#i need to make a tag for when she's trying to get out fo criminal life like in msot of our verse tbh
“when it rains, it pours.” / from malik
for @lighthouscd​
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    “You can say that again. Honestly almost enough to make me want to quit.”
She flicked the ask from the end of her cigarette, exhaling a smoke cloud from their tiny shelter. The British weather at it’s absolute finest. It was a little comforting to see, as much as it meant running in the dark and colder times to come. It reminded her of home.
Alex offered the cigarette to him, nodding for him to take it. The break between classes was a nice excuse to catch up, especially since she didn’t know what the hell to do with her time. 
    “ You seeing her this weekend?”
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softykooky · 4 years
Sanctuary : One
A/N: This is my first ever fic! I’m a new writer and I’m just starting so please go easy on me :) Also, I edited this way too quickly so forgive me if there are any grammar mistakes. Please let me know what you think and if you would like more parts! Request anything you like! 
Summary: Seoul's drug ring is sovereign of a small group fo 7 men, who have just gotten their hands on the ambassador's daughter.
Warnings: physical/emotional abuse, guns, violence, kidnapping...
There was always something so surreal and soft about a cup of black coffee in a cafe that you have never been to, sitting across from a ghost in a booth that you have never sat in. You cradled a cup of lukewarm coffee between the palm of your hands, periodically sighing into the cold air of the room. The barista had given you a few side glances. A normal behavior though, you’ve been sitting here for a good couple hours now. There was nowhere else to go, and the cafe would give you a couple hours to think of a place to sleep for the night before inevitably walking around a park and finding a nice cozy bench. You looked outside the window.
Rain. At least it wasn’t hail. Better to go to bed drenched than in pain.
From the corner of your eye, you could see the barista approaching you, apprehensively and like she was there out of obligation. 
“Is there anything you need at all? You want me to freshen up that coffee for you?” Her name tag read Kim. 
Yes, there are a lot of things I need. No, you can’t help me with any of them.
“No, that’s alright. I’m so sorry, am I taking too long here?”, you began to pack up your bag full of nothing and made way to move out of the booth. 
“No, no, I was just checking up. Take as much time as you need.” She left you alone after, walking away with no intent to wait for your answer. People always do that. You looked outside the window again, and the rain had worsened, now slamming against the glass so intensely you felt it vibrating against the table. It was so loud. Almost loud enough so that you couldn’t hear when gunshots erupted through the door of the cafe. 
No. No. Not more of this.
Out of instinct and past reflex, you ducked down under the booth table, making yourself as small as you could. You didn’t dare to let out another breath. The other patrons of the cafe had scattered immediately, some making it out the door in a sonic sprint. Your eyes shot to the barista, who was standing there shaking uncontrollably with a strawberry smoothie nestled in her hands, eyes wide staring at the group of men who had just open fired.
“Ah boys. I was wondering when you would arrive. It’s rude to leave your guests waiting, you know.” The voice came from a man sitting in the corner of the room, still sipping on a cappuccino with his face tucked under a hat.
“Cut the shit, Mino. What happened to our shipment at the port in Gwangju?” His voice was sharp. Seething and filled with an intense hatred that could be heard from the tone alone. You would hate to be Mino right now. You looked around again, and the cafe had already been cleared out. The barista was nowhere in sight. What luck.
“I know what happened.” A different voice from the same group of men.
“You stopped it before it got on the boat. Tipped off Hyun’s crew that our goods were in transit and you, spineless as you are, gave up our protection and loyalty for a couple million that they offered you.” The man’s words seemed to silence the room. You held your breath, only watching the scene unfold before you.
The man named Mino coughed into his cup. He set it down, then idiotically tried to sprint out of the cafe and away from the grasps of a group of heavily armed men. Even you wanted to laugh. They cornered him, backs turned to where your booth was. This was your chance. You can run and they’ll never know you were here. The barista popped into your mind again. You couldn’t leave her alone.
You crawled out of your hiding space under the booth, making your way to the counter and trying to ignore the sound of Mino being beaten to a pulp that made a familiar anxiety bubble in your chest. You had to focus and not blow into a panic attack. Your advance was almost completely soundless, and the mystery men were far too preoccupied to notice you behind them. You peeked through to the counter, finding a shivering barista who still clutched a strawberry milkshake like her life depended on it. Her eyes held your gaze, tears streaming down her cheek. You mouthed for her to follow you as you turned around once again, preparing for the treacherous trek to the door.
“Mino, we could have been such good allies. Is that your price of betrayal? A million and a half?” A punch to the stomach. Uppercut to the jaw. “I would like to think we are more expensive than that, don’t you boys?” You winced, spiritually sending condolences to Mino. Sounds like he messed up real bad.
You held onto the barista’s hands behind you, slowly standing up and walking gingerly out the door with her in tow. 
Okay Y/N you’re halfway there. Just a little bit more. Quietly, you’ve done this before. 
The men turned around.
Oh fuck. 
The only thing you could think of was flinging the barista in front of you and running full speed to the door, now busted in its frame with pieces of shattered glass on the ground. “Shit. Run, Kim! Go!” You yelled in your haste, still pushing her in front of you. If it hadn’t been for the hand that had suddenly encased itself around your upper arm, you would have made it too. You were pulled back into a hard chest, sighing in relief as Kim sprinted out to the other end of the street, not looking back once. Watching her, you wished you could have done the same for your sister. Now you were going to die. But it was okay because you saved someone from the same fate,
“What the fuck is wrong with you? The gunshots didn’t scare you away?” You turned to his face. If this were a normal day, you would’ve been in awe at how handsome this stranger was. Had it not been for his increasingly tight grip on your hand and a gun in the other. You couldn’t speak. Couldn’t even breathe. You thought you had already escaped this part of your life. 
“What? Are you mute?” He squeezed your arm more, eyebrows furrowing as steam seemed to shoot out of his ears. You whimpered in pain, which seemed to soften his demeanor and loosen his grip. 
“I-I’m sorry. I couldn’t get out in time.” Tears had involuntarily made their way down your cheeks. He sighed, turning his gaze to the other men in the room who had been tensely watching. Wow. Leave it to you to get yourself tangled in a shootout with the most beautiful criminals you had ever seen in your life. 
“Whatever. Mino’s taken care of. Just take her with, she’s already heard everything. No loose ends.” The man in the middle said nonchalantly. Your face paled.
“No. No you can’t. Please, I promise I won’t say a thing. I’ll pretend it never happened.” Now it was your turn to hold onto the man, shaking in his grasp as you pleaded. You couldn’t go back to this violence. He stared at you in disinterest.
“Please, don’t take me.” You had begun to cry more intensely, feeling an impending doom over your head. It never matters what you want. What you need. The world just kept going on. The men exchanged knowing glances, restraining and dragging you to the black SUV that had been parked outside. You didn’t fight then. It was useless. This life will always drag you back. 
When you woke up from a sleep of exhaustion, you were still in the car. Both your hands and legs had been tied with scratchy rope that dug into your bleeding skin. You looked around at the men, who were all occupied with something and chatting with each other as if they hadn’t just shot up a cafe and beaten a man to an inch of his life. You coughed to clear your throat, but were too scared to say anything else. A man with wavy black hair looked your way, almost sneering at your presence. 
“Princess is awake.” He spit out the words, making you confused. Were you so terrible even from such a short encounter? You looked down at your hands instead, staying silent. The car drove for god knows how long before it stopped in front of a house that you assumed costs more than your life. Before you could gawk anymore, the same man gripped onto your bruised forearm and dragged you out of the car. You bit your tongue at the pain, cooperating with everything. 
They seemed to fling you around like you were a ragdoll. Next thing you knew, you were being shoved down ungracefully on a chair in a white room, staring at your own reflection in the mirror you faced. For making it through a gun ambush, you looked pretty okay. The door opened to a man, a gentle smile on his face.
“Hello Y/N.” You froze, wide eyes coming up to meet his gaze.
“How do you know my name?” Your voice shook as you spoke, fear seeping into every word. He held up an ID card that you had left in your bag. 
“What a coincidence, huh? That when we took someone captive it would be the daughter of the Japanese ambassador.” The same anxiety from before bubbled up again, threatening to spill out of you. 
“I...I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
He chuckled humorlessly, taking a seat across from you and tossing a file onto the table with your face plastered on the front.
“Says here you ran away a couple months ago right? I wonder why though...was Daddy not giving you enough weekly allowances? Didn’t get you the latest season of Saint Laurent that you wanted?” He spit the words at you as if they were poison, making you recoil back into your seat. You wouldn’t tell him the reason you ran away, but you wished it was because of something measly like Saint Laurent.
“Ah, silent treatment. Well, Ms. Y/N. I’m sure your father would reward us handsomely for the return of his beloved daughter, don’t you think?” His words made a chill shoot up your spine and tears welled in your eyes.
“No!” You screamed in his face, catching him off guard.
“Please….please don’t do that. Please don’t send me back. I’ll do anything. Anything but that.” 
Your desperation seemed to confuse him further as his frown deepened and he looked at you curiously. He seemed to be deep in thought before his expression flattened once again, cold eyes staring back into your teary ones.
“Do you know how many people would kill to be in your privileged position? The money that your family has? Do you know how fortunate you are?” He judged you, tutting as he flipped open the file to read more. You shook your head, staring down at your tied hands and trying to soothe the sharp ache in your chest.
“Yeah….so fortunate.” You laughed, refusing to meet his gaze once again. If your old life had been considered fortunate, you wouldn’t even want to know what was considered unlucky. He stayed silent, only reading up on the details of your life more. 22 years old. Black hair. Brown eyes. Daughter of the Japanese ambassador and distinguished family. Your father is a business tycoon and your mother his arm candy. One sibling; a sister. Allergic to shellfish. 
“Well, Ms. Y/N, if you are so desperate to not return to your cushy life with a silver spoon, you’ll stay here until we figure out what we should do with you.” He pulled you up from your seat and signaled you to follow him. The house you were in was almost as grand as your own, hallways spanning for what seemed to be miles. You guessed that the chandelier above you was Swarovski; you had the same one in your dining room. You felt annoyance gnawing at the back of your head. Who was he to judge you when your lifestyles were so aligned. 
“You’ll be staying in here.” The man opened a door to a large room with a queen size bed in the middle. It looked like your room back home, and you wanted to throw up. Your expression didn’t go unnoticed as the man rolled his eyes.
“My sincerest apologies if the room is not up to her highnesses’ standards.” He shoved you roughly through the doorway, making you stumble over your own shaky feet. The man turned to leave but was stopped by your meek and quivering voice.
“W-What’s your name?” You muttered, ignoring the fear you could hear in your own words.
“Not that I owe it to you or anything,” he said coldly.
“It’s Namjoon.” 
Namjoon. The name suited him. Suited his confident gait and his cold but calculating stare. You wanted to yell in his face. Tell him that you weren’t the spoiled brat princess he had made you out to be. Scream the reason why you ran away. But you couldn’t. After all your father and family have put you through, you knew how important his job was and what a high government figure he was. You couldn’t threaten that position. Your father was still your father once, and not the monster he has become. 
You collapsed on the soft bed after washing up as best you could, with no intention of sleeping. Sleeping risks having a nightmare, and your state was already fragile as it was. You turned on the bedside lamp and tucked yourself into the goose-feathered blanket, finally processing everything that had happened today. It seemed to crash like a ton of bricks, and you let out the pain on a poor, ill-fated pillow that had the unfortunate fate of being near. 
A knock sounded from the other side of the door and swung open immediately afterwards. You bolted up to a sitting position.
“Could you keep it down? I’m in the room next to you.” His words felt like a slap in the face, and you could feel another bout of tears surfacing but swallowed down to avoid being pummeled by your captor. 
“Oh”, you hiccuped, “sorry.” 
“What? Do the sheets not have high enough thread count? I’ll get someone on that”. His words were mocking and rude, and try as you did, you couldn’t stop the dry sob that forced its way out of your throat. His lips curled up into a smirk. You hated that they assumed everything about who you were. You hated being taken. You hated whoever this is that told you to be quiet.
“Taehyung! What are you doing in there?” A silver voice cut through the hallway and you halted your hysterical sobbing in anticipation and fear. Another man. One of the ones in the cafe. There had been seven of them, you weren’t sure. He looked at you and softened at your red and blotchy face.
“Did you make her cry, you brat?” He slapped Taehyung across the shoulder, making him roll his eyes. 
“I told you to go easy and look at what you did.” He seemed to be lecturing the other man like a parent figure. It would’ve made you giggle had you not been sobbing.
“H-He didn’t make me cry. I was crying before...I was being t-too loud. I’m sorry.” Wiping away the tears that had clouded over helped you see the new man. Of course, dangerously handsome and aura dripping in elegance. 
“Yeah, Jin-hyung, I was just trying to hack the cameras in the embassy but I couldn’t do it while it sounded like a funeral next door.” Taehyung huffed, rubbing the spot where he got hit. So this new guy’s name was Jin. You made a mental list in your head. So far you have figured out Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jin.
Jin approached you and gently wiped away the steady stream of tears on your face. You nearly gasped in surprise. Ever since the cafe, everyone has been so rough with you. Come to think of, it’s been so long since anyone has ever touched you with care and no intent to hurt. You flinched at the unfamiliarity, which made Jin frown before moving away. 
“Come on Tae, let’s let Y/N get some sleep.” He ushered Taehyung towards the door and closed it gently. You were alone, again. With nothing but your thoughts.
“Y/N, you’re fucking useless. We had you to make our family look better, and you can’t even serve that simple purpose.” Your father spit the words at you, accompanied with a stinging slap across the cheek. Some days were worse than others. At least he wasn’t hitting your sister.
“God, why the fuck did the universe give me this pathetic excuse of a fucking daughter?” He kicked you in the stomach.
“All I asked was to not go out and let the press see you.”
Punch to the jaw.
“And you can’t even do one fucking thing right.”
Another kick. 
He always said the words eerily calm. That’s how you’d know he was angry. He would never yell, just said it simply and without waver as he beat you into the floor and your mother pretended not to hear from the other room. 
“I should just get rid of you now. You’d make a good whore.” His fists rained down on you. By the end of it, you laid still and let him finish taking his anger out on you. It was never worth fighting back, anyway. He would just hit you twice as hard. 
You woke up with a gasp, hands clutching onto the blanket that was held to your chest and gulping in air desperately. You had started crying in your sleep, leaving a wet stain on the pillow and your body felt sticky from sweat. This was why you avoided sleeping in the first place, but it seems you cried yourself exhausted last night and drifted away. A cough came from the open doorway, as a man peered in with a tray of food. His shocked eyes told you that he had been here before you woke up.
“Food.” He uttered. He walked closer to your bedside table and paused, taking in the scene before him. You were having a nightmare when he came in, and all he knew to do was stare at you until you woke up. He swiftly placed the tray onto the nightstand, and you flinched in response, which confused Jungkook even more. He shook it off, turning to make his way out the door. Before he could leave, though, you yelled out and asked for his name. 
“It’s Jungkook.” His eyes avoided your’s.
“Jungkook...thank you for bringing that for me.” His hands froze on the doorknob. He never expected someone like you to have manners at all, much less for the same group of people that kidnapped you off the streets. Jungkook left with no more words exchanged. 
“Hyung...did you notice something weird about Y/N?” Jungkook fiddled with his fork as they all sat around a dining table eating breakfast. He had been feeling off all morning after Y/N, like something was gnawing at the back of his mind. 
“Who? The girl we kidnapped?” Taehyung questioned, mouth full of scrambled eggs as he insisted on shoving more in. He looked at Jungkook confusedly. 
“Yeah..she’s just jumpy. More than most. And when I went to give her food, she was having a nightmare and pleading for someone to stop.” Jungkook knew the signs. He knew what that looked like. He’s experienced it. 
Jin looked up from his newspaper and sipped a cup of black coffee. “Come to think of it, yes actually. She flinched away from me yesterday and I barely moved.” Jin didn’t give it another thought, though, returning to his newspaper crossword puzzle. 
“I dunno Kook, it’s probably nothing. Probably dreaming about someone stealing her Birkin.” The group chuckled at Yoongi’s jab lightheartedly.
“Yeah, you’re probably right”, Jungkook pushed down his suspicions. He was probably reading too much into things. Those are miniscule signs and he was in no way a profiler.
Taehyung chugged a glass of orange juice after his mouthful of eggs. “Besides, she just got snatched off the street by a bunch of strangers.” He looked at Jungkook, trying to assuage whatever he’s got his head roped up in. 
The group spent the rest of the morning laughing over breakfast and briefing over the duties they were each responsible for. More like a group of old friends rather than business partners of an underground mafia that dominated the entire Seoul drug ring. You really had no idea what you had gotten yourself into, and what being the ambassador’s daughter means for you. Namjoon would have to decide by the end of the day what the course of action is regarding your situation. Giving you back to your father would put them in his favor. They would have an in to high-level government officials. However, keeping you would give them leverage to hold over the ambassador’s head. What Namjoon didn’t know, though, was why you were so insistant on not going back. He was going to make it his goal to find out. 
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leah-halliwell92 · 3 years
Daughter of Darkness
Summary: Leaving the island had been a backup plan...and a last resort. She didn’t want to leave home, but by Hera had their actions driven her to. She’d grown restless with their stares and whispers...no more. But little did she that leaving had set her on a path she could never have imagined. 
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It hadn't been a day, one damn day in Gotham and Anna could feel the foreboding chill in the summer air. She made quick work of her armor and donned her sword, laso, daggers and shield. She made her way to the roof of the hotel she was staying at and flew to where the Shades where guiding her.
“The souls are there mistresssss,” the main Shade said pointing to a shed in the docks.
Anna nodded and opened a portal with a swipe of her hand.
She heard laughing when she entered the, fairly large, shed. The laugh made her bones quiver in a way she had not felt in a long time. She ducked down behind some cargo boxes using the darkness to her will and keeping out fo sight. She saw a white faced man with green hair in a purple suit slowly pace in front of the two figures there were suspended in the air. They were both masked  and caped. However the one that surprised her most was grey/black suit donned by the batman.
‘So this is the famous Batman,’ she thought as she got closer to the trio.
The man, the clown, was pointing a knife at was clearly unconscious, which did not give her a good feeling. Men like the clown, enjoyed a show. She had no doubt he was going to do something to them both. But from the looks of it the clown’s main focus is to torture the man dressed as a bat.
“And with the bat down I can play with the birdy!” A white faced man said his already wide smile getting eerily wider as he approached batman with a zapping taser. 
“Stop!” the young man, Robin, cried as he valiantly struggled to get free from his chains. 
The screams that filled the shed chilled her to her bones. 
An injured, and clearly, exhausted batman panted as he came too.
“Good you’re awake,” the clown said in a high pitched tone, “Was afraid you’d miss the show.”
The clown put the taser down and picked up a crowbar. 
“Too bad Harley couldn’t be here to join the fun,” he said with a sigh.
But before he could do anything, Anna threw one of her daggers at the hand holding the crowbar.
The clown screamed as the knife went through his palm causing him to drop the crowbar. 
He went to take the dagger out when Anna said, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
“And why ever not?” He asked
Anna’s eye twitched and with the flick of a finger an inky black tentacle wrapped around the knife and forcefully pulled it out tossing it in her direction. 
“That’s why,” she said calmly as she caught the dagger.
She walked to the center of the dimly lit shed the darkness dancing like fog about her body as it licked her legs and arms. She saw the Shades circling, whom were they waiting for she didn’t know, she just had to make sure it wasn’t the two heroes doing a rather authentic impression of pigs for slaughter.
“So you’re the famous, or infamous, Joker?” Anna asked nonchalantly.
The Joker grinned widely and said, “What’s it to you sweetheart?”
He pulled out a gun and shot Robin point blank in the stomach.
“No!” Batman yelled and grunted as he struggled to get to his partner.
Joker then began firing at her 
Anna easily dodged and deflected the bullets using her bracelets as she ran towards the Joker.
He in turn pulled out another gun and pointed it at Robin’s head..
“Come any closer sweetheart and I blow the boy wonder’s brains out,” he said cocking the gun as he moved to stand behind Robin.
Anna felt the Shades behind her hungry and hissing as they floated around the room.
Time seemed to slow as she made eye contact with the Batman trying to conveying that someone wasn’t going to leave here alive.
He nodded and closed his eyes.
“You can’t do it can you?” The Joker said cackling, “Can’t or won't kill just like the Bat!”
Anna growled at him, how dare this mortal! She pulled her dagger between her fingers ready to throw.
The Joker cackled again and said, “Girly can’t! Too good to kill are you!?”
Anna smirked at the Joker her eyes dark and predatory as she said, “You underestimate me for my sex. Typical man...You have one chance. Drop the gun and I’ll consider letting you live.”
The Joker cackled and pressed the gun harder against Robin’s temple.
“I don't think so, I’d much rather kill him than that,” he said and began to pull the trigger.
She swung her arm upward from where it lay at her sides, and with a twist of the wrist, the dagger went flying imbedding itself into the Joker’s skull. 
Anna waisted no time and went to Robin, tore a piece of his cape of and added pressure to the wound. 
She reached for the chain and pulled them apart with a firm tug.
Batman watching still in shock as this woman, the very same woman that had just killed the Joker, help his son down from where he hung. 
“Is he alive?” He asked stiffly, then again after receiving no answer from the still occupied woman “IS HE ALIVE!?”
She heard his pain through the modulator and looked up after she’d managed to stop the bleeding. 
“He’ll be alright for now,” she said rising from where she as kneeling over, a now unconscious, Robin, “The bleeding’s slowed and I’ve done my best to stop it until he receives proper medical attention.”
She turned to leave but was stopped by a hand to her upper arm.
She turned to the Batman a brow cocked, his grip on her arm tightened.
“Why did you do it?” He asked in barely contained anger.
“Most people say “thank you” and let things be,” Anna said pointedly, “If you’re asking about why I killed the Joker–”
“No one needed to die!” He yelled.
“What did you expect me to do!?” She yelled eyes glowing dangerously, “Incapacitate him while he held a gun to your partner’s head? Risk Robin getting killed?”
His grip tightened more around her arm and had to be at least a little impressed, this man whoever he is is stronger than the average mortal. He reminds her for a moment of the soldiers of old who’d seen and done things no other being had done. This one though, she could see that he’d seen too much possibly at too young an age. 
“Let. Me. Go,” she said forcefully, punctuating each word, “The longer you try to convince yourself the Joker did not need to die, the less likely it is for the boy to live.”
She pulled her arm from his grip roughly and stepped into the shadows, “And in case you forgot, I gave the Joker an out. He didn’t take it and was about to bathe you in brain matter. If I hadn’t taken the shot, so to speak, when I could then a real tragedy would have occurred.”
Batman looked around the room trying to pin point where she was batarang in hand. 
“Let me ask you this Batman,” she said evenly, “Was letting the Joker live more important than the life of your boy? I understand the need of such a rival, but when they prove too much to handle and end insight is what is needed.”
The fog of darkness lifted from the shed as she left, Bruce looked down at Robin and picked him up making quick work of getting him into the batmobile and rushing home. 
Anna dropped into her room with a sigh.
“The boy shall live misstresssss,” a straggling shade said with a bow.
“Thank you, now let’s hope he doesn’t think it wise to hunt me,” she said as she took off her tiara and bracelets.
“He carries much within him,” it said curiously, “He has evaded ussss for years my lady.”
“The Batman?” She asked putting her weapons away. She saw the shade nod and gave a small half smile, “He is an interesting one I have to say, carries a darkness I’ve not seen in a man in centuries. I think times are going to get more interesting from here on out.”
“I must insist master Bruce,” Alfred said as he followed a limping Bruce to where Dick slept.
“She just...killed him Alfred,” he said as he sat on the chair next to Dick with a heavy sigh. 
“Well, he was going to kill Master Dick, Sir,” Alfred said lightly.
“She gave him an out,” A hoarse voice said. 
The pair looked to Dick both men breathing sigh of relief that is awake.
“She gave him an out...” Alfred said confused.
Dick nodded with a wince, “She told him to drop the gun and she’d let him live. But the Joker being the psycho that he is, was, he just said that the best course was to just kill me.”
Alfred had to lean agains the foot of the bed when he heard this.
Bruce had a thoughtful look on his face but he looked a bit lost if Alfred did say so himself. He knew this was going to be an adjustment for Master Bruce, he just hoped it lay to rest a few of his demons. 
“I thought this would’ve had a grater effect on you Master Bruce,” he said instead of the former, “He had been a rather large part of Gotham’s criminal underground.”
“Oh it did,” Dick said laying back down, “He was beyond pissed, but I passed out from the blood loss before I could see or hear anything else.”
“She...made me chose in a way,” Bruce said quietly as he stared off avoiding any and all eye contact, “After killing the Joker, she asked me if letting him live was worth the risk of losing Dick...of losing my son.”
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Tag List:
@flanagirl​ @xbreezymeadowsx​ @enigmatic-ravenna​ @alisinchainmail​ @disneymarina​ @thebeautyofdisorder​ @fandomgalcentral​ @wonderbat-official​
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benedictscanvas · 4 years
all the wrong places [5/7] - spencer reid x reader
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: 2k
Summary: It only takes a moment for Spencer to realise that he doesn’t just want to marry you someday, he wants to marry you as soon as he possibly can. But since he can’t come up with a solid plan, he turns to his BAU family for help in planning the most important day of his life so far. Is that a mistake? Most definitely.
Warnings: Series probably aren’t meant to be exclusively fluffy, but this one practically is! I need some fluff in my life, damn it! There may be some mention of regular Criminal Minds things, some language but mostly just good ol’ Spence lovin’
a chapter every day for seven days! (20-26th July 2020) so please drop an ask if you’d like to be tagged <3
Chapter Five - Heat of the Moment
There hadn’t been anymore meddling in his relationship with you since that day on the jet. You’d been on a case the whole time, so there was little opportunity for them to do so, but Spencer got the feeling it was more than that. All of them had started feeling too guilty about all their previous meddling to do anymore.
That, and Spencer was pretty sure JJ had taken everyone aside and put her foot down about it. No more bets were placed, no more money exchanged hands. Spencer was ridiculously relieved. The case was still tough, but at least he could pour all his focus into it rather than being worried what the team might spill at any moment.
“The geographical profile is all over the place,” he told you from his spot at the board, looking back at you over his shoulder. You were sat cross-legged on top of the conference table, files splayed out all around you, eyes tired and slightly wild. Everyone had been up for hours without sleep, but it affected everyone differently. You and Spencer were both the type to keep working without breaks, running solely on adrenaline and copious caffeine and then crash completely as soon as everything was over.
“I know,” you murmured, “Come look at this.”
You didn’t need to ask twice as he made his way over and perched on the tiny scrap of table he could find uncovered by paper. You pointed to one of the files to your left and he had to hold onto your knee as he leaned over to read it.
“That’s interesting.”
‘Yeah I thought so too, but then I thought I was probably wrong.”
“I don’t think you’re wrong,” he said absentmindedly, picking up the file and dropping it into his lap to read in more depth. You sat quietly beside him, allowing him to digest what you’d been trying to make sense of for an hour.
“Let’s take this to Hotch, see what he makes of it,” he said eventually, hopping down from the table with the file clutched tightly in one hand, “Good work, Y/L/N.”
“Means a lot coming from you, Doctor Reid,” you chuckled, taking his outstretched hand to help you down from the table. You smoothed out the wrinkles in your shirt and then quickly reached out to pull his cardigan up where it had fallen from his shoulder, before heading out of the room.
Hotch was talking to a few officers when the two of you presented what you had found. A guy in the system who had previous convictions that made him a perfect candidate for the bomber you’d been trying to stop for over a week now.  A call to Garcia to look into his recent purchases all but confirmed your suspicions.
“We need to go,” Hotch said, mostly to the officers, once his phone had beeped to indicate Garcia having sent the address. You and Spencer were already grabbing your jackets and vests, strapping them on.
And then there were gunshots, Hotch was pulling you down onto the ground, you were pulling Spencer with you and all you could see was a pair of old, worn boots across the precinct from your position behind the desk. When the gunshots had stopped, the three of you slowly rose your heads above the desk, met with the face that lay in a file strewn across the floor a metre or so away from you.
There was a bomb strapped to his chest, which almost made you roll your eyes at just how obvious this next move had been and how none of you managed to see it coming. You scanned the room for the victims of the gunshots, but found only one body near the door, a young officer with a positivity that you had thought he would lose with time. He’d never get the chance. The rest of the shots seemed to be in the ceiling, if the chunks of plaster were any indicator.
Hotch was already stood up, hands out in front of him, moving forward towards the guy, Clive, you remembered, with slow steps and soft words. You looked to Spencer beside you, silently asking if the two of you should be doing something, standing up with him or pulling your guns. He shook his head, though only slightly, then he looked down and tightened your vest. No words. You did the same for him almost instantly, before the two fo you turned back to Hotch. Hands were poised on guns, but there was no use shooting the guy if it would detonate that bomb. It was enough to decimate the room, at least.
Heart pounding. Mouth dry. It was impossible to tell whether Hotch was getting anywhere. He was still getting closer, but Clive still had that rage burning behind his eyes that told you that Hotch wasn’t there yet.
When Clive suddenly took the final step towards Hotch that left his gun resting on Hotch’s forehead, you bobbed further up from behind the desk instinctually, and he turned to you. So did his gun. Spencer only just pulled you back behind the desk in time before another round of gunfire started up, this time directed at you. You crouched beside Spencer, eyes screwed shut as you clung to each other.
The gunfire stopped abruptly with a shout, but neither of you moved. Spencer’s arms were wrapped all the way around you, head on top of yours, with your hand on top of his head pulling it down as far as you could.
“You two okay?” JJ said frantically as she rounded the desk and rested a hand on each of your shoulders. You finally let up your embrace, checking each other over with military precision. No injuries.
“We’re good. Everyone else?”
“All fine,” JJ said through a sigh, helping you up with two hands and a squeeze to your right, “Morgan and I returned from our interviews just as Hotch was talking the guy down, and when he turned on you guys, we got our opportunity to bust in and wrestle the detonator from him.”
“Pretty badass, JJ,” you smirked at her, pushing at her shoulder and she shook her head at you, trying not to smile. She was off to check on Morgan without another word, who was already working with the bomb squad to take care of the bomb, but by the way he was laughing a little with one of the guys you guessed this must be a pretty easy one to sort out. Hotch had Clive cuffed and was taking him away. Rossi and Emily must still be out at the M.E. and you were glad they’d managed to avoid this.
Spencer beside you seemed to be surveying the scene as you were, but his hand was rubbing his shoulder with a grimace. Your eyes narrowed.
“Turn around, Spence,” you ordered him suddenly and he looked at you surprised, but turned around anyway. Your soft little gasp couldn’t be contained. There was a bullet lodged in his vest, just above his shoulder blade, “Oh fuck, get this off, Spence, get it off.”
You were quick to unstrap it, although still careful even if you were hardly thinking straight. When you finally lifted it from his head and stared at the spot where the bullet had been, there was no mark. No blood. You let out an uneven breath. There would be bruising, no doubt, but the vest had done its job.
“You know, I think I would’ve know if I’d been shot,” he said, slightly teasing despite the fact you had tears in your eyes, “And taking my vest off would’ve been the least helpful thing to do if I had, too.”
You were looking at your feet. Spencer winced. He had no idea you were actually that worried, but he could see you biting your lip and changed his course immediately.
“Shit, sorry,” you mumbled, but he was already scooping you into his arms and holding you tight, allowing you to cry, if only just a little bit. You hadn’t slept, no one had, so you figured you could get away with it this once.
“We’re alright, angel,” he whispered reassuringly, rubbing your back, your hair with insistent hands, “Everything’s alright, it’s done. We can go home.”
There was an extra little whimper at the mention of home, but also a resolve. You pulled away from him, wiping your face roughly until any trace of tears had vanished. He tilted his head as he looked at you.
“Sorry,” you said sheepishly, a small smile, “Just love you a bit, you know?”
“Yeah, I know. Love you a bit, too.”
He pulled you in by the back of your neck, gentle, a kiss placed to your temple and then another for luck. When he pulled away, you gave him another look and a ‘just gimme a second’, before disappearing away to the precinct’s bathroom. He figured you might have a few tears to cry in private, and while it made his heart ache, he understood. He might have some to cry later too, when the shock wore off and he was left with the ‘what if’s.
“You okay, kid?” Rossi was the one to come over next, even though Spencer had no idea he and Emily had made it back, “Made it out unscathed.”
“Almost,” Spencer was rubbing his shoulder again, because it actually really hurt and so had hugging you, but that didn’t matter. He saw the worry on Dave’s face, “It’ll just be a bruise. Don’t tell Y/N I complained about it.”
“Don’t want her to think you’re weak?” Rossi said jokingly and Spencer barked out a laugh.
“You and I both know I just don’t want her to treat me like a piece of glass for a month,” he said with a small groan, “You remember when I was shot in the knee right?”
“I do. Maybe she was a little over the top,” Rossi agreed, with Spencer nodding along. It had made him love you more than ever, but it had also been beyond frustrating, “She’s pretty enamoured with you, huh?”
Spencer paused for a second, looking over to the bathroom to make sure you hadn’t returned.
“No one’s more surprised about that fact than me, Rossi.”
“I’m not surprised. What surprises me, is that you haven’t put that ring on her yet.”
Spencer sighed. And it returned.
“I’m not having a go, kid. I’m just saying I think you should go for it. And I don’t think that woman-” he pointed discreetly towards the bathroom as you emerged, eyes puffier than they had been, “-is going to care how you do it. The woman who’s currently beside herself over your wellbeing even though you didn’t even get shot, is just going to be over the moon that she gets to marry you. Trust me.”
The pep talk had tears in Spencer’s eyes again. He kept his gaze on you as you walked over to Emily for a hug and the two of you talked. Rossi had said everything he needed to hear. He turned to the man with a grateful smile.
“Thanks Rossi. Seriously.”
He began to march towards you, even though the ring was in his satchel in the conference room, ready to confess every bit of how much he loved you. Ready to ask you to marry him right the fuck now, because no other time would be soon enough.
A hand on the back of his shirt pulled him backwards with force enough to make him stumble.
“Christ, Reid, I didn’t mean right now! We’re in a dirty police precinct, dumbass.”
“But you just said-”
“Yeah, I know what I said. But not here.”
Spencer frowned as Rossi walked off, shaking his head. At the back of his mind, he wondered whether this would count as his fifth proposal attempt gone wrong, or if he was only on his fourth.
Either way, he was turning out to be shockingly bad at this.
taglist (ily all <3)
@mrs-dr-reid @soda610 @alexxcorona113 @thupidalethea @may-beforejune-afterapril @ilovesupersoldiers @hurricanejjareau​ @stardream14 @mortallythoughtfulgurl @aperrywilliams @saranyx @anotherspencerreidblog @thegayestdestielshipper @burkgolden @reidsmyhusband-emilysmymistress @zozoleesi @baumindss @sargent-barnes​ @halseysunset​
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mattmurdocksscars · 4 years
Miscommunication Ch. 11
Yall have waited a very long time for this update, I am so sorry. I hope you enjoy though and know that are likely one or two chapters from the end 💖 this has been an amazing journey and thank you so much for sticking with me! We finally find out who has been sabotaging the missions in this chapter 👀
Word Count: 1912
Warnings: Language, canon-typical violence
Pairing: FO! Poe Dameron x Reader
Tag List:  @himbopoes, @writefightandflightclub, @mellow-f1, @imaginecrushes, @ladyflyer20, @kiaralein, @oakleyves, @nacida-en-la-luna, @morgannope @thegirlwiththebook @twomoonstwosuns @awesomefandomsunited @thesoftdumbass @kittyofalltrades @struggling-bee @amarvelousmandalorian @seeking-a-great--perhaps​ @sheerfreesia007​ @firstordermariposa @darksideofclarke​ @damndamer0n​ @criminal-cookies​​ @poesflygirl​ @huliabitch​ @this-cat-is-dea​ 
I’m gonna be honest, I have not updated my taglist in a while, so I am so sorry if I’ve missed you! (Also, I know that gif is Santi BUT it correctly displays the amount of anger Poe feels so 🤷‍♀️)
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Poe and Kylo rush you to the ships, getting you to the medical unit. You’re taken immediately, the medics and their droids rushing to work on saving you. Poe finds himself watching as you’re worked on. Your heart fails twice in the time it takes the transport to get to the Finalizer and each time, Poe’s own heart clenches. He wills you to fight, to live and each time they bring you back. Once they reach the ship, you are rushed to the medical bay and placed in a bacta tank.
One of the medics approaches him and Kylo, explaining the situation to the two. You had undergone torture in that camp, as they had thought, and your body was struggling to maintain itself after the damage done to it. They currently could not guarantee your survival, even with you placed in the bacta tank. Kylo had stormed from the bay at the news, leaving Poe to stare up at where you were suspended in the tank. For the first time in a very long time, Poe feels vulnerable and he hates it. Stepping up to the tank, he places one gloved hand flat against the glass and stares up at you. Alone with you, he takes a steadying breath before speaking.
“If I’d had any idea that you would worm your way under my skin so thoroughly in such a short time, I would have never pursued you. As it is, you’ve managed to successfully crack my shell, sweetness. Don’t you dare die on me now. I’m not finished with you yet.” He swears he sees your hand twitch when he finishes speaking, but when you make no other movements, he steps away from the tank and out of the bay. He heads to his room, determined to wash your blood from his skin. He scrubs harder than necessary, leaving his skin red and raw, and the clothes he was wearing are trashed rather than being sent to be laundered. As soon as he is clean, he returns to the medical bay where he stays and watches over you.
For five days you stay suspended in the bacta tank and Poe rarely leaves your side. He stays like a specter, watching over you and waiting for you to awaken. Kylo and even Hux visit as well, checking in on your status. The medics have done everything they can, and the tank has done it’s work but still you don’t wake. Poe’s frustration shows in the way he paces the room you’re in, the way he snaps at the medics and droids. No one understands why you won’t wake, and Poe hears the medics speculate that perhaps the damage was too great, and they didn’t get to you soon enough. That you simply wouldn’t wake because of the amount of damage you took. Most of the time, these medics leave the room in tears after Poe rips into them. He refuses to give up on you, knowing you’ll pull through despite the odds stacked against you.
Poe is sitting in front of your tank, watching you, when a trooper approaches him and tells him that Hux has requested his presence in the General’s office. The trooper insists it is urgent, so Poe stands with a scowl and sweeps from the room. He paces quickly to Hux’s office, surprised to find both Hux and Kylo inside. The two men give him a confused look when he knocks on the open door, stepping inside.
“Has something changed?” Kylo asks, a hopeful lilt to his voice. At this, Poe shakes his head before focusing on Hux.
“What did you need?” Poe asks, tone clipped and to the point. He feels unease settle in his stomach when Hux’s face contorts in confusion.
“What are you talking about?”
“Did you not request to see me? Urgently?” At Poe’s words, the ships alarms suddenly begin to blare. Red lights begin flashing and an announcement comes over the PA system.
“There has been an unauthorized breach in Hangar 4. Red Alert. I repeat, there has been an unauthorized breach in Hangar 4. All units to stations.” The three men exchange shocked glances before racing from the office, heading towards the hangar mentioned. They’re almost there when Poe skids to a stop.
“What are you doing?!” Hux snaps, him and Kylo continuing forward.
“I get wrongly sent to your office and then suddenly the ship is under attack? Don’t you think that’s a little convenient?!” Poe snaps before turning and heading back towards the med bay. He vaguely hears Kylo and Hux curse behind him before they too are following him. As they run, Poe snatches a blaster from a passing trooper, fully expecting trouble once they arrive.
When they reach the med bay, the glass doors are shattered, and they can see medics dead or unconscious on the ground. They sweep the room carefully, Poe and Kylo leading with Hux taking up the rear. They reach the bacta tank room and Poe feels his heart stop at seeing your tank broken open with no sign of you anywhere. He’s about to turn and leave when he hears a man groan. Kylo and him exchange looks before creeping slowly into the room. They approach your tank and are shocked to find General Pryde leaned against the side of it, clutching a wound to his stomach. He’s speaking, but not to them and the men look around. Not seeing anyone, they focus on what Pryde is saying rather than who he is speaking to.
“… would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you. This ship should be mine, not that brats. If you hadn’t found that information on me, Hux would have never gotten this ship. It would be mine to command.” He growls, staring at something in the shadows. Poe, Kylo, and Hux all feel their eyebrows shoot up at the words Pryde is speaking but they don’t have long to contemplate it because you are suddenly stepping out of the shadows, a blaster clutched in your hands and pointed straight at Pryde.
“So, you’re telling me… that you sabotaged my missions… had Captain Dameron captured… had me captured and tortured… all because of the dirt I found on you and presented to Snoke?” Your voice is eerily calm, but your face betrays the anger you feel as you glare at the man at your feet.
“Of course I did, you stupid whore. I deserved to have command of this ship, not that welp. I have the experience and the brilliance needed to properly command. Dameron was just an inconsequential casualty and you… you deserved to be tortured after what you took from me.” Poe snarled at those words, stepping forward with his blaster raised. Both yours and Prydes attention shifted to him and then Kylo and Hux. Pryde’s face paled even further.
“Commander Ren… I had no idea you were here. I-“ Before the man can say anymore, Kylo is reaching out, choking him with the Force.
“You will pay for what you’ve done, Pryde.” Kylo growls, his grip tightening. Pryde gasps, clutching at his neck and trying to breathe in air but he is unsuccessful.
“Stop.” Everyone turns to you at your command. Your eyes are still fixed on Pryde, blaster trained on him as well. Kylo loosens his hold some, enough for Pryde to get some air, but doesn’t release him entirely.
“If anyone gets to kill this bastard, it’s me.” You say, coldly before firing straight into Pryde’s chest. It kills him instantly and he slumps in Kylo’s grip before he’s released and slides to the floor. The four of you stand in silence for a few moments before Poe suddenly drops his blaster, crosses the few feet over to you, and dragging you against him. His arms lock tightly around you and he holds your head to his chest. You also drop your blaster and wind your arms around him, sighing against his chest. You hear Kylo and Hux both shift uncomfortably at the display of affection, but you could not care less. Poe only pulls away far enough so he can press his lips against yours, kissing you deeply. You return his affection easily, but only for a moment before pulling away. Poe doesn’t let it bother him, merely pressing a kiss to your forehead. You hear Hux clear his throat from behind Poe and the two of you separate to see what he wants. Poe keeps a hand on you though, reassuring himself that you’re really awake and standing next to him.
“Was that true?” Hux asks.
“What? I don’t know how much you heard.”
“That you turned in information on Pryde which is why I have command of the Finalizer?”
“Oh, yeah. Don’t get all sappy about it. I would have rather had you as the General than that son of a bitch.” Your words are said nonchalantly but still they have an effect on Hux. He looks grateful and he opens his mouth to say something, but you cut him off.
“Don’t even think about it. This changes nothing. You’re still an infuriating bastard and I’m still an annoying bitch. We don’t have to be friends.” But there’s mirth in your gaze and Hux can’t find it him to be insulted. Kylo groans from beside Hux though and the attention shifts to him. He has a look of faux annoyance on his face.
“You mean it’s your fault we have to deal with this insufferable man? The betrayal… my own captain? How could you?” Hux rolls his eyes while you and the other two boys snicker at his expense.
“Alright, alright. Let’s get this mess taken care of. We need to alert the bridge that everything is taken care of.” At Hux’s words, the lot of you sober up.
“Dameron, take her to her room so she can get cleaned up. We’ll handle this mess.” Kylo says. You throw him a grateful look and Poe nods, wrapping an arm around your waist and leading you from the med bay. The walk to your room is done mostly in silence, aside from the alarm that finally shuts off about halfway there. However, instead of going to your room, Poe leads you to his. You can’t help the fond smile that rises when you reach his door and he lets the two of you in quickly. He goes to his dresser and pulls out some clothes for you and hands them to you. You take them, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. He presses one to your temple before ushering you off to use his refresher.
You stand under the spray for longer than strictly necessary, just contemplating everything. You’re tired, despite having been out for some time and the water feels good against your skin. You finally scrub yourself down, ridding yourself of the traces of bacta still on your skin and step out. You dry off quickly and dress, stepping out of the refresher and into Poe’s room to find him sitting on the bed and waiting for you. You approach him and as soon as you’re within reach, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into him, laying the both of you down. No words are spoken, Poe just runs a hand over your hair soothingly. You find yourself drifting off in his arms and hoping that the storm had finally passed.
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In which Lena babysits the rat boi.
What first caught Lena’s eye as she zipped through the streets was a tuft of scraggly blonde hair peeking out of a dumpster. Swiftly, the brit blinked over to the alleyway and peered in the dumpster to find an emaciated man wearing nothing but a dirty pair of shorts. He seemed to be completely unconscious and covered in burns so Lena called it in.
“Hey Reinhardt!” She spoke into her mic. “Do ya mind comin over to my location for a second? I could use some help with a poor unconscious man over here! Poor thing must have been attacked!”
“I’m on my way!” Reinhardt said, and soon enough Lena heard the familiar clanking of armor coming her way.
“In here!” She waved down and gestured to the dumpster.
“Shiße. Are you sure he isn’t dead Lena?” Reinhardt said as he lifted the man up and out of the bin. Lena leaned forward and pressed two fingers to the artery on the man’s neck.
“He’s got a pule but it’s rather weak. We should get him to Angela!” Lena suggested to which Reinhardt nodded and took the man with them to their jet that was prepared to make its way back to Overwatch’s base of operations.
After they arrived back on base, Angela was left to take care of the lanky, unconscious man. Lena smiled, feeling that everything was in good hands, until it wasn’t.
“Who in the bloody fuck are ya blokes and where the fuck is my best mate?!” A scream came from the medbay. Lena quickly zipped into the room to see the emaciated, supposedly weakened man awake and looking around with wild, animalistic amber eyes as he stood on top of a table, frantically looking around.
“Sir! Sir please calm down we need to take care of you! You’re in bad shape!” Angela pleaded out, trying to gain control of this rowdy man.
“Fuck ya cunts! I’m perfectly foine! Now you tell me what ya did to my Roadie or I’ll blow ye all sky high!” The man shouted angerly.
“What the hell is going on Angela?!” Lena exclaimed with worry, hurring over to the angelic doctor.
“I don’t know! I was taking a blood sample and suddenly he woke up and started going off about some guy named ‘Roadhog’ or something!” Angela exclaimed. Lena thought for a moment then swiftly blinked over to the rowdy man and got in front of him.
“Please calm down sir! And listen here!” Lena began, grabbing the man’s attention. “We don’t know who this ‘Roadhog’ fella is! We found you unconscious in a dumpster! We’re just trying to help you out, so please calm down!” This finally seemed to get through to the man as he slumped down in a chair.
“Hooley dooley, so that’s where I ended up.” The man put a prosthetic limb on his chin, seemingly in thought. “Oh I remember now! We got seperated after a job! Sorry bout all the ruckus then mate!” The man said with a tittering laugh. Lena sighed out a sigh of releif.
“Right, so now that we’re all calmed down, what’s your name?” She smiled a bit as she asked.
“Oh, most people call me Junkrat! Roadie just calls me ‘Rat’ though!” Junkrat laughed out, seeming to think fondly of this ‘Roadhog’ person.
“Right then, Junkrat!” Lena said perkily. “What were you and ‘Roadhog’ doing before ya passed out? Maybe we can help you find him?”
“Really?!” Junkrat perked up with a toothy grin. “You’d help me find my Roadie again?!”
“Of course! It’s what we here at Overwatch strive to do!” Lena said proudly.
“Roight! So me and Roadie were plannin out another big heist on tha London bank!” Junkrat began before delving into this big string of events involving a bank heist. Lena tried not to let her eye twitch as she listened to all of that. It looked like she was babysitting a crazed, murderous lunatic.
“Would you, excuse me for a second Junkrat?” Lena said softly. “I’m sure our doctor Angela would like to continue her checkup on you to make sure you’re in tip-top shape!” And to make sure Junkrat didn’t leave their sights while she blinked away and notified commander Morrison.
“So what you’re telling me,” Jack began with his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. “Is you accidentally rescued a very dangerous, wanted criminal?”
“Yes, but without his counterpart he seems to act more like a lost child!” Lena protested. “Besides, maybe we can recruit the two of them to overwatch? Then we wouldn’t have to worry anymore!”
“I suppose that’s true, but even Talon has tried to recruit Roadhog, and they failed.” Jack sighed, thinking more. “Right then. Lena, you’re on babysitting duty. Reinhardt, you and I are going to find Roadhog and bring him here.”
“So we’re just going to recruit dangerous criminals now?” Lena asked.
“Mccree may not be with Overwatch anymore but it’s the same premise.” Jack responded. “And technically we’re all criminals for even starting Overwtach back up again.”
“That’s true.” Lena sighed before straightening up. “Well I’ve got a man child to babysit so, see ya!” And with that, Lena blinked back to the medbay as quick as she could.
Once she reached the medbay, she found Junkrat sat on a chair with his feet up while he was sucking on a lollipop that Angela gave him for letting her do a basic checkup. Lena giggled a bit to herself at how childlike this man really was.
“Hi there!” Lena said cheerfully asthe man stared at her. “I should probably introduce myself since I’ll be looking after you until we find your friend! I’m Tracer! But you can call me Lena!”
“Roight then, you’re a pretty fast bloke ain’tcha?” Junkrat said, looking her up and down with a spark of challenge in his eyes.
“Yeah, why ya wanna race?” Lena challenged.
“Nah, I was thinkin more of I run off and you don’t follow me!” Junkrat smirked.
“Sorry! No can do buddy!” Lena said, but she made the mistake of closing her eyes and when she opened them again, Junkrat was nowhere in sight. “Shit! Morrison’s gonna kill me if I don’t track him down!”
Lena blinked all around the Overwatch base, frantically searching for Junkrat. After about an hour of searching, she ended up in the research hall and heard the metalic clink of a peg leg scuffling against tile floors. Bingo. She followed the sound until she found her way into Winston’s lab. Shit, Junkrat was going to bother the ever living shit out of Winston if she didn’t-
“I just don’t understand where I could have gone wrong with this.” Winston Grumbled to himself as he tinkered with a machine.
“Oh Winston, don’t beat yourself up!” Lena said, wanting to comfort her friend, but she had bigger matters at hand. “But anyways, have you seen a new guy around here? Kinda lanky, scraggly hair, blonde- hey where did your machine go?” Winston and Lena both looked at the table and the machine Winston was working on had dissappeared.
“Hm. I wonder what this bloody thing does?” Junkrat said with a curious giggle as he tossed it between his hands.
“Careful with that!” Winston warned, reaching to grab the machine from Junkrat’s hands. “That’s a bomb I’m working on! I’m trying to make it a non lethal stunning device but right now it is very volatile!” Junkrat seemed to perk up immediately.
“A bomb you say?” Junkrat spoke with a wide smirk. “And ye wanna make it non lethal? Waste if ya ask me but if it’s just ta stun blokes might I recomend this!”
Junkrat messed around with the wires and innards of the bomb then threw it at Winston, stunning the gorilla temporarily. Once he recovered from the stun, Winston looked at Junkrat in pure awe and adjusted his glasses, ignoring the clinking sound of armor coming from the hallway.
“How did you know to do that?” He asked, desperate to know Junkrat’s secret. Before Junkrat could even answer, another voice spoke up from the doorway.
“He’s a bomb expert.” Said the low, muffled voice coming from a hulking man in the doorway. The man was large and menacing, wearing a leather gas mask in the shape of a pig’s head. Junkrat turned around swiftly upon hearing the voice and hobbled over to the man, leaping into his arms.
“Roadieeee!!!!” He screamed out as he was picked up by the larger man.
“I though I told you to stay close during that heist!” Roadhog scolded the smaller man. Junkat just smiled happily and hugged him.
“Ya missed me didn’tcha?” He said, placing a small kiss to the snoot of the mask.
“Missed you? I was worried sick!” Roadhog admitted with a growl. “Not to mention I had to agree to work with this rag tag team just fo find out where you were. I see you’ve already made friends though.”
“Course I did Roadie! Miss Lena’s awfully nice! And speedy too! Ya gotta see her run Roadie! She’s so fast! And this guy was makin a bomb and-“ Roadhog put a large hand over Junkrat’s face, muffling him.
“Do you ever shut up?” He growled out. Junkrat just laughed from under the hand and smiled a goofy grin.
Overwatch was going to be a fun experience.
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crazyfreckledginger · 4 years
Ikemen Sengoku x Reader - “Criminal Masterminds” [Part 12]
In a world where the most powerful are the greediest, everyone has to fend for themselves. The rich stay hidden, normal citizens live their lives, unbeknownst to all the lies and secrets the most dangerous firms keep locked away. When a mercenary is sent to retrieve valuable information that is also searched for by the Oda forces and Takeda-Uesugi, paths cross, dilemmas arise, love, morals and important decisions become a threat.
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A/N: I know, I know, it’s been a whiiiiiile but I’m trying to get back into the 
The shift of weight on her chest woke her up. The furball on her collarbone mewled cutely as it wobbled on her stomach, to her lap and on the soft cushion of the couch. 
Rubbing her eyes open, she scratched the kitty’s neck before standing up. Happily, it followed her to the kitchen, meowing excitedly as it watched her pour her favourite food in a bowl. 
“Here baby,” placing it on the floor in its usual spot, the woman eyed the cat, making sure it was eating, before going to wash her hands and preparing her own breakfast. 
When it was done, she sat down, munching away, the news displayed on the TV.
It always came as an afterthought, everytime she switched the television on, she could easily picture the company in the midst of a ‘scandal’ or having the police involved. There is only so much a few corrupted government officials can do to keep their...practice covered up.
If that ever happened, she would feel pressure and relief at the same time. The possibility still lingered in her mind, “what will happen when they know who the rat is?” 
Snapping her out of her dread, her phone vibrated on the counter. Picking it up, she understood that it was a reminder for a text message that was sent late in the evening -- or early in the morning. 
It was a message from Mitsuhide? With a picture attached. It was from a security camera.
It seemed to depict the all too familiar asshole along with a person that she might have only seen a few times, but was very much engraved in her memory. 
The scar travelling across the man’s face told her his identity and that he was very bad business. 
Since keeping no secrets was a must, (Y/N) decided to call the kitsune, knowing that now, the strange man that had come creepily forward to her, was much more involved than she thought.
“Miss us already little mouse?” he teased on the other line.
“The guy in the picture you sent me, I’ve seen him before.” the woman went straight to the point. Her eyes glanced at her cat that jumped on the chair and onto the table, stretching before laying close to her. Finished eating already?
“How?” he inquired, his tone becoming cold.
“Usual coffee shop stop, I bumped into him, he said the sketchiest thing.” the (H/C) haired clarified.
“What did he say?” 
“Something about actions having consequences? Trippy and very cliche, I didn’t think anything of it at the time but after seeing the scar again, I thought I should call you to let you know, no secrets remember?” her tone wavered, wanting to make sure they were sharing everything on their end as well.
“Call you back.” The call ended. 
Right, the sixty second window. Moments later, the snake called back. 
“It’s a long story for some other time, little mouse, but he has been off the grid, plotting to kill our lord.” 
Well that’s not good!
“What are we going to do?” 
“We’ll keep the information we’ve already collected into our archives until further notice, we need to make sure we both stay clean, this team up is problematic. We’re sending one of our own your way, since he’s been keeping an eye on you, you’re not safe, especially if those two team up together. They’ll be a nuisance.” 
“Nuisance is an understatement.” she breathed out, “who are you sending?” 
“Don’t worry about it, he’s nice and friendly, we made sure to keep him unknown, there is no way anyone could know that he works for us.” 
“What am I supposed to say if they see me walking around with someone they’ve never seen before?” she frowned.
“You organise your own missions don’t you?” the call hung up once again.
“This man I swear,” a sigh escaped her as she finished her breakfast. 
The morning ended fairly quickly and (Y/N) was scanning around a world map along with a few news sites open.
I should have started doing this earlier…
Since everyone was one step closer to unveiling chaos, the woman needed to make preparations in case she needed to go to another country, change her identity and stay off the radar.
Sure it was always an option, she had thought about it extensively, but they taught her how to do what she does, they know her pattern better than anyone else. Even if they didn’t would she really want to live like a hunted sheep for the rest of her life? Definitely not.
The doorbell rang and she jumped out of her skin, rushing to cover everything up and hide it away. Cautiously, she walked towards the door, heart thumping in her ears, who could it be? 
It couldn’t be Nobunaga, they were too busy at work, if it was Rei or that stupid Jayden, she would have as well pulled out a gun right then and there. 
“Who is it?” she peeked around the corner. The woman had to take a second to gulp, purple, pinkish hair, not the biggest build. Only questions marks.
“Are you (Y/N)?” the man asked politely. 
“Who is asking?” she avoided the question. Innocently, he pulled out his phone, dialled a number and placed it against the door.
“Open the door up, don’t be mean lass.” 
Rolling her eyes, she breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, they literally talked about it this morning. Planning an escape must have put her more on the alert than she thought.
“I’m so sorry.” she bowed, apologising as she opened the door.
“Not at all, I understand Lady (Y/N).” he beamed widely.
“What’s your name?” the girl raised an eyebrow. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry, my name is Ranmaru, I’m here to keep you safe! Although I’ve learned that you don’t really need protection but my lord is worried about you.” he rambled cutely.
“Worried?” The shock was written all over her face.
“Yes, worried because- oh is that a kitty!” 
This could go in two very different directions.
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lj-writes · 6 years
May I ask why you produced reylo content? Was it more an exercise in trying to write that dynamic or something else? Maybe it's hard for me to understand because in my view, there is nothing interesting, new or exciting about Rey and Kylo's dynamic at all, and I find Kylo Ren and Adam Driver to be physically unattractive. But I am curious about what people who I know to be non-reylos "see" in that ship in a creative sense.
I find that dynamic interesting in a horrible kind of way, yes. The manipulation, the way Kylo tears Rey down, uses her vulnerabilities against her, and tries to make her depend on him. I’ve discussed this before but he reminds me of my dad that way, maybe because all abusers have the same playbook in the end–insisting the people who love and accept you do not truly love you, that he is the only one who understands you and has your interests at heart, that he hurts you for your own good, that you deserve this treatment, that he is the best you are ever going to get.
The first piece of reylow content I produced was a headcanon/outline type post about Jedi Rey and convicted war criminal Ben Solo in a complicated and painful prison romance (link). If BS is as redeemed as he’s ever going to get, paying his debt to society and doing some good as a former terrorist who understands and knows the FO, would a romance between them work? It’s certainly not a straightforward and fluffy romance in my envisioning, but rather one tainted by mixed motivations and likely traumatic bonding.
In retrospect I think I gave BS way too much credit, even if the intention was to give him all the advantages I could think of. Now that I read the post over I think he’d be at best a “well actually” and “both sides” type of conversationist about the war, deceitful and revisionist in his recountings. (”Well actually we were more well-intentioned extremists…” “What about the civilians on the Death Stars? Doesn’t it say something that my idols growing up were Uncle Luke and Uncle Lando, who--from a certain point of view--were as much mass murderers as I turned out to be?”) The New Republic would never give him a public platform for fear of radicalizing others, despite repeated requests, and he would complain about freedom of speech lmao.
I also think now that Rey should be at most snookered briefly before she sees through his self-serving dishonesty and walks away for good. Tee el jay already did that story, though, so I don’t see the need to retell it. An older and more confident Rey wouldn’t even fall for BS’s bs anyway. The thought of BS being a sealion yammering away in prison is somewhat entertaining, though.
The other piece of shipping content I produced was a fan video to Blurred Lines (link). Yes, the Rape Song. I found it hilarious and horrible at the same time to work on, laughing at the whole idea of reylow as a wholesome or fluffy ship, not to mention the deplorable fandom conventions surrounding it. I did tag it #anti reylo rather than #reylo as a courtesy to shippers, especially ones who might be sexual assault survivors.
I’ve wondered since, though. Doesn’t my Blurred Lines video count as shipping material? Don’t the so-called anti-reylo edits like the “It’s not a fucking woman’s job” one (link)? Can it only be considered shipping content if it’s fluffy or at least ultimately affirming of the ship? For something like reylow, in particular, isn’t poking fun at the grossness of the whole concept also a valid part of shipping, provided everything is tagged and warned appropriately of course? In a section of the fandom that has Handmaid’s Tale AUs and Native American AUs and teacher-student AUs, why should only material that says rape is actually uhhh bad be off limits? Since when do we hold up romance as some ultimate purity of feeling, when romantic attraction can be as destructive and fucked up as any other urge we have? 
So yeah. I produced reylow or “Reylo” content not in the sense that mainstream shippers do with their fake Bullshit Solo who only exists to erase and one-up Finn’s trauma. That fakeness is what makes me nauseous about the ship, not the idea of exploring these characters’ dynamics including in a romantic or sexual sense. (But as for actual sex... nah. Like you I find Adam unattractive, and the farthest I’m comfortable going is KR as a rapey incel who gets his teeth kicked in by Rey.) I enjoy poking and prodding at an abusive fictional relationship. What I hate is the lie that it’s not abusive.
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avengerofyourheart · 7 years
Girls’ Night In (reader x Avengers/Scott Lang)
Characters: reader, Wanda, Natasha, Scott Lang, Cassie Lang. 
Summary: It’s ladies night at the tower, complete with a Gilmore Girls marathon,  junk food, and friendly rivalries when a surprise visitor puts a twist on the evening’s events. (spoilers for Gilmore Girls, if you haven’t seen it yet)
Warnings: nada!! Pure fluff, ya’ll. Cavity inducing. 
Word Count: 2275 (good heavens, that was an accident)
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A/N: This is for my lovely, my darling Mariana ( @buckysberrie ) Happy Birthday, sweetie!! I really hope you enjoy this. :) Man, I dunno how this got so long but the fluff kept flowing and when I thought of the single parent parallels, well, I just couldn’t stop. Any thoughts are appreciated!! 
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“Ugh, he’s such a spoiled, Trust Fund jerk-face.”
“He is not!” Natasha protested. “He’s just…a little entitled and misunderstood. Just how I like ‘em,” the redhead smirked, returning her gaze to the tv screen.
“Seriously? Logan? The Life and Death Brigade, are you kidding me? Ridiculously lavish parties in the woods with formal wear, death-defying stunts, and games where you can’t use the letter “E” in conversation? Yeah, not at all pretentious,” you fired back sarcastically, throwing a handful of popcorn in her direction.
“Oh, right, like you haven’t used the term ‘misunderstood’ to describe a certain well-read, possibly criminal, runaway bad boy who crashes cars,” she replied, cocking an eyebrow.
You gasped in horror. “How dare you speak ill of my Jess! He was her match intellectually and in pop culture references, plus with their love for music and books, it’s no secret that they belong together. He was just immature but he grew up really well,” you smiled before biting your lip with thoughts of the older brunet bad boy, trying not to spoil it.
“Hey, now! No need to fight,” Wanda spoke up, acting as the peacemaker. “Besides, we all know Rory belongs with Dean. Obviously.”
Both you and Nat screamed, tossing pillows in Wanda’s direction. There was no common ground when it came to the men of Gilmore Girls. The three of you had been binge-watching the entire series before the new four-part series that came out on Netflix a few months ago. You had already seen it, but somehow the other women hadn’t so you demanded full immersion into the series once again for the continuity. And for fun.
After all, it was your choice of what to do tonight. A girls’ night in with the Gilmore Girls was exactly what you needed. No getting dressed up and partying, no restrictive clothing and expectations, no seeking male attention. There was a time and a place for that, but tonight was for comfy clothes and copious amounts of junk food in front of the tv with your besties.
“Okay, okay,” you spoke, hands up in surrender, “No more fighting. We’re on the last season and then it’s on to ‘A Year in the Life’. I’m so excited for you guys to see it!!” You clapped your hands in glee.
All three of you settled in again to watch, snacking and making the odd comment. The last few episodes got to you as you remembered watching the whole series in the past, thinking this was the end. Thank heavens for Netflix. Rory graduated from college and got a job following Obama’s campaign, which you found amazing, considering his 8 years of presidency since then. And then there was the proposal. You bit your lip, trying so hard not to make a snide comment or “I told you so”. Natasha met your eye just then and shook her head in a “don’t say it” kind of way. You just smiled and shrugged.
As the seventh season ended, you all stood up and stretched after sitting so long, also in need of drink refills and bathroom breaks. Fifteen minutes later, you reconvened in the common room and returned to your cocoon of blankets and pillows with your ladies beside you. You had barely pressed play with the opening title for “Winter” on the screen when you heard a joyful squeal attached to a blur of brown hair headed toward you.
“Cassie!!” you cried out in joy, pressing pause on the remote just before the young girl attacked you in a hug. You wrapped your arms around her, squeezing her tightly before releasing.
“I’m so sorry,” you heard a male voice approaching as he walked around the couch. “Cassie, sweetie, you have to warn people before launching yourself at them,” he gently scolded the girl.
“That’s okay,” you replied with a smile. “I’ve got plenty of cushioning. Besides, it always makes my day to see Cassie.”
Scott returned your smile, small wrinkles gathering near his eyes. You always loved how genuine his smiles were, a warmth growing in your chest. He must be coming in on his day off, wearing a pair of comfortable jeans and a t-shirt with a button-up flannel on top. His dark brown hair stuck up a bit in untamed soft curls, your fingers itching to run through it.
“Well, I’m sorry to interrupt your evening. I know you had a girl’s night planned…”
“I’m a girl!” Cassie spoke up in protest.
“Uh…that’s true, you are! You’re welcome to stay with us. If…that’s okay with your dad?” you asked, turning toward Scott. “Are you just passing through or staying a while?”
His eyes flew open in surprise. “Oh! Well…I have Cassie for the weekend, until tomorrow actually, but Cap wanted to run through some details for a mission we leave on tomorrow night and I didn’t want to lose time with her. He said it wouldn’t be long, so I just brought her backpack with books and stuff….”
“Noooo! Can’t I stay with Y/N?” Cassie whined, her bottom lip sticking out.
“Of course you can!” you assured her, throwing a glance at Nat and Wanda, who both just smiled at you and nodded.
“Are you sure?” he questioned in concern.
“Absolutely. She’s more than welcome,” you answered with a warm grin.
“And, uh…is THIS okay for her?” he asked, pointing a thumb at the tv screen.
“Gilmore Girls? Oh, yeah, it’s pretty harmless and most will go over her head. I’ve seen it before, though, so I’ll cover her ears if need be,” you said with a wink.
“Okay, well…thank you, Y/N. And ladies. I won’t be long, hopefully,” Scott promised, then waving a hand at his daughter. “Be good, princess.”
“Bye, daddy!” Cassie yelled, reaching for a few pieces of licorice.
You laughed at her tenacity. “Take your time.”
He held your gaze a moment, then exiting with a parting smile.
After the first episode of Winter and another bathroom break (for Cassie), you settled in and got a few minutes into Spring when you spotted movement in the hallway. Scott caught your attention, then giving you double thumbs up while mouthing the words Everything okay?
You nodded with a smile, looking down at Cassie who was thoroughly enraptured by the festivities of the Stars Hollow International Food Festival that tragically only represented 15 countries, much to Taylor’s chagrin. She giggled at the witty banter between Loralei, Rory, and Luke.
He gave the okay sign and mouthed a thank you before disappearing again.
You all made it through Spring and most of Summer before you noticed Natasha’s light snoring and Wanda’s face turned away from the screen, obviously asleep as well. Cassie had been asleep for at least an hour, head resting on a pillow in your lap. You felt your own eyes drooping, then allowing yourself to give in to the soft pillows and drift off.
You awoke to a light touch on your wrist, opening your eyes to see Scott hovering above you, barely visible in the light filtering in from the kitchen. Your arm was draped over Cassie as he tried to gather her in his arms.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” he whispered. “We finally finished and I wanted to get her to bed before it got too late.”
“That’s okay,” you whispered back, glancing at the clock on the wall. “It’s already late, Scott. Why don’t you two stay here? There are plenty of spare rooms. Besides, she’s already out like a light, seems silly to wake her. Unless you’re worried about the amount of sugar she’s ingested without brushing her teeth afterward…” you teased.
He let out a soft chuckle. “Well, one night won’t hurt. Um…okay. We’ll stay then,” he confirmed with a nod and a smile. “I, uh…I had something for you, though. Could you…” he trailed off, gesturing for you to follow.
You raised an eyebrow in curiosity, then gently sliding out from underneath Cassie to follow him in to the kitchen.
“Something for me?” you asked in a more normal voice, now away from the sleeping pile of girls.
He opened the fridge  and pulled out a small take-out box. “For you,” he confirmed, handing it to you.
Seeing what was inside, you gasped in surprise. “Tres Leches Cake? My favorite! How did you know?”
“You may have given a 5 minute monologue about how much you loved it one night on a flight home after a mission. I remember you were so hungry and animated as you described it, making us all crave it as well. So…here you go. I had it delivered. I love that you can get any food delivered at any time in the city. God Bless New York,” he chuckled with an embarrassed smile, rubbing the back of his neck.
“This is…so sweet. Thank you, Scott. This means a lot,” you smiled softly, placing a hand on his arm.
“Happy Birthday, Y/N.”
“Thanks,” you grinned, feeling heat rise in your face.
He pulled you into a hug, inhaling his musk of cinnamon and fresh linen before he released you reluctantly.
“Is she okay to stay there?”
“Oh, of course. We’ll all stay out here, make it a sleepover,” you assured him before directing him to a spare bedroom down the hall.
You glanced down at your cake before putting it back in the fridge, crawling onto the couch, and pulling a blanket around you. It had been an amazing birthday, you thought as you drifted off with a smile on your lips.
In the morning, all the girls demanded to finish the rest of Summer and all of Fall as you ate breakfast. By noon, you had finished and all four were laid out on the couches or floor absorbing that ending, even though you saw it coming.
“It better not be the Wookie,” Nat finally declared after she had recovered from the shock a bit.
“What’s a Wookie?” Cassie asked as she munched on the last few bites of a grilled cheese sandwich you had made for her.
“It’s a creature from Star Wars, sweetie, but not important. I think your dad wanted you to gather you stuff after you finished eating. Do you need any help?” you asked her, smiling as the girl took bites of her sandwich from the side of her mouth, since her two front teeth were currently missing.
“No, it’s okay,” she replied, wiping her hands on a napkin. Standing up from the couch, she wrapped her arms around your neck in a tight squeeze. “Thanks for letting me stay, Y/N. I wanna have birthday parties like this when I grow up.”
You grinned as you squeezed back. “You’re welcome, Cass. I hope you and your dad can come visit again soon.”
Cassie gave hugs to Wanda and Natasha before packing her bag. You carried dirty dishes into the kitchen and then returned to see Scott was ready to go.
“Thanks again, Y/N, for letting her crash your party. Hope you had a great birthday,” he offered with a smile.
“I did. You two should come by the tower more often. And, uh…” you stepped closer to Scott and spoke more quietly, just for his benefit. “Maybe we could share the cake next time. Maybe even a whole meal?”
His ears tinged pink at the thought,  followed by a grin. “I’d like that.”
You waved goodbye as the father and daughter stepped into the elevator and you returned your focus to the common area. Wanda and Nat both met your gaze with knowing smiles on their faces.
Neither answered you, then Wanda turned to Nat. “So. Still Team Logan? Even more now?”
The redhead paused, considering her answer. “Hm. The whole Odette thing was just too much for me. And Rory! I can’t believe she would become the other woman for the second time! Plus, those muscles and long hair on a grown-up, responsible Jess may have swayed me…” she trailed off, lost in thought.
“Really?” you asked in surprise. “What about you, Wanda?”
“Seeing an older Dean with a wife and kids was too cute, especially in Doose’s. I’d never mess with that happiness. I think you’re right, Y/N. You’ve converted me to Team Jess,” the brunette finally conceded, tossing her long brown hair over one shoulder.
“Yes!!” you exclaimed, celebrating with both fists in the air. “I knew you’d see it my way.”
Natasha then cleared her throat, “You think Rory could do the single mother thing though? Kinda comes full circle, right?”
You collapsed on the couch, pondering a moment. “Yeah…”
Wanda chimed in, “Gotta be tough being a single parent. Being the mom and dad…plus dating. It’s hard to find someone willing to date a single parent. What about you, Y/N? Would you date a single parent?”
You felt their eyes on you, unwilling to meet them for a moment. Finally you gave in and looked up with a sigh. “Yeah, maybe. If it…felt right.”
They both had huge grins on their faces. You threw a pillow at each of them, turning it into a full-on pillow fight, which thankfully stopped the awkward interrogation.
It had been a great birthday. Girl’s night in, Gilmore Girls, no partying or dressing up, no seeking male attention. Well. Mostly, you thought as the face of a kind, handsome man and a great father drifted through your mind. Because if you could gain the right kind of male attention in your comfy clothes, then why not?
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Holy CRAP, that was fluffy. Also, my first Scott fic ever! Let me know what you think!! Not gonna lie, I’ve had a crush on Paul Rudd since Clueless, so. :D Any feedback is appreciated!! And I hope you have a fantastic birthday, Mariana!! I love you!! <3
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