#i should not be eating rn because im not gonna be able to sleep through the pain
sardonic-sprite · 1 year
I'm Back!
Wow, so Lent is over now, so my tumblr fast is also over and I'm still a little in shock, lol. I had hoped the past six weeks? I don't know, Time is weird, would be more productive but at least I got SOME stuff written/posted. Anyway, I have one more month of school and then fucking FINALS so expect sporadic updates at idiot-o-clock hours of the night, and maybe yell at me to sleep, eat, study, or drink water whenever i do post 😅
I am up to SO EFFING MANY wips rn on so many different fronts you guys have no freaking idea 😭 so here's a status report for EVERYTHING on or going on sardonic_sprite. (Its gonna be a monster post, y'all, bear with me)
in absolutely no particular order:
Wayne4Ham: We have a LONG way to go with this one, so just be patient and I'll slowly but steadily plug on through. Aaron Burr, Sir, should theoretically take me no longer than end of april
Wayne-Crazy: there's like 4 specific requests on it, plus a few 'series' i started, but after those, say 6-7, i'll probably mark as complete and only re-open if someone offers me an idea
Batman Beginners: i'll tell y'all up front, this one will take me forever. i don't even know what all I intend to cover, but know that i'm halfway done with the DITF arc, and it'll probably come out in the next two months
Just A Kid: this was my shits-and-giggles fic that got like 3000 notes in a weekend lmao. it's something i do intend to continue bc its so fun and i enjoy the concepts in it, but i don't have plans to actively write more of it in the immediate future.
Rev Wayne: just gave y'all Jason's fic, so the next probably won't come until late in summer, extrapolating from my few data points. if anyone has ideas for timmy's intro, let me know, i'd love some inspiration
Celeb Batwaynes: reported separate from wayne-crazy for reasons. i think theres like 12 specific requests plus 2 ideas of my own. i may put out a poll for the next one to write, but not until after school's out, because these fics are HUGE time-eaters for me. speaking of, are non-tumblr-users able to vote on polls?
Welcome to Gotham U: this was again, me doing shit bc why not. will probably add more in the style that i first posted, but i doubt i will write any prose for it. if you would like to give it a try, please reach out, i'd love to see what you write!
One Diamond: every time i touch this i make the cliffhanger worse lmao. i finally do have a direction, but execution is gonna have to wait a while.
The Young, Innocent, and Righteous: this is mostly just for me anyway, but i'm just gonna say that i'm waiting until i finish watching miraculous season 5 before i go any further
AS you wish: i have 5 more requests to do and i am so sorry to everyone waiting you do not deserve this lmao. i promise im trying, i love your ideas, it just takes me a really long time to fill in the rest and then actually write it. the next one on my list is particularly hard to pin down and so it's halting the ones behind it to. if not before, then after finals i will sit and bang my head on the keyboard until something good comes out
Light Isn't Fadin': soooooo many people have asked me about this one oof. SOMEDAY, i swear. right now its a huge, nebulous, hulking monster and im sorry it's just not happening yet.
A christmas carol: wait until december. please
Father's Day: june.
A Little Problem: over the summer, i will watch marvel movies until they once again hijack my brain and fuel this to completion. maybe.
easter eggs: how the fuck did i forget this lmao. i'm doing as much as i can in april, but when the month is done, i'm sorry, we'll all be waiting until next lenten season. hopefully it won't come to that.
aaaaand i THINK that's finally it. there's also a bunch of random paragraphs in word and google docs that may appear, not to mention ideas that kidnap me in dark alleys. but i also have like a good half dozen other wips for other places that im trying to attend to, so please be forgiving if it seems like its taking a while to post something as sprite.
as always, i love questions, comments, concerns, even some complaints, so feel free to interact.
See ya when I see ya!
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brightside-brigade · 4 months
hey bud. i have blocked people before literally just bc im scrolling through tags and aren’t seeing any posts but their’s. you probably should eat and sleep. at the end of the day you are both complex people with a lot of different experiences and what led them to block you could be SO innocuous. it really, truly is okay. take care of yourself.
okay. I just feel bad because I accidentally said something really stupid and i didn't realize what I said until it was too late and now I dunno what to do and I feel like such a bad person now. I meant to say i Dont hwcd every side of the story and it came out like i was accusing them of some shit and now I just feel like an idiot and even if this blows over its gonna haunt me. Imma dumbass,,
But. Thank you. You are very kind. I think I'll log off here for a bit, try and relax. I haven't eaten in a couple days and my sleep is lacking. (I just straight up forget to do those things). I'll try and eat something, maybe play some pony town or something. (Definitely won't be able to fall asleep rn).
I hope you have good day. Thank you for ask and being nice.
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
i am so so sorry for not being active here but i had a lot of stress because of university shit etc (i still do but not as much as i did last week) (and this week)
you should adopt me as a sister frfr!!
yes about hanbin: he said that you both are already planning the wedding??? you should have told me… #betrayed
and i took my nails off (if thats how you say it😟) and they were no and i had to cut my natural long nails 😔😔
no cuz i lost a lot money now on enhypen albums (i love them sm wtf its so sudden but after i found out that they were in poland (i found out sbout this during they were there) my enhypen fangirl era came back and yk i bought the dark blood album i dont remmeber what version but its dark blue and i pulled sunghoon and sunoo(AGAIN) but i wanted heeseung and jake #depressed (i got jay post card tho) and i csnt find people who sell the original photocards☹️ LIKE GIRL IM ABOUT TO GO CRAZY ABOUT HEEJAYKE LIKE OMFG NOOO NAHH WTF WHAT::;;;;::;;:::&&&&
how did the macarons taste like (good bad mid) ?!??,,? i will buy you a whole macarons factory just so you csn eat them everyday for free 😋😋
DONT CALL ME A ROOKIE!! its the first time it happened (taking a nap and then not being able to sleep again) like i take naps almost everyday because they are so lovely😔😔 but yes no school no university no anything for a long time😋 (just work) (like 20€ per week) (im teaching 2 people english so not a real job tho)
anyway my brother (6 months old) (literally 18 years age difference💀) is so annoying but so cute like bro i hate him sometimes and then day after i love him the most😐😐😐
oh and my hesrt was broken by a guy… he has the same name as i do (unisex name) we were 8-9 years at the same school and he had a crush on me 5 years ago but i didnt have a cursh on him back then so i told him that we are just friends and now since 2-3 years i started to have a crush on him but now i found out that he has a crush on deomeone else (this is mainly the reason why im so delulu rn) (i was always delulu but this is literally getting so out of hand) i also started kind of disliking zb1 i mean not that i dont like them anymore its just im not keeping up with their content now as much as i did like bro my ult groups are always changing (once it was shinee then svt then got7 then nct then gidle then enhypen then txt then svt again then treasure then zb1 and xikers and now its new jeans, le sserafim, xikers, ateez and enhypen (just that i dont keep up eith xikers and ateez content that much)😐😐😐😐 get me some help like i literally love them for a time then lose interesy in them and find another group and then its repeating all the time ykyk omg im so no
i understand bro i went through it myself so don't worry 😭 how's it going? i have no idea how you choose your college in germany so if you wanna talk abt it i'm interested 🤭 hope you'll be able to go wherever you want
bitch you're already adopted ‼️ i've always wanted a little sister
yk i didnt know how to tell you this cuz i'm a bit shy..... but he told you now so you know!! i'm not fully a betrayer!!
OH THEY WERE NATURAL??? the length was so pretty i thought it was not. it's a shame you had to cut it
enha have me on a chokehold fr this cb pure you don't understand 😀 they're also my ult but i've been not keeping up as much as before with their content. this album was just soooo good and now i'm in this enhypen shit forever bro like that's it they got my interest back
girl the macarons were awful. too sugary (i should've expect this from algeria they love getting diabetes...) </3 i felt like i was eating blocks of sugar there was no other taste i wanted to cry ok. waiting for you to buy me a macaron factory or else im gonna have to marry someone who makes them properly.
this may seem like 'not a real job' but even this is very important on your resume when you'll look for work later! it's still a great experience
that's every little brothers 🙏🏼 i have two and there's days i wanna crush them to the ground and days i wanna give them everything </3 but the age difference between you two is so big!! you know what's cool about that? you can design that kid 🤭 you can teach him how to be a good person, give him good taste, everything! that's the best thing about younger siblings
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hE HAS ANOTHER CRUSH NOW?? HOW COULD HE MOVE ON FROM THE PURE??? nah he has no idea what he's missing rn 👹 don't be heartbroken over... a man 😧 okay?? move on too >:( he's no heejake >:(
ABOUT THE ULT THING. i have no idea how ppl keep the same ult for such a long time like.... i mean mine are pretty much stable too but yk there's time where you lost interest as you get into a new group. i always end up coming back to my ult but there are period yk. when i see people holding fanbases for example i'm amazed cuz how do you diligently wake up everyday and do everything about one and onlY ONE GROUP??? AREN'T YOU TIRED??? AREN'T YOU FED UP WITH THEM AT SOME POINT???
plus my problem is i'm here for the music only 🙏🏼 i don't like the music my ult put out? honestly i'm not hyping the comeback or anything. my older sister listens to kpop and fr no matter if the song's good or not she votes on every music show, she streams the song, eveRYTHING. i don't even do all that when i like the song tbh... i think it's funny to see how everyone has a different way of stanning
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kink-queerious · 2 years
do you ever... do you ever just... ya know... do you ever just have leftover strawberry puree from a waffle breakfast your partner ordered and so you put it on toaster waffles and pace around your kitchen like you're living the life of luxury
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justsomefluff · 5 years
Good Morning with Ateez
Summary: the title pretty much explains it all lmao
A/N: Sorry that I haven’t been writing! School has been crazy with everything going on, and I have to work as well. Hopefully, I will be able to write more in the coming weeks.
*Members after Joong are below the cut*
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ok, waking up in the morning with joongie is wild
If he wakes up first, he’s all giggly
bugging you
kissy kissy all over your face
he’s practically on top of you 
it’s not that he wants to get up or anything, he just prefers when you are awake at the same time
“Let me sleep, Joongie”
“but iM LONELY”
If you’re really tired though he’s gonna be cute with you and let you sleep all you want
he will just lay with you and stroke your hair and kiss your hands and ugh im soft
if you wake up first
he expects the same
so, if you wake him up with anything other than smooches he’s gonna whine and complain so much
“no, you have morning breath”
“so what you're saying is you hate me”
SO dramatic
if you manage to slip out of bed before he can trap you
he will jump out of bed and latch onto you
tries to steal your energy through his hugs
but overall a cute bb who likes a calm, sweet wakeup with his love
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So, our precious baby Seonghwa
ALWAYS awake before you
like how does he do it???
why does he do it???
whenever he wakes up, he’ll kinda check on you a little bit
make sure you’re in a comfortable position, give you a kiss and all that
but then he’ll slip out before you wake up??
And then you wake up and you're kinda grumpy bc why would he leave you cold and alone when you could be cuddling rn
when you find him, he’s halfway through making you breakfast
and that makes up for it
he always tries to do things for you to make your mornings easier
It’s his way of making up for all the things he can’t do for you while he’s working
When he notices that you're awake omigod the biggest smile
Will deadass abandon his cooking to come give you a squeeze
your eyebrows are all furrowed and you’re pouting and you're hair is just the worst but he’s so in love with you, you big dork
Gives you a kiss and then makes you sit down
serves you breakfast, all proud
if it’s something he doesn't normally make, he will watch you take the first bite and cross his fingers that you like it
which you always do
Mornings with him will pretty much always be domestic and sweet
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When he wakes up, his cheeks go poof
anyway you usually wake up before him on your days off
but he will wake up soon after you
it’s like he senses that you're awake and wants to join in on the party
so when he wakes up, he feels you stretching and wiggling around
Will make fun of you if you make any of those awkward stretching noises
like hush leave me alone
isn’t hard to wake up but he will 100% drag you out of bed as soon as he can
mostly because he wants food
if you don’t get up right away he’ll just make you
like the recent video where he just picks up San and moves him? Yeah exactly
will also do that weird shimmy dance he did in that video too just to show you how excited he is
like a golden retriever no lie
so excited to be with you all the time
“Baby, let’s go” “baby, let’s eat” *smoochies*
and you just kinda let him drag you all over the place because he’s cute
isn’t one for morning cuddles in bed, but will still make you sit on his lap during breakfast and stuff just to have you close
cute squish who just wants to be loved aw
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clingy baby right here
Will probably wake up before you
but he’s not totally there yet, you know?
like his eyes are open but he’s dead
kinda flounders for a second trying to find you in the bed
when he does, he’s sticking to you and not letting go
probably falls asleep again because he’s so comfy and warm
so, it’s up to you to wake up before both of you sleep through the day
he’s usually pretty happy when he wakes up
lots of sleepy smiles
nuzzling into you like crazy
even though he’s groggier than you, he will be the first to get up
probably to pee or something idk he just needs to move
eager to start the day
If you’re still in bed 5 minutes after he gets up he’s gonna judge you
“How dare you let me start our day together by MYSELF”
when you do get up, all is forgiven
the kind of person who likes to go out for breakfast rather than cook it at home
it’s not that he can’t, he just doesn’t want to lmao
always excited to dress up a little bit with you for breakfast dates
the perfect beginning to your day together imo
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obviously you’re gonna have to be the one to wake him up
waking up is San’s least favorite part of the day
will trap you in bed for the entire day if you let him
“San, I know you’re tired but we slept ‘til noon”
“Let’s make it 2:00″
literally goes through the 7 stages of grief when he wakes up
Denial: “not morning yet, bye”
Guilt: “I’m so lazy”
Bargaining: “BABY, two more hours, it’ll be great”
Depression: “they started the day without me and I’m lonely”
Upward Turn: “maybe I feel a little more awake now”
Working Through: “ok I can do this, just one more stretch”
Acceptance: “Im up”
Like finally
definitely likes morning cuddles though so if you didn't give him at least that, then he’s gonna hate you for the day
loves starting his day with you and if you don't help him wake up the way he wants
Grumpy baby all day
just snuggle him dammit
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ok so he’s not waking up I don't care
when Mingi sleeps, he’s comatose okay
until he has a genuine reason to get up, he is parked
likes to cuddle, but not gonna sacrifice sleep for it
so, if you get up and start your day, whatever he’ll stay
like he’ll ask you to stay and cuddle but he isn’t gonna have enough energy to argue with you over it lmao
you deadass need jumper cables to get him started
if he has to get up to pee or something minor, he will try to do it without you noticing so he can go back to sleep
“NO” and then he sprints back to bed
cue wrestling in bed because once he is fully awake he can’t sit still
like you’re trying to get him up and, while he’s awake now, he just wants to make your life a little harder
pulling you under the covers and everything while you're begging him to come eat with you
he will eventually give in because food
but with him, you kind of just have to let him wake up on his own
if you want to get him started that’s fine, but it prolly won’t help lmao
let him sleep, he’ll figure it out
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Wooyoungie babyyyyy
When I wake up in the morning...it’s not as sexy as you think
contrary to popular belief, Woo does not wake up sexily
he wakes up friggin adorable
when you wake up first, he just makes you cuddle him until he’w ready to get up, no arguments
but if he wakes up first, he’s wiggling all over the place
another one who just cant sit still 
will stretch and bounce and just be a nuisance until you get up too
he will definitely smack you in the face when he’s stretching and then just laugh when you glare at him
when really he should fear for his life like you did not just wake me up by SMACKING ME
but will definitely be kissing you everywhere because he always says he wants to start his day by seeing you smile
cheeseball fr
also he’s loud
in case you didn't know
but his volume is contagious and then you're both yelling and its insane
but then you're both giggling and kissing and hugging and its a good morning because
no time spent with Wooyoung is wasted
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(How could I not use this gif I mean really)
Jongho is so hard to wake up
like at least Mingi will wake up to shoo you away
but Jongho physically cannot
You could squeeze an air horn by his face and he wouldn't even flinch
basically he’s a heavy sleeper
But as you have more sleepovers, you’ll figure out a way to wake him up more effectively
whatever your method may be, he will be smiling as soon as he opens his eyes
always excited to see you
bc he’s a sweet baby
will make you hug him for a little bit and he’ll kiss your head
after a little bit he’ll sigh and be like “okay”
that’s when you know you can both get up
will follow you around and do pieces of his routine as you do yours
you're almost totally in sync its kinda creepy
but then he will offer to help you make breakfast and always lets you pick what you want to make
just soft for you in general and he’d give you the world
hell, he’s definitely strong enough
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I love having characters discuss media they like / characterization-through-fandom so maybe have A Boy of choice discuss their favorite movie and everyone else reacts?
Okay so this isn’t very good, but I guess I like how I wrote Eduardo. Basically teenage Eduardo, Jon and Mark lowkey larp as their old west ancestors, Eduardo Juan and Marco, while waiting at a park for Edd Tom and Matt to come larping as their respective ancestors, Edward Thompson and Matthew.
Critique is welcomed but idk why you’d wanna do that with this piece lmao.
Word count: roughly 1,400. 
“Barbie and the Diamond Castle,” Juan said, biting into his very authentically old west McDonald’s Mcdouble. 
Eduardo’s laughs quickly turned to wheezing coughs. “God, Jon, what’re you, my niece?” 
“Who?” Juan looked at him expectedly.
“Fine, Juan.” Eduardo said, “why’d you choose the most feminine movie out there? Not enough reasons to not have sex with you yet?”
“I just really like it, okay?” Juan said, “the animation’s really cute, the songs are nice, and I watched it at least once a month until I was seven.” 
“Jesus you’re gayer than me.” Marco said.
“Haha, I think my parents are still waiting for me to come out,” Juan laughed.
“What’s your favorite scene from the movie?”
“I’m sorry are we seriously talking about fucking Barbie movies now?” Eduardo said, “this is supposed to be a stake out.”
“We had to listen to you play Mindless Self Indulgence the entire car ride here, so shut your mouth.” 
“What are you talking about? I had my earbuds in.”
“You were blasting it.”
“Oh, that’s why your mother kept looking at me weird through the front view mirror.” Eduardo said, “that sucks.”
“It’s okay, I think she’s come to terms with the fact that I’m friends with exclusively delinquents.”
“Just kidding, just kidding.”
“That’s mean, Mark. O. M-Marco.”
“Hypocrite.” Eduardo said.
“Anyways,” Marco rolled his eyes, “what about Barbie and her castle and your obsession with them both?”
“I don’t like it anymore! Just when I was a kid,” Juan said. “And it wasn’t her castle, they were actually really poor, they just had to travel to the castle to save a girl trapped in a mirror and the concept of music.” 
“...Huh?” Eduardo said.
“I don’t remember the plot very well, but I think that’s about it.”
“Huh. Sounds like something my niece would actually like.” Eduardo said, “they wear dresses in those movies, right?”
“Yeah of course, it’s Disney.”
“Can you text me a picture of the main girl? I’ll draw her in the dress and give it to her on her birthday.” 
“Aw, how sweet! Sure.” Juan, the infamous old west bandit, got out his phone and texted Eduardo the main girls.
“When are Edd, Tom and Matt supposed to come, anyways?” Marco asked, “my mom’s picking us up in a couple of hours.”
“Shut up Mark, they’ll be here,” Eduardo said, looking out across the grass and duck pond. 
“How do you know?” Juan asked, collecting the group's trash to throw away. “You said Edd has bad handwriting, maybe you read it wrong.”
“I didn’t read it wrong! Trust me, they’ll be here. They’re fuckin’ nerds and their ancestors were these cool action hero guys, of course they’ll wanna larp as them!”
“I thought you said they weren’t cool at all?” Juan asked, “and that their ancestors were gay or something?” 
“Of course they’re not actually cool!” Eduardo said, “but they sure thought they were, so I’m just explaining their train of thought.”
“Couldn’t we just larp as our ancestors?” Juan asked, “it would be fun, and a lot less stressful.”
“I thought that’s what we were doing?” Marco asked, tugging at his cheap brown bandanna Juan had found at Walmart the day before.
“I mean, I guess, but it’s not really authentic if we keep talking about Barbie and cars.”
“Then stop talking about fucking Barbie, problem solved,” Eduardo said. “Now make use of that second pair of binoculars, I think I see their car.” 
“...I wonder if Marco was gay.” Marco said, watching the ducks sleep.
“What d'ya mean?” Eduardo asked.
“Oh, I don’t know. Obviously I know there were quite a few gay people in the old west, it’s just funny to think about. How different of a life he would’ve led.”
“I found a photo of him kissing a guy on google.” Juan said, getting out his phone to find it again.
“Really?” Eduardo turned to face him, the car having driven past the parking lot. “How?”
“I remember hearing Edd talk about how that detective’s diary was really gay and thought about if that made Marco’s ancestor gay, to.” 
“Well not everyone in my ancestral line was gay, you know.”
“Yeah but the detective looked a lot like Edd, and Marco looked a lot like you, so I figured it only made sense to check. Here.” Juan handed Marco his phone. “It doesn’t say who the guy is.”
“Wait, so are you saying you think Edd’s gay?” Eduardo lit up and put his fingers together like a pyramid, “oh that’s interesting.” 
“What, are you planning on outing him to the school or something?” Marco asked. 
“No, of course not!” Eduardo said, “I just think it’d be something to bring up.”
“What does that even mean?” 
“Come on, he’s bullied you for being gay before!”
“That was a year ago, and that doesn’t mean he deserves the same treatment!”
“-Mark,” he glared at Juan, “just drop it, okay? If they don’t show up we won’t be able to catch them being idiots, so we’ll have to find some other way to do it!”
“Why do we need to? Have you ever considered that maybe if you stopped picking fights with them they’d leave us alone?” 
“Me?! They’re the ones that pick fights with us!” Eduardo slammed his fist down on the table, making the old wood wobble, “don’t you remember when we were in English and they told the teachers we were the ones that started that knife fight, when really it was them? Or when they were throwing knives at each other, and then stashed them in my locker when they heard a teacher coming? Or when that girl got stabbed-”
“Look, I get it, they suck, but at some point we become just as bad as them.” Marco reasoned. 
An alarm went off in Marco’s pocket.
“Hey, it’s almost 7. We should be packing up.” 
Eduardo sighed, “...fine.”
Juan threw away their trash as they were walking back to the parking lot. Marco took his bandanna off and stuffed it in his pocket.
“Are you able to eat dinner at my place?” Mark asked.
“You sure your parents would want me over again?”
“What are you talking about? Of course. Why not?”
“I don’t know, I just got the impression I annoyed them last time.”
“You didn’t. So, can you come?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t think to ask my parents.”
“Do you want to?”
“Yeah sure.” Eduardo got out his phone and texted his mom. 
“I won’t be able to come, my grandma’s over and dad’s making stew.” Juan said.
“Oh, nice.”
“Yeah, it is.”
The ducks walked out of their way as they passed.
 {i really am just writing the most boring shit rn, huh? I mean i guess its realistic.}
 “Okay I can go, she said to be home by 10.” Eduardo put his phone away.
“Your dad isn’t gonna gril me about colleges again, is he?”
“Hey, if I have to deal with it then so do you.” Mark smirked. 
“It’s just annoying to hear him talk about all these engineering colleges.” He rolled his eyes, “as if I want to drive myself insane with those classes.”
“He’s only doing it because he wants you to have a nice job.”
“...I can have a nice job as a painter too.” Eduardo said, but the bite was gone.
 {my moms getting mcdonalds i cant wait im so hungry its literally 10pm} {its 1230 now and btw i loved it}
 “It’s your choice.”
“Have you decided what college you want to attend yet, Marco-Mark?” Jon asked.
Eduardo chuckled.
“I’m not sure yet. I might become an english teacher, or a librarian.”
“Huh. Nice.” Jon said. “I kinda wanna be a photographer, but I know there isn’t a lot of 
{and then I gave up}
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bnha-imagines-hcs · 6 years
oh no im curious about these sex pollen hcs. hit me up with some aizawa please if you want to and haven't already, whenever you have time?
( of course i had in mind some desperate guilty sex when i posted that, but it never wanted to write itself bc: aizawa wouldn’t. he just wouldn’t. so instead, have this sfw hurt/comfort thing – that is half summarised bc i didn’t wanna write everything out ❤❤ . )
| aizawa; drabble & headcanons.
           it wasn’t even a quirk. 
the sex industry, as always, is booming. tech levels rise through the ages and as man’s ability to mimic nature leaps ahead… we get a hold of that long sought-after aphrodisiac.as with any drug, it’s sold in degrees of potency - the most debilitating ones not commonly found anywhere but at the black market.
          it wasn’t even an attack of any kind. just a fun game, let’s try this shit out with your friends - spice up a night of clubbing. someone had gotten hold of it somewhere, and fuck but they should’ve asked where.they didn’t. underestimated it; caution wasn’t enough.
weak. everything is so loud, so bright, so invasively intense– a lamppost’s dim light cause for skull’s pounding and the door’s slippery slick plastic like a hyperactive second skin. 
not what you might call sexy.
and yet. of course this demonic fucking drug doesn’t give a shit– everything is aching. joints and muscles from the constant strain, head from the fucking stress and core because for the love of all that is sane, there needs to be something in there or around there.
         “sh-shou-t-t-ta-                              fuck                     -please open the door- fuck please be home,”                          knocking has little result when it’s a jarring slide of                          skinskinskin on wetslipperywaterplasticyskinskinskin               that renders their knuckles powerless. they slip sideways,                flop against the bell until it finally ringsloudLOUDFUCKINGLOUD.
the tremor in their limbs is a racket, something that drives up through all the senses- then finds it’s got nowhere to go, ricochets off every thought and turns emotions into nausea.
christ. are you supposed to take a single grain of this shit-? it’d been dust, fine and easy to sprinkle into the foam that topped one beer, the fizz of someone’s coke. those combos a good idea?evidently not.were you supposed to take that shit at all? was it not fit for consumption, or– oh god oh god oh god
it’s a god awful time, waiting for that second skin to peel away and leave them the fuck alone. thumping reverberates, an amplified ache, and then the door falls away and they with it.
“shit– y/n? injured or drunk?”          god, he’s so sweet. nothing useful registers; just blacks and grey [ stubble ] and pale skin / dark rings under [ eyes ] – there’s way too much sensation pouring in through every shred of skin held near.at leat the long kiss with the fucking front door desensitised that a lil bit.
“tell me your name.”
          oh lord, he’s worried. a stumbled reiteration soothes that some, but certainly not by much.
“what day is it?”
          “oh god, please don’t make me do that–” somewhere in the century that’s passed in hng shouta smell yeaaaahhh, there’s a click that casts out so much noise. rain’s obnoxious assault on the senses is cut short and they sag in [ arms ] distantly familiar.
“what day is it?”
          “shoutaaa… i’ hurts- uhm, uhm, fuck issit wednesday? should be wednesday night, went t’ club.” 
“partied with someone you don’t know?”
          something high-pitched and short-lived arches into what’s roughwarmfirm. loud and bright and overwhelming all else; clean strokes of way too much / please more and the misery of begging for a cure.there’s a thumb at your mouth / but time passes too slowly and it’s gone ere you can lick it, pulling up eye’s lids until the hallway light is piercing. “–fuck, don’t do that!”
“where does it hurt?”
          “everywhere-” you squirm every time he lifts fabric just to uselessly look at your skin / cry for the skittering itching need when sure fingers check wrist, elbow, the inside of your knee - nothing lasts, not even long enough to fully register. “please, shouta-”
“tell me your address.”
          “–right here,” then, less obscenely, follows the street you stood out in the rain at, the house you’re in just to cling to his solid shapes.
“where are your friends?”
          “home. cab. took it together.” right, that happened. feels like oceans of drowning ago.
straight-up emergency calls Recovery Girl. she comes by despite the pouring rain; was on her way and also,,, u gonna help a pal out. goes yeah that’s what it looks like (completely unaffectedly asks shouta to keep his girl from rubbing themselves on her pls), then gives y/n a tablet that’s a sleeping pill & against inflammatory stuff, and a tiny smooch to help recover quicker - but a tiny one, cuz y/n is gonna need all of her energy.                 ( no not for that ya sickos >8) )
y/n remembers all that scattered intensity finally drawing into a focal point as shouta lets her grind on his thigh (he cannot touch her he just fucking can’t - and he’s right not to. he is not aroused in the slightest lmfao christ) before everything just. fades to black in her mind. she was not lucid enough to register the sleeping pill at the time (only swallowing smth), but come morning she can piece it together.she’s exhausted. and she’s slept – aizawa, sitting in a chair and at a desk to support him with what smells like bitter coffee, looks like shit. y/n cries for him, because they know how personally he takes things, how he worries, how it takes him a while to stop blaming himself for shit happening to ppl he loves. she’s sorry for burdening him - even if he prefers it, she’s just sorry to put him on the spot like that anyway. she cries for the scare– she cries for what could have happened.
shouta’s already called all the friends that went clubbing with his s/o and notified local police - both bc wtf this drug?? in civilian hands?? and obv to make sure they got home safe, and if they didn’t he’d call a hero to go find them. he’ll be questioning the friend who brought the drugs, find out whether this was a matter of accident or of someone dropping bad drugs in innocent hands.
y/n demands he come rest– shouta’s more than relieved to be able to hold them in his arms now without feeling dirty, though he remains cautious of reigniting smth somehow. but the drug’s immediate influences have passed - now their body’s exhausted both from it and from working it out their system. y/n couldn’t be less horny rn, just wants to cling to him & make sure he eats, gd. they take charge of the situation, of shouta and his guilt. he’s called in sick btw- sick, bc not spreading their private business all over w/o at least giving them time to prepare for it; it may go public anyway if it turns out to be a bigger problem. – s/o says ok. you’re going to eat. i’ll eat a lil too if i can keep it down. you can check on me in between making it (s/o is not gonna get up yet, that feels Not Good), then we drink some water, then we lay down here and rest. shouta’s won over bc logic and bc please let him physically curl arnd them to protect and wash away the night’s horrors.
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felixthekoala · 6 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*soft bias tag*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
tagged by: @bangchcn and @changbeanie ily guys <333
So, after popular request, I decided to do this for Jeongin, even though he’s technically not my bias, I’m just scared of Felix rn lol.
(Lemme just warn you I kinda got carried away lol)
*♡  。・゚゚・ 1. Who is your bias?
Felix, but I’m doing this for Jeongin!
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 2. What made you notice them?
I’m gonna answer this as what made me first start straying into his lane.  So he’s always been a wrecker of mine because we’re similar and we’re close in age, plus I love his eyes so much and his personality is just so lovable.  Also his singing voice gives me chills.  I just love Jeongin oof.  But he’s really become a huge wrecker for me ever since I went on asc and my friends (who call themselves love detectives XD) were convinced that he had a crush on me, and while I don’t fully believe it bc like that’s impossible esp for me lol, his reactions and stuff were cute and it just made me soft seeing him be so sweet and adorable when interacting with me.  And then I started watching a bunch of videos of him and stuff and I’m even softer for him.  Yeek someone help me.  
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 3. What’s your favorite thing about them?
Oof this is hard.  I really love his eyes, but I think the thing I like most about him is his smiley personality.  his smile is so beautiful and I love the fact that he started smiling more when he was told people were scared of him because he looked intimidating.  I actually can relate to that, because when I was in middle school as well, people thought I was mean because I had rbf.   Also I just love his interactions with the other members, especially Seungmin and he’s such an underrated meme like the faces he makes XD  Also the way he literally freezes when he does aegyo is like the cutest thing ever???  Like what’s not to love about him tbh.  But anyway yeah he’s just such a sweetheart and he’s so precious. 
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 4. Who would initiate skinship more?
honestly, I’m not sure, because we’ve seen him reject the members countless times, but idk if that’s him trying to maintain his savage maknae image or if he really isn’t comfortable with that sort of thing.  I am a koala though, and I even cuddle anything next to me when I’m sleeping, so I’d probably unintentionally initiate skinship constantly, so probs me?  But like I’ve seen him interacting with Felix on vlives and like Felix one time just leaned back on him and was like playing with his knee and Jeongin actually like lowkey put his hand through Felix’s arm and it was really subtle but sweet and adorable so I feel like he might do like really lowkey stuff like that that he might not realize at first?  Like absent-mindedly putting his hand on my arm or elsewhere and stuff like that.  Idk I just feel like he isn’t as afraid of cooties as he seems but he’s still pretty shy.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 5. Who would hog blankets more?
oof me.  I pull blankets off everyone.  But I can see Jeongin being like one of those grumpy sleepers who fights back so it’d turn into an all-out blanket war with neither of us conscious and we’d wake up with random footprints and bruises on each other XD
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 6. Who would be more clingy?
Probs me tbh, unless he was like really whipped for me, but I feel like this boy would try to seem cool or whatever and be like that subtle clingy type, like pretends he doesn’t care but comes up with excuses for his s/o to stay with him.  Like ya know that typical “you should be near me so you don’t die of hypothermia” kinda thing.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 7. Who would say ‘I love you’ first?
honestly, probably him because I’d be so scared of being rejected I’d wait for him to say it first, which might take a while lol.  Watch it be like months of us shying away from saying it but talking about it 
*♡ 。・゚゚・  8. Who would be more easily flustered?
Jeongin is a shy floof, so probs him, but like that boy makes my heart race so idk we might be equal...  Like we’d take turns making each other flustered.
“Hey Cait”
“hehe hey Jeongin”
“Hehe u look nice today”
“Hehe u look even better”
*both faces red as tomatoes*
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 9. What cuddling position would you two have?
I’m the little spoon all the way.  But like couch cuddling (if he’d permit it lol) I’d def just like curl up with my head on his shoulders and his arm around me cuz that’s like my fav position.  When I sleep, like I’ve said before, I am literally a koala, like anyone or anything that is in bed with me (ask my various friends who have shared a bed with me on school trips lol they have some hilarious stories XD) will end up with all of my limbs (arms and legs) wrapped tightly around them and my head tucked into them.  So I feel like Jeongin is just gonna end up getting used to me falling asleep while with him and wrapping my entire body around him.  who knows?  Maybe he’d eventually find it endearing/enjoyable XD.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 10. Which colours remind you of them and why?
pink, bc both of us really love pink and pink is a soft color just like that soft boy.  Also he said he wants to dye his hair hot pink and I’m actually dyeing my hair rose gold next week so lol we could be the pink 01 liner squad/duo  jkjk idk what im saying lol
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 12. Which season would you like to spend with them?
all of them autumn.  Autumn is my favorite season, and plus it’s the season for cozying up by the fire with my favorite autumn scented candles and hot apple cider and I can bake cookies and pies and stuff.  And autumn is also halloween, so we could wear amazing couple costumes and eat a bunch of candy and watch scary movies together (with me ending up in his lap hiding my face in his chest bc I’m the jumpiest person ever).  It’s also the time my family tends to go to Disneyland, so I could go there with him over Thanksgiving while the festival of holidays is going on so we can go on all the special revamped rides and eat a bunch of the special foods and enjoy the ambiance and take a million cute couple photos at different parts of the park and go on California screamin and the Guardians ride a million times and take adorable photos on them as well.  Oof I’m sorry I could go on about all the Autumn things I’d kill to do with Jeongin omg
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 13. Who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?
I’d bake and he’d steal the batter, but I’d def take a bunch too.  Tbh, it’d end up a full-out batter battle with more batter on our faces/in our hair than in the bowls.  Then we’d just go out for ice cream XD
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 14. Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
I’d make the bad puns and he’d half judge me half laugh shyly bc he thought it was cute?  (this is hypothetical, if he liked me lol just gotta remind y’all i don’t actually think Jeongin thinks I’m cute XD)  
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 15. Who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?
BOTH OF US  I already have 3 dogs and 2 cats and I’m sure Jeongin would love all of them, but he’d also want one that was like ours so he’d probs get at least another puppy and name it some cute name that’s like an inside joke or something that only we would get.  Or tbh he’d name it a marvel name like Loki bc we’re both geeks like that XD  (one of my cats’ full name is Loki’s Bolt of Chaos, so...)
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 16. Which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen try to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue?
I’d def burn down the kitchen, I’ve already burned myself countless times and set myself and my school’s chem lab on fire...  and Jeongin would come in a panic and try to stop the fire but he’d be clueless how to stop it and end up having to call Chan to help.  Cut to twenty minutes later after all the boys were dragged out of bed by the commotion, glaring at me and Jeongin while Chan lectured us about the dangers of trying to make a snack at 3am while half asleep.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 17. Who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back?
He’d lean over and I’d pull him back because one of the major fears I have is losing things I love over a railing/bridge (ahem my phone, I always have a hulk-like grip on it when on bridges and the like) so I’d be terrified he would fall off and if he didn’t go down immediately I’d probably have a panic attack and end up crying bc like I said that’s like one of my biggest fears and I couldn’t afford to lose him.  Obvs my crying would make him immediately jump down and see what was wrong.  And after that I’d hold his hand tight and make sure he didn’t get within 3 feet of a railing.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 18. What would watching a horror film with them be like?
I feel like we’d both be pretty terrified (tho I’d def be more terrified cuz I’m the jumpiest person ever), and Jeongin would try to seem cool but inside he’d end up being too scared to go to sleep that night and we would just end up staying up and talking and watching comedies and stuff.  Maybe he’d find it cute when I squeaked and jumped during the horror movie??  Idk lol
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 19. Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
I feel like both of us would be the shy flirt.  Like Jeongin is a shy floof and I just spazz out when trying to flirt, so I wouldn’t actually be able to flirt with him until I was more confident with our relationship.  Like I’m okay flirting around people I’m not crazy about, but with Jeongin I’d be super shy and end up tripping over a trashcan and falling on top of it as a result of me trying to look cool in front of him.  (funny story that actually happened to me.  The guy definitely noticed me lol.  And talked to me.  Literally just to ask me if I was okay bc he saw the whole thing including me walking into two walls right before then... yea... and that’s def not the only time I’ve embarrassed myself and spazzed out in front of my crushes...)
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 20. Who is more competitve?
Probs me.  But when I like someone I either turn like extremely competitive to look good in front of them or whatever or I do the exact opposite and let them win bc I don’t want them to feel bad or be annoyed by me.  But with Jeongin I can totally see myself getting super competitive with him while baking cookies or something and we like turn it into a contest to see who can make the best cookies and then he tries to sabotage my batter and I try to retaliate and it ends with both of us on the floor covered in flour and chocolate
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 21. Who would have to be given constant reminders? (Remember to eat, don’t forget to your keys, etc)
Probably Jeongin, like I’d take care of him whenever and obvs I’d be constantly worried about him, but I feel like he’d nag me for being awake/on my phone at 4:00am and I’m very forgetful and all that lol.  I can see him trying to seem all judgey or savage ahem fact attack Jeongin u guys like “tf are you doing up, we both know you need that beauty sleep” but after a few months of me panicking and thinking he actually meant exactly what he said, I’d realize that’s just Jeongin’s way of showing he cares so I’d start sassing him back and wow I just turned this into a rant/me just droning on about texting Jeongin someone help me
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 22. Who sends memes and who sends cute ‘I miss you’ texts at 3am?
I’d def send memes and tbh he would too lol, but if either of us sent like a sweet serious text (esp him), we’d reply with a lovely wholesome meme (esp me).  But tbh once I got comfortable around him (cuz I’d be shy af at first), I’d def just send him a million sweet messages, although tbh I’d more likely call him 24/7 bc I miss him and I’d say it to him over the phone as opposed to through message.
tagging: @doublekn0t  (I made this extra long and detailed just for you def not bc I got carried away in my love for Jeongin heh)  @realstraykids @maaatryoshka @kpop-stole-my-lyfe @minhomygod @straycuties @bangchanmix @bangchant @bangchcn @meatmeinthemiddle-mark @strgaykids @himeaegyo @hey-hey-chan @jiisung @xxstraykids @s0ftminho @busanjeongin@awoojinstan @bangchanstic
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mydarlingfelix · 7 years
Get to know me tag(s)!
Tagged by: @hyunjinh  @felox-the-great @jaeffreyy @squishywoojin @welcometochanskitchen @dabkingfelix @mosquitofelix
Hi! I’m Summer btw (Ik it’s not in my bio), but I just go by Sum or other nicknames lol *I also just put multiple “get to know me” tags in 1 lol THIS IS A SUPER LONG POST IM SORRY However thank you for tagging me!! I Love you all soOoOo much!
Bold Thingy Tag
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
I think everyone done this already fkjdjgb
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo -I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair (idk it’s growing) - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing maths in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month (Lucy wanted to be drawn for her bday and I did a watercolor portrait thing ig? for her) - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority- I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol- I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event- I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling (I have like 5)- I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity (?) - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship (not a healthy one at least)- I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily (It’s disgusting, wtf is wrong with me. I don’t need feels) - I have had a crush for over a year (Umm kinda he’s just really really cute. I talked to Dain about this before) - I have been in a relationship for over a year (but not currently) - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
Alphabet Soup Tag
A: Age - “I’m 19, you fight me?” B: Birthplace - Cali C: Current time - As I’m during this 1:26pm D: Drink you had last - Water, but also Thai Tea Boba E: Easiest person to talk to - F: Favorite song - None G: Grossest memory - My cousin’s and I were doing a auntie and niece day and went theMall and I saw this girl throw up on the second floor in Forever 21. I felt sorry for the workers...  H: Hogwarts house - G I: in love? - nah, never gonna happen J: Jealous of people? - It’s only a human aspect, you’re only truly horrible if you do something nasty to others because of that feeling K: Killed someone? - Not yet lmfao L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again? - No thank you M: Middle name - Summer N: Number of siblings - 5 O: One wish - None P: Person you called last - My mom Q: Question you are always asked - Idk tbvh R: Reason to smile - Idk things make me happy S: Song you sang last - The Unit No way (I dont remember the unit colors)  T: Time you woke up - 6:43am  U: Underwear color - White  V: Vacation destination - South Korea, Japan, & idk the other one, but honestly my goal is to visit all my mutuals before I died lmfaooo W: Worst habit - Not caring, sleeping in, getting distracted easily, being anixious all the time.  X: X-rays - Teeth Y: Your favorite food - I have a lot... Z: Zodiac sign - Gemini
🥛 Colour(s) I’m currently wearing: Black... Just a lot of black (I need to stop wearing sm black omg)  🍥 Last band t-shirt I bought: I don’t ever buy clothes for myself, idk when was last time? Maybe during the Got7 concert?  🥛 Last band I saw live: Got7 (Fly In LA: Day 1) and Paradise (A Hmong Band)  🍥 Last song I listened to: Rn I’m listening to The Unit’s Cherry on Top  🥛 Lipstick or chapstick: Idk... I wear lip tints.  🍥 Last movie I watched: Ever Wonder? (idk it’s a true story about the creation of wonder women)  🥛 Last 3 TV shows I watched: Wanna One Go, Wanna One x Aimgo TV, and The Unit 🍥 Last 3 characters I identified with: Kora, Steven Universe, & Ken Kaneki (idk for this part, I never thought about this fkdfdkgd)  🥛 Book I’m currently reading: Books for my classes njfdkjd 
What’s my name? (Imma just put my initials) 
M. S. L.
What’s my nickname?
Sum, SumSum, SumShine, Summahh Girl, Tsumdere, Chee, 
How old am I?
“I’m 19, you fight me?”
What got me into Kpop?
SJ- Sorry Sorry, but Got7 made me offically stay and learning everything about the kpop fandom
What’s my favourite Kpop group?
Rn W1 (the most)
Who’s my ultimate bias?
Park Jihoon
What groups/artists do I stan?
Too many to count, you all can ask my personally if you want lol
What groups/artists do I casually listen to?
A lot, I try to be diverse, but what’s good music is good music to me. Feel free to suggest me some :D
What artists do I listen to that aren’t Kpop?
Ahh I’m lazy, but just good sounding music. Calvin Harris just popped up in my head. fknfkjskfnj 
Who’s my bias and bias wrecker from my ultimate group(s)?
Wanna One: Park Jihoon & Kang Daniel
JBJ: Kim Donghan & ??? (They’re all messing me up rn)
SK: Felix & I think Hyunjin? Idk
What’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum?
It’s recently been Chungha’s roller coaster lol and The Unit songs  
What are your favourite flower/tree/plant (all 3 or whatever you have an answer to)?
I really love plants and flowers in general, however Peonies are one of my many faves!! 
Favourite colour(s)?
Pink, blue, purple, black, white, and gray
What do you always doodle (if you ever do)?
Umm yeah I always doodling, but I try not to because I want to be able to focus in class haha. 
How do you take your coffee/tea? If you don’t like those what’s your fav warm drink?
It probably like 20% coffee and 80% french vanilla cream nfksjfgsbjg sometimes I add a lil milk too 
Favourite candle scent?
Anything flowery, but i really like sweet pea smell lol. I don’t any candles yet, so I don’t quite know which I like more yet. Soorrryy
Sunrise or Sunset?
Sunset! The colors are soo pretty and like it doesn’t require me to wake up from my sleep lmfao. The transitions of day and night it just so beautiful! and the stars that start peeking through the dark sky! 
What perfume do you wear if any?
I don’t wear perfume? I have them at home but in my opinion I feel like if you’ve showered and smell nice why try to mix more scents onto you?? and I don’t really need it? DONT WORRY I AM CLEAN NFJSNJF idk if I make any sense
What’s your go to dance move when you’re alone?
Favourite quote?
“The moon is friend for the lonesome to talk to.” ― Carl Sandburg 
&  “We ran as if to meet the moon.” ― Robert Frost  
& also 
“The moon and stars just for you my love” - Me lol 
Favourite self care thing(s) or routine(s)?
Umm... Drawing. Showering and putting a face mask afterwards. Painting my nails. It’s more like small things, especially like painting my nails and drawings are things I can’t do often because I try to focus on school, because ik I’m bad at focusing. Sleeping and reminding to just eat, when I get too busy and focused I tend to skip meals. njfkdsnfj s
Fuzzy socks or House slippers?
OMFG BOTH THAT’S LIKE THE BEST COMBO! I have these pinky and purple house slippers I got aND IT’S FUZZY KSFJ SK IT’S SOOO CUTE OMG!! I love. nfjdnfd 
What colour are your eyes? 
Dark Brown
What’s your favourite eye colour on others?
Hazel, black, and gray
Favourite season? why?
Autumn and Winter (Ik contradicts with my name) but I love the rain! and cloudy weather! The sound of rain is calming and being inside while hearing the rain is nice. I really love Spring too when the flowers begin to bloom and like it’s a fresh type of feeling when spring hits lol.
Cheek, neck or nose kisses?
SJFNKFS Honestly depends on my mood  (´•/// ω \\\•`) but I like cheek kisses because softtt
What does your happy place look like?
My room on a rainy day with my fairy lights flickering
Favourite breed of dog?
YO OKAY SO I SAW THIS FB POST ABOUT THIS DOG BEAR AND I WANT A DOG BEAR IDK WHAT THEY’RE CALLED JKFDFHKSF. My dad is a dog breeder as a side business, so I grew up with pitbulls, pocket pits, american bull dogs, frenches, and now ‘exotics’ are the trend atm. 
Do you ever want to be married? If so what colours would you pick for your wedding theme?
Umm yes and no? I’m not sure. If I have an American wedding I like to stick to a traditional white with maybe a peach and light pink here and there, but for sure I would love to do a traditional Hmong wedding. 
Silk or Lace?
Silk feels nice, but I like lace too :)
Favorite weather?
SF type of weather 
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Episode 1 - “It's not my fault our team chose the same song as the other team” - Cas
Let the games begin..............................
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we out here. i'm on the cute yellow tribe. the only person on my tribe rn is Nicole and I already like her. i hope there's an idol hidden under joe del campo's cowboy hat
* A couple seconds later*
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Very excited for this to start! Tribe seems nice so far get a good vibe from eve and Ashley for sure. Just gotta feel everyone out a lil more and see how this first challenge goes
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OKAY sooo I'll keep this first one brief. My tribe is pretty cool. I love Jared, I'm a little bit worried though because 1) he knows I'm a snake and will be scared of me and 2) he'll prob be able to know I'm friends with Ashley, but otherwise, he's my number 1 on this tribe and my favorite person in the cast other than ash. Like I'm so blessed to be with him and I don't think he'd turn on me yet since we'll be loyal. This Nicole girl seeemd cool in her vid then never messaged me back. Dylan seems nice but I think he might have been in bermuda or somethin LOL i've def played with him before and have no clue from what.... Sammy is cool, know him from before. And then uhhh that weird kid who had a three second vid, I hope he's out first. Ashley is on the red tribe I think? I LOVE HER she's literally my best ORG friend and she hasn't played in forever. Hope we get to a swap or merge without her doing something dumb first akhfdj. Patrick seems familiar I know he's old school and won HOS so that's cool. Eve seems cool never played with her but is that the same eve that does the challenge minis bc if so she knows im gonna pop off. Keaton good. Isaac good lol although I'm scared he'll come after me bc one time in his confessionals for a game we were in (i think indonesia?) eh talked about how big of a threat I was oops. maybe ashley will get him out for me LOL. and that austin guy seems cute, second game only awww. Black tribe has chloe YAYAYAY love her and excited to play with her. I think I'm on okay terms with Nick again, at least I really hope so lol bc bbclue was a mess but we kind of made up in ihos.... Vi/Cas I don't rlly know. payton seems like rhone but with a little more hair and less elderly wisdom. aidan's vid was weird but glad he got to the point I'm looking forward to this :) but I hope my tribe gets more active soon.
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Okay so- Howdy! This is your cowboy speaking. I am going to go over my general strategy for the game and what I have done so far. I want to play a very physically/socially-centered meathead kind of game- a James Clement if you will. I want to try and win every challenge that I participate in and if we lose, I want to have 1 alliance with the strongest players that I will be 100% unwaveringly loyal to. Pretty basic stuff. So my alliance is with Owen and Sammy, which oddly enough- the last 2 Big Brother games I played, they were the people who got me out, respectively. Owen/Dana/Quill in BOTS and Sammy in Legacy3. So it's a risky group but this is the strategy that I outlined for myself so I'm gonna stick to it. They will be my F3 and I will literally ride with them until the wheels fall off. Until the hooves fall off, in western speak. I have no clue if they will be loyal to the end or try to target me on some point, but I have to try to keep them from eating the apple, because I'm not going to flip as my one-dimensional gameplan will not allow that! I confirmed with both of them that this is a trio they are good with, and the Pika-Dudes were born. I think it would be pretty rewarding for me if I could actually get them to stick together and make it to the end. But they could have other alliances on this tribe and vote me out this round for all I know, but so far my perspective is that they seem loyal Lastly, I suggested that we do the song "Before He Cheats" for the challenge, and that's the first time a tribe has ever taken my suggestion for the song, so I'm happy with that. I'll check back in if we lose the comp :)
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okay so first confessional...honestly I am super excited to play with some of the people in this game. But I am just gonna talk about the challenge right now, umm so it's a music video which means.....hosts hate me...because I am always the one having to edit:,( okay so everyone got their videos to me finally except Nicole sent one vertically after I clearly said "@all plz film horizontally" so I just said bippity boppity bye. She seems sweet though and I don't want her to go anywhere soon. Anyways, Jared approached me with the idea of an alliance with me, him, and Owen which I'm totally fine with but I don't think I want to work with Jared like long game because idk if I can trust him to be like loyal to me. He is one of my fav people I just know it's a game. However I think if we go to tribal I probably would vote either Nicole or Xander. Not much confess right now except I am on a tribe with casper and his friends bc everyone forgot how to talk. alright that's it for nowwww.
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What the fuck is Terlingua on someone better pray for my dude Aidan
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VL: Oops
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Omg yay!!!! We are safe for first tribal which I love. I'm starting to form pretty good bonds with issac,eve,and ashley so hopefully I can get it to where we all link up together for some kind of alliance.
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Well so far it seems that Aidan, Chloe, Nick and I are in same mind set of voting off Payton. We shall see if it actually goes through. It’s really sad Bc the judges are all biased so now we have to vote someone out. Editing isn’t easy at all DX. I’m so sorry Payton if you’re do get voted out. You should move to the us to survive a bit longer ;-;
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So my back’s been killing me all day. I thought it was from sleeping funny but clearly its from carrying this damn tribe.
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This weekend was so flipping busy. I'm trying to get caught up at work before vacation and Matthew is here. I don't feel like I've gotten to bond with my tribe much. I'm glad to see Dylan A. We've not really gotten to play together much because he always gets voted out early in games we play but I don't think he will come for me and he's a bigger target than I. I like my tribe a lot. Jared is really funny and Sammy kicked butt in the challenge. I've talked to Owen a tad. I'm glad we didn't lose because I deserved to go home. I didn't get back from Erica's bday thing until 4 and then it wouldn't let me use the song I bought some it is copyrighted so I only had 30 sec then I couldn't get it to film horizontal. I'm a big ol mess. Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaw! 😂
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Whew okay so I don't know anyone on my tribe (kinda) which is good but also a bit scary since its just 6 of us. Overall, I feel like everyone's a bit quiet and not too talkative. That being said, they might be talking a bunch in PMs. Right now, I am trying to stay under the radar and just be friendly with everyone. I really like Austin, Eve and Patrick right now. Keaton and Isaac are nice too but I dont really talk to them as much. If we would have lost this first immunity challenge I would have definitely wanted to vote for one of them. No official alliances yet but its still early so I think its okay. THANK FUCKING GOD WE WON. Okay well, we got 2nd but thats a win in my eyes. I just really hope I make it to jury and I will be happy so not being first boot is GREAT. Im trying to get this damn idol but I cant catch a fucking break and my ass keeps getting zapped... I dont think anyone has gotten the idol yet so I hope i get lucky and somehow get to it first. Here is how I see everyone as of right now: Austin: Probably my fave right now and hoping I can get into a f2 with him. He's funny and sweet and I feel like we get along and its pretty easy to talk to him. Eve: Eve is iconic! Want to work with her but I feel like she is really social so she might be a threat later on. Pat: Same as Eve, even though I just met him, I actually have known about him before since he is friends with some of my friends. I know he does good in games so he is someone I would like to see leave a bit sooner since I think he will be hard to get rid of later. But hes amazing and his video for the music video was ICONIC. I can see him and I becoming friends for sure. Keaton: Not much to say, I do know keaton from playing a game with him in the past but he was voted out first I think and then I hosted him in HOS but i wasnt super active in that one :) Anyway, I feel like we dont have much to talk about so I need to make more of an effort with him. I really wouldnt care to see him go tbh but who knows, this can definitely change if we start talking more. Isaac: omg okay so night one I go into everyones PMs to say hi and i notice that I already had messages with him which I found super weird because I didnt know who he was but I guess we kind of got into it like 3 years ago??? I told him I didnt remember this but i do. He was basically an asshole to me for no fucking reason. But this was 3 years ago so i really dont care so I hope he doesnt try to target me over it. He seems nice I guess but I havnt really talked to him much. In his defense he has been sick apparently but if we would have gone into this first TC I would have wanted to see him voted out first for sure.
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Confessional 1: So right off the bat I talk a lot to everyone but Payton but my main issue is he’s probably not going so I’m gonna need to vote out someone I genuinely like right away. I think I’m decently connected and unless these guys are pulling off the best blindside ever I think I might possibly be semi safe??? Who knows though there’s a lot left of game to play this round so let’s let’s see who the votes will land on. I’m kinda trying to indirectly get my way but it’s like just not working out lol.
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Its been a fun couple of days, im talking to my tribe and just feeling them out. Im very happy I don't have a history with any of them so I can just relax and start a clean state. Im a big fan of Jared and Sammy, but honestly nicole can go. She annoys me more than Jess's love of alcohol. I'm hoping to just chill and slide my way to merge where from there actually make moves and make my way to final 5 where we all know im gonna be voted out.
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Idk what the fuck is going on lmao. I think I’m getting voted out because I haven’t talked to anyone but I’m trying to push the vote in cas instead but it might be too late because I just started talking to everyone cause I’ve been working too much.
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Am I disappointed with my tribe? No. Am I disappointed with the outcome? Yes. I'm not a fan of these subjective challenges because the criteria literally changes everytime and all the judges (who are usually unqualified, uneducated and underemployed) seem to like to harp in on the most random shit like- I can't. And the fact that I, someone who never edited a fucking video before, had to do that shit just shows how useless my tribe is overall. Either useless or lazy but either way... I'm predicting a Matsing performance from this tribe. Why the fuck did I get placed here? So far people are fine but I don't /love/ anyone. Maybe I could put in more effort but like Chloe/Nick/Vi all seem fine and fun but like nobody I'm too connected with yet. I'm sure it'll come. Chloe and I seem to have the most similar personality but something tells me she's like connected idk. I don't see her going far with me. I see Nick/Vi being loyal though. Payton and Cas are like fine I guess but afaik they're the ones on the chopping block because of minimal socialization. I will be voting for Cas but honestly I don't care who goes home as long as it isn't me. I just want a tribe that isn't awful.
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I like my tribe ok I guess. They’re all a girl or a gay except Keaton so that’s a plus. Despite my lack of participation in the first challenge due to my meningitis I’ve been assured that I should be safe on this tribe and I’ve been offered an alliance so we’ll see where that goes. I’m looking forward to beat sent home by Jared’s homophobic ass though. It’ll be fun
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Dont sue me I'm dumb Okay this tribe is an interesting bunch, Ashley is great but scary, eve knows wtf is up, Pat and I are playing a game together rn, Issac... And Austin knows about me! Luckily we are safe but I think I can traverse this group without TOO much issue.
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https://soundcloud.com/user-327042896/dylan-confess-1/s-HFs1s https://soundcloud.com/user-327042896/dylan-2/s-nVSd2 https://soundcloud.com/user-327042896/dylan-3/s-65KCP https://soundcloud.com/user-327042896/dylan-4/s-kLYio https://soundcloud.com/user-327042896/dylan-6/s-r6uNi
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So like, love my tribe so far, I think Issac, myself Ashley and Austin are going to become a possible / close alliance, I also LOVE LOVE LOVE pat! What a fucking legend. Rly wanna try to work w him!! Idk dont wanna lose bc that means someone has to go :(
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Dont sue me I'm dumb Okay this tribe is an interesting bunch, Ashley is great but scary, eve knows wtf is up, Pat and I are playing a game together rn, Issac... And Austin knows about me! Luckily we are safe but I think I can traverse this group without TOO much issue.
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0 notes
b00bstone · 7 years
All the even numbers!
thats a lot. and 72 was repeated twice but i had to renumber them since i copied and pasted adn forgot it was repeated. but anyway. 
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
mostly shy i think but i can be outgoing if im comfortable. 
4 Are you easy to get along with?
not really. i can be quite moody. and i unfortunately have a short temper (which im trying to work on) and im depressed adn suicidal so i think the answer is no. 
6 What kind of people are you attracted to?
smart funny ones. 
8Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
my friend the nerd because i was talking to them and my friend rabbit earlier. 
10Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
probs my therapist since we talked just earlier today.
12What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
1.awkward by hailey knox
2 beautiful girl by sara barielles 
3. plot twist by sigrid
4 waving through a window from dear evan hansen 
and 5. dissapear also from dear evan hansen.
14Do you believe in luck and miracles?
yeah but my luck is shitty and miracles happen to other people. so basically yes but not for me lmao
16Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
yeah. if she were down. but like shes really straight. so i doubt she would be.
18Do you still talk to your first crush?
occasionally. hes a dick now tho. fraternity guy. and voted for trump.
20Do you like your neighbors?
well the ones i know are pretty cool. 
22Where would you like to travel?
narnia. one of those planets they discovered that are super far away but similar to earth. but like on this planet? probs travel around europe. 
24Favorite part of your daily routine?
going to bed. 
26What do you do when you wake up?
lie there and try to go back to sleep. 
28Who are you most comfortable around?
probs my friend rabbit.
30Do you ever want to get married?
one day yeah. but only if i find the right person u know. 
32Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
oohhhh ummm hmmm. chris pratt. aubrey plaza and john boyega. i feel like aubrey would bring a sarcastic element which would help with the pressure and nervousness and john and chris. well u can just see in their eyes that theyre really gentle people that will treat u right. 
34do you play sports? What sports?
hahaha no. ive always wanted to dance and/or be on a swimteam. but my lungs hate me
36Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
i think ive only told like 1 or 2 people that ive liked that i liked them. and ive liked a lot of people so yes. i have hidden that i liked someone before. many many times.
38Describe your dream girl/guy?
theyre taller than me. i dunno why but ive always liked wavy/curly hair. not blonde. or brunette. so that leaves unnatural hair color or black or red. good bone structure. theyre really smart. like they know lots of stuff academically but theyre also just generally smart u know. and they know lots of lil random facts about random things. really nice. but not in like a sugar nice way but more like sun beams when it feels like theyre warming u from the inside kinda nice. kind eyes. color doesnt really matter since i keep changing my mind. strong. but not necessarily muscular. i want them to be able to pick me up and twirl me around but not like theyve got a sixpack or anything. sixpacks are kinda weird looking tbh. wed have to have most of the same values. not too talkative but not like ALWAYS quiet. theyd prefer staying in most weekend and watchng shows but dont mind the occassional night out. theyd like the beach. because what kind of crazy person doesnt like the beach (people that dont beach right thats who). theyd also like biking and hiking and swimming. very much an animal person. not lazy. good listener. intuitive. would understand that some days i just cant fucking stand physical touch. and others i crave it in a way ive never craved anything before. and other days its kinda meh whatever. people that take interest in what im interested in because im interested in it. and whose interests are cool. because i love to take interest in things my friends are interested in but sometimes its so boring. nothing particular comes to mind. but im sure its happened. someone who doesnt check up on me when im crying. because tbh i hate it when people do that. unless its through texting or a phone call. but like people in person asking “are u ok?” while im sobbing my eyes out? fuck no go away. someone who understands that im really fucking bad with words. and sometimes me trying to say something will take a while and it may not make sense. theyd be patient. they wouldnt mock me. or be manipulative. and i think this list is long enough.
40What do you want to do after high school?
travel the world and end up famous, but not like papparazzi following me famous. famous like i appear on snl every once in a while and drop bangers or rad filsm or whatever i do and thats all.  what will i probs end up doing? crying a lot and going to community college. and applying to as many colleges as i have the energy to. 
42If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
it might mean im busy. or just listening. or really pissed off. or upset. or just have nothing to say. 
44Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
46What are you paranoid about?
48Have you ever been drunk?
not yet. but sometimes i want to be
50What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
blue i think?
52 One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
everything. but like one specific thing? id like to get rid of my depression, fears, and this brain fog that haunts me
.54 Favourite store?
trader joes or target
56Favourite color?
58 Last thing you ate?
well rn im eating plain potato chips and mayo (please dont judge me. i know its disgusting)
60Ever won a competition? For what?
i used to do mma i won like one or two of those. i also run a riding competition once. 
62Been arrested? For what?
not yet. but im sure one day i will be.
64tell us the story of your first kiss?
we were in her parents bathroom and were 7. thats all i remember. havent kissed anyone since. which isnt for lack of wanting to.
68Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
i dont really have any tumblr friends that arent my real friends yet? so like i cant answer that.
70 Twitter or Tumblr?
well i spend all my time here and not on twitter so lets go with tumblr. altho i do have a twitter im never on
72Names of your best friends?
adi, heather, rabecca, joaquin, celestine. 
74What colour are your towels?
blue, red and white. and theres some hawaiin print ones and a yellow one. 
76How many pillows do you sleep with?
78How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
like 40? dont judge. i kept asking as a kid and my parents kept giving them to me for christmas and my birthday. they should have stopped. 
80What colour is your underwear?
rn its grey. but its not the only color i have
82Favourite ice cream flavor?
fuck. ummmmm coffee?
84What colour pants?
rn theyre black. but on the front of the thighs they have zebra striping. 
86Favourite movie?
thats not an easy question to answer. im gonna say bringing up baby just because. 
90Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
both? i mean i prefer mean girls a lil more bu 21 jumpstreet isnt bad either
92 Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
dory. we are both scatterbrained. 
94Last person you talked to today?
adi. but like in person? rabbit and the nerd. 
96Name a person you love?
celestine. (not romantically)
98In a fight with someone?
not as far as i know. but i always kinda feel like im in a fight with monkey. 
100How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
like 4? i know i know i dont have very many. 
102Favourite actress?
aubrey plaza. 
104Do you tan a lot?
nope. i try at least once every summer. but my skin either stays as pale as snow or i burn really bad then my skin shift to a slightly more offwhite shade of snow. 
106. How are you feeling?
blergh. potato chips and mayo are really gross. and im tired and sick of people telling me shit. 
108Do you regret anything from your past?
i regret everything ive ever done. 
110Do you miss anyone from your past?
well there is this one guy i used to talk to but i miss the attention and not him so that doesnt count. i kinda miss a friend of mine named shannon from elementary school sunday school
112Ever broken someone’s heart?
i dont think so. 
114What should you be doing?
school. but ive given up on that. so. 
.116 Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
oh yeah. ive liked 2 peoplethat much. altho i barely knew the first person and it was more me projecting my ideals of the prefect person onto them. 
118Who was the last person you cried in front of?
probs my therapist. 
120Have you ever been out of your province/state?
yeah. i was just in virginia last week. i live in california so id say thats definitely out of state. 
122Are you listening to music right now?
124Do you like Chinese food?
americanized or traditional? americanized: yessss that shit i shte bomb. traditional? i dont know ive never had it. 
126Are you afraid of the dark?
yes. very. i need a light source or i start to panic. 
.128 Is cheating ever okay?
like on a partner or on a test or something? on a partner? no way. u should never do that. like thatll really fuck them up and make them mistrustful for the rest of their life. on a test? if its necessary sure go for it. i dont care. im not ur teacher. 
130Do you believe in love at first sight?
yeah. but its not something thatll ever happen to me lmao.
132. Are you currently bored?
im always bored. 
134 Would you change your name?
last name? yes 100% absolutely. first name? maybe. 
136Do you like subway?
like the sandwich shop? fuck no! the first time i ate it i threw up. the second time was ok. and thei third time i got serious stomach cramps afterwards. it was these awful sharp shooting pains all through my stomach. 
138Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
probs my therapist. 
140Can you count to one million?
theoretically? yes. but will i? no 
142Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
closed! my closet freaks me out but the office across from my bedroom freaks me out more. and also like i dont want cats walking on my face. or to wake up at 7 am and find that my dog has taken up the very middle of the bed. 
144Curly or Straight hair?
rn? mostly straight. but when it gets longer it kinda curls a  lil. 
146Summer or Winter?
yes. i like both. dont make me choose. 
148 Favourite month?
july. thats when im born so it has to be my fav. 
150Dark, milk or white chocolate?
152Was today a good day?
154What’s your favourite quote?
in the beginning the universe was created a lot of people regard t as a bad move. and i messed that quote up. but yeah. 
156Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
the terms braided and woven refer to the structure of the elastic. 
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better-every-minute · 4 years
Passive income
active income is bs and jobs are bs and if theres a system i can learn and use to my advantage, provided i dont fuck over other people, then fuck yea im going to learn it and use it. Ive known since i was a child that the idea of selling a third of ur life to survive is stupid and that i wanted to reach a point where the income that came from preestablished sources would overcome the amount of expenses for the same period of time. Aka, ‘escaping the rat race’ :/. my spite for the term and for the topic aside, i promised myself to start early, and like everything i should do and i make promises to myself about, im Still at square fucking 0. Today im gonna talk about that. Bc its a pain to handwrite about and i still havent established a better way to type stuff to myself online, so fuck it, this tumblr it is.
Im going to classify the types of passive income, or rather, its sources, into 2 categories: A) The kind that take large amounts of time, rather than money. This would account for stuff like content creation, where, materials/resources aside, it takes time and effort to create content and market it, but afterwards, it keeps generating passive income. B) The kind that takes large amounts of money, rather than time. This doesn’t mean you *spend* money to create. Unlike time, which cant be taken back, and can only be lost permanently, money can be withdrawn back. Not only that, but, its not so much that you spend money to make money, but rather that youre putting your money *on hold*, and generating an extra income at the cost of not having those funds immediately available on your person. These still require time to come into effect, in the sense that you are to wait for periods of time until you can recieve the bonus yields, but dont require you to spend (a lot of) time and effort into activating these sources of passive income. Instead, you’re required to have large sums of money to put down, as the yield is calculated as a percentage of those funds. Now guess what; Im fucking broke, i have no money to do B). But also, im terrible at making and marketing content, so A) is not super dandy-looking either. Still, I plan on doing some of both, somehow. I am realistic enough to understand i need active income, at least to get the ball rolling. Heck, just to survive even. But i do need a great source of initial income to 1) gtfo of here, and 2) Start making $ passively, and increasing that amount slowly. I plan on not really staying still, at least for the foreseeable future, so my sources, passive and active, must be things i can do remotely, as a digital nomad.
My active income plan mainly consists on getting some initial dependency job somehow, if possible, and meanwhile, to start taking freelancing jobs, be it data entry, translation, product testing(website/app) or whatever im deemed able to do. Eventually, this would allow me to just fly the fuck off and keep working and making enough money to not die. My strategy, predictably, will put a heavy emphasis on spending as little money as possible, extensively researching ways to make things cheaper or to get money back. That way the amount of funding that can be invested is larger. If i can leave this place and couch surf a bunch at friends’ houses all over, even better tbh. As for passive income, since active social media content creation is off the table, im mainly going to focus on the B) category, finding ways to make every penny i hold attract more of its kind, while making everything else cheaper along the way. For this, im relying on a couple things: - High yield FCIs or similar financial objects where the idea is to lend your money and get a little extra at the end of the time period. - Automated trading; both as in copytrading, but also on developing a stable strategy for unstable financial objects, and then simply scripting the strategy into code, so it’ll be performed 24/7. These strategies Must be always profitable, or else i risk losing everything to a stupid bot i coded myself. - Holding my funds (the more, uh, liquid kind) in staking accounts and other similar virtual that reward you for holding money through their platform. - Lastly, I do plan on building things if possible, and figuring some way to make it available but also making an income out of it. I’ve always wanted to make a couple android apps, maybe write some stupid ebook or whatever. Moreover, I’m sure with enough research i can find ways to code things up that automate stuff that make a little money on the side. Or at least code things that make my job easier during ‘active’ work. Automate website testing, Automate data entry, etc. We’ll see. Rn im looking into tutorials for python+selenium, and trying to learn how to use Binance’s API. The idea is to automate the trading strategy so i no longer have to manually do the same thing over and over, since it really only works if you can constantly do it, and thats a bot’s job, not a sleeping, eating, living human’s. The strategy itself is fairly straight forward. It relies on cryptocurrency and other assets’ high volatility. Because their value range is constantly moving up and down to no end, their prices might stay the same overnight, or even rise by the thousands, but within that same day the price might have risen and dropped by 10% before ending in the same place it began. The idea is to simply put buy and sell limit orders at 0.5% amounts away of the market price. When it drops .5%, it buys a certain amount. When it rises 1% from that point, it triggers the second order, and sells the amount it just bought. Conversely, if it rises first and drops later, it simply sells and buys the same amount, the only thing that changes is the extra profit will be in the secondary currency. Since the difference in the orders is in a 1% total price, that means that, excluding fees, the profit is 1% of whatever money you put down for both orders. That is to say, If you want to make 1 dolar, you need $200, and to place 100 to buy, and 100 to sell. So really, you’re making .5% of whatever amount you put down. With leverage tools though, I could expand this percentage, but for that i want to do proper, extensive research on how it works, let alone learn how to automate it too. The point is, because the price of certain assets varies *so much* and So *Often*, these things that make it worthless and unstable for most functions make it great for this type of trading. Note that i dont need to predict a spike or a surge or drop or anything like that. I predict nothing, all i expect, is that the price keeps ranging up and down the way it always does. And if it doesnt, say, if it only goes up and doesnt ever revisit the buy order, then i dont *lose* anything. All i have to do is cancel that order, and start again at the current price.There’d be a little loss between what i payed to buy last, and what i’ll pay to sell this time, but its unsubstantial compared to the amount of times it worked fine and the amount of money it made in its course. Nowadays, btw, 1% of a bitcoin is about ~$100. Assuming 2 bitcoins worth of funding, youd be making $100 every time both orders are fulfilled, which can be anywhere from once a week to multiple times a day. Exciting, right? If you have $200, then you’d be making $1. This also means that if you have 2 BTC, then every time the whole process gets completed, your profit per full movement increases by $1. Aint that cool. Rn I’m gonna research more on how to work the binance api, as well as learn more about supported crypto exchanges and staking wallets. See ya whenever.
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survivor-hosts · 7 years
Ep. #7: “C’mon Rat, Follow the Cheese” - Jessy
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The tribes merged and all of the pre-mergers were added to the merge tribe as the Karma Island twist was revealed.  The players started campaigning to get back in and Cat, Austin, and Drew chose to drop out and become voters.  After a whole day of scrambling and a messy voting situation, Connor was voted back into the game.  The tribe was given their first immunity challenge and Matt was able to solve it and win immunity quite quickly.  After no one talked the day before the vote, the players started scrambling last minute with one side trying to decide whether to vote off Sam or MJ while the opposing side was trying to decide between Allison or Connor.  In the end, MJ and Sam's alliance threw their votes on Andrew to thwart any posisble idol play.  Sam also used her vote negator to cancel Allison's vote for MJ.  Andrew was sent home in a 5-4 vote.
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HAHAHAHAHA so it's 9:58 and I should go to tribal and I was on call with Connah and then Lydia and MJ called and added Connah and MJ told me I might be getting votes so I might be getting voted out idk adios fuck this shit!
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Can't wait to be seventh boot
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[12:51:33 PM] mj ultra . _/: bih wtf. [12:51:39 PM] connah. i guess.: I didn't do anything. [12:51:40 PM] mj ultra . _/: oh you really wanna fight me tonight huh yes bitch i do. yes we are in a partnership but i'm not your bitch. i'm not gonna sit here and do everything you want but it's fine because people will hopefully see you as a bigger threat so if they gonna try take one of us out... can't say i'm too sorry about it. his ass wants to sit here and vote lydia back when we literally just voted her out? i see where he's coming from because we might be able to use lydia tbh but he's literally shutting down any ideas i had so i'm kinda angry rn.
mj's gameplay has really rubbed off on me... my ass just blindsided lydia and now i'm really down for voting her back in? i had my fun pre-merge but now it's time to really get this shit going
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http://prntscr.com/fn4qxy http://prntscr.com/fn4r1v At first I thought Connor would have the highest chance of returning but after hearing a few things I think REGAN has the best shot??? When and how did that happen?
Hmmmmm I'm feeling really weird in this tribe. It's as if I don't belong.....That's the vibe I'm getting. Whatever. I'm sticking to my strategy of not talking to people. Hey it worked TWICE and got me to the end twice. It works. People come to me with information at once. I hope I can pull it off again.
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so like I mighta just made a chat with myself Scott jessy Allison josh and Connor to save Connor bc David was a bust. Highkey still don't trust Scott and sam Matt mj and connah are trying for Lydia and I'm like no fuck off? When the phone battery goes down my chaotic gameplay goes up. Like idc whomstve is gonna be pissed i am GETTING Connor in this game. Drew and cat should have sacrificed themselves for him too so here's to fucking hoping. If Lydia comes in I'm dead straight up gay up!
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push me to the edge i wish i was dead why is scott a snake scott u little snake push me to the edge i wish i was dead lydia im the wrong connor please stop making my life harder push me to the edge mask off, task off back off, mask off i dont really care that im crying but i really care that youre lying edge dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun mask off, task off
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i have lost all my motivation. i am a shell of a man i used to be
i am fucked. if i somehow get out of this mess i got myself into it would be a miracle.
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Okay it's time for my second confessional because it's getting really hard dealing with these people and I need to vent. Like I really cannot.
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After the Lydia vote off succeeded I tried to do major damage control with Matt and Scott. They both seemed to understand but I know they don't trust me anymore. Iit's not like they even realistically did. Maybe Matt did, but his reaction really shows his game. Scott seems to think he can snake his way around the two alliances but I'll bring up that later in this confessional. Anyways, it's announced that Karma Island is in play and immediately I'm worried. I fell into a position where I had to lead on Connor, David and Regan all at once because I legitimately had no idea who I wanted to return. I received information from Scott that MJ was on call with Sam and Lydia. They were
[4:26:26 AM] Jessy: i have some tea ladies! [4:27:05 AM] Jessy: So Scott is playing both sides. [4:27:09 AM] Jessy: and MJ/Connah/Josh are too. [4:27:21 AM] Jessy: MJ wants me to stay so he can use me for next tribal to get Sam out.. [4:27:26 AM] Jessy: But sis he has another thing coming. [4:29:43 AM] Jessy: sam acts like a 4 year old [4:29:47 AM] Jessy: "jessy probs just wants all of us on jury bc we're the ppl who knew her pregame so we'd give her our jury votes" [4:29:52 AM] Jessy: she said this [4:29:57 AM] Jessy: like no i want u on prejury [4:29:58 AM] Jessy: zzksjksksks [4:42:41 AM] Jessy: mj and connah rlly think they're so smart huh [4:42:42 AM] Jessy: like ur not. [4:42:42 AM] Jessy: BKLMASDFMKLDSMKLA [4:42:46 AM] Jessy: i literally know what ur doing [4:43:03 AM] Jessy: this is ur mo mj... [4:43:05 AM] Jessy: ur forcing myself into a situation where i have to go w/ him b/c my numbers are cut. [4:44:25 AM] Jessy: Like I know he's pitting me against Samatthew by telling me this information [4:44:29 AM] Jessy: But like.. [4:44:37 AM] Jessy: Damn they're literally Spencer and Tasha [4:52:02 AM] Jessy: I'm reading their games to filth. [8:18:39 AM] Jessy: me again [8:21:05 AM] Jessy: God why'd i tell connor i heard his name [8:21:06 AM] Jessy: LSJLSSKKSKS [9:52:09 AM] Jessy: SCOTT IS SUCH A FUCKING LIAR [9:59:32 AM] Jessy: time to get reads [9:59:35 AM] Jessy: and intel! [9:59:41 AM] Jessy: im legit gonna interrogate him idc [10:01:03 AM] Jessy: Nancy Drew who???? [10:01:16 AM] Jessy: im GETTING the dirt. [10:01:24 AM] Jessy: spill the beans! [10:01:50 AM] Jessy: seeing Scott is typing... answering my questions is so funny [10:01:57 AM] Jessy: Like ur nervous huh sis [10:03:32 AM] Jessy: does scott really think ill eat the bullshit hes putting out for me on a platter rn? [10:03:37 AM] Jessy: Like bitch what the fuck LAKSKSKKSKS [10:08:25 AM] Jessy: OK SCOTT IS LYING OUT OF HIS ASS [10:08:29 AM] Jessy: IM SICK OF IT [10:08:35 AM] Jessy: HOW DOES MJ KNOW U WERE HIGH THEN [10:08:44 AM] Jessy: LIKE UGH !!! [10:09:53 AM] Jessy: ok sam could've told mj! [10:09:57 AM] Jessy: interesting! [10:14:37 AM] Jessy: mj and scott together ? conspiracy theory ? [10:18:18 AM] Jessy: Oh yeah, I also found out last night that josh did vote for Lydia, but Connah switched his vote from Lydia to Connor and Trevor wouldn't allow him to change it back [10:18:26 AM] Jessy: i thought sam was being distant huh scott [10:20:12 AM] Jessy: There's holes in this scheme. [10:22:32 AM] Jessy: "Same" [10:22:34 AM] Jessy: keh [10:22:51 AM] Jessy: guess i'm done here. [10:23:51 AM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: I'm samatthew [10:24:27 AM] Jessy: theyre literally spencer and tasha [10:24:32 AM] Jessy: mj is a cheap version of jeremy [10:26:00 AM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Who are you [10:26:45 AM] Jessy: i wanna say kelley but i don't wanna be cocky like matt
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This is a recap on what happened before the Karma Vote. One reason is so that I can look back on it and the other is for Connor to read in the future. This is 100% what happened. Lydia made her pitch to me around noon yesterday and she had made valid points and I wouldn't mind her being back but my vote is locked to Connor at that point though I was still willing to listen to her so I can get info out of her. I messaged Connah a little later and he said he was going to vote Lydia back in so I had an inkling that something's up but shrugged it off because there's no way Lydia's coming back it's just not in the numbers. I went to bed and woke up at 6am with a bunch of messages and one of them was Lydia asking to call. I told her I only woke up randomly and was planning on sleeping a little bit more. I didn't know the vote was due at 8 and I woke up 30 minutes before the deadline. Jessy messaged me asking if MJ had come up to me and asked if Lydia's being voted back in and I said no because MJ and I haven't talked yet. A little while, Andrew messaged me asking who to vote and I said Connor and then I got added to the Saving Connor chat with Scott, Jessy, Allison and Connor. What surprised me the most is why Scott is there. I didn't understand. Next, MJ messaged me asking for my vote so that we can tie between Lydia and Connor. Now the thing is, I told them I would vote whatever they want to but my vote is locked to Connor unless they absolutely needed it because they're the two people I trusted the most in this game. And they really did need it. I went on call with Connor and told him that everyone's pulling my leg getting me to vote with them and then got on call with Connah making his case to me with Lydia and Lydia's on my pms making her case again and Scott and I were trying to figure out how we're going to go and mind you this is literally 5 minutes before the deadline and at that point everyone thought we could change votes. I was freaking out everyone was talking to me at the same time I felt very pressured that I just asked Scott to make a decision for me and he won't decide for me and Connah just started to tell me VOTE LYDIA VOTE LYDIA and without hesitation I changed. Now obviously that didn't fall through because Connor came back and he found out I changed my vote. Now he doesn't want to speak to me and probably burned my bridge with him and idk about the status of our friendship right now. I spilled so much critical information on Connor and if we went our separate ways and uses those against me then I'm fucked. I mentioned to Connor how I wanted to target Jessy because of how good she is and if that gets back to her than she's going to turn on me. My hope is that MJ, Sam, Scott, Connah and Matt form a 6 person alliance to get past this round. This game is taking a toll on me emotionally and I've been struggling to play since the first few days. I wasn't like this before. It isn't worth it. It's not worth it to lose a friendship over this. It's easy to say that you need to cut ties and turn the heart off but doing it for real is different. Connor, my explanation is probably something you did not want to hear and it's probably going to re-open wounds once this game is over because looking back on it now, the decision was stupid. It didn't have to be that way but I gave in because of pressure.
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Honestly.... I just feel so defeated. I don't see myself really doing as great as I would have wanted to in this game, which is such a pessimistic way to think but its true. Like if I were to be going home tomorrow I wouldn't even care that I didn't make the jury. A lot just went down these past few days that made me realize why I retired in the first place. So to really go back, Lydia was blindsided. Not surprised that it happened cause I knew something fishy was going on, but surprised that out of everyone I was the most left out of the loop. Like no one bothered to tell me that the vote was getting split between Allison and Andrew. Like when Lydia left Jessy and Andrew had me on call and explained everything to me and why they did what they did. And like I'm really not mad at them for doing so. I think it was amazing on their part that they pulled it off. They told me how MJ and Connah were really wanting to get Lydia out, which caught me by surprise cause I thought they were really close. Afterwards, Sam gets me on call and is worried about what could happen in the future and who we have with us. And to my surprise, Matt Summers actually talked strategy with me for the first time. The story I got from them was that Jessy approached them and got them involved with voting Lydia. To make matters worse, we have to vote someone back into this game thanks to Karma Island. And I feel like this is gonna make things so much worse cause I'm starting to realize I only have myself in this game. Idk like in Maluku flipping was easy cause I had Maria and Mattica who I trusted more than anyone. I don't really trust anyone in this game, so it makes everything 10x worse. Connor talked to me and told me he doesn't hold that against me, and idk part of me really thinks if he IS going to come back, I need to vote him so I can prove to him that I can be someone he can actually work with later on. Especially with MJ/Connah/Sam/Matt being a sinking ship, I just feel like I need to find other resources when I need to. Plus the only person I trust in that group is Sam, and after hearing that MJ has wanted me out of this game for awhile now I don't see why I need to stick my neck out for them. That whole voting process was such a mess because I really didn't know what to do with all of that. Like I voted for Connor cause I was sure he was getting in, then Josh comes to me and says he didn't know what to do. Which like RIP cause I thought he already voted, and to make matter worse he told lydia and lydia went off on me in the pms. And like, the fact that this all went down when I was out with friends just made me realize that I'm too invested in this game and that I left for a reason. Idk the only reason why Connor is back is because Connah changed his vote and wasnt allowed to switch back. I'm just annoyed cause I'm really fucked in this game to the point of no return. And like Sam and them are trying to make sure I'm gonna vote with them but with Lydia out and the only person on that side i actually consider an ally being Sam, it just makes sense for me to go through with what I've been wanting to do for awhile and flip with Jessy and Andrew.
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"fifth vote... lydia"
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what the fuck is going on why is no one talking to me. fucking hell man, and then im gonna wake up again and have a shit ton of messages waiting for me when i check my phone. everything's happening at the very last minute in this game omg.
you know how it'd be fun if i just go ghost the whole morning tomorrow lkfjskjdfhskjfs *deletes Skype*
OKA Y BUT S ERIOUSLY im sick and tired of waking up in the morning where a plan has already been made and i have no say in it. fuck it a guy needs his sleep its yalls fault for not making a plan during our off day ! btw if i get voted out tomorrow im gonna be salty af trevor why did you have to have the first merge boot not a jury member i dont want to miss out on JURY! !!!!!
everyone is getting on my god damn nerves TODAY !
On 25/06/2017, at 8:30 PM, connor wrote: > hi background music plays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpLU8BI02wQ
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Okay so I just laid out all the info I got today. I talked to Scott this morning I said does he know for sure Sam has a vote negator or is it a hunch? He said it was a hunch and he doesn't really know, so I got sus. He was high last night so maybe he let it slip MJ told me that Scott was high last night so I wanted to find a way to vertify what he said about Scott/Sam/Matt/MJ/Connah being all on a group call [6/24/2017 10:09:30 AM] Jessy: did you tell anyone you were high LMAOOOOO i'd be so non functional if i was high and game talking [6/24/2017 10:09:40 AM] Scott: I mean I told sam It's possible that Scott is either lying about him telling Sam specifically, or Sam just told MJ that Scott was high and he happened to tell me this He said this when I asked him about the Sam call: [6/24/2017 9:51:38 AM] Jessy: did anything important come out of the sam call [6/24/2017 9:51:58 AM] Scott: Honestly it just made me realize that she doesn't trust me [6/24/2017 9:52:17 AM] Jessy: fuck! [6/24/2017 9:52:25 AM] Scott: She asked me what my relationship was with you [6/24/2017 9:53:05 AM] Scott: And if I actually trusted you cause you're known to be deceiving for "organizing the whole Lydia vote and misting MJ/Connah" [6/24/2017 9:53:48 AM] Jessy: :$ would be me if i actually did! [6/24/2017 9:54:07 AM] Jessy: r they voting me [6/24/2017 9:54:25 AM] Scott: I mean we never got around to actually talking about it [6/24/2017 9:54:32 AM] Jessy: oh okay [6/24/2017 9:54:39 AM] Jessy: who do you think she would go for [6/24/2017 9:55:32 AM] Scott: But I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they were wanting to do cause sam really just kept mentioning how I felt about you [6/24/2017 9:57:03 AM] Jessy: that's offputtig [6/24/2017 9:57:08 AM] Jessy: *offputting [6/24/2017 9:58:02 AM] Scott: Yeah, but it's just really clear that damage was done last night so I'm not even sure what's gonna be happening from here on out It made me think that I'm unsure if Scott is just lying about the call or if MJ is just trying to come up with a scenario for me to think is happening so I won't pull any moves. Then, I talked to MJ about the vote and he said that he was going to be on a road trip today so he's probably asleep by now. I talked to Connah about the game while MJ was online and while we were talking about the whole thing of us being on different sides, MJ pmed me. He said he pmed me because Connah sent him a funny quote about a joke I made. Then, I asked him if Connah sent him any game logs. The game logs were about us being on different sides in the Lydia/Connor returnee vote and then he kept on acting like he didn't know who was going to go because no one was talking to him. I asked him if Sam would be a vote he would want, and he said it depends if we have the numbers. He said I have to convince Allison+Andrew+Connor myself because he doesn't want to get himself involved in something controversial this tribal council after last round. I asked MJ about this, and he said Connah specifically said: "idk if I wanna stick with jessy or go with sam" "like I'm just confused" This made me paranoid, because I didn't know if Connah meant "stick with jessy" as a vote or "go with sam" as a vote. It's possible that MJ made it look like he meant regarding alliances and not a vote off, but it still made me paranoid. MJ then told me Connah went on call with Sam. MJ said he asked Connah what was going on and they were just talking about who they wanted to go. MJ said they both leaned towards Connor leaving. MJ then said Connah thought he should go with Sam (as in alliances). MJ said he would try to convince him to "string me along" next round and use me to vote Sam off. MJ then said if Sam convinced Connah to vote for me, he would try to convince him to go after Sam this round. MJ said he would prefer Connor to go now and Sam next round, but he's willing to consider it by starting it off with a conversation with Connah tomorrow. Our conversation ended, and I thought that I should try to message Sam in some way and let her know that I'm "flexible". I then said that people probably think we aren't together in the game and we could play that to our advantage. She said she was down if I was, but proceeding this she kept on saying she didn't know what she wanted to do and that "she has no power to throw out a name." This really annoyed me so I asked her who does and she said she doesn't know. Our conversation ended, but during it Connah messaged me asking me if I'm talking to anyone because it's really quiet. I was feeling a vibe that Sam told Connah she was talking to me, so I told him I was trying to resolve my issues with Sam. It got awkward so our conversation kinda died off. During all this, Andrew, Allison and Connor didn't have a lot to say about anything. Connor said he was at work all day and came back at 10 PM EDT and said sorry he was at work. I said it was okay then asked him if he talked to Josh recently. He never replied and then I asked him again an hour later and still received no reply. Now, Scott says he's back and is messaging my alliance chat with himself and Andrew. I haven't talked to Matt at all this vote. I said hey to Allison in pms but she never replied because I'm pretty sure she's been offline. I haven't talked to Josh either, but I have an opportunity to tonight because it's 2 PM for him in Phillippines.
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Decisions, decisions.... I hate my position in this game as the "middle man" Anyways, Jessy/Andrew I think are expecting me to flip and vote Sam with them this round, but tbh I don't think I can flip on Sam and vote her out. Like if she goes, I don't want to be apart of that just because she trusts me a lot with her game. However, if they can manage to get her out this round I'm all theirs. Sam/MJ and co. said they want to do Allison, and because I don't trust Allison i think it might be safest for me to just vote her out and only flip if they're wanting to vote out Jessy/Andrew. Also spoke on call with Connor and hes trying to convince me to flip. The only way I see myself voting with them is if they vote MJ. But I just don't think that is realistic since Jessy is set on voting Sam. Which I personally cannot do since she is the only one I trust on that other side. Idk its all very up in the air, hopefully it isnt me that goes
9wegwpirangwfj tribals in an hour and a half and I really don't know what I'm gonna do. Apparently Josh would be okay with voting out MJ but I'm not sure if he really would. Part of me is thinking I should just vote Allison and if it ties, then I flip cause I don't wanna be rocked out pre-jury, especially since the only person I trust on Sam and Co side is Sam. I just know this is gonna be one huge clusterfuck
So.... much.... stress.... Josh and I agreed on just voting with the separate blocks, but I forgot that Sam has a vote negator so now I have to decide if I'm actually gonna go through with that plan or just flip and vote MJ. hregehgoihiqrehie I HATE THIS GAME
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This game? Is crazy. I want to die. Somehow, through almost FIVE HOURS of acumalitive calls, I have managed to flip Josh and Scott so that we have majority. MJ SHOULD be going home. I literally did that. Like, i LITERALLY did THAT. Good god. Fingers crossed. It just makes sense? With MJ being a winner already and very good at flipping votes and winning challenges, we have the time to take him out so lets do it. Sam would be easier to vote out and I know Jessy wanted to, but with Matt having another idol and being immune, the two of them are too close for comfort. Actually, this entire game is too close for comfort. end my life.
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why am i in the middle. i mean i guess i should count my blessings because i'm not getting voted out but this is such a hard position to be in
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