#i need to see chuuya covered in dazai's blood i think that would fix me
daz4i · 1 year
chuuya i am begging you to take a bite out of that beast. for me. he won't even be able to stop you come on
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nolongerwrites · 4 years
Lemme just repost this because my dumbass deleted it by accident a couple of weeks ago 💀
I know the lyrics are misplaced I’m too lazy to fix it rn
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How to disappear
“Cuts on his face 'cause he fought too hard”
“I know he's in over his head”
“But I love that man like nobody can”
“He moves mountains and pounds them to ground again”
“I watched the guys getting high as they fight For the things that they hold dear”
“To forget the things they fearThis is how to disappear...”
It had been almost 4-5 years since you’d last seen him. Last you’d Seen the way he’d smile at you when you would walk in the room. The way you would wrap your arms around him from behind when you thought he least expected it, the way you’d cuddle up against him at night like it was the only way you could sleep, the addictive kisses you’d share when no one was watching.
Dazai and you were inseparable. Everyone in the port mafia knew you two were basically connected at the hip. They would talk about the way you two would sneak off and do god knows what when you were supposed to be working. But that was a long time ago. When he disappeared leaving only a note on what had happened and why he needed to leave, it felt as if your whole heart had been torn up to pieces and set on fire.
You were mad. Upset. Confused. Why didn’t he take you with him? Had everything you’d done together and the time spent with each other meant nothing?
You knew odasaku was his best friend but weren’t you also? It may have been selfish of you to think that way but After Dazai’s disappearance you fell into a deep state of depression. You became a completely different person from the way you carried yourself to the lack of sympathy for others. Everyone in the mafia stood clear of you even on assignments and in the halls of the mafias headquarters.
You killed without a second thought unlike before and It didn’t matter who it was you were interrogating, if they didn’t speak up the first time you tortured them until they spilt the info you were looking for only for you to kill them off brutally.
You had become one of the most dangerous and ruthless executives the mafia had, even chuuya wouldn’t try and mess with you.
“Cry on his shoulder 'cause life is hard”
“The waves came in over my head”
“What you been up to, my baby?”
“I haven't seen you 'round here lately “
Fast forward those painful years and here you were now, On your way to inspect a wear house down at the port that supposedly had some suspicious looking figures lurking around it.
Mori had assigned you to just take a look at take out anyone who didn’t look like his men. But
halfway there, as you were driving in one of the cars belonging to the mafia, you had gotten a call from chuuya.
You picked up your phone and answered it hoping it was just another assignment so you could go home and sleep. You were awfully exhausted.
“What’s up” you stated blankly as you turned a corner. “You might wanna come back. Mori specifically asked for you..” chuuya sounded like he was nervous to talk to you. More than normal. “I’m already half way there can’t he wait-“ you were cut off as chuuya called your name sternly.
“ we have a prisoner that needs to be interrogated, a former mafia member..” there was a pause on your end that racked his nerves to the core, yet he continued on.
“... you can probably take a guess who it is...” the car had stopped before he could even finish that sentence. Your grip on the steering wheel was insanely tight, you were surprised you hadn’t broke it already. Blank clouded eyes stared on into the empty road in front of you and as a few minutes past, you could hear chuuya clear his throat which prompted to snap you out of your daze.
“I’ll be right there.” Was all you said as you hung up and turned your car around. Something inside you said you knew exactly who it was
“All of the guys tell me lies, but you don't”
“You just crack another beer”
“And pretend that you're still here”
“This is how to disappear”
Your footsteps echoed through the hall with every slow step you took. You were full of every kind of emotion you could possibly feel. Your ability felt like it was going to erupt like a bird set free from its cage. With every new step you took, your body was telling you to go back. You wouldn’t be able to handle it. But this was the job you’ve devoted yourself to, and you weren’t going to back out now. Chuuya had warned everyone in the building before you got there so the halls were practically empty.
They’d heard the rumors about you and they didn’t dare cross your path in a situation like this. Before you knew it you were in front of the door to the dark, empty brick room used to interrogate.
You took a deep breath a few times in an attempt to calm the beast inside you. You counted to three before slowly opening the door to the room..Dazai stood there chained to the wall by his wrists, waiting for someone to walk in. Of course being dazai, he was singing some song about a double suicide. It had been a while since anyone had come down here. Worst case scenario, that short asshole Chuuya would come down and maybe give him a punch or two (or more likely try and kill him).
What he didn’t expect however, was to see your silhouette standing at the top of the stairs. The second he saw you standing there, in your black, ankle long skirt and grey ruffled blouse that slid off your shoulders exposing the skin of your collar bones and neck which was covered in black cloth like a choker, dazai felt his whole body freeze.
“This is how to disappear”
His eyes were wide with shock as you stepped foot by foot down the stairs. The black heels you were wearing clicked and echoed through the musty room. Before he knew it you were only about 3 feet in front of him.
You never lost eye contact with dazai even as you stopped directly in front of him. Nothing was said. The silence was deafening. It wasn’t until he let out a shaky breath and looked to the floor, that his smile from before returned. When he looked back up to you he could see the pain and mixed emotions behind those empty eyes.
The same eyes that would look at him lovingly the nights the both of them spent in his bed together. The same eyes that told him countless times that they’d loved him more than words could describe. The same eyes that had touched his heart like no other person could. It hurt him to see that they were so empty and clouded now. A distant gaze that would have him dead if looks could kill.
“Its been a while hasn’t it? You’ve gotten taller..” but before he could continue on about the things that had changed about you, His cheek felt like it was on fire. You were standing directly in front of him in a split second, hand colliding with his face as dark purple serpent created of smoke and poison manifested behind you standing almost 12 feet tall.
but it only stood there unmoving no matter how many times you commanded it to attack. Your hand colliding with his cheek again in a fit of rage.
Before he could even react, your knee reached his abdomen in a striking kick to the gut. Hit after hit, you kept going until you could no longer hold onto the pure raw emotion that was going through your head. And for the first time in years, Your grunting turned into sobs, and sobs into screams.
You hit him until your last punch was nothing more that a slight push. You felt weak. Tears had been streaming down onto your shirt and they wouldn’t stop. Dazai spit some blood on the floor before turning his gaze to you again. You were facing the floor as your body shook and trembled with every sob that wracked through you.
“‘it’s been a while’? ‘ITS BEEN A WHILE’??! Really dazai?! That’s ALL you have to say? After what you put me through after you left!? After everything we did?? That’s all you have to say..?!?”.
Dazais heart felt like it was shattering. When you looked back up to him he saw your puffy red eyes and face. The pain from your assaults were nothing compared to the look you were giving him as salty tears rolled down your cheeks. He said nothing.
Even as the blood from his head dripped onto the floor between you both. In almost a second, the chains and cuffed that kept him against the wall were broken and before you knew what had happened he enveloped you in what was literally was a bone crushing embrace.
You screamed and hit at him in an attempt to push him off you which only made him hold onto you tighter. The serpent faded away with his touch and disappeared into the air. You eventually stopped hitting him as your knees felt too weak to hold your body up.
You both dropped to the floor. Dazai did not once letting his grip slack, even as he carried all your weight. He buried his face into your hair as he rocked you back and forth with each cry you let out.
It wasn’t until you slowly put your hands on his back did you feel his own tears fall onto your shoulder. “I’m so sorry... I’m so so sorry...” dazais voice was barely a whisper in your ear. “I loved you so much dazai... I loved you more than anything... why didn’t you take me with you...?” you gripped his coat as you continued to cry in his arms.
“I’m sorry...”
“The California sun and the movie stars”
“I watched the skies getting light as I write As I think about those years”
“As I whisper in your ear”
“I'm always going to be right here”
“No one's going anywhere..”
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starsnbeers · 4 years
Home [Dazai Osamu]
Port Mafia. A place [Name] had come to call home over her stay and work there. At least that’s what she had forced herself to believe, wanting to escape the unwanted thoughts of 𝙝𝙞𝙢.
Her parents abandoning her had been the beginning of her destruction, the beginng of her becoming a monster, forcing her feelings away to the point one could question if she had ever felt anything. She had to learn the act of survival if she wanted to continue living in this world, and that’s what she did. It all started with stealing small amounts of food, barely enough to keep her breathing. She was 10 years old, food was all she needed. At least that’s what she thought. In the passing of years, the feeling of anger had become consuming, and there were times when she could only see red. Having come to the conclusion that her parents were in fault of her condition, she decided only one thing was to be done. 𝘒𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮, 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘴𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶. 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥. Those were the only thoughts that had been crossing her mind while she was planning their deaths. It took her one whole week, everything had to be calculated, thought through, every single detail, every single outcome. Everything had to be perfect. It was going to be her first murder, after all. Arriving at the place she had found out to be her parents’ apartment, she was shocked to see police cars. She had hoped that, whatever that had happened was, it wouldn’t be in the way of her getting therevenge she needed. Oh, if she only knew. The only information she had gathered before being sent away, was that her parents had been murdered by an organization called Port Mafia. The anger she had felt was indescribable. All these days of planning, gone to a waste in just a few minutes. She had nothing to think about but the injustice she was feeling.
Only a couple of years had passed, but [Name] had changed. Shoulder length hair, full lips, pale face, one could mistaken her for a normal, weak girl, for she looked as fragile as a porcelain doll. But that wasn’t the case. [Name] was a well known murderer in Yokohama. Having improved her martial skills, not having an ability was not a problem for her. She could take down a man 3 times her size in only a matter of seconds. Fallen Angel is what she was called, for someone as pure looking as her could never be considered the devil.
Having taken an interest in her, Ougai Mori, the head of Port Mafia, was set on making her work with him. So, here she was, in his office, sitting next to him, talking about her position in the organization. “You don’t expect me to leave everything I’ve built behind, just to be one of your pawns to use as you please, right?”, challenge was evident in her voice, and the more she talked, the more Ougai was convinced she was a perfect for what he had on mind. “You’re either gonna make me an executive, or don’t bother contacting me ever again.”, if it was anyone else, he would have slit their throat with no regrets, but he knew she was important and could be of use. “Young lady, I’m gonna grand your wish, but don’t even think that you’ve gained my trust just yet.”𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘐 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘥. “You know, I’m flattered you offer me such a position. Aren’t I the youngest executive here, or something?” Before Ougai was able to to answer, the door swang open, revealing a boy about her age, brown hair, bandages covering his arms, neck and right eye. He looked at the boss, then back at her, before grinning. “Mori-san! Ican’t believe you actually convinced such a beautiful lady to commit double suicide with me! Just how much do you love me?”. Saying that [Name] had been left speechless was an understatement. She had never expected these words to come out of the attractive boy’s mouth, and before she could stop herself, she scoffed “Excuse me?”. Ougai smirked at the young girl glaring at the suicidal idiot, “[Name]-san, let me introduce you to your new partner, Dazai Osamu, also known as Port Mafia’s youngest executive.
Just 3 years after the first time she met him, [Name] found herself quite fond of her suicide-obsessed partner. She often felt concerned about the brunette’s behavior, for she knew his giddy personality was just an act, the emptiness in his eyes way to evident not to notice. Unfortunately, every time she confronted him about her thoughts, his answer was the same. “Now, I wouldn’t want my precious [Name]-chan to worry about me, would I?”, followed by the infamous putt of his lips, and a quick hug, that always managed to make strong butterflies erupt in the girl’s stomach, and her pulse to quicken. She silently hoped he wasn’t aware of the effect he had on her, or else she would never hear the end of it.
The day had come. The day [Name] was gonna confess her feelings to Dazai. How he made her forget about the pain she had been hiding, how the anger she had been feeling towards her parents had gone away, how she had forgotten about her plan to ruin Port Mafia for taking the enjoinment of killing her parents away, how happy she was feeling when she was with him.
She had thought it through. Everything was supposed to be perfect, Dazai was supposed to accept her, she knew he cared about her. So, why was he standing in front of her, looking at her with an unreadable look that reminded her of apathy and disgust, spitting those hurtful words at her, breaking her fragile little heart in the process? “What do you mean you don’t know what I’m talking about? I see the way you look at me, I know you care about me, and I know that, deep down, you just a kind, broken boy. P-Please, Dazai, give me a chance to love you, to fix you.”. She was seriously trying not to cry, eyes stinking, lip quivering, the lump in her throat growing more painful, while waiting for his response. She opened her heart to him, showed him parts of you even she didn’t know existed, and the only thing she got from him in return was a mocking laugh. His laughter died after a couple of minutes, and he looked at her seriously, muttering words in a tone so unkown to you, that made her insides turn and her blood run cold. “Foolish girl, how could you even think someone like me could ever love someone like you? Putting up with your pathetic excuse of a life doesn’t mean I’ve ever cared about you. Do you know how hard it was not to tell you to fuck off everytime you came to me, asking for help? You’re lucky I’m not killing you on the spot about the nonsense you were spouting just a moment ago.” His words left her fighting to breathe, for she never knew you were gonna be told something so hateful by the person she cared about the most. 𝘕𝘰, 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘦. 𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰𝘰. Falling to the ground, she couldn’t help but reach a hand out to him, hoping that maybe, just maybe, he would help her up, take you in his arms and take the pain away, like he had done so many times before. The urge to give in, to love her just how she wanted him to was so unbearable and painful, that he felt like a thousand needles were piercing through his body, especially his heart. He knew what he had to do to keep he4 safe, and only shot her a fake smile, before turning around and disappearing in the dark, cold night, feeling like he had made the worst and most painful decision of his life.
4 years have passed, and not a single day goes by without her thinking or dreaming about him. If she had known he was going to leave Port Mafia, she would have hold on tighter, tried harder. Maybe, she would have helped him out, leaving with him, escaping a life full of crime and death. And after all this time, seeing a tall guy wearing a brown trenchcoat and bandages over his arms and neck standing in front of her, she thinks she's daydreaming, it wouldn't be the first time anyway. But no, she could never forget his voice or the way he said her name. “[Name]-chan! Look at you, you haven’t changed at all!”. Now, that was a lie. She has grown thinner, and the bright eyes he used to love are now staring back at him lifelessly. “It’s a shame I’m with the ADA now, I would love to commit a lovers' double suicide with you ” She doesn't asnwer. She can't answer. Without sparing him a single glance, she turns to her partner, Chuuya, who looks back at her, eyes filled with worry, nods her head to him and then leave, ignoring the pang in her own chest. For, she knows that if she stays longer, she'll find yourself crawling back to him, crawling back 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚.
Dazai could do nothing but watch her leave, a sad smile taking its place on his mouth. Besides, watching the love of your life, your 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚, letting you go is no easy thing to do.
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First kisses aren't always so sweet
I know I said the next thing I was going to write would be one of those two scenarios I posted about, but then this came to me last night and I wrote it in a fury, so that's where we're at.
A Gilahara (Chuuya and ADA! Gillian) piece.
Warning from some description of violence and blood, if that bothers ya.
Dust stuck to Chuuya’s lungs, the jacket sleeve he held to his face doing little to keep it out. Rubble crumbled beneath his shoes, glass crunching with each step.
“Damn.” He cursed. He didn’t know where anyone else was right now, all he knew was that thing and its handlers had sure done a number on this place.
A colossus, summoned and brought to life by that damn Mary Shelley and her cult of freaks. What a mess.
He heard a cough up ahead, and his head snapped in its direction. A figure could just barely be seen through the haze. Instinctively, his body went into a ready stance, poised to launch himself at the potential enemy. It was only as they drew closer that he realized who it was, and he instantly relaxed.
Gillian, with her fluffy, brown hair matted with dirt, and black smudged along her face and clothes, the cloth also ripped in some places. Despite that, despite their surroundings and the obvious hell she’d just been through, when she saw him at the same moment he registered her, she smiled. “Hey Chu-tan, fancy meeting you here.” Her voice sounded hoarse from the dust in the air, but it still sounded like music to him.
“What the hell are you doing here?” His question was rough, but in actuality he was so relieved to see her he felt like he could just run right to her and crush her against himself. His feet stay rooted though, because that relief is mixed in with the absolute terror of realizing she’s here, where that thing is still lurking somewhere.
“Same as you,” She says “I’m trying to fix this.”
He grits his teeth. “No offense, Gillian, but I just watched what it’s capable of; there’s no way you can beat it.” So get away from it.
“I won’t know unless I try. And does that mean you’re gonna stop it? Because you seem to be no better off than I am right now.”
It was true he’d seen better days. His own body was covered practically head to toe in grime, his suit ripped and covered in flecks of blood that had mixed with the dirt to form a gross muck. Still, he stood straight, hopping down from the raised bunch of concrete he’d been on to stride towards her. “What’s your plan, then, huh? How are you going to stop it? Your voice? I doubt even your ability is enough to calm that thing down.”
“Look at what it did to this place; imagine what it’ll do to the city if it’s not taken care of here.”
He stopped mere inches from her, his eyes boring into hers. He saw fear deep within the blue, but it was wrapped in a thick iron determination that didn’t falter even under his hard stare. It wasn’t that he thought she was weak, he knew the strength hidden in her small body, knew the force of nature her voice could be. Thinking about her going against that thing, though; even she… “It’ll crush you.”
“What’s your plan, then? Do you even have one?” She crossed her arms defiantly, her gaze not leaving his once.
His scowl deepened. He had an idea, all right, but it was stupid. He’d been mulling over his options just before she’d shown up. He knew how extreme the situation was, but the consequences just didn’t seem worth it. There was certainly some other way to stop that thing from reaching the city, something that wouldn’t come at such a great cost to himself. That was before he knew she was here. Here, in this place and ready to throw herself in its path if it meant saving even one person. A rumble in the distance reached them.
“My ability,” he started. He saw her expression shift with the change in his voice, confusion blossoming at the flat acceptance it’d taken on, all anger and frustration drained away in a second. He seemed calm. “has another aspect to it. A true form, capable of crushing an opponent in seconds, leaving nothing in my way. All I need to do is let lose all my inhibitions and I will be unstoppable. It’ll be more than enough to stop her Frankenstein.”
“What?” She whispered “If you have something like that, then why…” some realization sparked in her eyes, and they widened slightly. “What does it cost you? Moves like that always cost something. My own scream leaves me emotionless and robotic for hours, what does this true form do to you?”
“It’s called corruption, and that lack of inhibition means that once I activate it I can’t stop it. Corruption will keep fighting even after everything around me is crumbled, and it’ll sap away my strength until it uses me up entirely.”
“No… No, how could you ever use such a dangerous ability if it destroys you? There’s no way- Dazai. You and him used to be partners, didn’t you? His ability would stop yours before it could do permanent damage.”
“That’s right.” He nodded watching her work it out.
“But he’s miles from here! He’s back in the city, we have no way to even contact him if there was a way he could get here in time!” the fear buried in her eyes was starting to leak out, as she realized what Chuuya had already decided. “You can’t.” Her whispered voice broke, and then the panic made it rise again. “If you do that then you’ll-“
His hand came up to grip the back of her head, pulling her towards him at the same time he surged forward. He kissed her, deep and rushed, pouring more words than he could ever say into the action. The open palm of his other hand rested on her back, helping to push her body further into his. He wanted to feel as much of her as he could while he had the chance. He was acutely aware of her own hands wrapping around him to grab at his shoulders, and of the tears he could taste mixing with the flavor of her lips. Who did they belong to?
He made himself pull back, and only allowed himself a moment to rest his forehead against hers, before pulling away. His coat whipped up around him as he turned his back and walked quickly away from her.
“Chu-tan. Chu-tan, wait!” She called behind him. He refused to look, even as he heard her footsteps trying to catch up.
His ability activated around him, and with a single leap he was far above the ground, heading in the direction of the noise the thing made.
“Chuuya!” She screamed, raw and loud. It still sounded like sweet music to him, as it faded into the distance.
The earth was shattered beneath him. Cracked and splattered with gore. Pieces of that thing littered the ground, its blood mingling with that of the people who’d controlled it.
He loved it.
Manic giggles peeled from his throat. With each wild swing of his arms, more balls of dark energy flew from his palms and tore apart his surroundings.
This was bliss. Pure carnage, unobstructed chaos, ruin beneath his feet. He threw his head back and full on cackled. Blood flew from his lips into the air.
Her feet pounded against the ground, desperate pants sounding from her as she ran.
A spray of dust flew into his face. Not that it mattered. Stone cracked and blew away at his touch, and he laughed at it, his wide eyes not really seeing it. All he cared about was destruction, all he saw was red.
She stumbled, and her palm was sliced by a sharp chunk of rock. She payed it no attention, not stopping in her race.
He threw another black ball, stumbling forward from the momentum, nearly falling over before catching himself. His arms hung limp before him. His laughter didn’t stop, but it was heavy now.
She could hear the rumbling so close now, a random crashing that shook the ground and made her steps unsteady.
Blood trickled from his eyes like crimson tears. It came from his nose, from his mouth, from his ears, turning his face into a red mess.
She could see him. He stood hunched over in the midst of his wreckage, rippling with energy and a crazed look in his eyes. Angry red and black lines covered his skin like great wounds cracking him apart.
Gillian pushed forward, skidding over scattered rock, jumping over the deep fissures marring the ground. He was still so far away.
She couldn’t help it; his name flew from her lips in a desperate cry. “Chuuya!”
His head swiveled to face her. His smile twitched for a moment, before spreading even wider than before. Finally, something new and whole he could break.
He was in front of her in a blur, his bare hands snatching her by the neck in the same second and lifting her from the ground. She gave a strangled cry as her windpipe was crushed.
“Ch-Chuu-ya…” She forced out. He squeezed harder.
She strained to look down at him, into his crazed eyes that watched her struggle with glee. His fingers dug into her throat, bruising the skin.
Still though, still her eyes softened from fear to utter gentleness. “Chu…-tan. I know… you’re still there.”
Her shaking hand came up to rest against his pale cheek. She reached deep within herself, grabbing hold of every bit of power she could muster in that state, and poured it all into her command. “Come back, Chu-tan, please.”
He shuddered, the silvery purple aura coming from Gillian washing over his body. His grip loosened slightly, and her breathing became easier. With more breath, her voice became stronger, and she spoke again. Her voice echoing and ethereal, ringing through the open space.
“I know you can do it, Chu-tan. You are not lost to this power. Do you hear me? Turn off corruption, come back.” Her soothing voice flooded him, clashing against the chaos within him, mixing and roiling. The darkness raged, rearing and spitting and clawing, but the light just embraced it. The marks on his skin started to flake off and drift away in wisps of smoke. He stumbled forward, her feet thumping back to the floor, his grip on her neck a weak squeeze. Her other hand cupped his face as well, her thumbs wiping away the new clear tears cutting a path through the blood.
“Come back to me.” She said. With the grip on her throat gone, her power ripped through the sourness she could feel and made her voice come out strong and sure.
His legs buckled, and he fell forward, taking both of them to the ground. The marks of corruption faded and flew away, his eyes losing their wild energy and falling closed as the exhaustion immediately lulled him to sleep before he’d even finished falling.
Gillian landed on her butt, and caught Chuuya against herself, his head resting against her chest. She gasped for breath, her mouth tasted of iron and her throat was raw and pained from a combination of being choked and forcing so much power out like that. The will of corruption was strong, she could feel the mindless chaos fighting back against her, but there was no way she was going to have submitted to it. Not when it was threatening to take Chuuya.
She looked down at the dirty mop of hair she could see and closed her eyes in relief, a few tears squeezing out. She wrapped her arms around his slumbering form and buried her face against his hair, not caring that he smelled like grime and ruin. “It’s alright now, Chu-tan. We’re both alright.” Despite everything, despite the pain she was in, she smiled, warm and real.
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rafyki · 5 years
Selfish [BSD - Soukoku]
Tags: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together, Literal Sleeping Together, First Kiss
Words count: 6215
Read on AO3
~ ~ ~
Chuuya was tired. His feet felt as heavy as concrete, his limbs hurt, his legs screamed in protest with every step he took, his shoulders felt like they were bending under a too big weight; he was even too tired to use his ability and reduce the gravity on himself. He just wanted to reach his room and collapse on the bed.
Some missions were easy, their enemies overthrown fast and without many troubles, leaving him and Dazai standing and ready to fight again if necessary; some other missions, though, gave them a too good fight, exciting while it lasted, while adrenaline ran fast in their veins, but then left them like that, stumbling through the Mafia headquarters, weary and almost devoid of energy.
Chuuya almost always preferred the latter - the sensation of a good hard fight making his blood boil in his veins was a feeling that never grew old for him.
He looked at Dazai, walking silently next to him. He let his eyes roaming over him, a vice Chuuya had let himself indulge even too much lately - but it was okay now, when the corridor was dark and Dazai's eyes were fixed ahead of him, lost in thoughts that Chuuya couldn't guess.
"You're still bleeding", he said, when he noticed the cut on Dazai's cheek, and the wound on his side that kept colouring red his shirt.
Dazai turned to look at him, and it seemed like it took him a few moments to really realize what Chuuya had said. He looked as tired as Chuuya felt.
"Oh", he said, looking down at himself. One hand went up to the wound on his cheek, touching the blood with his thumb. After looking at it for a second, he brought it to his lips, tasting his own blood. "It doesn't hurt".
"That's not the point", Chuuya sighed. "You should get those treated".
Dazai simply shrugged, and Chuuya sighed again, annoyed at the carelessness that Dazai showed towards everything and especially himself.
He knew he wouldn't treat those wounds - if there was something that Chuuya could say he knew about Dazai was that he couldn't take care of himself (couldn't, and most of the times simply didn't bother to do it).
They walked in silence for a minute or so, too weary for their usual banter.
"Come on", Chuuya said, breaking the silence when they approached his apartment. He grabbed Dazai's wrist and started to pull him towards the door, preventing him to move onward to his own room.
"I know you can't stay away from me, Chibi, but I'd really like to go to my room and sleep".
"Shut up, shitty Dazai", he answered, not having the strength for a better comeback and focusing on fumbling with his key and open the door.
Weirdly enough, Dazai really did not say anything more as Chuuya led him through the small apartment he called home and to the bedroom.
"Wait here, and don't dirty my sheets with your stupid blood, or I'll kill you".
"Sure, sure".
He went to the bathroom to take the first aid kit, groaning in pain as his every muscle seemed to be screaming and begging him to sit down and rest. He wasn't hurt like Dazai - he was actually very proud of the fact that he was definitely better than Dazai was at avoiding bullets and such, thanks to his ability - still, he probably needed to take care of himself, too.
Why am I even doing this?, he wondered, annoyed at himself and his own stupid feelings for the stupid waste of bandages waiting in the other room.
Chasing the thought out of his mind was as hard as usual.
Why did he even feel like that? He hated everything about Dazai - starting from his self confidence, to his continuous suicide attempts, from how annoyingly clever he was to how irritating he was when he decided that he wanted to make Chuuya's life difficult.
He cut his own train of thoughts off before he could derail on way too familiar paths. He had wasted too much time thinking about Dazai, the list of things he hated about him more often than not turning into a precise account of tiny details that Chuuya had gathered during all the times he couldn't bring himself to stop looking at his partner - like the quirk of his lips when he smiled, the dangerous light in his eyes when he was facing an enemy, the tone of his voice and the way it sent shivers down Chuuya's back, the freeing sensation that for some reason filled him whenever they were together and Dazai let the mask that he always wore for everyone else fall for a moment.
Ugh, stop it, Chuuya told himself, shutting the cabinet and hoping that his troublesome thoughts had been trapped inside.
Of course, when he came back to his room, he found Dazai lying on the bed, arms spread open at his sides, eyes closed, and a relaxed expression on his face. A way too relaxed face for someone who was definitely dirtying Chuuya's sheets with blood.
Why did he even like that asshole?
The kick on his legs was earned, and Dazai was probably expecting it anyway.
"Ouch, Chuuyaaaa, why are you like this, I thought you were supposed to treat my wounds, not cause more!"
"You dirtied my sheets, you fucking asshole", he replied, but he sat himself next to Dazai, and took out what he needed from the first aid kit, as Dazai got up and put himself in a sitting position.
They stayed in silence for a while, as Chuuya cleaned first the wound on Dazai's cheek, and then tried his best not to stare as he took off his blood soaked shirt - because, even in that state and covered in dirty bandages, Dazai was annoyingly pleasant to look at.
He was probably too caught in his own thoughts and being angry with himself for even thinking that sort of things, because Dazai let out a hiss of pain as Chuuya was taking off his bandages.
"Don't be so rough, Chibi, what kind of nurse are you even?"
Chuuya barely resisted the urge of punching him, or kicking him right in his still open wound. "Fuck you, I'm not your nurse! You should be grateful I'm even helping you, stop fuckin complaining".
"Why are you doing it?", Dazai asked after a while. The tone of his voice, quiet and unusually void of the familiar teasing edge, pushed Chuuya to look up from where he was cleaning the wound and met his eyes.
And what he saw in them almost made him feel dizzy. It was an honest question, like Dazai really didn't expect anyone - didn't expect him - to help him, or to care enough to do it. It made blood boil in Chuuya's vein. Of course he would help him, as if that was even a question!
"You wouldn't have done it yourself, and you sure as hell wouldn't have gone to the infirmary", he answered, breaking eye contact and resuming his work. "You suck at taking care of yourself".
He wasn't expecting the soft laugh that followed his words.
"I want to die, Chuuya. Taking care of myself isn't exactly my priority".
That made Chuuya even angrier. He couldn't understand it, couldn't get why Dazai was so careless about his own life, why he was so ready to throw it away.
He wasn't sure if he was angry only at Dazai for being like that or also at himself for not being able to help him in any way.
"You're so fuckin selfish, you know that?"
Another chuckle, but when Chuuya looked up again, he didn't see any teasing or laugh in Dazai's expression, only sad resignation, and maybe what could have been a hint of regret.
"Yeah, I know".
Unable to stand that look, and at the same time not really wanting to look away, Chuuya gathered his strength and turned away, taking new bandages and starting to wrap Dazai's torso again.
They finished in an heavy and not really comfortable silence, both of them lost in their own thoughts.
When Chuuya went to the bathroom to put back the first aid kit, he almost expected to come back to an empty room. Instead, he had to blink a few times to make sure that the scene before his eyes wasn't just a weird product of his overtired mind.
"What are you doing?"
"Tryin' to sleep", Dazai answered, his voice muffled from the pillow he was hiding his face into.
"That's my bed", Chuuya pointed out, as his eyes were fixed on Dazai, who was snuggled on his bed, lying on his uninjured side, his back to Chuuya.
"Yep, great spirit of observation, Chibi".
"You have your own room".
A sigh. "Are you planning on keep saying obvious things or will you let me sleep?"
Really, Chuuya asked himself, why do I even like this guy?
"You could take the couch if you want to stay here, why would I let you sleep in my bed?"
"You can take the couch if you want", Dazai said, as if it was the most normal thing, and he gestured vaguely with an hand, not even turning around when speaking.
Honestly, the guts that guy had. "Or I could just kill you and get it over with".
"You're too tired for that", Dazai said, the teasing tone in his voice evident despite the clear weariness. "Come on", he added, and patted the spot on the bed next to him.
It was really something, the way Dazai could at the same time make Chuuya's nerves pulse with anger and making his heart skip a beat or running like crazy.
"You're so fucking annoying", he murmured under his breath, part at Dazai and part at himself and his own feelings. He cursed again when Dazai chuckled and his heart decided that skipping beats was its new favourite thing to do.
The bed was more than big enough for the two of them, but that didn't make it any easier for Chuuya's traitor heart. And forcing himself to turn around and not staring at Dazai's sleepy relaxed features was probably the most difficult mission he had faced that day.
" 'night, Chibi".
Chuuya simply hummed in response, hating Dazai and the way he made him feel more than anything.
For once, he was grateful for the weariness of his body and mind, because he doubted that, if it wasn't for that, he would have managed to close his eyes that night. Instead, he fell asleep after not too long, his mind too tired to focus on anything but the regular and relaxed sound of Dazai's soft breathing.
He wasn't sure, next morning, if being grateful or not that the spot next to him on the bed was empty.
~ ~ ~
It became an habit of sort - Chuuya taking care of Dazai's wounds after a mission, when necessary, and then Dazai just refusing to leave his room and ending up spending the night in Chuuya's bed.
Saying he had gotten used to it and the proximity didn't affect him anymore would have been one of the biggest lie ever, because his heart kept skipping and pounding like crazy in his throat every time it happened, refusing to leave Chuuya alone and always ready to remind him of his misery and stupid feelings.
He still liked it, though (and at this point he couldn't really keep denying it to himself), despite how stupid the thought made him feel and the many nights spent without being able to sleep and staring at Dazai in the dark.
He liked the closeness, liked the warm feeling spreading in his chest as Dazai let himself be vulnerable (or, as vulnerable as he was capable of) when it was just the two of them. He liked the honesty of those moments.
He liked all that, and hated it at the same time.
Hated it because he couldn't understand why Dazai did it, hated it because it didn't happen often enough and, now, when Dazai didn't show up, his nights felt more lonely and his bed way too big just for himself.
Until, one day, it wasn't just to treat injuries after difficult missions anymore.
Until, one day, Dazai stared to come into Chuuya's house at night, occupying his bed without saying anything and sleeping there as if it was the most normal thing ever.
Sometimes, Chuuya came back to his apartment and found him already there, still awake as if waiting for him; some other times, he heard him easily picking his lock and coming in, followed the sound of his footsteps until they stopped near the bed, and felt the mattress bending under the new weight.
The first time it happened, it was the former.
"The fuck are you doing here?"
Dazai opened his one eye not covered in bandages and looked at Chuuya.
"Ehi, Chibi", he just said."Turn off the light, I was trying to sleep".
And really, Chuuya was completely justified for how his nerves pulsed and gravity increased around him making the floor crack. He was also, definitely justified for the kick he aimed at Dazai's back.
"This is my house, you useless mackerel, what are you even doin here?"
Not that he wanted him to go, obviously - as his traitor heart had kindly reminded him when it had made a somersault as soon as he had seen Dazai on the bed and the prospect of a lonely night had turned into that of spending it so close with his partner.
A thought crossed his mind, suddenly, and he cursed himself for not having had it before.
"You're injured?", he asked, moving closer to the bed, worry starting to creep into his him.
"Nope", Dazai answered, and finally raised in a sitting position and properly faced Chuuya. "Your bed is simply more comfortable than mine", he shrugged, as that explained everything.
It didn't, not to Chuuya.
He knew that Dazai wouldn't give him a serious explanation, though, not until he himself wouldn't want to. So Chuuya swallowed another curse and his heart that was pounding painfully in his throat, and changed into his sleeping clothes (safely hiding his hat in the wardrobe, like he had started doing after one morning it had went missing and he had only found it later, sitting comfortably on Dazai's stupid head).
Than night, Chuuya couldn't sleep, both his mind and feelings a mess impossible to unravel. He looked at Dazai, so close that he would only need to move a few immense centimeters to touch him, and yet always so impossible to reach and to understand.
He looked at him, and thought he wanted nothing more than close the small distance between them. Maybe it was the tiredness from the long day of work that made him act on his desires without really thinking about it - and so, he moved closer, like a haunted animal afraid to alert the one chasing him, until they were closer than ever. Not quite touching, but close enough that he could feel Dazai's warmth like a ghost on his skin.
His heart hammered in his chest.
He would move away again, he promised himself, he would only indulge in a few dangerous minutes, a secret that the dark of the night could hold forever.
Dazai's breath was soft and regular, telling Chuuya that despite him moving, he hadn't even stirred. Seeing Dazai so calm and relaxed was a privilege, and one Chuuya was extremely grateful for.
What am I even doing?
What is he even doing?
He wanted to know - he needed to know. Maybe Dazai knew about Chuuya's feelings for him, and that was his plan for mocking him and making his life hell? Chuuya shook his head at himself - that wasn't like Dazai; he was perceptive and clever enough that the chances that he had understood were scarily high, but Chuuya knew he wouldn't react like this.
No, this was something else. Maybe Dazai simply didn't want to sleep alone.
Sighing, he gave up on trying to find an answer - Dazai was a dilemma, an unsolvable mystery whose answer only he knew. Chuuya had no chance of finding it on his own.
He still couldn't take his eyes away from him, though. Even in the dark, he could make out Dazai's features, the lines of his eyes, his jaw, his lips.
Fuck, I want to kiss him.
He turned around in a swift motion before the thought was even fully formed in his mind, blushing, his face coming aflame under the weight of the embarrassment.
He didn't sleep at all that night, he spent it awake, all too aware of the body so close behind him (and yet not wanting to move away from it and put a safe distance between them again), and wondering where would he even find the strength to face Dazai the next day.
~ ~ ~
Usually, Chuuya would wake up to an empty bed (for the nights when he could actually sleep). Empty and cold like no one was there in the first place, and the whole thing had been nothing more than Chuuya's way too vivid imagination playing games on him.
There were times, though, when Dazai would stay and Chuuya would wake up, open his eyes and find him still lying next him, asleep.
Those times were the hardest test for his nerves and self control, the moments when he couldn't stop himself from indulging in fantasies and letting them play freely in his head.
He had accused Dazai of being selfish, but in those mornings he thought the truth was that he was probably as selfish as him.
Because he didn't know why Dazai was there, why he kept coming back - and every time he tried to ask him, the answers were always the same obvious lies, or a taunting comeback that told Chuuya that Dazai didn't want to talk about it.
But, what Chuuya knew for sure was that he wanted him to keep doing so.
He wanted to be able to be close to him, bask in the sense of intimacy they had built for themselves when they were hidden behind the curtains of the night. He wanted to keep looking at Dazai relaxed sleeping face, looking at his lips and imagining how it would feel to kiss him. He wanted to keep being Dazai's hiding place from whatever was going on in his mind.
He wanted to take whatever Dazai was giving him, no matter the reason behind it.
He wondered if that made him selfish, or simply stupid.
~ ~ ~
It changed, one night, and the careful balance of pretending they had built inside the four walls of Chuuya's house came tumbling down.
Chuuya was lying in his bed, waiting and hoping to hear the front door open, and Dazai's careful footsteps crossing the apartment and coming into the bedroom. And so it happened, after some long minutes of hopeful waiting, as so often it did lately.
It was just like every other night. Until it wasn't anymore.
Until Chuuya felt Dazai crawling into bed, coming so much closer than any other time.
Until he felt Dazai's arm coming around his waist, and his body pressed against his back.
He couldn't help how his body stiffened at the sudden contact, nor the way breath stopped in his throat.
It felt like an eternity until Dazai spoke.
"Chuuya", he murmured, and Chuuya could feel his warm breath tickling the skin of his neck. "You awake?"
"As if I could sleep like this".
The words were forced out through the lump in his throat and Chuuya himself could barely hear them over the pounding of his own heart. Dazai could probably feel it, feel the way his touch made Chuuya's heart run and his mind a mess.
Not that it mattered - after all, there was an high chance he had always known (because Dazai was simply too clever and observant, and Chuuya had never been good at hiding his feelings, especially from him).
Somehow, the soft nervous laugh that escaped Dazai's lips was enough to reduce the tension in the room, and Chuuya felt himself relaxing in Dazai's hold.
Without thinking twice about it, he brought one of his hands over Dazai's, holding it.
"What's wrong?"
Because it was crystal clear that there was something wrong, something that was making Dazai cling to him like that.
Chuuya knew him well enough to know that some days, for Dazai, were much worse than others, days when he had a dark light in his eyes and a serious tone in his voice as he talked about the inconsequence and dullness of living, and the free release of killing himself; days when he felt farther away than ever, trapped in his own too intelligent mind.
Minutes ticked by without an answer - or maybe it was mere seconds, passing like a lifetime to Chuuya's senses.
"I sleep better when I'm with you".
The words were a breathed murmur again his neck
He had guessed it, in some measure, but hearing Dazai saying it made it true, real. The words, quiet and honest echoed in Chuuya's mind for some long interminable seconds.
"Is that why you've been stealing my bed all this time?"
"Mhm", Dazai hummed in assent, and his hold on Chuuya tightened ever so slightly. "Does it annoy you?"
Stupid question, the most idiotic question ever - it made Chuuya wonder if Dazai was really as clever as he claimed. Or if he simply wanted to hear the answer coming from Chuuya's lips - like a game, where if he had to be honest, so did Chuuya, too.
"You always annoy me", Chuuya said in the end. "But I could have thrown you out whenever I wanted, you know".
Their joined hands were lying against Chuuya's chest, his heart hammering against them, and there was no way Dazai couldn't feel it. Somehow, the thought wasn't as scary as is should have been.
"But you didn't". A beat, a pause. "Why?"
It felt like a callback to that night, the one that started everything, when Dazai had asked him why Chuuya was helping him treating his injuries - like they were somehow back where they had started.
It would have been easy eluding the question, saying something that could take the conversation back on a safe track. But Chuuya found he didn't really want that.
Instead, he let go of Dazai's hand, and turned around in his embrace, facing him for the first time that night.
They were close - Dazai's arm was still on Chuuya's waist, their chests were almost pressed together, their legs touching, their faces so close Chuuya could feel Dazai's breath on his lips.
Dazai's eye not covered by the bandages was fixed on Chuuya, and even in the dark Chuuya could imagine the curiosity painted in it.
"I guess-", he started, then swallowed around the lump constricting his throat. "I guess sometimes I'm selfish, too".
"I thought I was the selfish one".
"Yeah, well, we can both be".
When Dazai let out a breathless laugh, Chuuya felt it tingling on his lips.
Silence, a moment suspended in time.
"Can I be selfish now, Chuuya?"
"About what?"
A beat of silence, the the soft whisper. "You".
Chuuya had barely time to wonder what that meant and to nod before Dazai was kissing him.
It was soft, careful, hesitant even - everything Chuuya had never thought kissing Dazai would be.
Where he had imagined fire and eagerness from the very first moment, there was a slow and tentative touch, where he had thought there would be nothing but passion and chaos, there was a sigh against his lips and a gentle hand cupping his face.
It was nothing like Chuuya had imagined it, and maybe that shocked him even more than the same fact that Dazai was kissing him.
Until his startled and overwhelmed mind caught up to what was happening, and reminded Chuuya to kiss back. And he did, placing a hand to the back of Dazai's neck to bring him closer, and pressing his lips more firmly against his.
That seemed to be the only assurance that Dazai needed, like he had been barely testing the waters until then, giving Chuuya the chance to back out if he wanted.
As if Chuuya could ever do that, as if he could ever turn back now and give up something that he had been wanting for way too long, haunted by his own thoughts and feelings. He parted his lips, letting Dazai's warm tongue inside, licking into his mouth, sliding against his own, letting his taste invade his senses.
It was still different than what Chuuya had imagined, even with the hot touches and eagerness in the way they kept drawing each other in, closer and closer like they couldn't have enough – and it was true, at least for Chuuya himself; he didn't think he could ever get enough of the intoxicating ocean of sensations he was drowning in in that moment.
It was in the way – wanting and hungry and yet languid and possessive – that Dazai was touching him, his fingers stroking his skin, their legs tangled together, and in the way Chuuya, with their bodies pressed together, could feel him shudder with every new contact.
It was in the way it felt like Dazai wanted, needed that as much as Chuuya did. And that, was a fantasy Chuuya had never really let himself indulge.
Chuuya wanted to ask what did it mean, wanted to ask Dazai why. But, between the confusion and the overwhelming feelings clouding his mind, and the press of Dazai's lips, his taste filling his senses, and the burning touch of his hands, Chuuya couldn't focus on anything but what was happening right in that moment, and couldn't bring himself to stop.
And maybe, the truth was that right then and there he didn't need a reason, he just wanted to keep going, taking what he had desired for so long and that now Dazai was finally giving him.
So they kept kissing, lost in each other, their lips meeting over and over again, for an eternity. Until they both were short of breath and like that, still in each other's arms, they fell asleep.
When Chuuya woke up, Dazai was still there, snuggled up against him, hugging him, their legs still tangled together. His eyes were open, fixed on Chuuya, his lips curved in an almost imperceptible smile.
For a moment, Chuuya thought he was still dreaming.
"Stop staring at me, you creep", he mumbled, voice slow from sleep.
"Ahh, but Chuuya! You're so cute when you sleep!"
Chuuya hated how his heart started beating faster at the compliment, despite the obvious teasing in Dazai's voice - he blamed the fact that he had just woken up, and that he could still feel the pressure of Dazai's lips against his.
He breathed out in relief at the familiar banter that followed and at the fact that Dazai didn't move away, keeping close to Chuuya like he didn't mean to ever let go of him.
It had been like a dream, the night before, like they were moving in a limbo or in another reality, where they could do and say whatever they wanted, and it wouldn't matter anymore once it would be touched by the daylight.
But now, now it felt like the two realities had merged, and they didn't have to hide behind the night anymore.
So Chuuya leaned in, cutting off with his lips whatever idiotic thing Dazai was saying.
"That's cheating, Chuuya".
"That's strategy, mackerel".
There was still something, though, nagging at Chuuya's mind, a voice that kept whispering doubts at questions.
The tone of his voice must have given him away, because there was now a glint of seriousness in Dazai's eyes.
"Why did you kiss me last night?"
He wasn't expecting one of Dazai's hand to find his own and staring to play with his fingers. As if it was normal, as if it was something they always did, and not something that made Chuuya's mind short-circuit.
"Why did you kiss back?"
"Don't answer my question with another", Chuuya said, rolling his eyes. Then added, "And you know why, anyway".
"Do I? Maybe I want to hear you say it".
"Fuck you", Chuuya shot back, but it lacked his usual strength. "And don't elude the question", he added.
A sigh. "You said it yourself, I'm selfish - I wanted it, so I did it"
Chuuya thought it was fair, in a way – maybe, the night before, both of them had been thinking more about themselves than the other, too lost in what they wanted to think about what the other wanted and what it would mean for them.
It could mean everything, it could mean nothing.
What Chuuya knew was that it wanted to at least mean something. And he didn't know what Dazai wanted, but he was willing to wait, let him be selfish, as Chuuya did the same.
After all, it really seemed that, when it came to Dazai, he really was selfish.
~ ~ ~
Nothing changed, on the outside. It was still the same - the same banter, the same continuous insulting and teasing each other, the same fighting together as partners. What was different was that now, when Chuuya imagined kissing Dazai, he knew what it really felt like, the the taste of his lips engraved in his senses; now, Chuuya knew he could indulge in his fantasies without feeling stupidly hopeless, because he knew he could turn them into reality whenever he wanted.
Now, when Dazai stayed the night - and it happened almost every day - there was no space between them, their bodies as close as possible, their arms around each other, their fingers entwined.
"You said you sleep better with me", Chuuya said one such night. "What did you mean?"
He had learned that at night, in those moments when nothing else existed in the whole world outside the two of them, Dazai was more willing to be honest. And Chuuya was selfish enough to take advantage of that.
"Just that", Dazai answered. "My dreams are way too crowded usually, it keeps me awake".
"And they quiet down when you're with me".
"Don't boast, Chibi, it's just because you're too noisy and annoying, you make everything else seem quiet".
Chuuya laughed, and his arms around Dazai tightened its hold. "Mhm, sure it is".
“And what about your days?”, he asked again, after a while. “You said that your nights are too noisy and crowded- what about your days, how are they?”
It was a while until Dazai answered, so long that Chuuya started to think he had fallen asleep, or simply had no intention of answering.
“My days are even too quiet, usually”.
“Do I make that better, too?”
“You're rowdy, it's a nice contrast”.
To be honest, Chuuya hadn't expected that answer. The warm sensation spreading through him had become pleasantly familiar, especially on nights like that.
He didn't say anything else, letting Dazai fall asleep and lose himself in quiet dreams.
~ ~ ~
Nothing changed on the outside between them, but Chuuya couldn't help but notice that the times he had to rescue Dazai from a river he had thrown himself into, or save him from some other fanciful attempt to kill himself, had decreased noticeably.
~ ~ ~
Another day, another difficult mission, and another night that saw Chuuya and Dazai walking side by side in corridors of the Mafia headquarters, heavy limbs and aching muscles asking for relief in several hours of sleep.
It wasn't a question, when they stopped before Chuuya's front door - that, at that point, wasn't even just Chuuya's anymore (and the thought made his heart flip happily, like every time he saw the evident signs of Dazai's presence in his home).
It was an established routine - Chuuya going to the bathroom to take the first aid kit, Dazai waiting in the bedroom (and Chuuya was now sadly used to his sheets being tainted by blood) for him to come back and treat his injuries.
At one point, Chuuya had told him he could as well start doing it on his own.
Dazai had replied with "Why would I when I have you doing it? And I know you like taking care of me, Chuuya".
"Only because you're a huge baby and refuse to do it yourself", he had replied, but the blush on his cheeks probably gave away the fact that Dazai's words were true. And, judging by the smug smile on his lips, Dazai knew it, too.
Now, as he sat besides Dazai, studying him and the injuries that marked his body from the recent fight, Chuuya felt strangely serene, as if he was exactly where he needed to be. He was willing and ready to take care of Dazai until he wouldn't do it himself; and the simple fact that Dazai let him, that he came to him for comfort, that he let Chuuya in while everyone else stayed locked outside – it was something, and more than Chuuya had ever thought he could get.
They hadn't talked about it, about what their relationship was, about what it meant – but, even without labels, they both knew.
Chuuya was snatched away from his thoughts by Dazai's voice, breaking the silence fallen between them.
"You're bleeding", Dazai pointed out, looking at Chuuya's arm, where one of the ability users they had fought earlier had managed to hit him.
He had taken off his jacket and shirt already, and his arm felt stiff and aching, but nothing he couldn't stand for a little while.
"I know", he said, and shrugged. "It's nothing".
"A bit hypocritical, eh, Chuuya?"
And Chuuya had to stop for a moment and laugh, because Dazai was looking at him with a smile and mirth in his eyes - and Chuuya had the feeling that Dazai had expected that kind of answer from him.
"Shut up, unlike you I'm gonna treat my own wounds later", he replied, as he started working on Dazai's wounds.
They stayed in silence, Dazai with his eyes closed, relaxed under Chuuya's touch.
When he was finished, Chuuya put away the dirty cloth, and took a clean one and new bandages to treat his own wound.
A hand suddenly put on his stopped him from moving.
"Let me", Dazai said, softly, a murmur in the quiet of the room, and he took the cloth and gauze from Chuuya's hands.
Chuuya, on his part, was too shocked to even reply as Dazai started cleaning his wound. His hands were delicate and careful against his skin, but still able to send shivers throughout his body.
The effect Dazai had on him, even with a single glance or a simple touch, was enough to send Chuuya's mind in a whirl of overwhelming feelings.
"So you do know how to do this", he said, more to break the silence and stop his own thoughts from derailing.
"Of course I do", Dazai answered with an overdramatic roll of his eyes. But his voice was low, thoughtful, at his next words. "I just never thought it really mattered - as long as it didn't hurt. And then there was you, ready to take care of me", he added, raising his eyes from what he was doing and meeting Chuuya's. "I'm not good at taking care of myself, but it's easier when you help me. And I like it".
"A bit selfish, eh, Dazai?", Chuuya said, voice as soft as Dazai's.
"Guess you're right", Dazai chuckled. His hand was still moving carefully against Chuuya's skin. "But-"
"I think I'm tired of being selfish".
Chuuya had to remember himself to breathe, swallowed once to clear his throat - a maybe his head, but that seemed like it had stopped working, too busy repeating Dazai's words. Their eyes were still locked together.
"Yeah?", he managed to say, a smile making its way on his lips. He found Dazai's hand, that had stopped cleaning the wound and was now simply resting on Chuuya's arm, stroking the clear skin, and took it in his own, their fingers lacing together naturally.
It was Dazai who leaned in and kissed him, a familiar gesture by now, but to which Chuuya still couldn't get used to. There was no hesitance, their lips firmly pressed together and moving against each other, their free hands finding their way on each other's bodies, keeping each other close.
Chuuya thought he would gladly spend the rest of forever kissing Dazai, feeling his touch, his smell, his taste, feeling him, like nothing else existed in the world and his senses were only made to feel him, and him alone.
“You know”, he murmured when they broke apart, breathing heavily against each other's lips. “When we kissed for the first time, I was think more about myself than you”.
Dazai laughed. “That makes it two of us”.
“Told you we're both selfish”, Chuuya said, his hand stroking Dazai's cheek, his smile brushing against his.
Maybe that was what made them a good match.
“And what were you thinking about now?”
Chuuya smiled. “ Me too”, he said, and kissed him again.
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suicidefrantic · 5 years
Continue from X with @diverse-hearts
He knew Chuuya would come for him, and he had. The storm of Corruption could be heard and he simply smirked. He was counting , though it didn't seem like it. Counting the moments it took for Chuuya to release him from this prison. No one had thought to run away from the approaching storm, his boyfriend was coming. It was something that had recently happen, something that had happened on the spur of the moment. He had gotten pissy and instead of using insults, he had just forced Chuuya into an angry kiss. A kiss that had become rather heated and well it turned into an admitting of feeling and sexual frustrations. Then somehow the two began to date. It had been a week , if not a little longer.
The brunette was addicted to his ginger, he didn't know what to call it--- but he loved the kissing and the touches. He adored cuddling with the other , both heated moments and softer ones. Though his heart  felt off , like it was being clutched and whatever was clutching it refused to let go. It did actually hurt a little to see Chuuya like this, but his ability would end it all. He leaned in and wrapped his arms around Chuuya to lean in for a gentle kiss. Except.... Corruption didn't end. Something was wrong? Was it his ability .... was it not working now of all times?
Chuuya was covered in blood , and when Dazai might enjoy the sight if it was different reasoning for it... it hurt him to see all of this. The marks of Corruption not fading but bursting open and growing. Blood, confusion, fear... he had never had to deal with anything like this in the least. Chuuya pulled him into another kiss and he held him closer and his lips returned the kiss , trying to comfort the other with his kisses. So much blood, it didn't bother him to be covered in blood from kissing his boyfriend. The blood nor tears stopped him, but he was more concern about stopping this. Corruption should have stopped. He could feel something dark pulling at his mind, he pushed it back. It was like something was telling him that Chuuya was dying.
Brown eyes stared into blue , he saw so much fear there. He leaned into the hand on his cheek and then it all ended so quickly. Dazai held Chuuya's body closer to him as eyes closed. His lips going to go to kiss Chuuya again. Stay with me... that is what he was thinking. Then the body fell limp in his body , a faint red glow of Chuuya's ability than nothing. He felt it. His eyes stung as tears fell from his eyes. "Chuuuya.... come on.... Chuu..." he was shaking as the tears rolled down his cheeks and he held the ginger close to him. No... no.... no... this couldn't be happening.
"We... we finally got together. I'm finally where ya wanted me to be. Don't go dying on me... it was within the time frame. It wasn't to late.... ya can't die...." No something else was wrong , though his mind was wanting to not work... to shut down. He held Chuuya closer to him. Rain began to fall within the building , as Chuuya's tantrum had left the roof and walls blown off of the room he had been kept in. None of it mattered. "Chuuya... don't leave me ya bastard. Come back to me..." This might as well be death... because Chuuya wasn't there.... it was like he felt him leave. The body was alive... but the entities inside wasn't there. An empty husk.
"Why do people keep dying on me..... Chuuya --- ya weren't suppose to leave me." The rain plastered his brown locks to his skull, he didn't care as he held the bloody body to him. "Yosano.... I have to get him to Yosano...." He was shaking as he pulled out his phone. He dialed the number. "H...help... Yosano... I need Yosano. Save him" he sounded pitiful as he sobbed , basically begging . Dazai never showed emotions like this, hell no one in ADA even knew of his relationship with Chuuya. He could have called Mori, but he didn't want Mori anywhere near Chuuya. This was that man's fault. Ango.... Ango might know something.
Another call "Ango.....everything ya have on Arahabaki... now... I need it." His voice wasn't steady. Tears continued to fall. He didn't care rather or not Ango was on the phone or not still, the phone left his hand and he held Chuuya closer. "We are going to get ya fixed up, Chuuya. I love ya... ya hear me... I love ya." Dazai had never said those words in his life. "Help me.... why am I so fucking useless! Why didn't my ability work....." and this was the time when Dazai would blame himself for everything. He would believe his father's words from so long ago... he really was useless. If he couldn't save his boyfriend like normal.... what use did he have in this world?
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misstinfoilhat · 5 years
The Boy in the Belfry, part 13. A Bungou Stray Dogs fic
All is dark. All is calm. All is good.
The only thing he can hear is the muffled sound of his fellow agents getting to work around him, and the only thing he can feel is leather gloves carefully caressing the side of his face and occasionally swiping away the unmanageable bangs from his face.
All is okay. All is over. All is well.
His father is dead. He knows. Not even a termite like his old man, can withstand what had to be more than ten stabs to the head, and at least ten more to the chest. To be absolutely sure, he genuinely hopes that Mori will cut his head off and feed it to the pigs. Or better yet, his heart. You can never be too sure considering all the pestered animals that can keep on living without their heads. He'll let Mori do whatever he wants to the body, as long as it's not burried beneath the same ground as his mother and sisters. He'll let Mori feed his sickest fantasies, just to make sure that the motherfucker burns in hell.
All is still. All is numb. All is dead.
Atsushi was stunned. With trembling knees, he was able to take one step before his legs buckled under his weight, but Yosano was quick to react out and caught him before he could hit the ground. She'd been keeping an eye out for all of their younger agents during the bloodied act, knowing fully that the sight before them would be overwhelming to anyone- and especially someone as inexperienced and impressionable as Atsushi.
Even if they all knew about Dazai's past in the Port Mafia by now, Yosano (and to an extent, Kyouka) was probably the only ones who were capable of even nearly understanding what kind of measures Dazai has had to go through, to survive a lifestyle in the mafia that he did not choose for himself, but had been molded and broken into by callous hands.
The horrors he must have seen, as well as executed himself... from her own experience, she knew it was horrendous. And him, being a former executive, she could only begin to imagine how much worse he'd been through.
But he had been exposed to such cruel acts himself.
Until now, she was the only one in the agency who had seen the hideousness that had been done to his body underneath the bandages. It was nothing but evidence of a lifetime of torture.
But now, they had all seen it. What the mellow tempered jokester was hiding underneath the bandages.
Yosano got awakened from her thoughts as Atsushi ripped himself from her grip and ran out of the church. With that, she was reminded of the chaos around her. Her heart pulled her in one direction, wanting to make sure that Atsushi was okay, but a persistent Kunikda yelled for her assistance in the other.
“Kyouka,” she started to say but needed not to say more. The petite girl ran after her friend- probably a little relieved to get away from the situation. Yosano made a mental note to talk to her later. This whole event probably brought back some very unpleasant memories for her too.
Yosano hurried and ran to Dazai's aid.
“Atsushi-san?” Kyouka asked as softly as her already pleasant voice could muster, as she saw the boy huddled up and cradling himself right outside the door of the church. “Are you alright?”
Atsushi didn't answer, only grabbed his legs tighter and faintly shivered from the rain and sour wind.
“You should come back inside... I don't want you to get sick. They have covered the... body,” she added.
“It's not that...” Atsushi finally answered quietly. “I can take a dead body, Kyouka. I've seen blood and gore before. It's just...” he took a deep breath trying to make his voice sturdy. “I can't see Dazai like that. He's... he's supposed to be unbreakable, you know?”
Kyouka lowered her head. She knew, but she also knew. Knew a few things about the Port Mafia that Atsushi didn't. Things about Mori that anyone outside of the mafia would never know.
“You know,” he chuckled, almost humorously but couldn’t quite muster it, “...once, he carried me all the way back to the infirmary after a really bad fight downtown. He had several broken ribs, a concussion, and a pretty bad knee injury. Yosano and Kunikida literally had to tackle him to the ground and tranquilize him to treat his injuries,” Atsushi recalled bitterly. 
“Seeing him in such a vulnerable state right now... it's breaking my heart. I just can't take it. He's the closest thing to... maybe not a father, but at least a big brother, or a cool uncle, that I've ever had.” 
Atsushi bit his lip and added, “Also, seeing how he just used the remains of his energy to execute such a brutal killing... looking completely and utterly... unfeeling and unfazed by it, sends shivers through my whole body. I'm not sure I know that person...”
A touch on the arm from Kyouka interrupted him. She looked keenly into his eyes with her piercing light blue ones.
“Please, Atsushi. There's a lot you don't understand about Dazai-san. There's a lot none of us will ever understand. But, you saw the marks on his body and you heard what the preacher said. I'm not sure if any of us would have acted any other way if we were in his position.”
Atsushi knew she was probably right. He knew if he was in the same desperate state of mind as Dazai had been in then and there, and been given the opportunity to fight back- he probably would too. It wasn’t like he hadn’t fought in blind rage before himself.
Even so, he would need some time to process what he had just witnessed.
Kunikida hardly ever acted spontaneously. Obviously, even he couldn't foresee every possible turn of events, but it wasn't for the lack of trying.
This entire day had been agonizingly out of his control, and as Dazai fell unconscious after the confrontation and savage killing of the preacher (he wouldn't even give the man the acknowledgment of calling him Dazai's father), he decided to give in to the moment, letting go of his analytic thought process and acting purely from instinct and heart.
And his heart said to screw everything and get Dazai out of there alive.
Chuuya had already made it to Dazai. Kunikida could see him comforting and sheltering him, but wanted, all the same, to kick the vertically challenged Chucky look-a-like's face in for misusing his and his partner's trust.
“What the hell is going on?” he demanded, reaching the two, hitting Chuuya's stupid hat off, just for his own satisfaction.
The redhead didn't even flinch and was more concerned with making Dazai comfortable despite his injuries.
“I'm sorry,” he whispered. Kunikida didn't know if he was referring to Dazai, him or both of them. Probably the ladder. “I didn't know that Mori would let it go this far, but I should have. He always takes it too far.”
Kunikida looked for the Port Mafia boss, but he had already disappeared.
'That fucking coward.'
He snapped his fingers and got the attention of Tanizaki and Kenji, as he noticed Yosano being held up with Atsushi.
“Please, if you're up to it, would you mind... trying to find something to cover the body with?” he asked quietly. Even with somewhat pallor looks, they both complied, probably relieved to get a task to distract themselves, even if it was a messy one.
He turned back to Chuuya and Dazai, only to realize that Dazai's face started to look strained, fusing into a tight grimace as his body gradually started trembling worse and worse.
“He's having a seizure!” Kunikida exclaimed and pushed a frozen Chuuya away, quickly turning Dazai on his side to clear his airways. “Yosano!”
The ambulance drove off with Dazai, accompanied by Yosano. Chuuya had redeemed himself a little by helping them to get rid of the body before anyone else would see it, as well as cleaning up the mess that had been made. They put their trust in Yosano to come up with some kind of story to explain Dazai's (somewhat embarrassingly for both the ADA and the hospital) third disappearance (sporting an external fixing device on his leg and a broken back) from the hospital and the state they sent him back in.
“You have some explaining to do,” Kunikida stated sternly to Chuuya, as they watched the ambulance drive off.
“I don't think I'm the right person to do that,” he said simply, but couldn't hide the clear discomfort of being interrogated.
“Your namby-pamby boss vanished out of the thin air. He didn't even stick around to make sure that Dazai was okay,” Kunikida retorted sourly.
Chuuya smirked slightly, crossing his arms and started to walk towards his bike. “I don't mean Mori, Kunikida-kun.”
At first, Kunikida was confused by the statement. He watched the back of the mafioso as he walked calmly away. 
Then it dawned upon him.
Could Dazai already have known what was going to happen?
Of course, he could.
Dazai looked peaceful in spite of Atsushi's inability not to imagine the scars that lay hidden underneath his bandages. The third operation in just a little less than a month had taken its toll on his mentor, and understandably so.
Atsushi didn't know if he would ever be able to look upon the man who, despite his many flaws, he had regarded as his hero, the same way ever again. He looked the same, but somehow, he felt different.
Even so, he hadn't moved from his bedside since he'd been allowed into his room in the ICU. The others from the agency had returned to the dorms to get some much-needed rest, but something inside of Atsushi's stomach had made him unable to leave Dazai there by himself.
Dazai twitched slightly in the bed. Atsushi automatically stood up, leaning towards the railings, watching intently as his mentor started to wake up.
Bewildered hands moved towards his face, trying to remove the intruding nasal cannula before his eyes had even opened.
“Uh, no, stop it. I think you need that,” Atsushi said nervously, grabbing Dazai's hands and placed them gently back by his side.
“So annoying,” Dazai sighed hoarsely, before falling back to sleep.
Atsushi smiled.
Maybe Dazai was the same after all.
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izanyas · 6 years
Nothing Noble (3)
Here it is at last. The third chapter of the agency!Chuuya and mafia!Dazai fic.
Rating: M Words: 8,000 Warnings: very vague allusion to potential sexual assault (no actual assault takes place).
[Read from Chapter 1]
Nothing Noble Chapter 3
Something about the air that day should have given Chuuya warning.
The sky had opened sometime during the night, letting through needles of starlight. He had spent those unslept hours pouring over the files obtained through Sasaki, listening to the whispers of the city and the soft murmur of Katai's snoring. Katai never did close his bedroom door fully. The change in weather had resulted in a sun-bright morning, colder maybe for it than it would have been through the thick of clouds.
Chuuya was too used to insomnia by now for it to bother him. He showered leisurely as the city awoke, scorching water unknotting his back and flattening his hair against his scalp. The bangs over his forehead were almost long enough to reach his eyes; he'd have to take care of that soon.
He brushed his teeth, dried himself, put on clean clothes. He glanced at his fogged reflection in the mirror; he traced the ugly scar on his cheekbone habitually, feeling the depth and width of it with his index finger; he plastered gauze on it, hiding it from view.
"You're always up so early," Katai mumbled when he emerged from the bathroom.
He was stumbling half-blindly toward the couch, a bowl of cereal threatening to spill its content in hand. Chuuya kept it from doing so without thought, milk turning pink under the glow of his power until Katai was seated at last. His roommate thanked him with what sounded more like a groan than an actual word. The TV lit up without any of them touching the remote—whose location had long been forgotten by both of them anyway.
"Gotta get to the agency early anyway," Chuuya said, grabbing his coat from where it hung on the back of a kitchen chair. "I said I'd help Yosano sort through the archives."
"Mrrph," was Katai's answer. His mouth was full.
"See you later."
Katai swallowed hurriedly. "Tell them I'll be around at ten! I promised Kunikida I'd take Atsushi out on his first mission."
Chuuya waved at him and left, the door creaking loudly behind him.
The outside air hit him like an ice wall once he exited the building. Everywhere he looked people were walking by, scarves wound around their faces and hats pulled over their ears. Chuuya tightened his collar around his throat in a meager attempt to ward off the cold, his scarred cheek flaring with pain under the dry and icy wind. Not even his leather gloves could prevent it from filtering in like tiny little knives, their tips pricking his fingers to numbness. Walking did little to keep him warm that day.
"Hey," Yosano greeted him once he hurried inside the office.
"You turned on the heaters," he huffed, tugging off his gloves. "Thank fuck."
"I'm not about to work in a freezer, am I?"
He shot her an absent smile. It seemed they were the only ones in yet; Kunikida's desk was stacked neatly with the files of the day, not yet opened for perusal, and Edogawa's wasn't yet covered in wrappings or empty bottles of soft drinks.
A loud thumping sound broke him out of his observations. He turned back toward Yosano, standing near the newbie's—Nakajima's—desk with several piles of old carton binders. Some were so full of documents that only thick rubber bands held them together, their spine long torn or gone away.
Chuuya frowned. "Is that it?"
"Oh no," Yosano replied, smiling darkly. "That's just the first row. We're going in alphabetical order."
They sat on either side of the desk and went to work.
The good thing with Yosano was that she valued silence. As flashy as her personality could be given the right circumstances, as dark as her words and eyes could get, she was an accommodating woman. Their interactions easily reduced themselves to asking each other for one file or the next, she telling him what to do and he requesting her advice. The rest was comfortable and quiet in the soft, curtained light, their side warmed by the wall heater and paper shuffling between their fingers. If comments there were, they were equally peaceful. Chuuya couldn't imagine working with any other member of the agency with such ease. Kunikida would be tense by his side as he always was, Katai nervous and distracted, the Tanizaki siblings or Miyazawa playful. He preferred not to think at all of working with Edogawa.
The others trickled in one by one—or two, in the Tanizakis' case. Chuuya let their greetings go unanswered, though Yosano took the time to salute each of them. He filtered through the archives, noting down the ones to be copied by hand or on a screen, putting aside those too damaged to be read by anyone but Yosano herself.
"This is gonna take us weeks," he muttered once they reached the bottom of the third stack Yosano had brought out of the archive room. "Some of this stuff isn't even from the agency."
"My old clinic," Yosano replied. "I still see some of the patients. And Fukuzawa brought in relics of his work to get the agency opened in the first place, alongside Souseki's own stuff. Plus a ton of other things from the previous occupants of this floor."
"Loan sharks," Chuuya said. He'd never been very good at numbers, but he knew suspicious money exchanges when he saw them. Not to mention a few familiar names.
Yosano frowned. "I thought they worked in real estate."
"Loan sharks parading as real estate agents, then. It's not unheard of."
"Bringing back memories?"
Chuuya hadn't stooped so low as to startle, but the sound of Edogawa's voice was always an unwelcome one. He eyed with disdain the mug full of hot cocoa that the man put on the desk beside them—firmly enough that droplets of the beverage stained the old documents brown in places, he noticed irritatedly—and then his face, once he had brought close a chair and sat in it. "Morning, sensei," Edogawa chirped, his piercing eyes fixed on Chuuya.
"Hey," Yosano replied. "How's it going?"
"Good, good. Excellent, even."
Chuuya once more thanked Yosano, internally, for her tact. He had no doubt that she had heard Edogawa's comment, as she must have all the comments he had made since Chuuya had joined the agency, but as usual she paid it no mind at all. She simply went back to her work.
It gave him the energy to withstand Edogawa's stare. "Are you gonna help us?" he asked.
"No," Edogawa answered happily.
"Then fuck off."
"That's no way to talk to a senior," Kunikida declared, announcing his arrival and making a beeline for his desk. "Ranpo-san, Yosano-sensei, good morning." His eyes landed on Chuuya. "Kashiwamura," he added.
"Not my name," Chuuya said.
Kunikida's face pinched into some sort of pained expression. It was becoming a permanent fixture every time they interacted.
Though by now the exchange was more game than anything else, at least for Chuuya, he still didn't enjoy being called by that name. It hadn't been his since he was only a boy, hadn't been his when Kouyou had forged a new one for him and he had adopted it into the depth of his heart like a secret treasure, a bounty of love and acceptance, the kind he had never felt before.
It was a weakness. He knew it. Having most everyone he met call him by his first name was easily done, but it wasn't something he should do. Not anymore. He might as well have introduced himself as Nakahara to them, for all that his birth mother's name was worth as a disguise.
Pain rang hollowly through his chest at the thought of Kouyou, images flashing through his mind as they did every time he slept, every time he let down his guard—the mansion floor awash with sticky blood, her ashen face and limp hair and torn clothes as he stood, still, in the knowledge that he had been too late.
Her cold hand in his as he forgot how to breathe.
It grew inside him like a weed, rotted his heart and lungs with the acrid bite of anger, burned his words to ash at the back of his throat.
Mori Ougai. Sakaguchi Ango.
Chuuya exhaled.
His eyes landed on the timid silhouette of Nakajima Atsushi, who had trailed into the office behind Kunikida like a scared cat. The boy hadn't addressed him a word since Chuuya had run his entrance exam, which might have been understandable for someone without the guts to throw themself into the way of a flying knife; yet that had been almost a week ago. Nakajima had opened up to almost everyone else, the eldest Tanizaki especially. He hadn't stopped looking at Chuuya with worry tensing up his shoulders.
"Hey," Chuuya called out to him.
The boy jumped as if electrified.
"Er, me?" he said weakly.
"Yeah." Chuuya turned around in his chair to look at him more closely. Now that he thought about it, he and Yosano were occupying the boy's desk. No one else's had enough room for them to sort through the thick binders. "Katai says he'll be here later to take you out. Show you the ropes. A client has an appointment with us, something about smugglers around her neighborhood."
"Oh." The boy blinked, some of his fear abating, probably out of understanding that Chuuya was not about to try and stab him again. "That's great, then. I need to apologize to him."
"No need for that. I'm sure he doesn't even think about it anymore."
Or at least, Katai had stopped having night terrors about a great white tiger and taking refuge at the foot of Chuuya's bed for protection.
"Still," Nakajima mumbled.
There was nothing else Chuuya could think of saying. Nakajima's eyes had lowered, no doubt to stare at the bandage on his cheek as he had been wont to do since they met. "I'll take that back with me," Chuuya told Yosano, grabbing what was left of the pile they had been working on, turning away from the boy entirely. "Same time tomorrow?"
"And the next, and probably the whole week after," Yosano promised grimly.
Chuuya allowed himself a sharp laugh.
Their short morning hours slugged by uneventfully. The heated air inside the office, coupled with sunlight streaming through the windows, made it feel like a spring day rather than a cold winter one. Chuuya's desk was next to Kunikida's, his back to one of the windows, a space made stifling by weather and tension both. Chuuya hadn't been sent out to do more than investigation and paperwork in a while, and so his workload had consistently dimmed over the days. He took the opportunity to sort through more of the archives, eyeing the elegant penmanship of their director and the unreadable scribbles of who he guessed to be Souseki Natsume, the man's mentor and the one who had supposedly acquired a permit for the agency in the first place.
Weirdly enough, most of the pages left by him looked like manuscripts of short stories. Maybe even a scrapped novel idea or two. Chuuya let his eyes wander upon the words and thought, not for the first time, of the half-finished poems he had left behind in Kouyou's mansion.
(A mocking voice by his ear, like a cold breeze on canicular evenings—"Poems."
"Shut up."
"Of all useless things you could be writing—"
Hitches in the words, a paltry attempt at keeping things the same, even as Chuuya could feel the arm around his shoulders grip him for dear life. Even as he could sense the struggle, even as he had to all but drag the weight on his back to the closest place he could find help.
Stop talking. Stop, stop, stop.
There was a bullet lodged between Dazai's ribs.)
"What did you say your name was?"
"I didn't say."
"Ah, um… yes, yes. You didn't, did you."
Chuuya paid very little attention to the discussion taking place on the other side of the office. From his desk he could only see a fragment of the reception area anyway: the cut-off silhouette of the sharply-dressed young woman who was their only appointment of the day. It was amusing to hear Katai blubber his way through the questions he ought to ask her and trying his best to appear unbothered and professional in front of Nakajima, who was probably sitting by his side and hunching in on himself.
He was proud of the progress Katai had made, though. He still remembered the pale man he had met all those years ago who couldn't stand to step foot outside of his home.
"He's doing well," Kunikida said quietly, echoing his thoughts, his eyes fixed to the green plants giving the lounge a semblance of privacy. The scent of green tea wafted through the air, similar to the kind Katai always prepared at home.
"He had an appointment in town the other day too," Chuuya replied. Kunikida gave him a startled glance. "Went out all on his own and everything."
"That's… good. That's extremely good."
He seemed surprised. Chuuya told him as much.
"I am surprised." Kunikida's pen was not touching the paper on which he was drafting his report anymore; it spun between his fingers deftly, an anxious habit that had more than once thrown Chuuya back years ago to another desk and another person playing idly instead of doing any work.
Funny how such different people could develop the same ticks.
"I've never managed to really help him with his agoraphobia," Kunikida said. "I tried, but he never really wanted to improve."
Once, twice, thud. Rinse and repeat. Kunikida spun the pen and touched it to the desk and spun it again in perfect, precise order.
You've got your own issues to deal with, Chuuya thought.
"I guess," Kunikida continued, voice tense, "I have you to thank for this."
"I did nothing," Chuuya replied. It was true; Katai had changed all on his own. "No need to push yourself into having a good opinion of me."
Katai may have once seen him at his worst, and Fukuzawa offered him pity, but Kunikida would never extend the same mercy. Not after Chuuya had sequestered and threatened his oldest friend, not with what he knew of Chuuya's past exactions, however little that was.
Kunikida rubbed the lacquered length of his black pen with his thumb. "Kashiwamura—"
Noise from the reception area interrupted him. They both turned their heads toward it, watching Katai and Atsushi rise from their couch and the young woman do the same, her fine suit uncreased despite the long time spent sitting down.
It was rare of a woman to pick such stiff fabric at any tailor's, Chuuya wondered, eyeing the gloss of the suit's finish, the sharp and steely gleam of the buttons keeping it close over her upper body. This wasn't just any wear. It was fitted to her, expansive and practical at once, betraying the youth in her face for a lie—no soft-spoken, demure lady wore such things. If anything the bulky handbag she carried on her arm clashed with the rest of her outfit; it was shiny, cream-colored, digging deep into her sleeve as she carried it up. There was no makeup on her face that he could see, nor jewelry or heeled shoes to balance the femininity of it.
Chuuya frowned.
"We'll join you in a few minutes, then," Katai told her, hand trembling at his side as he probably considered offering to shake hers. The woman made no such offer on her end, and so Katai refrained with obvious relief. "Feel free to use the bathroom, or… there's a café downstairs?"
"I'll wait in front of the building," she replied bluntly.
She had taken a step toward the exit when her eyes met Chuuya's. He expected her to stare at the side of his face, but instead her pace turned hesitant for the briefest second.
"Have we met somewhere?" she asked, her voice steady across the room.
All heads turned to look at her and Chuuya both.
He had no memories of ever meeting her. Chuuya didn't fancy himself able to remember names and faces any better than the next man, but he thought distantly that he would not soon forget someone who cut as striking a figure as she did.
This consideration drowned under the tension suddenly gripping his spine. He felt his heart beat against his palate as he answered, "No," keeping his voice even.
The woman stared at him for another second, the glimmer of recognition in her eyes igniting something akin to fear in Chuuya himself; it vanished, however, and her face went back to looking as it had since she came into the office.
She left.
Chuuya leaned back into his chair, heart beating off-tempo, the collar of his own jacket suddenly suffocating. He undid it a bit too forcefully; the button holding it close to his sternum pulled harshly, its string loosening in the process.
"I wonder what that was about," Katai said in a strangled voice, shooting Chuuya panicked glances. "Well, Atsushi-kun, we better get going and all. See you guys later!"
Nakajima must have been in the process of saying something—his mouth closed sharply as Katai tugged him toward the exit as well.
Kunikida took a deep breath. Chuuya turned his back to him and said, "I've got work to do."
He couldn't read a single word anymore.
There were so many reasons this could have been a scare without substance. Chuuya had roamed the streets of the city so many times, face open to the sights of the crowd, attracting looks for his outfits and hair color; he could have met the woman in any sort of way through the years even without remembering it—she could be family of any worker on the docks, perhaps a worker there herself, though he doubted it. She could be one of the paper-filling employees of the city's many construction companies, which he had visited on behalf of the mafia for so many reasons. Maybe it didn't have to do with his days in the mafia at all. Maybe he had crossed paths with her in the streets during the past months, maybe she had noticed him and simply had a knack for remembering faces that he himself lacked.
The possibility that she was affiliated with the port mafia, with the ministry, was so thin. No employee of the mafia would come to a detective agency to deal with smugglers, for one. Neither would anyone working for the special ability department.
Sometimes people met by sheer, simple luck—and Chuuya had no memory of her at all. None that could indicate she was a threat to him.
He barely saw Yosano sitting down on the corner of his desk. "You know, I could take care of that if you want," she said, and for a second he had no idea what she was talking about.
It was only when she pointed to her own cheek that he realized he had been thumbing the gauze on his, feeling the shape of the scar under it unthinkingly.
"There's nothing to take care of," he replied at last, lowering his hand.
Yosano's look was skeptical. "It won't be pleasant, but I can make any scar disappear. You wouldn't have to walk around looking like you've lost a fight anymore."
"I don't give a shit about that."
His tone had been harsh, perhaps, but he couldn't find it in himself to regret it. Yosano simply shrugged and walked way, the door to her office left ajar behind her.
Chuuya looked back at his desk, at the scratched and scribbled words left by a man who must have fancied himself an author, and closed the binder sharply.
He spent the following half-hour pushing all thought out of his mind, inhaling dust as he filed the archives of the agency one by one and left traces of his fingers onto paper, the buzz of Miyazawa's young voice and Edogawa's snide comments hanging over his head like a wasps' nest.
He fooled himself so well into complacency that he thought perhaps this would be the end of the day's surprises. That he would be going home later that night and ask Katai how Nakajima had dealt with his first official mission, that he would spend the dark hours that followed browsing once more through the piles and piles of information he had gathered over the years for a glance, a trace, a whisper of Sakaguchi Ango's whereabouts.
Yokohama shone in the sun like a beacon, winter making way to spring for the first time of the year. Cold air crawled between the feet of passersby; light flashed off of the ocean's wave and pulled out of the dark things ready to be woken.
"Shit," Kunikida murmured after a long string of silence. "I forgot to give them one of the flyers."
"What flyers?" Chuuya asked mechanically.
"The director got them from the police last night," Kunikida said, opening the first drawer of his desk and quickly pulling a stack of thin-papered photographs out of it. He slid one of them toward Chuuya, his other hand pulling up his phone. "This guy—no one knows his name—he was witnessed murdering a member of the city council yesterday morning, you must've heard about it on the news. He's an ability user, very dangerous…"
Kunikida's voice drowned out of Chuuya's focus.
He picked up the picture. It wasn't blurry at all, as though its subject had chosen to pose for the snap. Another man may have smiled at the camera, even, smothered in the certainty of his own strength, but not this one. Though he had been caught red-handed and never before cared for witnesses, Akutagawa didn't smile.
"Kunikida," Chuuya said, cutting the man in the middle of his monologue. He hadn't realized that the other was still talking. "Where was it that the woman earlier said there were smugglers to take care of?"
"I just remembered I forgot to tell Katai something."
Kunikida didn't immediately answer. Chuuya wondered if it had anything to do with what Kunikida knew of him—that he seldom forgot to do anything—or if he suspected something, the way Edogawa, staring at them from his side of the room, probably did.
"Behind the Red Brick Warehouse," he said at last. "She said that's where she suspected the transactions were taking place."
Chuuya rose from his desk. He grabbed his coat from where he had left it at the entrance of the office, sparing no thought for gloves, and closed the door behind himself carefully.
Then he rushed to the nearest window.
The streets were populated at this time of day. Lunch break was near for many, and although Chuuya could find no one watching up from the street, he had no doubt that someone, somewhere, must have caught on to the exceptionally clement weather and be staring out from a neighboring building. He'd have to take the risk.
He opened the latch with one last glance behind himself and floated out of the window, kicking against the building to drive himself up to the roof.
The Warehouse was about twenty minutes away by foot. Thirty if they took their time, which they must have, with Katai explaining to Nakajima what they would do on the way. Chuuya could make his way there in five with the help of his ability and as long as no one spotted him on the way—and he prayed, for a silent second, that no one would, that by some miracle no port mafia or ministry scion would be out and about at this time and in this perimeter, or at least none who would recognize him.
He flew from rooftop to rooftop with as much speed as he could gather, his feet digging into concrete as if it were butter each time he landed and leaped again. Another day perhaps he would've relished in the feeling of flight, in the wind stabbing his marred face, but with Akutagawa's somber face still gripped tight in his hand, he had not the heart to.
What kind of person would come to the armed detective agency for a matter of non-gifted smuggling that could be handled by the police? What kind of woman wore suits made of fabric so stiff it gave nary a crease—the kind he himself had worn to conceal much more than simple body shape?
He was a fucking idiot. Of course she would have known his face.
Air whistled past his ears at every turn he made, numbing his skin until he couldn't feel anything at all, not even the sharp tugs his scar gave into the dry and cold. One of the roofs he landed on had clothes and sheets hung up on strings to dry; Chuuya tore a beanie from one of them and shoved it onto his head as far down as it would go. He closed his coat, raised its collar, concealing what he could.
Gunshots rang through the silence when he reached the Warehouse. Chuuya perched himself atop its tower-like peak, heart solidified to ice, listening as screams echoed down in the street and people started panicking.
In a way, it saved him the trouble of trying to be discreet. No one would pay attention to the roofs when a machine gun could be heard from one of the alleyways and all were too busy running to safety. He flew over the red building and the narrow streets behind, fearing the sound of violence as much as he sought it.
Katai was there. He was there, unarmed, with for only defense a boy who couldn't control his powers.
Chuuya found them in the dark of the smallest alley. It was a foray between buildings with only one exit, like an accidental turn of the pen on the map of the city—and the woman from earlier, whose heavy handbag now rested at her feet, had both arms loaded with firearms.
He didn't pay attention to what she was saying, or to Nakajima's screams of anger and terror. It was obvious that she had already proved her willingness to aim and shoot; Chuuya felt no need for sympathy.
He jumped down, lading behind her and kicking her knees out from under her.
One of them cracked ominously, and to her credit the woman only grunted. Chuuya grabbed both her arms and twisted until she did yell out; the guns fell from her lax hands.
"Where's Katai?" Chuuya interrupted, looking up from the bent back of the woman to meet Nakajima's eyes.
They were ever so bright.
He didn't answer, but Chuuya didn't need him to. The lack of light around them could not mask the slick sound of spilled blood, nor the brownish tint that the ground was taking in the shadow of the farthest building. Katai was lying on the ground, and he wasn't moving.
"Go see if he's alive," he heard himself order.
Nakajima didn't move.
Chuuya didn't watch him scramble away. The woman had started squirming under his hold, twisting this way and that in familiar movements. Whatever martial art training she had received would not be enough to push him away, however; he swept her off her knees entirely, making sure her head hit the pavement as she landed on her back, and pressed a foot against her throat.
She choked, pain and anger warring over her face in equal measures. Chuuya bent down to pick up one of the guns. He kicked the other one away, and her bag with it for good measure.
"He's breathing," came Nakajima's trembling voice, "but he's bleeding so much, I don't know—"
"Take off your shirt and use it to put pressure on the wound," Chuuya replied. He didn't let relief take him, not yet. "Use his phone to call an ambulance and then call Yosano, he's got her as an emergency contact. The pin code is 0830."
He looked down at the woman again. She grinned viciously at him, though her leg must be in agony.
"It's useless," she wheezed out. "We'll get the man-tiger, your tiny little agency can't protect him against the port mafia—"
Chuuya pressed down onto her neck with his foot until she choked again. "I don't care," he replied, "I just want to know who you called for back-up."
Her smile was gone. She didn't answer him.
For a long while nothing else happened. Chuuya was reluctant to knock her out on the off-chance she would talk; he was reluctant to force answers out of her in one of the many ways he knew as well, not only because of Nakajima's presence, not only because Katai had such faith in his being able to turn a page from his past.
He hadn't come back to Yokohama to torture the port mafia's lower ranks. There was only one among them he planned to find and bring vengeance upon.
Nakajima's labored breathing came to him in the dark. Chuuya focused on it rather than anything else, though his eyes never left the woman's face. There was no sound yet of an ambulance coming; no sign of Yosano or anyone else coming to their aid.
"You should kill me," the woman said.
Chuuya leveled a warning glance at her. Her next words were spat, and no doubt that he would have felt them on his face had she been in any state to stand.
"You moralistic, idealistic fools—if you don't kill me now you'll only regret it later," she said.
"Shut up before I make you."
"With what?" she laughed roughly, a hint of hysteria shooting through her from adrenaline alone. Her twisted knee spasmed once against the ground. "People like you don't have the balls to prove your words with action. Pathetic."
"Nakajima," Chuuya called instead of answering her, "any update?"
"He's still alive," the boy replied. "I don't—I don't know how bad it is."
Chuuya wished he could go and see for himself. If he could get close enough to Katai then he could use the Tainted Sorrow to at least stop the bleeding efficiently, but he dared not leave Nakajima in charge of a port mafia member by himself. She wouldn't hesitate to shoot again if she got her hands back on a weapon.
Frowning, his tension kept at bay by the news of Katai's continued living, Chuuya crouched above the woman's body. He replaced his foot with a hand, gripping her knee in warning so that she wouldn't move, and used his other to pat her sides.
Her eyes widened. "What are you—"
"Checking for weapons," he told her.
Her fear was not unjustified. It did little to stop the disgust that washed through him once he understood it. Chuuya focused on stripping her of the knives strapped to her forearms and the handgun concealed at her hip, and only when he pulled back did her eyes stop staring at him in open fright.
She must not be as old as her outfit and attitude would let think. The mafia had always liked to hire them young.
"Did you call for back-up?" he asked her once again.
Now that he was within breathing distance, she did spit at his face. Chuuya wiped it off with a mere grunt of distaste.
"It would be easier for you if you cooperated."
"Loosen your tongue and lose your life," she replied.
He smiled tersely. Those words were as familiar to him as nursery rhymes were to some.
He might as well knock her out, then. They needed to be off as soon as the ambulance arrived, and she would be difficult to transport if she fought him the whole way. At least it seemed she hadn't recognized him; Chuuya was in the middle of thinking through what he should do to make sure she never heard his name or wondered who he was while in agency custody, when she started laughing.
"What is it?" he snapped.
She breathed in deeply, choked by her own laughter. "You're dead, detective," she replied.
The very air split around them.
Chuuya used his powers without thinking; a tendril of black matter, sharp as a blade, stabbed the place where he was crouched a second ago. His feet buried themselves deep into the ground as he landed a few feet away, holding the stolen beanie down on his head and waiting for the wind of the attack to stop slapping around him like the heart of a hurricane.
Nakajima was not so lucky; Chuuya felt his heart lurch at the scream of agony he let out and didn't dare turn around to look, not when all he could stare at was the thin silhouette of Akutagawa emerging from the shadows.
"Move around and I'll cut the other one, were-tiger," Akutagawa rasped out.
The woman had moved as soon as she had felt Chuuya's hands leave her. She managed to get herself up, somehow, limping toward Akutagawa and picking up the gun Chuuya had dropped on the way. She aimed it at him as soon as she was by Akutagawa's side.
"Shut up," Akutagawa cut in. "I thought you could handle this."
She hesitated, sweating bullets from the pain of standing but still keeping her composure somehow. "I could, but that man…"
For the first time in years, Akutagawa met Chuuya's eyes.
He could have thought himself back at the black tower, in one of the training rooms, looking from the side as Dazai disciplined his student. Akutagawa had changed without changing; the white streaks in his hair had not regained color, he was still thin as a skeleton, he still dressed like someone come from a past century. He was taller, though. His steps quiet enough not to be heard even by Chuuya. The black coat Dazai had once given him didn't hang limply from his shoulders anymore.
Chuuya realized how futile his own disguise was at the same time Akutagawa did. He could cut and dye his hair, he could dress as banally as possible, hide himself behind high collars and low hats all he wanted… there was nothing to be done about the recognition twisting Akutagawa's fine features into shock.
For the most fleeting of seconds, he almost wanted to say Hi.
The air moved once more. White light unfurled around them as if a sun had suddenly appeared in the alley, blinding the sky and blinding them, and this time Chuuya did turn around to look at Nakajima.
Except it wasn't Nakajima anymore.
He had heard all about the white tiger from Katai and Kunikida before. Shapeshifting wasn't an uncommon ability to have, and Chuuya had expected the creature to look like the ones he had seen in photographs during his life. The beast that emerged out of the pool of blood Nakajima had been lying in was none of that.
Twice as big as a normal tiger and at least thrice as powerful, it sat on the gored ground like a nightmare come alive. Saliva steamed out of its open mouth and light shone brightly off of its claws, each as long as a blade. The tiger's growl resonated through the very walls. Its golden eyes were fixed to Chuuya's left.
Before he could do anything, it had leaped at Akutagawa.
Rashoumon opened around Akutagawa like black wings to parry its attack, yet it could not seem to hurt it at all. Its black tendrils, which Chuuya had watched cut through rock and steel in the past, ricocheted off the beast's fur as if stopped by an invisible wall. Through the chaos of the fight he saw the blond woman open fire on the tiger—saw with his own eyes the bullets fall uselessly to the ground, their target unharmed.
Chuuya took his chance while she was reloading. Her attention was completely caught by the monstrous battle happening a few feet away; she made the mistake of taking her eyes off of her remaining opponent, allowing him to sweep her feet from under her once more and knock her out for good this time.
In the back of his mind, thoughts of Katai bleeding out without anyone to tend to him kept his heart athrill. Chuuya ran to his side and pressed the man's own hand over his bleeding belly—he could see two holes through it, closer to his flank than his center—and pushed gravity into doing its job. Only then did he turn back to the carnage that the other two were making.
The tiger's massive jaw had opened around Rashoumon's barrier. It pierced through it as if breaking simple glass, and in the ashen glow radiating from its form, Akutagawa's face seemed like a corpse's.
Chuuya planted his foot into the ground and pulled the beast down.
It fell with a roar, thrashing against the invisible bonds keeping it tied to earth; Chuuya had never had to struggle so to keep anything in his grip, be it man or army, and sweat slicked his temples under the woolen beanie. He fended off Rashoumon's next attacks more easily, focusing his energy on the coat Akutagawa wore until the man himself had no choice but to kneel down under its weight.
Only then did he let go of his breath. At least seventy percent of his strength had to be focused on the tiger alone, which left very little for the fine control required to keep Katai's wound pressurized and Rashoumon down. He could only hope that Akutagawa would not notice how thinly he was stretched as he approached him.
Though the tiger was still squirming and growling, its claws scratching the pavement as if tearing through mere paper, Akutagawa was not watching it anymore.
"Nakahara Chuuya," he murmured, staring at Chuuya with apprehension.
Chuuya stopped a few feet away from him. "I half-expected to see you here, to be honest."
Akutagawa bristled, Rashoumon fluttering in vain over his back and shoulders.
Chuuya ignored the painful tightness in his chest. He looked at Nakajima's struggling form for a moment and wondered how to proceed.
He wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer. Whatever Nakajima's true form was, it was no simple animal. Chuuya felt as though his strength were being siphoned out of him, each second leaving him more brittle, his hands threatening to shake. He wouldn't be able to apprehend Akutagawa by himself, not if he had to maintain control on Nakajima and Katai at the same time.
"Fuck," he said between his teeth.
He glanced at Akutagawa again. The other was still looking at him, face impenetrable.
Then, to Chuuya's surprise, he asked: "Are you going to kill me now?"
Chuuya found himself entirely wordless.
Akutagawa had never been one to fool around. His bluntness and single-minded attitude had been his downfall the entire time Dazai had trained him; Chuuya had too many memories to count of trying to talk sense into his then-kouhai, only for his words to fall on deaf ears. There was only ever one person who could get Akutagawa to listen, and even he had struggled to.
Akutagawa didn't back down. He didn't surrender. He never asked such questions, no matter how battered he was.
"Why would I kill you?" Chuuya replied warily.
The look he was given was even more confusing; Akutagawa seemed more astonished by his words than his very presence.
"I thought—"
The sound of a siren reached them, growing stronger by the second and cutting Akutagawa short. His face paled even further. Chuuya felt him start to resist gravity's hold.
He let go of it.
Part of him expected Akutagawa to attack him on the spot. The man wasn't exactly the type to pull his punches, no matter how many times it had landed him in trouble. But Akutagawa only rose to his feet and brushed the dirt from his sleeves and legs, still looking like a man headed to the gallows.
Nakajima chose this moment to revert back to his human shape. White light once more enveloped the narrow street, blinding Chuuya to all but its source. When it was gone, the boy lay on the ground, unconscious but unscathed.
"Take the girl and go," Chuuya said, releasing his grip on Nakajima's body. He almost reeled back with relief. "Unless you want to try and fight me with the military police on its way."
Akutagawa was at least smart enough not to tempt the devil. Rashoumon's tendrils picked up his subordinate with less care than they probably should, and he stepped away from Chuuya without showing his back to him.
The realization made Chuuya ache in a new way. This pain was distant and fogged, like something half-forgotten which he ought to have prepared for.
"You won't escape alive," Akutagawa said, almost a whisper. His asthma must not have improved over the years, for he coughed afterward, a frightening gargle rising from his throat. He wiped spit from his lips and added, "Not now that we know where you are."
"I'm not that easy to kill," Chuuya retorted.
"I don't want to hear it."
He felt exhausted. The ambulance must be very close now, and its siren rang through Chuuya's head like the beginning of a migraine. He shot Akutagawa another glare, as dark and furious as he could make it when his heart still stung with nostalgia.
"Tell that shitty Dazai not to get in my way," he gritted out. "Or I'll grant his wishes and have him eat grass by the root."
His anger broke apart as the words left his lips.
In the second that followed, Chuuya felt the kind of exhaustion he hadn't known since that night of blood and grief. He wanted to say something without knowing what to say; he watched Akutagawa hesitate, caught in that same fragile reluctance to part, his thin lips open on air.
He said nothing. The unconscious woman held up by Rashoumon floated away from them both, and Akutagawa followed her, his grey eyes leaving Chuuya's at last.
Now he was alone, Nakajima's soft breathing in his ears and in his mind the awareness of Katai's still-moving chest, caught under the pressure keeping him alive. For now.
There wouldn't be anyone waiting for him at the apartment. No tea to warm his hands and hollow heart, no voice to quiet the horror and fear in a child leaving his home behind.
Akutagawa didn't linger in the hospital wing of headquarters after leaving Higuchi there. She had remained unconscious through the journey home, though the resident nurse had assured him that outside of a twisted knee and sprained wrist, there was nothing to worry about. The bump on her head wasn't dangerous at all—the blow there had been delivered, he knew, with great precision.
He made his way through the long corridors without speaking to anyone. At noon the activities in headquarters weren't so intense, at least, lessening the risk of someone stopping him on his way. Night was the port mafia's time, the moon-silver hours the ones which they tainted with their presence.
You may yet claim responsibility for Kouyou's death.
Why would I kill you?
It made no sense at all.
Akutagawa knew fear very well. He had grown nurtured and shaped by it through all of his formative years; fear for himself, fear for Gin, fear of the world and what it could do to them. His fear had been honed into a weapon in the hands of his mentor, to the point of leaving him estranged from his body each time they met.
Yet he hadn't known the kind of fear he discovered upon recognizing Nakahara Chuuya in that alleyway earlier.
The man had seemed a ghost himself, utterly unrecognizable if not for his eyes and voice. Akutagawa had not forgot that voice talking to him eons ago, soothing aches he hadn't noticed with its mere presence. He could never forget the times he had met Nakahara Chuuya as a superior, as a mentor figure of his own, someone he ached to reach for as he failed and failed and failed to win Dazai's approval.
Dazai had told him that Chuuya would kill him; Dazai had said that his poorly-played part in the Mimic conflict four years ago had been one of the causes for Ozaki's untimely demise, one of the reasons for Nakahara's defection and vow of vengeance.
When he had seen him earlier—when he had met his cold eyes in the dark of the city—Akutagawa had felt death stare him in the face. He had felt the need to fall to his knees and beg; he had felt remorse like a bite at the throat, so much more frightening than the man-tiger's sharp fangs breaking Rashoumon apart.
After this kind of fear, walking to his superior's office with the news of his failure was nothing at all.
"Enter," came Dazai's bored voice when he knocked on the door.
"Akutagawa-kun!" He was greeted thus, Dazai's obviously fake enthusiasm failing for once to make him shudder. "I've been waiting all morning for you. How went the hunt? I expect great things from you, you know."
"Higuchi and I failed to retrieve the shapeshifter," Akutagawa replied bluntly.
There was no point in beating around the bush. Dazai would punish him more for excuses than he would for honesty.
Dazai sighed dramatically, letting his chin hit his desk in a mockery of disappointment. His eyes slid away from Akutagawa and toward the man who was always by his side. "Why do I always get my hopes up, Odasaku?" he asked plaintively.
"You like to see the best in others," Oda replied.
"That is hilarious. Truly, truly hilarious."
Akutagawa watched the theatrics unfold wordlessly. His fear of Dazai felt for once detached from him, as though dimmed by the absolute terror he had experienced in front of Nakahara earlier. He didn't twitch even as Dazai rose from his chair and made his way around the desk, his eyes dull with distaste.
"I thought my orders were so simple," he bemoaned, and Akutagawa tensed only when Dazai was but a foot away, staring down at him. "I said 'get the tiger boy back alive and as unharmed as possible', didn't I?"
"You did," Akutagawa replied between his teeth.
Dazai shook his head. He was so close that Akutagawa felt the air move against his face. "So tell me, how do the port mafia's most destructive ability user and his trigger-happy subordinate fail to recover a teenager with no training or control whatsoever? I'm sure this is gonna be a fascinating story."
Akutagawa could have told him of the tiger's monstrous strength, of its claws tearing stone apart like mud or its immense, gaping jaw. He could've told him that not even Rashoumon's control of matter had resisted its assault—something that was bound to impress even Dazai, considering his involvement in shaping that defense technique to perfection.
He said, "I found Nakahara Chuuya."
Dazai didn't still, per se. He didn't gasp or widen his eyes or sneer at the name like he had so many times before. Instead Oda was the one whose movements stopped altogether, his bright blue eyes open to the light of late-winter.
Dazai hummed, considering, and the thumb of his right hand started rubbing its neighboring index rhythmically. Back and forth, back and forth, as if massaging pain away.
"Well," he said in the silence. "This is getting interesting."
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leio13 · 6 years
La Tristesse Sale
A Soukoku Fic
Summary: It had been 3 weeks, 5 hours, 28 minutes, and 32 seconds since Mori requested to see Dazai’s annoying partner, and much to Dazai’s own surprise, he was eager to resume their antagonistic dynamic, but when he returned, Chuuya wasn’t as Dazai remembered. He was cold, without that familiar passion.
For the last 3 weeks, Chuuya had underwent a series of experiments to enhance his ability and create the ultimate killing machine: Corruption.
Relationships: Soukoku (Dazai/Chuuya)
Betaread by the lovely @fraink5! Thanks for continuously supporting me throughout this wild ride!
Chapter 3: Mal
Mal- [adv.] evil, wrong, damage, ache
Masterpost | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Ao3
A woman dressed in a grand kimono stormed down the hall and threw open the doors of the skyscraper's highest office. It was probably the most aggressive thing Mori had seen the woman do, especially this early in the morning. She strode over to his desk, fire dancing turbulently in her eyes. “I would like to speak to you.” “Go right ahead.” His face held the same smirk it normally did as he gestured towards the chair he had just pushed out from under the desk. His eyes had no light in them whatsoever. “What did you do to Chuuya?” The woman's eyes didn't spare a second for the empty chair; they remained focused on the man at the other end of the desk. “I simply ameliorated his ability.” Mori's chin rested in his hands, his grin hovering over them. “You destroyed the remains of his humanity!” Kouyou's hand clenched into a fist, and she could feel her decorated nails digging into her palm. “Humanity?” The man with combed back midnight hair chuckled. "I'm not interested in his humanity." Kouyou opened her mouth to say something, but before she decided what exactly, she was cut off. “The Port Mafia isn't interested his humanity.” Mori kept his eyes on Kouyou's face, and Kouyou averted her gaze. “Chuuya—no, corruption is a tool for the Mafia. That's as far as its importance goes.” Turning her back to the mafia head, Kouyou hastily made her way for the door. “I will admit though…” The woman slowly met the boss’ stare. “I didn't plan for it to have such negative consequences on his body.” Mori sighed. “I'll have to fix him up later.” Halfway out the door this time, Kouyou was stopped by that insidious voice again. “Oh, and Kouyou, I said he was merely a tool for the Mafia. Therefore, members of the Mafia ought not to make superficial relationships with him.” She could feel his grin searing the back of her head. “Of course.”
It was Friday, and Dazai really didn't want to spend his weekend writing a goddam report, but it was too late to back out now. Besides, it's not like he had anything better to do. He already had enough of Akutagawa's presence this week (which didn't even include the practice session he was headed to right now). Certainly, he wasn't going to see that brat over the weekend. Not if he could help it. Each hour torturing the black-haired runt was so tiring, and the brat always asked for more. Hadn't he beat the kid senseless enough already? Dazai's patience was running out as he checked his watch. “Say, Akutagawa, we've been training really hard this week.” His apprentice's eyes widened slightly. “Dazai-san?” “So, so hard. So many extra hours, wouldn't you say?” Nobody would say that honestly. In fact, they had trained for even less hours this week than normal. Dazai approached silent Akutagawa and backed him into a wall, staring down with menacing eyes. “Starting when it's still dark out…” His hand inched towards the other's throat.
Akutagawa gulped. “D-Dazai-san?” Dazai coiled his fingers tightly around the boy's pale neck and lifted him until they were face to face. He could hear the boy gasping for air and grinned. “Ending late in the night…” Akutagawa's desperate breathing hastened, and Dazai could see the brat's chest heaving through his black jacket, his hands trying to grab at something, probably his dwindling life force. Weak. Dazai had to give him a little credit though for maintaining eye contact, but it wasn't enough for Dazai to let go. “So many hours…” Akutagawa attempted to suck in one last gulp of air before crying out, “Y-yes, Dazai-san.” “Just as I thought.” Dazai finally let go and exited as if nothing had happened, ignoring Akutagawa's coarse coughs. Outside the room, he could still hear Akutagawa struggling to stay conscious, but he still had no intention of turning around. He wasn't interested in that brat's health. Only Ch—he stopped his thoughts before they stepped out of line. The sun was barely starting to set when Dazai reached his destination. There would be enough time before visiting hours ended.
The smell of the hospital always managed to surprise Dazai no matter how many times he'd been there. It was so clean, so sterile to the point it nauseated him, but he ignored the churning in his stomach and continued on. Room 101 looked just as he had left it last, Chuuya's hat still resting on the lamp. The daisies from last Sunday had started to wilt and were practically dead at this point. So had the white lilies from that Monday, and the petunias from Tuesday weren't in much better shape. The purple hyacinths and the primrose from Wednesday and Thursday respectively though were still lively, and today's irises were also fresh. Chuuya probably would have enjoyed the colorful aesthetic, but that aesthetic would probably wilt entirely before he woke up. Dazai slumped into the chair against the wall. What was he doing with his life? Why was he here? The only reason he could think of was curiosity. Indeed, he just wanted to know what shape his partner was in. Why did he keep bringing flowers (and why didn't he throw the dead ones out)? Perhaps he felt the room needed a little life. Clearly new Chuuya wasn't going to provide any. Most importantly, why was he sitting down and lingering? Why was he still here? Before he could explain himself, his thoughts were interrupted by a soft groan. He straightened-up in his chair and hesitantly walked closer to the bed. Chuuya's eyes cracked open. The deadness was still there.
Dazai sighed, part in unexplainable relief and part in sorrow. He quickly covered it up. “Ah, Sleeping Beauty! You're awake!” Chuuya's eyes stared in Dazai's direction, and Dazai took it as a sign to continue, “just in time, too! I was starting to worry that I'd have to kiss you!” He closed his eyes and braced himself for the hit he knew was never going to come. After a moment of nothing, Dazai opened them hesitantly. Chuuya hadn't moved at all. Did his lungs even move? Was he even breathing? Alive? Then, as if answering his questions, he heard Chuuya inhale through his nose. When he finally focused back on Chuuya instead of his inner monologue, his partner was sniffing the air, trying to identify the amazing smell of bleach and air-fresheners. Suddenly, the redhead sat up and scanned the room, his eyes holding a certain level of awareness for which Dazai was grateful—perhaps a little too soon. Without a word, Chuuya had backed against wall, head in his hands, his mouth wide open. Then, the loud, ear-splitting scream hit Dazai, and he felt his hands reach for his own head. He glanced up towards Chuuya, who continued to scream. Between each excruciating howl, there was a painful gasping sound, and Chuuya’s body would contort violently. His pupils had shrunk to dots as tiny as they had been in his corrupted form. He was convulsing so relentlessly that Dazai worried he would smash his head into the wall by accident. Dazai couldn't let that happen, but what was he supposed to do? He glanced at the door that now seemed miles away. He couldn't wait for a nurse to show up. Cautiously, he slid onto the edge of Chuuya's bed and crawled closer. From up close, he could see the redhead's nails digging into his skull. Some blood was beginning to pool around, but it had yet to spill out. Dazai didn't want to give it that chance. At what seemed like an unbearably slow pace, Dazai extended both his arms closer to Chuuya. The redhead (with pupils so small and unfocused) didn't respond to Dazai's approach. Carefully, Dazai wrapped his hands around Chuuya's small wrists and squeezed ever so slightly, pulling the redhead's hands from his face and only then realizing he had been calling his partner's name frantically for the last minute. He took a deep breath. “I'm right here, Chuuya.” Dazai sighed and breathed in again, Chuuya's wrists rattling in his grasp. “It's just me, Dazai. Your annoying partner.” Awkwardly laughing to himself, Dazai hoped Chuuya would say something “witty” back. It didn’t even have to be witty. Just anything. But Chuuya didn't respond. The screams continued, at this point, having adjusted to be white noise in Dazai's mind. Dazai slid his hands up Chuuya's wrist until his hands were wrapped around Chuuya's fingers. Chuuya squeezed Dazai's fingers back with overwhelming strength, or was it Dazai who squeezed Chuuya's hands desperately? Maybe it was both of them, trembling furiously on the small hospital cot and squeezing each other's hands until the blood clotted. Whichever it was, Dazai loosened his own grip until Chuuya's shaking hands could sway Dazai's left and right. But that wasn't helping Chuuya either, so Dazai went back to pressing lightly. He watched Chuuya's face until his partner's eyes met his own, the shaking seemed to reside a little, and the howling stopped. An eerie silence hung in the air. Chuuya's eyes, slowly reverting back to normal, peered down at his hands in Dazai's grasp. In mere seconds, he wormed out of Dazai's grip and flopped on his side, staring thoughtlessly at the flowery nightstand. Dazai could see Chuuya’s body trembling, could hear his short, desperate breaths, could tell he had not calmed completely, but decided to give his partner space and retreated to his chair against the wall on the opposite side of the room, listening silently as his partner's breathing evened out until he was almost definitely asleep. He wiped the few drops of blood off the redhead's forehead with a tissue and started for the door. As he was leaving, a nurse finally walked in. “What happened?” “Nothing.” Nothing Dazai could explain at least.
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jotarosfattits · 7 years
   Blood and Roses
  Blood runs down his chest in big droplets. His muscles contract and relax as he scrubs at the blood. The steam from the hot water in the clawfoot tub clears his senses, but not his thoughts.  The dim light does not help Dazai to see everything, but he can tell. He can tell that he’s still covered in blood. He raises a hand to the fogged mirror and swipes left, clearing a space in the mirror where he can see himself. The bandages that are usually covering his right eye are gone, showing the milky chocolate colored iris and a small, fading cut just above his cheekbone. As Dazai examines himself further, he notices red droplets falling from the tips of his hair. He thought he washed all of it out. His skin is paler than usual and he has small bags under his eyes. He needs to take better care of himself. Not eating at all during the day and drinking a small glass of whisky every night with Oda is not good for him. He needs some source of food, energy, something. But with the idea of suicide at his door, what could he do? It was hard to walk next to a food shop and just listen to the growl of his stomach.
  At this rate, he might just die from food deprivation. He grabs a rag hanging over the edge of the sink and starts to dab his hair, trying to remove the blood that is caked to his hair and skin. It’s no use. He has to soak in the tub again to remove the clotted blood. He wasn’t grossed out by blood, he was just sick of seeing it. The dark and shiny pigment of red was almost sickening, but soaking in a tub to remove it from himself was a nightmare. He lowered himself into the tub again, the water is still hot. Although, he doesn’t mind the tingling feeling he gets as he settles into the liquid. He grabs the bottle of shampoo and squirts a quarter-sized circle into the palm of his hand.
   How many times had he done this?  
  How many times had he scrubbed the blood off of his body? How many times had he sat in the same damned tub to cleanse himself of all the things he had done? How many times a year did he feel that need to hit and punch and scream? He lathered the soap in his hands before running his fingers through his hair. As he squeezed and massaged the soap into his hair, large droplets of water and blood would fall out of his hair and into the water below him. Dazai had lost his boisterous charm hours ago, he couldn’t keep that facade up and longer. Now he was just despondent, sitting in the tub silently as he scrubbed his hair.
  Among everyone in the Port Mafia, Dazai was a virtuoso. “Skilled at everything,” People would say. But Dazai was not skilled at everything. He was not skilled at handling emotion, especially his own. He brought his hands down and stared at the now red shampoo. “I’m a fuck up…” He whispers to himself. “What kind of life am I living?” In truth, not even Dazai himself knew. But he just kept living everyday. Some were bloodier than others, some were just plain boring.
  He dipped his hands into the water to rinse the bloody shampoo off and squirted more shampoo into them. It seemed to take an hour to make sure all of the blood was out. Dazai climbed out of the tub and grabbed a towel hanging from the shelf. His phone rang. From it’s position on the counter and from where he was standing, Dazai could see the caller ID, the word “Odasaku” displayed in big white letters.  He never answered the phone. He let it sit on the counter, ringing and vibrating.  How could he do such a thing? Ignore Odasaku, his very own friend? Dazai thought about the word ‘friend’ for a moment. He was no friend. Dazai constantly thought about committing suicide, while Oda politely sat and listened. Odasaku always listened to what Dazai had to say…and what had Dazai done? He just wanted to switch jobs with poor Odasaku so he could have the chance to be blown up.  Dazai curls a few strands of hair with his finger.
  He walks out of the small bathroom and into his bedroom. The bed made a depressing creak as he fell back onto the mattress. The small apartment suffocated him, it was never big enough for him to become comfortable, never big enough for him to be comfortable in his own skin. He heard his phone ring in the bathroom. His chest clenched, he didn’t have the heart to speak to Odasaku at the moment. Dazai gripped his shirt at the hem and bit his bottom lip bloody. The iron taste was overpowering, and he felt like he would choke on the liquid. The phone stopped ringing and Dazai calmed down slightly, although he knew that later he would have to answer his friend. He looked down at the bandages that emblazon his arms. All the scars that were hidden under them were hideous. Dazai flinched as he remembered all the blood running down his arms, legs, chest and neck as he cut the thin lines into his skin. This feeling was horrible.
  Dazai hated the way he felt, but he couldn’t fix that. He had to deal with the depression and anxiety he felt as he walked through the halls of the Port Mafia everyday, he had to endure that clawing, aching feeling that dragged him down every single day. How his chest tightened with the pain and regret of being alive was painful.
Could he really not find anything worth living for?
Was this his life?
Did others not really see how pitiful of a human he is?
 He’s not a human at all, he’s a monster.
  I am not human, Dazai thinks. I am a wretched soul walking this earth that does not belong here, for someone like myself in whom the ability to trust others is so cracked and broken that I am wretchedly timid and am forever trying to read the expression on people’s faces…
  Dazai stares blankly through the window. Ten minutes go by, he still hasn’t moved. His stomach gurgles, he needs to get up and eat something. But the weight of his body keeps him on the bed, as if Chuuya himself used his Ability to keep him there. Dazai fights with himself for another five minutes, arguing about whether he should eat or starve. Maybe if he starved, he could die right there on the mattress, and no one would know. No one would care. Dazai pushes his upper body up with his arms and swings his legs over the bed. His hair is still slightly wet from his bath, water droplets fall from the tips of his hair and onto his lap. Dazai’s suit hangs in the corner of his room and he eyes it warily. He should go. Oda probably needs to speak with him…maybe Oda can help Dazai feel better, and at the very least, help him feel something. Dazai needs the comfort of his friend. He needs to know that someone cares for him, that someone would care if he died in a ditch somewhere.
That’s what friends are for, right?
   The loud clinking of silverware is deafening. It’s annoying. Everything about being in this space is uncomfortable. Dazai couldn’t remember a time where he sat down to eat. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had eaten. Dazai is sitting in the corner of a small diner, watching other people enjoy the company of their friends and family. He spots a familiar red-head with the familiar beige jacket out of the corner of his eye. He continues to look down at the menu in front of him. “Dazai.” Odasaku announces as he sits across from Dazai. Dazai flinches at the sound. He knows Oda wants to talk about the missed calls. “How have you been?” Oda asks. Dazai looks up and into the man’s eyes. “I don’t know.” The waitress walks up to the table. “Have you decided on what you’d like?” She smiles, but Dazai can tell it is nothing but habitual. Dazai doesn’t return the smile, “I’d like a country fried steak with mashed potatoes.” He flicks a finger against the glass of sprite in front of him. Oda places his order and asks for a water. “I thought you’d like to eat while we talked…” Dazai drifts off as he speaks. Odasaku tilts his head to the side.
  “Thank you for thinking about me, Dazai. In fact, I was imagining what you were thinking when you missed my calls. You usually answer.” Odasaku didn’t mean to sound harsh or rude, but Dazai took it as a small affliction to his personal being. Dazai frowns, “I have no desire for others to take it on themselves to analyze my thoughts.” Both males look up at each other. “What happened, Dazai? You’re different.” Oda accentuates the word “different”. Dazai takes a sharp breath.
  Can Dazai even explain how he feels? Of course Odasaku would understand, but there is just so much that Dazai feels that he cannot possibly relay it all in the hopes that his friend will automatically comprehend. “It’s hard to explain.” Dazai says after a minute. “I’ve got all night.” Odasaku replies casually. He is willing to listen to Dazai, no matter how long it takes.
It’s what friends do.
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That’s what being a partner means, right ?
Soukoku Week - Day 2           「That’s what being a partner means, right?」– Dazai Osamu, Chapter 11
English Bungou Stray Dogs Soukoku One shot SFW (minus implied suicidal thoughts and maybe self-harm, depends on your interpretation)
Here is my contribution for the second day of Soukoku week. I may not do the other days, as I won’t have much free time this week. We’ll see. Just, two things here. First : this is originally an idea for Dazai’s birthday. But I didn’t have enough time to write it back there, so here it is, with some minor changes to fit the prompt. Second : this can be - but it’s absolutely not necessary - read with another OS of mine, Just before the Night. Thank you for your feedback, it’s always highly appreciated. :) Also, I’m sorry if this contains some typos, mistakes or weird translated parts. I did it in a bit of a hurry. I’ll fix everything when I post in AO3, probably by the end of next week.
He didn't know why. Really, honestly. And he didn't want to know. Not at all. Why he had fallen back into old habits, old like four years ago, so easily. Why he had found those old, forgotten, cleared thoughts back. Dazai didn't mean anything anymore. Dazai was only a traitor. He had betrayed them. He had betrayed him, betrayed Chuuya. Not that this individual betrayal was anything special. Dazai threw people away like he threw objects away, once used, worn out, definitely damaged. His partner was a tool like any other, he would have never claimed any privilege. Or was it what he kept saying to himself. In order to make the thought more bearable, to forget he had personally suffered from it. First when the doubt surrounding Dazai's disappearance had morphed into certainty. Then, after two years, when his named had appeared again, in conversations, in Yokohama, when it had became sure that the ex-prodigy of Port mafia was still in town, alive, and had decided to come back to the public streets – in the lively streets downtown, not those darker ones surrounding the less visited neighborhood, the one housing the intimidating premises that had welcomed him so often when no one would have done it. Finally, two more years later, when they had eventually faced each other, in the flesh, after four years of dodge. Dazai's face had lost those light round childish shapes from his teenage years, and his eyes part of the cruel sharpness he used to know. So he had let curiosity take over him. Maybe had he really changed ? Maybe had he became someone... better ? And instead of rejecting everything about him as a whole, he had watched him ; he had let himself get caught, a split second too late, by the familiarity that was Dazai's view, that was the way his heart was getting carried away in front of it, imperceptibly for just an instant, never more, but enough for him to know, to know that they were still here, those feelings of affection, of tenderness, mixed with a craving need to touch, to feel, this coldness, this scarred personality. No matter if it was about letting his blood flow between his fingers, or welcoming his intimate touch and pleasured moans – they had experimented with both, in the past, and both were suitable for him.
Beyond that, a deeper desire, of loving touches, of lengthy, tender gazes, of stolen kisses in the shadow, had never been satisfied. Chuuya would had even never realized he had it, if such gestures, inappropriate in a relationship like theirs, had not awoken it, to eventually disappoint him every single time, as they were always aborted, quickly dropped. And it wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that Dazai could have looked at him this way, such a deep way, seemingly sincere, in those stolen moments. It wasn't fair that he could have made him lost his composure, his defenses so easily, and, eventually, that he could have ended up taking his heart away. It was even less fair that, each time, the young man had turned his dark eyes away, looking like he was recanting, eliciting such harmful questions inside his partner's mind : was it unintentional ? Did he had this same kind of affection too ? Was he trying to stifle those fleeting hopes, because they had no room to be in their relationship, too ?
We're really fucked up, his mind concluded as he gently put his cheek against brown locks, a bit more tangled than usual, and tightened his embrace around shoulders maybe a bit skinnier than he remembered them. The bottom of his back was already protesting against this half sitting position, leaning against the wall, on a futon smelling like alcohol, in the middle of empty bottles of sake, open books and other things he did not want to identify more precisely than as some trash. To his feet, used bandages, covered in blood and dirt, the contents of a first-aid kit scattered on not-so-white sheets. Wedged between his arms and knees, the gentle human warmth from Dazai's body, the regular raising of his chest to the rhythm of the deep breathing of someone sleeping.
But he was not sleeping. Chuuya knew it. Not when his body was hurting this much. Despite the darkness, he could already see a few dark stains on the spotless white of bandages he had just used, even though he had put a generous amount of it on him. A sigh, like a light snort, crossed his lips.
"Still, happy birthday... moron."
Moron, for hurting yourself so much. Moron, for still only seeing the day of your birth as one more failed year not being able to take your own life. Moron... because I'm still here as if it were something normal.
Dazai's back was shaken by a slight shiver – a silent laugh, a surprised shudder, why not even a repressed sob ? Two recently bandaged hands pressed against each of his shoulder blades, as if they were made to fit perfectly together.
"Ah, Chuuya, it's really mean to ram it home like that."
In any other situation, the tone would have been exaggeratedly whining, and it even sounded like it did take such accent in his mind, as the sound of his voice reached his ears. Instead, the words only felt like a whisper, though. Chuuya did not reply. He slightly moved, trying to lighten the pressure on the bottom of his back that less and less liked having to hold his whole weight, as well as a big part of Dazai's. The fabric of their clothes sliding against each other was the only sound echoing in the room for a moment, as his ex-partner took the opportunity to change his position against him, gently putting his chin against Chuuya's shoulder.
The embrace had something strangely familiar. Such a situation had not happened for years. Chuuya sighed. Such thoughts had occupied his mind just a week ago. When they had fallen together on this same futon, a bit inebriated, and their minds especially clouded by the unconquerable desire to rediscover each other's body, even though they had thought they had been weaned from this mutual sensual addiction. He then had the opportunity to make a note about Dazai's address. And he eventually had not been able to resist the need to check on his state, this nineteenth day of June ; he knew the detective could not be fine this very day. He had seen it in the past ; some rare times he had watched a cracking on this perfect mask the boy had always worn in his memories.
"That's what being a partner means, too, right ?"
Chuuya eventually found himself whispering an answer, long minutes later, the same moment the idea crossed his mind. Some words Dazai liked to repeat, just to see him throw irritated glances and harsh groans. This time, the shiver that ran between the young man's shoulders matched a slight laugh.
"But we aren't partners anymore, Chuuya", he replied softly, imitating what Chuuya would automatically answer with a voice full of blame.
An amused smile forced Chuuya's lips and, before he could think about it, they were nuzzling a few brown locks. The sudden wave of affection that overwhelmed his chest brought him quickly back to reality and he hurriedly reconsidered.
"Anyway, Chuuya, since you're here, I hope you at least remembered to bring a gift for me."
The tone of his voice was more frivolous. It still sounded openly fake though.
"As if I thought about it", was the sharp reply.
Dazai did not need to know he had actually thought about it. The latter straightened up with a pout, his hands folded around the back of his neck to wrap a few locks of hair around the tip of his fingers.
"You're such an apathetic character", the detective sighed. "Then, I have the right to ask for anything I want by way of compensation."
Both men were plunged into darkness. Despite that fact he could discern with certainty the odd sparkle that furtively crossed both chocolate eyes though.
"You could told me 'I love you' and kiss me, for instance."
Every vital organs in Chuuya felt like they just stopped for a whole second as his guts made a 180 degrees rotation. Dazai smiled at him, his features full of an adoration he had never seen on him and which, if he had not already been, paralyzed him entirely.
"Don't look at me like that, Chuuya. That's what your eyes keep telling me. It would just be formalizing things out loud."
No, it would not be. No, his eyes were not telling anything. They could not betray him to that extent, he kept checking. How could Dazai's eyes hold his so calmly after such an aberration ? Why had he came in the first place ? He wanted to leave. He had to leave. He had nothing to do here, they had nothing to do together. The hands that landed against the chest facing him with the aim of pushing him away shook more than he would have wanted. However one of them was grabbed and slightly moved downwards, where it could feel the heart that beat a bit more quickly than usual. Chuuya raised wide, incredulous eyes towards the young man, questioning this silent admission, so far from the Dazai he knew.
"Or you can grant me access to your bank account, it would be good with me too."
The mafia executive put a bit more distance between them and turned his eyes away, but not trying to pull his hand away. He tried to seize such a generously offered opportunity, but his reply painfully lacked its usual sharpness.
"Maybe in your dreams."
"You earn your living on fencing and money laundering, it's not as if you deserve it anyway. I may as well help you spend it."
He could have whispered sweet nothings at the very moment, the tone would have not been much different. All of that was deeply troubling.
"Tch, it's not as if you hadn't done it for years too."
"Hm... So if it's a no for that, is it okay for the rest ?"
Dazai had suddenly gotten considerably closer. Chuuya found himself trapped between the wall and those shoulders, larger than his. He could have easily freed himself, he knew it. But he also only had to finish reducing the distance between them to join their lips.
"Can I at least kiss you ?"
"What would be the point, anyway ?"
The irritation starting to break through his voice was only a way to protect himself. How could Dazai ask him this kind of things so easily ? Their relationship did not work like that. It was only based on denials and unsaid things. Why had he to smash everything to pieces all of sudden ?
"I just want it. Please, Chuuya."
Something in Chuuya snapped. Dazai never said please. Dazai never asked for permission, besides. He was realizing only now that, maybe, just, maybe, the ex-mafioso's defenses had shattered more than he had thought. Was it only because of this day he openly hated ? Or was it also because of his partner's – ex partner, whatever – presence, who had not thought twice before forcing him to take care of his bloody wounds, cutting off this so confidential moment with his oh so harmful thoughts ?
A pair of lips gently pressed on his and he immediately stopped thinking. In the end, Dazai still did not ask him for permission. Unless his whole face had already approved for him. The sweet feeling of warmth quickly disappeared, letting a feeling of incompletion behind, when the detective pulled away to look at him in the eyes. Chuuya quickly put his hands on the back of Dazai's neck to make him get back close to him. He could not bear seeing those eyes with red reflections look at him with so much affection any longer. Neither could he hear his name, repeated in a breath, like he could get addicted to that, any longer. Their lips met again, in a real kiss instead of this first affectionate brush. He let Dazai turn his head gently, slowly open his lips and deepen their embrace as they progressively fell against the futon. Until the young man with brown locks released their lips and suddenly hid his face against his partner's – partner in which way ? - shoulder.
"My whole body hurts, Chuuya", was the whining answer.
He sighed.
"It's your fault."
From instinct only, he could guess the pout drawing the curve of lips, dangerously close from his neck. The two boys stayed like that, against each other, for a while, silently. Dazai broke the silence again, but as if using a lot of caution.
"Hm ?"
"Stay until morning ?"
"You're asking for too much things tonight."
Yet he did not move. He did not answer expressly either. Words would not be necessary. He knew, and Dazai knew too, that he would comply and stay. Why would he leave ? He had never been able to, anyway.
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elliotthezubat · 6 years
from trips to tombstone and china to spring festivals
 Tezca: "--and this is where they would put gigantic boulders onto people accused of being witches until they confess...or die. Or something else."
Anya: "..." *snapping pics*
mio: m-m-may i sit down? *she looks pale*
kirara: !! of course, meme, get her something to drink.
Meme: "On it!" *rushes to a vendor stand*
Tezca: OwO; "...Was it something _I_ said?"
mio: d-dont worry sir, it's just me.
tsugumi: are you sure?
mio: yeah, you all go on ahead, i-i'll catch up.
Meme: "I'll stay with you."
mio: t-thanks.... *sits down*
Meme: *smiles* "It's...not too bad here. Spring flowers are budding."
mio: yeah....sorry, it just....got a bit gruesome for me... *shaking a bit* i-i've seen blood and stuff before but...
Meme: "..." *nods* "I know...Directly..."
mio: .....*lays her head on meme's lap*
Meme: "..." *strokes her head, hums*
mio:...i-i think i'll be o-ok now...w-want to wait for the others?
Meme: *smiles* "Okay."
Kunikida: *yawns, wakes up from his nap--and discovers--* "..." *HE'S BURIED IN THE SAND*
kenji: ^^
aya: he awakes!
-the sand has been built to look like a mermaid body-
Kunikida: .\\\\.;;
Kyoka: *phone photo snap*
ranpo: nice tail.
Kyoka: "Ha."
atsushi: there's already a few comments on it.
yosano: [that's a nice look for you]
Dazai: [oh beauty, sing your siren song to me~<3]
kinako: [dude, that's rad]
Kunikida: -_-#"This is mortifying...I would grade this 'art' as a C."
sylvia: ...
Kyoka: "...So, it's under the C?"
aya: >3< *stiffling a laugh*
atsushi: *giggles*
ranpo: *pushes a button on his phone, playing a fail horn sound*
Kunikida: "GET ME OUT."
Asher: *locked in their room*
Asher: "Hmph." *lies back in bed, takes off headphones, opens flip phone* *texts* [hey]
izumi: [whats up? ^^ ]
Asher: [nothing] "..." [got roped in by classmates for movies]
izumi: [how was it?]
Asher: "..." [i don't get axel's film taste]
izumi: [what did u watch?]
Asher: [diamondhead rick and the heckpit. how many nut-shots can u fit into one film?]
izumi: [never heard of it tbh]
Asher: [sophomoric bro stuff]
izumi: [will take ur word 4 it haha]
Asher: "..." *smiling despite themselves* [how's your day been?]
izumi: [didnt pass the soul perception test =3= ]
Asher: "..." [oh. sorry.]
izumi: [cant be helped i guess]
Asher: [are u happy u tried?]
izumi: [i guess so]
Asher: "..." [well i am. i didn't want to come to this school at first]
izumi: [oh]
Asher: [so doing something uncomfortable even if i don't succeed at it is something i'm used to]
izumi: ...
Asher: [at least u tried]
izumi: [thnx]
Asher: [see u on monday?]
izumi: [u bet]
Asher: [cool. night]
liz: *still walking forwards*
Kid: *following, rubbing his arm*
liz: you gonna be ok, kid?
Kid: "I-I don't know...This was supposed to be for fun...Now, they're back..."
liz: they always seem to be in hiding somewhere....damn bastards.
Inui: *glances* "...You can stop glaring for a minute--I didn't know about this."
liz: no one's blaming you for anything.
Inui: "Tch...I've heard that before..."
Santiago: "When you've been a troublemaker ever since you showed up--no one wants you in town..."
inui: i dont even live in town directly, i just live on the outskirts, or is that illegal somehow?
Santiago: "Even that's too close! You're a nuisance, and worse, a witch--hardly any different than whatever a Kishin is..."
inui: oh here we go again, just because some of us sided with madness, suddenly we're _all_ evil. i've been hearing this bullshit for decades now.
Santiago: "Maybe if your kind would fix the mess your kind caused! But nope, you're just a troll, trying to embarrass people!"
inui: i'm just trying to live my life without trouble, and yet, you insist on bringing it to my doorstep with your racism and piss-poor attitude.
Santiago: "BECAUSE YOU MADE ME AND MY SISTER LOOK LIKE FOOLS! YES, I HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU! And I'm sick of it! I'm sick of being mocked by you, having my sister dealing with bullshit from pervy men, and I just want to find whoever is killing people in this town! And all you do is think everything is a joke!"
inui: is it an apology you want?
Santiago: "Wh-What?! ...I-I don't know!"
inui: i mean, before the whole tar and feather incident, what did i, or any other witch, do to you to piss you off so much, huh?
Santiago: "I mean, look at me! You think I wanted this stupid weapon form?"
inui: ...
liz: ....
Patty: "...But you're a freaking cannon!"
Santiago: "WITHOUT A FREAKING MEISTER!" *slams her fist against a cave wall*
liz: so? there's plenty of autonomous weapons out there.
Santiago: "Have you seen the blowback from one shot? I fire, I don't know what building I will run into, or what cliff I'll fall off of...I have really big cannonballs!"
Patty: "..." *covering her mouth, suppressing her laughs*
inui: no comment.
liz: .....i think i see something.
Kid: *holding his head* "..."
liz: do you have your pills?
Kid: "Y-Yes..."
liz: better take one, just in case...
Kid: "O-Okay..." *opens the container...*
Santiago: "???"
liz:....guess we have a lot to explain to you about, well, all of this, huh?
Santiago: *sighs* "Seems like it...This is above my pay grade..."
mito: *walking into chuuya's room*
Chuuya: *curled up, hugging a pillow*
mito: *tries to jump onto the bed--but overshoots and hits the edge of the mattress* O^O
Chuuya: "..." *picks Mito up*
mito: *paws at his face* mii.
Chuuya: "..." *sad smile*
mito: *mewl*
Chuuya: *lies down, pets Mito*
mito: *purrs*
Chuuya: "You're still here..."
mito: *nuzzle*
Chuuya: "Mito..." *stroke*
Mito: =w=
Chuuya: *sniffs* "G-Good kitty..."
mito: zzz
Chuuya: *small sob*
{Chuuya: *holding his head* "Ugh...My aching head..."}
{rain: mr nakahara? are you alright?}
{Chuuya: *groans* "It's too bright..."}
{rain: would you like some coffee to make you feel better?}
{Chuuya: "Black..."}
{rain: ok, i-i-i'll be right back!}
Chuuya: *sighs*
mito: *purrs*
Chuuya: *scratches behind Mito's ear*
Relan: *signing* <How has the move been?>
rita: <pretty well so far. miss iris showed us where our rooms would be>
Relan: <That's good. Is it to your liking?>
rita: *nods* ^^
Petra: *setting up a bookcase*
Yohei: *sets Toru down*
toru: ba.
chie: he's getting so big already.
Yohei: "Healthy, growing boy..."
toru: hai mammy
chie: hi sweetie. *forehead kiss*
Yohei: *smiles, rubs his head*
Patty: *looking at the walls* "..."
liz: i think i see something up ahead.
Kid: "...Be ready..."
liz: *nods*
Santiago: "..." *looking forward*
Inui: *cracks her knuckles* "You ever deal with these people before?"
liz: more times than we can count.
Inui: "Weaknesses?"
liz: just hit as hard as you can
Inui: *smirks* "Then I think a cannon will be useful."
Santiago: "!!!!" >\\\\>;;;
-soon, they enter a room...-
liz: *covers her nose* urk-
Kid: "This is...This substance feels like a thousand souls..."
*Someone moves in the shadows*
???: it seems we have some unwelcomed guests, doctor.
liz: ?!
Kid: "?!!!"
-there is a man in a gas mask and a young girl in ceremonial robes-
Gas Mask Doctor: "Ah, ahead of schedule."
girl: i wonder, what are we to do with them?
Santiago: "!!! You! What was your name...That missing person poster..."
girl: oh?
Santiago: "What was it...Lena Ocura!"
lena: that would be correct, miss officer.
Santiago: "THAT'S OFFICER SANTIAGO! And people were worried sick about you! Come on, I'm taking you home--"
lena: hehehe...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! ah....people? worried about me? what kind of fool do you take me for? *her eyes widen intensly* my own father treated me like a plaything, as did his friends. and no one in school even knew i was alive. i had no one to look after me. i was on the verge of despair...but then, the madness found me, and saved me.
Santiago: "?!!!"
Inui: "...Welp. This one's a goner."
liz: pretty typical kishinite.
lena: that's high priestess to you!
liz: yeah yeah, let's get this over with.
lena: *glares* doctor. i think it's time to introduce them to your new pet...
Kid: "Liz...Patty...I will need your support on this..."
liz: you already had it. *gun mode*
Patty: "Right-o!" *assumes her gun mode*
Kid: *proud smile*
Santiago: "..."
Gas Mask Doctor: "So soon? Darn...I haven't trained them well..."
lena: are you questioning me?
Gas Mask Doctor: "...Nah, I'm happy to keep my liver." *smashes a button*
-a metal door begins to open-
Inui: "???"
-a tall, emaciated figure steps out from the door. it seems to have a pair of goat horns on its head, and its face resembles a horse skull-
Inui: "..."
Santiago: "?!!!"
Kid: *small gasp*
lena: skinstalker, eliminate them.
skinstalker: *SCREEEEEE* *rushes at them*
Kid: *aims, fires--*
skinstalker: *stumbles back, then lunges again*
Gas Mask Doctor: "Quite the show. Still, I had hoped to do more tests..."
lena: get the serum and let's leave-
*Something loud is heard--like wheels rolling against moving earth*
Inui: *riding atop Santiago in cannon mode* "ONWARD, GOOD STEED!"
Santiago: -_-#
lena: ??!! WHAT?!
lena: GAH!
Gas Mask Doctor: "?!!!" *dodging, hitting the ground and desperately grabbing at folders of notes*
lena: *over talkie* we need reinforcements! now!
skinstalker: *grabs kid and throws him at santiago*
Kid: "GAH!" *crashes into the side of Santiago, sending them both into the wall--*
Inui: "?!" *leaps off in time, landing in a three-point pose in front of Lena* "..."
scientist: !!!
Santiago: *back in human form* @~@
priest: ?!
prisoner: marlene! you came to get us out of here!
Santiago: *shakes her head, looks* "?!!! How did you all--N-Nevermind! Stand back--I'm blowing you out of there!"
priest: *takes out dagger* you wont be going anywhere.
Santiago: "...Cute." *transforms her head into a cannon, aims--*
priest: .x.
*But the force of the blast knocks back Santiago, again, into a wall*
Santiago: @~@
-the priest is just a mess on the wall, and the prisoners are escaping-
Kid: *back on his feet, rushing towards Lena and the Doctor* "You are under arrest! By the authority of the DWMA--"
lena: you think we've been beaten so easily? you may capture us now, but there will be others to take my place.
liz: yeah, yeah, save the cliché monologues for someone who cares.
Kid: *aims*
skinstalker: *charges* *SCREEEEEE*
Kid: "GRK!" *swings, fires again at the Skinstalker*
lena: *runs*
Inui: *tries to bring down the the dirt--then spots Santiago passed out and Kid fighting* "..." *sighs* *moves her arm like a punch through the air--sending a pile of sand smashing into the Skinstalker*
-the skinstalker is smashed into the vat, and begins disintegrating-
Doctor: "That could've gone better..."
lena: have i failed my duties here? will i be forsaken? i cant go back to my old life! i wont go back! i'd rather die than go back! *she's shaking*
Doctor: *running with her...then picks her up* "No time for self-doubt! You can beat yourself up later!" *is searching through their pockets for some device*
liz: inui? mind giving us an exit??
Inui: "On it!" *picks up Santiago, opens her fist, pulling apart the earth above to reveal moonlight*
liz: everyone let's go!
Inui: *raises the dirt like a platform*
Doctor: *pulls out a small cylinder with a button* "There it is!" *presses it--and a jetpack explodes out of the back of their jacket, propelling them and Lena forward*
lena: >~<
Marlee: O_O
officer john: ._.; *was in the middle of some night golfing*
Santiago: *passed out* X__X
Marlee: "..." *kicks Santiago*
Kid: "Damn it...Again..."
prisoner 1: are we out?
liz: kid? are you ok?
Kid: "...Just disappointed."
liz: ....*pats his back* still, we saved these people. that's something, right?
Kid: *weak smile, nods*
officer john: what the heck happened?!
Santiago: *holding her head* "Ow...Could this beast stop kicking me?!"
officer john: *goes over to her* easy now, easy...
Inui: *petting Marlee* "Good girl..."
-later, after the prisoners were returned home, and the others made it back into town-
Patty: *asleep on Liz's lap*
liz: *pets her head*
Kid: *calling on the Mirror* "And that's the report, Father."
lord death: sounds like you had quite the busy night tonight.
Kid: "...What are they planning?"
lord death: i'm not sure as of yet. but at least most of the scientists and cultists were caught and taken for questioning, and a warrant has been made on the two that escaped.
Kid: *nods* "Thank you."
lord death: so what will you do now?
Kid: "Well, we did come to sight-see--if-if that's okay?"
lord death: of course it's ok! dont forget to bring souvenirs~!
Kid: ^^ "Of course!"
lord death: also, dont you have a certain someone to give a call to~?
Kid: "Of-Of course! Good night, Father."
lord death: good night kiddo. *waves*
Kid: *ends the call* *calls up Stocking*
stocking: hey kiddo, i was just about to call you up!
Kid: "It's good to hear your voice."
stocking: so what's up with you in tombstone?
Kid: "...We had a serious mission. But we're safe."
stocking: oh jeez.
Kid: "But we're fine...We'll be visiting sites soon."
stocking: that should be fun. ^^
Kid: *nods* "I could bring home some rock candy for you..."
stocking: i would love that, kiddo~
Kid: "Okay, I will! How is your mother?"
stocking: well, we have a due date now.
Kid: "So soon!"
stocking: i know.
Kid: "I'll be home by then...Have you scheduled time off?"
stocking: yeah.
Kid: "Good, good...How do you feel?"
stocking: i'm kind of excited. i told mom we'd help with the baby if she needs it. is that ok with you?
Kid: "Of course! It'll be like when Shiori was born."
stocking: ^^
Kid: *smiles* "...I love you."
stocking: i love you too. sleep well.
Kid: "You too. Good night."
Arthur: *kicking in his sleep*
shinra: zzzzz
Ogun: *yawns, shifts quietly out of his sleeping bag and steps outside*
nozomi: *taking notes*
Ogun: "Nozomi? What're you doing?"
nozomi: oh, good morning, ogun. i was just writing down some notes.
Ogun: *looking around* "About what?"
nozomi: about our findings mostly. captain pan said we'd likely reach our destination sometime within the week.
Ogun: "Long trip, huh?"
nozomi: yeah.
Ogun: "It'll be good to check out another spot--but after what that fox spirit said..."
nozomi: ...i think we'll make it.
Ogun: "..." *nods* "Right."
nozomi: *smiles*
Ogun: *smiles back* "So, what have you noticed?"
*Kid, Liz, and Patty stand in front of a display of crude steampunk audio-animatronic figures*
liz: wow.
Animatronic 1: *scratchy robotic voice* "We-Welcome to the Tombstone His-His-His-His--"
Museum Employee: *slaps Animatronic 1 on the back*
Animatronic 1: "Historama!!!!" OWO
Patty: Q_Q "Oh, God, the robot uprising would have to start here..."
Kid: "..."
liz: and now i'm getting flashbacks of that pizzaria.
Animatronic 1: "Here we have interesting be-be-bemusements and attrac-shee-ons, from the 360 theater m-movie, narrated by Walter Brennan, to a fully automated diorama of the famous gun fights in this gre-gre-great c-c-city!"
employee 2: dan, give nobel a call and have her come out and fix these darn things.
Dan: -___-; "That call's going to take most of the afternoon--you know that, right?"
employee 2: just get it done
Dan: *grumbles, presses his finger into the holes in the rotary phone* "Why don't the buttons work on this phone, though?"
Justin: *kneeling, praying*
oriko: *also praying*
Justin: "..." *lifts his head, looks up*
oriko: ...
Justin: "...How was it?"
oriko: peaceful...nostalgic
Justin: *nods* "I think I understand."
oriko: *wipes her eyes*
Justin: "..." *pats her shoulder*
oriko: thank you.
Justin: *nods* "You're welcome. If I can make lodging or anything easier for you, I want to help."
oriko: ok
Anya: "They even have a reenactment where you get to make your own colonial meal!"
tsugumi: that sounds tasty!
mio: it kinda does.
Meme: "Should be fun! Especially making the dessert."
Tezca: "Just remember--you also have to churn the butter, rotate the fowl..."
ao: *nods*
Anya: *suddenly in old colonial attire* "Then let's begin!"
mio:...h-how did she even...
Kyoka: "I warned you about sunscreen..."
ranpo: =3= *burnt*
sylvia: *hiding under an umbrella* QAQ;;;;
Kunikida: "Atsushi, buy some aloe..." *hands him money* "Return with change and a receipt."
atsushi: yessir!
Santiago: *holding ice to her head*
officer john: rough night, eh?
Santiago: "You saw it...Jeez, I hit the wall so hard..."
officer john: should i call up my sister?
Santiago: *sigh* "Yeah. Need to let her know I'm fine."
officer: i meant _my_ sister. she's a doctor.
Santiago: -_-# "Fine, that too."
teal haired woman: *runs in* *panting* s-sorry, my alarm clock bit the dust.
ango: good morning, tsujimura.
Taneda: *sets out cups for tea*
'bubblegum': so, how's the ankle?
'bowl cut': yeah mizuki, you were out of commission for a while.
mizuki: im much better now, thank you.
Ango: "Onto business..." *passes out file folders*
mizuki: *looks at folder*
*Inside is a map with different cities circled*
mizuki: hmm...
Ango: "We have had reports about recent incidents involving ability users..."
mizuki: *examines the photos*
Ango: "Reports vary as to what happened, but the outcome is clear: ability users are dying."
mizuki: !!
Ango: "Now we're going to find out why."
'bubblegum': what all do we know?
Ango: "Oddly enough, in more than one case, the ability was seen being used--before the user was killed."
mizuki: ....
Ango: "I want to see what these victims had in common..."
mizuki: *nods*
Taneda: "Also, if I may, I think you may want to look at certain individuals with an interest in eliminating ability users..."
mizuki: like dostoyevsky?
Taneda: *nods*
'bowlcut': we still dont know where he is.
Taneda: *shakes his head*
mizuki: so what now?
Taneda: "I suggest some old-fashion leg-work: speak to some previous contacts of ability serial killers..."
Kid: *sitting with the Thompsons in a mine-cart slow-moving amusement ride at the museum* "Look! It's a to-scale replica of the Showdown at the OK Corral!" *taking photos with his phone*
liz: ^^
Patty: "It's not even real fire, though--it's just paper with smoke blowing up underneath! Can't they add real flames? And projection tech?"
Kid: -_-#### "Don't ruin this for me..."
Patty: OxO;
Spirit: *looking up at the stained glass* "Oh, nice..."
sachiko: it's lovely, isnt it?
Spirit: "Yes!" *stands in the light* "Look at the colors!" *pulls her towards him*
sachiko: *smiles*
Spirit: "So..." *small dance with her* "Is this the spot for us?"
sachiko: i think so.
Spirit: "Let's sign the contract!"
katya: *looking at her cards* hmmm...
Akutagawa: "..." *poker face*
Gin: *mask on*
hirotsu: it's already down to the final 4.
Walter: *watching* "I still think Magic would've been more inclusive..."
Akutagawa: "Hmph." *sets down his cards*
Gin: *whines* T~T
Tachihara: "BAM!" *throws down his cards*
katya:....*raises a brow*
Gin: "?! Hey! My hand is better than yours!"
Akutagawa: -_-;
katya: tch- *puts down her cards* straight flush.
Tachihara: "DAMN!"
Gin: T___T
Akutagawa: "Hmph."
katya: nyehe~
Tachihara: "And I was saving it up for a gift..." Q___Q
hans: he does realize they're playing with play money, right?
Walter: "Shh...He's really getting into it!"
Kafka: *holding one of the dollars* "...Did you draw your face on this?"
Damon: *on stage* Q_Q
teacher: *watching*
Damon: "Th-The s-s-sum of the square r-r-r-roots of any two sides of an...eye...eye..."
student: is he gonna pass out?
Damon: "Um, teacher? I don't know how to pronounce this word..." >_<
teacher: do you need help?
Damon: *nod nod* *shows the script* *the word is 'Isosceles'*
teacher: it's eye-saw-sah-leeze.
Damon: "Thank you. 'The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an...eye-saw-sah-leeze triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side...'"
teacher: *claps* very good! i actually know a little phrase to help me remember it. 'i saw the leaves'. it rhymes, see?
Damon: OwO; "...'I saw the leaves'?"
teacher: 'i saw the leaves', isosceles. see?
Damon: "...Oh...I-I'll try that." ^^;
kyouko: hey, check this out.
Rin: "???"
-it seems to be a poster for the walpurgisnight festival-
kyouko: guess that explains all the commotion in town.
Rin: "True. What's the plan?"
kyouko: guess we'll be at the festival in a few days. and there's a huge parade at the end.
Rin: "...They got food?"
kyouko: what festival doesnt have food?
Rin: "Then I'm trying everything!"
*Just about everyone is now in old colonial attire*
Tezca: ^w^ *still wearing the bear mask but in a colonial outfit*
ao: the clothes back then were certainly simplistic.
esther: that's how it was in those days.
Meme: *scratching* >x<
Anya: *pumping water* ^w^
mio: =~= i'm gonna die of sweating in this thing.
Anya: "Hence the water!" *holds up a silver pitcher of it...it looks really dirty*
mio: ._.;
Tezca: "Historical accuracy!"
Tour Guide: "So, where you lot from?"
kirara: death city, nevada.
Tour Guide: "Wowy, long trip. What brings you out here? Our delicious honey-dipped biscuits?"
kirara: cultural lessons and a visit to the DWMA salem branch.
Tour Guide: "Neat! And that thing is your pet." *points at...Tezca*
kirara: -_-; he's a teacher.
Tour Guide: "??? Huh. You know, my sister told me they had a teacher at her school that was a donkey, but that was just for math."
tsugumi: ?
Anya: "...The teacher sounds like an ass."
mio: ..................*facepalm*
kirara: -______________-;;;;
Tezca: *clears his throat* "_I_ make the corny jokes around here, little missy!"
Enrique: *rings the bell loudly* "GOH!"
Kid: "Okay, thirty paces, turn, then fire!"
Patty: *determined face*
liz: ....
Kid: "1, 2, 3, 4--"
Patty: *marching away from Liz*
liz: *sigh*
Patty: "Better get ready to lose, Sis! I'm picking where we're getting lunch!"
liz: sure sure.
Kid: "--28, 29--FIRE!"
liz: *corked* ow! >.<
Patty: "BOO-YAH! We're eating at 'Vaca Verde'!"
shiemi: *humming and making flower crowns*
Shima: "That's a cute one! These for the festival?"
shiemi: mmhmm!
izumo: *putting one on*
Bon: "Well, that's festive." *picks one up hesitantly*
shiemi: ^^ unagi, do you want to try one on?
unagi: y-yes.
shiemi: *puts it on her*
unagi:... .///. p-pretty...
Bon: "It'll help you fit in. Right, traitor--"
Shima: *already hiding behind Izumo*
izumo: *elbows shima*
unagi: ??
shiemi: unagi, want to help me pick more flowers for the crowns?
unagi: *shiny eyes* yes please. *follows her*
Shima: "Phew!"
Kid: *holding up a green salsa burrito* "Aside from the terrifying ordeal underground, this is a charming tourist trap."
liz: yeah, it sure is.
Patty: "And we got to meet new people!" *points* "See?"
liz: *glances* !!! isnt that dr john?!
Kid: "?!!!"
Patty: "What's up, Doc?!"
Dr. John: "!!! Oh--I thought I'd find you here..."
liz: what brings you to tombstone, doctor?
Dr. John: "My brother called me in to check on someone..."
liz: your brother?
Dr. John: "Andy and I are fraternal twins."
liz: oh, you mean officer john?
Dr. John: "Yes." ^^; "But I got turned around..."
liz: want us to help?
Dr. John: "That would be wonderful!"
Tachihara: *strolling through pages on a phone*
*He seems to be looking at jewelry*
bessy: *peeeeeeek*
Tachihara: "Hmm...Maybe that--AH!" *falls off the couch when spotting Bessy*
bessy: are you ok, mister?
Tachihara: ._.; "F-Fine!" *pockets his phone* "H-How are you, little...um...what's-your-name?"
bessy: bessy dean.
Tachihara: "Okay, Bessy...Um...Say, I don't suppose you're good at listening, are you?"
bessy: *sits down and stares at him*
Tachihara: "You ever hear what the adults talk about?"
bessy: i dunno.
Tachihara: "Do you know Miss Higuchi?"
bessy: yeah, she's really nice. she reads to us sometimes too. ^^
Tachihara: "Yeah? What kinds of things does she read to you all?"
bessy: my favorite is goodnight moon. ^^
Tachihara: "Oh, that one's good...She is a cool person."
bessy: and miss gin's really cool too!
Tachihara: ^^;;; "Yeah...She feeling okay?"
bessy: i think so, why?
Tachihara: "N-No reason. I think I get on her nerves sometimes."
Asher: *seated in class* "So, more guest speakers?"
izumi: looks like it.
Hiro: *standing in front of the class, nervous* "H-H-H-Hell-Hello..."
EF: hello everyone. *smiles*
tsubaki: *nods*
Zeke: *raises his hand* "Excuse me! Which of you are weapons?"
ef: myself and miss nakatsukasa.
axel: cool.
Asher: *covering their ears* =_=;
EF: well, i'm a butterfly knife and well, miss tsubaki is.
hibiki: one of those dark arm weapons, right?
tsubaki: y-yes.
Duncan (Collar Student): "I mean, it's obvious, right? She's from the famous Nakatsukasa Clan, capable of multiple weapon forms."
tsubaki: that's right.
Duncan: *smug look*
Saria: "How do you do partial transformations? I have difficulty doing that with just a limb..."
tsubaki: it takes a lot of practice. usually it requires a lot of focus and visualization before it just comes naturally.
Saria: "Oh..."
Asher: "How do you visualize? Does drawing help?"
tsubaki: i suppose so.
Zeke: "So if we draw ourselves with laser beams and visualize that, we'll get that to our weapon form?"
tsubaki: well i think it's pre-determined automatically. ^^;
Kazue (Ninja): *raises hand* "Black Star, how do you perform the proper assassination--"
tsubaki: *sweatdrop*
EF: *sweatdrop* i thought maybe he would have mellowed out a little through the school years.
Hiro: T~T "No one has a question for me...He must've relapsed, having returned here to the old haunting grounds..."
EF: ^^;
naho: *pokes her head in* OwO~?
Black Star: "???"
naho: *waves*
Black Star: "Um..." *wave*
blinding bangs girl: oh. you.
naho: ?? oh hi, genny!
genny (blinding bangs): 7-7;
Kanin (Burly Notetaker): "??? You know her?"
genny: she's an online friend. and a major fujoshi.
naho: <w<;
Kanin: "...A what?"
genny: best not to ask.
Black Star: "Don't you have classes, Naho?"
naho: oh right! see ya! *runs off* .....
Duncan: "Tch. What a weird girl--"
Black Star: *already grabbing Duncan by the collar* "YOU WANT TO SAY THAT TO MY FACE?!"
naho: ....
???: *trying to walk by* "Oh...Ex-Excuse me." ^^;
naho: that boy...with the collar...
???: "...??? Who?"
naho: *serious face* he'd be a perfect uke.
mitsuba: uh....huh...
???: O\\\\\O;;;;
Yoichi: "...What the actual fluffernutter was that?"
mitsuba: typical death city weirdness.
Santiago: =_=; "This is embarrassing..."
amanda: well, better to get it looked at than to let it get infected.
Santiago: *grumbles* "Whatever you say..." *whimper*
amanda:..mar, are you ok?
Santiago: "This week has sucked..."
amanda: need some coffee?
Santiago: *nod nod* "Sugar."
Arthur: *looking through binoculars*
shinra: man, it just goes on for ages...
tamaki: TT^TT i miss my mom...
nozomi: *pat pat*
tamaki: *SNIFF* thanks nozomi.
Arthur: "We'll be home before you know it. This trip to Avalon can't take much longer. Plus, time moves more slowly there."
-distant rumble-
Ogun: "...What was that?"
shinra: thunder?
Takeru: "Without lightning?"
-rumble rumble-
Pan: *driving* "Hmmm..." *looks at the ground*
???: *ROAR*
???: <HELP!>
Ogun: "?!" *looks around*
tamaki: what the heck was that?!
shinra: *jumps out of the truck and flies out*
Ogun: "Wait for me!" *grabs his board...*
shinra: *surveying*
shinra: !!! (is that...a mole?)
*It is a mole, carrying a big bag*
Mole: Q______Q <WAAAAAH!>
shinra: !!! *flies down and picks the mole and bag up and drops it onto the truck*
nozomi: oh!
fang-hua: ah!
Mole: Q~Q <Wh-What?! Flying humans now?! This is not normal!>
fang-hua: <please, try to calm down. what's going on?>
Mole: <I invaded the worms' den when trying to get my food and--...Wait--you aren't surprised I'm talking?>
tamaki: <we're from death city. most of us anyway.>
Arthur: <It's killer.>
Mole: "..." <You all seem odd. And have...fire abilities?>
fang-hua: <yes.>
Mole: <Oh! Then you can help me escape the awful sandworm trying to steal my food!> *proudly holds up a bag--*
nozomi: *looks inside*
*It's full of potatoes*
tamaki: ah!
Arthur: "...Oh poop."
Mole: "??? 'Poop'?" <What do you-->
Mole: OvO;;; <Um...Who is that-->
*Takeru starts throttling the Mole*
nozomi: takeru, please calm down!!
tamaki: EEK!
shinra: hey! sand worm! *blows raspberries* over here!!
worm 2: *ROOOOOAR!!*
Sand Worm 1: *chases*
tamaki: mr paaaan! DRIVE!!!
Pan: "What does it look like I'm doing?" *does a drift to avoid Worm 2*
shinra: ogun, you got a plan?
Ogun: "You mind distracting while I pierce it?" *summons a lance*
shinra: you can count on me!
worm 2: *chasing after them*
Ogun: "Yoruba Blacksmith!" *summons more lances, following the worm, trying to constrain its path*
shinra: *leading the worms away from the truck*
Ogun: "Now to scare them away!" *fires a few lances at the worms*
worm 2: *SCREEEE*
Ogun: "Now head off, wormie!"
worm 2: *SCREEEEEEEE!!!*
Worm 1: *starts to retreat--diving into the ground and rocking the earth*
tamaki: go! go!
Pan: *hits the gas*
Meme: *playing with a hoop and a stick* "WEEEE!"
mio: *stares at her stick awkwardly*
Meme: ^w^ "Roll it down the hill!"
tsugumi: ^^
*Someone clutching a bag of groceries walks by, muttering*
???: "Oh dear..."
girl: *following her*
Meme: "WHOOPS!" *misses the hoop, as she heads towards the two...*
girl: !!
???: "!!!" *falls down, dropping her bag*
girl: !! teacher!
???: "Ow..."
Meme: "Oh! I'm sorry..."
girl: *helping the older woman up, glaring at meme*
Meme: "..." *downcast*
???: "L-Let's go...I'm cold..."
mio: ....
girl: right away. *walks away*
???: *muttering to herself*
Meme: "...Sorry..."
mio: *pap pap*
???: "..." *whispers* "Did you sense it on them?"
girl: yeah.
???: "Keep your eyes open--we can't have them interfere."
*At a clothing store, there's a man looking at kimonos*
clerk: might i help you, sir? ^^
Man: "Yes. I'm afraid I don't know what to wear to the upcoming festival...I'm not as familiar with fashion here in Death City." ^^;
clerk: well, the walpurgisnight festival is usually a festival for more western style clothes, like they wear in europe. such as suits and dresses.
Man: "Oh, I see. I thought given the Japanese aesthetic of the city...Well, I would like to see a suit, then."
*There's a mother and her young daughter walking by*
little girl: *humming, wearing a flower crown* ^^
Man: "..."
{Man: "Careful, sweetie!"}
{rosemary: ok, papa!}
{Man: *smiles, as he watches her picking flowers*}
{rosemary: hehe ^^ *smiles*}
Man: *wipes his eyes*
clerk: sir?
Man: *wipes with a handkerchief* "S-Sorry--allergies get to me this time of year." TwT;
Mole: *panting, collapsed on their back* <Phew! Finally safe...I was so scared I would die back there...>
shinra: well, we seemed to get away from those worms for now...
fang-hua: *to the mole* <are you from around here?>
Mole: <No! That's one reason I got lost! I left home to find more food, and on the way back, I fell into the sandworm pit...>
fang-hua: <where are you from, then?>
Mole: <...> >_>; <I shouldn't say...We have enough problems. I mean, you all seem nice enough...>
nozomi: …<do you know about the 'tear in space'? or the adora burst?>
Mole: <Y-Yeah? It's one reason I'm like this...> *thumbs at their flaming tail* <And it lets me talk.> *proud* <I bet you've never seen a talking mole before.>
shinra: <i never saw a mole with flame abilities.>
Mole: QwQ;
Pan: <Plenty of talking animals where we are.>
Mole: Q__Q
nozomi: *pat pat*
Mole: Q_Q "?!"
tamaki: guys, calm down! you're scaring them!
fang-hua: ok, calm down, calm down everyone.
Mole: *hides behind Nozomi* >_<;;;
shinra: <why did you steal those potatoes? and where are you taking them back to?>
Mole: <We're running out of food back home! These--These...What are they called...Thieves! That's it! These thieves just keep taking what is ours! We have no food left! So I had to find food further away! None here in the Wasteland--and I kept going until I found these amazing tubers...> *rubs his face against a potato* =w=
shinra: <thieves, huh?>
Mole: <Yes...It's so awful there. Our Oasis is under attack.>
shinra: *looks at the others*
tamaki: <oasis?>
Mole: <Y-Yes...> *shivers, rubs their arms*
Pan: *looks up* "It'll be night soon..."
nozomi: <do you know a place for us to camp?>
Mole: *looks up* <!!! I know someone who does!> *waves* <Beauty!>
nozomi: ??
-a crow flies down-
beauty: <hello, schop.>
Ogun: "..." <'Alive'?>
shinra: *gulp*
beauty: ...<well, i do know of a place where they'll be alright. just follow us.
Dr. John: "There you go!"
amanda: ^^
Santiago: "Thanks...Hurts a little less."
officer john: thanks again, mel. ^^
Dr. John: "You're welcome, Andy." *soft nudge on his shoulder* "You taking care of yourself?"
officer john: yeah.
Dr. John: *nods* "Good--can't let you have too much of that good food here."
Zeke: "--and they were so cool! Black Star just went *WHAM!* and Tsubaki was *SLICE*, then Hiro just swung that knife around all *WOOSH WOOSH WOOSH*!"
Asher: *eating, saying nothing*
Saria: ^^;
axel: yeah, that was so epic!
Yafeu: "IMAGINE BEING ABLE TO DO ALL THAT STUFF!" *slams his fist on the table, shaking it* "I CAN'T WAIT TO GET INTO THE FIELD!!!"
hibiki: mmhmm.
Asher: "Tch. The only thing we're ready for are those jobs for NOT students."
izumi: which is why we have to do our best, right?
Asher: "...Yeah." =_=;
Saria: "Our cheerleader!"
izumi: ??
Saria: "You're full of optimism, Izumi..."
izumi: you think so?
Asher: "Sounds about right."
Zeke: *nod nod*
izumi: ^^;
Duncan: "Tch. Must you all be so loud?"
Kanin: *picking at his salad, looking disappointed*
genny: you alright?
Kanin: ^^; "Just trying a different diet."
genny: ah.
Kazue: *trying to put food with chopsticks through their mask--and failing* O_O;
loop hair: OwO~?
Kanin: "Any jobs anyone is taking?"
Viktor: *pokes a stick at the fire*
Pan: *passes the bag of marshmallows*
tamaki: ^w^
Schop: "..."
Bird 2: *CAW*
beauty: <so you're searching for the adora burst in the oasis?>
shinra: <so far, it's our only other lead.>
Pan: <How do you speak Chinese? Are you related to witches?>
beauty: *shakes her head* <it's because of the oasis.>
Pan: <You keep saying that--what Oasis? How does it let you talk human?>
Schop: <It's a long story...But the Oasis is our home in this desert, away from this arid land. It is plentiful with food...That must be why those thieves came. The human, riding a horse on fire...>
shinra: <did this person have a hood?>
Schop: <??? Yes?>
shinra: <want us to help get your oasis back?>
tamaki: *glances at lights in the distance*
Schop: <?! Hey! Don't underestimate me--I'm one tenacious mole!> *shows off a tiny flicker on his hand*
tamaki: do you see that?
nozomi: ??
tamaki: *points to the lights*
fang-hua: captain pan, do we have binoculars?
Pan: *hands them*
Schop: "..." *shakes*
fang-hua:...!!! infernals!
shinra: all of them?!
Ogun: "?! Oh no..."
tamaki: they dont seem to notice us, though...
beauty: they've been wandering the wasteland for over 250 years now.
Takeru: <They survived that long?>
Schop: *shaking still*
beauty: *she nods*
shinra: we should put them to rest.
beauty: there's far too many of them for you to handle all on your own. even if you do manage to put most of them to rest, their numbers will overwhelm you eventually.
Arthur: "We have a nun--that's all we need."
tamaki:.... *goes to a small area on the edge of the campfire's light and prays*
Arthur: "..." *sighs*
tamaki:....i hope that at least helped them...
Schop: <...> *looks at Shinra* <...Could you help? Would you?>
shinra: *nods* <of course. that's what heroes do.>
Schop: "???" < 'Hero'?>
shinra: *he nods and smiles* ^^
Schop: <...I'm not sure I understand.>
shinra: <we help put the infernals to rest in death city all the time. i'm sure we can help you get back your oasis.>
Schop: <And that's what a 'hero' is?>
shinra: <it's a lot to explain...>
Schop: <I can imagine...I still have difficulties with the words.>
soul: *helping damon review his lines for the play* aaand go.
Damon: "...I haven't got a brain...only straw."
soul: *nods and smiles*
Damon: *smiles back, nods* "But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?"
soul: *claps*
becky: that was great, damon!
Damon: ^\\\\^; "I-I don't know how I'm going to do..."
soul: do you want to keep practicing a little more?
Damon: "Yes!"
soul: ok, and afterwards, we can get some mcdonalds.
Damon: *shiny eyes*
becky: yay!
Kid: *looking at the town* *pleased sigh*
liz: *packing*
-text message on kid's phone-
Patty: *holding the cow stuffed animal* "Moo moo moo!"
Kid: "???" *checks*
stocking: [hey kiddo <3 when u gonna be back?]
Kid: *smiles* [late tonight--1 am if traffic holds]
stocking: [glad 2 hear. will be waiting 4 u ;) ]
Kid: ^\\\\^ [excellent! love u]
stocking: [love u 2 <3]
*A knock on the hotel door*
liz: *looks through the peep hole*
*Looks to be Inui*
liz: inui? what brings you here?
Inui: "Wanted to see you kiddos off."
Marlee: *nudging Patty*
Patty: *pet pet* ^^
liz: ah, well thanks.
Inui: "...You be careful around those Kishin-things."
liz: we will.
Inui: "Also, keep at it." *pats Liz's belly*
liz: ??? ….. O/////O;;
Anya: "Okay, enjoy!" *sets out plates*
mio: *nom* mm, these are some good mashed potatoes!
Anya: "All farm-grown ingredients! The garlic helps..."
Meme: *picking at her food* "..."
tsugumi: ?? meme?
Meme: "S-Sorry...It tastes great." ^^;
mio: ....
Tezca: "...How about after dinner I teach you some old songs from the era? I only know them in Portuguese, but you can hum along..."
ao: that sounds lovely! ^^
Meme: "O-Okay..."
kim: hey goph, how's the float looking?
Gopher: "I could use more yellow flowers."
kim: got it!
Jacqueline: "It's turning out really well." *looks at the blueprint*
Chuuya: "You're doing great!"
sonia: *pedaling*
Chuuya: *points* "See?!"
kouyou: ^^
Chuuya: "She's really taken to it..." *proud smile*
kouyou: indeed she has.
Chuuya: "...I'm glad she is growing up."
kouyou: *nods*
Chuuya: "...Just this moment..."
kouyou: *listening*
Chuuya: "...If I could take each happy moment, and just have those in a row..."
kouyou: ....
Chuuya: "...Sorry. Just being corny."
kouyou: *pat pat*
Chuuya: *rubs his eyes*
sonia: *pedals up to them* papa?
Chuuya: "??? Yes, Sonia?"
sonia: *lifts her arms, wanting to be picked up*
Chuuya: *smiles, picks her up*
sonia: *hug*
kouyou: *snaps a pic* so sweet. ^^
Chuuya: ^^
sonia: *forehead kiss* love you, papa.
Chuuya: "Love you too, sweetie."
Kid: *opens the door*
lord death: welcome home!
Kid: ^^ "Hello, Father." *drops his suitcase*
lord death: *HUG*
Kid: ^\\\^ *pat pat
lord death: oh, stocking said she wanted to see you in your room then.
Kid: O\\\w\\\O;; "...Yes, well, I'll report the mission tomorrow, then?"
lord death: *he nods*
liz: i'll handle it from here. you go on ahead, kiddo.
Kid: *practically sprinting*
liz: ... ^^;
Kid: *opens the door*
stocking: *in a sexy saloon girl costume* welcome home~<3
Kid: O\\\\\O "..." *small moan*
stocking: hehe~ *finger curl*
Kid: *shuts the door behind him, practically crawling up to her* "I-I think I'll need something..."
stocking: oh~?
Kid: *puts on his own cowboy hat, smiles* "I think tonight is a lot of knocking boots..."
stocking: hmhmhm~ *pulls him close by his tie*
Kid: "Mmm~ Stocking...You're incredible..." *passes a hand along the tassels on her vest*
stocking: ah~ *whispers* tonight, i want you to completely fucking wreck me.
Kid: *holds her close, inhaling deeply* =\\\\= "We have to make up for lost time~"
stocking: *kisses him*
Kid: "Hmmm!" *pins her wrists to the mattress*
stocking: mmn~ god, i missed this so much.
Kid: "Yes--I yearned to be by your side every night..." *kisses along her ear*
stocking: ahhh~ you know, the vibrators dont compare to the real thing~
Kid: "Oh~? Was my saloon girl busy while I was out~?"
stocking: i was lonely without you here with me.... *hugs* im so happy you're home.
Kid: *hug, strokes her back* "I'm sorry...but I'm home now. And so happy..."
stocking: mmm... *holds him close* i love you so much, kid.
Kid: "I love you, too, Stocking...and I want to fill every day for you with all the happiness I can..."
stocking: *smiles and nuzzles her nose against his* ^////^
Kid: "Heh heh..." *nuzzles*
fang-hua: <so how far is the oasis?>
Schop: *points* <Just above that rock wall at the horizon...>
shinra: hmm...
beauty: *flies up*
shinra: *follows*
Pan: *calling after them* "Careful! We don't know what we're facing!"
shinra: *nods*
nozomi: *checking the readings* seems the air quality is good here.
Schop: <Did you encounter those weird visions in the Wasteland?>
tamaki: <well, we do have gasmasks on to protect us from the gas, so...>
Schop: <That's good--she warned us to avoid those parts of the earth, too.>
tamaki: ?? 'she?'
Schop: <...The mysterious woman who protected us, years ago.>
shinra: hey guys! you should check this out! it's a whole 'nother forest over here!
Ogun: "Hang on! Some of us can't fly as well as you..." *uses his lances on his board to fly up*
shinra: *looking around* ...!!!!!! no way....
tamaki: wait up! *crouch, butt shake and jumps up the wall*
Schop: <...> *looks at Nozomi* <Your nun is a cat?>
nozomi: ^^; <well...>
Ogun: *reaches the top* "Jeez, you're right--look at those trees!" *looking around, not noticing Shinra's shock*
shinra: .....
tamaki: *phew* wow, how are we gonna get the others up past this-....shinra? are you ok?
shinra: *points*
Ogun: *looks* "...?!"
tamaki: ?? what are you looking a-.... !!!
-in the distance, is a structure like the amaterasu-
Ogun: "What...is that doing here?"
juria: oooi! what's going on up there?!
tamaki: you guys arent gonna believe this! i-it's an amaterasu!
Pan: "???"
juria: hah?
Schop: <Tiramisu?>
tamaki: get on up here and check this out!
-and so-
nozomi: it's...hard to believe, but no mistaking it...
juria: why the hell is that even out here?
fang-hua: in any case, we should investigate.
Schop: *hiding behind the rocks, sniffing the air* Q_Q <I-I smell them...>
tamaki: ...
Ogun: <'Them'?>
Schop: <Those thieves...>
shinra:... <let's head down then.>
Schop: <Okay...I'll lead you. But don't think you can talk through to them--they don't talk to us.>
shinra: *nod*
Schop: <We go northwest...>
Older Woman: *checking a jar*
girl: so what all else do we need, teacher?
Older Woman: "Waiting for the blooms to finish growing--we'll need one."
girl: *she nods, looking out the window*
*There's a potted plant on the windowsill*
Wes: *hug*
liz: *smooch* ^^
Wes: "I'm grateful...If you had been hurt..."
liz: im ok...
Wes: *nods* "Sorry...Just get worried. Some of these missions are dangerous."
Wes: *rubs her hand*
Damon: *muttering his lines, re-reading them*
teacher: *puts a hand up to their ear, trying to hear him*
Damon: "...Pardon me, this way is a very nice way."
girl: who said that?
boy: *in a dog suit* -_-; bark bark.
girl: oh dont be silly, toto, scarecrows dont talk.
Damon: *pointing another way* "It's pleasant down that way, too!"
girl: that's funny, wasnt he pointing the other way?
Damon: ^^ "Of course, people do go both ways--" *points in both directions, crossing his arms*
teacher: *claps* well done! ^^
Student: "Scarecrow is dumb! And so is Damon!"
Damon: "???"
becky: *PUNCH*
teacher: miss evans!
Damon: ^^; "I mean, the Scarecrow is actually smart--'cause the play is ironic. Plus, my sister is strong..."
becky: and dont let me catch you saying that stuff about my brother again! >XP
Student: *rubbing their injured arm* O_o;;;;; "...The Evans kids are crazy."
teacher: *drags becky and the student to the principal* honestly, such behavior...
becky: >~<
girl: do you think they'll be ok?
boy: does this mean i can take the suit off now? it's making me itch everywhere.
Damon: "...I'm sorry you got stuck with it." ^^;
Rin: "Looking good, Shiemi!"
shiemi: thank you. ^^
madoka: ^^
Yukio: "..."
shiemi: oh, hi yuki. ^^
Yukio: "Hello, Shiemi..." *nods*
shiemi: want to check out the festival grounds?
madoka: sounds great!
Yukio: "...Sure?"
shiemi: great! ^^
Bon: "Would you watch where you're stepping?!"
izumo: then dont stand so close to me!
madoka: ._. the festival only just started today....
*There is literally no one else near Bon*
Bon: "... ... ..."
izumo: .....
Rin: "...Oooooooo--"
izumo: s-shut up, okumura! >///<#
Bon: "YEAH, SHUT YOUR DUMB FACE!" -\\\\\-###
Arthur: *looking, looks at the trees* "...What kind of tree is that?" *points*
shinra: *looking around*
*It's not a tree--it's a tree growing around a car*
Ogun: "...Well, it's not a pedes-tree-an."
nozomi: *chuckles*
Ogun: ^^;
shinra: what the heck..? *examines the car*
*Looks rather old...*
shinra: hey pan, did they have cars 250 years ago?
Pan: "Is it attached to a horse?"
shinra: doesnt look like it.
nozomi: *examining the car*
Viktor: "That's just anachronistic. Odd bit of history..."
tamaki: *peers inside*
*looks like a bird inside*
tamaki: *steps back* woah!
Takeru: "?! I think that's a crested ibis--almost extinct..."
tamaki:..we should leave them be, then.
Ibis: *looks to be sitting on something...*
nozomi: ....?? *notices something*
-it doesnt look like the other trees in the area. looks almost as if it were manmade-
Arthur: "Are these 250 years old?"
shinra: ???
Schop: "Th-The Pillars were set up as a warning--that the Thieves claim this as their territory!"
shinra: *looking around*
tamaki: *HISSSS*
*It sounds like...barking?*
nozomi: ?? .... !!!!
*It's Infernal dogs--animals made into Flame Monsters*
shinra: now that's just fucked up.
infernal dog: *tries to bite him*
shinra: QxQ;;; bad dog! sit!
tamaki: *praying* ashes to ashes, let your souls return to the flames. ratomu!
Arthur: *slicing the dogs*
Takeru: *one is biting him* "Owie! Bad dog!" *shaking him off*
tamaki: *tail whip* ratomu!
Infernal Dog: *yelps, running away*
shinra: ......
???: <Protect...>
shinra: ??? *glances at the amaterasu like structure* (what was...?)
Schop: <I warned you about those Thieves!>
Ogun: "..."
Takeru: "..."
shinra: did you guys hear that voice just now?
Ogun: "Yeah--this guy just called <dogs> <thieves>!"
Schop: "???" <Oh...> ^^; <I'm still working on the language...>
shinra: no, not that, something from there *points*
Arthur: "...Oh, I get it--" *aims Excalibur, fully charged, at Shinra's neck*
shinra: OxO
tamaki: he's fine, arthur.....you are ok, right shinra?
shinra: i-i think so...
Arthur: *face-down in the mud*
Ogun: "So...Adora Link?"
shinra: most likely.
Zeke: *passes the basketball*
axel: yeah! haha!
Yafeu: *rushing at Axel*
axel: *toss*
Asher: *catches...just stands there*
izumi: come on! pass it here!
Asher: *tosses to Izumi* "Fine."
izumi: *dribbling the ball*
Saria: *blocking* >_<
genny: ..
Duncan: "I'm open!" *standing underneath his own net*
lei-lei: (loop braids girl) ^^
Kanin: *wearing a headband and an old-fashion basketball jersey* O_O;
hibiki: over here!
izumi: *toss*
Kanin: *just lifts up his arms*
-nice catch-
Kanin: "..." *tosses into the net*
lei-lei: great job!
Kanin: ^^; "Thanks..."
Duncan: "I helped too!"
Asher: "...How does someone get that big?"
Zeke: "Milk."
Kid: *whistling*
shiori: *drinks from a juicebox*
Kid: "Tasty?"
shiori: mmhmm
Kid: "What would you like to do next?"
shiori: playground?
Kid: "Sure! Swings?"
shiori: yeah!
Kid: "Maybe you'll get even higher than last time, see the tops of the trees and their blossoms."
shiori: ^^
Kid: *grabs Shiori's shoes* "Remember how I tie your shoes?"
shiori: help?
Kid: "Sure!" *puts one shoe on...* "We make the tree roots..." *ties the first knot...*
Zeke: "Good game!" *fist bump*
axel: yea-heah! ^^
izumi: phew...
Asher: *lying on the bench* "Zzz..."
hibiki: *drinking from the fountain*
lukas: im exhausted from just watching you all.
Duncan: *basketball imprint on his face* X-X
Poe: *singing lightly*
karl: *snoozing on his shoulders* =w=
Poe: *stroke stroke* >w< ("Fluffy!")
rowena: ^^
Poe: ^^; "How was your meeting?"
rowena: it went quite well. one of miss warren’s friends is trying to start a petition in true cross to start up a divination class.
Poe: "Oh? What would it be like?"
rowena: i suppose it would involve tarot readings and tea leaf readings and such. ^^
Poe: "Maybe you'll find a teacher for it..."
rowena: *she nods*
fang-hua: <so, about this 'god' of yours...?>
Schop: <Our god gave us this Oasis...>
fang-hua: *listening*
Schop: <One day, shortly after the Great Disaster, she arrived...>
Schop: <She was clad in black, coming through this wasteland...We didn't know whether she was a threat--but we were starving...How could we fight against her if she was there to hurt us?>
tamaki: <what happened then?>
Schop: <Then she said she would rebuild this world--starting with us.>
fang-hua: <rebuild?>
Schop: <After the Disaster, we had no food...But when she gave us this...> *points to his tail* <...I no longer felt hunger.>
tamaki: <do you know where she is now?>
Schop: "..." *points at the other Amaterasu*
shinra: .....
Schop: <She built our god...saved our lives...She will come back...>
shinra: ?? *looks in the distance*
*Something is shifting through the trees*
shinra: hello?
???: *growl*
shinra: ._.;
*A hooded figure appears*
shinra: !!!!!
juria: ah hell.
Ogun: "A human? Out here?"
shinra: *steps back* uhhh....guys?
*The figure's hood falls back, revealing--*
juria: *flame gauntlets on*
Takeru: "EEP!"
tamaki: *runs in* return to the burning flames! *tail slash* ratomu!
Viktor: Q__Q "AAAAAH!"
shinra: hold on! *flies over to him*
*Viktor is flung towards--*
shinra *NICE CATCH* OwO;;; *gulp*
Viktor: Q____Q
shinra: for a moment, i thought your goose was cooked.
Viktor: T~T "Please don't say it like that...How did I survive this long..."
juria: *punches through one infernal*
tamaki: we got more coming!
Pan: *blows into his whistle*
*A dog rushes at Shinra--until a fiery lance descends in front of it*
shinra: nice save, ogun! *thumbs up*
Ogun: "No problem--now kick their asses!"
Infernal: "..." <Humans...>
fang-hua: ?!
Infernal: <Why are you here...?>
shinra: so it's another talking one, huh?
Ogun: "So, it has half a brain...”
Infernal: <Leave...or be sacrificed...>
shinra: <what are you talking about?>
Pan: <And why do you want the Shintai's regenerative power?>
Infernal: <'Regenerative'? No... It’s power is destructive!>
shinra: ??!! <what?>
Schop: <Liar! She regenerated our home!>
shinra: (is that why giovanni was searching for the key to the amaterasu? at least iris has it with her...)
Infernal: *cackles* <With that power, soon we will-->
Arthur: "..." <No mercy.>
shinra: <like hell we'll let you people use it to destroy anything!>
Ogun: "So, what crazy plan do you think they were going to say before Arthur went Marie Antoinette on them?"
shinra: i think they wish to use this shintai for destroying something, whatever it is, it's not good...
Schop: <At least you avoided their leader...>
shinra: <their leader?>
Schop: <His name is Tempeh. He runs with others in cloaks, but you can recognize him by those ears.> *imitates with his claws...devil horns*
shinra: !!!!!!!
Ogun: "Oh no..."
Takeru: Q_Q
Schop: <??? You don't like big ears?>
shinra: <those werent ears. they're horns.>
Schop: <...Is that bad?>
shinra: <horned infernals are really, really dangerous.>
Schop: <...> *gulp* <They keep coming here. Killing us. Hunting for their stones...>
nozomi: <stones?>
Schop: *nods* <Flat stones, chipped away.>
shinra: ....<do you know where tempeh is?>
Schop: <He keeps his followers around God...>
shinra: <then we'll just have to lure him out.>
Pan: <Our mission is to explore the cause for the Adora Burst--I think we should be checking this 'God.' I am not interested in fighting against a Demon.>
shinra: well, if the demon is inside, then drawing him out is our best option while you look inside.
tamaki: he has a point.
juria: yeah, i dont mind fighting a few infernals. *cracks knuckles* otherwise i'll get rusty…
Pan: *sigh* "Fortunate to have some of our most fight-happy members here..." *looks at Schop* <Lead us to God.>
*A man looks at the flower floats*
Man: "Hmm...Remarkable work."
worker: thank you.
Man: "How many flowers does this one use?"
worker: i'd estimate about, ah.....over 200.
Man: "That's a lot of seed-growing." ^^
worker: indeed.
Man: "Keep up the good work." *pat pat*
Sakuya: ._.; "You okay?"
naho: hmm?
Sakuya: "You seemed concerned a few days ago. Someone bothering you at school?"
naho: not really, why?
Sakuya: "Just curious..." *hands her a wrapped bag* "Your new book arrived."
naho: YAY! ^w^
Sakuya: ^^; "Enjoy..."
Free: *scratching behind his ear*
milia: *looking around*
Free: "What'd you like?" *points at the flavors*
milia: can i get the strawberry? OvO
Free: "Sure thing! I think I'll go with the...No, not chocolate, I'll go with caramel. Excuse me? We'd like to order..."
kyouko: ok, what'll it be?
Free: "One strawberry, one caramel, please."
kyouko: coming right up.
Free: *looks outside* "Want to have the ice cream outside?"
milia: *nods* ^^
Free: *drops a tip into the jar, takes the cups--*
Kuro: *staying in the shadows under the tarp* =_=;
milia: ??
Kuro: "Too hot...Tired...Dying..."
milia: are you ok?
Kuro: "The sun..." *crawls more into the shadows, pants*
mahiru: dont mind him, he's tired. ^^;
milia: oooh.
Free: "...'Kay." *sits down with Milia* "Don't stare at the weird cat-hoodie man..."
Walter: *sets down his charcoal* "Okay...I think it's done!"
sonia: *peeeeeks*
Walter: *looks to be drawing the tree outside*
sonia: it looks really nice, mr walter.
Walter: "D'aw, I was hoping--thank you! It helps to practice..."
sonia: what did you want to be when you grew up?
Walter: "...Huh...Well, when I was really tiny, I think an animator or firefighter."
sonia: ah.
Walter: "Then I figured out I'm pretty good at observation, so I went into surveillance and just kept learning other things, like drawing, typing, programming, PhotoShop..."
sonia: *nods*
Walter: "What do you think you'll do?"
sonia: =A=; i hardly even know how to ride a bike. i'm still just a little kid, and i have no idea what skills i even have on me.
Walter: OwO; "...It doesn't hurt to dream about it?"
sonia: i guess...
Viktor: <Um...Beauty? Is this the right path?>
*Beauty is nesting in Viktor's hair*
beauty: yes. it's not that far now.
Schop: *sniffing around* <Those thieves--er...Um...'dogs' have a strong scent here...They can't be far.>
nozomi: wait, i see something.
-seems to be a door-
Arthur: "You think it goes somewhere?"
shinra: inside the shintai most likely...
Pan: "We need to investigate inside..."
fang-hua: *nods*
shinra: ogun, tamaki, juria, takeru and i will keep a watch outside.
Arthur: "I'll go inside to guard the investigators."
nozomi: *nods*
Pan: "And stay quiet so not to attract attention."
shinra: we'll try to.
Pan: "Okay." *blows his whistle*
shinra: >~< (YOU HYPOCRITE!)
Schop: *SHHH!*
Pan: ._.; "...Sorry."
-and so-
Viktor: *holding a flashlight*
nozomi: it's surprisingly clean in here.
fang-hua: yeah, you'd think a 250+ year old structure would have a bit of dust inside it...
Arthur: "Likely gnomes."
fang-hua:...*sweatdrop* right....
*Sounds like metal rustling...*
nozomi: ?! *turns*
*A metal shutter has slammed shut*
nozomi: !!!!
shinra: !!! ah heck.
Ogun: "They found us..."
tamaki: *battle stance*
*Cloaked figures emerge from the shadows*
juria: heh, alright. *flame gauntlets on*
Figure 1: <Intruders...>
shinra: ..... <i'm guessing you're tempeh?>
Tempeh: <Who are you?>
juria: <the group that's about to fuck you up, that’s who.>
Figure 2: *grabs Juria from behind* <LANGUAGE!>
juria: *grabs the figure’s arms and tosses them over her*
Figure 3: *GROWLS, rushing at Shinra*
shinra: HYAH!
Figure 3: *flame claws grab Shinra by the ankle*
shinra: !!!
Ogun: *TACKLE*
shinra: woah! thanks man!
Ogun: "Any time..." *tosses a lance behind Shinra, nailing a Fire Dog to a tree*
tamaki: ratomu!
Fire Dog: *evaporates*
shinra: <why are you trying to cause destruction? these animals did nothing to you!>
Tempeh: *chuckles* <Sorry...But to me...> *summons a fireball* <You're all just animals to me!>
shinra: !!
*The fireball rises--then splits into pieces, descending like meteors*
Tempeh: <I'LL BURN IT ALL!>
shinra: !!!! *dodging*
Schop: *hanging onto Shinra* Q_Q
Takeru: "EEK!" *trying to fling fire missiles back, knocking some fireballs away--but into the trees*
juria: *grabs one infernal by the head and slams it into the ground*
Infernal 4: *SCREAMS INTO THE GROUND--shooting up fire under the rocks*
shinra: <sorry.>
Schop: -^-
Ogun: <This jackass has a death wish...> *tosses another lance--*
Tempeh: *catches it*
Ogun: "?!!!"
juria: what the fuck?!
Tempeh: <...> *grins* <You have no idea...> *tosses it towards Juria*
juria: *dodge* heh, you're really...really...beginning to piss me off.
Takeru: <Um...Sir? Why are you doing this?>
Tempeh: "..." <I want to die.>
tamaki: <then please, let us put you to rest!>
Tempeh: "..." *points at Juria* <Her. Let her try.>
juria: alright then. i'm gonna enjoy this! *THROWS A PUNCH*
juria: *SCREAMS* FUCK!!
Ogun: "Juria!"
Tempeh: *taps his chest* <No matter your flame, it is not strong enough to kill me...But her...> *looks up at the Shintai* <Your 'god' can.>
juria: shit...at least i still have my left, you cant kill an oni so easily, after all...
shinra: ....
Tempeh: <She was made to destroy...With the flame my follows are creating inside, tapping into the shintai's power, will create an explosion that should reach...How far? Maybe to Qingdao.>
Takeru: <!!!! No!>
tamaki: <you're really willing to risk innocent people's lives, just to die?!>
Tempeh: <I will go to Heaven! And there, I will have all that was taken from me--including my servants! You, priestess--you could serve me!>
tamaki: *flips him off* <SCREW OFF, OLD MAN!>
shinra: <she's rather unorthodox, to be fair->
shinra: still, we'll need a lot of firepower...come on, think, shinra, think...
shinra: ?!
nozomi: *examining the tablets*
Pan: "Numbers?"
nozomi: ah! i recognize these numbers!
Viktor: "Really?"
Arthur: "It's pi."
fang-hua: really?
nozomi: arthur! you know pi too?! *shiny eyes*
Arthur: "I'm a Knight of the Round Table: I know all things round."
Pan: *sad whistle*
Viktor: "...Um, no offense, but pi is 3.14, not 3.41..."
nozomi: actually, there is more to pi than 3.14, you see the number's in pi- *ramble ramble ramble*
Arthur: "..." *already walking away* "It's the hundred thousandth's place..."
fang-hua: *sweatdrop* she really knows her stuff, huh?
Pan: "At least someone does..."
Viktor: ^\\\\^;
Ogun: "Shinra! Snap out of it!"
shinra: hu-huh? wha?
Ogun: *tossing lances at remaining Infernals* "You zoning out again?! Was it that link?"
shinra: i think so, but it didnt seem as homicidal as the last time.
Takeru: "...Yay?" *swinging arms to knock back Infernals*
Ogun: "Come on, Shinra--while she starts the prayer!" *tosses more lances*
shinra: right!
tamaki: burning soul, ashen smoke, the soul that desires release, ashes to ashes, may thy soul return to the flames. ratomu!
Ogun: *runs at one, shoving into their chest--* "Yoruba Forge!" *shoves more into the remaining Infernals--then lifts his arm to increase their heat*
Infernals: *SCREAMING*
Ogun: "...Riveting."
shinra: nice one. *thumbs up*
Tempeh: <...> *shaking*
juria: *slams two infernals heads together*
Tempeh: <M-My servants...Stop...Stop!>
tamaki: <we're only trying to help put them to rest!>
Tempeh: <I'LL PUT YOU TO REST!> *rushes forward*
tamaki: !!!!
Tempeh: *pulls back his hand--then thrusts it forward--*
tamaki: !!!!!!!!!!
Takeru: "..." *coughs* "...Ow..."
tamaki: TAKERU!
Tempeh: *withdraws his arm* <That's one animal put down-->
tamaki: why you-!!!
-nine fiery tails appear-
Tempeh: "?!!!"
tamaki: *charges at him* MREOW!
Tempeh: *knocked back by the force of her blow*
Takeru: *collapsed*
shinra: takeru, dont you die, patti's gonna kill us if you die!
Takeru: "...'Die'? But...I'm fine?" *sits up*
shinra: ._. b-but how-
*The hole in his jacket...starts to re-assemble?!*
shinra: .____. WHAT THE-?!
Takeru: ^^; "I guess that clothing Patty had made for me helped..."
{Patty: "Show it to him!"}
{felisia: here, this sweater will keep you warm and protected from harm. it's also inflammable~ ^^}
{Takeru: QwQ "This is so kind--thank you!"}
{Patty: ^w^ "This way if someone stabbed you through the chest, you won't die!"}
shinra:.......better not to ask.
Takeru: "In any case, the worst is over--"
shinra: aw dangit.
*Dogs rush at Takeru, grabbing onto each of limbs*
Takeru: Q___Q;
shinra: *kicks them away* FUCK OFF, FIDO!
Takeru: "I can only regenerate clothes, not limbs!" *tosses two dogs*
tamaki: hyah!
Tempeh: *struggling to get up* <Damn you...Can't you let me have this...Not for me...but for God!>
shinra: <we're not about to let innocent people be killed.>
Tempeh: <If they are innocent, God will welcome them to Heaven! But you? There's only Hell for you!> *summons a scythe...*
shinra: *takes a stance*
Tempeh: <Your souls are mine!> *swings the fire scythe*
shinra: woah! (hey, whoever that adora link was just now, please help!)
???: <Protect...>
shinra: *looks at the shintai*
fang-hua: ?? is that a heartbeat?
nozomi: *looks down the corridor* .....
Pan: *looks...* "An inner chamber?"
fang-hua: now how do we get in there?
beauty: *BEAK SLICE*
Viktor: "...Huh." <That's helpful!>
beauty: <just dont break anything in there.>
Pan: "Hmm...This chamber has boards around it, likely increasing the sound of each vibration..."
fang-hua: hmm.... *looks up* ?? an arrow?
Viktor: "...Arrow?"
-there are 9 other arrows on a pedestal-
Arthur: "A white arrow, fitted into the space above the door, like a key in a lock..."
Viktor: "..." *shakes*
nozomi:...viktor? are you alright?
Viktor: "Vibrations like heartbeats...White feather arrows...Genkoku...S-Sacrifices!"
nozomi: what are you talking about?
Viktor: "There's a human in here--a human sacrifice!"
nozomi: ??!!!
fang-hua: a human?
Viktor: *nods* "Likely the traveler Schop saw..."
shinra: (so, you're this 'god' schop mentioned, huh?)
*It's dark...A face emerges...*
Woman: "..." *shakes her head 'no'*
shinra: (then, who are you?)
Woman: (Not a god...A willful sacrifice...)
shinra: ?!
Woman: (I came here, knowing I could use this power to restore...)
tamaki: *slice slice*
Woman: (Why did you call to me?)
shinra: (please, help me fight this demon.)
juria: oi, ogun!
Ogun: *taking off his jacket* "I think we need to give Shinra some time..."
tamaki: good call.
Ogun: *pulls off his shirt, as flames snake off his fists and around his arms* *flame tattoos cover him* "Flamy Ink..."
Tempeh: "?!!"
Ogun: *his fist collides with Tempeh's face--and instantly sends him sailing across the ground towards Juria*
juria: *PAWNCH*
Tempeh: *slow motion "WWWWWWAAAAAAHHHHH--* *knocked into the dirt*
tamaki: wow.
juria: huh, not bad at all. if things were different, you'd make a great addition to the hell blaze gang.
Ogun: >_>; "Yeah, I'll pass..." *shoves Tempeh at Juria with another punch*
shinra: (so will you help us? schop and the others are waiting for you.)
Woman: (With what? My power is focused on maintaining the restoration of this Oasis...I have only enough power for one second of your time.)
shinra: .....*grin* (a second is all i'll need)
Woman: (What can you do?)
shinra: (whatever it takes to protect this place.) .... (you have the adora burst too, right?)
Woman: (Yes.)
shinra: (something about you is like the preacher from the ashen flame...what are you, exactly?)
Woman: (I am no different than you.)
shinra: ....
Ogun: *panting, swinging--and missing Tempeh*
shinra: (ok, i'm ready.)
Woman: (Then I bestow onto you...Divine Protection.)
shinra: ok, here goes nothing! *charges*
*Everything is motionless...Tempeh stands, ready to pierce Ogun's heart*
shinra: *rushes in and kicks* HAH!!
*Tempeh's body immediately sails up to the sky and across the Wasteland*
shinra: *jumps up and...*
shinra:....(am i....floating??)
*The Wasteland is below him...but the Oasis is gone!*
shinra: ?!?!?! (WHERE THE FUCK AM I?????!!!!)
*It's windy below...There's one cloaked figure below...*
shinra: ??
Cloak: *clutching a staff, walking* *pants* <...Why, God...>
shinra: ?? (is that...?)
*It's Tempeh, 250 years ago*
Tempeh: <The Great Disaster took all from me...My fortune, my home...my wife...my daughter...>
shinra: .........
Tempeh: <Why was I the only to survive...I hate this...I hate it all!> *slams his staff against the ground*
-a figure emerges....the preacher-
preacher: ......
Tempeh: "!!!" *falls to his knees* "Wh-Who...?"
preacher:....*she says nothing. she just smiles*
Tempeh: <...God?>
shinra: (so then the preacher came from the tear in space...?)
Tempeh: *clasps his hand* <Lord! I beg you! Return to me that which the fire took!>
preacher:... *takes a bug from off her sleeve, and places it upon tempeh*
shinra: !!!!!
Tempeh: <??? What--URK!>
preacher: *walks away*
Tempeh: *panting--before he screams, clutching his face*
shinra: !!!! (so he lost everything in the disaster....)
Tempeh: *his eyes are ripped apart as horns form from them, a fire emerging from the center of his face...and he laughs*
shinra:... *he is slowly returning back to the present, tears falling*
Woman: (You cry?)
shinra: !! *rubs his eyes* (y-yeah....i'm still only human, i guess...)
Woman: *nods* (He is not the last to fall for her deception...)
Woman: *nods* (A charlatan, playing God, infecting religions with lies...)
shinra:....(are you....from the tear in space as well?)
Woman: (...I spent an eternity in Adora...)
shinra: .....
Woman: (That 'preacher' and their bug awoke the Burst within me...I followed her here, brought by the will of that Shintai...to create, not destroy.)
shinra: hmm.....
Woman: (She has deceived your world to imagine her as the God of many religions...I do not have much more time--my energy is running out...Thank you...)
shinra: ....(any time)
tamaki: !!!
shinra: *he fell through some trees to the ground*
Ogun: *collapsed on his back, panting* "H-Hey...Just drop on in...Heh."
tamaki: what the heck happened just now?
shinra: a lot....mm....*he collapses to his knees and vomits before passing out*
Takeru: "!!! Oh no!"
tamaki: *runs over to him*....h-he's alright, he's just fainted....
????: my, my, my~ i was wondering what all the ruckus was~
juria: ??
Ogun: *sits up* "?!"
kii-tan: hello, little humans~
Ogun: -_-# "How long have you been there?"
kii-tan: a while, enjoying the show. hope you dont mind~ fufufu~ oh, and hello to you too, schop-schop~ ^^
Schop: >3< <Stop that!>
-the door opens-
Pan: "What was that noise?!"
Viktor: "??? Did you fight or something?"
nozomi: is everything alri-....... !!!!!!!!!! o-o-o-OGUN! Y-Y-YOU'RE NAKED!!! >/////< *covers her eyes*
Ogun: O\\\\\O "I-I still have my pants on!"
nozomi: *hands him his coat* h-h-here! >////< y-you'll get cold!
fang-hua: ....hey, what's wrong with shinra?
tamaki: *she explains the situation*
kii-tan: *yawwwn....* hmm~? *glances at pan* *tiny blush*
Pan: "???"
Ogun: >\\\\<;;;
Viktor: *frowning*
tamaki: so what did you find inside the shintai?
Arthur: <We think it's her...>
Schop: <...> Q_Q
-later that afternoon-
shinra: ......*places a hand on the door* thank you...
Pan: *looking on*
juria: so they're using human beings with adora burst to power these things?
Viktor: "It's the only explanation that makes sense, based on previous history I read...Maybe even that one woman who keeps talking to Shinra..."
Pan: "And who is to say she went in willingly? This traveler who approached Schop and the animals went in on her own--but what did the Church do? Or Haijima? Or even...our own forces?"
shinra: .....
{hitohashira me: *screaming*}
Ogun: "...Shinra..." *pat pat*
shinra: *wipes eyes* i-i'm gonna be ok...cant go breaking down and crying over every little thing, r-right? *tries to smile*
Ogun: "...Heh. Hero's smile?"
shinra: yeah.
nozomi: so how does 'pi' come into play with this?
shinra: not sure, but we know the preacher's plan, now. sacrificing the 9 remaining adora users in the amaterasu and re-create the disaster from 250 years ago. we know where the first 6 are, we just have to find the remaining 4.
Arthur: *walking around* "...I mean, this is a round facility...And pi is the ratio of the circumference to diameter, like a magic number, maybe the 'Pillars' are pi..."
Takeru: "How do we find the remaining four? We all don't have the Link, and investigations don't seem to be getting us very far..."
shinra: maybe me and mikami's psychic dreams might come into play to help? it's a stretch, but it's the best we got.
Ogun: "This kind of news could shake the foundation of Death City...again."
Pan: "So we better be discreet. This information does not leave this group, except to your commander, Shinra."
Viktor: "..."
shinra: understood.
nozomi: right.
Schop: *carrying a small satchel* <Nozomi, a little help?> *holds up the bag*
nozomi: <ah, right.> *helping to carry the bag*
Takeru: -^- <What do you want, potato thief?>
tamaki: takeru, dont be rude to schop.
Takeru: -3-
nozomi: ^^
Schop: <I'm sorry for stealing your tubers, so now that we got our Oasis back, I gathered these. They don't have the same flavor, but maybe it'll feed you?>
Takeru: *studies one, bites in--* "MMMM!"
Schop: ^^;
Pan: *looks around* "I think we had best head back to our vehicle..." *looks at Kii-tan*
kii-tan: you know, i can show you a shortcut through the mountains to get you to yao-ming~ *wink*
Pan: "???" <And I should trust you why?>
kii-tan: <even though i dont care too much for humans, your group did keep me entertained, so i figured i'd pay you back~ fufu~>
Pan: "..." >\\\>; "If you aren't lying, it'll be helpful."
kii-tan: would you rather risk the sand worms?
tamaki:... alright, we'll take your word for it.
Ogun: "Will we need gasmasks?"
nozomi: we better wear them just to be safe.
Pan: *nods*
Viktor: *hands them out*
Arthur: "Come along, Shinra..."
Schop: "..." *climbs up on Shinra's shoulder* <How is she?>
shinra: <i think she seems to be doing well...>
Schop: QwQ <...Thanks.>
shinra: <so what will you do now?>
Schop: <...Wait for her return, and protect this land.>
shinra: .....<you do your best, ok?> *smiles*
Schop: <...Will you come back? Maybe explain more what a 'hero' does?>
shinra: <maybe someday.>
Schop: ^w^ <Okay. I'll keep digging until I'm strong enough to fight them! And if I'm not, I'll find you to help me get stronger!>
shinra: <sounds good.>
Pan: <It would take us about 2 days to get back to Qingdao. How much time will this short cut save us?>
kii-tan: about a few hours.
Pan: "Hmm..." *gets into the driver's seat*
axel: *nom*
Asher: *walks by*
axel: jellybean?
Asher: "...Those are akin to death."
axel: i keep them in my pockets, what's in yours?
Asher: "...My wallet? Tissues?"
axel: oh?
Asher: "Why? You have something more interesting than diabetes-in-a-bag?"
axel: i once kept a lizard in my pocket one day during 6th grade.
Asher: "...It get out?"
axel: i just fed him sunflower seeds. megatron's pretty chill. that was the lizard's name, btw.
Asher: "..." *small laugh* "Not 'Dino-Bot'?"
axel: how about 'eletro-rex'? nah, that sounds like a pokemon......*writing something down*
Asher: "??? What are you...?"
axel: taking notes to send to the pokemon company.
Asher: ._.; "...Um...You think they read them?"
axel: who knows.
Kid: *walking hand-in-hand with Stocking* ^w^
stocking: hehe~ ^^
Kid: "This is so perfect...Just you and me..."
stocking: enjoying the festival. *smiles*
Kid: "Seeing how colorful everything is~"
stocking: ^^~<3
Man: "Excuse me, Miss! Miss!"
stocking: ??
Man: "I need a favor!"
stocking: *looks at kid*
Kid: "???"
Man: *smirks* "Could you suck my--"
Kid: ^^;
stocking: but sir, you seem to be doing a good job at it yourself~ ^^
Kid: "Excellent work!"
Man: X-X
stocking: look at that, kid. some people just cant bother to throw out their trash. so rude.
Kid: "Want to dump it?"
stocking: on three?
Kid: "1...2..."
stocking: hup!
-into the trash he goes-
stocking: marvelous.
Kid: "Perfect~"
stocking: can we get ice cream now~?
Kid: "All the flavors you want~"
sonia: ...
Chuuya: *washing plates*
sonia: *peeeek*
Chuuya: *smiles* "How's my little girl?"
sonia: doing homework.
Chuuya: "How is it?"
sonia: ok....*looks out the window*
Chuuya: "Anything you need help with?" *looks as well*
sonia: .....do you think we'll be able to go back into the city someday?
Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "Of course." *pats her head*
Chuuya: "Care to go for a walk after you finish?"
sonia: ok.
Chuuya: "Okay...We'll look at the blossoms."
sonia:...*small smile*
Chuuya: "Now, finish up..." *sets down a bowl of fruit*
Benimaru: *reading a book*
kirei: *laying down, rubbing her stomach*
Benimaru: "??? Kirei?"
kirei: hmm?
Benimaru: "Are you well?"
kirei: *she nods*
Benimaru: "..." *lies down beside her*
kirei: mmm....
Benimaru: "..." *rests a hand over her stomach*
kirei: *holds his hand*
Benimaru: *buries his forehead in her shoulder, holds her hand*
Ogun: *looking out the window* "..."
nozomi: *resting on his shoulder*
Ogun: "..." *pats her shoulder*
nozomi: *sleepy smile*
Ogun: *small smile*
Pan: *driving...yawns*
fang-hua: want me to take over?
Pan: *nods* "Yes, thank you..." *pulls over, steps out, stretches*
kii-tan: still able to catch up~?
Pan: "??? Catch up? You mean our hours back home?"
kii-tan: i suppose sooo. hope i'm not going too fast for you~ *wink*
Pan: "..." *folds his arms* "What is with you? You don't strike me as how the others described speaking with you in that cave."
kii-tan: i was rather bored in there. i've been around for a very long time, so i tend to get bored easy, so i enjoy finding things to entertain myself.
Pan: "...And how long have you been around to be bored?"
kii-tan: quite a long time....*she looks at him*
Pan: *stares at her* "...Oh."
kii-tan: you know, if circumstances were different, you'd make a fine mate~ *wink*
Pan: O\\\\\O "...Are we even the same species?"
-inside the truck-
Arthur: "..." *looks at Tamaki*
tamaki: zzzz
shinra: *snoring*
juria: zzzzz.....
Arthur: "..." *leans back, looking up*
Kyoka: "Sylvia, did you want to go out?"
sylvia: i-is that a-alright?
Kyoka: "Sure. Would you like company?"
sylvia: *nod nod*
Kyoka: "Very well...Let's take a walk. Hungry?"
sylvia:...*nod nod*
Kyoka: "Let's get tofu."
sylvia: o-ok.
Kyoka: *picks up a wallet* "Then I can show you some games and the Ferris wheel."
sylvia: ...
Kyoka: *opens the door* "...Ready?"
sylvia: ...o-ok...
Kyoka: "..." *puts on gloves, offers her hand*
sylvia:...*takes her hand* .///.
Kyoka: ^^ *guides her down the stairs*
Inka: "So...How many 'Pillars' are there?"
guruna: i thiiiiiink 10?
Inka: "And how many are left to find?"
guruna:....4 maybe? 6 including the two we havent captured yet.
Inka: "And how do you intend to do that?" *leans back, looking up*
Inka: "I see...So, you do anything for fun?"
guruna: oh yes! jonah and i like to play pranks on the senior members, kururu~
Inka: "...Even Charon?"
guruna: he's fun to mess with, kururururu~ ^^
sasori: that sounds....rather bad for your health... *sweatdrop*
Inka: "..." *grabs Guruna's hands, shiny eyes* "Let's do it!"
sasori: =A=
Dr. John: "And that was the trip..."
sachiko: that's nice you got to visit your brother, melinda. *smiles*
Dr. John: *nods* "I'm glad he's well." ^^
sachiko: *nod nod*
Dr. John: "How goes wedding plans?"
sachiko: going great, the wedding will be sometime in the summer.
Dr. John: "D'aw! How's the venue?"
sachiko: it looks quite beautiful.
Dr. John: "You deserve it."
Dr. John: "And the honeymoon?"
sachiko: who knows.
Dr. John: "One step at a time, then."
Hibana: *looking at an old photograph* "..."
hanako: *peeek*
*It looks like Hibana and Iris as children, along with other nuns*
hanako: is that you and aunt iris, mom?
Hibana: *nods* "Yes, dear. And those were our sisters."
hanako: that's a looooot of sisters.
Hibana: *laughs* "That's what nuns are called."
hanako: oh?
Hibana: *nods* "It's a close relationship, in worship of...God."
hanako: ??
Hibana: "...Sorry. Just thinking..."
hanako: ....is that what rino means when she says 'goddammit'?
Hibana: "..." ^^; "No, sweetie, that's what Rino says when she's upset. Let me go make sure she's alright..." *cracks her knuckles*
hanako: ok, mommy. ^^
Hibana: *walks away* "Oh, Rino~" ^^#
Rino: "..." *running*
Kyoka: "Nervous?"
sylvia: .~. *nods*
Kyoka: "Don't worry--the Ferris Wheel is safe."
sylvia: *gulps* i-it looks rather h-high up...
Kyoka: "But sturdy. I promise."
sylvia: ....
Kyoka: "..." *pat pat* "I won't let anything happen."
sylvia: o-o-ok...*follows her*
Kyoka: *holds her hand, helping her onto the Wheel car*
Hyde: "Stay seated during the ride, you two!"
sylvia: *gingerly steps in*
Kyoka: *sits across* *smiles*
sylvia: .////.;;;;
Kyoka: *points* "You can see the top of the Academy."
sylvia: oh wow...
Kyoka: ^^
sylvia: .....
Kyoka: "...I'm proud of you."
sylvia:...t-...thank you....*she's crying*
Kyoka: "..." *hug*
sylvia: !!!!! o////o m-m-m-m-ii-isss kyoukaaaa???
Kyoka: "It's okay...You can cry."
sylvia: uu....*she just breaks down*
Kyoka: *pats her head, hums*
-after reaching the ground-
sylvia: *there's tears and snot all on her face* m-may i *sniff* h-have some tissues?
Kyoka: *offers a handkerchief*
sylvia: *wiping herself up as best as she can*
Kyoka: *rubs her back* "It's okay..."
sylvia: *hic*
???: are you alright?
Kyoka: "???"
mami: *gives a warm smile*
sylvia: !!! *wipes her face*
Crona: "???" *pops up from behind Mami*
sylvia: um...uhhhh.... uhhhhhhhh....
Crona: "Hello. You're at the Academy, yes?"
sylvia: t-the d-d-dwma? y-yes... *looks down, nervous*
Crona: ^^; "How was the Ferris Wheel?"
sylvia: *looks at kyouka*
Kyoka: "Enjoyable."
mami: that's good to hear. ^^
Crona: "...I'm Crona."
sylvia: s-syl..via...
Crona: "It is nice to meet you." ^^
mami: ^^
Kyoka: "...Where were you headed? I was thinking of getting ginger ale."
mami: well, there's actually a little cafe not far from here we wanted to check out. 'the vortex cafe'.
Kyoka: "We work near there."
mami: oh?
Kyoka: "It is quite nice. Just be careful around the redhead."
mami: we'll keep that in mind. ^^; (is kyouko working there now too?)
Crona: "M-Maybe some ice cream?" *smiles*
mami: sure. ^^
Lucy: "And the mixer has 4 speeds."
kyouko: *nods*
Lucy: "Any questions?" *adjusts her own apron*
kyouko: i think i'm good, ma'am.
Lucy: ^^; " 'Lucy' is fine, Miss Kyouko."
kyouko: alright then.
*Door chime rings*
Lucy: "Ready to begin?"
kyouko: *nods*
*Lucy looks to see who came in--*
Lucy: "..." -______-;;;;;
Dazai: "Hello~"
kyouko: ?? hi, welcome to the vortex cafe, may we take your seat today?
Dazai: "Oh, I know where mine is--I wrote my name on it!"
kyouko: ?? for real?
Dazai: *turns--he has his name on the bottom of his pants*
kyouko:..........................................*gives a weird look to lucy*
Lucy: -_-# "Please sit your backside down, make your order quick, pay, and tip our new waitress generously."
Dazai: ^^ "Just put it on my tab."
Lucy: >_<###
kyouko: oh one more thing *intense look* dont you dare waste any food or so help me, you will be regretting it.
Dazai: QwQ "..." *squeaks* "Y-Yes, ma'am..."
Ling: *looking through the forest trees* <???>
jin: <see anything?>
Ling: <I'm not sure you'd believe me if I told you...>
jin: ??
*An engine is heard*
Ling: *points* <See for yourself.>
jin: ??.. !! <dad! come see this!>
Mr. Huo: <??? ... !!! Oh my...Fang-Hua!> *runs up*
Ling: *laughs, follows*
fang-hua: *hugs*
Mr. Huo: *group hug with kids* <I'm so glad you're safe!>
shinra: <hi mr huo.>
Mr. Huo: <Hello, um, Shinra, yes? How did you get back?>
shinra: <it's kind of a long story.>
-fang-hua explains all she is able to reveal to them, minus the sacrifices-
Ling: <Wow...Sister, you were inside while the fight happened?>
fang-hua: <yeah, but in a nutshell, the exploration was a success>
mrs huo: <that's glad to hear.> *smiles to the group* <the things you left here for us to look after are in the guest room for you>
tamaki: <thank you very much, ma'am.>
Ogun: <Thank you, ma'am. Is there a place to get a bath?>
Arthur: <Yes, Shinra's feet smell like spoiled soup.>
shinra: >3<#
mrs huo: <why yes, there is a spring not far from here.>
Ogun: <Just point us in that direction.> ^^
Pan: "..."
sonia: happy birthday, papa.
Chuuya: "Ah, thank you." *hug*
sonia: ^^ i think my birthday was in september?
katya: yeah, the 20th of september.
Chuuya: "Yes...We'll have a good party, then."
sonia: ok.
Chuuya: "..." *pats her head* "Let's start with some breakfast."
sonia: ok. aunt leo said she'd teach me how to make 'syrniki'? i think they're like cheese pancakes?
Chuuya: "That sounds delicious!"
sonia: i've never had them before, but aunt leo says they're really yummy.
Chuuya: "Worth a try."
Jacqueline: "I think we're about done with the float."
kim: awesome! this will look so great tomorrow!
Jacqueline: ^^ "Good work, everyone!"
felisia: *in the waiting room*
Mephisto: *pacing* Q_Q
stocking: it's gonna be ok, mom.
Kid: *seated wth them*
felisia: thank you. i'm kind of nervous, w-when i gave birth to you, it was cold and dark and i was all alone and scared-
stocking: shhh, it's ok, just breathe, the people here are professionals and you're in good hands.
Dr. John: "I'm here...Sorry. Felisia, let's get you to your room."
felisia: thank you. *follows*
stocking: the room's really nice and cozy.
Mephisto: "Only the best..."
stocking: think of it like a little hotel room. ^^
felisia: *she nods*
Kid: "... ... ..." *adjusts a painting on the wall*
stocking: ^^;
Mephisto: "Just don't go crazy, Kid."
Kid: -3- *sets down Felisia's overnight bags*
Kunikida: "Atsushi, review this." *hands him folders without turning around, thumbing through cabinets*
atsushi: *examines folders*
*looks to be reports from a few nations...*
atsushi: hmm... *examining reports*
*Look to be some murders and suicides...*
Kunikida: "Pattern?" *not looking at him*
atsushi: most of them died from their own ability?
Kunikida: "..." *sighs, nods*
atsushi: hmmm....there's a connection, there has to be...
Kunikida: "That's what I hope we find...Look up abilities we have on record."
atsushi: yes sir.
Kunikida: *pinches the bridge of his nose*
atsushi:...are you alright?
Kunikida: "...I want this solved."
atsushi: *he nods*
Kunikida: "...Do your best."
atsushi: i will.
Ogun: *splashes water on his face*
Arthur: *shoves Shinra into the spring*
Pan: *looking into the forest* "..."
shinra: >3< .... sir?
Pan: "...Sorry. I'll be right back." *walks into the forest*
shinra: he's been acting weird since the shintai...
Ogun: "What do you think is up with him?"
Takeru: "He was acting odd since that kitsune..."
shinra:... ._. you dont think-
Arthur: "???"
Ogun: "...I mean, the Captain is kind of closed off..."
shinra: -he fell for the kitsune lady?!
Ogun: ._.;
Takeru: "...She wants to wet his whistle?"
shinra: D8
Arthur: -_-#
Ogun: "...Dude, your girlfriend is rubbing off on you."
-in the forest-
Pan: "..." *sits on a tree stump*
kii-tan: so you waited here for me~?
Pan: "...Hello. We need to talk."
kii-tan: ....
Pan: "...I need to understand some things. I tend to be a methodical thinker, so forgive me if I am inquisitive."
kii-tan: sure, sure.
Pan: "So, not human. Gods? Spirits?"
kii-tan: a spirit might fit the bill
Pan: "Hmm...Age?"
kii-tan: a few hundred years at least.
Pan: "...The things you must have seen...The people you must have met..."
kii-tan: *she nods* once upon a time, i was once a queen, and then when i was found out, i was split into three foxes. i dont know where my two sisters went.
Pan: "That answers my next question, about whether there are others like you...Do you remember much about being Queen?"
kii-tan: bits and pieces. and yes, other fox spirits do exist. most of us keep to ourselves, though some do show themselves to others.
Pan: "Like to those children...Why?"
kii-tan: like schop, i was trying to help the oasis. i suppose i get along better with animals than i do with humans.
Pan: "...You seemed to get along with us."
kii-tan: well, you did keep me entertained a while, so thank you for that~
Pan: "That was all?"
kii-tan: perhaps~ i tend to go by my whims, that's just how i am.
Pan: "And did those 'whims' ever...bring you close to someone?"
kii-tan: why do you ask~?
Pan: "...Did you ever have someone like that? Or...a 'mate'?"
kii-tan: ....a few times. does that make you jealous~?
Pan: "Hardly...Just confused, I guess. If you had a mate, it's not like you procreated...Did you?"
kii-tan: ......
Pan: "..." *clears his throat* "Sorry. I over-stepped."
kii-tan: it's fine. no skin off my nose.
Pan: "..." *walks up to her*
kii-tan: ??
Pan: *stares into her eyes, just standing in front of her* "..."
kii-tan:..........so do you want to screw or what?
Pan: "..." *grabs her wrist*
kii-tan: OwO well arent you bold?
Mr. Huo: <...You'll be returning to Death City soon...>
fang-hua: <yeah.>
Mr. Huo: <...> *rubs his eyes*
fang-hua:.... *hugs*
Mr. Huo: *hug, pat pat*
fang-hua: <i'll be sure to write to you all.>
Mr. Huo: *nods* <Please do...You're so smart...Please, be safe.>
fang-hua: <i will.>
Ling: *shiny eyes, listening intently* <And then you put the Infernal's soul to rest, Sister Kotatsu?>
tamaki: <that's right! i think i did quite a good service.> ^^
nozomi: ^^;
Ling: <That's so cool! And Miss Juria, how is your wrist?>
juria: <had worse.>
Ling: <Do you need some ice?>
Saria: "Your mom is working late again, Izumi?" *today's sweater: a sunflower with sunglasses*
izumi: yeah.
Saria: "If you ever need anything, my dad is a great cook."
izumi: i'll keep that in mind.
Saria: ^^ *looks around* "...Hmm."
izumi: ??
hibiki: whats up?
Saria: "Oh? Um, nothing..." ^\\\^;
Mephisto: *walking*
stocking: ...want to check out the festival?
Mephisto: *shaking his head* "No...I think my place is with your mother."
stocking:...ok then.
Mephisto: *smiles* "Could you bring your mother something sweet?"
stocking: of course.
Mephisto: "..." *hug*
stocking *hug* love you, dad.
Mephisto: "Love you, sweetie."
Benimaru: "..." *pacing*
kabuki: commander?
Benimaru: "...Yes?"
kabuki: you seem on edge.
Benimaru: "...Hmph. Hardly more than usual...Okay, maybe a bit more."
kabuki: want to discuss it over tea?
Benimaru: "...Very well."
Joker: "I need you to find someone for me..."
izzy: oh? and what's in it for us?
Joker: "Ever wanted to make a Fire Pope shit bricks?"
Joker: -_-; "Read between the lines. I need someone people to go bother the Church of the Sun."
izzy: really now?
lust oni: this is quite a task~
Mantis: *clicks tongue* "A challenge..."
izzy: what do the rest of you think?
pixie: well if we're getting paid for this, it better be good~ hehe~
Pride Oni: "We cannot let ourselves be defeated!"
taoka: it shall be done.
hyouga: well, a job's a job.
Nate: -_-; "Don't think we need help from you and...whoever you hang out with." *glances behind Joker*
ivy: *glares*
Mantis: *growls*
nailfile: *not even looking at them* now now, no need to go picking fights with customers.
Joker: "Agreed. Now, I need you to scope out the main church..."
Ling: *sets out bowls of rice* <We're almost done with dinner.>
shinra: <thanks for the meal!>
Takeru: ^w^ *nom*
Mr. Huo: <Of course! You'll need energy for the long trip home.>
Ogun: *passes bowl of rice*
nozomi: thanks. ^^
Arthur: *passes fish to Tamaki*
tamaki: *nyom*
Viktor: *fiddling with a tracker* <How was the pond?>
shinra: the spring? it was nice.
Arthur: <Shinra just dove right in.>
shinra: D8<
Mr. Huo: <??? Where is your captain?>
shinra:...i dont know.
Rin: *setting up flowers*
shiemi: looking good. ^^
Rin: "Thanks! This festival looks to be blooming!"
shiemi: ^^
Shima: *pops up behind Shiemi* "But is this all too thorny?"
izumo: =A= *PUNCH* enough puns.
Bon: "Don't find them appealing?"
izumo: shush.
Bon: *smirks, keeps peeling an apple*
Rin: "Ha."
izumo: i will stab you both in your sleep.
Rin: ._.;;;
Bon: "Joke's on you--I'm a light sleeper."
Shima: X_X
konekomaru: ._.;
unagi: is this normal?
konekomaru: i dont even know anymore.
Rin: "We're all buds here--just some good-natured teasing." ^^ "Besides, Shima had it coming."
unagi: ???
izumo: want to check out some of the stands, unagi?
unagi: yes please.
Bon: "We still need someone for the dunk tank."
Rin: "..."
Bon: "..."
Shima: X_X
Belkia: "--so if they're all named after flowers, this festival should be for us!"
naho: ~?
Sakuya: "It doesn't work that way. Otherwise, every toilet would be for you."
Belkia: "... ... ...HEY! I JUST GOT THAT!" >3<
naho: ???
tsubaki: ^^; regardless, let's just enjoy the festival today.
lilac: o-ok...
Black Star: "Here's some money--go catch goldfish."
Kid: "How is she?"
stocking: she seems to be doing well. she's really nervous, though...
Kid: *nods* "I imagine an expecting mother would...Did her doctor say anything to be concerned about?"
stocking: i dont think so, so good news.
Kid: "Indeed..." *holds her hand*
stocking: mmm... i wonder if i'll be as nervous when we have children of our own...
Kid: "!!! ...We'll know when we get there, yes?" *smiles*
stocking: yeah...*nuzzles up to him*
Kid: =\\\\= *puts an arm around her*
Yumi: "And for you..." *hands a rose to Lord Death*
lord death: d'aww~ *smooch*
Yumi: ^\\\^ "It suits you..."
Walter: "Neat-o flower crown!"
etta: hehe~ ^^
Kafka: *walks by--stops* "??? What's that for?"
leroux: hm?
Walter: "Just getting into the Spring Festival mood!"
Gopher: *falls onto the couch*
eibon: *cooking* busy day?
Gopher: *nods* "But successful." ^w^ "It feels great to do something...*yawn* creative." =w=
eibon: *smiles* dinner will be ready in 30 minutes.
Gopher: "Thank you, sir..." *hugs a pillow* =w=
Akitaru: "...'Joseph'?"
Vulcan: " 'Joseph.'"
Takehisa: " 'Joseph'?"
Vulcan: *nods*
Relan: "...That's just weird."
iris: is that your first name or your last name?
Vulcan: "Yes."
Pan: *enters the village, alone...walks to the van*
fang-hua: captain? are you alright?
Pan: "Hmm? Oh. Sorry. Didn't notice you." *smiles...but it looks awkward*
fang-hua: ....
Pan: "...I assume everyone already ate?"
fang-hua: yeah.
Pan: "...That's a shame."
fang-hua: ??
Pan: "..." *sits in the driver's seat, rests his head on the steering wheel*
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
in which all hell breaks loose
-elsewhere- miss misery: alright girls, settle down. sign up sheets will be by the foyer table. keep in mind, only go if you are utterly certain you want to take part. EF: *writing her name down* Anya: "?!!! Are you sure?" EF: *she nods* tsugumi:.... *writing her name down* ao: *same* Meme: *writes hers* mio:....*same* Anya: "..." *sighs* *signs up* rowena: *signing up* tsugumi: ro- rowena: ^^ lenore's been helping me practice magic for a while. it may not be much, but im still willing. Anya: "..." *pouts* "Take it seriously..." rowena:... *she nods* i will. -elsewhere- hina: well, looks like a party's coming on down. saku: .... mimeca: 83 PlushFix: "Hee hee...Blood's gonna go spinning, spinning down the drain..." -elsewhere- ???: "...Heroes. The shining ideal that inspires the public." tv: -will go under citywide lockdown until further notice. Death city residents are advised to- ???: "What world would this be..." *picks up his katana* "...if this was left to fake heroes?" -elsewhere- Kid: "..." ellen: do try to get some rest, sir. Kid: "...Okay." -elsewhere- Black Star: *doing push-ups* lilac: *breathing hard* lavender: *holding him* it's going to be ok, lilac. lilac: *holding onto her, crying* Sakuya: "...Damn it..." naho: ..... otogiri: tsubaki, black*star....are you going to be out there. tsubaki: *she nods* i'll need you, shamrock, and higan to look out for everyone, ok? otogiri: understood. Higan: "Of course." Shamrock: *nods* tsubaki: thank you. -elsewhere- elise:....rintarou....? are you scared? Mori: "...Just a bit." *smiles* elise:....*hug* you always were a big crybaby, rintarou... Mori: "Heh..." *pat pat* "It'll be fine..." elise: .... Mori: "...It's getting late. You should wash up and get to bed." elise:....good night, rintarou. Mori: *nods* "Good night, Elise..." *steps away* higuchi: ...... Mori: "...Have you finished your strategy, Higuchi?" higuchi:....yes. Mori: "...Will your sister require protection?" higuchi:...kouyou said she'd look after her. Mori: *nods* "I guess she's looking after many during these trying times." higuchi: .... Mori: "If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask." higuchi: ..... -two days later, the caravan can be seen on the horizon....- Yumi: "I can see them..." lord death: everyone, to your battle stations! Spirit: *transforms* Akitaru: "Line up!" dia: *taking stance* soul: *scythe arm* Dazai: "Ready for this?" atsushi: ........(thinking: be someone who protects people....) yeah. Steinbeck: *listening to the vines* Chuuya: *takes off his gloves* -cannons are fired at the caravan- milia: EEK! Medusa: "!!! So, that's how we get welcomed..." shaula: rude! grimoire: your orders, ponera? Ponera: "Medusa, give us cover! Grimmy, blast a path for us. Shaula, Nals, close-range..." grimoire: understood. -BOOOOOOM- lord death: !!! spirit! Spirit: "Aim there!" -BOOM BOOM- Bakugo: "Jeez! It's coming from everywhere!" kyouko: we got some coming in! Arthur: "...Are those...snakes?" kyouko: *has her spear out* *The Vectors collide into the ground, soldiers and heroes dodging them* kyouko: shit! Bakugo: *flings an explosive at the Vectors, knocking some away...and producing smoke everywhere* -elsewhere amidst the chaos- Alone: *sniff sniff* eruka: *hiding* Q~Q;;;;;; Alone: "Found yoooooou..." eruka: *SCREAMING and transforms into a frog, making a run for it* Alone: *grabs the Frog* eruka: *SCREEEEEAM* Alone: "How 'bout a kiss for your handsome p--" *BOOM* eruka: ?! Alone: *slammed against the wall--what little hair on his head on fire* "Wh-What?" Bakugo: *silent march forward* eruka: OH THANK FUUUHUUUCK TTuTT Bakugo: *ignores Eruka, marches forward...sneers* "So, this guy can withstand a lot of damage..." *holds up his hands* eruka: *flees* Alone: *roars* Bakugo: *ROARS LOUDER!* Alone: ._.; "..." *runs* Bakugo: *blasts him* ???: oh? are you playing fetch with your doggy? Bakugo: "???" kenji: can i play too? ^^ Bakugo: "??? ..." *smirks* "How big a stick can you throw at him?" Alone: O_____O "Running, running, running..." kenji: ok! *lifting an entire car up* goooo FETCH! *toss* Bakugo: "...Jeez--" Alone: "Crap craP CRA--" *CRASH* kenji: ^^ Bakugo: "...The heck you do that?" kenji: i didnt get to eat breakfast. ^^ Bakugo: "...We have the apocalypse raining down...AND YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT FOOD?!" -elsewhere- Ponera: "Update?" grimoire: alone has been captured. Ponera: "What?! And the others?" -elsewhere- Giriko: "...What're you thinking?" arachne: .....i'm going to have to face them. Giriko: "?!! Hold up--You're not going out there alone." arachne: .... Giriko: "...I can't lose you again..." arachne: *kiss* i know. i'll be ok this time. i promise. Giriko: "..." *holds her hand* "Come back." arachne: i will. -elsewhere- Black Star: "Jeez, what pushovers..." *holds up a student* "Didn't we already fight brainwashed NOT students?" tsubaki: i guess history repeats. *BOOM* Black Star: "?!" tsubaki: ??!! *inhuman growl and chittering* tsubaki: dont lose focus. Black Star: "Trying not to--but that thing looks creepy!" *It's a giant scorpion...with snakes poking out of openings in its armor...and mouth* -elsewhere- Hiro: *frozen* EF: *in knife form* hiro! snap out of it! Hiro: "R-Right!" *dodges behind debris to avoid an energy blast* "What even is that power?" -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: *locked in a room* "..." pandora: it's time, child. Mad!Kid: "...Will I see her?" pandora: soon. Mad!Kid: "..." *stands* "What do I do first?" pandora: why dont i let you out? *a tendril slips under the door, unlocking it* Mad!Kid: "...Thank you." *steps out* guard: ... !!! hey- -SHIV- guard: grk- *collapses* Mad!Kid: "Waste of time..." *keeps walking* -elsewhere- Looter #1: "Heh heh...Town's insane, and we get all the riches we want..." looter 2: we're gonna be loade- huh? Dazai: -w- "You get the new PlayStation?" looter 2: who the fu- Dazai: *puts an arm around Looter #2, takes a selfie* "Duck face time!" looter 2: h-hey- Dazai: "And now, jail--" *ties his bandage around Looter #2, spinning them around to hit Looter #1* Looter #1: "UMPH!" looter 2: URK- -elsewhere- Kid: *putting his hands over his ears* maid: sir, it's alright. we're handling things as we speak. Kid: *shakes his head* "I-I just hear screams..." -elsewhere- *Someone has a Vector arrow pinned through their arm* ???: "AAAAH!" kyouko: *running towards the noise* ???: "My arm!" *sobbing* Medusa: *hidden in the alley, sending down another rain of arrows* kyouko: *runs in and grabs the person, sending a doppel to shield off the arrows* you ok? ???: *bleeding* "N-No...I need a doctor!" ???: "Someone call?" ???: "HEY! I WAS GOING TO SAY THAT LINE!" kyouko: *noticing something* well then do that, and get to safety! *runs into the alley* Stein: "Okay, I'll just--" Johannes: "I GOT THE THREAD AND NEEDLE READY!" ???: o____O "...I want a different doctor. Not one of you." -in the alley- kyouko: now where did you go....? Medusa: *pulls up her hood--turns* kyouko: OI! *chases after her* Medusa: *running down the alley--reaches a narrow pass, too thin for a human to pass through* kyouko: *tosses her spear* OH NO YOU DONT!! *The spear goes through the hood--pinning her to the wall* kyouko: dont think for a second that i forgot what you tried to do, bitch. Medusa: *still hidden by the hood...it's shifting as she chuckles* "And what did I do that was so bad, child?" kyouko: DONT PLAY DUMB WITH ME! YOU TRIED TO HURT MY SISTER! Medusa: "...You will have to be more specific." kyouko: do you forget why you were sent to jail? you kidnapped several children to use as a vessel for the kishin, including my sister momo. Medusa: "..." *smiles* "Oh...Kyouko, isn't it?" kyouko: that's right. shaula: oh my. small world, isnt it, medusa? kyouko: !? *turns* shaula: hey lil kyou, you really grew up since last i saw you. kyouko: what..? shaula:....*sneers* tell me, do you ever wonder what happened to your father? why he suddenly snapped? kyouko: ?! Death the Kid: Medusa: "Shaula, please...You'll make the child cry..." shaula: it all happened one day. i was wandering around when i met a pastor. he was in quite the prediciment. his church had been losing followers. so i offered him a deal. he help sells my venoms, i get him followers, victims of the venom, you see. kyouko:...w-what? Medusa: *sighs* "Such a sad tale." shaula: it was almost too good to be true! but, seems he caught on to my true nature....hoo, boy was he pissed off. he threatened to expose the truth, but i couldnt have that now~ hehehe, nothing a quick jab of venom wouldnt fix, right? kyouko: ...... shaula: i gave him a simple order. 'kill your whole family, then kill yourself'. seems only half the job was finished. kyouko: ............... Medusa: "Did you cry, little Kyouko?" shaula: *sneers* kyouko: *tightly grips her spear, hot tears spilling* YOU FUCKING BIIIIIITCH!!!!! -elsewhere- Shamrock: *on the rooftop--and fires at someone trying to break into the house's front door* intruder: GRK- Shamrock: "Step back, now! Or the next one goes through your brain!" intruder: wha- otogiri: you heard him. Shamrock: *aims again* -elsewhere- milia: *flying overhead* hmm. Clone!Justin: "Spot them?" noriko: there he is. justin: *looking around* milia:.....!!!! Clone!Justin: "Hee hee hee..." justin: ??? that- Clone!Justin: "Hey, there, handsome..." justin: *paralyzed with shock* w-what? milia: *too afraid to land, and flies away* Clone!Justin: "!!! Hey! What're you doing, witch?!" milia: !!!! justin: ?? -something grabs her and slams her to the ground- milia: AH! o-ow. noriko: my my. are you afraid, child? justin:.. !!!! Clone!Justin: "...Um...Hi?" noriko: tell me, pastor. would you like to have some fun with the witch, or do you want to speak with the other? justin: *blade arm* Clone!Justin: "Heh..." *summons a blade--which bleeds out* "GAH! That still hurts..." -elsewhere- -BANG- monster: *ko'd* twain: boom! 20 points! sawyer: nice! huck: we got another one, 11-o-clock. twain: *aiming* Snake Monster: "GAH!" -elsewhere- Lucy: *waving* "Get the injured in here..." atsushi: *carrying them over* Lucy: *staring...* "Okay...Time to warp over to the hospital..." *sighs* *talking to herself* "I can do this, I can do this..." atsushi: .... -elsewhere- Chuuya: *lifts up another creature* "Off to you, kid!" *tosses it to--* elise: *PAWNCH* naoya: AKUTA! Akutagawa: *stares at the beast--* Beast: o_O; *SLICE* naoya: nice one! kouyou: *slicing enemies with golden demon* golden demon: ~all clear here~ kouyou: excellent, let us proceed. Chuuya: *follows...* "...What are you doing?" Akutagawa: *dragging a scorpion claw* "...Souvenir." -elsewhere- Q: ......it's not fair, i wanna go too. ???: i found you.... Q: ??? zoey: *smiles* Q: ?!? w-who- zoey: it's ok now. mama's here now. Q: huh? mama? zoey:....*gently hugs him* it's ok now. you must have been so lonely.... Q: !!!! zoey: you dont....have to be alone anymore. Q: ah...uu.... *crying* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Bone of Tiger! Bone of Falcon!" *leaps off the roof, now with wings and tiger claws* mana: *kicking an enemy in the stomach* HYAH! chie: *DARK CLAW* Tuhl: *swings an enemy around with his chain* "Going up!" akaderu: how's everything looking from above, kepuri? Kepuri: *has on bug goggles* "My drone swarm spots another mess of these invaders six blocks away--attacking the hospital!" akaderu: on it! saki: *gattling gun arm shooting at invaders* Emine: "..." *sigh* "If I'm beating up the invaders, is that technically a good deed or a bad deed?" *punches his fist through one monster* -car alarm- lin: well, you did just destroy that guy's car so.... Emine: "..." *small smile* Endeavor: "THAT WAS MY CAR!" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *standing in front of multiple frozen invaders* "..." *sigh* "I feel relieved." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Tch." *flips a quarter* "Not even a whole dollar's worth of strength needed...Quite pathetic, Old Sport." bram: indeed. *holding a blood spear* Fitzgerald: "Good form, by the way..." *looks back* "And the building is protected...although some of our colleagues look discomforted." bram: thank you, sir. eckleburg: *monitoring cameras* louisa: *making plans in a room* mary: toby? toby? where are you hiding? *fox prints are on the floor* -elsewhere- hyakuya: *slicing through enemies with her sword* shit. mitsuba: how's everything above ground? shinoa: hectic. Lily: "..." shinoa: hmm? oh, misono, lily, fancy seeing you here~ misono: this is utterly insane... !!! lily! now! Lily: "Beginning now..." *summons a scythe* monster: *charges* Lily: "On the count of 3?" misono: *nods* shinoa: *aiming* Lily: "3...2..." -DOUBLE SLICE- monster: *dead* shinoa: now, what should we call that attack. double slice? misono:...what? Lily: *sigh* "That lacks flair...'Twin Flame'?" shinoa: oh, that sounds nice! misono: -///-; you two, honestly. -elsewhere- Kuro: *stomps on a snake monster* "So exhausting...How many more are there?" tetsu: if we find the source, then that should be it, right? mahiru: *summons broom* kuro! we're takin the sky! Kuro: "Fine..." *leaps up* -elsewhere- EF: arthur, glad you could make it. Triple A: "Thank y--" EF: NOT YOU! D8< Triple A: "...Oh." caliburn: hmph! so rude of her! Arthur: "...Hiro. That's a...small blade. Is it an elf's?" Hiro: -_-; EF: it's me, arthur. eternal feather? i'm a weapon, remember? ^^; Arthur: "...Oh. The one with glasses, right?" *looks around* "You sliced up pretty well." EF: thanks ^^ Triple A: "I can do better. Give us a worthy opponent--" *BOOM* EF: HOLY- caliurn: EEP! *Walking through the resulting fire, is Nals* Nals: "..." EF: seems you're outnumbered. Hiro: "..." *suddenly, a slash has hit his chest* "GAH!" EF: HIRO! Nals: *smiles* "Seems you're underpowered." caliburn: and that's why you dont bring a knife to a swordfight <3 Arthur: *hits his sword on top of Triple A's head* "Quiet." caliburn: D8< HOW DARE YOU BRAT! Arthur: "I said quiet, magic sword." *looks at Hiro* "...Get up." Hiro: "...Try-Trying..." *on his feet* Triple A: *swings Caliburn* "Have at thee!" Nals: *dodge dodge dodge--kick* Triple A: "?!!!" Nals: "Can't have you damaging these divine looks~" Arthur: "..." *shouts from afar* "You look like a bondage weirdo!" EF: -_-; Nals: "?!! Th-That's not true--" Triple A: *slash* Nals: "Eep!" *backs up in time, blocking, as the two engage in combat* Arthur: "...Might as well assist the weird blond man." EF: right. Hero: *nods* "Let's go..." -elsewhere- kyouko: *slashing violently* shaula: *dodging* *Medusa's hood is on the ground, empty* shaula: aww, did i strike a nerve~ kyouko: you SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!! *slice slice* *BITE* kyouko: *yelp* shaula: *SCORPION SCISSOR* kyouko: *knocked back* Medusa: *in snake form, slithers away* kyouko: grk- d-damn you. shaula: well, may as well finish the- *a small spider is on her head* shaula: OHFUCKINGJEZUSGETOFF! *falls over* what the-.... arachne: ... shaula: big sis! i heard you died! guess i was wrong! arachne: shaula. i heard you were a piece of shit. guess i was right. Medusa: *hidden in the shadows* "This is not a desirable family reunion..." kyouko: m...more gorgons? arachne: i see my sisters have caused you trouble. do you want to help me put them in their place? kyouko: why should i listen to you?! arachne: well, i dont think i've done anything to offend you personally...and you've been bitten by my sister. kyouko:......fine. but im watching you. arachne: fair enough. Medusa: *slithering around* "Shaula, get her head!" shaula: bitch whaaaat? you're on the good guys team now?! *LOUD LAUGHING* oh how the mighty have fallen! arachne: ... Medusa: "She always was an outsider...It led to her death once...and so again." arachne: *glances back* Medusa: *snake comes at arachne’s neck* arachne: *web shield* Medusa: "GAK!" *stuck in the web* o_O; "H-How?" shaula: tch-, not even phased, are you ar-acne? arachne: i see your penchant for petty insults hasnt changed in the past few years. shaula: look around! what do you have? nothing! your armies, your followers, all washed away 60 years ago! Medusa: *slithers out of the web, resumes her human form* "Forgotten...the Mother of Demon Weapons." arachne: you know. a lot can happen in 60 years time. i've grown tired. all i desire is to live out the remainder of my life in peace. shaula: tch-, weak. you were always mother's favorite, and you're just letting that all go?! HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE!?! Medusa: "Shaula...Behave." shaula: you know what?! *several scorpion tails shoot out of the ground* IM SICK AND TIRED OF BEING IGNORED AND UNLOVED!! Medusa: *sighs* "So annoying..." *unleashes Vectors out of the ground, piercing at whatever she can* *Vectors and tails battling for space* arachne: *picks up kyouko and flees* leave them to bicker amongst themselves for now. kyouko: but- arachne: you need medical attention.... kyouko: so you're just running off? arachne: ... *closes her eyes* i have someone waiting on my return. i guess, im just selfish like that. kyouko:.... arachne: i cant change the past. all i can do is continue onwards to a happier future. kyouko:.... (thinking: momo...) Medusa: "You need to calm down, Shaula..." shaula: SHUT THE FUCK UP!! I JUST....*SCREAMING* -elsewhere- Clone!Justin: "Hee hee..." *licks the blood off his blade* justin: *heavy breathing, bleeding badly* what....what are you...? milia: *scared* noriko: what's wrong, girl? arent you happy? seeing the man who killed your beloved mother suffer so? justin: ..... Clone!Justin: "A bit of a family reunion...if we cut open his stomach." justin: *charges forwards* i think not. Clone!Justin: *charges at him with his blade swinging wildly* -CLANG CLANG- Clone!Justin: "..." -elsewhere- Patty: *BANG BANG BANG BANG* homura: an excellent shot. Patty: "Not so bad yourself, Homura!" ^^ homura:.. *aiming* liz: *BANG BANG BANG* Scorpion Beast: "AAAhhhh!" *BOOM* liz: hell yeah! *Something lands behind Homura* homura: ?? *turns* Gopher: o^o "D-Don't fire!" homura: oh. it's just you. how's everything looking from above? Gopher: "Pretty bad...Hard to tell with so many factions attacking all at once..." homura: the good news, is that the majority are on our side. Gopher: "...And after?" homura: ....hard to say. -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: *in a black hoodie...his fist shaking* pandora: we're getting close... -something can be heard- stocking: *slashing at an ant monster* Mad!Kid: "..." *shaking* stocking: .... ??..... !!!! Mad!Kid: *smiles* "M-My que-queen..." stocking: *swords drawn* i know what you are.....you're not kid. Mad!Kid: "Oh, but I am...The best part of him..." *bites his thumb* stocking: *not backing down* Mad!Kid: *lets his blood drip* "I've learned...new things in my time away from you..." stocking: ?? Mad!Kid: *summons blood along his hands, forming two pistols* "Heh..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz...!!!" *eyes break open* -silence- Kid: "..." *gets out of bed* "Stocking..." *takes off running* maid: sir? sir?! -elsewhere- Black Star: "!!!" *looks around* soul: ok, i think this block is all clear- Black Star: "Dude...Did you feel that?" soul: ?? tsubaki: ?? Black Star: "..." *smirks* "Someone's coming back to the battlefield. Took you long enough, Kid!" soul + tsubaki: !!! kid! *Something is hovering over Death City...in a flowing black cloak...and an angry skull mask* soul: ._.; Black Star: "Dude...He looks pissed..." -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: "Hee hee hee..." stocking: *slashing* Mad!Kid: *fires his blood through the blood-pistols at her* stocking: *blocking and spin slices at him* Mad!Kid: "AH! HA HA--AAAAH!" *falls back* stocking: *panting* are you done?! Mad!Kid: *lying back* "...I'm happy." stocking: ...... Kid: "My blood is everywhere..." stocking: ..... -the blood ensnares her- stocking: !!!!!! pandora: fufufu stocking: motherfucker. Mad!Kid: "Yes...Just like this..." *gets up, walks up to her* stocking: *trying to slash it off, but she's stuck* Mad!Kid: *his palm reaches for her head* stocking: *biting at him* Mad!Kid: "Ah!" *pulls back his hand...cries* "Wh-Why?" stocking: you're not kid. you're some kind of fucked up bootleg! and trapping me like this? obsessing like a lunatic, that's not love. Mad!Kid: "B-But that is...all I know..." pandora: what will you do about this? shall we make her behave? *squeezing around her* stocking: *yelps* Mad!Kid: "...I suppose so...Draw out her madness..." stocking: .... Mad!Kid: *puts a hand along her neck* "It'll be okay. It'll be--" *wind blows by...* stocking:....*grins* ???: ahem~ Mad!Kid: "???" *turns* felisia: ^^# get... *grabs him by the collar* your hands..... *lifts him up* off... *TOSSES HIM* of my daughter! -SLICE- pandora: *retreats* stocking: *cough* thanks mom. felisia: any time, honey. ^^ Mad!Kid: *coughs, collapsed on the ground* "M-Mother..." pandora: *returning into his wounds* felisia: ._.; that's pretty freaky. stocking: no shit. Mad!Kid: *inhales...sighs...sits up* "...I wanted our mothers to meet..." felisia + stocking: o____________o;;;; Mad!Kid: "They should know each other...if we are to become a family..." felisia: well, my daughter's already spoken for by the real death the kid. stocking: MOM! Mad!Kid: "...I'm real..." stocking: *swords drawn* Mad!Kid: "I'M. REAL!" *rushes at Stocking and Felisia* felisia: *also has her swords drawn* -CLANG SLASH CLANG BANG- Mad!Kid: *slashing* "I'm not fake!" *crying* "I'm real! I'm yours! I am yours--" stocking: *grins and backs up* Mad!Kid: "...???" *SWOOSH* Mad!Kid: *knocked back* "What?" *looks up* *The figure in the black cloak stands, silent* Mad!Kid: "Th-The imposter!" *The figure removes his mask...glaring at his doppelganger* Kid: "..." stocking: glad to see you're up, kid. Kid: *smiles at her* "Thank you...Are you and your mother okay?" stocking: yeah. felisia: we're still alive, aren’t we? Kid: "I'm glad--" *CRACK* stocking: !!! KID! Kid: *coughs blood, his head turned* "!!!" Mad!Kid: *his fingers crushing Kid's neck* "You are not me! I am I!" Kid: "..." *unfazed* stocking:.....get.....aWAY FROM HIM!!!! *slashing violently at mad!kidd* Mad!Kid: *grabs her wrist, crushing* stocking: *screams and stabs her sword into his forehead* Mad!Kid: "..." *mad smile* Kid: *rips himself from Mad!Kid's grip, panting* stocking: kid! are you ok? *holding him* Mad!Kid: "...You...Let go of him--" Kid: "Stocking...Stab him..." *holds her wrists* stocking: *nods and does so* Kid: "Stab him!" *pushes with her* Mad!Kid: *roars* -SHIV- stocking: got him! Mad!Kid: *coughs blood--onto Kid and Stocking* "...Heh...Right where Mother needs you..." stocking: !! KID! pandora: *forming a net- Kid: "..." *smiles* stocking: ?? kid? Kid: *his soul is glowing...and so is Stocking's...* stocking:.... *warm smile* Mad!Kid: "??!! M-Mother?" Kid: *as Kid inhales and exhales...Mad!Kid's blood is pulled from his body* pandora: what?!?! Kid: "A small trick I learned...from Eibon..." pandora: !!!!! diana's child... Mad!Kid: "H-How?!" Kid: "You _are_ me...and that means anything _not_ me can be expelled..." *holds Stocking's hand* stocking: *smiles* pandora: why you little impudent- Kid: *hums...gathering Pandora's form into an orb* Mad!Kid: "No!" *panting, falling to his knees* "M-Mother..." pandora: well, this is rather humiliating. stocking: *staring at mad!kidd....looks at kid* Kid: *contains Pandora...and suddenly, the orb is gone* "...It is now locked away." felisia: where did you send her? Kid: "To Eibon. He will manage it for now..." Mad!Kid: *collapsed on the ground, panting...* stocking: ......*looks at kid* Kid: "..." Mad!Kid: "So...Since I'm not part of you...where you keep me?" Kid: "...You _are_ part of me...You always have been." stocking: ...... Mad!Kid: "..." *sniffs* stocking: it's ok....*she kneels down....and hugs him* you can come home now. Mad!Kid: "..." *tears falling* "I-I'm madness..." Kid: "...We're all a little mad here..." *hug* Mad!Kid: *crying* "Wh-What will happen to me?" stocking: you'll be fine, kid. i promise. Kid: "...You'll be here..." *places Mad!Kid's hand over his own chest* Mad!Kid: "...'Kid'?" stocking: welcome home. Mad!Kid: *crying, smiling* "Heh..." *fades into light...turns into a ball that fades into Kid's chest* Kid: "..." *his eyes widen, black lines forming along his chin* stocking:....kid... Kid: *sharp inhale...as the lines fade...he shudders* "We're...I'm here..." stocking:.....*tackles him, hugging him, crying tears of joy* you big jerk! i was really worried about you! *laughs* Kid: "Hee hee..." *hug* felisia: aww, how adorable. ^^ stocking: !!!! mom! do you mind?! >///3///< Kid: ^\\\^ felisia: ^^ now now, this is no time to be necking. the city's still under attack, you know. *BOOM* Kid: ._.;;; "R-Right..." stocking: well, shall we~? Kid: *smiles* "With you, I feel like I can do anything..." stocking: *boops his nose* you dork. <3 -elsewhere- Medusa: "Stay. Down." shaula: *SCREAMING and attacking* Medusa: *slithers away* *sighs* "Do you want another Vector to the shoulder?" *SLICE* Medusa: *her snake form is cut through in two* O_o;;; shaula: ?! Crona: "..." *looks up, their eyes...intense* shaula: oh shit. Medusa: *the bottom half of her dissolves into arrows, while her top half resumes her human form--injured, but in one piece* "...Child?" Crona: "..." *shudders* shaula: *flees* Medusa: "Crona...I--" Crona: *scream of pain* mami: !!! chrona?! Crona: *slicing at Medusa, who is dodging* Medusa: "Crona! Stop this! I am--" Crona: "SHUT UP!" *pulls back Ragnarok, ready to stab into Medusa's heart* -hug- mami: *holding them* Crona: "..." Medusa: *panting, sliding against the wall, holding her side* mami: im here, chrona. Medusa: "..." *stares at Crona and Mami* "..." Crona: "..." *lets go of Ragnarok* mami: *keeping medusa restrained with ribbons* what are we to do with you, i wonder. Medusa: "Urk!" *struggling* "Do you have any idea who you are messing with, child?" -SLAP- mami: *cold glare at medusa* Medusa: "..." *narrows her eyes at Mami* mami: i have half the mind to end you right here and now. give me one good reason to let you live.... Medusa: "...You would kill a child's mother?" mami: after what you put chrona through, you have no right to call yourself their- Medusa: "A baby." mami:....wh-what? Medusa: "...I had a child. Another one. She is only a baby..." mami: *stunned* !!!! Crona: "..." *shaking* "It-It wasn't e-enough for you...to ruin _one_ child's life?" Medusa: "...Crona..." mami:...*holding their hand* Crona: "Y-You don't get to call me that name!" Medusa: *recoils* "..." *lowers her head* "My child...I--" *SLASH* Crona: *holding Ragnarok again, having sliced through--* -the wall beside medusa's head is sliced- Crona: *struggling to hold back their tears* Medusa: *stares in shock* mami: .... Medusa: "..." *shivers...lowers her head...she disappears into her clothes and Mami's ribbons, leaving them behind as her snake form slithers into the narrow pass out of the alley* mami:....*holding chrona* there, there.... Crona: "..." *shaking, covering their face* mami: *rubs their back* -elsewhere- Ponera: "What the H?!" grimoire: your next plan of action? Ponera: "...Burn it all..." ???: *ahem* Ponera: "WHAT?!" *turns* soul: yo, whats up? Ponera: "?!!!! Who let this shark-toothed hamster in here?!" -he wasnt alone however- Ponera: .______.;;;; "...Grimmy?" grimoire:....oh hell. homura: ... lord death: hello there ^^ *Surrounding their location...* Burns: "BRIGADES! LINE UP! BLOCK ALL EXITS." dia: right! Hibana: -_-; "Who put him in charge?" Akitaru: *stretches* miwa: phew! this is exciting! 3rd brigade acting commander: *nervous* o~o; Honda: *pat pat* "Just one step at a time..." 3rd brigade acting commander: y-y-yes sir! >~< -inside- Ponera: "...I'm not letting you take me alive..." soul: not the intention. Ponera: "...ANTS! TO ME!" soul: *scythe arm out* *CRASH* lord death: !! Giant Ant: *SCREECH* soul: motherfucker. Giant Ant: *rushes at Soul* soul: *slicing at it* Giant Ant: *fire breath* Ponera: "...Grimoire..." grimoire: right. Gopher: *stares* "...Not going to happen..." grimoire: ?! Gopher: *exhales, feathers appearing along his arms* grimoire: what- Gopher: "Feather Bullet!" *sends them at Grimoire* grimoire: *jumps out of the way, scratched a bit* Gopher: "You created that...that thing, didn't you?" grimoire: ?? Gopher: "The impersonator...who abused me for so long." grimoire: ....... Gopher: "And if I defeat you...maybe I can get some closure." grimoire: ...very well. come at me, if you dare. Gopher: *smiles* "I dare..." *rushes forward* -BANG BOOM FWEEEOOM- Gopher: "GAH!" *feather shield* -elsewhere- Alone: "Where are you taking me?!" marie: detainment, mr. Alone: "...Any company?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "How many more are there?" naoya: not much. they seem to be retreating. Chuuya: "...Injured?" naoya: probably. -elsewhere- Aizawa: "Not bad, kid." yuuji: *pant* it wasnt much... Aizawa: "You saved some people--that's an accomplishment." yuuji:... 7///7; i guess.... Aizawa: "Now, get these two to the hospital..." -elsewhere- Nals: "Had enough?" caliburn: you wish! Triple A: "..." *removes his jacket* EF: what's he- Triple A: *muttering a prayer* Arthur: "..." *lowers his head* Hiro: "???" EF: ???? Nals: "A final prayer before--" *FWASH--a bright light* EF: EEP! Nals: "Heh...You think that light will blind me?" Arthur: *shouting, his sword shining like Triple A's* "That's the plan!" Triple A: "?!!! Idiot! You were to be quiet so he could not--" *SLICE* Triple A: "GURK!" Nals: "..." *smirks* "Found you..." caliburn: D8 Nals: "Now, to take care of that stupid so-called knight, and get home before--" *STAB* Nals: "..." *coughs blood* Arthur: *still standing where he was* "_My_ plan was for someone else to stab you..." Hiro: "..." *petrified...having shoved EF's blade into Nal's chest* "...I'm sorry..." Nals: "..." *coughs* shura: we got him! Triple A: *lying on the ground* "I'm...injured..." Nals: "..." *collapses, falling from EF's blade* Hiro: Q____Q EF: y-you did it! Hiro: "I-I can't move now..." EF: *changes back and hugs him* Arthur: *turns off Excalibur, looks around* "...It's darker now. Is it even daylight still?" Hiro: .\\\\. "...Congratulations?" -elsewhere- -CLASH SLASH CLANG- justin: *still attacking* Clone!Justin: "Ha! Tired yet, old man?" justin: i havent...given up yet... Clone!Justin: "I have..." *shackles Justin's arms* justin: !!! Clone!Justin: *in guillotine form* "Say your prayers, me!" -music playing, growing louder- milia: ??? noriko: hmm? what on- ???: "Unleash the tiny woodland creatures!" ???: that wasnt part of the plan. -_-; ????: oh my, it seems justin's in quite a situation. Clone!Justin: "...Why is that furry talking?" justin: oh! tezca! excellent...timing...*cough* kirara: *already has her ofuda out* noriko: oh? how interesting.... Tezca: *waves* "Hello, Justin. Hello other Justin. I--" *double take--triple take* "...Oh, no, I've gone crosseyed." kirara: that one's a fake, i think. justin: exactly. Tezca: "But how can we tell the diff--" Clone!Justin: *crazy giggling* Tezca: "...Oh, okay." esther: well, the outfits have differences as well. kirara: -_-; Clone!Justin: *suddenly serious* "Less talking--I have to fulfill my divine duty." noriko: well, i believe it's my time to show off my lord's blessing, right? Clone!Justin: "Begin." noriko: *praying, her body contorting* justin: ?!?!?! kirara: !!!!!! esther: oh? milia: *paralyzed* -noriko has....just turned into a clown??!!- justin: well.... this is an unpleasant turn of events. Clone!Justin: *smiles* "Indeed. Blessed we are, to operate to fulfill his desires for this Earth..." justin: not if we have anything to say about it. clown!noriko: *laughing distortedly, charging* Clone!Justin: "When we're finished, you won't even have a mouth..." esther: *slashes at her with iron maiden arms* hehe...hehehehehe....ahahahaha! kirara: *sending talismans at it* Tezca: "Well, not as bright as I'd like it to be, but--" *mirrors appear along his arms* milia: *escaping* Tezca: "Thousand Mirror Stare!" *fires a beam of light at the Clown* clown!noriko: *SCREAM* Tezca: "Justin! Behind you!" justin: *looks* Clone!Justin: *shackles around Justin's neck* justin: !!! grk- Clone!Justin: "Our lord Kishin, accept this reprobate as a sacrifice to you..." justin: *carcan claw around the clone's ankle* Clone!Justin: "?!!!" justin: *YOINK* Clone!Justin: *knocked down* "Umph! Vile faker!" justin: ...this feels familiar somehow. Tezca: "Need help, or...?" justin: it would be appreciated. Tezca: *shines light over* "Say when!" -elsewhere- Ponera: "Give up!" soul: i was about to suggest the same thing! -SLASH SLASH- Ponera: *leaps back* "What is wrong with you?!" *assumes Queen Ant wings, flies up* soul: oh come on! *looking for a way up* Ponera: *heading to an opening in the ceiling* ("That's the way we're getting out of here...") *There are walls leading up, made of rock...* soul: *climbing up* come on, come on... Ponera: *getting to the top* ("I will return, Grimoire...I will get us out of here--") soul: oh no ya DONT! *LEAPS* Ponera: "Almost--" -SLASH- soul: SHIT! Ponera: "AH!" *having lost a wing, she's falling* grimoire: !!! *runs to catch her* Ponera: "AAAAAAaaaaaaaah--" soul: *also falling* FUUUUUUU- Ponera: *looking up--seeing his blade arm* "...No..." soul: !!! HAAAAAAAH! *bringing it down* Ponera: *holds up her arms* "NO!" soul: *closing his eyes* {soul: a death scythe, huh?} {Maka: *nods* "Make one like Mama did--only do it younger, before she did. And make one better than my pervy papa."} {soul: sounds like quite the hell of a goal there.} {Maka: "So, you're interested?"} {soul: *grins* consider it done, partner} -CRASH- Ponera: *eyes wide* soul:.....*his scythe blade piercing her chest*....sorry bout the mess... grimoire: *too stunned to move* Ponera: "..." *tears falling down her face, turns her head, looking at Grimoire* "..." *reaches out her hand* grimoire:.............*silently holds her hand* .............. soul: ........*taking the blade out* Ponera: *grunt of pain...smiles at Grimoire* "Gr-Gr..." grimoire: dont. save what strength you have left. Ponera: "I-I'm finished...This was stupid..." soul: ....... Ponera: *her chest is turning...black...it's turning into dead ants* grimoire:.....*his face is expressionless* Ponera: *smiles...as her body dissolves into that mess...and one witch's soul* soul:.....im not proud of what i did, you know. but...better now than never. grimoire:...... soul:.....*consumes it* *wind blows by Soul...before it explodes around him* soul: !!!.....*sad smile* we did it. -outside- Burns: *shirtless, punching a giant fire ant* "Is that the best you got?" Giant Fire Ant: *roars--then...collapses dead...on top of Burns* Burns: grk- >-< Hibana: "..." *points and laughs* dia: !!! commander! *The ants start falling dead, one by one* 3rd brigade acting commander: EEP! Akitaru: "??? Hibana, what is this?" miwa: i think we won. Hibana: "Hilarious! ...But really, I don't know. Maybe that Ant Queen had a hive mind?" gabriella: it's likely. Karim: "...Let's get inside. They may need help." foien: right behind you. -elsewhere- shaula: *hiding out*....fuck. beatrice: *hiding with her* shaula: beatrice, you came to bail me out? beatrice: you didnt return. i was concerned. shaula: dawww... -elsewhere- neian: *crying* Medusa: *snaking through the sewers--and feels pain in her heart* "...!!! Ponera?" "..." *looks at Neian* neian: *sniff* uuuu! Medusa: "..." *holds Neian close* "We have to keep moving..." -elsewhere- justin:...damn...he escaped... esther: *passed out* kirara: we managed to contain this one. noriko: ..... Tezca: "...Better find a good way to transport them...Maybe in pieces?" -elsewhere- Kid: *sighs* stocking: shit...long day today, huh? Kid: *falls back into a chair* "Yes..." stocking:....*leaning against him* maybe now, we can get some peace and quiet.... Kid: "I hope...Are you worried...about...him?" stocking: *smiles and kisses his nose* i know you're going to be fine, kid. Kid: =\\\\= "...I hope...It's been a lot to deal with..." stocking: ^/////^ i love you kid, always. Kid: "..." *smooch* -underground- katya: <WOOT! that was one hell of a show for your birthday, wasnt it, boss man?> FD: "..." *party favor in his mouth* *blows* yana: *chuckles* FD: <Is there even a city left?> yana: <yeah, seems like it on the cameras.> pushkin: <how lame> leo: .... FD: <...Enough discord, though, that we may proceed...> katya: <i sure hope so! it feels like its been months since we did anything!> leo:.....<the nurse has returned> zoey: master....i...brought our son home <3 Q: hiya! *waves his doll's hand* Ivan: "..." *ripping up a napkin* katya:...........the fuck. FD: "...How...surprising." yana: hey, _you're_ the one who wanted more entertainment down here. there ya go. pushkin: DUN DUN DUUUUN! Ivan: <NOT. NOW!> pushkin: OxO;;; zoey: Q...give your papa a hug. Q: *HUUUG* >u< FD: "..." (*internal screaming*) yana: *throws confetti* congrats on parenthood. again. FD: -______-;;; Ivan: *biting into napkins* katya: <*pats his back* do you want to break into the booze closet?> Ivan: TT_TT <Yes.> -elsewhere- Poe: *holding down the cover of a book* "I-I caught a lot of them--BUT THEY ARE RAMBUNCTIOUS!" ranpo: jeez. what are you gonna do with them? Poe: "Call animal control? The police? A tabloid?" lenore: *carrying an unconscious rowena* ugh, honestly, you shouldnt be over exerting yourself. rowena: nnh.... Poe: D: "SISTER!" *shoves the book to Ranpo* ranpo: ??? lenore: o-o; she's not dead! she just overdid it. rowena: nnh.... Poe: "Q______Q Sh-She needs a doctor?" lenore: sure. rowena: *she's a bit scratched up* Poe: "Hospital! Let's get her there..." yosano: please, let me. ^^ Poe: Q~Q "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh no..." rowena: *opens her eyes* b-brother? Poe: "I-I'm here. I'm here...Sister..." rowena: heh...i fuzzed up. i guess i still need practice. Poe: YWY "Heh...Y-Yes...We-We need to get these injuries taken care of..." rowena: that's good.......zzzzzz Poe: "..." Q_____Q yosano: she's not dead, she's only asleep. lana:....i'll go get the guest room set up, then. Poe: *whispers* "I-I know that, Doctor...Thanks you, Lana..." *strokes Rowena's head* rowena: *she seems content* -elsewhere- Bakugo: -____-# "Then he fell asleep...Where do I even carry this kid?" itsuka: *chuckles* you almost look like a dad. kenji: zzzzz Bakugo: -\\\\\\- "Not there yet...I can't find any ID on him to know where he lives." kirako: kenji! there you are! Kyoka: "...He did it again, huh?" *pokes his cheek* kenji: zzzz =w= kirako: thank you so much for finding him. i hope he didnt cause too much trouble for you. Bakugo: "...I'm out of lunch money for 3 months." -elsewhere, in one of kouyou's buildings- girl: it's ok sonia, your dad will be here soon. sonia: .... *The door opens* girl 2: hmm? sonia: *looks up* Dazai: OWO girls: *SCREAMING* Dazai: D:> -some of the other girls are brandishing weapons/abilities- Dazai: O~O;;; *slowly backs away* *Someone in the hall kicks Dazai aside* Dazai: "UMPH!" Chuuya: "Sonia!" sonia: papa! *hugs him tightly* Chuuya: TT_TT "Are you okay?" sonia: yeah, the ladies looked after me. are all the bad monsters gone now? Chuuya: "Yes...We're just waiting for clean-up..." sonia: ok. Chuuya: *pats her head, looks at the girls* "Thank you..." girl: it's no problem at all, she's so cute! Chuuya: ^^; "And smart." -elsewhere- Yumi: "...Awful." marie: *sigh* so exhausting. i cant wait to pick christa up from the safe house... Yumi: "...Hug her for me." marie: i will. Yumi: "..." *hug* -elsewhere- Gopher: *groans* inori: do take it easy. Gopher: "That...hurt. A lot." -elsewhere- Izuku: *looking out the window* "..." nurse: are you doing alright in here? Izuku: "Sorry...I was watching the news and...just had to see it myself..." nurse: hmm.... Izuku: "...Is there anything I could do to help?" nurse: right now, you need your rest. Izuku: "...Okay..." *sits down* "..." ("I lost the festival...and couldn't even help save people...") -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Are we all accounted for?" kirako: i think so. atsushi: yep. aya: *nods* Dazai: *his arm in a cast, his face swollen* "Aye." atsushi: ... Kunikida: "...What happened?" Dazai: "...I pissed off a tiny man and many women." atsushi: ....... kirako:.... *sweatdrop* Kyoka: *pokes Kenji* Kunikida: "...Anyway, among the damage includes a candy store demolished--" kenji: *snaps awake* candy? ranpo: D8 Kunikida: "--and...Wait...Where's Tanizaki?" -elsewhere- higuchi: oh no. no no no no no no no no.... hirotsu: miss higuchi? Gin: "...It's bad, sir." hirotsu: what is it? higuchi: Q....Q'S MISSING! Gin: "..." naoya: oh fucking shit. Gin: "We have not informed Mori yet." naoya: this is really fucking bad. Tachihara: "Who's gonna inform the boss? And how much you bet he'll flip his shit?" naoya: not it. hirotsu: nnoooope. Gin: "No." higuchi: not it! Tachihara: "Not--" *looks around* "...Oh, dingus!" naoya: ooh, tough break, junior. *pat pat* Tachihara: "I DON'T WANT TO TELL MORI!" Mori: "Tell me what?" -the others have left- Tachihara: .___.;;;; "...H-How are you, sir?" ^^; Mori: *shrugs* "About the same. Where is everyone?" Tachihara: "Oh, you know...Around. And...elsewhere." Mori: " 'Elsewhere'? Where specifically is 'elsewhere,' and _who_ is 'elsewhere'?" Tachihara: owo;;;; "...Q?" Mori: "..." elise: ..... Tachihara: "Sir, I--" Mori: *starts shaking Tachihara* "Who allowed this to happen?" mafioso: you might want to check the cameras, sir... Mori: "Shut up and put on the footage!" mafioso: ok! jeez, get your coffee this morning? *turning the camera on to show Q walking away with zoey* Mori: "??? Who's that person with Q?" mafioso: i dont know, but i dont like the looks of it. Mori: "Oh, thank you for that scintillating bit of analysis. Find out her identity." mafioso: y-yes sir! Mori: >3< "I need a tracker on that child..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "..." *taps his intercom* daisy: yes sir? Fitzgerald: "Schedule a meeting with the Death City Council." daisy: right away, sir. Fitzgerald: "Thank you..." *pulls out a video disc* louisa: ?? Fitzgerald: "Louisa, make a backup of this disc." louisa; right away, sir. Fitzgerald: *small smile...marks a note in his ledger* -early morning- Todoroki: "...What a mess." fuyumi: you gonna be part of the clean up? Todoroki: *nods* "The Quirk students organized it..." fuyumi: that's great! you're already on your way to being a pro. Todoroki: "...Just...doing what you would do." fuyumi: ?? Todoroki: "Have to help others..." fuyumi: *smiles* -elsewhere- FD: "...What?" *stare* yana: yeah, seems like it, so....congrats? FD: "..." *groans* yana: i thought this was part of your plan? FD: "Just...timing." yana: ah... FD: "...How is she?" yana: she seems pretty thrilled. FD: "...Typical." yana: do we tell the others? FD: "..." <Ivan would kill her and rip open her stomach.> yana:....<good point.> FD: <Keep this a secret, including what she will need...> yana: <noted> -elsewhere- Alone: "..." *grumbling* milia: ..... Grimoire: "..." *stares at his hand* milia: are we here forever now? Grimoire: "Or until we die..." milia:...*whimpers* Grimoire: "..." *pats her back* milia: im worried about nalsie... Grimoire: "...They haven't told us anything about him when we ask..." milia: ....did ponera really.... Grimoire: "I saw it...She's dead." milia:..... Grimoire: "..." *shakes* -elsewhere- soul: ..... Black Star: "...How's it feel?" soul:....weird, i guess. Black Star: "...Feel any superpowers?" soul:....*scythe arm* Black Star: "...So...scythes along your arm?" soul:....i guess...... tsubaki:....is it the witch, still? soul:........he stayed with her, even after she was gone.... Black Star: "...What're they going to do with him?" soul:....i dont know.... Black Star: "...Think you should talk with the guy?" soul:....maybe. Black Star: "At least you'll have some training to do now." soul: yeah. im probably gonna lose my job at the megalomart now, since im kind of 'overqualified'. Black Star: "What, they don't need a human can opener?" *nudge* soul:....*weak chuckle* nice. Black Star: "Take a nap, man. It'll help you out." soul: good call. -elsewhere- Kid: *staring into the mirror* stocking: *hugs from behind* looking good, handsome. Kid: "R-Really? Still?" stocking: *she smiles and kisses both his cheeks* i love you, inside and out <3 ^^ Kid: ^\\\^ stocking: *smoooooooch* Kid: "Hmm..." =\\\\= *smooch* stocking: say kiddo, it's been a while since we last...you know~ *pressing up against him* Kid: o\\\\o "I...had been in recovery...So I should be ready to go..." stocking: ^^ Kid: "..." *kisses her lips lightly* stocking: mmmn~ u///u Kid: *hugs her along her hips, drawing her close, leaning his head against hers* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Thank you..." *massages her hips* stocking: mmn~ Kid: *his fingers reach for her collar, unbuttoning* "How do you want it?" stocking: i want you to fuck me, and i want you to fuck me hard. Kid: *smirks* "Gladly." *swiftly unbuttons the collar, as his hand pulls up her dress* stocking: ah~ Kid: *gets down on his knees, gets under her dress...tugs her underwear away to reveal her sex* stocking: oh~ hehe~ Kid: *kisses her thighs, up to her lips...* stocking: *back arching as she wraps her legs around him* nnh~<3 Kid: *buries his face into her, his tongue sliding past her lips* stocking: *moan* Kid: *his heart is racing, tasting her after so long...his lips massage hers, as his hands clutch her bottom, giving her cheeks a pinch* stocking: anh~ fuck~ *holding onto his head* Kid: *his heart feels like it is beating faster than usual...he licks her up, tasting her...He moans into her, his lips and tongue tickling her* stocking: ah~! kid! that feels so fucking good! Kid: *as his heart beats...he realizes something...* ("You haven't seen anything yet...") *he presses harder against her, almost knocking her back onto the bed* stocking: ah! hehe, *grins* that horny already~? Kid: *pulls back, looks up at her, his lips wet* "How do you feel...about a blindfold?" stocking:...i fucking love you, you know that? Kid: *smiles, as he takes the blindfold from their nightstand and puts it around her* "No peeking..." stocking: hehe <3 Kid: *quickly sets to work drawing her dress down from her shoulders, coaxing her to lift her bottom...* stocking: *soft sigh, doing so* Kid: *slides the dress off of her...along with her panties* "Beautiful..." stocking: *shudders* Kid: "I see you wore your best today..." *while she is blindfolded...his chest is glowing lightly...* *he lies atop her, kisses her lips, his fingers reaching behind her back...* stocking: mmmn, kid~ Kid: *unhooks her bra, slides it down as he kisses behind her ear* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *kisses down to her chest...his chest feels warm* stocking: *hugging him close* u////u Kid: *smiles, holds her and kisses her shoulder* -elsewhere- Assi: *applying a bandage* "There! All fixed!" child: thanks mr! Assi: ^^ "You're welcome. Now, get back out there and play." mono: ...... Assi: *stands up, turns around--* mono: what? Assi: "..." .\\\. "N-Nothing..." *takes off his glasses, cleans them nervously* mono:.... 7///7; Assi: *finishes, puts them back on* "...You're hot." mono: o/////o ! geh? Assi: "Your face. It's all red. Do you need ice water?" mono: oh... um...s-sure. 7-7;;;; Assi: ^^ *pours a cup from the water cooler* "Here you go." -elsewhere- Hiro: "Ow..." nurse: mr kenshimono, please hold still. EF: ... Hiro: "T-Trying...It kind of burns..." EF: any news on arthur and mr angel? Triple A: *LOUD SCREAM* EF: O.O;;; Arthur: *walks into the room in a hospital smock* "...I may have told the nurse that the blond man had a stick up his butt--and he needed a prostate exam immediately." EF:...you're evil. Arthur: "No. I'm a knight." *pose* "...And I am concerned about internal medicine." Hiro: ._.; "...Don't those hospital smocks not have anything covering your butt?" EF: ._________.; tamaki: ARTHUR YOU IDIOT THERE you....are..... ./////////////. Arthur: "??? What's wrong?" -elsewhere- Sakuya: "It's okay...It's passed." lilac: *sniffle, hic* Sakuya: *hug* lilac: *whimper* naho: *hug* Sakuya: *hums lightly* -elsewhere- Hibana: -_-; "...You have _her_ in prison?" marie: shaula? she seems to have disappeared along with medusa. we havent sensed them in city limits, though.... Hibana: *sighs* "So much for hoping...Two witches on the loose isn't good, especially with the fire tech Shaula has..." sid: and _who_ is to blame for that, hmmm? Hibana: "I already paid my debt to society!" >3< -elsewhere- Akitaru: "While Arthur and Tamaki aren't here, I want to congratulate you all on how you handled the invasion into Death City." shinra: d'aww... Takehisa: *salute* Vulcan: *smiles* -elsewhere- Mifune: *serves tea* tsubaki: thank you. Mifune: "You're welcome." *sits down--and groans* tsubaki: are you alright? Mifune: "Sore from the fight..." tsubaki: mm... Mifune: "...I see you survived it physically. How do you feel?" tsubaki: exhausted.....soul became a death scythe now, did you hear? Mifune: "Ah...Which means a witch died." tsubaki: *she nods* it was the ant witch, ponera. Mifune: "...Was there no other way?" tsubaki: .... Mifune: "...That's something to live through." *stares at his tea* -elsewhere- Anya: "..." tsugumi: *knocks on the door* anya? Anya: "Hmm? Oh, Tsugumi!" tsugumi: how you holding up? Anya: "As well as can be expected...Have you heard from Rowena?" tsugumi: she's staying at her brother's place for a while. Anya: *nods* "That makes sense...How are you?" tsugumi: *falls onto the bed* im beat =3= Anya: .\\\. *pats her head* tsugumi: thanks. anya: ^\\^ "Get some rest..." -elsewhere- Poe: *shelving back his books--one of them still shaking* o___o;;; "...I'll have to turn this one over to the authorities to dispose of that pest I caught..." karl: *chitter* Poe: "Wow, stay away from that book, Karl..." *picks him up* rowena: *still asleep on the guest bed* Poe: "...I'll get some tea ready, when Rowena is awake..." karl: *chitter* lenore: *in human form, watching over her* ..... Poe: ("That bird...I feel I can trust her...But she's my sister...") lenore:....she's a good kid. but reckless... Poe: *sets out scones, as well as a bowl of grapes for Karl* lenore:....7-7; you got sunflower seeds at all? Poe: "??? Y-Yes..." *sets some out* lenore: *nom* thanks. Poe: *nervous smile* "Y-You're welcome..." lenore:.....she's been trying to learn magic recently, even though she lacks a capacity for it. that can be pretty dangerous for a normal human. if she overdoes it, it could easily kill her. Poe: "Wh-What?!" lenore: ....i managed to stop her from going too far, but she needs to be more careful if she's going to learn. Poe: Q_____Q "I-I don't like this. Wh-Why is she doing this?!" lenore: maybe ask her when she wakes up? Poe: *steps back, keeping an eye on Lenore* "Y-Yes..." lenore:....you dont trust me, do you? Poe: "..." *resolute face* "My family is something I cherish. I will not let someone lead any of them into harm's way." lenore: ....guess the peach doesnt fall far from the tree then. Poe: "...Huh?" ._. lenore:...nevermind. just thinking out loud. Poe: "...I would like to speak with her, when she awakens." lenore: im not stopping you. -elsewhere- Giovanni: "What a mess..." guruna: and we didnt even get to join in! LAME! Sho: "Quiet. We're not, until the Preacher says we are ready." -elsewhere- Kid: "AAAH!" stocking: *collapses onto him, panting* Kid: "Umph...Th-This is perfect..." *hugs her closer* stocking: *pant pant* ah...fuck, that was....absolutely amazing. Kid: *smiles* "Like we were...in perfect harmony..." *kisses her neck lightly* stocking: hehe~ *nuzzle* Kid: *pulls up their blanket, resting his head against hers* "I love you." stocking: i love you too, kid <3 Kid: *sighs* "...I feel like a weight has been lifted..." stocking: *she nods* Kid: *strokes her hair* "...We'll be getting back to work soon..." stocking: yeah..... Kid: "...Can we try, despite our work...to have these moments?" stocking: always. Kid: *smiles, kisses her cheek* -elsewhere- soul: .......i know, im probably the last person you want to see... Grimoire: "..." soul:....look, if you hate me, i dont blame you. Grimoire: "...Have you..." soul: .....? Grimoire: "...Have you heard her voice?" soul: ........ Grimoire: "...They say some souls continue to speak...Have you ever heard the souls of those you killed?" soul:............i dont know......i've heard them speak......just not ones i killed.... Grimoire: "What do those souls say to you?" soul:..... {Maka: "How much longer you think this will go on?"} {soul:....i dont know.} soul: ......i guess i dont have anything else to say, huh? Grimoire: "...Killer." soul: ......guess i deserved that one. Grimoire: "You deserve more than that." soul: .......*walks off* if you want to hate me, then hate me.....just know that it wont bring her back. Grimoire: "..." ("How do I move forward...without through death?") -outside- soul: ..... Black Star: "How was it?" soul: ....he's still mad at me. not that i blame him. Black Star: "...Yeah...Forgiveness isn't exactly in this line of work." soul:....*sigh* Black Star: "...Come on. Let's walk." soul: ok. Black Star: *pats his back* "Maybe get something to eat..." soul:...*he nods* -elsewhere- Medusa: "..." neian: *asleep* Medusa: *shudders, walks to the window, looking outside* -there's a small park across the street- Medusa: "..." *looking at the light shining on the park* -life goes on for the locals of this town...- Medusa: "..." *puts a hand over her eyes* neian: *waking up* Medusa: *turns, looks at Neian* "..." neian: mmn...mumu. Medusa: "..." *picks her up* neian: ah. *she reaches for her* Medusa: "..." *leans her head closer to Neian* neian: =u= Medusa: "..." *holds her up* -elsewhere- Crona: "..." *shivers* mami: *holding them* Crona: "N-No..." mami: there there, im here.... Crona: "K-Kill..." mami: *holding them closer* Crona: "I-I want to kill..." mami: ...... Crona: *shuddering, crying* mami: *hums and strokes their back* Crona: *cries, holding onto her* -elsewhere- Free: "How you holding up?" eruka: fine. Free: "...Sorry I wasn't there earlier." eruka: *huuug* im just glad that country boy and explode-y boy were there to save me from......*excalibur* having a very very bad time. Free: .\\\\. *hug, pat* "I won't let that happen...Not in the future, not now." eruka: thanks. Free: "...Hey." eruka: yeah? Free: *leans closer* eruka:.....*SMOOCH* >///////< Free: o\\\\\\o "..." *pulls back* "...I was just gonna ask whether you were hungry?" eruka: IPANICKEDOKAY?! >/////< Free: "..." *nuzzle, puppy noise* eruka:..... =/////= Free: *wraps his arms around her* -elsewhere- Tokoyami: "Set it right there..." dark shadow: *places it* got it! Tokoyami: "Great. Momo, the screws..." momo: *hands him a few screws* Tokoyami: *takes a screwdriver, starts replacing the screws* "This repair work is going to take longer than the Sports Festival..." momo: so does that mean the sport's festival is delayed again? Tokoyami: "Maybe..." -elsewhere- Giriko: *hug* arachne: *hug* Giriko: "I was so worried...Don't ever do that again." arachne: i wont. anna: mama! arachne: *cradles her* hey, sweetie, mommy's here. anna: ^o^ Giriko: *sniff* "Our kids need us..." arachne:...*she nods* anna, eva-...malaria. Giriko: "...Yeah, I'm not used to that name, either." arachne:....so much has changed the past 60 years.... Giriko: *nods* "Lot of catching up to do..." -elsewhere- kyouko:.....*laying in bed, in her room, with the lights off* ....... Fujimoto: *knock knock* kyouko:....door's open. *her voice sounds scratchy, as if she had been crying* Fujimoto: *has a tray with a glass of water, a glass of milk, and some cookies* "...Hey, Kyouko." kyouko: .....*staring at the wall* ..... Fujimoto: *sets down the tray* "You haven't been out in some time, so I brought water." kyouko:.....thanks......*her eyes look dull, just as they did a long time ago....* {-phone ringing-} {???: "Could you answer it?"} {rin: *picks up* true cross monestary, rin okumura speaking, who're you?} {kyouko:...rin....put uncle shiro on the phone...} {rin: dad! it's kyouko! she sounds upset!} {Fujimoto: "???" *answers* "Kyouko?"} {kyouko: uncle shiro.....things got bad.....we're at the police station....can you pick us up?} {Fujimoto: "Of course. Do you want me to bring anything?"} {kyouko:...} -...- {officer: i take it you're shiro fujimoto?} {Fujimoto: "Father Fujimoto, yes. I am here to see Kyouko."} {officer: oh, she's not being arrested, we've clarified that from the investigation...perhaps we should explain what's happened....we received a 911 call reporting screams at the residence, and when we got in, mr and mrs sakura were both dead, and their daughter kyouko was covered in blood, holding a makeshift spear...apparently something had possessed the father that caused him to attack. it was a case of self-defense...} {Fujimoto: "!!! H-Her parents...Dead?"} {officer: *nods* the two daughters were taken here to keep them from further harm. miss kyouko was a suspect, due to the blood and weapon, but after hearing her testimony and running a blood sample on mr sakura, we've deemed her innocent...probably has to do with those mind control incidents as of late...} {Fujimoto: "...Her sister?"} {officer: we found her hiding in the shed. she wasnt harmed...not physically, anyway.} {Fujimoto: "May I speak with them? The sisters?"} {officer: *directs him to a room*} {kyouko:....*staring blankly at the floor*} {momo: *whimpering*} {Fujimoto: *enters* "...Momo? Kyouko?"} {momo: uncle shiro! *hugs his leg* p-papa hurt mama and tried to hurt momo and kyouko...} {Fujimoto: *hugs her* "Momo...I'm sorry."} {kyouko:.......} {Fujimoto: "Kyouko..."} {kyouko:.....*stares at her hand....there's a slight bit of blood on her, but most of it was cleaned off*} {Fujimoto: "Kyouko...This is not your fault."} {kyouko: .......} {officer: it's likely they'll be put into an orphanage now, since-} {Fujimoto: "No. They have family."} {officer: oh? immediate family?} {Fujimoto: "...I'll adopt them."} {kyouko: *looks up*} {officer:...i see. well, we'll need you to sign a few forms first.} {Fujimoto: *nods* "Will these be arrangements to have them stay with me and my boys, until the adoption agency can make a decision?"} -...- {kyouko:....} {rin: ...!! yukio! come over! kyouko and momo are here!} {Yukio: Q~Q *inches forward*} {kyouko:.....} {momo: *clinging onto fujimoto's leg*} {rin:....??? dad? what's wrong?} {Fujimoto: "Momo and Kyouko will be staying with us. I want you boys to get a room set up."} {rin: cool! *goes to do that*} {Yukio: "P-Papa? What is going on?"} {kyouko:.....} {Fujimoto: *smiles* "Go help your brother, Yukio. We'll talk over dinner..."} {Yukio: "..." *walks away, looking back at Momo and Kyouko*} kyouko:..... Fujimoto: "...What happened out there?" kyouko:.....the witch... Fujimoto: "??? The one killed?" kyouko: *she shakes her head* shaula gorgon.......she's the one who poisoned all those people.....she poisoned dad.....mom and dad......MOM AND DAD ARE DEAD BECAUSE OF HER!! Fujimoto: "...And you ran into her while you were out there? Kyouko, I'm sorry." kyouko: I SHOULD HAVE JUST CUT HER DOWN RIGHT THERE! *shuddering* but i was bitten by that bitch medusa...*slams fist against the wall* DAMMIT!! *tears falling as she bits her lip* Fujimoto: *hug* kyouko: !!.....grk-...gnh...*she breaks down sobbing* Fujimoto: *pat* "I'm sorry this happened. And I know you want to avenge your parents. But this is not a weight to carry on your own." kyouko: *shuddering and crying* Fujimoto: "I'll be here. I'm not going anywhere. You can cry as much as you want." kyouko: *hic* *sniff* Fujimoto: "..." *holds her, silent* Rin: *in the hallway* "..." -elsewhere- Mori: "..." *picks up a chair* elise: ?? Mori: *throws the chair against the wall* elise: O-O; Mori: "How does he get kidnapped?!" miura: we dont know, but please dont throw things, you'll damage your back. Mori: "I'm not some old man you have to baby, Miura!" miura: -_-; Mori: "Just...give me an update whenever new information arrives." miura: noted Mori: "...I should have a seat--" *sees the broken chair* "...Oh." elise: -_-; -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *his fur is matted with dirt* louisa: *giving him a bath* Mr. Tsubaki: *small chitter* =\\\\= *wags his tail* -elsewhere- Mephisto: Y~Y *hug* "I'm so happy you're safe." felisia: ^^; Mephisto: *rests a hand along her stomach* "And our baby?" felisia: doing well. -elsewhere- Q: ^^ Ivan: *stare* zoey: *holding him, letting him lay his head on her lap and humming* FD: ._. yana: *muttering* good luck. FD: *clears his throat* zoey: *smiles* Q: ?? FD: "Um, Zoey? What are...What should..." zoey: do you want to....say hello to your baby? FD: -_-;;; "...Hello." Q: hi, papa. ^^ FD: ._.; ("...That was surprisingly easy.") "So, um...son. Are you pleased?" Q: *nods* mommy's really nice! ^^ FD: "Yes, she is. Do you need anything?" Q: brown sugar! FD: "...On a meal?" Q:....toast then. FD: "Ah. Toast and brown sugar. Understood. Ivan, make some for...him." Ivan: D:< Q: please uncle ivan? *puppy eyes* pushkin: *choking on laughter* Ivan: *grumble grumble* "Yeah, yeah, I'll make the toast..." <Simpering creepy demonic bastard monster brat son of a bitch--> Q: ????? mama, what's he saying? zoey: im sure it's something nice. ^^ pushkin: *collapses, laughing hysterically* leo: D8 FD: "He was saying that you remind him of very strong children he saw back in Mother Russia." Ivan: *mutters* <I said no such thing...> Q: cool! katya: <just play it off and get the damn toast.> Ivan: *in the kitchen, slicing the bread, grabbing the cinnamon and brown sugar* "..." ("Maybe we rats should get some rat poison...") *toasting the bread* <I deserve better than this...Master and I should be raising children, not that trollop.> katya: <chill out, vachenka. as soon as she's no longer needed, she's good as dead.> Ivan: <When will that happen? Why does Master keep her around?> katya: <well, A- we need a medic, and B- he has plans for her. not sure what that entails, but im not here to ask questions.> Ivan: <And Master can do no wrong~> *hearts appear over his head--as the toast burns* katya: VACHENKA THE FUCKING TOAST! leo: *already handling it* Ivan: D: "...M-Master will be displeased." leo: *prepping a second toast* Ivan: T~T "He's going to hate me..." leo: i dont think that. Ivan: "H-He'll put me into the room with the preacher, the sad legsless girl, and that boring guy..." leo: i'll put word in for you then. *faint smile* im sure he'll forgive you. Ivan: Y~Y "Th-Thank you, Lev...Please let Master know I will prostrate at his feet." katya: TMI. yana: not what he meant. katya:.....*taking the burnt toast* can i just have this then? Ivan: "??? Um, sure. For what?" katya:.... *NOM AND RUNS* leo:....*blink* Ivan: "...??? In any case, let's serve this on the plate...Maybe some milk..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "You sure you're feeling okay?" chie: yeah. *pricks her finger* Yohei: "..." *unwrapping the bandage* chie: thanks, hun. *kiss* Yohei: *smiles* "Anytime, love." *smooch* -elsewhere- Joker: "...Jeez, this town. Makes a guy wonder why he stays here." ivy: probably because the outside is even more unforgiving... Joker: "..." *lights up a cigarette* "Yeah, that's part of it. You gone through the debris for anything?" ivy: looted some bodies. pawned their shit. Joker: "What, didn't keep something for yourself? Or me? Or Red?" ivy: ....*takes out a lighter and draws a small snake from it* Joker: "Huh...Fancy lighter. Moving on up in the world." ivy: yeah. Joker: "Neat...Also, you see about those new inmates?" ivy: oh? Joker: "Witch, wolf, book guy. I heard they worked with a friend of a friend." ivy:....you mean _her_ *scowls* Joker: "Yep. Maybe you should talk to them." -elsewhere- Spirit: "Jeez...Between clean-up, interrogation, and medical, no one is going to get any sleep any time soon." sachiko: im beat... Spirit: "Same..." *sighs* "I got enough energy to order take-out..." -elsewhere- Child: *crying* "O-Our house..." maki: it's ok. we're rebuilding it now. *smiles* Vulcan: *sets up boards* Takehisa: *rapid-fire nail gun work* tamaki: *on the roof, laying down tile* Relan: *holding window pane* "Okay, it's almost in..." shinra:.... Akitaru: "Kid? You okay?" shinra: *completely serious face* 8th brigade building company. tamaki:....what? Akitaru: "...8BBC?" shinra:....*laughing* tamaki: -_-; nerds. -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. It is an honor to be before the City Council." lord death: likewise. nedzu: indeed. Yumi: "..." Ruffles: *nods* Fitzgerald: "We have a short presentation to outline our plan for rebuilding portions of Death City that were destroyed. I think you will find that the budget is considerably less than that of other proposals--because I will pay for all repairs." council lady: oh? Fitzgerald: "I have felt welcomed by my new adopted home, this city. I have worked for many years to raise funds to support others, to fashion in a way...the family I have lost." *smiles* "I see no reason to let the families of Death City suffer because of the actions of the wicked." Yumi: *stare of 'you aren't fooling me'* -several council members are listening- Fitzgerald: "Now, we'll turn off the lights and--" Yumi: "Mr. Fitzgerald. Where does your money come from?" louisa: manhasset security. not to mention several other companies the fitzgerald family owns. Yumi: "And gambling?" louisa:.... ouo;;;;; Yumi: "Allegations of organized crime within the Fitzgerald companies--" Fitzgerald: "--are absolute nonsense, now that the offending criminals have been arrested." Yumi: "?!!" lord death: oh? Fitzgerald: "I thought you would have read the reports by now." *removes a newspaper from his jacket, slides it to Yumi* *Headline: "Fitzgerald cooperates with FBI sting"* Yumi: o_o## councilman: fancy. Fitzgerald: "I regret the actions taken by a few in my organization--and it is why I sought Manhasset Security, to weed out such criminals from my businesses and any others that operate in this world." -several people clap- louisa: *thumbs up* *An American flag is flying behind Fitzgerald...waved by Mr. Tsubaki* Yumi: -_-#### ("...God...damn it.") -morning- Hibana: *yawns* =_= gabriella: good morning. *smiles* Hibana: =___= "..." *falls asleep--landing on Gabriella* gabriella:.... ^^; -at school- Anya: *opening her locker* yana: long time no see. ^^ Anya: "Oh! You're not--You're safe and-- ..." *hug* yana: !!....*awkward hug* sorry for scaring you, my family was out of town in salt lake city. Anya: *sighs* "That is fortunate. Are they okay?" yana: *she nods* Anya: "Well, let's catch up at lunch." ^^ yana: *smiles* -elsewhere- Izuku: "I'm about ready to check out?" nurse: *she nods* your arm will be in a cast for a while. Izuku: "Figured as much...Only so much recovery can do." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Ready to head out?" naho: *nods* lilac:....*nod* Black Star: "Okay...We'll be picking up some canned food and blankets..." -elsewhere- Hyde: "So you're quitting?" soul: more or less. the boss seemed to understand...ex-boss, rather. Hyde: "Man, that sucks for me: you were the only coworker who wasn't a giant dick." soul: hey, you'll still see me around. maybe you and licht could like, hang out with us for game night? Hyde: " 'Game night'? What game?" soul: wii sports resort. Hyde: *shiny eyes* "I'll drag Licht over!" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "...Unbelievable. How did he go missing?" naoya: i dont know. sonia: *looking at the camera footage*.........that was the nurse. Chuuya: "...Sonia...That...You mean, where you were?" sonia: she was the nurse from underground...the one who lied about being my mama... Chuuya: "..." *sits down, shuddering* naoya: then that means......fuuuuck! fuck fuck fuck! *running to the phone* Chuuya: "..." *puts his hands together* sonia:.....*hugs chuuya* naoya: pick up the goddamn phone already... Chuuya: "..." *pat pat* -riing== Mori: "Answer it." miura: ye- naoya: TELL MORI TO GET HIS ASS ON THE FUCKING PHONE!! Mori: *hair blown back* ._. miura:....it's naoya. Mori: "..." *takes the phone* "Ye--" naoya: we know where Q is. which adds to the problem.....the rats have Q!! Mori: "..." *his hand grips the phone more tightly, as he smiles* "Then I guess we're going to have to retrieve Q from the Rats." -elsewhere- FD: "...Is he always going to sleep in our bed?" Q: *clutching his doll, asleep* zoey: hehe, he looks just like you. <3 FD: "...I'm not seeing it." zoey: ehehe....*nuzzling up against him* FD: "...Well, what does the child need today?" -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: hehehe, you're really affectionate, huh? Kid: "Making up for lost time...and not wanting to let you forget how loved you are." stocking: aww. *smooches all over his face* so precious <3 Kid: =\\\\= "St-Stocking...Hee hee..." stocking: i love you kiddo~<3 Kid: "I love you." *nuzzle* stocking: hehehe~ Kid: "Ready for today? And what you have to do?" stocking: *nods* we'll have to get ready for celebrating soul becoming a death scythe. Kid: "Yes. I have something to warm up his home." stocking: oh? Kid: *holds up a symmetrical work of art* "Ta-da!" -elsewhere- Meme: *reading* "...And then carry the 1. Like this!" mio: hmm.... Meme: "Then we have to solve for the variable, put that into the graph, and map that out to determine the trajectory of the projectile--Right?" mio:....wha? Meme: "Like this." *reaches over, points on the page* mio: o-oh. .-.; r-right. ^///-///^; Meme: "Good! Let's solve for x now…" -elsewhere- Medusa: "..." neian: zzzz Medusa: "..." *counts the money* "Not enough..." neian: zzzz Medusa: "..." *looks out the window...* ("Who...") person: *walking along* Medusa: "..." *sneaks down* "..." person: *whistling* Medusa: *points an arrow into their back* person: grk- Medusa: "Do not move." person: w-wha- Medusa: "I just want your money. All in your pocket. Then I'm gone." person: i need this for the bus!- Medusa: "I need to feed a child. And if you still want legs on which to walk, you'll give me your money." person: alright, jeez! *handing it over* Medusa: "Thank you. Now skedaddle." *slithers back into the shadows* neian: mmn.... Medusa: *has slid back into the room* "Shh...I'm back...And we're moving on." -elsewhere- Nals: "..." *shifts* kirara: are you ready to talk? Nals: "...I've been slashed, stabbed, and have my talents limited by being tied to this bed. Let me go, before I cut myself loose." esther: ohoho, now we cant have that~ ^^ Nals: *growls* "Where are the others?" kirara: in detainment. the witch ponera is dead. Nals: "...What did you say?" kirara: the witch ponera is dead. esther: ding dong the witch is dead~ kirara: esther, could you not. -_-; Nals: *shakes in his straps* "No. No no no. She said she would give me what I lost. My face. My fame. And you-you killed her?!" kirara: sir, please calm down. Nals: *breaks from a strap, grabs Kirara's collar* -SLAM- esther: *malicious smile, with iron maiden arm holding him down* behave...yourself..... Nals: "Grrk!" *choking* kirara: ESTHER! esther:.....*backing away* Nals: *gasps, coughing* -elsewhere- Tuhl: *carrying groceries* "Got them all?" mana: yep. Tuhl: "Cool...How you doing after the attack?" mana: getting better. Tool: "Glad to hear." *looking around* "...The city is crying still..." mana: ...... io: bapa! Tuhl: "!!! Hey, Io." *picks them up* io: ^o^ saki: she's growing up so fast. Tuhl: "No kidding...Gonna need bigger clothes." -elsewhere- Anya: *sets down her lunch tray* yana: heard the city got attacked while we were out. Anya: *nods* "It was scary here. A lot of people hurt...some still out on recovery." yana: damn. Anya: "You've seen the destruction around here...A lot of people lost everything, right before the holidays..." yana: .... Anya: "I know the city will try to fundraise..." yana: they always seem to do that. Anya: "I'm trying to figure out what I can do...Maybe a bake sale?" yana: sounds like a good plan if any. -elsewhere- Giriko: "How you holding up, preacher?" justin: f-fine... *he smiles, but his hands are shaking* Giriko: "...Okay. Care for a drink?" justin: im good... Giriko: *pours some juice, sips* "...Want to see the baby?" justin: how is she? Giriko: "Doing well. Getting big. Loves laughing." justin: *smiles* Giriko: "She'll be talking in complete sentences--better than me--before we know it." *pulls up a pic on his phone* -elsewhere- Yumi: "Are you doing your homework?" kirika: mmmhmmm.... Yumi: "...Need any help?" kirika: im good. Yumi: "Okay. Dinner will be ready at 6." kirika: *nods*......(thinking: i cant wait for the arena to be finished already, then i can kick ozaki's ass in the finals!) Yumi: "...And good luck with training for the Festival." kirika: *grins* Yumi: *smiles, closes the door behind her* -elsewhere- Gopher: "All ready, sir?" eibon: yes. Gopher: *nods* "Okay..." *sets the relic into the center of the array* "And this will work?" eibon: yes. we can begin. pandora: *lying dormant in the orb* Gopher: *clasps his hands together, starts chanting* -runes glowing as the book of enoch opens, drawing the orb into it- Gopher: *continues chanting, sweating...shaking* -pandora orb sealed!- eibon: *sigh*...!! my child? are you alright? Gopher: *falls to his hands and knees, nods* "Y-Yes...Just a lot to get used to..." eibon:...come along, you need to eat something... -elsewhere- -pop pop!- Black Star: "Congratulations, buddy!" soul: *small smile* Patty: *claps* Kid: "Happy to have a new Death Scythe with us." liz: here here! soul: thanks guys, this means a lot, really. *awkward scratch of the back of his head* Kid: "We're proud of you." Black Star: "..._All_ of us." soul:....yeah. Patty: "Soul? We got this for you..." *holds up a large flat box* soul: ?? Patty: "Open it up!" soul: *opens it* *Inside is a new jacket, with a DWMA logo along one of its sleeves* soul: awesome. thanks you guys! Patty: "You're welcome!" Black Star: "It'll be great for work--as long as Kid doesn't try to put the logo onto the other sleeve..." Kid: "...I'm fine." *slight twitch* stocking: ^^; *pat pat* liz: ^^;.... wes? didnt you have something you wanted to say? Wes: "..." *scratches the back of his neck* "You did it. I knew you could..." soul:...thanks, bro. Wes: "I'm proud of you...You protected people." soul:.....*faint smile* Wes: *hug* soul: !!....*hug* Patty: *sniff* -elsewhere- Hiro: *rotates his shoulder* "Feel better already...Thanks for being my weapon out there." EF: any time, hiro. ^^ Hiro: "Sorry I got blood on your blade from...stabbing that guy." ^^; EF: it's fine. i guess that's what knives do....as weapons, anyway. Hiro: "Yeah...In my experience, knives are for helping with cooking or fixing stuff around the house...or assembling model kits..." EF: ah. Hiro: "Well...You hungry?" -elsewhere- Poe: "...We need to talk." rowena: is this about....you know? Poe: "If 'you know' is your use of magic..." rowena: ..... i take it you're upset? Poe: "...There are so many people in this city who can protect those who can't. Why do you want to put yourself at risk?" rowena:....i didnt want to just sit back and do nothing. to be fair, i guess it was spur of the moment and panic that motivated me... Poe: "Y-You can't just jump into something at the spur of the moment. It's like...it's like writing: it takes daily practice, a schedule, a drive, talent--" rowena:...*she nods* Poe: "...You're going to keep practicing?" rowena: perhaps. but i should probably recuperate from this first. Poe: "You had best. And see a doctor. Because you are not playing with those dark arts again until you are ready to..." rowena: *she nods* that's understandable......im sorry if i scared you, brother. Poe: "...Th-Thank you..." *sniff* "I just can't have you running into dangers you are not ready for..." rowena: *hug* i know. Poe: Y~Y *hug* -elsewhere- soul: *on the top of the DWMA stairs, looking out at the city* *A light breeze flutters along some flags hung at the front of the school* soul:....*he smiles* Spirit: "Yo, Death Scythe." soul: ....oh, hey spirit. Spirit: "Shouldn't you be out celebrating?" soul: well, the others did throw a party for me. *he's wearing the new jacket* Spirit: "Like the jacket. New uniform?" soul: it was a gift from the others. Spirit: "That was nice of them..." *pulls out an envelope* "Glad I found you. Got something for you, too." soul: ?? *examines it* *Inside is a DWMA Death Scythe ID card--and a photo of Maka and Soul* soul:.....thanks. *puts them into his wallet* Spirit: "...You're welcome. Got to keep looking to the future...without forgetting the past." soul:...*he nods* Spirit: "...She'd be proud of you." soul:....*closes his eyes and smiles* i know she is. Spirit: "..." *looks out at the city* soul:.....i hear you're going to france, soon. Spirit: *nods* "Taking care of something over there." soul: ah. Spirit: "Please keep my family safe while I'm gone, Soul." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *packing* kim: are you ready? Jacqueline: "Just about...You packed a sweater?" kim: yep. Jacqueline: "...You can still back out." kim: *shakes her head* we're in this together, remember? Jacqueline: "...Okay." *closes her suitcase* "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." kim: *she nods* spirit said he'd drive us. Jacqueline: "That'll avoid a taxi ride...Got your ticket?" kim: right here. -elsewhere- Rin: "Hope dinner was good..." -knocks- Rin: "??? Who's there?" sayaka: heyooo, it's us! the party brigade! madoka: ^^; mami: mind if we come in? konekomaru: we brought movies and snacks. Rin: "Oh! Of course. Welcome! We were just finishing up..." shiemi: sorry for dropping by. momo sakura: *peek* Rin: "Not a problem. You can get things set up in the living room..." *whispers to Madoka* "I think Kyoka could use some company..." madoka: *she nods* sayaka: KYOUKO! COME ON OUT! WE BROUGHT THE BLUUUES BROTHEEEERS~! homura:....oh? renzou isnt here with us? konekomaru: no. he said he had plans tonight. Rin: "...Kyoko? You in?" kyouko: *walking into the living room* ugh, so noisy, im tired....oh, hey guys. *rubbing her eyes* sayaka: you werent looking too good the other day, so we decided to come over for movie night!....it's blu- kyouko: i know, the whole monestary heard you. Rin: ^^; "It's a good film...And they brought snacks." kyouko:...*faint smile* thanks guys. -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." mito: *mreow* Chuuya: *pet pet* mito: ^w^ Chuuya: *picks up Mito, hugs her* mito: *nuzzles against his chin, purring* Chuuya: "Good Mito..." mito: *mew* Chuuya: *stroke, looks out the window* {Chuuya: "...What even...What?"} {rain: heeeelp. =~=; *she was caught in a net....in a rather risqué position*} {Chuuya: .\\\. "Hang on..." *grabs a pair of scissors* "Why is there even a net here?" *pulls up a chair, climbs on it* "Are you okay, Rain?"} {rain: .//////. y-yeah, i-i-im alright....im so sorry about that!} {Chuuya: ^\\\^; "Not a problem at all--" *cuts through the net--*} {-WHUD-} {rain: ah! *lands on her butt* oww....} {Chuuya: D: "S-Sorry!" *offers his hand*} {rain:...t-thanks. *takes it*} {Chuuya: *pulls her up* "How did this happen?"} {rain: it's this horrible ability of mine. TT_TT } {Chuuya: "But bad luck doesn't just make a net appear out of nowhere..." *kicks at the net*} {rain: i think im just cursed or something, ever since starting high school...} {Chuuya: "I mean, high school's rarely good for anyone...so I've heard."} {rain: *sigh* is it because i......*sigh* nevermind.} {Chuuya: "??? ...Well, you're here now, so that's got to be an improvement." *smiles*} {rain:....i-i guess... .///.; } {Chuuya: ^^ *steps forward--and trips on the net*} {rain: ah-!} {*CRASH*} {-squish~-} {rain: ..... o////////////o um.... } {Chuuya: *voice muffled*} {rain: O///////////////////O;; } {Chuuya: *tries to push up--staring at Rain* o\\\\\\o "I'M SO SORRY!"} {rain: i-i-i-its fine, im used to it. .///////////.;;; } {Chuuya: *off of her, still staring at her* "..."} {rain:...m-mr nakahara?} {Chuuya: "I-I got to go now!" *gets up, walking quickly away* .\\\\\\. } Chuuya: T\\\T sonia: papa? Chuuya: "!!!" *rubs his eyes* "Y-Yes, Sonia?" sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "..." *hug* sonia: .... Chuuya: *pats her back* "Thanks for that, kiddo." -a few days later- Gopher: ^w^ "I'll be rooting for you." kirika: thanks, but the finals havent started yet... mina: congrats on making it to the quarter finals, tokoyami! eijiro: you're gonna be going up against katsuki, and he's no slouch. Tokoyami: "Yes...I will give this fight all I have, and more." Bakugo: "..." mina: now come on, iida and ibara's match is up next! -elsewhere- tensei: *on patrol* squad A, report. Squad A: "We can't spot them. Lost track in your sector." tensei: damn. squad B? Squad B: "The target should be within 20 blocks of you." tensei: alright. *Something shadowy spotted...a scarf...in the alley* tensei: ?? *examines*... !!! you... ???: *holds his blade, ready to attack* tensei: *charges* -elsewhere- Izuku: *walking* -the tvs are now showing the next match, iida vs todoroki- Izuku: "!!!" *fast walking* -at the stadium- Todoroki: *ice wall* announcer: and todoroki is starting off with an ice wall attack! Iida: *braces himself...and leaps* ochako: woah! Todoroki: "!!!!" Iida: *sweep of his leg--* Todoroki: *ducks* tsuyu: ...oh, hey izuku. Izuku: "Hey! I just made it..." tsuyu: glad you're out of the hospital. ochako: the semi-finals just started. Izuku: ^\\\^ *smiles at Tsuyu* "Th-Thanks." *sits down* "How's the match looking?" Iida: *grabs Todoroki's head* Todoroki: "?!" Iida: *knocks Todoroki's head to the floor* ochako: *wince* Todoroki: *cough, his hand moving* Iida: *grabs Todoroki by his collar--and dashes to the boundary--* announcer: and he's going right for it! Iida: ("Almost there--") *sputter* Iida: "?!!!" momo: !!!! Todoroki: "I plugged up your muffler with ice...You forgot about my close-range attacks..." *The ice crawls up Iida, trapping him* midnight: iida is immobilized! Iida: *shivers* ("Brother...I'm sorry...") -elsewhere- -tensei's phone rings...- tensei: ...... *slumped to the floor, bleeding badly* *STOMP* -the phone has been silenced- ???: " 'Hero'? Pheh. Legacies...nepotism...greed...That is what you are. You're not hero..." *licks blood along his chin* "All you so-called ‘heroes’ pollute this society. A plague to be eradicated, so real heroes can emerge...Real heroes like All Might." *puts away his blade* "When my work is done, only he may kill me." -elsewhere- Iida: *shivering under a blanket* -phone ringing- Iida: *looks* ("Mother...") *answers* "Mother, hello. I am sorry I was unable to advance--" mrs iida: *sniffle* tenya, oh god, tenya...i-it's....it's tensei....he..he was....*crying* he was attacked by a villain! Iida: *he stops shivering* *he's frozen in place* "..." *everything around him seems to be far away and darker...* -elsewhere- Stain: *on a rooftop, observing his works...licks at his blade* "...You can see it. The work I have brought forward. The message I send...and there is one more to pass along--" *swings his blade back into the one behind him--* Kurogiri: *stabbed...and not affected* "Calm yourself...We have much in common. We seek the same goal." Stain: "..." *keeps his sword where it is* "...Continue." -elsewhere- Shigaraki: *watching video clips* "..." *scratches, blood staining his own fingers* -elsewhere- himiko: hush little baby, dont say a word~ fang: ^o^ Dabi: ._________. twice: holy shiiit! Ingenium was taken out! *shows it on his phone* Dabi: "?!!! One of ours?" twice: *shrug* wasnt me himiko: if the world treats you like a joke~ mama's gonna cut open their fucking throats~ fang: ^u^ twice: .____. that kid's gonna be really fucked up when he's older........just sayin’. Dabi: .________________. -elsewhere- Iida: *taps his phone, confirming ticket purchase* "..." clerk: enjoy your trip, sir. Iida: "Yes, thank you..." *turns...trying not to cry* -it's already over the news.- anchor: -in other news, the turbo hero ingenium was found- Iida: *looking down, avoiding looking up at the TVs in the station…he stops, and listens* anchor: -severely wounded after being attacked by a rogue villain. according to reports, the assailant is believed to be the infamous hero killer known as 'stain'. no further information- Iida: *his fist is shaking* -elsewhere- Izuku: "...I haven't had a chance to take notes on this one..." *looking at the news report* momo: *hands over her mouth in shock* !!!! Tokoyami: "It's awful." ochako: poor iida... Izuku: *nods* "I can't imagine what he is feeling..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Wow...That looks awful." chie: *holding toru close* Yohei: "...I remember dealing with that super before..." nea: shit, what's gonna happen to their family's company? Yohei: "Probably handled by someone in the immediate family?" nea: probably.... -elsewhere- Kunikida: "--and if you see this individual in this city, you are to treat them as dangerous." aya: *nods* Kunikida: "From all reports, he has been targeting heroes. And since you lack superpowers, a Quirk, an ability, a dokeshi ability, weapon abilities, or anything that would make you stand out--just don't stand out." -CHOP- kirako: TnT; Kunikida: *on the floor* Dazai: *eating popcorn, watching* "Ha!" -elsewhere- Aizawa: "More security...What a drag." midnight: no kidding. i've been asked to be on more patrols, so i got someone to stand in for me at the festival! Aizawa: "Really? Who's that?" midnight: ever hear of the sleepy sheep hero, 'whimsy dream'? Aizawa: "...I don't sleep well. Of course I have. But...was that the best choice?" midnight: if things get out of hand, she can neutralize any extremely rowdy students! Aizawa: "So, she'll neutralize Bakugo." -elsewhere- Kid: *vacuuming* julie: *helping* Kid: *picks up a cushion, hands gloves to Julie* "Now, pick up the loose change..." julie: ok! Kid: "And you'll get to put that money into your piggy bank..." julie: cool! Kid: ^^ "Maybe you can use the money for a Christmas gift for your family." julie: *shiny eyes* Kid: "What has your mother wanted?" julie: if i make a lot, i can get her a super-roo! Kid: "??? A super kangaroo?" julie: i think it's a big car. Kid: "...Oh! A Subaru?" julie: *she nods, smiling* Kid: "...Well, that can be pricey..." julie: im gonna do my best! -elsewhere- Employee: "Welcome back to work, Lana." lana: thanks. ^^ it's been pretty hectic. Employee: "After the attack, yeah, I can imagine. Your dad okay?" lana: *she nods* he's adjusting. Employee: "To the new house?" lana: *she nods* Employee: "But...isn't that place creepy?" lana: to some people, maybe. but i dont mind. Employee: "Huh...Well, if you're happy. Oh, and we got an increased number of guests due to the damage..." *thumbs at one of them* "That one is getting really annoying." -elsewhere- Stain: *arms crossed* -it appears to be an abandoned motel...- Stain: "The accommodations leave a lot to be desired..." Kurogiri: "We provide you with a base, not room service." Stain: *looks out the window* " 'We'?" Kurogiri: "Ones who recognize that, yes, these so-called heroes must be eliminated, so that real heroes may emerge." Stain: "...Nifty transportation Quirk you got. Should be useful." Kurogiri: "One hopes...Leave your list of items for us to retrieve." -elsewhere- Poe: *holding up an umbrella* T___T "Too bright..." karl: *chitter* *pap pap* Poe: *whimper whimper...puts sunglasses on himself and Karl, as he continues walking* "...Oh. Those are Rowena's classmates?" tsugumi: *chatting* Poe: *approaches, on his way to the grocery* "Hello, Rowena's classmates." *wave* tsugumi: hmm? um...hi? mio: is that a freaking raccoon? Poe: QWQ "H-His name is Karl?" mio: um....hi? karl: ^.^ Poe: "See? Karl likes you, Miss...Um...Sorry, I forgot your name, aside from the small girl I bashed with the door." mio: i'm mio, these are anya, meme, ao, and tsugumi. Anya: -_-; "We know each other." Meme: *waves* "Hello, Mr. Poe." -elsewhere- Ivan: <Has Master seemed...off?> katya: <i think it's the brat that's bothering him....what does he even need the kid for anyway?....GRAH I JUST WANNA GET STARTED SO I CAN KILL SOMETHING!> Ivan: "..." *hands her a doll made from marshmallows, toothpicks, and graham crackers* katya:.....<what the fresh fuck is this shit?> Ivan: <Desserts I'm making ahead of Christmas.> katya: .....<ok?> Ivan: *holds one up with a candy hat* <This is one to look like Master~> *holds up one with red strawberry jam spread over it* <And this is what I will do to that whore...> pushkin: <that's pretty morbid. i like it!> Ivan: <Yes!> *bites the head off the Zoey doll, shaking his head like a dog with a rag in its mouth* pushkin + katya: .____.;; *backing up slowly* yana: take a chill pill, gonch. Shousaku: "...I don't know what he is going to do with that doll that looks like your boss, and I don't want to know." katya: who let you out of your holding cell? yana: we got tabs on them, plus the boss said to let them roam a little bit. Shousaku: "..." *looks around* "Why does it smell like paint?" pushkin: ?? Ivan: -_- "That <prostitute> is painting a new room..." katya: *snerk* for the kid? Ivan: "Yes..." Shousaku: "...Adopted?" katya: you didnt notice the little kid wandering about? Shousau: "...I've learned to not ask questions." katya:....good boy. -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "..." airport staff: <thank you for your patronage, ma'am.> Jacqueline: <You're welcome.> kim: .... Spirit: "...So, how's work been, Kim?" kim: interesting, i guess. aoi looked pretty exhausted the other day. Spirit: "Your coworker?" kim: *she nods* Spirit: "They'll be able to handle things while you're away?" kim: i think so. Spirit: "How about you, Jacqueline?" Jacqueline: "...Edgar can handle things." Spirit: "...That's good, right?" Jacqueline: "If he keeps his raccoon on a leash." kim: so, do we take a cab or something? Jacqueline: *waves* cab: *pulls up* <where to?> Jaqueline: <13 Rue des Canettes.> cab: <alright.> Spirit: *helps load the luggage, opens the passenger door* Jacqueline: *sits in the back* -and soon, they were off- Jacqueline: "..." *holding a cloth, twisting it* kim: *holds her hand* Jacqueline: "..." *lets go of the cloth* <It's up ahead.> kim: ... Jacqueline: "..." *stares at the steps* kim:....*looks over at spirit* Spirit: "Shall we go in?" Jacqueline: "..." *starts walking* kim: *follows* Jacqueline: "..." *inhales, presses the doorbell* maid: <yes?> Jacqueline: <Hello. Is Mrs. Dupre in?> maid: <ah, miss jacqueline. do come in.> Jacqueline: <Thank you.> *walks forward* kim: *follows* -the estate is quite exquisite- Spirit: ._. *small whistle* -the maid staff whispers amongst themselves- Jacqueline: *keeps her head down* -they arrive to the study, where mr and mrs du pre await- mr du pre: ... Jacqueline: <Greetings, Mother, Father.> mr du pre: .............<it's been a while...> Jacqueline: <Yes, it has. I am sorry I could not arrive sooner.> mrs du pre: <and who are _they?_> Jacqueline: *gulps* <This is Mr. Albarn, one of my teachers.> mrs du pre:....*she nods* mr albarn. Spirit: *looking around* ("So much stuff...How much is that vase worth?") mrs du pre: *a-HEM* Spirit: "!!! Oh, hello, ma'am." ^^; kim: 7-7;;; Jacqueline: -\\\\- <And this is my....This is Kim.> kim:....hi. mrs du pre: oh? a friend? Jacqueline: "...Yes." kim: i'm her meister. mrs du pre:........i see. kim: *chilled by her harsh tone* Jacqueline: "...I have been training my weapon abilities, so I can be of use..." mrs du pre: as you ought to. have you been keeping up with your studies? Jacqueline: "And graduated. I mean, yes, ma'am." mrs du pre: and have you gotten into college? kim: ... Jacqueline: "...I..." mrs du pre: have you gotten into a good university? Jacqueline: "I have...been working at school since graduation. And the DWMA was a university, technically, after I finished the high school courses..." mrs du pre: have you been communicating with your suitors? kim: .... Jacqueline: "...It has been some time..." mrs du pre: you'll have to work on that. you're getting to that age where you will have to find a husband. kim: who are you to decide that for her? mrs du pre: ?! Jacqueline: "Kim..." kim: jackie has more than enough brains to know what she wants. mrs du pre: how, dare you! Jacqueline: "K-Kim, please--" kim: jackie isnt some helpless doll for you to boss around! she can handle herself! mrs du pre: how can you possibly know what my child wants? Jacqueline: "Because she is my partner!" kim: !!.... jackie. mrs du pre: !! Jacqueline: "I know my place, and it is in Death City! It is not with some suitor, some boy! It is back home--that is my place!" -SLAP- kim: !!!!! Jacqueline: *stunned...tears forming in her eyes* mrs du pre: ....how. dare you take that tone with me young lady... Spirit: "..." *oh fuck no face* mrs du pre: *grabs her by the wrist* come along. you need to be corrected. kim: HEY LET GO OF HER! Jacqueline: *not budging...her arm is limp* Spirit: "Let that child go!" kim: *jumps onto mrs du pre's back* Jacqueline: "!!!" mrs du pre: !!!! *pushing kim off* why you insufferable little brat! didnt your mother teach you ANY manners?! kim:....... Jacqueline: "Mother?" mrs du pre: *cold gaze at her* silence you. you speak only when spoken to. Jacqueline: "I SPEAK WHENEVER I GODDAMN FEEL LIKE IT, YOU BITCH!" mrs du pre: !!!!!! mr du pre: !!!!! kim:.....*smiles* Jacqueline: "Kim has been with me through all of this--through Death City, through fights, through weapons training! Where the hell were you two?! What did you ask of me?! Did you ask me what I wanted?! Congratulate me on controlling my weapon abilities?! For finding any goddamn piece of happiness in my life?!" *angry tears* mrs du pre: .....young lady, are you and this girl in a relationship? *cold glare* Jacqueline: "What if I was?!" mrs du pre:..............*shakes her head and walks away from her* Jacqueline: "Yes, walk away--just as you always have!" Spirit: "A parent who turns their back on their child is hardly a parent." mrs du pre: that _thing_ is not my child. Spirit: "A CHILD IS NOT A THING, YOU STUPID BRAT!" mrs du pre: that girl has no right to refer to me as her mother. i want her out of this house. Jacqueline: "...This never was my home anyway." mrs du pre:....whatever belongings of yours will be sent to my husband's sister's house. Jacqueline: "Fine. Goodbye." kim: ......*holds jackie's hand, glaring at mr and mrs du pre* Jacqueline: *small squeeze of Kim's hand, as she tries to hold herself together and walks* Spirit: "..." *cold glare at Mr. Du Pre* mr du pre:....*he doesnt say anything* -at the hotel- Jacqueline: "..." *rubs her cheek* kim: URG! im so MAD! how could they be so stupid?! Jacqueline: "They are who they are." kim: jackie, it's official. our moms fucking suck. Jacqueline: "..." *laughs, crying* kim:....*hug* Jacqueline: "..." *hug* kim:....*glances at spirit* Spirit: "...Jacqueline, maybe we should get you flying back sooner? Or...What was this about an aunt?" Jacqueline: "...I don't know...I don't want to keep you two here." kim: maybe we should meet this aunt of yours? Jacqueline: "...You sure?" kim: may as well not waste the trip to france, right?...s-sorry. Jacqueline: "O-Okay...I'll call her up." -elsewhere- Crona: "..." *sets down their glass* mami: how are you feeling? Crona: "...Still sad." mami: *she nods* it's ok. do you want to sleep in my bed tonight? Crona: "..." *nods* -\\\\- -elsewhere- Medusa: *under a blanket* neian: *asleep* Medusa: *shivers* *looks up through hole in the ceiling* -the light of the moon shines down- Medusa: *glares* ("Can't keep going on like this...Need something more permanent...") *holds Neian close* neian: zzzzz Medusa: *closes her eyes* -elsewhere- Alone: "Pheh." milia:.... Alone: *bangs pan against the door* "More food!" milia: where's nalsie?! >A< Guard: "In intensive care." milia: *worried* Alone: "...He's probably fine. Guy's been through worse." milia:.... Grimoire: "He's probably dead." milia: D8> Alone: "Dude!" Grimoire: *stares at Milia* "Better you grow up already." milia: *crying* Alone: *glares* "Just because _you're_ in a foul mood doesn't mean you got to treat the kid like that..." Grimoire: "..." *goes back to reading* milia: *whimper* *The door opens* ???: "...Huh. They _are_ here." milia: ?? Free: "Yo. Wolf." eruka: *her expression is one of total discomfort* Alone: -_-; "Oh. This outcast..." *sniffs* "...I smell her on you." Free: -_____-;;;; Alone: *smiles at Eruka* eruka: *uncomfortable frog noises* Free: "??? Jeez, they're even keeping a kid here?" milia: oh no! my spell wore off.... QAQ Free: " 'Spell'? Witch?" milia: *she nods* eruka: ...what's your name, kiddo? milia:....milia papillon. Free: "...Eruka..." eruka: ....your mom. she was mona papillon, right? milia:.....*teary eyed and nods* Free: "..." *looks at the Guard* guard:...you'll have to take it up with sid. Free: *nods* "We will..." -elsewhere- Kid: *collapses in bed* stocking: *sigh* so tired. Kid: "Mmm..." *kisses her cheek, lies down* "How's True Cross?" stocking: normal as any day there can be. Kid: *yawns* "I hope you're enjoying it..." *hugs* stocking: mm... =///= Kid: *nuzzles* "Love you..." stocking: i love you too <3 Kid: *smooch* stocking: u////u -elsewhere-
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