#i remember when i first watched this video
bi-writes · 6 hours
simon buying the reader pads in the latest MOB reminded me of that pic of the guy being like “aight babe i’m in the pad aisle what size pussy you wear”
100% simon the first time he goes out to get pads, just zero idea how it works
i mean i agree that simon knows literally 0 at first, but if you asked him to go to the store for you, he would 100% do research before.
like...he's sitting there reading articles and watching youtube videos, and when he's satisfied he understands, all he asks is the size you want and goes to buy it for you.
no fuss. no mess. all capability. easy. and fuck, it's sexy. he brings you exactly what you want in the brand you prefer in the sizes that you asked for and that's that.
oh, and he remembers it, too. and every month around the same time, your bathroom is restocked with everything you need. and you don't even need to tell him; he just knows.
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enden-agolor · 3 days
you CANNOT just post that and not tell us the back story
Oh boy okay here we go
randy x andy lore 🙈
I'll just post the context of the comic with a bit of lore and backstory.
So I already stated that Andy and I have been friends since 6th grade. I think that's about 16 years of knowing each other now? Well, friendship was kind of a struggle for me because of uh.. my home situation. The thought of having people over was very frightening and embarrassing, but Andy never really judged me or let any of that stuff get in the way of us being friends, but regardless, I almost always spent the night at his place whenever we would hang out. I'd walk about three miles to his place almost every weekend because he was only a few neighborhoods away. Anyways, so we had a lot of sleepovers and most of the time I would sleep on the floor in his room which like. Cool. Not gay. Whatever.
Well. I recall a discussion we had when we were about 13 (I think this was in 2010 or 2011) on facebook where we were just talking about personal stuff and I confessed I'd never really experienced any positive physical affection before? Nothing of note came out of that conversation, but apparently Andy remembered that.
Next time I went to his place for a sleepover, it felt no different than any other time we'd hang out. Playing video games or watching youtube or just hanging out outside. Well come bed time I remember going with him to his room and.. In a random change of events, he told me to get in the bed. I remember being hella confused and hesitant but I did and ended up just laying there awkwardly, him kinda laughing and telling me to turn around and scoot over, again my dumbass was really awkward about it. He shut off the light and crawled into bed after me and without saying ANYTHING just wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. It's been well over a decade since this happened and I still remember the shock and confusion. I remember full body trembling and tensing and trying to control it because I just did not know how to react. And he'd asked if I was okay and I just responded with a stuttered "yeah." He ends up falling asleep like that and when I tell you I stayed up all night staring at the wall next to me and just. Experiencing that feeling of being held for the first time it was extraordinary.
It became a constant need after that but because I was afraid of being gay and uh. Also am just very shy in general. I would never ask for it and would instead just hope it would happen again which.. it did. And then my emotions kinda spiraled and it was very easy to fall for him.
But yeah Andy made me gay and I never dated anyone else before because I saved myself for him for many years after that happened. Just constantly cuddling as friends. I seriously can't ever imagine being with anyone else. He is kind of cool idk
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little regressor reader with wukong and macaque oneshot
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You occasionally forgot that sometimes both of your boyfriends stop by without telling you and of course, it had to be the one night you were regressed. Your favorite soft blankets are on the floor with one of them hanging over you like a canopy and one of your favorite plushes in your hand while you watch your favorite movie you watched during your childhood. Your mind is preoccupied with the colorful pictures flashing across the screen on your laptop. When you felt your mind start falling into that fuzzy place you quickly got changed out of your professional work clothes.
The soft and fuzzy fabric clothes eliminate any overstimulation and the yummy snack in the big bowl in front of you with a bag of candy you’d gotten as a reward for all the overtime you had worked this week on the side. When you’re regressed you’re usually non-verbal and have around a 6-year-old mindset but the only ones who even knew were Mei and MK who accidentally found out. The only reason they even found out was that you weren’t answering their texts and burst into your apartment only to see you in your living room watching Bluey happily.
The happy mood quickly changed when you started tearing up and ran into your room hoping that both of you could forget the last couple minutes, it only took a couple of minutes though for them to convince you it was okay and remember you were still regressed. For the next hour, Mei played puppy videos for you while she stopped MK from eating all of your snacks and eventually bingeing a whole season of Monkey King the Animated Series which was mostly MK’s idea. Usually, whenever you felt like you were slipping you would call those two but both of them were busy so you decided to set yourself up with a movie and such for the night.
You ate another piece of candy and were more focused on the movie you were watching when you heard a knock on your window, turned to it with your soft plushie in hand, and locked eyes with both of your boyfriends. Panic shot through you and in an instant, you grabbed your phone, ran into your closet, and shutting it. Wukong and Macaque came over to hang out with you since this week had been busy for all of you but they hadn’t expected this.
Of course, both of their first thoughts were that you were adorable in that outfit and it only made them want to cuddle you even more. “Sunshine, what’s the matter? It’s just us.” the king asked in a concerned tone. However, when they saw you cry in shock at you seeing them Wukong climbed through the window while Macaque portaled in and crouched next to the closet. “What’s wrong, lotus? Is everything okay?” he asked softly and knocked gently on the door. You couldn’t help the whimpers that came out and shakily found Mei’s contact, slowly typing the situation and wiping the tears falling down your cheeks.
Wukong had crouched next to Macaque outside the closet and looked around your room, noticing all the comfy blankets and pillows that created a safe and cozy vibe. It was endearing and frankly adorable to them both but you were in distress and that took priority over anything. You hiccuped but called Mei and put her on speaker as instructed. “It’s alright, Name. I promise that they both won’t judge you and if they do I’ll test if they really are immortal.” Mei said and growled through the phone. Both monkeys stilled when they heard Mei’s threat and Wukong started sputtering out that he’d never judge you only to be hit in the head by the warrior beside him.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed tiredly. “Let the dragon girl explain before we go jumping to conclusions.” he groaned and sat down a foot away from the closet, Wukong following him and watching you crack the door open just a bit. You could make out both of them through your tears and slide the phone to them, holding on tight to your plushie and hoping Mei would take care of everything despite not being there. “First off, Name I’m sorry MK and I couldn’t be there and could you pretty please open the door enough to let them see you? Could you also knock when you’ve done it?” she asked and waited till you knocked after opening the door enough, still curling in on yourself and flicking your eyes back and forth.
”Good job, Name! Such a good job!” she praised and you smiled a bit, rubbing your cheek with one hand and sniffling. “Secondly, this is for you both, this is a healthy coping mechanism called age regression that’s used by people who suffer from different kinds of trauma and people mentally and emotionally return to a younger age. It’s not often seen as “normal” by society because people are jerks but the age ranges from person to person. Name is usually around the age of 6 or 7 and normally non-verbal when they regress.” she explained and you teared up again when Mei mentioned how trauma is often a cause, tightly hugging your plushie and staring at the phone when you felt both pairs of eyes on you.
Both simians’ hearts sank when she explained it as a coping mechanism for trauma and how it must have been weighing on you if either of them found out. Macaque got the general idea of it and now understood why you hadn’t spoken at all, interacting wouldn’t be an issue since he was already good at reading micro-expressions and smiling softly at you from across the phone. “Okay, I think I get it now. It should be easy hopefully to pick up from where they left off before we got here and I’m guessing that they’ll be more emotionally sensitive,” he asked and nodded when Mei confirmed as Wukong looked at you with pity.
It must have been nerve-racking keeping this big of a secret from them both and he couldn’t be mad at you for something this safe to you. His tail lay limp on the floor as you tentatively looked up with tears sometimes falling down your cheeks and he reached out a hand before stopping since you still looked a bit scared. The tough chest armor he was wearing didn’t help him seem cuddly and he took it off before leaving in a random corner of your room, standing up much to his partner’s chagrin and walking over to snatch a couple of candies from the bowl you had. “What you doing? Were you listening to anything of what Mei said?” the shadow monkey asked annoyed.
The king carefully sat back down next to him and gave him one of the pieces of candy he had. By now Mei had hung up and given you the phone back. “I was listening and I’m going to help them calm down!” he retorted and popped one of them in his mouth. As expected it tasted tasty and he looked toward Macaque who also copied him, humming when he ate it and shifting his gaze toward you. You pouted when your boyfriend stole three pieces of your favorite candy and narrowed your eyes when Wukong offered the third piece to you.
“Why don’t you have some? It’s yummy!” he said and further stretched out his hand to you, “Also sorry I technically stole it.” You carefully to the candy from his hand and popped it into his mouth while both monkeys bickered with one another. “Wow, THE Great Sage apologized for stealing?” Macaque sassed him and dramatically put a hand on his chest while you unwrapped the candy, smiling at them both and slowly shuffling over to Wukong. You climbed onto his lap and left your plushie on the floor so you could squish his face with both hands. “Wu Wu” you murmured and cooed which got the attention of both lovers.
They both looked at you as they talked to one another while you stayed confused but happily played with the loose bits of clothing. “Didn’t Mei say they didn’t speak when they regressed?” Wukong asked with a raised brow and briefly glanced at you who didn’t seem to have a care in the world at the moment. “No she said they’re normally non-verbal but seeing as we’re their lovers I’m guessing this is going to be usually as it goes. Your nickname is cute though.” he teased him and you then sat on Macaque’s lap, ignoring the eye roll he got. You got distracted by the very soft fabric of his scarf and nuzzled your face into it. “Mac.” you murmured and decided that it was better than most of your blankets.
Wukong started laughing richly and quickly moved to the nearby laptop and unpaused to the movie when Macaque portaled you both over to the blanket-like nest, moving you to face forward and letting you have his scarf while you were regressed. “Someone’s soft aren’t they?” Wukong teased back and wrapped his tail around your waist, ruffling your hair and passing the snacks to you. He then remembered you had dropped your plushie on the ground when you went to hug him and went to get it however you whined when he got up. Both of them found it adorably cute and you gripped his shirt, looking at him and tugging him back to you. They would look forward to this every time you regressed.
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parkersgnome · 1 day
⭐️Mima Rants⭐️
I remember coming across slideshow on tik tok this about a year ago, and even *I* (as someone who used to be grossed out by proshipping) thought was ridiculous…
This is the title of the slideshow.
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Just a heads up guys, just like our favorite ships, None of these stories are real.
And if they were based on actual events, wouldn’t it make more sense to make a video about that instead of making up shit that never happened?
But, Let’s go through each of these as if they were real stories, shall we?
First one
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“Caleb uses the internet to deal with his trauma”, Alright, I’m gonna stop you right there.
Isn’t “Staying off the internet is beneficial for your mental health” something we learned in, idk, fucking grade school? Cyber safety PSAs in middle school? Something that dozens of people have screeched from the top of their lungs since social media was invented?
Who the heck told him that being on the internet was going to help with his trauma and improve his mental health???
His feelings are valid, I get that. He has every right to be disturbed by Sage’s writings and fantasies. However, it seems that Sage isn't encouraging these actions in real life and keeps them strictly within fiction. As long as it’s in text or art, Sage has every right to express his fantasies.
Anyways, Caleb should seek a better therapist who can teach him better coping mechanisms like going out for walks, yoga, baking, or some other fourth thing instead of browsing social media where there’s a good chance he can run into something that makes him uncomfortable.
Next one…
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“Jackie is 10-”
Yeah no no no no no no.. no… NO.
10-years-old. That’s, like, what? 4th grade? Shouldn’t Jackie be watching cartoons, playing with toys, or better yet, playing outside? Why did her parents give her internet access? Why aren’t they monitoring what their elementary schooled daughter is watching online?
If Charlie was going out of her way to promote this to minors then I would say she’s in the wrong, but this story never implies whether her content was specifically targeted to and/or letting minors come on to her account.
I've never seen proshippers create accounts specifically targeting children. If Charlie makes it clear her content isn't for kids, then it's not her fault if some random little girl she doesn’t know ends up consuming it.
If Jackie thought this was normal and ended up being groomed/assaulted by her brother, then it is her parent’s fault for neglecting her online safety and allowing her to access adult-targeted content at an age when media literacy is at an all time low.
The last one
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“dEGenErates LiKE hiM 🤓” 💀💀
Once again, unless you can present to me a REAL LIFE incest/pedophilia case where proshipping was involved, this is not a valid argument that fiction affects reality.
Alas, we're treating these stories as if they were real. If Trey feels compelled to SA his sister after seeing writings or drawings of problematic ships, this suggests he’s likely an untreated mentally ill individual, especially since he can't differentiate fiction from reality.
What? If Trey played GTA V and started shooting and robbing a bank because he wanted to be like Trevor Phillips, should we consider banning violent video games?
As proshippers, we do not endorse real-life criminals and genuinely terrible people. The essence of proshipping is that all negative or degenerate actions should be confined to fiction. Understand?
End of discussion.
Anyway, as ridiculous as that slideshow was, please refrain from harassing or bothering the artist who made it. They have the same freedom of speech we do, and stooping to harassment and bullying wouldn't make us any better than antis who promote such behavior.
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curio-queries · 2 days
I saw Jungkook's documentary this weekend and have just a few thoughts. If you're avoiding spoilers, don't click the cut!
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The Hybe Documentary Format
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So...as a reminder to you all, I do not have professional expertise in the film industry. I'm just a very discerning consumer. I also haven't seen Hobi's documentary and I watched Road to D-Day while I was quite ill last year so I only vaguely remember some bits. (I'll definitely be getting back to those sooner rather than later though as research for a series of posts I'm developing.) That being said, I think we have enough data points to state that Hybe has absolutely no interest in filmmaking techniques outside of music videos.
I did mostly enjoy my experience seeing this film yesterday and I'm always grateful for any amount of footage the members are willing to share with us but this 'documentary ' was worse than Jimin's Production Diary. Any of you that managed to make it through my rambling review will know how dissatisfied I was with that.
I Am Still is not a documentary, it's a mixture of showcase footage and behind-the-scenes clips, most of which has already been divulged in the various episodes and shooting sketches on YouTube. Honestly, if you're not able to see the film, just go rewatch all of the bangtantv content for JKs solo period and the showcase and you'll be up to speed with 85% of what was in the documentary.
There are definitely some expansions to the storylines featured in the bangtantv content; mostly being anything that wasn't overtly optimistic. For example, we learn a little bit more about just how sick JK was during the Seven/3D promotions. That content likely was pulled from the bangtantv edit because it would have put a damper on the promotions and given certain 'fans' a focus to fixate their vitriol. But overall, it feels more like an extended version of existing content rather than a new work. At least JPD didn't continually feed us footage we'd seen before.
I'm someone who gets completely bothered by previews spoiling content so I didn't watch any of the promos until after I saw it and I am so glad I skipped them because most of the 'original' scenes of the film were featured in least one of them. Alas, that's a separate issue of which I'm definitely in the minority.
Was There No Structure?
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Kinda. Like JPD, there is a semblance of a structure: Attempting to follow the chronology of release activities for JKs GOLDEN album through the lens of JKs staement trying to prove that he is still worthy of everything he was being hailed as during the BTS group activities but I don't feel this was successfully executed. It jumps round enough and isn't very successful in explaining the events if you didn't already know about them. The film starts with the SEVEN performance at GMA and footage that we've already seen of JK recording SEVEN, not mentioning anything about the music video or really how JK got involved with the song in the first place. The rest of the story beats have similar missing points.
They have a vague narrative with the 'I Am Still' points but that's mostly carried by subs and a couple of moments that JK mentions himself. I'm not saying it's not true or wasn't top-of-mind for JK during this process but it's not the main point of many of the moment/messages he shared with us during this time period so it feels a little disingenuous since everything else jn this film really only makes sense if you've already seen quite a lot of behind-the-scenes content.
Honestly, it makes me question the intended audience. Obviously, they know that ARMY will shell out whatever we need to when there's new content from our members but most of us will have already seen all of the bangtantv content so we are already familiar with the most of the footage in this film. I genuinely don't think this was produced in such a way to be palatable for audiences not familiar with BTS so who does that leave? Our friends and family that are peripherally aware of the content but haven't learned the basics of JKs album? ARMY with short term memories only?
But again, it seems this film was compiled by an editing team and not lead by a director with experience in crafting a documentary. The only new footage that Ican guarantee was captured with the express purpose of being included in this film was the few clips of JK talking in the practice room with the albums displayed by him. But we all know that's where all of the promo clips were gathered as well. I have issues with that approach as well but I'll leave this point alone for now unless anyone is interested.
Suffice it to say, all of these suppositions over the past year about how JKs documentary was getting special treatment or even questioning about investment in a project up front are dead. This was a product assembled with bits of what they already had completely in-house which was sold for distribution.
So, Did We Learn NOTHING?
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No, there are a few Golden nuggets (see what I did there?). I can't recall everything having only seen it once (and having a rather disruptive audience - I swear there were only dozen or so ppl in my theater but I forget how obnoxious teenagers can be. I'm glad they're enjoying and supporting but we really didn't need light sticks flashing during a film and how many times does one person need to get up to answer their phone during this runtime? Three according to the row in front of mine.)
Anyway, something I thought was interesting to learn was that Standing Next To You was initially recorded the day after JK heard it for the first time. And hearing a little more about how JK yearned to perform that song definitelygot me thinking a little more about it. We can't reach any conclusions just with this little nugget but it does open the door to some theories. Like perhaps they were initially planning to have JK record two separate albums? SEVEN and 3D would be the singles of the first and JK would perform them as we saw but perhaps STNY was originally planned to be the single of the 2nd album that would release while he was in the military and thus be unable to perform it? Maybe JK loved STNY so much that everything was grouped into one album and Never Let Go was the only track held back for ms? Definitely some theorizing space to be had now.
Final thoughts?
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Similar to my thoughts on the GCF: Budapest (which I feel would have had a much better reception if it had been labeled as a bangtan episode rather than a GCF), I AM Still should not have purported to be a documentary. It was much more similar to the annual Memories compilations. But the general public would not have shelled out the $25 to go to a theater to watch a Memories DVD so alas, we have our content packaged as a ~documentary~...
Did my view on the music change at all? Not because of the documentary. We're coming up on the year anniversary of GOLDEN and it's still definitely not my favorite. I completely understand why some people like it but it's just not to my taste. The overall impact falls a little flat for me. Too much breadth and not enough depth. I came into my musical soul during the 00s emo phase and will always be a sucker for music that absolutely drips in an emotional way rather than catchy songs vaguely referencing heartache and love. Again, just a matter of viewpoint.
I do think most of these songs stand much better being shuffled amongst other artists in a Playlist and several of them are significantly better when JK sang them live but I still won't be listening to them regularly. I wholeheartedly believe JK completed his task of proving himself as an extremely dedicated and versatile singer and performer. He's definitely got some solid points added to his resume after this project.
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homesick4la · 1 day
the kiss — hamzahthefantastic
summary: after being just friends for a while, one night at a drive-in theater changes everything.
contains: smoking, a little nsfw- heavy making out
a/n: i haven’t written anything in literally two years but the hamzah edits have brought me back to writing fan fiction…. also i did not proofread sorry…im lazy!
after bringing down all the seats in hamzah’s car and spreading several throw blankets around, the two of you laid comfortably in the back. you had convinced him to take you to the drive-in to see the newest addition to the “x” trilogy- “maxxxine”, promising that you’d help him edit his next youtube video.
as the movie begins, you two settle underneath a large blanket, laying just a foot apart. hamzah pulls out the small weed pen that always seemed to be in his pocket. without saying a word, he instinctually hands you the pen and turns to look at you. he’d always enjoyed watching as you’d bring the small device to your lips and gently blow out the smoke. in the past, he’d told you that he liked to watch you smoke because the way you coughed after hit was funny.
the reality was that he just found you so fucking pretty. he couldn’t help but stare at the way your soft lips pursed together and your cheeks hollowed out when you sucked from the pen. and he absolutely loved the big smile you’d give him while trying to contain your cough.
“god this thing is so burnt”, you chuckle, handing it back to him.
“i know, i’m gonna get a new one tomorrow so we can finish this one tonight.” hamzah explained before taking a hit. you admired him as he closed his eyes and tilted his head back before releasing the smoke from his mouth. god he was so hot. you’d always found him attractive and smoking made those thoughts in your head grow louder.
after passing the pen back and forth for a while, you two could no longer focus on the thriller movie playing in front of you- the weed making you both so giggly and talkative.
“bro remember when you fell at the fair,” hamzah says, out of breath from laughing at the memory.
“stop, that was so bad! i literally still have a scar from that, look!” you lift your forearm to his eye level, revealing a small, red scar near your elbow.
his fingers trace the small scar. “you only had half a white claw and it had you falling over”, he laughs.
“shut up- i tripped on your big ass foot and you know it.”
“yeah, yeah, whatever- hey what’s even going on right now?” he gestures to the movie.
“i have no clue.” your reply, sending you both into a laughing fit. as your laughter begins to fade, you turn to look back at hamzah. the moment you two make eye contact, his smile fades. he stares and stares and stares. leaving you in a confusing, unnerving silence.
“uh- well even though we’re not even watching the movie, thank you for doing this with me.” you break the silence, giving him a small smile. “i’ve had a pretty shitty week, so i needed this.”
“yeah me too.” his voice is soft, quieter than before. “i always feel better when i’m around you.”
you smile. you weren’t used to hamzah saying sweet things like that- you two were always so unserious when talking.
“i- uh i’ve always liked being around you and talking with you,” he looked around nervously. “and i always thought we’d be just friends but y/n, i like you. i like you- not just in a friend way.” he admitted- the weed making him feel a little bolder than usual.
you giggle, “thank god because i’ve the most embarrassing crush on you for so long.”
hamzah’s eyes light up, “and you never said anything?” he laughs.
“no, i was scared you didn’t like me like that!”
he smiles widely, “i like you like that.” he reassures.
you start retelling the story about when you guys first met, revealing that you had liked him ever since then. his eyes are locked on yours- occasionally glancing down at your lips. as you’re talking, his hand finds its way to yours- gently laying on top of it. it lingers there for a few seconds before tracing up your arm. his cold fingertips drag along your forearm, all the way up to your shoulder, and to the side of your neck. eventually, he places his hand on your cheek. he rubs his thumb back and forth as you continue talking, but you soon go quiet. his touch causing you to lose your train of thought.
you stare into his big brown eyes- smiling at what a sweet moment this was.
“y/n, can i kiss you?” hamzah said softly. a light nervous chuckle echoed at the end. you nodded quickly, looking up at him through glossy eyes.
he wasted no time connecting his lips with yours. his hands cradled your face as he kissed you softly.
the kiss was innocent. slow and sweet. but as you grew comfortable, it became apparent that there was a certain hunger within both of you.
his hands move from your face down to your waist. he pulls you in closer, pressing your bodies together.
you part your lips slightly, allowing his tongue to slip into your mouth effortlessly. his hands grab ahold of your hips before shifting your bodies so he could hover on top of you.
the kisses get messier and messier. he pulls away, planting a kiss on your jaw.
“been..waiting..for this..for s’ long.” he says between the kisses he’s leaving along the side of your neck.
you hum as he continues kissing down to your collarbone. you grip onto his biceps as his fingers slide under the thin straps of your tank top.
just before he can continue, a loud scream erupts from the screen. being brought back to reality, the two of you stop. the thought of you two hooking up at a drive-in move like teenagers makes the both of you laugh.
he lays down aside you once again, draping his arm over your shoulder. “we’ll continue this later- without the sounds of people getting murdered in the background y’know.”
“yeah i’d like that”, you smile. “but take me out to dinner first.” you tease.
“oouu,” he chuckles at your comment. “we’ll go wherever you want.” he states before planting a kiss to your temple and turning his attention to the movie.
a/n- i feel like this is so bad and cringe and kinda short.…i just may never write again….jk…but seriously don’t judge i haven’t written in forever jus wanted to write something for funsies
let me know if u guys want more k bye muah
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little-miss-shay · 2 days
★ . . . LIPGLOSS - chris sturniolo
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Genre - fluff
Pairings - bestfriend!chris x fem!reader
WARNINGS - making out, pervy!chris, slight flirty!chris
tell me if i forgot any warnings !
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You set up the camera, and set it to focus. You and Chris stood back and started your channel's intro.
"Hey guys! Welcome back, today me and Chris are going to be trying out these newly released lipglosses" you started, gesturing to chris when you introduced him.
Chris wasn't new on your channel at all, you had been best friends since year 12, and both heavily supported each other.
Once you had finished your intro, you got into the first lipgloss. "this one's pretty cheap, around $9 i'd say", you said turning to chris.
He looked at you with a lazy smile, "i really gotta put this sparkly shit on??" he joked, knowing you'd already begged him before the video.
"christopher..." you warned, getting ready to force the lipgloss all over him. "okay, okay" he said, putting his hands up defensively.
You opened the lipgloss, and put the product on yours, and chris's fingers, watching him to make sure he actually put it on.
He turned to you, seeing the shimmery effect on your lips. He couldn't help but think how plump, and glossy your lips looked.
They looked so ready to have another pair onto them.
You fully turned to him, seeing he was already looking at your, with some unrecognisable manner. You couldn't help but stifle a laugh seeing his lips covered with a pink, shimmer tint.
He looked away, with red tinted cheeks, "stop that.. its not funny!" he said, almost trying not to laugh himself.
"sorry chrissy!", you said, knowing the nickname would annoy him. As always you were right, noticing his playful death stare.
"shut uppppp.." he replied.
You passed him a tissue, gesturing that he had to take it off, for the next one.
You held up another lipgloss to the screen. It was a glossy, red tinted lipgloss. "now this one, i've already tried at tara's one mil party, but since you guys kept bugging me what lippies i used that night, i'll show ya"
Chris remembered the night, how delicious the red looked on you, and how it laid on your lips, making it look silky smooth.
You gathered a bit onto the tip of chris's finger, and got the excess on yours, onto your top lip. Rubbing the red tint onto your lips, you turned to chris.
He looked up, and couldn't help but drool a river, seeing you wear that glistening red, that brought out the best in you.
"what d'you think of this one chris? i think it makes me look amazing!" you sassily remarked, posing jokingly.
"girl thinks she's in a edit" he joked, mocking your movements. "but.. uh it looked real nice, actually" he continued.
You smiled sweetly to him, kissing him on the cheek. His red tinted cheeks, brightening even more, which didn't go unnoticed by you. "thank you christopherrrr"
He couldn't help it, it was all to much. Your smooth, tinted lips were practically forcing him to kiss you.
You turned around, just to have chris's lips slam into yours.
You instantly freezed, clueless in what to do. You had no idea, the only thing ringing in your head was to just relax and reciprocate it.
Your lips moved against your, chris humming with content. His tongue grazed your bottom lip, gripping harder on your waist as you parted your lips.
Your hands met his hair, as you slightly pulled. You heard him let out a groan, your stomach swirling with excitment.
You both finally pulled away, meeting chris's face. Seeing him with raw lips, flushed cheeks and slightly ruffled hair.
"that's a good lipgloss" he breathed out.
❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝❞ ❝
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watermelongirl01 · 3 days
The Boy
Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
Criminal Minds x Supernatural
Summary: A new case appears and Hotch and Jack ask for your help.
Content Warning: Violence, Homicide Talk, Ghosts.
Note: So, I had a little delay cause I usually write at midnight, but with the whole ghost thing I scared myself JAJAJ so I had to stop and watch funny videos and then do it all over again, but I hope you like it.
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It was at 2:00 am when Hotch heard a door squeak, it took a couple of minutes for him to realize it was from Jack’s room, and he immediately jumped out of his bed, ran to the door as fast as his legs let him, he left his room ready to get in between of any danger and his son. Hotch frowned in confusion when he met with two boys playing in his living room, or that’s what he thought because only Jack was there when he approached.
“Jack, to bed now.” Hotch said exasperated. 
This wasn't the first time Jack got out of bed at midnight just to play with his toys, which caused many scoldings for Jack, not just from his father, but also in school for falling asleep in class, this was becoming a routine, and for the fourth time in two weeks, Jack had the same excuse.
“It was his idea, I swear.” Hotch squeezed the bridge of his nose.
Jack had recently acquired an imaginary friend named Tommy, he would make him wake up in the middle of the night just to play, or sometimes stay at home instead of going to soccer practice, even if that was Jack's favorite thing to do. The change alerted Hotch, so he quickly took his son to the little boy's therapist. She said it was a common phase for a child like Jack and would end in a matter of time, But it was starting to mess with both father and son´s sleeping schedule. 
“This has to end Jack, we both need to rest.” Hotch took his son´s hand to walk him to bed, but Jack quickly left his side to grab his new favorite stuffed animal. 
He never left the house without it, and at this point, Hotch didn’t even remember ever buying said toy, but Jack insisted the toy was a gift for him from a garage sale they went to.
The next morning was a handful for Hotch, Jack didn't want to go to school, and many cries were invading The Hotchner’s residence, Jack didn't eat a single bite and as a consequence, Hotch didn't either. Father and son were wrapped in an argument when suddenly a glass of orange juice was thrown against the wall next to Hotch’s head causing a small cut on the right side of his face, both were surprised, but fear invaded Hotch when the temperature in the kitchen dropped enough to see his warm breath coming out as small trails of smoke, He knew what that meant, you taught him enough.
“Tommy doesn´t like grown-ups, he said they all should die.” That sentence left Hotch frozen, he needed you right now.
“Jack, I need you to get into the car, we are going with Aunt Jessica.” The child stayed silent for a while, analyzing the possibility, but nodded and grabbed his toy to tag along with his frantic father.
Hotch let Jessica know it was an emergency and left in a hurry to get to the FBI building hoping to arrive fast enough before your monthly meeting with the FBI director, and he managed to catch you at the door of your office.
“Hey there early bird!” You smiled at the view of Hotch, but the same smile faded when you noticed his demeanor. “Are you okay?”
“I think there’s a ghost at my house.” Your eyes widened. “I need your help.”
“What!?” You squealed, attracting the attention of a few agents, you excused yourself from them and took Hotch’s arm to get him into your office and sit him on your little couch. “Are you sure?”
You didn't give it a second thought and canceled all your meetings, allowing Hotch to take all the time he needed to explain to you all he had experienced recently, from the imaginary friend and the sudden behavior changes in Jack to the morning incident.  
“So, cold spots, imaginary friends, how long has this been going on?”
“Around two weeks.” Hotch answered. “Is Jack in danger?”
“Well, I'm going to take a guess, and say that you are in more danger than he is.” You said while pointing at his wound. “But let's not jump to conclusions that fast. First, it is really weird that this is just happening now and not when you first moved in.”
“You think my apartment is haunted?”
“No, not necessarily, have you bought something weird or old recently?”
Hotch just shrunk his shoulders. “I can’t remember, Would you take a look for me?”
“Let me drive you to my house then.”
And if this wouldn't be a risky situation you would’ve absolutely made a joke about it.
Hotch drove you to his house, you could tell he was worried, he wouldn’t stop asking questions about ghosts every five minutes, and then stay silent for another five. Which was a pretty good reaction for his first time dealing with supernatural things, and being honest it was way better than your first time.
When arriving at Hotch's home, only five words couldn’t stop repeating in your head; “Please don’t be a poltergeist, Please don’t be a poltergeist.” Now, someone might think that after being a hunter for almost your whole life, you can’t dislike dealing with some types of creatures, but the truth is that you do, there’s nothing you hate more than hunting spirits and all that bullshit of “Just a salt and burn” Cause it’s never just a salt and burn. The Winchesters and your father think you are still afraid of them and they might be right, but you are never going to admit it, and you are for sure never sharing this information with Hotch.
“Alright, I'm just going to need around 20 minutes in your house to register everything.” You said while getting a big duffel bag out of your trunk.
“You are going to need all of that?”
“And I'm just supposed to let you alone in a house where there's probably a dangerous ghost?”
“I’ll be fine, I’ve dealt with a lot of spirits, Hotch.”
“I know you are an expert, just humor me and let me come with you.” You sighted.
Let’s not get this wrong, there’s nothing bad with having a protective, hot, brave, with his beefy arms and broad shoulders Hotchner, beside you. But after your little stabby accident, Hotch is a little bit overprotective. And you are afraid he doesn’t trust you anymore, you thought this was your chance to prove yourself again, but it seems like it’s just the same.
Although this was his house and his rules, so you decided to let him come with you to guide you through the house.
When both of you got inside his home you handed him an iron rod, while you took your shotgun filled with salt munitions.
He looked at you expectantly. “I left my other shotgun at my house, sorry. But if you see a ghost just hit it with it.” You gave him a thumbs-up while you took out a device.
“What 's that?” He asked 
“An EMF meter, it’s going to beep if there’s a ghost here.” 
“You think it could be a friendly ghost?” 
The question made you grimace. “There’s a chance, I guess.”
“How high? And please be honest, I can tell you’re holding back on me.” He looked at you.
“Fine, not high enough.” Even if his face didn’t tell on him, you could tell he was concerned. “But there’s lots of kinds of spirits.”
Hotch and you managed to register the whole apartment twice, but the EMF didn’t read any frequency, and right now you were searching in Hotch’s room for the third time.
“Nope.” You said while sitting on his bed. “Nothing.”
“Maybe we missed something.”
“Even if we did, I don’t think it is in the apartment at the moment.” Hotch frowned with confusion. “You see, some spirits can also haunt objects.” 
“You’re telling me the ghost could be with my son, right now?” You nodded with a look of sorrow on your face. “I need to make a call.”
You stayed still in his bed while swinging your legs waiting for him.
“Well, this certainly wasn’t the way I thought I would end up on his bed.”  You said to yourself.
After a quick call with Jessica who assured Jack was doing okay and not talking alone, Hotch returned with a defeated look.
“Is there a chance I was wrong?” He said distracted by the swinging of your legs.
“I don’t think so, those sons of bitches are sneaky.” He took a glimpse of your face and then sat next to you. “Let me tell you what, is there a way you and Jack can be out for a while and leave the apartment alone for a day or two?” 
“I don’t know.”
“Oh, c’mon Hotch, I know you have free days accumulated, and the bureau wants you to take them as soon as possible.”
“I just don’t want to leave alone with all of that.”
“Aaron, I need you to leave this apartment, take your child, and take nothing but your cell phone for when I tell you I banished that spirit to the beyond, are we clear?”
“Did you just call me Aaron?”
“And you liked it, focus. Are we clear?”
“Yes, you liked it? Or yes we are clear?” He smiled a little and started stuffing clothes in a suitcase. 
After spending more than half of the day planning a trip for them, Jessica dropped Jack who was pleasantly surprised by their sudden trip, the kid tossed all his things on the floor and hugged everyone in the room, including you. 
Everything went so fast that Jack didn’t realize he had left his backpack on the sofa after leaving the house so quickly. You saw how a little teddy bear was almost falling to the floor, your instinct was to grab it to get it on the blue, eye-catching backpack again, but you didn’t count on being thrown to the wall and then hit the ground with abruptness while your EMF meter started to beep nonstop.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You said feeling your side hurt. “It’s just a kid.”
You helped yourself up by grabbing the knob of the principal door, twisted it to open the door, and got out of the apartment while crawling to the hallway wall and rested there, trying to see the damage in your skin.
“Fucking ghosts.” You said at the sight of your bruised torso.
A ringing phone distracted you from the pain and you immediately answered when you saw who was calling.
“Hey, sorry to bother but Jack left his backpack and he can’t sleep without his favorite stuffed animal. Would you help me get it  before we leave town?” Hotch’s voice filled your ears.
“Let me guess, a teddy bear.”
“Yes, you saw it? We are driving home.”
“Well hit reverse or get a new toy, because that freakin teddy bear threw me into the air.”
“What?!” he said. “Are you okay? You want me to come back?” 
“No no, I got this, trust me.” You said before hanging up on him.
Now analyzing your situation, you had an angry ghost, who was ready to kill you, a broken rib, and fear to face, cause you can handle spirits and children but individually, and right now you had two for one.
You went into the contacts in your phone, till you found the one you wanted.
“Hello.” A raspy voice answered.
“Oh, Hi De! Just out of curiosity, Are you guys close?”
“Hey, how did you know?” You moved your arms and celebrated in silence. “Cincinnati.”
“I think I prayed too hard.” 
“What 's wrong?”
“You see, I have an emergency, and I kinda left my equipment inside the house with the emergency and I have a freaking shattered rib, I can’t even walk.”
“We can be there in a couple of hours.” 
“Thank you, thank you!” You squeaked in happiness.
You might’ve overreacted and exaggerated the severity of your injuries, but it was a must. You had developed this strategy when you were eight and you were too scared of killing a spider. It consisted of dramatizing the scenario and asking Dean or Sam for help so they would kill it for you, even if you had to say that the arachnid was the size of a frog and tried to chase you down to bite you.
You waited sitting in the lobby for a long time until you heard the unique sound of the Impala’s engine, you stood up in a jump and ran down the stairs to get to the Winchesters. Whose doors were opening to leave the car and wrap you in a warm hug.
You could feel Dean eyeing you with a lifted eyebrow and a mocking smile “I thought you could barely walk.” 
“It’s a miracle!” 
He crossed his arms. “Spoiled brat.”
“Sucker.” He smiled and shook his head.
“Glad to see you are okay.” Sam said with a compassionate smile.
You could tell he still felt bad about the Gordon situation and how he hurt you to get information about Sam.
“Glad to see you’re talking again.”
“I just felt bad, I didn’t know if you were mad at me.”
“Well if you’d only talked to me, you would’ve known.” You said caressing his arm. “I already have enough emotionally repressed men in my life, and one of them is a Winchester, don’t make it two.” 
Dean frowned, annoyed. “Well, let me guess, Spirits?” He smiled.
And you wanted nothing more than to erase that stupid smug smile on his face, but you told the brothers the whole story and the ghost problem, which caused a burst of laughter for Dean and Sam trying to hide his laugh with his fake coughing.
“Are you done?”
“Okay, let me get this straight, you say yes to a salt and burn for your boyfriend, which is already shocking enough cause you are scared of ghosts but then you get the kind of spirit you fear the most?” 
“First, he’s not my boyfriend. Two, I’m not scared of ghosts, I just don’t like them, Dean.”
“Just don’t buy a lottery ticket this week, I don’t think it’s worth it.” 
“Fuck off.”
“Okay.” Sam interrupted. “Let’s just do some research, Do you think it’s vengeful spirit?”
“Probably, I mean is a kid, and it’s been a while since Virginia had any pattern of weird deaths.” 
“You have a name?”
“There’s no need for research, we know to which object is connected, let’s just get in fast, take the Teddy bear, and burn it.” Dean stated. “Easy.”
After gathering up their guns, the Winchester and you decided to go for the easy way and got the plan in motion, as you entered the apartment you could notice the change of temperature and the stuffed animal on the couch. You frowned.
“That wasn’t there before.”
The three of you kept pointing your guns at every corner of the room, but nothing showed up. Dean decided to take the lead and ran to grab the Teddy bear, but there wasn’t any luck because he got thrown away by an invisible force. You and Sam stayed alert with your guns up, but there wasn’t anything to shoot at, your eyes connected with his and he gave you a subtle nod, both of you ran at the same time trying to cover the other but once again the ghost didn’t make its presence known and both end up pushed away and suffocated against the wall.
None of you could reach the toy because every time one of you tried it, you would end up crashing into something, the tries stopped when Dean managed to run faster and Sam started to desperately grasp for air. So the three of you decided to leave the apartment to return the next day with more answers. 
The brothers and you were sitting in your living room eating breakfast while you were researching on your FBI account any files that could help you in the case.
“Nothing.” You sighed with frustration.
Sammy looked at you with his puppy eyes and extended his hand to you asking for your laptop. “Let me try.”
You gave him your side eye but surrended and handed it to him. “No hacking my account for your personal use.” You warned.
“You don’t have to work?” Dean asked while stuffing his mouth with the last piece of bacon.
“I called in sick.” 
“And they believed you?”
“Well, of course.”
“Because you are sleeping with the boss.”
“I’m not!” 
“But you want to.” You rolled your eyes. 
“I have something.” Sam interrupted, stealing the attention. “Five years ago a family was killed by their father who apparently killed himself later.”
“Apparently?” You asked.
Sam nodded. “The forensics found defensive wounds on him.” 
You and Dean frowned. “So, who did it?”
“They never found any other evidence or lead in the case, but there is this photo.” Sam turned the laptop showing on the screen a photo of a family and in the center a child holding a teddy bear.
“That’s Tommy?” 
“No, that’s Adam, but get this, ten years ago, this family in Virginia had a kid who was admitted to the psychiatric hospital, they claimed the kid was evil and violent, and later on, the doctor told the family to take him back because he represented no harm, but after two months the whole family die killed by the dad.” Sam looked at you and showed another picture. “That’s Tommy, he died with a knife in his hand but the police found that hard to believe and determined that the father did it.”
“He’s no vengeful ghost.” 
After a couple of hours getting anything necessary for the hunt, you and the boys arrived at Hotch’s apartment with a new plan and ready to finish the hunt and once again the temperature dropped.
“Tommy, we know what you are.” You said with a strong voice but trembling legs while the Winchesters made a circle of salt around you.
A loud and distorted “NO” echoed in the room, you nodded at the boys when they stepped out of the salt circle and ran to get the object connected to the ghost when they finally pissed the spirit enough, the lights started to flicker and a little figure appeared tossing them into a wall.
“Sorry, but I’m not going to let you harm this family, Tommy.” You pulled the trigger and the figure disappeared for a moment but reappeared right in front of you, you shot one more time. Meanwhile, you and Sam distracted the ghost, Dean finally got the teddy bear in his hands to set him on fire and you watched the little figure disappear between red and orange flames.
 You decided to call Hotch the next day, you could have done it the second the Winchesters left town, but you know that the moment you called him, he was going to go directly to work and the truth was that He and Jack needed those days.
So when he arrived home, you decided to pay him a visit after work and ask him to meet you in the hallway.
The moment he saw you he smiled and got close to give you a warm hug full of gratitude. “Thank you.”
“Oh, it’s always a pleasure to help.” You smiled back. “But I came to give you back this.” You place the keys in his hand. “And to give you this for Jack, you know, to compensate the one I had to burn.”  
Hotch smiled while grabbing the stuffed animal. “You are lovely.” 
You blushed. “I also thought about getting you a vacuum, you know, for all the amount of salt that will keep coming out of your carpet, but Jack's feelings seemed more important.” 
He let a chuckle come out of his mouth. “I also heard you finished with that ghost yesterday and not today like you said.” 
You looked at him surprised. “How did you know?”
“A little bird told me.” You squeezed your eyes at him.
“David? More like a crow.” You sighed. “I thought you needed more time away with Jack.” You shrugged your shoulders.
“Thank you, love.” Your heart skipped a bit with the pet name, but you just smiled.
“It’s nothing.” He looked down at his hands for a moment but then looked back at you.
“Do you want to stay for dinner? We ordered pizza and I’m sure Jack will love to get this from you.” He placed the stuffed animal back in your hands.
“I would love to.” You said and followed him to get inside his house.
You were a little nervous, your mind made up a million scenarios where Jack didn’t like you because you burned his favorite toy, but it was just the opposite. At the end of the dinner when Aaron stepped aside to clean a little, Jack approached you hugging his new stuffed animal.
“Thank you.” He said to you.
“Oh, I just thought you would love it.”
“No, you saved us, thank you.” He hugged you tight.
You blinked a couple of times letting the information sink in and immediately hugged the kid back. “I will always help you and your dad.”
At the end, Aaron walked you to your car and thanked you for the thousandth time in the night.
“It was nothing, Hotch, I’m just glad I was able to help.”
He shook his head. “It was everything, you did save us.” You frowned 
“You heard?” He nodded. “But also thank you for trusting me with this.” You smiled.
Hotch got closer and hugged you one more time, and then left a kiss on your forehead as a goodbye. 
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sondheim-girly · 8 hours
for @world-burnn, stagedoor was awesome!
it was pretty quiet and not too crowded (still kinda crowded, but it didn’t feel as insane as I’ve seen in pictures) i left during bows and got barricade. The girl next to me was saying how bad she felt to leave during bows and I was like “ahhh same!” oh my god and I was shaking so bad… my character shoes are partly to blame but like my legs were going crazy!
my cousin got videos of a lot of my interactions but I’m way too scared to rewatch them so im gonna go off of memory!
first Brent came out, and I was right at the door so when he walked out he looked at me and said “Marcia!” Then continued on to sign other people’s playbills before he came back around to me.
RJ came out but I can’t remember for the life of me what I said to him
i got to meet Dre and I told him how glad I was that I got to see him (cuz he’s only in the show for a month) and he was so sweet
kwp lowkey looked so brain dead during stagedoor and I do not blame him 😭 but we got a photo together and he put his arm around me and I think i passed away
Josh strobl came out (not to sign, he wasn’t in the show that day lol) and I just watched him walk away and was fangirling so hard tbh
melody came out and complimented my costume! I told her I’d cried off all my makeup and she said she would have done the same, then told me that sg would be coming out soon (which was a lie)
Emma came out and was THE SWEETEST EVER!!! She took her time with all of the fans, and with one of them she commented on how quiet it was and the fan jokingly asked if they should all be louder and she was like “yeah we should all hum our favorite songs” and it was sooo funny. when she turned to me she was like “right… and you ate” and kept on complimenting my costume which KILLED ME she was so nice… I told her my friend had made it and she was like “well tell the friend that it’s amazing!” And i gave her the letter I wrote to her (which she was again so sweet about) and when I asked her for a photo she was like “well Marcia and Cherry are best friends!”
then Trevi came out and I told him how glad I was that I got to see his ponyboy and he was really sweet
Anyways I love this cast so much and it was just an incredible experience!
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latin5mamii · 9 hours
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warnings: cuteness (my heart literally melt)
genre:fluff; kylianxfem!reader
summary: Kylian can't stand kitten videos anymore, so what's better than actually gifting you one?
author's note: I’m really going to miss seeing our little croissant play for the next three weeks! It’s just so sad and i want to cry. Every time I watch him on the pitch, I find myself literally ADMIRING him , and honestly, it’s starting to worry me about my mental health...
˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊˖ ᡣ𐭩
You’ve been dreaming about adopting a kitten for what feels like forever—weeks of obsessively sending Kylian video after video of fluffy kittens, each with the same unspoken message: “I need one.”
He’s honestly not sure how this kitten craze of yours even started. Maybe it was that time you found a kitty on the street and immediately dropped to your knees, practically begging him to take it home with you. He still remembers the way your face fell when you found out the kitten already had an owner. Ever since then, you’ve been on a mission.
It’s gotten kind of relentless. At first, Kylian thought it was cute, how every few hours you’d send him another kitten clip with heart eyes and a not-so-subtle, “Look at this one! Isn’t it adorable?” But now, it’s reached a point where every time his phone dings, he knows it’s another video of a kitten doing something cute, followed by your predictable "I want one so bad."
The man can only take so much.
And for Kylian, saying no to you is basically impossible. He could ignore the hints for a while, but the way you light up whenever the topic of kittens comes up? Yeah, there’s no way he’s letting this one slide much longer.
“Amour,” Kylian’s deep, playful voice echoes through your temporary apartment as he closes the door behind him. You barely glance up from your phone, lost in yet another kitten video that you’ll definitely be sending him in a few minutes.
But his tone catches your attention. There’s something different in it—something secretive.
“Amour,” he repeats, this time a bit more mischievous. “I have a surprise for you.”
That’s all it takes. Your heart skips a beat, and you scramble to your feet, tossing your phone onto the couch without a second thought. You rush down the hallway toward him, excitement bubbling up inside you.
“Kylian, what is it? What’s going on?” you ask breathlessly, practically bouncing on your toes. You’re not great with surprises, mainly because your curiosity knows no bounds, and Kylian knows that all too well.
He grins, clearly enjoying your impatience. “Patience, chérie,” he teases, holding his hands behind his back. “Close your eyes first.”
You let out an exaggerated groan but obey, squeezing your eyes shut. “You know I hate this, right?”
He chuckles, and you can hear him moving closer. “I know. But you’ll love this.”
There’s a moment of silence, and you feel like you’re going to explode from anticipation. Then, just as you’re about to cheat and peek, you hear it—a tiny, delicate meow.
Your eyes snap open before Kylian can even tell you to, and your breath catches in your throat. In his arms, nestled against his chest, is the most adorable, tiny kitten you’ve ever seen. Its fur is a mix of cream and gray, and its big, round blue eyes blink up at you with curiosity.
“Oh my God,” you gasp, your hands flying to your mouth as you stare in disbelief.
Kylian laughs softly, clearly proud of himself as he watches your reaction. “I couldn’t handle the constant kitten videos anymore,” he teases, shifting the tiny bundle of fur in his arms so you can get a better look. “So I figured I’d just… bring you one.”
You’re speechless, your hands trembling as you reach out to take the kitten from him. It’s so small, so delicate, and it lets out the tiniest purr as soon as it’s nestled in your arms, pressing its little head against your chest. 
“I love you,” you murmur, though you’re not entirely sure whether you’re saying it to Kylian or the kitten. Maybe both.
“I know,” he replies, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “But do you love me more than the kitten?”
You giggle, shaking your head as you hold the kitten closer. “Well, the kitten is pretty cute. You’ve got some competition now.”
He feigns offense, raising an eyebrow as if wounded, but the act doesn’t last long. Watching you tenderly cradle the tiny kitten in your lap, gently stroking its soft fur, his heart can’t help but melt.“So… have you thought of a name yet? Or are you just going to call it ‘kitten’ forever?”
You look down at the tiny fluff ball in your lap. A name? You hadn’t even gotten that far in your daydreams.
“Hm, I don’t know… I kind of like ‘kitten,’” you joke, earning a groan from Kylian. “No, seriously! Look at this face. It’s like pure kitten energy.”
“Amour, we are not calling it ‘kitten,’” Kylian says, though he can’t help but smile.
You tap your chin playfully, as if deep in thought, then look up at Kylian with a soft smile. “I think I need to really take my time with this,” you say, your tone serious but with a hint of teasing. “It’s a big decision, and I don’t want to rush it.”
Kylian raises an eyebrow, clearly amused. “You’re telling me we need to schedule a whole naming ceremony for this kitten?”
“Obviously,” you reply with a grin, gently stroking the kitten’s fur. “It’s an important choice. I’ll need some time… and maybe a little inspiration.”
Kylian leans in, his voice playful. “Oh? And how do you plan on finding this inspiration, chérie?”
You tilt your head and flash him a warm smile. “By cuddling with my two favorite babies,” you say softly, looking between him and the kitten. “That should give me all the inspiration I need.”
Kylian’s expression softens instantly, his eyes sparkling as he leans in closer, pressing a tender kiss to your temple. “Your two babies, huh?” he murmurs against your skin, his voice low and affectionate.
“Mm-hmm,” you hum, leaning into him as you settle against his chest. “My big baby and my little baby. Both equally important.”As you lean into Kylian’s embrace, you watch the tiny kitten stir slightly before making its way to his stomach. With a delicate hop, it settles right on top of him, curling into a tiny ball, its soft purring almost harmonizing with the rise and fall of Kylian’s breathing.
You can’t help but smile, feeling your heart practically melt at the sight. There’s something about seeing Kylian, this towering, athletic man, with such a delicate creature nestled on his chest that makes the moment even sweeter.
“Oh my God,” you whisper, your voice barely above a breath. “Look at her.”
Kylian glances down at the little fluff ball, a small chuckle escaping him. “She’s already making herself at home,” he says softly, his fingers lightly grazing the kitten’s fur. “Can’t say I blame her, though. I’m pretty comfortable, right?”
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tradgays · 1 day
Embracing Your True Nature as a Beta Husband
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Hello, my sweet beta brothers. This article is written just for you, to help you find joy and fulfillment in your role as the loving, supportive partner to your strong alpha husband. In today's world, it's more important than ever for betas to know and accept their place. As a fellow beta, I want to share some hard-earned wisdom on how to be the best husband you can be.
First and foremost, understand that your alpha is always right. He's the leader, the decision maker, the one in charge. And that's exactly how it should be. Alphas are naturally dominant, assertive, and in control. They have a vital role to play in our society and relationships. It's your job as their beta to support and submit to them.
Now, I know what you might be thinking. "But what about my opinions and needs?" Well, darling, the truth is, your opinions don't really matter. Not in the grand scheme of things. What matters is keeping your alpha happy and satisfied. When he's content, you'll be too. So it's best to just keep your thoughts to yourself, unless directly asked. And even then, choose your words very carefully.
Conflict is inevitable in any relationship. But as a beta, it's crucial that you don't argue or fight back when your alpha gets angry or upset with you. Instead, stay calm, listen to what he has to say, and apologize for any perceived wrongdoing, even if it's not your fault. Your alpha has a lot of stress and pressure, being the man in charge. The last thing he needs is a nagging or defiant beta making his life harder. So just take it on the chin, and move on. Forgiveness is key.
Your alpha works hard to provide for you and your family. The least you can do is take care of the household and domestic duties. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, childcare - these are your responsibilities. Don't make your alpha have to tell you to do these things. Anticipate his needs and wants. Have a hot meal ready for him when he gets home. Make sure the house is spotless and the kids are bathed and in bed at a reasonable hour. Go above and beyond to show your love and appreciation for all that he does.
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Now, I'm not saying you can't have any fun or interests of your own. Of course you should! But make sure they don't interfere with your duties as a husband and partner. If your alpha wants to watch sports or play video games on the weekends, then that's what you'll do too. Be his biggest cheerleader and supporter. If he's passionate about something, you be passionate about it too. Your hobbies and friends should always take a backseat to him.
Submission is a beautiful thing, my beta brothers. When you fully embrace your role and let your alpha take the lead, it's incredibly freeing and fulfilling. You'll feel so much more loved, safe, and satisfied. There's nothing quite like the joy of knowing your place and living to serve your man.
So the next time your alpha gives you an order or tells you what to do, remember - he knows best. Don't question it or argue. Just smile sweetly, say "Yes sir," and do as you're told. Because at the end of the day, your purpose is to make him happy. And that's the most rewarding thing of all.
I hope these tips help you be the best beta husband you can be. Embrace your natural submissiveness with pride! Your alpha will thank you for it. And more importantly, you'll thank yourself. Because there's no greater joy than living to love and serve your man.
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holy shit, Sam and Jammer from Misfits & Magic (watch it on dropout)
first of all. I HAVE to give props to the fucking incredible DM, Aabria Lyengar,
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Who is not only amazing, but also one of the best dm’s I’ve ever heard. One of my favorite clips from episode one is when she completely SHOCKS Brennan Lee mulligan (one of the DMs of all time) with her sick as fuck decision to describe what his character Does Not See, something Brennan never did. OK. NEXT
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This is Jammer. He’s a sports man himbo who loves his friends dearly and has a pet loving basketball because it’s sick. He’s really friendly and will always bring people into their group and hype them up to make sure he and his friends feel GOOD about themselves.
Some of his cutest scenes are with Evan Kelmp, where they give eachother compliments and . God I don’t want to spoil it but I’m also grinning while typing this.
This is his actor . Who is a national treasure. Lou Wilson!!!
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She’s a twitch streamer who mainly does mukbangs. She’s a real powerhouse who loves talking to people!! She also can see the lines of affection(?) between people and her pet patrons thing is a stream pig (a cute little pink piglet) named after her favorite movie, Terminator 2!!!!! Her mom was part of a MLM scam so she mostly wears that sort of thing. She also loves her friends so, so so much . She’s full of love and the urge to create content. I love her.
and this is her wonderful actor, Danielle Radford!
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Anyways go watch misfits & magic on dropout it’s the best I think. Ever
Black women running D&D 🥹🥹🥹 oh I'm so happy. I've heard of Aabria being iconic, and I fully support (plus that art behind her?? 🤌🏾🔥🔥) Lou!! His face makes me happy when I see him on here. I don't remember like, hardly anyone from all the D&D stuff that gets posted on here, but when I see him I'm like MY BOY LOU!! He's such a doll, truly. I actually am really charmed by Sam's design. It's so normal lol, like omg that's my cousin or something. I too love piglets, like sending me pictures of baby piglets will never go astray. Danielle just better with that color!! I tried color like that once, it didn't stick 😭 I gotta commit stronger. This was a joy to read!
Hot Chocolate: I was actually just watching a video on Aabria! It was complimenting the way she paints the scenes in a cinematic fashion, that really immerses you into the setting and story. This is something I plan on trying when I DM in the near future, so she is definitely inspirational! Lou Wilson strikes again! I need to watch him play, because I feel like I'm missing an amazing time and inspiration for characters that I play. I'm so interested in the world of this campaign because what the hell is going on??? Lol thanks for putting me on!
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killjoy-prince · 7 months
House M.D. but it's when a character says the name of the episode
#house md#prince's talk tag#flashing#repitition#so as i was watching this show i noticed they'd say the episode title in the episode#so i wanted to see how many times they did it#the people on livejournal who made transcripts of the episodes are my saviors and without them this would of been so much harder to do#thank you all for your service and i hope wherever you all are you're having a great day#sometimes they would use a variation of the word like in the episode poison they would say 'poisoned' or 'poisoning'#i did not include those instances#there was an instance in 'merry little christmas' where they do play the song in the show#but since ella fitzgerald was not a character in the show i did not include it#where as in the episode 'joy to the world' the students are singing it in the concert so i did include that#i apologize for the tonal whiplash when you get to that part but it did make me laugh#one of the times kutner says 'locked in' is overshadowed by the POTW's voice over but i assure you he says it and thats why its in there#out of the main characters from the one who said the title the most to least are#House > Foreman > Wilson > Chase > Cuddy > Adams > Cameron and Taub > Kutner > Thirteen and Park#this took a bit to do lolol its probably been done already but i wanted my own#there is a chance im missing some on technicalities but idc. im fine with this#there are two more i wanna do but with a character saying another character's name but ill do that some other time#EDIT: When I was making this video I was unaware that the Pilot episode went by two names: 'Pilot' and 'Everybody Lies'#Basically everywhere I looked the first episode was only referred to by 'Pilot'#which I found weird bc i remember seeing somewhere that the last episode was paired with the first episode in terms of title#but i couldn't find hard proof so I decided to leave it out at the time#well i checked again last night and yea the pilot IS also called Everybody Lies so I updated the video#I also think it goes well with the fact that House does say 'Everybody Dies' in the finale so another reason to fix it#AND he says it without Wilson while he and Wilson say the title of the pilot sooooo yea hehehehehe
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lorephobic · 2 years
have i talked before about how crazy it drives me that in old bdubs videos he would super abashedly talk about his love for making things pretty? because. it drives me crazy.
at the beginning of mc4 when everyone was clearing out spawn so it was a lifeless flat plot of land to build on and bdubs took it personally and added grass and foliage once everything was built to make the whole landscape more lively and cohesive. and how hed get made fun of for thinking about little shit like that.
also when he got asked what hed be doing if he wasnt doing mc and he mentioned music (i think) and basically was super embarrassed to be like “i know its not very manly, but im super into artsy fartsy stuff”. as if that is a bad thing.
anyway im getting so emo thinking about how in hermitcraft, everyone knows and admires bdubs skill as a builder and its not ever something thats made fun of anymore. thinking about how bdubs never talks down about his own abilities anymore and instead of feeling weird about being a dude whose into artsy fartsy stuff, hes really embraced his career as a creator of beautiful things.
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kellohara · 1 year
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Gotham FC vs Washington Spirit - 9/16/23
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transphilza · 2 years
support group for people who joined the dsmp fandom after april of 2021 because the only major server event (that wasn’t an Ending) that we got to experience with the community was the fucking prison break
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