#i often think about how well this show would've done if it was on streaming
kvtnisseverdeen · 3 months
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"I'm going to tell you a story, maybe it will sound familiar. There was this kid, 16, alone, and running for his life. He couldn't see them, but he could hear them getting closer. They had guns, crossbows. They were hunting him. It started on the night of the full moon. Something came at him. Something bit him, and it changed his life. It changed everything."
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hunterssm00n · 7 months
Brighter Than the Sun / part 2 /
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Lex is starting to feel like herself again after the events on Bouvetoya Island... with a little help from a tall, dreadlocked knight in shining armor at her side! | Lex/Scar |
part 2 of 3
my Scar & Lex series on ao3: here
*no cw, just humor and fluff*
hunterssm00n © All rights reserved by me. I do not allow this work to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
Lex managed to get herself up and out of bed by ten in the a.m., which was actually pretty impressive considering she hadn't gotten home from her tour until around two in the a.m. Right now, she was still living in her little cubby in the Adirondacks. It was a bit chilly, since it was still winter in upstate New York (and by a bit chilly, she meant cold as hell). Lex had always liked the cold, and Bouvetoya, whilst colder than anything she'd ever experienced (in more ways than one), had done nothing to diminish her love for the crisp air. She knew that her intergalactic friend from the stars wasn't very keen on the cold, and this fact made her realize even more that he indeed had a soft spot for her; she suspected he wouldn't willingly come to this icebox for just anyone.
After dressing, she unhurridly began making breakfast. She had the day off, and she planned on doing absolutely nothing. Recently, she had started taking steady work again, and it was such a relief to be back at her game again. She loved her job; loved the self-fulfillment of it, as well as showing other people the beauty of the world. Her tours were continuing in the mountains right now, and she had taken a big group on a long hike yesterday that had tired her out. It had also taken a lot of her night up, which she had expected. That was why today, she was going to park her sore butt on the couch, and kick back with some junk food and movies.
As she was eating her pancakes and bacon on the couch, flipping through tv channels, she found her mind wandering to her alien pal yet again. It was funny to think those of those two words in one sentance: alien pal. Who ever in a million years would've thought? Lex had never really been one to believe in any of that anyways. She hadn't discounted it entirely - she knew, being a partial scientist, that many things were indeed possible, and didn't always have explanations. Truthfully, she had just never really thought about humanoids existing from other galaxies. Life on other planets, sure. Like water, and plants, and organisms that had capability of movement. But a seven foot tall, scale covered dude with dreadlocks and a pension for violence? Hell no.
This had to be the farthest thing in the universe away from how she thought her life would turn out. And there was still more to come. Lex wondered, as she often did, what was awaiting her in the future. Would this relationship - friendship she had with this extraterrestrial continue? Would it escalate? Would he grow tired of her, and how very different she was from his race? Her brow furrowed at the thought; she didn't want to consider that.
A knocking sound came from her front door, and, mouth full, she turned her head towards it. Who would be visiting her at eleven a.m. on a Tuesday? Swallowing, she placed her plate on the couch cushion beside where she had been sitting, and rose to investigate. Pulling her sweater more tightly around her body, she crossed the short walk towards the entry to the house. Reaching one hand out, she peeked out the curtain, more of that bright sunlight streaming in through the window pane, making her squint to see who was at her door. A blonde woman, pretty face, waved excitedly back at her. Karen. Holy shit. Lex had completely forgotten that she had invited her friend over to her home that morning for coffee; she hadn't seen the woman in weeks, and Karen was finally back in the area after a brief vacation to the Bahamas.
Smiling back, Lex opened the heavy oak door and met her friend with open arms. "It's so good to see you! I'm so sorry, I totally forgot; I feel like the worst friend ever!"
Squeezing her tight, Karen didn't sound the least bit upset, a smile in her voice as she replied cheerily, "Oh, no worries, you've been busy as all hell! I'm just glad you're here - it's been way too long!"
Apologizing again for having pajama's on, Lex invited Karen into the warm house. She decided to make more pancakes and bacon for her friend to share, as well as turning on her coffee maker, while the two engaged in idle, pleasant chit-chat. Karen and Lex hadn't been as close as they normally had been lately. But to be fair, Lex had never really been close with anybody - she didn't have a best friend. And the friends that she did have, she grew even more distant from after everything had happened in Bouvetoya. She looked forward to talking with Karen more often; it was always refreshing to get together and just hang out with a friend, talk about life, recent experiences, etc.
There was one recent life experience, though, that Lex planned on keeping to herself. Karen probably wouldn't take too lightly Lex talking about aliens after knowing about her supposed 'unstable' mental state since the events on the frozen island. Though nobody else but herself knew that aliens were the cause of that misfortune, but she planned to keep everything to herself just the same. For her own safety, and for Scar's.
A little while later, Lex and Karen were sitting on her couch, coffee mugs in hand, talking about another one of their friends, Mariah, who had recently gotten engaged. Lex had been so disconnected from everything, that she hadn't even known Mariah had met someone. They were laughing about past dating experiences when there came a sudden thud from the roof. Lex, eyes wide, swallowed her coffee noisily in realization, and Karen jumped. "Oh, Jesus, Lex, that must scare the shit out of you every single time! That's the problem with living under the trees: once the snow comes crashing down, it sounds like an avalanche!" she giggled. Lex laughed with her, trying very hard to discern whether or not it was actually snow, or if it was something else. Someone else. For a few moments, there was no other noise besides Karen speaking, continuing their subject from before, and Lex was just about to relax when the scrabbling of feet (claws) on her roof made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.
Worst. Timing. Ever.
Lex had grown to really like Scar, but she had no idea how she was going to explain this one to Karen. Crap.
"Man, that stuff's really coming down!" Karen exclaimed, looking up at the ceiling, "Do you think my car's okay out there? It's under one of those giant pine trees,"
"Um, yeah, you know what? I'll go check on it." Lex stated, setting her coffee down on the table a little too forcefully, so some sloshed over the rim and onto her coffee table.
"Oh, I'll come wit-"
"Oh no, Karen, it's fine, really! It's cold out there, you stay in here where it's warm, I've got it, don't worry!" Lex said in a rush, practically running towards the door. Karen gave her a puzzled look before shrugging it off and sipping at her warm beverage.
Lex practically threw her coat around her shoulders, not even zipping it up before she was out the door, slamming both of them shut in her haste. She had closed them just in time, too, because as soon as she did, a huge creature that seemed to fall straight from the sky (or rather, her roof) landed heavily on two feet in the snow right in front of her porch. Straightening from his crouched position, Scar stood to his full height, chittering in greeting at her.
"Scar, hey buddy, um, listen -" She barely made it off the porch before she was swept up into those massive arms and squeezed against that brick wall of a chest in a giant bear hug. "Ow, Scar, can't breathe..." She patted him on the back in greeting as he set her down on her feet, holding a hand on her shoulder to steady her. Swaying as she gazed up at him, she once again tried to explain the situation to him. "Hey, can you come back in, like, two hours? I, um, someone who doesn't know about you is h-"
"Lex?" Came a faint voice from behind her, growing louder as a creak preceded the door opening, "Are you alright? I hear voices." Lex swung around towards her female friend, wondering how on earth she was going to explain the massive being in front of her. Well, this is going to be just great.
AN: I do not own the Alien vs Predator franchise or any of it's characters. Karen is an OC made up by me. I also do not own the song 'Brighter Than the Sun' by Colbie Caillat.
part 3
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thestupidhelmet · 1 year
i feel like T9S will not be going on for long simply because all it's got is nostalgia which will mostly go away after the og cast do their 2 minute cameos in the first episode and the show only has 10 episodes... unless they somehow manage to pull it off like Derry Girls I think Netflix will be cancelling it soon after (like they always do). they should've just done a reboot and given the old viewers an actual final good season lol
A reboot. *shudders* (That should tell you my thoughts and feelings about that, lol.)
As for an actual good final season, not possible with who's in charge of the T7S characters (plus other real-world factors). That's why T9S is the way it is.
The first idea pitched to Neflix by the T7S creators tells us everything. To rehash with Eric how Kelso became a father -- a one-night stand at a concert with a random woman (although Kelso knew who Brooke was since they went to the same high school for one year) -- it's both unimaginative and demonstrates no understanding of who Eric is. Also, it (as well as what T9S's premise ended up being and its many details) proves once again how little fidelity the creators have to consistent characterization and a cohesive fictional universe.
Eric having a child by not-Donna just would not happen. Especially at the age Eric would've had to be for Leia to be fourteen/fifteen in 1995. Donna is his one and only. He barely managed to date anyone during the year (Point Place Time™) he and Donna were broken up in season 4. When he did get a date, the most he did sexually is kiss.
Donna, however, was more likely to have sex with someone who is not-Eric. She and Casey Kelso got far enough in their sexual relationship that she was going to sleep with him. They definitely did more than just kiss. She was driven by grief (from her mom leaving and losing Eric) into self-destructive behavior and used sex to cope with that grief. As she says in "The Relapse" (4x06), she "would've done it [had sex] with anybody."
So between Eric and Donna, Donna's the one who would've had a kid with a rando.
[Correcting my last paragraph, thanks to @einsteinisugly.]
Anyway, for my friends who are happy about T9S, I hope it has more than one season. It might get to three or four, imo. If time actually progresses normally, then Leia will turn eighteen by season 4 (each season will take place during the summer) and be going off to college. Netflix also often gives its shows only three seasons (unless the stream numbers are super high).
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safyresky · 1 year
Smile Shots: Clawfoot Tub
Was thinking of what Diteline Valentine's Day probably looks like, given it is Dite's BUSIEST day of work and often one of the COLDEST days of the year. This was what I thought up! I was a little torn on how it would end up, but I knew for sure they would be chillin in a hot bath together after their long ass day lmao. Please enjoy what I was originally calling A Very Diteline Valentine's Day aka, "Two girls, chillin' in a hot bath, thigh to thigh because they're SO gay". For each other, lmao.
UM ALSO Killian belongs to @lmelodie. I very much enjoy stealing him for a quick mention in situations >:). This is some time in the future (hence diteline marriage! in theory, Dite should be going by Donnie rn but in practise, I entered a fugue state when writing this and went with the present naming conventions), but to clarify: I imagine that blackice plans involve another attempt at reconciliation that devolves into a fistfight 😂😂😂. my GOD their dynamic is EVERYTHING to me 😍😍😍
ANYWAY, formalities out of the way, enjoy! And ah, Happy BELATED Valentine's Day, in all the ways love exists! :)
(would've had this out sooner but I got very distracted by my own romantic shenanigans which involved a lot of Puss in Boots. The last Wish SLAPPED and the first movie was ALSO very good! :D)
"This is either a Valentine's Day surprise, OR you have had a very long day."
"Would you believe that it was both?"
Dite giggled, gently shutting the washroom door behind her. She looked down at her wife, up to her shoulders in bubbles, cucumbers on her eyes, fruity face mask all over her face, and kissed the top of her half-thawed head.
"I think I would, yes. But definitely mostly the latter," Dite said, unravelling her chiton. "Wanna talk about it?"
"I drew the SHORT STRAW, DITE," Jacqueline said, her tone of voice reminding Dite of the pouting emoji as she pulled off the cucumbers, throwing her hands in the air and her head back. The wet brown tendrils of hair stuck to her shoulders; above it, the still frozen white strands bounced a little bit, the steam slowly dissipating the snow. "The SHORT STRAW!"
"Oh no," Dite said, folding her chiton and placing it on the weird ledge behind the toilet, her heart shaped fibulae gently placed on top.
"Oh YES! Can you believe it, babe? Even JACK had plans!"
"Oh, cute!" Dite said, tossing undergarments into the laundry. "What are the two of them up to today?"
"I don't know, probably fist fighting in an alley way? I don't get those two."
"Well, love is love," Dite said, gently testing the water with a finger. "And your brother and Killian have a special way of showing it."
"That's a...polite way of putting it," Jacqueline said, eating one of the cucumber slices. "Here, lemme get some hot water back in here for you."
Dragging her leg off of the rim of the tub, Jacqueline leaned forward, turning the hot water tap. She frowned, moving her hand away from the stream that came pouring out of the faucet, looking up at her wife. "Maybe you should test the water. I know it's usually too hot whenever I do it," she said with a small sideways smile, slightly flushed—and Dite knew that it wasn't from the steam.
The goddess smiled, sliding into the bath, and placing her hand under the tap. "It cooled off fast, and you're nowhere near done melting," she said, twirling the cool water tap a smidgen.
"Yeah, it's a cold one today. Very cold. Fucking freezing even. I think parts of Northern Ontario are hitting forty below. Same with the Midwest. There's like two polar vortexes, several flurries on the west coast, so Vancouver is, of course, freaking out," she said with a snicker. "I figured California could use a good scare and flurried there too, since, you know, I got SADDLED with all the WORK! Figured I may as well have some fun, y'know? Goddess of the Springs, I can't believe I got the short straw," Jacqueline said, once again doing a stellar impression of the pouty emoji. "I'm not unconvinced that Mom and Jack didn't cheat."
Dite smiled, sliding down the porcelain wall of the tub, leaning back with a happy sigh. Her wings unfurled, seemingly breathing a sigh of relief and drooping over the tub as the goddess got comfortable, the steam doing wonders to her muscles. "Well, you did an amazing job, blue eyes. There are going to be cuddles ALL OVER THE GLOBE tonight."
"I aim to please AND freeze, brown eyes," Jacqueline said with a grin, eating the other cucumber. "Anyway," she said, still chewing on the slice. "Are you done for the day? Or is this a siesta to see lil' old me? I wasn't sure how late you'd be working so timing the bath was a little bit of a challenge."
Dite laughed, sinking deeper into the tub. The bubbles went up to her neck as she sought out Jacqueline's legs, resting hers against them. She sighed, happily. "In theory, I'm done for the day! In practise, it's hard to say! Mom kidnapped Dad halfway through the morning shift."
"Does Psyche has some fun plans?"
"I guess so! She seemed excited! Anyway, I told them not to worry, I could handle the day. I mean, it's my favourite day of the year after all! Dad said he'd take the evening shift, which starts now, but I haven't heard from him yet so we'll see how it goes," Dite said, chipper.
Jacqueline sighed, sliding deeper into the water.
"What's really bugging you, babe?" Dite asked, shutting off the tap. Water sloshed out of the tub, soaking the stone floor below them. Whoops, Dite thought, watching bubbles float up from the floor.
"I had big plans for today," she admitted with a sigh. "I spent all of last week looking at ancient battle grounds to find some monsters for us to fight together today. I had two perfect locations picked out and everything! Then I was gonna make reservations at the new steak place in the South Province back at home, and then I was gonna book us one of those nice little over water beach cabins nearby so we could sit and spend the evening watching the stars and the icebergs drifting by! But then I drew the SHORT STRAW!" She said with a huff, droplets of water following her arms up into the air, the bath sloshing around her and over the rim when she crossed her arms with a splash, sinking low enough to blow bubbles in the water with her nose.
Dite sniffled. "Awwh."
Jacqueline popped out of the bubbles, looking at the blonde with concern. "Are you—are you crying?!"
"It's just. That's very very sweet of you," Dite said, with a HUGE smile, eyes tearing up.
Jacqueline flushed. "Well, it's your favourite day of the year, after all. And more importantly, I love you! Of course I'd plan something special! Shame loving your partners runs in the family."
Dite laughed. "That's not a bad thing!"
"It is when I don't get to bring my WIFE to the BEACH!"
"How about we rain cheque that?" Dite said. "For my birthday? Or yours, since that's like, around the corner."
"We can do it for yours," Jacqueline said. "After all, I planned it for you and I'm sure you already have plans for mine."
"I do indeed!" Dite said. "Thankfully, I am a planner, and I have a little plan for us this evening given that we both worked late today," she said, watching as Jacqueline's eyebrow quirked up, curious. "I stopped by that place you like in Canada, the one with the really good general tso's chicken?"
Jacqueline perked up, her back straightening. More water sloshed onto the floor. "You got us take out? From the Prosperous Lizard?"
"I did! Extra saucy and extra spicy for you! And, I stopped by all of the random little altars that pop up for me around this time and grabbed ALL of the deserts people left for offerings."
"Mhmm," Dite said, nodding. "Lots of cupcakes this year! The usual chocolates, a BUNCH of roses, and, someone left us this," she said. she lifted her hand out of the water, suds drifting off as it glowed a bright pink. In front of her, a plate of chocolate dipped strawberries appeared. "Your favourite!"
"AhhhHHH! Oh my god, you were spoiled this year!"
Dite laughed. "I sure was! Which means that I get to spoil you," she said, leaning forward and booping Jacqueline's nose. "And the people who gave us these? Yeah, they get extra Hedone blessings tonight," she said with the hint of a suggestive smile.
Jacqueline sloshed forward, grabbing a strawberry and devouring it. "Mmm. This is the best," she said, sliding back down in the tub. "You're the best. I love you so goddess damned much," she said, the strawberries drifting closer to her.
"I know!" Dite said, chipper, helping herself to one of the strawberries. "And," she said, her voice sultry. "You'll love what I did with the roses."
"What you did to the. Sorry, WITH the roses?" Jacqueline quite literally squeaked, her voice cracking on the last word. Her flush deepened; the snow in her hair melting a tad bit faster. Dite's lips quirked up, a knowing little smile.
"Oh, you know," Dite said, coy, slowly sliding forward in the tub. "I spread them around the house in all the cozy spots for...ambience," she said, nose to nose with her very red wife. "Around the couch...the bed...and also, here," she said, her voice low as her hand shot up, her fingers fluttering.
Rose petals exploded, landing on the slightly runny floor and floating in the little pools of water caught in the uneven crevices of the stones. Some landed in the tub, the bubbles gently caressing the pink and red petals. A handful landed on the top of Jacqueline's head.
"Holy Hedone," Jacqueline said, flushed.
"That's my name," Hedone replied, her voice heavy and her smile. Well. Cheekily successful.
"Did you—are you. Are WE. Uh. Do you. Are you."
"You're so cute when you're all flustered," the goddess said, rubbing the face mask off of her nose and kissing the very tip.
Jacqueline smiled, this cute, warm, corkscrew-y grin that Dite had only ever seen on her when they were together. She cupped her hands, splashing water on her face and rinsing off the face mask.
"So that's a, that's a yes then?" the sprite asked, her voice going high once more.
Dite laughed, choosing to answer not with words but with a kiss.
Her lips were soft, and warm, and welcoming, and Jacqueline melted into her arms with a sigh, the rest of the snow in her hair falling right off in one go.
Later that evening, curled up on each other on the soft couch surrounded by all sorts of romantic flowers, a plethora of desserts laid out on the coffee table, Jacqueline glanced up at Dite.
"You know," she began, "I'm really glad we got that bigass claw foot tub," she said, pecking the underside of Dite's chin. "That was a good investment, one hundred percent."
"Oh my god, right?! I love that we both fit into it comfortably," Dite replied brightly, kissing Jacqueline's forehead. "Sitting in the hot water just being with you is," Dite sighed, happily. "Super nice."
"Hey. I love you," Jacqueline said, burying her head in Dite's shoulder. "Thanks for coming in clutch for Valentine's Day."
Dite scooped Jacqueline up, hugging her very, very tightly. "I love you too! And I hope this was a good one for you," she added with a soft smile. "Even with the short straw and the long work day."
"Easily one of my top three," Jacqueline said, snuggling even closer to Dite with a happy sigh.
"Me too," Dite said, with a soft smile filled with love. She kissed Jacqueline's messy brown head of hair. "Me too."
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Let's Put On A Show
Pairing: Thor x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: voyeurism, exhibitionism, toys, overstimulation, multiple/forced orgasms, degradation, praise, squirting
Genre: smut with light fluff
Summary: You find out your boyfriend does cam shows and he wants you to join him
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"Y/n!" Your loud boyfriend says as he walks into your room while you're watching TV.
"Yes, my darling?" You say, your attention is still on your TV show.
"I have a gift for you." He announces, handing you a long velvet box.
"What's the occasion?" You ask as you open the box. Inside is a beautiful charm bracelet. There's a lightning bolt, a little mallet which you assume is meant to be Mjollnir, a T, and the first initial of your name.
"I saw it and I thought you'd like it." Thor shrugs. "I picked out the other charms but it came with your initial on it."
"It's gorgeous Thor really- but how did you afford this? I know Stark didn't help with this and you don't exactly have a job here." You say. Thor takes the bracelet from your hands and puts it around your wrist for you.
"Whenever I need cash I just do cam shows." He says. If you'd been drinking something you would've choked just then.
"You do what?" You blink at him.
"Cam shows- you do sexual stuff for a live-"
"I know what a cam show is Thor. I just- had no idea you did them. Or even knew what they were."
"Natasha suggested it once- I think as a joke but- I looked into it, I asked Vision-"
"You asked Vision?"
"Well yes- seeing as he's basically a computer he would know the most about it yes?"
"I suppose asking anyone else in the tower would result in something quite unmanageable." You muse.
"Uh anyway I figured out it was a viable option so I learned about it. Apparently people are quite interested in watching a god do sexy things." Thor shrugs, throwing himself down onto your bed.
"Fascinating. Why'd you never mention it before?" You ask.
"I don't do them often, and I haven't done one since we started dating actually. I haven't needed to." He explains.
"Hm. Okay."
"Does it bother you?" He asks, confused by your response.
"No actually. I think it's hot, to be honest. You should let me know when you do another one. I'll join your fans next time." You say leaning over to place a quick kiss on his lips.
"You should join me next time instead." Thor suggests.
"Only if you're interested of course."
"Yeah okay- I'll join you." You smile.
"Y/n, darling?" Thor calls, getting your attention from the book you're reading.
"Yes love?" You hum from behind your pages. Thor peaks at you over the top of your book, causing you to look at him.
"Would you like to join me in a cam show tonight?" He asks.
"You're doing a cam show tonight?"
"I was thinking about it." He nods.
"Alright- sure, let's do it." You smile. Thor lifts you off the couch and you squeal in surprise- wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Perfect, we'll do it in my room- because I'm already set up there." Thor announces.
"Wait what are we doing?" You ask him. Thor tosses you onto his bed and pulls out bright red shibari rope.
"I'm going to tie you up all pretty- and then I'm going to let the people watching help me decide how to ruin you." He says kissing your cheek.
"Oh- sounds fun." You smile. You wonder if the stream has already started as Thor starts wrapping the rope around your legs. In a series of knots and loops Thor ties your legs so they're bent at the knee, the ends tied to the corners of the bed, keeping you widely displayed for him and the audience. The ropes continue up around your waist and make pretty patterns along your abdomen then wrap around your breasts, keeping them at attention. More rope circles your wrists and suspends your arms up at the center of his headboard.
"Feeling alright so far pretty girl?" Thor asks.
"Yes sir." You say with a smile. Thor's laptop pings a few times and he chuckles before talking to you again.
"Looks like the audience likes you gorgeous." He tells you.
"Lucky me." You muse as picks up something that's out of your field of vision.
"I figured we'd start with this- and we'll see what you guys come up with I'll I make her squirm." Thor says. You try to guess what he's shown them but you draw a blank until a low buzzing fills the room. Thor places the toy against your clit and you instantly recognize the feeling as one of your wands. Your body attempts to jerk against the restraints though with how tightly Thor bound you- you're not going anywhere- dripping wet pussy on display for however many people tune in to watch your boyfriend ruin you.
"Doesn't she look gorgeous like this?" Thor hums.
Monster_cock87: Fuck she's so wet
ClearTainted: I bet she looks even prettier when she's fuckin wrecked
Trainrunner192: You can see her cunt clenching around nothing, she wants to be filled so bad
"T-sir, I- I'm close." You whimper as he turns the vibrator setting up.
"Close already? I know you're sensitive baby but that was so quick. Is it the audience? The idea of strangers watching you make a mess of yourself get you off? You like that they'll be deciding your fate? At the mercy of people you don't even know?" Thor muses.
"Y-yes sir. I love being watched, love that they'll watch me get off and help you wreck me. It's so hot." You whine, grinding against the vibrator desperately.
Ghoulravager: Oh she's such a slut
Slut-her-out: I wanna see her cry
Peg_prince: Are you gonna let her cum?
"Hm- am I gonna let her cum? You tell me. Should I let her?" Thor asks. Unexpectedly an influx of coin sounds come from the computer- you gather that they're donations as people bid for your orgasm or lack thereof maybe.
"Woah- you're in luck babygirl- maybe. Someone just tipped a shitload to see you cum until you're crying and shaking." Thor tells you before turning the vibrator all the way to its highest setting and pressing it firmly against your clit. You cry out loudly at the overwhelming pleasure all of a sudden and scream even louder when your orgasm hits you like a truck.
"T-thank you." You manage to say once the waves of your orgasm have calmed a bit, but the vibrator now hurts against your clit as Thor holds it in place. You hiss and squirm knowing he's not letting up any time soon as orgasm 2 approaches you quickly.
BanginBr0s: She's gonna cum again so quickly
M4yb3aWhore: I can't wait to see her crying and babbling
"Should we try to keep count?" Thor asks moving the vibrator against your clit. You squeal and arch as far as your ropes will let you as your second orgasm hits you.
ClearTainted: She looks pretty when she cums
"Doesn't she? It's one of my favorite things honestly." Thor says smiling. You're shaking now as the sharp pain of overstimulation overtakes your pleasure.
Peg_prince: Aw she's shaking
Ghoulravager: Wait those little screams are cute
"They like your little screams baby- wanna get louder for your fans?" Thor coos at you kissing your neck as you moan louder.
Trainrunner192: She's so obedient
"Isn't she? She loves being a good girl for me. Think she likes being good for you guys too." Thor chuckles. Your body bends as another orgasm hits you almost unexpectedly causing you to cry out loudly. The pain of overstimulation has just started to fade back into pleasure, violent shivers wracking your body.
Slut-her-out: Holy shit she's hot🥵
M4yb3aWhore: That's three
BanginBr0s: I think we should go to at least 5 before anything else
Monster_cock87: We should go until she passes out- make her beg you to stop
"They wanna see you cum until you're begging me to stop princess, I think that's a good plan." Thor hums.
"Please- sir." You whimper.
"Please what my love?"
"M-make me cum until I can't anymore. Please." You shakily whine.
AceWeller87: Her voice😍
"I love hearing you beg darling and it sounds like everyone else does too." Thor muses.
Ghoulravager: We do!!!
Peg_prince: Definitely do.
ClearTainted: Why has she never been in one of your shows before?
"Oh they definitely love you." Thor laughs as he turns up the vibrator causing you to cry out as you writhe against the toy unsure if you're trying to pull away or get closer to the vibrator. Thor presses it harder against your clit drawing another orgasm quickly from your body.
M4yb3aWhore: Holy fuck did she just squirt??
Trainrunner192: That was so hot-
"Tch- what a messy messy girl." Thor scoffs and you whine at his words.
AceWeller87 donated $50: Make her do it again
"Alright well, the audience wants you to make an even bigger mess princess. Think you can do that for them? Squirt like a dumb little blissed out slut?" Thor asks.
"Y-Yes sir." You whimper. At this rate you really will pass out from pleasure before the audience, or Thor is done with you.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Two is better than one
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Note- Also my contribution to our weekly challenge based on the moodboard above.
Please do not steal or repost my works. Reblogs are welcome.
Summary- All this shit just because you wanted some of that russian pussy or/ how you navigate a relationship with your new girlfriend and your fiancé.
Warnings- smut, mff threesome, over stimulation, dom/sub dynamics, poly relationship, no romanrogers, angst
Pairing- Steve Rogers x reader x Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers x reader
Word count-6.5k
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You had been hanging out with your fiancé’s friends at a bar. It was sort of a post-mission party, a way for everyone to relax and wind down. Steve Sam and Tony had just gotten back from a three week long mission. You had missed Steve terribly. Even though you talked daily it was still hard to not have him be there for you when you got back from work. Steve being the overprotective, sweet, perfect boyfriend that he is asked Nat to look after you while he was gone.
Normally you would've been mad. You’re a grown woman who can take care of herself. You didn’t need a bodyguard or caretaker. But it all worked out amazingly as you got to spend more time with Nat and somehow ended up becoming even better friends. You didn’t even notice when the three weeks were up.
“I bet I’m a better kisser than you” Nat cheekily smiling at Steve.
Everyone else had went home or to another bar. Right now it was just you and Nat in front of Steve in a booth. Somehow you had started talking about his ‘golden boy’ persona and his old school values.
“Yeah?” He returned her smile draping his arm over the back of his seat “I’m willing to bet you’re not”
“There’s only one way to find out” She giggled turning her head to her right to look at you biting her lower lip. You both had had one too many tequila shots.
“It’s only fair. She has already kissed you” You said to Steve referring to the time Nat had kissed him so they wouldn’t blow their cover. He was so sweet fessing up to you as soon as he got back, expecting you to be mad.
Before he could say anything Nat grabbed your chin crashing her lips onto yours. She felt warm and soft. You pressed your fingertips against the curve of her cheekbones. Her lips were just as plump as Steve’s albeit a bit smaller. She slipped her tongue into your mouth as you sighed into the kiss. She pulled away as you both tried to catch your breaths.
You were all silent for a while, Steve staring at the both of you, his lips pressed in a firm line. You couldn’t read his expression, which was strange. Usually you could easily tell what was going on in his mind. You knew how much men were obsessed with lesbians or girl-on-girl things but Steve wasn’t that kind of guy. “So?” he asked you.
“Who’s the better kisser?” Nat gave you a cocky smirk as she assumed she had already won.
“You’re both good...” You paused thinking about the right words to choose “in your own way”
“She’s just trying to spare your feelings Rogers” Nat scoffed.
“She obviously likes me better”
You changed the subject before the situation could escalate anymore. You had to resist the urge to ask Steve who was a better kisser between you and Nat. But you knew he would choose you. Nat sure had left you wanting more. You wished you could pull her in for another breathtaking kiss. You avoided looking at her for the rest of the night so you wouldn’t be tempted.
“Look at that ass” You giggled hanging off of Steve’s shoulder. You were too drunk to walk or to even comprehend what was going on around you. You felt so giddy and high as if you were weightless and on cloud nine. “Such a bubble butt” you tried to give it a nice smack but couldn’t from the awkward angle.
“Bubble butt?” He repeated and chuckled “it’s all yours baby” He said fondly. He punched in the code for your apartment heading straight for the bedroom and gently placing you on the bed.
He kissed your forehead to which you giggled some more. You plopped down on the bed staring at the ceiling which seemed to be spinning at the moment. He returned with your makeup wipes taking your make-up off your face. He always said you didn’t need it but helped you out whenever you wanted to try a new eye shadow. He did work well with colors and brushes.
“Ooh my head hurts” You scrunched your nose at the artificial lemony smell from the wipes.
He opened his mouth as if to say ‘I told you so' but then knew better and closed it running another clean wipe across your face he was done. “All done. You wanna slip into something comfortable?” He asked looking at your tight dress which pushed your breasts up together, giving you a much more prominent cleavage.
He threw the used wipes in the dustbin in your bathroom. You looked at him as he went about his nightly routine. Brushing his teeth washing his face. You reached back struggling to unzip your dress after some attempts you get a hold of the zip pulling it down. The straps fall off of your shoulders as you got rid of your strapless bra kneeling on your bed in just your panties. You started to fondle your breasts to entice Steve, give him a nice show. It had been weeks since you made love. You had to make do with your pink vibrator which wasn’t half as good as the real thing.
His jaw dropped as he looked at you squeezing your breasts together, gasping as you pinched your nipples. “Wanna fuck me daddy?” You moaned slipping your fingers in your panties to play with your clit. Before you could even reach it his hand stopped you holding onto your wrist.
“I don’t think so” He said holding your gaze “I’m not fucking you when you’re this drunk. It’s time for bed come on” he pulled your hand out of your panties and handed you his t-shirt which you often used as a sleep shirt.
“I can do it myself then” You huffed laying down on your side of the bed slipping your fingers between your thighs lightly grazing over your clit. You couldn’t concentrate not with Steve staring at you with his intense blue eyes. You whined pathetically pulling your hand out of your panties and giving up. You’ll get that dick soon enough, you were too tired anyway.
You didn’t need to look him to know he was smirking. You closed your eyes trying hard to sleep. If you aren’t hung over in the morning, which you probably will be, you can sneak in some morning loving from Steve before he goes to work. You felt the heat of his thumb on your hipbone, lingering there for a few seconds before he pulled your panties down. He knew you never liked to sleep with your underwear on.
“You wanna put on the shirt?” He asked to which you whined shaking your head. The silk sheets felt smooth and nicer against your naked skin. He covered you with the comforter switching off the lights, he pulled you into him, draping his arm across your stomach.
After a few minutes you opened your eyes and looked at him to see if he was asleep. You couldn’t really tell in the dark. You softly called out his name to which he gave no answer. “Would you hate me if I loved women like I love you?” you whispered in the dead of the night so lowly you weren’t even sure if you actually said it.
You felt tears streaming down your cheeks. Something you had hid from him since you started dating. You weren’t even sure why. You told yourself it didn’t really matter. You were never going to look at anyone else or think about anyone like that. You had committed your heart to him when you agreed to marry him. You heart now belonged to him.
“I could never hate you sweetheart” He admitted pressing a kiss to your forehead drying your tears off of your cheeks.
Of course he wouldn’t. You were so stupid to think something like this could ever change his feelings for you. Especially since he showed you everyday in so many ways just how much he loved and adored you. You hugged him nuzzling his neck.
“Do you – “ He paused clearing his throat “do you love Nat like that?” He asked speaking into your hair.
“Honestly? I don’t know. I mean I am sort of attracted to her and love her as a friend...” You trailed off.
You always had amazing chemistry with Nat. Well not always. She was kind of standoffish in the beginning. Almost mean to you when she gave you the shovel talk about not hurting Steve or else. Although you understood where she was coming from you decided it would be best to avoid her.
A simple florist like you didn’t have much in common with someone like Nat anyway. But then as you spent more time together you got to know her. A side of her she didn’t show to everyone. Now she was one of the most caring and kind person you know. A stark contrast to her first impression. You would go as far as to say she was your best friend. You did sometimes stared a bit too long at her for it to be considered proper. She was beautiful and graceful in everything she did, almost like a ballerina. But you never thought about those feelings or even let yourself think of her in anyway other than platonically. You would never do that to Steve.
“But I love you. I’ll never let anything come between us” You continued looking up at look at his face.
He was quiet for a while you thought he didn’t want to speak of it anymore ready to go back to sleep you tucked your head under his chin. “Would being with Nat make you happy?”
“I am happy” You spouted instantly. You were on the verge of panicking. This was the last thing you wanted, for Steve to doubt himself and your relationship.
“Would you be happier if you were with Nat?” He wondered.
“All I know is I would be miserable if I’m not with you” You said and left it at that untangling yourself from his arms to sleep on your back.
He hummed at that. “Have you ever been with a woman?”
You resisted the urge to groan. You really were tired. “No. If I had I would’ve told you” You and Steve were each other’s first. You didn’t have any experience with men or women so when Steve when told you he didn’t as well, you were happy, there would be no pressure, no expectations to live up to.
“Would being with a woman – or Nat be different?”
“I don’t know probably” You could think of a million ways it would be different and amazing.
“If it’s something that will make you happy then I want that for you” He explained drawing patterns on your stomach.
You snorted “You?” you had come to know over the course of your relationship that Steve was jealous if anything. He absolutely hated it if another man even looked at you. There was that time when he pulled you into him by firmly gripping your waist, flexing his muscles and trying to act all ‘alpha' to scare the poor guy who was just trying to make small talk.
You would have been mad at him if you didn’t notice the slightest hint of vulnerability in his eyes. He did apologize to you. Confessing that he didn’t feel good enough for you which was beyond ridiculous. Steve was your best guy. Sure his tall and burly physic is what first caught your eye, but even if he didn’t have all that he has now, you’d still love him just as much. He still needed to get that through his thick skull.
He often sulked or pouted for a while when you’d go out with your friends leaving him alone to his own devices. He wasn’t overbearing enough for it to be annoying, but he was possessive enough for it to be almost cute. “You don’t know how to share”
“That’s not true. My Ma always said that sharing is important and made sure to teach me that” He said defensively.
“look I don’t like it when random men flirt with you. They don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve you – “ you opened your mouth to interrupt him but he didn’t give you the opportunity “I trust Nat. She would take as good care of you like I do”
As much as you would’ve liked to say that you don’t need or like to be taken care of, you actually did like it when Steve did it for you. You weren’t sure how you would feel if Nat were to do so.
“Are you sure?” You asked propping yourself up on your elbow. He nodded running his hand up and down the side of your waist. “What if it changes things between us?”
“then we end it” He said gravely which nearly frightened you.
You don’t remember when you dozed off. The next morning you asked Steve if he was still serious about it. Part of you was afraid it was some sort of test to see how loyal you were. Part of you was excited to get to explore a relationship with your crush. He said he'd be willing to give it a shot as long as you were honest with each other.
It was strange of Steve to act so... progressive? If that’s the right word for it. He was stubborn, often not willing to change. But it wasn’t too hard for you to believe that he’d make an exception just for you.
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The moment Natasha laid her eyes on you, she knew she was a goner. She wasn’t one to believe in love at first sight, or even love at times. But she knew she felt an instant attraction towards you. Just how sweet and naive you were. So soft, innocent, untainted by the world. She knew you had some sort of feelings for her, she could tell by just how nervous you got when you were around her.
She told herself she would only admire you from far. She had a habit of falling for unavailable people. She had managed to develop some sort of friendship with Steve and she wasn’t willing to jeopardise that.
She was more than surprised when you asked her out. Telling her that Steve was okay with it. And it took a lot to surprise her. She had seen everything. She never pegged Rogers to be someone who would share. She was for the first time at a loss for words. She wished she could see your face while you did it. Just how embarrassed you would be. But you did it over text. She agreed to it. Of course she did she would never say no to such an opportunity.
There you were so shy and nervous as if you were meeting her for the first time. You gave her a single stem of rose. “It reminds me of your fiery red hair” You said looking at the ground.
She was about to make a quip to ask if Rogers told you to say that, considering just how romantic he could be. But she decided to just accept the compliment and the rose. While eating dinner there were some awkward silences but for the most part it was quite pleasant. Nat never really dated. She didn’t have the time or space for it. She never felt the need to anyway. She told herself to not get her hopes up. She was still trying to figure out Steve’s intentions. She knew for a fact he wasn’t a cuckold. He couldn’t be. Although nothings impossible. Nat dropped you off at your apartment door, which was just one floor above hers. She pecked your lips for a quick kiss thanking you for your time and the rose.
Next order of business was to talk to Steve. He had a hard time lying or hiding his emotions, even if he wanted to. Which most of the times he didn’t. He was straightforward, direct, a no nonsense guy. Which was a blatant conflict to how he acted around you. He was still honest, but a lovestruck fool. She supposed that’s what loving someone like you does to a person. She was lucky to catch him while he was on a break. Sparing with a few recruits they were borrowing from the FBI for the time being.
He nodded at her to acknowledge her presence as if urging her to speak. Her curiousity ate away at her. What were his intentions? She knew him enough to know they couldn’t possibly be malicious.
She told him about what a good time she had with you. “how are you okay with this?” She asked.
“I think her hearts big enough for two people” He admitted. There was something about the way he said it, a wistful look in his eyes, how he seemed to try so hard to hide his sadness.
She didn’t really believe him. But she knew he would come around if he had any doubts.
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For the next month you and Nat went on date quite often.
You were nervous if anything. Steve was your first partner. You had some experience before him but nothing too significant. You didn’t know much. He didn’t ask for much in bed either, other than making you keep up with his super solider stamina, which was a hard task in itself.
You knew Nat had plenty of experience. Word travels fast around here. You had also heard gossip about her sleeping with people on missions, which was very plausible now that you thought about it. You didn’t want her to find you lacking in any way. You thought the wine would calm your nerves but you only felt yourself becoming more and more nervous.
As things got heated after a movie night you had both moved to your bedroom, making out with teeth and tongue like horny teenagers.
Nat must have felt you tense under her as she broke the kiss to cup your face. “What’s wrong chernub?” she gave you a smile that made your heart melt. Her eyes so sincere, with such pure love in them, all for you.
“I just... well have you ever been with a girl?” You still weren’t sure what the status of Nat’s sexuality was. You didn’t ever ask her because it didn’t matter. All that matter to you was that she liked you.
“I have. But never with anyone I was in love with” She said giving your lips a quick peck, smirking at your dumbfounded expression.
“I – I love you too” You gulp down taking a few deep breaths, that was unexpected “You caught me off guard” You smiled back at her, leaning into her touch “I’ve never been with anyone but Stevie”
“Then I’m happy to be your first” she purred palming your breasts through your dress. She pulled it up by the hem leaving you in your bra and panties. You almost felt self conscious as she eyed your cleavage hungrily, unhooking and tossing your bra away. She quickly took off her blouse and jeans. Even in her haste she was so elegant, her movements so smooth as her maroon lacy bra slipped off of her arms.
You couldn’t keep your eyes off of her breasts. They looked so smooth, her dark pink hard nubs perfectly complimented by her pale porcelain skin. You awkwardly held each in your palm, lifting them up as if to weigh them. They were just the right size and filled your hands perfectly. She let you explore her breasts, trace your fingers over her body, dipping them in her belly button, before she harshly pushed you onto your back, your head hitting the pillow.
“There’s no way I can be patientl with you” She said training quick butterfly kissing down your body.
“Wait! I want to go down on you” You requested. You had spent hours researching on how to please a woman. Even if you were nervous, you were excited to explore her body.
“That’s alright baby. I’m a giver” She winked at you. She stared at your pussy in awe, her lips so close to it that you felt her hot breaths against your warm folds. You propped yourself up on your elbows to look at her. You gasped loudly as you felt her lick a strip against it, wrapping her lips around your clit, harshly sucking on it. She wasn’t kidding when she said she wouldn’t be patient with you. You held onto the headboard trying your best to muffle your moans and screams.
You could feel yourself on the edge of it heaven. It was all too good. But then she stopped. You whined at the loss of what could’ve been an amazing orgasm. You looked down at her about to complain to do something to make her continue. You followed her gaze to your door and stared in horror at Steve standing there staring at Nat’s head buried in your pussy. What was more shocking was the very evident dent in Steve’s crotch, which almost looked painful.
You weren’t sure what you could say. Do you apologize? He gave you permission to date her. He never said anything about being intimate. You were about to explain, that it was spontaneous, that you weren’t thinking, you’d stop then and there if he asked you to.
But then “Would you like to join us?” Nat asked tracing your folds with her fingers. You shivered under her, being too sensitive and overwhelmed.
“Yeah I think I will” He said unbuckling his dark leather belt, his dress pants falling to his ankles. He stripped down to his underwear staring you down. “I’m going to have to punish you, after all” he took off his boxers his cock slapping against his abdomen.
“Wh – punish me?” You stammered panicking. Any other day you would act out purposely just so you could get punished. You loved this dark, unhinged side of him he only showed to you behind closed doors. How he bent you over his knee and make you count the smacks he delivered to your bum.
But right now, you were still mourning your ruined orgasm. You absolutely could not take any kind of edging, you have to come.
“He’s right” She smirked looking back at you.
“How do you wanna do this?” He asked Nat stroking his cock. Which did mildly infuriated you. They were ignoring you.
“I might have an idea” She pulled you up as Steve laid down on the bed. She guided him inside you as you straddled his hips and she crouched down with his thighs between her legs, drawing slow intricate circles on your clit.
You weren’t use to this position. Steve only ever liked making love while looking at you, he clearly wasn’t pleased with only being about to see your back. He grabbed at your hips angrily thrusting up into you. Where did your sweet innocent lover go? Seems like Natasha was a bad influence on you both.
You gasped into Nat’s mouth as you felt him filling you up. You vaguely heard her mockingly asking Steve to take it easy on you. You couldn’t think about that right now. All you could focus on was her fingers on your clit and Steve’s cock brushing up against your g-spot. It was all too good and too much.
“It’s all... It’s too much” You whimpered leaning away from Nat, pressing your palm on Steve’s stomach.
Steve abruptly stopped his thrusts “Are you alright princess” He petted he back of your head and smoothened your hair. You felt his back against yours as he got up wiping the sweat off of your forehead, pushing the hair that was sticking to it back. “You’re such a good girl. My sweet girl. ” He murmured as he kept whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
You calmed down as you tried to focus on your breathing. You didn’t know if you should be frustrated or relieved that they both just stopped. His hot and hard length was still buried deep inside you. You couldn’t take it anymore. You rolled your hips as his breath hitched.
Nat snorted “You have no idea how this game works, do you?” She pushed Steve back onto the bed instructing him to keep rutting up into you. You could do nothing but whimper.
Steve was a bit apprehensive. There was this one time he accidentally elbowed you in your ribs. He’s guilty about that to this day. He once told you his worst nightmare would be hurting you. That he wanted nothing else in this world but to make you happy and treat you like the princess you are. You smiled at the memory, he sure did have a way with words.
You cried as Nat rolled your clit between her fingers. She kissed the side of your mouth urging you to come. “Come on my fingers” She ordered.
Steve didn’t like that. He plunged up into you. You don’t think you have ever felt him this deep inside you. “Go ahead baby girl. Let go” He rasped. You could feel his muscles tightening beneath your palm. He wasn’t too far behind you.
You screamed in pure bliss as the coil building in your belly snapped, putting an end to your agony. You felt Steve’s grip on your hips stiffen as the pace of his thrusts escalated. “Fuck – shit” he cursed and groaned as you felt him come inside you.
You hugged Nat as you stayed like that for a while. His cock softening inside you. You clenched around him just for fun, which earned you a slap to your bum.
“Let’s get you cleaned up” Nat helped you up, Steve’s cock slipping out of you, you hissed at the empty feeling. His come oozed out of you. Steve hummed at the sight, playing with your folds before pushing his come back into you. You whimpered as you felt his fingers enter your overworked pussy.
“I’m sorry doll” He drawled out.
Nat carefully cleaned your thighs and your heat with a warm washcloth then tossed it to Steve. He cleaned himself up and asked if you wanted a bath.
“No I’m too tired” You murmured as you fell asleep sandwiched between them. It felt nice to be surrounded by soft comfortable warmth.
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It was quite easy for you to fall into a routine with your two lovers. You had been dating Nat for months now; if you could call it that. No one from the team suspected a thing. Both Steve and Nat, unlike you, were private people. They didn’t broadcast their private lives for everyone to see.
You also found that they were similar yet different in so many ways. Nat was more of a friend to you then Steve was, he was the man out of time after all. Nat liked the same movies and songs as you did. You could go shopping with her and go to concerts with her, share so many things together.
You also found that Steve was a lot more jealous and possessive than Nat. While Nat was grateful to be in your life and that she got to spend time with you. Steve often wanted monopoly over you. Nat would tease him about how your unorthodox relationship is a nice exercise for him to humble himself.
Which is why you were surprised when you found out just how dominant and controlling Nat could be in bed. She had to have things go her way. There wasn’t room to argue with her even Steve followed her orders, the few times he did join you both. He would say he likes to concentrate on pleasing you and doesn’t care too much about Nat interrupting his process. Nat was happy with just you or you and Steve.
It was strange to be with them both together. Mostly in a good way. They gave you such intense earth-shattering orgasms. You were afraid you were truly ruined for anyone else. When laying down boundaries you asked them to not kiss, but you were okay with them doing everything else. Steve did find it strange. How would you be okay with them being intimate and object to them kissing? Nat however understood why kisses somehow felt more intimate to you.
They both didn’t really want to do anything together. Steve was adamantly against it. Which was unsurprising to you. Sex was a big deal to him. He probably didn’t plan on doing it with anyone but you for the rest of his life.
They were both amazing kissers. But Steve did it much more often than Nat. He had no qualms about showing you just how much he loved you everyday. Nat sadly did. She was generally more distant. You tried your best to not take it personally, to let her move at her own pace. But you couldn’t help but want her to be closed to you, to tell you things she wouldn’t to anyone else, to trust you, she did claim you were the love of her life.
“Baby” you breathed out as you looked up at her. You were laying on her lap while scrolling through your Instagram. Steve had been gone for over a week on a mission. This could be the perfect moment. You did hear that communication is important in any relationship.
“What’s up?” She asked. You were always amazed at how smooth and sultry her voice was even when she was trying to be casual.
“Tell me a secret” You put your chin on top of your hands on her stomach. Batting your lashes at her, though that trick only works with Steve.
“What kind of secret?” She asked squinting at you, ltickling your armpit as your squirmed.
“Something you’ve never told anyone else” She hummed. You felt an ache in your heart at that. A part of her will always be beyond reach for you. You could never comprehend what she had been through, still you would like to at least try. “Well why don’t you just tell me what you want more than anything?”
“Some ice cream with whiskey sounds really good right now” she deadpanned.
You rolled your eyes at that. Sitting up straight to let her know you meant business. “No. I meant, if you could have anything what would it be?”
You waited several long minutes. She looked like she was contemplating what she wanted to say. “More than anything? I guess I’d want a family. I have one right now. But kids and a white picket fence sounds like a dream” She looked at your confused face, her eyes had never looked so empty and sad “I can’t, you know? They do a procedure which makes you sterile forever. But I’m happy right now. I don’t need that. I guess you only want what you can’t have” she shrugged. Moving into the kitchen to look for some ice cream.
You weren’t sure how you should react. There wasn’t anything you could do to better the situation. The fact that the procedure would most likely have been done with out her consent made your heart ache. “You know there are more than one way to become a parent”
She came back with two bowls of ice cream, handing one to you. “This job doesn’t really leave room for that kind of luxury. What about you? Do you and cap have plan on having kids? I’m sure he’d love to have the American Dream”
“Not really” You said looking at your melting ice cream. You had an inkling of a doubt till now but you could confirm it. She didn’t really consider herself part of your throuple. She didn’t see a future with you and Steve. She had always had one foot out the door. “I’ve never wanted kids. And Steve well... you know his job...” you mumbled playing the harsh edges of the sparking diamond on your engagement ring.
”There’s no point in thinking so ahead. Things are always changing” she said wistfully.
“Do you see a future with me? With me and Steve?” You hopefully looked up at her.
“What kind of future do you expect?” she asked in a tone that scared you, she hasn’t spoken to you like that since your first meeting.
“I don’t know. What we have now is perfect” You confessed.
“What we have now, is that you’re going to have your fairytale wedding to Steve” She rolled her eyes. You had never seen her be jealous of him. “And then who knows what happens to us. Let’s not do this. Things are good as they are” She declared in a tone that didn’t leave room for negotiation.
“No” you said firmly “I don’t want a casual relationship. There’s nothing casual about how I feel. You can’t just be like that. Like you’ll leave whenever you want!” you threw your hands up exasperated with her.
She furrowed her brows staring you down, as if that would intimidate you. “You have treated me like a sidepiece from the beginning. How many times have you brushed me off to spend time with Steve? How many people know about us?” She asked gesturing her hand between both of you. “You can’t have your cake and eat it too”
“I’ll tell everyone then. Whatever it takes to be with you” you pleaded. You weren’t ashamed to beg. It was clear to you now that you had always treated Nat as if she was less important than Steve. It wasn’t because you loved her less than him, it was because Steve had a tendency to be jealous and insecure. Apparently she was really good at hiding her feelings, better than Steve anyway.
“You can’t do that” She said flatly. “He’s captain America. We’re the Avengers. We have a reputation to maintain. We’re controversial enough. We don’t need any more scandals” She said shaking her head.
“Then we’ll figure something out” You hugged her side, seeking her comfort, you didn’t like the direction this conversation was heading in.
“No” She shook you off getting up from your sofa, placing her bowl on the coffee table. “this whole thing was a mistake from the start. I should’ve known better than do this with someone like you” She said as you looked at her with watery eyes and quivering lips “I’m sorry dove. We just want different things” She swiped your tears before averting her gaze and leaving.
You hugged your knees sobbing like you never had before. Your dream, your fantasy was ripped from you. One minute you felt as if you were on cloud nine, you had two wonderful people who cared so much for you, who loved you for you.
And now you were drowning, in your sorrow, in guilt and in pain. Knowing that you only caused them both pain. You failed to make them as happy as they made you. You didn’t deserve either of them.
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Steve was more than excited to see his girl after over two weeks. Before Nat he was always worried to leave you alone. He knew how much you liked having company around, how you would get lonely and lost in your intrusive thoughts and worry about him.
Initially it was hard to share you. Not being the love of your life, like you are to him, was disappointing to say the least. Then he saw just how happy Nat made you. He understood that just because you loved Nat, didn’t mean you loved him any less. He still had his moments of jealously here and there, but at times like these, he’s thankful for you both.
He punched in the code to your apartment, opening the door, expecting to run to you, hug you and cradle your soft form in his arms. But as soon as he step his foot in, he knew something was wrong.
He called out your name looking for you. He saw you laying on the sofa in a fetal position making yourself small, a blanket covering you, you were surrounded by chocolate wrappers and what looked like cheeto dust. He walked owards you, stepping on the wine spilt from your glass. He straightened the glass putting it away from the edge of the coffee table, crouching down to look at your face.
Tears left your eyes as soon as you saw him blocking the tv. You sat up hugging him, pushing your face into his chest. He could hear you little sniffles as he ran his fingers through your hair to sooth you. Your hair, which is usually silky and smells like vanilla, was greasy and smelt of chinese take out and wine. He could tell you hadn’t showered in a while.
After a while of holding you to him he cradled your face in his hands. “Hey” he said softly taking you in. You looked miserable. Your eyes and nose red, your face completely defeated. “What happened?”
“Nat broke up with me” you whimpered as if you couldn’t believe your own words. “Said she wanted kids and we’re not compatible. I don’t know” You whimpered again, so overwhelmed and exhausted.
“It's okay calm down” He never would’ve expected this. Though in hindsight he should've seen this coming. He deemed Nat worthy of you because she was passionate and loving. But she didn’t have the best romantic track record. That paired with your unusual situation, this was bound to happen. “It’s okay” He said again cuddling with you on the sofa. He whispered sweet nothings in your hair. He would’ve almost been glad if this had happened a few months ago. But now when he had come to slightly like the dynamic the three of you shared and seeing just how heartbroken you were. He wasn’t sure he could ever forgive Nat.
“You have me. You’ll always have me” He whispered in your hair and meant it. When he said he loved you for the first time, over a year ago, he had decided that you would be together forever, that he’ll be there for you, protect you no matter what. His love for you was unconditional and knew no bounds. It could survive anything.
“You promise?” You asked him shyly. Your voice so weak and trembling. He wished he could wrap you up and hide you from the whole world.
“Yes I promise” he kissed your forehead.
“You still love me?” You looked up at him with your sweet innocent eyes.
“I’ll always love you. Nothing will ever come between us” He swore holding onto you as you cried yourself to sleep. You’ll be okay, eventually. He knew that but it was hard to see you this broken.
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Beautiful rose divider by @writeyourmindaway
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randomshipperhere · 4 years
Since Toast uploaded the 7k IQ video which is the start of the Lud-Syk trolling duo, more peeps are getting interested about the incident again and I have a lot of thoughts.
I personally believe the most annoying thing about the whole Sykkuno incident a few days ago is that SOME people are like:
"Oh, Corpse would've made sure he was okay" or "Corpse would've done a better job at protecting/defending him"
and some of these people are the same that hate and blame Valkyrae and Toast for what happened. Emphasis on some since most people just want to show their appreciation to Sykkuno and try to comfort him in their own fan way.
Really fucking irks me how they romanticize and make Corpse and Sykkuno seem so much closer than they actually are. There are many friendships like this so I'm used to the life cycle but that doesn't mean it doesn't piss me off everytime.
(Hey remember when Septiplier was at its peak and people pushed away Bob and Wade despite being literal friends with Mark for years prior to YT. Or when Ethan and Tyler first hopped on board[specifically Ethan] and when the trio would play with a 4th person that isn't Jack they would just go apeshit)
I am also not joking or taking it too far but this kind of thinking really pisses me off
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You know what Corpse would've done? He would've been the same as Lud. Lud and Corpse are just new friends. There are still walls and boundaries that they have yet to pass and they really can't do more than what Lud has done. I am a shipper, it is in my username. I live off of the idea of romance. But to drag a real life person that a lot of people romantically ship with in a VERY personal situation (personal enough that Syk would not even tell anyone on stream his problems) is not cool.
The playful yelling was the tipping point. It wasn't the cause. Rae and Toast are both known for their tough love to Sykkuno.
Like look, in those series of events, Ludwig was the most outwardly protective person of Sykkuno in the last game. That was pretty much all he could do due to his limitations and I'm sure Sykkuno really appreciated that. He was body guarding Sykkuno, stood up and talked for him when he was clearly sad, choked up even. Until his character's dying breath. He stood by his side. More like when the lights turned off but you get it. It was sweet, it was nice, he really tried his best (and I love him for it).
The thing is though Ludwig wasn't the only one who tried to help Sykkuno that round. Valkyrae who is known to love killing Sykkuno (for the memes) killed the other 2 people and fessed up for her crimes. One is because she was caught in the act of killing in the 1st meeting by Toast and two, upon realizing that Sykkuno was dead in the 2nd meeting she felt guilty and just admitted to the murder. She wanted to speedrun so Sykkuno could play again sooner. Right after, Toast calls button and gets to avenge Sykkuno by voting out the other impostor, his killer, Tubbo. Toast didn't even get to explain why Tubbo is the killer, he just made him fess up. To say they remotely didn't care is really fucking pissing me off.
BTW I watched Lud and Toast's streams for this specific match and I will say this, Toast had nothing to go off to know for sure that Sykkuno was sad. Him and Rae were trolling back and most likely didn't know how bad Sykkuno's day was. He doesn't read the comments on his live so when he was trying to find Sykkuno in the 1st round, with Rae (for the most part) that says a lot about how much he knows what Syk was feeling at the time with what little info he had. After pressing answers for him in the 1st meeting he just stopped and pretty much figured out what was happening.
Now another thing. After the match, Sykkuno is obviously sad and said he was going to go and get dinner, Rae follows up by saying she has to head out. We sure as hell know that these guys could stream for hours but she stopped there and even deleted her VOD as well. Now why could she have done that. Oh yeah. She must've talked with him. About what. I think you all know at this point. With two people quickly leaving, and two VERY important people in this "drama", Toast changed discussion and asked if the MC server was back up which made the others leave, ending their Among Us game that day. He left a parting message to the viewers and called it a day there.
2:16:50 is where the "yelling" starts and 2:26:00 is where he said this
Toast: Chat, Sykkuno's fine, okay?He's an adult. Okay. You don't have to tell me, or his friends, or him what to feel or what to do.
It's really disrespectful. Knock it off
Now tell me, what about that makes you think they don't care?
Are we also just forgetting that it was Rae that helped push Sykkuno to create his own lobby with people he loves playing with a while back? How this Tsunderae tells him how good of a player he is even when he thinks he just got lucky (god damn, Valorant days).
Are we forgetting how Toast was probably the most important person that helped Sykkuno grow confident in himself? When they hang out together and the bits we've heard from the podcasts, Sykkuno absolutely treasures his friendship with Toast the most (There have been multiple occassions where Sykkuno and Toast are caught on-cam or at least heard in the mic speaking to each other, more often than not in Lily's Just Chatting streams. In fact, I wouldn't put it past those two to be the ones talking in Yvonne's "I got a cat" video and the most popular clip from that was Sykkuno eating a sandwhich which is titled "SUSKKUNO")
The first recent example that came to mind was Lily and Michael's birthday stream.
It happens around 23:00
In other news Sykkuno and Lily's friendship is underrated and I don't understand how y'all sleep on it.
My parting words are Parasocial Relationships suck. Okay, good night.
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