#i sat straight up and yelled NO DO NOT and she made dead eye contact with me and startinf biting again anyways
bamsara · 10 months
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I was dead asleep until I heard the sound of crunching coming over from my desk. She wouldn't even let me take a picture before attacking again smh
(Those black marks are guidelines for the cutter machine. With a hole in them I'll have to cut these pages out by hand. RIP)
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s0urw00lf · 1 year
Two peas in a pack: second chance at first line
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Y/n was sitting on the bleachers waiting for Scott, stiles and lacrosse practice to start. She had heard Allison forgiving scott but tuned it out because she was still focused on what had happened the night before. Derek’s words kept repeating in her head.
Derek walks away, causing y/n to chase after him “wait!” She called. He turned around looking at her questioningly, “what if I’m not like Scott” she asked. He sighed “you're not” he confirmed crossing his arms. “I’m not?” she copied. “No, I would sense it, I don’t know what you are, but I can tell you, your energy is strong,” he said, making her frown in confusion. “You're going to be strong, very strong,” he said smiling comfortingly before walking off.
She really wanted to know what she was, she knows she’s not only human anymore. So what could she be? She asked herself the same question over and over. She was broken out of her deep thoughts when stiles plopped down beside her, making her jump. “Jesus stiles, give a heads up next time.” She said with a hand to her chest. Stiles smiled before muttering a ‘sorry’ before looking at his cleats and wiping dirt off of them. “Hey don’t you practice for first line today?” She asked. Stiles paused and picked his head up to look at the girl, “ well, yeah but i need to tell you something.” He said fidgeting with his hands. Y/n looked at I’m questioningly telling him to continue “well, Allison gave Scott a second chance,” he said. She nodded “i know i heard.” She replied bluntly. Stiles noticed the frown on her face and was about to ask her what was wrong but coaches whistle blowing loud before “Stilinski! Get to the field” interrupted him. Stiles sighed dropping his head dramatically before hurrying to the field muttering a ‘talk later okay’ as he ran off meeting the rest of the lacrosse players. Y/n watched as they lined up and in their positions. Jackson was in goal which made y/n sigh as she knew how much he could get under Scott’s skin. The practice started and y/n watched as all the boys ran at each other, one by one. To her they looked like a bunch of idiots, she had never seen the excitement in it. Mostly because her friends were never on the field.
It was now Scotts turn and y/n leaned forward resting her elbows on her knees which she was bouncing in anticipation. She watched as Scott ran at Jackson who was doing the same. Jackson stopped a bit before Scott and knocked him down, he landed on the grass with a grunt. Y/n grimaced, but felt Scotts energy shift causing her to be more alert as she sat up straight watching coach yell in Scott’s ear about running faster than his dead grandma. Scott got back in line after coach told him to do it again, this time when coach blew the whistle Scott ran at Jackson ramming into his boulder sending him right to the ground holding his shoulder in pain. Scott on the other hand fell to the ground holding his head causing y/n to run towards him. With everyone surrounding Jackson it was easier to see what was happening, when she got to Scott’s side she heard him say “ I can’t contol it stiles its happening” y/n’s eyes widened, “what right here? Right now?” Stiles replied panicked. Both y/n and stiles yanked him up and began pulling him towards the boys locker room, as they made their way y/n felt a piercing gaze on her and her friends, she dropped Scott and looked around high alert. She made eye contact with Derek, she stared at him dumbfounded as if asking what he was doing here, he tilted his head towards where Scott and stiles had disappeared to, telling her to go. How was nobody else concerned about the random man on the field? She shook her head and ran to meet the boys.
When she arrived to the locker room she saw Scott on top of the lockers chasing stiles who was hiding between the rows of lockers she immediately ran towards stiles as if on instinct, her whole demeanor changed, her eyes once again began to glow white, she was ready for whatever Scott would do. Scott growled having a stare down with y/n but she wasn’t faltering, she stood tall which kinda intimidated the wolf. Y/n began to slowly lead Scott away from stiles telling him to stay, once they were far enough away stiles snuck away to the entrance of the room grabbing the fire extinguisher. Y/n was beginning to make the wolf uncomfortable with the power behind her stare, and he didn’t like this so he roared and jumped off of the Locker charging towards her but was stopped when stiles sprayed him with the powder from the extinguisher making him flail around until he was back human “stiles?” Scott muttered. Y/n slowly walked to the front of the boy eyes still glowing, observing him before deciding it was safe allowing her eyes to return back to normal and worry to fill her nerves. “What happened?” Scott asked. “You tried to kill us… again” stiles replied throwing his gloves. “It’s like we told you before, its your anger. Your pulse rising,” he said squatting down in front of Scott who was sitting on a bench. Y/n, who was behind stiles let out a deep breath “its a trigger.” Y/n finished. Scott sighed looking at both of them “but that’s lacrosse, its a pretty violent game if you hadn’t noticed.” He said. Stiles shook his head “well its gonna be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field.” He sassed. “You can’t play Saturday, your gonna have to get out the game.” Y/n said. “But I’m first line” “not anymore”.
Y/n was at home on her computer, doing some schoolwork when she got an incoming call from stiles. She sighed and clicked answer seeing stiles and scott pop up. Stiles holding a toy gun causing the girl to laugh at his childishness. Scott on the other hand rolled his eyes and got straight to the point “so what’d you find out?” He asked stiles, who sighed in defeat. “Well its bad Jackson’s got a separated shoulder” stiles replied. “Because of me?” Scott asked feeling guilty. “Because he deserved it” “because he’s a tool” stiles and y/n said at the same time making Scott smirk slyly. “But is he gonna play?” Scott asked. “I don’t know, now they’re just counting on you for Saturday” stiles answered. Scott sighed and dropped his head. Stiles face shifted getting closer to the camera, causing y/n to do the same to try and see what he was looking at, her eyes widened at what she saw but the screen had frozen. She tapped the screen over and over trying to get the screen to unfreeze. Nothing happened, she groaned loudly slamming her computer shut, running her hands through her hair. She didn’t have the worst feeling about the situation so she just decided to go to bed, she’d worry later if Scott doesn’t show up alive to school the next morning.
Scott and Lydia had been called up to solve a problem on the board as everyone else solved it on paper. Y/n had already solved the problem, so she just watched the interaction between the two. She didn’t really like Lydia because of the facade she put on. She heard the girl threaten to basically take Allison away from Scott. Y/n felt for the boy, but she couldn’t dwell on it because she had her own stuff going on with herself. The bell had rang and y/n was in the hallway with stiles “hey stiles, isn’t that your dad?” Y/n questioned. Stiles looked to where the girl was pointing and low and behold it was most certainly his dad. Stiles scrambled towards Scott making y/n squint in confusion as he dragged him over by his backpack “tell me what they’re saying” he demanded pointing to his dad and the two men he was talking with. “You know you could have asked me right?” Y/n said. Stiles looked like he had just remembered that you hearing was somehow better than Scott’s, you could hear cars honking from miles away. Only could you drain them out with the thought or presence of stiles.
“They’re enforcing a curfew” y/n said before scott could speak up, he looked at her as if he was betrayed and y/n just smiles and stuck her tounge out teasingly, Scott returned the gesture mocking her. Y/n laughed and shook her head “unbelievable, my dad is out looking for a rabid animal while the jerkoff who actually killed the girl is just hanging out doing whatever he wants” stiles said aggravated. “Well you can’t exactly tell your dad about Derek.” Scott said, y/n nodding in agreement “or any of us” she added gesturing to herself and Scott. “Well, i can do something.” Stiles said determined. “Like what?” Y/n and Scott asked simultaneously. Stiles looked at the two before responding “find the other half of the body” before walking away. “Are you kidding?” Scott asked only to be ignored by stiles who continued walking. He then turned to y/n who was just as confused “is he kidding?” Scott asked her, to which she shrugged looking just as clueless and walked off to find the boy.
Y/n had been with stiles helping him spy on his dad for all the information they got before y/ns phone rang. She took it out of her pocket and saw the caller id was Scott, she answered the phone “hey Scotty” she said. “Hey, y/n is stiles with you?” He asked.
She laughed “you know he is” she answered.
“Good put me on speaker” he said
Y/n did as he said and put him on speaker “okay your on” she said
“Okay i need both of you to come over” he said
The pair looked at each other questioningly before stiles asked ‘why?’
“I found something” he answered before hanging up the phone.
Stiles grabbed y/ns hand and sprinted to his Jeep causing y/n to let out a yelp. “Stiles, my arm” she said running behind the boy
When they arrived at Scott’s stiles barley parked the car before jumping out, y/n shook her head at his antics while getting out of the car herself and following the boy in. “What did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it?” Stiles asked when he almost broke down the door entered Scott’s room. “And yes he’s had a lot of Adderall” y/n said walking in behind him, seeing Scott sitting on his bed holding his lacrosse stick. “I found something at Derek hales” Scott said. Y/n now fully invested asked “are you kidding what?”. “There’s something buried there, i could smell blood” Scott answered. “That’s awesome!” Stiles said making y/n elbow him “I mean that’s terrible, who’s blood” stiles corrected rubbing where y/n elbowed him. Scott stood up “I don’t know. But when we do, your dad nails Derek for the murder, and then you guys help me play lacrosse without changing. Because there’s no way I’m not playing that game” he said, y/n looked between Scott who had a confident look on his face and stiles who looked proud and frowned. “But wait, your not the only one who was bit, my “condition” is different from yours Derek said it himself. What of he can help me?” y/n asked. Scott and stiles looked at each other before looking to her “we’ll figure it out together” Scott said, and stiles nodded along looking at y/n for confirmation that they were doing this. Y/n sighed “I can’t believe I’m going along with this” she mumbled. Stiles cheered clapping his hands and Scott smiled. They all exited the room y/n with stiles arm around her shoulder, making her smile.
Apon arriving at the hospital where the other half of the body resides stiles pointed out the door labeled ‘morgue’ to Scott who nodded “good luck i guess” stiles said. Scott again nodded looking around before rushing into the hallway leading to the room. Y/n took stiles hand and dragged him to the seating area where Lydia just so happened to be sitting. Stiles saw her as well but didn’t pay much mind, causing y/n to look at him confused. “Are you feeling okay?” She asked putting her hand to his forehead. Stiles brows furrowed “im fine, why?” He asked removing her hand softly. “Lydia martin is right there.” She said. “You know, your crush since like, forever” y/n said in confusion. “I don’t know, she hasn’t really been on my mind much lately” he said looking at their interlocked hands. Y/n’s face brightened about to say something but Scott appeared in front of the two, scaring them both “holy god” “what the hell” they said at the same time. “The scent was the same” Scott confirmed “are you sure?” Stiles questioned, quickly standing up. “Yes” scott replied. Y/n stood as well both worried and still not convinced but kept her mouth shut. “So he did but y the other half of the body on his property” stiles said. “Which means we have proof he killed the girl” Scott said. “Technically its not proof, but ok” y/n said. They both turned to he looking betrayed “who’s side are you on y/n?” Stiles asked sarcastically.
“I was just saying” she said. Stiles turned to Scott “I say we use it” stiles said walking away. Scott and y/n followed behind him “how” Scott asked Stiles turned to them “tell me something first. Are you doing this because you wanna stop Derek or because you wanna play in the game and he said you couldn’t?” Stiles asked. “There were bite marks on the legs stiles. Bite marks.” He said. Stiles nodded “okay. Then were gonna need a shovel” stiles said
Again y/n and Scott looked at each other questioning if they should trust stiles plan, y/n shrugged following stiles who had walked out of the hospital.
The trio waited on the property for Derek to leave so they could start executing their plan. The pulled onto the property more and got out of the car. Stiles grabbed the shovels holding one out to Scott who grabbed it, and then one to y/n. She raised her eyebrows “oh no I’m not digging up anything” she said laughing. Stiles face dropped “so why’d you come?” He asked raising his shoulders shaking his head. “To watch you suffer and provide moral support” she said smiling. Stiles, fed up dropped the extra shovel and followed Scott over to the burial. Y/n felt like this space was very sentimental and that they shouldn’t have been there. “Something’s different” Scott said sniffing the air. “Different how” y/n asked. “I don’t know. Let’s just get this over with” he said and began digging along with stiles.
They dug for about thirty minutes and Scott was beginning to get nervous “this is taking too long” he said looking around. “Just keep digging” stiles said throwing a pile of dirt. “What if he comes back?” Scott asked. “Then we get the hell out of here.” Stiles replied breathing heavily “what if he catches us” Scott asked. stiles stopped digging “i have a plan for that.” He said. “Care to fill us in?” Y/n asked. “Sot runs one way, me and you the other. Whoever he catches first. Too bad” he said. Y/n laughed and Scott sighed “i hate that plan” he said, but kept digging until they hit something “stop, stop” stiles said digging the rest of the dirt off of the bag. The bag was knotted very tightly, y/n jumped down into the hole wanting a better look as they untied the knots. “Hurry” Scott rushed “im trying did he have to tie it in like nine hundred knots?” Stiles said dramatically. They both managed to untie the knots and opening the cloth surrounding the body. Seeing what was in the cloth the tree yelled jumping out of the hole “what the holy hell is that?” Y/n asked pointing to the creature “its a wolf” scott replied “yeah we can see that” stiles said “i thought you said you smelled blood. As in human blood!” Stiles exclaimed waving his hand about. “I told you something was different” Scott replied defensively. Y/n shook her head deep in thought “this doesnt make sense” she said.. both boys nodded in agreement “yeah, we gotta get outta here” Scott said. “Yeah okay help me cover this up” stiles said. Y/n made her way over to help the two boys who had started moving the dirt to cover the body back up.
Stiles stopped looking at something behind y/n making her look behind her while hearing Scott ask what they were looking at. “What’s wrong?” Scott asked. Stiles pointed to the flower a couple of feet away from them “See that flower?” He asked. “What about it” y/n asked looking back at the pair. Stiles dropped the shovel he was holding “i think its wolfsbane” he said. Y/ns face dropped in realization and let out an “ohh” Scott on the other hand was still confused “What’s that?” Scott asked. Y/n sighed at the boy’s cluelessness while stiles just kept naming classic werewolf movies. Y/n sighed and got up to pick up the plant, but when she touched it, it burned her hand, she hissed and yanked her hand away from the plant. “What the hell” she said. Stiles got up grabbing her hand and looking in her eyes to make sure she was okay. She nodded and he turned around to pick up the plant himself, the plant was connected to a thin rope that was buried about a centimeter under the dirt. It circled around the hold over and over. Y/n and Scott watched stiles round the hole picking up the rope as he went. Scott glanced back into the hole and gasped standing up. Y/n rushed over to beside the boy and also gasped. “Stiles” Scott called, not taking his eyes off of the body. Stiles walked over to Scott and looked as well “oh” he said in shock.
Scott and y/n sat leaning on the Jeep watching as the police surrounded the hale house. “I still have a bad feeling about this, Scott” y/n said with a worried look. Scott looked back at her “Y/n its fine, Derek’s not gonna be bothering us anymore. Or threatening to kill me” he said muttering the last part. “That’s the thing. What if he’s trying to protect everyone in his own way and what id he can help me find out what i am?” She asked whispering so nobody could hear her. “Y/n he buried a body in his yard, that’s not much of a protecting type is it?” Scott snapped lightly. Y/n looked as if she was about to argue but he had a point, so she just got into stiles keep and waited for them to get in too. Y/n watched stiles, who had just hopped into the police car where Derek Hale currently resided. Y/ns eyes widened and she let out an aggravated sigh. Not only had they got the man arrested, now her best friend was tormenting the poor man. Y/n watched the boy conversation with the man in the back of the car for about two minutes before sheriff Stilinski Baden to speed walk towards the car, making an amused grin spread on y/n’s face. Mr. stilinski dragged stiles out of the front seat by his hoodie. She watched the two banter, eventually ending when stiles had accidentally ratted y/n ad Scott out. Y/n softly facepalmed herself and sighed as Scott and Stiles got into the jeep. “Idiot” she mumbled with a teasing smile “shut up” he replied with tomato red cheeks.
“I can’t find anything about wolfs and being used for burial” Scott said as if he was out of breath. “Me neither” y/n said, grabbing her chest in pain. Stiles somehow not noticing the despair in his two best friends voices continued the conversation as normal. “Maybe its different for girl werewolves” he suggested. “Okay stop it” Scott snapped. Stiles looked over to Scott “stop what?” He questioned. “Stop enjoying this so much” y/n spoke up still holding her chest. “Are you guys okay?” He asked finally noticing the pain in their voices. “No!” They both replied. “No I’m not. I’m so far from bring okay” Scott panted. “Sooner or later your going to have to accept it” “I can’t” “Well, your going to have to” the two went back and forth. “No I can’t breathe” Scott said leaning forward groaning, he picked up stiles backpack ripping it open “You kept it?!” What else was i supposed to do with it” stiles defends. Scott starts to transform banging on the roof of the Jeep yelling at stiles to pull over, and y/n in the back seat begins to sweat as her cheats heaves from the burn she feels spreading through her body “stiles please” she begs. He immediately pulls over hearing her cry’s. Stiles jumped out of the Jeep and threw the bag of wolfsbane deep into the woods and ran back to the Jeep seeing Scott gone and y/n still heaving in the back seat. “Hey, y/n tell me what’s wrong” he said urgently joining her in the back seat. “It burns!” She cried. Stiles put his hands on her shoulders “what do you need? Ice? Water?” He asked about to get back into the drivers seat to find some ice or something. “No! Don’t move” she said closing her eyes and wrapping her hands around his wrists to keep him from moving. The moment stiles had touched her shoulders shed felt the pain disappear, starting from her shoulders moving slowly down to her feet.
When the pain subsided she opened her eyes and let out a sigh of relief. Her eyes immediately met with his soft honey colored eyes, that were filled with concern. She stared at him before impulsively leaning in and kissing him catching the boy by surprise, though he didn’t waste any time kissing back. Both teenagers pulled away with huge smiles on their faces “thank you” y/n said softly. Stiles nodded utterly speechless. “We should go look for Scott” y/n recommended. Again stiles nodded dragging y/n into the front passenger seat and driving off.
Turns out the pair didn’t see Scott again until the game which he wasn’t supposed to be playing. Y/n walked with stiles as he made his way over to Scott who was in the locker room. “Are you gonna try to convince me not to play” Scott asked the pair. They looked at each other :we just hope you know what your doing” y/n said speaking for both of them. “If I don’t play i lose Allison” Scott said. Stiles sighed raising his voice slightly “Allison’s not going anywhere, and its only one game that you really don’t need to play” he said. “I wanna play!” Scott said also raising his voice. “Hey!” Y/n spoke up giving Scott a look, warning him to keep himself level headed. “I wanna be on the team. I wanna go out with Allison. I wanna semi-freaking normal life. Can’t you get that?” He said in a much calmer voice. “I get it, and hey your not going though this alone” stiles defended mentioning to y/n. Scott looked down seemingly embarrassed by his outburst. “Just try not to worry too much while your out there okay?” Y/n said in a soft voice trying to comfort her friend, Scott nods. “Or get too angry” stiles added making y/n nod. “I got it” Scott said.
“Or stressed”
“Yeah, I get it”
“Don’t think about Allison being in the stands… Or that her fathers trying to kill you… or that Derek’s trying to kill you… or the girl he killed… or that you might kill someone… if a hunter doesn’t kill you first” stiles was broken out of his rant by y/n hitting him hard in his arm, looking down to Scott who looked hurt and angry “im sorry, ill stop” the pair goes silent as y/n sighs ‘im surrounded by children’ she muttered knowing they both heard her. The two let out a laugh before looking at each other. “Good luck?” Stiles offered the werewolf who just smiled.
Y/n watched through the game watching intently as Scott ran through the field, she felt when he had shifted, but managed to keep in kinda under the wraps. She cheered loudly for the boy when that won the game, as did everyone else. She made her way down to stiles who was standing with his father who was holding up his pointer finger as he held his phone to his ear. Stiles asked y/n to listen in Mitch to her dismay “the lab results showed animal hair, do DNA from Mr. Hale” she heard. “Dereks being let out, he wasn’t the killer. They found animal hairs, no human DNA” she said smiling as she looked over to the boy with an ‘i told you so expression’ stiles wore an shocked expression before he shook it off. He grabbed y/n’s hand “come on, we have to tell Scott” he said dragging her towards the locker room.
The locker room was dark but y/n heard two fast paced beating hearts “someone else id here” she said. Stiles wore a face of wonder but kept following now behind y/n until she abruptly stopped making him knock into her, immediately looking up to question the girl but stopped and stepped back when he saw Scott kissing Allison. Both y/n and stiles stepped back letting the teenagers have their moment. stiles wore a proud expression and y/n smiled happy that something was finally working out for him. The two broke apart, Allison giggling giddily “i um, gotta get back to my dad” she said backing out of the showers. She passed y/n and stiles kindly greeting them and they returned. “I kissed her” Scott said, dazed after allison left. “We saw” stiles said smiling “she kissed me” Scott said still dazed. “We saw that too, pretty good huh?” y/n replied smiling as well. “I don’t know how, but i controlled it, i pulled back. Maybe i can do this. Maybe its not so bad” Scott said feeling some sort of hope. Y/n looked at stiles as if telling him to tell Scott and he did the same to her, neither wanting to ruin the werewolves mood. “Heh.. uh well talk later, yeah?” Stile said before starting to leave but was stopped by Scott “what?” He asked. “The medical doctor called, they looked at the half of the body we found…” stiles trailed off. “And” Scott urged. “Ill keep it simple. Medical examiner determines killer of girl to be animal. Derek’s human, not animal. Derek let out of jail” stiles said. “Are you kidding?!” Scot exclaimed “nope, now here’s a bigger kick in the ass, my dad ID’d the dead girl. Both halves. Her names Laura hale.” Stiles finished. “Hale?” Scott breathed out astonished. “Dereks sister” y/n said. There was a silence as they let Scott absorb the news. “See i hate to be like this, but i feel like its the right time to say, i told you so. Actually no it’s not strong enough. Never go against my gut feelings, because she never lies” y/n said smirking in victory.
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Just thinking about a au where instead of Pip parents dying with him as a tiny infant, they died when he was nine (you know like a Lilo & Nani kinda situation)
Like this quote from "Lilo and stitch" with slight changes to fit their characters better
Pip: I do think I highly preferred when you were merely my sister and not me mummy
Mrs.Gargery: Yeah...so did I Phillip
(I'm specifically thinking of this scene)
Mrs.Gargery would most likely be less hostile towards Pip in this as she did not have to raise him from birth this time but she would still resent his existence for making her take care of a child she did not want making very little effort to physically take care of him as "he's old enough to take of himself he doesn't need pampering"
This I feel would also end up being said by them
Pip: Mummy wouldn't have have yelled at me to be quiet when I started crying! She would have sung me a song and wiped my tears as she told me that I was okay, but all you do is yell and hit me!
Mrs.Gargery: That's because I am not your mummy I am your sister, I'm not going to spoil and coddle you like she stupidly did!
Pip: mummy did not spoil me she loved me unlike you, you...you rotten sister!
After that she would drag him as hard as she could by his arm and throw him in his room
Mrs.Gargrey: You want to talk to me like that huh, well let's see how you feel going straight to bed with no supper tonight
After slamming the door so hard the walls practically shook Pip just angrily shoves his head in his pillow and screams his little lungs out until the anger passes and he starts crying till eventually he just exhausts himself and falls asleep
It's the dead of night when he wakes up due to hunger pains from not eating anything before bed, he tries his best to ignore these pains and go back to sleep but alas his stomach was not going to stop until he ate something
He pushed himself out of bed and slowly tiptoed his way toward the kitchen as to not wake his sister, when he first stepped foot in the kitchen he instantly eyeballed the bread box that sat upon the counter and darted towards it practically swallowing the biscuit he had grabbed whole
With his now satisfied stomach he tiptoed his way back to bed putting himself underneath the covers and falling back asleep
It was the next morning at breakfast when Pip sat down at the table the guilt of stealing sitting heavily on his back leaving a nervous look stuck on his face, his thoughts about his sister finding out what he did last night making his anxiety go up by the second before jumping up in his seat after feeling a hand make contact with his shoulder
"oi pip ol'chap what has got you so jumpy this morning"
Joe said with a look of concern on his face as he took his hand back, Pip didn't say anything as put his head down avoiding eye contact with Joe as he did
"Are you gonna give me an answer or not pip ol'chap"
Pip took a breath and raised his head to look at the man infront of him before speaking
"I...I..I'm feeling very guilty about something naughty I did last night and I don't want sister to know"
"Ah well...how about this then old chap, if you don't tell your sister then I won't either"
"... you promise you won't tell sister"
"I promise Phillip"
"ok well last night sister punished me by sending me off to bed with no supper but I woke up in the middle of the night with really bad stomach pains because of this...so I snuck out of bed and ate-"
Pip speech was interrupted by a slam of a door echoing through out the house that made fear run up his spine
As his sister stomped her way through the kitchen with some things in her hand Pip sunk in his chair as the guilt became heavier on him
His sister was organizing whatever she had boughten from the store that day when she grabbed a loaf of what looked to be bread and went to open the bread box in in order to refill it
Upon opening the bread box she examined it for a few seconds with a look on her face as if she was counting something before throwing the bread in the box and turning around to glare at the blonde boy sitting at the table
"Pip would you care to explain why a biscuit is missing"
Pip face went pale with fear as he sat back up and looked at his sister as he hesitantly opened his mouth to speak
Joe seeing this instantly knew what Pip was going to say in the conversation they were having beforehand and put his hand infront of Pip stopping him from speaking
"Ah honey that was me sorry about that"
Pip just stared in bewilderment at Joe as relief washed over him
His sister just merely turned back to her busy countertop
"oh...alright then"
Before Joe had a chance to say anything he felt a pair of arms around his waist and a face pressing against his chest, he just sighed happily as he shoved his hand underneath the brown newsboy cap that sat on top of the blonde boy's head and softly rubbed his head
"Thank you Joe"
"you are most certainly welcome Phillip"
Anyways hope you have enjoyed my Ted talk byeeee (also Damien would totally be stitch in this au)
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abigettie · 1 year
Chapter 2: When the Rooster croaks
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warnings! mentions doctors, being sick, alcohol, swearing, yelling, talks about death. Let me know if I’m missing anything
It was a slow morning in the Ross house being that it was 4:30 AM Bonnie hopped out of bed and made her way to the kitchen "m'ornin swan"
"Morning rooster" she says making her way over to her coffee machine grabbing a mug out of the sink "how'd ya sleep?" She asked putting in a coffee pod
"I slept amazing what about you?" Bradley asked
"Not great but I slept" she said taking a sip of her coffee maligning a face at the bitterness "ready to go back to top gun?"
"I was born ready" Bonnie said smirking "go get dressed Bradshaw were leaving in 20", the two walked back into Bonnie's small kitchen both dressed in in there khaki uniforms "you ready rooster?"
"I was born ready darlin" he said laughing as he grabbed his keys off the counter and started to lace up his boots Bonnie doing the same "let's get goin".
"Attention on deck!" Everyone stood up from there desks "Morning.Welcome to your special training detachment.Be seated" Admiral said as they all sat down
"I'm admiral Bates, NAWDC commander.You're all top gun graduates.The elite.The best of the best.That was yesterday.The enemy's new fifth-generation fighter has leveled the playing field.Details are few, but you can be sure we no longer possess the technological advantage.Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box.Half of you will make the cut.One of you will be named mission leader.The other half will remain in reserve.Your instructor is a top gun graduate with real-world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to master.His exploits are legendary.And he's considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced.What he has to teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death.I give you captain Pete Mitchell.”
“Call sign: "Maverick." Admiral stepped aside as maverick walked Down the centre of the desks
"Morning,The f-18 natopsIt contains everything they want you to know about your aircraft I'm assuming you know the book inside and out." Maverick said making eye contact with Swan "damm straight!" Someone said a couple of others agreeing maverick dropped the book into the garbage bin next to the podium "So does your enemy. But what the enemy doesn't know is your limits I intend to find them, test them, push beyond Today we'll start with what you only think you know You show me what you're made of.". "Rooster, swan!"
"Bradley! Bonnie!" Bonnie turned around to see maverick Bradley kept walking ignoring maverick "Lt Bradshaw" Bradley stoped and turned around
"Yes sir" the two said uinsession "let's not do it like this" maverick said looking at the two "you gonna wash me out?" Rooster asked "that'll be up to you not me" maverick says "am I dismissed" rooster asked not wanting for an answer "I'm guessing he still hasn't forgiven you" Bonnie said looking at Pete "I don't think he has I'm even surprised you forgave me"
"I never said I did, good luck out there captain" she said walking over to the plane next to Bradley's "let's get this over with rooster"
"Sounds like a plan swan", Bonnie stood with phoenix and bob in the radio room "you sure you'll be fine with rooster as your wing man?" Natasha laughed knowing the history behind the two "I'll be fine nat have fun with bag-man"
"I heard that sweet cheeks"
"Shut it bag man" Bonnie said giving him a death glare "if looks could kill I would be dead" hangman joked "I wish you were" phoenix whispered into swans ear both of them laughed as bob stood there confused "that's a kill nice try though" mavericks voice said through the radio "well looks like I'm next" Bonnie said walking to the door "don't worry bagman I'll kill 'em for ya" she said leaving the room and walking out to her f-18 "good evening aviators welco-" Bonnie cut maverick off "let's just get this over with captain" she said as rooster made faces at her from his plane "and it's on" he said flying in between the two planes,Rooster and swan were hot on Mavericks tail  they both dove down towards the mountain after him the altitude started going ape shit doing to the fact they we're dropping fast "pull up! Pull up! Pull up!" Bonnie heard the robotic voice in the plane course, she did as it said "pull up rooster!" Bonnie yelled into her mask "pull up Bradley Pull up"
"Kill him swan! Get it over with" Bradley said still not pulling up ,Bonnie moved the scope so it was on mavericks plane a tone was heard "that's a kill maverick!" Bonnie shouted "your kidding" maverick sighed through the coms "I'm afraid I'm not, come on rooster let's get back to base" she said turning her plane back towards base. Swan felt her plane jolt to a stop,she hopped out and met Bradley "are you fucking crazy Bradley!" She shouted at him he just looked at the ground "I didn't expect him to go that low" he mumbled "you need to talk to me Bradley if you try that again you will get kicked out then we're left with bag man,I'm going on this mission no matter what right now just happy your alive let's go back" Bonnie started to walk towards the hanger "wait up!" Rooster shouted as he ran up to walk beside her "can I spend the night again?" He asked sheepishly "yes you can like I said last night you can stay for as long as you want", "great job today your all dismissed" admiral said as everyone made there way towards the change room "Swan wait up!" Phoenix yelled Bonnie turned around waiting for her "you killed it out there" Natasha said punching her shoulder "thanks you guys were close"
"I guess you could say that". Rooster stood waiting outside the woman's locker room "Lt Bradshaw, a word" Calypso said motioning to his office "yes sir" Bradley said walking in to the office "now Lt what we're you thinking today following maverick!" Calypso shouted at him "I was thinking sir" brad said stiffening "your lucky Ross was there to save your ass,now Bradshaw you try that shit again and your going home you hear me Bradshaw, your dismissed" Bradley nodded and walked out "do you remember how to get back to my house?" He heard a voice say from behind him, he turned around to see the Bonnie her honey blonde hair still tied back in a bun "I think i do" he said looking at he in admiration "I don't think you do, just follow me okay?" She said grabbing her keys out of her cross body bag walking out of the building Bradley shook his head and followed her, he watched as she walked up to her lifted pick up truck "take me home honey!" He yelled hopping into his bronco starting it up with a roar watching Bonnie pull out of her parking spot, "hey dad seen you called twice sorry for not picking out I was training" Bonnie said her phone connected to her truck "don't worry about it sweetie so I was wondering would you like to come over to ices house for dinner" her dads deep voice said over the speaker "sure I'll be there, do you mind if I bring a friend with me?" She asked nervously "woah there cowgirl,what's his name" he asked "dad is just Bradley"
"What other Bradley do we know" she laughed pulling into her driveway the small cozy White House looked welcoming as ever "what time do you want me there?"
"Anytime before 5:30"
"Okay sounds good I'll see you then dad love you"
"Love you too", Bonnie turned off her truck and hopped out Bradley pulling up behind her hoping out of his bronco "hey Roo's how do you feel about having dinner with my old man and his friend?" She asked Bradley smiled "sure i would be fine with that what time are we leaving at 5:30 you got 10 minutes chop chop Rooster" Bonnie laughed as the two sprinted towards the blue front door. The two sat silently in roosters bronco "I love this song!" Bonnie said Turing up the radio " I spent last night in the arms of a girl in Louisiana, though I'm out on the highway my thoughts are still with her" Bonnie sang "such a strange combination of a woman and a child, such a strange situation stopping every hundred miles callin Baton Rouge" both of them laughed as the song continued in the background "okay where's the house?" Bradley asked turning onto flight street "it's the big white one" said Bonnie pointing at the house Bradley started to slow down as they approached the driveway, the two hopped out of Bradshaws ford and made there way towards the house they didn't even make it up the stairs before the door opened "Bonnie, Bradley! Come in come in!"
"Hey auntie Sarah" Bonnie said giving Sarah a hug
As Bradley stood behind her watching the two women, he couldn't deny it he's had a crush on Bonnie since maverick introduced the two when they were 14 at one of Bradleys high school baseball games, she was a cheerleader for Bradley's school he had always wondered why they hadn't met before that game, the next year at baseball tryouts there was girl who showed up that girl was Bonnie, the two quickly became best friends after maverick had pulled there papers they decided they would rent a small apartment together as they attended college together. Sarah ushered the two into the house "the boys are upstairs" she said taking their coats "thanks Sarah" Bradley smiled at the woman as Bonnie made her way upstairs Bradley hot on her tail, the two made there way up the dark oak stairs "Bradley?"
"Yes?" Bradley looked down at Bonnie "just a little warning dad doesn't look too good okay?" She said looking up at him lips thinned "okay that's okay" he said looking at her v-line white top and mom jeans which hugged her hourglass figure perfectly " is that a new top?" He asked teasingly "I'm glad you noticed" she said hitting his side with her hip as she knocked on the door "come in!" Her fathers chipper voice said as the two walked into the familiar room "hey dad how's it going" Bonnie said as she hugged her dad "it's going good, who knew Ice was so bad at cards!" He said walking over to Bradley "how are you Bradley" he asked shaking his hand "I'm good how are you?" Bradley looked at the man his heart broke seeing how week and skinny he looked "never been better!, have a seat you too we have stuff to talk about" he said taking his seat next ice man two chair were sat out for them, "I want to talk about my will, Iceman convinced me to finally do it since I don't have much longer" Bonnie looked at her dad "don't say that you still have so much a head of you" she said "Bonnie, honey I know I don't have much longer I'm not getting any better, that's why I want to do this now" vandal said Bonnie nodded " I'm leaving you with everything, the hanger all my planes the house the cottage and my fortune" he said "okay" Bonnie muttered looking down at her hands, Bradley reached over and grabbed her hand "I know this is hard sweetheart but everything will be okay" Bradley looked at Iceman who nodded at him. "I want to talk about work" iceman typed "there's not much to talk about" Bonnie chuckled "maverick told me about today Bradley" rooster gulped "sir I was just trying to get the kill" Bradley said looking over at Bonnie "yes and you could have died both of you could have died" she said rolling her eyes at Bradley making ice man chuckle "swan is right, she did the right thing today" Bonnie smiled "have you talked to maverick about why he pulled your papers yet" Ice asked "no I haven't" said Bonnie fiddling with her ring "you should"
"Dinner is ready!" They heard Sarah yell from the bottom of the stairs.After dinner was served Bonnie went to help Sarah with the dishes the boys made there way into the living area "so Rooster what's your intentions with my daughter" Daniel asked "sir it's not like that we're just friends" 
"Bull shit I see the way you look at her" he said "it doesn't matter if you deny it I know you have feelings for her, I'm fine with it Bradley if your anything like your dad, I'm fine with it"rooster smiled at him "thank you sir, you mind telling me some story's about my old man" he asked looking at the two retired pilots with a smile, "I think we should head out it's already 7" Bonnie walked into the living room interrupting her fathers story "yeah that would probably be best" said rooster standing up giving Daniel and Tom a hand shake "bye dad, bye uncle ice I'll see you both soon okay?" Bonnie said giving the two a hug "bye sweetheart love you"
"Love you too dad" she says picking up roosters phone off the table "wait" Rooster and Swan turned around to see iceman talking to them "talk to maverick don't let him stand in your way" he took a deep and shaky breath "the navy needs Rooster and Swan, America needs rooster and swan" ice man says coughing towards the end " thank you admiral" Bonnie says giving him a salute rooster filling her actions, "bye everybody! Have a good night" Bonnie yelled at the pair walked out of the house and got in the ford Bonnie let out air she didn't know she was holding in the truck started up with a roar she reached over and put her seat belt on as the truck pulled out of the driveway "you okay honey" Bonnie laughed at the nickname he had given her when they first met because he forgot her name "I don't know this is hard Bradley, I know you went through it too but I'm so tired I work then get home I eat I have a shower then I worry about dad for the rest of the night leaving me with very little sleep which is not good  when you have to get up at 4;30 be at the base by 5:00 work my ass off all day then repeat, I'm burnt out" she said tears streaming down her face "and now he knows that his life is coming to an end, he's not fighting anymore he's just letting it happen" she felt rooster place a hand on her thigh she looked over at him "Bonnie I know this is hard for you but you've gotta keep fighting for him, he's still here so you've gotta make it count he loves you more then anything, your his world Bonnie" he said stoping at a stop sign, Bonnie started fully crying "I just feel so alone Bradley" she said as the two pulled into her driveway "oh honey, your not alone I'm here for you, I always will be" rooster said hopping out of the truck and going over to her side opening the door quickly and hugged her as she sobbed muttering sweet nothings into her ear as he held her just as she had held him a long time ago.
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nezuscribe · 2 years
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖓𝖔 𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖓 (𝟐)
(part one)
(part two)
pairing: king!bakugo x fem!reader
genre: slowburn, royalty au, strangers to lovers to haters, angst, smut
summary: what is katsuki supposed to do when you come back when he thought that you were good as dead? how is he supposed to live on with his life when the love of his life has returned?
warnings (mdni 18+): angst, cheating, smut, soft sex ish, (characters are aged up to 20's), fingering (female receiving), cum eating, corruption!kink, loss of virginity
note: comments and reblogs are always appreciated! also, this is the last part i will be writing so please don't ask for a third part!
word count: 10.5k+
mha masterlist
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There was a sense of grief, hidden in that unspoken quietness.
In which two lost souls stared aimlessly at each other, fingers etching to hold on another, to have skin touch skin, just barely, until each other's hearts were intertwined just as they weren't meant to be, written in the by the strings of fate.
One sat up, one arm steadying his body as his duvet fell, revealing his marked-up chest, heavy with years of battle scars, the hand that lay atop it sliding off as he looked straight ahead.
Solemn eyes widen a bit, one foot taking you back as you step behind, hands nervously wringing together as you look up at the soldier who had brought you here, silently asking him why he thought that would be a good idea judging by the ring on his finger.
His lips moved in the shape of your name, hands shaking as he blinked once, twice, rubbing at his eyes as he glanced at the soldier behind you, slowly swinging one leg over the other as he rose from his bed, taking long strides until he came face to face with you.
In all your dreams and nightmares, you never imagined yourself in this position. There was a bit of embracement that came with it, knowing that you had finally given up, but what more could you do? They would have burned you once they found out you were dead.
But he seemed like he had seen a ghost. Face pale, eyes shining a brilliant red, swimming with various emotions as he took you in, the face of somebody he told himself repeatedly he'd never see again. Perhaps in another life, but never here. Not when he was alive and living with his title.
A gentle hand raised up, slow and delicate as it made contact with your face, a small sound of pain, perhaps regret, coming from his lips as your head dropped into his hold, eyes watery as you shut them, taking one step closer as his other hand was quick to bring you to his chest.
Was this a new paradise? Had he died during his sleep? He wouldn't be opposed to it, not ever. If it was you that was truly in front of him, the woman who plagued his mind with every waking moment he lived.
The two of you snapped away from each other at the voice, and it seemed as though he remembered just where he was, that the ring on his finger wasn't just for show and that the woman in his bed wasn't just another late night fuck.
"Is everything alright?"
And you looked worriedly over his shoulder at the woman that hurriedly put her robe on, fixing her long hair as she took padded steps to her fiance, a hand on his shoulder as she glanced at you.
"Do we have a visitor?"
Your lips pressed into a wobbly line, looking over to the soldier once more as he gave the two royals a grim stare.
You cleared your throat, giving her a small smile you hoped wouldn't give your true feelings away as you shook your head, trying to smooth out the wrinkles in your old tunic as you gave them their well-respected bows.
"Your majesty," You handed them a piece of paper, charred at the sides with burns, smelling of distant smoke as your house was so many ways away, "I have come asking for asylum."
Beneath the star-scattered sky, the party flourishes with true delight and splendor.
Loud yells of excitement come from different people, women fanning their faces as the men lean in, listening intently to what they had to say, large smiles on their faces as they twirled around, the music growing some noises out as the violinists play in perfect harmony with their piano counterpart.
You watch happily from above, leaning over the stone railing as you're cleverly concealed by a large bouquet of flowers, glad that you're here and not in a ditch somewhere far away.
"Are you not going?"
You glanced to the side, ducking your face down at the fact that you were caught, looking at the scene behind you as you let out a quiet sigh.
You were glad, however, that it was only Izuku. Out of all the knights of the seventh men, you were more than elated. It was the freckled green-haired man you had come to know over the past couple of months. Anybody else, and they might have kicked you out.
"Sorry for scaring you." He said sheepishly as he made his way towards you, almost testing the waters, but seeing that you were too distracted by the party below, you didn't care all that much.
"It's quite alright," You answered, glancing at him for a second before you went back to looking down below.
"I can admire the view from up here," You say, making some room for the man as he moves to stand beside you, "'S not so bad, you know," It was true, really. It was deserted, but it was a sanctuary nobody seemed to realize was there.
"You'll certainly be missed, then," He said, more to himself, under his breath, and was almost glad you missed it with the roar of party-goers applauding Katsuki and Kō twirled around, his fiance's magnificent dress shining a multitude of colors, illuminated perfectly by the candles that were perched on every wall.
You felt his shoulder gently bumping yours as you let out a soft breath, shyly glancing over as you assessed his uniform, noting that he had shed his usual chunky armor and had chosen to wear a more flexible and breathable piece of clothing.
"Are you not standing guard tonight?" You asked and watched as Izuku shook his head, fingers tracing the carved patterns of the rails as he looked down below.
"Denki and Kirishima are the ones on duty, thankfully," He added, giving a melodramatic sigh as you giggled, noticing how his shoulders were still heavy from the weight they were used to carrying, how he seemed to grip the railing as if his feet would give way from beneath him.
He, along with many of his comrades, was spectacular at hiding his true exhaustion, you had come to learn over the past couple of months. They had ways to fight, families to protect, grounds they had to patrol, and they did an astonishing job at masking it all with a happy facade.
You didn't say anything for a couple of minutes, the silence comfortable enough to allow you to search below for a particular shade of blonde, scanning, and scanning until you found it, twirling his lover around as she said something, and you watched as Katsuki leaned down, his lips brushing over her ear as he looked around, shaking his head as they continued to dance.
You didn't know him well, and vice versa, but he had seen you around sometimes, had the pleasure of making conversation with you, and had been able to observe well enough to read the silent emotions that you did well of hiding from most people.
Looking away, you balanced your back on the railing, hands over your chest as you pouted, and Izuku had to control the urge to coo at just how cute you seemed to be when irritated.
"You really should go," You spoke, and Izuku looked behind his shoulder at you, his eyebrow cocked as he waited for you to say more, "You just came back from the trenches, right?" You waited for his response, and he nodded slowly.
At that you laughed, truly, for the first time, enjoying just how lost he seemed to be when it came to human interaction that didn't involve talks of battle.
"Then go enjoy yourself!" You gave his arm a slight nudge, but he stayed put, shaking his head as he bashfully looked into the crowd, hoping it would hide the embarrassing blush that overtook his cheeks.
"I'm not a fan of condensed masses," He admitted, "Ya' never know when something's about to happen," And you supposed that given his background, he probably wouldn't be a fan out loud noises, either.
"Well," You looked down at your shoes, "Thank you for joining me. It does get awfully quiet sometimes when it's just me most of the time," You gave him a small small, and he reciprocated it, waving you off as if it was nothing.
But it was more than nothing, to you. Ever since the night you had come asking for asylum, Katsuki was swift in giving it to you, no questions asked as he made the southern palace yours. Albeit, a little bit confused because you seemed intent on never speaking to him again the last time he had seen you.
Of course, people aside from him were curious as to who you were, wondering what you had done to convince their cruel king to quickly give you anything you asked for. The woman by his side, Kō, you had come to learn, the very one who had become the bane of your existence, felt more so threatened by the way her fiance seemed to drop anything he was doing to aid to your needs.
And you guess you should blame yourself for part of it. Instead of leaving the moment he gave you your freedom, you stayed. The beds seemed too warm and the food so well made that you caved, living in your imaginative land of bliss as he worked at your beck and call.
As word floated around the palace, more people seemed to take their to-be-queens side, looking down on you from their noses as you walked by, whispering things to one another as you ate quietly on the side, and had decided, almost indefinitely, that you were to be the concubine once Kō was made a true royal of the south.
So, given the fact that you knew how in demand Izuku seemed to be with the women down below, with just how many people wanted to talk to him at all times, and with the probability of being most likely aware of the negative buzz that surrounded you, you were grateful that he came and rid your mind of all your swarming thoughts, even if that wasn't his initial intention.
"I'm happy to be here," He said and you grinned to yourself, looking away to hide the certain giddiness that filled your little heart. How long had it been since somebody had been this kind towards you? You hated how your mind immediately went to the cave and Katsuki and his gentle hands.
You opened your mouth to say something, but your gaze focused on something behind him, shutting up when the figure got into view, heart beating rapidly, blood roaring to your cheeks as you saw him, his eyes focused on yours as he walked towards you, his crimson cape, the shade of shed blood, swayed behind him.
Izuku noticed your divert of attention, looking behind him as he instantly stood straighter, one fist curled over his heart, the other behind his back as he folded at the waist, the way knights were supposed to greet their kings.
"Your majesty," He scrambled to find words to say, "Is there any way I can be of aid to you?" The expected reaction, but Katsuki waved it aside, flicking his hand away, and Izuku easily got the hint, giving him a swift nod as he walked away, peeking back at you as he gave you a tilted smile, his green hair fading from view as he walked down the spiral stairs that led to the party.
Once he was sure he was out of sight and earshot, Katsuki was swift in his movements, moving closer to you as he pulled your hand into his, nuzzling his face into your neck as he wrapped his arm around your waist, lips hovering over the skin of your jaw, not knowing the way it played little tricks on your mind, forcing you to forget just where you were and just who you happened to be.
"Did'ya not like the dress?" He pulled away, and you wholly abhorred the way your body moved in sync with his, with just how much you longed to be held by him, even though it was he who you laid awake at night because.
But you resisted the urge to pull him deeper into yourself, to smell his warm cologne, to feel his lips against yours, but you shook your head, taking a step back as you looked anywhere but him.
"The dress was most undoubtedly beautiful," You admitted with a wrinkled nose, heat burning under your skin as he enclosed your hand in his, his searing lips finding purchase on your arm, planting little kisses as he trailed upwards, stopping just as your collarbone as you pulled away once more from him.
"Then why didn't ya' wear it?" He finally got the hint, moving away as he gave you some room, his decorated chest full of medals of honor and military recognizations, the same necklace you remembered him wearing many nights ago still hanging around his neck.
You looked at him as if he had gone mad, and you truly wondered if he had, if those nightshade berries he had eaten had messed with his way of thinking, but he seemed confused at your perplexed expression.
"What?" You scoffed at him for even asking that, for wondering like he had done nothing wrong, "Did'ya want another dress?
You squeezed your eyes shut, your lips pinched together as you shook uncontrollably, pain seizing you when you felt his calloused hands rest atop your cheek, just as they always seemed to do like they were tailored perfectly so that your face would fit perfectly in his hands.
"Go back to your wife, Katsuki," You warned, pushing his hand roughly away, but he didn't budge, resilience in his stance as his jaw ticked.
"She's not my fuckin' wife." He snapped and you rolled your eyes, glancing at the engagement ring on his finger, and he heaved a heavy sigh, wringing it off as he pocketed it.
But he knew it was more than that. Knew that she was the person who put a rift between the two of you, and could only guess that it was salt in the wound when you returned to find her splayed over him as if she was the owner of his heart.
If only you knew just how much you had a grip on his reality, on his every waking moment, of the fact that every second he was alive he was worried about you, discreetly glad that he could worry about you, that you were here in the flesh and he could hold you just as he longed to do.
"Why her?" The words barely made it out as you choked on them, the question that weighed on your mind ever since you had seen her that night, wondering what he had to be thinking to go back to the woman that left him for his rival only to come wailing back when even he didn't want her.
And he didn't know what to say. Why her? He truly didn't know. Was it because she was so beautiful he couldn't resist it when she pounded on his chest, crying as she begged to be accepted back to the life she threw away? Was it because in those scarce moments he could see the old girl she used to be?
But how could he say that he imagined it was you every moment he was with her? How could that be fair to you if you heard he only imagined, but never cared enough to actually go to you, to apologize, to be with you once more?
So as the party below continued with endless dancing, as his fiance looked around aimlessly for where her partner was to no avail, he could only pull you into his chest, his hand running up and back the slope of your back as he rested his chin atop your head.
He was a fool, but even he was going towards the point of no return if he continued going on like this.
With every nasty side-eye you got, you decided it is best to stay away from the majority of people and venture out when it got closer and closer to nighttime.
You tried to find work outside the palace, but it seemed that word of you even trickled down to the common folks, how somebody was lurking around the halls waiting to pray upon their king, so no matter how much you pleaded and told them you meant no harm, they slammed the door on your face once they realized who you were.
You strayed far away from Katsuki, though it was a rather difficult task seeing that this was his home and he had the liberty to go wherever he pleased.
But despite all that, you were rather good at avoiding him, hiding behind corners when he passed by or pretending to be asleep whenever he came knocking in the dead of night.
Deep down, you truly longed to see him.
To be where you were a year ago, where it was just the two of you in that cave, where he helped you pick your berries and hunt your fish and the days blend into each one another. It was a peaceful time, although it didn't seem so long ago.
And in all honesty, you swore to never go looking for him again, really, you did. But then the fires started to burn, most likely set aflame from the north in retaliation to the east, and everything around you began to burn, and you had to run before they found you alive.
Your situation could have been worse, you try to tell yourself, you could be starving and without a place to sleep, this wasn't the worse it could have turned out to be.
But you never expected to come back to him and that girl, the very one he'd talk in his sleep about and the very one who tore your heart to pieces when he whispered her name when he held you close to him.
So, you stayed away. It was the least you could do from splitting your mind apart in frustration whenever you saw him walking around.
And, you preferred to stay awake regardless. It reminded you of your days back in the forest, when you stayed up to see the stars, the occasional shooting one flying through the onyx sky as you watched them form into your own constellations that you had named for yourself.
The garden, despite its marvelous size, was never fully appreciated, let alone the time you visited it. You weren't aware there were so many different types and shapes and smells of flowers before, and you took your time as you ducked your face into the endless array of bushes, catching a big whiff of them as you leisurely stroll through, fingers hovering over their leaves as you burned them into your memory.
"D'ya always like to hide in difficult-to-find places?"
You jumped at the voice, whipping around as your erratic heart stopped its frenzied thumping, placing a hand over your chest as you settled slightly, seeing that it was only Izuku and he seemed rather guilty for scaring you for the second time.
"I wouldn't say this is the most difficult place to hide," You taunted and he rubbed the back of his neck, grinning as he looked around, noticing that you had strayed far from the palace, almost nearing the large meadows that separated it from the rest of the world.
"Though it certainly isn't the least concealed, either," He joked and you laughed softly, a gentle twinkling sound as you began your pacing around, feeling a little bit safer now that he was here.
"I like these flowers," You stated, gnawing on your lips as you touched a violet one, shining brilliantly in the moonlight, "And unfortunately this is the only time I can admire them." You looked back at him as you winked, going back to your flowers quickly enough to miss the way his face blushed red.
"Do ya' sleep durin' the day?" He questioned gently as he began walking behind you, respectful as he gave you some space between your bodies, his hands behind his back as he looked at the wide exhibition of bushes.
You shook your head, shrugging as your fingers grazed over the delicate petals, careful not to drag them down and potentially ruin them.
"I just prefer being by myself," You said, but quickly added, "Most of the time." When you noticed him looking worried as if he had barged in.
"I hope I'm an exception?" His eyes shined a brilliant green, darker than the stems of the flowers in front of you, but likewise an emerald color as it caught in the light of the moon.
You almost got lost in them, forgetting to answer as you stuttered, glancing at the roses in front of you as you quickly nodded.
"Of course, you're always an exception." You stopped walking, giving him a teasing grin, now noticing just how much he towered over you as you both paused.
The stillness came back, but you welcomed it. The cicadas that chirped to the breeze that came in and played with your little wisps of hair, it was a gentle night.
"How's the palace treatin' ya'?" Izuku glanced at you from the corner of his eyes, a hint of worry lacing through his tone. He had sent the way you refused to anywhere where most people seemed to be.
"Better than it should be," You cheekily divulged, but there was something more in your voice, a hint of gloom that he was able to pick up on.
"Ya' sure?" He hoped he wasn't pressing too hard, losing you when you had just started getting comfortable with him.
You gave a stiff nod, crossing your arms over your nightgown as you shrugged again, waving it all aside as if it was of no worry, nothing to fret for him.
"Most indefinitely," You said, your voice joking, and a part of him relaxed hearing it.
You looked at his scarred hands, noticing a small ring that adorned his fourth finger.
"Do you have somebody waitin' for you?" You jutted your chin to his hand and he followed its movement, quick to shake his head as he hid his hand behind his back.
"No! Uh, no, actually," He gave an awkward laugh, "I used to have somebody waitin', but," He trailed off, and you could pick up on his obvious discomfort about the subject.
"Sorry for asking," You said, slightly ashamed for butting in on his personal life, but he immediately perked up, upset in his eyes as he waved your nervousness aside.
"It's nothing! Promise," He chuckled, something deep and throaty, a sound that you had never heard before but was certain in setting a part of you to ignite, "No harsh feelings." He wanted to kick himself for just how inelegant he made any and every situation he seemed to be in with you.
But to his surprise, you laughed, throwing your head back as you poked his side, your finger barely making a dent in his armor, but you still did it anyway.
"For a knight, you seem awfully friendly," You were now looking up at him, eyes full of novelty and inquisitiveness.
Gods, he wondered to himself, this must be why his king was so enamored by you.
"I take that as a good thing, hopefully?" You nodded, giving him a kind smile as you looked back to the grand palace behind him, to the way the stars twinkled so brightly, and gave out a slight yawn, rubbing your eyes as you made your way back in.
"More than a good thing," You assured him as he followed you back, his clanky armor making you giggle as he sighed in annoyance, something he had to, unfortunately, deal with on a regular basis.
As you neared the grand doors that lead to the courtyard, you realized that this is where you parted ways, as Izuku had to rotate to the back now as he shifted his routine with the men over there.
You cleared your throat, looking back as you glanced over to him, giving his uncovered hand a small squeeze as you grinned.
"Thank you for sparing a bit of time for me," You balance your weight on the balls of your feet, having to crane your neck a little to truly see him.
He waved his arm, rubbing at his undercut as he shrugged bashfully, glimpsing at you from under his long lashes and he gave you an extensive and friendly smile.
"Anything' for ya', m'lady," And you didn't have time to notice as he brought your hands to his lips, giving it a tiny kiss as he winked, waking away as he meets with his other friends, earning some suspicious glances as they looked at you and then to him.
You rubbed your skin where his lips last were, and though you wanted so deeply to feel giddy at the gesture, all you could do was look at the palace, at the large balcony that extended into the king's quarters, and wish he were someone else that placed the kiss there.
Three thumps that sounded from behind your door startled you awake.
You glanced at the clock, the two hands telling you that it was too early in the morning, far too early for anybody other than the servants and knights to be awake, and as you groggily rubbed at your eyes, tiredly making your way to the door as you cracked it open to check what was happening, you gasped.
To your surprise, there was an abnormal amount of guards, some running, others shouting to each other, maids screaming as they ran down the stairs, and as you went out to see more of what was happening, two large hands pushed you roughly back into your room.
Looking up you were met with two eyes, shining a bright vermillion as his chest heaved up and down, raking over you as he assessed your features, clearly not thinking anything unusual of his sudden intrusion.
"What the fuck is happening? Katsuki, what.." You watched as he awkwardly shuffled next to you, slamming his palm over the door, pressing the side of his face to it as listened, content with what he heard as he left, locking it instantly.
"Hurry. Don't speak." He warned, holding a finger to his lips to shush your frantic rambling.
He went to the corner of your room, opening up the small wardrobe that stood in the corner, feeling for something as you heard a small click, and he pointed to it, the backing behind it slamming open as you walked slowly towards it, quickly looking back to the door when you heard loud yelling, and Katsuki was quick to grab you, pushing you inside as he followed in behind you.
The doors to the wardrobe closed as he followed in behind you, the door to the hidden alcove shutting in unison as you squeezed inside.
"What is happening? Katsuki-"
"Raid. Northern rebels." Is all he gave as an expansion as he pushed you in deeper, a small little room coming into view the more you ventured.
You felt your heart stop at his words. Undoubtedly he had to be jesting for cruel amusement.
It was them who burnt the forest down, ruined your life, and you wanted to gauge their eyes out that now they had decided to set flame to the utopia you were just beginning to build up again.
"Wh-what?" You looked behind you but he shielded your eyes as he pushed you into the opening, a little mattress situated in one corner, cans of food in the other, and he quickly got to work in shutting the door that led into the tiny room.
Despite it being closed off from virtually everything, there was a surprising amount of airflow, so much so that you shivered, your thin nightgown doing nothing to protect you from the icy wind.
"Katsuki!" You shouted, gripping his arm as he turned around, and he paused his movement, slowing down as he glanced over at you, waiting for you to speak again.
"Where are we?" Is all you could say, still looking around despite not having much to look for.
"Bunker," He grunted, "The only way to get out is from the inside. Safe as shit," He muttered, looking everywhere as if this had been his first time in this. Maybe it was.
You stuttered, eyebrows drawing together in bewilderment as you touched the cold stone walls that surrounded you.
"Has," You sighed, shaking your head in confusion, "Has this always been here?" You almost wanted to look somewhere else for how ridiculous the question sounded.
It had been weeks since you had actually seen him like this, so close, and talked to him for so long, but it felt like it used to, and had you not been in such a situation you almost would have smiled fondly at the old memories that flooded through you.
"F'course," He murmured, situating himself on the old mattress as he leaned his back against the cold wall, "Gave ya' one of the safest rooms we have," He groaned again, this time louder and sounded to be of more distress.
You scrunch your nose up at the smell, rubbing your tired eyes as you look back at the sealed door.
"How bad is it?" The question came out in a whisper.
How was Izuku? You shuddered at the thought. He had to be fine, you knew he could carry himself well.
Katsuki shrugged, but he lamented at that too, and you sighed as you began walking over to where he sat as you glanced over his shaking form.
"They're holdin' 'em off from last I saw," He noticed your worry, "Izuku's on the upper level, he's fine," Your cheeks heated when you realized he had picked up on your budding relationship with the soldier, but it quickly vanished when he groaned again, "And-fuck," He scratched at his clothing, "Help me get this off..." He could barely finish his sentence as he hit his head against the wall with a thud.
"I," You stammered, "I don't-" He cut you off, shaking his head as he could already tell what you were thinking.
"'S not what'ya think," His fists clenched, "Just help me get this coat off," His words slurred together and you dropped to your knees, grasping at his shoulder to hold him up, but reeled your hand back in horror when you saw that it was coated in a thick layer of blood.
"Katsu, what.." You quickly began unbuttoning his suit, your hands fumbling as they flew together, shrugging it off, the material almost sticking to his skin with the blood that glued it together.
You peeled his coat and white tunic, now stained red, off, some relief flooding your senses as you realized the cut wasn't as shallow as it seemed to be from the outside, and it was only near his shoulder, so you should be able to clean it up with not too much difficulty.
"There should be an aid kit near the can," He pointed to the other corner and you quickly shuffled to your feet, sifting through the cans as you found the red metallic box, running over to him as you found some gauze and alcohol in its little compartments.
You had to admit it had been a while since you had actually used any of these things, as the forest could only offer so much for medical assistance. But you recall once long ago how your brother used alcohol to clean a minor cut of his with just patting it on, so you prayed you remembered how to do it in the correct manner.
You quickly patted it only, reeling back when he breathed harshly through his teeth, eyes wringing shut as he banged a closed fist on his thigh.
"W-what did I do? Are you okay?" You worriedly looked at his paling face but he bit his lip, shaking his head as he motioned for you to continue.
"Stings," He muttered and you gnawed on your thumb, looking back on his wound as you patted the alcohol on some cotton pads you found near the gauze, no slow and careful in your movements as you dabbed it on.
Once you were sure it was as clean as you could get it, you raised his arm as best as you could with his help as you wrapped it in the flimsy material, doing it several times to make sure it was safe and secure.
His breathing evened out and he eventually cracked an eye open, another one after that he relaxed his legs on the ground, his shoulder covered in white as he rested it carefully on the stone wall behind him.
You glanced at your hands, seeing that they were still covered in red and you shuddered, whipping them on the ground, anywhere but yourself as you controlled the urge to gag.
You truly hated the sight of blood.
"Caught the backhand of a sword," He explained, "Sorry for always pushin' this shit on ya'," He grumbled through his lips, peeking over at you, noting your slight queasiness, then looking over you as he made sure everything was intact, "Yer not hurt, are ya?"
You slowly shook your head, walking away as your bare feet thudded against the floor, looking over at your corner as you sat down, trying to shut him out of sight.
Katsuki watched you intently, now fully awake as you snuggled deeply into yourself, curling into your body as you shivered, refusing to look him in the eye as you tried your best to sleep.
"I can move over if ya' want," He declared quietly, as if not to disturb you if you were already asleep.
You weren't, but you ducked your head deeper into your chest, pretending that you were.
Your eyes snapped wide open, but this time it wasn't from loud noise or a nightmare,
It was because you couldn't sleep a couple of minutes before having to move without feeling your tailbone crush under the rough texture of the floor.
You grumbled something, not realizing that you had awoken Katsuki in the process.
Though you guessed it was most likely sometime during the day, thanks to the lack of lighting, you could barely see anything, but you could make out a rough shadow as it came closer and closer to you.
In your state of tiredness, you could barely argue as he wrapped an arm under your knees, one behind your back as he effortlessly picked you up, acting as if he was never hurt, to begin with.
"Katsu, stop," You whined and he snorted at your weak attempt at pushing him away, your hand just falling weakly on his chest as you subconsciously nestled deeper into his warmth.
"Yer shiverin' like a fuckin' leaf," He grumbled out and you pouted in your groggy state, feeling a gentle drop as he set you on the mattress, not sensing just how much you longed to be held by him as you climbed away from his hold.
He paused, different questions he had been longing to ask you since the moment he saw your face resurfaced in his mind, but only one made its way through.
"Why'd ya' come back?" He whispered a voice lost to the night as your eyes lay wide open staring at nothing as you asked yourself the same thing.
"I-I don't know." You admitted truthfully as you shut your eyes.
Katsuki watched your back to his fall with gentle breaths, and he smiled gently, trying his best to fall asleep as your little puffs of air rocked him to sleep.
You don't remember how it came to be, but you felt a gentle hand running up and down your neck, fingertips barely there as they carefully hovered over your skin, but you couldn't really be one to point fingers as you felt yourself sleeping deep into the comfort of his chest.
Looking up you saw that his eyes were closed and he was most likely asleep and subconsciously doing this, so you pulled carefully away, only to realize that he had an iron grip and refused to let you go.
"Katsuki," You whispered, poking gently at his good shoulder, "Wake up, come on." And it felt just as though you were back in that cave, waking up in his arms as his eyes slowly opened, his hand stopping as he pulled away.
He groaned as he sat up, rubbing a hand down his face as he gave a loud yawn, peeking at the door, contemplating deep on his train of thoughts.
"Mornin'." He said with another yawn, though you even doubted it was near the actual time.
"Morning." You greeted, stomach rumbling as you gradually moved toward the tower of canned goods, sifting through them until you found some fish you guessed would satiate your hunger as you came back, giving a slight tug on the top as it opened up.
It smelled fine, great, even, and you held it out to Katsuki as you picked one out, eating slowly to make sure it tasted alright.
"Ya' got a thing for fish of somethin'?" He asked as he nibbled on it, looking at you from the corner of his eyes as you laughed peacefully, shrugging as you pulled out another one.
"Are you gonna complain?" You watched as he quickly shook his head, going back for another one as you snorted softly.
The two of you ate in silence, an uncomfortable feeling washing over you as you looked intently at the door.
"Where's Kō?" It was a question you had to ask, not because you wanted to ruin everything or because you were nosy, simply because he was his to-be-wife and you truly wondered where she was, if not the safest place in the palace.
You glanced over at him, watched as his jaw ticked, red eyes swimming with fury as he glimpsed down at his lap.
"In another bunker with her maids." He explained, not looking up as you scooted closer to him, your shoulders almost touching as you turned the can over to him once again.
"Then why were you here?" His eyes skirted up to yours, searching for what your true intentions were, only to be met with the curiosity and kindness he had fallen in love with, his heart beating erratically in the limited space of his chest, coming short on air as your lips puckered into a little pout, waiting for him to answer.
"Was wakin' around and happened to be here." He lied to his teeth and you rolled your eyes at how obvious it was.
"You sure that's the truth?" You poked his left arm and he gave in easily, picking out another fish slowly as he chewed for a couple of seconds.
"Came to make sure you were okay," He conceded, not meeting your glare as you hastily set the can of fish aside, astonished at his admission.
"Katsuki," You dropped your hands, going to close around his as you squeezed them tightly, "You have to stop, what about Kō? She's your fucking fiance! This isn't-" He cut you off, writing his hands out as he stood up, blonde hair looking crazed as ran a hand through it.
"Isn't what, huh? Good? Healthy? Gonna' tell me what is better? That now I gotta know that you're alive 'n healthy and yer here and I can't do a fuckin' think about it?" His red eyes bored into yours, full of an emotion you had never seen, his chest heavy as pain seared in his left shoulder.
You slowly stood up, walking carefully towards him as you placed a soothing hand on his bandage, trying to get him to stop from potentially hurting himself even more.
"Katsuki, please, sit down." He gripped onto your hands, not roughly by any means, but holding them as if they were his lifeline, his anchor between reality and fiction. His were much larger and easily enveloped yours as he took a step forward, closing the gap that was between the two of you.
"STOP," He snapped, fury traveling all through his body as he seethed, "Stop pretending like you bein' here is normal. For months I see ya' walking around, actin' like nothin' ever happened. A-and I know, I know I fucked it up, I know that, but Y/n..." He trailed off, choking as he pressed his fist to his lips to keep them from trembling, taking advantage of your silence to continue.
"I came lookin' for ya'," He said, staring at the ground, "Took a couple of my men and went to the forest. Knew it all by heart," He gave an expressionless laugh, "And ya' know what I saw?" He finally looked up at you, eyes filled with tears, fat tears that fell down the slope of his face as they splattered on the floor.
You could barely shake your head, let alone speak, as you stared at him, eyes wide, innocent hands trying to reach out for him as he controlled a sob.
"All of it," He motioned with a hand as if it was right there, "Burned to the fuckin' ground. None of the trees were left, creek was all dried up. N' you were nowhere. Not in your fuckin' cave, or in any of the towns, no-fuckin-where," His voice jolted again, breath lodged up in his throat as he looked directly at you, "Do ya' k-know," His voice shook with heavy emotions, "D'ya know what I thought when I saw that shit? Though you were fuckin' dead. Never thought I'd see your face again," He bits the inside on his cheek, looking away in shame, a twinge of embracement as you slowly made your way towards him, not fast enough as he resumed.
"Then I wake up one night to knock on my door and yer there. Breathin' and smilin' and made me think I had finally made my peace with whatever fuckin' god there is up there. That finally I could have ya' all to myself again. Gods, Y/n, d'ya have any idea how fuckin' happy I was? Felt like I could carry the world on my shoulders and you in my hands if ya' asked me to. Hell, I'd do anythin' you ask my t'do..." He trailed off, rambling more to himself as you dropped your hands to his shaking ones, weaving your fingers through them as you brought another careful one to his cheek, directing his face back towards yours as your lips wobbled in unison with his.
"Did you really come back?" You whispered, words sticking on your tongue, barely passing out as a proper sentence, but Katsuki understood, nodding in your hands, leaning into them as he gave a small kiss to your palm.
"I'll always come back for ya', Y/n," His words carried themselves around you, working as a magnet as you felt your lips crashing onto his, searing as he was quick to pull you into his body, one large hand on the purchase of your back, the other behind your neck as his lips moved in furious tandem against yours.
Unlike the last time, it wasn't hot or swift, you felt as his lips moved slowly against yours, savoring their taste as his tongue slipped in, his hands warm against your body as he pulled you into his chest.
There was longing and pain, full of desire and heartbreak, and you felt your eyes water up, tears slipping down your cheeks as they fell into your lips, their salty taste flooding into your mouths.
Katsuki instantly pulled away, looking over your face to see if he had hurt you, had gone too far, but your head fell on his shoulder, hiding all your emotions from view.
"Darlin'," He started, a steady hand on your back, not realizing just how much it felt like an anchor you so desperately needed, "What's wrong, huh? Ya' hurt? Want me to stop?" His calloused fingers lifted your chin up, cooing quietly as his thumb wipe those tear marks away, eyes the color of rubies picked deep from the earth's surface shining with a newfound dread as they bored into yours.
You slowly shook your head, lips wobbling as your hands snaked around his back, squeezing him, hoping he'd never let go.
"It's been so long," You whimpered, voice shaking as some more tears fell, "So long," And he couldn't ask for what because it had been so long since you were held like this, looked at like you mattered, kissed as if you meant to be loved, so long since you felt whole again that you didn't know what to do.
"Oh, darlin'," He pleaded, pulling back as he kissed your cheeks, your nose, the corners of your eyes as he gave you a gentle smile, "Stop yer cryin', yeah? Hate seein' that pretty face of yours all miserable like this," He gave your thighs a small squeeze and you gave a wet laugh, pulling him closer to you as you nestled your head into the crook of his neck.
“I missed you so much,” You said against his skin, sending shivers down his spine, “Was so lonely without you,” You muttered as you pressed little kisses along his collarbone, trailing up as they turned needy, sucking on his neck as he let out a guttural groan.
“Shit, Y/n, yer gonna leave a mark,” He could barely speak, lips caught between his teeth as you looked up with that innocent gaze, bottom lip smeared in spit as you pouted, pressing another kiss near his lips as you tugged on his fingers.
“But I want to,” You whined slightly, “Wanna mark your neck up so fuckin’ much that Kō knows you’re mine,” His eyes were blown out, pupils enlargened as he let out a soft moan, his hand rough as they pushed you roughly into him, lips attacking yours as you moaned into his mouth.
“Yer just a bitch in heat aren’tcha?” His hands slipped under your nightgown as he tugged on your nipple, twisting it as you whined, head falling down as you panted, “Some fuckin’ attention and you turn into a moanin’ mess?” He easily slipped the rest of the tunic off, licking and tugging on your nipples with his teeth as tears made their way into your eyes.
“Katsu, please, just” You let out a breathy moan, “J-just fuck me already,” You pleaded, guiding his hand down south as he smirked, palming your pussy as your head fell onto his bandaged shoulder.
“You fuckin’ whine so much,” He muttered, a hand slipping into your pants, another two fingers forcing their way into your mouth as you chocked around them, the pads pressing down on your tongue as spit formed around your lips.
He watched in awe as he roughly pulled your underwear aside, eyes wide at the way you dripped down messily on your thighs, your glistening essence shining brightly on his fingers as he gently hovered a finger over your dripping hole.
“Ya’ always gotta make a mess for me, yeah?” He could barely contain his own moans as he plunged a finger in, almost forgetting at how well you sucked him in, the way he had to control himself from plowing into you the second he started pumping his fingers in and out.
You were a whining mess on his thighs, letting yourself be ravaged by the man beneath you, mouth falling open in a silent scream as his other hand, wet with your spit, traveled down to rub furious circles on your clit, only adding to the tightening sensation you felt in your tummy.
As he quickens his movements you almost scream at the way you see white, eyes closing tightly as your release comes quickly, coming all over his fingers as your chest heaved, making even more of a mess of his pants and your thighs.
You saw through blurry vision as he slowly pulled out of your folds, licking you off his fingers as he moaned at the taste, his forehead lining with sweat and arousal as he watched you panting on tip of him.
“Katsu, lemme,” You went for his zippers, pulling them down weakly as you tried to recover from your orgasm, but he gingerly gripped your wrist, giving you a small peck on the lips as he put a hand over your knees, one behind your back as he carried you back to the mattress.
“Nah darlin’, today’s your day, we’ll do that another time,” He promised, kissing away your tears as you whined as your back hit soft material, squirming around as you watched him take his pants off, tugging his underwear down as quickly as he could as his cock sprang out, hitting his stomach as you whined at the sight.
He watched as you parted your thighs, your arousal dripping down as you pleaded for him to come closer, trying to grab his dick with your little hands, but he could barely think straight as he crawled atop you, pressing tiny kisses on your lips, letting you taste yourself on him as he parted your legs more with his knees.
“Shit, yer so fuckin’ gorgeous,” He muttered to himself, eyes rolling back as your dainty hands worked up and down his shafted, tugging slightly on the tip, pressing your thumb on it as you smeared his precum around, “Fuck, just like that darlin’, shit,” He panted, and almost wanted to cry as he pulled you away, knowing that this was a mean for his atonement, he had to show you just how much he cared.
He could barely hear through the blood roaring in his ears as he aligned himself with your abused hole, and the two of you let out moans in unison as he slowly sank in, bit by bit, your pussy sucking him in deeper as he placed two hands on your hips to steady himself.
“Katsuki…please…more,” You whined, head lolling to the side, tongue slipping out as your eyes rolled to the back, the stretch painful but you loved it, loved the way his veins felt as they dragged against your tight walls.
“Darlin’, stop, shit, yer so fuckin’ tight,” He bottomed out, holding the position for a couple of seconds as he let your get adjusted to his length, knowing this was the first time you had ever felt something like this before.
You cracked an eye open, looking at him as he shuddered, his hands finding yours as they intertwined, his other hand groping your tits as he pulled out slowly, just enough to slam back down into you, making you scream as he continued to pound into your tiny hole.
“Katsu, yes! Please, faster…ugh…” Your toes curled at the way he refused to stop, at how the tip almost hit your cervix, at how the little hairs at his base tickled your clit, making you gush even more around him, sucking him deeper into your velveteen walls.
“Gonna be addicted to this shit, fuck Y/n, yer amazin’,” His hips slammed at a rhythm, your tits jiggiling with his every move as he continued to fuck you as roughly as he could, and you knew that even know he was controlling himself from going all out on your virgin pussy.
His hand slipped down to your clit as he began to rub little circles on it, his finger quickening in pace as he felt himself getting closer and closer, his thighs tensing up as he felt himself about to come, your moans telling him that you were close too.
It only took another couple of seconds of more rubbing until you gushed all around his length, his pink tip shining brightly in the little light the room offered as he pulled out, cumming all over your stomach and tits as he let out a guttural groan, falling on his elbows as he gazed up at your fucked out expression.
“Yer so fuckin’ sexy darlin’, did amazin’ for yer first time,” He said, a comforting hand on your face as he raked his hands through your hair, kissing your forehead gently as he let his lips blend with yours once more.
You whined as he pulled away, a string of saliva connecting your lips as he sat back upon his knees, looking back at your chest as you watched a guilty expression fall over his face.
“M gonna go look for a towel really quickly, alright darlin’? I know there should be some water canteens with the food, can you stay put while I do that?” He searched your tired eyes, falling back to your aching hole as you nodded limply, curling in on yourself as you felt sleep washing over you.
It felt as though you had only blinked and he was back, just as he promised, wetting a small rag he found with water, slowly moving your body as he dabbed gently at the skin or your stomach, your breasts, cleaning up any residue he left on you.
You watched through half-lidded eyes as he carefully brought the towel to your pussy, cleaning away, careful not to make it more sensitive as it already was, pressing a small kiss to your tummy as he looked up, giving you a small smile as you gave him a lazy one.
“Ya look so cute right now, hope ya’ know that,” He muttered finding your tunic as he unfolded it from its wrinkled position, carefully moving your back up with his steady hand as he put it back on you.
“You’re pretty, too,” You mumbled and he gave you a playful grin, pinching your cheeks as you groaned, rolling into his warmth as he chuckled, careful not to disturb you as he cleaned himself off, throwing the rag aside as you fell into a deep sleep right on his chest.
He looked down at you adoringly, as if you had pinned the moon and the stars and let the world spin sound with just a swipe of your fingers. He loved the way your skin felt against his, the way you moaned when his hands brushed against your well-spent thighs, at the way your brows furrowed in your dreams. He loved how you fit so perfectly into him as if the two of you had been molded from the same piece of clay and were finally back where you two meant to be.
But most of all he loved how you held onto him as if he was your lifeline, not the other way around. And as he himself nodded off to sleep, he wondered if this is what the gods were doing to pay him back for all his sins.
The two of you groggily awoke to loud slams reverberating off the door.
Katsuki quickly snapped up, pushing you behind him as he blocked you with his body, standing to his feet in an instant as he inched closer, inspecting the sound.
Another one came, but you were too tired and delirious to even realize you were awake and not dreaming.
“Katsu,” You yawned, rubbing your eyes, “Is everything okay?” You peeked around his large frame, jumping slightly when you heard the loud boom, now fully awake as you shakily stood up on your legs, not knowing just how much of a daunting task it’d be after last night's activities.
Katsuki whipped around to you, quickly putting an arm around you as he hoisted you up, worry on his features as his attention jumped between you and the door.
“Ya feelin’ alright?” He asked, his thumb rubbing small shapes into your waist, and you cheekily grinned, nodding as you winked at him.
“Never better,” And he had the audacity to blush, acting as if he wasn’t the root cause for your trouble of standing up.
He went to say something again when the loud booming sound came back, this time, the two of you were fully awake and fully aware of where it was coming from.
Three bangs came and then stopped.
Katsuki watched intently as another set of knocking came, until he gently set back on the mattress, kissing your hair as he slowly walked to the door, raising his fist as it hovered over the metal framework, contemplating for a second until his fist came down, one knock ringing through the tiny room.
The two of you waited until two more knocks came.
Katsuki knocked another three times, eyebrows drawn as he gnawed on his lips, debating on whether or not he should act on his instincts.
He didn’t give it much after though as his nimble fingers got to work, undoing the locks, the door groaning as it got released from its tension, swinging wide open as it revealed two shadowy figures.
You backed into the wall, squinting as you tried to make them out, your chest flooding with relief when you saw his face grow in size, his freckled cheeks, and bouncy green curls coming in, followed by a wash of red as the second man embraced Katsuki in a tight hug.
Izuku smiled widely, quickly rushing over to you as he helped you up, and you were grateful he was such a dotting person because you didn’t know how to explain it to them that your legs didn’t seem to work correctly anymore.
You watched as Katsuki and Kirishima talked in hushed voices, his red eyes sometimes ending yours as Izuku checked for any injuries, and you could tell that even though he was supposed to put up a rough persona, even he seemed to be happy to hear that the news of fighting was over.
“Ya’ always hide in difficult-to-find places, don’tcha?” Your head snapped over to Izuku and his teasing tone, giving him a wavering grin as you shrugged, feeling his hands stop their examining as his worried eyes searched yours.
“This isn’t the most difficult place to hide, you know,” You joked, shoving his arm playfully as he snorted, rolling his eyes as he saw that you were perfectly fine and that the bruises littering your hips and neck weren’t from what he initially thought they were. If only you could feel the way his heart stopped when he finally understood where they came from, with one glance to his king and his cocky grin and then back to you.
“Well,” He rubbed the back of his hair, tugging on his curls as he wished he could just rip them out, “Can’t say this was the easiest to find, either,” Your doe eyes crinkled around the edges, laughing softly as he recited the words, and if only he could just stop the shooting pain that traveled through every nerve in his body.
“Listen, Y/n…” He trailed off, instantly shutting up when he watched Katsuki usher you to the side, and you gave him an apologetic smile as you quickly promised you’d come back to hear what he had to say.
“What about Kō? And the others?” You whispered as you neared him, glancing worriedly at Kirishima and what he could think of his king’s reaction.
“She left,” He snorted, not bitterly, a sense of peace washing over him, “With the rebels. Probably goin’ back to the half-n-half bastard,” Your eyes widened at the words, understanding that this was part of what Kirishima had briefed him on.
“The others?’ Katsu, I’m not of royal blood o-or anythin’ fancy, your people are gonna look down-” He stopped you instantly, kissing your palms as he closed it around his fist, shrugging as he pulled your deeper into the tunnel that led you out.
“Don’t give a fuck about them darlin’, just want you,” He said into your hair as he kissed your head, leading the way back out, back into a world that would now be yours.
“From the moment I met’ya I knew I’d make ya’ queen,” He said as the two of you crawled out of the wardrobe, the two knights followed shortly behind.
You contemplated, looking at Izuku, at Katsuki, the open door, and then to his hands, walking into his open chest as he breathed a sigh of relief, his comforting hands finding purchase on your bac, motioning for his two guards to leave as they exited the room.
“I’ll be yours any day you ask me to, Katsuki,” You pulled away, looking up at him as you smiled gently, “Till the universe stops expanding and the stars die out, I’ll always be yours to love.”
And he kissed you like there was no tomorrow, kissed your lips as passionately as could, trying to get his silent message across as his hands traveled up and down the expanse of your body, trying to tell you his own promise of no words.
You were his and he was yours, and no matter if the sun crashed into the earth and burned everything in its path, Katsuki hoped you knew he’d be right there next to you, watching as the both of you passed the point of no return.
There was a sense of stillness that washed over the southern kingdom when their king announced their new queen.
The throne to the right of him was now occupied, and whenever he’d look over you’d be there, giving him affirmative nods as you gave him the very push he needed in order to be a proper king.
There were wars that still needed to be fought, and greedy people needed to be dealt with, but now, it was done in a proper manner, with two people who wholly cared about the wellbeing of their nation.
Yet perhaps the most melancholy part of this all was the lone knight who stood in the background, twirling the little ring around his finger as he pondered on the life that he could have had if he had been royalty, and had he not been just another pawn in the grand scheme of things.
He never knew if he truly loved you, or had it just been a blooming relationship he cared too much about, but there were only a couple of regrets he had in his lifetime.
Though Izuku would say that the biggest one was when he decided to leave you behind in that forest all those years ago, playing along with the roll your village made him do, watching quietly as you began to forget all about the green-haired friend you had made as a child, as he faded from your mind, the image of gold hair the color of woven silk and ruby eyes replaced him instead.
Taglist (bolded couldn't be tagged): @ssplague, @butterflyhallucinations, @zonting, @shnaa7, @theamericanjewitch, @spookyskeletonlady, @requi-escence
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tatorthots · 3 years
hellos 👋 could you write a one-shot with a reader who is getting mistreated by their parents? totally not projecting here but the reader did something very very small and their parents blew it completely out of proportion and grounded them for an undetermined. they took away their driving privileges, their phone (they can only have it at school), their laptop, and they’re being watched like a hawk for any kind of thing they get wrong. like ANYTHING. so maybe have it so bakugou tries texting the reader over the weekend but they don’t respond so he gets worried. he waits till monday where he sees them and to his surprise and honor, his s/o is like completely out of it. again, totally not projecting but they’ve gotten so much pointless shit from their parents and been yelled at and talked down to so much, it has completely mentally drained them. how would bakugou react and comfort the reader, and deal with that situation as it continues for weeks. (i’m going on week 3 :) i’ve got no clue when this will end) ty!
— BNHA | Safe Place
Pairings: Katsuki Bakugo x gn!reader, Shota Aizawa
Warnings: Toxic Parents, Abusive Themes, Cursing, Mental Health Triggers
a/n: soooo I wasn’t sure if you wanted a specific format but since I saw “one shot” I figured I’d do sort of like a story and I made reader gn since I didn’t see any he/she pronouns but either way I hope your situation gets better and this fic was able to make you smile <3
Fri, Oct 15th, 7:24 P.M
Kaminari and Kirishima won’t stop following me around the dorms
Tch bunch of mindless puppies
7:25 P.M.
I’m gonna blast them to their graves
7:36 P.M.
So you just don’t care if they die huh?
7:42 P.M.
You’re being annoying.
If they die I hope you know their blood are on y o u r hands.
‘It’s been 20 min since I sent my last message’ Scoffing to himself as his brows furrowed in frustration, Bakugo decided to call you - his sharp eyes focused on the ringing phone in front of him.
‘No answer?’
Sat, Oct 16th, 8:01 A.M.
Morning brat
You better fucking answer me today or i swear to god I’m gonna burn everything you love
11:16 A.M.
You’re dead
You better be dead
This shit ain’t funny y/n
4:06 P.M.
Y/n answer me.
Two days.
It’s been two days since Bakugo last heard of you; all his calls and texts being sent to voicemail or just straight up ignored. Each hour that went by without a reply only sent him further and further to the edge as he started to worry about your safety - his patience thinning by the minute. It was safe to say that the last two days were absolute hell for anyone around him, snapping and threatening anyone who tried to ask him what was wrong. He didn’t mean to lash out at the extras for trying to help him but how can anyone expect him to be calm when he hasn’t been in contact with you for the last two days?
It was Monday morning, the beginning of another school week and the day Bakugo would finally get his long-awaited answers from you.
‘C’mon c’mon c’mon where are you?!’ Gritting his teeth, he searched the ocean of students as they entered the front gates of the school. His crimson irises desperately searching for your familiar form until,
Quickly, he used his quirk to blast his way through the crowd - not caring who got in his way as his mind clouded with thoughts and questions; anger and relief coursing through his veins the closer he got to you.
“HEY! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?! WHY HAVENT YOU BEEN ANSWERING M-“ He paused, his voice hitching and explosions ceasing when he caught glimpse of the despair ghosting your features, dark circles under your eyes as you trekked your way through the crowd. He slowed his pace when he finally reached you; his hand instinctively moving to caress your cheek, analytical eyes focused on you as his mind raced to assess the situation.
Stopping your movements you stood still, eyes glued to the ground.
“Hey. Look at me.” Using his index and thumb he lifted your chin, eyes widening at the site in front of him. Your under-eyes were puffy, hair disheveled as you looked up at him with glassy doe orbs. Immediately he pulled you into his embrace, a hand moving to the back of your head as he buried his face in your hair, his other wrapping around your waist. He didn’t know what was wrong and though he wanted to interrogate you, yell at you for distancing yourself from him, he knew he shouldn’t.
“Tell me what hells going on. I’m not going to let you push me away y/n.” His hold tightened, “You can’t push me away.”
“I’m sorry..” nuzzling your face into his chest, your words were barely audible, “I wasn’t ignoring you… my parents took everything away..” His hold loosened as he glanced down at you. Bakugo already knew about your toxic home environment. He knew how your parents mistreated you, constantly spitting out hurtful words and punishing you over the smallest things. He didn’t understand why - how they could be so unfair. You’re a straight A student, one of class 1A’s brightest pupils, you’re constantly pushing and striving to better yourself no matter how exhausted or worn out you are. It pissed him off how ignorant your parents were, you were perfect in every single way imaginable - so why the fuck do they always treat you this way?
“Tell me what happened.” Brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear, you could see the genuine worry - the hidden frustration - in his gaze; he cared for you so lovingly, loyally. Sure, he could be rough around the edges but he’s always there for you. Your eyes watered as you peered up at him, your emotions getting the better of you as you felt your walls crumble down - from the innocent comment you made to the poison filled words your parents spat at you until they decided to take away your phone, your laptop, even your driving privileges; which is why you had to wake up earlier than usual just to make it to school on time. You ranted about them locking you in your room, forbidding you from making contact with anyone, their watchful eyes constantly pinned on you, suffocating you. He didn’t miss the waver in your voice as you vented out all your frustrations, his heart ached.
He listened to your cries, patiently waiting for you to calm down as he wiped away the tears running down your cheeks - leaning down to place a soft kiss on your lips before he interlaced his fingers with yours, a reassuring squeeze on your hand as you both walked to class. He spent the rest of the day wondering what he could do to help you, he knew loving kisses and tender touches were enough to brighten your mood but it wasn’t enough for him. No, he wanted to crush your parents for the trauma they’ve caused you, but he knew realistically that just wasn’t possible; so he came up with another idea.
“Bakugo, calm down.”
Sighing, Aizawa only eyed the fuming blonde in front of him. To be honest, he agreed with him - you’ve been missing assignments, skipping work study and even drifting off during lectures lately. It wasn’t like you to be like this, but what could he do? He’s already tried contacting your parents but they never seem to have the time to discuss your academic situation.
Huffing out in annoyance, Bakugo leaned on his teachers desk, “All I’m sayin ‘s that you have to do something about this. Y’know this isn’t normal behavior, hell, it’s not even healthy behavior. The environment they’re placed in isn’t a good one.” Red irises looked up at the tired man in front of him, “I say they move into the dorms. All of 1A is already living there so it only makes sense they do too.”
“We already tried convincing their parents when we first built the dorms. They said no.”
Sighing again, Aizawa thought about the idea before standing up to walk Bakugo out. “If I tell you ‘I’ll see what I can do’, would you stop yelling?”
Shoving his hands in his pockets, Bakugo only rolled his eyes as he grumbled out a quiet ‘yes’.
“Fine. Then I’ll see what I can do.”
It was another week before Aizawa made his way to your house to try to convince your parents to let you stay in the dorms for ‘Student Safety’ purposes. To be honest, he put in actual effort to persuade your parents, bringing up point after point and easing any tension or combative answers until, finally, they agreed.
Throughout that time, Bakugo stayed by your side every second of the school day; to say he was overprotective of you was a pathetic understatement, the boy would barely allow anyone else around you - he’d relax his temper, his calloused fingers constantly interlaced with yours as his thumb brushes the back of your palm in small, soothing circles. His kisses would be softer, and his touches would be more consistent. He knew how overwhelmed you were, he knew how much of an emotional toll the whole situation took from you so he made it his personal mission to make sure you were at least happy when you weren’t home - he made sure your mind was distracted from the chaos happening around you. To be honest, Bakugo is kinder and more observant than most believe him to be - just in his own aggressive way.
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
"The Sean Hotchner effect" (Spencer Reid / Reader)
Tumblr media
My gif 😉
Requested: Yes
Summary: Spencer is jealous 'cos reader (and the rest of the female team) thinks Hotchner's younger brother is hot.
Warnings: Cursing
Category: Fluff
Word count: 4,5K
A/N: I can' believe I actually wrote a fic! I've been so busy taking care of my grandparents I've just been updating DIWK, 'cos those chapters were long written and edited. Hope you all enjoy this little story, I'll bring you a more next week, hopefully! send you all my love!! be safe babes!
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Working at the BAU, the team was used to seeing the worst of human behavior. Murder scenes, abuse, psychopath, you name it.
That's why seeing the apparition that walked into the bullpen that morning was such a big shock for us, the team's females.
- "What are you doing out of your bunker?"- Elle asked Penelope, who was standing next to my desk. I whipped my head, surprised to see Garcia there, out of the blue, not even looking at us. Instead, her eyes were fixated on someone who wasn't Derek.
- "I was on my way to file the things that I... file?"- Garcia made a pause as Elle and I slowly turned and looked at the guy our tech analyst couldn't stop staring at.
He was gorgeous. Tall, blonde, perfect smile. The kind of guy that could definitely get every girl's attention. We didn't get many of those at the BAU that often, except, of course, for Dr. Spencer Reid. My best friend was hands down the hottest agent in the whole FBI, and I enjoyed having him near. But this guy was completely different.
- "Who is that?"- Elle asked and stood by our side.
- "The Future Mr. Garcia,"- Penelope whispered as the tall young man walked over us and cut us one flirtatious smile. I couldn't help it and returned the smile.
- "Hi"- I smiled and waved- "How can I help you?"
- "Hey. I'm..."
- "Sean!"- Derek Worst time ever Morgan ruined the whole moment as he walked over and took that hot guy away from us. Now at least we knew his name was Sean.
- "You must be looking for your brother."- Morgan said and tapped on his back.
- "Yeah."
- "Right this way"- and that's how that apparition was gone from our lives and directed straight to... Aaron Hotchner's office?
- "Brother as in?"- Elle asked and turned to us, confused- "That's Hotch's brother?!"
- "Maybe Hotch is adopted,"- Garcia whispered, not taking her eyes from Sean until he disappeared behind the door.
- "I feel scammed. We didn't get the hot brother"- I sighed and shook my head- "Well, I might have never solved a case with that smile around the bullpen"- Elle and Penelope giggled, but someone coughed behind my back, and immediately, I knew who he was.
- "Who are you guys talking about?"
Spence Walter Reid was standing right behind my back, and the look in his eyes wasn't as sweet and friendly as I was already used to. He was upset. I just didn't know why.
- "No one"- I lied and looked away.
- "Who were you all staring at?"- Reid asked. I quickly returned to my desk (right in front of his), grabbed a few files, and pretended to be working.
- "Aaron's brother"- Elle explained- "Apparently, we got the wrong Hotchner."
- "Sean?"- Spencer frowned and looked at us- "He just got into Georgetown law school. Maybe he came to pick up his brother to celebrate."
- "Who is gonna celebrate?"- JJ walked over, holding a bunch of folders, and looked at us.
- "Hotch and my future husband"- Garcia sighed and kept looking over at Aaron's door.
- "Sean, Hotch's brother is here, and believe me, he looks nothing like his brother."
Elle smiled and moved a chair across from her desk to make sure she had the best seat in the room to see Sean when he walked out. I shook my head as Elle winked at me.
- "Stop pretending you didn't see him, (Y/N). You were the one who talked to him."
I swear, I could feel Spencer's eyes on me, burning my skin. I slowly turned around and looked at him with a small, innocent smile. But all I got in return was a stern look.
- "I just... wanted to... help him"- I tried to excuse myself, but Elle laughed, and Garcia followed.
- "Sure, babe. He looked like he was hopelessly lost in the BAU. He needed your help to find his brother."- I don't know why Elle was acting like that, but she made sure Spencer would be even more upset than he already was.
- "Stop it! I just asked if he needed any help."
- "Oh! and you would have given him a hand with anything he needed, wouldn't you?"- Elle chuckled and winked again.
- "Oh sweet Jesus, I would. All he has to do is ask, and he..."- Penelope got carried away in second, and she only paused her words when Hotch's door slammed open, and we all looked at Sean storming out of the office.
- "That's Hotch's brother?"- JJ asked, surprised. Elle nodded and literally bit her lips as she stared at him, walking over. Penelope barely even blinked, and I made my best not to make eye contact with him. Instead, I looked at Reid. And he locked eyes in mine, but again, his look was cold.
- "I don't see it"- JJ stared at Sean as he clearly argued with Hotch. I stayed still, sitting behind my desk, looking at the files.
- "You know what?! Don't profile me, Aaron!"- Sean yelled, and I could only imagine Penelope's crush growing bigger with each word that came from his mouth.
- "Now I see it!"- JJ followed Sean with her eyes as he rushed out of the BAU.
- "I hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you walk away."- Penelope whispered, and we all giggled.
- "Do you think Hotch is hiding that ass?"- Elle asked, and I couldn't hold the laughter.
- "I didn't want to think of that!"
- "Oh please!! (Y/N) stop being such a goodie-goodie!!"- Elle smacked my arm and shook her head- "You stared at his ass. Deal with it. You are single! You don't have to pretend you don't see a hot guy when you see one."
- "I saw him. He was cute. I'm just... not... that... affected...."
- "You don't have to pretend,"- Spencer said suddenly and raised an eyebrow- "Your body language indicates that you are nervous. You are blinking rapidly, our pupils are dilated, and you've been bouncing your knees since you sat down. Obviously, Hotch's brother affected you."
I opened my mouth to answer, but Hotch himself interrupted us and announced we had a case. Spencer just kept his eyes on mine for a few more seconds before walking away quickly to the conference room.
- "Looks like pretty boy is jealous,"- Elle teased and stood up too- "I don't know why if he ain't your boyfriend."
- "I know he ain't my boyfriend, and I'm sure he is not jealous. You are all just acting like school girls around a hot guy."- I tried to argue as I stood up and followed them to the conference room.
- "Oh honey, when you see a guy like that, you just can't help it."- Garcia smiled and sighed- "He was the sugar that got me going for the rest of the day."
- "It's only nine am."- JJ added, and Garcia just sighed.
- "That's how good it was."
The case was in Terra Mesa, New Mexico. A clearly angry Hotch announced wheels up in thirty, and we all headed back to our desk to gather our things.
- "Hey, I brought you back your copy of The Illustrated Man"- I walked to Spencer and handed him over his book- "Maybe after the case, we can get a coffee and talk about it."
- "Maybe not"- he grabbed it from my hands and put it on his satchel.
- "Why not?"
- "I don't feel like it."- Spencer avoided looking at me. He just closed his bag and walked away from me.
- "Hey! What did I do?"- I asked him and followed him, but he didn't even look at me.
- "Spencer, I'm talking to you!"
- "And as you can notice, I don't wanna talk to you."
His answer stopped me in my tracks and left me speechless. Spencer got into the elevator and pushed the button to close the door as fast as possible.
He had never acted like that with me. He had never talked to me like that. Shit! He had never been an asshole with me before. I had seen Reid being a jerk with people when he is mad, but he had never been like that with me. And all that just 'cos me, and the girls were a little unprofessional?
Apparently, Spencer was furious with me because during the whole investigation, he kept avoiding me. Of course, it didn't help that Hotch paired me with Reid and Morgan to talk to a young girl who had been abducted from the crime scene.
- "So, pretty girl, I saw you yesterday. Your eyes were shining when you talked to Sean"- Morgan started teasing me the second we got into the SUV.
- "I don't know what you are talking about."- I whispered and looked outside.
- "Oh please, you, Garcia, JJ, even Elle, the four girls were drooling over Hotchner's younger brother."
- "That's not true"- I denied right away- "We were all surprised. I had no idea Hotch had a brother."
And Spencer just snorted at my words.
- "What?"- I turned around and looked at him. He was sitting at the back seat, alone, arms crossed on his chest, avoiding eye contact.
- "Maybe you should stop talking about Hotch's hot brother and focus on the case."- his voice was cold and distant. I tried to read him, but all I could see was anger.
- "Ok, kid."- Morgan chuckled and shook his head - "No need to get all defensive."
- "I'm not defensive. I'm just saying we have to solve a case. People are dead, and you are still rambling about how hot Hotchner's brother is. We are not a fucking gossip show. Enough with it already."
I widened my eyes as I stared at him, bitter and angry. Not really a good combo. Spencer is one passive-aggressive asshole when he is mad, and you don't want to deal with him under those circumstances. Believe me.
But Derek just laughed and continued driving. He winked at me and pretended Spencer hadn't said anything hurtful or even evil. But, to be honest, Morgan looked composed and even amused. In fact, I'm pretty sure he was actually enjoying that awkward ride.
I wish I could tell you that was all Spencer did that day, but no. He actually exceeded himself in the art of being an asshole.
- "We are looking for a cult leader."- Reid started giving the profile to the police department- "Typically men between the age of 25 and 35"- he made a pause and looked at me.
- "What?"- I whispered, thinking maybe he wanted me to continue talking.
- "Nothing. I thought you were going to start giggling or sighing."- Elle and Morgan looked surprised as Gideon frowned, not getting Reid's comment.
- "Over a sociopath underachiever with an extremely abusive childhood?"- I asked him, as I continued describing the profile- "Why would I?"
- "I don't know."- he shrugged and continued walking around the office -"I thought after yesterday, it was going to be your usual behavior around men that age."
- "Reid"- Hotch's voice was cold and severe. Spencer looked at him and turned around to find an empty seat. Aaron continued giving the profile, and I turned to my best friend, enraged. I wasn't going to tolerate that passive-aggressive attitude.
- "Fuck you."- I mouthed and stared straight into his eyes.
Avoiding and ignoring Reid was a challenging task to achieve. Hotch was nice and wise enough to keep us apart for the rest of the day, but that didn't stop him from staring. And his eyes burned my skin each time we were together in the same room.
I made my best effort and avoided looking at him the whole time. But I felt him staring. And though I was honestly mad at him now, a part of me just wondered what on earth was he so upset about?
I found out the whole truth later that night, back at the hotel. I was already in bed, trying to forget about the case, 'cos it had already been solved, and we were supposed to go back home early the following day.
I was alone, 'cos my roommate Elle was in the hotel bar with JJ and Morgan. I didn't feel like going. I just wanted my pajamas and do nothing.
Fine, that's not what I wanted to do. I wanted to be with Reid, talking about The Illustrated man, or any other book, drinking coffee, making jokes, laughing.
But he was mad at me, and now I was mad at him too, which meant things weren't going to be smooth between us in a long while. We had only fought once before until that day. It happened when we first became friends, and we argued over some random Star Wars fact. He didn't admit he was wrong, and when I showed him I was right, he got all defensive and refused to talk to me for a whole week.
Of course, this time, it was going to be a hundred times worse.
I debated whether I should or shouldn't call Reid and yell at him when I heard someone knocking on my door. Of course, I thought it was Elle, so I dragged my weary body from the bed, arguing I had explicitly told her she had to bring her key when she left the room.
But no. It wasn't Elle. In the hall, looking like shit, I found Doctor Spencer Walter Reid.
It wasn't a good sign the way my heart skipped a beat the second I saw him. It didn't get any better when the two of us just stared at each other in silence for a moment, and I felt my whole body tremble only by his presence. I couldn't control it even if I wanted to. I loved him, and it was getting too hard to hide.
- "What are you doing here?"- I made sure my voice was as upset as possible and even made an extra effort to furrow my brows as I stared into his eyes. His look had softened, and you could tell he was nervous. He scratched his hair and fixed his nerdy glasses before speaking.
- "I needed... I wanted... I want to talk to you."- Spencer finally said and sighed, looking at me.
- "Why would I want to talk to you after you humiliated me in front of the whole police department?"
I spat each word and tried to slam the door on his face, but he stopped me before succeeding.
- "Wait, please, (Y/N)"- he pushed the door open and followed me inside the room.
- "Get out, Reid!"- I argued immediately, but he didn't listen. He actually closed the door behind his back and stood behind me. I refused to look at him, 'cos I knew what would happen if I did: I would forgive him too quickly.
- "(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I know I was an asshole. I didn't mean it. I was completely out of place."
Spencer literally vomited his speech in less than three seconds and stayed wordless and silent afterward. I crossed my arms on my chest and stayed still. I really didn't want to talk to him.
- "I'm sorry"- his voice was now a tiny whisper that somehow got inside my heart, melting the fortress I kept building against him.
- "Why did you do it?"- I asked the most straightforward question, but he didn't answer. Spencer stayed quiet for at least two minutes. So I turned around and faced him. His eyes were red, and he was fighting the tears back.
- "Why did you humiliate me, Spencer?"
- "I didn't mean to."
- "So? I don't care what you meant. You did it anyway. You fucking humiliated me in front of the team and in front of the whole police office, and why? 'Cos you were mad at me for being unprofessional? Excuse me, but I think what you did lacked more professionalism than anything I had ever done."
I knew it was a mistake. I knew I didn't have to look at Spencer while I spoke. But I couldn't stop myself. I didn't want to cry either, but I was already too upset and way too tired, so the tears started falling down my cheeks. And his followed quickly.
- "I'm so sorry,"- he repeated and bit his lips, staring at me.
- "Why did you do it, Spencer?"- I asked him again, 'cos I still didn't know why he had hurt me so deeply.
- "I was wrong..."
- "Why did you do it?"
I asked for the third time, and my eyes got lost in his. Spencer was holding his breath and debating himself. I could almost hear his thoughts, 'cos it was clear he was overthinking everything going on inside his head.
But he didn't say anything. Spencer just wiped off a few tears that rolled down his cheeks and shook his head. The silence in the room was overwhelming, and all I managed to do was to sigh, disappointed and broken-hearted, and walk to the door and open it. I only wanted him to leave, but he didn't even move. He just looked at me, clenching his jaw, fighting the tears back.
- "I did it because I am in love with you."
Spencer whispered in the most anticlimactic way possible. I frowned, confused, as he didn't even move. I stared at his gestures, his face blood-red in a weird mix of embarrassment and anger.
- "I love you so much it's driving me insane, (Y/N). I've been trying to tell you how I feel for weeks, but I just..."- he ran his hands through his hair, openly frustrated with his own way to deal with the situation, as I just stayed still, trying to understand what was going on.
- "I know it was stupid, and I wish I could do it differently, but I didn't know what to do. But then I saw you looking at Sean, and I knew you would never look at me the same way, 'cos I know I'm not..."
There was no bigger force in the universe than the one that moved my body unconsciously against Spencer. I grabbed his face with both hands and planted a kiss on his lips to shut him up. I didn't even think about what I was doing. I just did it 'cos I didn't want to listen to his rambling anymore. For once, probably for the very first time ever since we met, I wanted to shut Spencer Reid up. And the best way I could do that was kissing him until my lips felt numb.
I didn't even let him hesitate. He jumped as soon as I touched him, but he didn't reject me at all. Instead, he wide opened his eyes and stared at me as I winked at him, deepening the kiss.
Spencer's hands slowly found their way to my waist and held me closer to him. His lips were soft and warm, moving carefully along with mine, and as he relaxed into the kiss, the better it got.
I had wasted so much time (mostly at work, bored, avoiding paperwork) fantasizing about kissing Spencer. How his lips would feel and taste. If he would make any noise, if he'd be rough or soft... and now there I was, getting all the answers I ever needed.
My heartbeat faster when I opened my eyes and saw him, deep concentrated into the endless kiss. My hands played with his hair, and I felt him hum, pleased with my movements. I couldn't help myself and smiled, not stopping the kiss.
- "What?"- Spencer asked, but his lips didn't move from mine. Neither of us wanted to stop.
- "Nothing,"- I whispered and shook my head softly- "I just like kissing you."
- "I like kissing you too,"- he answered and moved his hands from my waist to my cheeks and held my face. His hands were so big I could feel him covering most of my cheek. He made me feel secure, safe. Loved. All that only from cupping my face.
- "I love you."- Spencer whispered and opened his eyes. I looked at him and sighed, trying to keep myself together, when all I really wanted was to yell and jump and act like a teenager in love.
- "Me too."
That was all I managed to answer, though I knew he deserved better. He deserved to know how much I loved him, how crazy I was over everything he did. Everything he was. But I couldn't tell him that, not at that minute at least. That night I couldn't really speak much because all I wanted to do was to kiss him. I wanted to kiss Spencer Reid until my lips burned.
But he didn't let me fulfill my dream. As soon as he heard me, he stopped the kiss and stayed very, very still.
- "What happened?"- I panicked, I don't know why- "Did I overstep..."
- "You love me?"- he interrupted me, and his eyes filled with tears. Happy tears. His smile was soft and warm as he stared at me, waiting for an answer.
- "I do,"- I murmured and blushed. Was it too late to blush? Maybe, but I couldn't help it. Not when he was looking at me like that. Like I was the most beautiful woman on earth. No. Like I was the only woman on earth for him.
- "I'm so sorry..."
But I really didn't want to listen to his apology. I had already forgiven him. All I wanted was to kiss him again. And again.
I crushed my lips against his, and this time, I felt him smiling into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he locked his around my waist. We were so close I could feel the warmth of his body as he relaxed a little more, and his fingers started caressing the small on my back.
- "Come here."
I took a few steps back, and he followed, keeping as close to me as possible. Finally, I dragged him to my bed, and he laid by my side. Our legs were intertwined as we melted on that mattress, just kissing.
I honestly never imagined I would kiss Spencer. Maybe that's why I enjoyed it and tasted him (and the moment) in slow motion. He sighed and smiled as his lips and tongue played with mine. One of his hands held my waist as the other played with my hair.
It was heaven. I didn't imagine anything better than being on that bed kissing Spencer Reid. He whispered he loved me again, and I sighed. For a second, it felt I was in a dream.
- "Ok, mama, get out of that.... WHOO!"- Derek, JJ, and Elle stormed into the door and caught Spencer and I kissing on the bed. I felt like a teenager all over again.
- "What the..."- Elle asked was holding the key in her hands, eyes wide opened, in shock.
- "My man!"- Morgan was about to start clapping when JJ grabbed him and Elle's arm.
- "The guys need some privacy. Come on, let's go. You can sleep in my room, Elle"- JJ smiled and closed the door behind her back, but less than a second later, Derek walked in again.
- "Smile to Garcia!"- Derek waved, holding his phone. Spencer closed his eyes and covered his face, embarrassed as I grabbed a pillow and threw it over him.
- "Get the fuck out of my room!"- I shouted, and JJ had to pull Morgan's sleeve to get him out of there. Once the door was closed (again), we waited a few seconds in case Derek tried to interrupt us one more time. But he didn't. Spencer's cheeks were burning red, and he looked so embarrassed it was too sweet. So I leaned over him and kissed the tip of his nose.
- "Hi,"- I whispered and smiled. Reid chuckled and moved closer to me, reaching my lips.
- "Hi."- I sighed, strangely relieved to feel his lips on mine again. I was like my body had already gotten used to kissing him and wanted to do nothing else from that moment on.
- "Hi,"- I repeated and smiled.
- "Hi,"- Reid said again and wrapped his arms around me, moving me until I was sitting on his lap. Life was perfect.
- "I'm so glad Hotch's brother came to visit. He should come more often,"- I murmured and giggled. Spencer frowned and shook his head.
- "I think we are good."- he answered and narrowed his eyes.
- "If he hadn't come, you wouldn't have gotten so jealous, and we wouldn't be kissing right now."- I added, and rubbed his lips with mines, just to make a point. Spencer smiled and fully kissed me.
- "I will send him a muffin basket to George town, then."
- "That's very thoughtful. I love that about you."
- "I love everything about you,"- Spencer whispered and sighed, staring into my eyes.
- "Does this mean we are dating?"- I had to ask. Spencer wide opened his eyes and didn't move for a few seconds -"I'm just asking 'cos you said you loved m and I love you, and if you love and I love you, I'm pretty sure dating would the logical thing to do. But if you don't want to, I would totally understand. I mean, maybe I am assuming..."- Spencer's lips against mine ended with my senseless rambling, and he chuckled into the kiss.
- "What?"- I asked him but didn't move my lips from his. Already that might have become my favorite way to talk to him.
- "You are adorable when you ramble."
- "Shut up"- and Spencer smiled
- "Would you be my girlfriend?"- he simply asked and rested his forehead against mine as he stared at me. I smiled and sighed, pretending to be considering my options. I didn't have any. I wanted to be his.
- "Yes,"- I whispered and kissed him one more time- "I would love to, just promise me you will never be a passive-aggressive jerk with me."
- "Never"- Spencer kissed me, and his hands held me tighter- "I'm so sorry."
- "Just kiss me a few more times so I can properly forgive you"- Reid smiled and crushed his lips against mines.
- "Anything for you."
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@spenxerslut @ash19871962 @all-tings-diego
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Its my 3rd request already? Well shit. Could you do a dom Sirius and James and sub Remus and fem reader.. Punishment. In a classroom.. For not doing their homework- And just like... Put EVERY SINGLE ONE of the kinks that you have- When did I turn into a kinky bitch😫
Why are you being bad?
Ft. James‘ and Sirius‘ big dick™️
Read the username and knew the request was gonna be good, Enjoy!! <3
Warning: 18+
You had been busy all afternoon yesterday, planning some prefect stuff with Remus. Both of you had been so engrossed in the planning, that the potions essay had completely slipped your mind.
„Fuck they’re gonna be mad. This is the third time we forgot!“ Remus panicked.
„Shit!“ you swore „I knew that we had forgotten something!“
„I don’t want to be punished“ Remus whined „I barely healed from last time. My ass fucking hurts!“
You sat down on the bed and buried your face in your palms, silently thinking of an excuse.
„What if“ you hesitated „What if we just lie and say we did do it. And – and we say that some Slytherins attacked us from behind, vanishing the essays?“
Remus gave you a hopeful look. „You think that’ll work?“
You bit your lip. „It has to otherwise we’re fucked mate.“
Remus snorted. „Don’t call me mate, I’ve fucked you before.“
You laughed at that and took his hand in your own. „Right, lets go.“
Remus and you were in your seats, behind Sirius and James. The two doms had been in a sour mood all morning, something about Quidditch being cancelled. Remus‘ hand was squeezing your thigh hard and your leg was bouncing a fucking mile a minute.
„What if they know?“ Remus said.
„If you keep acting like a scared bitch of course they’ll know Rem!“ You whisper-yelled.
„Shut the fuck up, your leg is about to go into cardiac arrest!“ he hissed back.
You instantly stopped bouncing your leg and instead took his hand to calm yourself down. Remus gave you a shaky smile, gripping tight.
„We’ll be fine“ you said, not believing anything you said. Remus just nodded.
„Where are your essays?“ The Professor asked and it took you both a second to realize that he was talking to you.
You chose to answer. „Um- we don’t have it Sir. There have been some difficulties.“
The moment you said that the essay wasn’t done, James turned around to give you a hard stare, jaw already clenching. Sirius let out a small chuckle and nodded to himself, before he turned slowly in his seat to glare at Remus. Your fellow sub nearly crushed your hand.
„We can explain!“ Remus blurted out towards the teacher, but his eyes were trained on Sirius as he spoke. „Could we talk after class, Sir?“ The question was actually directed to Sirius and James.
Sirius just gave him a tight smile and turned around. James didn’t though, he kept staring at you until the Professor told him to turn back to his book.
„Alright, stay after class then.“
You told your teacher the same lie you wanted to tell your angry doms and nearly cried with relief when he said that you could hand it in the next day. The moment you two were alone in the classroom, James and Sirius came bursting through the door and threw their bags in the corner. James locked and soundproofed the room, before he stood next to Sirius, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
Sirius took a breath to calm himself and cracked his neck. It was dead silent.
“We know you lied.”
Remus nearly fainted next to you and you chewed your lip anxiously.
“We didn’t lie, Sir.” Your voice was somehow steady and you kept eye contact, shivering a little.
James lost his cool and Sirius had to hold him back from slamming you against the nearest surface. Believe it or not, Sirius was the cold and detached type during punishments, while James lost control of his rage.
“I’ll give you one last chance to tell the truth.” Sirius said, voice still calm.
This time Remus steeled himself and responded. “We didn’t lie, Sir.”
“Alright” Sirius said, a little anger laced his voice now and he turned to the other dom “James, they’re yours.”
Not needing to be told twice, James ripped his belt and tie off and barked out a “On your knees, head down.”
You two dropped to your knees and bowed your heads. James took the belt and tied it around Remus‘ hands, pulling so taunt that the boy winced. Moving towards you he bound yours with the tie and stood up.
“This isn’t gonna be a fun punishment like you’re used to.” Sirius said as he made himself comfortable on the chair, crossing his arms, legs spread wide. He had the regal confidence of a king, looking down at you nonchalantly. “We will stay here as long as it takes for you to confess.”
James took over. “Forgetting your essays after you told us that it’s already done is one thing, but to look at us and lie twice?!” James voice was getting louder with every word and you both trembled “That’s blatant disrespect. We’ve been to lentient lately.”
He took off his blazer and unbuttoned his shirt, rolling up the sleeves. He crouched infront of Remus and grabbed his chin. Remus raised his head but kept his eyes casted on James’ chest out of respect.
“I know that she can be a brat” James mused and gripped harder, bruises already forming on Remus’ chin “but you should have known better baby.”
Remus sniffled and you saw his eyes gloss over, not because James was hurting him, but because of the scolding. Remus hated being bad.
“And you” James yelled, voice hardening when it came to you, knowing he could treat you a little rougher that the werewolf “just can‘t stay out of trouble huh? Do you like making us angry?”
Heaven knows why but James’ tone irked you, sometimes punishments made you feisty. It’s not like everything was your fault. Yes it had been your idea, but you never forced Remus to play along.
For now you decided to keep your mouth shut, not wanting to make it worse for Remus, you loved him too much for that. So you took the blame. Sighing, you nodded, albeit with attitude. James noticed and took off his ring.
Your head whipped to the side and you bit your lip from making any noise, but you couldn’t help the little hiss that escaped you.
“Lets try that again” Sirius said this time, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. You glared at him from under your lashes, forcing out a “Yes. I understand.”
You bit your lip harder and James noticed and slapped you for the third time. You heard Remus‘ distressed sounds and reigned yourself in. Bowing your head you let out a meek, “Yes, Daddy.”
“Yes Daddy, what?” James sneered.
“Yes Daddy, I understand that it is my fault and I will take my punishment like a good girl.”
“Atta girl” Sirius laughed “Stop trying to play tough.”
The biting undertone made you want to get up and slap them back, but you just clenched your jaw and swallowed your anger.
James stood before you two with his legs spread and hands behind his back. He was oozing dominance and the powerful stance turned you on and scared you at the same time. Remus was affected as well, not daring to move a single inch.
„We have decided to let you do the work“ James grinned menacingly „Skirt off and bend over the desk.“
You stood and flipped your skirt up, struggling a little with your bound wrists.
„God, can you do anything right?“ James groaned and flipped the skirt up, pinching your skin. He couldn’t help it, you just made him lose his mind.
As James was taking off your restrains Sirius took something out of his pocket. You felt him press the toy on your clit and whined a little, pushing back against him.
„Stay still greedy girl“ Sirius muttered and pressed the toy inside of your wet cunt, pushing it in so deep that it pressed against your sweet spot.
Your hands were free and you stood up straight again, gasping when the vibrator turned on. You knees buckled and you had to steady yourself on the desk behind you.
The two doms watched you, biting their lips, veins in their arms flexing as the balled their fists. Sirius and James just wanted to fuck you so bad, but they had a point to make.
„Look at her“ Sirius teased „can‘t even hold herself up.“
James chuckled, licking his lips as he watched you throw your head back and moan loudly.
„Well she is a slut Pads, m‘not surprised.“
You looked at them again, wincing when the vibrations got worse and your legs trembled.
„Don‘t you dare come little girl“ James warned „you‘re already in enough trouble. C‘mon get up, time to pay attention to Remus.“
„Yes, Daddy“ you whimpered, voice breaking.
„Up, boy“ Sirius commanded and Remus scrambled up, head still bowed. He quickly unbuttoned Remus‘ pants and pulled them down, forcing him to bend over the teachers desk by his neck and held him there.
„We have a little game for you.“ Sirius drawled. „Our darling girl is going to punish you with the belt Remmy.“
Remus whimpered softly as Sirius dragged his palms across his sore ass, the skin still red from another punishment. „Hush, I‘m not done. Your Daddy is going to put your favorite vibrator in your tight litte hole.“
Remus was panting now, the way Sirius was whispering in his ear made him leak precum on the table. „If your cum, she doesn‘t get to.“ James finished, giving you a mocking smile when you gaped at them.
„But Remus can‘t hold back for shit-“
James had your head bend backwards in a flash, your neck cracking with the sudden movement as you were forced to look up at the ceiling.
„I‘m done with your fucking games“ James roared at you and your eyes glossed over because of the painful tilt of your head.
„Daddy-“ Remus tried but Sirius spanked him hard.
„I‘m sorry! I‘m sorry! Please, I‘ll be good“ you wailed as James bit down hard on your shoulder, sharp canines drawing little pearls of blood.
„If I hear one more complaint out of your whore mouth we won‘t touch you for an entire month. You won‘t get our attention at all. Do. You. Understand?“
„Yes!“ you sobbed „Yes! Please don‘t!“
He let you go and you knelt down in front of the dom, leaning your head against his thigh as you cried for forgiveness.
„I didn‘t m-mean to“ you hiccuped and James stroked you head lightly. „Prove that you‘re a good girl and your daddies will forgive you.“
Yes, you would prove it. You would make them proud. That was all the motivation you needed and you got up, wiping you tears as you made your way over to Remus. Taking his face in your hands you gave him a slow kiss, whispering a secret „I‘m sorry“ and bend him over the table again.
Remus grit his teeth when he felt the first punishing slap of Sirius‘ belt on his already sore ass. He wasn‘t weak by all means, he is a goddamn werewolf, it was the pleasure he was worried about. See, Remus had a thing for pain.
Both of your vibrators came to life at the same time and you let out simultaneous moans. You nearly dropped the belt and your knees buckled, Remus forhead banged against the table as he groaned from the back of his throat.
„Keep going“ Sirius commanded, the doms watching you closely.
You started to spank Remus again, the other boy was a whimpering mess, sweat dripping down his back.
„Ah please“ he begged, legs clenching to hold his release „please, enough!“
„Five more Rem“ you pleaded „please hold it, five more then you‘re done!“ Youe own voice cracked with the threat of an upcoming orgasm, the vibrations so strong you felt them on your clit.
„I can‘t!“ Remus cried, words garbled. „Ah- no!“
The belt had directly hit his swollen balls from behind and Remus came hard, his cum coating the teachers desk.
„Fuck“ you whined when James arm wrapped around you waist and pulled you back to his chest. His other hand slid inside of your clenching hole and pulled out the toy, taking away your privilege to cum.
„Please“ You were a mess, dripping tears and shaky legs.
James directed you to sit on Sirius lap, the latter cooed and kissed your tears away.
„Hush baby, you know Daddy hates crying. I‘m gonna give you a choice now“ Sirius said, a dangerous glint in his pretty eyes.
„Either we punish Remmy again and you get to cum“ you heard the boy plead in the background, not able to handle another punishment „or we don‘t and you won‘t get cummies. What will it be baby?“
The doms knew that they weren‘t being fair. They were far to agitated to play nice, angry because of the cancelled game and your disobedience. They wanted to be merciless.
Through the fog of your despair you glanced back to make sure Remus was alright. Seeing him all bruised and teary made your heart ache. Fuck, you thought, fuck you Remus Lupin. Fuck you and your cute face.
You decide to not cum and spare him.
„Don‘t punish him“ you said with a heavy heart „I won‘t cum.“
Sirius gave you a pleased smile and kissed you hard. James dragged Remus with him, sitting down and made Remus kneel on the ground at his feet.
„Good choice puppy“ Sirius said, stroking your cheekbones with his thumbs „only good girls put others needs before their own.“
Youwere confused as you stared at your dom. „Daddy?“
„Cum whenever you like“ Sirius said and you felt him push inside of you with a hard thrust.
You gasped, holding onto his shoulders as he pushed up inside of your hot pussy, groaning at the feeling of being so deep inside of you.
„You gonna tell Daddy the truth now?“ Sirius pressed, wanting to hear you confess.
„I‘m sorry Daddy!“ Your voice was high pitched and it was difficult to breathe with the force behind his thrusts.
„Try again“ Sirius moaned, pushing you down to meet his thrusts and you shrieked when his cock hit your sweet spot brutally.
„We lied!“ you wailed „We‘re sorry please!“
They had been torturing your body and mind the entire afternoon and you just wanted to cum. You just wanted to sink into the haze of your release.
„Good girl“, Sirius growled before his hand came down to stroke your clit swiftly. Your mouth fell open in a silent scream as you screwed your eyes shut, cumming hard around him. Sirius‘ balls tightened at the sight and he came inside of you, teeth biting over the same spot as James did.
„God puppy“ Sirius praised, his voice trembling „take my cum fuck yes-“
You heard James let out a shout and saw him cum in Remus‘ mouth, forcing him down so deep that you couldn‘t make out his face from the side.
„Swallow or m‘not lettin‘ you up boy.“
Remus‘ choked as he swallowed eagerly, pulling away to show James his empty mouth. James gave his cheek light taps as he murmured a „Good bitch“
Grabbing him under his arms James pulled Remus up, cuddling him against his chest. You sat there for a while, enjoying the manly smell of your doms and their hands tracing your bodies.
„What have you learned?“ James voice still had an edge to it, but it wasn‘t as aggressive anymore.
„We won‘t lie again.“ Remus and you said in unison.
„And?“ Sirius pressed.
„We will tell you when we can‘t finish our essays on time.“ You said, hiding your face in his soft neck.
„We forgive you.“ James said now, reaching over to coax your face out of its hiding. „You did good.“
James‘ praises were always comforting because the dom was a lot harder to impress that Sirius. His voice was completely relaxed now and you saw Remus already fast asleep on his chest.
Maybe lying wasn‘t the best idea after all.
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haikyuucute · 4 years
Untamable (Ushijima Wakatoshi) [Omegaverse AU]
Pairing: Alpha!Ushijima x omega!reader
Summary: You seemed like an untamable omega to Ushijima
Warnings: Sexual themes, implied smut
Word Count: 5.6k
[A/N]: So I’ve been rlly iffy about posting this bcuz I know that this au isn’t everyone’s favorite. But I rlly like this au and I have fun writing for it, so I figured if someone doesn’t like it then they can scroll past it or blacklist the tag ‘omegaverse’ anyway, so I decided to go ahead and post this
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Ushijima Wakatoshi liked order and he liked things that made sense. He was a simple man and he would call it like he’d see it.
And what made sense to him was the dynamic system. Alphas were placed at the top, then betas, then omegas.
He believed this was right because it was ingrained in everyone’s genetics to follow this order.
It was why Hinata Shouyou had affected him so deeply. He was small, his volleyball technique was a mess and yet he and Karasuno beat Shiratorizawa.
Ushijima considered himself to be a very strong alpha— possibly the strongest in Shiratorizawa. His presence commanded every area he was in and omegas would fall silent at his scent, waiting for him to speak first. He had even been dubbed the alpha of alphas in school.
So it didn’t make sense for Hinata to have so much baseless confidence. It annoyed him and got under his skin to the point he thought about it quite often and how he could win next time.
Another thing that got under his skin was the little omega he shared a couple classes with— only she annoyed him far more than Hinata did.
Because while the little orange haired boy was a weak alpha, he was still just that. An alpha.
And yet, you walked around with the confidence of an alpha.
You were definitely the outcast, most omegas found you annoying and most alphas didn’t like to bother with an omega that didn’t know their place. Your scent wasn’t sweet and delicate like an omega’s either, it was tangy and citrusy (not at all a bad smell, even Ushijima would admit it was nice, just not that of an omegas). And worst of all, if you stepped out of line and an alpha tried to put you back in your place, you’d stick up your nose, turn the other way around, and continue with what you were doing in the first place.
This behavior always sat wrong with him but he never had to come into close contact with you, he’d just catch instances of this in class or in the hallways. Always hating the way you demanded to be seen.
And Ushijima knew he wasn’t in the wrong because everyone had found you strange. You didn’t even have any friends until your third year of high school when you shared your first class with the renowned Guess Monster.
Tendou, Ushijima, and you all shared a science class your third year, and though Ushijima had prior knowledge of you, it was the first time Tendou ever really noticed you.
And being dubbed a freak himself, Tendou immediately wanted to befriend you and it was only a short while after that he noticed how much you got under Ushijima’s skin.
So as a fellow freak and probably the only person other than Hinata that could get a rise out of the usually stoic alpha— well, Tendou just had to become your best friend.
Thus it began.
Tendou inviting you to work on group projects with him and Ushijima.
Tendou then inviting you to watch practices.
Tendou invited you to games.
And worst of all— Tendou invited you to hang out in his and Ushijima’s dorm.
And you quickly became someone Ushijima had to endure all day, every day.
You knew right from the beginning when you started hanging out with Tendou that the great Ushiwaka didn’t want anything to do with you. If you tried to talk to him he’d answer with four words at most or blatantly ignore you all together (then again he did that with everyone, but with you it just somehow felt different). And that was because although he was a strong alpha, he had better things to do than put an omega back in their place.
So he put up with you for days— weeks— months— until suddenly he couldn’t.
In what Tendou liked to call the “staring contest of the year” you had outwardly challenged Ushijima. But!— in your defense it was on an outrageously ridiculous subject that you believed you had the right to believe and that Ushijima should’ve respected that regardless of his own biases.
It was an argument that took place in their dorm while the two of them were there. You had casually walked in, an agitated look on your face, exclaiming:
”I hate alphas!” You yelled, pushing their door open. You ignored Ushijima who sent you a slightly irritated glance from where he was seated at his desk, reading a volleyball magazine or something, and went immediately over to the giggling Tendou.
He was up on his bed on the top bunk and you climbed the ladder, seating yourself next to where he was sprawled out, with a pout on your face.
”Should I be offended~” he laughed.
”You don’t count.”
”That’s more offensive than your last statement.”
You rolled your eyes, “Fine, you’re the exception— but alphas suck.”
He moved closer, throwing an arm around you with a large grin, “Did something happen? Do tell, (F/N)-chan~” he sang.
“Well... I may have gotten into another fight with an omega.”
”Ohoho~ did you win?”
”I guess. She pulled my hair so I punched her and... found out she has a mate.”
Tendou burst into another fit of laughter, and started poking your side, “Did you try fighting an alpha again?”
You swatted his hands away, “I just stood up for myself.”
”And how’d that go?”
”Stupid. He came up to me and did that dumb alpha thing where they stand up straighter and puff their chests out with the expectation that I’d be a cowering little omega in their presence,” you scoffed, “He told me that I shouldn’t step out of line and start fights with mated omegas, which is total bullshit because she pulled my hair first!” You yelled, falling back against his bed. “I hate alphas!”
“You punched his mate,” Ushijima who usually ignored you whenever you were over spoke up for the first time.
You furrowed your eyebrows, propping yourself up on your elbows, “Yeah, cause she pulled my hair.”
”She was wrong too.”
You scoffed, “So what? The alpha was in the right?”
”You punched his mate, he was protecting her.”
You shot up and glared at Ushijima who was still reading his magazine. ”Well I was protecting myself.” You practically hissed out.
Ushijima finally stopped what he was doing and turned around to stare up at you from where you were seated on Tendou’s bed.
Tendou’s eyes flitted back and forth between the two of you, seeing how pissed off you were, and at how Ushijima was taken aback at the tone you used with him, and Tendou’s grin slowly widened.
”You speak as if you’re an alpha,” Ushijima said, eyebrows slightly furrowed.
”I speak like an omega who’s fed up with alphas,” you spat back.
Ushijima slowly stood up and you could smell his scent had changed. It was stronger and more powerful— definitely covering up yours and some of Tendou’s scent. And you could pretty much smell how annoyed and pissed he was with you.
And as a result you felt the omega in you want to apologize and take everything back, bowing your head down, too weak to make eye contact. It was a feeling you had become quite accustomed to with how often alphas did this to you, and you became quite good at ignoring those instincts.
But Ushijima was stronger than all those alphas, and Tendou watched in awe as the most strong willed omega he’s ever met started to shrink in her seat, eyes glued to her lap.
Ushijima stood in front of you, and due to his height he was nearly eye level with you despite you sitting up on the top bunk.
“You’re careless,” He spoke lowly, as blunt as ever, “You speak the first thing that comes to mind with no regard if you offend someone, and you’re surprised when an alpha tries to put you back in your place. You’re an omega.” His voice loud and firm, “Power does not lean in your favor. Learn your place.”
You bit down on your lip hard, finding it difficult to meet his eyes but with everything you had in you, you forced yourself up straight and looked him dead in the eye.
Tendou’s eyes widened at your display but he kept quiet, glancing at how the usually stoic Ushijima looked slightly thrown off guard.
“I will never settle for being submissive,” you spoke slowly, never breaking your eye contact, “And I will never stop striving for independence. You like this power system because it’s all you’ve ever known— I’ll show you that you’re wrong and I’ll do whatever it takes.”
From there the two of you stared at each other for what felt like forever, Tendou holding his breath to see who would give in first. Until it was finally time to go to volleyball practice and Ushijima was forced to look away, making you smile triumphantly.
And so it began. The start of an overly exhausting plan that you were committed to executing.
And if Ushijima thought you were a nuisance before it was nothing compared to now.
A few days after the incident you acted as if it never happened, putting on a cheery and energetic façade. And you actually spoke to him in that same friendly manner you spoke to Tendou and others on the team.
He soon realized there would be no end to your chatter. You’d go on and on about your day, shows and movies you liked, hobbies that you were into, and you’d ask him tons and tons of questions that he’d just ignore but you wouldn’t shut up, forcing him to answer your questions— you even started calling him Waka-kun while you remained (L/N)-san.
But you didn’t care. You vowed that you’d force your way into his heart until he finally saw you as an equal instead of an overly obnoxious omega.
It took months but somehow, by some kind of miracle, Ushijima came to the conclusion... you actually weren’t that bad.
Of course you were still loud, kind of annoying, and spoke out of turn most of the time. But he guessed that some of your better qualities started sticking out the more you hung around him.
For one, you were always happy.
Happiness wasn’t an emotion Ushijima felt often, he knew the feeling of victory when he defeated a difficult opponent in volleyball but that never lasted that long because, well— Ushijima always won...(for the most part). And he knew what it felt like to be satisfied and generally content.
But the happiness you exuded. This absolutely boundless amount of energy and cheerfulness you walked around with despite being put down by practically the entire student body, it made you slightly more admirable in his eyes.
And then he saw your loyalty and devotion towards the team and specifically Tendou. By definition, Tendou was technically your best friend and you made sure to prioritize him in your life because of how grateful you were to call him a friend, this meant inviting him out places and never turning down an invitation he made. You let him talk to you when he was down and comforted and supported him appropriately. And when it came to the team, you were kind of an honorary manager (you didn’t actually have the title because the coach would never trust an omega to do the job) but you gave them water bottles and towels during practice and made sure to attend all their games and cheer for them. So even the team who had been kind of cold to you in the beginning, ended up growing rather fond of you, and you were just as happy to consider them your friends.
But he supposed what stuck out to him the most was how determined you were to be more acquainted with him. You’d ask about his day, his childhood, volleyball, anything really. And you somehow had the ability to pull more than a couple words from his mouth as time went on.
And all from the shadows, the Guess Monster was watching. Observing how a very odd friendship grew between the two of you. And although Ushijima rarely let any emotion of any kind show, after three months Tendou made an educated guess.
Ushijima Wakatoshi was actually falling for you.
From a surface level no one could really tell, but Tendou started picking up on the way Ushijima’s scent would change whenever you were near, it’d grow softer, and slightly more non threatening than his usual scent. It was a small detail but spoke volumes. Other than that, he noticed more and more how he grew comfortable around you, letting you talk his ear off and he’d answer your questions with more than three words. But what gave it away for him was when he had stepped into one of your fights where an omega started yelling at you for acting too much like an alpha. It was the first time he had ever done it and although you told him you could fight your own battles, he doubted it would be the last fight Ushijima broke up for you.
With you it was actually harder to tell if you were starting to like Ushijima back, and this was based off of all your rants he’s heard about you never wanting to mate with an alpha and that you’d much rather mate with a beta. It was hard to picture you with an alpha and even harder to picture you with an alpha as strong as Ushijima.
But he, figured out that yes— you did reciprocate those feelings when he caught a certain sight.
You went out with Tendou and Ushijima one night and stayed up late, you were absolutely exhausted so Ushijima ended up giving you a piggyback ride back to your dorm. And that’s when Tendou noticed the way you nuzzled your face into his neck. He couldn’t tell if you were trying to scent yourself or if you just found his scent soothing enough to fall asleep to— but either way there were definitely mutual feelings there.
The only problem was that the two of you were too dense to acknowledge those feelings.
So as usual Tendou decided to take it upon himself to get the two of you closer.
He came up with a fairly simple but hopefully effective plan.
Not that long ago you came to Tendou and asked if he’d been willing to give you volleyball lessons every now and then after you came to really admire the sport after watching them play for so long. And he agreed of course.
So now it was just a matter of getting Ushijima to take his place—
“I won’t be able to make our volleyball lesson (F/N)-chan,” Tendou suddenly spoke up from where he laid on the floor.
He watched as your head poked over the top bunk where you lay, a pout on your face, “What? Why not?” You whined.
”I’ll be busy this weekend, but!” He suddenly exclaimed, looking over at Ushijima, “Maybe Wakatoshi-kun could take my place.”
”No,” came Ushijima’s answer, from where he sat on his bed.
Tendou frowned at how dense he could be.
You pouted further, “Waka-kun would be mean about it if he helped me anyway.”
”Don’t be silly—“
”I’m not! I can picture it now!” You suddenly made a very serious face, mimicking Ushijima’s, “(L/N)-chan you have awful technique. (L/N)-chan you understand nothing about volleyball. (L/N)-chan you suck.”
Tendou giggled at that, seeing your point, “You’d also be getting taught by a top player in the nation~” he sang.
You paused for a moment, thinking it over, “... We’d probably get in a fight though and I hate arguing with him.”
”You hate it because you lose,” Ushijima spoke up.
”Shut up!” You yelled, moving to hang over the edge of the bed to see him.
He glanced up at your upside down form, “l’m right.”
And since he was always painfully blunt and honest, you knew he actually was right, so you settled on pouting further.
”Y’know people would kill to have someone like Wakatoshi teach them volleyball,” Tendou said, continuing to convince you, “He’s the best of the best, don’t you want to be the best~”
”I’m not that passionate about volleyball,” you deadpanned.
He faltered, until a thought struck him, and he grinned, “Remember that time you tagged along with the team to the beach and we were short one person for volleyball and asked you to play?”
You glared darkly at him for reminding you about that humiliating incident— they were a powerhouse school after all, why the hell would they ask you to play when you had barely any experience. “Yes,” you muttered.
”Well what if Wakatoshi-kun taught you a few of his tricks and you got to show off next time we play together.”
He knew he had you when your eyes widened in realization.
You looked back down at Ushijima from where you hung upside down, “Waka-kun teach me volleyball.”
”No,” he replied, looking down at his homework.
“Ugh— why notttt,” you whined.
”Because you don’t play volleyball.”
”Well I want to show off to the team the next time you guys force me to play.”
”You still wouldn’t be as good as them.”
You frowned, “I already know that, but you don’t always have to say the truth.”
Ushijima couldn’t help himself when he looked back up at you, something in your tone bothering him. And the pout and look in your eyes really bothered him for some reason. But he didn’t like being the cause of it and he really wanted to see it leave your face.
“Fine,” he gave in. He watched as your face instantly lit up, a smile gracing your features and it admittedly made him feel weirder than when you were upset.
You flipped off the top bunk to Ushijima’s bed and threw your arms around his shoulders in a hug, “Thank you Waka-kun~” you sang.
And Tendou grinned from ear to ear, watching as Ushijima’s face tinted the lightest of pinks.
“You’re late,” Ushijima grunted as he watched you burst through the gym doors, trying to catch your breath.
”I know!” You panted, “I got held up by a teacher.” You said, throwing your bag to the ground. You made your way over to Ushijima who was previously practicing by himself as he waited. “Now, you can’t be mean remember, this is just for fun. It’s not like I’m gonna be using this in any actual tournaments, this is just to shut the team up the next time they make fun of me for sucking at volleyball.”
He nodded and the two of you started.
You quickly figured out that playing volleyball with Ushijima was very different than when you’d play with Tendou. Tendou was always goofing around and joking with you but with Ushijima he was unsurprisingly very serious, so it was up to you to lighten the mood. But you had to admit he was a pretty good teacher and kept the rude comments to a minimum, which was a feat on its own because he very rarely censored himself and you knew you weren’t doing to well.
It was well into the hour when shit finally hit the fan.
Ushijima asked you to toss him the ball to demonstrate him hitting a spike. So you did and as usual because of his strong spikes, the ball ended up rolling off, landing by your bag on the other side of the gym.
You offered to go get it, and in hindsight you really wished you did. But Ushijima said it was fine and went off to grab the ball.
When he went to pick it up, he noticed the zipper of your bag was opened and something inside caught his eye. He glanced back at you to see you looking down at your phone, before he brought his attention back to the object and pulled it out. His eyebrows furrowed.
It was a pill bottle and the label told him they were heat suppressants. But that wasn’t what caught his eye.
The date said they were prescribed about a month ago and the bottle was already three quarters gone.
He stood up straight and turned, “What are these?” He called out to you, making you look up.
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Idiot, are you going through my bag? Put those back and get back over here.” You rolled your eyes.
He only listened to half of what you said as he held the bottle and walked back, “(L/N)-chan, what is this?”
You looked at him confusedly, “They’re heat suppressants or did you forget that I’m an omega and go through heats?”
”More than half of them are gone.”
You faltered, realizing he checked the date on them. But you played it cool and shrugged, “So?”
”It’s dangerous to have that many suppressants in a month.”
You rolled your eyes, “What? Are you suddenly an omega now? They’re my pills, I can use them how I want.”
You could see Ushijima getting frustrated now, “The side effects of this many can be harmful to your body.”
”I’m fine— I’m more than fine. I haven’t had to go through a heat in a while and I’ve been functioning just the same, only it’s better now because I don’t have to deal with heats.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, “What do you mean by ‘a while’?” He asked worried to hear just how long you were putting your body through this. Suppressants were meant to make heats easier, not stop them all together.
“Nothing, it really doesn’t matter,” you said in an attempt to brush it off.
”How long (L/N)-chan?”
You clenched your jaw, looking down at the ground, not answering.
”How long,” his voice became darker and firmer.
You hated it but when he used that tone, you found it difficult to deny, “A....a year.” You muttered.
Ushijima’s eyes widened in shock and horror, and it was probably the most emotion you’ve ever seen from him, “You missed four heats?”
”Well.... yeah.”
”You can’t do that to your body—“
”Why not?” You snapped, looking up at him, “It’s my body isn’t it? And my heats are my business. I’ve been completely fine up till now anyway.”
”What about your next heat? You have to have one eventually and if you’ve missed four, your next heat will be unbearable.”
”That’s only for some people,” you scoffed, “I could be completely fine.”
”And if you’re not? You don’t have a mate.”
”Why do you even care!” You huffed.
”Because—“ you’re my omega.
Ushijima completely stopped as the thought popped in his head. He was caught so off guard by that he forgot his argument.
But he did his best to compose himself before stating, “I’m keeping these.”
You scowled, “Like hell you are!” You yelled before leaping for the pill bottle, but he just held it over his head and out of your reach. You grabbed his arm and tried to pull it down but he would barely budge, “Ushijima this isn’t funny!” You yelled out in anger and slight panic.
He ignored the slight sting he felt at hearing his last name, but he didn’t give in, “This is for your own good.”
”Fuck my own good! I need those pills— I can’t go through another heat!”
”You’re an omega,” he snapped, “You can’t keep pretending you’re an alpha. Heats are necessary, learn your place already.”
And there were those words you absolutely despised, ‘learn your place’.
You blinked back the frustrated tears, “I’m leaving,” you scoffed. And with that you quickly ran out, grabbing your bag and leaving a very pissed off alpha behind you.
Tendou had no idea how things could get so screwed up the one time he got you two alone together.
You ended up avoiding Ushijima at all costs and Ushijima being who he was was definitely not going to approach you first when he believed he was right.
But Tendou could only handle so much of this stupid fight before trying to convince the two of you to make up.
But you said you’d only forgive him if he gave you your pills back and Ushijima said he wasn’t going to. So when Tendou got you to swear to Ushijima that you’d use them properly was he then able to sway Ushijima into giving them back.
So he did and you forgave him.
Of course there was still some resentment and animosity about the whole thing, but after a couple weeks things were back to normal more or less.
That was until that inevitable day approached.
You hadn’t come to class which wasn’t unusual because you liked to skip every once in a while, so Ushijima and Tendou didn’t think much of it at first.
That was until they overheard a conversation between two omegas not too far from them.
”The entire history hallway literally smells like omega.” The one girl complained.
”Really?” Her friend asked, “What happened.”
She shrugged, “Dunno. I think some omega went into heat, but my god is it strong. I think they locked themselves in a supply closet, there’s a group of as alphas just outside the door.”
”I feel kinda bad. We should tell someone to go help them. Do we know who the omega is?”
”Everyone’s pretty sure it’s (L/N) since the scent is pretty citrusy. Her roommate also told me she takes suppressants like they’re candy so it makes sense.”
Suddenly Ushijima had stood up. Tendou looked up at the alpha with a questioning gaze, but as he watched him just head straight for the door, a grin grew on his face as he knew where this was headed.
You were a mess as you hid away inside the supply closet. The heat had randomly hit you out of no where without a single warning. The most you were able to do was quickly lock yourself in the closet. And now you were left trembling in a curled up ball in the corner of the room.
You were hot everywhere and covered in a layer of sweat. Your chest rose and fell in breathy pants and the uncomfortable pool of wetness in your panties was getting really distracting.
And on top of all that, there was a group of alphas just outside calling out to you. You couldn’t make out what they were saying because of how overwhelmed you felt but their scents were definitely accelerating the heat.
And dread filled you at the thought of Ushijima being right. All four heats that you missed just hit you all at once.
This was the most helpless you’ve ever felt.
...Then you smelled it.
A scent far more overpowering than the alphas scents combined. And a scent you knew all to well. Heavy and woody— a scent that made your head spin and squeeze your legs together as a broken whimper left your throat.
The others had scattered in fear, soon leaving you alone with Ushijima Wakatoshi’s scent.
Ushijima walked in, easily breaking the lock. His gaze was intense as usual but there was also something else in his eyes as he found you curled up on the ground of the supply closet, in heat.
And even in the presence of an omega in a heat extreme as yours, Ushijima showed an incredible display over his instincts as he barely seemed bothered by it. The only thing that gave him away was how his breathing slowed, taking in deeper breaths as what was probably the prettiest and most mouth watering scent he ever smelled flooded his senses.
His presence commanded the area and the air reeked of his scent, and as tough as you were, even you fell weak to the presence of an alpha while in heat— and the so called alpha of alphas no less.
Your legs were squeezed tight as you buried your face in your knees, covering your nose from his scent.
”(L/N),” he said, voice deep and a touch of anger in it.
You whimpered, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to fall.
”Waka-kun,” your voice came out weak, broken, and muffled, it had even made Ushijima falter for a second, uneasy seeing you act so helpless. “I-I can’t— I can’t do this,” you shook your head, the tears running down your face now. “I-it’s barely even started and— and th-this feels worse than m-my worst heat.” You sniffled, body trembling and shaking now.
”I told you not to take those suppressants.”
A broken moan came out after hearing his rumbling voice and you squeezed your legs tighter— how embarrassing.
In truth, Ushijima greatly disliked seeing you like this, especially after developing such a fondness over the tough and fiery omega that used to drive him mad (and still does from time to time.) But there was still something he greatly enjoyed with seeing how submissive you were being in front of him— as long as he was the only one that got to see you like this. So what you said next, sparked something in him.
”D...do y-you know an a-alpha that... can help?” Your words were broken up with sobs and stifled moans.
And a strong sense of possessiveness washed over him at the thought of another alpha possibly aiding you through this heat.
”That won’t be necessary,” he spoke curtly, “Stand up,” he said, walking forward.
You clamped your hand tighter over your nose, suffocating on his scent, and you shook your head furiously, “I-I don’t know if I c-can—“
”Stand,” and there was no arguing with the Alpha tone in his voice, your body wouldn’t let you.
So on trembling knees you shakily stood up, holding your breath as you used the wall for support as you leaned against it.
Something wild was overtaking Ushijima’s senses at seeing how fragile and delicate you looked, and he stalked forward, eyes heavy with an intense gaze on you.
And he was now in front of you as you stared down at the ground, waiting for what he’d do next as you tried your best to stay composed by attempting to ignore his presence.
Suddenly, he raised his hand to cup your jaw, his other hand gripping your wrist to pull it away from your nose. And the absolute predatorial look in his eyes would’ve knocked you to your knees if the wall wasn’t there to support you.
He stroked your cheek with his thumb, wiping a tear away. “From tonight onwards you’re mine.” He growled before lifting your jaw up further.
You moaned at that and quickly nodded, “I-I’m yours.”
”I don’t care if you always want to fight back as long as you understand that right now, I’m in charge.” He said as his thumb traced your bottom lip before tugging down on it. And the second after you nodded, he crashed his lips against yours in a bruising kiss.
Your resolve immediately crumbled and you easily melted into the kiss, collapsing into him. A cry left your lips which was promptly swallowed by Ushijima. Your arms wrapped around his neck tightly as you tried rutting against his thigh. But he quickly grabbed ahold of your hips, stilling you.
You whined into his mouth, “Please Waka-kun.”
”Patience,” he commanded, making you quickly shut your mouth. “I’m going to take care of you,” and with that he picked you up.
He walked with you in his arms through the deserted hallway, making his way towards the dormitories, specifically his.
And as he walked through the school building, classes having been just let out, he ignored the stares and stunned silence from his peers as they gawked at the sight of the Alpha of Shiratorizawa Academy walking with the little annoying omega of the school in his arms, who was clearly in heat.
But right now all that was on his mind was getting you back to his dorm safely so he could spend the next how ever many days fucking you until all you could possibly remember was his name.
Ushijima unlocked his dorm door, seeing an already grinning Tendou sitting upon his bed, “Well didn’t this work out nicely?” He teased.
”Tendou I need the—“
He raised his hands in surrender, “I know, I know,” he said getting up, his eyes landing on you for a second, “Definitely a sight I never thought I’d see,” he mused at seeing you so submissive in Ushijima’s arms, before practically singing, “Have fun~” on his way out.
Ushijima kicked the door shut before walking over to his bed and dropping you on it. You were sprawled out on your back, absolutely breathless.
His own breathing was beginning to become more and more labored as your heat was pushing him into a rut.
”You’re going to behave?” He asked.
You nodded, a mewl escaping your lips as you rubbed your thighs together.
”Use your words.”
”Y-yes alpha,” you managed to get out, a glint reaching his eye at the title.
”Good. Now....bare your neck.”
You scrambled to do as he said, and a slight smirk grazed his lips at the sight, a sense of pride, similar to when he won tournaments, washed over him.
You kneeled up on your knees, titling your head to the side for him.
He smiled, cupping the side of your face, before leaning down to mark you.
So yes, Ushijima would put up with your fiery attitude and need to go against everything everyone tells you to do, as long as he’d be the one to get to see you like this.
Because for the first time since he’s known you.
You were finally listening.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Who’s Watching
Requested by @cai-neki​: May i ask a request; Youngest Shelby!reader one an angsty again, where someone's haunting the reader (she couldn't grasp if it's a past memory or person) ending up into various looks from her brothers thinking she may have a trauma but it turns out there is really someone following her around. Kinda long and messsy but yeah.
Pairing: Shelby & Gray Family + Shelby!Female!Reader
Warnings: Stalkers, swearing, my horrible reference in the title, angst
Words: 1,642
Summary: (See Request)
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @peakysputain​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @cai-neki​, @simonsbluee​, @marquelapage​, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​, @thewarriorprincessxo​
Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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Her chest heaved with uneven breaths as she slammed the front door shut behind her, back pressed against it. Her brothers walked in to see what the noise was about, surprised to see their sister’s disheveled body blocking the door.
“What the fuck happened to you?” Arthur exclaimed first. He eyed her with wide curious eyes, not all that sure whether he should be mad at her or getting revenge for her.
“S- some- someone-” She couldn’t form a full word with how heavy she was breathing, gasping for air as she rested her hands on her knees.
“Someone what? Did they follow you?” Tommy moved to the windows, looking around before drawing the blinds. “Are you alright?”
“Water. Get her some water, Finn!” Arthur yelled before turning back to his sister. “Nod or shake your head. Are you alright?”
She shrugged.
“Do you need help?”
Again, she shrugged.
“Did they want to kill you?”
She shrugged once again, this time taking the water as Finn passed the glass to her.
“Can you stop fucking shrugging?”
A few gulps of water later, the cold liquid soothing her dry throat, she spoke up. Her breathing was still off, but she was recovering. “Someone was following me. I don’t know if they’re trying to kill me or if they followed me home, I just know that I did the thing you taught me-”
“What thing?” Finn furrowed his brows in confusion.
“Tommy. He told me that if I got a bad feeling about someone walking in the same direction as me, to turn a couple times, walk in directions off-route. This person followed me even then. As soon as I realized that, I ran as fast as I could. I didn’t even take the time to look back.”
“Good girl.” Every head in the room turned to Pol, who leaned against the door-frame of the family room. She slowly walked forward, moving her niece aside to look around outside the door before shutting it and locking it. Tommy gave her a questioning glance, to which she replied, “all clear at the front door.”
“Alright. Finn, go check the back, Arthur, can you patrol the house? If one of the doors were unlocked, they could have gotten in while we were talking.”
The three waited in the main room for over an hour. Tommy and Polly took turns comforting Y/n as they waited for the boys to return. When Finn and Arthur did indeed return, Tommy was suddenly more doubtful than Y/n expected. Finn confirmed that all the doors were locked, Arthur reporting no one but themselves in the home.
Thomas turned toward his sister. “Are you sure someone was following you? Did you forget a turn and assume they were?”
“What?” Y/n’s face morphed into an expression of disbelief, hurt that her brother would question her. She was horrified, looking as if she’d seen a ghost, when she ran inside. The entire time she was running, her body felt uneasy, like she would faint had she stopped for even a second. It felt like her stomach had dropped.
“Are you one-hundred percent serious?”
“Yes- well- I-” It was ironic. She’d looked like she’d seen a ghost and for a split second, she thought it was a ghost. Had she been hallucinating? No, the chase felt too real. Whether it be a person or something from long ago, she knew it was after her. “I don’t know if they were human but-”
“You don’t know if they were human?” Arthur cackled. “Tommy, she thinks a mummy ran after her!”
“I never said that!”
“Was it a werewolf? Was he going to eat you? Gobble you up?” Arthur continued to poke fun. Only Thomas, Polly, and Y/n remained straight-faced. Polly noticed Y/n tearing up, the genuine hurt in her eyes saying that whatever it was, she was still terrified for her life.
“Arthur. Stop.” Although he continued to chortle, Finn’s laughter faded as he made eye-contact with his aunt. “Arthur.”
Finn nudged Arthur harshly. He stopped laughing and turned to Pol. “Yeah?”
“Stop teasing your sister right this damn moment or I’ll find whatever was chasing her and let it have you instead. She was beyond terrified. Look at her!” Polly snapped. “Can’t you see she thought she was literally going to die?!”
As the arguing went on, Y/n sighed and headed to her room. Her aunt was a great save, but that didn’t mean she believed her either. Only defending her due to catching how mortified she was. The embarrassment gifted to herself by a simple overthinking thought. ‘What if I was only imagining things...’ her brothers made her second guess herself.
The night went on, lights turning off, Shelbys and Grays lying in their beds, until everyone in the home was fast asleep. The windows and doors were locked, blinds drawn, and home quiet. The creaking of the wood, however, was new. It sounded like someone was stirring, but no one was awake to hear it.
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Screaming awoke the members of the Shelby home. John had just returned, Ada as well, and had a head start to their sister’s room. She had sat up so quick it felt like she should’ve gotten whiplash. When the other four got to Y/n’s room, Ada was sitting on the bed beside Y/n, holding her close to her, and John was sitting on the edge of the bed, shooting her a sympathetic look.
“Did you see them again?” Finn inquired. Arthur slapped him up the back of the head, earning a glare from his little brother. “I’m being serious!” He whisper yelled at Arthur, only to be ignored.
“See who?” Ada looked at her family with widened eyes of confusion. She turned to her sister then back to her brothers and aunt. “What happened?”
“Ada. I’ll um...tell you in the study, okay?” Polly mumbled softly. Ada nodded and rose from the bed, hugging Y/n reassuringly before walking to her aunt. Both women stopped in their tracks as Y/n’s voice sounded again.
“I had a nightmare. The same person. They were in...here. My room. They opened my door and began to walk over to my bed. I couldn’t move. I was terrified. I thought it was all over, but another door opened and the person ran away. I screamed when I could, but for some reason, it was delayed.” She didn’t even take a break to breath or rethink details. It was like she was reliving it even at that very moment.
Tommy looked concerned. He whispered something to Pol before gathering his brothers and the other two females. They left the room, Tommy closing the door behind him, and left Y/n by herself to meet in the study.
“She’s got some kinda flashbacks or something like that.” Finn commented.
“We went to war, she...well, whatever happened, it wasn’t as bad as war. I doubt it’s some kind of thing she’d seen. Perhaps it’s her imagination again.” Arthur grunted in response.
The three older brothers had dealt with PTSD before, the effects similar to Y/n’s awakening, but Arthur didn’t believe she was hurt. He couldn’t bring himself to believe it. The man wanted his little sister to be safe, and knowing he couldn’t keep her so would hurt him more than the war did.
“I say it’s a trauma.”
“What kind?” Ada was quick to question Thomas, as per usual. “Injury related or event caused?”
“Either. If she hit her head, perhaps walked into something on the way home, or if she saw something she didn’t want to see...”
Unbeknownst to the family in the study, Y/n was on the other side of the doors. She pushed them open with a furry. “I’m not traumatized. Nothing that happened is from my imagination or some injury! This person is real and no matter what you do or say, they won’t stop.” She stormed out just as quickly as she stormed in, leaving her family to dwell in her warning.
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She hadn’t left the home all day. It concerned the family, but they understood. No one had spoken a word to her since she’d made her point. When it was time to sleep again, Ada and Pol were the only ones to bid her goodnight, the boys cowardly, even more so when it came to admitting it.
The creaking occurred again. Y/n was awake this time, wide awake. The dream felt just as real as her escape had. Last night, she’d fallen asleep, given the person an advantage. Not tonight, she swore, not tonight.
Footsteps grew louder as they neared her door, the small squeak of the door opening causing Y/n to clench her eyes shut. Cold air followed the stranger; Y/n thought to herself, the person must have opened a window...but they were all locked, were they not?
She couldn’t be certain.
They stood over her bed, hesitating for whatever reason. Y/n had her own advantage this time. She wasn’t in sleep paralysis, she wasn’t incapable of showing the stalker what Shelbys learn since birth. Right as they reached for her, the mirror next to the wall by her bed positioned so she could see them, she slid under their squatted legs and darted out her bedroom door.
Behind her was not her concern as she ran for a specific room. Their footsteps thundered loudly, yet not loud enough to wake the rest of the family. Hot on her trail, they aggressively swung for her, but her distance was just far enough that they couldn’t reach her fully.
Reaching the room, she grabbed the first gun in sight, turning and firing. A few seconds later, steps padded throughout the house and stopped at the door. There they saw their little sister with a gun, standing over the person who’d been stalking her, wounded but not dead.
“Told you.”
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authorkun · 3 years
[𝙎𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙖𝙘] (004)
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"𝘾𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙤𝙢𝙗? 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙗𝙚 𝙛𝙪𝙣~"
"Why are we here again? And why aren't Gojo or M/n with us?" Itadori questioned. "A possible special grade showed up and the mission was strictly given to us. Besides special grade sorcerers like them have better things to do then deal with something like this." Fushiguro answered as the three arrived at the 'detention' center. 'I wonder where M/n is?' The pink haired thought to himself. "Hurry up Itadori!" Kugisaki yelled behind her towards the male.
"Huh? Right!"
With M/n and Gojo
Miles away, the spoken pair sneezed at the same time. "Hmm must be the wind." M/n shoved his hands in one of the many pockets sewn into his jacket. The two were heading towards the principal's office on the campus.
"Why did he say he wanted a meeting with us again?" M/n playfully groaned, his voice still a little scratchy from the day prior to yesterday. Gojo chuckled from next to him. "Dunno. Knowing him it could be just to have tea." Sarcasm dripped from his tone.
"Eh, either way I wonder how Yuuji and the other first years are doing?" Gojo shrugged. "Not sure." 
Opening the sliding door, the two were met with Masamichi sewing one of his doll-like corpses. "It took you long enough." The second-year merely chuckled, as he sat down on one of the cushions presented before a small table. "No need to be hasty, what's the rush anyway?" M/n questioned, while pouring the contents of the teapot into the three cups. "A new case from the higher ups." Masamichi threw a folder in the (h/c-ette)'s direction.
"Ah, straight to business I see. Same boring cases the old cowards want us to solve, huh?" Malice dripped from the insult clearly chosen for the elders. Masamichi gave a sharp look before sipping the hot liquid. "You know how they are. The case was given straight to you though, so take it seriously." M/n rolled his eyes at the remark. "Special grades?" 
"2 of them which have recently popped up on their radar were located on the outskirts of the city. Your train tickets have been arranged and it shouldn't take you more than two days" The monotonous tone boring the two sorcerers. A shadow casted upon M/n's face as he stood, turning to walk back through the screen doors. 
"I'll have it done in one. Tell the old hags if they want to keep sending me on these simple missions, I'll just have to finish the job myself. It's no fun taking the danger from these trips." A sharp sadistic thread lacing itself between his words. ('Finishing the job' meaning offing himself.)
"Till next time, ta ta~" With that, the door slid shut a loud 'thud' echoing the now silent room. A small smirk played at the tip of Gojo's smile. "Arrogant as always." The older exhaustedly rubbed his eyes from under his glasses. "It'll cost him one day."
Timeskip with the first-years
"It feels great to be in the skin again. I wonder where those pesky seniors of yours are." Sukuna held a look of mock confusion. "For the meantime, I'm taking this brat's body hostage." A crazed smile laid upon his lips. Plunging his hand into Itadori's chest, the wrenching sound of the searching hand filled the tense silence. 
'Schlopk' The clawed hand reappeared, except now, it was blood filled while Itadori's heart was roughly pulled into the curse's grasp. 
"Well then, what are you going to do, Jujutsu sorcerer?"
 With M/n
"I guess your the one's causing trouble right?" M/n let out a low chuckle, as the curses growled standing on-guard. "Well we can't have that now. They never said you were going to be this ugly." A teasing voice mocked them. A split second later, a punch was thrown from behind him. Catching the fist, he jumped back a few yards. 
"If that's how it's going to be then, I won't hold back." A boyish smile graced his features before disappearing. In a flash the curse that had attacked him was on the ground, with its arms missing. A hiss was thrown his way before the injured had jumped off away. 
"Let's dance mon amour~"
Soft pants had escaped from the male, as he stood straight. A hiss of pain leaving as a deep cut made itself known. "Fuck, that's gonna leave a mark." He mumbled. A sudden white pain struck M/n from his thoughts as he glanced down.
"Oh joy, I've been impaled." M/n sarcastically commented before spitting up a handful of red. A sickening laugh of some sorts bellowed from the third presence. A sharp spike like appendage pierced through M/n's stomach. "Fine then." A small flash of red and black flickered by the curse's face before the appendage was cut through. Another three slashes, and the apparent special grade, had been delimbed.
 "Bandits copy: king of cursed energy." Small sparks of red and pink emit from his clasped hands. With a flick of his wrist, his opponent fell.  Another pile of fine dust gathered next to M/n's feet. 
The very prominent gaping wound seemed to take its toll though, as his vision got blurry. A painful chuckle vibrated his chest as he weakly fished his phone from his many pockets. Clicking on a contact, he pulled the device to his ear. 
"What do you want L/n." 
M/n let out a breathy laugh at the cold tone of the receiver.
"Not even a 'hi', or 'how are you'? Jeez you hurt me."
"Shut up. What do you need."
"I'm in outskirts of Tokyo, you're in the area right?"
*sigh* "Yes, but I'm busy. Make it quick."
A cough racking his body cut M/n off before continuing. A small puddle of blood starting to form around his feet, as he dragged himself to the nearest bus stop bench. 
"What happened? Are you hurt?"
"Bus stop on twenty-third..sending location...mission."
The line went dead as M/n weakly closed his eyes, leaning himself up against the post. 
Across the town a few miles, the receiver of his call held a worry look. "Damn you L/n. What did you do now?" The blonde had gotten into his car and started down the roads directed.
A few minutes later he pulled up to an old beaten up bus stop. Looking closer, he saw the body of the male. 'Did that fool fall asleep?' Getting up from the driver's seat he got closer to the male. 
"Why'd you call me out here? Oí? Are you even awake?" The male stayed unresponsive. "Oí, come on L/n." M/n slowly fluttered his eyes open. "You came." 
"Yeah, now what do you want-?" M/n shifted his arm, showing his shirt quickly staining with an all too familiar red color. Nanami's eyes widened at the sight, quickly grabbing onto M/n to drag him to his vehicle.
"Shit! What happened?!" The blonde held a worried expression, as he laid  the second-year down on the backseats. "Special...grade." A weak smile was sent towards the blonde. "Thanks Ami-san." The childish nickname had pissed Nanami off many times before, but now he was only filled with worry for the male.
Rushing around front, he got into the car, driving off towards the other side of the city. "Stay awake a little longer M/n! Dammit!" "St-a...a...iv...." His senior's words became mixed and faded, as he drifted unconscious. 'Shit shit shit! The school's 20 minutes away. Stay in there M/n.' Nanami struggled grabbing his phone from his pocket while driving at speeds that we're undoubtedly against the speed limit. With his blood-stained fingers, he shakily clicked on the contact he had dreaded.
"Hey Nanami-!"
"Fuck! Shut up! Tell Shoko to set up her stuff."
"No hello? And what for?"
"L/n! He suddenly called me out of nowhere! Those stupid fools need to stop giving him suicide missions!"
Gojo's face paled.
"What happened?!" 
"L/n is dying is what's happening! I'm twenty minutes away from the school, and he's losing blood."
A sight of Getou passed through Gojo's head, as his face contorted into worry. 'Dammit!'
"Keep him responsive, and I'll tell Shoko."
His voice shook as he cursed himself for bringing the past death up. 
"I don't know how much longer I can keep him awake. Tell her it's a piercing wound all the way through the left lower abdominal region."
The call abruptly ended with that. Jogging towards the medical wing, Gojo slammed open the door. A startled Shoko looking back at the worried male. "Yes?" She questioned.
"L/n, puncture wound, all the way through lower left abdomen." The white haired male manage to ramble out. A look of confusion turned into understanding, as the female started pulling out the needed. "We just need to pray he gets here before we're to late." Shoko shook her head.
Timeskip 45 minutes 
Bringing Nobara to the infirmary was beginning to look a difficult task, as several people stood crowded around the door. Familiar and unfamiliar faces stood gathered around. "What's going on?" The question made necks turn. "Ah you guys are back-!" Gojo was cut short as a gruff looking old man in a formal kimono gave a sharp glare.
"Get them out of here!" Gojo and Masamichi nodded before ushering them towards the dorm common room. A confused expression grew as Fushiguro was lead to the empty room. "What's happening?" He asked once more.
Both Teacher and principal gave an unreadable look. "Where's L/n?" The small seemingly harmless question led to Gojo uncharacteristically fidgeting with his hands. 
". . ."
Megumi was uncomfortable by the unusual silence. "Who were those people back there?" The raven head asked moving onto another question. Gojo shook his head, letting out a sharp sigh. "Elders." "What are they here for sensei?"
"Th-They don't think L-L/n's g-gonna make i-it."
{Previous}  {Next}
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everlesslahote1 · 3 years
“Hey! look at me, I’m fine!” (Paul Lahote)
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-HI, I BEG YOU GUYS TO REQUEST SOMETHING , ANYTHING PLEASE. I don’t have any ideas other then re-doing ones I already saw but I wanna be more bonded with my readers so, Thank You Lovely’s.
Paul Lahote x Fem!Reader
(warning; forced contact, aggressive touching)
ALSO! everyone as imprints okay and I mean everyone in the pack.
If you would have told Y/N 11 months ago that she would be a imprint of the most vicious tempered wolf in the Uley “gang” everyone tend to talk up at school, she would have called a doctor asap.
But no... Here she was. 
At a bonfire with the pack she now calls family and her hot headed lover on a Thursday night eating a hot dog and cracking jokes with Jared Cameron and Embry call, wrapped in Paul’s warmth.
“no seriously! Embry finally imprinted on someone!” Quil said patting his pack brother’s back and making Embry cheeks go pink.
“yea so now everyone has a imprint... even if they aren’t of age *cough* Jake, Quil” Jared choked out soon earning a rupture of laughter from around the fire.
It was all true though, every wolf in the Uley pack had imprints of their own.
Sam had Emily.
Paul had Y/N.
Jared had Kim.
Embry had a sweet girl by the name of  Ameila that he met at the book store.
Jacob had Renesmee.
Quil had Claire.
Leah had a girl she met on a walk by herself by the name Emma.
Last but not least Seth had a girl from his Math class named Ava.
“ha ha very funny” Quil said with a straight face just as his 4 year old imprint (Claire Young)  ran and jumped in his lap showing him a picture she just drew of him.
“Jared please remember I am stronger then” Jake spoke.
“oh yeah” Jared challenged slipping away from his imprint (Kim) gently hitting the back of Jake’s head.
Jake and Jared soon started horse playing in the grass as the other’s betted on who would pin who first.
“hey, imma go get a drink” Y/N whispered to Paul making him nod and place a soft kisses on her lips.
She stood up with pink cheeks, jumping over Jake and Jared and walked over the side of the house where all the drinks were.
She really didn’t know if she wanted juice that Billy supplied for the kids that were here or if she wanted to finally try a beer.
She tends to say she’s a big girl and that she can handle at least one beer, I mean how hard could it be? ‘Jared handles it’ and that’s the only reason she could come up with that she could handle it, so there she stood. 
“in a giffy?” a deep voice said from the side of  her, it didn’t feel right even hearing it so close to her but she didn’t wanna be rude. So she looked up to the tall raven hair man before looking back down at the drinks then speaking.
“uh heh, yea. does beer taste good?” She asked him.
“well how about we slip away and ill tell you all about it, hun” he said grabbing her forearm a little roughly.
Her breath was caught in her throat, Paul was never rough with her only if she asked him to be and even then he didn’t get as rough as this man.
Paul always made sure she was comfortable with anything he did around her because he knew how he could get if he wasn’t thinking 
“N-no thank you, please let me go” she grabbed his hand trying to remove it kindly but it only made him grip her tighter , she fought to get his large tan hand off her arm to avoid having a bruise so Paul wouldn’t see.
She hoped and prayed that the man would back down because if her wolf was to see the physical way the man was handling her ,he would be beyond pissed.
“Oh come on princess, lighten up a little” he said pulling her closer to him making her bump into his hard chest, it was then she smelt the strong smell of the alcohol on his breath.
She was scared, even if she didn’t show it. The man was two times her size almost as big as Jacob and was firm, not buff just firm.
“Let me go!” she said with a little more volume ad force only to be quickly pulled away from the intoxicated being and for the man to be almost mercilessly thrown to the ground by a buff figure.
A figure she hoped she wouldn’t see in this situation she was dealing with.
A figure she knew all to well.
It was Paul. 
Now beating this guy senseless like he had stole something and even though she didn’t agree with the man’s actions , she most certainly wasn’t pleased with her lovers actions either.
She’d been working with Paul’s control on his anger and even the pack could see the big change in Paul’s attitude, which they couldn’t lie kind of left everyone shook.
But when he saw this sick excuse of a man grab HIS Y/N so roughly after she asked him to let go, it caused him to back track and it set something off in the pit of him.
The trio was now being watched by everyone. It took Sam, Embry, Jared, Quil and Jake to get Paul off of the man before he killed him with his bare hands.
“I’M GOING TO FUCKING KILL HIM” Paul yelled as Leah and Seth now dragged the bloody man to the street and left him for dead, they weren’t that type of people but hearing Paul’s thought on what he saw the man do to Y/N they didn’t care what happened to the man.
“Paul! Calm down now!” Sam said trying to calm to the younger boy but it’s like his inner wolf couldn’t he wanted to he just... couldn’t.
After almost breaking free Paul still couldn’t take a steady breath so Y/N took her stand in front of the yelling boy.
Grabbing his face , bringing it down to her small figure with both of her hands on each side of his face.
“Hey! look at me, I’m fine!” she said softly.
He looked into her eyes seeing the sparkle that was always there not dimmed not even a little bit making his breathing calm down.
Paul soon tried to get out of the packs grip to hold Y/N but they only gripped tighter in fear of him hurt their pack sister, like Sam did Emily.
Y/n looked sat Sam with a soft smile.
She knew how her lover could get when he was pushed the wrong way but she knew for a fact she was going to be fine.
“he’s fine” she said gently nodding as they let him go only for him to basically throw himself into Y/N small figure, wrapping his arm around her waist sticking his nose into her neck.
Smiling , she kissed his head gently while rubbing his back.
“I-I’m sorry Y/n I tried, I did but when he touched you I-I lost it and-” cutting her wolf’s words short with a loving kiss to remind him to breathe.
“It’s alright, I get it my love. Let’s get you home” she said gently making him nod pulling away from her but keeping hold of her hand and both saying their goodbye’s and sorry’s to everyone and the pack.
That night was ended with no words... just gentle actions, a relaxed Paul, and a warm Y/N.
- - -
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COSMIC - S1:E6; Chapter Six, The Monster - [Pt. 1]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘦, 𝘠/𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳. 𝘌𝘭𝘴𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦, 𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘑𝘰𝘺𝘤𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘣’𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴.
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|| 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
Joyce and Hopper sat opposite one another at the kitchen table of the Byers' home. The house was cold and hardly lit, copies of newspaper clippings scattered all around the house. One of the only light sources was a dusty chandelier that hung from the kitchen ceiling above the table and their heads, illuminating the several papers.
"Look, we gotta go through this again." Joyce insisted.
"I told you everything that I saw."
"Oh, gosh," she sighs into her hands. "Tell me again."
"Upstairs or downstairs?" Hopper asked.
"There was a laboratory. It was where they must do experiments or something, and then there was... well you see, like I said, I got turned around."
Hopper was currently sharing all he had encountered on his rogue mission at Hawkins National Laboratory. Joyce, all the while was hanging on his every word.
"I told you, it was like, I don't know, it wasn't supposed to exist. That whole area, it was abandoned and... forgotten, like it was all some big mistake. Once I found my way back, I saw that... kid's room. That other kid's room, I mean. Like it was actually used, but it didn't even look like a kid's room, neither of them did. It looked like a prison."
Hopper sighed and rubbed the bottom of his palms into his eyes tiredly, is fingers held the lit cigarette inches away from his face as he did so. "If that even makes sense,"
"Well," Joyce began, trying to get to the bottom of this never ending mystery. "So why would you think it was a kid's room, then?"
"Because, I told you, the size of the bed, there was a drawing, there was a stuffed animal--"
Joyce interrupted the man quickly. "Y-You didn't say there was a drawing."
"Yeah, there was a drawing of a... an adult and a child. It said 'Eleven' on it."
"Was it good?" Joyce pressed.
"It was a kid's drawing, Joyce. It was stick figures."
Joyce had a knowing look on her face as she stood up with a sigh, retrieving a piece of crinkled line paper and slammed it down on the table for Hopper to see.
She pointed to the detailed drawing as she sat back down.
"Wasn't Will." She stated confidently, shakily bringing the cigarette back up to her lips.
Hopper examined the drawing and everything seemed to click. He returned his gaze to the anxious mother. Hopper quickly put out his cigarette in the ashtray and made a beeline for the coffee table.
"Earl..." he muttered, as he made his way into the living room. Joyce, who had abandoned her cigarette, was right on his heels.
"The night that Benny died, Earl said he saw some kid with a shaved head with Benny," Hopper and Joyce took a seat beside one another on the living room couch, Hopper's eyes fixed on the several news clippings splayed along the wooden coffee table. "Now, I pressed him, he said it might be Will, but maybe..."
The man began shifting through the papers, and Joyce spoke up.
"Wait... Maybe, it wasn't?"
Hopper pulled the article he had been looking for and pointed to the fuzzy photograph of the woman in the article.
"Look... this woman, Terry Ives, she claims to have lost her daughter, Jane. She sued Brenner, she sued the government... Now, the claims came to nothing, but what if... I mean, what if this whole time I've been... I've been looking for Will... I've been chasing after some other kid?"
|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
Everything is a mess.
Will is still missing, the party is falling apart, Mike and Lucas are still angsty messes that won't speak to one another, and now, El left us. She probably thinks I hate her.
'But I don't! I was just scared'
(Ok but like,,,, who else ships El and reader cause damn I've been giving myself feels lately, dang)
'We need to fix this'
I sigh and sit up from my bed and make my my way to Dustin's room.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"I just... I can't believe she didn't come back." Mike sighed.
Dustin and I agreed we needed to talk some sense into the rest of the party. So we got our bikes and made our way to Mike's. Dustin was standing opposite Mike while I currently occupied one of the D&D chairs I had pulled up. Mike was worriedly pacing the floor in front of us.
"She's gotta be close." Dustin offered.
"She said it wasn't safe. She just messed up the compasses because she wanted to protect us. She didn't betray us."
"Mike, calm down."
Mike only ignored Dustin and kept talking, more to himself than anybody it seemed.
"I shouldn't have yelled at her. I never should've done that."
"Mike, this isn't your fault." Dustin said.
"Yeah, it's Lucas'."
"It wasn't his fault, either." Dustin countered softly.
For the first time in what felt like ages, Mike stopped in his tracks. He looked at my brother dumbfounded and took a few steps in his direction. "It wasn't his fault?"
"So you're saying he wasn't way out of line?"
"Totally, but so were you!"
"And so was Eleven."
"That's ridiculous! Y/n, tell him he's being ridiculous!"
Very calmly, I stood up with my arms crossed and stood next to my brother, and sighed, eyes fixed on Mike. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but Dustin is absolutely right."
Mike seemed even more furious. "Oh, give me a break!"
Dustin snapped at these words and stormed up to Mike. "No, Mike, you give me a break! All three of you were being a bunch of little assholes! Y/n and I were the only reasonable ones! But the bottom line is... you pushed first. And you know the rules. You draw first blood..."
"No! No way! I'm not shaking his hand."
"You're shaking his hand." I press, stepping forward.
He was sure to make eye contact with me over Dustin's shoulder as he spoke. "No, I'm not."
So I strode toward him and gave him a slight glare.
"This isn't a discussion. This is the rule of law. Obey or be banished from the party. Do you wanna be banished?" I asked firmly.
Mike crossed his arms and pouted before speaking up meekly. "No."
"Good!" I chirp, my face beaming as if we hadn't just been fighting which seem to only terrify him more.
I all but skipped over to the chair grabbing my coat, Dustin following my actions.
"Where are we going?" Mike asked with a hint of frustration.
"Where do you think?" Dustin asked as he put his arms through the sleeves of his coat.
"We're going to get Lucas." I finished, straightening my jacket then looked back to Mike.
My face softened and I tilted my head slightly. "And then we're gonna find Eleven."
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
The three of us stood on Lucas's porch and I rang the doorbell. We stood waiting until the door swung open and Lucas stood there glaring at all three of us, but mostly Mike.
"What do you want?" He spit, resting his hands in his pockets.
There was brief silence which was then interrupted by a muffled smack of Dustin hitting Mike in the arm.
Mike sighed softly and looked to Lucas, clearly hating every second of this.
"I drew first blood, so..." he extended his hand for Lucas to shake but Lucas didn't move.
Great. Of course nobody was going to make anything easy. Why would they?
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Somehow I had convinced Lucas to let us all in and now, we all stood in the middle of his living room as he paced silently across the floor considering Mike's offer. He finally stopped and stared at the three of us.
"Okay, I'll shake."
Mike sighed what I barely made out to be a "finally" as he extended his arm out once more. Dustin and I perked up, that was until Lucas continued.
"On one condition. We forget the weirdo and go straight to the gate." He finished, arms crossed defiant.
"Then the deal's off." Mike barked.
"No, no, not fine! Guys seriously?" Dustin yelled, as I threw my head back frustrated.
Dustin forced Mike to face him as he spoke. "Do you even remember what happened on the Bloodstone Pass?"
Lucas and Mike shared a confused glance.
Dustin seemed shocked and offended that they had no recollection and continued.
"We couldn't agree on what path to take, so we all split up the party and those trolls took us out one by one. And it all went to shit. And we were all disabled! So we stick together, no matter what!"
"Yeah, I agree. But this is the party, right here in this room."
"El is one of us now."
"Um, no, she's not. Not even close! Never will be. She's a liar, a traitor--"
"She was just trying to keep us safe! She didn't mean to hurt you. It was an accident!"
"An accident?"
"All right, accident or not... admit it, it was a little awesome." Dustin said.
"Yeah, she threw you in the air with her mind!"
"I could have been killed!"
"Would everybody just shut up for one second, please!" I snap.
Everybody looks to me, a shocked expression on their faces.
I step forward and begin my long awaited  rant.
"I am sick of your attitude." I point at Lucas. "I am sick of your whining." I point to Mike. "I am sick of all three of you bickering," I gesture to all of them. "I love you guys and I can't thank you enough for taking me in and including me, know that, but GOD I am tired of being stuck listening to you boys argue about every little thing!"
I myself began pacing, my voice continuously rising. "I'm sick of putting up with all your petty arguing when we should be looking for Will only to come home at the end of the day, having found NOTHING and crying my eyes out because the only person who never gave a shit about who started what is missing and probably dead!"
I stopped pacing and looked to the boys who were all silent. I sighed and lowered my voice. "Lucas, you're right. You could have been killed. Which is exactly why we need her. She is more powerful than all of us combined."
"Y/n's right. Do you seriously wanna fight the Demogorgon with your wrist rocket?" Mike said, anger still in his voice. "That's like R2-D2 going to fight Darth Vader. We're no use to Will if we're dead."
Lucas looked torn for a moment, but then he shook his head and pointed at the three of us. There was disappointment in his voice. "If you three wanna waste your time looking for a traitor, go ahead, 'cause I'm not spending my time on her anymore. No way!"
I sighed, putting my face in my hands. Lucas continued.
"I'm going to the gate. I'm going to find Will."
Lucas shoved the boys aside and stormed off, leaving the three of us alone in more ways than one.
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hercleverboy · 4 years
spencer reid x reader 
summary ↠ hours after his release from prison, spencer’s girlfriend is kidnapped. can he pull it together long enough to save her?
category ↠ angst/fluff
warnings/includes ↠ swearing, reference to sexual assault, blood, kidnapping
word count ↠ 5.7k
“People go, but how they left always stays.” — Rupi Kaur
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Spencer felt overwhelmed to say the least. 
In the last 24 hours, he’d undergone more stress than any human should ever have to endure. Between his release from prison and racing against the clock to save his mother, he was grateful to finally able to take a moment to stop and breathe. 
In between the chaos, he hadn’t been able to see one of the people he’d missed the most during his imprisonment; his beloved fiancee, Y/N. 
He knew that the team had contacted her to inform her of his release, but there’d been no time for heartfelt reunions when he was released, the safety of his mother being the only thing on his mind. As much as he’d missed his girl, it would have to wait. 
As he stood walked through the lobby of his apartment complex, he couldn’t help the small smile on his lips at the anticipation of seeing her. She’d been to visit frequently while he was incarcerated, giving him just that little push to fight, to fight like hell, to come home to her. And now he was there. 
As he walked up the flights of stairs, he remembered all the times he’d wished he could reach out to grab her hand when she was sat across from him, with the glass separating them and preventing him from touching her. He remembered the sleepless nights in his cell, on a bed that was cold and hard with a single uncomfortable pillow. He recalled how badly he yearned for her on those nights, craved the warmth of her arms, their bed.  He was so eager to finally hold her in his arms, remind her how much he loved her, thank her for sticking with him, for being his lifeline during the hardest months of his life. 
Any excitement that he held was diminished as soon as he climbed the final few steps to their floor, his eyes landing on their apartment door. 
Their open apartment door. 
Spencer’s eyes blew wide, part of him trying to calm himself down, she just forgot to close it behind her, and the other part knowing Y/N was too cautious to make such a silly mistake. 
He wasn’t armed, after all he wasn’t planning on having to deal with shit like this for at least a few weeks following his release. 
He cautiously made his way into the apartment and was immediately greeted with the obvious signs of a struggle in his living room. The coffee table’s contents had been scattered across the floor, the little table they normally placed cups of tea or snacks on had toppled over. The pretty white vase that Y/N’s mother had bought the couple a few years back was shattered on the floor, the yellow daffodils that had been inside the vase laying there limply. By the fireplace was a small pool of blood, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out who it belonged to. 
Seeing the blood sent Spencer into a panic, his breathing increasing as he anxiously called out for her, opening up the doors to their bedroom and the bathroom, finding all the rooms empty. 
He ran a hand through his hair and down his face as he tried to steady his breathing, so that he could think. 
“She’s not here, She’s not here, She’s not-” Three whispered words were all that left his lips, a broken mantra filled with worry and despair. 
“Okay, let’s start from the beginning, how did the unsub even gain entry to the apartment?” Rossi asked, grimacing at the state of the room around them. 
After coming to the realisation that his fiancee was missing and had indeed been taken, Spencer had called Emily, who’d assembled the team together to help the distraught genius. Emily sent Garcia, Luke and Matt to the BAU headquarters to work from there, while the rest of the team met up with Spencer at his apartment. 
Once they’d arrived, they found Spencer outside, anxiously pacing the hallway outside the door as he mumbled to himself, desperately trying to fight off the raging headache he had. JJ was quick to attempt to console him, but to no avail. His brain was essentially mush. As if the stress of everything he’d been through wasn’t enough- the love of his life was missing, potentially dead, and he couldn’t even string together a coherent sentence. How was he supposed to help? 
Emily had nodded to the rest of the team, silently telling them to head inside the apartment to check things out while she came to stand in front of Spencer. 
“Reid? Reid. I know this is a lot but I need you to listen to me. You can’t be here. You’re not in the right headspace for this. You’re better off back at the BAU with Garcia, Luke and Matt.” Emily tried. She didn’t want to upset him further but it was the best thing for him. There was no chance of him thinking clearly at the scene, so sending him back to HQ was the best option. 
Spencer knew that. However it didn’t stop him from looking at Emily with anger flaring in his eyes. “You’re not seriously kicking me off the case? My fiancee is missing-” His voice raised but Emily cut him off. 
“I’m not kicking you off the case. Y/N is a part of this family and we won’t rest until she’s home, but you’re not gonna be able to think here, Spencer. I’m just trying to do what’s best for you.” She promised and he nodded, forcing him self not to grunt in pain as his splitting headache worsened. 
As he stepped off of the elevator, his legs carried him quickly through the glass doors into the bullpen. He b-lined for the conference room, where Garcia, Luke Matt were sat at the roundtable. Garcia was typing away furiously at her laptop, Matt looking over her shoulder whilst Luke reviewed pictures from the crime scene. When Spencer entered the room Garcia looked up, her fingers faltering. 
“Reid..” Garcia started, but quickly realised she didn’t know what to say. 
Spencer said nothing, stalking toward her and leaning his hands on the table. “Emily told me you’re looking at security footage from outside our apartment complex? Did you see anything?” 
Garcia exchanged a look of sadness with Matt before clearing her throat. “Uh, the cameras outside the lobby caught the kidnappers vehicle as it left, a blue Sedan, but it’s too dark for us to make out the plates.” 
“Did the camera’s catch her being taken?” His voice was quiet but sturdy. The coldness of his tone almost made Garcia shiver. 
“Yes.” She squeaked out. 
“Show me.” He demanded, walking to her other side so he could lean over her shoulder to watch. 
Matt shifted, standing up straight. “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea, Reid.”
“Did I ask?” He spat, not bothering to spare Matt a glance as he looked at Garcia’s laptop screen. “ I said show me.” 
“O-Okay.” She murmured, clicking a few buttons before the video started up. 
The four of them watched intently as a man in a dark hoodie carried an unconscious Y/N out the front doors of the complex. Spencer noted the splotch of red on her forehead, likely from where the bastard had hit her to knock her out.  The man forcefully shoved her in the back of the car that waited by the front of the building, before moving to get into the drivers seat and taking off. 
Spencer was gripping the edge of the roundtable with such force that his knuckles were white, and it seemed a miracle that the wood hadn’t splintered under his force. 
Luke spoke first. “Did we get a good enough look at his face?” 
Garcia shook her head. “Not really. His back was to the camera’s a lot.” 
Matt sighed. “It means he knew where they were, and how to avoid them. This kidnapping was planned, likely weeks in advance.” 
Spencer slammed his hands down on the table, and Garcia let out a yelp at the sudden movement. “So we have nothing then?” He yelled, starting to pace the end of the conference room, his hands gripping handful’s of his hair. 
“I’ll call Emily and see if they found anything at the scene.” Matt mumbled, quickly leaving the room. 
Spencer rubbed as his eyes frustratedly, before turning toward Luke and Garcia. “You guys need to get out.” 
“Get out, you need to get out. I’m sorry but I need to think, I need to focus and I can’t do that with you here.” He ushered the two out of the conference room, slamming the door shut behind them as he looked around frantically. He grabbed the photos that were on the table that Luke was previously looking at. He stared at them, willing his brain to work, hoping he’d figure out what he was missing. He quickly grew frustrated with his lack of progress, picking up one of the books from the table and throwing it at the wall in his angry haste. 
Garcia gasped, a loud bang sounding from the conference room where Reid was working tirelessly to find Y/N. She shared a look with Luke, who shrugged. The pair quickly moved toward the room, gently opening the door, to find Spencer pacing the room anxiously, running his hands through his hair as he tried to control his breathing. 
Spencer didn’t know what to do. He’d exhausted the few leads they had, he was mentally and physically exhausted and he wasn’t sure when the last time he ate was. All he knew, all he could think about, was that his girl was out there somewhere, waiting for him to save her. And he wasn’t even close to finding her.
“Reid, I know a lot is going on but you’ve got to try and clear your head-“ Luke started but Spencer interrupted him, his tone cold and unforgiving.
“My fiancée is missing, and I can’t get it together long enough to figure out where she is!” He yelled, and Garcia flinched at his words. He saw the looks on their faces and frowned. “What?”
“You threw a book at the wall..” Garcia mumbled, still cautious of her words.
“If Y/N dies because I was too slow I’ll be throwing a lot more than books.” He seethed, before brushing past the stunned pair.
The cold water felt refreshing on his boiling skin as he splashed it against his face in an attempt to calm himself down a little. He gripped the sink tightly in his hands and forced himself to look in the mirror. He wasn’t shocked by what he saw staring back at him. A shell of the man he was before prison. Cold and harsh and unkind, a man who would kill another and still sleep easy. His breaths were heavy and he felt the familiar feeling crawling up his throat, the feeling that he wanted to cry, to sob and plead for everything to just end. Hadn’t he been through enough? 
He choked the feeling down. Crying and pleading weren’t going to bring Y/N back home to him. 
He could feel the panic bubbling within him, and so he forced himself to think of happier times, times where the weight of the world wasn’t on his aching shoulders. He screwed his eyes shut, willing himself to go somewhere better, somewhere happier, even if just for a minute. 
It was her voice. Oh thank god. 
He blinked his eyes open, his gaze landing on her sat next to him. He immediately knew which memory he was recalling. It was one of the happiest days of his life. 
He’d taken her out that night for dinner and then up a mountain of sorts so they could get to a high enough point where they’d have a perfect view of the stars. He’d explained the constellations to her as she sat next to him, cross-legged with her head resting on his shoulder and his arms around her. 
He looked at her as she stared up at the night sky in awe. He took in every detail of her face, letting it really sink in that she was his, a woman so kind and compassionate and beautiful was all his. She raised her hand to point up toward the sky, an amused smile on her lips. 
“What about that one, what’s it called?”
He was more than happy to tell her.
As they sat in a blissful silence, Spencer noted how this was the happiest he’d felt in a long time. With her, he was sure there could never be a bad day again. 
He broke the silence by clearing his throat, unwrapping his arm from her as she turned to face him, her brow furrowed. 
“Spence? You okay?”
“Yeah- I- Um, I didn’t just bring you out here to watch the stars.” He started, his palms quickly becoming sweaty and his voice dying in his rapidly drying throat. He kept trying to speak, to say the words he’d practiced a thousand times over in his head, but he simply couldn’t form the words. 
She reached out to grab his hand, taking in gently in hers as an act of reassurance. “It’s okay, It’s only me. Take your time.” 
He squeezed her hand in thanks before taking a deep breath and moving up from his seated position, manoeuvering so he was now down on one knee in front of her. He kept the grip on her hand, his other hand reaching into his pocket for the small red box that he’d carried with him for months prior to this moment. 
Y/N gasped when he opened up the box, showcasing the beautiful silver ring sat inside. Her eyes grew wide and filled with tears. 
“Y/N.” He started. “Over the two years, two-hundred-and-seventeen days, six hours and fifteen minutes we’ve been together, there’s not been one moment where I’ve not loved you. Even through petty arguments and silly fights, I have never and will never stop loving you. I don’t think I could if I tried. You’re always there for me when I need you. When a case has been rough, you’re at home waiting to hold me and make everything better. You’ve never failed me, and if you accept this ring, I promise I’ll never fail you. You’re my whole life, Y/N. There is nothing I wouldn’t do if it ensured your safety, if it meant coming home to you. You’re everything I’m ever going to want, you’re everything I need. So Y/N Y/L/N, would you do me the extraordinary honour of marrying me?” 
Words failed her in that moment so all she could do was nod her head as tears cascaded down her cheeks. She launched herself forward, wrapping her arms around him as she cried happily into his neck, and he chuckled to himself, arms wrapping around her securely. 
She pulled back a moment later, swiping her fingers under her eyes to wipe her tears away as she flashed him a breath-taking smile. “Yes.” She answered quietly, watching as he carefully slipped the ring on her finger. she gazed down at it in awe. “It’s beautiful, Spence.” She grinned back up at him, her hands coming to cup his cheeks. 
“You’re beautiful.” He murmured, before moving forward to connect his lips to hers.  
He wished he could cling onto the warmth that bubbled in his chest forever. 
A voice came from behind him, causing his eyes to snap open. He looked behind him, to where Luke stood by the door. 
“Reid, You gotta come. Garcia found something.” 
“What have you got Garcia?” Luke called as soon as he entered the conference room, Reid rushing in behind him. 
“I managed to get the footage from the cameras that are outside the shop opposite the apartment complex.” She started, and Reid came to stand next to her, watching the footage play on her laptop. “If I zoom in close enough I should be able to get an ID on our unsub. We can see his face, but it’s still a tad blurry. Not to worry, I’ll work some magic and get it as clear as I can. Hopefully then we can run it through facial recognition and pray it turns up something.” She sounded hopeful, and Reid was grateful for her optimism. 
It wasn’t much, but it was a lead. And honestly that was all he could ask for at that moment. 
Garcia skilfully managed to unblur the video they had of the unsub, but facial recognition didn’t turn up any matches or any new leads. The team were at a loss. It had been seventy-two hours since Y/N went missing, and with every hour, the possibility of her coming home alive decreased. Spencer knew the statistics, he knew the chances. it was the curse of an eidetic memory, he supposed.
With every hour, Reid lost more and more of himself, any hope he had being chipped away with the annoying tick of the clock as seconds passed by. He had barely slept, even when being ‘ordered’ to by Emily. The only time he’d slept was when he got so drained and exhausted that he actually passed out for a few hours. He refused to eat, drinking as much caffeine as he could in order to force himself to stay awake. How could he sleep at a time like this? Whenever someone on the team tried to encourage him to eat, if only a few bites of a cereal bar, he’d snap at them. 
Eventually, JJ had had enough. She watched Spencer snap at Luke, who was just trying to encourage him to put something other than coffee in his system. She stood up from her seat, grabbing his wrist and pulling him with her. He attempted to protest but she gave him a look that made him decide that it was best he keep his mouth shut. She pulled them into an empty office, closing the door behind them for privacy.
“You gotta listen to me, Spence.” She spoke calmly. “I know this is killing you. I know how badly you want to find her and bring her home. Everyone out there is trying so hard to do that for you.” She pointed to the doorway to emphasise her point. She dropped her arm back down to her side as she watched him run his hands over his face exhaustedly. “Talk to me.” 
“I just I can’t think straight-” He whimpered out, rubbing his eyes with his hands. “I need her to come home, I can’t live without her.” He got a little choked up, his hands trembling slightly as he desperately tried to keep his emotions in check. 
JJ gently placed her hand on his shoulder, still cautious of touching him since his release from prison, not wanting to alarm or startle him. 
“There’s not a doubt in my mind that we’ll find her. Y/N is tough, she won’t let him break her.”
Spencer nodded, wiping his eyes on the cuffs of his blazer. He was about to thank JJ for her comfort when a knock sounded through the room. Tara came in, a morbid look on her face. “You guys need to come see this.”
When they reach the conference room again, all of the team is gathered around the table, their gazes all trained on the phone in the middle of the table that was ringing.  
Emily looked to Garcia. “Are you ready to trace the call?” 
Garcia nodded. Spencer was about to ask what was happening when Emily reached over, answering the phone and putting it on loud speaker. “This is Agent Emily Prentiss with the FBI, who am I speaking to?” 
“I want to speak with Dr Reid.” The unsub’s voice boomed through the speaker, and Emily exchanged a look with Spencer as she shook her head, placing a finger over her lips. 
“We want proof of life before we negotiate anything with you.” She stated. 
“She’s listening, perfectly alive. I want to speak to Dr Reid.” 
Emily nodded toward Spencer, signalling for him to speak. 
“I’m here.” He spoke, keeping his voice strong despite how he wanted to cry. It was a skill he’d learned in prison- tears equated to weakness, and weakness got you killed. 
“I’d like you to know, I’m feeling generous today.” The unsub sounded like he was smirking on the other end of the line, almost proud. 
“You are? What does that mean?” Spencer continued the conversation on, keeping the unsub on the line long enough for Garcia to get a location. 
“I’ve spent a fair bit of time with Y/N. She’s fierce. Hard one to break, this one.” He was mocking Spencer, taunting him, and he had to try ridiculously hard to keep his building anger in check. “She begs for you, you know? When my punches make pretty bruises bloom across her skin she pleads for you to save her. But she’s tough, always hitting me back with insults. You know earlier, she actually spat at me, the bitch.” He chuckled, and Spencer breathed in deeply, gripping the edges of the table in a death-grip. 
Rossi shot him a look from across the table that said ‘Keep it together’. 
“No worry, I’m sure I can break her. If you give me some more time with her, maybe I can try some.. alternative methods.” 
That was the line for Spencer, who spat through clenched his teeth and stood to hover over the phone. “You listen to me, you son of a bitch, if you touch her I swear to god-“
“I’d be careful about threatening me, or I might not be so generous.” The unsub tutted. 
“What do you want? Tell me what you want in return for Y/N’s safety.”
“This isn’t a bargain, Doctor. This is a kindness. I’m going to let pretty young Y/N speak with you before I kill her. I’m not so much of a monster that I would stand in the way of young love. You have five minutes to talk. You’re welcome.” 
There was more rustling on the phone, and then silence. 
And then finally-
Her voice was croaky, likely from the lack of water and her screaming. It sounded so broken, and Spencer’s heart ached because he could tell she was using all of her strength to try and sound okay for him. 
Spencer sighed out of relief. despite how it sounded, proof that she was alive was enough to lift the slightest bit of weight from his shoulders. “It’s me, sweetheart. Are you okay?”
“I think some of my ribs are broken, my wrist definitely is. I’m trying to be strong Spence but I don’t know if I can-“ She choked and tears filled his eyes as he willed them to keep at bay. 
“Y/N, listen to me. I will find you. Do you understand me? You will not die there. You’re gonna come home to me, I promise you that.” The tears he tried to hide away slowly trembled down his cheeks as he made promises that he wasn’t 100% sure he could keep. 
“Spencer. I’m so sorry-“ She started but he interrupted her. 
“Please don’t apologise, It’s not your fault, baby.” He pleaded, the feeling of dread filling him the longer they spoke. 
Around the table, each team stood watching in shock, tears swimming in their own eyes. 
“Two minutes.” The unsub shouted through the phone. 
“I need to tell you something.” Y/N whimpered. 
Spencer shook his head although she couldn’t see it. “No, I know where you’re going with this, stop it.”
She ignored his plead. “Spencer Reid, I’ve loved you ever since we met, when you spilled your coffee all over me. I remember it like it was yesterday. Your coffee ruined my outfit, and you were an apologising mess, so you gave me your jacket, even though it meant you’d get cold. I’ve loved you ever since that moment, Spencer.” Her voice broke at the end and she cleared her throat, determined to finish what she wanted to say. “You have to promise me you will move on, Spencer. You’ve got to let yourself be happy. You deserve it, so much.”
Spencer whined, his own voice croaky. “Don’t. Don’t you dare say goodbye to me, Y/N.”
The booming voice of the unsub came through the speaker again. “Times up.” 
“Spencer I love yo-” The end of her sentence was cut off by the unsub ending the call, the dial tone ringing out when the line went dead. 
Spencer’s hands were shaking in anger as he closed his eyes, bowing his head, hopelessly trying to keep himself calm. 
Emily was the first to speak. “Did you get it, Garcia?” 
Garcia continued to click away from a few moments before gasping. “Yes! Yes! I got it!” 
The exclamation made Spencer’s head shoot up. 
“Send us the address.” Emily ordered, as the team headed out toward the cars, with no time left to waste. 
The team pulled up to the location Garcia had given them, splitting off into two groups to cover the front and back entrances. 
Spencer, JJ, Luke, and Emily were all cautiously walking down one of the warehouse’s winding corridors, before turning the corner, guns in hand. They’d entered a large room, and Spencer’s eyes immediately landed on the limp figure hunched over in a chair in the centre of the room. 
Whilst the other members made sure there were no other possible threats in the room, Spencer rushed forward, the only thing he could think of was getting to her. 
Oh god please be alive, please. 
As he got closer, he took note of the wounds she has sustained. There was blood pooling from a wound on her thigh, and a few other cuts and bruises. 
Why was she so still? 
As soon as he reached her his hands cupped her cheeks, her head lolled towards him, as she struggled to hold it up. He pressed two of his fingers to her neck and had never been so thankful to feel a shallow pulse beneath her skin. 
“Y/N? Y/N, wake up, come on sweetheart.” He pleaded, swiping his thumbs over her cheeks. 
She blinked her eyes open, groaning in pain as she came to. She hissed at the pain in her thigh, her eyes focusing on the man in front of her.  “Spencer?”
“It’s me, I’m here. We’re gonna get you out of here alright, just stay with me.”
“He left a few minutes before you got here-“ She coughed mid-sentence, nodding her head weakly toward the back entrance of the room. “He went that way.”
Luke and Emily moved towards the back entrance in pursuit of the unsub, while JJ stayed back to untie Y/N’s wrists from behind her whilst speaking into her radio requesting medical attention. 
Y/N groaned again as she felt Spencer’s hands on her thigh, desperately trying it slow the bleeding. She blinked, despairingly trying to stay awake. Spencer could see her fighting and scrambled to find something to distract her with. “Hey, hey. you remember when we met? Like you said on the phone? That I completely ruined your blouse with my coffee because I’m an idiot.” He gave her a small forced smile that he hoped would reassure her as she wailed out again in pain.
He looked at JJ, who looked back at him with tears in her own eyes. “I don’t think we can wait much longer for the medics, we’re gonna have to bring her to them.” 
“Are you sure we should move her?” JJ asked. 
Spencer simply nodded. “She might die if we don’t move her now, she’s losing too much blood.” He pulled his belt from his waist, tying it tightly just above Y/N’s leg wound. She let out a shrill cry of pain, sobs escaping her lips. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I know it hurts. We’re gonna get you up and outside okay.” He cooed as he hoisted her up bridal style, holding her as gently as he could so as not to agitate her wound. With JJ beside them, he began to walk back towards the entrance. “It’ll be okay. I promise. You’ll be okay.” He pressed a kiss to Y/N’s forehead as a promise. 
Her head dropped against his shoulder and he looked down at her, his tone pleading as he spoke. “I know you’re tired baby but you gotta keep those beautiful eyes open for me, okay?” They were just stepping through the front door when she spoke.
“Spence..” She whispered, her eyes fluttering as she defeatedly attempted to stop the darkness from consuming her.
She didn’t answer. 
Everything was a blur after that. 
The hospital waiting room was one of Spencer’s least favourite places, he’d decided. 
The strong smell of disinfectant along with the bright lights and white walls irritated his eyes, making his headaches even worse. He didn’t dare try to sleep though, not until he knew if she was okay. His head was in his hands and his leg bounced anxiously as he sat in the waiting room, his team surrounding him, all aching for any news. 
Finally, after what felt like hours had dragged on, a nurse entered the room calling for Y/N’s family. 
Spencer stood so quickly he nearly toppled over. He moved toward the nurse nodding his head frantically. “I’m her fiancee, is she okay?”
The nurse gave him a smile and nodded. “She’s absolutely fine, sir. The wound on her thigh bled quite heavily, but we were able to stabilise her. She has a few bruised ribs and a broken wrist, but she will make a full recovery. She’s awake if you’d like to see her?” 
He nodded again, sparing a thankful glance at his team before following the nurse down the hallway. 
He’d never felt such a sweet relief as he did when he saw her sat up in her hospital bed, a small smile on her lips as she drank from her water cup. Her smile brightened at the sight of him and she gave him a little wave, setting her cup down on the tiny side table.  
“Thank god you’re okay.” He murmured once he reached her bedside, leaning down to engulf her in a light hug, so as not to cause her any pain. 
She grinned, reaching her good hand up to hold him to her. 
When he pulled back he placed a gentle kiss on her lips, one that just further assured him that she was okay. Once they pulled away, he moved his hands to cup her cheeks. 
“Hi.” He grinned, the tears pricking at his eyes. 
“Hi.” She gave a light chuckle, immediately regretting it when a sharp pain seared through her chest, making her wince. 
He pressed his forehead to hers in a sweet gesture, closing his eyes as he basked in her warmth. He tuned his ears into the rhythm of her soft breathing, focusing on them and trying to keep his in time with hers. 
She gently brushed her hand up and down his forearm in a comforting manner. “It’s okay, Spence. I’m okay.”
“I nearly lost you.” His throat caught on the words, and she noticed the stray tears that quivered down his cheeks. 
She smiled sadly as he opened his eyes, hazel orbs meeting hers. “But you didn’t. I’m here. I’m alive, you’re alive, and it’s all gonna be just fine.”
He nodded before pulling away from her. he reached for the chair that was up against the wall of the room, pulling it so he could sit at her bedside. ���I’m so sorry I let this happen to you.” He frowned, placing his hands in his lap. “I should’ve protected you. It’s my job to protect you. How can even think I’ll be a good husband, even a good father someday if I can’t keep you safe?”
She reached over and gripped his hand tightly. “You will be a phenomenal husband Spencer Reid, and an even better father. In less than five months I’ll be your wife, and I’ll be the happiest woman alive.” She ran her thumb over the back of his hand in a soothing manner and he smiled a little at her compliment. “And when we have a baby, they’ll be the luckiest kid on earth to have you as their father.”
“Yes ma’am.” He teased and she smiled, happy she’d been able to quash his worries, for the moment at least. 
His fingers hovered over the engagement ring on her finger, bringing her hand to his lips to place a kiss on it. “Why wait?” He murmured. 
“Why should we wait five months? The nurse said they’re gonna discharge you on Thursday morning. So as soon as you’re up to it why don’t we go down to the courthouse and elope?” He queried, a smile on his lips. 
“Spence.. the weddings all planned. Five months isn’t a long time.” She countered, a small smile on her lips. 
“It is, it’s too long. I don’t want to waste another minute of my life not being married to you. I want you to be Mrs Reid and I want us to start living our lives together. We can still have the wedding, we’ll just get married twice.” He shrugged, and Y/N couldn’t believe she was really considering the idea. 
“Spence, I don’t know..” She trailed off, still needing a little convincing to get on board. 
He released her hand and stood from the chair, moving it over slightly before lowering himself down onto one knee, taking her hand again. “Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me-“
“You know you’ve already asked me this? Like a year ago.” She teased, and he chuckled shaking his head at her. 
“Hush, let me finish. Will you marry me, on Thursday?”
“Yes.” She answered with a grin, as though it was the most obvious answer in the world. 
He beamed, surging forward and wrapping her in his arms.
“You know, Garcia will kill us for getting married without her there.” She smirked as they pulled back, and Spencer nodded in agreement. 
“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”
“You think she won’t find out? I’ll leave you to deal with her when she gets angry, Dr. Reid.” She joked, and he laughed with her. 
“I think I can handle it, Mrs Reid.”
She grinned at the premature use of the name. “You can’t call me that until Thursday, you know.”
“Technically I can’t. But as soon as I can, I’ll never stop.” He promised, leaning down to kiss her once more. 
820 notes · View notes
pxnk-velvet · 3 years
Can I request Shikamaru x fem reader, prompt list #1, prompt #25, nsfw please?
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Shikamaru Nara x Fem!Reader
#25 - “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: After Y/n and Shikamaru were assigned a mission with one of the Sand shinobi. Even despite their arrangement, Y/n can’t help but find herself feeling some sort of way after seeing Shikamaru and Temari together.
Warnings: slight angst, very little nsfw at the end, light make out is all, not proof read
A/N: I kept it more angsty (sorry, hope you don’t mind!) bc that’s what the original prompt was lol but it does get a lil spicy towards the end. Here’s the link to the party’s masterlist!
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Why was she angry? She knew exactly why. She also knew that she shouldn’t be feeling this way in the first place. It was all her fault, she let her feelings take reign of her judgement. Clouding over whenever she was with him. 
The way Shikamaru Nara made her feel drove her insane.
It all started as a simple arrangement. To show up at the ungodly hours of the night and wake up the next morning in the same bed. Tangled limbs, skin to skin, a thin bed sheet barely providing any heat. 
That’s exactly where she was headed right now. Fresh from a joint mission with the Sand. Y/n and Shikamaru had accompanied Temari on a simple mission. 
Yet there was nothing simple about it. The whole time the tension was almost unbearable, suffocating. Like a hand around someone’s throat, slowly squeezing tighter and tighter by the second until all airways were crushed. 
It hadn’t let up since. Now Y/n and Shikamaru were on their way to file in the mission report. A bubble of tension surrounding the two as they made their way through the village streets. Painfully obvious to those they passed on their way to the Hokage’s office. 
All the while, Y/n’s mind was plagued with one simple sentence. When those words came from Temari’s mouth she didn’t know how to feel. 
“It was nice to meet another one of your friends, Shikamaru.” 
Y/n knew the girl didn’t mean any harm, this was all her own fault. For letting those words cling to her head like this. For being so caught up on them, repeating them over and over again in her head. 
She was trying hard not to, yet here she was. Walking beside her “friend,” dawning a childish pout with her arms cross. And of course he noticed. Shikamaru wasn’t a stupid guy by any means. 
They had remained in their tense state up until they left the Hokage’s office, mission report all set and turned in. That was the only thing settled between them. 
Now with the sun tittering over the horizon, the sky washed in multiple warm colors, Shikamaru finally spoke up, hoping that Y/n would be a bit more composed.
“So, what’s your deal?” His voice rang out, low and smooth like always. His frame was still situated forward as they walked, his hands tucked into his pockets. 
Y/n wanted nothing more than to yell in his face, give it to him straight no chaser. Make him understand exactly what she was thinking. But how could she do that without ruining what they had? She wanted to stay close with him, but somehow become even closer. 
“We’re not just friends….” Her words laced with more poison than she intended, sharp on the edges, leaving a sting in Shikamaru’s chest, “And you fucking know it.” 
The two of them stopped dead in their tracks, still facing forward. Daring the other to look first. Shikamaru’s eyes widening by the slightest bit, a spark of realization flashing behind them. Y/n wincing internally, certain that she had screwed herself over. A sinking feeling bubbling in her chest. Like before, the tension was almost unbearable. Yet, it was somehow different this time. 
Unbearable, yes. With a hint of….relief?....wanting?...both? Who were they to tell. Neither of them could quite put a word to it. And that’s how they left it. 
Y/n rushed off in the direction of her house, Shikamaru moving quick to call after her. Only to stop himself a moment after, thinking it was best to give her some time to think things over. 
Like prefaced before, Shikamaru wasn’t stupid. He had known all along how Y/n had felt. Watched her slowly fall in love with him. 
He welcomed every part of it, encouraging even, with subtle gestures. After a while of being part of the arrangement they had, he had realized how much he had grown accustomed to her. Catching himself, even, slowly falling for her. Starting to miss the warmth she provided whenever she was gone. The comforting touch to soothe whatever stress he was enduring. 
So he figured he would wait for her. Let her come to him. But now he was second guessing himself. Kicking himself for not saying anything beforehand, reassuring her that what she was feeling wasn’t bad. That it wasn’t something she needed to feel ashamed of.
He waited, that’s what he did. He waited until the moon was hung high in the dark sky, air chilled with nightfall, to finally make his way over to her house. He made sure not to rush, taking his time, hoping Y/n was finally ok to talk. To finally confess and confirm what was going on between them. 
When he approached her bedroom window, it was open by just a bit. Like it always was when he came over to spend the night with her. So he took it as a sign because if she truly did not want to see him, she would’ve shut it and drawn the curtains. 
But no, the window was open, the curtains hanging in front of it moved fluidly with the breeze. 
Everyday he was thankful for the fact that Y/n’s room was on the ground floor. Because everyone knew he was not going to put the work into climbing through a window most nights of the week. 
A single knuckle rapped against the glass gently, catching the attention of the young kunoichi laying in her bed. 
“Come in.” Y/n grumbled, not bothering to turn over and look at her counterpart. 
Shikamaru was hesitant to completely climb through the window but still made his way over to sit next to her on the bed. The tension in the room was notably stagnant, a lot less suffocating than before. After a while of Shikamaru just sitting there and looking at Y/n’s frame laid next to him, he finally spoke up. 
“Look….” He began, letting out a heavy sigh, preparing for what he was about to say next, “What you said earlier….you’re completely right.”
Y/n’s eyes widened, thinking back to that moment that she had been trying so hard to forget even though it had only happened hours before. Her mind raced as she sat up urgently, sitting on her knees to face him and look into his eyes. 
“I should’ve said something sooner if I had known this was chewing you up on the inside.” Shikamaru explained, truth evident behind his eyes as he spoke. 
“I should’ve known you would’ve noticed at this point.” Y/n admitted sheepishly, unable to hold any hard feelings towards him. Or anyone for that matter. It had all just been a simple misunderstanding. 
“So with this thing going on between us?....Are we dating now?” He questioned genuinely. To which Y/n lunged forward, capturing his lips in a hurried kiss. 
The intensity behind it alone could make anyone dizzy just by witnessing it. Fueled by previous longing and passion neither of them had shown even if they had been intimate multiple times beforehand. 
Their skin grew warm the closer and longer they stayed in contact. Clothes soon being discarded and tossed mindlessly onto the floor. Limbs catching like they had so many times before, lips dancing a new rhythm. Completely different from before. It was more free and bursting with passion. Just like every touch and caress of their hands roaming each other.
Shikamaru’s calloused fingertips caressed Y/n’s waist, leaving chills in the wake of her soft skin. A hand sliding further south, making home on her hip and gripping the plush flesh. Guiding her pelvis to rock against his own. Arousal starting to ache in their abdomens. 
Shikamaru’s back fell against the plush pillows at the head of Y/n’s bed as she situated herself over his lap, not even daring to break the kiss they held. 
When they did, their breath was staggered as they looked into each other's eyes. 
“Be mine, Shikamaru.” Her voice sweet like honey, as it rang out in the open air around them. 
“Of course.” He mused, a smirk playing on his lips as he flipped her over onto the bed.
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sallyf4ce · 3 years
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chapter III
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-> sallyfacexf!reader
-> enemies? to lovers
-> previous | next
cw: drugs, cigarettes, abuse, violence
*does not follow original plot of sally face*
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summary: (y/n) wakes up early to avoid sally. sally’s upset that he did something wrong yesterday. (y/n)’s first meeting with travis isn’t the nicest.
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The incessant beeping of your alarm tugs you out of your dreamless sleep.
The sticky tears on the ground remind you of yesterday’s events, but you disregard them. All you want to do is take a shower, throw on your jacket and get out the door. You slowly clamber up off the ground and across the living room to turn off the alarm. After making sure it’s not on snooze, you drag your sore body to the shower. It smells like smoke and lots of cleaning supplies. This place is fucking gross. Is it even monday?’ you check the calendar. It is, in fact, monday. You strip and turn the shower handle.
You're so glad that you chose to wake up early. Usually kids this far from school drive or get picked up by the bus, but you prefer to use your skateboard. That’s why you get up at 6:30, so you have enough time to get ready and get to school on time. Sanity’s fall quietly played as you washed your breakfast plate and cup, brushing grease residue off the greyish porcelain. You wonder if Sal is awake yet. Probably not. You know, waking up early ensures that you won't see him in the morning. The guy’s not that bad, his eyes just freak you out a little.
Pulling the pink glove off your prosthetic, you wipe your hands with a towel and move to the closet to put your shoes on.
“Jacket, jacket, jacket, jacket.” you mumble, eyebrows knitted. “Where are you?” oh, right, you left it in your room.. With poppy. Was that even her name? You kind of just decided it for her.
Alright, don't be a pussy. Just go in and grab the jacket. You sucked in a breath and opened the door to your room.
“Eeh! A teenager! What’s your name, little lady?” her blond ponytail bounced with every sentence. This was the first time you could get a good look at her. She didn't really have feet, just bloody stumps where they used to be.
“Holy fuck, you’re so loud!” your hands covered your ears.
“Ahh, so sorry! I haven't used my voice in years.” she coughs.
“S’ fine... Can I just- just grab my jacket?” you point at the green pile amidst the boxes all around the room. You didn't get a chance to set up.
“Go ahead!” she nods and smiles.
“Alright. uh, listen, lady. This-” you motion towards the whole room. “Is my room. I live here now. I get that you, like, can't leave this place and shit, but could you maybe sit quietly while i set up later? I really need to clean my room up. I’ll set up a little chair place for you or whatever, so you could sleep at night.” you mumble the last part, embarrassed about your hospitality.
“I can’t sleep.” she smiles, her teeth surprisingly shiny for a ghost’s. God, she’s so preppy that you forgot she’s dead.
“Pretend to then, i dont fucking know. Alright, i have to go. Just… don't cause trouble.” grabbing the jacket, you begin shutting the door. “My name’s (y/n), by the way.”
You can hear her squeals as you leave the apartment. You decide to take the elevator because you don't feel like running down the stairs with a heavy ass bag on your back.. Stepping in, you press the main floor button. It looks like there’s a bit of sticky stuff around it. gross. Syrup? You hoped so.
The elevator dings and you step out, heading out the front doors. It’s cloudy. Again. Not a surprise, really. Keeping your eyes on the gravel, you set down your skateboard and begin your journey to school.
Sal’s point of view:
“She probably went on without us, man. Don’t know why you're worrying so much.'' Larry leaned back into the bus seat.
“It’s not that, Larry face. Yesterday, when we left…” was it my fault? Did i scare her? Did she see my face through the mask? Fuck.
“What is it? Spit it out, sally dude.” he pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and puffed the smoke out the window.
“I think i scared her, larry. I think she saw my face.” i let out a shaky breath. God, everything was going good. Why the fuck does this stupid face ruin everything?
“Did you- did you take your mask off?” he sat up in the seat, eyes wide.
“No. She probably saw it through my mask.”
“I still dont get it. Explain more, dude.”
“She looked so scared. We made eye contact, and she, like, panicked. Her eyes widened and then she threw me out. It was definitely my eyes. We were fine the whole night, i dont know why she freaked out.”
Larry let out a long hum. He was probably trying to piece things together. Anyway, she definitely went to school earlier than us. I can ask her about it there.
“Woah, sally face. Calm down or you’ll go bald.” larry’s hands pulled mine off my pigtails. Huh, i didnt even notice.
“Thanks, dude. I think we’re here.”
Your point of view:
It was around eight o’clock by the time you arrived. Kids were already piling out of buses and cars, standing by the school’s entrance and conversing with their friends. You definitely felt some eyes on you. That was expected, though. They didnt recognize you, and nockfell didnt seem like a town with many new people. Thinking back to yesterday, sal and larry mentioned some bully kid. Probably wouldnt be hard to spot him.
“Watch it, goth freak!” a pair of hands gripped onto your shoulders.
Ah, what a coincidence.
“Get the fuck off me, fucking prick.” he twitched as you gripped onto his hands and pushed him away.
“Is that a metal hand? Ha, you’re a fucking cripple! How pathetic.” he chuckled. Blond hair draped itself across his forehead, definitely not complimenting the purple shade of his shirt and eye. School fight? or daddy issues? Who knows. I mean, you’re not one to speak, your dad’s literally dead.
“Let me guess, you’re that bully fucker they talked about. God, isnt there enough troubled kids in Nockfell?” you rolled your eyes, just wanting to get to school.
When you said you had bad luck, you really meant it, because all of a sudden, his fist landed on your face.
Are you fucking serious?
You just moved here yesterday and you’ve already been fucked up twice. You can’t keep taking hits, (y/n)! You gotta dish some out!
Sighing in disbelief, you reached out to your gushing nose.
“Mother.” you flicked the blood off your prosthetic hand. “Fucker.”
At this, travis bolts. You drop your bag and get back on your skateboard, weaving through the crowd to get to that shrimpy little fuck.
“I’m so fucking done with nockfell.” blood trails down the side of your face as you lock your eyes on the blond mop of hair in front of you.
Do you jump? Or let him get away?
Nah, you jump.
The skateboard shoots out beneath you as you kick off. He lets out a strangled cry as you land on his back and send him to the concrete. A few whoops can be heard from the kids far behind you.
“Fuck, i’m sorry! Get off me!” he scrambles beneath you.
“Now you’re fucking sorry?”
He doesnt say anything. You slowly climb off, keeping a hand on his neck.
“Pussy.” a snicker escapes you.
“What’d you just-” the hand on his neck squeezes tighter and shuts him up.
“What’s your name again?”
“Tr-travis, fuck.”
“Travis, huh? Well, travis-”
“(Y/n)? What are you doing on Travis?”
Sal’s point of view:
Me and larry were getting off the bus when we heard a bunch of cheering. Weird. I looked in the direction larry was staring. Hold on, that’s travis and some other kid on top of him.
“Sally face! I think that’s fucking (Y/n)! Holy shit!” larry shakes my shoulder. That’s actually her! What is she doing on travis?
“Larry, c’mon, we have to go get her off!” i try pulling him away, but he doesnt budge.
“No way, man! I wanna see her beat him up! She’s doing what you won’t let me do!” he smiles wide. Fuck, i guess i’ll just have to go alone. Larry frowns as i drop my bag and begin running towards them. I’m not letting her get in trouble on the first day. I hear her say something to him as i come closer.
“(Y/n)? What are you doing on travis?”
She looks up in surprise. Holy shit, she’s bleeding!
“I’ve gotten fucked up twice in the past 24 hours. I’m not letting this fuck get away with it.” She snarls. As bad as i feel, she’s kind of attractive, bloody and feral like that. God, what the fuck? Not time for this, sal.
“Oh my god, (y/n)! Here, uh, get up and i’ll take you to the office.”
Your point of view:
You look back at travis. There’s a visible blush on his face, and he’s staring straight at sally.
A smirk forms on your face.
“No thanks, porcelain face. Me and blondie here will go by ourselves. Right?”
He growls, but you tighten your grip on his neck again and he nods.
“Uh, okay. Do you want me to take your skateboard or something?” Sal scratches his head and changes the topic. Just a sliver of jealousy can be found in him, but he is grateful for the nickname. It suits him.
Your expression darkens for a second, all of a sudden feeling possessive of your skateboard. He’s not touching it. It was your dad’s.
“No. Take my bag or something.” you nod towards it by the entrance of the school, where it sits. He obeys and gets up to pick up your bag. You pull travis up with you, blood dripping down your shirt and an arm around his shoulders. Sal’s quite a bit away at this point.
“You gay?” you hum. Travis’s back straightens and fear flashes through his eyes. How did you know? How the fuck did you know?
“No! Fuck you, you’re just a pussy who thinks she knows everything-” he starts yelling, trying to get away, but you interrupt him.
“God, shut up. You’re making my head hurt more. It’s okay, you know. I wont fucking tell anyone about your little self exploration journey.” you pat him on the back and he flushes.
“Fuck, you’re so sappy it’s disgusting.”
“I’m not gonna be a dick to someone because of their sexuality, fuckass. I’m not that low. Let’s get to the school.”
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taglist: @dream-of-eros @potatochic2003 @mr-bombastic @purelydarling @ghostfacefricker6969 @deadpoetsandhoney
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