out sdkjkj i played b&w (and developed a surprising affection for sawk) just a couple of years before becoming ill, so it would Kinda Work with the irl timeline??? hmmmm!
but the basic idea is just: ren's passing through coumarine while on his way to one of the surrounding routes for his research. i'm drawing some pastel landscapes by the waterside, as a way to get some fresh air. i catch his attention, he starts up a conversation, and find we have quite a bit in common! and even though he has to go, he finds excuses to pass through the area more often... :3c just kind of "what if we were both Normal (tm) but also there were poke.mon?" lmao.
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shiroi---kumo · 9 months
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Hey guys, I wanted to say thank you for being so patient with me and to let you know how things are going in general.
I knocked my head against some chairs last Saturday but overall I seem okay. I think I need a fucking helmet at this point though. Lol Theo and Salem are checking on me often. Thus far, we're in the green.
Writing overall comes and goes because my night meds make it hard to focus once I take them and I generally take them around 4pm on work days. By this I mean, I normally can no longer make pretty sentences and my focus is non-existent. I just wanted you to know.
Since smacking my head in August (the concussion), writing has been difficult in general. It's hard to remember things and to keep track of threads. I struggle to write to my usual standard and my ability to stay on task and focus is nearly shot. I have good days and that's when I get lot of stuff done but lately it's been spotty at best.
I wanted to apologize for that.
I have been drawing so much because it's easier and by that I mean less straining on my brain. I don't have to look down to draw like I would traditionally and I don't have to think very hard to keep a scene going - I can just color and think about art things like lighting and toning and stuff. We've cut it back again to try to get some palette memes done because that is stopping my brain from having to think about what colors to use by limiting the palette I have access to.
All in all, I'm generally okay but there are still a few lingering things that focus, memory, composition, etc that are straining. I get neck flares every now and then and my migraines are worse than they were before but my preventive med is still generally doing it's job.
But basically, I'm saying I know I'm taking forever to write back to things and I'm not engaging as much as I used to and I am not pumping out posts like I used to but just please know it's not that I don't have interest.
On top of all this, it is an extremely hard time of year for me so depression has been HIGH. I'm working through it. It's no one's fault. It's coping with Dad's death around the holidays. (he died in '18) It's just this was Dad's time of year so everything reminds me of him. I swear it's not you guys.
I am still interested. I still love you guys. I still want to write with you. Please feel always welcome to send asks or memes or starters or what not for any of my puffs. (Cid is an honorary puff)
Guys the concussion is gone but the effects are lingering. Writing is hard now and I hate it. Sometimes it still takes me days to finish a post and other times I can just blast through it in a short time. I just didn't think it was fair to not tell you all what was going on. I'm drawing so much because it's less straining. I promise I'm still interested and I still love you guys.
Thanks for being here, I care about you all so much.
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gcldfanged · 1 month
This is very hard to describe, but your writing doesn't exactly feel like I'm reading something. It's more like I watch a scene unfold because your writing flows so nicely from thoughts to actions and other descriptions. In some replies you also hook onto all senses to bring the reader into the scene and honestly by the time I realise I am reading your stuff, I already reached the end. I don't often read writing that hooks me from the first word to the last like that lol
[Oh my god, I genuinely do not know how to respond to this other than "thank you so much" and "THANK GOD I MANAGED TO DO THE SENSES THING" because I really focus on that when I make starters for example- I want my partner to know what's going on concretely and has plenty of things to notice or look at and just RESPOND to and I run around in a little mental circle being like "was that enough, do I need to edit, is this okay, do they hate it-" like a socially anxious clown.]
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nottsukkomia · 11 months
ok so I'm gonna write here my take on BDSP/PLA arc with Johto and Sinnoh dexholders interacting with each other at the beginning because I absolutely love this idea
At first only Miss gets isekai'd to Hisui, while Dia and Pearl do... other stuff. maybe getting closer to their dream or something. and then they notice that Miss is missing and shit happens in the present too, so they look for clues, and then Johto dexholders will appear and help out with finding ancient stuff related to Hisui to get Dia and Pearl isekai'd as well. And you know, maybe in that short amount of time Silver and Dia can finally interact outside of Satoshi's doodles!
I guess they can connect BDSP and PLA in one arc like this so they won't have to make up something big to compensate BDSP's lack of new content.
From this point most of the focus is on Hisui. Miss has already joined Survey Corps and is actively filling up the Pokédex in Obsidian Fieldlands. While returning to Jubilife Village, she notices, that there are two people who fell in the same place just like she did. Miss and her new partner Rowlet go to check up on them, and recognises Diamond and Pearl, who immediately hug her. The trio is reunited again, but they somehow need to get back to present. The boys are also joining the Survey Corps for the time being, Dia taking Cyndaquil and Pearl taking Oshawott.(both of them somehow ended up with only their first partner Pokémon, the others are left in the present)
The trio is now filling up the Pokédex together. They meet Wyrdeer and then uhhh the plot happens I guess. Together they calm down Kleavor and then, as the time has come to move on to the new location, they are stopped by villagers, who are in the need of help. Pearl decides that he'll take care of their needs and will try to help them with anything he can. Basically, he's now doing the side quests. Now it's only up to Dia and Miss to do the storyline. They convince Calaba(or whatever her name was) that they will help Ursaluna. Ursaluna, however, doesn't seem to be mad and just wanted to fight. Miss and Diamond beat it, and Ursaluna seems to like Dia for some reason. They wander around, and I think Dia adds a Goomy to his team, while Miss catches a Petilil. It was getting too late and they've decided to call it a day, but Miss is still worried about Lilligant, so when the duo go to sleep or, well, do other stuff in the village, Platinum runs back to Lilligant to help her out. But when they notice that Miss is gone, the duo go straight to Crimson Mirelands. Ursaluna meets them and Dia befriends him or adds him to his team, like that one ancient hero did. They hop on Ursaluna and sniff out Miss, who seems to be fighting Lilligant now with Arezu's help. The duo jump in to the battle and help Miss calm the grass giant down.
uhm and I think the other details I'll leave up to you but
I divided PLA's activities and gave one of them to each dexholder of sinnoh trio. Missy fills up most of the Pokédex, Dia does most of the story stuff and Pearl does the side quests mostly. As for the total teams.. for the sinnoh duo I used their first Pokémon and starters that are assigned by me, and then some Pokémon that they haven't used before. Platinum's team is full of Pokémon she hadn't used in the past. or in the present. lol
Dia: Munchlax, Hisui Typhlosion, Hisui Goodra, Drifblim, Ursaluna, Gastrodon
Pearl: Chatot, Hisui Samurott, Hisui Arcanine, Sneasler, Hisui Braviary..
Platinum: Hisui Decidueye, Hisui Lilligant, Wyrdeer, Gardevoir, Clefable, Hisui Zoroark
Well, it was only my take, and I was targeting towards using Pokémon they haven't used before.
While they travel they'll probably have flashbacks of their adventure to mt. Coronet. Because.. You know. BDSP relies only on nostalgia and it would make some kind of sense.
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andrea-lyn · 5 months
wip wednesday, where I ramble about my current list (and all have been worked on within the last ten days, so go me):
outlander old guard time traveller's kaysanova - 22k and the first scene is close to being done, but it's also over 40 pages and idk how to actually like, post this? because the first chapter alone is a fic, so ... ideas welcome
zukka big bang - goal is to finish a scene a month, and I finished scene 1 last week. so scene 2 is may, scene 3 is june, and I finish it up in july with time to spare!
zukka prince & the turtleduck, which is a take on the disney movie, and will get occasional love, but not focus until ...
the time travel zukka is done. this is getting the most love with the goal to be done soon, but there's a raven cycle piece that'll get finished first bc it's a short one
said piece is basically sarchengsy antics told through adam's pov with ronan contribution. if it gets past 2k, I'll be shocked, and will prob get done in a few weeks if I work on it, lol
then there's a come dine with me roy/jamie celebrity au thing that will also be short and sweet once I get to it
annnnd hey, there's a malex fic! it's 1500 words so far! it's a prompt I wrote in my tumblr fills and decided to make into a full fledged thing
then in terms of things I want to start:
something for zukka week - tbd?
there's a genie fic idea I have that has no attached fandom. might end up zukka, might end up something else? idk
and there's the ever-present hanahaki idea that needs a fandom, but nothing fits and I want to write it so bad, but nothing has made sense
and then, idk, but there's two cherik WIPs I abandoned and I'm just like '....but what if I come back to them'. One is probably a non-starter (princess diaries-esque au) but the other (which includes alex/darwin as secondary pairing) might have some legs
(wip word count = 66,081 ... at least I know I'm still verbose)
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I come to you in the hour of need!
Having recently reread your amazing ‘Death and Taxes’, I was again reminded of my inadequacy in this biz. I have no idea how you managed to craft such an immersive story and great characters in 50k words AND in less than a year, but you did. It would absolutely be a hit if published. I cannot believe I identified with a monster-town. My silly ass is in a constant state of schism between admiration and jealousy over every aspect of your writing, and I don’t appreciate this feeling at all! I know they say that we shouldn’t focus on comparing ourselves to others, but I disagree – I believe comparing your own stuff to better stuff is the only way to improve. And I’d love to improve. Could do without the crippling jealousy, though :P
While I still think my take on this world is worth seeing through to the end, I struggle with many elements. I’ve watched videos and read manuals about writing. Valuable material, but not quite enough. So here’s my question – would YOU mind giving me some tips? For starters maybe something about keeping yourself in line when scheduling, because that’s just an abysmal bloody disaster in my case. Also – structuring. You created a fantastic balance between dialogue, description, plot and character development, I feel my text often reads like an article (which makes sense ‘cause I worked with those). I’ve trimmed some fat already, but maybe I could keep going – especially with the bullshit magic-science stuff and overwriting the feels/thoughts. I liked writing it, but now I realize it can be exhausting to follow. Looong stretches when nothing really happens and people just feel sorry for themselves. But idk, that’s not always a big problem.
This brings me to the characters in general. I feel I did alright, but I have doubts. Relationships have never been my strong suit, which is… less than ideal for this hobby. In real life, I’m decidedly more of an observer than a participant, and this shows here and there. Perhaps it’s better that I didn’t use many perspectives because I’d struggle even more. In your story everyone knew about the curse, in mine only a few people do, and that happens over time. The ‘normal’ problems of the leads eventually converge with the paranormal one, so I thought it was best to not dedicate too much attention to the stuff that has little to do with either. But what do you think?
No matter what, I’m absolutely NOT giving up on the pretentious lingo, however :P We museum people are pretentious by trade! If you ever find some free time, could you perhaps check out a fragment of my fic and see what doesn’t work? It’s ‘Hateful’ on AO3. Don’t feel obligated to by any means, I know that just reading this sentence raised your blood pressure lol
And, last but not least, please tell me how to kill the envy demon. I HOPE it’s had its teeth in you at least once in the past, goddamnit XD Otherwise I’m a lost cause
Sorry for accosting you like this, but it’s been on my mind for too long. Release me from this prison!!!
Congrats again I hope you do end up publishing something one day
Hello, Plague. Waking up and finding this in my inbox told me that today might be alright. Thank you again for your excellent fanart.
The man who I can claim most truthfully is my most beloved friend is a writer like me. In fact, without their influence, I would not be a writer at all; They have encouraged me, proofread for me, criticized me, and guided me every step of the journey that has led me to who I am today. I would take a bullet for this man, as many times over as my body would allow.
He also holds popularity I have never achieved. He is the darling of the featured box, earns hundreds of likes and comments where I scrounge up tens, and has attracted the eyes and praise of people whom I am only a number to. When I look upon him, this man whom I love as if he were my own blood, I understand Salieri. I understand Brutus. I understand what it is like to love someone and yet feel a deep, shameful, green-eyed rage towards them. I firmly believe we do the same amount of work, try just as hard as each other, and yet he is beloved and I am not.
So it goes. Jealousy is the worst beast we as mortals can face, and we will be the flesh it feeds on if we allow it to. I am dreadfully sorry you feel this way about me, and honored at the same time, but I must remind you what on the internet it is easy to forget; I, as well as my beloved friend, am just a human. Nothing more, nothing less. It is fruitless to feel jealous, when that same energy could be devoted towards outmatching me. You think I'm good? Be better.
You cannot kill the envy demon. Don't try. You must learn to live with it, to accept it as you accept every other piece of yourself. And when you do that, you domesticate it.
The tip I have learned, dedicated to heart, and use whenever I can is simple; Write up to a key stopping point, the point at which you feel will be make or break for the reader to decide whether or not they wish to stick with it. Publish that much, serialized, in small scheduled chunks.
You now have a fire lit under your ass. The only thing that outmatches my desire to procrastinate is my desire to please others, and thus I have no choice but to continue my schedule, with only a little leeway and wiggle room allotted by the aforementioned stored up slots so I do not blow my head off. I did not plan out Death and Taxes beforehand, save a vague idea of the premise; it was not even intended to have an overarching story, it was only meant to be an anthology. But by working steadily, making lots of mistakes, and deciding what felt right, I ended up after a year of work with the product you love.
Chapters, pages in a comic, it is all the same; If you want to work, find what is stronger than your procrastination drive, and turn it against yourself.
Every one of my stories begins life as a string of dialogue. No action tags, no [X] said, just dialogue like a script. Talking is, oftentimes, the core of any story. It is also what I, personally, am good at. I stimulate conversations with myself or my dog, try to respond as realistically as I can given what I know about the character, and then fill in the blanks with text afterwards. Dog optional.
This is not ideal for everyone, I understand. My greatest suggestion I can offer is to figure out what you are good at, and do that first. Even if your story looks unformatted, or unfinished, you must keep yourself working. Skip scenes if you wish. Write the parts you want to write, and then get the rest later. But at the end, and this is the most important part, it must not look like you did that. It must look like you are a genius who effortlessly spat out an entire sequence in one afternoon, flowing like a dream, never contradicting itself. A writer is a liar, first and foremost. This is why they are so often thought of as geniuses, when in reality they spent seven hours trying to figure out how to describe a plant.
Pretentious Lingo:
Verily, I agree.
Hateful has been in my Ao3 library for some time. I apologize for my slowness.
As a final note, I must remind you as an author that you must keep reading. Length, medium, and popularity of the work matter not. Read, read, read, and the more you examine the style of other authors, the more you will decide what you want your own to look like. I set out writing every story of mine with an idea of what story I want it to resemble; 'I want this to feel like Kraven's Last Hunt', 'I want this to feel like The Blue Fox', 'I want this to feel like The Odyssey'; whatever. As a storyteller, you must always honor other storytellers. Never forget that.
Also, get a proofreader. Hope this helped. Tell your friends to give me money.
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cafalla · 8 months
Game Informer Magazine (November 2019, Issue 319) Scans
I try to focus on mainly scanning older items, but I found this Game Informer magazine and couldn't pass it up.
I mean gosh, anything pre-Covid may as well be a relic, right? (jkjk)
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Unfortunately the front cover is a bit damaged, but I still really love this art collage of Pikachu and the Sword and Shield starters!
Here's some scans from this issue that I like!
Starting off, here's the fanart page.
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These fanart/personal creation corners are my favorite pages in hobby magazines. It makes me so nostalgic for being a preteen and wanting to make and submit my own art in hopes of it being featured!
When I was about 13, I was obsessed with DeviantArt. My dad showed me how to use the scanner so I could scan my own art and post it (on the family computer, of course). My sister came to me one day and asked me to scan her comic that she wanted to submit to the in-game Club Penguin newspaper/magazine.
I didn't play Club Penguin much (I was a Neopets girl), but I fondly remember her being so proud of that comic. I helped her scan and submit it, and asked her every day if it got put into the paper. I don't think it ever did, but it was a fun time waiting to see if it would.
Speaking of Neopets, I also really loved the Neopets paper. I'd spend hours browsing backlogs of the paper to look at the fanart and read the fanfiction that was posted there.
Good times!
I thought this League of Legends art was super neat, but the whole premise of this article is hilarious to me.
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Like...ok, Riot/League. iykyk.
I'm a fairly new League of Legends player - I started playing after watching Arcane. My bf has been an on-again off-again League player, but I was always too intimidated to get into it. I actually got into it first from Team Fight Tactics, and then started playing ARAM, and only recently started dipping my toes into Summoner's Rift.
Anyways, as much as I love the game, people can be SO mean. So just seeing the article title and thinking of all the rudeness I've seen in-game is pretty funny. I know a lot of good people play and work on this game though, so I appreciate the optimism and work to make the community better.
Granted, this article isn't only about League of Legends. But I think having them as the front cover for the article is kind of hilarious.
As a Pokémon fan, I thought this top ten page was a fun look at past gym leaders, especially considering the cover story for this issue is about the new (at the time) Pokémon mainline games.
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The judging criteria is not clear at all. That's ok, there doesn't need to be a reason to do a top ten list - I'm assuming these are just this guy's favorite gym leaders. It is refreshing to see some leaders who don't normally wind up on these kinds of lists though, like Wulfric, Maylene, and Korrina.
This is really wanting to make me go back and play Let's Go! Pikachu lol.
Ok, so admittedly I knew nothing about Baldur's Gate 3 until the day it came out and I was like 'What the heck is this game everyone on my friend's list is playing?"
My bf ended up buying it for me and we played it co-op. Definitely deserved all the hype and praise it got.
So color me surprised when I was flipping through this magazine from 2019 and saw mention of Baldur's Gate 3.
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There's a whole interview in here with the founder of the BG3 game studio. I knew this game was in development for many years, but I just completely missed the hype leading up to it.
Now some scans from the main cover story about Pokémon Sword and Shield.
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These aren't all the scans from the spread, but I just wanted to show some of them off! I love multi-page stories about things where they feel almost like scrapbooks with how the graphics are arranged.
Here's a preview about the Final Fantasy VII Remake.
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I've never played a Final Fantasy game, and though I'd love to someday, I'd have no clue where to start. I do love the character designs and I thought this game looked beautiful when it was announced.
And some more previews for various games.
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Little Town Hero was actually on my radar at the time, as it gave big Fantasy Life vibes (and I LOVED Fantasy Life). Also, I just learned from this article that Toby Fox was brought in to compose? Amazing.
I looked it up and it's available on Steam, but disappointingly the reviews seem pretty mixed. I'm gonna add it to my wishlist and grab it when it goes on sale.
Here's a couple of reviews from the review section.
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And an ending fluff page about creepy Pokémon pokedex entries.
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And that's it for this one!
The full magazine is available to read over on my Internet Archive account.
Thanks for reading!
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