#i should probably edit this later but i have a kiss to write
Cleo strides across the deck to the gangway where Lizzie is waiting for her, gripping the straps of her bag. The sun is rising, the sky and the sea the same color as Lizzie's hair and cheeks, her expression set and determined.
"Hello, trinket," Cleo greets, towering over her.
Lizzie straightens her back, chest puffing out a little more. She frowns up at Cleo, "You're the one looking after me today?"
"I am."
Lizzie seizes her wrist and starts down the gangway. Cleo stumbles after her, startled into laughing and nearly losing her hat. She manages to catch herself before she can fall into the water, and falls into step beside Lizzie.
"Alright," she says, amused, fixing her hat, "where are we going?"
Lizzie drops her hand, her face a light, dusty red, "you'll see."
They step onto port and Cleo checks behind them to make sure someone's still there to babysit- she spots Grian and Scar chatting on the rigging, good- and follows Lizzie to wherever it is they're going.
Past all the busy ship hands and reloading cargo, out of the port and into the town proper, down cobblestone paths and past old brick buildings. It's a shopping district of sorts, and Lizzie looks just as determined as she did on the ship, though has the air of someone who is desperately lost.
"What are you looking for?" Cleo asks.
Lizzie does not answer, instead perking up at one shop sign and taking Cleo's hand again.
It's a white building with a deepslate tile roof. A bell dings as they step inside. Lizzie releases Cleo's hand, approaching the counter, while Cleo stays by the door.
"Just a minute!" comes a shout from another room.
It's a cozy interior, packed with shelves upon shelves of magical trinkets- she spots dragon statues and crystal balls, belts, armor pieces, loose bits of cloth. There's black curtains around the windows, letting in the natural light as the sun continues to rise, and fading fairy lights strung about the ceiling. Lizzie is looking down at a glass counter full of jewelry, tracing her fingers lightly over the top.
There's a crash and a yelp, a hurried "I'm fine! No problems here!" before a man comes bustling into the room, his face round and freckled, his hair orange, and his eyes a bright, friendly blue.
"Hi!" he beams. There's something strapped to his back- black wood and red cloth, clattering together as he hurries to put a box down behind the counter.
He straightens, rolling up the sleeves of his white shirt and stepping over to be across from Lizzie, "you've caught us just before we close for the night! What can I do for the two of you?"
"I'm hoping to get something for me and my captain," Lizzie answers, "I think jewelry, maybe?"
"Of course!" the man presents the counter with one hand, "take your pick."
Cleo raises an eyebrow, caught on something the man said, "you close at dawn?"
The man winces, "yeah, well, they'd only let me have the space at night so we're making due with what we have."
Cleo frowns. Lizzie points to something in the case and asks him about it.
He directs his smile back to Lizzie, easily rambling about practically everything in the case. A pair of bracelets that let you read each other's thoughts. Rings with the power of fire and ice, one keeps you warm and the other cools you down, no matter the weather.
"This here's a disguising bandana!" the man demonstrates by tying it around his own head- his skin turns more green and his ears grow longer and pointier, "perfect for traveling pirates!"
"Not what I'm looking for," Lizzie says. She scans the counter again, pointing out something else in the case, "what about these?"
"Teleportation rings!" he provides, whisking off the bandana and smiling again as he explains the enchantments- this time Cleo notices how sharp his teeth are- this man has fangs. Cleo folds her arms, keeping one hand close to her sword, and leans back on the doorframe.
"No I'm-" Lizzie sighs, offering a sheepish smile, "I'm sorry about all the questions, I just want this to be perfect."
"No worries!" he returns, "I'll close up after we're done, it's no trouble."
"How about these?"
"Earrings that let you hear each other's heartbeats."
Lizzie's eyes widen.
"Bad choice, trinket," Cleo pipes up, "I don't have a heartbeat."
Lizzie waves her off and hurries to open her bag, "how much?"
The man offers a price- surprisingly reasonable- and Lizzie hands over the gold in exchange for two simple, golden hoop earrings.
"Thank you," Lizzie says, and returns to Cleo's side.
"Did you miss the part where I don't have a heartbeat?"
"Don't worry," Lizzie waves one of them in Cleo's face, "if your heart ever starts beating again I'll come back and kill you myself."
Cleo laughs, pushing off the wall, "thank you, dearest trinket, I'll be sure to remember that."
She smiles. There's a clattering and a rushed, "ah- don't go! I have to help you guys attune to those."
Cleo follows Lizzie back to the counter. The man beams at them again, all fangs and freckles, "put the earrings on and hold hands."
Putting the earring on is easy- Cleo swaps out one of her old ones easily. Lizzie laces their fingers together and gives a squeeze. Cleo squeezes back, a little harder.
"Okay, now," he wraps his hands around theirs and begins murmuring to himself, a spell of some sort, his eyes glowing a slight red. The magic is warm, comforting, spreads up Cleo's arm, shoulder, into her neck and splitting off to her chest and her ear, and-
A slight, phantom hearbeat begins to thump lightly in her ear. It's a little too fast. She smiles.
He pulls away, the warmth evaporating as his eyes fade back to blue.
"And there you go!" he offers one last dazzling smile, "thanks for coming in, you two."
Lizzie reaches up to feel her new earring, her heart still a little too fast, "I-I'll hear something if my captain ever gets her heartbeat back, won't I?"
"Yep!" he says, "so long as it's attuned to your captain it'll let you hear their heartbeat."
Lizzie sighs, looking relieved, "thank you."
"No problem!" he waves as they go to leave, "come back anytime!"
19 notes · View notes
yesyourstalker · 3 months
Makeup artist:.......... Are you nervous?
Baja: a little bit.... This isn't like in front of a studio audience right
Makeup artist: No sweetie, it's just a one-on-one interview.
Baja: that's good. Who are we interviewing?
Makeup artist: You're going to have to ask the show-runner, Mickey.
Mickey: let's go. Let's go. Let's go what takes so long putting powder on a face. He has perfect skin anyway. We had to get him to the dressing room. We start filming in a couple minutes
Makeup artist: I'm finished. Just need to map down some scales and he's...... All done. You're free to go sweetie
Baja: thank you
Mickey: So you must be then host of the show. Sorry I wasn't able to meet you sooner. I was on vacation. Oshi told me you're a really good candidate for this show. You seem to be competent you know your way around music....*sip* ..... Coffee?
Baja: I don't really drink that much coffee. I like tea though
Mickey: Green tea! *Snap*. .*snap*
Assistant: your green tea
Baja: thank you
Mickey: Well I know one thing for sure. She was right about the pretty face. Now as you get dressed head to the studio so we start filming promotional material Ramon should be there with you. After your interview which will count as the pilot
Tammy: Mickey listen I really think you should reconsider about not casting me for the show
Mickey: No....*sip*
Tammy: but I really think you should I mean I can at least be co-host. I'm great to be around! Tell him, baba
Baja: it's Baja
Mickey: No, we need to bring up the sea slug viewership
Tammy: I can be the second co-host
Mickey:....*sigh*...... Tammy listen to me. You didn't get the job all right. You just don't fit the criteria we need for this show and this channel. But hey you have other opportunities for other networks alright. You're pretty, you're bubbly and you have a nice rack. You can get a job anywhere with those qualities around here.... You're just not going to find it at this station
Tammy: but-
Mickey: goooooood byyyyyyyyyyyyyeeee Tammy!!
Security guard: Right this way ma'am
Tammy: Mickey!!! I'll have your fucking job!!
Mickey: we'll see you next week Tammy we're filming the season finale
Baja: she seemed pretty upset
Mickey: eh she'll get over it ... She's been in a couple of shows here and there on the network. She plays Kate the baby sitter on 'dock and dingy' ......*sip* ..... She'll be fine. Here Is your dressing room your clothes should be folded
Baja: alright... and I just head to set after
Mickey: yep your's and Ramon's chairs will be the brown arm chairs. The musician or celebrity will be sitting on the loveseat and will perform on the stage behind you
Baja: they're going to perform?
Mickey: yeah.. yeah they're starting their Solo career
Ramon: hey... You look good. They spruced up your wardrobe too
Baja: yeah. I wonder if we're able to take this home with us
Ramon: probably. I think it'd be easier just to keep in our dressing rooms for now. Keep our work clothes separate from our regular clothes. Feels like bad energy to mix them together.
Baja: how so?
Ramon: I mean this nice brand name stuff fancy designs, colors and a hefty price on it. It's nice but it isn't really me. It's what the studio and the producers want me to be and I rather keep that at work when. I go home I wear my regular off-brand jeans, my 8-year-old sweater and a pair of kicks with a hole in it. That's me. That's who I am. A regular person, I'm not above anyone and I don't want to feel like I am. Get what I'm saying
Baja: yeah... I get it. You don't want the job to change you
Ramon: exactly
Mickey: All right! Hitch you got the shot?
Hitch: Yeah I got it. We can use this for commercials
Baja: you were filming?
Mickey: Yeah yeah no worries. We just wanted to film you guys interacting. We didn't tell you cuz we wanted to look natural.
Hitch: we didn't have any mics on so we couldn't hear what you were saying so don't worry about it. I'm the director by the way names Hitch. Nice to meet you..
Baja: hello
Ramon: hey
Mickey: alright so we're going to start filming the show in 30 minutes. Kikura is their dressing room.
Ramon: Kikura from C-side?
Mickey: yeah
Kikura: sorry I'm late.. I tend to procrastinate when I'm getting ready for these types of things...... Not a good excuse but... yeah
Mick: Well that's perfectly fine. We'll be filming in a couple minutes this is Ramon and this is Baja. They're going to be the ones interviewing you
Kikura: hey
Hitch: while we wait for that, let's do some more advertisements
Assistant: alright..... Advertisement 2 take one...[clap]
Baja: Hi my name is baja and I'm the new host of the inklab's new show 'music at midnight'.... Me and my new co-host Ramon
Ramon: sup
Baja: we're going to be interviewing musicians from all walks of life
Ramon: and different genres.
Baja: We're going to have nice conversations getting to know them, telling us some really cool stories.
Ramon: a show airs Thursdays at 11:30 p.m. can't wait to see you there!
Hitch: CUT!.... Great! We're going to do some more editing and maybe some reshoots on that but here is your intro You're going to do this during every episode you introduce yourself. You tell them what show they're watching and then you tell the current news what's going on in the music world..... You're also going to have to do that when you start writing articles for the blog, but we'll get to that later. ... Here's the monologue script. If you want to go off script feel free... Go over it, memorize We'll film in 15...... Oshi! Good to see you..*mwah mwah* how are you baby
Oshi: Hitch! Hope everything is going well I just wanted to check in on everyone
Hitch: yes... You're going to start filming soon so have a seat....(Pat...Pat)
Oshi: alright..... I'm getting a call.....*ugh*..............[inhale].....[exhale]...... Hi Shimi! How are you doing dear?... Are you having fun on the farm? I saw some pictures warabie posted on squidder. You look cute riding the tracker hehhe....... Well you only have one week left honey..... yes I've enjoyed my break..... The church? If that works for you honey I guess it gives you a purpose.........*sigh*...(Eye roll)....acting is also your purpose I know...how's warabie is he having fun?......well tell him to try to enjoy himself..............yes ...... alright good bye hun.............
Shimi: hm.....
Merv: Shimi it's your turn to take the manatees out to graze, take your son with you. Noiji start up the tractor I need you to harvest the octoberries, ikkan pack up squidmelons and head into town. Koi would you help me harvest some of the squid lemons
Koi-koi: I'd love to
Merv: Cirrina sweetheart you said you're going into the city for a school project?
Cirrina: Yeah just for 2 hours. When I get back I'll feed the krill and clean out their coop
Merv: All right, be safe
Shimi: warabie help me load up the manatees
Warabie: yeah..... What were you calling Mom about?
Shimi: It's none of your concern she didn't let me talk anyway............
Warabie:... All right, the manatees are in (bump...bump).....
Shimi: alright...................
Warabie:............so what's mom up to at home?
Shimi: she's working on project O.E.T network
Warabie: that's nice she's been working on that for years
Shimi: *humpf*.... We've been working on for years.... Typical of her to go behind my back and do things without my permission or opinion
Warabie:...... Oooookkkaaay...........hm.................hey mahi
Mahi: hey dude
Warabie: what's going on at home?
Mahi: nothing much. Baja got a new job...... stop!........ Yeah, he's going to be on TV now. That's pretty neat
Warabie: tv?!
Mahi: some talk show.... Midnight music...... Music at midnight something.....neta stop spawn camping!
Neta: I'm not spawn camping
Warabie: he got the job!? How did he get the job?!
Mahi: I don't know, I really haven't had time to talk to him. He's been in and out of the apartment for like days now..... cod damn it!.... Let me leave the base at least...... fuck!
Neta:hehehehehehehe... I'm sorry .hehehe
Mahi: sorry... Neta's being an asshole...uhhhhh...Baja honestly hasn't been here and when he is here he's just there to get dressed and then leave.
Warabie:*sigh*....... good for him... Guess he's going to be the new breadwinner
Mahi: hey so when are you coming home?
Warabie: end of the week I should be home
Mahi: great apartments too quiet and-Neta!
Neta: what?! What am I doing wrong? I'm just playing the game. It's not my fault you always end up in my range of sight. Get good at the game
Mahi:*huff*... Can you come home faster? I miss you
Warabie: aww I miss you too mahi.. I honestly want to go home too. This place sucks ......I'm tired of scooping Manatee shit and hauling crates of squidmatoes
Neta: ask him the question
Mahi: *ugh*........are you able to bring home fresh produce and milk
Warabie: I....... I'm going to have to ask ikkan's dad that
Shimi: we're here unload the manatees
Warabie: I got to go.... text you later..........
Mahi: bye..... I'm not playing with you anymore! I'm done with this game....
Neta: One more round. I want to get a gold badge on this weapon I'm two games away. You can be on my team this time
Cirrina: .......this must be the address..........(Knock knock)
Bayou: Cirrina! You showed up!
Cirrina: yeah....hehehe sorry if I'm a little early ...
Bayou: no worries. Come in, come in you can use your shoes on the shelf right here. So what do you want to know about krillarney?
Cirrina: I'm just you know the origins and the history of krillarney...... You lived on the surface for most of your life, right? Is that true for most octolings here?
Bayou: yeah... Most of us here spent their whole lives on the surface though there are some who moved here who previously lived underground
Cirrina: Interesting......so... And did your family move here?
Bayou:...... I think you might get more information from my nan.... Nana!!....... You remember my Nana. from church?
Nana: yes!? Bayou? What is it love?.....oh... Dear the little girl from church. Nice to see you again sweetie
Cirrina: hello..
Bayou: Nan do you mind if she asks you a few questions?
Nana: I have no problems sweetie
Cirrina: It's just a couple questions .. . I'm doing a five-page essay on octarian history in other countries
Nana: wasn't that nice? Well what do you want to know dear?
Cirrina: uhhhh .... When did you move here
Nana: oh I have no idea sweetie It's been years...... The war started when I was around......10 of 11 years old. I lived with my two sisters in a small village My mother was a School teacher and my father passed away years ago.
Cirrina: *writing*
Nana at the time my village was not affected by the high tides but it was targeted with conflict over land and resources. Next thing you know, I was being drafted for the war along with my two sisters. They just turned 13. They never held a weapon before. My mother couldn't even imagine them going to war, it was only after the first bomb we decided to leave. We had to leave quickly so we weren't able to bring a lot. All we had to pack was whatever we could fit in our backpacks. I packed two dresses, pair of pants, three shirts and one skirt. I also packed my Adva doll she's the only toy I played with for years.
Cirrina: *writing*
Nana: My mother was good friends with a man who moved to our village before the war happened. He was a nice inkling man Mr. Doal he offered to help us leave. His son got drafted and passed away early in the midst of combat. He told us about a developing sovereign country called krillarney that was currently taking in anyone and everyone across the world who wanted to get away from the war
Cirrina: *write*..... So how did you get to krillarney
Nana: we were informed that there were fairies and ships offering to help people leave. We set our trip in the middle of the night and met up with Mr. Dole and other people who wanted to leave as well. The walk was 3 hours straight. No brakes, no rest until we made it to the coast and we got onto a ship. It was a squid beak ship if I remember, The S. S. Escargot. We sailed for a week to krillarney making several stops picking others in similar situations.
Cirrina: was it just inkfish who were escaping?
Nana: oh no there were so many people from so many walks of life on the ship. Urchins, fish, cephalopods, Crustaceans. So many were affected by this war. I remember seeing some still wearing their military uniforms. It was their only chance to leave and they took it
Cirrina: when you got to krillarney what was it like? Was different from how it is today.
Nana: Well I can tell you one thing we didn't have these malls, outlets or a nice studio apartment like I have now hehehe. .... When I first got here My mother could only afford a nice small house with two bedrooms. Our neighbor was young octoling and his wife was a bass. They were enlisted in the military for years. When the war started they were completely against it. They were planning on having kids at the time they couldn't do that if they were at war. Unfortunately they weren't able to have kids but they watched me and my sister so many times that they kind of saw us as their kids hehehe
Cirrina: *writing*...... Do you ever think about your old village? What happened to it?
Nana:............. Well....um..... Like I said at the time the high tides didn't affect my home but.............. Soon enough it was............. Everything was wiped out and everyone......... From what I know now....... The water levels have subsided and it is inhabitable but............ I just never went back. Everything I know about that place is gone. My home my toys.....some of my old friends
Cirrina:.... I'm sorry.......
Nana: it's alright love
Cirrina: ....... I think I asked enough questions
Nana: are you sure? I could tell you more
Cirrina: oh that's ok really.... I have enough to write my paper. I have to get home to do my chores
Bayou: alright..... Do you want me to walk you to the fairy dock?
Cirrina: (blush).... well........ok...
Bayou: great..... I'll be right back Nana
Nana: Come back safe
Bayou:..............you know we have tons of historical sites here if you ever want to check them out..... Add some photos for extra credit
Cirrina: that would be nice but I really need to get home
Bayou: we don't have to do it today.
Cirrina: I leave at the end of the week
Bayou: Well you can plan something for this week maybe Tomorrow maybe?....
Cirrina: I can see.... Yeah I think tomorrow would be good yeah..
Bayou: All right so why don't we meet up here again at 2:00 and I can take you to the lighthouse, The bridge of new beginnings and I can even take you to the museum
Cirrina: Great! It's a date! I mean....uh... No! It's not a date..... it's a day out....an outing yeah it's it's it's an outing we're going out......for the day! We're going out for the day
Bayou:..heheheheheh... Here's my number....... I'll text you tomorrow. See ya Cirrina!
Cirrina: bye..hehehehehe........*sigh*..........
Assistant director: 'music at midnight'.... Introduction take three!.....(CLAP)
Baja: welcome, welcome! Welcome my name is Baja! And this is my co-host Ramon
Ramon: hey!
Baja: I'm very excited to say that this is the first episode of our very new show called 'music at midnight'. What is music at midnight? Well as the names in the title says we're going to be talking about music and it's going to be airing during midnight.
Roman: yep so while we sit here and talk and do interviews. You're going to be sitting on your couch or in your bed and your nice warm jammies.....
Baja: I wish we could wear pajamas
Ramon: Right? We should ask the exacts for a pajama day
Baja: hahahaha...(CLAP)..... All right, let's get started.... Today's music news....... But before we do that, who's who's with us today
Ramon: today we have Kikura sitting in our guest seat
Kikura: hey everyone
Baja: so we Kikura here today and there the guitarist for the band c-side and she's a part of another group riot act.....now Kikura is it true that riot act actually came before the band C-side?
Kikura: uh....oh my cod.......uh wow..... Yeah actually that is true. It did come before C-side... Technically yes but at the time it was not called riot act.... It was actually called 'no boys allowed' uhhehe.... We were in high school that was our original band.... We were in an all-girls school. We were just a couple of weird kids just screwing around... We were all in theater together and we used to hang out under the bleachers and I don't remember who mentioned it but one of us said "wouldn't be funny if we started a band and we had no idea how to play the instruments"....and heh That's how it really started
Baja: it started out as a bit?
Kikura: Yeah it started out as a bit. We started to borrow instruments from The music room and we started to play, used to write music together like we had our own group chat and everything ... It started to get serious during second year of school. It started out as a joke and then just kind of started to really get into it and we really just stopped seeing it as a joke and started seeing it as more of a hobby and soon after we started to book gigs, shows and sets in people's basements. It just kind of took off after that.
Ramon: so what made you join C-side?
Kikura: so C-side started after I met Beika it was a small underground club. He recognized me from my band and he was really excited to see me! He told me that he was a bass player and his old roommate was a drummer and they needed a guitar player. He had a couple songs that he's written and he wanted my opinion on it. He wanted to see if I was able to do a demo track for him.
Baja: *nods*
Kikura: a couple weeks of talking I went to the studio and I met Uotora... He's such a sweetheart oh my cod.... We did rewrites and we wrote some more music. We did some test tracks and 5 hours later I was officially a part of the band...
Baja: what was your first concert like.... You played in sesame hall as the opener for wet floor
Kikura: I was surprisingly calm during the whole show. Really thought I was going to panic and freeze up because this is the first actual concert like a concert concert like it wasn't just a group of people hehehe in a backyard. I remember the crowd wasn't that enthusiastic when we came up but after playing 'click bate' people really just started to really get into it and we just formed a fan base after that.
Ramon: are you still a part of that band? After you released your new album with riot act
Kikura: oh yeah definitely. I'm still a part of the band I'm not going anywhere. This ain't that kind of band. Do we treat each other with respect...hehehe...hm... But no this is just a side project. We all just started talking again and it's just a passion project we're just doing really
Baja: and speaking of passion projects, let's get to the news....Nami one of the members of beloved yet controversial bands front roe has enough that branching off and starting a solo career. Today on Inkstagram she announced that she's working on a new album and writing her own songs she even took a selfie of herself in the studio showing in the recording booth.
Ramon: I think nami's very underrated in the band. It's good to see she's getting out there
Kikura: I'm so happy that she is. I only met her two times. It was during the black square music festival and the seashore awards she is so nice, she's so kind and so pretty. We were talking and I brought up keeping my music in a notebook and she did the same thing too. She has several notebooks of music that she really wants to make but it doesn't really fit the sound of 'squid squad'..... Well I guess it's front roe now but she's kept those book for years... I truly hope she's putting those to good use
Baja: You know this actually isn't her first solo work. She worked on a soundtrack for 'high-rise falling 4'. It was a video game for the gamer boy x system.
Kikura: really?
Raman: Yeah I know that she composed background music for the menu and she also made The third boss Battle song. Man If they ever make the movie of high-rise falling
Baja: they are never going to make that movie.... It's always in production hell for years now
Kikura: I've only played the second and third game in that series, but I heard the movie is going to be starting off with The fifth installment and going backwards which doesn't make any sense
Hitch: what is high-rise falling? I don't know what that is. What are they talking about?
Oshi: It's just a game that these kids play. The audience will know what they're talking about
Ramon: they should bring her back for the movie. It would be really cool if she remixed her original tracks. I love that for him. I'm happy that she's making music. I'm really excited..... What else we have for the news
Baja: SashiMori are no longer doing fall tours or winter tours like they used to
Raman: oh?
Baja: So one of the members, Paul. He's no longer able to travel because he has school so they're going to have to do summer tours
Ramon: that makes sense.... I remember their last tour was during fall during spook fest. Everyone dressed up in costumes and during their last set, people were giving out candy.... Folks was handed a bucket before they got into the arena. it was good candy too like people were getting full size candy bars..... What type of candy do you like? I like gum.... You could never go wrong with gum..... Good flavor, good texture... And you can blow bubbles with it. What about you?
Baja: I enjoy chocolate... I love a good piece of chocolate..... Especially if it has a filling in it like marshmallow or something.....Kikura?
Kikura: I would say I'm a hard candy type of person.... I enjoy jawbreakers
Baja: really
Kikura: Yes, it lasts longer than most candies and..... Besides lollipops It is the only candy that is socially acceptable to take out of your mouth
Hitch: do we have any chocolate sponsors?
Oshi: no but I can get with the marketing team and see what we can do
[one hour of banter later]
Baja: Well folks that's our show! Thank you for being here for our first ever episode. The riot act album will be released on the 22 so make sure you check your local stores for it....now enjoy one of their debut songs 'No planned survivors'
[riot act performing in the back ground]
Mickey: what are the viewerships right now?
Assistant: Right now the viewerships are sitting at 89.4 million...and online..... only 20k views... But that number might rise in the next week
Mickey: [inhale].....[exhale]...... What do you estimate the viewership for ink lab plus?
Assistant: Well..... Judging from the viewership on TV and the viewership on the app we might be able to gain..................... 100 million first episode maybe even more...
Executive: I don't understand it! they talked about video games and then candy, went on a tangent about handbags and backpacks. How is this popular?! This is supposed to be about music and celebrities.
Oshi: Kids today aren't really all that interested in celebrities showing off their fancy cars, expensive clothes and lifestyle. They're bored at that and so are the newer artists. They just want to know who they are as a person....if knowing about their favorite candy and opinions on games keeps them engaged and interested in their music and our show I see no problem with it
Mickey: hmmmm.....
Hitch: I think we might need a meeting for this. I have an idea
Oshi: what's the idea
Hitch: we haven't had that much traction on the app for a while. instead of making a recorded video the next time we film we do a live stream and have the audience involved with the conversation
Mickey: I like that. Keeps the audience engaged and keeps the viewerships high. it saves money on editing
Hitch:......... These kids are going to make us a lot of money
Neta had 12 kills in one match and 6 of them were mahi
lmao fish was fighting for their life @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
#Micky is also a shark#specifically a silky shark#Hitch is a Pickhandle barracuda#most who work in this type business are sharks and other predatory aquatic Life like barracudas piranhas and Bill fish#something something Hollywood something something it being a very cutthroat brutal and also predatory#Neta being an asshole maining a charger refusing to let anyone leave the base#squid break Splatoon ships are just old cargo ships#wow i wrote a lot I honestly should of broke it up into parts but what ever#I'm not shore if any of nana's back story contradicts any of the Canon Splatoon lore i honestly should of checked#i honestly wrote all that because I forgot about Cirrina's actual punishment and she needed to write something to help her grade#so she can go to her concert instead of summer school like she wanted#Cirrina going on her first date. yay! well I'm sorry not date outing it's just an outing not going out! just outing#i like writing realistic dialogue especially mundane conversations Idk if they interview came off as boring or not#i personally enjoy when interviews with celebrities are in a podcast format where they just talk about whatever and nothing really exciting#Baja has a very particular audience#autistics who also have an interest in music people you want to know more about their favorite musician#people who put on the show in the background so they can get their work or chores done#simps#me planting the first seed of a soon to be messy and very public divorce 👏🏾😈#mahi and neta playing Splatoon but it's not like the Splatoon we play its more like over watch or cod idk maybe team fortress 🤷🏾#Kikura is a lesbian and I think they should convince Nami to leave front row and be in riot act#they should also kiss and stuff#I know there's probably a little bit of spelling errors in this#especially in the#but it's 4:30 and this has been in my drafts for a week. I don't know longer than 2 days. I'll fix it later#ok I'm back I did some small edits#neta
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withleeknow · 10 months
wishful thinking. (01)
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chapter one: flutter
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summary: the instruction was plain and simple: no strings attached. but you should’ve known from the beginning that it could never apply to you and him.
pairing: minho x f!reader rating: 18+ (minors dni) genre: friends to lovers, friends with benefits au, college au; fluff, angst, smut warnings: implied smut, aftercare, mentions of alcohol consumption, hints of oc being a little emotionally constipated lol, barely edited but we should all be used to seeing that from me atp word count: 2.3k note: eeeek my first lino series is here 🥺 there's not much substance in the first part bc we're mostly just setting things up. thank you to my wifeus in the obs server (you know who you are ofc) for being the best cheerleaders, bc i don't think i would've gone through with writing this fic if it wasn't for you. fwb lino probably would've had to gather dust in the attic if you hadn't encouraged me to write him. thank you and love you <3
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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Tomorrow when it's over and we're sober I just want to believe that you'll miss me But I shouldn't 'cause we're just friends Now we're day drunk in the back seat of a taxi And you're telling me you wanna kiss me But we shouldn't 'cause we're just friends
Just Friends - Virginia to Vegas
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“Get off of me.”
He doesn’t, of course. Because Minho is stubborn and Minho does whatever he wants sometimes. “No,” he mumbles against your neck, pressing a soft kiss there that makes the stupid thing in your chest flutter against your will. You don’t let yourself indulge in the feeling for too long though, only a second. “You’re too warm.”
“Min,” you scold lightly, but you can’t say that you don’t enjoy having his body on yours like this. It’s different than when you’re having sex, because this is more intimate somehow, just him holding you - or rather, resting the entirety of him on top of you like the human version of a weighted blanket. Wham! Bam! Thank you, ma’am! but with a Minho-esque flare that he doesn’t have to appease you with, but chooses to anyway.
One of the reasons why you don’t let yourself relish in the moment is because intimacy isn’t what you signed up for. In fact, it’s the complete opposite of what you both agreed on. No strings attached - it was the only instruction, plain and simple.
And so you nudge his shoulder again, making him sigh and begrudgingly sit up, in all of his post-sex glory. Disheveled fluffy hair, a couple of fading marks on his neck courtesy of you, kiss-swollen lips and a kind of glow that you’re fairly certain matches your own.
“Hang on,” Minho says, I’ll get you a towel.”
He quickly throws on his boxers - previously discarded on the floor - and heads to your bathroom. He returns to your side just a couple minutes later with said item in hand, dabbing the soft cloth at your core tenderly.
“You okay?” he asks. “I wasn’t too rough on you tonight?”
You like the aftercare, and how tender he always is with you. You’re not sure if that’s the extra effort that he puts in with everyone he’s ever hooked up with, or if you two are just naturally comfortable around each other, but it’s reassuring. It’s nice to know that this agreement between the two of you hasn’t tarnished your friendship.
“You were perfect,” you tell him with a coy smile. “I was the one who asked for it anyway.”
Minho chuckles, then pats your bare thigh for good measure as he takes one final swipe at your core before chucking the towel into the laundry basket in the corner of your room.
He plops onto your bed again, propping himself on an elbow so he could look down at your face, highlighted only by the dim light of the small lamp on your bedside table. The way that his bicep flexes still puts you in a bit of a trance, even though you’ve seen it probably hundreds of times already.
“You know, I was pretty surprised when you asked me to try that with you,” he says, eyeing your mouth again. “Didn’t think you’d be down for experimenting new things with me.”
“Well, who else am I supposed to try things out with?”
You’re not even sure what you meant - the words just rolled off your tongue - but you don’t miss the instantaneous look of pride on his face. To hear something like that from you is clearly an ego boost for him.
You don’t miss the subtle blush that tints both of his cheeks and the top of his ears either, but you don’t dwell on it for very long.
Come to think of it, you don’t let yourself indulge in a lot of things when you’re around him.
His free hand comes up to draw imaginary patterns along your arm, starting from your shoulder, down to your elbow, then across your forearm until you could feel his fingers on the back of your hand. “I forgot to mention earlier,” he says, tracing what you think is an invisible outline of a heart on your skin. “Hyunjin knows.”
“Knows what?” you ask.
“He knows that we’re hooking up,” Minho tells you, then clarifies when he sees your eyes widening. “Well, he doesn’t know that it’s you. He knows that I’m hooking up with someone.”
You mimic his position, propping yourself up on one elbow so your face is more leveled with his, evidently alarmed at the mention of your friend finding out about a secret that you've been trying to hide for months now.
No, a secret would imply that you have more things you have to conceal. It’s probably more accurate to refer to it as the secret.
Sometimes, even you yourself wonder why this is something you need to hide from everyone. 
It’s not like you’re living in the Victorian era where people are scandalized by the appearance of a bare knee. It’s not like your friends are prudes either; most of them have had their fair share of friends with benefits. It’s all casual, all in good fun.
But maybe it’s because it’s Minho that you’re currently… preoccupied with, that makes you feel less inclined to share with the rest of the group.
If any of them catches wind of this, you know they’ll have loads to say about it, starting with a thorough but well-intentioned lecture from Chan. 
You were good friends before your thing started.
You had a friendship. You had something to lose.
You don’t know why you would even risk it in the first place.
It just happened.
One particularly lonely night. You had some alcohol in your system, and that always made you more sentimental than usual. There was something romantic in the air, or maybe that’s just what you thought looking at everything through the lenses of three glasses of wine. Not drunk, just buzzed enough to be reminded that Minho was one of the most beautiful people you’d ever laid your eyes upon.
But the accumulation of all those factors didn’t matter - couldn’t have mattered - more than the fact that he was there for you.
He listened to you brood over how suffocated you felt, how stagnant your life was, how nothing seemed to be going the way you wanted no matter how hard you tried. He didn’t offer you unsolicited advice, didn’t make you feel silly for moping. He was a soothing presence and that was enough for you.
Sometimes, your friends liked to say that you two would make a good couple because of how compatible you were. Chan once commented that you and Minho were a perfect fit, and that was what kept plaguing your mind moments before you kissed Minho for the first time.
Maybe you’re the missing piece of my puzzle, you had thought back then. My perfect fit.
You had pulled away after a couple of seconds, mortified, but his reaction was immediate. He’d chased after your lips again, no questions asked.
You knew it was a rash decision, spurred on by the heat of the moment and cheap convenience store rosé. Minho was so… goddamn addictive after just one taste that you couldn’t resist anymore. Having him felt like you finally had a taste of water after spending years deprived.
Needless to say, he ended up in your bed that night. The rest is… well, it doesn’t take a genius to deduce the subsequent series of events that led you here.
“Elaborate,” you say with an arch of your eyebrow.
“You texted when he was hanging out at my place and I was in the bathroom.” Minho shrugs. “That nosy little thing. He scrolled through quite a bit of our texts too.”
You frown. “He read our texts but he doesn’t know it’s me?”
“I don’t have you saved as your name.”
“Then what do you have me saved as?”
Up until now, you never even thought about this, and you’ve always just assumed that you’re in his contacts under your name, like he is in your list. Well, technically you have him saved as ‘Min’, but anyone who comes across it could still easily identify who you’re referring to.
Minho purses his lips, contemplating for a minute before he ultimately decides to withhold this information from you. He gives you a teasing smile, another shrug, before saying, “That’s for me to know and for you to find out when the time comes.”
“I don’t get to know what my own name is in your phone? Even Hyunjin knows, apparently.”
“Yeah, but he doesn’t know it’s you, so what does he really even know?”
“But I have a right-”
“Shhh.” Then he’s leaning forward to shush you with a quick kiss to your lips. It does the job, because you shut right the hell up. It surprises you every time he kisses you when you’re not in the middle of sex. Moments like these are rare, but you’re always rendered speechless by how casually he does it, how familiar the simple action is even when it shouldn’t be, and most of all, you’re dumbstruck by just how right it feels.
“Am I gonna see you before Yeonjun’s party on Saturday?” he asks, like nothing even happened. Your lips are tingling from a simple peck. It’s so silly, considering how just half an hour ago, he was literally inside of you, pounding you into oblivion until you had tears streaming down your face. Until you were crying out his name like it was the only word you’d ever known.
You quickly regain your composure. “I don’t know, maybe. I have a final paper to finish so I’ll probably be holed up here or at the library,” you tell him. “Maybe we’ll catch each other on campus. But if not, then, yeah, I’ll see you at the party.”
Minho seems disappointed, evident from his immediate and adorable pout. 
“It’s just a few days.” You roll your eyes harmlessly, lying back down again to snuggle into your pillow. “You’ll live.”
“Will I?” he grumbles. “What am I supposed to do for four whole days?”
“Don’t you have your finals too?”
“All presentations and papers. Finished the last one today.”
“Oh,” you say, mildly impressed by the fact. You always forget how studious he actually is. “Internships?”
“Already sent in my applications.”
“Changbin says you’ve been talking to that girl Hana in your class.”
You don’t know why you brought it up. You don’t even like hearing the words coming out of your own mouth.
Minho makes a face, almost like he’s taken aback that Changbin would even tell you that. “Because we’re in the same group for our final presentation,” he informs you.
“She seems nice, from what I’ve heard about her. Seems like she has a big fat crush on you too.”
“Not to sound mean, but I don’t really care about that.”
A feeling blooms in the pit of your stomach, a feeling that you cannot and will not give a name to. There’s just something about the way he said it, steadfast, without any hesitation.
“It does make you sound a bit mean,” you tell him.
“I’m just not interested in her.”
“I don’t want to hold up the Minho train if there are other options out there that you want to explore.”
Do you mean it? Yes and no. Part of you wants to be nosy and prod until he fesses up about a potential love interest in his life - if there even is one - so that you could be a good friend that tell him to just go for it, but your curiosity is eclipsed by your selfishness, because you realize that you don’t really want to know if it means the end of this.
Are you being a hypocrite?
Yeah, probably.
He bites his bottom lip as if in thought, just briefly, before he rolls over to lie on his back, staring up at your boring ceiling. “I told you, I don’t care. I’m not interested in any other girl,” he says.
Realistically, you know there will be a finale. It’s only inevitable. One day, he’ll get a girlfriend, or you’ll get a boyfriend - the former seems more likely than the latter - and this arrangement between the two of you will have run its course. Null and void.
It’s part of the reason why you never let yourself relish in him, because you will only be thoroughly disappointed when he gets taken away from you.
As if he’s ever been yours to begin with.
You’ve never belonged to him either.
Neither of you owes the other anything at all.
You blink away the dazed look in your eyes, humming a noncommittal noise in irresolute agreement, before reaching for your phone to check the time. It’s not that late, half an hour shy of midnight, and his place isn’t that long a walk from yours. You know full well that it isn’t much of an excuse, and yet…
“It’s late.”
“Can’t I stay over?” He turns his head to look at you. “I’ll be good. I’ll just sleep next to you.”
“No can do,” you say. “I have a class at 10AM.”
“Me too. I can walk you to campus,” he insists.
There’s something unspoken in his gaze that you can sense but can’t translate. It’s been happening more often lately - you not being able to read him as easily as you could before. You have to admit that it makes you a little unsettled. The unknown that swims in the dark sepia of his eyes.
But maybe you’re overthinking this. Maybe you’re making something out of absolutely nothing.
“Go home, Minho,” you decide, leaving him no room to protest. The instant kicked puppy look on his face makes you feel a little bad, thus prompting you to continue, “I’ll try to see you on campus, okay?”
He looks at you for another moment before he sits up unwillingly. It seems like he has something else to say - something other than a butthurt comment about being bored out of his mind over the next few days - but in the end, he gives up. You notice the way his shoulders slightly slump as he exhales, “Okay.”
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all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 27.11.2023]
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violetszone · 1 year
Flowers For Mother
Pierre Gasly x fem!reader
From this request
Summary: After your break up with Pierre, you found out that you were pregnant, your son Noah looked like his father in everything. Although your ex boyfriend Pierre cares about your son and you in every way, he did something unexpected this morning.
a/n: God I tried so hard to make it long, It's probably pretty ridiculous but that's about all I can do when I wake up in the morning so sorry... (not edited writing btw)
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After your breakup with Pierre, you obviously didn't expect much from him.Of course he was doing everything he could for your son and he was a really good father.Pierre loved his son so much that the bond between the two of them made you very happy.
Even though you found out and gave birth to Noah after the break up, it was really nice that Pierre was so caring in everything, he even named his son's middle name hisself.And of course your two very dear son Noah Antoine this boy fascinated you more and more every day
He was becoming a smarter boy day by day, of course, he couldn't be said to be good, after all, he had to get a few features from his father.However, he was listening to your word so as not to upset you. One of the things he and Pierre had in common was that they would do anything for you.
However, having Noah running around like a little copy of Pierre every morning when he wakes up adds color to your life.Even when you live separately with Pierre, he would take Noah to breakfast some mornings, that's when you felt alone and were thankful that you had Noah in your life. Your son had become your mainstay, you didn't know what to do without him.
Of course, after you broke up with Pierre, you couldn't interfere with his private life, and he couldn't interfere with yours. Like two civilized people, you should only care for your child, but you were afraid that Pierre and his life full of magazines might affect Noah badly.Pierre was aware of this, so he usually did not hesitate to introduce Noah to his girlfriends. Noah was a smart boy and knew very well that the two of you lived separate lives, so although he was not very pleased, he did not speak much when he met his father's girlfriends.
Such was your life, with your little son Noah and his famously turbulent father, Pierre, with a different adventure every day.You wake up every morning wondering what we're going to experience today because of these boys.Of course, you were so busy with Noah that you forgot about most of the special days except for the ones about him.
For example, when you woke up this morning to the sound of the doorbell and found flowers on the door, you forgot it was Mother's Day until you read the note.At first you took the flowers inside and thought they were wrong because who could send you flowers later when you read the note on it you got emotional and a few tears fell from your eyes.
You didn't expect Pierre to send you flowers for Mother's Day, you were really happy that he wrote a note that will warm your heart. when you started to put the flowers in a vase, Noah ran downstairs and hugged your legs.
You sat your son on the kitchen counter and kissed his cheeks, congratulated you on mother's day and hugged you, thanked you. Noah had your phone in his hand and it started ringing it was Pierre calling and he was video calling Noah opened it as soon as he saw his father calling and you continued to place the flowers.
You caught Pierre with the vase in hand when Noah forced you into the video call too.You thanked Pierre, moving your lips, and he nodded as well.Then you left Noah and Pierre alone as you left the kitchen. Even if you were apart, Pierre's behavior made you very happy.
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TADC Jax x G/N reader!
Dating Hc's!
A/n(before) I'm bored and I wanna write something for my beloved Jax :p
A/n(after) this is full of random shit I've had rotting on my brain since I watched the pilot
Warning(s)?: None that I think I should put unless you count dating Jax and my poor gramer
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He still teases you all of the time
This boy never stops flirting with you
Pet names?
Yes but not super obvious ones though
He gives "doll" and "cutie" Vibes for pet names (or nicknames whichever you prefer)
But if you're alone with him he will Shower you in complements (cuz he knows ragatha will tease him for being a softie with you)
ESPECIALLY if you're easy to fluster
Now onto affection!
He does like cuddles Way more than he would Ever say
Like if you have a sleepover in his room he will lay on you without saying anything (if you're okay with it)
I've seen this Hc before but if you pet his head he'll trump his foot like dogs do when you pet a good spot
And I don't know if anyone would agree but if you randomly kiss him he will melt
Especially if you only do that in private cuz that's probably the only time he'll ever let himself melt like that
Loves his alone time with you (red flag??)
And if you have hair then he'll help brush it (I donno if this counts as affection or not)
Now Let's get onto another topic cuz I ran out of ideas!
He still annoys you a lot
And I mean a lot
Partner or not it's Still funny
ALRIGHT I ran out of ideas and this is so short So sorry About that!! I might edit this later!
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itsphoenix0724 · 10 months
could i please request a part two to the az x reader, but now she confronts rhysand?
Hold Me Gently (Azriel x Reader)~ Bonus Chapter!
Warnings: mentions of negative self-talk, depression
Word Count: 1k
Hold Me Gently
A/N: Hi Anon! Thank you for requesting, I appreciate the visit to my inbox! I wasn't ever really planning on writing a part 2, so I called this a bonus chapter because it's not essential to the main story. I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to come again <3 as always constructive criticism is welcome! I wrote this very quickly so it's not edited I apologize!
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The River House lawn shook when your feet finally touched the perfectly manicured yard. You had waited until Azriel was finally asleep in your bed before you had come, he might try to stop you, but you’d given yourself a pretty damn good headstart. Your power throws open the doors with a blast of unrestrained energy, and it’s Feyre who sees you first as she runs down the stairs. 
“What’s wrong?” Your High Lady asks concern filling her eyes as she attempts to cup your jaw. You hold her at arm's length. This isn’t a battle she’s a part of. 
“Ask your mate,” you growl back, venom filling every inch of your veins as you tear past her heading right for Rhys’s office. If he wasn’t there you’d bring the entire house down around you to find him. Feyre looks after you in shock, probably mentally reaching out to Az to ask what was wrong. Or maybe she warned Rhys your fury was coming fast because he’s sitting at his desk like the picture of ease. 
“What can I do for you?” Rhys purrs from behind his desk, he’s put on his High Lord mask today. If this was how he wanted to play so be it. 
“Do you enjoy hurting your family?” That clearly wasn’t the question Rhys thought you were going to ask as his eyebrows raised in shock. “Or are you just that intentionally blind that you refuse to see what you’re doing to Azriel?” A dark glint lights in Rhy’s eyes as he leans forward, the picture of a calm perfect predator. 
“And what, pray tell, am I doing to Azriel?” He sends a wave of night-kissed power your way, trying to bank the rising flames in your chest. The authority almost makes you want to cave, but you hold strong. 
“So I suppose we’re going with intentionally blind then?” The flames rise higher, the ash threatening to drown your lungs. “You know that his work is harming his health, and yet you continue to use your brother as a weapon anyway.” Red clouds your vision at the lack of reaction from Rhysand, you might get violent quickly if it continues on like this. Feyre bursts through the door a minute later, coming to rest on the arm of Rhys’s chair. 
“Azriel doesn’t know you’re here.” She says it matter of factly and you nod. “We make decisions in this court together, that rage should be equally targeted at me,” Feyre says with finality but that doesn’t make it true. 
“Feyre, with all due respect. You are not equals in this.” both of them blink back in surprise and Rhys looks ready to rage war. Good, now he finally knows how you feel. “It’s nothing against you, but you are still a new member of this court. Rhys has known Azriel for 500 years, and you have been here for five, it is not the same. There are still things you don’t know about this family. You didn’t grow up with Az, you don’t know him like he does. You are my High Lady, and I will always love you, but you have no ground in this.” Feyre settles, opens her mouth to say something, and then closes it again before nodding at you to continue, moving to sit in the armchair beside the bookcase. You settle your hands on the desk looking at Rhys like you want to sever his head from his body as you address him again. “You continue to treat Azriel like something to be used, you know how he feels after every mission, and yet you order him to continue anyway. You know that it makes him feel worthless, and I’m here to say that enough is enough. You don’t get to turn a blind eye anymore because if it doesn’t directly affect you or Feyre you choose to ignore it.” 
“Azriel swore an oath to this court. He knew what the position entailed.” Rhysand states calmly, rising to meet your eyes. 
“He made that oath 300 years ago when he was barely a young adult. Things do change over long periods of time whether or not you want them to.” You scoff, raising your eyebrow and leaning closer into his space. Even as you see the temper rising in his eyes you won’t stop until Rhys sees what he’s been doing to his brother even if you say something that might get you exiled from this court. “What? Going to send me on a week-long hike now because I’m telling the truth?” The dig is obvious and dark power starts to pulse in a way that makes your knees want to buckle. You refuse to sit, this is your mate you’re defending. 
“As his High Lord, he does this court a great service. If he has an issue he can come to me himself.” Rhys snarls out. Feyre looks like she’s readying herself to jump in between the two of you if need be. 
“As his brother, you should care more about Az than any service he does for this court. If you want someone tortured, get off your ass and do it yourself instead.” You challenge and Rhys is rearing up to say something again before you hold a hand out. “Look what you’re doing to him if you don’t believe me.” Rhys grabs your hand and you show him Azriel after his latest mission, pouring every ounce of self-hatred you felt from Az into the memory. Rhysand yanks his hand away and finally sits back down when Azriel himself finally throws open the doors to the office. 
“I came as soon as you called,” He looks at Feyre who nods back at him. Rhys just stares at his brother, and Azriel’s eyes dart back to you as you give him a sheepish wave. You only feel remorse for the dark circles under his eyes, and for having his sleep interrupted. “What’s going on?” Rhys clears his throat, rubbing his hands together before speaking again. 
“It’s come to my attention that I’ve been neglecting your mental health, and for that, I’m so sorry.” Rhys nods at Azriel, silver rimming his violet eyes. “Take some time off, and we can reevaluate when you get back.” Azriel widens his eyes, a look of understanding passing between the both of them. You turn to leave when Rhys calls your name, “Thank you for telling me.” You nod and take your mate home so he can finally get some well-deserved rest.
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drabble #1 - coffee can wait
elijah mikaelson x reader
summary: cockwarming with elijah
tags: sleepiness, cockwarming, morning sex, vaginal sex
word count: 1,051
a/n: wrote this drunk, edited it sober. i’ve had writer’s block all weekend, so hopefully writing this can crack that. plus, i was in desperate need of something smutty with elijah ;)
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“Are you still busy?” You poke your head into your lover’s study. It’s nearly midnight, and the man has been dutifully going over papers since after dinner. 
“Unfortunately, yes. Is there something you need, baby?”
“Just you. I can’t sleep without you.”
Elijah sighs wistfully, “come here.” He pats his lap for you to sit. 
You hurry over to him, nightgown catching a bit of air. When you reach his side, he helps position you over his lap, then holds onto your waist. You adjust your hips slightly, getting comfortable.
“Don’t move too much, baby.”
“It’s alright. Mind if I go back to reading? I should finish in the next hour or two.”
You wrap your arms around his neck, head on his shoulders, and curl into him. In only a couple of minutes, your eyes are fluttering with sleepiness. But despite your exhaustion, part of you refuses to sleep. Underneath you, whether he realizes it or not, Elijah’s growing hard. He’s rubbing up on your legs, making your already needy state much worse. 
“‘Lijah?” You say after a little. 
“Are you almost done?”
“Not quite.”
“Can you… can you take a break?”
“I really shouldn’t, baby.”
“But you’re… you’re,” the words leave you. Unable to voice them, you tell him by feeling a hand on his cock. 
He groans in pleasure, then grimaces. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention, and neglected to notice… that.”
“I can help,” you mumble sleepily. 
“No, baby, you don’t have to.”
“Aren’t you too tired?”
You sigh in response, knowing he’s right. 
“Let’s try this, okay?” He moves your body gently just enough that he can pull himself out, hissing when the cool air of the room hits him. “Hold on, just for a second.” You nod, and he wets two fingers in his mouth before putting them on your clit. He rubs in a couple circles before slipping his fingers inside you, testing your wetness. When he decides you’re ready, he gestures for you to get on top. 
As soon as you do, he fills you completely. If you could see it, your stomach would probably have a bulge from how big he is, and the thought just makes you wetter. You both let out a moan at the feeling, causing him to turn your head to face him for a kiss. 
Perfectly fit, you lean back into his shoulder. Before you know it, you’re out like a light. 
Half an hour later, Elijah’s finally done with his reading. He’s about to praise you for your patience, but then notices you’re fast asleep. The sight brings a smile to his face. 
As quietly as he can, he picks you up and carries you to the bed. Without undressing from his suit, he lies down beside you. Even if he wasn’t too tired to change, changing into different clothes would require pulling out from you, and he’s too satiated for that right now. So, after one more look at your beautiful face, he lets his eyes flutter shut. 
You wake up to the sound of birds and the smell of fresh coffee filling your senses. It’s a lovely way to start a morning, and reminds you so much of why you love living with the Mikaelsons. But then you try to sit up, and realize someone has a tight grip on your body, holding you in place. You take a relaxed breath. Elijah. Smiling, but wanting that coffee, you try to wiggle out of his grip. 
That’s when you realize… the events of last night: not being able to sleep; checking up on your boyfriend… you wiggle one more time… he’s still inside of you, too. 
Almost instantly, you feel your body getting wet again. He’s still as hard as he was yesterday, and is still in his suit, too. 
“‘Lijah,” you whisper, kissing his cheek. “Hey.”
Slowly, his eyes blink open. “Good morning, baby.”
“Good morning,” you kiss his nose this time. “Did you sleep well?”
“Quite well, did you?”
“Mhm. Woke up even better.”
“Is that so?”
You answer by moving your hips against his cock, eliciting a groan from his throat. 
“There’s coffee downstairs,” you then say. 
He glares at you, a smirk teasing his lips. “Coffee can wait.” Without any further warning, he moves fast to climb on top of you, thrusting even deeper into you. He buries his face in your neck, leaving a trail of kisses, and making you moan from the pleasure. 
“I-’Lijah,” you whine. 
“Are you okay with this?” He asks suddenly.
“Then let me love you, since I didn’t get to last night.”
You don’t have time to answer before he turns you into a moaning mess. One hand holds your hips, while the other makes circles on your clit. He thrusts into you at a comfortable pace, still kissing all over your face and neck. You bury your hands in his hair, tugging at the ends, pulling him closer to your body. 
It isn’t long before you feel yourself getting close. You try to contain your moans, knowing his whole family is probably awake downstairs, but Elijah isn’t having it. He praises you after every loud cry, and you, desperate to please him, give in quickly.
Soon, sweat beads on his forehead, and his thrusts get more sloppy. He’s panting in your ear, sending shock waves throughout your body, bringing you closer. 
“I’m gonna c-” You’re cut off by your own pleasure, unable to finish the sentence. “Oh god, oh fuck, fuck, ffffff-” He kisses you quiet, tongue slipping inside your mouth. Seconds later, he follows, cumming deep inside you, groaning as he does. A vibration ripples through you and you shiver. “Fuck, ‘Lijah. I love you.”
As soon as he comes down from his high, he kisses you gently. “I love you, too, baby.”
It isn’t for another hour that you get down to the coffee. After peeling yourselves out of bed, you take a quick shower together. Things get dirty again before you get clean, but eventually you make it down to the kitchen. Of course, all three siblings are there, sipping slowly, with judging looks. 
“Busy night, huh?”
You mess up the boy’s hair playfully as you walk past him. “Shut up, Kol.”
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samscartoonsofficial · 2 months
Major art Dump incoming
all the MW ocs I have so far plus concept art of future ones in development.
I just want to have all my fav art pieces together in one post to track my progress :]
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So of course we got the main trio themselves :]. My pride and joy. The amigos :]
Cephany and Tungston were the very FIRST fellas me and my partner came up with.
CopyKat came later to join the group after basing them on @havockingboo 's mimic species.
The idea just stuck after realizing they are the silliest cat alien in the galaxy. Their character is literally every cat meme rolled into one.
And I love them MWAH!! 🐈
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The villains!!!
Already planning on writing a comic for the trio. So if they would have any major villains it's THESE GUYS!
Brutus and Deoxy were developed by both me and my partner after we realized that if they're gonna fight bad guys. They should have some bad guys!
Took a while to make them and figure out what exact aliens we wanted for these guys!
But orugh the final result for them so far has been good :]
Deoxy still has a long way to go.
But Brutus is perfect.
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Tagging @sammysamps 's once again because these are 4 out of theeeee...*counts fingers* 6 ocs I have based on their vampoctarion and Tremoctarion species!
The first two goobers are Oc x canon fanchildren.
The blue rocker lady is Joan
And the peachy Tremoctarion is my little princess Evangeline ✨
Me and my good friend @houseofdoodles love her and a certain crab pirate loves her too teehee :]
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Okay let's see who elllllse 🤔
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this was made by the help of another friend of mine
@coprolite-moment during a stream/magma doodle sesh! Its a Sona originally made for helluva boss. They really helped me develope and figure out this ladies color pallet/design which STILL amazes me btw HOLY shit 😭
But ALSO you should check out their dead eye comic hehehehe it's reeeeally goooooood :] *wiggles it around like I'm wiggling car keys*
Okay...who else? Uhhhhhhh
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I have ONE unicorn fella I still gotta finish..aaaaaand...*counts all these rabbits*
THESE GUYS! again, another species inspired by havoc :] /theyre multiplying send help/
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Cutler, Hartman, and...dog guy *squint*
I think I called him Richard but he's a fella I'm either gonna keep or scrap for later. Not sure yet
Same for Cutler!
But Hartman *kisses his head* I need to redesign you baby boy :]
Uhm I THINK that's it so far but honestly I know there's more! Might come back and edit the thread even more with updates!
But I got a pretty good chunk done.
I'll probably make a part 2 explaining concept for some NEW guys I've been thinking of all well.
Buuuuut thats it for now :]
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coffee-and-tea-time · 5 months
Hi! The overly happy coffee speaking! I noticed one of my fav yandere accounts like one post of Tea and I'm screaming like a fangirl. I'm fully in a delulu mood so I needed to write this. Editing this I find out more accounts I follow like some posts, I'm feeling shy now.
☁ the sweetest reality nightmare ☁
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TW: yandere behavior, delusions, the agony of self-preservation, stalking, obssesion, reader with sleep problems, willing reader, flirty reader x opportunist yandere lol
➤ first part
➤ here to see the other option
He's already at your house, in your room, it's not like you're gonna make it less crazy if you talk to him now, right? And if he is about to kill you, he would do it even if you keep acting.
A smile start creeping in your face, seems like you really can't act like sleeping beauty anymore, huh? 
“Oh, I'm really glad, you seem like you're finally having a good dream… will it be too greedy if I want to be inside that little dream of yours? Well, if you find that greedy, you won't be able to handle me later”
“Oh, I would love to test that, mind showing me a little more of that ‘greedy’ side of you?”
As you open your eyes, you're met with quite the sight, a man with amber hair and golden eyes looking perplexed, his palpable nervousness makes you grow a little soft spot for him already.
“What happened, Love? Cat got your tongue?  What a shame I really wished to hear more from you… oh, now that I recall, I do know you, you're Pin, aren’t you?”
You manage to remember his face, he is a classmate which you never spoke to but caught him staring one or two times which you dismissed as a coincidence.
“I can't believe you didn't scream when you saw me here and you actually remember my name, even calling me by a nickname… did I fall asleep without noticing?”
You can't help but giggle as his antics when he pinched his hand, once he felt the sting his gaze returns to meet yours, you can almost see his eyes shining as he quickly approaches you, literally sitting next to you in the bed as he began to talk, amazed.
“Yes! That's my name, Cherry, oh, you don't mind me calling you Cherry? Ah, me visiting you like this should be more of a problem than that, shouldn't it?”
“If it bothered me, I would’ve screamed and called the police already, and no, I don't mind the little petname but I do have one issue”
You hold a smile as you catch him gulping hard, probably more worried that he has ever been.
“I’m sorry Dear, did I mean any troubles for you? I can fix my mistake, I promise! I just can’t help it but want to see you more”
Even if his words express lament, the lovefool look in his face and the firm grip on your hand betrays his lack of regret for his actions.
“Surely you know by now that I have problems falling asleep, and just now you offered me the ‘perfect medicine’, I hope you are the type to stick to your word”
You watch his face turn into a puzzled expression and then open his mouth to ask until realization hits him… He almost literally jumps into the bed, as if he had done it before.. honestly, probably he did gently pulling you into a warm but tight embrace.
“oh, Dear, you are the one that can't take your words back now”
“I wasn’t planning on it”
“I’m glad to hear that because now I'm going to visit you freely, everytime I want. We can cuddle every night, will you let me cook for you? I swear I already know all your eating habits, although we could improve that eating schedule of yours, I swear I won’t be pushy about it; Can I kiss you good night and good morning? Oh, first we should go on dates to work more on your trust in me! But I will assume hugs are fine since you directly asked me for them. Wait, I can cling to you when we are outside too, right? Right?”
“Pin, you’re speaking way too fast, calm down a little, Dear, but yeah, you can be clingy, this is already comfy enough to forget my annoying insomnia so I can totally get used to this”
He shuffles closer just to snuggle further, you swear you can almost hear him purring as he holds you like you two are a newlywed couple.
“and we can make an agreement on the kiss thing, I’m open for a debate on that”
“I don’t like to repeat myself but now you really can’t take any of your words back, Darling”
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
images from pinterest
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aris-ink · 2 years
Bruh your writing got me so fucked up 💀 I’m all about that creepy shit. Can I request a Hobi one with praise kink, daddy kink, and stalkery bff Hobi taking care of OC after a bad day/date/etc 🖤
bye ily
pairing: hoseok x reader
genre: friends to lovers
warnings: mentions of blood and violence (not towards the reader), mentions of stalking, oral sex (f!receiving), daddy kink, dirty talk, praise kink, a little bit of degradation, multiple orgasms, creampie, hobi is so soft for the reader 💖
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The sigh you let out against his neck gave him shivers. He tightened his arms around you, leaning his cheek on top of your head. There was something intimate and comforting about holding you in the dark; no nightlight or candles burning, just your heart beating against his. It didn't take long for Hoseok to figure out that this was all he ever wanted.
"I'm so tired, Hobi," you whispered. "I had such a long day."
He hummed, running the pads of his fingers down your arm softly.
"Tell me about it."
He didn't need to ask; he already knew what happened. No matter how busy he was, he always made sure he knew what you were doing and where you were going. He was your best friend, after all. It was his responsibility to take care of you. You didn't need to know the details; like how his footsteps traced yours through the shadows, or how he had to spend hours washing blood off his tools. Why worry your pretty, little head with such trivial matters? You trusted him to protect you, and that was exactly what he did.
"Maybe later?" You offered, fidgeting with the chain around his neck.
Hoseok nodded, like he had no idea that your boss yelled at you earlier, or that you finally let yourself cry on your break, buckling under the pressure of your responsibilities. He lifted your hand and pressed a kiss to your wrist.
You sighed again.
He let his fingers trail down to your thigh, caressing your soft skin with his thumb.
"What is it, babe?" He murmured, tilting his head down to look at you. "What do you need?"
Just the innocent way you looked up at him was enough to wreck him. Perhaps he should have been used to it by now, but there was only so long he could remain on the sidelines without making a move. It was ironic how his love made it so difficult for him to control his impulses; unless it came directly to you.
"Just-" you paused to swallow thickly, and he wondered if you were nervous. "Just a distraction."
Hoseok hummed again, flattening his palm against your thigh. With his free hand he stroked your hair attentively, staring into your eyes.
"Like?" He coaxed. "Want me to take care of you?"
He wasn't even sure what exactly he was offering; he supposed that depended on you. And it looked like he hit the jackpot because you nodded, your gaze falling to his lips.
His heart drummed in his chest. Was this his chance? He knew you so well, and yet there was a fear stirring somewhere in him, coiling around his ribs like a serpent. He didn't want to lose you. He probably shouldn't move closer...
He did anyway, inching his face towards yours, unable to resist the magnetic pull of your gravity. You were the focal point of his universe, and he agonized over how much he wished he could tell you that too often.
"Want me to help you forget?" He whispered, moving his hand up your thigh. It rested dangerously close to your center. Still, he didn't cross the line completely, even when your eyes fluttered shut. He wanted to hear you say it.  He wanted you to acknowledge your feelings and give into them, to be just as enchanted by him as he was by you.
And it seemed like his dream was about to come true. He could feel the warmth of your breath on his lips, your hand falling on top of his to move it closer to the heat in between your legs. The throbbing in his cock matched his erratic heartbeat, his own eyes closing when the tip of his nose touched yours.
"What do you need?" He was still cautious, his voice remaining a whisper, as though he was afraid of breaking the spell that has fallen over you. He squeezed your thigh. "Need a friend?"
He could feel and hear the shaky exhale that left your lips.
"No?" He echoed.
He finally released your thigh, only to place his hand in between your legs, pressing it right into your covered cunt. The soft gasp you released made his dick twitch.
"Need a man?" He suggested instead, moving his head so his lips could reach your cheek. "Just someone to love you and fuck you good. Is that it?"
You parted your thighs, a tempting invitation Hoseok would never be able to resist. He started rubbing you through your shorts, dragging his fingers along your clit slowly. You grabbed on to his sleeve, bunching up the material in your grip.
"Come on," he urged softly, "answer me, baby."
The anticipation was too much to bear at this point, helping him grow bolder. You nodded, your lips pressing against his. It was everything he had ever imagined and more, and even though he still wanted a verbal answer, he couldn't find it in himself to pull away. You tasted so good, completely overtaking his senses as he kissed you back. He could smell your perfume, feel the softness of your hair tickling his neck. Everything about you turned him on; most likely more than you'd ever know.
He didn't mind though. This was his chance to love you, to give you everything you needed and maybe even help you realize that you belonged together.
He pulled your bottom lip in between his teeth. With a little, adorable noise of surprise you took the hint and parted your mouth, letting his tongue brush against yours. His fingers pressed harder into your core, igniting your nerves as he stroked you. The moan you let out into his mouth was something he knew any angel would give up their wings for. He surely would.
But when he started to feel the cotton material of your shorts dampening under his touch, he growled, breaking the kiss to look at you. He could almost see the flush gracing your cheeks, spreading all the way down to your neck. So pretty.
"I want a proper answer," he demanded hoarsely, "do you want me?"
"Yes," you sighed against him, seeking his lips.
But Hoseok was far from done. In fact, he was just getting started.
"How, baby?" He asked, abandoning your clit to rub circles into the wet spot on the entrance to your cunt. "Want it hard? Need a firm hand?"
From the way you were struggling to not fall apart, and from knowing you for so long, he really didn't need to ask. But he found satisfaction in the way you nodded quickly, biting your lip.
"Please, Hobi."
He licked a wet stripe up your neck, practically feeling your pulse speed up under his tongue.
"So you just need a daddy to look after you, hm?"
Your eyes snapped open, widening for a moment before your head lolled against his shoulder.
"Oh god," you moaned.
That sounded like a yes to him.
When he kissed you again, it wasn't sweet like the first time. It was hot and messy, heavy breaths mingling as he pushed you down onto the mattress. His hands almost trembled, both from the nervousness and the impatience that suddenly gripped him.
He needed to be inside you. As deep as possible, marking every inch of you, until you were so wrapped up in each other you couldn't tell where he ended and you began. He put that process into motion by kissing you more, sucking your lower lip into his mouth.
"I'm gonna give you everything you need," he murmured, nudging your legs apart with his knee. "Everything you want."
A soft noise that sounded much like another whine left you as he lowered his mouth to your neck. He wanted to hear it again. For his soul it was the sound of rain outside the window after a drought. He wanted to drown in it.
He worked on covering every inch of your neck with the warmth of his lips, his hands slowly pulling up your shirt.
"You sound so pretty."
The next little whine made his cock throb. He caressed the expanse of your stomach, sighing into your skin.
"Tell me something, baby," he pulled away from your neck to finally take your shirt off. You raised your arms, aiding him in getting rid of it, watching him throw it somewhere onto the the floor.
"You like being complimented, don't you?"
He stared down at you as he pulled down one bra strap. You were captivating, your eyes shining and chest rising with uneven breaths, like your air supply was cut off by lust. Like he was your air at the moment, and it looked as though you were going to suffocate if he didn't touch you.
You nodded, albeit shyly. So quiet. Perhaps it was strange for you to be vulnerable with him in such a new way. He loved it. He loved your trust in him, and he had every intention of showing you that.
"Complimented overall?" He questioned lowly. "Or by me?"
Damn his possessive nature, because he wasn't able to hold back. It didn't look like this was going to be a problem though, because you nodded more feverently.
"You. Only you."
Hoseok could feel his temperature rise, and he knew he was about to lose it.
"Yeah? How long has this been going on?" He had to ask. His big hand squeezed your waist firmly. "Does it make you wet? Does that little pussy clench when I call you my good girl?"
You shuddered under him, hiding your face in his neck.
Gently, he grabbed your jaw, forcing your head back up, deep, dark eyes locking on yours.
"Good girls answer when they're asked a question."
You released a deep breath.
He bit his lower lip. He loved watching you unfold for him, so naturally, finally falling apart petal by petal.
You tried to escape his gaze, but he refused to let you, tilting your chin again.
"Nuh-uh, baby. Don't look away."
A kiss on your collarbone, then your neck.
"Just let go."
Another landed on the swell of your breast, tingly and warm. Your hands tightened around his shirt.
"You're so fucking pretty."
A kiss on your left breast now.
You arched your back and parted your legs, offering yourself up to him so eagerly. It was more than he ever expected or deserved; and he definitely didn't expect pleading.
"Daddy," your fingertips dug into the hard muscles of his arms. "Please. I need you."
Your voice was almost a whisper, but he definitely heard you. He groaned, fumbling with his belt buckle above you.
"Say that again."
"Need you, daddy," you moaned obediently. "Please fuck me."
His hips jerked as you lifted your hand to palm at his crotch.
"Oh god," he breathed, his fingers wrapping deftly around your wrist to stop you. "You can't just say shit like that when you touch me. I'm gonna come."
You moaned again and continued to rub his cock. You could feel its stiffness beneath the jeans, feel his grip on your wrist loosening.
"Then come," you answered simply.
Hoseok hissed through his teeth. He didn't know how to hold back; he couldn't stop the dizzying need that was turning into searing pleasure way too quickly. If your hands all over him was what you wanted, why would he deny you? So he let you touch him, so hot everywhere that he wasn't sure if he could feel tears well in his eyes or not. His hips bucked into your hand, a loud groan leaving him as he fell apart, his cock twitching in the tight confines of his jeans.
He rested his cheek on your chest, listening to your heart hammer away while he tried to calm his breathing. He never came that quickly before, and he had never felt so satisifed but ravenous at the same time either.
"God," he lifted his head. "I-"
love you almost slipped out of his mouth. He licked his lips, attempting to redirect his thoughts onto a safer route for now. He didn't want to crash.
"You're a fucking tease," he muttered instead, squeezing your breast in his hand. He could feel your nipple poking out through the soft material of your bra. He could not wait to put his mouth all over you.
"But I'm so fucking glad you did that," he said with a sigh, placing his lips against yours. "Because now I have all night to fuck you."
The 'please' that reached his ear again made all the blood rush back down to his dick. He couldn't wait to make you come; there was so many ways he wanted to make you come.
By the time your clothes were scattered all over the floor, he already had your pussy clenching around his tongue, his thumb rubbing circles into your clit. Your taste alone made him feel heady, the slick staining the sheets below you not quite fitting for how you whimpered after you came, avoiding his eyes as you tried to catch your breath.
"Don't be shy," he said, lifting himself up to hover above you. "You're fucking stunning."
He knew you could taste yourself on his tongue when he kissed you, and the curious parting of your lips made him groan.
"Good girl. Still want daddy to fuck you?"
Your arms wrapped around his muscular back, pulling him closer.
"Please. Please."
"There you go," he praised, nudging the tip of his cock against your tight hole. "You're so good for me," he groaned. "I'll give my good girl everything she fucking wants."
He knew you were wet, but the fact that he pushed in with absolutely zero resistance made him feel like he could immediately come again. He buried his face in between your breasts, feeling his cock leak precum right into your warm cunt.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck."
"Daddy," you gasped.
Hoseok tried to soothe you, ignoring his own need to pin you down and fuck you already.
"I know, baby, I know," he promised. His cock twitched inside you. "Daddy's here. Daddy will give you anything you want."
He pulled out of you with a breathy groan and slammed back in slowly.
"My time," he began grinding his hips into yours, his cock reaching so deep he thought he was going to burst. "My- my wallet," his breath hitched. "My cock. My-"
heart and soul. The words were lost in the moan that interrupted them. He quickened his pace, making sure you felt every inch of him as he fucked you.
And you took it so well, moaning so prettily he could barely restrain himself anymore.
"Good job," he grunted, nipping at your jaw. "So good for daddy. My precious, little girl."
He didn't think it was possible for your pussy to get tighter, but it did, pulling a deeper grunt out of him.
"Like hearing how well you take daddy's cock, huh?" He kissed your neck, delighted by the shiver that went through you. "Like hearing what a perfect, little slut you are for me?"
The wetness that flooded his cock made his thrusts louder, sloppier. You squeezed him like a vice, stealing his breath and making his knees weak as you came again. He gripped the sheets beneath you so hard his knuckles turned white, trying his best not to explode and fill you up.
He was supposed to pull out.
He chanted the reminder to himself over and over again in his head, even when his cock began to spurt ropes of cum inside you as he fucked you through your orgasm, his gaze locked on your wide eyes. Your cunt twitched around him, your moans growing into loud cries, fingers digging into his hips to press him deeper inside you.
Hoseok lost himself, the high taking over him completely. He released a string of profanities into your chest as his head fell into it helplessly.
Minutes passed by in comforting silence. While you were ready to drift off, he could feel his cock thrumming inside you, growing harder despite the fact that he just came. And a second time at that.
But he could not wrap his head around the fact that he got to come inside you. It made goosebumps break over his arms, the squelch that came with his next thrust sending butterflies straight to his stomach.
You jerked in surprise.
"Good girl," he whispered. "You're doing so well. You can take some more for daddy, right?"
His thrusts picked up again, sweat dripping down his chest as he slipped a hand under your ass, adjusting you with a groan. Now that he knew what it felt like to be inside you, to have you overflow with him, there was nothing that could have stopped him from fucking his cum as deep into you as it could go.
It looked like he wouldn't have the time to visit his garage tonight, after all.
Oh well. Your boss would be fine, he was sure. Might bleed out until the morning. But then, that wasn't exactly Hoseok's problem, now, was it?
You reap what you sow.
You were all that mattered. He continued fucking you into your mattress, lifting your leg smoothly to put it over his shoulder. The new angle had your nails raking down his back, some of his cum leaking out of your cunt and onto the sheets.
He hissed, his tongue tangling with yours as he kissed you. He pulled away only to ask one question, his voice tender.
"Yes, daddy," you moaned. "So full."
His fingers searched for yours blindly. He refused to look away from your face, beautiful and scrunched up in pleasure all because of him.
He entwined your fingers, then slammed his cock into you with a force so sudden you cried out. The bed shook under you, his pace becoming nothing short of brutal. His goal was to fuck you until the only thought in your head was him; and the 'yes, yes, yes' being moaned into his ear was enough to convince him that he was doing a decent job.
He dipped his head to put his mouth around your nipple, sucking harshly when you stuck your chest our for more.
"Good girl, good girl," he groaned. "Daddy's girl. Yeah, baby?"
It seemed like you didn't know any other word right now besides yes.
"Good," he repeated.
Mission accomplished.
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yellowistheraddest · 2 years
LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND FELLOW CONTORTIONS OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT, i present to you 9 drawing requests with accompanying commentary...
request one:
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honestly its not a crime but they are criminally curious to learn the rich history of Dallas in 1963! i mean arent you curious, you should google what happened there on november 22nd!!!
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request number 2:
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OH BABY you know i love making people feel :( my most popular post is characters crying so i was supposed to have fun with it but 3 people hugging - dude, i was no the verge of insanity and in the end pearl just kinda got swallowed up and disappeared.
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request tres:
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coming from the last drawing i was still on the 'lmao get sad' bandwagon, and simon and athena they have lived through somethings so once again i drew people crying :D so heres a drawing of little athena and her goth uncle having a nice little hug and nothing ever went wrong
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request četiri:
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by now everyone should know that my favourite AU is these two bastards meeting before phoenix became a lawyer; ya know so he doesnt need to break his back trying to learn law as an art student - not that he learns much as he doesnt know what a cross examination is in his first case,,
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request pénte:
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this request marked the second day of drawing.
now,, i might have not read the request before i drew sooo i kinda just drew them taking a selfies at a steel samurai con so i kindly edited the second drawing to contain a peace sign. [the plush is the hellish creature named the iron infant [from AAI i think] and i bet its like the worst character in the franchise and these two will definitely burn it when they get home]
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request numero sześć:
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now i swore to never post kissing on here so i spare myself of the cringw when i look back later, so just dont read the first half and enjoy the way i found out you cant really draw flicking without making a comic. like the motion is so small yet so powerful how do you draw that?!?!?!?!?!? this looked miles better in my brain...
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request shtatë:
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you know what else is like rocks? big frozen chunks of ice, like the one here :D
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request huit:
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ah the t4t to end all t4ts. ron is definitely a guy to fall at first sight and bro desiree is the definition of girlboss
also people forget that larry was rons coworker and i need more content of those two because they are just wildly opposite
[edit: ''sir are good'' HUH??? brother i need to go to sleep and just not draw for the next millenia]
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now we have arrived at the end of our trip...
you may be thinking "yellow, you said that there were 9 drawings!"
YES, but no.. theres probably a reason behind this but when i opened my inbox and saw this was like a game character who was stun locked. i mean look at this, aka request number NINE:
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love ya to death, babes, but please get some rest because i think you forgot to write in the characters you wanted to see. despite that i decided to draw what you requested:
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now just imagine whichever characters you waant in those places! wait was your request an investment so you can have an infinite amount of ships inserted into this pose???
anywho, ummmmm.. yeah Now we have reached the end - but do not fear, im not dying or going away. im still going to be here on my ace attorney bullshit as long as my brain can stand.
sadly i have to say GOODNIGHT, LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND FELLOW CONTORTIONS OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT. may we meet once again when the planets align and it rains in the greatest depths of the ocean o7
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
I chose you (Julián Álvarez x Reader)
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**Got another Julián request recently and it’s always funny how easy it is to write for him. So hopefully it’s easy and enjoyable to read for all of you ❤️**
Word count: 1879
“Are you ok?”, asks my mum, and I can see the worry in her expression even through the screen.
“Yeah. Just not feeling 100% at the moment, you know?”
“Why? Are you sick or something?”
“No. I guess I’m just going through one of those moments where I don’t feel super confident or whatever. No specific reason. For all I know, it could just be the bad weather making me feel this way”.
“Is everything ok with Julián?”
I smile without even noticing. “Yes, mum. It’s nothing to do with him”.
“Well, I’ll still tell him to take better care of you so you don’t feel this way”.
“Mum, I’m a grown woman. I don’t need my boyfriend to take care of me”.
“We all need people to take care of us. Don’t forget that”.
I don’t want to admit it but I know she’s right. I’m always in my own head, not sharing how I feel and it can be a bit much sometimes.
“I’ll talk to Julián when he comes back”, I promise to myself before picking up my phone to waste my time on social media.
I see City have posted some photos, including one of Julián, so I like the post. Then I click on his profile and go to the tagged photos. I always love seeing all the photos of him that professional photographers take. I have an album full of them.
But I also see photos fans have posted. It seems like there are more girls taking photos with him after training. With him and all the others, but I only care about my boyfriend.
I’m not a jealous person. I’ve never been, honestly. It’s easy to say you aren’t but then your actions show the opposite. However, that’s not me. I don’t think I’d be able to deal with the stress if I was a jealous person and dating a football player.
So it’s not jealousy I feel while reading the captions they write for my boyfriend. Or seeing the videos where they try to hug him or kiss his cheek. But if it isn’t jealousy, then what is it?
I usually would just laugh it off. Julián himself tells me stories of these meetings whenever something funny happens, knowing how little I’ll care about their flirting with him.
Opening TikTok is probably the stupidest idea at the moment. Yet here I am wasting more time making myself feel ugly seeing all the gorgeous girls I follow for beauty and fashion inspo and getting annoyed at the edits Julián’s fans make for him.
“I’m so stupid”, I say, throwing the phone on the sofa before hiding underneath one of the blankets.
A couple of minutes later, Julián is back and starts to call my name. For a second, I think about pretending to sleep but he would notice the lie.
“I’m here”, I say in a small voice, getting my head out from underneath the blanket so he can see me.
“What are you doing there? Are you feeling alright?”
I nod, not wanting to worry him with my silly thoughts. “Just tired”.
“Well, I’m tired too. How about you move so I can fit next to you and we cuddle?”
“I’d like that”.
My promise to tell him about how I was feeling is gone the second I place my head on his chest. Because I have no reason to feel like this. I should be fine. This will pass soon.
"So how was your day?, asks Julián while he sets the table for our dinner. We fell asleep on the sofa the moment we cuddled and didn't get to talk at all.
"Ok, I guess", I shrug.
"What did you do? You always tell me about the whole day. Come on, I want to know".
I'm usually excited to talk about my day. But not right now. "You know. Studied in the morning, face timed with my mum and then went to the sofa to nap".
"Everything ok with your parents?"
"Sure. Why do you ask?"
I can see him trying to find the right words. "I don't know. You seem a bit off. I thought maybe they gave you bad news or something".
"No. I'm just tired. I told you".
"Well, then you sit here", he says, putting his hands on my shoulders and guiding me to the chair. "And I'll finish getting everything ready".
"Thank you", I say, offering him a small smile. His is a lot bigger and after kissing my temple he goes back to the kitchen.
During dinner, he updates me on everything going on at the club and focusing my attention on someone else for a second helps me a lot.
"Feeling better?", he says, hopeful.
"Yes. I think I'll just take a shower before bed to help me relax".
"Go do that. I'll put this in the dishwasher".
I get up to go to the room and stop when I reach Julián to give him a hug.
"I love it when you're clingy like that".
This time the smile is bigger. It's easy to smile when he's around. It's when I'm alone with my thoughts that I struggle.
When I get out of the shower, I try to make a bit of an effort. It's not as if I have to impress Julián right now, but I need to impress myself, sort of.
Whenever I'm having these confidence issues or whatever they are, the first thing I drop is looking after myself. I struggle with simple things such as putting on moisturizer after the shower or picking cute outfits. And it only makes me feel worse in the end because I look worse. It's such a stupid cycle.
Julián is already in bed looking at his phone when I get back to the room. He puts the phone away the moment I get to the bed and puts one of his arms around my shoulders to bring me closer to him.
"You smell so good I could eat you".
I laugh. "You don't like coconut".
"Not the fruit. But I like it when you smell like this", he says, nuzzling his nose on my neck.
"Feel free to use the body butter if you want to smell like me", I joke.
"Wouldn't that make me too irresistible to other women?"
I roll my eyes at his bad joke. "I'll take the risk".
"Actually, I didn't tell you this funny story from today. These three girls asked for a photo when I was in my car and kept complimenting me, my clothes, my car …no subtlety", he laughs but I don't join him. "And then a kid showed up and they had to let him get closer and were so annoyed. They'll probably be there again tomorrow".
I don't say anything because what can I say? I already saw the photos and I thought the girls looked familiar. I guess they spend their days there.
"Hey, you ok?"
"Yes", I say, turning my back to him and pretending to get ready to sleep.
"What was that?"
"I'm sleepy. Good night".
"What did I do for you to react like…wait, are you jealous?"
"What?", I say, turning again to look at him.
"I told you about those girls and you got all weird. You have no reason to be jealous, you know that".
"I'm not jealous of any fangirls, Julián".
And I'm not, but my tone and my face make it sound like a lie. I hate this feeling.
I go back to my previous position and a couple of seconds later I notice Julián wrapping his arms around my waist and bringing me closer to his chest.
"It's you I want. Please know that".
"I know", I whisper. Maybe it's better if he thinks I'm jealous instead of having to dig deeper to explain everything else. "I love you".
"I love you too. Sleep well now. You'll feel better tomorrow after a good night's rest".
If only it were that easy.
The next couple of days, Julián seems to be tiptoeing around my feelings and he doesn't bring up any meetings with fangirls. Actually, by checking Instagram, I've noticed one of them mentioned he didn't stop to attend them at all. I don't even know how I feel about that.
By the time he comes back from training, I'm back under the blanket and when he gets to the sofa, he moves it to see my face.
"You were worrying me so I spoke to your mum".
"What?", I say, sitting up.
"Well, you don't talk to me so I had to do something. I can't see my girlfriend hurting and do nothing".
"I just don't know what happens to me", I say, feeling the tears on the back of my eyes.
"It's not going to solve everything but sit here", he says, patting the spot between his legs. "So I can hold you while we try to make sense of it, ok?"
I nod, sitting there and letting him share his strength with me through this hug.
"It's just something that happens sometimes. I don't know if it's anxiety or something else. But I just feel like I'm not enough. Like all my confidence is gone. Like anything I have to do, no matter how small, demands too big of an effort from me".
"Ok. Does it usually take long for that feeling to go away?"
"It depends. It used to be worse when I was younger. Now it's usually a couple of days. Maybe a week and a half or something like that".
"And do you know anything that can make you feel better? Whatever it is, I'll make sure you have it".
He looks at me confused. "What do you mean?"
"I need you. You don't even notice how much you help me just by being you. It's when you're not around that it gets worse".
"That means a lot to me. But we need to find other ways to help. I wish I could always stay with you but I can't".
"I know", I say, hugging him tighter and placing my head on his chest.
"And you're sure there is no jealousy involved in this? It's ok if there is. I mean, I'm jealous of every man that talks to you".
I chuckle. "No, I'm not jealous. I guess what made me feel worse about those fans was their confidence. How they had no fear of going to talk with you guys and being so direct to you. I wouldn't be able to do something like that. Not in the state I'm in at the moment".
"You don't need to. Because I chose you a while ago. And I keep choosing you every day".
"But you didn't know all these issues were included in the package when you chose me. What if it gets too much for you? I don't want you to feel like you have to baby me".
"I'm not. I'm just looking after you like you look after me. Can you just let me do it? Let me look after you, please".
"Does looking after me include cuddles and watching my favourite movies while we eat ice cream?"
"Of course it does".
"Then count me in".
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sgiandubh · 9 months
I respect your ability to logically analyze news and photos
What is your interpretation of the photos of Sam two years ago kissing the American model?
Would a woman like Cait accept this act from her partner?
Fatima from Morocco
Dear Fatima from Morocco (such a wonderful country and such generous people!),
You can even write me in French, si ça te chante et que c'est plus facile pour toi, but yes, English is the best for us, in here. And that was very thoughtful of you, thank you for this considerate gesture on behalf of everyone!
I suppose you mean this pitiful attempt of a paparazzi New York innuendo, featuring Monika Clarke, who quickly disappeared from view, too?
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If this is passionate, then I am probably the Pope. This, my new friend, is a totally staged and totally botched damage control operation for what happened in August 2021, on a very sad occasion, somewhere in Ireland.
Nothing more, nothing less. But risky moments call for extraordinary measures, and The Boy, who once famously said he 'would do everything' for her and (a few moments later if that was not clear enough) also 'for love', obliged.
Is it shocking? Yes. Is it heartbreaking? Yes. But, Fatima, don't they say all's fair in love and war? And make no mistake, this pretty much sums up those last ten years, doesn't it?
As for C's reaction, it would be impertinent of me to infer. But if my very dense life has taught me just one thing, it would probably be the simple truth one could or should never judge what happens between two lovers. Also, we are dealing here with faith - not thermodynamics - therefore, I think she did accept it, for her own reasons and truth, we might never be entirely privy to. After all, a shitty Daily Fail article can't even compete with a Remarkable Week-end, isn't it?
Thank you for dropping by and welcome to my screen!
PS: Clarke is Australian, not American. An American woman would have behaved very differently, I think.
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[Later Edit]: Our side is a very critical one and I was immediately reminded the Irish church thing happened in August 2022, five months later from the moment the New York pic was taken. And I now have to correct the circumstantial explanation and pitifully (but honestly) tell you that was during promo time. Also, nothing of the sort happened ever since and for good reason - that Irish episode.
Thank you to @jammf-moghaol, who gracefully commented and also to someone else (ya sabes y 😘).
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kairithemang0 · 4 months
curtwen masquerade ball curt dips owen in a ballroom dance can't see owen blush like a maniac that's it that's the ask
So, would they know it's each other?
If they didn't, maybe it would have Curt being like "oh this guy is so hot..." and not knowing Owen is working with him on a mission or something
Hold on gonna just write about this and see where it goes (will not be edited, probably. very much a first draft)
Curt brings the mysterious man away from the party, his mask still draped over his face. He holds onto the man's wrists, his hands hot as he holds the cuffs of the man's suit jacket. They found a quiet corner, Curt's face still coded red under the mask. He listened to the man's laugh, which felt like being stabbed with knives of sweetness. He wanted to know if the man was as flustered as he was. He wanted to look back and ask him to take the mask off, so they can have a real face to face.
"Not used to being dipped now, are you, love?" The mysterious man pushed Curt against the wall of the corner they found themselves in, the only light illuminating the blue and purple mask of the man was the glimmer of moonlight from the window near them. Curt's clothes felt tight, he loosened his tie a bit. The mysterious man watched him like a vulture about to attack, ready to feast on all the skin Curt let himself show.
"It's not the first time, I simply wasn't expecting a man with your charms to show up tonight," Curt tried his hardest to be able to breathe, to keep his cool while his face began to burn with a mix of embarrassment and the feeling as if he could melt into the man at any second. He almost forgot he was working, still looking for his partner for the mission. Owen Carvour, he assumed he hadn't shown up yet. It gave Curt time for this moment, this sweet perfect moment.
The man touched Curt's collar, brushed a finger along where the fabric ended and Curt's skin began, "Your skin is surprisingly soft, love," he grinned under the mask, letting out a grin as Curt moved his neck away from the touch out of instinct, "You're cute, aren't you?" His accent was rich and gorgeous, Curt wanted to be surrounded by that voice he had for ages.
Curt didn't respond to that. He was a lot of things, but he would've never described himself as "cute". But if this man was saying it? Curt wanted to say as loudly as he could that he was the cutest man to ever live.
"You've gone quiet, what's on your mind?" The man's finger trailed up his neck and onto Curt's chin, before he made his way to Curt's trembling lip and pressed his finger into it just enough to where he heard Curt let out a quiet whimper, "Now that's a noise I didn't think could come out of your mouth, love."
"Yeah well, you've got a lot to learn about me," Curt choked out, he could barely hide it anymore, not that he was trying to. He felt the man's chest push against his, Curt didn't realize how close his face had gotten to his, he couldn't tell if it was his eyes playing tricks on him or if his face was really as red as Curt thought it looked. He was gorgeous either way.
The man laughed, and trailed his fingertips back down Curt's face, letting it travel lower than his collar and down to his loosened tie, loosening it more with his delicate finger, "Maybe I do. I'd say we should start with names, but this isn't the setting for that, is it?" Curt could practically smell his breath that was a mix of mint and pure sweetness that made Curt feel like he was going to go on a sugar rush just from breathing it in. Curt closed his eyes and his chest rose as the man touched the buttons on Curt's shirt, "Maybe I'll buy you a drink later, find somewhere with less risk."
Curt practically melted, and unable to contain his eagerness any longer and grabbed the man's face and kissed him. Curt strung his hands through the man's hair, as he felt the mask slip down the man's nose and fall to the floor. Curt didn't let that stop him, and the man grabbed his shoulders and pushed him hard against the wall.
The man's lips tasted just as good as Curt thought they would and was painfully disappointed when he felt him pull away. It was too short, he needed it back. Curt watched him, his brain beginning to work again. He knew the face, he recognized it even though he didn't look as flustered in the picture as he did now.
"Hello, Agent Mega. A pleasure to meet you," Owen Carvour fixed his hair and held his hand out to Curt, who through the confusion and desperation to feel his perfect skin again, shook it firmly.
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Agent Carvour."
Again very much a first draft, still fun to write (you didn't ask for a fic, sorry :/)
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rmd-writes · 1 year
hi! tarlos and 24 please!🥰 love your writing 😊
I’ve assigned each prompt I received a number and am using a random number generator to choose which prompt to write because I got quite a few from you all! If you’ve sent me one, I promise I will get to it!! Because I’m using these prompts to try to shake words loose after a bout of writer’s block, these are all just whatever I can come up with in <20min and barely edited 💖
Thanks so much nonnie! ☺️
24. Eating from each other’s plates
There’s a moment of quiet as they each take their first bite of brunch, savouring their meals. He and TK are sitting side by side, knees pressed together.
Nancy is watching TK carefully, like she’s not quite sure that he’s really here. It’s not just that, she’s keeping a close watch on the two of them as well. Carlos feels like he’s under close scrutiny.
He can understand it, he supposes. Nancy cares a lot about TK, and after everything – including having to resuscitate him in the field – she’s probably got a vested interest in his well-being.
It’s nice to see them still bicker like siblings. TK had grown impatient at Nancy taking too long to decide what to order, teasing her and threatening to order for her if she didn’t decide. It’s easy for him – he always orders whatever version of waffles is on the menu at their favourite cafe. Carlos has never understood how TK can stomach eating so much sugar for breakfast, because the waffles on offer may as well be dessert.
Today TK is eating cinnamon waffles with caramelised banana, caramel sauce, vanilla ice cream, toasted coconut and almonds and cinnamon sugar. Carlos opted for something much more savoury – corn fritters with avocado and a jalapeño mayonnaise, plus two poached eggs. Nancy had settled on eggs over easy, bacon and toast in the end.
It’s not long before TK’s sneaking bites off Carlos’ plate as they chat easily with Nancy and she fills them both in on some of the wilder calls she’s been on and what the rest of the team has been up to while TK has been on leave. Carlos doesn’t mind. It means that TK is back, that they’re here together, that Carlos somehow got another chance at it all.
“You guys are gross, you know that?” Nancy says, when she realises that Carlos has been cutting bite-sized portions of his food off and leaving them on the side of his plate for TK to pick at.
“I’ll show you gross,” TK retorts before Carlos can say anything, opening his mouth to give Nancy a view of his half-chewed food.
“Dude!” she exclaims, wrinkling her nose.
“TK,” Carlos admonishes but they all laugh.
Later, Nancy frowns when she notices that TK hasn’t finished his food. “Appetite still not back?”
TK looks at her in confusion. “What?” She gestures at his plate. “Oh! No, that’s for Carlos. He likes to eat it at the end because he says my breakfast should be dessert. Right, babe?”
He beams at Carlos, leaning over to press a slightly sticky kiss to the corner of his mouth. When he’s subjected to the force of TK’s happy gaze like this, Carlos isn’t sure how he survived the months apart. Not when the smile that lights up TK’s face and makes his green eyes crinkle at the corners makes something warm and golden bloom inside Carlos’ chest.
He squeezes TK’s knee and exhales. “Right, I don't know how you can eat that first thing in the morning.”
TK smirks and Carlos realises what’s coming.
“Well, babe. This isn’t the first thing I ate today.”
(you can read my other intimate moments prompts here)
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shenlis-spear · 5 months
⇢ starring: zhao liying, lin gengxin
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If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more. (I'm talking about The Legend of Shen Li)
Let me preface this by saying I'm biased. And it's been a million years since I tried to put my thoughts into writing so this is gonna be all over the place and long-winded. And probably wouldn't make any sense. So here it goes.
I really enjoyed The Legend of Shen Li. Do I love it? With all my charred heart. Do I think it's the best drama this year? It's still April. It's hard to say. Are Shen Li and Xing Zhi the best power couple? This shouldn't even be a debate.
Honestly, I didn't even plan to chase this drama while it's ongoing because I binge watching drama is what I enjoy best. However, I was bored. And The Legend of Shen Li's trailer looked interesting. And my heart still needs healing from the mess of an ending that is Princess Agents. I needed closure. So I started watching the drama, and boy oh boy did it drag me down one hell of a roller coaster ride of emotions every single night. (No, I'm not complaining.)
However, before I talk about the things that I really loved about the drama, I have some things to say about the stuff that kind of irked me. Because no drama is perfect (unless it's Nirvana in Fire).
So let me get started on the things that I feel like the drama could've done better.
Musical scoring - the OST's? Chef's kiss. However, they way they're putting music on the scenes are a hit and miss. Most of the time it just distracts me from the scene and I just get bored with the mv-ish scene. I wish cdramas especially custom ones would stop this. I don't need 5 mins of the leads staring at each other in all angles accompanied by a really nice song. I'm here to watch a drama. Although, I kinda did get used to it in the latter episodes (specifically ep35-38) because I definitely needed a minute or two to process the emotions.
The progression of the story - One thing. I'm confused. Not to the point that "I don't understand the plot confusing" but still confusing nonetheless. There was no consistency in the scenes and the dialogues. (Ex fishing village). There was no flow. I feel like someone messed up the storyboard and when they edited the scenes they were also confused. Or maybe this is the issue of the translation of the dialogue? I don't even know. Still, I definitely think this part could've been done better.
The internal monologues - sigh when I said the thing I love most in dramas are their dialogues I don't mean what's happening in The Legend of Shen Li. The characters just talk (or think?) too damn much I can't keep up. They're supposed to be the characters whom their actions should tell the story but the way they're narrating the whole plot to me is just so jarring. Am I watching a drama or listening to an audiobook? Sometimes I can't tell. I wish they'd tone it down but it just got worse with the later episodes.
The camera - this is just me being nitpicky but there are some random camera angles especially the spinning ones that probably is supposed to make the scene dramatic but all it did was make me wanna vomit.
This is not in any way, shape, or form hating on the drama because I genuinely enjoyed it. I've deluded myself into waiting for a Princess Agents S2 but I got a better deal and had Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin to reunite in a new project which is better in my opinion because Princess Agents is a hot mess. There was really no saving that one.
So moving on to the things I like! But like, where do I even start?
First of all, Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin. Chemistry so good, they had to be casted in another drama. Everything about them was just so perfect for the drama and the role. Could not ask for a more perfect casting than them. The 7 year wait was almost worth it.
The WOMEN! - so much room for improvement regarding the characters but I loved that the women were not treated as damsels who always needed saving. I have to say 5 1/2 braincells were working throughout the drama, 2 from Shen Li, 1 from You Lan, 1 from Jin Niang Zi and 1 from Shen Mu Yue (1/2 from Xing Zhi because he's too unbothered if it's not related to Shen Li).
Shen Li - might not be the best female character in cdramaland but I think she can hold her own place. She's stubborn, a bit reckless but she's loyal and righteous. She's a strong woman without being a stereotypical cold and ruthless strong woman. Shen Li is a strong woman at the same time also a mad woman in love. She does not have to be one or the other. The more I write this the more I'm falling in love with her character. You just don't find a character like her. She is Shen Li. A capable general. A strong leader. An empathetic comrade. A respectful student. A woman in love. She is not just one of them but all of them.
Lin Gengxin is pretty believable playing as an ancient god. He has that air around him that screams your highness. He played the lofty and aloof Xing Zhi to perfection.
And what can I even say about Zhao Liying? As always miss ma'am played Shen Li perfectly. Whimsical, stubborn, in love and devasted in love, you can feel all those emotions just watching her eyes.
It has angst but not too much that we as viewers would spend multiple episodes pulling out hair of frustration about the misunderstandings and accidental killings. (Not a shade to any specific drama but just to the xanxia genre in general). It has the perfect balance of angst, romance and comedy. You laugh, cry and giggle all in one episode. The comic relief scenes are naturally funny and doesn't feel forced. Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin's comedic timing are 👌.
The conflict was handled maturely and the confession was direct but still heart fluttering. Throughout the drama, they both got their heads perfectly placed on their shoulders.
The last episode! Let us talk about the last episode because when has a drama provided that kind of fan service just making one whole episode of shenanigans and fluff. After going through the angst, the reward that is the last episode is just too good and definitely worth all the tears.
Also, can we talk about Dong Jie's guest role? I know miss ma'am is good but when I tell you I cried for a minute because of her story arc? Just hands up and mic drop. So so good!
Now that all of these are out of my system, hopefully I can move on to the next obsession, whatever that may be. I'll still probably watch episode 39 on a daily basis though. It's just too enjoyable and it makes my day. Will probably, revisit this "review" in the future and update it because I'm aware that at this point it's not making a lot of sense.
RATING: 9/10 REWATCH VALUE: 10/10 definitely would watch again! ACTING: 10/10 CATEGORY: GUILTY PLEASURE
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