#i placed a hold on the order on the book at my library and im 23rd in lines
vampykween · 7 months
mic i need to know. how vampire!ghost and vampire!price spend their individual time w pet (nickname ?:3) does pet have a favorite…
how does pet warm up to them!! 🧛🏽‍♀️🧛🏽‍♀️ literally kept captive like a bird but ghost and price are so so offputting but nice at the same time.. hmm…
im convinced you hacked into my brain because i was just drawing up ideas on how pet (love the nickname) has a different relationship with each of the boys hehe. i hope this suits ur fancy, i started running away with it like always oops! <3
price shows you to your quarters on the first night after the wooziness of being bitten (by an actual vampire!!!!) wears off. the space is grand and luxurious, and if you weren't so shaken up you'd marvel more at the beautiful window seat with gorgeous bay windows - the perfect spot to curl up with a good book.
once price leaves you alone in your room, you hastily lock the door and sob. what the hell has your life become?! for the first week, you don't dare leave your room in hopes of being able to avoid the creatures holding you captive. price is amused at your little attitude; how cute that you think a little door lock would stop him from being with his pet.
your relationship with price is weird, you're grateful he saved you from the woods, but you also hate him for keeping you in this stupid castle all alone. in an attempt to lower your hackles, price comes with breakfast for you each morning, he knocks as if to give you the illusion of choice whether you want him in your space or not, he unlocks the door and barges in no matter what you say anyway.
he insists on feeding you breakfast himself, you bristled at the idea at first because is he serious?! he offers you a simple shrug and a curt "amuse me, pet." and after realizing it was more of an order than a suggestion you concede.
you hate that price treats you like your his prized possession, it makes it so much harder to hate him. perhaps that was his goal really. it starts to work because eventually, you relax as he pops strawberries and decadent french toast in your mouth one morning - and when he leans in and licks the sweet juices from your lips, you feel warmth blooming in you. suddenly, you can't help but imagine him in between your legs licking over you reverently.
with ghost, things are so vastly different. you don't even see him until you finally work up the courage to leave your quarters. you're exploring the entirety of the manor and stumble upon the most impressive library you've ever seen. flitting between bookshelves silently until you're startled by a looming figure in the corner.
you realize it's ghost and are frozen with the decision on whether to leave him be or go over and try to talk to him. there's something so odd about him, but that only makes you want to figure him out more.
the library becomes you and ghost’s little meeting spot. he’s different when he’s not under the supervision of price, still very much reserved. but unlike price ghost avoids making any advances towards you, in fact, it was you that made the first move.
ghost had been dropping little tidbits about his life before he was turned and your heart ached painfully for him. he was curating a pile of his favorite books for you, and when he leaned into your space unintentionally, you place as shaky hand on his face in an attempt to drag him into a kiss.
ghost concedes and kisses you back with a passion you weren’t expecting. when you pull away and search his eyes for any sort of explanation, he simply shrugs and says he has to leave you for now. you’re left reeling from the magical kiss you two shared, surprised at much more you want from him.
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devil-doms · 1 year
Forbidden (Satan)
CW: GN!MC, Maid/Butler!MC
You decided to help out Satan. You walk to his room and knock lightly on his door, before entering, "Hello Satan, it's MC...I was just checking around, do you need help with anything?”
“Actually, I’m looking for a specific book, would you like to accompany me?” He asks, putting on his jacket.
You nod. You both make your way to the library. It was quite late, the air was cool, you were surprised that the library would still be open at this hour.
Satan opened the door for you and follows you inside, “The book Im looking for is called Thousands of Ways to Prank with the Most Annoyance.”
“Attempting to prank Master Lucifer again?”
Satan avoids the question, motioning for you to follow him, “I like coming to the library at this hour, there’s almost no one here. The book should be somewhere in this section. I’ll check a few rows down.”
You watch him turn around and disappear into the rows of books. You then begin your own search for the book. Occasionally Satan would walk past your row to check in on you.
“Any luck?” He places his hands on your hips and whispers in your ear.
“No, Sir.” You turn to look at him, your faces barely an inch apart.
“A shame, I’ll check in on you again…” His hands linger on your hips until he walks away.
You face feels warm and you try to keep yourself from smiling. You skim through the books, shelf after shelf, looking but your mind was now a little fogged up, so you weren’t paying
“Find it?” Satan asks, coming around the corner.
“No, sir, my apologies.”
“It’s no problem. I didn’t have any luck anyways. It may have been rented already.” Satan sits on the floor behind you.
“That is true. I wish I was able to be of help for you.” You now join him on the floor, sitting across from him.
“What all are you able to do for Lucifer?”
"Oh…well i can do anything he orders me to-" You start saying.
"Except have sex with him? Yeah? Sexual relations between master and butler/maid are forbidden." Satan says, “Lucifer made sure we knew that.”
"Y-yes…relations are rather frowned upon." You say, your face growing warm.
“He made it a rule, to make sure we didn’t have sex with our butler/maid.” Satan got closer to your face, "Can I have sex with you? Right here? Right now? Mark you up to piss off your Master?"
Your face becomes warm and you start playing with your fingers, "Depends…is this an order?" You ask.
"…Yes…" Satan says.
"Then yes."
Satan smiles and takes your hand, leading you to a hidden corner behind a bookshelf. No one could see you guys here.
He pressed the front of your body against the wall, he grabbed your hips and started to slowly grind against you. You feel his cock grow harder by the second. It was turning you on as well. You hear him undo his pants, then pull your own pants down, "Do you want to do this?"
"Yes." You whisper.
Satan slowly pushes his cock into your ass. You hold your breath, trying to be quiet. After a few seconds of him slowly entering you, he begins to fuck you. He grips your hips tight, pounding into you hard, it’s so tight that it may just bruise you.
You breathe heavily into the wall as Satan slows down to put his mouth on your shoulder. From your shoulder to your neck, Satan left a trail of hickeys. You bite your tongue holding back moans.
Satan begins to pick up pace again, you could feel your orgasm building up, "I'm…cumming!" You whisper.
"Me too…me too!"
You keep your ass pressed up against his pelvis. You feel him cum inside you, squeeze your eyes shut as you cum as well.
Satan slowly moves you to the desk on the right of you, bending you over it. He pulls your shirt up over your head and drags his nails across your back, leaving the marks.
You clench and tighten yourself around Satans cock. He covers his mouth, trying not to moan. He leans forward, biting your other shoulder and leaving a hickey. He really wanted to rub this is Lucifers face. You clench around him again from the sudden bite.
He whimpers into your ear before cumming in your ass again. He pants, "You’re the best I've ever had…" You smile in response, also trying to catch your breath. He continues, "You should help me piss off Lucifer more often…" He slowly pulls his cock out, and you gasp at the sensation.
You make yourself back up to the standing position. You legs a little wobbly. You try to fix yourself up the best you can, Master really isn’t going to like this. Satan picks a random book off the shelf, "Hey…I found the book.”
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haruniki · 1 year
What do they smell like?
genshin impact ver.
Jean, Lisa, Amber, Eula, Rosaria, Sucrose
a/n: hiiii, im very sorry for not posting very much or at all during my winter break! I was really tired and just didn't feel like writing. I hope this makes up for it!! also all are headcanons, i dont remember if there's actual canon smells of the characters lol also galf sleep writing this🫶🫶🫶🥹 sorry if there's mistake or something doesn't make sense
Jean Gunnhildr
Jean smells like fields of soft grass and dandelions.
Her scent is like a distant feeling and as you get closer to it, you start to feel safe and comfortable in your surrounding
It's most notable in the morning when Jean returns from her morning walks
Dandelions freshly picked in her hands that she gently places on the bedside table beside you to let you know that she has already gone out and is on her way to do paperwork.
Lisa smells of leather and tea leaves
Lisa spends a great amount of time in the library, she is Mondstat's librarian after all so it only makes sense that she smells a bit like the leather that holds the pages.
Of course every good read deserves a good side of freshly made tea. While placing books back on the shelf or while bring captivated with a new book imported from the Yae Publishing House, Lisa prepares a fresh cup of tea.
The tea leaves that she careful picked out this morning from the cupboard, smelled quite nice and a cup of tea is always nice to have after a bothersome task.
Amber smells of burning wood and soil
I like to think Amber does a lot of camping and with camping comes a fire to keep warm at night.
Of course her vision could also be of some blame too. Though it does mame for a pretty useful fire starter.
Lending a helping hand to help some elderly farmers is where the earthy sent of soil comes in. While Amber isn't too busy, helping out with some nearby farm makes the time fly by faster.
Digging up weeds and planting a few carrots or maybe even pulling up some radishes, Amber can never seem to full get rid of the dirt under her fingers. But it makes her glad that at least she can offer a helping hand.
Eula Lawrence
Eula smells of fog and mint
Fog has a really misty and moggy scent. One that smells earth but not overwhelming. The type of smell that you would recognize after it freshly rained during the winter but it wasn't quite able to make it into snowflakes
I believe mint is something that she tries to actively seek out. From making her own perfume using mint leaves and water to specially ordering it to be made.
The mint smell gives a calming that she likes and she hopes it's able to calm those around her enough that they'd stay awhile to chat.
Rosaria doesn't really have a scent.
The only way you'd be able to smell anything on her is if you get close enough to her. If your able to then smoke and a tangy, almost wine like smell will be present.
The snoke like smell can ve up to interpretation, but the soft scent of wine can be directed to Angel Share where you can find her most nights.
Around all those people, drinking and just trying to relax from her busy schedule of trying to remember what lord ibuprofen's name us.
Sucrose smells of Chemicals and.. burning hair?
Sucrose is a alchemist and tends to use a lot of different things in her mixtures. So it's no surpise that she might smell of those chemicals.
However, more concerning might the small fried ends of her hair.
Mistakes happen and Sucrose is more than prepared to deal with those mistakes even if it means a new haircut.
None the less, Sucrose doesn't mind if you give her something that might help mask the scent of her burnt ends.
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ireallylovepuppies101 · 10 months
Cat-Dad AU
Here’s another IM AU for all of you to enjoy! I talked a little bit about it it on the IM server, and I brainstormed this a LOT with my friend @midnightfire830 lately so I think it’s about time I post it on tumblr.
So some of you may know about my Dad-Felix AU fic on AO3, well this is sorta similar, but has a few new unique twists to it. In this AU, before meeting Wilson, Felix would be traveling around, not really having a plan to go somewhere specific. Just, wandering, and trying to think of what to do with his life. He gets close to approaching a small town, when he hears something strange. Curious, he follows the sound, until he reaches it, and to his horror, finds an abandoned baby demon crying his little heart out on the ground.
Felix quickly picks up the baby, soothes him until he stops crying, and waits for someone to show up looking for the baby… but no one comes.
So, Felix makes a decision. He takes the baby with him, and tries to find him a safe place to live and grow up. Until then he’ll take care of the baby he decides to name Bendy.
That plan doesn’t exactly go as Felix thought it would. Not only would people not trust a zany offering a free baby (which, to be fair, I wouldn’t trust the Warners if they offered a free baby to me), but people also want nothing to do with a demon. Which bugs Felix to no end, because those people weren’t willing to get to know the sweet, loving baby boy that Bendy is, who’s face lights up every morning when he gets Felix to wake up, has the cutest giggle, and has so much wonder and curiosity behind his little eyes.
After many failed attempts to find Bendy a home himself, Felix slowly begins to accept that he’s now Bendy’s dad, and promises the little demon that he’ll do his best to raise him and give him all the love he needs. Felix does a damn good job at keeping that promise, even if being zany makes things trickier, and somewhat dangerous trying to raise a non-zany baby. Felix taps into his new “dad reflex” by dodging more dangerous gags, or at least keeping Bendy from the dangerous gag while he takes the hit. If another zany attempts to pull a dangerous gag on Felix intentionally, they freeze (sometimes literally) from Felix aiming an ice cold glare into their soul.
“I am currently holding a non-zany baby, who can get VERY hurt. THINK, CAREFULLY.”
By the time Felix and Wilson do meet, Felix would very clearly be sleep deprived. Working his tail off to take care of Bendy and provide for him even if it means going without sleep or a solid meal for a while, not to mention dealing with not at all knowing how to raise a demon since no damn library has any books on demon child care. So Wilson offers to watch Bendy so Felix can take a nap, and when Bendy doesn’t try biting Wilson (since Bendy bites almost anyone who tries holding him that isn’t Felix) Felix would be out cold within seconds, and stay out cold for HOURS.
By the time he wakes back up Bendy would be freshly cleaned, in a new change of baby clothes, fed, and be giggling up a storm as Wilson tickles him with his feathery fingers. After Felix eats a nice filling meal, Wilson gives Felix an extremely generous offer. If Felix wants to, he can go to college, and until he can get his life in proper order where he can afford a place to stay for him and Bendy, they can stay with Wilson at his house as long as Felix helps out.
Felix would be EXTREMELY grateful.
Bendy over the first few years of his life grows up in Wilson’s house. Wilson practically becomes his grandpa with how much he helps take care of him and how he treats Felix like a son. Felix works on not being zany anymore for his own and Bendy’s sake, as well as attending college, and raising Bendy in a much better home life where the little demon always has a roof over his head and a full belly. He also has an easier time figuring out how to raise a demon now that he has Wilson helping him.
Now, time for some funfacts!
-Felix came up with Bendy’s name after watching and laughing over how Bendy’s tail would bend in all kinds of different directions.
-Since there aren't any published books about demon child care, Felix started writing a "book" (AKA a notebook) on things he learned from raising Bendy over the years. Even when Bendy's a teenager he's still taking down notes. It wasn't perfect but it was certainly better then nothing.
-RIP any zany who pulled a gag on Felix that made baby Bendy cry. That’s an easy way to make a protective cat dad MAD and send someone flying with a single punch.
-Felix’s Magic Bag is practically a nanny to Bendy. It makes sure Bendy stays safe, and stays put, when Felix occasionally hits his sleep debt limit and ends up sleeping through Bendy crying or how he tries getting into stuff once he starts crawling.
-When Felix and Bendy moved in with Wilson, Wilson took Felix to go toy shopping for Bendy since all Felix would have is a few teething toys for Bendy to play with. Felix picked out a few things himself, but Wilson spotted something and absolutely HAD to get for baby Bendy. A BIG, plushy T-rex. So big that as a baby Bendy could sleep on top of it like a bed, and as a toddler Bendy would barely be the same size as it. It would forever be Bendy’s favorite toy, which he named Trex once he started learning how to talk.
-Felix would occasionally have to bring Bendy with him to college classes when he wouldn’t have anyone to watch him. Certainly got him a lot of funny looks when classmates saw him come into class carrying a demon baby, that funny enough looks pretty similar to him, and how his Magic Bag turned into a little baby seat and kept Bendy entertained for Felix to focus. It got Felix a lot of attention from the women in his classes though, who all made him blush saying how cute Bendy is and that he’s such a sweet dad.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!!!
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
https://utrarose.tumblr.com/post/693872396626755584 Harry visiting angel at the library “show me some art books love” acting as a customer she walks him to the specific section “here you go, sir” talking with her customer voice blushing at him his thumb on her cheekbone “talk to everyone like that?” Just smiling at her she feels her cheeks heat up even more nodding her head “should be more careful, no?” His other hand pulling her closer by her waist she shakes her head “what book are you looking for?” She asks, hands playing with the buttons on his top “the orange one on the top shelf” pointing to it she follows his finger sliding the ladder that he knows is too heavy for her once it’s in place she gets on it climbs to the top Harry’s eyes linger on her little dress he could see her exposed skin (that was hidden by her pretty dress) as she climbs up “which one do you want?” She points to two different orange books that are near each other read each title for me, angel” he wants to stall he can’t help liking his view and he can’t help how much he likes that she’s helping him pick a book, going up the ladder doing her job he wishes he could be with her everyday watch her organize the books and take care of them :( she reads each title for him even reads the description for each one looking down at him “which one should I get, love?” He asks hand feeling the back of her legs softly she’s biting her lips “th-this one sounds better” taking it out “show me then” she holds the book close to her chest using her other hand to support her going down the ladder her dress moves with each step once she lands down she turns around handing him the book before he takes it he gives her a kiss “thank you, angel” he deepens the kiss her back hits the wooden ladder he’s kissing her softly “give everyone a little show when you give them their order hmm?” She shakes her head kissing him back “just you” his hands lay on her sides “just me?” He asks teasingly but he likes how comforting her words sound :( she nods their noses bumping each other “customers don’t usually follow me when I bring their books” she whispers “oh so I should’ve waited for you, hmm?” She giggles when his hand tickles her “no no al-always follow me” he’s kissing her cheeks and then landing to her neck she tries her best not to laugh too loudly and she’s thankful Harry came at a time were there weren’t many people around and no one is at their isle :( 🧸 (I slept yesterday before I could send it sorry💕💕)
wait wait wait wait:( I read this like 19 times after you sent its so good :( love love love him going in and shes all excited to see him like h!!! I still have an hour left of my shift what are you doing here?? and hes like ohhhhh am I not allowed to check out any books? am I not allowed here at the library? just teasing her and shes all smiley like oh..okay:) what were you looking for? all excited to help:( and shes all excited taking him to the art section and they’re holding hands and h is just being silly like pinching at her sides and butt while they’re walking since no one else is in this section so he wants to make her laugh:( VERYYYYYY obsessed w her using her little customer service voice like here are all off our art based books sir:) and hes just....its the way she addressed w him w her cute little voice and hm, do you talk to everyone like that? and ofc she does shes just being a good little junior librarian :) its just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO but her giving him a tiny bit of a show when's shes climbing up the ladder t grab his book and him being a little bit of a shit like hmmmm read them out to me? so he has a little bit longer time looking up her dress and running his hands over her legs and feeling her goosebumps but omg him....kikssing her.....against the ladder yeah im inconsolable :( sosososososoos special having him be in her environment since we see her in his alot :(
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nagdabbit · 9 months
I will give you a headpat, a reminder to consume actual food, and a tale request:
Tell me Mox things, tell me about why he'd have become the library and how much he loves books. Tell me about him and Claudio in the Before times, and their friendship with Bryan.
i DID remember to get a vending machine poptart when i got to work, but i did forget it in the microwave for what looks like two hours so i am eating it now!
im gonna start with your second point, and then hide a major spoiler under a cut at the end of you want it. it's not necessarily important, but it does add a bit of hamfisted context to regal's character
they were once knights together. they trained together, fought battles and won wars alongside each other. three of the most trusted and decorated knights in all the kingdom,* they should've had their own fiefdoms and their own armies to lead. but when bryan answered regal's call, mox and claudio followed. they had done everything together, their bonds forged long before they ever saw battle together. their loyalty lied with each other, not the kingdom they served.
when they moved to the mountain, rather than serving as knights, they became the marshals and stewards of the keep.
bryan, tactical and analytical and so very vicious, would lead the guard. under his watch, no intruders would get past his soldiers, no trouble would befall his lord's lands, and no taxes—no matter how small—would ever go unpaid. his presence was itself a deterrent from the fumblings and machinations of rival lords and barons that wished to grow their holdings.
claudio would oversee much of the household workings and staff, his kindness and geniality meant a boon in keeping any staff happy and loyal to their lord. he kept the books and correspondence, and would often travel to court to take regals place in political matters. he was warm and kind enough to put people at ease and be greatly under estimated, and clever and vicious enough to win whatever protections and connections his lord desired.
mox oversaw as few people as possible. he would much rather take over the duties of caring for the keeps animals and equipment, than managing a staff. he was always the most curious of them, always quietly observing and learning and cataloguing all the information he could, a skill well-suited to spywork and subterfuge. but while he could easily overhear secret plans to pass on to his counterparts, he could also use that curiosity to observe the moods of a hungry dog or a tired pack horse. he would much rather care for a stray dog, train it up into a loyal hunting hound, than take part in the politics of court.
as knights, they were a well oiled machine. they trusted each other in battle, and played off each other's strengths in politics. what plans mox could learn from the whisperings of nobles, bryan could turn into a plan for their own gain, and claudio could perform with his clever tongue and disarming manner.
outside of their abandoned knighthoods, they worked as the warmest of friends. they made a family out of each other, and far from the battlefield, they finally had a chance to experience that. their concerns were now of the harvest and the next meal and simple gossip. there wasn't a continent relying on them any longer. so claudio could tell jokes and have conversations with no hidden motives and relax into the warm man that he was, not the vicious inferno he was on the battlefield. bryan could allow himself time to simply exist, step away from the battlemaps and strategies, and let someone else do the thinking. mox could use the knowledge he'd gained for something other than death and politics, and could indulge in his desire to learn more—but learn what he wanted for himself, and learn by choice, rather than by orders.
i turned mox into the library for two reasons. one, because when sarah planted the story sapling in my brain, one of the things that i immediately thought of was ladyhawk—two lovers doomed to never be together. mox made of paper and wood, two of literally the most flammable things, kept forever from his lover who became fire. i love a tragedy, i really do. the other reason is that mox likes books and he likes reading and he likes being largely left alone, right? hes got His People and His Space and His Activities and His Things, and then there's everything else, and he's gotta want to engage with all of that. the library seems a good place to escape from the things he'd rather not deal with and the people he'd rather not talk to.
but it's also isolating, isn't it? intentionally severing even barely connected social ties cuts one off from so many opportunities. even though bryan can visit the library and open books and still speak with mox, he cut himself off in such a way that he can no longer physically engage with bryan in return. doubly so for claudio, his lover, who thematically has the exact opposite issue: he can physically engage with anything that he wants, and is forced to hold himself back at all times, else he'll destroy the man he loves most, on top of his home and his oldest friend.
* but not THIS kingdom. not the one they now reside in. this was a kingdom their own ruler once wanted to conquer, before his three most trusted abandoned their posts for a quiet life in service to a simple lord. but what reason would regal have had for recruiting the enemy, and what reason would they have had for serving someone so far below their station? what use would a simple lord have for a mage like nigel?
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swaggypsyduck · 1 year
Ik you love reading, so give me your top 5 books 🤗
how can u make me choose 😭😭. these were randomly selected out of a list of 20 and r purely based off enjoyment, not content, and in no particular order.
Dracula- Bram Stoker: i luuuuuuuv the formating of the book. it's such an interesting read. When i first picked it up I thought already knowing who dracula is would ruin the story. BUT the way the story telling fills u w anticipation of the characters figuring out who it is rlly cements it as a cult classic.
All Quiet on The Western Front- Erich Maria Remarque: i normally HATE war stories. like rlly rlly hate war stories. i picked this up bc my friend was struggling to read it in school and i asked if buddy reading would help her so i did. and omfg. im so happy i did bc i never would've picked it up otherwise. it's so fucking depressing and i dont think ive read a book that made me depressed w it as much as this one has.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy- Douglas Adams: the thing i look for the most in a book is "am i entertained?" and this??? absolutely takes the cake. it's so fucking funny. the deadpan humor and descriptions of things/events are make cramp w laughter. similarly why i love good omens.
Fullmetal Alchemist- Hiromu Arakawa: is this a manga? yes. do i care? no. the story, the world building, the characters!! omfg i read the whole thing in like 2-3 nights after the last volume was available at my library. like i booked the entire series w all my family's library cards.
The Lioness Quartet- Tamora Pierce: its about a girl who pretends to be a boy to get into a knight academy (?) who struggles to find her place in the world. it was my fave as a kid and i still feel like it holds up now?? the old covers were HORRENDOUS but there r new ones that i plan on collecting that look better.
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tacroyy · 1 year
i am feeling the need to tell the tale of how i got into discworld less than four months ago. frankly, describing myself as Obsessed with this series feels like the opposite of hyperbole.
in december of 2020 (at the age of THIRTY) i picked up two random terry pratchett books from a bookstore because one of my students got mad at me about not having read them. i purchased—hold onto your butts here—monstrous regiment and guards guards. and i read them IN THAT ORDER. and i was like well that was fucking incredible and also wait hold on what's happening here? is this a different vimes bc all his titles are different? who's the werewolf? who's the zombie? there's a newspaper in ankh-morpork? time to figure that out. so i started to go pick up more discworld books but then—
—an interlude occurred: my copy of Doomsday Book by Connie Willis came off hold at the library. i proceeded to read it on december 24th and 25th. of 2020. i will never, ever be able to express to anyone the impact of reading Doomsday Book on CHRISTMAS EVE and CHRISTMAS DAY of freaking 2020. it is not an experience that can be repeated (until the next pandemic). if you haven't read anything by connie willis... i mean. go read to say nothing of the dog at absolute minimum. although please note that book is like the opposite of what she's generally like. i mean blackout/all clear are the ultimates. i really want to reread doomsday book but i think it might kill me. i feel like i can't recommend people reading it in good conscience because it can and will murder you. especially now. anyway. so then of course i had to go read everything connie willis has ever written.
and i forgot about discworld. i did. until october of 2022 when i had kidney stones and it was Incomprehensibly Painful and i took a week off to Recover and went downstairs to look at books and was like. what's a chill book. what's a book that's low pressure. that i've read before. hm. hmmmm. so i picked up monstrous regiment and guards guards again and read them and was like, you know what, i forgot to figure out what's going on there. (and yes. i did read them for the SECOND time in that order. im a dumbass.) so to reward myself for surviving 10/10 pain (never good to be in a place where you totally understand why people would beg to be cut open in pre-anesthesia times) i made my wife take me to powells.
now, i did a bit of research. but not like. GOOD research. and the list of books that i proceeded to purchase is really cracking me up in retrospect. i got mort, small gods, equal rites, wee free men, and thief of time (which my wife insisted on bc it was the only one she'd read). and i read those, in that order.
and then some kind of dam broke and i torrented the rest of them (trust me, i WILL buy them all) and i've only read 20!!! i still have 21 to read!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i have to go to bed now but listen. i am so happy to be here. i am having the best four months of my life.
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rainymorninlady · 28 days
i used to fill my time up using tumblr, going to the gym, walking, and reading books. lately ive been watching bridgerton. i only have one episode left. i am going to try to find a book to read tomorrow at the library but i am very picky. i used to find myself a bit angry at authors for creating artificial realities instead of working to make earth a safe happy home for all. creating a better world. i just feel like that is the most suitable profession, but even i dont do that.
i used to have spider plants because they make the air cleaner. they did not die. but a summer or so ago i bought a lavender plant and it died under my care. i want to be a gardener, i have been a gardener at farms in the past, but i have no garden of my own and no motivation to create one. ok, i have every motivation to create one but i also dont know how permanent my time at parents will be. and i am not confident in my ability to carry out new tasks without being given direct orders. i am not comfortable with initiating such an endeavor. if i ever get my own place i may start growing small herbs and such. i am just writing to write, talking to talk because it fills up my time.
there are snake plants and aloe vera plants around me. the cicadas going strong. i have no desire to make tik toks. making so many tiktoks yesterday depressed me. but i have friends on there and here and its a welcoming adventure. but still so bored with capitalism, incompleteness, a lack of wholesome nourishment for my soul. i know silence is a solace and solitude is kind.
i havent spoken with my boyfriend in over twenty four hours. ive been waiting for his call.
i cant tell what is ahead for me. i was planning on spending the summer with my boyfriend but i dont know how long he will be in jail for. i didnt think it would be long, he thought he would be out yesterday. when im with him we do a lot of walking and getting starbucks, watching "animalogic", "beyond creepy", or other conspiracy ufo alien type stuff. its interesting, nice, and i enjoy it. but its not the type of stuff i do by myself.
i just keep thinking about how he said he wanted to hold hands with me in the cool morning. thats just so precious to me. has he decided differently? does he still want me? or does he think i cant be loyal and wants to detach?
sorry for the long post.
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quartzified · 2 years
3, 8, 22 for the ask game?
3. what’s a book you were pleasantly surprised by?
im going to assume this yr... i dont think there was much? like i was def pleased reading some but idk if i would say surprised. or surprised but disappointed instead? the one thing i can think of is maybe lesser known monsters of the 21st century bc while i didnt place the author when i borrowed it from the library, i read the author’s the lost girls of camp forevermore a few years ago for english class and didnt care for it. but this one was largely p good! so that was a pleasant surprise, i guess.
8. what’s a book you want to read by the end of the year?
i guess ill answer this more in 22, but i dont really plan a specific order of books to read?? so i guess i wanna finish what im currently reading, since i wont be reading much once school starts. but im also not really feeling the books im reading rn, so i might just dnf them lol. maybe wuthering heights? ive been meaning to read that forever (and almost bought it the other day lmfaoo) but never got around to it.
22. do you plan your reading? do you just pick up whatever book sounds nice at the moment? how do you go about choosing what books to read? 
ahahah as much as i like to keep my “next 5 books to read” or whatever it is on storygraph full, i never use it. oops. i normally keep an eye out for books to read -- what i see people (typically whose tastes i trust or am interested in trying) talking about, or just a cool cover in a bookstore, or sometimes the “recommended books” section on storygraph -- and add it to my tbr, which then i just uselessly scroll thru forever until i decide to place a hold on it. if the library has it. sometimes its a bit of a method of what genre i wanna read (like, i sought out horror books cause i wanted to try horror, i read the ghost bride bc i wanted to read smth more romance-esque), but also sometimes its just picking a cover or title at random from my tbr. if the library doesnt have it, i normally go to z-library and download a copy, but that also doesnt mean i necessarily read it right away; i normally only read the stuff ive downloaded on my phone if i have to kill time. back when everything was shut down i read a lot more on my phone, but ive mostly stopped doing that bc  physical books are a bit easier to read. if im reading on my phone and its not smth i just got, i normally go w whatever i downloaded last and havent yet read, bc theyre all in the same mental category of “i thought this would be good to read at some point, but i havent read it yet so i must not have cared too much” lol. do u have any particular way of picking what to read next? :0 theres gotta be a better way of doing it, but also too much structure makes the books feel boring and/or a chore and/or too hyped up??
thanks for the ask!!
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
���𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙅𝘼𝘾𝙊𝘽𝙎𝙀𝙎. | 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙡 𝙟𝙖𝙘𝙤𝙗𝙨 (18+)
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edit by @raeganlolz <3
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∘ requests: I tried to use as many as I could that made sense! Hope you enjoy!
“the things i’d do to meet edgy karl’s parents.”
“ok but next time you want to write smut for edgy!karl...post pregnancy scare...karl having a fixation on readers tiddies...like the whole time. -🧚🏻‍♀️”
“i stg this is my last thing ill send in today about edgy!karl but karl letting reader dom him completely.-🧚🏻‍♀️”
“CONSIDER edgy!Karl saying ‘that's my girl’”
∘ pairing: edgy!Karl Jacobs x fm!reader 
∘ warnings: nsfw (minors dni), mentions of underaged sex, asphyxiation, domination, this being 4k
∘ word count: ~4000 (im so sorry)
∘ links: 𐐪 ao3 𐑂 𐐪 previous part 𐑂 𐐪 submit an edgy!karl edit 𐑂
∘ disclaimer: I made up all the dynamics and Karl lore. This is also an au and I do what I want so
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You rolled your shoulders, twisting your back to alleviate some of the stress in your back as your mind raced at the possible outcomes of spending the weekend at Karl’s parent’s place. He seemed to deal with the situation in his own way, a cigarette lazily hanging from his lips as he scrubbed the nail polish from his fingers. You wondered if his parents were sticklers for order, then again, knowing Karl, there was no way they weren’t crazy strict. You thought about your own family and what would happen if Karl were to meet your mother.
Karl seemed almost absent-mindedly going through the motions of visiting them like you had nothing to worry about. There were occasions when he even made it clear that you had your life more intact than he did, so it was doubtful they would hate you.
You peered over at him, taking your eyes off the road momentarily as he paused to blow smoke out of his window. “Why do you have to take it off?” You asked, gesturing to his hands.
He scoffed slightly, sitting up and throwing the dirty cotton ball into the small bag beside him. “My mom hates the dark colors,” he murmured, flicking his cigarette bud outside. He moved a hand to settle over your thigh, wrapping his fingers around the flesh. “Don’t worry, I’ll paint them again when we get back,” he chided. “I know it’s the only reason you keep me around.”
You snorted at this, shaking your head at his joke.
The two of you came to a small stop-over town, swapping seats after filling up the tank at the local gas station. Through the crack in the passenger window, you could hear the cashier greeting Karl as if they were old friends, smacking him on the back and walking him out the door with a smile. As Karl sank into the driver’s seat you furrowed your brows. He looked at you with a shrug. “We vacation around here sometimes,” he brushed off, making your mouth twist in disbelief. He was downplaying the extent of his family’s hold over the town.
As the two of you drove through the main street of the town, your eyes snapped to the various stores with his last name plastered on the signs. You nearly asked him about it, instead opting out as you figured he would give you a half-assed answer and only give you part of the story.
His house had its own street, a long winding road that ended in a looped driveway the size of a suburban cold-de-sac. You willed yourself not to let your mouth gape at the sheer size of the mansion as it stared back at you, blocking the moonlight as Karl opened the passenger door for you to climb out. “Stop treating me like the fucking Queen of England,” you murmured, elbowing him as he pulled on his hoodie, shaking out his hair slightly.
He laughed at you, popping a piece of gum in his mouth, and pressing his lips to yours in a nearly heated kiss as if to give you a taste of what he had in store of you. As he broke the embrace, his nose brushed against yours. “I can treat you worse if you want, pet?” He offered, causing you to shove him away from you.
“We are literally in your parents’ driveway. Chill out,” you urged, making him chuckle as he laced his fingers with yours, pulling you towards the front door. Your heart hammered in your ears as he pushed open the door. You tugged on his arm. “Shouldn’t we knock first?” You whispered, making him pop his gum and shrug.
As if telling you not to worry, he pulled you the rest of the way in the house, only to be greeted with an old man barely reaching over your height. “Karl! My god, you nearly scared the living daylights outta me!” He hooted, as Karl wrapped his arm around the old man, the two chattering away like the best of friends.
You smiled at the warmth between the two, watching Karl blossom. He moved to stand by you, wrapping his arm around your waist and gesturing to the man. “This is my nanny, Leslie. He wouldn’t leave so I think he just dusts the books in one of the libraries,” Karl joked, making the man swat the air in front of Karl.
You raised your eyebrows. “One of the libraries?” You repeated quietly as if to make sure you heard him correctly.
He smirked at you, disregarding your surprise. “This is my girlfriend,” he introduced, rather proudly as Leslie’s face lit up. He grabbed your hands and rambled on about how he had never thought Karl would introduce a girlfriend to the family.
“I thought I heard Karl’s voice. Did he make it?” A feminine tone rang out into the foyer, capturing Karl’s attention a beat before she had started talking as if he had sensed her. You wanted to smirk at the vision, knowing he did the same when he heard you.
A woman came around the corner of one of the walls, her hair and makeup applied to a professional standard and her clothes were cleanly pressed. She looked as if she had just gotten home from an office job with a corner office. Her intimidating aura vanished along with his as soon as she saw him, scooping him up in her arms as he chuckled slightly. She held him out an arm’s length away, pinching his sides and calling him a beanstalk. Another man a few years older than Leslie entered the room, draped in a flowery apron. He embraced Karl as well, the couple fawning over him like they hadn’t seen him in years.
Karl gestured for you to come closer as he showed you off to the pair, introducing them as his parents. Karl’s mom immediately embraced you, murmuring about how Karl hadn’t brought a girl home in ages let alone a girlfriend and you were quickly being to notice a theme amongst the group.
The house was massive, which you had quickly noticed was even bigger than it looked outside, as Karl’s mother looped her arm around yours, giving you the tour and explaining the extensive history of the Jacobs family and their impact on the house. Leslie and she served as some of the most entertaining tour guides you’d ever experienced as they giggling and joked. Karl walked quietly behind the group of you, hands in his pockets as he looked up at the ceilings and pictures as if he hadn’t seen them a thousand times growing up.
You peered over your shoulder, making sure he was still with the rest of you. He set you a wink, lips curling at the sight of you getting along with his family members.
After you were finally beginning to lose track of time Karl broke into the charade, and after vaguely mentioning he was tired, his mother when into a mock cuddling mode, cooing to him sarcastically, yet letting the two of you slink away for the night with the promise of finishing the tour before Karl’s brother showed up in the morning.
Soon it was just you and Karl again, him leading you up a flight of stairs. The hallways were lit with small lanterns that at one time had probably fostered candles but were now replaced with electric ones. You weren’t sure where to look as the walls were crammed with painting and photographs. Half of you wanted to admire the architecture while the rest of you was attempting to identify who the artist was that had done most of the artwork.
Karl sighed tiredly, popping open a door and switching on the lights. You bit back a smile at the view of his room in its pristine condition. The various shades of blues and greys accenting the features of his bed and various pieces of furniture. As you looked around, he threw his wallet and keys onto the dresser beside his bed, shutting the door to drown out the faint music coming from the kitchen. You sat in one of the massive chairs beside the fireplace, your mind running blank with disbelief. A fire was already burning in anticipation of his return.
You ran your finger along the seam in the leather. “When you said your family had money… I didn’t picture all,” you paused gesturing around you, “… this…”
He shrugged with a small smile on his face. “Do you wanna know a little piece of Karl lore?” He asked, smugly.
You perked your eyebrows at his words. “You know I do.”
He gestured with his fingers for you to come towards him as he walked closer to one of the massive windows. He settled his hand in the crook of your neck, turning you to look across the pond at a few of the other massive properties. He pressed a kiss to your shoulder before pointing at one directly in front of you. “I lost my virginity in that one,” he stated, making you chuckle.
He wrapped his arms around your waist. “And to whom?” You queried, as his teeth nipped at your ear.
You could practically hear him smirk. “Her name was Ms. Scarlet back then, but I think she’s been married again,” he answered, making you freeze in his hold. “I think she was between husband two and three.”
“Wait, what?” You turned around to face him.
He brushed his lips against yours. “You jealous?”
You furrowed your brows at him, pulling out of his touch. “Were you of age?” You questioned, voice coming out in almost a winded laugh.
He shrugged, plopping down on the bed behind him, leaning his weight back on his hands. “Not the first time.” He smiled up at you. “She’s a friend of mine’s mom. I cut her grass that summer.”
You rubbed your eyes. “Jesus Christ,” you murmured. “Did you hook up again after that?” It was like he had opened Pandora’s box, a mass of questions echoing like bees within your mind.
He looked at the ceiling. “We stopped before my sophomore year of college, I think.” He furrowed his brows in thought. “Yeah, so almost five years.” Your mouth gapped slightly. “But only when I came back for breaks.”
“You were seventeen?” You stressed. “And when you came back from where?” You sat beside him, attempting to decide if you should be worried or not. Obviously, it wasn’t a fact you could change, but the fact that a woman had him at so young-
He hummed slightly. “Boarding school,” he mumbled, trying not to seem smug. He wrapped his arm around your waist. “I know it sounds bad now, but she wasn’t taking advantage of me or anything,” he assured. “I think you’d like her, honestly.”
“You think I’d like a woman that preys on little boys?” He snorted at your comment and you smacked his chest, making him laugh louder.
He dug his face into your neck. “Age of consent is lower here,” he continued to assure. “Baby, I’m okay.” His teeth nipped at your skin. “Plus, I don’t think I’d know how to make you feel so good without her.” That made you green around the gills. You attempted to put the thought of Karl and an older woman out of your mind. “How did you lose yours?”
You swallowed your questions, deciding to save them for another day. “In a treehouse before I left for college. With my roommate’s twin brother,” you murmured.
He chuckled. “Oh, shit. We’re both bad friends, aren’t we?” He jested.
You shook your head, chewing the inside of your cheek. “I was dating him, actually. It was really brief.”
“The sex or the relationship?” He asked, making two gesture two fingers into the air. He pulled away from you, sending you a small smile. “And what’s his name? I need to know who you’re comparing me to.”
You scoffed. “Clay,” you answered, the image of the boy flashing into your mind for an instant.
Karl’s demeanor changed. “Clay?” He repeated, sounding like you earlier as you wrapped your brain around the extent of the Jacobs fortune. “What does that seem so familiar…” he trailed off in thought. You perked your eyebrow at him, knowing full-well the two could have unintentionally crossed paths on campus.
The next morning, you could have sworn you were on the set of a period piece if it weren’t for Karl’s father’s golfing attire and his mother’s tight black dress as they welcomed various family members into the house. You had finally met Karl’s older brother, an accomplished man with a good job and an even more impressive education, yet each time he attempted to boast about his earnings or the progress he was bringing to the family business, he was swatted off only for his parents to gloat about Karl’s fraternity connections and grades.
You peered over Karl’s shoulder as he showed you Todd’s Instagram post, the two of you scoffing before you liked his picture from your account, making Karl roll his eyes as you snickered.
“… And that being said, renting cars is no longer a strenuous task,” Karl’s brother finished.
Mrs. Jacobs nodded her head slightly. Karl had mentioned the family joke of disregarding what his brother said, even if it was impressive or you were interested. It had been a running gag since Karl was in high school and they weren’t planning on letting up anytime soon. “Yeah, that’s neat. Did you hear Karl learned how to do his own laundry?” His mom boasted with a small chirp to her voice as if Karl were the best thing on the planet.
You bit back a laugh as his brother grumbled to himself, his wife patting his arm reassuringly. “He was also one of the most expensive at KA. Very impressive son!” His dad added, sending him a thumbs up.
You stood with Karl in the living room; his arm draped around the top of a bookshelf you were leaning against as you both listened to one of his cousins talk about a new boat they had just paid off.
Your heels felt tight on your feet as you switched the weight from one ankle to the other, leaning closer to Karl. He moved so his lips were near your ear. “Don’t let him fool you. It’s a hollowed-out log with a rudder,” he chided, making the corner of your mouth twist up.
“It’s not much, but it’s honest,” you mockingly defended. “You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
“Inexplicably,” he murmured back, making you laugh quietly. He let a beat of silence pass between the two of you before wetting his lips. “Say the word and we’ll find a random room and I’ll ruin your makeup,” he whispered.
You scoffed, inching closer to him while your eyes remained on the center of the room where everyone was talking. “How can you be horny around your family?”
You could feel his warm breath against your neck. “Because I’m more focused on you in that tight little dress than Kevin’s boat.”
You took a sip from your cup. “Dirty boy,” you joshed quietly.
Karl smirked at you before his eyes drifted to the front door, a new flow of people filing into the house. You noticed him grow quiet, following his gaze to a woman and a boy around your age. They greeted Karl’s parents happily before integrating into the living room with the rest of you. You could tell by the way his face twisted smugly that the woman was Ms. Scarlet. You drew in a breath as she neared the two of you.
Karl stood up a bit straighter and you bit back a laugh, making a mental note on having to tease him about his MILF. The woman smiled brightly at Karl, pinching his cheek. You attempted to piece together who the boy was and if Karl had mentioned him before.
Karl cleared his throat after they shared their pleasantries. “Uh, this is Nick, but everyone calls him Sapnap, and this is his mom… Ms. Scarlet?” He questioned the last part as she charmingly laughed.
“Oh, no darling. I’m Mrs. Donahue now.” Sapnap rolled his eyes slightly at her words, taking a sip of his drink as she winked at him.
Karl smirked. “Right, congratulations. Anyway, they’ve been our neighbors for years-”
She cut him off, squeezing his arm. “Oh, come on! We were trying to marry Karl off to one of Nick’s cousins and finally join the families, but it’s just funny how things work out,” she stated. You wracked your brain, attempting to figure out if it was a dig at you or Karl. The two of them went off on a tangent about the array of Sapnap’s cousins that Karl had had to take on dates and whatnot.
“So, you’re dating Karl then?” Sapnap asked you, more of an aside as they had seemed to forget about you.
You nodded; the fact still rather foreign to you when given the chance to think about it. “Yeah, I’ll claim him,” you joked. “Did you guys go to the same high school?” You asked, attempting conversation.
He looked at you tiredly. “Yeah, yeah. We’ve been classmates since we were little.” You hummed in interest. “I mean, since he fucked my mom we haven’t been hanging out or anything,” he added as if you had been itching to ask.
You had been.
You snorted at his words as he smiled slightly. “Sorry, that’s not funny,” you apologized, covering your mouth.
He shook his head, laughing softly. “No, it definitely is, don’t worry.”
“How did, uh… that affect you guys?” You asked, biting back your humorous response.
He seemed to relax from his stiffened introduction a few minutes prior. He wet his lips. “Honestly, there’s no going back from that, you know?”
You giggled. “No, I don’t.”
He laughed at your answer, covering it with a cough as Karl seemed to remember you were standing beside him. Sapnap’s mom suddenly spotted an old friend of hers, the two parting from your life almost as quickly as they had entered. You leaned against Karl’s arm.
“I like Sapnap,” you hummed, watching the two leave. “He seems quiet.” Karl shrugged beside you. Your mind wandered to whether Sapnap knew Todd. Part of you wished you had asked him, but you were struggling to remember Todd’s real name anyway. “Did you have fun with your lady friend?” You mocked, looking up at him.
He shook his head, biting back a smirk. “You’re my lady friend.”
You chuckled. “Oh? I thought you’d forgotten.”
Before you knew it, you were pressed against Karl in a coat closet in a remote part of the house, unable to make it to his room before his hands were up your skirt and his lips were attacking your skin. He pinned you against the door as if he were worried you would slip out of his grasp as he ground his hips against yours. His teeth grazed against your neck in a mess of hands and hair.
You pushed him further into the closet before he plopped down in a chair towards the back. The both of you shared a look of confusion as to why it was there yet shrugged and went back to carding your fingers through his hair and tugging at his lips with your own. He moaned into your mouth as you climbed into his lap, his hands gripping the flesh of your thighs before snaking up to slip into the top of your dress and take your breast into one of his large hands.
Kissing him felt strange without his tongue ring; if you weren’t so desperate to get yourself off, you would have complained about missing it.
You ground yourself on his lap, groaning at your newfound friction as he spread his legs further for you, his free hand dragging you against his crotch. You pressed your lips against his neck, biting at the skin, determined to mark him as yours. You weren’t doing it to ward off Ms. Scarlet, no. This was for you, knowing full well that Karl always wore your hickeys with pride.
Your hands went to his belt buckle, impatience taking over as you nipped at his skin, earning moans of pleasure as he let you have your way with him. He pressed his lips to your chest as you freed his cock from its cloth entrapment, stroking him with your hand. “Give me your panties,” he whispered, breathlessly as he hooked his fingers around your waistband. You obliged before angling him at your entrance and sinking down onto him. The two of you let out moans of pleasure, swallowing each other’s appraisal.
The air grew warm around the two of you as you began to roll your hips against him. Your head tilting back as you tried to quiet yourself down, knowing the last thing you wanted was for someone to walk in… again.
Karl’s fingers moved to unzip your dress, exposing your chest to his mouth as your fingers moved to tug at his dark locks. He ground his hips up into yours, a thankful moan slipping past your lips as his tongue pressed against the valley between your breasts.
You pushed him against the back of the chair, capturing his lips against your and slipping your tongue into his mouth. He completely submitted to your actions, wanting nothing more than to taste you as you began to ride him harder. Your nails dug into the back of the chair, your other hand moving to unbutton the top of his shirt and wrap around his neck. “Is she better than me?” You asked; your breath husky and demanding as his teeth flashed back at you, his leering smirk mixing with his blissed-out expression as he tried not to roll his eyes at how good he felt with you taking all of him.
“N-no. Of course not,” he groaned. His lips were pink from your teeth, cheeks flushed with lust and adrenaline as his blunt nails raked up your body to claw at your back. “Fuck, you feel so good,” he moaned, voice almost a whimper.
You moved your hand to press your thumb to brush against his bottom lip, loving the pleasured expression on his face as he looked at you like you owned him. “Good,” you answered plainly, swirling your hips and tightening your grip on his neck before you could feel your impending orgasm nearly within reach. He almost smiled up at you. What a little freak.
You moved your hand to fist in the front of his shirt, pulling him up to press your lips against his as you bounced on top of him. He let out a deep moan before you felt him release, making you scoff sardonically. His fingers moved to grip your hips, thrusting against you harder, determined to get you to follow him. You dug your face into the crook of his neck, his teeth digging into your skin.
Shamelessly, you let him drag you over the edge, your orgasm ripping through you with a flash of heat and relief. Karl kissed you roughly, desperate to taste your moans as if looking for your approval. "That's my girl," he moaned, smiling against your lips.
As the two of you straightened your clothing and cleaned up your appearances, you went for your underpants in Karl’s pocket, but he grabbed your wrist, drawing you to his chest. “You got to be on top, that means I’m in charge of foreplay for the rest of the night,” he answered, pressing a brief and sultry kiss against your lips to wipe away your shocked expression.
“Fine, then I’m in charge when we get back and I’ll send lewds to Todd,” you threatened with an empty conscious on the matter. “Just to make it spicy. Stir it up a bit,” you joshed.
He groaned, making you smirk. “You’re playing with fire,” he mumbled.
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Tag List:
@mrwinemaker @madsbbg @idiotinnit @xxtakechancesxx @chxrrymilkshake @westyywifee @kiritokunuwu @theholycakehole @itgetsatadhazy
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tu-sugar-mami · 3 years
Warnings and uh tags?: reader death, unsolicited angst. Don't read honestly, it's crappy, im feeling angsty today don't read, this doesn't make sense at all but meh bc i always hurry i have no patience. Happy ending if course but still
Alcina can't understand it.
You're just another maiden of the bunch. Why are her eyes tearing up?
You're nothing more than a simple servant, as disposable as any other, just a toy kept around for her amusement only. Sure, she might have gotten a liking to you, an uncommon fixation but nothing else. So why? Why is her stomach churning with worry and why is her her mouth dry at the sight of your limp body trapped under the fallen bookshelf? Why are her eyes watering and her heart beating uncontrollably when she can't hear yours even if she's straining her ears.
When she heard the thunderous roar of something clashing to the ground she was ready to lecture you, wasting no time in climbing up the stairs with hurried steps in search of you, but her feet stopped abruptly at the sight that greeted her: Half of your body buried under the heavy wood, books littered all around you and blood spilling out of your mouth.
It takes a moment before she spins into action, pushing the bookshelf away and kneeling beside you. She doesn't know what to do, she's afraid of touching you and risk hurting you even more but she can't bring herself to call for help.
She's angry at you, at herself. At you because why did you have to be so reckless? You're fragile, human, mortal, and yet you're stubborn in doing things your way. At herself because she should have known better than to leave you alone.
With gloved fingers on your neck she checks for a pulse. You can't be de— No, she won't finish that thought, she won't accept it. There isn't a pulse but she is not letting you go.
Careful to control her strength Alcina picks you up, cradling you in her arms and close to her chest. You've always been soft and squishy, great for cuddles and hugs, but the way you feel in her hands as she carry you downstairs is way too wrong, like a pouch of glass marbles. Your face is pale and your limbs sway like those of a rag doll. At this point even Donna's dolls and puppets seem more alive than you do.
Alcina orders a carriage to the first maid that crosses her way. Her cracking voice harsh to the maid's ears while she scurries to bide the order she's given.
The daughters somehow hear the fuss and go to investigate. They find their mother trying to hold back tears, though unsuccessfully, since some of her makeup is already smudged.
"Don't." Is all she say when one of the girls try to touch you. They're worried at the dull, lifeless tone in her voice, but they obey nonetheless.
Alcina doesn't know why she's acting like this. She doesn't know why suddenly you're worthy of her wasting precious time to try and save you.
She remembers how you had never been afraid of anything, not even when you were sold to her by your parents. She wonders if you are afraid of never waking up again.
During the whole journey to Moreau's —the only one that appears in her mind when it comes to someone able to help— she never lets go of your frame, cradling your pale cheek in her hand, her thumb caressing your now cold skin.
Why is her heart hammering in her chest? Why does she feel like grieving the loss of something precious? Why is she suddenly overwhelmed by all these emotions? It doesn't make sense, not at all.
Moreau is curious as to why Lady Dimitrescu's carriage is pulling up at his door, and at such hour at that. He's not expecting a teary Alcina carrying a young maiden in her arms, ordering him to save you, and when he states what she already knows she begs for everything that is holy that he still try because you can't leave her, not like this.
Alcina didn't know how important you had become to her until she realized your smile was gone, until she realized you were not going to sit on her lap and giggle when she corrected historical events on modern textbooks again. It hit her like a bucket of cold water that you were not going indulge in playful banters whenever she's stressed again, and of course you would not braid Bela's hair while retelling stories of old books by the fireplace anymore.
It hit her that you were, in fact, not just another one of the bunch, no.
But it hit her even harder that she was the only one at fault for this.
She had been the one to send you away with a wave of her hand, annoyed. "If you want to be useful go and do something, but don't stand there like a nuisance." She had said. She was bitter. She had heard you talking with another maid, a friend of yours, about how you wanted to leave and explore the world and everything it had to offer. She thought you weren't happy with her and that hurt her, so she did what she always did when hurt: hide behind a cold mask.
She hadn't meant for you to go to the library. She hadn't meant for you to die. And now she was praying to every god she knew to get you back.
The only option left when Moreau can't wake you is to go with the only other person capable of beating death. Miranda.
And so Alcina does, and by a miracle mother Miranda agrees to try, but her motives as always are twisted. You do wake up, but you're not you anymore. A soulless beast has replaced the sweet, flirty maiden that was before. Alcina thinks she can handle it as long as you're back with her, but she's proven wrong when you get out of control.
No one admits it, but they pity her.
No one was to say it, but it's clear they have to put you down, out of your misery.
Alcina pulls out her claws and with a single tear rolling down her left cheek, she strikes...
...Alcina wakes up with pained yell. She's drenched in cold sweat. Her heart is beating a mile per hour. She touches her face and feels her cheeks sticky, wet with tears.
At her side you wake up too, startled, looking your surroundings for a sense of orientation. Next to you is your beautiful wife, sitting, crying her eyes out, covering her mouth with a hand in an attempt to quiet her whimpers. The grasp of sleep abandon you in a blink and in a second your arms are surrounding her.
"My love, it's okay. You're okay, it was a dream, everything is alright." You say while swaying side to side trying to calm her down. You cup her face, kissing her tears away while caressing her tear stained cheek.
"You died... I killed you." She whispers desperately. You shush her and hold her close to you.
"That will never happen. It was just a nightmare." You say. After a kiss is properly placed on her forehead you manage to lay side by side, and even though Alcina is much bigger than you she's hiding her face on the crook of your neck.
She won't say a word, but you know she won be able to sleep again. In the darkness and quiet of the large room your voice starts to sing a sweet, soothing lullaby while you fingers tangle in your lover's hair and start to play with it. "I love you, Alcina." You say out loud when you feel Alcina's heartbeat lower to a tranquil pace and you're sure she's drifting back to her slumber. "I'll be here for you, always."
If you love my work, buy me a coffee?
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hoonhrt · 3 years
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: pairing — student! jay x tutor! reader
: genre — fluff, crack 
: song recc. — L’amour by Miel De Montagne 
: a/n — this lowkey sucks but I've been wanting to get work out so I'm sorry if this isn't the best :(( also I'm still learning french so if some of it is wrong pls lmk so i can fix it!! 
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Jay was your school’s resident bad boy. blond hair, all-black outfits, cuts class and yells at kids that look his way. you know? the usual. You on the other hand were the complete opposite. straight-A student. A quiet kid who didn’t dare look the ways of Jay Park and his Clique™. So imagine the shock that was felt when the boy you avoided at all costs, walks up to you in the middle of the cafeteria asking for French lessons. 
“You want me to do what?” He rolls his eyes, tired of this conversation already. 
“Can you not hear? I’m failing French and I need to pass or else my parents won’t let me move to France.” He speaks as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“And you’re asking me why?” He rolls his eyes again for what felt like the 100th time. You’re just confused about how he even knows of your existence.
“Listen, all I know that you’re in my French class and that you pay attention, I’ll even pay you I just need to get my mark up.” You perk up to the sound of money. You don’t really need but it’s still nice to have some. Doing this will get you good Karma right? 
“Fine. Meet me at the library every Monday and Wednesday after class, got it?” Jay stares at you with annoyance. He really does not want to be wasting his senior year on stupid lessons but, here we are. He reluctantly agrees and watches you walk away, struggling to hold your books in your arms. He turns around and lets out a deep sigh, wondering if the hot chicks and fancy baguettes in France are really worth this
Minutes turned into hours as you waited for Jay to show up. You waited patiently for hours just for this kid to not show up. Annoyed, you start to pack up your books. You don’t know why you’d think someone like Jay would actually show up to a voluntary tutor session. You were just about to make your way out of the library when you see someone running towards you almost like the flash. As the figure got closer to your still body, you realize it was Jay. Now, bent over in front of you gasping for air with his tongue out like a dog. You stared at his limped-over figure with confusion and slight disgust. 
“s-s-sorry i was… late, i f-forgot about… this.” he manages to speak out with the little air he has in him. He stands up and evens out his breath. 
“what makes you think i’m gonna tutor you now? you wasted my time Park, i have a life too you know.” you snap at him. He stares at you for a brief second before letting out a hearty laugh, throwing his head back and slapping his leg. He sees your serious expression, your eyes glaring at him like an eagle and awkwardly stops laughing. 
“Look, i’m paying you and this is only gonna last for a little while. i just need to pass, that’s it.” His eyes shine with a hopeful gleam, a look that is extremely rare to see from Jay Park. He looked a little cute. You dramatically sigh and start walking into the library, Jay following behind you. 
You settle at the table you sat at prior, re-opening your book bag to pull out your notes. He just watches you do that, not making an effort to even bring out a pencil. 
“Okay, so how much french do you even know?” 
He stares into space, a little hesitant to continue. “Um, i can ask if i can go to the bathroom?” You stare at him with disbelief. You’ve been in this class with him for months and that’s all he knows. 
“Oh and i can say good morning!” you let out a loud groan that catches the attention of others around, causing them to loudly shush at you. Feeling annoyed again, you contemplate if the money was really worth it. You sigh out and start looking for your notes from the beginning of the semester. This was gonna take a LONG time. 
“... and that’s how you conjugate verbs in the past tense, aka passé composé!” You finish off the session with joy. Jay on the other hand has gone completely blank, not remembering a single word you just told him. He stares down at his notes, then at you, then back down at his notes. You can see the struggle on his face and he hasn’t said a word yet. 
“I’m never gonna pass french. This is it. I can kiss France goodbye.” he claims with despair. This already too hard for him and he barely has learned anything. He sets his head on the table and mumbles to himself about how he will never be happy if he doesn’t live his youthful 20’s in France. You sat across from him irritated with his discouraging behaviour and a little sad that you weren’t able to teach him well. Until you come up with a plan that might help him improve much quicker.  
“What if… we hang out this weekend? We can do something and we’ll only speak in French! Of course I’ll help you and all that. But like, maybe? Only if you want to of course you probably don’t wanna spend your weekend with me i dont know you know its just a plan.” you ramble on and on without stopping and Jay simply just watches you. He smirks a little before nodding. 
“How about you put your number in my phone and then I’ll text you when I’m free hm?” he slides his phone across the table towards you and eyes you typing it in. He catches a glimpse of your rose-coloured cheeks and smirks a little more. 
“Okay, uh there’s my number! Just um, text me you know, when you’re free!” you manage to stutter out. Jay just nods at you and again, watches you walk away. This time a slight smile across his face. 
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A sudden notification pulls you away from your thoughts. An unknown number that you had a feeling belonged to a particular boy you didn’t think would actually text you. 
042-002-1130: bonjour 
042-002-1130: was that even right
042-002-1130: anyways I’m free on saturday if you wanna hang ig 
042-002-1130: samedi is saturday right 
042-002-1130: it is wow im such a genius 
You let out a snort at his cocky behaviour and reply back, letting him know that you were free yourself and to meet you at the school grounds at 2 pm. 
Saturday shows up as you wait outside the school gates, a picnic basket in hand. An all-black car with dark tinted windows zooms up to you. The window is pulled down and alas, the handsome boy sits in the driver’s seat, ushering you to get into the car with his hand. 
“Woah a picnic basket? Listen y/n you’re cool and all but this isn’t a date,” he speaks and notices you roll your eyes. A smug smile tugging his lips. 
“No you asshole, I have a plan with this.” 
“Tell me,” Jay begins to drive away from the school. The destination is unknown to you but extremely familiar to the boy next to you. 
“In here there is a bunch of food, in order for you to eat, you’re gonna have to say the name of the food in french.” He turns his head to see you looking back at him, a sweet smile places on your face. Jay has always known of you. You sat in the back of the classroom, handed in all your work on time and never skipped a class. You had very few friends and always seemed to be lost in a dream world when you weren’t working. Jay had never been able to speak to you personally as you always avoided him but know he has the chance to actually talk to you, and he doesn’t wanna mess it up. 
The car stopped at the edge of a giant grassy field. The greenery going miles ahead. Trees surrounding the two of you. Jay like a gentleman runs out of the car to open the door for you. You blush at his actions, thanking him silently by smiling at him. 
He directs you to a small spot under a tree. You lay out a blanket for you to sit on while Jay leans up against the tree. You tell him to sit down next to you as you bring out all the little snacks to share with him. He thinks that he could get used to this. 
“D’accord, commençons! Qu'est-ce que ç'est?” (okay, lets start! What is this?) 
You pick up a grape. He thinks for a little bit before answering. “Un raisin.” (a grape) You clap with glee and hand him over the grape. A silence falls between you both, unaware of how to keep going. He picks up a strawberry and brings it to your face. “Tu aime les fraises?” (do you like strawberries?) You eye him for a second, for someone who said he only knows how to ask how to go the bathroom in french, he knows quite a bit. You nod a little, opening your mouth and letting him feed you the sweet fruit. Your face matches the colour of the strawberry and he giggles. You pull out a sandwich and ask him to describe what’s in it. 
“Dans le sandwich, il y a du jambon, du beurre, et de la tomate.” (in the sandwich there is some ham, some butter, and some tomato.) He speaks confidently. 
“Trés bien Jay! Tu es bon en parler francias!” (very good Jay! You are really good at speaking French!) 
“Merci, mon Cheri.” (Thank you, my dear.) you blush even more before and shy away from Jay’s gaze. Jay being the very bold guy that he is, placing his hand underneath your jaw, forcing you to meet his eyes. You both just stare at each other as the sun sets behind you. Was Jay always this beautiful? His eyes scan over your face seeking for any discomfort, none is to be found. So he makes the move and starts to lean in. You already have your eyes closed and lips puckered out, ready to embrace a feeling you’ve never felt before.
His breath fans over your lips and just before he kisses you he asks “je peux t’embrasser? (can I kiss you?) you eagerly nod and whisper out “embrasse-moi.” (kiss me.) Jay finally places his lips on yours and everything feels right. Your hands find their way to the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. You stay in this position with him for a little while before you pull back for air. Both his hands cradle your face, his thumb rubbing across the apples of your cheeks.
“I still have a lot to learn y’know?” Jay breaks the silence. You laugh out loud, falling into his lap. 
“Same time next week then yeah?” He lets out a ‘hmm’ and watches you rest your head against his thigh, playing with the ends of your hair. ‘Maybe France could wait a little’ he thought. 
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warmau · 3 years
☆ [nostalgic] summer romance!au jaehyun exactly on time for the valentine boy! ........well....... find others here: johnny | haechan | taeil | taeyong | mark | jaemin | yangyang | yuta | sicheng | chenle | kun | yukhei | doyoung
how you end up here, you don’t know, but you blame johnny suh because when things get weird it’s usually his fault anyway
johnny’s smile is a thousand and one watts - he reaches out to pass you the beat up guitar case and again, you don’t even take it by choice, it’s nudged into your hands before you can really even say a word
“im not joining your band.”
“it’s not mine - it’s ours.”
jungwoo twirls a drum stick between his fingers and grins from his spot on the garage couch
“no johnny - we all know it’s yours.”
your lips thin and the only reason you don’t fling the case to the floor is because you actually like the guitar that’s inside. 
granted you haven’t seen it since middle school and it probably still has that horrible sticker on the back of it that you remember picking at until all the little pieces you got off were uncomfortably stuck under your nails.
“guys - it’s summer. we have nothing better to do.”
“says you, i got an engineering internship at samsung.” 
jungwoo chirps again and you try not to roll your eyes
we all know about the damn samsung internship dude.
“yeah - and i have to work at the family bookstore.”
mark lee walks in, holding as many redbulls as he can fit between his elbows, they spill out and onto the space beside jungwoo
you listen to mark open one and johnny groan
“ok you all have something to do, but we-” he motions behind him at you “don’t have anything to save us from the boredom that is about to take up two months of our youthful lives!”
you cut in and all three sets of eyes focus on you
“i have something i want to do this summer.”
johnny’s long figure straightens in anticipation while jungwoo cocks an eyebrow and mark gives you an encouraging smile
“im not going to tell you what it is, but it’s definitely not starting a band with you guys.”
you lean the guitar case against a nearby wall and add a half-hearted shrug
the walk from johnny’s house to yours isn’t long, it takes about fifteen minutes if you’re really going slow. 
plus you’ve done it so many times, you basically set your body to autopilot.
you think about it - the thing you want to do this summer before you go away for university and home becomes a new place and a memory at the same time.
you’re not known for being sentimental, johnny has even gone so far as to label you as a bit ‘apathetic’ . but still you know this is your last chance to really enjoy the place you grew up in.
you turn the corner at the street that leads down to where you live and in the hot evening air you hear something
it’s the sound of a bike, the pedaling is light but the frame must be old because it creaks a little when it slows down slightly to maneuver to the left and pass you.
you look up and see a boy
brown hair still wet from the pool or a shower maybe, dimples at the corners of his smile, the two sizes too big white shirt fluttering behind him in the breeze
for what seems like longer than a second - you lock eyes - his match the color of autumn leaves and teddy bear fur 
and for some weird reason can’t stop thinking about them even well after you get back home
is he new in town? i’ve never seen him before?
finally managing to shake off the curiosity, you fish the shoebox you’ve been keeping under your bed out and open it.
inside there’s only three things so far: 
a copy of your graduation photo, a copy of johnny’s graduation photo, and the prom invite ticket that has jungwoo’s chicken scrawl on the back (he was technically your date, because johnny got proportioned by half the seniors and mark was too nervous to ask if you’d take him)
this is what you were talking about. this is what you want to spend summer doing.
you want to spend it remembering, gathering fragments of your life so far in your hometown with your bestfriends, so that when you move on you have a tangible piece of the memories
the reason you were keeping it a secret though was because.....even you had to admit.......this was a little much 
and you had built yourself a little bit of a hard shell so imagining telling the people you knew that this was your summer plan 
well, you could already hear johnny’s voice saying something like ‘hey, this isn’t a hallmark movie you sap and facetime exists. do you think im not gonna call you at 3 am from across the country like i do now anyway?’ 
you close the box and tap your fingers on the top.
tomorrow, i’ll start visiting all the important places.
your phone pings and it sound echoes through the otherwise empty library. 
a harsh shushing sound comes from the front desk and you quickly answer it, sliding down against one of the bookcases
you’d come here to see if you could find that old series you loved as a kid, the magic treehouse, it’s the books you and johnny fought over when you first met each other years ago
you abandon that though because poor mark sounds like he’s having a panic attack over the phone
“hey, you need to get over here - johnny is holding auditions for a guitarist since you said you didn’t want to do the band”
“ok, so what? it’s just auditions?”
mark’s pleading gets louder, “it’s auditions with JOHNNY - he thinks this is eurovision or something i don’t know please i can’t reign him in and jungwoo’s at his internship - i am dying here!”
you sigh, making it long so mark knows how annoyed you are
“put him on.”
mark’s voice drowns and johnny takes the phone from him
“what did i say with conspiring with them? we are shunning them for quitting on the band! what do you mean you had no other options? what do you mean my egomania is coming out? - anyway hey whats up?”
“stop torturing mark and all the poor kids that showed up to audition.”
“first of all, im not torturing anyone. that would be illegal and distasteful, im just giving my constructive criticism. second of all, if you want to give orders like that then let’s make this a fare trade off. come over and help me judge - i mean hold the auditions and then i will cease my so called ‘torturing’ ala my ‘criticizing’.”
you huff - fine, it’s one day out of the whole summer.
“ok. but you better have snacks.”
“do you think i wouldn’t provide refreshments? what kind of monster do you think i am?”
there’s more people than you expect showing up to audition for this band. half of them are just there to sweet talk johnny or mark,  but the others are all just. bad. 
you never knew how bad someone butcher playing an instrument, let alone a guitar, but you’ve had that eye opening experience today
“how many people left?”
you mutter, face first into your palms and looking up with happiness when mark says only one!
“hey, im jung jaehyun.”
you turn and see the boy from the bike, the one with the softest eyes you’ve ever seen, standing in the entry to johnny’s garage
he’s carrying his own guitar case - black leather and well worn but loved
“well jaehyun dude, i hope you can at least play the damn thing because i feel like no one in this town can!”
johnny groans and you straighten up a little as jaehyun comes closer
he sets himself up and you feel something inside your stomach turn when he bends down and you see a bit of the tanned skin of his back
“im not amazing, but i can play some of the classics.”
“wonderwall?” mark asks and johnny snips at him as you try to think of something to say, but suddenly....your brain is fuzzy
“play anything!” 
so jaehyun does, he plays, and he even sings and the fuzziness in your brain turns to white noise and the little drop in your stomach is a whole bundle of butterflies
you barely realize the johnny is already befriending jaehyun and mark is staring at him with those big, impressed eyes
when you get up and jaehyun smiles at you
“so what do you play?”
johnny throws an arm around your shoulder older brother style and rolls his eyes before you get a word in
“you’re actually taking their spot because they’re too busy to be in the band.”
something seems to cast a sad shadow over jaehyun’s features - “oh, you’re not going to play with us?”
words float through your head, none of which you can grasp onto, so you just shake it instead and let johnny ramble on about your so called betrayal
you look at your phone and of course it’s nearing ten and there’s no way you can go to any of the other places on your list so you motion to mark that you’re going to head home
“oh - i have to go too.”
jaehyun slings his guitar case over his shoulder, “but ill come by tomorrow for practice?”
johnny shoots him a big grin and then haggles all the social media jaehyun has out of him
you don’t know why you just don’t start walking - but somehow you end up leaving with jaehyun, making that left turn where you first passed each other
“do you live on this street?”
you jump a little as you nod, “yeah - i think i actually saw you yesterday. you were on your bike so you probably didn’t notice me.”
there’s a polite distance between you two, but jaehyun is smiling when he answers
“oh no, i definitely noticed you.”
you end up thinking about those words the same way you couldn’t stop thinking about his eyes 
except this time, instead of it lasting a day, the thought lasts nearly two and a half weeks
it seems jaehyun is doing a good job fitting in with your friends, considering you don’t get anymore calls from mark 
and you actually start to make progress on your summer project
you manage to get some ticket stubs from old movies, an old science project you did that’s still hanging on the walls of the highschool (open for summer classes), and pressed flowers from ontop of a hill where you almost break your elbow back when you were a freshman
you’re plunging yourself into your past, but weirdly enough every now and then you’ll remember that 
oh no, i definitely noticed you
the six little words make you feel giddier than whatever memento you’re seeking out to tuck into your shoebox
you try to tell yourself it’s just because jaehyun is new - he’s new and the memory of him isn’t old enough to try and find anything to represent him by 
and he kind of represents everything you’re nervous about - new places, new people, new friendships ...... the prospect of a new love
you look up at the sky as you swing back and forth on the playground you’ve come to collect something from for your memory box 
that’s ridiculous. i’ve had one conversation with him!
you swing your legs back and forth, slowing down and you think twice about jumping off when suddenly you feels someone gently push your back
the swing goes a little higher and you turn your head in surprise to see
he smiles and his dimples greet you before he does
“i saw you on my way back from johnny’s.”
he gives you another soft push and you hear that fuzzy noise that always turns the gears in your brain when you try to say something around him
“is - is johnny being nice?”
is all you can muster and jaehyun laughs, the sound melodic but low, just the way the baritone of his voice is when he sang
“very nice, but he is a lot to handle sometimes.”
you kick your legs down and dig your heels into the grass a little, jaehyun grabs the two chains of the swings to help you stop it
when you turn you notice his bike is laying a couple of feet away and so is his guitar
“what about the band stuff?”
“johnny is trying to write songs and stuff, but actually mark is the one that i think has the talent for it.”
you can’t help but feel the corner of your mouth lift up a little, he already knows the two of them pretty well.
“what about you - do you write songs or music?”
jaehyun lifts his bike back up and you take the guitar case to help him
before you know it - you and him are walking side by side again 
“a little, but it’s more about playing the guitar for me. that’s the part that makes me happy.”
you play with your fingers behind your back, old nervous habits rising to the surface
“by the way - why did you not want to be part of the band? johnny said you were busy with something but you didn’t say what.”
you stop 
i should lie, make something up.
jaehyun stops too and the sounds of the bike wheels and footsteps float off into the air
but for some reason, i don’t want to lie. not to him.
“im......leaving after the summer, going to school in another place. so im spending my summer kind of.....im kind of cataloging this place. this town. i’m doing the whole put your memories in a shoebox thing which is so-”
“awesome! i think it’s awesome that you want a part of your home with you, sometimes people are way too excited to get away from their roots.”
you look at jaehyun, who returns the look with a comforting warmth you’ve never experienced before.
it’s a different comfort than the one you get from your friends or your family, it makes your heart beat flutter - slow for a second, then so fast you think your body can’t keep up
he starts walking again and you do too
the silence isn’t weird. it’s a conversation in it’s own way between your two bodies.
when you get to your house - you look at jaehyun again and you have two thoughts
one is that you should kiss him. because he looks so.....kissable.
the second, the one you ultimately choose, is to widen your eyes and go:
“promise you won’t tell the others about it though, they would not let me live it down.”
jaehyun laughs and hooks his pinkie with yours - his skin soft under the setting sun - “i promise.”
and after being caught up in thinking about jaehyun’s eyes, or the way he speaks, you find yourself in the same repeating cycle again
this time. it’s your regret. 
you should have chose option one, because it’s looking like another opportunity to kiss jung jaehyun is not coming any time soon.
and like the two times before, you throw yourself into your summer project to try and not think about it 
(although you do, multiple times throughout the day, at one point blushing at the image of what could have happened if you DID kiss him and then getting snapped at by the angry man at the local deli)
another couple of weeks pass and you swing by johnny’s because it’s a location on your summer memory list and also....
you are curious about how the band is going ...
and you kind of a little want to see jaehyun again......
you arrive and hear jungwoo’s voice to your surprise, followed by the sound of drums and johnny’s sharp “stop, stop, STOP!”
“jungwoo, what is going on - did working at samsung make you into a robot who can only produce code and not drum to save his life?”
“what do you know about drumming johnny? or coding? or anything in general?”
“hey watch the attitude, you’re embarrassing me in front of jaehyun.”
jungwoo snorts and you try to hide your own laugh but everyone turns to you just in time for you to hiccup it back
“ah - the traitor is here!” 
johnny sings and jaehyun gives him a soft elbow to the ribs
“what’s up?” 
mark smiles from his place at the keyboard and you cross your arms
“nothing, hows it going - book any shows? write an album yet?”
“actually, we did book a gig for your information”
johnny waltz his way from the microphone and to a stack of flyers from his couch
he hands you one and this time you do burst out into laughter
the flyer, pink and way over the top, is an invitation to johnny’s end of the summer party
well it’s actually his going away party his parents have planned for him, since he’s also leaving for school
“johnny - you didn’t book a gig. you’re playing your own party.”
“the parents are shelling out twenty dollars to each of us so money makes it a gig.”
you look at jaehyun who secretly rolls his eyes
“sure, sure. can i keep one of these?” 
you fold the flyer and slip it into your pocket, this will make a good addition to the shoebox
“oh are you going to put it in-”
jaehyun starts and you rush over, hand flying over his mouth as the three other people in the garage stare
“going to put it in......the trash. yes. going to throw it right out because really johnny did you use paint-”
johnny flips you off in the kindest, best friend way possible
you let go of jaehyun and throw him a look that he mouths an apology too
somehow, instead of leaving, you end up staying and listening to them practice
you consider it a break from your project and the day is filled with what you’d expect from all of them, laughter and jokes and banter that is only ok between the closest of people
when they finally finish practice and jungwoo and mark accept a gracious ride home from mr. suh 
you say you’ll be off too and jaehyun trots up right behind you, “ill walk with you.”
this time, you hear less of the fuzz in your head and can actually keep up a decent conversation without staring at jaehyun’s lips
you feel closer because of the time you spent today and you almost walk past your house until jaehyun points to the porch
“oh by the way. can i see what you have in the shoebox?”
you look over your shoulder at him, “like right now?”
he gives a casual shrug
“is that ok?”
and now jung jaehyun is standing in your room. well he’s standing in it and then he’s sitting on your bed and rummaging through some of the most personal memories you have.
his long fingers pulling out ticket stubs or notes you passed in class
he chuckles at the graduation photo of johnny and dangles yours over your head when he refuses to give it back 
you tackle him for it and he falls down against your sheets and you make the worst (or arguably best) mistake of your life
when you straddle his hips and rich out to grab it
only to look down and see him splayed open like the pages of a beautiful book
and you remember your regret
it makes your head spin, but you watch in slow motion as the photo falls from between his fingers and you lean down to catch it, but jaehyun presses up and catches your mouth with his.
it’s sloppy, awkward - but only for the first few seconds - until you can both adjust yourselves from your position and do it right and then it is 
because it feels like you’re kissing someone you’ve been kissing for years. decades. millennia's. eons. 
it feels like you and jaehyun have been doing this since the big bang.
since humans first came to exist. 
since, gosh you don’t know, since pangea freaking broke apart.
you make out for so long that you lose track of time and it gets late to the point where the darkness of the summer almost makes you ask him to stay over
but jaehyun is just so mannerly that he slips out the back door of your house with a final kiss and a promise to call
which he follows up on earlier than you expect, showing up on your doorstep to take you out for breakfast
only to end up with you two back in your room an hour later, kissing again, and again, and with more hands and less of his shirt or yours.
the only thing that unglues you from him is his phone ringing for what must be the tenth time
“it’s johnny”
you breath against jaehyun’s neck finally
“how do you know?”
“only he calls ten times in a row.”
and like your summer project, you don’t tell your friends about what’s going on between you two
jaehyun says it’s kind of hard to hide the obvious evidence on his body - but you tell him to say it was your other neighbor, or someone from another town
jaehyun agrees just because you pull the doe eye trick on him and he really is learning he can’t say no to that or to you in most situations
but everytime before and after band practice - he’s with you
sometimes he joins you on your little visits to the places still on your lists
when you tell him the sentimental value behind them, you get a little fidgety because being vulnerable is hard 
but jaehyun listens and he says that each memory of yours he gets to watch you relive, helps him learn something about you
you don’t say it out loud - but hearing that makes you want to cry and kiss him and cry again 
an other times, you two don’t do anything heartwarming or special, you just roll around with him, tangled up in one until he has to go
with each day, summer comes closer to 
and end but you fall deeper into each other at a pace that might be alarming if it was any other two humans but the both you
and before you know it - it’s the day of johnny’s end of summer slash going away party 
jaehyun is supposed to be there from like nine in the morning but he stops at your place before he bikes over
kissing your forehead he drops something in your palm
you open it to see his guitar pick 
“won’t you need this for when you play?”
“i’m using my backup. i just thought you might want to put that one in your shoebox........since it could remind you of me......”
he flushes and you bite back your lip, part of you is happy because he’s just so cute it isn’t fair but the other is coming to the daunting idea that 
soon enough - im leaving too, will jaehyun just be another memory to me?
instead of dwelling on it, you peck him again and ask, 
“ill see you at the party?”
the party is most definitely a johnny suh party
the food is amazing, everyone on the planet is invited, and johnny is wearing something so bright it beats out the sun
when you arrive, his mother spends half an hour asking you to take care of him when he finally leaves and you don’t remind her that you’re going to two different places
you don’t see jaehyun or mark or jungwoo around - you assume they’re practicing somewhere for the performance while johnny is juggling both front lead singer and host
the party is fun - it really is - but the words “going away” somehow still make you a little sick
you’re about to escape to somewhere a little quieter, when you hear someone tap the mic on the makeshift stage in johnny’s backyard
you see him - and the rest of the band - gather on as johnny introduces them and shouts excitedly that this song they’re going to perform, written by keyboardist mark, is all about new beginnings!
jaehyun finds you in the crowd, a secret little smile on his lips before the music starts and to your surprise - and probably everyone elses - they actually do pretty good
the lyrics are so very mark, but johnny brings a flare to the way he sings it
jungwoo seems to have remembered how much he adores drumming again and the way jaehyun looks playing guitar is so enticing that you can’t help but feel a little pride in the fact that you’ve been tasting all of that for most of the summer
the sick feeling in your stomach turns into excitement which turns into just pure enjoyment as you watch your friends and your boyfriend up there having fun
when it’s over and they hop down to mingle back into the rest of the party, you really can’t help yourself and throw your arms around jaehyun
you kiss him - which earns a gasp from mark, a half smirk from jungwoo, and a loud clearing of his throat from johnny
you and jaehyun admit what’s been going on and when johnny just whistles you ask him if he’s not mad
“even if i was mad, you would still keep liking each other right - so what’s the point?” 
you hug johnny, and mark, and jungwoo, and like nothing has changed you all fall back into the swing of it
the comfort of being around each other
when you five are the last people in johnny’s messy background you finally decide to tell them all about your summer project
“i knew you’d all say it was lame so i-”
“hey hey hey - it isn’t lame. it’s not what i expect but i get why you’d want to do it.”
johnny pats your shoulder and you feel jaehyun’s hand on the small of your back
it’s the kind of moment you want to never end. 
really, you just want this summer to never end.
but when it does - when the day comes for the temperature to drop and for you to be on your way to a new place
you feel the sadness come in a big wave
johnny, mark, jungwoo, and jaehyun all come to say goodbye and you hold the shoebox in your hands - now heavy and filled to the brim with all your memories
before you say it though, each of them adds something
jungwoo drops his samsung internship ID into it
mark places the paper he wrote the draft of the lyrics to the song they performed at the party into it
and johnny chucks a burned CD version of it into the mix
finally, turning to jaehyun, you take in a deep breath
“i know the distance will be big so if you want to break up and-”
he kisses you before you can finish your sentence and slips a small box that you don’t open until you’re already in your new dorm
inside is a small bracelet, engraved on the inside are the words
“i definitely noticed you. it was love at first sight”
years later - jaehyun says those words again
as he’s reading his vows 
and you’re feeling the fuzziness, the butterflies, the comforting warmth, everything like a tsunami of all the things that are you and jaehyun
and when johnny shows up to present the rings to you two
they’re in that old shoebox 
two little bands at the bottom of all those memories
at the reception, you lean over and whisper to your now husband
“where did you find that old thing by the way?”
jaehyun nuzzles his lips against the cusp of your ear as you watch jungwoo and mark make fools of themselves on the dance floor 
“under the bed, where you put everything you care about.”
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melancholyshadow · 3 years
sunday’s with a solider || b. barnes
part one 
summary: after a good date with bucky, (y/n) figures out who she’s really getting involved with. 
pairing: bucky barnes x female!librarian!reader 
warnings: kissing (??), swearing
an: im honestly speechless, the first part of this series has 150+ notes! i’m so happy you guys liked it! i’m debating on make this a three or a four-part series, please let me know what you think, but there will definitely be at least another part. one of the next, or the next, will include some spice, if you know what i mean. and who do y’all want me to write about next? im thinking mr. steve rogers. 
tags: @biixlv​
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“Please tell me you’re a booth person and not a table person.” You chuckled, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Uh, yeah.” He laughed and rolled his eyes at you. He began walking towards one of the booths. You followed happily behind him, scooting into the opposite side of the booth. He pulled off his hat and both his gloves, setting them on the seat next to him. You propped your head on the palm of your hands, stopping yourself from looking at his metal hand, you weren’t even sure if it was metal.
The diner was one that had been in this town for, at least, forty years, and it definitely showed its age. It was trying to be a ‘retro diner’ in the eighties, so that aged it another thirty years. You grew up coming here with your family, the food was good, and you thought the inside was cute. The building was longer than it was wide, and the floor reminded you of a checkerboard. There was a long bar on the left, space for waiters to maneuver, and a long panel of metal enclosing the kitchen portion. Bright red bar stools were implemented into the floor, screwed into the floor, every two feet or so. On the right, were five or six booths, the same shade of red as the bar stools, big enough for about four people max. 
“Hey, sugar!” A familiar voice chirped to your left. Your eyes met a familiar pair of green ones, and a smile immediately filled your face. “Hey, Mabel!” You cooed, half-standing under the table and wrapping your arms around her small, fragile frame. She smelled like coffee and smoke, as she always did. The two of you pulled away, and her eyes instantly went to Bucky. “Who's your friend?” She asked, raising her eyebrows at you. “Mabel, this is my friend James. James, this is Mabel.” You explained, quickly introducing the two. He smiled at her and stuck out his ‘normal’ hand to give her a handshake, which she was very fond of. 
“Well, it is great to meet you, James! What can I get you to drink?” She had abandoned her notepad well before you were born, her ability to just remember someone’s order still amazed you. “Coffee please, no sugar or creamer please.” She smiled at him, and turned back towards me, “Regular for you, dear?” She asked, and you smiled, scrunching up your eyes and nose. She practically pranced away with a huge smile on her face. Bucky chuckled, pulling you from your thoughts, turning your head back towards him. His eyes were scanning over the faded laminated menu.
“How do you know Mabel?” He asked, looking up and unzipping his jacket, pulling it off his abdomen and onto the seat beside him, with his gloves and hat. “I grew up coming here with my family, she’s known me since I was in my mother’s stomach.” You explained, pointing to a picture above the bar. It was pretty faded after sitting in direct sunlight for over two decades, but it was a picture of Mabel, your mom, your dad, and you, you all had on party hats. “I had my first ten birthdays at this diner.” Bucky squinted his eyes and smiled once he made out the picture of baby you. 
“That’s awesome.” He said looking back at you. He opened his mouth to say something else, but Mabel cut him off. “Here is that coffee, Mr. James.” She slid the coffee in front of him, “And a regular for you, (Y/M/N).” She wiped her hands on her apron, “What can I get you two to eat?” Bucky looked at me, wanting me to order first. “We’ll both take the ‘67.” You smiled. She copied, “You got it, dearie.” And she walked away. Bucky cleared his throat, “Just trust me, Bucky,” You chuckled, placing your hands on top of his, “You’re gonna love it.” He paused for a moment, “I’ll hold you to that.” He winked at you. Did he just wink at you? Was he flirting? You immediately shot back at a wink and a flirty response, “Deal.”
The two of you ate and chatted for about an hour and a half. “Okay, you were right, that was the best food I’ve ever had.” He said, stacking your plates and utensils together, making it easier for Mabel when she took them off the table. “Can I get you two anything else?” She asked, picking up the two plates with ease. Bucky looked at you and you nodded a ‘no,’ and he looked back at Mabel, “No thank you, ma’am, but I will take the check.” He smiled. 
“No, Mabel, split the check pl-” But Mabel cut you off, “Sorry, dear, my hearing aid died, I can’t quite hear you. I’ll bring that check right to you, Mr. James.” Quickly walking away. “Bucky, no, I will pay for mine.” You insisted, going to reach for your purse. You looked around you in your seat in a panic, and then you remembered, it was in the saddlebag attached to his bike. He laughed at you as you came to that realization. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” You sighed, taking a sip of your drink. He simply shrugged and smiled, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. 
Once Mabel returned with the bill and Bucky’s card, the two of you stood, and he let you walk out first. It was a lot colder now, goosebumps layered your exposed arms, like a reflex you wrapped your arms around yourself. “Here, you take this.” He insisted, placing his heavy leather jacket on your shoulders. “No, I can't, you're gonna get cold too.” You began to shrug it off, but he placed his hands on your shoulders, stopping you. “I’ll be fine.” He smirked at you, his hands lingering for a little longer than normal. 
“Ready?” He asked as he straddled his bike, once more. You stuck your arms through the long sleeves, which went way past your fingertips. You took your seat behind him, and he handed you the helmet, and you slid it over your head. Similar to earlier, you snaked your arms around him, clasping your hands together, and resting around his mid-abdomen. His hands, once again, landed on your thighs, pulling you even closer to him, making a different type of goosebumps cover your arms. 
“Hang on tight, doll.” He said as the bike came to life. You were so glad you were wearing a helmet, so he couldn’t see the brush creep onto your cheeks. As you two rode, he used his prosthetic hand to steer the bike and kept his flesh hand on your knee the entire time. The sky had ditched the orange, pink, and red hues and was now littered in stars and moonlight. You didn’t want this to end, you felt like you could stay there for hours, but the library came into view a lot sooner than you wanted it to. 
The next day came and you got excited, as always, to see Bucky. Today was a little different though, after your date last night. Wait, was that even a date? It had to be, right? I mean he paid and flirted with you. 
“Bucky, why do you come in here every day?” You asked, peering at him over the book in your hands. He didn’t move for a second, you assumed he was finishing the sentence he was reading. “Well, all the libraries in New York City are crowded and noisy.” He explained, “So when I found this place while scoping out new libraries, even though it is quite a distance, I knew this place was it for me.” He smiled at you. “At least that was the reason initially.” He muttered, picking his book back up. 
“And what is that supposed to mean?” You set your book down this time, squinting your eyes at him, and propping your head up on your hands. “Well obviously, I now come back because the shitty coffee you offer is to die for.” He said sarcastically. You gasped and threw one of your pens at him, bouncing off his chest and onto the floor. He broke out into a fit of laughter, and you soon followed. 
“No, but now I come back to hang out with you.” He admitted to you, avoiding your stare. “Oh that so sweet…” You started, “...Dork.” Throwing another pen at him, this time hitting the bill of his hat. Bucky had come in every day for a little over a month now and missed not a single Sunday. “Hey (Y/F/N)?” Bucky asked, looking back up from his book. Your eyes didn’t leave the pages of your book, but you answered, “Yes, Buck?” You asked back, flipping the page. 
“I won’t be here tomorrow, and for a couple days after that.” When the words left his lips, a wave of sadness washed over you. Your lips twisted into a pout, looking towards him. “Why?” You asked, dragging out the word. “I have some obligations.” You rolled your eyes at him, “Okay, Mr. Mysterious.” You scoffed, feeling a bit upset. How long had he known? Why was he just now telling you? “I’m gonna be so bored without you.” You whined, leaning back in your chair with a huff. 
“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” 
It was closing time now, and as usual, Bucky walked you to your car. “You better bring me a souvenir from wherever you’re going.” You joked, tossing your purse into the passenger seat, and turning back towards Bucky. “Would you prefer a T-shirt? Maybe some socks? How about a shot glass?” He joked back, leaning against the side of your car. “Surprise me.” You laughed, pushing his chest. 
As you went to pull away from his chest, his flesh hand wrapped around your wrist, softly. He placed it back on his chest, and his metal hand went to your hip, pulling you closer to him. The only distance between both of your chest was being occupied by your hand. You swore up and down that he could hear your heartbeat, but you were soon reassured because you could feel his heartbeat racing just as much as yours was. Bucky glanced down at your lips, and you did the same. 
You closed the space between your lips, and without thinking your eyes fluttered closed, taking in everything happening over your entire body. His lips were soft, tasting like coffee and mint. The growing stubble on his chin rubbed against the softness of your cheeks. His flesh hand was warm around your wrist, gripping it softly, he never wanted to hurt you. But the gestures with his metal hand were very different. It was leaving a cool tingling sensation against the small patch of exposed skin, and his grip was tighter, pushing you impossibly closer to him. You took your free hand, and placed it on his face, thumb running over his cheek, and your other four fingers resting on his neck. 
After what feels like minutes, but was probably only about thirty seconds, you pulled away from him. Reluctantly, of course. The two of you just stood there, not moving, relishing at the moment for as long as you could. “You know I meant to surprise me souvenir-wise, right?” You chuckled, messing with the hair on the nape of his neck. “Oh okay, we can just never do that again.” He sighed, messing with you. 
“No, no, we can definitely do that again.”
It was the first Sunday without Bucky in a while, he had been gone for almost a week now, you assumed working on his ‘obligations.’ You had been keeping yourself busy with a new book series, one that Bucky actually recommended to you. But today would be full of dusting, reorganizing, putting away some newer books, and vacuuming. It was probably around 3:30 in the afternoon, and you were dusting the large bay windows by the front of the store. 
You could feel the music moving through your body, making it impossible for you not to dance, at least just a little wiggle. You swayed your hips, the music taking over, singing into the duster like a microphone. Your free hand ran up the side of your body, from your thigh all the way up to your face. You threw your arm up over your head, and prancing around the tables, shifting the duster from a microphone to an electric guitar. When the song was finally over, and you were very much out of breath, you made your way back to the window. And when you did so, your heart dropped to your toes. There was a man standing on the opposite side of the window, watching you. 
It only took a few seconds for your fear to turn into relief. It was Bucky. You dashed to the left towards the door, unlocking the door, and running out to greet him. Practically leaping towards him, you wrapped both arms around his neck, and his arms snaked around your waist. After a few moments of swaying and just taking in his presence, you pulled away. He was smiling widely, “I didn’t mean to end your concert so soon, I was enjoying it.” Adding a chuckle. Your face blushed, and you put your hand over your eyes, peeking at him through your middle and ring finger, “Did you see the whole thing?” You asked, dreading his answer. “The whole thing.”
The two of you walked back inside, the music still playing loudly. There was a slow song playing, and you grabbed your phone to turn it down, but Bucky stopped you. “Wanna dance?” He asked, putting his hand out for you to grab. You smiled, happily taking it. He pulled your chest against his. Your arms rest on his shoulders, your fingers loosely interlocked. Both hands on your hips, both of you just rocking side to side. The music wasn’t even registering in your brain, you were just focusing on this moment with him. 
“I remember when this song came out.” He said softly. You cocked your eyebrow at him, “Didn’t this song come out in the fifties?” You asked confused, what did he mean by that? “So you really don’t know who I am, huh?” The question caught you off-guard, it sounded very egotistical. “No..?” You asked more like a question. And that’s when he explained everything, making a very long story very short. He explained the arm, the serum, and the ‘obligations.’ 
“You’re a fucking Avenger?” You asked, head in your hands, elbows on your knee. “Well, technically I’ve never been asked to be one, but kind of.” His hand on your back, rubbing it in small circles. “So you’re the James Buchanan Barnes from the Captain America museum?” He nodded. Everything kind of flooded back to your memory, you knew you heard the nickname “Bucky” before, and you knew he looked somewhat familiar, but you assumed he just looked kinda similar to an actor or something. 
It was silent for a good five minutes, but Bucky broke it. “Hey, guess what?” He asked, trying to hide the upturn of his lips. What now? Was he gonna break some more news to you? Was he also part alien? “Hmm?” That was all you said, running your fingers through your hair. He moved his hand to reach into his backpack and pulled out a book, sliding it towards you. 
“Russian Urban Legends.” You read the title, quickly flipping through the book with your thumb. “Flip to page 48, and tell me what it says.” He said, propping his head upon his hands. You did as he said and landed on page forty-eight. “The Winter Soldier.” You read the words written in a bright red font, the page decorated in grainy photos and ridiculously cheesy government lettering and drawings. Bucky looked at you, prompting you to continue. 
“A ghost story or a real threat?”
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sassyhobbits · 3 years
for one night standards would you write a scene where aelin cant be found in the castle maybe bc shes doing sth ridiculous with her daughter like a mother daughter photoshoot to surprise rowan with later but when rowan can't find her he gets all panicked and out of his mind bc he still has unresolved trauma from when she was kidnapped and its all angsty until he has both back in his arms but also gives rowan a chance to talk and work through his experience with aelin gone? (because lets face it he probably ignores his feelings about that as much as possible in order to not burden aelin further and because it was just too painful)
loved this idea!!! i also added the prompt “Because I know when I open my eyes this will all turn out to be a dream and I’ll lose you again“ Thank you to everyone who supported ONS!! i had such a fun time writing it and im always happy to come back to it. enjoy!!
Rowan Whitethorn was generally a patient man.
He knew how to wait his turn, to take his time. He was always one to raise a brow at those who seemed to be in a harried rush to everything. It seemed stressful, to say the least. He was perfectly content to sit back when needed.
Except for now.
He had made a trip back home to Doranelle to surprise Isolde for her graduation from her masters program. Aelin had wanted to come as well, but with the baby and the responsibilities she had back in Orynth, it just hadn’t worked out. Still, she sent her well-wishes to Isolde through a video chat, letting little Eliora babble into the camera and say hello as well.
Their daughter was just over six months now, already growing far too fast for Rowan’s liking. He treasured every moment he got to spend with his two favorite girls.
And although he was always happy to see his family back in Doranelle, it had been the longest he had been away since Eliora had been born. It made him highly impatient to return home.
His jet touched down in Terrasen in the early afternoon. It was summer, though the day was mild. The sky was a vivid blue, fat white clouds floating lethargically on the breeze. Absolutely beautiful.
Due to the time difference, he hadn’t been able to call Aelin before he had got on the plane. He tried to reach her as he slid into the dark sedan that would drive him from the airport to the palace, but all he got was her voicemail.
Maybe she was in the shower, or changing Eliora’s diaper. Maybe their daughter had a finicky night of sleeping and now the pair were trying to catch up on their slumber. It was fine. Or so Rowan told himself. He still hadn’t been able to stop the small clench of nerves at the pit of his stomach.
He scolded those foolish feelings. Of course his wife and daughter were safe. They were just waiting for him to return.
The drive was quick and easy and he was back at the palace before he knew it. His feet carried him towards the room he shared with Aelin, a small smile curling on his lips as he thought about having his wife and daughter in his arms once more. He missed the feeling of Aelin curled against him as they slept.
“Aelin?” he called, pushing into their room and nudging the door shut behind him. “I’m home.”
He was greeted by nothing but silence. No sound of running water in the bathroom to suggest a shower, so soft snores or shifting sheets meaning a nap. He strode into the bedroom, finding that the bed was already neatly made, not a thread out of place.
He dropped his bags by the dresser, noting that Aelin’s phone had been left there, face up. He picked it up, seeing that she still had the notification of a missed call from him and a few miscellaneous emails that hadn’t been checked.
“Aelin?” he said again, moving towards the nursery. He had gotten used to the sight of Aelin sitting in the rocking chair with Eliora, either when the babe was hungry or she just wanted to hold her daughter. Rowan had countless pictures on his phone of the two of them in that position. The sunlight streamed from the window and hit them just right in the mornings, making them look like a painting.
But the nursery was empty and the window was shut.
Those nerves reared their ugly heads once more. He had no reason to assume the worst, the palace was one of the safest places in the kingdom.
But… Aelin had once been snatched away from him on palace grounds. During their own wedding.
Rowan shook himself. No. That was the past. This was now.
Since his wife didn’t have her phone, he knew it would be fruitless to try and contact her that way. But, Rowan knew Aelin better than he knew himself.
He began a sweep of the palace, checking out her favorite haunts. The library was a bust, so was the gym. He had checked the kitchens to see if she had swooped in for a snack or something sweet, but she wasn’t there either. Rowan luckily ran into Aedion, asking the prince if he knew where Aelin was. But her cousin hadn’t seen her at all that morning.
With each failed attempt at finding them, Rowan’s fears steadily crept up. It wouldn’t be much longer before they had wrapped themselves around his throat and pulled him deep into their depths.
He took a long breath to center himself before striding out into the gardens. His heart started beating faster, not seeing any sign of her at first. Rowan’s fingers curled into tight fists as he stepped over fresh, green grass. Gods, where were they? If something had happened to them…
But before Rowan’s fears could conquer him, he heard a soft voice on the summer breeze. A familiar voice at that. Relief washed through him, heavenly and soothing, as he followed that melodic sound.
It was Aelin. It didn’t take him long to realize that she was reading one of Eliora’s favorite books to her. It was a silly tale, and it was made even more vivid when Aelin told it. She was an excellent story-teller. They didn’t know how much Eliora really understood, whether she just liked the brightly colored pictures or the faces her mother would make when she told it. Regardless, it always made the little princess smile.
Rowan rounded a hedge, a warmth spreading through his chest at the sight before him.
Aelin had spread out a large quilt under the shade of a willow. Some of Eliora’s toys were scattered about, but currently, the toddler sat in her mother’s lap, wide-eyes glued on the book before her.
Rowan couldn’t help but think Aelin looked stunning today. Her golden hair was left loose, swaying on the breeze, the summer sun bringing a healthy flush to her cheeks. She wore a silky, pale blue wrap-dress, bare feet tucked beneath her as she read. Eliora looked mighty charming too in a bright pink dress with a matching bow.
Rowan strolled towards them, Aelin’s eyes jumping towards him as she noticed his presence. A huge smile broke out on her stunning face.
“You’re home!” she greeted, putting the book she had been reading aloud down. Eliora, no longer entertained by her mother’s storytelling, crawled over the quilt to grab one of her brightly colored toys. “I thought you were going to call me when you landed?”
“I did, Fireheart,” Rowan said. He lowered herself behind Aelin on the blanket, his wife situated between his legs, before wrapping his arms tightly around her and tugging her back into his chest securely. “You left your phone in our room.”
Rowan placed a lingering kiss on Aelin's shoulder, breathing in her scent deeply. She was safe, in his arms, Eliora happy as can be, sticking her toys in her mouth. Everything was fine.
Aelin turned in his arms slightly, brows knitted slightly. Rowan knew she could see right through him.
“What is it, Ro?”
“It’s nothing, love.”
Aelin narrowed her eyes at him, as if to say, Don’t you lie to me, Buzzard.
Rowan heaved a sigh, reaching out and brushing some of Aelin’s silky hair behind her ear. “It’s just… you didn’t answer me when I called, and I couldn’t find you and Eliora when I got back. I just couldn’t help but think…” His hand drifted until it rested on Aelin’s abdomen, right over the scar she bore from fighting her way to freedom. He saw understanding on his wife’s face.
“We’re here, Rowan. We’re safe.” She placed a gentle hand on Rowan’s cheek, bringing his gaze towards her.
“I know,” Rowan whispered, jaw clenched. “But sometimes, I just worry that when I open my eyes, this will all turn out to be a dream. And I’ll lose you all over again.”
Aelin took his hand, giving it a firm squeeze. “This is real, Rowan. We both fought for this life, for each other. And nothing, nothing, is going to take it away. Ever.”
Rowan saw the determination blazing in Aelin’s eyes. She was right, of course. This was their life now, they had built their happiness bit by bit, even when so much seemed to want to go wrong. But Aelin and Eliora… they were everything to him. He didn’t know if he would ever be able to banish his fears entirely, but he would treasure every moment he spent with them.
Rowan leaned in, kissing Aelin softly before murmuring against her lips, “I missed you.”
She smiled, kissing him again. “I missed you too, Ro.”
They indulged in a few more slow, sweet kisses before loud babbling sounded, tiny hands twisting into Rowan’s trouser. He looked down, finding Eliora’s wide eyes looking up at him, flashing a gummy smile.
Aelin laughed. “It looks like someone else missed you, too.”
Rowan grinned, reaching out and picking up his daughter. He held her up high, making her release the sweetest little laughs, little legs kicking in delight. He kissed Eliora all over her little face before tucking her in one arm, throwing the other around Aelin. Immense love and devotion flowed through him, holding his two girls close.
No wonder why he had been so impatient to get home.
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