#i really wanted her to give the vibe of the corrupted authority figure
thewertsearch · 2 years
Asks Compilation 11/12
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I never considered that Aradia could be feeling sincere gratitude towards Equius - that's a good point, and might partially explain her flushed feelings for him. Similarly, I never thought about how difficult and impractical a relationship would be for Equius, given he has this kind of strength paired with this kind of dexterity.
Anyway, I half-agree with your thesis. I can imagine a hypothetical kismesissitude between an older, more mature Equius and Aradia, and I think that relationship could potentially be healthy, for the reasons you describe.
But the one we're getting is doomed from the start - Equius's mind-control shenanigans have pretty much torpedoed the whole thing. I don't think he can have a healthy relationship until he figures out why that was wrong.
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I'll give you a freebie right now - most of the Jojo villains would fit right in with the Felt!
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Yeah, it's not like romantic rivalry is a new idea. Really, the more I think about it, the more I think Hussie's riffing on real relationship tropes with all the quadrants.
Hell, I could probably list some fictional characters that work pretty well as Moirails - and I'm not just talking about The Locked Tomb!
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[ sent when you posted your troll ranking! - C ]
She's the best, she's the worst, and she's destined for great terrible things.
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Sorry Eridan - someone had to nab last place!
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He does have a great design. The cape and scarf work well together - I can see how he'd be easy and fun to cosplay.
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We have two opposing views here, and they both make good arguments. Aristocrats do tend to be egotistical by nature - but Alternia would expect him to act that way, even if it wasn't his natural tendency.
I personally don't think Eridan ever intended to exterminate the land-dwellers, but I'm not sure he ever realized that himself.
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Don't forget Insane Clown Hussie, which is when your webcomic author keeps putting more harlequins in their story.
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Toby, what are you doing back in my ask box? Get outta here, you scamp!
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It's funny, I never considered that many people are reading through the liveblog/chrono/ tag. I'm almost never on my blog's page; I see it through the dashboard!
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Happy belated birthdays, Jade, Dave, and, Rose!
Odd. It really looks like John's birthday should be December 2nd. Maybe something went wrong with his meteor.
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The Newtonverse is a corruption of Homestuck, but Homestuck is already a parody of a million other things. It's one layer too deep, and feels 'wrong' as a result.
Unless Cool and New Webcomic is a similar style of parody, in which case, who knows? Maybe the Newtonverse is simply real, and trying to break into our reality.
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Yeah, that makes sense. She certainly looks like a classic eldritch monster.
I can't see the commentary - I assume because some of it contains spoilers. For comments that don't spoil anything, feel free to send them along.
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It's always very tempting to check out other livebloggers so I can compare and contrast. I won't, though - quite aside from any worries about spoilers, I just don't want to influence my own opinions!
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This has always been a blind spot with me, and it always will be. Try as I might, I will never recognize the difference between Rouge and Rouge.
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I knew the comic had about 8000 pages, but it's good to know it clocks in at 8128.
It annoys me more than it should that it's not 2^13, or 8192. It would have been a nice round number to finish on!
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Thank you, and welcome!
Eridan's beliefs don't really make sense - but it makes sense that they don't. It's bigotry, after all.
He knows trolls like Kanaya, and can clearly see that there's nothing inferior about her - but he can't let go of what he's been taught, so he just doesn't address it, and continues on as normal.
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This comic is damn long, so it's a fun reference to make.
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I'd probably pick one. No special reason - I just sort of vibe with the number, and it's the closest to something kooky like zero, or a negative number.
I would have picked the cueball, but I don't think I want Scratch as a rival...
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Ok, that's fair, actually.
I love how she's trying to 'cull' them.
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It's a good bit. I wonder if this means Hussie's trollsona is a green-blood, like Kanaya?
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Read it!
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It's not intended to! The others all link to the post where the work was recommended to me, but Con Air wasn't recommended - it's just a movie slightly relevant to Homestuck. I have it up there for completeness, and it's underlined for consistency.
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dude1818 · 6 months
Oh right, I had to switch sources (again) since the website I had been using was missing a few pages in a recent chapter. This version is a little better (also translates sound effects, for example). Let's see how it did that weird dig in my last post
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Well, it reads a lot more natural at least. We do know Nazuna's priorities from when she was in high school. Anyway, onto the liveblog!
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Oh no, when the girlfriend in Canada shows up at your school anyway
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And immediately pulls him aside for a quickie. I mentioned this in my anime liveblog, but again great use of mirrors
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Oh my god. Akira called Ko because she saw his bandage was off, but I completely cracked up at Nazuna waltzing back with blood still on her mouth
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Real Ryo hours
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Vampire eyes. Pretty obvious since Ko was just wondering if there were vampires here in Hokkaido too. He has the same "dress like a high schooler" technique that Seri used to hunt prey. At least there was a little gap between when Kyoko explained what a vampire's glamour was, since he seems to be using that too. (Although I think that power has been obvious since Hatsuka's harem in season 1)
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Okay, that's a messed up cliffhanger panel. Obviously he was trying to pick off one of the girls in Ko's group for a meal, but that's giving much more date rape vibes than "just" a vampire attack
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Last chapter had Ko punch the vampire once in the gut and then cut to him carrying the girl back to their hotel. Subtle, I liked it. This chapter then filled in the rest of his and the vamp's fight. Sure
But now Nazuna and crew are also headed to the same bar to talk to the "locals," i.e. this same vampire. That's too much a coincidence. Surely this guy isn't the only vampire in Hokkaido
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Wait, he recognizes Nazuna's mom?? That's wild
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Now the fangs come out. Nice. I wish they would finally acknowledge that they're been dating this whole time
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A bit on the nose to show off your black widow fetish to your romantic partner. I'm trying to figure out when I predicted when this was Kiku's whole deal. Maybe even back in season 1?
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Huh. I was not expecting it to be that. Haru I can see wanting to be human again to be with Nazuna's dad. Kiku seems to have had this MO for way longer though
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That's a hilarious use of sound effects
Not posting this screenshot, but the bath scene ends with a full frontal shot of Kyoko getting out the water, and the author simply didn't draw her nipples. Not even a pretense of modesty steam or anything, just smooth like a barbie doll
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This is why I love this manga. Under all her goofiness and sexual innuendos and refusal to admit they're already dating, she really and truly cares about him
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They were talking about how most human myths about vampires aren't true, but may be corrupted from stories about real vampires over the years. If that's true, it would only be appropriate that the vampire myth that feeding on a human you love kills you is corrupted from the real property that feeding on a human you love turns you human. Because what is becoming mortal again except a very delayed death? Ironic, or possibly not, that Haru falling in love with a human killed her vis a vis getting pregnant with Nazuna
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Baby don't hurt me. (That's basically the plot of the whole manga, huh)
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druidgroves · 11 months
HI! i love your blog and all your oc's especially dianthe + georgia!!! but a question, how did you become attached to your tav's? I've been playing one and off since august and haven't been able to stick with a tav I've made :( the furthest I've gotten was half way through the shadow-cursed lands before my save was corrupted and had to restart. I really want to get into bg3 but i've restarted my playthroughs more than a dozen times because I've not been attached, any words of wisdom are welcome
omg thank you so much for your kind words !!! so sweet :,)
to answer your question, i became very attached to my guys over time (i flip-flopped forEVER on if i wanted to drop feron in the game), so don't feel like you have to rush it! you can always change elements of their backstory or personality later/as they come to you—i'm still tweaking the finer details of dianthe's backstory as i plan a second playthrough for her to really get a hold on her character.
it also helps i think, if you tie your tav's backstory into the main themes of the game (trust, diverging paths, free will, etc). the best way i've done that is by giving feron an overbearing authority figure in the form of a hag from her past, much like what the rest of the companions have with cazador, shar, mystra, mizora, etc etc.
also fucking around in the character creator for fun has done a lot for me in terms of character design & the vibes i end up giving them!
i hope this helps ! <3
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bjornswoman · 3 years
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Requested by none.
Author's note: Hey guys! I hadn't post for a while because I wasn't creative. These past days I lack from creativity a lot, so I hope you will like this. Thank you for your support. Till the next time, have fun and take care.
Pairing: Modern!Bjorn x Reader.
Genre: Modern!au, romance, drama, angst, smut.
Summary: You and Bjorn are friends but that's not the only thing he is for you.
Warnings: Smut, jealousy, strong language.
"So, tell me. How does it feel like to be the son of two of the most powerful people in the world?" The blonde chic asked Bjorn and he chuckled. The brunette on the the other side of him were looking at him the same way as her stupid friend. You, on the other hand, rolled your eyes at her stupidity. You took your glass and sipped the liquid it contained.
Why did women have to be so stupid sometimes? Some of you embarrassed the reast who were normal and not on your knees for a man.
They thought that being the son of Ragnar and Lagertha was easy because he had a really comfortable and easy life but it wasn't just like that. His life wasn't just money, fancy parties, expensive stuff from brand names. Bjorn was holding heavy weight on his shoulders. Being the son of these people meant that the others werw expecting from him to be equal or even greater than them. He had to prove that he wasn't just having a name but was creating his own reputation apart from the one that followed their parents' names.
Lagertha and Ragnar started from a little farm in nowhere and after all these years they ended up conquering the world. They made money and reputation all by themselves. Bjorn couldn't be just their son. He had to build his own name and a great legacy after it.
You could understand how it felt to be their child. Your father had his own reputation. He wasn't Ragnar Lothbrok, but he was Floki the Boatbuilder. He, Ragnar, Lagertha and some friends of them started all these by themselves. You had to prove that you were yourself, not just Floki's daughter as Bjorn wasn't just Ragnar's son.
The name he carried was heavy and great, he had to be worthy to prove that he wasn't just that name. He was Bjorn Ironside Lothbrok not Bjorn Lothbrok son of Ragnar Lothbrok. They gave him the name Ironside for some reason.
"It feels like—" Bjorn paused for a moment thinking about the suitable word to express how it was to be himself.
You placed your empty glass on the counter and motioned to the barman to pour you another one. After that you turned to the three of them.
"It feels like heavy weight on his shoulders I'd say." You spoke and sipped from your new drink.
The women who were next to him didn't evwn pay attention to what you had said, but little did you cared. You didn't care at all about them to bw honest. They were just the women of his night. In fact, not even the women of the night. The night had just started and you were aware that he would find a lot of women to please. That was what Bjorn wanted from women. He wanted to lay with them once and nothing more. Maybe they didn't approach him for only this. They craved fame and recognition, invitations to fancy parties, money and stuff, but Bjorn didn't want nothing serious.
Bjorn seemed amused by your answer. He downed his own drink and ordered another.
"That's an interesting and really intriguing answer. Care to speak about it more, zin?" Bjorn spoke to you smirking.
You rolled your eyes again at the nickname and his smirk grew wider.
This nickname was found by him when you were kids. You were best friends with Bjorn and Gyda, his late sister. As children, you used to play at your mother's garden. Her favorite flowers were zinnias and chrysanthemums, so they were planted all over the garden. You used to sat on a bench next to zinnias. You were telling him how much you liked them, so he found that nickname. Zin as zinnias, the flowers.
Zinnias were you code word too. When you were sad all you had to tell him was this word and he knew that it was the time for him to stop joking.
It was normal to you to fall for him. He was always tough, muscular, rich, funny, kind, grumpy, sweet —when he wasn't grumpy— and ridiculously handsome. But you realized that late. You knew you were in love with him in high-school. He was the guy all the girls wanted to lay with. Bjorn had laid almost with all of them. That hurt your feelings, but you knew that he was like that. He didn't want anything serious back then too. You used to get yourself in trouble all the time and Bjorn managed to get you out of it every time as the tough and muscular guy he had always been. The guys who were hitting on you, trying to sleep with you and you were ditching them not in the polite way didn't dare to mess with you because they knew they would be dead by him.
Bjorn would never let anyone touch you like that.
Anyways, you didn't use this as a code word anymore. Bjorn was the one who used it as a nickname for you and you kept telling him not to call you zin.
"Don't call me that." You grumbled. "Being their son means lots of duties. You have to prove that you are not just a spoiled brat but a man worthy of the name he carries. You have to work to be great just like them." You said and sipped again from the glass you were still holding.
The brunette next to Bjorn rolled her eyes and put her hand on his chest.
"You didn't answer the question." She spoke and you were the one to roll your eyes this time.
These women were really stupid. You couldn't even looking at them. They were made you feel angry and dizzy at the same time.
The blonde one threw the hand of her friemd away from Bjorn's chest and put her own. She didn't just to put it to be honest, she started caressing his chest above the black shirt he wore.
This move was something you didn't like. You didn't like women touching him like that. They could have sex but not that. You didn't like when they tried to be something more than that.
You hated the idea of someone being more than that for him.
And that someone wasn't you.
If it was someone, you would try to accept it. You wouldn't like it, but you would try. If there was, you would move on.
After your answer Bjorn wasn't like before. He wasn't even paying attention to the girls, like he had forgotten that they were there. His blue eyes were fixed on your figure and his mind was replaying your answer. Those words were the exact words he believed. He felt exactly the same way as you did.
"Hey Bjorn!" Exclaimed the blonde one and he lookes at her forming a smirk on his lips. "What about my question?" She asked him in a certain way that made you roll your eyes again.
"Yes, your question." He said smiling.
Bjorn was about to give an answer, a really stupid answer, but someone's voice stopped him and it wasn't yours. It was Rollo's. His father's brother. His uncle.
"Bjorn!" You smiled and hit him at the back of his neck. Bjorn stood up and greeted his uncle the way they always did. Rollo's left Bjorn and fell on the chics and then on you. He smirked and turned to his nephew. "And who the ladies might be?" He askes referring to the stupid women who were sitting with Bjorn previously.
The names was something that Bjorn could never recall. This time wasn't different. He didn't remember the names of those two women he was speaking with the last forty minutes.
"I am Natalie and that's Sonia." The brunette spoke to him and his smirk grew wider. You rolled your eyes again and turned all of your attention to your drink.
Rollo wasn't a person that you liked. He had something that was strange. His vibe was strange. You thought him untrustworthy after he betrayed Ragnar and teamed up with that Borg guy. You had told Bjorn too, but he made sure to tell you that Rollo was fine which you didn't think so. Your father didn't like Rollo too. When Floki was talking about him, he was calling him traitor and he wasn't wrong.
The girls seemed to be more interesting to Rollo than to Bjorn after they met him. Of course, they stuck with whoever have greater reputation. If Ragnar was there, they would be right next to him.
They were still talking, but you didn't care about what they were saying until you heard Rollo talking to you. You didn't want to answer, but you knew better than ignore him. Bjorn would be mad at you if you ignored the traitor. He wouldn't talk to you and he would be grumpy. When Bjorn was grumpy, he was unbearable.
"Aye, (Y/N)!" Rollo exclaimed and you turned to look at them. You forced a smile on your face. "You look lovely as always." He brandished you and you tried really hard not to roll your eyes again. You tried not to look like you didn't likw him but that wasn't really easy.
"Thank you, Rollo." You said back and downed the liquid in your glass. You motioned to barman to pour you another one.
After some more talking with Bjorn, Rollo took the girls and left Bjorn and yourself alone. As alone you could be inside a bar. Bjorn sat down on a stool next to the one you were sitting and motioned to the guy to pour him one more too.
"You didn't seem pleased when you saw Rollo." Bjorn managed to say.
"You know my opinion about him. It's the same with the one my father has for your uncle." You spoke back and tilted your head to look at him.
"He is not that bad."
"Exactly. He is worse."
"That's not what I meant, (Y/N)."
It was strange to call you by your name. He didn't use it often. He went by zin or pet or brat or something else apart your own name. It sounded better than it was supposed to when it came out of him mouth.
"That's what I meant, Bjorn. That man would do anything for power. He is jealous of his own brother because of that." You said and sipped from your drink. Bjorn followed your movements. He placed his glass on the counter and turnes his head to look at you. His beautiful eyes locked with yours.
"Power is dangerous. It—" You stopped him giggling.
"I know. I know. It attracts the worst and corrupts the best. You have told me that before and I remember me telling you that Ragnar is right." You said giggling and giggled too.
Ragnar was a good man. You admired him. He was right in many things. Your father loved him. He really did. Ragnar was Floki's best friend.
"He is." Bjorn muttered and downed his drink.
"Easy, bear. We don't want you to get drunk." You mocked and you smirked.
"We?" He mocked back and you laughed.
"Yes, we, because I'll be the one who is going to carry you home." You answered him and downes you own drink.
It was his turn to mock you.
"We don't want you drunk either." He pointed out and took the glass of your hands placing it on the counter in front of him. You laughed and narrowed your eyes at him.
"Why not?" You asked him laughing. He was smirking at you all the time.
"Because I'll be the one to carry you." He used you own words to mock you and you laughed again. Only this time, you noticed you were way too close and that made your body burning and you heart beating faster inside your chest.
"Well, I am not a huge bear like you."
You were really close this time. Closer than before. The smirk was fixed on his face. You, on the other hand, stopped laughing. You were just looking at him. You were just inches away from each other. Your eyes left his gaze and looked at his lips. They seemed soft. For a moment you caught yourself thinking about the way they tasted. His eyes was looking at you lips too, but not for long.
Bjorn pulled himself away from you and stood up.
"Come on, zin. Time to go home. We drank enough for tonight." He spoke and you followed him.
You felt kind of disappointed. For a moment you wanted to kiss him. In fact, you expected him to kiss you. Women were speakimg about those kisses of him. The called them unique. He had his way with everything. You wanted to feel his kiss. You wanted to feel Bjorn. But you wouldn't try any move on him you didn't want to destroy everything you had.
You were walking next to him, you were outside the busy bar. It was normal to be busy a night like that. It was Saturday night. Bjorn turned to look at you.
"I am going to get the car. You stay here." He spoke and you nodded staying there as he was walking through the direction he had parked his car.
It was kind of boring to wait for him. You had nothing to do. Until someone spoke to you, or better screamed your name qnd you looked at his direction. It was one of your father's friends, Torstein.
"Oh hey!" You exclaimed as he was coming closer to you.
"Are you here on your own?" He asked you as he didn't notice anyone around you. You smiled at him politely.
"No, I was here with Bjorn but he went to get the car. We are leaving." You explained and his smile grew wider. He was definitely drunk.
"Is Bjorn here?" He asked happily and a small smile formed on your face.
"Yep. In fact, he will be here at a minute or so." You answered looking around for Bjorn or even his car.
"How's Floki?" He asked you and your smile grew wider at the name of your father.
"He's good. Just the way Floki always is." You spoke and he laughed. Before he could say anything Bjorn showed up, standing next to you.
"Just the man I wanted to see!" Torstein said loudly and Bjorn greeted him.
They talked a bit about what they are currently doing and about Ragnar. Then Torstein left and Bjorn turned to you.
"Come." He said and you followed him.
"It was nice to see him." You spoke to Bjorn. He didn't reply. "It's nice to see that my dad has some friends apart from his obsession with Ragnar." You continued, as Bjorn was driving.
"Nobody is a real friend around here, (Y/N)." He finally said and you turned to look at him frowned.
"Ragnar, Floki and Torstein seem to be friends though." You said.
"They are." He replied.
"And Athelstan is a close friend to your father." You pointed out.
"He is. I am not talking about them." He said and stopped at the red light.
"I see." You paused for a moment. You couldn't stay silent. You couldn't resist him. You had been wanting to kiss him since the moment inside the bar. "Is that something your father saying as well?" You asked and he looked at you frowned out of confusion before he started moving again. "I mean this that nobody is a real friend." You said not looking at him.
You wanted to kiss him. You felt embarrassed about that. You couldn't keep yourself.
"Yeah." He answered. You smiled and an idea came into your mind.
"Then—" You pointed and paused for a moment. "Let me think." You said again and cleared your throat. He seemed kind of confused but you didn't mind. "Oh yeah!" You exclaimed excited. "Then, we should not be just friends." You spoke like it was something casual but it wasn't. Your heart was pounding in your chest really loud. You felt nervous and kind of embarrassed, but you had just said it. It couldn't be unsaid.
"What?" He asked surprised and glanced at you for a moment.
"I mean—" You paused and breathed. "You know what I mean." You said and he smirked. You were almost outside your house.
"If you want to have sex with, all you have to do is to tell me." He told smirking and stopped rigjt in front of your house.
His words made you feel really embarrassed. Your cheeks were totally red and you seemed like a strawberry or a tomato.
"Forget whatever I said. See you tom—" You were saying and tried to get out of his car and breathe normal again, but his hand wrapped around your wrist and kept you captured in his car.
You turned your gaze at him. He was still smirking at you. Bjorn pulled you closer to his body. You were as close as you were at the bar.
"Tell me what you want." He told you, looking at your eyes. Your eyes couldn't look him in his own eyes. You were looking at his lips.
You couldn't form a proper word. You wanted him. You wanted him more than anything. You body was burning. It craved his touch. The skin of your wrist that he was holding was burning more than your whole body.
Before he could say anything else you pressed your lips to his. His hands moved on your waist and pulled you closer to him by that part of your body. Your body was on his burning one. His strong body was hotter than yours. You could feel it giving some of his hotness to your own body. Bjorn was a good kisser. The best kisser. This was the best kiss someone had even given to you. You were the one who kissed him, but he was in charge of this kiss. He was bitting your bottom lip and you were moaning each time his teeth trapped your lip even deeper. His tongue invaded in your mouth and started dancing with it.
His hands moved at lower than your lower back. He had trapped your ass with both his hands tightly. You left the passenger seat you had been sitting on and moved on his lap. Your own hands were wrapped around his neck.
His mouth wasn't just kissing and bitting you. It was claiming your mouth by each one of his moves. Your hands left his neck and cupped both of his cheeks.
He didn't want to stop kissing you, but both of you needed to breathe. You pulled away but not away enough. You were just some inches away.
You couldn't stop smiling at him. It was weird to look at him after you kissed him, but he made sure to make you feel comfortable. Bjorn lifted your chin by his hand and made you look at him. He was smiling at you too.
"You don't have to feel embarrassed and blush about it, zin. It was just a kiss." Bjorn told you and the smile left your face. You were disappointed by his answer. You wanted it to be something more. You felt something more. But you knew Bjorn was too well. He didn't want what you wanted. He didn't want things to get serious between us, as he didn't want things to get serious with nobody else.
You moved on his lap ready to go back to the passenger seat and then walk out of this car. You wanted to go to your house and fall on the couch. You were embarrassed. All this were embarrassing. Your plans were thrown out of the window by Bjorn. He had other plans. His hand wrapped around your waist again and stopped you. He trapped you between his hands and looked at you confused.
"I am waking up early tomorrow. I have to sleep, Bjorn." You spoke, trying to avoid his gaze. You tried to move away from him, but he didn't let you again.
Bjorn noticed that something was wrong with you. You had called him Bjorn and not bear. When he called you zin you called him bear. This time he called you zin, but you called him Bjorn. You were all nice and happy but after the kiss you shared you acted all weird, calling him Bjorn and not bear. He kept telling you not to call him bear but Bjorn, as you kept telling him not to call you zin but by your name.
"I know that this is a lie. Tell me what's going on. The truth, (Y/N)." He said. Bjorn's hand made it on your chin again and he lifted your head to look at his bothered blue eyes again. "You know that you can tell me anything, zin." He continued and you tried not to let the tears that threatened you to fall.
"Anything but that. I can't tell you that."
"Hey, you can tell me everything, (Y/N). Try me."
You looked away for a moment to crear your mimd and gather your courage and tell him the truth. After all these years you were finally about to tell him. Maybe his rejection would make you see through him, would make you forget about your feelings about him and finally move on.
"I—" You paused for a moment. You were speaking and not looking at him. Then you looked at him again, ready to tell him everything. "I love you. That's the reason I kissed you. I - I have those feelings for you from high school. But I understand that you don't want me like that. It was my mistake to kiss you, but I couldn't keep myself from doing so." You confessed. After you spoke your words, you were looking anywhere else in the car and out of it except him.
"No, no. That kiss was the right thing to do. I like you for a while as well. But, as you told yourself, I can't give you what you want. I am not the man who craves commitments, (Y/N)." He spoke. He was looking at you all the time. You didn't. You were looking outside the window, tearing up, trying not to let him understand that you were like that. "Hey! Look at me!" He told you and you did as he said. Bjorn's hand left your waist and wiped away your tears. You closed your eyes and let him touch your face. "Don't cry. Not for me and anyone else. Men like me don't deserve this." Bjorn whispered to you and you started crying. His hand was about to clean your face again, but you stopped him.
"Don't fucking tell me what to fucking do, Bjorn!I will fucking cry for you and whoever else I fucking want!" You yelled at him and covered your face with your hands.
You didn't really know the reason you were like that. You knew exactly how Bjorn was and yet you were crying over this. Actually, you were crying for no actual reason.
Bjorn didn't talk. He didn't know what to say. He felt bad seeing you like that. He thought that he liked you, but its wasn't just that anymore. Seeing you crying made his heart clench inside his chest.
"(Y/N)." He muttered your name and took your hands away from your face. He cleaned your tears. This time you let him do it. Your eyes wasn't looking at him. They were closed. His hand stayed on your cheek caressing it after he finished cleaning your face from the tears.
"I am sorry." You muttered back and finally opened your eyes.
Bjorn loved your eyes. He had told you that they were innocent and playful at the same time. Your father used to say that those two eyes of yours could destroy the whole world by one of your looks. Those eyes after all this crying were red and they hurt.
"You have nothing to be sorry about." He whispered.
You were still on his lap but you didn't care about that after your confession to him about your feelings.
"Let me finish." You told him, looking at him. "I'm sorry for making you feel so uncomfortable. I know exactly what you believe. You don't like commitments and I am okay with this. We can still be friends if you want. I mean, it would be okay if you don't want us to be friends after what I told you." You rambled, still looking at the man any woman would be on her knees for.
Bjorn was thinking about something, you could tell by the look on his face.
"No, I don't think that we can do that. I can't do that." He finally said after some moments of pure silence. You nodded your head at his words.
"I see and I—" He didn't let you finish.
"You don't understand, but I don't blame you." He spoke. Bjorn came closer to you. You were confused by him. He said that you couldn't be friends but he didn't mean that. That man was so complicated. Bjorn Ironside Lothbrok would be the death of you for sure. "You know that I don't like commitments. I don't date. I can't date you. I thought that I just liked you, but that was only until I saw you crying. Seeing you crying felt like someone was ripping my heart off my body." He confessed not looking at you anymore.
"You mean that—" You tried to say again, but his hoarse voice stopped you.
"I want to try for us, but you know how I am like." Bjorn spoke and rubbed the back of his neck. You chuckled at him and he did the same.
"Okay. Do you want us to take it slow?"
"That's exactly what I was thinking."
"Good." Both of your voices at the end were soft. Bjorn was smirking all the time and you were grinning at him. "Where were we?" He asked after some time, that smirk was still fixed on his face. You were inches away from him again. He brushed his lips against yours and you moaned softly.
"In the part after I kissed you." You answered and as you spoke each one of your words your lips were touching slightly his own.
"Oh yeah that part. Is this the part you inviting me in your house or the one we calling it a night? I'm asking because we agreed to take things slow." Bjorn said nervously and you chuckled.
"I think that's the part where—" You stopped and just looked at him for a moment. Your hand was on his arm caressing him. "You and me are going inside my house and then it's up to you what happens. My parts are ending the moment we enter my house, bear." You continued and his smirk grew wider.
"Then, we shouldn't waste our time in here, zin." He said and you smiled again. You returned on the passenger seat and get out of his car. Bjorn did the same thing and within a moment you were inside your house.
"My part ends here." You reminded him.
His hands found the sides of your top and pulled you closer to him by them.
"Good." He spoke and pressed his lips violently on yours. The kiss was rougher than the previous one. His mouth was sucking you lips and you were trying hard not to moan all the time.
You didn't stop kissing even when you started unbuttoning his shirt's buttons. You took it off and stopped the kiss this time to admire his strong body, that was marked on many parts of it of ink or little scars. Within this little pause, he found the chance to pull your black top up and take it off your body, leaving you with your bra. Both of you kicked your shoes off your feet.
Bjorn placed his strong, huge hands on your waist and placed you on his shoulder. His hand landed on your ass and you laughed. You couldn't see him, but you could guess that he was smirking. Bjorn walked with you on his shoulder through the hallway that led to your bedroom.
When you were inside there, he threw you on your bed. Bjorn's hand went to his belt and he took it off his pants. He came closer to you and trapped your hands in one of his own. He wrapped his belt around your hands tightly and tied it on your bed's back.
"If you don't like anything that I am doing, tell me and I will stop. Okay?" He asked you as he was tying you on the bed.
"Yes." You spoke.
He didn't say anything else. His large hands squeezed your breasts above your bra and you moaned. You tried to move your hands, but that was impossible. They were tied really tightly on your bed. Bjorn's hands left your breasts and moved at your back, he unclipped your bra and threw it on the floor along with his pants.
After this, his mouth attacked one of your breasts. He licked, bit and sucked your nipple and you were moaning louder than before under him. His free hand was pushing your belly back on the mattress to keep you stable under him.
Bjorn run his hand slowly from your breast to belly and then at the start of your pants. You groaned when his hands unzipped your pants and took it off your body.
His mouth was kissing your left thigh, each kiss was higher than the previous one. After some kisses, his mouth was on your inner thigh, inches away from your wet entrance. Bjorn stopped for a moment and his blue, insatiable eyes glances at you. Your eyes were waiting impatiently for his next movement. He smirked at the sight of you.
His hand — that wasn't pushing you down on the mattress by your belly — ripped off your wet panties. Without any warning, he slipped two hands of his inside you and you groaned. Your back arced, but he didn't let you move from the mattress. His hand pushed you down on the mattress once more.
The moves his fingers did inside you were rough and fast. You couldn't control yourself. You couldn't stop yourself from moaning and groaning.
"Bjorn—" You groaned loudly, close to you climax, but your release never came. You opened your eyes when his fingers were out of you. You frowned as you were about cry about this. He smirked and his face moved close to yours. His lips found yours in a passionate kiss.
When he pulled away and his hands didn't touch your body anymore, you tried to reach him, but the belt which held your hands still on the bed prevented you from reaching him.
"Don't be impatient and greedy, zin." He said in the playful tone of his voice. "We have all night ahead us and probably more nights like this one." He stated and you grinned. Bjorn got rid of his underwear too, freeing his huge arousal. You gasped at his size. "Relax, zin. It's just me." He said, knowing that you felt kind of nervous for the his next movements. He knew way too well to read you.
"Bjorn, please." You mumbled and he smirked.
"Please what?" He said playfully.
"Please take me." You mumbled again and his smirk grew wider than before.
"On my way."
These were his last words, before he placed himself between you legs. Before you know it, he pushed himself deep inside you and you groaned loudly. You weren't used to his size. His thrusts were rough and fast, each one was deeper than the previous one. He hurt you at first.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked you when he noticed the tears that were streaming down your cheeks. He stopped moving but didn't pull his member away from you. You opened your eyes and looked at the man between your legs.
"No, don't stop. Please Bjorn, move." You whispered and that was the only thing he needed to hear to continue.
His movements were faster and deeper than before. This time, his mouth moved on your neck. Bjorn started leaving marks on it. You were groaning and screaming his name. You wanted to touch him, but it was impossible with your hands were tied like that.
After some thrusts of his, you were on your climax. Your body tightened around him and he growled. Bjorn knew you were close.
"Bjorn!" You screamed his name louder than before as you were coming.
"Fuck!" He growled and came too, after you.
Bjorn's hands moved on your own whick were tying with his belt. He untied them and laid down on the mattress next to you. His hands wrapped themselves around your body and pulled you closer to him.
"Relax for a moment and then we will do it again." He said and kissed you hard.
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memryse · 3 years
hello tumblr i present my canon-compliant "DSMP But... Everybody Discovered Large-Scale Organised Religion" mianite au which took a few hours to write up oops. basically here is a list of which god everybody would follow and why, based on canon events (i have therefore left out a couple of the members who don't really do lore or be on the server much because i definitely don't know about them enough to be accurate!)
dream: mianite. obsessed with control, you get it. went too far though and developed his own obsession with controlling the server so he is now godless and in jail
tommy: dianite. tommy is a favourite of dianite's - he's idealistic with a penchant for chaos, and like i said in my other post dianite probably sees himself in tommy a little. they're both misunderstood as Bad People
tubbo: ianite -> dianite, he converts post-doomsday. grew up as a follower of ianite and trying to follow her path put added pressure on him during his presidency. embraces being a dianitee with the start of the nuke program, but he keeps all his ianitee family heirlooms. ianite still holds a soft spot for him because of his family and occasionally gives him minor blessings. that being said she's of course a little disappointed he chose to change gods, but respects his decision
ranboo: no god, but enderwalk ranboo is an acolyte of ianite; awakeboo eventually converts to ianite when he reads awakeboo's note and decides to become more active in conflict resolution. he realises ianite actually aligns with his newfound ideals, and is of course more in touch with his ender side. however prior to this he wasn't really very keen on worshipping any gods, seeing as all he saw from them was wars waged in their names.
wilbur: also an atheist. probably prayed to dianite during pogtopia ("dream, i want to be your vassal" type beat) but other than that he's the type to criticise organised religion and be an independent leader, no need for gods. wilbur and ranboo narrative foils my beloveds!!!
techno: ianite. the thing about c!techno is he has one goal and he will stick to that no matter what - it's not total order, but it's not chaos either because there is motivation and reasoning behind it. also, a core tenet of ianitee ideology is not involving yourself in conflict until somebody personally wrongs you. much like butcher army era techno where he retreats to a peaceful (more godly, in this case) life until he's hunted down, at which point he Fucks Shit Up. in general techno holds grudges and takes even slight betrayals very seriously.
phil: ianite. i can see antarctic duo as former warriors of ianite! idk i don't have much to say phil is just.. a chill old warrior. probably jaded and tired of fighting wars for his goddess, but he still prays to her. specifically he prayed every night that wilbur could finally find balance in the afterlife. :)
niki: also ianite. definitely. niki values her own beliefs and morals, she's her own independent self. maybe she was a mianitee pre-nov 16th, but not since then. this makes the syndicate pretty much just a secret squad of ianitees (+ ranboo who everyone kind of just assumes is an ianitee given that, yknow, enderman). this is extra fun with the syndicate table being an end portal
sam: mianite 10000000%. he puts his commitment to duty above all else. not really much more to say he is just fully committed to keeping the server safe by carrying out mianite's will and imprisoning dream.
foolish: he's a god himself, so he doesn't follow any of the main three. however in the past he did work with mianite, enforcing his control over the land. from what we know about his totem of death period it wasn't like.. wanton destruction, it was him seeking control through violence, so i'm not inclined to say he worked with dianite back then.
george: man just wants to sleep and farm wheat, he's mianite. ez.
sapnap: also mianite. dream team as mianite's strongest and most revered knights!!!!!!
puffy: she's a pirate lady i don't know what to tell you other than she was part of capsize's crew. ianitee pirate ladies i care you. plus i feel like puffy centres mostly on people and not allying herself with specific nations or causes, she believes in balance above all.
eret: i view the greater dsmp as a mianitee nation, so as king of it they obviously have to follow mianite. eret has always strove to be a good king and help their nation prosper. plus, who knows what went on in the past with foolish. former mianite warriors eternal duo? i think so! (i think it would be cool if a literal reincarnation of herobrine was a mianitee purely because it fucks with everybody's expectations)
quackity: dianite. not just because he's chaos incarnate at times but like his entire current arc is so reminiscent of the fact that s2 dianite was literally a businessman. rip ghost dianite you would've loved c!quackity
fundy: oh boy here's a complex one. fundy switches gods frequently - look how much he craves acceptance from authority figures, from a substitute parental figure. i think right now his prophetic dreams could be interpreted as him being chosen by a certain god who sees potential in him, but i can't say who bc we don't really know too much about them or even why he's suddenly having them. that being said his chaotic scamming foxboy side definitely embodies dianite and he should have stuck with dianite the entire time but nah he needs Validation
jack manifold: follows dianite, but dianite isn't really pleased with him trying to kill tommy so often (seeing as he likes tommy). this is why he has such comically bad luck. his god is continually fucking with him.
karl: ianite, specifically chosen by her to become the historian of the server. the purple theme.. the duty to write down history as it truly happened (as opposed to censoring history like a certain mianite did). the existence of both the in between and the other side. karl Is balance. thank you. (also this makes karlnapity's marriage one mianitee, one ianitee and one dianitee. diversity win!)
schlatt: mianite (derogatory)
the eggpire is pretty much just the darkness isn't it. mianite was the blueprint actually.
bbh: dianite at first, judging by the badlands' ideology. corrupted by the darkness though.
antfrost: also dianite, but probably really lowkey about it and only ever prayed when the badlands needed his blessings. again, corrupted now
hannah: mianite - her connection to nature is by extension also a connection to mianite, the god of the overworld. plus she cared about maintaining harmony on the server and went to lengths to ensure it like the whole "killing her own dogs to protect them" thing. currently on her corrupted girlboss arc though
punz: dianite, he likes money and killing people idk what more you expect from me. even after joining the eggpire this has not changed at all. he'll work for other gods' followers for the right price but he's not changing his core beliefs
ponk: i don't know very much about him i'm ngl, especially not pre-eggpire. prior to his corruption though i do kinda like the idea of a mianitee doctor doing fucked up little experiments idk he just has mianitee vibes to me in the same way tucker was a mianitee.
skeppy: he and bbh are obviously both dianite together prior to the egg. it simply would not be right of me to put him anywhere else.
purpled: ianite. the colour purple... the tendency to stay so far out of conflict that he doesn't even log onto the server... mans was born to be an ianitee actually
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letsgoravendors · 3 years
also i think it could be interesting in tudor times but i also kinda wanna see it in modern times to im a bit conflicted tbh lmao but i think i’m leaning more towards tudor times for the aesthetic
I think im gonna take your advice and have it take place in tudor times cause the aesthetic is pretty dope so once I figured that out a lot of the stuff fell into place (like the vague plot)
Basically, I have each Queen ruling their own land (perhaps just a kingdom or maybe the whole country but that seems bold), like Aragon rules a kingdom in Spain, Cleves is in Germany, Anne is in France, since Jane and Kitty are her cousins and technically french i was gonna have them rule different areas of france (dunno about that yet but that's the main idea), but then Cathy is in Ireland (cause historically she was queen there). The ladies in waiting are with their respective queen.
I have no idea what each Queen’s full backstory is, like why they turned evil and whatnot, i have a vague idea for Kat, Jane, Anne, and Aragon but I'm still deciding what i should do with Cathy (im in between two options) or Cleves. Kat was basically manipulated by men (original right) but then had enough of their shit and took over, Jane i think I’m just gonna give her family trauma because he family is a bunch of a-holes, Anne… idk some type of trauma, and Aragon either just overthrew the person in charge or became a corrupt authority figure (i swear it’s more interesting then it sounds… i think). With Cathy i was thinking either a misunderstood ruler or the fallen hero trope (she gives off those vibes idk why), and Cleves i think maybe got a little too much power and it went to her head? No idea yet, any suggestions are welcome, i wanted to stay away from classic tropes but…. clearly, that didn’t happen so
But the main idea now is just them trying to take over England and to do that they have to get rid of Henry, but idk cause that seems like a very “stab him, boom it's done” kinda thing so i need to plan more. If i do go that route, it would be a plot point in the story but not the resolution (i have more ideas for some characters after that so)
Honestly, the whole reason I thought of this was because i wanted to write Unhinged Anne™, writing any evil character is so fun, i don’t do it very much but i want to. Like she’s still Anne and has redeeming qualities (at least for me) but just an absolute villain with no mercy and lowkey a little insane (but in a fun way). I have this line of dialogue that i love: “let’s kill him.” “No. We aren’t killing anyone, I have a line.” “You have a line? Aww, that's so cute *turns to someone else, laugh* she has a line, that’s adorable—“ “we’re not killing anyone” Fine! Then you figure out the plan!”
(But cause im a fucking cliché they’re all or mostly all just some fucked up people who are really broken, cause relatable—to a certain extent—villains are my weakness)
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[smashes down door] who is Bail and why do you like him? I could look it up but I'd rather you gush over him
So first off, a quick (canon) history lesson: Bail Organa was the Senator and Viceroy (aka Prince Consort) of Alderaan. If you don't know what that means (because old titles are Weird - I'm not judging the only reason I know this is because of this very character), it means that Breha, Bail's wife, is ruling Queen of Alderaan and was the heir to the throne. She married Bail, making him a ruler by marriage, though technically she still held the crown. He, at some point, was also elected Senator of Alderaan, and was Senator leading up to and during The Clone Wars (and after, but we're getting to that).
So Bail, we come to find out, became (best) friends with Padmé Amidala. We see him in a couple of scenes in Attack of the Clones with Padmé, just kinda vibing and making the occasional commentary. We know he stood with her on the Opposition bill (the bill Padmé was nearly killed over at the beginning of AOTC, which was against the formation of a Republic military), though we don't learn much about the rest of his politics until later.
So he's kinda...there, but obvs isn't the focus of the story, and is really just a minor background character. The first real insight we get into Bail is, actually, a really tiny character moment right at the end of AOTC, when Palpatine and some of the Senators are looking down at the Clone troops loading up onto the ship, watching their new military gear up for war.
Bail looks away. While everyone else is staring down at the (slave) army, some of them smiling (like Sheev), some of them just serious, Bail looks away from them and makes this tiny little hand gesture: a simple, closed fist knocking against the banister of the balcony.
It's this, I think, that first piqued my interest in this character. He was the only one not triumphant in that situation. He was the only one who saw things for what they were: a tragedy, and a horror, and that this wasn't something to celebrate but to mourn.
Then we come to Revenge of the Sith, and boy howdy. The man may have like 10 minutes of screen time, but does he make those 10 minutes count!
A quick bullet point of the Important Things Bail Does in ROTS:
When the Jedi Temple is burning, what does Bail do? He flies to it to figure out what's going on and see if he can save anyone. He then watches as a youngling is shot and killed by Clone Troopers, and manages to escape because he's a fucking badass.
Please note, to our knowledge, Bail is the only one who actually goes to check on the Jedi Temple.
As soon as he escapes the Temple, Bail immediately - like immediately - takes his ship and goes to find any surviving Jedi. He is almost certainly the reason both Yoda and Obi-Wan don't walk into the trap that is the Jedi Temple, or are captured - and even if that's not true, he most definitely is the reason they manage to sneak safely onto Coruscant and figure out what happened.
He's the one who rescues Yoda (again) after Yoda's failed duel with Palpatine in the Senate. Which, let me rant about the SYMBOLISM of that for a second please. Because holy shit, the entire duel between Yoda and Palpatine takes place in the Senate, with the Senate building and pods. Here Palpatine proves to Yoda that yes, he is the Senate, he controls it, the new Empire is under his control and no one can stop him. But then - but then - Yoda escapes, and who saves him? Bail. Bail sneaks in with a speeder, saves Yoda, and gets him back to safety. Which is such a huge fucking metaphor for the fact that Bail will be the one who, ultimately, is responsible for Palpatine's defeat. But, more on that later.
Bail is there when Padmé (remember, his best friend) gives birth to Luke and Leia. Bail is literally one of 3 sentients in the galaxy who canonically knows about both Luke and Leia.
Bail instantly offers to adopt one of the children, saying "She will be loved with us." (And then she absolutely is.)
And he does all of that in line 10 minutes of screen time.
He shows up again briefly in Star Wars Rebels, and again in Rogue One, but I'm going to take a trip down a side alley here into a territory that is grossly unused in the SW EU: the founding of the Rebellion.
So we don't actually know much about how the Rebellion got started. What we do know is that Bail was one of the (if not the main) Founders. Bail was the mastermind behind the Rebellion, by all accounts knowing...everything about it: who was who, who did what, where they were located, etc. He knows (and controls) Fulcrum in Rebels, as just one example, and Fulcrum is considered by that text to be one of the most powerful Rebel operatives at the time. In Rogue One (regardless of whether you liked what they did with the Rebellion which, side note, I did not), we see he certainly has a position of great authority and power. People respect him, and listen to him, and he's on an even footing with Mon Mothma (or Mom Mothma as my autocorrect tried to say) who is canonically one of the most powerful people in the Rebellion, according to ROTJ.
More than what he did, though, we can look to his character as a reason I love him. He is a good, kind, honorable man who does (or at least tries) his best. We see again and again, throughout all of SW media he's in, that he consistently chooses the right path, regardless of whether or not it's the easy one. He fights corruption, fights for justice, fights for freedom, fights against tyranny.
He is also, canonically, an amazing father and (according to EU content, since Breha literally doesn't have a spoken line in any media content) an incredible husband. We know he's well-loved by his people, and by the Rebellion, by the extraneous texts and mentions about him in the wake of his death on Alderaan. He's also respected by many Senators during his time in the Clone Wars (Padmé makes a comment in a TCW episode about how he's the best and most respected speaker and Senator she knows), and regardless of how people felt about him after the Rise of the Empire (which is, unfortunately - or fortunately maybe, because I don't trust Disney to do it right - up to headcanon), the fact remains that Bail played an incredibly tricky position as an Imperial Senator, having to balance fighting for his people, the people of the galaxy, and setting up the Rebellion, with not making himself too much of a nuisance, or too much of a traitor, that Palpatine straight up had him executed.
Which, speaking of that, can we also take a moment to appreciate the fact that Bail knew almost every single secret that Palpatine and Vader wanted??? He knew where Obi-Wan was, and possibly where Yoda was. He knew where both of Anakin and Padmé's children were. He knew everything about the fledgling Rebellion. Like...that man, had he been captured and interrogated (and had he broken) would have damned the entire galaxy. Yet he never was. He played his cards perfectly, and was either never suspected, or was able to somehow hide all of the information they wanted to know from being found. Personally, I suspect a mixture of the two.
Furthermore, Bail Organa is a great father and husband. He is directly responsible for Leia being the amazing woman we know and love. The one shot we get of Breha, you can practically see and feel the love and adoration Bail has for her radiating off of him through the screen. Literally the most unproblematic ship in Star Wars. I have never seen a single person say they aren't amazing (unless they just want to break them up to make Bail gay? Which, come on, bisexual and polyamorous people exist, y'all. But that's a talk for another time).
If you're still not convinced, the only thing left that I can say is: I'm a raging lesbian and like, while I definitely wouldn't fuck him, Bail/Jimmy Smits (his actor) is handsome. Have some pictures that I have saved on my phone for when I'm feeling sad.
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Tl;dr: Bail Organa is singlehandedly responsible for putting into motion the events that secure the galaxy's freedom, not only by being one of the founding fathers of the Rebellion, but also by reaching Yoda and Obi-Wan before the new Empire can, and getting them safely to Coruscant. He is a good, kind, and noble man who does his best in shitty times, and even if he has to make hard choices, he always makes them for the right reasons. He is a loving father, husband, and ruler, who does right by his people and his family. He fights for what's right, even when that fight is nearly impossible. He's a badass, and arguably a literal genius (you'd have to be, to do the kinds of things he does in canon).
Anyway, Bail Organa is great and I love him - and you should too.
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ilkkawhat · 3 years
All the numbers. (If not all then pick and choose a handful to answer).
lol you’re really going for it anon, huh?? 😂 bless your heart. I’ll do all of them and then idk. if anybody wants to send any again, I’m sure I can have a different answer
(I did just answer 7 & 22 so I’ll leave those out. rest below the cut)
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
I guess if you count all of my active WIPs that have been sitting dormant for months or years, there’s those since I like. I know what I’m doing in pretty much all of them, just as I know what I’m doing in some of my unpublished WIPs, but I think I just need to be in a certain mood/energy to do certain ones (ie, Agony esp is a very heavy fic so I gotta be able to Deal with that)
2) what work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
I deleted those 😂😂😂 but some of my reeeeeealllllly old stuff is still out there and I cringe thinking about that and though I could easily delete those too, I’m keeping them just since the harddrive that has the docs for it is corrupted lol
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
Just all over the place these days tbh. Even chapter to chapter it’ll change, I’ll write snippets in future chapters--and I’m talking like three or four chapters ahead--just to get it out there. But then there’s other days where I’ll sit and just write and not stop.
4) favorite character you’ve written
Nick Stokes, of course 💜💜💜
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
Any of the Macgyver characters outside of Jack. Cause though I’ll claim not to all the time, I do know that I know the CSI characters (though I’m surprised I’m able to write in their POVs outside of Nick.) I grew up with them. I have a bond with them. The mac characters? I’ve only known for like. two years now and not even that well anymore since I’ve stopped watching the show. 
6) something you would go back and change in your writing that it’s too late/complicated to change now
Expanding on details. Almost every fic I write, I’ll read it again later and be like “ah shit I should have run with this idea...” but I guess that’s how I can do a sequel/missing scene
8) favorite genre to write
hurt/comfort (emphasis on the hurt, really I mean we’re talking like borderline horror)
9) what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
See I haven’t really honed in on any one particular thing that inspires me to write. It comes out of nowhere, and the following list of things doesn’t like, always work. When I’m listening to a song. When I’m driving in the car. When I’m watching something unrelated to the source material (totes got some inspiring vibes watching Falcon and The Winter Soldier yesterday tbh lmao) When I dream. When I go on a walk. When people send me asks and I just go the fuck off and suddenly ten chapters later I’m writing a fic that they probably didn’t even want (coughSpecimenStokescough)
10) write in silence or with background noise? with people or alone?
I think the last couple times I’ve like, really written it’s been in silence. Definitely alone. Don’t got people to write around, really lmao (unless you count my parents being in other rooms with obnoxiously loud televisions and tablets)
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
All of it. And I’m sure it’ll keep improving.
12) your weaknesses as an author
Dialogue. I don’t know how people talk 😂
13) your strengths as an author
Detail, description, and I also like to think--emotion? but idk. It’s hard for me to assess my strength tbh
14) do you make playlists for your current wips?
Oh YES! At least for the longer WIPs like Last Breath or Agony. And listen to it on a loop when I’m trying to brainstorm or write if I want to write with music on. I’ve been starting to link the playlists when I’m doing with the fic (which is not many so far)
(I think Hellbound is the only one-shot I made a playlist for that I didn’t share)
15) why did you start writing?
I honestly can’t remember, cause I think I’ve been writing stories (fan fiction or not) ever since I was in middle school?? Maybe even elementary? But I do feel like I had gotten more encouragement for it than drawing from the few people in my life that did actively cheer me on, and there’s just something about writing that is so...fulfilling? Esp since I can’t like. Just manifest the images or make the “movie” in my head, at least I can write them down and hopefully convey what I see/feel in my mind through words.
16) are there any characters who haunt you?
All my neglected OCs lmao. I did and I guess on some level still do want to make an original series.
In a chilling way Veronica also haunts me cause I realize how much of that like, darkness in myself I put in her. 
And Nick, well, he’s just always on my mind.
17) if you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
Just fucking go for it! Don’t give a shit if anybody will read it or not. Take your time, flesh out those details. Describe what you see, what they see, what they feel. 
If you think you’re going too far...you’re not. 
keep going
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
I mean any fan fiction I read in the past has probably influenced me on some level. I know that when I came back to CSI in 2018, reading all of kristen999′s nick whump def encouraged me cause I was like “oh...there’s others like me who like to see him hurt!?!?” and I do think that maybe sometimes after I read a fic, I might like. Try to incorporate those styles I see. The way words are described, sentences constructed. Not like, copy of course but I feel like a long time ago my writing wasn’t really idk, novel-like? very short, almost read like a script whereas now, since I’ve seen the way people write their stories (some novel length stories, too), I flesh mine out a lot more.
19) when it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
I don’t 😂 Thinking of my bigger projects like Agony, I do just kind make up some of it as I go with a rough outline although sometimes it is a bit more detailed--like First Flight actually has a super detailed outline but I know that once I start writing, something might come up, some twist I didn’t think of before--or even one that somebody suggests to me, but idk I feel like I do have a way of tying everything together regardless? Cause especially with those bigger WIPs I will try to go back and re-read if something seems familiar or if I’ve forgotten a detail, or if I’m planning on diving back into it after a long break from it. 
20) do you write in long sit-down sessions or in little spurts?
Depends. I feel more accomplished with the long sit down sessions so I target that, but lately it’s been little spurts with maybe one big dump at the end of the week.
21) what do you think when you read over your older work?
Mostly cringe, but there are times I’m like “holy shit this is really good???” 
like I remember recently I re-read Agony and loved it, when I wanted to delete it maybe like. a week before that. I think it honestly depends on my frame of mind, and why I’m going back to read the fic? Cause I’ve had times where I’m like “wait what was this one?” and then I read it and laugh at how bad it is, but then other times where I’m like, “I wanna read that one fic I did...” and then I do and it makes me happy.
But, I will always kinda criticize at the same time--”aw, I could do this better, I could have expanded on this,” etc
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
My life is suuuuuuper boring so. not really lmao. One of my earliest CSI fics that actually created what I consider to be my number one OC (she’d be the lead in that original series I mentioned earlier) came out of me sitting and staring into a campfire lmao. 
also there was this teacher I had (one of those good IRL supports) that told me a story of something that happened to her (or was it her daughter?) and I turned it into a story (back in my teen days) so. I guess there are somethings. 
24) have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
Expert? No. But I will do numerous google searches to try and figure some stuff out and get lost in a rabbit hole of “research” for a while and hope that when I do write it, it comes off as I know what I’m doing when really, I do not lol.
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
haven’t really written much in this past week, and certainly nothing to be proud of, but this line hit me like a ton of bricks for Specimen Stokes and I’m in love with it:
“Because, my dear specimen, I wanted to see if you loved the danger...or if you loved me.”
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starrybethany · 4 years
Matthew Tkachuk . 1 . Outrunning Karma
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Word count: 3K
Song: Outrunning Karma by Alec Benjamin
Today marks one month since I began working at this school. One month of teaching at a public school for the first time- one month of dealing with some of the best and worst kids I have ever met or taught.
“... but let me tell you guys, no matter what your previous English teachers might have told you, colors don’t always have to have symbolism. It could just be the author wanting you to visualize the object or situation more,” I explain, leaning back on my desk.
Despite this being a required sophomore English class, all of the kids look engaged and interested in the material. I’m not one to brag, but some of my previous students have told me that I’m the best teacher they’ve ever had because I talk and create activities that peak the students interest so that they want to learn the lesson.
I never tell them it’s because I spend hours scrolling through Pinterest, considering if each student would like each activity.
The bell rings signaling the end of the day and I glance over at the clock in surprise. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in whatever I’m teaching I don’t even notice the time passing me by. “Okay, well have a good night, everyone! There’s no homework tonight.”
I watch them leave the classroom, getting up to sit behind my desk and grade some homework and exercises I made the students do. I’m reading one of the essays about the book they read over the summer when the sound of heels clicking on the floor make me look up.
Anna Turner and I met in college. We had the same major, secondary education, but different minors because she teaches math and I teach English. When she found out that I was quitting my job at the all-girls Catholic school I used to teach at- for reasons I’d rather forget about- she begged me to apply at the public high school that she teaches at. As you can see, I got the job and decided to take it.
“How’s it going?” She asks, leaning over my desk.
“Good. I don’t have any students that have a grade lower than a C.” I do a fist pump in the air and she laughs at my antics.
“That’s good. So, Mr. Wright wants you in his office right now,” she tells me.
My eyes widen in surprise. At my last school, whenever you got called to the office you knew something bad was going to happen. I was only there once and for the reason that I was called in there for, I quit.
“Did I do something wrong?” I question.
“No, no you didn’t,” she reassures me. “Just go.”
So I follow her orders, making my way through the hallways with “hellos” to my students on my way to the small office at the back of the school. I knock on the door before opening it, immediately thrown off by the dim lighting in the usually well-lit office.
I’m startled by the sight of someone who is not Principal Wright behind his desk. Instead, it’s an attractive man who appears to be my age or maybe even younger. It’s obvious that his borderline-blonde-borderline-brown hair is naturally curly but he has it cut into a way that he can control it.
His eyes are a gentle mix of blue and green- it’s hard to tell what it actually is. His mouth parts, revealing a gap in between his top two front teeth which makes me swoon at the boyish vibe that he gives off.
When a smirk covers his face I snap out of my daydream about our seven kids, realizing that I’m probably drooling all over the floor at how hot this guy is.
“Oh, sorry, um, I’m supposed to be meeting with Principal Wright,” I stutter through, cursing myself for the lack of confidence.
“No, you’re not.”
My eyebrows furrow in confusion and nervousness rushes through me, both because of the confusion this situation is bringing and the fact that such a good-looking guy is staring at me right now. “I’m sorry?”
“Come sit down, Y/N.”
I’m immediately thrown off by the fact that this guy knows my name. How does he know me yet I don’t know him?
“Um, I’d rather not,” I deny as politely as I can, taking a step back. My back touches something and I freeze, my blood running cold. I turn around slowly to find a tall, looming man behind me. He smiles at me but it’s obvious by the gesture that I need to do whatever this stranger is telling me.
So I turn around, ignoring the fact that the smirk on this stranger’s face has grown, and reluctantly sit in one of the arm chairs in front of Mr. Wright’s desk. Or this guy’s desk, who knows anymore?
“How was class today?” He inquires.
I give him an odd expression, unsure of his intentions. I don’t know him and the fact that I’m pressured to talk to him in such a weird setting makes me unsettled. It’s also weird that he would pressure me into talking to him just to ask me about the students. That can’t be the only thing that he wants to know from this conversation, but I don’t know what else he wants to know.
“Good,” I answer simply, not positive of what to say or how much to give away.
“So, let me introduce myself. My name is Matthew, this school and I have a deal and since you’re going to stick around for a while, it’s time to inform you of, uh, what’s going on,” he begins. I grow more and more anxious with every word. “We provide protection to this school, since you know it’s not in the safest area of the city, and in return the school allows us to use the facilities and resources for our, um, how do I say this, activities.”
I raise my eyebrows in question to the ‘activities’ part but quickly shove them back down. By the way that he phrases it, the situation isn’t anything good, none the less legal, so it’s best to know as little as possible.
But really, the school allows this to occur on campus? With kids around? What if the kids see someone getting murdered or using cocaine, will the school pay for their therapy bills or can it afford court bills if they get taken to court?
“Now that you’re a part of the crew-”But I’m not-”You might have to do some things in order to keep your protection.”
From the way he says it, I know it’s not just protection from muggers or rapists on the outside. Now, it includes him and whatever gang or mafia or mob he’s a part of.
“Like what?” I find myself asking.
He grins at me, showing me that gap again. This time, it doesn’t make me swoon. Instead it makes my heart beat ten times faster. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, sweetheart.”
He stares at me and I stare back at him. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what he wants me to say. I’m afraid to say anything in fear of saying the wrong thing- one wrong thing and I could get my head blown off. And I know if I open my mouth I just might start crying.
“Any questions?”
I shake my head silently.
“Okay. We’ll call you when you’re needed then. Or maybe stop by your apartment, depending on the time,” he responds, playing with one of Principal Wright’s pens. “Milan, show her out.”
The big man from earlier guides me back into the hallway all the while I can feel Matthew’s eyes on me. I take deep breaths to steady my breathing and it’s like I’m just going through the motions, packing up my stuff and driving back to my apartment.
My apartment. They know where I live. And I bet if I packed up and moved, they would figure out my address then, too. The mafia never lets you go once it gets its hold on you.
Troy: FaceTime?
I’ve never rejected a FaceTime call from my boyfriend. These days, those calls are too far and few between and I miss him more than I can put into words. It’s only been a year since he was transferred to Toronto but comparing that one year that he’s been away to the two and a half years that he’s been by my side, I can easily pick which one I prefer more.
Y/N: Not feeling well tonight, sorry.
I make my dinner, ignoring my phone vibrating beside me with an incoming text. I check it as I begin to eat.
Troy: What’s wrong?
I don’t respond to his text. It’s not like I can tell him the truth, that the mafia owns my work and threatened me. He would tell me to go to the police but it’s not that easy, Matthew probably has tons of people in his pocket, including the ones whose job it is to enforce the law.
I clean up my dinner, sitting down at the kitchen counter to grade an exercise I made the students write about an interesting thing they found out about their home city of Calgary.
The city of Calgary is run by a mafia called the ‘Calgary Flames.’ They’ve been around since 1972 and have had several leaders over the years, previously Mark Giordano and currently Matthew Tkachuk. You can recognize a mafia member by a tattoo all of the members have to get, which is a C with flames shooting out from it on the inside of their left ankle. They are famous for crimes like drug trafficking, money laundering, corruption of public officials, murder, and kidnapping just to name a few.
It feels like all of the air has been sucked out of me. This can’t be about the same person I met earlier, right? Sure, they share the same name and that Matthew does seem to be a part of something sketchy, but that’s just a coincidence. The Matthew that I’ve met and that I’ll have to be interacting with for who knows how long can’t be a part of something so- so vile.
I can’t imagine anyone doing any of those things listed. Those are all horrendous crimes and to do those around kids would make those people awful human beings. Well, there’s only one way I can tell if this is the same Matthew or not.
I need to see his ankle.
It’s a while before I see him again. The next time I see him I’m scanning through the pile of copies in my hands, frustrated by the fact that the copy machine didn’t staple the papers automatically once again.
“Hey Ms. Y/LN, was there any homework for the weekend?” The familiar voice of one of my students asks.
I lift my head to make eye contact, my blood running cold and I freeze in my place as my eyes meet Matthew’s. He’s standing next to Tanner, a student in my eighth hour, who asked the question, and it’s clear that he interrupted a conversation he was having with the older man to ask the question.
I know Matthew does business here but I didn’t expect him to actually communicate with the students. That seems like a boundary that he would know better than to cross, but I guess if he’s in the mafia he doesn’t know any boundaries.
“Um, I just wanted you guys to read chapters eight and nine of your novels for Monday,” I answer, crossing my arms protectively over my chest.
I watch the blonde’s eyes flicker down to watch the movement.
“Okay. See you Monday.” The sophomore shuts the locker, giving a lazy wave to the mafia leader before heading down the hall.
It’s like I’m stuck in place. I know I should move, I know I should avoid as much contact with Matthew as possible, but for some reason my feet won’t listen to my brain’s screaming.
He nods at me in greeting. “How are you doing today, Y/N?”
“Good,” I shift on my feet. I know I have to confirm whether he’s actually a mafia leader or not. If he’s not, he’s just some shady guy doing shady business at my place of work. If he is- well, I don’t even want to think about that.
The plan formulates in my head and I go to move forward, purposefully tripping over my feet and landing on the floor with a ‘thud’, all of the papers in my arms scattering throughout the hallway.
Just as I expected, as any person with an inch of compassion in their heart would do, he bends down on the ground to help me pick up the papers. I watch carefully as I pick up the sheets, eyes connected to his left ankle.
And there it is.
The student described it well in the writing, but it’s much more intricate and detailed up close. It’s a nice design, I’ll give him that, but knowing the terrifying meaning behind the symbol sends shivers up my spine.
All of my fears and worries are confirmed. The city’s mafia leader is standing in front of me, reaching out and expecting me to take his hand so he can lift me off of the ground. He wants me to touch his hands- hands he’s probably used to kill people with before.
He’s talking to me but it feels like I’m underwater. I can’t hear what he’s saying, all I can listen to is the thud of my heart and the static that my brain is creating with trying to think of a logical thought or reaction to this situation.
My body turns on it’s fight-or-flight instinct, and as I usually do, I decide to listen to the flight part. I take the papers out of his hand, being careful to not touch him, and mumble a, “Gotta go.”
I take off down the hall before he can react, reaching my classroom and practically slamming the door shut behind me.
Breathe, think.
“What happened to you?” Someone inquires.
My eyes snap up from the tile floor to see Anna sitting at a student desk. I know it’s not fair, but I can’t help but blame her. She’s probably known about the mafia’s involvement here all along and yet, she told me to get a job here. And she’s the one who sent me down to the office to meet Matthew.
I’ve been avoiding her for the past week, always making sure that I’m talking to a student or too busy to chat with her whenever I see her. I feel disrespected and hurt that she would put me in a situation like this.
I thought we were better friends than that.
I narrow my eyes at her, knowing that if I say anything it won’t be that nice.
She sighs. It takes everything in me to not sock her in the mouth because of that sigh.
“Listen, Y/N, I know you’ve met Matt now and-””How could you ever do this to me?” I snap, interrupting her.
“It’s deeper than you think-””Of course it is, he’s in the fucking mafia, Anna!” I can’t help but yell. “I want you out. I want you out of my classroom and out of my life.”
I can see the hurt burn in her eyes at my words but I no longer care. If she doesn’t care about me enough that she’s willing to risk my safety and well-being, I don’t want to continue a relationship with her.
“You don’t mean that.”
“I do.” I yank the door open for effect. “Get out. Now.”
She drags her feet as she leaves, like she thinks that I’ll end up changing my mind and suddenly decide that what she did was okay. I won’t.
“Hey,” Troy greets me as I answer his FaceTime call.
“Hi. I miss you,” I grin sadly, wanting nothing more than to be in my loving boyfriend’s arms right now. Having a long distance relationship is one of the hardest things that I’ve ever done.
“I miss you too. I wish we could’ve FaceTimed the other day,” he states, bringing up the fact that I left him on read when all he wanted to do was talk to me.
I sigh. “I wasn’t in the mood, Troy. And I’m not in the mood to talk about it today, either.”
He nods. “I can respect that. So… day…?”
My eyebrows furrow in confusion. Even though we are separated by three thousand miles and are in two completely different provinces, our calls usually have great connection with problems only if it’s raining outside. And judging from the clear skies in both of our backgrounds, that’s not a problem.
“What? Sorry the connection cut out,” I respond, deciding that it must be the wifi or something.
“I said… your…”
“Ask it again,” I request.
“How… today?”
I bite my lip out of frustration. After the rough day that I’ve had today and the unknown that’s coming tomorrow, poor connection when I’m just trying to rant and catch up with my boyfriend is the last thing that I want.
“The connection is just not working, Troy, I can’t hear you,” I admit.
“... not… fault!” His voice raises and the screen freezes, one frame replacing the other every couple of seconds.
“I don’t know why you’re yelling now.”
“Because…” The sound completely cuts out. Exhaustion hits me, from finding out that Matthew is in the mafia, to yelling at Anna, to getting into this argument with Troy. All I want to do is sleep and become refreshed for tomorrow.
“Troy, I’m getting tired, I’m going to head off to bed. Hopefully this connection will be better tomorrow.” I hang up the phone before he can say anything, knowing that I won’t be able to hear it anyways.
I know one thing. And that’s that I’m not ready for what’s coming tomorrow.
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dahniwitchoflight · 5 years
fucking, god, he called his ship Theseus. Oh god im not ready to face this epilogue stuff in actual visual form oh jeesus
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Dirk, Dirk pls. no one can take you seriously now that we can actually SEE your Villain-Sona. 
oh god, the second hand embarassment is real.
Alright so there seems to be like, a tinge of Rose existing as her own person, doing things that Dirk dislikes, but its in conversation only, so it seems facetious.
The other true thing though is the narrative is entirely Dirk’s perspective, and Dirk is exactly the kind of person who would absolutely love and believe he was capable of subsuming another person’s soul and idealogy entirely, but we went through this deceit in the epilogues with John and Roxy as well, with John’s unquetionaing hold on reality and what is canon also seeming to have an unconcious warping effect to whatever John thought was important, but Roxy gave a good point of how do you even know you did this and i didn’t choose it or wouldnt have chose it? you dont
So we could see that being repeated here, either as a parallel of that or a subversion, remains to be seen
“ Speaking of which, I think it's time I started undoing some of the more egregious mistakes this story has been subjected to over the years. Yes, I'm talking about that guy. The other orange one. Remember him? Vriska got stalked by him a bit and it was uncomfortable for everyone concerned. Anyway, the point is that he fucked up big time, and I'm here to clean up the horseshit. It's time to get this story back on the rails, back to what it was always supposed to be. I know it, and you've somehow always known it too. There was something else, some other route that Homestuck was meant to take but then didn't, a way that wouldn't've spent so much time dicking around with stuff nobody cares about. Like seriously, why did we all have to sit through talking about everyone's most intimate and private feelings for two hundred thousand fucking words. That would never have happened in Act 1. Where did it all go wrong? “
lol the andrew hussie is peeking through a bit here, so Homestuck2 is gonna be the exact thing I figured a sequel would be, its going to be a sort of retelling of the story, but its gonna flip the importance for certain things in the opposite directions, so right here its saying Homestuck is a story with a layer of importance on the characters themselves and their mindsets and how they lived in the environment they found themselves in, with the lore and the conceit of the story being a huge creation story more of a backdrop than the focus
so Homestuck2 is going to be a more "creation story” focused more on the sburb lore, buts its going to have less of a focus on the characters (perhaps even to the detrimnet? maybe characters will seem strange and out of character? but he kinda already made that feeling i the audience with the epilogues, thats what that intended effect was)
and neither one i think will turn out to better or worse than the others, theres definitely going to be benefit and downsides for both, but its not hard to see that Homestuck1 is the story that Hussie wanted to Tell, and Homestuck2 is how he’s changing it and telling a different story than he originally would have in the first place
not that hes changing Homestucks orignal story at all, but now hes telling a decidedly different one
Thus far, even though I understand Dirk’s basic mindset being “Hussie’s story sucks im gonna tell a BETTER one” and deciding that he alones gets to decide others will is unquestionably villainous train of thought, like why cant we let the characters just decide for themselves what kind of story they wanted to have and be genuine..
I AM dying of curiosity to see what sort of lore and information were going to get out of this, especially with the twist of that sort of focus being brought more into view, it’s a tantalizing glimpse of something very sexy that im into...
The World of Homestuck to me, HAS always been more infinitely exciting and interesting to me than the characters themselves, even though i liked them fine, they werent the reason why i kept reading the story for sure
Anything little thing we get about sburb or the world system out of this im happy with, regardless of what happens to the characters
(Would that be considered a villainous mindset if I was in canon? maybe ^^; good thing im not lol it does give off very “evil mad scientist morally corrupt experiments” kind of vibe lolol)
“ Look, I know what you're all really craving. I've been studying canon—or rather, what's left of it—and I think I've found it. The critical moment, in the wake of which everything started to take a nosedive into the protracted, endless slog of sheer insufferability we got saddled with near the end. This was the single most crucial error in the process that led to the present situation. The day when the story was wrested screaming from the arms of its readers like a bawling infant and carried helplessly away, from then on to be raised according to the whims of a masochistic menace with no thought for you, the common fan. “
I do have to laugh at this though, because your not wrong??? but also, it was inevitable that a story that started out like homestuck and was written like homestuck and ended like homestuck would inevitably turn out the way it did
it was a communal product of the screaming masses that turned into a singular mans story, it was unfortunately going to lose something to everyone, because everyones ideas couldnt all coexist in one canon at the same time (thats what outside of canon is for)
and then Dirk does something I DIDNT expect him to do
“Channelling my full potential as an ascended player of Heart, I expand my consciousness to commune with the boundless force of collective willpower that is the internet. My mind floods with its divine potency, a million formless cries coalescing into a sequence of discrete, formal instructions. It is a maelstrom as chaotic as it is deafening. And yet from this formless, uninterrupted spate of hard, unembellished data, a single suggestion takes form, as if bubbling up from a vast, infinite ocean of possibility. It is a whispered prayer to a compassionate god whose ear attends faithfully the will of his believers.Ok, let's see what you chucklefucks came up with.“
instead of entirely subsuming other’s will like a villain would, he has instead opened up his heart and conciousness to absorb the ideas, suggestions and wills of the masses, he is literally trying to bring back the act1 flavor of homestuck by taking suggestions, be he is ironically doing something no different than hussie did by curating and choosing which one to respond to
hah! he really does think he is the hero of this universe with Hussie as some sort of villain. 
So Hussie has probably intentionally curated this idea of himself as “Author Villain” who drives the story seemingly into mud by seeming to reject and upend the audiences expectation rather than curate them and bringing forth the best out, 
this happens with the epilogues undoubtedly, 
and this environment has gown a character from inside the story to step out and try to “oust” him from this position and instead tell a “good” story one that “everyone” wants, but is in fact detrimental to the story and world that the characters inside it themselves wants, which is was Hussie curated the whims to in the epilogues instead of the audience
So maybe this will be a “good” story, and hit all the marks for what the audience wanted originally, but there is no benevolent force to make sure a happy ending exists for any of the characters inside of it, because what the characters want doesnt matter anymore, only the lore does
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zydrateacademy · 4 years
First Impressions / Review - Cyberpunk 2077
I have some screenshots but they’re mostly photo mode and the occasional interface showing off my gear. So this review will be pic-less for now. I got Cyberpunk off of Stimulus money so as far as I’m concerned, the government paid for this game which does negate some of the problems I’d normally have for dropping 80$ or so on a preorder. Use that information how you will. First, I want to address some technical issues. In the sense that I don’t have very many. I have a 1050 GTX, an i5 processor, and 16GB of Ram. That’s about as complex as my knowledge goes on that. I’ve had a few glitches like Jackie ghosting through a closed door, some vans were clipped into the parking lot, and some NPC’s being stuck in furniture. A lot of ghosting around, really. The odd frame drop but nothing game breaking, and I haven’t had any crashes except one on startup, right after updating my drivers. Just the one in ~21 hours of gameplay. I play on High (but not ultra) settings. So all in all, not a bad experience. Everyone’s computer is a unique butterfly so while you will see a lot of yelling on various communities, some of us are trucking along several hour sessions at a time and not having a problem. Let’s do a quick dive into the story, and there may be some spoilers here but it’s mostly for Act 1, which is reachable just a couple hours depending on how quickly you want to unlock the whole city (as you’re locked to one region until you complete a major heist). 
You play as V, of any variety of gender identity you wish (though you are stuck with he or she pronouns). Basically a futuristic mercenary that does any kind of work available, kind of giving me some vibes from Burn Notice. Arms deals, stealing fans, VIP extraction, and so on. Of course, nothing goes as plan and you more or less lose your entire initial team after a heist goes wrong in every way possible. You’re witness to a world changing shift in a power structure and are forced to insert a chip with the ‘soul’ of Johnny Silverhand, an angry and incredibly bitter man who staged a bombing decades before V enters the game. This becomes the driving force of the game as you work to remove him safely from your body before he replaces you entirely - Something that not even he can stop, really. I’ve only had my toes dipped in Cyberpunk as a genre but it seems pretty standard fare. The concepts of “do cybernetics eat your soul’ and the various debate of how much human makes a human, all that. You’re put right there in center force as you grapple with these questions, even though our avatar as V is more concerned with just curing themselves like it was any other terminal disease. Even in-universe, the idea of a soul-preserving microchip is still a relatively new invention, though still in development enough to be advertised and talked about in news circuits. So let’s approach my first problem. It takes several hours for the game to essentially ‘wake up’. For a long time, you’re stuck in several conversations and interactable cutscenes with very little gameplay except taking advantage of V’s chosen origin in dialog. A couple of firefights here and there but the initial region locks you in and there’s only so many world encounters to just run into. The game more or less railroads you into completing Act 1 with some haste, because it also unlocks the ability to get more cybernetics and even some actual, full on mechanics. Within that railroading, you’re witness to so. Much. God. Damn. Talking. Mercifully you can press or hold “c” to skip through some things if you already understand the gist, but the first several hours of the game can very much feel like a very pretty walking simulator. Thankfully this kind of goes away after Act 1. You suddenly get called by a variety of Fixers that preside over various regions and they toss you dozens of side-jobs to do and so far, I find them to be delightfully varied. As a stealther, I found great joy in having a VIP escort quest with the optional objective of not sounding any alarms. So I went and bought myself a silencer and happily snuck around some gang mates boxing in the middle of a building, retrieved my guy, and escorted him outside while leaving several enemies alive. It was a great achievement. These side-gigs can be as complicated or straightforward as you please, giving me some Dues Ex vibes. The tutorial introduces you to hacking so you can distract and destroy your enemies how you see fit, and I have found that most encounters are designed with alternate routes to deal with enemies. Others are less clear. During one gig, I opened a door and the entire bar went ape on me, so I shot my way through and earned two stars from the police. Turned into a massive shootout that led to a dropbox that had gang members in it that also shot at me. Playing on Easy is a saving grace, but as someone who typically likes sneaking around games when the option is available, I wish the game made it more clear if I'm in a "suspicious" type zone. I also have no idea which NPC's are counted as potential enemies (the scan early in the story tells you if they're in a gang or not), as perfectly normal NPC's in the aforementioned bar just began unloading on me. It was wild, and I survived and got paid but the mission giver telling me it was sloppy work. Thanks, lady. Another time I opened a gate and trained my silenced pistol on the guard only for her to slightly sidestep as the gate opening “alerted” her. So I missed the shot, she opened fire, and the entire structure came out to play. It was an intense gunfight in which I was victorious, but it felt hollow as my silenced approach just botched the entire encounter. It was difficult for me to figure out what the game’s general “loop” is. So far it gives me the Ubisoft vibe of “hit everything you run into”. I do like the idea of V being something of a vigilante, as random police encounters pretty much allow you to intervene and gun down gang members without them bothering you about it. I must admit, however, I wish there was more to actually DO in the game. So far it’s mostly just side-gig after side-gig. Escort guy here, steal a van there, eliminate all enemies here. Though again, I said before that some of this can be quite enjoyable under the right circumstances. Maddening in others. In a way, this is kind of the Rage 2 problem all over again, in the sense that people loved the general gunplay but there wasn’t actually a lot of gameplay beyond the decent combat mechanics. Cyberpunk 2077 is certainly no GTA5, but I hope some day it can become that with DLC’s that add actual activities.
A couple of quick asides. I despise the driving, as most vehicles seem to want to spin out very easily if you hold the turning key for a second too long. In some fashion, it forces you to drive like an actual sane person and mowing down civilians (even accidentally) adds a GTA-esque wanted level though it seems stupidly easy to avoid. Narratively, it makes sense as the authorities in this universe are incredibly corrupt and it basically amounts to “eh, they’re too far now, let’s not waste resources”. So, fair enough. Still, I hope to GOD there’s no mandatory story-based racing. Games have screwed me on that before, and I have not beaten most GTA games because of that. Secondly, I don’t think the origin choice does a lot. You get different dialog choices and being a Corpo did lead to one interesting turn when you just ‘knew’ a credit chip had a virus on it. So there is that, but ultimately the rest of the dialog is identical. You could chalk this up to V spending six months with Jackie and he, more or less, lets your V really swim in Night City culture but honestly ALL V choices feel like they’ve become the same person. I was originally a Corpo but it just feels like her past and culture didn’t seep in through most of the dialog. At the end of the day, V is always just some mercenary punk. The world is gorgeous, albeit not as alive as it may have been advertised in promotions. Random civilians just have canned dialog, a lot of it rude. However I’ve been hard pressed to find doubles or clones of anyone just walking around, but that may change once I get into the hundreds of hour counts. It’s a very pretty game and despite some of my qualms, I am enjoying the experience. There’s a photo mode which is wonderful to utilize when you run into an environment that just captures the imagination. I took a screenshot of Jackie’s wall of pinups, including a typical slutty nun but as per the universe, her chest filled with beautifully placed cybernetics. It was just fun to see, and there’s a lot of semi-subtle world building like that that I just adore.
The game has issues. However, if you wanted a slightly scaled back idea of GTA5 with a different aesthetic, this is not at all a bad choice. However I will not blame anyone if they wait for the “GOTY” editions to come out. And on sale.
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onderzoeken-vos · 4 years
B A S I C I N F O ; ; ;
NAME: Lillianna Esper AGE: 27 (pre-ts) DOB: December 27th SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Pansexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Panromantic HEIGHT: 5'6" (168cm) WEIGHT: 128lbs (58kg) DEVIL FRUIT: Inu Inu no Mi model: Gingitsune (Silver Fox) OCCUPATION: Information Broker // Sniper HOME ISLAND: Glacis (North Blue) HAIR COLOR: Dark orange, almost red HAIR LENGTH: Shoulderblades/midback HAIR TEXTURE: Combination of straight and wavy EYE COLOR: Amber/gold (slitted like a fox) SKIN COLOR: Pale DISTINCTING FEATURES:  — scar above left eye, usually covered by her hair  — small key tattoo on left wrist OUTFIT:  — plain white tshirt  — black skinny jeans with three decorative zippers  — knee high combat boots with extra zipped pouches attached  — black knee length cloak with lacing details on the sleeves  — katana holster attached to belt WEAPONS:  — black compound bow with sniper scope  — katana EXTRAS:  — has a large black briefcase that she uses to carry her bow and important documents for    her job
Personality and backstory under the cut
P E R S O N A L I T Y ; ; ;
It takes a lot to sway Lillianna’s mind. Once she sets herself on something, she’ll see it through to the end, no questions asked. This can be both a blessing and a curse at times.
Lillianna has quite the mouth on her, and it’s gotten her in trouble on more than one occasion. Sarcasm and sass are her middle names. Sometimes she’ll be able to rein it in, like when she knows there’s an actual threat around (she’s not stupid, though some may beg to differ). Otherwise, her filter doesn’t really exist.
As stated before, once Lilly puts her mind to something, she’ll see it through to the end. In the same vein, if she knows she can’t accomplish something, she’ll take it in stride and admit defeat. You won’t see her trying to put the blame on others when it was clearly her own doing.
This goes without saying. Lilly is extremely sneaky, and can get herself out of just about any sticky situation if the need were to arise. Either physically, by knowing her surroundings and every possible exit, or just by talking her way out of it. She’s good with words; something she quickly learned was needed in her line of work. Getting around guards and other security measures are also another feat she’s just about perfected at this point.
Despite having little to no sense of danger, Lillianna can be quite cautious, especially if she’s in a situation with someone that gives her bad vibes. She can read people pretty easily, and the minute she sees something off with their body language, or tone of voice, her guard goes up. This usually happens when she’s working with people in the underground, and she knows to tread lightly around them since one minute they could be nice to you and the next they’re stringing you up.
Lillianna is always looking for new things to gain knowledge on, whether it be through books or real life experiences. She’s very much like a cat, and sometimes that can get her into just as much trouble as her mouth does.
Ever since she was a child she was always thirsty for expanding her mind, which has led her to where she is today. With her job she needs to be smart, both book smart and street smart, considering some of the characters that come to her looking for information. Working with the Government, the underground and everything in between also means she needs to have her wits about her at all times. One small slip up could be the end of her career, or her life.
For the most part Lillianna is an outgoing person, but she has her moments of being shy and reserved. It really just depends on the people she surrounds herself with at any given time, and how comfortable she is with them.
▶️ SLY
Lilly knows how to play her cards, and she does it really well. She knows how to pull the rug up from under someone without them noticing until it’s already far too late, or make you think one thing is happening when she’s actually doing the complete opposite.
It doesn’t take much to tick Lilly off. She gets easily annoyed by so many different things, from certain sounds (the enhanced hearing from her Zoan doesn’t help this any) to something stupid someone around her has said. It’s why she often finds herself in scuffles with pirates and other ruffians when she’s trying to relax in a bar. Like usual, she does have a good grasp on controlling herself when the situation deems it necessary, but sometimes it can be a bit of a struggle, depending on how annoyed she is.
B A C K S T O R Y ; ; ;
Before Lillianna was even born, her parents worked for the World Government. After she came into the world, they didn’t stop, and often left her home alone with babysitters. When she became old enough to read, the library was her favorite place to be. She could lose herself on the pages of books for hours, and forget about the fact that her parents were essentially neglecting her.
Soon it got to the point where her parents practically orphaned her, and babysitters were no longer a thing. They even stopped paying for the home, almost like they forgot about her, and Lillianna, no older than a preteen, was left on the streets to fend for herself. Because of this, she holds a deep seeded resentment toward the World Government. She blames them for taking her parents away; blames them for her being forgotten.
Living on the streets made her harder, a little angrier, and her sass and sarcasm only continued to grow the longer she struggled to survive. She grew to have some pretty bad trust issues, and because she surrounded herself with some unsavory people just to get by, her polite filter was practically nonexistent.
It wasn’t long before Lilly grew tired of it. It got to the point where she eventually broke into some poor stranger’s home, and was found by the owner while she was scavenging their kitchen for food. He was a rugged old man, and didn’t look at all pleased when he noticed her huddle in the corner scoffing down a loaf of crusty bread. But despite how he looked like he was ready to kick her back out into the streets, he decided to take her under his wing. It must have been the look in her eyes, maybe. She wasn’t sure.
What she did know though, was she would forever be grateful to this man.
He wasn’t nice by any means. Often growled at her, or gave her harsh punishments if she talked back—which she did often. But he allowed her to indulge in her thirst for knowledge at the local library while he was off working on his fishing boat, even encouraged it. And he looked after her. Made sure she was fed, and even told her stories of his own past when he’d had a little too much to drink, which she drank in every second of it.
Now, Lillianna would never admit to loving this man like a father, but the feelings were very close to that. He was more of a parent to her than her own mother and father ever would be.
As she continued to collect information, both from books and various different newspapers, Lilly became even more aware of just how corrupt the Government actually was. Many different news articles and other media were conflicting, making it quite obvious that various things were being covered up. With this, her anger grew, and she decided to go off on her own. She knew she was good at gathering information, and was extremely stealthy from her years living on the streets. Deciding being an information broker was the best route to go, she set off.
The Revolutionary Army quickly became one of her top customers, on par with the Underworld, where she would sell off any World Government info she came across as a huge fuck you to the organization. Anything she could to pull the rug up from underneath the people who essentially ruined her family, she would do it.
On more than one occasion she was propositioned by the RA to join them seeing as to them she was a good fit for their cause, but she refused every time, knowing she wouldn’t be able to live a life of taking orders. Honestly, she wasn’t a fan of any kind of authority figure.
Thinking that it would be smart to also work on her combat skills, Lilly quickly learned how to use a compound bow, something she knew would be unique and not often thought of by her enemies, and it wasn’t long before she was rather proficient with it. If anyone were to ask, she would even go to the lengths of calling herself a self-trained sniper. But, because using a bow wasn’t practical in close range combat, she also learned how to use a sword, a katana she picked up at a strange, shoddy little weapons shop in one of the towns she’d stopped on randomly.
Unlike the proficiency she had with her bow, her sword skills left much to be desired. But it got the job done when it was needed. She hadn’t died yet, anyway.
A couple years into her job as an information broker, Lillianna slipped up and sold a World Government secret to a Government spy, which lead to the Government retaliating by murdering both of her parents as a warning. She didn’t really care at the time, not having much of a relationship with them after they willingly orphaned her, but understood the threat all the same. What would stop them from killing her father figure next, or even taking her own life?
This incident is what caused her to become even more cautious and distrusting. Lilly took a lot more time investigating who exactly she’s making deals with now, and with her ability to gather info without anyone noticing, luckily it’s not that hard to do so. It’s also added to the long list of reasons why she hates the WG.
Lillianna gains her Devil Fruit a few years after The Incident while searching a Marine warship for intel. At first she was going to leave the oddly shaped fruit, but decided to snatch it at the last minute as just another rebellious act against the Government. Of course, she didn’t eat it right away, wanting to make sure she was safe since she had no idea exactly what Fruit she’d stolen was.
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zalrb · 5 years
Aladdin Review
OK so since May a few people have asked me if I saw Aladdin and while I went on my phone to blog some of my thoughts during the movie (it was NOT a packed theatre, three guesses why), I’ll write out my thoughts in detail here.
It’s super ironic that “Arabian Nights” and the opening scene were both rewritten to be less racist than the original but white extras were put in brownface, nobody thought about the loaded optics of Will Smith calling people master, and there were terrible imitations of Bollywood-esque dance numbers in a country meant to be aligned with Arab culture.
OK first of all, it really irritated me that Jafar didn’t turn into a snake and that we had to see was Iago be turned into some ridiculous large murderous bird. They also did this with Maleficent, Maleficent was a badass villain because she turned into a dragon and they stripped that away. One of the best lines of Aladdin is this:
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Jafar is one of my three favourite villains and this interpretation of him was just eh. Next to the fat that I find Jafar’s deadpan, steely, condescending demeanour to be just such a fundamental trait to his character
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The live action did a great disservice to the fact that Jafar is supposed to be a master manipulator because in the original, he turns himself into an old man to trick Aladdin:
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He actually succeeds in hypnotizing the sultan from time to time whereas in the live action, he always starts to but he never actually succeeds in hypnotizing anyone.
And Iago is a part of this too, Iago has to play a dumb parrot so no one takes him seriously
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and one of my favourite parts of the animated version is that when they’re on top, we see Jafar and Iago humiliate the people, namely Jasmine
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and the sultan, who they thought looked down upon and humiliated them, which included Iago shoving crackers down the sultan’s throat.
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I do understand that the above scene might be considered too dark (it’s probably why I love it so much) but this Iago is just a parrot that literally did not need to be there. And when Jafar does become sultan in this live action, he doesn’t really do anything, he just says he’s sultan, people disobey him immediately, he becomes a sorcerer immediately after that and then is defeated.
There were certain additions I actually did like to the live action Jafar such as the fact that he has a bit more of a backstory but they don’t delve into the backstory enough for it to really make any sort of difference except for the fact that he steals back the lamp (because he was once a thief just like Aladdin -- I’d actually want to see a movie of that backstory if it were done properly, which it wouldn’t be) and I thought the chip on Jafar’s shoulder at needing to be the most powerful person in the room was done relatively well (although I did think the actual power-craze/power-lust of Jafar just didn’t have the same kind of mania).
OK so I saw this movie with my friend who is Muslim and she didn’t like the additions they made to this Jasmine because she thought they were being stereotypical and paternalistic about Muslim women not having a voice, specifically with the song “Speechless”.
My thing is, I just preferred Original Jasmine (and Naomi Scott was miscast) and not only because I liked Jasmine’s sassiness in the original, I just am perfectly fine with her and I think she gets a bad rap because people reduce her to the scene where she kisses Jafar. Like I’ve seen so many things about how as a cartoon, Jasmine has no agency but the point is that she’s smothered
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and she does have agency over the things she can control
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The fact that she runs away from the palace was her exerting her agency.
I felt for Original Jasmine’s plight more because they set up her isolation better. In the live action, Jasmine is with Aladdin when he sings “One Jump” for the first time, when we’re introduced to Aladdin in the marketplace, Jasmine is already in a disguise among the people and when she meets Aladdin, she pretends to Dalia, her handmaiden:
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In the animated version, Jasmine doesn’t even have a handmaiden, she only has Rajah,
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She’s not allowed past the palace walls and so she runs away so to speak, meets Aladdin and so when they have their connection over feeling trapped by their respective lives it packs more of an emotional punch.
The fact that in this version she wants to be a Sultan doesn’t really add anything to the character for me, it doesn’t give her more “agency” or make her or the movie (that unapologetically implemented brownface) woke because it was superficial af. Jasmine just says that no one knows the country better than her and that the people make the country and she doesn’t want Agrabah to invade her mother’s homeland but it’s not like the movie has her present wonderful, radical ideas that would help the people, revolutionize the country only for her to be shot down or for Jafar to steal her idea or something, it doesn’t go anywhere so that addition is just like ... I mean I guess but if you’re going to put that in, I just feel like you should go all the way. In fact, I feel like animated Jasmine was more active than the live action one.
Again, this version was fine (Fadilah -- my friend -- had a problem with his hair, she wanted it to be thicker, lmao). There were particular moments in the movie when Mena would have a certain look that to me really captured Aladdin’s good-natured yet mischievous charm
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and he was good at being bumbling and uncomfortable playing Prince Ali, my issue with Aladdin is more directorial/writing choices. Again, the thing about Aladdin was that he was street smart so he tricks Genie into getting him out of the Cave of Wonders by insulting his ego,
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I was disappointed that in this version you have to rub the lamp while you make a wish and so when he gets out of the Cave of Wonders it’s because Abu hides the lamp and he simply doesn’t rub it while he makes a wish, I think the movie could’ve displayed his smarts more. Even this line
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I preferred when he said that to, like, a woman on the street because it showed how everyone loved the rascal Aladdin except for authority figures, which added to the whole diamond in the rough vibe.
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I also don’t know why they chose to change him giving the orphan siblings his bread to giving them a bag of dates but whatever.
I also thought the movie could’ve done a better job at showing the way power can corrupt you because in the original, when Aladdin doesn’t give up the lie, he let’s Genie down after everything Genie has done for him and the bond they’ve formed, he’s on the way to becoming selfish and what really drives that in is the fact that Genie is hurt and mad and disappointed
In this version, Genie just goes “it’s not about me, it’s about you and the fact that you want to lie yadda yadda” and I just think that by taking away Genie’s disappointment after genuinely believing Aladdin and bonding with him, taking away the effect of what Aladdin’s potential choice would be, detracts from the message on the corrupt nature of power and greed.
Robin Williams will always be my number 1 Genie but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I didn’t hate Will Smith as Genie, particularly when he tapped into Fresh Prince Will. That’s kind of all I really have to say about it? 
Best part of the film by far. They got Abu’s original character down pact with that CGI monkey.
I’m sorry but I hated “Speechless” 
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mostly because I didn’t think the song blended with the original Aladdin songs, like if you want to give Jasmine her own number then whatever but every time I watched it I just felt like I was in a completely different movie. Like is this Frozen?  (I also HATED Frozen so that might be a reason why the song irritated me as much as it did) Also I thought they just gave her a song instead of actually having her do anything but whatever. 
I didn’t like this version of A Whole New World, the only reason why I found that scene enjoyable is because me and Fadilah sang the song in the theatre. The point of “A Whole New World” is for Jasmine to SEE the world but we don’t actually see anything, the landscape is water and dolphins.
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Yes, how wondrous.
Friend Like Me was probably my favourite rendition of the entire film.
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Will Smith did it justice and now the song is stuck in my head but again, the scale was super small to me. Like I get there’s a budget and there are certain things animation can do that live action can’t but I feel like you either go big or go home and Friend Like Me was Go Moderate and that was just disappointing? (Also speaking of, WHY WAS THE CAVE OF WONDERS SO SMALL???)
Other issues
Another big issue with the movie is that it goes through the motions without taking the time for emotional beats and to do little details that add to the story. It didn’t let us linger in certain moments that we needed to linger in. The iconic “Do you trust me?” scene fell flat because there wasn’t enough emphasis when Aladdin says it to Jasmine the first time around and when he says it on the carpet, it’s at hyper-speed. “Do you trust me?” “Yes.” “Cool” was basically how it went.
Aladdin has little quirks in the original that he can’t just help but do with Jasmine since that’s who he is 
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In the live action, he tucks her hair behind her ear and she knows it’s him because he did it in the market too? Why change this to something so generic? You CAN keep aspects of the first movie. 
Things that were good.
The jam scene. It was genuinely funny, probably the one genuinely funny moment of the entire movie.
Will and Mena riffed off of each other well and Mena and Naomi had a charming chemistry 
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I honestly didn’t go in expecting this to be exactly like the Original Aladdin, I just thought the Original Aladdin explored the themes better than the live action did and while Ritchie clearly thought he was bringing something fresh to the movie, I just felt like he watered down all of the poignant and profound parts of the original. And the dark humour, can’t forget the dark humour
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shade-without-color · 5 years
FruitsBasketFanClub fanfic appreciation post
Note: As you know, I have been on a Fruits Basket fanfic binge and it was joining the discord that I wanted to share my favourite fics to you. So please support them with likes and comments in A03, as we could grow here.
@thewinterose: Taylor, you are so wonderful for the Kyoru ship in bring the realness of Kyoru and its feelings-it make me happy to see much love. And in fact that is why I am writing them.
My Favourite recommendations from the author
and therefore is winged cupid painted blind: Like OH shit, this fic ruined me, it gave me Ted Hughes Tales of Ovid vibes which I am obsessed (I am seriously going to take pictures of it someday of that book as I think you should read it), the way how you weaved the tales with evocative words, man I cannot believe it. I particularly loved these lines 
Kyo watches her retreating figure from behind the shadows, his eyes following her intently as she disappears into the horizon. //His fingers idly trace the tip of one of his dangerous arrows; the blue-tipped one, the kind that stirs a ravenous, never-ending lust that corrupts the mind and deteriorates the body. //He thinks of Akito’s cruel scheme, her vision for this princess. He thinks of her crying, lying prostrate before some monster, her face flushed and lips parted, moans dripping from her tongue. He thinks of her pretty pink chiffon dress drawn high around her waist, her thighs spread and slick, but not for a husband. Not for a man. Not for him.
'cause i'm lovesick : Gosh this smut piece is so good and it is like your first piece. I tried mine and it can be hard to convey them but you shared the experience so beautifully, it always take my breath away. And oh the solo stuff talk is so adorable I cannot!
Something impulsive and brazen takes ahold of her tongue, and she asks him before her instilled politeness could stop her. “Did you ever think of me?”
His eyes flash, his gaze going predatory again, and he leans in to steal a harsh kiss that leaves her breathless. He pulls away, his grin roguish. “Yeah, but then I felt really shitty afterwards because I’d hear you blasting some God-awful pop music in your room and it would make me realize that you were there.”
She feels her lips pull into a wide grin, something feminine and primal within her becoming awfully pleased by that. “It was good music,” she whispers teasingly.
Kyo kisses her smile, licking the seam of her lips, but he pulls away before she can kiss him back. He grabs the condom he dropped somewhere on the bed and tears it open, slipping it out of the wrapper. Tohru watches him, her heart racing hard against her chest to the point of pain.
@machi-kuragi: El, you are the reason why I wanted to try to write about Hatori and Mayu with my fic A story which I will tell to you and I , and adding him in my Victorian fic as how you painted his angst is perfection. And you did lovely with Machi and Yuki too. Your dialogues are soooo good
My Favourite recommendations from the author.
Life Is What Happens to You When You're Busy Making Other Plans: Gosh this is so good, and the interaction of Mayu and Hatori are A+ and I chuckled on Shigure giving advice to him.
Life and Love Are the Same: Gosh this is so lovely and I love the naturalness of dialouge and the ending hit me in the feels.
When You Move, I'm Moved : THIS makes me go feral screaming out of cute and the conversations are perfect. The tits one is a++++
@yunsoh: ABBBY the way you write soft scenes always amaze me that I feel unworthy LOL And how you did Yuki’s character is so goood
My Favourite recommendations from the author.
laughing til our ribs get tough : Ok I am not a big shipper of Yuki and Kakeru but this is so sweet and lovely.
i know i've kissed you before, but i didn't do it right : This is gorgeous and I know you do not do much Kyoru but how you write them is amazingggg 
small voice, dark hall : That fic was the second I read and you are so good in capturing the small moments.
in all fairness : This ohhh man is so wholesome and so beautiful.
@furubaish: Em your stuff is so good and oh my god Walking on Eggshells is so goooodddd. The way how you bulit Kyo’s pain is perfect y’all I cannot.
@grayteapath It's Not Enough Seriously Tea, your fic with Momiji is wonderfully heartbreaking <3 I mean it is your first fic but you did such an amazing job with words.
@palamig Fellow SEA discord user, your Kyoru fics are the reason why I wanted to write Fruits Basket stuff, the way you convey them is beautiful. Tonight you belong to me is my favourite to read. It is magical.
@deucesmuch: Seriously remedies for when you're feeling weak always slayed me, and the smut is perfection.
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kegbasher · 5 years
6, 23, 71, 81, 98 for Bree?
(also 51 lol)
lmao sorry i completely forgot about this until i opened the thing i had all this typed up in. this was from a dnd character ask thing that i reblogged ????? weeks ago
6. what is your character’s opinion on nobility? on authority?
bree’s opinion on nobility/authority is kind of complicated. she comes from a fairly privileged position and she always tries to see the best in people, but she’s read enough to know that people in power shouldn’t be trusted just because of their status. power corrupts and all that jazz. she’s also pretty headstrong and tends to do things without much forethought which usually leads to her getting in trouble with authority figures
23. if your character could go back in time and change one thing about their life, what would it be?
bree isn’t really one for regrets and tries to make the best out of every situation so if you asked her, she’d probably say nothing. in reality, she would probably go back and let her parents know that she’s alive and well in the aftermath of the attack on her temple instead of just sneaking away to avoid their judgment. she’s still worried about what they would think or do, but she wants to spare them the pain she put them through by just leaving.
51. is your character more swayed by ethos, pathos, or logos?
bree’s pretty reactive so she’s most likely to be convinced through pathos. she’s not one for sitting around for long periods of time to make detailed plans or listen to all of a person’s qualifications before they make their point so if that’s your style, you’ll probably lose her attention quickly. getting her fired up in some way (positive or negative) and letting her use that energy is your best bet. she does listen to reason though so logos also works well when you can get her to slow down for a second
71. describe how your character feels about the party’s current situation/objective/etc.
well we totally destroyed a mind flayer last session so she had a good time with that. the almost getting possessed by a tiny brain with legs that happened right before that wasn’t as fun but still
81. what does your character’s name represent to them? (or: why as a player did you choose your character’s name?)
bree’s full name is brigid valentina isobel bronzeriver because i think it’s funny when a character who goes by a nickname actually has a really long name. brigid apparently means “power” or “exalted one” and valentina means “strength” or “health” and those really seemed to fit the whole aasimar paladin vibe. isobel means “god is my oath” which felt right bc both of bree’s parents worked in a temple and the idea of an oath goes back to the paladin thing. i got bronzeriver from fantasynamegenerator bc i like alliterative names
98. what advice would your character give to a younger version of themselves?
maybe do more research on strange artifacts (especially swords) before you start your job and shit goes down? i’d say something like “actually think before you do things” but present-day bree still hasn’t figured that one out yet lol
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pumpkin-lith · 5 years
So, basically, the thing was, it all starts on a beautiful Senate day. Palpatine is walking with some random Senator, and he needs for that conversation to keep going so, let's not take the lifts, haha, let's walk down those stairs.
And nobody uses the stairs, right, they're all lazy and/or busy, lifts are faster, so if you use the stairs, you're either somewhat claustrophobic, don't fit inside the humanoids or even the larger/taller ones, have a tryst with your lover who might or might not be a Jedi, or maybe you just want a quiet place to take your lunch.
But point is, nobody uses the stairs much so the cleaning droids, they have so much to do, have you seen the size of the Senate, they keep the cleaning of all those unused stairs for way late at night on weekends when aaaalll the rest is done or don't need constant maintenance.
So say, if there's a slice of tomato on a stair, because someone packed up their lunch a little fast because _some_ people have no shame, doing that just above their salad, it would just… stay there, for hours, until Chancellor Palpatine and Random Senator walk by.
And, don't get me wrong, love the Naboo fashion, but man, those robes and collars…
There's no way Palpatine sees that small little slice of tomato and Woops he goes.
And on one hand, he's a Sith, yes, powers, super agility to do that triple side somersault, he could recover like that. snaps
But on the other hand, he's posing as Old Man Sheev Palpatine, and, say, the door just opened on a Jedi Master looking for his wayward Padawan soon to be Knight because he heard he just might be in that staircase, so if Force use there is to avoid the fall, the Jedi will feel it and his carefully engineered war just started, that would be the most stupid way to be found out, right ?
And, really, all things considered what harm can a little fall do, there will be exactly two people to see him fall, one is a Random Senator that he needs for this or that bill but is otherwise of no importance and will never dare laugh about the Chancellor and a Jedi who's too damn nice to dare mock an old man, yes ?
So, he lets the fall by tomato slice happen.
And. Hits. His. Head.
And here is the thing : when he wakes up, he's completely amnesiac \0/.
No memories, no background and certainly not Sidious.
There's all these well wishers and people calling him Chancellor and being nice and worried but he has no clue, and no relative, no wife, to help with recovering his memories.
But, lucky him, he’s a public figure, he even has two or three biographies written about him, great !
Look, you can't tell me that, even without considering he's a Sith named Sidious, a politician of Palpatine’s caliber doesn't have 1) several books written about him and 2) made damn sure he knew exactly what was in those, and how the Galaxy saw him through them.
Palpatine, His Life, His Work, by Totally A Non-Influenced Author I Swear Cross My Heart.
So what Amnesiac By Tomato!Palpatine can find about his own life, his own motivations and goals, is the official backstory he so carefully crafted himself.
So, we're like, mhh, not that long after Geonosis, the War has started and some people in the Senate are seeing different shades in the colors Palpatine is showing with emergency powers being around and the Army bill passing because, hey, actually, we do have an Army…
But all of that is fresh, no books on that ! Press articles, sure, but the biographies, so far, they're all showing the same basic facts, and those include :
He’s from Naboo, there's probably stories about how his Good, Rich, Upstanding family was Wholesome and full of Values he inherited
Became a Senator and, when the young Queen from his homeworld came to ask for help after an Invasion, he Stepped Up and became Chancellor to Help the Downtrodden
That Queen ended up a Senator after her Tenure and he was her Mentor in the Senate as a Good, Benevolent Grandfatherlike Figure
Someone Likes Capitalizing Stuff Too Much
And sure, he may be amnesiac but he still has (most) of his brainpower, so he'd look for other sources, look up the HoloNet (after enabling Safe Search, what is even that SheevBinks ship, Jesus people), see some nuances, some saying that he's a true friend and ally to the Jedi Order, some saying he's just another corrupt politician, some saying he's the reincarnation of a 300 year old eggplant deity from Felucia because it's the space internet.
But mostly, Sidious did his cover up good, especially at that point in time, he appears as a Political, slightly better dressed version of Santa.
And of the two people who could shed some (Dark) light into this, let's say Amedda choked to death that morning (on a tomato, of course), so sad, and Dooku can't exactly walk into the hospital to get the facts straight now, can he.
On the list of People who can actually visit, there will be two important ones :
First, Anakin puppy eyed newly or about to be Knighted, very newly wedded, riding that Honeymoon Vibe.
Who is so gonna tell their Friend and Father Figure Daddy Palpatine how good a human being he is, how full of advice, how they talked a lot for years about ending slavery and that Peace is Good.
And Padmé Protégée Naberrie Amidala who would be a little more careful and admitting that they had some differences but, the War just started and can maybe still be stopped with negotiations, but for that, they need a ruling body who can negotiates and she sympathizes with Palpatine's current ailment but surely, he sees that right now, he cannot be Chancellor to the Republic, yes ?
So, so far, Tomato Brain here is not sure of much but he does have a few facts that seem to be stuff people agree on : he's grandfatherly, he gives good advice, he's mostly a Good person who likes Peace and he does the Right Thing when it's time to step up.
So he does just that. The Good, Right Thing for the Republic he's apparently spent his whole life serving.
He steps down from the Chancellor mantle. And, while waiting for elections to be able to be held, and given that Vice Chancellor Amedda sadly died last day of tomato choking, his last act is to appoint Senator Amidala as Acting Chancellor in the meantime.
It makes sense, my dear, don't be so surprised, I'm an old, injured man with no memories, and you've been a good friend and are a good person, both according to everyone and from what I saw personally. It's like I can feel it by some way, crazy, I know, but don't worry, you'll take good care of the Republic.
And then he decides to retire on Naboo, he read he has a nice vacation house on his Estate, and all this talk about tomatoes made him think he might just like growing his own garden.
And this is a happy, cracky verse, (if you don't think this is crack, you haven't been paying attention) so nothing goes wrong.
There is no Evil Diary of Sidious hidden somewhere, nothing Dark in that vacation home, it was basically a front so it's closer to an Ikea showroom than an Evil Lair, he settles in nicely for his nice retirement on a very comfy pension.
Though he doesn't need all of that money, does he, let's also give to charities and to people working against slavery, because apparently, that's what he used to do, and it does seem like a Good Thing.
And Dooku, let's not forget our second Sith Lord. Now, Sidious is away from the main media eye, away from Coruscant, it would be easy to go to him and tell him the truth…
But why in the seven hells would he.
Let's remember that Dooku joined the Dark Side initially because he felt the Jedi wouldn't, couldn't do fuck about Sidious, that the only way would be to find the Sith Master and join him to stab him in the back. And he Fell along the way and stuff, but in the beginning of it all, he had  let's say, Good Motivations, Not Very Good Plan.
But this IS the beginning. And Apart from Geonosis, the War is now stalling, because there is no puppet master, no shadow leader, no Great Big Bad Plan behind it all and someone playing chess with all the Galaxy as his pawns, black AND white.
There is just the Republic on one Side, Dooku and the CiS on the other, and Sidious is planting tomatoes as a hobby.
So, Dooku can go back to his own true love too. Politics. (Yurk. But whatever rocks your boat, man)
And, so, why don't we talk about this like civilized beings, hmm ?
Surely, the Republic isn't a Tyranny not letting people pick another way ?
It's talks or a war, what do you pick ?
No war.
Lots of Politics, I'm sure Dooku and Padmé and Satine and assorted madbeings are living, there's bills and conferences and cabinets meetings and sessions everywhere, THIS is my version of Hell but it works out.
And, because it's me, let's talk about the clones.
There's Now a couple millions guys for an Army that is actually not needed, Chancellor never even got the time to ratify that bill, sorry, so actually you're not even the GAR, at most you're, like, the GA, maybe ?
But you know who is understaffed, just lost a good dozens members and often act as Senatorial envoyees to dangerous places ? The Jedi. Who you want to serve anyway ! Great.
So the Jedi take custody of the GA, and well, it's not an Army innit, the Jedi can't have an Army, and we're not going to call them the G, that's stupid, so they became a branch of the Jedi Corps, Protection and Escort and Badass Looking or something like that, they go with Jedi everywhere, make sure no Jedi die or is injured or kidnapped or enslaved or goes off to join a civil war or anything. Keep their Jedi safe and protected everywhere. Good stuff.
While Palpatine plants his tomatoes.
And, to wrap this up, let's say, ten years down the line, when little Luke and little Leia become Padawans, the ripple in the Force lights up the whole Galaxy so much an old man with a strawhat in his field of tomatoes remembers.
And Darth fucking Sidious realises he wasted a century long conspiracy crafted by all his line of Siths, gave his puppet Senator his actual job of Leader, she's married to his Carefully Groomed Apprentice who is now Happy Light Daddy, he gifted his biggest enemies with an Army who is now protecting them, the Order is flourishing, Republic and CiS are allies and in harmony, the Galaxy is so Light it burns and he's known as a Good Old Man giving most of his wealth to charities and who is making tomatoes preserves.
And Sidious dies of an aneurysm, in his field of tomatoes (which, unfortunately, might actually burn down if he does explode. Those good tomatoes, so sad.)
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