#i se-
kyugens · 1 year
– headcanon dump: kiba.
fighting style – hand-to-hand, precision, strong blows.
Kiba's fighting style is very instinct-driven and violent – if anything, he's a rather ruthless man in the heat of battle, as most Inuzukas are. It's got everything to do with their chakra signatures and the yang aspect of their bond with the ninken, and Kiba isn't immune to that. Throughout his life, he's trained to control most of the blinding, red-hot anger, as the other side effects of the Inuzuka cooperation ninjutsu to make it a practical tool. Despite what canon tells us, Kiba isn't entirely useless with taijutsu taken it requires unimaginable strength to keep up with the ninken during their mutual formations – if one side is lacking, they will eventually fail. Physical fitness and strength are a must among the Inuzukas and one of the first aspects they address in their training journey. So picture a big guy, proficient in melee and hand-to-hand combat, barely keeping his sanity together in a fight, with an equally unhinged giant wolf-dog by his side – that's Kiba. Mostly during the war, though, since it messed him up pretty badly. On a regular basis, he's just– quick to anger, precise strikes.
hobbies – what are 20-somethings supposed to do or like? weird guy.
Overall, Kiba is a very laid-back character. He's usually lazying around with Akamaru or aimlessly strolling downtown with no purpose whatsoever. He likes to watch sunsets, like the big romantic that he is – he finds it soothing. But he's also a young man in his twenties, so he isn't above partying with friends and making shit decisions in the high of the night. There seems to be a constant duality in him that he manages to balance pretty well, actually – Kiba is very aware of his limitations and struggles, even if he doesn't know how to address them most of the time. He's not very fond of gaming, though, consoles and whatnot – he gets too competitive and frustrated because he sucks at it. Most of his interest lay in going out, doing something or nothing, either accompanied or by himself.
describe your muse's smile – he's the sweetest guy out there is2g
Kiba's smile really is a sight to behold. He has the sweetest nose scrunch, and he spares no teeth and fangs when he's overwhelmed by joy and satisfaction – the sun will pale in comparison to him in his tanned glory, eyes closed because he can't help giggling along the way. If he feels genuinely happy, he's going to smile so wide it'll show his very secret dimples on each cheek. It's not easy for him to smile like that, though, usually wearing a grumpy frown or unimpressed look at all times. But when it happens, boy, he doesn't even know what he's doing to people out there.
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actual-arrrchie · 6 months
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draw your Mangle and Jeremy like this
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i just got recommended the blog wordsearchwhatever and let's just say if this was 2014 our blogs would be anthropomorphized and kissing
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harbingerofsoup · 1 year
there’s death of the author and then there’s whatever the fuck is up with danny phantom
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cymk8 · 6 months
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triona-tribblescore · 4 months
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I thoroughly enjoy the stage of huskerdust where they have yet to fully admit their feelings to each other uvu <3
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obsob · 7 months
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hmm anyway. holds u in my arms
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serregon · 8 months
what is biden’s plan to reverse the damage that the song of achilles has done to tumblr’s perception of the iliad
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kantush · 1 year
This movie was fun (TW: Loud startling sound)
Miguel your are my beloved
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anglerflsh · 1 year
"people didn't get canceled before these sjw" Dante put all the people he disliked in literal hell
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lily-s-world · 4 months
Me: Wow, the Netflix ATLA was better than what I expected. Indeed, it felt too rushed, probably because they were asked to do only 8 episodes like everything in the platform; but they were still able to capture the feeling of the original, and it was an enjoyable show. Not to mention the effects, those were so well done, especially Zuko fire kicks, I loved those.
Me: *checks internet opinions*
Me: Oh... I'm supposed to hate this adaptation.
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hedgehog-moss · 10 months
I've been worried this week about birds of prey attacking my chickens—well, one bird of prey. I heard a hen make her very characteristic INTRUDER cry the other day and ran out of the house and there was a hawk flying in circles high above. I half-heartedly threw some sticks in its direction and told my hen not to be so dramatic (the hawk looked like it was minding its own business frankly), but the next day it happened again, and I thought, I've been unfair to the hens, the hawk from yesterday was actually reconnoitering and they could tell. Then there was another alert the next day. I was starting to get a bit alarmed about the fact that I was dealing with the world's most determined hawk—though I didn't see it again past the first time, I figured I arrived too late and Pandolf had already deterred it.
I ended up setting up a pen for the hens very near my house, under the hazel tree so they'd be sheltered, and spying from the kitchen window the next day, to see if it was still the same bird or what. It tended to attack at the same time every day, which was extra baffling.
And what I saw was Pandolf returning from his daily morning patrol around the pasture, faff around looking a bit bored, circle my house looking for me, and when he didn't find me, go to the chickens' pen and pretend to pounce on them like a fox, which startled them and made them cry out. Pandolf didn't touch them, he clearly just wanted them to make their magical Make Human Appear noise. Immediately after they yelped he turned to look at the front door expectantly, waiting for me to run out. He knows that when I get distracted from what I was doing indoors I often end up being like, well, now that I'm outside I might as well go do [outdoor chore of the day] and he gets to tag along, so he concocted this devious plan...
So. I must turn this post into a callout post for Pandolf. This is the face of a problematic dog, who tried to frame a hawk and use innocent hens for his own ends after he realised their person-summoning noises work while his do not.
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forlorngarden · 10 months
i love british tv it's always oh look it's Blorbo from All of My Shows
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alphabetcompletionist · 2 months
i finally have an irl friend i can shoot the shit with no problem, how soon in the relationship do i bring up i count letters for fun on the internet
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pokidokieships · 2 months
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Thinking about zutara in the finale outfits…. this is my canon ending 🌸💕
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gautiersylvain · 9 months
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BALDUR'S GATE 3 (2023) dev. Larian Studios
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