#i really wanted the dress thingy to be red but
strqyr · 8 months
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redid an old vacuo design for ruby that i never actually finished ✌
not so sure about the color scheme of this one but it is what it is, i fought with it enough as is lol
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iateyourparents · 6 months
change | j.g.
pairing: johnnie guilbert x fem!reader
summary: your boyfriend changes your style.
warnings: use of y/n, i have no idea how actually emos dress like so it’s based on pinterest and my imagination, bad writing and grammar(i’m sorry, english isn’t my first language)
an: i actually didn’t plan on writing for johnnie but few people were asking for him, so hope you like it guys <33
pictures are from pinterest:)
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“Hi guys, welcome to my channel!” You did quick intro to your video “Today I’m here with Johnnie!” said boy waved to the camera “And he will…”
“I will change y/n’s look to emo girl for today!” he explained with huge smile.
“Exactly! Are you excited?”
“Yes!” he nodded vigorously “I’m sure you will look great. And how you feel about it?”
“I’m kinda scared.” you laughed “I believe in your abilities to not make me look like a monster, but I think emo is more like dark colors, chains and strong make up. And that’s totally different from my everyday style. But I also can’t wait to see how I will look.” you kissed johnnie’s cheek.
“Hot, for sure.” he moved his eyebrows suggestively and you laughed “I have really nice outfit prepared for you. And yes, it’s more dark than what you wear everyday but you will look lovely anyway, you could make trashcan look like the best designer’s clothes.”
You felt blush creeping onto your cheeks and you quickly said few more things to the camera and then you and Johnnie went to your bedroom where he already had prepared everything, from clothes and shoes to make up products and jewelry.
“Oh, let me also mention guys, that it will be the first time ever when Johnnie will do my make up.” you told your viewers “But I have good feeling about it.”
Finally, Johnnie started styling you. At first, he gave you the clothes he wanted you to wear. It was red tube top with black, web like, thingie on the shoulders, black leather pants and pair of black high boots that actually were from your closet.
Then he also added jewelry and showed you and your fans the bag he wanted you to hold when he will be completely done.
“So now, make up.” Johnnie sat you down on the chair so everything could be seen by camera “I need you to look up baby.”
He started with eyeliner, and to be honest, it turned out great, then he did your lips with deep red lipstick and asked you to contour your face and do brows the way you do it everyday.
Then he positioned you and the camera so you could show off the whole look.
“So what do you think love?” Johnnie asked when you were looking into the mirror.
“I like it, not really something I would wear everyday but it looks good.” you smiled at your boyfriend.
“I think you look fabulous baby.” Johnnie kissed you.
Then you made an outro for the video and you both decided to order something for lunch before you would have to go out to meet with your friends.
“I think I will go in this.” you told Johnnie. You saw how he looked at the outfit and you knew he liked it.
“I’m glad you like it.” he looked proud of his work.
“Would you want me to dress like this more often? I can see that you like it.” you tilted your head, waiting for his answer.
“I think you look hot but I also love your everyday style. I wouldn’t be opposed to you dressing like this more but only if you feel good with it and not because of me. I actually like it when I look like I look and you are in your cute, light colors outfits.” he shrugged with a smile and kissed your lips.
“Yeah I also like it.” you agreed “I saw a comment saying that together we look like golden retriever and doberman.” you both laughed at your words.
“I love this comparison. That’s really accurate though.” he shrugged.
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hijackalx · 3 months
Headcanon thingy, but who would the boys (Gale, Astarion, Wyll, and Gortash) react to seeing their lover trying on lingerie?
felt like testing my drabble skills so i added a lil something extra to them 😎💗 enjoy pookie!!
likes when you surprise him with it. wear some under your clothes as a little treat for when he’s undressing you 😌✨
you look so good that it makes him trip over his words. he’s too busy ogling your body to pay attention to what he’s saying. will have him laughing like a nervous virgin 😹
LOVESSSSS garters. can’t keep his hands off of them. particularly loves the way your thighs strain beneath them when you’re on your knees
instantly wants to enchant the bottoms to make them vibrate and watch you get off like that (don’t ask if that’s actually possible my brain functions on horny not logic)
your outfit is inconspicuous, plain— perfect for covering up the lingerie hiding beneath. you wait patiently in his lap as he unwraps your silken robe, biting back a smirk.
he pauses to take in the sight of the lace hugging your skin, how it flows so delicately around your shape. he tuts, shooting you a familiar, frivolous grin. “feeling naughty tonight, are we?” just moments later, his hands move to rest on your bottoms, a seemingly harmless action that results in a soft buzz and a gasp. “i can work with that.”
insists on going with you to pick some out. follows you into every dressing room to “make sure it fits right” lol. so picky but mostly because he loves watching you try them on
his favorites are flowy/frilly types, like babydoll tops or satin robes. also LOVES stockings of any kind
makes you feel like an actual doll ✨🌸 repeatedly tells you how perfect you are and can’t keep his hands off you. will also try to get you flustered by whispering really dirty stuff about how you look into your ear
likes when you have fun with it and show off for him— be cheeky. do a little spin. bend over in front of him. be prepared for him to pinch or smack your ass though
he sits comfortably on the dressing room bench as you approach him. “how about this one?” you pull your bottom lip in playfully, placing your hands on his shoulders as he takes your body into his grasp.
“mm,” erupts from his throat, watching as his lithe fingers slip over and under the fabric sparsely covering your skin. “now, this one i like.” he places a slow and deliberate kiss to your exposed abdomen, his ruby gaze flitting up to meet yours; there’s an impish glint to them that tells you he doesn’t plan on waiting to have you any longer.
likes to make sketches of you wearing it. has so many drawings of you in compromising positions with it on. definitely keeps them for when he’s alone
loves corsets and bustiers because of how they emphasize your chest, especially in blacks and reds. crotchless panties also drive him INSANE
the sluttier you act while wearing it the better. don’t try to be modest (there’s honestly no reason to be anyway, he’s a freak fr 😹😹)
a sucker for fishnets. likes to take them off and use them to tie your wrists together. will also shove them in your mouth/gag you with them on occasion
his dark irises glance up from his work every so often to study your decorated figure; they follow the arch of your back, the heart shape of your ass, and linger on the exposed area between your thighs more often than not.
“lower,” he directs, and you immediately respond by deepening the angle of your back. he hums contently, scribbles some more, then adds, “spread your legs further.”
you comply once again, happy to flaunt your body under his gaze. the corner of your lip pulls upward, anticipating your reward for being such an obedient little muse.
bust this out on your honeymoon and he gets SOOO flustered. i’m talking stuttering/looking away/rubbing his neck
his favorites on you are lacy teddies— especially in blues, purples, and whites. more traditionally sexy styles really get him going
lowkey so obsessed with how you look in it. the kind of thing that’s on his mind 24/7. almost always asking you to put it on for him at the end of the day with a little pout 😹💗
LOVES when you strip for him nice and slow, especially how you tease him by carefully revealing each skimpy garment beneath your clothes. a lapdance is also mandatory
you spot the anxiousness simmering beneath his lax surface— he longs to touch you, but you’d rather toy with him a little more.
prowling closer to where he sits, you slowly unbutton your blouse. with each maneuver of your fingers, you reveal the lingerie lying beneath, watching how his hungry, needy gaze fixates on it.
he inhales sharply as you straddle his lap and take his hand in yours. he lets you guide it over your ornamented body, his eyes heavy with desire as he mutters a low and raspy, “you’ll ruin me.”
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stormyjisung · 10 months
"So when did you know it was love?"
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Members. Skz hyung line (+hyunjin)
Synopsis. Asking them about the time when they'd fallen for you entirely
A/n. I woke up missing ji and decided to write something for skiz, it's been a long time since I've written for them anyway. I was watching a movie yesterday (more like analysing the poster) and the tagline said, 'so when do you know it's love?' And my writer brain went wee woo 🚨.
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Bang chan
"so when did you know it was love?"
The question caught chan off guard, eyes shifting from his phone to your face, eyebrows quirked up in amusement, "where's this coming from?"
Rolling onto your stomach you groaned, "I don't know, chan, it just randomly popped up"
A bubble of laughter left his lips, "well to answer your question, I think it was our last semester at uni? I don't really remember the setting love, but I do remember that I was having a bad day. That paired with a raging downpour pushed me over the edge and I called you, crying, definitely not one of my best moments" chan paused to shake his head, "you helped calm me down and said, 'I'll be right there' and before I could ask what you meant you hung up"
"And before I knew it, you turned up at the library soaked to the bone. You handed me my umbrella and gave me the biggest, warmest hug someone had ever given me, despite the fact that you were freezing,
We'd already been dating for a few months, and you'd stolen my heart countless amount of times but it was at that moment I knew you'd stolen my heart from me forever"
Your cheeks felt hot, chan had always been a man of many words but to hear him voice out the moment he fell in love with you word by word felt nothing short of ethereal.
"But I do wonder, why did you turn up looking like a wet dog when you had an umbrella with you?"
Shrieks of embarrassment and laughter filled the atmosphere, love seeping into your bones even deeper.
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"when did you know it was love?"
You saw minho's hand pause midway while petting dori, "is this one of those tiktok thingies where go around asking your partner if they'd love you if you were a worm?"
"What- no! I was genuinely curious" you whined as minho let dori down, placing a finger on his chin he pondered.
"Yeah!" You leaned forward excitedly.
"It was that time when you messed up a party's dress code and showed up wearing a chicken onesie."
"Fuck off" you replied, kicking a pillow at his face as he cackled, "No but how does one mess up that bad?"
Faux disappointment seeped into your features causing minho to break, "okay fine. But you dare not make fun of me or I'll set birds loose on you"
"You wouldn't dare" you gasped, "try me" Came his reply.
"It was late September, when we'd just been dating for a few months and when my self confidence was at an all time low. I remember you'd been begging me to show you one of my choreos until I finally agreed."
"Oh! I do remember it, and when the day arrived you made every excuse under the sun to not show me the choreography!"
"Yeah, because I've always been a little bit of a workaholic and a perfectionist and all the girls I've dated before would ask me to stop working or 'take a break',
nothing wrong with their concern but it just got tiring since I geninunely loved dancing, but then that day when I showed you my choreography, you sat there starry eyed; watching my moves like a hawk and your mouth left partially open as if me dancing was the single most enchanting thing you'd ever seen."
"It was!" you replied in a heartbeat, not missing the way his ears turned red instantaneously, "-anyway, then I told you I wanted to work some more on the choreography before I could come home and you said 'well, let's work together!' And started giving me all these ideas even when you had two left feet yourself"
You would've retorted with a 'hey!' Had it not been the soft gaze in his eyes. You knew minho loved you, it showed in the way he'd tone down his teasing once in a while and remind you that he still loved you.
But after this, you doubt any insecurity would ever cross your mind.
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"when did you know it was love, bin?"
Changbin almost dropped the plate he was holding, caught utterly off guard by a question he most certainly had the answer to yet didn't trust his words enough, "what do you mean, babe?"
"When did you realize that you were in love with me?"
"I fall for you every day." He deadpanned
"Yeah- but, like, when was the first time?" you asked flustered by his prompt reply.
"You're cute" He giggled, ruffling your hair as his eyes shone with admiration, "I think it was when we had our first serious disagreement? The first time the rose colored glasses shattered and we could see ourselves for who we truly were"
"You said something along the lines of, 'I'd understand if you left right now' and it was the first time in my twenty one years of life that I'd experienced true heartbreak. And it was also the moment when I realized no matter how many fights we had or will inevitably have in the future, I'd never want to walk out on you or us"
He ended his little monologue by peppering sweet butterfly kisses on your forehead, "I'll always love you" He whispered between the kisses.
The orange hues of the setting sun illuminated the two soul mates in that room who failed to realize that their souls were always meant to love each other, maybe the setting sun knew their story for it smiled as it set across the horizon.
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"when did you know it was love?" You asked hyunjin as he raked his fingers through your hair gently, a low hum escaping him
"When did I know I'd fallen for you entirely?" He confirmed to which you gently nodded your head, the serene atmosphere felt unreal with you laying on his chest and him alternating between patting your head and softly brushing your hair
"That's a question that doesn't really have a definite answer, love"
You allowed a beat of silence to pass by before you spoke up, "what do you mean?"
"Falling in love with you wasn't a spur of the moment... it was rather an entire journey.
From the moment we met to right now, it's been one hell of a ride. We've seen seasons, weather and people change. We've seen each other change for the better, I've see you through your good, your bad and your ugly" He paused to let his eyes roam all over your face as if memorizing every miniscule detail
"But despite all of that, I wanted you. I wanted you every waking moment of my life, I wanted you on the days you were too sad to even get up, I wanted you on the days you were cranky and moody, I wanted you on the days you'd blow up on me, I wanted you, I want you.
And when you want someone like that, above their flaws, imperfections and blemishes I think it's fair enough to declare it as love"
Hyunjin was always a romantic, never failing to make you feel loved and cherished and even after years of dating him, he still managed to take your breath away. He talked about loving you as if it was the most natural thing for him to do, as if loving you was easy.
And that terrified you because hyunjin was just as easy to fall for, if not more.
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Reblog to show your appreciation !
I love how I post once a week but am chronically online, tee hee.
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py-dreamer · 7 months
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I never thought I'd get this done!
Ok so:
Sun Wukong as Turnip Head (and also secret prince from Howl's moving castle)
Six eared macaque as Fujimoto (aka Ponyo's dad and the guardian of sea life from Ponyo)
Sandy as Totoro (My neighbour Totoro)
Pigsy as Porco Rosso (formerly known as Marco Pagot, from Porco Rosso)
And Tang as Shizuku (Whisper of the heart)
(Also bonus one of Sandy's cats as the cat bus)
Ok um reasons for choosing these?....um....
Sandy would totally wear a Totoro onsie and would be delighted to have one of his cats join in the fun (Mo is with Bai He at the moment)
Pigsy is pig. He used to have mustache. Porco is pig. He too, has mustache. I have no other explanation.
Tang is scholar, and a nerd so matching him up with sweet author Shizuku seemed like a good choice (also it's fun to put Tang in a frilly dress)
I saw this one design as Mac as Fujimoto and I just fell in love. But I had to use the tacky red-white pajamas which really isn't Mac's style so I hide with poncho-cloak thingy.
Wukong could use the staff as Turnip head's stick and he could use the makeup from the lantern city ep.
He is an underrated gentle giant and he deserved all those stars and frankly deserves more love.
Also more freenoodles content pls, they r freaking adorable I should probably draw them more. I can imagine Tang is ranting about the movie or Jttw or something and Pigsy will just listen
Perhaps I should've picked another movie but I just really wanted to draw Wukong squatting on the staff like the gremlin he is and Turnip head was the perfect candidate
(Click photo for less sh!tty quality)
reblogs > likes
Also tagging mutuals again cause that's fun!)
@violetjedisylveon @cats-and-confusion @leesbian42
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: Got an idea🧠 re8 ladies react to a heavy gothic punk style, rockstar wannabe y/n,,like I'm talking the leather, the studded spike belt/choker thingy, probably some gothic dress with those netted gloves here,,and ofc,,the extreme heavily stylized full face makeup🤯 also they probably have a more "party animal/aggressive" personality,,not mean or anything but they would definitely speak in yelling🗣️
Damn. You’re describing me in high school perfectly XD Let’s get into it!
Rock music? In her castle? It’s more likely than she thinks.
Alcina would never admit it, but she’s starting to develop a taste for punk. It’s so… Rebellious. It’s downright scandalous for an aristocrat like her to want to listen to such music (At least in her opinion).
While you may be a little rough around the edges (And loud), She wouldn’t change a single thing about you. She loves you for who you are.
Also, those tight black jeans you like to wear make her hot and bothered. She’s never seen clothes like this before, so it’s quite a shock to her when she first sees you in them…
Sometimes Alcina will surprise you by painting her nails black instead of their signature blood red. A non-verbal way for her to say “I love you”.
It looks really good on her and you beg her to do it more often.
Donna was high-key afraid of you when she first so you in the village.
You were so… Confident and outgoing. Two things that, frankly, scare the shit out of her.
However, when you approached and asked if you could take her out on a date… Something about you presence made her feel… Protected. You had a kind smile and underneath all of the tough clothing and big personality, she could see you had a big heart.
Angie and you love to mosh together. Some of the other dolls want to join in, but Donna discourages it. She doesn’t want them learning bad habits… It’s a little too late for Angie, though, so she lets the two of you do your thing.
When you introduced Donna to the band… “The Donnas” She nearly lost her mind. She thought it was so cool. “Well, it is a badass name, cara mia,” She said with a shrug.
You busted out laughing.
Rock music… Hair gel… Black nail polish… Mm-mm. Not for her.
It’s almost like you two are polar opposites. But, maybe that’s why your relationship works so well. You balance each other.
She likes calm and peaceful music (Especially while she works). Screaming and angsty lyrics just sound like needless noise to her and it drives her crazy.
She also has to tell you to lower your voice because you tend to yell a lot without realizing it. “Draga mea, I’m standing right in front of you. There’s no need to shout,” She tuts and places a gentle kiss on your lips.
You blush and tell her you’re sorry.
Sometimes, you like to mess with her and while she’s reading or otherwise distracted, you suddenly blare a really loud song and scare the shit out of her.
You also spend the night on the couch.
She is 100% drawn to you when you first meet. A badass rocker? She swoons, I’m convinced.
You’re just her type. A rugged, good-looking exterior with a heart of gold on the inside. Honestly, she’s more in love with your personality than anything, but you being hot is definitely a plus.
You play music for her and serenade her. For her, it’s just about the most romantic thing you could do… Even if you are singing angsty, gritty songs.
Bela is not keen on copying your style when she dresses, but it’s mostly because she doesn’t want to upset Alcina.
I think she secretly really wants to try out that “Alt girl” Aesthetic. However, she’ll leave that to you for now. She’s content to just admire you.
She’s also drawn to you when you first meet. She’s never met anyone like you before and she finds you absolutely thrilling.
She loves to look at all of the different accessories you have. Your studded belts fascinate her… Maybe because they look like they could hurt somebody if they got too close to you. “That’ll keep those hussy maids away from you!” She cackles.
You sweat at how serious she looks.
If I’m being honest? I think Cass has a mad leather kink. Just seeing you in those tight leather pants… Does something to her.
She is instant putty in your hands when you sing to her. She enjoys all the gory violent lyrics tumbling out of your mouth.
While Dani is definitely a fan of cutesy things… She can’t deny that your brooding looks turn her on.
When you introduce her to your favorite bands, they quickly become her favorites as well.
I think she would generally be more of a fan of the pop-punk spectrum of rock, however, she might also enjoy some of the harder bands like Iron Maiden or Metallica.
Dani loves showing you off. She clings to your arm as you two take walks and feels so safe with big, bad you by her side.
You’re loud, but so is she. Sometimes you both sound like you’re literally screeching at each other but it’s only because you’re either really happy or excited.
You two are a match made in heaven. You get each other.
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madlad-sadgal · 10 months
More things I noticed in Nimona because I got boredin.
Nimona Spoilers!
Diamonds seem to be a recurring form when it comes to the Institute, which we see most when in the Director's office. There's a line of diamonds that goes from the top to the bottom of her dress. The windows are diamonds. There's a diamond at the tip of her staff. There's a diamond sculpture thingy on her desk. There's a line of diamonds on the side of her desk. Ambrosius also has a a lot of diamonds on his armor. The button the Director presses to open the secret drawer is part of a line of diamonds. The Director's eye shine is a diamond, and so is Bal's when he's about to be knighted, about to become an official part of the Institute, only to have that taken away from him.
I hear a lot of people say that they don't understand why Bal didn't post the whole video, but we have to take in consideration here: When he and Nimona thought up that plan, in no way did they think that the Director would actually try to kill Ambrosius. And, also, Nimona-Ambrosius and Ambrosius both enter the office by saying the same thing "We need to talk". Bal probably spent hours telling them how Ambrosius acted just to fool the Director. Just imagine: you see someone who looks and acts exactly like the one you love get stabbed out of absolutely nowhere. You know it's not them, but there's still that small second of "What the fuck my lover is getting stabbed!" I doubt he was able to keep the camera still through all that. I saw another post talk about it, and I can't find it, but yeah.
Also, back to Ambrosius' armor, I was able to count three lion faces on it. One on the front of his chestplate, and one of each of his shoulder protector thingys (I don't know the name of it)
Sure, when Nimona-Ambrosius destroys everything in the Director's office, it's funny, but they also foreshadow one more thing; destroying the wall. Also, they remove Gloreth's statue at the same time, and, at the end, when Bal is looking over the kingdom, we don't see the statue in question anywhere, which could maybe insinuate that they actually did canonically took it down? I may be looking into this too much, but it's fun to think that's what it might mean.
The sight Bal uploads the video is called "TheCrier". Also, when he uploads it, on the screen behind the computer, you can see he was previously ordering a pizza.
Bal's username is BalliSTAR12 and honestly I'm surprised no one in the kingdom thought to question why this man even had a video of this. That is if they even realized that it was him because let's be honest, the people of the realm are oblivious to a lot of stuff throughout the movie.
For a brief second, you can see that the username of one of the people who commented is "Rising_Pho3nis_23" and that just makes me realize how much foreshadowing these people included throughout the whole movie.
We see at some point that the first riot at the Institute was filmed when, at 57:59, in the recommended videos someone is watching, the top one is "Rhino runs riot at the Institute"
"I just want to be your friend. Is it ever gonna be enough?" Those are the only lyrics I was able to catch from the dance sequence, but those hit hard when you realize that Nimona is really just looking for a friend. And also that even with Nimona and Bal's efforts to prove that the Institute is bad, there efforts weren't enough (because the Director just turns the blame on them again)
When Nimona-Director is on the other side of the door with the pizza, their eyes do the reflection thing with the lighting.
During the scene where we see the civilians gathered in front of the Institute and yelling things like "Liar" and holding up sign that say "Villain" and "Liar" we see the statue of Gloreth standing in front of all of them bathed in red light, and it's almost like all of those things are being yelled at her.
"Zombies are immortal eternal beings. There's no way to kill them." "But what if they come for us?" *Attacks the zombies* Funny how fear drives them attack first, just like fear drove the villagers to attack Nimona first.
When the Director tries to warn everyone of Nimona, the "monster", she accidentally puts everyone against everyone, and, as we see in the pub, everyone starts to mistrust the people around them.
I have a theory as to why Nimona was painted as child in the scroll: It was to serve as a warning. It was to show that this "monster" could try to manipulate you into thinking it was harmless by becoming something that doesn't pose much of a threat: a child.
Nimona saying "I have not slept like that in forever." Who else thinks it's because they used to always have their guard up and was always a light sleeper in case they needed to flee quickly? Like, they didn't want to put themselves in a vulnerable position too long so they got used to getting maybe one or two hours of sleep every now and then.
I'll stop there for now. Might make more if y'all like this!
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angelicxmommy · 6 days
“Oh maid!,” I rang my bell. He hurried in and offered me a cup of cum.
“I worked on it so hard, and I’m at half mast, it was difficult to get hard again after filling the glass but I tried my best,” he said quickly.
“Stand next to me,” I ordered. I worked his cock while I drank his cum. He was whining.
“Mmmm, delicious, but I still need to wreck you,” I purred.
“Should I get mistress’s strap on?” He asked.
“No, I want to feel your little Willy,” I smirked.
“It’s not little, you told me it was big. You told me it satisfied you,” he said weepily.
“You think seven inches is enough to satisfy me? You think mistress only deserves seven inches?”
“No, no, mistress deserves nine,” he moaned.
“You little slut so willing to please me with whatever you have,” cooed.
“I am big! Average is five!” He screamed.
“Not average for mistress,” I chuckled.
“I can’t get any bigger, I just wanna please you. I just wanna be a good toy for mistress,” he whined.
“Let’s see if you’re good,” I smirked. I yanked his cock and he whimpered. I pushed him into my chair and mounted him.
I tied a bandana around his face. His eyes were covered. I began to ride his cock.
“Oh, mmmm, uh, mommy,” he cried as I rode,
“Yeah that’s right, you love mommy don’t you?”
“Love mommy, could I, c-could I have suckies? Could I have them please?”
“Maybe once you’ve came,” I sneered and slapped his face. He mewled and leaned into me further.
“A kiss? Please mommy, a kiss?” He begged. I grabbed his face roughly and kissed him desperately. He would’ve cum immediately if he truly knew how much he pleases me, how I adored his body in his maid’s uniform, how I wanted to ride him all day long.
“Mommy, so pretty, I wanna see you,” he whined.
“We’ll get there my bratty baby,” I chuckled. He squirmed under me.
“Mistress balls are heavy again. I d-don’t know how.”
“It’s because you’re a little slut baby, you can’t help but fill and leak,” I purred in his ear.
“Mommy,” he whimpered and arched upwards and came. I loved his needy little noises. I fell into orgasm as well, my walls clenching.
“Oh squeezing me,” he whined.
“Wanna be mommy’s slut forever,” he whimpered. I undid his blindfold.
“As pretty as you are in it, I’m going to ask you take the dress off,” I told him. He nodded I got off of him. I had already been naked when I sat in my chair and called for him.
“You wanna wiggle your thingy in mommy?” I asked him.
“Yes, want it,” he pouted.
“Well you’re going to need to wait a bit, I have to go put something on,” I said. Just to keep him desperate, I smacked his ass hard before I left. His precum dribbled onto the floor.
I went and put on the outfit I was dying for him to see. It was a leather suit that could unzip to reveal certain parts. I knew I’d have his subby ass drooling.
“Mistress!” He squeaked when I came out. I knew my tits and ass looked fantastic. He tried to hold it, he really did. He even held a hand over his slit, but it came out anyway. His cum coated the floor.
“You like it?” I asked.
“Mmhmmm,” he whined.
“Sit on mistresses chair,” I ordered him. He scrambled onto it. He sat there and I carefully unzipped the part of the outfit that would reveal my pussy. He was squirming.
“Mouth open,” I demanded. He opened his trembling mouth. I spit into it and he whimpered. I sunk down on his cock.
“Mmmmmm,” he swallowed desperately.
“You’re such a whore for my pussy,” I chuckled.
“Yes, your whore, all for you. I live and breathe for you mistress,” he whimpered.
“I know you do baby,” I smirked. I kept bouncing and he watched my tits in awe.
“You can touch,” I allowed. As he grabbed my boobs I wrapped a hand around his throat. I choked him and pretty little cheeks got red and he moaned. I couldn’t help but come. My walls clamped down on his cock.
“My thingy!” He squealed. I released his throat just as he began to cum. He was panting, saying my name over and over as his cock strained into me, twitching and cumming. I unzipped my too and my breasts fell free.
He burst into tears. I smiled smugly.
“What is the baby crying about?” I asked.
“You’re so sexy, I can’t handle it. Mommy I love you so much, wanna fill you with my slutty milk,” he whined. I spat on his face.
“Yes mommy, yes,” he wept. I kissed him and he let whimpering fill my mouth. I placed his hands on my breasts and the the crying renewed. He was kneading gratefully.
“Mmm, you’re such a fucking slut,” I moaned into his mouth. He let out an affirmative whimper.
“Mommy, can I have suckies they’re so big,” he gasped.
“I suppose,” I sighed, though in reality I adored it when he sucked on my nipples. He was noisy the way I liked and looked up at me for approval. I spat down on him. He suckled more needily now. I couldn’t believe he liked me being mean to him.
“Off,” I growled and yanked his hair back so his neck was exposed.
“Mommy’s property,” I growled in his ear and then I bit harshly.
“Ahhhhh,” he let out a pathetic whine and he began to rut upward and cum.
“Oh, mommy, m-mommy, ah, mmm, mmffff, gah!” He screamed.
I let his name slip out as I came hard. I was convulsing on his cock. I felt amazing but I realized my mistake. He was looking at me with his precious doe eyes like I’d given him a puppy.
“I made mommy say my name,” he said happily.
“Shut up,” I snarled and choked him.
“You are just a toy for me to use. Just a hole and a cock. All your good for is to wiggle your little stiff thingy in me. Am I understood?”
“Yes mistress,” he nodded. I released his neck.
“Now suck,” I commanded. He gratefully sucked my nipple. I slapped his face hard but he didn’t seem to care.
“Such a baby slut will take beatings with happiness,” I said and began to ride him harder. He whimpered and sucked and then he groaned and he exploded inside me.
“Haaa ahhh, mistress, mommy, so good, m’in heaven,” he whined. His look of complete sub space and pussy drunkness made me come as well. I pouted my moans into his mouth. I was starting to get sore so I decided play time was over.
“Baby you did so well,” I caressed his face.
“I did?”
“Yeah my Prince, let me just change my clothes and then-“
“No, no, need to stay with mommy, don’t wanna leave her side,” he said.
“Okay love,” I said, and pulled him along gently. I took him to our room. I put on his favorite sweater and sweat pants. I hand to kiss him in between each action because he was in such bad subspace. I put him in a fluffy robe.
“I’m sorry about what I said about your cock. That was mistress, not me. I think you’re really big,” I said and ruffled his hair.
“You do?”
“Yeah I do, it’s big, and pretty and pink and I love it,” I smiled.
“Thank you,” he said as tears leaked from his eyes.
I brought him to the table. His favorite meal was laid out. His eyes sparkled.
“Feed me?” He asked.
“Of course, come sit on my lap,” I said and sat down. He scrambled into my lap and laid his head on my shoulder. I fed him a few bites until he was ready to take over. His sub space was slowly fading.
“What do you want now?”
“I wanna cuddle with you,” he said and nuzzled his nose with mine.
“Sounds fun, wanna watch a movie too?”
“Oh yes, can I pick?”
“You were such a good boy, of course you can.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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liftme-up-letme-go · 1 month
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Concert Recap Rammstein Dresden 15.5/16.5.24
Sooo after I finally had some time to process the last few days I wanted to tell you about my time in Dresden.
It was amazing! Not just the concerts but also the people I met made those two days so special. I was going to the concerts alone but on the first day I met lovely Julia from Reddit and later on awesome @trinitite-princess joined us. We did a Powerwalk to Feuerzone , managed second/third row on Richards side and had an absolute blast! It was so nice meeting you 🫶🏻
The next day I met up with Julia again, it was very windy so by the time we got in we were covered in dust and then they made us run even further than the day before because they changed the entrance. So that was kind of exhausting but also worth it in the end. I ended up standing randomly next to @marimayscarlett (I recognised her beautiful red dress) and @thegothicviking . You guys are just really cool and I loved talking to you! Maria I hope you also saw Richard taking of his arm cover thingies ...I think I died a bit. Also tell your Mum she's awesome!
I am so looking forward to Klagenfurt, meeting my mutuals and enjoying Rammstein together! So glad I joined this fandom 🔥🫶🏻
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shrimshrim4fun · 15 days
Dating Headcanons for Sanhua
Note- I tried my best. I skipped some of her dialogue and I regret it 😭 Anybody wanna friend me, I’m lonely 😞
- Doberman energy. She follows you everywhere you go. She once cut up a thorn bush to shreds because you accidentally grazed it. But from her words Anything can be a threat to you but you can trust her. She likes to keep you close so she can better protect you in any occasion. Sometimes it can be a bit overbearing at times of how she lingers over you.
- She isn’t the best at showing affection but in public she’ll have a hand around your waist or link pinkies with you.
- She listens to EVERYTHING you say. And I mean it. She’s not much talkative but she listens. Even the small small things you say, she remembers. And from those things you say, she’ll decide what gifts to give you.
- She also remembers every holiday you celebrate, your birthday, and your siblings birthday if you have any.
- Likes pressing kisses along your knuckles or inside your wrist. And like it when you press kisses onto her cheek or head even though she’s too embarrassed to admit it.
- Big spoon. She likes to feel you in her hands as you guys cuddle. But sometimes she likes to little spoon.
- Acts of service is her biggest way to express love due to her not being able to express herself very well with words.
-Not really NSFW but gets really flushed if you hook a finger on her dress thingy and tug it slightly. I don’t know how to call it and I apologize.
- If you wrap your arms around her waist and squeeze you’ll notice how sensitive her sides are to your touch. She’ll somewhat get red and ask what are you doing in a slight stuttered tone.
- She’s a service top. She’ll go at what pace you ask for anything you want she’ll do. And she’ll try out anything you want to.
- Her chest is the perfect combination between firm and soft. Is very nice to nuzzle into. Trust me on this one 👍
- Pet play. Strap a muzzle over her as she pounds you from behind. Also a custom collar made just for her while you pull the leash if she goes too fast. Call her a good girl and she’ll be even more eager to please you.
- The best punishment is to grind against her abs and she’s not allowed to touch you. Her hands are griping the handles of the chair as your slick drips down her side.
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ieatkeyboard · 1 month
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Cool climbing rope on your hip bro. Goes great with your SHIT GREEN BROWN shoes. -_- The fluff isn't very fluffy. It looks he bought his jacket online, didn't fluff up the fur and tbought it was supposed to look like that. AND MY EYES ARE BAD BUT HIS SHIRT IS BLENDING INTO HIS JACKET TOO WELL.
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Changed the shoes to a red-er brown, made his rope a chain because...It was literally just a rope tied around his waist 😭 Made his shirt darker and his gloves lighter, since we want gray so bad. MADE THE FLUFF FLUFFIER. IF YOU'RE GONNA HAVE FUR ON YOUR COAT, DO IT OR DON'T.
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I hate. NOW ITS A CUTE OUFIT, NICE COLOR SCHEME. But if you put this under a black and white filter there would be no contrast. The outfit is too light and the blue is a nice tough but it isn't enough!
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OKAY. I made his jacket lighter and more pigmented. I made his shirt a bit darker and made his shoes black. Now the contrast has VARIETY and doesn't look bland as shit.
ALSO I was gonna do his demon form but there is genuinely nothing I would tweak? Like there's nothing I could do to it so yeah :,]
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He has so many weird dangly things- The things on his vest? The little thingies on his arms? And idk if there are little bunnies on the backs of his heels but I fully thought those were mangled butterflies- So yeah they aren't reading very well. The weird triangles on the bottoms of his pants? WHAT'S WITH THIS GAME AND TRIANGLES. TRIANGLES WERE NEVER "in". THIS CAN'T BE DEVILDOM FASHION. DEVILDOM FASHION IS TUMBLR FASHION (Thanks Asmo) SO WTF?
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I took the geometric bullshit out but I left the stripes because they ARE uniforms? So I'll let it stay 🙄 I took away the weird dongles, took the bunnies of his heels and made them one solid shoe because I have beef with open heels (THEY ARE SO UNCOMFORTABLE WTF). So yeah :]
That's all for Lucifer- I do really love his fashion sense (Just ignore his bathing suit...) but getting to mess with it is also fun >:]
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A Little Less Conversation…
OuiHaw x AFAB Reader [Ashe x Widowmaker (Amelie Lacroix) x Reader]
Warnings: use of She/Her pronouns, suggestive content, mentions of violence, men being gross, pet names (Sugar, Mon Cuer, Cherie)
A/N: Babes, this is supposed to have a smutty part two, so if you want it, let me know.
“You know, it wouldn’t hurt if you two at least act like you want to be here,” you adjusted your earrings and fixed your hair in the mirror. Tonight was the Talon Investors Gala, where you and agents alike would be wooing larger corporations to fund the organization. As the head of technological advancement and board member, you were expected to attend no matter what, but neither of your girlfriends seemed to want to go with you.
“Cherie, you know as soon as I enter the door, I will be swept away by Moira as the ‘pinnacle of her research’,” Amelie strode up next to you , adorned in a red floor length dress with a slit on each side.
“And I don’t even think I’m supposed to be there,” Ashe was sat on the bed of your hotel room, tie and shirt undone as she waited for the two of you.
“Nonsense, Moira has researchers to entertain the whole night with her life force siphoning-thingy and her little bug spray,” you finish up, giving yourself a once over before leaving the bathroom, “ and you are technically on my payroll because you traffic weapons for me to make better. You belong,” you smile and kiss the white haired woman’s cheek.
“But there are gonna be so many people,” Ashe cupped your cheek and pulled you closer.
“And if we stay here,” Amelie made her way behind you, wrapping her hands around your waist and cementing your spot between both women, “we don’t have to worry about anyone getting too close to you, mon cuer.”
“I like the sound of that,” Ashe’s hand on your cheek moved to your chin, her thumb grazing over your bottom lip.
You almost let them win when your phone wrang, the boss himself calling. Both women let go of you with a sigh as you chuckled and moved out of their grasp.
“Hello?… Yes… We are going to be there Akande, don’t fret…Oh? Ok… go get ready, stop worrying about me. Good bye,” you hung up and ran a hand through your hair.
“Since when are you on first name basis with him?” Amelie was now sitting next to Ashe, both of them finally ready to go out.
“Since I pushed Talon ahead of Vishkar and the Russians, which is why I need to go tonight, they are looking to outsource and buy me out of some of my designs,” you grabbed your coat and your gun and made your way to the door, “it would be really great if the women I love where in my corner tonight.”
“We will be Sugar, don’t you worry,” they got up and followed you out the door, “but why are you bringing the fire power?”
“Akande told me we may have uninvited guests, and don’t act like both of you aren’t packing,” you laugh as you tuck it into the top of your dress.
Amelie gave Ashe a knowing look and the cowgirl let out a light chuckle, “We’re packing something alright.”
The comment didn’t register at first, but then a blush grew from the base of your neck to your nose.
“Oh come on Cherie, as if we would pass up an opportunity to let your mind wonder.”
You had gathered yourself and entered the ballroom, looking around to all of the people in front of you. As you walked to your table you waved at associates and team members you worked with, flashing an award winning smile to everyone in your wake.
“You know, you really look like you are in your element, you positive you need us?” Ashe leant down and whispered in your ear, her hands in her coat pockets.
“Yes, because I need a reason to bail out of a conversation if I don’t like it.”
You made your way to your table, a few chairs empty but most had name plates of other board members that would be joining you or are already on the floor.
“Thank you for finally showing your face, I almost thought I’d have to come find you myself,” the Doomfist stood to greet you and shake your hand, “I see you brought Ms. Lacroix and the cowboy with you.”
“Akande, be respectful, she does business with us, she can be here,” you pat his shoulder and place your coat on the back of your chair, “I’m going get a drink and swindle Viskar out of more money than they can comprehend. Ashe, keep our Love Bug away from Moira if she happens to get loose.”
The brunette coughed at the nickname and your boss gave you an amused glance.
“Don’t worry hun, she’s not going anywhere.”
All three of them watched as you shifted effortlessly into your professional persona, entrapping people in conversation and then swiftly moving on after getting what you needed from them.
“You know she’s kind of hot when she does all that sweet talking,” Ashe sat back down after her own journey to the bar, passing one of the drinks she had to the assassin next to her.
Amelie hummed in agreement, taking a sip of her drink, “Confidence looks good on her, her brazenness almost rivals yours.”
“That will never happen, but she’s getting close.”
They both watch you as you talk up an older gentleman at a table across the room. You sat next to him, laughing at him, keeping him entertained, and then he scooted closer. It was a small movement, one that you didn’t seem to notice, but the two pairs of eyes watching, it was obvious.
“He is getting pretty chummy, ain’t he?”
“Indeed, but let’s not intervene just yet,” Amelie took Ashe’s hand into hers as they watched the rest of the interaction.
The man put his hand over yours, you quickly retracted to occupy it with your drink. You glanced around the room and made eye contact with your partners, raising your eyebrows at them before going back.
He was persistent, if not bold. Leaning further into you and putting his arm over the back of your chair. You remained composed but when your posture stiffened, the women across the room where ready to get up at any moment.
You wrapped up the conversation as he wrote on the back of a business card and handed it to you. Heading back to the table, you pulled out a notebook and a tape recorder from your pockets and placed them in front of your boss.
“Here, written and spoken promises, business cards and contact info are book marking each section, I’m out,” you sigh, picking up your jacket, “that last guy was gross.”
“You tolerate a man like that again and I will not hesitate to end him,” Amelie said the threat casually, giving a little shrug, “let us go, we have a room to get to.”
“I’m talked out for the evening. See you at the next board meeting Akande, but I need to leave,” Your girlfriends where just about ready to go when the large man grabbed your hand at the last second.
“You have one more guest to impress, then you may leave,” his voice was low, you all sat back down with different expressions of grievance on your face.
“What creep am I supposed to be meeting with now?”
“That ‘creep’ would be me,” none other than Katya Volskaya made her way over to the table, flanked by two guards.
You quickly swept the recorder and notebook up and put them back in the pockets of your romper.
“I thought you killed her?” You grit through your teeth to Amelie, giving her a confused glare.
“I missed the window of opportunity, and he,” she nodded to Akande, “saw a new opportunity for her, so we never went back.”
You let out a short lived groan before resuming your pageant ready attitude.
“Ms. Volskaya, pleasure to meet you,” you stuck your hand across the table, hers meeting yours as you gesture for her and her goons to sit.
Both of the women beside you watched in as as you commanded the table, laying out all of the plans and ideas she may be interested in and working her to get the best deal possible. Ashe was never a negotiator except for between the gang, and Amelie was just a hired gun, never in the room where it happens.
“… And what if we don’t just call the Russian forces or Overwatch and have your technology without the hassle?” Volskaya payed out the threat like a trump card, making eye contact with both you and your boss. Akande went to move but you put a hand up, stopping him.
Before you said anything you felt Ashe put a hand on your thigh, squeezing it. You looked over at both her and Amelie, Ashe giving you a look of ‘let her have it’, and Amelie wearing a small grin as she nodded back to the Russian in front if you.
“The tech I’m selling you is to protect your country and let cattle die like heros,” you fold your hands together and lean forward, “the tech I’m keeping for myself can burn down the whole cattle farm. By all means, call your special forces… you can tell their families they died because you brought a spoon to a gunfight.”
You stood, looking at Akande and smiling, “Volskaya Industries isn’t interested in working with us, remove them from the investors list-“
“Name your price,” Katya looked up at you, her hands balled on the table. Your smile grew sinister, matching the look in your eyes.
“We will be in touch, but you keep your lines open,” you wave her goodbye and grab your coat once again, your girlfriends following two steps behind as you make your way to the exit.
“Sugar, if I'd have known how hot you are when you do business I’d have made you do all my dirty work,” Ashe undid her tie as soon as you hit the door.
“Well you two are so reluctant to come with me on business trips. You’d see a lot more,” you took your earrings and heels off, moving to help Amelie with her dress.
“How about we see a lot more tonight?” Ashe’s breath felt hot as you where once again sandwiched between the two women, the cowgirl behind you holding your back to her front.
“I wouldn’t mind showing you.”
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lembowe · 10 months
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Moon ref sheet!! very happy with how it came out :3 more info n stuff below the cut
I really wanted to emphasise the whole 'moon' aspect of her on her pre-collapse outfit!! also added a little ball like the one on her forehead to her cloak to tie the red in idk i really like space and so wanted fancy pretty moon outfit for her :) in addition if wannnted you can remove the purple starry bits from the outfit to make it more like the ingame outfit (just with the added metal bodice thingy)
post collapse dress / cloak is very similar to ingame! just added the little frill detail since i wanted a little bit interesting this isnt the same piece as her pre collapse one, but instead just another cloak thats been sunbleached and dyed green with algae stains n whatnot
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individual images of em! + catgirl outfit bc why not >:3
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cj-the-random-artist · 10 months
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I have made more designs for the medieval fantasy au thingy, the King and (most of) her court (I haven't designed Joe yet but I'll get there)
Bdubs is in charge of the cavalry (he just trains the military to ride horses), he's very fond of horses and he's part fae. I don't really have many major design notes for him, though I don't think his cloak is actually made of moss. At some point, he was cursed by some far stronger fae, but he's not cursed anymore (for reasons).
Next is the Immortal (and Undead) King Cleo (or Queen but I figure since they're the King of Hermitcraft I'm just gonna say King lol). I wanted Cleo to look kind of royal without wearing red, so I went with a purple cloak instead. She's also dressed very functionally, because when you're ruling a town where shenanagins occur on a fairly regular basis, it's important to be able to go out and be comfortable while ensuring the safety of your subjects. (Also, note of Cleo's undead status- they were necromancied back to life by her Royal Wizard, BigB, which she's very glad for, and no one seems to have noticed yet).
Ren is in charge of training the knights and leading them to battle in the event of a major diplomatic disaster. He's very good at his job. He's entirely human, but he's also a werewolf. He doesn't transform, however, again thanks to the Royal Wizard who gave him a pendant that keeps him from transforming at the full moon so long as he wears it. No major design notes other than I like how his hair turned out and I wanted his color palette to be simple.
Finally, we of course have BigB, the Royal Wizard, practiced in all major types of magic and several lesser known ones. He has quite a bit of magical power but tends to prefer not using it for things of major consequence except as a last resort. I gave him a halo of glowy bits around his head because I didn't want to give him a wizard hat but I wanted him to have something going on there.
I have one other court member to design, Joe (court jester by day, diplomatic genius by night) and then several more designs but I hope y'all like these ones and have good day :D
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pantone-green-fiend · 3 months
going insane and these have probably already been pointed out...but here are some things I noticed in the new trailer!
( ❗spoilers ig for the book iwtv and s2?❗)
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firstly claudia in this still towards the end is wearing the yellow dress she wears for the trial :( I can't help but think that she is a hallucination which will just gut me if true. just :((((( like aaaaahhhhhhhh!!
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next. are we all in agreement that this is Louis ripping out santiago's tongue?... okayyyyyy!!! interesting!!! i love to see it!
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next. lestat is eating a picture. you can clearly see two pictures on a line, id assume this is louis' red/developing room? maybe?? like im sure he's being his normal insane self but still????? like what us he doing that for??? and I'd say he's another hallucination...but check lestats outfit 🔎🔎
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it's the same suit from these two shots! at first I thought that they were in the Louvre, which Louis goes to before leaving Paris. but at this point Louis thinks lestat is actually dead/is so lost in his grief doesn't really give a fuck, so why would lestat be there???even in hallucination form??🤔🤨
"And I wanted to enter the Louvre, I formed words to tell Armand this, to ask him if he might help me do what was necessary to have the Louvre till dawn. "He thought it a very simple request. He said only he wondered why I had waited so long." ' - (iwtv act 3 ( I'll find the page number when I have my physical book w/ me)
but in the second still it's all run down? so idk. like it could be the tower? or lestats castle thingie? but the architecture doesn't make sense to me.
anywhoo I'm excited!!
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10. With Paul
Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like this!💜
My requests are still open, and if you want, you can use this promptlist!
10. "You can't order just tea when you're here. You can get a little fancy!"
Strong winds blew over the almost abandoned boardwalk. Heavy, ice-cold drops of rain fell down to the ground, causing a low rumbling sound to echo through the wooden boards. Most people had opted to stay inside tonight or go somewhere indoors. Those people had been smart. The other people that still wandered around the boardwalk - just for the sake of wandering, since every ride was closed due to the weather - were dressed for the weather. Umbrellas, raincoats.
I shivered as I pulled my summer coat closer, silently cursing myself. I had seen the weather reports, I had known it would storm, and yet here I was wearing a thin jacket simply because it looked better. And all that because of a boy. Well, not just any boy, he was my boy. Big difference.
"Shit, babe!" Paul ran towards me. He was almost as drenched as me. His hair hung in ringlets, and his coat was soaked. "You could have waited inside, where its dry?"
I shook my head, shivering. "I wanted to wait for you. It's fine."
Paul looked at me, shaking his head, as he pulled me close. "Let's go in, alright? You need to warm up, or you'll get sick."
I hadn't really paid attention as to where I had waited on him, but now, as we walked in, I realised it was a lovely cafe. A soft pink brightened the walls, and along the walls were posters and paintings of flowers and forests. There were tables spread around the room, with comfortable looking chairs around them, and in the back, there were a couple of booths. The barista smiled at us as we entered, cleaning the counter. Underneath a glass dome were some freshly baked pies, some muffins, and some cakes. There were tiny treats, like macarons. You could order slices of cheesecake or red velvet. It looked wonderful. Behind the counter hung a chalkboard, with a very long list of all possible drink orders on it.
I loved the atmosphere, the brightness of it all. But, I had to admit, Paul looked totally out of place here. Luckily, he didn't seem to mind, and he walked straight up to the counter, dragging me along.
"What do you want?" He asked, looking at the list.
"Eh - I don't know? Just tea, I guess?"
The girl behind the counter smiled tightly as she looked at me. "Are you sure?"
I was about to ask her what she meant - I loved tea, so surely that was an okay order, right?"
"You can't order just tea when you're here. You can get a little fancy," Paul grinned, causing me to smile. He was uo to something, surely.
"If I do that, we'll be broke by the end of the night."
"Bullshit! But if you don't want to get a fancy order, I will!" I chuckled at his enthusiasm, and laughed even more when I heard his order.
"So, can I get a strawberry mach-ia - how do you pronounce that? - to thingy with caramel, chocolate, whipped cream, and some vanilla on top?"
The girl behind the counter nodded. "Sure thing! Are you sure you just want tea, hon?"
I thought about it and nodded. "Yeah. But I would like some cheesecake, though. Two slices."
Our order was made, and it didn't take long before we found a place next to the radiator. I laid my coat on it, hoping it would dry a bit, and quickly began to warm up. I sipped my tea and handed one of the cheesecake slices to Paul.
"How's your drink?"
Paul took a sip, pulled a face, and shoved the large cup away. I smiled as he continued to reach for my hand.
"Why did you order that? I thought you didn't drink coffee?"
"Oh, I didn't really know what I was ordering, I just wanted to shut that barista up."
"Awh, you'd do that for me?"
"For you, I would drink this whole cup of disgustingness."
"Is it really that bad?" I took the cup and took a sip, only to spit it out immediately. "How? The combination sounds pretty okay, and this is just - ugh!"
"The cake is good, though," Paul shrugged, and I nodded. I moved, from sitting across from him to sitting next to him. I leaned against him, sighing contendly.
"So, now that going on rides is out of the question, what shall we do tonight?" I asked.
"How about tormenting that barista?"
I giggled but still shook my head. "Nah, she's probably just tired after a long day."
"We can wait the storm out in here, I suppose."
"Go to the cinema?"
"You just want to not get caught making out with me this time."
Paul grinned. "Well, what do you suggest then?"
"Oh, I don't know. I'm pretty comfy here," I smiled, kissing his cheek softly.
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