#i serve no one (ic)
aioliravioli-69 · 5 months
This one was a long time coming (a.k.a. since I found out about 'Duolingo on ice') so I started looking into it and I found this!
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This pose
This pose specifically was MADE for Buddy!!
I couldn't resist
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Buddy being a dramatic bastard
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dokutah-exe · 1 year
honestly i thought surtr was like some sort of hidden arknights boss or an ex-villain or something but she's just a passive mall goth lounging around and eating all my damn ice cream
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tevanbuckley · 5 months
'bucktommy has all the baggage that comes with the history (and lack thereof) of canon queer relationships,' okay, but that's fundamentally missing the point, like, i would like buddie and i do think it's been pretty well signposted and if one of them was a woman they'd be dating by now, but they could have easily written buck and tommy to have a real emotional connection and for their relationship to feel organic but they didn't put the effort in because they knew that queer people would be happy just to have representation and homophobes would switch off as soon as two dudes were flirting on screen. and it worked because i've seen so many people talk about how quickly buck and tommy could fall in love and its like. have we ever seen them have any kind of real conversation that isn't about buck's sexuality? can you even tell me why buck is into tommy other than 'the writers say so? so much of what's considered endgame material is just invisible string theory which is an accident and has absolutely nothing to do with their on screen relationship. buddie may be fanon but at least no one pretends they're already fucking.
wdym because "the writers say so", everything we see on screen is because the writers say so, and the conversation pre-first kiss is very much a real conversation that's not about buck's sexuality. i think you need to accept that people do see a genuine emotional connection between buck and tommy.
like come on, it's very obvious that buck's attracted to him, oliver is acting like he's attracted to him, the dialogue is saying why he's attracted to him and tommy's behaviour is lining up with that. what do i get by pretending that's not happening?
and has b*ddie been well signposted? what does that even mean in the context of a ship the writers have (so far) never intended to make happen? yeah there's plenty there that can be read as romantic but that doesn't mean it was put there deliberately as part of some grand 10 year plan.
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worstloki · 1 year
I like the jotun horn jewelry/decoration thing but i think it wouldnt be like. Gold. Bc where are they getting gold from? Where are they mining it and smelting it and stuff? Idk why. It just doesnt compute in my brain, it doesnt seem to fit their whole thing and mentslly i csnt imagine the place having a ton of gold thst didnt get ripped away when they lost the war. Even though aesthetically i get that it looks nice.
I don’t even mind Jotunheim naturally having a lot of gold *in the past*, (or whenever) I just don’t like the way people use it as an orientalism-vibe literary device. There’s often no explanation given for the gold either, especially in a post-colonised world unless there’s a note on ‘this is ALL the gold Jotunheim had left and LOKI has it bc he needs to look pretty (and like a woman)’
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suffercerebral · 2 months
made shakshouka so good that my mom asked me for the recipe AND cleaned the dishes for me after i cooked
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cienie-isengardu · 9 months
NRS should have used the og origins timeline of the brothers born as Chinese-Americans for MK1.
It would give reason to why Bi-Han seems beyond bitter and resentful of being forced in the Lin Kuei beyond his control then he wants power and control of the clan because he was ribbed of having other choices. Imagine the young brothers in school and learning and have some friends and playing and the dreams of being who they want to be and then they're forced to be ruthless warriors and only devote loyalty to the Lin Kuei and/or defense of Earthrealm.
In the original origins, it was sadly implied that their mother and baby sister were killed by their father. How horrible! Also they were probably Eurasian since it was implied their mother was white and they used white actors to be the brothers. (Even though it makes more sense for them to be asian since they are biracial)
This idea could have more tragic conclusion and Bi-Han's hatred and bitterness and hey, the jealousy, and envy he must be feeling. All these chosen ones seem to have such hopeful goals contrast to him. They probably had a normal childhoods compare to his controlled one.
Bi-Han could have a love-hate relationship with the Lin Kuei. He hates them and his father for taking him away from being normal and the freedom of choices he could make, took him away from everything he known. Then he loves the Lin Kuei because now he's in control of them and the Grandmaster and has their complete loyalty. He will make them a nation for the Lin Kuei to take half of Earthrealm for him to rule over because the clan is all he has left. His choices was beaten him to always think of the Lin Kuei, so of course it literally means they are everything to him now.
Bi-Han lost his beloved mother and baby sister. And now his brothers are against him and devoted to their late father. The old man probably was two-face about it, who was kind and fatherly towards his young sons and raised them with an open gentle hand. To Bi-Han, he was cruel, manipulative tyrant who gave his older son no mercy to the training of becoming a grandmaster, raised him with a closed fist.
I mean this would have been more interesting! Or something like this!
As much as I miss the original or the alternative origin, anything similar happening now would put Liu Kang in bad light, as the Keeper of Time that allows such vile practices and benefits the most from it. What understandably is not something NRS would want for their main Chosen One and the great Champion of the Good Side. 
But to be honest, Bi-Han doesn’t need additional trauma that shaped him in previous timelines, as what he got is still a solid reason to resent the Fire Lord. He and Kuai Liang said that members of Lin Kuei are trained from childhood and trained differently. Lin Kuei aren’t meant to be the Champions that will officially be recognized by befriended realms and bask in the glory of this honor and glory of their victories. Kitana literally asks in her intro vs. Sub-Zero “Why are Lin Kuei never Earthrealm champions?” and it is because they are the black ops, a private army of  Fire Lord, never recognized by nations but who do the dirty job for Earthrealm’s sake for literal centuries. The members of Lin Kuei are not trained to fight honorably but to eliminate the threat Liu Kang points out to them and kill whoever stands in their way which we could see during the mission to the enemy's hideout. And this is not a life any of them choose as adults, like usually happens with people enlisting to the widely understood uniformed services, especially for commando or spy jobs. They are destined to uphold the “honorable tradition” since they are children and frankly, it is not just the physical training but also psychological preparation as killing is not something that comes so easily as one may think. Bi-Han literally said to Reiko in one intro “To kill, one must be cold-blooded” and sure, it could be just the cryomancer thing, but may as well be a hint what Lin Kuei training included, as a means to transform children into deadly weapons. So how much Bi-Han or Kuai Liang or any other child born into Lin Kuei had a relatively happy childhood is up to debate. And Bi-Han as heir to Grandmaster had an additional role to prepare for and the older he was, the more resentful and frustrated he became, as Lin Kuei for their devoted service to Liu Kang and Earthrealm didn't get much in return. Which I think is an understandable source for his anger and frustration, especially if his mother died in line of duty. 
Of course, it would be much better if we had a chance to see how Bi-Han interacted with his father and if the man treated his sons differently, especially if he was more demanding from his first-born or not. But I feel Bi-Han doesn’t need to endure additional abuse to feel his father failed the clan, as he experiences first-handly how Liu Kang treats his beloved Champions and Outworld friends and how Lin Kuei is treated to feel the servitude is unfair and akin to slavery than any honorable duty. I would love, if the NRS gave us a more complex and exploited backstory for Lin Kuei and the brothers, but I think there is enough ground to give Bi-Han benefit of doubt that his claims aren’t baseless and there indeed is something tragic about his desire for freedom, for himself and whole clan.
I don't mind the current biography, but for sure giving us more details would make everything better in my humble opinion.
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midfight-artchive · 3 months
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dayurno · 6 months
hi user dayurno :) how Are you!! i hope you are well and taking care of yourself
HIYA im well! nursing a filthy vice of buying ice cream after class despite losing my job in february (f in the chat) but otherwise using the free time to draw a lot and manage fest activities! ummm what else….. the other day i got home at 6am from a night out and my neighbor was leaving for work which was so embarrassing…… thinking of going back on dating apps but maybe not after all….. doing a group project with a girl i really can’t stand…….. might go out tomorrow but unsure. sorry this is the randomest update on how i’ve been doing but nonetheless it’s true!!!i feel like i simultaneously have nothing and everything going on 🤔 hmmm! thinking of opening commissions and posting more art :) ALSO if you can believe it my college professor is my aunt!
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blorboo · 3 months
Idk who this will reach but to everyone who's ever read "Order's Up" by @DeerandWalnuts on A03 (aka the lovely @curry-and-gunpowder on tumblr) I went ahead and ordered ✨le drink✨
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by that I mean Dazai's infamous "One coffee with lots of milk, decaf, double sugar, cooled down but no ice" that he orders in the fic.
SHSHSHS overall experience: 9/10!
mainly cause a.) i punched my social anxiety by doing this 🤭 and b.) the drink actually didn't taste that bad! (i love sweets and milk though so.. 🤷
yipee~ [disclaimers in the tag btw]
**** for those who don't know
the fic is quick one shot about dazai's strange coffee orders told from the perspective of the cafe waitress (who actually has a personality btw!). it's inspired by chapter 1 of the Dark Era LN, where Dazai asks hirotsu for a drink.
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If you haven't read the fic yet, i suggest you do! It's only 1 chapter, a very quick and EASY read, it's light hearted and the writing is engaging. <3 link is here:
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astriiformes · 2 years
I'm the one who organized our bookshelves because I'm autistic and neurotic about everything being in the right spot and Scribe mostly does not care as long as she can find things, but I did consult her when I was devising the system and my favorite moment was when I was putting together the shelf that goes:
Poetry ----> Epics/Medieval Lit ----> Tolkien -----> Languages
And at one point I told her "I put the one C.S. Lewis book next to the Tolkien section since it fit the theme so they can be friends" and she was immediately like "What?? Do we own by C.S. Lewis??" because our household consists of:
Me, has weird Narnia trauma, Jewish now
Her, grew up extremely non-religious and hisses like a cat at Christianity
(The answer was an anthology of his academic writing on medieval and Renaissance literature, which makes perfect sense for us, but it was her initial deep and utter confusion when I mentioned it than made me laugh)
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compacflt · 1 year
I just finished rereading Slider's oneshot and I loved it just as much as I always do. I was wondering if you had any thoughts on how the conversation between Ice and Cougar went at Ice's retirement ceremony. You gave us little snippets of it from Slider's point of view, but I'd love to hear more of it if you have thoughts on it you'd like to share.
this is such a kind ask. i have no idea
for the same reason there is no explicit reaction in ch 12 when ice first hears mav say i love you—i spent a good week low key trying to figure out whether a reaction was needed there—it’s such a potent powerful cocktail of so many wild & unfamiliar emotions that i don’t personally think i have the literary juice to even attempt to try to describe it
i also am allergic to writing ice or mav explicitly coming out to anyone because it gives me secondhand embarrassment for them. the idea of the commander of the pacific fleet having to psych himself up to awkwardly mumble “um i should’ve told you all this time … i think i…i think im gay” to his friend gives me the ick sorry he’s not fifteen years old. so he Could be doing the big lgbt rite of passage of emotionally apologizing and coming out to Cougar in that conversation. but he Could Also be doing the ‘im nearly sixty years old im not gonna bullshit you’ thing of simply saying: “you and I have been very shitty to each other in the past and i apologize for that in x,y,z way and you were right about me and maverick and we’re gonna make it official this summer and if you want to come we’d really love to have you & normalize diplomatic relations between us again, you’re a real great friend when you’re not being a massive fucking douche”
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samyelbanette · 3 months
I may have gone slightly crazy at the grocery store yesterday.
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what if i just lit the entire kitchen on fire
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sweetandglovelyart · 28 days
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I took a little day trip to New York City today to have some fun and relax before fall semester starts. Here are some pictures I took of some of the Kirby stuff I saw while I was there. The first five pictures are from Kinokuniya New York, the picture of all the Kirby stuff under the giant Kirby and Waddle Dee is from Nintendo New York, and the ice cream is from a claw game/boba and ice cream place called Sweet Cats Cafe. The Kirby ice cream is made of strawberry ice cream and the decorations are made of chocolate 🍦
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
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he  holds  up  a  piece  of  paper  with  very  crooked  looking  figures  and  a  lot  of  orange  color  spread  over  the  poorly  drawn  buildings.  his  finger  points  at  the  '  piece  of  art  '  as  ace's  brows  furrow  in  a  pretty  serious  looking  manner.  ❝  this  is  me  murdering  an  entire  town.  ❞
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e-adlirez · 1 month
So the other other day I went to Disney On Ice with my family and the moment I saw them, I developed one hell of a hankering for a snow cone. I knew I wanted one (despite New Zealand winter being in more-or-less full force) and I knew I had some money, so I went to scout the stalls selling them in the venue and see which one sold them for the cheapest price. If not from the Disney-themed stalls (which are always overpriced and always just for the merch inextricably tied to them), then from the stalls the venue itself had, because they actually had those and didn't completely restrict us to sacrificing our wallets to the big mouse.
(For conversion to USD, multiply by 0.6)
I never wound up buying a snow cone ;m;
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I'm still craving one to this day, three days after the event wrapped up ;m;
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