#i promise theyre very cool
lessmouse · 11 months
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oh worm? (my piece for the fathoms mermay anthology zine!!)
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My favorite thing about Solas is how much of his dialogue is the same whether you are romancing him or just have high approval. Like my Inquisitor is a Human Man and I got the fade scene with Solas the second we got to skyhold and the ONLY difference was that Solas didn't Literally Kiss Him. Like he still said 'and right then... I felt the whole world change' in the same tone he says it to a female lavellan. Which is to say. Not a tone you use to your dude friend/boss who you are Normal about.
I love it so much. Ik there are plenty of ways to read it but I choose to interpret him as a closeted bisexual because I think that is the funniest possible thing for an ancient God of rebellion to be
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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these templates are so cool if only I have a tablet I can draw on. anyways I will be on team transgener I mean team werewolf I mean. do u wanna see my profight. I mea
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bingobongobonko · 11 months
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hey boygirl are youuuu a part of a large hivemind or are you just happy to see me
characters from oregon ultimatum by @calpalsworld ITS A GOOD WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Five Long Nights got a remaster. Exciting!
I'm not usually one for remasters since I get so used to the original, but this sounds great! And it looks like they had a lot of fun making it, too!
The link for anyone who wants to see it!
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calpalsworld · 4 months
flash warning loud warning
lol here s the awkward drunk videos i took. you know your music is good when you have the autistic having a good time. jhariah i hope u becme super fanous someday mwah so good chefs kiss
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andromedasummer · 1 year
becoming a data hoarder of crochet/knitting/sewing/embroidery patterns and books on my pc, laptop and phone. an ungodly amount fr.
#also finding good patterns for like 2 dollars at thrift stores and getting books out from the library has been VERY helpful#and so many have maker spaces#where you can sew/weave/embroider/whatever#the one at my local library is mega cool#cos the council realized the suburb next to mine (mine is too small to have a village center like the others so theirs is ours)#had been promised a new mall makeover and a new pool and a new bunch of stuff#and hadnt been given anything in like. decades.#and is also a suburb where a lot of working class and low income families live#so they went ''okay we should. do something and actually support this section''#and thats how we got our new million dollar suburb center building with a new library/cafe/preschool/pool/maker space#and suddenly people have a reason to stay in the area and spend more time at shops and have a study space#available right next to a park and a place for community and information!!!#and everyone is happier and spending more money at the surrounding shops because theyre visiting more often#like that whole project took 2 years but it was so worth it the maker space rules its got a recording booth and a 3dprintet and an engraver#a loom and all these other woodcraft/textile stuff#and i see teenagers from the 3 surrounding schools coming in to record music and/or rent out instruments!#and do carving and sewing and book clubs!!#and have a place to study!#when i was in hs we would walk down to the mall get sushi and sit in a field bcos there was nothing to do#now people from the same high school i have can access all this stuff!#and more online to print out#and partake in healthy hobbies and its like fuck!!! it makes me so happy!!!#all this to say if anyone wants a pattern for smth i can probs find a free one/one costing a few dollars by an indie creator
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hershelchocolate · 10 months
Hey 🥺 you guys should consider buying an adopt character design from me 🥺 so I can buy a birthday present for my sister? Pretty please?
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volfoss · 8 months
I cannot recommend enough starting game series from the start. Both because if you get used to the clunky gameplay of earlier ones, the later ones will be easier (from experience, going the other way just makes the originals seem IMPOSSIBLE) and also bc it does in fact help w understanding the story. Also because honestly old games are so cool
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zebrafiz · 2 years
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acacia dobson for @sxllylxttlebxtch’s dahli
vegetarian, perfectionist, cheerful; friend of the world
young adult
human in-game
she has all outfits (some are kinda basic tho to save at least some space lol)
a bit skilled in parenting, cooking, gardening, logic, mischief, and a few more
a short rundown of her personality and story under the cut!
so essentially... acacia fell from heaven 70 years ago. she used to be an angel, specifically one that aides the recently deceased into the afterlife. however, after falling in love with one of the spirits, she was banished for “altering with a spirits eternal path”, something which was considered a grave sin. her wings turned to ash as she fell into a deep slumber for 52 years. then, she awoke and decided to try to grow accustomed to life on earth - life as a human. acacia preferred to live a nomadic lifestyle, refusing to settle down and instead roaming the woods. in the deep night, she sometimes found herself sitting by the waters edge gazing up at the moon and wondering what the love of her life was up to an eternity away. 
flash forward a couple of years and while acacia still prefers to live amongst the foliage (hence the name), she’s finally recognized that what she’s truly been longing for is another person to love - and another to love her as well. then, one day, she watches as the wind current carries a flyer for a particular matchmaking event right in front of her camp...
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teddytoroa · 10 months
i can't find it but ages ago (like several days) i saw a post that was about how fanfic turned into romance novels is like the tiktok of books bc they dont have any breathing space and just jump between the main plot points and it makes the book unsatisfying and im like yeah actually thats absolutely true. And imo it feels in line with the antiintellectualualism problem we have where people just wanna be spoonfed the "interesting" bits.
But also the flip side of that is when theres entire books of like,,character interaction that doesnt go anywhere and its marketed as slice of life or light romance or whatever and yall know me i LOVE some chill slow paced low stakes character exploration but even slice of life stuff needs like actual plot to hold it together or it just feels a bit like mush. some of my most favourite stories are slice of life with characters who dont do very much at all but theres enough actual development of relationships and an underlying thread of a plot (not always a conflict even) to tie it all together so its not just a loose collection of characters in a bag rattling around like marbles and going nowhere. does any of this make sense
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potatobugz · 2 years
Could you tell us more about Jsabstuck?
hi hi thank u for this ask tony i am sorry it took me. like two months to answer it 🏃i had beatstuck thoughts today & i will do my best to not type a ten thousand word essay (giggle)
basically it takes place in Paradise, which iirc is where. Jsab takes place in as well. But the four player shapes (skya iris cirk & pent) r living at a different point in time than the boss characters (basically all the bosses from jsab, not counting final boss or annihilate bc they're the same character)
this is the cool part: they're basically in a time loop. Paradise gets destroyed and turns into the ocean wasteland, then it gets reborn again, and then gets taken over again. Basically at some point one of the characters realizes that they're stuck like this and they use the game as a way to escape (not necessarily just to escape the time loop for all the characters though, I think having a theme of wanting to escape something by playing the game would be really cool :]])
basically. lots of time shenanigans that are gonna destroy my brain cells
also: one team has a space player but no time player and the other has a time player but no space player. so in order 2 create a new universe they devise a plan to merge their game sessions somehow hehehe
hrmm how do I word this. the player shape's version of "Paradise" is this, vast ocean wasteland. there's some buts of land scattered about that have like, I guess pocket dimensions (basically the levels in jsab. I think this would sorta be like the area you first start out in jsab itself, like before u get to the main area of the game) but for the most part it is just water.
The bosses' version of "Paradise" is much more,,, lively than the other Paradise. This is just the Paradise that u see in game basically <3 but specifically the Island after it's been taken over by the antagonist. basically Paradise is under a tyrannical rule by the boss from New Game so life there is very far from paradise , actually.
also, something 2 note is that Boss/Bosse, I can't decide on the name yet, (the character from Long Live the New Fresh) & Neuga (name I came up w for the character from New Game that. I will not elaborate on [yet]) are separate characters here. Neuga acts more as like a guardian to Boss (but like. not a very good one)
umum anywho things to note is that the main few areas are the cave, factory, volcano, & the mainland (had a very important tree there that basically creates new objects that got wrecked and replaced w a sick tower. by Neuga of course <3
im gonna be real with u 60% of the worldbuilding is loosely based on what the actual game gives us and then 40% is just. stuff i thought was cool.
OK SO I FAILED AT NOT WRITING AN ESSAY ,. I wanted to ramble abt some of the characters too but ‼️I don't want to write a novel (and also I'm a bit tired) so i think i will definitely ramble abt them at a later date
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solardistress · 1 year
guys if you tag me in snake posts ill kiss you with tongue
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the-kneesbees · 9 months
the freshman wind players are so silly
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vulcanhello · 2 years
star trek discovery’s first two episodes are really good
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privitivium · 3 months
delinquent yan + loser yan x reader thoughts
sub top delinquent / subbot loser;; amab ocs / dom top/bot amab reader cw; stalker tendencies, classic bullying? shoving you against lockers, perversion, theyre creeps
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aughh thinking about these a bully fucking with you and your loser ass friend and r oblivious to see that theyre all totally fighting over you auuagh plealsiwiejeeㅡloser yan who's smaller - shorter than you while delinquent is taller, a little bulky...
being best friends with a loser nerd and being so ecstatic that you have a friend as an actual loner who generally has a hard time making friends. notably shrinking when this fucking delinquent guy makes you one of his targets? his target of bullying, as you see it. picking on you and loser out of no where - delinquent way harsher with loser, causing you to become a little overprotective over him - yet still quiet as a mouse and having no confidence to step up to delinquent; tearing up over your friend and fretting over him much to the dislike of delinquent. loser grinning smugly, immediately putting on a front of upset with a bruised visage and holding onto you. you find it a little weird hes so touchy, but he's your first actual friend here, so you power through it and gently pet his hands as a means to calm him down.
delinquent often ransacking losers' backpack and fucking mugging him - going through all his locker ; knowing that he's a bigger creep that steals your things because hes so close to you. which bully resents him for,,. they cant exactly rat each other out because they have an equal amount of dirt on the other ( really depends on who you would believe even with stone cold proof ) - too stupid to do anything else, yet thinking of ways to sabotage the other trying to get with you.
loser yan,,, gosh, jerking off so pathetically to the pictures you take of you and himㅡyou look so happy to be next to him,, trying to edge his poor little cock to the sight of you smiling at his camera in the comfort of his messy bedroom - ever so softly calling out your name in a pleading whimper,,, dont you ever wonder why he has no friends? he scares them off purposefully... and theres no one to warn you.
delinquent.. the way he teases you is gentle, nothing like the shit he puts loser through. occasionally pushing you against the locker, accidentally using too much strength and wincing as you slammed back into the metal - trying not to fret, rather be perceived as cool but that gets him no where. delinquent trying so hard to think about ways to get you to dislike but its also not playing in his favor when he bullies him and the damn loser goes to you for comfort. then trying so hard to be nice to you and loser,,, it's already a bit too late for delinquent, as loser has already put in horrible thoughts about him in your mind as well as your own opinion about him is not very nice,,,
then him actually cornering you all alone and actually begging for your forgiveness because hes pathetic as fuck and he knows it.. he's needy too bro! he wants to be your friend! let him! he promises to be nice! so utterly ecstatic when you relent - youre so easy, all he has to do is look at you with puppy dog eyes and beg on his knees... he can think of a few other things he can do on his knees while hes down there for you bro..
loser yan being upset that you actually let him be your friend??? hes so cruel, dont you remember what he did to me??? a poor little guy??? a weakling??? you try to comfort him, tone utterly serious and gentle;; hes cool, trust me. i wont let anything happen to you. loser yan getting all shy and giddy as his tummy does somersaults at the sound of your voice - how you sound so genuineㅡand immediately attaching himself to your hip and masturbating in the corner of his bed while squirming around pleading for you to hold him.,,,
loser yan the first to propose a sleepover while delinquent is present... not sharing a look of knowing - disliking one another and all that... and you, excitedly agreeing so stupidly giddy at the thought of your two friends coming over to hangout with you!!;; sure bro, it'll be fun! i have all sorts of games! then,,, when youre all asleep, smiling in your blissful dreaming - the duo taking the time to look through everything... surprisingly working together as they loot through your trinkets and clothes; taking a few pair of underwear to goㅡ
before loser yan was hovering over you,,, prick bulging and thighs rubbing together,,, dont do anything stupid. delinquent warned. fuck off. loser replied gruffly, trailing his fingers along the side of your face.,,, only touching, nothing dirty. delinquent joining in bro,,, coming up on your other side. having these dudes marvel at your sleeping form and think about what it would feel like to fuck themselves on you - wanting to take a sneak peek at yr lower half before you were squirming around at their fleeting touches, immediately scattering. loser yan jerking off in yr bathroom. delinquent is more... reserved than he is.
these mfs acting so pathetic around you bro,,, so needy and whiny,,,, im dying. loser yan grinding himself on your cock while delinquent takes you from behind - or letting loser sit on ur face while delinquent fucks himself on yr dick. yeah. thinking thoughts!!!
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