#i plan on writing some this weekend đŸ«Ą
fightwing · 1 year
Say whatever u want but bruce went off with the nickname “chum”
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inzaynety · 21 days
investigation: start! ‫
➱ summary: when visiting the third division, there’s never a shortage of questions and confusion about you. a few take it upon themselves to get to the bottom of it.
➱ content: hoshina x fem!reader, 2573 words, nosy officers, jealous hoshina, suggestive at the end, iharu has a crush on you, slight spoilers for the manga for certain instances to make the plans make sense but it’s vague
➱ notes: i was reading thru character profiles and it made writing this a little easier w the interactions đŸ«Ą hope u enjoy
prequel - pt. 1 of slice & dice - pt. 2
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The lives of the higher-ups were always a topic of discussion for the members of the defense force. If anything, it seemed to be entertainment and gossip to exchange and bond over between divisions. One of the hot topics includes Commander Ashiro’s childhood, courtesy of Kafka. 
The only person they couldn’t get anything on was their own Vice-Commander. He was already an enigma himself with that cheerful yet unsettling grin, and they were all witnesses to the receiving end of his narrowed stares during training. The most they could get out of him was a boisterous laugh that shared nothing. They were getting bored. 
But with boredom comes the urge to seek new things. And in this case, dirt on Vice-Commander Hoshina.
There wasn’t much they could see initially–until you came along. 
Now, you weren’t an uncommon sight for the Third Division officers. They would see you hanging around Okonogi or eyeing a few of the new officers during training with an intense gaze that they didn’t know if they should feel flattered or intimidated. Most of the time, however, you were in close proximity to Hoshina. During division meetings, the officers never saw a day without the two of you conversing in some way whether it be through words or standing right next to each other. There was no blatant physical contact but the distance between you two was a little odd to say the least. 
So some took it upon themselves to start a mission.
Kikoru would never voice her true intentions out loud but it was clear that she was as invested as her companions were if her constant questions about the matter said anything about it. She was influenced by her close peers and their enthusiasm definitely fed that.
Reno didn’t want anything to do with it
 at first. He changed his mind after only an hour and he thinks it’s due to spending too much time with a certain someone who loved entertainment. Iharu sneezes in the distance. 
Kafka was simultaneously wanting to join the younger members in their antics, though he wasn’t sure he wanted to risk another week of pushups. While he would admit that his arms were tougher, those exercises reminded him of the embarrassment every time he miscalled his commander. But the thought of having some knowledge about Hoshina was interesting, to say the least. 
It seemed they were all bored overall. 
Ultimately, they all decided to make a plan and figure it out separately. Your division was visiting for a week and reconvening would wait until the weekend. It was time to investigate. 
Minase was the one to kick it off, prompting her fellow members to gain more confidence. It all started with an innocent encounter in the operations room when she, Kikoru, and Hakua passed by. 
There were voices inside but the most prominent ones were yours and Hoshina’s. The Vice-Commander was a little surprised to see them when they intercepted at the door but it is quickly masked when you step out, a hint of a smile on your face possibly due to the joke he told you only moments before.
“Now, what’re you three doin’ here?” The Vice-Commander asks, hands in his pockets while you stand slightly behind him with your head tilted. 
Minase always had a good ear being a great listener for her peers and was able to hear what he had said to you. It was a flirty quip, but not enough to not be told to a close friend. Upon seeing that she had caught both of your attention, she smiles.
“Good afternoon!” You greet her as well but a silence falls over you five. It’s a bit awkward–Kikoru side-eyes her friend to see what the whole stopping and rushing over here was for, but Minase had a plan already set. “We were actually looking for you, Commander,” she looks directly at you and you raise a brow at the implication of her tone.
“Oh?” You take a step forward. “What for?”
“Some training tips, is all. After the last session you gave us, it motivated us to work on our blade work even more!” Like Hoshina, your preferred way of fighting had nothing to do with the guns everyone else used. You hum in acknowledgement. 
The Third was full of promising new officers and it would be a waste to not help them hone their skills even more. But you were sure Hoshina was pushing them enough with his own swordsmanship. You even learned a lot from him yourself. 
Hakua stifles a choked sound when Minase elbows her gently, not expecting to be put on the spot just like that. And despite already being told of their group’s plan beforehand and having her outgoing personality, it was still a nerve-racking request. 
“Y-Yeah! You seem close to Commander Narumi so we thought you guys would have similar fighting styles.” In your head, you think they’re referring to how he’s the strongest and anyone would want to learn from the best of the best. Gen wasn’t the easiest to get a hold of and you felt flattered they would ask you directly, so of course you would help out.
On the side, Kikoru is tasked with watching the Vice-Commander. Not all reactions were verbal and she was the most observant of the three, but she couldn’t maintain her eyes on him the whole time lest he get suspicious. 
But now she thinks her eyes have deceived her. At the mention of Commander Narumi, Hoshina’s eyes peek open. She sees how they darken more as Hakua talks about your fighting styles but just like his initial surprise earlier, that expression left as quickly as it came. 
She tucks that away.
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Vice-Commander Hoshina had his “Kaiju killing eyes” at the mention of Commander Narumi. Don’t know what that could mean. - Kikoru
That’s jealousy! - Minase
Now you see what I mean about his eyes?? - Kafka
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Iharu was infatuated with you from the get-go, though would say that his first inspiration was Commander Ashiro. Saving him that day was what began his journey into the Defense Force, but it was you who motivated him to alter his fighting style to keep up with Reno. 
Speaking of the latter, he was sitting beside him in the cafeteria as the two tried to think of a plan for their part. They caught wind that Kikoru’s group got a promising lead and it was up to the rest to solidify it. But they’ve been stuck for the past hour trying to come up with their own thing and asking for training would be a stolen idea.
Reno watches as more and more officers walk into the shared area and grab their meals from the line. They’re a mix of your division and the Third Division members conversing among themselves and he immediately sits up with his idea. Iharu turns his head in surprise to find Reno’s attention already turned to him.
“What? Got an idea?” Reno nods fervently and brings both of their heads down to speak more quietly. Iharu raises his brows at the proposal and his cheeks turn pink. He’s outspoken, yeah, and confident, sure, but this was you. 
His friend pleads with him. He relents.
It’s not too long before you step into the cafeteria with the goal of lunch like everyone else. Spending time with Okonogi was great and all but she fried your brain with data only she and your Operations Leader Sora could keep up with. This was grounds for a well-deserved meal before your joint training session as well. 
Iharu watches as you get in line and as he stands up to line up behind you, and like Reno predicted as you grab your tray, you see the officer. To his and Iharu’s surprise, you greet him first. 
“Officer Furuhashi, right?” You ask after grabbing your tray. There’s a bright look on your face at the excitement of seeing the man who impressed your previous Commander. He shakily nods and you smile in response. “Commander Ogata said a lot of things about you.”
Iharu lets out a polite chuckle. “All good things, I hope?” He gets a laugh out of you and you both fall into a comfortable conversation as you move down the line. Reno watches the door and he hopes the timing works out, or Plan B would have to be used. At least Iharu was having a good time. 
It’s when the two of you reach the end of the line and walk towards Reno’s table does Hoshina appear from the doorway. The red-haired officer doesn’t see him yet and your conversation is at the point when you have a hand on his arm as you’re gushing over his newfound ability with his Kaiju suit. He feels a strong hand clamp down on his shoulder and Iharu freezes, looking to his side to see his Vice-Commander. 
“Afternoon, Officer Furuhashi. Whatcha two talkin’ about?” By then your hand still hasn’t left his arm and he feels Hoshina’s grip get tighter. Iharu places his tray down onto the nearest table and your hand drops to your side but you didn’t notice. 
“His new ability,” you answer, “we were talking about it earlier with the operations team, remember? I was just looking for you, Officer Furuhashi, I’m so glad I got to talk to you.” Your answer is so sincere and he feels like he could melt right then and there. But to the side of him, there was also a strange sensation in the air. 
It was akin to bloodlust. 
“The same here.” Iharu answers and bows, “Please, enjoy your lunchtime.” Before you can say anything more, he turns on his heel straight towards Reno with his head down. 
The two sit there in silence as you look on in confusion before Hoshina pulls you along with him for his lunch. They aren’t looking at the two of you but Reno already got what he needed.
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Vice-Commander Hoshina almost broke Furuhashi’s shoulder. I saw he also had one of his blades behind him while they were all talking. - Reno
WHAT?? - Iharu
By the way, what was plan B? - Kikoru
Iharu asks her directly if she’s dating the Vice-Commander. - Reno
HELLO?? - Iharu
Hi. - Kafka
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Kafka knew he was going to be the last of the bunch to get this done. The digital community board on their group chat was a smart idea by Minase and he was able to see what the younger officers were trying to do with this mission. 
Kikoru and her friends got the first response but it needed more. Reno and Iharu got the “more” and all-in-all needed one final piece to set the puzzle. Kafka was proud of them but was currently in a situation with absolutely no idea as to what he was going to do. He thought that was more than enough to assume there was a relationship between the two of you, but Kikoru kicked him for that, too.
Was there any way to get you to confess about it? He thought about asking you directly but even though you were younger than him, you still held a higher title. And he didn’t want to face the potential wrath you could unleash for asking such a question. Were you the type to dish out punishments like the Vice-Commander? Again, he didn’t want to risk it. 
He had to do it soon too, you and your division were leaving in the morning and it would be another month or so before you and Hoshina would be seen in the same vicinity. 
Kafka sighs and runs a hand through his hair. This was troublesome but they were counting on him. 
He looks around the library he’s doing his nightly study session and sees that the time is very close to midnight. He’s shocked and now there’s absolutely no way he’s going to catch you at this hour, not unless you were training anyway. His best bet was to find you early in the morning but even that was a bit of a gamble.
Deciding on his defeat, Kafka puts his books and pens away before heading out into the hallway back to his room. He gets a sense of deja vu when he sees the light of the training room still on and assumes it’s the Vice-Commander again, and it wouldn’t hurt to watch him in action, right?
He walks up to the slightly open door and stops in his tracks at the sight. Both you and Hoshina were holding blades. Your’s were slightly longer and his were the typical ones he used during outside missions. Needless to say, they were the real deal. 
In the blink of an eye, you’re lunging towards each other and Kafka thinks if he blinks even once, he’d miss about five slashes shared between you two. Following Hoshina alone was already too much but watching someone match his speed? It was out of this world. 
The match only lasts for about half a minute ending with a knife to both of your throats from the other. A moment of heavy breathing follows before you groan and toss your head back in exasperation, both of you simultaneously lowering your weapons. 
“I still can’t get that last one right!” 
“It was close! And hey, ya got the blade to my neck.”
“I always get the blade to your neck.” You roll your eyes. Hoshina was the best swordsman there was and it was incomparable to your personal weapon, so of course he would be better than you at it. ‘Whatever, I’m heading to bed.” Hoshina lets out a laugh. You put away the practice weapons and as you head to the door, Hoshina pulls you back to him by your wrist. 
“Wait a second,” he says and leans his head down to yours. 
Kafka, in the meantime, ducked his head to avoid being seen at least a little longer knowing he was not running away to hide in time. There aren't any more words being exchanged and he thinks there’s something else going on in that small bit of silence. 
He pops his head up and makes eye contact with Hoshina’s open eye. 
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Got pushups. - Kafka
Damn. Sorry old man. - Iharu
So you got caught? Amateur. - Kikoru
Leave me alone! I tried. - Kafka
So you really didn’t see anything? - Reno
Oh, yeah. They kissed. - Kafka

What? - Kikoru
I got caught by the Vice-Commander. Scared me. :(- Kafka

HUH?? - Kikoru
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After Kafka leaves, his head hung low at the premonition of more punishment, your arms stay on Hoshina’s shoulders. 
“Did you have to do that?” You muse, playing with the shorter hairs near the nape of his neck. He shivers at the feeling but his eyes open slightly and they’re not looking at you so softly.
“Did ya have to talk about him before training?” He counters back. He knows what you’ve been doing. You scoff.
You also know what he’s been doing. The murderous intention at the mention of you and Gen, the physical warning during lunch at Iharu, and even a mark of possession to the poor older man who was just joining in the fun of his peers. 
“Of course,” you bring him down to you, your lips brushing against the shell of his ear. You feel his hands tighten on your waist. 
“What are you gonna do about it?”
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©inzaynety 2024
996 notes · View notes
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summary: While Price's injury is healing nicely, you're growing needier by the minute. But you're not the only one. With the doctors order in mind, you and Price attempts to stave your hunger by having you cockwarm him in his office.
pairing: cpt. John Price x reader (sunshine universe)
tags/tw: afab!reader, depiction of canon related injury, NSFW, mdni 18+ please and thank you, cockwarming, p in v, teasing, masturbation (f), unprotected sex, creampie, implied age-gap
a/n: Well, that little valentines blurb really helped to get the writing goingđŸ«Ą
Sunshine universe MASTERLIST & John Price MASTERLIST
Christmas passed just as slowly and cosy as you'd predicted, perhaps with one slight change of plans.
You'd returned home the night you'd dropped John from the hospital and helped him settle in somewhat. Despite debating whether to stay the night, your soldier urged you to head home to rest properly after spending so much time away.
You understood he tired of your company. In fact, he had a point, seeing how you wouldn't sleep soundly with him, constantly worrying if you would disturb his sleep by sharing a bed. And you needed a fresh set of clothes anyway. But you also noticed that being hurt took a toll on John. He'd accepted that you would be there to help him, but something told you he needed time to brood over the fact he was on med-leave for the upcoming months.
Once you returned to the flat you'd left in a hurry almost two days ago, you wandered aimlessly, trying to finish setting up your Christmas lights. However, whatever adrenaline the past 48 hours provided finally seemed to ebb, and you crashed on your couch shortly after finishing your task. 
By the time you woke up again, it had been dark outside. Dinner that night hadn't been glamorous, partly because you didn't have any finished food in your fridge and partly because you were yet to be hungry from the late lunch you shared with John before leaving his place. Still, the bowl of instant ramen warmed the cold feeling settling in your body from merely looking outside your window and down at the snowy streets.
You slept in the next day, waking up with a warm body and nose slightly chilled from the cool temperature in your room. The rest of the day was slow. You checked in on John with a message around noon, accustomed to reaching out to anyone in your closest circle around that time, seeing how no one usually was up earlier on the weekend, even if John definitely didn't categorise as one of those. He'd given you the awaited broody reply, grumbling about a horrid night of sleep and a dull ache even after taking his prescribed meds.
You stared at his message for a minute until deciding to give him a call rather than answer it.
'Hell, love'.
'God, you really sound worse for wear', was your instinctive response as John greeted you with a rough voice.
'Cheers', he huffed in return, a groan following shortly after. At that moment, you rubbed your forehead, an ache settling in your heart at not being there with him.
'How about I come over today already? Christmas is approaching, and we already said we would celebrate together. Wouldn't hurt if I stayed with you in the upcoming days with your shoulder and all...', you trailed off at the end.
'Know you have no problem with it, but I don't want to take up all your time if you have other things planned', he responded tentatively. 'I've managed worse on my own'.
'Don't have to do it alone anymore'. You reminded him, and with that, he didn't argue.
'Pack your bags, then'.
And you'd packed your bags for a week. Although, by now, you'd stayed two, with the occasional trip back to your flat to swap out some clothes.
John's shoulder healed nicely, even if the process was arduously slow, but at least it meant his injury wasn't inflamed. God forbid you would've seen it like that. While you never counted yourself as squeamish, the first time you'd helped John rid himself of the bandages and the surgical tape that, for a seeable future, needed to be changing once a week, you also remembered that neither had you ever seen a freshly sewn-together wound.
His skin was a deep pink, and the sewn-together parts puckered and elevated from the surrounding areas. You almost shied from pulling the surgical tape the rest of the way when first laying eyes on the injury. Upon seeing the scrunch of your nose and worried glance up his face, John made you step back and do the rest, reassuring you it didn't hurt, just strained unpleasantly if he moved wrong.
While it may not have hurt while gently cleaning the wound the first time and that John now could go without the sling, it didn't mean you didn't notice the pull in his features when he did make a too-fast movement or a shift that pulled at the stitches and deeper-torn tissue. He's still instructed not to carry anything heavy, making you catch a grumble of 'a goddamn month more' as you passed by right before your name was called numerous times. 
You didn't chide him from initially thinking he would manage on his own, but you both knew what the look you sent him implied and that his thank-you kiss was a silent acknowledgement that you'd been right. It would've been anything but enjoyable for him if you hadn't spent the past two weeks with him.
Even though only two weeks had passed, you quickly noticed John wasn't a man who could go long periods without doing anything. That didn't mean he couldn't take it easy. As he said himself, he'd learned that skill. But, reading so many books while having x amounts of scotches was only as enjoyable and appropriate as it could be to not count as light alcoholism. John was itching to do something more than sit idly around or keep you company during whatever you did.
So, it wasn't a surprise the first time you found him in his study a few days ago. He'd looked up from the papers with a caught-in-the-act look when you knocked on his study's door, the excuse of work piling up that he needed to look over leaving his lips instantly. You'd never been the one so strict about working when home; your free-lancing job was practically based upon it. Therefore, you'd waved his excuse away, padding into the office you'd barely set foot inside despite the many times you'd visited him. 
You'd leant against the side of his desk, not more than casting a quick side-eyed glance on his computer to show you noted its presence but not the contents on the screen before your gaze sought his. Upon your curiosity of what it was, John indulged you in what he occupied himself with.
And just like that, John, who usually was so strict about not working when spending time with you, grew lenient on that rule of thumb, restlessness gnawing at his bones enough to slip away an hour or two each day to occupy his mind. But, you always saw him at the same times during the day, joining you on the couch in his living room or in his bedroom, hijacking the TV remote to follow the post-Christmas football matches.
You jokingly poked his side each time he did, commenting on how there were two TVs in his house if he'd forgotten. But you only got a quirk in his lip and wink in return as he proclaimed he needed to convert you into a fan, teasingly anchoring you to his side with a heavy arm if you threatened to escape. 
But you both knew you didn't mind cuddling into his side with your head on his chest, following the matches of the day, only if he started getting too worked up when his team played and jostling your head around too much.
And that settled you into a new routine. While you busied yourself around the house, occasionally working a few days here and there, John watched football and occasionally retreated to his study. Although you left him to his work, he always left his door open, showing you it was free to enter if you desired.
Today was one of those days you did your separate things, not having seen each other much since the breakfast you shared, after which John left you with a kiss and 'know where to find me'. 
It had been fine. It is fine. You'd gotten ahead of work for the new year, and John eased his workload gradually. And yet, glancing at your phone screen, you note lunch is overdue. 
Sure, today had been slow. You and John had laid in bed for a while, basking in the last of the Christmas spirit the days between Christmas Day and New Year's Eve carried. And so, breakfast had been eaten later than usual, meaning lunch was also to be pushed forward. However, at half past one, John should've emerged from his office for a well-deserved break and shared the task of cooking something.
Putting aside your book, you move from the couch and wander outside the range of the fireplace's warmth. Its fire had long since burned out, and now the only parts glowing were the embering coals. 
Your fuzzy socks act as a barrier between your feet and the cold wood beneath as you wander up the stairs. Despite the constant blast of radiators and the fireplace harbouring a non-stop fire, the floor always remains chilly when the temperature drops outside.
Much like the past days, the door to John's study stood ajar. But, compared to earlier, when you'd retrieved something from the bedroom, you didn't only pass it with a glance inside, finding John staring down at his computer with his injured arm resting in his lap as his other scrolled whatever he was going through. Now, you pushed the door open, locating him not behind his desk but seated in one of the two Chesterfield armchairs.
The edge of your mouth quirks upwards as you observe his upper body bent backwards over the low backrest, laptop resting in his lap, kept only from slipping by his hand. As you enter his peripheral vision, he glances in your direction. You offer him a warm smile as you close the distance, moving to stand behind the chair.
"How's it going?" You look down at the head tilted far enough backwards that John can watch you, albeit upside down, from where he sits. He grunts in response, eyebrows raising swiftly as he straightens. 
You chuckle, hands that previously rested on the leather sliding to rest on John's shoulders, where you immediately dig your fingers into his muscles. He groans again, but this time, his head dips forward as you follow the tight tendons near his neck.
"That much to do?" You hum as you let up on the pressure, concentrating more on his uninjured side, following the muscles out to his shoulder, only to return and follow his spine to the back of his head. 
"Not really". A harsh breath follows John's sentence when you find a knot along his neck and concentrate on easing it with your thumb. "The boys can manage, Laswell too, but whatever's possible to be pushed forward, they leave to me, meanin' things that need readin' through and cleared for the go-ahead".
"Imagine it ain't like that book I gave you", you muse, John only scoffing in return. 
"Nothin' like it", he almost grumbles. "Would much rather cosy up with you and read that than this". He flicked the screen with his finger, a semi-metallic, semi-glass tick ringing from his action.
"You know very well you can drop work and cosy up with me and that book anytime you want. You're on leave". You remind him with a small smile, knowing he isn't really complaining.
With this being your first Christmas, you'd agreed to not spend too much on presents, even if you both had bought each other spontaneous gifts before, John being the culprit for spoiling you with expensive things much more often. While he'd gifted you a necklace he'd caught you looking at, you'd gotten him a book he mentioned wanting to read and a cigar to add to his collection. One, that at the moment, remained pretty stagnant as John refrained from having a smoke the first weeks of recovery. But you knew he itched for one, catching him eyeing the container he kept them in more than once.
"Hm, 'bout that", John's head lolled backwards, his gaze locking with yours. "Come here", he cocked his head, motioning for you to move around the chair. You did as he wished while he lodged his feet beneath the furniture's edge, moving the heavy armchair slightly backwards to allow you to stand between him and the low table. 
With you now in front of him, John placed his laptop on the wide armrest, leaning forward shortly after. Concerning it being the closest, the hand of his injured arm slipped around your naked lower thigh when he sat forward, your oversized sweater ending just above his hand.  
"Said here", John nods to his lap, pressing gently at the back of your leg.
"Your shoulder, John", you lightly scold his insistence, knowing where things would go if you ended up straddling him.
"It's fine". He insisted, tugging at your leg again. This time, you relented somewhat, stepping between his spread legs, the armchair's brown leather cool against your shins.
"The doctor told you to take it easy, let it heal." You reminded him of the instructions he'd received, but now, he scoffed at them.
With his head tilted to the side and displeased crease between his brows, his hand slipped down just an inch. The sudden tug as his fingers dug into the back of your knee took you off guard. It made your leg bend, and to not fall forward, your leg caught the excess seat beside his thigh as you caught yourself on the armrest to keep yourself steady.
You send John a look, as his stunt could've easily made you brace against his shoulder rather than the furniture. But he only cranes his head slightly as you hover over his self-satisfied self, a quirk bowing his lips.
"Takin' it incredibly easy, just you who's makin' me work hard for it". There's a glint in his eyes as his hands slide upwards, massaging the back of your upper thigh from how your dress-like sweater has ridden up somewhat, sneakily trying to urge you to settle entirely on top of him. Even so, you remain hovering. 
"Missed you, love". You narrow your eyes at the change in his approach.
"Missed me or something else?"
"Both." John's answer is almost boyish in how a half grin stretches his lips and the cock of his head. You roll your eyes but can't withstand his request any longer, the butterflies in your chest never truly escaping when close to the man.
Climbing into the seat with as much grace as possible, you're mindful of his shoulder, bracing against the opposite side on the backrest to ensure you don't accidentally grip it for support. But the armchair is wide enough for your legs to comfortably slot on either side of his hips, and your hands slide to rest on his abdomen instead.
Now planted in his lap and more accessible to avoid straining his shoulder to reach for you, both of John's hands find purchase on your waist.
"That wasn't too hard, now was it?" He humours you with an arched brow as you shuffle in his lap to make yourself comfortable, only to feel something beneath you. 
"No, but something seems to be". You tilt your head, alluding to the semi you slowly felt more prominently in his sweats.
"Haven't felt my girl in nearly a month. Can you blame me?" You shake your head with a huff through your nose, gaze cast down until it returns to his.
"Thought you were confident you wouldn't cave first". 
"Never said that", John hums as he curves his back to make himself more comfortable in the armchair, making you settle more firmly over his crotch. "Although I remember you sayin' you could go the longest without a proper fuck". He dares you to deny it with a cock of his brows.
You roll your eyes but don't technically argue against him. "With how you are speaking, I could think you're growing desperate".
He clicks his tongue. "Can't guilt trip me for missin' your warm cunt".
"Jesus, John", you flush under his heavy gaze and crude words, enough for you to look to the side. 
Fingers knock beneath your chin, quickly redirecting your attention back to him. Greeting you is a pair of blue eyes twinkling in intrigue. "So what you say, wanna keep me warm while I work?"
You eye him sceptically. John had figured you liked cockwarming him, the fact nothing hard to figure when you always pulled out the process of him slipping out of you as you caught your breaths in the aftermatch of whatever session had your body trembling and his clutching yours to anchor himself. But those times often happened after, not before. 
"We're not fucking", you point at him.
"Keep still, and we won't". He chuckles at your muttered 'insufferable' as you rise to your knees.
John helps you as much as he can, stabilising you with his un-injured arm as you tug down the waistband of his sweatpants, fingers digging into the fabric of his underwear, feeling the hotness of his still not-fully erect member. He sighs as you pump his cock to bring him to full erection before pulling his length out, rubbing the tip against the fabric covering your cunt. 
A warmth, a need, you hadn't felt in the past weeks blooms in your lower stomach. 
Since his injury, you and John hadn't had sex. It might only be a few weeks, but having a mostly bare-chested, burly man like him walk around the house nearly every day because it was too tricky putting on a shirt did things to you, things which you repressed in favour of not pushing anything onto John that would strain his injury. Doctors orders.
But as you pushed your underwear to the side, how easily worked up you got whispers of a repressed desire, your slit wet without any proper foreplay, not more than the mere thought of finally feeling him inside you. Even so, you softly whine as you sink down onto him, the stretch as he entered not unfamiliar in comparison to unused to. 
A drawn-out exhale escapes John as your tightness slowly swallows him, his hands falling to lift your shirt and simultaneously massage your hips.
"Just like that, love", his words are drawled as blue eyes follow how you inch your way down, having to work up and done with rolls of your hips take him after this long. "Just relax. You always take it so well". His praise makes you flutter around him, making your and John's breaths catch.
With a last shift, your thighs finally touch his, his cock buried to the hilt.
"Fuckin' hell so warm". You glance up at John, having his head notched backwards, lips slightly parted. Calloused hands slide up the smooth skin of your sides, outlining the curve of your hip, making your shirt ride up enough to show your stomach before it slides down again as his hands smoothened down your body again.
"Didn't you say you would work? Hard to do that while coping a feel". Your breathy comment brings John's head forward again, his eyes partly lidded.
"Only need one arm for that". There's a gentle tug in the corner of his mouth as he angles his laptop towards him on the armrest.
While propping his uninjured arm along the armrest, scrolling on the mousepad as he returned to the reading you previously interrupted, John's unoccupied hand gripped your hip as he brought you closer. The slight shift makes him move inside you, and your eyes flutter shut. Shit, this would be much harder than you'd anticipated.
In hopes it would distract you, you lean forward, nose knocking against the column of his throat. You inhale his scent, concentrating on how the typical aroma of rich cigar smoke is vacant from his skin with the lack of smoking.
John's unoccupied hand travels to the small of your back, fingers alternating between massaging your muscles and tracing light patterns against your skin. 
Shivers run up and down every part of your body, unconsciously making you shimmy as the shudders reach your shoulders. Your shifting jostles him inside you, causing you to clench reactionary. John's chest heaves, indicating he definitely felt how you squeezed around him.
But he didn't say anything, not verbally, at least. He simply grabs a fistful of your asscheek until flesh spilt between his fingers. The silent scold forces you to resist rocking in his lap, only releasing a quiet whimper, burying your face deeper into the curve of his neck and shoulder.
You inhale to steady your breath. 
The shower John took in the morning made his body wash more prominent. But he still smells of a certain alluring warmth, a musk simply describable as him, the one making you nuzzle against his bare upper body. You don't know whether to curse or hail him for not wearing a shirt nowadays, his nude chest distracting you somewhat from the delicious stretch and fullness of finally having him inside you. Until you knew it definitely did not help you.
As the hair dusted over his pectorals tickled against your lower chin and his beard against the upper part of your forehead, you ran your hands up and down his abdomen and chest. 
Feeling the thick cords of muscle beneath a layer of fat that made him so deliciously big and broad clench beneath your fingers acts like a lighter to gasoline. Mental images of seeing those muscles work as he pumps himself into you fill your head.
You don't even notice how your hips begin to roll until a heavy hand clutches your side, swiftly preventing the motion.
"Be a good girl, hm?" You glance up at John, but he hasn't even angled his head to face you. His blue eyes simply remain fixed on the computer screen. Even so, you feel how the muscles in his neck flex, and a soundless chuckle shakes his chest. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, face falling to hide against his neck again, but your attempt to remain calm has already failed as your mind supplies nothing but the filthiest scenes behind your eyelids. Grunting. Pistoning hips. Flesh grasped tightly.
You force an exhale, refraining from moving with any and all willpower in your fibres as you feel his girth throb inside you. You need a distraction. You need to distract yourself from thinking about how his cock fills you so well.
You start to mouth at his skin, light presses of your lips along his collarbone, trailing only far enough to his shoulder that you didn't aggravate his injury. When you once again reach where his clavicle met his sternum, you begin trailing kisses up his neck. You hum in delight, nuzzling against John's jawline, his beard tickling the tip of your nose. You felt him sigh, his chest pressing against yours before he exhaled through his nose.
God, you pliantly move with him as he shifts in his seat, attempting to find a more comfortable position by sliding down somewhat. But you can't help but momentarily dig your fingers into his abdomen as the slight stir pushes his hips against yours, forcing him deeper inside you. The sting of your nails makes his hips jump more erratically than when he'd shuffled just seconds earlier, and you can't stop a moan as you press yourself down into his lap. The only thought left in your mind is that you desperately need to move. Now.
Rocking your hips, you gave a quivering sigh, eyes fluttering at the feeling of his blunt tip hitting something so sensitive. 
"Love", John's voice is even, hinting at nothing more than attempting to earn your attention. However, how his hand travelled from around your waist to your ass, angling your hips roughly in an arch so you were pressed, forced stationary, against his chest, spoke of something else.
When you emerge from his neck, with hands planted on his chest, his blue eyes lock with yours, and how he tilts his head causes a shiver to run down your spine.
"Said to sit still, didn't I?" A soft whine leaves your mouth, lower lip jutting out. "Only going to keep me warm, eh?" He tuts amusingly.
You huff as you catch the amusement in his voice. "You seem to like it".
"Not 'bout likin' it love, but seein' how strong that resolve of yours is", he hums, taunting words brushing over your lips
You could bare your teeth at that response, like a cat hissing at someone, even if they were petting them because they came close. John's cock was literally throbbing inside you, his hips shifting to get more comfortable, only to rock himself deeper into you, demanding, mocking you to do something about your predicament.
As if feeling your body tense, your frustration growing, the menace of a man you're perched upon decides to stoke the fire by giving you a small kiss on your lips.
"Not fair", you hiss against John. This time, his chuckle is audible.
"No one said anything about fair". You send him a deadpan look, but he only chuckles deeply again. "Now relax again, love". His hand pushes against the back of your head, bringing you to rest it against him. You don't fight him, hooking your chin near the juncture of his neck, staring at the bookshelf opposite you.
You knew you'd given a false promise when you said this wouldn't lead to anything. Called your own lie and his with your initial scepticism. But now you're too far gone, too horny after nearly a month of not properly feeling him; you let out a shuddering, displeased moan as you purposefully squirm.
Your constant shifts were too small to bring any real pleasure, erratic enough they would be written off as shifts to get comfortable if it wasn't for how you and John knew it definitely wasn't. 
You could already feel your juices dripping, coating your inner thighs and his crotch, probably soaking his trousers. The lewd picture makes your pussy throb around his length again, and you quietly mewl, brows furrowing in frustration as you glare straight forward.
As if to make matters worse, your clit caught perfectly on the rolled-together line of your underwear that pressed into you at the angle John kept you from sinking deeper onto him. The realisation is like a doomsday announcement, as now it's impossible not to notice how your bundle of nerves is throbbing. 
The ache is unbearable, especially as pleasure is within sight, the planes of John's lower stomach pressed right against your mound. With such temptation just a breath away, you wriggle your hips, stuttering a breath when pleasure rushes through your abdomen. 
You start with small movements, yet more calculated than before. But soon, your squirming evolves into grinds that never fully make you sit back on John's lap. 
You reckon that's why he doesn't stop your movements. But what catches you, pleasantly, off-guard is when you feel a slight push of his hand against your backside.
John lazily guides your hips a few times but stops suddenly as if catching himself of what he's doing when his concentration slips from his reading. 
He chastises you with a soft pinch to the skin of your hips, and you know what's coming when he grabs the nape of your neck.
"Thought you said no fuckin'?". He directs your head in front of his. John's eyes have darkened, the good kind, his chest heaving more with each breath.
"I'm a big fat liar. That's what you want to hear?" You're quick to reply, the amusement rising in his blue eyes evident as he rolls his lips between his teeth with a content quirk in their corners before he answers.
"Always a delight when you admit you're wrong".
"Yeah, yeah", you roll your eyes, heat licking up your limbs and spine until pooling in the pit of your stomach. You attempt to quell it by mimicking the same move you'd previously done, but don't get far before John's strong hand anchors you squarely in his lap. The sweet pleasure of him filling you to the brim is momentary as the action keeps you there, fixed.
"Never said I would fuck you. I'm quite satisfied with this arrangement". John Price may be a humble man, but sometimes his cockiness soared when having you at his mercy.
"Piss off".
"Goin' to remain right here", he flashed you a devilish smile before returning to work. 
His blatant disregard makes your mouth fall open as you stare at him. 
You know John saw your reaction from the corner of his eyes, but he was adamant about not acknowledging you. You clench your jaw, sending him a nasty look. 
If that's how he wants to play.
With the single coherent thought that you would get your release, no longer desiring to play into the torture John was putting you through, you decide to make him cave right along with you.
With one hand stabilising yourself on his chest, your other hand slide down beneath your sweater. Your mouth falls open when your fingers brush your clit, faintly feeling how he stretches you open, unabashed moan clawing up your throat and out of your mouth. 
Oh, you saw the twitch of his head and felt his fingers dig into your waist. You knew how much he desired to look at you but remained stubborn enough not to indulge himself.
What must be a delirious-looking smile spread on your face as your mouth remains open, releasing all the soft breaths and whiney moans you'd muffled earlier. He's still keeping a steely grip on your lower half, keeping you from rocking your hips, but you make do with what he can't control. 
You bend forward at the waist, head falling alongside his until you face his throat.
Whereas your previous kisses had been light, worshipping, now they were shy of foul. You don't leave more than a few open-mouthed kisses along his neck as a heads-up before you trace your tongue over the same spots you journey.
You never stop the slow circles over your clit, your heavy breaths fanning over the wet trail you paint against his skin. And with your pleasured sounds so close to his ear, your lips marking him up without abandon as no one but you will be able to see the light marks, a deep groan fills the air.
Silencing your satisfaction that you're slowly tearing his resolve, you release a low whine straight into his ear instead. "John-". 
His facade cracks again, head tilting backwards, and you know he's fighting demons to not give in to your pleasure. But you show him no remorse, chuckling breathlessly over the shell of his ear before nipping his earlobe. 
Laving over the sweet little spot on his neck, right at the angle where his beard fades and beneath his ear, another grunt fills the air as his other hand abandons the computer and shifts to grab you.
With both of his hands now on your hips, you take your unoccupied hand and drag it down his chest, the wiry hair tickling you as your nails catch his nipple. You paw at his chest as you push your mouth into the shell of his ear, shakily uttering, "Going fill me up, John?"
"Jesus-". His gravelly voice, how he gropes and grabs at your soft love handles, hints at the restrained pleasure leaking through the cracks you're creating. It eggs you on, quickening the fingers rubbing your clit as you try to see if he'll let you rock your hips.
Although he clutches your flesh when you start to roll your hips over his thick cock, he doesn't stop you, hands remaining dormant on your ass. And, since you don't get any resistance from John this time, you don't stop.
You flutter around him, your peak moving a lot closer when you sit straight, looking down at the man who showers you with his attention as you rise on your knees in tandem with the rocking of your hips. And that seems to break the last straw of his willpower. 
You thank the heavens when he hastily moves to close his laptop and slides it a bit too aimlessly into the armchair beside the one you're occupying. The amusement in his eyes quickly faded to offer more place for surging arousal.
His uninjured arm rises to settle his hand at the back of your head, tugging you into a kiss as his other hand paces itself as he lowers it, swatting away your hand to overtake the onslaught on your bundle of nerves. As his thumbs find and rub firm circles onto your clit, you moan into his mouth.
John leans away to look at you, watching your features contort in pleasure as your cunt throbs around him. A lazy smirk on his face tells you he has no desire to drag out your or his pleasure any longer. 
He starts moving his hips, meeting each of your falls into his lap, pressing him deeper into you than what you'd managed on your own. John sounded fucking heavenly as a fucked up into you, groans and grunts slipping past his teeth, even if he let you do most of the work, taking it easy with his shoulder. 
"Fuckin' hell, that's my girl". He jerks inside you upon picking up the wet sounds squelching each time the back of your thighs meet his. "Takin' my cock so well after all this time, s'good for me, fuck- missed you havin' you around me". John's head drops backwards just as his hand falls to give your hips a firm squeeze, helping you guide your hips. You whine, clenching around him, slumping against him even if your hands get trapped between your chests.
He feels so good inside you, girthy length stretching you so deliciously, every ridge and vein rubbing against your walls. You pant against his skin, teeth closing on the tendons in his neck, not biting, but the pleasure just feels so good that you barely know what to do with yourself.
"Feisty today, eh?" John's jab is breathless, rasped from the back of his throat. "Hm, get so needy when you don't get my cock".
"John- fuck", your eyes squeeze tightly shut as your sensitivity is upped, orgasm nearing, the digit playing with your clit making you keen. "Feels so good, you feel so good... shit, missed this", you blabber. He groans at your admission, planting his heels more firmly to get more power behind his thrusts.
An involuntary squeak leaves you as the added force makes you slide forward a bit, your arm swinging around his neck on his uninjured side. It's nowhere near as fierce as John otherwise can shove himself deep inside of you, but after this long, he doesn't need to.
One final thrust sends you over the edge, body quivering, thighs squeezing his waist. Your moan breaks into heaving breaths, hips stilling in their up-and-down movement. John's not far behind, manually grinding your hips back and forth before he rolls his hips upwards, praises falling in groans from his lips as he spills inside you.
"Best believe you're not going back to working after this", you sigh into John's neck, having caught your breath just as he slackens beneath you.
He gives you a shakey laugh yet to level his own breathing. "No thought 'bout it", his voice is throaty as his arms curl around your waist.
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saintslewis · 7 months
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pairing: sir lewis hamilton x fem!oc; Nadia
summary: most of the social media post made throughout the miami gp weekend!
warning: twitter environment (you know the deal), cussing.
saint’s team radio: hi everyone! just wanted to give y’all a little something something before releasing ‘break my soul’ ! i’m a bit sick rn but i will get back into my groove very very soon đŸ€­
dividers by: @cafekitsune
pls like, comment and reblog! đŸ«¶đŸœ
taglist: @queenshikongo3 @mauvecherie-writes @httpsserene @lorarri @goldenalbon @yeea-nah @non-stop-imagines (lmk if you want to be tagged!)
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liked by lilymhe, badgalriri and 1,383,994 others
nadiahamilton yes i know where he keeps his music and no, i won’t be telling you where đŸ«¶đŸœ
view comments
nadiahamilton it was sooo nice meeting you guys this weekend đŸ„č
pinned by author
user i swear you’re his lucky charm
fransisca.cgomes mother ‌
alexandrasaintmleux and if i ask for your hand in marriage?
nadiahamilton let’s run away
user i fell in love everytime you appeared on screen
user her energy is so refreshing, even if it’s through a tv or phone 😭
user where do you get your clothes???
nadiahamilton i’ll make a highlight for all the stores i shop at đŸ«¶đŸœ
herstudent i hope school’s open soon, we need the tea!!
nadiahamilton you’ll be getting the pamphlets for the medieval times instead 😚
user his arm
dear lord
nadiahamilton i know, can’t believe it’s wrapped around me rn đŸ„č
user13 no way she just said that????
yungfilly bestie takin over miami!!
chunkz i think this is where you’re wrong brotha đŸ€š
niko you’re right, i’m the bestie
nellarose_ YOU’RE ALL WRONG đŸ€Ł
nataliatheedon and if i smack your ass, i’m wrong 😔
nadiahamilton bc it really hurt plus you were running behind me????
mercedesamgf1 Mrs Mercedes đŸ€
user lewis is washed, never going to get that 8th
nadiahamilton watch your mouth đŸ™đŸœ
lilymhe tinkerbell đŸ„č
liked by nadiahamilton
user is this a inside joke???? a fun nickname??? we need to know!
sza do you think your man will have a problem if i take you away?
nadiahamilton when and where? đŸ€­
lewishamilton ???????
hater ad21 was deserved đŸ€Ł
nadiahamilton i know where you live đŸ«¶đŸœ
hater as if
nadiahamilton Glendale right??
hater oh shit
user now how tf did she find that man’s address 😭
user don’t question her mastery đŸ—Łïž
lewishamilton my angel đŸ€
nadiahamilton my superstar 💗
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liked by bellahadid, charles_leclerc and 3,383,929 others
lewishamilton miami, you’ve been good đŸ™đŸœ
view all comments
nadiahamilton steal my captions why don’t you 🙄
lewishamilton it’s my job 😋
user blonde is so her colour
raye you both are so lovely đŸ€
lewishamilton thank you Raye and btw, she’s crying because of this
nadiahamilton DON’T TELL HER OMG????
spinzbeatsinc king and queen of england
nadiahamilton do you want me to get deported??
user just accept your fate guys
user now i need to know if he speaks any south african languages
nadiahamilton he tries to but he says it in a british accent so i end up laughing at him
user mr, does this mean you’re the class dad?
lewishamilton i guess so?
user her face should be trademarked
user how many cars do you think they own together?
f1wags what a woman!
user petition for Nadia to be team principal!
mercedesamgf1 we back this đŸ«Ą
hater her tattoos were everywhere and stole the attention off Lewis! She’s so ugly
nadiahamilton never that đŸ™đŸœ
user did you guys see that drake reposted her post?
user wasn’t he friends with lewis at some point???
zendaya see you guys soon đŸ«¶đŸœ
racerbia mother and father
nadiahamilton my man is so fine y’all damn
nadiahamilton like he looks so delectable, my goat fr đŸ€­
lewishamilton nads 😧
f1 mother of the paddock ‌
nadiahamilton pls not while Susie is right there â˜č
badgalriri i hope you do know there’s a group of us planning to take her
iamcardib heard she’s a stylist, need one rn
kehlani i second this !
latto777 if she ever needs flowers, i got her ‌
nadiahamilton y’all đŸ„č
lewishamilton can you guys stop planning to take my wife away from me?
user idk, something’s fishy
user yeah bc where the fuck did she come from?
text messages !
♡‧₊ billionaire boys club
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miles the fencer đŸ€ș: no way they’re stealing your wife from you in broad daylight?
pookie buddy lewis: pls don’t chat, it’s hurting my spirit rn
princess natalia: let’s talk about nads meeting pharrell (also i’m a genius for naming this gc after his company)
daniel is spinning: her face was just like 😧
nadia: đŸ§đŸœâ€â™€ïž
personal pillow amara: but nads, genuinely, how do you feel after this weekend? it was a big one for you bae
nadia: i do feel like ripping the earth in half and falling in but it’s cool because lew gets me ice cream after đŸ€­
pookie buddy lewis: i always got your back, nads. you know that. we’ll get ice cream whenever you want
miles the fencer đŸ€ș: GET A FUCKING ROOM OMG
princess natalia: EWWWWW
charlotte (not tilbury): don’t listen to them, this is the cutest shit ever 😭
andrew with the camera: but if i expose miles’ 0.5x photos, i’m wrong.
daniel is spinning: DRAG HIMMMM
personal pillow amara: i’ve taught you way too much danny
miles the fencer đŸ€ș: man whatever 🙄
charlotte (not tilbury): nads, i HAVE to see you in malibu
nadia: ofc, i don’t know what to expect from that place
princess natalia: don’t worry bae, we got you!
The Avengers (niko made this)
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chunkz: nads, who’s this boy you’re chatting to? đŸ€š
filly felipe: “this boy” and it’s lewis hamilton đŸ€Ł
sharks: AND they’re married????
nadia: and i was going to invite you lot to my new place and show you my new car but ig you don’t want to
harry (pinero) potter: BOYS TAKE IT BACK
aj shabeeeeel: i personally never said anything đŸ™đŸœ
niko: you know i’ve always loved f1, nads
nella loml: lying on a public platform, niko??
nadia: you lot are too funny i can’t 😭
nadia: but yeah, wanted to know when you guys are available so that you guys can meet him officially
fiily felipe: welcoming our brother in law aww đŸ„č
king kenny: how about we chat about the marriage??
nadia: how about no? đŸ«¶đŸœ
chunkz: i’m just happy something so special is happening to you, nads. you deserve it
nella loml: it’s been a tough ride and already it’s looking so up for you bae
nadia: you guys wanna make me cry on a monday morning đŸ«”đŸœ
sharks: always the plan đŸ«Ą
niko: to make her cry????
sharks: 😐
king kenny: pls come back to London asap, Cench has been calling us up for a vid ever since the last two 😔
nadia: leave me out of that one, i have a husband đŸ–đŸœ
filly felipe: nadia thandeka hamilton, it has SUCH a nice ring to it 😭
aj shabeeeel: and you guys look so leng together, already my brother in law đŸ«Ą
harry (pinero) potter: better get home quick for that debrief!
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saint’s team radio (once again!): hope you guys enjoyed this one! it’s got a little touch of how nadia interacts with people she knows and people she doesn’t, our social butterfly đŸ„č
we finally have a ship name for our favs ‘Lewdia’ coined by @mauvecherie-writes!
i’ve got a few more smaus ready but yeah, love you guys loads! 💗
459 notes · View notes
nevvdrinksteaa · 3 months
history // charlie walker
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pairing: charlie walker x reader
original prompt: you’re paired with charlie walker for a school project, it gets dirty
warnings: 18+ nsfw smut, porn WITH plot, afab!reader, slight angst (charlie thinks you hate him for like 5 whole minutes) pet names, oral (male and female), dom!reader, sub!charlie, begging, making out, fingering, whatever the fuck it’s called when you grind against sheets to make yourself c*m, overuse of the nickname ‘char’, never written for dom!reader before (bare w me), no specific reference to body type !! please let me know if i forgot anything!
word count: 3.1k
this is NOT proof read so if there are any mistakes ignore them! i believe that anyone of any shape or size and anyone of color can enjoy this. i don’t believe there is any description of physical appearance (please please correct me if i’m wrong, i don’t want to make assumptions about anything!!)
please send in more stuff for me to write because i’m in the mood to zoom đŸ«Ą
1:40 PM
you sat in history, your last period class, shaking your pencil hearing it tap, tap, tap with every move. eyes trained on the clock wishing the last twenty minutes would fly by quicker, eager to get your weekend started.
“for this project, you are all going to be in partners”
everyone shot up from their bored positions at their desks, starting conversations with friends deciding who’s working with who. you look over at your best friend, grinning.
“settle down, your partners were pre-chosen. i think we need some variety in the groups we see”
the class started to groan as the teacher stated that the partner lists were posted on the board, stating specifics on the projects and that it will be due on monday. everyone started to get up from their seats to check the list on the corkboard at the front of the room. you started to write down ideas, assuming your partner would find you.
of course it’s due monday, there goes my weekend. what’s the point of your parents going out of town if-
“uhm hey, i think we’re partners”
you look up, noticing charlie walker standing at the front of your desk, looking at the floor in front of him.
“you think or you checked the list and know?” you smirk at him, giggling to yourself.
“you got me there, i saw it on the list” he states, settling in the chair beside you.
he started rambling, talking about ideas he has for the project.
“okay charlie, here's the deal” you state bluntly, “my parents aren’t home for the weekend and i really want to get this project finished as soon as possible so i can have friends over on saturday”
he was taken back at your tone, shocked at the rude nature. he figured you didn’t like him, and wanted to get it over as soon as possible so you didn’t have to be seen with him. why else were you so angry when you had always been so sweet to everyone? weren’t you two friends?
“well we can do it after school and work on it today, i’m good at history so we should finish it really soon” he says quietly, trailing off towards the end.
“perfect” you say, grabbing your phone and handing it to the boy. “give me your number and i can text you my address”
the final bell rings and the class starts to gather their things. you sit up from your spot at the desk, collecting your books to leave. “i’ll shower when i get home and you can come over after, does three work?”
“sounds good.” he doesn’t look up from the desk as he’s still writing down notes.
“see you later, char” you say, giving him a smile he doesn’t notice.
walking back to your locker, you catch yourself thinking about him and how awkward he is, finding it indearing. you were excited to work on your project with him, you had a crush on him for a while and you hadn’t had any courage to say anything to him.
you grab your things and start the trek to your car, stopping your friend to tell her about your plans for today on your way out.
“the universe is giving you signs partnering you up with charlie, maybe it’s time to tell him about your crush.” she says, shoving her shoulder into yours as she walks.
“yeah right, he’s so infatuated with kirby i would just embarrass myself if i told him i liked him.” you state rolling your eyes. “he’d laugh in my face probably”
“he’s too sweet to do all that” your friend says stopping once you reach her car, “charlie walker is probably not the type of person to be rude about letting someone down, he’d probably say thank you and talk about a movie that’s about to come out”
she unlocks her car as you laugh at her joke, trying to ease the nerves in your stomach. you wave goodbye and turn to leave, hearing your friend shout out her window “don’t do anything i wouldn’t do”
you laugh as you walk to your car, sitting in the drivers seat and starting it before heading home.
maybe she’s right, i should just say something.
you wipe the steam off of the bathroom mirror after stepping out of the shower, skin red from the burning shower you took. you start to pat your damp skin dry before you heard a knock on your door. checking the time to see it was 2:45. fuck, he’s early.
you wrap yourself with the towel tightly before you start down the steps to answer the front door.
“hey” charlie starts, face starting to get beat red after noticing you in a towel. you notice him start to fidget with his hands.
“you’re early char” you say opening the door wider and waving him in. “you can wait in my room while i get dressed, it’s upstairs next to the bathroom”
you both start to walk up the steps and you point to the right when you get to the top. “it’s on the door on the left, get comfortable and i’ll be right there”
you hear charlie hum and grip the strap on his bag before he turns to your room. you step into the bathroom and finish getting dressed, drying your skin and putting on comfortable shorts and a crop top. you head back to your room and stand in the doorway, noticing charlie with his back to the door, looking at the pictures and vinyls hung on your walls.
“you’re not going to steal anything, are you?” you tease, sitting on the middle of your bed with your bag, pulling out your history books.
“of course not” charlie says, “just looking at all your stuff”
he takes a seat across from you, where he had preset his books and notes from class. you grab your phone and turn on some music, asking if the choice was okay and a hum of approval in response.
“so, where should we start?” you ask.
you guys worked on your project for about an hour before you heard your stomach growl. you drop your pencil and look up at charlie who was scribbling away. “are you hungry, char?” you ask
he hummed no at your question and you started to get anxious at his lack of response, he normally would talk your ear off about anything and everything. “is everything okay?”
“yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”
“you’re just really quiet today, i wanted to make sure everything is alright with you.”
“i just want to finish this project so i’ll get out of your hair, i know that you don’t really want me around”
his response caught you very off guard. you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, shaking your head back and forth softly. “what are you talking about?”
he shrugged his shoulders, not looking up from his lap.
“char, look at me” he looked up at you, trying hard to keep eye contact. “why would you think that?”
“you said earlier you wanted to get the project over with so you could make other plans this weekend.”
you noticed him look back towards his lap and you were confused on what he was talking about
“i figured since you don’t like me, you wanted to get rid of me quicker”
your eyes softened, realizing you didn’t phrase your comment from earlier properly. you immediately felt bad, you never wanted him to think that you didn’t like him. you liked charlie, quite a bit actually. he was very smart, charismatic, and oh so sweet; you couldn’t believe he thought you hated him.
you scooted closer to him, setting his hand on his knee. he looked up towards you with a nervous expression.
“i don’t hate you, i’m so sorry that i made you think i did. i was just upset earlier that we were given a weekend project the same week my parents were out of town” you gave his leg a little squeeze
“oh” he replied, holding eye contact with you. “now i feel stupid”
“don’t feel stupid, it was all my fault. i’ll hang out with you all weekend just to prove to you i like you.” you paused, wanting to say something more. you took your hand off his knee and put it in your lap, looking at the ground, you took in a deep breath.
“actually char,” you start to trail off, feeling the nerves all the way down to your toes. “i really like you”
“what?” you felt the bed move, charlie shifting in his seat
“i don’t expect you to feel the same, i know you have a crush on kirby, robbie told me a while ago, i just felt like i needed to tell you before i lost the courage to”
charlie didn’t say anything, he felt so dumbfounded by your sudden release. he didn’t know what to say, he liked you to, he just never knew how to express it. he liked how kind you were to everyone and how you always loved to listen about everything he has to say.
you got up from your seat quick, anxiety crashing at his silence. “i’m so sorry, just forget i said anything. i’m going to grab a water” you state, heading towards the door
“wait” you heard him get up from the bed and head towards you, “do you mean it?”
you make eye contact, “of course i mean it, i wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true char”
he stood directly in front of you, “i like you too”
neither of you said anything after that, all that could be heard was both of your breaths and the quiet sound of radiohead coming from your phone. he looked between your eyes and your lips.
“do you want to kiss me charlie?”
“yes” he says softly
you felt his lips on yours, pecking slightly. he was so nervous, you knew you had to lead
“do you want to make out with me?”
“please” he nodded quick, looking back to your lips.
you lean forward to kiss him, hands moving up to the back of his neck. you could feel his hands on your hips, barely making contact. you slightly pull away, catching your breath.
“please touch me char”
you felt him grab your waist, pulling you back to his lips. you rake your fingers through his hair, pulling at the root slightly. he whimpered at the feeling, gripping your sides harder.
you started to walk the both of you slowly toward the bed, not breaking away from the kiss. you settled into his lap, feeling his hands glued in place.
“you can touch me anywhere” you say breathless, pulling away
“i’ve never done this before” he admits shamefully
“we can do whatever you feel comfortable with.” you reply, playing with his hair.
you felt one of charlie’s hands leave your hip, slowly heading towards your chest. he let out a breath when he felt you weren’t wearing a bra. he was gentle with his touch, as though he was scared to break you. your hand found his and pressed harder, encouraging his movements.
he started to kneed his hands, rubbing his thumb back and forth over your nipple. you let out a soft moan, pushing your lips back to his. you started to grind your hips back and forth, earning a breathy sound from his mouth. he opened his eyes to look up at you and you took the opportunity to bite the bottom of his lip, moving immediately to his neck, rubbing his cock with your hands.
“is this okay baby?”
“fuck- yes please”
you start biting and kissing the skin below his ear, moving your hands to start unbuttoning his shirt. he shrugs it off his shoulders and you start to make your way down to kneel on the floor, kissing and sucking his skin on your way. you look up at him as you fumble with his zipper, batting your eyelashes at him. he sits up slowly to help pull his pants down, taking his underwear with him. he sets his hands on either side of his legs, slightly gripping the sheets with nerves.
you take his dick in your hands, shocked at the size, before spitting on it. you rub your hands up and down earning a moan from charlie.
“fuck- please i-” he trailed off when you kissed the head, tasting salt on your lips.
“please what baby?” still stroking his cock
“i need more, i want more please”
you lick a long strip from his balls to the tip before putting him in your mouth. slowing going up and down using your hands to help with what you can’t fit. you grab charlie’s hand, moving it from his side to the top of your head. he laces his fingers in your hair, slightly pushing and pulling with your movements.
“i think i’m going to cum”
you pull off, stroking him quick with your hands, “are you going to cum in my mouth char? be a good boy and cum in my mouth for me”
he nodded, eyes shut tight as his head leaned back. “say it charlie, tell me”
he opened his eyes, locked with yours. wiping a tear from your face, so fucking pretty.
“i’m gonna cum for you like a good boy fuck-”
you went right back to work, taking him deeper and blinking the tears from your eyes. you wanted to see charlie cum so bad, you felt your hands move down inside your shorts. rubbing your clit over your panties.
“fuck, i’m cumming, please let me cum. wanna be good for you”
you moaned around his dick and felt charlie grip your hair harder. his dick started to twitch and you felt your mouth get hot, cum filling your throat and mouth. you pulled off slowly, swallowing as you went, keeping your mouth open to pump the rest of his cum on your tounge.
charlie was a rambling, moaning mess. whispering how good it felt and how good you were. he saw you give his dick one last kiss and come back up to meet him face to face.
“thank you”
you gave him a quick kiss, giggling. “you don’t have to say thank you”
he wanted to say it a hundred times over, he couldn’t believe that he just got head for the first time. “can i
” he trailed off
“can you do what char?” you sounded so innocent, like you didn’t just finish choking and gagging on his dick.
“can i do you now?”
you got close to him, kissing up his neck. “you want to eat me out baby?”
“yes, please. please let me make you feel good”
you nodded and stood up from your seat next to him, pushing your notes to the bottom half of the bed. you slipped your top off and pushed your pants down your legs, getting comfortable by your pillows. “come here char”
charlie was quick to move above you, taking your lips to his, touching anywhere his hands could move.
“i might need some help” he sighs sheepishly.
“start by moving all the way down” you say as you give him a quick kiss for encouragement. “do whatever you think is right, i’ll tell you if i don’t like it”
he nodded and moved to your neck, kissing and licking, keeping his hands roaming. you felt him reach your nipples, his hot breath close before sticking his touch out to lick one. he saw your lips open to let out a quiet gasp of air and started to suck, earning a moan in response. he moved his hand, pinching and pulling at the left while he kept his mouth at the right, then switching.
“just like that pretty boy” you said as you move your hand to play with his hair.
he was blushing at the pet name, feeling his cock getting hard against your hip. he started to move down, kissing anywhere and everywhere he could, scared you’ll change your mind. he makes it past your stomach and to your thighs, gently pulling them apart.
he lets out a subtle groan, “so pretty” he mumbles. “can i touch you?” he says rubbing his hands up and down your thighs.
“of course” you sigh, anxiously waiting for his touch
he slowly brings his hands to your pussy, collecting your wetness on his fingers and spreading it around. he finds your clit and starts to rub in small, slow circles, watching you raise your hips slightly.
“right there baby” you say closing your eyes.
he brings his mouth to your pussy, licking a long strip from your hole to your clit. “you taste so good” he says lowly, almost to himself. he continues to play with your clit and eat you out. trying different rhythms and motions based on your movements and sounds.
“char, please put a finger in. i’m so close”
charlie is quick to push in and up, finding that sweet spot. you grab his hair, pulling at the root.
“fuck yes, right there”
he can’t help it, all the mumbling and moaning makes him start to grind into the bed, intoxicated by you. he can feel his cock, hard and throbbing against your silk green sheats.
he slowly slides in a second finger, curling them upwards, taking your clit between his lips and sucking softly.
“i’m gonna cum” you felt your body start to feel fuzzy, stomach pulling at the feeling. “fuck charlie, i’m cumming”
you felt yourself tighten against his fingers, grinding down on his tongue, which was eager to lap up your release. you heard him whimper, seeing his hips stutter against the bed.
he pulls his head up from your pussy, making sure to not look at you in the face. “i’m so sorry”
you look at him confused, leaning forward to see the wet spot on your sheets. you smirk at him, grabbing his hand and licking your juices off his fingers.
“don’t be sorry, this was amazing,” you lean forward to kiss him “and knowing you came from eating me out is kinda hot”
you giggle as you lean back, still catching your breath. charlie moves beside you softly rubbing your hand. “so what do we do now?”
you look up at him, “well” you start lacing your fingers with his “for now, we lay here until we fall asleep. then tomorrow morning we’ll wake up and shower and maybe finish where we left off”
charlie grins from ear to ear, “oh yeah?”
“i mean, if that’s alright with you” you mumble
“being with you is alright for me” he says, kissing your forehead.
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sorrowsofsilence · 1 month
Writing Updates:
‱ Smutty professor Davis fic coming out this afternoon / tonight đŸ«Ą
‱ Smutty folio fic soon (hoping by this weekend / early next week)
‱ Chapter 9 of Burning Out next week hopefully
‱ Kingdom of cards game-fic: slowly working on it, it’s just a LOT of writing and I have to plan everything / release it all at once, so it’ll be a while yet
. but, let me share below a lil sneak peak of some graphics I made ;)
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strang3lov3 · 1 month
Joel readers assemble đŸ«Ą
I have a lot of fics planned for you but I think it’ll be a week before you see another. I wanted to crank out a fic today + this weekend but I have a friend coming into town last minute tomorrow and on Sunday I’m going dress shopping with my mom for our vacation coming up in a few weeks. Today I’m playing with my parents’ new puppy and fic writing is understandably so backseat to hanging out with puppies.
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You get it. Anyway, I’m off like a prom dress and I will catch up with all of you later to answer the rest of those celebration asks and write some very fun smut đŸ©·
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curiositydooropened · 2 years
Heyy amanda i looove your writing, your stories are so well thought-out and interesting. Could you maybe if you like the idea write about steve in s2, nancy is breaking up w him but he can't seem to stop thinking about reader. Hope you like the idea and get some inspirationâ€ïžâ€ïžđŸ«ĄđŸ„ș
Hello, sweets! First of all, this message was sooo lovely! Thank you so much! As I reached the end of this little drabble, I worried I didn’t exactly fulfill your prompt, but I hope you still enjoy it! Thanks again for requesting!!!
Under the Sea
Steve is dreading prom season until he spots you, the one who’s always been there.
Wordcount: 1794
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff
Prom Season, that fortuitous time of year where normally orange and green concrete halls were painted in pastels and streamers. Christmas baubles dangling from the ceiling in strings with PTSD triggering Christmas lights that had Steve wishing his bat were in his backpack and not just the trunk of his car. A large Under the Sea banner denoted dates and locations - tickets could be purchased in the cafeteria during lunch for $5 a piece. Ballots for royalty could be found at the ticket tables.
Royalty. Steve blanched, tightening the strap of his backpack over one shoulder. Funny how the title of King could be swiped from a kid in a few short months. Prom King was all Steve ever wanted, all he ever strived to be. Now, he didn’t even have the title of championship winning point guard. Now, he didn’t even have the title of boyfriend. Now, the only regal title Steve Harrington could answer to was “World’s Best Babysitter”, and although he enjoyed ruffling the hair of those little shits, he wished more people than Mrs. Henderson would give a shit.
Maybe he’d have lunch on the field today, or in the woods. The cafeteria would be crawling with giddy girls and their dates, and the parking lot still stung of Nancy and Tommy and Carol always cat-called from nearby.
The bell rang indicating the start of fourth period, and Steve dipped sideways down a long hallway toward staff offices and the shining sun of midday in Spring.
Sneakers squeaking against linoleum, he grit his teeth past the coos and giggles of Martha Rhinestad and Emily Henberry, both of whom had turned him down for a date last weekend thanks to Dustin’s Pearl-filled grin-and-growl combo. Steve offered a friendly wave in passing, and both girls giggled once more, louder, brushing past him in a waft of bubblegum and hairspray. He turned to watch them walk away, lamenting the curves of their Levi’s and the fall of his reign.
When he turned back to the door outside, he ran smack into a figure who let out a remarkable yelp. Steve jumped, nearly smacking the intruder with his backpack until he saw you with hands held in surrender, hair tossed and a look of surprise etched across your features.
“Oh my God, Steve. Hi. Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Oh, hi. No, I’m sorry.” Steve scratched the back of his throat and made room for you to pass.
You. You who taught him how to tie his shoes in kindergarten, you who put a band-aid on his chin in the fourth grade when he cut it on the playground, you who took an attack-kiss with grace at Carol’s 14th birthday party even though it was practically assault.
“Where are you headed?” You smiled, glancing over your shoulder at the windowed door, which somehow felt less beckoning in your presence.
“Lunch,” he explained. “You?”
You tapped the tin box in your hand, which he hadn’t noticed until now. “Also lunch. I’m selling prom tickets.”
“Ah,” he nodded, that familiar ache filling his chest.
“Yeah, we better sell out this year, this Under the Sea theme is way more expensive than A Night to Remember, but student council insisted prom be different than last year’s, which I guess they’re right, but it’d be way less work for the planning committee. As if we aren’t getting ready for college.” You we’re rambling, face ducked into the tin box now clamped to your chest, and Steve felt a smile etch itself on his own face, a weak feeling he was getting to used to having again. “You’re going, right?”
He blinked back at you, the sweet and innocent look in your eye matched with the guilt of him not planning to go. He swallowed, remembered he had a couple bucks in his wallet. He could spare it for a prom ticket he wouldn’t use. “Oh yeah, of course. Thanks for reminding me.” It was worth it to see you smile.
“Walk with me?” You offered, and he spun for a third time to head beside you back down the hallway to the hell of pastel that was the cafeteria.
You and Steve fell into step, sneakers squeaking and change jingling against the tin in your arms, and he risked a glance at your face. You’d really grown up, pretty young thing turned into a young woman overnight. You’d mentioned college, talked like you were all grown up. You felt different from the kid that encouraged him to switch from a trike to a bicycle, and suddenly he realized you’d spent your lives together.
“So, how’ve you been? How’re classes this year?” You asked, catching his stare.
Steve sighed, dug his thumb between his bag strap and his shoulder. “Barely scraping by. Did you know chemistry sucks?”
You laughed, a sound he’d kill to pull from you again, and nodded. “Chemistry does suck. I took it last year.”
“Overachiever,” he mumbled under his breath, and he swelled when you caught the playful tone, elbowing his ribs.
“I was going to offer to help,” you continued. The joke of a past tense was not lost on him.
You shrugged. “You know I’m always here for you, Steve.”
There was something in your tone that had his stomach flipping, had him remembering the band-aid and the tiny moment in the dark of Tina’s yard during her Halloween party, after Nancy called him “bullshit” where you asked if he needed to talk. He thought of the moment during Thanksgiving break, where he tossed cranberry sauce into his grocery basket, and you asked about his double black eyes. You’d been the first person to approach him then, the first to talk to him for two whole weeks since he showed back up to school.
Before he had a chance to respond, the cafeteria door swung open to a cacophony of screaming teenagers and tossed paper airplanes. Lines formed with orange trays and slopped, well, slop. The nerds sat with the nerds, and Steve narrowly avoided the polo-wearing table of whispers as you approached the long line growing up to a double card table. Sissy Patterson sat behind it, shooting you a wave of relief upon your approach.
“See you up there,” you smiled and shimmied your way to pass out change and stack the growing wad of bills into your tin box. Your hair was shiny, and your smile bright.
“Steve?” The voice sent chills up his spine, and with a warm face, he turned to sweet, beautiful Nancy Wheeler.
“Hey, Nance,” he sighed, shoulders slumped in defeat. As though he thought he could hide in a room full of potential snipers.
“Hey,” she was awkward behind him, soft corners of her lips pinched in a signature Nancy polite smile. Far different from yours.
“You getting prom tickets?” He asked, though he’d prefer to not know the answer.
“Oh yeah. I mean, I’m serving punch and Jonathan’s taking photos so we don’t really need them, but Mom insisted. You know, for her scrapbook.”
Steve nodded. The famous Wheeler scrapbook, perpetually forgotten for gossipy phone lines and romance novels and Chardonnay. There were a fair few Polaroids of him taken for that scrapbook, including a handful from junior prom the year before.
“What about you? Are you getting prom tickets?” Steve didn’t think she meant it as surprised as it sounded, but it hurt nonetheless.
“Yup.” He popped the ‘p’ and took a step up to the wobbly table.
“Steve,” Sissy popped her bubblegum, shot him a glare. He’d stood her up for a date freshman year. He’d never be forgiven.
“Sissy,” he smiled. He fished into his pocket for cash and found ten dollars. And with Nancy looming behind him and you grinning up at him with those sparkly eyes, he blurted out. “Two tickets please.” More confident than he thought.
He noticed something in you then, the slightest slump of your shoulders, a lick of your lips as your smile softened. You took his cash and placed it neatly into the tin, and Sissy shoved two tickets into his hand.
“Here’s the royalty ballot,” you passed over a clipboard, avoiding his gaze, and his throat tightened in terrified anticipation.
“Oh that’s okay,” he shrugged it off as Nancy stepped up beside him to order her own tickets. When he glanced over, she was glancing between the two of you, eyebrows pinched.
“Steve,” you pressed. “Take the ballot. Trust me.” Your smile was soft, shy, but that sparkle went back into your eyes and sent something through him.
He took the clipboard and pen from your dainty fingers and glanced over the pastel artwork until he saw the neatly printed columns for King, Queen, Princes, and Princesses. Under the King category, he found Steve Harrington. It was the first name on the list. Right where he always wanted it to belong. He glanced over the clipboard where you were watching with an eager gaze, and he couldn’t help but smile, wide.
He checked his name and a few others, and before he even tried to look at Nancy’s votes over her shoulder, he took another step of bravery and said your name, actually yelled it a little. People at a nearby table stopped talking.
“Steve,” you chuckled, flashing a polite smile at those around.
“Do you have a date to prom?”
Again, that beautiful smile of yours faded, dwindled, diminished. You shook your head and avoided his gaze, taking change from the person elbowing past Nancy who seemed to be having an impossible time with her ballot.
“Great,” Steve grinned. “Would you go to prom with me?”
The lid to the tin box slammed closed. Nancy dropped her pen, it rolled between them. “What?”
“I’m asking you to be my prom date. I’ll get a cummerbund to match your dress, and I’ll buy you a corsage, and I’ll take you to dinner beforehand. Do you like Enzo’s?”
“Yes,” you were fighting off that smile now.
“Is that a yes to Enzo or to being my date?”
“Both, I guess.” You laughed, that pretty sound. He’d managed to pull it from you again.
“Perfect. Can we talk about it more after school?”
You shrugged, nodded, but he could tell you were pleased. You, who kissed his chin better, you who maybe enjoyed that kiss at Carol’s birthday, you who hooked your hand into his elbow after his breakup and told him everything was going to be alright.
He winked and turned around before he could catch the look of shock on Nancy’s face because honestly, he couldn’t even focus on Nancy when that smile played on his mind. He floated out of the cafeteria like a jellyfish, soft and light and hopeful.
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jeewrites · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @burntheedges for WIP Wednesdayyyyy! (Have I mentioned how much I love Maintenance Request? Go read it!)
So excited that Frankie and Sweets finally get to go on their date. đŸ„° And eat delicious food. And experience some angst. But mostly fluff and sweetness because apparently that is all I can write at the moment, lol.
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Just as you are sitting down to scarf down your lunch later that week, your phone vibrates with a text from your favorite brown-eyed pilot.
[text conversation]
đŸ˜»đŸŸ: Hey, so what kind of food do you like? đŸ‹đŸ»â€â™€ïž: Yes đŸ˜»đŸŸ: ???
đŸ‹đŸ»â€â™€ïž: I have to eat so much to fuel for đŸ‹ïžâ€â™€ïž, so yeah, I like food. đŸ‹đŸ»â€â™€ïž: đŸœđŸłđŸ„©đŸ”đŸŒźđŸ„ŸđŸŁđŸŽ‚đŸ©đŸȘđŸźđŸ§đŸ„đŸ«”đŸ§ đŸ‹đŸ»â€â™€ïž: I don't do sandwiches though đŸ˜»đŸŸ: Roger that đŸ«Ą
đŸ˜»đŸŸ: Be ready to eat okay? Might want to wear something stretchy. Prepare yourself. 😉 đŸ‹đŸ»â€â™€ïž: đŸ«Ą say no more. I have the perfect outfit. 😈 đŸ˜»đŸŸ: Pick you up Saturday at 4:30? I know it's early, but trust me ok? đŸ‹đŸ»â€â™€ïž: đŸ’ƒđŸ»đŸ’ƒđŸ»
You spend the rest of your break smiling into your lunch wondering what Frankie has planned for Saturday. The weekend couldn't come soon enough.
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No pressure tagging: @joelalorian @justagalwhowrites @burntheedges @joelmillerisapunk @theywhowriteandknowthings
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muddyorbsblr · 3 months
the 5-day Holy All-Weekender Agenda
(there's still nothing holy about this agenda, sorry Jesus)
I honestly didn't think that I was gonna have a 5-day one this year, but life had other plans and decided that Wednesday was gonna be my last day with my current employer, so now I have five days and then I'm gonna be unemployed and job hunting for a fair bit lol âœŒïžđŸ«Ą
Anyways, I'm not as sad as I thought I would be
and I still have plans for this weekend and I thought it'd be fun to share it
? idk
here it is ig
work on some Earthsounds horny bitches cuts (1-2 episodes
we'll see)
write 'the final Lady Sharpe part 5'
write 'a startling realization' (Oakley appreciators this is ur pspspspsps)
finally finish reading Dreams of the Deadly by Adelaide Forrest (it's been a year apparently i wasn't kidding about being notoriously slow)
watch queue backlog on YouTube (it's still not done bc i'm slow on that too đŸ€Ą)
RTC Season 1B (because it's also been a year and ngl I'm highly ashamed of myself for this one whew--)
read through a handful of stories from my Tumblr TBR
read through a handful of books on the physical TBR (so i can donate them because i've run out of shelf space)
And then maybe when I've done all that, it's gonna be Monday, I gotta sort out my clearance and then I'm off to look for a new job wheeeeeeeeee
Oh and also to top everything off, I've still got a case of small to medium sick going on so
that's fun đŸ„ŽâœŒïž
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shostakobitchh · 6 months
happy new year everyone! 🎆🎇🎆🎇
here are some writing updates for you wonderful people:
(1) I am determined to write the remaining 7k of chapter 55 of aim & ignite today (have around 1.5k done)
wish me luck đŸ«Ą
if I’m making progress they’ll be a sneak peek posted at some point today and then hopefully a chapter tonight or tomorrow morning. if not, it’ll be done this weekend. the chapter title is called “knife work”
(2) i’m working on the splintering, but it’s slow but steady progress. originally it was going to be a long oneshot, but even that was looking to be massive (it’s going to be around 100k, help me).
the synopsis is:
Snape’s daughter claims there’s a monster in the closet. He is skeptical. Horror ensues.
I know that’s kinda vague but the whole premise sorta started off vague and then morphed into a monster (literally, see what I did there, har har)
my plan is to split it into 10 chapters. i will not post until it’s done it in entirety. i don’t know what it is but i’ve gotten very emotional writing it. maybe it’s because the entire thing is a giant metaphor for trauma for a small child? but if you enjoyed the darker turn CoS took, you will probably like this story. I’ve had to write in really small but thoughtful blocks of time because I work myself up (and then freak myself, because that thing in the closet is FUCKED UP)
(3) a lot of people have expressed relief that another life exists since Lily being dead is fucking sad (and then an overwhelming need to write a snily story) so if you have oneshot requests, please send them my way! my creativity well has dried up a bit later and between aim & ignite and the splintering, i’m fresh out of inspiration for new ideas. but i need fluff to balance, everything is so angsty!!!
anyway, my goal for 2024 writing-wise is to finish PoA for aim & ignite (but Sam, it took you 15 chapters to get to Halloween) YEAH I KNOW IM TRYING HERE. personally, I blame Snape & Ariel. now that they can actually have a proper conversation they don’t shut up.
hope everyone is healthy and happy - thank to everyone and anyone that has supported me and my stupid little stories. if you send messages and I don’t get back to them right away, please know I see them and love them, I try to answer when I have time to do so thoughtfully. I am really busy during the week so when I see things pop up it keeps me going. 😊
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missathlete31 · 1 year
It’s Memorial Day Weekend so first and foremost, my sincerest thanks to all those who have served our country and my forever gratitude to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. The true heroes â€ïžđŸ’™
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But it is also Top Gun one year anniversary so now I want to :
1. Rewatch the cinematic masterpiece that is Top Gun Maverick and their all star cast (looking at you Glen, I love you too much 💗)
2. Write all the TGM stories I can! (Which is slow going unfortunately 😔)
3. Read as many of the amazing TGM stories posted on here and A03 (you guys are all so talented â˜șïžđŸ˜)
SEND ME LINKS TO STORIES IF YOU WANT! I’m always on the lookout!
4. Enjoy the finally beautiful weather here (my pool is finally open ☀)
5. Watch other classic movies like Independence Day (I love Bill Pullman đŸ„č), Armageddon (Ben Affleck 😍) and Twister (will pray every day from now until next July that the new Twisters is a blockbuster hit đŸŒȘ)
6. Watch Band of Brothers aka the great miniseries ever created đŸ«Ą
7. And I have some racing events this weekend so I need to get ready for that (fingers crossed for a few medals 🏅🏅
So a lot going on!!!! What is everyone else’s plans for the weekend? Anyone else watching Top Gun to celebrate the anniversary?
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peachdues · 6 months
omg 50-80 hr of work per week...damn i dont think im ready for the post grad life... yet despite all of that u still manage to write fics, my admiration for u just increased by tenfold đŸ«ĄđŸ«Ą
lmao thank you precious!! But I promise that’s just the norm for my profession in particular— being a lawyer means I have a lot of freedoms most others don’t. In general, I can choose if I want to show up at 8 am or 10. If I want to leave at 12 to go to a nail appointment or hair appointment, I can (unless I have court or a meeting). I don’t need to ask to work from home or to take time off.
But it also means that when shit hits the fan, I have to be on call — no matter if it’s a weekend, an evening, or what have you. It’s a give and take for sure, but it’s definitely a little abnormal — so don’t worry!
This weekend is a bit more chill for me and I plan on taking off starting Thursday (maybe Wednesday but I haven’t decided). Hopefully I’ll have some time between Christmas baking/prep and time with the fam to keep working!
Lowkey am already plotting/writing the first few scenes for Tengen’s tell me to stop lmao
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fabbyf1 · 1 year
Howdy, Besties đŸ«Ą
I hope everyone is doing well and staying hydrated!
I am taking a much needed vacation as of tomorrow morning until the end of the month. (I AM FREE AT LAST!!!!!) I probably won't write very much while I'm there.
I have a quick little Lestappen PWP in the works for you! I've finished writing it; it just needs to be edited. I think you are going to enjoy it. I think it will also make you scream... (in a good way), and I'm very excited to see your reaction. I'm a fucking meme if I've ever seen one. This will most likely be posted tomorrow night (Friday PST). Hopefully, this can hold you all over until I get back home 😈😂😎
I've started working on a longer plotty fic again! But it's going to be a different pairing this time around. I hope that's okay with you all. I know many of you are only here for Lestappen, and that's okay! I love Lestappen, and I'm not done writing for them by any means. I have lots of fic ideas and WIPS for them. They're my fav ship to write for. I have just owed @takenquicklys a Maxiel fic for a while now... 😂
I'll still be lurking around these streets while on vacation, bothering you all, and posting cursed content. I'm not planning on disappearing. I'm just not going to force myself to write (for once). If it happens, it happens, but I'm not planning on writing until I get home.
ANYWAY... my plotty Maxiel fic will probably take a few weeks to write, but in the meantime, here's a little snippet for you. I hope you'll enjoy it, even if you're only here for Lestappen! This fic is a little angstier than I normally write... but it will still have lots of Fabby Fluff.
Enjoy besties and have a great weekend!
When Daniel decided to leave Red Bull in 2018, Max was... confused. He wasn’t hurt, necessarily, but it was hard not to take it a little bit personally. Because nobody leaves Red Bull Racing to go to a mid-field team. 
It had to be at least a little bit personal. 
Their last season together got a little rough around the edges. After being teammates for so many years, they were bound to come together on track every now and then. It was nowhere near the battle of the silver arrows back in 2016, but every time they came together in 2018 seemed to be worse than the time before. 
They could usually move past it.
They would ignore each other for a day to cool off, and then they’d pretend like nothing ever happened.
It was good.
It was working.
But some incidents were harder to move past than others.
(Well done, Baku.) 
After Daniel left, things got better. They were able to just be friends again and not worry about being teammates. Max became the veteran of his team and saw new teammates come and go, and Daniel had great results for Renault. 
Everything was going great for both of them. 
But then McLaren happened. 
McLaren took a lot from both of them. 
For Daniel, it took away his pride. It took away his confidence. It turned this tall, cocky, king of the late-breaking man into a too-small, too-skinny, twitchy-on-the-break-pedal kind of guy. It was hard to watch at times. 
To make matters worse for him, everyone compared him to Lando. Which wasn’t fair because Lando had been with McLaren for years. Lando already knew how to get the most out of that shit-box of a car. Daniel still had to learn. 
For Max, it was hard to watch his best friend hit rock bottom. Especially because Max was having such a great year in comparison. He was leading the championship for the first time. He was winning every weekend, his race suit was always damp with champagne, and he was confident that he would become World Champion at the end of the year. 
2021 was the best and worst year of his life. 
He won the championship, but he lost his best friend. 
Fucking McLaren.
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nerdieforpedro · 5 months
Weekend Update 02/11/2024
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Nerdie! It's the middle of the month, how are you?
Good. Nothing to complain about. Mainly relaxed and then worked Thursday and Friday. My orientee made me laugh.
Oh? How so?
She said that now that she's had some different preceptors she enjoys my balances of being a bit hands off since I know she's experienced, but still checking in during the shift to see how things are going. (Puffs out chest and also wonders if that's a good or bad thing.)
I mean, if she said it's fine, it should be fine right? Now did you do anything writing this week?
I did a bit. Not as much as I normally do. I'm gearing up for projects I have either agreed to or planned for myself.
My two fics are quite different. One was silly and sweet and the other was filth. Nerdie in a nutshell really:
Is it for the wallet of the shoebox? (Tim Rockford x plus size female reader) Tim being silly in a bookstore leads to a serious conversation and a partial photoshoot at home. Comedy and domestic fluff with slight spice.
One Pass for the both of Us (Lucian Flores x female reader x Benny Miller) You and your boyfriend Lucian have the same hall pass. All smut with sweatpants and gold chains.
Working on two things I promised people. One requested fluff and the other action and smut.
I decided to start a new series (because clearly I don't have enough - Dieter, Frankie and Tim give Nerdie a death glare) 👀 because this Pedro character was in my WIPs way before the three of you! Might even help me brainstorm

Two Hearts by the Ocean will feature Javier Gutierrez x Abigail (plus size OFC). The vibe is sweet summer romance. Mainly fluff every Wednesday, not sure how many parts, at least five. Let me know if you'd like to be tagged for it. I have a few people in mind but if you'd like to be added, let me know. 😆
Roc & Doc and Weddings 101 with Dieter are still ongoing, no worries. Tim and Dieter have calmed. Frankie is a bit pissed still but you have the longest masterlist Fish! You don’t care
well. Okay. đŸ«Ą
I might be trying to figure out how to write Ezra. I love reading fics with the man, but his speech patterns have so many nuances to it. I've been studying @morallyinept aka Jett's Pedro Pascal Character Database that she's been compiling and her entry on Ezra from Prospect has been invaluable. It's an excellent reference for Pedro character fic writers or if you just wanna know more. She also has one specifically on Ezra’s speech patterns that I swear I’ve read at least four times.
It's me, I'm the problem. 😭 I’m either overthinking or not focusing on the right parts. Ugh

Fics I read this week: ( I took time off work and had plenty of time to read - still didn't get to everything. đŸ„ž)
Movie Night by @munsonownsmyass (Zach Ellison x reader)
No game at all (but I can do this) by @for-a-longlongtime (Marcus Pike x Tim Rockford - Frankie Morales floating in thots)
Wouldn't It Be Nice - Chapter one by @lady-pug (Agent Whiskey x female reader)
02 x birds - Frankie Morales x reader by @trulybetty
Mon Amour by @saturn-rings-writes (Jake Lockley x black female reader)
The Stars by @youvebeenlivingfictional (Poe Dameron x reader)
Mutual by @morallyinept (Ezra x female reader)
Dinner Party by @lavendertales (Steven Grant x fem reader)
The Mercenary and the Whore by @absurdthirst and @storiesofthefandomlovers
Comedy of Errors (MK Spring Bingo #3) by @soft-girl-musings (Steven Grant x GN reader)
03 x snowfall - Marcus Pike x reader by @trulybetty
Ambrosial by @spacecowboyhotch (Din Djarin x fem. black reader)
Half of you - part 1 and part 2 by @foxilayde (Santiago Garcia x female reader)
God Speed by @magpiepills (Tim Rockford x female reader)
Not for nothing @magpiepills (Ezra x female reader)
Perfect Fit by @lowlights (Frankie Morales x plus size reader)
To the Flame - chapter 5 by @pedroshotwifey (Dark Javier Peña x female reader)
Come back to me by @reallyrallyauthor (Poe Dameron x female reader)
If you’re not looking at @immarocketman ‘s art, then I feel sad for you. It’s beautiful đŸ€— They put out a sketch of Din/Cobb this week that’s apparently going to have a fanfic written about it by @theywhowriteandknowthings
There was also an excellent head cannon about Sarah’s younger years by @clickergossip that resonated with me on Black girlhood. â˜ș
That's about it until next week! đŸ„°
Stay hydrated and safe!
Love Nerdie 💜
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daz4i · 5 months
Yesss, I'm working on a Poe cosplay for the contest! Then a friend may be coming into town and we're gonna do Kunikida (since I already cosplay him) and Dazai if she does! 😁 I'm debating just bringing Gin too to make a BSD weekend but we'll see 😂
Your lecture is for an upcoming con as well, right? How's that coming?
oh hell yeah these are some awesome plans 👁👁 if you'd like, i would love to see pics when you do them!!!! >:3
(maybe you can take gin and see if you wanna wear it on the day of? :0 tho idk that might be cumbersome askflghj up to you! đŸ«Ą)
also wait i just realized. are you making them yourself????? omg what that's so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!
indeed it is! i'm about 3/4 done with writing the script, i wanna put in some work to finish it in the next few days then start working on the actual powerpoint! :3
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