#anyway i can see youre imagining kiba smiling now
kyugens · 1 year
– headcanon dump: kiba.
fighting style – hand-to-hand, precision, strong blows.
Kiba's fighting style is very instinct-driven and violent – if anything, he's a rather ruthless man in the heat of battle, as most Inuzukas are. It's got everything to do with their chakra signatures and the yang aspect of their bond with the ninken, and Kiba isn't immune to that. Throughout his life, he's trained to control most of the blinding, red-hot anger, as the other side effects of the Inuzuka cooperation ninjutsu to make it a practical tool. Despite what canon tells us, Kiba isn't entirely useless with taijutsu taken it requires unimaginable strength to keep up with the ninken during their mutual formations – if one side is lacking, they will eventually fail. Physical fitness and strength are a must among the Inuzukas and one of the first aspects they address in their training journey. So picture a big guy, proficient in melee and hand-to-hand combat, barely keeping his sanity together in a fight, with an equally unhinged giant wolf-dog by his side – that's Kiba. Mostly during the war, though, since it messed him up pretty badly. On a regular basis, he's just– quick to anger, precise strikes.
hobbies – what are 20-somethings supposed to do or like? weird guy.
Overall, Kiba is a very laid-back character. He's usually lazying around with Akamaru or aimlessly strolling downtown with no purpose whatsoever. He likes to watch sunsets, like the big romantic that he is – he finds it soothing. But he's also a young man in his twenties, so he isn't above partying with friends and making shit decisions in the high of the night. There seems to be a constant duality in him that he manages to balance pretty well, actually – Kiba is very aware of his limitations and struggles, even if he doesn't know how to address them most of the time. He's not very fond of gaming, though, consoles and whatnot – he gets too competitive and frustrated because he sucks at it. Most of his interest lay in going out, doing something or nothing, either accompanied or by himself.
describe your muse's smile – he's the sweetest guy out there is2g
Kiba's smile really is a sight to behold. He has the sweetest nose scrunch, and he spares no teeth and fangs when he's overwhelmed by joy and satisfaction – the sun will pale in comparison to him in his tanned glory, eyes closed because he can't help giggling along the way. If he feels genuinely happy, he's going to smile so wide it'll show his very secret dimples on each cheek. It's not easy for him to smile like that, though, usually wearing a grumpy frown or unimpressed look at all times. But when it happens, boy, he doesn't even know what he's doing to people out there.
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kakashixhatakesxwhore · 3 months
thank you to this one person who was interested in my stupid little roommate!Shikamaru hcs (they're here, if you wanna see 'em) - here's the meeting, the warming up and the conversation of co-signing.
450 Autumn Avenue
Pairing: roomate!Shikamaru x f!Reader
Summary: Two dealers, destined to be together, are both very nonchalant and fickle with affection.
W/c: 5k
Warnings: Drugs (heavy references and consumption), profane language, I wanted another profiterole, Modern AU (it's about 2004)
A/n: this is so self-indulgent, but i love this with all my heart so lmk if you want more
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The breeze had a sugar coating as it wafted down the street, from the bakery on Main. It was decadent and, even four hours after close, it was still strong in the night air. You remembered swearing to yourself that you would buy a pastry before your class the next day; maybe a chouquette, or perhaps a canelé... no, you wanted a profiterole. You knew you would only get five, but you considered buying ten, for the sake of entertaining your gluttony toward the choux pastry.
With your mind wrapped in a sugar-y daydream with a chocolate coating, you leaned against a lamp post casually and regarded the drifting stars with a reverent gaze. A glance at the clock tower told you that your last customer had twenty minutes before you dipped.
Another minute passed, and you brought your silver cigarette tin from your pocket. You hated buying pre-rolled cigarettes; rolling your own smokes was therapeutic, you could mix a little extra herb in there, you were folding your own filters - there were so many pluses, you couldn't even think of a minus (other than time consumption, but, therapy).
"Sorry to keep you waiting."
You sparked your Clipper and lit your cigarette before turning to your customer with a blank face. It didn't stay blank for more than a second, because your lip curled as soon as your eyes landed on the unknown man standing with Kiba. You dragged your cigarette, debating your options.
"I'm sorry," you hummed, not taking your eyes off of the aloof noiret beside your charge. "You have me mistaken for someone else."
"Oh, stop it, Shikamaru's not a cop," Kiba snickered quietly, taking a step toward you. Your eyes flickered to his face, and he smiled confidently, whispering, "He's a plug too, don't ya know."
"Why are you putting my business in the paper?" Shikamaru chided, suddenly invested in the exchange.
He was finally looking at you, so you looked at him. Your eyes connected with his, and you were instantly consumed by the gorgeously mixed hues of brown in his eyes. The lamppost that you were all standing under was surely doing him no justice, and you suddenly felt the urge to see his eyes under unadulterated sunlight.
"Well, you're a small fish compared to her." Kiba's teasing laughter broke you out of the trance, but not Shikamaru.
A small thought flickered in the back of your mind, and you mumbled, "Well, I've been looking for a new green pusher-"
"Then I'm your man," Shikamaru said loosely before he could stop himself. Eyes widened, you focused on him again and Shikamaru's lip quirked in a smile as he said, "I've got every kind of green you can imagine. So much green, I've got purple, and gold."
"Let me finish the ounce I've got..." You trailed off, beguiled by the previously sleepy man, who now stood before you with a bursting liveliness. "I don't buy off randos, usually."
"Then let's sesh," he suggested brashly. "Two birds, one stone; you can polish off your residual, and get to know your new plug, in the same breath."
Your eye twitched slightly, shocked that this man was speaking to you like he was trying to pick you up at a bar. You weren't entirely opposed to it. Slowly, you looked him up, then down, and hummed, "We'll see."
Giving his friend a strange look over his shoulder, Kiba stood in front of Shikamaru, obscuring your view, and smiled at you, "Anyway, have you got anything for me?"
Without reaction, you put your free hand in your pocket and hooked your cigarette onto your lip. Kiba pulled a small wad of cash out of his pocket. You snatched it, and replaced it quickly with a small dime bag of five pressed pills. Shoving the money in your pocket, your eyes scanned the area, and you relaxed somewhat- before you saw Shikamaru steal the bag out of Kiba's clutch and inspect the pills in the open air.
"What'd you lace these with?" He asked with a knowing lilt.
The fucking gall. The gumption. Where was the decorum? A fellow dealer, no less. Green plugs were never the most professional, but rude? That was new.
You spat, "Nothing."
"Mhm, right," he murmured, turning the small bag over in his fingers.
There was that knowing pitch again. Like he was seeing through your veil, despite there never being one in the first place.
Who the fuck was this guy?
You pulled the cigarette from your lips and sneered, "I lied. They're pressed with louee."
A moment of silence settled over the small congregation on the sidewalk, and Shikamaru's eyes lifted to meet yours, as if he were trying to peer into your soul to judge your statement.
His energy crackled, debating your retort seriously.
"What's... louee?" Kiba chimed in hesitantly, feeling the thick smattering of tension in the air.
Without breaking his piercing stare, Shikamaru hissed lowly, "Speed."
"Mhm. So, ask yourself-" You dragged your cigarette to really prolong your sentence, just to piss off this long haired prick. "-would I waste perfectly good louee on some bullshit E purchase?" Tilting your head to punctuate your words, you smiled strangely and looked at Kiba. "Enjoy. I wouldn't take 'em all at once, but have some fun with it."
Dipping your head, you started down the avenue you had been standing in the middle of for nearly an hour. You were already fantasizing about your warm apartment when that audacious asshole stopped you dead in your tracks.
"Let me get your number, ah?" You looked over your shoulder with a quirked down and Shikamaru smirked, rubbing the back of his neck, "So we can hook up later 'n' smoke, y'know."
"Oh, yeah? Y'wanna hook up with me? "
Putting your cigarette between your lips, you drifted over to the nearest wall. From inside your jacket, you procured a pen and tore a corner from a page in your pocket notebook.
You scribbled your number down, but not your name, as the two men drew nearer to you. Lowly, you started on the usual spiel that your new customers got. Kiba would have read him the Riot Act for you, but he was such an old customer that he probably would forget the smaller details.
"Don't text me about anything; I'll block you if you do. Call me between five in the afternoon and two in the morning, if you want to get ahold of me; not before, and certainly not after. I'll give you an hour to meet me, but you have to take two hours away from the time I give you. Tell me what you want-"
"I never knew chick dealers had so many rules and regulations," Shikamaru interrupted with a condescending laugh. "Remember, you're the one who wants to buy off me."
"Fine, then," you shrugged, crumpling the paper with a sweet smile. You looked at the two men; Kiba, smug, and Shikamaru looked... hm. Regretful? Almost like he was ready to negate what he had just said. It almost made you laugh as you told him, "I've got a thousand other connections - I don't need to take your shit for some shoddy leaf."
"I bet you'd change your tune if you tried my herb," Shikamaru argued, looking like he was trying to cover up the sliver of hurt with bravado.
You looked at Kiba and asked, "You ever sesh with this prick?"
"All the time," Kiba nodded, seemingly happy to contribute something to the conversation. "He really does have gas, and has a few cool pieces of glass."
"See, sunshine? My references are in order," Shikamaru added, quick to steal your gaze back.
Normally, you'd have wished them both a goodnight, and walked away then and there. But... you could still smell that sweet bakery air... and the stars were twinkling so brightly... you felt as if you were under a spell.
"Meet me at Other Delights, tomorrow, then, at ten after four."
"Awfully specific time," Shikamaru chuckled lowly, a small grin stretching across his lips.
Your eyebrow quirked and you couldn't help but smirk as you asked, "Does that not work-"
"It works, it works," he assured you before you could even finish the question. "I've got a class at two that'll probably end at the perfect time for that."
"A class? Not one at U of K?" To your surprise, Shikamaru nodded slowly, and you mumbled, "Not an antiquity class, surely?"
His smile immediately deepened. "It surely is, girly." Shikamaru chuckled, "If I get there on time and see you, maybe we could sit together."
"Christ, I didn't bring you along to flirt," Kiba groaned, trying to walk away, but lagging behind for his friend. "C'mon, we got what we need - she doesn't like stragglers."
"Too true, Kiba, thank you," you grinned, taking a step away. "G'night, boys. Have some fun."
On the way home, you mind wandered. It weaved strange patterns, but always came back to the same subject; Shikamaru. No matter how hard you tried, he was the one thought that wouldn't leave your mind.
It wasn't in a very smitten, or even sexual way - you just thought about him.
What would he get at the bakery? What was his major? Did he prefer tea cakes, or pastries? Was the antiquity class his elective or a required course? Would he get a drink with a sweet, or just one or the other? Did he find the class as interesting as you did?
You couldn't get that man out of your head, and you knew he was different from the rest.
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Shikamaru was much the same, except he could instantly admit to himself that you had caught his fancy. Kiba had warned him about how knock-out attractive you were, but he never thought a woman really could be so beautiful.
But there you were.
The next day, Shikamaru came early to the university and was the first in the lecture hall - properly ready to never be late again.
Would it be lame to save a seat for you? Was that too try-hard-ish?
Should he have sat closer to the front instead of the dead back? People had started to funnel into the lecture hall; a hundred faces, except the one Shikamaru wanted to see. Where the fuck were you?
His eyes kept flickering to the clock above the door. Your time was thinning, and Shikamaru started to wonder if you were even going to show up.
Then, on cue, the door was pulled open and you step inside. The two TAs for the class were close behind your black-clad form, and seemingly locked in a jovial conversation. Well, they were smiling like idiots, while you face remained straight. Just before you started ascending the stairs to the rows of seats, you gave Kotetsu and Izumo a small smile that didn't reach your eyes at all, then turned and started to climb.
They were clearly over the moon. Maybe you had organized a deal with them, though Shikamaru would've never sold to TAs. Maybe you were bold like that, audacious.
Debating on waving you over, Shikamaru didn't need to do anything to garner your attention. Rightfully so, he thought smugly as you locked eyes with him from across the lecture hall. 
It was like you had a sixth sense, able to find him without any search. It had to be fate, that Kiba had such a hot dealer, and that you would be perfect for Shikamaru. He made a good choice, going along to Kiba's deal.
"Afternoon," Shikamaru hummed with a small smirk as you took the seat to his left and smiled at him.
Pulling your bag onto your lap, you started rifling through it for your books and sighed, "Hello."
"How are you?" He couldn't take his eyes off of your side profile, finally clear in the light of the classroom.
"Fine, I suppose - my tummy hurts, but nothing new." You pulled out the golden textbook, a blue notebook, and a purple pen, then angled yourself toward Shikamaru. "How are you?"
"Hungry for a sweet; are we still on for that, after class?"
A subtle, but beautiful, blush dusted along your cheeks and you dipped your head a little. Then you nodded slowly, and Shikamaru couldn't contain the smile that ripped across his face.
"Perfect - I'm buying."
The bashful expression on your face melted in an instant, and your nose scrunched. "I can pay for both of us."
"What? You think I'm strapped for cash?"
"Well, I don't think you make half as much as I do, that's for sure."
"Bitch, please," Shikamaru laughed, almost offended. "I've probably got more customers, who buy more frequently and buy more product, than yours."
With a playful glint in your eye, you sneered quietly, "We're forgetting whose product is worth more."
"Again, who moves more product?"
To Shikamaru's joy, you leaned closer to him, and lowered your voice even further. "I sell five different chems, all worth at least one thousand yen a hit - what you make on a busy Friday night, I make within an hour on a Tuesday."
You smelled divine - did you just shower? No, it had to be your perfume, wafting toward Shikamaru in the proximity you shared. He was disappointed he missed it the night prior, but was so grateful he was close enough now. Floral, and sweet, with an undercut of assorted smokes. 
You smelled like home, Shikamaru remembered distinctly thinking to himself, though you didn't live together yet; the idea wasn't even so much as a twinkle in anyone's eye.
"Okay," he mumbled. "Whatever makes you happy."
"I'll buy us ten- no, twenty profiteroles to split - that'll make me really happy," you smiled, sitting back in your seat immediately. Closing your eyes, you fantasized in a hush, "And a box of macrons, and a whole mille-feuille, and two slices of a treacle tart." Then your eyes fluttered open and locked with Shikamaru's as you asked, "Do you like cream with treacle tarts, or custard?"
Was there a wrong answer? Maybe.
"Mm... custard," Shikamaru replied honestly, a little afraid that he should have lied.
But, you smiled, "Good. Me too. I think cream fucks with the integrity of the tart, especially ice cream."
Thank God. "You really rock with desserts, huh?"
"Most important course of a meal," you nodded. "Why? Haven't you got a sweet tooth?"
"Not one as ravenous as yours, it seems," Shikamaru teased. You scrunched your nose a little, but chuckled under your breath. "What's your favourite sweet treat, sunshine?"
"Why?" You hummed. "Wanna surprise me with it, one day, and win my heart, you shameless flirt?"
No one who knew Shikamaru properly would have ever called him a flirt, let alone shameless. But... he never saw a point in hiding his emotions, especially not now. Finally, a woman was beside him, and he didn't have to lie or force himself to smile. Every woman, young or old, stranger or family, was always so bothersome to Shikamaru; every woman, except for you. You didn't bother him at all.
"And if I did?" He asked boldly.
You snickered and smacked his shoulder lightly. "I'd eat the pastry, but it takes more than a bit of sugar to win me over."
In that moment, the professor strolled into the room and right up to the blackboard. With a piece of chalk in hand, he launched right into the lecture, hardly putting his case down before scribbling a timeline onto the board. 
Shikamaru found out that you were quite the diligent student. Your notes were substantive, and your eyes never strayed from the front of the class. You didn't ask questions, and you sure seemed to think that most of the questions other students asked were just time-wasters. Under your breath, you'd mumble two or three succinct words that would answer each question - then sat patiently as the prof took ten minutes to answer each question.
The class took too long. Shikamaru could hardly focus on the Mycenean Period; not when a girl so gorgeous was beside him, and not when he had a kinda-sorta-date with her after the class.
Mercifully, as the clock struck four, Sarutobi packed it away and assigned next week's seminar reading.
"Do you ever do the readings?" You asked Shikamaru as the two of you slipped out the back door of the lecture hall.
Traipsing down the stairs, he chuckled, "Not usually. Maybe if I'm bored."
"If that's the case, you should read the next chapter - it's riveting."
"Whatever you say, girly," he hummed, unconvinced that antiquated history could be riveting. "So, what do you do other than sell, and school? Or is that just about it?"
You contemplated you answer then shrugged, "I play my saxophone... but, after that, you've got my days down to a T."
"Christ - selling, schooling, and saxophoning?" He summarized. You nodded. "Where's the flavour? The zest?"
"My saxophone is pretty zesty," you snickered. "I'll give you a show one day, and you'll eat your words."
"Oh, yeah, Careless Whispers would really knock my socks off."
"Man, fuck you; I play the baritone sax."
That meant nothing to Shikamaru, but he questioned you. That lead to a zealous rant from you, explaining how Careless Whispers is played on a tenor saxophone, with an alto saxophone portion, and, while you knew how to play both saxophones, you only owned a Big Bari, as you so lovingly referred to it. 
The rant lead the two of you right up to the bakery doors. 
With a wide, relaxed smile, Shikamaru swung the glass door open for you and followed you in as you were wrapping up a bit about soprano saxophones.
Finally, in front of the sweet treats of Other Delights, you went silent - and Shikamaru almost wanted to walk out of the bakery and circle the block with you a few times. He wasn't ready for you to stop speaking. The air felt vacuous and so empty.
"Hello, missus," the man behind the counter greeted you with a toothy grin. His eyes flickered to Shikamaru then back to you as he asked with an odd tone, "Is today really the day you choose to break my heart?"
"No," you giggled. "I'm just bringing you a new customer - you should be happy."
"Ah, so long as I still have a chance to woo you, I am," he smiled, eyes twinkling at you. "What'll it be today, missus? Fifty profiteroles and a liter of chocolate milk?"
To Shikamaru's distress, you actually laughed. He hadn't made you laugh like that. Not yet.
Well, fuck this guy, Shikamaru would be able to make you laugh ten times harder - he just needed to get you away from this motherfucker. 
"How's about twenty? And..." You looked over the display case, unaware that both men were staring at you intently. Without looking at him, you bumped your hand against Shikamaru's and asked lowly, "Would you share a thing of meringue with me?"
"'Course." Was that an actual question?
Your gaze flickered back up to the man as you pulled your wallet out of your bag. "Okay, twenty profiteroles, and a box of baked meringues."
"No problem, missus - that'll be fourteen thousand."
You started collecting bills, stopped at fourteen thousand, then shook your head and drew another couple of bills. You gave the man the stack and he counted it quickly, before giving you a very flat look.
"No," you said plainly.
"No, stop it, Haruki - I can't use your discount."
"It's for friends and family, of course you can," he said warmly.
Despite the slight blush on your nose, you shook your head. "Give it to someone who deserves it."
The argument ended there, and Shikamaru realized he had some serious competition.
The thought of giving up didn't even flit past his mind, though; he knew you were different, that you were meant to be his, and no bakery clerk would get to Shikamaru so easily. He was determined, in a way he'd never been before.
After a second, the man had collected all the pastries you'd ordered, then gave them to you in a pretty, pink box. He gave you a parting wink and you dipped your head, taking the box and leaving with Shikamaru in tow.
"You two fucking, or something?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"I think it's a fair question; he definitely wants some of your cake."
Face flushing bright, you shoved Shikamaru lightly and shook your head adamantly. "Don't be fucking gross - I'm a regular there."
"I'm just being real," he hummed as you started leading him down the street. "Where are we going?"
"My place," you said casually. "So we can smoke, and have some milk with all this sugar."
Bet Haruki's never been over, he thought smugly.
"Sounds wonderful."
And wasn't it ever.
Your bachelor's apartment was spunky as Hell, and the perfect place to cut loose. Old posters adorned your walls, with paintings and pictures mixed into the fray. It's to cover that ugly Spackle paint, you said, as if your decor needed defense. 
The two of you dug into the pastries, and you flicked on the television. You had a cable package that included every big channel, and, when you tuned into CBS for the tail end of a re-run episode of your favourite soap opera, Shikamaru wondered if you could be any more perfect.
From the second you pulled your rolling tray out from under the table, Shikamaru knew he needed to be in your life until he died. You were a gift from the Heavens, he reckoned, as you popped a whole profiterole in your mouth. He'd never seem someone roll up so tightly, or with such precision, even while your hands shook.
"You're like a fucking doctor," Shikamaru wowed as you passed him a roll-up. "You should roll for me, then I could sell pre's."
"I'd be expecting a cut, and I doubt you'd be so inclined," you teased, already rolling another joint.
Snatching a Clipper off the table, Shikamaru chuckled, "You make a point, Doc."
You barked a laugh, then got a hold of yourself quickly, scared to spill the weed out of your joint. But, Shikamaru's heart soared, and he knew he had to make you laugh again, or else he'd never know peace.
Waiting until you finished the second joint, Shikamaru then sparkled yours and his at the same time, with the same flame. You both blew cherries, then leaned away from each other and into the couch.
At the stroke of five, your cellphone began to ring, just as The Young and the Restless turned over to the nightly news. You sighed heavily, and flipped open your phone.
"Er... three," you said.
Then you nodded and pulled a pad of paper toward you on the table. You scribbled 400 μg onto the page, made sone affirming noise, then snapped your phone shut. Not even a second passed before your phone began to ring again. You repeated the number three, then wrote 500 mg E on the page, hanging up again.
Dragging the roach of his joint, Shikamaru asked in an inhale, "When does your line stop blowing up, usually?"
"Well, it's a Wednesday - so I might get five or six more calls throughout the night, but they usually get way spread out after the prompt ones," you answered, hooking your roach into your lip and standing up. You gave Shikamaru a strange look, then asked, "Y'won't rob me if I get the orders ready, eh?"
"No promises," he chortled, and you chuckled, shaking your head as you drew over to the bookshelf in the corner of the room. "I've been meaning to ask you anyway-" Shikamaru crushed the roach's cherry into the ash tray on the table, then looked up at your turned away form as you fiddled with some box. He took that as a go-ahead, so he continued, "-do you really sell louee, or were you just yanking my chain last night?"
"Fuck no, I don't sell Crystal Meth - are you insane?" You snipped, pulling the box from the shelf and crouching over it on the floor. "No, I only sell hallucinogens; your regular E, Acid, Psylocibin, and then Ket and Angel Dust to customers I really fuck with."
"How much do you skim off your stash?" When you gave him an incredulous look, Shikamaru put his hands up in defense. "Hey, I smoke my own shit. I'd never buy off someone else, when I have such a surplus."
You pursed your lips, looking back at the box that you had gotten open now. It was filled with pills and bags of dust, from what Shikamaru could see. 
"I probably steal a trip every weekend, at least," you admitted. 
"Well, I hope you invite me, this weekend."
You snickered at his statement, but then realized Shikamaru was serious. A look of debate washed over your face, and you mumbled, "I trip alone."
"Scary endeavor," he replied. "Ah, it's chill - you don't have to invite me this weekend, but the next... oh, I'll badger you then."
You got your orders ready - four tabs, and five pressed pills - then got more calls throughout the nightly news.
You were busy, tear-assing around the apartment, but you were a gracious host. So gracious, that in your busy-ness, you were still playing Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy when the programmes came on after the news. After that, the game shows turned to shitty sitcoms, and the two of you spoke over the laugh tracks.
Conversation flowed between you and Shikamaru, as you consistently rolled joint after joint for him and yourself.
Eventually, you started rolling joints to share, and sank into the couch beside him - just as it was time to turn the channel over to Adult Swim, just in time for Futurama.
Shikamaru had ascended, and was convinced he was given a slice of Heaven, in your company.
Finally, one in the morning rolled around, and you had to go out to make your deals. 
You loaded up your coat pockets with dime bags and a knife, then ushered both you and Shikamaru out of your apartment. You offered to walk him home before you had to stand around, then he offered to stand beside you for the night.
To Shikamaru's joy, you took him up, seemingly as unwilling to let his hang-out end as he was. 
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The very next day, you bought a fresh ounce off of Shikamaru and brought him back to your apartment again to repeat the steps of the previous night. 
And, despite your ardency in your solitary trips, you asked Shikamaru the day after that, if he wanted to come over on Saturday and pop a roll with you. Immediately, he accepted and asked how much a single pressed pill was - you couldn't bring yourself to charge him, not when he would be tripping with you. 
Within a few weeks, it all became a habit.
On regular days, he was at your apartment every second he could be, doing homework or just shooting the shit; on Thursdays, you'd buy a fresh ounce off of him and take him back to your place to smoke through it, together; and, on Fridays, you'd ask him to come over that night or the next, and then give him whatever the substance of the eve was, for free. 
You never saw the appeal of tripping with other people - they were all so very cumbersome  - but, not Shikamaru. He never encumbered you, unlike every other person you'd come into contact with.
He never left before Futurama, and would usually spend at least half an hour with you on the street, every night.
The routine didn't even slow down when exam season rolled around.
Finally, after a tiresome second year, you and Shikamaru finished all of your exams, submitted all of your essays, and closed out your academic years with respective 3.50 and 3.75 averages. That meant; it was time to celebrate.
And who knew how to celebrate better than you two?
"You fuck with Zappa?"
"Mostly - pre or post Apostrophe?"
"I was actually going to play Apostrophe."
"Whatever floats your boat, sunshine, but if you're taking requests, I'd vote for Hot Rats."
"You fuckin' weirdo."
"Don't get all mean, just because my music taste is superior, and you know it."
All you could do was stick your tongue out at him as you pulled Hot Rats out of your record crate instead of Apostrophe. You stood and opened the lid of your record player, missing it the first time as it warped before your eyes. You took the vinyl out of it's sleeve and slotted the disc on the tray, turning on the machine and lifting the needle onto the first groove.
The drums for Peaches En Regailia began, followed closely by the piano, and you took the spot next to Shikamaru on your couch.
"What's this, anyway?" He asked once you were beside him, picking up a paper from your coffee table.
You took it and sighed, "Rent increase notice. I don't even know if I want to stay here, honestly - especially not if I have to pay an arm and a leg every fuckin' month."
"I wish I could say I get you, but, as you know, alas, I'm still in the comfort of my childhood home."
"Eugh, comfort - and you don't want out? I moved out as soon as I graduated secondary."
Shikamaru shrugged, his dinner-plate pupils glued to the ceiling. "'Course I want out, but I don't want a place as small as this - no offence - so I'd have to get a roommate. That's a whole mess of planning, and meeting new people-"
"I could stand a roommate," you interjected, almost confused as to why you were saying that. 
Slowly, Shikamaru turned his head to look at you. Your eyes connected, and you were instantly sucked into his soul - going on a small trip into the communal consciousness in the room.
After a long while, Willie The Pimp already playing, Shikamaru asked you, "Do you... want to get an apartment, with me?"
"A two bedroom," you clarified. Shikamaru gave you a blank look and you snickered with a nod, "Yeah, I guess I do want that. We're great friends, we get on like a house aflame, and neither of us are terribly messy. Plus, imagine the merger - the business opportunities." You paused for a second, drawing a breath, and you asked, "Would you want that too, or am I shooting in the air?"
"You must be fuckin' joking," Shikamaru laughed, standing up. "C'mon, let's go get a paper and check the rental adverts."
You laughed loudly, "It's nearly six in the morning, and my lease doesn't expire for a month, as is."
"The papers will be hot off the press, and there's no harm in being prepared."
"Why don't we go in an hour or two? Y'know, when the sun's up and we're less... on Acid."
"Touché - but I'm watching the clock."
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It only took one week to find the place.
450 Autumn Avenue. Unit 2.
The complex was aptly named The Avenue, and held exactly thirty-seven units. You and Shikamaru were taken to one of three basement units. It might not have seemed so luxurious on paper, but the second the two of you stepped into the unit... you knew.
The building had no central air, so the basement would be a haven in the blazing Summer's heat. No one was below you, so you two could dance, and jump, and fall over, without any guilt.
But, the crowning jewel of the unit was the lay out. 
The bedrooms were deadly small. You each could fit your beds in there, and your dressers, but there was hardly enough room for a chair otherwise. One was slightly bigger, and Shikamaru gave it to you without complaint - but neither of you particularly cared about the bedrooms.
It was the living room that sold the two of you. It was huge. Spacious as Hell. 
So, the two of you jumped, and co-signed a year's long lease for the unit. 
And that's when the fun really began.
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tired-biscuit · 1 year
Hear me out- Motorcyclist!Kiba 😩
please don’t do this to me, i have enough kiba brainrot as it is and imagining him being a biker is gonna make me slam my dumb little head against the wall cos like…….. the JACKET AND THE HELMET?? THE GLOVES?? HELLO?????
i actually saw a tiktok where the guy was asking for a girl’s number while he was on the bike, and he was brave but like so adorably nervous at the same time; like you could see it through the helmet and the body language and by the way how his hands were all over over the place and it was so cute!!
anyways, have this little thing i wrote down below!!
fem!reader // cw: none
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i can picture him doing that, where you’re both exchanging glances that are not at all secretive while you’re both waiting side by side at a red light. it goes back and forth for a couple of seconds and it’s playful and fun; he’s clearly checking you out whilst you’re doing the same to his figure, since you can’t see his face.
he’s nice on the eyes. his shoulders are broad and he looks jacked as fuck in the black jacket. the pants make his ass look great even if he’s sitting down on the bike. you can see how his clothes tighten in all the right places when he finally gathers enough courage to lean over, applying steady weight to one foot, and gently taps your car window with one gloved hand.
when you roll it down, he flicks the visor of his helmet up, and before you know it, you’re met with these big, gorgeous brown eyes that just look so warm when they finally connect with your own.
the sight makes your lungs tighten. it’s like you’re staring at rich summer honey; words cannot possibly give his irises enough justice no matter how many adjectives you’d pick. if looks could kill and mend at the same time, it’d be this one.
they crinkle at the corners, his eyes. lighten up when you start to become obviously flustered because of the eye contact. he’s smiling underneath the helmet, the bastard.
“hi,” said bastard says, now.
“hi,” you feebly manage back. your throat feels so unbearably tight all of a sudden. must be the nerves, perhaps even the bashfulness. since when are you one to act so skittish?
silence lingers, the light continues to shine red.
goddammit, get it together!
“can i help you?” you ask cheekily, feeling proud and a little bit more like yourself, now that you’ve also initiated something and that it’s no longer just him putting himself out there.
“oh! yeah, umm… shit, i—” your small, and also very sudden, moment of bravery clearly throws him off. he wasn’t expecting it, so he breaks eye contact by blinking and shaking his head, and lets out a noise that reminds you of a boyish snicker. meanwhile, you burst into quiet laughter in response.
it’s completely lighthearted instead of mocking. you hope that he can tell the difference.
“take your time,” you utter whilst tapping your fingers against the steering wheel, the action just a tad bit complacent. jerking your chin forward, you decide to gesture towards the line of cars in front of you as you add, “it’s not like i’m going anywhere any time soon.”
“hah… yeah.” he rubs his hands over his thighs just to do something. “rush hour, am i right?”
“small talk about traffic,” you mumble, quirking a playful brow. “is that really the best you can do?”
“no. god no, i just— ugh…” he’s jittery as hell now as he tries to keep his cool at your teasing, however you’re pleasantly surprised to find out that his voice is still pretty much perfectly steady after he readjusts on the bike, takes a deep breath and says, “look, m’sorry if i’m being too forward with this, but i just couldn’t help but notice how pretty you are, and i… uh, i guess i wanted to ask you for your number. if that’s cool with ya, of course.”
you smile at the way he words it; at the way his eyes flicker all over your face during it. it’s cute, the way he acts. his mannerisms. how big he is. how goddamn corny that entire jumble of a sentence was, that it somehow even managed to end up endearing at the same time.
you have no clue what overcomes you in that exact moment, what coaxes you to keep flirting with this cute stranger who you don’t even know the name of, but all of a sudden you catch yourself saying, “i’ll give you my number if you take me for a ride on your bike.”
he’s visibly baffled by your answer, because now you can see his eyes widen and his pupils dilate as he says, “shit, like right now?”
“not now, dummy.” you laugh, shaking your head whilst you type in your number in your phone’s keypad and turn the screen towards him. “i’m running late for work right now, but… maybe we could arrange something in the future, yeah?”
“yeah. yeah, of course!” he stumbles on his words as he quickly unzips his pocket and pulls his own phone out. you watch him fumble a bit because of the gloves before he manages to snap a picture of your phone’s screen and glances at you again.
you look at each other for a second too long for it to be considered purely platonic right from the beginning, and it makes your heart start to race. for fuck’s sake, you don’t even know what this man’s face looks like, and yet you can already feel a crush developing somewhere deep within.
“well,” you utter. “you have my number now.”
“thanks.” his eyes crinkle at the corners once more. genuine. “you know, to be completely honest with ya, i didn’t think you’d actu—”
a honk that sounds out from a car that’s situated right behind him interrupts him mid-sentence and makes him jump in his seat. the light had turned green, and that makes people get awfully impatient awfully quick, despite the fact that there’s a proper movie scene from a cheesy romcom unfolding before their very eyes. suckers.
you watch as he hastily tucks his phone back into his pocket and slides into position on the motorcycle. the movement is smooth, expert. natural. he’s clearly no rookie.
he revs the engine twice before he casts you one last look and says, “i’ll text you, okay?”
a grin stretches over your lips. “is that a promise?”
you catch the small wink he gives you before he flicks the visor back into place. “make it a pinky one, sweetheart.”
and just like that, before you can even reply or fuss over the sweet pet name, he’s off. you watch him turn smaller and smaller on the road until it’s your cue to drive off as well. damn.
minutes pass as you listen to the radio and sing along to the songs you’re familiar with. by the time you finally arrive to work and start your shift, you’re feeling pleasantly giddy by the entire exchange. even your feet feel lighter with every step. love, if you could call it that, can be a silly thing at times.
that is until a sudden thought crosses your mind.
oh god, what if he’s ugly underneath the helmet?!
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inactiveanimeblog · 4 years
shikamaru x reader fic
“change” chapter one
tw : smoking, alcohol
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brooo i’m honestly so sorry this took forever but dont worry next chapters won’t take as long at all, i already have them planned out. and just a heads up there will be smut in this story, not this chapter but possibly chapter three.
eh i don’t really like the way this chapter came out but i can promise better in the future ones.
warnings: for now just alcohol, weed, and swearing
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shikamaru and you had been best friends for as long as you both could remember. since you both had grown up together, through your parents being close friends, you and him were inseparable. you spent most of your childhood being around each other. but once you guys hit 16 years old things started to be different.
shikamaru started to drink, smoke, get tattoos, and flunk school. it was a miricale that he even graduated high school thanks to you tutoring him and completing his homework assignments. you on the other hand were a straight A student, a teachers pet, a quiet kid who didn’t party or do anything most teenagers around you were doing. you wanted to, but you were anxious and even a little scared that you werent ‘enough’ to be friends with others who were out having good times and enjoying their teen years. you were timid, you couldn’t be outgoing to save your life, so you watched from the sidelines.
once you graduated high school you traveled to another part of japan for eleven months to find yourself, learn to break out of your shell, and to switch up your style leaning more towards looking sexier and attractive. which meant leaving shikamaru behind to say goodbye for the time being. neither of you really talked when you left, in fact, you guys didn’t talk at all. you had missed him more than anything while he was well, being him. shikamaru messed around with girls, making them feel special, having sex with them, but he never put a label on their ‘relationship’. he would end things when he would get bored and find a new pretty girl to fuck, which left all the other girls broken hearted. you envied any girl he was involved with in a sexual way, you wanted him more than anything but you never told him. hell no. you could never tell him. he would never feel the same as you feel. there was no changing the way shikamaru was. he would never love and you knew that.
you came back to konaha a couple of weeks ago, settling into your new place, a nice little apartment, decorated in a modern manor, as well as starting to make friends in town through social media, slowly starting to go to parties and going out to clubs. you changed your look, dying your hair, getting a new piercing, switching up your style to something different, something new. you felt a lot better about yourself and you wondered if shikamaru would be interested in the way you looked. you weren’t confident, but the attention you’ve been getting from others lately hasn’t gone unnoticed.
hey shikamaru, i came back to konoha a few weeks ago finally! sorry i haven’t told you yet i’ve just been busy moving into my new place and stuff. we should hangout or something, it’s been so long since we seen eachother. you sent him a text, hoping that he would text you back wanting to make plans.
yeah we can link. i’m busy tonight but if you’re free tomorrow you can come by my place around 18:30 and we can catch up. you won’t be able to stay for long though.. maybe an hour at most. just lmk when you’re on the way. it took him a little while but he answered.
okay, that’s fine i have plans a little while afterwards so i won’t be able to stay long anyways. i’ll see you tomorrow and i’ll let you know when i’m on the way.
you were so excited to see him, butterflies already forming in the pit your stomach. you planned out a fit, the way you wanted your hair, and makeup. this was the time you and shikamaru would be able to catch up and maybe even become close friends again.
unfortunately shikamaru wasn’t too excited to see you. you guys haven’t talked in a long time and he saw no point or benefit to your friendship. he’s made a lot of new friends, other friends who are interested in the things he is and he’s been busy fucking new girls all the time. he thought it was such a drag that you wanted to hangout, and truth be told he wasn’t even gonna be busy tomorrow. he just didn’t want to waste his night hanging around you.
the next day you woke up around 11:30 am, starting off with eating a light breakfast, showering, shaving, and skin care. getting ready and facetiming your friend mikasa (hehe aot name but i love her name) to talk about how excited you were for first off going to see shikamaru for a little bit and second off going to a house party later that you guys were invited to.
“i’m so nervous ‘kasa, like what if he doesn’t like the way i look? or what if he thinks i’m weird now?” you sighed, brushing your fingers through your hair, checking yourself out in the mirror.
“it’ll be fine y/n! just try your best not to show your nervous. act like he isn’t intimidating at all. you look hot, nothing to be scared of.” she responded
“hm, you think so? are you sure i should wear this? i don’t wanna look like a try hard..”
“you don’t look like a try hard just mention to him that you’re hitting a party later he’ll get why you’re in a cute ass outfit. now go to his house, it’s already 18:07, don’t keep him waiting. he said he didn’t have much time anyways.”
“alright i’ll see you later tonight then.. wish me luck, i’ll let you know what happens. bye.”
“good luck and bye bitch! don’t have too much fun!” she answered while wiggling her eyebrows and hanging up the phone.
you texted shikamaru that you were on your way, he responded shortly saying to just knock when you got there.
third person point of view
“yo kiba, i have a girl coming over today.. she’s just an old friend. she’s shy so try not to scare her off. don’t smoke out in the living room while she’s here. i don’t need her getting uncomfortable. it’ll be such a drag listening to her get upset about the smoke.”
“say less, but is she hot? if she’s just an old friend let me make a move on her.” kiba answered hopping on the couch next to shikamaru.
“no. she’s not cute and you wouldn’t want her anywa-“ shikamaru was cut off by a light knock on the apartment door.
“can you go invite her in for me?”
“do you ever get off your lazy ass? whatever fine.” kiba said while getting up off the couch and walking towards the door.
kiba opened the door and didn’t say anything, he just stared down at y/n who looked back up at him confused clearly expecting shikamaru to answer. ‘not cute?’ kiba thought. ‘is shikamaru out of his MIND??’ surely this couldn’t be the girl shikamaru was talking about, shikamaru would have to be an idiot to not find her attractive. she was dressed in a sexy yet subtle outfit. she smelt nice and her hair looked so soft, her skin was like porcelain, delicate and smooth.
“uhh i’m sorry, who are you?” kiba asked
“oh- i umm, i’m y/n nice to meet you. i’m here to see shikamaru.. i’m at the right apartment, right?” shikamaru tried to look over at y/n but he couldn’t see much with kiba standing in front of the door. he looked back down at his phone and rolled his eyes.
“well? are you gonna let her in? i just told you i had company coming over two minutes ago. how burnt out are you?”
“oh right um come in, i’m kiba, shikamaru’s roommate by the way. make yourself at home.. shikamaru’s on the couch.” kiba stuttered out scratching the back of his neck and moving out of the way so y/n could entered.
“wow shikamaru your place looks nice. is it just you and your roommate living here?” y/n said.
shikamaru looked up from his phone to see her staring around the room and his first thought was ??? what the fuck ?
“y/n?” shikamaru said. he stared at her as she sat on the other couch, his eyes focused on her appearance.
“yeah?” y/n answered smiling back at him.
“nothing i just— you just look really different since i last seen you last. what have you been up to?” he asked still eyeing her up and down, blushing slightly. he felt a little weird, he wasn’t expecting his nerdy childhood best friend to look so good.
“i’ve been busy honestly, i finally moved into my new place and i’ve been going out with friends, it feels nice to finally be back home although i do miss traveling.” friends.. she has other friends now?
“what about you? what have you been up to?” she said still smiling, she looked beautiful, like she’s grown up.. grown into a women’s body, she’d grown into her face as well, no longer looking so babyish. her outfit was nice, showing some skin leaving little to the imagination. this was nothing like her.
“nothing really, just be doing the same old things.... you made some friends when you came back to konoha?”
“yeah i did, i made a few. you should meet them one day, we usually hit parties on the weekends or we’ll chill at one of our houses, drink and smoke or whatever. you would like them.” she exclaimed nodding her head slowly.
huh? wait she even drinks and smokes now? what happened to her? and what changed her when she left.. why was she so different now?
“you drink and smoke now? wow you really are different.”
“oh please” y/n giggled a bit. “i’m still the same old y/n, i’m no different only been living my life in other ways. i’ve been enjoying it ever since i left eleven months ago, you know? i’m having fun i guess.”
“well.. i honestly never expected the day where you would find drinking and smoking fun since you always used to scold me for it.” he said, rolling his eyes playfully, a grin forming on his lips.
“and by the way do you want something to drink, like a water or anything?”
“you know i was just inexpirienced back then shikamaru” she said placing her elbow on the couch arm rest, resting her cheek on her palm and she still had a cute small smile on her face.
“and i’m good, i’ll probably be leaving not too long from now anyways.”
“you in a rush?” shikamaru questioned, slightly raising one of his brows
“hm, kind of. i’m gonna go pregame at one of my friends houses tonight and get ready for a party.”
kiba walked in and sat next to her, he gave shikamaru a pointed look before butting in their conversation and replying “a party tonight huh? you gonna give us the invite?”
“well i mean if you guys wanna go it’s gonna be at 227 Clock Street, not far from here maybe a 15 minute drive. if they ask who you know just say you know me.” she said looking back at kiba “you shouldn’t have any problems. but also, i believe shikamaru said he was busy tonight. right shikamaru?”
“yeah.. well, i do have plans later. but i could just cancel them now, not really important anyways. i guess we could go out. do you think it’ll be a problem to bring others?”
“nope it shouldn’t be a problem at all. the more the merrier, and you and your friends will be able to meet mine tonight!” she said excitedly.
shikamaru excused himself to use the bathroom as kiba continued to talk to y/n and ask her about herself. it was so very obvious that kiba wanted to take her to his room and bend her over, but y/n being hella naive couldn’t tell.
shikamaru looked in the mirror while washing his hands. his eyebrows were scowled, and his eyes were dazed. never could he imagine something like this would happen where y/n would come out of her shell. where she would party. she was as sweet as ever still, she would always be a kind person. nothing could change that, but she wasn’t as quiet as she used to be. it was nice seeing her talk more, no longer stuttering out every other word.
‘if i bring my friends tonight and the rest meet her there’s no doubt she’ll be around more often. i already know they’re gonna be all over her, i’m just curious if she’s still innocent sex wise. last time i seen her she was definitely still a virgin. maybe i should ask her myself.’
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years
Green With Envy
It’s past 2am and my eyes hurt so it’s unedited for now sorry y’all😅
Original Request (from Wattpad account): What makes the boys jealous, if possible?
Guest stars: Sasori and Sai!
Oh, this boy… he’s too oblivious sometimes he doesn’t even know to be jealous. He was at a hot spring with friends once and someone says, “(Y/N) is so hot…” Naruto just grinned and said, “Yeah, she really is.”
But that doesn’t mean he won’t protect your honor. If someone says something a little too… risque like ‘Yeah, I’d tap that’ for example, get ready for more Narutos than you can count all charging you with a Rasengan.
He will not stand other guys cozying up to you. He’s the one who should be blessed with your hugs and cuddles. Won’t hesitate to cause a scene and yell to the entire world that he loves you and won’t let any other guy make a pass at you.
“Naruto, you didn’t need to go that far! You blasted him through three walls!” He’s endearing, really.
Is jealousy an Uchiha thing or just a Sasuke thing? One of life’s many mysteries. Anywho, unlike Naruto, the second your name is brought up in conversation, he goes on guard and he’s listening closely.
If anything is said that he deems inappropriate, whether it be disparaging or otherwise, Sasuke had better be held back or he just might punch you into next week.
“Sasuke, calm down! He just said I had good taste in clothes!”
Even though he can easily get jealous, he knows the importance of freedom and he trusts you. He won’t come guns blazing (or sword slashing rather) and drag you away unless you need it of course.
The last thing he wants is for you to feel like you’re dating your dad or something. He’s very blunt and if he becomes uneasy with the way another male is talking to you, he’ll let said male know. Maybe after scowling with his Sharingan activated, however.
Neji doesn’t really get jealous per se, more like offended on your behalf. Because of his upbringing, which taught him manners and the utmost respect, he really can’t understand talking about girls like they’re objects? Will never refer to a woman as ‘hot’ or anything like that.
If someone even dares speak of you like that, (even if you’re not necessarily together yet) he will fight them, and they will experience the 64 palms technique.
He especially hates people in your personal space. He really does trust you, just not others. Is not afraid to embarrass someone on your behalf. Half the time his glare is enough to scare them off, but some people are just clueless. (They wake up in the hospital)
“Neji! You can’t just throw me over your shoulder and leave! And that guy looked like he had seen a ghost?!” Needless to say, even cool, calm, and collected Neji has his limits.
Shika is too laid back to get jealous over little things. Somewhat like Neji, he doesn’t get jealous. He might feel threatened on your behalf, but never jealous. He can trust you with his life why shouldn’t he trust you with your relationship?
However, if someone is clearly harassing you or just generally making you uncomfortable, he will not hesitate to step in and make them leave. He won’t resort to physical violence (too much work), but he will intimidate them or put his genius to use and play some kind of trick on them.
He honestly has endless patience and at the same time no patience? Patience with you if you’re having a pleasant conversation with someone, but will go from 0-100 (or 50, really, anything more is a lot of effort) real quick.
“Shika, that guy thought he was really paralyzed, thanks to your shadow possession!” Being jealous is a waste of time, but clever revenge is always a treat for Shika.
So. Jealous. So. Easily. Kiba is naturally animalistic (in the best way) and just like a dog, can be very possessive. If explicitly asked, he will try to tone down his jealous fits, but will still be protective. If he does have free reign, however, oh boy…
No chill at all, whatsoever. Whether it’s absolutely destroying the object of his rage or just simply making out with you right there. No matter how annoyed he may get, he respects you with every fiber of his being and would never tell you to change or try to control you. He wouldn’t ever embarrass you (unless Kiba and Akamaru pummeling a room full of guys is embarrassing).
Just let him FIND OUT someone is making you feel the slightest bit of unease. One second, they’re chatting you up and then BAM! There’s a flash of white and a huge dog ready to maul them.
“Kiba, what do you mean they all looked at me for too long?! We walked in the door, of course, they turned to look!”
Gaara is a bit of a conundrum, but in a way that makes sense? Like, he doesn’t feel the need to get jealous of guys because when you leave, he’s going to be kissing you goodnight, and he’s the one who gets to spoil you.
However, he will get jealous of little things. Oh, you’ve spent a good amount of time playing with an animal/pet? Be prepared to walk in on Gaara giving them a stern lecture on stealing you from them. Gaara knows he has any potential suitors beat, but tiny adorable animals and children? In his mind, he can never be too cautious.
He gets a little pouty but that can easily be cured with cuddles, sometimes with that evil little pet that stole your affections from him. He can never stay jealous for long, he views it as an unproductive waste of time. He could be actively trying to get your attention, but instead, he’s going to be sulking in a corner? Yeah, no.
“Gaara! Stop scolding my cat, that’s not doing anything!”
On the rare occasion that this cinnamon roll gets jealous, he’s confused and shocked. Like just imagine the surprised Pikachu face and that’s him. He knows what jealousy is, he can identify it just fine, but he doesn’t know why he’s jealous.
You aren’t doing anything, all you did was laugh at someone else’s jokes, but still… do you find them funnier than him? Are you going to leave him because he’s not that funny?! Cue the slow onset into insanity… Poor Sai is losing his mind to paranoia and made-up scenarios.
Will most certainly drag you away (gently) from whoever is taking your attention and leave. He doesn’t even bother with a fake smile, they don’t deserve it. He’ll explain to you calmly even though he’s panicking on the inside. Once he is back to normal he’ll show you his nearest artwork.
“What the-! Sai, you can’t just draw caricatures on people’s car!” You don’t even want to know how he figures out which car is theirs...
Too cocky to be jealous. He has the right to be though because one glance at him without his face mask can cause instant pregnancy. Anywho, he knows you love him and some guy trying to hit on you like some high school douche isn’t going to change that.
He does like to intervene, however, just to flex like ‘yeah, I’m the boyfriend, now get lost’.
He’s not big on PDA, so he won’t start kissing you to ward off strangers, but he will wrap on arm around you or hold your hand and ask who your ‘friend’ is.
When there’s that one stubborn person who won’t take a hint, Kakashi doesn’t mind rocking someone’s world or getting kicked out, he needed to perfect that one offense technique anyways. He’s pretty laid back though, so it has to be somewhat drastic for this though, plus he knows you can handle yourself.
“A thousand years of death?! Isn’t it weird to be poking old men in the butt?!
Pfft. Who does he have to be jealous of? He’s a god among mortals, after all. To him, you’re a goddess and as such you belong with someone like him, not the peasants around you.
But on the offhand chance that someone doesn’t heed his godly status, he will not hesitate to pull you into his side and yell ‘Almighty Push’ and totally obliterate that loser. (A/N: Holy crap I think that needs to be a one-shot cuz, wow, Pein being all protective is making me swoon?)
If it’s not a big deal, he’ll easily let you take care of it. If you’re strong enough to catch Pein’s attention, you’re more than strong enough to deal with some lowlife. That doesn’t mean, however, that they won’t feel his wrath too.
If you ever want to witness a true royal rumble, dare someone to mess with Pein’s S/O. It’d be an epic tag team match (slaughter, really) for the ages. One would d be surprised how quick he can lose his cool when it comes to you.
“Pein, that’s the fifth time this month! Kakuzu is going to murder me if I ask for money to fix this wall!”
Need I even say it? Jealous boy all the way. You’re his favorite masterpiece so why should let an uncultured swine who doesn’t even understand your worth touch you? Rhetorical question, he wouldn’t.
He is not above fighting or placing a bomb on someone who gives you one too many glances. He’d make sure they knew it wasn’t art, they weren’t good enough for that, before blowing the offender up.
No one and he means no one gets to talk bad about his S/O. If someone insults you in his presence they might as well as swallowed one of his explosives and trusted him not to blow them up.
Will one 100% hide you from view if you look too appealing. He thinks you look ravishing, but he’s the only one who should be able to think that, in his opinion. Don’t worry, no one’s ever gotten close enough to harass you with Dei around. His one-eyed scowl is a great deterrent.
“Deidara! You blew up my favorite restaurant! He didn’t even say anything to me!”
Would rather die before admitting he was jealous. As adamant about not being jealous as he is about art being eternal. That’s not to say that he won’t take action though. He will use chakra strings to make the perpetrator walk away, meanwhile making them bump into literally everything in the general vicinity.
The two of you don’t leave the base all that often so it’s unusual to see an envious Sasori action, but it’s a real treat when it happens. After he deals with whatever idiot crossed him, he’ll be a bit more affectionate that day/night.
Not huge things, but instead of working on puppets all night, he’d be more apt to hold you that night. Average people hitting on you make him insecure because he realizes he’s not that great at normal relationships but he still doesn’t want to lose you. That feeds into his jealousy and he figures the only way to get rid of it is to make sure those other guys can’t offer anything he doesn’t have.
“Sasori! If you wanted a hug, you could’ve said that instead of treating that guy like a ball inside of a pinball machine!”
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wasabito · 4 years
home feels like you | naruto x fem!reader
here’s my entry for the konoha simps server collab with @bakubabes-hatake​; prompts are roommate au and “i was so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.” (i will be making edits to this later lmao)
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wordcount: 3.0k
tags: fluff, angst, modern au, healing after a breakup
synopsis: it’s a little hard for him to describe the way he feels these days, but if anyone asked, he’d say that home feels a lot like you.
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Naruto didn’t wake up that morning to the sound of his alarm blaring through the stillness, or even to streams of early morning sunlight filtering in through his curtains. Yet, he sat up in bed, shirtless, hair askew, with a dry streak of saliva at the corner of his mouth. 
Even though he searched for what had woken him up so abruptly, Naruto found nothing. 
Blinking back at him in bright neon green, his alarm clock read 5:23 am, approximately thirty-seven minutes until it was time for his morning run. Not one to miss out on the chance to get more sleep, Naruto was just about to turn over in bed, stuff his head back under his pillow and be dead to the world once more—then he heard it.
Harsh whispers and...sniffling.
The Uzumaki remained silent, sleep suddenly gone from his eyes. His gaze was trained onto his bedroom door, knowing that you, his roommate, were probably just a few feet beyond it. You’d been an early riser for as long as he’d known you and Naruto imagined you were shuffling into the kitchen to make yourself some coffee before heading to work for the day. 
This time, however, it seemed your peaceful morning routine had been interrupted by an unexpected and seemingly unpleasant phone call. 
Naruto listened close while you spoke hurriedly into the receiver, a rush of words garbled together and unintelligible due your shaky voice that pierced through paper thin walls. Even from where he laid, Naruto could tell that you were just barely holding it together; it sounded like you were a moment away from crying. 
Unable to sit still, he pulled off the covers and followed after your voice. The entire apartment beyond his bedroom was cloaked in darkness, so much so that he could barely see his own two feet. The only source of light came from your cell phone that illuminated a single corner of the room where you sat.
“Hey...you uh, you doin’ okay—” Truly he hadn’t meant to be so loud, but his voice boomed regardless, causing you to flinch. Not to mention, it sounded like he’d gargled nails just five minutes prior with how gravely his voice was. Great going, Naruto, he thought to himself.
He cleared his throat, whispering, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, heh.” 
You sat curled up on the sofa, with your phone wedged between your shoulder and ear, but it didn’t seem like anyone was talking anymore. With a sigh, you hung up the phone, plunging the room in muted darkness.
“I’m fine,” you muttered. “...don’t worry about it.”
Bypassing his curious look, you trudged back into your bedroom. It seemed he would not be getting an answer anytime soon. Naruto blinked slowly, scrubbing a hand through his hair as he reentered his room as well. But the more he thought about you, the more unsettled he became.
You had moved in with him six months ago after Sasuke left for business overseas. But even since then, Naruto still only knew as much about you as he had when he first met you, which was literally next to nothing. He could respect that you were a private person, but he still felt it was a little ridiculous that you both shared a refrigerator and he’d had to stalk your Facebook page just to find out your birthday. 
The two of you had lived as nothing more than strangers for an entire six months, but in all that time, he had never heard you sound like that...
His curiosity had gotten the better of him. Normally he wouldn't be so bothered, but with Sasuke away and Sakura busy with her own life, he was beginning to feel as if he had nothing else to steal his attention. Naruto was only now realizing how invested he was in the lives of his friends, more so than his own even. Being involved was second nature.
Two and a half weeks later, the reason behind your odd behavior made itself known. In fact, it quite literally stood at your shared doorstep. 
It was a normal Saturday night, and for once he was home instead of gaming the entire night away over at Kiba’s place. Naruto had been in the kitchen making himself yet another cup of instant ramen when a knock came at the door, shattering the evening stillness. Before he could even set down his chopsticks, you had bounded down the hall with a duffel bag slung over your shoulder. He had never seen you so upset, but your anger was unmistakable as you wrenched the door open with enough force to rattle it on its hinges.
“Here’s your shit.”
“Can we at least talk abou—”
“No!” You slammed the door shut in the face of… whoever that was.
Naruto came around the counter to stand in the hall. He didn’t bother hiding the fact that he was so blatantly eavesdropping on you. Was there really a point in hiding? 
You turned in time to catch him out of your peripheral, frown still set on your lips, though it softened a bit when you caught sight of him watching you. “You’re pretty nosy.” Was your only remark, but despite the edge in your words, it didn’t sound like you were annoyed at him, almost like you had expected it.
“Well, can you blame me?” Naruto scratched his neck sheepishly, “You were actin’ pretty weird, so of course I got curious, what did ya expect?”
You snorted. “So, that’s your perfect defense?”
Naruto gave you the goofiest smile in response. “Gimme a minute and I’ll think of a better one!”
With a laugh you slumped into one of the bar stools near the counter. You hadn’t stopped laughing at him for another minute, but then… your teetering laughter slowly turned into sobs. You shoved your face behind the palms of your hands, but Naruto could see the way your entire body shook. The sound of your crying startled him so bad, he nearly choked on his own spit. Every thought running through his mind came to a screeching halt. It was as if the sounds that escaped your mouth was set to a frequency that would break his heart to pieces over and over again. 
“H-Hey,” Naruto reached over, placing a heavy arm over your shoulder and pulling you into his chest. “It’s...gonna be okay, okay? Whatever it is, it’ll work itself out. Please, don’t cry...”
After another moment, your sobs quieted down to a whimper, your cheeks were still wet and Naruto was about seventy percent sure there was a little snot on his tee shirt. Nevertheless, he remained still until you were ready to pull away.
“Um, thanks…” you whispered, lips accidentally grazing his collarbone. Not a second later, you released him, and wiped at your eyes with your shirt sleeve. 
“Wanna talk about it?”
“I—um...I guess I owe you some sort of explanation, considering I just used you a human tissue.” 
Using humor to cope, that was familiar. 
You were trying to lighten the mood, Naruto could tell, so he went along with your joke and laughed. “Yeah, I guess havin’ you tell me is better than me playin’ spy, huh?” 
He reached for his forgotten cup of noodles. They were a little soggy after being neglected for so long, but that didn’t stop him from slurping up the entire thing in record time. 
“Ah! That hit the spot!”
You laughed again, sniffling as you did so and for a moment he was captured. 
That watery smile, the wrinkle in your eyelids, the upward curve of your lips, even the very sound you made, all of it caught him by the throat. It was almost like he was just now realizing that you were a girl. And a really pretty one, at that. Naruto gulped and looked away. He wasn’t sure what was happening to him or why he was just noticing how cute you were, but he shook his head as if to dispel some of the mental fog.
“That was my boyfriend—ex boyfriend, I mean.” 
“Ex boyfriend?” he repeated.
“Yeah, um, we kind of do—er—did the long distance thing...he lives a few cities away, goes to a completely different university so um…anyway I was just uh, returning his clothes....”
You seemed to be struggling to find the right words, likely still processing everything that had happened. At times like this, Naruto was thankful that he and Hinata had ended things so amicably. Not everyone had the luxury. Relationships were hard as it is, and when it was over, picking back up like nothing happened was nigh impossible. There was always something left behind as a reminder, be it scars, old wounds in the form of memories. Sakura had once dubbed it ‘relationship residue’.
“Hey, don’t push yourself!” Naruto offered a grin and a thumbs up. “C’mon, let’s get your mind off it. We can watch a movie, or play some music, or…” he looked around the apartment in search of something you both could do but came up short.
“I appreciate the gesture, Naruto, but I think I’m just going to head to bed early. I’m a little tired.”
You gave a small smile, and though it didn’t reach your eyes, Naruto could do nothing but watch after your retreating back yet again. 
He didn’t like the helpless feeling that latched onto him. He would always and forever be doer. He couldn't just sit idly by while you went through this hard time alone. Though he kept quiet, he was determined to make you feel better somehow. He never wanted to see you cry like that ever again.
Following that night, the dynamic between the two of you had changed. Naruto, naturally friendly as he was, made it his first priority to check up on you and see how you were doing. And instead of heading straight to your bedroom upon returning from class or work, nowadays, you spent your free time in Naruto’s company. Whether it be just by watching the evening news together or doing homework in the same area. For the first time in months, you two were acting more and more like roommates—maybe even friends. You still hadn't opened up much about your ex boyfriend, but that was okay. Naruto knew that as long as you understood he was there to support you, that you were not alone, one day you’d be able to speak about it with him.
A change in weather seemed to follow the change in pace. Winter was fast approaching and with it came colder mornings, frosted leaves that crunched under foot, and a need to remain bundled up lest one catch a cold. Naruto had just returned home to find that you had made a hot pot. The entire apartment was filled with such a delicious smell that had his mouth watering and stomach grumbling in askance.
“Hey there!” you called from the kitchen. “I just finished up, grab a bowl and get some.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Naruto quickly shrugged out of his coat and scarf, doing a little shimmy, then grabbed a bowl from the cabinet. “It smells sooo good~”
His eagerness managed to pull a laugh out of you. You quickly handed him the ladle. “Go nuts...well...not too crazy.” Knowing Naruto, it was safe to say he would inhale the entire pot if left up to his own devices, you’d come to learn this the hard way. 
“Yeah, yeah.” he said, scooping himself a hefty serving. He wasted no time at all, digging in with much gusto. “Damn!! This is hella good! You’re such a great cook, roomie.”
You were unsure whether he was merely flattering you for that sake of flattery or if he truly enjoyed the meal, but you accepted his compliments as gracefully as you could manage. 
Eating dinner like this was nice. Naruto made for good company. For the time being, you let yourself enjoy the simplicity of the moment, the utter lack of expectation, the vibrant energy that came with mutual understanding, all of it made you feel much warmer inside. You knew it wasn’t just the hot pot.
Several more nights were spent just like this, relishing the friendly companionship that was slowly being fostered between you two. It wasn’t like you had very many friends to begin with, but you could admit that Naruto was a breath of fresh air. His sunny persona and steadfast disposition always managed to brighten up your day. Most nights, he talked enough for the both of you and was a pleasant distraction from less than savory thoughts regarding your ex. It was safe to say that you rather liked being his roommate. Naruto made you feel safe in your own skin again. 
You had just returned from class when you heard Naruto fumbling around in the bathroom. He wasn’t a quiet roommate by any means, but he usually never made this much noise in the mornings. From the looks of things, he had just returned from a run, and was now showering away the sweat and grime. 
“You okay in there?” you called. There was no answer. 
Instead, the restroom door was thrust open and your roommate burst through, darting down the hall at breakneck speed, naked as the day he was born. You blinked rapidly, mouth hanging open. What...the actual hell?
“My bad!! I forgot my towel!” His awkward laugh echoed from somewhere in his bedroom. 
“You could’ve just asked me to bring you one.”
“I kinda panicked a little.”
You snorted behind your hand. “A little?”
“Okay, maybe a lot.” 
Naruto returned to where you stood, thankfully he was fully dressed, although his wet hair hung low around his face, wispy tendrils clinging to his cheeks. The water droplets were left to be caught by the towel around his neck.
“Dude, you’re gonna get sick,” you grabbed the towel and draped it over his head. Naruto was just a few inches taller, but you still managed, even if you had to get on your toes a bit, while he bent to accommodate the height difference. 
You carefully towel dried his hair as best as you could. Naruto kept his eyes solely on you. It was a little unnerving, but you did your best to ignore it, until he finally spoke up.
“How are you feeling?” 
Due to proximity, you could feel his puffs of breath fanning against your cheek.
“I’m good now, Naruto. Great, actually.”
He smiled at that. “I’m glad.”
You chewed your lip to stop yourself from smiling back but it was too late, he’d already caught a glimpse of it. 
“There you go,” you returned the towel to his open hands. “All done.”
“Thanks a bunch! I don’t think anyone’s ever done that for me before.”
You found that a little hard to believe. But Naruto was walking away before you could question him about it. You thought about the way he looked at you, how his eyes seemed to gleam as he did. It made your cheeks feel like they were on fire. 
Days later, you still thought about it even as you stretched yourself across the carpeted floors of your apartment living room in an attempt to gather your thoughts. It was a feeble attempt, and you weren’t really a yoga person, but you were insistent on doing something that didn’t fall into the category of wondering what your roommate was currently doing. And it worked for all of five minutes before you simply laid on your back and stared up at the ceiling.
That was the exact image of you Naruto walked in on. He tossed his keys on the table, left his backpack by the door, and toed off his shoes like normal, it was a routine ingrained in him by now.
“Uhh, what are you doing on the floor?” Naruto stood over your figure with a quirky grin. He was wearing a turtleneck… which was a little odd, you’d only ever seen him tee shirts and sweatpants. But it was nice. He looked nice. Wait, no—
“Why are you wearing…?” You trailed off as Naruto laid himself by your side, wedging himself between you and the coffee table.
“Nope! I asked first!” He shuffled a bit to make himself comfortable. “So, what are we doing on the floor?”
Keeping your eyes glued to the ceiling and not on the man who was getting a view of your side profile, you replied simply. “I was doing yoga at first.”
Naruto was silent. Did he know what yoga was? You were going to ask, but he beat you to it, humming an ‘oh cool’, and accepting your lukewarm response easily.
“You know...these past few months have been kinda like a dream.” 
“What do you mean by that, Naruto?”
Finally craning your neck to the side, you were greeted with the full view of him. Soft blonde hair, ocean-blue eyes, and the kind of smile that made you want to smile too. It was so hard to be sad or down in his presence, it was like he vanquished darkness with his light. God, you were sounding so shakespearean. 
Unaware of your inner battle, Naruto continued. “I grew up in an orphanage, so the thought of having a home was...a bit like a fairytale. But then I learned that people can be just as much a home as any random building, ya know?”
You did know. You knew it too well, in fact. Once you had made the mistake of falling in love with your best friend. He had become your home, only to leave you broken and abandoned. 
“Yeah...I get that.” 
“And you,” Naruto continued. “You feel a lot like what I think home feels like.”
You blinked at him, stunned, heart stuttering because you could tell he meant what he’d said. Goddamn him for being this way. For being so good.
Naruto sat up and you followed suit. “I just wanted to say thank you, Y/n.” 
And with that, he leaned forward and pecked your cheek.
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mavda · 3 years
Beast Tamers
Ch.1 |  Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4(1) | Ch.4(2) | Ch.5(1) | Ch.5(2) | Ch.5(3) | Ch.5(4) | Ch.6(1) | Ch.6(2) | Ch.6(3) | Ch.7(1) | Ch.7(2) | Ch.7(3) | Ch.7(4) | Ch.7(5) | Ch.8(1) |
Ch.8: Without you (2)
Lord Minato finds Hinata crouched over her husband. With chakra veins popping out near her eyes, using her technique to release and control the unruly chakra inside Naruto's body. Her eyes scan Naruto and her hands move steady and fast, without missing a beat.  
"Lady Hinata."
She keeps on working without raising her eyes, "Yes?" 
Minato sits beside Naruto and steals a glance to the plate near the lady, half-eaten. Minato sits silent, then looks over Naruto’s body. His son is starting to look a little leaner now, although nothing to worry about, Sakura reassured him… yet. His eyes travel then from the hands pressing over Naruto’s chakra points to reach Lady Hinata.
“You haven’t eaten.”
Hinata presses her lips together, she keeps on releasing chakra points. “I did.” She doesn’t look away, and decidedly doesn’t look to the plate she knows is half-full near her. Her appetite is almost non-existent now, but out of fear of people worrying over her she hasn’t shared her situation. It seems her time’s up. 
Minato stares at his son’s face. They have talked about Lady Hinata, him and Shikamaru, Sakura, even Kiba and Sai. Out of respect and worry they have let her do as she wanted, but surely there is a limit to this, too.
“You look like you’ll faint any minute now,” he shares, without a hint of accusation in his voice. 
She doesn’t respond, Minato knows this will be received with opposition so he looks to his son for strength. “I will have to ask you to stop using your technique on Naruto until you regain your strength.”
Hinata stops mid-movement, feels too shocked to look up. “W-what?”
“You look like you’ll fall over any minute now, it is not healthy.”
Hinata sits on her heels, brings her hand to her thighs and looks up after releasing her technique. She feels hurt, betrayed. She’s helping.
She’s helping… right?
“Would agree with me and you know it.” Minato doesn’t look at her, his eyes are glued to his son, “when has he ever wanted to put you under distress?” 
Hinata opens her mouth to answer back, say something and fight for her right to help her husband in any way she can. But her lower lip trembles, “I-” she shudders. 
“I know,” Minato says, stronger this time, “that you are doing this to help.” He looks in her direction, but doesn’t look at her, “but… don’t put yourself under… this amount of stress. I know you’re worried, Lady Hinata, but-”
“It’s b-been s-six days…”
Minato nods, slow, lazy, because he doesn’t want to agree. “I’m not saying you can’t do it, all I’m saying is take care of yourself first and then-”
“Does this… does t-this help?” 
Minato takes a moment to choose his words, because Lady Hinata is so obviously under stress that he wants to-
“At all?” she adds.
“Yes,” he answers immediately and then regrets it the second after. “It helps in the long run, yes, but now… now it’s just his body making sense of the mess I left inside of him.” He doesn’t want to even mention the idea that by releasing the chakra points inside of him it might cause Naruto’s body to have a harder time to acclimate to the swirl of chakras inside. He wonders, but he hasn’t shared that with anyone but Shikamaru. They don’t know though. They don’t know so they don’t say anything.
Hinata nods to herself. Thank the gods. At least… something. 
The days have come and gone and come and gone and she just wants this to be over. The hope she started with, that Naruto would wake the next day, and then the next day, and then… her hope is dwindling and she's scared and yet she doesn't say much because if she speaks it aloud then she's making it real. 
And she can't handle that. 
"What a-about Naruto's g-godfather?" 
"He's coming."
Hinata frowns, he's been coming for a while now. "W-when will he-"
"A month if he's fast, if everything goes according to plan."
Minato can feel Lady Hinata tensing, without looking at her, without being close to her. He knows. She's imagining herself waiting for that long of a time… he understands.
"Lady Mito…" Hinata says in a daze, her brain is just trying to find a solution to this whole ordeal, desperate to find an end to all of this. "She s-said she could t-take the Be-"
"It's too dangerous." Minato shakes his head. Gods, he has gone through this with Mito enough already, she shouldn't have said any of this to the lady. Especially now.
Lady Hinata bites her lips in an attempt to stop herself from speaking, but even Minato can see that his answer is far from ideal. "She shouldn't- she shouldn't have talked to you about that."
"I-if it could h-help…"
"Lady Hinata… Mito, she- this whole scenario is so uncertain and its cons surpass the pros so heavily that the clan has decided not to go for it. It is not worth it." 
His wording is awful, he realizes, the moment Lady Hinata's face hardens and she looks down. So Minato keeps on talking. 
"There is a chance, just a chance, this could work. But then what? Sealing the Beast inside Naruto again would kill him and we don't know whether Mito would make it until a new vessel is born. And if it doesn't? There is a chance it doesn't work, too, and then Mito dies and Naruto dies because his body won't be able to take the Beast again, and there is no new vessel and we have the Nine-Tail Beast roaming around, without a chance of controlling it." His breathing is labored and his voice has risen in volume and Minato hates the thoughts that now swirl inside of his head. "And… that doesn't even matter because Naruto won't accept her offer anyways."
Hinata bites down the need to say that now Naruto can't say whether he accepts the offer or not, because Lord Minato's reaction is enough to tell her that they have talked about this before. And Naruto has surely made his decision clear before. 
Hinata begins to think that maybe she somewhat understands Lord Minato's resignation back when they came back from the arena. A conclusion to the many emotions that flow within when facing this situation. So little can be done that resignation is all that's left. 
Hinata looks at Naruto, who sleeps peacefully, and caresses his blonde hair. "Will he d-die when they take the B-Beast from him then?" 
"No," Minato brings his head up, lets it fall back, "I mean, now. If we took the Beast now, or say, five years from now, he would have a healthy although shortened life. But it just… don’t think too much about it, please, Naruto won’t do it and,” he breathes out, remembers the many discussions late into the night with his son. The hushed whispers, the pleas. “It is dangerous for him, he won’t be able to go through with another full sealing of the Beast.”
Hinata thinks of Lady Mito, of her statements, and then about the information Naruto has shared with her regarding him as a Beast Tamer, “because he’s a m-man?”
“No.” Minato concentrates on a frayed thread on his clothes, “his lifespan is shorter when compared to a female vessel, yes, but whichever case, no vessel has ever been able to withstand sealing the Nine-Tails twice.”
“But L-Lady Mito-”
“She’s a special case,” Minato sighs, “she… her husband was a genius and he basically restored the energy she had spent sealing the Nine-Tails.”
Hinata frowns and stares and her mind is trying to process this information. “You c-can?”
“Not us, not anybody that has tried it, either. Not me, not my master, no one. We have the knowledge, we just can’t put it into practice, and I will say it now, do not hope for that to work. Mito’s husband was in a league of his own.” Minato knows, holding those parchments where the technique was written down, with careful annotations to whoever would read it in the future. It looked like a gift. It’s a mockery. “Mito married Hashirama Senju, Lady Hinata.”
Hinata can’t help the shock on her face. The strongest man the current world had seen, the man that stopped the war between clans fighting over the Beasts. The man that handled the Nine-Tails without having to use a vessel.
"I didn't-"
"It is not a secret, but it's not something that's easily found either. He… he had a gift with chakra manipulation and his techniques… he just could do it, and he did it. And even with that, undergoing the sealing of the Nine-Tails again could kill her. It's just not worth it."
"You… said, you had t-the technique w-written down…"
"Believe me, Lady Hinata," Minato feels he could laugh out loud at this, "we have tried everything to see if we could use it. It didn't. It won't. Please… just do not think about it as a possibility."
They remain in silence then, and Hinata drags her fingers over Naruto’s cheek. A caress. 
"We have to k-keep treating Naruto with the H-Hyuga t-technique."
"My lady-"
"It doesn't h-have to be me. Neji… he's still a-around, is he not?"
Neji follows a man called Sai to a room deep into the compound. Close to the one where Lady Hinata rested back when he was escorting her. 
She waits for him with her back straight, her eyes fixed to the floor. 
"Lady Hinata," Neji greets.
"Plase t-take a seat."
There are few explanations and even fewer glances from her. She explains that he will have to keep close to her, as all he sees from now on is confidential. He nods and keeps quiet, and Lady Hinata says everything she had to say. 
"Have you… h-have you been w-well?"
Neji can't help the smile that tries to creep up on him. "Yes, Lady Hinata. I was able to find work in the outer compounds, I have been able to live without worry while I was away." 
Hinata keeps her face blank, but the tone in her voice, the way she has to force her eyes to keep away from him. He's glad. 
The sliding door opens and Sai enters, a letter in his hands. Neji frowns and even Hinata shows signs of surprise. 
"A servant came to give this to you, my lady, it's addressed directly."
Hinata cocks her head in confusion. She has never received a letter while she was inside the Uzumaki compound. She doesn't remember ever receiving a letter while she was in the Hyuga compound either. 
Neji half stands, one knee on the floor. "My lady."
Sai gives him a glance, but doesn't do more. 
Hinata takes the letter in her hands and Neji catches the seal on the letter. He stands, "My lady," and Sai grabs him by the collar. 
“I would advise you to keep seated.”
But Neji can’t keep his eyes from the letter. “My lady,” he struggles, but Sai doesn’t move, “my lady if you would please hand me the letter.”
Hinata frowns and looks at Neji with growing frustration, “It is a-addressed to m-me.” 
“Yes, but,” Neji places his hands in Sai’s shoulders, in an attempt to let him know he means no harm, that he is not a threat, “then, if you could hand it to Lord Minato, to Lord Shikamaru, even, just- please-”
Hinata can’t explain the growing need inside of her to go against whatever Neji has asked her to do. A mixture of late rebellion and the need for something to just go how she wants it to go without worrying about anything else. She opens the letter in between Neji’s pleas, “Sai,” and now she has more questions than ever, “let N-Neji go.”
Sai lets Neji free but the man stands there, watching as Hinata moves her eyes across the message, realizing who sent it and why. Neji can only think of how much this rests on Lord Minato’s and Lord Shikamaru’s shoulders, they ought to have done a better job. 
Hinata stares at the letter, looks at it from top to bottom, turns the page and plays with the seal, “What… what d-does this m-mean?”
Neji sits on the floor again, “I think you should talk with Lord Minato first, Lady Hinata.” 
“Well, I’m a-asking y-you.”
Neji remains silent and Hinata doesn’t know what comes over her again, but there is so much anger inside of her, and the letter in between her hands makes her so confused she knows if she doesn’t get an answer now... “It’s- it’s an o-order.”
Both Neji and Sai steal a glance at her, but then Sai stares back at him and Neji tries his best to concoct some sort satisfactory explanation regarding-
It takes Neji two seconds to remember where it all started, “Lord Naruto received a letter from Lord Hiashi and he asked for my help.”
There, enough of an explanation. 
“Did you… did you c-copy my handwriting?”
“Because Lord Naruto requested my help.”
“He… he did not want for you to feel burdened.”
Hinata could ask again what he meant by that, but it’s obvious. As she read the letter, as she heard Neji answering her questions. Her father wanted to know information regarding the Uzumaki clan, information regarding her relationship with Naruto, information regarding how soon she thought she could bear an heir.
What was strange was her father letting her go without a word. She didn’t… she didn’t think twice about it, on the one hand it made sense, he had never cared too much about his daughters, so Hinata had thought he would ask a favor of her years from now, but… of course he wouldn’t, and yet she didn’t care. She had felt glad he had cut communication with her. 
He hadn’t.
But because Naruto saw her relationship with her father he had kept her away from it. 
“Sai… please g-guide Neji to his r-room.”
The men leave and Hinata reads the letter again, folds it and puts it in its envelope. She walks to the room where Naruto is immediately after.
    Lord Minato accepts the letter without a word and when Hinata asks him about it he answers without doubt.
    “Naruto… He didn’t want you to keep in contact with your father if it wasn’t good for you, so he called for Neji, asked some questions and then decided that all letters from your father would go through him first. I guess… this whole ordeal has made keeping track of things more difficult and without Naruto overseeing things...”
    “I understand.” 
    Lord Minato puts the letter away. “If the letters were different than what they were he would have given them to you directly, ask for forgiveness… it just…”
They were never letters in which he cared for her, Hinata realizes. She nods.
“Will you answer the letters from now on?”
    “No… let’s have N-Neji keep a-answering them.”
    Hinata can feel Lord Minato’s eyes on her, “I am sorry we kept this from you.”
    “No… I really u-understand.”
    “Naruto, he…”
    “Please,” Hinata closes her eyes. She knows. She knows. 
    Lord Minato keeps quiet until Neji arrives, Sai in tow. 
    Naruto lies on his futon and Hinata rises to move away from him, leaving a space for Neji to kneel beside him. “Y-you already know h-how to do this, s-so…”
    Neji gives Lord Minato a bow before kneeling. Lord Naruto looks leaner than before, and Neji feels somewhat distraught at seeing him so defenseless. A man who seemed to be able to move mountains, now unable to wake up. 
    Leaving Lady Hinata behind. 
    Neji activates his technique, chakra veins popping around his eyes and then he stops immediately, whips his head around to stare at Lady Hinata, who looks at him back filled with confusion.
    Neji turns back, concentrates his technique on Lady Hinata’s body, then does a search around them, the room, the building, the gardens, the whole inner compound. Right now, in the room, there is only him, Lord Minato, Lady Hinata and Sai guarding outside. Whatever he says won’t be heard by anyone else. And yet when he turns -his technique released- he whispers.
    “Lady Hinata… you’re pregnant.”
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berryberryrad · 4 years
𝙨𝙛𝙬 𝙖𝙡𝙥𝙝𝙖𝙗𝙚𝙩⚡️
shino aburame, sfw alphabet prompt
if this comes across as ooc, literally hit me pls. I’m usually kiba biased, but something about shino has just been hitting different recently.
warnings: blatant abuse of grammar and punctuation. cursing. i’m no writer, i just tell it like i see it. I wrote this on mobile and am not a tech guru so I wish I could do the fancy little, “keep reading,” bit but I’m
word count, 3983
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
we’ve all come to the generalized conclusion that the aburame clan aren’t handsy. shino falls in line with this, and pda or even private interactions that involve skin to skin contact aren’t going to be his forte. I can see him holding hands, or the aspect of interlocking pinkies with this boy while you’re both reading or walking throughout the woods just has me weak in my knees. a more common way shino would express himself by ways of affection would be listening; absorbing every word you have to give and then offering up the information he’s collected later to show that he does hang onto your every word. he does so subtly, remembering things that you mentioned favoring seemingly offhandedly but in reality he wants you to feel as seen as you make him feel. someone give him a kind smile right now
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
shino’s so quick to throw around the, “I’m not sure I have any friends,” card when kiba inuzuka literally exists— the audacity of this man. team 8? the bond the three of them have outdoes friendship. the loyalty. the camaraderie. the attitude. i get whiplash from their personalities interacting, and i love every minute of it. the bluntness of shino can come across as rude disposition, however it all comes a place of well intent. he speaks his mind, and he speaks the truth. all of it. having shino aburame as a friend would mean you could easily find calm grounds to stand upon. he’d offer words of harsh wisdom, whether you ask for them or not. he sees the best in people even behind his quiet demeanor, and has loyalty oozing out of him. good boy, 10/10 wanna be his best friend.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
can i be self-indulgent for .6 seconds: imagine how w a r m shino is. it had to be said.
anyways, aburame clan: not particularly touchy. we talked about this. however there would come times where shino would hold your hand. it was a practice you initiated, and he quickly caught onto. when you walk through the forest together, he’ll send his bugs out to take a quick peek around before interlocking your fingers silently. he’ll be nervous the first time, but eventually is confident enough to make the move without any plaguing hesitation.
I could go on and on about hand holding because I’m a simple girl, but we gotta get to the goods.
cuddling? with shino aburame? a prize that I want to win. you. bug boy. sitting side by side, chatting about slice of life oddities— you put your head on his shoulder. okay little baddie, we see you: he very carefully presses his head onto the top of yours. shoulder to shoulder, his cheek resting in your hair. you never stop talking about your day, and he never stops you. it feels so natural and easy. c o z y. I’m soft.
you don’t spoon, you want to see his face when he lights up with facts about entomology. when you reach that state in your relationship, you lay side by side and play with his fingers, or he draws lazy patterns on your wrist.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
he’d love to settle down wtf. he’d want to keep a romantic partner close, but even platonically— shino’s in it for the long haul.
he may be bug boy, but he’s also a clean boy. right? like okay his hair may be a bit unkept, and his room is definitely littered with sketches of insects and books here and there. but they’re organized in a way that makes sense to him. he can immediately find whatever he needs whenever he needs it, and that doesn’t make him unclean. when it comes to his insects, he keeps them tucked away with precision. each is labeled and jarred away probably alphabetically, idk, that just feels right to me.
cooking is something that can be accomplished in theory. a recipe can be read and executed, but that’s as far as it goes with shino. don’t expect much creative flare, the aburames are known bug enthusiasts, not ramen curators. the most spontaneity you can hope for is perhaps a pinch of salt on your eggs in the morning. if it’s not in the recipe, it’s not happening. he’s a boy of many talents, cooking is barely one of them.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
i don’t even wanna entertain shino breaking my heart—
good thing he’s breaking yours
shino wouldn’t let a platonic relationship go far enough into a romantic status unless he was without a doubt that you were someone he could trust and hold close to his person. honestly I’d say you’d have to be the one to break up with him if you managed to get far enough in. but if he had to break up with you? he’d have the briefest moment of hurt before setting it out all on the table. once his mind is made up, it’s over. he’s not one to dance around the point. you probably won’t even have to ask why. he’ll tell you without prompting.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
oh shino has no problem committing his life to you, after you’ve been together for a very long time that is. marriage isn’t the forthcoming thought pressing into his conscious. it’d be something you had to mention in passing to him to let him know you were interested. to shino, he recognizes your relationship as it is: a relationship. your partners for better or worse, he doesn’t think a marriage certificate has any true significance in the way you share feelings for one another.
but you’d like a wedding? okay, no qualms. he’d want to wait a few years, and the atmosphere of the village would to have to fair calm, but he wouldn’t mind a small ceremony. when he tilts your head back and kisses you to seal the deal, kiba faints.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
sorry I was just checking the time, seems to me like it’s, “soft boy hours.”
I want you to know right now that shino aburame hangs onto every word you say with such fervor, it’s just darling okay? emotionally, when you’ve established that you plan on playing an active role in his life, he’s so doting. asks you short and simple questions about your day. offers advice on your woes. let’s you interact with his bugs— because he trusts you. and you better offer him the same love and respect back. I have this whole thing about him receiving cheek kisses. he eats that shit up okay, but silently with a blush crawling up his neck and wrapping around his ears. pinky holding— hullo. that’s the gentlest thing homies can do.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
maybe he hugs you first. that’s wild, but it keeps you on your toes. you held his hand first, yes, but that night when he accompanies you home you stand nearly toe to toe. you haven’t released hands yet, and he’s overwhelmed with a feeling of gratitude to someone who has lent an ear to him with no ulterior motives other than quality time. it’s strangely second nature to him as he wraps a fast arm around your waist, crushing your held hands between your bodies. you’re taken aback, obviously, but before you can even share a proper moment in the same space he’s retreating back into his stoic persona and wishing you a good night.
shino hugs with his whole body, and my favorite version of this would be him wrapping his arms around your shoulders as your crushed into his shoulder. love it. he doesn’t hug often, cherish the ones he shares with you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
shino, ever the one to speak his mind, let’s you know he loves you immediately when it occurs to him. I’m not quite sure when this is, but you’ve been apart of his life for a long time without a doubt. you make him feel safe, seen, and he is sure he can trust you. you probably ask him a question about like the process through which butterflies migrate or whatever, I’m not clever enough to think of insect related questions, but after he gets done explaining and you’ve got this thoughtful expression on your face he just blatantly says it. it’s so matter of fact and without any doubt that you have to blink for a moment before sharing the sentiment. it’s not awkward. there’s not any fanfare or roses involved. it’s the truth, and you’re both quietly over the moon about it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
shino and jealousy don’t necessarily exist in the same realm. he’s not going to entertain someone he can’t trust, that’s just a given. and if he did have any doubt in his mind you were pursuing something romantic from another, he’d simply send one of his bugs to investigate the situation. if it proved to be true, he’d confront you on it. if he’s misunderstood the circumstances then he can admit it, but if he hasn’t then he’ll make it apparent to you very quickly he doesn’t appreciate what you’ve been doing.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
soft, goodnight.
okay so like forehead kisses, right? forehead kisses by shino>>>>
i will die on this hill, don’t test me.
shino kisses softly and with purpose, there is nothing he does without meaning. it’s a press of his lips to your forehead before leaving for a mission, it’s brushing your lips together in the moonlight, it’s pushing the pads of your fingers against his mouth when you’re upset. I’m a hopeless romantic and there’s only so many euphemism for kissing, so take what you’re given. shino isn’t experienced in tonsil surfing, so you’ll have to bear with him. it’s something that relies less on textbook skill and moreover on feeling and primal intuition, something he does have so he’s not completely clueless. like i said, forehead kisses are a go to and idk if I’ve mentioned you giving shino cheek kisses but for the love of god, please opt to. he eats that shit up, you gotta.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
kurenai herself made note of how well shino interacts with kids, and I have never known kurenai to be wrong so it’s been decided. shino? amazing with kids. the scene between him and mirai? shino giving a piggy back ride? goodnight y’all, imma clock out.
and he eventually becomes sensei badass okay, like he can handle himself amongst a child or two. as far as having his own children I think he’d do well with one. shibi and shino share the classic aburame relationship: mutual understanding and appreciation of one another’s existence, and i can see him sharing that with his own child and then some. he spent the better part of his own childhood in solitude. it was in tandem sought out and forced upon him. big boy perks. he’d want his child to not only embrace their aburame side, bugs and all— but also to feel confident and extroverted enough to branch out and make interpersonal relationships
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
imagine being a morning person. I mean shino doesn’t have to, but it couldn’t be me. shino’s up before dawn breaks, throwing his legs over the side of the bed and pressing his glasses into his nose before he even opens his eyes. rise and shine. if you’ve been sleeping beside him, he’ll cast a long look you’re way, admiring your still figure before standing and beginning his day quietly so as not to wake you. he lets you sleep as long as you wish unless you instruct otherwise. sometimes you ask him to wake you when he wakes himself. you always regret it because why the fuck is he awake, the crickets are still outside doing god knows what. he thinks the ambiance of an early morning is peaceful, and it sets his person in ease.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
can we all just take a moment to appreciate the grand outdoors and how precious it would be to have shino watching you fondly ogle at fireflies in the middle of a field. like arms crossed with a gentle smile behind his collar as you open mouth grin and point because he absolutely asks them to do something impressive just to see you in awe.
nights are spent outside staring up at the sky. in a tree? on the ground? in the park? in the middle of the woods? who cares, time with shino is time well spent.
if it’s raining then that’s tough, I guess y’all will just have to have a night in. sometimes you play shogi, and you don’t complain when he lets you win despite you showing no true skill for the game. he doesn’t mind.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
oh shino won’t reveal anything haha. well not on purpose. see I know I’ve gone on and on about shino being so attuned to you and what you have to say, but you have to show him equal attention and devotion to get a good read of him. anything personal that can be taken from him is conveyed so subtly you’ll miss it if you’re not paying attention. he’ll answer any question you ask, however if you get too personal too fast he’ll slyly avoid the question
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
not easily angered, moreover easily annoyed. while shino may not be on shikamaru’s level of strategical advances, he does have a pretty good sense of how things should be completed. it’s usually the way that benefits the most people and accomplishes the goal with as little room for error as possible. when things stray off from the how he envisioned them, I see him getting a little irritated. I think the time he’s spent with kiba has aided in this conclusion, and he isn’t as easily moved to a pissy nature as he once was, but I think the sullen nature still translates across if things fail to go his way because in his mind, it’s the most logical path.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
broken record alert: he’s a good listener. it’s both a strategic move to manipulate situations because he’s become so good at reading people, and his own unique love language. it’s the juxtaposition of words of affirmation; he shows he cares by ways of empathy and action. it’s stoic empathy, but empathy nonetheless. he remembers everything you tell him, and everything you don’t. on missions when you two are parted, his thoughts are sometimes clouded with images of the way your mouth arches when you laugh, or the soft smell of you lingering on his coat after you hugged him goodbye.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
when you let him go on and on about his insects and you seem genuinely interested. so often do people put up with shino’s knack for bugs out of politeness or to just let him fill the silence— but you ask questions. you seem intrigued with any word that falls from his lips and you’re quick to quip back with facts you’ve dug up on your own. you’re curious about what shino is so attuned with, and he is so excited to have someone to educate who wants to learn. you’ll go on small adventures to locate bugs to breed or to simply watch, and it’s at these moments when you’re both silent and poised over a poisonous beetle with a respective jar and net that he remembers fondly when you’re both parted.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
well he’s already sworn to protect the village, so initially it’s on that basis. his duty is to do whatever he can to keep the residents of the hidden leaf secure, but with you he keeps a bit more of a watchful eye available. he isn’t paranoid or overly protective, however on days his mind is uneasy, shino has no qualms sending a beatle to hover your person. it’s just a security measure, nothing to write home about.
you keep shino protected from his inner turmoils. hinata and kiba can only reassure him so much, but shino has developed the habit of writing them off. they’re just his teammates, they have to put up with him. however you have no personal ties to him really. you stick around on your own accord, and this boosts his self esteem immensely. you put his mind at ease and make note to remind him daily that the members of team eight are an excellent unit and that he needs to give kiba and hinata more credit because they both care about him as well. akamaru too, woof woof dummy. accept the love.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
shino’s not a man of many words, and when he does spit fire, it’s calculated and can come across as blunt assertion. you’ll come to put up with it, but he can come to understand he can be a bit overbearing in this aspect. so as I’ve expressed, words of affirmation aren’t his love language (though don’t put it past him to whisper sweetness into your ear when you’re both alone: that would be lovely.)
he expresses himself through gifts, awe. shino won’t present you with precious jewels or money as means of affection. no, the gifts are moreover practical. a book you had been pining after, a scarf to keep you warm in the upcoming months, things of that nature. he also collects rocks, we can collectively agree on that as a community right? he’ll share them with you, encouraging you to begin your own arsenal of rocks that entertain no one but are a sweet gesture— thanks shino.
dates are long walks when he as spare time. he doesn’t mind if they’re silent or if you fill the space with your own daily narrative. you’ll both trade useless dialogue and he likes it. it’s a sense of normalcy for him.
he doesn’t try particularly hard in any sense, but he doesn’t need to. time spent with shino is delightfully casual in both of your lives, please don’t mind it.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
what if shino picks his nails, awe.
he’s a wonderful, brilliant little creature: but he has a habit of writing off people who clearly care about him. you’ve gotta take a little energy into reassuring him from time to time. he won’t outwardly mope in this mentality, but sometimes he seems a little off and it will fall on your shoulders to assist him
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
mans only lets like 3% of his face be shown for the better part of the series and then decided that a visor and top knot were gonna be his debut look in boruto, he is n o t the one to look to for fashion advice, and this is coming from someone who simps so hard for shino aburame like he’s lowkey giving kiba a run for his money at this point but like come on
as far as his s/o goes i know the prompt didn’t ask but he doesn’t mind what his s/o particularly looks like. it’s a personality game baby, let’s go
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
shino’s written as a loner, and he doesn’t particularly mind that status but a friend every now and then is never unwelcome. he deserves to be appreciated, and while he may not outwardly show that he receives the appreciation in good spirits, you can rest assured he does. having a partner would be pleasant, no doubt, and he would love having someone by his side to call a best friend (and eventual partner) however shino’s existence isn’t completely codependent on another half. he can exist on his own with just the company of his bugs with no true remorse. he does feel lonely at times, but he’s got the squad of the hidden leaf backing him up. he’ll make it through
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
blush bug boy shino = a happy bee (‘s me, I’m bee)
the headcannons where stoic blunt hardass shino is an inexperienced nervous boy eat me alive. man’s is a shinobi who has faced peril and nearly suffocates when you hold his hand for the first time? imma head out, i love it
he’s also always early to things? yes please? early is on time, on time is late, and late means call an ambulance, something super not cool has gone down
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
if you don’t like bugs, you have to evacuate the dancefloor. I’m not saying you have to be the president of the, “insects are the superior race,” committee. to enjoy something and appreciate something from a distance both can weigh evenly on a scale in this instance. if you’re a bug enthusiast, kudos. he’ll love spending time showing off his collection to you with a slightest hint of pride coloring his tone. if you’re the type of person to be afraid of insects, he can deal with that as well. most people are, and he recognizes it comes from misunderstanding. if you are willing to give the bugs a chance and overcome your phobia, you’ve won him over.
wouldn’t like an over the top ditzy person. he needs you to have some sense of self preservation and common sense. shino does not put up with tom foolery and he would make that apparent to you very quickly.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
can I head cannon that he just becomes unhinged in his sleep? can we get behind that? like shino may begin the night tucked in with his hands clasped over his abdomen, but that is n o t how he finds himself in the morning. as a shinobi, he’s a light sleeper. fair play. but light sleepers toss and turn too, and I like to imagine him waking up discombobulated. face down, open pressed into his pillow, arms doing what they will, hair in disarray. magnificent. a pen drops and he wakes immediately, and is up before you can truly assess what you’ve just seen of the normally so put together aburame.
he knows he’s an active sleeper, ‘s why he gets up at 4am. that’s his business
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cyhyr · 3 years
KakaIru Maze 2021: Decoding Ancient Lost Languages
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: T
WC: ~4540
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Additional Tags: Mysterious Injuries, Old Gods, Sacrifice, Poisoning, Curses, Hospitalization, Hopeful Ending, Medical Inaccuracies, Medical Procedures, Hair Loss
A/N: *~*Throws Confetti*~* I. DON'T. KNOW. WHAT. I'M. DOING.
I did the barest amount of research for this fic. *~*More Confetti*~*
Read on The Archive
Normally, Iruka would balk at the idea that he should be carried through the front gates after a mission, no matter how gruelling. He has an image to uphold, and what if one of his students were to see him broken and weak after one of his missions? He’d either never hear the end of their worry or, worse, lose their respect as a strong shinobi capable of teaching them.
So no, this situation is far from normal.
He holds on tight around Kotetsu’s shoulders and buries his face in his teammate’s hair. His back is on fire, carved wounds shifting and worsening with each step. Some kind of curse-seal, or a time-released jutsu; whatever happened, Izumo couldn’t use the mystical palm jutsu to heal it, not without causing further excruciating pain and making the wounds ooze and seem to cut themselves deeper into Iruka’s back.
They had cut their losses and abandoned the mission. Iruka’s fūinjutsu was vital to its success anyway, and he was—is—in constant agony.
Thankfully, they enter the village just after nightfall. Iruka can feel a bit relieved over that—most of his current students are home and inside at this time, so the chances of being seen by any of them are slim. He bites his lip to stifle a cry as Kotetsu pushes off a rooftop a bit harder than usual and it shifts him too much.
They’re halfway to the hospital when the ANBU team flank him and Kotetsu, escorting them the rest of the way. One of them, Cat, runs close enough to talk.
Iruka can’t. Kotetsu responds, “An injury that responds poorly to normal medical field ninjutsu.”
“Is he awake?”
Iruka nods, knowing Cat will see.
“Iruka-sensei, can you speak?”
He shakes his head.
Kotetsu says, “He’s been in too much pain to do much more than nod or shake his head.”
“Rokudaime-sama wants you and your other teammate to report directly to him once Iruka-sensei is admitted to the hospital.”
Kotetsu fumbles another step. Iruka grits his teeth and groans, holding back a scream. “Sorry, Ru,” he mumbles. To Cat he says, “Of course, ANBU-san. Izumo’s checking us in at the gate. I’ll collect him and report, once I drop Iruka off.”
Iruka doesn’t remember being admitted. He does remember Sakura’s startled cry as he’s placed face-down on a gurney and his wounds are finally able to be seen in harsh fluorescent lighting for the first time. Gods, he’s tired of being face-down in hospital beds.
Will something, anything, have the wherewithal to fucking strike him in the chest for once, please?
He passes out.
A hand is holding his own gently as he wakes, extremely disoriented and floaty on painkillers. He blinks his eyes open and turns his gaze to the man beside him. Iruka smiles faintly. “K’shi,” he slurs. Oh, they have him on the good drugs.
“You are never leaving the village again,” Kakashi whispers harshly. He bows his head and kisses Iruka’s hand in his own and continues, “Hokage’s orders.”
“I‘ll go rogue,” Iruka mutters, closing his eyes. “What’s in my IV?”
“From what Sakura tells me? Everything.”
“That explains.” Iruka stops, trying to think of the rest of his sentence, but a fresh flood of painkillers just flowed into his arm and he hums instead.
“I heard from Kotetsu and Izumo what happened,” Kakashi continues. “Are you able yet to talk about it as well?”
“Nope.” Iruka nuzzles into his pillow. He’s feeling really floaty and he’d like to go back to sleep.
Kakashi chuckles. Iruka receives a kiss to his hair and a tighter grip on his hand. “Sleep, then, my love. I’ll see if Sakura can get you on something less strong, enough that we can talk soon.”
“‘Kay. Love you.”
He falls back asleep.
When he wakes the second time, there’s a different kind of energy in the room—a different sort of love in the air, and Iruka knows it sounds crazy but he can just tell, even with his eyes still closed, when he’s around Kakashi or if he’s around Naruto.
Now, it’s Naruto.
Also, he can feel the carving in his back, so whatever they’d had him on before they’d lowered the dosage or put him on something else entirely.
“Hey, Naruto,” Iruka says, opening his eyes.
In the chair beside his head, the blond bundle sits, knee twitching. With his bandaged arm crossed over his other and his head bowed in thought, he almost looks like the adult he’s so close to being, instead of the teenager he still is. They argue good-naturedly about it all the time; Naruto insists that he’s an adult, but at eighteen, he’s still technically a teenager and Iruka reminds him of it as much as he can.
“Iru-nii! How are you feeling?”
“Like someone took a carving knife to my back,” Iruka scoffs. “Also, strangely drained.”
Naruto nods. “Sakura-chan said that the new pain medicine has the side-effect of making it feel like you’re chakra-exhausted. But,” he frowns, “she also said that the dose should be strong enough that you wouldn’t be in too much pain when you wake up.”
“It’s bearable, Naruto. You…” He sighs, “You didn’t see me when I came in, did you?”
He shakes his head. “I was out with Kiba and Shikamaru. Kakashi-sensei told me about you this morning, when we got back. You’ve been drifting in and out for, like, three days!”
Iruka buries his face in his pillow and groans. There goes his hope that the carvings won’t scar.
“He says he’ll be by later,” Naruto adds. He shivers comically. “I still don’t see why you’d pick him of all people, Iru-nii.”
Iruka smiles. “You have a different experience with him as his student.” The smile fades and he asks, “Has there been any progress made on fixing my back?”
Naruto sobers. “See, that’s the thing. Every time Sakura tries to get close with some kind of medical ninjutsu—or even with normal healing balms and stitches—the cuts react violently. Like there’s some bad chakra embedded inside them.”
“Has anyone had a Hyūga come and look at it?” Iruka muses. “If there’s chakra in the cuts, then a Hyūga would see it with the Byakugan.”
Naruto jumps up. “You’re a genius! I’ll go and check with Sakura-chan!”
Iruka watches him leave and sighs fondly. Kakashi did well with him, he thinks, and then closes his eyes and drifts.
At least he’s able to move around on his own now. Iruka washes his hands in the bathroom and then braces his palms on the sink. It’s been almost a week, and no one is any closer to figuring out how to fix his back.
Having a Hyūga look at the wounds didn’t help. It nearly blinded Hinata. Iruka still feels horribly guilty about it, but she can still see and activate her Byakugan, so he’s been told multiple times to let it go.
What she had seen made everyone uneasy though. A slimy discharge of chakra oozing from the wounds, bright and powerful enough that Hinata had to close her eyes against it.
Sakura has a small team of medi-nins on his case, researching at all hours. Two days, and they still haven’t found anything.
Iruka’s frustrated.
Kakashi visits every night and Naruto most mornings. It’s nice, but he’d rather be back in class with his kids.
He had to get a blood transfusion last night. His back hasn’t stopped bleeding, and the blood loss finally caught up to him.
Iruka turns his back to the mirror, takes off his shirt gingerly, and looks over his shoulder at the carvings. He frowns—it looks odd. This is the first time he’s gotten to see the wounds, and he can’t imagine no one's noticed…
He leaves the bathroom and hunts around in the stack of drawers by his bed. “Ha!” He finds a pad of paper and a pencil, and heads back into the bathroom.
It’s difficult, transcribing the still bleeding wounds onto paper through a mirror while looking over his shoulder. It’s even harder once the dose of painkillers he’s on fully metabolizes and he’s not yet done. Twisting his upper back, stretching and sitting on the edge of the sink so he can see his lower back—it aches.
A voice comes from the other side of the door, along with a soft knock. “Iruka-sensei? Is everything alright?”
He places the pad and pencil on the counter and slides the door open. “Sakura, has no one realized that the wounds are words?” he asks.
She looks startled. “Huh?”
“Could you please clean them for me again, and check that I’ve transcribed it correctly?” Iruka reaches back inside the bathroom and gives the pad of paper to Sakura. “I’m sure Rokudaime-sama will be interested in this.”
Sakura finally catches up. “Yes! Um, let me get you another dose of painkillers, and a flush kit. If you could sit back down, Sensei? I’ll be right back!”
Iruka just about collapses onto the mattress, leaning his elbows on his knees. Finally, some answers are on the horizon.
“It’s no language the cipher corps recognize, nor is it a code in our archives.” Kakashi has his arms crossed and a shoulder leaning against the window. “But they do agree with your assessment—it’s definitely a message of some kind.”
Iruka sighs, picking at the hospital food. “Validation is nice, but I was hoping for an end to this pain.”
“I know, love. Me too.”
“When can we expect word back from Sasuke?”
“If it is Otsutsuki, Sasuke should arrive as soon as possible, per my order. If not, he likely will only return a messenger hawk with the information.” Kakashi leaves the window and comes to sit on the mattress beside Iruka. “We’re going to figure this out.”
Iruka hums and leans against his partner, resting his head against Kakashi’s collarbone. It’s not comfortable, but it is comforting. “I miss sleeping with you,” he whispers.
Kakashi kisses the top of his head. “I miss you too, love. The house is too quiet without you.”
Iruka stares at the encoded characters transcribed from his back. He’s… discomfited. He’s been staring at the words for almost a half-hour, trying to make sense of it.
It doesn’t change.
Iruka knows this language.
Not… not well enough to read it outright, but enough that with the characters cleaned up and a fresh copy in his hands, one that was written down while the scribe (himself) wasn’t in immense pain, he recognizes it.
“Iru-nii!” Naruto steps in for his morning visit. “How’d you sleep?”
“As best as can be expected,” Iruka mutters. “Naruto, can you do me a favor?”
“Hmm? Sure!”
Thank the gods he still has his moments of dull-headedness. “In the office at home, I have a scroll with the Uzumaki clan seal on it. It’s the only one, middle shelf. I need you to get that scroll for me please.”
“Nii-chan, why do you have an Uzumaki scroll?”
Iruka sighs. “Go get the scroll, and I’ll explain when you get back, okay?”
Naruto leaves through the open window, his footing unsteady. But he leaves and that means that Iruka can breathe and take the time to think of a way to tell him, when he gets back, about how he found out that they are actually distantly related.
Actually, no—how is he supposed to—shit. Iruka drags a hand down his face.
Hey Naruto, oh this old scroll? Found it in the archives after Tsunade-sama left office! It was in a box marked with my parents’ names on it. Yeah, turns out that my father was a refugee from Uzushio, just like your mother! Oh, and funnily enough, Umino is also a branch family of the Uzumaki!
That’s… not going to go over well, is it.
Break a thing for fragments. Break the fragments for dust. Break the dust, and break what remains. Here is fire.
To forge a sword, to fight, to curse your enemies on the eve of battle. This is the story of blood and its exits.
A word that sanctifies the change that comes when the seared skin peels. Words spoken in ritual to inspire an unmerciful Change. To speak them aloud is to hear the sword hiss.
All these things share certain patterns.
“Mercy,” saith the Altar, “is found only in shadow.”
“Mercy,” saith the Altar, “is found only in shadow.”
“Mercy,” saith the Altar, “is found only in shadow.”
Iruka wakes gasping, not realizing that he’d fallen asleep. He pats his lap for the scroll Naruto had brought him, and startles as he realizes that it’s not there. It—It had been there just, just a little while ago, hadn’t it???
“Mercy is found only in shadow,” he mutters to himself, looking around his room. “Mercy is found… There!” The scroll, the one with the Uzumaki clan seal, is rolled up and tucked neatly away on a table on the far end of the room. Iruka gathers his strength and swings his legs over the side of the bed.
He tries to stand.
And fails.
He catches himself on hands and knees, and then feels his elbows weaken and give way. His cheek hits the tile and he hisses. He tries to push up again, but can’t…
The Altar holds a spark.
Freol is the mouth, the door, the flame, the altar, and the reward.
Knife and sword shed blood for Freol; what is spilled is hers. Fires burn for Freol; what is consumed is hers.
“Iruka! Iruka, please, wake up!”
“The breath of Freol brings change and endings,” Iruka slurs, barely awake and compelled. He can’t stop, can’t stop, can’t speak anything other than this ancient language. “‘Mercy,’ saith the Altar, ‘is found only in shadow.’ Let those who gather near Freol be blessed and cursed. Mercy is found only in shadow. Mercy—”
“Naruto, tell me Sasuke has gotten back to us.”
“He hasn’t! And-and Kurama has no idea what Iru-nii’s saying, either!”
Kakashi shakes him, taps his cheek. “Iruka, come back, please.”
Iruka tries to say I’m sorry Kakashi but what passes his lips is a murmured, “‘Mercy,’ saith the Altar, ‘is found only in shadow.’”
Sakura stands in front of him solemnly. “We gave him a high enough dose of tranquilizer that he shouldn’t even dream, Kakashi-sensei. My team—”
Kakashi holds up a hand to stop her from speaking. He knows he doesn’t look good, knows he hasn’t been home in over forty-eight hours, but he can’t… he can’t stop. Iruka… “What about the scroll that was in his room?”
“Naruto said Iruka-sensei had him collect it from his home office,” Sakura says. “But no one can read it. We have been able to determine that it’s in the same language as the carvings he transcribed from his back, though.”
Kakashi looks up. “The cavern he and his team had been in—where were they?”
Sakura turns to the map hanging up in his office, and points, “East of here, near a village on the coast. Naruto mentioned—”
“The scroll is from Uzushio,” Kakashi muses, “and it has an Uzumaki clan seal on it. I’ll bet we’ll find more information about all this in the ruins of Uzushio.”
Sakura nods. “But Kakashi-sensei, you can’t—”
“I know.” He sighs. “Take Naruto and go. Find out what’s causing this. Find out how to fix it.”
She nods again and turns to leave.
“Sakura,” he calls out, softer. She stops, but doesn’t turn back to face him. That’s good; he might not be able to say this to her face. “This part comes not from your Hokage, but from me, personally. Please. He’s… Iruka’s everything. Please, find something.”
She gives him a thumbs-up over her shoulder, and says, “We won’t let you down, sensei.”
Kakashi watches from the windows as the nurses check Iruka’s vitals and change out his fluids. She bows to him when she’s done and then turns to leave; Kakashi holds up a palm and says, “Wait.”
“How… How is he?”
She smiles softly, gently. “We’re taking good care of him, sir.”
“That’s all Sakura told you to tell me, isn’t it?”
“Yes, Hokage-sama.”
He sighs. “Thank you. Is there anything I can do to help?”
Her smile turns just the tiniest bit mischievous. “A higher budget for the hospital in the next fiscal quarter wouldn’t be remiss, Hokage-sama.”
He waves her away, “I’ll see what I can do,” he says with as much humor as he can muster. She leaves, and he goes to sit in his chair by Iruka’s side.
They had to intubate him today. Kakashi couldn’t get away from the desk long enough to be here for him; not that it mattered, because they were keeping him sedated even before shoving a tube down his throat. But it matters to Kakashi because he can’t…
He can’t do anything.
He’s stuck here, managing the village, while his students are out looking for answers to whatever mysterious illness his partner has fallen to. And all he’s good for is holding Iruka’s hand, and maybe going and lobbying for an increase in the hospital budget.
His hair is limp and matted from long weeks in the hospital. Kakashi runs his fingers through the ends of brunet strands and hopes that, when Iruka wakes up, he’ll let Kakashi wash his hair.
“Please get better,” Kakashi murmurs into the clasp of their hands. “I need you. Please.”
“I’m getting real sick of goddesses thinking they can ruin everything, y’know?”
Mercy is found only in shadow.
“He needs another blood transfusion.”
“Take mine,” Kakashi offers. “We have the same blood type.”
“Just take the damn blood,” Kakashi snaps. “Whatever he needs, please, just. Just do it. Take it.”
The nurses bow. “Yes, sir.”
Footsteps in the hall, rapidly approaching, signal Kakashi to a messenger. He stands up and crosses to the door just as Shikamaru slides it open, panting from his run.
Shikamaru turns to the nurses and says, “He needs a bone marrow transplant.”
The nurse looks at him, startled, and says, “Whyever for?”
“Naruto sent ahead a messenger.” Shikamaru glances at Kakashi and finally catches his breath. “The one word Iruka-sensei had said, Freol? It’s the name of an ancient deity of the Land of Whirlpools, one whose purview is to change its followers. One of the ways it does this, as Sakura describes it, is through a kind of radiation poisoning.”
“But that doesn’t explain the,” Kakashi gestures vaguely, and then ends helplessly, “speaking in tongues.”
“The message said they’ll explain that part when they get home,” Shikamaru says. “Naruto and Sakura are on their way back, arrival is estimated at thirty-one hours.” He turns to the nurse. “Can we perform a transplant?”
She hums thoughtfully. “Normally, I’d say yes. But Iruka-sensei doesn’t have any close blood relatives, and if his own marrow is compromised as you say we can’t assume an autologous transplant will be effective.”
Kakashi’s heart stops. “But—”
“But,” the nurse continues, “we can start him on a treatment regimen which will increase his white blood cell count. We’ll start checking in with frequent blood tests. We can also start on a broad-spectrum heavy metals sequestration; we’ll cover Iodine, thallium, caesium, plutonium, and curium. They’re the most common.”
Kakashi motions to her, and says to Shikamaru, “She’s my favorite.”
“You shouldn’t have favorites, Kakashi-sama.”
He groans. The nurse smiles and says, “I’ll go order those tests and treatments,” and then ducks around Shikamaru and leaves.
Kakashi holds the scroll open on his desk, reading the translation Sakura and Naruto brought back. It’s a puzzle in its own right, but coupled with the Uzumaki scroll Iruka had kept in their office, Kakashi finds himself even more thoroughly confused.
“I understand how you came to the conclusion of radiation,” he says. “But I don’t understand how this is supposed to explain why Iruka began speaking the language. Because that is what happened, isn’t it?”
“That’s where a little bit of Iruka-sensei knowledge comes in handy,” Naruto says. He steps forward and points to a line near the bottom. “‘Many others can open the way. Few can place a seal where there was none before.’ And then I remembered this one, off-hand comment Iruka-sensei had made when we were kids. That the people from Uzushio were really good with fūinjutsu.”
“And that has to do with Iruka?”
“Kakashi-sensei,” Naruto groans, like he’s the genius and Kakashi is being deliberately stupid. “Umino is an Uzushio family! ‘Few can place a seal where there was none before’! I’ve seen him do that, just, poof, barrier seals.”
“Naruto, I know he’s from Uzushio. What does that have to do with his condition?”
“Freol,” Sakura says. “When he and the other chūnin got close to that cave. She recognized him as one of hers and marked him.”
“How can you be sure?”
“Because the same thing happened to Naruto when we got close.”
Kakashi stands up, vaults over the desk and puts his hands on Naruto’s shoulders. “You’re alright?”
“Kurama beat her up and kept me safe,” Naruto nodded. “But I could hear her. She said something like, ‘the flames will consume, or change, or seal at my whim.’ She was angry.”
Kakashi sighs and drops his hands. “And even Kurama doesn’t recognize this goddess?”
“Actually, once they came into contact, he did recognize her,” Naruto says. “Freol was a protector of the Land of Whirlpools, he says, a creator of soldiers superior to ninja.”
Sakura interjects, motioning back to the scrolls on his desk. “Right here, see. ‘Hers is the flame which hides in the flesh and the soul and twists both into something new.’ But also, this line, ‘What is left behind is Changed, and may Change others in turn.’”
“Kurama was able to tell us about Uzushio as it once was, back in the warring states,” Naruto continues. “That there would be those who would willingly sacrifice themselves to Freol, for the chance to Change into something more. Something different.”
“A superior soldier,” Kakashi muses. “And this Change. This is what’s happening to Iruka.”
Both of them nodded. “That’s what we think.”
“How do we stop it?”
“That’s the thing,” Sakura’s face falls. “I don’t think there’s a way to stop the process once it starts. Freol marks those she wishes to undergo the Change, and then… Well, all of the writings we managed to find say that the sacrifices either come out stronger, or their families seal their bodies into stasis, or—”
She stops, choking on tears she fights back with every bit of training she’d gone through.
“Or they die,” Kakashi finishes in a soft, defeated voice.
All three of them stand silent in the office for a long time.
Kakashi finds himself sleeping in Iruka’s hospital room most nights. The treatment is hell on his partner’s body—the windows are covered with heavy curtains now, to keep out the sunlight which could very easily burn his skin on the medication; hair which was once limp and matted is now starting to fall out every time Kakashi pulls a brush through it; his lips are chapped and broken around the tube, his skin dry and thin everywhere else. The nurses had to change his IV from his arm to the back of his hand today, because the veins in his arm are becoming too thin to support the needle.
He’s dying.
Iruka’s dying, and all Kakashi can do is hold his hand and watch.
And, gods, the last thing they said to each other… Iruka was speaking a different language and Kakashi was begging him to wake up.
Will he really have to watch Iruka die, knowing that he’ll never get to hear I love you from those lips again?
Kakashi buries his face in his arms, carefully arranged over Iruka’s thigh. He used to have such thick, muscular thighs; it’s barely skin and bone now.
Alone, with only his dying partner to hear—or not—Kakashi lets himself cry.
“I’m going to try something.”
“Naruto, please—”
“No. Kakashi-sensei, Iru-nii is strong. And Freol won’t pursue him if he goes through the Change, right?”
“There’s no guarantee of that.”
“He’ll be stronger, just like the other sacrifices who survived. Kakashi-sensei, all Iru-nii needs to do is survive.”
“The Change—”
“We’ll deal with it when we’re on the other side of this!”
Naruto places his hands on Iruka, and the Nine-Tail’s Cloak bubbles up around him.
The monitors, registering Iruka’s nervous system, don’t react. He’s in no further pain.
Kakashi feels the tiniest bit lighter. “I hope this works, Naruto.”
“It was Kurama’s idea,” the teen grins. “He remembered that normal healing jutsu wasn’t working before; but he was able to beat back Freol himself when she came after me. So letting Iru-nii use Kurama’s chakra as a kind of life support—it should keep Freol from making this worse at least, right? While he gets better?”
It doesn’t make sense. It shouldn’t work.
But it does.
Almost a week later, the nurses are removing the tubes from his throat, and Kakashi is pacing the room waiting for the tranquilizers to wear off. Iruka should wake up any minute now. Naruto’s plan worked. Iruka made it through, and his most recent blood test showed no abnormalities due to radiation. They stopped the heavy metal sequestration yesterday, but the white blood cell proteins will continue for a few days still, to help prevent further infection.
They still don’t know what kind of change Iruka’s undergone. At least, other than the physical.
His hair is gone. Sakura has assured Kakashi that it will grow back. It’s so odd, though, seeing his partner without hair. They’ve put a cap on his head to keep him warm—his body temperature has been fluctuating oddly the last day and a half, and in particular today he’s running cold.
Also, his scent has changed. He hasn’t told anyone about it yet, but Iruka smells different. Less like old parchment and a swift river, and more like… like a waterfall and the deep, loamy scent of rich, black earth. It’s not a bad change. But it’s significant. He’s already taken an overnight to summon the pack and have his ninken memorize Iruka’s new scent, just in case it’s permanent.
He’s across the room in a flash, holding Iruka’s limp hand and holding back tears.
“I thought—”
“My K’shi,” Iruka slurs, turning his head to face him and closing his eyes, a soft smile on his lips.
The tears fall anyway. “I thought I was going to lose you.”
Iruka hums. “L’ve you.”
He’s still on a considerable amount of pain medication, Kakashi realizes. He laughs wetly, leans forward and kisses Iruka’s forehead. “I love you, too. Rest, dear.”
And just like that, he is breathing slow and steady, his eyes close gently, and he is sleeping peacefully for the first time in months. Kakashi falls back into his chair with a huff and tips his head to the ceiling, still holding Iruka’s hand, and also, finally, finding an easy sleep.
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gayger · 3 years
"Summer in Konoha was ending and it was ending fast. With the end of that came the beginning of the end of Sakura's journey in high school. While it wasn't too rambunctious or anything of the sort, Sakura did have one regret: a high school sweet-heart. She didn't get to experience that all encompassing adoration being shown in the school halls, being yelled at by teachers for showing pda, or even the awkwardness of a first kiss. A part of her longed for that feeling - for that experience.
Those thoughts penetrated her mind as her eyes bore outside of her window, over at the open water of the ocean. Sighing, she dares to look away for a second and to her journal on her desk.
'Sakura's Dream Book!'
She smiles softly. She definitely got to cross off some of those dreams, though she wasn't sure they were the ones that she found of importance now.
Knock, knock!
"Sakura! Hey, Sakura!"
Sakura sighs, looking over at her window where one of her best friends was waiting outside patiently, perched up on the old oak tree that was beside her bedroom window.
Making her way over to him, she scowls at him slightly. Why couldn't the blond just knock on the front door like a normal person? Opening the window, big and honest blue eyes stared into hers excitedly.
"Did you forget? We're going to the beach today!" He shouts, a grin on his face. Taking in his tan sleeveless top and neon orange swim-trunks, she could only smile good naturedly. She forgot how much he was looking forward to this.
"I didn't forget, you're just early," she says as she shakes her head. "Go back down the tree and I'll get ready." Sakura pauses before she turns away, giving him a serious and dangerous look. "And Naruto?"
He gulps slightly, knowing what she was probably going to say. "Yes, Sakura-chan?"
"Don't even think about peeking or you are dead meat." She smiles sweetly, flexing her knuckles slightly. Naruto nods quickly, repeating a mantra of "Of course, anything for you - not that I was going to peek because that would be creepy!" And other things of that sort.
Eventually he had made his way down and she could hear a few of her other friends yell "Watch it!" and "Don't fall, you idiot!"
She laughs softly before getting ready.
Her highschool life may not have been everything she had hoped or wanted, but at the very least she had gotten through it with some of the best people.
~ ` ~ ` ~
"Mom! I'm heading out with some friends, we're going to the beach!" Sakura shouts, opening the front door and not stepping out until she hears her mothers resounding "Okay, be careful!"
"It's about time, forehead," snarks her other best friend. Sakura's eyebrow twitches, but she ignores the pretty blonde's snarky remark anyway. "Are we all ready to go?" She asks, a smile on her face as she adjusts her bag. It isn't like the walk is very far, it's pretty much just across the street so if they did forget something, her house was just right there. Pretty convenient if she's honest.
As they start walking, Sakura can't help but notice that a little ways down the street there was a movers vehicle in front of a big house.
"Hey! Someones moving into old man Madara's house!" Shouted Naruto, apparently spotting the same thing that she did. "Yeah, I guess so," Sakura hums out. She wonders if they were family members of Madara's or if it was simply sold. He passed away about a year or so ago, so it has been vacant for awhile now. Whoever it was, she hoped that they enjoyed living there. It was a beautiful house, Sakura had to admit.
While she was gawking at the house, her other best friend, Ino, let out a squeal.
Plugging one ear with her finger, Sakura gives her a look. "What the hell, Ino-pig?"
"Oh, come on. You aren't telling me that that super perceptive eye of yours didn't notice the really cute guy over there?" Ino swoons, "I hope he's single." Sakura rolls her eyes, but decides to take a look at who she could only assume Ino is talking about. It was just her luck that when she did, he decided to look over in their direction as well.
Her heart pounds and her cheeks flush slightly when he smirks at her and winks. "Ino, oh my god.. He saw me look - I'm screwed!" Sakura whispers quickly, pointedly looking away. The blonde could only laugh at her friend's predicament. It was just like Sakura to be put in a situation like that.
"I don't understand what the big deal is," Naruto says with a confused look. "I mean, he's super pale and his hair looks like a duck's ass."
"Nice one, Naruto," Kiba snorts, high-fiving him.
Feeling pretty embarrassed, Sakura just quickly starts walking towards the beach again - to their usual spot. Ino gave one last look in the mysterious and handsome boys direction before following her. "Hey, wait up!"
The two boys were left to follow once they were done laughing.
"So, why couldn't Hinata come?" Sakura asks as she lays out her beach towel next to Ino's. The blonde sat down, digging through her bag while answering, "Her father said that they were having family coming into town. She probably won't be able to hang out with us for awhile, from the sound of it."
Sakura juts out her lip slightly, "That sucks. She's really good at keeping Naruto calm."
"Yeah, I know - but, hey," Ino grins, "You've got me. I'm sure we can handle these two morons on our own for awhile." Both teens laugh, stretching their legs out as they applied sunscreen.
Off in the distance, Sakura noticed Naruto and Kiba going ahead into the water with no hint of sunscreen at all. She shakes her head, willing herself to not think about the atrocious sunburn both boys would be sporting later on today.
"Can you believe we are going to be seniors this year?" Ino says off-handedly, moving her blonde bangs away and behind her ear. "I feel like it was just yesterday that we were in middle school fawning over the band Akatsuki."
Sakura nods in agreement, "I know. It's honestly crazy but.." She trails off, a troubled look on her face as she recalls her journal. "I feel like it all went too fast. I didn't cover nearly all of the bases that I wanted to."
"You mean from your journal?" Ino questioned, looking at Sakura in interest. "What was left unchecked? I'm pretty sure you made it your mission to have everything done and dealt with. I mean, you have been the top of our class and our student body leader practically every year."
Sakura's cheeks turn slightly red as she looks away from Ino, hurriedly standing up. "It's.. Just stupid stuff, you wouldn't understand!" She says quickly, trying to exit the question. She practically runs to the water, Ino following after her trying to protest the abrupt end to their conversation.
As soon as the cool water reached across her feet, Sakura let out a soft sigh. She slowly walks out deeper until she's about knee deep, letting her head fall back as she relishes in the feeling of the cool water. Sakura loves the ocean. It was her calm, it was her escape. She can't count how many times she came out here just to wade in the water whenever she was troubled.
Off in the distance, Sakura could see Naruto on his surfboard riding the waves. The guy was a total goofball, but she had to admit that he was one of the best surfers at their high school. He genuinely enjoyed it. It was the only thing (other than the lovely Hinata) that he would give 100% his focus.
"Hey, Forehead. You can't just take off like that," Ino shouts with a scowl on her face as she finished tying her long hair into a bun on top. "Why wouldn't I understand anyway? We've had many of the same experiences, I don't think there is much that I have done that you haven't."
"You would be surprised, but even so.." Sakura sticks out her tongue at her, "You will never know."
"Fine!" Ino pouts, "Be like that."
Sakura laughs, shaking her head and Ino joins in. She really was her best friend.
~ ` ~ ` ~
A few hours later, the four teens are all sprawled out on their beach towels laughing.
"I can't believe you wiped out just right after you were boasting about how you are the best," Kiba howls.
Naruto scowls, shaking his fist at Kiba in protest. "Hey! It happens - you wiped out way more than I did today, anyway dog-breath!" But even with the name calling, he too cracked a grin.
Sakura only watched with a fond smile on her lips. She looks up at the sky, noting that it would be dinner time soon.
"We should probably get going soon," She hums out. She lived just across the road, but she knew that Ino lived quite a walk away and she didn't want her walking in the dark. She knows that Naruto lives a block away from her and would walk her home if it did get dark, but Sakura would rather be safe than sorry.
"Yeah, you're right. I'm beat!" Ino yawns, covering her mouth in the process. Despite all of the sunscreen she plastered on, the blonde was still beyond burnt. Sakura could only imagine the horrified look on her friend's face when she looked in the mirror later.
"But, but-" Naruto pouts, hanging his head. "We've barely seen each other the last few days."
"Hey, Naruto, look at me." Sakura sighed, shaking her head fondly. "How about we all have a sleepover tomorrow night, okay? Then we can all spend plenty of time together."
He immediately perked up, but Kiba rubbed at his hair some in thought. "I wish I could, but Akamaru is going to the vet tomorrow. He's going to need me all night." Naruto gives him a disbelieving look but Kiba quickly waves his hands. "Don't give me that look! You know how much of a baby he is."
"Well, whatever the case may be.. I will be there and I'm sure Shikamaru and Ten Ten would be down to go, too. Ten Ten especially, she was really upset that she hasn't been able to spend so much time with us because of college and her job."
"Sounds like a plan, then." Sakura says, clapping her hands.
Heading towards the sidewalk, Sakura slings her bag over her shoulder. She's chatting away with Ino when she hears him.
Ino nudges her slightly, shutting the pinkette up for a moment and pointing in the direction of the voice. "Is he talking to me or you?" She asks, softly, before putting on a big and flirtatious smile.
"Hey yourself, I'm Ino," she introduces herself while holding out her hand.
The black eyes of the boy from down the street doesn't even spare Ino a glance, instead focusing on Sakura's own emerald orbs.
"I was hoping I'd catch you, I'm Sasuke." He introduces himself, giving her a small smirk and offering up his hand. Ino huffs but looks Sakura over and notices her red face. Sighing, she nudges her in the small of her back trying to get the pink haired teen back on track from her short circuit.
"I'm, uh, Sakura." She finally says, lamely, while holding out her hand. He takes it and she goes to shake, but instead he bows down and brings her knuckles up.. And he presses a small, light kiss.
Sakura could have fainted and Ino picked the worst time to pat her on the shoulder, "Well Saks, I'm gonna go ahead and head home. Text me, okay?" Before the blonde bounds off, waving cheerily.
Sakura retracts her hand, trying to regain focus, not even registering that her friend left her.
"Well," Sasuke pauses watching her face as he spoke, "I was hoping that I could maybe get your number and perhaps an agreement to meet me tomorrow?" Sakura couldn't believe her ears. For once, in her life, a cute guy was asking her and not Ino or hell, even her asking him.
"Uh, um.. Sure," she says as she pulls out her phone. She fumbles with it slightly nearly dropping it which draws a laugh from him as he effortlessly pulls his own phone from his pocket. She was starting to feel bad for all of the times Hinata has gotten nervous or messed up in front of Naruto or anyone, really. "Here," she says as she hands him her phone and his in return. They place their numbers in and once done, he gives her a cool smile.
"Alright then, I will talk to you later, Sa-ku-ra."
"R..Right," she says softly as she waves bye and he turns to leave. After he's long gone, she just stands there kind of dumbly. She couldn't believe that really happened but her mother opened the door to their house and shouted "Sakura, stop standing there like a dumbass and get inside!"
Snapping out of it, she immediately crosses the street to enter the house.
"Why were you just standing out there?" Her mother asks, shutting the door behind her. Sakura smiled sheepishly, tightening her hold on her bag.
"I was talking to someone and I was just lost in thought. No biggie, really."
"Talking to someone?" Her mother questions and Sakura nods, starting to head up the stairs.
"Yeah! But it was no one important, honest!"
Mrs. Haruno was unconvinced but let her go up the stairs. She was sure she would be able to get some information from Ino if needed.
Plopping down on her bed, her bag on the floor, she lets out a sigh. That really just happened. Pulling her phone up to her face, she notices that she has two messages. One from Ino and the other… from him.
Her face slightly pink, she opens up the one from her friend first.
From: Miss Piggy
Subject: Duckbutt
To: Billboard
Girl, you better tell me all of
the deets! Not a single bit of
information left out (6 p.m.)
Sakura snorts at the subject line. She figured that the comment Naruto made will not be forgotten anytime soon - especially since he was right, to a degree. Quickly, she writes out a response before opening the message from Sasuke.
From: Sasuke Uchiha
Subject: Meeting
To: Sakura
How about tomorrow at the ice
-cream parlor up the street at 1?
(6:10 p.m.)
Sakura thinks to herself quietly, trying to map out a time-line for tomorrow. She knows tomorrow that it is the sleepover which means most of them will be coming around 4 or 5, but she also knows that Ino likes to get a head start above everyone else which means she could pop in at any time.. This was tricky, but maybe she could time it just right. Besides, it's just for ice cream. It's not like they are going to be there for hours.
Quickly, she types out "Sure! Sounds great :)".
She deletes the smiley face a couple of times, but at some point she accidentally sent the message while it was on there. Innerly she cursed herself, but what could she do? It already sent.
"Honey?" Sakura's father knocks on the door, opening it up. He was finally home and Sakura couldn't help but smile as she stood up from her bed. "Dinner is ready, come eat."
"Coming!" Sakura says cheerily, meeting her father to walk down the stairs.
Her father worked in the oil field, so he was only home one or two weeks out of a month. So family dinners were precious to her heart. She just wished he was home more, but she understood why he chose that field. While it wasn't reliable, it paid pretty decently. It paid the bills and allowed them some luxuries. One of those being Sakura's growing college fund. It is because of this that Sakura felt a little more pressured to make sure she succeeded and did something worthwhile. She didn't want all of his hard earned money to go to waste.
She just hoped it wouldn't be for nothing.
~ ` ~ ` ~
Sakura knew what she was expecting to see when she woke up in the morning. The very same view that greets her every morning: her ceiling with her stars and solar system stickers. Instead, she got bright blue eyes staring her in her soul and a cage made from blonde hair. Accompanied by a headache, of course, because why would Ino do anything quietly?
"Get your lazy ass up, forehead!" Ino yells, hands on her hips as she pulls back from her face.
Sakura groans, rolling around onto her side and stuffing her pillow onto her head. "Go away."
Ino tsks and the only thing running through Sakura's head is shit. Ino grabs a hold of her foot and yanks as hard as she could, dumping Sakura on the floor by her bed. Sakura glares up at the blonde, scowling. She was having a good dream.
"Damn, it is never this hard to get you up. You're usually up before sunrise to watch it," Ino mumbles out. Sakura blushes, shaking her head. Ino didn't need to know that she stayed up practically all night with anxiety as an obnoxious bubble in her chest.
"Sorry," Sakura mumbles nonchalantly while her eyes look for her clock. Her eyes widen when she realizes it says 12 p.m. Hurriedly, she scrambles up, panic clear on her face.
"Woah there, what has got you so eager to get up all of a sudden?" Ino questions, eyebrow raised as she watches the pinkette hurry to her closet and pull out outfit after outfit. Then it clicked. "Oh. My. God!" She squeals before enveloping Sakura into a tight hug. "You're going to meet him aren't you?! That's why you were acting all weird last night when I was trying to see when I could come over!"
Sakura's face is bright red and she taps her arms to get her to let go. "Fine, yes. We are supposed to meet at the ice cream parlor at 1."
"Then there is no time to waste! Here, let me help!"
~ ` ~ ` ~
It took a matter of 30 minutes, but Sakura was well on her way down to the ice cream parlor. She didn't want to run because she could just hear Ino griping in her head about how her 'perfect' work would be absolutely ruined. Nervously, Sakura tucks a loose strand behind her ear. The parlor comes into view and she quickens her steps, grateful that she opted for simple sandals that fit her comfortably instead of Ino's bright idea which was heels. Her feet would be killing her, she is not like Ino who could dead-sprint in stilettos.
She could see him outside of the parlor, leaning against the wall. His eyes catch hers and her heartbeat quickens as her cheeks flush. Sakura stops in front of him and he gives her a small smile.
"Hey," he says and Sakura's genius murmurs a quiet, "Hi."
Sakura looks anywhere but him for the simple reason she felt very self conscious, but it all stopped momentarily when he offers her his hand and he leads her inside the parlor.
"What kind of icecream do you like?" He asks her as they approach the cashier to order. Sakura hums, thinking, and she smiles before answering: "chocolate as of right now."
Sasuke laughs quietly, "As of right now?" He questions and looks at her amusedly.
"It changes," she supplies before looking up at him, "How about yours?"
They didn't stay at the parlor long, instead they found themselves at the beach. They walked along the waves, Sakura's sandals in one hand and the other hand locked with his. The sunlight against their skin was refreshing and added to the warmth of the situation, the wind carrying her laughter as they talked.
"So.." Sakura trails off, her eyes slowly looking up towards his, "What brought you and your family here?"
"My great uncle left it to my brother Itachi in his will, but it's a big house and he wanted to share it with the rest of us." Sakura hums, watching the brief coldness flash in his eyes when he mentioned his brother. She didn't question it, this date… Was that what it was? This date was going well and she didn't want to ruin it by prying into his family life.
"I had no idea he had any relatives, if I'm honest," Sakura says thoughtfully and smiles. "But, I'm happy to find that he did. My friends and I made it a habit to drop gifts and say hi during holidays." Sakura rambles, leaving out the 'because he seemed so lonely' due to her not wanting to offend him.
"Yeah.. He wasn't much for big family gatherings."Sasuke shrugs and then looks down at her, taking in the way the sun brought out the many different shades of greens and spots of blue in her eyes.
"You have very pretty eyes."
She blushes, looking away. "Thank you," she says softly and can feel her chin being lifted up by him. His gaze was heavy and the world stopped around her, nothing but their breathing and her heart beating ferociously could be heard with the gentle lullaby of waves.
"Don't look away from me, Sa-ku-ra." His thumb gently rubs against her cheek and she half expects him to kiss her but instead, he drops his hand and re-takes her hand in his.
"Shall I walk you home?"
Her mind is blank and it takes a minute for what he said to process. A little bit of disappointment bubbles in her, a fear that maybe she said something wrong. "Oh, uh, sure," she says softly and she guides him to her home which is across the street.
Once they arrive, she lets go of his hand and fidgets, unsure of what to do now. Sighing, she looks down at her feet before slowly looking up at him. "Look, I'm sorry if I said something wrong-" Her words die on her tongue because he does something so unexpected and peculiar.
He poked her forehead with his index and middle finger, effectively catching her off guard.
"I had fun, Sa-ku-ra," he removes his fingers and Sakura watches, dumbfounded. "Let's do it again sometime."
"Okay," she replies and a pretty blush forms on her cheeks, she shyly watches him leave with a small smile on her face.
She turns around and briefly catches blue eyes peeking through the blinds of the living room window and she sighs, shaking her head. Of course she would get no privacy.
Stepping inside the house, she is greeted by her mother and Ino laughing obnoxiously on the couch. Not at all suspicious. Sakura places her hand on her hip, looking at them expectantly.
"Did you guys sate your curiosity looking outside the window?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about," her mother states innocently before her expression turns devilish. "Buuuutttt, since you're here. Mind sharing the details?"
Sighing, Sakura gives in and decides to tell them about everything - with the exception of what happened near her front door. That, she had decided, would stay secret for her sake. Or as secret as it could, considering she was being watched the entire time they were out there."
- "A Proclivity for Love" chapter one.
Want to read more?
You can find it on AO3 and Fanfiction,net. There are 23 chapters!
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High School Crushes
AU: High School Au
Words: 1576
Rating: General
Pairing: Sakura/Lee
Warnings: None
Summary: Sakura and Kakashi are setting up for the LGBTQ+ club when an unexpected guest shows up, and Kakashi’s forced to watch awkward high school flirting.
Completed with help from @cryptic-summons
Counting the chairs that Sakura had set out, Kakashi wondered to himself if it would be enough. Surely there would be more than five people showing up today. Even if he stood, that only left four open chairs for new arrivals.
“You’re thinking too hard about it, Sensei,” Sakura tossed a plastic cup at his head, giggling when he shot a glare towards her. “I triple-checked the signup sheet. The only people coming are Kiba, Naruto, Hinata, Choji, and Tenten. We don’t need any more chairs.”
Four people. Surely that couldn’t be it.
“I feel like I’m forgetting something,” his brain was telling him that there was someone else he should be expecting, but no matter how hard he tried to remember a name wouldn’t come to him. “Oh well, I guess if an extra shows up we can just pull out another chair.”
“An extra!?” Sakura gave him a scandalized look. “Sensei! I bought just enough snacks and drinks for the people who were scheduled to come!”
Oh, right. The snacks and drinks.
Glancing towards the table, Kakashi sighed. There were exactly Six cups, and enough pizza to feed about six people, so Sakura wasn’t lying about having just enough for the people she was expecting.
He certainly had gone and picked the most organized person in his class to lead the LGBTQ+ club. At least he knew for sure that she would always have things under control, even during those days he might not be able to be there to help her with.
Still, his brain refused to let him rest. Trying desperately to remind him of whatever it was he was forgetting.
A sharp knock on the door forced him to forget about his memory struggles and turn to greet whoever it was that had arrived first. As he raised a hand and opened his mouth to say ‘hello’, the answer to his question finally hit him.
There he was, standing at the door.
The person he had forgotten to add to the attendance list so that Sakura could account for his arrival.
Rock Lee.
“Shit.” He muttered under his breath, cringing when Sakura glared at him.
“Language, Sensei,” she scolded him before turning her attention back onto the new arrival. “Hello, Lee-kun. Are you looking for something?”
Lee-Kun? Since when did Sakura refer to any of the other kids with an honorific? Usually, she just called them by their name, or in Naruto’s case there was a fond ‘Baka’ attached to her sentence whenever she mentioned him.
“Well,” burying a hand into his short black hair, he beamed at Sakura. A small hint of a blush painting his cheeks. “I was hoping to take part in the LGBTQ+ club that you were having. I tried to write my name down on the list, but by the time I confirmed with Gai-sensei that Taijutsu practice was on Thursdays now, the sheet was gone.”
Right. Gai had mentioned changing the day of his Taijutsu lessons so that Lee and Tenten could attend the LGBTQ+ club that Kakashi had finally managed to get approval to organize. He even mentioned that Lee was afraid he wouldn’t be welcome to join after missing his chance to add his name to the list that Sakura had put up just outside of Kakashi’s classroom.
Sakura was going to be upset with him for forgetting. She had put so much effort into making sure that everything was perfect for the club so that they could all sit down, share stories, and have a fun relaxing time.
And here Kakashi was, forgetting to inform her that there was actually one more person to expect.
“Oh,” Sakura’s voice cracked, and Kakashi couldn’t help but notice that she had brought her right hand up and started drumming her fingers against her left arm. Almost as if she was embarrassed. “I didn’t realize...Kakashi-Sensei we have another chair, right?”
Usually, he’d complain about being asked such a dumb question, but he was already thinking about all of the ways he could tease the poor kid about this later. He was willing to cut her some slack.
For now.
“I’ll find a chair, you two keep chatting.” with a wave of his hand he turned his back to them and headed towards the closet for an extra chair. Though, if Sakura thought they were getting some sort of ‘alone’ time because he happened to be across the room she was wrong.
They weren’t even bothering to try to keep their voices down.
“I didn’t realize that you would be in charge of the club. Sakura-Chan,” Lee’s voice buzzed with excitement. “What made you want to volunteer?”
“Volunteer,” Sakura huffed, and Kakashi was pretty sure she was throwing a glare his way at that exact moment. Thankfully, he was focused on getting a chair out of the closet without dropping something on himself. How Sakura had done it so easily, he would never know. “Kakashi-Sensei told me that I had to do it. That there was no one else suited for the job as well as me.”
And he stuck by his words.
“Well, I think Kakashi-sensei made the right choice,” He could just imagine Lee doing the signature ‘Maito pose’ that Gai had taught him. It was cringy and horrible and he loved that Gai had passed it down to his student so that future generations would have to suffer seeing it. “You’re the most organized person in our school. Plus you’re easily the friendliest.”
Kakashi snorted.
“What was that, Sensei?”
“Nothing,” turning his head, he smiled at the pair innocently. “I was just clearing my throat. Lots of dust in this closet you know.”
There was no doubt in his mind that Sakura didn’t believe him for a second, but he considered it a small victory when she didn’t press him for a better explanation.
“Well, I hope that I’m able to contribute something to the group tonight,” Lee continued as if Kakashi hadn’t interrupted him. “I’ve never really been part of a group that doesn’t have to do with Taijutsu or Soccer.”
“You’ll be an amazing addition,” Sakura smiled. “Well we wait for everyone else why don’t you have some pizza or a drink? You’re always working so hard so I’m sure you’re hungry.”
Finally wrestling a chair free, Kakashi turned just in time to see Sakura leading Lee towards the table she had set out with snacks.
“I thought you said we didn’t have enough for any extra’s.” he teased, a playful smirk on his face until Sakura smiled back at him with such innocence that he knew only the worst of thoughts could be running through her mind at that moment.
` “You were saying you needed to start a diet anyway, right Sensei?” A diet? What a rude little shit. “I’m sure you’ll be fine if Lee-Kun eats your share of Pizza.”
Great. Now he had to rely on Gai having made something actually edible for dinner after he had told him he would eat Pizza during the club’s get-together. Hopefully, he hadn’t made his signature ‘curry of life’ or Kakashi was going to bed hungry.
“You really are the best, Sakura-Chan,” Lee complimented her again as he picked out his Pizza slices. “Thank you.”
“You know, you should try out a new outfit one of these days, Lee-Kun. I mean, if you want to of course.” Kakashi wished he could disappear when he saw Sakura poke Lee in the side and giggle. This was not the Haruno Sakura he was used to. The girl who always teased him over his relationship with Gai, or had to speak her mind about whatever was happening around her. This Sakura was...timid. It was concerning.
“A new outfit?” Lee blinked, clearly confused by her comment. “But why would I…”
“The green tracksuit is cute, don’t get me wrong,” She corrected herself quickly. “I just think, you know, you’re always wearing the same thing. Wouldn’t it be cool if you tried on a new outfit?”
“A new outfit…” Looking down at his green tracksuit, Lee smiled slowly. “I guess i could try. Then I could just wear this when I’m training in the morning.”
Well, at least Sakura was improving Lee’s sense of fashion.
“I think I have some clothes at home that I haven’t gotten rid of yet. If you want you could come over and try them on. See if there’s anything you want.”
Kakashi felt like he was witnessing the worst attempt at flirting ever. Was this how kids asked each other out these days? Was there really no romance left in the world?
“You do have the best fashion sense,” Lee whispered, a smile slowly appearing on his face. “I think I’d like to take you up on that offer, Sakura-Chan.”
Kakashi was desperate to scream. To demand an explanation for how that worked.
He held his tongue though.
Seeing Sakura smiling proudly and Lee already starting to discuss the type of clothes he liked was well worth having to witness whatever messed up version of flirting it was that the two of them were doing.
“Hey!” Glancing towards the door, he sighed when he saw Tenten walking into the room, followed closely behind by Naruto, Kiba, Hinata, and Choji. Finally, his suffering could end. “Sakura, Lee! I hope the old man hasn’t been bothering you too much.”
Right, never mind. Tenten was here.
The bullying had only just begun.
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dayseternal-blog · 4 years
Summary: Hinata is oblivious, too.  Naruto can’t stand it when she’s looking elsewhere.  Kaitenzushi AU.
Part 2 of a series of short one-shots in Modern AU written for @badluckbrebis for NaruHina Secret Santa 2020!
Rating: G
I think I had trouble describing the setting in this story, so if you read it from my AO3 post, I inserted a picture (a picture is worth 1,000 words, huh...), so hopefully that makes things clearer.
Anyway! Please enjoy the next part of your gift!!!!!!!  There’s more to come.
Notice Me
Color-coded plates carrying perfectly formed nigiri sushi float by on the revolving belt beside her.  Kiba, sitting straight across from her, grabs gleaming salmon, tuna, tamagoyaki, unagi, and hamachi sushi for herself, Shino, and Tenten quickly from the belt before the plates sail away to the next table...
Sakura abruptly turns around and kneeling over the booth divider, bonks him on the head with her fist to scold, “Hey!  Kiba!  Stop hogging all the good ones!”
Kiba giggles soo unapologetically, and Tenten claps her hands with glee.
Naruto, who’s sitting across from Sakura in the other booth, stands, points accusingly at him, and argues, “I wanna switch!  It’s not fair!”
...Is it her imagination?  Did he look at her once, then twice, before he huffily sat down again?
It must be just her own crushing-hard heart talking.  She’s in his line of vision, and Kiba was definitely trying to hide from their anger, so it’s natural that Naruto looked at her.
Kiba’s eyes shine mischievously as the spicy tuna piled high on inarizushi come their way.
“Kiba-kun…” Hinata whispers, shaking her head in hopes of deterring him from his plans.
Kiba sighs, “Fine, fine.”  He raises his voice so that the other booth can hear him, too, to say, “Hinata’s taking pity on you guys!”
She can hear Ino and Sakura cheering her name, and she looks past Kiba’s side and…
Blue eyes are trained right on her.
She blinks, and he’s looking determinedly at the spicy tuna coming his way.
No, no.  She reminds herself that there’s no way he was looking at her for the purpose of just looking.  He must have been looking at her because Kiba was talking about her.  And he’s probably just super hungry because Kiba was taking all the plates off the belt before they could get to them, and he was watching the sushi coming, and she happens to be in his line of view because she’s also next to the belt…
Kiba and the rest of her table forget about torturing their other friends, and they tuck into their sushi happily.
Minutes pass.
Conversations happen.
Naruto is watching the sushi an awful lot.
The way his head is tilted to see the sushi farther down the line...closer to her...not just passing by his own booth…
Is that normal…?
Why does she feel like she can feel his eyes…?
To test what could just be a trick of her peripheral vision, she glances directly his way.
Meeting blue.
Heat blooms from her chest, definitely staining her cheeks that uncontrollable tell-tale red, and he’s straightening up, gaze averting back to his own tablemates.
She pulls her own attention off of him to find Kiba and Shino scrutinizing her, then Kiba’s grin stretching wide, his prominent canine teeth way too threatening, and before she can deny the implications of such a knowing expression, he’s turning to peek through the space beside his bench.
“HOhhhh,” he exclaims, snickering, his whole back obviously trembling with laughter, and turning back to face her, he continues, “someone’s having too much fun.”
Tenten leans forward, “Huhh?  What’s happening?”
“It’s not what you think!” Hinata quickly tries to argue.
“Oh??”  And Tenten is leaning into her, craning her neck to see what Kiba saw, but then she seems to put two and two together as she almost stands up to see over Kiba and Shino’s bench.
“Naruto’s flirting with her,” Shino concludes in a tone much too matter-of-fact.
“No, he’s not!” Hinata practically hisses, trying to quell both the blow-up at her own table and the fire sizzling her face, but a quieter part of herself begs for it to be true.  And in her panic, she glances toward Naruto to make sure he’s not hearing any of this.
Why is he leaning to look at her again??  She’s so red, and he looks too interested, and is he smiling?!
She covers her face with her hands and wonders for the millionth time how he doesn’t seem to know his effect on her.
Kiba kneels up on his bench cushion.  “Naruto, look at what you’re doing to poor Hinata!”
She hears him go, “What?” and she doesn’t know what to do with herself.  Her stressed hands wave in front of her face, and she now knows that she has the entire attention from the other table, judging by the sudden increase in volume.
A waitress comes by, and Sakura and Ino promptly sit down again.
Divine intervention.
The waitress asks, “Do you all need anything?”
“Oh no,” Kiba laughs, “we’re good.”
The waitress nods and moves on to exert her pressure onto the other booth.
And finally, Hinata feels like she has the presence of mind to calm down.  “Kiba-kun!” she scolds in a hushed whisper, but no one is on her side.
Both Tenten and Shino are laughing with him.
She makes a deep, long sigh, and against her better judgment, just to make sure he’s not looking at her anymore, she glances over at Naruto.
He’s not looking.
She hates herself for being disappointed.
But just that quickly, his eyes slide toward her, his smile widens adorably, and she’s too shocked at being caught to look away, and he’s waving at her.
Huh?  Does he actually expect her to wave back?
Kiba’s looking at her incredulously.  He stands up again despite already getting in trouble with the establishment, and he points at Naruto.  “You guys should just sit next to each other already!”
“We can see each other through the chairs!” Naruto explains happily.
And she really doesn’t know how her crush can be so oblivious, but Sasuke and Sakura deal with it anyway, saying, “We already know, you idiot!”
“You want me to switch places with you so that you can sit across from her?” Kiba offers.
“Ohh...no…?  We’re pretty much done eating anyway.”
The angelic waitress comes by again.  “Did you need anything?”
Kiba hesitates this time, looks around the table at the stacked plates, and asks, “Is everyone done eating?”
Hinata nods her head vehemently.
“Then we’ll have the bill.”
It’s with great relief that she pulls out her wallet.  This is the most chaotic sushi lunch she’s ever had in her life, and she doesn’t think her heart can handle anymore.
If this is how it’s going to be when she’s not sitting by Naruto, then maybe she shouldn’t try to avoid him next time.
Next time, she’ll just sit with him like Sakura was furtively trying to do for her!  If she sits by him next time, although she'll be a hot mess, she at least won’t have to suffer through such an extent of nonsense again!  She’ll definitely be shy and quieter than she already is, and she might have trouble focusing on her food, but that would be infinitely better than subjecting herself to such public teasing.  She couldn't have known that this would be the product of her prudently designed plan to distance herself from him for a bit.
She sighs again.
How Naruto doesn’t already know that she likes him is beyond her understanding.
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youcanreadit · 4 years
I hope you enjoy this UwU
"Btw Naruto did you hear? The new student will be joining our school today."
Naruto simply nodded and continued to stuff ramen into his mouth. Shikamaru shrugged and went back to finish his own meal. Of course, nothing can make him happier than his ramen.
Later that day, you accidentally bumped right into him on the way to your class. He was opening his mouth about to apologize profusely but the words died down on his lips. A surge of inexplicable emotion surged within him, rendering him speechless. You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, apart from his mother.
But he couldn't seem to recognize you. That's when it clicked. She is the new student that Shikamaru was talking about at lunch!
While he gazed at your face like an idiot with an obvious blush on his cheeks, you muttered a quick apology and hurried off, leaving him standing there staring at you, awed.
After the day he met you, he was more cheerful and giddy than he usually was. Ever since he lost his parents, he had felt like he lost a part of himself. It was as if you pulled him out of the darkness and brought him back to his old self.
He would always arrive at school earlier- astonishing all his friends and teachers- so that he could see you more.
He was always watching you when you were not looking. He liked that farway look in your eyes, the shyness that radiated from you, the warm smile playing on your lips.
It felt like adrenaline was injected directly into his veins when you both locked eyes. Your voice, your face, your smile were all his brain would dwell on.
At first, he repeatedly tried to deny his feelings for you.
"I am not in love with her! I like Sakura! I like Sakura!!"
And then he would see you enter the class, your cheeks tinted pink and offering him a smile as you pass by. "Man I am so in love with her.."
He finally decided to take Jiraiya's help. Which was of course a bad idea.
*after hearing the whole thing* "I understand.. It's the L word Naruto"
Seeing him struggle with his emotions, Sasuke was the one who made him realize he was in love with you.
" Hey dobe, I think Y/n likes Kiba."
"But you said you love Sakura, so why are you worried?"
"NO I DON'T!!I LOVE Y/N!!" *silence* (thanks Sasuke)
He would always notice if you didn't have the usual sparkle in your eyes. Whenever that happened, he made sure to put cute little notes in your locker and notebooks. He would hide somewhere and watch you read them, and smile like an idiot seeing your face light up at the cheesy lines he had written in his messy handwriting.
As for Valentine's day, he would spend hours in the kitchen making chocolate for you. Then along with Sasuke, he would arrive at school like an hour earlier to get rid of all the piles of gifts in your locker( he sure is competitive)
"Yeah! Mine would be the best chocolate she has ever tasted!!!" Sasuke simply face palms.
Little did he know that he had accidentally added salt instead of sugar. Yikes. Cooking ain't your thing Naruto
At first he was worried that you would go after Sasuke like all the other girls. It was a pleasant surprise when he found out you weren't a fan girl.*breathes out in relief*
Just in case, he decided to warn Sasuke. " you keep your bunch of fangirls, but remember, Y/n is OFF LIMITS" "whatever dobe"
He stopped at nothing to impress you. He pushed himself to get better at studies. Over time, his grades improved.
When he didn't understand a concept he would rush to you with his books. He was glad that you weren't impatient like the others, but explained to him in simple ways you could.
A total sweetheart he is, it was impossible to hate him. But he could be annoying at times too.
Like when he doesn't see you for too long, he would be a whining, blubbering mess.
"Sakura, I want to se-"
Sasuke: *changes seat*
Not to mention that he is really protective over you. If anybody tries to hurt you, well let's say that would be the end for that person. "Fight me!!"
Naruto was known to be the loud, hyperactive, sunshine of the school. But he immediately transforms into a timid puppy when you are near him.
Like Naruto would be talking and laughing with his friends and then he turns around and sees you -
*you lean closer to his face* I need to ask you ab-Naruto?
*Naruto has stopped functioning*
It wasn't hard for his friends to figure out the reason behind his strange behaviour lately.
They teased him about how oblivious you were to his feelings and if he didn't hurry up, someone would steal you from him.
But he didn't want to rush. Some people are worth waiting for. And of course he was worried if someone like you would go for a person like him. Please tell the poor guy otherwise.
Many boys came forward seeking to be your boyfriend, but you turned them down politely. That left Naruto with a bittersweet hope. It could or couldn't be him. But he won't give up on you like that. His life motto itself was- Never give up,no matter what!
In the brief occasions that you spoke to him would be the best part of his day. The whole world would blur and he could see only you, and hear your velvet like voice.
You were the only one who laughed at his stupid jokes. Oh how much he loved that smile you gave him, he would later replay it over and over in his head.
He would imagine taking you to his favourite restaurant, Ichiraku as a date. From his stories about you, Teuchi and Ayame couldn't wait to meet you.
When you touched him casually, his whole body would light up with a warmth that only you could ignite. That made him wonder how it would feel like to run his fingers through your silky hair, kiss your soft lips and then his whole face would turn as red as a tomato.
On his weekly visits to his parent's grave, he eagerly tells them about the beautiful girl that he recently met. He would tearfully tell them about finally meeting a girl as fascinating as his mother.
As the years passed his feelings never dulled. He fell for you more, your smile, your alluring eyes, your easy going personality and everything else about you.
However, he started to worry when the graduation was getting closer. He couldn't bear to lose you.
The thought caused him such pain that he lay awake for nights, and then finally deciding that it was the right time to let you know of his feelings.
After the graduation ceremony, Sasuke held a party at his house for the new graduates. As much as Naruto enjoyed spending time with his friends, his eyes kept darting across the room from time to time, in hopes of seeing you.
When he finally spotted you amidst the chaos and the tightly packed people,his heart skipped a beat. You looked so beautiful in that blue dress you wore, the coloured lights dancing across your skin adding to the effect.
With his eyes on you, he excused himself from his group of friends and all but hurried over to you, ignoring the laughter and cheers that erupted from behind him.
After saying that he needed to speak something important with you,he dragged you through the mass of people- keeping a firm grip on your wrist to prevent you from getting lost in the crowd- to the backyard.
He finally dropped your wrist when you both reached a secluded spot near a cluster of trees. The loud music and noises from the house was now a distant, faint hum to your ears.
He took a step back and stood facing you. It was hard to believe how tall he had become over the past few years. You had to tilt your head back to look at him in the eyes.
"I am sorry I had to drag you away so abruptly." He hoped that you wouldn't notice the faint quiver in his voice. He clenched and unclenched his hands.
You laughed quietly and waved off his queries " It's alright Naruto. I was planning to get away from all that noise anyway" you grinned at him, flashing your teeth. "In fact, you helped me."
Naruto tried his best to smile back hoping you wouldn't notice anything amiss. But when your smile slowly melted away from your lips,he understood that he didn't fool you.
He was looking at you warily, like he was anticipating something bad would happened. His cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were full of worry and hope and some intense emotion that you couldn't quite pinpoint.
"What's wrong Naruto?" You asked quietly. You raised a hand as if to touch his arm, but then let it drop. "You can tell me"
He ran his trembling fingers through his spiky blond hair-which looked almost silvery in the moonlight-and nervously glanced at you with his blue eyes.
While you stared back at him in confusion, he was having a mental argument with himself.
I can do this! She is waiting for you to say something Naruto!do it!!
"I..." He faltered. He looked at the ground and then up again, at you.
Here it goes..
" Are you dating Kiba?" There was brief pause.
You looked utterly baffled "HUH??!"
Damn what the hell is wrong with me?! He awkwardly shifted his weight from one leg to the other, looking bashful " I mean- you both hang out with each other a lot.."
You laughed " He is a good friend of mine, that's all"
"So you both-"
"Nope" You sounded amused, but not at all annoyed, despite the fact that he basically dragged you away to ask you such stupid questions.
"Okay" he said with fake cheerfulness, turning his back to you. "Thanks for the information, I better get back"
You caught his sleeve, making him go still. He turned to look at you, eyes still wide and cheeks tinted red, but they slowly melted away when he saw you gazing back at him almost sadly.
"Naruto" you said his name so softly that his stomach fluttered in response " that's not what you were meaning to say. We both know that."
He blinked.
You were right. What was he doing?!
It felt as if your voice had brought him back to his senses.
He remembered Jiraiya's advice from the morning. It felt as if the old man sensed what Naruto was planning to do. Instead of giving his usual pervy tips, he had said : "Letting her know of your feelings is the way to get to her heart. If you want to know if she returns your love, tell her."
Determination and hope flared in his eyes. He took a deep breath and stepped closer until you could feel the heat radiating from him. You swallowed and felt your cheeks getting warm.
He reached out and took both your hands gingerly in his and stared intently at you.
" Y/n I love you..I always have..."
He watched your eyes widen and lips part with surprise. He continued before you could say anything.
"I know you probably consider me to be foolish and naive, but I mean it when I say that I love you more than I could love myself. I wish I could explain to you how wonderful you are, how beautiful your eyes or how your voice gives me butterflies every single time. I love who I am with you. I.." He swallowed visibly, but his gaze on you never wavered. " I don't know how to explain love..But when I see you, I imagine the two of us cooking together, fighting together..being together. And I can't imagine anything that would make me happier. I would like to do these things with you. That is'' he smiled shyly, his cheeks turning pink " if you feel the same."
Your vision blurred as you felt tears brimming your eyes. "Naruto ..."
Naruto's smile vanished quickly. Did he upset you?! Oh crap.
He immediately let go of your hands and started to panic. He raked through his brain,thinking back over the words he had just used on you, trying desperately to find where he went wrong. He had never been in a position before where he had to comfort a crying girl. Once he had borrowed Sai's book on human behavior. If only he could remember..
"Y/n I am sorry-"
He stopped abrubtly when he felt your finger on his lips, signaling him to stop. You slowly withdrew them to place your hands on either side of his cheeks, thumb tracing the whisker like markings on his cheeks lightly. His eyes widened.
"Naruto..that was beautiful.." You said wonderingly, as if you had just woken up from a dream. "No one has ever said such lovely things to me." For a long moment you stared into his eyes,those lovely blue eyes that has always reminded you of the blue waves crashing against the shore- a feeling of peace and warmth and comfort. You could feel yourself getting lost in them. Naruto was still dazed. It was as if the roles were suddenly reversed. He was staring at you open mouthed while you smiled back at him adoringly.
"You are such an idiot Naruto" you teased, but the affection in your voice took the sting out of it "my idiot"
Your fingers were still stroking his cheeks, making it difficult for him to concentrate. He swallowed "W-what?"
A giggle escaped your lips "you cannot seriously think that I didn't notice your feelings all these years" your smile spoke of mischief now "and it was not one sided. Why did you wait for so long to come to me?"
Naruto was shell shocked. His heart was pounding so loudly that he thought that it would jump out. Is this a dream?
You finally stopped laughing and gazed at his blue orbs seriously. "Naruto" you said " I have struggled to make friends all throughout my life. When my parents decided to move to Konoha I was absolutely against it. Starting a new life.." You shook your head slowly " I didn't want that. But then you came along, my personal sun. With your bright smile and cheerful personality..who always tried to cheer me up. Who was always by my side..Slowly I felt myself taking a liking to this place.. And I felt myself falling for you.."
You heard his sharp intake of breath and smiled again "Naruto, I can't find the right words to explain how much you mean to me, but I would like to spend the rest of my life with you showing them. "
He felt tears sting the back of his eyes. He wanted to laugh, cry, curse himself for having waited for so long. He was almost mad with joy. But when he looked at you, he knew that you could see the emotion plainly written on his face. Because love required no language.
His lips curled up into a smile that lit up his whole face. You had seen him smile before, plenty of times, and yet this was different from the others. This smile was the most beautiful one you had ever seen, one that spoke of love and happiness and gratitude, a gesture that was too deep to be explained in words.
The uncertainty in his eyes were long gone, replaced with hope and love. He cupped your face in his large hands so gingerly that you shivered sightly.
"It feels like a dream" he said huskily, brushing a strand of hair from your face "being here with you like this."
"Then let me prove it tlo you that it's not"
You pulled him down by the collar of his shirt until your foreheads almost touched. Leaning in, you kissed both his cheeks, his eyelids, the tip of his nose, over and over again. Your other hand was pressed on his chest allowing you to feel his rapid heartbeat.
When your gaze finally fell on his lips, resting on them for a second, made Naruto impatient. He craved for your touch,the warmth that you provided. He had waited to do this for so long, he couldn't bear to waste any second longer.
So he leaned in closer and his lips finally met yours, moving gently against your own.
Warmth and desire exploded within him, and the world slowly disappeared from around the two of you. It was slow and soft and perfectly natural, like breathing and yet so intimate.
His calloused hands were gentle as they caressed your cheeks, his warm breath mingling with yours. His hands went to the nape of your neck and drew you even closer, thus deepening the kiss. Sparks flew within you, and you wrapped your hands around his shoulder in response , to eliminate the space between the two of you as much as possible.
He loved the way your lips fit with his like puzzle pieces, moving in perfect sync with his. His lips tasted like ramen, making you smile into the kiss.
When you both finally broke apart for air, he rested his forehead against yours, his warm breath hitting your cheeks. He was breathing hard like you, but his whole face was lit with joy, a smile so beautiful playing on his lips that you couldn't help but return it.
Your slender hands went around his waist, cheek resting against his sculpted chest, and listened to his hammering heart. Physically, he had changed a lot since the first time you met him. The childish roundness was long gone from his face. You could feel the solid hard muscle as you held him,the sharpness of his cheekbones,the callousness of his hands. And yet he was still the same. The same luminous blue eyes that sparkled even in the darkness,the same exuberant personality and that infectious smile.
For a while you both stood in each other's embrace, basked in the silvery moonlight with a wide grin plastered on both your faces.
"Thank you Naruto " and in those syllables he heard everything. He closed his eyes in content and hummed in response.
This was the love he'd waited for, hoped for. And now finally, he was home.
At last.
Mom, dad are you watching?
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ohhipstaplease · 4 years
Strawberry Sugar | NaruHina
Chapter 2
chapter 1 | Read all chapters: Ao3 / FFN
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That next morning, as the sun rose and let its rays unfurl across picturesque Konoha, Naruto Uzumaki, woke with a start.
“Naruto Nii-chan!!”
He felt the wind knocked out of him as his incredibly annoying, but equally as endearing, protege jumped upon him full force.
“For the love of-”
“Good morning.”
Naruto glared at Konohamaru, trying to catch his breath, “What did I tell you about using the spare key?”
“So why are you here then?”
“You said we were going to train today.”
Naruto rubbed his eyes and turned his alarm clock around to look at it, “It’s eight in the morning, Konohamaru!”
“Early bird gets the worm, and all that stupid stuff everyone else says. I want to be like you big brother Naruto! Saving the village, fighting in wars!” Konohamaru said, animatedly jumping up onto Naruto’s bed and kicking the air.
Naruto shook his head as he watched Konohamaru pace from corner to corner, excitedly chattering away. He could barely process what the now long-haired boy was saying, much less reciprocate. But still, Konohamaru expected Naruto to be 100%, even after he just woke up, “Snap out of it!” He yelled, “You’re a war hero! You can’t be sleeping the day away!”
Naruto sighed, “Can you at least let me get dressed?”
Konohamaru turned around and shook his hand out twice, “Get to it.”
Naruto rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless. He walked over to the chair next to the small dresser that he had designated for his clothing from the previous day. He slipped on his pants, and had gotten better at it considering the circumstances.
“Are you done yet?” Konohamaru asked impatiently.
“Yeah, yeah,” Naruto said, slipping his shirt over his broad chest. He wondered how even on Saturday he found himself up at 8 AM.
As the tensions surrounding the village had finally dissipated, Naruto hoped to find himself completely free of any responsibilities for at least a while. But lo and behold, Konohamaru knew exactly when to show up. Although to be fair, he wasn’t without things to do this particular weekend. In fact, he was going to see Hinata later that afternoon about something she just had to talk about.
He hadn’t really thought about it either, you know, the fact that one of the most beautiful kunoichis in the village had called him up, nervously asked him if he was free, and emphasized the importance of their meeting. Didn’t realize that over a year ago she had professed her undying love for him. Was he oblivious? Yes. Stupid? Oh, without a doubt. But that was just the way that Naruto Uzumaki rolled.
He had always been free-spirited and tried to not think about the past. It was said and done anyway. What mattered was the here and now. And right here and now, well, his stomach was growling, so really he couldn’t manage to think about anything other than old man Teuchi’s ramen from Ichiraku.
“Alright, food first. We’re going to get some ramen, and then we’ll do a short lesson, okay? I have to meet up with someone later.”
“Oh,” Konohamaru said wiggling his eyebrows, “So it’s that kind of meeting.”
“What?” Naruto responded as he made his bed, “She said she just wanted to talk about something.”
“Like what she said during the war?”
Naruto blushed, “You don’t know what you’re talking about, pipsqueak.”
“Yes I do, everyone’s been talking about it.”
“About what?”
“How you both are totally in love with each other.”
“What? Like you two aren’t...” He brushed against Naruto’s shoulder as he whispered “boyfriend and girlfriend?”
“Eh!?” Naruto exclaimed as he stepped back, “No! We’re friends.”
“What a waste, man.” Konohamaru said, shaking his head, “Now that’s a girl that has it bad for you. But then again, ever since you came back that’s been half the world.”
“Stop talking out of your ass.”
“Oh, please, like you haven’t noticed.” Konohamaru paused.
Naruto shrugged, “Not that kind of guy. And you shouldn’t be either,” he said as he ruffled Konohamaru’s hair.
Konohamaru feigned annoyance and quickly smoothed over his ruffled tresses, “Save the lecture nii-chan. I get it. But you should too.”
“And what is it that I should be getting?”
Konohamaru shrugged, “No wonder oneesan complains about you so much.”
“What!? What did Sakura say?”
“I mean, I just heard...”
“-Overheard her and Hinata talking.”
Konohamaru lifted his brow, “Really?”
“Yes! You!”
“Why?” Naruto said, scratching his head.
“For the love of-” Konohamaru reached over Naruto’s head and grabbed a picture that had been snapped at the dinner that was held a few weeks ago. In it Naruto, unsurprisingly, was front and center, eyes closed in a cat-like smile, his thumb up in the air. Sakura hung around his shoulders, her small tongue out and her fingers up in a peace sign. Shikamaru cooly smirked as he held court across from him, Choji smiled bashfully as he looked up from his plate. Kiba, Ino, Shino, and Sai looked at each other as if they were in a heated debate only moments before, they hadn’t even realized a picture was being taken.
Naruto studied each one and saw nothing more than what he had first seen when he tended to glance at the photo. But then his eyes landed on Hinata, and he saw it. There was a look upon her face, a sparkle in her eye, something. He didn’t know quite what to make of it. He thought it was just a weird angle, a mistake made by Iruka when he snapped the picture. Then he realized it wasn’t, she was looking at something.
“What’s she looking at?” Naruto asked, tilting his head.
Konohamaru’s fingers landed upon Hinata’s face, and he glided it from her moonstone-like eyes to the object she had been tenderly admiring, “You,” He said, without missing a beat, “She’s looking at you.”
“Yeah,” Naruto said, gripping the nape of his neck, “I guess she is.”
“Do you know why?”
It took everything within Konohamaru not to slam the frame into Naruto’s face. For all his merits, he couldn’t believe the person he looked up to was really that dense.
“If you really don’t know, nii-chan, then you’re going to have to spend some time thinking about it, aren’t you?”
Naruto looked at him blankly, clearly not knowing what to respond to. He had never pondered it, really. And now that the thought was implanted into his mind by Konohamaru, he wasn’t quite sure what he was going to do to remedy it.
After training with Konohamaru, Naruto swung by the apartment of his teammate and friend, Sasuke Uchiha. Since the war, the pair had an unspoken agreement that their doors would always be open for each other, and Naruto had more than taken advantage of the fact. Although Sasuke acted as if Naruto’s constant presence bothered him, Naruto knew nothing could be further from the truth.
Except perhaps on this day. On this particular day Naruto threw open the door to Sasuke’s apartment and exclaimed “Sasuke, buddy, I need to talk to you—”
“Naruto!” Sasuke exclaimed angrily as he jumped up from his couch in the front room. Beside him was a flushed Sakura, sighing and covering her eyes with a small hand.
Naruto’s eyes darted from Sasuke’s reddened lips to Sakura’s who matched his. As soon as he saw the scene before him he yelped, “Oh shit! I’m so sorry I—I didn’t know. I—How long has this been going on?”
Sasuke fixed his shirt and cooly shrugged, “None of your business, Naruto.”
“Oh, come on. Sakura! How could you not tell me, you’ve only been in love with him forever. I would think you’d have told the entire world by now.”
“Shut up, Naruto!”
“You said you wanted to talk to me?” Sasuke said as he took his seat once more, wrapping an arm around Sakura’s shoulders. The kunoichi quickly simmered down and leaned into his embrace.
Naruto nodded, sitting down in the armchair that was placed before his two teammates. “Just like, give me one second. I need to process—” He signaled the lack of space between the pair and shook his head, “whatever this is.”
“You have 5 seconds to start talking or you’re out of here,” Sasuke said firmly.
“Okay, alright. Well, you know Konohamaru’s just a kid and sometimes he has some really crazy ideas, right? Yeah, so, I told him today that I was meeting Hinata later and he just made a face and implied that we were going to fool around.”
Sakura giggled and Sasuke smirked, making Naruto a little apprehensive.
“Yeah, that’s the look he gave me,” He said, pointing at Sasuke.
“I can’t imagine why.”
“We’re just friends! Konohamaru kept going on and on that she loved me and that she confessed to me...but she didn’t! I would know if she had confessed to me, right?
“Idiot.” Sasuke said, rolling his eyes.
“Hey! I came here for advice!”
“I’m giving it to you. You’re an idiot, now think about why that may be...other than the obvious reasons.”
“You’d think having a girlfriend would’ve made him a little nicer,” Naruto said under his breath.
Sakura narrowed her eyes, “You have something to say?”
“Well, I do.”
“What’s that?”
“You’re an idiot, Naruto!!!”
“Oh come on!”
Sasuke laughed, but Sakura continued, “You’re really going to tell us that she didn’t confess to you? Rewind to the war, idiot! She was about to die for you!”
“Sakura, you know my memory of that day is a little hazy.” He muttered pathetically.
“We all heard it, Naruto! She confessed to you!”
Naruto put his head in his hands and breathed in deeply, trying to calm himself. He kept trying to tell himself that he couldn’t possibly be that dense, but he figured if everyone is telling him the opposite maybe it was time to face facts.
“You think she still likes me?” Naruto asked quietly.
Sakura’s lips formed a soft smile, “You have no idea how much, Naruto.”
“Do you even like her?” Sasuke asked bluntly.
“Don’t go getting her hopes up if you don’t even know what you’re feeling, Naruto,” Sakura warned.
“Yeah...I just....” He glanced at the clock on the wall in Sasuke’s kitchen and started getting up from the armchair, “I’m running late.”
“Alright, well, let us know how it goes,” Sakura said with a furrowed brow.
“And next time, knock!” Sasuke said as Naruto reached for the doorknob.
Naruto shook his head, “Yeah, yeah. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, love birds.”
Naruto closed the door behind him and began making his way towards the Hyuga compound. His stomach was buzzing, his head spinning. He had never thought of Hinata in that way.
Well, that was a lie. There was a time or two he had thought of her, particularly when he was taking a shower or lying in bed at night. He wasn’t proud to admit it, but when Hinata filled out in all the right places he was the first to notice. That didn’t mean he thought he stood a chance with her.
He recalled the photo Konohamaru showed him and realized that the glimmer he had seen etched in her eyes there, was the same adoration she had always had in regards to him. But was it fair to her to say something? He didn’t even know what he felt, he was a jumble of confusion.
Naruto sighed and continued walking down the stone path, Hinata had been vague on the phone when asking him if they could meet. It wasn’t unusual for them to hang out, but for her to call first? For her to do the asking?
He picked up the pace and started walking faster. He had to look into her eyes once more. He knew that if he saw that same look, the one that was upon her face in the picture, he still had a chance with Hinata.
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babyhyuuga · 4 years
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sasuke x fem!reader kiba x fem!reader
a/n: this idea came to me while i was trying to sleep and kind of "dreamed it" so i decide to write it down. just in case i clarify that the arc of sasuke wanting revenge doesn't happen here, he's not like a happy sasuke but no the "i must kill itachi" one either. that being said i hope you enjoy and feel free to comment anything you want.
summary: the konoha 12 (and you) decide to have fun and drink a little at ino's but you seeing your ex was kind of a drag, so you're friend decido to help you and maybe you start liking that help.
warnings: swear words, a little angsts
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Ino was really nice for doing this, her parents were out in a mission and you guys were under a lot of stress lately because it was the moment of thinking of becoming jounins, the most part of the group passed, a little part already were, and a little part failed and were still chunnin, so a little party at the Yamanaka's was a good idea for everyone.
The ones who passed were celebrating and the ones who didn't just forgot about it while the bottle of sake were getting emty.
The 13 of you were there, Sakura, Hinata and Tenten were sitting at the table laughing out loud about something Tenten just said, Naruto, Kiba, Lee were dancing in a really weird and funny way, with Akamaru barking happy along them. Shikamaru, Choji and Shino we're talking in the door of the backyard. Everyone with a glass of sake in hand (except Lee for obvious reasons) some were more full like Neji's, and some were more emty, like Kiba's.
You were sitting in the couch, glass half empty, you were really happy for becoming a jounin, but you're mind couldn't stop thinking what happened before that, Sasuke, you're boyfriend for a hole year, flirting with some random kunoichi you didn't know, grabbing her by her waist and faces really close together. That awful feeling you had on your stomach, and the heartache from being betrayed, it feels like that will never go away, you love that shinobi so much and he just went and broke your heart.
Of course in that time you swallow all your sadness and broke up with him right there, but the crying went out the second you turn around and run home.
There you were now, Sasuke with the back on the wall starting at you and your eyes on the cup trying not to make contact with his.
When you suddenly feel the body weight of some other person sitting by your side on the couch, and Akamaru going to lay down at your feets.
"y/n" you heard Kiba's voice and turned your face to see him
"Mhm?" you get to say, he look at your sad face, then look to Sasuke, he get it
"Fight or-?"
"Break up" you cut him
"I'm sorry" he said, even if it wasn't his fault, an even if he wasn't sorry at all
"Don't be, it was for the best"
"He must be really stupid for get a girl like you go" you smiled at little at his words
"Don't know if i'm that good anyway" you said looking at his eyes "all I want, even if I know its not the right thing, it's for him to feel what he made me feel"
"What did he make you feel?" he ask while raising his cup to drink the little sake that was left
"Betrayed, hurted, like if I was so replaceable" you could feel your voice so weak, you imitate him and finish the last of your sake
"Maybe it's not the right thing" you heard Kiba say while feeling the space between you two getting smaller "but I can help you with that" his hand went to your waist and your noses were touching
You feel your heart beating faster than before, Kiba was you're friends since academy and you always think he was cute but you never imagine this.
You close your eyes and when you could feel his lips barely touching yours, he was rapidly pulled away by a voice in front of you.
"I'm gonna ask you nicely this time, get the fuck off my girlfriend" Sasuke was standing right in front of you two, with his hands in fists and a very angry face
"Girlfriend?" you say standing up, letting a fake laugh get all the way off your mouth "Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me but I don't remember being your girlfriend anymore, no since you cheated on me"
Everyone was watching the scene, in a covertly way, (in their drunk minds of course)
Sasuke shut his mouth, he didn't know what to say. You go directly to the door of the backyard, hitting your shoulder with his on purpose, getting out of the house, you took Shikamaru's cup out of his hand, cause yours was already empty and his was still half full, if you were somebody else he might get mad, but being his best friend since kids has some privileges so he just let you do it.
The backyard had amazing flowers (of course, what else could you expect from the Yamanakas) so you just sit there on the floor drinking from what you just stole from Shikamaru.
You could feel his presentation behind you, with every step a little more close to you.
"Why?" you ask in a little more than a whisper
"I don't know" you hear in Sasuke's voice "I can't even answer that because I don't know" he began to sit next to you "I'm really sorry, that's all I can say"
"A sorry can't fix it, you know it right?"
"Yes" he said
"Then thanks for everything, and I'm really sorry of the way our story ends" you said while you began to stand up "I really loved you, but please, just let it like it is"
You leave, leaving Sasuke alone, leaving him behind, even if you loved him, it was something you couldn't forgive.
Walking to enter the house again you see Shikamaru in the door, this time it was closed so everyone else was inside, you just run into his arms, Shikamaru wasn't the best with words, but you know he was there for you, a little tears started to run from your eyes, but could feel his fingers taking them out.
"You will be okay"
"I know"
"Come on, lets get inside" he opened the door and everything went back to normal, the guys having fun, Neji with his straight face but wanting to laugh internally, Choji eating some chips, Naruto yelling dattebayo without even making any sense because of the alcohol in his veins, Ino and Sakura fighting with a smile in theirs faces, everything was fine in this four walls.
Shikamaru was already with them while stay a little behind, you feel Kiba's hand on your shoulder and turn your face to see his.
"I'm sorry"
"You're saying "Im sorry" a lot today" you said to him with a little smile
"I know it's not the time, but I really wanted to kiss you" he let out
"You don't have to say anything, I just wanted to say, when you're ready, I will love to take you to the lake and maybe have a date" you smile and turn your hole body to face him
"Well, I can't say yes if you don't want me to say anything"
"Is that a yes then?"
You simply nod and plant a little kiss on his cheek.
"It's a yes" the you joined your friends and you all started having fun again.
Sasuke entered again and smile a little to you, smiling back you started to think that maybe not everything was bad right now, maybe this was the way things were supposed to go.
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You Remmembered?
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Hinata Hyuga/Tenten
904 words
For: @alumort​ 
She didn’t know much about her cousin's teammate other than what he had told her over the years. Every chance she might have gotten to sit down with him and talk, he said something about needing to do ‘more training’. Some days it seemed like he trained more than even Naruto, which she hadn’t thought was possible before. 
There was one thing she knew for sure, though.
She appreciated him and his terrible timing. Especially at moment’s like this.
“Neji Nii-san please don’t worry about it,” She held her hands up in front of her and laughed when her cousin leveled her with an unimpressed look. He had been telling her for the past three years to stop calling him ‘Nii-san’ but she had no intention of listening. “Go train with your teammate. I’ll be here tomorrow and every other day that we want to train together.”
To be honest, she couldn’t even imagine training today. Her body still ached from the mission she had just returned from with her team, but that had never been an excuse Neji would let her use to get out of training.
He always said something about ‘Gai Sensei’ and ‘Pushing past the pain’.
So when Lee showed up out of nowhere with those big sad eyes of his, asking Neji to train with him, Hinata jumped at the opportunity to escape her own scheduled training. 
“I promised to train with you this morning,” Neji insisted, endlessly stubborn. “It would be terrible for me to go back on my word.”
“But you should train with your teammate,” she insisted. “You two have to be in perfect sync for your missions, and there’s never too much training, right?” Neji seems to think her words over for a second. “Beside’s, I…” 
Right at that moment Tenten showed up at the entrance to the property. The perfect escape.
“I can train with Tenten,” She offered, smiling over at the other kunoichi and hoped that she caught onto what she was trying to do. “How does that sound, Tenten? You can help me train while Neji Nii-san and Lee-kun do their own training.”
“Train, eh,” Tenten tilted her head and smiled over at her. “Sure, why not. If those two are going to forget to include me in their training when Sensei’s not around I may as well get some training somewhere.”
Neji and Lee at least had the decency to look ashamed of themselves after being called out like that. They were also smart enough to run for it as soon as Tenten started to walk towards them. 
“I take it Lee showed up to interrupt your morning training with Neji?” She nodded her head, smiling when Tenten laughed out loud. “Ya, that’s Lee for you. He doesn’t always know when an appropriate time to ask to train with us is. I’ve had him interrupt lunch time to ask me to train with him.”
That certainly sounded interesting. Hinata was thankful she had Kiba and Shino as her teammates if others had to deal with people like Lee and Naruto-kun always wanting to train. She couldn’t imagine having Kiba interrupt her when she was trying to do something, just to ask her to train more than they already had.
“So, about that training,” There’s a feeling of regret that settles into her stomach. Was she actually going to have to train now? Maybe she should have thought of her words a bit better before requesting Tenten’s help in getting her cousin to leave her alone. “Can we skip out on that? I already did some training with Gai-sensei this morning that involved some unpleasant rock climbing and I could really use a break.”
That was not what she was expecting, but she would take it.
“I actually wouldn’t mind a break myself,” she agreed, not wanting to admit that she had planned to rest for the day anyways. “Would you like to come in for some food? If I remember correctly Neji bought some sesame buns the other day to bring to training. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you had some while you were here. They’re your favorite, right?”
Tenten’s cheeks turned a beautiful shade of red while she shifted awkwardly from side to side. 
“You...I didn’t expect…” Ducking her head, she covered her mouth just as a laugh escaped. “You remembered?”
“Of course I did,” Hinata chuckled. It was kind of cute seeing Tenten surprised. “I never forget when someone tells me about their favorite food. Especially when Neji tells me as well.”
And Neji told her a lot of things. Nothing bad of course, he adored his teammates in their own special ways. But he did give her insider information on what they liked and the things they did. It also helped that Tenten had mentioned her love for sesame buns once while they were out together with Neji. 
“Maybe while we’re enjoying those sesame buns, we can do something relaxing,” She offered. “You could tell me about your weapons. Neji said that you bought yourself a new set that you were really excited about.”
Tenten’s face lit up instantly and Hinata knew she was in for a very long, detailed story about whatever it was she had gotten for herself.
It was going to be great. A nice relaxing morning with good food, an interesting story, and great company. What more could she ask for?
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