#i really. REALLY need to be working on the MG novel... yeah...........
lordsardine · 2 years
getting somewhere
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toomuchracket · 8 months
re: kieran culkin emmy speech — i 100% agree and like the long list for women’s prize for fiction is coming out soon i feel like girlie deserves a place on it honestly (side note: i’m so excited to read the shortlist, one of mg fav times of the year)
yes! (i am also excited) maybe this is your first full-length novel since you had amy, and it's the fiction piece you're most excited about in a long time, maybe ever. matty's like "this book is a huge deal to you, so you need a present that's a huge deal when you win the women's prize for it-", and you're like "you mean if?"; he blinks at you and says "anyway, when you win... is there anything i could give you that you particularly want?", and you just smirk and trail two fingers up his chest like "weeeeeeeeell... perhaps, maybe, we could have another kid? i miss when amy was teeny tiny". your husband grins and says "that's really what you want if you win?", and you just nod, and he kisses you and says "alright then, darling. i'm sure i could oblige". you make the longlist, then the shortlist - and in the process also several jokes to matty like "maybe you should think about getting the crib out of the garage, babe" - and the two of you get all dressed up and drop amy at uncle ross's for the night so you can attend the ceremony. it's a lovely night as is, getting to dress up and celebrate women's writing and see some of your friends, made even better by the fact you do actually win the award lmao - matty laughs as he kisses you in celebration, and again when you end your speech by saying "and finally, thank you to my husband, my other half, the love of my life, father to my daughter and ken to my barbie, matthew. not only is he extremely loving and supportive of me and my work, he also very sweetly said that if i won this award we could give amy a sibling. well, darling... your wife's a winner. best look out the baby name book when we get home, yeah? thanks again to everyone who played a part in me getting this award, it truly means the world. have a lovely night, everyone!" lol. but matty's a man of his word, so after you get some celebratory pictures taken and head back to see him, he kisses you and murmurs against your lips like "make sure you have an espresso martini or two at the afterparty, darling - can't promise either of us will get much sleep when we get back to the hotel. need to give my winner her congratulations gift, yeah?"; you're like "mmm i love you", and he's like "i love you too. and in all seriousness, babe, congratulations. m'so fucking proud of you" <3
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literaticat · 2 months
Hi Jennifer!
Querying a picture book at the moment. After so many rejections, how do I know if it’s just agent preference and market trends or if there is something wrong with my submission? I am apart of critique groups, have solicited editors and have revised, no one has pointed out anything major. Feeling anxious about it all. Thank you!
Yeah, the problem is, there isn't really a WAY to know. If you were querying a novel, you'd kinda know, because if it wasn't getting any full requests, you could probably surmise that there might be something off about the query itself or the sample pages, but of course, with a PB, you are likely including the whole ms as the "sample" so if you are getting declines, you can't tell if it's just "not right for them" or there's something else going on.
Unfortunately, I don't know a work-around about that except what you're already doing -- sharing the work with trusted readers, etc.
I'm going to make a suggestion you probably won't like, and I'm so sorry in advance, and I will no doubt regret being so open, but I do feel like it needs to be said by somebody and I guess I'm that somebody, so take it with whatever grains of salt you need to:
Consider spreading your wings beyond picture books and trying some longer form stories. By all means write picture books ALSO -- but maybe some nonfiction? Some chapter books? A MG? SOMETHING ELSE besides regular picture books.
It's not that agents don't rep and sell picture books - WE DO. However, and I cannot stress this enough, agents who rep PB have SO MANY ALREADY. SO! MANY! My current clients are giving me picture books left right and center, and I already have a devil of a time trying to juggle their submissions. Editors who do PB are inundated with submissions -- an editor recently told the agency that she has subs from 200 different agents in her inbox! (I didn't even know there WERE 200 different agents!) -- needless to say, the lion's share of these are going to be turned down, not because they are bad, but because there are only so many that can even be bought or published in a given year.
Meanwhile, when I look in my query box, I can't help but be dismayed, because 80% of it is regular fiction picture book manuscripts. And they are all fine. There's nothing particularly wrong with most of them! Maybe they are even very good!
But the chances that I'm going to be so taken with one of them that I simply MUST rep it despite all the other PB I already have on deck is, well, slim tbh. And more come in every day. And I don't want to say NO PICTURE BOOKS, because like, who knows, maybe you DO have the one that I will move heaven and earth for, so it's not like I want to close to them, but just... it's TOUGH is what I'm saying.
Whereas a killer NF pb or narrative NF for older kids? A crackerjack MG novel or chapter book series? An amazeballs YA? I yearn for them! Yeah, obviously I'm still VERY SELECTIVE about anything I'd take on, but I'd probably give any of those more of a chance at least because it would be a break in the PB mania. And I'd prefer a client to be able to do more than one kind of book, too, so if somebody had a kickass *something else* and also PB, I'd be more likely to want to take a chance on them than if they were ONLY writing PB.
Listen, maybe it's just me. (I really think it's not, but hey, maybe it is!)
I don't want to be discouraging. If you are a passionate PB person and hate the thought of doing anything else, go for it. But just know, they have to be not just good, but GREAT. Not just funny -- HILARIOUS. Not just sad -- TEAR-JERKING. Something that will stand out in an endless sea of regular PB mss.
(And if you wanted to TRYYYYYY doing something else in addition to the PB... it might not be a terrible idea!)
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no brain space for nice things so how about. an opportunity to ramble about pharmacology. i’m listening
hello and thank you! nothing particular comes to mind as of late so i thought i'd talk about my dissertation that i did in my third year.
the title was "The importance of dose: a systematic review of gabapentin and amitriptyline doses used in pre-clinical chronic pain models and their clinical relevance" and i scored 72 on it in the end. maybe that doesn't sound that high to international students but at universities in the UK, anything over 70 is a first which is the highest grade you can get. so 72 vs 92 would still be the same grade, hence i was happy with a 72. it may be just barely over 70, but it's a first.
it's a shame my other units were a bit shit and overall i only got 65. which is a 2:1 (second highest grade) but i wasn't happy :(
anyway i'll put this under the cut because it'll probably be long.
i guess i gotta make this kinda simple to explain but basically, when we're making new drugs to treat chronic pain, which is what we (i mean my project partner, supervisor and i) chose to focus on, we have to use animal models to test whether they work. unfortunately there's not many rodent models of chronic neuropathic pain which translate to humans effectively, which is why having translatable behavioural tests of pain is really important!!
some of these include hot plate test, tail flick test, hargreeves test etc. all of these basically test how long it takes for a rodent to respond to painful stimuli (thermal or mechanical usually). if a drug targeting pain is effective, the time to respond to this pain will increase, and that's kind of how we measure if drugs work.
so amitriptyline and gabapentin are two drugs used to treat chronic pain. they're both widely used in humans and because of that, they're used as comparison drugs when we're tested novel compounds. let's say we have compound X (i'll use this as a hypothetical novel drug throughout this post), we test it in a rodent and also test amitriptyline or gabapentin, and then we compare how well they work. if drug X works as well as GBP or AMT, then we can assume it might work well in humans too. below is how GBP and AMT work, if you wanna know.
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this all seems kind of simple, right? just use the dose of AMT and GBP we use in humans which is adapted to rodents' metabolism (in milligrams per kilogram of weight, or mg/kg), right?
that'd be great if that's what happens, but it's not! why? good question! the process behind this review was screening a large number of papers and extracting the doses used and comparing them to what should have been used according to this paper. the process of deciding what papers to screen looked like this.
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we extracted the following data from a total of 314 papers for GBP and 93 papers for AMT. yeah, it took a REALLY long time.
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the other stuff beyond dose was also analysed to gauge the general quality of pre-clinical studies, but that gets really technical and i won't go into that today. long story short, a lot of these studies are slacking in quality parameters such as randomisation and blinding.
based on preliminary research, we thought that the majority of studies would be using doses MUCH higher than the translatable dose. here's the table for the doses which should've been used.
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mice and rats are smaller, hence their metabolism is faster, so they need higher doses. the doses which should be used in animal models is the starting dose because y'know, that's what we start with in humans. so, we collated the mass of data and made two stunning lil graphs.
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it's... pretty fascinating, right? the majority of pre-clinical studies are using comparative doses of AMT and GBP which are WAAAAY off what we use in humans. we also did tests into effect size (won't show the forest plots here because they're complicated) and found that these animal studies were extracting much larger effect sizes than what we see in humans. that means that the doses being really high DOES influence the data we get in animals, and it's making it harder to translate those results to humans.
you might think, "well, that's fine. big doses mean big responses, so that makes sense", and you'd be correct, but for the wrong reasons, and this is where the really juicy pharmacology comes in.
it's very rare that drugs have only one target. well, i'm not sure that ever happens. that's why most drugs have side effects at higher doses (or even at therapeutic doses). in the diagram higher up of the mechanism of action of AMT and GBP, you can see that both of them have off-target effects (in red).
a core pharmacology concept is that as drug concentration increases, the occupancy at receptors also increases. so with higher doses comes increased engagement of the receptors which we don't want to stimulate. and this can have an impact on some responses, even in pain studies!
for example, AMT can have up to 100% occupancy at histamine 1 receptors (H1) at higher doses. histamine antagonism causes sedation, therefore animal studies with 10 times the required dose of AMT may be measuring responses associated with sedation rather than analgesia. if AMT is being used in a comparative pre-clinical for say, drug X, then drug X's effects are being held against responses which really have nothing to do with humans in the clinic.
AMT has a lot more off-target effects than GBP, whereas GBP is quite specific. we proposed that this is why GBP studies don't have to use as relatively high doses compared to AMT, because off-target effects aren't required to observe measurable analgesic responses.
there's a lot more gritty technicalities, nuances and even ethical considerations behind this study we conducted. it was 6k words in total, so this is a really brief overview. but if you were interested in what i spent months and months working on, here it is.
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petruchio · 3 years
book recs!!!!!!! okay you never have to rec contemporary fiction ever if you prefer something else. i love some contemporary stuff but weird and strange pre-1900 fiction IS what we want and need. and so is early 1900s stuff like -- idk, virginia woolf. who can also be pretty strange, esp considering orlando. also genre fiction? ya and mg? yes. go for it! some of us are simply too cool to only care about cool books
OOOH yes i love some virginia woolf like you def have to be in the right headspace to read it but its so amazing if you can really get into it!! like once i read the waves on a flight and i had no distractions and the lights were low but it was so comforting and the hum of the airplane was buzzing all around me and i swearrrr i had like a transcendental experience reading that book like GOD
and YEAH you're so right!! i always feel like i get stuck telling everyone to read homegoing and there, there because those are the two pieces of contemporary lit that i read and i liked but i also feel like are ~cool enough~ to recommend to people BUT YEAH there is just so much out there to read
the problem is a lot of the things that i like reading, i feel like i like reading in a classroom setting or i like reading them for like really specific reasons that i'm not sure translate to "i think other people should read this too"
like ok for example i always say i love reading this translation of sir gawain and the green knight because it maintains a lot of the alliteration from the middle english and it really helps you understand why alliteration as a form is so unique and special SPECIFICALLY for the linguistic structure of english as a language. but that isn't me saying like "i think people should read this for pleasure" like i mean you CAN and i think honestly it's one of the more entertaining pieces we have from early english lit (like ok sure we've all read beowulf but sir gawain is a great poem TOO) and yeah like i love it but it's not necessarily something i would bring up as like a book rec??? idk if that makes sense but that's why i struggle to have coherent recommendations because i feel like the things i like are very context dependent
then the other problem a lot of the stuff i read in college was just like, the canon, which is terrible to recommend because 1 its the canon so everyone knows about it and 2 it upholds white male western supremacy in english lit and i DO support trying to dismantle that and the reason i ended up reading so much of it was because i was specializing in shakespeare so it just kind of happened that way (and plus i do think it was good for me personally to get at least some sense of the canon, i do think it's hard because so many modern works use those works as a frame of reference and so whenever you're trying to dismantle it it's frustrating because you end up still needing to read it -- it's like how you kind of have to know at least some basic bible stuff to get a lot of references in british literature even if you don't necessarily want to uphold that christian structure, you just kind of end up needing to know a lot of it. so it's so hard anyway this is just me rambling at this point so i will stop lol, but basically my point is i feel like i've spent the past few years doing more of a broad education in canonical literature so i wasn't really reading a lot of books that i feel like people wouldn't have heard of already. and when i was it was like weird offshoot works from the 18th century that were just bizarre)
anyway a book i read for pleasure recently that has like absolutely no significance or coolness but i just liked how it was written was a book called "miss you" by kate eberlen and it was just a fairly typical romance novel about these two people in italy and the uk. and it was cute that's literally it i didn't have any further thoughts about it i was just like that was nice! and i moved on lol
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sugarcookiesandsins · 4 years
Charmed [Episode 6]
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➰ ot7 x reader, poly!bts x reader, mafia!bts ➰ they wouldn’t notice her until she was standing above them, a smoking gun in her hand a bullet in their heart 🌡 M   🛑  details about weaponry and similar materials, dark humor, swearing, mentions of violence 🕛  4.k+
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Following your explanation, the boys sat in silence as each of them took in the various blueprints and notes spread out before them. Processing it took them some time, and Eli took the opportunity to soothe his dry throat with the remnants of his drink.
“It’s complicated, to say the least.” Namjoon’s voice was distant as his mind wasn’t all that focused on the words coming out of his mouth.
Yoongi only snorted in response, but it was more of a reaction that he had given for the duration of the discussion so Eli considered it a win all in all and looked to the other members for their reactions. Seeing nothing else of note in their eyes, he reached for the papers to clean them up, planning on returning to his room and cleaning up, before going out for supplies. Sure, Hoseok or Jimin could probably hook them up with all that they needed but call it a con’s intuition for wanting to check out the equipment themselves.
Grabbing hold of the documents, he rifled through them and aligned the corners as he always did before getting up.
“I’m headed out for some of the basic equipment so yall can break it in before D-day.” Not waiting for an answer, he headed back to his designated room, barely sparing a minute to toss the papers onto his desk before heading to the bathroom. 
With the door locked and the hot water soothing your muscles, you had some time to yourself to think. Your relationship with the rest of the boys could be simmered down to two words: grudging acceptance. Neither side was about drop their pride and invite the other out to dinner, but at least Jungkook wasn’t lunging for your throat every time he laid eyes on you.
The heist was risky, and would take some real trust and teamwork, and “grudging acceptance” wasn’t exactly the best relationship to have with the people you would be trusting with your life while completing the mission. You still were damn sure that they wouldn’t hesitate to leave you behind if they needed to; their relationship was one where they looked out for each other and solid walls were drawn against those who weren’t inside when those walls were built.
In a way, you understood. Though you didn’t have the exact details, it was obvious they went through some trauma together, one that bound them together by something greater than blood ties or brotherhood. You were the same way; the only difference was that you were alone when you built those walls and they had each other.
Shutting off the water, you stepped out into the foggy bathroom, the heat blushing your skin red. The mirror was fogged up, and the metaphor almost made you snort. It seemed that even the world was trying to tell you that within all the personas and costumes, you had lost sight of your true self, even as it stood within reach, blurry but there.
The skin on your chest was red and irritated, most likely from the bandages you used to keep your secret. You needed to spend a night away from them, if only so you could let your skin breathe.
Getting your costume back on, you waltzed out of your bedroom towards the living room, most of the boys had disappeared, but Jimin was still where you had left him, albeit in clothes more appropriate for your shopping trip. In a way, you expected Hoseok to be there as well, but Jimin oversaw their equipment.
“Do you know the weights and heights of everyone,” Eli casually asked as he thumbed through a small journal filled with more of his chicken scratch trying to find the specific page he wanted.
“Don’t tell me you’re interested in us,” Jimin scoffed obviously getting the wrong impression from Eli’s words.
“Interested in keeping you all alive yeah.” Eli turned his back on the still lounging Jimin, who had somehow managed to get even more attractive as he leaned back invitingly on their soft couch. “Don’t fool yourself shorty. I doubt you have anything that would make me want to chase after you.”
Making his way to the foyer of the apartment, he didn’t even look back to see if Jimin was following him before he slipped out and towards the elevators.
The ride down was silent once Jimin joined him, each absorbed in their own devices to pass the time. Upon exiting the tall high-rise building, Eli was none too surprised at the sleek black SUV waiting for them. They needed to buy a lot of equipment and they would need a large car to hold it all.
While in the car, both still maintained the strict silence that they had started in the elevator. Eli’s eyes were focused on the passing scenery, letting out tiny grins at the snapshots of daily life he saw beyond the tinted glass windows. They were all so oblivious to the harsh realities of the world and even if they did know, their brains would probably cut out the information deeming it too harmful to remember. 
He seemed utterly uninterested in anything other than the mission. It really was odd to see how quickly his attitude adjusted when he explained the plan to us this morning. Not once did he let out his signature smile, all teeth and stupidity. It was long, complicated, and required a lot more trust than I felt anyone was willing to give him at this point in whatever relationship was forming between us.
Going out with him was most definitely not my choice, but Namjoon had insisted on it because apparently it was obvious that I was the one with the most prejudices against our new add-on. We all knew it was a blatant lie, but Jungkook had no qualifications to go shopping therefore here I am.
The car is surprisingly silent, and looking over at Eli, he’s focused on the outside world. There was longing in a sense, something we all felt from time to time; we wonder and dream of our lives with intact families and normality.
The car stops in front of a hotel, conspicuous and in the center of town; it’s perfect. Getting down, it’s no surprise that we make an impression on the surrounding people. Jimin’s face is common on the news channels and everyone knows the people he associates with, so everyone gives us a wide berth as we enter the hotel.
Walking to the front desk, the person manning the fort gives us the biggest customer service smile that I have ever seen. Jimin merely nods back before handing over a medallion and asking for, “Room 113 please” with the most conversational tone.
“Forgive me sir, but our staff is still cleaning the room for you. Please feel free to wait in our lobby and I will call you when the room is prepared.” When you enter this line of work, you should always be prepared to deal with word games and subliminal messaging. We both understood what his words meant, there was already someone shopping so we could not go in.
Most places like this did not worry about anonymity between guests, hoping that it would work as sort of a motivation to not betray the location; if someone got captured then they could name everyone else that they saw. It was more commonly seen in stores that had not gotten a footing in the black world of crime. Yet, the truly powerful locations did not need to rely on such childish motivations as that.
Jimin and I made our way to the couches a couple feet away from the receptionist. The world continued to move on around us. Initially, some were focused on our identities, but as they each needed to be somewhere else, we were left alone in the middle of the lobby. The hotel itself seemed to be the playground of the higher class based on all the brand names glittering around me and the large entourages that revolve around a single person.
In a way, that life seemed bland to me. What fun was there to have everything handed to you, sure it was novel for a little while but then it would lose it’s charm. Inherently, people get bored which is why you see celebrities always doing.
It wasn’t long before the receptionist approached us from behind the desk and informed us that they were ready for us. He motions us to follow him and we do.
The receptionist returns to behind the desk and programs a reader card to let us into our requested room. He faces us again and hands that card over with that same sickeningly bright smile. “I hope everything is to your standards.” He knows, though I do not know why I ever doubted it for a second.
Jimin nods and I follow his example of silence as he leads me down a hallway and to our room. Unlocking it with the given card, he lets me inside before shutting and locking the door behind us both. The space is small and not a room at all; it was an elevator.
Surveillance was full force as someone welcomed us to the store and instructed us not to touch anything as the decent began on its own. By my estimate, the level that we stopped at was one below the basement. The doors opened before us and we walked into a well-lit room, almost as big as a proper ballroom. Certainly, not as high but just a big in width and length. The rich vibe continued down here as well with the red walls and gold trimming on the walls and on the cabinets filled to the brim with guns and other equipment.
At the far end of the room, a man in a fitted suit stood relaxed in his posture. Not single strand of hair or muscle moved out of place as we approached him. “Welcome. Please take a look around at your leisure and feel free to ask any questions. We are here to assist.”  
Jimin jets off towards the far end of the room, firmly in the directions of some automatic handgun; they suited him. I had initially pegged him at a knife person, but then again he wanted efficiency more than any perceived bloodlust so I relented on my initial judgement. His steps were quick, barely holding on to the perception of calm, but he was like a child in a candy shop, no doubts about it.
Letting him satisfy his own curiosity, I turned to the tactical gear. I would worry about the boys later, getting their measurements from Jimin now would be impossible when he seems much more interested in the custom grips on an Italian classic.
Shopping for harnesses was ironically reminiscent to shopping for clothes; they were all on gold hangers and organized by size and prices. The boys (read: Big Hit) were paying for all this anyways so I’d take advantage of that; only I knew what was really needed for this.
Shifting through them all, I decided on one with multiple points of weight distribution that had multiple clip combinations so one could vary their support based on their preference or on the limits of rope. As I was looking, I felt a presence on my 6 or 7 o’clock; it was either Jimin or the attendant.
“Is this what you wanted the body measurements for?” Jimin.
“No,” I scoffed. “I needed that information to plant fake bodies when we all fail this and need to get the heck out of dodge.”
“The confidence you have in us is astounding.” He didn’t waste time is coming back for me with the same amount of sarcasm.
“I have as much confidence in you as I do in my own survival with the group of you.” Snatching the paper with the written measurements out of his hand, I didn’t bother to head his response as I pulled out different sizes of the same harness. They would cost a pretty penny, but you weren’t footing the bill.
“Take these to the table.” I was already searching for the ropes; something strong preferably suspension or paracord, but mountaineering might work.
“Do it yourself.”
“Like you know what we need for this. Just do what I ask and maybe my confidence that we’ll survive this increase by a tenth of a percent.”
“You’re difficult.”
“But I’m good and that’s what you really need right now isn’t it? Now go.”
Deciding on some dark colored SWAT rappelling rope in 200 feet lengths. It was double braided and would be more than enough to carry our weights at 9mm in diameter. However, ti was a hefty weight, but I’d leave that to the boys. Additionally, I picked up some paracord, just in the case of an emergency lashing or situation.
Next, some infrared googles. They were also a hefty price, but trusting the boys to already have their own, I waited until Jimin returned from his second trip from the far table to confirm. Given a OK, I think he had given up on arguing with me for the sake of it, I picked out some durable ones with a heat sensor attachment.
Last in terms of tacticals, would be body suits. These would go under our regular clothes, additional protection and heat without the bulk. Of course, some bullet proof clothes would be going on top, but still a good base is always necessary.
Now to the fun part, weapons.
Jimin had already beat me to it, having laid out some stuff that he wanted for himself or that he got at the request of the other boys. A computer chip, most likely for Yoongi, catches my eye. Having a computer for research and planning would be so much easier than having to piece together scraps of paper.
Grabbing a sleek laptop off the shelf, I added it to the ever-growing pile of supplies on the table under the raised eyebrow of Jimin. He reaches for it, but I smack his hand away and firmly state that “I like doing these things myself.” I hear no further argument.
Then comes the guns. Semi-automatics have a soft spot it my heart so I grab an all-American Hollywood classic, twin Desert Eagles, metal caps, and a spool of wrapping leather; custom grip can only be truly custom when you make them yourself. Snagging some holsters, I argue mentally between thighs and sides, before just getting both; no point wasting time. Then for knifes, I grab a classic butterfly, before grabbing some more practical Damascus hunting daggers that were lightweight so they could be thrown as well.
Nodding at Jimin, I let him take care of the payment as I continued to explore the room for anything else that we might like. Closer to the door, I see a locked cabinet with oddities that most would not look twice at; they sell information. A couple flash drives being bid off, probably filled with some military programs or governmental passwords. I wouldn’t put it pas them to have one or two automatic Trojans with a logic puzzle for those dolts that didn’t know how to use a computer. Then on the far side, something unexpected.
“They say that’s a charm from the Banshee herself.” Jimin, seemingly done with the purchase, came over towards the elevator as the store took care of sending our goods topside.
“The Banshee?” This was one I hadn’t heard before.
“Yeah. She’s an assassin with some sort of moral code apparently when she kills. And she takes or makes charms from each kill to remember them. Morbid, but then again anyone who’s that good ought to have a few screws lose to not go crazy.” He wasn’t wrong.
Even Master had told me it was odd when he saw the charms, but he got used to it. The box of filled bracelets I left with Master, the only thing of personal value that I really owned anymore so my wrists were naked and empty. Yet, the feeling never hit me until now, when I saw the only charm I ever lost (a round mosaic for a contemporary artist who also profited from fakes) for sale. The Banshee name had power and with power comes profit; the betting for the charm already past the million mark.  
“Don’t think to hard. You won’t ever meet her.” Jimin laughed, the kind that came from his belly and was not held back by propriety.
“And you have?” It was a good enough act, lovestruck youngster falling for a power girl he had never even met before.
“Nope. But I want to. Her story sounds interesting enough.” That was the most uncharacteristic thing I had ever heard come out of his mouth.
“Her story,” I snickered, my face trying very hard not to mock him with its expression. “A mafioso and an assassin on a coffee date. That sounds more like the first line of a joke.”
He didn’t respond, but looking back as he pushed me towards the elevator told me he was thinking. The cogs were turning either to make up a lie or to figure out how to put it in words.
“I want to know what made her this way. She is truly someone that does not care, and something must have happened to make her that way.” His voice was quiet and rippling under the surface I could hear some semblance of emotions from him. It was a change, and I let him talk. “Even you can agree with this; we didn’t just wake up one day and decided we wanted to be like this. We went through the ringer and decided that we never wanted to be that low ever again, so we went for the heights.”
“We braved the cliffs and grew wings.” Simple words, but with more meaning that even a full paragraph could hold. He simply nodded in response and the rest of the ride up was silent, each lost in our pasts.
The ride back to the apartment was no different, except for the back piled with our new supplies. Quiet and heavy, not even the driver disturbed us in our thoughts.
The boys were waiting for us when we went upstairs, all cleaned up and hair coiffed to perfection.
“How was it?” Namjoon, objective as ever wanting to make sure the boys hadn’t lost their biggest weapons source because the two of us butting heads.
“Uneventful.” Me, as I turned to the boxes.
“Normal.” Jimin, as he joined the boys on the couch.
“Did you bring us presents?” Taehyung, relaxed as always, stretching his legs on the coffee table as he watched me organize.
I put everything that I had bought for myself in one box, including my harness, a loop of SWAT rope, the extra paracord, and the body suit. The rest was laid out on the floor next to the boxes that Jimin had already organized the others’ stuff into, most likely at the store itself.  
“I bought all of you harnesses and new rope. I suggest getting used to wearing them around and working with the additional weight so break them in to your own comfort.”
Jungkook scoffed, “We have our own already.”
“Of course, you do. But do they have at least a 5-point weight distribution and at lest 10 hold holds for various roping combinations?”
He stayed silent.
“No? Then I suggest you break in the one I got for you or I won’t be responsible for you screwing this up for the rest of them. I didn’t bother holding back with him. Jungkook had started to get on my nerves. I was starting to get the feeling that no matter what I did, I would never get on his good side. I had reached a conclusion; it wasn’t me personally he hated, it was the idea of me; all fun and games when matched with his cold perfectionism. He thought I was stupid and infuriating, I thought the same of him; it worked out.
Walking back to my own room, I could practically hear Namjoon trying to figure out a plan to get me and Jungkook back on better terms. But that would have to wait for another day; I needed to get my stuff together.
Making it back to the relative haven of my room, I unpack and start customizing. First was the guns, taking the leather, I cover both handles in a primitive but more familiar imitation of custom grips, adding in the end the metal cap at the bottom of the grip because if you can’t shoot, you can at least swing. Sure, it does mess with the balance of the gun but you get used to it after a couple years of practice. Next, comes the computer. Booting up, I have never been more thankful for technology and resolve to ask someone to scan the document to upload, but after spending a couple hours with Jimin, I am ready to be alone.
Then again, when does the plan of the universe ever work in my favor? Just as I put away the rest of the gear, keeping the harness out to break in after I relax, I hear a knock on my door.
“Can I come in?” Taehyung. Lovely.
“Sure.” I didn’t bother to try to contain my annoyance, but this was Taehyung we were talking about; he was selectively blind, and deaf for that matter, to the world around him. He heard me say that he could come in but he somehow didn’t hear my annoyance.
He waltzed right in and seated himself on my bed as turned around from my desk. Glancing out the window, I could see the first signs of the evening clouding over the brightness of the day, so it was no surprise that he was dressed to go to work. Silk shirt unbuttoned just enough for anyone watching to get a peak of tanned skin tucked into tight denim. A lone silver chain hanging around his neck and thin rings of the same material making his fingers seem longer than you have ever thought was humanly possible.
Once again, he lounged. Looking back, you have never seen him as anything other than relaxed, except for that one time when you technically broke in so context matter with him. He didn’t even bother taking of his leather shoes which made you scowl.
“Any particular reason you’re hear or is it just to grind my gears?”
“Both, but mostly I have a question for you to answer for me.” He reached for his pocket and pulled out a swatch of white fabric that almost made my heart strop.
“A bandage? You want me to wrap something for you?” I didn’t let it bother me. The bandages I wore were a dime a dozen and he could have gotten it from any mom and pop medical store along the road.
“No I was wondering why you had these. If you’re hurt, that’s not good for any of us see?” Sitting up, he kept waving that bandage in front of me, taunting me like he knew all my secrets, but he didn’t.
“You went through my stuff?” Sighing, I relented. “Should have expect nothing less from a sneak thief. They are bandages for emergencies. I don’t trust for a second that Jungkook still doesn’t want to put a bullet between my eyes.”
“True. You and Jungkook really don’t get along. Though that is to be expected when the both of you have different ways of surviving.” Taehyung was smarter than you, and probably anyone else, gave him credit for. His mouth was working to distract while his eyes watched and learned from the people around him.
I didn’t respond, but I didn’t need to. Even Taehyung seemed to sense that our conversation was over as he left my room with some important parting word. “The most dangerous liars are the ones who give themselves to the lies, body, soul and heart.”
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thenexusofsouls · 3 years
writer check-in question set
Tagged by: I stole it. Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this! ^_^
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Sadly only six.
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Game of Thrones (TV) Metal Gear Solid/Rising Resident Evil (Movie Verse) The Avengers (MCU)
Including crossovers:
I’ve got a Hellboy II / Silent Hill crossover one that I really need to finish and get posted already...
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
“Windows to the Soul” (MGS/R) “Saving the Past” (RE) “Broken Wings of Black” (GoT) “Gendel’s Children” (GoT) “Just Twelve Minutes... An Eternity” (MCU)
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do! I figure if someone actually takes the time to write a comment about something I’ve written, I at least owe them my time to thank them for it.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
“Just Twelve Minutes... An Eternity,” probably.
7. Do you ever write crossovers?
Like I mentioned above, I was working on a Hellboy II / Silent Hill crossover that I really worked hard on and should seriously go back and finish.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not hate, but I’ve received criticisms either for my writing or for the actual plot/content from people who didn’t like it, didn’t agree with it, or saw flaws in it. But that’s okay, that’s how I grow and learn as a writer.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Eh... I do? But I hate it? Because I feel like it comes out soooo stupid no matter how much I try to make it sexy haha. But I’ve written smut in rps as well as novels.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not an entire fic, but I did post small excerpts of some of my earliest fics on here and had them reposted, even though I had a big bold thing right on there that said do not repost, please don’t steal, etc. Yeah, people didn’t care. I reported the blog and contacted them directly asking them to take it down, but neither them nor staff ever did anything about it. Oh well.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I haven’t. It’s really hard for me to work with other writers on something I’m writing for just myself... as in, not an rp or something collaborative. But I have had some rps in the past with really long, descriptive replies that went on for months or even years that I felt were essentially really great fics that I had created with the other writer.
12. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oh gosh, that’s impossible to answer, haha. There are so many I love.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The Mummy (1999), unless you mean actually posted publicly, in which case Game of Thrones.
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably Gendel’s Children. I worked really hard on that one and it’s counterpart, Broken Wings of Black. Gendel’s Children was a culmination of a whole lot of time, effort, editing, research, and careful attention to canon details and personalities of characters that weren’t my own. I just remember it fondly as something I busted my ass for that was fairly well received by the public. I can actually say I’m proud of both of those fics.
15. BONUS QUESTION: Do you have a WIP that haunts you?
Yeah, that crossover I wanna finish, heh. And a couple of novels I left unfinished too.
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thearkhound · 5 years
1998 Metal Gear Solid art commentary from Yoji Shinkawa (revised translation)
The following is a translation of various artwork commentary by Metal Gear Solid illustrator Yoji Shinkawa that were posted on the game’s official Japanese website on July 9, 1998. These pages remained online until 2008, when Konami decided to relaunch the website in order to promote the digital download release of the game on the PlayStation Store.
I posted an earlier translation of these blog posts on March 8 of this year (2019) that was missing most of the illustrations being described, since the image files were not archived. I’ve since found the missing image files on another website and took the liberty of revising my translation to fix mistakes or clarify certain statements. I’ve tried to edit the original blog post, but for some reason tumblr didn’t allow me to upload any new images, so I decided to delete it and post the revision as a new blog post.
I’ve also found the images of the scratch Metal Gear REX model sculpted by Yoji Shinkawa that were uploaded on the official site, but unfortunately they were watermarked by a fansite that copied them back in the day. With that said, it’s still better than nothing, so I added them at the end of this blog poster.
Unfortunately, I still haven’t found any of the photos used on the seventh blog post, so that will still remain untranslated for the time being.
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Interviewer: First of all, it’s a pleasure to talk to you Mr. Shinkawa.
Shinkawa: Please to meet you too.
Interviewer: I’ll start by asking about the game’s protagonist Solid Snake. What kind of details were you paying attention to when designing his character.
Shinkawa: Well I talked about this before in Konami Magazine Vol. 2, but there were two Metal Gear games prior to this one, so I struggled to find a balance between them. The Snake in the original Metal Gear looked like a young musclebound guy, while in Metal Gear 2 he was more of a bitter middle-aged man. This time Mr. Kojima’s image of Snake was one of having a tough and athletic body like Jean-Claude Van Damme combined with the middle-aged nature of someone like Christopher Walken. As a result, he became something of a middle ground between the two.
Interviewer: I see. What was your work after Snake’s image was decided on?
Shinkawa: The truth is I had trouble designing his costume. At the beginning I was thinking of a conventional military uniform in blue urban camo. But then I thought it might had been a bit too careless to have Snake swim underwater wearing such a uniform. Since the story takes place in the near future, he ended up wearing a costume made of leather and waterproof material.
Interviewer: It’s an amazing attention to detail that you kept in mind Snake’s infiltration route when designing his costume. So there’s a scene where Snake is underwater? What happens if the Ninja lands in a pond or something?
Shinkawa: What would happen? Huh... He would spark up and then yell something like “Water! My weakness!” (laugh) Just kidding.
Interviewer: (laughs) I guess not.
Shinkawa: It’s hard to know when it comes to Mr. Kojima though...
Interviewer: Don’t worry about it. By the way, is there any behind-the-scenes stories about the game’s development.
Shinkawa: Yes. It’s not much of an inside story, but I drew Ninja in a train.
Interviewer: During a train ride?
Shinkawa: Yes, I drew him while riding a commuter train. I was stationed at Osaka at the time. Most of the people there not friendly, so I would spent time observing the college girls.
Interviewer: That’s pretty nice.
Shinkawa:I guess so. But the friendliness here is good though. But Tokyo doesn’t have such a thing, so it feels a bit lonely. How I should say this, but there’s something that could be described as “enjoying the reaction of people watching in my direction” that could be seen not just over there, but here too.
Interviewer: So that’s how you train your sense of observation!
Shinkawa: No, that’s not what I meant. (laughs)
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Interviewer: Is there a type of woman that you like?
Shinkawa: I wonder about that.
Interviewer: I’m sorry, that was such a trite question. Let me rephrase that. Is there a particular celebrity that you like?
Shinkawa: I guess I have no choice. My type would be someone like Shinobu Nakayama.
Interviewer: Is that so? Personally I’m a fan of Yuki Uchida if you’re curious to know...
Shinkawa: Yeah, she’s not bad.
Interviewer: Ah!
Shinkawa: Well, let’s put that subject aside. The truth is that the character of Mei-Ling was actually modeled after Nakayama herself. I used to watch her drama series.
Interviewer: Ah! That’s such an interesting thing to learn. Now that you say that, Mei-Ling really does resemble Nakayama looking at her closely, doesn’t she?
Shinkawa: Mei-Ling was written to be a bubbly college girl. She tends heavily to my taste, since she’s in the right age range and has my ideal image.
Interviewer: That’s nice. Having your preferences tied directly to your job.
Shinkawa: It’s not just mine. The character of Dr. Naomi Hunter was made to suit Mr. Kojima’s preferences too.
Interviewer: I see. Huh? At this rate, will you have a type for everyone?
Shinkawa: That wasn’t the intention, but... (laughs)
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Interviewer: When was this drawn?
Shinkawa: I think it was around the end of last year. Huh? Around six months ago. Time sure fly quickly! I drew it for a magazine ad.
Interviewer: I heard the Ninja was your idea.
Shinkawa:That’s right. But originally there was a trio. They would say something like “Worya! Trinity Attack!” and they were going to have random kanji characters on their backs such as flame (炎) or horse (馬) without any particular significance.
Interviewer: “Fire” doesn’t seem so unreasonable, but why “horse”?
Shinkawa: I’ve mentioned “horse” as a joke, but that sort of thing happens very often, doesn’t it? When it comes to the image of Japan from a foreign perspective, while the outline is the same, the finer details differ. I like that kind of thing. The finalized design of the Ninja is and isn’t a ninja. If nobody told you he was a ninja, you wouldn’t think of him as one. But if someone points out that he must be a ninja because he has some ninja-like parts if you look at him closely, then you might think of him as one.
Interviewer: Is that so? That’s the Shinkawa magic!
Shinkawa: (laughs) What’s that?
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Interviewer: I think I’ve seen this artwork a long time ago.
Shinkawa: It was first published around a year ago.
Interviewer: I see. So why did you draw it like an American comic book?
Shinkawa: Well, in reality I was going for a BD-style. Doesn’t it look like that?
Interviewer: I’m sorry, but what does BD mean?
Shinkawa: It stands for bande dessinée, which is the term for graphic novels in France. It means “sequential art”.
Interviewer: Huh, I did not know. So, is there a particular reason why you chose the BD-style?
Shinkawa: Of course! There is a reason. While talking to Mr. Kojima during the early stages, he said “Alright! Let’s turn Metal Gear into B.D” as a conceptual image. So I drew a few illustrations like that. This one was used as promotional art.
Interviewer: I see. So that’s the reason. And this one was perfect for a promotional artwork. Huh! Why is Gatse Becker [the BCPD chief from Policenauts] there?
Shinkawa: That’s not him. (laughs) It’s the Secretary of Defense [Jim Houseman]... Jeez... (While saying this, Shinkawa’s mouse keeps hovering on Mei-Ling for some reason.)
Interviewer: (nervous face) Uhh... Mei-Ling’s skirt seems awfully short... By the way, will you be able to shake the female characters’ breasts like in Policenauts?
Shinkawa:...That’s classified information!
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Interviewer: Well, here’s REX. Is there anything particularly different about this Metal Gear model?
Shinkawa: The Metal Gears in the previous two games had weak legs, so this new version has a strengthened lower body. During the initial planning I came up with several illustrations and settings, but the finalized version was settled pretty quickly.
Interviewer: How so?
Shinkawa: Since it was going to be turned into a polygon model, I made it into an actual model in order to solidify its conceptual image and verify its functions.
Interviewer: Is that so? Please show the model to me.
Shinkawa: Of course! REX was designed purely as a weapon, so it’s not exactly a heroic mecha. I decided on a dinosaur-like design like this one, since it conveyed a scary and grim image.
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Shinkawa: There are three types of enemy soldiers shown here. From left to right: we have the light infantry, the heavy infantry and the arctic warfare soldier (nicknamed Yukinko by the developers). There’s also a gas mask-wearing fourth type.
Interviewer: Were you given any sort of references to use?
Shinkawa: I had books and photos that were given to me by Mr. Motosada Mori (MGS’s military advisor).
Interviewer: All the enemy soldiers have their faces covered up. Was that decided because they were terrorists?
Shinkawa: That’s certainly something that could be think of, but there’s actually more important reasons.
Interviewer: Huh? Explain!
Shinkawa: Simply put, we needed to reduce the number of polygons.
Interviewer: Is that really the reason?
Shinkawa: If you want to draw faces on your characters, you have to use quite a few polygons to get them to a satisfactory level, which ends up consuming too much resources. When taking into consideration the game as a whole, you got no choice but to trim certain parts. It’s a shame, but in the end I think the finalized designs suit the enemy soldiers better.
Interviewer: It’s a matter of balancing supply and demand. By the way, I really like the helmet worm by the Heavily Armed Troops. You don’t see them often in the game though.
Shinkawa: Well that helmet is an original design. Like everything, I try to keep things intuitive for game-playing purposes. The enemy soldiers are color-coded from left to right: brown, green and white, plus yellow for the gas mask-wearing soldiers.
Interviewer: There are indeed a variety of schemes. By the way, the arctic warfare soldiers are layered with clothing. Snake spends most of the game in arctic environments, but he isn’t wearing that much. Why is that?
Shinkawa: He’s wearing a high-tech suit.
Interviewer: You said it so bluntly... (laughs) One last nitpicky question. Who does the laundry in the base?
Shinkawa: They use a laundry machine. (laughs)
Metal Gear REX Model Photos
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la-knight · 6 years
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"Alice Alexis Queensmeadow, 12, rates three things most important: Mother, who wouldn’t miss her; magic and color, which seem to elude her; and Father, who always loved her. Father disappeared from Ferenwood with only a ruler, almost three years ago. But she will have to travel through the mythical, dangerous land of Furthermore, where down can be up, paper is alive, and left can be both right and very, very wrong. Her only companion is Oliver whose own magic is based in lies and deceit. Alice must first find herself—and hold fast to the magic of love in the face of loss." "Red was ruby, green was fluorescent, yellow was simply incandescent. Color was life. Color was everything. Color, you see, was the universal sign of magic." "Love, it turned out, could both hurt and heal." "Narrow-mindedness will only get you as far as Nowhere, and once you're there, you're lost forever.” "Alice was an odd girl, even for Ferenwood, where the sun occasionally rained and the colors were brighter than usual and magic was as common as a frowning parent." "Making magic is far more interesting than making sense." So I actually read this book a few months ago and then recently reread it via audio so I could remember all the details for this review. I was first introduced to Tahereh Mafi’s work through her book Shatter Me, her debut novel. Ironically, it wasn’t through any of the ways I normally hear about books - Booktube, Goodreads, my best friend, Booklr - but from my husband’s aunt. She runs - or used to run, not sure if she’s still doing it - a book review blog. And she posted a review of Shatter Me and I was like, “What a weird, interesting writing style, lemme check this out.” At this point the entire Shatter Me Trilogy plus novellas had been published and I devoured all of them (still need to review those, too). So when I heard Tahereh Mafi was writing a middle grade book, I got super excited! Especially because this was during a time when I was too stressed out to read any YA, since most of the YA I like involves having to save the world and all the stress that entails. I need to lay out some trigger warnings real quick: the main character, Alice? Her mom is incredibly abusive, both emotionally and physically. It’s treated as not such a big deal in the book, which is honestly the story’s only real flaw, but it’s bad. It took me seven tries and resorting to an audiobook (and even with a fantastic narrator, that short audiobook took me almost a month to get through) because the abuse was so bad. So:
Let’s get started, yo! First of all, the setting. OMG. See, I love tthis thing called Victorian fairy tales, which is something you can find in books like Mary Poppins - these super fantastical bits of whimsy that just warm your heart and make you grin because they’re so creative and fun. In the Mary Poppins books, you can jump into chalk drawings and go to a circus amidst the stars and make friends with a woman who sells living candy-cane horses. In Catherynne Valente’s Fairyland series, there are shadow balls and talking phonographs. And in Furthermore, there’s light raining down from the sky in literal drops, sticks of magic you use like money, and forests full of invisible berries. The way the world is put together and described, so full of color and imagination, is awesome and beautiful and I could picture it perfectly. It reminded me in all the best ways of books like The Phantom Tollbooth (one of my favorites). But I wouldn’t want to live there, because Ferenwood is full of colorism and ick. Alice, the female lead, is an albino in a world where color is important and the darker you are, the more magical you’re considered to be. So Alice gets treated like garbage. 
Also I think Alice may be autistic, but I don’t know if she’s deliberately coded autistic or if Tahereh Mafi did it by accident while trying to make Alice eccentric, but she comes across as autistic. I’ve actually begun to pay more attention to that sort of the thing in recent years, being autistic myself, and I see it a lot - authors giving their characters autistic characteristics, often without meaning to. I just touch on it here because Alice is already treated badly for being albino, but she’s also considered a freak because of the way she behaves - like an autistic preteen. And I wonder if Tahereh Mafi did that on purpose as a sort of commentary or not, because while Alice is treated badly by the people of Ferenwood for her behavior, the Narrator (who is an actual character in the story; love when that happens) always sides with Alice in this regard. The storyline is sweet and I love it. Alice tries to compete in the magical testing all the preteens do on their twelfth birthday, and so she dances. And her dancing is magical but it’s not Magical, you know? So she fails the test. Well, turns out a boy who passed the test the year before, Oliver (the brat), needs Alice’s help fulfilling a quest - rescuing Alice’s missing dad. So they go on a quest together, although Alice hates Oliver (and rightly so, he’s rude). They go to a dozen different and cool places, all of which are dangerous and all of which are different. I wish we could’ve spent more time in those places but I understand why we didn’t. The only annoying thing is there’s an origami fox on the cover but it only pops up in one of the worlds for like two pages and then it’s gone and I thought we could spend more time both in that world and with that creature since it ended up on the cover. But alas, not. I understand why - middle grade is often cursed to be short, especially if it’s the author’s first MG novel ever. Once you get big and bad like Rick Riordan you can start tossing out gihugic tomes like Son of Neptune or Blood of Olympus on the regular. Oliver’s reason for needing Alice was one I didn’t see coming, nor was her magical talent - a talent they hint at throughout the book but never explain until near the end, at the perfect moment. I thought it was an interesting commentary on how young girls perceive themselves, that Alice hates this marvelous, amazing talent she has of bringing color into the world from nothing...because she can’t use it to change how she looks. Society has trained her already, by the age of twelve, to discount something incredible about herself because she can’t use it to make herself into what society wants her to be. That’s pretty impressive for a book this short. I loved some of the more deliberate messages in the work - the thing I mentioned about society’s pressures on young girls, and also that it’s okay to tell boys to screw off if they’re mean to you, and to have hope and to look for second chances (Alice thinks she only has one chance to pass the test and believes her life is over when she fails, only to find out she can try again the next year). I love all of that, and the lyrical and whimsical quality of the prose, and the world building is so creative and also makes me a bit hungry (people eat magic in this book, among other things; I wonder what it tastes like). Now...let’s talk about the abuse. That’s my biggest issue with the book. Alice’s mother is a total bitch. And not in a cool, kickass way like the lady in the show Empire. She’s vicious, she’s cruel, and she’s abusive. Alice knows - and the Narrator confirms - that she turned bad when her husband went missing, and apparently the worry for him and the strain of raising four kids on her own is making her hard and sad, but I don’t give a shit. I was hoping Tahereh Mafi would’ve gone all Hansel and Gretel on this lady and when Alice comes home with her dad, the wife’s dead or something. She beats Alice (at one point she beat Alice for chasing a boy out of the place where she was sleeping, even though he kept staring at her in her sleeping clothes, because apparently the boy - Oliver - had the right to break into their barn at 3AM and ogle Alice???), she verbally abuses Alice, she sends her to bed regularly without dinner, is constantly criticizing, won’t hug her or kiss her, and - this one really got me, for some reason - forces her to do illegal things. Those invisible berries I mentioned? Alice can find them and bring back whole baskets because of her magical gift, and so her mom sends her out to pick them all the time. If she brings home enough, her mom smiles. If she doesn’t, her mom yells and calls her names and sometimes beats her. Guess what? Picking those berries is illegal. We don’t find this out until much later in the book, but it is. The thing I didn’t like about the berries is that Oliver, who’s thirteen, is less concerned about Alice’s mother beating her for not picking enough contraband berries and instead focuses on how her ability to find the berries in the first place means Alice has really impressive magic. NOBODY seems to care how much Alice is being abused, not even the Narrator. The Narrator sympathizes with Alice’s hurt feelings and despair over her missing Father, but it’s never objectively stated that her mom is abusing her AND SHE IS. Yeah, her mom is sooo glad to have her back after Alice almost dies on her trip with Oliver, but so what? My roommate’s mom is so abusive that my roommate’s clergy leaders, doctors, and psychological therapist all said my roommate needed to cut ties with said mom, even though my roommate’s mom has also exhibited the same kind of “oh baby I’m so sorry, I love you so much” bullshit. That’s what abusers do. So I hate Alice’s mom. She literally makes her daughter feel like if she doesn’t risk her life numerous times AND bring her father back, there is no chance her mother will ever love her. And if she pulls that stuff off (which she does), then MAYBE her mother will love her. Nuh-uh. Nope. Hate that bitch. Other than that, I really loved this book. The characters felt real (Alice is me, but without my anger), Even the ones I didn’t like were still REAL, and well-drawn. The world building and word choice is fantastic. Basically, if you can get past the evil mom, read this book. World Building: 1 star Realism: 1 star Word Choice: 1 star Plot: 1 star Characterization: 1 star - ¼ star because Oliver Newbanks is an obnoxious little creep - 1 star because the mom is AN ABUSIVE EVIL BITCH - ¼ star because NOBODY DOES ANYTHING ABOUT THAT +½ star because Alice is amazing and has a genius brain and I love her Total score: 4/5 stars Would I Buy It: Yes! I own it and loved it enough I got the sequel for Christmas (in...2017...I've been sitting on this review for months...)! Would I Recommend: yes, but with trigger warnings. Again, highly abusive evil bitch mom who somehow doesn’t die.
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aurimeanswind · 7 years
Your Greatest Gaming Binges & ExtraLife 2017—Sunday Chats (11-5-17)
There is a lot going on. And I mean a lot. Behind the scenes. In front of the scenes. All in preparation for this coming weekend, where we and my team of internet friends from all over the Continental United States will be participating in ExtraLife 2017, an event I have participated in for seven years, and this will be my eighth. 
First, some context.
I tell this story every year, so I apologize if its trite to you, but its the truth. In 2009 I was diagnosed with a more ethereal-type disease called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It plagued my life for about seven months, causing me to be homeschooled during my Junior Year of High School, drop all of my Advanced Placement classes, and stop seeing my friends for weeks on end. It through off my college plan. It ruined my life. It made me miserable and unhappy. And I lost hope until I started seeing a specialist, Dr. Rowe, at John Hopkin’s Medical Center in Baltimore Maryland. With physical therapy, medication, and exercise, I was able to finish my Junior year of High School, and live a normal life until I relapsed in my Senior Year of High School, and had to retread old ground again, more frustrated, and more determined this time.
In 2012 i fell into a deep depression. Scared, alone, and as I slowly coiled up into my room and stopped seeing my friends, going to school, going to work, or doing anything, I had no one to turn to. Until I reached out to Dr. Rowe. He was a Chronic Fatigue specialist, but I remembered part of CFS is depression, something that I didn’t have to experience at the time. He gave me the depression test that I had passed with flying colors every other time I had seen him, and, stunned at the change, helped me start a path on a better and less mental-illness-plagued life without depression.
Every year, my team donates to John Hopkin’s Medical Center. It’s a place that irrevocably changed my life. It gave me hope when I had none, and set me on a better, healthier path. This is my way to give back.
So join us, this coming Saturday starting at 12pm Eastern Standard Time, at http://twitch.tv/IrrationalPassions, and donate to a cause that has helped me and countless others. All the details of who is coming, what we’re doing, and what you can do to help are or will be live soon at http://IrrationalPassions.com/ExtraLife.
Thank you, for all your support, and I hope to see you there helping us stay up and keeping us jolly.
It’s also with massive pride that I can fully announce that Greg Miller, Gen Miller, and Joey Takagami will be joining us from San Francisco California, and Greg is bringing Portillo too! Check out this video Roger Pokorny and I made to convince him to come:
I’m excited to see you all there, in spirit, for our wacky shenanigans!
Now... I onto the entrée.
Your Greatest Gaming Binges
Today, as is now customary for the first Sunday of each month, I asked YOU ALL a question, and it was about the most intense gaming marathons you all have gone on. Specifically single-session, and specifically why.
Now, I’ll say, full disclosure, you should always remember to consume the average amount of calories, vitamins, and minerals in your diet everyday, and take care of yourself: sleep when you need to, drink plenty of water, and listen to the recommendations of the FDA and USDA (here in the states) to better understand what your body needs, to live a better, and more fulfilling life. But I aside from the self-destructive aspects of binging gaming sessions, I love a game that gets its hooks in you so hard that you just can’t. Stop. Playing.
I have had countless 12-hour+ gaming sessions that have left me bleary-eyed, but still bushy tailed from the amazing stories that have come from them, and with a year like this year, I think there are many out there from this year alone. I wanted to hear your stories!
First, one of mine.
Danganronpa 1. Boy oh boy. I think I’ve infamously talked about it at this point. But when that came out I was so incredibly obsessed with it. It was all I played for days, and I’d roll out of bed, grab my Vita, and keep playing, until I rolled into bed, played until I felt asleep, rinse and repeat. It was an incredible few days of gaming, and it was what got me back into visual novels.
Now, to the audience!
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See, I love the classic gaming sessions. I think that was a totally different era of playing games too. Hearing times of people playing Street Fighter 2 and just going were the best. And shoutout to Super Techmo Bowl, because that game is fucking rad.
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I can’t get into Minecraft, but I like the multiplayer love. Scott, Evan and Tony, my cohosts on IP, helped run a big Minecraft Server for over a year. The stories to come out of those play sessions are magnificent, and I was into the jolly cooperation.
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MGS4 is fucking crazy. Luckily there is plenty of movie time to go get snacks in that game. I think I beat that game in three or so sessions, so I get it.
BUT HELL YEAH JAK 3 AND SLY COOPER. Those games are so rad. Well deserving of massive play sessions. I remember going out and buying Red/Blue 3D glasses because I rented Sly 3 from GameFly and didn’t get them. I ended up steeling them out of a display box in a Blockbuster (DON’T TELL ANYONE) so i could have the cool Sly Cooper branded ones.
But boy. Jak 3 in one day. That’s a tall ask.
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See, I wish I played MGS at all in the era of when you only played one game because it’s all you had. I only ever really experimented with multiple play throughs when it came to MGS4, and that was still a ton of fun, but I wish I could have done it with something like MGS2 or 3.
The different styles of play are what make those games so hard to put down too, even though I just played the same way the whole time. Like a loser.
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Get a better game Plankfan, because I can’t do this Garden Warfare bullshit.
Kidding, but yeah I think of the multiplayer bingers, Overwatch has taken the cake, and that’s the most class-based of all, considering each character is their own cup of tea.
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Very much so! Game rhythm is super important to how hard you can binge it. Especially with single player stuff. Like, Rocket League has tons of ups and downs and variety therein, so the rhythm is changing all the time. Single player games need a good loop, and facing off against the next villain really pulls you through Akrham Asylum. Especially with the Metroidvania-esque format.
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I’m curious to what you thought of it, ultimately, because I like that game a great deal, but nothing in Deus Ex really blew me away. I think it was just a very good “one of those” with no unique hooks really. I know a lot of people have different feelings about that, but any immersive sim really makes me never want to put it down, so I get it.
You should do the same with Dishonored 2, because it’s v good.
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Kingdom Hearts 2 is one of those games I spent 14 hours straight playing during ExtraLife 2010 and never looked back on. I love it. I could play that game all day.
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Oh my god yes. Just like the Minecraft love I love this too. And the loop of that is great.
I have never really had a LAN party for anything, but ExtraLife is the closest I’ve come to that. I really like the loop of all that too. I played Halo 2 with my brother and his friends when I was younger and it was a blast. Boy... This sounds like it’d still be rad today.
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Another Arkham game. I really jive with this one too, but City has just enough Open World in it to keep me fully immersed. I started playing that game after a midnight launch and just didn’t stop. It’s the same idea of wanting to see the next villain, especially after Freeze shows up. Whoooooo boy.
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Oh boy. My recent trip back to Skyrim has brought me back here, because good lord do I just want to grab everything everywhere forever. And my inventory limit simply does not agree with my life choices on that front.
I think Skyrim was the game that got me to break away from my completionist tendencies too, because It’s just a game that I don’t think would be fun to fully complete after a while. It’d just burn thin too soon.
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Hell yeah! That’s a game I played a ton of when I first started it. I think my second session with that game was somewhere around eight hours, but then Zelda came out and I just stopped. I want to finish that game before the end of the year, if anything to see the story through, but those open world games just bring the most out of all of us.
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Bloodborne is just so incredible. I love just letting myself go in that world too, because that truly is a game I could sit down with for an entire ExtraLife. I know it wasn’t your cup of tea, but I love it. The same has been true of all my other Souls experiences, because those are games that get their hooks in and just don’t let go. I think those are the games best suited to playing across multiple sessions too, since some time away is usually what you need to get past a boss you’re stuck on.
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The ultimate binge game: The Witcher 3. That’s a game that I couldn't really podcast with either, because every snippet of every conversation was just so compelling for me. But of course, the monster dens and boss fights were where the podcasts came in anyway. Boy. What a fucking game.
Thank you all for writing in your answers! I hope folks still like this format, and I’m excited to do more of these. Been thinking of ways to spice up Sunday Chats going forward, and while I have some soft ideas in the pipeline, we’ll see what I ultimately end up on.
As I said last week, I currently have no intention of doing a Sunday Chats next week as it’ll be as we wrap on ExtraLife 2017, and I’ll preferably be dead. But we’ll see! Just don’t expect one, and certainly won’t be taking questions.
Regardless, I’d love it if you tuned in next week, Saturday, starting at Noon Eastern Time, to watch us play games and do dumb stuff!
Be there
And keep it real.
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waldowski89-blog · 6 years
02-02-19 - Work?
Here I am again at my desk with half an hour to waste. I actually would rather use that time writing these diaries than playing an app game. I feel like that can be a waste of time… although I do now crave a go on some.
Eurgh, what can I really write here anyway? I’m at a standstill here. I need to write something creatively. Actually, maybe I could look at doing a competition for writing a short story online. That might be fun. Gosh, I long for my University days. Back when I had some real work to worry about. Not this drivel of mine. Blergh anyway I’m being too depressing. What to do, what to do. This only wasted five mins. I think I will play a couple of apps. It’ll only take ten minutes, I think.
I need to set up my whiteboard too. I’ll take a walk today too. “Take” that always sounded funny to me. How does one take a walk? Certainly not lying down. Okay that was barely even a joke. Sorry. I’m taking the piss as it were.
5 seconds into SeaPort and there’s an ad to double rewards. I wanna watch it for the stuff. Frick though, it’s glitched. I don’t want to watch a three minute ad. Why can’t they sort this out properly before implementing the change? I don’t (well I do really) have the time for this. Gosh I love typing random nonsense. Thank god a thirty-second ad has now loaded this time.
Talking of implementing things, Apple seem to have implemented a thing or stricter grammatical help in Pages. Maybe they’ve seen the ads for that Grammarly thing on YouTube that’s always on. You know the one with the really stilted actors who are probably reading some random stupid idiot’s review from the internet. “I like grammarly” “It’s really good” “My dog has worms” etc…
Thinking of how to get back on Twitter. I make everything so complicated. I want to do a few Gifs that tell a kind of story. Like the terminator regaining its mind or something. I also like the crawling one but that was kind of me during my hospital time. Just crawling on, regardless.
I watched Billy Connolly 1994 this morning. It was good. It kind of gives me nostalgia from my childhood perhaps. Like it’s kind of sunny out too. It’s a bit… almost a bit like the six weeks holiday. I must work though. I don’t know if this counts as work but it feels right at least. At least perhaps. I’m never sure of anything really. It’s quite sad in all aspects… OH SHUTTUP ANDREW WE BOTH KNOW THAT’S BULLSHIT! Just get on with it all. Dumbo. I want some AirPods badly. I know I’d use them all the time. Maybe even when out walking too. They’re quite concealable you see or hard to notice I mean. Good keyboard. It’s not so bad typing on this keyboard once one gets used to it. It feels a little small for me though. I’d like to try out an old laptop I have though. Just to see if it’s any more comfortable. [Edit 13-02-19: This is because of a book I was reading about writing called: “How to Write Your First Novel” by Sophie King. The book mentioned trying different tools, as it were, to write with. Keyboards, pens, etc… Funnily enough, I usually write my blogs out by hand before typing them up. A keyboard is faster, however, as the writer goes on to also say herself.]
[Edit 18-02-19: I’ll put in a quote here from the book… oooh, this is like university again. King (2014: 10-11) writes:
“Writing Tools Personally speaking, I write best on my laptop. In fact, I can’t write very well on paper any more. But that’s because I’ve been using my keyboard for years now thanks to my original training as a journalist. I find it faster - my fingers fly across the letters in a way they couldn’t if I wrote on paper and that means my pace is more immediate and I can get my ideas out without forgetting them.
The golden rule about writing on a keyboard is to always, always, back up. This means saving your work somewhere else apart from your computer in case it breaks or is stolen. One tip is to email yourself with your novel file. You should then be able to access this from another computer if something happens to yours. I do this - and I also email it to my daughter with the words DO NOT READ! Alternatively, you could save it to a memory stick, although you need to make sure you don’t lose it.
However, I have friends at the top of the Bestseller lists who can only write on paper. They then type up afterwards. Some people pay others to do that for them, although obviously this is going to cost. However - and forgive me if this sounds basic - an agent and publisher won’t consider a piece if it isn’t typed.”
That was a long bloody quote but I believe most of it was relevant. It’s 19-02-19 now… no joke. It was already late anyway.]
This is almost a Tumblr a day speed. JUST WRITE PEOPLE! WHATEVER IT MAY BE ABOUT IT DOESN’T MATTER! I want this to be inspirational in a kind of way. Not just dreary drivel but like I’m slowly getting somewhere. Somewhere maybe out of my comfort zone but safe. If you know what I mean. Like a steady income job kind of way… hint hint. Getting paid for diary entries. How luzurious. Ha Lazurious. I meant Luxurious.
I think also the barrier may be that I think it won’t go anywhere. As a dream it stays perfect and the “what if” can be a good outcome. Reality has a way of sucking life out of you sometimes. In any case let’s move on. To what I don’t know.
YouTube has automatically gone onto Pogo music. It’s really good music and the edits are amazing. I’ve linked them before on Twitter but I could put a few at the end here too. Yup (this makes me happy), another Tumblr here has just formed by luck and happenstance. I don’t even need to release this yet. I can stack them. I definitely want to hand write one at some point too though. For this Wednesday. That’s 6th February 2019 dependent on when you’re reading this. I love all this because it feels somewhat productive. Don’t judge me too harshly please. This is what I spend my time doing I just never feel confident in publishing any of it. I have like six-thousand notes on my phone too. Most of which are jumping off points (harhar) and ideas for short stories. I should work through all that too. This IS my work now. I love it and you. NOW SHUSH MUSHY.
Anyway, wow, from The Terminator (which I must watch again) to all this mushyness. AHEM. now I’m stuck on what to write. Stream of consciousness this is. Oh that’s a point, I want to be doing Waldowsky Readses. So that will include maybe Jane Eyre for starters I believe and my Tumblrs when I get around to it all. I’d like to read Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland too. Talking of Pogo that’s what they use in their vids sometimes. I love when Alice says: “That explains the troubles that I’m always in.” For me it’s heartbreaking. A realisation of one’s predicament in life or just existing I mean. That explains it and she tears up. It’s like (MGS REFERENCE INCOMING) when Otacon says: “It’s no use.” Like fighting as hard as one can and then grinding to a slow halt. Although it’s like settling. Like a night of struggling and then the sun rises. You just pip the post. That’s what it takes. All until you cannot fight anymore and settle in. Acceptance of one’s position in the world. In any case, shuttup now thats just over one thousand words. BIG HUG! See you sometime soon on here. On the line.
My name’s Waldowski/y and thank you for reading this, whoever you may be.
I may explain the Waldowsky thing later on. For the time being let my reasoning be that I just think it looks better that way. It suits me that way. You can pronounce it how you like by the way but it simply can be exactly the same. Or with an emphasis on the SKY. That sounds nice, wall-doe-sky. It sounds a little silly which is fine and suits me perfectly too. Silly is good. Weird Al oh yeah Grumps had him on that I haven’t watched okay thats’s the end I’ve gotta go now… not really but shush. Join in the charade. DARE TO BE STOOPID!
Bibliography (oooh, spangly):
King, S. (2014) How to Write Your First Novel, Robinson.
POGO - Bloom
POGO - Carpet Ride
POGO & JEESH - The Trouble
POGO - Grow Fonder
POGO - redruM
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