#i really hope this helped! please feel welcome to come into my inbox with whatever
Arcana Brainrot: Blog Rules, Posting Schedule, Masterlists, Playlist, & Requests/Mini prompts Guidelines
Come chat on the Discord server!
INBOX STATUS: closed to requests, open for everything else!
Thursdays: open all day to all requests! Sundays (temporary): open for drabbles All other days: closed to requests, open for everything else!
Please read request guidelines (below the masterlists) and check if requests are open before sending one! Requests periodically open for a 24-hour window announced in advance. If you specifically want yours to be written as a mini- or full- sized prompt, feel free to specify! I do my best to write what I can, but I can't guarantee all requests will get written :) Comments and feedback are always welcome!
I don't think it needs to be said but hate isn't welcome here. Of any kind.
Please also keep in mind that this blog is PG-13, so whatever comments you make on it will likely be seen by minors. I take their safety seriously, so if there's anything grossly X rated in the comments (I don't see why there should be) I will delete it. If you continue to comment things like that you will be blocked :)
With my older brother rant out of the way, please enjoy the results of me trying to cope with an endless Vesuvian obsession :D
Posting Schedule
Saturdays: headcanons! Sundays: answering asks (& maybe some rambles?) Mondays: headcanons! Tuesdays: answering asks (& maybe some shitposts?) Wednesdays: Vesuvia Weekly Thursdays & Fridays: rest
MASTERLISTS: oldest to newest, I'll do my best to update as I post.
Because of the link limit for posts, you can find the masterlist for all full headcanons below:
The Arcana HCs : Brainrot's Masterlist
The Arcana HCs : Brainrot's Masterlist, Pt 2
And here is the masterlist for all my mini-prompts, answered ask arcana style:
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Brainrot's Masterlist
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Brainrot’s Masterlist, Pt 2
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Brainrot's Masterlist, Pt 3
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Brainrot's Masterlist, Pt 4
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Brainrot's Masterlist, Pt 5
A masterlist for drabbles, with an explanation at the top for how they work!
The Arcana Drabbles: Explanation and Masterlist
All the recipes posted by the originals devs from the Arcana universe, with pictures of my own creation attempts and descriptions of how it went!
The Arcana Food
Worldbuilding/character analysis essays ^.^ (not a comprehensive list atm, unfortunately)
The Arcana Essays: Brainrot's Masterlist
Vesuviella: my first fanfic. don't get your hopes up (updated sporadically)
Summary: Julian decided to write his own version of Cinderella to be performed in the Community Theatre, and then recruited MC to help him cast the rest of the M6 in the leading roles. Chaos ensues. (There is no determined love interest, MC is friends with the M6 and M6 are all thirsty for MC.)
Vesuviella: All Parts
Arcana Brainrot Playlist: a compilation of all character song suggestions in one Spotify playlist, kept up to date!
Arcana Brainrot Playlist (Spotify)
Arcana Brainrot Playlist (YouTube)
Generally, I pick from what's in my asks and write what sparks inspiration. If there's an idea you'd really like to see written, you're welcome to message me directly about it! ^.^
I don't write about toxic/abusive relationships or dynamics between MC and the M6 (I get the appeal, I'm not judging, but it's not for me)
I don't write for M6 x M6 ships - side character ships are on the table, though!
All of my work is PG-13. (yes to romantic/sensual themes and references to painful experiences, no to explicit matter or glorified violence/pain/death/toxicity)
I'm willing to do research for topics I'm not familiar with, but there are plenty of things I can't write about just because I haven't lived it and I know an hour of research wouldn't be enough to be accurate (and respecting other people's experiences is important)
I am unfortunately very familiar with what it's like to have trauma/mental illnesses. That said, while I'm very happy to explore how that impacts MC and their relationships, there are some prompts I may take a very long time to do or just not write at all because they would mess me up
In general, keeping the prompt relatively short (a sentence to a paragraph) helps me organize them better! The same goes for asks sent with a visible blog - if I have questions, I can reach out to you for more details! ^.^
Both my asks and messages are open because I love hearing from new people! If you abuse that you will be blocked :)
All of the above points have reasons for them, and are therefore subject to change. If you have an idea that you'd really like to see and you're not sure about, just message me! I can either tell you why I can't do it or I can make an exception depending on the case
(I don't do drama on my page, but these are some posts that provide transparency and accountability for some of the things I've been caught up in)
To the Arcana Fandom, From Brainrot
An update on Rai/Kip
A little note about Dorian
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graylinesspam · 6 months
Alright, I'm only going to address this situation one time so listen up.
I made a silly little headcannon post not even 24 hours ago that has apparently stirred up a lot of feelings in the DC Batman fandom. It doesn't even have 200 notes yet and I've received a lot of negative feedback on it.
which I almost want to say is fine? Like you're more than welcome to disagree with me, whatever. Especially when it comes to DC characters who are some of the most mischaracterized by their own source material of any characters in existence. Rebloging with full essays including comic panels citing why I am wrong is a bit unnecessary, I don't usually engage with fandom discourse so I don't love to have it on my post but I'll let it go since it isn't really inappropriate just kinda unwelcome. It's a part of fandom, it's whatever.
But I am actually having to address it specifically because I've received five anonymous asks in my inbox since last night that have all been a lot more hostile than the people who've attached their usernames to their disagreements. One of which actually had suicide baiting in it. I deleted the first three after receiving that ask because I was just freaking out and kinda hoping they would go away. Again I never interact with discourse so I'm not really sure how to deal with this. But I've received two more asks today and I'm really not willing to deal with this at all anymore.
I didn't realize I needed to add a "don't like don't read" warning to a stupid tumblr post but It is never appropriate to send hate mail anonymously to another blog. We need to remember first the rules of "is it true, is it kind, is it helpful?" for the people asking me if I'm illiterate or if I've ever read a batman comic before. And for the rest of you; this is a reminder that you are in control of you're own online experience. There's a block button right there; use it liberally.
I have never been treated so disrespectfully in a fandom space before and I regularly hang around in the Star Wars fandom. It is a sad fucking day when you behave worse than star wars fans. And for the crime of mischaracterization of all thing? Like you'd have thought I said something morally offensive with the way people were judging my character.
I don't know; I'm rambling. I don't know what else to say about this except just Stop. And also my ask box will be closed until further notice.
(Also blanket statement not to harass anyone else on that post on my behalf. Not that I have enough followers to need to worry about that, but seriously guys, just behave like adults please.)
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chiyoso · 7 months
I feel so nauseous. I feel like puking so bad but I can't. The feeling is horrible and all I'm doing is being in this fetus position until the feeling goes away. I can't eat or drink. Everything's smelling like shit, and I can't make myself eat without feeling like puking after. WJDHHEKWIEJGENWKEK I HATE THIS SO MUCH OH MY GODDD ☹️
anyways, I came over to your inbox to say hi and I missed talking to you. Tumblr has been a bitch for deleting my draft and i don't feel like writing after wasting my time on that draft Tumblr deleted 😞
but anyways, I hope you're well! <3
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hearing you struggle like that makes me feel helpless too hngh, i'm no expert, but i really want to help you—try eating foods that's similar to oatmeal, or porridge in small amounts, even you feel like puking, strictly stop, don't drink water immediately after too, just take a moment to calm whatever's brewing inside, then if you feel like its safe to consume again, eat by miniscule amounts. you need to eat, you have to, and water is good yes, but consuming large amounts will result in your stomach acting up again.
if you can finish that type of dish, include something that requires chewing. i don't know what sort of problem you're dealing with, but remember, things that highten your iron and would benefit you. DON'T EAT HEAVY. at least not yet, only when you feel better and can handle the previous foods i mentioned, got that?
from my own good experiences, being sick makes me feel really damn isolated and lonely, even when people are near or just at the other room, there's this feeling of complete loneliness, and i hope you haven't been feeling that way... if so, please come here and talk to me, a lot if you so wish, my asks is always welcome for you, yua ♡ i love you, i genuinely hope you feel better soon wanderer :((
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lollybliz · 4 years
Uhh, Anon confession/plea for advice I guess? Around the start of the year I joined this amazing group of people! And we became super close; Like found-family close. The thing is- I recently only turned 12 and I feel so bad for deceiving them and they have a right to know but I don't want to upset them either. So it's just a constant cycle of lies and guilt. Do I tell them and leave? I'm worried that I'll ruin everything for them. Thanks for listening 💛
heya duckling. you really got yourself into an interesting fix here, eh? I’m not the best person to come to for this sort of problem, unfortunately. i would probably suggest a therapist if you have one but ultimately its kinda between you and your friends. i’ll do my best though!
The most important thing to figure out, I think, is why you felt the need to keep your age from them in the first place. are they very much older than you? do you feel safe around them? you dont every have to tell anyone your age, except doctors and the like, if you dont want to- no one can force you to share personal information. but why you chose to keep your youth to yourself could help determine how to handle this situation now. for sure we want you to be free of the guilt, whatever that takes. a cycle of guilt is an awful thing to be stuck in and i wouldnt wish it on anyone.
if you dont feel safe with these friends, regardless of their age, i would suggest you leave the group. you dont owe anyone an explanation, you dont need to excuse yourself, you wouldnt need to apologize. i doubt thats the problem you’re experiencing but i wanted to cover that just in case. you never ever have to participate in a friend group that is hurting or scaring you to make them feel better about themselves. you deserve to be happy and safe too, duckling.
if you do feel safe with them, then you’ve got some thinking to do. do you want to tell them your age or do you feel obligated? i will say again: no one can force you to share personal information. if you dont feel safe sharing, if you feel you’re not in a good position to share, heck, if you just dont want to, you never have to unless its medical staff or in rare circumstances legal authorities. if you want to tell them, consider the timing. maybe its classic to make announcements with an @/everyone and all that but maybe you’d be more comfortable saying it quietly at 2am and waiting for them to find it. think about what method and timing would make you the most comfortable. personally, i dont think you need to apologize or acknowledge any ‘lie’ if or when you reveal your age because keeping it secret wasnt really a lie and was well within your rights. you say in your ask that they have a right to know but like, no, not really. its personal information. if they’re much older than you or including you in chats and servers that are inappropriate for you thats another issue but its a lot like sharing your name, it can make people feel very uncomfortable to reveal something that important and thats fair.
if you want to tell them but arent doing it out of a sense of obligation, if you have a method you like for telling them, if you’ve thought of a time and a place that you’re comfortable with, then i would suggest trying to go through with it, as i think ‘coming clean’, for lack of a better term, is the best way to alleviate your guilt cycle. i cant promise things wont be a little weird for awhile as your friends find new boundaries and figure out a way to respect your youth while not treating you like a baby. things will be weird. if some of your group is on the older end they might wig out just a little and go overly mother hen on you. if you’ve been let into adult spaces by accident somebody is going to worry about that. everyone might be a little awkward for a little while as they overreact to the new information. but if they really are like a found family to you, they’ll fall back into a comfortable system shortly and everything will settle into a new normal. new information and changes are always weird and confusing and sometimes complicated, but the people who love you will figure it out and find a way to give you the respect and care you deserve.
so TLDR, only tell them if you feel safe and want to because you do not need to, its private personal information and no, they dont have a right to it. if you do tell them, be prepared for a little awkward for a few days, maybe a week, as they figure out what your youth means in relation to their actions around you. and if they really care about you, they’ll figure it out. 
i have a little sister who’s 10 years younger than me. my relationship with her is very different from my relationship with the sister who’s only 2 years younger than me, and my relationship with her equally young friends is wildly different from my relationship with my own peers. that being said, i do not believe it is impossible to be a friend to someone young. i think that that sort of situation is a bit case by case, and complicated, but not impossible. my best friend when i was 9 was a ninety-two year old lady from our church named Miss Dolly, and i miss her dearly. if you feel safe around your friends, if they’re good people, i think you’ll be just fine. i think they might be surprised, i think You might be surprised if they’d already guessed, but i dont think they’ll be really upset, and i dont think you could ‘ruin everything’. you’re gonna be ok little ducky. im proud of you for reaching out, and i hope everything goes super well and you wonder what you were ever worried about!
(for whatever reason it wont let me tag this, i’ll edit in tags in a moment)
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
heyyyooo!! I saw your post about you posting again, and I hope it's ok if I ask for a comfort post with all the obey me characters you write for
can you write an x reader where reader just sits down next to them one day, sighs and expresses how tired they are and explain that they're just barely hanging on by a thread and they're also on the verge of a mental breakdown.
and maybe have the character look at MC in absolute horror because MC always bottles up their emotions and theyve never outwardly told anyone how they actually feel.
( also, I'm so sorry if this doesnt make sense. )
oh um could MC talk really softly about their emotions?
anon asked: Hello! I hope your doing well. May I request OM bros reacting to gn mc who's having a burnout with their studies?(if you have done it do ignore or maybe drop link-?<:') )
the brothers with a burnt-out mc
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includes: the brothers x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .9k | rated g | m.list
a/n: combined two asks for this since they were similar!! thank you both for requesting and i hope you feel better soon! my inbox is open to chat, leave feedback, or request so come say hi!!!!
please reblog! ! ! ! !
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➳ lucifer feels really bad. how had not noticed? how long had this been going on, and how much work had he assigned to you when the last thing you wanted to do was do it? regret is clear in his eyes as he listens to you slowly and quietly describe your feelings. “i’m really sorry you feel this way,” he says, swallowing. “i’m sorry if i’ve made it any worse, what with the tasks i’ve been having you do.” you go to dispute the point, but he stops you. “i’ll grant you a break from your tasks for the time being. there’s nothing time-sensitive or important happening now anyway, and i, and my brothers, would be more than willing to pick up whatever work you do have. i’m always here for you if you need to talk, so just focus on relaxing and healing, okay?”
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➳ mammon pulls you into a swift hug, his arms tightly locking around you. “it sucks to feel that way, doesn’t it?” he asks, and your eyes burn as you nod into his shoulder. “i’m sorry you have to deal with this. i can totally help ya on anything you need, and i’m always here for you, got that?” he rubs small circles into your back, the action more soothing than he could ever know. “let’s just take it easy for a few days. nothing needs to be done immediately, and i know you feel like you constantly have to be the best, but you’re the best when you’re not feeling like this. ya shouldn’t sacrifice your health for somethin’ like this.” your voice had been small when you were talking and he wants to quell any insecurity you may have about telling him.
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➳ levi knows the feeling well, but he never could have guessed you were familiar with it. you always seemed so ready for anything, so excited to undertake new tasks and chores. he wonders now how much of it was an act. “i’m sorry you’re feeling like this, mc,” he says, earnestly looking into your eyes. “i’m no stranger to the feeling, and i know how draining it is. if you want to get away form all of that, you’re always welcome here. i’ve got no expectations for you, so if you want to come in here and just be, please do. we don’t even have to talk or anything.” you’ve calmed him down countless times, and he really wants to be able to return the feeling.
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➳ satan grimaces. he’s always liked work, loved to bury himself in it, but even he can get exhausted. he supposes it’s no surprise you’re feeling this way- for too long you’d been pushing past your own limits to keep up with them, even though it wasn’t healthy. he’d noticed, of course, but with so many things moving through his head at once the thought was easily forgotten, pushed off to the side for something more immediate. he feels terrible for that now. could he have prevented you from feeling like this? “it truly saddens me you’re dealing with this,” he says softly. “i’d be more than willing to help you with your work and tasks. please, let me help you.”
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➳ asmo gasps. you’d always seemed so cheerful and put together, capable of dealing with anything that had come your way! but to hear that for so long things had been building up without his knowledge… it feels terrible. he wishes you had come to him before this, let him help, but he can definitely understand wanting to deal with it alone. “mc, you’ve done so well,” he says, clasping your hands gently. “you definitely deserve a break. let me pamper you, give you the full experience. i think you’ll feel much better.” and even if you don’t want a spa or anything like that, he’s more than willing to come up with other things to help. you should never have to feel overwhelmed and tired like this!
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➳ beel is at a loss for words. he hadn’t really considered you hid your emotions from him- you’d always seemed like such an open book. but now, he wondered how much of your true feelings you had hid. shaking his head, he squares his shoulders. now was the time to focus on you, not his own insecurities. “thank you for telling me, i know how hard that must have been.” he’s not the most eloquent, so it takes him a moment to put his thoughts together. “i’m really sorry you’ve been dealing with this and i want to help in any way i can. i think you hold yourself to this really high standard, but mc, it’s okay to ease up on yourself sometimes. i promise everyone here knows how hard you work. you really deserve a break, so please, use this to take one.”
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➳ belphie never knew the weight on your shoulders. sure, he knew that you felt the expectations of not only lucifer, but also diavolo and solomon, but he could have never imagined you felt them this keenly. “if you need my help, i can totally give it,” he offers, though he knows how hard it can be for you to accept help from others, “and i know beel would love to assist you as well. you’re probably tired,” he says, referencing the bags under your eyes. “want to take a nap?” that’s what he always does to feel better (or, well, in any situation, but the sentiment still stands). you nod softly and he wastes no time ushering you to his room, where his warm and comforting blankets are waiting.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own
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daydreaminharry · 2 years
Divorced Harry and Y/N
Famous Harry and Y/n
“Daddy!!!” your two children, Theo and Ezra, yell while running up to their dad, entering his home, with you following close behind
“Hi my babies, I’ve missed you so much”, Harry says while welcoming them into his embrace, pecking kisses all over their faces.
“Missed you so much too daddy” Ezra chirps
“No! I missed daddy more” Theo promptly says, shoving his litter brother out of the way
“Okay guys, break it up, no fighting” you butt in, avoiding a fight from bursting out. “Give mommy a kiss before I leave”, you say crouching down to their level. They both quickly give you a kiss on the cheek, before running off into the living to go play.
“Y/N, it’s good to see you, looking as hot as ever. Have you been working out, your ass looks great” you ex-husband tells you, with that famous smirk of his.
Rolling your eyes, you start to make your way out of his house. “Oh shut up you perv”.
“Oh c’mon darling, we both know you love the attention”
“You know-“ you start, turning back around, “how would, oh darn what’s her name her name again, god I keep forgetting” you say with fake pity
“Sydney,” Harry utters
“Oh right Sydney!”, you mockingly rejoice, “how would Sydney feel, if she knew that her very own boyfriend was checking out other women, hmm?”
“Doesn’t count”
Stepping closer, faces merely inches apart, “and why’s that ?”
“Simple. Your the mother of my kids, the first love of my life, got a great ass, and she’s got nothing on you, and you know for a fact that I would take you back anytime that you ask ”
“You had your chance, and I’ve got a boyfriend”
“Yeah darling, I’ve seen paparazzi photos. Got quiet a charity case on your hands. It’s quite pathetic. Bet he doesn’t even fuck your properly”
“Like you were any good” you state , knowing damn well he’s probably the only person to have ever given you a proper orgasm. 
Grabbing your chin and tilting your face up, “Oh sweetheart”, he says condescendingly, “we both know I had you in tears.”
“I’m an oscar nominated actress , I was acting” you lie through your teeth, shoving his arm away from you
“Say whatever that helps you sleep at night darling”. Forcing you against a wall, he leans down to your ear , causing your breathing to get heavier, and whispers “but how would that boyfriend of yours feel when he notices how needy and pathetic you get every time I’m around.”
“Oh fuck off I’m leaving” you snapped, shoving him away from you, and storming out of the house, making your way to your car
“feel free to come by anytime you need a good fuck y/n” he shouts while laughing from the door.
Flipping him off, you enter your car, heart pounding in your chest. Driving off, you can’t help but replay the conversation in your head a thousand times.
AN: hope you liked it :) got this idea in the middle of the night, so it’s kinda short. Any ideas,requests, feedback, and comments are welcomed !
Also, I’m really bad at coming up with titles for blurbs, so any ideas please don’t be afraid to share and drop it my inbox !
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mikejimass · 3 years
new blog!! hi mug ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ is it okay if i request eichi, mao and mayoi with an s/o who overworks themselves and can’t say no to people asking them for help? thank you!! <3 ☁️
ೃ⁀➷ eichi, mao and mayoi with a s/o who can’t say no and overworks themselves! . .
an - howdy, nice ta see my inbox is full. can’t wait to write for all of y’all.~
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eichi tenshouin -
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eichi understands where you’re coming from, truly. yet, that doesn’t stop him from worrying about you and your well being. as someone who does overwork himself to the max. . on top of that having a chronic illness, he really wishes to keep you from doing absolutely anything that causes more harm to your body. . anything that pushes your body closer to deterioration. whether it’d be offering to help you . . or outright stopping you from doing absolutely anything with a kiss to distract you long enough.
eichi is aware of how vulnerable you can be when someone asks for help on top of help. right as you’re about to give your answer, he can’t help but co-sign for you. “no, i believe my angel already has enough work bombarding them. fufu~ i apologize. ♪” before stealing you away all to himself. despite being soft-spoken and elegant in his words and movements, he won’t hesitate to be firm with anyone who gives his angel a hard time! as a student council president, wagging his finger at someone comes naturally when they’re being awfully contentious.
as said before, eichi wants to be the one who shields you in his chest from any sort of thing he deems as troubling. his possessiveness only worsens if you have a childlike demeanour. “as your student council president, i hereby order you to say ‘no’ once you’ve gotten your hands full of work. my angel shouldn’t result in stressing themselves even more to please others.” he. . lectures you. . a lot. though, he only sees it as something that is for your own good. which it is, it is always okay to say no to something you do not want to do. he just hopes you come around to understanding that. he’ll keep reminding you until you learn, for this cordial student council president, has all the patience in the word for you.
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mao isara -
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mao. mao is just like you. he gets used only to shove work upon due to his willingness to accept work like it’s nothing, despite having an overbearing amount on his hands already. god, does his heart squeeze at the sight of you being taken advantage of. . it’s like you constantly put yourself in his shoes. . he . . wants to say something. yet, what is there to say when you’re just like him? “iie, can’t make you do that all by yourself, producer-san. let me take it of your hands . . i’ll deal with it, no problem!” as much as you protest against his choice, he’ll only insist on doing it even more.
it’s impossible to convince him not to shovel up more work for your sake. since, he doesn’t like seeing you overwork yourself for someone else you aren’t even familiar with. if he just let you accept all of that work, he’d feel disgustingly guilty watching you struggle by yourself. . he’ll just have to take it off your hands at that point. he can’t bear to sit there and watch without taking action. whether it’d be doing it for you in its entirety. . or assist you with whatever you’re working on. he truly does wish to be of as much use to you. “ne ne. . do you need help? i promise i’ll stop hovering over you once you get done with this. let me help you.”
he hasn’t taken a liking to you overworking yourself either . . but he can’t exactly say anything, seeing that he does the same thing you do. though, he does constantly remind you to take breaks between work. . convincing you to do so by letting you spend time with him. he’s seated with your head tucked into his chest, his own head bobbing up and down ever so often due to the urge to drift to sleep. . he just can’t do that. . letting his eyes rest for a swift moment before fluttering them open to remain awake. he still has to prep himself for practice. . it’ll just have to wait due to you finally relaxing in his arms.
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mayoi ayase -
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mayoi understands not being able to say no. . he’s so frantic to help people like you! he can’t bear seeing anyone in need of help and not receiving it when they need it. he admires you so much. . your willingness to help people with no thought behind it. . oh he loves it so so much. finding himself scurrying around just to watch you help people with confidence in your eyes. . he can almost feel himself drooling over you. he approached you anxiously later to ask if you’d like his assistance. . turning him down will sting a little. . saying you don’t want to burden him. “i’m sorry for not being of use to you! . . i shouldn’t have been born. . i can’t even service you enough! how pathetic of me.”
he observes you working your hardest for other people. . not even worrying for yourself. that’s all right, mayoi is worrying enough over you for your own self. his fingers are fiddling with his braid, stirring in his seat. he cannot stop moving and overthinking of how you could possibly harm yourself this way. it simply cannot be healthy! he’s gnawing at the glove’s tips while you’re working away at your desk, a peaceful smile on your face. he needs to know you’re fine! he needs to know that you aren’t stressed! rubbing his thighs uncomfortably, he’d clear his throat to check in with you. “my dearest. . *please.* tell me if you need *anything* from me. i promise i want to help you! i can assure you i’m not as filthy of a liar as you think!”
mayoi yearns for when you’re done. . so that he’s able to spend as much time with his dear significant other as he wants. his favorite thing to do is hold you while you sit in his lap. . his arms secured tightly around your waist, inhaling your scent in all it’s glory. every time he hears your voice he cannot stop smiling. . but in his mind he’ll talk down on himself for being so pathetically devoted to you. he just can’t help it! you’re so compassionate and strong-willed. there’s absolutely no flaw in sight about you. that’s why he sometimes cannot watch how people walk all over you. . degrading himself for being too skittish to say anything to them. oh mayoi. .
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reblogs are always welcome, thank ya so much for requestin’! ♡
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Ma'am? Sir? Glorious divine that blesses us with gorgeous Viktor art? I love you so much <3
Your art is freaking stunning and, as an artist who's an absolute sucker for lighting, I am legitimately salivating over how you deal with light in your scenes and the way shadows are used to set emotion and the like.
Your expressions are on point and your poses are so expressive it's almost violent. I love how I can briefly glance at a piece and immediately know the type of mood it has by the position of a character.
Your colour theory has me writhing in envy/adoration and that embroidery pattern on V's corset vest is gorgeous and if I ever had intention to get one I would love that design. I can almost feel the texture of the fabric by how you paint it and that is so skillful of you!!
I'm sorry for all the nonsense happening on twitter, it's the main reason I will never post there. Most people tend to go there to start conflict or be unreasonably defensive and I am not mentally able to live like that.
As for the specifics, I am not someone who is disabled so won't even try and speak on the disability side of things but will happily say somethin on their way of responding. I think the way you replied was perfectly legible. Any misunderstanding could have been from them not bein an artist or familiar with art terms, so not getting what you meant by setting, but it's a simple word so not really an excuse here.
It seems to me like they had no intention of hearing your response at all by purposefully readin setting as "situation" and their reply being *setting but whatever as if the two words are interchangeable.
As a long standing creature of tumblr, I can say pretty confidently that you are very welcome here. We love ourselves a content creator and your willingness to respond to asks and such on the subject is a god-send.
Anyways, this is getting long, so apologies!!!! But I hope you're doing well and please don't let this stop you from releasing/working on some of your art. I would die to see that braced/heraldish version of Viktor because the pose there is *chef's kiss*.
Also do not feel off about posting unfinished or WIP pieces because we will most definitely lap that up here XD
Finally, before I let your inbox rest lmao, do you have any speedpaints at all? I love your art and seeing the process would be incredible. Also... I just... really like speedpaints 😏
~ 💭
Wow thank you so much for that looong message, I appreciate it!! ❤️
Do not hesitate to message me your art account so I can take a look at your work 👀
I honestly think the same way as you, they absolutely wanted to be right and to pick a fight, and there was no way to settle this in an adult way. A shame, but I move on.
Im so glad to hear that you can tell the difference of mood based on the poses, it means I did my job well, and it’s the best compliment I can get!
The amount of unfinished pieces I have in my silly little iPad is discouraging Ahah I want to finish them all at once, but I can’t help having an obsessive idea, scribbling a sketch and then never coming back to it, it’s frustrating!
And oh my god YES I have the Timelapse video of each of my artwork and I have to post them, so if there is a Timelapse you want to see first, do not hesitate to tell me! ❤️
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Welcome To The Bunny Cult Writing Event!
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What's The Bunny Cult Writing Event?
The Bunny Cult Writing Event is celebration of Black Bunny Mask (Also known as Ghost/Bell) hitting 400+ followers!
What's In The Event?
This event will allow Yandere DSMP writers to write from one of the many AUs and Prompts.
How Can I Join The Event?
You'll have to tell me in my inbox (Not as a anom) and tell me which AU/Prompt you'll be doing and which characters will be in the story.
And once the story is finished you have to tag me so I can add you to the list of people who participated
Will There Be Winners?
Nope! This is mainly for fun for people in the Yandere DSMP community and the DSMP community in general. You can be competitive with your friends if you want to though.
1: You can't do a prompt someone else already took
2: If you don't want to be in the event anymore, please DM me in my inbox so I can take you take you off of the list
3: NO SMUT (Smut can be implied, but not full on smut, and can only be done with people who are ok with smut) OR PREGNANT READERS
4:Don't be toxic or bring in drama, this is all for fun and I don't want negativity during this celebration
5:Please don't make fun of others writings or grammar.
6:Polyamorous relationships are allowed and encourages
7: No yandere Philza
8: AUs are reusable, if someone chose the Purge AU you can still do it
Royalty AU
High School AU
Mafia AU
Cult AU
God AU
College AU
Boy/Girl Band AU
Fantasy AU
Murder Mystery AU
Apocalypse AU
Coffee Shop AU
Angel and Demons AU
Dystopian AU
Sea Creatures AU
Mythology AU
Pirate AU
Medieval AU
Purge AU
Aggresive/Harsh Prompts
The ones below are by @dearyscribbles
•"You act like you hold any control over me. If you try to run, I'll make sure the only way you'll be able to eat is through a feeding tube"
•"What? What will you do help them? Beg me not to go? Scream at me to leave them alone? Fight me? The best thing you can do is behave, just like the pathetic bitch you are"
•"You know, maybe, just maybe, if you LISTENED to me, maybe we would've have to go through this. Maybe I wouldn't have to come home so bloody, maybe your friends would still be alive. It's all up to you, and you still manage to fuck everything up"
•"What are you crying for, GOD I can't stand when you do this. Why are you upset, huh? Because you looked at someone else when I told you not to? Because you broke the rules, and now you have to face the consequences of your own actions?"
•"YOU wouldn't have ANYTHING without me. Not this house, not the food, the clothes off your back, hell, not even that damn phone you're threatening me with. Do you want me to show you how good you have it? Maybe it's time I start playing the bad guy you think I am" Taken by @bookoffandoms
The ones below are by @animeyanderelover
“Do you want me to break your legs or lock you in a cage to prevent you from running away?”
“One more chance! I’m giving you one more chance to fucking stop resisting!”
“I can end all of your pain. You just have to say these three words.”
“If you don’t kiss me back, I’ll slit someone’s throat.” Done by @grrrrr-dsmp
“Listen, I’m giving you two choices. Either you start eating willingly or I’ll force you. There’s no way I’m letting you starve yourself to death.”
"You can’t find your clothes? That’s a shame. But you can wear mine. They look better on you anyways.”
70. “Hearing you say that makes me want to fuck you so badly.”
71. “Your body, your heart, your soul. It all belongs to me." Taken by @god1ngs
Soft/Toxic Comfort Prompts
“You think you’re ugly? Who told you so? Tell me so I can give them an agonizing death for making you think that. And after I’m finished with them, I’m going to worship you in bed until you see how beautiful you really are.”
“Please stop crying. You make me feel even worse. But you need to understand, if I wouldn’t have chained you to the bed, you would have tried to run away again.”
"Babe…! Shit! I’m sorry you had to see this, but please believe me! He deserved it! No,no,no, don’t be scared of me. You know I would never harm you.” Taken by @aungel
Desperate/Obsessed Prompts
The ones below are by @animeyanderelover
“Can you at least pretend to love me? Just for tonight?”
“You don’t understand! If you accept me now, I’ll be your slave!”
“Stop giving me that look! Stop looking at me as if I’m a monster!”
“I desire any physical touch with you so please hit me more.”
“What I am doing? I’m punishing myself. Why? Because I upset you earlier.”
“Hate me, scream at me, hit me. Do whatever you want with me, but please stay with me.”
“…You are telling me that I can live with my life without you, but you don’t seem to understand that YOU are my life.”
"You had a nightmare about me? That’s great! That means you think of me even when you dream. Even though I hope your next dream about me will be more pleasant.”
“Use me however you want too. My body is yours.”
Now let the meeting commence...
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gayaristocrat · 3 years
Lupercalia (Nicholas Scratch X FtM Witch Reader 3/4)
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Pairing: Nickolas Scratch x FtM! Reader Words: 1.1k+ Summary: Final ritual of Lupercalia, and it seems the the red riding hood is hunting the wolf. Notes: I have decided to continue this series because this story is in my Kinkmas 2020 Writing Challenge List and I decided to continue it. Also, I hope I don't give anybody dysphoria or anything, if I do then I deeply apologies. Also I hope there are no spelling errors or grammatical errors, if there are any, then please dm/inbox me and let me know what I need to fix.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
After going to the Valentine’s Day dance at Baxter High, let’s just say it was very eventful. Long story short Nick and I ran into Amalia, his werewolf familiar, in the library at Baxter. Nick attempted to temporarily banished her successfully, and when she came back for him in the woods, he had no choice but to kill her. He was pretty emotionally destroyed about the whole situation, but he managed to cope with his loss and grieve her. I was there for him through every step, and once he was able to heal we had to continue the Lupercalia ritual.
“After the hunt, all I can say is poor Melvin doesn’t know what’s in store for him” Agatha says with a sinful chuckle as she pulls up her black stockings. Prudence laughs at the though of how pitiful she thought Melvin was before she contributed to Agatha’s degradation. I take glances at them as I clip together my own maroon cape and red stockings all while listening in on their conversation. “Can you imagine? A virgin, at his age? You’ll be gentle to him won’t you sister?” She questions to Agatha. “And afterwards Prudence, we’ll share him. It’s been a while since we’ve had a virgin.” They shiver with anticipation as they imagine dominating the poor boy.
“Sorry to crush your hopes sisters, but unfortunately for you I initiated Melvin the night of the Courting.” Dorcas chimes in with an ‘matter-of-fact’ tone. Prudence and Agatha question her on why she didn’t stay abstinent as required, but then again they should have known she was gonna go in for the kill. Dorcas asked if Prudence stayed abatement, but like she always says, “A girl doesn’t kiss and tell”
All three of them put their capes on as they head to the doors of the dormitory. Now you may be wondering why I’m in the girls dorm room. Well, since 99% of the guys in the boys dorm room have unbelievable toxic masculinity I didn’t feel comfortable being around them. So I was allowed to switch and stay with the girls, which they welcomed me with open arms, and since then, they played a part in helping me during my dysphoric breakdowns. Also, staying with the girls also allows me to be closer to my sister, Sabrina.
The trio turn to me and tease me about spending the night with Nick. “ Poor y/n, this is your first time spending the night with someone huh?” Dorcas says in a fake pitiful tone. Prudence chimes in after her, “You better prepare yourself because Nick can be a wild animal, and I know from personal experience when he was in an orgy with me~” she slyly says in an attempt to make me jealous.
“Honestly I don’t care how many people Nick slept with. That was way before we were ever in a relationship. Him sleeping around in the past is his business and has nothing to do with me.” I say as I stand my ground. Nick has been loyal to me since the beginning of our relationship, so whatever he did back then won’t make me jealous because I know for a fact I’m secure with him. I love the Weird Sisters with all of my heart, but sometimes they really get on my nerves when they do shit like this.
Prudence smirks in defeat and lets out a sigh. “Anyways..are you coming y/n?” She says. “In a minute-“ I respond pausing to look at myself in the mirror to make sure I look okay before I continue, “I still need to take my berries of phylaxis, then I will be ready to go”
—————-Later That Night————
The witches and the warlocks are gathered back in the woods. Everyone is radiating high levels of hormonal energy, the girls lusting after the boys and vice versa. The full moon is out, cascading us below it, illuminating our surroundings with a healthy light blue glow. Ambrose once again is leading everyone through the last ceremony of the ritual.
“Welcome to the final night of Lupercalia!” He shouts with authority as he stands on the dark mahogany wooden platform, as he speaks, you could see his breath in the cold air. “The hoods hunt wolves, witches hunt warlocks, and the outcome of the hunt shall determine the year ahead. Will it be bountiful or barren? Fruitful or fallow?” He says adding suspense. “Wolves are you ready!?” The warlocks howl in response to him before he blows the horn and send them on their way, running through the woods. Ambrose pauses for a few seconds to let the howling and energetic boys get a head start, then turns to our remaining group. “And hoods, are you ready!?” The girls and I also howl in response, causing him to blow the horn again signaling is to chase after the guys.
The girls and I start running into the dark foggy woods to chase after the boys, bobbing and weaving through the trees as we desperately try and catch our prey. Pools of red capes billowed behind as we ran through the woods, speeding up to the shouting grey furs. Once the hoods caught up to the boys, they pounced on their backs, some rolling around on the ground and falling on each other. I searched all around trying to find Nick as quick as I can and pounce on him to claim him as mine before anybody else tries to get to him before I do. I searched for him all around, but all I could see were witches pinning their claimed warlocks on the ground and on the trees.
More screaming echoes through the woods and the thrill heightened our senses as if this was a game of cat and mouse, in this case, hoods and wolves.
As I attempt to avoid hitting trees and rocks, I see Dorcas caught up to me, running along side me as she chases after Nick too. “Find someone else y/n, I don’t care who it is, or what the ritual said. I. Want. Nick.”
“Look Dorcas-“ I say trying to reason with here, but still paying attention to where I’m running. “-Stop trying to go after my boyfriend and just go be with Melvin!”
“Oh and also, you might want to watch where your running before you trip on something” But of course, she didn’t head my warning and refused to pay attention, which in turn made her trip over a rock and fall flat on her face.
I keep moving and ignore her failed attempts of calling my name for help to distract me. As I keep going I see what looks like a familiar bulky silhouette, dodging the trees left and right and trying not to bump into other people. I feel my feet automatically pick up speed as I get closer and closer to him, then I finally pounce on him, making us roll on the ground for a minute before we stop.
After a while I finally manage to pin him down on the soft grassy ground with a tight grip on his wrists as both of our chest heave up and down to catch our breath. Nick and I lock eyes as a smirk creep up onto his face before we both leaned in for a intimate kiss.
“Looks like little red riding hood caught the big bad wolf this time~”
Finish the fic? Leave a like and comment if you enjoyed it. Also, give it a reblog too!
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The Next One Is Free
A/N: A long long time ago I posted an ask where for people to request befores, afters, or POV changes for any scene/ chapter of any of my stories, and @suchatinyinfinity​ (thanks Dani!) asked for the scene from Passing Through when Ryan and Reader meet from a different POV (which we get from Reader in the main story) and I am sorry it took me so long to get to because I had a blast writing it. It also goes along with the first prompt from this September prompt list- which I am going to try to utilize in some way shape or form through this month in an attempt to write daily. The goal for September is to empty my inbox and catch up on things I have been meaning to write so without further ado... 
Request/ Prompt: Ryan & Reader’s first meeting- POV Remix // September Prompt Day 1- the smell of coffee  
Word Count: 1k
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It was a typical Tuesday morning shift at Caribou. 
The bell above the door hadn’t stopped jingling for more than a few seconds at a time as customers came and went. The chiming sound was accompanied by the near constant clanking of ceramic mugs jumbling together in the dishwasher and the drip, drip, hiss of the coffee pots to create a sort of soundtrack for her to work to. With only one song. One long song on an endless loop. 
Maggie stared through the steam of the espresso machine at the line of customers stretching out from the counter. Their number never dwindled to less than four no matter how quickly she filled cups or frothed foam. The fast pace could sometimes be exhausting, but it did help to make the time fly when she was consistently busy. Her eyes darted up to the clock mounted to the wall on the far side of the room, squinting to read the time as a man with broad shoulders stepped into the line. Ten thirty. One more hour to go. You can do this, Mags. 
By then she had already had her slew of early regulars with their routine orders and friendly smiles, their “have a great day hun”s and their “see you tomorrow”s genuine even if they were also routine. The daily stream of half sleeping students stopping in for a pick me up en route to their 9 am class a few blocks over at the UC Denver campus had already come through too, Maggie recognizing a few of them as classmates from her night classes and making small talk about assignments or upcoming exams as she made their drinks. There was also a group of middle aged women who she could count on every other week to take up two tables in the corner while they discussed whatever it was their book club had read recently. Though it seemed like it would do the opposite, seeing certain faces, chatting with the same people, even if it was about the same thing every time, helped make a monotonous job less so. 
Not all regulars were a welcome sight though, and she groaned as she recognized the broad shouldered man in the gray suit as the jerk who had made her new co-worker cry the previous week with his rude demeanor. Ugh. Not this guy again. It was undoubtedly him though, his voice cutting through the busy space as he spoke into the phone pressed to his ear with the same condescending tone he used to order his coffee. Letting out a sigh, Maggie capped the tiny cups she held and cashed out her current customer, mentally crossing her fingers in hopes that the jerk in the suit wouldn’t cause any problems. Please I just want my shift to end in peace. I have one more hour and then I’m free. I really just want it to go smoothly. 
The next customer, it seemed, had heard that silent plea, the man ordering a small coffee with a kind smile. He dropped his change directly into the tip jar, thanking her in a slow southern drawl with a tip of his head. He wrapped his long, tattooed fingers around the cardboard cup she passed him and stepped aside, heading for the table where creamers and sweeteners were stocked. 
Before she could even process the pleasant interaction though, the jerk was barking his order at her and she felt herself struggling to keep a customer service approved smile on her face. The effort wasn’t lost on the woman in line behind him, and she gave Maggie a sympathetic look. Luckily, the well dressed asshole didn’t have any complaints about his coffee this time, and since his order was simple he was out of her hair relatively quickly. Good. Now get out of here before-
But it was too late for him to leave without incident as dark brown liquid splashed onto his coat. Maggie saw it happening in slow motion, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. She was already helping a different set of customers when the nice but apparently clumsy woman who had just shot her a look of solidarity had spilled her beverage. And of course it had to be on him. Maggie watched helplessly as the woman tried to diffuse the situation before it became a shouting match, apologizing for the stain and offering to take care of his drycleaning. More than he deserves, but she’s trying. 
He wasn’t having it though, and just when Maggie wondered if she needed to call for her manager, the kind man with warm eyes was back to intervene. Though he didn’t appear to know the woman, he stepped between her and the jerk and addressed the other man directly. He calmly but sternly repeated what the woman had offered, telling the man to either accept her apology and courtesy or move along. For half a second, Maggie wondered if the well-intentioned canvas and denim clad young man hadn’t made things worse by stepping in, but something in the combination of his tone and the way his calm eyes flashed dark and serious must have made the jerk think twice because he left, grumbling about taking his business to the coffeehouse over on Larimer. Oh. Please do. 
Pressing a fully punched card with a hand-written “next one is free!” on the back into the hero of the morning’s callused palm, Maggie thanked him for ridding the shop of the undesirable customer and poured a fresh cup of coffee for the woman whose beverage the jerk had left wearing. Continuing to help the customers in line, Maggie kept one eye on the pair as they introduced themselves to one another, the woman thanking him again and both of them grinning over their steaming cups. Did I just witness one of those coffee shop meet cutes? Like in hallmark movies and fanfiction? 
Laughing to herself, she watched the two of them leave the shop, the bell announcing their departure, and hoped for one more thing- I hope when he comes in for his free one… they come back together. 
Thank you for reading! If you would like to be added to or removed from the tags please feel free to let me know or use the form at the top of my masterlist! 
Tags:  @something-tofightfor @suchatinyinfinity @malionnes @thesumofmychoices @gollyderek @pheedraws @beautifuldesastre @alraedesigns @dearmarii @fific7 @obscurilicious @luminex3 @vetseras @blackbirddaredevil23​ @its-my-little-dumpster-fire​ @yespolkadotkitty​
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sarcastic-bubble · 3 years
“Leave me alone” and “Did you just kiss me?”
With Anakin if you are ok with that :)
Paring: Anakin Skywalker x Reader
Work count: 1.5K
Warnings: It gets a little angsty down there.
A/N: Oh my god guys I'm on a writing roll! I also wasn't about to finally switch everything over to my other blog without clearing my inbox first. Like I'm an ass, but I'm not that big of an ass. But I do really hate trying to format fics on the tumblr mobile app. So just pop on over to @sarcastic-bubbl if you want.
You lay on top of a large pile of cushions. If a passer-by were to peek in they’d think you were napping, but that wasn’t the case. You were meditating. Every Jedi had their preference when it came to positioning and yours just happened to be laying down. You found it easier to forget your physical form and fully immerse yourself in the force when laying. Maker knew you needed all the help the force may offer at the moment. Your master had sent you to meditate hours ago and told you not to come back until you’d made a decision. At first, this had seemed cruel, but it was your fault for taking so long to make this decision. You tried to search the force for the answers you were looking for but it only echoed the fear and uncertainty you felt. Your breathing deepened and slowed as you worked your way through various meditation techniques but your mind simply refused to clear. This should be a simple choice. The council believed you were ready to ascend to the rank of Jedi Knight. You should agree with them. You should be grateful for the chance to complete the remaining trials that you hadn’t during the last few months of your training. Everyone believed you were ready yet you didn’t feel ready. The more you were pressured the less ready you felt. You could just say no, but making a habit of defying the council and your own master hardly seemed like a good idea. Why couldn’t this be simple?
    You were far too lost in thought to hear to door open and close. Nor did you notice the sound of cushions being moved to create a small pile perfect for lounging on. “You need to relax more,” stated Anakin very matter-of-factly as he sat down next to you. 
    This was finally enough to pull you from your thoughts. “Leave me alone,” you grumbled, “can’t you see I’m meditating?” Why was he here? Anakin was a pest. He had been one since he had arrived at the Jedi temple all those years ago. He was, however, your favourite pest and easily your best friend. As often as he drove you crazy with his reckless antics and sarcastic wit you found yourself drawn to him. He was someone you trusted and could talk to but right now he was a pest and you wanted to be alone. 
    “I’m not sure you can actually call what you’re doing meditating, (y/n).” His sentence was punctuated by the crisp crunch of him biting into an apple. 
    You opened your eyes only so you could properly glare at the Jedi next to you. “What would you call it then?” 
    His soft blue eyes met yours. The cocky expression he so often had around you faded into concern. “The beginnings of an existential crisis.” 
    You missed the concern that had begun to creep into his voice and his change of expression. There was just so much on your mind and even though you were looking at your attention was still only halfway there. “Are you just here to tease me or is there a reason you’re here?” You hated yourself for it but you could feel tears begin to form as you spoke, the frustration stemming from indecisiveness was already too much and Anakin was threatening to tip you over the edge. 
    Anakin set the apple down on a bare patch of the floor before place his hand over yours. “I came to check on you. I just want to make sure you’re okay.” You weren’t okay and Anakin knew it. He had the force to thank for that. Upon his return to the temple only half an hour early he had looked for the gentle yet mischievous waves that were your presence in the force and had been since you were children. He never found it. Instead, wave after wave of uncertainty had crashed into him. At that moment he had decided his duties could wait and he set off to find you. 
    “I don’t think I’m okay,” you whispered. The tears you had been trying so hard to hold back took this as permission to quietly stream down your cheeks. 
    Anakin slipped his mechanical arm around your waist and pulled you against his chest. You shuddered against him as you cried. You waited for him to say something. He always had something to say, but Anakin remained quiet. He simply held you tight until your tears had run their course. Once he was certain you were done crying he spoke to you softly and pressed a small bottle into your hands, “have some water. You don’t want a headache.” 
    You were grateful for the cool liquid. Each sip soothed your parched throat and seemed to chase away the impending headache that Anakin was so worried about. Not trusting yourself to speak just yet you gave the man a weak smile. 
“If you want to be alone I’ll leave,” a gentle thumb brushed the few remaining tears from your cheeks,” but if you want me to stay I will. It’s up to you.” 
“Please stay,” you whispered weakly. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
“Not really.” That was all it took for silence to return to the room. You relaxed against Anakin’s chest and once again his arms encircled you and held you tightly.
 You weren’t sure how long you laid like this, just enjoying his soothing presence, but when you peaked out one of the rooms small windows stars littered the sky. You were the first to break the silence, “thank you.” 
“Of course,” hummed Anakin in response. 
“You probably had more important things to do than sit here with me,” you pointed out quietly. 
“That’s what the council will try to tell me, but nothing is more important than you,” he brushed his fingers through your hair before continuing,” and whatever decision you make I’ll support you.” He felt you tense beneath him. “You can tell the council no. As wise as they claim to be, they don’t know everything about you.” 
“And what about my master?” You could feel the dread rushing back into you. 
“What about him? If he’s that determined to get rid of you then I’ll take you on as my Padawan until you’re ready.” He realized how ridiculous the idea sounded as he spoke it. He had only been knighted a few months ago and as far as skill was concerned you were his equal, and there was the was fact that he was only your senior by a year. It wouldn’t be the most conventional pairing.
“You can’t possibly think they’d let you do that,” you replied with a small smile. 
“I’d like to see them stop me,” his words were sincere. He had no clue how would do it, but if he had to them he’d figure out a way to make you his padawan. He’d have to get Obi-wan on board with the idea if he ever hoped to have a chance. 
“You’re insane,” you laughed in response. It was quiet but it was there and thats and Anakin needed. 
“Probably,” he chuckled. He was a little disappointed when your body shifted off his. You did keep one had in his as you shifted into a half-sitting position next to him. He could see the real you coming out again as you giggled quietly to yourself over the idea of being his padawan. He could feel you again too. The uncertainty was still there but the force was once again filled with your gentle presence, “Feeling better?”
“Yeah, thank you, Ani.” 
“Good.” He wasn’t sure what drove him to do it now of all times but as he finished speaking his lips met yours in a soft, short kiss. He regretted it almost immediately, but that didn’t stop him from lingering for a few moments. 
“Did you just kiss me?” Your expression was an unreadable mix of emotions and so were your thoughts. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have… that was wrong. I-” You pushed a finger against his lips effectively silencing him. 
“It’s okay, Ani. I just didn’t expect it is all” your finger left his lips and your hand fell to your side,” but if you wanted to try again that would be okay.” 
Anakin’s expression was a mix of sheer relief and pure joy as his lip once again captured yours. His lips were softer than you’d expected and far more welcoming than you had ever imagined. “How was that?” He chuckled. 
“Much better.”
“Are you ready to go tell the council your decision?”
Your eyes met his,” as long as you’re with me.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” Anakin pushed himself to his feet and held a hand out to you, “ now let’s go face them together.” 
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hihellogoodbyebruh · 4 years
Don’t Provoke Me
Pairing: Dark-ish!Miguel Galindo x Black!Reader
Summary: Miguel was out of his mind if he thought you were just gonna continue on this way. But perhaps you underestimated your man and took his chill behavior for granted...
Warning(s): 18+ only please, cussing, smut (fingering), possessive behavior, dom/sub undertones, controlling behavior, slight angst
Word count: 3,187
Author’s Note: So I finally gave in to my friend telling me to watch 365 days (don’t judge me) and was inspired by ONE scene in it. Also, I’m not a smut writer. This is me dipping my toe in the smut waters so here’s to hoping it’s at least decent. Questions, comments, and concerns are always welcome. My inbox is open! Thanks for reading :)
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“No, mi amor. Just stay here and I’ll be back tomorrow.” Miguel insisted, as he was finishing putting on his clothes. He always dicked you down right before he had business to handle to try and keep you from asking to go. Usually it worked, but you had caught on by now.
“Why? Why do I always have to stay here? You hiding something?” You asked, raising your eyebrow at him. His business meeting was at a club in town. You loved going to that club so you didn’t see why y’all couldn’t go together. He could handle business and then after you two could enjoy your night, but no. He wasn’t cool with it. He just kept his back to you and ignored the question as he fastened his belt and buttoned up his dress shirt.
“Is that it then? You got another girl waiting for you? Someone more pleasing to your family I bet. Probably another white girl.” You knew he hated being questioned and he hated any references to Emily from your mouth even more. Those two were divorced and only communicated when it came to Cristobal, but you couldn’t help comparing yourself to her. They were married and he wouldn’t even take you out with him. He still wouldn’t answer you and that made you even more mad. He knew you hated being ignored. “You’re not gonna answer me?” Silence.
You sat up in the bed with the sheet wrapped around your body and chucked a pillow at the back of his head hard. “Answer me, Galindo.”
He flinched when the pillow hit him and turned around, picking it up off the floor while he walked back toward the bed. “What did I say about asking me stupid shit like that, huh?” He placed the pillow on the bed and grabbed your chin with his hand, holding it a little more tightly than was necessary. “Cuida tu lenguaje. Now I’m going to go have this meeting, and I’ll be back tomorrow. Then this weekend we can take a trip out of town, yeah?” You didn’t answer him so he pulled your face to his and kissed you.
As much as you wanted to pout and resist, his kisses always left you breathless. You fell into the kiss easily and pushed forward to apply more pressure, but he pulled away. “Are we good?” He asked, your lips still grazing each other.
“Yeah.” You breathed out and he gave you one more kiss before grabbing his wallet and cellphone and leaving the bedroom. You flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling as you listened to him leave. The front door closed and several seconds later you heard the tell-tale sound of the SUV roaring to life before speeding out of the driveway.
You and Miguel had been going strong for several months now, but it was a complicated situation. He was in the process of getting a divorce when y’all got together. You were just a working girl trying to keep your head above water. You weren’t looking for anything when he walked into your life, but now you couldn’t picture not having him. He made you feel so alive and loved, but you hadn’t been feeling appreciated. You knew it was hard because him and Emily were married and had a child together, but the marriage was over long before the ink dried on those divorce papers. You would not and could not continue to be made to feel like his dirty little secret.
You laid in bed for several more minutes feeling sorry for yourself before an idea popped into your head. It was risky. It could end badly, but you were prepared for the consequences. This could make or break your relationship, but if things ended at least you went out like a real one and demanded your respect. You got out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower. You had a night out to get ready for.
The slinky dress you had on glittered in the light as you entered the night club. Your usually curly hair was pulled back into a pin straight long ponytail, your strappy heels accentuated your legs, and your makeup was flawless. The music was loudly pumping through the speakers as you made your way toward the entrance of the VIP area. You knew Miguel would be there with his associates. As you made it to the velvet rope, you locked eyes with Nestor who’s jaw almost dropped seeing you.
“He’s gonna lose his shit.” He told you as you walked right up to him. You and Nestor got along relatively well. You both liked each other’s attitudes.
“That’s the plan.” You smirked and Nestor only shook his head with a chuckle. 
“Is it part of the plan for him to kill me and then you? Because that’s what’s gonna happen.” He added, but you wouldn’t be deterred. You’d come too far to turn back now.
“We can pretend we never saw each other. Just let me through before I make a scene and really, I think we both would prefer that didn’t happen.” You lightly threatened, but you were fully prepared to go through with it.
A scene was the last thing he wanted to be a part of. Especially not when Mikey was doing business, but if you wanted to throw yourself in the fire then who was he to stop you? “Good luck.” Nestor commented, letting you enter the VIP and you dropped a quick kiss to his cheek before you ascended the stairs.
There were a bunch of men in suits with girls all around them. It seemed like a typical night for a club with rich clientele. You didn’t know these men, but you knew they were loaded and you knew they did dangerous business. They weren’t your concern though. Your eyes scanned the lounge for Miguel and it wasn’t until you entered a side room that you spotted him.
There was a girl on a pole entertaining the men in the room. Miguel was holding a conversation with a gentleman whose gun was showing from under his jacket. You spotted some fruit lying on the table and popped a cherry into your mouth at the exact moment Miguel noticed you. His eyes raked your form before landing on your face and he did a double take as if to confirm to himself that he was seeing you. You merely looked right at him, smirking. You practically dared him to make a scene in front of everyone.
Without a word, he stood up from his seat and strolled over to you. He tightly grasped your arm before pulling you out of the side room and walking you to a corner of the balcony. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Well, this is a club so I came to get drunk and dance. There’s no better way to spend a Friday night.” You nonchalantly explained but Miguel was not amused.
His grip on your arm tightened as he got in your face. “Don’t provoke me, Y/N.”
“Provoke you? Oh sweetheart…” You began, holding his face and brushing your thumb over his cheek. “I’m just doing my part as your plaything. Do you like the dress? It’s really short.” You removed the hand from his face and placed it over his right one. You slowly guided his hand up your thigh and under your dress as you brought your face closer to his. “You could fuck me without even taking it off.” Your lips brushed the shell of his ear.
He stopped your movement and his hand got tangled in the material of your dress as he drew you closer. “You’re treading on dangerous territory.”
“And to think we’re only getting started.” You challenged him, staring into his eyes. You wouldn’t back down that easily. Not this time.
Miguel seemed to realize you wouldn’t just cower at his words and he saw red. Yes he knew you were independent and headstrong, but you had never so boldly stepped to him. He hated not being in control. He let your dress go and dragged you toward the staircase, practically pushing you down the stairs.
“Nestor, please let the Castros know I will have everything written up for them in a week and we can celebrate with drinks then.” Miguel instructed, once they reached the bottom of the stairs. Nestor looked from Miguel to you and then back to Miguel.
“Sure thing, Mikey.” He nodded in confirmation, before watching Miguel drag you along out of the club. He definitely would not be calling Miguel until tomorrow morning. He wanted no part of whatever was about to happen.
The ride back to your place was a silent one. You both had steam coming out of your ears, you were so mad at each other. You also were both too stubborn to speak first. Miguel waited until it was just the two of you inside of your home and then he exploded.
“What the fuck did you think you were doing, huh!? I told you very specifically to stay the fuck at home and yet here you go. Do you enjoy pissing me off? Is that what this is?” He asked, hands on his hips and his voice full of bass.
Your head rocked back at his audacity. “So you can fuck me all day, bury yourself so deep inside me that I don’t know where I end and you began, but we gotta act like total strangers out in public? Really?”
“You never had a problem with it before.” He pointed out. The nature of your relationship has been the same for months and things have been fine in his eyes. He tried his best to be gentle with you, but it seems he let you think he could be walked over. No matter. He would correct that tonight.
“Yeah, because I thought it was necessary! Your divorce wasn’t final and I didn’t want to be seen as some home wrecking hoe when that was not the case. But you’re a divorced man now. There is no good reason we can’t be together fully unless you’re playing games. And if you’re playing games, let me tell you right now that I don’t wanna play anymore. If you don’t love me, just tell me so I can move on.”
Miguel hated being pushed and he despised ultimatums even more. He’s not the kind of man who gets told what to do. He laughed but there was no humor in it. “You are forgetting your place. If I wanna keep you chained to the gahdamn bed all day then that’s what’s gonna happen. Every decision I make is to keep you safe and that is NOT up for discussion.”
You were the black girl embodiment of the white guy blinking gif as you listened to Miguel. “And I don’t have a choice in this? The occurrences in my life aren’t up for discussion?”
“Not anymore. You knew who I was from the very beginning and it appealed to you right? Savvy businessman with ‘rumored’ connections to the drug world.” He practically slithered over to you until he was all in your personal space. He leaned his face in and let his nose graze up your neck, over your jawline, and up your cheek until he was whispering in your ear. “Mmm. I bet it got your panties all wet, but you didn’t truly know what being mine entailed. The list of people that want me dead or want to hurt me is quite long. The moment you become my woman publicly is the moment those enemies look at you as a weakness they can use to get to me. They will want to hurt you, probably even kill you. Have you truly thought about that?”
You were silent because he was right. Yes, you knew he was Miguel Galindo and so he was the head of a criminal family but you never fully processed how you would fit into that. You always just looked at him as your man and his business as something separate from you. His words solidified that those two worlds couldn’t be separated.
“Yeah, I thought so. But that’s okay querida because it’s been the only thing I’ve thought about for months. From the moment you smiled at me, I’ve wanted you and the second you let me explore every inch of your body you signed your life away to me. You made a deal with el diablo and didn’t even know it.” His hand slowly rubbed your back while holding you close, a familiar show of softness that did not match the words leaving his mouth.
“What?” His words both turned you on and frightened you. You suddenly felt in over your head. But at the same time, knowing he was only trying to keep you safe made you love him all the more.
“You give me all of you; heart, mind, and body. In exchange, I give you everything you could possibly want. Clothes, trips, jewelry, opportunities, and security in every context of the word. So if I say it’s not safe for us to go public you take that as fucking law.” You felt his fingers running up your back before they swiftly entangled in your ponytail and roughly pulled your head back. “And yet, you tried to force my hand tonight after you were given specific instructions to stay home.”
“Miguel…” You breathlessly spoke out, but you weren’t sure what to say. Your head was spinning as it processed this new man in front of you. Well, he wasn’t completely new. You’d seen this side of him, but in regards to business. Never in yall’s relationship.
Miguel brought your face to his and kissed you with an intensity that took your breath away. He was completely in control as his tongue expertly explored your mouth. Your taste was already ingrained in his memory and he would never get enough of it. His kiss brought tiny moans out of your mouth that he quickly swallowed. One hand stayed gripping your ponytail and the other slid up your thighs and under your dress.
He pulled away from the kiss and turned you around so your back was against his chest. He kept your head tilted back as he spoke in your ear. “Don’t ever question my love for you ever again. I would kill anyone that so much as looked at you wrong or too long. Is that what it’s gonna take, hm? You need me to put a bullet in someone’s head to know my love is real? Because I can do that no problem.”
You tried to turn your head to face him, but he roughly pulled on your hair to keep your face facing forward. “N-no! Don’t do that Miguel. I believe you.” You certainly didn’t want some innocent person dying over you.
“Tu eres mia. Lo entiendes?” He growled in your ear before walking you over to the couch. He bent you over the arm of it and slapped your ass when you took too long to answer him.
“Sí.” You moaned softly as he slapped your ass again. He gripped the back of your panties and pulled, rubbing your underwear against your pussy. You were already dripping and it allowed the panties to rub over you easier. This drew a squeal from you.
“Let me hear that again.” Miguel stated, pulling even harder on your panties making you grip the couch.
“Mmm…” You moaned, knowing you were soaking your panties as they rubbed against your lower lips.
He pulled on the fabric so tightly that just as it began to hurt a little you heard them rip. He threw it to the side and just admired the sight of you bent over and exposed to him. Your pussy was glistening and he wanted to dive in, but he had a point to prove first.
You tried to stand up straight but the hand still in your hair, forced your head down. “Don’t fucking move.” He demanded, letting the middle finger of his free hand drag over your lower lips. He entered you without warning, making a groan escape you. He added another finger immediately, the ring finger.
His index and pinky fingers rested on your ass as he fucked you with his middle fingers. The pace was agonizingly slow at first. He was punishing you by dragging it out. He knew you loved a good hard fuck and he wasn’t gonna give it to you...yet.
“Miguel please..” You begged, trying to move your ass against him but he just released your hair and pushed down on your lower back leaving you trapped against the couch.
“Please what?” He asked, wanting to hear you say the words. He was still slowly fucking you and your stomach was a knot of nerves but it still wasn’t enough to drive you over the edge.
“Please fuck me harder baby. Please, I need it.” You begged, unable to do much of anything besides take it. He was owning every part of your body.
He finally picked up the pace and the only sounds in the room were the wet noises of his fingers speeding in and out of your pussy mixed with your moans. He slid you back off the couch just enough so his other hand could reach your clit. He wanted to feel you come apart just from his fingers.
“You better cum for me right now.” He growled, his fingers pinching your clit as his other hand fucked you senseless even as your walls closed around him.
“Yes, yes, yes...fuck!” You screamed, as your orgasm swept through your body. You stood on your tiptoes and arched your back. Your juices flowed out all over his hand. You exhaled loudly as the effects of your release slowed down.
“Oh that’s a good girl. You are mine.” He repeated, letting you shakily stand up from where he had you bent over. You turned around and watched as he sucked his fingers in his mouth, savoring the taste of you. Your arousal shot back up at the sight.
“Bedroom. Now.” He instructed, as he began unbuckling his pants. You started this evening out wanting to put your foot down with Miguel, but he quickly took back the reins like the dominant he was. Damn him and his unflinching controlling and possessive behavior.
Just because you lost the upper hand, it didn’t mean you couldn’t be a little defiant. You pulled the dress off over your head and threw it at his feet. You were left naked except for your heels. “Fine.”
The look in his eyes had you strutting to the bedroom….quickly.
Miguel smirked as he watched you head toward the bedroom. He slowly followed behind you, shedding his clothes along the way. He was going to keep you up all night making sure you never have any doubts about who you belong to and who loves you.
323 notes · View notes
kiyoo-omi · 3 years
from my love to you
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Hello moots and followers! I just want to say happy new years and heres to 2021 treating us right. I’m not too good with words tbh but here I go!
I really can't believe I'm in a position to know so many great people on here! I’m so thankful that each and everyone of you are so welcoming. Every little likes and reblogs mean so much to me as as artist. But interacting with me makes my day so much better and brings such the biggest smile on my face! I’m so grateful that you guys even bothering interacting with me. I wouldn’t have continued this blog have it not been you guys!! I appreciate it so much and it means the world to me. You guys makes me strive to me a better artist (and writer)! I want to be able to make you guys happy and I hope whatever I do on my blogs bring u guys joy as much as it does me!
I hope to be better moot for everybody (cause I’m just a little too shy to interact with you all) Thank you so much for giving me a place in this community and I love you all!
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To my lovely friends!
JEN! MRS. BOKUTO! MRS. AIZAWA! MY BABY MY LOVE MY ANGEL CAKES LIGHT OF MY LIGHT APPLE TO MY EYEE! BOKUJEN AND SHOUJEN SUPREMACY UP IN THIS THIS BITCH 🤪! Aaaahhhh bby I don't know what to say but I love you so much!!! I know I don't show my appreciation as much lately or its been a while! But you are literally a light to my life and I value our friendship so much! I remember our baby talks on here and can’t believe here we are today! I'm counting five/six years girl and I want to celebrate every new year together until we are old as hell. I love when we fangirl, I love our little movie nights, I love getting you gifts, I love daydreaming about our future together and I hope you do too??? Please know I'm literally here for you, I would fight the world and book a ticket there for you if u ever need me to too. Just say the words! Please don’t ever hesitate to hit me up if you ever need to. I hate whatever you you are experiencing that makes you sad, I wish I could be there to fight it away for you! I know this year hasn’t been too nice, but please know that I’m literally just a text or call away! You are my priority. I can't wait for the day where we can see each other one day! I love u so much!
MIMI! HI!! Asdfghjjkkll sorry if this is a little awkward but I'm so glad you were one of the first person I have had the pleasure to meet! I don't remember who reach out to who but I’m so glad one of us did. I remember us fangirling so much back then! Thank you for being so supportive on my art and literally anything, and I’m so glad to have found you again! Here's to 2021 treating you right! I value you so much and I love you!
Hi cameron! I hope you’re doing well lately! I just wanted to say holy shit! Im so proud of you and what you’ve done an accomplished! Just seeing you’re growth and journey has been so awe-inspiring. I hope you’re happier lately and im just so happy for you! Please know I’m here for you if you ever need help! I love you so much! 
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To my lovely close mooties! 
Hi SHAE!! Thank you for being one of my biggest supporter back on dinnachusart and just constantly liking and reblogging my works. You don’t know how much it meant to me being a small as artist and trying to scramble for a crumb of notes (XD lol). Sorry if I don't have much words to say I'm just so thankful that you were able to see me grow as an artist and i hope you still do!! Thank you for also being my penpal and please expect something hopefully this month! Here to 2021 treating you good and spending it together!
HI DIANA!! It’s the way you have my heart! You’re so sweet and adorable, you interaction in anything can brighten up anyones day. I'm still so surprise that were moots! It blows my mind cause I really admired you and your writing and I was intimidated by you!! Now look at where we are now! I’m ur disamu art dealer asddghhjkklldd.Thank you so much for your support on my art! It really does means the world and your comments are absolutely everything. Thank you for being one of the reason I stay on here! Cheers to 2021 love you and you deserve the best!
HI PLUMMIE! PRETTY PLUMMIE SOULMATE!!! I'm so happy and glad we were able to hit is off so well! You’re one of the person I can feel so at ease with! I love our interactions and me just joking around with you lol! Just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you! Don’t ever doubt your writing please! Its the greatest and the world to my eyes! Make sure you take breaks and don't ever force yourself to provide or write! You simple being here is the greatest thing to happen to everybody you’ve come across! You deserve the world and imma fight 2021 if it ever crosses you! Love you lots plummie!
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To my mooties who I'm so thankful that you even follow and interact with me!! I be fangirling and get so happy when you do! just know I love you all and appreciate you so much! I hope to see you all grow andsucceed to the absolute best in your life! Love you lots! Cheers to 2021. 
(In no particular order! I’m sorry if I sound repetitive. I’m sorry if you don't considered us moots ill take u off if u don't wanna be on here!)
@tsumtsumland : hope you doing well! Love you lots and ahhh im so thankful for you!! I love interacting with you! thank you for being my penpal and I hope to see more of eachother! I hope 2021 can be kind to you! 🤲🏽🥺💞💞💞
@midnightweeds: hi weeds! I just wanted to say im so grateful for you! Thank you for being so generous and lending a hand when i needed it the most! Thank u for sending me sakusa pictures as well! 🥺💞
@atsumuse: hi lay! ur such a cool person and I admire u so much! I hope 2021 treats you well! I love ur writng please its the best. 🥺💞
@tsukkis-crybaby: hi felicity! ur so beautiful and thank u for our interactions togther! I love seeing you on my dash and inbox! I hope 2021 is a good year for you! kisses for you!😘
@amberalisa hi alisa!! I hope ur doing well! I really love ur suna fic and can’t wait for your other one! happy New Years and I hope this year is a good year for you!!
@hisoillusandwich: hi Mae!! 🥺💞 ur sakusa fic is one of my favs and omg the fact ur interact with me at all my heart! here to 2021 being good to u beautiful!
@prettysetterbaby: hi jj!!! *screaming* you are so beautiful and deserve the utmost best in life! I love seeing you on my dash! thank you for being such a great person and supporting my art! you are so loved and I’m wishing nothing but the best for you! 2021 better treat you right!
@bucketofforks: hi hi bof! I’m so grateful for your interactions! they bring such smiles and laughs, I hope 2021 goes good for you!
@hq-trashies: hi kaley!! love seeing u on my dash sorry if we don’t interact as much! But you are such a beautiful person! Thank u for your book recs! send more my way haha’ I hope 2021 goes well for u!!
@velvesagi: hi jem!! Love seeing u on my dash!! thank u for ur interactions they mean a lot! Here’s to 2021 being a better year for you!
@sunaswife : hi knifey! I found you through ur suna series and I really love it!! I hope 2021 is a good year for you! Thank u for even interacting with u, pretty sure I was fangirlibg! Lol
@lovingnekoma: hi artimes! thank u so much for your interactions! they really do brighten up my day! I hope to be a better mutual to you! I hope 2021 can be ur year!
@inxriyama: hi bunny! 🥺🤲🏽💞💞💞really love ur writing and really enjoy our small interactions together! Here’s to 2021 being a good year!
@kurooblesse: hi tesh! I hope ur doing well and ughhhh please ur writing!! 😩💦 🥴 gives me the hots! Here’s to 2021 being good to you!!
@kenmasbb: hi tia!!! gaawwddd ur writing!! Please give me room to breathe! I really love our interaction and I hope u doing well and happy 2021!
@rintarhue: hi Kopi!! ur smau series are the best and ur rin one is so creative!! such a great writer and I hope to see more from you! here to 2021 being a good year to you!
@shoyosun: hi Marta!!! your art is so cute and can’t wait to see more of it!! thank u for being such a sweetheart and I hope we can interact more! cheers to 2021 being a good year!
@omijime: hi nini!! your so adorable and omg thank u for interacting with me! It means a lot! I hope you Samu, and suna have such a happy 2021 together!
@dxddykeiji: hi Sammy!! I know we don’t interact as much!! but I enjoy seeing you on my dash! thank you for being my moot and I hope 2021 is the best for you!
@radiantful: hi Martha! I’m so thankful for your interactions they brighten up my day! I hope 2021 is good to you!
@ukeishin: hi Celeste! thank u for poppin in my inbox here or there! I love our little interactions and hope we can interact more! I hope 2021 will treat you right! U deserve it!
@ladyrenart: hi Lena! I love your popping in my inbox! they make me smile so much! I appreciate you so much! cheers to 2021 being good to you!
@toniiihime: hi toni!! your so beautiful and your drawings are so cute! I can’t wait to see more! Can’t wait to see you grow! 2021 is ur year!
@aiiishiiiteru: hi nona! I know we don’t interact as much but I looove ur writing!! I’m screamed when u followed back XD! Cheers to 2021 being a good year for you!
@mi-yams: ren wifey!!! I love our interactions together!! you’re so fun and cute! I hope 2021 treats u well!
@darlingoshiki: hi saint! I hope 2021 is good to you! Thank u for popping in my ask here or there and I enjoy seeing on my dash!
@helloaisabelle: hi aisy! I love ur writing!! ur national team got me 🥴🥵 thank u for your interaction and I hope we can interact more! I hope 2021 is the best for you!
@onefortyninecm : hi Danielle! I’m grateful for interactions together m! Your art is amazing!! and you deserve all the love coming your way! you’re very beautiful and I hope I can be a better moot! here’s to 2021 treating you good! 🥺💞
@picassho-18​: hi Kate!! just wanted to say thank you for your support and I love seeing you inbox abs post! Wishing 2021 the best for u!
@inarizakicafe​: hi ni! I know where new moots. But I absolutely love your writing! I hope to interact more with you if that’s okay! cheers to 2021 to be a good year for you!
@itzdaichi​: hi lovely!! I just wanted to say your so sweet and adorable! Your interaction bring so much joy to me! I hope 2021 treats you right!
@tsukkikou​: hi kou! I really love our interactions and thank you for popping in my inbox for a while! It makes me really happy and I hope your doing well!
@suhkusa​: hi hi guys! Just wanted to say I love your writing and I hope 2021 is good to the both of you!
@sunseteyes​: hi gel!! ur so beautiful and I know we don’t interact as much! but I love when we do! I hope 2021 is a good year for you!
@alto-march-of-death​: hi al!! I appreciate our interactions and thankful that you even do in the first place! I hope to be a better moot and wishing 2021 is good to you!
@churochuu​: hi chuu!! I love our first interaction together!! you're art is so cute and adorable! 2021 better treat you right!
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to my lovely anons and character interactions whoever you are. you guys absolutely have my heart. im so thankful that you guys even do this for me?? i feel like i dont deserve it. you guys make my day so much and i hope 2021 treat you so good. you dont know how much you guys are appreciated by everyone! love you! 
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thank you to everybody for making the remaining month of 2020 one of my best! i love you all! 
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Here is the next idea: Rfa + minor duo A writer mc that uses them to help her plan out stories.
RFA + Minor duo with a writer MC that uses them to help her plan out stories
This was in my inbox for...a year? Thanks for waiting, I love you!
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,,I don’t understand,’’ Jumin laughed as he put on his blue uniform.
,,I need to see every detail of you,’’ you laughed, looking deep into his eyes and describing everything the best to make sure that your new book would turn out perfectly.
,,Well… why not feel every detail…?’’ he asked you, putting his arm around your waist and kissing your neck.
You were still taking notes of everything he did and every feeling he unleashed onto you.
Jumin already knew that you were like that.
He always had to help you to write out your stories and he was okay with it.
Actually, both of you had a bet.
He could only have you if he could manage to make you drop your notebook.
Indeed, Jumin always worked hard, but in order to make it exciting for you he always tried his best.
Well, it was kind of embarrassing to see a few private moments in a book which was a bestseller in the whole world, but you never said in the public that Jumin helped you out.
In your book, Jumin was a bodyguard who had to protect you. He was a politician who had a lot of dirty stuff to do and often played with people.
The story was actually you and Jumin’s life, just written a bit different and with mixed characters.
But whatever you would write, Jumin would always be proud of you.
,,Okay Zenny, you need to tell me every single feeling you are feeling on stage,’’ you said and began to type on the keyboard.
Zen couldn’t believe that he was your boyfriend, his manager, and girlfriend was actually a hobby artist who loved to write stories and actually used him to plan her stories.
Zen often said that the both of them were the perfect couple because he would always plan out her books, and you would always manage his schedule.
,,Okay, so, I feel scared but also excited. I can’t describe this feeling, but I feel as if my heart would break into 1,000 pieces out of my body.
I feel warm and cold at the same time. I feel like crying and laughing. I have mixed feelings up there.
I try to implant every single face of them into my brain to always remember my fans,’’ You never stopped typing.
The story you were currently writing was a story of a young idol and the world of show business.
You wanted to show the world that idols were human too.
That Idols could be scared, imperfect, fall in love, make mistakes and simply be themselves too.
And with your book, you already took the first step.
,,Am I something like your muse?’’ he asked you and smiled as he read your story.
,,Somehow,’’ you laughed and took a bite of your cake.
,,This sounds very like me,’’ he laughed and pointed at one line which actually made you chuckle.
,,Hey! This really happened!’’ he laughed again and looked at you.
And here again, the thing you always described in your books, in our stories.
The stars and love you saw in his eyes whenever he finished reading a scene and asked you if you really felt like that.
Indeed, this book had your feelings in them. Your thoughts and the way you saw Yoosung, the one who supported you the best when you couldn’t do anything.
When you failed at publishing your book, when you failed at finding a sponsor.
This book had a storyline no one could ever fulfill. It was your fairy tale with details of your daily lie with Yoosung.
,,Thank you,’’ you looked up when Yoosung spoke up.
,,Thank you for loving me and seeing me that way,’’ he went on.
,,I love you,’’ you whispered and kissed him.
,,Are you sure that you can handle that? I wish I could do more,’’ Jaehee said as she corrected the writings on the table.
,,Yeah. I mean, you already did so much: searching for a publisher, the money, it’s alright,’’ you smiled.
,,Indeed, Jaehee already did so much for you. She supported you so much.
And you were trying to thank her with all you could.
Writing a book about her, making her dream come true of opening a coffee shop; you did your best with everything.
And you knew that Jaehee did the same for you.
Both of you were helping each other with everything in your power.
,,Here, some coffee,’’ she whispered and put the mug next to you.
You stopped typing and inhaled the scent of the fresh brewed coffee.
,,I need to write this down and make a scene where my heroine doesn’t fight but just enjoys some coffee, just like me,’’ you laughed.
,,Ahahaha, well, this would be great,’’ Jaehee laughed.
You smiled.
Both of you knew that this scene would come some time.
After all, it came true for Jaehee: the time where all her dreams came true and with this book, you wanted to show the people that anything was possible.
Just like it was with Jaehee.
It literally took your future husband a night to implant a virus in the whole korean industry to make people read your book, making you come out big in the whole world.
The phone was ringing ever since you got up and people began to spam your Instagram page.
The TV was filled with your name. Actually, it was kind of scary, but you also enjoyed the attention.
,,I kind of feel like people just read it now because I’m famous,’’ you said and played with your nails.
,,Nah, people don’t spend money on shitty stuff,’’ he said to encourage you.
You began to sit at your desk and begin to take some notes.
,,Do you need help?’’ he asked you and began to type some things in his laptop, searching for relaxing music for you.
,,Yeah, in book two, the secret agent in the first book was shot. Tell me how a bullet shot feels like and how to get it out. What does a private doctor look like and why do they help bad people?’’ you asked him, ready to use every single word he tells you in a few seconds.
And then he began.
Well, he had to assure you that he was never shot and that there was no way that he even had to visit a doctor who would never tell anyone about his medical record, but he could help you with the first chapter.
The character was based on Saeran and Saeyoung.
The bad people were actually based on V and Rika, but also your supposed father in law had a big role.
And so, with his support, you could write a fantastic chapter, and now that more people noticed you, the second book would be an even bigger hit.  
You were one of Korean’s most well known manhwa authors and were more than happy to share the truth about your story.
And of course, like always, whatever you did, everything was pretty close to the true events.
Well, at first Saeran was against it, but when Jumin read what you planned to do, he was for it, making Saeran change his mind too.
,,It may be a good way of bringing people to our side,’’ he nodded.
,,But, Mc, if I may, my character looks a bit plain and is described as a cat lover. Could you please change it into cat protector?’’ he mumbled and looked up to you, making Yoosung laugh.
,,And you really think that this can help us to find my brother?’’ he asked,making you nod.
,,I’m positive,’’ you assured him.
Later in the evening, Saeran laid next to you, looking up to the ceiling.
,,Are you scared? Should I drop it?’’ you asked him.
,,No, I just had to think about it… how you see me. I’m not this strong. People will get the wrong idea. I can’t do anything alone, I -’’
,,You came this far. This book is saying the truth. Everyone sees you as a strong man, Saeran. So do I and so will my readers. Trust me, please…’’
And with that, both of you fell asleep in a warm embrace...
,,I can’t describe how happy I am to welcome you all today,’’ you said, looking into the crowd of your big party.
This was already the third party you organized ever since Jihyun was back, with the difference that today you guys had a special occasion.
,,I would like to thank you for this long lasting support, without you all, I couldn’t have possibly been able to write this book.
And I want to thank my muse, the inspiration of this book, who didn’t just help me, telling me more about his mind, and letting me publish this book, but he also helped me with the books layout and it’s cover; a self drawn picture by my Fiancé,’’ you said as Jihyun smiled at you from behind.
You wrote about mental health, inserting everyone’s thoughts with Jihyun’s put in first.
How to help someone and how to help if a person itself feels worried and confused about all those feelings and thoughts.
You wanted to help people just like Jihyun tried to help others.
,,Now, let’s enjoy the party and please keep supporting us!’’ Jihyun said and held his glass up.
Looking around yourself, you thought that you did the right thing.
Everyone had their own way of helping others and that was right. Still, you hoped that you could change something and make the sun shine a bit brighter.
16.04.2020// 22:17 MEST
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lunaverseimagine · 4 years
Wedding Gift
Request:  “Hi!!!!! I was wondering if you could write a Cedric Diggory imagine where takes place after the battle of hogwarts and he and his gf (the reader) get married and she tells him she is pregnant?” ~ anon
Pairing: Cedric x Reader
Summary: It’s Cedric and reader’s wedding day, and she has some big news for him.
Warnings: Mentions of war, death, grief, and contraception.
Word count: 1.2k
Your wedding day. There had been so many times that you thought this day would never come, and you knew Cedric had the same thoughts. Only two years after you started dating, Cedric was almost killed by you-know-who. If he hadn’t have jumped behind the gravestone in time to dodge the killing curse sent his way- you can’t imagine what life would be like now. You don’t even want to try. Then a few years later the very same dark wizard waged a war on the school that was your second home. You and Cedric fought to defend Hogwarts and those you loved; often you’d be back to back protecting each other from countless death eaters. You had moved in sync, feeling his back against yours, his presence helping to dampen the terror that threatened to paralyse you. You felt a heaviness just thinking about the war: your fear of losing Cedric, your grief for all the people you did lose, horrendous sights you could never unsee. Honestly you had no idea how the two of you managed to survive. And yet you had.
Today was a day of celebration, a day to commemorate the boundless love you had for the beautiful man standing in front of you. But it was tainted. Tainted by the absence of the loved ones you’d lost, tainted by the memories that always came creeping back. You were so grateful to have Cedric to help you through the dark and difficult times: both the war and its aftermath. You said so in your vows.
Cedric’s vows almost made you melt into a gooey puddle of adoration. He said that when he was facing death, the only thing on his mind was staying alive so that he could be with you. You made him feel joy and peace in the midst of a war, and every day he fell in love with you more and more. He never wanted to know a life without you, and putting a ring on your finger was symbolic of how he could never feel complete without you by his side.
The party afterwards had been wonderful. During your first dance he held you so gently and yet so firmly that you knew he’d always be there to catch you if you fell. You rested your head on his chest and heard his heartbeat, such a precious sound that was almost taken away from you. You hugged him and promised yourself you’d never let him go.
There was something you hadn’t told him yet though. Something important. You had only found out the day before. Your period was over a week late and you felt a bit sick in the morning, so you thought you’d buy a test just to be on the safe side. You never really believed that the test would be positive. It wasn’t as though you’d been trying, but you knew that contraception was never 100% effective. You’d done another test today just to be sure it wasn’t a false positive, and when you saw the same two lines appear you knew you’d have to tell Cedric. Not wanting to throw him off right before the wedding, you thought you’d wait until after the evening celebrations to let him know.
Now the two of you were entering your hotel suite. It had a grand four poster bed with curtains that shimmered gold, and a window overlooking the sea. You could hear the waves crashing against the shore, the sound almost peaceful.
“I love you y/n Diggory.” Cedric had repeated this so many times throughout the day, and every time it made your heart leap with happiness.
“I love you too Ced.” you replied, holding his hands in your own. He placed a featherlight kiss on your forehead, followed by one on the tip of your nose, before landing on your lips. You kissed him back, gratefulness bubbling inside you for this one-in-seven-billion person who you had the absolute honour of calling your husband. But before the kiss went any further, you knew you needed to share your news. You broke off the kiss and pulled Cedric down next to you on the bed. You were sitting with your knees touching, so you could see each other clearly.
“There’s something I need to tell you.” You bit your lip and looked down at your lap. This was massive news. How was he going to take it? Should you have told him before the wedding? What if he wasn’t ready for this? Would he.. Would he leave you?
Cedric gently squeezed your hands, which were still holding his, and brought you back to the present moment.
“What is it?” He asked kindly, his eyes never leaving yours.
“I’m-” you felt tears forming but you steeled yourself, remembering that you’d decided to marry Cedric for good reasons. He was loyal and kind, and had the purest heart of anyone you knew. Even if it was a shock, you knew he would stay by your side.
“Ced, I’m pregnant.” The tears began flowing freely, and you couldn’t quite explain why. You waited for Cedric’s reaction with your heart thumping. His hands left yours and you felt your stomach plummet. 
But then he wrapped his arms around you in a fierce embrace, and repeated his earlier words.
“I love you. I love you.” He sounded choked up too, but you couldn’t tell if it was due to sadness or joy. “Y/n, this is wonderful. We might not have planned this, but I can’t think of a greater wedding gift.” He pulled away from you and tenderly kissed your lower abdomen.
“I love you y/n, and I love you baby Diggory.” You let out a laugh, and wiped the tears from your face. Yes, this was scary, but Cedric was right. It was the most wonderful wedding gift, and you couldn’t think of a sweeter man to be the father to your unborn child. You shared a comfortable moment of silence, letting him digest the news properly.
“We can do this, right Ced?” your eyes searched his for confirmation.
“You’re going to be the best mother, and I’ll be right there by your side doing my very best.” He let out a small chuckle. You brushed your knee against his.
“You’re going to be the best father, you know that right?” 
“What I know is that this precious baby growing inside you right now is never going to know war. I’ll do whatever it takes to fill their life with love and joy. Y/n, we’ve been through so much-” he paused. Talking about the war out loud was still difficult for you both “-but this little life is our new beginning. Our hope.” You were on cloud nine. You and Cedric were going to start a family together. It was really going to happen.
The happiest day of your life came 9 months later when you and Cedric welcomed baby Hope Diggory into a peaceful world.
Thank you for the request anon, this was so fun to write! I love any AU where Cedric lives past book four...  My inbox is open for imagine requests, so please feel free to send some in! If you enjoyed this then please like/reblog/follow, it’s super encouraging <3 
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