#i pulled an all nighter to watch the show as soon as possible and im running on 2hrs of sleep
graveyard-darlingg · 8 months
well, i am curious about the name hades and how you decided upon it! its a very beautiful name, in my opinion
hmmm well the emoji is umm like. someone crying into their hands, i think? im pretty sure the emoji was made specifically for discord, if that helps. its like a dramatically devastated "oh no!" kind of, though it can be used in many situations. actually i have a friend who pays for my nitro (i don't ask them to, i have no idea why they do it [imagine the emoji here]) so i have so so many emojis to choose from, even an eeeeeeeeevil one bwehhewhwh
yes you do give off violent vira vibes! specifically tarantula girl and lolita, i think! also i adore god complex so so bad, i memorized all the lyrics a bit ago. it's one of my favorites. i have a somewhat good voice for singing her songs so its really nice to sing along to them. honestly id recommend basically all her songs to you, but for starters mayyyybe luka, waiting by a hospital (i dont remember if that's the exact title), and i dont care (so so so osossososoo good) which are some of my favorites. she came out with a new ep recently!!!! it's incredible, i love it so bad i wanna see her play live
yes! we do share the same timezone! its 5 now for me :D i do hope my friend shows up... ill possibly go to bed if they don't soon. its been a while since ive pulled an all nighter - i might be good at doing it but im not so good at the repercussions anymore. plus being a hypersomniac :/
im really happy to hear you had a good day! spending time with friends is wonderful! im sorry you have to go home now, though. i hope you get to see them again sometime soon
and the puppet thing! i actually don't have experience with puppetry, unfortunately. i haven't watched many puppet shows either, but the ones i have, and even the made up ones shown on tv or music videos sometimes have always intrigued me. im just too busy with my five million special interests and hyperfixation, i suppose
im glad you find me interesting! i was hoping so, you're very cool and if i came across as boring i mightve dramatically melted into a sad puddle
ummm what's your favorite color? generic question, i know. also, if you could paint one thing perfectly, what would it be? its okay if you dont have an answer!
also i think id be able to make a moodboard of the vibe you give off o.O
-🎭 (ive decided you can also call me puppet if you want :D)
starting with my alias, my middle name is actually a greek god. i loooove greek mythology so i thought the alias hades would fit with my blog theme! im very very glad you like it.
i think (??) i have a good picture of it in my head — the emoji, i mean. i could be very wrong though. alsoooo, discord nitro? very fancy if i do say so myself.
violent vira has a beautiful voice. i love how she sings. i’ll have to give those songs a listen when i get off my flight!! it’s really cool that you can sing like her!!
it’s awesome that we share the same time zone!! i’m sorry your friend hasn’t shown up though :(( all-nighters aren’t fun anymore now that i’m an adult, and neither are the repercussions. is hypersomnia where you sleep a lot? like the opposite of insomnia?
if you can recommend me some of your favorite puppet things to watch, i’d love to watch them. i actually have a few favorite puppet characters myself, though they’re from games and anime. also, i totally get the hyperfixation thing.
of course you’re interesting, dear! i don’t think i could find anyone boring. there’s so many different facets and aspects to everyone and their personality. i’m glad you think im cool though!!! that made me very happy to hear!!
hmmm, my favorite color? i’d say black but if you want to be technical, it’s not really a color, so…. blue, earthy greens, and red!! in that order actually. and if i could paint anything perfectly, i think it would be a portrait of my mom, my brother, and i. what about you?
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gastrobrack · 4 years
Brave New World 2020 review from probably the biggest fan of the book you’ll meet in your life
(Mostly Spoiler Free) Okay so. I’ve been waiting for this show for a really long time because I absolutely love the book and it means a lot to me. My standards were admittedly pretty low because it can’t get worse than the 1998 movie, so I didn’t really mind when I saw the trailers and stuff where other people were complaining. 
TL;DR I thought the show was actually pretty enjoyable, but you have to read the book first in my opinion, or else it seems like it would be hard to follow at times. Where the show really screwed up royally was Mond’s storyline, which felt completely out of place and confusing, and when it ended up dominating the end of the final episode it just kinda ruined the story for me. The show is definitely more focused on the setting and characters than the societal predictions and themes of the novel, and for me that’s okay because we have the book to tell it better anyways.  I’d say watch it if you liked the book or are curious about it, but I don’t think it would really be enjoyable for the average viewer.
Side note: I watched this in the wee hours of the morning and some of the praise might just be the special interest talking, I’m just happy to be here and get more content
That being said, I think this show is like the Riverdale of Brave New World. However, in its defense it’s at least got the energy of the parts of Riverdale like the “epic highs and lows of high school football” and the “serial killer gene”, so it’s at least pretty funny. Personally, I knew that they would have to change a lot both to adjust for the longer runtime (around 9 hours) and to make the book enjoyable to a TV audience, because of course in the book you can have 2 chapters of exposition at the beginning and that’s not as enjoyable for a TV experience. So, let’s get into the pros and cons of the show!
-I really liked Bernard! In the book he means a lot to me personally (hell, I’m writing this while listening to my Bernard playlist) so I was of course kinda worried they might screw him up again like they did in the ‘98 movie, but I was pleasantly surprised! They did change him and divide his original personality between John and Lenina, but somehow they managed to create a new Bernard that both kept me on my toes and at the same time felt authentic and likeable! 
-Honestly, almost all the characters were done very well. They were all expanded upon in an interesting way while also staying generally pretty accurate to their book counterparts. I generally felt the same about them as I did with the novel, so I think that means they did a job well done. I think that John and Lenina were very different, but they still ultimately had the same general motivations. A lot of the cast’s interactions felt very natural, and I liked that they expanded upon Lenina and Fanny’s (or Frannie as she’s called here) friendship. 
-The show looked great, I know a lot of people really didn’t like the look of it because it wasn’t what they thought it would be when they read it, but for me that’s basically exactly what I imagined it would be. The costume designer clearly had fun making a bunch of outlandish outfits for everyone to wear and it’s all very pleasant to look at. 
-I think they did a good job fixing some of the problematic elements of the book without actually damaging the integrity of the things they were changing. For example, in the book, the savage reservation is quite literally just a native reservation, written in a way that clearly suggests Huxley didn’t really put a lot of thought into his depiction of real people. In the show, it’s a theme park where British people get to immerse themselves in the cultures of the old world, with the savages themselves being poor theme park workers reenacting events to shock and mystify the Brits. Now, admittedly, I think this makes a lot more sense as it ties into the consumerism that runs deep within their society. I know some people are mad about this because they think it’s cancel culture or something but honestly it’s not a big deal to me.
-This one might not be as important to some people, but I liked that the cast was pretty diverse, and the fact that John is the only straight one honestly made sense to me considering it would be in the World State’s best interest to encourage bisexuality amongst its citizens. Some of the characters (Helmholtz and Mond) are being played by women, and some people are kinda upset about that but I don’t really think it changed too much, although to me it is funny to think the showrunner thought he was doing something by “casting women of color to play white male characters” considering everyone I know who read the book didn’t picture either of them as white. 
-Honestly, I think the show did humor very well. It was very funny in a sort of dry way, and never felt forced or out of place. It all seemed like it naturally stemmed from the characters’ awkwardness and culture shock (on both sides) and it made me really happy as someone who loves all these characters to see them make me laugh.
-Now, I’m not usually one to complain about this too much, seeing as I love the book in a non thematic and academic context, but the message kinda got lost in all of it. I think the issues they brought up certainly were there, and could lend themselves very well to being good. The writers just focused on the entirely wrong things in the last episode, and that misguided focus completely changes the lens in which the rest of the show is retroactively viewed for me. 
-Mustapha Mond was just, where do I even begin. In the book, Mond doesn’t show up much except to provide exposition, and his position as an authoritative figure ultimately moves the plot towards the end of the novel. In the show, Mond gets this weird AI plotline that makes no sense, as in this version they have a sort of internet contact lens type system that allows them to connect to everyone else, and it is powered by said AI. The system itself doesn’t bother me as much as how poorly handled this plotline was. Not only was it completely random and was the only plotline in the show not to have some sort of roots in the events of the book, but it was extremely confusing to me. This leads into my next point, which is:
-The ending. Oh my God the ending. Now, look. I’m not gonna say much because I want this to be as spoiler free as possible, but the ending just honestly was a dumpster fire. The writers chose to focus the whole ending on the aforementioned AI plotline, despite the book providing a much more solid framework for an ending that they already seemed to be setting up. This shift in focus comes very late into the final episode, and it honestly doesn’t make any sense why the writers would really want to go this route. It feels like they were just adding things that didn’t fit into the story, and I can’t really discern why except for the possibility of setting up an unnecessary second season. I love the book, it’s my special interest, but I think I speak for everyone when I say we do not need a second season especially if its gonna be full of plotlines that make no sense and serve no purpose.  This heavily changed ending not only undermines the whole thematic purpose of the novel but honestly kind of goes actively against everything the book was trying to say in the first place. 
-They really don’t set up any of the world building, and although I caught on very quickly due to my familiarity with the book, it seems like it might get confusing for unfamiliar watchers. In the book, they explain their process for birthing and then conditioning children into their social body very in depth before they get into the actual plot and characters, and I think this show could have used some of that. Here, they talk a lot about conditioning but don’t actually explain what the conditioning is or why they have the caste system in the first place. 
-This is a minor disappointment more than anything and I didn’t actually notice till about the second episode, but there’s no more Ford talk, which is kinda disappointing cause it was pretty fun in the book. 
-Obviously it goes without saying that there’s sex in this, I mean it IS Brave New World. However, in this one, it just feels excessive and kinda just like it’s there for shock value more than anything. 
-This isn’t really a con so much as it is just a disclaimer, I know a lot of people are excited for Demi Moore as Linda and Joseph Morgan as the new character CJack60, but don’t get your hopes up too much, they don’t get to do much. If you read the book, you’d know that about Linda but I’ve seen reviewers get upset that she wasn’t in it more when she was one of the big names attached to the project. (FWIW she did a great job and I loved Linda in this whereas I didn’t in the book) As for CJack, he spends a lot of time just standing there and looking at things and doesn’t get to do much until the last 2 episodes or so. 
As someone who really loves the book’s setting and characters sometimes even more than the actual messages and predictions, I’ve always wanted an adaptation that focuses more on those elements, especially since that would make for an easier transition to the screen. Seeing this was a very nice breath of fresh air, because it embraces the inherently satirical and dare I say funny aspect of the story, as well as the characters’ individual quirks and distinct personalities. Obviously it’s not as hard hitting and important as the book, but I think those messages were better left in book form anyway. For someone like me, who loves the book with all my heart, this show honestly gave me most everything I wanted and it felt the most true to the spirit of the book’s world and characters out of any of the adaptations. I would say check out the show if you’re interested in it or enjoyed the book, but you should definitely be familiar with the book before you watch this. 
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bokutosworld · 3 years
convenience store stranger | suna rintarou
pairing: suna x f!reader  word count, genre: 2.1k words, college au. fluff. another meet cute story lol.  warning: none  summary: in which your late shifts become less boring and more interesting when a cute stranger stumbles in at 2 AM.  a/n: my first time writing for suna god im scared but i really liked how this turned out!! 
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The first time he meets you happens on one of his late night convenience store runs. It was exams season and Suna’s been pulling all-nighter after all-nighter. To say he was exhausted would’ve been an understatement. 
He’s barely making it through on the third night and if he didn’t take a break soon, he was sure he’d have passed out on his desk. With his mind hazy from reading too many words and trying to understand a semester’s worth of lessons in one night, he decides to stand up and get some fresh air. 
Which is how he found himself currently standing at aisle four of the only convenience store that was still open near his apartment. He scans the rack for something that can wake him and his brain up. He doesn’t know how long he’s been standing but he could definitely feel eyes burning holes in the back of his head. 
He settles on a pack of jelly sticks and a cup of spicy instant noodles and heads towards the counter. You mutter a greeting when he reaches the cashier and begin scanning his items. 
When he hands over the cash for payment, your fingers brush with his cold ones, making you recoil harshly as if he was repulsing.
“Something wrong?” He laughs when he sees your reaction. “I know I look like a mess now but I won’t bite you.” He bends his knees slightly, tilting his head to get a look at your embarrassed face.
“No, I’m sorry.” You avoid his intense gaze, continuing to pack his purchase. When you look at him, he’s still staring with his piercing eyes that it almost takes your breath away. 
Shaking your head to bring yourself to reality, you give him his items. “Your hands felt cold and I was just shocked.” You feel that same electricity sparking between you again when he takes the bag from you. “I.. well.. thank you. Have a great evening.”
“It’s 2 AM,” Suna chuckles and you sigh before correcting yourself and bowing to him in goodbye. “See you around,” he shouts over his back as he walks out the door. It was the first time he saw you in that store and he was sure it wasn’t going to be the last. 
The second time he’d actually planned it according to your shift. If his past trips to the store were anything to go by, he’d learned that you always took the evening shift. It was something he discovered after being called out by your co-worker on the third time that he restlessly looked around the store during a visit. 
He should be on his bed, phone in his hand as he mindlessly scrolled until he fell asleep. But with the memory of his interaction with you lingering on his mind, he wanted to see you.
“Hey, got time for a customer?” He greets the moment he steps inside the empty convenience store. You look up from the book that you were reading and quickly stand to welcome him. “What are you reading?” 
Hiding the book from his view, you retort, “Aren’t you going to buy something?” 
He grins, taking in your tired disposition and the bags that had formed under your eyes before retreating to the shelves. When he returns, he slides over a can of energy drink, iced coffee, and a large bag of chips. 
You assume he’d leave immediately once he’s paid for everything. You certainly didn’t expect him to take out the coffee and give it to you. 
“This is for you.” He opens his own drink and leans by the counter. “Doesn’t it ever get boring here? I mean it’s midnight and you’re alone. I’m betting not many people even drop by at this time.” He faces the door, crossing his arms around his chest and staring at both of your reflections at the glass. 
Worn out from your classes in the day, you take his coffee offering, instantly feeling the rush of caffeine flow through your veins and waking you up. “The job pays relatively well. Besides I can’t really work in the mornings, I have uni.”
“So you’re a college student too.” He turns around and extends a hand out to you. “I’m Suna Rintarou.”
You introduce yourself as you shake hands with him. And as soon as pleasantries were exchanged, he immediately launched into a story about how his earlier day went. He was a natural conversationalist and despite this being your first time talking with him, you didn’t feel an ounce of awkwardness. You didn’t know what it was about him but his presence made you feel comfortable. 
You learned about what he was studying (to your surprise, Psychology), how he spends his weekends playing volleyball (he was a middle blocker and an excellent one at that, he boasted), and how he ended up here during the night he first saw you (the all-nighter went well and he passed all his exams). 
He rips open the chips he bought and offers you some as you lay your story before him. He munches as he listened to you rant about how you loathed your course (Business Management) and the many case studies and papers you had to do each day. He nods his head in understanding as you explain why you needed this part-time job (to pay for apartment fees). 
You were having so much fun in his company that you didn’t notice the time pass by. (He arrived to the store at 12:32 AM. The clock on the wall now reads 2:32 AM). And for the duration of his stay, you were surprised that no one ever came by. He only ever left your side when a taxi driver walked in. 
Suna steered clear from the counter and kept his distance as you did your job. From your peripheral, you could see that he watched you like a hawk from the side and it made you somehow conscious. When the customer exited, you playfully threw a tissue at him, 
“I couldn’t concentrate when you were standing there and looking at me like that!” 
He went back to his position but this time, he leaned close with his hands on the counter. “Like what?"  
Well how could you say to him that you thought he looked effortlessly hot in his sweatshirt and track pants? And was that an adorably messy bedhead? How could you say that you liked the teasing smile that he’d been giving you throughout the night?  
You chuckle and shake your head, “Nothing.” You reach for the book you were reading prior his arrival and took your seat. “Don’t you have classes tomorrow? You should go back.”
“Do you not want me around anymore?” 
“It’s not that, I…”
He cuts you off, “Good, then it’s settled. I’m not going anywhere. I like talking with you too much to go back home. Let me entertain you some more.” He sits down at the chair on one of the tables near the counter and then goes back to chatting with you. 
Since that night, Suna had been scheduling more trips to the convenience store. Sometimes, he’d really only visit to bother you. At times, he’d bring his books and laptop with him so he could work on a paper while you restocked the shelves and cleaned around. On rare occasions, he’d help you out on a business plan and the customers who’d enter the store would be amused at the sight of you and him huddled behind the counter with your serious thinking faces on. 
He’d become a part of your life that it felt unnerving not to have him around on your shifts. And it certainly showed on your face how disappointed and heartbroken you were when consecutive nights passed without his visits. Your co-worker even called you out on it. 
“So where’s the cutie been?” She asked one time when the two of you were at the back lounge while you logged in for your shift. You groan at the nickname she gave him and she laughs at you.
“How would I know?” 
“Don’t you guys talk almost every day and night?”
“Only on nights that he visits me.” You pause, thinking about the possibilities why he could’ve stopped coming. And before you knew it, you were ranting. “God, are we even friends? I don’t know his number. Did he ghost me? Is this considered ghosting? It’s been a week. I’m scared I did or said something.” 
She’s watching you pace around the room. “Maybe he got bored of me. Or maybe he realized I’m not really worth his time and dipped. Sleeping is much better than hanging out with me at 1 AM anyway.”
You’re stopped in your tracks when she suddenly grabs your shoulders. “Overthinking is not a good look on you.” She makes you take deep breaths to calm down. “I’m sure he’s just busy right now. He’ll visit again soon.” 
“I don’t know why I’m being like this.” 
The look she gives you is incredulous, her mouth gaping wide at your statement. “Are you serious?” 
“What?” You ask, not anticipating the next words that would come from her. 
“It’s obvious that you like him.” 
The next time you see him was on campus. You don’t know how long it’s been since he last spent time with you on your shift. (Though if you were counting, you were definitely sure that it’s been two weeks and three days since then.) 
You tried not to think too much about what his absence could mean but the pang in your heart never left. Those two weeks that he didn’t show up allowed you some time to think about your conversation with your friend. You like him. 
Back then, you were too quick to shut down the idea. Denying any ounce of feeling for the boy as you saw him as no more than someone who had too much time on his hands to bother you on your shifts. A good friend is what you specifically used to defend your relationship with him. 
So then why was it that your heart was beating so rapidly as Suna waved at you from across the cafeteria? Why couldn’t you stop smiling as you watched him make his way to your table and sit down beside you?
“Hey there.” He slings his arms around and pulls you for a side hug. “Long time no see.” 
You almost couldn’t hear him over the loud thumping of your heart in your ears. He’s still smiling and waiting for you to reply. “Yeah, been a while. I’ve gotten the peace and quiet back in my shifts.” 
He breaks out in laughter while opening a snack bar. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to stop by. I just came out from a major presentation that I’ve been preparing for during the past weeks. And guess what?” 
You perk your eyebrows at his question. “What?” 
“Our group did great.” He raises a hand for a high-five and you indulge him. “The teacher liked our slides and our analysis of the topic. Ah, I feel so good right now!” He leans back with his hands behind his head, but he suddenly jerks. 
“We should go out!” Suna grabs your hands and looks at you expectantly. “You’re free the whole day tomorrow right? You’re not working the shift? Let’s celebrate. It’s my treat!” 
Feeling overwhelmed by his invitation and his overall excitedness, you laugh and pull back. “Calm down, Suna. I don’t know about tomorrow.” 
“Why? Are you busy?”
“Not really but..” 
“Then it shouldn’t be a problem.” He tucks a loose hair behind your ear, leaning close with his voice barely over a whisper, “It’s perfect. I’ve wanted to take you on a date for a long time now.” 
“What?” You stare at him wide-eyed. 
“Come on, you’ve never thought about us?” He finds the situation entertaining. Your flustered reaction reminds him of the night that he met you. 
“Why do you think I’ve been coming to the convenience store when I could be sleeping at that time? I like being around you. My day doesn’t feel complete if I don’t at least see you or tell you about my day or listen to you rant about the latest episode of your favorite series.”
You like him. 
“Go out with me.” He kisses the back of your hand. “Please?” 
The corners of your lips unconsciously curves up and Suna sends your heart doing somersaults when he says something about how he’s finally got to see the beautiful smile he’s been wanting to see for weeks. 
Your friend was right. You do like him.  
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honeydots · 5 years
"61. “Were you drawing me?”" for the ask meme? 👀
“Were you drawing me?” 
akira sleeps in and yusuke takes advantage of that. because of COURSE if im given the opportunity to write shukita im going to take it of course i am 
(ao3 link)
Slugs were okay. 
Akira didn’t have much of an opinion on them, to be honest. Nothing negative. They were a little goopy, sure. But that wasn’t a bad thing. Sometimes you’re goopy and squishy and occasionally poisonous, it happens to everybody. Akira was sure he’d had a Saturday just like that. They were just little creatures. Slugging along. 
…That said, he didn’t like them much when they were on his face. He especially wouldn’t like them if they were the poisonous kind. He didn’t think these ones were, but still. That would be completely unpleasant. And then he’d be goopy until he died. Just terrible all around. 
But not these bad boys. Akira was sure they were just your everyday slug. Lucky for him! But they were still on his face. He didn’t really want that. Slug along anywhere else, please. He was trying to relax. This wasn’t the time. 
In his limited periods of consciousness, Akira often thought about how weird it was that he never realized when he was dreaming. Once he was in the dream, he was there. No second thoughts about it. The slugs were on his face now, and that’s where they belonged. But pointedly, again, they were not poisonous. Nice to know his subconscious wasn’t going for a gastropod themed execution. 
He woke up blissfully slug-free. Thank god. What a morning surprise that would’ve been. He also woke up alone, which wasn’t too unusual. Yusuke tended to be an early riser. Up and about, doing his creative stuff. He had picked up sculpting, recently. So far, he’d made a lovely bust of Isaac Newton (and if not him, it was a not-as-lovely bust of Haru), and a pistachio (this one really was a pistachio). Akira was happy he was expanding his repertoire, since he seemed to be enjoying himself. He was keeping busy, and he had a career after all. 
But the bed was meant for two. 
He shifted a bit, peeked his eyes open and, oh. He was surprised to see Yusuke sitting not far across from him. He was staring deeply into his sketchbook, very focused and very quiet. 
You know, he could always draw in bed. It’d be warmer that way. “Good morning.” Akira lazily stretched out his back. “Sketching?” 
Akira probably shocked him, because Yusuke jumped. He usually felt just a little bit bad when he did that, but today there was something mischievous dancing around in his brain. A tiny goblin who had wanted so desperately to cuddle, probably.
You and me both, Goblin-kun.
Yusuke looked up to him, and he seemed a little stoic. “You’ve awakened. Good afternoon. Please do not move.” 
Technical technical. Akira treated afternoons like mornings, anyway. He relaxed his body back down, trying to look as natural as possible. “Were you drawing me?” It wouldn’t surprise him. It’d hardly be the first time. Yusuke liked to make him blush by calling him things like his Muse, or his Starry Night, or his Lobster Fra Diavolo.
“Ah… I suppose,” said Yusuke. He swiveled a turn in his chair, and swept up a dab of paint with a brush. “Now, close your eyes again.” 
Akira did. So he was painting him. Again with Yusuke’s technicalities, his this’s and that’s. It was endearing. There was something very sweet about his specifics, since Akira knew he was included in them. 
He wondered if he could go back to sleep. If Yusuke wanted him to keep his eyes closed, the chances went up. He could already feel himself falling into it. Anyone who knew Akira was well aware that he wasn’t one to pass up opportunities to sleep in. Well, sleep in more than he already had. Yusuke knew better than to let him stay in bed, Akira couldn’t be blamed. And it was for art after all. 
But the afternoon did have plans for Akira. Goddamn. For example, something cold and wet being splattered onto his forehead. It was… weirdly familiar?
He jumped, but in like, a groggy half-awake confused boy way. “Ghh?” His eyes flickered open. Yusuke was there? He hadn’t heard him come over. “What are you…doing.” 
Yusuke remained focused as ever, eyes glued to, uh. Uh? “Akira, please. I do not want it in your eyes.” The wet spot moved and spread across his brow. 
The dots were sleepy and the lines were wiggling, but all connecting nonetheless. “Are you painting,” Akira said, flinching at the sloppy feeling, “on my face?” 
Yusuke lifted his paintbrush and looked very thoughtfully at the smear he’d created. “Do not speak much. I would hate for what has dried to crack.” He turned away, probably to get more paint. 
Akira squinted at him. It was already drying? As in drying drying? “How long have you been… at this.” 
Yusuke sighed, and shook his head. “Please, my love, if you must talk,” he said, turning back, “Try to be minimal. I will be finished soon.” 
He returned to Akira’s side, this time with a pool of paint on the back of his hand, probably for quick access. Akira stared silently at him. He wasn’t mad at all, more completely amused. Unique way to spend a morning. He’d woken up before with drawings on his face, but that was usually Futaba scribbling squiggles and mustaches with her sharpies. Oh, but he’d always get back at her for that. He’d refuse to wash it off and make her be seen with him, Mr. Sharpie Face Man, in the all forbidden public. She was one of those second-hand embarrassment people. 
Wow, the paint felt weird. He was all too aware of it sitting on his face. It was thick. And the actual spreading of it had been really strange. There were out of body experiences, and then there were all too aware of what is happening right now on your body experiences. Akira was the former. He was pretty surprised it hadn’t woken him up, actually. 
The slugs. 
The non-poisonous slugs. 
That made sense. 
Yusuke continued painting. Little swirls and pointed dots. Akira tried to guess what he was doing. The paint he had was blue, so maybe a bird? A fish? He was sure Yusuke would do something more outlandish, though. Maybe a bird with glasses. He wondered if Yusuke would let him name it. 
Inevitably, they made eye contact. Akira had been staring pretty relentlessly, and boy he was good at that. Yusuke held it for a moment, before something visibly clicked. There it was. Akira had been thinking about if he’d remember to answer. He didn’t, always. Yusuke had quite the way with concentration. He’d just about have to shake him out to come to dinner some nights. 
Yusuke had run out of paint on his hand, and he turned back to get more. A short silence hung. “A few hours,” he said. 
So, a while. His projects usually took a bit, so he was glad to hear this hadn’t been some all nighter. That could’ve been nice too, though, because then Yusuke would certainly take a nap. And of course then Akira would get to take a nap. Which would be great. But he’d have to wash all this paint off first. He hoped it would come off easy. 
It wasn’t like Yusuke had never painted on his body before. But that was usually, you know, doodling with a pen on his arm. Or some grand experiment on his back. Face painting wasn’t technically something to be considered out of the ordinary, but unconscious face painting was. Yusuke’s inspiration strikes were always charming. 
Akira watched as Yusuke readied his brush again. He felt him very gently move some hair out of his face. This wasn’t really a view Akira usually got. Hello there. Thank goodness he was nearsighted. 
But, all good things must come to an end. Yusuke looked down at him. “It really is imperative you shut your eyes, now. This would sting.” 
He probably spoke from experience. He already knew Yusuke had drunk paint water before. It was an accident, he said, but it wasn’t like he couldn’t also accidentally get paint in his eyes. Akira also doubted that the paint water incident was entirely accidental. He had evidence. But, despite all that, he heeded his advice. Yusuke was kind enough to wait until he did so. Akira wondered how long it would take for Yusuke to just start painting, anyway. 
He felt the brush fit into his eye socket and curve around down, above his cheek bone. Very confident but delicate strokes across his eyelid, and then repeated on the other side. He decided this was much better than slugs. Though still just as goopy.  
The brush lifted, and did not come back down. “There,” Yusuke began, “Now, please remain very still. I will return in just a moment.”  
Akira obliged, keeping his eyes shut tight but careful not to scrunch. He heard footsteps, and a door opening. Yusuke was probably getting their camera. They’d bought a very nice once for situations like this. Non-portable art, or anything that would wash away. Akira supposed he wouldn’t mind being on display for an art show. Ehh, that was, as long as it didn’t last too long. He didn’t really get fidgety, but he did get bored. 
He heard Yusuke come back, accompanied by some clicking and clunking. He probably also brought in a light, since he tended to be very particular about his art pictures. Akira appreciated that his face-canvas was being given such fancy treatment. He hoped he was doing the art justice. 
There was shuffling. The sound of curtains opening. The buzz of a lamp. And eventually, many, many clicks. Yusuke always took bunches of pictures, with light adjustments and in different positions. He’d learned how to use a camera very well, at this point. Akira was glad to see it, because initially Yusuke had been a little helpless with one.
He took pictures all the time now. It was much more convenient, since instead of pulling over and waiting thirty minutes for Yusuke to be satisfied with a sketch, they’d pull over and spend just ten minutes taking pictures. They still had to leave an hour early for events, but they were late less often. They were also a little poorer, because memory cards didn’t come cheap. Yusuke’s new cocaine, he guessed. 
The clicking went off and on. Akira sat through it, beginning to drift back to sleep again. When Yusuke had said ‘afternoon’ that could’ve meant 12:01, right? Which meant it would be perfectly reasonable to sleep for a few more hours. Just a little catnap. He’d bet anything Morgana was still sleeping. And how was that fair? 
He was thoroughly lost in cat-jealousy thoughts, and did not notice the clicking stop. So, the sound of Yusuke’s voice scared him right out of his drowsiness. “You can move about now. I’ve finished.” Gah. 
So, no naps for him. Yet. But Akira guessed he was getting a little bit cramped anyway. He stretched out again, properly this time, and opened his eyes. He watched as Yusuke turned off the extra light, and carefully put the camera down. 
Yusuke looked to Akira and smiled very sweetly. Akira smiled back, entirely sure he probably looked very silly. His whole face was (presumably?) blue, after all. He was still thinking of a bird name. 
Yusuke sat down at the foot of their bed. He fiddled a bit with his fingers, and scratched at the drying paint on his hands. A learned habit.“I do hope you slept well.” 
“Mm,” Akira replied, pushing himself up. “I think you gave me weird dreams.” He felt around a little for his glasses. If paint got on them, oh well. He’d curse the glasses god today. He wanted to see. 
Yusuke reached out and picked up Akira’s pair. “Did I?” He handed them to him. 
This tended to be a typical morning procedure. “Thanks.” He was pretty sure Yusuke’s hands were covered in paint. Maybe it was inevitable his glasses would get messy. “You did.”  
“I apologize. You seemed to be sleeping quite soundly.” 
“Don’t worry about it.” Vision at last. 
Yusuke seemed relieved. Akira was sure if he told him about his slug encounter, he would take a good fifteen minutes connecting it to art and philosophy. Which would be fine, but Akira’s face was kind of itchy and scratchy. He could tell him later. He picked at it a bit. 
It wasn’t like Yusuke wouldn’t notice, obviously, but it probably gave him the wrong idea. “The paint is thoroughly non-toxic. There is nothing to worry about.” He rubbed hard on his hand. 
Akira wasn’t worried. There were things to worry about with Yusuke, but he wouldn’t consider this one of them. Yusuke was particular, it was a completely defining trait of his. No, Akira would not trust him with their grocery money. He would also not trust him left alone in a candy store. But he was considerate, and precise, and attentive. Especially to his art. And especially, Akira would bashfully admit, to him. 
He could still tease him a little though. “It’s not at all?” 
Yusuke straightened himself up. Which was a little bit funny to watch with his typically impeccable posture. It was more like he shuffled his shoulders around and puffed out his chest. “Absolutely. I would never let you near such toxins, not even dream of such a thing.” It was hard to not constantly give Yusuke fond looks. 
He failed. He was a fond look giving machine. “So a kiss would be fine?” He grinned a very bluish grin. Give him a smooch, art boy. It would probably be better than paint water. Actually, he really really hoped it would be better than paint water.
“Ah.” Yusuke said, giving a sigh. “An innocent request turned devilish, I see.” Yusuke was also a fond look giving machine. They could make it a competition. The most sugary and sweet one in the world. The kind that would give Morgana hairballs, the poor cat. 
Akira didn’t say anything. He looked at Yusuke, guilty but not regretful, and waited. It was only a little devilish, he thought. He could do much worse. He could do better, too. But there was no fun in that. 
Yusuke stood up, and walked right up next to Akira, standing just where he was before. Akira gave him an innocent look; he was good at those, and it made Yusuke smile. Which was only more reason to get even better at them. Lying at interrogations was just an added bonus.
Yusuke was an all or nothing kind of guy. Akira knew this. So he wasn’t surprised when Yusuke cupped his face and leaned down, to give him a kiss, first on the cheek, then on the lips. Soft and sweet. Lovey and dovey. 
Akira was very unhappy to see that when they pulled away, a grand total of none of the paint had gotten onto Yusuke. A foiled plan. He wiped at his lips anyway. How rude, you mean to say he didn’t want second-hand (second… face?) paint on his mouth? Like some kind of moderately health conscious member of society? You drank paint water, Yusuke. You’ve eaten grass before, Yusuke! The thought made him chuckle.
“What is it?” Yusuke asked, sitting himself down on the bed. 
He probably wouldn’t appreciate the thought. “Nothing.” Akira fiddled with a piece of hair. “Did you get the picture you wanted?” 
The question made Yusuke beam. “Indeed. I took several. Adjustments do need to be made, however.” 
“That’s good.” He was glad Yusuke had become accustomed to editing digital photos. He was very against it at first, pretty much because he didn’t really understand what the editing was. Not like, photoshopping things in. Just things like saturation and lighting. This was another little hobby he’d picked up. He had never accidentally recreated Isaac Newton in Adobe, though. 
“I will most certainly show you the completed product.” 
“I’ll look forward to it,” Akira said. His nose itched. Not really in a sneezy way, but it was annoying him. He wanted to sniff, but he also didn’t exactly want to snort up Yusuke’s project. Yucky. “I think I want to wash this off, now.” 
“Ah, of course.” Yusuke moved to let Akira off the bed. He hovered there quietly as Akira got up, and followed him to the bathroom. 
Okay? “What’s up?” 
Yusuke pressed his lips together. “Oh. I simply wanted to help you. As a penance, perhaps.” 
Akira scoffed. “Strong word.” He didn’t mind Yusuke helping. He’d probably need it, or he’d give up halfway and finish by midnight. What wasn’t inherently tender about getting paint rubbed off your face. Ugh, and the peeling. It wasn’t a super great smell, either. He was gonna have such a look going on for this. Cute. 
They walked in. Akira turned on the light and readied himself for a face scrubbing. He wondered if there had been any that got in his hair. That would suck getting out. He looked in the mirror, his mind set on checking, and thoroughly surprised himself at his reflection. 
So the bird guess? He was kind of sort of close. 
He’d made his whole face very lightly blue. There were feathers painted around his eyes that very gracefully formed into wings bending out and upwards towards his forehead. Little patterns of flowers and leaves framed his face and fell in swooping designs. It was all done in different shades of blue, you had to really look at it to see all the detail. Except on his cheeks. In a thick gold sat long tears, layered on top of each other. They traveled all the way down to his chin. 
It was pretty. 
He wanted to touch it.
He pressed his fingers into his cheeks, and squished upwards. It was sticky, and it didn’t give way much. But the farther he went, the more it moved. It got on his hands. He was all smudgy now. This was incredible. 
He was also being watched. “I’m not sure that’s the most effective way.” Yusuke commented.
“I feel like,” Akira kept on squishing, “the slime in those stim videos.” 
He laughed lightly at that. “I suppose we do all experience art in our own ways.” 
Akira watched Yusuke absentmindedly through the mirrors reflection, while still giving his face a very blue massage. He grabbed a rag, and turned on warm water. He also took out a bottle from one of their cupboards. Yusuke had all sorts of painting things stored away, so it wasn’t all that surprising. Akira had found about eight bottles of acetone in Yusuke’s dorm room years ago. He remembered gaining a certain understanding of Yusuke’s budgeting problems.
He placed his materials down. “Will you be satisfied soon?” He asked, now watching him closely. 
Akira paused mid-squish. He looked at Yusuke from the corner of his eye. “You want to give it a try?” Why not. 
Yusuke blinked at him. And then visibly considered it.
“I’ve no reason to object, I suppose.” 
Double the squish. This probably could’ve gone fifty-fifty. Akira dragged his fingers off his face, careful not to touch anything. They didn’t need a blue bathroom too. He held his own hands, and let Yusuke reach over to him. 
Yusuke, who gave this a little more forethought than Akira had, removed his glasses first. Yeah, smart move. He couldn’t exactly wear them while they washed his face, anyway. He followed Yusuke’s hands as best he could when he put the glasses down, and followed them back up as he rested his palms on Akira’s face. 
He pressed inwards and held him there for a second, and then moved his palms farther up just past his cheekbones. It made Akira quietly giggle, just quick little exhales. It felt way weirder when someone else was doing it. Not that it hadn’t felt a bit weird when he’d done it himself. 
Yusuke was smiling too. Akira was very adamantly keeping his eyes open, which sometimes proved to be a challenge. He was gonna sit there and stare him down like this was the height of romance. 
Yusuke placed his thumbs on the crook of Akira jawline, and swiped with his fingers outwards on his cheeks. He stayed there. Akira leaned into it. “Having fun?” 
Yusuke tapped his fingers. “As much as you will let me.” 
Akira nestled himself farther into Yusuke’s hands. It scrunched his face up more. He felt so squashed. Now this was amore. He was the king of romance. 
It made Yusuke laugh, just a little. “You know, we are wasting water.” 
In reply, Akira (very masterfully) kept as blank as an expression as possible while giving him fish lips. 
That got a real laugh out of Yusuke, and he took his hands away. It was always nice to get laughs out of him. He didn’t used to often. That was, other than his occasional hearty chuckle when he was feeling an odd kind of inspired. Akira liked those ones, too.
Yusuke scrubbed his hands as well as he could in the water, and then wet down the rag. “Let us get to work, then.”
He was very gentle, wiping off big pieces and rinsing the rag whenever it got cold. Alright, this may have been better than Akira had anticipated. Yusuke was considerate and routined. Working through section after section, and making sure no water dribbled down onto his clothes. It was almost nice, even with the inevitable scrubbing that came with it. Yusuke picked up the mystery bottle. Akira gave it a look.
Yusuke had always been good at reading him. “It is coconut oil.” He unscrewed the cap. “Oils do well to get paint off of skin.” 
He made a little noise of understanding, and Yusuke went back to his work. It was less rough this time. He felt super greasy, though. He was pretty sure coconut oil was good for your face? Maybe this would turn out to be a miniature spa session. He wondered if Yusuke was any good at nail art. 
“Close your eyes, now,” said Yusuke. Akira was also pretty sure coconut oil was not good for the eyes. Just a wild guess. He did as he was asked, and Yusuke went to work, very careful on his eyelids. Very very careful around his eyes.
That reminded him. “I have a question.” 
Yusuke hardly hesitated. “Anything.” 
“Why was I crying?”
Yusuke stopped, just for a moment. “Ah,” A silence sat. “It was only that, in your rest… you simply seemed horribly melancholic.”
He sounded so sad. 
And Akira about choked. 
Yusuke retreated immediately. “Have I gotten some in your mouth? I am terribly sorry.” Understandable question, he’d made him start coughing like a maniac. 
He cleared his throat. He was fine, he was chill. “No, don’t worry. That’s not it.” He wiped around his eyes. Oil was kind of gross, actually. 
He should probably elaborate. Yusuke looked confused. “It’s just funny you say I looked sad.” He leaned down onto the counter. “I was dreaming about slugs.” Or, the everlasting woes of slugs, apparently. 
Yusuke paused. Processing, a little bit. “Slugs… you say?” 
Slugs… he said. “Yep.”
“Were they… causing you any discomfort?”
Akira shook his head. “They were just hanging out.”
Yusuke was obviously considering this. It made him smile too, of course, but he was certainly lost in thought. 
He’d come to his conclusion. “Perhaps they meant something more profound. The ways of the subconscious are ever mysterious.” He wet down the rag again, and poured more coconut oil. 
Did they need that much? “Maybe.” 
Apparently, they did. Less is more, but more is also more. He started up again, lightly scrubbing. “You know, due to ancient influences, a slug is considered to be more of a spiritual being than an earthly being. In symbolism, that is.”
“Is it now?” He’d known this would happen. Of course it would, it was Yusuke. He always kept little random pieces of knowledge about symbolic references in art and literature. 
Which, you know, was fine. He was happy to hear it. He was covered in paint and coconut oil, sure, but they were working on it. Sometimes, this was what your days were like. Lazy, and a little slimy. He hoped that his skin would glow like goddamn Polaris after this.
They’d fly down a list of topics, starting at one point and ending at another. Yusuke would lose himself in talking, and Akira would always love to listen. 
So, the morning ended the way it began. Feeling goopy.
And slugs. 
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ilynong · 6 years
misunderstanding | han mubo
Han Mubo doesn’t like you, but you’ve literally never spoken to him before.
for anon:  I would like to request a "Hate to lovers" with him. Like y/n was a new staff member but she was always fooling around, joking and being loud with the baby line... Which according to Mubo only made them more difficult to handle and that's why he doesnt like her, because she was "unprofessional".
yall im really sorry i didn’t like how this turned out but im so exhausted maybe i’ll come back and rewrite yikes
under the read more bc this is hella long
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so you were a new staff member on the idol producer set
you were hired as an intern, since you were still in college and majoring in film production
it was you and two other people from your university who were hired, so the three of you mostly did things together
and since the three of you were younger, you quickly became friends with the younger trainees on the show
they were under a lot of pressure, so it wasn’t uncommon to see the three of you with the usual suspects-- zuo ye, li quanzhe, justin, qian zhenghao and the other munchkins
you’d joke around and tease them, and it really seemed to help them take their mind off of how stressful everything was
and you formed a particularly close friendship w zuo ye!!
he was just so sweet and kind and you felt super protective of him
but one night, you were cleaning out the practice rooms when you found him crying by himself????
and so the two of you talked and he explained that he felt like he would never be as good as his ges
and ofc after that he came to you for a lot of advice
one afternoon, you and zuo ye were chatting about the upcoming position evaluations
zuo ye was laughing at a joke you’d made when han mubo came down the hall, both of you quieting at the sight of him
you hadn’t ever really talked to mubo, so you were confused as to why he was glaring at you like that???
you’d literally never spoken to him, but it really seemed like he didn’t like you
“zuo ye, shouldn’t you be practicing?” mubo asked casually, still glaring over at you
you raised an eyebrow at that, patting zuo ye’s shoulder, who nodded and trotted off quickly, obviously intimidated by the dark atmosphere
there were a few beats of silence, and then mubo spoke
“can you maybe not distract my trainees? i know that it isn’t the same for the staff, but these are our dreams, and zuo ye really doesn’t need anything distracting him.”
you scoffed at that, glaring back at han mubo
“if you think what i’m doing is distracting, maybe you should check yourself and your ability to lead,” you shot back before stalking off, fuming at the encounter
as filming continued, you kept noticing instances where you’d be joking with a trainee or something and mubo would roll his eyes or cross his arms
you’d even spoken with qin fen about it, who was pretty chill, and he just shrugged
“this means a lot to mubo, i know it’s hard to understand but he really cares deeply about this project.”
grudgingly, you did admit to yourself that you understood his perspective, but you were still pissed about how he’d approached the situation
when zuo ye and the others were eliminated off the show, of course, you were heartbroken
but you and zuo ye stayed in touch (ofc !! he’s ur son???) while you continued with filming
and you could just sense mubo being salty about it
anyways so eventually, the final episode rolls around
all the staff are super stressed and pressured bc it’s a live show
so literally everything has to be perfect
mannn they got you running around the place, buying gallons of coffee as the writers and producers pull multiple all-nighters
you chat with qin fen a few times, asking how zuo ye’s doing and such
a few nights before the livestream of the final episode, you’re in a training room helping a few members of the ‘mack daddy’ team get their timing down, since the dance instructors were all busy
qin fen is sitting next to you, citing his old bones as the reason why he wasn’t practicing
as ziyi shows chen linong a move again, qin fen turns to you casusally
“you know, mubo feels bad for yelling at you,” he said offhandedly, making you roll your eyes
“han mubo can tell me this himself,” you retorted, leaning back against the mirror as linong copied the move. “linong, you were a beat off.”
linong shoots you a thumbs-up as qin fen groans, running a hand through his hair
“mubo...” qin fen’s voice trailed off, “he’s bad at expressing his emotions. trust me, i’m the one who he vents to.”
you glanced down at the clipboard in your hand, “that’s nice.”
with a sigh, qin fen got to his feet, rejoining the formation of sweaty boys
your conversation with qin fen is forgotten until the day of the final filming, when zuo ye tackles you with a huge hug, clad in his grey idol producer suit
he’s immediately chattering away as you guide him to where the boys are supposed to sit, peiyao, zimo and mubo a few steps behind the two of you
as the two of you talk, you can feel mubo’s stare trained on you, and as you turn and make eye contact with the older, you feel your heart speed up for a quick min??
but you shrug it off, running to join the film crew that you were assigned to
about an hour before the show goes live, one of the cameramen asks you to grab his clipboard
“it’s in the office on the floor of the dorms,” he says, shooing you off, “hurry, hurry!”
you nod, trottiing off towards the main building obediently, feeling your lungs burn with the simple exercise
anyways you grab the clipboard and hurry back to the elevator, punching the button as many times as possible
“wait, hold the elevator!”
you watch with wide eyes as mubo barrels into the elevator, clutching an inhaler in one hand, obviously out of breath
“um,” you say intelligently, refusing to acknowledge how good mubo looked with his hair and makeup done
mubo looks down at you awkwardly as the doors of the elevator close, hand going up to ruffle his hair
instinctively your hand shoots out to stop him, grasping his wrist
mubo’s eyes widen at the contact, hand going back to his side
“sorry,” you say softly, blinking quickly, “instinct. the stylists are always scolding us for not monitoring you.”
mubo chuckled at that, shifting his weight slightly
“no worries,” he replied, a little less awkward now, “i just had to grab qin fen’s inhaler, don’t want anything to happen.”
you glance over at the inhaler in his hand, nodding in understanding
there’s a few moments of silence, and you’re actually about to die from how awkward it was
“hey, um,” mubo coughed, “listen, i’m sorry for what i had said before. it was out of line.”
you peer up at the taller, raising an eyebrow
“did qin fen put you up to this?”
“peiyao, actually,” mubo grinned, and you chuckled at his joke
“it’s fine,” you replied as the elevator doors open, the two of you walking back to the big filming studio, “i mean, it wasn’t fine, but i understand why you said what you did.”
“i’m really sorry, though,” mubo reiterated, “i tend to get really tense and weird around people i--” mubo’s voice cut off, and he coughed awkwardly again, “um, around people. i’m weird around people.”
you raised an eyebrow as mubo metaphorically crashed his car of a sentence and watched it burn
“fuck, sorry,” mubo groaned, almost dragging a hand through his hair before you sent him a withering glare, “ugh, fuck, i’ll just stop talking.”
you giggled at that, the two of you entering the big studio
immediately, the sound of staff and trainees alike yelling, chattering and practicing their various songs washed over you, making you wince at how loud it was
mubo had a similar reaction, visibly flinching before starting to head over to where the oaca trainees were seated
“hey, mubo,” you called out suddenly, surprising yourself as well as the other, “good luck today.”
mubo paused in his steps before sending you a smile
the final filming went past in a blur, and soon you were congratulating the trainees who made it and comforting those who didn’t
and before you knew it, you and your classmates were packing your things and on the long bus ride back to beijing
on the bus ride back, you had a lot of time to yourself to reflect on the events
and your thoughts kept coming back to that moment in the elevator with mubo
like bruh that’s some shit from a fucking drama or something
you’ve finally figured out that you have a crush on mubo, and you’re traveling miles away from your one chance
your friends from uni pick up on the fact that your mind is clearly somewhere else, but at this point, you know that there isn’t anything that you can do
your only connection to mubo is through the other oaca boys, but you knew it would be awkward to reach out to him in this way after the odd way you’d parted
about a month after the end of idol producer, you’re sitting in a cafe near your university, working on a paper that was due in a few days
as you sigh, rubbing your eyes, you hear someone cough
you look up from your computer screen, and your eyes widen in surprise as you see han mubo standing there, also looking a little startled
“oh, mubo?” you raise an eyebrow
“do you mind if i sit with you?” mubo asked tentatively, taking the seat after you nod quickly, moving your notebooks off the table quickly
“what are you doing here?” you ask in confusion, tapping your fingernails against the keyboard on your laptop
“oh, we’ve been coming to this cafe for a while,” mubo explained
the two of you struck up a conversation after that, catching up on everything that had happened after filming ended
you felt bad for zimo and zuo ye, with the amount of homework they were still catching up on
and to your surprise, the conversation with mubo wasn’t stilted or awkward at all
in fact, you found yourself giggling as he made a few jokes in between sips of his coffee
mubo glanced down at his phone offhandedly as you laughed at his latest joke, swearing under his breath
“shoot, i’m late for practice,” he said, quickly tugging his sweatshirt on over his head
“oh, i’m sorry to keep you,” you apologized quickly, instantly feeling bad
“no, no,” mubo shook his head as it poked through the neck of his hoodie, “this was really nice! i just lost track of time.”
you nodded a bit awkwardly, unsure if you should ask mubo for his number or social media or something
“hey, we should do this again,” mubo said suddenly, hovering over you with his fingers running through his hair, “chill at a cafe or something, i mean. you’re really chill to talk to, and qin fen has been on my ass about asking you on a date.”
you laughed at that, shaking your head as you imagined qin fen scolding mubo
“get my number from zuo ye,” you said playfully, smiling up at the trainee, “you’re already late enough for practice.”
mubo’s eyes got wide as he fully realized just how late he was, hurrying out of the cafe in a dash
“i’ll see you later!”
was the final episode of ip filmed in a different city from the training site? yes. does this make this scenario factually inaccurate? yes. do i care? yes. am i tiredt and not willing to figure out a better plot device? yes.
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pecavae · 7 years
Office Visit (M) ft. Yoongi
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Yoongi x Reader Smut/Fluff/Light Angst
A/N: I was not expecting it to turn out the way it did. Honestly though the end turns super fluffy (beware) but hey I can dream can’t I. Anyways Hope you enjoy! ^.^
Warning: Dirty Talk, Oral,  Office Sex
Word Count: 3.5K
You nibble on your finger nervously, contemplating whether or not you should interrupt him with a text, knowing well Yoongi didn't like to be disturbed while he worked. It's been twelve days! You tell yourself. Deep down you know he's been busy with work but you can't help yourself at this point. Solos aren't cutting anymore as your body begins to yearn for your boyfriend's attention.
You stare intently at your phone screen, your eyes focusing on the contact name that read Yoongi. You chew the inside of your cheek and your fingers begin moving at their own accord in a brisk yet very hopeful attempt.. (10:39) I miss you, can you come over? (10:41) Not tonight baby girl. Working. You pout at the screen in disappointment sighing loudly and the noise echoes through your empty apartment. You really did miss him, so much your heart would hurt at the thought of not being able to see him. Feeling that pestering bubbling pain begin to rise inside but you didn’t want deal with it, so instead you head for the kitchen and pour yourself a large glass of Roscato. You sat near the fire place hoping it'd bring some sort of comfort to you as you ran your thumb across the top of the wine glass. Your mind began wondering back to the times you had together. Yoongi was a great boyfriend, you both bonded deeply over shared interests including music, which was actually how you two started talking. It was a small party among mutuals. One of your close friends Jin was playing the guitar, he'd somehow convinced you to show up at the party but you immediately felt out of place thinking you didn't fit in with the obvious wealthy people Jin had befriended while going to a top University. They all sipped champagne and talked amongst only themselves, but still, you enjoyed listening to Jin play but you kept getting distracted by the women whispering things to each other while staring right at you, trying to decide whether or not you were worthy enough to talk to. Rolling your eyes you stood near where Jin was playing and a guy dressed in all black, with hair to match, caught your eye as he too listened to your talented friend play. "He's gotten good." He said smiling softly as he turned to look at you. "You know Jin?" Surprised you took a glance at his face. His perfect milky skin contrasted the black so well as his small sharp eyes studied your face with slight amusement. "Of course I do, that crazy bastard and I were roommates. We used to go down town and play for bars." He kept his gaze on Jin but when he glanced at you, his lips would turn upwards in a cute boyish smile with a hint of mischievousness. "You played?" "Piano." "Were you two any good?" You kept your eyes on his face captivated by his small cat-like eyes, every sharp yet soft feature had you in awe. He gave a breathy laugh and looked down nostalgically. " I guess. We’d use the money we earned and get shitfaced drunk afterwards." You giggled loudly at this and catching the way his eyes had become fixated on your mouth. You intentionally licked your lips and tried to suppress a smile by biting your lower lip. "I'm Yoongi by the way." "I'm (Y/N)." After that you both kept talking; he'd bring you a couple of drinks as you'd discuss your college life and he mentioned he had majored in business to eventually take over the family company. You didn't plan on things escalating that night but somehow you ended up fucking in the back of his black Jeep Commander. He asked for your number and soon after began dating.
 You'd been dating for three years now. You were inseparable at first, fucking everywhere you could. Bathrooms, closets, his office. He was exceptional when it came to sex, never disappointing you. He once ate you out for what seemed like hours bringing you to an orgasm over and over again. But then the fucking slowed as he became more and more consumed by his work. He'd work late and come home exhausted. Now it was a rare occasion that he would come over to your apartment late at night and wake you just to fuck, and you loved it. Like all the pent up frustrations caused from work became too much and he would just release his stress. You could momentarily feel a weight being lifted off his shoulders because he could finally relax with you being there with him.The mere memory of it made you press your thighs together and let out a sad moan. Afterwards Yoongi would tend to you sweetly and cuddle which was an even more rare and treasured thing for you now. He'd make love to you like no one else ever had. You loved him. So much it scared you sometimes. 
By the fourth glass of wine you get an idea. You head for your closet and pull out a black lingerie set you had bought for Yoongi a couple of weeks back for Valentine's Day but when he had an emergency flight to Seoul your surprise had to be postponed. You let your hair down, letting it flow naturally and opted for minimal make-up, just like he liked it. You put on a knee-length beige coat over yourself and you down your glass of wine for an extra boost of confidence. You look at your-self in the mirror and hope he likes your unexpected visit. But with Yoongi you learned to always expect the unexpected when it came to him. You call for a taxi to take you to his office building where he'd spend days on end working on important business deals. Hence why you rarely saw him for periods of time. The building was pretty much empty with the exception of a few workers having to pull all-nighters to meet their boss's deadline. Thankfully minimal glances are cast towards you and you make your way through the building as unnoticeable as you could possibly make yourself--your heels weren't exactly helping with that though. You get on the elevator and it carries you to the top floor where his office was. Your pounding heart and edging nerves were clear indication of you getting more and more excited the closer you got to his office. The anticipation was killer. You start nibbling on your fingers again as the elevator nears its stop. As soon as you get off however, you immediately hear his voice down the hall. He sounds upset and from what you can make out from outside the door he's on the phone with someone and he's obviously not happy with what the person on the opposite line has to say. Crap maybe this wasn't a good idea. Your hand somehow finds itself on the door handle before you can hesitate further and you open the door as quietly as you could. 
He's standing, facing the large window that overlooks the city, his voice curt and low; he was really upset. A flashback enters your mind as you recall him fucking you against that very window, making sure you screamed loud enough for everyone in the building to hear. Fuck you missed those days. You briefly wonder if he'd ever repeat that night with you. Oh how'd you be more than compliant in said case. Your breath hitches as your brought back to the present. Your eyes start at his back as the tight black button up stretches over his shoulders and arms. Fitting him like a glove. Black had always been Yoongi’s color. Your eyes begin to wonder down to the evident curvature of his small ass. You bite your lip as you watch him. Fuck how can you still be this turned on by him after all this time and when he's not even looking at you? The sound of his low growly voice excites you and you can't help your hand as it travels down to your covered pussy leaning against the door frame for support. Maybe it was the wine not making you not think straight because you don't measure the consequences of doing this with not only him not knowing but having the door slightly open as well. Any one coming off of the elevator would be able to see you. The idea of this being super risky and not knowing how he will react turns you on beyond belief.  You're too busy focusing on your body starting to buzz slightly and your explicit imagination running wild that you close your eyes and don't hear him end his call. "(Y/N)?" Your eyes flash open and you see him staring at you. You try to collect yourself, leaning off the door frame. "Y-Yoongi, I-" You stammer as you search for an explanation. "What are you doing here?" His brows furrow slightly and you stare down at your fidgeting fingers. "I uh, missed you and I wanted to come see you." "I told you I was working." His voice sounds calm. "I know, I just...I wanted to see you." His eyebrow cocks up and his eyes travel up and down your body, inspecting you. "What were you doing?" He asks and you feel your face getting red hot. You look up at him and notice his serious face but you see a distinct lustful look in his eyes daring you to tell him exactly what you were doing and you feel a slight tingle in your lower stomach. Of course he looked beautiful, he always did, you had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at the unfairness as well as the frustrating fact that you wanted him so badly. You bite you bottom lip and pout slightly "Im sorry baby, I just really needed to see you. He continued to stare at you, his small lips twitching at the corner. He walked casually to his chair and sat down leaning on one hand while the top of his finger lightly slid over his lips from left to right, like he was considering you, amusement in his eyes. "Why don't you close that door and come closer." He motions with his index finger. You do as he says and near his desk slowly as he watches your every movement like a hawk. "Show me what it was you were doing." "Here?" Your eyes widen slighlty. "Yes. Here. You obviously had no problem coming here while I was working. I want you to show me why you wanted to see me." He smirks devilishly. You bite your lip trying to hide a shy smile creeping up your lips. You unbutton your coat and drop it over your shoulders letting it collect at your feet. You're rewarded by a sharp hiss that comes from Yoongi's lips and you pear at him through your eyelashes. You see him shift slightly in his chair but other than that he seems calm except his eyes were piercing through you, skimming your body up and down and you feel your skin burn up despite the chill air of his office. You know he's loving this. "You look lovely baby." "I bought this for you." you say innocently, "Is that right?" "I couldn't stop thinking about you, I missed you so much." You say running your hands over your shoulders and down your chest. "What were you thinking about?" "I was thinking about your mouth on me, your hands touching my skin but mostly, I think about how your cock feels inside me." His eyes widen momentarily but he hums in approval. He moves his hand down his body and grips himself over his tight black pants. "You want my cock baby? Is that that what you want?" You nod innocently while wetting your lips and you can feel your self practically dripping. "Come sit on my lap then." You breathe heavily and go around his desk to where he sat. Tucking your hair behind one ear as you bring your leg over his lap and straddle him. Being this close to him again makes your heart pound as his amazing scent envelops you, driving you wild as all your senses focus on him alone. He looks at your face and brings a hand to your neck, his thumb caressing your cheek and along your collarbone. You close your eyes at the feeling of his touch sending electricity shooting down to your core. "Have you been a good girl without me." You nod slowly, your eyes still closed. "Did you touch yourself?" "Only at the thought of you." You grind slightly in his lap and grin internally at the hardness that greets your pussy. "I'd come so hard every time, but i'd always wish you were there to make me come even harder again." He smirks devilishly at you and bites his bottom lip hard and your insides tighten as his eyes drop to your chest. The hand he had resting on your neck slid down to your breasts agonizingly slow as he began pulling the thin lace down with his fingertips exposing you hardened nipple. He ran his tongue on his bottom lip as he rolled your nipple between his thumb and index finger causing you to whimper lightly and making him look up at you. "You're so beautiful baby." He whispers before he leans in and takes the sensitive bud between his lips, flicking at it with his tongue, making you twitch. You bring your fingers up to his hair fisting it lightly and tugging at it upwards as you lean down to kiss his neck knowing he'd like it. A small low moan makes his throat vibrate and you feel it on your mouth. His fingertips slide up your spine to the nape of your neck and grabs the hair, pulling it gently. "Sit up for me." You stand up as he slides his chair under you then lifts your ass onto his desk and he sits back down lifting your legs and placing them on the arm rests. He grips a thigh with each hand making you spread wider as he stares at your soaked panties bringing up his middle finger and rubbing small circles at your center. Supporting yourself on your hands you tilt your head back and half moan half sigh through your nose. "I love how easy you get wet for me baby." You hum approvingly. "Always." His fingers drag your wet panties down your legs. He wastes no time as he digs into your center. His tongue lapping up your juices, flattening it as it travels up and down your slit. He takes your clit into his mouth taking turns licking and sucking at it. He immediately inserts two fingers in you and begins pumping them in and out slowly. "Ah fuck Yoongi." He curls his fingers up and makes scissoring motions grazing your g-spot. Moaning into you he to sending vibrations into your lower belly. "F-uck ah" You can't get yourself to form coherent words only becoming a moaning mess. He begins pumping in and out quickly with his fingers slightly hooked upwards.
Your orgasm hits you out of no where like a truck and you scream Yoongi's name gripping his hair as you buck your body wildly. He flattens his tongue letting you ride out your orgasm with his face. Exhausted from your unexpected orgasm, you collapse back onto the desk breathing hard as Yoongi stands and begins unbuckling his belt. You open your eyes and look at his face glistening with your arousal that he doesn't bother wiping off while sucking you off of his fingers. He looks down and pumps himself a few times coating himself with you and connects his body with yours, and in one swift movement he’s lodged himself in you. The stretch feels amazing and you both groan loudly. "Shit baby you feel so good.." He begins moving into you slowly in circles because your still too sensitive from your previous high. You moan contently at the feeling of his hands caressing your body, you lift your back up allowing him to unclasp your lace bra leaving your chest completely exposed to him. "God you're perfect." He leans down to kiss you and you openly kiss him back. You've grown accustomed to the taste of your arousal and so you focus on Yoongi's delicious taste and smell that you could never get enough of. He starts picking up speed making your moans increase, urging him to go faster. He bottoms out and you begin to hear the sound of skin on skin as he lets out breathy moans staring at you with half-lidded eyes. You wrap you legs around his waist and your arms around his back digging your nails into his soft flesh. Your jaw is open, both of you breathing rapidly as he drills into you while staring into your eyes. You cup his face wiping his sweaty bangs off to the side. "I really did miss you." "I know baby trust me I did too." He smiles at you for a moment but his face scrunches up when you squeeze your walls around him. "Fuck." "You like that?" You bite your lip innocently. "Fuck baby girl you know I do." You giggle but that too turns into a moan when he picks up full speed in you. "Oh fuck. Fuck Yoongi!" You feel yourself building up and because Yoongi knew your body so well by now he took his thumb between your two bodies to your clit and starting rubbing at it rapidly, knowing this would tip you over the edge faster. Your high quickly catches up to you and you come around him and he buries himself in you as he too comes with you. His body drops on top of you and you wrap your arms around him holding him tightly. Your bodies sweaty an sticky but neither of you care as your breathing begins to regulate and he lifts his head to lean his forehead onto yours. He kisses you, softly this time, and you enjoy your lips lightly brushing one another. He breaks away and you gaze up at him and smile blissfully but he averts your gaze and looks to the side, making you frown, "Yoongi?" He looks back at you with furrowed brows. "Baby I need you to know something." "What? What is it?" Your on hyperfocus trying to study his face. "I love you (Y/N) you know that right?" You sit up and he buckles his pants while standing between your legs. "Of course I know that, I love you too but... Yoongi baby what's wrong?" "Its the company, its going to merge with another big Japanese corporation." "But isn't that good?" "Yeah it's great actually, merging with this corporation can raise our stock value by a lot." "But?" You cock your head slightly searching his eyes. "We're gonna base in Tokyo." "Oh, Tokyo wow, thats...great." You're happy for him, you really are but your trying desperately to not think about how far he will be from you. You hardly see eachother now, now adding more than half a thousand miles in between. 
He brings your coat over to you and you slide your arms in trying not to solemn the mood. "I know it's far and it's a big move...Which is why I wanted to ask you to come with me." Your eyes widen and your brows shoot up in surprise. "What?" "(Y/N)..." He shifts backwards before bending down on one knee. "Yoongi-" Your utter shock refrains you from saying anything else as your jaw opens and closes slightly. He brings his hand up to his neck and rubs at it. "(Y/N), I'm uh, not very good with words, and I know this is a lot for you... But, if there's one thing I want most in this world, it's you. You make me happy (Y/N), I want you to be with me, and... Well, I hope you'd like to be with me too so, will you marry me?" "Yoongi I-I, are you sure?" "More than anything." He nods. Your mind wonders a million miles per hour and you feel like you have to pinch yourself to wake yourself up from this dream. Marriage? Tokyo? Yoongi?...Yoongi. Your face splits into a wide grin and your feel tears at the corner of your eyes as your heart swells. "Yes. Yes of course i'll marry you!" You laugh as you stand and open your arms wide and he lifts himself up, picking you up and twirling you around once as you shriek in excitement. He looks at you and gives you the most precious of gummy smiles that you can't help but kiss him. "When is the company merging?" You ask him with your arms still wrapped around his neck and his hands resting on your waist. "By the end of the month." "So soon!" "Yeah." He says giving a sideways smile. "Wow so, what do we do now?" "I guess, we should start planning our trip soon and...we have tell our parents." You eyes widen and your arms fall to his forearms. "Oh...Shit you’re right." You raise your eyebrows at him and give a nervous smile. "Yup." He rubs his neck again and returns the nervous smile. "It'll be fine I'm sure. You smile warmly at him and give him a soft kiss  reassuringly. “I gotta go baby it’s late.” grabbing your bag off the floor before walking over to his door. "You'll come home after work?" "Definitely." He smiles mischievously and you smile back. You turn to walk out before he says. "I love you (Y/N and L/N)." You grin widely and turn to face him. "And I love you Min Yoongi."
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boymeetsweevil · 7 years
Baby Genius
Grouping: Reader x Namjoon
Word Count: 2.3k. slice of life? porn? porn of life? lmao
Summary: In which you’re very smart and namjoon has a tiny garterbelt fetish
a/n: guess who’s been drinking again????? guess who’s birthday it is?? namjoooon! yikes this isn’t edited sorrryyi tried to bang this out in one take im sorry ok classes were rough and i like wine
Your feet are killing you from standing for almost 2 hours in heels, but the feeling of accomplishment you’re experiencing is more than enough to distract you from the pain.
I did it, you think to yourself, I defended my physics dissertation. It’s true. You did do it. Years of research and writing and editing and rewriting all amounted to the talk you gave this evening in front of the most esteemed faculty of your university. You get hit with a rush of endorphins and barely register the sound of Namjoon opening the door to his apartment in front of you. You trail behind him as he enters and stay back to lean on the door after it closes. 
A crazed giggle bubbles out of your mouth as you realize you can finally breathe. You don’t have to pull any more all-nighters, eyes burning red as you pore over dense academic texts and piles of data. You can finally have leisurely days and sip a glass of wine before bed. You can go out on dates with your boyfriend again. Hell, you can read a novel. Or go to bed early. The possibilities are endless.
You sigh happily as you remove the cardigan you wore over your little black dress and move into the living room to find Namjoon undoing his tie in front of the window. Pulling your brastraps through the arm holes of your dress, you discard your bra on a near chair and walk over to him.
“Hey,” you whisper once you’re standing next to him, “I’m done with my dissertation.”
“I know. I’m so proud of you. You were great up there.” 
He smiles down at you and you realize how much you missed seeing him without stress and sleep deprivation ruining the moment. When he steps behind you to wrap his arms around your waist, you let yourself fall back against him immediately. 
“I missed you, Joon.” His breath tickles your skin as he groans exaggeratedly.
“So did I. God, I missed you so much, baby.” You perk up at the sound of the nickname. Namjoon has many nicknames for you, all of which come out, though rather unconsciously, at specific times. ‘Baby’ was for when he was horny.
You press your back into him a little bit more to confirm and nod to yourself when you feel his hardness pressing near the small of your back. Soon you feel his hands begin to wander tentatively. You almost feel bad about how awkward he’s being, knowing that it’s been a while since the two of you have been intimate. The work for your dissertation always left you incredibly drained and miserable, in no mood for sex.
Tonight is different, of course. You sigh when you feel one hand press almost possessively against your abdomen and he echoes the sigh back when his other hand makes it way up to cup your breast through your dress.
“No bra?” His voice is gravelly now. He releases a sharp breath through his nose and begins kneading in earnest.
“I took it off a few minutes ago,” you say breathily, “You remember how cold it was in the conference room. You really think I’d risk my nipples ripping holes through my dress in front of the physics department?”
“I don’t know,” he says as he moves his hand underneath one of the side-slits on the skirt of your dress to finger the delicate straps of your garter. “You’ve always been pretty kinky.” He punctuates the statement with a nip to the shell of your ear.
In theory, you know he’s not trying to tease you. But the slow speed at which he massages your breast while pressing himself to you makes you frustrated beyond belief.
“Joon, there is a perfectly good bed in the middle of your room. Why the hell aren’t we using it?”
“That’s a good question that I don’t have an answer to,” he says and waddles the two of you over to the bed. You disentangle yourself and dive butt first onto the mattress.
“Kim Namjoon without a clever answer to such a simple question? What year is it? Where am I?” He wrinkles his nose from where he stands by the side of the bed and you stick your tongue out at him from below.
With surprising grace and speed, he drops himself onto the bed to cage you in between his arms. He situates himself amidst your splayed legs before leaning down to give you the first of many searing, open-mouthed kisses.
“Can’t say I missed your snark very much,” he says between nips to your bottom lip.
“You’d be lying, though.” You thread your fingers through his hair and use the grip to pull him as close to flush against you as possible. It’s a little awkward given that he’s seated on his heels, but he manages to bend forward to accommodate you.
When you feel his hands wedge themselves under you to grab at your hips, you pull away to watch curiously. He stretches his legs out and pulls you to him to bring you to a seated position in his lap. In this position, your skirt is hiked up indecent amounts to rest bunched up below your belly button, leaving your garter belt in full view.
“Jesus,” he whispers reverently as he caresses the smoothness of the nylon covering your thighs and the satin of the straps and belt.
After dating for a while, you know what effect a garter belt has on Namjoon. The first time you realized it, you teased him for his “old man fetish” and told him to “get with the times and get on the my little pony train like everyone else”. Truly, he wasn’t offended by your ribbing, but he still pounded into you that same evening with bruising force. He ripped your lacy panties off, but he had you leave the stocking and belt on intact.
Now, though, he’s being much more careful with your undergarments. It takes nearly ten minutes before the belt is unhooked and discarded. Even then, he still continues to simply run one hand up and down your stockinged leg, breathing a little ragged, the other hand clutching your hip tightly. As if you were thinking of leaving. Not likely.
But you do get annoyed at his glacial pace. It had been too long and you're so turned on it almost hurts. You snap when you feel his finger dance lightly against the apex of your thighs but without the pressure you need.
“Namjoon, stop fucking around,” you huff, trying to grind your hips into his feather light touches, and whining when he withdraws his hand a little.
“Fine,” he offers up his hand, smirking, “Show me how it’s done, then.” You glare at him, slightly embarrassed, and he smirks harder. His dimples are on full display now, and if you weren’t mildly pissed at him, you’d kiss them. Or lick them. Either one.
He expects you to pout and let him continue to take his time with you, assuming you’d be too ashamed to call his bluff. What he doesn’t expect is for you to mutter ‘fuck it’ under your breath before grabbing his and shoving it into your panties. All the breath leaves his lungs almost immediately. You’re amazingly warm and wet. The previous thoughts he had of teasing you are replaced with the primal urge to bury himself into your warmth again and again and again until you’re a sweating, whimpering mess. 
But Namjoon is patient and ever curious, so he doesn’t rush you. Instead he watches with rapt attention and hooded eyes as you use his fingers to get yourself off. Obviously, this isn’t the first time he’s had his hand down your underwear, and he knows how to crook his fingers and where to shift his palm it rubs against your clit just the right way. There’s something special and wonderful, though, about watching you do it yourself, he thinks.
Your eyes are shut in bliss, head cocked the way it always does when you’ve found the perfect spot, rhythm, and friction. Little gasps are falling out of your mouth as you move your hips over his fingers, one of your hands gripping his tightly, the other supporting yourself so you can move freely.
His patience doesn’t last forever, and pretty soon he’s taking over without thinking. You don’t mind because the way he’s starting to scissor his fingers inside of you is causing stars to appear behind your eyelids.
“Ohmygod, Joon, please,” you whisper as you instinctively grab his shoulder to use as leverage.
“Please what? Just say it, and I’ll do it. Anything. You know I will.” 
“I need you inside of me. Now, please.”
As if a switch has been flipped, he withdraws his hand quickly, but carefully, before wiping your wetness on your nylons. 
“Joon, come on. Those were new.” You scowl half-heartedly as he maneuvers the two of you so you’re on your back, both legs loosely wrapped around his hips. 
“Sorry,” he says, giving you a rakish grin as an apology. You accept it because he’s sweet and beautiful, even if he is a bit klutzy. He shirks his dress shirt and the t-shirt underneath quickly and you admire the firm muscle of his biceps as he unzips his trousers. “Have you been taking your pill?” His eyes are wide as he looks to the drawer where he holds his condoms. You run your hand up the taut expanse of his stomach reassuringly.
“Yeah, I have. Hurry up, okay? I miss you,” you say, eyes swimming in meaning. Your heart is pounding in your ears as he lines up with your entrance, but it seems like everything stops when he pushes in with almost no resistance.
When he bottoms out, you both groan at the feeling. It hasn’t been too long, so the stretch you feel is amazing and satisfying. You clench your kegels curiously and are rewarded with the sound of Namjoon hissing. 
“Fuck, you feel good,” he groans and begins to move. You moan when you feel his head brushing up against a familiar and sensitive spot. He comes down to rest his weight on his elbows near your shoulder and buries his in the crook of your neck.
“I missed you so fucking much. I missed this. Missed having you like this,” his voice is raw and breathless as he fucks into you with increasing force.
“You missed me, Joon? Keep going,” you urge him on. 
Surprisingly, Namjoon is quite a talkative lover. You wouldn’t have expected it when you first met him, thinking him to be the quiet, pensive type. Getting to know him made you realize that while he is pensive, he’s also vocal at all hours of the day. In addition to always chattering about the latest biography he read or a cool documentary he saw, he’s verbally affectionate. When it comes to praising you and expressing his adoration, he seems to be just as clumsy with his tongue as he is with his limbs. He often stutters and gets shyly quiet when you’re together, but he still professes his affections all the same. This time is no different except for the fact that he barely got to be with you in the last few months. Now it all spills out. 
“Yeah I-shit-I missed you,” his thrusts knock the breath out of you each time. He continues on, panting while he speaks. “I know we saw each other sometimes but you-you were always so stressed out and I couldn’t ever do anything about it. You seemed so sad sometimes. I knew you were thinking you wouldn’t be able to do it. Even though that’s a load of bullshit.” You yelp and squeeze him a little tighter as he punctuates his words with sharp thrusts.
“You’re so goddamn smart. I don’t get how you can ever doubt that for a second--Jesus, you have to stop squeezing me like that--I love your brain and your fucking mouth. When you’re talking about physic and when you’re sucking me off. Shit, are you close?”
“Yeah, I’m so close, Joon. I’m almost there,” you breathe out shakily. You can feel the all the sensations he’s giving you form a coil in your belly. His words seem to caress you and build up the beginnings of your orgasm in a rapid crescendo. 
“Touch yourself?” 
You nod hastily and slip a hand down between your bodies to rub at your clit. The extra stimulation has you gasping in mere minutes and you feel like you’re suspended in air for a second before all the feelings come crashing down on you. You’re aware that his name is coming out of your mouth in choked out variations and that you’re probably squeezing the life out of him.
A half dozen thrusts later, he grunts and stills, him plush bottom lip pulled between his teeth. He looks angelic somehow, you muse to yourself as the aftershocks of your orgasm begin to fade. When he’s calmed down too, he rolls off of you and lumbers to the en-suite to get towels to clean up with.
“How was that? I was worried I’d be a bit rusty,” he says as he wipes the remnants of your sex off of you. Once that’s done, he hunts around for clothes for the both of you, knowing you get cold at night. He tosses you a shirt of his, which you slip on slowly.
“You're the best hype man a woman could ask for.” You give him a sleepy smile and open your arms expectantly. He gives you a wide grin before hopping into your embrace, wiggling a large cold hand up the shirt to cup your breast. You give the short hair at the back of his neck a light tug in retaliation
“What should we do tomorrow, now that you’re a full blown scholar?” You think for a bit while trying valiantly not to fall asleep before answering.
“I should probably catch up on Judge Judy.” You pointedly ignore his baffled stare and close your eyes. “You’re going to watch with me, you know.”
“I know,” he says.
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wanna1things · 7 years
Radio DJ!Kim Jaehwan
Tumblr media
the idea came to me because for like a good 3 years of my life i wanted to be a radio dj and idk jaehwan fits this au well...
Genre;; fluff +radio dj au is that a thing idk
Warnings;; unless you hate jaehwan, his laugh, and music then none lol
Pairing;; Kim Jaehwan x reader
Requested;; no this is just another thing from my backlog lol
Summary;; Jaehwan is the radio dj for your university radio station, and he’s looking for someone to present with him… maybe something more?
Style;; bullet point
Word Count;; 1913
UH requests will be done by the end of the week!! just clearing the backlog of posts while i revise for my uni tests lol
jaehwan is pretty well known in your university for his job as a dj for the uni’s radio station
nobody knows what he’s studying, everyone assumes it’s music (they’re right), they just know he’s the guy with the weird laugh who hosts the midnight to 2am slot
aka when everyone is cramming
he plays pretty funky music at the start but by the end it’s chill tunes to help everyone wind down and actually get some sleep
you’re an avid listener
you stay up until 2am every day, not even to study just to listen to his show lol
you always make notes of the songs he plays because he seems to have almost the exact same music taste as you??
by the time it’s 2am your hand is aching from writing down all the songs he’s played lol
at 1am he always has a 5 minute gap where he covers a popular song on guitar and sings it too and sjhgfsjd it’s amazing you’re in love with his voice
it’s just…
you have no idea what he looks like
all of your friends know about your crush on the dj with the satanic laugh and they tease you 24/7
like lol how can you be in love with a guy you’ve never seen before
but theres some sort of;; connection that you feel with him lmao
anyway, as you walk into your class one day in the middle of the semester you notice a poster up on the pinboard
in handwritten bubble letters (you know the ones) it says
“kim jaehwan is recruiting!! send a playlist to my email [email protected] and i’ll rate you and decide on who will be my new co-host!! entries close at the end of the week!”
your heartbeat speeds up
now you have an opportunity to possibly meet the guy you’ve been crushing on since that one time you pulled an all nighter at the beginning of uni lol
you take note of his pretty stupid email address and take your seat at the back of the class
instead of listening you spend the whole time brainstorming your playlist sdhfhds
as soon as the lecturer dismisses you, you leg it out of the room and to your flat
but in your rush you accidentally run into someone
and by run i mean like you slam into this really cute guy
and you spill his drink lol
they seemed uh… pretty mad but honestly you were in such a rush to get back and sort out the playlist you just opened your bag and gave him a $5 bill to cover the costs lmao
as you walk away you swear you hear a familiar satanic laugh coming from the guy you just ran into but
you chalk it up to you just hearing things
you stay up until midnight sorting out the playlist and brainstorming
after trying to come up with themed playlists and stuff but losing motivation after a while
you decide to roughly follow the structure he uses in his show, funky and louder at the start and gradually getting softer
you put all of your favourite songs in there, and make sure to sprinkle a couple of ones that jaehwan plays regularly in there
and once you’re pleased with the result you send it to the email,, at exactly 11:59
before you know it jaehwans show is starting
“Hello fellow students!! It’s everyone’s favourite midnight dj Kim Jaehwan!! Thank you for all your submissions so far, i’ll be reviewing them tomorrow! For now let's get on with the show!’
you realise straight away the first song hes playing is the one you put first on your playlist
and you’re a bit creeped out but you just think its a coincidence i mean you two have the same music taste
but by the time the 5th song is playing eXACTLY the same as your playlist you realise
he’s literally just playing your playlist
you open up your email again and begin drafting a new email asking for an explanation like really why is he using your playlist??
within seconds you get a reply
“hello;; y/n;; yeah sorry about that you’re the only submission so far… i took a look at the first 3 songs and i decided i trust your choices enough to use your playlist for this show… hope you don’t mind??”
you type a speedy reply because uh oh don’t want jaehwan thinking you’re mad
“hey jaehwan! i don’t mind at all!! does this mean i got the job lol??”
again in the space of 3 seconds you get a reply but this time it’s just two words
“no comment”
the next day you head into uni and you realise all of the posters jaehwan put up for recruiting have been taken down
honestly you’re a bit shook like does he not need a partner any more??
that is until halfway through your day you’re sitting in the library studying when you receive an email from the one and only worlds best dj kim jaehwan
“hey new partner! you’ve officially been recruited! meet me in the cafe in 20 minutes;; here’s my phone number _______!”
the first thing that comes to your mind is what do you save jaehwans number as dsjfgdfjh
you decide on ‘worlds no.1 dj’ and then pack up your work and make your way to the cafe
when you get there you see a guy sitting at a table on his own, looking at his phone suspiciously and sipping on his drink
when you look a bit closer you realise uh oh its the guy you bumped into yesterday don’t get noTICED
but after about 5 minutes of trying to hide from the guy you ran into, you still can’t spot jaehwan so you decide to ring his number
you’re mortified when you see the guy you ran into pick up his phone sjfhjs uh oh
you stay on the line and gradually make your way over to the table he’s at and sit down in the chair opposite him
he is honestly just as shocked as you
“okay y/n i have so many questions first of all why did you give me $5?? why were you in such a hurry?? what is this”
you can’t even process his questions because ok you just fell in love a litttttle bit more
i mean like this guy i mean jaehwan has the cutest cheeks and a really cuTE SMILE and really soft looking fluffy hair oh my god;;;
you’re almost about to grab your phone and call all of your friends like HA i fell in love with someone i’ve never seen and he turned out to be good looking as hell anyway LMAO
when he realises you’re not going to answer his questions he stands up and orders you an iced coffee lol
as he puts it in front of you, you thank him graciously and suddenly blurt out
‘thank you so much honestly i’ve been a fan of yours for a long time and we have the exact same music taste and i really admire you and you’re an amazing singer and musician an-’
‘woah okAY y/n i didn’t hire you just to hear compliments i mean i’m not complaining but you don’t need to thank me lol you have a gift with playlists that's whY i hired you’
he smiles at you really wide and you realise like you had nothing to be so nervous about he’s not got a grudge against you and hes also super nice?? at least he seems it
and so you’re welcomed to the radio family
at first everyone is so confused when your voice appears alongside jaehwan’s at 12am
but after a while everyone is very attached to your shows
you pick amazing songs together, you have gr8 banter and sometimes;; just sometimes you join in singing with jaehwan
after the show he always compliments you on how good you are at singing but tbh he’s so whipped he doesnt know
thats right
jaehwan was interested you from the moment you gave him instant compensation for running into him
and now, after spending all this time with you, he’s just like
so in love
like;; not only do you have mad talent but you also can deal with him and his annoying laugh like lets be honest most of his friends give up after an hour or two
even his best friend the business major minhyun can only handle him for so long lol
but you two are so in tune and theres some sort of connection between you two that words can’t explain;; one that you’ve been feeling for a LONG TIME
it doesn’t help that now there’s mad gossip going around
“that person that djs with jaehwan for the midnight slot?? yeah them i heard they’re dating jaehwan as well lol”
minhyun, who sometimes comes and sits to watch live action midnight slot, has also noticed that you both have pretty obvious feelings for each other
he’s noticed how when you look at jaehwan it’s like you’re looking at the whole damn universe
and how jaehwan can’t help but smile to himself whenever you smile
and he starts up a plan
a plan to convince jaehwan to confess
one night after the slot they walk you back to the dorm together
minhyun feeling like a bit of a third wheel lol
but as soon as you’re safely inside minhyun whispers to jaehwan
‘heyyyy jaehwan…. I know about your crush on y/n’
jaehwan turns briGHT RED
‘haha what do u mean i have no idea what you’re talking about buddy sorry’
‘bro;;; are you blind she likes you back’
nobody has ever seen jaehwan whip out his phone quicker
in a moment of madness he dials your number quicker than lightning and calls you down to the courtyard
minhyun makes his way back to his dorms on his own because he already knows this is too cheesy to watch i mean he could record it for blackmail but jaehwan would probably kill him if he did lol
as soon as you get downstairs with your dressing gown wrapped around you jaehwan kneels down on the floor like romeo-style
‘jaehwan if u have something to say please hurry up my hot chocolate is getting cold-’
‘y/n~~ i have loved you~~ since you gave me five dollars~~ im glad i walked into you~~ or technically you walked into me but still~’
is he really singing his confession? yes. this is jaehwan we are talking about
you’re not sure if it’s because of embarrassment or happiness but you can feel your cheeks heating up
‘jaehwan if this is you asking me to date you, i accept, but please come inside it’s cold lol’
of course he comes in and you share your hot chocolate
from that day on you were the cutest and most EXTRA couple ever
you announce your relationship in the show by playing the cheesiest love songs for an hour
at the end of the year makeshift awards you win the cutest couple award (and jaehwan wins weirdest laugh award, as expected)
you also win best duet award for your daily singing sessions at 1am
all in all you two are super cute and super extra
everyone is jealous but you’re still their fAVE COUPLE
listen i love jaehwan so much okay this made me so soft for jaehwan uGHH anyway i hope you enjoyed and that this wasn’t a disaster lol i’m going to SCHLEEP
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Omg I never knew you wrote spiderman!!! i was like omg??/ Im so happy?? anyway what about if Peter gets a migraine round at the stark tower and he's like 'its only a headache I'll be fine' and... he's not lol @ him
(This is baby’s first Spiderman fic!! There’s been quite a few amazing ones so have my dollar store discount contribution :“) but I love me some Spiderman tbh!! not the longest fic for now bc I haven’t written Peter ever!! Also I’m excited to come back to marvel!!)
Occasionally Peter would feel a little insecure about his place in life; sometimes feeling like he wasn’t quite a part of something as much as everyone else. Of course, he had Ned who he loved very dearly and appreciated, but he wondered sometimes if he was missing out on his teenage years. Sometimes felt excluded and pushed to the shadows, being at the bottom of the High School Hierarchy.
Being the Spiderman gave him a sense of purpose, it made him feel like he was doing something with his life, made him feel good about himself.
It had been a week full of parties he wasn’t invited to, a week of scrolling through his little to no followers instagram trying to study for a Spanish test and seeing fellow classmates with hundreds of likes having fun. So when Tony Stark invited him round to the Stark Tower that weekend for some suit upgrades, Peter was excited.
It was all he was really thinking about, using that as an excuse to get through the horrible week. He had pulled a lot of all nighters trying to study for various tests, and catching up with the Decathlon team to redeem himself for his disappearances, and needless to say he was burned out. He needed this trip to Stark’s more than ever.
"Are you sure you should go to Stark’s like that?” Ned frowned, eyeing up his way too pale friend who had the darkest circles under his eyes, and who was also desperately rubbing at his temples.
“Like what? I’m good, Ned! Look at me, I’m ready to see him,” Peter insisted, clenching his teeth at his pounding headache.
“Did Mr Stark request that he sees you at your absolute worst or am I missing something?” Ned shot back, still very hesitant to let his best friend just take off like this.
Peter rolled his eyes, “I’m fine, dude! Look, I really need this right now.”
Ned sighed, still obviously very concerned, “Just..look after yourself or something. If you die I guess I’ll have to be Spiderman and I can’t do that yet because I’ve got a huge test coming up!”
Peter smirked, “In your dreams, dude! Catch ya later.” He scurried out of the school doors, where he caught sight of Happy’s limo. A wave of excitement rushed through him, momentarily forgetting about his pounding headache and waved enthusiastically at him. Happy waved back boredly, but fondly.
“Wait this shit is real?!” Flash gasped as Peter climbed onto the car and waved proudly at Flash. Happy could only groan as he pulled away, driving off.
“I’m so glad that you picked me up at the front of the school!! Thanks dude!! Now Flash knows this isn’t a fluke!” Peter said excitedly, adrenaline rushing through his body.
Happy huffed fondly, “Well, it is kinda a fluke, you don’t actually have an internship. But I only did that because I want to get out of this car as soon as possible.”
Peter pouted, a sly smile creeping onto his face, “Awh, you just missed me, Happy! Don’t try and hide it! You missed me so much you just couldn’t wait for much longer!”
Happy tried to disguise his smile, and was thankful someone decided to call him. He picked up the phone and answered. As the car quieted down, the adrenaline in Peter’s body lowered and suddenly he became aware of his extreme fatigue once again.
Peter slumped against the car seat, hissing ever so slightly as his head throbbed, a sudden surge of pain in his head. He lifted a hand to his temples, rubbing circles discreetly as not to raise any suspicion.
He closed his eyes as to suspend any possible sensory stimuli. He felt exhausted and drained, weak, lowkey wishing he had listened to Ned. However that stubborn voice inside his head told him otherwise, that this was the right choice. He felt his body relax, begging him desperately to rest for a little bit. He was hesitant, but a few minutes of nodding off while Happy spoke on the phone was totally fine, right?
“Wake up, kid,” Happy’s voice boomed out, causing Peter to jolt awake.
He tensed, looking up to see Happy’s disapproving gaze, smiling sheepishly. He went bright red in shame, realising he must have been asleep the whole trip there.
He cleared his throat awkwardly, pressing his lips together as he climbed out of the car, nearly tripping over his own feet. Letting out a little “whew”, he straightened himself out, and looked up to see the Stark Tower, amazed. He was in awe, the magnificent spectacle never ceasing to cause his jaw to drop.
“Alright kid, stop gawking and get inside,” Happy chuckled softly, although he was extremely concerned, watching with furrowed eyebrows as the teenager ran inside the tower. He cleared his throat, knowing something was wrong.
As Peter and Happy escalated through the lift, his headache, which now was surely a migraine, begin to intensify, a sharp paining throbbing in his head. Peter let out a tiny grunt of discomfort, eyes squeezing shut for a few seconds in pain. In those few seconds he missed Happy’s concerned glance.
Once the elevator doors reopened Peter stepped out, eyes twinkling with delight as he saw all the advanced tech around him. He walked around slowly, trying to walk as straight as possible due to his dizziness. He hoped he was convincing, but deep down he knew he was was not walking straight at all.
“Don’t break anything,” Happy warned, jokingly.
“I’ll try! Can I touch though?!” He said excitedly.
“Absolutely not,” Tony’s voice rang out from across the room, making his presence known and strutting out in full designer suit.
Peter flushed bright red, chuckling nervously, “Totally a joke!!”
Tony raised an eyebrow fondly, “Yes, of course it was, Pete.”
“So! What do you need me to do? Do you need me to demonstrate anything?” Peter asked with as much enthusiasm as he could, wanting to make the most of this experience and prove himself Tony. In reality, he was declining in energy levels fast and all he wanted to do was curl up and rest. He did a twirl in the air to try and show off his eagerness, but only resulted in his head spinning rapidly, the room spinning like he was on some amusement park ride. It was like his Earth was tilting, causing him to stumble slightly.
Tony raised an eyebrow, “Nice going, prima ballerina.”
Peter blushed again to which Tony frowned, “Also, aren’t ballerinas meant to be all prim and pretty? You aren’t looking too hot, Peter.”
Peter’s eyes widened, “Uh, I just..had a long day at school! Is all!”
“Hmm,” Tony replied and began to walk towards another room, “follow me then, Swan Lake.”
Peter nodded, carefully following Tony, trying to keep his balance and not trip over and break something and lose the suit forever. He entered Stark’s lab, eyes lighting up with awe and wonder.
“Woah,” he whispered, eyes twinkling with delight and excitement.
“Woah indeed,” Tony remarked, heading to one of his most recent developments and beginning to demonstrate.
Peter tried his absolute best to listen to him, because he wanted to, he really did. Normally he’d be all ears, sucking in information like a vacuum. This was Stark Industries tech for gods sake, one of the most advanced tech of their generation.
As Tony continued to explain the science behind his invention coolly, Peter began to get extremely frustrated. His brain wasn’t fully processing the information, cutting out bits, concentration wavering as his migraine continued to intensify. He clenched his teeth, hoping the pain would just subside for a little bit so he could actually listen to Mr Stark.
As Peter forced his senses to cooperate with him, he found that his head hurt even more. His vision began to blur and fade in and out, blinking rapidly as a futile attempt to correct his impaired vision. His spidey senses were going haywire.
“Peter, are you having trouble keeping up?” Tony said, interrupting himself from his little lecture.
Peter shook his head, “No Mr Stark, of course not.”
As he forced himself to process information, his brain was desperately trying to reject it, overloaded and overwhelmed. There was a finite amount of energy left in Peter before the migraine would eventually win. As his senses were overwhelmed, so was his migraine, and the agonising pain reached a peak.
A shooting, burning pain tormented his head, so harsh and unforgiving Peter couldn’t help the hiss and groan of anguish ripping out of his throat.
“Peter?” Tony exclaimed.
His entire body was wracked with this overwhelming pain as his knees began to buckle, giving out, feeling himself begin to fall when Tony was at his side. Tony held him tightly so he wouldn’t fall, his grasp firm and reassuring.
“Peter, what’s wrong?” He asked calmly, trying to keep a level head in this situation. It became clear to Peter that Tony knew something was up all along.
“My head hurts so much,” Peter whimpered into Tony’s side, teeth clenched.
Tony gave him a sympathetic look, sighing softly as he called out, “Happy? Go get the medicine and stuff, I’m taking Peter to his room.”
Tony picked the teenager up effortlessly, as Peter struggled to stay conscious, lights flickering in and out. The older man exited his lab, heading towards a room already made elegantly and laid him down onto the bed. Peter’s muscles relaxed as his skin came into contact with the soft, luxurious mattress and blanket.
Happy entered the room, saying something inaudible to Tony as the room started to fade into darkness.
“I’m sorry Mr Stark,” Peter whimpered softly as he lost consciousness.
Peter woke up groggily to a night sky by his window and Tony flicking the lights open. His heart a lot less, with only a few remaining remnants of the pain.
“How are you feeling?” Tony asked as he approached the teenager.
“Better,” Peter croaked, sitting up weakly as he rubbed his eyes. He tried to calm down the bedhead he was sure he had; but knew he was not too successful at that. Tony sat down at the edge of his bed, sighing as he passed Peter some aspirin and a glass of water.
Peter gulped down the glass of water, trying to distract himself from the feeling of guilt and shame ridden in his chest. “What time is it?”
“6:30,” Tony replied, inhaling deeply, a sure sign that he was about to lecture him.
“Pete, if you wanna be the Spiderman, you gotta start looking after yourself. Your no use to the civilians if you’re not well, you need to learn to take care of yourself more and know your boundaries. Hiding stuff doesn’t help anyone, you, me, the innocent people you want to save..It’s not convincing either,” Tony started.
“Happy texted me that you were sick the second you fell asleep in the car, I was hoping that you would give in and tell the truth once you got here. Pushing yourself when it’s not necessary isn’t the way to–Peter?” Tony came to a halt as a very light and quiet sniffling sound resonated from the teenager.
Peter cried quietly, aggressively trying to wipe away the tears he was unwillingly shedding. He tried to repress the sounds of his tiny sobs, feeling pathetic and weak.
Tony’s eyes softened, heart breaking as he inched closer to the boy, “Hey, c'mon man, what’s up?”
Peter shook his head violently, unable to stop himself from the little hiccups and never ending tears. He turned away from him, not wanting him to see him like this.
Tony sighed softly, “Pete, did you not hear anything I just said there? My whole lecture about not hiding things? Bottling up emotions is the same situation–you can’t do that shit. It doesn’t work–trust me, I would know.”
Peter sniffled, voice shaky, “..I just..I’m really angry at myself I guess..I wanted this to be special because nothing in my normal life is ever really special and everyone else seems to be having so much fun..they all seem so happy..and I’m lucky because I have Ned and some people have no one but still I know everyone looks down on me and I just wanted to prove myself–”
Tony interrupted him, “Is anyone bullying you? Who’s bullying you? Tell me–”
Peter shook his head, “No, Mr Stark. No ones..I just..i guess it’s more of a me thing..I feel like I’m just on the outside watching everyone living their lives and being teenagers and I’m just..not capable of that I guess. I feel so stupid and useless all the time like nothing I ever do is important or means anything..and I guess I just wanted this Spiderman thing because it gives me purpose and..maybe I am nothing without this suit, I don’t–”
“Peter, stop this at once. You have proven yourself worthy of that suit on numerous occasions, all those things you’re saying about yourself is not true,” Tony interrupted, his voice firm and genuine.
Peter stayed quiet, wiping away at his tears, the sight way too heartbreaking for Tony.
“Oh for..c'mere,” Tony said, opening his arms.
Peter widened his eyes, “Y-you mean..”
Tony smiled, “I’m not just opening the door for you this time.”
Peter practically tacked Tony into a hug, wrapping his arms around him as he sobbed quietly. Tony sighed, rubbing the teenager’s back sweetly, trying to offer this kid reassurance and care.
“I felt like you too once, you know,” Tony said softly.
“..Y-you? Really?”
Tony chuckled, “Yes I did. Sure, I was Howard Stark’s son, but I always felt left out and excluded growing up. I felt like I couldn’t just be a teenager, you know? It’s bullshit when people say your teenage years are the best years, there’s still a lot coming for you, Pete.”
Peter giggled through his tears, feeling a lot better, a whole weight lifting off his shoulders.
Tony rubbed his back soothingly, smiling, “We are going to have a good weekend, Pete. I promise you.”
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superpotatesme00 · 8 years
(Pidgance Fanfic) by AIR
Sorry for the wait :(
Read: [Previous] || [Next] || [AO3 Link]
Becoming Aware
Chapter 3/4:
Pigeons Fly Away If You Chase Them.
Hunk was in the kitchen as usual. He was mixing up another new recipe with a level of enthusiasm that would kill a nonfood lover. His apron was tied neatly in the back and he was so methodical in his preparation that you wouldn’t have thought he studied at the Garrison but instead at some high-end culinary school. Sadly, Hunks enthusiasm only affected himself rather than have any affect on the people around him. Next to him leaned a tall lanky boy whose blue eyes were lost in daydream.
“Hey, Hunk. Am I gross?” The question left Lance’s lips as he turned away and leaned his lower back on the counter.
Hunk was a bit taken aback by the question. He didn’t stop what he was doing but instead simply arched his brows. Lance’s comment was…well unexpected.
“What??? Why would you think that Lance?” Lance stayed gazing at the ceiling as Hunk placed the meow chow in the oven.
“Well I mean, like- Pidge, has been all like…She’s been avoiding me.” Lance turned to face Hunk. “I was just wondering if like, ya know… She thinks I’m gross or something…”
Hunk eye’s turned to meet Lance’s. His face seemed desperate. He was confused and his eyes prayed that his own assumption was wrong. It was rare to see Lance this way. He was usually a confident guy. Painfully confident. So much so that it sucked the energy out of those around him. Hunk put down his mittens and quickly attempted to uplift his best friend’s mood.
“No no, Pidge has always been like that Lance-“
“AW QUIZZNACK! I mean WHO AM I KIDDING! Who would ever think this beautiful masterpiece is gross?! (*scoff*) Holy crow! I mean look at me dude I’m freaking gorgeous!”
Hunk closed his mouth. Yep, there he is.
“Whatever dude! I mean Pidge is probably just intimidated by my dashing good looks and jealous of my skills! Hahahha I mean, they don’t call me the “best shot” for nuthin! Why ELSE would she be avoiding me? Uhuh huh yeah that’s it!” Lance nodded in alliance with himself.
Hunk kept a straight face with his lips in a grim line.
“But Pidge is like a total genius Lance. I mean sure she isn’t as strong as us but hey what does she have to be jealous about?”
Lance hadn’t ended his rant. He continued to pace around, eye closed, with his thumb resting underneath his chin as he nodded along with his own outspoken thoughts.
He suddenly stopped mid-pace.
“A genius huh…? Well I mean that’s…true…But it’s not cool that bushy brows keeps avoiding me man! It’s like I'm not good enough to be ‘round her!? We’re supposed to be a team! And her telling me she’s a “girl” isn’t gonna change that!”
“Wait. Who said anything about her being a girl?”
“Huh? Wha-Nevermind…” Lance waved a hand in front of his face to swat away his mumbling.
“Well, I don't know dude…it’s not like she thinks she’s is better than us, just that she’s never been keen on being part of our team. Even back at the Garrison she…-”
“WELL IM NOT HAVING IT HUNK! She is part of the team!” Even if Keith’s included…”
Hunk couldn’t help but think that Pidge, although a girl, had never had any problems with any one else in the team. She kept to her self mostly but got along just fine with everyone else. She was fully capable of having a good laugh with any of them.  And yet, with Lance she was particularly distant from…
He just has this way of always being in your personal space…affectionately of course.
A bulb lit up in Hunk’s head and he rested his fist in his palm.
“Why dontcha’ hang out with her Lance! I’m sure if you guys bonded and stuff she’d be bound to notice how cool you are!”
Lance twirled around to lean his elbows on the counter, keeping his hand on his chin.
“Bonding eh…?” He scrunched his face and pouted his lip as he contemplated the idea.
Suddenly he stretched over the counter and aggressively pulled Hunk closer by the shoulders.
The blue paladin instantly leapt away and ran for the door so quickly that he almost slipped turning the corner.
“No plans tonight big guy! We’re pulling an all-nighter!”
Hunk stood dumbfounded until he frantically remembered his meow chow was still in the oven.
Pidge had never been more terrified in her life. She’d seen her family announced missing on the news, flown in a strange space lion with Lance at the wheel, and also fought head-on with a 10,000 year old conquerer of the universe. But for some reason having the long legs of a flirty self-proclaimed casanova persistently follow you around, made all the blood drain from her face.
It started out with her just going about her day, the same as usual…
Fresh showers in the morning were always a great way to sooth the small and stressed Pidge. Ever since THAT day she hadn’t been able to get Lance out of her mind. She tried desperately to kick him out of her thoughts, but the conversation with Allura the day before triggered even more images of that dork’s face.
This morning’s practice was significantly more laid-back than usual. Especially because, just by sheer luck, Lance had slept in and missed practice. He did however show up all prim and ready for breakfast, only to hear a mouthful of “Space Dad’s” lectures. Pidge usually would’ve thoroughly enjoyed hearing Lance get put on the spot by Shiro, but she preferred to not even make the slightest eye contact with him.
Now, safely in her room, she lightly sat on the side of her bed and rubbed her hair with the towel to dry it off. She closed her eyes for a second to relax until a sudden hint of a familiar blue popped in her head. She furiously rubbed of her head with the towel and without even bothering removing it, turned angrily to grab her laptop. She yanked it open. Her eyes glared at a series of confusing images that only a tech junky like Pidge could recognize as schematics and diagnostics.
“(*sigh~*) ok.” Her laptop instantly cooled off her sizzling annoyance as she found an overwhelming feeling of comfort in her tech work.
A quaint smile formed on her lips and she began typing new codes to further trace coordinates that possibly held the locations of her brother and father. She reached for her green headphones, that had previously been under Lance’s care. She was stretching them over her ears when she suddenly picked up on a strange noise. She slid the headphones down to her neck and looked around to find the source. It sounded like heavy shuffling in the vents. She lost interest and simply brushed it off as the mice playing around in the air ducts.
Well, whatever.
She shrugged and fit the headphones in place.
Unbeknownst to her, the shuffling continued. It moved around shifting over to right above her bed. Down below, Pidge continued to work schematics while listening to her favorite playlist. The shuffling continued. Quiet creaking hummed in response to the movement above. Unfortunately, the ceiling would not be strong enough to hold the weight of whatever was in there and suddenly burst open dropping it’s contents on top of Pidge with full force. 
Pidge had been deaf to her surroundings, so when the blunt weight of a falling body struck her and yanked her headphones off, she couldn’t help but be bit terrified.
“Well, that did NOT go as planned…”
“…” Pidge stayed motionless, afraid to move even a millimeter.
“Sorry about that-“ He propped him self up.
It took him less than a second to process that he was pinned on top of a freshly showered Pidge, on her bed, and with a face so red he couldn’t help but think she was cute.
“Are you ok Pidge?” He tried to keep his cool but soon lost all sense of rationality.
She smells good…
Almost instinctively he reached out his hand, but quickly stifled the desire by awkwardly scrambling up off of her. He sat at the far end of her bed. He neatly folded his legs underneath him trying to make himself appear smaller and hide his red face of embarrassment. Now 2 red faced idiots sat in the room.
“Oh! Uh…I-uh are you trying to find your brother?” Lance desperately tried to change the subject in attempts to erase what had just happened.
“Matt.” Pidge sat up and held an empty stare at Lance. Or maybe at the laptop next to him?
“Y-yeah! Matt! Your brother and dad.” He watched as Pidge got up, slid on her slippers and was now reaching for her laptop. She was quiet as she shut her screen she hugged it under an arm and walked towards the door.
“Wha-Wait Pidge…Where are you-?” He leapt over to the sliding door as he watched the small green paladin speed walk out of sight without saying a word.
You’d think he would’ve given up there. But, you’d be wrong. So horribly wrong.
Lance was a stubborn one.
For the next few hours, all Pidge could hear was that idiots voice reverberating through her head and the castle walls. Wherever she went, his voice followed.
“Yo Pidge!” From behind her as she was leaving the bathroom. “Hey Shorty!!” While she was shifting through the laundry room. “What up GIRL!!!” Coming from underneath the couch as she sat in the common room. “HOLA  AMIGA!!!!” All the way from the other side of the training deck. “PIDGE!!!!!” Running after her as she desperately escaped through the castle corridors.
Finally Pidge snapped.
Coran couldn’t help but stare at green paladin who was furiously banging her hands on her keyboard. He was in the main deck just s happened to be curiously flipping through all the security cameras when Keith noticed the same commotion.
“Woah. Wha’t up with her?”
“Mmm.” Coran shook his head as he shrugged. “Maybe she ate a bad swail gumblr?”
“A swale- what?” Keith rarely understood half of the things Coran said.
Pidge was now comfortably alone in the green lion’s landing deck. She furiously typed away and hummed happily to the music playing through her head phones. She was ecstatic. Not only because she was getting time to do her usual tech work, but also because she was enjoying the much needed “me time” that up till now had been completely uninterrupted by Lance. A couple hours had passed since he had chased after her and she couldn’t help but smile at the thought that he had FINALLY given up.
Her enthusiasm quickly took over her as she set down her laptop and started singing along to music playing in her ears. Obviously, Pidge was short. It was a fact. But she also had funny habit of climbing onto things. Whether it be to reach things or not, it mostly was for her to feel taller. As she danced along and sang to her music she found her self enthusiastically climbing onto her lion. The clattering of her climbing caught the attention of a passerby. Keith was eating some of Hunk’s meow chow and just so happened to walk by the open door of the landing deck. He stopped short, mid-chew to see a tiny body triumphantly sitting atop the green lion perfectly rapping the lyrics of Eminem’s “Rap God”.
Keith’s stared blankly, internally questioning everything he knew to be true. He decided it would be best to ignore what he had just seen. But as he walked away he wouldn’t help but mull over how much that song really suited her.
After Pidge’s self-promoting concert she came to her senses and climbed off of her lion. She was trying to fall back into her work flow but a clutter of thoughts filled her head. Lance was a hopeless idiot but when she thought about it, she couldn’t deny the fact that he was attractive.
Wait. Actually…aren’t ALL of them pretty good looking…I mean, there’s Shiro, Keith, Lance, and even Hunk…
“Why are they all so hot?” The words unconsciously left her lips.
Damn. That’s like…really annoying. Yeah, nope. Never telling anyone that.
Especially, Lance.
Out of nowhere, Pidge felt her left head phone begin to lift up.
“Found you~” The whisper sent a shiver down her spine.
Pidge let out a yelp and nearly dropped her laptop, only to turn and see the green parka of a Lance.
“WAT THE QUIZZNACK LANCE!? I NEARLY HAD A HEART ATTACK!!!” She clenched her chest as all the adrenaline pumped through her system.
“Haha lighten up Pidge!” Lance smiled widely and leaned his weight casually to one side.
“Lighten up my ass!” She shot him a glare that made him flinch a bit.
“Sorry, sorry.”
Pidge looked away and focused back on the keyboarded while mumbling with discontent.
Lance stood behind her, leaning over slightly to see what she was doing. He couldn't help but notice that she still smelled like shampoo as it radiated out from the nap of her neck to her fluffy hair.
“So…Are you not gonna avoid me?” He braced for his inevitable rejection.
“(*sigh*) No. I figured if you’ve kept it up this long, what’s the point in avoiding you.” Pidge kept her eyes on her screen, not once looking back at Lance as she typed.
“That so???” Lance couldn’t help but form a goofy grin.
Pidge could hear Lance’s shuffling a bit as he sat on the floor. Out of the corner of her screen she could see that Lance was sitting criss cross, just 5 feet behind her, with his arms extended in front of him resting on his shoes. His eyes scanned the room and hovered over the green lion for a second before returning back to Pidge again. He swayed a bit, which was to be expected since Lance was the kind of guy that couldn’t sit still. She watched him intently from the reflection of her screen. She couldn’t help but giggle a bit at the child-like behavior and his dopey face that left his mouth slightly opened.
The giggle caught Lance’s interest and he eagerly scooted a bit closer to Pidge causing her back to stiffen slightly.
“Whatcha doing? I saw you with all those crazy looking codes on your laptop earlier. What were they called again? Schematics…???”
“Uh… Yeah actually!” Pidge was pleasantly surprised by Lance’s knowledge. She couldn’t help but smile a bit.
“Other than using my software to scan coordinates and locate my family, I’ve also been working on new upgraded features I can add to my lion-“
She turned a bit to face Lance and noticed that although he did not fully understand what she was saying, he nodded and had a glimmer of curiosity and kept his attention focused on her. Lance usually never paid much attention to the tech stuff she talked about but having him sit there so willingly was incredibly refreshing to her.
“Want me to show you how it works???” She enthusiastically kept the conversation going.
Pidge went on a small spiel of the specifics in how the programming worked and how to implement its uses. Occasionally Lance would lift a quizzical brow when he didn’t understand, but having him let her explain it even more kept her on a roll. Not once did Lance’s face shift to that of boredom or disinterest. Instead, Pidge couldn’t help but think of how cute his curiosity was to her…All the while she spoke, not for a single moment did she feel flustered. But, that probably had to do with the safe distance she had from Lance.
“Holy crow Pidge! This is some fancy stuff! I wish I could do that to Blue! It’d probably take me years though haha!”
“Well I mean if you REALLY want to know I’d be down to teach you.” Pidge wasn’t one to normally offer help and was even a bit surprised by her sudden comment.
Lance was also baffled and before Pidge was consumed with embarrassment the blue paladin’s face lit up.
“Yeah? Well, here look at this.” Pidge blushed a little and turned back to her laptop to demonstrate some specifics to the curious teenager.
“Hmm, what? You mean that?”
Pidge’s left side tingled as Lance shortened the distance between them so much that his warm breath burned her left ear. Unfortunately, that safe guard of personal space was no longer there and Pidge couldn’t help but feel overly conscious of him again. She became internally flustered and forcefully pushed his face away.
“HEY! Watch do THAT for?!” Lance rubbed his cheek that had been practically slapped.
“Too close.” She tried to maintain composure but could feel herself writhing in a bubble of embarrassment.
Calm down. Calm down.
Pidge kept her eyes down but could still see Lance rubbing his face through her peripheral.
Geez, why’d she do that?
When Lance finally put his had down it landed on the once borrowed headphones. The slightest sound could be heard from them and he picked it up to see just what kind of music Pidge here listened to.
“Aw man! I never took you for an Eminem kinda girl!”
Pidge was pulled out from her panic by Lance’s words. She turned to see him humming along to the single headphone he had pressed on his ear.
“Why do you say that?”
“Oh! Well I mean…it’s not that I don't think it suits you, just that I took you for more of a classical listening kinda genius…”
“Classical?? Pfft~! That’s like what my DAD would listen to dude! I mean sure classical is relaxing but when i’m working I need more “oomph" in my song choices!” Pidge snickered uncontrollably before falling back to lean on her arms.
“More “oomph” huh…? Let me correct that then: Eminem totally suits a techie like you.” Lance pulled a smolder and Pidge couldn’t tell if was joking or not, but regardless she liked his conclusion.
“Damn right it does!” She straightened up and smiled confidently.
Ya know…If it’s just Lance, alone…it’s actually pretty fun.
“Oh my! You’ve certainly outdone yourself Hunk! These crispy bite sized sweets you whipped up are absolutely delicious! Tastes just like my mother old morflort cakes!” Coran twirled around as he held a plate and mouth full of Hunks earlier baked meow chow.
“Yeah? I feel that the batter whipping is really what gives it good zest and texture!”
“Amazing ability as always Number 2! You must show me your recipe!”
“A chef’s secrets are never revealed- Actually, Coran, what’s up with you mustache???” Hunk couldn’t help but point out the strangely braided tails resting on the Altean’s lip.
“Oh this! Well actually Princess Alurra did it for me! Isn’t it magnificent? It brings out my eyes!”
“Yeah…It actually kinda does!” Hunk squinted at the ginger’s mustache.
“Coran, have you seen Pidge?” Allura turned the corner with a head covered in wildly inconsistent braids that were probably done by the mice again.
“Maybe with Lance? I hope it’s they’re ok though, Pidge has been acting pretty weird lately…”
“Oh! Funny that you mention that, just earlier I was observing the lion’s decks and Pidge was as angry as a wild Zworbisk!”
Allura couldn’t help but let out an awkward laugh in attempts to keep them from figuring out what was going on between the two paladins.
“A-ah-ha ha…I’m sure it is nothing…!” She forced a smile that seemed to be completely off putting to both Hunk and Coran. They both raised a distrustful brow.
Allura desperately searched her mind for a change of subject.
“A-aah…Actually! I was thinking about asking all of you to play a game with me! Since we have some free time and it would be beneficial to the team’s dynamic!” Allura cursed herself for stuttering.
“A game? What kinda game did you have in mind???” Hunk was all ears for something fun to do.
“u-Um…in Altea we called it Filhae S’qire!”
“What’s that???”
“Well my talented chef, essentially you have one player who has a set limit of ticks to find all of the other hidden players!” Coran caressed his mustache as he explained to the yellow paladin.
“Oh! So like Hide-and-Seek!”
“Yes? But, Alurra, do you think they can handle the game???”
“Of course! I used to play it as a child! I’m sure that the paladins of Voltron will have no difficulty whatsoever!”
Hunk smiled brightly, excited at the idea.
“Great! I’ll go get the others- Wait, what do you mean ‘do you think they can handle it’…”
THANK YOU FOR READING! Stay tuned for Chapter 4/5! :D
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