#i never expected finding a harry potter rp to be so hard
thistleandthorn-rpg · 11 months
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Congrats Pari on your audition for Maverick Mason! Please send us his blog within 48 hours!!
Name/Alias: Pari Preferred pronoun: She/Her Age: 29 Timezone/Country: EST/USA RP Experience: i’ve been rping for 12+ years in multiple different kinds of groups (glee, smut, harry potter, oc) Activity Level: 7/10
Name: Maverick Mason Designation: Dominant Age: 23 Birthdate (click here for list): July 15, 2000 Faceclaim: Nick Jonas Orientation: Pansexual Kinks: daddy kink, bondage, group sex, spanking, orgasim denial, choking, hair pulling, roleplay, begging, biting/scratching, tpe Anti-Kinks: scat, vore/gore, any bodily fluids, permanent marking, physical injury/disfiguring, pet play, little/child/age play, extreme play, cages
Key Points: 
Musically Gifted (Singing, Guitar, Piano, Drums) - Has been releasing music on streaming platforms since he was 15, picked up steam and has been offered multiple contracts but cannot sign until after he graduates
Guarded - His father has trained him to show as little emotion as he can because emotions can be seen as weakness
Sarcastic - He has a way of brushing things off and teasing
Hot Headed - When someone pushes his buttons he tends to get angry and boil up, occasionally exploding on someone who probably wasn't even making him upset in the first place
Being a child of a military father is never easy, the expectations of perfection, loyalty, strength, respect and hard work meant there was never any time to slack off or have fun in the Moose household. The Moose children were raised in a militant life-style thanks to their father, the RROTC instructor: get up early, make your bed, go for a run, get to school early, train your ass off, eat, go to sleep and repeat. If you managed to find time in there for some fun it was only on the weekends. And more-so, if you were going to pursue something whether it be sports, music, acting you better be the best at it or it wasn't worth it in their family's eyes.
Maverick was thrust into athletics growing up, particularly football, but never truly loved it the way he loved music. From the age of 10 he taught himself multiple instruments (piano, guitar, drums) and was getting solos in choir. Not long after he began to record some of his own music onto streaming platforms which mananged to pick up some steam by his mid teens being offered a few contracts since he turned 18. And though his father was less-than thrilled about him pursuing music as a career instead of a steady job in the military he decided to allow him to do so on the condintion that he graduated from Stronewall first.
What are your feelings about the mark you have received?  - For the most part I think it makes sense, my Dad being a military man always taught me how to take charge and stand strong. Occasionally there are times where I've thought I might have been better as a Switch but I trust the system, I know it's right.
How do your feelings on the system compare to your parents’ feelings on it? - My parents are strict to the system, always have been. For me I think overtime there has been more gray area that aren't things that can be accounted for.
Where do you see yourself after you graduate?   - Making music for sure. In general, just continuing in the career that I want with a really hot claim who's at my beckon call.
How do you feel about authority? - I'm loyal to the authority if I approve of its leadership/capabilities as well as its direction. If I do not agree with it, but consider it highly capable, I will oppose, but usually respect them. If I find it to be neither, they get ignored. 
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wild-creek-rps · 2 years
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maraudersandlily20 · 4 years
Sup, my dudes. Since coming back to life, but refusing to be the same as before my death (it’s a joke, you guys. Come on. I was just mega depressed and not interested in RP. Still not, really. But writing is good.) I have been aggressively writing. Asking for prompts. Doing the most I can. Because writing makes me happy. And I want to write and share my stories like @ashes-and-ashes because she’s the best and I love her. Her stories make me feel things, and I hope that’s what I’m doing for other people.
I’ve written a lot of ficlets based on prompts and figured it was a good time to compile. So, here we go!
Possessive Remus: Remus doesn’t like hearing Sirius talk about other boys
Drarry Quidditch Match: They don’t seem to know how to not bait each other on
Lily Luna and the case of the WIFI router: How did her father save the wizarding world?
Harry’s Tattoo: Teddy wants to know more about his parents
Remus’ Reflection: Third year brought a lot of moments back to Remus’ memory
The Letter: Sirius finds a letter left for him in Regulus’ room
Flower Crowns and Fighting: Draco finds Harry arm in arm with someone else after a few months apart
A Superhero Complex: Ginny encourages Harry to allow himself to heal with other people
The “F” Side of the Room: George has never had to sleep alone
For Better or Worse: Ginny desperately looks for Luna during the battle of Hogwarts
A Dance: A quiet moment in Remus and Sirius’ flat
A Thin Line Between: Harry confronts his godfather about his feelings for his old teacher
On the Field: Percy finds Oliver where he always does
Love From a Distance: Sirius struggles with his decision to move in with the Potters
Here Comes the Sun: Remus kept his friendship with Regulus until it was too late
Terrible Tantrum: James and Lily don’t really know how to be parents
Lost: Harry gets an unexpected visitor 
Teddy: A new addition to the family
A Welsh Welcome: Harry and Remus go visit Lyall Lupin in Wales
Do Your Worst: James faces his greatest enemy with no fear
I’ll Miss You Too: Remus tells James of his plans and faces his wrath
Madame Flow: Tonks on her period is a sight
A Stone Under a Tree: Remus attempts to comfort Harry after Sirius’ death
Piazza di Trevi: Remus doesn’t believe in fate until it seems to fall right into him
Reading Between the Lines: Maybe Remus and Sirius are the best people to talk to Harry about relationships
Off A Bridge: Harry has never been good at talking
Just Stay: A moment of vulnerability that neither Draco or Harry expect
2001: An anniversary that Harry just doesn’t remember
Pillow Talk: Draco comes home to find Harry in bed and can’t help himself
A Ship in a Bottle and a Telephone: Muggles never cease to amaze
A Flying Lesson: Lily is afraid of flying, which is news to James
Cigarettes at a Party: Harry finds Draco at a work party
Chasing: it’s a win all around
Like a Red Splattered Painting: Remus and Regulus find something in common
Breaking Up: It’s a joke
No Refunds: Puppies get to stay
Love Letters: James struggles with his feelings... and spelling?
Afraid Of: Harry still has nightmares that won’t leave
I Like You: A haircut and a confession
Sleeping with the Lights On: You get some habits that are hard to lose
Dead: Sirius learns the fate of his mother
Folded Socks: What makes a monster scary?
Drunk Admissions: Teddy just really needs James Sirius to pick up
Anyone But Him: A moment of clarity paired with a moment of dread
There are a few more, but they were really small. I mean, I still liked them. But it’s like 11:30 and I’m tired. So here! Here are basically all of the prompts!! I’ll add on as we go!
If you ever want me to write a story, please send me a prompt!! I’d be happy to whip up whatever I can. 
See you soon!
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jebazzled · 4 years
should you open a site?
Hi there! If you've been around the block a time or two in rp, you've probably thought about opening a site of your own - or maybe you've already given it a go. How did it go?
Mixed reviews, yeah?
Here's the thing: the Venn Diagram of people who want to staff a site & people who are well-suited to staffing a site actually has very little overlap. You probably should not open a site, or if you are going to, you should make sure you're doing it in a way you can sustain and for the right reasons.
In today's tutorial, we're going to unpack the reasons people are drawn to staffing - both good reasons and bad reasons - as well as the things that most frequently close sites. Hopefully, this will give you some good shit to think about next time you get that itch. You know the one.
Before we launch into some troubleshooting, I'd like to talk about staffing more broadly, and why it should matter to you whether you are doing a good job.
Of course, it's important to do a good job managing your site so that it has some longevity, builds a positive community, and becomes a place that people enjoy spending time.
But it is also important to remember that
when you staff a site, the site becomes part of your reputation.
The roleplay community is both very large and very small - there are always people you've never met before, but there are also always people around who you recognize. Stick around long enough, and you start to see people who always seem to be buzzing a project that doesn't open. You see people who are always staff searching. You see people who habitually buzz, open, and ghost two or three or more projects a year.
Maybe you are one of those people.
Folks notice, dude. There are a number of folks in the rp community who I am sure are perfectly nice, but whose sites I will never join, because I know from observation that they will ghost or formally close the site within three months.
No one will straight up tell you, "hey, you have a reputation for being super flaky." But it might be why you have a hard time filling a staff search. It might be why a buzz or opening is lackluster. It might be why none of your members seem to be super committed to your site: they assume you, too, are not very committed to your site.
It is in your best interests for future projects that your current projects go well. So you should consider carefully, before asking a dozen or more people to invest their time and creative energy towards your site, whether you will be able to sustain the project.
A lot of people treat staffing a site as the inevitable next step when you've been in rp a long time, and that is simply not the case. Staffing isn't about having ideas or talent. Staffing is about project management.
Staff don't need plot and lore ideas: you can crowdsource these from members.
Staff don't need coding or graphics skills: you can commission these from creators in resource communities.
Staff don't even need to be excellent writers.
Staff need to be able to set goals and achieve them, delegate and accomplish tasks, mediate conflict, and manage and recalibrate expectations. This is, of course, very unsexy, and often is tedious: updating claims, monitoring activity, engineering and executing events. I think a lot of people remember what a fucking pain it is to do ads all the time and it's the first thing they stop doing, which then means they don't have new blood to replace the folks who joined and ghosted after the buzz, and then the site dies. None of it is open heart surgery, but all of it is at least somewhat important.
If you don't want to do the boring day-to-day work of staffing, you shouldn't staff! Members on site don't have to do that shit, and also get to opt out on the emotionally exhausting work of conflict mediation, app review, etc. You can be a longtime roleplayer who never staffs. It's allowed.
But you want to open a site. Or you have opened sites and it's been underwhelming. For whatever reason, you're here. So sure. Let's talk about opening sites.
Reasons to open a site
There are lots of reasons why someone might want to open a site. Some reasons are better than others, with the broad distinction that writing-centric reasons are generally much stronger reasons to open a site than psychology-driven reasons.
If the pro of not running a site yourself is the lack of responsibility, the con is the lack of control. Being a member means you're dependent on admins to keep the site open - and we've all been in situations where the staff of a site lost interest before we did. Being a member also means being at the mercy of the staff for plot, lore, and etc, depending on your community. On a "member-driven" site you might feel more empowered to have a hand in the worldbuilding - but if the staff decides to double down on the one subplot you thought was stupid and boring, you're left navigating having a good time by yourself.
Opening a site because you want to be able to rely on the site's availability and attractiveness to you for your own writing needs isn't a bad reason to open a site. After all, we build the community and the environment we want to see. So if you don't like something in a writing community, and it's not something you can work with staff to fix - it might make sense to build a community that does fill those needs.
"Having ideas" is, in my opinion, the least important thing when it comes to staffing. But it can be a reason to open a site of your own! If you have a fictional world you can't find elsewhere, or a really specific overarching plot idea, or a rich vision of lore, it might be easier for you to develop your own playground for these ideas than to bend them to fit an existing site.
"JB, JB, how can it be two things at once?" Because! Haven't we all been on sites where the admin staff were on a major power trip? When admins start making decisions for members and against a member's wishes, whether it be for character progression or plot development, admins are being unreasonable and demanding. Remember: this is a collaborative hobby. If you can't handle the idea of a member writing something without your eyes on it, you are likely getting too invested in having power over what other people write, and you need to back way off.
BAD REASON: Influence/Importance
Writing is such a personal and intimate thing, and it becomes so easy to get too emotionally invested in how people write or don't write with you. We all know people in the rp community who base their sense of self around rp (I go in on it at length in my troubleshooting tutorial here). These are the people who will have 5 characters accepted within a week of joining, with 20 threads written with 2/3 of the site's members, and who will leave in a tearful hurry within a month saying they feel excluded.
Do you feel Seen?
If you are relying on rp to tame your insecurities, it is never going to work. Staffing a site, claiming the most important canons, and having your hands in every subplot won't automatically make you the most popular person on the site. And even if it did? You would still be insecure, because that is some shit you have to work through offline, dude.
Do not open a site because you think being the admin will make you feel important/popular/beloved. It is not about whether or not you actually are included or excluded in a community - until you unpack your insecurity and your sense of constantly being overlooked or excluded, you could plot with literally every character combination possible and you wouldn't be happy.
If you are wanting to staff because you like to feel special/important/etc, the problem is not the site. It is you. You are never going to get that fulfillment from staffing a site.
You need to work through this without the pressure of running a site.
Why do you want to open a site? Is it for a good reason, or a bad reason? Is it just because you feel like you should? I shouldn't have to tell you that that is a stupid reason.
Opening a site for the wrong reason is a losing proposition.
If you open a site because you want tight creative control, you are going to frustrate your writers, who will likely go elsewhere to write more freely. If you open a site because you want to feel important, you're going to take it very personally when people get mad at you for admin things like denying their apps, handling their interpersonal conflicts with impartiality, or turning down their proposition to turn your Harry Potter site into a Harry Potter/Doctor Who crossover.
If people feel driven out by your power-hungry attitude and rigidity, your site's activity will die, and it will get harder to recruit new people, and it will fizzle out until you either ghost or tell your four remaining members that you're throwing in the towel.
If you feel personally attacked by the thankless work of staffing, you will emotionally burn out, and likely either ghost your own site, or close it. If you are a person prone to lashing out, you might first encounter massive interpersonal drama.
If you are going to open a site, do it for the right reason.
Reasons to close a site
Let's also talk a little about those of us who have opened sites before. Most of us - if not every single one of us - have also closed a site. Sites close for a lot of reasons, and they aren't all admin's fault: a site is, after all, a community. Sometimes the community loses interest, grows apart, or otherwise dissipates. But it is true that staff sets the tone, and that ultimately, staff are who decide to put the board offline.
So maybe you've closed a site. Maybe you're one of the people I mentioned earlier who buzzes, opens, and closes three sites a year. Let's take a good, hard look at why your site closed. It might be a good reason not to open a site again - at least not until you figure out your root issue.
One of the most common reasons why admins will close a site is a lack of time. Real life gets too busy, and the grind of keeping the site up is just too much. It happens! RP is no one's real job. Everyone has a real life.
Not having time to staff won't necessarily be a nail in your reputation's coffin. But it is a reason that you should take into account next time you have the itch to staff.
Some situations are more understandable than others, as far as scheduling goes. For example, if you open a site the summer after graduation when you have a lot of time, and then realize how time-consuming job-hunting is, you might close your site to make time. If you open a site while sitting comfortably at a low-stress job and then you switch to a fast-paced, customer-facing position, you might have less energy and less downtime for the site. If you opened a site when your kid went to grade school, and now you're homeschooling them during the pandemic, you simply might not have time anymore.
The commonality here? A circumstance changed, and the person living the circumstance didn't expect the change. It was a surprise.
By contrast, if you're a tax accountant, you know when your busy season is, and it would be stupid and irresponsible for you to open a site in December knowing that you're about to be bogged down in tax season until April. If you're a school teacher, you know that the start of the year is a whirlwind, and it would be stupid and irresponsible to open a site on the first day of school. If you know that normally your workload doesn't even allow you time to participate on a site as a member, it would be ridiculous for you to open a site during a two-week slow period.
You can close a site because you're too busy for it. You can do it again, a couple of years later. But if you make a habit of doing it - and doing it often - people are going to notice that you just don't have time for the sites you want to open.
I remember being on a site several years ago that closed seemingly without warning. The staff said they didn't have time to run the site anymore, a claim I took at face value - until a month later, when they opened a new project.
I remember being deeply annoyed: either they had been dishonest about the reason for the site's closure, or they were stupid enough to think that a month-long lull was reason enough to expect to be able to maintain a site. If you are too busy to keep your site open, that is fine - but you then shouldn't open another site until you have been distinctly not-busy for a while.
You can take steps to mitigate time constraints, on your next project: you might build out your site's world and administrative process around what tasks you can automate with scripts and etc, to minimize the amount of administrative tasks you need to do. You might go no-app to skip another task. If you're a person who experiences time-blindness, and you have no idea how long you spend on any task, you will need to deliberately select your staff based on their ability to execute tasks on time and efficiently in ways that you cannot.
Staffing may also just not be for you! And there is nothing wrong with that.
You might find yourself worn down with the grind of staffing: the ads, the claims, the app review, the mediating conflict, the way your own writing can often come last. The concessions you might make to plots you'd like to do in the interest of pleasing the greater site community. Etc. It's a lot, and it's a thankless job.
And it's always going to be like that. You can counter some of the things that suck up your time - automate claims, go no-app, narrow down your advertising to a tiny list of blogs and servers rather than a dozen directories - but staffing is always going to be, at times, exhausting and thankless. If it's too exhausting and thankless to be worth sticking around - that's fine! But you can't keep being surprised that staffing is like this. It isn't really a realization you can have more than maybe twice, and it's not a realization you can keep having at two months in and expect it not to be a sticking point.
Premature Death Calls
Listen: your site is not dying two weeks after the site buzz. The swarm of activity when you opened was an artificial high caused by bottlenecking your membership intake. Keep posting your ad after your site opens to keep new members coming in so even when your site buzz population moves on to the next buzz, you've got members there. Don't throw in the towel too early, Denise!
Unlike the above, where site buzz members move on to the next buzz because they're always chasing the next big thing, you being bored with your site is a potential reason to close. After all, you're the one putting in the time and energy. If you're not vibing with it, it's not like the community is entitled to you keeping the site open as charity work.
But similarly to the time reasoning: this is a rationale you can only use sparingly.
If you have a habit of losing interest on an idea, you should not be opening sites. It is one thing to misjudge your interest and its longevity once. But if you do it two or three times a year - it's a pattern, and you shouldn't ask a dozen or more people to invest their creative energy into something if you know there's a strong possibility you'll lose interest within a few months.
(It will not be different this time, dude. It is never different.)
Any community of people is not without conflict. Sometimes, the conflict gets to be too much, and whether your members scatter to avoid it or you close to be done with it - it's worth evaluating if it happens more than once. If site drama keeps closing your site, the call might be coming from inside the house.
If you came on staff because you wanted to feel special and important: you are likely causing some of the drama. When you take it so personally whether or not people write with you, how much they write with you, etc, you are setting up for your expectations to 1) be unreasonable 2) to not be met.
If you came on staff because you like control, you might be too rigid, and your controlling and unyielding approach to your site may be driving your members away.
If every site you run closes due to drama, you might look at their common denominator. What behavior do you exhibit that might be unwelcoming, abrasive, or toxic?
(Linkin Park voice) Breaking the habit
People notice, if you are constantly opening sites that die after two months. RP is a weird atmosphere where two things are constant:
Sites often have a shelf life of 2-4 months before they die either due to admin neglect, lack of new membership, or infighting with the existing members
Sites are often being launched by the same people over and over again
Which is to say, I think some of us in the resource/admin chat space tend to think of early site death as a problem of member attention - people being drawn away from existing sites by new and shiny buzzes. This is true to an extent - but I think we latch onto it because it absolves us of the truth that some admins are not just bad admins, but habitual bad admins.
To be clear, I don't mean that they are nasty people - just that they have a track record of not being great at keeping a site open. But just as some people are perennial site hoppers - some admins are perennial site starters, and that doesn't seem to be something talked about with as much depth as site hoppers. And perennial site starters feed the site hopper problem: if the perennial site starter wasn't opening a new buzz every two months, the site hopper wouldn't have a new flashy thing to get instant gratification on, would they? They would need to do some more long term plotting and character development.
I've staffed my site for two and a half years now, and the relief of having a space with such longevity is incredible. Because my community trusts that the site isn't going to close on a whim, people invest in long-term plots - for example, when we polled members in March asking if they wanted a specific event to happen in the spring or in the fall, an overwhelming majority opted for fall. Six months out, six months to plot and thread and worldbuild - on so many other sites, it would feel risky to count on anything that far in advance.
Wouldn't it be nice to have more stability in the rp world? More opportunity for deeper plotting and character development, slow burn plots that are legitimately slow to burn, the satisfaction of executing a plot years in the making. We can have that, if we focus less on having a vast number of short-lived sites and more on building sustainable, welcoming communities that allow for ebb and flow without going straight to closure any time there's a slow or difficult period. We can have that, if we're more thoughtful in our staffing - even if it means not staffing at all.
I hope this tutorial was helpful to you! As always, feel free to drop your requests for future tutorials in my askbox. In the meantime, all best, and happy writing!
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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Welcome (again) to the Order of the Phoenix, Mary!
You have been accepted for the role of TED TONKS with the faceclaim change of Dev Patel! We really enjoyed your discussion of Ted in relationship to his motivation and family, while also holding that subtle masculinity and sexism of how he feels he should “be the man in the family.” It was really clever and fit his character so well! So excited to see you take on this role! 
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME: Mary
AGE: 26
ACTIVITY LEVEL: My activity level is definitely moderate, mostly active on the weekends since that’s when I can dedicate the most time. Though, my work load is slowing down a bit each week and I’ll be done with teaching completely by the beginning of June. Which means full time to rp!
ANYTHING ELSE: Same ones as before!
NAME: Ted Tonks
AGE: 30
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Cisgender Male, He/Him, Heterosexual.
BLOOD STATUS: Muggleborn (obvs)
HOUSE ALUMNI: Hufflepuff
ANY CHANGES: Dev Patel as FC <3
Ted has always been known to be a loyal, hardworking, dedicated young man. It’s hard not to be charmed into his positive outlook. He’s got an adorable smile and a kind, respectful attitude that naturally gravitates people towards him. During his time at Hogwarts, Ted obviously didn’t care for blood status or background, so it wasn’t abnormal to see him mingling and getting along with different groups of people. He was one to empathize easily with any person’s situation and be the shoulder to lean on, if necessary. Becoming a husband and father has only amplified his best traits - pushing him to realize this is what he was meant to do his entire life. He was meant to be a life partner to Andromeda, the woman he loved, and to rediscover hope and new life every day in the eyes of his daughter Nymphadora. Ted has always been good at healing and charms. Becoming a stay-at-home dad has given him reason to perfect these skills, anytime Dora got sick or her young signs of magic would spontaneously appear without notice. Ted has been struggling with keeping the secret of his involvement in the Order from Andromeda. On any given day, Ted is the kind of person to be honest and communicate with his wife. However, with the war going on around them, his whole life is at stake of being taken away from him. Andromeda works hard in the Ministry to provide for the family and Dora grows worried as she hears stories all the way from school, and growing up as someone who was taught to work and sacrifice everything for family, he couldn’t just stay idly by and do nothing. Ted hates feeling underestimated or helpless in any situation, and in times like these, he will tell himself to “be a man” and see this as opportunity to step up for what is right.
Ted Tonks is the only child of two muggle parents, immigrants who came to the UK from the slums of Delhi, India. His parents yearned for a better life for their child, teaching Ted everything he knows about hard work and sacrifice for the love of family. After moving to Birmingham at the age of 4, Ted learned to live anew in a community where very few people looked and shared a culture like him. Even though he was very likable amongst his childhood friends and their families, Ted knew even in the smallest ways that he was different, an outsider. The deep-rooted prejudices were most noticed in his father and mother’s small shop, and yet, the respect for cultivating a business from the ground up was still tested daily. However, a young Ted never paid too much attention to the way some people mistrusted his family. Even in his family’s most difficult years, getting accustomed to their new life in a new home, Ted found countless moments of simple joys and learned to make the most out of nothing.
For eleven years, Ted has been a stay-at-home dad. However, once Nymphadora went off to school, Ted began job searching, even with the difficult prejudices he faced being a Muggleborn wizard.  Eventually after a referral, he’s took on working part-time in the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. It fits him well since he is bridge between both worlds, but in some ways, still wishes he can do more without being judged for his blood line.
Ted has always been good with healing magic and charms, especially after being a stay-at-home dad for so long. So he’s primarily began helping Emmeline with any tasks she needs assistance with, as well as any potion/charm work that needs to be taken care of. However, if he’s given the chance to go out for a mission, he will jump on the chance to do anything that’s asked of him.
Ted respects the Order of the Phoenix. Not only has it given a chance for him to do more, but he feels that in times like these, being above the law is a necessary evil for the common good. Before all this, Ted might have been the kind of person to back away and watch what happens to the world - but not anymore. He knows that the Order has had some rough patches and yet, that’s what war looks like. With the Order, Ted believes he can work toward making a better world for his daughter.
I think even if other people look down at their relationship, what is really keeping him alive at this point is Andromeda. Even being married to him, Andromeda with her blood line and ties to the Ministry carry weight in this world. He doesn’t like to admit it, since sometimes, he doesn’t quite understand what she does and he feels as man of the house, he should be providing more for his family. They also try to keep a quiet life in a little cottage by the coast, away from the eyes of the Wizarding community. So when you are secluded and keep your business to yourself, people tend to not pay any attention to you.
Andromeda is the person closest to Ted, not only for being the love of his life, but also for the reason that once they got married and had Nymphadora, Ted lost touch with many of the people he had friendships with. He still talks to his parents every so often, but in order to keep them far from the dangers of the Wizarding World, he has kept a good distance from them, chugging it up to now living two hours away from his hometown. Ted still deeply cares for all of his estranged friends and even if they haven’t spoken in years, his loyalty to them will always be there. He might not find the same feeling the other way around and Ted wouldn’t blame them for feeling so. Regardless, he has no regrets for the decisions he has made, as he knows he did what’s best for his family.
SHIPS/ANTI-SHIPS: Andromeda/Ted for sure. There’s a lot going on there - between their own biases and withholding information about the length of their participation in the Order. But Ted/Chemistry is most important!! In the end, I ship all the things.
Being a Muggleborn and person of color, Ted would probably grow up with the least amount of privilege or bias towards anyone. Especially after becoming a father, Ted has been a very tolerant and open-minded person, as he truly believes that you should treat others the way you want to be treated. However, that doesn’t excuse the fact that deep down inside, after years and years of prejudice against his kind, Ted still grew an unconscious mistrust for Pureblood kind. Seeing Purebloods like Isla Selwyn-Macmillan, who have family members so vocal about their support for the Dark Lord, being a part of the Order put Ted in an uncomfortable spot. Even his wife still uses the word ‘mudblood’ around him, and she is the woman he loves, how does he trust any Pureblood outside of her? Ted also catches himself with what one can only consider mild forms left of traditional masculinity, whenever he compares his job to Andromeda’s and internally debates whether not telling Andromeda he is a part of the Order is the right thing to do. As open-minded as he is, Ted still remembers his father taking majority of the role as head of the house during his childhood, and sometimes, he asks himself whether that’s an expectation he should have for himself too.
WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? I love this rp!! It brought back the wonderful feeling of being in this community of Harry Potter role-play and I wanted to find a new character that was a bit different than Marlene. I’m just looking forward to finding more ways to have fun here :’)
PLOT DROP IDEAS: Oof, if he’s a muggleborn wizard and they start going after those Muggleborn wix, my angsty soul wants to say that he goes into hiding and before/after he does so, he gets abducted or hurt in some way through that. Maybe they even find out he works for the Order? Also, if something happens at Hogwarts and in turn, something happens to Nymphadora? Or maybe there’s a threat on her life so Andromeda/Ted will try to go after her? Possibilities are endless!!
ANYTHING ELSE? I love you guys and this rp!! I’m so excited <3
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Hello, hello! This is the first time I’ve put something out like this- ANYWAYS, my name is Vy. I’m 22 (turning 23 pretty soon), I go by pronouns they/she, I’m in an MFA Creative Writing program, I'm in the EST time zone, and I love, love roleplaying. Been doing it on-and-off for six years on Tumblr now and writing for ten years now. This summer I’m generally going to be free, but when I’m in school you can expect at least one response a week from me. After doing indie rp for years, I’d like to try my hand at 1x1 rp and maybe to find a long term partner I can write with as well!
I’d prefer it if my partner(s) were also 21+ since I tend to write about the darker aspects of life. 
Okay, now onto the RP stuff:
Style: Honestly, I like to think I’m pretty flexible? I personally prefer multi-para (200-500 words) and para threads, but I also love the occasional spontaneous RP that can happen through the chats. Para threads I’m more likely to respond to more frequently than multi-paras though. Writing can be exhausting.
I’m OC/OC interactions only. Not really comfy with writing canon characters.
Communication: It’s a necessity :D I usually find having some kind of a friendship with the other person does wonders for my inspiration. I tend to be kind of shy though, but don’t let that stop you from coming into my messages!! We can talk about anything although at the beginning I’m more inclined to keep the chatting more to rp plots and character headcanons until I get comfy. I will note though, there are days and times when I just won’t be up for chatting- when that happens, I might disappear for a day or two. I promise I’ll get back to you in 24-48 hours max. I’ll be patient with you. This is a hobby after all.
If any problems arise or something makes you uncomfortable or even you’ve just lost interest in a plot, please, please talk to me. I’m always open to critique and will appreciate it if you give me some. Ghosting hurts too.
Plotting: I love, love plotting! Even though this is a hobby, I do get very enthusiastic about epic storylines and memorable characters and character arcs.  If we plot something out though, please know I’m expecting us also to write it out whether it’s formally or informally. I’m really looking for someone who has that same enthusiasm and consistency. I’d say I’m more of a few plots but deeper development kind of writer. Also I really like doing angst. Well, a balance of angst and fluff.
Ships: Ships are pretty great- that being said, I’m here for chemistry and development first. I’m here for build-up and as far as I’ve seen my characters, I tend to be more on the slow-burn side of things. I personally am more comfy with M/M and F/F, but I’ll do the occasional M/F too. Nonbinary and trans muses are more than welcome too. I also love, love doing platonic and familial ships too. PLEASE I’LL GIVE MY RIGHT LEG FOR THAT GOOD PLATONIC SHIT.
I can double! Well, I’ve never done it before, but I have had multimuses with muses of all genders and ships of all kinds if that’s counts for something.
Characters: So I have a lot of pre-made OCs already with character arcs I’d love to write my way through. But within the plot, the most important thing for me is character development based on interaction. When it comes to making muses, I do tend to be more on the slower side, but on the flip side, those muses will have extensive backgrounds. If you’re looking for someone to help you with exploring the full depth and possibilities of a character, please sign me up! Please note also, all of my OCs are queer and a majority are POC. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, misgendering of any kind will not be tolerated.
While I do have faceclaims for my characters (and the ones I’d make), it’s not the most important thing to me. I’m here for content and personality.
Smut: I can do it- actually I’d be looking for ways to improve my smut writing. That being said, I’ll only do it if it contributes to the character and plot development. We can also always just fade to black as well. In terms of positions, I’m more used to writing the ‘submissive’ role, but consider me a switch. A lot of my muses are switches as well.
Limits: A hard no on rape scenes, non/dub-con scenes, incest (that includes relatives who are not related by blood), and toxic relationships. They can be referenced and alluded to in the past though.
Genre: I’m not really a high fantasy kind of person. I can do urban fantasy though- for the most part, my main focus is going to be character interactions, character dynamics so you might say my cup of tea is generally slice-of-life with a hint of magic thrown in. But I’m always down to try new things- except for high fantasy, I apologize.
Basically: Urban Fantasy, Supernatural, Slice-of-Life, Historical- the important part is that it’s character driven.
Plots: At the moment, I’m kind of sucked dry, but I’m more likely to be down to try whatever you throw at me! Or just introduce me to your OCs- I’ll most likely want to introduce mine and we can go from there!
Fandoms: I know I said I’m not comfy with writing canon characters, but it doesn’t mean we can’t throw our muses in those universes! Fandoms I’m familiar with include:
Shadowhunters, Harry Potter, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, ATLA, MCU, Harvest Moon, Fire Emblem, Studio Ghibli, and Pokemon. I’ll list more if I think of any.
Method: I’ll do discord, email, or Google Doc! Maybe in the future I’ll try my hand on Tumblr as well again too.
Congrats, you made it through the whole thing. If you’re interested, please hit me up either on discord or by email- I look forward to writing with you all!
Discord: letscallitvy#0074
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sapphiretrams · 6 years
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Get to Know Me Tag
I was kind of tagged by @intricately-silly? Like, I have a notification that I was mentioned??? Idk, but thanks if you did!
Rules: Post a pic of your simself with your traits and answer the questions!
Traits:  creative + good + music lover
1. What is your full name? Riley, and that’s all I’m gonna say
2. What is your nickname? I kinda gave myself the nickname RPS? You can also call me Trams cause of my url, I don’t mind.
3. When is your birthday? September 5
4. What is your favorite book series? Favorite book series... probably Harry Potter. I’m not obsessed with it (cause J.K. is kinda not a good person) but it’s one of the few series I remember reading.
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Sure. I’m not a hardcore believer, and when I watch Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural, I’m DEFINITELY a Shaniac, but I’m definitely not closed to the idea.
6. Who is your favorite author? Probably Charles Dickens or Shakespeare. I’m a sucker for that classic literature stuff.
7. What is your favorite radio station? Eh, I don’t really listen to the radio.
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Lemon! It’s just SO good in all candy flavors, and I love it so much.
9. What word do you often use to describe something great or wonderful? Rad, awesome, cool, the usuals and occasionally terms that are super dated like tubular.
10. What is your favorite song currently? God that’s hard cause I love music so much... maybe Planetary (GO!) or Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) by MCR.
11. What is your favorite word? Petrichor
12. What is the last song you listened to? The Cage by Genesis
13. What TV show would you recommend everyone to watch? Forensic Files, it’s fascinating to me
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? I haven’t been one to watch movies when down so I don’t really have one
15. Do you play video games? Yep! I’ve been playing them a lot
16. What is your biggest fear? Being abandoned. It’s happened to me so often by friends that it’s just sort of become common place and I’m terrified of it.
17. What is your best quality in your opinion? My optimism!
18. What is your worst quality in your opinion? My inability to talk alshdafsdf I���m such a klutz at speaking
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? Dogs, though I do love cats.
20. What is your favorite season? Spring! Everything is turning green and flowering and it’s so refreshing to feel the rain on your face!
21. Are you in a relationship? Nope, I am tragically single
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? Having my parents read stories to me and my brothers, it was such a fun time in my childhood.
23. Who is your best friend? My friend Elli, a super cool nb person who’s been my friend for around 2 years now.
24. What is your eye color? Hazel
25. What is your hair color? Dark brown, though it’s been bleached and I would love to have green hair again.
26. Who is someone you love? Myself 💕
27. Who is someone you trust? My mom. She’s on my side no matter what, and she’s the first family member I told about my sexual and gender identity.
28. Who is someone you think about often? My ocs
29. Are you currently excited about something? Not really, I’m just kinda drifting atm
30. What is your biggest obsession? The Adventure Zone. It is SO. GOOD. I love the McElroys, and they mean a lot to me.
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? The 1994 Spider-Man series. That SM has always been my favorite and he always will be.
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to? What’s a gender?
33. Are you superstitious? Sorta I guess
34. Do you have an unusual phobias? I HATE arteries and tendons. HATE HATE HATE them. They freak me out and I have to cover them up when I start getting freaked out by them. I’ve had this fear since I was a child.
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Both baby!
36. What is your favorite hobby? Drawing!!!
37. What is the last book you read? Pieces of Happiness by Anne Ostby
38. What was the last movie you watched? Thor: Ragnorak
39. What musical instruments do you play? Violin, a little guitar, some piano?
40. What is your favorite animal? It’s hard for me to pick, but my favorite since I was a baby is a tiger.
41. What are your top five favorite Tumblr blogs? @viper-fish @berrybloomsims @lunacysims @mellindi @sim-borg
42. What super power do you wish you had? The power to refill stuff.
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? When I’m driving. There’s something about the freedom that just makes me feel so at peace, and I love feeling like I’m not restrained by anything.
44. What makes you smile? My dog. Everything about him just makes my heart swell
45. What sports do you play? I used to be a soccer champ when I was young.
46. What is your favorite drink? Diet Peach Snapple or Dr Pepper
47. When was the last time you wrote a handwritten letter or note to someone? When I was in like, 8th grade
48. Are you afraid of heights? Not really, though I was when I was younger.
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? I’m a very patient person, so probably when people talk to me when I wanna be left alone tbh.
50. Have you ever been to a concert? Yep. Maroon 5 was the last one. I hope to go to more too.
51. Are you vegetarian or vegan? Nah
52. When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up? A wild life veterinarian. I would throw my stuffed tiger down the stairs and “rescue” her.
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? The Adventure Zone: Balance world.
54. What is something you worry about? My dog since he’s getting up their in years, finding a college to go to and what I want to major in college, my bf’s safety, occasionally my parents when I’m paranoid and worried something might happen.
55. Are you scared of the dark? Nah. It’s nice. I’m more paranoid something might be in the dark, but,
56. Do you like to sing? Yes! I’m pretty decent at it, too, so I love it.
57. Have you ever skipped school? Yeah. I got really depressed when I was in high school and I stayed at home, calling in sick. Which I was, but it wasn’t entirely honest.
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? My desk, it has all my stuff on it and it’s cluttered to my liking.
59. Where would you like to live? Germany, or maybe France if I can learn the language. Maybe split the difference and move to Switzerland.
60. Do you have any pets? Just my baby boy TJ whom I adore.
61. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Night owl, though I’ve been making more of an effort to wake up early. I also get more done when I wake up early, cause it feels like I have more time to do things before noon.
62. Do you like sunrise or sunsets better? Sunsets, mostly cause I’m able to see them from my house.
63. Do you know how to drive? Yep!
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Earbuds. I have headphones, but you can’t really wear them in public cause they get in the way.
65. Have you ever had braces? No, though I did have a chin strap when I was younger cause I had (and still have) an underbite.
66. What is your favorite genre of music? My music goes all over the place, but showtunes are my jam.
67. Who is your hero? 1994 Spider-Man. I specify because he’s really different from other versions, and he’s so smart and such a klutz and I grew up with him. I’ve been playing the new Spider-Man game for PS4 and I almost started crying from how close he is to MY SM, and he just reminds me of my morals.
68. Do you read comic books? Nah
69. What makes you the most angry? Politics atm. Don’t even talk to me about them. I don’t like being angry and any talk about the current political situation is just infuriating. 
70. Do you prefer to read real books or on an electric device? Either, though real books hold a special aesthetic to them.
71. What is your favorite subject in school? English. Like I said, I’m a literary nerd.
72. Do you have any siblings? Two, an older and a younger brother.
73. What was the last thing you bought? Ariana Grande’s song No Tears Left to Cry
74. How tall are you? 5′ 7″, perfectly average
75. Can you cook? Eh, I can do the basic stuff, and if I have a recipe in front of me then sure, but otherwise? Don’t ask.
76. What are three things that you love? My dog, myself, my mom.
77. What are three things that you hate? Politics, White™ people, being expected to know things I was never told about (cough cough @ my boss)
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? Honestly, I have more nb friends than either
79. What is your sexual orientation? Pansexual
80. Where do you currently live? The Midwest
81. Who was the last person you texted? My mom
82. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday because I was laughing so goddamn hard
83. Who is your favorite youtuber? Game Grumps and you can fight me on that
84. Do you like to take selfies? Yep! I’m hot and I know it. I’ve hated myself for 5 years, I deserve to be infatuated with myself.
85. What is your favorite app? Monster Girl Creator. It’s so fun.
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? My mom and I are super close, but my dad and I... eh. It’s kinda damaged, though it’s better than it was when I was in high school. He doesn’t understand LGBT stuff or depression so he was just... awful.
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? Probably French, but the funniest to try and do is Russian. I suck at it and it turns into Italian after a while.
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to but want to visit? God I want to travel so bad. I’d love to go to Puerto Rico, France, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Vietnam... so many beautiful places.
89. What is your favorite number? Three
90. Can you juggle? Not for my life
91. Are you religious? I’ve kinda been burned out of religion cause my childhood church was really just... bad. I came out as bi to them when I was a sophomore and it caused a HUGE scene with the church. I was called ‘a slap to the face,’ people left the church, it was just bad. I’m spiritual, but not religious, though my life’s not over yet, so who knows.
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? Space. Space space space. Do you know how badly I want to go to space? I almost became an engineer just so I could go to space.
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? I’m pretty tame, in all honesty, though I do some stupid shit every now and then.
94. Are you allergic to anything? Bullshit, any and every kind of body soap known to man kind, and pollen.
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yes! I can do the double fold think with your tongue where it looks like a scoop chip, you know what I mean?
96. Can you wiggle your ears? Nah
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? I come from a really stubborn household, though lately I’ve been trying to make more of an effort to be humble and just admit I’m wrong. It’s hard.
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Forest. I’ve only been to the beach twice in my life so it’s not really my scene.
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? Do what makes you happy
100. Are you a good liar? I’ve gotten very good at it. I’m not proud of that fact, but I’ve gotten very very good at it.
101. What is your Hogwarts house? Slyterin. No, I’m not joking.
102. Do you talk to yourself? All the time.
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I’m an introvert, though I think I’m more of an ambivert.
104. Do you keep a journal or a diary? Nah.
105. Do you believe in second chances? Yes, but you really can’t give them out really freely. You have to judge who you want to give them to.
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Check for an ID and try to contact the person it belongs to. But if there’s no ID, probably give it to the nearest business or police station.
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? With most things. If they really wanted to.
108. Are you ticklish? Ye
109. Have you ever been on a plane? Yeah, but not many times. My first time on a plane was 4 years ago.
110. Do you have any piercings? Just the basic earlobe pierecings, but I really really want more.
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? Shiro from Voltron, aka my husband. 
112. Do you have any tattoos? No but I want so many
113. What is the best decision that you have made so far? Learning to love myself. It took a lot of time, but I’m so happy I did it
114. Do you believe in karma? Not entirely, but I think there’s some truth to it.
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? I  have bad eyes, so yeah, I wear glasses. I tried contacts, but they got irritating to put in after a while.
116. Do you want children? SO badly. I want a little girl so fucking bad
117. Who is the smartest person you know? My little brother. He wants to be a freaking accountant when he’s older.
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? I went to a museum one time, and they had a cool dinosaur tour or whatever, and I wanted to know what the dinosaur Parasaurolophus was called, but I forgot the name and only remebered like, Ducky from Land Before Time, and Phineas and Ferb had just started airing, so I asked the guy if a platypus was a dinosaur and that haunts me to this day
119. Have you ever pulled an all nighter? Yes. Don’t do it.
120. What color are most of your clothes? Blue cause it’s always looked good on me, but now any color looks good on me cause I know how to own it.
121. Do you like adventures? Yeah man! I love them!
122. Have you ever been on TV? Not that I know of
123. How old are you? 20
124. What is your favorite quote?  “When someone leaves your life, those exits are not made equal. Some are beautiful and poetic and satisfying. Others are abrupt and unfair. But most are just unremarkable, unintentional, clumsy.” -Griffin Mcelroy
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Sweeeets!
I tag @viper-fish @berrybloomsims and @lunacysims
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rcsiistance · 5 years
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hey ! i’m blossom, i’m sixteen, i go by any pronouns, and i present to you the youngest charracter in rp. i’m on discord @ human espresso#2857 & here on any of my tumblr accounts. this is my introduction to my ninth character, ellie ! read under the cut for about her and some wcs. FIND HER PINTEREST HERE.
( ROWAN BLANCHARD, TRANS FEMALE, SHE/HER ) — ✧ that looks like ELEANOR “ELLIE” MAYA ROGERS-BARNES! they’re the SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER of STEVE ROGERS & BUCKY BARNES ( BIOLOGICALLY EDDIE BROCKS ). [ they are also a HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT at paragon. ] i hear they’re ALTRUISTIC & AVID, but tend to be DOGMATIC & JUDGEMENTAL. her file says that her power is KLYNTAR SYMBIOTE. { admin b LOVES u }
tw : foster system, adoption, drug, alc, ment, homelessness, transphobia
i / v.  「    background  !  」
ellie has always thought that being born in the dead of winter says something about her. it makes her a strong woman, or it’s what put that cold spot in her heart, or it’s the reason she can’t stay happy for long.
zara fares is a reporter in san francisco. she’s a second generation immigrant who doesn’t sit still for long. her and eddie brock meet at a party thrown by one of her coworkers, and she immediately detests him.
she finds him uncouth. too openly ambitious in a way that she has never been able to be. on principle, she goes out of her way to correct and bicker with him. he finds it amusing when he is not getting angry in a way that leaves them apart days for zara’s fear of the monster that must lurk beneath the man.
they maintain themselves frenemies for months, until one night over drinks they fall into bed with each other.
zara is angry, really. not at him, but at herself. he’s not what she has ever looked for in a man. he’s a scary, morally reprehensible man, and she has high standards. she doesn’t speak to him for days, and when he comes to her apartment, she doesn’t let him in.
it’s the day she’s breaking her silence when she realizes she’s pregnant, and that’s that. she cuts off eddie brock forever.
eleanor maya fares is born on january second after a 26-hour labor. she’s given up for adoption right after, though she wouldn’t find out why for many years. 
there’s not much that can be said for her formative years, though if so desired she would be able to go back and read her file, including who she was handed between during that time.
when she’s two, she’s dubbed “ ellie “ by her foster mother, and she’s been called that ever since.
when she’s three, though she does not know this, venom has another child, which they dub wrath. they send her after a girl eddie is unaware of that’s living near the outskirts of san francisco with seven foster siblings.
wrath chooses ellie as her host, per venom’s instructions, able to find her simply because she has eddie’s blood ruining through her veins. ellie doesn’t remember a time before wrath, and since they’re fully bonded, she never will.
she grows up in the homes of people she never knows. most of the time, ellie is a well-behaved child, but she’s easily frustrated and easily aggravated. her foster parents sometimes find her toys destroyed in ways that should be incapable of her. when lectured, ellie refuses to admit.
she’s an aware child. too smart for her own good, but not school smart. she has trouble like the rest of the kids when it comes to times tables, but she knows when her foster dad comes home mad from his posture alone.
she grows up beside her best friend. they were in the same foster home when they were four, and ellie remembers hearing about them being twins, offhanded once. she takes it as law.
the first time she runs away from a foster home, she’s eight years old. tiny and contentious. they try to get her to apply herself. they put her in sports. they don’t realize that when she learns to run, she will never stop.
ellie doesn’t like her newest foster parents. they’re strict about school and about home. they won’t call her by her name and when her foster mother tries to cut her hair, she sneaks out the bathroom window and runs, and runs, and runs.
she knocks on the foster home her twin is staying at with loose knuckles, and they climb down the fire escape together.
she spends four months with them and she loves it. ellie learns about everything. she goes to the library often. wrath helps her more than anything. she tells the pair when to hide, and where to go, and who to avoid.
they work out fine until she gets caught shoplifting a chocolate bar. when the shop owner drags both of them to the back of the store by their ears and asks her parents number, she crosses her arms and stays silent. when the police come, they play nicer.
she tells that they don’t have any, and the looks on their face teach her something about the world that day. they look sad but resigned. like they expected this of them. she doesn’t get it, but one day she does.
another foster home. this one is more strict, and it’s in colorado, two states over from where her last one was. they hadn’t stopped running.
they’re nicer, but she’s predisposed. she knows she would be better off with her twin and wrath. her and her twin and wrath and her dirty converse that they make her replace. they’re stricter, too, with locked windows and all.
it doesn’t stop her. she disappears one-day after school, and by the time they realize it she’s already in denver with her twin by her side. they continue their trek east. ellie spends most of her time talking with wrath and her twin.
it takes time to realize that it’s not normal. normal people’s skin doesn’t sometimes not become they’re own. they don’t have a voice inside their head. it’s another one of those things, she thinks. if she told that cop from that one day, he’d have the same damn look in his eyes.
she wants to tell her twin, but she can’t bring herself to face the rejection.
by the time she’s ten, they’re living from place to place in new york. she makes friends easily and her twin keeps her happy and wrath gets her out of trouble when it comes her way. she doesn’t tell anyone about her symbiote, and she makes no plans to.
she reads more than anything. from jane eyre to the great gatsby, she likes classics. she makes a friend who looks at ellie with kind eyes, who sees past the dirty hands and dirty converse.
they invite ellie to join them at a rally they’re going to with kids from the local college. and she finds her footing on top of a shoe-box stage. she feels better with a megaphone in hand.
she’s eleven, squatting with a group of other rugrats, and she’s reading harry potter when molly weasley gets her thinking. who were her parents ? why did they give her up ? where are they now ?
she asks her twin about it, and they’re reproachful. what would they want to do with the people that abandoned them ? they clearly don’t care, eleanor. you’re just lining up to disappoint yourself.
nevertheless, ellie went out of her way. she scorned them all. in the end, with wrath’s help, finding the information was dumb easy in the age of technological innovation.
the adoption wasn’t closed. zara fares lives in upper manhattan. there’s no father listed.
ellie spends weeks staring at the address. she doesn’t know if she can bring herself to go. she googles her. the likeness is uncanny. she’s a reporter, a popular one.
on the day of her birthday, she takes the subway and makes her way to her mother’s expensive apartment. she knocks, and when she’s answered, states with a clear voice who she is. ellie doesn’t stutter.
she’s shocked. but when ellie asks the question, she doesn’t hesitate. she tells her the truth.
she’s never been made to be a mother. she’s a crime reporter, and her work can get dangerous. and she’s certainly never had the want for children. she tells ellie she’s sorry, but she had believed she was giving her a better opportunity at life than a mother who would never love her right.
ellie’s not mad, though, really, not at all. she looks at zara and she can see herself reflected in the same hard, brown eyes. they understand each other. they’re not the sentimental types. she’s still a kid, but she’s never felt older in her life.
when she asks about her father, zara looks in her eyes as she lies. she tells ellie that she doesn’t know. it was a confusing period in her life, she explains. she doesn’t ellie to be disappointed by the man eddie brock is.
zara, despite herself, offers everything she has. she tells ellie that she can have the room at the end of the hall if she wants. she’ll adopt her, legally. they’ll make it work.
but that’s not ellie. she isn’t going to force zara’s hand. she leaves with a debit card in her pocket, but takes nothing else from zara besides a phone number. she goes back to her twin and she doesn’t tell them and she doesn’t cry.
that’s the year her and her twin go in separate directions. they fight more often than they speak, and things are arising for them that aren’t open to ellie. she’s not upset about it, and she doesn’t want to admit that.
she reads in her free time. goes to any protests she finds out about. her signs are infamously funny. people around the city know her name, can recognize the glint in her eyes a mile off, can tell it’s her backpack by the sheer number of pins.
a good kid, they say, but too passionate for her own good.
she’s at a mutant rights rally in the spring after she’s turned twelve. she always feels odd, out of place, because she can’t answer the question of whether or not she belongs. wrath can explain it all she wants, but the question remains.
the edges of her ‘ magneto was right ‘ sign are getting frayed and it rains on and off, but there’s no place she’d rather be. people keep stepping on the toes of her doc martens as she makes her way towards the front, and she walks face first into steve rogers chest.
she doesn’t recognize him until he introduces himself. books don’t have pictures, really. he’s earnest in a way that none of the adults she has met are. when she speaks, he listens to her, and it’s refreshing. she’s been another voice in a chant for years.
he asks where her parents are, and she just laughs. steve offers to walk her home out of no other reason than kindness, and while she doesn’t understand it, she lets him. talking to him is easy, and she tells him all about her. ( except for wrath. )
she likes him a lot more than she’d care to admit. the fine details are fuzzy. but before she’s thirteen, she’s officially eleanor maya rogers-barnes. she’s never had a family before, but now she has more of a family than most can ever hope for.
ellie’s platform is larger now, and she uses it all the same. there was barely a time where she was just “ that new rogers-barnes kid, “ NOT “ that activist rogers-barnes kid. “ 
ii / v.  「    wrath  ! 」
wrath is ellie’s symbiote. a reflection of herself without ellie’s own dishonesty with her feelings. wrath is kind to ellie, though her suggestions can be severe, they reflect ellie’s own beliefs.
wrath takes ellie’s bad side, the parts she hides, her stubbornness, and bitterness about circumstance, and her anger, and runs with it.
they’re close as could be, fully bonded, and ellie doesn’t remember a time before her symbiote.
venom sent wrath to ellie to watch over her, as eddie’s spawn, but ellie is still unaware of her own heritage. wrath has explained her role in ellie’s life, but as someone who spends most of her waking time dealing with prejudice, she can’t bring herself to tell people.
she doesn’t want to deal with the rejection she is sure to come. she’s kept her power to herself and plans to keep it that way, though there have been slips in the past, no one cared about some random mutant kid. now, as eleanor rogers-barnes, a ton of people care.
she just doesn’t want to risk it.
iii / v.  「    work !  」
her schooling before running away from her foster home had been mediocre at best, but after it, if it wasn’t something she could learn from the young adult section of the library, she hasn’t heard of it.
she’s a sophomore in high school ( about to be a junior ), but catching up is taking up half her time. countless tutors to teach her everything she missed while she was hiding from police. kids these days.
she’s not unintelligent, but school isn’t something that comes naturally to her. applying herself takes effort she doesn’t want to make but forces herself to.
iv / v.  「    personality ! 」
ellie’s a strong personality. she’s wise beyond her years and stubborn to a fault. she grew up way too quickly. 
she’s sweet. the worst curse that passes her lip is damn, and she doesn’t drink or do drugs. 
ellie’s a good kid, but her bad side can get the best of her. she can’t keep quiet when she hears offense, and won’t stop until she’s heard.
she cares about people and she really wants to change the world. passionate, almost too much so, she could probably be compared to a zealot.
but her patience is thin, and when worn short, you don’t want to be on the other side of her wrath. it’s a as scary place to be.
she’s also incredibly judgemental. a single offense can keep you on her hate list until your days are up. 
v / v.  「    wanted connections !    」
best friend ! her closest confidante, her best advisor, her pal at all rallies, parades, and protests.
“twin” ! her childhood best friend she treked across the country with. soon w / wc.
enemy ! it’s not hard to find your way onto her bad side. her nor wrath are fun to deal with when provoked.
other ! i’m always up for new ideas. if this sparked an interest in you, feel free to message me here or on discord.
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xleafyheartx · 6 years
Jix is Not Pickett! and Other Things I Feel I Should Say About My Leafling OC
Just like any other person with an OC blog, it’s been very difficult to get my fandomless OC character off the ground on Tumblr. I expected that. But it’s been a couple years now and I’m starting to realize that part of the reason why it’s been difficult to get activity on here is because people assume that Jix is a shoddy attempt at Pickett, or at the very least, a rip-off of a bowtruckle. He’s neither.
First of all, Pickett is only Jix’s FC. I was inspired to bring Jix to Tumblr upon seeing pictures of Pickett only because I had never seen a tree or plant person done quite in the way Pickett was before, and so I never had a very good FC for Jix. I like to have icons and edits and things for RP blogs, so without a proper FC I didn’t want to bring him to Tumblr. once I saw Pickett, I was like oh cool, a tiny plant person. It was the closest thing to Jix I had ever seen, so I thought he’d be a great FC... even though Pickett really doesn’t look much like Jix at all. It was more about the way he moved and being a plant person that was perfect.
I can’t draw AT ALL, so creating my own FC was not going to happen. (Believe me I’ve tried to draw Jix many times over the years and it was just terrible heh. Like a five year-old had done it, lol.) So I had to find a character that looked even halfway like Jix, and Pickett was the best choice I’d seen in a long time. That’s it. That’s the only reason I chose him as an FC. Jix is not meant to be a rip-off of Pickett, nor is he meant to be a bowtruckle at all. He’s a leafling, which is a creature of my own making that has more in common with the treants of the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop RPG than the bowtruckles of J.K. Rowling’s world.
I did not see/read Harry Potter or Fantastic Beasts materials and then make Jix. In fact, I have never read a single J.K. Rowling book, and I have only seen the first Harry Potter movie and the first Fantastic Beasts movie. Sometimes people claim that I am just ripping off bowtruckles, but nothing could be further from the truth. I created Jix about 12 years ago for a set of short stories in a world of my own creation in which I was working on a book I had some 500 pages already written for. My exact thinking was that if there were giant talking tree people in D&D and in J.R.R. Tolkien’s world, then why can’t there be wee ones? So I made a race of tiny talking tree people that were half plant and half animal in terms of biology and were magical creatures like elves or any other type of fae. Leaflings, I called them. Leaflings are diminutive tree fae. They are not bowtruckles.
I honestly do not even know what a bowtruckle is. Did Rowling get that from somewhere? Is that based on some mythology? Is it 100% a tree person, or does it bleed like a human if you cut it? I know it’s a magical beast, but beyond that, I have no idea. But I don’t really care either? I’m not trying to rip off or emulate bowtruckles because Jix was already created before I ever knew bowtruckles existed. It’s just that I only brought him to Tumblr when the first FB movie came out because that’s the first time I ever saw a picture of Pickett and realized oh hey, I might have finally found a decent FC.
Leaflings look like miniature trees. They mimic tree species according to what type of forest they were born and raised in. Take an entire tree, shrink it down to about 1 foot in size, allow it to walk on its roots, and give it the ability to speak, and you have a leafling. Really the only great things Pickett has going for him as an FC are his body shape, the climbing and walking on his roots and hands, and the structure of his face and eyes. They resemble Jix’s very much. HOWEVER... Jix’s body and face are not green like a fleshy plant, but rather are brown and bark-ish like the hard wood of trees. Also, he does not just have a couple leaves here and there, he has a full head of branches, complete with leaves just like you would see on a white oak tree, which happens to be the species of mundane tree that Jix mimics. Setting aside Pickett as an FC, if you want to see what Jix looks like, I will refer you to this absolutely gorgeous, amazing, spot on, perfect fanart that @simactire drew for me. It more accurately depicts Jix’s appearance, both in coloration and morphology. I am pasting it below, but the original post is here. As you can see, he is an entire tree, not just a little green leafy twig. (Nothing against Pickett, btw, I love him to bits, haha.)
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To further distinguish my OC and his race of leaflings from Pickett and the bowtruckles, I have gone through the trouble of creating a chart that illustrates the differences between them:
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And there you have it. I just needed to make these points, since this keeps coming up as an issue and I feel like being upfront and explaining more about Jix and how I came up with him can help dispel this stigma that he has.
Having said all of this, I would love, love, love for a Newt Scamander muse to RP with Jix. I think Newt would be really fascinated by leaflings. Maybe he would think they were cousins of bowtruckles in some way. But regardless, I think he would be floored by their level of intelligence and their language skills, which is something he does not often encounter with his magical beasts. If there are any Newt Scamander muns out there willing to RP with my OC and to treat him as the separate creature he is and not just some weird bowtruckle, I welcome you with open arms and please message me. If there are any other FB muns who want to RP with Jix too, that’s great as well. What I don’t want is: a) to have him be treated like a bowtruckle, and b) to be snubbed by FB muns solely because they think I’m attempting to rip off J.K. Rowling’s creature.
Okay, I’ve said my piece. Jix needs more love. He’s a very social little guy. So taking all of this into account, hit me up if you would like to write with me!
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crimsonrevolt · 6 years
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Congratulations Gatsby! you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Lucius Malfoy
↳ please refer to our character checklist
Reading over your audition was truly a pleasure! You brought him alive for us, and personally there were a few places that you had me falling in love with your portrayal of him. I can’t wait to see what you bring to the dash, and more importantly what having Lucius around is going to be like!
*your faceclaim change to Boyd Holbrook has been accepted
application beneath the cut 
Name: Gatsby
Age: 24
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Time Zone: EST
I am a senior paralegal so, needless to say, sometimes I do become busy. However, I should be able to log on in the evenings unless I have something going on. On weekends, I will be particularly active. I like to write and I like to roleplay. I expect that, provided the roleplay wants me here, I will be able to meet the expectations you have set forth.
*removed for privacy
The tags.
Oh dear, that’s difficult. I suppose I identify most with someone like Sirius: Not quite what your family would expect of you, but content with that. A bit dodgy when it comes to your decision-making skills in social situations, opinionated, but with a heart in the right place.
That being said… I have never actually played Sirius… I prefer Death Eaters.
Lucius Abraxas Malfoy - I believe, per the naming patterns of the Malfoy men, that the middle name is traditionally the father’s first name. Draco Lucius Malfoy, meaning Lucius would be Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, and Abraxas would be Abraxas Brutus Malfoy.
May 16th, 1954 - This puts Lucius pretty firmly in the Taurus range. I particularly like this for the following quote:
“Unlike the Aries love of the game, the typical Taurus personality lovesthe rewards of the game. Think physical pleasures and material goods, for those born under this sign revel in delicious excess. This zodiac sign is also tactile, enjoying a tender, even sensual, touch.”
Lucius works for the Ministry. I know this isn’t explicitly stated in the books, but I think it’s fitting. I imagine that his father, Abraxas, probably pulled strings to get him accepted with relative ease rather than letting his son toil for it. I headcanon him as working for the Department of International Magical Cooperation– specifically in the International Magical Office of Law. He is so politik, and I wouldn’t at all be surprised if he was some derivative of magical attorney. He knows what can and cannot be said, he’s calculated, and he is very good at getting out of things. He’d thrive in a law office. Additionally, on the international level, he’d be an asset to Voldemort because he can affect the influences leaving Great Britain as well as at home.
I am fine with Sam Claflin, but I tend to use Boyd Holbrook or Jamie Dornan. My preference would be one of the latter, particularly because I think Sam looks a little too boyish alongside Elizabeth Olsen, but if you disagree, that’s fine!
I actually have always liked the Malfoys best in Harry Potter. Normally, I’m a Narcissa player, but in playing her I have come to understand the sorts of things I like out of a good Lucius versus a mediocre one.
He’s a character of subtlety, for sure. A lot of the pureblood way of life reads old-fashioned to me. I think that Lucius would understand the expectations placed upon him and would absolutely try to uphold those values, but he would also have reveled in the gifts he was born with. So he would know how to act in front of old-fashioned types, but I think he is also deeply in tune with the world around him. He’s stylish, observant, and calculating. There are very few people that can come between his goals/ambitions and whatever means necessary to achieve those things. I don’t tend to play a Lucius who is particularly nice to people who don’t matter to him, either. While he knows how to people-please and has no trouble groveling when it is the most beneficial course of action, he has pride to a fault. He wouldn’t pander to the Weasleys of the world unless he had something to gain.
Lucius has a way with words, he’s charismatic, he’s flirtatious, and he’s not afraid to get what he wants no matter who he has to step on.
That being said, I don’t accept the interpretation that Lucius would ever abuse Narcissa or the people close to him. He can be an asshole (he’s a Death Eater, after all), but rule number one in becoming an overlord is never turn against your queen or your inner circle. He would not risk his comfort among those with whom he shares status for much.
However, he is deeply principled. Lucius supports the Cause, and he believes in blood purity. His family is Pureblood back to its roots, and that means something. However, he also doesn’t particularly love getting his hands dirty. He’ll kill who he must and wreak havoc where it is asked of him by the Dark Lord, but he lacks the same sadistic streak that some of the others have. He wants to reap the benefits of being a Death Eater, but he doesn’t get off on the chaos.
Preferred Ships: Lucissa is my OTP, but I’ll entertain anything with chemistry
Sexuality: Pretty stalwartly heterosexual, but I can see him possibly using someone else’s attraction to him to his advantage regardless of gender.
Gender and Pronouns: Male, He/Him/His
Lucius has never been shy about sex. He likes sex, he can and has used sex in the past to forward himself, etc. However, he does have decorum, so even his closest friends wouldn’t know much about his and Narcissa’s sex life–she matters to him, after all. Thus, he would respect their privacy. In school, Lucius likely had several lovers: he’s attractive, charismatic, and manipulative. I doubt he had a hard time getting women to want to sleep with him. He is not unfaithful to Narcissa, however, and left the days of many partners behind him when they were engaged.
He’s definitely distinctly dominant in the bedroom, though. He’s controlling about a lot of things in his life. I don’t think that would change behind closed doors.
-A MOODBOARD: http://www.gomoodboard.com/boards/LomwbpC5/share  (hopefully you can see that!)
Undisclosed Desires - Muse | “Soothing/I’ll make you feel pure/Trust me/You can be sure”
Sympathy For the Devil - Rolling Stones | “Please allow me/to introduce myself/I am a man of wealth and taste”
Sinister Kid - The Black Keys | “And that’s me/that’s me/ the boy with the broken halo/ that’s me/ the Devil won’t let me be”
NFWMB - Hozier | “Ain’t it warmin’ you, the world goin’ up in flames?/ Ain’t it the life where  you’re lightin’ off the blaze?/ Ain’t it a waste it watch the throwing of the shade”
Fame - David Bowie | “Fame makes a man take things over/Fame lets him loose, hard to swallow/Fame puts you there where things are hollow (fame)/Fame, t’s not your brain, it’s just the flame/That burns your change to keep you insane"
Make Me Feel - Janelle Monae | “It’s like I’m powerful with a little bit of tender/An emotional, sexual bender/Mess me up, yeah, but no one does it better/There’s nothin’ better”
Gorgeous - Kanye West | “Not for nothing I’ve foreseen it, I’ve dreamed it/I can feel it slowly drifting away from me/No more chances if you blow this, you bogus/I will never ever let you live this down, down, down"
All These Things That I’ve Done - The Killers | "Another head aches, another heart breaks/I am so much older than I can take/And my affection, well it comes and goes/I need direction to perfection, no no no no"
Lucius’ mother died when he was in fifth year. His father cared very much for her, and Lucius himself definitely was a mama’s boy until he had to learn to get on without her. He doesn’t talk about her much
When his parents went into talks for the betrothal, he thought that he was going to be saddled with Andromeda. Narcissa was a welcome surprise.
A good portion of his family is French. He spent many summers in France growing up on the vineyard his grandfather owns. He speaks French fluently.
He is a wine connoisseur. Lucius loves wine and can tell you a great deal about it.
When he killed his first Muggle, he had to resist the urge to throw up. He didn’t, but he had never had to do something so visceral before.
Lucius chafing under the more visceral aspects of being a Death Eater would probably attract attention of the others. For a man whose status is the most important thing to him, navigating his justification for any reticence might be fun!
I see Lucius and Severus being close friends–he is the one who brought Severus into the fold, after all. So, assuming the RP’s Severus is interested in that, I think commiseration about their places in the Death Eaters would be nice.
I would love to talk with your Narcissa about why they only have one child. Did she have trouble getting pregnant? Did they only want one? I think there’s a lot to possibly explore there.
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it:
“Normally, I might leave such things up to Severus. It seems to be a talent of his, after all.“ He ran a hand over his hair, considering carefully. Most of the magical kit he had was sufficient for his needs. "For myself… Perhaps a spell to render someone more gullible might be interesting. It’s not really that difficult to make people believe what I want, but to not even have to try? That might be helpful.”
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you:
“At risk of sounding redundant, I would likely choose Severus once more. He’d be familiar with the fauna, and he’s known for his even temper even in stressful situations. As for the item… A lantern seems practical. Lumos can only be active so long before you actually need your wand for more useful things.”
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?
Frowning, he lifted a shoulder. “Those decisions that I know will benefit me in the long-run, but may be difficult to explain to my inner circle at the time of making them. Upsetting Narcissa is always something I try to avoid, but if we will be happier at the end of things, sometimes it’s necessary.”
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?
“That I’m inconsequential. Without worth.”
((I had some trouble finding this, but I saw that the last applicant mentioned the Daily Prophet being burned down))
Lucius is very busy trying to deal with the chaos resulting from the Daily Prophet’s temporary upset. After all, there is finding out why it happened and also figuring out how best to explain it away. The Ministry is abuzz with questions. Lucius would be focused on trying to figure out how to benefit himself and the Cause, while also minimizing possible inquiries from other countries as word got out.
WRITING SAMPLE: ((I borrowed Narcissa. Hope that’s okay))
The clock in the hall ticked steadily in the silent manor. The dim light in Lucius’ study was the only disturbance in the otherwise serene darkness as the house slept. However, there was hardly time for much sleeping when one thoughts were otherwise plagued. Of course, there was always the interminable question of "what was next”? Surely there would be some recompense for what had happened at the Daily Prophet. Undoubtedly, the Dark Lord was brewing a solution as he sat pondering.
When it had happened, Lucius had been… otherwise engaged. He recalled the raid he had been on the night before, remembering the mudbloods that had been hiding in the floor of all places in some blood traitor house. Bellatrix, per usual, had been wild at the chance to dole out what she thought was an excellent punishment for the crime. Lucius, for his part, had simply wanted to be done with all of it. Still, it wasn’t particularly simple to put out of one’s mind the scent of burnt flesh. Of course, he knew it was for the cause, and it wasn’t his place to question his orders. But could he be blamed for looking to the future? They were a threat, surely, and very few at the Ministry didn’t know that something was afoot, though most were intelligent enough not to discuss it where people might be listening. And yet he knew that a threat was something hardly concrete. He was working to maintain his birthright, just as all Purebloods were, but Lucius Malfoy longed for the rewards.
Of course, he was a loyal lieutenant–he would have to be a fool not to be. When the Dark Lord said to jump, Lucius responded with a blithe “How high?” When all was said and done, the work now would mean luxury later.
The thought had a scoff leaving him. He was no stranger to luxury as it was. Still, to have luxury and security… that he craved.
“Lucius?” Came a familiar voice from the door.
He looked up from his thoughts, tearing himself away from his rumination as a soft light outlined Narcissa’s golden curls. “I’d thought you were sleeping,” he said to her, pushing to his feet to cross to the doorway.
“I was,” she answered, voice soft so as not to disturb anyone else. “But then you never came up.”
Ever the dutiful husband, he was quick to give her a charming smile. He knew what was expected, and he could hardly have her sitting up staring at him while he said nothing at all. “How inattentive of me,” Lucius responded. “Shall we remedy that, Mrs. Malfoy?”
As she took his arm, he gave a wave of his wand to put out the light that still burned at his desk. Musing could wait–and had to, it seemed.
And yet how many would he need to help kill before all the rest of them bowed as they should?
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morethanaprincess-a · 3 years
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Anonymous said: 9 + 12 !
Munday Asks (Not Munday but send some anyway, especially if you have questions about what I will and won’t RP)
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9. did you have muse you tried to play, but ended up dropping for various reasons? (the rpc wasn’t active, you lost interest, etc)
I’ve been roleplaying for a very long time. A very...very long time. So I’ve played a variety of muses over the years. Here’s a few that I used to play but don’t anymore, either due to burnout, the fandom was unfriendly, the RPC wasn’t active, or I just needed a break:
Hermione Granger (Harry Potter), Julia (Cowboy Bebop), Misato Katsuragi (Neon Genesis Evangelion), Fujiko Mine (Lupin III), Relena Darlian/Peacecraft (Gundam Wing), Veronica Lodge (Archie Comics/Riverdale), Lady Sybil Crawley (Downton Abbey). There’s others as well, and lots of OCs, but those are the ones I clearly remember off the top of my head.
If I wasn’t writing in the DR fandom, I’d probably be trying for Haru (Persona 5), something from Castlevania (Lenore or Maria Renard, probably), a historical drama muse with modern AU possibilities (Downton Abbey, Poldark, Bridgerton most likely), or Rin (Fruits Basket). 
12. what do you think about AUs?
I love them! To be honest, most of what I write over here nowadays is an AU of some sort. I think I write with more OCs and crossover muses than Danganronpa muses (not that I don’t want to write with other DR muses! I’d love to!). What I’d ask for AUs is both the freedom for flexibility and plotting. While this is important for fandomless OCs, I find it even more pertinent for fandom muses.
Mostly because I likely don’t know your fandom/muse unless it’s pretty damn old. And I’ve never really been into most of the ‘popular’ fandoms (particularly of the shonen variety. One Piece is the exception, tbh), though I’m happy to work with a mun to find an AU or crossover verse that works for us both. It’s just a bit awkward when a mun with a fandom muse expects me to know everything about their muse and fandom when I don’t, and then they refuse to plot. That’s hard for me to work with.
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like harry potter rp.
Stranger: Lily Evans could only spend so much time cooped up in her dormitory away from the typical noise and games of the Common Room, and so as she finished scribbling down the remaining few sentences of her Transfiguration essay (McGonagall wouldn't mind if it went over the seventeen inch limit she had set, right?) she shoved her copy of Advanced Potion-Making into her bag and headed down to the Common Room for a change of scenery. Maybe she could convince Remus to glance over the essay quickly before she turned it in next class. She easily spotted the group of boys in mind lounging in the squishy chairs by the fireplace, always taking up more room than necessary, and made her way towards them with the essay in her hand. Peter seemed to be delivering an animated recount of a story to Sirius, who was focusing more on twirling his wand around than he was Peter's story. James also seemed to be tuning his friend out, hunched over a parchment in vague concentration. "And then he shoved Severus right up against the wall, almost like old times, eh Remus?" She halted, her eyebrows furrowed as she caught onto Peter's comment. "Who shoved Severus right up against the wall?" She asked briskly, her eyes scanning over the group and halting right on James. ((RP as James Potter and/or the other Marauders. Takes place during their sixth year, prior to Lily and James dating. Descriptive replies are appreciated! If we were previously RPing and got disconnected, please let me know and I'd be happy to continue. Thanks for reading :) ))
You: ((reading))
Stranger: ((Thanks!))
You: His friends all had their quirks that made them even more likable at the best of times and annoying as hell at others. For Sirius, it was his daredevil streak and the impulse to break rules. For Remus, it was definitely his dry wit. For Peter, it was his enthusiasm for life and, especially, the Marauders. As said, at the best of times this made them even better people in James' book. Right now? He didn't give a singular shit about Peter's enthusiasm. In fact, he rather detested this story and wished Peter would just shut up. Besides, he was trying to find someone on the Map. A voice that was not Peter's had his head whipping up to take in the vision that was Lily Evans. If only she'd chosen a different moment to appear. "Me," he answered her, not the least bit ashamed for it, but also pissed it had happened. More angry with Sirius, mind, who knew he was on James' shit list - though neither of them had told the other two Marauders for fear of the fallout that might come. "But it wasn't just to upset him, if that's what you think." Peter cocked his head. "What was it for then, Prongs?" James swallowed hard and stuffed the map into his pocket. How to answer Peter without giving too much away, all the while not making Lily hate him? "I didn't like what he was saying."
Stranger: Lily's mouth opened and then shut stupidly in surprise, expecting that James would have sifted out a convincing denial but realizing this was not the case. She wasn't sure which she would have made her less irritated. Her eyes narrowed at him, curiously following the way he shoved the piece of parchment into his pocket but resuming their place locked onto his eyes. "You never like what he's saying. For Merlin's sake, I know you two have an awful grudge against each other but I really don't see why you /insist/ on bullying him every moment you get." The essay in her hand crinkled as her hand clenched slightly before she relaxed it. Despite the fact that she and Severus were not exactly friends anymore and she and James were almost civil for two people who had spent most of their prior years at school despising the other, any slight disputes between her childhood friend and her newfound school one drove her absolutely mad.
You: James had done a lot of growing the past year. He'd mellowed out, focused more on school and Quidditch than popularity - even earned Quidditch Captain, thanks. And even despite how angry he was with Sirius - who refused to meet his eyes from the other sofa - he still considered his best friend a brother to him and was very grateful to his parents for taking the young man in. James had tried to put a lot of time into learning patience and the benefits of ignoring heckling. He was still called out quite a bit by ol' Snivi- Severus, but in general, James didn't pay it any mind. But he couldn't ignore what Snape was threatening to do these days. There was just no way to explain that to Lily. "I'm not /bullying/ him," James snapped back at Lily. He hated that word, even more so now that he actually wasn't a bully. "I-" Remus and Peter were watching him curiously now and James swallowed hard, before standing and taking Lily's arm. "I don't want to talk about this here." Now he felt Sirius' eyes on him, too, and a muscle tightened in James' jaw. "Can we go elsewhere?"
Stranger: A few heads from around the Common Room turned at the raised volume of James's voice. Lily's eyes remained cold and doubtful on James's, though she sensed an underlying tension between the other three that rarely ever existed in their easy-going friendship from the way Sirius hadn't even lifted his gaze from his wand to watched the conversation that seemed to have taken center stage in the Common Room. She could easily predict the way this would progress, growing into quiet shouts over matters Lily did not particular want to discuss in front of her friends, let alone half the House of Gryffindor, not that arguments between James and Lily were all that uncommon although seemingly less so in the past several months. It had been a strange transition, finding herself sitting around him and the others for more than just Remus's help in practicing charms and annoyingly realizing that she had less and less of reason to be bothered by James for the things that drove her mad about him in the past no longer prevailed. "Yes please," she said tightly, nodding at the door. She took a few steps towards the portrait hole before turning back to place the parchment she'd been holding in front of Remus. "If you wouldn't mind Rem, I'll do the same for yours," she said with a soft and apologetic smile.
You: James grabbed his bag from where it sat on the floor and nodded to his friends tightly. "Be back later," he told them, before starting out with Lily. She turned back and he watched her hand Remus something (an essay, probably). Remus, scarred and suddenly looking nervous, nodded to her. "Of course. When you get back." His brown eyes flicked past her to James, questioning and probably doubting himself. James shook his head to his friend. "I'll explain later." He'd think up a good lie between now and then, but Moony had no reason to worry about James - Moony was quite possibly the only one he wasn't cross with right now. It was not, by any means, his fault. And yet he was the one who might suffer most from this. With that, James climbed out of the portrait hole and into the halls. It was getting a little late, but James didn't worry. He had Lily, who was a prefect, he had the Map, and if all else failed his cloak was always at the bottom of his bag. "Anyway, thanks, I didn't want to do this in front of them."
Stranger: Lily followed just a step behind him into the halls before taking the lead as they began walking down the quiet corridors. The halls were empty but for them, as dinner had ended hours ago and most of the stragglers from the library were likely making their way back to the dormitories by now. It reminded Lily that she had prefect duty tonight and she almost audibly groaned. She forgot she had offered to switch shifts with James because of his Quidditch practice. "I don't particularly like arguing in front of our friends either, you know." She quirked an eyebrow before a frown took back over her lips. "So you're not bullying him. You're just shoving him up against walls because you don't like what he's saying. Sounds awfully reminiscent, doesn't it? I thought you two had really moved beyond that." Her voice remained composed, but her insides were much less calm. She wasn't quite sure why she cared so much anymore about James and Severus getting on, it was hardly like they ever did before. Maybe it mattered more to her now that she didn't actually despise James.
You: James ran a nervous hand through his hair, causing it to stick up at all sorts of angles. The way she said 'our friends' had him relaxing a little, and half-wondering how much he could tell her. Good sign: she apparently didn't know, which meant Snape hadn't gone running back to Lily with the news the second it had happened. Bad sign: She was decidedly defending the snake. Good sign: If there was anyone she liked best, it was Remus. So he had a lot of considerations. "I didn't want to, Evans, I swear," James murmured. "There was... a prank." He was clearly picking his words carefully." A nasty prank that Sirius played. I found out about it almost too late and I stopped- Uh, I stopped Snape from walking right into... it. But he still found out a /really/ big secret. And now he's threatening to make that secret public." James leaned against a wall, the stone biting into his back. "I wasn't going to hurt him, I just wanted to make it clear that I wouldn't have him threatening my friends."
Stranger: The corner's of Lily's lips almost turned up as she watched the way his hair stubbornly stuck up as his fingers ran through it. Since when had she become so easily distracted by that stupid habit of his? She sighed impatiently, waiting for his explanation with her hands on her hips. Her eyebrows furrowed, trying to follow his jumbled story and not making too much sense of it all. "So you... /stopped/ Severus from being victim to one of Sirius's pranks?" She asked, disbelief prominent both in her inflection and across her face. It wasn't that she had reason to doubt him but, well, it didn't sound exactly likely of a situation. "You know, maybe if you all just left him alone you wouldn't have to worry to much about him threatening your secrets." Her voice was scolding, but after a moment she sighed. She still wasn't used to reminding herself that Severus was not the friend or the person she thought he was. And she was still reluctant to listen to the rumors about his choice of words lately and recent intrigue with Dark Magic. "I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I can't keep pinning blame on you for his actions. I still don't quite understand why you'd stop him though, I know you two aren't exactly... friends."
You: He knew he hadn't given her much to go on. But the details weren't his secret to share, not really. She clearly wasn't sure if she should believe him, the disbelief evident in her voice, and James snorted bitterly. Of course she would think he was lying. "It was a nasty, dangerous prank. He could have gotten Snape killed, honestly, and could have sent Re-" He cut himself off, pounding a fist against the stone wall and looking away from Lily. "I'm so bloody angry at him I can barely look at him right now, which is driving me mad because he's still my best mate." James shook his head. That hardly mattered right now. His eyes cut back to Lily, clearly hurt that she thought it was still his fault. He pressed his lips together to keep from saying something he'd regret. He'd tried to leave Snape alone and look what had happened! But Lily seemed to catch herself and quickly apologized, which James appreciated. He loved his friends, really, but sometimes it was nice talking to someone who wasn't a Marauder. "Snape's a piece of trash - I'm sorry, but he is, with all his dark magic and talk of blood purity - but I didn't need that on my conscience."
Stranger: It was obvious he was withholding details from her, and while her inquisitive mind felt tempted to ask for more context, she decided maybe it really wasn't information for her to know. After all, it was obvious to anyone outside of the group of four boys that their bond was closer knit than anyone would ever be able to break, and a friendship that close had to carry its own special secrets. She took a step back in surprise at the sudden outburst. For the most part, James hardly let any emotion break the surface of his easy smirk. It took no genius to recognize that whatever was going on between him and Sirius and whatever had happened with Severus that lead to this encounter was severely bothering James. Her lips pursed and she stepped back towards him, her fingers now fiddling with the hem of her skirt. She still despised hearing negative words surrounding Severus, whether or not they held some truth. "You and Sirius will figure it out. You two are practically bound at the hip, that won't go away with a silly misstep."
You: Lily seemed so sure, but James wasn't. And maybe some of his anger towards Sirius had turned to aggression and instead been used against Snape. He slipped off his glasses so he could run a hand over his face, trying to swallow past the lump in his throat. "It's just..." He knew the lack of details must be driving her spare. It would him. But who else could he talk to? He and Sirius were fighting and the idea of telling Wormtail or Moony any of this made him feel like vomiting. With how angry James was... Moony would be angrier. And so bloody hurt to know his friend had tried to use him as a weapon. Lily was the first person he'd been able to open up with. "I'm sorry," James muttered, feeling tears spring to his eyes, and he flushed with embarrassment. He was frustrated and confused and trapped. "He put Remus in so much danger. And I can't explain how but now Snape is threatening Remus. And it's all Sirius' fault. And Remus doesn't even know how betrayed he should feel." He turned away from Lily then to scrub harder at his face, willing himself to calm down and not drop his cool facade. He would not get this upset in front of Evans.
Stranger: If she'd been shocked to see his spurt of anger (something she'd admittedly been on the receiving end a few times over their years together), it had no comparison to how she felt seeing his eyes become glossy and his sudden inability to truly grasp onto words. Any frustration Lily had built up towards James since she first ran into him in the Common Room completely dissipated at this sudden vulnerability that for some reason made her stomach sink. "James..." she whispered, stepping up close to him and lifting her palm up to his cheek, forcing him to look at her. She had no idea how upset he must be for him to suddenly break down like this, and she now felt rather awful for even being angry with him in the first place. "It... You know Sirius, he's got about twice as much pride as you do, and that's no easy bar to pass. It's going to take him time to come to terms with the fact that... whatever he did was wrong. You know how much you boys need to him, and he's probably eating at away at himself knowing he might have jeopardized something." Her other hand gave his arm a small squeeze and she looked up at him with a gentle smile. "Don't apologize."
You: He didn't want to look at her and clumsily slipped his glasses into his bag so he wouldn't break them. Maybe it would be easier if the world stayed out of focus. He could hear her moving closer to him and he went to shrug her off, not needing her pity, when her hand found his cheek. His hazel eyes went wide and he allowed her to turn his head. Lily was touching him and just that had his churning stomach turn to butterflies instead. He ran the heel of his palm across his other cheek to check that it was dry and offered her a small smile. "Yeah." Maybe she was right. Maybe Padfoot was silently bullying himself. He cleared his throat as she placed her other hand on his arm. His own hands sort of fluttered near her waist, but now was not the time, and he stuffed his hands into his pockets instead. "I shouldn't have pushed Snape against the wall, though. Honestly, it'll probably just aggravate the situation." Because even if some of his worry about Sirius had dissipated, the danger Remus was in was still very real and kind words and hands on his cheeks couldn't change that.
Stranger: Lily tugged her bottom lip between her teeth and then let it go. She felt sorry for the whole situation, even if there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. Or... maybe there was. "Hey, listen. I can... maybe I can talk to Sev. We're.... well you know, we're not exactly on good terms right now, but I'll bet he's a lot more willing to listen to me than he might be you. No offense." He lips upturned into a slight wry smile. She realized then that her hands had been lingering on his arm and skin for perhaps a little too long. She pulled them away down to her sides, but a bit too quickly and admittedly awkwardly enough to make her cheeks color a slight pink and she prayed he hadn't noticed her lacking casualness as she leaned her hip into the wall.
You: James' eyes were very much distracted by her lips and he watched the whole process, only blinking away when she started to speak. Her offer was brilliant and kind, especially since he knew that she and Snape weren't very close anymore. But it might also lead to more problems. He ran another hand through his hair, still very much aware of how she was touching him. But it was almost as though the thought had triggered her realization, and her hands dropped so suddenly and unnaturally that he worried she'd been shocked. James flushed with her and pulled his glasses back out of his bag for something to do. He slipped them onto his face, still considering her offer. "I... don't know how much help that would be. You might just end up roping yourself into it. And I'd hate for you to get into another fight with him over this."
Stranger: "Honestly, James, I haven't anything to lose with Severus anymore. He hates me for something I will never be able to change about myself, and I really ought to not be keeping myself associated with someone who thinks of me like that." Lily let out a slow sigh, shaking her head the slightest bit with her focus downcast at the ground. She tried to forget about the whole incident with him, but whenever something reminded her of it it still stung just as much as when she'd heard him hiss those words that seemed to cut through her like ice. "Besides, he is well... pretty damn close to resembling a piece of trash." Once more her lips upturned into a tight smile as her eyes met his seriously. "I mean it, James. If you think it will help, I will. Remus is my friend too, you know. I wouldn't just be doing it for you." Her eyes had a teasing glimmer in them as she spoke the last bit, still locked and encaptured with his hazel ones.
You: The idea that anyone could hate Lily Evans for any reason was all the evidence James needed that all the blood purists were mad as hatters. She could be prideful and nagging and too sassy for anyone's good, but it only made her more wonderful. He laughed as she agreed with him, sounding both shocked and delighted. Maybe this was the start of something new for them. He'd never assume relationship - he was mostly certain by now that he was proper in love with her, but also that she would never see him like that - but if they could have a better friendship, a real friendship, then maybe he could be happy. "I know. And if Remus knew... I think he'd be grateful. Just know..." Snape was vengeful. He'd quickly reveal the truth to Lily. "He'll probably tell you some things about Remus that... you might not want to know." James didn't care about the whole werewolf business beyond knowing his best friend had to go through terrible pain once a month, but there was this stigma around it. Remus cared. "I don't know if it would be better coming from me or not. If I tell you, I'm betraying his trust. But if Snape tells you, it might be painted in entirely the wrong light."
Stranger: Lily frowned, uncertain what James could possibly mean. She knew Remus probably the best out of all of them, he had been one of her first friends at Hogwarts and their friendship held much deeper than revising essays together and practicing new spells they'd taught themselves on one another. Remus had become her closest friend since she lost Severus as hers, even moreso than Marlene. He'd quite literally been her shoulder to cry on when the Ravenclaw she'd fancied in fourth year broke their brief relationship off, and he understood more than anyone why she didn't love going home for the summer as much as everyone else did. She knew his flaws, his anger that when triggered was harsher than anyone else's, his ever prevailing insecurity, his tendency to sulk for far too long when he had a day that didn't quite go his way, but none of those were things she felt she'd rather not know about them. "I think I've learned not to trust much of what Severus says anymore," Lily admitted tightly. She shook her head, the corners of her mouth lifting tightly again as she reached a hand out to grab his and give it a gentle squeeze. "I'll find a way to talk to him. Remus is incredibly important to me, and Sirius is your best mate. If I can help put this behind you all I will."
You: James pushed his lips together and nodded. Even so, what Snape had to say was true. James just hoped it wouldn't get out. It could absolutely ruin Remus' life. He chuckled awkwardly and glanced away. Her hand in his surprised him, but he didn't release it, just kept on holding tight. He gave a small squeeze back as thank you. "You're really the best, Lils. Thanks. And um, please don't tell anyone. About me, um," Crying, he didn't say, but it was definitely what he meant. James might have mellowed a bit, but he still needed to be the stalwart, brave Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. "We should probably head back now or they'll start thinking we killed each other."
Stranger: She felt her heart pound more quickly in her chest as she felt his hand return the squeeze. Lily thought she ought to let go of it, but she realized that she really didn't want to. His palm felt rather nice in hers, much larger and rougher than her dainty hands but comfortable nonetheless. Her lips twisted into a full-blown grin. "What was that? Can I get you to say that just one more time?" She teased. Her smile broadened further as she realized that she might actually have a piece of blackmail on the ever-collected, upstanding and handsomely cool James Potter. "Just don't do something to piss me off, and mum's the word," she teased. "C'mon," she nodded, initiating their walk back to the dormitory, painfully aware of the fact that their hands were still interlocked.
You: "You're really the best, Lily," he murmured, taking a step closer. But she was already on her way and he knew the moment was gone. Their hands were still locked together, though, and that alone had his heart pounding. "That's not fair," he groaned, nudging her shoulder with his. "Just me breathing can piss you off!" Or it certainly had a lot when they were younger. They hadn't actually traveled too far down the corridor, James far too into spewing out his problems than properly getting away from the common room, so they were at the Fat Lady's portrait in no time at all. Not that she was there to greet them. "Oh, come on. Don't tell me she's off visiting again."
Stranger: Hearing those words alone, much softer this time, seemed to do a funny thing to her knees that made them feel awfully weak and like she might just melt right there. And Lily could kick herself for feeling so silly just from being this close to James. She'd been denying why she found herself around him more and more, coming up with excuses like "prefect business" or "Transfiguration help" (afterall, it was the one subject James was better than her, as furious as that made her), but slowly she'd begun to realize that the reason she'd been spending more time around him was that, well, she wanted to. "Only when you do it too heavily," she giggled. Lily huffed when they arrived at the portrait to see an empty canvas. "Well, I suppose it is rather late, but still. I have an essay I need to finish!" She turned to frown at James. "So what, I suppose we just wait until she comes back? That could be hours."
You: "I don't breathe heavily," he countered, back into their normal rhythm. "I'm a Quidditch player. I'm at peak physical fitness. Breathing heavily would imply I was out of breath. Which I never am. And if," he paused. "If I were out of breath, it would only be because the sight of you took it away." Laying it on a bit thick, but if he could get her to blush again, it would all be worth it. He immediately took a sight in the corridor leaning up against the banister. "I mean, you could try knocking on her portrait. Plenty of people were still up when we left. But yeah we might be locked out here until who knows when." James spread his legs out in front of him and crossed one ankle over the other. "This new for you, Evans? Guess you don't normally get caught out of bed at odd times, huh? Well, except for your prefect stuff with Moony."
Stranger: Lily gave him a dramatic eyeroll, but the grin that stretched across her cheeks gave away her nonchalance almost as much as the heat that flooded her cheeks. "I thought we'd given up those types of remarks, Potter," she teased, situating herself next to him with her legs crossed beneath her. "It's been quite a bit since we left. Besides, you're really not supposed to let people in when they knock." Why was she coming up with these silly excuses? She had no doubt that Remus and Peter and Sirius were all still up, situated in their usual spot waiting for them to come back. "Oh, not at all," she smirked. "The difference between you and me is, when I'm out of bed at odd times, I don't get caught."
You: He shrugged. "For the most part. But every so often they make you blush, which is well worth the grumbling." Still, she joined him on the floor, which was very nice. James was honestly a bit surprised she wasn't trying to break down the door. "Ah, of course," he laughed. "Merlin forbid we break a single rule." But he was intrigued by her next answer. He shifted to turn towards her slightly, a look of mock-scandal on his face. "Oh-ho! So the perfect prefect, the queen of Slug Club, actually gets into trouble? I don't believe it." Little did she know, of course, that half the time when the Marauders got caught it was because they meant to. After all, James had three means of escape at near all times. He knew every secret passage in this school and had a map that showed him where everyone was. Sure, the Marauders Map changed hands between the four of them as often as sweets or spare sickles, but the Invisibility Cloak was his and his father's before him. If one of the other Marauders had it, it was just to borrow and was returned soon after. James could near always disappear from sight. And if they were outdoors? He was just an innocent stag who'd emerged from the forest, not a schoolboy in trouble. He wondered if Lily would rat him out for any of those three things? Well, better she didn't know.
Stranger: Much to her regret, the comment that followed made her flush grow brighter. Lily turned her head just enough so that her hair blocked his view of her face, in hopes of slightly hiding just how easily those small remarks made her red. "Most definitely not a perfect prefect, and Slughorn just about praises the way your feet hit the ground when you walk. He only likes me because I participate in class rather than goofing off in the back. I'll bet he's waiting for the day he can properly ask you to sign a snitch for him so that he can add you to his trophy collection of students." She nudged him. "No, I don't get /in/ trouble, but I do cause it on occasion. You know, despite what you may believe, I actually do enjoy having fun sometimes, and I don't actually have a huge stick up my arse."
You: James knew he'd hit the nail on the head when she hid her face. Interesting. He'd made Lily turn red before, sure, but in anger. This was a bit new. He was quite sure he liked it and would try it again sometime soon. "Slughorn only likes me because of my dad," James said with a roll of his eyes. "He likes you for your raw talent." Her skill with potions was absolutely undeniable, and much as people loved to say it had been all Snape's help... well, they didn't work together anymore and her marks were still better. So all her naysayers could shut up (or James would make the- where was this aggression coming from, blimey). "Causing trouble - and I was never invited? I'm hurt, Evans, truly. You know that's in my top five favorite things to do." He picked at the edge of his sleeve as he said, "I don't think you've got a stick up your arse. And honestly even if you did... sometimes that's better than playing stupid pranks that just hurt others." He'd swung back around to the topic of Sirius, caught himself, and quickly deflected. "Like, I mean, I was a pretty big prat as a kid."
Stranger: "Hey, you hold your own without your family's name. You know it drives McGonagall absolutely mad how effortless Transfiguration is to you despite the fact that you spend most of the class flying notes across the room to Sirius. And you know you're the best seeker Hogwarts has seen in years. Gryffindor's just lucky to have you on the team." Lily shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Let's just say most of the victim's of my own trouble making have consisted of boys on Marlene's register. Just don't let yourself get on there, we don't let them off easy," she grinned. "Yeah, you were," she agreed, not bothering to sugar coat it. The fact was, she really quite did dislike James a lot the first two or three years she'd known him. He came across exclusively as pompous, arrogant, and quite frankly plain mean. But he was significantly different now, and she wasn't the only one to notice. She recalled a dinner several weeks ago when Florence was talking about how James was not only cute, but had a good personality to match now. Lily didn't like the way the comment made her feel knowing she wasn't the only one who noticed. What did she have to get jealous about? That wasn't a feeling one usually got towards their friends about other friends.
Stranger: ((Hey I'm super duper sorry but I'm totally falling asleep))
You: ((I have to go as well. You have a good night! This was lovely!))
You have disconnected.
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mia-castellan · 5 years
Any canonical Harry Potter content belongs to J.K.Rowling. Mia Castellan is my character.
This is a sideblog of @arawynn. Likes, follows and asks will come from that blog.
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Opinions of the mun aren’t always the opinions of the muse and vice versa!
I’ll tag triggers ‘#[insert trigger]’. If there’s anything besides the common ones you’d like me me to tag or I forgot tagging something please let me know!
I don’t have triggers of my own.
I will unfollow blogs that are inactive for more than 3 months without a hiatus notice. If you return and want to continue interacting, feel free to poke me for a re-follow! (If we’ve never interacted I might unfollow you faster than that. In exchange, if we interacted a lot I’ll be willing to wait longer.)
I haven’t seen the Fantastic Beasts and where to find them movies. But that doesn’t mean I won’t interact with muses from the movies!
The same applies to Cursed Child. I didn’t read it but you’re welcome to hit me up with your muses.
Icons with a white ‘M’ in the lower right corner are made by me (see my Avatar). Don’t steal them!
I love canon divergent characters! 
Every interaction happens in its own Universe. Just because my muse is best friends with Version 1 of a canon character, it doesn’t necessarily apply to Version 2 of the same character. OR just because with character 1 my muse hates a third character it doesn’t mean she does that when I interact with character 2.
If you want to like a starter call but your rp-blog is a secondary one, please tell me on the post which blog it’s for or reblog it with your rp blog!
My Face Claim is Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen.
Please don’t use a font size that’s smaller than 1 below the Tumblr standard size. It’s hard to read anything smaller than that.
The only formatting I will do is bold or italic things to emphasize the meaning of my writing.
I’ll happily interact with multiple versions of a character. And I will love every single one of them. Everyone has different ways to portray their muse and that’s something beautiful!
I’m always up for interactions with other Werewolves or where people find out Mia is one!
I answer strictly chronological. First come first serves. The only exception might be if I didn’t get the note of an answer or starter.
Exception for the point above: I’ll give new threads/starters I haven’t added to my tracker a certain priority. They’ll get answered as soon as I’m able to so they get added to my tracker quickly and don’t get lost in the Tumblr void. As soon as they’re added to my tracker, they too are part of the first come first serves order.
I’m not the fastest roleplayer (and this isn’t the only rp blog I have) so please give me at least a week before asking if I got your answer. HOWEVER if I answered one and the same thread more than once and I didn’t answer yours, it’s quite likely I missed it and you can totally poke me earlier than after a week!
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Feel free to add things to starters to give them your personal spin or make them suitable for your muse! I love that!
Inspiration usually strikes me while writing. So:
I rarely plot, usually only before starting something new. I’m bad at it so if you approach me with the intention to plot something, please have at least something to use as inspiration! It can be a situation you’d love to explore, a point during the books/movies, a Verse (no matter if one of yours or mine) or something else that might have you hyped! Also, I’d prefer to use IMs rather than asks for plotting - the later ones get eaten quite a lot and take longer to reach me!
Shipping/romance requires chemistry and previous interactions between our muses. And please tell me if you ship our muses, I can be quite dense when it comes to shipping since I’m bad at it...
If you stretch my muse’s patience, she’ll react accordingly - which will be aggressive and violent. This is the only warning you’ll get.
I don’t care much about fancy blogs or formatting, the quality of writing is far more important!
You don’t need to match the length of my reply exactly, but please give me something to work with! Otherwise rping gets difficult.
Take the time you need for your answers, I’ll wait patiently.
There’s no such thing as too many threads between us. I’ll always want more. And I’m always up for AUs.
Out of Wolves - OOC tag, used for everything that isn’t headcanons or rp
Sing to the moon - Headcanons
Rules of the Pack - PSAs applying to this blog
Every Verse will have its own tag, you can find them on my Verses Page.
I follow the tags ‘arawynn’ and ‘mia castellan’
Every rp will be tagged with my partner’s URL.
Latest Update: 14th November 2020
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homenum-revelio-hq · 5 years
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Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix, Gabe!
You have been accepted for the role of CARADOC DEARBORN, with your requested faceclaim change to Michael B. Jordan! Your application was so lovely. I particularly loved how you showed Caradoc’s personality as having changed since his mother’s death and their close relationship was beautiful. I also enjoyed how you incorporated Caradoc’s role in the Order and how he’s not always as he seems. I am so excited to have you as part of this roleplay!
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME: Gabe 
AGE: 22 
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I’m really free lately so I can be around pretty easily, at least popping in every other day to do threads on most weeks. Weekends are a little busy for me, as I tend to take that aside for socializing, but on week days I’m pretty much always around. Especially in the evenings.
ANYTHING ELSE: [TRIGGERS REDACTED] As far as experience, I’ve been in several roleplay groups on tumblr for the past 8 years or so, many of them Harry Potter (and mostly marauders) themed! In fact, my first RP experience was a marauders era group when I was about 14 and barely knew English, so writing in this world always feels a bit like coming home.
NAME: Caradoc Dearborn 
AGE: 28 
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Cis male, he/him/his, pansexual. If you asked him, though, you probably wouldn’t get so quick of an answer (you’d probably get a lecture instead). Truth is, coming from a pureblood family, gender and sexuality haven’t ever been topics in the foreground of his mind. He’s more of a liberal when it comes to it, he’ll be attracted to whoever he feels attracted to, and that’s the end of that; labels are for muggles. He’s sure his father would want him to have a pureblood wife to give him a pureblood heir to carry the family name, but Caradoc isn’t too worried about that for now. 
BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood 
HOUSE ALUMNI: Hufflepuff 
ANY CHANGES: I’d love to play him as Michael B. Jordan, if that’s okay! I find that his face fits better with what I have in mind, and Michael also has more resources, from what I’ve researched so far. I’m pretty visual when it comes to building characters, and I like to use gifs whenever I can, so having a proper range of resources is important to me.
Caradoc’s personality can be divided into two big blocks of before and after – the big catalyst dividing them being his mother’s passing. He used to be all smiles and easy laughter before. Even with his parents’ constant warning, the severity of it all never used to bother him. He spent his years at Hogwarts charming away professors and making friends, and anyone would describe him as a laid back, easy-going bloke.
Now, not so much.In the current present, Caradoc has a lot more baggage weighing down on his shoulders. He is private, a lot more emotionally shut off, and his biggest focus is set on winning this war. Meeting new people and making friends isn’t his priority, and he doesn’t mind being called “boring” for not taking a joke if it means he’s keeping everyone in check. Contrary to popular belief, he is easily amused and can take a joke – he’s just not as good at externalizing it as everyone else. He has too much on his plate now, and most days, forcing out a smile feels like it might take all of his energy.
He is decisive to the point of stubbornness, and he’ll stand for what he believes in even if it drags him to an early grave, like a true Hufflepuff. He’s never been good with plants or caring for others’ health, like many others in his house, but he always had that same protectiveness in him. He’s empathetic and sensitive, carrying out what his mother had taught him, and his heart is bigger than his body, even if he doesn’t show it much.
A lot of people seem to trust him, and he doesn’t take that lightly. In fact, it’s part of the reason why he doesn’t worry about being called a stick-in-the-mud. He knows being more sober and stern is what makes him easy to trust, as opposed to many of his peers who are more out-going and childish. The amount of trust put on him doesn’t go unappreciated, and he always hopes to honor that sentiment.
Caradoc was born to a Hufflepuff mother and a Slytherin father, and as you would expect from such a pair, Caradoc would say he got the best of both worlds.
His mother was a kind soul, gentle and optimistic even in the darkest of times, a strongly opinionated woman who never bowed down to the magical society’s standards  – it’s no wonder she ended up in Hufflepuff during her time at Hogwarts. She always made sure to cater to Caradoc’s softer side growing up, and he’s terribly grateful for it now. In the world they live in today, it’s more important than ever to be able to see the beauty in the small things, and if he still has the strength to hold on to any last slither of hope he has, he owes that to his mother.
Losing his mother made a great impact in Caradoc’s life. They were so close that he still feels as if a part of him died with her that day, and anyone who knew him before and after the incident might agree. He didn’t always carry the weight he does now, and he’d been a much different teenager. Once upon a time, when his biggest issues were simply potions lessons and house points, his face would light up with more ease and his laughter would boom across the dining halls more often than not. It was her death that changed him. He lost a best friend, his most important life support, and he vowed to never lose sight of what really matters, and make her fight count.
His father, who had always been a stricter parent, has found himself with hollow eyes and softer edges since the loss of his wife. He and Caradoc had never been too close, but grief pushed them together. For Caradoc, at sixteen, losing his mom felt like losing the glue that kept the family together. His father had always been caring, but he wasn’t a warm presence in their house; not distant, but callous, lacking some of the empathy that was so present in his wife’s personality.
Caradoc is closer to his father now than he was in teenage years, but he still wouldn’t say they’re good friends. They’re family, bonded through blood and grief more than anything, and as much as he loves his predecessor, he likes to keep things at an arms-length distance. The older man has very strict beliefs about how his son should live his life, ideals that are outdated and too biased, in Doc’s opinion, and on that they may never see eye-to-eye.
It hardly matters to Caradoc if he will find a pureblood woman to marry or not, let alone to have children with – he thinks bringing new children into their current world would be immoral, even. He doesn’t have time to think about futile things such as wedding plans when there’s a war happening in his backyard, though the idea forces its way across his mind weekly, every time his father mentions the possibility of an arranged union, if he fails to find someone for himself. The only thing that keeps him from caving to his father’s expectations is knowing that his mother, wherever she is, is probably rolling her eyes at them.
Caradoc is an Obliviator, working for the ministry (and most of all, the Order) to keep their world safe behind closed doors. He likes to believe it’s the right field for him, as he’s able to help others and make himself useful, but it’s not always an easy job when he finds himself in crossroads between morality and safety. It’s tiring, and it takes an emotional toll bigger than he ever expected it to.
Keeping himself and everyone else centered – that’s Caradoc’s main goal.He’s aware of what the others say, and he’s been called many names, everything from hyper-focused to stick-in-the-mud, but it doesn’t bother him. If no one else will take the role of bad cop, he’ll gladly do so, and remind everyone that this is not a book club or meetings for afternoon tea, their fight has to come first. It’s easy for him to feel out of place in there, even as a member of the inner circle. Sometimes, it feels like he operates on a completely different system than the other members, at least emotionally. Overall, he has genuine faith that they can win this – otherwise he would’ve given up by now –, even if he’s not always so trusting of all the members.
Caradoc stays low, and that isn’t so hard when you’re not looking to make new friends. He moves periodically, every year or so, and he always keeps a suitcase packed with his most precious belongings, just in case he needs a quick escape. He doesn’t exactly hide from the world, given his job as an Obliviator, but he keeps himself quiet enough that he doesn’t raise suspicion. For anyone outside of the Order, he’s just an odd bloke who gets his job done and doesn’t like to hang out much. In reality, Caradoc is constantly mapping out escape routes and keeping an eye on everyone around him, and he won’t hesitate to throw the first spell if he doesn’t see a way out.
Relationships can be hard for Caradoc for anyone who’s met him after the death of his mother. If a part of him truly died with her, that part was his emotional availability. Unlike many others, he’s seen what this war can do, how it can rip someone out of your life as quickly as the blink of an eye, and part of the reason he’s so closed off is to avoid losing someone again. He already has his dad to look after, and, as much as he’d like to deny it, all of the Order, too. These are people he holds near and dear to his heart, and he’s already painfully protective of them, he can’t let himself get any closer.
Some specifics that aren’t in his bio:
ALICE LONGBOTTOM: As much as he may not trust her husband, Caradoc is actually quite fond of Alice. She’s a solid presence in the Order, someone who isn’t as much of a firecracker as the newcomers, and yet, doesn’t carry the exhaustion some of the other older members have. She’s someone he trusts entirely, and he hopes she knows that.
DORCAS MEADOWS: She is annoying, that’s for sure. Even so, of course Caradoc would be fond of her, as a fellow Hufflepuff – and one that reminds him so much of his younger self, no less. He’ll probably deny it if you ask him, but he finds her antics quite entertaining, and he likes having her around. In fact, he thinks all of the younger members are incredibly important to keep the organization alive and burning, and he thinks their spirits are always uplifting to have around when his faith is running a little low. He’s never had a sibling, but he imagines this is what having a younger sister would be like.
CONNOR BROWN: There aren’t many people who remember the Caradoc from before, and maybe that’s why hanging out around Connor feels so easy, sometimes. The two couldn’t be more different from each other if they tried, but more often than not, Caradoc finds himself hanging around at the Ganymede Gentleman’s Club for his company, as well as to let himself be entertained by the various performers there. The place (and Connor) is usually bright and loud enough to clear his mind when he needs a distraction, and you might think he looks like someone is forcing him to be there, but you might just catch glimpses of a smile if you look closely enough.
SHIPS/ANTI-SHIPS: I don’t have any ships in mind yet. I think it’ll be extremely fun to watch him navigate a relationship and romance, if it happens, since he’s actively trying to avoid one. I’m definitely very open to it happening, even if it’s not my main focus or goal right now. Whoever he has chemistry with, I’ll be happy to write out.
As much as the alumni of his house in particular are good at trying to end prejudice, Caradoc is still an only child of two purebloods, and bound to have some ideas drilled into him from before he could think for himself.
For the most part, he’s been good at breaking down stereotypes and rearranging his mind to be kinder towards others, and to recognize his privileges. But most importantly, he’s good at hiding it. Caradoc is inquisitive, but he’s the type to think three times before he speaks, which means he keeps a lot to himself. Despite his father’s strict and old-fashioned beliefs, he came out a pretty open-minded bloke, so he’ll listen to anyone who wants to share their story. He never claims to understand what other people go through, and he does his best to take their word for it when they speak up. He’s only mildly aware of his position in the world, as a man from a wealthy and well-known family, and how lucky he is for it.
That isn’t to say he doesn’t have his biases, of course. The ghost of his father’s underlying bigotry towards muggleborns is the only bias he’s painfully conscious of, and one still present, but that he actively fights to change. He still catches himself surprised when a muggleborn performs better than a pureblood at a magical task, and he still has the instinct to twist his nose at muggles’ weird habits and ways to raise their children, but he’s gotten better at catching those thoughts and shooing them away before they develop.
When it comes to werewolves, he definitely has a bone to pick. If asked, he’d tell you that it’s simply a horrible curse to fall upon someone and that he feels sorry for them, but if he ever found out about Remus, he’d be the first suggesting to kick the boy out of the Order. He doesn’t think they can be trusted. There’s not much they know about half-breeds in general, and when it comes to such an important cause like theirs, they can’t be taking any chances.
Another very specific, sort of odd bias he has would be against people who choose to build families in the world they currently live in. There are more pressing issues than diapers and bottles right now, and bringing an innocent child into this mess – not to mention when there are so many orphans out there – feels absurd to him. He understands accidents happen, but for the people who actively choose pregnancies in such chaos, he’s appalled.
I found this place because a friend showed it to me, and I was terribly excited to join because boy oh boy, do I miss marauder-era groups. Fun fact, in my first ever group RP here on tumblr, I played a Caradoc for a while! It was short-lived and terrible because I was a teen learning to write, and I like this Doc much, much better. I was originally going to apply for Emmeline, ended up deciding against it because an app for her came in and I figured I’d fill another role – and it worked out for the best, because I’m so much more excited about Caradoc! I’m looking forward to exploring the relationships within the Order and seeing all the chaos that will surely happen once they all run loose. Doc is a character with a lot of space to grow and who could be in the middle of many plot points, being an assertive voice and part of the inner circle of the Order, so I’m thrilled about all of this.
PLOT DROP IDEAS (OPTIONAL): I’m not sure if it’s much of a plot drop idea, but I think Caradoc’s profession could be used as a reason for suspicion later on. It was Nicky who suggested it first, actually, that someone (likely muggleborn, since purebloods rely more on Obliviators) could start growing a little wary of his job. Since he works erasing people’s memories, it wouldn’t be crazy to wonder if he’s done it to any of them before – at least not in a time where everyone is doubting everyone. So that’s just a thought.
ANYTHING ELSE? Nope! Thank you for reading, and sorry for rambling! aaa
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breerps · 7 years
Hey! We're a brand new First Wizarding War Harry Potter roleplay! We hope to open in a week and would love a shoutout and perhaps some feedback. Thanks!
Of course you can! Let me know if you’d like this to go under a read more.
Theme: A good, well-organized theme. I’m always a sucker for dark color schemes on themes, provided that the text is legible, and you’ve made sure to choose colors that are easy to read. At the same time, they all fit together and don’t clash. I’m a fan of your header gif, it definitely evokes the danger of the setting of your RP. I could personally use maybe just a touch more HP references in your graphics, but I think on the whole it fits very nicely with your plot and premise. I also love the navigation page you’re using, that’s one of my all-time favorite nav pages because it’s so simple and easy to use but also so classy. Theme gets an A from me.
Plot: You’ve done a great job of setting the tone for your RP with this synopsis, and it is very clear in establishing the point in wizarding history when this takes place. I like that you chose wording which doesn’t assume that everyone coming in will be 1001% familiar with Harry Potter or the era of the Marauders—as implausible as it seems in this day and age, there are still plenty of newcomers to the series and folks who’ve never delved into the Maruaders Era. So that’s a great touch. I think that some of your wording and sentence structure can be cleaned up and tightened in a few spots to make it a snappier read, as it were. You’ve hooked people with a solid sidebar summary, so you really want to seal the deal when they come read the full plot. Tightening up the writing here and putting even more tension into the plot will really draw in a crowd, especially those who are familiar with HP and the Marauders and are looking to see what about your RP is different. This is where you sell what sets you apart from other Marauder RPs, so don’t skimp on the intrigue and the fun points that will make this a unique experience for your players! B+.
Rules: A good basic set of rules which covers the usual things you want people to keep in mind—activity, age restrictions, OOC decorum, etc. If someone comes to scan through your rules and see whether any of them will be a problem for them, you’ve covered what most people look for right away. I do think there’s a little room for improvement. The first rule, for instance, indicates that you do have an age restriction for this RP since it will contain mature content and themes. Unfortunately, you don’t really explain what that policy is. Everyone approaches such policies differently, so it’s good to be explicit as to what that means for your group. Do you allow players under 18? Is there a minimum age you allow, like 16 or 17? Since this sort of thing can lead to real and serious consequences if people aren’t clear on the expectation, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Even if people roll their eyes and go “yeah we get it, no smut for people under 18″, at least you will have covered yourselves by having that clearly stated at the outset. If someone comes in and violates your rules, you’ve got much more of a leg to stand on. Another thing that always sets me more at ease is reading rules that state clearly how admins plan to deal with rule violations or problems among the players. Admins have a tough job, and while they’re also here to have fun and write and play, they also have to be able to take charge if something goes wrong. So it’s good to see something about that in the rules, even if it’s as simple as “We don’t allow discriminatory behavior and want this to be a fun experience for everyone. If you’re having any kind of difficulties, please come to us.” It helps people know that you’re there for them. Lastly, because so much of the RP community loves OCs today (which is great!), it would probably be good to mention somewhere whether you are canon-exclusive or whether you accept OCs. B-.
Application: This is a really solid application form. As someone who (very obviously) tends to be very wordy, I appreciate that you get right to the meat and bones of what you want to see from an applicant. Having your biography section double as a para sample is a great time saver, and unique from what I’ve seen of most HP RPs. (Since the lore of the HP universe is pretty well known and available, most RPs choose to just write those things out. Allowing your applicants to show you their own takes on the characters really proves your claim to being semi-AU!) There’s room for people to dive in and show you a lot, or to keep things fairly concise and straightforward. The only thing I would say here ties into my final comment on your rules. This app could very easily serve for a canon character application or an OC application, which is really cool! But you’ll need to be specific as to whether or not this is your intention. If you want this to be a flexible application so that people can bring in OCs if they want, then make sure people know that. If you don’t accept OCs and want to focus strictly on canon characters, then make that clear, too. A-.
Content: Again, because your theme and your navigation page are so easy to move through, finding all your content is a breeze and I love that! You’ve covered all the basics of what sort of things people will need to know and what resources they should have available. And you’ve even added some great things like the link to the HP wiki and the guide to cutting posts! Since you guys are still in the construction process, it’s obviously fine that not every link has a page or leads somewhere yet—it’s just great to know that you will have that content available when you open. It just shows that you’re considerate of your players. I only have two points for you here. The first is that while your application is wonderful in allowing players the possibility of making a character to be LGBT+, including trans or NB, it is a little disheartening to not see any specifically trans FCs or NB characters yet. Hopefully people will pick up on the possibility of adapting some characters in that way, but it might be a nice touch to introduce a couple characters that you see as fitting those groups. The nice thing about the Marauders Era is that there are enough side characters we don’t have tons of information to adapt in this way. The other thing is that if you have the time to create it, making a mobile navigation which people can access when away from the computer would be a great idea. I don’t think it needs to be the top of the list, since you guys are already working so hard on other things for finishing up to open, but at some point it would definitely be a nice touch. A-.
You guys are doing a great job of setting this up, and it’s clear you are putting a lot of effort into it. I think you’re on your way to a fantastic RP, and I definitely think people will respond well to this since you’re creating a lot of room for exploration and personalizing the experience. This is a very promising RP, and I think it will appeal to many long-time fans as well as newcomers looking to explore a new part of the series! I wish you guys all the luck in the world, and for anyone reading this, go check them out and keep an eye out for their opening!
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dork-cresswell-blog · 7 years
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screams i love him and rereading this app gave me so many feels i died. have at it babes.
HELLO!! I’m Snow, I’m 20 years old and I’m from the (GMT)+3 timezone. I use she/her pronouns.
I’m active in one other rpg currently, and I have college to keep me a bit busy at times ( a BIT lmao) but I always make time for rp, and I can safely say I’ll be online 6-7/10 of the time.
A whiiiiile back through the hp rp tag.
Nervous? And excited!! And very giddy bc i fell in love with the character I’m applying for and I can’t wait for the chance to play them in this verse ekbfuceos Ikwdcn!!!
Weirdly enough I never thought of this before, but I suppose – Neville Longbottom. Or Severus Snape. I can’t decide.
Dirk Cresswell.
My absolutely number one choice for dirk would be Ezra Miller. He just has the exact look I had envisioned for Dirk while writing him out in my head, especially in Perks – the easy-going attitude, the dramatic hand gestures, the charming smile, the confidence, and the slightest touch of flamboyance. If the admins can’t see him working, I could go for landon liboiron, who shares similar qualities with Ezra but isn’t quuuite what I’m looking for – in a pinch, Xavier Dolan could work for me, but he doesn’t have nearly enough smiley gifs tbh he needs to be less emo (still pretty tho my GOD) or nico Tortorella, who has the confidence and positivity but not, er. The gait, I suppose? I dunno, but I’m really hoping Ezra works for you guys, he’s really the best choice I could think of!! (for some reason Miles Tiller just doesn’t click?? With me?? At all??)
I love, love, love building characters up from scratch. Writing out a character from the ground up and layering them with complexities, with virtues and vices and faults, with feelings and insecurities and demons of their own, I love it. It’s the most exciting thing I could think of, and I love writing characters with blatant, intriguing contradictions – the elegant lady with a lion’s roar, the honest man who is a hypocrite as well, the boy who both craves and hates the idea of affection, at once – I love exploring their nuances, seeing how they play out, how their traits push and pull at one another and make the character whole, alive and breathing as though they were real. I guess you could say it’s my passion. It’s also why I tend to choose characters who were barely canon, or who were ocs of the roleplay. It gives me a wonderful amount of freedom to be creative, and I like to take full advantage of that.
Dirk Cresswell strikes me as someone who is confident and arrogant and a little flamboyant, but hardly with the self-esteem to match. he’s petty and competitive and a little dramatic, but he’s also rather clever, intelligent, and competent. He is kind, and loyal, and unforgiving. Betrayal is a sin, an unforgivable sin, and yet what he does with Aversio is not betrayal to his friends – protection, justice, It Has To Be Done. He gives it a hundred names, a hundred reasons, and learns to shoulder the guilt and adjust to the weight of it and keep moving. (he is yet to forgive himself for it, but he was never deluded enough to think justice was easy to come by. If the price for their safety is to taint his relationship with them, then he is willing to pay such a price.)
(the thought occurs to him, once – would it be betrayal if he were to simply severe ties with them, if there were no friendships for him to forsake, if he were not forced into a conflict of loyalty and justice? would he have to betray his friends if they were simply no longer friends? The thought is dismissed with a wry abruptness – perhaps a braver soul than him could go through with such a thing, perhaps a better man than him would do it. Dirk is content, for now, with reminding himself of why what they’re doing is important, why Aversio is the only way.)
He is an arrogant boy with an inferiority complex. He is driven by his emotions – he loves and he loves fully, with an open heart, but he never trusts with the same ease, he was a boy who was shown love and taught not to trust it. in his veins thrums a desire for justice, for fairness, for equality, it beats and it burns like a second heart, it keeps him awake some nights and it keeps him moving. It drives him, this keen sense for right and wrong.
Dirk is not an idealist, however. He is an optimist, though his optimism is not born of naivety – it is not born of ignorance, of innocence, he knows of tragedy and he knows of prejudice and of oppression, but seeing the best in life and the best in people is what he chooses to do, what has helped him past the dreary days when he’d thought there would be no light at the end of the tunnel.
to further show how I envision him to be, I would like to expand on some of his traits:
Dirk’s magical talents were difficult to miss, even to those who really, really tried, and it was not entirely for the considerable amount of bragging on Dirk’s part – though, arguably, that was a large part of it – but his hands, deft with potions and charms and defensive spells, where quick to catch people’s attention, and keep it. his exceptional dueling skills had not gone unnoticed, either, not by his teachers, and certainly not by his pureblooded schoolmates, who have repeatedly tested his abilities first hand.
Dirk is That One Kid that knows everyone, and who everyone knows. He joined every extracellular activity the school had to offer at one point or another, he never missed a chance to hang out and have fun, and he was always interested in meeting new people and making new friends. His easy humor and confident attitude drew people to him and relaxed them in his company, his optimism and cheeky remarks making him an uplifting presence to have around. He is secretive, however, keeping his emotional troubles and inner demons far away from preying eyes, even those he considers close, preferring to pull a cheery grin upon his lips than admitting to the guilt than is slowly chipping away at him from within.
Dirk has been shown love and taught not to trust it. a parting gift, from his mother, one could say. he finds difficulty – immense difficulty – in sharing his troubles, or his secrets of any kind, with anyone. he loves and he cares about his friends and there is very little he wouldn’t do for them, but trust is something that is difficult to come by, for him, and it is something that frustrates his friends to no end.
Dirk has an exaggerated sense of his own abilities. He is talented, yes, anyone would be hard pressed to deny that, but he tends to – overestimate, what he can do. It could also be put down to his perfectionist nature, that he would bite off more than he could chew and simply expect himself to rise up to the challenge.
It is also important to note, however, that as sure as he is of his own capabilities and talents, he is never sure of himself. Of Dirk, of his own self-worth and of his own self-esteem. He is an arrogant braggart with an inferiority complex.
SEXUALITY: gay, and not particularly interested in hiding it.
SHIPS: tbh I’m all about chemistry. I don’t particularly mind if no romantic interests cropped up along the way, i’m more interested in exploring dirk as a character first and foremost. If a romantic interest does come along I would absolutely be down to explore that as well – I would also be interested in plots that don’t necessarily end happily for either character tbh lmao angst is my natural scent like fucking slather me in it okay. (side note: I love. Unlikely pairings. Very much.)
Mockblog: dork-cresswell.tumblr.com  (I posted the kinda sorta long history/bio section in the mockblog, I hope it would be considered as part of the application as well? Thank you :) )
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it:
Is there, like. Is there a potion to just. Make pureblooded bigots stop being so bigoted? Or make them disappear, or something, I’m not picky.
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you:
Sal, definitely. Did you see her swing that wretched bat of hers? You don’t want to get in the way of that, it’s absolutely sick. you’ll love it. And I suppose some food would be good, for the object, wouldn’t it.
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?
When to take a bloody break. I can never do that. Sal’s always breathing down my neck about it, but I can’t bloody well help it, okay? Somethings just have to get done.
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?
That I’m a braggart. Because I’m not, and anyone who says that is a bloody liar, okay? I just like to let people know I’m better than them. Sometimes. At some things. It’s not bragging if it’s true, is it?
(ooc: That he isn’t good enough. That he is lesser, that he is a disappointment. His perfectionist attitude is largely due to survivor’s guilt – he blames himself, in part, for what had happened to Robert, and had subconsciously spent the years following trying to make up for what he’d ‘done’, or hadn’t, as it were.)
darkness. that was the first thing he was aware of. and soft covers – softer than the ones he had at his apartment. a distinct feeling of annoyance…
“–et up already!”
ah, yes. little sisters, he’s been told, were angels. it’s a good thing he doesn’t believe everything he’s told anymore. he buries his face further into the pillow, and tries not to think of why he made his way here in the middle of the night. “leave me alone.” he mutters, a little petulantly.
“dirk, it’s getting late. get up.”
“i can’t.” he groans, perhaps more wounded than he really was. “you’ll have to go on without me. i have reached the end of my tether, i can only further hold you back.”
“i’ve lived a fulfilling life, i have no regrets. you have to promise me you’ll do the same.”
“no.” he waves her away, burying his face further into the pillow, though that’s only to hide the growing grin upon his face. “i know it’s hard, but you can live without me, Sal, i believe in yo–” and the world flips, suddenly, upside down, light assaulting his eyes as his head hit the floor with a loud thud.
there is a moment of silence. from his place on the floor, he blinks. “why would you do that.”
“you were being dumb again.”
he sits up on his elbows, blinking up at her again. “you pushed me off the couch.” he repeats. “what kind of sister does that?”
she rolls her eyes, though there’s a hint of a smile pulling at her lips. she throws him a bottle of soda and he catches it. “go wash your face.” she says, sitting down beside him and opening a bottle of her own, evidently not expecting him to get up and go wash. “you’re gross.”
“thanks.” he deadpans, sitting up and leaning his back against the sofa. “i feel so loved.”
the room is silent, then, save for the sound of bottles clinking, the caps popped off and the bubbles hissing away. she adjusts herself for a moment, and dirk waits for the inevitable.
“well?” she asks, and she doesn’t have to add anything, she’s asked him this a hundred times: what’s going on? why did you come here in the middle of the night? why were you screaming in your sleep? why are you scared? why are you hurt? can’t you tell me, your sister, am i losing you too?
he doesn’t say anything. he never says anything. he is afraid his lips would open and his sins would all come spilling out, that he would tell her everything, everything, that she would not understand. That she would look at him and see something vile, something scary. that she would never want to look at him again. he says nothing. he can’t afford to lose her too.
“oh, i see.” she says, a lilt to her tone that would have suggested lightness, in a less dreary moment. “you can’t tell me, again.”
the air grows heavy between them, thick with secrets he can’t not keep. ‘i killed someone’, he wants to say, desperately, but doesn’t. he brings the bottle to his lips and takes a long swig instead.
he is not a murderer. he is not Dark, he is not a bad person, he is not a criminal. he knows this, he knows, and he knows they’re all just doing what has to be done, that Aversio is the only way, that fighting fire with fire is all that seems to work.
he knows this. he knows what they’re doing, and he knows why they’re doing it, and he knows why it’s important.
but some nights he needs to remember. some nights he seems to forget.
she rests her head against his shoulder, her hands wrapped around his arm. he only lasts a beat, or two, before he turns and envelopes her in his arms as well. he holds her tightly, his mouth pressed into a thin line, careful not to say a word or more would spill.
this is what he’s doing: murder.
this is why he’s doing it: she is here. she is here, and alive, and whole, and unharmed. she will stay this way, and he will make sure of it.
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