#i really want to !
wolfythewitch · 9 months
Wouldn't it be soooo crazy if I made an artbook where every page spread is based on each book of the Odyssey. Wouldn't that be hilarious
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little-pup-pip · 3 months
Could you make a Mardi Gras themed one with a BUNCH of bright colors and sparkles, no paci please
(it doesn't have to be on time for the holiday, take your time! I'm just feeling home sick because they don't celebrate it here :[ )
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captin-azoth · 3 months
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Peach with a sword gives me such serotonin ✨
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gang do i like guys or no
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swallowtailcherry · 6 months
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I should try drawing them at some point ^
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hum-suffer · 2 months
English ki exam hai, book review writing skills mein Haunting Adeline likh ke aa jau kya 💀💀💀
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franky-y · 8 months
Happy birthday to the strange finnish guy who just waltzed into my life and made this year turn out a lot different than I thought it would! Hope you have a good one! 💚💚💚
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the thing that people don't even get anymore is that we got a number 1 victory royale yeah fortnite were about to get down
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lettucebee17 · 6 months
I had a different idea for a Christmas thing but I didn’t give myself nearly enough time to finish it so it’s been put on a back burner (maybe to show up later)
These are just ships that I already have vague ideas of things I could write for them so if you pick a different ship please comment with a specific idea and if I like it better than my own I might do it :)
Also, if I don’t actually post something on or a little after Christmas… you never saw this poll.
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benanazauce · 10 months
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so so so so SO late to this trend,,,but I decided to hop on the bandwagon with none other than these goobers!!
it’s been so long since I’ve drawn these two!! I’ve missed drawing them
I should draw more wordgirl ggrafsgaggagghhhhh
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musingsbycaitlin · 4 months
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WIP Intro - The Greyhound Club, a novel
Hi, hello, welcome to another wip. I haven’t done one of these in ages but I finally have some new ideas thanks to uni.
The Greyhound Club is a science fiction, literary novel that follows lab tech Gwen as she uncovers the perhaps unsavoury and sinister goings on within the company she works for. Her role within the company is to help engineer and develop the science behind robotic, ai carers for the elderly or injured. However, is there something more to her job that she isn’t being told? And will the new hire she is charged with training help lead her to uncovering the truth behind it all? Who is the elusive and elitist Greyhound Club that consists of the ‘best’ employees from each department, and what do they really do to deserve all of those benefits? Does it have anything to do with Gwen’s experiments? What is the price for finding out the truth?
Genre: science fiction, literary, horror
Setting: undetermined city in England, 2026/a few years in the future
POV: first person, present tense
Status: initial drafting/planning
Vibes/Aesthetics: smog covered motorways, the sizzle of stubbing out a cigarette, a half-filled car park, drawing frowny faces on frosted windows, clicking of a mouse, Uncle Sam posters ripped in half, dead rose bushes, choking on a plastic bag, twisting an ankle, spit on concrete, the smell after rain, dew lined skin, stainless steel, half-fogged glasses.
Unfortunately I can’t post an extract here yet since the assignment is still ongoing but after the hand-in in May I will update with some extracts. But I’m really happy with this idea overall and I think the vibes are super different to things I’ve written before. I tend to go really bloody and gory with horror and the vibes usually have more colour and pigmentation, however with this one I really wanted to mute everything down to the minimum and see what I could extract from those small moments and what will arise from the nothingness. I have also never specifically set a story in England, where I’m from, and I found that so unusual since I have never been to America or any other place I seem to gravitate to when coming up with settings. So rainy England seemed a perfect change of pace. I’ve also been listening to a new album in order to help visualise and get in the headspace of the story more so if you want an even more explicit depiction of the vibes then listen to Kesha’s album, Gag Order.
I’m hoping to be doing small updates on this as I get further through the drafting process as part of my assignment (which is only 3000-3500 words) and try and be a bit more consistent on this one because I really see this going all the way. Idk, I might be delusional but a little doesn’t hurt.
If you have questions then please ask cos I love talking about my work and my characters and my vibes. Also if anyone has any comp titles that would be really appreciated cos I don’t read much sci-fi. And of course if you want to added to the taglist then please let me know.
@annlillyjose @dallonwrites @aesa @winterandwords @iannicellis @isherwoodj @writeouswriter
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duncan-vizla-honeybee · 10 months
Watching Polar for hundreed times, because I slowly losing my third job because of an idiot..... So....I simply sacrifices too much for nothing, nobody worthy.
And mostly... Gods.. Really.... I want to fuckoff my 'myself' to Triple Oak in Montana...... To him..
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I'm sorry for my constant Polar posts.... It looks that simply helps me with crisis. 🤷🏼‍♀️ *cries*
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Would y'all get annoyed if I live blogged my thoughts while I listen to music?
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mtbluecat · 8 months
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DAY 1 (fav chara | hurt/comfort)
for yesterday’s (two days ago…? lmao i was very busy sorry) entry i kinda combined the prompts since i couldn’t *not* feature my favourite brothers-in-angst, possession, and definitely deserving of a happy ending.
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a-rand0m-bl0g · 2 months
My brain: HEYYYYYYYYY, wassup.
Brain: Bruh- That's not what I was gonna say. I was gonna say that I have a really good idea.
Me: Every time you say you have a "good idea" it ends up going to shit.
Brain: What about the places blogs?
Me: They're GIMMICK BLOGS, of course they're going to be POPULAR and not be a flop.
Brain: ANYWAY, you should make a ask blog for MP.
Me: Huh, I'll think about it.
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s0f1kka · 11 months
So true...
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Here's the original, not mine btw.
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