#i particulary like this one a lot
sleepy-edits · 10 months
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adore-gregor · 6 months
study smart not hard (altough both is best actually) this saying is so true
#my advice#but this saying is sooo true#i know some people at uni who study for exam so long and hard but then fail or just barely make it :(#like what are you doing? i don't mean this in a mean way but it doesn't have to be this difficult#i don't understand how some people can study for an exam for 2 weeks or even a month and still fail and i don't think they're stupid#or i don't see myself as particulary smart#but i guess they just waste their time a lot and i realized studying effective is so important#now everyone is a bit different and has to find what works best for them but there are certain techniques which are proven to work well#there is so much information on the internet on this look it up seriously#it made my life sm easier i never struggled in uni like i did in school and i get good grades#and if i ever struggled a bit it was because i started so late it was almost impossible to pass 😂#which is why to do both is still best 😂#but i actually always made it and i never failed an exam at uni (which i studied for)#(two i was fooled into to just try without studying bc it's easy lol)#i mean i shouldn't speak too soon but i already made it through some of the most difficult of my studies#ofc it depends on what you study how well this works but i'm speaking for myself#i once passed an exam with a B studying only 2 days as one of the best students while others studied 2 weeks#and got worse grades or failed#still studying only 2 days is stupidity don't do it 😅#so the techniques i find very helpful are ofc exam questions probably the best one#if there are none make your own#then blurting for which there are different ways but i like to just go over a topic and then write down everything i remember#then fill the gaps#quizlet is also great it's an app which allows you to create cards and then tests you in creative ways#videos can be helpful as well for summaries and using summaries in general is normally enough it saves you sm time#normally you don't actually need to know everything but you should be careful it's not a bad summary leaving out too much 😅#and i also like mindmaps bc i'm a very visual person#but all those tipps are mostly for remembering information so it doesn't work so well for other fields of study#well i hope this is somewhat helpful idk 🙈#oh and reading texts over and over again is the most useless in my opinion i don't remember much at all and it takes sm time
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generalsmemories · 1 year
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To raise a child
✧ jing yuan x gn!reader ft. yanqing (platonic)
✧ based on the asks: 3 requests asking for a family fic with jing yuan and yanqing
✧ synopsis: raising a child is always hard, even when you're a long life species with a lot of experiences.
✧ contents: established relationship, fluff, found family trope (a.k.a my one weakness with every media), yanqing & reader have a slight rocky start, mentions of other characters, sentences in italics are readers thoughts.
✧ a/n: i'm not gonna chuck angst into a found family trope unless i feel particulary miserable, they just gonna have a good ole time being parents to a yanqing from when he was a wee babie to the lieutenant he is today - also a lot of this is my own interpretation SINCE I DON'T GET A CRUMB ON HOW THE HELL THIS MAN FOUND MY BABY. not beta-ed like usual i'm sorry.
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The first time you were told about Yanqing's existence was when you were not onboard Luofu, which honestly made the first meeting between the two of you a lot worse.
"... Pardon, he found what now while I'm away?" you stare bewildreded at the messenger before you while clutching the letter Jing Yuan had written to you - you can practically hear his easy-going voice resound in your head through the words before you.
"What do you mean he suddenly picked up a whole child?!"
Safe to say that the Luofu were turned upside down by the time you came back to the ship. Rumours spread amongst the citizens, gossip between the storytellers and the newsboard retelling the latest news and constantly updating on any new "information" they had gotten.
To say you got stopped at every corner before you even stepped foot back in land was an understatement. You practically had a crowd waiting for you - it was only by the assistance of Yukong that you had managed to worm yourself out of the crowd and hightail home.
Maybe it's because Jing Yuan knew you would come home first, or maybe it's because he was aware that you had a lot of questions for him. Which was why you had gotten a text prior to landing with the single message of:
"Decided to take the day off today <3"
Safe to say he was left on read.
"Jing Yuan, what has gotten into you-" are the first words that leaves your mouth when you slam your entrance doors open, only for your eyes to widen when Jing Yuan is already waiting for you at the foyer. Hands behind his back and sporting his signature smile, but your gaze isn't at your lover before you.
Rather it was on the smaller child that was hiding behind his legs, he was by no means scared of your sudden appearance you noticed. Rather, he was sizing you up and down with a fierce gaze, almost like a lion cub who had just found its first prey.
The glare made your previous anger and confusion fade into a more surprised shock, rendering you speechless on how to proceed further. Jing Yuan steps in after seeing your anger dissipate upon seeing the fierce boy, raising a hand to ruffle Yanqing's hair before he directs his gaze back to you who is still staring at Yanqing in mild surprise.
"He's a feisty one isn't he?" is what he utters softly, and it's the slight exhaustion in his voice that causes you to let your guard down and put aside your confusion and need for answers aside.
Right now there's a young child before you, a child that you don't know the lineage of - but a child that Jing Yuan himself had picked up and stood his ground against public opinion for.
And Jing Yuan didn't do things without reason.
But you're well aware that he's also the kind to not tell you much as to why he had done a few decisions. As futile as you know it is, you would still try to get something out of him later. But for now, you would have to try to give a better impression of yourself to this kid who you're pretty sure sees you as anything, but a person with good intentions.
... What do you say to a child that is currently holding animosity towards you?
Seeing your distraught face makes Jing Yuan let out a chuckle, glancing down at Yanqing who is still staring fiercly at you, "They're not someone you should be on guard with. That's my spouse, they're just surprised by your sudden arrival is all, Yanqing."
So his name is Yanqing.
The reassurance from Jing Yuan makes the young boy relax a bit, but you can still tell he's very much on guard against you, "... I'm Yanqing," he mutters quietly.
The two of you seem to have a long way to go from the first encounter.
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"... What were you thinking?" you question the moment Jing Yuan slides the door to your bedroom shut, you had spent the majority of the afternoon cleaning up a spare room for Yanqing to sleep in after the meeting while the two had headed out to prepare the paperwork for Yanqing to be offcially be recgonized as a Cloud Knight.
"... I saw potential?" he tries, but with one glance at your direction and being faced with your quirked eyebrow makes him let out a sigh instead, reaching a hand behind his head to pull the red ribbon tying his hair back.
He doesn't say anything as he makes his way over to you. Neither does he utter a word when he lets his entire weight fall on top of your own, the noise of surprise you let out making him chuckle, rubbing his face onto neck, "W-Wait, hold on. There's a literal child in this house now, what are you-"
"Dear, what are you thinking?" Jing Yuan snorts before you finish your sentence, wrapping his arms around your waist before flipping himself over so that you're laying on top of him, "Our schedule clashed together too much that it's been 2 years since I last saw you? And when I meet you again you looked like you were going to pull my head off of my own body, this is quite frankly the first instance where I get you all to myself," he explains, raising an eyebrow at your gradually reddening face, "Whatever you were imagining is beyond me, darling."
"... Shut up and tell me the truth already," you murmur before burying your face in his chest, lifting a closed fist to lightly hit his arm when you feel his chest rumble with his constrained laughter.
"I didn't lie when I said I saw potential. Despite his young age, Yanqing is quite gifted with the sword," he starts after a brief silence, fingers drumming along the spine of your back, "But it would be more accurate to say I'm preparing the future generation?" he muses out loud, sounding unsure himself which makes let out a chuckle, "Wow, I'm sure lady Fu Xuan would be delighted by the news of your possible retirement."
"I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint our Master Diviner for another few decades unfortunately. She's still far too young to take up the mantle of the general."
You hum, raising your head up from his chest to make eye contact, Jing Yuan directing his gaze from staring up at the ceiling to instead stare at you as well, "Next time you're thinking of picking up a kid, give me a heads up? Or else you're going to end up on the news again like today with the headlines of you committing infidelity."
He laughs, hoisting you further up his body to peck your lips, "Please, I won't be picking up another child anytime soon. But maybe I need to show the citizens that I only have eyes for one person if they were swayed this easily by the apperance of one child."
"... Please don't say something that embarassing in front of Yanqing."
"See, you're already being a great parental figure."
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Great parental figure my ass.
Is what's currently running through your mind as you're once again, left alone with Jing Yuan's prodigal apprentince. it's been a few months after Yanqing's first arrival, and the relationship between the two of you seem to still be threading on thin ice.
Your relationship with the young prodigy hasn't gotten worse, but it has in no way improved either. Whenever Jing Yuan is not present amongst the three of you, Yanqing becomes extra reserved and takes extra caution to not bother you - which makes any attempt to even talk to him 10 times harder than it has to be.
Yanqing is out in the garden, brushing the fallen leaves into a neat pile while you're sitting by the living room table doing paperwork. And yet, ever since Jing Yuan had stepped out for some urgent business, the two of you haven't even spoken a single word to each other.
Yanqing was at an age where you didn't need to give him constant attention, but with the way you two had started on the wrong foot it felt a lot harder trying to get closer to him - mostly because the boy himself tries to not be a burden on you, which in a way has become a burden.
Not to mention, Jing Yuan spends the most time with him training him personally - so the time you spend with Yanqing is close to nothing compared to your lover.
The odds are truly against you at the moment.
At this point, the new paper scroll that you had rolled out were becoming useless with how long you had pressed the ink filled brush on it's surface, the gradual circle of ink stained paper growing with each passing minute.
Topics you can talk about.. Jing Yuan mentioned he was great with a sword, but it's been ages since I've held a sword myself till the point he's probably better than me...
Were you always this awkward with children?
Glancing at the clock, you notice it's almost time for your meetup with master Gongshu over at the Artisanship Commission. So with a reluctant sigh, you glance down at the paper scroll before you - that has long been ruined before you put the brush away and roll the scroll back up.
"... Yanqing I'm about to head to out to the Artisanship Commission, can you..." your voice dies down when you see the boy whip his head around the moment you mention the Commission. And although he tries to hide it, you would be a fool to not notice the sparkle in his eyes at the mention of where you are going.
"... Do you want to join?" you end up asking instead.
You've never seen his facial expression change so much in just a few seconds. First you could tell he wanted to agree, but then you're pretty sure he managed to figure out why you were going and didn't want to be a burden, but still wanted to go. You soon saw hope come back to his eyes, presumably remembering that you personally asked, but you saw the same hope dwindle down when he probably thought that you asked just to include him.
The sight made you laugh, "... A child is a child after all, no matter where they are," you whisper quietly to yourself, "You won't be a bother, Yanqing. And wouldn't it be better for you to look around the Luofu a bit? I'm pretty sure Jing Yuan has only brought you to the Cloud Knights training area after all, we can even stop by Cloudbreath Sleeves to take your measurements so that you can get some tailor-made clothes and not Jing Yuan's old clothes."
That seemed to be the only reassurance he needed.
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You're pretty sure Yanqing hasn't noticed that your meeting with master Gongshu ended 15 minutes ago. Neither has he seemed to realize that the two of you have spent the next 15 minutes just observing his every reaction to the swords on display.
His eyes seemed particulary glued to an iridescent blue sword with a black handle, master Gongzhu giving a low whistle beside you, "He's got a good eye."
You roll your eyes, "Send me the invoice later," you reply back before stepping towards the awestruck boy, "Why not bring it home with us?" you ask, Yanqing jumping slightly in surprise, his head turning around with widened eyes, "I can't possibly ask that of you, I can just save up-"
"You're staring at it like it's your first love, Yanqing," you chuckle, reaching out to grab the handle, twirling it around before reaching for the scabbard right underneath where it was displayed - sliding the sword inside.
"Consider it a gift, for future endeavours."
He blinks, taking the scabbard from your hands, staring at the intricate design weaved into the metal - and you notice the faint tears forming at the corners of his eyes before the boy leaps into your arms to give you a hug, "I swear I'll treasure it, thank you!"
Perhaps too shocked by the sudden hug, you fail to realize that master Gongshu had quickly snapped a picture of the scene and sending it to a certain general.
Qingzu had to stop the very same general from storming away from the Divine of Foresight to head to the Artisanship Commission the very next minute.
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"... Well the two of you seem to have gotten a lot closer these past few months," Jing Yuan comments the moment he noticed the position you were currently in. You merely glared halfheartedly at him, but Jing Yuan made no effort to help you - instead walking over to bend down to peck your forehead, careful to not wake the child asleep on top of you.
"I told him to head home before me since I still had affairs to tend to, didn't think he would immediately collapse on top of you and doze off," Jing Yuan remarks with a laugh.
You had one hand supporting Yanqing weight on top of you so that he doesn't topple over, so you decide to use your other hand to reach over and flick Jing Yuan on the forhead - a flick he moved away from with a smirk, "He just dozed off mid-talk too. He was talking about your recent spar match before he just fell asleep," you say, "And to think he vehemently denied not needing a nap after a training session because he's not a child."
Jing Yuan lets out another laugh at that, effortlessly wrangling Yanqing away from your hold and hoisting him up in his arms without manaing to wake him up, "Well if you treat him like an adult, he'll show the temperament of a child as well."
"You should try to get some rest as well, dear. We can just order something from Aurum Alley later," Jing Yuan suggests, to which you merely nod to, standing up to stretch your limbs, "Join me then, I'm sure our dozing general is quite tired too."
"My, what an alluring offer. Can I assume that there's something more-"
"Don't push your luck."
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here's the 3 requests that wanted a family fic - i actually struggled a bit with how to do this, but alas - i just know future me will conjure something up again so have this as a teaser HAHA
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Solo Leveling Brainrots #2
Hi hi!l'm glad you lot liked my rots dhrufbjfnf here's more!! Fun fact: I actually wrote this a while ago, I just found it!
Hear me out: Jin Woo with a shy!s/o who can sing like a Siren but thinks their voice is bad
I think the first time he heard them sing he'd be shocked. First time he heard them sing was when he was an E- rank while reader thought he was asleep.This being after a particulary rough raid. Kinda just singing random melodies to help him sleep. When he asks about singing, s/o denys it using the excuse of the radio playing.
(When he hears a recording of the same voice, it's from Jin Ah's phone as a ring tone. Jin Ah doesn't dare tell him, being sworn secrecy by s/o, saying "oh, it's just a friend". It would be funny if this is something Jin Ah holds over him too ajdbhdbd)
After his second awakening, I'd imagine he'd finally hear the singing again. when he arrives home early without his s/o noticing using Shadow Exchange Divine melodies floating though the space, just to find his s/o by themselves filling the silence. Wher his presence is acknowledged his s/o is startled af and gets shy, denying profusely while blushing up a storm.
Jinwoo is now seriously considering trying tobuy a copy of his s/o's voice recoding from JinAh. (Jin Ah did not take the offer and insisted it was made for them, teasing him EVEN MORE)
Mf treats it like a forbidden fruit. aluxury that he keeps trying to indulgein. Jinwoo's been trying to find a way to hear them sing again but s/o hasbeen successful in his evasion after that one time sjbdidj. (He thinks the shadows are helping them .. He is 100% correct)EVEN THE SHADOWS GET TO HEAR THEM SING DIRECTLY TO THEM (ONLY ONCE OR TWICE BUT STILL)(doesn't even include the ones when s/o is just singing to fill the silence) Its even more funny if it BOOSTS MORAL foR The ShADOW ARMY TOO. Sure Jinwoo can hear them sing through the shadows but its muffled and nothing compares to hearing it in personally.
I think it would eventually accumulate to Jinwoo arriving home on a particularly bad day, drowing in his own thoughts. And reader being the only thing that pulls him out of it.
Jinwoo barely registers coming home at all, taking of his shoes. Nothing. Just him and his thoughts. The abyss threatening to take hold ofhis mind. Eventually he comes to his senses. First thing he registers, is a voice. After a while, it's then fingers combing through his hair, and then the surrounding softness. He's in bed, cleaned up, with his head laying on his s/o lap. Opening his eyes, Jinwoo sees s/o staring into space while feeling their running fingers through his hair. Serenading him with the same melodies from the first time Jinwoo heard them as an E-Rank. He doesn't dare break the moment of peace. When his s/o notices he's back, there's palpable relief, no shyness or doubt: And after checking in on eachother, they enter a comfortable silence before switching positions so Jinwoo is laying on s/o chest before exhaustion takes hold completely. The next morning, Jinwoo asks how he got cleaned up. Still in bed, and nestled in eachothers arms, his s/o very quietly confessed to just giving him commands while singing to getting himself cleaned up. But also notes the aid from the shadows too. (The shadow soildures taking comands from his s/o? S/o comanding him like a siren??? Questions for another day) Then he asks about why s/o doesn't sing around him. After a bit of resistance and wiggling in protest. Flustered, shy to high heaven and unable to escape Jinwoos grasp, s/o admits that they think their singing is bad. What.? ( The same voice thats Jinwoos been trying to hear again for months?? The same voice that his-sister uses a recroding of against him? The voice that shadow army worships to a concerning degree?? That voice??) After some silence, Jinwoo proceeds to reluctantly confess his obsession with their voice. The jealousy he has for his sister and the army hearing them sing before he could once again. (Hes kinda pouty but dosent want to admit it ajndjdn). All while showering them in affection, giving playful kisses here and there. Jinwoo savours how cute their s/o becomes as they fluster under the attention and giggle about his pettiness. In the end, s/o agrees to stop hiding their voice from them. A few days later, Jinwoo receives a recording from s/o of them singing a familiar melody. If he proceeds to lowkey rub it in Jin Ah's face, then it's none of our buisness.
After that, Jinwoo picks up the habit of sneaking up on his s/o singing and not saying anything untill their done Even teasing them a bit, before showering them in compliments wth the most lovestruck look. (Theres something so domestic about coming home to his s/o singing that fills him with so much love, that it makes him more determined to protect)
Its to the point that Jinwoo will ocassionally space out if he hears his s/o singing though his shadows… Has he gotten distracted durring sparing sessions with other s-ranks or during meetings because of this? Yes. Does he care? Absolutely not. Will it happen again? Probably. (Even funnier if he has a blank expression while spacing out scaring people unintentionally) It would be even sweeter if Jinwoo starts calling them "little siren" much to s/o flustered dismay.
Ajbdjndjdn oki thank you for reading…
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magics-neptunes-things · 11 months
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This one is from a request, I hope it will please you as much as the others. I'd like to really thank all of you for your kindness it really mean very much to me. My life isn't really easy for now and writing help me a lot. I'm glad I can have someone to read my work here ♥
It's only fluff in here :)
You just can't help it. You just can’t fight the force of attraction that constantly clings your eyes to Ona’s silhouette. This girl was a great player, charismatic, very kind and smiling. But she also had the gift of being both particularly cute while being frightfully sexy. You fell for her the second your eyes landed on her. She came to your school early this year for a school exchange. She’s supposed to finish school here and was recommended to be on your high school soccer team. Enough to say that she quickly demonstrated her qualities, so much so that the coach decided to appoint her captain. A nomination that could have attracted problems with other girls, but they were all quickly aware of Ona’s qualities.
You, on the other side, you were the captain of the cheerleaders, so you have the chance to be able to watch her play every game. Since you frequent the same places, you were quickly brought to discuss together. And you found yourself falling even harder.
Your sexual orientation doesn't question anybody, you have long demonstrated your interest for girls only. You don’t know for Ona though. She has never been in a relationship since she arrived here and she seems not to be interested in all those who have tried their luck. Always with her eternal sweet smile, she dismisses them kindly before shifting her attention to football.
You had an incredible chance anyway, because of your catastrophic results in Spanish, your teacher offered to ask Ona to give you private lessons. You agreed and so did Ona, but it didn’t help you get close to her because in the way you wanted because you find yourself blushing and feeling particulary stupide every time.
But eventually your work payed off and it’s with a big smile that you find the Spanish girl in the corridors of the school, shaking a paper in front of her face.
"What is it?" she asks with a smile, her voice making strange things in your belly everytime, before grapping the piece of paper. "Madre mia Y/N a A-?"
You don’t answer, just nod with a big smile. You’ve never scored as high as this one and you owe it to the brunette.
She jumps happily before hugging you and kissing your cheek. And here you are again, blushing red like a damn tomato.
"Muchas gracias" you smile, hopping Ona didn't realise your blush. "But I still need your help though. I have a writing for next week, would you mind?"
"Of course not. I have training this afternoon but can I come tomorrow?"
Tomorrow being friday night, you propose to Ona to come for diner and work on your essay afterwards. Your parents aren’t here like pretty much every Friday night, both of them being part of a club with all of her friends. Well it's literally an excuse to meet them and have drinks, but you pretend not to realize it. Your older sister is out too with her boyfriend, like every Friday night too.
"How was practice?" you ask Ona, erasing a deleted sentence on your page.
"Good, good" the other girl answer absent-mindedly.
She was standing behind you in your room, looking at the pictures and the posters hung on the wall. You can’t see it and look over your shoulder. She turns her back on you and is admiring the one with your best friend, dating from this summer. You and she had managed to get her parents to take you with them, and this was probably the best vacation of your life.
Realizing that your gaze lingers a little too long on her arms and her butt, you suddenly shift your attention to your writing, cheeks burning.
"I think I’m done" you mumble a few minutes later, scratching your head.
"Let me see"
Ona answers you softly and comes back to sit next to you. You don’t move when you feel her knee leaning against your thigh, trying to ignore the heat wave that seizes your entire body. The attraction you feel for her becomes ridiculous, especially when a look in her direction tells you that she does not even seem to have realized.
"It's pretty great actually. You just made one or two grammar mistakes, but otherwise it’s fine. Your progress is really impressive"
"I have a very good teacher"
Ona looks at the sheet that she is correcting to send you a smirk and you almost faint. Jesus Christ this woman.
"Done!" she says soon after with another smile.
You thanks her again and a glance at your phone inform you that it's pretty early. Even if you would appreciate more than ever to spend extra time with Ona, you do not know under what pretext to propose her to stay. But she doesn’t get up from your chair though, leaning on the backrest and gently turning it from side to side.
"So, what’s on tonight?" she asks and you shrug.
"Nothing really. I have to stay to watch the house"
"Yeah? Sometimes Hannah comes too, but tonight she was busy"
You see Ona’s look for a few seconds on the photo she was looking at earlier, representing you with your best friend on the beach. And she turns her attention back to you.
"You both seems very close"
"Yes, I mean I know her since we are five but it’s like she’s always been part of my life."
"Are you together?"
A few seconds pass during which you look at Ona, digesting the surprise of her question. Then you end up laughing a little before shaking your head.
"Like together, together? Nah, she's like my sister. Plus she's straight as a die."
Ona nod and you put the mess on your desk together, now that you’re done studying.
"So if I ask you to go to the prom with me next week, it might not hurt anyone?"
Holly mother of god. You gather feverishly the papers you dropped under emotion and you have to clear your throat to chase the feverish in your voice.
"No one will be hurt if you ask me" you mumble shyly before adding "Except maybe all your pretenders who are rushing to the gate."
Ona rolls her eyes.
"Would you? Come to prom with me?"
You raise your eyes on her face to make sure she’s not joking. But that doesn’t seem to be the case and you even manage to see hope in her eyes. As if it were possible for you to hesitate for a second.
"I'd love to"
Maybe it’s a little cliché the captain of cheerleaders going to the prom with the captain of the soccer team. But honestly, you don’t care. You don’t know how the rest of the school could have known so quickly about Ona's request, but it seems like by Monday most of the others students were already aware.
You may have seen different reactions from your friends, most of were happy for you. You didn’t expect, however, that some would show jealousy by asking aloud what had pushed Ona to ask you to accompany her. You haven’t been able to speak so much to the Spanish during this week, both of your training sessions require special attention given the advanced championship.
But you have to admit that these hallway gossips and these kinds of remarks altered your confidence so much that you ended up writing to Ona in the middle of the week to make sure that she still want to go with you.
You - Hi Ona. Sorry to bother you. I just was wondering if you still want to go together at the prom?
Ona - Hola! Of course, why? Ona - Have you change your mind?
You - Not at all, just asking. You - What will you wearing?
Feeling the questioning of the other girl, you quickly changed the subject under the pretext of being able to coordinate your outfits. You didn’t want her to realize the insecurities you can have sometimes. You are the cheerleaders captain, you know perfectly well that if you let the slightest thing appear, it can quickly turn against you.
Ona told you that she will pick you at 8, and here you are, looking at yourself on the mirror of your bathroom. The more you look, the more you feel that the outfit you have chosen is not the right one. But you don't have time to think about it any longer, because soon the bell rings and you hurry to the entrance. Your parents and your sister are home and you don’t necessarily want them to bother Ona today.
You scream a goodbye and slam the door, making your way to Ona's car. She’s waiting for you and her vision takes your breath away. She’s perfect, whether it’s her outfit, her haircut, her makeup. So perfect that you want to cry. You will never be in her league. Yet she slowly approaches you with a big smile.
"You are beautiful" she tells you while extending her hand to go with her towards the passenger door.
" You’re the on to talk" you answer, biting the inside of your lip.
You almost make a comment about how many will be jeslous of you when the will see you to her arm, but you hold back. You already hinted that last week when she invited you and you don’t want to be too annoying.
A comfortable silence settles between you and you smile as you hear her humming the song passing on the radio. It's only a few minutes later that Ona breaks the silence.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course"
"How did you end up captain of the cheerleaders?" asked Ona, glancing at you. "No offense, but you don’t have the same characteristics as your teammates. You are not superficial, you are not selfish, you have respect for everyone… It doesn't fit so much in the usual codes, you know?"
You look at her for some seconds, thinking about her question. You already know the answer, but you're thinking about the way you can say the things.
"My sister was in the team, my mother was in the team... I guess I just wanted to show them that I can make it too."
You shrugs, before looking at the window. You didn't mean to say that your mother or your sister are superficial and all, but you don't really have the same vision of things.
"Do you even like it?"
"Somehow. It has some advantages. You can met interesting people"
You glance at her and she intercedes, your answer seems to make her smile. It makes you smile back despite the slight heat that once again invades your cheeks.
You arrive a few minutes later and once Ona has parked, she hurries around the car to open your door. You thank her with a smile and look mechanically around you. You notice glances at both of you, but your attention is quickly diverted by Ona’s hand which gently settles in the hollow of your back to train towards the entrance. As light as a butterfly, her hand on the fabric of your dress is pleasant and you refrain from leaning against it.
The evening passed at the speed of light and you had an incredible time. You still don’t explain yourself how you just didn't ignite on the spot. You and Ona danced during the evening, her hands on your waist giving you the impression that your legs turned into jelly. Every touch, every glance or smile brought you a little more to fall under the spell of the Spanish. It’s been a long time now that the stage of crush seems to be over, you are completely crazy about her.
Ona was closer to you physically than ever and you allowed yourself to look at her a little more strongly. You got lost in her eyes and yours landed several times on her lips.
But you are now going back home, in the same comfortable silence as before. The only difference is that this time your hands are intertwined on your leg and you play mechanically with the fingers of the young woman. You arrive a little too quickly to your liking and you shift your attention to the latina when she turns off the engine.
"Thank you for inviting me. I had a great evening" you smile softly, reluctantly leaving Ona to recover her hand.
"Me too" answers Ona smiling before undoing her belt. "I take you home."
Coming out of the car, you slowly follow her to your front door. The lights are off on the ground floor, but the one on the floor tells you that your parents are not sleeping yet.
"It went too fast" Ona pout, gently putting a strand of hair behind your ear.
Quick, air needed please. You focus all your concentration to listen to the words she says to you and not faint.
"It’s true" you mumble without really realizing what you’re saying.
Ona answers nothing, her gaze in yours. Your heart beats too fast, so fast that you have the impression that Ona can hear it. Hypnotized by her, you notice that she came forward only when her face is only a few centimeters from yours. From there you can see the depth of her gaze, every single one of her freckles.
And then, she kissed you. Slowly, letting you the time to stop her if you don’t want to.
But you want to, obviously. You would be unable to describe how you feel during this kiss, but your heart rushing against your thorax cage might speak for you.
"My heart will explode" you whisper against her lips without fully taking them off.
"I’ve wanted to do this for ages, you have no idea how much"
The answer of the latina makes you open your eyes and you find yourself immersed in her chocolate eyes, so warm and pleasant.
"I’m glad you did"
She offers you a new smile and takes you completely against her for a new kiss. A little more harder this one, but still light, made to discover you both. Her hands caress your face while yours are in the hollow of her back.
You feel like you could spend hours there, but you realize you have to go home if you don’t want to get your parents' attention.
"Will you writing to tell me that you have arrived well?" you ask her gently, your hands caressing her arms.
"Promise" she answers you before stealing a new kiss. "Sleep well"
Then it’s your turn to steal one from her, before she goes back to her car. Waiting for her to leave to enter your home, you can’t erase the big smile on your face when you go up to your room. You go directly in it, starting to undress and remove your makeup. You just putted on your pajamas when your phone vibrates, indicating the reception of a new message.
Ona - I came home well. I hope to wake up tomorrow without realizing that it was all a dream. Sleep well Princess ♥
You - Sleep well too, Hermosa. I look forward to seeing you again ♥
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jmliebert · 17 days
bg3 on a beach (modern headcanons)
some little beach-day headcanons ˙ᵕ˙
𓇼 Astarion 𓇼
the one who brought sunscreen with SPF 50
and basically an entire beach bag of skincare essentials— lip balm, hand cream, hand sanitizer, hair comb (gold-plated), facial mist, perfumes….
….a chic umbrella that screams "I don't do tan lines" (you didn’t know umbrellas might be chic? wel, you’ve obviously never met astarion, you poor soul)
struts around in Dior or Armani swim trunks that probably cost more than everyone else’s entire beach wardrobe (taste, darling)
throws subtle shade at anyone who dares to get sand near his setup
𓇼 Gale 𓇼
sitting next to Astarion under the chick umbrella, reading a brick-tome that looks way too heavy for a beach day
loose, unbuttoned shirt flapping in the breeze, looking like he's ready to casually narrate the next chapter of his life
dips into the water only to cool off, then returns to his book (wears a wide brimmed hat while swimming because sunburns are for novices)
brings some fruits, maybe homemade snacks i(f he’s feeling particulary extra)
puts on sunglasses, claiming it’s for “eye protection,” but really so he can unashamedly observe everyone else (astarion observes everyone at the beach as well, but making no effort to hide it though)
𓇼 Halsin 𓇼
totally would have preferred to go to a nudist beach, but hey, what won’t he do for his party?
sunbathes directly under the scorching rays, basking in nature's warm embrace
gives off major retired surfer vibes—minus the board, plus a lot of wisdom about underwater ecosystems
spends most of the day diving, befriending the fish, and enthusiastically recounting his underwater adventures to Shadowheart
as the sun sets, he meditates, he’s body looking positively glorious as the golden light hits just right
𓇼 Wyll 𓇼
rolls in with a cooler full of chilled beer, instantly becoming everyone’s favorite person
the one who’s super into every beach sport there is
performs cartwheels and somersaults, showing off a little (endd up with a head full of sand)
borrows Halsin’s goggles and disappears for an hour or two, only to resurface with a story about an underwater adventure
comforts a crying child who lost their bucket, instantly becoming a hero of the beach
𓇼 Karlach 𓇼
alexa, play starships by nicki minaj
fearless of the sun—probably doesn’t even know what sunscreen is
the most grateful for Wyll's beer, probably cracking open a can before she even sets up her towel (if it's a bottle, she’ll open it with her teeth)
hypes everyone up for a beach volleyball match, whether they want to play or not
dominates the game with killer serves, yelling “BOOM!” every time she scores
𓇼 Shadowheart 𓇼
aka Wednesday Addams on vacation, complete with a black swimsuit and a hat so big it casts shade on half the beach
floats around on an floatie, giving off strong “don’t bother me” vibes
quietly builds a sandcastle that turns out to be an architectural masterpiece (It’s somehow both gothic and impressive)
doesn’t know how to swim but hasn’t admitted it to anyone. Instead, she’s perfected the art of looking mysterious while staying close to the shore
smiles at dogs playing in the distance
𓇼 Lae’zel 𓇼
laughs in the face of sunburn
side-eyes Astarion and Gale applying sunscreen, muttering something about “weakness” under her breath
joins Shadowheart for a few minutes of sandcastle building, then pretends she wasn’t enjoying it
hyper-competitive during beach volleyball, diving for every ball like it’s a life-or-death situation
inevitably gets sunburned, grudgingly wears Gale’s hat, and glares at anyone who dares to mention it
𓇼 Jaheira 𓇼
doesn't have time for this shit
you can find more of my works about bg3 ♡here♡
the summer is ending, I feel it in my bones, so I just had to write this one hihi
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slut4thebroken · 8 months
Glory hole hcs
Idk don’t ask lmao. I just randomly got an idea
(Jackson Rippner, Jonathan Crane, Lenny Miller, Neil Lewis, Raymond Leon, Robert Capa, Robert Fischer, Tommy Shelby)
TW: Misogyny. Lots of it lol
Jackson Rippner - Between jobs, when he doesn’t have the time or energy to seduce a woman and take her home or hire a hooker, he’d just go to a glory hole instead. Sometimes all he wants is just a tight, warm cunt to fuck away all his stress with. He’d be really agressive about it too, knowing she pretty much has no choice but to take it. If he’s fucking a particularly good cunt, sometimes he’ll imagine waiting outside for her to leave, then dragging her into an alley or his car to fuck her again— for free this time. Those thoughts always had him coming just a little too fast though.
Jonathan Crane - With his antisocial and narcissistic personality, he doesn’t get very many bitches lmao. He also thinks that hookers are just a little too intimidating for his liking. But glory holes are easy— familiar. It’s like fucking a fleshlight, but warm and sometimes able to squeeze his cock tight enough to almost force him out. Plus it’s easier to let out stress by pounding something with half of his body, rather than using his hand, no matter how hard or fast he strokes it. It’s just different.
Lenny Miller - Honestly he probably went to one looking into a lead for a case and couldn’t stop thinking about it until eventually he decided to go back, not on the clock this time. He understands the appeal almost instantly, but… he prefers being able to play with a pair of tits, leave marks all over out of unwarranted possession, and see the look on her face when she falls apart on his cock. He likes having power over a person rather than a hole.
Neil Lewis - Neil would go simply because he’s never seen anything like that in real life, only in porn. He’d get there and feel like his heart was about to beat out of his chest, but he’d go in anyway. Honestly, he’d probably come in like… less than five minutes. But these kinds of things are a little expensive so he’d endure the overstimulation just to get his moneys worth. But he probably gets bored of it pretty quickly because it’s basically just how he gets off at home, only he’s not even watching porn, he’s just fucking something.
Raymond Leon - He doesn’t have time for relationships and for some reason he thinks he’s above hookers. So during a particulary stressful case, he’ll blow off steam by fucking a cunt. It’s quick and easy which is why he likes it so much. Another thing he likes about it is the fact that it’s emotionless. Not that hookers aren’t, but technically lust is an emotion. He doesn’t have to feel anything or show any emotions (even just lust) when he gets off like this, all he has to focus on is coming.
Robert Capa - He gives off the vibe of either being very very single, or in a long term, loving, committed relationship. When he’s single though, he’s awkward, doesn’t really like most people, thinks he’s above them. That kind of attitude makes it pretty hard to get hoes lolll. And he seems like the type where any sex is intimate and vulnerable to him, even with a hooker. The act in and of itself is what’s intimate and that makes it harder for him to just fuck anyone since he doesn’t like showing any vulnerability at all. But at least if he goes to a glory hole, he’s not fucking a woman, he’s fucking a cunt.
Robert Fischer - Being next in line to inherit a billion dollar company, people know who he is. Obviously not everyone, but enough. Which is why he likes glory holes. He gets to fuck something and not have to worry about his reputation potentially going to shit by hiring the wrong hooker. When he gets the opportunity, he’ll fuck one of the many girls who throw themselves at him. But if he’s worked up and overwhelmed or too tired to give a shit about making a girl come, he finds his way back to glory holes.
Thomas Shelby - He probably has a specific one he goes to every time. And in that one, he fucks one girl (his favorite) every time. He doesn’t go often because he has enough cunts throwing themselves at him daily, but when he wants a cunt who’s almost too tight and doesn’t moan in an exaggerated way that borders on annoying, that’s when he’ll go to a glory hole. Even though she’s just a sleeve for his cock, he likes teasing her, edging both of them together just to torture her a little bit and drag it out for himself.
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tokoyamisstuff · 2 months
Fragments Pt. 2/3
Homelander / GN! Reader
Ch. 2: Lab Rat
Summary: Unfortunately Homelander's powers reawake earlier than his memory of how to control them.
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Warnings: Angst, mentions of HL's past, PTSD, DID, cussing, blood, unhealthy relationship dynamics, death of animals
A/N: as a little treat for you guys, this chapter got extra long (: tbh I still haven't watched the show, let me live
The following weeks passed by rather quick and uneventful - albeit it wouldn't calm down your nerves at all.
You had been on high alert for a while, fearing the worst case scenario: That whoever did this to John would come and finish the job. It did not happen in the end, so the enemy either believes him to be dead already, or was certain the lethal environment would do the rest.
What worried you right now however was the fact that nobody seemed to be searching for your acquaintance.
Locals would come to deliver supplies occasionally, and at some point you handed them a USB with a photo and the little data you knew about John. Hopefully the old - and only - shared computer in the townshall had a good enough internet connection to spread the missing person report for as many people as possible to see.
John had been joking a lot recently, about how he might've been a terrible person and people would be glad that he disappeared - but you knew deep down, he feared there might actually be some truth in his words.
One thing was sure: He could be irritating to a point where one wants to punch his pretty face in - and he's not even aware of that fact.
Over time, you noticed a lot of subtle hints to his former personality: Like his almost neurotic need for praise and attention. It seemed like he didn't even know how to simply exist by himself - for example, sometimes you came home from an expedition, and he just sat at the same spot you've left him, awaiting you almost a little too excited.
To his defense, it was hard to avoid each other in a single-room apartment. And since you had brought only the most essential things for your survival, there wasn't really that much to do either way.
Most of the day he'd follow you around, insisting that he wanted to be useful despite his condition. He was touchy - not in an indecent way, but rather starved for closeness. Always accidentally brushing his hand against yours, leaning his chin atop of your head or hugging you if he was feeling particulary happy about something.
And while hesistant at the beginning, the more you tolerated it the more he dared.
Also, his almost nonexistent empathy and lack of emotional maturity in general was infuriating. You really felt like talking to a giant toddler sometimes -but as odd as it sounds, he reacted to your scolding and listened to instructions surprisingly well.
And oh, he sure loves the sound of his own voice. His opinions unnerved you to no end, yet the way he was talking about certain topics sounded awfully like he was just repeating things someone else had drilled him to believe, without ever understanding or even caring enough to verify.
You really wondered what kind of life John had led before all of this.
Curiosity kills the cat, or so they say.
A doctor had already arrived at your remote location two days after the initial snowstorm had settled. He had complimented you for properly caring for the wounds despite your limited knowledge and ressources, and John gladly joined him in enskying you.
Since then, there wasn't much more to do than continuing treatment until his wounds would heal - which they did surprisingly fast, much to your mutual relief.
The drug John inhaled had eliminated a great portion of the Compound V in his system, but not completely. And as you could now observe first hand, the residue was able to multiply again.
That could only mean the rest of his powers would slowly but steadily return as well, right?
"NO! It burns, it burns please STOP!"
John's desolate scream made you bolt up from your sleep, instantly rushing to his side. He was experiencing nightmares very frequently, and after the past couple of tries to wake him up, you knew better than to touch him.
"John..." you whisper to not startle him, hesistantly approaching the man cowering on his bed. "It's not real. You're dreaming, you're safe. Nothing can hurt you! Follow my voice. Please, wake up..."
He was sobbing frantically, heartbrakingly even. A perfect image of misery, hugging himself in a desperate attempt to erase that awfully vivid sensation of being burned alive.
Whatever had happened to him, the suffering was imprinted so deep inside of his soul that he was forced to relive it even after alledgedly losing all memories.
You repeat the affirmating words like a mantra, tears involuntarily creeping to the rim of your eyes as well. Eventually his breaths would even out and he was able to come down to reality again, recognizing you through wettened lashes.
Shame washed over him, now feeling as if he'd drown rather than burning. He was pathetic, even without this creepy psycho shit already - a nuisance to you who had given him nothing but kindness.
"I'm sorry." His eyes darted around the room - anywhere but your face - but he was certain that you were shooting him that damn pitying look again "Didn't mean to wake you..."
John's voice was hoarse from screaming, his coughing prompting you to hand him the water on the nightstand. "No problem, really. Don't worry about it."
"You're being too naive" he mumbled, his hand lingering on yours for a bit longer than necessary as you handed him the glass. "Nursing a stranger to health...I mean, I could as well be lying about my anmnesia."
"And there I was thinking you had a way with words" you snorted, defendingly crossing your arms in front of your chest. "No offense, but you don't seem like the bright type. Besides: If you wanted to do something awful to me, you had all the time in the world and no witnesses, so..."
Eager to prove your trust, out of a whim you hopped next to him, the springs of the mattress creaking under the additional weight. Until now, despite his protest, you chose to sleep on a very uncomfortable sofa, offering him the bed since he was still not fully restored.
"You're incorrigible..." he sighed, a little taken aback by the sudden invasion of personal space, mentally adding "...but an amazing person."
"I'm not even sure if I want to remember" he tells himself rather than you, mumbling into the pillow. Whenever he tried there was a mental block, some kind of tug in his heart that felt like regaining it would cost him greatly. "Those dreams...I'm terrified to find out what they truly mean."
"Your past only defines you if you let it." Wow, that sounded way less corny in your head. "Whatever happens, you won't get rid of me that easily, I promise."
"Sounds more like a threat" he smirks, daring to shuffle a little closer.
After a while of comfortable silence between the two of you, John was the first one to look away from the ceiling, staring at you instead. He was still shaking, unable to decipher whether the lump in his throat was caused by his night terror or something else.
"...I mean you could stay here." John's voice was barely audible, as if to test your reaction first. "Better than that goddamn brick of a sofa."
You glared at him, eyes shooting daggers. "Next time we're in the field, you get a snowball right into that handsome face." He snickered at your attempt to be strict, his smugness returning already. "Oh, so you think I'm handsome, huh?"
Gosh, that man was obnoxious - and yet, even though you'd rather die than to admit, he made you jittery beyond belief. "That doesn't give you the right to do or say whatever you want, you know?"
"Didn't deny it" he winked, yet raised his hands in defense. "C'mon, I'm not trying something shady. It's just- forget it."
"...talking about incorrigible" you uttered, after looking at him dumbfounded until you finally understood. "If you feel more comfortable this way, then sure."
John nodded mutely, cracking an embarrassed smile that you couldn't help but mirror. You slid under the covers with him, the dimmed lights only worsening this awkward situation.
"Y/N?" You hqd almost dozed off already when you heard his voice again, yet it was too dark to decipher his features. "Mhh?"
"...thank you. For everything, really."
Asides from his healing factor, his heightened senses were the next thing that had returned - and they made him notice things you probably weren't even aware of yourself.
Just like right now.
That mixture of pheromones in your scent, together with an increased heartrate whenever you were close...it was unlike anything he had ever perceived, even without knowing his history he was sure of that fact.
Was this chemical reaction equal to what people called love?
And yet you never acted on those desires, for it would be terribly wrong in every way. The man next to you was in a vulnerable state no one should take advantage of. Not to mention that you didn't really know this person. He could as well be having a partner or family somewhere, and you had no intention to become a homewrecker.
So you continued reminding yourself about his negative aspects, tried to convince yourself that anyone would be feeling like this after being isolated together for so long.
Shit, can't he just hurry up and remember?
Much to your shock, you wake up entangled in both the blanket and John's embrace the next morning. He had an arm and leg wrapped around you, effectively trapping you in his hold.
Instead of freaking out or kicking him off the bed, you decide to simply close your eyes again and enjoy this blissful state. His breathing was warm against your skin, and he also seemed very peaceful in his sleep in huge contrast to usually.
After a few more minutes, his soft snores disappeared. John was confused, never having felt this well-rested in forever.
"Ah shi- I'm sorry-" before he could retract his arm, you held onto it and snuggled even closer against his chest. "Who said you could stop?"
"Oh...oh." he grinned cheekily, jawning as his head nuzzled against your neck. "Well, good morning then."
"You sure this is a good idea?" Turning to look at him, you get some messy strands of hair out of his face. "Coming with me today, I mean."
Up until now, you had avoided taking him to your laboratory, even though the two buildings were connected via a tunnel. Usually he only helped you carry stuff, do the household horribly wrong or assist you collect specimen in the wild.
But for someone who was having nightmares about a strange laboratory to come with you..."just stay here, watch a movie or something. I won't take long."
"Ugh, you don't even have any supe movies that could help me remember" he grimaced, "just some boring woke stuff."
There's no telling what this man thinks sometimes. "You just don't have any taste. Supe movies are brainless cash-cows."
"Nerd" he purrs, leading your hand to his head again, looking at you pleadint to continue massaging his scalp. Ugh, how can someone this unnerving be so great at making you do whatever he wants? "It might not be the best idea, but maybe confrontation will help me make sense out of it."
What's the worse that could happen? You've seen him having a mental breakdown several times now, and you handle it well. "...okay. Just don't complain if I make you work overtime."
"Sure thing, boss."
A quick breakfast and several discussions later, you unlock the door that led to your laboratory. Observing his reaction, you saw how his mannerism had shifted unnaturally even for his standards.
"Why are they caged in here?" You stiffened at his question, at the accusation in his tone. "What, don't tell me Mr. Conversative suddenly became an animal's rights advocate?"
No answer, instead he stared you down even more sombre. "It's not like they're locked in here forever. Climate change makes it harder for them to find food, so I take their measurements for comparison. Some I feed a while longer, and when they're strong enough they're released. I swear!"
"S-Sorry, I- fuck..." He couldn't even put his finger on why this enraged him so much, trying to tear the trapped polar fox away from his field of view.
"Hey..." you wanted to put a hand on his shoulder, but he flinched away from you. "Maybe you should go back, alright?"
Fuck it, you were right, that was a stupid idea - he'll never hear the end of it. John's head was spinning and he felt sick, thinking that maybe he should sit down...
...but when he opened his squinted eyes again, a sheer coincidence would turn out fatal: The heavy steel door, an emergency exit, it was red - looking awfully alike.
"You tricked me" he gritted, logical thinking overshadowed by flashbacks. "Huh?"
"You put me in The Bad Room again!" John's eyes were wild, furious even as he violently shook your smaller frame. "How could you?!"
He then pushed you away, sending you flying and proceeding to run in circles like a coyote in a trap.
"John..." The impact made you dizzy, any yet you tried to stay conscious with all might. "The door's open, you can leave anytime." You made the grave mistake of grabbing his wrist, wanting him to stop in his tracks or at least distract him...
...but he slammed his fist right next to your head, making a huge dent in the wall. "Don't fucking touch me, or I'll fucking kill you!"
It all happened so fast, you couldn't even tell why it went downhill from there - but when you saw his eyes gleaming red, you made a run for it.
Having listened to your gut and fleeing outside, the next thing you knew you were standing in front of a completely destroyed building.
John fell to his knees in between the rubble, covered it blood and viscera of the animals you had formerly kept inside. You inhaled sharply as his eyes found you, fighting against the urge to screech - and yet, he could hear your heart practically hammering against your chest, made out the scent of adrenaline even through the dust and smoke.
John knew that scene all too well, vivid images flashing in front of his inner eye: People running away from him, terrified...and his hands covered in blood, just like right now.
You were afraid of him - and you had every right to be. He was a dangerous freak! No wonder they've kept him locked away somewhere before.
Your voice made him snap out of it, screaming your lungs out calling for him. Without second thought you ran straight at him, wrapping your arms around his neck despite your instinct to stay away. "Shit, John, I was worried! Are you hurt?!"
"W-what kind of question is that?!" he sobbed, tears streaming down his face that froze as soon as they dropped to the ground. "Are you dull or just insane, coming back after what you just saw?!"
"But you're the victim here!" He looked at you like a kicked puppy - if the situation wasn't so severe it would certainly be adorable. "I-I'm just glad you're alright."
You sank to the ground too, simply cradling his head against your chest. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry..."
"Hey, plea- can't breathe-" The fleeting image of his past, the lifeless body of a woman dropping to his feet flashes before his inner eye, making him finally release you from his suffocating hug.
"Come" you beckon, trying to pull him from the ground but he was too exhausted - mentally at least. He might not be affected by temperature anymore, but it was minus 50 degrees out here. "Let's go home."
Gladly your flat didn't get caught in the impact of John's breakdown, and you managed to seal the broken airlock that had connected the two buildings.
Damn, this laboratory had eaten up all of your savings - and now the whole progress was simply gone. So it was only naturally that after the first shock subsided, it was you who started crying your eyes out. Not in front of him, though - as understandable as your frustration was, he was going through something way worse right now.
The bottom line was: Both your lives were now in ruins, and he was responsible.
This whole day, John wouldn't utter a single word. Instead he shunned himself from you, staying god knows where. As you were looking out of the window before sunset, you saw him just standing there, staring at the horizon. He might not be harmed by the cold, but you were sure he was still able to freeze.
Did all of this at least make him remember something? Maybe that was exactly the problem.
"You can't ignore us forever."
John clenched his fists, looking over to the house and spotting you in the window. You shouldn't be worried for him of all people - hell, you shouldn't be near him at all!
"Heya champ, talk to me."
The voices he was hearing all evening were clearly imaginary. He was probably losing his mind...or he was insane all along, who knows?
All he knew was that he didn't want the answer.
"Oh c'mon, you're even worse than the usual guy!" His reflection on the lake was talking to him in his own voice, finally snapping. "Another sniveling pussy, obsessed with affection. Fucking pathetic."
"What the fuck do you want from me?!" he spat back at himself, or rather a part of him. "Don't you get it? I am you, but stronger - better! I've got us through The Bad Room back then, and I can help you again. You're still fighting to remember...just stop resisting and you can finally become who you're truly meant to be."
There were other, more different versions of his voice, all mixing up in his mind. Some were cussing you out, others mocking himself or drowning in self-pitying...
...and worse ones made him even more afraid of what his twisted mind would be capable of...
"Really?! You care for that bitch? God, what a fucking disappointment. Believe me, she's not the first one that'll abandon you. Eventually, you'll always ruin everything. Just like back then, when you-"
"Silence! Leave me alone!" John was slamming against his own head when you rushed outside, initially wanting to drape a blanket over his shoulders. It took you forever pleading with him to at least talk things through...
...but when he reluctantly aggreed to come inside, the voices made it clear that this wouldn't be the last he had heard of them.
"I will leave" he informed you of his decision, clutching the mug of coffee you had just handed him. Those words made your heart clench, but you always knew it was inevitable. "Why so sudden? And how?"
"Apparently I can fly. Fast." Shit, what powers doesn't he have? That's unusual, even for a supe. "So you got your memories back?"
"Nope" he pops his lips matter-of-factly, looking anywhere but your eyes. "But I think we got enough proof that I'm unstable and should be, I don't know, in an institution or something." You purse your mouth, anxiety raising in the pit of your stomach. "John..."
"Oh don't 'John' me, Y/N! I'm a fucking monster!" That was the first time he had ever raised his voice at you, slamming on the table which he instantly regretted as he saw your doe eyes widen. "S-Sorry, but...I feel like I've been lonely all my life, and for a good reason. What if I use my powers unintentionally, the next time I got a nightmare? What if I hurt you? Shit, Y/N, I could never forgive myself if that happened..."
You choked on a sob, bottom lip trembling as you simultaneously tried to find the right words without crying. "Stop talking about yourself like that. I refuse to belive you'd be able to hurt me."
"But you don't know me! Not really. Hell, I don't even know myself-"
"Oh yes I do!" you cut him off harshly, cupping both sides of his cheeks, forcing him to look at you. "You're many things, but you are not a monster. You are a kind and funny and wonderful man, and you brightened every single one of my days here ever since you stumbled into my life!"
"Y/N-" he wanted to object, but you wouldn't let him. "No matter what happened that you turned out this way, you didn't deserve any of it. If you leave, you need to promise me to never give up on yourself. You deserve to be happy, okay?"
John leaned into your touch, tears long since broken free. "Why do you care so much about someone that caused you nothing but trouble?"
"Because I'm in love with you, damn it!" you blurted out without thinking first. "Does this finally go through your thick skull, or do I need to be even more obvious?!"
That sentence alone was enough for the dam to break.
John kissed you with an urgency that was frightening, as if he needed it more than air. He had pulled you onto his lap, hands demandingly roaming your body, unwilling to ever let go. "Again" he breathed out when your lips parted, "Say it again."
"I think I'm in love with you, John." Oh, he already knew he was addicted. Another kiss, quicker and more playfull this time, smiling against your lips. "One more time."
"I love you, you blockhead!" you declared proudly, feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off your chest. And you were not the only one relieved to finally be able to act upon all those pent up emotions.
"Gosh, you have no idea how long I wanted to do this" John admitted almost a little bashful, covering your face in pecks. "I never thought you'd feel the same."
You tasted his tears on your lips, and he wiped yours away with his thumb, looking at you with so much adoration in his eyes, it made you wax in his hands. "I may have planned confess after your memories return, but now..." you pause, rubbing the back of your head as remorse hit you like a train. "I guess we'll have to figure it out as we go."
Yeah, there's truly no going back now. May as well enjoy it while it's lasting.
Another handful of weeks passed since your relationship blossomed, and you secretly hoped his past would never catch up on him again.
Since you had no way of finishing your research without the trashed equipment, it was about time to temporarily give up on this dream.
The two of you already made plans for the futue, had prepared to leave all this behind move back to build a life somewhere. He on the other hand was determined to do whatever it takes to repay and give you the chance to continue your studies...
...that was until shortly before your departure, when you had another unexpected visitor.
John stayed in bed as it was still early morning, admiring you from afar. He did not understand a single word you were exchanging with one of the locals in their native tongue, just hoping no matter what it was about, you would quickly come back into his arms.
A wide, infatuated smile stretched across his face as you briefly locked eyes, staring at him in awe. "What's the matter?" he inquired, noticing how dramatically you slammed the door shut.
"They've- hey!" you couldn't help but laugh as the carefree man pulled you back under the covers with him. "Continue, sweetheart."
"They've brought news from the village." Turning to face him, you indulged in one last kiss, selfishly fearing this would be the last tender moment you shared - way too soon. "People who claim to know who you are."
"Really?!" John softly clutched the sides of your shoulders, shivering ever so slightly. "Wha- who?!"
"A company, I think. Weird. What was the name...Vought?"
Unable to look at him due to your fear of losing him to his former life, you didn't notice his obvious distress, the way his eyes darkened at that cursed name. "They say you're some kind of superhero, just as I thought."
"No wonder with your kind of power, honestly" you continued at his lack of reaction, distracting yourself with a thoughtless banter. "So what, should I call you 'Homelander' from now on?"
Suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your back, way before the sound of something clashing could reach your ears. You couldn't even fathom what had happened until you grasped the situation: John had you slammed against the wall, his hand firmly wrapped around your throat.
"You fucking normie bitch..." He applied some pressure to your trachea, enough to be uncomfortable but not cutting off your air supply...yet. "Shit! How much time did I waste here?!"
You helplessly kicked with your legs, clawed at his relentless grip on your trachea, but to no avail. "Wha- John-" you stammered but his tone was callous, a manic smile stretching across his face. "Just said it yourself - that's Homelander for you."
A cracking sound filled the room as he moved his head from left to right, taking in your plain appearance for the first time after the fog in his brain had dissolved.
"I should crush you like the insect you are to me!" His stare was so unlike you had ever seen him before - the usually composed man full of spite and disgust. Regaining all of those terrible memories sure was agonizing, so right now he felt nothing but pure rage.
You were completely at his mercy, yet you were still so trusting, confused at max - and sympathetic. "Do you think I need your damn pity? I am the peak of evolution, a god, and you are...nothing."
Of course he could do it easily, snap your neck like a toothpick. You were aware, and it honestly felt like he was doing it already, the lack of oxygen making you see stars...
...and yet you stopped resisting, your palm instead wandering up to his cheek, using up the last ounce of strenght to say his name.
"Jo-ohn, plea...se..."
Even though his grip would not falter, his face fell at the genuine affection dripping from your voice. He seemed bewildered, desperate even, a multitude of emotions playing on his face - before his lips ultimatively crashed over yours.
In spite of all logic you reciprocated the kiss, wrapping your arms around him like you had done so many times before. But it didn't feel as familiar, as safe and right as before.
There was nothing either of you could say or do now that the illusion you both had created was scattered.
Homelander shook his head, trying to ground himself. He was done playing pretend, he decided internally, letting you down exceptionally gentle. As he headed for the exit, he turned to look at you one last time.
"You're not even worth killing."
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cheeryembers · 1 year
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When I read the @mutantninjamidlifecrisis story there were A LOT of moments where it keeps me on my toes.
One of this (many) moments was the instant where the fox yokai tried to rip off the bandanas from Leon's leg and he threw him to the floor.
The sirens get loud, the room was bathed in a vivid red light and his heart started to race in his chest... what a scene! It was so fast and thrilling at the same time!
I draw this instant not because it's particulary important or cooler than other scenes but because here we can see a glimmer of what Leon’s anger can do if his family is threatened (and even because I finally get the inspiration to draw this moment).
I really hope you like it.
P.S. like the other post, you can notice that I like tatoos... but damn boy, he LOOKS SO COOL with this massive snake dragon tatoo! I love it.
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sabbathbloodysabbeth · 3 months
Congrats on 1200!🥳
I have a prompt for a scene for you!
The Starcourt Mall's parking is one of Eddie's prime places for dealing. One night during a deal, he spots a tired boy in a sailor suit leave the mall and what ensues is a quiet obsession.
Eddie intentionally starts parking his van close to Steve's car until he works up the courage to offer Steve a smoke on a night he looks particulary wound up.
Ahhhh! I just finished this, Idk if this is what you had in mind but I really enjoyed writing this :) I'm realizing I kind of really like answering requests 😂
Eddie’s work schedule was typically very flexible. Some days he would be in the alley behind the local theater. Others he would be at the picnic table. Today was a newer spot, the mall parking lot.
His metal lunch pal was sitting next to him as he constantly eyes the crowd shifting in and out from the main doors. Scouting out the kind of people that showed up.
There were the mothers who were bringing their kids to buy new school clothes, even though the first day back was over a month from now. Along with mothers were grandmothers, and younger women coming in for Jazzercise. The final group that Eddie noticed, that were most likely going to be his prime target, were the hicks. Those who drove in from the countryside, wearing worn out flannel, snap backs and had mullets that put Billy Ray Cyrus to shame.
There was nothing rednecks loved more than their mullets and moonshine, but weed was slowly catching each and every one of their hearts. Soon enough Eddie was sure he was going to have a small cult following from outside of Hawkins.
Eddie is turning the key in his ignition, preparing to head to his next location when he spots him. A sailor who floated right through the ocean of people with ease. His demeanor was tense, and he seemed uncomfortable. Eddie would to if he were wearing those shorts. Especially if he knew people like himself were staring at him.
Eddie can’t help himself, he stops his foot from stepping on the gas and checks out Popeye the Sailor. Little chest hairs were poking out from where the stripe shirt sagged a bit, and holy fuck was Eddie thankful he decided to park ten feet away from the mall instead of thirty. If he had done that then he wouldn’t be seeing this fine seaman right in front of.
This sailor was only confirming Eddie has a certain type. It was one thing to be attracted to Robin Williams and Harrison Ford on TV. That could be a fluke. However, seeing someone who looked like a mix of both in public and immediately falling head over heels was not.
Let the record show that he, Eddie Munson, was obsessed. Not in a stalker kind of way, but in a way he craved to be closer to the other man and was willing to do anything to achieve that.
Alright, that does sound like stalker behavior.
But Eddie knows that he wouldn't go that far. At most, he would park his car next to the other just to get a better look.
When the sailor looks up and makes eye contact with him, Eddie begins to flounder around. Face a slightly red as he tries to remember what he was doing.
Right, he had to be behind the theater to give Hopper his normal deal.
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It was a couple of weeks after the first sighting that Eddie finally talked to Steve. After watching the sailor for a while, learning his name from his name tag, he discovered he had a slight routine. Step out around seven pm for a smoke break, sit on the curve in the designated smoke area and then grab something from his car before moving back inside.
Eddie was not stalking. He was just being observant. He had to be in the parking lot anyway, already having a decent amount of paying customers to tend to.
It was just a “coincidence” that he happened to find a empty spot right next to Steves car for three nights in a row. Nothing more.
It was now the fourth night and Steve was finally coming over to grab something from his car. The last three nights, all surrounding the Fourth of July, had been extremely busy. The other man could barely get five minutes to smoke before someone came out to get him.
Eddie had been disappointed, he really wanted to get a close-up of the man. He of course could go into the mall like any other customer but he had duties to fulfill. Such as giving half of the hicks inside their stash. He tried entering the mall once but was almost immediately stopped by one of his customers. He wanted to be discreet about dealing in the parking lot, that would be difficult if people decided to swarm him for their supply right next to the security guards.
Hicks were never that smart.
Now here he was with an opportunity and he was almost fucking it up. Steve had bent down to search for something from his glove box, his ass poking out from the car as he does. Eddie nearly chokes on the joint in his mouth when he sees freckles trailing down the other man's back and down to his ass.
From where he was sitting, his van being taller then Steve’s car, he could catch a small peak into Steve’s pants each time he moved just right. His pants, which looked extremely tight, didn't leave much to the imagination. They would slide an inch or two down before quickly snapping back up when Steve shimmied his hips just right.
Eddie’s sure his mouth was open.
“Fuck!” Steve curses out loudly, slamming the glove box shut with a loud wham! His hands move up to fidget with his hair, that was no longer covered by his hat. He steps away from the car and continues to curse more, clearly stressed.
“Hey man, you alright?” Eddie asks before he could think. He’s always been impulsive.
Steve jumps startled. Looking up to meet Eddie's gaze, his eyes were wide and a little glossy. As if he were close to tears.
“Yeah—yeah. I just forgot my meds.” Steve admits, slowly cooling off. Probably for show as he slams the passenger door shut, still clearly upset even though he was trying to hide it.
Eddie furrows his eyebrows concerned. There wasn't much he could do to help, he felt useless.
“Well uh… do you need a fag?” Eddie asks with a raised eyebrow, already having his pack of Marlboro out the window and open.
His use of the word held a double meaning, but he doubted Steve would catch on. It was just an inside joke with himself. A play on words.
Steve’s eyes flicker between the cigarettes and Eddie before he reaches forward and snatches one. Moving his hands in his pants pockets causing them to pull down slightly and reveal more of his happy trail. Eddie has to hold back from physically gulping like a cartoon character.
Steve doesn't notice. He lights his smoke with the lighter he pulled out and sucks the smoke into his mouth, his lips a soft pink. His checks slightly pull in and Eddie has way too many suggestive images pop up. His brain is blue screening when Steve flutters his eyes open to look back up at him, his eyelashes dragging beautifully against his cheek bone.
“So, when are you going to make your guest appearance in Scoops, Munson?” Steves's voice is light, teasing. His body moves forward, purposely leaning up against the van door, his shirt pulling down to give Eddie the perfect view of his hairy chest.
“Oh um— I uh— I don't know.” Eddie stammers over his words. His face is a light pink as he tries to discreetly flicker his eyes between Steves's eyes, lips, and chest. He doesn't know how he was going to make it out of this encounter alive.
“Hm- should swing by sometime.” Steve comments, carefully taking another drag from the Marlboro. He releases the smoke from his mouth to meet what was already in Eddie’s van.
“Could give you a discount, or a free scoop to repay you for this,” Steve suggests, carefully showing his fingers that were wrapped around the stick.
God did Eddie wish he could be in its place.
“Oh- I uh.. Don't care. I sort of have to stay out here though. Business you know?” Eddie isn't sure he is even understandable.
Steve’s eyes pinch together with what may be disappointment. It only lasts for a few minutes before he sparks back up.
“Ok- what are your doing after the mall closes?” he asks. He looked like an excited puppy.
“Nothing, just heading home.” Eddie answers truthfully, watching as Steve’s eyes do that thing again before they look around to make sure no one was listening.
“Well, if you're still out here— I could possibly sneak you in to choose your flavor?” Steve suggests. Eddie thinks he might be hinting at something more.
“Oh — yeah, I'll be here.” Eddie stutters out, Blushing as Steve carefully lifts the cigarette from his own mouth up to Eddie’s. A teasing look in his eyes as Eddie carefully wraps his lips around it without thinking.
“Well- see you then.” Steve grins, stepping down from his tip toes as he walks away from the van with purpose. Hips swaying back and forth in a way that makes his shorts pull up to reveal a little more.
If Eddie didn't know better, he thinks Steve was doing it on purpose for him.
If anyone else has any requests, my asks are open :)
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eightballspins · 4 months
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。:゚૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა ゚:。 romantic gestures intak does for you
pairing : (p1h) intak x male reader
rating : ofc, its fluff!!!!
warnings : none :)
ʚɞ the type of guy who pulls up to every date with something in his hands; whether it be flowers, sweet treats, a little gift, there's always something that he has for you that you add onto your collection of intak's cute gifts. he loves seeing that sparkle in your eyes when you notice he has something for you, no matter how big or small it is. so he's made it a mission of his to be able to bring that excitement to you on each of your guys' dates.
and of course it gets him a lot of kisses and affection in return so, that's another huge plus for him.
ʚɞ he would definitely love matching with you and going shopping for said matching clothes. he loves it whenever you guys have little subtle hints of being each others that others can also see. he has a small chain necklace that has your first initial on it, he never goes anywhere without it. he loves color coordinating with you, thinks its so adorable if you also have matching accessories (he will definitely buy you a necklace with the initial "h" and "i" on them).
the buying each other clothes part is also a very calm and fun activity he loves doing with you. going in and out of the fitting rooms together, goofing around in all the shops you walk into, getting to see you look particularly handsome in outfits he chooses - it's all perfect to him.
ʚɞ for anniversaries and big dates in your relationship, trust he is putting in the most effort into whatever extravagent plan you will be surprised with. on your one year anniversary, he took you to a beautiful roof top dinner in a private room so that no one could bother you two, a skyline view of seoul, and the most delicious food. he, of course, feeds you every single bite of your meal, smiling so fondly at you as he does so. it would make anyone blush with the way he so adoringly looks at you. he just lvoes spoiling you and, while he genuinely does do it every day, these big anniversaries are an excuse to go particulary "overboard" (he doesn't think it is, but you have repeatedly told him that he doesn't always need to - he begs to differ). he just loves making his man happy!
ʚɞ will literally do anything to make you comfortable. he's super attentive when it comes to you, so even if you aren't saying anything, he'll recognize your body language and see that you're uncomfortable and do anything in his power to make things right. if you're sitting outside on one of your cafe dates and the sun is bothering you, he switches seats with you in an instant even if that means the sun is glaring right into his eyes now. the person that you've been talking to for the past couple of minutes is beginning to make you uncomfortable, he's giving the perfect excuse for both of you to leave that conversation. he's really a true gentleman, he'll do anything to make sure you're feeling safe and alright.
"baby, we don't have to wait in the cold like this," he suggests, grabbing your gloved hand in his and squeezing.
"we can't leave the line and i really want to try this food, intak," you whine, making him pout at the sound and it's almost as if he feels a physical part of his heart break off at your voice.
it's winter and there's this really good restaurant you and intak have been meaning to try. the only issue is: they don't take reservations and only let you in after you've waited however long the wait time is - which is usually more than an hour. it's been thirty minutes and it began snowing ten minutes ago, not helping with the already freezing temperatures.
"here," he goes through his pockets and pulls out the car keys, "wait in the car with the heater, okay? i don't want you getting frostbite,"
"what about you? i'm not leaving you out here alone," you argue, but he just shakes his head.
"i'll be fine, sweetheart, i can't stand seeing you this cold," he says, his pleading eyes making you almost cave in. but you weren't about to leave your boyfriend out alone in this weather while you were warm and toasty in the car.
"i don't need the car heater, it's okay," you force his hand down and into his pocket, so he can forget about the key. instead, you take him into your arms and give him a tight squeeze. "we can just share body heat like this!"
it's not as effective as a car heater, that's for sure. but intak is happy to have you in his arms and be able to provide you with some warmth himself. so he doesn't complain, practically burying you in the sleeves of his thick puffer jacket and soothing humming a song as you two wait.
yes, you guys looked like those clingy couples waiting in line at amusement parks. yes, it made you get a handful of stares. but intak was happy to have you in his arms and you were actually warming up, so neither of you minded.
plus, the wait was worth it in the end!
ʚɞ the way he's absolutely willing to drop everything for you. both literally and figuratively. keeho told you that, one time when you texted him when they were at the gym together that you wanted some conveince store food, intak stopped spotting him immediately. thankfully, keeho could manage the weight on his own since he was jsut warming up, but if he actually needed an extra set of hands to help him pull the weight up, he would've been fucked with how fast intak disregarded his duties as a spotter. the second intak got that text from you, he was out of the gym in record time and meeting you at the designated spot, a carefree smile on his lips.
and that example isn't even that extreme compared to the other instances.
one time, you had texted intak while he was in the shower (yes, he brings his phone into the shower. yes, it's specifically for the reason on if you text him, he wants to reply as soon as possible) that you wanted to have a movie night. he had tripped and face planted on the tile floor of their shared bathroom with how fast he was running out of the shower. the boys heard a loud bang and immediately came running, only to find a naked intak writhing on the floor holding his leg in pain and his phone screen cracked with the way it so harshly fell onto the floor.
and instead of worrying about his own state, intak said through gritted teeth, "tell [name] i'll see him in ten!" and the members really wondered what type of spell you put intak under. they threw his towel onto his body and theo did the honors of snapping a picture of him in his very embarassing state and sending it to you with the caption intak had said, plus an additional teasing comment on how love sick your boyfriend was.
┆ just intak beign so sickly in love with he can only look at you with love and adoration in his eyes at the LOVE DRUNK smile on his face. ugh i love intak. intak ii love u <3
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 months
Asking for kafka angst where she argued with fem reader and when she decided to apologize , fem reader died during a mission🫰🫰😝😝😝🥰🥰🥰 (pls)
Losing you after an argument
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[ ONE-SHOT ] [ Kafka ]
[ Honkai Star Rail ]
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Thanks you so much for requesting, I loved your idea since the moment I saw it in the ask box! Although, please remember that i only write for gender neutral reader, I want everyone to feel included and fem reader makes me uncomfortable
I tried to wrote it quite neutral since you didn't specified what kind of relasionship they should have (although I think it is more romantic than anything)
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Kafka's unability to feel fear at all and her extremely good and even letal skills lead her to be overlyconfident sometimes, she has blind trust on Elio so if the scrip says that everything will be alright she has no reasons to be nervous. She can be so confident in her skills and Elio that she even take the freedom to do as she please in the blank part of the scrip, going around to admire around or even kill everyone at her path, enjoying her time
However, even when Kafka have done a lot of missions and have faced a lot of dangers already that doesn't mean you can't not be worried about her, fearing for her life the way she can't, and even when Kafka find it quite endearing she most of the time don't take seriously your worry, she knows where it comes from, she love you just as much as you love her, you two are friends and family! you are her partner in crimen and the one she wants to be with for the rest of her life, although she just can't stop herself from smiling and teasing you whenever she feels like you are exaggerating
After one of those particulary dangerous missions you couldn't help but be mad at Kafka for being reckless, getting in unesessary fights just because of fun because the scrip didn't say anything about it, and even when you completely believe and are loyal to Elio, just like any other sellaron hunter, you can't just not be worried about someone you care so much about
It all started because you call her out by her behaivor, asking her to please be more careful next time, wich lead her to tease you and, again, not take you too serious, however this time it was diferent, you were more worried than other times and just end up snapping for her attitude leading the conversation to quickly scale to a more heavy argument about her being too reckless and you being too overdramatic, stopping just when you two noticed that this wont lead to anywhere and it was better to take time to calm down
But even after some time Kafka was still acting prideful and teasing, refusing to speak to you again unless it was to heard your apology, leading you to be stubborn too
Or at least that was until you were called for Elio to give you the scrip of your next mission, noticing that at the end of the scrip was descibed your inevitable end, maybe this was what you asked Elio in the first place, or it was thanks to that you finally had what he had promised you, in any case it wasn't a surprise nor something sad
Before going away for you mission you made sure to say bye to everyone, giving small hints of how you wont come back. The last one was Kafka, you wanted to explain the situation to her to be able to make peace with her before the end but she was still playfuly acting prideful, saying that she wont hear anything aside from an apology, and still she was there to wish you luck on your mission, saying that she will be waiting for you to come back with that apology and maybe a souvenier, something already common, but in this case you were leaving without having the courage to mention the end of the script properly and just saying a melancholic bye
Even when Kafka knew something was off with you she decided to dont pry since you had to already go to your mission, still the bad feeling didn't left her alone, no matter what she did she just find herself wishing for you come back safe and sound
However, you didn't came back, it was on your scrip that you would die during the mision and you know Elio's predictions never fails, so a moment before going to the last scene of your scrip you decided to send Kafka some messages, saying the goodbye you couldn't say before, you knew that despite everything Kafka can be pretty emotional and really caring, so you decided to dedicate your last words to her, to express how much you have loved and cared for her, talking about good and bads, and, at last, giving her a farewell, wishing her luck in her next missions
A voice message was your last gift from Kafka, jokingly giving her the apology she was waiting for along with your best wishes, explaining that you knew she was going to be sad so you decided to give her something to never forget your voice, your last words were words of love for her so she could never forget how much she meant for you, and it was that excate last message what leave Kafka both heartbroken and comforted at the same time
She knows you didn't died with sadness or regret, you have being waiting for this before becoming a Stellaron Hunter after all, and she won't blame Elio neither, he is not the culprit, she understand that it was needed for his plans, but at the end she feels remorse and regret towards herself, you had say you goodbye but not her, she has some much that she wants to tell you but you will never be a le to hear it
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letsatomicbanana · 2 months
Have any headcanons about my boy Ink sans??
Oh boy, i sure do!
It's yapping time!!! but it's bellow the 'read more'
(spoilers: It's long as hell)
-First of all, Ink can not stand normal texturized clothing and textures (like cotton, fur, silk etc...) which is the reason to why their clothes are always created by him and is used a more paint-like 'esque' to it. (which is canon).
- Case in point, he suffers from 'unable to have normal fashion tastes' disease. He's the type of motherfucker to wear baggy pants under a dress, sandles with socks on, a crop top over a long sleeved shirt etc... They does not care nor follows society's fashion sense/brands, he only gives a damn if the clothes are comfortable or not lmao.
- Genderqueer, no explanation for that one (c'mon, just look at them) also AroAce but that's already canon.
- He definetly has a whole collection of autographs of random sanses that he managed to get. (The obvious one is fell sans but he prob forgot to who the other's belongs to).
- Besides from being able to speak french, they can also speak fluent mandarin and japanese!
- Has a whole collection of random objects he found while travelling AU's. It's not anything particulary useful or collectible (like toys etc..) more so 'things he found interesting' (like that one chesse from the ruins)
- Since he has a canon hyperfixation on Underfell, i like to image that he defends the AU with his whole tiny body, empty mind and non-existent soul (he can't STAND uf slander, it makes his blood boil lmao). Also, they treats fell sans like you would treat your favourite fictional babygirl male character as.
- Definetly engaged in the consumption of illicit drugs at some point in his life, you cannot tell me that this curious asshole never had any interest in drugs, even if it's just recreational consumption. Very open to any options, but they has a thing for marijuana, alcohol, and nicotine (it makes him ADHD go bonkers).
- Now that i've mentioned it. He has ADHD-C (combined type), probably got diagnosed because he saw a random 'Does your child have ADHD' pamphlets hanging around in the wall of some random AU they visited, which made him to be deeply curious (he thought they didn't had it) and eventually diagnosed with it. Note! He's currently unmedicated (i think he would have a problematic history with medications, if i'm going to be honest). (him having adhd is kindaaaa canon??? semi-canon at least)
- Also has undiagnosed Autism and ASPD (sociopathy) in which he has no idea that he has lmao (i made a whole post about this too). Note but i'm killing anyone who says that Ink is evil due to being 'sociopatic'.
- Doesn't engaje in social gatherings of any kind unless extremly necessary, he's energetic but an introvert at heart (this is canon btw).
- Has a better conection to inanimate objects than people, oh! and he's also Objectum!
- They're an ISTP! Which stands for 'Introvert', 'Observant', 'Thinking' and 'Prospective'.
- A lot of times deeply wonders to his apparent lack of family and AU, he won't admit but he's feels a sense of envy for other sanses that have brothers. They also often wanders through the vast multiverse looking for his original family/AU, but he can never find it :(
- Extremly sensitivite to any topics of discussion/conversation that relates to his soullessness, he also cannot stand being called 'emotionless' or a 'tragedy' because of his condition. Has a tendency in de'humanizing' himself over his lack of soul.
- Since he has a very hard time understanding social interaction, they often uses their interest in art as a way to form attachments with people, like painting them outfits or portraits (insert the 'Im bad at people, but i am good at tech' entrapta quote). Art is his special interest!
- He's a very dedicated brony and their favourite pony is Derpy Hooves/ Ditzy Doo!! She's literally him, for real! If he was part of the fandom at it's peak popularity in 2012-2014, they would prob be those famous fandom artist/musicians!
- Reast in piece Ink sans you would've loved Dungeons and Dragons. (/ref)
- Besides from their obvious interest in drawing/painting, he also has a deep interest in music! He canonically can play the flute but he also enjoys playing the trumpet, the piccolo and the clarinet!
- They're generally extremly under-responsive or otherwise sensory seeking to any kind of sensory stimuli. He's also a very oral artistic and often chew/bites on stuff for stimulation. Can often fall into Nonsuicidal self-injury style of stimming such as picking or pulling,when overwhelmed/underwhelmed.
- Another headcanon that he has PICA, where he often eats/craves for things that are not food, like crayons (canon).
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immediatebreakfast · 4 months
It's Renfield day! (Spoken by Jack!)
When It comes to Renfield, and Seward, one has to pay attention to the language used in these entries because it reveals a lot of Jack's biases for Renfield that he, in theory, should work on since the older man is his patient. Examining again, I found a lot of tiny yet important vocabulary choices that tells us how Seward isn't approaching Renfield with the medical eye he should be using in this situation.
I wish I could get at what is the object of the latter. He seems to have some settled scheme of his own, but what it is I do not yet know. His redeeming quality is a love of animals, though, indeed, he has such curious turns in it that I sometimes imagine he is only abnormally cruel
This is a report for Renfield's progress, and (even if Seward can speculate about the approach he should be taking with him) the vocabulary Jack uses is a little informal, and focused on his thoughts about Renfield's actions instead of Renfield's words along with his actions.
A lot of questions that Jacks asks himself about Renfield. The fact the focus of the entry is not Renfield the patient, but the idea of the older man skewed through the eyes of Seward, how apparently the only line of Renfield's dialogue worth recording was his request for three days.
To my astonishment, he did not break out into a fury, as I expected, but took the matter in simple seriousness. 
Jack is astonished that Renfield can act like a normal human being at a simple request. Of how the patient is a civilized person who responds politely, and asks for a simple time frame to complete a task. It's really interesting how Seward is letting his ableist biases cloak his medical opinions, but at the end, we did read his statement of how he is "particulary" interested in Renfield atfer all.
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bucked-it-up · 4 months
long post but my current thoughts on the bob situation
I think that some of the wilder takes and bigger BOB takes that we are seeing are highly based in getting attention and validation. Validation and attention can cause you do to a lot of things that maybe you wouldn't do otherwise, particulary the hate towards tommy (and lou) and the constant theorising of how something means bucktommy breakup or bvddie romantic relationship.
I particularly feel this is true for some of the bigger twt/tiktok accounts as I know of at least two that didn't start watching the show till after the bucktommy kiss and then primarily watched it because to them it meant that bvddie could happen, so they start making posts with theories against bucktommy and theories for bvddie as it gets them views and followers.
With these interviews coming out with Ryan saying multiple times that Eddie is straight and both Oliver and Ryan saying they want to not fall into stereotypes. This further goes against what the bobs think which means once again they will scramble for reasons for romantic bvddie in despite of what both actors have said as it is what their followers expcet of them.
I also in particular want to point out that Ryan sounds very passionate about the current friendship with Buck and Eddie and wants to advocate for men (especially the macho, traditional masculinity male) to be vulnerable in frienships and feel comfortable with say a friend coming out or just be able to talk about feelings with one another. I feel like this gets missed by bobs to push the romantic bvddie narrative.
To go back to the validation I don't think even if these accounts start to doubt romantic bvddie, they can't say anything nor do they want to because they would lose followers from it so they double down and sound more and more delusional. I hope that even with this possibly feeding their actions they realise that its not healthy to hang onto something this much and maybe not like bucktommy but be neutral or quiet about their dislike of it publicly.
I want to finish this on that their arguments are becoming/already are homophobic and they are being racist to some bucktommy fans. They also should not being speaking about lou in the way that they are. I get why they love fanon bvddie is has the romantic chemistry they think canon has but right now bvddie is not and will not be canon anytime soon nor do I believe it ever will be.
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maddiethedogstories · 2 months
Sarah's Playground - 1
As I looked around the park near my apartment, I couldn't help but appreciate how beautiful the weather was. The sun was shining and there was a light breeze keeping it warm, but not to hot. It was perfect tank top and skirt weather, and I was taking full advantage of that.
My name is Sarah Jenkins. I'm 22 years old, blonde, and, if you don't mind me saying so myself, beautiful. I love this type of weather, because it really lets me show off the curves that I've worked hard for. Okay, so maybe not that hard, but I still like showing them off.
You see, about six months ago I was at a garage sale and came across this beautiful ruby necklace for sale. The old woman running the sale sold it to me for a steal, but gave some cryptic advise of 'being careful what you wish for,' and some other bullshit nonsense.
That night, I wore the necklace out for drinks with my girlfriends. At one point, I said something like, "I wish we had some more drinks," and, like magic, some dude immediately bought our table a round.
Now, I have been into the ABDL scene for a bit and understood pretty quickly what was going on based on all of the smutty diaper-fetish fiction I'd read. The old lady at the garage sale was clearly a witch and sold me a magic amulet that granted all of my wishes. Score.
I also realized pretty early on that I would have to been careful as I altered the world, because, I know based on those same stories, magic like this can have a downside if you aren't careful with it. So, for the last six months, I've been incredibly careful. That said, I've also changed a lot of things.
One of the first things I changed was my body. I was never bad looking, but, I had a dream. You see, I have always wanted to be the perfect, most beautiful ABDL Mommy possible. So, I made myself into my dream Mommy. I'm 6'6" tall. My double-D breasts are firm and, more often than not, full of breast milk, ready to feed any hungry adult baby.
I am also fit. I gave myself a large, feminine ass, but the whole thing is made of muscle. I can lift most other adults and easily carry them like small children. My arms are ripped, and I have large hands perfect for spanking disobedient littles.
I've also changed the world to better suit my fantasies. Currently, based on my wishes, when people turn 18, 25 percent of people are randomly forced to regress to adult babies by society. Those people are forced to act like giant toddlers for the rest of their lives. Other people can adopt and care for that portion of the population, doing to them whatever they want, within reason.
Looking out across the park on this beautiful day, I am pretty happy with how things turned out. Beyond the normal sights of parents and their children playing at the playground, young men and women out on runs or sun bathing, and elderly couples out for a stroll, the park is filled with adults of all shapes and sizes acting like the giant babies I've turned them into.
I stopped and watched as one particulary cute young woman wearing nothing but a yellow onesie and gigantic diaper squats down, balls up her fists, and pushes a huge mess into her pants. I watched as she blushed, her adult mind aware of how humiliating it was to shit her pants, but unable to stop herself out of fear of being punished for violating the rules of society I created.
Being the bad witch in charge feels so good!
I continued my stroll through the park, enjoying watching two 30-year-old men in nothing but diapers crawl in a sandbox as there caregivers looked on like disinterested parents letting their kids get energy out at the park.
As I continued, I saw an 18-year-old woman beant over an older man's lap, her bare ass in the air and a pull-up bunched around her ankles.
"Naughty girl! You are an adult baby now, not an adult! You do not take your pull-up off! I'm going to have to demote you to diapers for this!" The man said as he ruthlessly spanked the young woman, who was clearly struggling with her new lot in life.
It's music to my Mommy Domme ears.
Speaking of ears, what was that noise? I reached into my purse and found my cellphone alarm going off. Was it time to go home already? My tits ached. It must be feeding time for my own little ball of joy.
To bad I can't bring her out here. For my own amusement, I've left my own adult baby completely aware of how the world was prior to my intervention. When I take her out in public, she tends to make a scene. Oh well! Time to get back to Mommy duty!
I started walking down the quickest path home, the ruby necklace dangling in my ample cleavage glittering in the sunlight.
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