#i personally think ike can consume it no problem
blueflamepoisoning · 4 months
ok wait. beloved mutuals do you think your f/o's could handle chili sauce like tương ớt sriracha or smth. discuss
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assassyart · 1 month
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I know he sacrificed his life at the end to save the universe, but I always found a but weird that after he killed Ratchet in a fit of rage, he didn't seem to regret what he did like ik he was probably thinking he could fix this when he saves the lombax but still tpu would've thought he would've had a "what have I done moment?"
I also find if weird that the great clock isn't a time machine and yet it can go through the past by 6 minutes
Ah. Yay. :) I love talking about Alister Azimuth's thinking process. Thank you for the invitation to rant about this!
The end of A Crack in Time is one of the best parts of Ratchet & Clank, period. It has two incredibly emotional scenes, and every character is so well done. Buuut there is obviously one part of the ending that sticks out, and that's when Alister Azimuth killed Ratchet. This was the moment the player finally realizes just how far gone Azimuth is and that all of those flags were, indeed, bright red. To understand why he made this decision, we have to get into Azimuth's mindset. It's important to note Azimuth's decision wasn't just a fit of rage.
Azimuth had revealed to us that he does not view this current time he is in as "real" and, as such, has been treating everything he does and everyone he meets as temporary until the present gets back on track and he fixes his mistake. He sees talking to Ratchet about the past as pointless because it'll be "fixed," so why does it matter? (But even he can't stop himself from gushing about Kaden.) He even declines to help the Vullards while they're being attacked by the Agorians until they offer him something he needs to reach his goal. He views everyone as just another stepping stone to reaching his goal. He's detached himself emotionally from this world because it is not real to him.
This is similar to how Nefarious views everything in ACiT as well, just less exaggerated and silly. In a way, the two are pretty similar. Nefarious copes with his loss believing he can rewind time to "wrong" the "right" while Azimuth copes with his mistake, chasing after the idea that he can still fix it. Both are consumed by their failures in the past.
While Azimuth does try to care about Ratchet, it's clear that he doesn't let himself care that much about any one individual more than his goal. He doesn't even care about himself making it out alive after being captured by Vorselon— he only cares about fixing his mistake (and pushes this duty onto Ratchet as well). He is still putting up that emotional wall between him and Ratchet, so he won't get attached. Because to him, Ratchet won't exist once he "fixes" his mistake. This Ratchet he is currently fighting alongside will be gone, replaced by a completely different person— a Lombax that got to be raised by his father and mother, and never had to face the hardships "Ratchet" went through.
In Azimuth's mind, once he achieves his goal and fixes the past, this "Ratchet" will die. There is no point crying over someone you already accepted will not exist. He will simply care about the Ratchet that he will "save" in the past, not the one he doomed in the present.
Azimuth believes The Great Clock will fix all of his problems. Ratchet going back into the past to find out what happened to Orvus only strengthens Azimuth's belief that this will work. It has to. He does not even want to entertain the idea that it won't work, because that would mean he'd have to sit with himself and think about all of the awful things he did to get to this point.
"For the Lombaxes," he says, as he kills one of his own. "For Kaden," he says, as he kills his best friend's son. "To fix the past," he says, as he ruins the present.
It's only when he is faced with the fact The Great Clock won't fix his problems, that Ratchet (just like Kaden) is desperately trying to salvage the mess he made, that he has doomed the universe... that is when he realizes that he was chasing after something that was never going to work. You can't run from the past. You must learn from your mistakes. Azimuth wouldn't listen to Ratchet, just like how he wouldn't listen to Kaden. History repeated itself, and now his mistake was going to get Ratchet killed. All of his guilt from everything he did washes over him at once. He apologizes, but that doesn't change anything.
And he knows that. Azimuth's redemption comes from the fact that he doesn't run from this mistake. He faces it head-on, and his last words break the emotional wall he had set up before—
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"Take care of yourself, Ratchet."
He's finally acknowledged the past can't be fixed and that he's doomed Ratchet to being the last Lombax yet again, but his final words are one of care and hope. He sacrifices himself for Ratchet and the present. In this action, he atones for his mistake.
And gah. This character is so amazing. I hate him. I love him. He's one of the best characters we have in the series, and I could fill an entire video essay just babbling on and on about this beautiful ending. Every character in this ending can be dissected for their choices, and this ending has definitely impacted the series far more than any of the others. I would dare Insomniac to top this ending, but I think it's dumb to even try. There's no topping this.
The game itself might have some flaws, but this ending is just perfect. I'd change absolutely nothing about it. What a banger ending to a banger character.
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hrhmimieucliffe · 1 month
⚠️⚠️Another Mimi Rant Incoming (ik, not again) ⚠️⚠️
Love and Deepspace.
I love the game. I've met so many kind and wonderful people within this fandom. But no fandom is without its problems.
If you know me, you know what my page is all about and how I advocate for the inclusion of more Black women in different fandom spaces and consumable media. We are often either forgotten about, used as comedic relief, stereotypes, or as an antagonist who is loud, bitter, has an attitude, etc.
Cool, fine, whatever, over it.
But one thing I will address is the fact that some people in the LADS fandom seem to have forgotten one major thing about the game. Pertaining to the MC.
Yes, I'm aware the devs use a 'base' look for her on some of the cards and in the previews of new battle mechanics/ five-star kindled scenes. But they're not how she canonically looks. She looks that way because Infold is an eastern based company with certain beauty standards, cool, not asking you to suddenly change her. I'm cool with that.
But people in the FANDOM seem to be forgetting that you can customize her yourself. Into an OC or a self insert, it doesn't matter.
So if you know this, why is it that people with a tan or dark MC receive hate and harassment for making fanart of their self-insert MCs who look like the real them with the MLs?
Why is it that as non pale/fair skinned women, we are expected to always sit back and relate to a pale MC who has a personality that usually doesn't match some of us, either? If we can bear it for our entire lives, why is it a problem when we get a *small crumb* of inclusiveness in making the MC customizable to shape her how we want, it's not a problem until someone actually makes fanart of their MC with an ML and that MC is not the same pale/fair-skinned one?
How is that fair? It's like some people deliberately ignore it or are part of the problem. Especially those who make excuses like
"Oh, but they're not a western based company." I know that. Which is why I'm not aiming this rant at Infold themselves.
"Oh, don't bring politics into the game". First of all, how is the existence of dark or tan people politics? It's not "politics" when it involves someone who is part of the usual beauty standard, is it? Second of all, Infold themselves practically brought those said "politics" in by having tan/dark skinned options into the game in the first place.
Do you all see what I'm getting at, here?
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This all came about because I'm part of (both) LADS subs on Reddit, and someone recently made a post about how they were attacked on Tiktok by LADS "fans" for her MC being dark in some *FANART* she made of her MC (based on herself) with her favourite ML.
Why can't we just have peace as women who don't conform to the outdated beauty standards? Why does it matter so much if MC is customizable?
What, do people think that as dark or Black women, we're not allowed to have certain interests? We're not allowed to like certain characters, games, movies, shows, etc? Why?
Wake UP and start calling it out when you see it!! You can't claim not to be a part of the "bad part" when you sit back and let it happen which makes those people get comfortable doing it.
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Rant over. Have a nice day girls.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
hi! i was wondering if you'd be willing to do an analysis of the aromantic manifesto thats been going around? most of the ppl ive seen so far have been from either non-aro queer ppl or non-loveless aros and i cant find any loveless aros talking about it, and ik thats something youve talked abt b4 (loveless aros i mean) id love to also see your thoughts on it.
So funny enough I saw this manifesto a while ago, but didn't really have any thoughts on it because I had too much trouble reading it for brain reasons, because its just. A lot.
So @spacelazarwolf compared this to lesbian separatism/radical feminism and I think that is pretty apt. Radical feminism takes accurate criticisms of the patriarchy (such as gender as a tool of oppression and misogyny) and comes to the conclusion that gender is, in all forms, inherently oppressive, men are inherently oppressors, and that to personally identify with gender roles or men in any way contributes to oppression, so we must take on political lesbianism to reject this.
This manifesto seems to do the same with amatonormativity. There are real criticisms of amatonormativity in queer spaces here; aromantics have talked a bit about how focusing queer liberation on romantic love as a reason why we shouldn't be oppressed is alienating, and how queer spaces often reinforce amatonormativity. But it then comes to the polarized conclusion that romance is itself oppressive, identification with romance contributes to oppression, and that we must take on (essentially) political aromanticism to reject this.
Which, like political lesbianism, is just... unnecessary? This is not the only conclusion we can come to as a result of these criticisms. And these conclusions prioritize abstract political theory over people's real lives and autonomy. Which is a big reason (although not the only one) why radical feminism fell apart, because eventually women got tired of having to structure their entire lives and identities around acting out Good Political Theory instead of being able to. y'know. Be themselves? But also, these kinds of conclusions are so absolute and polarized. They assume that nothing about gender or romance can grow and be improved.
There are parts of this manifesto I like. The line "The first big ruse of romance is that it is ubiquitous because it is natural, and it is natural because it is ubiquitous" I think is actually pretty cool and can be adapted to all kinds of things; for example, capitalism does the same thing, taking over as much of the world as possible & erasing other ways of life, and then using its dominance as evidence thats its just how humans naturally are. It brings up criticisms of love that are big parts of lovelessness, like the idea that love is inherently a good thing when it can be harmful and still be "love."
But then it takes the... strange path of saying that if people can't help how who they love, then neither can racists and transphobes and fatphobes, which is why romance is inherently oppressive. But like. Even within relationship anarchy, where all hierarchies are rejected, this problem won't disappear. Its a problem of attraction & how social systems shape how we think.
I also disagree with how it frames private vs public life:
Public life concerns the interests of people as citizens and is regarded as a legitimate sphere of social intervention. Private life concerns the interests of people as consumers/individuals and is nobody’s business but those privately involved. While the domestic sphere fashioned by heterosexual kinship relations has been historically designated as private life, queer intimacies have instead been regarded as a matter of public concern due to moral panics associating them with predation and perversion throughout history.
I disagree with this framing of private life as something which is seen as "nobody's business." Maybe that's true on the small scale of social politeness and ideals. But on a systematic level, to me, this is absolutely untrue, and its something I've been doing some thinking about with regards to modeling the patriarchy.
The patriarchy is greatly concerned with the private lives of individuals. In order to keep its control over society in general via gender-sex-sexuality, its important to control how people interact with others. Even heterosexual, cisgender relationships haven't been free from patriarchal scrutiny; the wife must submit to the husband, the children must submit to the parents, and the queers must be kept outside the home. Again, on the level of neighborly politeness, people are going to say "what happens in the home is none of my business." But a relationship where the wife is the breadwinner and the husband stays at home is easily subject to scrutiny because it threatens the patriarchal norms, which causes unease.
Romance, as a construct, is a tool of oppression in multiple ways. But the physical reality the construct is built on top of is not inherently evil. The feeling of romantic love is not inherently corrupt, the same way the feeling of gender isn't.
Their advice for abolishing romance also feels kinda... vague and unhelpful and messy. I'm still not really clear on what "abolishing romance" even entails because most of the things they list can be done while romantic relationships occur. It just reads like they took the ideas of relationship anarchy and made it political lesbianism 2
I, as an aromantic, find the idea of political aromanticism to be pretty gross. I know how it feels to be pushed towards a certain relationship with romance and I don't want to seen it done in reverse, and tbh I don't like the idea of making my identity into a political stance. Being aromantic absolutely influences my politics, but its also my experience as a person. Again, similarly to why it would be uncomfortable to have lesbian spaces be full of women who are not in any way attracted to women but are making a political statement.
It disappoints me that this manifesto's conclusion is that romance itself must be rejected, the same way radical feminism does. Because there are good points here, but all-or-nothing conclusion, to me, is more divisive than connective and that's a big problem. My feelings about gender abolition are that, if we achieve true liberation from the patriarchy, our construction of gender is naturally going to be very different. Perhaps those people will no longer use gender, or they'll just use it differently- but trying to force a specific outcome is unhelpful and clashes with individual autonomy and culture for the sake of political theory. Same goes for this. Maybe in a post-amatonormativity world, "romance" will lose meaning, or at least be very very different. But trying to force that outcome isn't helpful.
Anyways I hope these takes were interesting! Honestly given how much arophobia I've seen I'm worried people are going to see this manifesto and get hostile to a lot of aromantic ideas. So I wanna suggest that people check out I Am Not Voldemort by K.A Cook, which is where the concept of "loveless aros" came from, as well as The short instructional manifesto for relationship anarchy by Andie Nordgren, which created the concept of relationship anarchy. Both of these essays do a much better job at criticizing love & amatonormativity than this manifesto.
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petty-pumpkin · 1 year
Ik most of us came to the conclusion that Dazai is an alcoholic (bc he is) but chuuya isn't and that his hobby is just drinking alcohol. Personally, I think that both of them are, here's why:
I dont really have to explain dazai cause we all know why we perceive him as an alcoholic (hence all of those bottles in his room and him going to the bar repeatedly when he was young), but I'll explain chuuya.
First of all, Chuuya's likes in the character's chart is "dogs" and "booze". Of course you can like alcohol and not be an alcoholic, that is obvious, but it's the way that drinking alcohol (specifically wine) is one of his main likes. Now, you can obviously love alcohol and not be an addict, most people who are addicted don't like alcohol because of its taste, but because it's a way to forget all of your problems, at least for a moment. It is a way to relieve the pain. And this doesn't just apply to alcohol, it as well apply to technology, food, self harm (wich may not be an addiction but it is a coping mechanism, that's why it's so hard to stop), smoking or vaping, drugs, etc.
Also, we see in wan that they use a lot the joke that chuuya is a lightweight and can't control his alcohol, we see him drinking all the time in wan a joke. This might indicate that he does get drunk pretty often. I also wanted to add that, in the extra chapters, chuuya is seen drunk, upset and trying to call Dazai, and I think that explains a lot too.
If you'd read stormbringer and fifteen, you'd know that this man has suffered quite a lot, so it's very possible that one of his ways of coping is by drinking.
Another reason I think he might be an addict could be that he has been drinking since he was in the sheep, and that is quite a lot ago. This is canon, since shirase in stormbringer has mentioned that the sheep (and that includes chuuya) has been stealing alcohol before and they used to drink it, despite being underage.
We also saw that with the flags he drank, too. Since he has probably started drinking when he was an early teen, this must mean that his relationship with alcohol is not healthy at all.
I also want to add that this man has a lot of trauma and is in the mafia. It's very likely if not canon that he has addictions with substances. We've seen him smoke a couple of times. In fact, we saw that in the extra chapters he was drinking AND smoking at the same time. The times we saw him consume this stuff was when he was distressed, except when he, kouyou and mori celebrated.
I think that sums it all up. I wanted to make this analysis since when we all started realizing that dazai was an ACTUAL alcoholic, we've started to minimize chuuyas relationship with alcohol and reduce it as a hobby, including myself. I realized that both of them use alcohol as a coping mechanism and not just chuuya or just dazai.
(Actually, the only thing that contradicts my take is the fact that chuuya has a poor alcohol tolerance, and If you are addicted to alcohol your body would get used to it and it would be harder for you to get drunk as easily as chuuya gets. Either way, my point still stands)
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yanfeisty · 2 years
I'm the person who asked for #1 nsfw with Alhaitham - I just read the rules so I also wanted to clarify that I am in fact 18+ (21 as of Nov. 3rd ❤️!) But I understand if the fact that I'm anonymous sets you away from that! Minors consuming 18+ content is a very large problem so nothing personal if so <3
—  PROMPT  : Get on your knees and beg for it. Prompt event.
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—  A/N :  Thanks for clarifying it and happy late birthday, don't worry it I don't mind you're anonymous, like another anon pointed out ik it's not gonna change anything, but I just think it's my ocd who's always making me do useless things. Thanks for understanding, enjoy!
—  CW :  Religious themes. Nsfw so minors don't interact.
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His lips pressed an eager kiss on yours, you had to grip his shoulder to ground yourself from his hunger for your lips. The temperature in the room was getting hotter, as both of your bare chest and lips were against each other, not leaving any space of breathing between them. Your nails were deep in his skin and he loved it, he wanted to feel every part of your body, so he enveloped his arms around you, letting no escape from him.
You wrapped up your legs around his hips, and his erection met with your clothed private part, which made him groaned against your neck. He couldn't wait anymore, he wanted more than to just feel you against him, he wanted to get rid of the last piece of clothing, blocking him from his needs, with the other hand who wasn't holding you, he tried to tear apart your underwear, but a hand slapped him before he did.
"Get on your knees and beg for it." You whispered to his ear.
"Like hell I will." He let out a low chuckle against your chest as he then trailed it with hot kisses. "I'm not that desperate, unlike some." He thought for a second about his roommate, who would literally kill Alhaitham to have his place.
"Your body isn't telling me the same thing." You said as you brushed his cock, and this time he moaned with surprise. It became so painful, that he tried to move your body up and down so he could feel you once again, but nothing comparable to what he imagined to do with you. He felt pathetic in that moment, loosing control of his body and mind as he craved for more and more, just wanting to become one with you, but he would never admit it.
"I think you're the one who should be on your knees right now." He smirked, then bit the sensitive part of your neck while pinching your hard nipples. "I can feel that your underwear is ruined, you're so wet for me, maybe if you ask me nicely your punishment won't last long."
You spent hours because he couldn't stop teasing you, denying your needs to just then order you to come again and again for him, saying you could take it one last time. Don't think you can tame him that easily, he'll always find a way to torment you even more.
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pprodsuga · 2 months
omggg a snippet just for meeee i'm so honoured u wanted to share something with lil 'ol me. stop it before i develop a parasocial relationship with you...
on a different note, if u will allow me to rant for one wee second.. this is completely irrelevant to anything but i was looking for some romcom novels to read (bc i need to stop letting fanfiction consume me), and tell me why authors pick the ugliest most generic ytest names. i haven't read a real book in a while and i'm so used to reading ff now where even side characters have korean names that the switch over back to western books is awful. i had to stop my search bc wtf is GARRETT and TUCKER. ik a korean name is just a name, there's nothing objectively special, but it's just more unique in the sense that i don't see it often outside of media. the only way to get around this is fantasy books where the names aren't even real names (thank god the book im currently reading is fantasy). PLEASE can i just get an ethnic name and maybe more ethnic characters or something... sob. i just want a college romcom to cope so i can get away from college au's😭 yeah it's fucked for me. thank u for listening to my unsolicited bitch sesh
just for you, for always being so thoughtful in your words. more under the cut to spare the dash.
your first messages back in june struck a chord within me for two reasons: talking about my writing was an incredibly kind thing for you to do and it validated the hell out of my work. but also, i was experiencing a lot of friendship turmoil that i had to navigate (re: why i wrote never to keep).
i don’t know if i’ve ever expressed just how grateful i am to have read your messages at that time because for that entire month, i felt like i did not have anyone in my life to back me up when i stood up for myself. knowing that you thought i must be someone with a great deal of empathy and kindness restored a bit of faith in me and who i am as a friend. i reread your message over and over again until i could remind myself that i am who i am for a reason. so thank you.
character names are something i think about a lot, both in fanfics and regular fiction. i’m oftentimes taken out of the story when it feels so incredibly yt (but go figure, i’m not white but have a “white” name so i understand that there is some nuance sprinkled in there). but sometimes we just crave that subtle representation in an ethnic name so i don’t have to wait for the author to explain that they’re not….white. in every sense of the word. but like if you’re gonna pick a white name then at least make them sound HOT?
onto the snippet! i’m excited to post this one. no idea when i’ll finish writing/editing but i’m excited that you’re excited. not providing context bc im a menace and will make you wait. 😎 (thank you for being excited.)
*✧・゚─────────── *✧・゚
Sunghoon turns to look at you. “You were always the most unpredictable part of my day.” 
“Yeah. You moved into the apartment next to mine and running into you a few times a week kept me on my toes. I don’t know. I guess I saw you as someone I would have potentially befriended. I could at least pretend I was coming home to talk to someone who cared.” 
“That’s…very sweet. You’re a nice person, Sunghoon.” 
He sighs. “I don’t feel that way. I don’t know when I’m gonna see my family and friends again and explain all of this, but I'm starting to get the feeling that they’ll never hear from me and they’ll never know what happened tonight.” 
“You know,” you begin, “a lot of my life was spent moving from place to place and never having anything or anyone to call home. I can’t imagine what it must feel like for you to leave everything behind. For that, I truly am sorry.”
“It’s really not your fault,” Sunghoon says dryly. “Whoever tried to kill you should get a bullet to his head.” He hears you laugh awkwardly.
“Yeah, well that likely wouldn’t solve our problems.”
“What do you mean?” 
“I don’t think that man acted on his own accord. It’s too professional to assume he’s working alone.” 
“You’re saying he’s working with someone else?” 
“Or, he’s working for someone.” 
Sunghoon gulps. “I hadn’t thought of that.”
“The price of freedom is high. Remember that.” 
“You know, none of this explains how you know what you’re doing. If you know, for that matter.” 
He doesn’t hear you move for a short while and closes his eyes shut. Once again, he’s found himself slipping up and saying things that don't translate well. Too afraid to speak, Sunghoon considers sleeping and dealing with his actions in the morning. 
“I know what I’m doing because I’ve done it before,” you say through the darkness. “When your whole life revolves around survival, you adapt to the best of your ability and do anything to stay alive. I’ve learned a few things from my time on the run so please know that I know what I’m doing.”
“Who are you?” 
The room is silent. 
“Someone you can trust.” 
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hyugaruma · 9 months
WOOHOO MATCHUPS!! ok uhh for my personality i would say i'm an extroverted introvert, if that makes any sense? i don't mind hanging out around people, i enjoy hanging out around people i like, but sometimes my social meter can go down reaaaal fast. i don't like socialising that much, but if i need to or want to i can converse pretty well (i guess). im quite blunt, im not afraid to say what i think needs to be said, as i feel that hiding things only leads to more problems. i know when things don't need to be said and when to keep my mouth shut tho. i usually balance out the people i'm hanging out with: if they're all quiet introverts im the talkative social one, if they're all loud and chaotic im the quiet one with common sense. idk why i do it its just easier to balance things out, it comes naturally to me. I'm also usually the protective one of the group, if someone looks at my friends funny i'll be the first one to glare back, or shield my friends from them. heck i'll even pick a fight if i need to, come at me bro. when it comes to standing up for others, all my shyness and social awkwardness goes out of the window lmao. i can also be a bit too sensitive at times, my emotions are quite strong, leading me to cry even though i definitely do not feel the need to 💀. it's humiliating honestly but i just ignore it and act like there's no tears at all. other than that i can usually push my emotions to the side and think logically, the best i can in that situation anyways
for my interests and hobbies, i like gaming and consuming fictional media, mostly manga and anime, although i don't mind other genres as well. my current hyperfixations are high&low (duh) and tokyo revengers, so u can kinda see a theme going on huh... i'm also a huge music enjoyer, i can listen to anything (except for love ballads. idk why i just can't rlly stand listening to them), but my fav genres are pop, kpop, and jpop. I'm also an actor! I'm aiming to get into the entertainment industry in the future, although my parents want me to take a more "solid" degree first just so i'm able to support myself financially (they're not wrong honestly). i think i'm pretty good at acting teehee (i'm rlly good at lying too :P).
there are many things i dislike, so many that i can't even think of any, but i guess the most important ones are discrimination like homophobia/transphobia, sexism, racism, etc. ik it seems like a no brainer, but i absolutely cannot accept a partner who does any of these. it's not that hard to be a decent human being. ive already mentioned most of the things i like up there, but others include cats, plushies, kuromi, food (i LOVE food. small stomach tho), and many more that i again cannot think of.
i hope this is enough info, lowkey feel like ive overshared so apologies for that, i've never done a matchup before 😅 thank you so much!
p.s. i love ur writing, i'm glad there's still writers like you who keep the community alive <3 thank u for all ur hard work! and sorry again for writing so much T-T
tysm for requesting, and also for the kind words :-)) and don’t apologize, more is always better for me to work with!!
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I match you with… Miyauchi “Binzo” Kouzou!
Binzo prefers people who are honest and upfront about their feelings and thoughts, and doesn’t really believe in sugarcoating things, so he would like that in a partner as well. Also, if you ever picked a fight with some asshole in front of Binzo, he’d fall in love with you all over again, like holy crap he would be all heart-eyes emoji over it. Maybe unpopular opinion here, but I see Binzo as being an introverted extrovert type, so I can see the two of you balancing each other out well. Binzo is all for good action plots so he’ll definitely be down to binge some Tokyo Rev with you. Also, this dude eats like a horse (do horses eat a lot? idk), so if you like food he’ll probably take you out to eat, like, all the time.
Alternate Matches: Odajima Yuken, Tettsu
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muzzleroars · 2 years
ik this is a very oddly specific question but. how do you think the ultrakill guys would react to seeing something they can really relate to? like a song, character from some media, ect. its something i think about a lot because its kinda fun to explore how they might react, like they might either think about it all the time or aggressively deny it. and uh yea (im not good at asks like this)
ooooh this is a fun question! esp since i think they would all react pretty differently tbh
v1: v1 would really enjoy engaging with media, always ready to consume massive amounts of information no matter what that information is. however, it's normally pretty detached from the experience, not tending to get emotionally invested in much and taking the place of a spectator when it comes to things it doesn't have a direct involvement with. honestly i think it would find it difficult to relate to anything too deeply in that sense, not fully capable of holding that mirror up to itself in the same way we might. BUT i think if something could hit it just right, in whatever sense, it would immediately go absolutely wild about it. its brain would pick it apart in a thousand different ways, it would deconstruct it down to its constituent parts, and probably watch/listen to whatever it is a million times lol and every time it does, it will emphatically express "ME" in any capacity it can to whoever's in the room.
v2: this is the one that's projecting onto that piece of media/character while insisting they don't, actually, relate to them whatsoever lol i think it would be much easier for v2 to sort through all the problems it's gone through with something outside of itself because it's made for conflict resolution....but it's no good if that issue is internal. so for v2 relating to something means shoving all of its trauma onto it and examining it that way but likely having no idea that it's even doing that. it just so happens that its favorite characters are dealing with the same issues it is BUT it has canonical based proof that it didn't add that in, it's just the way they're written!!! and also those are not all of its issues. it's got nothing to do with all of that anyway.
gabriel: guy that hates the characters he relates to, 100% he will give entire presentations on why they're awful and he absolutely doesn't recognize that he's just describing all the problems he has with himself. HOWEVER for songs he relates to, he will put them on repeat and simply listen to them as hard as he can. being an angel means that music is woven into the core of his being and so he WILL lie in a dark room listening to nin for hours to work things out with himself. it's a deeply important experience. he's meditating. he's expanding. he's discovering every truth about him. but please please no one ask him what he's listening to please please this is a personal thing
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ashes-in-a-meadow · 2 years
okay so this is gonna have SPOILERS so yeah don’t read if you don’t want them also warning that this is lowkey long sorry abt that i just typed whatever came to mind🤷🏽
okay so now that i’ve had a minute(and smoked some weed) i want to talk about lestat and what just clicked to me as the weed hit
okay so to start i want to make sure this is not read as apologizing or excusing what lestat did, i am simply explaining how i interpreted why he did what he did because this is not the time for lestat apologists to “uwu my baby didn’t mean it” this shit and if y’all do y’all weird asl…anyways on to my analysis(is that what this is??)
so my friend has said before she’s a very emotional person and when people hurt her feelings she’s said that she wants to physically hurt them the way they hurt her emotionally so they know how she feels and that immediately came to me as i was smoking and thought about how far lestat went when he was beating louis
to me it came off as, like my friend has said, he saw louis choosing claudia over him and then he desperately screams “louis!” and he lashed out on claudia for trying to take louis away, but then louis jumped on him and i think if we could’ve seen his face when it happened it would’ve been one of surprise and hurt that louis would do that right??
okay, so then he’s telling louis that he’s trying to hold back, but then he gives in and beats the shit out of him and idk it just came to as he was trying to hurt louis as much as he physically could to make louis feel like he felt emotionally
then when they flew up and lestat told louis to tell him that he’ll never love him and said that it would “make it easier”, he’s so used to people leaving him that he believes louis doesn’t love him and wants to hear it from his mouth so that he can “let him go” now do i think he would’ve actually killed louis?? nah, that man is down bad for louis, but do i think he would’ve let louis die?? yeah🤷🏽 he was so hurt and distraught that he would lose louis to claudia that he probably would’ve let it happen and then felt guilty about it later
also for everyone who thinks he doesn’t, louis does love lestat it’s fucking obvious but they don’t love the same way and that’s where the problem comes from between them, lestat fell in love with louis as soon as he met him but louis had been still learning to love lestat when claudia left and it doesn’t make it any better that they’re horrible at communicating their feelings with each other, louis doesn’t like being vulnerable and neither does lestat and they show it differently
louis will let himself get consumed by whatever is troubling him and lestat will try to do anything to ignore his problems, so basically a match made in hell cause they’re never going to learn how to love each other the right way if they don’t let themselves be vulnerable
also want to touch upon him and antoinette cause🤦🏽that mf never learns…i understand that he wanted sex or just non-sexual intimacy and he should’ve communicated that(ik his bitch ass would never) but cheating?? all of y’all that wanted to press “louis hooking up with jonah was worse cause he used to have feelings for him yadayadayada” can now pipe down and for the record it’s weird that y’all want to say what louis did was worse like lestat didn’t cheat on louis in his face in their house BEFORE proposing an open relationship🤦🏽 but whatever
and the trailer for the next ep?? they (i bet it was claudia tho) kicked lestat out😭😭 mf showing up with gifts😭bro ik that’s how you show you care but mf just COMMUNICATE AND APOLOGIZE PLEASE IM BEGGING THEM TO LEARN HOW TO FUCKING TALK TO EACH OTHER😭😭😭 *sighs* the whole ending of that ep was expected(i had got it spoiled a while ago) but at the same time it was a little more than what i was expecting but i understand the shock value part and the intention behind showing that not everything is rainbows and flowers for them(i mean it’s a vampire show where they kill people and has gore) just kinda wish that it didn’t leave me wanting someone to kill or beat the shit out of lestat😭
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literalite · 1 year
these r all the asks i got last night about the whole aesthetic discussion i'll answer in order of when i got them :p
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truth b told if i started simblr like. today and knew nothing about photoshop then i'd probably be pretty demoralised too but also thats exactly how it was starting simblr anyway i just worked on it until i was happy w my skills... no one gave me a cheat code i just put time and effort into it
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i agree with u im ngl like i do sincerely wish everyone had the opportunity to put hours and hours of their lives into learning how everything about this works if thats what they truly wanted. also if anything doing it solely by urself will make the process all the more time consuming but if u ask around for help people (including me! im down to help fr) will usually give it to u and that'll speed up the process more. being mad at me for having that is pointless what am i gna do go back in time and unlearn it all and for what? dsfghjk
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okay i did see this being said a lot and uhhhh i was trying to understand it but like. i also don't. like ok with cluttered aesthetic build shots or yknow the odd landscape with heavy bloom shader on it i guess if ur looking at it completely from that pov yeah i guess it looks like some posts that "blow up" r just sort of the same shit. but the fact remains that its also it's good shit like anyone can clutter a room and take a photo of it what really counts here in my opinion anyhow is shot composition. and there's literally preestablished rules for this sort of thing u can google cinematography basics and get it for free... there's a whole field of study looking into what draws the human eye. like maybe the core concepts behind what makes a popular post popular is the same but thats because it just works. if u wanna shy away from that entirely but then complain about ur posts not being as popular then that's very much a u problem it doesn't have anything to do with the rest of us
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amen these are my ocs wdym these are "sims" LOLLL these are the real people living in my head if i bust my ass making them look good then thats a choice i made
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u can call this an empathy problem and try explain it to me more but i dont see how other people feeling insecure about what their current ability scales up to is any fault of mine or my problem to bend backwards to try fix... or even how i could. like is the standard high now yeah honestly it is. the learning curve was steep as hell when i first started as well. no disagreements here. but what am i supposed to do about it LMAO like i didn't create the human proclivity to be drawn to beauty i just ride off of it.
idk why i'm the bad guy for being honest for my reasoning behind what i do and don't reblog? lots of other people have been saying they dont really care about aesthetics which is great but if i said that i'd literally just be lying to you. i'm not gonna apologise for not lying... i like being able to see the passion and energy poured into the same video game we're all playing it's only natural to appreciate that- if that reads as passive aggression and u don't understand my stance that's fine by me
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i would say for me personally try watch visual media that u can recognise as "beautiful" and not to shit on like. cw shows but i mean stuff that is marked by its cinematography being truly excellent. and just really examine how those set and lighting designers use angles and lighting and how the people filming and editing choose to frame their shots to achieve what works. hell looking at art helps with this too. look at other people's stuff on simblr analytically try to seriously work out why it appeals to people the way it does. ik u asked for editing tips but i think it really starts ingame you can have the most incredible editing style but it doesn't work if ur shot comp doesn't work then it'll won't hit as hard
take time to learn what most of the adjustment layers do on photoshop, and what all the blending layers look like, download other people's psds and play with them on top of ur shots to see what works! what u personally think looks good will be different from what i personally think looks good, i like dramatic lighting and muted colours and mid level contrast so not too strong but i can't speak for whether you will too. ALSO im a religious user of @/simmerstesia's psd set here i think a well chosen shot can be really elevated by using something like this to really give it that final polish
additionally if u have any like really specific questions or need some advice u can ask me on discord my dms are open like i can talk u thru it. promise it's not as daunting as it can look
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do you think euphoria is child pornography?
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okay ik this is probably just bait but this is a topic that i actually kind of want to talk abt bc some people genuinely don't seem to understand the nuance.
i haven't seen euphoria and have no interest in it, but AFAIK all of the actors are grown ass adults. that's the first difference. this is the same as what happened with st*ncy in s1: the characters depicted engaging in sex acts are minors, but the actors have the bodies, faces and mentalities of adults. if somebody is super into st*ncy and writes smut abt them then they're at least envisaging adults. if they make sexual comments about the characters or actors (which they do) then it's still fucking weird but it's not "calling finn wolfhard daddy when he was like 13" weird. because that's just straight up disgusting.
within the context of comparing euphoria to a hypothetical byler sex scene in s5 rather than to outright byler porn, i think people still fail to see the exact root of the issue. in cases like euphoria or s1 st*ncy the adults-playing-teens are the first versions of the characters you're introduced to. if all you see of them is their appearance in that show they will only ever be physical adults in your mind's eye. with byler people have seen both the characters and the actors grow up from being literal prepubescent children to teens in the case of the characters and young adults in the case of the actors. even if you only ever watch that piece of media with them appearing in it you'll have literally watched them grow up from a small child. personally seeing them in a sexually explicit situation within the same context of the show would make me feel extremely gross, as somebody who has grown up pretty much alongside the characters.
secondly and crucially, euphoria isn't porn. it's not. from what i've heard it's fairly explicit which is one of many reasons i won't watch it, but it isn't pornography. the whole show is steeped in outrageous/shocking/graphic themes, and while the excessive sexualisation is still problematic and gross it's being used to further the themes and messages of the show. somebody's PWP fanfic about two 14/15yos isn't there as a social statement, it's there for people to, quite frankly, get off to. i apologise for being blunt but if somebody is weird and desperate enough to bust a nut to euphoria that's a them problem.
so basically:
actors who have been on the show since they were ELEVEN in noah's case being included in a sex scene is different from actors who have been on the show since they were in their twenties.
media can portray sexual themes, even explicitly, without being produced or consumed with the intent of sexual gratification.
it's not just that i don't think euphoria isn't child pornography, it categorically is not. it's just problematic and overly sexualised.
i still don't know why you would even ask this??? was this supposed to be some sort of "haha gottem" bc babe u flopped T_T
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stuckinapril · 2 years
unfortunately i think the main problem with me and tiktok is that i was already an insecure person before the app and having it only increased that feeling. since there is a plethora of weight loss videos, makeup tips, skincare tips, health advice, etc. i started watching them all and then that basically makes up my whole feed now. ik the best solution would just be to delete it but i have such fomo and feel like i’d be missing out on important health/beauty advice, i’m convinced i’ll start getting “uglier” without it. it’s such a toxic mindset but it has consumed me
i relate to this so much. i can be a bit of a fitness/skincare/wellness/self improvement junkie myself, and i think it gives us some kind of dopamine rush to consume that content. i will tentatively play devil’s advocate & say that kind of content can be useful. like there’s nothing inherently wrong w that kind of advice. i think one con is the short-time nature of tiktok, which basically makes you flip through these kinds of videos for hours on end.
have you considered deleting it temporarily, then coming back when you’re more grounded? there’s only so much beauty advice you can consume before you don’t really need that kind of content anymore, at least for a while. yk what i mean ?? and i feel like your issue goes beyond time—seeing that content constantly makes you feel like you’re working on your shortcomings, even when you’re not necessarily acting on it.
feel free not to answer, but would you say you follow that advice closely? like do you practice weight loss tips / skincare recs etc? or does it make you feel good just to consume it?
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menalez · 2 years
Ok so I'm messaging to try and help the porn addiction lady. I am in a similar spot as you, just as some background I viewed porn for the first time when I was like 9 (weirdly it was in a magazine, it was my mom's bfs) also if it matters I'm 23. Personally, I don't think most people can just go cold turkey from something like porn if you were really an addict (watching it everyday, multiple times a day, unable to get off without it, watching it even when you're not horny, etc.) I've been like that since middle school. I think tapering off helps. Like if you watched it multiple times a day everyday, try it once a day everyday, then a few times a week, and then a few times a month, etc. This is just like that infographic that's like "reduce frequency, reduce intensity" that I saw on radblr once or twice. But that applied to heels and makeup not porn. I don't think radblr would support that idea for porn (because if you're watching it in any capacity you're supporting the trafficking of women and children) but idk. I feel like that's what works because as I said I used to watch everyday multiple times a day, but now I'm down to a few times every few months. I did once go completely without for 8 months straight at one point but I can't seem to do that somehow?? Idk I do try though. Also, sometimes it helps if you sprinkle some imagination-led masturbation in there.
i mean honestly i cant judge someone for trying to stop porn by tapering off of it rather than going cold turkey bc at least they’re doing this with the intention & goal of stopping. so if that’s what works then i say go for stopping using this means. but perhaps if you’ve already stopped for several months then it would be a good time to make it difficult for yourself to even access porn. i had a self-harm problem which ik is not the same but the compulsive behaviour can be similar regardless, and one of the things that helped me stop is not having an easy accessible bag with all the stuff i need to be able to self-harm. so i would assume less accessibility to porn = less ability to impulsively &/or compulsively consume it out of habit or in times of stress
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Hey Pookie, I wanted to do a ship/ships, I just don't know what fandom's the limit. Can I please do Outsiders, ATLA and PJO/HOO?🥺
Okay, so. I'm brown, like tan skin, dark brown eyes and silky brown hair. I don't really have anything interesting about my looks, but people tell me that my eyes are kinda warm, but intense at the same time? I'm 5'4 (short, ik), and I have a pretty decent body (just ignore the fact that my legs are almost twice the size of my arms). I'm a straight (I think?) girl and my pronouns are she/her.
I love listening to music, reading and watching shows and movies, like I'm a huge pop culture fan. My favorite color is blue (basic ik) and tbh I'm kinda a huge simp. I curse from time to time and I have slight anger managing issues, but I love to laugh too.
Tbh, all I want in a relationship is like, good vibes, but the ability to have fun too. I kinda have an "I can fix him" mindset, but then again I have a "They'll make me worse", which is kinda the same, but totally different. I don't really have a type, but I just don't like redheads.
I like to doodle on my hands and I have a lot of intrusive thoughts. I kinda have mommy and daddy issues (you don't wanna know) and I also have anxiety (diagnosed pookie). I do have exzema on the back of my neck too.
I love, love, love, LOVE spicy food. It must be the brown genes inside of me tbh bc I HAVE to eat tajin, ,like at least twice a week. I do like sweet food, but not anything pink. Eww.
Okay pookie, ily bye.
Your Fandom Ship(s): Johnny Cade (The Outsiders), Sokka (Avatar the Last Airbender), and Frank Zhang (Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus)
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OK so you didn’t give me too much personality so this makes a bit harder so I’m mostly going off of what you want in a relationship and I think that Johnny Cade would be a really really good match for you because that I can fix him mindset is a little bit toxic, and I think that he would be a really good way of breaking you out of that because he is a really kind soul and I think he would also need someone kind like you in his life to help you know bring him up a little too, and I really feel like you guys have a mutually beneficial relationship personality wise, and I just feel like you guys would be people that could really get along and I have a head canon That he loves spicy food too, so I’m sure you guys could go together and eat spicy food the rest of the gang kid like has no idea how you guys consume
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This is a very rare case where the I can fix him mindset would probably work without making you any worse because I mean, yeah we all know his major character arc was being sexist, and then realizing that women are actually bad asses and he should be worshiping them from the ground up, but anyway I feel like that would be a really great character for you because yeah you could live out your I can fix some mindset to your heart content without any problem and honestly honestly, I just think that you guys would be a really cute couple because he’s alsoa really just silly funny cool type of dude and you guys both need to work on your anger issues which is something that you guys could work out together. Yay but also seriously he would have a lot of fun and his favorite colors. Also blue too. I mean that’s not canon but that’s how I see him. Also, let’s be so for real. He loves the water tribe. His favorite color is gonna be blue. Out of all of the characters I’ve shipped you with I ship you guys the most because you guys are just such a vibe honestly and honestly, I just I don’t know. I just see it so hard. I’ll see you guys would totally have competitions of who could down the most spicy food in the least amount of time and he would definitely be like oh I’m so gonna win, but then you would beat him by a mile and then he would be so cranky about it.
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OK, so he is a similar case to Johnny Kay where I feel like he could really help you break out of the I can fix him mindset because he is such a sweetheart. If you read the books, you know that this man is pretty strong. He’s a child of Aries he can fight but he is such a sweetheart and you know when you first read the book you think oh that he doesn’t belong in the Aries cabin because I mean, let’s well. I know it’s a different God because it’s Roman, but whatever we’re going to ignore that but anyway I just feel like he would do really well with kind of sweeter guys like this because it could help you break out of that toxic mindset once again and also I just feel like you guys would totally vibe together which is something that you wanted in a relationship and yeah, I feel like he would have a lot joking around with you and reading books…
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jiminrings · 1 year
hi miss hannah!! oh my this is my first time sending an ask to someone but you're so nice its enough to give me courage to come here.
first of all, i LOVE your works so so so much 💞💞 i have read and absolutely adored all your works and then reread them all bc they are my favourite out of all on this app 😩✋🏻 ngl its one of the reasons why ive started writing myself
um as ive just started writing recently i have problems with writing fics longer than 600 words and i wanna write longer fics but its so hard to make it longer bc usually its just a scene idea in my head that i can write but not a whole story yk? i love ur stories so much and wanna write in a similar way, are there any tips you can give me? some plotting tips would be appreciated
you don't have to reply to this! ik you're very overwhelmed with ur life rn so I'll understand <33
AHHHHH IM HONORED!!! THANK U SO MUCH LOVE YEWWWWW ❤️‍🩹🫂 i’m twiddling my feet as i write this but at the top of my head, here’s what i can say!!
dw at all bc stories r all comprised of scenes anyway no matter how cohesive or not (aka slice of life au) and at the end of the day, quantity doesn’t automatically equate to quality!!! personally i have loved and retained more 3k fics than 10k+ fics in my memory :-)
also i’m putting it out there that these r all the things i personally do and not a universal standard so pls take what resonates with u and leave what doesn’t :-)
personally i loveeeee plotting every single detail that comes to mind when i write scenes!! it could just be a random thought that Oh Maybe member says this line here while doing this and oc does this facial expression there etc
i don’t produce/consume bits of writing where it’s all so formal and rigid so i try my best to stray away from a stiff perspective in storytelling!! e.g. the scene calls for rain, but instead of me going all shakespeare-ish, i liken it to a metaphor i make up on the spot that isn’t pretentious (so u can still have that bond w the readers) OR just straight-up go with the flow instead of adhering to strict technicalities
what also helps me shorten/lengthen my fics is writing out the lines i picture in my head!! u don’t necessarily have to think of everything ur characters say chronologically!! i jus put mine in randomly and later collect then organize the heaps of bullet points into separate scenes <3
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