#i should NOT be yelling so much and gritting my teeth til they hurt while playing a game set to MELLOW MODE
sl-newsie · 2 years
Chapter Twenty Three: New Wounds, Old Wounds (Spot Colon x Female Newsie)
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I wake up, feel’n refreshed and safe. Spot’s still here, but it ain’t awkward. I begin to get up, but he pulls me back.
“Where do ya think you’s go’n?” he asks playfully.
“Up to get breakfast?” I try to wiggle oudda Spot’s grasp, but he just squeezes tighter. “Spot, we godda get up eventually!”
“We do?”
I groan. “Yeah, we do. I’m sell’n in ‘Hattan today, and I got a show later, so I godda leave soon.”
“Rebecca,” Spot says in a serious tone as he brings me to face him. “You should never have to woik there ever again. I can support you, and you never have to do that again.”
Whoa- I’d never guess Spot’d want me to actually settle.
“Thanks, but I’s still need to support myself-”
“No, Beauty. Not like that. You deserve more respect. Just trust me.” He kisses my hand.
Maybe I can…
Spot leans in and kisses my head. “When will I see you again?”
“Tomorrow, maybe tonight if ya wanna join in on a card game.”
“Is Race bet’n?”
Spot holds up his hands. “I ain’t get’n involved in that!”
“Good move. Don’t worry- I’ll be back! Now will ya let me go?” Very reluctantly, Spot releases me. “Thank you. Now I godda go, but-” I give him a kiss on tha cheek. “-I’ll be back.”
“See ya around, Beauty.”
I grab an apple from tha kitchen and rush outside. Before I run across tha bridge, I wave ‘hello’ to Bucky, who’s talk’n with Danny. When I get to ‘Hattan, I’m just about to tha distribution center-
“Hello, Harlot.”
My stomach quenches. I turn around and see Slick Benny and his gang sulk’n in an alley. And to be frank, they’s don’t look too happy.
“Beat it before I beat you, jerks!” I spit. I turn to leave, but I see more thugs have surrounded me. “I ain’t gonna just let ya kick me around like last time, Ben! Try anyth’n, and I’ll soak ya!” I throw up my fists.
“Oh look, little miss sing’n sweetie is gonna hurt us!” Benny taunts, while tha goons just laugh. “You lost us a big chunk-a cash from Pulitzer by run’n off. No madda- we’s here for a more… permanent solution.” 
Before I know it, I feel a deep, sharp pain in my side. A thug behind me pulls a knife oudda me, and I see my blood run out onto tha street. Deep, blood red. My knees give out and I crumble to tha ground, clutch’n my side- but not before send’n my fist into someone’s shin.
“It didn’t work on your boyfriend, so we’s gonna stick around ‘til it works on you, tramp!” Benny sneers down at me.
“Benny,” I wince and grit my teeth, but tha pain’s make’n me numb and my vision blurry. “Rot. In. Hell…” Then the lights go out.
Crutchy’s POV
I’d just gotten me papes, and was head’n out to my new sell’n spot. Now that we’s on good terms with Brooklyn, I can sell near there without feel’n noirvous. I’m so happy Becca found a guy- and Spot Colon of all people! But I’s still sad she’s not spend’n as much time with us. I’ll never forget-
I gasp and nearly fall over. “Becca?!”
It is Becca! In an alley, surrounded by blood- her blood! 
I limp over and kneel down. “Becca! Becca! Can ya hear me? Race! Blink! Somebody, help!” By now I’m cry’n and try’n to stay calm.
“Crutchy? That you?” I hear Blink yell back.
“Guys- it’s Becca! Hurry!”
They run over and immediately their faces drop. Race kneels down next to me.
“She’s still breath’n- we godda get her to Kloppman and get her patched up!”
“Ok. You carry her,” I say. I can’t carry her- with my leg I can’t even carry myself!
“I can’t carry her by myself-!”
“I don’t care who does it, just hurry!”
Race grabs her shoulders while Blink takes her feet while I try to keep up. When we get to tha lodg’n house, Kloppman instantly motions to a nearby bunk.
“Here, here! Set her down gently! What happened?”
“I dunno- I found her in a pile of blood in the alley. I think her side’s been stabbed!”
Kloppman frowns. “Go get Kelly’s girlfriend while I gather supplies. If there’s going to be any work done, there has to be a lady present! Go, now!”
Blink rushes off while Race and I can only try to comfort Becca, who’s still unconscious.
“B-B…” She mumbles.
“What? What is it Becs?” Race asks frantically.
Race makes a fist. “That lousy, rotten, no-good son-of-a-!”
“What happened?” Sarah comes through tha door, followed by Blink.
“Becca got stabbed. Ya godda help, please!” I beg.
“O-Oh! Ok- um… You guys are going to have to go. Give us some privacy.”
“Sure, sure. Just hurry while she’s still breath’n!” Race rushes.
We leave Sarah to get to work and meet up with tha odda newsies in tha square.
“Where’s Becs? She’s supposed to be back by now! If Spot tries anyth’n funny-” Jack grumbles.
“She got stabbed!” Race pants.
Jack’s face twists from annoyed to fearful.
“It’s Benny- he did it!” Blink informs them.
“How long ‘til I can get a murder over with?” Skittery growls. “I’ll kill him- you knows I will! C’mon Jack- just let me kill him!”
Jack tries to calm him down. “No, no. We’s just won a strike- we don’t need anyone arrested for murder! Believe me, I wanna kill him too, Skid. But we godda worry about Becca!”
“Who wants to tell Spot?” Mush asks. We all exchange fear-filled glances. “We’s all know Spot Colon ain’t gonna take it too easy when he hears Becca’s been hurt.”
“I’ll go.”
We all turn to Boots.
“I’ll go tell him.” He goes to leave.
“Nice know’n ya, Boots.” Snipeshooter mumbles.
Spot’s POV
I’d just gotten all tha Brooklyn newsies out and sell’n, when I see Boots sprint’n over tha bridge.
“Hey, what’s-?”
“Becca’s been stabbed!” Boots yells.
I freeze. “What?”
“It’s Becca-” Boots catches his breath. “She got stabbed by Benny. She’s with Kloppman, and Sarah’s patch’n her up.”
Oh dear God. Becca... Sweet, beautiful Rebecca...
“Well don’t just stand there! Take me to her!” I jump up and follow Boot to ‘Hattan, where all tha newsies are. 
“Okay, who’s fault is it?” I growl.
“What?” Skittery asks blindly.
“You’s know what! Who allowed Becca to be stabbed?”
“It ain’t nobody’s fault! We ain’t babysitters- Becca’s been walk’n by herself for years!”
“Yeah, and she never left good-ol’ safe ‘Hattan, did she?” I jibe at them.
None of em answer. More proof that Becca should’ve been escorted. Just then, a goil comes oudda tha lodg’n house.
“She’s awake!”
“Is she ok?” I ask anxiously.
“Don’t worry- she’ll have some scarring, but otherwise it didn’t damage any organs. However she did lose a lot of blood, so she’ll have to rest for a few days.”
“I can live with that. It’s Becca not be’n alive that I’s won’t be live’n!” 
Thank you, God! Thank you thank you!
We all crowd upstairs to where Becca’s lay’n in a bunk, almost like an angel.
Rebecca’s POV
I wake up feeling groggy. I try to roll over, and then feel tha deep pain in my side. Oh, right. Wait- I’m alive? I’m alive! Alive and kick’n! 
I open my eyes and take in tha sunshine stream’n throught tha window.
“Good! You’re awake!”
I look over and see Sarah sitting nearby.
“Hey. What’re ya do’n here?”
“They said you had been stabbed, and since I’m a girl too they thought I should help.”
I blush, embarrassed. “Sorry-”
“No, no, it’s alright! You’re going to hopefully make a full recovery! Would you like to see any visitors?”
I nod. “Yes, please!”
“Alright- I’ll send them up!” Sarah disappears down tha hallway. 
I lift up my shoit, and find a jagged set of stitches- a wound that’ll leave a scar. I just hope Spot doesn’t mind…
Before I know it, all tha newsies are crowd’n around me.
“Becca! You’s ok!” Crutchy gushes.
“‘Course I am. You’s think a papercut can stop me?” I grunt.
“You’s had enough trouble to last ya a lifetime, Becs.” Jack hugs me gently. 
When I see Spot, he looks as if he’s either gonna tell me off, or break down cry’n. Instead, he leans in and abruptly wraps his arms around me.
“I thought I lost you, Beauty,” he whispers, and I notice he’s shake’n a bit.
“Hey, don’t worry- I’m still here.” I run my fingers through his hair, try’n to calm him.
“I shoulda gone with ya,” he whispers regretfully. “I’ll never let anyth’n happen to you again, I promise.”
I frown and push Spot up to face me. “Ya know who you’s sound’n like?” I point to my big brodda. “Him.”
Spot don’t answer. Instead, he buries his head into my chest, and I’m a little embarrassed to have all tha guys here.
“How can I help it, not worry’n about ya?” Spot asks finally.
“Simple. Ya just godda trust me.”
“And look where that got ya!”
“I never said it’d always turn out ok. But ya can’t lock me away like a fragile doll, expect’n me to live with it. I wanna live my life, not observe it.”
“I donno…”
“Just promise you won’t be freaked out later.”
Spot’s face scrunches. “What?”
I frown. “I- I’s gonna have a scar. And, if it-”
“Rebecca, no scar could ever make me stop think’n you's the most beautiful goil in the world.”
Everyone goes quiet, and I can understand why. Spot’s never this open about his feelings, but I’m glad he still will’n to luv me.
Jack speaks up. “Guess he really luvs ya, Becca. Sorry I ever doubted it.”
Spot glares. “Ever mention this again, and I’ll soak ya!”
“Thanks for that, Spot.” I begin to sit up. “Now c’mon- we’s got papes to sell!”
Sarah’s face falls. “No, Becca, you’re not-”
“Ya just got stabbed!”
“Beauty, if you think I’s gonna let ya get up-”
“You’s already lost a good cut just by watch’n me sleep. I ain’t gonna lay around all day, so let’s go!”
Mush and Jack try to stop me, but after my death-glare they back off. Spot’s still hold’n my hand, and I’m wonder’n if he’ll never let go. We get outside and I’d never thought I’d be so happy ta see tha shine’n sun.
“So, any big news?” I ask Crutchy.
“I donno…”
“Extra! Extra! Carlyle seeks long-lost daughter!” Snipeshooter shouts. What?
“Lemme see that!” I snatch a pape from him and skim tha story. My fadda, my o-so-care’n fadda, is look’n for me. “I don’t believe this!” I say in a disgusted tone.
A few of tha guys gather around. Spot looks especially on-edge, though I can tell he’s try’n not to show it.
“Is it him?” Race asks.
“Is it really him?” Mush urges.
“That’s your fadda?!” Skittery outbursts.
“You’s rich!” Boots says.
“Are ya gonna leave?” Spot asks, more serious. I can tell he’s really anxious.
“‘Course she is- who wouldn’t?” Blink says.
“Quiet!” I spread my hands out. I could go back, but go back to what? An abusive fadda who sees me as an unwanted nuisance? “I ain’t leave’n.”
“You’re not?” Spot looks as if he’d been born again.
“Why? What sense does that make?” Snipeshooter asks.
“He might be my fadda,” I look over at Spot with a determined look, “but he ain’t my family.”
“Becca, think about it: You’s give’n away a whole fortune just to stick around with a bunch-a newsies-” Skittery begins.
“-who are just tha most funny, care’n, luv’n, and wonderful family I’s could ever need,” I finish. “Guys, I’s here to stay!”
All tha guys crowd and hug me in thanks, but they don’t argue when Spot pulls me aside and kisses me- though Jack’s try’n so hard to ignore it!
“Ya really ok stick’n with me? Like this?” he whispers, brow furrowed as he gestures to his worn-out clothes.
“Luv is a luxury money can’t buy. I ain’t leave’n unless you’s make me!” I grin.
We all go to start sell’n, and I can tell it’s gonna be a beautiful day!
That night, Spot walks me back from my sell’n spot towards tha lodg’n house. Already I hear Race beginn’n ta set up tha game! It’s really dark, with no moon out, but tha lamps help light up tha street. By now it’s beginn’n to get cold out- a sure sign winter’s wait’n.
I turn to Spot. “Thanks.”
“No problem. After today, I’s gonna worry ‘bout you forever!” He kisses my hand, make’n me blush. “Tha future may not be too good…”
“It ain’t so bad,” I say assur’nly.
“Oh yeah? What makes ya say that?”
(A Million Dreams from The Greatest Showman)
“I close my eyes and I can see,
A world that's waiting up for me.
That I call my own.
Through the dark, through the door,
Through where no one's been before.
But it feels like home.
They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy.
They can say, they can say I've lost my mind.
I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy.
We can live in a world that we design.
'Cause every night I lie in bed,
The brightest colours fill my head!
A million dreams are keeping me awake!
I think of what the world could be,
A vision of the one I see,
A million dreams is all it's gonna take!
Oh a million dreams for the world we're gonna make.”
I lead him ta tha window, and outline houses with my hands.
“There's a house we can build,
Every room inside is filled
With things from far away.
The special things I compile,
Each one there to make a smile
On a rainy day…”
Now I climb up tha ladder, while pull’n Spot behind me.
“They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy.
They can say, they can say I've lost my mind.
I don't care, I don't care if they call us crazy.
Runaway to a world that we design…!”
Spot lifts me by tha waist, twirl’n me in tha moonlight.
“‘Cause every night I lie in bed,
The brightest colours fill my head,
A million dreams are keeping me awake!
I think of what the world could be,
A vision of the one I see,
A million dreams is all it's gonna take!
Oh a million dreams for the world we're gonna make!”
I take his face in my hands.
“However big, however small,
Let me be part of it all.
Share your dreams with me!
You may be right, you may be wrong,
But say that you'll bring me along!
To the world you see,
To the world I close my eyes to see,
I close my eyes to see!”
He slowly brings me down, but doesn’t let me go. He touches his nose to mine, and we just stare at each odda.
“‘Cause every night I lie in bed,
The brightest colours fill my head…”
“A million dreams are keeping me awake…” I sing back.
“A million dreams, a million dreams!”
We sing togedda:
“I think of what the world could be!
A vision of the one I see!
A million dreams is all it's gonna take!
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make!”
We both lean over tha rail’n, star’n out inta tha city, then both sing softly:
“For the world we're gonna make.”
Later that night, Specs is tha foist to see me arrive.
“They’s all wait’n for you,” he says in a sarcastic scold’n tone. “Race’s about to throw a fit.”
I roll my eyes. “Whatever. They’s should know by now I ain’t one fer gambl’n.” I leave Specs downstairs, thankful he ain’t a part of this, and smile wide when I see tha fellas all gathered at tha table. “Hey guys! Ready to play?” I announce.
“Becs! You’s just in time! Blink’s deal’n.” Boots says excitedly.
“You bet’n?” Race immediately asks, curious.
I glare at him. “No. I’s already lost enough by not sell’n much today, and I ain’t gonna lose a single penny to you!”
“Alright, alright!” He complains.
Crutchy comes and sits by me. “So- Spot ain’t come’n?”
I shake my head. “He don’t wanna gamble either, plus he wants to give me some space.”
“That’s respectable.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought!” I say with wide eyes.
“Hey! Quite your yapp’n! Are you’s play’n or not?” Race asks.
I roll my eyes again. “I guess someone’s in an eager mood. Fiiiiinnnnne. Who’s go’n foist?”
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synthaphone · 6 years
if you get mad at video games, do not buy yoshi and poochy’s woolly world
i was like ‘oh! the poochy amiibo is precious and i want it!! also, what a cute looking game! and it has an easy mode, so i won’t get too frustrated!!’
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myonepiece · 4 years
Law, Kid, Marco he slaps you
Law x Reader,   Kid x Reader,   Marco x Reader
Description: He slaps you during an argument 
Warnings: Angst, abuse
A/N: I love doing this theme! I’m sorry this took so long, I was having trouble coming up with the right poems, and I wanted to get this out soon so I kind of rushed them, but I think it turned out well
Disclaimer: this is romanticizing abuse, I do not support any type of abuse in any way, this is for entertainment purposes only
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Kid is horrible at controlling his emotion, anger most of all- which is why even after your tears started falling and you held your reddened cheek in your hand, Kid didn’t stop yelling. “Go!! Get out!!” he threw his hands up, scaring you more ad causing you to stumble and fall back. Kid faltered slightly, but he could feel the sting of tears collecting in his eyes, refusing to have you see that, and afraid he would hurt you further, Kid grabbed your arm and pulled you up before pushing you out the door and slamming it behind you.
his breaths were rapid as he kept replaying the argument, trying to find where he lost control, searching for something that you had done that justifies his cruel actions. he paces wildly around the room, reaching the wall and puching through it with ease- and now tears of anger and frustration are running down his cheeks. he ran the cabinet he kept his personal alcohol in, taking all of the bottles out and falling beside his bed with a grunt, chugging down the first bottle quickly
his teeth were gritted, his fists were clenched, and he was crying. Kid was humiliated, crying because he hurt someone, even simply the fact that he was crying.
when an angel falls in love with the devil
the fight is excruciating 
when the world is against them
they tighten their hold
but when they are torn apart, it is not because of the world
it is because the devil realized what he was doing
because he was hurting his angel
and they were never meant to be
and even if you and I were never meant to be
I wish you could’ve stayed with me 
I love you still today, and tomorrow even more
because I would challenge fate
if it meant our love could be restored
when you stole Kid’s heart, that meant you would be there forever, because as much as Kid hated to admit, he couldn’t be without you. he knew what he had done was wrong, that you shouldn’t take him back, but his stubbornness refused to give you up, as did his heart. without you there was only 1 goal, and without you it did not seem as appealing.
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probably not the best move, to stand directly in front of you at arms length after physically hurting you, but Law couldn’t move, he couldn’t breathe. for once in his life he was the one to hurt who he cares about, a thought that struck him like a knife to his stomach. “leave” he said, his tone dark and voice strained, as if he was holding back. he met your eyes for a split second before turning them to the wall. and when. the door shut he didn’t falter, he waited until he sank to the ground at the foor of the bed and brought his knees to his chest- and then the tears started.
he held his hand over his mouth, attempting to muffle the sobs. he was disgusted with himself, he knew the crew would be disgusted, Rosinante would be disgusted, Law had done one of the worst things he could do, and that was hurting someone you love. he thought of this action as something his enemies would, something celestial dragons would do, something Doflamingo would not only do, but be proud of Law for doing- and those thoughts made it all the more heart wrenching and sickening. 
the one person who had offered him safety, who he trusted and vowed to protect, had beenn hurt by his hand. if Law could take his heart out and not feel a single pinch of pain, he wouldn’t do it, because Law wanted to feel this, to feel the pain and the hurt because he needed to be punished for his actions, but even that didn’t give him a piece of mind- all he could think of was you crying alone and in pain because of him, it was eough to drive him mad, clutching his hair and gritting his teeth.
my heart whispered your name
and my soul made it stay
though our love was written in the stars
and traveled over the seas
you’ve sailed away from me
and if you choose to not return
I’ll understand
though if you wish for me you need to know
I love you still today, and tomorrow even more
if you choose to give me a chance
please grace me with a dance
because even if you give up
the stars are never wrong
they knew we would not be apart for long
Law didn’t know if he could forgive himself, and truth be told he didn’t know if he wanted you to forgive him. you were the one who made Law believe in fate, and destiny, and soulmates- and he knew that you were all of those to him. he wanted you back yes, but if you chose to leave, he would never take another lover, because he only has one soulmate and once you’re gone, his heart still beats for only you
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Marco was completely and utterly shocked at his own actions, his jaw hung open and his eyes wide as he saw his handprint appear on your cheek. he tried to say sorry, but he couldn’t make a sound- until a sob escaped your lips and he tried to move towards you to help you, but you stepped back quickly and he froze. you kept your eyes on the ground next to him, and he realized he should leave before you get scared even more, he slowly stepped around you careful not to touch you at all, and he hurried out the door and down the hall
he hid in his office, sitting against the wall in silence- silence until Ace and Izo burst in looking furious, no doubt heard the two of you fighting then you crying. they had gone to check on you and saw the redness of your cheek, Ace didn’t understand at first but Izo was quick to put the pieces together, they left you with Vista and went to find Marco. all the men know Marco is smart and he would never want to hurt you, but it had happened and they demanded an explanation. of course after hearing Marco’s tearful explanation of how he lost control and couldn’t contain his anger, that he regrets it more than anything, after hearing their brother sob about how much he hates himself, they knew that he hadn’t truly meant what he did, though that didn’t stop them from throwing some punches.
they sat in the office with Marco, Izo leaning against the wall opposite Marco and Ace sat on the floor. it was silent once again as the boys thought of what to do, though Izo and Ace didn’t exactly share their ideas, their brother still needed punishment for hurting you- and punishment is exactly what Marco considered this.
 when my eyes met yours my soul began a conversation with my heart
carried on through our journey together
the two had become so indulged in our story,
they did not know you had chose to part
in my dreams I make you mine
I hold you til the end of time 
memories will always make me smile
if only I could have you back for at least a little while
if you choose to leave me
I will still love you secretly
but when I see that you’re not there 
I will always be in pain
wating for the day you say you love me again
Marco is smart, he knows that he’s done wrong and that he doesn’t deserve you. but the heart doesn’t give up as easily as it sometimes should.
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And In Darkness, I Stand- Chapter 4
Kallus' leg is never quite the same after Bahryn. But then again, neither is he.
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4. Yavin IV
“Captain Kallus.”
Kallus turns the best he can, gripping the handle of his cane as he does. Zeb is making his way over, his tall frame parting the flow of traffic in the hall.
“Kal,” Zeb amends with a smile, brushing a hand against the small of Kallus’ back. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” Kallus nods, and grimaces. “I don't suppose I can use my position to get out of physical therapy?”
“No. I’ll still carry you there myself if I have to.”
Heat flames across Kallus’ cheek, but there’s nothing he can say to defend himself. His daily routine has been centered around his recovery for weeks, despite his protestations. On his first day back, he reported to Command for an extra few hours rather than going to the medbay, which caused a small uproar among the likes of Hera and Zeb. The resulting situation was a lecture from Zeb and the entire medical staff, as well as a warning from Command as to where his priorities should lie.
But aside from the initial excitement, Kallus has settled in quite well. He has his own post and a small command to his name. He’s been forgiven by the Rebels in an official capacity, and has learned when to ignore the snide comments made by his less-forgiving compatriots. For the most part, his job is normal and steady- he’s in the company of fellow spies most of the time, but everyone on Yavin is well acquainted with danger, regardless of their roles within the Rebellion. He nearly fits in.
It would be better if he were not so limited by his physical ability. He cannot stand on his leg unsupported, so he has been using a cane constantly, save for a few small excursions across his quarters, which, so far, have been painful and short-lived.
Suddenly, Kallus is bad at keeping himself out of trouble, between his efforts to heal and his apparently lacking self-care habits. This is yet another change he attributes to rebel influence, but he rather likes it, even if he is adjusting to this new life slowly.
“You’re improving and you’re not going to stop now,” Zeb growls. He may as well be threatening Kallus, who minds this fact very little. His hand tightens on his cane.
“I know,” Kallus breathes, and drops his gaze. His next step forward is slightly unsteady, but he’s overly aware of Zeb watching him closely and that his friend is fully prepared to catch him should he trip.
Kallus hasn’t fallen in weeks. He can make it all the way across base without needing to rest now. The medics say the fracture is largely healed, and he thinks he must have made some kind of progress over the last few weeks.
“Are you coming with me?” Kallus tries not to sound too hopeful or excited; Zeb usually accompanies him to the medcenter for checkups and therapy, if only to ensure that Kallus himself actually attends.
“Of course.” Zeb glances at him. “‘Til you say you don’t want me there.”
“I do,” Kallus affirms, too quickly, and tries to discern if he’s blushing again. His face still feels hot.
They make their way down to the medcenter, where the staff greets him and Zeb both by name. The journey takes longer than he’d like, and Kallus tries not to count how many people pass him. It’s mid-afternoon by then, and his leg has started to twinge, although he turns away from Zeb and bites the inside of his cheek to get through the moments of pain.
Zeb steadies him as he strips off his jacket and boots, clutching Kallus’ left elbow. Kallus shoots him a grateful smile. He wobbles on one leg, unsteady, and he knows he will not fall.
It’s not Zeb who asks, but a nurse. Cida Amada, who was one of the first people he got to know during his stay in the medcenter. She barely looks old enough to have such responsibility, with her shy smiles and soft tones, but she and Kallus took a liking to each other. They made each other cry, he lost in frustration and agony, and she hurt after discovering his tendency to yell and swear when in crippling pain. Yet once he had apologized, their relationship improved, and Amada became his primary caretaker, which most predominantly includes cajoling him into showing up for his appointments.
She and Zeb seem to adore each other for this fact. Kallus can only pretend he hates it so much.
He nods, his mouth suddenly dry, and she reaches out to take his hand. He lets her, and Cida smiles at him, not meeting his eyes for more than a few seconds.
“It’ll feel better later even if it’s uncomfortable right now, Alexsandr. How have the last few rotations been?”
She is gentle and kind. Forgiving, too, which is the strangest of offerings he’s even been gifted in his life. Kallus mostly expected to be dead by now, rather than guided through a half-stocked medbay by a medic exclusively trained by war doctors. Cida genuinely likes him, too, which is odd. Both Hera and Zeb had to assure him of this fact, though Kallus is sure she wouldn’t be capable of pretending otherwise. He first had doubts about the girl’s abilities as a liar since she apologized for taking a blood sample from him. She is too good to lie, which, he supposes, is why he’s a former Imperial-turned-spy, and she is a rebel war doctor.
Cida stretches his legs and guides him through a few exercises that should be simple but prove exceedingly difficult for Kallus. He has to touch his toes. Climb stairs. Walk 2 meters with support on either side. He grits his teeth and sweats through it, mumbling curses that Cida and Zeb pretend not to hear when he inevitably falters.
His hands shake for an hour afterward. Kallus showers and lies on his bunk, exhausted.
His leg feels better than it did before.
 Had he stayed with the Empire, Kallus would have received higher quality medical care.
He might not be stuck with a limp and a cane. 
First, he would have needed to swallow his damned pride and ask for treatment, and then the initial break would not have affected him for the rest of his life. The Imperial meddroids would have returned him to normal in a matter of days, if not weeks, and Thrawn would have never rebroken the leg, even if Kallus had pursued life as Fulcrum. The Empire is equipped with better resources and better training.
But he didn’t ask for help, not upon his return from Bahryn nor any of the painful days after. Konstantine didn’t even look up at him. If anyone noticed he was uncomfortable or weaker, they politely looked away and saved that topic of discussion for when his back was turned. Kallus was alone in caring for himself, and it was thus unimportant to everyone in the Empire, including him. He adopted the same attitude regarding his own health.
Hera had caught him when he collapsed, after Atollon. Cida cried when he cried because she hated seeing him in pain. Zeb has been there for him in more ways than he can count.
Sometimes, Zeb calls him Alex. He hasn’t had that nickname since he was a little boy- his parents never bothered with it and he had few friends by the time he entered the Imperial Academy.
Zeb is the only one, in his entire life, who has called him Kal.
That’s yet another thing they share. Kallus has gleamed that Zeb never fully revealed the truth of what happened on Bahryn, even to the rest of the Ghost crew.
He does not know what would be enough to repay the Rebels. They have so little, yet they give to him, in time and effort and supplies and trust. It would be more just if these things were diverted to another, not to a formal Imperial, but they will not let him refuse their generosity.
Kallus would give his life for these people. For Zeb and the Spectres, certainly, but for those he does not know, too. For the ones who hurl dirty looks and harsh words at him in the mess and hallways, for Cida, for the other Fulcrums, for every rebel on Yavin and the galaxy beyond.
His life would not be enough, when they are the very people who have given it back to him. Kallus’ life is marred and stained and broken. He can offer the rebels service and secrets and loyalty, and he will do all he can to see them to victory. 
He wonders about that, too. He would be more confident about winning the war were he still an Imperial agent. He is a man of facts and logic, and he knows that the odds are against the rebels to prevail over the Empire.
But he believes in the rebels. Kallus believes in their cause and their people. That alone has carried them further than Kallus ever predicted.
He would give his life for them without thinking. He gives his hope and keeps his doubt and his cynicism, heavy as they are, so that they do not burden those like Pica and Leia Organa and Ezra Bridger.
Even as a rebel, being a spy still demands a certain mindset of coldness and hardness. Kallus is learning mercy, and he is learning how mercy does and doesn’t fit into his role. Draven has told him more than once that they serve the cause of the Rebellion, not its people.
Kallus is not sure he agrees. Draven has the end of the war in sight, and that is what grants Kallus peace of mind while the familiarity of Draven’s words nags at him.
Draven has also told Kallus that he is still useful, despite his leg. The General had looked at Kallus with pity while he had said it. Kallus will prove him wrong, and his heart sings with a small amount of pride with the knowledge of the difference he has made already under and to Draven’s command.
Kallus is trying to be good in his new role. He is also trying to become someone worthy of the friendship and care that the rebels have shown him.
He wants to be accepted by them. He wants to be their friend.
The use of his full first name startles him, nearly as much as the alarm in Zeb’s voice does. Zeb is staring at him from across the hangar, Hera by his size. The droid, Chopper, makes some obscene noise that Kallus can only assume is scolding.
The trio is at his side quickly, and Kallus grunts as he loads the shipment onto the shuttle.
“I can do that,” Hera says. She sounds mildly scandalized, and she takes the box from his hands. Chopper wags his mechanical arm at Kallus, and emits a horrifying cackle at the indignation on his face.
“No cane?” Zeb sounds surprised, but Kallus has had a good few days. He’s permitted not to use it for short amounts of time, given that his leg doesn’t start hurting. He and Cida are hoping that this will become the norm, that he will only need his cane some days. Kallus has floated the idea of field missions once or twice already, but he’ll push for more unsupervised walking first.
“Not for a while.” It’s nearly strange not to have the cane in his hand, but he’s been making good use of his free hands for a while. Then: “General, I assure you I am very capable of doing that.”
Kallus tries to take the next box from Hera, who passes to Zeb. In turn, he holds the box over their heads, then sets it in the shuttle.
“You could hurt yourself,” Hera chides. “Let us help you.”
“Lifting a few crates will hardly send me into critical condition,” Kallus protests, but the words are weakened when Hera glares at him. Chopper laughs again. “My leg is injured, not my arms.”
“No extra weight,” Zeb reminds him, taking another box from Hera. “Don’t strain yourself.”
“It’s just-”
“We’re happy to help,” Hera interrupts. She exchanges a look with Zeb, and Kallus bites back a retort. He’s perfectly capable.
The next time he sees Cida, Kallus is sure to mention lightening the restrictions on his carrying weight. She’s willing to negotiate, at the very least, and they argue until it’s agreed that Kallus can lift, but not carry, a few kilos. He’s sure to complain very little for the rest of the session, and the nurse sends him away with a smile at the end of the day.
She tells him he’s making progress; a statement constantly echoed by Zeb. Physical therapy becomes easier and less frequent; he’s fully adjusted to using his cane, although he has started to go many days without it. At first, it’s painful- he can only endure the day without his cane if he stays in Command, but then weeks pass and he can move around base on his own. He’s outfitted with temporary mechanical braces, and he goes on his first field mission as a rebel.
The days are not bad, and the initial mission goes smoothly, as do all the ones after that.
When night falls after he returns, Kallus can barely stand, and the pain reduces him mostly immobile.
Cida worms this fact out of him after he spends two rotations chasing down a rogue informant. He had been late to see her, and stiff and quiet during their appointment.
“You’ll make it worse,” she warns him. His leg has been swelling, too. “Too much at once will only hurt you.”
“I’m useful out there,” Kallus insists, staring at his injured leg. It would be a waste if he remained on base all the time. “If I can get stronger, then I can fight.”
Cida sighs, her eyes full of worry. Kallus looks away, his heart poisoned with guilt. “If you keep doing this, you may last a few months or a cycle. After that, you could spend the rest of your life walking with pain and assistance.”
He nods once. That’s as much time as he needs, regardless of what follows.
Kallus has greater potential than what his leg allows. He could be one of the best ground fighters on base, if his body worked right.
 “Does your leg hurt?”
Kallus grunts. “My leg always hurts.” He shifts, moving his lower body as little as possible, but Zeb moves into his full view a moment later.
“You shoulda said something on way back-”
“I’m fine, Zeb.”
“Your cane-”
“It hurts with or without the cane,” Kallus snaps, then averts his eyes. Zeb’s ears flatten, and Kallus’ stomach flips.
“Are you gonna use it now?” Zeb asks quietly. They still don’t look at each other.
Kallus reaches for the offending object and thumps it against the ground. “Yes,” he mutters. That’s the only reason he got here, in some dirty corner of the base. The cane saw him back from the medbay and into the spot where he had chosen to sulk.
Apparently, the covert location wasn’t quite private enough. That, or Zeb knows him too well, because he seems to have sought Kallus out with ease. But here he is, sitting on the floor with Kallus and watching the rest of the Rebellion walk by, totally oblivious to their discussion.
“Today is a bad day,” Kallus says. That’s how he measures time- in good days and bad ones. “I’ve been having a lot of those, recently.”
“You’ve been working hard.”
“I want to go back to normal,” Kallus mutters, rolling his eyes. “I’m sick of being weak. I’m tired.” He smiles at Zeb, his lips thin and pursed. “I’m done.”
“Alex.” Zeb is imploring.”How could you think you’re weak?”
“Because I can’t walk down the damned hallway!” Kallus scoffs. “Because I have gone through all this suffering and I am not better! And all I wish is that it would end!”
“That makes you weak, does it?”
“It doesn’t make me strong, Garazeb. Not the way you think I am.”
The Lasat next to him snorts. “Kal, I have seen you walk through hell and back-”
“That doesn’t make-”
“- I know how strong you are,” Zeb finishes, talking over him. “Do you trust me?”
Kallus blanches, his heart pounding. “Of course.”
“Then believe me when I say you’re strong.”
“I’ve never seen it that way.”
The words are nearly inaudible. It’s a shamefaced confession, and Zeb stares at him with wide eyes, taking both of Alexsandr’s hands in his.
“Just because I survived doesn’t mean I’m a martyr, Zeb. Or some inspiration to look up to.”
“That’s half of one of the many reasons I care for you,” Zeb whispers, his voice so, so low. “Not because you’ve managed to survive, but because of how determined you are. It’s the stupid face you make when you’re concentrating and the way your voice gets all high when you tell me about how fine and capable you are.” Zeb chuckles, and Kallus is very acutely aware that Zeb is sitting so close to him that their thighs are touching. “You’ve always been so damn stubborn.”
“You like that about me?” Some alarmed voice in Alexsandr’s head warns him that this is barely tangential to the topic at hand.
“Yeah.” Zeb’s ears twitch, and he drops his eyes from Kallus’ wondrous stare. “Even if it pisses me off.”
“I know it does.”
“Yeah,” Zeb growls, then he deflates as he sighs. “I’ve always known that about you. Even when you were trying to kill me.” He gestures to Kallus, to his brace and cane. “Seeing you recover is another way you’re proving this to me. Your absurd relentlessness. And your strength.” He glowers at Kallus when he says the last word, as if daring him to object. “You’ve always had that.”
“Someone better would have handled it with grace.”
“Maybe.” Zeb shrugs. “You’re tough, not a saint.”
“Thank you, Garazeb.”
Zeb rolls his eyes, shoving against Kallus’ shoulder gently. “Whatever.” He clears his throat. “Maybe all this made you stronger. I don’t care if you get back to normal, or whatever you’ve dreamed up for yourself. I only want you to be happy with where you were.”
“And go to physical therapy.”
“I don’t want you to be in pain.”
Zeb grins. “By the way, if you didn’t want the hurt from your serious injury to go away, then you’re twice as big of an idiot as I thought you were. I have no idea what else you expected.”
“I expected for it to last a few weeks. Not the rest of my life.”
“There’s nothing wrong with wishing for that.” Zeb looks up at the trees, and Kallus thinks of a burning world, razed to the ground by the Empire. Zeb didn’t come away from Lasan unscathed, he knows. “Whatever happens though, here you are, Kal. Even if all you’ve done is survive.”
Alexsandr reaches out for Zeb’s hand, and his friend takes it. Zeb’s words are muddled with affection and friendship and respect. The person Zeb describes sounds like someone Kallus can appreciate. Somebody with an iron will and a conviction for the right kind of things. Somebody worthy of love
 That night, Kallus cannot rest. He wanders the halls, on a dreadfully familiar path- the one Zeb takes him on when Kallus has to stretch out his leg. His feet carry him into the cool night air, his cane thumping against the stone after every uneven step.
Kallus searches for privacy, but he cannot make it far outside the base. There are still lights blinking from the hangars and a quiet bustle of nightlife shows that the base is still busy, but Kallus staggers along as far as he can and settles on a log under the cover of some trees.
“Can’t sleep?”
Alexsandr jumps, then he squints in the dark. Some 30 feet away is Kanan Jarrus, sitting on the forest floor with his legs folded beneath him. He appears to be meditating; his shoulder pauldrons and mask are off, and he sounds relaxed.
“I didn’t mean to disturb you,” Kallus calls. He fumbles with his cane and readies himself to stand; he’s still slightly out of breath and now he has nowhere to go.
“No.” Kanan stands instead and approaches Kallus, nimbly stepping over branches and rocks. Kallus stares up at the blind Jedi, then averts his gaze when Kanan takes a seat next to him.
They sit together in silence. Kallus doesn’t mind the company very much; he fiddles with his hands and does his best to ignore the aching in his leg.
“It’s lonely, isn’t it?” Kanan says finally. He turns to Kallus expectantly.
Kallus gives a nervous chuckle. “What is?”
“Healing.” Kanan opens his hands as if he’s referring to the whole jungle, instead. “Even with the people who love you at your side.”
Kallus opens his mouth to protest- he’s not sure who loves him, even if a few people come to mind- but the depth of Kanan’s words hit him a moment later.
“I don’t-” Kallus struggles for the right words. “I don’t believe I’m alone.”
Kanan nods slowly. “I had Hera with me every step of the way. She’s the most understanding, caring person I know.” Then, Kanan shrugs. “But it was impossible for her to understand what it was like, no matter how hard she tried. It was lonely.”
“Yes,” Kallus says slowly, exhaling.  “Even- even-”
“Zeb doesn’t understand?” He can hear the humor in Kanan’s voice, although Kallus cannot piece together why Kanan would be amused. “I think that’d be impossible unless he’d been through it, too.”
“Do you know anyone who did?”
Kanan shakes his head. “Not quite.” He smiles, and again, Kallus can’t comprehend why. “I had to find solace in other places.”
“Do you think you’re on the other side?”
“Of recovery?” Kallus inclines his head. “Yes. It’s different now.” Kanan’s smile becomes wistful. “But there’s no going back.”
“You made it through.”
“I did. And you will too. In time.”
“I want it to be over.” The confession falls from Kallus’ lips before he can help it. “I’m so tired of being in pain.”
“I know.”
“I don’t think it will ever pass.”
“And if it doesn’t?”
“Then…” Kallus sighs. “Then I move forward with it, anyway.”
There’s no other choice. He will stay with the rebels until the end, and he will do so however he can. He could lose his leg tonight or he could wake up entirely healed tomorrow morning. Either way, there will be little change to his plans.
“I thought you’d say that.” Kanan rests his hand on Kallus’ knee. “It gets easier.”
“I know.” It has already. Maybe Zeb is right. Maybe he is strong because of what he has survived, and maybe there’s truth to Kanan’s words, too. 
“I think you’ll find someone who makes it less lonely. I believe you’ll find yourself on the other side.”
Kallus bows his head in acknowledgment, suddenly exhausted. “Zeb will be yours again, once we get back from Lothal.” Kanan’s seriousness disappears, and Kallus knows the moment has passed. He can’t help that the corners of his lips are quirking up, and Kanan seems to both know and enjoy this fact.
“You leave soon?” The thought is bittersweet; the Lothal rebels returning home again, and Zeb will leave his side.
“Three rotations.” Kanan answers. His tone has become heavy again, but the Jedi does not sound afraid.
“I wish you luck.”
The earliest sign of civilization is a healed femur.
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btsmakesmehappy · 4 years
Palate Cleanser | 5
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Genre: Agent au, friends with benefit (sort of), Stranger to lover, Angst, Fluff
Pairing: Agent!Taehyung x Baker!reader
Word Count: 6,7k
Rating: 18+ (M)
Warning: Guns. Violence. Minor characters died. Possessive Tae. Cursing.
Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 completed
Series Masterlist: The Company
Summary: Taehyung needs something to take his mind off his broken heart. His best friend, Jimin, suggests that he should meet another woman and the first woman he met was you. Would you help him even though you have your own problem, that you hate men?
A/N: To my beloved beta readers: @arizonapoppy​ who gave me the most encouragement and to @hesperantha​ who literally made me want to join your screaming reading lmao. thankyou so much!!
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“Why are you here again?” you asked, trying to sound mad. You put your hands on your hips as Taehyung walked through your door to the couch, throwing down his jacket and other belongings on his way.
Taehyung chuckled as he plopped himself on the couch. “You know, muffin, you’re thinking way too much. I know that deep down you are happy that I am here.”
You scoffed, walking to the couch and sitting beside him. “I’m not!”
He then took the remote from the table and turned on the TV, scrolling casually through Netflix. “Sure.”
You pouted and grabbed his arm to attract his attention. “I’m not!”
Taehyung just smiled. He leaned in and kissed the tip of your nose softly, catching you off guard. “You can say whatever you want, muffin. But you can’t lie to your heart. ”
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You have been crying since Wendy dragged you to the Hall’s storage room. The room is in the back of the hall, almost outside. It’s weird for you that such an expensive hall has a room like this. The place is deserted and you feel that no one will ever hear your voice. You even take a peek at the broken window beside you, there’s no one out there to save you.
Taehyung was right after all.
That damn Park Chanyeol is fucking dangerous.
At the thought of Taehyung, you cry even harder. You are too young to die. You have just met a man who might be the love of your life and you have never told him that you love him. You miss Taehyung. You want to tell him that you love him. No, love may be too much. You want to be with Taehyung at any rate.
“For the love of God, stop crying already!” Wendy yells at you, yanking your hair.
How can you stop crying? You’re tied in a chair with a gun pointed to your head. If this isn’t the worst nightmare you’ve ever had, it is getting worse. Your stomach hurts. You try to control yourself, to stop the tears falling from your eyes. But they are just pouring like a waterfall.
“Wha-What will you do to me?” you ask cautiously.
“Oh, honey. Don’t ask something you don’t want to know,” she chuckles.
Suddenly, the door opens and a man barges in. He is in a suit too, and looks like another guest at this party. He holds a paper in his hand tightly. His face looks mad for some reason and he stops when he sees you. “Y/N?”
You look at him carefully. “Baekho?” You know this man. You went to college with him. Or close to it -- your college building is kind of merged with your culinary school so you saw him often. Hell, he even asked you out back then. Truth be told, you didn’t like him. He was snobby and when you rejected him, he hated it. He spread rumors about you in the building, which you didn’t care for. To you, he was just a rich annoying guy who had a bunch of men lurking behind him. And you remember one of the men -- it was Chanyeol.
His eyes widen when he looks at your state. “What? What is this?”
The door closes abruptly, making you jolt in surprise. “Nice reunion, right guys?” Chanyeol says happily. He walks closer to you. Your body is shaking. He touches your cheeks softly, which makes you wince in disgust. “I think it is more perfect than what I was planning before, with Y/N watching.”
Baekho glares at him. “What the fuck? Did you send this?” He asks as he holds the paper in the air. You can’t see what’s on the paper, but it looks like it might be a photo.
Chanyeol chuckles. “Of course I did! Who else knows about your bad past except me?”
Baekho grits his teeth. “What do you want? Do you want to share that photo with the public? Is that what you want?” He scoffs. “You really think that you can stop me from joining politics?”
Chanyeol laughs maniacally and walks to him. “I don’t fucking care about your career.” He pulls his gun and aims it at Baekho. “I just want you to die.”
Your eyes widen in shock. “What the hell, Chanyeol? Are you crazy? Why do you want to kill your friend?”
Wendy slaps you across the face with her gun. “Shut the fuck up.” You can feel the tingling pain on your cheek and the bitterness of blood on the corner of your lips.
Chanyeol scoffs. “Friends? I have never thought of him as a friend.” His gun is still pointing to Baekho, who has already fallen on his knees. He’s hyperventilating and clutching his chest. “He just used me as a slave, back then.”
“What?” Your voice is weak. It doesn’t make any sense. Did he plan all of this just to take revenge on Baekho?
“You should be happy too, Y/N! He was the one who spread that groundless rumor about you! He even made your photoshopped naked photo.” He glares back to Baekho. “He is trash.”
This sudden fact makes you squint your eyes in confusion.  “That doesn’t mean you can kill him!”
“It is too late.” Chanyeol smiles weakly. You hear a click from his gun.
You squeeze your eyes shut when you hear a shot, followed by the other shots. The smell of gunpowder fills the room, mixed with the smell of dust. It is nauseating. The pain in your stomach worsens, twisting it, nearly forcing you to throw the contents on the floor. You want to vomit everything; wipe away what you just saw.
With the sound of the door opened abruptly, the sound of firing guns doesn’t stop, it is even getting worse. You hear the cries of the people around you. You clutch your bound hands into fists; your nails digging into your palms in what you are sure will be permanent half moons, if you survive this.
You cast your head down. At this point, you can’t cry anymore. You want to run away, but you’re tied. You literally can’t do anything. You pray that it will end soon.
You are almost sure you are going to die tonight.
Maybe it is the fear, maybe it is nausea, or maybe it is the fact that you are losing your mind, your mind turns blank and subconsciously mutters incoherent words, or worse, sings nursery rhymes, trying to calm your nerves.
Pat­-a-­cake, pat-­a-­cake, baker's man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Pat it, and roll it, and mark it with a "B"
And put it in the oven for baby and me
 Pat-­a-­cake, pat­-a­-cake, baker's man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Mix it, and stir it, and bake it just right
Good from the first 'til the very last bite
 Pat-­a-­cake, pat­-a-­cake baker's man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Make it with chocolate, and make it with cream
Make it the prettiest you've ever seen
 Somehow the voices around you are quiet. But still, you are afraid to open your eyes, until you feel a soft pat on your shoulder. “Y/N? Are you okay?”
You slowly open your eyes, to find a familiar man in front of you. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “Hoseok?”
Hoseok sighs in relief. “Thank God, I thought you’d gone crazy.” He laughs. “Wait, let me untie you.”
He does, and you rise from your chair, legs wobbly, and look around the room. Wendy, who was beside you, is held down to the ground by some man, there’s blood seeping from her back. Another agent forces Chanyeol to walk outside. His hands are tied behind him; Chanyeol doesn’t even glance at you. And Baekho...
You can’t see him clearly, as he is covered with a white cloth. The way his blood drips from his unconscious body, you know that he’s dead. A man died. A man killed another man in the same room as you are. You put your hand on your mouth, willing yourself not to vomit in this place.
Hoseok runs to your side and holds your arms gently. “Are you okay? Can you walk?” You nod weakly. Your mind is still processing all of these things.
Why is Hoseok here? Who is he? What the fuck is going on?
Another man walks over to you. His dark eyes show concern. “Y/N, right? Let me walk you outside. There's an ambulance waiting outside to check on you.” You nod again, having no will to argue or refuse. The man puts his hand on your back while the other hand holds your arm, guiding you outside. It’s already dark outside, crowded with police and also the other people who are just curious about what happened.
He then walks you to the ambulance and the paramedics quickly examine you. Luckily, there are no major injuries. You only have a little wound in the corner of your mouth and a graze on your shoulder from the firing incident. After the paramedic treats you, the man covers your shoulder with a blanket and hands you a cup of water. “Thank you,” you whisper.
The man smiles, his eyes turning into thin lines. “You’re welcome. Taehyung will be here soon.” He pats your shoulder.
At the sound of his name, your head perks up. “Taehyung?” You look at him in confusion. What is Taehyung doing here?
Just when you want to ask him about Taehyung, you see his familiar form run towards him. “Jimin! Where is Y/N?” he asks hurriedly.
Your eyes widen with the sudden arrival of Taehyung. His hair is messy, his forehead is wet with sweat, his breaths are uneven. He carries a rifle slung over his shoulder by a strap. His eyes fall on you and he sighs in relief. He drops his rifle to the ground and runs to you.
Without even thinking, you run to him too, dropping the glass and letting the blanket fall to the ground. The two of you meet in the middle. Taehyung pulls you into his embrace, kissing your face over and over. “Oh my God, muffin. Are you okay?” he asks with worry.
Hearing his voice and feeling the way he hugs you, you feel more alive than ever. You are relieved, you feel safe. And with that realization, your eyes flood with tears. “Tae... I’m sorry.” Your body shakes uncontrollably.
Taehyung feels his heart sinking to his feet. He hates it the most when you cry. “No, muffin. I’m the one who should be sorry. I should be the one to protect you. I am sorry.” He hugs you tighter, running his hand on your head, stroking lovingly to calm you down. “I am glad that you are okay.”
“There’s a dead man,” you sob, burying your face in his chest.
“Shh... I know, muffin.” He pulls away from you, taking your face in his hand. His heart drops when he sees the wound on your face. He grits his teeth; he is so going to kill Chanyeol. How dare he hurt you?
You search his face. “Tae?”
Taehyung realizes your confusion and shakes his head profusely to clear his mind. Right now, the most important thing is you, you are alive in front of him. He leans in and gives a chaste kiss on your lips, not wanting to hurt you more. He wipes the tears on your face and pulls you into his hug again. Chanyeol can wait.
What matters most now is you.
An awkward cough erupts behind you, making you and Taehyung pull away from each other. “Sorry to disturb you guys. Jin wants to talk to you,” the man named Jimin says as he hands the phone to Taehyung.
Taehyung walks you to the back of the ambulance to let you sit there. Jimin wraps you again with a blanket. Taehyung’s hand still holds your hand tightly, not wanting to let you go, even for just a bit. He puts the phone up to his ear with his free hand. “Yes, Jin-hyung?”
You look at Taehyung warily and divert your attention to the other man beside you, who is looking at you with twinkling eyes. He looks curious and happy at the same time. “Oh, right. I’m Jimin. Tae’s friend.”
“I’m Y/N. I am...” Your voice quietens. “I-I am also Tae’s friend.” You have never talked about your relationship with him. You know that maybe boyfriend is too much, but a friend?
Jimin smiles knowingly. Anyone who saw you and Taehyung would think the same as him. How you and Taehyung hugged each other for dear life, how you look at each other, how you hold each other’s hands tightly, it’s not just any friendship. Jimin is happy for his friend. Even before Hawaii, Taehyung has never been like this. You must be someone special for him to make him fall so deep like this.
“I don’t want to!” Taehyung snaps, making you and Jimin look at him curiously. “Y/N is not going to the HQ.”
You are perplexed at the sound of your name. After the fog of the shootout, your mind starts functioning again. You collect the puzzle pieces. Taehyung told you that he is an agent, and he used that big gun. He is an agent, and you just now realize it, that Taehyung has never lied to you even once.
You squeeze his hand to make him look at you. “Tae, I’m fine,” you say softly. “If that’s something I must do, I can do it.”
Taehyung grits his teeth in displeasure and sighs. “Fine. 30 minutes.”
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Taehyung opened the trunk of Jungkook’s car, grabbing a rifle from the case. He touched the rifle softly, unsure of what to do. His fingers trembled. A memory from the war 5 years ago filled his head. He heard the sudden cry from a child in the flashback.  He balled his hands into fists and closed his eyes.
Jimin walked silently behind him and patted his shoulder. “Are you okay? Can you do this?”
His war flashback turned into a dying girl covered in blood on the beach in Hawaii. His love, who almost died 2 years ago. Who he loved so dearly and yet never loved him back. A woman who will never be his.
And then he saw you, slowly walking into his life.
You with a pout on your face and a blush that formed on your cheeks when he flirted with you. You, with a smile plastered on your face when he came to your apartment and hid that smile quickly when he looked at you. You, with tears flowing like a waterfall every time you watched Disney movies.
You, who always accepted him with open arms.
He opened his eyes and turned to Jimin. “Chim, please keep her safe…” he begged as his hands gripped Jimin’s shoulder tightly.
Jimin smiled at him knowingly. “Of course I will, Tae.” He pulled Taehyung into a hug and stroked his back to reassure him. “I am so happy that you found someone.”
Taehyung gulped, trying to hold his tears. “I don’t want to lose her. She is everything to me now.”
“I know.” Jimin then pulled away from his best friend and gave him a smack on his back. “Now go save your woman!”
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The ride to the Company’s HQ is quiet. Hoseok drives with his eyes on the road, sometimes peeking in the rearview mirror. Jimin sits beside him; he looks like he’s holding himself from talking to you and Taehyung.
And Taehyung?
He has been holding your hand since you first saw him a while ago. He soothes your hand softly to calm you down, and sometimes bring your hand to his lips. You can’t guess what’s inside his head, his dark eyes are unreadable.
You step out of the car when Hoseok stops in the driveway. Your feet stumble; Taehyung drags you through the security, silently showing his badge to the guards. You’ve never thought you would set foot in this building. The last time you went here, you only stayed in front of the building.
The people inside the building walk quickly, looking busy. You thought that you would see people in suits walking around with guns in their hands, but instead it looks like a usual office. They even have a private Starbucks in the lobby, next to a stall that you assume as a burger joint. You frown your eyebrows. Duh, Y/N! Do you think you’d find a donut shop there?
You walk to the elevator after a woman in the receptionist area gives you access with a card. Still, the elevator ride is quiet, only filled with the sound of Jimin tapping his feet impatiently beside you.
“Alright! I give up!” Jimin says to Hoseok. Jimin then hands a 10000 won bill to Hoseok. “I just can’t keep quiet like this. This is killing me!”
Hoseok slips the bill into his chest pocket. “Aha! I knew you would lose, Park Jimin!” His smile spreads to his face.
Jimin snorts. “Fine! I lost! I don’t care anymore!” He then shifts his gaze to you. “So how did you meet Tae?”
You blink your eyes several times, confused with the sudden question. Jimin’s face looks so happy, it almost intimidates you. “Wh-What?”
“You know what I meant!” Jimin says. “I knew a little already from Hoseok, but I still want to hear from your side of the story! Did Taehyung force you to meet him? Or you were the one who chased him?”
“Alright, Chim. Not a good time.” Taehyung interrupts as you arrive on the 7th floor. “And what do you think you are doing?” You step out of the elevator, following Taehyung.
Jimin whines as he follows both of you. “I’m just curious! I’ve never seen you like this before.”
“PARK JIMIN!” Taehyung yells, you can see his cheeks turn bright red. The tightness in your chest loosens; you were nervous before, but this unfamiliar banter somehow eases your nerves. Jimin and Hoseok genuinely care for Taehyung; they’re not just being complete dickheads. You giggle softly at Taehyung’s sudden shyness, which he realizes. “Please don’t join him to tease me.” He tugs your hand softly.
He tries to sound mad, but in fact, he is a little grateful to Jimin and Hoseok. They are trying to help you feel comfortable, and he is happy about that. But still, it is embarrassing for him.
Taehyung stops in front of a big grey door; he raises a hand to open the door, but stops midair. He then turns his face to you. “Are you sure about this?”
You gently squeeze his hand. “I’m okay, Tae. And besides, I am not doing anything wrong. I shouldn’t be afraid, right?” you ask, waiting for reassurance.
Taehyung bites his lips. “Well, it can be a little scary sometimes.”
You gulp. Maybe this is a bad idea? Taehyung didn’t want you to do it in the first place, shouldn’t you just follow him? But, you thought he would get into trouble if he keeps doing this. And you don’t want him to be.
Hoseok pats your shoulder. “Don’t worry, Y/N. I’m going inside too. It’s only an interview, don’t be intimidated by Jin-hyung.” He smiles and opens the door, letting you enter the room first.
You take a quick glance at Taehyung’s face when Hoseok closes the door. “Taehyung is not coming?”
Hoseok smiles comfortingly. “He is too emotional at this point, so, No.” He points you to a seat in front of him. “You want a drink? Coffee or tea?”
“I’m fine, thank you.”
Suddenly the door opens and a man with broad shoulders enters. “Hi! You must be Y/N. I’m Jin.” He takes a seat beside Hoseok, opening his laptop. “Let’s just do this as fast as possible, okay?”
The questioning starts. They ask you simple questions at first, like your name, age, occupation, and anything that identifies you. After that Hoseok starts asking about Chanyeol and your kidnapping.
“How would you describe your relationship with Park Chanyeol? How often did you meet each other?”
“I think we were friends? We went to the same school before, I helped him one time. We then met again after many years when he handed his magazine to me at my bakery. Then we went to dinner that night, had some conversations. A few days later, he came rushing to my shop handing me a proposal for this event. And before the event, he came to the store once. That’s it,” you explain.
“So, you had no other relationship with him?” Jin asks.
You shake your head. You then suddenly think about Baekho. “Although, I also know Baekho.”
Jin and Hoseok turn stiff. “You know Lee Baekho?”
You look at their reaction, silently regretting telling them. Did I say something wrong? “Yes. He went to the same school too. Not in culinary, but I saw him once or twice maybe?”
Jin moves his laptop aside, directly looking at you. “How do you describe your relationship with Lee Baekho then, Miss Y/N?”
You gulp, absolutely getting intimidated by him. “I just know him. He also asked me out in the past. But I rejected him.”
“And?” Jin pushes.
You fiddle with your shirt unconsciously. “He didn’t take it well. He kinda harassed me about it, and spread a rumor about me.”
“What kind of rumor?”
“I don’t know the specific reason because we were in different social circles. But someone said he edited my face onto nudes?”
“And you were mad about it?”
“But it’s not like I could do anything. He had too much power in the school, like that guy Chanyeol? He was one of his friends -- well, he said that he was a slave though.”
Jin nods. “Okay, let me rephrase this.” He then stands up and walks to you. “So, you were mad when he did that to you in the past, and you couldn't do anything to defend yourself.”
“Yeah?” You answer timidly, not sure what he is trying to say.
Jin looks down at you with suspicion. “Were you or were you not planning this with Chanyeol?” he snaps.
Your eyes widen. “What?” You almost yell. “No! Why would I do that?”
“I don’t know. Revenge maybe?” He shrugs his hands.
“What?” Does this guy think you are complicit? “Look, I studied hard in my 2 years in school, I couldn’t bother to date any guy. I don’t fucking care what he did to me because it was just a rumor, it would die eventually. I don’t really care about what people said behind my back.”
“But still, you have a motive.”
“That’s just baseless!” you snap back. “I never met him even once after I graduated. And I’m doing great right now. Why would I throw away my life to just kill him?” Your eyes divert to Hoseok in front of you, who is also speechless.
Jin slaps the table hard, making you wince. “Then why are you suddenly approaching Taehyung? Or maybe you know that Taehyung is an agent and used him for your own gain? Making an alibi?”
You are perplexed and mad, and almost crying in frustration. It is just too much for you to comprehend. You can’t understand why this man suddenly put you in the corner. Whatever you said, he turned it back to you. You’re supposed to be a victim, but why did he treat you as a criminal?
Just before you answer anything, Taehyung barges into the room, looking mad. “That’s enough, Hyung.” He grabs your hand tightly, pulling you to the door.
“Kim Taehyung! You can’t just do this as you like. This is still an interrogation, and it’s far from over. She’s under suspicion!” Jin yells, grabbing Taehyung’s arm.
He jerks his hand away. “She’s a victim! Why are you being so hard on her?”
Jin snorts. “It’s just a common procedure. She might be lying.”
Taehyung looks at him with a stare that could freeze the Han River solid. “Not every woman is going to lie to you, Hyung” he whispers, making Jin wince. “I trust Y/N. And besides, I was the one who chased after her.”
“Maybe she made you think like that,” Jin says, folding his arms across his chest.
Hoseok, sensing the sour situation, stood up. “Alright-alright. Enough with this. Tae, we have finished the interrogation for now, so you can take Y/N home.” Without waiting a second, Taehyung grabs your hand, leading you quickly outside.
Back in the room, Hoseok turns to face Jin. “And you. That’s too far, Hyung. You barely had evidence, and yet you pushed her. It’s just not right.”
Jin clenches his fists and sighs. He then takes his laptop and stomps away, not wanting to say anything.
Hoseok is left alone in the interrogation room, looking around the bare walls of the empty room. He sighs. What the fuck just happened?  He walks out of the room. Maybe Jin was right, you were suspicious, you even have a motive. But that doesn’t mean that you want to kill Baekho.
Hoseok doesn’t need any more quarrels in his team. The only thing they should think about is whether Baekhyun is involved in this and why Jiseok suddenly tipped them that someone targeted Baekho.
Jin is losing his mind, he needs to move on too. He chuckles. Why do people around him always have a problem?
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You walk in the middle of the night back to your apartment, draped in Taehyung’s jacket. You are not feeling the cold as the warmth and the scent from his jacket envelop you, calming you down. But even in the chilly wind, his hands are still the warmest things. He holds your hand in his, a steady reassurance of his presence.
As Taehyung opens your apartment door with his key, you suddenly remember that you have no stuff with you. You dropped your phone in the hall and your purse was still in the rental car. You turn to him. “Ehm. I think I need to go back to the hall. My purse is in the car,” you say cautiously.
He throws the key to the kitchen table and walks to the couch. “We will get your purse tomorrow. Just rest for tonight.”
“But, I also need to return the car before midnight. They’ll charge me more if I don’t,” you say as you follow close behind him. Your face bumps his back when he suddenly stops.
He turns to face you, you can see his eyes burn with fury, making you step backward. “Are you seriously thinking about that stupid rental car right now? You almost fucking died!”
“I know, but I am really fine! See?” You show him your hands and feet, waving them vigorously between you.
“That’s because I shot a fucking woman beside you,” he hisses. “Why are you so stubborn?”
You wince, completely aghast by his sudden rampage. “I am not. You see...”
“Listen to me!” he yells and runs his fingers through his hair in exasperation.
There is an awkward silence in your apartment. All you hear is the hum as the refrigerator switches on. You don’t understand what he is thinking, why he is behaving like this. You do know that he is worried about you, but still, you can’t comprehend why he does this to this extent. Even before, he was being overprotective of you, and now after this incident, it’s tripled.
He sighs and says again in a much softer tone. “Please listen to me, muffin.”
He furrows his eyebrows. “What?”
Your tears form on the edges of your eyes, threatening to fall. “Why are you like this?” you ask in a whisper.
Taehyung's heart sinks at seeing your tears. “Muffin...” He reaches out his hand to wipe your tears, but you brush his hand away.
“Just answer me...” You know he’s holding something back. There’s a piece of him that he isn’t sharing with you, and you just wish he would be honest.
“I just don’t want to lose you...”
You sigh, so frustrated with him. “I can take care of myself.”
“I’ve heard that from someone before and it didn’t go well.” Taehyung twists his lips, already regretting having said it. “And what happened tonight showed you couldn’t take care of yourself.”
“Is this because of that girl? That one in the diner? What happened between you two anyway? You clearly are still thinking about her!”
His body turns stiff. “What are you talking about?”
You tighten your hands into fists and cast your head down. “I am not that girl, Taehyung. I can’t be her. You should know that.”
You are saying nonsense things right now; the words pour out of your mouth without thinking. Maybe it is because of so many things happening tonight, or maybe because there are so many things in your heart and your mind. Or maybe it has been in your head several times, but never left your mouth.
Maybe Taehyung just sees you as a replacement for his past love. Maybe he really thinks of you as a palate cleanser. Maybe he just does those sweet things to other women. Maybe you are the only one who wants more. Why are you thinking so highly of yourself?
His eyes widened in bewilderment. “Of course I know that!” He grabs your hand softly. “I never thought of you as her, Y/N. Never once. Well, maybe at first I just used you to help me forget her, but what we had is beyond that.”
You jerk your head up to meet his eyes. “Then why are you doing this?”
Taehyung’s hand lingers on your cheek. Instead of answering you, he leans in and pecks your lips softly. He pulls you into his chest, hugging you tightly. It is so unfair. Not only does he read you like an open book, he even has a cheat code. He knows how to comfort you. So unfair.
“The one we met in the diner, I almost lost her, and I meant it literally. She was hurt in the mission. She was bleeding so much, she even went into cardiac arrest. She was on the verge of death.” He sinks his head to your shoulder. “It was traumatizing to have my close friend in that state. I just... I don’t want to lose anyone ever again. Furthermore, I don’t want to lose you.”
He takes a deep breath, taking in your scents. “I am sorry that I made you think like that, Y/N. But I really never think of you that way.” He looks into your eyes. “Please believe me.”
If you were your past-self, you would be pushing him away now. You would call him a liar. You would never give him a chance. But since you’ve met him, you decided to start trusting him, trusting people more. He opens your heart and your mind. You hug him back. “I’m sorry.”
Taehyung kisses your head softly. “I am sorry I yelled at you.” You melt into his touch, sinking your face deeper. “Let’s just rest for tonight, okay?”
You nod weakly. “Okay.”
“Good girl.” He pulls away and pats your head lovingly. He takes your hand, guiding you to your bed.
Maybe you’re naive to trust him this much, after getting taken in by a classmate of all people. You still don’t know much about Taehyung’s line of work, his dangerous, well-dressed friends, and his apparently deadly skill with a gun. Maybe it is wrong, a bad decision, or maybe it is even the right decision. You don’t know. But you have to do what your heart tells you to do. You decide to trust him.
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The following morning you wake up early and have time to think. If your old self from 5 years ago could see you right now, she would slap you in the face so hard you’d see stars. Maybe she would drag you to a convent, so you wouldn’t meet any men. But before she drags you, you would actually hug her. You would tell her that hating men will not be the answer. You would tell her that everything is going to be okay. You would tell her that she would find someone too, that she should give herself a chance to love someone.
Taehyung snuggles closely to your body, his hands holding your waist, his limbs nestle against your skin, protecting you from the outside world. He breathes slowly, still deep in his sleep. His hair is in disarray, a small pout pasted on his beautiful face. You look at his face carefully, finding the fine hairs around his mouth cute.
You run your fingers through his hair. You always like his hair. It is kind of curly and bouncy. It is not the first time you feel envious of his hair. His hair is shiny and soft compared to yours. Sure, maybe it is because you usually bleached it by yourself at home with Hani’s help before, and now your hair is dry and split. Maybe you should ask him where he gets his done.
Taehyung stirs with your touch, opening his eyes slowly. “Hey.” He sinks his head to your chest, hugging you tightly.
You can’t get enough of this.
“Hey to you too.” You stroke his hair. “Don’t you need to go to work? I think your phone has been ringing several times already”
“Don’t wanna,” he murmurs in your chest.
You smile at his antics. “Won’t you get into trouble?”
He hugs you tightly. “Don’t care.”
You giggle, hugging him back. “Oh, right. I need to find my phone.”
“It’s in my jacket.”
You gawk and hit him softly on the shoulder. “And why didn't you give it to me yesterday!”
Taehyung hums in your chest. “Oh, I also forget to tell Hani about you. She might be worried sick.”
You push him away abruptly. “And you couldn't say anything until just now?” You slide from your bed, walking to his jacket to find your phone. “Jesus, I can’t understand you.” You quickly dial Hani’s number to reassure her.
Taehyung sits as he watches you trying to explain yourself to your best friend on the phone. He can even hear Hani’s yelling faintly. He smiles mischievously when you put your middle finger towards him and glare. Even just that small action of you, it makes his heart racing.
It is weird. He can’t understand it.
He thought that he only had one chance to love someone, and when he lost her, he was almost sure he wouldn’t love or even meet anyone. But it changed when he met you. It changed when you decided to help him.
How come he became so attached to you? How come he wants you so damn much? How come you always take his breath away?
Taehyung rises from the bed and walks closer to you.
Maybe it's fate, when he found your bakery and met you for the first time. Maybe it’s chemistry, when you talked to him and slept with him the first time. Maybe it’s jealousy when he saw you with Chanyeol and when he hugged you.
Taehyung was never a hopeless romantic, but hell yeah. Maybe it’s love.
You turn your phone off and face him. “Well, thanks to you, she didn’t sleep at all last night. I can’t even understand her voice with her crying loudly like that. She also wanted to yell at you but first, she wanted to thank you. But still, you shouldn’t forget about Hani, she-“
Suddenly, Taehyung kisses you, interrupting your tirade, catching you off-guard. He kisses hard and quick. He then pulls away, to look at your face. “I-I think I am in love with you,” he says as he rests his forehead on yours.
His declaration makes you stunned. So out of the blue. So Taehyung. You do know that you both feel something about each other. But you never thought that you would hear it from him.
That he loves you.
Your heart is racing as your tears begin to fall. How many times have you cried in front of him since you’ve met? You’ve lost count. You don’t care. You can’t believe those words have this so much effect on you. You can’t believe how he affects you this much.
Taehyung senses your silence and looks at your face. “I am sorry, is that a bad thing for me to do?” He starts to panic as he wipes your tears.
You shake your head quickly. “No. Not at all. I just can’t believe I would hear it.” You smile softly.
“But I don’t want to rush anything. I want to do this carefully. I know you are still in the process of moving on. And so am I,” he blabs. “Oh. Not that I am still in love with that girl. I just thought-“
It’s your turn to stop his talk. You peck his lips quickly, making him blush. “That’s fine with me.” You grin from ear to ear, feeling drunk with happiness. “I think I’m in love with you too.”
He pulls you into his chest, holding you tightly. “Should we go on a date, then?”
You chuckle. “Fine by me. Maybe another place besides that diner?”
He smiles, the corner of his eyes crinkle. “Good call.” He leans in to give you another kiss. And after countless kisses you shared with him, it might be your most favorite one. That one kiss that declared a love for each other.
You never thought you would have this feeling.
Happiness. Love. Longing.
Sure, life is full of unexpected things. You thought you would just ride the bus for 2 stops, but you ended up sitting for another 4 stops because you dozed off. You thought you would just sit for a coffee, but then you ended up ordering a slice of cake because it looked delicious. You thought you would just eat the bread for a palate cleanser between the wine, but you ended enjoying the bread more than the wine. You turned to a man for comfort and to comfort him back, but ended up falling in love with him.
It was unexpected.
But you don’t dislike that a bit.
Maybe Hani was right, you did need a palate cleanser.
And now, your palate is pretty cleansed, and you are ready for the main course. Or maybe...
“How about another piece of bread?” you smile at Taehyung, as you drag him to the kitchen for the favorite part of your day, breakfast with him.
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“You must be kidding me! That can’t be possible!” Jin yells.
Jungkook who has the report in his hand, winces. “I know Hyung. But that’s what the forensic report said.” He points to the part of the report which states: respiratory arrest-asphyxia. “The gunshot was fired after he died, apparently.”
“But when he was killed?” Yoongi asks back.
Hoseok thinks for a bit. “You know, Y/N said that Baekho was hyperventilating before he was shot. Maybe he had some disease? Or maybe he was poisoned?”
Jin runs his fingers through his hair in exasperation. “Alright then, Jungkook you go back to the forensics and investigate his cause of death. Yoongi will check the CCTV recordings, to see if he was drugged before he was in the warehouse. We still need to check on Baekhyun’s whereabouts too.”
As the other agents scatter from Jin’s office, Jungkook lingers longer. “Can you assign someone else to the forensics?” he asks warily.
Jin looks at him suspiciously. “Look, Kook. I want to help you, but the fact is we are in a bigger case than we thought. Please don’t make me yell at you. You are a professional.”
Jungkook sighs. “You are right. I am sorry. I‘ll investigate it immediately.” He nods and walks out of the office. He hates to go to the forensic department, but he can’t avoid it forever. He repeats Jin’s words to himself. He needs to be professional.
He must face her.
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Go check the other series because *sst... It’s all connected!
Series Masterlist: The Company
Taglist: @kb-bangtanenthusiast​ @w0lfqu33n​ @gee-nee​ @jaienn​ @nctssidehoe​
228 notes · View notes
bbaronpiper · 4 years
Words cut like knives
anddd we’re back to angst! this was requested by @lourd-ita​. sorry it took a month when I said it’ll be up in a few days but I hope you’ll like it
9. Is that what you think of me?
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got the video on IG and I turned it to gif.  Credits to the owner of the video :)
Arón x reader
Arón was sitting on a chair on your shared apartment with his leg bouncing up and down with his phone in hand looking at it constantly, groaning in frustration. Anxiety getting the best of him as he tried to call you for the seventh time tonight and still got no response, not to mention the multiple text messages he sent you asking where you were. But of course, you didn’t know that as you were busy having fun with your friends.
Your friends were a mixed of different genders but mostly men. Your relationship with them are definitely platonic, you mess around and protect each other like brothers and sisters. Arón knew this and got no problem with it as he has friends that are women as well. He never got jealous of them ‘cos he said you were friends with them way before you guys met and he respects that.
Until tonight. Not when you haven’t replied to him not even once. Not when he saw a tagged photo of you with your friends right before dinner. It was a simple photo but your guy friend has his arm around you. He wasn’t even touching you his hand and arms are placed on the back of your seat. For some reason, Arón felt his face turn into hot red in anger and jealousy.
It was exactly 12 am when you arrived home. You weren’t drunk just tipsy. As soon as you open the door, Arón stood up and walked over to where you’re gonna see him right away and leaned on the wall with arms crossed. Oh, you are in deep shit.
“Finally! Cinderella’s home!” he exclaimed sarcastically.
You felt your heart beats a little faster as you walked up to him knowing he’s pissed. “you waited?” You asked as you kissed him on the lips. He lets you but he stares at you and had his eyebrows furrowed. Yep. You are fucked.
“Where were you?” he said with his jaw clenched obviously trying to keep himself from exploding.
“I was out with my friends, I told you last week that I’ll meet with them tonight, right?”
“No, you didn’t” he inhaled and exhaled deeply.
“Baby, I did” you put your hand on his chest hoping you’ll get him to calm down.
“Let’s say you did, you didn’t think of reminding me today? I called you several times!” his voice getting higher now as your heart pounds on your chest. You hated it when you fight.
“My phone died. I was busy at work I forgot to charge it and went straight to our meeting place right after work!” you defended. “I didn’t know you forgot what today was”
“oh, so now it’s my fault?!” he scoffed.
“I didn’t say that Arón.” You defended but tried to remain calm. You didn’t want to add fuel to his anger.
He turned his back on you and walk towards the bedroom. you catched up to him before he got to the door.
“C’mon Arón, don’t be like this” you gripped on his forearm to stop him.
“Like what Y/N?! I am your fucking boyfriend I should get to know these things!” he screamed. He finally exploded and yanked his arms away from you. You were taken back by his actions he never yelled at you before. your face showed hurt and shock. He mirrored your expression as well but he didn’t dwell on it as his face changed back to anger in a second.
He was so angry he kept on talking fast as you just stood there listening to every word he says. Some sentences are in Spanish. Most time you find it hot but knowing the current situation, he spoke in his mother tongue out of anger and it scared you to be honest. Of course, you didn’t understand and you didn’t dare ask him what he said until he spoke in English.
“Why do you have to be such a slut Y/N!?” he looked straight at you.
“Excuse me?” you whispered as you felt a sharp pain on your chest.
“You heard me Y/N!” he took a step forward as you backed up. “You like it, huh? When you’re around men, knowing you turn them on? You enjoy their company even when you have a boyfriend waiting for you at home worried sick! You didn’t even bother to tell your fucking boyfriend where you were. What else are you not telling me, hmm? Were you fucking them Y/N? which one? Huh?! Oh, maybe all of them!”  he continued to grill you until you backed up completely against the bedroom door.
The sound of your hand colliding on his cheek echoed across the room. You slapped him. You didn’t mean to do it but he really hurt your feelings.
“Is that what you think of me?” your tears are threatening to build up, your voice getting shaky.
He looked at you with wide eyes and guilt across his face. All of his anger dropped instantly. “No baby, that’s not what I meant. I’m so-”
“I hate you Arón!” You cut him off by pushing him away from you and went to your shared bedroom. you took a deep breath and hold it in to stop your tears from falling. Arón quickly followed you so you walked faster until you reached the bathroom inside your shared bedroom and locked the door. You let out the air you held and let yourself cry. You heard a knock on the door so you turned on the faucet on the bathtub and let the water run hoping it will drown the sound of your cries.
“Y/N, please open the door.” He pleaded. You didn’t answer as you were busy trying to stop yourself from crying. You cannot believe the words that came out of his mouth. You sat on the floor weeping. His words cut you like knives, it kept on repeating in your head and it’s killing you slowly as it dawned on you.
“Please, Y/N. Let’s talk, baby” Arón tried to persuade you again. “you know I didn’t mean it” his guilt was eating him alive as well. You told him you hated him and he knew he fucked up. You never say things you didn’t mean and it scared him to death.
Silence. Nothing was heard besides your cries and whimpers that he can hear on the other side of the door. Arón paced back and forth not knowing what to do ‘til he came up on the door again and knocked.
“I’m sorry Y/N, please come out, let’s fix this” you knew he was close to tears as well as you heard his voice trembles.
“Go away!” is all you managed to say.
He kept on talking and pleading on the other side while you strip out of your clothes and dip yourself on the bathtub. You managed to block out his pleading voice. It stopped after a while anyway. You splash your face with water hoping it would clear your mind as to what you need to do. You were contemplating whether to forgive him with all the begging he said or leave him. After all, he called you a slut. You love yourself enough to let anyone call you things like that specially when it’s not true.
After what felt like an eternity on hell. You decided to get out of the bathtub and wrapped yourself in your robe. You looked yourself on the mirror, shut your eyes tightly wiping away the last tears on your cheek, took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.
Arón quickly stood up from the floor beside the bathroom door. You didn’t dare to look at him and went straight to your dresser. You grabbed a simple v-neck shirt and a pair of jeans. As soon as he saw you grabbed your jeans, he panicked. He knew you wouldn’t spend the night with him and it made him anxious. He walked up to you but didn’t dare to touch you. He knew better than to touch you when you’re pissed knowing it’ll trigger your anger and he doesn’t want that right now. He just stood there pulling at his hair harshly not knowing what to do nor say until you grabbed your suitcase and starts packing your clothes.
“what are you doing?” he asked softly as he blinked rapidly trying to figure out if what he’s seeing is real. Of course, you didn’t answer him. It was obvious.
“Y/N?...” he tried again walking closer to you carefully like he’s walking on a floor with bombs scattered around. You knew he’s scared. You heard it in his voice. Again, you didn’t answer him. You just continued to pile your clothes on your suitcases faster.
“Stop!” Arón said desperately. “Stop, baby. Please” he begged grabbing your arm. “I’m sorry!”
You jerked his hand away like what he did to you earlier and scoffed. You refused to say a word knowing you’ll just burst out in tears again. He started to grab the clothes you put in your suitcase and stuff it back into your dresser. You ignored him and continued to grab your clothes from the dresser to your suitcase while Arón puts it back in again where you got it from. You eventually got tired of it.
“The fuck do you want Arón?!” You screamed in frustration, your chin quivering as tears build up on your eyes again. Your chest felt heavy as you looked at his face. He looked so scared, his eyes and nose were red as well as his cheeks.  
“I want you to stay” he said as he tried to touch your face but you backed up.
“After what you said tonight? No. thanks!” you then continued what you were doing before.
“I said I was sorry” he let out a frustrated sigh
How dare he to give you an attitude right now. It made your blood boil.
“You think its that simple? You’ll say you’re sorry and the pain will magically go away?!” you stared at him sternly you might punch a hole in him in a while. “I’m a slut huh? Lets-“
He cut you off by saying “That’s not what I -” which made you want to slap him again but you just clenched your fist instead so you cut him off too.
“Shut. The. fuck up. I’m not done talking!” you said with gritted teeth. All your anger was out now. You never felt this much anger before but his words really got to you. you can’t accept the fact that after all you’ve been through, he had the audacity to call you a slut and to accuse you of cheating. He then closed his mouth and looks at you like a lost puppy.
“So, as I was saying.” You faced him completely now. Standing a few inches away from each other. “You think I’m a slut? Okay. Let’s talk about what slut means. Does it mean liking every single naked pictures of women I see on Instagram like you do? Does a slut let other woman grind on them and kiss them on the cheeks at a party like you do? Huh? Or was it like exchanging “friendly” messages all throughout the day with heart emojis like YOU do? huh? tell me Arón. C’mon, enlighten me. I want to make sure you know what slut means!” you were so angry you didn’t realize you were pointing on his chest pushing him lightly every time you’re gonna spit out words. You were breathing heavily as you finished talking. You waited for him to speak.
He didn’t say a word. He couldn’t. He didn’t know it’ll all backfire on him.  He was just worried about you when you didn’t come home but one thing led to another and he’s well aware he fucked things up. He tried to open his mouth and close it like a goddamn fish out of water but no words came out.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” You rolled your eyes and went back to packing while Arón on the other hand was so close on peeing himself as fear creeps in on him. He’s afraid to lose you. He didn’t want to. He’s not ready for it but the boy is stupid enough to call you out like that.
You screamed as you felt a pair of arms suddenly scoop you up away from the dresser. He then sat you on bed and knelt in front of you. He took both of your hands, clasped them together and held it in his own. He placed a kiss on it then looked up at you. he let out a tear and spoke.
“I don’t want to lose you Y/N” he sniffed.
“You just did” you spat back. The look on his eyes made you want to melt.
“No! No, please. I know I’m stupid. I fucked things up most of the time but I won’t let you go. I can’t” His hands traveled up to your forearms. Rubbing it lightly. “You’re not a sl..” he trailed off refusing to say it again. “You’re far from that. you’re the best woman I ever met. I knew you’ll never cheat on me, I’m sorry for accusing you. I’m sorry for all of the things I said. I truly didn’t mean a single word. I was just angry and jealous I didn’t think about it at all. I know it’s not an excuse but please forgive me. I swear to you this will never happen again. I’ll make it up to you. I’ll treat you better. I love you baby. you are the best thing that ever happened to me. Please, pleasseeee, stay?” he was crying now but you remained silent.
He grabbed you by the back of your neck, placing a kiss all over your face. “please” *kiss on the left cheek* “I’m sorry” *kiss on the tip of the nose* “I love you” *kiss on the right cheek* “Y/N, please” *kiss on the forehead* “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry princesa, I’m sorry” he kept on repeating. thinking begging is the only way to make you stay.
“you really hurt me, Arón” a single tear left your eye and he kissed it away as well.
“I know, baby, I know” he continued kissing your face. “tell me what you want me to do, I’ll do it. Just don’t hate me” he spoke close to your lips.
“I don’t hate you” you whispered. “I was just disappointed. I never thought you would say that to me.”
He nodded in understanding as he pressed his forehead on yours and mumble “I’m sorry”. You let him. He hurt you but the love you have for him was greater than the pain he caused you. so, you placed your hand on his chest. You felt his heart pounding against it and you smiled a little knowing you caused that.
“Do you forgive me?” he swallowed hard, afraid of your answer, afraid you’ll make up your mind and leave him for good.
You smiled and nodded a little. “hmm” He returned the smile and placed a soft kiss on your lips. “Gracias, Y/N” he said relieved.
“fucking asshole” you muttered jokingly and nudged him a little. You pulled him in for another kiss but deeper this time. You felt him smiling within the kiss before he pushed his tongue in your mouth which you happily sucked in return. He gently pushed you back in bed and hover over you. you stopped him and turned your head to the side.
“no sex for you tonight, cabron” you stick out your tongue. He tried to grab it but failed. He just pouts in return. “Don’t use that on me now, this is your doing” you laughed as he mumbled “I know” and went back to pouting.
“off to bed then?” he asked and you nodded in return. After all, it was 3am now.
Both of you stripped out of your clothes and settled in bed in a spooning position.
Just before you drift off to sleep, you spoke. “Arón, I’m sorry too” you turned around to face him “for worrying you. I should’ve texted you, it would save us from all the trouble tonight”
“hmm. I’m sorry too. I was such a jerk. I won’t hurt you again” He smiled and rubbed your back “but just so you know, you really scared the shit out of me tonight, bonita.” He laughed a little.
“You should still be. I’ll shave off all of your goddamn little curls you love so much the minute you fall asleep and turn you back again into a fucking ava-” he placed his hand on your mouth suddenly which caused you to giggle.
“Please don’t say it”
“avatar” your voiced was muffled. You licked his hand which made him let go of you.
“Fine. I guess I deserved your wrath” he said dramatically.
You must’ve fallen asleep somehow only to be woken up by Arón’s sudden movements. You opened your eyes to see him sitting up on the bed with his hands on his head checking if he still has hair. He let out a sigh of relief when he confirmed he still has it. You then laughed your ass off. He really thought you’d shaved it. what a silly boy.
“what? just checking” he looked down at you and laughed along. You started to get up as well but he stopped you. “Don’t get up. I’ll bring you breakfast in a moment” he planted a kiss on your lips before getting out of the bed.
He yelled “te quiero!” just before he closed the door behind him.
Oh well, he really meant it when he said he’ll make it up to you.
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fanfalc-616 · 4 years
A glacier shipping one-shot from my AO3 (it’s rated teen for swearing)
Glaciershipping and platonic Bruise time! (Also some Jaya)
Earth and lightning clash in the center of the arena as the black and blue ninja blast their elements at each other.
“Stronger than you thought, eh? That’s your betrayal flowing through my veins!” Jay snaps, increasing the flow of lightning.
Cole narrows his eyes, feeling rage fly through him. “I’m looking forward to the peace and quiet when you’re out of the tournament!” He shoots back, throwing all of his might into the earth before him.
The blue ninja flies back, landing flat on his back. Cole finds himself hit with a sudden wave of panic. He hadn’t hurt his friend, had he?
Ha. He’s undeserving of the title ‘friend’. He knew that what he did was wrong. Pretending to be in love with Nya to get back at Jay. He doesn’t even swing that way! But at the time, he had just been so angry that he didn’t know what else to do.
Now he’s driven a wedge between him and his best friend. Or should he say, ex-best friend.
He screwed up. But maybe he still has a chance to make things right- to admit that he never really wanted Nya.
“What are we doing? I don’t want you out! You’re not my enemy, Chen is!” He points to the noodle crime lord in question.
Jay struggles to his feet. “Oh, sure, lower my guard by pretending to be my friend, then swoop in to steal the prize!” Lighting starts to gather around his hands, and Cole prepares earth around his own in defence. “Typical Cole maneuver!”
It strikes him right in the chest. He’s hurt Jay so much, the Master of Lightning won’t even consider that he might actually regret it.
It’s time to tell him what he’s been hiding for so long. He’s dimly aware of the spectators in the room, but Cole’s not going to get another chance to tell him this.
Jay begins to walk towards him, but Cole stands his ground. “I never should’ve made a move on Nya. To be completely honest, I was never into her. Because- look, she seems great, but-” This is it. This is where he tells him.
Cole takes a deep breath and continues. “But I don’t swing that way.”
Jay pauses, confusion written on the potion of his face not covered by his mask. “Huh?” He questions.
“I can’t be in love with Nya, because- because I’m gay for Zane, okay?!” He forces the words out, making himself look Jay in the eyes.
Much to his relief, there’s no disgust there. And while he’s aware that the people in the stadium are reacting as well, his only focus is on his fri- teammate.
“You’re gay?” The lightning crackles lower, less extreme. In return, Cole drops his guard of earth. There’s a short pause, and the black ninja worries for a moment. Jay isn’t-
“WHY WOULDN’T YOU JUST TELL ME THAT?! I thought that you were trying to take Nya away from me! All this time, here I was, acting like a jackass, because I misunderstood what was going on! FSM, Cole, now I feel bad!”
“You should. I only even pretended to like her back because you were being a dick about it!” Cole admits. Then he pauses. “We used to be good friends. But-”
“If you can get past how much of a dick I was being, I’d like to have that back.” Jay agrees. “But how are we supposed to stop fighting? We can’t both win!”
“Well, maybe we can draw it out til they call it a tie.” The black ninja suggests, relief flooding him as he realizes that he has his friend back. “Quick, attack me!” And then, a moment later, he rethinks those words. “But not hard!” He adds.
So the two of them begin to lightly spar- and it's obvious, neither of them are really trying.
A moment too late, Cole realizes that maybe it’s too obvious.
“Release the Condrai Crushers!” Chen yells from above them. The black and blue ninja exchange a glance- and then their eyes are drawn by the large vehicles with sharp blades attached enter the arena through doors on the side.
The two of them turn and back up until they’re guarding each other- watching each other's six, just like they used to.
“I’ve got your back!” Cole assures.
“And I’ve got yours!” Jay returns.
The two of them work together. It’s almost laughable how easily they take the Condrai Crushers.
“Enough!” Chen yells, catching their attention. “I know what you are trying to do! If neither of you will win, then both of you will lose!”
Tiles on the floor begin to fall, and the two of them have to dart around to avoid falling into whatever lies in the inky darkness below.
Cole grits his teeth. “We can’t both lose. Chen’s right, there can only be one!” And he’s already decided who that one is going to be.
It’s Cole’s fault. This never would’ve escalated if he hadn’t tried to fight fire with fire. And since he’s the one who started it, it only makes sense that it should be him to finish it.
“And it should be you. You and I both know I’m lucky to have even made it this far. You take the Jade Blade.” Jay tells him.
Cole doesn’t reply- he knows that any attempts to convince Jay otherwise would be futile. The blue ninja is almost as stubborn as he is.
So he just parkours his way up and grabs the blade. Acting quickly so that it doesn’t count as a victory for him, he throws the blade into Jay’s grasp.
He hears Chen proclaim that Jay is the winner, but he ignores him, jumping down on a solid tile. “I’m sorry I got us into this. And- and find Zane for me, okay?” He gives a sad smile that he’s not sure can be seen under his mask.
And then the tile falls out from under him, and he feels himself start to fall into the darkness below. Jay calls his name, but he doesn’t respond.
He knows that he’s going to get his element taken away- and possibly killed, after it's taken. But that’s okay. He fixed things. He made it right.
And Jay will find Zane for him, anyway.
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Ok I have this request where the s/o has asthma so they can't really do anything past their limits without coughing up and needing ventolin. So I was thinking if they were at the USJ attack and the LOV see this as a weak point to tire them out til they can't really breath. Thinking of either Aizawa or Toshinori. Thank you if you can do it ^^
Gasping for Air (Shouta Aizawa x Asthmatic!Reader)
Author's notes: Asthma is the story of my life. So I can write from experience! This reason is why I could never be a pro hero... among other things! I hope you enjoy it!
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Why did today have to turn out like this?
The exasperated thought echoed in the minds of the teachers, namely Shouta and yourself. You two were in the centre of it all to protect your students. But they were already separated to other ends of the USJ, far from sight and all alone. 
The thought made your maternal instincts over your students haywire, internally panicking about their safety. But you weren't allowed the chance to fret over them as the mass of villains continued their assault upon you and your colleague. Neither of you had the most offensive quirks, so all you could do was defend the area until Tenya returned with the other teachers.
No matter how many thugs you appeared to knock out, they were each replaced with one just behind them. While you were a skilled and respected hero, you knew your weaknesses, and they were beginning to creep up on you. 
And it didn't help that both sides of the fight also took notice of your weakness. 
Shouta, always observant, was used to listening in for your laboured breathing and coughing in the middle of a fight. He became intuned with it ever since you two trained together while attending this very school. He grits his teeth, aiming his neutralising gaze at the goons daring to attack you, offering you momentary advantages. 
Anything to keep you going, because he can't find a way to kick you out the fight without putting you in danger. All either of you could do was thin the herd. 
Kurogiri's misty yellow eyes narrowed as they focused on your form. Noting the moments, you were coughing in the small moments between each enemy, attempting to clear your tightening throat and chest, but to no avail. The misty formed villain drew Tomura's attention to your form. 
The difficulty to take in the air was becoming increasingly apparent. There was no chance for you to recover and take in your Ventolin, despite the little puffer just being in your pocket. Easy to access and yet so far from reach. Wheezing sounds rose from your mouth, and more of the villains swarmed, blocking Shouta's view of you. 
"(H/n)!" Eraserhead shouted as the colours of your hero suit disappeared. Damnit! Each hit he delt held more ferocity. All in the goal of returning to you before it was too late.
It seemed the world had been challenging you from the very beginning. From a very young age, you were diagnosed with asthma. It started off very mild as a young child, only to progressively worsen as you grew. 
"You're going to be the death of yourself, (Y/n)" Shouta scolded you, standing by your side as you used your Ventolin. Previously, Shouta and yourself had been sparring. Even when you were beginning to wheeze, you weren't willing to take the defeat until Shouta stopped you with his scarf. 
"You say that every time we spar, Shou" You chuckled, brushing back your (h/c) hair back, taking slow and deep breaths. 
Your raven-haired friend growled, "Because it happens every time we spar. You should know your limits by now." His dark eyes narrowed in your direction. 
Furrowing your brows, you silently questioned his tone. Your time training together, you're used to your friend remaining nonchalant despite the situation. It was rare to see something like this from him. "I know my limits, but I need to push them, Shouta. Or else I can't do anything." You near growled, believing that Shouta would have understood this. Considering what his quirk does to his eyes. 
"That doesn't need to come at the risk of your life, (Y/n)!" He barked once more, eyes narrowed dangerously that they flickered red. Upon seeing you wince, he softened and placed a hand on your head. Squatting to look up at you. 
After several moments of just staring at one another. Shouta poked you in the forehead as the corner of his lips twitched upwards. "I'll just have to keep an eye on you, brat." 
The lack of air reaching your lungs was quickly becoming too much, panic set in, but you couldn't act upon it. You fell to your knees, hands soon also meeting the ground as your form hunched over, now taking the unadulterated attacks of the foes surrounding you.
The world was closing in as were villains. Then the enraged yell of your fellow hero invaded your ears, somehow over the sound of your enemies. Your blurring vision caught sight of Shouta's boots, then tiredly looking up to see him still furiously protecting you. 
"Come on!" You heard him bark, a clear direction to take your chance to recover. But your lack of oxygen lowered you inhibitions and ability to move correctly. "I..." You coughed "can't-" Darkness welcomed you with Shouta's desperate cry of your name bidding farewell. 
The sounds of beeps and breathing were the noises welcoming you back to the waking world. You were able to take a deep breath as you become aware of where you were. The hospital. A mask over your mouth and nose to provide you with air. 
The realisation set in. You were alive. How about the students? What about Shouta? Your breathing picked up as you made an effort to start moving, only to be stopped by Recovery Girl's walking stick being held across your chest. 
"Don't even think about getting up (Y/n). Everyone's injuries are being cared for." The little old woman told you sternly like a mother would. You obeyed her words and laid back down. 
With her walking stick, she gestured to something to your right. You blinked owlishly in confusion before following her gaze. Your eyes widened. "Sh... Shouta." Instinctively, you reached out, wishing you could touch his hand if only you could find it among all the bandages. 
The bandaged male groaned, his eyes cracking open. He couldn't move, only his eyes could shift in your direction. They widened before relaxing, relief shining in his dark orbs. 
"I'm sorry," You told him, brows knitting together. "You wouldn't be like this if I could just... fucking handle this. I wouldn't be a burden." Old woes were coming back to bite you. Shouta was right, he was always right. Why had you made this far? It was only because you had Shouta by your side for years. 
"No..." Shouta's muffled voice made you blink, he slowly shifting his left arm to reach you, meeting your hand in the middle. "You're not a burden." He kept his sentences short. He continued while giving your hand a weak squeeze. "Don't blame yourself... Please..." His eyes echoed his plead. He didn't want to see you in such anguish, it pained him more to see that than his current injuries did. 
By now, Recovery Girl stepped out of the room so you two could have your moment. 
"But things would have worked out better if I could just handle a fight without gasping for air. You wouldn't have needed to protect me!" Tears escaped your eyes. "You were right, our teachers were right, everyone was right about this! About me! I can't keep doing this when others will get hurt because of me!" 
Shouta squeezed your hand again, a little tighter this time. "That's not true. Your asthma does give you a disadvantage. But even if you didn't have it... I would still protect you..." He mumbled, giving yet another squeeze to your hand. 
Your cheeks tinted red. Shouta didn't need to say the particular words, you were smart enough to understand what he meant. You smiled through your tears and finally returned the squeeze he had been giving you, then started caressing the top of his rough hand with your thumb.
"I'll get something to replace my ventolin pump. So I can protect you for once." You chuckled, while Shouta appeared to roll his eyes before they returned to a soft, tender gaze. 
All heroes have their weaknesses. Overcoming or handling them can be done on your own, but it's always better to do it with those who care and look out for you. Shouta would always be there for you as you'll be for him. 
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Home - Part 8
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"Well i have to admit i did not see my night ending like this" i giggled looking up at Bucky (yes! I actually giggled!!) "not that I'm complaining... at all!" I added as we lay side by side on the sofa, Bucky's arms wrapped around me, legs entwined, a pile of discarded clothes on the floor and i couldn't be happier.
"Me either doll, but I'm so glad this is how our night ended" he smiled placing a kiss on the end of my nose.
"No regrets?" I asked nervously as my hand stroked over his chest.
"None whats so ever. Do you?...Regret it?"
"Not at all Buck" i leant in and pressed a kiss to his lips.
"God i wish we could stay like this all night" Bucky said trailing his hand up and down my back.
"But you should get back to the girls, let Steve go home" i chuckled.
"Yeah" he nodded before pulling me tight against him and kissing me "i really don't wanna leave you naked and alone"
"I don't want you to go either but i know you need to" after one more kiss i reluctantly sat up and grabbed my hoodie from the floor and pulled it on, it was a bit cold now i wasnt surrounded by Bucky's body heat.
"Do you want a coffee before you go?... tea?" I offered getting up from the sofa.
"Id love a coffee please doll" he smiled reaching for his clothes.
"Its so nice here, your place actually feels like a home" i heard him say a few minutes later from the living room while i finished making his coffee and my tea.
"Thanks, its actually feeling like home now I've changed things to how i like"
"I feel more at home here than at my own house how messed up is that?"
"Your always welcome here Buck, you and the girls" i smiled at him as i walked back in with the drinks. Bucky was dressed again in jeans and t-shirt, lacing up his boots when i came back in.
"You'll regret saying that when you cant get rid of us" he chuckled.
"Try me" i shrugged sitting back down on the sofa next to him, he dived at me laying me down covering my body with his as he buried his face in my neck pressing kisses to that spot that drove  me wild.
"Come home with me.... we can continue this at my place" he mumbled.
"Its late Buck"
"Come on doll, please?"
"How about you and the girls come for a sleep over tomorrow?"
"Really?" He asked leaning back just enough that he could see my face.
"Sure, they can have the spare rooms and you....."
"Can share with you" he wiggled his eyebrows.
"I was gonna say you can have the sofa but okay..." i squealed when he attacked my sides tickling me as he laughed.
"Oh you think your funny huh?"
"Hilarious..... okay, okay i give up I'm sorry Buck! Please stop" i laughed trying to grab his hands to stop the attack.
"So i can share with you?"
"Of course".
After Bucky had finished his coffee he headed home to his girls. I set the alarm and headed straight to bed feeling like i was on cloud nine after what had happened with Bucky.... I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.
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When i woke up the next morning i had a message from Bucky, he couldn't have had much sleep because he was texting me at 5:30am and he didn't leave mine til nearing 2am!
Bucky: Morning beautiful, hope you slept well. Rosie had me up at 5am! i need sleep!! Xx
Y/N: Morning Buck, i slept great thanks for asking ;) you have no one to blame but yourself for your lack of sleep lol xx
Bucky: um really? Because i seem to remember you were there too. Worth every minute of lost sleep though doll ❤️xx
Y/N: Your damn right it was!
So you guys still coming for a sleep over? Xx
Bucky: Yes! I told the girls this morning and their so excited.... so am i by the way xx
Y/N: You just wanna get in my bed Mr Barnes! Lol xx
Bucky: True! Lol xx
Y/N: I'll go to the store for supplies xx
Bucky: Need me to bring anything? Xx
Y/N: Just you and those girls xx
Bucky: That i can do. What time? Xx
Y/N: Well i should be back from the store around 12, so whenever your ready xx
Bucky: Don't judge me if I'm there dead on 12, i miss you already xx
Y/N: Awww i miss you too. Right im gonna go shower and get to the store, i will see you guys soon xx
Bucky: Okay doll, see you soon xx
About an hour later i was dressed in denim shorts and a cropped blue sweater, and i had even had time to paint my nails!
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I was currently on my way to the store, singing along loudly (and very off key) to the radio. Once inside i grabbed everything i would need along with a little surprise for everyone and was currently looking at the frozen pizza's. I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me.... following me around the store. But every time i looked there was no one suspicious around. Grabbing a few different pizzas i added them to the cart and carried on to the ice cream.
"Mint choc chip was always your favorite" a too familiar voice said from behind me instantly making me tense.
I slowly turned and came face to face with a smug looking Jack!!
"What are you doing here??.... you can't be this close Jack"
"Rightttt your restraining order" he nodded shaking his head with a smile "you really thought that'd stop me taking back whats mine?"
"Im not yours Jack!!!" I said through gritted teeth "Please just leave me alone!!" I turned away and headed to the registers to pay, i needed to get away from him.
"Not gonna happen princess, you promised to love me til death do us part remember?" He called after me clearly amused by the situation.
"Come near me again Jack and i'll call the police" i turned to tell him while trying my best not to show how scared i was being this close to him. As i was paying for my groceries i looked up to see Jack leaving the store, he turned and looked over with a smile.
"I'll see you around Y/N" he smirked before finally leaving the store.
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When i got home it was just after 12 and i was relieved to see Bucky's car in the drive already. He was sitting on the hood of his car watching the girls running around the yard playing. He turned and smiled with a wave as i pulled into the drive behind his car, by the time i was getting out the car Bucky was sliding off the hood and making his way to me. When he was close enough i fell into arms holding him around his waist.
"Im so glad your here Bucky" i mumbled against his chest as his hands caressed my back.
"You okay?"
"Not really, just had a run in with Jack at the store"
"What??!" He asked pulling back to look at me "what happened?"
"I was just getting ice cream and he appeared behind me. I told him he needed to stay away.... he laughed about the restraining order, said it wouldn't stop him from getting back what was his"
"He wont be saying that when i get his ass arrested! My buddy Sam is a cop, i'll put in a call"
"Thank you, his not gonna stop without a fight Buck. He said i promised to love him til death do us part..... what if he..."
"Don't. Don't even finish that sentence doll. I will not let that man hurt you i promise" he leaned down and kissed me.
"Im scared Buck, i know what his like..."
"You'll be fine baby, i'll make sure of it"
It was quiet as Bucky just held me close "you believe me don't you?"
"Of course Buck, i know i'll be okay with you around".
"Y/N's home!!!" Allie suddenly yelled loudly and before i knew what was going on all three girls were running towards me happily. I knelt down just in time to catch them, Allie and Brooke reaching me first followed by little Rosie.
"Hey girls, you ready for our sleepover?"
"Good! Well come on lets get inside, maybe we can make a fort again?"
"Can we?? that would be so cool!" Brooke said with the biggest smile.
"Sure we can, and daddy can help this time"
"Come on Y/N lets go!" Allie grabbed my hand pulling me towards the house.
"I gotta get the groceries first"
"You take the girls in and i'll grab the groceries" Bucky smiled giving me a quick kiss as he passed me on the way to my car.
"Ewwww dad you can't kiss Y/N!" Allie said with her hands on her hips as i scooped up Rosie.
"Why not?" Bucky chuckled at her
"Because she's our Y/N!" She squinted her eyes at her dad before taking my hand and pulling me towards the house again.
"You've got some competition Buck" i called over to him laughing.
All thoughts of Jack already taking a back seat as i focused on the girls and Bucky, i wouldn't let him ruin our night.
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crispyapplepies · 4 years
Copy pasta improvised terra-slept-with-joshua-and-ven-is-upset-about-it fic i wrote in a discord chat for any terravens willing to overlook the present tense sketch writing, i hope you enjoy the angsty comedy drama --
so by chance, vens assigned gym partner for the day is joshua~ sora is stuck with roxas in the bg which is also amusing if you wanna know the background noise to this xD ven is an utter sweetie and has no personal problem with joshua so hes happy to pick up his slack on their activities today since he understands some people just dont care for athletics, especially when they have pretty looks to preserve for rehearsal tonight^^ at the end of class joshua offers his coy appreciation to ven who was such a cute gentleman today in getting him through that~ and then he makes some remark about how he never wouldve guessed ven even was that physically inclined given what he thought terras taste in men was~ ven lowers an eyebrow and asks "huh? what does that mean? =o=" and joshua chuckles "oh it was a long time ago, nothing to wonder about now~ i will say this though, you my friend? are one very very lucky bottom ;) keep a close eye on him." and then he saunters off to his next class. ven squints =.= hes a lil grumpy now x)
come lunch time, terra and aqua have already sat down at their usual table, seniors come in first, and theyre settled in with aqua going over some extra terms with terra for their history exam. sophomores finally file in and ven marches over with the tray of food he didnt even look at when he was at the counter. terra turns with a smile to see him and plants his usual kiss hello on his cheek as ven sits down with a slight fwomp, not responding to it. terra asks "everything okay? :o" and aqua looks over to check if hes feeling alright, not spotting any signs of sickness. ven responds almost gritting his teeth "i've been better. =_ =" terra tells aqua he'll help her study in a minute, cuz obviously upset boyfriend takes priority<3 he sinks his fingers into vens hair and asks him if he wants to talk about it. and ven takes a deep breath, trying to resume his usual Good Boi Angel attitude, gently swats terras hand away and says "Maybe later, you and aqua can go ahead and study! 8) I'll even help you if you like~" terra recognizes that this is certainly not over but hes not gonna force ven to talk or anything so he kinda nervously says okay.. and then tells aqua "Wanna quiz me?" and aqua says sure, and starts reading off the list of vocab words only for ven to suddenly smack the table and turn sharply to terra and ask "WHEN WERE YOU GONNA TELL ME YOU SLEPT WITH JOSHUA????" and terra just- O//__//O oops.. and aqua looks at terra all disappointed and grossed out and groans "Oh, terra, you didn't... >~<" and terra is so embarrassed and tries to explain to ven's scowl "i-it was a long time ago! really it meant nothing! :'D... a-and besides it was even before I met you! so.. thats- alright?" and he glances over at aqua hoping for some kind of validation but she just goes "ughh..." in the most smh big sister voice xDDD
ven exhales, trying to cool off and be rational, but his usual sweet happy face just cant help being all =_ = at terra, and he says "I guess its- fine, but- gosh, really? joshua? you didnt have feelings for him, did you? er was this just a fling? how long ago was this?" and terra stumbles to answer saying "i-it was- um... back when i first came out! people were telling me i couldnt say i was bi if i'd never had sex with a guy too, so i- had to prove it! thats all, really, it was nothing meaningful to me, honest<3 :'3 I'm not like that." as he cups vens cheeks playfully, but where theres usually a smile between puffed out cheeks theres still just a >:T ven folds his arms and tries again to collect himself and says "i guess i get it.. i guess xT thats really all it was? no more secrets?" and terra swears with his hand up and his eyes closed "I swear thats all it was v_v." aqua shakes her head and tells terra "Youre gonna owe ven preeetty big after this blows over :/" but before ven can even respond terra has already jumped in to tell her "I'll do anything to make ven happy! theres absolutely nothing to worry about~ :')" and ven is still kinda pissed but he finally says "okay. i'll let it go. here aqua, i can read off the list and quiz both of you" and aqua slides ven the paper to read off while she glares at terra who glares back at her as if to say 'drop it =.='
so thats the end of it for the day, and the next day too, but then the next day is gym again, and whatever sora and roxas are struggling with in the bg is still going on xD and ven and joshua are partners again. ven is still not comfortable with the idea of his terra sleeping with joshua, the twink incubus of the school fdkjgh but hes a nice boy so hes going to continue being nice and get joshua through this "drag of an hour, and not even the fun kind" pff joshua can kinda tell ven is pretty tense today though, unusual for him since ven is always the nicest kid in the whole school next to maybe sora. so finally near the end he asks if something's on his mind and ven realizes ack, what am i doing? there is no reason for me to be such a jerk. so he tells joshua "im really sorry, I mean it, I have no business acting like this;; i just- when i found out you slept with terra i was kinda.. uncomfortable about it to say the least, but i have no reason to be, youre perfectly nice :) besides, it was before he even met me so it doubly doesnt matter~^^" but thats where joshua raises an eyebrow. "oh? i think youre a little mixed up there cutie pie~ terra and i had sex together last year. some time after you transferred. I was amazed at the offer, really, i honestly thought that once he met you, none of us other cuties had a chance. but it looks like he landed you in the end, so it is of no matter. but i do certainly hope that you and he are happy, terra is quite the catch and we'll all be quite jealous of you til the end~ catch you around ;)" and thats the end of that conversation. ven. is. livid. 8)
so ven actually skipped lunch with his friends 8) terra looks around curiously, he still isnt showing up and hes not texting him back either. aqua asks him "doesnt ven have gym today?" and terra answers like its a dumb question pff "yeah? its thursday, everybody has gym today. its gym day." and she shakes her head at him and says "I think you should give him some space. im pretty sure i know where he is. :/" terra looks uneasy tho. "do you think hes okay?" and aqua says "oh... im sure he will be." terra grips his arms and tries not to think about it 8)
senior gym class is last period and they start filing in as the juniors file out. terra fist bumps riku on his way in xD terra is practically exempt from whatever is on the activities list cuz hes.. terra and gym class is honestly childs play pff he finishes everything in 2 seconds anyway. so usually the coach just lets him bench press for a while. highschools are bullshit xD aqua has that privilege too but she considers it a warm up before her practice later and does them anyway. terra takes his time prepping the bench, saving himself the trouble of dealing with the crowd in the locker room, and once they all run out he yoinks his gym bag up to his shoulder just to be extra pff and marches on in there to change. weird that everyone is snickering at him on their way out though... he walks inside, humming mindlessly to himself cuz gym class is his chance to relax after school before his practice. and then he half screams in surprise as his gym bag falls to the floor. ven is sitting right there in front of the lockers with the angriest look on his face terra didnt even know he /could/ make jhdfgl ven "sings" out "hello, terra. >8(" and terra just- run kdjfhglhdfsg
terra runs back to the bench as if he can just- run away from reality kdjsfhgljkdfs xDDD and start bench pressing cuz he doesnt know what else to do sdklfjhglsdj im having too much fun with this i love dumb ass jocks and soft cuties xDDD ven launches himself on top of terra pushing down on the weights terra was about to pump up and yells "YOU SLEPT WITH JOSHUA WHILE YOU WERE COURTING ME?!?!?!?!!!!"
(everyone in the gym is cackling quietly to themselves at the display sdfkjgh this AMAZING xD) terra looks up at ven in fear and stutters "I-I didnt think i had a chance with you! you didnt seem interested D:!" ven yells "OF COURSE I WAS INTERESTED YOURE JUST SHIT AT FLIRTING!!!!!!!" terra tries to calm him down "youre gonna break the bench press, ven! D:" the coach comes over at all the yelling and yells at them "HEY, break it up--" only to be shut right up when ven glares at him and growls and terra looks at him utterly terrified dfkjhg and motions for him to leave them alone. the coach is both very scared of ven xD and also doesnt wanna lose his quarterback so he smiles and holds his hands up in surrender and says "hey, you know what? why dont you two work it out amongst yourselves?^^;;; maybe somewhere that isnt my expensive bench press though?" ven yells "FINE." and grabs terra by the wrist and drags him back to the locker rooms using a scary strength terra didnt know he had dkfjglh O_O;; aqua pauses her stretches and shakes her head and mumbles "it was nice knowing you, terra. :/" and then resumes her work out xD
well ven flings terra into the locker room and shuts the door with a slam and chews him out. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HUMILIATING THIS FEELS?!!! YOU SLEPT WITH THAT LITTLE HORNDOG AFTER I CAME HERE AND THEN YOU LIED TO ME ABOUT IT SO I HAD TO FIND OUT FROM THE HORNDOG HIMSELF?!!! GIMME YOUR BEST EXPLANATION FOR THAT, TERRA, JUST TRY ME!!!! >8UUUUUU" terra reaches out his trembling hands bravely to try and calm ven down, before he pulls his hair out and he cries out "I'm SORRY, i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry, okay, I didn't do it to hurt you!!!! It was just a small thing-" "AHAHAH IS THAT WHAT IT IS THEN??? WELL IF IT WAS SUCH A SMALL "tHinG" THEN WHY WOULD YOU LIE TO ME ABOUT IT, WHAT OTHER SECRETS HAVE YOU BEEN KEEPING?!!! DID YOU SLEEP WITH RIKU TOO? ANYMORE CHEERLEADERS I DONT KNOW ABOUT??? OR MAYBE JOSHUA AGAIN AT SOME POINT????!!! >8'DDDD"   ven is about to lose his mind sdjfhg terra is starting to feel upset too ;~; "No, I don't have anymore secrets, after we started dating I havent even so much as THOUGHT of anyone else! I mean that! :'U" he pleas, finally managing to place loving hands on vens shoulders as he prays for forgiveness dkfjhg ven finally just cries it out letting himself sob into his palms and terra steps in closer, hating to see ven cry, and this is much worse knowing hes the cause of it ;-;
ven glances up again, terras scent hitting him and that warm chest right in front of him that he loves and he just buries his face in it not knowing what else to do dkfgh terra holds him, stroking his back, mulling over in his head how many ways he could apologize for this but then ven pushes himself away again, hes still so upset >~< and he sniffles "why. did you lie to me about it." terras face goes red and he fishes for his words "because i- i care what you think ven." ven scoffs, but his frown hardens and he wipes his eyes "you care what i think, and so you LIED to me? what am i supposed to think?" terra replies quickly "i dont know :'u i guess i just didnt want you to think..." ven holds himself and turns away. terra supposes he has to just- be honest then, its worth a try if  it keeps him from losing the love of his life. "Look, I- I lied because the way you look at me matters to much. I care what you think of me more than anyone else, ven." ven sniffles, his back still turned to terra "oh yeah?" and terra glides over to turn him around and look at him, taking vens hands in his. "yes! ven youre the nicest, kindest, most pure hearted person i've ever met. i cant even imagine there being a darkness in your heart. who even says "slept with" and "courted" anymore besides a sweetheart like you? youre like an angel to me, but i- dont have the best reputation anymore. and the number of partners ive had seemed to disgust you. it broke my heart the way you looked at me the other day knowing that id slept with joshua. like you thought i was- i dunno.. im sorry i did it, i really am. i never wouldve done it if i'd known you really did want me too." ven reaches up and places a hand to terras cheek promising "Terra, I think the world of you. i wouldnt be with you if i didnt think you were a great person. the best even! you know how much i admire you. i just- was I just a fling? how do i know im not the next joshua or shiki you sl- have sex with and drop?"
and terra leans down to kiss his forehead and chuckles "because you're you, silly." that gets ven smiling again, the cornier the better with him<3 he presses his nose to terras chest and slides his arms up over his back for a tight hug and terra is so relieved they got through that dkfgjhdjl f ven tells him "I'm sorry for making you feel judged. i was way too rash about that whole thing." terra tells him its alright, imeanididlietoyouafterallahem.. ven goes = _= for just a second, cuz yeah that sure wasnt cool dfkjgh but he removes it cuz mostly hes back to smiling and he pulls himself away to look up at terra again, admitting with a blush "i guess i'm still in disbelief that youre really mine. maybe in 5 years or something i'll believe it" ven chuckles at his joke, but terra smiles down at him very sincerely and says "then i'm counting the years with you til then~" and that just tickles him and he jumps up to give terra make up smooches for a while<3 eventually they emerge from the locker room, ven clearly looking like hed been crying but smiling away again, even feeling okay enough to go to class now, cuz hes a good boy who wouldnt just ditch at that point like i would xD terra looks relieved too. aqua breaks formation when she sees them come out and runs up to ven to ask if hes okay and hug him if he needs, but ven says "everythings fine :) thanks aqua~" and aqua looks up at terra to double check that and terra nods affirmatively that yes, everything is fine. ven nudges aqua "see you at practice today~" and waves at terra too, knowing he prefers not to smooch in front of the other seniors;; but terra tells him to hang on and he runs over to give him a smooch goodbye and all is well after that<3 and axel snarks "tchh- drama queens :/"
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Til the End of the Night / Ch22: Finale pt. 2
Previous / Masterpost 
Summary: It’s time to go home.
Warnings: same fantasy violence stuff as ever, the emotional aftermath of All That
A/N: it’s f i n i s h e d holy shit i’m done
~ ~ ~
Virgil did not like the plan. Virgil, in fact, hated the plan, but it was the best they had, so he went along with it- story of his freaking life, lately. He huddled behind the shield with Logan and Patton, who still hadn’t moved after what Virgil had accidentally done to him, and watched as Roman stormed up to the witch again.
She wasn’t even in her dragon form anymore, that was how confident she felt that the fight was over. She smoothed out her clothing and merely smiled at Roman’s approach. “Well?”
“Undo it,” Roman demanded. “Now.”
“Why would I do that? Caring about whether things are fair is more your, ah… personality flaw.”
He glared at her.
“You’re not going to threaten me. There’s nothing you can do.”
“That’s where you’re mistaken, fiend,” said Roman, and threw a potion rather dramatically in her face.
The witch blinked and wiped the liquid away from her eyes. It was clearly taking a lot of restraint to stop herself from just punching Roman in the face, but she managed to keep her dignity. “What,” she bit out, “exactly, what that supposed to do, aside from making me want to kill you even more than I already did? You can’t hurt me. You’re only doing more damage to him.”
Roman smiled back, just as confident suddenly as she’d been a second ago. “Oh, I don’t know… I’d say it worked exactly as intended.”
That was Virgil’s cue- no, literally, Roman had insisted on taking a minute to come up with an actual script for all this. He looked down at Patton, who, thank god, was starting to wake up and open his eyes again and looked a little more alive, if no less unsettlingly empty. That final healing potion had done its job. Logan carefully shifted Patton over to him before scooting back a healthy few inches. Virgil took a steadying breath, placed his hand over Patton’s heart, and looked up to lock eyes with the witch, who had finally realized something was up and shifted her attention to him and Logan. The fear present in her eyes for just a moment was, he had to admit, extremely gratifying. Maybe even worth the effort of getting the timing right, although he was absolutely never letting Roman know he’d had that thought.
“Sorry,” he whispered to Patton, just in case he could hear him and just in case this didn’t work out perfectly. He gritted his teeth and focused, and shot all the offensive magic he could muster directly into his best friend’s chest.
The Dragon Witch screamed, stumbling back. “This isn’t over,” she somehow managed to yell at them all, and then she was gone in a highly ambiguous puff of smoke. Logan and Virgil looked at each other uncertainly before both turning to Roman.
“What did that-”
“Is she-?”
Roman hurried back over to the rest of them. “Don’t worry, she does that every time she’s defeated. I can’t very well kill her off for good if I want to keep using her as a character, although I’ll be very sure to keep better control of things next time.”
“Bold of you to assume I’m letting you anywhere near here after this,” Virgil snapped.
“Bold of you to assume you can stop me,” he shot back, before sighing. “It will… probably be a while before I do come back, though. After this.”
Patton stirred, scrunching his face up in pain and confusion, and everyone went quiet. After a second that felt like an eternity, he opened his eyes and looked up at them.
“Did you win…?”
Roman smiled reassuringly and squeezed his hand. “The witch has been defeated, dear Padre.”
“Oh… good.” He smiled back at all of them and closed his eyes again. This time, the sleep he slipped into was much more peaceful.
“He’ll be okay now,” Logan said quietly, partially to himself and partly for the sake of everyone else’s nerves. “Roman? Please don’t tell me we’re going to need to walk all the way back to the portal we came here through. I’ve run out of materials for healing potions, and… I’m tired.”
“Oh! No, no need to worry yourself about getting back. Now that we’ve resolved this story, the Imagination should just…”
They didn’t get to hear the rest of his sentence, but they also didn’t particularly need it. A bright light filled the room with no visible source, whiting out everything, and there was a feeling almost like falling. When the sides’ vision cleared again, they were no longer in the wrecked throne room of the Dragon Witch’s castle, but clustered together on Roman’s bedroom floor sometime in the middle of the night.
It was… jarring, almost, to be so suddenly back to normal. No, not almost. It was incredibly strange. Their usual outfits had returned, the bag Logan held was once again full of snacks and other supposed essentials, and none of the harm they’d suffered in the fantasy world carried over- they weren’t even dirty. Roman was surely used to this sort of transition, but Logan and Virgil were still struggling to adjust when Patton blinked himself awake and sat up.
“Patton!” Virgil grabbed his hand. “I… are you okay?”
He looked down at himself, brow furrowed. Flexed his hands and patted at his limbs. “I… I guess so? None of that was real. It was just- imaginary.” He laughed, but it didn’t come out quite right. His hands were shaking. “I’m fine.”
“It’s- I mean, I’m not hurt! None of us… everything is, everything is fine, a-and it was all…”
Roman touched his shoulder, and he flinched. Virgil’s grip on him tightened reflexively. Logan still hadn’t spoken, looking distantly around the room as if trying to memorize it.
“…Hey. Listen to me, okay?” Everyone turned to look at Roman. “I understand… well, first of all, I understand that all of this was… at least somewhat my fault, and I take full responsibility for that. If you want to be angry with me, I only ask that you wait until we’ve all had a nap, because I do not have the energy to get yelled at right now.” He smiled thinly and didn’t quite laugh at his own joke. “But I also need to make sure you all understand that… well, just because it happened in the Imagination, doesn’t mean it wasn’t real to us.”
“As real as anything else that happens in Thomas’s mind,” Logan muttered.
“Exactly. And I know better than anyone that these things can still leave a mark, even if it isn’t physical. What I’m saying is…” He sighed and tugged on Patton and Logan’s sleeves. “Come here.”
“Group hug,” Patton said quietly, leaning in and pulling Virgil with him, and then his breathing hitched and he was crying into Roman’s shirt.
“There you are… there, I know I- I really messed this one up, and I’m…”
“You didn’t know.” Logan’s voice was muffled somewhere in the tangle of a group-hug. “If you had made that happen on purpose, it would be another matter, but… I seem to recall you weren’t enjoying yourself much, either.”
There was a long silence, in which everyone slowly began to calm down and then began to realize how exhausted they were. They were going to be in danger of falling asleep where they were and waking up very uncomfortable if they didn’t get up soon- apparently, tiredness was the one thing that didn’t go away as soon as they returned home. Logan was the first to sigh and sit up, muttering something about going to bed, although he didn’t look any more eager to move than anyone else. The others followed suit and reluctantly gathered themselves in preparation to get off the floor.
Patton stifled a yawn and paused, looking thoughtful. “It wasn’t all bad, though, right? The adventure?”
Virgil looked at him like he’d grown a second head. “We almost died, Patton. A lot.”
“Yeah, but before that… It was fun at the beginning, right? At least a little?”
He exchanged a look with Logan, and they both made vague and begrudging noises of assent.
“A little. Maybe.”
“I thought that little town was really nice,” Patton insisted, and it didn’t escape his notice that Roman perked up from his guilty moping at the compliment. “And… some of the forest, anyway.”
“I could take you back there sometime, I swear it would be safe-”
“Nope,” interrupted Virgil, “don’t even wanna hear you talk about that, no…”
Patton leaned over to Roman and whispered in his ear. “Maybe when we’re all feeling a little better, okay?” He smiled.
Meanwhile, Virgil wasn’t done. “Actually, you know what, I’m not letting any of you out of my sight for like, a week, and you’re all just gonna have to deal with that ‘cause you don’t get a choice.”
No one disagreed.
“You can all stay in here for the night,” Roman suggested. “I’ll just…” He waved a hand behind him, and the bed in the middle of his room, which was already large enough for at least three people and ridiculously luxurious, expanded even further.
Logan nodded slowly, blinking. “Good. Sleep… is good,” he said seriously, clearly needing some very badly himself. Patton covered his mouth with his hand and pretended to be yawning again rather than laughing at him.
“Yup,” Virgil agreed, pulling him upright. “And you need to get some before you pass out on the floor.”
The tangled pile they ended up sleeping in, once they got themselves into bed, was comfortable in that special “I would be okay with sleeping on Legos right now and this is infinitely better” sort of way. The low ambient light in Roman’s room was comforting, and they all held on to each other, each assured the others were with them and safely home, and drifted off to sleep. Everything else could wait until the morning.
Thomas Sanders woke up to the sound of his alarm going off, and smacked at his phone blindly until he managed to turn it off. “Five more minutes,” he muttered to himself, turning over to shove his face into a pillow and hide from the sun. “Or maybe more like five more hours. Or… days.” For whatever reason, he felt like he’d hardly gotten any sleep at all, and his mind was still disoriented from… wait.
He sat up straight in bed, blinking against the light, and fumbled for his phone once again. A minute later, Joan picked up, sounding almost as tired as he felt, and very reasonably asked why the hell he was calling them first thing in the morning.
“Sorry,” Thomas said quickly, a little sheepish. “But, listen- I just had the craziest dream.”
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lonelypond · 5 years
Moonlight Becomes You: Apocalypse Midnight Dance Party: Nico Protects
NozoEli, NicoMaki, KanaMari, Love Live, Love Live Sunshine, 2.5K, 3/?
Summary: Nico can't reach Eli while Maki realizes she's not where she wants to be.
Nico Protects
Nico was glaring at her phone...Maki Nishikino aka DJ Diamond Princess was on a two week tour of all the Ontario and Quebec hot spots. And so Maki was all over EVERYONE’S social media, in cute and huggy and air kissy poses with all the hot hot young female celebrities. Not that Nico cared. Not that the pictures were any good. Not that with the time difference and Nico’s insanely early morning shooting schedule for an actual live action show Nico had any time to do more than text and send selfies. Maki’s texts were usually rants about people wanting to take pictures and messing with her equipment or touching the vinyl. She was ready to stop being away from home. And Nico was ready to stop seeing her with so many women in so little clothing draped all over her.
Nico glanced at the clock. Maki would have usually texted something by now. And Eli should be done with Day Two of her weekend of dance at the Ohara on The Beach, getting the choreography down in 20 hours worth of dance sessions. Why wasn’t Eli back? Nico hopped up from the couch to check the kitchen calendar. Nope, another week until the full moon. So why wasn’t Eli home?
Quick text: Hey, Eli, did you get lost. Or meet a cute girl?
There was a reply.
“Sorry, I’m still busy.”
Nico frowned, “Sorry, you’re not Eli, WHY DO YOU HAVE ELI’S PHONE?
“Who is this?”
Nico hit call. The person on the other end actually answered so Nico only YELLED a little, “Who are you?”
There was a cough, and a shuffle, and a high silly voice and a muffled bark in the background that put Nico on alert. Then Nico heard a high voice giggle with the distance Eli’s phone on speaker would give. “Eli can’t come to the phone right now. She’s not feeling well.”
“Who is this?” Nico got quieter but sharper, “Tell me right now where Eli is or I’m calling the cops.”
Nico heard another voice, frazzled, “Mari, let me talk to her. Is this Eli’s roommate?”
New person now had the phone. Her voice was a cool breeze compared to the previous. She switched the phone from speaker. “I’m Kanan. That was my wife. She likes to play jokes. I’m sorry but...”
Nico wasn’t that easy and cut off what she knew would be a lie from Kanan, “Where is Eli?”
“She isn’t feeling well. She had a sudden…” a pause…”seizure.”
“I’ll be right there. This is that hotel right?” Nico was on her feet, already deciding what to bring along.
“Yes, but…”
The other voice was back. “She’ll be fine, Bella. Kanan and I know what to do…”
Nico paused…’knew what to do’. Now she was positive Eli had switched her four legged form. No more discussion. “I will be there in a half an hour. If Eli isn’t somewhere Nico can see her, Nico will tear through your hotel room by room.”
“Yeah, bye.” Nico ended the call and her phone buzzed again. She was about to answer with a snarl when she recognized Maki’s icon. Why now? Why the sudden switch from texting? Did no one realize Nico needed some normal as she raced to be the number one actor on any coast.
“Maki! Hey! How was your gig?” Nico tried to remember how much she’d been looking forward to Maki checking in.
“Exhausting.” Maki sounded growly grumpy. It might have been kinda cute, but Nico had seen too many pictures of Maki with her arm around a half dressed dancer or three. “SO many people hanging on me.”
“I know.” Nico knew her sentence would come through gritted teeth, “Nico saw all the snaps.”
“Rin just wouldn’t shut up either and I so want to get on a plane and just cancel the next three gigs and finally take you out to dinner and talk about anything but this or….”
Nico interrupted before Maki could get into full rant flow. “Maki, Nico completely agrees with where you’re going, but I can’t talk…”
“What’s wrong?” Maki’s tone instantly changing from complaining to concerned.
“Eli’s being held captive in a hotel.” Nico tried to speak as if that were an everyday thing Nico could obviously cope with.
“WHAT?” There might have been a phone dropping into a cushion noise. Then a scrabbling sound and Maki breathless, “What’s going on?”
“Nico doesn’t know….” Nico knew now she was sounding scared and frantic but she didn’t have the time to smooth things over for Maki. And it was a relief not to have to lie to Maki. “And I have to find out. So can we talk tomorrow?”
Maki sounded...mad…”Sure. I’ll text you.” And the call ended and Nico could feel the sourness left in the silence. Her hand tightened around the phone and there might almost have been a tear, but Eli was missing. And people Nico didn’t know had taken her roommate’s phone.
Maki wanted to pace, to punch. EVERY conversation with Nico seemed to stall at Eli, every plan Maki wanted to make...how much of Nico’s life revolved around her roommate? Before Maki had left town, Nico had made it seem like things were back to normal for Eli...But then Maki remembered the snarling, vicious sounds the night she’d gone to Nico’s to check on them,...was that how Eli was now all the time? Was Nico in danger? Maki checked her calendar, full moon next week. Didn’t Nico say she thought the early changes were more violent...Maki put her phone on speaker. Why pay a lawyer so much money if not to get DJ Diamond Princess out of things that Maki Nishikino didn’t want to do. Rin would be disappointed, but…
“Call Aya” she said as she opened her laptop to get to her travel account.
Nico stormed right up to the front desk. “Call Kanan Matsuura. I’m here to see Eli Ayase.”
The clerk frowned, typing a quick message into the pad in front of her.
“I said call…” Nico’s clenched fist rested on the desktop, ready to provide emphatic punctuation to her request.
The staffer smiled and pointed behind Nico, “Ms. Ohara will see you in her private suite. Please follow Ms. O’Hara’s assistant to the elevator.”
Nico turned to see a polite young woman in an exquisitely tailored suit, a pad tucked under her arm. “Good evening, Ms. Yazawa.”
“How do you know my name?”
“You’re listed as Ms. Ayase’s emergency contact. Ms. Ohara wishes me to assure you that Ms. Ayase is physically unharmed…”
“Shut up and walk faster.” Nico snapped, managing not to push the staffer along.
The elevator opened up into a foyer, with fountains and sculptures, a few tables and divans scattered, there were several floor to ceiling windows that looked out on the Pacific, Nico could see stars twinkling and the majority of the currently traitorous moon. It would have been breathtaking but Nico was on a mission.
No one was in sight so Nico just yelled, “ELI! WHERE ARE YOU? ELI!”
Nico heard a bark and a growl and someone, not sprinting, but hastening in her direction. A busty blonde, nearly falling out of a sundress, came around the corner and stopped in front of Nico, wagging a chiding finger.“You didn’t have to do that, silly. We just got her settled.”
Nico stepped right up to the blonde, who was slightly taller than Eli, “If you don’t let Eli go, I’m going to go through you, get her, and then maybe leave your front counter standing.”
“Oh, bella, you’re so cute, so tiny, so stizzoso…” the woman giggled.
Nico, seething, squared her shoulders and prepared to do her blitz move through this increasingly annoying obstacle. Another woman came into view, dark haired and solid, arm in a cast. Kanan Matsuura, Nico recognized her from Eli’s TWIG posts.
Kanan was shaking her head, hands in the kangaroo pocket of a sweatshirt,“You know Mari, I’m not going to defend you.”
The blonde whirled, pouting, hands reaching out. Nico just strode forward, busting the connection before the two women could even lock hands, shouting again, “ELI!”
A bark to the left, and a confused howl, then a whine of pain and a growl. Nico stopped, eyes the most dangerous of reds, “What did you do to her?”
Kanan put both hands up, “We just moved her to a safe space once the transformation seemed to be over. But she keeps…”
Nico didn’t let Kanan finish. “That doesn’t happen. It’s not even a full moon, that’s next week,” Nico knew she was starting to sound panicked, but Eli had been acting so oddly recently. “Something must have happened…”
“She’s in our guest room, Nico,” Kanan started to explain, “But I don’t think you should see her, she’s…” Kanan’s purple eyes were kind, but nothing like the amethyst Nico had been daydreaming about. She pulled up her sleeve and showed Nico a recently bandaged forearm, “It’s why we didn’t meet you downstairs. Eli’s lashing out. She’s terrified.”
Nico felt her knees buckle. What was happening? Why couldn’t Eli keep her transformations under control. “Eli hates changing. She usually sedates herself, but she wouldn’t have been expecting this not ‘til next week.” Or she would never have come here. Nico knew that.
Mari asked. “What does she use? We could slip some in her food?”
Nico froze. She’d been talking too much. These two already knew too much. Eli would be pissed. But they had to solve this immediate problem before Eli hurt herself or someone else. Racing through her knowledge of Eli’s habits, Nico grudgingly offered a suggestion, “Try playing Tchaikovsky, start with the Nutcracker. That usually relaxes her some.”
Mari pulled out her phone, swiped twice, and typed in letters. Classical music began to play. Kanan had a gentle hand on Nico’s shoulder and was leading her to a couch, “Are you hungry?”
“Doesn’t matter.” Nico shook her head, “Is she really okay?” And then suspicion kicked in, “And why are you so calm?”
“She’s physically uninjured, but it sounds like there’s been recent upheavals in her usual routine, which would be a long term concern.” Kanan sat next to Nico, “And I have some experience with a similar situation.”
“Kanan’s not nearly as fluffy, though.” The super annoying blonde giggled. Nico glared, not wanting to encourage what seemed to be silly jokes.
“Mari.” Kanan’s voice was stern, a warning. Then she turned back to Nico. “We know people who can help.”
“How? Who?”
Mari laughed, “LA is one of those places where you can find anything. It’s why so many of us come here.”
“So you know other werewolves…”
Kanan shrugged, “Mermaids, jiaos, selkies, frogpeople, dark watchers...we have friends who help them get help...very quietly.”
“Have you told Eli?” Nico didn’t like having this discussion about Eli without Eli.
Kanan sighed. “We didn’t know she needed it. Until tonight.”
Nico stood. “Then Nico doesn’t say anything else. This is Eli’s business. Nico’s just here to make sure you’re not going to skin her or turn her into the government.”
More giggling. “She’s too adorable to…”
“Mari…” Kanan snapped, her patience finally fleeing to join Nico’s somewhere else. “Please forgive my wife, she has a very questionable sense of humor.”
Nico frowned and crossed her arms, ignoring the blonde irritant. “Where’s the room, Nico wants to tell Eli I’m here.”
Kanan stood, “Follow me.”
Nico’s phone buzzed and the room she was lying on pillows in front of exploded in a crazy frenzy of barking. “Damn it…” Nico pulled out her phone. Maki...calling....
“Hey.” Nico winced as she thought of what Maki was hearing on the other end.
“Are you at home?”
“Why not?”
“Long story, Maki.” Nico sat up, pulling the blanket Kanan had gotten her up to her shoulders. “Can we speed this up. I need to quiet Eli down.”
A pause. “Where are you?”
“The Ohara BeachFront. Where Eli rehearses.”
“Fine. I’ll be there as soon as I clear customs.”
“What? Why aren’t you in Canada?”
“Do you need anything?” Maki ignored Nico’s question.
Nico frowned, she hated to say what she was going to say next but it was already after dawn and Eli was still sounding furrier than usual, “Bring a muzzle.”
Another silence and then Maki blew out a long breath. In her mind, Nico could just see the arc of the redhead’s jaw sharpen as she processed that request.
“All right.” And then Maki’s voice got kinder, “Be careful, Nico, please.”
“Nico is trying.”
“Good.” Maki muttered something away from the phone, then came back, “I’ll see you soon, Nico.”
“Are you all right, Nico?” Kanan’s voice came out of nowhere as Maki ended the call and Nico jumped.
“Don’t sneak up on Nico.” Nico knew it might be unreasonable to scold someone for walking around their own house, but Nico was not in a polite mood.
“My friend is coming to help me get Eli home.” Nico pocketed her phone.
“Eli can stay here as long as she needs to. You too.” Kanan offered Nico her hand, “Are you ready for breakfast. Mari had the staff send up everything.”
“Including raw chuck roast? Eli likes to chew on that.” Nico stretched. Next time she was in a fancy hotel for a sleepover, there would be comfy mattresses.
“I’ll get some.” Kanan started down the hall.
Nico put her hand on the door, whispering. “It’s okay, Eli. Nico’ll get you breakfast and take you home.”
Growling. A thump as Eli lunged at the door. Nico closed her eyes, frustrated at both the situation and having an audience.
“It might be better…” Kanan had stopped.
Nico’s temper flared, and she only barely held back a shout. “You don’t know anything about Eli. I need to get her back in a familiar place as soon as possible. She’s…” Nico chose her next word with some thought, “sensitive.”
Kanan smiled, but Nico wasn’t open to friendly, “Mari and I just want to help. We consider Eli a friend now.”
Nico snapped her fingers at Kanan, “Well Nico can’t really talk to Eli about your new BFF status now, can I? How does Nico know you didn’t dose her with something.”
Horrified, Kanan’s eyes widened, “I would never…”
“How would Nico know?” Accusation. Strong. Fierce. Nico was back to something solid, protecting her friend.
Kanan hung her head, Mari was better at winning over skeptics, but she’d had to deal with handing off her morning tasks so it would be a half an hour or so before she would return. “I promise we’ll help with whatever you and your friend want to do. Just eat some breakfast first.”
“Order Eli’s.”
Kanan pulled out her phone. This was something Nico was going to allow her to do. Maybe after breakfast Kanan could get everyone working together.
A/N: Just finished up 'A Midsummer Night's Dream,' which was excellent but exhausting fun so getting back in the writing game. Is it too darn hot wherever you are?
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faveficarchive · 5 years
Xena’s Quest
By Amazon Moon
Pairing: Xena/Gabrielle
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: After Gabrielle is blinded, Xena must fight her way through Callisto to find the cure. 
"I was made to send this to you, Xena," Joxer told me as he passed me a letter. He looked flustered and sported a number of fresh bruises and a small cut on his pale forehead. I took the thick-feeling brown envelope from his shaky hand and glanced at it.
"It's from Callisto," Joxer gulped as he watched me examine it suspiciously, turning it over and shaking it. Gabrielle walked over from tending Argo, her sparkling green eyes locked in interest at the small package I held in my hands. Her sunny gold locks looked brilliant in the morning sun, light bouncing off it. She wore it down loosely, just below her shoulders.
"What's inside?" the bard asked, eyebrows gently arched. As inquisitive as ever, I noted with a slight chuckle. How very Gabrielle. I felt two pairs of eyes looking at me expectantly, silently urging me to open the letter.
"I don't know, but it can wait 'til breakfast," I replied nonchalantly as I turned my head towards the breakfast basket Gabrielle had laid out earlier. I was quite famished and my stomach growled at the sight of the basket's contents. I started towards the breakfast basket, knowing I was probably killing the two, especially sweet Gabrielle, with curiosity. I wanted to know what Callisto had written too, but right now, my main criteria was Breakfast.
"Oh c'mon, Xena," Gabrielle chided as she playfully snatched Callisto's letter from my hands," we'll just take a peek at it." She smiled at me mischievously, her emerald eyes twinkling gaily at me as she ripped the envelope apart. I rolled my eyes at the impatient bard. So typical of Gabrielle. She could never wait.
As soon as Gabrielle tore open the envelope, a heavy puff of thick white powder flew out of the letter into her face, caking it almost instantly. It would normally have been a funny thing, something to laugh at. But this letter came from THE dangerous Callisto, my demented nemesis. And instead of breaking into a smile, my Amazon bard started screaming in pain.
"Gabrielle!" I called out, rushing to her side instantly. I caught her as she fell twitching to the ground, her pretty features screwed up in immense pain and agony. It had to be the white stuff from the letter- it was hurting her.
"Xena- my eyes, they hurt!" Gabrielle screamed, tears of pain streaking down her face, washing some of the white powder down with it. I had to hold her hands down from scratching her eyes out.
"Joxer!" I yelled at the perplexed man standing panically beside us, "Go get some water - now!" Joxer rushed off at lightening speed and came back with our waterskin, sweat beaded on his upper lip. I immediately tried washing Gabrielle's eyes with the cool, clear fluid but that hurt her a lot and she struggled.
"Try to relax, Gabrielle, I'm going to wash it away," I tried comforting my best friend as I pried away her fingers that held the hand holding the waterskin. My heart bleed at her pain, her agony. I felt angry at myself for letting her take that letter away from me. It was meant for me. Not her. And I should have know also, I chided myself, the letter was from Callisto.
Joxer was helping me to hold Gabrielle down as I attempted washing the white stuff out of her eyes. He received a few hardy kicks and blows from the suffering bard but he still stood his ground and continued assisting me. He might drive the both of us crazy most of the time but he had a good heart. Argo tried helping too. She nuzzled Gabrielle tenderly, trying to comfort her as I attempted washing her eyes clear of the irritants.
It took sometime before I managed to clean her eyes completely and all the while Gabrielle was in immense discomfort; fingers digging into the soil beneath her at the unbearable pain or hitting Joxer with brute strength originating from the great hurt her eyes were causing her.
"All right, Gabrielle," I spoke gentle as I brushed away a few strands of damp hair from her forehead, "you can open your eyes now. " I passed the waterskin to a bruised Joxer who fell backwards upon catching it. I watched my pretty bard as she slowly blinked her eyes, staring straight at me. There was something different about those eyes now... they seemed to have lost their bright sparkle. They now looked dull and empty.
" Xena," Gabrielle whispered weakly as I helped her up to a sitting position, "why is it so dark?" She blinked a few times as if confused and she stretched out her arms as if she was in the dark, "Xena?" I waved five fingers in front of her unblinking eyes and got no reaction.
I bit my lower lip and felt sad tears well up in my eyes. No, I told myself, not Gabrielle. Not my best friend. Damn that Callisto bitch. No, why did it have to be Gabrielle? It was meant for me...all these - not poor innocent, sweet Gabrielle.
"I'm here, Gabrielle," I spoke gently as I clasped my hands unto her searching ones," I'm here." Her eyes were wide open, but she couldn't see. My bard had gone blind.
"How are you feeling?" I asked her as the two of us sat on the soft grass, having breakfast. Joxer was with Argo, some distance away. My appetite had died and Gabrielle hardly touched anything. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying and she looked downright miserable. I felt frustrated too, for failing to protect her. I blamed myself.
"I'm blind, Xena," Gabrielle sniffed, sitting cross-legged on the grass beside me, her staff on her lap. Her eyes looked empty, and they just stared ahead. "I shouldn't have... been so stupid-" Gabrielle choked, her head bent as her tears rolled down her cheeks, "I shouldn't have snatched it from you... You would have checked it for suspicious elements in it before opening but I-"
"No, Gabrielle, no," I comforted her as I reached over to hold her in my arms, "It was never your fault. I should've checked it out completely before handling it over to you. I should be the one..."
"Xena, I'm so sorry," Gabrielle sobbed into my shoulder, holding me tightly like a child. She was like a child, so vulnerable, so innocent. And Callisto had hurt her. I gritted my teeth in anger.
I found Callisto's letter lying on the ground nearby, where Gabrielle had dropped it. I picked it up and sniffed at the residue of powder left. I grimaced. It was Andrianan, an active blinding agent that acted on almost immediately. It was rare but deadly. Its antidote was the sweet sap of the Halada palm, which was even rarer in these parts of the world.
There was a small note tucked inside and I picked it up carefully. It was a normal letter with no booby tricks attached. Just Callisto's bold handwriting. I fumed inwardly as I read her note. Callisto wanted to challenge me to a duel, one on one. If I didn't, Gabrielle could then kiss her chance of regaining her sight goodbye. She was sly, very sly, I cursed as I crushed her letter and threw it to the ground.
"What was that?" Gabrielle asked suddenly as she slowly released her embrace, "I heard you crush something- was it Callisto's letter? What did she say?" She had lost her sight but not all her senses. She was still my best friend. My inquisitive, talkative bard.
I looked over at her face. The twinkle of her eyes had gone, but she still looked beautiful. Her radiance glowing from within. I inhaled before answering her questions," Callisto. She wants to have a personal one-on-one with me. If I win, we'll get the antidote for your eyes, Gabrielle." I smiled at her tenderly as I touched her cheek, "Then you can see again."
"And if she wins?" Gabrielle inquired further, her eyebrows raised, concern written on her face. That caught me, I hadn't expected her to ask me that.
"C'mon, Gabrielle," I chided her softly, "surely you've got confidence in me? She won't win." I gave her hands a reassuring squeeze as I tried escaping her question.
"No, Xena," My bard returned the squeeze affectionately, "I believe in you. But surely Callisto must have made some demand if she won. What did she ask for? Xena?" She was determined in knowing. And she wouldn't leave me until I'd told her.
"She wants 50 dinars if she wins," I replied as I stood up to leave but I was immediately pulled back by the Potedaean. I sighed. Gabrielle might have lost her sight but not her mind. She knew.
"50 dinars? Xena who are you trying to kid? It's Callisto we're talking about," Gabrielle frowned, "Please Xena, tell me the truth."
"All right, all right, "I threw up my hands in surrender, "she wants 50 dinars and my chakram. My beloved chakram." I looked straight into her dull green eyes, "Okay?"
"You're not lying to me are you, Xena?" Gabrielle questioned, a slight show of doubt on her face. The breeze caught her hair then, and she looked positively radiant. She had her whole life in front of her. So much things to do, so many things to complete. She was so young, so innocent.
"I wouldn't lie to you, Gabrielle," I stood up and patted her shoulder. I quickly left before she could bombard me with more of her questions. I silently cursed myself as I walked away. I had lied. To a blind, defenseless young woman. To my bard. My best friend. Callisto didn't want money. Or my chakram. If only things were that simple, I wished. Callisto wanted my heart.
"Joxer," I called out as I approached him. He had been talking to my horse, probably about his life story. Poor 'ol Argo, I chuckled slightly, "I need you to take good care of Gabrielle for me. I need to get the antidote to treat her eyes. I promise I won't be long."
"Sure, Xena," Joxer promised as he puffed out his skinny chest," You can count on me- Joxer the Mighty." I knew he wasn't much of a fighter but he was a good, loyal friend. I needed him by Gabrielle's side.
"Joxer, I..." I pulled his lanky frame towards me and whispered into his ear," Joxer, if I should never come back...please, please take good care of Gabrielle."
"If you should never..." Joxer cried out in surprise. I clapped his mouth shut quickly, and just in time too, before he spewed out the words.
"Shhhh!!!"I warned as I whispered fiercely, "I'll be meeting Callisto for a duel. If I win, I'll get the antidote for Gabrielle's eyes and she will be able to see again. But if anything should happen to me, I want you to take good care of her- bring her back to Potidaea. Bring her back home. Make sure she's happy. Gabrielle's only hope lies in my hands- I've got to fight Callisto." I explained to Joxer before releasing my hand over his mouth.
"But couldn't you get the antidote from Athens or something? If you want, I could run there now and get it," Joxer offered graciously, "Anything to help Gabrielle." He was sincere about it, I could see.
"No, Joxer," I sighed, "this is different. The antidote is rare. Very rare. And Callisto's got it. If Gabrielle doesn't get the Halada sap soon, she'll loose all chances of recovery. That's why I had to go now. I have to get the antidote from Callisto."
"But how do you know Callisto really has got the antidote?" Joxer asked, his face serious, all goofiness erased from his face. He looked a different man, "What if- what if it's all a trick to get you to fight her for nothing, Xena?"
"I know her, Joxer," I told him simply as I turned back to say a (final?) goodbye to my best friend. I didn't really know Callisto all that well. I just wanted to believe that she had the cure for Gabrielle's blindness. I had to believe.
"Gabrielle," I called out softly as I touched her shoulder. She had been seating cross-legged quietly, her eyes shut as if in meditation. She slowly fluttered her eyes, "Xena?"
"Gabrielle, I have to leave now," I spoke, my heart heavy," Joxer will keep you company. I know you'll be all right." I flinched when she suddenly touched my hand. Her touch, so soft, so gentle... I would miss it.
"So soon?" my bard said almost regretfully, "But you'll be okay, right?" She looked up, trying to face me, "I'll be fine, Xena. But please be careful- it's Callisto we're talking about. I know your chakram means a lot to you but your life is more important. Give it to her if she wants it, Xena, don't waste your life like that."
I could have broken down then, seeing how innocent she was. I was beginning to feel regretfully guilty about lying to Gabrielle. But if I didn't, I knew she would never allow or approve of my going to fight Callisto. It had to be done.
"I'll be all right, Gabrielle. I will," I reassured her as I kissed her gently on her forehead, "You just stay here with Joxer and be good. He'll... he will take care of everything if anything should... go wrong." I gave her a final hug before leaving. I couldn't bring myself to turn back and take a final look at her before I rode off on Argo. I couldn't.
Joxer waved me good luck before heading back to Gabrielle as I rode Argo on full speed to meet up with my demented enemy.
Callisto smiled as she devoured another round, juicy grape. She had her men thrash up a scrawny Joxer and send him on an errand of passing an important letter to the converted warrior princess. It was of course, no ordinary letter. It was triggered in such a way that lethal eye-blinding powder would burst out once the envelope was opened. It was a wonderful plan, using it to get Xena to fight her. She would win, of course. She knew she would.
A dark-skinned man with numerous tattoos and scars on his muscular body entered her room, bowing slightly in respect to his beloved warrior queen. Callisto looked over at him as she casually spat out a seed.
"What is it Theodores?" Callisto eyed her right-hand man nonchalantly as she plucked a round grape off its stem. He appeared slightly flustered and excited. Callisto knew he had something for her but nah, she wasn't interested.
"It's Xena - she's riding this way," Theodores informed his queen dutifully as he watched the blonde beauty crush the grape in her hand slowly, the juice trickling slowly down her hand.
"She is... isn't she?" Callisto asked sweetly, insanity flashing in her cold hazel eyes, "Just as I expected. To save her friend."
"How did you know it would be the blonde girl who would open the letter?" Theodores asked as he approached the blonde woman, kneeling down in front of her as he licked the juice off her palm, almost sensuously, with slow deliberate movements of his leathery tongue.
"I just knew," Callisto stated simply as Theodores slowly ran his tongue up her arm. In her other hand, she crushed the bunch of grapes cruelly, hatred burning in her cruelly insane eyes.
Joxer watched as Xena rode out of sight, swallowing a lump down his throat. The warrior princess hadn't sounded as confident as she should have.
He sat down on the soft grass beside Gabrielle. Studying her closely, he sighed. Xena had entrusted him the duty of protecting Gabrielle. Joxer knew they hadn't thought him much of a warrior but he felt honoured that Xena had trusted him with her best friend's life. And other things as well, Joxer noted Gabrielle's ample bosom. Stop it, he chided himself sharply.
"She's gone, isn't she?" Gabrielle asked him flatly as she turned her face towards the sound of his creaking armour. She was fingering her staff thoughtfully, as if deep in thought.
"Yeah," Joxer confirmed as his hand came into contact with the note Xena had crushed up earlier, "Hey, what's this?" He started opening the crushed letter.
Gabrielle's ears pricked up almost immediately. She leaned over, "Read it to me Joxer, the note. Everything - word for word."
Joxer shrugged as he started reading Callisto's bold handwriting. Gabrielle listened intently, fingering her staff the whole time. She suddenly had a strange feeling... an uncomfortable feeling of dread. It started building up as Joxer read down the lines.
"...the wins are simple," Joxer read out,"If you win, Xena, you can get the antidote for your special little friend. And if I win, I get to..." Joxer stopped short. His beady eyes nearly bulged out of his head. She couldn't be serious! Callisto wanted Xena's heart ripped out if she won? No, it-
"Joxer?" Gabrielle's voice broke his train of thought, "Why have you stopped?" Joxer looked over at the bard. No, Xena wanted her to be happy. And he would do just that. She would be too upset if she knew.
"Well, I was taking in some fresh air," Joxer remarked, hoping against hope that the Gabster wouldn't prompt him to complete the sentence. He scolded himself for picking up the note; Xena would never have crushed it in the first place if she hadn't wanted anybody to see it. Stupid, stupid, stupid-
"Well continue reading it anyway," The Amazon bard urged him, still fingering the staff, "Go on." She was insistent on it. Joxer decided to "continue" reading the letter. He'll just substitute certain words. Yes, that would be a great idea.
Clearing his throat, Joxer went on, "...if I win, I get to...ahem, uphold the title of the best warrior woman in the whole of ancient Greece, beating you, you... you unworthy warrior princess to the-"
"What?" Gabrielle asked, frowning. She didn't like what she was hearing. Not one bit. The sick feeling in her stomach started growing. This was not good. "Joxer, can you say that again...please?" Something was wrong... very wrong.
"Uh," Joxer blinked, clutching the note in his clammy hands,"...as I was saying, ah, ...if 'I win, I get to be the most powerful warlord'..." No, that sounded funny... not like what he'd said earlier. Oh no...
"Is something wrong?" Gabrielle asked sweetly, her hands gripping her staff tightly. Her smile was stretched and tight, as if forced. She turned her face to the direction of Joxer's quick gasps of air.
"Really Joxer," The bard laughed hollowly, "you ought to practise your reading... doesn't it state that if Callisto wins, Xena has to pay her 80 dinars and be her slave for a week? Xena told me herself." Gabrielle tightened the grip on her staff, her knuckles turning white.
It made sense, Joxer analysed as he listened to Gabrielle. He reckoned that since Xena had already made a version of it, he might as well played along. "Ahahahahaha," Joxer laughed forcefully as he slapped the bard on the back,"You are so right. Yep, Xena has to uh, pay Callisto 80 dinars and be her slave for the week. Yessire-"
He had barely finished his sentence when he found the end of Gabby's staff just inches away from his face. He stopped short.
"Liar!" Gabrielle cried out, threatening to shove it nearer, "Joxer, read me what Callisto really said. Please." The bard was blind, but not stupid. Joxer nodded as if in a a daze, lowering the staff away from his face.
"Okay, okay," Joxer sadly agreed as he read out Callisto's demands, "...if I win, I get to rip your heart out personally and claim it for my own-"
Gabrielle stood up instantly, staff in hand. "Joxer, we've got to get to Xena- I'm not going to let her risk her life!" No, she couldn't let her warrior princess do that. She was sacrificing too much. She wouldn't allow it.
Joxer got up slowly, tucking the crumpled note into his pocket. Xena's gonna kill him for this, he swallowed.
I rode on hastily as I neared Callisto's campsite. Passing several of Callisto's men, I noticed them grinning evilly at me, as if welcoming me to my doom. It was like they had been expecting me to come in the first place. I narrowed my eyes as I urged Argo on faster. I had to get that antidote for Gabrielle. She had her future ahead of her. I couldn't ruin it for her. No, I wouldn't be able to live it down. I had to win.
Callisto suddenly pushed away Theodores' rough face, just as his lips inched close to her neck. Callisto got off her throne and walked towards the entrance. "She's here," Callisto spoke to no one in particular, madness showing on her overly cheerful face. People that cheerful had to have some problem up there.
Theodores grunted in frustration as he picked himself off the floor. He had been close, but not close enough. Callisto only had Xena on her mind. He didn't stand a chance. But no harm trying, he reckoned.
Picking up her sword, Callisto left to welcome the warrior princess, a disappointed Theodores trailing gruffly behind her.
Two figures were on the road, a lanky string bean man of a warrior and a young blind girl-woman who walked with the aid of a hardy-looking staff. The warrior had his sword drawn and had a nervous gleam in his beady eyes, as if expecting trouble. The girl on the other hand, appeared to be strong-willed, insistent on heading to a place the man feared- Callisto's campsite.
"Joxer, are you sure we're heading the right way?" Gabrielle asked doubtfully for the third time, skeptical of Joxer's navigational abilities. She was holding unto Joxer's belt as she walked beside him using her staff to aid her. She had tripped, stumbled and fallen along the way but she was still very much determined to press on, no matter how hard Joxer insisted that they stop and rest.
"Ye-eah," Joxer huffed as he held his sword out, glancing around worriedly like he suspected they were in some ambush. "The both of us are on our way to our doom." He gulped before adding, "Callisto's campsite." He had a stinking bad feeling about the whole thing and he knew he wasn't being paranoid - he believed that they weren't alone.
True enough, a group of mean looking men suddenly came out of the bushes, surrounding a terrified Joxer and an unsuspecting Gabrielle. Joxer swallowed when the leader of the pack stepped forward from the circle they had formed around the two. It was no mistake. Theodores stood there, arms folded.
"Tie them up!" Theodores ordered and almost instantly, Gabrielle felt rough, uncouth hands grab her and bind her with rope. Her staff was wrenched out of her hands forcefully.
"Joxer?" The struggling bard managed to call out before she was gagged. But it was no good. Joxer had been knocked out cold, his sword taken. Gabrielle was then dragged against her will by Callisto's men towards the campsite. Joxer was left out cold on the road, a bad looking bruise starting to form on his pale forehead.
I got off Argo as Callisto approached. Theodores had left to follow his queen's orders with some of his henchmen, I noted. I suddenly realised with a start that they might be going out to get Joxer and Gabrielle. I had a sick feeling about it. I glared at my crazy blonde nemesis. I had to hand it to this woman, I told myself, she's insanely crazy but is a sly genius. And I made her.
"I've missed you, Xena," Callisto purred into my ear as she circled around me, a slender finger tracing my jawline, "Welcome."
"Cut the crap, Callisto," I broke acidly, brushing away her finger, "When's the fight? And where's Gabrielle's antidote?"
"Uh-uh-uh," the unstable warrior queen taunted playfully as she wagged her finger at me like I was some small kid. I growled inwardly as I glared harder. "Not so soon, Xena. We want some audience before we fight. It adds more...spice, don't you think?" She smiled broadly, in an innocent child-like way, her hands behind her back.
"Do you really have the antidote?" I asked coldly as I turned to face her madly grinning sunny face. I prayed to Zeus that she really had the cure for my best friend's blindness. At least then Gabrielle had hope.
Callisto looked at me fondly with a gleam in her eye, a finger poised playfully between her teeth, "Well... Xena, don't you trust me?" She smiled slyly as she pointed to a small bottle attached to her slim belt. The bottle that contained the treasured palm sap that would cure Gabrielle's plight.
"I'll be looking forward to seeing you later, Xena," Callisto drawled as she signaled a nearby henchman to show me to my tent, "We'll be having an interesting audience." And with that, she giggled dementedly in a childish high-pitched giggle before leaving me with her guard.
"Mmmmfphtt!" Gabrielle struggled through the ropes in an attempt to free herself. She refused to budge, giving the men no other choice but to drag her. Theodores was getting tired of the blonde. She irritated him much more than his own mother did.
"Carry that silly thing!"Theodores hollered and Gabrielle felt herself being lifted and thrown over some guy's meaty shoulder. She wriggled and squirmed, kicking her enemy the whole entire way as he carried her into Callisto's camp.
I was sitting inside my assigned tent, polishing my sword. But my mind was full of worry for Joxer and Gabrielle. I knew Callisto wouldn't have Theodores kill Gabrielle... or Joxer. But knowing her, she would probably have ordered that they be brought here to see our duel. I knew her style.
I knew I cared deeply for Gabrielle. The bard was, after all, my best friend. But somewhere down inside, I knew the love I had for her was more than just friendship alone. It was something else. Something that I'd realised I had for her for quite some time now. Something which I had not had the courage to tell her. I loved her. Deeply. Passionately. Every night I watch her drift to sleep, I longed to hold her in my arms, her body close to mine, feeling her body warmth...
My eyes snapped open and my ears pricked up. There was a commotion going on outside. I was just about to investigate when the flap of my tent opened and a familiar looking Amazon stick got thrown in. I recognized it as the bard's very own trusty staff and was about to reach over and pick it up when Gabrielle got thrown in. She landed in a heap in front of me. She had been gagged up by a dry, dirty rag and she had been bound with ropes that were threatening to cut into her flesh.
I reached over to help untie her but she flinched away, kicking viciously. "MMmmmmmffpttt! Mmmfft Mfff Ppptttt!!!"she tried speaking through her gags while she trashed around wildly.
I pulled down the dry cloth that had gagged my poor bard, noting that her lips were dry. Damn bastards, I cursed Callisto's men. Couldn't they have been gentler after what they did to her?
"Let me go now you, you... son of a Bacchae!!" Gabrielle screamed as she thumped her feet against the floor, "Xena will - "
"It's me, Gabrielle," I assured her as I undid the ropes that held her. Gabrielle stopped her racket immediately. She turned a confused face at the direction of my voice, eyebrows raised in surprise, "X-Xena?"
"Yes it's me," I confirmed as I helped her stand, "Are you all right?"
"Oh, Xena!" My upset bard wailed as she engulfed me in a tight bearhug, her face leaning against my chest. I stroked her hair clumsily, initially surprised by the bard's sudden outburst. Then I understood how she must've felt, the poor thing.
"It's all right, Gabrielle, they've gone. It's just you and me now," I comforted her as I led her to the side of my bed. We sat down on its edge, in the comfort of each other's arms.
"By the way, where's Joxer?"I asked gently as I dried her tears. She bit her lip worriedly, "I think they'd knocked him out cold and left him on the road, Xena. I don't think they'd taken him to the camp along with me."
"Don't worry, he'll be fine," I told Gabrielle as I poured her some water to ease her dry, parched throat," Joxer will be able to take care of himself." She gulped down the cool liquid in the mug I held for her, touching my hands with hers.
"Thank you, Xena," my best friend started after draining the entire mug, "Thank you."
"Silly bard," I scolded gently as I playfully tweaked her nose, "there's no need to thank me for a little water..."
"No," Gabrielle said sharply, turning to face me but her eyes staring straight ahead, "no Xena, not just for the water. But for everything. Everything."
I touched her angelic face with my hand, caressing its side, "Oh Gabrielle." She reached up and gingerly touched my hand and brought it to her lips, brushing them against my fingers. I swallowed weakly.
"You were willing to risk your life on this duel with Callisto... for me, so that I could regain my sight. You lied to try to keep me away from harm. You wanted to protect me. Xena, I..." My Amazon bard looked up at me, shiny tears glistening in her dull green eyes, "I think I'm in love with you. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you, Xena."
Her words took me by surprise. Zeus, I felt like I could've died and gone to the Elysian Fields. My own Gabrielle saying all these. She felt the same way too? It was just too good to be true.
"Gabrielle, you know I've never been good with words; not like you," I stammered, "But for so many nights by the fire I'd watched you write your scrolls...I loved your company, enjoyed your stories...Gabrielle, I've liked you a lot for a long time now, it's just that I hadn't had the guts to tell you that I...I love you too."
"Until now," Gabrielle whispered in my ear as her hand felt my face. I bent over and kissed her gently on the lips, tasting their sweetness. Sliding my tongue through, I played with her tongue. She smiled as she ran her hand through my hair, her other hand on my breast-plate. We were about to get physical when the door of my tent suddenly flapped open, Theodores standing by the entrance. I reluctantly disentangled myself from my bard's arms.
"What do you want, Theodores?" I demanded angrily, glaring at Callisto's right-hand man. He really needed to work on his timing.
"Callisto says the duel will begin at noon, in an hour's time- she wants you prepared. You know the rules, you know the stakes. And the wins," The filthy looking barbarian snarled, his body heavily decorated with knife-scars from previous fights. And with that, Theodores walked off, head held high.
Callisto was bored as she looked at the blade of her sword, inspecting her reflection on its shiny surface when Theodores returned to her tent, to his warrior queen dutifully.
"I've passed the message, Callisto," the warrior reported gruffly, his eyes on the fair face of the blonde beauty, "Just as you instructed."
"Good boy," Callisto cooed as she walked over to him, running her palm down Theodores' chest, her sword in her other hand. She sighed as she made circular patterns with her palm on his badly scared chest, "Theodores, what could I have done without you?"
Theodores flinched as his breath deepened, the agile fingers of the woman he was so in love with running down his stomach. He looked at Callisto, her hazel eyes locked unto his. She was getting very close... very intimate. Theodores ran his tongue across his lip slowly, he was itching to take his warrior queen.
"You like me, don't you?" Callisto cooed as she touched his face with a slender hand. Theodores nodded mutely, almost weakly. The woman had a strange effect on him. She was insane, he knew, but there was just something she had that made him pine for her.
"I thought so too," Callisto purred as she gently patted his cheek, "then you better hope I win...and that Xena loses all that she has." Turning her back immediately, Callisto was suddenly all business again, leaving Theodores feeling so unsatisfied.
"I'll get the men to be prepared for the duel," Theodores mumbled to Callisto, her back facing him. Just to touch her golden tresses, to feel her body...Theodores grunted unhappily. She was driving him crazy. Not even turning around to face him, Callisto waved him off as she got herself ready for the fight. She had her fun with Theodores. Sort of.
Gabrielle sat on the side of my bed, facing me as I prepared myself for the duel with Callisto. She held her staff by her side and she had learnt to increase the ability of her hearing. Her ears would prick up with any sounds I made.
"Is it time?"Gabrielle asked, her eyebrows arched in worry. I walked over to her, placing my hand on her shoulder, squeezing it gently. I had to do this for her. For us.
"Almost," I said flatly as I sat down beside her, "they'll be calling us when it's noon." I looked over at her, sadness washing over me. There she was, my lover. If I do not defeat Callisto, our lives together would be snuffed out. My heart would be ripped out of my chest, personally by Callisto and Gabrielle... I hoped they would be kind to her. No, I scolded myself for thinking so negatively, I will win. I just had to.
"Xena," Gabrielle placed her hand on my thigh, caressing it lovingly, "I believe in your abilities. Callisto doesn't stand a chance. But I want you to be careful- she's wicked." I placed my hand over hers and squeezed it affectionately. The hour was coming soon, and I could hear approaching footsteps.
"Don't worry, Gabrielle," I whispered as I kissed her hand before the guards summoned us for the fight, "I will fight for victory. For you. For me. For us." I smiled as I saw her eyes prickle with fresh tears. Then the door flapped open, the guard waiting to escort us to the fighting grounds.
Once Theodores left her tent, Callisto walked over slowly, coming to a stop by her throne. Sliding open a hidden compartment, she took out an old family portrait. Her family portrait. Its sides were burnt and it was yellow with age. Her parents and sister stared back at her, happy smiles on their faces.
Callisto bit back tears as she held the treasured painting to her chest. She had managed to get this family picture out of her smouldering home before it had burst completely into flames. Her mother, father and sister inside. She had tried getting them out but the smoke had been too over-whelming. It had all been Xena's fault, setting fire on her hometown village of Cirra. Now, Callisto would have her revenge. She would avenge her family. She would make sure Xena got her deserts. She had to win. Xena must die.
I was led to the inside of a huge ring, a fighting arena of some sort. Gabrielle sat in the spectators stand above, gripping her staff protectively, looking lost in the sea of noises and loud voices. I contemplated waving to her from where I stood but I remembered she wouldn't be able to see me anyhow. And the noise Callisto's men were making up there would probably drown out mine if I should call out to her now.
Then, Callisto approached, stepping into the circle. Just as she entered, one of her men brought a torch to touch the ring, setting a tongues of fire traveling through the rim of the fighting arena. So there we were, facing each other for a deadly duel, surrounded by tall, angry flames that licked hungrily.
"Nice effects, huh?" Callisto said cheerfully as she drew her sword, facing me. I drew my sword as I looked into her dark eyes, insanity sparking from within. She was clearly demented. And dangerous. Her obsession with fire, her obsession with revenge and hate... her obsession with my destruction... I made her. I had to clean up after myself. All this had to come to an end. Today.
"You're crazy," I remarked, swinging my sword in an arc as we circled each other, anticipating each other's move. Callisto's eyes burned with hatred, and she charged towards me, her sword clashing with mine. Above us, her men cheered her on.
"You made me who I am today, Xena, you know it," the raging blonde screamed as she clashed her sword with mine again, more forcefully this time, "It was you who killed my family- my village... my home." I ducked a blow she aimed at me, narrowly missing her blade.
"You burnt my home- my family died inside... you killed them, Xena, you murdered them!" Callisto breathed as she swung her blade at my ankles, making me leap before she could slash them off, "It was you that killed off everything I believed in- everything I loved. My family...my friends - everything!"
I doubled over when she kicked me squarely in my stomach. I was up in a flash, aiming a kick unto the side of her face, causing her to stumble backwards a little. We stood facing each other, some distance away, breathing heavily, the tall flames from the ring of fire adding to the heat.
"I've changed, Callisto. I've stopped doing all those evil things...I've changed," I grunted as I blocked off another attack from the determined woman, "And you can too, Callisto. If you can just forgive - "
"Forgive?" Callisto asked incredulously as she swung her sword wildly, "Me forgive you?" She started laughing in an insane, creepy hyena-like laugh, shaking her blonde locks, "Xena, you've got to be kidding." She circled around me, madness flashing in her eyes, "YOU killed everything I lived for and now, you want forgiveness using the pathetic excuse that you've... changed?"
I swallowed as I felt sweat trickle down my neck, "I know it's difficult Callisto, but I really don't know what else to do. What do you want from me? My life?" I looked on sadly at the young woman in raging fury," Tell me Callisto, what is it that you wish."
"I'm going to destroy you, Xena," The blonde warrior snarled, contorting her pretty features, "I'm going to take away the things you love...the things you believe in... I'm going to wreck your soul, destroy your being...just like you did to me."
I dodged a punch aimed at my face by Callisto as we danced around in the ring of fire. She was crazy, she only had hate on her mind. Revenge and bloodlust. Cruelty burned in her hard, dark eyes like glowing ambers. I felt sorry for what I had done to her, her family, creating a beast within her. For making her who and what she is today.
"Urghh..." I groaned in pain as she slammed a forceful kick unto my side, making me stumble unto the ground, my sword clanging unto the hard, sandy ground. Callisto loomed above me, her face expressionless as she wielded her blade above her head. This had resulted due to my lost of concentration. There was a hush of silence amongst Callisto's men, as they watched on excitedly.
Then suddenly, Gabrielle's voice rang out loud and clear, "Xena, I believe in you! I love you, warrior princess!"
That, her voice, those words... they suddenly gave me strength. I suddenly had my will power again, the will to live. Callisto's plan on working my guilt against me wouldn't work anymore. No, Gabrielle gave me hope. And I couldn't disappoint her. No, not my Gabrielle.
I rolled away just in time before Callisto's sword plunged into the ground, at the spot where my heart would have been. I heard her outraged scream of frustration as I picked up my sword, shifting into fighting stance. I was through with defending myself. I wouldn't win this duel and Gabrielle wouldn't get her cure unless I fight. I had to start attacking and stop just defending Callisto's attacks all the time. I'll be all business now, I'm sick of the game already.
"Aiyiyiyiyiyiyiyi!" I cried out as I somersaulted through the air, sailing gracefully to a land in front of her shocked features. Immediately upon landing, I landed a powerful punch on the side of her face, making her stumble backwards in surprise. Boy, was I charged up for a good battle.
Before she had any chances of recovery, I landed a mighty spin kick, catching her squarely on the chin, knocking her backwards. She had a bewildered look on her face as she landed on her back, on the hard, flat ground. In an instant she was up, her features ugly and twisted. Little blondie was angry, I chuckled.
Callisto leapt up, swinging her sword in an arc as she circled around me, like a predator stalking its prey. Anger, hatred and madness showing in her dark eyes. Screaming her wild battle-cry, she ran towards me, sword swinging dangerously above her head. She was determined on winning, her flashing eyes showed it all.
I swooped down at the last minute, tripping Callisto as she ran into me. She sailed through the air and landed at the rim of the circle of fire, screaming in pain and humility. She knew I was using her anger against her as she had used my guilt against me. But she could not control her anger and that was giving me the edge.
She had lost her sword as it had landed outside the ring. If she stepped outside to retrieve it, I would win. I walked over to her, sword in hand. Callisto was picking herself up, rubbing her eyes. As she turned to face me, I had an ugly shock. Part of the skin on her face was burnt and peeling. Her face had landed on some hungry flames. Her eyes were smouldering, her eyeballs burnt by the fire. It was an ugly, gruesome sight. There were even gasps of horror within the spectators. She was in a lot of pain but she still pressed on.
"You'll pay for this, Xena," Callisto screamed as she ran blindly towards me, her arms stretched out, clawing wildly in the air. I couldn't kill her, I thought sadly at the damaged young thing, after all that I've done to her? But before I could throw down my sword, Callisto plunged herself straight into my blade.
She had somehow tripped as she ran towards me, stumbling forward as a result. Her stomach came into contact with the sharp blade of my sword and her body weight plunged herself into my sword. Her blackened eyes rolled upwards in pain as she squirmed in discomfort, hands clawing at the hard ground as she collapsed.
I felt her warm blood as it trickled down my sword to my hilt, unto my fingers. I let go of my sword, watching her fall backwards, her hands on her bloodied stomach, her features twisted. Her face showed so many emotions at once, pain, defeat, anger, hate, shock and sadness. She crumpled into a heap before me, my sword inside her.
"Callisto," I called out, kneeling down beside her. No, this wasn't supposed to happen. I wasn't meaning to kill her this way, with my sword plunging through her. The blonde warrior woman flickered her eyes at the sound of her name as she twitched in pain. Her wound was deep. She knew she would die in a matter of minutes. In pain. Above us, her army was buzzing in panic. But no one dared to touch my bard.
"Xena, you won," The bleeding woman laughed bitterly as tears rolled down her blackened cheeks. She coughed out blood. She was clearly in pain. A lot of pain. "You won again, Xena...I lost," Callisto breathed as she trashed around, the pain killing her. Her hands gripped on the hilt of my sword, trying to pull it out of her body. She struggled for awhile, tears of pain flowing with each pull of the sword. Then she stopped and smiled at me.
"I'll miss you in Tartarus, Xena...but I'll be back," Callisto cooed evilly as her stained hand touched mine, grasping it tightly. "Then we'll have another duel and next time, I'll make sure I win." And with that, the demented warrior queen breathed her last, my sword still within her.
I pried away her hand from mine and looked at them. My hands were stained crimson red with her blood. Callisto's blood. But it had to be done, I told myself, trying to believe those words. Then carefully, I took the bottle of sap from Callisto's belt. It was Gabrielle's only hope.
Looking up, I stared at Theodores who looked completely shattered. He saw me then shouted for his men to retreat. The poor guy probably thought I was about to kill them. But I'm not that Xena anymore. Not for a long time anyway. I watched as the men scrambled out, leaving Gabrielle alone, seated at the stand, with her staff in her hand.
I somersaulted out of the ring of fire, leaving Callisto's body inside. I took one last look at the limp body of my demented nemesis before heading towards Gabrielle. I had pulled my sword out of her lifeless body, my blade stained red from her blood. I hoped she would be reunited with her family. The family I killed. She might have liked that.
"Open your eyes," I instructed as I tilted her head upwards, an empty bottle of Halada sap in my palm. Gabrielle blinked slowly, her green eyes glistening wet. I had just applied the antidote I had taken from Callisto and was waiting for results to come. Gabrielle should get her sight back. She had too.
"Xena?" Gabrielle called out softly as she turned to face me. I swallowed as I waved a finger in front of her face. "Gabrielle? What is this?" I prompted her as waved my finger fiercely in front of her, "One? Two? Three?"
"I don't see any... 'one, two, three', Xena," Gabrielle remarked as she stared straight at me, her face and eyes expressionless. I covered my face with my hands, holding back tears of frustration. It had been too late... too late-
"But what I see, Xena, is your finger," Gabrielle said softly as she tenderly pried my fingers off my face. My eyes snapped open wide in surprise. Looking up, I saw sparkling green eyes smiling mischievously down back at me. The familiar light was back, the bright twinkle evident in them.
"Gabrielle!" I cried out joyfully as I cupped her angelic face, "You can see! The antidote worked. You can see!" I hugged her tightly, probably blubbering like an idiot. I felt tears of joy and relief roll down my cheeks. My bard was cured. She could see again. And that was all that mattered- her happiness.
"Xena," Gabrielle faced me, her wonderful eyes locked in mine, "I can't thank you enough. All this time I was feeling so miserable at the thought of not being able to see you again...it was you that gave me hope and not to dwell in despair. It was you, Xena."
"Gabrielle, I would've let Callisto win the duel, with her using my guilt against me...if not for you," I admitted as I gently traced the outline of her sunny face lovingly, immersing myself into her emerald pools, "You gave me hope and strength and courage at the critical point, Gabrielle. I owe you my life."
"Xena, I love you so much...it hurts," Gabrielle told me softly as she caressed my face. Her touch was invitingly soft and loving. It was so full of love and gentle passion. As a reply, I reached over and covered her delicious warm mouth with mine as I pulled her towards me. Her playful tongue found mine and -
"Hey, Xena, Gabby!" A faraway voice called out. We froze immediately, pulled away from each other. A warrior stood below us, hands on hips, looking proud and important.
"I'm gonna kill that Joxer!" I screamed as I reached for my sword, the unassuming guy walking towards us. Gabrielle held my hand, shaking her head. But I could see the disappointment distinctly in her eyes. Really, that idiot Joxer had to work on his timing. Men.
Joxer strolled over to us, grinning idiotically as he tried to look and to sound important, "I cleared out the whole of Callisto's army, me - Joxer the Mighty! With just one look at me, they turned and ran! Ahahahahahaha!" Then looking over at Gabrielle, Joxer asked me softly,"Hey, can she see now?"
"Yes, she sees an idiot right before her," I grunted as I replaced my sword, making Joxer start. I looked over at my Amazon bard and she smiled, her eyes shining like a beautiful emerald-green sea. We were gonna have fun tonight... and Joxer had better not interfere or he would taste my sword.
"C'mon, lets go," I announced as I got up, gently helping Gabrielle up as well, "Let's get out of this freaky camp." I didn't look back. I didn't want to. I wanted to get the sight of Callisto's body out of my mind. And Gabrielle would be my cure. My quest had ended but Gabrielle's has just begun.
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theoriginalsfan124 · 5 years
The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be
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Chapter Three
I had no clue what to do. Do I run or wait til he gets here? For a brief moment I wanted to pull out the gun that I found, and shoot the walkers running behind Noel-before succumbing to the realization that the pistol is still laying in the green backpack.
-Son of a bitch,-I cursed under my breath.
Slowly, I started panicking. I didn’t know what to do; I didn’t know how to help him. He'd saved my life on that street back in Atlanta-without his instructions, God knows I would've been one of the walking corpses by now. I wanted to help him, I truly did. But I froze in one place, losing the feeling in my arms and legs.
-Start the car!- Noel yelled, still running.
I snapped out of it and ran to the drivers side of the van. I jumped in the car and tried to get it to start.
-Please, not now, - I pleaded, while the car refused to turn on.
I kept turning and turning the key and the truck kept growling, without actually starting. I wanted to scream and keep hitting the steering wheel, but I had to keep it together and focus, because Lord knows our life depends on it.
Soon, Noel jumped inside the car, slamming the car door closed.
-Why the hell did you not start the car yet?! - He yelled at me.
-I’m trying!- I screamed back.
-Try harder!
-Stop yelling!
-You stop yelling!
Noel pulled out his pistol out of his belt. Up until now he was the only one with a gun, now another one was laying in the back of the van.
-I’ll give you more time. For the love of everything that’s holy, hurry up, because I only have five shots, - he said, before getting out of the car to shot the incoming walkers.
I heard a body hit the ground.
Four shots left.
The van had finally started and I almost cried out of joy.
-Come on! - I screamed to the shooter outside.
He opened the car door and hurriedly got in, breathing heavily as he closed the door. He managed to get his backpack off and threw it in the back, before leaning back in the seat, and finally letting himself breathe. I'd stepped on the gas, and we quickly drove out of that God damned town and away from that herd of walkers. I kept checking in the rearview mirror, watching the herd get smaller and smaller by the second. They tried to keep up, but a car was faster than they were. When the walkers had completely disappeared from my view, I let myself relax a little. We were out of deaths reach, at least for now. My heart was still racing like crazy, my lips were as dry as the desert and I held the wheel so tightly that my knuckles went white.
-Son of a fucking bitch, - Noel cursed as he pressed his bleeding arm tightly.
-God...-I said as I glanced his way. -Did you...?
-No. I cut myself.
-Is it deep?
-I didn’t check. I was a little occupied, - he gave me a dirty look.
-How did this even happen?
-I was walking, fell, and cut.
-Very descriptive, - I said sarcastically.
-Jesus Christ, can you just shut up? he muttered angrily.
My lips formed a straight line. For a second I got mad at him, before acknowledging that he was in pain. I know first hand that people in pain tend to say many nasty things just so the pain would pass. I looked at him once more and understood that most likely we’ll need to stitch up the wound. I stopped the car at the side of the road.
-Why did you stop?
-You’re bleeding... We need to patch it up, - I gently said as I took off my seatbelt.
-I’m fine, - he muttered.
-You’re sleeve is soaked blood.
-I’ve been worse.
The farther we go, the more I think you were a serial killer.
-Hate to disappoint you, but I wasn’t.
I climbed over the seats to the very back, where the bag with my personal belongings was. From the very bottom of it, I took out a soft and clean towel and brought it back to Noel.
-Take off your shirt, -I ordered.
He teasingly raised his eyebrows.
We need to patch up the wound, God, - I blushed.
He carefully, but quickly, took off his sweater and rolled his t-shirt’s sleeve up. The wound looked pretty nasty, but I’ve seen far worse. I gently pressed the towel to the cut to stop the bleeding.
-Keep it pressed tightly, I need to see if we have anything to disinfect the wound with.
Noel did as I said - pressed it to his wound and sat in place gritting his teeth. I searched though the stuff he had found, and prayed that he'd found something useful for this situation. I unloaded almost all of his backpack, my hands still shaking a bit, but my breathing was now even. In this brief second, I felt like I was back home, back in my old life - riding in the back of the ambulance, saving lives and taking care of people. No matter how much it hurt, there was no sight of that life left now; there was no one in need of saving apart from myself.
-Fudge balls, - I kept muttering.
We had nothing to disinfect his wound with. Time to get creative, I remembered the vodka bottle I had found earlier, I fished it out of the green backpack and went back to Noel.
-We have alcohol, which we are gonna use to clean the cut.
-Give me that, I’ll do it myself, - he extended his hurt arm towards the bottle.
-No, - I turned it away.
-I’ve done this before. Well-I needed to do that before.
-Unless you were a doctor, nurse or paramedic, I doubt you know how to do it professionally.
-And you do?
-I’m a paramedic, I think I can handle it.
He got quietly and carefully pulled his arm, the one holding the towel in place, away. I took his arm and examined the cut. The cut was on the upper arm, but only slightly lower than the shoulder-however, it was too bloody to tell if it was deep. I gently gripped his arm and examined once more, only to come up with the same conclusion. I took the vodka bottle in one hand and opened the screw, then I took the rag and held it in my other arm
-I would advise to hold onto something, - I warned him before pouring the liquid.
He had no time to react before I turned the vodka bottle sideways and poured its continents directly on the cut. At the speed of lightning, Noel grabbed onto the car door and clenched his teeth together. Red liquid poured on the car seat as I tried my best to clean around the wound. Then, I tried my hardest to clean the wound itself.
-Okay...okay...it’s done.
Noel let go of the car door and unclenched his teeth.
-Holy shit, -he said breathlessly.
I took a look at the now clean wound. The cut was deep, and needed stitches to properly heal. Noel got lucky, because I had found a medical thread with a needle. I brought my finding out of the back of the van, and handed him the half-full vodka bottle.
-Why?- he glanced at me.
-It’s too deep, needs to be sutured, - I showed him my tools.
-I’m not an expert, but I think this'll hurt much more.
-Try not to move and grab onto the car door again.
I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. I couldn’t be nervous, because then I'd make mistakes-and besides, I’ve done this before-but back then I had anesthetics and walking corpses didn’t try to eat us. I put the thread in the needle, grasped his arm with my left hand and punctured one of the sides of his wound.
-Holy son of a motherfucking bitch! - Noel yelled out and grabbed onto the handle with such force his knuckles turned white. -This is much worse than I remember!
-Wait... You’ve done this before?!
He didn’t answer me. I pierced the thread though the wound and I punctured the other side. Out of instinct, he hit the car's panel with his palm, and I jumped up a little from the sound. The half-full bottle was still resting on my lap, so he grabbed the bottle, unscrewed it and took a large gulp of it.
-It’s not working as fast as I would like it.
I looked at him apologetically, but continued my work. He took another swing of the drink and tried do swallow as much as he could. I could see, he didn’t like it, but the pain was a lot to handle, to not try to ease it even a little. For a second it looked like he would shatter the glass bottle in his hands.
-Almost done.
-I’m not going anywhere, -he remarked.
This time I stabbed without mercy.
-Holy-! You did this one on purpose, - he furrowed his eyebrows.
I smirked and for a moment he did too. Sadly, the last puncture had to be done and his face twisted in pain once more. Once I was finally done, I took a role of bandage and bandaged his now stitched up wound.
-It’s done, completely now.
He twisted the cap of the bottle closed and put the vodka on the floor.
-So...you’re a paramedic.
I nodded my head and put everything away. We’d never know which one of us would need it next. The past couple of months we'd walked on eggshells, going to sleep not knowing if we’ll ever wake up. Danger and death were around every corner, and it was a miracle we'd made it this long without getting hurt.
-Let me through, - he asked as he turned to me.
I scooted to the drivers seat again. Noel managed, with great difficulty, to climb over the seats to the back. He was significantly taller than me, my head only reaching his chest, and bigger than me too. He kneeled next to his bag and pulled out a clean t-shirt and a long-sleeved black hoodie. Slowly took off his bloody t-shirt, not wanting to accidentally hit his wound. I cursed the hormones in my head - I was staring at his muscular back like a creep- and I could feel my cheeks burning up. In all honesty, I wanted to punch myself in the face. But then I noticed a pretty big scar on the left side of his back, just a little above his waist, about where the left kidney is located.
-Caroline,- it was one of those rare occasions, when he addressed me by my name.
-Huh?- I tried to act normal.
-Here, - out of his backpack, he pulled out a grey jacket, by the looks of it, it was the fall type. -I found it in the school.
I looked at him confused.
-I searched the school in town and conveniently, the herd was there.
-I dont know whether I should hit you or call you an idiot.
-I think a 'thank you' would be enough.
I smiled gently.
-Thank you, -I said, taking the jacket out of his hands.
For a moment we stared at each other in silence, not knowing what else to say.
-Uh...Could you open the back? I doubt I’d be able to squeeze myself to the front though the seats.
I left the vehicle and jogged to the back of the van, then I opened the door, letting Noel out. After he was out he headed to the passenger side of the car and I took the driver's role again.
-I think we should drive even further away from the town, before we stop for the night, - he suggested.
-Agreed. I want to put as much distance between us and that herd as possible.
We rode in silence, both lost in out thoughts. It got dark soon-winter was coming, and fall was right at our doorsteps, so the days were getting shorter and the nights longer.
-We’ll need to stop in another town soon, we’re running low on gas. Besides, fall is approaching, we need warmer clothes. -Noel spoke after a while.
-We can try stopping at the highway, there’s lots of abandoned cars there. We could suck out the gas out the cars and scavenge for supplies.- I suggested.
-It’s a graveyard.
-It’s too close to the city. You and I know that cities have a shit load of walkers. What if a herd comes?
I stayed quiet. I most certainly didn’t want to encounter another herd. We got off fairly easily this time, but the next time we might not be so lucky.
-Does it hurt a lot? - I tried changing the subject.
-And here I thought you’d speak more than two sentences a day.
-Not a talker.
-I came to this conclusion right at the start.
-But here you are, still talking non-stop.
-You didn’t have any friends, did you? How sad.
-How original, Caroline. Let me clap for you.
-You probably were a mama’s boy too.
-My mom died ten years ago.
That made me instantly shut up. I glanced at Noel. He was just as calm as he was before our little banter/argument, he showed no emotion whatsoever.
I-I-I’m really sorry... I didn’t want to - I stuttered.
-It’s fine.
-Really I-
-I just said it’s fine. I’m not sixteen anymore, that was a long time ago.
So Noel is twenty six now. It seemed that I was a couple of years younger than him.
-You said that with no emotion.
-Really? It seems I've numbbed myself to it, - he shrugged his shoulders.
-Oh God... Were you really not a serial killer? -I tried lightening the mood.
-I’m sure to someone I was...
-Not today.
We became lost in silence again. After a few more minutes of driving, I stopped the car. This would be where we'd be sleeping tonight, on the side of the road.
-I think we’re far enough from the herd-besides, we have to save gas.
Noel nodded and leaned back in his seat, relaxing a bit.
-Today’s my shift. Why don’t you go lay down in the back?- I suggested.
-I’m not sleepy, - he responded. -If you want you can go lay down instead, I’ll keep watch.
-I’m not sleepy either.
Silence again. I was so curious to know who exactly Noel was before the world went to shit. But from the months I’ve known Noel, I knew that I wouldn't get anything out of him if he doesn’t want to tell. My head was buzzing with questions: what did he work as before, how did his mother die, what’s his last name for crying out loud?! Sadly, I wouldn’t get the answers unless he decided to tell me.
-I worked in Atlanta...- I started.
He opened his eyes and looked at me.
-I opened my mouth for nothing. You probably don’t want to hear it.
-I’m listening, aren’t I ?
-I’m from Atlanta. I was born there, I finished school there, then university, got a job there. I finished paramedic courses in university, because I’ve always liked helping others.
-Is that why you stayed in Atlanta for the first weeks?
-Maybe....Maybe I just clinged to the idea that all wasn’t lost.
-Were you in the hospital when shit hit the fan?
I nodded. Seeing this, he looked at the distance and got lost in thought.
-You know, everyone thought this happened suddenly, but it went on for a while-until it got so bad that no one could control it. Believe me, you wouldn’t want to see what was going on in the hospitals, - I shook my head.
It hurt to remember, but I wanted to say this out loud, to finally get it off my conscious.
At first we responded to calls, but then there were so many callsiit was impossible to respond to them. People flooded into the hospital, and we started running short on doctors-people must have felt that the end was near and wanted to be with their families. I don’t blame them, I wanted to home to Glenn, too-but the paramedics were called in to work in the hospital itself. I couldn’t just leave people behind, so I was one of the few that stayed until the end....We knew there was no cure, no way we could fix this, or heal them, and that’s why we dosed them with sleeping-drought or morphine-and when they fell asleep we....God, they didn’t even give us normal guns, just those things-those contraptions- that they use to kill bulls in slaughterhouses...- my voice started cracking
- In the end, we were running low on morphine and medicine overall, and there were no more civilians left in Atlanta anymore. We couldn’t even get rid of the bodies properly, the whole internal diseases division was flooded with walkers. Soldiers barricaded it and kept it shut-when a person died, we didn’t wait til they turned, we took them there...and we... we fed them to those walking corpses.
I took a deep breath, it hurt, it really hurt-but I felt a little better. Noel listened to every word, not saying a thing.
-The last day, the soldiers didn’t let us leave the director's office without any explanation. There was only five of us left: me, two nurses, one gynecologist and the director: some left to see their families, some got infected and died, and some just couldn’t take what the world was becoming and ended it for themselves. One of the softer soldiers told the director that the hospital was actually going to get bombed, that’s why they didn’t let us leave. The director didn't waste a second after learning this, and lead us out though the old, now-unusable doors in his office. We got in an ambulance and drove the hell out of there. It wasn’t any better in the streets; they were everywhere. We separated, each going our own way. I have no clue if they're alive or not. I tried to find Glenn, but he was gone; he'd left the city.
It seemed like a rock was lifted off my chest. I couldn’t and I didn’t want to keep it inside anymore. I remembered this everyday and it hurt so much. I just wanted someone else to know, to understand. Noel stayed silent for a couple of more seconds, piecing everything together in his mind.
-How did you know he left the city and didn’t die? - He finally asked.
-I was in our apartment. He took all the crucial items with him : clothes, food, water, but he also took all the photos of me, his sisters and all of us together. He’s alive, I just know it.
-He’s your boyfriend?
-Gross! No! He’s my brother-well-not exactly, we’re not actually brother and sister. Frankly, we aren’t related at all. We just hold each other as brother and sister.
-So that’s why you stayed in Atlanta. To find him.
I lowered my head. Right now, my knees seemed so interesting. I thought about Glenn, about where he could be, and I prayed that he'd survived. Maybe I shouldn’t have poured my heart out just like that to Noel-he didn’t ask for it. After a few moments of silence, I felt a big warm palm on my shoulder. I raised my eyes. Noel’s hand was on my shoulder and when he saw me looking, he half smiled. I understood he didn’t really know how to express his feelings very well, but this gesture, and the jacket, meant that he cared about me, at least a little. For a few minutes we looked at each other wordlessly, and my mind went blank; I stopped thinking altogether. He raised his palm from my shoulder and placed it on my cheek. I didn’t even realize when he'd started leaning towards me, as I was leaning towards him. One second our lips were millimeters apart and the next they were touching. Somewhere deep inside my mind I knew I was going to regret this, but for now, I didn’t care.
———————————————————————Thank you to the lovely @lunastarward for being my beta reader. Love you ❤️
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[06- Space-Time Travel Here We Go!!]
Daichi stood in the emptiness, trying to understand how would he travel back to the past and tell Taichi or Ken about the enemies going after Daisuke. But… He had no idea what should he do next.
Til… his digivice’s screen began to shine. The light had been redirected to Natsu’s pendant and it reflected into infinite rays of light, showing then many doors in the white void.
“What the heck!?”
“Daichi, language.”
“What’s going on here!? Why those doors looking like the same and without labels!?”
She couldn’t know how to explain to the boy about the gimmicks of that dimension. But it’s like a video-game’s HUB. That would’ve been the best answer for Daichi’s question though…
“I dunno!” she answered “I… I never had done any kind of space-time leap before!!”
“This dimension connects to each world and their time” Clavis Angemon approached from the trio “Every change results in a new door, or the end of it.”
“Wait, what!?” Ulforce blinked “So… the thing about altering the past can erase a world is not a hoax!?”
“Do you REALLY think, Ulforce!?” Natsu hissed “Of course it is!”
“Ok” the boy babbled “But how do you know where are you going if all of those doors are the same and there’s no labels on them!? What if you accidentally get lost here!?”
“... We use instinct.”
Daichi took a deep breathe. He wanted to give more criticism to how that place had been built, but he had no time to waste. Instinct huh? He looked at the doors and walked to the first he found to be the right choice.
“Ok… here we go.”
And he opened the door.
  “Hurry up, Miyako!” Takeru called the girl “We need to rescue the digimon from the Kaiser!”
“I’m going, I’m going!” she was in a rush, coming right after the young boy. Iori was also with her, and Hikari was with Tailmon already and in a fight “Geez why can’t that brat let us enjoy the Digital World at least once!?”
“We’re not here on vacations, Miyako” Iori responded with a frown “We need to protect the innocent digimon.”
[Summer of 2002]
“Hikari is in trouble!” Patamon came quickly “Hurry up and evolve us, guys!”
“N-now!?” she gasped “Ok, Hawkmon… Digimental Up!”
“Armadimon! Digimental Up!”
“Patamon! Digimental Up!”
When they were going towards the battle… something fell from the skies and hit the bushes of that area. It called the trio’s attention and they stopped.
“Ouch…��� Daichi massaged his head “I wasn’t expecting to open a portal in the midair…!”
“Uh, kid… your clothes…” Ulforce commented “they changed.”
It wasn’t a big change, but now Daichi had the addition of a long blazer and a red scarf with flame stamps, the orange drawing the format of the flames and the yellow forming their colors.
“Better you hide the goggles” Natsu muttered “I sense someone coming!”
And with a nod, Daichi hid the goggles under the scarf. Maybe that new attire would be useful from now on. However… Where are they? Seemed to be in the DigiWorld, but something was… odd?
“Over there!” the group heard a feminine voice approaching and then they met… “Huh? Motomiya what are you doing here!?”
She looked like his mother. No, he was pretty sure that girl was Miyako in her Elementary School days. But… was she mistaking him with his father?!
“Um… I’m not him” Daichi was a bit panicked, and her facial expression was pure rage “I swear, don’t… Wait, you said ‘Motomiya’ instead?” he blinked.
“Are you joking!?” Miyako squinted “You’re trying to deceive me, right?”
“I’m not!” the panic intensified.
“Hey please don’t go accusing him!” Natsu snorted “Whatever Daisuke had done to you, you can't go and claim another child looking alike him is the culprit!”
“Who are you?” Miyako asked “And why is V-mon looking like--”
“And he’s not the same V-mon you know!”
“Ma’am, my name’s Ulforce please” Ulforce replied with an annoyed tone.
“Hmm…” she fixed her glasses “If you were him, there would’ve been a trouble.”
“Huh?” the trio exclaimed.
“Too much to explain, please stay here for a while. We have to beat a certain Ichijouji Ken and his horde of brainwashed minions.”
She left, and they looked at each other for a while. What did she mean with that? As Natsu recorded, Daisuke was part of the new generation of Chosen Children against the heartless Digimon Kaiser. But why would’ve been a problem if Daichi were Daisuke?
“I think that’s not the right world” Ulforce looked around “Like, wouldn’t your dad and his partner be with their group?”
“... I want to investigate it” and he got up from the ground.
“Wait! You can’t!” Natsu gently grabbed Daichi’s wrist “You can’t take part of those events or they will change the course of the story!”
“We won’t join the fight” he looked at her “we will just discover where is mr. Daisuke. We will… Spy on him.”
  “Stop, Digimon Kaiser!” Hikari shouted, flying on Nefertimon to escape from Tyrannomon’s attacks. She was expecting for the backup and Taichi was still taking too much time to come with support.
“Stop?” the silhouette of a human kid said “Why should I? It’s easier to accept defeat, Yagami Hikari.”
“I won’t! neither my brother and our group! Your days of brainwashing digimons are going to end today!”
Ken laughed, at this point Daichi-Natsu-Ulforce were watching the whole scene in some blind spot of the forest region. Okay, who are those two-- Wait, more people are coming!!
Daichi now saw Shurimon, Pegasusmon and Digmon approaching from the battlefield. He still didn’t recognize those children but Miyako. The mystery was Daisuke’s whereabouts, which kept the three intrigued. Just a few seconds later, Daichi felt something behind him and met…
“Huh, who are you three!?”
“Aaa, Daisuke it’s you!” Natsu smiled, “They need your help! Don’t mind of us! We’re just… passing by hahaha!”
That Daisuke was odd: he was wearing a Lighdramon-based armor. Not wearing goggles as well. He shrugged, and glanced at V-mon behind him.
“Let’s go, we need a job to do”
“I don’t think--”
“Please, I will give you the sweets you want.”
To Daichi, that somehow wasn’t the same very endearing relationship he had seen through years between Daisuke and Vee. It was… What made Daichi realize what was going on.
Daisuke and V-mon left, going to the battle and…
“No wait, this can’t be real!” Daichi shook his head, eyes closed during the action “No no NO!”
“What’s wrong kid!?” Ulforce gasped.
“This isn’t the right place! Even when I wasn’t aware of my parents being the heroes of the tales… I could notice how my father and Vee were with each other! It’s like something is…”
“D-Daichi, look!!”
He couldn’t believe it.
“Why is he fighting them!?” Ulforce exclaimed “Weren’t he part of the group against the Digimon Kaiser!?”
“He was!” Natsu was shocked just like the other two “It makes no sense… B-but… I felt it the instance Miyako was angry at you Daichi.”
“We need to stop them!” Daichi clenched his fist “Natsu, we need to intervene!”
“No, you will destroy this world if you do that!”
“He might being controlled by the Kaiser! We need to save him!”
“... Right” she replied with a nod “But don’t let them discover your identity. Please.”
“Scan… DigiRune!” [ Scan completed]
“Load… Evolution!”
V-mon evolve! XV-mon!
“You won’t beat us!” Miyako shouted “Shurimon, give your best!”
“While Miyako and I distract them, go after the Dark Tower” Iori told Hikari and Takeru. The angelic duo nodded and flew on their partners to the Dark Tower.
“You won’t surrender?” Ken smirked “Then… How about we capture you and your pitiful group of ‘heroes’ Inoue Miyako?”
“Heh, try to catch us then…” she replied with some sarcasm “Those hurting the digimon won’t escape! Shurimon no-- WHAT IS THAT!?”
XV-mon invaded the fight and grabbed Fladramon. Iori took that opportunity and ordered Digmon to aim at Tyrannomon’s Evil Ring. 
“What is that digimon doing Motomiya!?” the Kaiser wasn’t happy.
“I… I don’t know!? Oi! Fladramon, kick them out!!”
Fladramon tried to get free from Ulforce’s arms, but wasn’t strong enough for that. Then, the armored digimon had the brilliant idea of setting himself on fire. That definitely worked as XV-mon couldn’t keep holding Fladramon without getting burnt.
“Ulforce!!” Daichi yelled “Try to knock him out!”
“Huh… Are you sure??”
“Who are you!?” Fladramon asked “Don’t mess with us!!”
“You’re doing a bad thing, kiddo! Please snap out of it!”
“Doing a…? Are you sure?? If you don’t step away I gonna BURN you with my flames!”
“You wouldn’t do that with someone of your own species will you?”
 “Go away!” the other yelled.
“Why the heck are you doing!?” Daisuke hissed “You’re ruining our job, kiddo!”
“Ulforce!” Daichi kept giving commands and ignoring Daisuke’s complaints “Use X-Laser on him, but control your strength!”
“That meddling insect is ruining our plans, Motomiya” Ken couldn’t accept that at all, why that Daisuke-clone-like child was there stopping their strategy against the insolent Chosen Children!? “Do something!”
“All you do is to give me orders, huh!?” Daisuke pouted, “Fine fine, I will stop him… By force.”
“By force!?” Natsu gasped “Daichan, we need to get out of here!”
“But why?”
Daisuke surprised them by tackling Daichi, shoving him to the dirt that fast Daichi couldn’t see him coming. But that wasn’t the most terrifying thing to happen: Daisuke had somehow a Lighdramon-motif glaive in one hand and pointed at Daichi’s head.
“STOP!” Natsu panicked.
“Tell your digimon to stop messing with our plans, now!”
Daichi didn’t expect to be in that same situation in which his father tries to murder him. Natsu couldn’t use her powers and call the attention of those kids, but she wished to create a shield around Daichi right now.
“Did ya hear me, kid!?” Daisuke gritted his teeth “Tell your digimon to retreat, NOW!”
“Please… Don’t hurt him” Natsu was scared, yet unable to do anything to protect Daichi. She hated to imagine Daisuke, the Daisuke she knows, being completely disappointed with her for that mistake, “Please, I beg you…!”
“Huh?” he looked at her, frowning “I’m not hurting hi-- ACK!”
Miyako definitely came and threw a punch at Daisuke, making him drop the glaive on the ground plus fall away from him.
“You bully!” Miyako screamed “How dare you attack an innocent child!?”
Daichi kept in silence, still in shock. Iori approached and helped him to get up.
“Are you okay?” and asked him “Miyako, we need to keep them busy. Takeru and Hikari will free this area in…”
A huge explosion was heard. When they all looked to the direction it came from, the tower standing in the background went down.
“... This exact moment.”
“HEY NOT FAIR!” Daisuke protested “This kid messed with all of our plans! I demand y’all to reconstruct the tower and fight us again!”
“Enough, Motomiya” Ken’s voice was heard from the top of the Airdramon “Let’s retreat! You will pay for this, you insects!”
“Retreat!? No freakin’ way I gonna--” Fladramon grabbed him and then on Airdramon “AAA LET ME GO-- I MEAN DON’T LET ME GO!! I-- YOU’RE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS YOU MEANIES!!”
“Oh he’s still the same” Natsu blinked.
“Huh? What do you mean with that?” Miyako looked at her “Didn’t I tell you three to wait there?”
“I think it’s okay to say it to them, right?” Daichi mused “We’re from another world.”
“From another world…?” Miyako and Iori repeated in unison.
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stonathans-stranger · 5 years
stonathan prompt: steve is mind possessed by the demogorgon and forced to fight jonathan, but j refuses to harm him. steve eventually comes to and realises hat he’s done but jonathan is already unconscious and bleeding on the ground (bonus if it’s raining for Dramatique Effect™️) thanks so much!!!
just reading this prompt made me laugh and want to cry at the same time, thank you for such a creative prompt!! TW for non descriptive gore in the beginning. Coming in at 1748 words, here’s “Take That Look From Off Your Face”, inspired by Don’t Look Back in Anger by Oasis, I highly suggest you listen to it while reading. (idk why but i read the prompt and this song immediately jumped to the front of my mind, the beat reminds me of rain and the lyrics remind me of jonathan for some reason) ANYWAYS 
Jonathan raced down the hallway, Dustin hot on his heels. The lights in the Lab were flashing, driving Jonathan nuts. Blood covered the walls, and bodies laid scattered on the floor, dressed in high military gear.
“Holy shit!” Dustin screamed, leaping over a body to keep up with Jonathan. Jonathan could hardly hear him over the blaring sirens. ‘Too little too late’, he thought. The place was fucking destroyed. Walls were crumbling, and ceiling tiles lay on the floor behind him and Dustin. The others, excluding Dustin, Nancy, Steve and himself were at Starcourt, including El.
The realization hit Jonathan too late.
“It’s here.” He shouted to no one in particular.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Dustin yelled back.
“The monsters, they’re here. This isn’t El. This is something else.”
“Yeah, you fucking numbskull, just getting that now?” Dustin rolled his eyes mightily as they continued down the hallway, entering the lobby area. It was pouring outside, the drops of rain pattering against the windows, echoing throughout the lobby, sending chills down Jonathan’s spine as he panted, heaving breaths. Jonathan caught a glimpse of Nancy’s neon green shirt from outside, a stark contrast to the night she was surrounded by. She was wielding Steve’s bat, and Jonathan could see panic in her eyes.
“Dustin,” Jonathan turned to Dustin. “I need you to do me a favor, alright? I need you to stay right here. No matter what happens, you don’t go outside. Do you understand?” Jonathan knelt in front of Dustin so they could see eye to eye.
“Jonathan, I always help in fights, I can do this-”
“I know you could, but right now, you have way too much life ahead of you for me to risk that. Okay? So no matter what, I need you to stay right here, you don’t make a sound, you don’t move, no matter what happens to me or Nancy. Do you understand? You wait here til someone comes to get you.”
Dustin nodded, tears forming in his eyes.
“Everything’s gonna be fine.” Jonathan said, guiding Dustin behind the lobby desk, where he could crouch and hide. After, Jonathan took off running, bursting through the glass doors and into the downpour. Nancy turned to him, wide eyed, a cut running from her hairline to her eyebrow, dripping in blood. Steve stood behind her, distanced, his lip curling in a smile.
“Nice of you to join us, Jonny,”
“Jonathan, run.” The urgency in Nancy’s voice scared him, but he stayed put. He took a closer look at his boyfriend, whose neck was crawling with this black liquid traveling up into his face.
“Steve?” Jonathan said timidly. “What’s wrong with your neck?” He rushed over to Steve, ready to patch him up and take care of him, as Jonathan normally did.
Steve only laughed. As Jonathan neared Nancy, she stuck out and arm, refusing to let him go any further.
“The monster.” Nancy said, her voice quivering.
All the pieces began to fit in the puzzle for Jonathan.
The flashing lights, blaring sirens, the liquid.
“Steve.” He breathed, visibly deflating.
“Jo-on.” Steve said in a sing-song voice.
“Don’t.” Nancy said. “He’ll draw you in just to try to beat your ass.” She pointed to the cut on her forehead. “I’d know.”
“Don’t listen to her.” Steve said through gritted teeth. “When has she ever told you the truth?” Steve crept closer. “Tell me, Jonathan, the last time you trusted her.” He tucked the piece of Jonathan’s bang that always fell in his face behind his ear. He felt like Steve, but the words coming out of his mouth weren’t his.
“Please,” Jonathan sighed. “Give me Steve back.” Steve cupped Jonathan’s cheek, smiling. Then, he jerked his arm back, and Jonathan felt a sting on the side of his cheek. He stumbled backwards in surprise, holding his cheek.
“Steve, fucking stop.” Nancy’s words were steel, but not enough to coax whatever had a hold on him out. Steve slammed a fist into Jonathan’s stomach, fully knocking him on his ass. “Steve!” She cried again as he straddled Jonathan, bearing down on him as the rain poured. The rain soaked ground coated Jonathan’s arms in mud. Steve landed punch after punch on Jonathan’s face, busting his lip, bruising his cheek, tearing at the skin on his forehead.
“Too tired to fight, Jonny-boy?” Steve said, hardly breaking a sweat.
“I’m not gonna fight you.” Jonathan said, his voice weak and cracking.
“Why the hell not?” Steve roared, standing up. “Maybe it’s the cowardice finally getting to you, huh?”
“Maybe.” Jonathan groaned. “Maybe it’s ‘cause I love you. Either way, I won’t fight you. I won’t hurt you.” Steve kicked at Jonathan.
“Fucking stop!” Nancy cried out. “Fucking stop it! You’re gonna fucking kill him!”
Steve kicked him again, and again, and again, the blows coming in time with the rain hitting Jonathan’s face. After five more kicks, Jonathan’s head lolled to the side, and his body went limp. Nancy shoved Steve out of the way, realizing Jonathan was on the brink of death. She sent him into the mud, scrambling to regain his balance.
“Jonathan!” She screamed. She used her arm to prop him up, and took his pulse.
Weak, but there.
“…Nancy?” She swiveled around to see Steve holding his head, the black disappearing from his neck. “Jonathan! What the fuck?” He rushed to Jonathan’s other side. “Did I black out? What the fuck? Is he okay? We need to get him to the hospital now.”
“Steve.” Nancy swallowed.
He looked to her, and her eyes swelling with tears, the blood on her forehead becoming eerily apparent to himself.
“No.” He breathed. “Nancy. Please tell me I didn’t do this.”
“Go get Dustin.”
“Go get Dustin!” She yelled. “I’ll take him to the car.”
Steve did as he was told, entering the Lab, where no light could be found. He found Dustin crouched under the lobby desk, tears staining his cheeks.
“C’mon.” Dustin rushed into Steve’s arms, and Steve held him for a five count. “We really have to go, Dusty.”
He followed Steve to the car silently, and he took shotgun, while Steve supported Jonathan ins the backseat, crying silently, holding him to his chest.
“I’m so sorry, Nance.” Steve sobbed. “I’m so, so sorry.”
“It wasn’t you.” Nancy said, and Steve could hear the tears in her own voice. “You didn’t do that.”
It took them fifteen minutes to reach the hospital from the outskirts of Hawkins, and the rain pounded on the windows the whole ride there, which is when Steve realized he, Nancy and Jonathan were completely soaked and mudstained. Nancy pulled up to the hospital curb, letting Steve get out, and unlocking Dustin’s door so he could help with Jonathan. Steve carried Jonathan into the hospital, bridal-style.
“Someone help him, please,” he sobbed weakly. The receptionist and the nurse standing behind her rushed to their side, lowering Jonathan to the ground, and another receptionist ushered Steve away, to give Jonathan room. “Help him,” he cried at the receptionist guided him to the waiting room.
After what felt like hours, but was just a half hour, Steve figured he’d call Joyce. He slid two quarters into a payphone at the hospital, and dialed the Byers’s number. He prayed somebody, anybody would be there.
On the fifth ring, someone picked up.
“Byers residence, this is Joyce speaking.” She sounded so tired, so physically exhausted. It pained Steve to know he had to tell Joyce her son was dying and that he was the sole cause.
“Joyce, uh, this is Steve. I’m calling from the hospital.”
“Hospital! Steve, sweetie, are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, it’s Jonathan. He’s…in pretty bad shape. He took a rough beating.” Steve’s voice cracked, and tears began spilling down his face again. “I’m so sorry, Joyce.” He cried into the phone.
“You hold on. I’ll be there in forty, okay? Do you like chocolate milk or water?”
“Water is fine.”
“I’ll be there in forty minutes. You just stay put, okay? Everything is going to be fine.”
“Okay.” And with that Steve hung up, and took his place in the waiting room. About twenty minutes later, a doctor came to get Steve.
“Hello, Steve is it?” He only nodded, fearing the worst. “My name is Doctor Otto Keebler, and I’m taking care of Jonathan currently. We have him on a morphine drip, and we got stitches in him. Lucky for him, no broken bones, but he does have a sprained wrist.  He’s still unconscious, but the morphine should wake him up. Would you like to come see him?”
“Yes! Yes.” Steve said. He followed Doctor Keebler back to Jonathan’s room, where he lay, completely still. His wrist was wrapped in pink tape, and it had a brace over it. His forehead was stitched up, and his lip and other places that weren’t stitched were scabbing over.
“I’m going to go check on another patient.” The doctor said, leaving Steve with Jonathan. He took a seat on Jonathan’s right, so he could hold his uninjured hand. Only a few moments after Doctor Keebler left, Jonathan’s eyes began to flutter open.
“Steve?” he groaned.
“Oh my God, Jon,” Steve took a kneeling position by his side. “I’m so fucking sorry, I’m so sorry, Jon, I promise I never meant to hurt you I just-”
“Shh.” Jonathan silenced Steve. “I know.” Tears spilt out of Steve’s eyes and down his face. Steve didn’t care to wipe them off. Jonathan squeezed Steve’s hand as he sobbed into Jonathan’s sleeve.
“I’m so damn sorry.” He apologized profusely. Jonathan scooted over in the hospital bed and patted the spot next to him, and Steve took the offer graciously, climbing in next to Jonathan, still crying. He held Jonathan, the tears beginning to dry.
“At least I’m in dry, not muddy clothes anymore, right?” Jonathan chuckled to himself, trying to get Steve to crack a smile. “Hey, listen. You’re okay. I’m okay. That wasn’t you, Stevie. You would never hurt me. Never in a million years, I know that. That was a fucking monster. You, Steven Gregory Harrington, are not a monster. You’re a hell of a boyfriend and a damn good babysitter and I’m completely and hopelessly in love with you and no godforsaken inter-dimensional monster is gonna change that. Got it?”
Steve only nodded, burrowing further into the crook of Jonathan’s neck.
                                                Can you imagine?
                                                Can you imagine?
Bonus: Songs I Listened To While Writing This
Don’t Look Back In Anger - Oasis
I Believe, I Don’t Do Sadness/Blue Wind, Left Behind - Spring Awakening Soundtrack
bad guy - Billie Eilish
Sign of the Times - Harry Styles (happy two years, SOTT!!)
Shrike - Hozier
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