#i should draw him some other time though. he's a very good Shape.
marclef · 10 months
perhaps a gerome,,,,
here, your art trade/art request @noodletime! he thinks you're very cool and epic ⭐
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(i have never drawn this man before aside from tiny pixel art so i hope he's okay)
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 2 months
i'm grateful you're my daughter more than anything
Post 6x09, Runaan finds Rayla as she takes care of Callum. She's changed, and he couldn't be a prouder father.
Felt cute might put up on ao3 later :b
The first moment they had alone was in the dead of the night, moon high above the Nexus. It felt fitting, almost full-circle.
On his way down the hall to the library, to get parchment to send a letter to Ethari explaining what could never truly be explained, at least not fully, Runaan spotted Rayla slipping down the hall, footsteps light and quick as a true assassin's, despite how opposite of one she was, a steaming teacup on a little plate in her hands.
She looked up when she heard him, smiling a little as her low ponytail swung. "Runaan. ...Hey." She cleared her throat. "How- how are you feeling?"
He shrugged in the enormously oversized nightshirt the lumberjack human, Allen, had lent him. It was off-putting, being out of his form-fitting, safe garb, especially in this strange, unknown place he should very well have felt relaxed in- a full moon, at the Moon Nexus, but all Runaan could feel was... odd. "As good as one can, I suppose. How are you, though? How is your human? Clem- Camel? Stop me when I get it right-"
She laughed, and it wasn't a snarky one he'd grown so accustomed to. "Callum." A smile ticked her lips upwards at his name. "His name's Callum. And he's-" Rayla looked away to the wall, the little table she elected to set the tea down on, anywhere but him. "He's okay. I think. Mostly in shock. But he'll get through it." The unspoken words hung in the air, a truth both of them hated knowing: What other choice does he have?
"He's got you," Runaan offered, drawing closer. "That's pretty damn good."
She laughed again, a real, merry one, despite the bitter undertones. "Yeah. Some cuddles and tea are all I can do until morning. Bright and early, we go to Katolis." She made a face, and at least that was the same- her utter hatred of mornings.
Just like that, Runaan found himself relaxing just a little more into her presence. No longer a little girl he felt the need to protect- Well, she would always be that, his beloved daughter once he started acting like it, but someone he trusted to have his back. Even with how much she'd changed, not everything had.
"I will be up with the sun," he promised, and she looked away. That had just been one more thing setting her apart from the rest back at the Silvergrove, during training: her adamant refusal to awaken at the crack of dawn for early-morning runs and sparring.
Good. Please, let her never be like the Silvergrove, Runaan prayed now, just as he had so many moons ago with Ethari after Lain and Tiadrin left. Let her never have the hardened heart of an assassin, the only ones the community would spare the time of day. She had an out, and one look at her and Callum was enough for Runaan to know that she'd take it and never look back.
"Well, I should get this to Callum," Rayla said awkwardly, stilted, moving to take the cup, but Runaan stopped her with a gentle touch to her wrist. "Rayla, wait." Gentle, the way he'd be with Ethari. Because this was his daughter, not a member of his troupe or someone under his jurisdiction. His family.
She pursed her lips slightly and shook her loose bangs out of her eyes, and Runaan couldn't help but remember back to her parents. She was the perfect combination of them, with Lain's braids and horns, Tiadrin's nose and face shape, and her lavender eyes unique only to her. Setting her apart. "Yeah?"
He drew his hand back. "I've never seen you like this," he said, admittedly curiously.
Rayla tilted her head, questioning kindly rather than the abrasive, aggressive way she'd always done before. "Like what?"
"Giving," Runaan said, because that was the first word that came to him. Rayla had always been kind and generous and loving, no matter how she'd hated to show it. "Kind. Loving. Happy."
She took a hesitant step closer, reaching to rest her gentle, small hand on his upper arm, blinking furiously.
"It's a good look on you." He blinked his own tears away as she bit back a sob-ridden laugh. "The best one."
Rayla ducked her head, bangs swinging with the motion. "Thank you. That... It means a lot. So much."
Runaan clasped her hands, drinking the sight of his daughter in. So small physically, but larger than life. So, so loved and gorgeous, inside and out, and he was sure her human made sure she knew it, too.
"You have a beautiful heart, Rayla," he said eventually, softly. "The most gorgeous I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. My worst regret is trying to burn it away instead of nurturing it. And for that..." A hand found its way to lay over his heart, bringing a sniffling Rayla’s with it. "I am truly sorry."
"Runaan..." She shook her head, reaching up to wipe away his tears, and they were the softest fingertips Runaan could remember, his own and Ethari's so calloused and rough. And here was Rayla, giving and gentle. The daughter he'd always dreamed of but never deserved. "Don't," she said firmly. "It was my choice. My choices. I had to find my way here on my own. In the end..." She glanced back down the hall, to the closed door that the boy she loved more than life rested behind. "I like where it got me. I'm glad I'm here."
"Rayla..." Runaan tucked her hair behind her ears, pressing their foreheads together. "I don't know what it means to you, but I am so proud of you. I love you, Little Blade. You are my daughter. I only hope you'll let me be your father."
Rayla threw her arms around him, sending him stumbling back in shock, immediately holding her back. "Of course. I'd forgiven you a long time ago, Runaan. I'm so glad you're my father. You always will be. I love you."
And he'd already said it tonight, but Runaan had spent far too much time hating and killing, and not nearly enough loving. So he hugged her back, whispering, "I love you, too."
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phantoms-lair · 3 months
Danny Phantom x Video Game
"Condor you will be assigned a partner for this mission. Code name Potoo. He's from another agency, he'll meet you in Spain." To be honest, he was expecting someone like Krauser. What he wasn't expecting was... "Condor to Roost. That is a child." "Come again, Condor?" "Code Name Potoo is literally a child." There was no visuals on over the ear pieces, but he could imagine Hunnigan's pursed lips. "Our other branch indicated the despite his appearance, Codename Potoo wasn't a child." Our other branch was trying to get out of some shit. Because that was a child. "I don't supposed they'd be willing to offer said agents files?" "They're...classified beyond our clearance?" Hunnnigan sounded puzzled, as well she should be. They were a mission to rescue the President's daughter. Nothing should be beyond their clearance. "I think a closer look is due at our other agency. Condor out." Leon took another look at the black haired teenager who was glaring at him. Mostly looking at the shape not quite hidden under his turtleneck. Leon's money was on some kind of control collar or bomb to ensure complicity. Mission one, save Ashley. Mission two, save Codename Potoo
Leon had been a cop for all of one day. And maybe it was egotistical, but he felt he'd been a better cop in that one day than those two were in their entire career. They didn't question the boy on the investigation. They didn't notice the collar he was wearing. They seemed very unconcerned that people had been disappeared here lately. And when one didn't come back in a timely manner from his pee break, he'd sent Leon and the kid. If it was just Leon he'd hoped it was because they HAD noticed things were wrong and this was all contrived to separate Leon and the kid so they could make sure he was okay. But no, they were just lazy. Any attempt at communication with the kid had been met with glares and Leon wasn't entirely sure he could talk. But he couldn't blame him. Look what the government had done to him, why would he trust one of it's agents?
But the further they got into the woods, the worse a feeling he had. This place felt wrong in way he couldn't put into words. He wasn't sure if he felt better or worse wen they found the house. Leon called out several times, but didn't get an answer. He apologized when they found the old man who lived there, but the kid tensed. And good instincts as he noticed the missing officers bloody id on the ground. The old man might have taken him by surprise if the kid hadn't throw a bowl off the table surprising him. Leon leapt to his feet with a spin kick that knocked the man into a wall, his neck hitting at an odd angle. The kids hands flew to his mouth. "I'm sorry you had to see that." Leon felt no regrets about killing a man who'd come after him with an ax, but doing so in front of kid was a different matter. No matter what that kid may have been forced to see prior. "It looks like one of our guides is hurt an might need medical attention. I'm going to look for him, okay?" The kid nodded, pale but still in the game. A scream lead them to the basement. Leon took lead on the search and couldn't help but draw his gun when they found him. It was the one bad habit he hadn't been able to break from Raccoon City. No matter how much it had been drilled into him that when he saw a bloody corpse that the corpse itself was not a threat, that's where his gun automatically trained. Thankfully the corpse stayed where it was. He had to get the kid out of there. "We need to stay quiet." Leon instructed. "Let's get back to the car and report this. The kid nodded, all signs of defiance gone. They moved back to the stairs, only to have the man form earlier be blocking their path. Broken neck and all. "Not again," Leon griped, earning a confused look from the kid. Still, it wasn't hard to put the dead man down again, and grab the kid to head for the car. Their path was interrupted though, by a door smashing open ,and two men leaving the previously locked off area and right down their escape route. Okay, new plan. Gesturing to be quiet, he headed down the hall towards the new area. He had to look back a few times to make sure the kid was following him, he moved so quietly. his stealth skill must have been why he was put on the mission. Sadly the new area didn't have an exit, so they went up the stairs to a small room. Leon quietly locked the door behind them. "If anyone tries to get in, barricade the door with that bookshelf." The kid nodded. Leon looked around and a small planning area caught his eye. On it were pictures of Ashley and a map of Valdelobos, with a lake marked. "Condor to Roost. I've found evidence that our target, Baby Eagle, is in the village." "Our intel was correct." Hunnigan sounded pleased. "Continue your search and I'll find what I can about the area." "Anything on the other agency." "Need to know only," Hunnigan said with an amount of frustration that mean like him, she apparently didn't need to know. "Right, Condor out." Leon shut off his comm right as there was a thud of an ax against the door. The kid was good to his instruction and slammed the bookcase down, far more easily than Leon thought he would. "We need to get out of here." Leon explained. "Follow me." He kicked out the window and dove through it. He turned to catch the kid only to find him landing by his side. He pulled them out of sight before the attackers could finish breaking down the door and see where they went. "Kid, is it going to hurt you if I take that collar off?" The kid recoiled, eyes full of fear. "I won't if it will hurt you," Leon assured. "But...I knew this girl named Sherry. She'd be about your age now. She was infected with a deadly virus and received a cure. The government wanted to take her, to make her into a weapon. And the only way they'd agree to leave her alone was if someone else took her place. Me." The kids eyes widened. "I wouldn't let them do that to Sherry. And if there's anything I can do to get you out of here, I will."
He could see hope and fear warring in his eyes until finally the kid pulled his turtleneck down, careful not to touch the medical monstrosity around his neck. Leon gulped at the sheer amount of trust he was being shown. The metal sent what felt like small shocks through his fingers as he worked on it. But the mechanism wasn't complicated and soon gave a satisfying 'clunk' as the lock unlatched.
The kid grabbed the collar flung it away as far as he could. Leon couldn't help but wince as his flesh hissed upon touching it. What had seemed like a minor irritant to him seemed to be caustic to the kid. The boy gasped for breath and made the first vocal sound Leon had ever heard him make. A sob. He collapsed to his knees and Leon caught him, holding him gently and telling him it would be okay, he's free, the government will never touch him again. The moment was broken by a cry of "¡Agarradlo!" "I'll hold them off." Leon said. "You get back to the car. Tell the officer there we were attacked and his partner is dead. When he goes to get back up flee." He lined up his shot but was interrupted by a blast of green whizzing past him and hitting the villager in the face. "I don't have to take orders anymore." The kid said shakily. "And...I want to help that girl." "This is going to be really dangerous, kid." Leon warned, trying to be nonchalant about the glowing green fire in the kids hands and eyes.. "Believe me. It's a step up from the experiments." The kid said dryly. "They were planning to torture and experiment on me till there was nothing left. They just thought using the control collar to force me on this mission would get them more funding. And my name's not kid. It's Danny." "Okay Danny. If you want to bail at any point, I'll get you out of here." "No need, I can escape just fine on my own - once Ashley's safe."
He didn't exactly plan on taking Danny's word for it, but the green fire definitely upped his survivability odds. Hopefully together they could save Ashely too.
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eveningrainstorm · 5 months
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my take on teenage raz and lili!
some design notes under the cut:
They're intended to be about 16 here! I didn't go for anything too drastic in terms of changes -- these are largely just what I'd consider natural evolutions of their canon designs
For Raz, my main focus besides just making him look older was to add a bit more resemblance to the other Aquatos in his design, since his relationship with them wouldn't be strained like it is during canon
Raz is shown with very straight hair in canon, but since most of his family's hair is more wavy or curly I tend to imagine he styles it that way on purpose as part of his Sasha Nein cosplay or whatever. He wouldn't still feel the need to do that at this point, though, so for this design I wanted to make it more curly, similar to Augustus or Frazie, while still similar to his canon style. This turned out to be incredibly difficult and I'm still not entirely happy with where I landed, but it's good enough
I didn't think he would still wear the helmet but I didn't want to discard it entirely, so the goggles were a compromise. I meant to give them some visible scratches and wear and tear since they're presumably the same goggles he's been wearing since he was 10, but I forgot. rip
Obviously the most notable change to Raz's outfit is the scarf -- I wanted something that would tie him visually to the other Aquatos while still fitting with his general look. I imagine they gave it to him as a gift, sort of an acknowledgement that even if he doesn't perform with them as an acrobat, doing his Psychonaut work is his own way of being an Aquato
Raz's outfit here is honestly very similar to his PN2 outfit. This is because in my eyes "long coat and turtleneck" is Peak Character Design and cannot be improved on. (Hence why I may not be the best person to redesign Raz.) He has an actual coat rather than just an oversized blazer this time though, so that's an improvement. With the turtleneck I was was vaguely intending for it to be color-wise something of a middle ground between the Sasha-style green striped turtleneck and the Aquato blue/green and white stripes, but it ended up basically just being the PN1 stripes with the PN2 color. which, you know, that works
I went back and forth on what their heights should be -- I thought it would be kind of funny if Raz ended up short and Lili ended up taller than him, but then I decided to just make them more in line with their families, with Raz being tall and lanky and Lili being average verging on short. Except then I accidentally made Lili tall anyway because I was only vaguely considering her height relative to Raz. I guess Lili's probably taller than her dad now? good for her ig
Most of their facial features are just slight variations of how they look in canon -- slightly smaller eyes and so on. the only real specific change is that Lili has a more defined nose now, similar in shape to her father's
Lili's outfit here is more different from either of her canon outfits than Raz's is, but there's still not much that really requires a ton of explanation. The goal was to make her look vaguely cool and fashionable, although as I am neither of those things I cannot guarantee I was successful
I tried a couple different hairstyles for Lili, and I'm still not entirely set on this one -- Originally what I settled on was to give her two braids, which I did like, but I kept doing sketches of her where I just drew the top part of the hair and was like "ngl this kind of works on its own" and so I ended up going with the short hair. I also briefly tried an asymmetrical haircut but I couldn't get it to look right. I think this one suits her though
Lili's tattoo (on her left wrist) was a later addition to the design, and even in the later stages of drawing this I wasn't sure whether to keep it. I like it conceptually I just haven't figured out a consistent design for it yet, only that it has to be of plants
god these notes got way longer than I meant them to be I am so sorry. Uh basically I'm still figuring out the details of these designs but for now here's Raz and Lili, they're teenagers now, thanks for reading
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wilwywaylan · 4 months
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Happy Barricade Day where our lovely characters have fun in the park and go to a protest that goes perfectly well before going to the park and laying in the grass and everything is perfect and...
I had that idea floating around since Feuilly's week last year, and this is as good a Barricade Day drawing as any :D I call it the "Because" drawing because of the pose they used during the song "Because" in the movie "Across The Universe".
That one took "only" 19 days to do, and I'm very, very proud of it !!!
Bahorel's awesome shirt comes from @crow-songs-at-dawn.
Happy Pride, everyone !
That one also has a text by @crow-songs-at-dawn that goes with it !
Nothing or no-one could resist Prouvaire's puppy eyes. This was a well-known fact among the Amis : when their resident dreamer wanted something really, really badly, he'd use his ultimate weapon. Even R knew to stop ranting about the bleakness of life and the futility of the cosmos when those heterochromatic eyes turned to him. So when Montparnasse felt the puppy eyes turn on him, he crossed his arms and shook his head.
No. It's not happening.
A picnic in a park with all your friends sounds like a special kind of hell. Will I have to sign a petition?
Three, at least.
Oh joy.
Must you be so dramatic? It's just for an afternoon, it'll change from your usual nightly hobbies, I know. Montparnasse rolled his eyes and :
I'm not sure I'd enjoy spending all that time having Enjolras look at me like a disapproving parent, or lecturing me about something or other that really doesn't need to be his problem.
I know he can be intense.
He likes the sound of his own voice. A bit like - whatshisname - Alphabet Boy. Prouvaire cocked his head and tried to hide a smile.
You're just being difficult on purpose. You like R and don't even try to deny it.
Not enough to share a martini with.
You don't share martinis with me, either.
You don't like martinis.
I like you when you've had a few, though…
Flirting won't get me to say yes to -
But Prouvaire didn't let Montparnasse say another word before pushing him down on the bed and kissing him. They were still undressed and it was a sunny summer morning, and kissing Montparnasse was always one of Prouvaire's favourite things to do. Usually because it got his grumpy night-owl boyfriend to mellow out and smile. Ah, there was the smile he was looking for, along with a crinkle in those dark eyes.
Me trash-talking your friends turns you on a little, does it?
Only because I know you're not really serious.
Is that a challenge? Alright then. Someone really should tell Pontmercy that the entire "starving student with a heart of gold" aesthetic wasn't cool even when it was.
No-one says "cool" anymore, 'Parnasse.
Of course they do. What they don't say anymore is anything on the lines of "fantastic" or "amazing", or whatever else Mothman seems to have read in Pride and Prejudice. Or those wierd interjections Joly seems to emit like some sort of human shaped infrawave.
Prouvaire couldn't help but smile and placed a kiss on Montparnasse's collarbone.
You're horrible.
Promise, I won't tell them you find me hilarious.
I'm dating a criminal, I like to live dangerously.
I applaud your bravery. But I'm still not spending the afternoon with them. Seeing so much sweetness makes my teeth ache.
Cosette and Marius are adorable, I know.
Still amazes me she'd choose him, she seemed to be the only sensible one of your group. I suppose appearences are decieveing, she chose Eponine as well, after all.
So did you at some point, if rumours are true. Did Montparnasse feel the tell-tale signs of a blush creeping up his neck? If he did, he ignored them and countered with a cocky grin.
The same rumours like those who say you and Muscle Man had a burning romance before he turned his sights to the resident squirrel?
Well, you've seen the muscles Bahorel has, you can understand the attraction.
Hmmm… I've seen more attractive since.
Now who's attempting flattery?
Prouvaire managed to slip out of bed and out of Montparnasse's arms. It was soon going to be time to leave if they were going to be on time for the picnic. Everyone would be bringing a dish and he'd spent a good chunk of the previous evening making rice salad and some special brownies. Enjolras would frown at the extra ingredient but even he would eat some because he was nowhere near as tight-laced as Montparnasse tended to think. Rummaging through his drawers while getting dressed he found something he'd forgotten he ever had and threw it towards the bed, smiling as the other young man caught the object. And then turned those pretty brown eyes towards him.
How are heart-shaped sunglasses supposed to make me change my mind?
They're not, I just think you'd look really really good in them. You'll be turning heads.
I do that already.
Sue me for wanting to show you off. There came an almost amused laugh. This was a very good sign - he could read Montparnasse like an open poetry book and they'd be on their way to Montsouris Park together. He just needed a little more time.
Come on, get up.
Jehan. I'm not coming.
Please? Don't you want to see how verbose R can get after a couple of space brownies?
Does the man ever shut up is the thing I'm more interested in.
Bossuet and him have been known to talk an entire night, I've been witness to a few of those conversations, and Musichetta has said so herself.
Why are all the women in this friend goup attracted to wierdos?
Says the one who dated Eponine.
Better dating 'Ponine than, I don't know, Pontmercy. I'd have died of boredom.
Oh, you'd have found a thousand ways to spice things up. So, will you be wearing black, or black to our little picnic?
I hate you so much.
Montparnasse finally relented and got out of the messy bed and started to dig through his clothes. Those damn puppy eyes had won again.
I swear if Gavroche says one single thing about these sunglasses, I'm gone.
You get riled up so easy by a ten year-old.
He's extremely annoying. Perhaps Feuilly can take him on his next boring museum trip and lose him there. Prouvaire came closer and grinned, playing with the heart-shaped sunglasses on Montparnasse's nose.
You're finding less and less reasons to rag on my friends, it's funny.
Some are less annoying than others.
You didn't find anything to say about Courfeyrac, I noticed.
He wears a bowtie.
The audacity~
Happy Barricade Day, everyone :D
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Belly Rubs
Gale just needs some love and a night of laughter :) Bloodweave for sure.
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"My love?"
"Yes darling?"
"There is…something I would very much like to try with you, if you will allow me."
Astarion looked up from his book at Gale, who was nervously fidgeting his hands at the tent entrance. He had frequently let Astarion in at night since starting their relationship, but tonight Gale had been at the fire until now.
He raised a brow with a confident smirk. He loved it when Gale got tongue tied. "That depends, dear. Will the ending involve one of us screaming the other's name? You forgot to cast a sound barrier last time and Laezel is still asking me to do that trick to her. I've told her it doesn't take much with you," His brows furrowed into the tease with a sharper grin, but Gale was already flustered enough from whatever he was about to request. He relaxed back onto Gale's bed. "...Oh, stop giving me those sad puppy eyes and spit it out."
He took a deep breath. "I want to take you up on those belly rubs you playfully offered earlier," He admitted. "And I would very much like to make you laugh as well. I've missed your smile the further we go into these dark caverns. And don't worry - I've sound proofed the tent," He assured, as though that was what would comfort Astarion's surprise in the moment. "Now that we've finally set up camp I think we're due for some cheer."
"You want me to…? Really? Come lay down then darling," Setting the book to the side, he patted his lap. "If you can keep your hands to yourself you may get me to play along once it's my turn."
"Oh my, wait, really? I'll try my best! Thank you, truly, I was so nervous there for a bit," Suddenly giddy, Gale removed his shirt and folded it neatly on his bag in the corner. He climbed onto the bed, lying with his head in Astarion's lap. 
"Ohhhh no, dear. Heh. Lay with your belly in front of me. That's what should be in my lap. Scoot up and lay across my lap like a good little wizard."
Again nervous, Gale slowly slid himself into the right position. His back popped as it extended out. "Stop when I say, ah, weave? No, red! Be easier to hear in a giggle fit, when I say red." 
Astarion moved strands of hair from Gale's face in a moment of fondness. "Keep your hands behind your head, if you can. If you can't speak, pinch my arm." 
Gale did as told, already smiling in anticipation. "Thanks, Astarion. I can't tell you how much I neheeded thihihis!" Slow and awkward giggles bubbled from his lips. The vampire was running his fingers lightly, so lightly, in circles around the exposed tummy in front of him. Before Gale covered his eyes with an arm he saw a much softer smile on the other's face, one that was reserved for their private moments. He allowed himself to relax and enjoy himself - he wanted and needed a moment like this. 
"This is fun, I'll give you that," He made sure to not just run his fingers in circles: he made shapes and patterns in light swipes, drawing mostly stars and circles into the skin that made Gale twitch or change pitches in his inconsistent giggle spurts. "Your giggle does make me smile too, darling. So contagious. Shame that arm has to hide your pretty face. If it muffles any of those delicious giggles I'll have to do something about it."
He traced a long nail up Gale's abdomen, between his pectorals and back down to circle the edge of his navel. That made the wizard bounce and, oh yes that was, squeak. Another squeak. A snort?!
"Was that a snort? Oh, do that again!" He focused on scratching and poking around the button with some difficulty as Gale rocked himself from side to side enough so that Astarion's free palm had to steady him. 
High pitched boyish, ticklish giggles filled the air and delighted them both. Despite Gale's growing hysteria he kept both arms up and covering his eyes, so only his wide open mouth was visible. He raised his head to his chest to see Astarion's hands through the cracks and allowed another snort to humor his lover. 
"Yes!" He could have sworn Astarion whisper to himself, but Gale threw his head back again as those pale fingers dug into the sides of his belly that made his mind blank. Their adventures, the tasks at hand, the worry, the panic simmering under Gale's scar and chest, dissipated as his sensitive nerves overran all of that for a brief relieving few moments. He kicked a leg into the air and had to grab the sheets around his head to keep himself from curling into a ball. 
And because of that, Astarion stayed on those spots. He tickled with different tactics and velocities to coax the right sounds from Gale until he was vibrating. 
"SHIHIHIT! T-tihihickles, faHACK, shihihihihit! Oh gohohohods! AhastahahahaHEEE! HEEhahaha! Heheheh, shit, SHIT! Spot, SPAHAHAT! TICKLE SPAHAHAHAT!" 
Astarion ran his fingertips over the sides of Gale's belly, gently dug in with his fingertips, and switched quickly to above and below the quivering navel. He chuckled a little at the contagious, high-pitched, boyish giggling and cackling his actions caused. Gale tried to roll onto his side facing Astarion, and the spawn squeezed the side facing up making Gale lie flat again. 
"I've got you rolling now, haven't I?" He teased. "Those arms are having a hard time staying up, how about those two spots again?" He again went for either side of Gale's belly, left and right of the navel, scritching his nails lightly enough to make Gale yell, then cackle harder and louder again. "Is this the worst spot? Or the worst you can tolerate? I'll keep that in mind for later."
The arms could no longer stay up. Gale's hands shot down to grab Astarion's as he tried to curl and protect his attacked nerves. "Yehehehes! Bahad, bad spot…bad spot, spots. Spots…" He breathed hard for a moment and flinched when Astarion tried to rub his belly, but he shook his head. "R-red, wahait."
"I wasn't going to tickle," Astarion squeezed his hands. "Just rub it away."
Gale shook his head. "Mm-mn. Too ticklish for that."
He laughed at that and pulled stray hairs from Gale's face. "My dear wizard, feathers must make you cringe. And if they don't, heh, I'll make sure they do next time you ask for belly rubs. If you want me to do this again, anyways. I'll have you tied up squealing like a tortured gnoll with that wonderful smile on your face."
"I…I might like that," Gale's flushed face seemed to darken. "If you'd allow me the pleasure, I'll take you up on it one of these nights."
"Oho, the pleasure is mine," He curled his fingers past Gale's hands and into his belly again, and delighted in the gasp it caused. "Where else is so sensitive? I think I had you giggling when I nipped at your thighs the other night but…oh yes, you were flinching away when I licked up your neck! Oh, I like this! And you like this! What fun I'm going to have with you! A new game!" He clapped his hands together. 
"Darling please don't take advantage of my nerves, not unless I ask," Gale scooted himself into a more comfortable position with his head in Astarion's lap instead. "I rather enjoy being made to laugh but not at the cost of my dignity…and, I mean yes, I'm very ticklish all over. Those spots on my belly are the worst, besides maybe my neck. Or my thighs. It's so unfair that there are two of them," He sighed. 
"Isn't it?"
Gale raised his head. "How about you? What spots should I caress to make you laugh yourself into a delirium?" 
"You'll have to find out."
"Now maybe? Perhaps with some rope and those feathers you seem eager to use against me?"
"Ah," Astarion shifted. 
"You did say if I behaved you'd allow me to explore you," He wiggled the fingers of a hand in the air, hovering just over one of Astarion's knees. He knew that to be one spot that made the spawn jump. "I could summon a hologram to help me."
"I said maybe you'd have a chance if you managed to keep your arms up," Astarion eyed the hand nervously. "Which you didn't, sweet sensitive thing. If your hand lowers any further your neck is going to have more than my teeth against it."
The hand hovered as Gale decided what to do. He ultimately thought that Astarion wasn't being fair and he wrapped the free arm under and around his leg.
"I'll have you screaming and begging by the end of it if you lower that damn hand Gale, I mean it."
In one quick motion, the arm around Astarion's leg tightened and that hand shot for the back of his knee, as the other went for the top. "Worth it to hear even a squeHEAK!"
Astarion shouted and shook and kicked his leg. He made good on his threat- his hands dove under Gale's hair to tickle and try to stop the other before he really found any other bad spots. He flopped against the headboard of the bed and kicked his leg uselessly, because Gale had it gripped well. His mouth opened in choked gasps at first, but Gale was scribbling. He shouted again and finally laughed. 
Gale, giggling and craning his neck every which way to either trap Astarion's fingers or block them out, was having too much fun to want to stop. But both hands were in his neck and he was so ticklish there dammit, so he had to sacrifice his hand on Astarion's kneecap to fight the one brushing up to his ear. 
Astarion took his chance to grab Gale's hand and lift the arm with vampire strength. He focused on holding the arm up and poking at the exposed armpit, and moved his leg more freely now to roll Gale onto his side so it faced up and was easier to tickle. 
"Yohou'll pahahay for thahat, brahat!" 
A new peal of Gale's maniacal giggles came, and he arched his back and tried to move his other arm that was now trapped under Astarion's leg. The other leg was against his back keeping him trapped. He was fully helpless. "Shit shit HAHAHA SHIHIT! HAHA! HEEEEEE!" He kicked his leg with a squeal when Astarion pinched and poked down to the spot between his ribs and armpit. 
"I told you, my sweet sensitive thing. You'll be screaming and begging for mercy before I'm done with you tonight," Astarion snickered and moved his hand all over, poking and swiping and pinching and squeezing in any spot he could reach. Gale's neck, his ear, his armpit, ribs, even his back wasn't safe from the tickle onslaught. 
It was going to be a long night, and Gale got exactly what he asked for. Astarion was more than happy to deliver. 
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 10 days
DBH Children Headcanons
Just like to preface this by saying that I love making fan-children for my favourite ships so I don’t care about “oh they wouldn’t have kids” or “this doesn’t make sense”. This is for my own amusement so just letting you know before you go on.
Also, I can't draw for shit but if people like my dbh children and want to see more, I will make them on the Sims or online (dress up games) and post them here. Let me know if that's something that would be of interest. I'll also answer asks about them and whatever if anyone is interested
Taglist for those who said that they were interested in my headcanons: @sundownridge @kristopher-1105 @dbhstruggleposting @glass-noodle @fearlessjones @heiko-goes-detroit
Connor + Hank
Name: Nicole (named after Cole)
Birthday: May 21st (gemini)
Appearance: She has Hank’s eyes and Connor’s hair. Her hair is fluffy/curly (like Bryan’s hair) and its shoulder length, tied into a ponytail (she also has a fluffy/curly fringe similar to Connor’s)
Other features: She has Connor’s freckles (not exact but similar) and wears glasses (inspired by the popular headcanon that human Connor wears them)
Info/Background: So, my headcanon for their child is that Connor is the one who asks Hank if they can have a child. Connor has been seeing other androids having their own families and he wants one as well. He would never pressure Hank into this but Hank agrees of his own volition and even though he’s older now, a part of him wants to try again. They have a baby via science (it’s the future, doesn’t need to make sense, haha) Because it is through science, they’re able to give her Connor’s hair and freckles but her facial features (skin, shape of eyes, nose etc) come from Hank’s dna.
Personality: - Ok so, for their daughter, I headcanon her to be someone who is adventurous and loves to have fun. She loves being outdoors, being active and anything athletic, like sports and dancing - She loves the heat and hates the cold (this is a nod to how cole died) - Even though her name is Nicole, she prefers the name Nicky (Hank called her that in the beginning because he couldn't bear to say "cole" yet and it just stuck) - She knows different forms of self-defence, mainly due to Connor's influence and she loves it. She can pull of moves that even has Connor going "damn" - She smiles a lot, like a lot a lot. Very rarely will you ever see her not smiling and laughing
Favourites: - Colour: Pink/blues - Symbol: Heart
Name: Riley (named after Markus’ removed romantic interest, Riley)
Birthday: November 9th (scorpio)
Appearance: Similar to her game counterpart, except her braid goes down her back instead of to the side (to distinguish her from north but in my head, she wears her hair like north's because she admires her so much) and she has grey eyes (this is a nod to her eyes being blurred out in her images)
Info/Background: Riley is left at New Jericho’s doorstep. Jericrew know that they should hand her over to humans but despite the positive aftermath of the revolution, they are still distrustful of humans. By time they decide what to do, they have already fallen for her. After caring for her for a while, Markus is inspired to fight for androids rights to adopt human children. Of course, humans are not pleased about this and there is a huge argument and debate around it but eventually it is legalised and she becomes part of their family.
Personality: So, even though her personality isn't touched upon at all, I've come up with some traits from the information and pics shown in Riley's wiki - Becomes an artist (inspired by Markus) - Good listener and advisor - Self-confident and assured - Into the boho style - Loves plants and flowers - Well-educated (this part comes from Josh, who would have taught her a lot)
Favourites: - Colour: Jade - Symbol: Chevron
Markus + Simon
Name: Milo
Birthday: July 8th (cancer)
Appearance: He is African American with short brown Afro-textured hair, shaved at the sides and light brown eyes
Info/Background: Milo is adopted by Markus and Simon after Riley grows up a bit. I imagine that because Simon is a domestic droid, he loves kids and once Riley becomes older, he aches for having a little one around the house again.
Personality: - Him being into fashion and dressing cool (since people love how Markus and Simon dress) is always something that I've liked - Combination of Markus and Simon's traits (determined, loyal, soft etc etc)
Favourites: - Colour: Dark pink
Leo + KL900
Name: Scarlett (named after Carl)
Birthday: August 15th (leo)
Appearance: So, because she was created through science, she looks like Leo and a KL900 combined. She has black braided hair which is tied up into a high bun and she has Leo’s eyes.
Info/Personality: So, a little backstory on this crack-ship. Because KL900’s are created for social care, I headcanon that they have them in rehab centres. While at rehab, Leo meets a KL900 (which I have dubbed Kelly) and they fall for each other. Their daughter is born after Carl dies (of age) and Leo names her after him.
Personality: - Wants to become an actress - Has Leo's jealousy issues - Is confident in her abilities which makes her come off as a bit vain
Favourites: - Colour: Cyan - Symbol: Teardrop
Chris Miller
Name: Damian
Birthday: August 9th (leo)
Appearance: Ok this is just me but I headcanon that he dyes his hair part blonde during his teen years. I’m probably the only person whose given any thought about Damian’s appearance but ever since it entered by head, it won’t leave
Personality: - Ok, so because Chris' concept name was Chad, I headcanon Damian to be the definition of the slang meaning of a "chad" (but without all the assholishness that comes with it)
Favourites: - Colour: Beige
Name: Sarah
Birthday: June 30th (cancer)
Appearance: Chris’ hair/eye colour and Afro-textured hair that falls down to her shoulders
Info/Background: Not much to say except that I headcanon that he would have another child somewhere down the line
Personality: - She has a very "airy" personality. Like air, she's light, bouncy, free and just chill to get along with. She's gentle, caring, respectful and kind - Cries easily
Favourites: - Colour: Violet - Symbol: Butterfly
Gavin + Nines
Name: Curtis (named after Gavin’s concept name. Also Curtis means “polite/courteous and given Gavin’s personality, I think that is hilarious 😂)
Birthday: September 22nd (libra)
Appearance: He has Gavin’s eyes and Nines’ hair colour. His hair is a combination of Bryan’s curly hair and Gavin’s hair from the reed900 movies (I haven’t watched them but I’ve seen a lot of fan-art with Gavin’s hair drawn like his and it seems appropriate to give his son that hairstyle) Because it is through science, they’re able to give him Nines’ hair and freckles but his facial features (skin, shape of eyes, nose etc) come from Gavin’s dna.
Other features: He has Nines’ freckles (not exact but similar)
Info/Background: I headcanon that after Nicole is born, Nines and Gavin both get baby fever and want a child as well. Science baby, of course.
Personality: - So, I know that this isn't original but I like the idea of Gavin's kid being the opposite of him. Curtis is polite, courteous, well-behaved, never swears, humble, friendly, sociable, charming, funny, everyone who meets him just thinks he's so nice etc etc - But in saying that, there a few traits he gets from Gavin. He is ambitious and an over-achiever. He's not bookish per-say but wants to do his best at anything he tries - I know I said he never swears but that's more in general. He will swear if he's mad or if he hurts himself by accident (stubbing his toe etc) - Also, his first word was "phck" much to shock of both Nines and Gavin, the latter swearing black and blue that he never said it in front of him (he did)
Favourites: - Colour: Green
Tina + ST300
Name: Katie
Birthday: October 19th (libra)
Appearance: She has Tina’s eyes and Staci’s (my name for the st300) hair that is shoulder length and tied into two low pigtails
Other features: She has freckles like Staci
Info/Background: A couple years after Gavin and Nines have their child, Tina and Staci decide to have one through science as well. Because it is through science, they’re able to give her Staci’s hair and freckles but her facial features (skin, shape of eyes, nose etc) come from Tina’s dna.
Personality: - I headcanon that she has fanon Tina's personality. If you've ever read most reed900 fics, you'll know that Tina has been given the traits of "party-animal, doesn't take shit, loves to tease, always the optimism to Gavin's cynicism, always has her friend's backs etc" - Since we don't know much about canon Tina, I gave her fanon traits to Katie
Favourites: - Colour: Olive green - Symbol: Flower
Elijah + Chloe
Name: Adam (a nod to the first man on earth because Adam is the first human born from an android)
Birthday: February 3rd (aquarius)
Appearance: He has Eli’s hair colour (his original brown, not his dyed hair) and eye colour. His hair is half-shaven and swept to one side
Info/Background: I headcanon that Eli has been experimenting and he alters Chloe so that she is able to give birth to children. Eli tells no one until Chloe is pregnant. The world is informed and watches to see if it works. It does and even though only one was predicted to be born, they have twins. Because this is the first baby born through an android, only Kamski's dna is able to be used so he has his eyes, hair, facial features etc Personality: - Genius (like his father) - Relaxed and nonchalant. Not a serious person - Enjoys the spotlight and fame of not only being a Kamski but also being the first human born from an android - Frivolous with money - Social butterfly, loves being around people and going to parties - Loves being in public - Always in the media for somethingFavourites: - Colour: Blue
Name: Ava (a nod to Eve but the e’s are changed to a’s to be alliterate with Adam’s name)
Birthday: February 3rd (aquarius)
Appearance: She has Eli’s hair colour (his original brown, not his dyed hair) and eye colour. Her hair is long and styled into a high ponytail
Info/Background: Same as Adam’s
Personality: - Genius (like her father) - Business savvy and ambitious (I haven't picked a career for her yet but she becomes highly successful like Eli) - Workaholic - Stubborn - Studious - Unlike her twin, she is smart with money - Is wary of befriending people because of her fame and status - Prefers to keep her personal business private - Not a big fan of the media
Favourites: - Colour: Red - Symbol: Diamond
Name: Noah
Birthday: March 8th (pisces)
Appearance: He has Chloe’s hair and Eli’s eyes. He has long hair that falls to his shoulders
Info/Background: Ok, so originally he wasn’t supposed to exist but after coming up with his personality and why he exists, I couldn’t resist. So, the reason why he was born is because Chloe wanted a child that looked like her. Because she was the first android to have a child, only Eli’s dna was used so Adam and Ava only have Kamski dna. Noah is more mixed.
Other features: Wears glasses
Personality: - Genius (he is the smartest of the three children) - So personally, I don't believe that Eli is evil but I know that it's a popular interpretation in the fandom so I went with it for his son - He is sociopathic and sadistic. He is reclusive, hates humanity and only respects his mother and other androids - He hates his father (because eli didn't want another child but only did it because chloe wanted it so while noah and chloe are extremely close, he isn't close with his father at all) - Because he is the third Kamski child, he isn't paid as much attention to as the other two by the public because he doesn't go out or isn't venturing into the business scene so this has left him bitter and jealous of his siblings - Wants to lead another android revolution and believes that androids should be ruling the world, not humans - Is loyal, obedient and very nurturing towards Chloe - To me, if I was a fic writer, Noah is someone who would be the big bad so his fate is that he would either end up dying or going to jail
Favourites: - Colour: Purple
So, I made this next character purely for the purpose of shipping her with another one of my character's, Nicole but I lover her so much now that even if I changed my mind, she's staying
Name: Samantha Stern
Birthday: October 28th (scorpio)
Appearance: She has human Amanda's facial features, hair and eye colour. Her hair is straight and long
Other features: She wears glasses
Info/Background: Samantha Stern is a relative of Amanda Stern (the human amanda). She lived in England until she moves to Detroit. She meets Nicole in her young adult years and she ends up being a kindergarten teacher. I'm 50/50 on this but I like her having a british accent
Personality: - She is the opposite of AI Amanda in every way - She is an open book, has a warm attitude towards everyone, open to change, can be absent minded at times, encouraging, understanding, forgiving, compassionate and gentle - She's also independent and prefers to make her own way in life - When it comes to clothing, she hates big/dangly, shiny jewelery, long sleeved clothing and loves wearing dresses, skirts and shorts
Favourites: - Colour: Yellow - Symbol: Star
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jawbone-xylophone · 3 months
Still not entirely happy with my characterization, but I do like the slightly experimental choices I made here. I just think Hypnos and Thanatos are extremely divorced, and it's partially because they both think Hypnos should be exactly like Thanatos. Neither of them is sure when it all fell apart, though.
Flavored with an eldritch being having body dysmorphia, and also copious flowery language surrounding People Dying.
It's an old and rotten unraveling, this thing between them.
Before earth and air, before moon and water, there was a suggestion of what could be. And it writ upon itself Night, and it writ upon itself Love, and the darkness filled itself with a thousand shadows, a thousand stars.
And they learned to sleep. And they learned to dream. And they learned to die.
They learned many other things, of course, and Hypnos learned at the knee of Mother Night what gave men delight and terror. He liked to be gentle with them. He liked to weave dreams of river mist and poppy stems and stardust, let mortals taste a little of immortality away from bloody work and bursting callouses. Everyone, everywhere, deserved something nice in their lives.
He'd really thought Thanatos agreed.
Sleep is the midwife of the gentle dead, after all. He lowered their eyelids, fluffed their pillows, reminded them they were loved, drowsy souls all wrapped up in a neat little bow for his brother to take below. They'd danced this dance for aeons, before Time fully knew its own name. A matched set, hand in hand, waltzing the thin blurry line of oblivion and eternity.
They were twins. They should have had an understanding.
Up the hallway Hades loomed over his desk, pinching the bridge of his nose to stifle a gold flush of rage in the wake of Prince Zagreus's latest antics. Mother Nyx hovered outside the prince's door like she'd just happened to be there since the dawn of time for no particular reason, and something about it- her hands, her jaw, the smoke-pale skin they'd all consciously matched to mark out family, was just... a lot. A lot to handle. Honestly, just a little bit hilarious.
He'd been using a human-shaped body for so long it had involuntary responses now, wasn't that funny? Thanatos had come by... some timeless amount of time ago, maybe a decade, maybe a year, to tell him to get better at record keeping. Registering new shades. It wasn't a bad job. It wasn't an ideal job. It could sure prove he wasn't incompetent and clingy and dependent.
All he had to do was stay awake and friendly and not do anything creative, with zero help from anyone, and try not to accidentally slice his hand on his quill every time Thanatos dismissed him. He bled poppy sap, after all, not ichor like the Olympians.
It was kind of funny. Very funny, actually. He really had no reason to bleed anything- he might as well bleed ichor, if he could. Something to work on after his shift maybe. If he dreamed hard enough, he might change enough to improve something. He'd only really remembered in the last millennia to keep the number of his fingers stable. Sometimes he'd wake up with more or less. Maybe that was a problem.
It wasn't, once upon a time. It'd just been him and Thanatos on the banks of the Lethe, dancing the way flowers and butterflies do, drawing souls gently down into that final sleep to end all heartache and pain. Something gentle. Something good.
Hypnos let his papercuts scar like a human, trying to keep track of the last time his brother gave a damn, and got back to work.
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dangopango00 · 5 months
OM Appearance Hcs So I Can Draw Them Sometime
A/N: I was playing n then i realized they dont have much variation bc that levi line thats like “Asmo and I are brothers so why does he get all the good genes!?” So making hcs bc i kinda wanna draw them, at least headshots or sth
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First Most to Least Objectively Attractive
1. Lucifer/Asmo: Tbh i couldn’t pick because imo Lucifer is most handsome but Asmo is most overall good looking; hes probably a pretty boy
2. Mammon: It was hard figuring out how to rank him but since he’s a model I think he must take pretty good care of himself + Not quite a pretty boy and i think he’s a model for a different reason than Asmo (I think he’s more uniquely attractive rather than extremely objectively attractive)
3. Satan: Idk it just feels right for Mr Perfect like hes not the hottest guy ever but he takes care of himself pretty well if asmo hasnt already done it for him + since hes a unicorn i have a hugeeee hc that hes a pretty boy who doesn’t want to be perceived as pretty n had long hair when he spawned
4. Beel: No proof other than him nearly winning that popularity contest in NB despite doing nothing + he works out. Though tbh I don’t think his face is anything crazy, like he’s cute, well taken care of and nothing to scoff at (since diet and exercise r a big chunk of skin/body health) but I don’t think he’s insanely head-turning like Asmo
5. Belphie: He’s more like a cutie. Like he can be hot but usually he has his kewt face on + he has poor sleeping habits
6. Levi: Im so sorry bbg but 😭😭 He doesnt take care of his skin or sleep on time. Hes still hot but comparatively hes dead last
Distinguishing Features Hcs UTC
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- Smooth thin hair
- Ya’ll hear me out… a couple grey strands JUST A FEWWWWWW it alr looks like his hair lighting thing cmon
- Thin eyebrows with a bit of an arch
- SHARP GUY sharp jawline, sharp eyes
- Eyes are like small and straight not really turned up or down
- Eyebags (He doesn’t get dark circles but he does get bags)
- Very long angular features like long hooked nose long angular face shape (I like him having a hooked nose bc i feel like he looks a bittt unique and he takes pride in those unique features. Doesn’t gaf)
- Like a poodle. Very well taken care of; prim and proper in the public eye
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- Thick fluffy hair; keeps it soft for MC
- Eyebrows aren’t too thick but def not thin; gets them done from time to time with Asmo and/or MC; straight with no arch
- Eyes aren’t that big or small just like medium size and a bit downturned (pretty slightly)
- Also has a hooked nose ☹️☹️☹️ seeing lucifer so proud about it made him proud about it too ieueeuueueuew I HATE THESE MFS I CANTTT
- Angular face but has a softer charm to it idk. Like his chin is pretty similar but his cheeks protrude a bit more; cuter
- Really good skin naturally + he takes care of it; softer than you would think
- Really similar to Lucifer imo (ik they’re basically adopted siblings but I feel like some brothers look really alike and mammon and luci are examples of that 😭😭 feel like lucifer sees himself in mammon sometimes)
- Unrelated but like. I feel like he used to have freckles as a real young angel 😭
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- Thick tangly hair (he should brush it more tbh) (correction* YOU should brush it more) its soft though
- Thick rounded eyebrows; not super crazy but thick with a small arch— gets them waxed/plucked/wtv when he’s gonna cosplay with them showing bye
- Eyes are small and slightly upturned; cat (specifically thinking of that one card where he didn’t wanna go to school gn)
- Eyebags on good days and dark circles usually; sometimes both
- Long straight features, he wasn’t a giraffe that one time for nothing..! Long straight nose, Long face with barely any curves/angles very pretty boy
- Thin features too like thin long fingers and a slim face
- Good skin naturally + he bathes often but doesn’t really do skincare or anything so he has some blemishes
- Gremlin
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- Ik how crusty it looks in game but LISTEN HIS HAIR IS SOFT, smooth and a bit thick; slightly wavy idgafff
- His color scheme is really soft to me like maybe a slight edge with his bright green eyes but imo his hair should be lighter likeeeee 🦄🦄 idk i just love the idea that despite being the only one who was never an angel, Satan looks the most angelic he’s so fun to mould
- Pretty thin eyebrows but not super thin; arched
- Eyes are small and pretty much straight with a slight upturn
- Doesn’t have eyebags or anything; prioritizes his health
- Soft slender features with sudden edges, similar to his personality like he has an angular jaw but his overall face is pretty slender and soft in certain areas; has a greek nose
- Similar to Lucifer as well but softer (debatably softer than mammon too)
- Kept breaking out in acne or hives or sth when he first spawned 😭😭😭 stopped after like a week or sth but his brothers still make fun of him (he has sensitive skin)
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- SOFT SMOOTH HAIR Not super thin or thick smack dab in the middle
- Strawberry blonde and 😭😭😭 thats so special to meee because it reminds me of how he and satan are more alike than satan would think; Want to be loved and often misunderstood— also has a soft color scheme like satan but his is done in a sharper way
- Really well groomed thin rounded eyebrows with a slight arch
- Slightly larger than medium eyes like almond ish
- The BEST skin, he takes care of himself so well and it pays off! He is GLOWINGGG
- Another pretty boy with a slender face but strangely enough he has a handsome charm about it; really nice jawline and straight nose
- Imo he’s like aphrodite but like for any and everyone like he’s both handsome and pretty
- Has moles but not where he wants them 😭😭😭 wants the sexy lip mole and draws it on sometimes
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- Thick fluffy hair with a slight curl to it. Like extremely slight
- Thick eyebrows with no arch or a very slight one
- Eyes are medium sized with a slight upturn
- Eyes are a bit brighter than belphie’s
- Okay skin; doesn’t do skincare but diet + exercise makes up for it and doesn’t really have blemishes or eyebags or wtv
- Has freckles HE DESERVES IT 💔💔
- Not quite angular but like wide; manly face and straight nose
- To be honest I don’t have much to say bc imo when it comes to his face he’s kinda just some basic attractive guy 😭
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- Soft thick hair that WOULD BE tangly like levi but he gets others to brush for him gn
- Thick eyebrows with no/slight arch
- Eyes are medium n slightly downturned but his resting face they look ig siren ish n when he widens them they almost look doe
- Eyebags from sleeping too damn much but at least it makes his skin look youthful af
- Not very angular face with slightly chubby cheeks and straight nose
- There’s no reason for his color scheme to be softer but like BUT LIKE LOOOOOK 😭😭😭 he would be so cute it’d add to his dreamy temptation aesthetic
LIKE (https://www.tumblr.com/dangopango00/749877229405732864/belpheeeeeee)
- HES LIKE MESSY IN THE CUTEST WAY like hes not prim n proper but hes messy in that way you can’t help but wanna clean him up and pat him on the head
- Very similar to Beel like these mfs been linked since birth 😮‍💨
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the-darklings · 2 years
today i bury you in me ╱ finale preview.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ series masterlist
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The Endless are formidable individually. Raw power holding this universe together given form and reason. Their realms are kingdoms that put others to shame. You’ve visited plenty by now to draw the unsurprising conclusion. Dealing with each sibling is an exercise in patience, tact, and subtle respect in differing shades. 
Sitting in the same room as seven of them makes you want to crawl out of your skin and run for the hills. You’ve met them individually in the past. There’ve been a handful of occasions where you encountered several simultaneously. But never all together in the same room like this. 
They’re terrible and wonderful and so suffocating in their casual existence that every instinct in your mortal body warns you of one indisputable truth:
“I shouldn’t be here.”
Death shakes her head promptly, giving you a stern glance. “Nonsense, sweetheart,” she asserts. “You’re right where you belong. Isn’t that right, Destiny?”
Destiny of the Endless sits unmoving, only his mouth visible behind his flowing hood. His hand rests on the Book of Destiny, pale but relaxed. Whenever Destiny does move, the chain connecting him to the book rattles through your bones. 
He hosts these family gatherings, though all Endless have equal prominence in this universe and its continuous function. Despite it, from your angle, it appears as if he’s the one at the head of the table. He was the oldest and certainly the most overwhelming in his sheer aura. It took him a simple swipe of his hand for an additional chair to materialise at the table for you. For his fluttering, eerily silent attendants to lay a plate and glass on either side of you. 
“All is as it should be, sister,” Destiny replies, his voice whistling wind through dry leaves. 
Your pulse beats against the curve of your throat. If your stomach weren’t empty, you might be throwing up right now. 
Death grins brightly, pleased. Her smile is no doubt meant to be reassuring when she turns back towards you. “See, that’s a yes.”
Your words form clumsily on your tongue, “I didn’t mean to impose—”
Sitting on your left, Delirium tightens her grip on you, cutting your words short. Her chair had been dragged towards yours, your arms linked despite the uncomfortable angle. The scent of leather, sweat, and burnt sugar bites into your nostrils, her hair flickering between bright orange, yellow, and neon green today. 
“Uhm… impose?” she mutters. Her words flow so swiftly that it’s an effort to keep up. “No, no, imposing to be imposed on, and, um, imposing is impolite. What is impolite?”
“To impose would be impolite, yes.” Your words come out measured. “Like that man. You went into his home.”
“Well, he, well, he wasn’t a very good man.” Delirium’s voice thins, frustration biting into each syllable. On your other side, you sense Destruction turning in your direction. Tension blinks out from Delirium’s lovely features, her different-coloured eyes shining in the dimly lit room. “I made him see colours. Really pretty, pretty colours.”
Yes, she certainly did. You’re hopeful the man received a swift death via villagers, having no doubt concluded him mad or consorting with devils and demons. As if to illustrate her point, Delirium lightly positions her thumb and index fingers together, forming an O. She giggles, blowing air, and much to your unspoken wonder, multicoloured bubbles float through the air. Some remain bubbles, bloated and bobbing. Others shape into animals and birds. 
“I am not an Endless,” you remind, feeling foolish for doing so. As if anyone could mistake you for one of them. Your eyes briefly skim over each sibling, shifting in your seat for the dozenth time. “I don’t think it’s right for me to be here.”
Despair, sitting opposite to you beside her twin, hoods her eyes. The metal hook on her finger digs into her chin. Blood bubbles beneath the honed metal point. “Yes. Mortal.”
Her whispering, thin voice blankets you, and your insides ball up. 
Destruction chuckles beside you, deep and echoing in the dining hall, smoothing over your suddenly chilled, clammy skin. “Sister, do you meet many mortals who live over three hundred years? I see no harm in you being here, dear Wanderer.”
Desire stretches indolently in their seat, candlelight washing over their indescribable features. Scoff ripples from their chest, their chin dropping in their open palm. 
“Right, is anyone else opposed to Wanderer being here?” Desire voices, sweeping a challenging look around the table. When no one speaks, Desire shrugs, arms open at their sides. “See, sweet thing, relax. Have some fruit.”
They pointedly push the fruit basket closer towards you. The fruit does look tasty, and you hadn’t eaten in two days, but you’re not sure you could stomach it right now. Not without losing it moments later. 
Dream casts an inpatient glance Destiny’s way in your peripheral. In extravagant robes, Dream Lord appears the most disgruntled with being summoned. “Why are we here, Destiny? You do not call upon the family without a cause.”
Destiny’s answer comes predictably vague: “You are here, brother Dream. That is all.”
Despite your unease to be dropped into their family meeting, annoyance pinpricks you at his words. Always the same ambiguity, always what the book dictates, and never what someone might feel. Destiny is not human. It would be unfair for you to hold any of the Endless to mortal standards. For you to expect them to comprehend and grasp sentiments that are so far out of their reach. 
It doesn’t take away from the sting, though. At least this time, the curse was mindful enough to drop you inside Destiny’s stronghold inside the Garden of Forking Ways. Last time, you found yourself helplessly lost inside the boundless maze for weeks. Destiny did nothing to aid you—it was as it was meant to be. That wild animal fear and helplessness is what you associate him most closely with. 
“Why the rush?” Desire calls out, interrupting your thoughts. “Eager to get back to another failed relationship, sweet Dream?”
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breakoutime · 4 months
Whaddup! I'm glad to see that you enjoy the drawings I've done so far! Chronos has been a major brainrot for me lately so lmao glad to see that I'm not the only one who is just brain rotting over that stupid time gilf! If it isn't much, May I request Chronos getting grabbed and fucked senseless by a bunch of tentacles? (I want this smug old timer being humiliated and fucked so badly)
Anyway! this is like, set after chronos took over the house of hades and before the events of Hades II. Wanted to do something special for the tentacles other than the seamonster, so I had to get creative haha!
It's been a while since I wrote some smut, but I hope this is good enough :3
(I really enjoyed writing this, thanks for the wonderfully dirty request)
Being at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Chronos x Erebus/Tentacles
Warnings: Non-con, Dub-con, Tetatrofilia, Humiliation, Pleasure torture.
Other Tags: Groping, Overstimulation, Bondage, An old man getting fucked?
Chronos basqued in the victory of his dominion over the house of Hades. A deep sense of satisfaction coursed through him as he watched with pride the renovations of the soon to be called “House of Chronos”. His bratty son, Hades, was put in his place by chains, helpless to stop him as he regained his rightful place… Chronos felt great pride in the fact that his plan was going smoothly. 
Though he made it all look so easy, it had not been easy at all. Even with the sacrifices and the worship of his cult, despite regaining his form and rebuilding himself, his energy and power still needed some time before coming completely back to him. He had gathered just the right amount of energy to capture the chthonic gods and subjugate his son, and so he had been admittedly drained for the first months of his victory.
But as time passed and all kept going exactly how he had planned, Chronos was growing arrogant. Tartarus was already turning into a beautiful machine, all golden gears and ticking sounds around him, the gold he so loved adorning everything he deemed worthy. But what about the other layers of the underworld? Chronos wanted to make sure that all of the layers knew and recognized him as their new ruler. After all, wasn't his own cult on the entrance of the underworld what brought Hades’ downfall? He couldn't allow a similar cult to form under his new rule. So, he set his eyes on the rest of the underworld, one particular area catching his attention the most. 
Since he gained control of the underworld, Erebus became unruly. As if it was a living organism, the chambers that his son had once established were coming apart, slowly growing its own nature and taking their own shape. He couldn't have that, of course. After all, wasn't Erebus a place where shades arrived to wait? He was the new ruler of the underworld and time himself. This place should bend to his will, and despite still recovering from his revival, Chronos felt very confident he could tame the beast that Erebus was becoming. 
Perhaps now, he might have regretted that decision. For he was now lost, no matter what he did in this realm, he found himself wandering unable to bend this place to his will, and worse, unable to find his way *out*. Angrily he swung his scythe to whatever he could, breaking the columns that were in the process of being reclaimed by vines or cutting short the lives of trees that were just beginning to sprout between the floor slabs and exposing the soil underneath. It might look petty, but everything here was born of darkness, the very essence of Erebus. He knew that soon enough he would provoke a reaction from the realm, knowing that at some point a manifestation of Erebus itself would come and confront him. That's when he would dominate and control this place. 
A smug smirk appeared on his lips when after all his wandering, he was sure he found something that showed progress. As he passed through the forming cracks of the old walls of Erebus, breaking and cutting down what he needed to make a dignified trail, he encountered something. 
It looked like a pit. A pit so dark that it seemed endless, the light practically swallowed by its mere presence. 
“Ah. There it is.” He said as he floated towards it. He didn't once set foot down on this dirty place, deeming it unworthy yet of his touch. “So Erebus is finally making a real appearance, hm? Good. It's time I showed you who is in charge now.” With a wave of his hand, he tried to freeze this manifestation of Erebus in time, but it didn't work. “Hmmm…” Perhaps since Erebus was something both of a place and a living thing, it was not as simple as freezing it in time like the other chthonic beings. Besides, he was seeing what he assumed to be a hole- a dark void on the ground, maybe it was a gateway?
He tested first by dipping his cane into it. And before he could react, something took hold of it, janking it and himself inside this void. The next moment all Chronos could see was darkness. He couldn't even see his hands in front of him. Snarling, he transformed his cane into his scythe again- but this time that something had grabbed him, squeezing first the wrist of his hand holding the scythe, another unseen appendage janking it away from his hold, leaving him unarmed. “How dare you-!” another appendage wrapped around his other hand, and despite being unable to see it, he could feel it. It was some sort of tentacle, cold and smooth. He trashed and attempted to get away, but the darkness around him was powerful. It refused to let go. One tentacle wrapped around both his legs, leaving him inmobile, his wings attempting to move and even flap to attack the offending appendages fruitlessly. 
It was now that he realized he should have waited to regain his full power before attempting such a thing. And now, he was worried that he would pay the price. He cursed at himself, his own hubris bringing him low, being captured like a fly on a web. As he tried to look around himself, all he could see was the darkness around him. No escape routes. No matter, he was time himself. He couldn't be killed, and he couldn't be captured forever like this. But he squirmed and growled as he felt another tentacle touch him, tracing the line of his spine, as if it was looking for the place where his wings connected to it. He shuddered, which encouraged the tentacle. “W-what are you…?” She said through gritted teeth as more joined, a couple running through his hair, another experimentally wrapping around his neck, and a couple exploring his chest and arms. A new feeling flared for Chronos. 
Pure, humiliating and unwanted *arousal*.
It was now that he realized that he was not only vulnerable and at the mercy of Erebus, but also, ever since his reforming he had not been even touched by anyone. He had no idea his body was this sensitive after being remade. A new panic set in, as he began to writhe with more desperation as the tentacles began to get more mischievous. One of the tentacles exploring his chest brushed against a nipple, making him buck and writhe as a strained groan escaped him, a blush forming in his face. Experimentally the tentacle continued, now one tracing the form of his buttocks, and one tentacle poking gently the inside of his ear. 
His legs squeezed together, trying to hide the growing arousal and limit the tentacles wandering. “S-stop! Stop this instant! I'm your master, you can’t-” His words were caught short as a tentacle entered his mouth. The void of tentacles did not speak, but Chronos could sense its intentions. It didn't care for his demands nor his complaints. He could sense as if it was curious, and even delighted to have a plaything in its clutches. He tried to bite down on it, but the tentacles did not even react, exploring his mouth deeper and deeper. It seemed to relish on his temperature, he was warm compared to its own cold darkness. The only thing that could be felt in this dark endless void was both their touch and the sounds he made. Erebus liked it. He wanted to hear more, to feel more. To have him at his mercy. To show him he was no master of Erebus. 
With horror Chronos realized that a couple of tentacles began to explore his legs, wrapping around his thighs and caressing them, making him shiver and swallow up a moan. A couple of tentacles decided to focus on his nipples as he tried for dear life to keep his legs squeezed together. Another tentacle found his belly button and attempted to enter it, making him convulse for a second out of the strange ticklish sensation that jolted through him. Sweat formed in his brow as he realized the tentacles were looking for more holes to explore, not satisfied with gagging him alone. “Hmmm! Hmm- mmmn!” He furtively complained as one tentacle managed to undo his loincloth, now exposing him completely. There was a pause, despite the darkness Chronos knew that he was erect despite how much he tried to escape and deny this, the pause stretching as if Erebus was taking a moment to appreciate his naked form and drink up his humiliation. An undignified whimper escaped him when a single tentacle wrapped around the base of his cock, a deep shame taking over him as he realized how his body was betraying him, making him enjoy this violation. He thrashed, his energy waning as he was beginning to tire himself out. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get a hand or a leg free. Slowly, oh so slowly, the tentacle on his cock began to stroke it, from the base up to the tip and again down. Slowly, as if taunting him, the tentacle makes sure to swirl on his tip before continuing its ministrations, forcing a low moan to leave Chronos. 
Chronos could not even begin to pull himself together before the rest of the tentacles joined in again. He could do nothing but cry into the darkness as he was being both stroked and teased. To his horror a couple of tentacles wrapped around each knee, the one holding his legs together releasing him so that the others could pull his legs apart. He shook his head violently, the muffled sounds of pleas and whimpers heard as his legs parted despite his protests. 
He felt tears swell in the corners of his eyes, he never before felt this shame, especially since his cock was dripping precum, which was now passing around his balls, down his taint, and reaching his clenched asshole. Trying to find even a modicum of a good thing, he found himself glad that he couldn't see himself in this pathetic position, the darkness at the very least keeping this private. But it also meant that he couldn't see anything else the being was planning. The tentacle on his mouth slowly pulled out, making him cough as spit saliva as his mouth was free. He struggled too tall for a moment. 
“Enough of this. Release me now and I will be merciful when I punish you for this transgression.” He tried to say as evenly as possible, trying to regain control and his dignity. The only answer he got from Erebus was feeling a cold- this time slimy- tentacle touching his taint, making him flinch and gasp. “N-no! I said no! Hnnnnnghh-'' He couldn't help but moan as the tentacle began to tease his puckered entrance, making him convulse in place and make sounds he was definitely not proud of. The tentacle began to prod inside, forcing the tight sphincter to open up, its slimy nature making this a lot easier, but it's cold temperature made him shiver and even whine. “H-how d-d-d-dare you….” He managed to say, his voice trembling as he realized this creature had released his month only to hear him moan as he got penetrated. He never thought something from the underworld could be this depraved. He tried to quiet himself and not give Erebus the satisfaction of hearing his grunts and moans, but the tentacle was going deeper and deeper, the stretch beginning to hurt slightly. “Mmmmmmngh- AH∿!” A surprised moan escaped him, when the tentacle found his prostate. He began to writhe again, unable to accept that this was happening. But he quickly went still when it rubbed against that spot again…
And again and again.
He lowered his head- was he even floating face up or face down? he couldn't tell up from down in here- closing his eyes tightly as he gritted his teeth. It was a sign of submission. Chronos never thought that being defiled this way would feel so good. He loved it- he hated it. Again he became aware of the tentacles on the rest of his body, making him sob. It was beginning to be too much. “Hnnnnn! Too much- It's too much-!” Again a tentacle invaded his mouth, making it impossible to even plead. How cruel. The tentacles in his mouth, cock and rectum were now moving in sync. He could feel his eyes crossing as his orgasm was close- oh so close. A part of himself told him that orgasming would be disgraceful- the other couldn't care less. 
Two tentacles were on each nipple, swirling and massaging the little peaks, a couple would run up and down his chest and back, simulating a lover's caress. One gently applied pressure on his neck, and some more were squeezing and caressing his thighs. If this had been consensual he would have called it worship, but he knew better. Erebus had the control, and Chronos had clearly been reduced to little more than a plaything. He was being humiliated and forced to enjoy it. The tentacles began to stroke him faster, rubbing more insistently his prostate as the one in his mouth moved deeper. Chronos was a mess of whimpers, moans and cries, his body beginning to spasms as he became overwhelmed by all the stimulation. He desperately tried to buck his hips- anything to release the tension that was building, but he barely wiggled as finally, he got over the edge. 
“HNNNN∿! MMMH∿! MMMGHNNN∿!” He uselessly babbled as his orgasm washed over him, the tentacles not stopping for a second, making him ride it as hard as possible. His body spasmed useless as his eyes rolled slightly to the back of his head, he was sure he felt the tentacle in his mouth twitch too, but he could barely register the fact that it was actually cumming too, depositing something deep into his stomach. The tentacle continued its assault until his cries became high pitched. Now he truly felt overstimulated. Not pulling away, all of the tentacles stopped, leaving chronos still and breathing heavily through his nose. He felt so drained, but at least this was over, he needed to get back into tartarus and- “Hmmm!!??” The break was over, and the tentacles resumed their assault, not giving him really enough time to recover himself. If his mouth was free he would be openly crying and pleading for mercy, the pleasure being too intense in his overstimulated post orgasmic state. For a bit, time himself lost track of time. Erebus forced orgasm after orgasm out of him until he passed out. 
… He later would wake up miraculously at the edge of Erebus, his body cast out like a used toy. His body was sore but with a shameful satisfied buzz going through it. As he tried to stand he could see his legs shaking, his entrance was definitely leaking something and he felt his stomach oddly heavy- As he got into full height he couldn't help but barf. Darkness. Erebus had ejaculated darkness into him. He groaned.  “Blood and darkness.” Rarely the Titan of time would curse, but this time he allowed himself the simple act. One thing was clear. He wouldn't be delving into Erebus again anytime soon.
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blithesharem · 10 months
Day 5 - 9 Days of Solomon
Day 5: Pact
Solomon finds a new pact mark.
SFW but suggestive, GN Reader
It’s early, but you don’t want to open your eyes to see how early. You’re hoping you’ll have a few hours yet, tangled in bed under fluffy covers and wrapped up in Solomon’s arms. You’re still a bit sore from the night before, but it feels good. Satisfying. You imagine once the two of you are feeling more awake you’ll end up performing an encore, but for now it feels good to just bask in one another’s warmth.
His breathing is steady but he’s awake: his fingertips trace gentle shapes over your back, long looping movements that draw you from sleep slowly. He doesn’t stop until you shift to give a stretch, nuzzling your cheek against his chest. Even then, his hand doesn’t leave you, just moves to run through your hair instead.
Without opening your eyes, you tilt your head, kissing up his jaw until you find his lips. There, you both linger, kisses slow and deep in marked contrast to the hurried, desperate ones from the night before. When you have to break to yawn, his lips move to the palm of your hand, slowly drifting down your arm to the tender dip of your elbow. There, your pact marks are visible, gleaming black “ink” that appeared after your pacts were formed with the brothers.
You smile as you feel him place a kiss on each one, starting with Mammon’s on the inside of your wrist, down the line…
Then you feel him pause, an inhale the only indication he’d noticed something. You peek open an eye, wondering what had caught his attention, and then flushed a hot red.
Oh. That.
“Oh my god. You weren’t supposed to see that,” your groan, making to pull your arm out of his grip so you can cover your face in embarrassment. But instead of releasing you, Solomon tightens his grip, keeping your arm out and extended. He’s not looking at it anymore though, his eyes on yours.
“You did that?” he asks softly, and you can feel how red your cheeks are. His slides his hand down your arm, stopping to run his thumb over the last mark you’ve scrawled yourself. An eighth sigil.
“I just…I wanted you there. It felt wrong not to have you there,” you admitted, and from the way his throat flexes as he swallows, you know Solomon is moved by the gesture. You had completely forgotten it was there, to be honest. You’d drawn it on the morning before, just to see what it looked like with the others.
“Where did you find it?” he asked, still watching your expression.
“A book. From the RAD library,” you admit, and Solomon gives a soft chuckle.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it,” he admits, returning his gaze to the seal that carried his name. After a moment he dips to press his lips to it, finishing the line. 
“Then we’ll need to make one for you,” he murmurs against your skin, and you shiver.
“For me?”
“Both sides of the pact should have marks, shouldn’t they?” Solomon finally releases your arm, rolling to hover over you and steal a kiss that is once again hungry and desperate. He doesn’t know what he did to deserve the dedication of a person like you, but he’s planning on spending the rest of his infinite days earning it.
Notes: My MC's pact marks go up both her wrists to her elbows, the seven split between two arms. Very tender sensitive parts of the body and good for kissing. That's just some free advice.
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arvensimp · 2 years
hello!! dont mind if i ask for a GN! reader x arven, but they mysteriously has an ancient time zoroark, aka hisui zoroark that is very protective of Reader?
Hello! I'm going to hurt your feelings with this one if that's okay.
Arven x GN!Reader with a Hisuian Zoroark, angst, maybe some aspects of horror?
The world is a cold place. Sometimes it is warm, but mostly it is cold. Days are spent hunting and playing, but mostly hunting.
Until you.
Then the world is different. It becomes...warmer. Zoroark thinks it likes things warmer now. There are hands. Your hands. Kind hands, with berries and pets and scratches of the good kind and not the hurting kind.
Zoroark definitely likes the warmer world now.
Then the world changes again, and Zoroark thinks that maybe this will be good, too.
Until it isn't.
Until there's a man.
He smells like burning and fire and fermenting things and more that is too hot. He holds the small worlds of his friends upside down. He gets close to you, too close. That's not right. Zoroark voices its displeasure at the state of affairs, but is forced back into the small world.
That's......that's not how it likes the world to be.
It cannot escape the small world for now.
So it waits.
The next time it is out in the big world, Zoroark shows you all of its love. It brings you berries and stones and leaves and even a pretty feather it finds. It is far prettier than the burning man with his strange foods and his satchel of foul smelling secrets.
As usual you cuddle up together and snack on berries, and the world seems to be well.
Until the man comes back.
This time, he tries to bribe Zoroark with what smells like more fermented wheat and berries, then he tries with meats, and Zoroark refuses to have any part of his trickery. Doesn't he know that Zoroark is the master of tricks and illusions? If he doesn't, he will soon.
Zoroark has its fur stand on a razors edge, puffing itself up to be as large as possible. The man may be large, but he does not have claws. He does not have teeth that can bite as well as Zoroark.
It can smell the fear radiating off the man. Good. He should be afraid. He has no business in its territory near its family.
Then the world is small again.
Zoroark huffs and curls into a ball.
It can wait.
It waits.
It waits well.
Eventually you and the man are asleep. That is when Zoroark uses the bulk of its strength to free itself from the small world.
It wants to growl at the man's proximity to you, as he sleeps in a yellow cocoon like a lowly insect, but it stops. It will not wake you or him. Zoroark narrows its eyes and concentrates. One of the first things you taught it was never to harm a person...so how can it best frighten away the man without harming the body?
Zoroark gets down low on all fours. It looks closely at the man, at his hair which isn't nearly as voluminous as Zoroark's own. At his chest slowly rising and falling with each breath.
It closes its eyes and sees what it can see of the man's inside eyes.
He looks around at the world the man has crafted in his head.....his own small world.
Back in the big world, Zoroark shape shifts, its illusion covering it like another cloak of fur.
It shakes briefly, setting the illusion in place, then moves lithely to hover over the man. It runs a claw over his face. Gentle. This is not a claw now. This is a human paw, though it seems this human kept itself sharp.
The man stirs.
Zoroark repeats the action and in a voice which is not its own, it speaks.
The man squeezes his eyes tighter at first then opens them slowly in a squint. "Hm...?"
Zoroark tilts its head to the side, watching him through someone else's gaze. "Arven."
"...M-Mom?!" He speaks in a hush.
Zoroark tilts its head the other way, drawing its claw back across the man's cheek, applying just a bit more pressure to the delicate skin. "Arven..."
"You're not here... You're gone." He sounds scared. Good.
Zoroark's head evens out, and using the illusion, it slowly smiles a kind and motherly smile down at the man, but it grows from there, wider and wider. Unnaturally wide. Teeth growing thinner and sharper and longer as more and more teeth move to fill in the space of its ever growing saccharine grin.
Eyes that were a cool cyan turn inky, swirling with oil spill slick rainbows that have a dizzying effect.
Zoroark watches as the man breaks out into a cold sweat.
"Arven...." It says again, this time allowing its illusory voice to distort, to combine with the sound of shattering bones as it slowly cracks the jaw of the phantom, letting the mouth open wide and wider still, while the skull bounces unnaturally along the spine, jolting as if propelled by electricity in an unholy way.
It raises its hands which have now transformed into more proper claws by Zoroark's standards to the man's face.
It is getting ready to dig in, not breaking skin of course, when the man calls out the name of one of his friends, releasing them from their small world.
Then suddenly Zoroark is thrown to the side by a large dog, and the illusion is dispelled.
The man sits up with wide eyes and tears streaming down his face, and then you're at his side, rubbing his back.
Zoroark burns. It doesn't even register being thrust back into its small world once again.
It. Just. Seethes.
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drakiandh · 9 months
@cosmicrain-draws @otherxagnela Remember that fusion idea? Im writing out the first chapter rn, and I'm making it a Steven Universe AU. I'm hopefully going to make it a 5 part thing, if I'm able to restrain myself. I'm planning for it to be separate from the shows plot. Here's the original AU idea below!
Scarab is called Painite in this AU. He was made by Pink Diamond as a War General during the Gem War in an attempt to keep up face. He's basically the same just with added loyalty to PD. I'm going to keep him on Earth, more on that later. He is very good at what he does, and I like to think his main power is that he's very very good at shifting his shape and becoming any gem as long as his own gem is covered. I'm saying he can change his red skin to yellow instead of it being red in the new form and can make a fake gem anywhere on his body. A kinda of spy ability, if you will. He doesn't use it often as shifting is exhausting outside of work (and he doesn't have a lot of practice with it as Amathyst does) so he mainly just sticks as a front-lines fighter (even though he's a general, he's fantastic at fighting, so he joins his fellow gems in the main fights instead of being on the sidelines). He has wings, absolutely he does. And his gem got cracked in the war, taking his ability to fly away, like Lapis. I like to think his weapon is like his canon Cyrstal device, as his gem weapon can change into anything he wants it to be. He mainly either keeps it as a spear, a scythe, or an axe. Mainly a scythe tho
Prismo is a bit of a mix for me, can't really decide what gem he should be. So far, I'm going to make him a sapphire. Specifically, a Star Saphire. He was a gift from Blue Diamond to Pink to help with her wartime planning and attacks as he is a lot better at seeing the outcomes of things than other sapphires. His power (other than the future vision thing which he doesn't use cuz it gives him a headache) would be similar to Time-Woods Sīdus. I like to think he can make things, like he can make anything using his gem as long as he either has the right raw materials (which can be anything) or enough energy. He can make everything, ranging from weapons, clothes, to anything you can think of. Even food, but he doesn't make that a lot cuz it grosses him out. At the start of his time with Pink, he acts exactly as he's made, scared that he'll be shattered since he's really the first of his kind. After some time, he and Pearl start talking about how great Pink is (Star wouldn't fawn over her, as he really has no loyalties to any of the Diamonds other than to himself) and he would eventually notices how unhappy she is. Cue them being attacked, and he learns that Pink is actually Rose Quartz. Instead of shattering him, she offers him freedom if he helps with the gem rebellion. He'd take it, hating the oppressing atmosphere of Homeworld, and become the Wishmaster amongst the gems. He'd get that title because he can make, as I said before, anything, and that includes a milder version of Rose's healing tears. Cracked gems would come to him to get healed, he'd help plan attacks on Homeworld forces, and he'd make anything they needed whenever things were going too fast for them. He earns his place in the Crystal Gems and becomes part of the main gang, always seen by Pearl and Rose. His gem weapon would be a similar thing in Seraphyllic, him making 2D versions of his hands and swinging them like a mad man. Painite would have one hell of a time trying to get a hit on Star.
After the war, Painite gets left behind and would survive the diamond blast by hiding deep under the crust of the earth. He would still get corrupted somewhat, which would give him his more buggy features. Star would survive because Rose would pull him under her shield as well and would start just wandering the Earth after all of it is said and done. They accidentally meet when Painite searches for a cure. Of course, Painite sees Star as a traitor and attacks, ending with Star poofing Painite, but not shattering him. Painite's crack wouldn't be healed by Star just yet, I want that to be an intimate moment. Painite would definitely glitch out because of the crack and turn more savage because of the corruption, temporarily losing his mind whenever he got too overwhelmed. Of course, Star is always there to calm him down.
I'm still finicky about the plot, but so far, I'm making Painite go around Earth during the peace and hunt down the other corrupted gems, think the diamonds would heal them once he'd get back to Homeworld. And Star would just be wandering around, exploring Earth and leaving his own little rsster eggs that Painite sees and is always confused about. Yes, Painite still thinks there are no other non corrupted gems on Earth.
Lemme know if you've got any of your own ideas and stuff. I went for a Steven Universe AU cuz I got absolutely stumped on how I could make their shadow versions fuse in a way we haven't seen already. Great work on that art btw, Rain!
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ladyyatexel · 1 month
Fic Snips : Patalliro?
HEY, some of you were struck by my adult Patalliro/Figaro notion, and I wish to tell you more!
For there is so much more. @indigobluerose and @a-cup-of-fantasy have seen Much in this vein, including shit I might never admit to!
As for shit I will admit to, I shall take you on a small journey called "Some of those doodles I posted before have context!" And some context has no doodles, but I hope it is interesting anyway.
the foundation of this is that neither of them need to hide anything from the other like they do from everyone else, they're both the cleverest people alive, and they have fun. Thus things like this:
“You know, you're good, but sometimes your face still gives you away.” Figaro plays dumb or innocent or something else he definitely isn't.  “What do you mean?” “You look human most of the time, but sometimes-,” he freezes, striking an elegant pose and adopting a dignified but distant expression, “- you look like an ancient piece of marble.” Figaro blinks, slightly too slowly. “Funny, sometimes your face makes you look almost human.” “Oooh??”  It’s a terrible insult, but it's a good one and it is from Figaro, so it's fun.
Patalliro briefly explains the plot of the other thing I posted:
“When I was ten, I decided that I didn't want to stop doing what I was doing and didn't want time to go forward.  So I moved it.” Patalliro draws along the line and after ten hashes he veers off the course of the line and sends his new line straight upward.  “This way, you can stack things up on it, but it never reaches another year.”  “I didn't notice…” Figaro has more memories than most people, but now he thinks it may be significantly more.   “You were new to being human at the time”  “You can do this?”  “Obviously.” “But it isn't like this now.” This isn't a question.  Figaro feels the shape of time, and the motion of existence.  Things are normal, moving as they should.  “I put it back.”  He continues the line back down to join the horizontal progression, joining back at the eleventh tick on the length. “The day I was here and saw you.” “Me?” “For me then, you were still a baby, but you'd grown, even though you shouldn't have been able to.  I thought you might keep going, but you didn't.  I wanted to see what would happen.” “You could have asked me.”  “While Maraich screamed and kicked me out of the house for interrogating his toddler, yes.” “Ah.” “Oh?  Nothing else to say about that? Just ‘ah’?” “It was very useful at the time.”
Part of the story here was - I've just realized how much backstory I was going to give and thus the true magnitude of how much I've MADE. So there's a 'Figaro marries Patalliro on paper so he has benefits and protection he struggles to get as someone's biologically impossible baby' background to this. It started as a joke, as most things do in this world, but now if anything happens to BanMara, he does not fall through any cracks.
Which then becomes a 'haha, I joke about us being Actual Married and you call me on this and we flail around about this because um what is happening, this should have been normal hanging out'
“Let me know when you want to be really married to me.  I could kiss you all the time and we could turn into those obnoxious kinds of people who make out on benches in the park.” “Okay.” Patalliro is silent for a few seconds, as though waiting for a punchline.   “Do you do this kind of thing to ruin all my jokes now? That's not fair.” “Perhaps your jokes should stop being so easily ruined by reality, then.” “What ‘reality’?” He echoes the word mockingly. “You want me to kiss you?” “Sure.” Patalliro frowns. “You can't do that to everything I say.” “I mean it.  You want to kiss me?” “What is going on?” Patalliro picks up several pillows and makes a show of looking under them. “Am I being filmed or something?” Figaro picks up the last pillow with him, helping him hold it dramatically over their heads like it is shielding them from rain.   “Theatrical refusal to answer means ‘yes,’” Figaro tells him. “Says who?” “Says years of experience with you.” “You’re very confident about this.” “I'm putting on a big flashy front so you can't tell I'm making this up as I go, confused and a little terrified.” “That's…very specific.” “I learned from you.” “Oh,” Patalliro pouts, “and that's very mean.” “It is not.  I said you were inspirational.” “You said I’m making things up!” “You do that all the time.  It usually works in your favor.” Kind of a complement, actually. “I suppose that is right.”
Not unlike this!
This piece is in there somewhere:
“I’ve never kissed someone not as part of a joke before.” “I can act disgusted and hit you, if that will make it feel more familiar.” “What a cold and inhuman thing to say!” 
And this part, which might be my favorite of the 'UH I GUESS THIS IS A KISS NOW??' section:
This is well and good until Figaro starts to laugh.  “First you ruin my jokes and now you really have the mood by the throat.” “Sorry,” Figaro says through a badly restrained laugh.  “It is just that my parents-” “Auuuuuugh.  Mood murdered in its bed by beautiful inhuman blonde assailant.  Local monarchy collapsing.”
Unfortunately for them, they get no time to process this or discuss it and they are both left with mush for brains for a while. In a bit I did make art of, Patalliro decides to cope by becoming one with floor:
The marble tile was cold at first.  Now, hours later, it was almost comfortable. Now, with his face pressed against it, it was all he could see. Made things simple. Felt kind of friendly once he settled in. Maybe he would conduct all the country's business from the tiled floor after this.  Pardons and decrees and budgets, all issued from the comfort of the cold hard floor.  He could do this until Figaro came back.   But then he’d have to figure out what to do when Figaro came back. Figaro, who was so fantastic he was even better than cold hard tile. Figaro, who had been Patalliro’s best friend and all around favorite person for years because of and in spite of being more clever than Patalliro himself.  Figaro, who was not totally human.  Figaro, who was why Patalliro had upended a timeline that suited him so nicely. Figaro, who was the son of his oldest friends. Figaro, who he should not have fallen in love with or allowed to kiss him.  Figaro, whose actions and absence had Patalliro face down on the floor contemplating mortality, morality, and marble. … Footsteps on his tile? Were there still other people in the world on this scale?  “Highness?” A pause.  “Oh.” He discovers the Tamanegi seemingly still exist as the onion troupe member’s shoes encroach on Patalliro’s view of the new sovereign land of Marbinella.  “Highness, you've been down there for… several hours. What are you doing?” “Processing,” he manages.  “Oh?” The voice attached several feet above these shoes sounds hopeful. “The financial reports?” “Mortality,” he replies grimly.  “And morality. And mor -” He rolls onto his side to look up at Tananegi 843. “Moron-ality?” “And who is it that is a dying monster idiot, sir?” The words drop on him like anvils, cannon balls, precariously suspended pianos.  “It’s meee,” he groans miserably, turning his face back into his new kingdom of cold hard smooth problemless tile.
Talking with Maraich about Relevant Things!
“Ah, you've got me alone.  No witnesses, right?” “Patalliro, I'm not going to kill you. Sit down with me.” “I can't help but notice you've specified ‘kill’, which leaves ‘maim’ and ‘dismember’ still on the table.” “No killing or maiming.” “Medieval torture?” “No.” “What about modern torture? I hear they do this thing with water drops in -” “NO. Just be serious!” “Whether I am mortally wounded in this conversation is very serious to me, I assure you.” “Shut up and listen!  It’s about Figaro.” “I guessed, hence my concerns about my mortality.”
And that's probably enough to give you an idea of the initial shape of it! There is a lot. There's more of the scenes here, there's accompanying Figaro in which he think everyone can See It On Him. There's chats with BanMara and ridiculous nonsense. Accidental shenanigans and ones done on purpose. There are wings! It goes on forever, why did I make so much, why am I like this.
I hope this is fun for you to look at!
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kuruna · 1 month
even if it's interesting to maybe 2 people max i Still must AZ and Xanthos post... anyways i figured out how Xan learns about AZ still being Alive maybe a hundred or two years after the war TW for near drowning + mention of parental death !
To start with... I think in the years following the Ultimate Weapon, AZ ended up living in Hoenn due to events that are too convoluted to explain rn 💕 ORAS implies that AZ has some kind of connection to Rayquaza but doesn't elaborate on it more than that. But I decided that he sorta formed an obsession with it after a dramatic encounter .... some day i would like to draw it. Meanwhile. Well to put it bluntly Xan is straight up not having a good time. due to a series of events he ends up nearly drowning (he can't die due to his immortality, but being kind of immobile while just kinda deep in the ocean is still a bit of a terrifying experience to have). A relicanth ends up saving him, though. he ends up being brought to what is in modern day Sootopolis City.
While he's here just kind of resting up, a stranger comes to him like "Hey that's funny 😋 you look pretty similar to a strange man who used to live near here." and this of course gets Xan's attention despite the fact that he should be trying to recover he immediately gets all excitable. He starts asking a million questions... And of course as he gets his answers he just starts feeling a mix of shock and anger.
And so, some time later, he starts to actively seek AZ out... going from place to place, asking if anyone has seen a strange man with brown hair and his same nose shape. And eventually he does find him...
... Unsurprisingly. This encounter goes very, very horribly 😭 an angry conversation turns into just straight up wailing on one another. Both of them end up saying some cruel things they don't actually mean to one another...
At this point in time AZ sorta unfairly blames Xan for not only Floette's but their mother's death too (she passed of an illness sometime during the war 😔). Xan already blamed himself for these things on his own- another blow to his already incredible sense of shame and guilt. on the other side of it, Xan, king of Repressing His Own Feelings, found AZ's incredible grief inconceivable. This just confirmed something AZ always thought, which is that at no point in time did Xan ever make an effort to actually understand him despite them being family. That Xan at best found him to be an inconvenience, or something to use to further himself along.
AZ knows that Xan would never have done something to harm Floette or their mother, but his anger doesn't let him acknowledge that. Xan feels the same awful grief that AZ does, but his pride and repression doesn't allow him to acknowledge that.
In the modern day... these are topics they tend to avoid with one another 😭 how do you apologize for something like that? Would it even matter? Would it change anything? They're only able to finally be open about it after visiting their mother's grave together... (Before this Floette had been like "will you two PLEAAAASSEEE just be open with one another the whole keeping secrets thing is what led to problems to begin with")
While I'm at it here's an image I made re: their mother and her death i got too embarrassed to post a few weeks ago
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