#i remember it was voiceovers of different video clips like movies and things
hallothere · 2 years
i don’t know what it was called, but in 8th grade english we watched a series of vocabulary videos, and one of them involved a little silly song the guy sang- ‘i’m so nefarious and that means i’m evil’
i remember it perfectly and try to live by that to this day
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kellyscabin · 5 months
Hey I love ur amvs!! I was wondering if you had advice for someone that's interested in making their own? I'm not sure what the best programs are for editing or getting clips. Ty! :)
this is so flattering thank you so much!!!!! I LOVE making amvs…… favourite thing in the world to do so this is gonna be probably longer than you wanted…..
I’ve bounced around just about everything in the last couple years so I can give you a few different ideas!!
For clip sourcing:
initially, I used episodes that I had downloaded as supernatural was airing so the quality was iffy and there were logos on a lot of them… THEN I went the screen recording route (for when I was on my phone, I’ve never tried this on desktop but I know this works well for others!!) but I found that the quality still bugged me AND I ended up with nearly 2000 supernatural clips on my phone…… which was a nightmare to sort through… NOW I use this which is very fabulous and easy to use… you can select which eps to download if you don’t need all of them!! (and no vpn needed)
For editing:
I’ve used a lot of different programmes til I found one that worked well for me so definitely shop around…. youtube tutorials are your friend…. when I started, I was using sony vegas pro…. which worked fine even though my laptop was the first one ever made… but I didn’t want to pay for it and it got blocked on my laptop forever and windows would notttt let me get it back…….. SO, as I mentioned, for a while I was editing on my phone which I would personally nottt recommend for full length amvs… smaller edits would be completely fine!! I used splice which was very basic but it got the job done!! actually. looking through my videos- everything from mr perfectly fine to dean movies was made on my phone which is about 30 videos- so this works!! it’s just much more difficult and harder to polish up…. I personally make amvs much quicker and cleaner on my laptop.. and noticed a big big difference in my own quality since I switched….. NOW I use capcut since it’s free and my laptop can run it without any issues. I’m genuinely very impressed with it as a free software- lots of really good tools and effects, I find it so easy to alter colours and subtitle as well!! which I struggled with on other platforms!! very user friendly too!!! would be very beginner friendly!!
fun stuff :)
PLANNING is my absolute favourite part of making an amv…… normally I hear a song and can very easily picture shot by shot how I would amv it - once I’ve got the song and general theme I’m going for- I normally print out the lyrics and annotate them - jotting down timings, voiceovers, season, arcs and clips.. I can sometimes skip this if it’s just a simple video but if it’s anything complicated I HAVE to write it down. I also find it’s easier to make a video have a ‘point’ if I do this??? idk.. I think it helps but idk if this is something everybody does :)
there’s the spn transcript searcher which is very useful as well if there’s a line you’re looking for but can’t remember where it’s from!!
and of course homeofthenutty which is great for thumbnail stuff!!
editing things:
honestly… I don’t think there’s a wrong way to do this if you’ve got a really fabulous idea….. timings are the trickiest thing to get the hang of- I do dashes on my printed plan to kind of show where I need cuts and if it’s fast cuts I write down how long each clip should be so it looks cleaner. I find that my videos don’t really look finished until they’re subtitled either- so that always helps!! everybody kind of does that differently so definitely play around until you find a style you like!!
I wouldn’t worry too much about colouring when you’re just starting out- sometimes I find that filters can be distracting but I know others who swear by them so that’s just personal preference!! I really just tweak certain clips to make them less saturated or green-looking….
for posting:
I really recommend posting simultaneously on tumblr and youtube!! I have videos with basically no notes on tumblr but did really well on yt and vice versa!! the yt algorithm can be funny- I find that as long as it has a custom thumbnail and a few comments it does alright!! on tumblr- I always link the yt video since the tumblr player doesn’t always work for everybody…. also don’t be afraid to use taglists!!! I’m sure your mutuals would love to be tagged and please definitely tag me in anything you make!!! genuinely owe so much to my mutuals for their support 🫶🫶 and also don’t be afraid to self-reblog!! chronological dashboard means people WILL miss things if they aren’t online!!!
but genuinely the most important thing is to have fun…… I seriously love amvs…. I think they’re the best thing in the world and spend probably at least half an hour minimum a day watching amvs…….. and we need more of them!!!!! so thank you!!! and please please tag me when you make one!!! and feel free to dm me if you need anything at all!!! like all technical aspects aside… an amv made with so much love and to a fabulous song is a gift to the world…… 🫶🫶
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Two of A Kind
I’ve been focusing on asks a lot lately because of everyone’s awesome ideas, but I saw a Cut video that was similar to this and just couldn’t resist. Hope you enjoy! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for mentions of sex and endless simping!
“Are you ready?” Marlene asks behind the camera. Kasey sits alone on a stool in the middle of the room, drumming his fingers on his knees.
“Yep. What am I doing again?”
The video cuts, revealing the same room, this time with James Potter on the stool. “You’re going to be answering a few questions,” Marlene explains. “And then we’re also going to be interviewing your wife and comparing your answers.”
“Oh, God,” James laughs. “Okay, hit me with your best shot.”
A title card appears on the screen. First Question: What was your first date?
Remus thinks for a moment. “Like, our first official date, or something that was definitely a date but we were both too dumb to notice?”
“Kasey took me to an ice rink,” Natalie says. She is inexplicably sitting on a folding chair rather than the stool. “We spent about three hours there, drinking cocoa and talking. It was a ton of fun!”
“Ice skating.” Kasey grins. “She told me she could skate, but she had never stepped on the ice in her life.”
“It was at Sid’s.” Sirius smiles to himself. “We had been together for about three months at that point.”
“Remus asked us to define ‘first date’,” Marlene says, sounding amused.
“Is there a different definition that I’m not aware of? We hung out at Sid’s a bunch before we actually got together, but those didn’t qualify as dates.” He pauses. “Looking back, they kind of were dates. We just didn’t know it.”
The video transitions to Lily and James, whose interviews are lined up side-by-side. “Lily took me to get ice cream after we went for a walk in the park,” James answers with a bright smile.
Lily laughs. “Our first date was a disaster. It was twenty-five degrees outside and we got ice cream. I think our brain freezes lasted about three straight minutes, but I had a great time.”
Second Question: When and where was your first kiss?
“Our first kiss happened on our first date,” Natalie says. “Kase caught me when I fell over and I just leaned right in.”
Kasey’s dopey smile makes his eyes crinkle. “At the ice rink. It felt like something out of a movie.”
Lily frowns in thought. “Oh, god, maybe our sixth date? He dropped me off at my apartment and kissed me goodnight.”
“I pulled a move straight from a John Hughes movie.” James grins and stretches his arms out. “Walked her to the door and everything. It was perfect.”
“Pascal Dumais’ basement,” Sirius says with a light laugh. “Which is a surprisingly romantic place.”
“It happened right after Sirius’ birthday party, which I was tricked into attending.” Remus gives the camera a mock-serious look. “Always be suspicious of Pascal Dumais. Always.”
Third Question: Who said ‘I love you’ first, and what was your reaction?
Sirius bites his lip. “I said it first, but only by two seconds. It was a long time coming, to be honest.”
“Sirius said it first.” Remus smiles at the memory. “We were both kind of wrecks at the time, but it was…amazing. I think I just cried harder and kissed him.”
Lily rolls her eyes fondly. “James said it first. We were both super drunk and he just blurted it out in the middle of the club.”
“She ran away!” James practically shouts as the video cuts to him. “I told her I loved her, she gave me this shocked look, and then disappeared! I get a text an hour later saying she caught a cab and went home, and she signs it with ‘love, Lily’. What the fuck was I supposed to do with that?”
Natalie coughs slightly. “Um, I don’t remember who said it first.”
Kasey grins at the camera. “Natalie said she didn’t remember,” Marlene calls.
“Oh, she remembers.”
Fourth Question: How’s your sex life? Anything you can do differently?
Sirius, who was taking a sip of water, chokes. “Excuse me?”
Remus is dead silent for a second, blinking at the camera in shock. “It’s, uh, good.”
“If we gave you some alcohol, would your answer change?” Marlene asks.
“Probably. Does anyone else feel like they’re suddenly in danger?”
“What sex life?” James snorts. “We have a baby. There is no time or energy for anything anymore.”
Lily raises an eyebrow. “You think I want him anywhere near me after I just shoved a baby out of my crotch?”
“It’s damn good.” Natalie winks, uncapping her own waterbottle. “Pro tip for anyone looking for a hockey boyfriend: go for the goalies. They’re flexible.”
Kasey is laughing into his hands when his interview appears. “She said that?” he manages. “Oh, Christ.”
Fifth Question: Do you dirty talk?
“Yes.” Kasey and Natalie say at the same time. James winks, and Lily shrugs with a sly smile.
Remus gives the camera crew a disbelieving look. “Are all the questions like this? Were we lulled into a false sense of security?”
“Answer the question, Loops!”
Remus sighs deeply. “On occasion, yes. I’m going to regret saying that.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Sirius says, narrowing his eyes as he sets his water down.
Sixth Question: How well do you sleep?
“Not bad,” Remus says. “Better than I used to, that’s for sure.”
“I don’t sleep,” Lily scoffs. James just looks at the camera and wordlessly gestures to the shadows under his eyes.
“Pretty well,” Natalie muses, slinging one arm around the back of her folding chair.
Sirius nods. “I’d say I sleep well most nights. It’s more comfortable with another person, which was surprising.”
Seventh Question: Why do you feel obligated to share a bed?
“Obligated?” Sirius and Remus say with matching tones of incredulity.
Lily’s smile becomes softer. “I really like sharing a bed. It makes me feel safe.”
“Oh, I love sleeping next to Lily.” James’ gaze turns dreamy. “She smells nice, she’s so warm, and sharing a bed makes childcare much easier when the other person is within reach.”
“You can’t tell her I said this, okay?” Kasey looks around at the camera crew before answering, and his cheeks turn light pink. “Nat’s side of the bed faces east, so if I get up for practice and the sun is rising, she glows a little bit. I dunno, I like it.”
“Kasey is really warm and cuddly.” Natalie says after a moment of thought. “He’s like my own personal heater and I’m never cold if he’s there. Don’t tell him I said that.”
Remus bites his lip before speaking. “I’m not much of a cuddler, but I sleep better next to Sirius than I ever have before. It’s incredible.”
Sirius cocks his head to the side with a smile. “Hmm. Having someone there to hold, especially someone I care about so much, is the best feeling. If I ever wake up in the middle of the night, he’s just…always there.” He half-shrugs. “It’s sappy, but it’s true.”
Eighth Question: Rate your attractiveness on a scale of 1-10
“Eleven,” Lily and Natalie say in unison, as if it’s obvious.
“I’m going with a solid six,” Remus decides after a moment’s deliberation.
“Eight, maybe?” Kasey answers.
Sirius makes a face. “Six? Seven?”
James is mid-laugh when the video cuts to him. “Um, seven. Lily and I have talked about this before and I got in trouble for saying ten, that’s why I’m laughing. Sorry.”
Ninth Question: Rate your partner’s attractiveness on a scale of 1-10
Not a single one hesitates. “Ten.”
“Remus said he was a solid six,” Marlene says as the camera focuses on Sirius.
His eyebrows shoot up. “What? Where is he? Re!”
“What?” a distant voice shouts back.
“You’re a ten!”
“On what scale?”
“Nat said eleven, didn’t she?” Kasey asks with a grin as the clip changes. “I love it when she does that.”
Final Question: What animal is your partner and why? Give three reasons.
Lily gives Marlene a hard look. “Marley, I love you, but what I say right now needs to stay confidential from my husband.”
Sirius laughs quietly. “Oh, he’s going to hate me for this.”
“Lily is a lioness,” James says immediately. “She’s strong, fierce, and unbelievably brave.”
Natalie tilts her head. “Good question. I’m going to go with a bear, since he’s got a big, tough reputation but he’s all soft inside. He’s a pretty solid guy, too, and he likes cold weather.”
“Nat is one of those really colorful birds,” Kasey says. “The ones with big personalities and the pretty feathers.”
“James is a lion.” Lily thinks for a moment longer. “It’s not just that he plays for the Lions, but he really is one of the bravest people I know. He’s protective of his family and cares a lot about keeping everyone together.”
Remus grins at the camera. “Sirius is a dog, and I will happily tell you why. Number one: he loves going for walks. Number two: he is endlessly loyal to the people he cares for. Number three: peanut butter.”
“So, Re is either a cat or a dog, and I really can’t choose.” Sirius’ eyebrows draw together in thought.
“You can choose both if you have reasons,” Marlene calls behind the camera.
“Really? Alright, he’s a dog because he’s friendly, loyal, and brings people trinkets as gifts. Um, I don’t have a legitimate reason for the cat one, but do any of you know that one vine with the cat that’s being dragged around on a leash?”
The camera crew bursts out laughing, and a small picture of the cat appears in the upper left of the screen.
“Anyone who has tried to pick Remus up knows that he looks exactly like that. Goes completely limp, it’s the funniest fucking thing.”
The video cuts to Remus, who raises his eyebrows. “He said what?”
The title card appears and Marlene’s voiceover begins. “Thanks for watching, Lions! Special thanks to Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James and Lily Potter, Natalie Darcy, and Kasey Winter for being with us today. Like and subscribe for more!”
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amandajoyce118 · 5 years
Shazam Easter Eggs And Comic Book References
Now that Shazam has been in theaters for over a week, I thought I’d share the list of Easter eggs I found. A tiny bit of background for those non comic book fans: Shazam was originally named Captain Marvel back in the day, but that name didn’t work out for many, many reasons that’ll pop up in the list below. Shazam stands for Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury, the deities that the powers were supposed to provide nods to. The movie premiered on the 80th anniversary of the character debuting in comic books. In the movie, Billy Batson is gifted with the powers of Shazam in order to battle a great evil, but Billy’s more preoccupied with taking care of himself, avoiding his foster family, and finding his birth mother.
Now, there will be spoilers, so if you haven’t yet seen the movie, you’ve been warned.
Sivana’s Father
Recognize the actor playing the elder Sivana? That’s John Glover. As DC loves to do with its movies, they’ve given a small, but noteworthy, role to someone who has worked in other DC projects. In this case, Glover was Lionel Luthor on Smallville, a mad scientist in Batman and Robin, and provided voiceover work in animated series as the Riddler. (Also previously cast in DC projects? Adam Brody and DJ Cotrona. They appear as a adult versions of Freddy and Pedro, respectively. They were also both cast in Frank Miller’s Justice League: Mortal as Flash and Superman, again respectively. The movie never got off the ground. Likewise, Djimon Hounsou also appeared in Aquaman. He and Zachary Levi have also been in Marvel movies.)
The Caterpillar
We learn more about this caterpillar looking creature in the mid credit scene. He’s actually the classic Shazam villain Mr. Mind. Looks like he’s being set up as the villain for the sequel.
So you remember the doll from Annabelle getting a cameo in Aquaman? She also gets a cameo here. She’s on a shelf in the pawn shop when Billy traps the police. It’s a nod from director David S. Sandberg since he also directed Annabelle: Creation.
Billy Wants The Tiger
I think it’s cute that toddler Billy really wants that stuffed tiger. Why? Because the Shazam family actually has a tiger at one point in the comics. Or maybe it’s the Flashpoint version of the family, which is actually the Captain Thunder family in that universe. Either way, they have a tiger. It’s a nice way to show Billy letting go of his past later when he gives a stuffed tiger to the little girl hiding at the fair. There’s also a nod in the tiger on his backpack and the faces of tigers on the pins holding his cape in place (which I couldn’t see on film, but did in HD photos online).
The Smiley Face
There are a lot of smiley faces on the desk of Billy’s social worker. A coffee mug, stress ball, and a few other things have the yellow smiley faces on them. It’s a nod to the smiley face of the Watchmen comics.
The Crocodile
The same scene features a small toy crocodile, which might seem like an odd choice. That’s only if you don’t know that Shazam has a few villains in his Captain Marvel past with a crocodile theme. I’m not sure which one this is a nod to, but take I like Sobek AKA the Crocodile Man for the nod. Especially since the Crocodile Men get a nod later in the many magical doors.
Freddy, Mary, Darla, Pedro, and Eugene
These five feature in a lot of Shazam backstory. Freddy actually debuted in the original Captain Marvel comics as a disabled newsboy while Mary was Mary Batson, Billy’s long lost sister. Before Flashpoint and the New 52 relaunch of DC comics, there was a plan to launch a new Shazam AKA Captain Marvel title, rebranding the hero as Captain Thunder. The plan was to introduce Darla, Pedro, and Eugene then, but it never got off the ground. Instead, they were all introduced as Billy’s foster siblings in Flashpoint, officially becoming part of the DC Universe in the new 52. Together, all of the kids could unite to form Captain Thunder (with their tiger). In the original Captain Marvel series, Freddy was actually Kid Marvel and Mary was Mary Marvel when Billy shared his power with them. Different from the movie, they each didn’t have full power, but instead, a portion of the same finite amount of power, making each new addition progressively weaker than the one before.
DC Memorabilia
Making it clear that the DC superheroes have become household names, Freddy owns a lot of memorabilia. Not only does he have action figures of long time big names Batman and Superman, but he also has newspaper clippings of all the main events, even some from the Daily Planet. He also sports logo tee shirts for Wonder Woman and Aquaman, meaning they’re better known than they were before.
The Rock Of Eternity
The Rock of Eternity is the name of the place where Billy receive’s Shazam’s power. In that “lair” though, there are a few relics from the comics that come people might miss. There is, of course, Mr. Mind’s jar and the statues of the Sins. Beyond that though, there is also the magic mirror (named Francesca in the comics) and a scepter called the Ibistick (it belonged to the Egyptian prince Ibis the Invincible).
Black Adam
A lot of fans thought Black Adam would appear in some cameo form in the movie. He might be the most famous of Shazam villains, and there were talks of Dwayne Johnson taking on the role. The villain doesn’t appear in the movie, but his story does. He’s the subject of the story the wizard tells Billy. He’s the hero that decided he wanted all of the power of the council for himself.
Fawcett Central School
The school is named for Fawcett Comics. Fawcett Comics was the original publisher of Captain Marvel stories, the name given to the Billy Batson superhero. National Comics (AKA DC Comics) eventually sued Fawcett because they thought Captain Marvel was too similar to Superman. Fawcett Comics quit publishing his stories and eventually went under, the copyright for the character transferring to DC. DC started publishing Captain Marvel stories until Marvel Comics decided that a name like Captain Marvel fit more with their brand. These days, Carol Danvers is Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics) and Billy Batson is Shazam (DC Comics) instead of the way things started.
The security officer at the school’s name is inspired by another version of Captain Marvel. A British publisher rewrote the American Captain Marvel stories as Marvelman AKA Miracleman after the Captain Marvel lawsuits. The hero’s name was Michael Moran.
Ace Chemicals
Batman fans know this name because it’s the company that gave birth to the Joker. We got a glimpse of one of their factories during a Suicide Squad flashback sequence as the Joker took Harley Quinn to prove her love for him. That same location, and therefore the same factory, was used in Shazam. It’s the location where Freddy and Billy try to figure out his powers. You can even see a bit of the faded company logo on tanks in one shot.
Captain Sparkle Fingers
One of the many names Billy gets over the course of the film, this one is unique. Why? Because it’s a shout out to the Carol Danvers version of Captain Marvel. She actually gets called Princess Sparkle Fists a few times. When Freddy uploads videos of Billy’s powers online, he also calls him Zap-tain America in one as a nod to Captain America and Red Cyclone as a nod to a DC Comics character.
C.C. Batson
Billy’s father’s name is a nod to C.C. Beck, who helped create the original comics. Likewise, Billy’s mother is from Minnesota, which is where Beck was born.
The Floor Piano
During the climactic fight scene, Billy and Sivana go across a piano matt on the floor of a toy store, or the toy section of a department store. It’s a brief few steps, but it’s a nice, quick homage to the Tom Hank movie Big where a little boy becomes an adult overnight, not unlike how Billy’s super powers work.
If you pay attention, the number seven is all over this movie. There are, of course, Seven Deadly Sins, Billy’s mother is on the seventh floor of her building in room 707, and Freddy wants seven bedrooms for their family in a new lair. Seven is long thought to be a magical number (see the Harry Potter books for examples of the way it’s used), so it’s fitting that it gets used a lot for a superhero who gets his powers from a sorcerer. It’s also the number of realms the family explores in the modern comics.
A Little Foreshadowing
When Thaddeus first enters the Rock of Eternity and peers at the orb, the light of the orb reflects on the lens of the same eye where it will eventually embed.
Billy’s new foster siblings have their favorite colors. The jackets they wear in various scenes throughout the movie correspond to the colors of their super suits.
That’s all I’ve got, guys. But this isn’t a time I’ve watched the movie more than once, so I’ve likely missed some things. Let me know if you’ve spotted something I missed.
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I've ranted about this many times to friends in person and on other social media. They're all tired of hearing about it so, to my small group of followers who are primarily strangers, let's remember: all content is not created for children.
John Wolfe just released a lovely video about age-restriction flags on YouTube and how that effects creators there. In summary, that video is about how creators who play horror games are experiencing a lot of struggle as videos deemed "too gruesome" or of heavy subject matter are getting flagged, demonetized, and hidden within the algorithm. These algorithms are subject of a totally different rant that we all know so I'll forgo it for the most part.
The thing that I constantly fear and rant about is not just the restrictions this puts on people creatively but the amount of censorship needed to get appease these companies while undermining the people who struggle with certain topics. Trigger warnings are so incredibly important and always appreciated by people who need them for whatever topic. However, ironically, we lose our ability to make trigger warnings whenever the words themself get the media flagged. The term "sexual assault" got flagged so then you had to say "SA" and that has since been flagged. While Tik Tok is the extreme example, I've heard that voiceover only refer to "sex" as "having fun." (Not always the case). People who need to block and filter out these triggers become unable to since the online term is constantly changing. I'm also witnessing language simply about bad things, which do not directly correlate to crimes, get censored to appease these algorithms. Words like Murder, Violence, Stab, Kill, Hurt, etc. or any language referring to both the anatomical term or slang of certain organs. I've seen YouTubers have the blur out clips of people smoking or images of fake blood. Language referring to self-harm, drug abuse, or violence, regardless of context. This is hard for people like me who have struggled from heavy topics like those and find solace while listening to others who have shared similar struggles and share their stories of grief, struggle, and recovery on these platforms.
Obviously, these companies and their algorithms don't like anything about these topics. If your content requires a trigger warning, swears too much, has violent visuals, or whatever else then it is no longer deemed advertiser friendly; so they say at least. Go see an R-Rated sex comedy in theaters, it will be full of misogyny and every -ism in the book. You'll still see a bunch of companies proudly advertising before your movie. This is the internet, almost anything and everything is accessible. Attempting to host media which is safe for anyone's viewing is impossible and also immoral. While a touch irrational, a friend of mine and I always worry that these required censorships will push us back to a state of "puritan-esque" society where we simply do not talk about or show darker topics, but I digress.
When we think of the kids, I always reflect on something writer/director John Waters said in This Filthy World (2006) when he heared about a kid not being allowed to check a book out of a library because he was called too young for the content. I could be misquoting but it was something along the lines of, "If they are old enough to know about it then they're old enough to read it." With the internet especially, kids have access to the most disgusting and vile media. We all remember being 12 and what we accidentally stumbled upon or having our friends, sometimes quite rudely and unwarranted, showing us the most fucked up stuff that they could find. Happily though, we've progressed as a society with trigger warnings and with general teachings of what people could be sensitive too. It makes sense for places like YouTube to not host pronography, they're not a service that hosts porn. It makes sense for FaceBook to not want someone to share images of self harm as what people see on their homepage is effectively randomized and those images are sensitive and of real violence. Their terms of service and regulations are important to stop people from posting sincerly whatever they want visually, but I'll get into that more later. Where it comes into thinking about what the children can see and hear, we begin to lose resources of education. A kid who is lucky enough to have no clue what sexual assault is can learn through media. Hopefully it's responsible media that treats it as a heinous act but maybe they see it in a mini-series online or hear their favorite YouTuber's story and can learn about the physical and emotional impact which that brings. And then they can go ask questions and learn more. Maybe a kid has a family member who struggles with drug addiction and that free short film they found can help them learn about what their family is going through and even offer/research ways to help. Maybe someone is struggling with their mental well-being. Theyre having suicidal thoughts and don't know who to reach out to so they make a post on Facebook about where their head is at while asking for resources to help them through their struggle. Their post goes up but gets virtually erased since no one will see it unless they go straight to the original posters page. People can't learn and can't get proper resources with algorithms and company policies like this.
I guess what I'm getting at is that, strict censorship rules damage narratives in story or film, damage content of video creators, erase the stories of victims, and only move us backwards societally. Trigger Warnings are both responsible and perfectly sufficient when sharing content.
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nerdspotco-blog · 6 years
Possible Avengers 4 Title and Leaks?!? (Possible Spoilers Ahead! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!)
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Hey everyone!  So it’s been a crazy week for Marvel related content. We got a look at Tom Hollands new suit in the upcoming Spider-Man: Far From Home, both Luke Cage and Iron Fist have been canceled, and a whole lot of supposed leaks and rumors surrounding the Avengers 4 trailer leak, and title had also been spread around the internet. On a side note, please remember that these are just speculations, and rumors for now. please take everything with a grain of salt, and don’t shoot the messenger!  Lets get to it! To start it all off, the Russo Brothers have had a history of loving to troll fans. Their latest gag to fans however has been causing quite the stir among the fans and media of the MCU... 
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Fans have been thinking about the tweet and claiming that the title itself could possibly be in the picture. the next picture, which is a little more recent is just more proof of the Russo Brother’s love of trolling fans. 
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Now i’m thinking this could be a light from the Avengers 4 set, but people have also been freaking out over this picture. In my honest opinion, I don’t think that this is going to be much to freak out about.  Here’s where everything starts to get really interesting. Fans like myself are still on the edge of our seats for the reveal of the long awaited title, but it seems like the latest rumor that seems to be sticking is that the title of the fourth Avengers movie will be Avengers: Annihilation. The title like it’s predecessors come from another Marvel Comics event, Annihilation. 
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I’m honestly thinking at this point that the title will be released maybe a week or so before the trailer. For example, Marvel Studios decided to have some fun and put out a teaser video of both fan reactions, and clips of previous entries into the MCU. At the end of the video, announcing the first trailer to Avengers: Infinity War debuting the very next day. 
(Check out the video below to see what i’m talking about.) 
I honestly think the title reveal will come in the form of a video like this, and at the end, much like this video, we will get a confirmation of when the trailer will be released.  Now this past week, the internet has also been freaking out with trailer descriptions that were leaked to Reddit. The description itself was said to be going like this...  “The trailer starts off showing the damaged Infinity Gauntlet in a field on the farm planet. As the camera focuses in on the Gauntlet, we hear Tony’s voice: “We were destined to lose.” Epic music score starts. The Quinjet is shown landing in a Wakandan wasteland as we hear Steve Rogers say: “We have come so far.” Tony and Nebula step off the jet as the remaining Avengers approach. Steve has a look of relief and says: “Tony”. Tony, seemingly defeated, shakes his head and gives a friendly smirk back to Cap. Marvel Studios Logo appears."We get a glimpse of the Battle of New York from 2012 Avengers. Loki is shown looking shocked and baffled as he is on top of the Stark tower. There is a flash of a blue light as the camera pans back. (Cuts to black) Next we see the Wakandan throne with M’Baku at the helm. He’s surrounded by his new kingsguard. (A mix of the hill tribe and Dora Milaje). Shuri and Banner are seen working on a new project in the lab. Black Widow, in full gear, is in Hawkeye’s family home from Age of Ultron. Basically everything is thrown all over the place and broken. Nat is studying some type of map with multiple photos and locations on it. A quick shot of Thanos is shown with a long sword, walking down an alleyway in New York City. The next shot is a dark hooded figure with glowing eyes, aiming a bow and arrow before shooting towards the camera.  (1-2 visuals of the Quantum Realm) Scott Lang (no suit) is shown running through a park dodging explosions. (Shot of Space) Thor and Valkyrie are aboard a Kree ship. Thor says: “If the stories are true, you’re our universe’s last hope. If such a thing even exists anymore”. The next shot is an older, determined Tony Stark walking through the new SHIELD HQ (Avengers Facility in upstate New York). He’s in full SHIELD attire and carrying an orange briefcase. Banner (wearing spandex) is seen running from something, looking terrified. The next shot is Ant-Man appearing out of a flash of light and landing in a desolate place. We see it from his point of view from inside his helmet. He looks left to right and to his left again and says: “What in the-“."(Camera focuses on Vormir and its stars) Next, a shot of Rocket and Nebula modifying some new weapons in the lab. Rocket says “When can we try this bad boy out?” They both smile at eachother and fist-bump. We get our first glimpse of Iron Man in his red and gold nanotech armor. Hulk falls from the sky and lands in front of him. Thanos, in full armor, smiles. Hulk smiles back. The next shot is in Japan. War Machine, Nat, and Steve (in their full Avengers gear) are surrounded by The Yakuza. Hawkeye (Ronin) walks through everybody from behind them and approaches the Avengers. There’s an intense exchange of looks between Clint and Natasha. (Next shot is at the Sanctum) Wong is communicating with Dr. Strange’s soul via portal. (Cuts to black) Grey haired Tony Stark and Ant-Man are in a post-apocalyptic NYC. The screen flashes back and forth multiple times through multiple scenes. We see Captain Marvel floating with her fists on fire and her eyes lit up. Thanos in the soul stone with young Gamora screaming at him, Loki and Thor fighting off Chitauri together and Tony handing Steve a brand new shield in the Wakandan throne room. (Cuts back to Tony and Scott) Tony opens the orange briefcase as Scott hands him an illuminated bracelet. Tony asks: “How?… Is this even possible?” Iron Man and Ant-Man are shown travelling through the Quantum Realm. Tony and Scott are back in the battle of New York from 2012. The final shot before the title reveal is an Infinity Stone disappearing from Thanos’ damaged gauntlet. He abruptly gets up and puts on his armor. His face goes from extremely infuriated to a menacing smile."Title reveal: Avengers: Annihilation"Stinger: The Hulk is training at the new SHIELD facility with Black Widow and Steve. Steve notices that Hulk has been training non-stop as of late, so he asks why. Hulk responds in Banner’s normal voice with: “My rematch is coming real soon, I can feel it!”"  Like I said at the beginning of the article, take all of this with a grain of salt. The only problem I have with this description is this, WHERE IN THE HELL WOULD TONY AND NEBULA GET A GOD DAMN QUINJET?! I personally think it would make more sense for them to use the Milano that is still on Titan. (But that of course is just my opinion.  And lastly, another trailer description has been leaked to Reddit by a user by the name of  vfxgurudontmind who has claimed to have predicted the reveal of Spider-Man in the second Captain America: Civil War trailer. Here’s what the user had to say... “Sup, you guys dont know me. However few years ago I was the one who posted here on a throw away saying Spider-Man appears in the Civil War Trailer #2 (I told people to remember the word “underoos”But here's some info: Final Trailer is about 2ish minutes. But it starts with the 10th year logo, which zooms into the screen in logo fashion but it flashes all colors of the stones as it does. Thanos’ voice: “My Destiny is not yet fulfilled...” A shot of a battered Tony, looks as though he’s still on Titan, confused. “Greater threats arise to undo the balance I lost everything to achieve... and I.... will not... be undone” Shot of Banner and Cap with Vision on a table fades in and out... Shot of Quills ship lifting off. Fades. Tony: “Fury was right.” He’s talking to someone out of view in some type of normal house. This MIGHT be Aunt May, he’s glossy eyed, and the dialogue is spoken over the prior screen, not actually what’s he’s saying. “He was right since day 1...” black screen Tony: scene of him in some sort of garage looking place. In front of 3 different suits, they seem pretty normal? None are the one that was leaked, he has the housing unit in his hands. “I’ll do whatever it takes so that never happens again...” black screen Tony in SHIELD gear. He’s walking towards the camera with soldiers behind him. Shot of Antman standing in the Quantum Realm. Cuts to him surrounded by 3 tardigrades. He’s running, then stops at a green portal type thing. Fades to a shot of Scott in street clothes. Gray shirt jeans and a jean jacket.Scott: “ I think... I might have a way to help.” Not sure who he’s speaking to. Or if this is even the real dialogue lol. Doesn’t look like it matches.Shot of an empty throne in Wakanda, various shots of Shuri, M’Baku, and Okoye. Black screen“This was NOT our fight...” Shuri or Okoye couldn’t tell. Screen still black. Shot of Cap standing arms crossed with Rhodey, Rocket and Thor, in a room that looks like it’s still Wakanda.Cap: “We need to make this right...”Banner: “Cap we don’t even know where to start... Thanos is gone. He won.” Thor: “Well... then we had better get to work”Shot panning down slowly of the pager Fury had in someone’s hands. I’m almost 100% certain it’s in Tony’s hands. A shot of Rhodey suiting up very briefly, from the knees up to the crotch area lol, it’s not nanotech, but looks more or less exactly how Starlords mask materializes with a Thor voiceover: “Are you ready for this?”Rocket: “Well... if I’m not...” pause. Black Fades in to Rocket, music silences: “What more could I lose?” Bifrost shot w/ Thor, War machine, and Rocket. Various shots. Gauntlet, still damaged, being reached for, shot of Nebula (looks like the same place Tony was earlier) , and then shot of Banner. Black screen. Thor: “We need an army to stand against Thanos...” shot of Thanos putting on armor. “Yours is the only one formidable enough to give us a chance...” shot of Thanos wielding a big double edge sword. “So I ask of you...” Various shots of Black Widow, brief shot of Tony’s suit, Caps new chest piece (chainmail!!!) and banner putting on a purple skintight suit and a button up over it In front of a mirror. Fades to Thor, “Will you help us?” More various shots, including a broken gauntlet on the ground as someone (clearly Thanos) is walking away... same aesthetic and scenery as the one when it’s being reached for. (I think he throws it on the ground??) “It’s been awhile since I’ve been to Earth...” Music is getting louder as it crescendos to a shot of Captain Marvels chest panning up to her face. The scenery behind her almost looks like Xandar. Because it can’t be Earth (that would make no sense) but it’s blue skies and clouds outside a window... Captain Marvel: “Let’s go” Shot of her flying towards something angrily, she cocks back a punch, eyes glowing, flames surround her. She punches, then [Title Card] as Avengers theme plays.However it doesn’t actually have anything, it’s just a blank screen with the music.. Post theme cutaway stinger, Rocket is in a rolling chair looking at a few computer screens, has on this cool ass white bodysuit. Rhodey: “I’ve seen a lot of crazy things, but a talking Raccoon? (rocket looks up at him from chair) Definitely tops them all...” Rocket, going from Rhodey back to the computer screens sarcastically: “boy if I had a unit* every time I heard that one” cuts to a shot of Thor smiling with an off queue “Ha Ha Ha”. Trailer ends... This is actually a rough cut. There’s a lot of black screens in the midst of all these lasting 1-2 seconds. This trailer is still slated to debut on Nov. 21,28, or December 12th on Good Morning America. I'm not sure of the scheduling situation. Also, official extended trailer #2 for Captain Marvel will arrive right around Christmas.” I know that it’s a little much to take in. but do keep in mind, this is only a theory/speculation post.  With all this in mind, I do believe the trailer is close behind. With Avengers 4 being about 6 or 7 months away, it will make sense to have Marvel start marketing for the movie. Much like they are doing now for Captain Marvel, and Spider-Man: Far From Home.   My advice, keep your eye’s peeled! I can almost guarantee we are all in for a surprise soon. Thanks for stopping by! 
1 note · View note
VideoRobot Review
Frankly speaking, it is great video production program. The thing I enjoy the most is that the easy-to-follow procedure of video creation. It is 6 step process that's really very straightforward. In other apps such as this one, some of the steps were uncertain for me. Here everything is intuitive. And of course, 300 pre-made templates can also be something unique for this kind of tool. If you are seeking animation video applications then VideoRobot should be your number one option.
This is another in a row video creation app that I'm going to review here. Videos are bringing more and more traffic and that's the reason why we need more and better developed video program. This VideoRobot review will remove your doubts about the program. From the end of this article you should know whether it's prudent to invest in this program.
VideoRobot Bonuses
As vendors claims VideoRobot is a next-generation movie technologies software that is much ahead of their opponents. I would not fully agree with this but I can honestly state that this cloud-based program has some cutting-edge features which other video production apps doesn't. This program Is Quite similar to the last one which I have reviewed on The Geek Review VideoRobot Review
VideoRobot is made for creating animation videos, whiteboard videos, live-action videos, explainer videos, sales videos etc... The distinction between this one and the other is quality and features. Together with the membership you get access to 300 completed for you templates which are prepared to start with. This is the most important difference between VideoRobot and other video creation programs. Ready-to-use templates really simplify and accelerate your own work.
Obviously, VR has some common attributes like text attributes, creating your own cartoon from scratch, male and female voiceovers, pre-made graphics and so on.
Below I will describe a standard process of creating a movie from begin to finish.
Step 1
In step one, you need to pick out a type of video. There are 4 options to Begin with -- 3D Avatar programs, Kinetic Animation Templates, Whiteboard Animation Templates and Blank Template.
Step 2
At the next step, you need to choose a template. You are able to search them by keyword and it's very useful because as I've mentioned previously -- VR provides about 300 of pre-made templates. Every one of the templates can be previewed. And remember that every template has its female and male voiceover.
Measure 3
If that's the case, you will need to choose your actor (avatar), both male and female can be found.
Step 4
Here you're going got picked a voice and decide whether to use or not a background music clip. In "Pick a voice" component it is possible to use pre-made voiceover, give a text into speech, record your audio or add a media library file.
Step 5
In the next step, you can decide on a logo, location of the logo, background along with your contact info.
Measure 6
It is the last step, but it is also the most developed one. Here you preview and edit your own video. You may add elements like -- media, text, intro and outro cartoons, lower thirds, text animations and effects -- just to list the most crucial.
Overall I can say it is very developed but also very easy and fast to work with. Recommended for everybody.
0 notes
VideoRobot Review
Frankly speaking, it's great video production app. The thing I like the most is the easy-to-follow process of video production. It's 6 step process that's really very simple. In other apps such as this one, some of the measures were uncertain for me. Here everything is intuitive. And of course, 300 pre-made templates are also something special for this sort of tool. If you are seeking animation video software then VideoRobot should become your number one choice.
This is another in a row video creation app that I will review here. Videos are bringing more and more visitors and that is the reason why we need better and more developed video software. This VideoRobot review is going to remove your doubts concerning the app. From the end of the article you should know whether it's wise to spend money on this program.
VideoRobot Bonuses
As vendors claims VideoRobot is a next-generation video technology software that's much ahead of the competitors. I wouldn't fully agree with this but I can honestly say this cloud-based program has some cutting-edge attributes that other video production apps doesn't. This application is very similar to the last one that I have reviewed here on The Geek Review VideoRobot Review
Together with the membership you get access to 300 completed for you templates which are prepared to begin with. This is the most important difference between VideoRobot and other video production apps. Ready-to-use templates actually simplify and accelerate your job.
Obviously, VR has some shared attributes like text attributes, creating your own cartoon from scratch, female and male voiceovers, pre-made graphics and so forth.
Below I'll describe a normal procedure of creating a movie from begin to finish.
Step 1
At step one, you have to choose a kind of video. There are 4 options to start using -- 3D Avatar Templates, Kinetic Animation programs, Whiteboard Animation Templates and Blank Template.
Measure Two
At another step, you need to pick out a template. You can search them by key word and it's very helpful since I have mentioned previously -- VR provides about 300 of pre-made templates. Each of the templates may be previewed. And remember that every template has its own female and male voiceover.
Step 3
This step is optional and is only displayed when you've chosen 3D avatar video. In that scenario, you will need to choose your celebrity (avatar), both male and female are available.
Step 4
Here you are going got picked a voice and choose whether to utilize or not a background music clip. In "Pick a voice" component you can utilize pre-made voiceover, give a text to speech, record your own audio or add a media library document.
Measure 5
In the next step, you are able to decide on a logo, location of this logo, background along with your contact info. This measure is known as "Personalize video".
Step 6
It's the last step, but it's also the most developed one. Here you preview and edit your video. You can add elements like -- media, text, intro and outro cartoons, lower thirds, text animations and effects -- just to list the most crucial.
Overall I could say it's quite developed but also very easy and fast to work with. Recommended for everybody.
0 notes
VideoRobot Review
Frankly speaking, it's great video creation program. The thing I enjoy the most is that the easy-to-follow process of movie production. It's 6 step process that's really very straightforward. In other programs like this one, some of the measures were unclear for me. Here is instinctive. And naturally, 300 pre-made templates can also be something special for this kind of tool. If you're seeking cartoon video applications then VideoRobot should become your number one option.
This is another in a row movie production app that I will review here. Videos are bringing an increasing number of visitors and that is the reason why we want more and better developed video software. This VideoRobot review will eliminate your doubts about the app. From the end of this article you should know if it is wise to invest in this program.
VideoRobot Bonuses
As sellers claims VideoRobot is a next-generation video technology software that's much ahead of the opponents. I wouldn't fully agree with that but I can honestly say that this cloud-based application has some cutting-edge attributes which other video creation apps does not. This application Is Quite similar to the last one which I have reviewed on The Geek Review VideoRobot Review
Together with the membership you get access to 300 completed for you personally templates which are ready to begin with. This is the main difference between VideoRobot and other video production apps. Ready-to-use templates actually simplify and accelerate your own work.
Of course, VR has some common attributes like text attributes, creating your own animation from scratch, female and male voiceovers, pre-made graphics and so on.
Below I will describe a normal procedure of creating a video from start to finish.
Step 1
In step one, you have to pick out a type of video.
Measure Two
At another step, you have to pick out a template. You are able to search them by keyword and it is very useful because as I have mentioned previously -- VR provides about 300 of pre-made templates. Each of the templates may be previewed. And remember that each template has its female and male voiceover.
Step 3
This step is optional and is only displayed if you have selected 3D avatar video. In that scenario, you'll have to choose your actor (avatar), both male and female are available.
Measure 4
Here you are going got chose a voice and choose whether to utilize or not a background music clip. In "Choose a voice" component you can use pre-made voiceover, provide a text into speech, record your audio or add a media library document.
Measure 5
In the next step, you can decide on a logo, location of the logo, background and your contact information. This step is called "Personalize video".
Measure 6
It is the final thing, but it is also the most developed one. Here you preview and edit your own video. You can add elements like -- media, text, intro and outro cartoons, lower thirds, text animations and effects -- just to record the most crucial.
Overall I can say it's quite developed but also very easy and fast to work with. Recommended for everyone.
0 notes
VideoRobot Review
Frankly speaking, it is great video production app. The thing I like the most is that the easy-to-follow procedure of movie production. In other apps like this one, some of the measures were uncertain for me. Here everything is instinctive. And naturally, 300 pre-made templates are also something unique for this sort of tool. If you're looking for animation video software then VideoRobot should be your number one option.  VideoRobot
This is another in a row video production app that I will review here. Videos are bringing more and more traffic and that is the reason why we want better and more developed video program. This VideoRobot review will eliminate your doubts about the program. From the conclusion of the article you ought to know whether it's wise to invest in this program.
VideoRobot Review
As sellers claims VideoRobot is a next-generation movie technologies software that's much ahead of the opponents. I would not fully agree with this but I could honestly state that this cloud-based application has some cutting-edge features that other video creation apps doesn't. This application is very similar to the last one which I have reviewed here on The Geek Review
VideoRobot is made for creating animation videos, whiteboard videos, live-action videos, explainer videos, sales videos etc... The difference between this one and the other is quality and features. Along with the membership you get access to 300 completed for you templates that are ready to begin with. This is the most important difference between VideoRobot along with other video production apps. Ready-to-use templates actually simplify and accelerate your job.
Obviously, VR has some common features like text features, building your own cartoon from scratch, female and male voiceovers, pre-made graphics and so forth.
Below I'll describe a standard process of producing a video from begin to finish.
Step 1
At step one, you need to choose a type of video.
Measure 2
At the next step, you have to pick out a template. You are able to search them by key word and it's very helpful because as I've mentioned previously -- VR offers about 300 of pre-made templates. Every one of the templates can be previewed. And remember that each template has its male and female voiceover.
Measure 3
In that scenario, you'll need to choose your actor (avatar), both male and female can be found.
Step 4
Here you are going got picked a voice and choose whether to use or not a desktop clip. In "Choose a voice" part you can utilize pre-made voiceover, give a text into speech, record your own audio or add a media library document.
Measure 5
In the next step, you are able to decide on a logo, position of this logo, background and your contact information. This step is called "Personalize video".
Step 6
It is the last thing, but it's also the most developed one. You may add elements such as -- media, text, intro and outro cartoons, lower thirds, text animations and effects -- only to record the most crucial.
Overall I can say it's very developed but also very simple and fast to use. Recommended for everyone.
0 notes
Line Play Free Gems?
Great Offensive Line Play (Seriously) Has Some Teams Rediscovering The Run The game of chess is believed to have originated in India, from where it moved to Europe and the Middle East. Anyone can play games but try to play game and you will find a whole new world, its free and there are games for every body, boy or girl, young or old. There is a mind boggling ensemble of kinds and kinds of games that you can play online game. Whether you are interested in Sports, Racing, Flying, Movies, Puzzles, Action, Adventure, Fun, Multiplayer or Platform there are all kinds of games designed that you can play online. The entire phenomenon of this gaming industry is a genre and both multiplayer games and single-player games are equally famous. On Amazon, or any online shopping store, finding the lowest price can be difficult, not to mention nerve-wracking. That's why we've put together these four things you should always line play info remember when shopping on Amazon. The tips herein should help you make better purchasing decisions and ensure that you're buying your items at an optimal time and price. Instead, actual human interaction in LINE Play is limited to the form of a chat window that is nearly identical to LINE's. User avatars are of course displayed in the messaging window, complete with some nice fluid animations. However the redundancy makes the entire communication aspect of LINE Play seem stale and redundant. This is especially true given the more common use of regular old LINE, its ease of usage, and fans already investing into LINE's stickers (which are not accessible through LINE Play). During part of my testing, I had the Play:5 on my desk and used it as a PC speaker. Being able to play my PC's audio wholesale throughout the house is useful, especially if I'm listening to a video podcast or watching a football game in my browser and need to head to the kitchen to grab some food. There's a tiny bit line play of lag, which it seems is a necessity to sync the audio across the entire house. It's not enough to make lip syncing a huge problem for movies, and games worked well enough also. So, although Sonos probably doesn't want you to use its flagship speaker to blast out YouTube clips, the Play:5 is more than capable. Next in 1985, AOL (then called Quantum Computer Services) launched an online service for Commodore 64 and 128 computers called Quantum Link This was the start of the AOL Internet subscription service that went on to give millions of people their first access to the Internet... and it shouldn't surprise anyone the four core services of the product were email, chat, news, AND online gaming (including the first online casino - RabbitJack's Casino). These online games are also accessible for everyone. The rules are thoroughly explained, so that anyone can try the game. There is even a demo of the game where one can figure out some tricks that may come in handy during the game. And remember, if you want to become good at a game and go to the nest level, you have to train and play a lot. As a rule, these online games are designed in different levels, and the aim of the game is to get to the highest level possible. With its skimpy battery life, you'll only be able to play for so long. Nintendo is claiming the tablet will last between 2.5 and 6 hours, depending on the game (the company says The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will endure for three hours on the tablet). At first I looked at an adapter from Shure itself, the MPA-3C , but at US$75 on Amazon, it's extremely expensive compared to other solutions. It also doesn't appear to support all the functions that newer inline remotes offer, like volume control. line play game The Monster iSoniTalk adapter came out around the same time and is far less expensive, but it wasn't clear from the product description if it supported more functions than the Shure adapter or not, like VoiceOver or track skipping.
0 notes
VideoRobot Review
Frankly speaking, it is great video production program. The thing I like the most is that the easy-to-follow process of movie creation. In other apps such as this one, a few of the measures were unclear for me. Here is instinctive. And naturally, 300 pre-made templates are also something special for this sort of tool. If you're seeking animation video applications then VideoRobot should become your number one option.
This is another in a row video production app that I will review here. Videos are bringing an increasing number of visitors and that's why we want more and better developed video software. This VideoRobot review will eliminate your doubts about the app. From the end of the article you ought to know whether it is wise to invest in this program.
VideoRobot Bonuses
As sellers claims VideoRobot is a next-generation video technology software that is much ahead of their competitors. I would not fully agree with that but I can honestly say that this cloud-based application has some cutting-edge attributes which other video production apps doesn't. This program is very like the last one which I've reviewed on The Geek Review VideoRobot Review
VideoRobot is made for creating animation movies, whiteboard videos, live-action videos, explainer videos, sales videos and so on... The distinction between this one and another is quality and attributes. Together with the membership you get access to 300 done for you templates which are ready to begin with. This is the main difference between VideoRobot and other video creation programs. Ready-to-use templates actually simplify and accelerate your own work.
Obviously, VR has some common features like text features, creating your own animation from scratch, female and male voiceovers, pre-made graphics and so forth.
Below I will describe a standard process of creating a movie from start to finish.
Step 1
At the first step, you have to choose a kind of video. There are 4 options to Begin using -- 3D Avatar Templates, Kinetic Animation Templates, Whiteboard Animation Templates and Blank Template.
Step Two
In the next step, you have to choose a template. You can search them by key word and it's very helpful since I have mentioned earlier -- VR offers about 300 of pre-made templates. Each of the templates can be previewed. And remember that each template has its female and male voiceover.
Measure 3
In that case, you'll have to choose your celebrity (avatar), both male and female are available.
Measure 4
Here you're going got chose a voice and choose whether to utilize or not a desktop clip. In "Choose a voice" component it is possible to use pre-made voiceover, give a text into speech, record your audio or add a media library file.
Measure 5
In the fifth step, you can choose a logo, position of the logo, background along with your contact info. This measure is known as "Personalize video".
Measure 6
It is the last step, but it's also the most developed one. You may add elements like -- text, media, intro and outro cartoons, lower thirds, text animations and effects -- just to list the most important.
Overall I could say it's very developed but also very easy and fast to use. Recommended for everyone.
0 notes